#cane choppers
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Usage of Cane Choppers in Sustainable Agriculture | Tata Agrico
Can hand harvesting of sugarcane with cane choppers aid in sustaining the Indian agricultural sector? Learn more here. https://www.tataagrico.com/blog-post/the-role-of-cane-choppers-in-sustainable-agriculture/
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a biker orc has spawned in my drafts... here's an unedited snippet from what I have so far. Lemme know if you want the rest and I'll do it.
male orc, modern fantasy setting, gn reader who uses a cane as a mobility aid but their disability, while accommodated for later in the story, isn't the focus, or an issue.
You were used to your dog getting stares from people in the park. Tiny as a teacup, and as ugly as they came, Tinkerbell had been a rescue three years ago, and the two of you had pack bonded better than most werewolves who grew up together. The little chihuahua cross (crossed with what, no one knew and it would take an entire mage’s laboratory to unravel the DNA of your mystical little creature anyway) was sort of sandy coloured, with white socks and a hint of Jack Russel about the tail, but her bug-eyes and little teeth were all chihuahua. There was a tuft of longer hair on her head that made her look like a gremlin after midnight, and she had the attitude to go with it.
She also hated everyone.
It didn’t matter if they were the cutest, sweetest little fawn, or the gentlest fairy, she hated them.
So when you were taking a break on a chilly bench at the edge of the park after walking her as far as your body would let you that day, and three orcs on obscenely loud motorbikes drew up to the curb only a few metres away and cut the engines on their bikes, you fully expected her to go absolutely ape shit on them.
One of the orcs removed his helmet and propped it on his bike’s mirror, and pointed at The Creature. A very un-orcish giggle escaped him and he began to make little cooing noises over her, so much that you found your mouth curling into a smirk at his antics.
The others kept their helmets on, but you could tell the were orcs too just by their build. They were laughing at their mate, who was rapidly losing his mind over your dog. Quite why, you had no idea, but there it was.
“She’ll eat you for breakfast, buddy,” you called over to them, and the orc without his helmet froze.
His expression turned from gooey-eyed to comically devastated and you couldn’t help the laugh that erupted out of your chest.
Tinkerbell looked up at you and then over at the bikers.
“I’m warning you,” you said with mock-seriousness. “She’s a killer.”
The orc without the helmet swung his leg over his monster of a sports bike and came round the front to stand, staring at her from a distance. You, in turn, stared at him.
Where his mates had perhaps more stereotypical clothing for the kind of bikes they rode — both choppers — he had on a baggy black hoodie which you hope was armoured underneath. By contrast though, his faded black jeans were tight around his tree trunk legs, and there was a slight rip in the thigh that showed his dark, olive green skin. The jeans clearly had knee armour though, and he had sporty looking biker boots instead of the scuffed, black work boot style shoes his friends had on. His black hair was plaited back off his gorgeous face in a complicated braid that was studded and adorned all the way down with charms made of bone and metal and wood, and it ended below his waistband. His tusks were rounded at the tip, unlike the more traditional orcs, but he did have a cuff of engraved silver around each one, showing he was over the age of twenty five.
His hands were covered by black, armoured gloves that did unreasonable things to your sex drive for some reason, and he crouched down and held one hand out towards Tinkerbell, though at that distance he couldn’t possibly hope to pet her. He was a good six or seven metres from the bench, but Tinkerbell took notice. They were all hard to miss, after all.
The orc’s mates were snickering openly, and one of them had got out their phone to record their friend. You hoped they wouldn’t get you in the frame. You had no inclination to become some prop on a stranger’s social media, though you didn’t mind if Tinkerbell had her five minutes in the limelight.
Propped up beside you on the bench, your walking cane started to slide slightly along the wooden seat, toppling slowly towards the ground, and you grabbed for it and tucked it up against your thigh. The movement freed up your hand for a moment, and it was all the excuse Tinkerbell needed to yank herself free of your clutches and launch herself at the orc.
“Oh shit,” you gasped, but the dog was off like a guided missile, trailing her pink leash behind her as she tore across the grass towards him, yapping wildly.
Instead of sinking her tiny little dagger teeth into his armoured arm though, she bounced up like a wayward baked bean and hurled herself at his chest — honestly, you couldn’t blame the girl — and he caught her, giggling like a small child. You stared, astonished, as the creature who had once fought a five year old at a birthday party for a single square of cheese proceeded to charm the hell out of a seven and a half foot orc with a litre sports bike that looked like it could eat a dragon for breakfast.
“What the actual fuck?” you hissed as the orc continued to fuss your minuscule dog and make little baby noises at her as he held her up like he was presenting a well-known lion cub to an audience while she squirmed in his frankly illegally huge hands before lowering her again and nuzzling his flatter nose against her pointy one and setting her down on the ground with surprising care for someone so bulky.
Baffled by her betrayal and change in personality, you stood awkwardly — painfully — leaning on your cane for stability, and the orc’s green eyes tracked the movement, his attention sliding from the dog to her owner as you eased yourself to your feet.
There is a bit more written but this felt like a good spot to leave it for now. Lemme know if you want the rest!
(EDIT: Chapter One is now up on Patreon - free to access from 21st Feb 2025)
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Christmas with the monster trio.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji x gn! Reader
Cw: English is not my first language, teeth rotting kind of fluff, kind of suggestive at some parts? (But nothing actually happens)
Notes: I really need to stop accidentally pressing the publish button instead of save. Hope you enjoy!
Luffy 1k
The entire ship was filled with excitement and festive spirit, from the kitchen you could smell at least ten different dishes that you just knew your mouth would water at. Everyone was there, Usopp was telling Chopper about a time he had supposedly fought against a giant candy-cane-looking fish in order to get Kaya the perfect gift, Brook was playing music besides Robin and Franky while Sanji gave the finishing touches to the food and Zoro and Nami were having a drinking competition to which you were the judge.
Yet your captain was nowhere to be seen.
The past few days Luffy had been talking your ear off (and that of whoever would listen to him) about how excited he was for Christmas and how he couldn't wait to exchange gifts and eat all the banquet Sanji would prepare for the occasion. So it was kinda weird when he simply disappeared in the middle of the evening.
The beginning of a fight between the crew's swordsman and the red head navigator pulled you out of your thoughts, behind you Sanji approached the table to offer some snacks and take Nami's side on the dispute, even though he most likely didn't even know what they were fighting about. In the midst of the moment you took your chance to leave for the deck of the ship, you felt the need to know were your captain had ran off to.
The night air was chilly, Christmas lights had been put up all across the deck, which made the task of seeing where you were going all the easier. Everything was calm, except for the sound of the crew back inside, and something else, something akin to a well known laugh, a 'shi,shi,shi' in the wind.
Giggling to yourself you followed the sound all the way to the figurehead of the ship, and sitting there, in the dim light, was your captain with his hat on and his back facing you, you could see his shoulders shaking with laughter.
"Oi, captain" you called out "what you got there?"
Luffy's head, had he not been made out of rubber, might have snapped from how quick he turned around. The grin on his face widened to a radiant smile and his laughter grew in loudness.
A rubber hand grabbed you from your lower back and with a whip you found yourself on your captain's lap. Suddenly your face wasn't as cold anymore as you could feel all your blood rush to your cheeks.
"Watch'a got there, captain?" You question at Luffy, whose other hand was behind his back as if hiding something from you, his laughter had become an almost silent giggle which he clearly was trying to keep in.
''Imma need ya to close your eyes" He told you whispering, getting close to you enough for your noses to touch. You complied and closed your eyes, being then able to feel his breathing on your eyelids.
Something almost weightless was dropped onto your lap, nothing told you what it could possibly be but you trusted your captain to not give you anything awfully dangerous or something of sorts. While you were trying to figure out what the object could possibly be you almost didn´t notice a few strands of hair caressing your cheeks.
"You can open your eyes now" came the low whisper of Luffy right by your ear, sending shivers down your spine and sparking little giggles. Luffy took a moment to bask in the warmth of your laughter before finally going back to his previous position, allowing you to see what he had left on your lap.
It was a cilinder. At least that was what it had the shape of, a cilinder the size of your head made with paper and a wire structure of sorts. And staring back at you, drawn on the cilinder with colorful paintings were two figures. It took you a little while to really figure out what the drawing was, first you saw a blob of yellow and red with a black blob right underneath it; but the more you saw it the more you were able to put together the picture, the blobs of yellow, red, black and pinkish were a drawing of him, and right next to him were you.
The you on the drawing was smiling brightly and you could barely see your own eyes from how they were almost closed and squished on top of your cheeks. Bliss, could be a word used to describe how you looked, completely and utterly happy.
"Ya´ like it? It´s us, I was gonna add more color to the rest, but ussop hid the rest of his paints so I wasn´t able to" Luffy´s explanation almost fell on deaf ears, your eyes felt like they were burning and tears started to gather on the corners of them only to fall down your cheeks leaving a trace of warmth, like little rivers that carried all the love that Luffy gave you since the day he met you.
Your tears took him by surprise, but instead of panicking as many others would he just started laughing. Loud and unapologetically, exactly like he was.
In between your tears you didn´t see were he got a match from, but he lifted the cilinder and made you hold it while he lighted something inside of it. The interior lighted up and made the drawing even brighter, the warmth that now emanated from it gave you a cozy feeling.
Holding with you what you now knew was a floating lantern Luffy slowly lifted it into the air and let it go. It took you a few more seconds to do the same, your fingertips grazing the paper as a goodbye. From behind you both more lanterns ascended onto the sky, looking like orange stars, and looking over your captain´s shoulder you could see the rest of the crew lighting lanterns and releasing them.
That seemed like a nice tradition to keep for Christmas.
Zoro 730
Who would say that decorating a Christmas tree could be so complicated? To be fair the damn thing was almost the same height as the mast of the ship but you had grown tired of climbing up and down the stairs in order to hang up the decorations.
Luffy at the very least was stretching his arms to reach higher and add details that he thought looked good. You weren´t a huge fan of hanging sandals on the christmas tree, but from where you were standing you could barely see them, and besides, captain's orders.
What you could not figure out however was what Zoro could possibly be doing. You had seen him when you all had started decorating but had lost sight of him since then. Tired of the stairs you chose to find the swordsman instead and kill some time until dinner.
