#can’t believe people lied me 😩
theminionjcfucked · 2 months
Lisa girl what show did you think you were on?
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
Yandere!Johnny Cage w/Singer! Darling
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A/N: I was listening to one way or another by blondie tonight and this came into my head😩 This song was literally just the letters and threats that blondie’s stalker sent to her. She decided to make it into a song to not only put him on blast but to mock him. Ughhh This is so perfectttt!! I hope y’all enjoy this lol. Johnny is such a perfect yandere
Warnings: John Carlton 😵‍💫, toxic and abusive themes
Requests: open 24/7
Song reference—one way or another|blondie
Being in the public eye as a well known singer is wonderful. The fans, the interviews, the money and press are all great and all…that is until you’re trying to discreetly leave your obsessive ex boyfriend.
It was impossible trying to escape him. Every interaction, every address you stayed at and every new phone number you got was eventually leaked to the public and right back into Johnny’s grimy little hands.
For weeks after you initially left, he followed you everywhere. You swore you’ve seen a strangely familiar blonde drive past your friend’s place and wait out in parking lots. Even if it wasn’t him physically and the paranoia was getting the best of you, hundreds of vile letters and messages from Johnny were constantly being sent your way.
A lot of them read about how he was going to “get his hands on you” or how he’d “never stop stalking you and if he can’t find you, he’ll start going after everyone you loved…one by one.”
His threats shook you down to your core. Even the ones that weren’t threatening and were just love letters that declared his devotion were still creepy. He was so far gone and delusional about you. It was so surreal
Ignoring all of his messages was no use because all over social media, magazines and tv was him crying over you. Completely fabricating stories and lies about you. How he claims you’re manic right now and are a danger to yourself, how he just wants you back in his loving arms. Oh how safe you’d be when you get back to him. Bullsh*t
It was so out of control that you kept on the road. Hoping it’d keep him guessing on your next location. You even changed your hair and style to appear unrecognizable to the public. You became more homely looking but that hardly worked and only made things worse. The public started believing him more and more with your changed appearance and new nomadic lifestyle.
Soon your passion for music and lively personality became merely a hollow shell of what it used to be. So consumed by fear and anxiety that you hardly could function….you was terrified for the day he’d inevitably get you.
It wasn’t until months later where his “concern” for you died down and he was in his “moving on” phase, that something switched inside of you. He was on a talk show and the conversation of you came up,
“Yeah…what a shame about Y/N. Once a bright star now a mentally disturbed soul. Oh well, that sucks for her. You can’t help anyone who doesn’t want it. I tried giving her a taste of the high life but obviously some people aren’t destined for greatness like me. Hopefully she’ll make a living off of all the crack though.”
Oh…that dirty bastard. So cocky and self righteous. The only reason why you’re in this predicament is because of him and his trifling actions towards you. From the hours he’d yell and lock you in his room, to the obsessive stalking and threats are all now reduced down to what???…you being some kind of druggie?!
Your fire was back!!
You’ve been silent, trying to let this all blow over so you could finally have some peace again but hell no. You’ve given up everything while he gets to sit all high and mighty like he’s some angel.
He wants to mock you, and make you into some sort of laughing stock?? Give it back to him…harder
Compiling all the letters, texts, emails and voicemails…you’ve decided to come back into the spotlight. And what better way to have a new single that literally is written by the abuser’s incriminating evidence.
The media is excited and eating everything all up …
And for Johnny? Oh that man is lividddd. Oh he’s so freaking pissed. Just listening to a minute of the song he knows exactly what stupid little stunt you pulled.
How dare you put him expose like that and turn the media on him.
You wanna be a cunt…fine…this isn’t over, Y/N.
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catsfor2 · 2 years
out west (ellie x reader)
warnings: guns/firearms
a/n: howdy guys. not sure if this is what everyone was picturing but this was SO MUCH FUN to write ☺️😋☺️. i definitely do not think they used the word “daddy” in the wild west but i wanted to use it soooo😩😩😩😩also here are the random bits of western slang i used (taradiddles - lies, rumours. sage hen - woman, lady. ‘at sea’ - scared/confused. bellyache - worry. flannel mouth - shithead politician basically) im sorry if i effed this up 0_0 -j
His oversized poncho was black. So was the bandanna covering his mouth, and the large hat hiding his eyes. His revolver, resting like a small child in his gloved hand, stares you down mercilessly.
The figure looked of a ghost. A silent, lifeless bundle of fabrics, rippling in the wind. No face. No skin. No humanity.
And he matched the description of the poster exactly.
“No—no, please, my—my Daddy, he’s the sheriff! It’s more trouble than I’m worth, I’m tellin’ you, please!” You beg, eyes beginning to water and voice already panicked.
He says nothing, boot-clad feet pounding the wood floor carelessly as he walks towards you.
“If you do this he’ll find you! He won’t stop until he finds you! Please don’t!”
It was like talking to a pile of bricks.
The outlaw continues to charge ahead, wordlessly, and you find yourself desperately trying to see where his eyes would land under his hat. He approaches, big and brooding, until you’re face to face with that soulless bandana and downright trembling.
“I—I’d make a real good wife, really, I’ve learned all the—the sewin’, the cookin’ and—and ranchin’! I know it all I promise! It’d be a waste!” You plea, knowing it’s a last resort, knowing this man does not care.
In an instant, his hands clutch your shoulders and forcibly shove you to the side and out of his way, sending you stumbling. His attention lands and focuses on the wall that was behind you.
The poster?
Suddenly, his arm thrusts out and snatches it, like the crack of a whip, before frantically tearing the paper into tiny little pieces.
You watch as they all float down to the floor, feathery and weightless.
You see the brim of his hat turn to you first, and then his head, slowly, like he’s noticing your presence for the first time.
The hand not holding his revolver rises calmly, loosening the edges of his bandanna just a touch. He clears his throat.
“Girl like you knows how to ranch?”
Your eyes almost pop out of your head.
“Sorry, these damn posters—always…writin’ up taradiddles. Got people thinkin’ I’m some madman, when really,” a finger flicks the rim of the hat, flipping it off of his head and into his grasp. “I’m no man at all.”
You feel yourself reeling, barely able to understand his words, or, her words. The hat had covered up her blue eyes, almost oceanic in color. The bandanna, hiding her soft thin lips. Basically criminal, all the fabric denying you sight of her face.
She went against almost everything Daddy had taught you. It was as terrifying as it was alluring.
“Well you look a bit at sea, darlin’. Why so scared?” She asks, placing her revolver in its holster and walking a bit closer to you.
“I—I don’t get how,”
“How? How what? How a sage hen can shoot? I can tell you right now I cut a cleaner whistle than your Daddy.” She grins, palm now itching closer to her weapon.
“No I—I believe you, it’s alright. Please don’t bring that back out.” You rush, the fear starting to sink back into you.
“Oh, honey, I don’t hunt the good ones. You’ve nothin’ to be scared of,” She assures you, her hand reaching out and feeling some of your hair. “now that sheriff Daddy of yours? Can’t say the same for him.”
You pause, hands balling into fists.
“You know what? My Daddy told me all about you and what you’ve done. I wouldn’t be speakin' so kindly of yourself.” You bite, slightly catching the gunslinger off guard with your tone.
“Oh, did he? Well your Daddy clearly don’t know me too well,” she rebukes, gesturing to the torn pieces of poster under her boots. “do you always believe everythin’ Daddy says?”
“Of course not—”
“I bet Daddy told you that storks bring the babies, right? Did he tell you that?”
“When I was young, but—”
“I bet he also told you about marriage then? One man and one woman?”
You stop talking.
What was wrong about that? Isn’t that how marriage is?
“Most of all, I bet he done told you all about the perfect husband you’re gonna get. Some flannel mouth he works with. Daddy’s girl only gets the best, right? That what he say?”
“I—” You turn your head, a little defeated. “I ain’t marryin’ no flannel mouth,”
“Oh yeah? That’s what’ll happen if you keep listenin’ to Daddy.”
“You don’t know jack. Just a crazy woman with a shootin’ iron. You won’t ever find a husband, I know it.” You spit, not even really believing your own words.
She laughs, rather abruptly, hands rested in the loops of her gun holster.
“Got no bellyaches about that, darlin’. I promise you.” She says knowingly, eyes unwilling to break their gaze from you.
You don’t quite understand what she means by it, especially the way she’s grinning, so you say nothing. Her eyes watch you darkly, following your movements and sending messages you can't translate.
Before she can speak, you remember.
“Oh—my Daddy’s gonna be back soon. I don’t want you to be here when he does.” You tell her, glancing at the doorway behind the both of you.
“I won’t be.”
“Alright—will…will I see you again?”
