#cape cod wedding
hesratherenjoyingit · 6 months
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spiralcloudpassage · 11 months
theres always a sort of sick taste in my mouth when someone i respect and admire for skill reveals that they had like. a very priviledged upbringing and background
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mindonphotography · 4 months
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The Boston Public Library - Mind On Photography
The Boston Public Library doesn’t even need justification for making this list—it’s absolutely magnificent. As a wedding venue, this site offers historic architecture and a magical setting right in the heart of the city. There are a few different spots on the grounds you can rent for your special day: party it up in the Boylston Street Building, celebrate in the grand McKim Bates Hall, rent the tea room and lounge, or take over the lovely courtyard. https://mindonphotography.com/my-10-favorite-wedding-venues-in-the-boston-area/
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wigoutlet · 8 months
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Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Mermaids available on a variety of products and fully customizable...from Zazzle
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Does Nancy have a hard time picking a Maid of Honor? She's becoming closer friends with Robin but I feel like Robin would crack trying to help plan a wedding lol.
I always go with that Nancy doesn't give anyone the title maid of honor because it was supposed to be Barb.
But if we're looking at who's attempting to lead the bridal party/calm Nancy down?
Robin is doing her best 😭. It's not HER fault Karen took over everything when all she signed up for was a small courthouse wedding.
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southdakotagirl1966 · 2 years
a photographic ode to quiet color...
a photographic ode to quiet color…
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Part I: The Prophecy — June 25, 2011
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Part I: On her daily morning run, Y/N wonders if she’ll ever have someone who wants her simply company. Spencer promises her just that, the only catch: she has to wait seven years.
Rating: Eventual smut, fluff and longing
Word Count: 3.5K
Series Masterlist | Tell Me What You Think!
My Mind Turns You Into Folklore: The Prophecy — June 25, 2011
Running, somehow, still made her feel like a child. Perhaps there was something unadulterated and carefree about losing yourself in the pounding of pavement. When Y/N felt the wind rush in her ears and the familiar burn throughout her body, she truly felt alive.
Her entire body ached— no, screamed— as she approached her fifth mile for the day’s session. For Y/N running wasn’t about getting to the destination fastest, but about finishing the race altogether.
She wished she could apply such wisdom to very particular aspects of her life. Namely, her love life. For Y/N, relationships with men were unpleasantly predictable. From terrible blind dates with friends who she honestly can’t tell if they meant well to men with habits so strange Y/N could only plead insanity by a drunken state as to why she entertained even a second glance. Unfortunately, for her the sea of men seemed to solely be comprised of rather the unfortunate sort of men that made her skin crawl.
Her knees burned as her mind ran through the five weddings and babies that were impending. Between cousins, college friends, and even her own sister all either, Y/N never more lonely than when she was surrounded by her people. There was something particularly voyeuristic about watching those you love move along the carousel while you’re left in the dust. She was a casual observer, marooned to the sidelines. And someone where along the way she forgot to even care.
Her chest burned as she wondered where her aunt, a woman born and forged from pure spite and hefty lack of tolerance for anything progressive, would sit her at her cousin’s wedding. Y/N heaved forward imagining what would be worse; the discarded old widow’s table with wives whose husbands’ expiration date had come and passed. Or with her unruly nephews who would have to be wrestled into a tiny tuxedo and bribed with fried food and the majesty of Red40 to maintain the semblance of civility.
Being 27, husbandless, boyfriendless, and childless didn’t usually bother Y/N. She loved her peace. But somehow it put her into this plane of existence where she straddled youth and adulthood. She had one foot jammed deep into the rich, sodden earth of childhood and one toe dipping too all too calm to be safe waters of adulthood. Yet being uncoupled was as if she purchased overnight shipping to the elephant graveyard.
It was antiquated. It was downright sexist, yet there was a small part of her heart and her entire being that craved to be taken care of by a man. She wanted someone to bring her flowers just because, to hug her from behind while she stirred soup for dinner on a chilly day, to brush her hair from her face as he brought her to the brink of pleasure time and time again.
There was only so much her vibrator could do.
But a heart that ached to be loved, that problem didn’t come with a WebMD link. There wasn’t a quick and easy fix to change something that defined her on a molecular level.
She savored the sweet breeze that reminded her of summer and childhood. The houses, various shades of blue, gray, and beige blurred past as she maintained her steady pace.
Y/N rounded the corner and pounded the pavement that led to Betsy’s Cape Cod. She was the Head Librarian and took Y/N under her rather Mother Goose-like wing three years ago when she took the position at the small, sleepy library. A suburb of Quantico, many of the patrons were families in public service.
She even stumbled across someone who quickly became her best friend, Spencer. He was some sort of former child prodigy turned adult wunderkid. After racking up more diplomas than most extended families collect, Spencer worked as a special agent for the FBI. But looking at him, you would never have guessed. He was timid and shy in a boyish way that made him seem much younger than 32. He was tall and lanky, yet despite his slender frame he seemed to completely light up every single room he walked into.
Both Betsy and Spencer buried themselves into the fabric of her life. Betsy sat on the front porch, slowly swaying on the large, wooden swing. A crocheted blanket lay over her lap, keeping her warm under the brisk morning’s chill.
“Y/N!” Betsy called, as she ascended the stairs with a bright smile, “Dearie, it’s far too cold for you to run out here.”
“I could say the same about you, Bets,”
Betsy dismissed Y/N with a coy smile and a wave of her hand. “It’s good for my old bones to get a little chill. Make sure everything is in working order.”
Betsy scooted over on the porch swing, making more than enough room for Y/N to sit.
“That tall kid? Hmm, Spencer? Yes. Spencer. Was in there looking for you yesterday. Poor kid’s entire day was ruined when I told him you were on a date. Now, is there a reason why you didn’t tell me you didn’t tell your best friend?” Betsy asked, not hesitating to ask a question that went straight for the jugular.
Y/N offered Betsy a weak smile. “There wasn’t anything to tell him. He’s not interested in my love life. We talk about books. And work. And… I don’t know…”
Betsy nodded, but her pointed look pressed Y/N to continue. There wasn’t anything romantic between her and Spencer, but that wasn’t to say the connection wasn’t the most important thing in her life. When she met him three years ago he simply waltzed into her life; a tall, gangly man with a large appetite for baked goods and an excellent taste in literature.
“Besides, he has a thing for his coworker. Even though she hardly acknowledges his existence.”
From the time she met Spencer, he constantly was talking about his teammates. Growing up, Spencer didn’t have a stable family life. His mother tried her best, while his father never tried at all. He grown up not knowing what it was like to belong anywhere and now he finally found something resembling a family.
JJ was blonde and skinny and perfect and Spencer was completely enamored with her. Y/N met her only a couple of times, the first after a football game. She shared a plate of cheese fries and gravy with Spencer’s other coworker, Penelope as Spencer attempted to spout an almanac’s worth of facts about football to JJ.
“Hmm,” Betsy murmured, swinging back and forth. “Well, he said he has to talk to you about something. Maybe he’s getting to his senses, finally.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, sipped some of the ice cold lemonade Betsy handed her, and gave her a pointed smile.
“This isn’t a romance novel, Bets. You’ve been sneaking too many of those bodice rippers.”
She stood up and felt some relief as her weary muscles stretched. Betsy waved another annoyed hand.
“Quiet down, Missy. I’ve had my chance at love. And I fully intend on you and Spencer being an item. My Arnold, may that old bastard rest in peace, never gave me children, so you and that boy are my only chance to fill this house with grandkids.”
“Oh my God, Betsy,” Y/N groaned, her head tossed back, “It’s not like that between us. And I promise you, it never will be.”
Y/N took off before Betsy had the chance to respond. But she couldn’t shake the funny feeling tugging at her heartstrings. She thought that maybe if she just focused her mind on feeling the wind blow her hair and her body burn as the third mile turned into a fifth, she could wash away the thoughts of one or two little children sitting on Betsy’s porch, sandwiched in between her and Spencer.
Gary, as it turned out, wasn’t a nice guy. First of all, he showed up precisely 23 and a half minutes late and hardly bothered to greet her as he sat down at their two seater table. He barked a drink order to the waitress, who graciously threw Y/N a sympathetic smile.
“So you work at Walter Reed?” Y/N asked, attempting to make conversation with the man seated in front of her. He was a couple years her senior and an Attending Emergency Room Doctor. On paper Gary seemed wonderful. He had a nice family; older sisters were always a green flag in Y/N’s book and seemed to have a basic grasp of personal hygiene practices.
Gary mumbled as the waitress brought him his drink: whisky on rocks. He downed it in about three minutes and signaled for the waitress to return.
“Sorry,” Gary apologized, his voice so close to resembling being embarrassed, but it, somewhere along the line, made a beeline in the opposite direction, “There was some bitch in the ER today complaining about how her boyfriend didn’t believe her when she told him she was pregnant. Took me a god damn hour to shut her up. Jesus, reminds me why I don’t date.”
Y/N felt her face freeze. It was like his harsh words poured ice water over her shoulders. Her skin practically crawled as Gary’s carelessness settled in. Wasn’t this a date? Or was this simply the means for Gary to get into her pants.
“Hold up,” Y/N said, gesturing with her hand held up to stop Gary’s rant, “I was under the impression this was a date. Is it not?”
Gary shrugged. “As long as there’s a happy ending with you, babe I don’t give a fuck.”
He was crass. Y/N was far from a prude. She enjoyed her time in college and didn’t mind the occasional quick one night stand when the opportunity presented itself, but there would be something completely debasing and revolting about sleeping with the man sitting before her.
“I think you’ve gotten the wrong impression.” Y/N said, her words clipped and stern: there wasn’t room for Gary to mix up any bit of her message. “I’m not looking for a fuck-buddy. And even if I was, it certainly wouldn’t be you. We’ve been sitting here for all of twelve minutes and you’ve already drank two whiskys, been rude to the waitress, insulted a patient, and offended me.”
Gary, in a lackadaisical way that could only be described as a fuckboy with the worst case of Peter Pan syndrome, shrugged his shoulders. He downed the rest of his second whisky, “You’re a frigid bitch anyway.”
He left.
And Y/N laughed. Then she ordered two slices of double chocolate cheesecake and asked the waitress where the closest liquor store was.
Silently, she cursed Spencer’s charming love of buildings with character. She bounded up the steps to his apartment, the plastic bag with the two slices of cheesecake banged against her leg. Her other hand clutched the neck of a cheap, screw top rose.
Her date, disastrous, was nearly comical, and she couldn’t wait to recount the details to Spencer.
They share a sort of sadistic penchant for relaying moments for their occasional first dates. Typically, Y/N had more than Spencer. On the rare occasion Spencer did have a date, Y/N found herself trying to explain that any girl in her right mind would attempt to flirt with Spencer, but he refused to see her points.
Not bothering to knock, Y/N opted to use the spare key Spencer gave her. She figured he’d either still be working at the office or would be too engrossed in his latest fantasy novel to bother answering the door.
Spencer’s apartment was painted a dusty, sage green. The farthest wall was lined with built-in bookshelves. A prewar relic, Spencer’s style mixed perfectly with the vintage quality embedded within the walls.
Up until recently, Spencer’s kitchen was hardly used. But Y/N had taken it upon herself to teach Spencer the basics in prepping meals. He was a quick study, as with almost everything he tried. And it gave her some peace knowing he would be able to provide himself something more satiating than granola bars and frozen lasagna.
“Spencer! Spence!” Y/N called out, dipping her head into Spencer’s second bedroom. There was a queen bed in there with a cream colored quilt splashed out on the bed.
On late nights spent watching old, black and white movies or binging episodes of The Twilight Zone and The X-Files, she would crash there. It was a fight for her to even concede to allow Spencer to purchase the queen bed. Y/N claimed that she was fine just sleeping on the couch, but Spencer insisted that she sleep in a bed.
And if Y/N had been born into a braver soul, she would’ve suggested they share his bed three years ago.
Spencer shuffled out of his bathroom, eyes red and weary. He wore a tattered Cal-Tech shirt and plaid pajama pants. He wore his glasses. They rested on the bridge of his nose and made him lose at least four or five years on his already young looking face.
“She’s pregnant.”
“I brought wine. And chocolate cheesecake.” Y/N replied, kicking her shoes off. “And you better have done laundry already because I am not sleeping in this dress. I feel ridiculous in it.”
Spencer’s eyes raked over Y/N’s frame, as if he was internally debating his thoughts on her outfit. His brow furrowed. “You’re date?”
“Asshole.” Y/N said, walking into the kitchen. She plucked two wine glasses from Spencer’s cabinet and two plates. “Arrogant and only wanted a quick fuck.”
His voice disappeared as he went into his room for a change of pajamas. They were freshly washed. She continued to listen to Spencer as she shut the bathroom door and changed behind. His voice was no longer muffled when she came out of the bathroom, but she did notice how Spencer’s eyes still were heavy with something unfamiliar when he looked over her baggy, old pajama-clad frame.
“You’re not the girl for that.” Spencer commented, reaching for the corkscrew. His large hands twisted around the device and the bottle of wine made a satisfying pop.
“You don’t know that.” Y/N countered, her defiance made a crop of red appear on Spencer’s cheeks. “Besides, that’s not the point. JJ’s pregnant. With that New Orleans guy’s baby?”
He nodded. It was as if grief washed over Spencer as Y/N changed the conversation. She knew that Spencer was harboring feelings for JJ. Jennifer was nearly perfect in every way. The only imperfect thing about her was that she didn’t realize how perfect Spencer was. He would’ve adored JJ if he got the chance. He nearly did.
“And how do you feel about that?”
Spencer groaned, pouring himself a healthy cup of rosé. “Unsure. It’s not like I’m going to confront her about this. She’s practically engaged to Will. And now there’s a baby in the picture? A baby who’s very well going to grow up seeing me as Uncle Spencer.”
He sounded exhausted. Y/N touched his hand and squeezed. She understood the pained loneliness that plagued Spencer’s voice. “I don’t love JJ anymore. It’s just, my whole life I felt like I was so far beyond my peers. And now? They all finally have caught up, this time the tables have turned. God, I’m excited when a girl smiles at me, let alone goes on a date with me.”
Weakly, Y/N smiled. She sipped her rose, “So it’s more of feeling like you’re far beyond in life? Despite having two PhDs and like three undergrad degrees? You’re one of the most accomplished men I know, Spencer. And we all move along at our own pace. Don’t compare JJ’s story to yours.”
He nodded, spooning a bite of the double chocolate cheesecake. “It’s just…I’m nearly 32. And now I’m watching JJ and Hotch and Morgan talk about babies and husbands and wives and houses. And I can’t help but wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to get that one day. Sometimes… I think I’m too me for anyone to fall in love with me.”
Y/N felt her heart shatter into a million little pieces as Spencer’s honest confession striked her entire system. She wanted to reach out and push away the stray curl that hooked itself in front of his eyebrow. She wanted to reach out and wipe away his tears. She wanted to tell her friend that if no one married him, she would.
She stalked off the to couch, needing a stable place to sit. Her chocolate cheesecake stuck to the roof of her mouth and the bitter rosé did nothing to remove it.
“Holy shit, Spencer. Do you not realize that you’d make any girl happy? You’ll find her one day, I know it. And if you don’t, we can just say fuck it and get married. I mean, I know it wouldn’t be romantic love, but we could at least live together. Through a big fancy party and get dressed up nice and getting drunk on mojitos with my best friend. My person? Sounds fun.”
“You mean that?” Spencer asked, half in disbelief and half in wonderment. “You mean that we’ll get married if neither of us have someone…say seven years from now?”
She must’ve drank more than she thought as she waited for Gary to ruin their date. “I meant it. But why seven?”
A smile toyed on Spencer lips. She noticed the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled.
“It’s my lucky number.”
Her lips were so loose that it threatened to crack open her heart. She had a nasty habit of wearing that on her sleeve.
She gave Spencer a sheepish look as his eyes met hers. He looked half between incredulous and hopeful. His fingers ran across the rim of his wine glass as the wine sloshed around. It mirrored Y/N’s stomach.
“Is this idea like bad shit crazy?” Y/N asked. “I mean it. I mean, why not. It’s not so different from what we do now. Just all the time. And I’d be thrilled to be spiritually required to spend more time with you.”
“Should we….shake hands or something. I’m not the biggest fan of that, but I think my wife would serve as an exception to the rule. To every rule I’ve got?”
Y/N laughed. She felt the wine creep up a nice, warm flush against her skin. It matched the light and easy way her limbs felt. It might have very well been the wine, but there wasn’t much of anything that could trump laughing with your best friend. Especially when that best friend slipped and called you his wife.
Her feet somehow ended up in Spencer’s lap. His thumb rubbed gently against her ankle, barely touching her bare skin. Yet it sent shockwaves that she didn’t quite understand.
The corners of Spencer’s eyes crinkled as he reciprocated that laugh. They shared it and Y/N had the strangest desire to bottle it up. She wanted to store this moment in her mind and come back to it. One day. Some day.
“We’ll get married,” Spencer started speaking as if it was a prophecy that he could set in stone, “if neither of us has anyone, we’ll enter this rather odd, rather complex, yet completely entirely normal and simple marriage in seven years?” His sweet, yet coy smile was boyish, it only reminded Y/N just how far away 35 was for her.
“Should we draft up a contract?”
“Have your lawyers contact my lawyers. I never sign documents without the proper legal support. In the meantime, could we settle on our first stipulation: never watching a new episode of our current favorite show without the other?”
“I agree to the terms and conditions you’ve set out.” Y/N said. She grabbed the blanket that rested on the back of the couch as Spencer turned off the lamp light.
“Oh and I washed the sheets in your room. I used the detergent you like. And your pajamas. The lavender vanilla one with the scent beads?” He flipped on an episode of The Twilight Zone.
She smiled from the way Spencer naturally called the guest room her bedroom. There was something very domestic and peaceful about him using her favorite detergent to wash the sheets in her room in his apartment. It resembled the exact something that she was craving: being taken care of.
She sipped her rose again, watching as her friend smiled at the gray scale painted on the screen. It was too bad she only had to weight over half a decade to feel it and not feel guilty and like she was lying to herself.
@reidsbookclub @boldlyvoid @mrs-dr-reid @reid-ingandweeping @candlesandsoftrain @foxy-eva @queermaxwooo
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sunlightmurdock · 2 months
The Odyssey | 1.6 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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synopsis: desperate times call for desperate measures when repairing bridges burned.
warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), swearing, infidelity, nudity, mentions of erections, them being mean to each other, idiots in love.
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The sun sets over the city. Tears streak your cheeks. Bradley’s blue shirt sits dry-cleaned and hung on a borrowed wooden hanger against the doorframe. A chill catches your shoulders and your first instinct is to look over at it. You should hand it back.
“Honey, talk to me,” He pleads, his voice static through the worn out reciever. “I love you. You know I love you. That was just— it was just a stupid fight—“
Venom sits on your tongue, your nose wrinkling like the sound of his voice put that foul taste there. 
