#can't choose a main but he wants to be diamond
secretlyhuntokar · 2 months
Penumbra podcast Junoverse headcanons
(under cut because there are a Lot) ((Also spoiler warning up to Thief's Honour pt 2))
- Juno leaves notes in his and Nureyev's room on the Carte Blanche if he gets up before him so Nureyev doesn't worry he left again
- One of the main reasons Nureyev is scared of aging is because he's already lived a full hallucinated life and doesn't want to waste any second of his real one
- Juno wears a trenchcoat because Rita was really into old Earth noir detective streams when they first met and she bought a trenchcoat for him. And it was the first gift someone had bought for him in years.
- Juno still wears that trenchcoat to this day
- Nureyev once bought/stole Juno a new trenchcoat and while Juno thought it was a really nice trenchcoat and a sweet gesture, he never wore it because its not the one Rita got him
- Nureyev likes to see how many of Vespa's knives he can steal before she notices and yells/threatens him for them back
- Vespa taught Buddy how to play Rangian Street Poker
- The Ruby Seven is green because wherever it's from, Ruby is their word for green
- Rangian Street Poker varies very slightly across Outer Rim planets, and even more so on the Solar planets
- New Kinshasa's version of Rangian Street Poker is the most similar to the Solar version out of all the Outer Rim Variations
- Nureyev and Rita make each other jewelry. Rita hands the jewelry she makes to Nureyev directly, while Nureyev sneaks what he makes under Rita's door at night, or leaves it on her seat for her to find in the morning
- Rita is from the Cerberus Province or someplace similar to it. Or she spent a lot of time sneaking out to the Martian sewers while growing up and befriended the Martian sewer rabbits
- Jet didn't know how to wash his hair properly and one time it got especially greasy after changing the Ruby's oil or something, so Rita showed him how to clean it properly. Since then they try to have a 'spa day' sort of thing once a week
- The Mechanisms are somewhere Out There in Junoverse
- Buddy Aurinko has met the Mechanisms, and Vespa has not. She is definitely not jealous about that. Nuh uh.
- Buddy is naturally taller than Nureyev but she does not know this because Nureyev is always wearing heels that make him appear an inch taller than her. No matter what shoes she herself chooses to wear that day.
- Nureyev kept the handcuffs from the Murderous Mask ep
- The entire Carte Blanche has matching friendship bracelets that they made together (suggested by Rita and organised by Buddy). The Ruby Seven's bracelet was made by Jet and is tied around its steering wheel. Nureyev also made it one later on, which he hid under one of the seats.
- Juno has 10 eyepatches he frequently wears and they are all identical.
- Juno and Slip would've loved each other if they had the chance to meet properly. Platonically or romantically it doesn't matter. Either way, they would pretend to be jealous of each other around Nureyev for a while, until one day Nureyev catches them watching a shitty stream together, making fun of the bad writing.
- Slip didn't want to be revived
- Slip was sometimes conscious enough to hear everything that happened around him
- Slip calls Nureyev "Petya" either because that's the Brahman pronunciation of it or because he misheard the first time they met and it stuck as a nickname
- If Petya is the Brahman pronunciation of Peter, then Mag was the one who changed his name to "Peter" so it "sounded more Solar"
- Buddy and Vespa dye their hair together
- One time they were real tired while dying their hair, and accidentally switched the colours around. For a few months Buddy had green hair and Vespa had red hair. Vespa has a photo of her and Buddy with swapped hair colours as her comms homescreen
- Juno used to think diamonds were beautiful, and now can't stand the sight of them
- Ben would teach Juno to dance (I think this one is canon? Juno's "I had a good teacher" line in Man in Glass makes me think so? And it might've been brought up in other episodes too)
- Juno couldn't bear to do any sort of dance for years after Ben died
- Juno tried to keep the dahlias and roses Nureyev got him for his birthday alive for as long as possible, but they probably wilted either during the THEIA stuff or soon after he left Hyperion city. They still sit in his office though, and he has a photo of them from before they wilted that he looks at sometimes
- Buddy sometimes does her makeup in a green that matches Vespa's hair. Vespa does the same, but in red
- Nureyev used to not have a favourite colour, but it became gold after Man in Glass
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gold-rhine · 1 year
In an ideal universe where your wish fulfillment came true... any particular characters (including npcs) you'd like Kaeya to interact with when he gets there?
by wish fulfillment i assume you mean "kaeya moves to sumeru". to proper answer, i need to explain my pet crack theory which is Kaeya and Candace are related. buckle up babes
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ok, so, we know chlothar is one of kaeya's ancestors. look at this pasty ugly dude. he did NOT produce the hottest man in the game by in-breeding with other pasty khaenriah nobles from same bloodlines. and we know it had to be same bloodline or kid gets hilichurled.
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where are kaeya's hot genetics are coming from??? the darker skin?? blue eyes, dark blue hair?? like they could've at least give him the same brown skin tone to match, but no. and genshin matches relatives OBSESSIVELY. hot genetics HAVE to come from somewhere.
sumeru is near khaenriah. deshret's civilization is connected to khaenriah in canon, we know for a fact some of the survivors became part of khaenriah. deshret's civilization was also highly advanced AND fucked with the abyss. it's all not crack, thats just stating canon facts. so like it doesn't seem to me as a stretch to guess that the khaenriah's noble bloodline originated from Deshret. like, a lot of ppl connected to the desert have rhombs in their pupils, which we know is the main visible sign of this bloodline. like, thats not precisely khaenriah diamonds, but its fucking close, ok?
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and Candace is canonically a direct descendent of Deshret himself. Brown skin - check, blue eye color - check, dark midnight blue hair - check, hotness - hell yeah check.
if you catch my drift, i think khaenriah's main noble bloodline, the one that is not hilichurled, hailed from deshret. their only choice to get a normal, non-cursed kid was to find the descendants of the same bloodline who did not leave desert for khaenriah and so were not cursed, and it's Candace's family. booom babyy
so in ideal world, Candace and Kaeya realize they're distant cousins bc she's like Alberich? My aunt married some shady dude named Alberich, was that your dad? like all kaeya always wanted was to belong, and here he finally will have family that is not trying to use him OR repressed anger issue catholics. and nahida let even scara to redeem after he tried to murder her. kaeya could finally come clean and just live as himself.
and he would be so needed too, like the desert ppl are in turmoil process of integrating with sumeru, criminals are overrunning aaru village. and who keeps treasure hoarders in mond in check with nothing but three dumb sergeants and a smile? kaeya would sort that shit out in a month. seriously, i had to go to liyue to farm treasure hoarders, there are no roaming mobs of them in mond. kaeya would also be the best liason to akademiya, growing up with nobility and being used to political games as mond's spymaster.
after this premise, there is literally not a single character in sumeru it would not be fun to see kaeya interacting with. he and dehya are immediately besties, they met on a shopping trip where candace was helping him choose his new skin outfit, and this same evening drunk dehya is princess carrying him out of tavern. he can amplify cyno's horrible puns into a weapon of mass destruction and tighnari can't even hate him, bc he also made ppl stop eating poisonous mushrooms by spreading rumors that if you eat too much of them, their spores will grow inside of and mindcontrol you. its absolute bullshit, but it worked, goddamit. kaeya could solve kaveh and alhaitham's communication problems in one evening at a bar, but he wouldn't, bc he's a little shit and he thinks its entertaining to watch and he's curious how long its gonna take them by themselves, but he would give them trollish little nudges. also, in nilou's tropue he would finally have a proper bohemian scene to exercise his flair for dramatics and inspire several epic poems by being a heartbreaker.
tldr little desert village has neither rich nobility nor grand destiny he's supposed to fulfill, but it has ppl who will accept and appreciate him, and i think realizing that he doesn't have to choose between a coinflip of bad and awful and learning to live for himself instead is one of kaeya's arcs best possible resolutions
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halevren · 8 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 6
I had to pause Taskmaster NZ for this. Did you guys know that the episodes are on YouTube for FREE?!?!?!?!!?!!
Love the intro as usual, Sarah Barrios goes so hard
Hiii intrepid heroes!
I wonder if adaine will get a new job this episode
rest in peace Conor Counterspell
I forgot how much happened last episode
"Buttered to perfection"
"I don't do this to you" I can tell this will be a giggly episode
"It's filled with water!"
"Who's a bad baby?" FABIAN I LOVE YOU
"I'm self sabotaging" I feel you Kristen. I feel you.
"I know in my heart that in his final moments he must have repented and gone—" "No.... No..."
"You should go to hell sometime"
"Smells good"
"Whatever you didn't like about your old self, you feel like, oh, it's present in this kid who is also drinking water out of a beer can." Brennan why must you be so good at pulling heartstrings
Double Kristen 🔥🔥
We got like 18 votes 🔥🔥
With disadvantage? oh no.
omg ivy has the same accent as garthy
"Your family is from Fallinel" her mom is gone and she killed her they can't help pay for the diamond
"Hot dragonborn is about to know your shit"
oh adaine... I understand you so well
Adaine and Fabian duo is so under appreciated I need more of them
"Everyone can suck a nut, fuck off"
There is so much sexual tension between Gorgug and Ragh rn
"If you push me too hard, I'm going to shit"
"I think I ate some glass— there was vodka in it???" Oh Ragh my beloved....
Riz rambling is so real
Oh Ragh I love you, you're trying so hard to help I love you you are perfect
ohhhh Fabian.....
The High 5 Heroes...
"It's not the library, you can't rip the pages out!"
This is a very duo episode. Fig / Kristen, Fabian / Adaine, Gorgug / Riz
I'm starting to think Kristen is trying to be the president of the steelworker union at this rate
"I'm gonna be kick flipping the system"
Fantasy High Senior Year main objective is going to be getting Fetty Wap to homecoming
"It's gonna be weird to not be you. I feel home here."
ohhh Emily what are you strategizing rn
oh no.. I think Ivy noticed her change
Fabian is struggling rn
"I can impersonate the dead when I want"
So much destruction of Fabian's property this episode
ivy isn't very nice. don't go for our girl mazey
oh is Brennan about to make Fabian choose between Ivy and Mazey? I swear to GOD
oh no..... Fabian.....
Mazey being straight laced (?) But still being the absolute life of the party is so good
"(Murph Sobs)"
Fuck the record labels
"Just trying to decide if I want to be bard any more..." OH?
Rough day for Fabian. So rough.
Murph rollin' better.
At least none of them actually did drugs. Just. The bad baby milk. What is the drinking age of Spyre? I don't know
Bad Kids Apicology Arc
oh no Fabian vs Gertie
actually it's more like Fabian vs everyone
Riz panic is so real, them getting kicked out of school would be awful
Tracker and Kristen call...........
oh no....
"I'm gonna be President, bitch."
I relate to Kristen too much, this is painful for me to listen to because it's too real
"Maybe she had a shrimp allergy, you don't fuckin' know"
"I hope your new partner is really fucking hot." Oh Kristen
"Riz you're the only one who is honest with me"
"Tough but fair. Have a great life" KRISTEN.....
Drunk texting Aelwyn.
Murph is going full investigator rn
The egg slurry
I was NOT expecting Fig to be the one to do a full class switch but honestly it's understandable
"We're having to destroy ourselves to pass these classes." As someone who was severely depressed in high school, I resonate with that statement a little too much.
I want to go to a Lydia lunch
"So what's up" Kristen's god is dead.
"took an orb to the chest"
Oh Lydia.... I want to hug her so tightly.