“Oh sweetheart, you want to?” She questions, starting to re-tie the black bandanna around her mouth.
You blush, sweetly, and the outlaw basks in it. She takes her hat back off, kisses it gently, and places it in your hands.
Her head moves to your neck, barely getting close enough to your ear and whispering faintly.
“Tell Daddy it’s from a suitor, yeah?”
Your cheeks heat, sheerly from how close she is, but also at her words, which feel so much dirtier than they should be to you.
Following that, her leather-covered hands grab your face, and she places a warm kiss on your cheek through the bandanna.
Only lightly could you feel the outline of her lips in the fabric, and it sets you on fire nonetheless.
“Thank you,” you murmur, unsure of how to respond and dizzy with excitement.
“Don’t thank me yet,” she warns, voice a bit muffled. She pulls down the bandanna one last time, and with a wink, tells you,
“I’ll be back for my hat.”
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months
After seeing ADC’s birthmark now I can’t get the idea of a Clexa Overboard AU out of my head 😭 The gay urge to queer-ify every straight movie I’ve ever seen and make it about a little blonde bitch and a slightly less little brunette bitch 🥴 Brainrot at its finest
Ok here's my problem. Objectively!!???? Overboard was a terrible movie 😩 not the movie itself on a surface level. The movie itself was entertaining and amazing and a classic. But the plot??? The pLOT??
Dude lied to her, gaslit her, took her and turned her into his maid/nanny. He neglected her and talked to her like shit, degraded, humiliated, and demeaned her repeatedly (often in front of people, to his own glee), and then had sex with her while she didn't have all of her mental faculties. And then had audacity to be genuinely hurt when she was mad and left when she found out. I know they painted it as though she could overlook all that for ~true love~ and that she, whew, that she learned the errors of her ways of being mean to him (I could write a dissertation on what the filmmakers were saying here 😒) but uhhhhhhh being a rude and shitty employer is nOt the same as kidnapping, borderline slavery, and basically sexual assault. I mean he made this woman believe she had children and made her feel like a bad mother for his lazy ass parenting. HE HAD SEX WITH HER WHEN SHE DIDN'T EVEN ACTUALLY KNOW HER OWN NAME FFS. I just
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Believe me I've thought this movie through for clexafication because I do like the movie and have watched it a bunch of times, but I just... idk how I could adjust it realistically so it excludes all that awful shit 🥴
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
the accounts on here are really turning into what they claim to hate. one of the bigger accounts posted a 5 seconds clip of that pic of timothee and zendaya from the premiere today. and a lot of the other big accounts are pretty much implying harassment. comparing the interaction to real examples of sexual assault. i can’t believe what im seeing. they took the picture nd both moved on to sign more posters in the same second. they are friends. they know their boundaries but also have to move on quickly.
they all want zendaya to hate timothee and be uncomfortable but don’t take in their other interactions even from today. countless videos of them backstage talking and joking together. if zendaya was truly that uncomfortable with him that wouldn’t be happening. they know that which is why they ignore that content. and after almost a month of press and tim and z trying to minimize their interactions the second they do have moments people on here do this and imply real serious allegations? they’re just spreading to their followers one side. and that’s dangerous.
i get they don’t like him. he gives them the ick. he’s not even my fav’ but they’re just as nasty as timdayas they stalk on twitter. i’ve been watching them all slowly get worse each day of this press tour and justify “being childish” together and it’s sad since i liked a lot of them. if they hate him ignore him crop him from pictures just like timdayas. they aren’t talking about the rizz video from zendaya? people here need to do the same and ignore all interactions of timothee and zendaya.
i never believed the allegations but i’m sure during challengers they’ll find something those guys do weird/an ick/ or project onto z and we’ll have the same narrative spin
the accounts on here are really turning into what they claim to hate. one of the bigger accounts posted a 5 seconds clip of that pic of timothee and zendaya from the premiere today. and a lot of the other big accounts are pretty much implying harassment. comparing the interaction to real examples of sexual assault. i can’t believe what im seeing. they took the picture nd both moved on to sign more posters in the same second. they are friends. they know their boundaries but also have to move on quickly.
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What in the world Anon?? 🥴
Whew! I must not follow the accounts some of you all follow out there (my following list is actually quite small lol) cuz I've been enjoying this press tour in relative PEACE without any of this crazy nonsense lol 😆
First of all, I feel very UNCOMFORTABLE about ppl implying smthg about sexual assault (even if it's just a "joke") among Z and her male costars. Like what on earth??? 🥴
Like I said yesterday, Timmy is her FRIEND. Y'all need to just get over it and deal with it (not you Anon lol 😂, just the general "you").
Idk why some fans are so uncomfortable with Z getting along with her male costars, but ummm.... you all are literally making it weird when it doesn't have to be at all. 🙄
Second, obviously she gets along just fine with Timmy (and Austin too for that matter), so I don't think she's "uncomfortable" around him or anybody at all! Trust me.....You can tell when ppl don't really care for other ppl like that, and you can tell when they genuinely do! And Z seems to genuinely LIKE her costars. So why are some fans being so weird about it? 🤔
Look, you don't have to like Timmy (or Austin), but to be spreading false LIES and rhetoric out there surrounding her and her male costars is just really vile imo. 😕
What are some of these fans gonna do when she's going to be promoting Challengers next month and her ONLY costars are Mike and Josh on the press tour? 🥴
PLEASE tell me we won't be having to go through this nonsense again. 🙄
I'm with you Anon, I really don't like hypocrisy either.
I really wish some fans would just grow up 😩🤦🏾‍♀️
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🌟🚗 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens”! I never thought I’d say this, but Midnight Sun actually got… good? Yes, you read that right! After trudging through Edward’s endless brooding and inner turmoil, the book finally delivered moments so intense and relatable that I had to pause and really take them in. These chapters are a must-discuss because they shed new light on Edward’s character, and trust me, it’s a perspective I haven’t seen explored enough! 🧛‍♂️💋 Honestly, I love it because it shows that even sparkly vampires can have teenage meltdowns. 😂✨
Let’s kick things off with the most ridiculous, over-the-top car chase in vampire history. Edward, in full-blown panic mode, doesn’t just drive fast—he goes full-on action hero by stealing a flashy car to speed across town and save Bella from James! 🚗💥 I mean, who knew Edward had a secret need for speed? It’s like he’s suddenly in a vampire version of Fast & Furious, but with a lot more angst and existential dread. You can almost hear him muttering, “Outta the way, mere mortals!” as he zooms through traffic like a bat out of hell. 😂 Seriously, this whole scene is so over-the-top that you can’t help but laugh and cheer him on. Edward’s driving is described as borderline suicidal—he’s pushing the car to its limits, and you can feel his sheer desperation with every reckless turn. He’s absolutely terrified he won’t reach Bella in time, and it’s honestly like watching someone try to beat their own high score in a racing game, except the stakes are a million times higher. 🏎️💨
But after the car chase, the story takes a much more gut-wrenching turn when Edward arrives at the hospital. For once, Edward is acting like a normal, concerned boyfriend, and it’s both shocking and refreshing. Charlie’s not there to help with Renée—he’s stuck dealing with a court appearance, which totally sucks but also makes sense. So, Edward steps up, making sure Renée has everything she needs and is comfortable, just like any boyfriend would. It’s kind of surreal to see him in this role, especially after all the dramatic vampire stuff. He’s navigating Renée’s thoughts, which are practically screaming at him, but he still manages to keep it together. Renée, of course, is immediately suspicious of this perfect, polished young man who seems too good to be true. Edward can barely keep his anxiety in check as he tries to maintain a calm exterior while internally, he’s a wreck. 😅💖
And then there’s the chapel scene. Edward, our brooding, angst-filled vampire, actually prays. 🙏 Yep, he’s praying to Bella’s God for the strength to leave her because he’s convinced that staying with her is too dangerous. “I prayed to a God I wasn’t sure existed, to the God of her people, that he might give me the strength to leave her.” This moment is so gut-wrenching because it shows just how much Edward is willing to sacrifice for Bella. He’s not just some cold, immortal being; he’s deeply conflicted and desperate. You can feel his pain as he contemplates a future without Bella, even though it’s the last thing he wants. 😩💔 This prayer scene is significant because it humanizes Edward in a way we haven’t seen before. He’s acknowledging that he’s out of his depth, that he needs help from a higher power to do what he believes is right. It’s a raw, vulnerable moment that makes his internal struggle so much more real. It’s one of those moments where you realize just how deeply he loves her, and it honestly makes the eventual breakup even more heartbreaking. 💔😭