“If you say that to me one more time,” Your voice wavers and cracks. The lump in your throat aches with each swallow. You close your eyes as another roar of laughter comes from outside of your window. “Then we’re done.”
Malcolm falls silent. 
He’s standing in the twelfth floor apartment facing the Hudson that you had been so desperate for a few months ago. The phone line is just about the only thing connected, the movers are due next week with the furniture you had picked together.
He wanted it to be perfect for when you got back.
After the wedding, your new home would be ready for you.
Stuck in the entryway, the phone cord tugs as he lets his head fall back against the wall. It’s midday for him, late evening for you. He hasn’t told you that he has taken the past two days off of work; that he hasn’t slept with the thought of never hearing from you again.
He’s sick to his stomach.
“I won’t.” He all but whimpers. Rubbing a hand over his jaw, it’s dusted with a stubble he never usually allows to grow. “I won’t. You’re right. It wasn’t. I’m sorry, honey, I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry.” You say it back to him without an ounce of question in your tone. Repeating it to him like it’ll make him realize that those two words are far from being enough. 
“Yes, I’m sorry!” He pleads. Even while staring at the painting of a boat hung above the hotel dresser, you can see the exact look that would be on his face. “I’m so sorry. I would never hurt you. You know that, sweetheart. Right?”
You would hurt him. It occurs to you suddenly that you wouldn’t just do it, you might even enjoy doing it. You could, in six syllables. I slept with someone else. This morning, you were perfectly content in bed with someone else. You had told Bradley that you were ready.
Maybe that was just a heat of the moment thing, maybe it wasn’t. You aren’t sure. It would hurt Malcolm either way; to know you had, or to find out you hadn’t but had so badly wanted to.
And you had, so badly, wanted to. When you close your eyes you’re confronted with memories of his weight above you, and his mouth on your skin and that half-smiling look he gets on his face when he really wants you.
A month and a half ago, you couldn’t have dreamed of hurting Malcolm. 
Right now, you should be sitting against his thigh while he strokes at your hair and the two of you are laughing about a work story. Maybe the two of you would take that little pre-wedding trip up to Cape Cod, like you had talked about.
When you close your eyes and picture yourself there, looking into his steely blue eyes, you’re colder than ever. Wondering just how long exactly he had been planning to pretend like he hadn’t acted like a complete pig. Wondering how long it would be, really, before he would disrespect you like that again. 
“I don’t forgive you,” You tell him, colder than he has ever heard you be. “You’re a pig, and a liar — and I’m going to take as long as I want to decide if I ever want to speak to you again.”
He’s quiet for a long while.
“I understand.” 
He doesn’t. He can’t possibly understand the way he has made you feel. 
Your teeth are gritted, tears burning in your eyes. “I don’t know if I want to ever even look at you again. Do you understand that?”
“I do, honey, and I’m so sorry. It was a drunken mistake and I wish I could take it back, I do—“
You don’t want to listen, and it occurs to you suddenly, that you don’t have to. You weigh the reciever in your hand.
“I’ll call you. When I’m ready.” 
Then, you drop it down onto the stand, ending the call. Bradley has made it very clear that he has no interest in seeing you today. According to Pasquale, he has been back for a few hours now already. You don’t have your ring back just yet.
Your bed feels strange without the weight you spent the last six days growing familiar with, but sleep comes for you in a few restless, hour-stretched intervals anyway.
All the while, Bradley rolls the band between his index finger and thumb, watching the light catch on the twinkling diamond. Silence all around him, the hotel sleeps peacefully while he sits alone on the veranda. He’s up earlier than anyone else.
You were right— this ring probably would have cost more money than he makes most years. He could make more, if he put his personal research on the back burner. He just hadn’t realized that’s what it would take to be with you.
There’s a bitterness to the thoughts that bite at him; when he’s laying in your bed, kissing you, is it something that crosses your mind? Are you concerned about if he’ll be able to provide for you? He could. He already has been, beyond monetarily. With him, you don’t have to worry that one of his touches wouldn’t be gentle.
It brings him back to the first image he had of you — self-centred, arrogant, spoiled. In this time he has spent with you, he had seen something more. He’s not wounded enough to pretend that he only sees the worst parts of you. There’s so much more. 
There’s a spark to you, when he really gets you talking that captures his attention in a way he wasn’t prepared for. A thoughtfulness, a softness. There are so many things about you that draw him in. But, it’s not up to him. 
If you want to be that spoiled little girl, he can’t stop you. 
He has been awake for hours already, watching the city of Siena, trying to make peace with the fact that this is surely over. He should have handed your ring back when he arrived. Back then, he had told himself that he kept it because he hadn’t wanted to wake you. At 6pm.
Faced with solitude and views of the Piazza Del Campo, he can be honest with himself; he just doesn’t want to give it back.
And, that seems to be the worst part. He’s got a decade of years on you, and infinitely more experience with the way the world really works, and he still can’t settle on the right answer. He knows what the correct move would be — to let you go home and pretend this never happened. 
At the precipice of your adult life, he has thrown such a damning spanner into the works by letting himself get wrapped up like this. If the ring cost as much as it did, Bradley can only imagine the kind of money your families must have spent on the wedding. He’s an idiot for thinking you were ever going to give it up.
He should have just curved your grade, or told you earlier that you should switch out of his class. Maybe he wanted to teach you a lesson, of sorts. Having to work for things rather than having them handed to you, something like that. 
He shouldn’t have let you kiss him, or kissed you back. It’s a little late for all the ‘shouldn’t have’s’ now, but Bradley figures that it’s about time to stop adding to the list of them. 
Before his meeting, he slides the ring under your door and leaves without a word. Giving it back is one thing— having to look you in the eye while he handed it over would be another thing entirely.
Then, straightening and fiddling with his tie as he walks, he takes his short walk through Siena’s streets. 
His meeting takes him through the early morning, and right past the time he promised Pasquale he’d be back to lead this morning’s event.
He rushes into the hotel lobby, finding his group strewn around couches and the ground, all bored to the point of silence. And then you, staring right at him.
You’re wearing a white blouse and linen shorts, sunglasses and sandals. He’s wearing a thick white shirt and a blue tie, tucked into dress pants that are a little darker than cream. His hair is windswept and messy, his tie loosened and his top button undone.
Even all dressed up, he finds a way to be a little bit himself. Just a little bit rugged, out of place — exceptionally handsome, his tie bringing out the gold in his tan. 
He looks back at you, brown eyes trailing you head to toe, then looks away with a discernible disconnect. The adam’s apple in his throat bobs as he tugs at his tie, wiggling it out of place.
“So, did you get it?” Luke prompts.
Your head turns, and Bradley looks back to you in the absence of being watched. You frown, confused as to why you don’t know as much as Luke does. You’re the one spending afternoons and evenings with Bradley, cuddled against him.
“Yeah,” Bradley says, still looking at you, “I did.”
He’s staying in Italy, for two more weeks after he sends the rest of you home. He’ll need just one research assistant. It should be Luke. It could have given him two more weeks with you.
He shakes his head as Luke opens up his mouth to continue this conversation, pushing his fingers through his hair. “I need to shower. Why don’t you guys head down to the piazza, and I —uh— I’ll catch up with you all.”
He needs to get away from you and the way you’re looking at him. He can’t stand that look on your face now that you’ve slipped that ring back onto your left hand. It was the first thing he saw, glinting at him ostentatiously in the morning light. 
Bradley doesn’t give anyone a chance to dispute, either, digging his hand into his front pocket to grab his key.
He hates you. You freaked out at him, and he doesn’t want you anymore. You watch him go, eyes wide. As the group begins to bustle, you’re left with a wounded feeling in your middle. No one has ever wanted you the way Bradley does, and you ruined it.
He turns, and starts for the stairs. Broad shoulders tapering into his waist, long legs in loose pants. You never thought you would miss the sight of his jean shorts, and the way they hug him in all the right places. 
Robin watches you looking after him, just waiting to see if you’ll follow. 
Pressing your lips firmly together, you adjust the strap of your bag to sit more comfortably against your shoulder. Then, you march right past her and join the rest of the group outside. 
She almost hums. Surprise coats her features unmistakably as she wanders out into the cobbled street and loops her arm through Luke’s. Maybe it is over between the two of you after all, whatever ‘it’ was. 
Pasquale compensates for Bradley’s absence with plenty of breaks in the shade that Bradley’s rigorous lecturing rarely allows for. As much as his content remains the same, he lacks the same conviction with which Bradley is able to talk about all of this. 
You’re practically asleep standing up, dragging your heels against weathered streets as he rattles on about Saint Bernardino. Heat prickles at the back of your neck, a bead of perspiration trailing down under the neat collar of your white blouse. 
Sparks tickle the base of your spine as fingertips skim across your skin.
“Excuse me.” Bradley’s deep voice makes you jolt as he angles his shoulder and moves to brush past you. Exactly an hour late to the tour he was supposed to be leading, he doesn’t even look down at you as he passes by.
He’s wearing a faded white graphic t-shirt and those offensively short trunks he wears sometimes even when he doesn’t plan to swim, his sunglasses settled onto the bridge of his nose and his curls still damp from his shower.
Your fingers catch on his forearm. 
“Can I speak with you? Please?” You huff out, gnawing at your lip as your chest rises and falls with each deep breath. The sudden silence draws some attention, as Pasquale stops speaking up front. 
Bradley pauses. Everyone, again, is staring at the two of you. You couldn’t just let him pass you by. A muscle in his jaw ticks as he looks you over, white sandals and a simple blue dress, Dior sunglasses set atop the bridge of your nose and a ridiculous, impractically small bag set against your shoulder.
He can’t act like a jilted lover. He isn’t one. He can’t act like this is a break-up. This isn’t one. 
“Make it quick, Ashworth — some of us have work to do.” 
You flinch. A few chuckles come from somewhere in the group. Humiliation burns through you in a foreign way, something so much worse than the other times that Bradley has called you by Malcolm’s name. It’s tainted now.
Bradley watches your bottom lip wobble. You swallow it down and straighten up, squaring your shoulders and settling your chin up high. He bites at the inside of his cheek, tucking his paperwork under his arm.
“Fine. Let’s talk right here.” Your voice shakes just a little. Enough to let him know that you’re only provoking him now because he has backed you into a corner. “Would you like me to apologize first for insulting your salary or for intruding on this stupid little trip to begin with—“
He shakes your hand off of him and catches your bicep. Your mouth hangs open as he hauls you backwards, dipping into the shade of an alleyway. 
“No, no! — If you want to be mean, then I can be mean too—“
He finally stops dragging you with him once he has thrown you around a corner and backed you up against a crumbling wall. He gives a small shake of his head, the warmth of his eyes lost behind his dark lenses.
“I don’t want to be mean to you,” Bradley says softly. “But I don’t know how I’m supposed to get through these last three weeks with you staring at me like I broke your heart. It isn’t fair.”
“So talk to me!” You urge him. He steps back as you step forwards. As you reach for him, he turns and paces a few steps away, then takes a seat on the little stone bench in front of the opposite wall.
“Okay,” He rubs at his temple, then pulls his sunglasses from his face. “I think that we’ve been kidding ourselves here. All that I’ve been doing is screwing up what you’ve been working towards — if you want to marry that jackass, I won’t stand in your way.”
The corners of your lips twitch for a second before you tug them downward into a discernible frown. Maybe something to do with hearing Bradley call Malcolm a jackass. Still, your brows furrow and your face becomes stormy.
You step between his parted knees. “Kidding ourselves? — That’s what this was to you? — A joke?”
He shakes his head, sitting back against the wall, grabbing your hips in his hands. “No. That’s not what I was saying and you know that.”
“So, what are you saying?” You challenge him.
There’s a beat between you. It gets about as silent as Siena ever does in the middle of tourist season, and for a second the two of you feel alone on that little side street.
Tucked between two weathered, orange painted buildings, Bradley strokes his thumbs across the space between your shorts and the hem of your blouse. The pads of his thumbs feel like fire against your bare skin. 
Maybe the wind changes directions; something switches between the two of you briskly. He softens, closing his eyes for a moment.
“I think that this needs to stop.” He whispers, pressing his lips to the smooth skin of your stomach. Your fingers trail through the soft curls at the crown of his head, following where deep brown becomes soft auburn.
“I don’t want it to.” You whisper.
“It’s selfish,” He looks up, endlessly warm brown eyes locked on you. His thumbs circle your hipbones, cursing the soft linen for being in the way of him getting to feel your skin one last time. “Of me, to mess with your head like this.”
And of you, to let Bradley get as attached as he is. He holds your waist in his hands, thumbing at the waistband of your shorts just enough. His eyes fall shut with the glimpse of your skin as he nips at your hipbone, kissing from the right side to the left. 
“I can speak for myself,” You tell him, watching his warm mouth work across your navel. Right here in the open, just around a quiet corner, where anyone could see the two of you. Excitement pools between your legs, your hips angling toward his mouth. “And I’m fine.” 
“You’re not fine.” Bradley looks up, cocking his head like he dares you to continue this arguement. 
“Stop telling me what I am,” You scowl defiantly. “I’m fully capable of telling you myself.”
He stands up swiftly, towering. “So tell me.”
Your neck cranes uncomfortably, all to see the challenging look in his eyes. “Tell you what?”
“Tell me how this works. How this goes. How the fuck I’m supposed to watch you go back to him after all this?” He bites. Suddenly, you feel the weight of his palms holding onto your midsection. Your gaze flickers downward as your mind ponders over the depth of his tone.
He almost flinches as you look him in the eye again. Something downright analytical in the way you’re staring at him. Weighing up exactly what about what he had said that made it feel so different. Something far different from anger. 
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer him. 
“It’s over, I can’t keep doing this.” Bradley is unwaveringly firm. 
The first thought that crosses your mind isn’t the loneliness you had felt in the first two weeks here. You could survive that for your remaining three weeks. You’re going to miss the gentle graze of his fingertips on your knee, and the way he smiles at you sometimes, and the things he holds onto to tell you at the end of the day.
Undoubtedly, you would miss him. 
“That’s final.” He can’t hear you out; he doesn’t want to. He would change his mind too easily. It’s time to finally act like a grown-up and stick to what he says.
Your lips part and hang, eyes wide. That’s final. He doesn’t speak to you that way— not unless he wants an argument— and he’s going to get one. He gives you no chance, adjusting his sunglasses and walking way ahead in his long strides. 
It’s strange how fast your anger just becomes shame.
Maybe standing in the street and screaming at him would have made you feel better, maybe it would have changed something. In its absence, you’re left silent and surrounded. Crowds bustle around you, but Bradley’s not as easy to lose as you are. His brown curls stand out over the crowd, as his American accent carries across the blending conversations, starting his ongoing lecture about Siena’s economic role in early Italy.
You don’t want it to be final. 
It’s not fair. He can’t just toss you aside— even if it’s a defensive gesture. Your feet find their rhythm and you start to move finally, making minimal effort to catch the group. You’re stuck on that idea, realizing that you have put him in a very familiar position.
He learned his lesson with Natasha, he hurt her trying to hold on and she left him anyway. Maybe he’s just trying to save both of you from the hurt this time.
Bradley’s accent fades and fades until you’re in a crowd of just unfamiliar conversation, your pace slowing until you’ve stopped all together. He doesn’t want to be around you, fine. You can give him space, you’ve got a severely neglected checking account and a seriously fogged mind to clear up.
You close your eyes and gather your bearings, turning in a tight circle to survey the streets around you. Swallowing at the lump in your throat, you take a breath and reach into your bag. 
Headphones settled over your ears, Walkman playing a Roy Orbison classic, you straighten your shoulders and start walking.
There are a pair of shiny, dangly earrings that you pick up in a little boutique. A pair of heels that you most definitely don’t have room in your suitcase for in a designer store. A brand new blue swimsuit from a store with a male attendant that had been far too eager to help you.
You’re just about considering yourself done spending, walking along a street that must be about a mile from your hotel given how long you have been walking. 
Then, you catch sight of a woman leaving a store. She’s supermodel tall, with a long, slender neck and a serious face. Serious in the kind of way that makes men go weak in the knees. 
Your head tilts just slightly, watching her strut through the street ahead of you in six-inch heels and a tight little mini skirt. You’re not the only one watching, either. At least three men ahead of you turn their heads, watching in awe as she passes them by. Your gaze flits down to the little red bag in her hand, stuffed with black tissue paper.
Turning your head, you find the store she had appeared from. 
Three tall mannequins stand proudly posed in the window of the little boutique, dressed in bustiers and bras and stockings and… something even smaller than a thong.
You look between her and the store. It seems like a good idea in the moment. It seems like a good idea at the checkout, even. 
It seems like a good idea until you’re standing in the strange little bathroom at the very end of your hotel floor, feeling utterly ridiculous. Standing in a pink babydoll and it’s adorning thong, you try to picture yourself posed like one of those mannequins.
Sprawled across the bed in your hotel room with one knee bent and a hand on your hip, maybe, your finger poised against your lip. The idea makes you shiver. The thought of Bradley watching makes it worse.
He finds you sexy, sure. You’ve felt his erection pressing into you enough times to know that, at least. But that was when you had his attention, his affection. Now, it’s different.
You bite at the inside of your cheek, scrutinising the sheer fabric coating your reflection. You wonder if this is supposed to feel natural, if you’re supposed to feel sexy, if it comes naturally to everyone else except you.
You lift your hands and sweep your hair back over your shoulders, screwing your mouth into a displeased frown. You brush it forwards again, fidgeting and fidgeting with the way that you look.
At once, the door whips open. 
You haven’t even had time to open your mouth to shriek before Bradley barges in with his size thirteen Nikes and his papers under his arm, desperate to take a leak after spending his afternoon searching Siena for you. 
He hits you like a stack of bricks. He never makes the choice to save you over his work, it’s something instinctual instead. The papers all go flying as he grabs you by your arms to keep you from landing completely on your ass.
“Shit— shit.” Bradley’s hands are off of you from the second he realises who you are and what you’ve done to his neatly organised stack of sources. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck.” 
The weighted door swings shut behind him and you’re trapped with the man you’re trying to seduce, as he considers fishing three pages of work out of the toilet. He hasn’t even looked at you yet.
Your eyes are practically bulging out of your head, and your arms finally strike into motion, crossing over your chest in an attempt to cover yourself.
Bradley seems to decide that he is going to attempt to salvage the papers. He reaches out and the first time he touches you in forty-eight hours is to try to manhandle you out of his way. His fingers curl around the chiffon mix.
Instantly, the papers are forgotten and his eyes are on you. Dark and heavy, his pupils fade into the deep brown hue of his eyes. 
Without restraint, his gaze drops. You stand, frozen, hugging your arms to your chest to cover your breasts, heart thudding through the thin fabric.
He starts at your ankle, noticing the new anklet secured around it. You squeeze your eyes shut, veering away from the scrutiny of his gaze. 
