#calypso and fam
princesscallyie · 2 years
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Here’s a family photo/height comparison pic of all the recent characters. I think they look pretty good as a group. I like all the cool hues.
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femmefangirl · 6 months
a song only you can hear - localcryptidlivinlife - The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan [Archive of Our Own]
She loved these mornings in the Waystation, and she wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.
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heard we were doing relationship charts. if this seems complicated im sorry because this is actually very simplified; if i wanted i could probably add the entire borderlands cast to this, shit's THAT interconnected.
(credit to @scrap-brainzone for the inspiration, and also the idea that the defining jakobs genetic trait is bigass eyebrows)
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
The crew listens to Epic: the Musical.
MK's favorite song is Legendary.
Wukong identifies with Just a Man (not that he'll admit it).
Macaque likes Ruthlessness because he's an emo little stinker.
Sandy likes Open Arms (of course).
Tang and Red Son like Warrior of the Mind.
Pigsy really thinks the monkeys should take Luck Runs Out to heart.
Mei likes Keep Your friends close (a fun bop that belies danger underneath, just like her).
I have to be careful binging a new muscial (or in this case Saga) cus I end up playing each song on loop for hours. Opinions might change once the full and finished versions of later sagas are released.
I love all these hcs <3
Im imagining the gang likely sees/listens to Epic on the reccomendation of MK (who's currently on a Greek Mythology hyperfixation), and he gets them all to watch the full play - maybe in the future as a irl performance or film.
"Legendary" is SUCH an MK song. Both him and Telemachus growing up with the stories of someone dear to them and wanting to replicate their success. I could also see him really liking "Warrior of the Mind" with the theme of "some nobody" gaining the favor of a god (reminds you of anyone?) + SWK is infamously the personification of The Mind in Jttw so its a bonus. MK is smiling evily whenever a harsh plot twist occurs and his fam are shocked silent. >:3
Sun Wukong feels targeted personally with how many of the Epic songs remind him of his past. Ofc he starts crying halfway through "Horse and the Infant", and is inconsolable during "Just A Man" - verbally yelling "NO!" at the end. And like Nezha and Sandy is *silent* during Posideon's songs. Is super jazzed during the triumphant Ithaca Saga though! And feels mega catharic during "King" when Odysseus proves that he still rules to the suitors! He tries his best to hide how much the muscial is affecting him.
Macaque is a canon theatre Nerd - so he's already listened to the musical multiple times, but he's uber excited to see the live performance (and secretly bond with his found fam). Is rocking out during "Ruthlessness" and "Done For" in particular, so much so that he's fidgeting and dancing within his seat. He also vibes with "No Longer You" as someone with powers of prophecy. Is really amazed how much Wukong gets into the musical, but in retrospect understands *why*. Him and Wukong accidentally share a glance during "Would You Fall In Love With Me Again" and it gets a little awkward afterwards.
Mei is similarly excited to see anything with her bestie, so she tried her best not hear/see any spoilers ("it's a centuries' old story Mei" "Ssssh!! Dont tell me!"). She was shooketh by how hard the muscial goes. "Keep Your Friends Close" is her fave based on beat alone. She gets delightedly scared and amazed by consistent horse imagery used with Posideon (shameless link to my fave Animatic of "Ruthlessness").
Tang loves himself some historical and mythological adaptations, and is estatic that MK has given him an excuse to go see one! He's not as familar with Hellenic mytholgy as he is with Hindu-Chinese, but he knows enough lore to make the pog-champ face at every foreshadowing/reference. "Warrior of the Mind" really gets to him as a song about valuing your smarts. He also feels really empathetic for Calypso.