I seriously teared up. 😢 I’m not very religious, and most people would be shocked I even pray when I need strength, but Edward praying and then lying to Bella is my absolute favorite part because it’s the most human thing. After seeing Bella’s anxiety in the hospital, Edward decides that this isn’t the time to leave her. He knows she needs him right now, and he even lies about staying with her forever because he can’t bear to tell her the truth. “I couldn’t tell her that I wouldn’t stay. I couldn’t tell her that I didn’t have forever to give. But I had to let her believe it, because the truth would destroy her right now.” This is gut-wrenching because Edward is trapped in his own emotional turmoil. He absolutely hates lying to her—seriously, I don’t know how he’s doing it. 🤯 The fact that he’s staying while she recovers, knowing he’s going to leave, is just heartbreaking, especially since he’s seen Alice’s vision of Bella being comatose and depressed after he’s gone. I wanna cry just thinking about these hospital scenes. 😭💔💔
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Their conversation in the hospital is filled with so much tension and love that it’s almost unbearable. Bella, still weak and in pain, tries to comfort Edward, who is wracked with guilt. “Don’t I taste as good as I smell?” Bella tries to lighten the mood with a joke, but Edward can’t even play along. His love for her is so intense that he can barely contain his emotions. When Bella asks him why he didn’t just let the venom spread, Edward’s response is heartbreaking: “I can’t do it, Bella. I won’t do that to you.” 💔💬 You can feel the struggle in every word he says—he wants to give her everything, but he’s terrified of what that would mean. It’s in these moments that Edward’s true nature shines through; he’s not just a vampire, but a man deeply in love and profoundly conflicted about what that love means for Bella’s future. 😢💔
And let’s not forget the little moments of humor sprinkled in. When Edward is pushing Bella in a wheelchair, he actually growls at people who stare at her too long. “A low, warning growl slipped through my lips when anyone looked too long at her fragile form.” 🦁 It’s such an overprotective boyfriend move, but you can’t help but smile because it shows just how fiercely he cares for her. Edward’s protective instincts are in overdrive, and while he’s usually so controlled, the thought of anyone causing Bella discomfort sends him into a near-animalistic rage. It’s almost like he’s a regular guy, freaking out because his girlfriend is hurt, and he doesn’t want anyone making her feel worse. 😂💪
The prom scene is another bittersweet moment. 💃🕺 Edward takes Bella to prom, not because he’s into it, but because he wants to give her a good memory—something she can hold onto when he’s gone. “I wanted to give her something to remember me by—something she could hold onto when I was gone.” 🥲 This is so sad because Edward is already planning his departure, even as he’s trying to make Bella happy in the moment. It’s that classic vampire dilemma—how do you balance your love for someone with the knowledge that your very existence puts them in danger? The prom, with its lights, music, and human warmth, contrasts sharply with Edward’s cold, calculating decision to leave. He’s trying to give Bella a piece of normalcy, something she can look back on fondly, even though he knows it will only make his departure that much more painful for her. 🥺💃
Finishing Midnight Sun has left me with so many emotions. 😵 Just when the book finally started diving into the parts of the story I was most curious about—Edward’s POV during these critical moments—it ended, leaving me craving more. Meyer did a fantastic job of humanizing Edward in these final chapters, showing us that even a century-old vampire can have teenage meltdowns, moments of doubt, and flashes of humor. 🧛‍♂️✨ I have so much more to say about these chapters, but I’ll save that for another post… or maybe two. Stay tuned for more deep dives into Edward’s surprisingly human moments and all the drama that comes with being a sparkly vampire in love. 💔✨
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS AU ✨CRACK! TAKE✨: The 10th HG Mentors According to Drunk Dean Highbottom. (Part 2)
I advise you, my fellow friends to read part one for context, but here are all the parts anyway: [1] [3] [4]
Clam Asia Dove Goat (Clemensia Dovecote)
Very kind, but sometimes rude to me.☹️
Takes note on everything and everyone.
Is the true popular likable girl.
Might be allergic to reptiles and peanut butter.
Is deathly afraid of frogs and spiders.
Hates the snakey snakeys.
Once stole Dr. Gaul’s pet rabbit mutt for “research” purposes.
Gave me free peppermint ice cream for my birthday.🥹
Your family is the only normal and decent family that I have met so far.
Can you ask your father to lower my electricity bills?🥺
Humble, but will punch you if threatened.
Who lied and told you that your skincare routine was superior to mine?
My skincare routine is THE BEST!😤
Will forgive anyone for a cheese tart.
Directly reports to Capitol News if something “bad” happened at school.
Tried to defame me for treating a certain student “unfairly,” just because they were poor AF.🙄
Might give her a demerit for that stunt later.
Threatened to report me for being drunk while giving a lecture, or whatever that mean.😪
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by actually planning a good strategy.
Per Symphony Prize (Persephone Price)
Willingly ate that “maid stew.”
Is maybe a secret cannibal.
Is on her “Unhinged Girl” era.
Might eat anyone anything if hungry.
Has no food preference.
Is currently dating the Dumpster Diver.
Why are you even dating that loser?🤨
Likes to scare people on the holidays.
Your father is crazy AF.
By the way, your meat(?) pies were delicious. 10 out of 10, will want to eat again.
Your family runs the railroad industry, but your food delivery services are slow AF.
I might give you a demerit for that stupid reason alone.
Is passive-aggressive towards me.☹️
Is quite skilled with a knife.
Home economics and cooking are not your forte.
Likes to troll the freshmen.
The only student who will survive a famine.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by unspeakable means.🤢
Turban Can Bill (Urban Canville)
Is highly intelligent, but socially stupid.
Perfected freaking calculus for goodness sake!
King of the math freaks.
A super nerd of nerds.
You still failed to avoid hanging out with a bunch of idiots in your class.
Your family only got filthy rich by successfully hacking one of Mama Cardew’s bank accounts.
I know that you intentionally broke my very expensive vase last semester, just because I gave you a 98 on a stupid essay.
You need therapy!
Knows how to professionally hack the school computers.
Stop changing your stupid classmates’ grades!!😡🔪
I knew that you were the one who freaking blocked me from accessing the school Wi-Fi as a joke.
I might use you for a secret cyber crime scheme later.
Thinks he’s too cool for school.
Has a short temper. Like, really short.
I can’t believe that your anger issues helped you become a top performing student.😩
Why the heck did you call the National Security when you lost your f*ckin’ calculator?!
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by being too pissed off and too angry to die.
Liver Cardew? Libya Adieu? (Livia Cardew)
Her mama will kill you for a dollar.
Super rich AF.🙄
Haven’t you heard? Her mama runs the largest bank in all of Panem.
Your family is literally the IRS.
Can destroy the economy if you offend her.
Loves anything pink and sparkly.
Is very mean to everyone, especially to me.
It’s really unfair that your car sparkles under the sun.
Why are you bullying a certain student for being a war orphan?!😠
I’m the only one who is allowed to bully that war orphan!!😤
Willing to skip school to shop and gossip.
Cannot and will not be blackmailed.
Spoiled AF, but everyone already knows that.🙄💅
Politically untouchable.
Stop taxing me for being drunk all the time!
I know your family can and will personally send anyone to the poorer Districts for unpaid taxes.
Will assassinate anyone if they wear the same dress as her at the same event.
Yes, I know. Your scary mama will burn Panem to the ground if you were ever reaped as a Tribute for the Hunger Games.
I Owe Casper (Io Jasper)
Super smart, but painfully awkward.
Likes biology and chemistry a lot.
May unlock the secrets of love and the universe.
You almost shut down my school by “accidentally” flooding the hallways with freaking chlorine!!
Stole my dog and dyed it f*ckin’ lime green for some reason.😠🔪
Another certified nerd of danger.
You should consider dating Mr. Anger Issues.
Your family only got rich when they discovered the method of levitating jets and hovercrafts.
Your mommy is an unhinged scientist who works under an insane woman!
Will dissect anyone if given the chance.
May have created a mutt on accident.
You do know that Dr. Gaul hates you for stealing her cute feral squirrel mutt last semester.
Can sneak and kill anyone with a scalpel.
You are an insufferable know-it-all.
High IQ, low EQ.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by polluting the Arena with deadly chemicals.
Florist Friend? Flower Friend? (Florus Friend)
Your name makes sense because your parents are the friendliest landscape designers that I’ve ever met.
Does not like outdoor activities for some reason.
Stole bleach for hair reasons.
Wants to become a lawyer, but does not even follow my rules.😩
Is secretly a proud delinquent.
Locked me once in a broom closet!😡
Might break the law for a free gallon of hair conditioner.
Why are you only friendly to kittens baby cats?
Loves to change and dye his hair to match the trends of the season.
Hates rainy days and gloomy nights.
Your parents must be so disappointed when you told them that you hate gardening.
You do know your family only became rich by being the largest landscaping company in all of Panem.
Almost died from eating a moldy cheesy roll. To be fair, it was your fault.