Bradley’s thoughts are far from scrutinising you. He eyeballs the pale pink underwear through the fabric, taking his time in moving on until he finds the way you’re trying to cover your chest with your hands. You’re trembling, eyes squeezed shut.
The tag pokes out by your ribs. He cocks his head slightly as his gaze flickers downward, reminding himself that he’s still holding onto your hip. His thumb twitches toward the pink fabric, smoothing over the thin line where the g-string covers your skin.
“What’s this?” He’s still holding it, his big, stupid, hand is still holding onto your hip.
“… Lingerie.” You answer him quietly, shrinking backward like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. He follows you without moving, curling his fingers into the skimpy fabric.
“Right,” Bradley acknowledges. His gaze flickers downward again, willing his cock to keep it together and not stretch the fabric of his jeans. “Where’d you get it?”
“I wasn’t— I just wanted— this isn’t—“
Bradley straightens up and finally remembers to take his hand off you. The stumbling step he takes back makes him hit the lock on the door, and finally he thinks to lock it for real. His tongue dips from his mouth, wetting his pink lips as his hand palm scrubs at his clean shaven jaw.
“You drive me crazy,” He whispers, almost in disbelief. “You’re driving me crazy. What is this?” 
“It’s…” You pause, and fidget and throw your arms up exhasperatedly. “It’s supposed to be… I just wanted you to look at me again.”
If he wanted to be cruel, he could tell you that you’re being ridiculous and that playing dress up isn’t the way to make an apology. He would’ve, at the beginning of this trip. Now, his heart just sinks to his stomach at the thought of you so desperate for his attention. He wants to give it to you.
A muscle in his jaw ticks. He looks you up and down once more, this time pausing for longer. With your arms out of the way, he can see your flushed nipples peaked against the fabric and the way your chest trembles with each breath. 
He swallows thickly, suddenly forgetting that his work is disintegrating in the toilet water.
“I’ve been looking at you this whole time,” He says tightly, kind of like it pains him to compliment you with what you’re putting him through. “But I meant what I said, baby, I’m done.”
He takes a step back and bumps the door, cursing this country for building its bathrooms without guys like him in mind. He crowds the space, finding it impossible to back away from you and somehow even harder to keep his hands to himself.
Your mouth straightens into a line and he just knows that he’s got another argument on his hands. He isn’t in the mood to be argued with in a bathroom.
“Whatever you’re about to say, don’t.” He says firmly, willing himself to keep his eyes on your face and hoping you’ll offer him the same courtesy, so that you don’t notice the semi straining against his jeans. 
He glances down at the strewn around pages. 
“Now will you give me a minute?” 
“No, not unless you’ll talk to me. You can’t avoid me forever.” You bargain, taking a step towards him and resting your fingers against his bicep. Bradley practically flinches, taking a step back and letting your hand fall to the space between you. 
He successfully avoided you noticing that even now he’s trying to protect the both of you from this, you’ve still got him wrapped around your finger. Your lip trembles. He can’t help himself, taking another glance downward at the pink chiffon on your body.
His hand flies up to rub at his temples, an exasperated sigh forcing its way out of his lips. 
“If I say you can work with me, you’ll get out so that I can take a piss?” He huffs, already irritated with how much of a struggle that’s going to be because of the southbound blood situation. Your eyes widen at the promise of time with him. “Fine. Get out.”
Leaving your original clothes on the counter, you turn swiftly and push open the door to your side of the bathroom. Bradley stares at your ass, covered by a thin layer of chiffon and a thong. He has never seen you in a thong. His mouth dries.
As your door swings shut behind you, Bradley instantly steps forward to lock it. Then, he turns his head and examines himself in the mirror— straining against his jeans and pointing right for you. Wrapped. Around. Your finger.
Scrubbing a hand along his jaw, he exhales deeply and closes his eyes for a moment. Painted on the inside of his eyelids is the image of you in his shirt a week ago, your hip popped and skin spilling out from inside, as you had waved at him from that window. How confident you had looked.
The way you’d keened into his touch.
He doesn’t know how to explain this part. It’s why it’ll never work. He doesn’t want lacy, frilly clothes that make you hide yourself. He wants that look in your eyes, and that smile on your lips — the tone your voice takes when you know you’re really riling him up.
Sure, the sight of you in that pretty pink get up damn near made his brain stop functioning, but he didn’t like the look on your face. He doesn’t like the way you spoke to him yesterday, and he knows that he can’t keep playing with your head like this.
But then, his gaze flickers downward towards the countertop. Nestled to the right of your neatly folded clothes, glinting at him once again, is that stupid fucking ring. All by itself, far from where it should be sitting around your finger.
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tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @cassiemitchele @himbos-on-ice @bradshawsbaby @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @cherrycola27 @kmc1989 @sugarcoated-lame @mshistorylover
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heartthrobin · 2 years
please love me, like the wave does the shore
aaron hotchner x female!reader
wc: 7.9k
warnings: fake!dating, SO much pining, mentions of murder, only one bed, Hotch is very whipped lol, this is so cliché it should be a crime
an: the moment y’all have been waiting for! i hope you kids enjoy! this will probably become a lil series so stay tuned for part 2 :)
summary: murders along the glistening white coast of Cape Cod was not a good look for anybody. especially not the BAU. the case needs a turn around, a big break, but most importantly: a Mr and Mrs.
Portraits of grinning faces watched you from the whiteboard.
Women’s eyes twinkling. Husband’s grinning to the camera. At their wedding, in the woods during a camping trip, on a birthday.
"We have fucking nothing!"
Names and dates lined the edges of what used to be treasured memories in red marker. Memories each couple was not around to remember anymore.
"We have the profile." Hotch's voice was stern. It made the hair on your arms stand on end.
Outside, the ocean crashed loudly against the shore. Seagulls gabbled in the distance near the dock.
"You know that's not enough."
Chatham was one of the most influential and wealthy suburbs in Cape Cod, if not the whole state. Discovering strung out bodies on the crisp white beaches almost five times that month wasn't fitting for the shoreline that housed some of the most elaborate mansions in the county.
The BAU had been in Cape Cod for nearly three weeks. Two weeks too long in the bureau's opinion: a view shared by the team.
Derek slammed his hand loudly against the white board, over a photo of a tall, cream, wood-boarded resort sprawled over the edge of the coast. Seagull's Rest: Couples Retreat and Spa.
"Seagull's Rest is the only place that connects them.” He huffed, pressing his finger into the printed photo. “Every day that passes is another honeymooning couple that's in danger."
Emily sighed somewhere behind you. David lingered by the edge of the desk where Spencer was driving his eyes over some Greek mythology textbook, working the human sacrifice angle he’d been insistent on sharing with you over coffee that morning.
Police chatter busied the space between you and the other agents.
"Morgan," you pressed, "we have no idea what that even means. It could be maids, spa staff ... for all we know, it could even be other guests."
The room was warm, bright: through the window you could overlook the ocean. A scene too beautiful to deserve the blood painted across it’s portrait.
Nights dissolved into mornings at the sheriff's station. Coffee mugs finding purchase in the maze of photos, medical reports, staff lists: all leading back to the one place all four couples were spending their vacation.
"You know what this means, don't you?" David's voice carried over from behind you. You turned to face him, his gaze set hard upon Hotch's.
The team leader's jaw was tight.
He looked like he was considering David's words closely, sucking in a breath like it hurt him to do so.
Emily's chair squeaked where she leaned forward in it, "What is he talking about?"
Hotch's narrow eyes turned to face the team again. "We need to go in. Work the case from the inside."
"Undercover?" You probed, jaw loosening in surprise.
The team hadn't worked an undercover project in almost two years. Everyone understood that they were a last resort, when general good-old detective work wasn't doing the trick.  
Hotch nodded stiffly.
"We're gonna need a couple to go in. Two of us. The pair has to match the preference of the unsub."
There was a heavy quiet before a collective understanding, a collective resignation.
"Fine." Derek nodded. He turned to face the board again. "The husbands, what are we looking for?"
"Alpha males, domineering personalities." David lifted a photo off the desk, examining it closer. "All high-power careers, wealthy. They have a handle on these women. Other couple's in the course with them reported the husband being out of touch, unaffectionate."
Spencer rose to stand, "But no specific physical traits. Unlike the women, they share a specific appearance: the hair, the height, the body shape. They all look like—"
Cold passed over your whole body from the highest point on your head. Like ice water had flooded your shoes.
"Like me."
Teeth sunk into the corner of your lip, the metal taste of blood nipped at your tongue.
It was impossible not to feel the weight of the team’s gaze, how they flickered quickly between where you sat and the photos against the board.
Spencer shrugged, nodding slowly. "Yes, like you."
You chuckled softly, missing most of the humor in the situation as you sunk further back into your chair. "I guess that's settled then."
It wouldn't be your first time working undercover, but you couldn’t say you were as experienced as your colleagues.
You'd joined the BAU last, working every possible hour and chasing down every possible lead to try stay in one of the most coveted positions at the bureau.
It definitely wasn't the easiest thing you’d ever done.
Yes, the team was welcoming - Emily worked hard to make you feel at home, empathizing with you about the difficulty of transitioning into such a team: a team that knows each other's every move and every thought before they themselves have moved or thought - and Spencer was always a friendly face.
Derek was considerate and David was a genius in the line of duty, a marvel to watch work.
What really made it difficult, was Hotch.
In the beginning, he was wary of you. You could feel him lingering when you worked, every decision you made or observation you gathered was held under the magnifying glass of Aaron Hotchner.
With time, he eased up. Trusted you with more, scrutinized over less.
It was then that the next - considerably more concerning - problem began, when you began to miss having his presence over your shoulder.
When your eyes began to linger over his hands where they rested on his holster, or fixate quietly when he brought that steaming morning mug to his lips - sipping oh, so gently.
You were so sure he'd kiss with the same tenderness. The thought kept you up at night.
The feelings you so embarrassingly held for your boss were pushed deep into the corners of your brain.
You felt secure in the knowledge that you acted as casual as possible. Nobody had mentioned anything, and the thought of Hotch ever catching even an inkling of an idea would be enough to never walk back into BAU headquarters ever again.
The only person who really knew anything was Emily.
It had slipped after a drunken night out, on the couch in her apartment, your fat tears staining her blouse: "he's so fucking hot I can't do this!"
And there he was. Silhouette dark against the cast of the sunlight through the window, looking down at you from his towering height. "You're sure you're ready for this?"
His voice wrapped carefully around your throat and you almost choked on its softness.
You coughed instead. "Ready as I'll ever be."
He nodded once, turning back to Derek. "The male?"
Derek shook his head, "Rossi and I went over there a couple days ago to question the owners. They know we're FBI."
The room turned to Spencer, who blinked big hazel eyes at the room innocuously.
You did little to suppress the giggle that bubbled out from your chest. Your heart knocked loudly when you felt Hotch's eyes flicker over his shoulder back at you.
"You wanna be our dominant alpha, Reid?" Emily's lips tugged into a playful grin, clicking the end of her pen loudly.
Soft laughter permeated the room, David knocked Spencer’s shoulder teasingly.
Spencer flushed a light pink, his gaze finding purchase at the open space between his two feet. "Yes. Very funny."
It took more than a few seconds for you to realize that without Spencer, there stood only one other possible candidate.
Your eyes climbed the length of Hotch's long black blazer sleeve. When you reached the top you found him already looking at you. You shivered.
"I suppose that means it’s me then."
Purposefully avoiding his gaze, you found Emily staring right at you - a grin curling up at the corners of her mouth.
"Mr and Mrs Hotchner." David chirped, a mischievous edge to his words. "Congratulations."
You managed to squeak out a sarcastic "thanks Rossi" but Hotch stayed quiet. It made you want to sink into the crevice of your desk chair.
Instead, he turned back to Spencer.
"Get Garcia on the line. She needs to set up aliases and get us registered for the next couple's course as soon as possible."
Spencer nodded once before disappearing into the next room wordlessly.
Next, he turned to you - sucking all the breath out your lungs.
God, he made it so hard to act normal when he showed up in that fucking suit and that perfectly professional haircut.
"I want you to go over the backgrounds of the women again. Get a feel for the unsub's preference, there may be a personality type that he likes best. I'll do the same with the men." You nodded, going to stand and finding yourself always just a little too far from his chest.
"While we're away, the rest of you need to work off the intel we feed. Let's solve this before there's more bodies."
Agents began moving in every direction: out the door, back towards boxes of evidence, but Emily crossed the room to you: eyes wide and alight with mischief.
She grabbed your hand, pulling you from the room and leaving Hotch behind. "This is going to be so fucking good."
Your stomach churned.
Just shy of two days later, you found yourself sitting in the front seat of a Mercedes Benz - god knows the bureau has its ways - only two streets down from Shellshore drive, where tucked into the curve sat Seagull's Rest: the beautiful lodge on the Cape Cod coast that offered couple's courses for new and old marriages that delve into the depths of the soul and connect partners in love and touch.
At least that's what the pamphlet said as it stared up at you from your lap.  
It sat at the top of the stack of case files, documents and photos hidden beneath. You pulled out the ID from the midst of the stack.
The photo you'd taken the previous afternoon glimmered up at you: Mrs Eleanor Thompson.
With less than a couple inches of space dividing you, in the driver's seat, sat Hotch.
Penelope was talking over the car speaker.
"I signed you guys up for the Honeymooner's Retreat. It's six days long, but I'm sure you'll be out by then. There are five other couples doing this course with you, you'll find their names in the documents I sent. All their records are clean."
"Garcia, I want you to cross reference all the course instructors with anybody who has—"
Hotch's voice faded from your surroundings, your brain stuttering electrically as your eyes raked over his outfit.
A tight fit black polo that was hugging his chest and chino pants begging for relief over those long thighs.
The last two days had been painful.
You'd slept almost nothing: tossing and turning for hours over the idea that you'd soon be in much closer proximity to Aaron Hotchner than you'd ever been. Too close.
Emily had tried to calm you down, "just ... focus on the case, okay? whatever happens happens."
It was easy for her to say.
Her legs didn't liquify every time Hotch sent small praise her way, like they did on you, and she didn’t have flashing images of taking care of him in the way he never does himself plague her in the small moments of quiet throughout her day.
Making him breakfast, or taking his blazer off after a long case ... undoing the buttons down his shirt—
"They're expecting you for check in at five o clock."
Your eyes found the digital clock on the dashboard, it blinked red at you: 16:47
"Thank you Garcia."
"Yeah," you added quickly, "Thanks Garcia."
"Good luck lovebirds." The teasing lilt in her voice did nothing to calm the high power washing machine your stomach had transformed to.
Heat rushed over your face.
You could feeling Hotch watching you from the corner of his eye. "Are you sure you're ready to do this?"
Sliding your stack of pages into the Louis Vutton handbag at your feet, you forced a smile to press up into your lips.
"To marry you, Hotch?" You feigned a soft sigh, "I've only waited all my life."
The bubbling in your stomach simmered only slightly when Hotch rolled his eyes, what was almost a smile teasing at his lips. "I'll take that as a yes."
The car rumbled to a start beneath you, the expensive engine purring.
"We know what to look for. Keep your eyes on the guests, the instructors, anybody we interact with."
It was hard to focus on Hotch's advice when his wide hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly.
But you nodded anyways.
It felt like less than a few seconds before the car was being pulled into a luxurious white cobblestone driveway. A sign etched in ivory-coloured wood overhead marked the road: Welcome to Seagull’s Rest.
Bellboys stood in the distance under a grand arched entrance in cream uniforms, luxury cars stretched out in every direction of the parking lot.
The car rumbled to a stop. A valet attendant was already approaching before you’d even a second to gather what was left of your courage.
Hotch turned to you, slow and deliberate as was his manner, leaning precariously over the console. "Remember, we're being watched."
The door opened abruptly on your side, you glanced up to meet the face of the young man holding open the door. He couldn't be older than twenty.
He smiled. "Good afternoon and welcome to the Seagull's Rest."
Your eyes flickered back as Hotch climbed out from the other side, you smiled up at the boy before lifting the end of the olive-green sundress you'd been coerced into wearing and stepped out.
Hotch had rounded the car before you'd even straightened out. He tossed the keys at the attendant.
You were taken aback by how quickly he could escape his usually impeccable manners.
"Be careful with the luggage. There's things in there worth twelve times your salary."
You sucked in a sharp breath when he took your hand into his, sliding his fingers between yours. His palm was pressed so firmly you thought you might collapse.
He made matters worse when he cleared his throat loudly, "Come on, honey, let's go."
The reception was a bright open room, preceded by a tall oak arch, and a high ceiling loomed over the expensive wood of the front desk.
A small framed woman stood behind it, smiling as you approached. "Good afternoon, welcome to Seagull's Rest."
Hotch only nodded curtly in greeting, pulling you abruptly up against his side so that his hand wrapped over your waist. You only hoped he couldn’t hear your heart thumping hysterically against your ribs.
"James and Eleanor Thompson." He grumbled, "We're here for the Honeymooner's Retreat."
"Of course sir, if I could see some identification please?"
Hotch slid over the two fake ID's and the woman began to tap away at the computer.
Your eyes slid up to the view from the window beyond the desk, how the sun was almost setting over the ocean visible through the crystal-clear window.
Unsure if it was driven by purpose or simply instinct, your arms snaked up to rest around Hotch's hips, letting your head lull against the side of his chest just softly.
His chest swelled. You tried not to read into it.
"Baby," it took a moment, presumable for Hotch to realize you were referring to him, but he hummed in response, not looking down at you.
You motioned to the window, "Look how beautiful it is. You couldn't have chosen a better spot."
Instead of Hotch, the woman at the front desk spoke in response.
"We boast one of the best spots along our coast. The morning yoga sessions are spectacular if that's something you enjoy, and we have cocktail evening tonight at our restaurant on the beach." Her voice dripped in sugar, sliding the two ID's and the keycard to the room back over the counter.
"That sounds wonderful—"
Hotch's stern voice pierced through your own, "Yes, well, we'll see."
The woman - Leslie, as her tag suggested - glanced carefully between Hotch and yourself. She offered you a quietly sympathetic look before meeting Hotch's face again.
"Y-Yes, of course sir."
You stayed quiet after that, allowing her to direct James and Eleanor to their room. Second floor at the end of the hallway.
Hotch huffed dramatically, grabbing the cards from the desk.
His hand slid from your waist and you almost had enough time to mourn the loss of his warmth against your side before that large hand wove itself back between yours - simultaneously warming and chilling every blood vessel in your body.
Hotch pulled you in the direction of the elevator. Nothing was said between you, only the swish of your dress and the heavy step of his leather shoes against the floors.
You two followed the corridor as instructed, gaze flickering curiously up to your fake husband every few moments before your interest caught the better of you.
"You're a little too good at playing the asshole, James." Your hand squeezed gently against his, "Something you want to tell me?"
He shook his head, "Nothing comes to mind."
The luggage was already waiting at the foot of the bed when Hotch pushed the door open, allowing you to step in first.
