#vampire prayer
🌟🚗 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens”! I never thought I’d say this, but Midnight Sun actually got… good? Yes, you read that right! After trudging through Edward’s endless brooding and inner turmoil, the book finally delivered moments so intense and relatable that I had to pause and really take them in. These chapters are a must-discuss because they shed new light on Edward’s character, and trust me, it’s a perspective I haven’t seen explored enough! 🧛‍♂️💋 Honestly, I love it because it shows that even sparkly vampires can have teenage meltdowns. 😂✨
Let’s kick things off with the most ridiculous, over-the-top car chase in vampire history. Edward, in full-blown panic mode, doesn’t just drive fast—he goes full-on action hero by stealing a flashy car to speed across town and save Bella from James! 🚗💥 I mean, who knew Edward had a secret need for speed? It’s like he’s suddenly in a vampire version of Fast & Furious, but with a lot more angst and existential dread. You can almost hear him muttering, “Outta the way, mere mortals!” as he zooms through traffic like a bat out of hell. 😂 Seriously, this whole scene is so over-the-top that you can’t help but laugh and cheer him on. Edward’s driving is described as borderline suicidal—he’s pushing the car to its limits, and you can feel his sheer desperation with every reckless turn. He’s absolutely terrified he won’t reach Bella in time, and it’s honestly like watching someone try to beat their own high score in a racing game, except the stakes are a million times higher. 🏎️💨
But after the car chase, the story takes a much more gut-wrenching turn when Edward arrives at the hospital. For once, Edward is acting like a normal, concerned boyfriend, and it’s both shocking and refreshing. Charlie’s not there to help with Renée—he’s stuck dealing with a court appearance, which totally sucks but also makes sense. So, Edward steps up, making sure Renée has everything she needs and is comfortable, just like any boyfriend would. It’s kind of surreal to see him in this role, especially after all the dramatic vampire stuff. He’s navigating Renée’s thoughts, which are practically screaming at him, but he still manages to keep it together. Renée, of course, is immediately suspicious of this perfect, polished young man who seems too good to be true. Edward can barely keep his anxiety in check as he tries to maintain a calm exterior while internally, he’s a wreck. 😅💖
And then there’s the chapel scene. Edward, our brooding, angst-filled vampire, actually prays. 🙏 Yep, he’s praying to Bella’s God for the strength to leave her because he’s convinced that staying with her is too dangerous. “I prayed to a God I wasn’t sure existed, to the God of her people, that he might give me the strength to leave her.” This moment is so gut-wrenching because it shows just how much Edward is willing to sacrifice for Bella. He’s not just some cold, immortal being; he’s deeply conflicted and desperate. You can feel his pain as he contemplates a future without Bella, even though it’s the last thing he wants. 😩💔 This prayer scene is significant because it humanizes Edward in a way we haven’t seen before. He’s acknowledging that he’s out of his depth, that he needs help from a higher power to do what he believes is right. It’s a raw, vulnerable moment that makes his internal struggle so much more real. It’s one of those moments where you realize just how deeply he loves her, and it honestly makes the eventual breakup even more heartbreaking. 💔😭
I seriously teared up. 😢 I’m not very religious, and most people would be shocked I even pray when I need strength, but Edward praying and then lying to Bella is my absolute favorite part because it’s the most human thing. After seeing Bella’s anxiety in the hospital, Edward decides that this isn’t the time to leave her. He knows she needs him right now, and he even lies about staying with her forever because he can’t bear to tell her the truth. “I couldn’t tell her that I wouldn’t stay. I couldn’t tell her that I didn’t have forever to give. But I had to let her believe it, because the truth would destroy her right now.” This is gut-wrenching because Edward is trapped in his own emotional turmoil. He absolutely hates lying to her—seriously, I don’t know how he’s doing it. 🤯 The fact that he’s staying while she recovers, knowing he’s going to leave, is just heartbreaking, especially since he’s seen Alice’s vision of Bella being comatose and depressed after he’s gone. I wanna cry just thinking about these hospital scenes. 😭💔💔
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Their conversation in the hospital is filled with so much tension and love that it’s almost unbearable. Bella, still weak and in pain, tries to comfort Edward, who is wracked with guilt. “Don’t I taste as good as I smell?” Bella tries to lighten the mood with a joke, but Edward can’t even play along. His love for her is so intense that he can barely contain his emotions. When Bella asks him why he didn’t just let the venom spread, Edward’s response is heartbreaking: “I can’t do it, Bella. I won’t do that to you.” 💔💬 You can feel the struggle in every word he says—he wants to give her everything, but he’s terrified of what that would mean. It’s in these moments that Edward’s true nature shines through; he’s not just a vampire, but a man deeply in love and profoundly conflicted about what that love means for Bella’s future. 😢💔
And let’s not forget the little moments of humor sprinkled in. When Edward is pushing Bella in a wheelchair, he actually growls at people who stare at her too long. “A low, warning growl slipped through my lips when anyone looked too long at her fragile form.” 🦁 It’s such an overprotective boyfriend move, but you can’t help but smile because it shows just how fiercely he cares for her. Edward’s protective instincts are in overdrive, and while he’s usually so controlled, the thought of anyone causing Bella discomfort sends him into a near-animalistic rage. It’s almost like he’s a regular guy, freaking out because his girlfriend is hurt, and he doesn’t want anyone making her feel worse. 😂💪
The prom scene is another bittersweet moment. 💃🕺 Edward takes Bella to prom, not because he’s into it, but because he wants to give her a good memory—something she can hold onto when he’s gone. “I wanted to give her something to remember me by—something she could hold onto when I was gone.” 🥲 This is so sad because Edward is already planning his departure, even as he’s trying to make Bella happy in the moment. It’s that classic vampire dilemma—how do you balance your love for someone with the knowledge that your very existence puts them in danger? The prom, with its lights, music, and human warmth, contrasts sharply with Edward’s cold, calculating decision to leave. He’s trying to give Bella a piece of normalcy, something she can look back on fondly, even though he knows it will only make his departure that much more painful for her. 🥺💃