Pigsy only went cus Tang begged him. He feels super lost by the deep Greek lore he's missing, but he can get Odysseus's whole thing with trying to get home - but he def identifies more with Eurylochus. "Luck Runs Out" proves this to him. Later on he feels that the second-in-command was justified in having the soldiers rebel against Odysseus after so many losses (who wouldn't after losing all their friends?). Audibly gasps at the end of "Just A Man" - cus who would just do that!? Is a little freaked out by Circe turning the Athenian's into pigs - Eurylochus is depicted as partly-transformed, played by a pig-demon actor who was in super convincing human makeup in the previous sagas. He also gets protective feelings by-proxy seeing Telemachus's situation since the prince reminds him of MK. Is surprised by how much he likes the musical!
Sandy feels betrayed. This isn't like Disney Hercules at all! He does really enjoy Polites message in "Open Arms" and the later moments when the hopeful soldier's outlook is proven correct. He's a little overwhelmed at points though - he get eerily quiet during Posideon's scenes. He sobs joyfully when Odysseus finally makes it home and reunites with his family! :')
Because of this really good animatic/almost child-like depiction of Aelous by gigi; I can def see "Keep Your Friends Close" being Nezha's fave. It reminds Nezha of when he was far more carefree + has a solid lesson on about trust/"forbidden fruit". He also enjoys the more march-like tune of "Survive". He does however, freeze when he listens to Posideon's songs "Ruthlessness" and "Get in the Water" - he has been on the bad end of a sea god before and is quietly shtting himself for Odysseus.
Red Son goes in feeling like he could have stayed at home listening to the musical on his phone while working on a car instead. He is however blown away by the heavy themes and performances, especially "Warrior of the Mind" and Telemachus's situation - a prince forced to grow up fatherless and protecting his mother from suitors due to his dad pissing off a higher power? Hello?? Accidentally shrieks "YES!!!" when Athena becomes Telemachus's mentor/friend after "Little Wolf".
Princess Iron Fan I could see loving any song including Penelope (she empathizes with the Queen's situation hard), but unexpectedly enjoys "Keep Your Friends Close" - she's a fellow Wind Goddess at her core. It also reminds her of her not-so-little-anymore nephew.
DBK on the flip side loves the heavier songs like "Polyphemus" and "Ruthlessness". This man is a Posedion apologist. He does feels bad for Odysseus by the end though - man just wants to get back to his wife and kid dammit!
Bonus: The Spider Gang are watching the bootleg and Spider Queen agrees with Circe's whole girlboss attitude especially "Puppeteer". Scorpion Queen is Calypso in "Not Sorry For Loving You".
This got a little away from me - hope you enjoy!
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John! I finally brewed a pot of the Calypso for my afternoon coffee today, and as a Certified Coffee Snob (person who's been working for a local roaster for over 5 yrs & is frequently, if lovingly, teased by my friends & fam for being WAY too picky), I'm thrilled to confirm that the coffee is, in fact, awesome!
You guys have great taste, both in coffee and in charity projects. :) Hope you're having fun w the unpaid internship!
Thank you! I would like to take credit for the excellence of the roast, but the geniuses at First Crack, a coffee roasting and education company, are behind the incredible taste profile. I am just the unpaid social media marketing intern.
Also, LOOK AT THE (architectural renderings of the) HOSPITAL YOUR COFFEE IS HELPING TO BUILD.
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capturecharlesau · 11 months
I’m feeling very….Svenie today- 👀 Fam I’m so happy people feel the most bad for him in my AU (and Reginald!) SVEN NEEDS MORE LOVE- MY BOY!
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Calypso Bells belongs to @bluetorchsky
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💌 + running down (to the riptide)?
Thank you so much for the ask, Lavi!! Also gonna tag my Percy Jackson fam @luucypevensie, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, and @manyfandomocs!! <3 <3
Lydia/Percy (my beautiful babies).
Nico/Will (gotta keep the other royal couple of the Riordanverse!).
Annabeth/Calypso (one of my besties just wrote an amazing fic about them and it intruiged me, so I figured why not?).
Charles/Silena (I’ve always thought they were great, gotta keep them together).