By the way, your mama wants me to pay for your ambulance fee.☹️
Is sadly allergic to dogs.
Is deathly afraid of eating expired food after that last incident.
Will NEVER win the Hunger Games. How could he? This kid is freaking allergic to rain!
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cxhleel108 · 11 months
S7 Thots for this week: Oh god…
• I will in fact not be giving “us” a chance Vicky I’m so sorry.
• “There’s a him-shaped space in my bed and there’s a him-shaped space in my heart”…GIRRRLLLLL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I already made a post about this quote alone but omg thinking about it again has got me crying. Someone please come get this bitch.
• I know I said my MC was gon keep it classy with Willow but both her AND I have had enough of Willow flapping her gums so best believe I chose to read her ass for filth when they let us.
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• Gee I wonder what it is…
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• *Gasp* REALLY??? YOU DONT SAY🫨🫨🫨
• Fusebox…CAN BITCHES JUST BE BISEXUAL TO BE BISEXUAL LIKE WTF??? They always pull this dumb shit like either you only want the boys or you only want the girls it’s never TRULY an option to choose both. Most of the time if I’m making my MCs bi it’s just for character building purposes so when I’m being forced to hear Bonnie declare her love for me 20 times each volume when I don’t want her you’d see why I’d be irritated.
• So apparently, after gathering info from other peoples posts, we coulda been having this convo with our original love interest and we coulda snuck out to the daybeds and did the nasty with them pulling our hair and shit if we chose the “Travis/Evan/OG LI” option. The way this makes no sense my god. This goes back to the point I just made like y’all don’t know what the fuck y’all doinnnnnnn!
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• Omg she’s so embarrassing I can’t do this anymore😭😭😭
• While I’m mad I didn’t sneak down there with Bryson, seeing her lil pussy ass get absolutely nothing from him never fails to make me laugh.
• Uma getting all the girls to leave by pretending to gush about Alex…she ate that.
• I love Daphne (Sorry Raf romancers).
• Time to talk about outfits!🤩
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• Fusebox let the stars go like good lord😭
• Ignoring that aspect, this is cute.
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• Now THIS is what I want to see more of! Yes!
• Ok Willow being an embarrassing and obsessive ass bitch was funny at first but now it’s just annoying. Does she have any other hobby besides keeping MC’s nuts in her mouth?
• Now, onto this lame ass movie night.
• First of all, I guess I yet again need to clarify that I want nothing to do with Bonnie or her Ellen Degeneres haircut. Second of all, even if my character chose to give her the time of day…Vicky why the hell do you give a fuck??? You weren’t even here when these clips happened and once again I DID NOT CHOOSE YOU!
• Evan don't stick up for me like that baby I'm liable to put this thang on you😩
• In a shocking twist that nobody expected, Willow started talking shit and immediately shut up because her tea got clocked. I honestly gotta applaud her tenacity.
• Bryson’s confession over us uggghhh so cute😍
• Travis saying that Uma was hotter than Bonnie unprovoked was so rude😭😭😭 At the same time tho…did he lie?😶
• Alex is such a hypocrite. He knew damn well he was bout to fawk Estelle on that goddamn terrace before she left.
• Omg Uma said the casa girls needa make sure that they get to the villa😱😱😱 They grasping for straws tryna make up drama like obviously she’s gonna prioritize getting to the villa that’s literally the whole point.
• #Raphne lives on yesssss!
• Evan asking us on a date…WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME?????😫😫😫😫😫
• Outfit time again!🤩
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• Ok I love love looooove all these options. The ONLY problem I have is with the choker necklace on the green dress like that needs to go. Other than that these are sooooooo cute.
• *Sigh* Why is Evan literally perfect lol🙃
• It’s not even the fact that he’s fine as hell and his personality is chef’s kiss but the way he’s not suffocating us with the fact that he likes us (Some other people should take notes😕). Lemme not speak too soon tho cuz they still have time to ruin him💔
• I am not kidding, when I replay this season I am grafting on him so hard with NO FUCKING HESITATION.
• I was so tempted to flirt with him just to piss off Vicky and Bonnie cuz why are y’all staring??? GET OUT OF MY BUSINESS!
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• I legit thought they were going to have us go through this entire volume without getting alone time with our OG LI and I was finna be so pissed.
• Not gonna lie tho…having sex in the middle of the living room where anyone could just walk in is kinda insane😭
• Where was I at Willow? Oh, I was just giving “your man” the time of his life😁
• Calling it now we’re not actually gonna get to sleep with who we want.
• Girl where tf did they get a whole curated bouquet of flowers?
(I’m not gonna lie guys I fell asleep before finishing this post cuz I was busy yesterday so I prolly forgot some things but yeah this volume was…ok)
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Okay girl I need to vent and have a favor to ask:
1. Why the fuck is Nicholas trying to tell us what our hubby’s biggest turn on is??!!! Like we were dating him for over a year and there have been scenes in challenges talking about this already. Lazy writing on FB’s part
2. I was slightly mean to Meera but for whatever reason I can’t be mean in this game (I always fear that I won’t win if I am bc on a different season that I played twice, the time I was drama and mean to everyone I didn’t win haha)- all that to say can you give us screengrabs of the Meerat convos when you’re mean to her? Especially the gem scene cause I didn’t do that one!
3. Please don’t hate me but I’m leading Finn on. Picked his route because the drama I do like in this game is when I play the boys. So I’m going to keep Finn and Suresh both on their toes and pick the options for yes with both! Whoever I end up picking, I’ll replay again from these episodes to pick the opposite. Also F U fusebox for telling us things were going to get steamy in the shower with Finn this week and the only thing steamy was the actual shower steam😐 I need more bits this season people!!!
4. Everyone talks about the shit that MC has been getting this season but talk about what FB is doing to Alfie mate!!! First, I don’t think there is like anyone I’ve seen actually on his route. Like FB you have DESTROYED his chance at happiness by making him attached to MC. LIKE BABE IVE TURNED YOU DOWN FOR EVERY SINGLE OPTION THIS ENTIRE SEASON AND YOU STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME?! So many interactions and options this season have been wasted because he’s been a gnat that’s always around MC’s head. Like we could have had WAY more Li interactions if they just let us deny Alfie from the beginning and leave it at that.
ahahaha I thought the same thing!! I wish they added in a line like but you knew that about Suresh already or something like that.
that wont happen this season...everyone literally bullied us and I honestly believe they ADDED on these moments because of our complaints they wouldnt make us lose for bullying now. Also ill have to go back but I will post later and Ill tag you.
I could never hate you!! I actually was considering doing this as well until I saw that our choices in SMP mattered so now im wary of deviating off of Suresh route. BUT BABE DO YOU!!!!!! Also yes such a tease!!!
honestly this is so true...the only reason why I even entertained Alfie was because I saw from the leaks how deliciously jealous Suresh got whenever we kissed/did anything with Alfie. So of course I gave in and snogged him at every chance I got. But its even worse because I definitely led him on, then cheated with my ex 🫣😩 and this boy is still after me!! BUT what I recently discovered from a very helpful anon was that if you're on the Dana route, Alfie basically comes after you AGAIN in episode 34. The man has never given up on MC even when she picks Dana. I feel for him.
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ilovetheweeknd333 · 11 months
Hi there ! I want to know more about shifting . I had heard about shifting , but like never got in to it yk.. what I mean . I just had a thought shift to a reality were there's zombie apocalypse , just for fun 👀 nothing serious about it . Ngl I'm pretty confused about all those methods and like dr / cr scripts . Like is it even important to scrip !?!!! 😩 cause I'm lazy as hell . Any suggestions ?
so the first thing i wanna say when it comes to shifting is it is very real. and you need to know that it is. whatever reality your are shifting too is very tea all the people around you have thoughts and feelings and everything that happens to you is real.
why i’m saying this is because you said how you had the thought of shifting to a zombie apocalypse and even tho you said it’s just for fun and not to be taken seriously with something like that kind of dr you have to know and understand what your getting yourself into.
from what i’ve seen and have heard from people who are new to shifting or only have the knowledge from 2020 when most of it was lies and propaganda most people have misconceptions about shifting and the fact they wanna shift to some low key dangerous places and places that could cause trauma in the dr. anything that you receive in you dr that is trauma wise with be translated back here to your cr. so you just want to be careful where you wanna shift too.
