#calisto 6
fuckyeahlabynight · 1 year
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crowfaraday · 7 months
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she still bullies him in the au
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some-zer0 · 1 year
AAI's Turnabout Reminiscence really said, "Dramatic irony is best when it's used to tear your heart out."
Like, Gumshoe's loyalty to Edgeworth in Turnabout Goodbyes hits SO different after that case, because Edgeworth isn't just his superior -- Gumshoe was THERE for Edgeworth's first investigation, he KNOWS the disaster it ended in, and he probably took one look at that 20-year old who was obviously so young despite his best attempts to act like he wasn't, and thought to himself, "That kid needs someone to stay by his side, and he's more than won that trust from me."
(And that's not even bringing up how Gumshoe was there for Edgeworth's first trial as well, which also ended in death.)
Plus, von Karma's interactions with Edgeworth? The way he puts Edgeworth down, the way Edgeworth immediately clams up when it happens, and the way Franziska tries to change the subject because she idolizes her father too much to stand up to him but doesn't want to see her brother hurt? Combined with our knowledge of DL-6, and the way that Franziska doesn't outwardly care about MvK's death but is filled with so much blatant rage over Miles's?
And speaking of DL-6, Edgeworth's interactions with Kay are so bittersweet, because we know just how traumatic losing his father was to him, but at the same time it shows that his drive to help people hasn't been stamped out yet -- he's already fully entrenched in MvK's teachings, and is therefore going against what his father stood for, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to do good. (Badd probably had the same realization as well, as someone who had helped Gregory with IS-7.) And the way Edgeworth completely freezes when Calisto points that gun at him, and is only able to break out of that state when Kay intervenes? GOD, it's painful but in such a beautiful way.
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tesalicious2 · 1 year
More Kortac:
König gets along really well with Askel and Klaus for obvious reasons. If any of them heads home, they’ll bring back the good beer and treats that they all know
Everyone will eat whatever is in the fridge, nothing is safe. Maybe if it has a not from a family member will some of them leave it alone. But that is no guarantee.
Horangi, in an attempt to ‘chill Oni out’, slipped marijuana drops into his tea and got him high as hell.
Oni laid on the common room couch for 6 hours without moving and said the weirdest shit.
Horangi was there the whole time and loved every moment, unfortunately, some others didn’t agree
Declan, Stilletto, Askel, Klaus, and Horangi openly laughed while Calisto and Zero were the only ones who didn’t find it funny at all
Oni quickly got Horangi back by replacing some of his nice kimchi with weird cheap stuff he found for online. He mixed it together to blend the flavors
At dinner that night, Horangi got half way through before leaving to throw up. Oni laughed the whole time
Horangi quickly returned to dinner and tackled him over the table, attempting my to shove some of the bad kimchi down his throat.
The yelling foreign languages at each other was funny. Mostly since it was Oni mocking Horangi and Horangi yelling rather than vice versa.
Horangi has seen everyone’s face, mostly because he doesn’t knock and has weird hours
This includes Ghost, even if they only worked together for a week
Fender is the only one who’s seen almost everyone’s face because they showed it to him willingly, König will wear a medical mask but won’t show his face
The medics know a lot of secrets about everyone, not important ones though, very stupid ones
Know Roze stole a loaf of bread from her family’s kitchen when she was 8 and felt bad so she tossed it in a lake
Know Zero once a had a crush on a middle school girl when he was in elementary and tried hard to get her attention but failed miserably
They won’t tell anyone because of Patient-Client Confidentiality and consequently become the secret keepers of the group
König only one who has seen Fender’s face.
KorTac tries to have dinner together and push the tables into a square, it’s really fun and they have game night (without gambling)
König has the highest tolerance and is has never gotten past drunk before.
He doesn’t really get drunk, he just gets wobbly and that’s all. No one knew the first time til he tried to get up and immediately tripped over his own feet, stayed on the floor and groaned, saying ‘damn, drank to much’
No one could remember how much he drank that night.
Everyone once saw him have like 14 beers (he has his own stash from home that’s strong and no one else likes) and said he felt tipsy and didn’t know his limit
Declan and Oni come in close second and Declan will brag about this to anyone who listens
Stilletto and Horangi are third but they don’t really care. Calisto, Zero, and Gromsko are the same way but have a lower tolerance
Zeus is really bad at drinking games and refuses to play, so they don’t really know his limit
He has admitted to being in the third place group, much to Declan’s amusement
Hutch has hacked into devices with weird search history’s. He doesn’t talk about it but if drunk enough he will tell some of the weirder non sexual ones.
Though, there are a few he will never speak of because thinking about them makes him shiver.
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taanoir · 2 months
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Time for a Challenge Check in!
The challenge is beginning it's final throws. In terms of in game years, we are in the future, the 2030's. There will be some future tech on the horizon but for now it really just looks a lot like our current era.