Sally/Paul (Mama Jackson deserves this sweet, funny man and all the love he can give her!).
send me 💌 + an oc/fic and i’ll tell you all the endgame ships in the fic!!
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santacoppelia · 11 months
Ok, I've created the "Save the date!" announcement for my 45th birthday... And the dresscode is "angels, demons and pirates". Hullo, fam, welcome to my neurodivergent fantasy world. We are transforming my birthday into a cotillion ball/Calypso's Birthday.
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thuganomxcs · 9 months
tag nine people you'd like to know better
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I. favourite colours: Over the years my favorite color had really shifted, it started as orange cause when I was younger I remembered Orange Drink (not juice) was my FAVORITE flavor so I stuck close to Orange for a majority of my life then it just shifted towards green. I don't remember personally when I changed by my parents told me it suspiciously happened during the phase I started Power Rangers. SO I guess Tommy Oliver had an impact on me.
II. favourite flavours: Gimme anything Oatmeal, you know like the cookie? Mmmm I'd pretty much marry you if you baked me oatmeal cookies my whole life. I also really love the taste of barbecue.
III. favourite genres: In movies and tv shows it's horror, which is actually funny because I kid you not growing up til all in my early teen years I was a bitch, not even gonna hold you on that one. It wasn't until I became a writer is when I started watching horror and really braved through it because I really wanted to understand the story, especially if it's lore heavy like ju-on or ringu for example.
IV. favourite music: I mostly gravitate towards rap and hip-hop but really I'd listen to anything if it's a tune, if you hopped into my library of song..aside from the barrage of calypsos and soca music you'd see you would also find A LOT of anime opening, endings and video game exclusive songs. Lord there was a time Crush40 was my life. Then it turned to Lotus Juice.
V. favourite movies: Oh fam we finna be here all day so I'd just give you my top five from the top of my head. Spider-man 2, The mummy returns, Saw, DBZ Bojack unbound (don't @ me, Future Trunks' fit was fire in that one) and Into the spider-verse. These are in no particular order.
VI. favourite series: I'mma tie this to video games. There's Like a dragon, Budokai (tenkaichi), Persona, Megaman battle network, Assassin's creed, Insomniac Spider-man AND Lord believe me I can go on.
VII. last song: Mirage by OneRepublic
VIII. last series: The last series I've seen which was really last night is The Manifest. Still on going, granted I'd like to point out that the only reason I wanted to watch this was because my homie Josh Dallas is in it. I've never liked Snow White's Prince charming UNTIL this man dropped such a great performance in Once Upon a Time.
IX. last movie: The last movie I've seen was one called 'The Impossible'. Whilst I don't think it's a bad movie, I just had different expectations going in.
X. currently reading: Story from the Pizzaplex: Lally's game.
XI. currently watching: The Manifest.
XII. currently working on: Waaaay too many asks from this blog, my trailblazer and my multi.
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tagged: @ahkmourn (thanks for tagging yo boy)
tagging: @drakonairs , @dragvnsovl , @kiealer , @swordsxandxsakuras , @acoldsovereign , @eternalbxtterfly , @infintasmal , @universestreasures , @ofhardknoxxx , @devildukem , @adversitybloomed , @ofhope , @chibitantei , @thedetectiveofinaba , @fatexbound , @lady-llewellyn , @itmeanspeace , @bonescribes , @coolrpblog , @kamigakushi , @adversitybloomed , steal it homies
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princesscallyie · 1 month
We're only seen the character's silhouette and it's already Peak Character Design. We expect nothing less from your, Queen. Can't wait to see him!
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I think it’s because I haven’t made a character since last year (with the Calypso fam) but I’m really having a blast working with him and thinking of ideas. I spent too much time on a side pic of him and not the last panel lol
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every single time i hear la vie en rose now i have this insatiable urge to watch calypso’s birthday and sway with my ofmd fam cheering on izzy
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1, 4, 7, 13, 16, 19 n random para(s)
good luck at ur fam function 👍🏻
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[ ASK GAME ] || Thank you! The function in question was celebrating my grandpa & brothers birthdays (my grandfathers was last week & my brother's is tomorrow). Its basically over now but that's besides the point.