You put your hands in your pockets to keep them from the cold and to search for the little bag you had stored there. A sigh escaped your lips, a small cloud of mist to show your nerves regarding giving zoro a gift.
Sure, it was Christmas Eve, everyone was giving gifts and you had gotten one for everyone, expensive dresses for Nami and Robin, a big piece of cotton candy for Chopper and you even got a present for Brook! even though he almost always got on your nerves along with Sanji.
But for whatever reason the gift you got for Zoro really got you on your nerves, you had spent almost the an entire day looking for a gift for him on the last island, and you had used quite a lot of berrie on this little thing (even if you would never admit actually spending that amount for him).
Walking around the deck it wasn´t actually complicated at all to find the moss head swordsman practicing his art with... dumbells? big dumbells at that. It kind of felt like if he was rubbing on your face how strong he was, or showing off, shirtless on the falling snow.
Of course you knew he was only training without any other purpose than to get stronger, but it was fun to imagine that he wanted to show off to him, it made your cheeks blush.
"Oi Zoro! How much longer are you going to be there? It´s freezing out here" Even if he clearly didn´t notice the cold it had been the first thing to come to your mind and at a lack of better things to say you had said it out loud.
"If it´s so cold out here maybe you should go back inside" he responded without even looking your way. Did he think you were so weak you couldn´t even handle a litlle cold?
"I meant for you, you know? Wouldn´t want for the night to come and you getting lost in the snow trying to get to the kitchen"
That seemed to do the trick, for Zoro put the dumbells down and turned around to stare at you as if you were crazy. Eyes wide and confusion, along with annoyement, written all over his face.
You turned around and started to walk towards the kitchen with him following behind you asking what you even meant with that. Once you had finally gotten inside the kitchen you took one of the hot mugs that Sanji had prepared, and sat down, soon enough an angry green haired man stood besides you screaming your ear off.
You took the little bag from your pocket and handed it to him, which managed to shut him up pretty quickly. He looked at you, back to the bag and back to you, finally he took a seat besides you and opened it.
On Zoro´s hand fell three golden earrings, each one shaped like one of his swords.
"I know you only use the ones you already got on, but I thought that if you were going to represent your three sword style might as well use something close to the actual swords and..." Your rambling got cut off by two words from your partner.
"Thank you" but it wasn´t the words that made you shut up, it was his smile, small and genuine, not the mocking one he gave to sanji or the one he wore to the battlefield, a smile dedicated only for you.
"You´re welcome".
One of your favourite parts of Christmas was definitely the food, and one of Sanjis favourite parts of Christmas was having you on the kitchen with him taste testing almost everything he prepared.
This year in specific Sanji had made a list of the things you liked the most ,and he spent all the day making them. But the one you seemed the most excited for seemed to be the sugar cookies he had baked.
The cookies in cuestion had laid on the counter for a little while now, cooling off while he prepared the glaze. They were all different shapes, there were trees, reindeers and even bells. And besides Sanji, with the glaze he had done earlier were you, glazing cookies with colors and smiling like a little child.
Some of the lines came out a little wonky but for the most part you were doing a great job, and Sanji didn't miss any opportunities to tell you so, it seemed not even five minutes went by without you hearing "Those look beautiful love" or "You have real talent for this" and even " You could help me out with the pastries more often, we would make an entire batch only for you and I" which honestly just sounded like him finding an excuse for the both of you to spend more time together.
But regardless of the blonde cook's comments you were a hundred percent focused on your task, so focused actually, that when a stray hand landed on your waist you jumped out of your skin. It all happened really quickly too, Sanji had been trying to slightly move you to the side one second, and then the next one he found his face and apron covered in light blue glaze.
Your face showed how sorry you were, but in between your wide open eyes and hand covering your mouth a laugh was trying to slip by. You tried to apologize but every time you tried to say sorry it sounded broken with laughter.
"Well, I thought you were decorating the cookies, not me" he said while smiling.
Finally taking your hand off your face you pointed out "I think you have.. a l-little.. pffft.. a little blue.. on your cheek" was the first thing you managed to choke out without your laughs distorting it.
Sanji swiped his cheek with his thumb, and stood there for a few seconds just staring at it, then he finally raised his gaze... towards the kitchen door?
You turned around to see what he was seeing but there was nothing. Before you could turn back around you felt a something cold on your face.
"I think you, have a little blue on your cheek"
You were sure your expression was as if Sanji had grown a second head, but for some reason you could not understand how him would do that.
You stood staring at him while you felt around the counter, but once you found a bowl, oh it was game on.
Sanji had barely blinked when he felt you fingers on his face, spreading green glaze as though he was a cookie. In response he dipped his fingers on the bowl with red color and painted your forehead with it.
Soon enough both of you were covered in the sugary mix like it was face paint and running around the kitchen trying to smudge the other one a little more. Your laughs, you were sure, could be heard all around the ship just from how loud they were, and Sanji's hair had long lost his blonde color, now tinted like a Christmas rainbow of sorts; he had made a joke about you being chopper at some point so you knew that there was most likely blue on your nose.
For a moment, only one, you stopped to catch your breath, but it was enough for him to grab you from behind and twirl you around, his arms around yours. Your laughter died down eventually, but you both remained there, hugging each other in a comfortable silence.
Looking down at his hands holding you, you grabbed one of them and brought it up to your face. You swiped some of the glaze of the back of his hand and onto your mouth.
From the surprise Sanji released you, and while he looked flabbergasted you continued to eat the glaze off of your own hands.
You started heading towards the door but turned around one last time.
"We probably shouldn't let all of this go to waste" you winked at him as you walked out the kitchen.
You almost missed the way his nose started bleeding slightly.
Tags: @n-i-o
#one piece x reader#one piece#sanji x you#vinsmoke sanji#sanji x reader#black leg sanji#sanji#luffy x you#monkey d. luffy x reader#monkey d. luffy#luffy x reader#luffy#one piece luffy#zoro x you#zoro x reader#roronoa zoro#zoro#one piece zoro#fluff#christmas#one piece Christmas
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(pre time skip) Zoro goes temporarily blind due to a devil fruit and he's chill about it—until they take the seeing eye cane Franky made away because he keeps whacking people with it. It's not even that he's using it as a sword (because Chopper confiscated them for his and everyone's safety, figured he'd resort to using the cane), he's literally just hitting other people (Sanji) with it and smiling all smugly about it, it's all on purpose.
#sanji: i put your food on a dividing tray. theres different compartments so let me show you— *bonk* OW????#zoro: had to see where you were.#sanji: IM RIGHT NEXT TO YOU ASSHOLE! *bonk* *bonk*#zoro: ah. so you are.#one piece#roronoa zoro#vinsmoke sanji#black leg sanji
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Rating FFXVI characters based on how badass they were when they died*
*the official status from Square Enix for three of the characters is "it's up to the player's interpretation" but for the purpose of this post obviously I'm rating as if they died.
Spoilers start here!
Elwin 4/10
It's always a bit badass to die saving your kid. So he gets some points there. And he didn't go out crying about how he was betrayed. That said, he was REALLY caught off guard by Head Chopper, and as the ruler of a nation and the spouse of a conniving bitch I expected more from him.
The Bastards 7/10
Squashed by Boulder Dude gets lots of points for the memorable epic scream. Axe Dude here gets points for getting murdered without messing up his hair. Now THAT's talent. Tiamat gets no points. He was easily beaten by his subordinate, plus he was given a chance to escape his position and he chose to remain loyal to Sanbreque. Like bro. That was your chance. So many people died in that battle. You could have just vanished. Did anybody go looking for Clive after he vanished? No! You died Sanbreque's loyal little bitch.
Benedikta 9/10
Benedikta went out like a champ. An absolute badass. She didn't even flinch at the previously unknown Eikon of Fire, she just took one look and was like "ok yeah sure I''ll kick this one's ass too." Girl regrew limbs and stood on Ifrit's face. She showed the player how scary eikons are. I'd give her a 10/10, but she threw my dog.
Cid 10/10
Cid destroyed a mothercrystal, got stabbed by an interdimensional monster, STOOD BACK UP to stab Ultima in the neck, then spent his last moments giving Clive a heartwarming and encouraging speech. He went out on his own terms, despite being a dominant. Bravo Cid 🫡
Imreann 0/10
Just look at this asshole. He genuinely thought Jill wouldn't kill him. His last moments were spent like "Wait, why is the girl I horribly mistreated killing me? That's not fair!" I considered giving him a pity point because Jill's badassery is awesome in this scene, but nah.
Hugo 4/10
The fight was a 10/10, but his death was too quick after that to really show any badassery. He used up everything he had to fight Clive, which I'll give him points for. But just turning instantly to stone like that... I dunno, he just seems pretty 'armless.
Sylvestre 6/10
Again, giving points here for dying to protect your kid. Even if your kid is a possessed monster from a conniving bitch. I gave him an extra point for running even though he needs a cane. And another because I'm pretty sure he figured out he was a dumbass all along in his last minutes.
Olivier 2/10
I'll give points for this death making me laugh. It wasn't a badass death at all, but I still clapped in my head.
Annabella 4/10
I hate this cunt so much. I wanted to kill her myself, but she stole that too. I'll give her points for the mystery of whether she actually thought Joshua was a demon or if she was just manipulating to the very end. Plus a point for trying to cut Joshua with her knife. If she really did think he was a demon, at least she tried to defend herself.
Barnabas 9/10
The fight was great. The crazy-man laugh was great. The best part though, is that he got one over the most overpowered person on the planet just by grabbing his ankle. Clive didn't even want Odin's power, but Barnabas was like "nope, you're slurping my powers whether you want to or not." I took off a point for his last words reminding the player of the scene of him cuddling his mom naked, ugh not the last thing I want to remember about the dude.
Dion 3/10
I gave him points because the "I ask not for acceptance but for forgiveness" part was cool, but everything else about this death was stupid. He's still babbling about his worthless father. He doesn't even mention the one person genuinely in his corner. He's badass the rest of the game, so his Suicide by Demigod death is incredibly stupid. Look, I've spent way too much time in the past in a therapist's chair ticking The Bad Boxes so I really, really understand the mental state. But that doesn't change the fact that killing yourself over something you didn't have control over is stupid. It would have been far more badass if he managed to find a way to live with himself, because that's far harder than offing yourself.
