#called it OUR language...
bobdylansgf · 4 months
she is literally the perfect antithesis to irl house
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
being one of house’s fellows would be so fun. he’d tell me to do something while calling me lesbian or dyke or some clever slur-adjacent pun related to being nonbinary and i’d answer with “okay, fag :)” because i know what he is. and neither one of us would report the other to HR
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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prey animal (bunny) vs. predator animals (dog, cat)
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Just wondering at what point in my life did I start using "lol" as punctuation
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reiverreturns · 11 months
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'oh scottish twitter is so funny' yeah but do you even understand how i fucking cackled at this for ten minutes straight
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neechees · 8 days
There was a video posted on youtube comparing the similarities between Cree & Ojibwe & some moniyaw was like "dont they get tired of saying such long words?" Like idk don't yoy get tired of saying stupid shit?
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xiexiecaptain · 1 year
Fun fact: in Anishinaabemowin, the term for a cat purring is "nagamo gaazhagehns" / "nagamo biizhehns" / " nagamo boozhehns" (different dialects have varying words/spellings for a house cat)
But the main thing is that "nagamo" is the verb for "he/she/that one sings"
Cat purring in Anishinaabemowin is essentially called "cat singing"
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
How do I know if I'm bi?
So this might not be a helpful answer, but it is my genuine thought, and I want to be honest: You know you're bi if you find comfort, or happiness, or understanding of yourself in that label. It's not necessarily about split attraction to multiple genders.
Yes, bisexual people will often be attracted to more than one gender (not just man and woman, either! Many bisexual people aren't attracted to both binary genders because bisexuality is yet another complex and nuanced component of human sexuality, which in itself is inherently complex). Yes, many bisexual people express those attractions, and yes, many bisexual people share things in common. But frankly, not every bisexual is going to have similar experiences or thoughts or expressions of sexuality. My bisexuality is going to look different than yours might because I am a different human being. As such, I think it's less helpful to say "to be bisexual, you need to have these experiences," but it's more helpful to say, "if you find comfort in the bisexual label, use it"
The worst that happens with sexuality labels is you find one that matches better. I used to use the label pansexual when I was younger - the worst thing that happened was I stopped using it a year later when I felt it didn't accurately describe my feelings anymore.
If you suspect you're bi, there's likely a reason for that, and there's nothing wrong with you investigating that further. However, I don't want you to feel like you need to Prove Yourself to even use language that accurately describes your sexuality or sense of sexuality - no matter if that language is as simple as saying you're bisexual or not. Sexuality is an important aspect of identity for many folks, and you deserve the opportunity to make it as important or inconsequential as you want. Nobody is going to throw you in jail for not being bisexual or queer "enough." There's no law that says you have to have a 50/50 split attraction to binary men and women only to be bi. There's no bisexual card we hand out to you, saying you've been vetted as Bi Enough.
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creepyscritches · 7 days
Thinking about making my city council dread my existence after getting a lie-thru-the-teeth republican city rep re-election mailer
"Fentanyl from China is coming in through our unprotected southern border and I, a white woman about to insult ESL students and the fact that I don't protect ESL funding in my next paragraph, plan to do nothing but make crazier lies about this. ALSO? Jail for anyone and their poison." (you mean street fentanyl or the kind we use for highly specific and necessary medical cases and involve rx control more strict than we do for morphine?)
FENTANYL from CHINA coming thru our SOUTHERN BORDER? We're in Tennessee. They have better luck mailing it direct. Or making it here. 🤦 lady, you and the bald white men on the other side of this mailer are about to hate your election season
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feluka · 8 months
jfc this is really the least of our concerns right now but this'll just take a second to debunk.
AGAIN there's israeli tweets going around claiming falafel is an 'israeli dish'.
falafel, in their earliest form (made from fava beans) is of egyptian origin
falafel, in the form you might know them best as (made from chickpeas) is of levantine origin
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chicago-geniza · 2 months
Cheers to the absolutely ancient man who called our bookstore zooted to hell and back on prescription painkillers, cheerfully informed me he had five "serious surgeries" on his back for hemiplegia, then became distraught when we could not send him a translation of Thomas Aquinas that has been out of print since 1948
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therubyreader · 1 year
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This is easily my favorite part in the whole book, I was ugly cackling for a solid couple of minutes
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gremlingirlsmell · 2 days
lmao they dont know that the concept of (perisex) afab transfems is one of these things that has been cooked up by transphobes and transmisogynists specifically to start this kinda discourse to discredit transfeminity and our language and rally and radicalize queer tme people against tma people
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quasi-normalcy · 7 months
#Just read a disquieting rumour that my ex was faking being indigenous.#Which...#I mean#I didn't see the evidence#All that I know is that this call-out post went up about 9 months ago in indigenous facebook groups#and my ex's entire online presence was apparently immediately scrubbed afterwards#which i'm only learning just now because honestly i've broken off all contact with them and with the rest of their friends#but like...it kinda wouldn't surprise me?#but the thing was they were an extremely militant decolonization activist#like they would go on long angry rants about appropriation and 'pretendians' and how terrible they were#but also like...they didn't really identify as indigenous until i think a year or so into our relationship?#and at the time i just figured ''whatever they're reconnecting with their roots''#(I'm not indigenous; I don't know how these things work)#but then they started speaking sporadically in a fake accent when around other Native people and going on about how 'Rez' they were#and like...'Rez'. Mate.#I know for a fact that you grew up in a $10 million house in Hawaii#(at least I assume it was a fact)#And they were a big fan of using social justice arguments and language as a pretext for abusing me.#And if it was a lie then. Well. It would be very much in character for them let me just say.#Like they lied constantly to other people. I just...I guess I assumed that I was an exception?#Or that they wouldn't lie about the big stuff. Especially when they acted so vociferously angry about it.#But yeah. Trying to assume the absolute most marginalised social identity they can for clout sounds very much like something they would do.
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angeltannis · 2 months
TRAGIC that so much of Frey’s cringe is lost on Cuff because he assumes it’s just how Earth people are
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ghoul-haunted · 3 days
writing a little provincial murder mystery. sees something on twitter that makes me want to start swinging with a baseball bat. returns to writing a little provincial murder mystery, but with some spite thrown in.
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