and i’m not saying that you shouldn’t shift to a zombie apocalypse dr or anything like that. i just want you to be aware of what’s going to happen and like what your signing yourself up for. and worse comes to worse if you don’t like the dr you don’t have to shift to it again
to the trauma thing i was talking about a bit ago the biggest thing in 2020 was scripting out that you can’t bring back trauma to your cr. which is completely wrong. if something is happening in real time in your dr and it’s something that is really crazy and traumatic it will be a memory and when you shift back your gonna know it happened
now methods is all about what’s comfortable for you. there’s so many to choose from weather you wanna do an awake or a sleep method there’s so many to pick from. i haven’t shifted yet and i’ve been trying since 2020. so for me a lot of the things for shifting now are still new to me. from my personal experience i’ve always done sleep methods and i’ve tried many the one that i have personally had the most symptoms with the raven method and it the first method i’ve ever tried since the start of my shifting journey and i’ve always gotten some pretty heavy symptoms. but you honestly just have to do your own research on different methods and start testing a few. it’s honestly all about trial and error. but if you choose a method you want to stick to it for a little bit before you switch so you can get used to it and see if it does anything for you.
with that being said you don’t need to have a method either. a good non method method would be the intention method. it’s pretty much you set the intention that you will shift and you fully believe that you will shift when you fall asleep.
now scripts are just like methods. you don’t really need one. a script just helps you get al your thoughts and ideas in one spot. it helps you get the basics down of what you want for your dr. again you don’t need one tho because your subconscious already knows what you want. even if you wanna make a script just so you have the basics it’s good to have you don’t need like a crazy script to have what you want. even tho people do have some amazing scripts that are long but it’s just because they like having down everything so that can read it over. i know for me when i get really into a show/movie and i start scripting i start to really get into it and it’s usually long as hell and super detailed. but again you don’t really need one.
i know there’s some script creators on tiktok where they have premade scrips for shows,movies, books, ect. and you can just copy them and start editing it to put down all your information.
i hope this helped and if you have any more questions let me know and i will help you the best i can
<3 happy shifting
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8 may 2023 Monday lunes getsuyoubi moon🐮🌗🌘🌒
heinous zipper on pillow covers I laid on it literally has peaks that are sharp spikes and I thought I was not laying on it and I pulled it probably have big deep scratches now. 8:56 pmpt
sobel westex. Whoever made the zippers are probably part of the child rapist rings and s*x trafficking of minors. Bcz hospitals have gynecologists who checked if they’re virgins or not so they can sell to millionaires. Liam neeson. Taken movie. Hospitals profit off of heinous zippers. 9:02 pmpt
9:04 pmpt the intrinsic value? Of a car is to “drive for miles and miles” and wind up at any door you want. Anyone who wants a car should know this already. The audience for she will beloved 🎶🎼🎵🎤 would know it. This isn’t a kids song introducing them to a car like the wheels on the bus go round and round. This is an adult song. So, why write I drove for miles and miles? Is it code for.. maybe... more than the usual trip to the grocery store or errand? Is this mystery beauty queen of only 18, like a rapunzel who was significantly far from his residence? 9:11 pmpt
“Brendan” lied to me about his age and he lied to his girlfriend about my age. People can get their license when they are 16. So, it’s a big deal to drive for miles and miles. And how do we know that she really was 18 years old? Why 18? Bcz his father was formerly a lawyer, and 18 is legal. But that don’t mean that she really was 18. 9:15 pmpt Jane I think was a grade or 2 younger than the incubus (incubus has been burning my ears 😖😭😫😩 9:16 pmpt). I read on Wikipedia Fred was a lawyer. But I couldn’t find it again recently. 9:17 pmpt incubus also worked on a tv show? Melrose place? I don’t know much. Something about coffee. 9:18 pmpt I read online back in 2017? That the incubus went with Jane to New York. She wrote it herself. But now I can’t find it. 9:20 am pt in early 2017? I think the day cold music video was released he did an interview, wearing a dark green knitted sweater with other colors like red on it? That she will beloved was written about a pair of friends. I read probably online b4 that interview that at least one line per song was written about someone he knew? Probably can’t find it anymore. Does he have any fans who can confirm that they found what I found? 9:23 pmpt
9:24 pmpt why was it important for him in 2017 to say this? After he got my attention? Bcz he had actually came to my place and showed me his face b4 I moved at the end of 2005 from blossom hill San Jose? Did he actually drive to my place in 2001? Is that why he failed guitar class? Why would a guy who played guitar in karas flowers with a record deal, FAIL guitar class? Bcz , he was absent. He probably flew to San Jose to see me. 9:28 pmpt FUZE? FUSE? YouTube interview. I posted screenshots and the link to the video here. 9:28 pmpt 9:29
9:33 pmpt (acid throat pain) also I think it was probably September 2005 my first real boyfriend broke up with me. And I had missed my period sometime b4 that. We never had unprotected s*x. I also missed my period once when I was 16 years old and I was a virgin until I got with my first real boyfriend when I was 19 years old. 9:35 pmpt so it’s possible that I was stressed out or if we believe in the Virgin Mary, maybe immaculate conception? With surrogacy. 9:37 pmpt 9:37 pmpt (acid brain pain).
9:39 pmpt vag acid pain. Incubus likes to fake me out. He hurt me a lot. So it’s highly probable that I’m only a decoy for someone else close by, like Q. 9:40 pmpt
9:43 pmpt and why would he lie about Jane being in oberlin Ohio? Why would he hide that he went to New York to be with Jane? 9:44 pmpt
9:57 pmpt a lot of my bones have been chipped away. And since 2017? I’ve heard a voice called me a b*txh. And I saw a sign that they were calling me trash. 10 pmpt
10:13 pmpt I think the incubus miñion broke the refrigerator as revenge for calling him a rapist of children. Garrido? Demon angels? It’s what you do duh people know you NOW! 10:15 pmpt the person who arranges for the crime to happen is as guilty as the person hired to commit it. Coordinating for the police to omit searching the sheds proves that god the demon lord incubus coordinates it to happen. 10:16 pmpt
10:19 pmpt I have seen it in past fictional tv dramas. So you think you can put smart me demon angel? Think again! 🤬😡 10:20 pmpt
11:21 pmpt so I guess those crimes child rape and human s*x trafficking of minors are actually forgiven by the rich 🤑 and famous Bcz David Scott cano is their king 🤴 and incubus demon lord god allows it and justified for it to happen? And they are all only virtue signaling. Also starving kids who were promised free lunches and breakfast 🥞 at schools 🏫. Hence Oklahoma and hot pockets (which formerly was very good/yummy) in the Bay Area. 11:24 pmpt the medical 🏥 professionals and police 👮‍♂️ are part of the s*x trafficking ring , I suspect, Bcz they bow 🙇 down to cano, I suspect- the link would be the Sierra LaMar case. 11:26 pmpt bone 🦴 saws 🪚 reeady video on his YouTube channel and he put me in a chokehold without choking me, in 2007 in the middle of making out with him I think 💭 on the side of road next to a forest 🌳. 11:28 pmpt
11:47 pmpt doctors 🥼 only care to do stuff for investors. People with money 💰. Cream with tang shirt 👕 incubus wore in the making of a music 🎶 video cold 🥶 ? Cash 💰 rules every thing around me. 11:49 am pt
11:51 pmpt Scott’s dad was an architect. Probably designed hospitals 🏥. Who knows. 11:52 pmpt
People at the hospitals 🏥 ignored my breathing problems intentionally. A person at the hospital 🏥 came to me when I was alone outside trying to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ and she told me I should hang myself. 12:02 am pt
1:30 am pt February last year was very hot in the Bay Area. Strange. Is all the ice melted in the North Pole? What are we going to do? If there aren’t two spots on the earth 🌎 opposite each other is ther going to be a big hole 🕳 bigger than a volcano 🌋 on one side? Is the earth 🌍 going to devour itself? 1:32 am pt like in the 2012 John cusack movie 🎥????
1:51 am pt abc news 📰 showed it’s going to get hot 🥵 again in the Bay Area. 1:52 am pt
2:17 am pt I don’t have friends and I don’t have a husband and I don’t have children 👶/offspring.
2:19 am pt they put stuff in my life to trick me. When I was a kid 👧 I had a laser disc movie 🎥 of mark twain clay mation with Adam and Eve and huckleberry fin and Tom Sawyer and Becky. And then there was Rachel Leigh cook Jonathan Taylor Thomas movie 🎥 I’m recalling now. 2:21 am pt is this bread crumbing? 2:22 am pt
2:25 am pt and when I was 7 years old sleeping 🛌 beauty was my favorite Disney movie 🎥. 2:26 am pt
A lot of psychological scam games they play. I understand now that they lied 🤥 to me to let me down. Build me up 🆙 to let me down. 2:28 am pt
2:38 am pt I wonder 💭 why Q went to a maroon 5 concert 🎵 in 2007 w/ ep and saki? Was he there? And she photoshopped my heaaad to look 👀 large in 2 photos? “Music is my boyfriend” on MySpace. She mentioned indirectly that she had s-X but didn’t say who. Mentioned referred to her light green eyes 👀 as “hazel.” Hazel eyes 👀 we were wasting time it was always you maroon 5 song 🎵 . Sam, Liza, gio.. they probably don’t look 👀 like me. Wishful thinking 💭 on my part. I guess my head got too big psychologically to even believe for a little while. 2:44 am pt I got beat up 🤕 so bad after I posted those picture links. (Breast pain 2:45 am pt I think 💭 they made those smaller in the last 24 hours.) 2:46 am pt feeling raw.left ankle pain.