Joshua 10/10
Joshua was frail and weak, but he really powered through until the end. His dedication was admirable. He gave it his all, including his Phoenix powers. His last speech to Clive was so sweet, and it really showed his faith in Clive to do what was right for the world.
Ultima 7/10
The fight was great. But the sheer pettiness here won me over. Clive won fair and square, and Ultima is STILL getting his digs in, right up to the last second. His last words are pure snark. Maybe that's not very badass, but I can at least respect it.
Clive 9/10
I respect his ability to swim/float to the beach after that last fight. That's badass. I only took a point off because he didn't drag himself very far onto the beach. His body may be in trouble when the tide comes in. It's nice that his last moments are thinking of the ones he loved. But most impressive of all is that despite JUST dragging himself out of the water, his hair looks like he just stepped out of the salon. Like, damn. Nobody will ever top that ability. No man can compete with that.
#ffxvi#ffxvi spoilers#shitpost#hugo kupka#elwin rosfield#benedikta harman#cidolfus telamon#sylvestre lesage#olivier lesage#anabella rosfield#barnabas tharmr#dion lesage#joshua rosfield#clive rosfield
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☃️ Holiday Event🎄
I want to write more and for a variety of characters.
I’ve also surpassed 100 followers, and I wanted to thank you for that! You’re amazing!!! ✨ Since it’s the holiday season, I thought this would be a great opportunity to organize a little event inspired by the season ❄️🎀
The rules are very simple:
Choose a prompt from the ones provided.
Pick your character ( I’ve listed the characters I feel comfortable writing for)
Specify the gender of reader.
I’ll write a short drabble of up to 1000 words (or more if I feel really inspired and it gets out of hand ^^) SFW or very light NSFW. Specify your preference; anon requests will be SFW by default. Feel free to share any little requests or ideas for the story if you’d like.
I’ll accept requests until December 21, and I’ll post them as soon as they’re written.
Everything is under the cut.
Check the prompt list to avoid repeating requests ;)
1. Choose a prompt:
" All I want for Christmas…”
“Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”
"Walking in a winter wonderland"
"Baby, it's cold outside"
"The first snow is always magical"
"All is calm, all is bright"
"A cozy fire and a cup of cheer"
"Jack Frost nipping at your nose"
"Frosted windows and twinkling lights"
"Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes"
"Underneath the Christmas tree"
"Making angels in the snow"
"Candy canes and cocoa dreams"
"Snowball fights and winter nights"
"Beneath the mistletoe"
2. Choose a character:
Chopper ( platonic or friendship only)
✨ Thank you so much for everything, and I hope you’ll enjoy this event ✨
#one piece#holiday event#x reader#roronoa zoro#vinsmoke sanji#nico robin#tony tony chopper#nami#eustass kid#massacre soldier killer#heat one piece#wire one piece#donquixote rosinante#op penguin#shachi#trafalgar law#portgas d ace#one piece x reader
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Snipits from fics I'll never finish part 3
“I’m fine.”
“You’re lying. You said you wouldn’t do that anymore.” Luffy said. Sanji felt his stomach drop and guilt roll through him.
What, suddenly you can’t be a liar anymore? You’ve never been anything else. You’ve been lying to the crew since you met them and now you have the gall to feel bad about it?
“I’m fine.”
“Tell the truth.”
“You don’t want the truth.” He said, slamming down the frying pan and throwing aside his dishcloth. It was the most disrespect he’d ever shown kitchen tools but he was so full of feelings that he couldn’t actually identify any of them. “You want a lie that’s easier to believe.”
He said it with vitriol but none of it was directed at Luffy. Had he ever been fully honest with them? Aside from the one time it’d been beaten out of him?
Zoro growled,
“You’ve got no right talking to the Captain like that. Especially not after everything you’ve pulled.”
I know.
“Swordsman...” Robin cautioned.
“You weren’t even there. You have no idea what happened.” Sanji grit. And maybe that hurt a little. Even though part of him wished no one from the crew had come for him, the fact that some of them hadn’t... How selfish and hypocritical was that? The ones that didn’t come, that had judged something else was more important than his freedom and his life, were the ones that were right. And the one’s he’d fooled into thinking his life was worth something, he’d rewarded with violence and condescension.
“How could I?! You haven’t told us anything! Are we Nakama or not!?”
“Please stop it.” Chopper warbled. Nami stayed silent, holding her arm and looking away.
“Zoro.” Robin repeated.
“You don’t want to kn-”
“We deserve to know!”
“Fine! How much truth are you entitled to exactly!? The truth is my rotten old family was going to wipe you and the Baratie off the face of the map if I didn’t go along with a marriage to a stranger who, by the way, was planning to kill me! Or the truth that saving me from being an unfeeling monster like my brothers killed my mother. That I was trained to kill from birth?! That I shamed and disappointed my father so much by being a weak, useless human that he faked my death and locked me away when I was seven?! What about how the second they got me back out was into a lab to poke around and see if they could fix me! How about this truth?! From here on out I’m nothing but a liability to this crew! Anywhere we go, the stain of my infamous family name is going to follow! Or what about this? Luffy never should have saved me. I should have just died there. I should have died in the cradle before I could do any damage to anyone. There’s your truth, second mate.” Sanji turned to look at them, eyes glassy, face red, chest heaving. Chopper was sobbing behind his hooves. Robin and Nami were muffling there sobs as well. Luffy was crying and furious at the same time and Sanji hated it. Hated all of it. Hated the way brook was sat in the corner of the room leaning on his cane and looking away. Hated how Franky and Jimbe looked ready to kill somebody. Hated that Usopp looked so lost and small. He glared at Zoro, whose eyes were wide with shock and disbelief. “Well? Is this what they deserved? Do feel satisfied, now.” Zoro’s expression didn’t change. He was still looking at Sanji like he’d been impaled.
Sanji felt his shoulder’s drop. What did it matter if they knew anyway? I was going to change anything. They didn’t want him around before, they wouldn’t want him around now. It might even be for the best. Now they’d convince Luffy to let him go. He turned and left the galley.
His legs, arms, and torso still ached, but he needed a cold plunge. He leapt over the edge of the Sunny, away from the warm, phantom arms trying to pull him back, and dove into the water. This time, no matter how long he swam, the pain in his body never surpassed the pain in his heart.
#snipits from fics i'll never finish#one piece#sanji#straw hat pirates#black leg sanji#usopp#roronoa zoro#nami#luffy#wci#whole cake island#whole cake spoilers#strawhat pirates#straw hat crew#judge vinsmoke#and his a plus parenting#fanfiction#op fanfic
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Chapter 2: Death By a Thousand Cuts
The footsteps were getting closer and Tommy realized that there were two sets. He looks up to spot two men walking toward him briskly, the younger of the two looks to be 10 or 15 years older than Tommy and the older, who he is assuming is the VIP, with his air of authority, walks with a cane and seems to be another 15 years older than his….companion? Friend? As they get closer, he can finally hear their conversation over the slight wind.
“Careful! Why did you drag us down to McMurdo again? I don’t have any messages asking for translation help and there’s not much of a crew right now, what gives?” the younger asks, while reaching out a hand to steady the general over a bit of ice.
“A little bit of a favor, a bit of boredom, some nosiness, and I beat Sheppard in a game of rock paper scissors,” the VIP replied, with a slight smirk, making his way with surprising steadiness for a man in need of a cane.
Tommy felt a vibration from his pocket and frowned in confusion. Lucy is the only one who knew where he was and how to contact him. He glanced over furtively at his two passengers but they were still far enough away for him to take a quick look, it might be an emergency or it might be her just giving him shit about his life choices in between calls at Harbor. He pulls out his phone and stares in confusion.

The sound of someone clearing their throat grabbed Tommy’s attention and he could feel the tips of his ears heating in embarrassment. “Ah, sorry,” he said, shoving his phone back in his pocket. “Only one person back home knows this number and I was afraid it was an emergency. If you gentlemen are ready to go, you can climb on in.”
“And was it?” the younger man asked, moving closer with a hand still on the VIP’s elbow.
“I’m sorry?” Tommy replied.
“Was it an emergency?” he asked again, gently.
Tommy went to rub a hand on his neck but thankfully stopped himself before knocking the hood and knitted hat from his head. “No. Not an emergency, just weird, but unless you know a general named Jack or John, I’ll just have to figure it out later.” Tommy pulled open the helicopter’s side door to usher his passengers inside when the VIP froze in place as his younger companion’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Ah, I see! I guess Parrish warned young Evan, then. We should get in out of the wind, this cold is killing my knees,” the VIP said as he climbed inside, gesturing for the other man to follow him, which he did with no further comment.
Tommy sealed the door behind them and hauled himself in the cockpit. A hand stuck itself in between the seats, “General Jack O’Neill, retired, 2 L’s, nice to meetcha. With me is Dr. Daniel Jackson, retired civilian contractor with the US Air Force.” Tommy numbly shook the offered hand while his mind whirled trying to figure out what was happening here.
“Here, we should probably start with this,” General O’Neill handed him what looked like a small metal sphere and as soon as he was holding it, Tommy wanted to throw it very far away. “Anything?” General O’Neill asked, which got him a shove and “Jack!” from Dr. Jackson.
“Um, should it want to play with me?” Tommy asked, on the edge of hyperventilating. The thing, (toy?) wanted to play, (talk about?), emotions? This made no sense, he was dreaming about Evan again, but it was turning into a new nightmare with metal toys that “talk” in feelings and the general in his chopper acting like everything is…wait. “Did you say young Evan?!” Tommy burst out, interrupting General O’Neill and Dr. Jackson’s argument they were having about….him? “What is going on?! Is Evan ok?! Did you just drug me with this thing?!” Tommy dropped the sphere into the seat next to him and felt its disappointment as it fell from his hand. He wiped both hands frantically against his flight suit.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Kinard, now I realize why Jack brought me along. What you are getting from the sphere is a neurological link to advanced technology. It is genetic and the easiest way to determine if you have the genetic ability to connect with this kind of technology outside of a blood test is to hand you a piece that has been proven to be harmless and ASK you to activate it, RIGHT JACK?!”