Finishing Midnight Sun has left me with so many emotions. 😵 Just when the book finally started diving into the parts of the story I was most curious about—Edward’s POV during these critical moments—it ended, leaving me craving more. Meyer did a fantastic job of humanizing Edward in these final chapters, showing us that even a century-old vampire can have teenage meltdowns, moments of doubt, and flashes of humor. 🧛‍♂️✨ I have so much more to say about these chapters, but I’ll save that for another post… or maybe two. Stay tuned for more deep dives into Edward’s surprisingly human moments and all the drama that comes with being a sparkly vampire in love. 💔✨
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jeyneofpoole · 3 months
louis mon cher the children on the cables are pronouncing me ‘cancelled’ i do not know what this means. je déteste this abhorrent phrase, i have never cancelled a concert, much less postponed, dieu nous en garde. they say i am ‘problematique’ and that my shows are unsafe for visitation. je ne sais pas this century will never cease to confuse me. louis they are blocking me. louis they are leaving me vile comments hiding behind the infernal animated cartoon faces they wear as masks. oui the ones with the women with brightly colored hair and large breasts. breasts do not function in this manner louis it is simply gravitationally impossible this is nothing more than a masquerade of vagabonds. je vais pleurer we must kill them all.
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danielsarmand · 1 month
honestly i feel for daniel in episode five because he had to stare at louis sucking on armand's neck for ten minutes straight. but i also feel for eric, the actor, the man who once said the biting is the hottest thing about vampires, who had to stare at jacob sucking on assad's neck for ten minutes straight,
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rebellionsuite · 3 months
wow interview with the vampire is such a good show i need to kill myself immediately
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kindahoping4forever · 5 months
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Nostalgia For A Time That Never Existed in Paris - 4 May 2024
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"your french is ugly" i said oh i'm sure
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Interview with the vampire — season 2 episode 1 "Do you know what it means to be loved by death" 2024
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liam-summers · 1 year
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1.02 | 2.01
Responding after the other has already left
↳ Requested by @oveliagirlhaditright
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starrylayle · 29 days
y'all i'm gonna be honest i did not go into iwtv 2022 completely blind i began watching it because of the edits. I was especially intrigued by armand's character (didn't know his name at the time tho)
when he was introduced in the show as Rashid and daniel was lowkey attacking him for his Isamic belief and love for vampires and questioning how that works.... i was like ??? omg me core??? My Islamic belief and love for gay vampire shit are also at odds with each other omg new kin alert!! even when more sus stuff started surfacing i had blind faith in him because i was like that's my man!!!
anyways after the reveal happened still love my little gremlin armand but hoping real rashid gets a comeback coz i need someone to project my religious trauma on :))))))
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gynii · 2 years
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its that one party scene from the movie, except completely from memory and theyre all goofier as interpreted by me :)
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hiccuppedstudio · 2 months
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A drawing for my fic Just Like A Prayer, I'll Take You There ( ff.net / ao3 )
“I thought I would give you another chance,” she smirked, locking eyes with him. “Don’t you want to try to save my soul?” He sighed, clasping his hands behind his back, “You aren’t here to hear my sermons, Rose.” “Sure I am.” Rose lowered herself to the seat of the front pew, crossing her legs purposely so that he would have seen a flash of underwear if he was looking. “Tell me the one about the fires of hell again. I liked that one,” she laughed, red lips pulled into a smile that made many knees buckle.
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marril96 · 1 year
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The Vampire Diaries 6.12 | Prayer for the Dying
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zeldaro · 11 months
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For queerplatonic individuals with connections to vampires, queerplatonic individuals who are vampires, or anything similar!
REQUESTED BY luxieloo !!!
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mycatismyfriend · 29 days
Saw the movie, heard the song, had to edit it.
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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grizguts · 4 months
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I made a silly spoof prayer candle, featuring our Lord of VtM; Jason Carl (Jason Fucking Carl - JFC) @vampiresnvino. Photoshoped him in the saint painting and added some kindred ankhs, book of nod and of course a glass of red. Got them printed as stickers, put them on some black prayer candles I got (opium scented), with some black and red ribbons for a finishing touch. Sent them out to my coterie today as gifts, so we all have one to pray to for crits on game night.
Our Father, who art in Darkness, hallowed be thy name; thy crits come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in hell. Give us this day our daily blood. And forgive us our frenzy, as we forgive those who frenzy against us. And lead us not into bestials; but deliver us from bonds. For thine is kindred, the power and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen.
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dreadfuldevotee · 10 days
why would anyone think DM isn't going to happen after eric literally said "hey coworker assad tell viewers how you feel about our upcoming romance"? there'd be a price on rolin's head if he didn't follow through after all that
some people lack joy and whimsey in their hearts and don't understand the beautiful eroticism trying to convince a guy to kill himself 🖤
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