#captain dazzle
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star-vanguard · 6 months ago
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August was pirate month apparentlly so I drew the captain of the Star Vanguard, Captain Dazzle!
An ex-idol that rejected her fame in favor of a life of adventure and freedom. Now she's a space Robin Hood that sails the stars in search of the greatest treasures!
I've had her for like 4 years now and this is the first time I actually finish art of her.
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banilikesfictionalpeople · 2 years ago
Inej: You know, I really like crime documentaries
Kaz, trying to impress her: I have been a prime suspect in over 50 murder cases
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whosthatfunkyrat · 1 year ago
Sorry but-
The fact that not only did Kaz purchase Inej her ship to leave and be free and follow her dreams but ALSO bought berth 22 as an invite to Come back and see him again so she’d know she was always welcome and always had a Place to Be.
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hoybero · 9 days ago
filled a doodle page for the first time in months
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autistic-artz · 10 months ago
I may have gotten a bit too silly and drew the Olimar triplets as the Sirens 😭😭😭
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iriz-the-telepath · 11 months ago
Kanej parent AU
imagine Inej and Kaz never really get past the major touch aversion thing but instead when Inej rescues kids off the slaver ships and they can’t be reunited with their parents she sends them back to Kaz and he has them looked after in Ketterdam to keep her happy (and to create the next generation of dregs but let’s just pretend Kaz wouldn’t have ulterior motives for once)
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starzzzzzzzzzzzzzz · 7 months ago
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@orion-the-prettiest-star THANK YOU
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dreamtigress · 11 months ago
WIP Wednesday
For this WIP Wednesday, have a short section from Thuiskomst, (Homecoming) featuring Inej coming back to Ketterdam after six weeks. Kaz greets her at Fifth Harbor, but ends up having issues with a hug in public in the rain. She meets him back at the Slat...
“I think I can offer a better hug now,” he rumbled, and Inej could hear the yearning there.
She stepped forward even as she replied, “I’d love that.”
This time they were dry, with no hats in the way, and no one to see them press together. Kaz wrapped her in his arms, and Inej was home. She returned his embrace with every fiber of her being. His lips brushed the top of her hair as he murmured, “Me mangave pa.” 
It took Inej a moment to realize what she’d heard. Oh my sweet man… your pronunciation needs a little work, but I adore you. She wasn’t about to let him go, even if she wanted to stare at him with shock for telling her in Suli that he loved her. With her face nuzzled against his soft black dress shirt, she replied softly, “Me isto, me drage.” Me too, my beloved.
They stayed entangled in each other’s arms for a few long minutes. Krai decided she needed to be a part of their reunion, and was twining around their legs. The cat was largely ignored as they communed with each other. Kaz laid kisses on Inej’s hair, lightly massaging over her leather vest. She returned the favor, rubbing his lower back. A low, satisfied groan came from him. Aside from his lips on her scalp, no skin touched yet. Just getting to be within the circle of his arms again was captivating. Inej inhaled, reveling in Kaz’s scent. But there was also the smell of hutspot and sausage and fried dough, and her stomach reminded her aloud it had been a long while since lunch on The Wraith. Kaz chuckled, the delightful sound vibrating her cheek. “I think you might be hungry, my beloved.”
Inej pulled back enough to be able to gaze up at his face, admiring the sight up close and personal. As much as she wanted more in the way of contact with him, she had to admit that eating was a solid plan. “I am. And you got us a lovely dinner, from the looks of it.”
“There’s one problem,” Kaz said with a devilish glint to his eyes. He was far more at ease now. 
Saints, I missed him like this. “Oh, and what’s that?”
“I am fairly certain I have to let you go in order for us to eat.”
Inej laughed, and watched as his face went tender, the glint in his eyes replaced with softness.
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kriz-smthn · 4 months ago
I HEAR YOU'RE ALIVE, CHAPTER 19 - Out Of Context!!
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I have not finished writing that chapter yet though oop—
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scribble-dribble-writes · 1 year ago
I just had this thought
Kaz brekker and Buggy the clown are the same font but just a different aesthetic.
One runs the Crow club, the other runs Buggy pirates.
Both have impeccable fashion tastes.
They hate one thing about themselves, one his nose, the other his hands he keeps trapped in gloves.
Both are literally insane and should never be crossed.
But both will have an inner monologue for the woman they love that they keep hidden from everyone and it will straight up be poetry.
Will literally do anything for their girlfriends.
They both yearn to be loved.
I can go on and on about the two of them because I love them both very much.
They both like hats 😆
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flippityflaps · 2 years ago
"the most gorgeous blue eyes"😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
I only had more than 500 heart attacks in less than a minute, but don't worry about me, I'm fine.
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jeremysknoxes · 2 years ago
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✨kaz's on a roll (of money)✨
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darlsbardlife · 1 year ago
Ahhhhhh ok I’m watching Day of the Doctor with Captainswan618 in a few days and she’s waiting to watch it with her Rose Tyler funko pop because I told her it was a good opportunity but this is like when I told her there was a TenRose kiss and there really wasn’t (to be fair I feel like a third of the fandom considered the kiss valid but anyway enough about that *eats a brick om nom nom*)
So anyway she’s waiting for the funko pop to arrive to watch even though technically Rose isn’t in the episode?
Like Billie Piper is so she’s def going to be happy about that
And there is this angsty moment (haha that was unintentional) where Ten looks where Moment!Rose is and I think the doomsday theme plays so YEAH
So I think she might be a bit disappointed because she was expecting real TenRose content even if it’s short
On the plus side, there’s no TenToo? The captain’s got serious beef with him 😂
And consider: THE ultimate plot twist, the 12 cameo, the angst of the War Doctor, the goofiness of the doctors all hanging out, Billie Piper name dropping Rose, the ✨ third option ✨ and the hopeful ending
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littlekiara96 · 1 year ago
Aventurine: "I can't be in love with my best friend!!!"
Sampo: "My best friend would never fall for me..."
Aventurine: "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT."
They're both idiots in love, Your Honour.
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articulatecrow · 2 years ago
Sage and the Crows.
Broke: love triangles
Woke: throuple
Bespoke: codependent and probably slightly unhealthily attached found family that may or may not all be romantically involved but everyone’s too afraid to ask.
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torpublishinggroup · 10 months ago
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Celebrate Pride with Tor Publishing Group!
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Running Close to the Wind by @ariaste
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