"God baby hospital"
Now I'm hungry for chicken parm
looks like next episode is dice rolling
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allykatsart · 3 days
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Spades(Here) Clubs Hearts Diamonds
Starting a small series for the next few days, and I'll be at Fan X by the time the last of these post! I'm not making a full set, but these are the hypothetical face cards of the card deck! All characters depicted are OC's and I'll add more info about them under the cut!
Get Your Own Art!
Cat (Catherine) ~ King of Spades
Cat has had the most changes out the entire cast. Originally she was just a normal college student who found herself wrapped up in the supernatural world. Nowadays, she's the Tether to Cosmo, the Apple Dragon!
Her vibe is that classic, vintage, Americana feel, and she aspires to one day own a Harley. Cat is 4ft 8in tall, plays softball at the local college, and tries her best to stop Cosmo from getting her in trouble. She can bemoan how she got to be a Tether to such a lame dragon, but over time she learns to appreciate Cosmo and master his power!
Her main weapon is a baseball bat and she will take your kneecaps with it.
Mentor ~ Queen of Spades
This character is currently unnamed because I need to put more research into naming conventions. This character is Indigenous American, and I don't want to have something too stereotypical or something that doesn't fit. I designed him with ethnicity in mind because I don't see a lot of Indigenous American representation and I wanted to branch out!
He is the Tether to the Moon Dragon, who is constantly being hunted by the Sun Dragon. So, as you can imagine, he's on the move a lot! He's a biker who travels from Coast to Coast, doing odd jobs and living life on the road. He ends up teaching Cat a thing or two about being a Tether, and why she should respect her dragon. He can't stay long though, he has to keep moving.
Cosmo ~ Jack of Spades
Now, you may be wondering why an Apple Dragon, living on the west coast of America, is an Asian dragon. That's a fair question! Turns out, apples originally came from Kazakhstan, supposedly going through Russia, before finally landing in Europe! "American as Apple Pie" really takes on a whole new meaning huh?
Well, Cosmo followed a similar route! He's the sweetest dragon ever and really just wants to help out his friends. He'll stand up for what's right and help out those in need. Cause of this, he chooses his Tethers very carefully. Aldar Kose, Robin Hood and even Jonny Appleseed were all previous partners of his, and he believes in his Tethers even when they don't believe in themselves!
That being said, he's a tiny dragon and is often underestimated. He's a dragon of Apples, after all, not a dragon of anything important. But he doesn't need to be! He's happy with himself and he can look out for the little guys like him! And hey, if he can save the world in the meantime? Well that'd be just dandy!
(Also, yes, he is designed to look like an apple peel with chocolate on top, cause he's just so darn sweet!!)
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devotioncrater · 1 year
when ted shakes the snowglobe and thinks of the people he's leaving behind, the first person he thinks of is trent
and it's not just that he's thinking about trent; he's thinking about the love letter trent wrote him, how ted loves it (and draws a moustached smile to make trent smile), but how ted can't possibly accept it [it being all about him]. and yet he sees trent in golden, sunflower, home.
literally SO fucking ill about this, thank you, anon.
i truly believe if dottie hadn't manipulated/triggered ted like she did the episode beforehand, something would have become of ted and trent. it's right there in what you described! there's always been this silently loud, gravitational pull between them.
trent is who ted thinks of first when he thinks of richmond, when he pours celebratory shots after victories, when he looks across a locker room while making a point in a speech.
ted is who trent thinks of first when he thinks of richmond, when he goes to follow his bliss, when he wants to live his life authentically.
it's truly bizarre and so so sad to see ted not be able to accept his positive role in other's lives. it's easier for him to lean into the role of Fixer with henry, to self-blame, to only view the negative role he (falsely!) believes he plays in his son's life. he cannot handle even the slightest notion of merging both aspects of his two separate lives (remember colin's ache? the concept could apply here too) because to do that requires acceptance of the self.
which! trent mentioned in the last diamond dogs meeting that it's not about change so much as acceptance of your past. ted was getting better through the season and he was starting to accept his past, until dottie steamrolled in during a vulnerable moment and fucking threw it back in his face. "your son misses you." + "fuck you."
every action ted has done in the series has been to not wind up like his father. he consciously chose to be kind and forgiving and optimistic when it would have been easier (and at times healthier) to lean into anger and hurt. his father's suicide has been the through-line this entire time. a ghost which haunts ted's worldview.
and dottie, unfortunately, played a major role in why ted only ever feels like he is loved/valued when something is needed from him. when he has to fix or care for or coach either someone or something. by dottie not working on herself, by not getting them both help after ted's dad's suicide, by not talking about it, she effectively Parentified a teenager and shut down communication at the same time. onscreen she only ever gives a shit about ted when she wants something. it's all her. her insecurities/guilt about how she parented ted become a knife wielded against him for how he untraditionally chooses to parent henry and for how he chooses to live his life.
dottie saw how much healthier ted is in richmond and could not see outside herself for more than two seconds to recognize it as a good thing. she instead felt threatened enough to effectively trigger ted into a catatonic low. to get him away from a support system and therapist who truly love him in a way she never could or can. to isolate him. nothing puts the fear of god into an abuser quite like a support system their victim can turn to. (why do you think rupert isolated rebecca?)
and trent? trent was a part of that support system. a divorced, gay man who wrote hundreds of pages about The Lasso Way, who's main inspiration was ted, who loved ted for all his flaws, who pushed ted with hard questions, who got all his references, who quit his whole career over ted, who at the end of the day just wanted ted to laugh with and like this book-love-letter he wrote for him. just wanted ted to recognize and accept that Coach Ted Lasso From America is a good man.
but ted? freshly triggered, catatonic depressive ted? cannot accept this reality. because to do so would mean acknowledgement of the silently loud, gravitational pull they have towards each other, and what that means, and how happy that has made him feel, and how trent would openly love him unconditionally if ted just allowed it. nothing to fix, nothing to take care of.
it goes against all this fucked conditioning ted's grown up with, where he's been triggered back to. beyond the role of Fixer, beyond his inability to accept help/love, beyond even his conditioned sexuality. it directly challenges the reality of a lonely kid who was often forgotten about by his parents in places. a lonely kid who other kids often underestimated and didn't care to ask questions about, to get to know. at sixteen, that same lonely kid walked in on his father's suicide and then had to walk through the grief alone, traumatized out his mind with no healthy way of expressing it. all the while wondering if he was to blame.
that is who ted regressed back into.
and it isn't until ted is back in that familiar box that he dares dream about trent again. because hey, that's all it was between them, right? a nice fantasy. it wasn't a reality. nah, not a chance. because In Real Life Ted Lasso Does Not Deserve That Level Of Support Or Love.
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whataboutsimple · 8 days
Complex AU, but
more details from your Simple friend!
This is basically some random info about characters and worldbuilding that may or may not be interesting for y'all!
Old Order's relationship with eyes is complicated.. see for yourself: Gabriel has blue eyes, but left is dark blue and right is light blue. Ivor has heterochromia: his left eye is blueish and right eye is yellowish. Magnus's left side of the face has this burning scar, so his left eye has some issues and he's red-weak colorblind (protanomaly) Soren and Ellegaard both have some problems with vision (that's what happens when you read too many books)
Gabriel, Olivia, Soren, Romeo, Cassie Rose, Harper, Petra, Maya, Milo — freckles buddies!
Olivia is gluten intolerant, Petra is allergic to copper.
Lukas tried to smoke ONE time, done it wrong, almost died. Since then he pushes Aiden away from the house everytime he starts smoke.
After Aiden redeemed himself, he got an ocelot and called them Huey. Him and Lukas meet up from time to time to bond over their ocelots.
Gabriel is №1 rich guy from the whole cast. He has this INSANE luck in finding diamonds. But that's the only thing he has luck in.. meanwhile Hadrian is №2, but he just hella good at deals that gets him money.
There's a lot more towns and cities in the whole world than just Redstonia, BoomTown, BeaconTown and Champion City. There's also lots of small villages.
There's from five to six know languages: standard Minecraftian (basically English for English speakers, Russian for Russian speakers, Spanish for Spanish speakers and ect.), Villageres, Illageres, Enchanted, Mountaines and Witches. Though usually Illageres and Witches use Villageres to communicate, they still have their own languages. Mountaines is basically language that was created by very Old Human who used to teach others magic and wrote many books that nowadays are very important for researches. Enchanted is.. well, enchantment table language!
There are some schools across the world that can teach you Villageres or Mountaines, but you can't learn Illageres or Witches (they're to aggressive to give humans a good info about how to speak their languages)
Average age of going to school is 6 y.o., and they finish it at 20 y.o., so the standard of studying is around 14 years. Mostly it's just some basic subjects like Monster Studying, MineWorld History, Crafting Lessons, Combat Practicing, Mathematics, Basic Redstone Schemes, but if you're a smart cookie, you can choose some extras like Enchantments, Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Redstone and ect.
You can go to college after school! And choose any profession: blacksmith, farmer, builder. The harder the job, the longer you're studying. There's also a "military" option — Guards Global College or GGC, if you want to be a Warrior, Guard, Knight and ect.
There are two types of "Heroes": Outside Hero and Inside Hero. Outside Heros are our Old and New Orders, they basically do their silly adventures for the public and even though this adventures are pretty important, there are still "inside" Hero. Those guys work for the government, let's say. They investigate crimes, spy on different organization. Basically "the police", you can say, but on more deep level. Gabriel is an inside and outside Hero (he became inside Hero, and than outside because of Old Order).
There's lots of drama that our main cast (New Order) is not aware about. Cold War between wealthy people, uprisings and revolutions among crimes authorities, Nether Invasion (opened portals that are not controlled is basically an entrance for those who are not.. happy to see humans).
I think I wrote enough for this moment.. lemme know if you want more, guys, because I DO have more info! Btw ask for this AU is always open. Thanks for reading to this moment<3
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lelanida · 1 year
Prepare to dive into the depths of Megabird and Angst lore. Today, we'll talk about a group of gods known as Four of the Isle.
These fellas were living in my head rent-free for a very long time, and I made a lot of sketches with them. But I guess it's finally time to choose the least cringe drawings and explain why I love these ancient gods so much.
The Four of the Isle.
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The main idea behind them is that prophets from Isle of Dawn didn't just randomly choose animals for their masks. They outplayed some characters. A gods. Season of Passage proved that masks had a very important role in the ancient kingdom. And that these masks are... alive? There clearly was someone behind those masks. So why can't it be the same for Prophecy?
Four of the Isle were worshiped before the King, and even before the Elders. Megabird didn't create them. They appeared because people wanted them to be real. And so they possess(ed) their own kind of energy, which later took form of the gifts of water, earth, air and fire. Let's take a closer look at them.
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Aquatis, Terra, Zephyr, and Flamer were original gods of the Isle and used to take care of its inhabitants. But after Daleph's sudden appearance, they decided to retire and give up their powers to someone who would be able to finish a specific trial. We all know where it led. The Daleph himself, by the way, wasn't against Fours's presence.
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"But where is the ultimate mask?" You may ask. Don't worry, we are almost there.
Last but not least, fifth god of Four of the Isle (yes, I know how stupid this sounds) is Miru.
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Miru was believed to be a messenger god of the Four with a gift of future vision. While being the youngest in the pantheon, he was the first to gain a prophet so he could bring his prophecies to the people. Miru and Prophecy guide had a really deep connection with each other.