“Now, Daniel,” the general tried to interject but Dr. Jackson talked right over him. “Jack, here, is also part of one of the genetic lines that can activate the technology. There are people all over the earth with the genetic ability but they aren’t easy to find, and usually it happens by accident that we find anyone at all. Jack is now going to explain why he tested you, aren’t you Jack?” The general huffed but followed orders, “One of my generals brought to my attention yesterday that about ten years ago one of his people ran into a young man in Peru who accidentally activated a piece of technology that the general carried with him as a matter of course. Turns out that the handheld device really liked the young man and if it had the physical ability to get up and walk away, it would have found its way to young Evan’s pocket and exposed a classified program to a twenty-four year old man who was at that time wandering, trying to find his place in this world and didn’t have the skills to join our program no matter how well he did in the SEAL trials.”
Tommy swallowed hard. “How did he get back on your radar? And did you even need a ride?” he asked, looking between both men, attempting to see something about their intentions for him, for Evan.
“Ah. Well, that depends. Would it stress you out more to continue this discussion here and now, or would you prefer to fly us around for the projected fuel allowance while we continue to talk in here where any lookie-loos can’t hear us?” Tommy silently handed General O’Neill and Dr. Jackson headsets and started up the rotors. “Fair enough.”
Once they were in the air and all three wearing headsets, the general cleared his throat and began talking again. “Evan learned about you fleeing to Antarctica and reached out to his friend from Peru who, at the time, was listed as being stationed at McMurdo. The story gets muddled here,” O’Neill explained.
“Or you stopped listening,” Dr. Jackson interjected.
“Or I stopped listening,” O’Neill confirmed. “But, Parrish told Colonel Lorne and General John Sheppard about Evan’s plan to chase after you and it was suggested that since Evan had such a strong impression of the genetic marker which allows us to connect with this technology, that it was a strong possibility that you would have it too.”
“Why,” Tommy croaked, then cleared his throat and tried again. “Why would I be likely to have the genetic thing?” he asked. Dr. Jackson answered this time.
“We don’t know why it happens this way and it doesn’t every time, but the genetic carriers tend to find each other and are drawn to each other in some way. Sometimes romantic, sometimes strong friendship, and occasionally irrational hatred, though that is extremely rare…the point is, something about that genetic marker is able to ensure a strong bond if you let it,” Dr. Jackson pointed out.
“That’s right! Us freaks need to stick together!” exclaimed General O'Neill.
“Damn it, Jack!” Dr. Jackson shouted, and with that, the general and Dr. Jackson went back to bickering about who should be doing the explaining and Tommy’s mind drifted while he tuned them out and concentrated on his instruments. Everything looked right, but something felt wrong. (Sounded wrong?) Tommy didn’t know how to feel about any of this but right now something was pulling him to the north of their position.
“Sir? Is there any of that technology to the north of us?” Tommy asked tentatively.
“Yeah. Why, you see something? Something that looks like a flying squid?” General O’Neill asked, peering out the windows of the chopper.*
“No, but I can feel - er hear it? I think?”
“What’s it saying?”
Tommy was taking a guess here, but it sort of felt like someone was knocking on a door that only he could hear and inviting him inside.
“I think it wants us to come visit?”
*References episode 1 of Stargate: Atlantis; Jack was being flown in a helicopter from McMurdo to the SGC (Stargate Command) research base when an alien drone was accidentally launched, targeting the aircraft. The drone looks like a glowing squid.
#bucktommy goes to the pegasus galaxy fic#911 abc#bucktommy#tevan#tommy kinard#911 fic#bucktommy fic#writing#jack o'neill#daniel jackson#stargate sg 1#stargate atlantis#crossover fic#what I wouldn’t do fic
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skymed whump list

description: “Follows intense character journeys and high-stakes medical rescues, heartbreaks and tribulations of budding nurses and pilots flying air ambulances.” whump refers to various recurring male characters (unfortunately not all of them are in the pic, but from left to right are Tristan, Chopper, Nowak, and Bodie)
overall notes: apparently you can find the show on paramount plus but I pirated it so I can’t say anything for captions or availability. it’s a little silly sometimes but it’s way more interesting than a lot of your average medical dramas imo.
Pilots And Nurses And Bears, Oh My! (1x01) - Jeremy: stabbed, stitches Wheezer: plane crash, unconscious, bloody face, carried, broken back Bodie: upset
Line Indoc (1x02) - Bodie: at gunpoint, hit in the head with a gun
The Kids Are Alright (1x03) - Wheezer: in the hospital
Where There’s Smoke (1x04) - Wheezer: on crutches
Bushwhacked (1x05) - Wheezer: walking with a cane Jeremy: hit by a car, in the hospital Bodie: leg caught in a bear trap, carried, in the hospital Tristan: upset, crying
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (1x06) - none
Daj Mi Buzi (1x07) - Nowak: overworked, tired, crashes his car, cut forehead, in pain and struggling to get out, relocates dislocated shoulder by himself, two panic attacks Jeremy: in medical transport, upset Trevor: upset Bodie: upset
Frozen (1x08) - Nowak: panic attack while flying, upset, fight with Bodie Chopper: panicked Bodie: fight with Nowak Jeremy: cold
Leave It All On The Ice (1x09) - Wheezer: gagging Jeremy: stumbling, shot, upset at himself Pierce: trapped under a shelf, reveals he’s going deaf, internal bleeding, in the hospital, upset at himself Bodie: crying
NEW!! Season 2:
Return to Base (2x01) - Jeremy: argument with Crystal Tristan: mildly electrocuted, argument with Nowak Nowak: argument with Tristan Wheezer: scared Chopper: in an explosion, unconscious, impaled with shrapnel, cardiac arrest, field medicine
Spun Out (2x02) - Jeremy: upset, argument with Crystal Wheezer: slip and fall, emotional conversation Chopper: unconscious in hospital, waking up, groggy, arm pain, upset, collapse Bodie: upset Nowak: upset
Things That Matter Most (2x03) - Chopper: upset, can’t use his hand much, hand bandaged Nowak: upset Bodie: plane crash, emotional conversation, crying Tristan: plane crash, broken rib Jeremy: plane crash
Turbulence (2x04) - Chopper: in pain from his injuries, limping, upset, crying
Code Silver (2x05) - none
Little Lies (2x06) - Jeremy: upset, doubting himself Wheezer: stressed Nowak: upset, angry
Old Wounds (2x07) - Tristan: upset, crying Nowak: guilty, panicking, vomits Wheezer: upset, worried about Haley, argument with Haley, angry Bodie: in trouble for breaking rules Chopper: in trouble for breaking rules
Before Sunrise, After Sunset (2x08) - Bodie: upset
Out With a Bang (2x09) - Nowak: upset, trapped by a broken elevator, revelation of past trauma, crying, unconscious, carried, in hospital with ruptured diaphragm and broken ribs Wheezer: sick, delirious Tristan: upset, crying, worried Bodie: in hospital after kidney donation
#i say things#skymed#whump list#it’s not the highest quality out there but it’s interesting and pretty cool#also for those interested wheezer is played by aaron ashmore so…..#also the show is set in the canadian north which is a much more interesting setting than like. the city or whatever#and there’s a strong focus on indigenous communities which I really liked#I doubt it’ll get another season tho but I’d recommend it if you’ve got free time and don’t mind something a little soapy a little silly#the fandom for this show appears to be like ten people and a bag of chips so like. please.#(btw I’ll be writing my last bthb fic for this)#(sorry to disappoint by not doing one of my usual fandoms but I have an Idea)#oh there’s a gifset of nowak in 1x07 somewhere around btw#that’s the top whump ep imo. physical and emotional with lasting talked about consequences#cannot believe we got a second season
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25 Days of Life Day Prompts
Yes, Life Day is in November, technically BUT that's still not stopping me from doing this again lol.
Here are the prompts again this year. Taken from last year's ofc. If You want to mix it up, please feel free. Artists are more than welcome, also! Feel free to tag me in yours if you do them! And don't feel obligated to do every single prompt. It's meant to be fun! Please RB to get the word out! And make sure to use #25 Days Of Life Day
I will also be doing a separate masterlist that will be posted later!
Prompts under the cut!
Tree Decorating
Hot cocoa
Decorating the House
Fireplace Cuddles
Making Fudge
Going to see the Life Day Light Displays/Parade
Decorating Gingerbread House
Christmas Prank
Cookie Decorating
Buying Matching Holiday sweaters
Seeing a Life Day Ballet
Decorating the Place they reside
Snowball Fight
Free Space - Whatever you Want
Making Mulled Wine and Cider, listening to music
Wrapping Life Day Gifts
Life Day Tree shopping
Going to a Life Day Market
Volunteering at a Food Bank
Warm Bath together after going for a walk in the snow
Sucking on a Candy Cane and teasing him.
Making snow angels
Life Day Eve, Watching Life Day movies
Your Choice - Life Day
EVERYTHING @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redhairgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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OMGOMGOMGOMG I HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR YOUR INBOX TO BE OPEN I LIVE YOUR WRITING!!! I wanted to see if i could request a witch reader x the straw hats??? Like imagine if Eda and Rain from The Owl House had a kid that acted like Luz. Like how she always wants to stand up for others and is kind, but also pretty innocent and naive at times. Like if Sanji flirted with her she wouldn't really understand that he's flirting.I could imagine her also having a little friend like owlberrt or at least an owl staff. Also like her mother her hair is kinda like a mini pocket dimension that she shoves things in
but instead in this universe the day unity is a day where a bunch of witch hunters come to their island and kills all of them but she somehow manages to survive. Like it would happen a few years or so before she encounters the straw hats. When she meets them it does take her a while still to tell them her full past thought. She meets them on some random island running from some local store owner because like her mother, she is a trouble maker but she's not as good at stealing. With the fact that her parents died and couldn't teach her much, all she has is old books and journals from both of them. Which mean that she's not that good at magic and messes up her spells a lot
i'm sorry if this is confusing i've just had this idea in my head for MONTHS and in crappy at explaining things D:
Again im sorry if this is to much or confusing i just really want to see your ideas of some HCs for this.

a meme for your collection (if you have one lol)
─Strawhats x witch!reader
─Summary: Some unfortunate events make you meet what you can consider a second family.