3:09 am pt incubus demon lord, his family and friends and associates and assistants demon angels all don’t care when innocent people are falsely accused of crimes they didn’t commit. It fits into capitalism. Bcz then more lawyers get jobs. It aids in turnover which is part of capitalism. 3:12 am pt.
3:14 am pt his incubus magic 🪄 also gets rid women. Trick them into doing unnatural things. Trick straight (acid throat pain 3:15 am pt) men into doing unnatural things. 3:16 am pt these days incubus can get away with rape of autistic women and say that they are schizophrenic. It was in the news 📰 scientist 👨‍🔬 found autism linked to schizophrenia. In time for Shannon Ruth and maybe me? (Acid brain 🧠? Pain. Stabbing groin pain 3:19 am pt) convenient for doctors 🥼 medical 🏥 professionals and incubus to get away with rape and s*x trafficking of minors. 3:20 am pt
3:49 am pt no one cares about the Sierra LaMar case. Or me. Seems like nothing has changed. Who is reading 📖 my blog? 3:50 am pt 3:51 am pt incubus is having fun 🤩. Carter is having fun 🤩. Scott is probably having fun 🤩. I’ve been celibate for too long. And now it looks as if I’m going to lose it all. 3:53 am pt it’s like that s*x and The city 🌃 episode with the nun and breast cancer ♋️. 3;53 am pt
4:01 am pt the rich 🤑 and famous don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️ about child 👶 rape and s*x trafficking of minors. 4:02 am pt they pay 💰 off hospitals 🏥 and cops 👮‍♂️ after they commit their crimes. 4:03 am pt
4:11 am pt I saw slum dog 🐶 millionaire. Was there prostitution of an 11 year old girl 👧 named cherry 🍒? Ick 4:13 am pt
4:26 am pt I might have been told by a white lady that she went ton a date with a 25 year old white man 👨 when she was 14 years old. She admitted she was too young. I wish I could her ask her again about it so I can make certain about it. 4:28 am pt guys try to get away with all sorts of things.
5:09 am pt I was tricked into doing things and I would regret anything and everything I ever did immediately afterwards and feel shame and remorse everyday of my life and look 👀 down on the ground before and almost every day of my life after getting punched. And all the kids in elementary school 🏫 wrote to me saying I am so quiet and shy 🙈 were their observations of me. 5:13 am pt
I felt that way all my life. And I am still punished. Even though I already punished myself. 5:14 am pt repenting I thought 💭 meant feeling ashamed and sorry. But I guess I found out too late that it don’t. 5:15 am pt
5:18 am pt Adam Noah Levine is a liar 🤥 he’s like all the other animal 🦔 guys. Bold faced liar 🤥. He really looks like a thug with that phohawk. 5:19 am pt
5:20 he’s a bully to Jane Herman. Oberlin ohio. Seriously 😐?! 5:21 am pt
5:49 am pt oh he’s trying to be sly and doing quotation marks with his fingers. I still read that Jane wrote something I read that n 2017 that isn’t up anymore that he went with her there and that they were in love 🥰. 5:51 am pt
5:53 am pt I thought 💭 he got the dove tattoo 6 days after 9/11 Bcz he was there when it happened. Why go to New York if it wasn’t for Jane ? She graduated from a New York college in 2002. It’s too much of a coincidence. No. He went there for Jane Herman. He’s trying to be tricky and give me anxiety. *********~>|€~^{€~^~^<€ I’m trying to imitate how people cuss online. 5:56 am pt
W6 am I also found something online that they dated in 2001.
8:41 am pt if Q is really the incubus’ wife and behati is her surrogate, then maybe incubus has a very small d*ck. Left arm pain. Bcz obviously 🙄 he hates me. All those photos are probably photoshopped. The ones showing his crotch. And a lot of people question the people who likes the incubus’ voice. It’s not really maroon 5 itself as a band. It’s his voice. 8:44 am pt
8:45 am pt we don’t know if all his fans are under an evil 🦹‍♂️ wicked spell (head pain 8:46 am pt left hip bone 🦴 bone 🦴 pain) to like his voice and to think 💭 his crotch p*nis is big when it’s really not. 8:47 am pt I tried asking Maryka how big it was Bcz he sent her dick pictures. “Brendan” told me on the phone ☎️ that he is 6 inches long. Maryka never answered and blocked me. 8:49 am pt
8:52 am pt “Brendan” also said he wanted 4 kids. And I tried to wrap my brain 🧠 around the idea 💡 of being (left ankle pain 8:54 am pt) of being pregnant 🤰 4 times.
8:56 am pt I believe that Adam Noah Levine is not a good person. I don’t see it anymore. All I see is him lying 🤥 and acting 🎭 all the time. So it makes the part that seemed gentle and nice look phony now. All I think now about all the times he insulted people and hurt me. 8:58 am pt and scared me. It looks like he’s phony. Pretending to be nice. 8:59 am pt 9 am pt that’s the only way I see him now. And that everything else is a public relationship stunt.
9:01 am pt he has a lot to cover up for for example demon angels telling men to rape 6 year olds and 11 year olds and 14 year olds and s*x trafficking of minors possibly Sierra LaMar and others like her and “Brendan” with me. And to cover up 🆙 with me he wants to make me feel and think 💭 I’m crazy but torturing me peeling my bones 🦴 away. That’s his way of covering for s*x offenders. Bcz the s*c offenders matter more to him Bcz he is one of them. 9:05 am pt and it’s never going to change. He tries to cover up 🆙 by having girls and campaigning himself as a girl dad. Pretty pretty princess 👑. 9:06 am pt and he’s vilified me so everyone helps get rid of the evidence. 9:07 am pt you all are accomplices of child rape. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ how many more ways I can say it. 9:08 am pt vag stabbed. Ow 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵
10:51 am pt anyone who screws people over are whores duh 😒 10:52 am pt but all the whores won. I’ve been celibate for too long.
10:53 the miñion made me sick again and is still hurting me a lot. He has motive to kill me Bcz he’s a rapist of children 👶. Same team as the demon angels who coordinated Jaycee dugard’s rape. Same tactics. 10:55 am pt
not going to ever stop saying it nope. 10:55 am pt I have no reason to. I have so many reasons to keep going. Brendan Lean. “Brendan” . Brendan lean’s cousin in San Diego who is probably heather Hampton. Which is why she is maroon 5 princess 👸🏻 maroon 5 queen 👸🏻. Too many connections. All roads lead to incubus = Adam Noah Levine. 10:57 am pt 10:58 am pt everyone, who profited off of covid get used to your new name and isn’t be in denial anymore: whores and child rapist accomplices. S*x offender accomplices. Bcz that’s what you are when you desolated anyone who could have been a child rape victim or a victim of a s*x offender. 11 am pt that’s what the symbols mean that are tied to my birth. That’s the only purpose of my birth is to be a victim of s*x offenders. And incubus is the biggest s*x offender but he has the power and money 💰 to dictate to people what to do including ignoring victims. It’s the same thing again but he’s sophisticated: he vilifys the victims . Isn’t that what all villains 🦹‍♂️ Do? What other motive they have? To do cruel things? Maybe someone’s dog 🐶 bit someone’s kid? And then someone shoots or kicks the dog 🐶? I didn’t bite! But Scott bit me. He can movie men permission and magic 🪄 (date rape drugs) to rape people. What a wicked way to have s*x. And you all stand by carter and people like him? Incubus admits he’s incubus. He gave me signs 🪧 he is incubus. In 2001 he gave me signs he’s incubus. And he made me sick 🤕. We don’t have children together. But he used me like a whore. 11:07 am pt I was too nice to him. He is a d*ck. 11:08 am pt you stand by and watch me deteriorate and you stand by carter? You’re all accomplices of s*x offenders. Horrible people. He said any part of me thats nice/kind came from him. How do we know that ain’t carter too? That all I’ve (incubus changed words again: nice parts 11:22 am pt) parts came from him. And all mean parts came from carter? 11:10 am pt. I’m frustrated with all of you. I wish he would cut off my head. I don’t want to be a slave of this economy. My life sucked socially and I was always in discomfort. One way or another. 11:11 am pt
11:23 am pt you all stand by your excuses Bcz you’re all guilty of profiting off of destruction of children 👶 including child rape. You act nice to their faces but during the apocalypse you are all saying bad stuff happened to them Bcz they’re all and so you choose not to be sorry but to their face you say sorry. 11:25 am pt
12:13 pmpt I didn’t like what I read about husbands making wives drink dirt. It was on a website about polygamist Jewish husbands. 12:14 pmpt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it’s true. It was the first time I tried to look up stuff about Jews and marriage.
