#can it just materialize in my house
fooltofancy · 1 year
i dont wanna go mattress shopping 😭
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jklpopcorn · 25 days
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crying and sobbing i was supposed to draw doodles of my ocs but instead all there is is Siffrin
they're so shaped i have to draw them
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100% :)
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bugchuckles · 2 years
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sorry no art only edits that resemble the madonna and child
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gremlinbehaviour · 10 months
every single time i think to myself "I wanna quilt my own quilts! And this is just a throw size so it'll work fine on a regular sewing machine" and then two lines in my ribs and shoulders are screaming at me from trying to maneuver 25 square feet of fabric and backing through dozens of little microadjustments and I'm screaming at the quilt because I have invariably already fucked it up
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rhysintherain · 5 months
Watching Alone really drives home the low success rates of a single human hunter and makes you appreciate the value of food that can't run away.
It's also a really good example of how hunter gatherer subsistence works.
If you leave 10 humans in the environment with limited resources and no contact or rescue party, 9 of them will be dead in 90 days.all of them will be dead in a little over 100 days.
Even with 2 people, starvation tends to set in after a couple months.
And yeah, people from hunter gatherer cultures they'd probably be better at this than a bunch of Americans who do it as a side hustle, but there's only so much one person can do in one day. It's almost never enough.
It's too much for one human to collect enough berries to have vitamin c through the winter. It's too much for one human to hunt and process enough big game regularly to feed themselves. it's too much for one human to build an insulated home and then monitor their heat source to keep that home from catching fire.
It's too much to make and use sharp tools without injuring yourself, and it's too much to try and do all the work hurt if you do. It's too much to go out and find more food when your inability to find safe food made you sick.
On the other hand, if you put 10 people out in the environment together with limited resources and occasional contact with other small groups, you'd have a community that could last indefinitely.
For all that we glorify stories of the lone individual against the environment, it very much isn't how we evolved to survive.
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isa-ah · 4 months
been following you since PRE bubblegum karkat days and it’s been really nice watching you grow and heal and whenever i see you on my dash and think of your growth it reminds me of my own healing journey. i find that really nice
HAHA that was AGES ago dude. my god. i cant believe youre still around, that was like, the worst of it LOLOL weve both probably come a looong way since then, yeah. life used to be abysmal but now ive got my hubby and mother in law and were moving to nola next month so theres nothing to fear =')
#we found the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood in the perfect part of the city so#we are hoping and praying. our sickass real estate agent did a walkthru yesterday and said#'its been on the market for a while so if you put in for it youll probably get it'#very exciting news theres even a patio we can screen in EASILY for our cats#right outside our bedroom door! it would be perfect for entertaining!#were finally going to make irl friends!!!!! sdkjksdjfksd#i had a couple freak friends in phoenix and like 2 cool friends but like. mostly. freaks.#so im hoping to make real actual friends this go round cause we sure as hell didnt out here in the sticks of al#yippeeeeeeee#babe is also going to get a job so i can take a break bc ive been doing coms to support us for years now and its STRESSFUL#im gunna get to go on a small vacation and kick back like#life is so good#im so excited to rest and chill#im gunna sew!! so much stuff!!!!#maybe ill even list some on here for people to buy like i just want to make so many little dudes all the time#but i dont have the time or energy to devote to that bc making patterns takes time and materials#IDK IDK TOTALLY OFF TOPIC#i dont talk about my daily life much actually its usually just specific shit so im taking the opportunity to say.#i grew up in a VERY bleak way. brother were talking moldy food bank food house rotting both my guardians so so sick#dropped out of middle school to be a fulltime caregiver lost both of them anyway#then a bunch of falling out with my family etc etc i had NOTHING going into my twenties but a FUCKTON of trauma and mistrust#and now im heading for my thirties and i am the healthiest and happiest i have ever been in my entire life#i look great i feel great i do pretty good for myself and the people around me#i love love love my friends im t4t gay married i have a cat thats like a pokemon partner. to me. its perfect#yes weve made a lot of plans that have fallen thru and were not where we thought we would be by now#but honestly? honestly? my life is really great. were broke as fuck but we get by and we love each other and thats whats UUUUUUUP#youll get there! just keep going! you have no idea what kinds of opportunities youll be offered in your life that can change everything
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"okay but what ACTUALLY happened in that minor characters backstory" "what did that character SPECIFICALLY do to become like this" "how does the plot device ACTUALLY work" oh my god i don't care! i don't care about your cinemasinsing about every little detail! does knowing this technical detail improve the audience's emotional understanding of the story? no? then i don't want to fucking see it in canon!