─Warnings: none
YEEEE thanks for contributing to the collection of cursed memes on my pinterest, I love it <3, sorry for the delay, I also had to look up information about the owl house because I didn't watch the series and f I changed a little how they met, sorry for that too 😔
─ Not even you know how you managed to survive the witch hunt that day, but here you are now, sailing on a wooden plank with a backpack that doesn't even have food or water but a couple of books on spells.
─ At first it was a small boat but you tried to cast a spell so that the wind was in your favor and you turned the small boat into a piece of plank, you were not a very experienced witch but you survived.
─ Your eyes lit up and you screamed with all the strength you could when you saw a ship.
─ Your first thought was to try to steal one of the emergency ships, but you ruled it out when you saw the crew, you weren't that clever and it seemed like they had nothing to do with the witch hunt.
─ The first to see you was Usopp who was fishing when you scared him to death, the others noticed you once they saw you wave your arms strangely (you were trying to do magic but nothing came out)
─ You complement Luffy quite well once you start interacting with the crew, Nami probably scolds you a lot because he asks you to do some magic and it ends up going wrong.
─ Last time you transformed Sanji's face into a trout for trying to make Luffy's portion bigger, you're lucky that the cook likes your presence, although you completely ignore his strange behavior when he is with girls.
─ You and Zoro have small competitions to keep your pride high over any nonsense, like a healthy rivalry (you both end up lost in the strangest places).
─ Probably and, despite not understanding anything about magic, Robin will help you with some spells here and there, she is a cultured woman and she seems to understand some descriptions much more than you.
─ Usopp repaired your cane when you chipped it once, you thanked him because he reinforced it so it wouldn't break again.
─ You and Chopper go out to look for ingredients together, whether to make medicines or potions.
─ Jinbe is curious about your culture and your home island as well as other sorcerers, you can spend hours talking about witchcraft with him, Franky and Brook will join in sometimes.
─ When you take the courage to tell them why you were alone with nothing and adrift, they feel a little sorry for you, If you don't plan to stay here with them, you will be welcome whenever you want and If you want to continue with them, you are already part of the crew!
─ For once you feel that you are advancing in your process of learning as a magician, feeling indebted to these pirates, you decide to help as much as you can and improve your skills even more.
#op#one piece#one piece x reader#witch reader#strawhats#strawhats x reader#strawhats x witch reader#sfw#request#x reader#reader insert
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Briella’s Winterfest Baking 19: Peppermint Bark

Sul Sul, Gerbits! How are you guys doing today? I am doing great. Looking forward to the new year. And with this New Year we have to celebrate in style, I am going to be posting a few recipes that I made for New Year’s eve.

It was a big New Year’s Eve because not only were we ending the year, but we were ending a decade. So my dad, Andrew Ponder, called me and told me that I was in charge of this party. And I nailed it if I do say so myself.

The first recipe that I am going to share with you is a recipe I found when I was in high school. My parents usually gave me a bunch of candy canes in my birthday basket.

Okay, wait… I guess I have to explain what a birthday basket is. My parents decided to do a week of the birthday sims favorite foods, plus a few fun foods. And my fun food would usually be a huge pack of candy canes and other things. So, after about a week of eating candy canes everyday after school, I got tired. So I searched candy cane recipes on Food Network.com. And I found Paula Deen’s Peppermint Bark Recipe.

This peppermint bark is different from other recipes because it does not have the chocolate layer on the bottom. You just need candy canes and white chocolate.

In a plastic bag, you are going to place the candy canes. And with a hammer, meat tenderizer, or you can place the candy canes into a food chopper. You want the pieces to be small, but not peppermint dust. I usually use a tenderizer, but this year I used a chopper, and the pieces were smaller, and it was easier for everyone to eat.

You are going to want to melt the white chocolate in a double boiler. Or you can be extra like I was, and use the instant pot as the double boiler. It was a lot faster, however if you are on the short side, like I am , you might want to get a step stool to stir the white chocolate. Take it off of heat and add peppermint candy canes.

Place some parchment or waxed paper on a cookie sheet. Pour your chocolate onto the prepared cookie sheet. Place it in the refrigerator for 45 minutes or until firm. Once it is solid, grab your tenderizer or hammer and break it into pieces.

This is a classic New Year’s Eve snack. Just like Barrett’s Wraps, which is tortilla wrapped with cream cheese and olives. I hope you all have a good and safe New Year’s. Vadish, Dag Dag.

Show the original author some 💖💖💖Robby's Traditional Recipe
Printable version of this recipe: on the blog
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#baking#baking therapy#recipe sharing#sweets#dessert#Peppermint#Peppermint Bark#white chocolate#candies#christmas candles
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Happy Holiday 5 sentence pairing fic:
Happy Holidays to you too!
Law/Zoro, peppermint! <3
Law stared at Zoro, not in horror, he no longer could be surprised by the insanity of the Straw Hats, but his stare must have said something because Zoro went still. "When we kill a man with a three foot long candy cane, we don't break a part off to eat, afterwards."
"I'm not eating the guy, that's gross I don't know where he's been. I'm eating the cand cane?" Zoro broke off the curved end. "Peppermint, right? So you can't complain about my breath smelling like booze." He looked proud of himself for thinking of it. A bite was taken.
Law pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why is this my life?"
"Because you married me? Babe, did you hit your head? I'm concerned. Let's get you to Chopper. He is over where Luffy is bludgeoning people with gum drops." Piece of candy cane in one hand, the other reached for Law.
"I fucking hate Whole Cake Island," Law muttered. "And the Christmas island is the worst."
There was a kiss to his cheek. "Bought you a gift though, since it is Christmas."
"It's actually the middle of spring."
"Fine, no new doctor bag for you."
"No, I want it, shut up." Law scowled when Zoro laughed, but he reached out and licked the candy cane. It didn't have any blood on it, so it was probably fine. And he liked peppermint.
Zoro kissed him, and Law liked it even more on Zoro's lips.
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Giggeli - Penis Candles & Soaps Handmade in Kallio, Helsinki, Finland
+800 Nicknames for Penis: A Comprehensive List for Different Ways to Call a Penis
+800 Nicknames for Penis: A Comprehensive List for Different Ways to Call a Penis
Dicks can be referred to in a variety of ways. A collection of more than 800 additional words for the penis in alphabetical order is provided in this article. This list includes both common slang terminology and more uncommon and obscure words that are all related to the penis.
+800 Different Words for Penis: A Comprehensive List
Baby maker
Bald Avenger
Bald-headed giggle stick
Bally Wacker
Baseball bat
Beef bayonet
Beef whistle
Big boy
Big guy
Black mamba
Blood sausage
Blue-veined custard chucker
Blue-veined junket pumper
Bologna pony
Boom stick
Botswana beef bayonet
Bouncing Betty
Broccoli spear
Brown trout
Brutus and the Twins
Bubble gum machine
Buddah's belly button
Buffalo soldier
Bully beef
Bully stick
Bum tickler
Butt dart
Cadbury's c
Camel toe
Captain winky
Cervix sentinel
Cheese log
Chef's special
Chico stick
Christmas goose
Chuck Dickens
Cinnamon roll
Clit stick
Consolation prize
Corn dog
Cornish game hen
Cougar bait
Crimson mushroom
Crown jewels
Crème de la crème
Custard launcher
Dallas Dangler
Danger noodle
Darth Vader
Deep sea diver
Dickas Hilton
Ding dong
Disco stick
Divining rod
Dope stick
Double barrel
Double dragon
Downstairs department
Dude piston
Dumb stick
Dutch courage
Dutch rudder
Franks and beans
hammer of love
Hammer of Thor
hard drive
hatchet wound
heat-seeking missile
heat-seeking moisture missile
high hard one
hot dog
hot rod
hot sausage
Indiana Bones
Jack in the box
Jack's magic beanstalk
janitor in the hallway
jelly doughnut
Jenny Craig
jiffy stick
Jizz Launcher
John Henry
John Johnson
Juicy fruit
King Ding Dong
King Kong
King Richard
King size
King snake
King's scepter
King's sword
Krull the Warrior King
Laidy's lollypop
Lava flow
Leaky faucet
Leg of lamb
Leg of mutton
Lightning rod
Lil' bro
Lil' willy
Limber dick
Limber jimmy
Limp biscuit
Limp noodle
Limp penis
Liquor stick
Little birdie
Little bro
Little chap
Little guy
Little head
Little john
Little man
Little peter
Little soldier
Little willy
Lizard tongue
Long Dong Silver
Long dong silver
Long fellow
Long john
Long johnson
Long one
Long stick
Longfellow diller
Magic Mike
Magic stick
Magic Wand
Magic wand
Meat Scepter
Meat stick
Moby Dick
Mount Vesuvius
Mr. Happy
Mr. Winky
Mushroom Head
Nether rod
One-eye Pete
One-Eyed Monster
One-eyed monster
One-Eyed Snake
One-eyed trouser snake
One-eyed wonder weasel
Packing heat
Pencil dick
Penile appendage
Penile shaft
Penile tissue
Penile unit
Penile weapon
Pink Oboe
Pleasure Stick
Pocket Rocket
Pogo stick
Pork Sword
Private part
Purple-headed yogurt slinger
Purple-helmeted trouser snake
Purple-Helmeted Warrior of Love
Purple-helmeted warrior of love
Purple-helmeted yogurt thrower
Quiver bone
Red-capped mushroom
Root of Jesse
Rude boy
Schwetty balls
Scooby Snack
Sea monster
Secret weapon
Skin Flute
Skin flute
Spam javelin
Speed Bump
Spigot of love
Spunk gun
Spurt gun
Squirt gun
Stand up
Stone of David
Sugar stick
Super soaker
Swamp lizard
Swiss Army Penis
Swizzle stick
Tall tommy
Tasty pastry
Tazmanian devil
Tea and crumpets
Tea stick
Telescoping tower
Tent peg
testicular tissue
The anaconda
The baton
The big guy
the big vein
the bishop
The blue-veined custard chucker
The chopper
The cone
the conga
The cyclops
The ding dong
The Dipstick
The dong
The driver
The dude piston
the eye of the needle
the family jewels
the flagpole
The flesh flute
The flesh rocket
the fleshy tripod
the fuck stick
the fun rod
The grower
the head
The heat-seeking moisture missile
the hose
The joystick
the King
The knob
the little man in the boat
The love muscle
the magic wand
the main vein
The male member
the man in the boat
The meat whistle
the member
The middle leg
The mighty mite
the old boy
The old man
The one-eyed captain
The one-eyed monster
the one-eyed snake
The one-eyed wonder worm
The package
The peen
The peeper
the pendulum
the peter
The pink cigar
the pink oboe
The pipe
the piston
the pleasure pole
The poker
The pole
the pork sword
the prick
The purple-helmeted warrior
the purple-helmeted warrior of love
The python
The rocket
The rod
The salami
The sausage
The schlong
the scoop
The shaft
The shotgun
The skin flute
The snake
the spitter
the staff of life
the stick
The stiff one
The stinger
the stonker
the sword
The third leg
The tool
The trouser snake
The tube steak
the unit
The wang
the weasel
The wedge
the wee-wee
The weenie
The whopper
The wiener
The wiggle stick
the willy
the wingwang
The womb raider
The wonder worm
The woody
the worm
Third Leg
Third leg
Thrill drill
Throb knob
Throbbing gristle
Tic Tac
Tickle pickle
Time machine
Tip drill
Tip of the iceberg
Tootsie roll
Top gun
Tower of power
tractor beam
Tree trunk
Trouser Snake
Tummy banana
Tuna Can
Tuna can
Tuna torpedo
Turgid Trouser Snake
Turgid turtle
Turkey baster
Turkey neck
Twig and Berries
Twig and berries
Two ball cane
Two veg and meat
Two-legged Boa
Two-legged tripod
Umbrella handle
Uncircumcised wonder
Uncle Dick
Uncle John
Vainilla Stick
Valiant vein
Vein train
Vein train.