12:16 pmpt if someone hurts me naturally I am going to hate. 12:16 pmpt at least I felt remorse and mortified after I made mistakes. 12:17 pmpt
12:24 pmpt I NEVER 👎 grabbed anyone’s vagina!
12:25 pmpt trump’s verdict is on the news 📰. He is liable of rape. He went to a store 🏬 and ordered a woman 👩🏼 into the dressing room for privacy and she was stupid to trust him. 12:27 pmpt
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whyse7vn · 3 years
[ ot7 x reader ]
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lmao what is this it’s 3 am and i’m tired enjoy ^ ^
jin: you ate without me…
y/n: did do that
jin: you said you’d wait
y/n: lied
jin: you’re not even gonna try and lie and say you tried you wait or something?
y/n: no
jin: we’re over
y/n: damn that sucks
jin: you don’t even care 😓
y/n: i do
seokjin please please please take me back i love you so much please please !!
jin: i guess i’ll give you another chance 🙄
y/n: thanks so much jinjin love you 😍😍🥰🥰🥰‼️‼️‼️‼️💕💕💓💓💓
jin: ew stop
y/n: stop what bae 😓💓
jin: that
y/n: you’re so hard to please
jin: i deserve better than you
y/n: choke
jin: i’m plotting your murder
y/n: it’s giving jin !alpha !hybrid !mafia boss !hard dom (disturbing content) minors dni
jin: i wolf you
y/n: would turn you into a rug
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namjoon: got a loaf of bread
y/n: smooth like butter
namjoon: also got broke that green bowl so i bought a new one
y/n: haters gonna hate and players gonna play
namjoon: the bowl is blue tho
hope that’s ok
y/n: pretty woman
namjoon: did you eat lunch ?
y/n: everybody say no
namjoon: you should go do that then
y/n: run run run
namjoon: i think there is soup in the fridge
go check
y/n: did you see my bag ?
namjoon: is it there ?
y/n: you’re so big for no reason
namjoon: what ?
y/n: i’m looking at that photo on the fridge
namjoon: the disney one ?
y/n: yeah and you’re standing behind me you a big bitch
namjoon: thanks ?
y/n: ur built like a brick
ur so hot
come home pls
namjoon: i’m on my way love
namjoon: i do
y/n: he really got you like that
i would of laughed if i was there
namjoon: i know
y/n: loud asf too
namjoon: i know babe
y/n: pls he really ate you up
lord i’m laughing now
namjoon: i figured
y/n: still love you tho 🤞🏽❤️
namjoon: love you too
was the soup in the fridge ?
y/n: no
namjoon: k i’ll order something when i get back ok ?
y/n: light it up like dynamite
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y/n: what if i had 1 hour to live and was going bald and my leg was broken and all my family was dying from cancer right now
yoongi: it’s 8am
y/n: what if
yoongi: it’s 8am
y/n: yoongi 🥺
yoongi: it is 8 am.
y/n: ok and i am gonna kms.
what now yoongi ? what now ??
yoongi: bye
y/n: what the frick bro
fuck you
you’re an opp fr
can’t trust anyone
not a soul not even your own bf
this is so sad
all they ever do is leave you in the dirt
this is what fame does to people
man this is so sad
all this money gets to them fr fr
i can’t believe it
you switched like a pussy lil bitch 💔🗣🙏🏽
agust d too famous for me 😓😓
omg am i the next rap monster but actually black ????
you should get them braids again bae 😍
could be twins
nvm i don’t like you forgot
suga flopped 🥱‼️
bts disband
skz outsold bts 🗣🗣🗣🗣
felix should replace suga 💯
agust d a flop 🙄
cyphers ain’t even that good
suga old asf
yoongi: i am trying
y/n: omg hey bae 😍😍❤️🥵🥰
yoongi: to sleep
y/n: without me 😩⁉️
yoongi: yes
y/n: omw to america rn btw like fr fr no joke /thisisnotajokeimbeingfr
yoongi: i know
y/n: i can tell you’re so excited ur so cute love you 💞
yoongi: yeah.
going to sleep now.
y/n: rest up bro ‼️‼️‼️
see you soon g 🥱🤞🏽
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y/n: i had a dream you violently slammed me into a pile of bricks
you had me by the throat
hobi: my fault
y/n: my back is broken now
hobi: sorry
y/n: it’s ok i forgive you
hobi: thank you
y/n: just don’t do it again
hobi: i promise i won’t
y/n: don’t let me down
hobi: ok
y/n: we are in love
hobi: true
y/n: cool
hobi: went into a cake shop today
y/n: what did it smell like
hobi: roses
y/n: interesting
hobi: got a small cake with a strawberry on top
y/n: photo ?
hobi: i dropped it
y/n: oh
hobi: i took a picture of it on the floor tho do you want to see ?
y/n: please
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tae: hiiii
y/n: saw a trumpet on the tv made me think about how shit you sound playing it
tae: fuck you i’ll be great one day
y/n: i take it back ur hot
tae: fanks
y/n: we can get matching trumpets
can we put like sequins on them or will that fuck up the sound or something?
tae: idk
y/n: you should
tae: can we drink tn?
y/n: we can make a lil marching band 🥺🥺🥺
tae: also can we not invite jin this time want it to just be us
y/n: we should learn how to play dynamite
tae: and we are gonna eat yesterday’s leftovers
y/n: but if i see your fucking feet out one time today marching band dreams will come to an end ok ?
tae: but idk if i’m really feeling leftovers yk???
y/n: make sure them dogs are LOCKED away
tae: yeah idk i’ll wait until it’s time to eat then i’ll decide
y/n: what ?
tae: huh?
why are you talking about my feet
y/n: they’re scary 😟
tae: i feel like we’re on the completely different pages rn
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jk: what if i was spiderman ?
y/n: that would be hot
jk: yeah
y/n: why aren’t you spiderman?
jk: racism.
y/n: valid
jk: do you still think i’m hot even tho i’m not spiderman?
y/n: i guess
jk: thanks
y/n: yw
jk: sorry i’m not at my full potential
y/n: i forgive you
jk: ok
y/n: ok
jk: bought a rock today
y/n: a shiny one ?
jk: no
y/n: like just a normal one ?
jk: yeah
y/n: nice.
jk: ikr
y/n: how much was it?
jk: 4k
y/n: what
jk: 4,000
y/n: jungkook
jk: yeah
y/n: what the fuck
jk: the rock seller was very convincing
y/n: can you return it ?
jk: no
y/n: what does the rock do
jk: sit ?
y/n: oh
jk: i’m gonna draw a face on it
y/n: i think i’m gonna take your card for a bit
jk: oh
y/n: yeah
jk: did i do something wrong ?
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jimin: watched 10 fancams of myself today
y/n: watched 10 of v
jimin: go fuck him then ???
y/n: might do that
jimin: no don’t it was a joke /j /j /j /j
y/n: don’t joke like that got my hopes up for nothing 😔💔
jimin: you would never
y/n: try me
jimin: you make me sick
y/n: 🤞🏽🤞🏽
jimin: you make me hard
y/n: i would hope so
jimin: yeah
y/n: yeah
jimin: i’m in our room
y/n: ok
jimin: just thinking
y/n: nice to know your brain still does that
jimin: you ruined it
y/n: my bad bro 🙏🏽
jimin: bro ???
y/n: bestie ?
jimin: ur so annoying
y/n: i’ll try better myself for you jimin 😔
jimin: you cant
you’re too lost
y/n: find me jimin 🥺🥺
pls find me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
jimin: i’ll try
y/n: that’s so hot 🤤🥵❤️‼️💯
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zorosq · 3 years
care for you ; mihawk
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↻ fluff, ooc mihawk (?), grammatical error
↻ pairing ↬ mihawk x gn!reader!
a/n i wanted to write smtg for him so here you go 😩 this is more of a self-indulgent bcs i definitely did not like it when people call me “love”
the sound of your loud coughing rang through the hall. the empty castle was making it more impossible for you to hide your sickness.
you were sure that your lover had heard of you. but you prayed for any god to hear you, hoping that mihawk, somehow didn't hear your obvious loud coughs and sneezes.
but alas, that was only a wishful thinking. “love? are you alright?” he asked. you could see his figure coming into your line of view. “it’s nothing. i just can’t stand the dust around here,” you lied.
his eyes narrow at you, as if he didn’t believe you. he didn’t. he quickly closes the gap between you two, one of his hand going up to your forehead to check your temperature. 