A gasp escaped you.
The room had to be the most exquisite thing you’d seen in all your life.
It was lined in crisp white and cream decor, a velvet couch along the one wall and a sprawling balcony that overlooked the ocean - the sound of the waves filling every crevice of the space.
There was a thud and you turned to find Hotch opening his briefcase, pulling out the neatly packed pressed shirts that lay within.
Quicker than it took you to blink in fright, Hotch's hand closed over your mouth. He shook his head, tapping his ear. "Wires." He mouthed.
You nodded quickly, feeling stupid.
His hand dropped and embarrassment flushed hot over your neck. You looked away from him.
This wasn't a holiday and Hotch wasn't your husband.
Eight people were dead.
Unease burnt at your chest, the same kind that had been building with every passing day and every piling body. You moved in silent to unpack your own handbag where you'd placed your files.
Hotch watched you carefully, as you leaned over the bag - silhouette forming against the red and purple tones of the picturesque sky behind you.
He stared a little longer than necessary, capturing the view to his mind.
It was something he found himself doing too often. Whenever he could find a moment, an excuse. His gaze would linger on your frame, your face.
When your fingers would twitch against your necklace or when you laughed a little too loudly for the Quantico office when Spencer told his terrible, very specifically not funny jokes.
But he was Aaron Hotchner, BAU Unit Chief, and nothing if not the epitome of professionalism.
He planted himself far enough from the line to where he could go about his day and pretend like he didn't lose sleep at night thinking about you.
"James, did you pack the charger?" Your voice was loud, but wavered slightly. You didn't look up to his face as you usually did.
Hotch tried to convince himself that he didn’t notice.
"Yes, honey, it's in the side pocket."
There was no charger and definitely no need to ask about one besides making casual conversation in the case that wires tapped the room.
Reminded of the very real circumstance, Hotch abandoned the shirts on the bed to move around the room.
Behind him you were doing the same.
He lifted lamp shades, checked under drawers, desks and the headboard for any listening device that could have been planted before they came in.
You shuffled around behind the television stand and at the railings of the curtain before slipping into the bathroom.
Twenty minutes passed in silence before Hotch climbed back to his feet from where he was crouched down under the bed frame.
"We should be in the clear." He announced to you where you still occupied the bathroom.
"Check what I found." You emerged, sundress flittering around your ankles.
He cursed the sway of the material. Somehow you'd arrived in that green dress to the sheriff's station and it had made every nerve connecting his body to his brain turn fuzzy and the man of steel that was Aaron Hotchner was having a harder time than usual keeping his eyes to himself.
You waved a white envelope at him, "It was stuck to the window."
Hotch took it from you, it was addressed to a Mr and Mrs Thompson.
"That's us." He muttered, finger sliding to break its seal.
You stood against his side, close enough to read the letter where he slid it out but also just close enough to make Hotch's head spin from the waft of your perfume.
Good afternoon Mr J and Mrs E Thompson,
We welcome you to Seagull's Rest and want to thank you for choosing to participate in our Honeymooner's Retreat. The next few days will work to strengthen the bond of love and trust between any new married couple, and of course up the intimacy!
Tonight we will be hosting a champagne evening where you will be afforded the opportunity to meet the couples that you'll be spending the next six days with.
Meet us at the Pelican Perch Restaurant on floor 1 at six o clock. We look forward to meeting you!
Kindly, Seagull Rest Staff.
The page crinkled beneath his fingers.
"This is perfect." He muttered, looking sideways at you. "It'll give us a chance to see the unsub in a social environment if he's here."
The unknown subject (unsub) was clarified before you and Hotch had left the station that morning.
David's voice still rung in his ears:
"Someone who is calm and casual in social settings, easy to get along with but holds a position that allows people to trust them. It's what he uses to lure two people at a time to their deaths."
You glanced up at the antique clock on the wall hanging above the television. "That means we should leave soon."
Hotch nodded, "Leave the packing, we'll do that when we get back."
The sun was disappearing behind the glittering ocean surface when the door shut behind you and Hotch again.
His hand slipped down over your wrist before sliding into your grasp, between your fingers and over your knuckles.
Hotch could spend all night convincing himself that holding your hand was imperative to maintaining your cover because you were married and that was in the best interest of the case, but it would still do little to calm the way his heart began to beat from his throat when your grip tightened gently around his.
You made small talk on the walk down to the restaurant, as any couple would.
Mentioning the spa and the interior designs of the glamorous hallways you passed on the walk down to the Pelican Perch restaurant on the water.
The views of the lodging was almost nothing compared to when you two walked under the green vine archway into the restaurant.
Hotch heard your little gasp beside him and was sure it made his heart grow two sizes.
Above your heads hung a glittering maze of white fairy lights overviewing a large wooden floor with tables set in every corner. The bar glittered with bottles of every colour, size and shape that lined the shelves and the wide stacking doors were opened out onto the shoreline.
A soft jazz played and near the center of the room, ten chairs were stacked in a semi-circle around a small podium.
"This is so beautiful." You whispered, almost so soft he didn't hear it.
He looked down at you, enamored by the way the lights reflected off your eyes and your lips were parted in surprise.
"It is." But his eyes never left you.
Already, three or four couples had taken seats, keening over each other as if they two were the only people in the room.
It was almost six. Hotch tugged your hand gently in the direction of the expensive looking chairs, leaning down close to your ear: "Keep your eyes on the people."
You giggled as if he'd said something naughty, putting on a good show for the surrounding guests before leaning down to sit.
The lull of the music in the room almost convinced you that it was all real.
That as you sat and Hotch settled his arm over your thighs, pulling you close against him: that it was because he wanted, not needed, to be there.
Your eyes flickered over the people, a man and a woman were ushering people to take their seats and a tall thin waiter was sauntering around with a tray of champagne glasses.
You took two from his tray, handing the other to Hotch. He gave you a look to remind you to be careful, you could practically hear him chiding "remember, we're on the job."
The champagne was as close to velvet as you'd ever tasted, sliding down your throat far too easily as the man and woman took to the podium in front of you.
The room quietened.
"Good evening to all our lovely young couples!" The man's voice was smooth, warm.
He was older, every spit of hair from his body a stark shining white. The woman was the same, they matched the decor of the resort in the cream beach sets they adorned.
Wrinkles crinkled around her eyes when she smiled, "We're so glad to have you with us. Thirty years ago, we opened the Seagull's Rest to help any couple who felt they needed a place to connect with nature and each other, and since then it's become not only a home to us - but a home to every couple who steps through our doors."
You met Hotch's eye. Owners.
Laurie and Howard Ralph. The founders of the Seagull's Rest.
Howard spoke again: "every class is taught by a qualified, friendly and helpful instructor to make you feel safe in what Laurie and I like to call the education of love."
You'd seen their photos in files and on your tablet, somehow they looked even more pretentious in person.
While you knew you weren't looking for an unsub team, their demeanors didn't put them completely out of range for being possibly responsible.
At least that's as far as your brain could conjure up with Hotch's wide thumb rubbing circles into the side of your thigh - a motion you weren’t entirely convinced he realized he was making.
"We'd like to start off the evening with a few introductions, just to break the ice between you."
They were looking down the line of people, pointing to a Hispanic couple closest to the edge. "How about you two? Tell us your names, where you're from, how you met and your favourite thing about your partner."
The man stuttered, looking to his wife for support. She smiled up at him and you couldn't help the momentary swooping ache to have somebody to look at in that warm, soft way.
"Well I'm Alice and this is my husband Marco." She patted him fondly on the chest, "We're from New York."
"We met when we were kids, we lived next door to each other for fifteen years." The husband was a shyer speaker, but his adoration for his wife leaked through his words. "Before she left for college I asked her to be my girlfriend. The rest is history, I guess."
Laurie and Howard smiled plastically, like the grin was surgically attached there.
"That's lovely, and your favourite thing about one another?" Laurie pressed, before adding, "Remember ladies and gentlemen, this experience is about making yourself vulnerable to each other and to yourself!"
"I love how he can make me feel brand new after a terrible day."
"I love the way she knows me in little ways that nobody else does."
Slowly, the couples spoke down the line.
You were introduced to the Taylors, the Andersons, the Fletchers, the Schmidts.
As the line drew shorter, your breath grew faster.
Of course you knew your story, you'd had it drilled into your brain for the last two days, but your favourite thing about Hotch?
No, you corrected yourself, not Hotch. James.
Your brain fished for a lie, dipping past the bundles of things you loved about Hotch that could so easily be picked from the bush.
But would it be so out of line to admit something honest, something he'd never even realize was true?
Eyes fell on you.
Hotch cleared his throat, his grip over your thigh tightened.
"We're the Thompsons. I'm James  and this is Eleanor. We're from Colorado."
His voice was strong, stern. Someone who didn't know Hotch might say it was how he always sounded, but there he held a jagged edge to his tone. "We met at—"
"Woah, woah," Howard interrupted, chuckling nervously. "James, you're running a bit away with us here. Why don't you let your wife tell us how you met?"
Hotch mustered the audacity to look affronted. "Alright."
You fought hard to suppress a laugh. Hotch was an abnormally good actor.
He turned to you, "Darling?"
You sighed, practically scribbling ditzy airhead over your forehead and lifting a hand to fiddle with the buttons on his polo, "Well, I met James in my last year at college—"
"Screwing the professor, very classy."
The whisper came from somewhere to your left and surprised you.
It was soft enough that you were sure Howard and Laurie hadn't heard.
The look on Hotch's face, however, proved that he had. He'd grown completely stiff under your hand.
You fought to regain composure, "H-He was working at a law firm that I was doing an internship at. It was love at first sight, right baby?" You patted his chest slowly.
He nodded, eyes darting anywhere but you.
The owners nodded, urging you to continue. "That's beautiful."
You looked up, met with the side of Hotch's face - he didn't look like he was going to speak first.
"My favourite thing about James is ..." your mind flickering between some cliché or just spitting out what you really wanted to. "The way he looks out for me. Always makes sure I'm safe, even if it's risking himself."
It was mild enough to pass off for just a casual comment but nearly specific enough that if he knew how you felt that he'd catch on.
He pulled his gaze from where it was fixated on the foot of the podium, sinking it into yours and making the room feel suddenly ten degrees warmer.
"My favourite thing about Eleanor is her laugh."
It was short and sweet and deep down you really hoped it was laced in truth.
By the time you looked away from your partner, the introductions had already moved down a couple. Judging by the way the tall blonde woman who'd just announced herself as Jade Atkins was staring at you, you could already gage that she'd been the one to make the professor comment.
You could still feel Hotch's anger radiating off of him. He was hard, tense and his jaw was set tightly.
Hotch was older than you, sure. You knew that.
It was one of the things that assured - plagued - you that he would never reciprocate your feeling.
He was mature and worldly, handsome in a way no man you knew could even remotely compare.
You were younger, not that much, but still. Enough that you could be looked at sideways by stuck-up bitches like Jade Atkins.
You knew you'd never be afforded a chance ... but then why did Hotch look so angry?
He knew he was older, but he also had to know that he left a trail of swooning women wherever he went?
"James ..." you whispered.
He looked quickly down at you, clearly of the impression that it was enough of a response.
"What's wrong?"
The word looked like they hurt forcing itself from his mouth. "Nothing."
You bit the corner of your bottom lip slowly, turning over his response in your mind.
Before you could find the sense to stop yourself, you reached up and took Hotch's jaw into your grasp, pulling it down closer to your face.
Following hesitantly until he was practically leaning over, you whispered into his ear: "ignore her, she just wishes her husband wasn't a cheating alcoholic."
You pressed a warm peck against his upper cheek, close to his eye and pretended that the brush of his almost-there stubble didn't make your heart swoop down into your stomach.
Letting go, Hotch straightened out again. He looked calmer, almost like he could smile.
His eyes flickered over the man, taking in his form. It took him a moment before he whispered back, "You're right."
Within a couple minutes, the last of the couples finished their introductions and the Ralph's were speaking again.
"Thank you all, again, for coming. Please, spend the rest of the evening getting to know each other, enjoying more of our champagne—"
"Imported straight from France!" Howard interjected and the couples laughed sporadically,
"—and savor the rest of your week."
Around you, couples rose from their seats. You detangled yourself from Hotch and did the same.
Initially, you had the full intention of floating around the room together, connected at the arm to analyze the guests quietly.
However, almost immediately, the women had dissected from their husbands to form a small group by the balcony.
The men had done the same, converging near the bar.
Blinking in surprise, you look up to Hotch for further instruction.
He nods towards the women, "You should go join them."
Your face crinkled in reluctance, "Don't make me go over there, James ... our friend isn't even supposed to be a woman."
Amusement was alight in his brown eyes, but his mouth remained a thin line.
"Then," he almost made you jump when his wide hand closed softly over your cheek, dragging the side of his thumb down your face, "go enjoy the company. I'll focus on the men."
Sparked by Hotch's warm touch, slightly dizzy on it, you nodded softly before turning to the women.
It was cool out on the balcony and the women greeted when you joined the circle.
You took a long gulp from your second glass of champagne, listening only half-committed to Patricia Anderson's story about their new condo on the Los Angeles beachfront.
"So, Eleanor was it?"
Recognizing the voice as the one who'd whispered brashly behind you not more than twenty minutes previously, you turned to the woman.
Your grip tightened around your champagne glass.
"Yes. Jenna, right?"
The woman gathered the nerve to look affronted, her tennis skirt swayed with the breeze over long bronzed legs.
"Jade, actually. Jade Atkins." She cleared her throat, "My husband is Richard Atkins, he owns all the Sonja Hotels north of the equator, I'm sure you've heard of him."
Another woman - Anne Schmidt - indulged her. "That's amazing, Elijah and I stayed there a couple months ago in Switzerland."
Jade nodded, looking proud, but seemingly intent on swerving the conversation your way.
"Speaking of husbands, yours is quite the catch isn't he?" The chatter of the other women dimmed slightly, the wives sensing the change of direction.
Taking another necessarily big gulp of your champagne, you nodded. "Indeed."
"He's very handsome ... how did you manage to tie him down?"
Her words dripped in condescension.
"Just got lucky, what can I say?"
Jade nodded, twisting a long golden strand between her fingers. Heat was beginning to curl at your cheeks.
"And he's so much older," she laughed airily, lifting her glass to sip at her drink, "but I guess that life insurance money makes him all the more attractive, hey?"
"Oh definitely. He also got a huge penis which helps."
Jade choked loudly around her glass and the women around you burst into fits of high-pitched laughter.
"Don't mind her," Imani Taylor pulled you aside, "All the Botox has gone to her brain."
You smiled kindly at her.
"So a lawyer you said, what's that like?"
Across the room, Hotch was sitting through a similar game of verbal tennis.
A circus of who's car is newer, bigger, better, who's company makes more money or sells more stocks.
He doubted he'd ever been so bored. That's maybe why his eyes flickered so often to where you were talking animatedly with a short woman in a hijab.
A heavy hand against his shoulder sucked him back into the conversation.
A sandy-topped man who Hotch quickly identified as Elijah Schmidt was patting him boyishly, "Don't worry about the girl, Thompson."
He didn't love the idea of you being referred to as girl but said nothing on it.
Clearing his throat, he shook his head vaguely. "Got to keep on eye on them. She can barely feed herself most days, only knows how to spend my money and crash my cars."
The words were bitter, like hot bile on his tongue but he insisted on maintaining a mutual expression. Nobody promised that playing an asshole was going to be any fun.
A handful of the men grimaced at his comment, while the rest just tutted offhandedly.
While the men were far from the nicest he'd met, in the couple minutes he'd spent with them, Hotch was almost sure that his unsub was not among them.
Despite most of their more than patchy backgrounds - mostly corporate scuffles, dug up by Garcia - none of them spoke with the ease that the suspect needed to have, the charisma and the trustworthy character. Hotch's  energy was better placed elsewhere.
"Barely feed herself?" A gravelly chuckle filled the space, "Sure doesn't look like it."
Hotch's eyes narrowed on the short bald man laughing to himself, glancing over to where you stood across the room - a fat cigar between his fingers.
He recognized him as the man who sat with the woman who'd commented when you spoke. Richard Atkins.
Turning his whole body to the man, towering over his structure, Hotch's face twisted - his stomach contents boiling hot at the comment.
"I beg your pardon?"
Pulling at the cigar, the end lighting up, the man shrugged. "Just saying, y'know, she doesn't look like she's skipped a meal anytime recently—"
The expression curling onto Hotch's face must've been cause for alarm, if not the way his fist tightened at his side, because almost immediately two other men stepped in.
One at Richard's side,  "Hey, hey, Richard, that's enough man."
The other patting Hotch's shoulder, "Thompson ... he's had a couple drinks, just let him go."
Richard seemed to find the situation amusing because he was chortling still to himself. "Of course, of course. My bad, just locker-room talk you know. No harm, no foul."  
Seething white anger was tugging on every muscle in his body, and he fought hard to maintain composure - taking a cautionary step towards Richard Atkins.
"I'd watch how you talk about my wife if I were you. Otherwise we're going to have a problem."
Atkins only huffed, turning back to his friend and his cigar. The conversations started up again around him, but Hotch had lost interest.
His wrist watch told him they'd been standing there for almost an hour.
Cleaning out the bottom of his glass, he set it down on the nearest table before excusing himself, offering handshakes and a couple shoulder pats before moving towards the women.
A handful of men followed him, clearly keen to leave as well.
He found you by the railing, laughing gently at something the woman across from you said.
Hotch's arm slid over your waist from behind, dipping his head closer to your ear: "ready to go?"
You nodded, offering a quick goodbye to the woman and some others.
The walk back to the room was quicker than he remembered, or maybe it was the light buzz of champagne against the side of his head and how you were humming something that sounded like Etta James that made it feel too fast.
On return, the prospect of unpacking awaited.
"Anyone interesting among the husbands?" You asked from across the room, lifting shirts and dresses to stack into the open cupboard.
Hotch shook his head, dislodging the secret compartment at the bottom of his suitcase where the case files had been hidden. "The unsub isn't one of them. They're all, for lack of a better word, assholes. Nobody trustworthy enough to follow to your death."
You chuckled lightly, "The women were alright. Except for this one woman, that one who whispered that rubbish when we introduced ourselves."
Hotch's stomach turned at the thought of the woman's words. Screwing the professor, really classy.
The implication on your character made his blood boil.
"Let me guess, Atkins?"
You nodded, "How'd you know?"
"Her husband's a real piece of work too. I'm gonna find something to arrest him for before the end of the week."
Your giggle permeated the space and it worked to ease the knot in Hotch's stomach.
"Don't be so dramatic, James." You draped a towel over your arm, "Mind if I grab the shower first?"
"Of course." Hotch nodded, desperately trying to fan out the image that was quickly rendering in his mind of you in the shower. "I'm gonna phone Garcia."
The bathroom door clicked behind you and you sighed into the emptiness of the room.
