#call this a minor vent
waywardsalt · 3 months
my favorite part of being a fan of linebeck is ignoring literally everything that spirit tracks implies about him
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"mormonism is american exceptionalism" has gotta be my least favorite anti-mormon take out there like you could talk about literally anything and THAT'S what you're going with????????? like you can talk about our weird relationship with manifest destiny and colonisation (extremely valid talking points!!!!!!) but to act like some kind of specific allegiance to the united states as an institution is inherent to our doctrine is so..... silence......
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Reminder that liberals aren't leftists and are in fact closer to being centrists and conservatives. Leftists are people like socialists.
Leftists want everyone's needs met. Healthcare, housing, food, etc and within the USA where the GDP is 23 trillion those things should be provided by the government. Workers should equally own the businesses they run and distribute profit equally as well.
Being a leftist can look like a lot of things- like calling for the straight up destruction of a government- but most can agree that until that happens then everyone's human rights and basic needs should be provided at the very least. Lots of leftists work towards this.
Remember that when leftists ask you to vote for 3rd parties with platforms that include universal healthcare, housing, and police reform.
Because liberals who stopped their political growth in 7th grade will try to make leftists out to be "Russian psyops" or white supremacists because we vote with principles and values and that don't allow us to vote for people who commit genocide, let single moms and their kids starve, and/or call environmental protests terrorists.
They'll reduce all this nuance to us "being immature and splitting the vote"
Quite frankly, I refuse to fall for this narrative in 2024.
We are ALL exercising our right to vote for the person who represents us. No, my beliefs don't line up with Democrats so I don't vote for Democrats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not "splitting a vote" because I can't split my own fucking vote and I'm not a member of your party. I don't owe your shitty genocidal party any of my loyalty, quite frankly idk why You even vote for them since you say you care about human lives but I digress.
If your guy loses that means your views aren't the majority.
It does NOT mean I'm a Russian Psyop. And because I've already seen a post floating around about how The-Russian-Tumblr-Bots-Were-Real-And-Pretending-To-Be-Black I'm asking y'all to use your brains and critical thinking skills this election.
There's a REASON why they specifically wanted to undermine your trust in BIPOC. So let's think about this for a second.
Why would anyone want to undermine your trust in BIPOC? What kind of things do BIPOC say about the government and it's history? What are the political leanings of BIPOC? What would happen if everyone started to agree with those politics? Which party would those views harm most?
It's crazy to me y'all think those bots were there to help Trump when it's obvious as fuck to me that the Real concern is that BIPOC would make y'all more left which would only be trouble for Biden/Clinton. The only people that would lose votes if y'all voted more left like BIPOC bots told you to would be Democrats. We want Republicans to vote more left, remember? That would be a good thing.
They were on the site to keep liberals from going left and voting for someone like Sanders or Claudia de La Cruz instead of Clinton/Biden. They weren't helping Trump. They were helping Democrats. Republicans aren't the people listening to BIPOC Tumblr bloggers, are they?
And that psyop is STILL working cuz now liberal goons put in overtime to accuse anyone who criticizes the 2 party system of being a Russian bot 🥴🥴
Yeah. I'm sure the two parties who rely on that system definitely didn't expect or want that outcome at all. And I bet they really didn't want you to refuse to vote for anyone outside those 2 parties either. I'm sure they hate how this psyop ended with you having more trust in a corrupted 2 party system and less trust in 3rd parties that challenge the corruption of the system. How awful it must be for them, that the Russian Bots Ordeal ended with MORE trust in the current government and people being less willing to change it :(
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 months
forcing myself to function through anxiety feels like im piloting an animatronic of myself
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savage-rhi · 2 months
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cold--carnage · 9 months
I'm a predator just for letting minors interact with my tumblr account? and you're saying my ex is better? they're a self proclaimed predator. posting kink and paraphilia content constantly. claiming to have an abuse kink. I remember them posting all that same shit while having minors in close ranks. I remember being really open about my sa trauma and having them post cnc and rape mentions and depictions constantly. I remember them telling us we had to be sober but then dropping valium and dxm and day drinking constantly. I remember being urged to recover from my ed and seeing them post triggering content constantly. I remember talking to someone who gave me a lot of praise and attention and then waking up to find them calling me their boyfriend. I remember never being asked if I was okay with being in a polyamorous arrangement. I remember being threatened with violence if I ever left. but I'm a predator for letting teenagers interact with my blog.