Veined custard launcher
VeinMaster 3000
Veiny Victor
Velvet sword
Vienna Sausage
Viking horn
Viking Staff
wand of light
wang dang doodle
War club
Weapon of ass destruction
Weapon of mass destruction
Weapon of Mass Seduction
wet noodle
White gold
White Mamba
Whoopie Stick
whopper jr.
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiggle stick
wiggle worm
Willy the one-eyed wonder worm
willy wonka
Wing wong
Winston Churchill
Wisdom Wand
Wise man
wizard sleeve
Wonder Worm
Wrecking ball
Wrist Rocket
Yam bag
Yankee doodle
Yawing Yowie
Yellow Belly
Yellow Dart
Yellow dragon
Yellow Peril
Yellow Sausage
Yellow submarine
Ygdrasil's staff
Yin-yang serpent
Yoga stick
Yoghurt Cannon
Yoghurt gun
Yoghurt pistol
Yogurt hose
Yogurt Slinger
Yogurt slinger
Yogurt thrower
Yolky poke
yoni stick
Yule log
Yum yum
Zebracorn horn
Zesty Italian
Zipper Ripper
Zipper snake
Zombie maker
Zombie stick
Zoom Stick
Zoot stick
Zygmunt Freud
Zygote poker
42 notes
View notes
The Seer
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Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Faces Turned to the Sunset
Brook is standing at the crow’s nest, playing his violin.
This is not unusual, nor is it noteworthy. Brook spends more time playing than not. It’s his job, it’s his life (and death! Yohohohoho). It helps him worth through whatever is going through his mind.
He has quite a lot going through his mind at the moment.
Brook knows he’s new to the crew. He knows there’s a lot here (crew dynamics, histories, relationships) that he’s simply not aware of yet. And that’s fine, that’s just life at sea. He’ll learn, eventually.
But this current situation that poor Usopp has found himself in? It’s quite heavy for someone so young, someone who has only just started out his pirate career. But this is something Brook can actually help with.
He’s so, so grateful to these people for giving him the second chance he’s always needed. Maybe now, he can actually begin to repay them.
Startled out of his thoughts, he stops playing. Below him stands the very subject of his ruminations, looking up in his general direction. He has one hand on the straw hat on his head. Robin is next to him, holding his arm. She gifts Brook a small smile.
“Usopp-San! Robin-San!” Brook lifts his hat in greeting. “How wonderful to run into you on such a fine day!”
“Sorry for startling you,” Usopp responds. “But I was walking around with Robin when we heard you play. I had to come hear some more.”
“Well, young Usopp,” Brook says, making his way down from the crow’s nest. “That’s very kind of you! It’s enough to make even these old bones blush.”
Usopp cocks his head, seemingly listening to Brook’s approach. “I’ve always liked music,” He says. “But now…I don’t know. After what happened, it feels different for me now. Like, it’s the only thing that hasn’t changed for me, as an experience, but that’s what makes it feel different now. Does that make sense?”
Brook hits the deck with a small thump. He sees Usopp turn towards the sound. “It does indeed,” He says, gathering himself. “Often, one relies on the senses one has available. Your connection to music is through a sense that you still have access to, and so allows you to appreciate it even more.”
Usopp nods. “Exactly! You’re so good, too. You were doing a sea shanty? That’s my favorite type of music!”
Brook deliberately taps his cane as he walks towards Robin and Usopp, making his approach clear. Robin, still silent, gives him an approving nod. “Ah, you appreciate the classics,” He says. “Very appropriate for the setting. Do let me know your favorites, and I’ll add them to the repertoire.”
Usopp’s face breaks into a smile, lifting at the bandages around his eyes. “Wow! Thanks, Brook!”
Robin leans in. “Usopp,” She says. “I’ll leave you with Brook now, alright? You can let him know to direct you back to Chopper’s office when you’re ready.”
“Thanks Robin,” Usopp says, and she leans out to grasp at Brook’s bony hand. She leads it to Usopp’s arm, and then gives them another smile.
Brook curls his fingers around Usopp’s upper arm. “Well then,” He says. “Where are we heading?”
Usopp taps on his chin. “Hm,” He says. “Let’s go around the side. I’m trying to get a sense of how wide everything is.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Brook says, starting to lead Usopp in the circuit around the ship. “You know,” He begins. “I haven’t been here very long. But I do know a thing or two about waking up in a different body that doesn’t feel like yours. And I know how difficult an adjustment that is.”
He feels Usopp’s arm tense under his hand. “Yeah,” He says, sounding a little shaky. “I guess you would understand what that feels like.”
“Indeed,” Brook says, gently adjusting Usopp’s path. “And I know how it feels to suddenly not be able to do things that you used to do. But with some time, and practice, and work, I was able to adjust. And with your help, all of you, I’m able to have the life that I wanted to have. Or death, as it turns out. Yohohohoho!”
He feels Usopp’s arm shake in an answering laugh. “You’re right,” He says. “Yeah. It’s just time, I guess. And figuring out what to do now. One step at a time, right?”
Brook makes his step steo forward deliberately heavy. “Correct!” He says. “That’s an excellent outlook to have. And we can remind you if you ever need that.”
“Thanks Brook,” Usopp says. He stops walking, Brook also coming to an abrupt halt. “Can I ask you something?”
“You already have, yohohohoho,” Brook jokes. “But go ahead!”
“What’s your favorite music?” Usopp says. “What do you like to play the most?”
Brook feels a warm fondness in his bones. “It’s kind of you to ask,” He says. “I love everything I play, don’t you worry! Music is a gift I treasure every day.”
Usopp nods, and Brook gently tugs on his arm to start walking again. They reach the side of the ship and Brook leads him into another turn. They’ve reached the side that opens up to the island, and Brook takes a moment to appreciate the view.
Usopp whips his head to the side. “Oh!” He says, sounding excited. “We’re at the side near Sabaody, right? I can smell and hear it! And I can feel the wind from it!”
“Correct!” Brook says, patting Usopp on the shoulder.
Usopp stops, leaning on the side of the ship. He moves the hand on the hat lower, til it clutches at the rim. “Brook,” He says. “Can you tell me what it looks like?”
Brook stands next to him. “Of course,” He says. He looks out onto the land. “It’s green…very green! Lots of forest, spreading out into the distance. There seems to be bubbles emerging from the island, and there’s quite a lot of them floating around us.”
Usopp sighs. “Sounds beautiful,” He says.
Brook lays a hand on Usopp’s head, gently minding the hat. “The actual town looks quite busy,” He says. “There’s lots of buildings, shops, and people. There’s also-”
Brook cuts himself off. “Oh!” He says. “It looks like our Captain, swordsman, and cook are on their way back! Seems a little quick…”
Usopp cocks his head. “Do they look alright?”
Brook leans closer. “They look a little grim,” He reports. “There seems to be someone with them. I don’t recognize him. He’s older, long white hair, glasses-”
At that moment, Nami thunders out onto the deck, followed closely by Franky. “Guys! Luffy and the others are coming back with-”
She spots Brook and Usopp and literally skids to a stop. “Usopp,” She breathes.
Usopp turns in her general direction. “Nami?”
“Oh,” She says, tears forming in her eyes, “Oh, Usopp…”
In the next breath she’s running forward, so fast she almost stumbles over her own feet. “USOPP!”
She jumps at him, flinging her arms around him and hugging him tight. Brook and Franky share a look. Franky looks like he’s seconds away from crying himself.
Usopp stumbles back, clutching onto the straw hat for dear life. Brook reaches out to steady him. “Hey Nami,” He says softly. “Long time no…see.”
Nami buries her head in Usopp’s shoulder. “Idiot!” She says, then instantly bursts into tears.
Usopp looks panicked. “Oh hey, Nami, come on, it’s okay, please don’t…”
“I’m sorry,” Nami wails into Usopp’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Usopp, I’m sorry…”
Usopp reaches a hand to clumsily pat her on the back. “Hey,” He says again. “It’s alright, really, I’ll be okay, yeah? I’ll…I’ll manage. Right? Hey, Nami, everyone’s coming back, we should talk to them…”
Nami stiffens, then lets Usopp go. “You’re right,” She sniffs, trying to get a hold of herself. “I was gonna say, they look serious. We’ll talk later, okay? After we find out what’s going on?”
“Of course,” Usopp says, and Brook turns his attention back to the approaching group. To his surprise, in that time, they’ve managed to make it back to the ship, and are slowly making their way up to the deck.