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1.) What’s your para’s biggest motivation? How would they react if this motivation was challenged by the narrative (someone kidnapps the person they’ve been fighting for or the person whose death they’ve been avenging is actually alive or they find out the goal they achieved isn’t enough to compensate the trouble they went through etc)?
Ozzie's (@madasacrow) main motivation is not being in so much fucking pain all the time!! My man just has really bad chronic pain 😭 He built his actuators to help him walk/alleviate that pain, but unfortunately they malfunctioned and told him to do crime 😔. Once he gets his inhibitor chip fixed he's like. the chillest guy ever lol these 2 images basically sum him up:
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4.) Does your para’s emotions drive or hinder them when it comes to trying to achieve their goals? Do they view their emotions as a strength or weakness? Do they view emotions in others as a strength or weakness?
Wendy's (@fractured-fables) emotions drive her SO MUCH. She just wants to find her brothers and bring them home safe. Her love for her brothers fules her and she thinks its a strength — she loves them and so she must be brave for them. Typical older sister stuff I guess. She also views others emotions as a strength and tbh now that I think about it, is probably very emotionally intelligent.
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7.) What vices get in the way of your para’s motivations drive and goals? Do they overcome them or learn to cope with them at any point in the narrative? Is there a moral lesson about your para’s vices in relation to their goals or does it just exist for angst?
Macbeth's main vice would probably be his pride. He can't be wrong. Glitch has to be right. He's been working with her for so long now, has hurt so many people, that it's sort of a sunk cost fallacy situation.
Glitch & Macbeth's relationship is very unhealthy/toxic, but once Macbeth breaks free of Glitch's control (literally she is mind controlling him), he has a VERY BAD panic attack & existential crisis. The fact that he's in a video game is new information to him!! He's learning he did all this bad shit and THEN told that his actions lowkey don't have consequences. but he still feels bad. I haven't really thought about what he'd be like past becoming Matthew (Beta!Macbeth/him on earth ii) but he probably doesn't log in as much and helps False Moon occasionally.
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13.) How does achieving success make you feel? What about failure? Are you able to sit comfortably with feelings of success? Are you able to sit comfortably with the feelings of failure?
Alice Rose (@madasacrow) is nearly never satisfied. No matter how successful she is, she can always pick it apart and think of ways to do things better. Failure is worse for her. With success, she can at least smile and wave and do the song and dance of congratulations etc. With failure? She has to sit with it. Confront that whatever it is that she failed at, admit that she isn't perfect. It hurts and is a massive blow to her ego, even if she hides it well.
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16.) What would you say your motivation is and why is it your motivation? How much does it effect your day to day life? How much does it effect big life decisions? Does this motivation effect or define things like your morality values etc.?
Glitch: I want Calypso dead! Why? Why ever not? He's an annoying loudmouth that doesn't give a shit about his actions. I'm just trying to help everyone out here! It really is unfortunate how much time it takes up, when I could be spending it on better things, like enjoying being the best.
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19.) Does the end justify the means in terms of your motivation? Are you willing to do anything to achieve success or will you only obtain it through certain means (within the bounds of the law, only hurting people you think deserve it, etc)?
Harlow (@madasacrow): Yes. I will be the most terrifying thing Prism Pulse has ever seen, even if I have to die to do it. I don't care how many laws I break, or who gets hurt. Okay, I care a little. Everyone who follows The Reverend is on my hit list, and apparently, that's most of the city, so. To each her own.
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calypsostores · 1 year
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Cherry Pie Kush (not to be confused with Cherry Pie) is essentially a Cherry Pie cross of Durban Poison and Granddaddy Purple, infused with California native San Fernando Valley OG. Some folks claim this strain came before Cherry Pie and others say it’s a product of Cookie Fam’s famous lineage. With bright cerebral effects that make your limbs feel heavy, this strain functions as medical-grade all-day flower, soothing physical discomfort without being overly sedative. Expect earthy and tart notes that linger in the air and coat the palate in a pungent, velvety vapor.