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Miru believed that the gift of knowing the future is far too dangerous to be given to people, so he didn't create a trial. He disappeared the same day the shattering diamond exploded.
Thank you for reading.
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strangesthirdeye · 3 months
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14: ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋs ᴏɴ ɴʏ sᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴍ
Unspoken Love Masterlist / Chapter 15
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Sorry I'm not very good at writing fighting scenes, I tried.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"It looks like a museum, if you ask me" You said, wincing each step you took while being supported by Stephen.
"Still can't believe this place is the main pillar to protect Earth from other dimension attacks" Stephen said, eyes looking around the Sanctum.
"It's just so many items in this place. I wonder how many rooms this place has" you muttered as you observed the relics there with curiosity. "We have too figure out which Sanctum, Kaecilius already destroyed the London Sanctum so he and his followers will probably come here if they choose not to go to another Sanctum." Stephen said before he stopped in the foyer. "are you sure you can move?"
"This pain cannot be compared to the importance of what we are dealing with now"
You said to him, determined.
"Besides, I feel like I can move my legs a little. If you want to leave this Sanctum, go ahead. I can wait for you while I explore this place," you suggested.
Stephen is hesitant a bit about leaving you alone.
"If they come, I just fight them even though there are a lot of them. It's not like I don't know how to fight. It's a waste of time for me to train at Kamar Taj for months if I don't know how to defend myself."  You spoke to him.
Stephen sighed, he can't fight you because what you said is right. You and your stubbornness really cannot fight his own stubbornness. Stephen nodded his head.
"I won't be long" He said.
You nodded. "Alright"
Stephen went down the stairs towards the door of the Sanctum. You decided to explore the relics room where all various types of relics are embedded there. Some of them are in glass cabinets or chests while some of them hang on the wall.
And then you stopped at a glass cabinet that had a red cloak with a tartan pattern on the inside while the back has a complicated pattern that seemed to be floating by itself. The cloak stopped and stiffened in front of you before it lifted one of its cloak like a hand to touch the glass cabinet. The smooth wine red cloak started waving its cloth as if greeting you before it stiffed again. You waved it back with awe plastered on your face, seeing the unique relic.
You were too amazed to see it, not noticing the other cloak next to the red cloak cabinet that was colored in Navy blue with a diamond and gold star pattern on the back while the inside has a tartan pattern. It too floats by itself and what else it has is that it has a hoodie that looks like it is its head. The navy blue cloak stopped and moved its hoodie towards you before it too knocked the glass cabinet, trying to get your attention.
You turned your gaze from the red cloak to the source of noise next to the red cloak's glass cabinet. You narrowed your eyes at the other cloak before walking closer towards it.
The Blue cloak waving its clothes excitedly upon seeing you approach it with curious written on your face. You stopped in front of the cabinet. The blue cloak stopped and put the end of the cloth to the glass cabinet like hands. You raised your right hand and touched the cabinet where the clothes were.
"Greenwich Village.. "
You jerked, too shocked when you heard Stephen's voice who was suddenly by your side. He also looked at the red cloak with amazement.
You massage your chest. "sorry?"
"Greenwich Village.. we're in the New York Sanctum" Stephen said, eyes not leaving the glass cabinet in front of him.
You nodded with understanding. "I can feel that they will come here"
"Then we need to be ready to defend it" Stephen insisted.
You looked at the blue cloak with admiration. "These two relics are very unique"
"yeah.. They float by themselves.. like an invisible person wears them" Stephen replied as he takes your hand in his. "we need to explore this place so that we know where we want to go if Kaecilius and his followers come"
You nodded. "right"
The both of you left the two cloaks and walked to the other section. There you find the Rotunda of Getaway at the end of the Sanctum. It has three doors leading to the misty forest, tempest-tossed ocean and snow-capped andes. The two of you widened your eyes when you saw the three different sceneries from the three doors.
"Fascinating' you thought as you and Stephen approached the Rotunda Of Getaway.
Stephen turned the door handle in the middle which had a rough sea scenery. Upon opening the door, a strong sour breeze entered the Sanctum. Your hair was flying around because of the strong wind while Stephen narrowed his eyes so that the salt water wouldn't get into his eyes.
Stephen closed the door. You fixed your hair that was a bit messy before your eyes focused on the control panel at the Rotunda Of Getaway.
"That must be the control pad" you said while pointing your index finger at the control pad on the wall.
Stephen turned his gaze to the control pad before touching it and twisting it. The scenery at Rotunda Getaway abruptly changed from vast ocean to vast desert.
Stephen raised his eyebrows impressed while looking at you as if he wanted to make sure that what he saw was what you saw too. You nodded at him.
"It's more odds but fascinating" you mumbled.
Stephen hummed agreement before he took your hand and led you back to the relics room.
But you both stopped as you both heard something in the center of Sanctum. You both ran towards the center of the Sanctum and stopped upon seeing Kaecilius and his followers in addition Master Of New York Sanctum, Daniel Drumm who was in a fighting stance in front of Kaecilius with his relics in hands. His eyes glaring at Kaecilius with hatred.
Kaecilius and his followers slipped through the door with purple cracks around his eyes and a Dark Dimension symbol on his forehead. So were his followers.
Kaecilius gestured his hands in the air, making the doors and walls warped. You squeezed Stephen's hand when you witnessed such power.
"Kaecilius" Master Drumm said, his eyes focusing on the middle age man in front of him.
"Daniel. I see they made you Master of this Sanctum." Kaecilius replied.
"And you know what that means." Master Drumm glaring at him.
"That you'll die protecting it." Kaecilius said with a cynical smile.
Spying from above, Stephen and you watched as Kaecilius gathered his Zealots in a circle around Drumm in the Sanctum foyer, summoning spaceshards. The Zealots descend upon Daniel quickly, brutally. The fight is quick and deadly. Drumm deflects a few blows and lands a few solid shots, but is felled by several blades at once. He falls to his knees. Groaning in pain while his hand pressed against his injured.
Stephen who couldn't bear to see Master Drumm's life taken let go of your hand and jumped from the banister, revealing himself to the villain.
"Stop!" he shouted as he stood and glaring at Kaecilius.
You also jumped and stood next to Stephen with a tight face. The Zealots turned their gaze towards the two of you while Kaecilius smirked before he drove his blade to stab Master Drumm.
You clenched your jaw. Kaecilius looked at you both again.
"How long have you been at Kamar-
Taj, Mister-"
"Doctor" Stephen interjected.
'this is not the time, Steph' you side eyed him.
Kaecilius tilted his head slightly, amused by what Stephen replied. "Mister Doctor?"
"It's Strange" Stephen fisted his hands.
Kaecilius smirked. "Maybe? Who am I to judge?" and he drove his killing blow at Master Drumm, killing him instantly.
"No!" you shouted before quickly conjuring your own daggers in hands and quickly heading towards Kaecilius to attack.
As if poking a wasp's nest, Kaecilius and his followers began to attack you both. Both the blonde and strong Zealot attacked. Defying gravity, they run up the walls towards Stephen while you nimbly dodge Kaecilius's counter attack on you.
Kaecilius punched your side hard causing you to take a few steps back. You gasped in pain.
'dammit' you cursed before throwing your dagger towards Kaecilius, distracting him before running up to him for your next attack.
Kaecilius used his magic to conjure a glass looking blade in his hand before swing the dagger thrown by you effortlessly. He smirked before driving his blade towards your stomach, trying to stabbed you but then, as if in slow motion, you noticed this and quickly avoided it with another dagger in your hand making the dagger and the blade clash and produce a loud clashing sound that both of you and his weapons disappeared in his hand.
Kaecilius clenched his jaw before he threw his own fisted towards you but then you grabbed his hand and twisted it before throwing him to the ground. Stephen who was busy fighting the two Zealots was stunned to see your actions but then he quickly dodged the attack from the two Zealots.
Kaecilius got up and knelt on the floor, he chuckled darkly, too impressed with your abilities.
"such a pretty face and talent like yours is a waste of time if you are still with Kamar Taj" he stood up and his eyes focusing on you. "You and your partner have impressive talent, why don't you two follow us to get more power than that"
"Even to the death, me and Stephen will not cooperate with a murderer like you" you snapped before attacking him.
"pity" he spat that toxic sentence before he caught your hand and threw you on the foyer with his unusual strength. Probably the power of the Dark Dimension.
You crashed upwards violently, the glass breaking as a result of the impact of your body towards it
You gasped in pain and tried to get up, but the pain was terrible. Your skins are cut and bruised with broken glass under you plus your back which is in great pain doesn't help you to try to reduce the pain. You grunted in pain before trying to stand up.
Kaecilius waving his hands making the whole walls move and warped around you as he slowly walked up to you with his eyes showing evilness. You looked around anxiously but you hid that feeling as you took a step back and ran full speed towards where Stephen was running. This is something you don't expect to happen in the real world as Kaecillius and his followers are not directly conjuring the Mirror Dimension.
They really wanted to destroy the Sanctums. You ran fast and noticed that Stephen was struggling to hold the two Zealots with his magic. His shield flickered out of existence several times but he managed to avoid any attack from the two Zealots quickly.
You looked behind you. Kaecilius still keeping his eyes on you as he waved his hands making the long corridor twist and extend. The floor started to move. You ran towards one of the Zealot who was trying to attack Stephen with his glass sharp by summoning a luminous whip and tied it to the hand of the Zealot who was holding the glass sharp tightly.
The Zealot frowned at that and held your luminous whip with both hands and pulled it with his unusual strength making you pulled towards him at full speed to the wall of the corridor. You crashed into the wall hard, letting out a gasped of pain. Stephen managed to attack the female Zealot but then the male Zealot came from behind him and chokehold him.
'dammit' you cursed in your heart. Face grimaced in pain before standing up slowly due to excruciating pain behind you. Twice, your back receives the same damage.
You fisted your hand before summoning some electric shock spell that you studied in one of the Ancient One collection. The electric shock spell is not very dangerous but it is enough to make someone paralyzed or distracted in a short period of time. You then quickly touch the back of the male zealot with your palm making the male Zealot get an electric shock making his hold on Stephen released before he collapsed to the floor followed by Stephen who seemed to be okay but still could feel the electric shock inside him.
"Stephen" you called as you helped him to wake up.
Stephen shocked his head several times and blinked trying to get rid of the electric shock in his body. "I'm fine" he said to you but more to himself.
The floor extends and stretches. Kaecilius smirked at both of you as you both stood in a fighting stance. Ready to fight him.
"This really is as fun as it looks." Kaecilius smirked as he moved the floor to move you both towards him. Stephen moved his hands and snapped his hands making two mystics shield appeared in his fists. But then one of the shield flickered out of existence making Stephen nervously shaking his hand to get the shield back but it merely flickers like a Zippo lighter that won’t light. So much for that badass retort.
You gulped nervously at that. "well, at least you tried" you tried to cool the tension.
Stephen side eyed you. Reaching you and Stephen, Kaecilius flips upside down, onto the
ceiling, the other two spring up and move along the walls. Stephen fights like a cornered animal: blocking with a rune shield in one hand while lashing out with the whip in the other but the limits of Strange's training show as he accumulates physical damage: slashed clothes, cuts and bruises. You try to defend your head from hitting the ceiling, wall and floor as you are swaying and bouncing all over the place as if you were in a container that was being shaken.
All the way it happens in the real world and not the Mirror Dimension. It's not supposed to be like this. Civilians do not need to witness this kind of things in their eyes if they see what is happening outside the Sanctum although this Sanctum is big but the damage to this Sanctum can still be seen by the public based on how big the damage is. You don't want the same thing happened like London Sanctum.