“you’re sick,” he frowned. before you could comprehend anything, he was already on his way to your shared bedroom. but with you in his arms. the next thing you know, you were already in bed, blanket over your head. “rest now. i’ll be back,”
you didn’t need him to tell you that twice. the second those words came out of his mouth, you were already deep into the dreamland. 
as you continued to sleep through the day, mihawk focused on his cooking. he tried his best to remember every single dish and meals that you like. he wanted you to get better, so of course he cooked everything with enough nutrients and other healthy stuff.
it didn’t take him long to finish cooking for dinner. by the time everything was complete, he brought a plate full of your favorites on the tray and make his way to your shared bedroom.
when he saw your still sleeping figure, his lips curled up slightly. setting the tray down by the bedside table, he took a sit next to you. “sweetheart?”
your eyes slowly fluttered open, looking at the attractive face of your lover. “can you sit for yourself?” he asked. you tried to sit against the headboard but apparently, being sick had taken away a lot of strength from you.
“take it easy,” he muttered, helping you to lean onto him. “are you hungry?” he asked in a gentle tone. your heart warmed at his concerns. you gave him a timid nod, eyes still fighting to keep open.
he placed the tray on his lap, bringing the spoon close to his lips before blowing it a little. “here, eat slowly,”
his gentle gestures with you just made you fall for him even more. 
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
my warm happy butterfly feelings evaporated by the end of the 4th chapter 💀
hana 😭😭 why bestie 😭😭😭 i wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, i want her to be happy like y/n wants her to be but when she lied to hyunjin about watching his performance + stole y/n’s words/opinion of it, and didn’t seem to give a shit..... 🔪✊😐✊🔪
she clearly doesn’t have a genuine interest in hyunjin’s hobbies and passions, which are important to him and a vital piece of him, and i’m just over here wondering how she thinks that’s gonna work out for her in the long term.... you can’t fake a relationship, well i mean you can, but not if you want an authentic match made in heaven like she seems to desire. i hope someone comes to their senses and talks to her, preferably y/n bc she needs to look out for hana’s heart as her best friend, if not hyunjin’s too as he’s not just an acquaintance anymore, because neither of them deserve.... whatever is going on here. i mean, we don’t know yet what hyunjin’s intentions are for the relationship, if hes also looking for long term or just going with the flow, but either way, hana is not the one for him (obviously, because you didn’t write her to be). he said he wouldn’t hurt hana (at least i think that’s who he was talking about), so i’m curious as to how this is gonna play out.... i’m sure whatever happens, you’re gonna write it so beautifully😭
i think as well that hana’s used her energy focusing on her romantic relationships (past and present) rather than on being observant and a good friend to y/n, which makes me sad. i’m glad y/n has felix though, even if he’s being a jealous bean rn💛
um.... also we love minho the menace. i mean i had to stop and breathe deeply because i was as nervous and embarrassed for what he was gonna say as y/n, but..... dare i say..... he’s useful in progressing the plot✨ if only slightly✨ i could be wrong, bc you didn’t give a direct hint (that i know of), but i’m hoping hyunjin, as the smart, observant boy he is, caught on to what minho was saying. because i really think hyunjin remembers y/n too, whether he’s as sentimental about it as her or not.
..... just thought about the fact that if earlier at the chateau y/n had chosen to ask hyunjin if he remembered her, and he did catch on to what minho was saying at the diner..... boyohboyohboy🤪 the mortification–i can feel it. silly goose y/n hours, for sure. she’d be regretting every decision to open up to anyone she’s ever made.
lastly, i just wanted to point out that i noticed and appreciated the purple pin that was holding up that art piece💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 little foreshadowing there?? i hope🥺
as always love you and your writing. i want to live in the slwy universe so bad😩 the way you’ve described everything like settings and people is so !!!!!! ugh, i don’t have the words. it’s so easy to get immersed in the story each chapter. and i just see so much of myself in the way you’ve written y/n, but she’s living my dream😭 when is it my turn?🤨 but yeah. you’re just so talented jade, i don’t know how else to put it. i might’ve said something like this before but i feel like i need to tell you a hundred times because i don’t want you to ever doubt yourself. thank you for being so creative and sharing that with us. so cool of you lol 🤍
hi anon ! don’t worry your butterflies will come back in chapter 5 😘 im glad you want hana to be happy, but also dislike her 😭 understandable. she definitely does want a match made in heaven but also seems to believe that it means everything will fall into place with no real effort from her side. that’s probably why she isn’t too interested in knowing more about hyunjin as a person. yes! hyunjin’s intentions are unknown too at this point.
we will see if hyunjin caught onto minho’s conversation or remembers yn…👀 that would definitely have been so embarrassing for her if she asked hyun that and then the minho conversation happened ! its a good thing it didn’t right 🤪 so glad you noticed the purple pin 📍
thank you so much for your kind words. i want to live in this universe too so bad, its peaceful and romantic and dreamy and slow. your words went straight to my heart thank u so much! also did you forget your anon emoji or do you not have one ??🧐 i love you !
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mianmimi · 2 years
I didn't know there was a Count of Montecristo musical! 😱 That was 🔥 Also, yes, count me in 🙋 I think 99% of what we know about 838 Stephen and the alleged incursion is a lie. It's the fucking Illuminati, cmon. Anyone who's read the comics knows that it'd be on brand for them to pull something like this. It's not that 838 Stephen has to be perfect or anything. It's just that that's such an Illuminati thing to do lol they're assholes. 838 Strordo is so good 😩
Ohh yes Nonny! Listen to “Hell to Your Doorstep” from the musical and think of Stephen 838 plotting his return and revenge 🤣 In all seriousness though, 838 strordo is soooooo fucking good despite those two never sharing a scene together. The chemistry is that strong 🔥
I wanna see more of the Illumanti, and hopefully with a writer that can really flesh them out instead of using them as canon fodder. I’m really enjoying the idea of the Illumanti being shady as fuck. But that’s probably just my brain’s attempt to put some spice to them.
This got me thinking of them lying to Mordo and the rest of the world. If they did make Stephen to be the fall guy it makes sense to orchestrate a story that he died heroically to the public. Why? Cause people won’t question heroic deaths, not usually anyways. When someone dies saving the world there’s no investigation, people just take it at face value. If they told people Stephen was corrupted, caused an incursion, and needed to be executed I can see many folks being very skeptical and picking that apart. Much easier to shut up conspiracy theories if they just say he died heroically.
Then there’s that added lie they told Mordo of Stephen actually causing the incursion. Why not just let him believe the same lie like the rest of the world? Maybe it’s an attempt to control him. Like they know he’d want to protect Stephen’s reputation and memory because he loves him, so it’s this constant unspoken threat hanging over Mordo to comply or have people find out. And maybe telling Mordo that Stephen was corrupted and they’re hiding it would make Mordo believe they actually did care about Stephen. Throwing him off their scent if you will. His friends that wanted to protect his rep certainly couldn’t have conspired to get rid of him right?
And for the omegaverse fans out there, if strordo had children then Mordo would be in a tighter bind. He can’t let their kids know that dad was corrupted and killed an entire universe. That would absolutely devastate them. Not to mention the massive public fallout and intense harassment their kids would face if Stephen was revealed to be the destroyer of a universe. He would essentially be focused on protecting his family, keeping him from ever investigating Stephen’s death thoroughly. Well placed lies keeping him right where the Illumanti can benefit from him but not be threatened.
Guys I know it sounds convoluted 😅 But I had fun diving into that rabbit hole. So many possibilities.
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ourpickwickclub · 7 years
Lol now rossdaleboys web is throwing shade. They are the ones who usually post Blake too 😂 I guess now that the truth is coming out how close Blake’s Bond is people are getting butthurt. They posted an insta story of just Apollo with the glasses on and said “Gavins twin” or something like. Funny thing is in that pic (and I’m not saying it to be biased or anything) he actually look like Gwen a lot.
I thought rbfans was the one that was more Blake-friendly. Ah well, I can’t keep it all straight. It truly does perplex me who would be GR’s advocate. It’s not like he’s ever even apologized. Random fact - sociopaths don’t apologize because they really believe the lies they tell themselves.
Blake and Gwen were married to a couple of doozies which is probably why they really cherish one another. Gwen on stage, on her knees, thanking God for Blake. 😭. Blake telling the entire social world Gwen sure taught him about faith and that he hopes she never breaks his heart. 😩
How could we all not be so invested in such heart wrenching stories with such a beautiful outcome?
We may not all always get along perfectly but I think it says something about every Shefani that we are rooting for such decent, kind, happy, loving people.
- B
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