Gen 9 - Modern Age - Complete
Max Programing, Video Games, Mixology - All maxed by Nicole and Jennifer
Hack all available options - Completed by both Nicole and Jennifer
Have a sim play Video Games on the computer from the time they get up until they go to bed. - Completed by Nicole
Have 2 Sims reach the top of their career and complete their aspiration (bonus if it's 4 sims). (1) Nicole - Tech Guru and Computer Wiz, (2) Tiffany - Writer and Prolific Writer Aspiration, (3) Jennifer Computer Engineer and Nerd Brain, (4) Josh Astronaut and Wealthy
Meet your ancestors, bonus if you become friends with them. Nicole became friends with Calisto and Khur.
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Gen 10 - Future Tech - In Progress
Max Skills - Robotics, Comedy & Writing - Melody is at levels 4 & 6 for comedy and writing
Complete 5 aspirations between all sims. Melody is in process on the writing aspiration.
Challenge Wide:
50 Gold medal events - Complete
Completed 20+ aspirations, 15 careers, and 30 skills
All potions and traits have been purchased - Complete
Graves/Urns for all family members Gen 9 & 10 left
Portraits for all generations - Generation 10 left
I've also maxed the finances in the game, $9,999,999. After multiple large purchases including a basement section full of the most expensive items I could place, I'm still maxed.
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The kids have been BUSY! Melody entered her teen years with a big boost to her skills.
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I earned an achievement I didn't realize was a thing.
After a freak out over the mandatory update, I've just been casually strolling through the final generation.
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megashadowdragon · 8 months
redraw of emerys son of merlin and gudako
source : www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/199cxqc/redraw_of_emerys_son_of_merlin_and_gudako/
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original bio:
Gudako X Merlin: Son
Name: Emerys
Age: 17
Personality: Annoying to the people who don’t like him, but reliable to his allies. Emerys is a smooth talker who can worm his way out of almost any situation with just his words alone. To the unaware, his words and logic make sense, making him win almost any argument, but to those as smart as him, he is a sly fox who they know from the start not to engage with a verbal debate with. While he is no stranger to a fight, he prefers to avoid combat if possible. Mainly due to the fact he would rather avoid pain. This however comes into conflict as he can’t help but rile people up. He also likes to do things that are cool and not exactly practical.
Other Stuff: Born due to Merlin having fun aka [REDACTED] with Gudako . He specializes in elemental and dream magecraft. Using several staffs that he plagiarized made himself. Because he is a smooth talker, he is better at High-Speed Incantation than his father, this is useful when his is running from someone and he needs to cast a spell quickly in order to escape. Speaking of which, running is the one practical thing he excels at. While Myriam is someone who prefers to teleport away and get herself immediately out of danger, Emerys will simply outrun his chasers. As he enjoys the feeling of leaving them in the dust. This has worked 70% of the times he was running from someone.
Bio: Of the many children of the Fujimaru family. There are six the stand out as being a special case due to their relationships with each other, or more specifically, the parents and their connection to the Land of Paradise and Hope. The two children of Morgan: Timothy and Calisto, the two children of Castoria: Cayde and Alina, and finally, the kids of both the male and female Merlin. Through this loose connection, they are known as the “Children of Avalon”.
With the birth of Emerys, the power balance settled. With one boy and girl for each “person” associated with Avalon. Naturally, alliances and relationships vary. And on a spectrum of responsible to troublemaking, the Morgan kids occupy one end, the Castoria kids occupy the other, with the Merlin kids somewhere in the middle.
When compared to his “sister”/cousin Myriam, Emerys is a natural strategist with a diverse set of skills that makes him unpredictable. Meanwhile, Myriam has untapped leadership potential and more powerful magic circuits, she has less ways to use them. Emerys on the other hand is an all around who uses elemental magecraft as well as dream magic that he learned from his father.
Emerys likes to accessorize, to an often unnecessary degree. He carries things in his coat that he generally does not need, from things like mystic codes, to a small magnet. The most obvious example of this is him owning multiple staffs. Rather than use a single staff for all his spell casting, he has around 6 that corresponds to a specific element or magecraft. But since he can’t carry them all at once, he had a special vault made where he keeps them, and has the ability to send the specific staff he needs anytime he calls.
However, once it was learned that his staffs he made were all just ripoffs of one that already existed. The owners fo the originals were less flattered by these imitations and more slighted by them.
There is a reason why Da Vinci won’t allow him in her workshop.
“I must warn you, I have developed a secret technique, one that was passed down from father to son. A skill that is brilliant in scope, and highly effective in execution. And its name is-”
“You like my staffs? They’re totally original BTW.”
“They say my smile is worth a thousand words, all I have to do is speak and I have already won this conversation.”
Father: Father is father. I learned some of my best tricks from him.
Mother: Mother will never admit it, but she gets so flustered around dad, I bet that even without Incubus blood, he could have seduced her in seconds.
Carina: My closest friend and family member. Sure her ego is through the roof, but I can’t call her out since I have one as well. I’m confident in saying we’d make the most powerful sibling duo in our entire family, in theory anyway.
Myriam: We often joke that we are genderflipped versions of each other. Heck we even tried disguising as one another with illusions to see who could keep up appearances the longest.
Calisto: She considers herself Myriam’s arch-nemesis. And I can agree with that statement, those two are gonna be very close as sisters growing up. Just in a different way.