The male zealot who has just recovered from the electric shock radically tilts gravity in the hall, back and forth, banging Stephen hard against the floor, ceiling, and both walls. Stephen groaned in pain. Then the male Zealot tilts gravity toward Stephen. Stephen grabs hold of a wall scones to keep himself from sliding down.
You take a hold on the wall from sliding down. The female Zealot looked at you fiercely before she ran towards you and tackled you to the floor. She punched you several times while you flicked her hand nimbly before summoning the same spell you cast earlier on the male zealot and pushed her body far to the end of the corridor making the crack of orange flicker in the air indicating that was the spell you cast. The female zealot miraculously recovered from the shock quickly.
You cursed under your breath. 'oh, seriously. That's the only powerful spell I managed to conjured' you thought before getting up and summoning the mystic shields in both hands.
As the hall appears to reach a ninety-degree angle, you who managed to cling yourself to the wall scones see the same female Zealot directly below you at the far end of the hallway: directly behind her is the Rotunda of Windows. She too clinging herself to the door of the Rotunda. You looked up at Stephen who struggled to dodge the attack of the male zealot. You got a high-risk idea. You let yourself fall.
You cannons into the Blonde Zealot with both feet, blasting her into the Rotunda and backwards through the glass window. Both of your hands managed to reach the door leaf of the Rotunda tightly. Heart beating rapidly against your chest, you gripped the door firmly. The female zealot recovers from the fall and gets up before running towards you but struggles to keep up due to being in the desert.
"Ugh, don't you dare" you quickly reached for the control pad on the Rotunda before twisting it and replacing the scenery to the rainforest tropical. The female zealot gone.
All of the sudden Stephen who fought against the male zealot is already behind you. Stephen grapples him, flipping him back into the rainforest, buying precious seconds. You were stunned for a moment before quickly spinning the control pad on the frame of the window. It changes again, this time to a view of the Grand Canyon.
Now turns to Kaecilius. Kaecilius knocks Stephen onto his back before he grabbed your fist and threw you towards Stephen. Crashed into him hard. Stephen shook his head a few times to ease the dizziness. His temple is covered in blood. He looked at you with concern as you tried to recover from the attack earlier. He turned his head and saw a nearby vase, which he immediately kicks at Kaecilius, hitting him. The blow knocks Kaecilius off balance.
Stephen is finally able to break free, grabbed your hand after you finally managed to get up and running off to the Chamber of Relics.
With Kaecilius hot on you both heels, Stephen and you hurries up the stairs. Your one hand managed to summon luminous whip before Kaecilius caught up with you due to you being the closest to him. You whipped the luminous whip at him with one hand but then Kaecilius dodged and summoned his glass sharp before slashing at you. Stephen let go of your hand that he was holding before he too summoned his own luminous whip and whipped towards Kaecilius who almost wanted to slash your face.
Kaecilius after being distracted by Stephen swung his hand that was still holding the sharp glass towards you but then you brushed it away with your luminous whip. Kaecilius kicks your side until you take a step back and bump into Stephen due to losing your footing.
Stephen crashed against a cabinet filled with relics, he winced in pain when his skin was cut by the broken glass. His eyes suddenly focusing on the vase-like relic.
The Brazier of Bom'Galiath. Stephen reached it and pointed it at Kaecilius who was holding the collar of your tunic ready to strike his sharp weapon.
He narrowed his eyes at Stephen with amusement. He lowered his weapon.
"You don't know how to use that, do
you?" Kaecilius said, smirking.
You pursed your lips at that.
Stephen blinked for a moment, his hands still holding the relic before he suddenly chucked the relic at Kaecilius, catching him off guard and Kaecilius letting go of your tunic collar to avoid it. You landed on the floor hard but that didn't stop you from fighting again with Kaecilius who was quickly dodging and attacking Stephen's blow. You use your luminous whip to stop Kaecilius from sending Stephen his powerful blow but then Kaecilius' focus turned to your luminous whip that was tied to his arm. He grabbed your luminous whip and pulled and threw you towards the glass cabinet with his unusual strength.
You crashed against the glass cabinet that contained the navy blue cloak. The cloak that was floating on its own stiffened at the sudden crash. Not aware that he is already free. You groan in pain, a shard of glass cuts your skins. The cloak is suddenly on your side. Its head bowed down to look at you lying in pain. It wants to help you, it wants you to use it and it wants you to master it. You stared at the unique relic with wonder.
Next thing you know, you're gone with that navy blue cloak.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Kaecilius punts Stephen through a glass case of relics. He knocks Stephen back into the case holding the red wine cloak. It blocks several strikes from the Zealot. Kaecilius frustrated with the obstruction from the red wine cloak, he lunges again, knocking Stephen down the staircase. Stephen let out a small yelped as he fell from the staircase. The cloak soars down the stairs after him, fast.
Kaecilius walked towards where Stephen fell with a blank face. Now, as if having a dramatic song, Stephen is levitating from the staircase majestically, red wine cloak around his shoulders fluttering showing how majestic the relic is. He floats above the room, silhouetted by his signature window, getting his hero moment. He's taken on the fully-formed classic comic look.
Stephen's hands started summoning a luminous whip and slashed it towards Kaecilius but it didn't hit him, instead it tied to Kaecilius' looking shard glass weapon in his hand. Stephen pulled with all his might while Kaecilius tried to pull Stephen with his unusual strength making Stephen pulled by Kaecilius and collided with each other.
The two men groaned before Stephen with the help of the red wine cloak stood up and ran away from Kaecilius. Kaecilius without wasting time with his weapon followed Stephen from behind but then he seemed to be punched and hit by something invisible. Kaecilius took a step back. His eyes focus on where trying to find the source that is stopping him.
Kaecilius took a few steps back when he felt himself being punched in the face. His face turned frustrated before he blindly tried to counter the invisible attack but he looked like a madman swinging his hands in the air. One after another invisible hit was sent by the mysterious hitman before Kaecilius got furious and yet calm on his face and used his dark magic to catch the mysterious person.
His hands suddenly shot up as if he was strangling someone, which was revealed to be you who was wearing the navy blue cloak and the hood. You gasped and put both hands on Kaecilius's hands that strangled your neck. Cutting your airways.
Kaecilius with his calm face strangled you hard causing you to struggle. You then decide to kick Kaecilius in the gut which makes him groan in pain and release you. You fell to the floor, gasping for air before using the cloak you wore to stand up and run away from him.
Stephen who at the end of the foyer seems to struggle to move because he is pulled by the cloak he wears. His hand stretched towards the ancient ax hanging on the wall across the foyer. But the cloak seemed to prevent him from taking the axe. Stephen gave in and looked at the cloak he was wearing which cloak immediately pointed the end of its cloak towards the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.
You run past him with Kaecilius following you with his sharp weapon. At any time he will throw his weapon at you. Stephen then rushed towards the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak that were hanging on the wall before he threw the relic at Kaecilius who was automatically bound by the relic and kneeled on the floor with his hands stretched behind him. His mouth was covered by the shackle.
You gasped for air after running to save yourself and standing in front of the now bound Kaecilius. Stephen rushed to your side and immediately checked on you if there was any injury which is cut on your face, arm and probably your bruised body. Stephen rubbed your cheek gently not wanting to pressure your wound but for comfort. You noticed that Stephen has the same wound as you.
"I'm okay" you reassured him with a gentle smile.
Stephen huffed a breath of relief. A muffled voice sounded in front of you both making you both come out of your sweet moment. You both looked at Kaecilius with a tired look on your face.
"what?" Stephen said, walked closer to Kaecilius to hear what he said clearly but the shackle made what Kaecilius said unclear.
You frowned, annoyed by what Kaecilius was trying to say.
'Is he... chanting a spell or what?' you thought
Stephen who has had enough with this nonsense releases the shackle on his mouth. But he's still chanting something that you both don't understand. This makes you both frustrated.
"oh, stop it" you ordered, firmly.
But Kaecilius still chanting which makes Stephen lose patience.
"She said stop it" he snapped.
"You can't stop this, Mr and Mrs Doctor.. " Kaecilius said. Eyes focusing on you two especially on Stephen who was glaring at him.
You were stunned at what Kaecilius said. Mrs. Doctor. Not that you find it quite funny but Mrs.. He thinks you and Stephen are married. You pursed your lips.
Stephen glared at him, hand clutching the shackle in his grip. "We already stopped you and I don't even know what this is."
"It is the end and the beginning. The many becoming the few becoming the One." Kaecilius said, flatly. Eyes focusing on you two. Eyes full of darkness and cruelty.
"enough with your nonsense talk before we put this thing back on your mouth" you snapped.
Kaecilius eyes shifted to you. "Tell me, Mrs. Doctor-"
"right, listen. Let me get one thing that make sense, My name is Doctor Y/n L/n and his name is Doctor Stephen Strange. And We're not married." You replied, frustrated with this misunderstanding.
"You are both doctors. A scientists. You know the laws of nature. All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it is a place beyond time." Kaecilius began his speech.
"that's it, I'm putting this back on" Stephen sighed in resignation before moving closer to Kaecilius who was still bound.
"This world doesn't have to die, Doctors" Kaecilius reasoned.
Stephen paused at this. His eyes stared at Kaecilius face for a moment. You were silent for a moment. Not making any comments that lead to unwanted things. The way Kaecilius said with full confidence and desperate to reasons what he has done all this time makes you intriguing.
'This world doesn't have to die' and then what? All the things that live will live forever? For eternity? What kind of world are they trying to create?
Tears welled up in the Zealot's eyes and he spoke with sublime, other-worldly passion.
"This world can take its rightful place alongside so many others. Mr part of the One. The great and beautiful One. And we can all live. Forever." Kaecilius spoke with passion.
That's it, there you go. You have proven your point. He wants to make this dimension eternal. Never die. By doing this maniac things.
"really? what do you get out of this new
age dimensional utopia?" Stephen said, as he put the shackle on the tombs mouth by the stairs.
You hold your stands. Worried if something unexpected happens. You can't let your guard down as the situation right now is strangely calm. Not to your liking.
"The same as you. The same as everyone. Life. Eternal life. People think in terms of good and evil, when really time is the truth enemy of us all. Time kills everything." Kaecilius replied steadily despite tears welling up in his eyes.
"And what of those you kill?" You spoke. The navy blue cloak fluttered slightly at the word kill.
"Tiny, momentary specks within an indifferent universe." Kaecilius replied, without care.
You are stunned. Stephen words are thrown at you. Catching you off guard. Stephen is silent as he hears what Kaecilius said.
"Yes. YES! You see. You see what we're doing!" Kaecilius said, eagerly. Tears of devotional ecstacy stream down Kaecilius's face, but his voice remains steady.
"Humanity longs for the eternal, for a world beyond time, because time is what enslaves us. Time in an insult! Death is an insult! We don't seek that rule this world, we seek to save it. To hand it over to Dormammu, who is
the intent of all evolution, the why of all existence." he added.
"The Sorcerer Supreme defends existence." Stephen glared at him.
Kaecilius scoffed. "The Sorcerer Supreme." he beats. "What was it that brought you to Kamar Taj, Doctors? Was it Enlightenment? Power?"
Strange absently glances down at his hands. While you unconsciously touch your leg that should be paralyzed but with the help of magic it is no longer.