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flutt3rb4tz · 8 months
every time i see the word "delulu" i cringe so hard its like hooooly fuck those ppl would hate me and my "everyone can read my mind im always being watched/theres bugs crawling on me all the time/someones going to kill me" bullshit LOLLLL
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hussyknee · 1 year
"you can't pick most trans men out of a lesbian lineup" have you ever like. met a post transition trans man?? do you not see the transphobia in saying that most trans men just look like masculine women? this isn't even about transmasc lesbians, idgaf how somebody wants to identify but goddamn that's a rude as hell thing to say. like if you reverse it with "you can't pick most trans women out of a lineup of gay men" like obviously theres a problem there.
The majority of trans men and women aren't transitioned. A pre-transition trans woman who doesn't dress any differently than a cis man looks like a man and male-attracted people will be attracted to her! Why the fuck do you think so many marriages both het and gay break up when trans people first assumed to be cis begin to transition?? It's also why most trans women first find community among gay men, why both transvestites and trans people formed the first trans communities to the point that we can't even tell whether Marsha P. Johnson was transgender and why people assumed Storme DeLarverie was a trans masc before finding out that he was a he/him cis female lesbian. But Storme presented and acted like a gentleman, the same way the MAJORITY OF TRANS MASCS DO. This is WHY ENFORCING A GENDER BINARY IN QUEER SPACES HURTS TRANS FOLK THE MOST.
ALSO!!! Even transitioned trans men can still choose to look like women! There's lots of mascs whose gender expression is "boy who looks like a girl". How the fuck are you going to tell whether someone is a pre-op trans masc or a butch cis lesbian?? Or pre-op trans masc who presents femme or cis femme lesbian or a femme post-op trans woman??? Do you submit a questionnaire about their gender identity before feeling attracted to the presentation and aesthetic??
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 month
Guess who got their first creep on Reddit ✨
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thornshadowwolf · 3 months
You're such a crybaby lmao
What is this even about
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prozach27 · 4 months
#ok minor stress rant that I’ll delete later but just have to vent#I house sat for two weeks for this professor and it was the most stressful and intensive dog sitting I’ve ever done#because they failed to mention all three dogs are rescues with severe medical issues including heart failure#it was. a lot.#I finally get back home yesterday after making the house spotless and I guess I figured I’d get paid yesterday which was maybe naive#instead I find out someone charged $500 to my card fraudulently so I had to get my card frozen#so I’ve had no access to ANY money since yesterday#last time this happened I called my bank and they sorted it out quickly and while on the phone they got me a new card and set it up#and even helped me add it to my digital wallet#this time I called and the girl sounded so confused and said she issued me a new card but to check out their app and I could do all that#except every time I use the app it says the system is down. so I still have no way to access any of my money.#keep in mind this is a hometown credit union so I can’t just run to a branch and pick one up#so I am now on day two without access to money#to make matters more annoying the prof said they’d reach out today to set up payment.#I waited all day until 5 pm and nothing? so I texted to ask if they got home alright or if I can do anything else#and he thanked me and said no I did amazing and it’s much appreciated#and then just. ended the conversation.#like???#sir you put me through HELL for two weeks. I had to give your dogs three baths because of the stuff they got into#you failed to mention your dogs’ complicated medical histories or that one is currently dying#like is it. is it so absurd to expect to be paid the day you say you’re going to pay me#not like I could access it anyway.#I hate this
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viscerast · 6 months
kinda wanna get a packer just to experiment and see if i like them but our dad would mock the shit out of us . hes so weird abt our transition
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venacoeurva · 2 years
I hate when you see a post that’s about like curating personal fandom experience or morality or whatever and you’re like yeah true, but you get a whiff of something, some shit in that post stinks--there’s a vibe that you can’t ignore, and so you check the op and it’s exactly what you thought it was
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3rrorsnas · 9 months
ok I hate/d nsrs/ people who go like "i need tone tags but it's NOT NECESSARY" and basically end up licking boots
like fuck off, you either use tone tags or we literally can't have a conversation. the end./srs neg
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bleuberrygliscor · 7 months
i know its 90% venting at the bleakness of american politics but like...