Timothy: Do I consider him my rival? Maybe, if he was anywhere near as good as me….whats that? He’s standing right behind me?
Cayde: He tries so hard at being a ladies' man, he often wishes he had my smooth voice. Although that might be more trouble than its worth if he had my way of speaking
Alina: Why is so serious all the time, I get having Calisto for a sister is rough, but its not the worst thing in the world.
Lavender: I once tried to borrow her staff, but then I remember her mom is a vengeful Goddess who doesn’t like people messing with her kids.
Finn: He made me an offer to make high-quality unique staffs if I did some favors for him. Just what were they? Sorry, the clause in the contract says I can’t tell.
What people think about him:
Da Vinci: I started copyrighting all my stuff once I saw his newest “staff”.
Morgan: *Statement removed due to overuse of vulgar language and insults*
Miles: He can run fast, thats for sure
Carina: He may not be a child of my father, but if anyone says he is only half my brother, I will paralyze them for a whole day. He is the greatest brother I could ask for!
Timothy: I heard you were talking %$#@ about me.
Victoria: There is a reason why Myriam is the court mage and not him.
Duran: I honestly wished big sis made him the court mage, he makes the best jokes.
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Hunger Games AU
Yes, an AU of my AU
District 1 - Female tribute- Mad Maddy Mim - Male tribute- Malcolm Mim - Mentor(s)- Mara Mim, Mordred Mim
District 2 - Female tribute- Lydia Snoops - Male tribute- Jahar "Jay" Jazira - Mentor(s)- Mischa Rasputin, Rose and Ace Hearts
District 3 - Female tribute- Malvolia Mim - Male tribute- Carlos de Vil - Mentor(s)- Ivy de Vil, Diego de Vil, Rick Ratcliffe
District 4 - Female tribute- Uma Facilier - Male tribute- Harry Jones - Mentor(s)- Harriet Jones, Sammy Smee
District 5 - Female tribute- Anna Westergaard - Male tribute- Calisto Olympian - Mentor(s)- Hans Westergaard II, Amara Olympian
District 6 - Female tribute- Yzla Frollo - Male tribute- Zevon Frollo - Mentor(s)- Murph Black
District 7 - Female tribute- Mal Briar - Male tribute- Davin LeFou - Mentor(s)- Justice Olympian, Dawn Olympian
District 8 - Female tribute- Evie Char - Male tribute- Mora Mim - Mentor(s)- Mystica Mim (volunteer from 1,) Desdemona Briar (volunteer ffrom 7)
District 9 - Female tribute- Narcissa LeGume - Male tribute- Jonas Never - Mentor(s)- Belle LeGume
District 10 - Female tribute- Mavis Mim - Male tribute- Tarzan D'Arque - Mentor(s)- Morrigan Mim, Morticia Mim
District 11 - Female tribute- Shan Odgerel - Male tribute- Mabuz Mim - Mentor(s)- Mace Mim
District 12 - Female tribute- Claudine Frollo - Male tribute- Zachariah Darhk - Mentor(s)- Maverick Mim
The 74th Hunger Games sees many legacy tributes taking the stage, brothers and sisters of previous victors and the fallen. There were few volunteers, with one wildcard exception- Zachariah Darhk from District 12, who volunteered for his brother, Harabolos, and who was permitted to be the male tribute as all documentation lists him as male. Legacy victors are an incredibly rare thing so it seems, despite his disability, that young "Riah" may stand a chance in the Games.
But something in the Games is different this year. Something is brewing among both mentors and tributes. What King Adam intended as a gesture to reassert control may just blow up in his face.
At least it will if the mysterious rebel known as "Destiny" has her way.
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sidhedust · 9 months
I'd' love to introduce more Arc 1 characters, but slowly I'm realizing how much I dislike the way a few of them look. So I'm doing some overhauls on their designs before I introduce them/share them. Here's a sneak peak of one of them.
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I actually HAVE drawn and introduced all nahualtin/Lucerian mages on the blog already, but again, 2/4 of them need overhauls, Yolotli (pictured above) being one of them, Calisto being the other. I already revamped Miguel, and Milagro's design is perfect but I need to draw him again because he needs to be redone in my current, more solid style.
Here's where you can find Miguel, Milagro+Calisto, and Yolotli (with a Luana cameo).
I'm trying to get her eyes here to match her art from 6 months back since I love how big and bright they are. Fits her personality. But it's hard to get the shape down while adding big cat tats, lol.
Also, her design came out more Indian than I'd like (the ribbon makes her look like she's wearing a sari), so I'm trying to stylize an ancient huipil and make it semi-modern...for the time TLGotH takes place in, which is the early 1960s.
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plaid-maniac · 1 year
I doubt I will ever be able to touch on the yatagarasu stuff in my mega alternate dl-6 au fic thing but this is basically how it would originally go down.
Calisto Yew: “This sort of injustice could have been stopped if only someone had been able to break the laws and gotten the evidence.”
Byrne Faraday: “Yeah this whole situation sucks.”
Tyrell Badd: “If only I could have done something more. I’m sorry I let you two down.”
Yew: “We need to form a group to prevent this from happening ever again!”