"You came to be healed. As did we
all, in our own way. The Taj room is a place that collects broken things. We all come with the promise of being healed and instead of the Ancient One gives us parlor tricks. The real magic she keeps for herself. You ever wonder how she's doing managed to live so long?" Kaecilius said in passion. His eyes still focusing on you two as if he's trying to convince you both to join what he's doing.
"I've seen the rituals. In the Book of Cagliostro." Stephen said a bit caught off guard. He looked down at his hands.
You looked at him confused but then you understood when you recalled the 'accident' earlier he was secretly reading the sacred book before being stopped by Wong, Mordo and John.
"So you know. What the Ancient One hoards, Dormammu gives freely. Life everlasting. Without pain. Without want." Kaecilius smirked.
"There's no such thing as eternal life. The world you imagine is just a trick of your so called Master" you snapped, glaring at him. Still can't believe about the Ancient One.
"Please, like I said earlier. In Dormammu's kingdom, everything like eternal life is impossible. The Ancient One keep the real magic within her. We are just pawns in her game. But with Dormammu, everything like power you can have. You can have everything without having to suffer" Kaecilius eyes shot up to you.
"and what if he just lied? What if there's no such thing as everything you said?" you tilted your head to the side slightly.
"Dormammu is not a deceptive celestial being. He is eternal and promises us everything we want as long as we do what he wants. He will give us a reward if we succeed which is soon" Kaecilius said boldly.
Strange stares at him, entranced, pondering the unexpected meaning of his words. If he succeeds in getting all the sanctums destroyed and Dormammu gets this dimension. Would everything he said be true? No, Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. The one where everything that lives is consumed by darkness due to the thirst for power and immortality.
Stephen scoffed. "Look at you, grotesque and deranged. You didn’t get your healing, so now you’ve sold your soul to get it."
"he's using you all like puppets" you added, crossing both arms over your chest.
"No. I got my healing, and yet I’m still going to die one day. No matter what we do, we all die. But we don’t have to. Not in his kingdom. We are his servants, the one who needs help. He's our Master, Doctors" Kaecilius reasoned.
"Dormammu has made you a murderer.
How good can his kingdom be?" Stephen challenged.
"Tell me Doctor Strange, Doctor L/n, is the
world what it ought to be? Death.
Chaos. Pain. That's the existence your Sorcerer Supreme has sworn to protect. She's not protecting us. She's imprisoning us. She's
betrayed us all." Kaecilius tried to clarify the statement.
You are both silent. Trying to swallow Kaecilius's statement. He's trying to manipulate you but you know that there's no such thing with what Kaecilius said. While Stephen's mind is still pondering about the Ancient One. Kaecilius suddenly chuckled. Which makes you both confused.
Stephen glared at him. "you think that's funny?"
"No, not that. What's funny is that you've lost your sling-ring." He said to Stephen, smirking.
You looked at Stephen who was tapping his belt and there his sling ring was indeed gone. You panic, it might be one of the zealots he fought who stole his sling ring. Stephen began to panic as he tried to find his sling ring. He turned and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. You widened your eyes and rushed at Stephen who stumbled backwards.
But then you feel a hard tugged from your head. Someone pull your hair. You cried out in pain and the next thing you know you were thrown down the stairs. Stephen struggles to keep himself standing, he too has measles and falls down the stairs. You groan in pain, ears ringing, your head is dizzy and your vision is blurred due to the strong fall on your head.
You hissed in pain when you tried to support yourself with your hands. You can feel your right hand starting to bruise and swell. No doubt it's already sprained. You can feel the stinging pain from your leg. You don't think you can stay standing as your energy is getting weaker due to using it during the fight with Kaecilius.
You held back the pain as you turned your body to prevent the zealot from approaching Stephen who was holding back the bleeding in his chest while shuffling on the floor to distance himself from the Zealot.
You use your signature luminous whip to stop the zealot but the zealot holds your luminous whip and pulls you forward towards him. He then choked you and shoved you against the wall, hard. He's cutting your airways off.
You hold his hand that is strangling your neck with both hands. You grunted. Your vision is getting blacker, black dots adorn your vision as you start to sink into the darkness. But then as if a newborn baby takes its first breath, you end up gasping for air after the pressure on your neck disappears on the floor. Hand holding your neck trying to soothe the pain and probably bruise that has already formed. There you see, the navy blue and red wine cloaks are trying to stop the zealot by blocking his vision and movement by warping themselves on the zealot's body and head.
You gasped more air and slowly, wincing in pain rushed at Stephen. You hoisted him up, ignoring the growing pain in your leg. You use your own sling ring which thankfully is still on your belt and then opening a portal to where you and Stephen know.
Metro-General Hospital.
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hanihazeljade · 1 day
Three Settings
Christmas is around the corner and the manor is exceedingly overflowing of it's spirit, except Tim.
Part Five of Three Weeks
Prev - Three Events
(CW: namecalling, explicit sexual intercourse, hatred of christmas, liquor)
Tim hates Christmas. 
It is a holiday that the Drake household never celebrates. Jack and Janet’s belief is that why do you need a holiday to spend with your family when you can do it whenever you can. Maybe it's because of the fact that their family cannot be together every Christmas as his parents are in their digs. 
So, Tim never really likes Christmas that well.  He never liked the idea of celebrating Christmas, he never did it with his parents and never in the house of Wayne's, and he basically used Christmas in Japan as a way to have a new guy in his bed, fucking his brains out.
So, seeing the Waynes to get some Christmas spirit in him. He wanted to roll his eyes at them but he, unfortunately, was trying to be civil with them. However, one more offer of decorating another tree, he has half his mind of jumping to the nearest window and breaking his leg so he won't be able to celebrate it. But he wanted to dance at Cass’ wedding, so that is a no.
It seems like the world's greatest detective family is a fucking idiot. Intellectually intelligent but emotionally unavailable. A fucking hypocrite he is. They can’t seem to comprehend that Timothy hates being around Christmas things  or just being around the vibe of Christmas.
Timothy is an amazing human being who practised patience and meditation but he once again has his limits. So, he escaped to the comfort of his room, as the Christmas jingles echoing throughout the hallway of the manor. This is the worst. He wished that he could just sneaked out and go to the clubs in the Diamond District and have someone to fuck his worries for a while, after all it’s been a while since he got laid back in Japan.
But then again, why can't he do it here? He is a well functioning adult, has a good income and anyone can’t say shit about him bedding anyone. After all Bruce had bed women as the same number of the days of the year, Richard has also had his fair share of laying some women in his bed to please. Jason may have died virgin but definitely likes to have a taste of Richard’s leftovers and maybe some original taste to himself. Damian may look rigid but Gazette saw him going home with some models. And Tim is a healthy man, he has needs. He was not the same stuck-up Robin that they know.
So he gets up from laying down and starts cleaning himself well. He has guys to woo to satiate his needs. 
He has some worries that he will get caught but he remembered that it is near Christmas Eve, the Christmas related crimes are on the top, so therefore all hands on the deck, even Alfred. So he just whooshed to the front door, and he was gone to the Diamond District.
He turned on the radio on his phone to listen to some news as to who is the main rogue for the night and it looks like Ivy and Harley are having a date and Mr. Freeze is doing a scene from Frozen. With that he knew to avoid Robinson Park and the Cherry Hills. He took a cab to take him to some club in Diamond District,  after all, Richard will probably patrol around the Robinson Park, Jason will continue his route to the Crime Alley, Cass and Steph will be trying to find where the two love birds to stop their date, the only vigilantes he could meet is Batman and Grackle, Damian new mantle for now.
But it is not like they would stop by the rich ass bar when there are major rogues out loose. Tim would rather not risk it to choose a run down bar. After all, he is a delicate maiden.
The bar he chooses is filled with different men, as it is a gay bar. Some are ogling him not so subtly and he knows, after all he wore one of Steph’s see through blouse and the tightest jeans that he had. His hair was styled to a calculated messy bun and his body was adorned in different accessories. And his makeup that makes his blue eyes popped so much more and the lip oil he applied to make his lips so juicy.
He is getting drinks left and right but he the one that he fancies are some stuck up assholes, so much for his type, that probably doesn’t do shit in bed. But of course, he got one. There is a tall, buff man with tattoos lingering on his skin. The man’s gaze is as sharp as a viper waiting to plunge on its prey and Tim is feeling things for himself.
Not wasting any more time, Tim strikes up a conversation to the guy, “Hey handsome, nice tats.” he said as he walked closer to the man.
The man eagerly put his hands on Tim’s waist and put Tim on his lap as Tim squealed flirtingly, “Would you want to explore more of my ink?” He said as he tightened the grip on his waist and Tim was loving the grip.
Tim giggled, “Then may I know the name, first?” he asked cheekily.
The man smirked at Tim’s coy display of naiveness, “Name’s Nathan, baby. How ‘bout you, angel?”
“Mine is Timothy, but angel works just fine too.” Timothy said as he closed their distance and kissed the guy, passionately and hard. They were going with it like a man discovering an oasis in the middle of dessert. Both of them groped each other until they separated to catch some breath.
“My place or yours?” Nathan asked, as he grinds his hard on to Tim’s ass.
Tim giggled as he rocked back, “Yours, just visiting here.” He said as he can feel the package beneath him.
Nathan chuckled, “Poor little angel, visiting a family in this wicked city.” Having a family in this godforsaken city when you already escaped is such a pain.
Tim rolled his eyes at such remarks, “Let’s not talk about them when we could be going to your place right now.” he said as he pouted as if upset that someone is talking about his ‘family’.
Nathan just quirk his brow, Gotham has a lot of kids that don't have a good relationship with their family, and he was just here for some pretty boys, not to settle with someone. “Eager little vixen you are, angel.” he redirects the topic to the beautiful man in front of him, after all, he doesn’t want to let this angel go just because he is curious about things that he doesn’t care about.
It seems like the pretty angel took it, as he caressed his biceps, “Well, I need to be if I want a strong man to handle me.”
“Then shall we get out of here, huh?” 
Tim left Nathan’s apartment at 10 in the morning. Nathan is a beast in bed, one of his best sex in his life. The morning sex is a plus and he will never complain about the surprises staying over. His horny self is now satiated.
However, his good mood was once thrown outside of the window as he went back to Wayne Manor. He was not expecting such commotion in this early morning. He was about to leave them to argue some more but Damian saw him.
“Timothy! You are finally home.” With Damian’s declaration of his presence, everyone went to him and they definitely all can see the bruises and bites of Nathan through the see through blouse. Honestly he likes those marks of possession.
Steph reacts first after seeing her blouse that was gifted by Cass, “Is that my blouse?”
Jason saw all the dark marks behind the see through blouse, “What is that?!” he reacted. 
“Why do you smell like sex?” Richard asks as he wants to hug Tim but he rather not as he smells the strong smell of intercourse. “Tim you did not hook up, right?!”
“It’s hickeys, Jason.” Tim rolled his eyes, everyone was acting like a virgin. “And I did hook up with someone, they are very good at bed.” he smirked at them, and he saw each of them have a shocked expression, especially Grayson. But he never expected the words coming out of Richard’s mouth.
“Stop whoring around Tim, this isn’t like you!”
A slap cracked in the atmosphere. Tim was also shocked that he slapped Dick Grayson across his face, but his anger was far more superior than his shock.