it really fucking blows to know that most people are probably not gonna vote this year. i cant wait for the fallout of that.
#rem rambles#last time trump was elected i was spit on and called a nigger to my face at work.#lets see what happens this time. surely not worse than that.#like fuck joe biden. i will personally beat him to death with a rock. i hated him last time. i hate him now.#but the swiftness that people are like 'no actually i'll take my chances with the republicans who have been flying nazi flags and actively#putting forth legislation to eradicate trans people and flirting with the klan and pushing for genital checks on kids' is...staggering.#like i see the strategy you think youre doing. as if democrats dont get off on losing constantly....#its not moral strength to sit down and let the worse motherfucker win just to say ''haha see! you need me! you should be nicer to me.''#if that was the case the democrats would have picked it up with hillary losing. but they didnt. obviously.#get local. start supporting local politicians that are more leftist than what we got. but by god to not expose people in red states#to even worse shit. do not encourage those bitches to visit my goddamn city AGAIN.#like what do you even think will happen outside of negative outcomes for people who arent you? like some republican will tell israel to sto#again i know its venting. so let me vent too. because holy shit is it wildly tone deaf to use the minorities that the republicans are#targeting as a fucking bargaining chip with people who dont care about us anyway.#as if saying ''im willing to sacrifice native americans to show democrats that i mean business'' will even work.#these people are so far gone that televised genocide will not move them. but you think digging your heels in will. absurd. childish behavio
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lynxalon · 1 year
me when i'm tired and hurting and scared and angry and no one is coming to help me and i don't say that to be negative or guilt anyone who might see this vent i say it as a fact because no one is going to help i have to help myself and i don't want to i don't want to help myself i want to lean on someone for once without being taken advantage of and i want to talk about my anger and express it and get it out in a healthy manner and i want to talk about how scared i am how my health terrifies me and i don't really know what's going on and i know my body to the best extent i can i and i have worked endlessly trying to conserve energy so i can do basic tasks like dishes and bathing myself and i have been working so fucking hard to fight the internalized ableism in me that screams that everything shouldn't be this hard and i should just Be Able to do these things and i don't have anything to actually fight these thoughts! because i don't actually know what's wrong and i have tried for the past three years. three fucking years. to make this one appointment. just one. to talk to a different professional and tell them i need help i and living less than half my life and i can't take it most days i can't take this cycle of deteriorating physical health into deteriorating mental health and round and round. i'm exhausted. i can't do the things i enjoy. i work so hard to try to do them occasionally. and i work hard to try and appreciate and enjoy it. and it's just hard.
i just want to vent tonight. i'm stressed. we've been having small bug problems lately. and then there's the waterlogged part of the carpet where we don't know where the water is coming from. and tonight i saw what might have been a roach and. i grew up between my mom and aunts place, and my aunts was beyond covered with bugs. at night it was horrifying and finding a place to sleep sucked ass. so it just. fucking triggered me, and i'm so tired and hurting but i pulled out appliances and things and sprayed down bugs and spots i've seen them in and. so i sat down and i was already overwhelmed and i couldn't find the remote so i could put something on and relax. and i did find it. but i just had to sit and work on breathing and cry a bit. i'm home all the time and i constantly am thinking about this. i'm so stressed about it. OH and it was made sooooo much worse because for the first time i saw one in our room. and. that nearly sent me into a panic attack. we have been so strict with having no food or anything like that in the bedroom. and it didn't do anything. there was still a bug. where there's one, there's so many more. i am. going to try and fucking relax.
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