Badd: “…Go on.”
Yew: “So what if we work together to steal evidence to give to the police so that they can arrest the right criminals. Then killers won’t walk away again.”
Badd: “This is extremely illegal and also a horrible plan.”
Faraday: “No, I think this is a great plan. And since we would have a detective and a prosecutor working together, we just need to find a defense attorney to like balance the team out, like, morally or something.”
Yew: “I’m actually studying to-“
Faraday: “Hey Edgeworth!”
Gregory Edgeworth looks up mid-bite of his Swiss roll, very confused.
Faraday: “Wanna join this group me and Badd are making?”
Edgeworth: “…Depends I guess. What are you wanting to do.”
Faraday: “Ok so the premise is we steal-“
Edgeworth: “I’m in.”
Badd: “…He hasn’t finished explaining.”
Edgeworth, Already pulling out his car keys: “I said I’m in. Wanna go to my office and get a game plan rolling?”
Faraday: “Hell yeah.”
Badd: “… I wonder if I should be arresting you right now.”
Faraday, hoping into the shotgun of Edgeworth’s 2004 Honda Accord: “Just get in, we’ll get you some toffee from that expensive chocolate shop.”
Yew: “But what about-“
Badd, hopping in the back seat: “Bye Miss Yew. Sorry about your sister.”
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shaunashipman · 4 months
Hello! sorry for this weird post, and if i've asked this before i'm so sorry! but your rhaenyra post, is so so pretty!, what fonts did you use for the whole set? /736263881467494400/rhaenyra-targaryen-portrayed-by-milly-alcock-and
hey no worries. the small font in all of them is Calisto MT, which I believe should be on your computer already, and the larger fonts are as follows
Gif 1&9: Ringbearer Gif 2: Devinne Swish Gif 3: Marvelan Gif 4: Valeria Bold Grunge Gif 5: Marons Gif 6: Les Mysteres de Paris Gif 7: Lostar Gif 8: Pieces of Eight
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rivalsforlife · 4 months
Hi Grace!! For the WIP meme I can't decide between wanting to hear about "Cruise Murdership" and "Telepathic Soulmate AU" because both made me go "OH MY GOD" out loud <3 Take your pick because I'll be more than happy to hear about either, please? 🥺💕
Thank you Hannah!! I'll do both <3
Cruise Murdership:
I probably shouldn't have included this one because I don't actually have much written, but it was supposed to be a casefic (most of the reason why it's dead) taking place at the time Phoenix was disbarred, and a kinda "where was Edgeworth when all this was going down". As gratitude for solving the SS-5 incident, Lang invites Edgeworth, Kay, Franziska, Justine and John on a cruise. (Gumshoe couldn't come because he needs to be available for Phoenix's last trial.) Because Edgeworth is involved in it, there eventually ends up being a series of murders where the chosen victims are seemingly random.
I was early enough in the planning stage that I had some ideas in my mind for Scenes (they figure out the pattern and determine that Kay is the likely next victim, she's worried about everyone else getting caught up in this and wants to go catch the criminal herself, Edgeworth follows her but ends up getting stabbed and trapped in an elevator) but didn't know all the details of, you know, the actual plot. Cohdopia politics were going to be involved, mainly issues with reintegrating and who the ruler was going to be. A spy in the same network as the Phantom (which I would tie Calisto Yew into as well) was involved and the ultimate culprit.
Ultimately there was "too much plot" and "too much research about cruises" and "too much attention to OCs" that this really didn't get far at all. I started the doc in September 2020 but have not touched it since April 2021! So definitely never going to end up becoming something. I didn't write down enough details to even remember which parts of the big scenes I wanted to do.
Telepathic Soulmate AU is even older - started June 2020 and last edited August 2020! So it's like four years old. Concept of it is that 10% of people develop a telepathic connection to another person around puberty - often referred to as "soulmates" but it is often fully platonic or familial. The telepathic connection is initially unstable and involuntary, so all thoughts and feelings get transferred over the soul bond, and both parties have to undergo some mental strengthening training in order to calm it down. There is medication that can suppress the telepathic bond, but taking too much for too long can cause toxic effects on the body.
This fic was narumitsu because of course it was. Since the telepathic bond only occurred after the onset of puberty it was after DL-6, and immediately upon realizing it Edgeworth took the telepathic bond suppression medication before Phoenix could figure out who it was (because he didn't want Phoenix to find out he killed his father). This results in Edgeworth experiencing toxic effects and having to discontinue the medication around the time of Phoenix's Dahlia Trial, so Phoenix doesn't really notice it comes back online and Edgeworth works to suppress it with mental training. Phoenix only figures it out in Turnabout Samurai when Edgeworth notices the contradiction and tries to telepathically communicate it to Phoenix, but Phoenix is too confused by Person In My Head to raise an objection so Edgeworth has to do it himself and outs himself.
It mostly would have been a trilogy retelling but with the extra layer of "Phoenix and Edgeworth can sometimes read each other's thoughts but this does not make them any better at communicating". I had no idea how it was going to end, though, it was kinda mostly disjointed scenes, so... it's also eternally abandoned. Writing trilogy narumitsu is fun, though, even though canon doesn't give a lot of room to work with, so.