“So what? I changed, Richard, just in case you still haven’t noticed. I am not like who I was seven years ago, because now? I love myself, I know my value without pleasing anybody. I know who I am. So what, if I am sleeping around with different guys each week? You never heard jackshit about me when you are preening with your gaggle of redheads.” He said as he went back to the front door, but got held back by Damian.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Tim pulls his arm away from the tight grip of Damian, “Away from you, if your feeble detective brain couldn’t recognise what I am gonna do, Damian.” 
“That, I believe, is none of your business.” And the door was slammed shut.
A knock in the middle of the supposedly peaceful Saturday in her apartment woke her up. She doesn’t know who in their right mind knocks on her door, on the weekend, that she knew, to wake her up before the sun starts setting down?
She opened the door and was surprised to see Timothy Drake, the man that she knew to rather sleep until the sun was halfway down if he had a choice, standing outside of her apartment, and asked, “Hey Tam. Mind if I stay over?” with a miserable face and anger was still lingering in his eyes. But Tam just let Tim in, by opening her door wider.
Tim plopped down the couch and wanted to scream as Tam went to her bathroom to freshen up and have a mind to look after Tim. 
When she finished, she finally looked at Tim properly. Tim’s hair that was normally was in such perfection but now there strays. The smell of sex and the hickeys were also a dead give away that Tim had a nice night. And honestly, Tam was jealous. She could also have the best night of her life if just a certain baldie just stops pushing her. But enough of Prudence, she has a Timothy to babysit. 
Tam sat beside him and asked, “What happened?” because Tim is obviously not fine and would not ask any unnecessary questions regarding his feelings when it was so obvious.
Tim just sighed loudly, and screamed in the pillow he had on his lap. And once he was done, he raised his head and finally responded, “Just got called a whore, nothing more.” His answer was muffled by the pillow as his head was still buried on it. 
‘Whore?’ Tam thought to herself as she thought of all the people around Tim,“By who?” It cannot be within the family of Waynes as each of the Waynes have a notorious long notch to their bedpost.
But alas, Tim destroyed her thoughts, “The second whore himself, Dick Grayson.”
Tam was taken aback, after all, Richie Wayne is next to Brucie Wayne in the most notches. He was like Brucie but in moderation. “Wow. Didn’t he have like a harem of ginger fuckers?” She told Tim as she had been so active in the capes scene.
And with that Tim explodes, as he finally has someone to know how he actually feels! “He told me to stop whoring around! Like I am making money by getting fucked by those guys, well maybe I should. Just to pissed him off more.” Tim said as if he was thinking of going back with a bunch of dollars in his hand as if he just finished a night being a stripper. That was a nice thought, maybe he would do that.
Tam pat Tim’s shoulder, “Petty, but how about let’s drink our asses tonight? It’s Sunday tomorrow.” she proposed to Tim as she knows Tim just went to the bar to hook up but not to drink and she has some strong beer and no one can blame her. She is a hardworking woman under the Wayne Enterprise, with scandals far deeper than the Mariana Trench.
Tim had a thought for a while and he didn't have any to lose, so he agreed. “Sure.” Maybe he can use the hangover as an excuse not to celebrate Christmas.
Tam stood up, “I’ll order some chicken and pizza, and some fries too.” and went back to her room to get her phone. But she quickly came back throwing clothes at Tim, “Wear this, I don’t want to have a reminder that you got laid before me.”
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luimagines · 1 year
(I figured Tumblr ate the ask. Oh well, things do happen after all. 🤷)
The Chain and Fierce end up finding out more about Pokemon Trainer!Reader. Wild had found their trophy room, the shelves lined with various trophies to awards. Some having pictures of Reader alongside different Pokemon but the most eye catching is the oldest photo.
They appear to be 10 years old in it and next to them were two Pokemon, a white rabbit alongside a familiar looking pink imp. All three smiling as Reader holds up a badge that happened to be in a display case. This, of course, leads to questions.
Time: Is that you and your Grimmsnarl in the photo?
Reader: Yep, the good ol' rookie days. That's when I won my first gym badge, the Boulder Badge from Pewter City in the Kanto Region.
Legend: Who's that other Pokemon?
This is where the group learns about Starter Pokemon. Wild is definitely giddy as Reader explains how new Trainers can get their very first Pokemon and each region offering a three different types of Starters: Fire, Water, Grass. They had choose Scorbunny for their Starter, a Fire Type from the Galar Region.
Reader already been friends with their Grimmsnarl, who was an Impidimp back then, and caught em once receiving a Pokeball. Everyone is curious about the currently absent Pokemon especially Legend. I headcanon the Vet having a close connection to rabbits since his Dark World form is a bunny.
Reader doesn't answer and instead leads the group to the training grounds. Some of their Pokemon tend to train amongst themselves so the place is a good distance away from the house to avoid any property damage. Neither the Chain or Fierce didn't expect to come across an intense training session between two Pokemon.
A 30 ft metal snake trying to swat away a super fast white blur. The blur turning about to be a familiar looking rabbit Pokemon just a few inches taller than Four. Whether it be summoning boulders from the sky or slamming its tail, the metal snake couldn't hit its target as their smaller opponent kept dodging.
Reader's Pokedex: Cinderace, the Striker Pokemon and the final evolved form of Scorbunny. A Fire Type. Skilled in offense and defense skills, it takes great pride in its abilities. This Pokemon often puts itself in a tough spot due to its habit of showboating when cheered on. Cinderace juggles a pebble between its feet and turn it into a fiery soccer ball to scorch opponents with.
Steelix, the Iron Snake Pokemon. A Steel/Rock Type. Tempered underground by high heat and pressure, the iron from the soil it ingested made its body harder than diamonds. Steelix uses its sturdy jaws to chew through boulders and eyes to see in the darkness underground.
Reader: They evolved into Cinderace a long time ago and help train any Pokemon who have issues fighting fast opponents like my Steelix over here. A Training Coach of sorts when I'm not testing any new challengers.
Amongst the group, Legend is the most impressed and slightly jealous. He can barely do much in his rabbit form as it isn't an offensive animal like a wolf. Yet Reader's Cinderace is a total terror, moving fast and clearly holding back against their much larger opponent. Steelix is the only one attacking as any move usage from the Striker Pokemon was to cancel out an attack they can't dodge.
It takes a bit before both Pokemon notice they're being watched and stop their spar. Cinderace instantly greets Legend as if knowing he's a fellow rabbit. The Veteran definitely got himself a fan since the Fire Type acts more giddy around him than anyone else in the Chain.
Four would love Steelix cause he definitely main Steel Types as a trainer. It reminds him of his work at the forge since it takes a skill and dedication to craft the finest steel. The Iron Snake was definitely careful not to knock any of the Chain down when wanting attention.
Except Fierce who got playfully knocked on his ass by Reader's Steelix. Some of their Pokemon have a bet on who can mess with the 'walking white haired wall'. They can easily tell Fierce is interested in their Trainer so it's only fair to test him.
Reader's Pokemon are little shits especially when it involves potential suitors. A certain Fierce Deity better watch out as mischief is in his future.
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Starters intro take two!
With added details!!!! 👀👀
I must admit that the reality where both posts happened at the same time must be incredibly amusing.
You also did a really good job keeping the post intact since you more or oess typed the whole thing out again. I'm impressed. 😄
FD being a suiter is new though- at least in the sense of "I don't remember it." 😅
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professor-abeloved · 2 years
It Loves Within (a review of goodbyes, gratitude, and gay screaming)
i read somewhere that an aspect of the horror genre is pain. and if you're a fan of the it lives anthology, pain is inevitable.
the pain of choosing who has to take jane's place, a game that (doesn't) end(s) in sacrifice, betrayal, and anguish. the pain of losing one's parents, finding family anew (in both blood and found) - only to potentially lose it all.
the pain of an impossible choice: do you end this, once and for all, to save everyone - only to never see them again when you finally return home? do you remain in this world, with gaping wounds patched by temporary bandages, for the life you've never thought you had the chance to live? or do you try try try to bridge it all together, pushing for a world full of potential, a reality still out of reach, but still worth fighting for all the same?
every ending of It Lives Within is tragic in its own way, a bittersweet balm to the trauma-filled fuckaganza of a journey of these characters we know and love.
i'm never going to stop saying thank you to everyone at the @itlivesproject team for making the choice to create and collaborate on this masterpiece. the pain of pixelberry cancelling sequels (er, trilogies) broke my heart, but this fan game is more than a dream come true.
(the rest of this is kind of a rambling review under the cut)
looking back, i'm actually glad that they cancelled it - because i wouldn't trade every second i played ILW for anything. (and my girlfriend knows i've spent numerous all-nighters just playing and/or talking about ILW <3. i tell my therapist it started with abel's first diamond scene--and okay getting side-tracked).
first off, i want to mention all the variants. the It Lives series were unique and notorious for having different branches and endings that carried through to the next book, something which isn't very common in mobile visual novels. since ILW had not one, but two books to reference... hoo boy. coding, writing, making art + sprites for, testing, editing, and hell even just thinking of the different variables and how they impact a third book is such a herculean feat and i applaud everyone on the team for all the blood, sweat, and tears poured into this endeavor.
the gameplay itself was super fun!! i think it hit the right balance of action with timed choices and puzzles (i now want my own crown paperweight), implementing that Nerve Score system that the It Lives series is known for. not only did one have to keep in mind their Nerve, but also their choices between Blood and Shadow that would seal the fate of everyone in this Pixelberry Cinematic Universe (hello, horror Julian HSSgame). it was fun as fuck, i really liked and appreciate the decision of 3 different main endings <3
because the plot was a downright banger. every twist and turn had me on the edge of my seat and frantically screenshotting everything (somehow i've gotten to 20k screenshots, but at least 98% is ILW. the other 2% are random crap and also Choices, lol). it was cool to theorize and guess correctly on some things and still be utterly shocked at the brilliant execution. i can't list every single thing that made me gasp, but the crumbs of foreshadowing are incredible. not just saying this as a tester, but the replay value is nuts. (also the different personalites of sarcastic, genuine, and aggressive are so good).
having character relationships as a core stat was also an organic, lovely choice. i adore how everyone started off at various points (joss at 0 and amalia at 75 iirc?) and could develop differently and sometimes independently of nerve (abel being easy to befriend but having tough nerve to raise because he's going through Some Shit, while jocelyn was more closed off yet had easier nerve to raise). it really colors the ways the main 4 interact with rowan, and i love how even the romance variants played a part in it. from jealousy-laden glances to the famed Union Walk Out, this game was a breath of fresh air to the usual 'i accidentally have 1 flirt point with this LI and somehow they're in love with me' vibe of current mobile VNs. (mattyass is an outlier and doesn't count <3)
speaking of characters!! holy shit they slayed and served, giving closure to our favs from the first book and then some (being pro connor green wasn't in my 2023 bingo card, but it happened! i like that funky lil dude), giving the cast of the second book vital yet natural roles, while letting the new cast shine in their own right.
the It Lives cast is vastly beloved for a reason, and the ILP Team not only nailed every single one of the canon characters, but they breathed new life into them (literally in the case of RF!noah/devon). i'm beyond words to express how amazing it was to not only have my blorbos back, but to be able to see a beautiful devonoah romance and flirt with dan pierce after years of pining and get married to andy kang?!?! the gift just keeps on giving. (i'm just biased in mentioning them because devon, noah, andy, and dan are my ILITW biasline but i'm so happy to have seen stacy, lucas, ava, lily again <3333)
i also adore the ILB crew to bits!! i had the impression they were barely gonna be featured (and valid), but the way the showed up!! the way harper was important and could kick ass while injured??? slay.