anything you come up with in fanworks is going to be more fun for you than what the author can do in canon! any attempts by the author to explain something technical in the story takes away time and investment from the main plot! so if the technical explanation doesn't inform the main plot then it's just useless trivia for completionism's sake! this shit should be written about in fanworks! or spinoffs! or idk the writers can tweet about it or smth! i don't need it in the actual main story!
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nilla-bear · 5 months
oh no because do you know who i NEEEEEEED??
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bunnihearted · 6 months
maybe if we lived in a society that valued individual needs and nurtured and cared for ppl who are different i wouldnt "wish" death upon ppl ._.
#my proposal is:#communities specifically made for noise sensitive ppl#like apartment building made w materials that isolate noise#and where for example on some floors kids arent allowed to live. some floors arent allowed to take in dogs etc etc#no loud music is allowed to be played#and outside of the buildings loud noise isnt allowed such as no playgrounds or dog parks etc etc#and this housing area could be fenced so it's rlly just the ppl who have chosen to live there that can be there#then ONLY ppl who wanted peace and quiet could live here and have a safe haven in the world#if u choose to live there then u will want and choose to respect the rules and be mindful abt others and be quiet#and if u want a 'normal' living situation u choose to NOT live there#if things like this existed i'd be so fkn happy#we all should be able to CHOOSE how we want to live#there are other groups of ppl who want to live in other ways and they should also be able to choose#there r many of us who are different but we are still a minority#and we are forced to live in a wild messy jungle that we arent naturals in. we survive not thrive#we are forced to be in mental agaony every day bc we dont fit into society's regulations and boxes#no one should live like that. society should be built for ALL of us and all out different special needs#but the thing is that ok even if society doesnt care and give us it for free or without fight#ppl actively work to HINDER and prohibit ppl to create new ways of living#when ppl try to make new exclusive spaces that fit their own needs#here comes a sudden influx of normal ppl being angry and upset that theyre excluded from smth#if i tried to suggest building these communities and even succeeded in gathering support for it#ppl in the state and normal ppl in society would be AGAINST me#theyd be angry that i wanted to create a space that excluded them#why cant i live there??????? I ME ME ME ME who is normal is all that matters#everything should aaaaaalways be made for normal people#if any other of us who wants to make their own space dares to even suggest it normies get mad#hell if ppl w wheelchairs wanted to create a walled community where only they were allowed i'd be supporting them#bc i think every single one of us deserves to live in a safe space that calms us#and it isnt your right to encroach on someone else's safe space. everyone are entitled to safe spaces no matter who that excludes
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chiropteracupola · 8 months
the thing about being up to ceramics stuff nearly every day for the last several months means that now that I have no ceramics to do, I can only think about the fact that I want to do ceramics.
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saint--claire · 1 day
Picrew and Uquiz game ✨
Hey @dracculaura, keeping it real for this one 😄. I appreciate that they give you three seperate chances to put multiple lines under your eyes.
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Tagging @callsign-striker, @feudaldoodle and @redfurrycat,, + every single person I've spoken to in Discord for the last week as well as anyone else who'd like to do it! Join in and say I tagged you, it's an open invite.