You took your time showering, enjoying how the hot water eased the tension over your shoulders, before drying off and slipping into the most appropriate pair of pajamas you'd brought along.
It took some convincing to let yourself pack the silk shorts and tank top, after all: you would be sharing a room with your boss.
Quickly after you'd walked back into the room, Hotch had slipped into the bathroom himself with a towel and pair of pajamas hanging over his arm.
Images of all the people you'd met that very evening sifted through your mind like a deck of cards, flipping through them and filtering the ones you knew couldn't be involved.
The spray of the shower was loud and your mind reached precariously for an image of what Hotch looked like under the fancy head in the shower that had more than enough space for two ... how the hot water was probably gliding over his long strong arms, down his chest and through the happy trail at the base of his stomach leading down towards—
The water shut off and silence echoed across the room.
You heard shuffling behind the door, wondered quietly what he could be doing, but pulled your eyes back to the case file.
The list of connections between the victims and current guests were numerous, too many to be significant as people in this wealth category generally moved in similar groups.
The door clicked open.
"Put that away, you should get some sleep."
"I—" You looked up to meet Hotch's eye and almost swallowed your tongue.
His hair was still wet, drooping over his forehead in a way you'd never seen before, and his blue t-shirt stuck to his chest with dampness. He wore plaid shorts that exposed those long legs that had been so criminally hidden beneath his usual suit pants.
He looked so ... domestic, and it set every nerve ending in your body alight.
"I ... yes, boss. Was just looking." You set the file on the bedside table.
He nodded at you, a warm look on his face. "Want you well rested for tomorrow."
There was a short silence and the look cleared from his features to be replaced by another.
Hotch's eyes flickered between the bed and the couch, and for the first time in more than a while, a look of unsureness occupied his face.
"I ... I think I'll take the couch."
Your heart sunk.
"Why?" The question chased its way out of your mouth before you could reach to snatch it.
"I don't wanna make you ... uncomfortable, considering I'm your superior."
"I mean, the bed is plenty big enough for the both of us, Hotch." You stammered, desperate to be close to him. "It's probably gonna be painful to sleep on that couch anyways."
He hesitated.
"U-Unless you think it's weird, you can sleep on the couch it's fine." You wished you could sink into the sheets and disappear.
But to your surprise, Hotch nodded.
The bed sunk on his side as he lifted the covers, as close to the edge as he could from what you could see.
His head hit the pillow before he leaned over to flick off the light, you took it as a sign to do the same.
There was quiet for a long moment.
The door to the balcony was open, it was just too hot to close it, and the breeze curled over the sheets, wafting the smell of Hotch's shower gel into your face.
It took all you had within you not to sigh loudly and dig your face into his neck.
You thought the conversation had closed for the evening, but Hotch surprised you when his voice emerged from the darkness.
"You did well today. I know you were nervous."
A smile tugged at your lips. He could read you better than you thought he could.
"You've got a lot more practice at the husband thing than I do at the wife thing."
You could almost see the outline of his face against the light of the moon.
"Well, I hope this wife ends up better than the last one."
The memory of finding Hotch's ex-wife's body came starkly into view.
"O-Oh, Hotch." Your hand came to your face in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have—"
"Hey, hey," he stopped you, "it's my fault. It was a bad joke, I shouldn't have made it."
You couldn't help the small giggle that escaped you, "I've never heard you freestyle a joke before, Hotch."
"Wasn't good?"
"It was terrible." You managed around the now growing laugh.
"And yet you're still laughing. Isn't that the goal?"
You shuffled over in the sheets to face him, even though you couldn't see much - the thought that he lingered there in the darkness comforted you.
"Not at that really bad attempt at a joke, I'm laughing at you."
Maybe it was your imagination, but you swore when the light from the lighthouse flickered quickly over Hotch's face that he was grinning.
"I'm glad I amuse you."
"Come on Hotch, you're telling me you don't have a single good dad joke?"
He was quiet a long moment, and for a second you thought you'd pressed too hard.
"Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?"
Absolutely surprised by the question, you shook your head in the darkness. "Why?"
"Because they're really good at it."
The light from the lighthouse hadn't passed over his face again but now you were sure he was smiling and every muscle in your body twitched to grab his face in the darkness and kiss him until he was oxygen depleted.
"That's the worst joke I've ever heard, Aaron." But you shook with small laughter.
"Worse than the dead wife joke?"
"Okay, maybe not that bad."
Quiet fell again.
"You should go to sleep. We've got a long day tomorrow."
Fishing for the sheets, you lifted to tuck them under your chin. "Goodnight James."
@montyfandomlove @aurorastuffsstuff @cdizzleswzzlebonzy @pureblood-blake @kad00x @lena-1895 @marimorena06 @farrah-444
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seiya-starsniper · 1 month
I wish you would write a fic where...
…Hob is a little insecure about his body in comparison to Dream. Dream is wondering why his love only wants to have sex in the dark…
I need some hurt/comfort 🥹
Oh man friend, I started writing this thinking it wouldn't be super long and then 9.7k words later...😅
Still gonna post the whole thing on tumblr since this IS a tumblr prompt, but it's probably best read on AO3 for length reasons lmao. I hope you enjoy this angst train!
Cruel Summer - AO3
Also tagging @dreamlingbingo as I'm using this fill for my free space!
The first time it happens, Dream doesn't think too much about it. There's not a lot of thinking going on period, not really. Dream's only focused on the touch and taste and feel of Hob Gadling’s body against his as they drunkenly make out against the latter’s front door.
They’d been out tonight celebrating with their friends, all of them having finally achieved some hard earned life goal. Matthew and Jessamy were engaged, and planning a marriage out on Cape Cod the following summer, Lucienne had gotten promoted as an archivist at Harvard, Mervyn had finally launched his own cybersecurity firm, and Dream had just signed a publishing deal for the novel he’d been working on for the past two years. His editing team was even based out of Boston, even if their main headquarters was in New York, which made Dream’s life much easier. 
Hob…well. Hob’s celebration was more muted than the rest. He’d just landed a job at Harvard as well, working as a professor, so he and Lucienne were now technically coworkers. And while it was a fantastic opportunity with decent pay, and mostly free summers, it had come at the cost of his relationship with Eleanor, his longtime girlfriend. 
Eleanor had accepted a job across the country working as a marketing lead for a lifestyle clothing brand based out of Seattle. She’d wanted the position more than anything, but Hob hadn’t wanted to move, so they broke up. Hob insists it was all amicable, and that he’d miss everyone too much if he’d actually left, but they all knew Hob had been thinking about proposing.
Dream knows all this, and yet, when it had just been the two of the left at the bar and Hob had started openly flirting with him alone, instead of just playfully flirting with every single one of their friends, Dream had decided, “why not”, and matched the other man’s energy until they were suddenly making out just outside the bar while they waited for the Uber Hob called for them. It’s still the beginning of summer and not terribly hot outside, but Dream’s still grateful for the cool AC of the car that eventually comes to get them to drive the short distance back to Hob’s apartment.
When Hob finally unlocks the door and they practically fall into the front hall, Dream messily kicks off his shoes and works his way towards undoing Hob’s belt in between kisses. Hob wrangles them down the hall and towards his bedroom and Dream thinks vaguely about turning on the lights when they finally cross the threshold. But then Hob pushes him down into the mattress and Dream stops thinking about anything at all. 
The second time that it happens, a little over a month later, Dream is helping Hob clean up his apartment after their monthly movie night with their friends. They had all decided on rewatching Jurassic Park after Mervyn and Lucienne had gotten into a debate on whether or not dinosaurs looked stupid with or without feathers. But it had taken the group some time for them to even start the movie, since they had mostly gotten wrapped up with different bits of work and life gossip. It was rare that they were all able to get together like this, so the movie was a secondary concern for them.
During the movie, however, Matthew and Jessamy’s wedding planner called them about something that needed their attention immediately, and though they said it was fine to keep the movie running, they’d paused it anyways. Not even ten minutes after they wrapped up their call, Mervyn had to take a work call from a client suffering from some server issues. 
Needless to say, it was nearly midnight by the time they finished the movie, and since only Dream and Hob had nothing to do the next morning, Dream had offered to stay late to help clean up and then crash on Hob’s couch for the night.
That is, at least, the story they tell their friends. The dishes and the food end up abandoned as Hob pushes Dream into the couch cushions and palms his cock through his black jeans. Dream moans and ruts beneath the other man, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling Hob in for a desperate, filthy kiss. They make out like teenagers for what seems like hours, the taste of buttery popcorn and overly sweet margarita mix mingled in every kiss. Dream isn’t nearly as drunk as he was that first night, but he’s got a pleasant buzz going, which really only adds to the whole illicit nature of what they’re doing. Neither of them had mentioned the first time they’d fucked to any of their friends, they’d barely talked about just between the two of them, really. 
Dream had figured maybe they could talk about it tonight after everyone had gone home but well. He’d gotten distracted with Hob’s mouth.
When they finally move from the couch to the bedroom, Dream turns the lights on, but then Hob turns them right back off as Dream’s getting undressed. 
“Are you one of those people who prefers to have sex in the dark?” Dream asks, laughing as Hob crawls on top of him, shedding his shirt and underwear along the way. 
“Mmmm,” Hob says, putting his mouth on Dream’s neck instead of answering the question. Dream gasps as the other man bites down on that one sensitive spot just below his ear. “Don’t wanna get up later to turn them off.”
Dream hums, and that’s the end of that conversation as his mind floats away to far more interesting pursuits.
The third time almost feels like a date. Almost. They don’t exactly plan to get together, just the two of them, it just sort of happens because Matthew had gotten sick, and Jessamy hadn’t wanted to leave him alone to fend for himself. She also wasn’t entirely sure if she was contagious herself and wanted to be safe. Mervyn was on call for a client this weekend so he wasn’t going out with them anyways, and Lucienne had decided she’d rather stay at home and catch up on some of her backlogged work rather than attend the Oktoberfest event they’d all bought tickets to. 
Hob had texted Dream individually and suggested they go out anyway, just the two of them, and Dream’s heart had stuttered in his chest when he’d read the message. Hob had suggested a new restaurant that had opened up near his apartment, and while it wasn’t necessarily a first date sort of place, it was still a bit nicer than any of the places they’d go with their friends for just drinks or a quick bite to eat. 
Dream agonizes for over an hour on what he should wear, before he ultimately defaults to what feels most natural to him, black jeans and a solid black polo instead of his usual band t-shirt, which he then pairs with a charcoal gray blazer, just to look a little nicer. But not too nice, just in case this isn’t a date. 
Hob, much to Dream’s disappointment, is in his regular outfit of a graphic tee and sweats when Dream arrives. He’s not terribly out of place in the restaurant, but he’s clearly not dressed to impress. He eyes Dream very appreciatively though, and doesn’t comment on why Dream’s a little more dressed up than usual. What he does do, however, is spend the evening whispering into Dream’s ear about how he’d like to peel that blazer off Dream and make him wear it while they fuck.
They only make it through a single round of drinks before they leave, with Hob leaving their server behind a more than generous tip for wrapping up their bill so quickly. 
Hob wastes no time divesting Dream of his blazer and tossing it down the hallway towards the bedroom before turning his attention back to kissing Dream senseless. He sinks to his knees and Dream moans as the other man then works at peeling his jeans off so he can blow Dream right in the front hall, up against the front door where anyone can walk by and hear. It makes everything that much hotter.
Later, when all Dream is left wearing is his blazer and nothing else, Hob gets up from where they’re kissing on the bed to turn off the lights and Dream frowns.
“You can just leave the lights on,” Dream says, before he coyly spreads his legs and shows off his best seductive pose to tempt Hob back to bed. Hob stares, transfixed at Dream’s posturing, before he huffs and then clicks off the lights anyways. Dream groans in annoyance and Hob laughs before he kisses Dream again.
“Sorry, just easier with the lights off,” Hob says, not sounding sorry at all. “Don’t worry about it too much.”
But Dream does worry. He doesn’t in the moment, but he does later, when they’re lying beside each other, Hob snoring away while Dream thinks and thinks and thinks. He thinks about how Hob always wants the lights off, and how he never cuddles with Dream after sex. He thinks about how they really only ever get together when it's convenient, but they've never made plans on their own, at least, not since Hob and Eleanor have broken up. 
Dream realizes, with a growing dread, that maybe Hob still isn't over Eleanor, that maybe all there is between them is sex, and nothing else. It makes an awful sort of sense; in the dark, Dream can't tell if Hob’s thinking about someone else, hoping for someone that's not Dream. Eleanor and Dream couldn't be anymore different but that hardly matters to a man with a broken heart. A warm body is a warm body after all, and Dream's the only other single person in their friend group.
If Hob's a little bit confused as to why Dream is a bit short with him in the morning he doesn't show it. Somehow that makes the pit in Dream's stomach worse.
The fourth time—there isn’t a fourth time because Dream fucks it all up.
Dream had met with his publisher earlier in the day, and the meeting had gone rather…poorly. His editor had straight up told him that he’d needed to make significant changes to the book, and Dream had argued until he was hoarse but to no avail. He’d then been told to go home and sleep on things, effectively being dismissed like a petulant child who’d thrown a tantrum in public.
Dream knew he had a good story. He also knew that some of the suggested changes were good ones, while others would fundamentally change the story he was trying to tell. But still, the sheer amount of changes had overwhelmed him, and Dream had lost his temper. He already knows, with a growing dread, that he’ll have to make some apologies the next day.
He’s about to go home, but Dream decides instead he’d like to get as drunk as humanly possible to wash the bitter taste of the day from his mind. He texts the group chat, and since it’s a Friday night, they all respond with enthusiasm to blow off some steam for the weekend. Everyone except for Hob, who says he’s not feeling like socializing tonight, but he’s sorry Dream had such a shitty day. 
Dream tries not to be disappointed that Hob won’t show up. He wonders if he’d just invited Hob by himself, instead of texting their group, would he have come out, just for Dream? But they don’t do things like that, even with how long they’ve been friends. Before they started sleeping together, Hob and Dream had always just sort of existed together in the same circle of friends. Dream had actually met Eleanor first, and Hob only when they started dating. Dream has never spent any amount of alone time with Hob before now, and he still doesn’t know what sort of relationship they even have, if any at all. 
Dream’s worries leave his mind when the others show up. Mervyn stays for only one round of drinks, and Matthew and Jessamy only two before they head out for the evening. They have an early appointment with the planner the next day to do some cake tastings. Lucienne stays the longest, though she really only nurses the same glass of wine the entire night. She talks Dream through his frustrations with his editors, and his overall story. She’s been with him every step of the way to getting this publishing deal, and Dream hasn’t told her yet, but she’s going to be the front page of his acknowledgements. 
He’s so tempted to unload on her about Hob as well, but before he can gather the courage to broach the subject, she gets a text from someone and blushes furiously when she reads it. Dream pokes and prods until she admits she’s started seeing someone. Johanna. She’s not sure if it’s serious yet but well. They’re definitely physically compatible, and while she won’t show Dream her phone, he already knows she’s been sent something particularly provocative. So Dream lets her go, and then debates between ordering another drink or going home. 
He does neither of those things, and instead pulls out his phone and texts Hob, outside their group chat. The alcohol has more than loosened Dream’s inhibitions and right now, he’s lonely and horny. Lucienne’s reserved but still elated expression as she had happily explained Johanna had made Dream miss Hob. So he texts the other man and tells him he’d like to come over.
Hob’s response isn’t what he’s hoping for: are you drunk?
Dream frowns at his phone and then his initial message: aree tou busy?? Can i comeocer?
Okay, maybe he was a little more drunk than he realized. He asks Hob if it matters, being careful this time to make sure he types everything out carefully, and then closes out his tab while he waits for a response. Nothing comes. Dream’s annoyed and disappointed, but not surprised, so he starts to make his way to the train platform to head home. 
While he’s waiting, he finally gets a response back from Hob: okay. come over.
Dream changes platforms immediately and heads in the direction of Hob’s apartment. 
When he arrives, Hob pushes a glass of water towards him, which Dream drinks down greedily. When he’s done, he joins Hob on the couch and crawls into his lap to kiss him, but Hob pushes him away after only a few moments. Dream lets out an annoyed noise when Hob does it again. 
“Dream, not tonight,” Hob says, pushing him away when Dream tries to kiss him again.
“What do you mean?” Dream asks, now confused. 
“I don’t want to have sex right now,” Hob replies, before he pushes Dream off of him and back onto the couch, going back to watching whatever crime drama he’d had on before Dream arrived.
Dream stares, open mouthed and hurt, as Hob decidedly ignores him for Netflix. He gets up angrily and stomps around the kitchen, tearing open the cabinets looking for something to eat, and also more water because now he has a pounding headache as his body struggles to sober up now that he’s no longer drinking. 
“Dream!” Hob exclaims, getting up when Dream slams more than one cabinet door closed. “Come on, don’t be like this.”
“Like what?” Dream sneers, stuffing a potato chip into his mouth angrily. “I came all this way just to fuck you, didn’t I?”
“You’re drunk,” Hob points out.
“I’m always drunk when we have sex,” Dream argues, crossing his arms, chip bag still in hand. “You’ve never had a problem with it before.” 
“Yeah well, I’m not drunk now, and I’m also not in the mood,” Hob replies angrily. 
“Then why the hell did you invite me over?” Dream growls. 
“I don’t know!” Hob exclaims, throwing his hands up in defeat. “I wasn’t thinking, obviously,” he adds, then gestures to Dream. “How was I supposed to know you’d be like this?”
Dream huffs, then carelessly tosses the bag of chips onto the counter. A few stray chips scatter across the counter, but Dream doesn’t care. Clearly Hob didn’t want him around, not for sex, and definitely not to comfort Dream after the awful day he’d had, so there was no point in staying. 
“Fine, I’ll go,” Dream says, moving towards the door where he’d kicked off his shoes. He decides he’ll check the train times on the walk over.
“Dream,” Hob says, grabbing his arm before he can make it to the hallway. “It’s late. Come on. Let’s go to sleep.”
“I can get home on my own just fine,” Dream argues, raising his chin defiantly.
“No,” Hob replies, his voice stern as he grips Dream’s arm tighter. “Come on, let’s just go to bed. You need to sleep this off.”
“I can sleep on the couch,” Dream says, yanking his arm out of Hob’s grip. “Since you’re not interested in fucking my bad day out of me.”
“Dream, stop being so fucking difficult!” Hob yells, shocking both of them.
The echo of Hob’s roar hangs tensely between them, and Hob steps back from Dream with a hand over his mouth, clearly horrified at what he’s done. Dream also feels the prick of tears in his eyes as he processes just how angry Hob actually has been with him all night. 
How the hell had this night gotten worse? Dream doesn’t know, but what he does know is that he needs to leave before he starts drunkenly crying in Hob’s apartment, and Hob is the last person Dream wants to see him like this. 
Dream tries making his way towards the door again, but Hob seems to regain his senses and physically blocks him. Dream tries to push him, then tries to hit Hob’s shoulder to make him move, but Hob grabs Dream’s wrist to stop him. 