and the way everyone interacted in ch19 was some avengers assemble beautiful dream. i don't think i'll ever be that happy again in my life, fr <33
and onto the stars of the show...
it's been an honor to spend time with each and every one of the main crew. jocelyn was someone i was hyped to see, ever since her cameo in the ILB end credits scene. redemption arcs are tricky and while i admittedly felt the initial trepidation... the execution of her development blew me away. it is fantastic and realistic (getting to encourage her to be better or to leave her alone was also a cool mechanic. i love how it's in firm yet empathic encouragement that she works to better herself.). she grew into such a fierce, gruff protector with a heart of gold and fists of fury. i love her so much. her nightmare sequence facing her shadow past self is one of my favorite's. arcs of self-forgiveness vs self-flagellation hit hard, and it moves me to tears to see how far joss has come <33 her route having either a slow burn vibe or a fwb tinge was also an excellent choice !! i enjoyed fwb route (she's so sweet and considerate, putting a blanket over us with a frown lmao) and i can't want to replay for sb + to write fics with her <3
now onto lincoln, my fav mlm cowboy son. i was initially jealous because i thought my girlfriend would be into him + i thought abel and he were exes, but i came around in ch13, iirc. i connect with his arc of wanting to prove your worth to your parents very painfully, and it means a lot to see him know that others' approval will never define him. i'm also happy to see him process his pain and give others a chance - give himself a chance to apologize and let abel in again. he's also fun to torture write for in fics, and somehow he's soulmates with my most complex ILW MC, wan, despite me son-zoning him real bad, so that's just amazing characterization. excited to write more <3
amalia my beloved <33 the brains, brawn, beauty of rowan's rogue monster hunting operations. i love her and her route so much. childhood best friends to lovers always slaps (i mean, cmon thats most of the ILITW ships), and the way it was executed for amalia is chef's kiss. the angst of your best friend not being the person you thought they were was an excellent spin on the trope. but the love she has for you and the love you have for her is something all on your own?? perfection <33 also her dreams of wanting to make a difference, especially what happened with her family is a very relevant experience today, are so inspiring <3 i'm so excited to replay her route with a different mc and also to write her as well <3
AIJDBFHDFJDOK abel aifhsohifOSDHDSIGH okay that's it.
JK abel, my love, my light, my stars. professor dorklord. the reason i've changed my url after these long years. i love him and his sexy sweater vest of sin so much. my favorite scene of all time is when pretending to have a lover's spat with abel in amalia's university AISHFIOG. he's funny, sweet, and charming. i'd listen to his nerdy rambles all night long - and yes, partially an innuendo, and partially that i like nerds who ramble about things. i love how he can be too rational (yet always with a heart <3) yet also so selfless, and i love how he can choose himself and his happiness at the end instead of living with ghosts <3 i love you abel, baby, i'm coming back for youuu in every route, in every wip <3
to ro, my trans-coded, queer-coded power entity <3 i was so happy that MC had powers (not from a suit we had to spend diamonds on), and wow they executed this trope so well. rowan is so well written with 3 different personality types, it's wonderful. y'know, i used to make MCs for every choices book (until i got lazy lol) and i can't believe i have at least 4 MCs again <3 the creativity this game sparks in me i swear to the power. i'll see you soon: ronaldo, genuinely sweet and genuinely terrifying baby boy. wan, my sweet snarky selfless drag queen. amor, you tough dorky tcg-playing sweetheart. reg my flirty failgirl (gender neutral), beanie baby charmer.
shoutout to daddy mattyass for being the GOAT choices antagonist/secret LI. you know i have so much to say about him, but it's almost 2 am and also 90% of my ilw meta is about him anyways <3 love to hate him, hate to love him!! he lives rent free in my mind <33 (but fr, such a compelling character and no one else would've been as satisfying to deal with in the finale. i miss the king of delusion pathetic meow meow <3)
also loving luis, sunny, elena, jessica, milf mayor green, babygirl adrian kim, girlboss marianthe. every npc, every pixel and line of code and text and just everything, every thread that makes up the tapestry of this beautiful, priceless experience.
it lives on, it loves on.
pain is inevitable. it hurts because it's over, it hurts because i love this game with every fibre of my being... but love doesn't really die, does it? it lives on in a different form. the game will always be there. if anything, the fandom is alive with the love that's put into the project, the love that reaches us no matter where we are - even from the fictional town of Westchester to the Power dimension and beyond.
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for the otp ask game, 2&20?
so since you didn't specify a pairing i'm gonna do this for pianjeong bc i am probably the most unwell about them, they're most OTP for me. if there's another pairing you wanted let me know
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
(i'm gonna assume this was op's typo for "panic" bc i don't think that's how manic states work)
this is unfortunately a fairly regular occurance. there's no way in hell jeong jeong doesn't have horrible nightmares of the world in flames. in fact this is a major part of my fic ghosts. i think piandao's very good at staying levelheaded when other people are panicking, and he's able to be a steadying influence. he'll encourage jeong jeong to talk about it if he wants but not push too hard if jeong jeong doesn't want to. it's kinda cheesy, but i like the idea that jeong jeong has fewer nightmares sleeping next to piandao
i think it would be rarer the other way around, but it's not like piandao doesn't have traumatic memories. i think if it happened jeong jeong would feel like he's not the right person to handle it. he doesn't think he's a gentle, healing person. but he'd find it within him. he knows how to meditate, so he could coach piandao through breathing. i don't think he'd ask what it was about and i don't think piandao would tell him but it'd be okay just because of how important it would be to have that interaction. for piandao to be vulnerable in front of jeong jeong, and for jeong jeong to discover his caregiving side.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
well i have multiple playlists (main, all mitski, all taylor swift) but hot & heavy by lucy dacus is basically exactly the plot of ghosts (which has its own mini playlist)
"being back here makes me hot in the face / hot blood in my pulsing veins / heavy memories weighing on my brain" - jeong jeong returning to the fire nation
"how could i deny a diamond in the rough" - piandao being an exceptional person who came from a lower-class background
"you were always stronger than people suspected / underestimated and overprotected" piandao being underestimated for being a nonbender
"when i went away it was the only option /couldn't trust myself to proceed with caution / the most that i could give you was nothing at all" jeong jeong deserting the military because he couldn't take it anymore and not telling piandao in order to protect him.
"now you're the biggest brightest flame / you are a fire that can't be tamed" - piandao has become a great swordsman and respected fire nation citizen.
"you're better than ever, but i knew you when / it's bittersweet to see you again" - jeong jeong is conflicted about this transformation piandao's undergone. it's good to see him gain the respect he always deserved, but jeong jeong is critical of the fire nation elite and he feels like he doesn't know piandao anymore.
the funny thing is that i first heard the song after i'd already written the first drafts of the fic, so it's not like i wrote the fic to fit the song. in fact, i started the fic in march 2021, and the song came out in april 2021. i would jokingly accuse lucy of plagiarism but i cannot do that even as a joke i love her.
ask game
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omegawhiskers · 11 months
Dynamite 26/10/23
A Gift for Sting
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Dynamite opened up with a fired up MJF. We had appearances from Adam Cole (via phone), Roderick Strong and the Man in the Devil Mask.
The action began with MJF defending his Dynamite Diamond Ring against Juice Robinson. Juice received a vicious ass kicking outside and around the ring from the get to. The victory came for Max when the Gunns goofed up, giving the Champ enough time to slip the ring on and sock Juice in the jaw.
Post-Match saw a beatdown on MJF with Strong and The Kingdom making the save. Roddy stayed in his wheelchair while The Kingdom got easily discarded. But do not fear, The Acclaimed is here as they cleared the ring. The furious Gunns issued a challenge for the ROH Tag Team Titles at Full Gear. MJF takes the offer but wants a piece of all four members before the PPV. Next week it – in the main event – it will be The Bullet Club Gold ve. MJF and three partners of his choosing. Right away Roddy and The Kingdom as dismissed, followed by he Acclaimed. This begs the question, who will team with MJF? The pressure is stacked as Kenny Omega comes out and makes a challenge for the Triple B. MJF accepts the match for this Saturday on Collision. Later, Samoa Joe offered to team with MJF under one condition; that he is given a title shot.
Next was Hook teaming with RVD to take on the Dark Order’s Alex Reynolds and John Silver. There’s no clear direction for The Dark Order. The main idea is to shine the light on Hook and for RVD to help ignite the crowd.
Tony Schiavone in is the ring to give Sting a gift from Tony Khan. That gift is Ric Flair. I can't say I'm disappointed. I never expected Flair to be in an AEW ring to be honest. The Nature Boy says some very sweet words to Sting. Christian Cage, along with Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne came out and interrupted the feel-good moment. Christian destroyed Flair verbally and issues as challenge at Full Gear. The bout will be a 6-man tag team match. Fortunately, Flair won’t be fighting with Sting and Darby Allin.  Later, both men try to recruit Adam Copeland who refuses to fight Christian. Sting attempts to talk some sense into Copeland. I do think Adam will join the fight at Full Gear, but I sense a heel turn.
Chris Jericho had a sit down interview. He vows to get revenge on Don Callis. Jericho states he has lots of friends and some of them are bigger than Will Hobbs. Who is the Ocho talking about? Paul Wight of course! Nah, that wouldn’t be it. Maybe it’s not size he is referring to but star power.
The ROH Trios Tag Team Titles were on the line as The Young Buck & Adam Page defended against The Hardy Boyz and Brother Zay. I’m not a fan of the ROH belts appearing on AEW. I don’t watch ROH, so I’m not following the journey of these belts. The Bucks and Hangman retained in a non-exciting bout. Before a celebration could begin, we cut to Swerve and Prince Nana breaking into Page’s home. Both men walk through the house. Swerve made his way Adam’s baby boy’s room. It was quite a uncomfortable moment as Strickland gifts the baby with his t-shirt. He vows that the baby will one day owe him something. This feud has become personal, and it must end in blood.
Hikaru Shida defended her AEW Women's title against Ruby Soho. Early on there was a botched cross body and from that point on the match never took off. There was a moment where I thought Soho was going to win, but that's as far as the drama took me. If the moves were tightened up, I think this would have been a solid bout. Toni Storm and her new butler, Luthor made an appearance on stage for an exchange of stares.
Orange Cassidy and Kazuchika Okada took on Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli in a very good main event. The crowd were behind Orange and Okada. The ending was odd tough. Bryan was left holding his face in a kayfabe injury while the BCC came to his aid. Things were getting tense as Hook and Best Friends came Oranges side.
Most of the show was setting up Full Gear and continuing stories. The wrestlers who ate the pins are kind of in purgatory. What do you do with The Hardyz, Ruby and Dark Order at this point?
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hi there !! i hope you don’t mind my asking, and i apologize if this question has already been asked, but do you by chance have a favorite spongebob episode? or perhaps multiple episodes? and if it’s not too much, may i ask why the one(s) you choose are your favorite(s)?
I answered an ask like this a loooooooong time ago but I don't mind answering it again. There's some new opinions to add. This is just going to be main series episodes. No kamp koral or the patrick star show because that'll be a lot.
It's kinda hard to say what's my favorite episodes because I like a LOT of episodes in spongebob. For most of the show it's hard for me to find episodes I don't absolutely love (not counting seasons 6-9a) I have favorite seasons. I rewatch season 1 waaaay too often. Its calming and pleasant and is the season with the best characterizations too.