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SW OC Masterpost (or smth)
The thing ins parenthesis are there races, if they're in italics it means they're races I created, if they're in bold they're races I created that don't yet have a name haha...
Mains :
- Asha (She has a tail ok) - Kana Kiltleca (Human) - (Eun-ji) Beryl Lee (Antroposae) - Lili (Human)
Supporting Cast (ig) :
- Nora (Human) - Priamos (Saxuerec) - Cyclamen (Plant Humanoïde) - Aaron (Human) - Raxle Uhead (Vissle) - Kerwan (Idk men) ----------------------------------- - Po’ll Krimar (Human) ----------------------------------- - Meduss (Gorgon Type Alien) - Lygie (Human and Theelin) - Brunhilde (Human) - Ezekiel (Twi’lek) - Aria (Human) - Octave (Human) ------------------------------------ - Artair (Human) ------------------------------------ - Dargo (Zabrak)
Jedi :
- Sezny Eskrsimm (Human) - Nausicaa Rimefaul (Human) - Vaj Kravhenn (Thruun) - Krystah Martano (Zygerrian) - Paloma/Malu (Human) - Kritte’opuawi’llotho (Chiss) - Lesdesi Groury (Theelin) - Omaira (Human)
Clones :
- Ryley - Crash - Hyott - Gin - Dee - Nix - Calypso - Alley - Carmin - Mulberry - Fig - Jacandra - Forgie - Oyk - Sloth - Phantom - Puma
Epihl Fam :
- Neven (Human, Mandalorians Origins) - Celia (Human, Mandalorians Origins) - Kisa (Human) - Janx Epihl (Mandalorian)
Mandalorians :
- Kha Rook (Mon Calamari) - Luts Krarmi (human) - Ti’llandra Degor (Theelin) - Hojal Degor (Theelin)
Bounty Hunters :
- Li (Pantoran) - Loris (Pantoran) - Creenk aka Sylvain (Trandoshan) - Hyperion (Human) - Lahek (Pyke)
Kids :
- (Bong Cha) Faye Lee (Antroposae/Clone/Human?) - (Haneul) Ashton Lee (Antroposae/Clone/Human?) - Tukyaan Ry (Togruta) - Oatu (Zabrak) - Maqok (Zabrak) - Laf (Rodian)
Antroposae :
- Dal-Rae - Soomin - Kwan (desert antroposae) - Ailisieu (archipelago antroposae) - Chin (archipelago antroposae) - Byeol (lowlands antroposae) - Yona (montain antroposae) - Heejin (cave antroposae)
Stormtroopers (all humans):
- Caddy - Aubry - Benjamin - Steve - Bob
Animals/Droïds :
- Sandy (Hamsani) - Z-0-r (Droïd) - Stripey (Loth-cat) - Garbage (Loth-cat)
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chaotically-zen · 9 months
- snuggles w fam
Shopping w clara n rachel
Calypso n Evangelina w abby
Bizzfeed quiz
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Day 5 - 11.06.2022
Alright, this day is definitely going down as a highlight as well. We woke up early around 7:00 am and had the whole day in front of us. Surprised we woke up that early, we then realized that the clocks had set back so we gained an hour of sleep. What a perfect time to have this happen on vacation, when you just had a long day of activities. We enjoyed the usual coffee on the balcony and looked up things to do. That’s what I love about traveling with Leanna (and her fam); we were all just content enough with looking for things to do in the moment without planning anything ahead. Leanna found this awesome activity of a boat tour to a nearby island called “Shell Island” which included snorkeling and spotting dolphins. We all agreed this would be a fun activity and signed up along with Uncle Mike, who also wanted to come. I guess everyone else wanted to rest or had done something similar before. We had to get there around 11:30 to check in so after quickly writing an entry in this journal we all (including Mike) left for breakfast.