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crowfaraday · 3 months
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destined to betray everyone from the very beginning
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blastedking · 1 year
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Calisto on Fiji 🖤 Ain't she precious. Making one knight very happy. For like 6 years. Until... well. You know if you know.
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bronanlynch · 2 years
approximately a million years later I have finished aai and also this post so here is The Lawyer Rankings (of whose file clerk I would rather be) (aai took me a long time to play but also I finished it forever ago so like. take these with a grain of salt)
miles: it would be interesting at least, sometimes your boss goes on a trip for a week and gets caught up in like 4 different murder investigations and all of them are absolutely bonkers, so those would be some fascinating documents to skim while you’re filing them. however. not entirely sure about what his job actually consists of at this point so it’s possible that you wouldn’t have much real work. 6/10, I’m not sure he’s like, consistently employed
miles (flashback): I know that I could not fix 20 year old miles edgeworth, especially not as his minimum wage employee whom he does not listen to, but it’s almost tempting to try because wow I’m very sad abt him. however. he’s so smug, is the thing. he needs you to know that he knows more than you and you’re like, dude I’m just trying to scan all of these exhibits I truly do not need to know or care abt your clever courtroom strategy or whatever. also I’m allergic to smug men talking down to me, it makes want to out-pretentious them and that would end badly for both of us. 4/10, which is more than I gave him for the aa3 flashback because 1) he didn’t call anyone a bimbo this time and 2) this one made me so sad
portsman: imagine this scenario: I am portsman’s file clerk, I poke my head into his office to ask if he has a file that someone else needs (he does, and he’s been ignoring my emails because I won’t talk to him about ~the big game that weekend), I get accidentally hit in the face with a baseball because he’s playing catch with himself in his office, I go to hr and I quit immediately and also fill out some workplace injury paperwork. 2/10, annoying and bad to interact with but not quite insufferable enough to go lower
payne: so forgettable that his coworkers can’t be bothered to remember he exists, which is valid but might mean they would also forget you by association, and that could be inconvenient when you’re trying to track down paperwork and schedule meetings. 3/10, no one would take me seriously by extension and I would get annoyed when my emails didn’t get answered
franziska: the international travel is a big plus as long as you get to travel with her, and if not then you get left alone to do your thing a lot of the thing, which is also a plus. however she doesn’t seem like a great boss on account of how she’s still always threatening to cut gumshoe’s pay which I would not enjoy, but at least she’s generally on top of things which makes your job easier. on the other other hand, at least once per post I’m obligated to say that I would simply not want to work for cops and. y’know. interpol prosecutor is like. double cop. 4/10, my pay would probably be low enough without getting cut tyvm
franziska (flashback): absolutely not, I’m taking a strong anti-child labor stance, and also working for a child prodigy would actually realistically mean working for her father which uh. see below. 1/10, sorry fran
manfred von karma: aside from the injustices he’s committed and also just his rancid vibes, he seems like he’d be incredibly unpleasant to work for. asks you to do an impossible task and then when you figure out a way to do it anyway he makes up something to scold you about even though it wasn’t something he’d originally asked for. and god forbid you not have something sent the courts on time even though he’s the one who emailed you the document to print at 4:55 on the day of the deadline when the mail goes out at 4:50. you’re still getting blamed. 0/10, absolutely not, I don’t care what the benefits are
calisto yew: my answer here changes based on whether I know she’s the yatagarasu, because I wouldn’t be able to have any respect for her if I thought she was actually just defending corporations, but if I knew that she was setting up their downfalls I would love to help. however she would probably make fun of me for taking my job too seriously and trying too hard, and she seems like the kind of casually disorganized that would drive me bonkers, so it might not be the greatest work environment. 8/10, as long I know she’s the yataragasu, otherwise 5/10, only if I’m desperate
byrne faraday: again, depends if I know about his extremely cool and valid crimes. aside from that, he seems like a dependable kind of boss who answers your emails and wouldn’t be too strict or mean, and if he needs you to do something that you’ve never done before he’s willing to show you how to do it. 10/10, if I can be the yatagarasu’s file clerk, otherwise 5/10
aa1 | aa 2 | aa 3 | aa4
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haltraveler · 2 years
I know she’s canonically 5'5" but Calisto Yew is 6′1″ in my heart.