“I’m sorry,” Hob says, his voice much softer this time, laced with regret and pity. Dream hates it. “I lost my temper, I shouldn’t have done that,” he adds.
“Fuck off!” Dream yells, and oh. No. No, no, no, no. Dream furiously blinks back the tears before they can start falling, even if he can’t stop the pained hiccups that betray his emotional state from leaving his mouth.
“Just—” Dream gasps, then forces himself to breathe, slow and deep, and then counts to five. “Let me go home. You don’t—” his breath hitches again, cutting off what he wants to say. Fuck. He couldn’t even string together a full sentence if he tried.
“Dream, please,” Hob replies, his voice practically begging now. “Don’t leave. I don’t want you going home alone like this.” Dream turns to meet Hob eyes, and his anger dissipates slightly when he sees how devastated Hob looks. 
Despite how awful Dream feels, even he knows it’d be a mistake to go home in his current state. He’s highly emotional, drunk, and likely wouldn’t be paying attention to his surroundings. He could get mugged, or worse. 
“Fine,” Dream finally relents. Hob lets out a sigh of relief, and hugs him. Dream doesn’t hug him back. He’s still angry after all. 
But Dream lets Hob wrangle him down the hall to the bedroom, and then he strips down to his underwear to sleep, since he doesn’t have any of his own clothes here. And why would he? It’s not like they’re anything other than an occasional hookup after all. 
Hob does offer Dream a shirt and pajama pants to wear, but Dream tosses them away from him without so much as a second glance. Hob sighs at Dream, and then shuts off the lights, turning away from Dream without another word to sleep. He’s clearly still frustrated with Dream too.  
Dream lies there next to Hob, feeling cold and rejected and lonely. He hates everything about this. Hates that Hob let him come over and make a fool out of himself when he could have easily just told Dream to fuck off and go home instead. Hates that Hob even came onto him in the first place, all those months ago, and now they’re here, in this weird in-between state where they're together but not together. 
Dream realizes too late that he really hadn’t cared if they had sex or not either. He’d wanted comfort more than anything, comfort from Hob specifically. But the only comfort he knew that came from Hob was sex. And that’s the worst part of it. Dream knows now, without a doubt, that he has feelings for Hob. That he wants more out of this than what they’re doing now, but he’s not sure Hob does. At this point, he’s too afraid to ask. 
Hob’s bedroom suddenly feels like a suffocating prison as all of Dream’s feelings hit him at once. He’s going to cry again if he stays, and he really doesn’t want Hob to see him like this. He doesn’t want Hob to know just how badly he’s gotten under Dream’s skin. 
Dream realizes he needs to leave. He’s stone cold sober now, having laid here in the dark with nothing but his thoughts and his third glass of water now emptied on the bedside table. He listens carefully for the evening out of Hob’s breath, then shuffles around in bed to see if any of his movements disturb the other man. When he’s certain that Hob is deep in sleep, Dream hurriedly dresses himself, checks to see that there’s still trains running this late at night, and then rushes out when he sees the next one is in just 15 minutes. Hob lives about 12 minutes from the nearest station. Dream can make it if he runs. 
The front door slams loudly behind him as he leaves, but Dream doesn’t care. Hob probably won’t even notice that he’s gone. 
Dream makes it to the station just as the train is pulling into the stop. As he’s getting on, he hears yelling and frantic running, the sounds of someone about to miss the train.  Dream considers holding the doors until he sees just who's rushing towards the train.
It's Hob. Hob who is barely dressed, and running down the steps to the train platform in nothing but sweatpants and slippers. He catches Dream's eyes and waves frantically to get his attention. Dream’s heart flutters momentarily, and he imagines that maybe he was wrong about everything after all. That maybe there’s more to what’s been happening between them than just rebound sex.
Dream gets on the train anyways, and the doors shut just as Hob reaches the platform, and the train pulls away. 
They pretend like nothing is wrong after that night. Hob had texted Dream the next morning to ask if he’d gotten home okay, and Dream had left him on read. He had far more important things to worry about that morning, like his pounding headache and the fact that he needed to talk to his editor at some point.
When he finally fights off the last of his hangover, Dream has a much more pleasant conversation with his editing team, who he apologizes to for losing his temper. His team apologizes to him as well, which he doesn’t expect, but they reassure him it’s their job to encourage him, not discourage him from writing. They have a candid conversation about communication, and then agree on a plan to move forward with his book.
Dream happily shares the good news with his group chat, still ignoring the direct message from Hob. He credits Lucienne for talking him off the ledge the night before, and the flood of positive and congratulatory messages flows easily after that. Even from Hob. 
Dream sighs when he reads the other man’s message in their group chat, then flips back to their private conversation. He really should apologize for his behavior as well, but he has no idea how to explain himself without revealing more than he’s comfortable with. So Dream turns off his phone, and goes back to working on his novel, hoping that maybe he’ll come up with something to say later in the evening.
He never does end up replying. Hob doesn’t privately message him either after that.
It’s trivia night at the White Horse, and Dream would normally be excited to go and show off his arcane knowledge, but tonight he’s dreading the occasion. It’s been a month since he and Hob had last seen each other and he really has no idea how he’s supposed to act around the other man. Do they pretend like nothing ever happened between them? They haven’t spoken since, so things were clearly over between them. 
Dream’s still trying to tell himself it’s better this way. They were hurtling towards disaster, and Dream should’ve really known better, should’ve known that he really can’t do casual after all, and now he’s probably permanently fucked up his friendship with Hob because he couldn’t keep his own feelings in check. He still hasn’t apologized, he doesn’t know if Hob even wants an apology from him at this point, or if he just wants to forget about everything that ever happened between them. 
So when Dream’s sister texts him and tells him she’s in town for a few days, Dream jumps at the opportunity to meet her and cancel on trivia night plans. He receives a variety of boos and ‘we’ll lose without you!’ responses, all of which make him smile despite himself. Even Hob laments the loss of Dream’s knowledge for the evening. 
When Dream arrives at The New Inn later that night, it’s not only his sister that greets him. Eleanor is with her. Dream hasn’t seen her since she and Hob broke up. When she’d moved across the country, she left the group chat and hasn’t really talked to anyone since. Dream had missed her, if he were being honest with himself. Even though Hob had said the breakup was amicable, and that Eleanor had only left the chat because she couldn’t be part of their plans any longer, Dream was still sad to see her go. He realizes he could’ve tried harder to keep in touch with her, but then everything with Hob had happened and well.
Dream wants to hug Eleanor and also scream at her. Wants to unload what a horrible last month he’s had, and also wants her to never find out he’d been sleeping with her ex. It’s not her fault that Dream fell into bed with Hob knowing he wasn’t over his relationship with her yet. It’s entirely her fault for being so perfect, however, that there’s no way Dream could ever compare, and that’s why Hob won’t look at him when they have sex. 
When they had sex. Dream and Hob have barely spoken since that night, and only in their group chat. He’s pretty sure Hob doesn’t want to even be in the same room as Dream right now, for how ugly Dream had acted over what was supposed to be just a casual hookup.
“Not that I’m unhappy to see you, Ellie,” Dream says, giving both her and his sister a hug before taking a seat across from them. “But what are you doing back in town?”
“Dream—” Didi starts, but then Eleanor places a hand on her shoulder and stops her.
“We’re dating,” Eleanor says bluntly, moving her hand from Didi’s shoulder down to her hand. Their fingers interlace and Dream’s eyes boggle as he looks between them, shocked.
“When did this happen?” he asks, settling himself in for what must be an extremely interesting story.
Eleanor and Didi take turns recalling the story of how they met through a local meetup for knitters in Seattle, and how Didi had recognized Eleanor from one time she’d come out drinking with Dream and his friends years ago. Happy to have a familiar face, Didi and Eleanor had become fast friends, and they both realized they had a lot in common too.
Before either of them knew it, Eleanor was inviting Didi out everywhere as they explored their new city together, and Didi became accustomed to calling Eleanor after every shift at the hospital. One thing led to another, and then another, and now they’re practically attached at the hip. Didi even shyly admits they’ve talked about moving in together. 
The two of them beam at him when they’re done with their story and Dream wants to congratulate them. Wants to be happy that his favorite sister is dating one of his oldest friends. He wants to make plans to visit them in their new home, maybe even help them move if he can work out the logistics. He hasn’t been out to Seattle in some time, and he really could use a vacation.
“I started sleeping with Hob after you left,” is what Dream says instead. 
Eleanor spits her (thankfully white) wine all over Didi, who freezes in place, staring at Dream in shock. Dream stares back, horrified both at what he just said, and what followed after. He braces himself, expecting Eleanor to explode on him, to call him a slut, a bad friend, a terrible human being.
Instead, Eleanor starts laughing. Didi does too eventually.  
“Oh my god, of course he did,” Eleanor wheezes as she doubles over in her seat. Their server rushes over, bringing some extra napkins and Didi excuses herself to the restroom to wipe off the rest of the wine. Dream and Eleanor are left staring at one another in silence, before Eleanor breaks the tension with another giggle.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “I’m not laughing at you, really, just the whole situation. Imagine if you brought Hob with you tonight?” she practically squeals.
“I—you’re not mad?” Dream asks, more shocked than anything. Eleanor just shrugs and drinks from her water glass this time, instead of her wine.
“I mean, did Hob at least wait a day before he tried to make a move on you?” Eleanor asks. “Not that it matters really, we were broken up before I left but well, you know. Respectful turnaround time and all that.”
“I—” Dream stutters, trying desperately to recall when that first time with Hob actually happened. “I mean, I think it was a few weeks after you left?”
Eleanor snorts. “Good enough, I guess.” 
“Sorry,” Dream says, shaking his head as Didi returns and sits back down next to Eleanor. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. Did you know he wanted to—?”
“Oh no, no,” Eleanor says then starts laughing again. “Our breakup wasn’t planned or anything, don’t worry. It’s just that, well. He told me he wanted to stay with you guys more than me, so I’m not that surprised?”
“What?” Dream says, dumbly. “But you both said the breakup was mutual.” Eleanor sighs.
“I mean,” she replies. “It was technically mutual. But Hob wanted to stay in Boston, and I didn’t. And one of our last arguments before I left was about abandoning our friends.” She shrugs again. “I love you all, don’t get me wrong, but I really love living out in Seattle more. Especially the company.” She smiles at Didi, who kisses her on the cheek. “It kind of sucked that Hob really didn’t want to move, but it wouldn’t have been fair to ask him to do it all just for me and my career goals.”
“Oh,” Dream says dumbly. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Dream wouldn’t have wanted to leave Boston for any reason either, so it makes sense, he thinks. Boston is just that. It’s home.
“It’ll make double dating a little weird, though,” Eleanor adds, and Didi laughs. 
“I think we’ll be fine though,” Didi adds, then turns her focus to Dream. “So tell us about you and Hob,” she says.  
“I—we’re not,” Dream stammers, unsure of how to proceed further with the conversation. Eleanor and Didi’s expressions both fall.
“Oh, Dream,” Didi says, reaching out to take his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“It’s fine,” Dream says though he feels anything but. “I don’t—it didn’t last long between us,” he admits. 
“Wow, he fumbled the bag on you?” Eleanor interjects, shock clearly painted on her face. “My god, he really is an idiot.”
“No I—we had a fight,” Dream says, unsure of why he feels the need to clarify. “It was my fault really. I shouldn’t have—he wasn’t ready to commit.” 
Eleanor makes a confused face. 
“That—doesn’t sound like Hob,” Eleanor says after a moment, and Dream huffs in annoyance.
“You only knew him while you were dating, how would you know that?” Dream retorts.
“Because he told me he’s never done casual,” Eleanor replies. “When we first started seeing each other, he basically said just that. That’s what I liked about him, he wanted to do the whole commitment thing right away, even if it didn’t end up working out.”
“Well maybe he’s changed,” Dream says, far more grumpily than he intended. “He’s never said shit to me about anything, and still hasn’t, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Dream,” Didi says gently, squeezing his hand. “Are you okay?”
“It’s fine,” Dream insists, not wanting to go into the details of how he’d terribly fucked up his situation with Hob. 
“You don’t sound fine at all,” Didi replies.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have this conversation at dinner though?” Eleanor interjects, looking concernedly at him. Dream huffs and then pouts. Eleanor was always hyper attuned to when people were upset, especially Dream.
But Dream does want to talk about it, even if it is a bit awkward, all things considered. Eleanor seems to at least be willing to hear Dream out, if nothing else. 
They wrap up their bill quickly, taking some of their dinner to go, and find their way over to Dream’s apartment, where he spends the rest of the night wrapped up in a blanket while he recounts the past six months to his sister and Eleanor. There’s also, perhaps, a lot of wine involved. Solely because Eleanor had decided it was also girls night and they needed a lot of wine for a proper one.
“I’m going to murder him myself,” Eleanor says, holding up her bottle of wine when Dream finishes telling her everything that had happened up until now. 
“El, no,” Dream whines. He’s really more embarrassed about the whole situation now than anything. Talking things over with the two of them had really helped, and Dream wonders if he should’ve talked to Lucienne, or even Jessamy and Matthew to start. Maybe he wouldn’t have let things go so far the way they did between him and Hob.
“Nah, he deserves it,” Eleanor replies, taking another swig from her bottle. 
“It’s really my fault,” Dream tries to insist, knowing it’s useless to defend Hob to his own ex. “I knew he wasn’t over you and I—”
“No, Dream, listen to me,” Eleanor says, taking Dream’s face in her hands. “He never—” she turns away from him suddenly and then burps. Dream laughs, despite himself. 
“He never what?” Dream asks when Eleanor turns back to face him. She sighs.
“He never told you why he turns off the lights, and that’s on him,” Eleanor tells him. 
“I—what?” Dream says dumbly. Hob turned off the lights with Eleanor too?
“Yeah, he—” Eleanor hiccups and then starts giggling. She releases Dream’s face and then falls back onto Didi, who’s sitting behind her on the couch. “He’s sensitive, you know? About—” she gestures at her front, “All the hair he has. Hates it when people see it. I think we had sex with the lights on like, twice, at most.” She pauses and then regards Dream, her expression sombering. “I thought you knew.”
“Why would I know that?” Dream asks, dumfounded. Hob had never given any indicator that he was sensitive about any part of his body, and no one in their friend group had ever commented on it.
“Because,” Eleanor replies, gesturing wildly. “Think about it. Whenever we went to the beach or anything together, did you ever see him take his shirt off? Or at the pool at Matthew and Jessamy’s place?”
“I—” Dream filters through his memory, which is an especially difficult task considering how drunk they are. He realizes that Eleanor’s right. 
“Shit.” Dream groans. “I think I fucked up.”
“No, no, he did,” Eleanor insists. “I always told him I didn’t mind all the hair,” she adds then sighs. “I mean it’s a lot, but it never bothered me, you know?”
“It’s never bothered me either,” Dream admits. He’d rather liked the differences in their bodies actually. Hob was broad where Dream was lanky, naturally tan and sunkissed where Dream was pale. Dream had never had an opinion on chest hair before, what little hair he’d had it was so fine and thin that his chest looked bare anyways. But Eleanor was right. Dream had never really seen Hob casually uncovered. And while he was always eager to undress Dream when the lights were still on, Hob almost never fully undressed himself until after he’d shut them off. 
It seems so obvious now, in retrospect. But Dream had been caught up in his own insecurities to really notice that Hob had any of his own to address.
“I honestly thought he didn’t want to look at me when he turned off the lights,” Dream confesses. “That maybe he was hoping he could pretend I was someone else in the dark.”
“Okay, I’m with my girlfriend,” Didi says suddenly, a murderous look in her eyes. “I’m a doctor, I can make it look like an accident,” she adds, holding up her weird hand mixed cocktail that has hot sauce in it. 
“Didi!” Dream exclaims. “No murder,” he orders, then laughs at the absurdity of the entire situation. They all start laughing, and Dream feels something unwind in his chest when they do. He thinks about texting Hob, but ultimately decides against it. What he wants to tell him, he wants to do it sober, and in person. 
Dream wakes up the next morning extremely hungover, and orders breakfast for delivery. Didi and Eleanor try to insist on paying him back, but he waves away their money, and tells them they can buy him dinner when he flies out to see them move. They both hug him fiercely on their way out and make him promise to see them at least one more time before they fly back to Seattle.
A week after his conversation with his sister and Eleanor, Dream is outside Hob’s apartment door, pacing nervously as he rehearses everything he wants to say to Hob. His apology. His request to start things over, if Hob still wants to try. How he’s really been feeling about their whole not-relationship status.
Really, he’s just stalling knocking on Hob’s door. What if Hob doesn’t answer when he sees it’s Dream? What if he tells Dream to go away without even hearing him out? What if—
Dream groans and then mentally slaps himself. He needs to stop worrying himself unnecessarily. Either Hob will want to hear him out or he won’t. But Dream needs to at least try.
He’s about to raise his hand to finally knock on the door, when suddenly he hears Hob’s voice, distinctly from not inside the apartment. 
“Dream?” Hob asks. Dream turns in the direction of his voice and finds Hob standing at the end of the hall, groceries in hand. Dream realizes he’s been an idiot standing in front of a completely empty apartment. 
“Hi,” Dream says, every rehearsed speech and romantic gesture he’d just been rehearsing evaporating from his mind like wisps of smoke.
“Hi,” Hob replies, his voice flat. He looks tired, but not angry at least, to see Dream. “Did you need something?” he asks as he walks slowly towards his front door, eyeing Dream a little suspiciously. Dream can’t really blame him. Their last interaction had ended rather poorly.
“I—can we talk?” Dream asks, stepping aside so Hob can put his key in the lock. Hob sighs and his shoulders droop, like he’s been dreading this exact situation. 
“Sure,” Hob replies, putting on a fake cheerful demeanor as he opens the door to let himself and Dream in. 
“Do you need help with anything?” Dream asks, trailing Hob towards the kitchen. 
“If you want,” Hob replies, setting the groceries down onto the counter. But before Dream can start unpacking anything, he sighs again and groans. 
“Actually, Dream,” Hob says, turning around and facing him head on. “Let’s just talk now.” 
“Uhm—okay,” Dream replies, now feeling incredibly nervous. Hob looks at him expectantly, crossing his arms as he waits for Dream to gather his thoughts. 
Finally, Dream says, “I wanted to say I’m sorry. About everything that happened last time I was here.”
His apology seems to surprise Hob, who suddenly straightens up from his leaning position against the counter.
“Oh,” Hob replies, sounding dumbstruck. “I—I’m sorry too,” he offers, uncrossing his arms and running a hand through his hair. Dream realizes it’s longer than the last time he’d seen it. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper at you that night.”
“To be fair, I was being an ass,” Dream admits, even though it pains him to do so.  
“Yeah but you had a reason to be,” Hob says. “I was just feeling sorry for myself for no reason and I took it out on you.”