Just across the street in the hotel, Calypso, we ate at this small breakfast/donut shop called, “Emerald Hub,” which was okay. I ate a simple breakfast of eggs, hash browns and toast. We then headed out shortly after to head down… South? East? Maybe southeast, that sounds right… to St. Andrew’s park area where we were taking off on the Catamaran for our boat ride. The excursion was put on by the Island Time Sailing, for future reference. We were partially expecting to be the only ones on the boat or if not, with just a few others, but there were about twenty five people waiting on the red Adirondack chairs and brown benches. We left at around 12:00 pm and I felt immediately on vacation mode. After just about ten minutes or less before existing the marina, we spotted several adolescent dolphins! Apparently they like the area because there are a lot of fish and won’t go deeper into the ocean yet to mate. We were told we may not even see dolphins since it is breeding season so we were happy to see these young’ ins.
After we left the area we traveling outside of the marina and to Shell Island, about twenty minutes away. I’m going to be honest I was not paying attention to the history behind the island so all I know is that people frequent it often and something about “you’d be surprised to find that there aren’t that many shells on the island despite the name.” Which was weird because I did see a lot of shells while I was there. So we anchored not very far into the ocean but not very far into the shoreline either, so to get off the boat everyone had to wade in water about three feet deep. That was fine, as many people chose to put on snorkels and do that right outside the boat. We had about an hour and a half to do this so I was super eager to see some fish. While it definitely wasn’t Hawaii status, I did end up seeing fish and loved entering their spaces along the rocks and watching them. What was cool, too, was putting my phone in my dry bag and keeping the video rolling while I was snorkeling. I don’t know their names but I saw that same white/translucent fish as before, a black stripped fish with an orange fin, a million babies of some sort, and a dead crab on the ocean side.
After about an hour of exploring we thought it must be time to head back so we schlepped our way through the waters back to the boat. While we were waiting patiently, we got the joy of witnessing our drunk fellow cruise members trying to swim out to catch a literal pelican, which of course was not accomplished. It’s so funny when you are not drinking, like me this trip, watching how crazy and idiotic people become with alcohol. Makes me want to reconsider some things in my life.. after we left and make the twenty minute journey back home they got even worse. I heard something like “we need your numberrrrr” and then the captain swinging down from his podium to our side and expressing how much he disliked this. He literally had to run away to get them to spot hounding him! I would hate to be in his position. Happy to leave them but sad to leave the adventure, we then drove back to the condo to relax.
We showered, I journaled, and then we watched half an episode of “The Mole” before leaving downstairs to meet up with everyone. They all wanted to go to Shuckums so we crossed the street and were right there, ready to eat good seafood. The place got excellent reviews so I was really excited to try their shellfish and see how it compared to ours on the west coast. We walked in and it was very dive bar-like with dollars stapled to the ceiling and TVs everywhere. Leanna and I got these delicious virgin frozen cocktails, a mix between two drinks that I can’t remember the name of right now. Uncle Mike ordered raw oysters and I had two, one with horseradish and hot sauce and one without. They were really good, although I’m not a connoisseur enough to tell how they compared to west coast oysters. My main dish was ALSO oysters but deep fried and on a po’ boy. And oh boy, that was good (okay I don’t like myself for saying that).
After our meals we were close to doing karaoke but then got tired after eating, like always, so we headed back to Leanna’s fam’s place to watch the Chiefs game. I also brought Just One from our room and we ended up playing that for a while! I was so happy it was a hit with everyone. After about an hour or so we decided to call it quits and head back to our room. Pics below!
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Ready for our Island Time adventure!
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Me and Lele and shell island.
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A fish! I mostly took video but here is one of the fish I was talking about.
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Sunset outside my window and the street on the other side!
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The dollars on the ceiling which made it feel like a dive bar and our frozen non-alcoholic cocktail.
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