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randomlyrandoms · 1 year
Celebrity Deaths 2022
JANUARY Dan Reeves - Jan. 1 (Football Coach) Max Julien - Jan. 1 (Movie Actor) J $tash - Jan. 1 (Rapper) Calisto Tanzi - Jan. 1 (Criminal) Traxamillion - Jan. 2 (Music Producer) Richard Leakey - Jan. 2 (Paleontologist) John Efford - Jan. 2 (Politician) Igor Bogdanoff - Jan. 3 (TV Show Host) Joan Copeland - Jan. 4 (Stage Actress) TurtleAmigo - Jan. 4 (YouTuber Star) Jim Corsi - Jan. 4 (Baseball Player) Kim Mi-soo - Jan. 5 (TV Actress) Greg Robinson - Jan. 5 (Football Coach) Sidney Poitier - Jan. 6 (Movie Actor) Peter Bogdanovich - Jan. 6 (Director) Maha Abo Ouf - Jan. 6 (Movie Actress) Jack Dromey - Jan. 7 (Politician) Marilyn Bergman - Jan. 8 (Songwriter) Michael Lang - Jan. 8 (Music Producer) **Bob Saget - Jan. 9 (TV Actor) Dwayne Hickman - Jan. 9 (TV Actor) James Mtume - Jan. 9 (Jazz Singer) Don Maynard - Jan. 10 (Football Player) Gary Waldhorn - Jan. 10 (TV Actor) Ahmet Calik - Jan. 11 (Soccer Player) Stephen George Churchett - Jan. 11 (TV Actor) Melanie K Ham - Jan. 12 (YouTube Star) Ronnie Spector - Jan. 12 (Rock Singer) Shebby Singh - Jan. 12 (Soccer Player) Clint Arlis - Jan. 13 (Reality Star) Jean-Jacques Beineix - Jan. 13 (Director) Junior Siavii - Jan. 13 (Football Player) Dave Wolverton - Jan. 14 (Novelist) Ron Goulart - Jan. 14 (Novelist) Sad Frosty - Jan. 14 (Rapper) Shandler Beaubien - Jan. 14 (Rapper) Ralph Emery - Jan. 15 (TV Show Host) Joe B. Hall - Jan. 15 (Basketball Coach) Charles McGee - Jan. 16 (Pilot) Yvette Mimieux - Jan. 17 (Movie Actress) Lusia Harris - Jan. 18 (Basketball Player) Peter Robbins - Jan. 18 (Voice Actor) Andre Leon Talley - Jan. 18 (Fashion Designer) Francisco Gento - Jan. 18 (Soccer Player) Bob Goalby - Jan. 19 (Golfer) Gaspard Ulliel - Jan. 19 (Movie Actor) Meat Loaf - Jan. 20 (Rock Singer) Elza Soares - Jan. 20 (World Music Singer) Stella Lynch - Jan. 20 (Dog) Louie Anderson - Jan. 21 (Comedian) Clark Gillies - Jan. 21 (Hockey Player) Kathryn Kates - Jan. 22 (TV Actress) Thich Nhat Hanh - Jan. 22 (Religious Leader) Andrew Ezergailis - Jan. 22 (Teacher) Walt McDonald - Jan. 22 (Poet) Beegie Adair - Jan. 23 (Pianist) Thierry Mugler - Jan. 23 (Fashion Designer) Moses J. Mosely - Jan. 23 (TV Actor) Lily Douglas - Jan. 23 (Instagram Star) Olavo de Carvalho - Jan. 24 (Journalist) Peter Robbins - Jan. 25 (Voice Actor) Barry Cryer - Jan. 25 (Comedian) Esteban Edward Torres - Jan. 25 (Politician) Heinz Werner Zimmermann - Jan. 25 (Composer) Moses J. Moseley - Jan. 26 (TV Actor) Diego Verdaguer - Jan. 27 (World Music Singer) Howard Hesseman - Jan. 29 (TV Actor) Leonard Fenton - Jan. 29 (Soap Opera Actor) Cheslie Kryst - Jan. 30 (Pageant Contestant) Bob Wall - Jan. 30 (Movie Actor) Carleton Carpenter - Jan. 31 (Stage Actor) Jethrotex - Jan. ?? (YouTube Star)
FEBRUARY Chuck Criss - Feb. 2 (Rock Singer) Luca Itvai - Feb. 2 (TikTok Star) Ashley Bryan - Feb. 4 (Children's Author) Lata Mangeshkar - Feb. 6 (World Music Singer) George Crumb - Feb. 6 (Composer) Josh Neuman - Feb. 8 (YouTube Star) Betty Davis - Feb. 9 (Soul Singer) Jeremy Giambi - Feb. 9 (Baseball Player) Super Muñeco - Feb. 9 (Wrestler) Isabel Torres - Feb. 11 (TV Actress) Ivan Reitman - Feb. 12 (Director) Rahul Bajaj - Feb. 12 (Entrepreneur) Jordan Clory - Feb. 14 (YouTube Star) Sandy Nelson - Feb. 14 (Drummer) Borislav Ivkov - Feb. 14 (Chess Player) Sandhya Mukhopadhyay - Feb. 15 (World Music Singer) Alfred Sole - Feb. 15 (Screenwriter) David Brenner - Feb. 17 (Film Editor) Lindsey Pearlman - Feb. 18 (TV Actress) Jane Marczewski - Feb. 19 (Pop Singer) Charley Taylor - Feb. 19 (Football Player) Dan Graham - Feb. 19 (Multimedia Artist) Gary Brooker - Feb. 19 (Rock Singer) Jamal Edwards - Feb. 20 (Entrepreneur) Nils Lindberg - Feb. 20 (Composer) Bob Beckel - Feb. 21 (Journalist) Mark Lanegan - Feb. 22 (Rock Singer) Riky Rick - Feb. 23 (Rapper) Rehman Malik - Feb. 23 (Politician) Sally Kellerman - Feb. 24 (Movie Actress) Pataratida Patcharawirapong - Feb. 24 (TV Actress) Joni James - Feb. 25 (Pop Singer) Shirley Hughes - Feb. 25 (Illustrator) Bostin Loyd - Feb. 25 (Bodybuilder) Snootie Wild - Feb. 26 (Rapper) Tova Traesnaes - Feb. 26 (Entrepreneur) Ned Eisenberg - Feb. 27 (TV Actor) Donte Dorsey - Feb. 27 (Rapper) *Kirk Baily - Feb. 28 (TV Actor) Leonhard Lapin - Feb. 28 (Pop Artist)