As a kid I didn't care much for season one because it was slower paced and not as funny as seasons 2 or 3 but I've come to appreciate season 1 over all the other seasons. Everything about it is so perfect. Its impossible to pick a favorite episode. Any episode with sandy in season 1 is easily a gem. The pilot is a straight diamond. I really love the Halloween episode ScaredPants. The music was great and I love spooky themed things so this is a given. Also the way how Jay Lender draws Spongebob in the first season 👌 👌 👌 👌. Peak Spongebob design.
I also like season 10, its a comfort season. I was just getting back into the show after the 2nd movie premiered. I remember losing interest in the show around season 8 so it was a few years since I watcher the show. Season 10 is really a gem and I feel like its underrated. I feel like if you don't like modern Spongebob its still worth giving season 10 a chance. It's fun without being too exaggerate. My FAVORITE episode of this season is Mermaid Pants. Hands down. It's just good old fashioned spongebob shenanigans. There's also Sharks Vs Pods, Mimic Madness, Feral Friends. They're all great IMO.
As for other favorite episodes, Spongebob's Last Stand, Fear of Krabby Patty, Spongebob's big birthday Blowout, Stanley Squarepants, a lot of episodes in seasons 2-3 that I can't even count. A lot of them is because they are nostalgic or so fun and bubbly. It usually boils down to being feel good. I don't think you should count me as a critical opinion. If it makes me feel happy then that's about all that matters. I could never be one of those youtube cartoon reviewers.
Also here's something new to add: Slappy Daze from season 13. Slappy is my FAVORITE character in the show, besides Spongebob. I've never ever had a favorite character in spongebob that rivaled the golden boy so it's a big deal to me.
I never thought Slappy would get his own episode because he's a parody character and he's not really liked. Even when Kaz promised Slappy would get his own little short, I was expecting a little segment that lasts a minute or 2. I never thought he'd get HIS VERY OWN EPISODE.
It was EXACTLY what I wanted too! My dream episode is just an episode showing Slappy's day to day life and I got that! Just him with no other characters there to disturb. The entire thing feels like a fever dream but it still makes me so SO happy! I feel like atm its my most rewatched sb episode.
I still find it so strange that everything I wanted to happen in that episode happened, to the point where it felt too specific. I'm not going to say what was it exactly but I'm sure my FBI agent was reading my erratic 3am notes app entries :)
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derschwarzeengel · 1 month
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So I finished reading this visual novel yesterday, and I need to vent a bit about it.
Story was called Waking up Pregnant, I only read it to collect more in-app diamonds. Main love interest (LI) is a millionaire named Jeff (so I already can't take this seriously). Plot kicks off with the main character (MC) realizing after having morning sickness that she's three months pregnant after a one-night stand she had with him in Las Vegas and so she knows that he's the father (bc she hasn't had sex with anyone else since then) and tracks him down to inform him she's carrying his baby.
MC was a waitress working at a nightclub in Vegas when they met; has since moved to San Francisco and is working two jobs there to make ends meet; Jeff the LI lives in Los Angeles.
Jeff is weirdly overjoyed upon hearing that she's pregnant, asks the MC to marry him in the second chapter (when they still don't know anything about each other), breaks up with his girlfriend of one (1) month almost immediately after finding out the MC is three months pregnant with his kid, and from there on... ooh boy.
He constantly lies to and manipulates the MC while saying "it's for her own good".
The MC repeatedly told him that she wants to keep working and have her independence.
He solves that little problem by getting her a "job" under false pretenses as his mother's home assistant, when really, it's just so the MC can move closer to be with him.
Jeff doesn't take the MC saying "no" to marriage (which he proposed in the second chapter) well and keeps lowkey pressuring her into marrying him.
MC hasn't even given birth to the first kid yet and he's already planning things out for several more kids. Again, without talking it through with the MC.
Both Jeff and his mom repeatedly steamroll over the MC's wishes and plan/schedule things for the MC without asking her about it first
Jeff buys a whole-ass Spanish Colonial-style house without running it by the MC first so they can live together as one happy family when the baby comes... again, when they're not even married, still don't really know each other, and he didn't even ask the MC first.
Jeff keeps showing up at the MC's workplace (before he manipulates her into giving up her two jobs) and during her hospital visits when she never fucking contacted him. At one point she asks him what the hell he's doing there, and his reply is that he was driving around the area and saw his mom's car (which MC and Jeff's mom had taken to see the MC's doctor) in the parking lot.
Dialogue during an argument (it was so fun having the MC be bitchy toward both him and his mom bc I didn't want to spend diamonds, ngl) has the MC reveal they had safe sex during their one-night stand, so she doesn't know how she got pregnant from it. I chose the free option where she doesn't learn the truth about how, but even Jeff's reaction during that heavily implied something.
Again, I did not choose the reveal for how she got pregnant, but I'm very suspicious that Jeff either poked a hole in the condom he was using or he stealthed the MC to intentionally get her pregnant. Both of which are forms of reproductive coercion and are technically sexual assault. Especially considering how instantly overjoyed he was to find out this random woman he'd slept with once tracked him down to inform him that she's pregnant with his baby.
And this fucking guy is the sole love interest throughout the story. Fucking #YIKES.
During the last four chapters we get a time-skip to a year later. The MC has gone from clearly wanting her independence and keeping a job and separate place to marrying Jeff (after he proposed more than once), is seemingly happy being a stay-at-home mom, is already pregnant with their second kid (a daughter, first kid was a son), gives birth to their daughter, and Jeff is already wanting a third kid as soon as the MC is fully healed from labor and cleared to have sex again... (or as many babies as the MC can give him).
And this is presented as romantic.
Me, a nonbinary AFAB ace with zero desire to have sex nor my own bio kids: ...This is fucking horrifying, actually. And no, I do not care that the final chapter flashes back to their one-night stand and reveals that Jeff "saved" the MC from being harassed by a creepy groom having his bachelor party, because Jeff is arguably worse and far more insidious.
Like, tell me this guy has a major breeding kink, is only interested in keeping the MC barefoot and pregnant for as long as possible & views her solely as a baby factory, and that he's a reproductive abuser without actually telling me.
Holy shit.
And this Jeff character is the love interest.
(Also, his mom is a cougar and is banging the MC's much younger male doctor & Jeff's brother figure named Grant. As in, Grant grew up playing in her house with her son Jeff and Jeff and Grant view each other like brothers. So, uh... there's that.)
The MC at one point says in the second-to-last chapter that they've "been through so much to get here". ("happily" married with 1.5 kids)
me: the fuck you have. as a couple you've been through jack shit
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 2 months
Yuki Hitsuji's [TWST, OM: OC] DETAILED BIO
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Credits goes to @pearlwhitecats for the TWST OC Template
I was planning to make a separate art and try for full body but my tablet can't connect to the pc right now so I just recycled past art.
This is supposed to be both my TWST yuu-sona and Obey Me MC for this long series TWST Retelling fanfic I'm making titled "Yuki's Adventure in Twisted Wonderland in Ao3. That's why in that bio...there's "From Obey Me"
Below will be a detailed written bio for Yuki plus there is a short description why stuff are as is:
This is inspired by the multiples TWST OC sheets I saw in Tumblr...I forgot who specifically.
Name: [Hitsuji, Yuki] Class 1-A [ Number 26.5]
Birthday: [September 25 (Libra)] Age: [15] Height: [150 cm]
Class: The other .5 is Grim [Birthday ]Note: It's September 25, cuz it's my birthday and the fact that it's also close to Ace's bday and I kinda ship Aceyuu
Dominant Hand: [Right-Hand] Hobbies : [Staring at cats]
Favorite Subject: [Potionology] Dislikes: [Romantic Advances]
Club: Boards Game Club : Reason: Leviathan
Notes: Favorite Subject: Making Potions is the only magic related activity she can do that to compete in a magic school. Hobbies: Since MC is the reason Satan from Obey me is so fond of cats...maybe Yuki can be too. Dislikes: She doesn't mind this and will turn a blind eye but she secretly don't want those indirect flirting because of Asmo possibly
Favorite Food: [Anything edible]
Dislike Food: [ Any food that is used as a weapon]
Food Note: She once have a specific favorite food item but that all changed when she met Solomon. (From Obey Me) ...bless her soul if she meets Lilia's cooking
Special Skill: Unlicensed Therapist
Note: I'm making it a meme...if you know both fandoms...you know why.
According to the fanfic, my headcanons or my assumptions for the future chapters...
will edit this if I think of what else.
The TWST Cast:
Grim: [ Best Friend, Main Cuddly Buddy in NRC; She never sleeps without hugging Grim]
Ace Trappola: [Best Friend, Annoyed by his sharing the bed advances, has Deuce to be the middle when they share the bed during sleepovers. Will choose to be cuddly buddy if both Deuce and Grim isn't there. Ace has a crush on her.]
Deuce Spade: [ Best Friend, will choose him over Ace to be cuddly buddy #2 and if Grim isn't there]
Riddle Rosehearts: [ Close Friends ; She has taught Riddle a lesson during his overblot to stand for himself and things he likes]
Trey Clover: [Big brother figure, she probably cries of joy whenever she receives his pastries]
Cater Diamond: [ Close Friend ; She is thankful that Cater takes care of Satan for her; probably bonds over cat pictures of Satan and Grim]
Leona Kingscholar: [ Friendly Terms ; Has dirt on Leona because she knows of his childhood. uses this blackmail to convince for his help in Octavinelle Arc]
Ruggie Bucchi: [ Close Friends ; will go to him in case she needs something from Savanaclaw or if convincing Leona. Ruggie has a small crush on her cuz of the Savanaclaw arc]
Jack Howl: [ Close Friends, admires his loyalty. (I feel bad for putting so little so tba)]
Azul Ashengrotto: [ Her Therapist, Personal Counselor; Unlicensed Lawyer maybe her go to for advice in terms of contracts, Solomon 2.0 basically... once scared of him once]
Jade Leech: [Friendly Terms, Respected ; Reminds her of Barbatos but respects his love of nature and sometimes refusing Azul's commands...something Barbs might never do to Dia in her opinion]
Floyd Leech: [ Close Friends, Sometimes scared of him ; Enjoys being hugged and Shrimpy calling but sometimes scared he might break her bones
[Other characters will be soon since I have to write the fanfic to know and explore
Malleus: [ That weird good friend who she spends time every night looking at stars; His horns are a comfort for eyes..idk]
Silver: [ Will bond over the comraderie of survival and self learning to cook for survival]
Obey me Cast: [TBA cuz Idk...this is a long post]
[Note: Yuki is basically adopted sister for these seven brothers...]
Lucifer: [Father-figure, Big-brother figure; will go to him if things messed up.]
Mammon: [ The fun big-brother figure, Annoyed by the implied He's her first context]
Levi: [ Babygrill brother...but means well. She handled Idia nicely cuz of her experience hanging out with Levi.]
Satan: [Bonds over cats...respected brother, kinda give up on convincing to not prank Luci]
Asmo: [ Will go to him when it comes to fashion advice but not relationship advice and definitely not his room]
Beel: [ Big-brother figure ; Next option to go if Luci is unavailable and everyone is chaotic for safetly.]
Belphie: [ The OG CUDDLY BUDDY...The reason why Yuki can't sleep without hugging or be hugged...the scariest amongst the brothers in her opinion]
[Other characters will be soon since I have to write the fanfic to know and explore]
Solomon: [The Assumed Boyfriend ; Mentor...Highly respected]
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