“Oi,” Sanji says, first one to arrive. “Which if you assholes made Nami-San cry? Is Robin-Chan alright?”
He eyes tick around the group, landing on Usopp. Understanding fills his gaze. “Whatever,” He says, losing in their direction. “Don’t let me catch anyone doing that again.”
He makes his way next to Brook and Usopp. He nods at Brook, then taps Usopp on the elbow. “Hey,” He says. “Out and about now?”
“Chopper cleared me,” Usopp responds, and Brook sees Zoro make his way to the ship. “I’ve missed walking around up here.”
Brook keeps an eye on Zoro, and knows instantly once he’s caught sight of Usopp. His jaw visibly clenches, like he’s desperately holding something back. He makes an aborted motion forward before stepping back, fists clenched. He stiffly backs up to join Franky, but his eyes don’t leave Usopp.
Luffy gets in next, definitely more subdued by usual, closely followed by this new stranger. Brook eyes (well. Eye sockets) him wearily.
“Okay,” Luffy says, hands on his hips. “You’re here now. What was it that you wanted to tell us?”
Brook sees Robin approaching from within the ship, Chopper trotting out next to her. Ah, we’ve all arrived. He thinks to himself.
The man looks around. “Impressive ship you have here,” He comments. “I could coat her for you, soon.”
Franky’s chest puffs up with pride. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?”
“Yeah,” Luffy says, impatient. “But what about Ace? How can you help us?”
“Ace needs our help?” Nami asks.
Usopp leans over to Brook, whispering “That’s Luffy’s brother.”
Brook nods. He hadn’t known Luffy had a brother.
The man looks at them all. Brook catches him eying the hat on Usopp’s head. “Hatchan told me you were here. My name is Rayleigh,” He says. “And I’ve been looking to meet you for a while, Straw Hat Luffy. I have some information that you may find useful.”
Usopp listens with growing amazement and fear as Rayleigh begins to speak.
He tells them about the growing tensions amongst the pirates, the threat of war, the gathering of a group known as the supernova. He tells them about Whitebeard, and about Ace, and about how the situation was a powder keg that was likely to explode. He tells them about Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons, and everything that goes with them. “If you’d arrived a little earlier, you might have run into some chaos,” He had mused, and Usopp had felt ice run through his back, like a bullet at only just missed his spine.
All that talk of war had sounded much too close to Vance’s explanations for comfort. The idea that he had been right about this, had been right about something, does not sit well in his stomach. It makes him want to plug his ears and sink back into the dark.
He knows he can’t do that, though.
Rayleigh concludes his tale with explaining where Ace was, and where he was going to be taken afterwards. “So,” He says. “You’re either going to Impel Down, which is the most dangerous prison I the world, to stage a breakout. Or, you’re headed to Marineford, facing the strongest members of the Navy from one end and Whitebeard on the other. Are you sure you’re still up to the task.”
Luffy, silent up until that point, speaks up right away. “Yes,” He says firmly. “Can you give us the way to get there?”
Usopp can feel his knees knock together. It all sounds like too much. Maybe he can legitimately claim can’t-go-on-this-certain-death-mission disease now.
“Sure,” Rayleigh’s voice echoes, amused. “But you should know, you’re walking into the middle of some of the most powerful players on the grand line. And you’re taking your crew with you. Are you prepared for what you’re about to face?”
Usopp prepares for Luffy to respond. He’s surprised to hear nothing.
“Captain?” Robin says, sounding concerned.
Usopp runs the comment back in his head. The crew…he knows Luffy is more than willing to jump into certain death. But the idea that he may be leading them to it too…it must be killing him.
“Don’t worry about us Captain,” Zoro says. “Where you go, we follow. And if you’re going to save your brother, well. We’ll do that too.”
“If what he says is true,” Luffy says. “I need you all to think about this. I can’t ask you to do this if I don’t know I can make sure you all get out.”
His voice is so pained, conflicted.
It’s up to Usopp to fix this, to bring his mood back up.
He feels the familiar itch in his head, and, without thinking, submits. “Of course we can help!” He says. “Did I ever tell you about the time I made the most impossible shot in the world?”
The ship goes silent. Even the ambient noise of the sea is muted. “No,” Luffy says. “What happened?”
“Well,” Usopp says, warming up to the performance. “It was me and my slingshot against the world. I had to make a shot into a large fortress, an impossible amount of meters away. But nobody had accounted for me. I was able to throw my senses out, and see the targets I was about to hit even without seeing them. In the middle of being attached myself, I aimed and fired into the distance. Even though I couldn’t see the impact, I knew that I had made it and that…”
Usopp trails off, mind catching up to the story.
Had he just…was that…
“Wow,” Luffy says. “I didn’t know about that.”
“See, Luffy?” Sanji says. “We’re all capable. Look at what Usopp just said. If that’s going to happen, you know we’re ready, don’t you?”
Usopp’s head is spinning. It’s the first time he has really noticed what’s going on, how the story spills out of him. And everyone had known it was all true. Everyone but him.
But…the impossible shot. How is going to-
“Hey,” Rayleigh says, interrupting his thoughts. “If I may ask. What the hell just happened there?”
“Usopp tells stories,” Luffy says proudly, like he’s used to it. “And they come true!”
“He’s a seer,” Brook rushes to explain. “He has powers, he can see events before they happen. He’s only just realized it recently.”
“Well,” Rayleigh says. “I don’t know who told you that, but that’s not quite true. The future telling is, but being a ‘seer’? Not exactly.”
There’s a short pause. “What do you mean by that?” Nami asks.
The blood is thundering in Usopp’s ears. He doesn’t know if he wants to hear this but at the same time, he really needs to.
“I mean,” Rayleigh says. “Usopp over there has some of the most advanced observation Haki I’ve ever witnessed, and that’s saying something. I could feel it while he was talking. I know of some who can predict future events with Haki but never as advanced as this seems to be. And without training? Without even knowing about it? That is truly impressive.”
“What the hell is Haki?” And that’s Zoro.
“Vance said,” Usopp trips in. “Vance said that…that we had powers to balance out the darkness of the devil fruits into the world. Me with my prophecies. Him with his intimidation. Lark with his body armor. Was that…was that a lie?”
“Well if it wasn’t,” Rayleigh says. “Vance, whoever he is, is an idiot. Those aren’t ‘powers’ to balance out devil fruit. It’s Haki. And, to answer your question,” He must direct this at Zoro. “Usopp here has given us a succinct summary of the different types. Observation, which he himself has at a quite advanced level. Armament, which makes you turn your body into living armor, which this Lark person apparently has. And Conqueror’s: very rare, very powerful, which it seems from your description that this Vance person has. Is he able to knock out people with his energy?”
“Yes,” Sanji says slowly. “He…he stopped us in our tracks. I couldn’t move, there was this feeling of fear and despair that came over me. Was that..this Haki, or whatever it’s called?”
“Looks like it,” Rayleigh says. “Technically, anyone can be a Haki user. Observation and Armament, at least. Conqueror’s is a bit more rare, the only individuals that can use it are particularly-” He cuts himself off. “Never mind, we’ll get into all that later. What’s important now is that it seems these people have developed different types of Haki without, apparently, knowing what it is. And thinking it’s to combat devil fruits? That’s funny. Many devil fruit users are also very proficient at Haki.”
“So…” Usopp thinks he’s feeling dizzy. But how could he, in the dark. “Wait. Vance also said that I’d be able to control my Second Sight better when he blinded me…”
Rayleigh interrupts him immediately. “That’s bullshit,” He says. “That man is definitely an idiot. I’m sorry you got caught up in that idiocy, but that is not true. Your sight has nothing to do with your Haki. As long as you’ve been telling those stories, you’ve been using it. To gain mastery, you would simply need to train. That’s all.”
“So it was for nothing?” Usopp says. He thinks he’s yelling. “All that…everything. It was for nothing? I’m like this now for nothing?”
He feels a hand push at the hat on his head. “Usopp,” Brook says quietly.
Usopp takes a deep breath. “Sorry,” He says. “This is just…”
“That’s fair,” Rayleigh says. “I’d be mad too, if I were you. But, you know, observation Haki will help you too, with that. I know someone like you, who uses his Haki to-” He interrupts himself again. “Getting ahead of myself there again.”
“Wait,” Usopp says. “He also said that there was this…serum that would get rid of devil fruits. Was that a lie too?”
Rayleigh is silent for a few seconds. “I haven’t heard of that,” He says. “But there’s a lot of experimentation going on at the moment in devil fruits. Certain individuals have been working on…understanding them, I suppose? Replicating them? I haven’t heard of anything about destroying them, as of now. But I couldn’t say for certain that it doesn’t exist.”
Usopp feels minute shakes run throughout his body. What the hell. He thinks hysterically. What the hell. What the hell.
His panicked thoughts grind to a halt when he hears Luffy’s voice. “This is important,” He says. “And we have to come back to it later. But first…everyone. You know the risks. Are you all willing to come with me to get Ace? Knowing what we’re going into?”
Usopp shakes himself back into awareness. “Of course!” He answers.
He hears various versions of yes echo throughout the crew, and he knows already that everyone had declared themselves ready. For Luffy, they always will.
“I’ll do whatever I can to protect you all,” Luffy says, and Usopp knows he means it. “I promise. Old guy! Can you go with Nami and explain to her how to get to Ace?”
Nami speaks up. “Follow me,” She says. “I just want to run this by you..”
“Fine,” Rayleigh says. “And, Straw Hat?”
He must wait for Luffy to turn to him, the says “After you’ve finished your mission? Come back here, to Sabaody. I’ll coat your ship. And there’s more you all need to know.”
“We will,” Luffy says. “It’s a deal.”
Haki. Haki. Haki.
Usopp screws his face up, trying to concentrate.
He’s back in the medical bay, because of course he is…Chopper would only also do much action, especially after all the revelations that had come down on them one by one. You still need to heal, he’d said firmly, and that was that.
Chopper had given him a quick exam before telling him he needed some more rest. Before he’d headed back out, Usopp had reached out a hand and grasped a horn. You know you’re the best doctor ever, right? He’d said. He’d felt Chopper wiggle in delight (and relief) before leaving the room.
Chopper is the best doctor ever, but Usopp is kind of a bad patient. In that he has no intention of listening to Chopper and getting some rest.