MARCH Katie Meyer - March 1 (Soccer Player) Warner Mack - March 1 (Country Singer) Conrad Janis - March 1 (TV Actor) Johnny Brown - March 2 (TV Actor) Tim Considine - March 3 (TV Actor) Scott Murray - March 4 (Instagram Star) Mitchell Ryan - March 4 (TV Actor) Lynda Baron - March 5 (TV Actress) Lil Bo Weep - March 5 (Rapper) Piggie Rockelle - March 7 (Family Member) Piper Rockelle's Grandfather Gyo Obata - March 8 (Architect) Emilio Delgado - March 10 (TV Actor) Sorapong Chatree - March 10 (Movie Actor) Odalis Pérez - March 10 (Baseball Player) Brad Martin - March 11 (Country Singer) Traci Braxton - March 12 (Reality Star) Jessica Williams - March 12 (Pianist) William Hurt - March 13 (Movie Actor) Maureen Howard - March 13 (Autobiographer) Scott Hall - March 14 (Wrestler) Mike Mora - March 15 (Photographer) Peter Bowles - March 17 (Movie Actor) John Clayton - March 18 (Sportscaster) Goonew - March 18 (Rapper) Don Young - March 18 (Politician) Shahabuddin Ahmed - March 19 (Politician) LaShun Pace - March 21 (Gospel Singer) Beth Matthews - March 21 (Blogger) Daniel Edward Pilarczyk - March 22 (Religious Leader) Madeleine Albright - March 23 (Politician) Francesco LoPresti - March 24 (TikTok Star) Taylor Hawkins - March 25 (Drummer) Keith Martin - March 25 (R&B Singer) Keaton Pierce - March 26 (Rock Singer) Jeff Carson - March 26 (Country Singer) Ayaz Mutallibov - March 27 (Politician) Barrie Youngfellow - March 28 (Voice Actress) Paul Herman - March 29 (Movie Actor) Tom Parker - March 30 (Pop Singer) Patrick Demarchelier - March 31 (Photographer) Richard Howard - March 31 (Poet) Patricia MacLachlan - March 31 (Children's Author)
APRIL CW McCall - April 1 (Country Singer) *Estelle Harris - April 2 (Movie Actress) Leonel Sanchez - April 2 (Soccer Player) June Brown - April 3 (Soap Opera Actress) Derrick Goodwin - April 3 (Director) Tommy Davis - April 3 (Baseball Player) Eric Boehlert - April 4 (Journalist) Bobby Rydell - April 5 (Pop Singer) Nehemiah Persoff - April 5 (Movie Actor) Sidney Altman - April 5 (Biologist) Vladimir Zhirinovsky - April 6 (Politician) Dwayne Haskins - April 9 (Football Player) Jack Higgins - April 9 (Novelist) John Drew - April 10 (Basketball Player) Charnett Moffett - April 11 (Bassist) *Gilbert Gottfried - April 12 (Comedian) Cedric McMillan - April 12 (Bodybuilder) Michel Bouquet - April 13 (Movie Actor) Mike Bossy - April 15 (Hockey Player) Jack Newton - April 15 (Golfer) Liz Sheridan - April 15 (TV Actress) Joachim Streich - April 16 (Soccer Player) Kane Tanaka - April 19 (Supercentenarian) Robert Morse - April 20 (TV Actor) Guitar Shorty - April 20 (Guitarist) Daryle Lamonica - April 21 (Football Player) Guy Lafleur - April 22 (Hockey Player) Kathryn Hays - April 25 (Soap Opera Actress) David Birney - April 27 (TV Actor) Neal Adams - April 28 (Comic Book Artist) Larry Woiwode - April 28 (Non-Fiction Author) Joanna Barnes - April 29 (TV Actress) Naomi Judd - April 30 (Country Singer) Bob Krueger - April 30 (Politician)