“I still took my shitty day out on you,” Dream replies, shrugging. “So I guess we were both not at our best that night.”
“I guess not,” Hob accepts, with a small smile. “We’re okay then?”
Dream nods. “Yes,” he says, offering a small smile himself, then stepping towards Hob. “Why were you feeling sorry for yourself?” Hob’s expression shutters closed again, and he shakes his head. 
“It’s not important,” he says, turning away and refusing to meet Dream’s eyes.  
“Hob,” Dream says, taking another step closer and reaching out to take the other man’s hand in his. “It’s important to me,” he adds.  
Hob sighs, and then turns his eyes to the ceiling. When he meets Dream’s gaze again, he looks pained. 
“I’m not good at being casual Dream,” Hob tells him bluntly, and Dream feels a sense of deja vu run through him like a live wire. “If we’re going to keep doing…this, I want there to be a commitment. It’s not just sex to me.”
It’s almost identical to what Eleanor had said about Hob to Dream a week prior. Dream suddenly feels wretched for not noticing sooner, but also indignant, because why had Hob assumed that wasn’t what Dream wanted as well? 
“Hob,” Dream says, as calmly as he can manage, before he squeezes Hob’s hand tightly. “What made you think I didn’t want the same things?”
Hob’s face falls. He looks intently at Dream’s face, and whatever he finds there only seems to upset him further. 
“I—I don’t know,” Hob admits, before he groans and places his free hand over his face. Dream finds it a bit comforting that he hasn’t tried to remove Dream’s hand over his other one.
“I’ve read this whole thing wrong, haven’t I?” Hob says through his hand, before slapping his forehead. “I’m a fucking idiot.”
“You’re not,” Dream says, before he takes Hob’s free hand as well. “And to be fair,” he adds, “it’s occurred to me recently that I may have, as well. We’ve never talked about—about this,” he gestures between them. “Us. We just sort of skip to the sex.”
“Well, we have been drunk every time,” Hob replies. “You said so yourself.”
“Not—every time,” Dream says. “After Matthew got food poisoning, when I thought that you had invited me out on a date, we only had one drink each that we didn’t finish.”
“Wait,” Hob stutters, his whole body going rigid. “You thought I had invited you out for a date? That’s why—,” his eyes widen suddenly. “That’s why you wore the blazer.”
Dream blushes furiously and now it is his turn to look away from Hob’s scrutinizing gaze. “You don’t have to rub it in.”
“No I’m not I—,” Hob groans again, and then, unexpectedly, pulls his hands free before dropping his head down on Dream’s shoulder. Dream startles when he feels Hob’s arms suddenly wrap around his waist shortly after.
“I had no idea. None at all,” Hob confesses, then groans again. “God I would’ve taken you somewhere nicer if I knew you wanted it to be a date.”
Dream shrugs, then reaches up to pat Hob on the back. “It’s fine. Really.”
“Not really, but we can agree to disagree,” Hob replies, before he tilts his head slightly up to look at Dream “Can I get a do-over on that then?” he asks. “Take you out on a proper date?”
Dream wants that, he realizes. Desperately. So he nods. 
“I do want that,” Dream says honestly. “But—”
“Oh God, there’s a ‘but’,” Hob groans before he straightens and untangles himself from Dream. Dream already misses the warmth of Hob’s body. 
“It’s not a bad ‘but’,” Dream replies. “But there’s something that’s been bothering me since we—since all this started,” he finishes. “I want to make sure we’re really on the same page.”
Hob nods. “Okay, sure. What is it?” he asks.
Dream takes a deep breath to brace himself, and then looks Hob directly in the eye. Now or never, he supposes. 
“Why do you turn off the lights?” Dream asks. 
Hob blinks, slow, then suddenly blushes a furious red before he buries his face in his hands.
“Aw, come on Dream,” Hob sighs. “It’s really embarrassing.”
Dream softens a bit, but remains resolute. Eleanor had told him what she thought had been the problem all along, but he still needs to hear it from Hob himself.  
“I need to know, Hob,” Dream insists.
“Why?” Hob asks, then sighs again. “I mean, I don’t know, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it? I’m not really much to look at, you know,” he says, gesturing to himself.
“Not much to look at?” Dream asks, unable to keep the disbelief out of his voice.
“I know, it’s stupid,” Hob sighs, running a hand over his face. “But I mean, Dream, look at you. You’re gorgeous and I’m…I don’t know, not that?”
“I’m still not following,” Dream says, still confused but also growing more and more uneasy about what Hob is implying. “Did you…did you really not think I was attracted to you? At all?”
“No, I—I just—,” Hob stutters. “I don’t know what I thought, honestly,” he says, looking guilty. “I just—I’m not as confident as you about how I look naked,” he adds, gesturing to his front, and Dream’s heart sinks at the confirmation of yet another thing Eleanor had told him. “I thought…maybe you’d change your mind about being with me. If you saw, well— everything.”
“Everything,” Dream replies flatly. 
“I mean, you know I’m really…hairy,” Hob says, before he winces. “And well, I’m not really in shape or anything like that either…” he trails off, looking even more guilty with every new word that comes out of his mouth. Like he’s only just realizing now that he pushed his anxieties about his body onto Dream, who clearly hasn't noticed any of the things Hob's insecure about.
“So…what?” Dream says, suddenly feeling indignance and hurt creep into his voice. “You just assumed I wouldn’t find you attractive unless I was drunk and we had sex in the dark?”
“Wait, what?” Hob exclaims. 
“Am I really that shallow sounding to you?” Dream continues, already feeling his emotions start to get the better of him.
“No, oh god, no,” Hob replies immediately. “Dream, I don’t know what’s brought this on, but swear it had nothing to do with you. I was just stupid and insecure about myself, and I wasn’t thinking properly. I’m sorry, I really had no idea it bothered you so much.”
A somewhat tense and awkward silence falls between them. Dream mulls over what Hob has told him, feeling wretched about how deeply they’ve both misunderstood one another. But he had come here to clear those misunderstandings after all. Hob had admitted his insecurities. Now Dream had to as well. 
“I actually thought—” Dream says, then takes a shuddering breath to calm himself. “I thought you turned the lights off because you didn’t want to look at me,” he finally admits.  “Because I wasn’t who you really wanted to be with.”
Hob’s eyes widen, first in shock, then horror. “Wait you thought that I—”
“Was using me as a stand-in for Eleanor?” Dream finishes. He wraps his arms around himself and then looks away, refusing to meet Hob’s eyes. He feels like a coward for doing so but Dream knows he’ll lose his resolve to admit everything he’d been bottling up if he does. “The first time we slept together, I assumed you were only looking for a rebound. And when we never talked about it after, or told our friends I—”
“Fuck, Dream,” Hob interrupts, grabbing him suddenly and hugging Dream to his chest. “I had no idea, I—fuck, I’m so sorry I made you feel like that.”
Dream sniffles, wrapping his own arms around Hob, shrugging helplessly. 
“I should have said something sooner,” Dream says. “But I let it—fester instead. I had no idea that you thought you weren’t attractive to me either. But Hob,” he adds, turning his head to meet Hob’s eyes again, hoping he looks as serious as he feels. “I don’t just sleep with people I’m not attracted to. Regardless of how much alcohol is involved.”
Hob nods. “Yeah. I—I’m still sorry about everything though.”
“Me too,” Dream replies, then adds, a bit more quietly. “I like the hair, actually.” Hob chokes out a noise that seems half between a laugh and a sob. 
“You don’t have to say—” he starts but Dream shushes him.
“I mean it, Hob,” Dream says, before he works a hand between them to pet the small patch of hair peeking out from beneath Hob’s shirt. “I think it suits you. And I would like to be able to fully appreciate it.”
When he looks up at Hob, the other man’s eyes are a bit watery. But then Hob blinks rapidly, and sniffles, before he hugs Dream even more tightly to himself.
“Stay the night?” Hob asks. “Not for—not for sex. Just stay with me?”
Dream nods against Hob’s shoulder. “Okay.”
Hob makes a decision to order takeout instead of making dinner like he originally planned, citing that he’d rather spend time talking with Dream anyways. They still put away the groceries, which helps release a lot of the emotional tension that had built up between them, and Dream enjoys the warm, domestic feel of the activity. 
Once their food arrives, they settle on Hob’s couch and talk late into the night about everything and nothing. Hob catches Dream up on what missed during trivia when he was out with Didi, and Dream shyly admits that Didi had not been the only person he’d talked to that evening. Hob stares at him, equal parts awestruck and mortified, as Dream recalls his conversations with Eleanor and Didi, and how he found out they were dating. 
“So what you’re saying is, I’m lucky to have my bits still attached?” Hob jokes. 
“Hob,” Dream chastises him, bumping their shoulders together. “That’s not nice.”
“You didn’t date Eleanor,” Hob retorts. “She’s terrifying, do you know how many serial killer documentaries she used to watch?”
Dream did, in fact, know this. He had been subject to many episodes of Cold Case Files growing up with Didi, and his knowledge had been how he and Eleanor had first become friends. Dream suspects Eleanor’s deep passion for them is actually one of the reasons why she and Didi get along so well.
“Hob,” Dream says, a new worry now crossing his mind. “Are you—okay—with all of this?” he waves vaguely. “With Didi dating your ex while we—?” He trails off. They still haven’t really decided on what their official relationship status would be going forward, and Dream doesn’t want to presume.
Hob nudges Dream with his shoulder, and then kisses the top of his head. 
“Yeah, I am,” Hob answers sincerely. “I mean—it’s never not going to suck that we broke up,” he adds. “But we had our time, and if she’s happy then I’m happy too.”
Dream nods. “That’s good to hear,” he says. 
“Are you okay with it?” Hob asks. Dream hums. 
“I am,” he answers, then huffs a laugh. “I did offer to help them move into their new place, though.”
Hob groans. “Does this mean I have to help too as part of my good boyfriend duties?” he asks.
Dream’s potsticker falls out of his mouth mid chew, hits his knee, and then falls to the floor.
“Shit!” Dream exclaims, putting his food on the coffee table before bending down to pick up the stray dumpling. 
“I—did I say something wrong?” Hob asks, worry now clear in his voice. Dream shakes his head and then flops against Hob’s shoulder.
“You said nothing wrong,” Dream says into Hob’s shoulder, his face now flushed with embarrassment. “I was just surprised, is all. You—you said it so easily.”
“Boyfriend, you mean?” Hob asks, now in a teasing tone. “Do you like it?”
Dream nods, feeling ridiculous about being done in by a single word. But Hob doesn’t seem to mind.
“I like it too,” is all he says, before he places a hand underneath Dream’s chin and kisses him.
As they’re getting ready for bed, Dream feels a thrum of excitement, even though they’ve still agreed that sex is off the table for the night. They’re both far too tired and emotionally drained from the evening to put in the effort anyways.
But then Hob is holding out his arm for Dream to snuggle into, and Dream feels like a teenanger as he curls up against Hob’s chest and rests his head on it. 
“Fair warning that you’re going to wake up sweaty if you stay here all night,” Hob tells him. Dream knows he doesn’t mean to sound so self-deprecating, but now that he knows just how deep Hob’s insecurities run, it breaks his heart a little. 
“That’s fine,” Dream says, pressing himself even closer. He can feel Hob’s chest hair poking through the thin material of his undershirt. Dream rubs his face into it, enjoying the rough, scratchy texture against his check. Hob laughs at Dream’s actions, and Dream hums in contentment. He really did like the feel of Hob’s chest hair. It was surprisingly soft in certain places, and warm. Maybe Dream would wake up because he’s too warm in the middle of the night. Maybe he won’t. He’s just glad that now he gets the opportunity to find out. 
“You don’t have to pretend to be enthusiastic about it,” Hob says as Dream nuzzles him again.
“I’m not,” Dream replies, rolling his eyes. “It feels…nice.”
“Sure,” Hob replies. “Say that again in the morning.”
Dream does in fact, say something similar to that effect in the morning. He says it while he sits atop Hob’s lap, Dream gripping the thick pelt of hair for purchase as he ruts himself desperately against Hob. 
They’ve never had sex in the morning. In the bright light of day. Somehow it’s even more intimate than what Dream imagines having sex with the lights on must feel like and he loves it. Hob is looking at Dream like he’s something divine, like he can’t quite believe that what they’re doing is really happening. Dream thinks he’ll never let Hob turn off the lights again when they do this. He never again wants to miss a single second of seeing the way Hob looks at him, at how stunning Hob’s entire body looks and feels when pressed against Dream’s. His new goal, for however long it takes, is that Hob never questions Dream’s attraction to him ever again.
When they’ve both reached their peaks, Dream collapses on top of Hob, uncaring of the sticky mess between them. Hob’s chest is warm and broad, and Dream finds himself slowly drifting back to sleep. Hob groans after a while, however, wriggling beneath the weight of Dream's body, and disturbing his otherwise peaceful post-coital rest.
“Okay, this is sweet and all, but now I’m the one that's too hot,” Hob whines, pushing gently at Dream’s shoulder. Dream laughs, a brazen, awful honking noise that he’s always been insecure about. But Hob had told him the night before that he loves Dream’s laugh, and Dream can see now that the other man wasn’t lying. He’s looking at Dream softly, so full of affection that Dream nearly forgets he needs to move and just stares at Hob for a while.
“What?” Hob asks, his eyes crinkled with happiness.
“Nothing,” Dream replies, smiling back before he moves off of his boyfriend’s chest.
Hob gets up from the bed once Dream rolls off of him and heads towards the bathroom. He comes back with two warm washcloths to wipe themselves off with. When they’re both done, he tosses both cloths in the direction of the hamper, missing his target by mere inches. 
“Close enough,” Hob says. 
“That’ll leave a wet spot on your carpet,” Dream tells him, already seeing his prediction start to come true. 
“I’ll get to it later,” Hob replies before he kisses Dream, languid and slow and perfect. “I have more important things to do today.”
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55sturn · 7 months
Hey!!!! Do you think you could do a husband/dad Matt headcanons???
BF!MATT who was so nervous to propose, he takes you back to the place you had your first date in boston, it was not your first official date overall, but it was the first one you had in his honetown after you met his parents a year prior, the same night his mom gave him her engagement ring.
the two of you were sitting on a bench at some park late at night, just talking about everything and cuddling, and he just blurts it out because he can’t wait any longer, he’s not on one or anything, just sitting there beside you.
“marry me.” “w-what?” “i’ve got a ring in my pocket right now and i’ve had it for a year, i’ve carried it around for a year straight because i’ve been wanting to ask you since the second my mom gave me the ring the night you met her. you are the person i want to spend my life with, my family adores you, i adore you, there’s no better match for me, so marry me?” “you’d be an idiot if you think i’m saying no.”
and the second you two get back to his parents house, he’s waking up his brothers and telling them you said yes.
FIANCÉ!MATT who doesn’t want a big wedding, but he is willing to give you whatever you want because he has already and will forever dedicate his life to making you happy.
FIANCÉ!MATT who settles for a small-ish wedding with close friends and family in the backyard of his parent’s cape cod house.
FIANCÉ!MATT who decides chris and nate are going to be his best men and he asks nick to get ordained so he can play an equally as important part in the wedding.
HUSBAND!MATT who the second you two are officially husband and wife and in your way for your honeymoon, he’s doing the cheesy movie scene and carrying you through the door way.
HUSBAND!MATT who is such an acts of service husband, like he’s doing everything you want and ask for.
HUSBAND!MATT who 100% gets cheesy mr and mrs. monogrammed mugs and dishes for you both.
HUSBAND!MATT who cries when he finds out your wedding gift to him, which, with the help of his family, is his own vacation home in vermont.
HUSBAND!MATT who gifts you your own house to raise a family with him in.
DAD!MATT who knows you’re pregnant before you even tell him, he tracks your periods and everything and has your cycle memorized so when he sees that your box of tampons/pads is unopened underneath the sink two weeks after your period was due, alarms are going off in his bed because he’s sure you should’ve used majority of them by now.
DAD!MATT who and picks up a couple tests for you, and places them on the table in front of you and you’re shocked that he’s aware because you had only just started suspecting that you were pregnant.
DAD!MATT, who the second you see the positive test, is pulling you into such an intense kiss, one so full of love and passion that you have to pull away to breathe and then you’re joking “be careful a kiss like that is what got us here.”
DAD!MATT who when you guys find out the gender, you also find out that you’re having two twin girls and is so unbelievably happy.
DAD!MATT who wanted to do a big surprise when you guys’ visit his family back in boston but matt being matt, he accidentally tells them so casually in the middle of dinner that his mom chokes on her water and is like “wait what?”
DAD!MATT who is buying every tiny pink thing he sees, you’ll tell him that the babies don’t need another pink pacifier because you’ve already got a drawer full and he’s like “i don’t care i’m buying it for them.”
DAD!MATT who, just like chris, had his brothers help put all the furniture together while you’re out because matt doesn’t want you do anything heavy lifting.
DAD!MATT who is extremely overprotective of you.
DAD!MATT who will not hesitate to bitch someone out in public if they stare at you funny.
DAD!MATT who had to-go bags in the car before you found you were pregnant, they were packed and ready the moment you agreed to try for a family.
DAD!MATT who, the girls are born, is an emotional wreck, he’s just so in awe and love of what you did, of the fact that you carried and made life. he doesn’t acknowledge his part in it because he’s like “you did all the hard work.”
DAD!MATT who is wrapped around his daughter’s fingers.
DAD!MATT who struggles to say no to them all the time.
DAD!MATT who is so protective of all his girls.
DAD!MATT who raises them to not take any disrespect because he girls deserve the best.
DAD!MATT who also sets the standard for what kind of partner the girls should be with.
DAD!MATT who is so supportive everything they choose to do.
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mindonphotography · 5 months
Modern Photography in Boston - Mind on Photography
What is the difference between photography and modern photography?
Photography, as a term, encompasses the entire field of capturing images using light-sensitive materials or electronic sensors. It has evolved significantly over time, with "modern photography" referring to the current state of the art and practices in photography, which includes advancements in technology, techniques, and styles.
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Here are some key differences between traditional photography and modern photography:
Technology: Traditional photography relied on film cameras, where images were captured on light-sensitive photographic film and then chemically processed to produce prints. Modern photography, on the other hand, predominantly utilizes digital cameras, where images are captured electronically on digital sensors and can be instantly viewed, edited, and shared using digital technology.
Workflow: Traditional photography involved a more time-consuming and labor-intensive workflow, including film loading, manual focusing, exposure metering, and darkroom processing. In contrast, modern photography offers streamlined workflows with features such as autofocus, auto-exposure, digital image processing, and instant image preview, allowing for faster and more efficient image capture and editing.
Image Quality: While traditional film photography is renowned for its unique aesthetic qualities and rich tonal range, modern digital photography offers greater flexibility, control, and convenience in image capture and post-processing. Digital cameras have also made significant advancements in sensor technology, resolution, dynamic range, and low-light performance, resulting in higher-quality images overall.