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just finished fully reading one of my reference books. Just bought three more
#these'll be great though#the book i finished was about life in the medieval village#and then i've read between 20-60% of 5 other books about celtic history and art and mythology and druidism#so i've actually read a lot more than what this post originally looks like. but i havent actually FINISHED all these books#just gotten a good chunk done and will go back and finish at my leisure#the ones I just purchased are about the Swiss Alps history and environment thou which will help build the BG to this story#also I've been working on my timeline throughout all this reading#and it's SO FUCKING CLOSE to being done#And when I'm actually done (and/ore close to being done) reading all these reference materials i think i'll be finished w my outline#cause each book has given me something to plug into the timeline#the medieval village book gave me an idea for a 'tavern' scene#Tavern is in quotations cause in the 12th century a Tavern was just the house of someone who made enough ale to sell to their neighbors#but we'll now be getting a drunken brawl in this comic#and the book also made me more familiar w the feudal/manoral system so I might actually have that be a background element#originally i was gonna ignore it. But i can actually fit Rudd and Alma's backstory around a more historically accurate social structure#and then the mythology book gave me a way to connect two different scenes together in such a deliciously messy way#with the help of two different deities#anyways#while it can feel like a chore sometimes#reading all these refs has also been really fun and interesting
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matt-murdick · 9 months
people who moan about Hayley not being a part of the Mikaelson family because she’s “just the baby mamma” drive me crazy. I’m sorry but I thought we were past reducing women to their reproductive organs?? even if we ignore the entire main plot line about family and Hayley’s plot line about finding the family she wanted in multiple different ways that she had never expected, they literally accept her into the family?? and yeah ALL OF THE MIKAELSONS ARE PART OF THE FAMILY BUT ARE ALSO STANDING ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN AT THE REST OF THEM. THEY ALL FEEL LIKE THAT. THEY ARE ALL MIKAELSONS. YES. EVEN HAYLEY. EVEN MARCEL.
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amygdalae · 2 years
my method for keeping minecraft survival fun and interesting (as some1 who has been playing for like 12 years as i have) is to find some overly complicated project to work on that would be a resource-intensive pain in the ass to make from scratch while trying to survive. and then build it
additionally extra fun if you start the game and build your base in a harsh/difficult to access location, and the project is something like a bridge, staircase, path etc. that’ll make navigating/resource gathering go more smoothly, but the amount of effort youre putting into it is unnecessary and youre doing it just for the love of the cubes
i built my base in the mountains on top of a long steep cliff so i made a spiral staircase all the way up out of stone brick and glass (had to scale the cliffs up and down to gather sand for the glass). all so i can boat over to nearby islands and lure pigs up the cliffside more easily. and it doesnt even look that good but i dont care i listened to Bela Lugosi’s Dead like 5 times when i was building it and had a great time
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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one thing I thought was missing from canon sk8 was the mine being haunted apparently. so we are bringing that into burnished house for absolutely no fucking reason
#sk8 the infinity#burnished house#(I am jokeing there is. in fact. a reason)#(you will not learn this until the divorce comes up)#(well the preliminary reason is I fucking love ghost stories and want to put them in everything)#(and that reki is afraid of scary things which makes him my favourite kind of victim. younger sibling coded for that only)#Im actually having a lot of fun alternating povs between reki and langa bc Ive like. accidentally grounded langa's in#very clear and present bodily sensations. straight up uncomplicated observations about materials in the world around him#while reki's gets all the hyperboles and pretty poetic stuff. I enjoy the idea of him being good at storytelling#ESPECIALLY bc him taking words to heart including scary stories. big deal to me ok?#love to write langa and going from things that clearly are present right there in the scene to the most insane thoughts a man can have#and then write reki and jump wildly between dork ass energetic shounen character speech and romanticizing the fuck out of concrete#weird thing to say after writing three fics of like 20K+ words in total about them granted lmao#but like. listen. I feel like burnished house is me going apeshit so far. this is truly my time to be the worst ever#same approach as I took with [REDACTED]. oh you think this is bad? just wait#I have already added TWO old people ghosts into this one. be in awe of my power#well. be in awe of it when I finish this chapter... I need to sleep rn dksdfhdskj#have a good nite lads. I cant wait to get to that one spot in this chapter where I go yess... YESS!!!! HAHAHA YESSSS#wish u the same for ur art endeavour. if ur art endeavour doesnt have something like that u should add it. my message to da world
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northwestofinsanity · 2 months
I’m so ready for finals to be done with…
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