No, instead, he’s going to experiment.
Usopp had always been a big believer in experimentation: if you’re an artist, or an engineer, you need to be willing to try everything and use what works. And Usopp really needs to make this work, and fast.
Old man Rayleigh had said a lot of things. Almost all were important and valuable, but Usopp was focusing on the story he almost let slip. The one about the friend, the one supposedly like Usopp, who could use Observation Haki to help him out.
Well. He could certainly try, right? Maybe this way, he could do what Vance tried to make him do, and use his visions to-
No. No need to go down that path.
Back to concentration. Usopp slowly takes off the straw hat, holding it in front of him. Help me, Hat. He thinks. Help me get this.
He reaches out to that corner of his mind, the one that itches whenever he has a story to tell. You’ve gotta be there. Come on come on come on.
Something shimmers in the corner of the darkness. It vibrates, spins, crisscrosses into lines…
The abrupt opening of the door disrupts his concentration. He jumps, nearly dropping the hat in the process.
Heavy steps stomp into the room, which is pretty much the only data point Usopp needs. “Zoro?” He asks.
There’s silence for a second, then: “How’d you know?” Zoro says, baffled. “What, you already discovered how to sense me with your ‘haki’?”
Soon. Hopefully. “Nah,” Usopp says, putting the hat back on his head. “Nobody else but you stomps like that.”
There’s a moment where Zoro is clearly trying to figure out if he’s being insulted. He lands on “Fine,” and Usopp hears the familiar scrape of Chopper’s stool echo across the room.
Zoro is sitting with him, here? Zoro?
Usopp knows Zoro by now, and he knows that Zoro is someone who chooses his moments very carefully. He’s not one for chatting, for the most part. But he’s more than willing to speak his mind when he thinks the safety and place of the crew is at risk.
And this is what Usopp has been afraid of most. Luffy was difficult to face after this, but Zoro, in a way, is even harder to return to after his time with Vance. He can’t be the one that Zoro sees as a liability to the rest of them, and be the one needing to make the hard choice and deal with the liability.
Disappointing him again is a difficult pill to swallow.
Before Usopp can work himself up into a further state of nerves, Zoro clears his throat.
“Usopp,” He says, steady, determined. “I’m sorry.”
Usopp feels the words like a shock to his system. Why does everyone on this damn crew always apologize to me? He thinks wildly.
But what he ends up croaking out is “For what?”
“For one,” Zoro says. “Not coming by to speak to you sooner. You know Chopper didn’t want us to, but still. I could’ve come anyway. I wanted to. But at the same time…I’ll be honest. It was kind of difficult to do.”
Usopp’s mouth goes dry. “Why?”
“Because I was ashamed,” Zoro says. “I still am. You know you guys are my responsibility, right? Luffy’s captain, but his job is to lead us. Mine is to make sure you guys can follow. And I failed that. I failed you. Which brings me to my second reason…I’m sorry I let you down. You got taken on my watch, and you permanently injured because of it. I’ll take responsibility for that. I’m sorry.”
Usopp…Usopp is stunned into silence. He’s not familiar with the feeling.
Zoro seems content to wait, though. Of course he is. Zoro faces everything head on until he’s done. That just who he is.
Which is why Usopp needs to be crystal clear when he speaks. “That’s stupid,” He says.
“What?” Zoro says. “What do you mean?”
“You guys keep apologizing to me,” Usopp says. “And I guess I get it, in a way. If I was in your position, and this happened to someone else, I’d feel bad too. But you should know, I’m only still alive because of you guys. I only still have hope because of you guys. Because losing my sight almost destroyed me. It still might, I don’t know. But you’re all still here. You still want me here. And, well, that means I have to keep trying until I can find a way to be helpful still.”
Zoro doesn’t seem to have an answer, so Usopp continues.
“When you came in,” Usopp says. “I was worried you were going to tell me it might be better if I left. Because I know you always put the crew first, always. The fact that you didn’t means so much. And I’ll keep on proving that to you guys.”
“Usopp,” Zoro says, and he actually sounds a little choked. “Of course I wouldn’t. You’re…you’re part of the crew. I don’t think…I don’t think you’re getting this. I’m responsible for you too, you know. Even though you’re a big idiot who can’t tell when he’s part of something.”
Usopp laughs. “You’re the idiot,” He says. “Aren’t you, like, still half dead from Thriller Bark? How exactly were you going to put all of our safety on our shoulders? Idiot. You know you’re also part of the crew, right? Doesn’t that mean you have to look after yourself too?”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Zoro says. “That’s the job. The crew before me. And, look. I know where this is coming from. Water 7, right?”
Usopp gently pulls at the straw hat so that it hits the tip of his nose, hiding the upper half of his face. He can’t do this.
“Hey,” He feels the hat being tugged back up. “Stop that. Yeah, it happened. Yeah, it sucked. Yeah, I was upset. And so were you. But it happened and that’s that. You said sorry and we took you back. The fact that you think that I would…I would kick you out as a result still shows that you needed to hear an apology too. So, there you go. You did it and we accepted. Now I did it. You gotta accept it too.”
Usopp is not going to cry here. “Okay, fine,” He sniffs. “I accept. But you know that still doesn’t mean that I blame you or anyone else for this. So long as you’re patient with me while I figure this thing out, right?”
“What, are you kidding?” Zoro says. “I’m always patient.”
Usopp raises his eyebrows. They probably don’t show under the bandages. “If you say so,” He says.
Zoro grumbles, but he clearly doesn’t mean it. “I saw that,” He says. “Nice try. You need to work on your stealth.”
He feels a heavy hand go back up to the hat, and press it down further into his head. “By the way,” Zoro says. “I got you something.”
Usopp feels something press into his hand. Something very, very familiar.
He swallows, clutching the Kabuto tight. “You know I can’t use this, right?” He croaks.
Zoro shrugs. “Maybe not in the way you used to,” He says. “But it’s yours. It always will be.”
Usopp smiles, allowing all his fondness and affection to take over. “Thank you for this. And thanks for coming and talking,” He says. “And, you know. There’s something I’m working on. Maybe you can help me with-”
He’s interrupted by Brook’s voice outside, booming with all his might:
“Impel Down, dead ahead! Like me!”
Of course, it can never be that easy.
Brook has a million questions as they speed closer towards the towering, ominous building on the horizon. Mainly, they center on what the hell are they going to do next.
Impel Down is without a doubt one of the scariest places he’s ever heard of. Going in, staging a breakout? That’s a Herculean task. How will they even get in? And how will they get out again?
Luffy does not seem to have these same concerns. He stands at the front of the ship, arms crossed, his hair blowing around in the strong winds. He’s less chipper than normal, more serious. It’s extremely sobering.
The crew has all scattered out at Brook’s shout, crowding around Luffy. Even Usopp has emerged, assisted by Zoro and carrying his large slingshot, even though he can’t see the approaching prison. Chopper sidles up to him, clearly wanting to scold but thinking this wasn’t the time nor the place to do so.
Luffy says nothing, though. Just keeps looking into the distance. Staring so hard Brook thinks he’s trying to burrow through the walls of the prison to find his brother.
Brook hopes he can meet this brother someday.
“There!” Nami points at the distance. “Those are ships, right? Exiting the prison? Do you think…”
Luffy steps forward, arms still crossed, staring hard. “Nami,” He says. “Can you check with the binoculars and see?”
Brook hands over the binoculars to Nami, who puts them over her eyes. “Okay,” She says. “There’s people on the ships, I don’t really recognize them. Lots of marines. Um, that one doesn’t have anyone. Let me try…oh.”
Luffy’s voice tightens. “Nami?”
“Yeah,” Nami says, voice subdued. “That’s him. That’s Ace. We’re too late, they’re already taking him out. He’s being taken to Marineford.”
Luffy’s eyes harden. “Let’s go,” He says. “We’ll follow. We go after them.”
“Right!” Nami goes forward. “Franky, let’s get a couple coup-de-bursts going so that we can-”
Brook turns in surprise. That’s Usopp, and he’s frowning under his bandages.
Luffy turns to Usopp. “Yes?”
“We still need to go to Impel Down,” Usopp says. We need to let the prisoners out.”
Luffy blinks in confusion. “What?” He says. “Why?”
The rest of the crew seems just as surprise. Even Nami has paused, right in the middle of her run towards the helm.
“It…” Usopp pauses, frown deepening. “We just have to. Trust me.”
Luffy still doesn’t look convinced. “But we need to save Ace,” He says. “How will that help us save Ace?”
Usopp’s back straightens. “Luffy,” He says, voice calm. “Have I ever told you about the time I staged a prison break?”
This gets everyone’s attention. All eyes go to Usopp, waiting.
Luffy seems to get it right away. His eyes widen. “No,” He says. “You haven’t told me.”
“Well,” Usopp says. “That’s the thing about prison breaks. They’re difficult to do, but sometimes they’re worth it. I knew that they would make a good distraction. Especially if something big is happening close by. I also knew that there would be prisoners there that would help me, because I’m just that likeable. But I didn’t do it from inside. Instead, I made sure to use what I had to break the walls from the outside. Maybe even, I don’t know. Aim for the cells on the upper floors for a specific, important ally. All the prisoners were grateful, and they helped me when I needed it most.”
“Oh,” Luffy says. “Wow! Okay, Usopp. That’s so cool. I get it now. Thank you!”
Usopp just nods.
Luffy turns to the crew. “New plan!” He says. “We’re going to break into Impel Down and try to save Ace. At the same time!”
Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
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Another another reason Kanan (and also Hera this time. just couple thingz) get cancelled is because chopper is a literal demon toddler and people think they're bad parents for it. tiktok cannot comprehend that he is simply an unstoppable force
also Kanan gets cancelled for poking chopper with his cane because "you shouldn't hit your kids" to which his response is "and you shouldn't try to trip your blind fathers??? i think it's even"
😭😭 they’re like “dude you can’t fucking hit your FOSTERED kids. that’s so fucking wrong omg” and it’s just kanan USING his cane to get by and accidentally tapping chopper’s leg while he passes. every time chopper punches kanan in the stomach, the comments cheer for him.
#star wars#star wars shitpost#star wars rebels#star wars headcanons#oil.#kanan jarrus#chopper#hera syndulla
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