Access and Distribution: Modern photography has democratized the art form, making it more accessible and inclusive through digital platforms and social media. With the rise of smartphones and social networking sites, anyone can capture and share photos instantaneously with a global audience, revolutionizing how images are created, consumed, and distributed.
Styles and Trends: While traditional photography encompassed a wide range of styles and genres, modern photography has witnessed the emergence of new techniques, trends, and genres influenced by digital technology and contemporary culture. This includes genres such as street photography, mobile photography, drone photography, and digital manipulation, as well as trends like HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging, minimalism, and conceptual photography.
Overall, while the fundamental principles of photography remain constant, modern photography reflects the ongoing evolution and innovation in technology, techniques, and artistic expression within the medium.
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A Pirate’s Life for Me Part Eight (Wanda M x Reader x Natasha R.)
Summary: You've been taken, now he's being hunted.
Warnings: Violence. Lots of violence.
A/N: I haven't died. I swear. I'm... hopefully gonna have more stuff soonish.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife​ @natasha-danvers​ @aaron-despair​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @evilcr0ne​ @nightingalexx​@suki-is-a-queen
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Lingering between consciousness and slumber, Natasha’s arm tightened around the lithe waist of the woman tucked against her chest, dragging her closer into the embrace as she breathed in the earthy, addicting scent of Wanda. Her fingers flexed outward in search of the other woman often curled around the brunette’s back but found no warmth to satisfy her quest. She grunted in displeasure, both from the lack of you and the dull sounds of the world waking outside the four walls of their temporary bedroom.
Drifting deeper into the land of dreams, she was almost asleep once until the jarring sound of a sudden, sharp yell sent her upright. Wanda yelped in surprise, nearly toppling off the bed before Natasha’s strong hand caught her upper arm.
“Natasha!” Yelena’s voice was clear among ruckus, the familiar twang of metal meeting filling what should be silence.
On her feet in an instant, she was swift to find her discarded sword before charging out the door with a half-dressed, disoriented Wanda close behind, her own weapon in hand. Rushing at Yelena’s assailant as she barreled out of the room, she jammed her blade through his side with practiced simplicity before shoving his soon-to-be-lifeless body to the floor.
“What the fuck has happened?” she demanded, peering at her crew fighting with familiarly dressed men throughout the hall.
 Maria’s attacker was already on his knees, choking on the crimson gushing from his open mouth. Kate had a man pinned to the wall, her knuckles split from the repeated motion of her knuckles meeting his face as she screamed at him with a ferocity that would have normally made Yelena swoon, if the situation were any different. She was young but fierce, a trait that often left the blonde drooling (much to Natasha’s amusement).
But you were nowhere to be found – and that didn’t sit well with her.
“Rumlow. He’s kidnapped (Y/N),” Yelena grunted, driving her sword through another man as he stumbled past her. “She threw a rock through my window. Woke me before his men began their siege on the inn. She left us enough time to stop a massacre, but I could not stop him from taking her. She was fighting him when I last saw her but I lost her in the attack. I am so sorry, captain.”
For a moment, the world narrowed into a darkened tunnel, blood roaring in her ears. You were taken. You were taken and they hadn’t been able to stop them.
With a furious, guttural scream that could’ve terrified the bravest of people, Natasha stormed over to the man locked in battle with Darci and slammed him into the wall. Startled by the sudden movement, his hand smacked off the wall and his sword skidded across the floor away from him as it tumbled from his grasp. His throat bobbed nervously as the tip of her blade dug in just below his chin, the rage in her eyes chilling him to the bone.
“Where is he taking her?” she snarled, watching emotionlessly as blood trickled onto her blade.
“W-we were told to k-kill you all and meet him at the ship! If we did not return, he will set sail for Cape Cod. To wed Lady (Y/N).”  The man’s cheeks were flush with fear, tears sliding over heated flesh and the front of his breeches darkening pathetically.
Lip curled in disgust, she dispatched the man with a flourish, never breaking eye contact even as his head fell away from his shoulders. Turning as his lifeless body slumped to the floor, she returned to her partner and right-hand with determination in her gait.
“We must dress and see if those on our boat still live. We have to stop Rumlow before he reaches Governor Pierce and Cape Cod, lest we…” she trailed off.
Despite the fire in her gaze, Wanda could see worry and panic peeking through. She was certain there was a similar concern mirrored in hers. If they could not get to you before he made landfall, would you be lost to them forever?
Fidgeting with the iron cuffs locked uncomfortably around your wrists, you growled as the tension in the chains endured. You’d been unconscious when they’d tossed the metal upon you and there was little means of escaping from them. It didn’t help that were confined in the belly of the ship, tucked in a dark space, with no means of finding a way to extract yourself from them. You’d initially been given a bed in the Captain’s Quarters, but you’d been thrown into the belly so you wouldn’t “cause the captain anymore problems”.
(It wasn’t your fault he was not fast enough to stop your teeth from sinking into the side of his hand after he dared to caress your cheek. Clearly he needed practice in moving quicker.)
The hatch above your head slowly creaked open, a shadowed face peering down at you. Darkness danced along his features, but you could vaguely make out the outline of the man serving as Rumlow’s right-hand, Helmut Zemo.
Truly the epitome of young and dumb.
“Are you alright, miss?” he awkwardly squeaked, his smile curled in an almost unnatural way.
Snorting, you narrowed your eyes into unimpressed slits. “I’m trapped in the belly of this bloody ship after being kidnapped, with no food or water or warmth, in the dark and wearing chains. What do you think?”
His cheeks grew ruddy under the contemptuous venom in your words, eyes flickering over his shoulder for a moment.
"Ah, apologies. That was a stupid question." Smiling uncomfortably, he opened the hatch a little more. "Would some fresh air help? Maybe some rations? It's not much but I don't feel right letting you starve to death down here."
Kidnapping and holding me hostage is fine, killing my family is fine, but letting me starve bothers him?
Resisting the urge to let your eyes roll back into your skull, you forced a meek smile at him. "That would be lovely, sir."
Perking up at your sudden compliance, he slowly ushered you up the rickety ladder before leading you out onto the deck of the ship. Keen eyes were studious and discrete as you looked upon the frothy waters but you saw no sign of your ship. For a split second, you wondered if they would abandon you, leave you to this fate - or worse, if they were icy corpses back in some dingy inn - but you shook away that thought. You were not helpless. If they did not come, you'd save yourself and spend your life searching for answers or revenge.
Whatever may come.
The first time he allowed you onto the deck, the crew had watched you with wary scrutiny. So you kept your wits, eating and drinking what you could to the best of your abilities. You would keep your cards close to your chest, watching the waters in hopes of seeing the flying colors you’d come to love on the horizon. And after a few days of being let topside, the scrutiny faded. Even Rumlow would hover less, choosing to stare at you from a distance, his face a mixture of disgust and longing. He clearly hated you for the choices you’d made – choosing those harlot pirates over a dignified man like himself - but that boyhood obsession of his still remained, burning in spite of his revulsion.
On your seventh day of being allowed to drink in the fresh air, Zemo carefully unlocked the metal from your wrists, wincing at the raw flesh beneath. "You are expected to wear these in the evening, lest you be tempted to overtake the ship, but Captain Rumlow believes you will not lash out during the day."
Delicate fingers traced over the abused skin. Glancing up at him, you demurely smiled, batting your eyes.
"Thank you. I see there is no point in being a problem, it would serve my best interests to learn more about this ship and its people. If I am expected to marry Brock, I should know you all better."
The lies poured off your tongue with ease, so honey-sweet and gentle that Zemo was oblivious to the dangers lurking beneath the surface. In his line of business, it should have learned to never trust a pretty face and yet, here he was.
To be so dumb and trusting, you mused, forcing away the smirk threatening to overtake the innocent smile.
The sun was high in the sky when you first noticed it. A tiny blip on the churning waters. It was quite a ways back, but the strength of the wind seemed to offer bursts of speed for the somewhat smaller vessel. None of Rumlow's crew seemed to pay any attention to the ship, far too arrogant to acknowledge they might not succeed, but you repeatedly peered over to it as the day crept along...
And you knew what comes next.
Tucking away the spyglass, an unnerving expression befell the redheaded pirate as she considered what to do. She could see you atop the boat, staring at her ship expectantly. As if you knew they would come.
A small piece of her wondered why you were allowed to trudge about so freely on that repulsive creature’s ship after you’d been taken, but she trusted you. 
She always had.
“Is it them?” Wanda inquired quietly, following Natasha’s eyes.
“Yes,” she murmured, gripping the hand that fell into hers, “I can see her standing on the deck. She knows we are coming.”
Wanda’s brow pinched as her lips turned down. “Do you think -”
“No.” The answer was abrupt and severe, halting wandering insecurities before they ran wild. She wanted to shake herself for ever having such a concern; she didn’t want Wanda to slip down the same path of thought. “She is a brilliant woman. I do not doubt she has played into Rumlow’s ego and pride to give herself an advantage. I believe she is simply waiting for a sign.”
Nodding, a steely resolve refined Wanda’s features. A thirst for blood and war shined treacherously in emerald irises, a sheer contrast to the sweet woman who often graced the boards of their fine ship.
 Back straightening, Natasha was transported back in time, to their early years of pirating. Watching her lover carve through pirates and imperials alike, her grace unfathomable even as she ended lives and bloodlines without a second thought. Remembered her bewitching dance of death, the vicious and beautiful intricacies of what was normally such a brutal act slowly earning her the name of Scarlet Witch, whispered across the seas in fear and awe.
And she could see herself, eyes empty and blade meticulous. Could remember killing her mentor and hearing him whisper the name, “Black Widow,” as blood spilled into her hands and onto her worn boots.
Swallowing down those memories, Natasha’s resolution became tangible and clear.
“Aim for that ship – and ram it.”
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majaloveschris · 2 months
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I love how these articles and sites also try to sell this whole "relationship" as private. This was never private and never will be. He and Jenny were private. He and Alba aren't. But that relationship wasn't just for the show, or it wasn't just PR. Private doesn't equal several pap walks, but most definitely doesn't equal posting several photos and videos and having several articles about your kinda-wedding not only after 12 hours of its happening. 
I guess low-key is the new definition of everybody following everybody even before the actual "announcment," giving hints, and trolling. 
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I see that now we don't only have problems with the location of the wedding but with the date too. Didn't they get married on September 9th? Because, as far as I'm concerned, they did. The first article came out on the 10th, saying they just got married the previous night. So what now? I see E! Online didn't even want to take a risk with the location. They just went with MA, which is a safe choice. That could be Carlisle, Concord, or Cape Cod.
I hope at least they know where and when their "kinda wedding" was. 
P.S. What a evasive article! 
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fannyyann · 1 year
matthew lore: childhood friends & teammates
AKA a vaguely chronological list of current NHL players Matthew knew before he ever played an NHL game
This is already a massive list, so in an effort to keep it as short and organized as possible, I have bolded the names of guys who appear in multiple categories and have only included those who have played at least a full season’s worth of games in the NHL.
For a comprehensive list of his teammates that have ever played an NHL game, this invaluable tool will provide you that information dating back to his first season in the NTDP (2013-2014).
CASEY FITZGERALD gets to go first and uncategorized, because he’s known Matthew longer than anyone else on this list, seems to be the cousin he’s closest to, and is one of the three childhood teammates that became one of Matthew’s NHL teammates. (And roommate!)
LUKE KUNIN is THE guy. Their families are friends (Matthew’s whole fam was at Luke’s wedding, Luke’s whole fam was at Brady’s), and they were teammates for fourteen straight seasons before finally getting separated after their time at the NTDP, which is so long Luke's literally known Matthew longer than Taryn has.
Of the six St. Louis guys drafted in 2016, Luke and Matthew were the only ones born in 1997, so the following have all played with Matthew significantly less than Luke.
CCM Motown Classic 2005
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TRENT FREDERIC From what I can find, Trent only played with Matthew during the 2005-2006 St. Louis Rockets season, but he played with Brady and was coached by Keith in the same Junior Blues hockey program, was one of the family friends that got to come around and play mini sticks with David Backes as a kid, and his time at the NTDP overlapped with Matthew’s in the 2014-2015 season (Trent U17, Matthew U18).
2010 Quebec International Pee-Wee Hockey Tournament
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CLAYTON KELLER played in the 2010 Quebec International Pee-Wee Tournament with Matthew and likely more but trying to find youth hockey rosters from before 2015 is a herculean task. But he was one of those U17 guys that got to play up with the U18s his first year in the NTDP and played with Matthew for 16 games and then went on to win gold together at the U18 Men's World Championship in 2015.
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LOGAN BROWN Other than the 2010 tournament, Logan seems to have played more with Brady than he did with Matthew, and wasn’t in the NTDP like the other guys, but does train with them in the summer.
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2011-2012 U15 AAA Junior Blues Team
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2013 U16 National Tier One tournament champions
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JOSEPH WOLL Unlike the other St. Louis boys, Joseph seems to have played exclusively with Brady, but his time at the NTDP overlapped with Matthew’s the same as Trent’s did. It’s unclear if he trains at the same place as the others during the offseason, but along with the rest of the 2016 St. Louis Draftees, his signed draft day photo is framed in Matthew’s bedroom at his parents' house because of course it is.
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This Athletic article is about all the NHL players who played for the 1997 Junior Bruins tournament team over the years, but from what I can find, Matthew only played on the 2010 team with Casey Fitzgerald, NOAH HANIFIN, CHARLIE MCAVOY, COLIN WHITE, and the ever present, Luke Kunin.
Matthew is still close friends with all these guys, but Noah in particular is a Noted Best Friend and with him being from Boston and the Tkachuks having a house in Cape Cod, their summers overlap a lot even when they aren’t teammates.
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With Casey, he and Colin White are the only childhood teammates to play with Matthew in the NHL.
Okay, this section is where it gets a little chaotic so I split it between the guys who played with Matthew and those he went to school and was familiar with because their time at the NTDP overlapped.
2013-2014 NTDP Teammates Including the gold medal teams for the 2014 U17 World Hockey Challenge & the 2015 U18 World Championship
Repeat: Noah Hanifin
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2013-2015 NTDP Teammates Including the gold medal teams for the 2014 U17 World Hockey Challenge & the 2015 U18 World Championship
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CHRISTIAN FISCHER spent his youth hockey years playing against Matthew, and when they both headed off to the NTDP, their parents split billet duties. He is one of Matthew’s best friends, attended Matthew’s draft, and even went with Matthew to Brady’s draft.
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JACK ROSLOVIC was linemates with Matthew (and Auston) in the 2014-2015 season and when Matthew went to the 2015 Draft to support all his 1996 boys, Jack was the one he chose to sit with. The next summer, Jack returned the favor (see photo with Christian at Matthew's draft above).
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AUSTON MATTHEWS is another family friend. He was Matthew’s center in 2014-2015 and when he broke his leg the previous year, Keith got a bunch of NHL guys to reach out to Auston , and he’s the one who gave us the best story about Matthew texting his own highlights to his friends.
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Repeats: Luke Kunin, Casey Fitzgerald, Colin White, Charlie McAvoy
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2014-2015 NTDP Teammates Including the 2015 U18 World Championship
Repeat: Clayton Keller: played up 16 games as a U17
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Teammates for a handful of games:
TOMMY NOVAK: 2 games for 2013-2014 U17 team
JAKE OETTINGER: 3 games for 2014-2015 U18 Team, and was part of the team but did not PLAY in the 2015 U18 World Championship
MAX JONES: 2 games for 2014-2015 U18 TeamRYAN DONATO played 4 games for 2014-2015 U18 Team and is now part of the extended Tkachuk family due to Emma, Brady’s wife, being his cousin.
NTDP Overlaps
2013-2014 U18s:
2014-2015 U17s:
repeats: Max Jones, Clayton Keller, Joseph Woll, Trent Frederic, Jake Oettinger
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ROBERT THOMAS is practically a third Tkachuk brother at this point. But before Robbie lived with the Tkachuks, his own parents opened their home to Matthew while he trained at Gary Roberts’ the summer of his draft. Then when Robbie’s rookie season came along, it was Matthew who then suggested Robbie live with his parents too.
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Repeats: Max Jones, Christian Dvorak
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2016 WORLD JUNIORS (bronze medal team)
Repeats: Auston Matthews, Zach Werenski, Christian Dvorak, Colin White, Ryan Donato, Charlie McAvoy
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None of the Hughes brothers played with or overlapped with Matthew in the NTDP, but the two families are friends, and as far as I can tell, first met in 2010 when Quinn played on Brady’s Junior Bruins tournament team.
QUINN HUGHES is Brady’s best friend from billeting with him and Keith while in the NTDP and is on this list because Jack called Brady and Matthew QUINN’S BOYS, their families are friends and met at the latest, in 2010 when Quinn played on Brady's Junior Bruins tournament team. On top of that, Quinn he once included Matthew in his answer about watching Chris Tanev play after he got traded to the Flames for no reason at all other than to say he likes to watch him play too.
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And last, but certainly not least, is CONNOR MCDAVID.
Matthew spent multiple summers, including the summer before his rookie season, training with Connor at Gary Roberts’ and the two of them are what I like to call STAR CROSSED TEAMMATES. Not only does Matthew swear the Oilers almost drafted him—and there’s certainly enough reports and predictions from before his draft to back up that being the plan—but Connor could’ve been a 1997 Junior Bruin if Brain McDavid wasn’t out to get me.
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invisible-pink-toast · 6 months
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web-weaving: sapphic christians + love between women being holy
Sappho (attributed) / Gonzalo Orquin / Zolita “Holy” / Kelly Latimore “Ruth and Naomi” / The Bible “Ruth 1: 16-18” / tumblr user: thebichristian / AMES “Hymn For Her” / Warrior Nun / Yellowjackets / God Friended Me / The Expanse / Kittredge Cherry “Brigid and Darlughdach: Celtic saint loved her female soulmate” / Angela Yarber “Perpetua and Felicity” / Alice Walker “The Color Purple” / The Color Purple (1985) / Kittredge Cherry “The Two Rebeccas: Queer black pair founded Shaker religious community in 1800s” / As/Is “Can You Be A Queer Christian? • In The Closet” / Felix d’Eon “Sor Juana and the Countess” (Sor Juana y la Virreina) / The Bible “1 Corinthians 15:10” / Fly View Productions “Couple kiss during wedding ceremony in church stock photo” /  Joe Mikos Photography “Cape Cod Wedding With Chinese and Italian Elements” / Sabrina Lee “A Perfect Rainbow on our Wedding Day” / Javicia Leslie “Actress Javicia Leslie says ‘God Friended Me’ isn’t a religious show. It’s about human connection.” / Zolita “Bedspell” album cover / Mary Lambert “She Keeps Me Warm” / Galawdewos “The Life  and Struggles of Our Mother Walatta Petros: A 17th-Century African Biography of an Ethiopian Woman” / Maria Cristina “Felicity and Perpetua: Patrons of Same-Sex Couples”
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