MAY Jerry Verdorn - May 1 (Soap Opera Actor) Charles Siebert - May 1 (TV Actor) Ivica Osim - May 1 ( Soccer Player) Kailia Posey - May 2 (Gymnast) [Best Known In Toddlers & Tiaras] Joseph Raz - May 2 (Philosopher) Tony Brooks - May 3 (Rave Car Driver) Kenny Moore - May 4 (Runner) *Mike Hagerty - May 5 (TV Actor) Kevin Samuels - May 5 (YouTube Star) Kenneth Welsh - May 5 (TV Actor) George Perez - May 6 (Comic Book Artist) Patricia McKillip - May 6 (Novelist) Mickey Gilley - May 7 (Country Singer) *Fred Ward - May 8 (Movie Actor) Dennis Waterman - May 8 (TV Actor) Adreian Payne - May 9 (Basketball Player) Bob Lanier - May 10 (Basketball Player) Dr. Vivian Horner - May 12 (TV Producer) Lil Keed - May 13 (Rapper) Sahana - May 13 (Instagram Star) Maggie Peterson - May 15 (TV Actress) Knox Martin - May 15 (Sculptor) John Aylward - May 16 (TV Actor) Vangelis - May 17 (Composer) Bernard Wright - May 19 (Jazz Singer) Roger Angell - May 20 (Journalist) Caroline Jones - May 20 (TV Show Host) Thom Bresh - May 23 (Country Singer) OhTrapstar - May 25 (Rapper) *Ray Liotta - May 26 (Movie Actor) Andrew Fletcher - May 26 (Pianist) Alan White - May 26 (Drummer) Angelo Sodano - May 27 (Religious Leader) Walter Abish - May 28 (Novelist) Bo Hopkins - May 28 (Movie Actor) Sidhu Moosewala - May 29 (Pop Singer) Ronnie Hawkins - May 29 (Rock Singer) Boris Pahor - May 30 (Autobiographer) Paul Vance - May 30 (Film Producer) Jeff Gladney - May 30 (Football Player) KK - May 31 (World Music Singer)
JUNE Marion Barber III - June 1 (Football Player) Geoff Hunter - June 3 (Soccer Player) Ann Turner Cook - June 3 (Novelist) Trouble DTE - June 5 (Rapper) Alec John Such - June 5 (Bassist) Cooper Noriega - June 9 (TikTok Star) Aamir Liaquat Hussain - June 9 (Politician) Billy Bingham - June 9 (Soccer Player) Julee Cruise - June 9 (Pop Singer) Baxter Black - June 10 (Poet) Hilary Devey - June 11 (TV Show Host) Philip Baker Hall - June 12 (TV Actor) Sam Gilliam - June 15 (Painter) Jean-Louis Trintignant - June 17 (Movie Actor) Mark Shields - June 18 (Journalist) Adibah Noor - June 18 (Pop Singer) Caleb Swanigan - June 20 (Basketball Player) Brig Owens - June 21 (Football Player) Tony Siragusa - June 22 (Football Player) Niece Waidhofer - June 23 (Instagram Star) Hugh McElhenny - June 23 (Football Player) Sassy Gran Doris - June 25 (TikTok Star) Nicolas Coster - June 26 (Soap Opera Actor) Marlin Briscoe - June 27 (Football Player) Cuneyt Arkin - June 28 (Movie Actor) Deborah James - June 28 (Journalist) Miguel Cedeño - June 28 (TV Show Host) Sonny Barger - June 29 (Novelist) Fernando Del Solar - June 30 (TV Actor) Technoblade - June 30 (YouTube Star)
JULY Susana Dosamantes - July 2 (TV Actress) Peter Brook - July 2 (Playwright) Andy Goram - July 2 (Soccer Player) Hank Goldberg - July 4 (Sportscaster) Remco Campert - July 4 (Poet) Lenny Von Dohlen - July 5 (Movie Actor) Manny Charlton - July 5 (Guitarist) *James Caan - July 6 (Movie Actor) Alonzo Howard - July 6 (Instagram Star) Adam Wade - July 7 (TV Actor) Tony Sirico - July 8 (TV Actor) Larry Storch - July 8 (TV Actor) Vernon Winfrey - July 8 (Family Member) *Oprah Winfrey's Father* Gregory Itzin - July 8 (TV Actor) John Gwynne - July 8 (Journalist) L.Q. Jones - July 9 (TV Actor) Matt King - July 9 (Visual Artist) Ethan Reyes - July 9 (Rapper) Adam Strachan - July 9 (Football Player) Barbara Thompson - July 10 (Pianist) Dick Schofield - July 11 (Baseball Player) Joan Lingard - July 12 (Young Adult Author) Jaron Baker - July 12 (Model) Charlotte Valandrey - July 13 (TV Actress) Bobby East - July 13 (Race Car Driver) Spencer Webb - July 13 (Football Player) Ivana Trump - July 14 (Entrepreneur) Megan Reid - July 14 (TikTok Star) Jane Birkin - July 16 (Movie Actress) Michael Henderson - July 19 (Bassist) Taurean Blacque - July 21 (TV Actor) Shonka Dukureh - July 21 (Blues Singer) Dwight Smith - July 22 (Baseball Player) Aaron Latham - July 23 (Journalist) Bob Rafelson - July 23 (Director) Diane Hegarty - July 23 (Religious Leader) David Warner - July 24 (Movie Actor) David Trimble - July 25 (Politician) Paul Sorvino - July 25 (TV Actor) Tony Dow - July 27 (TV Actor) Mary Alice - July 27 (TV Actress) Bernard Cribbins - July 27 (TV Actor) Burt Metcalfe - July 27 (TV Producer) JayDaYoungan - July 27 (Rapper) Terry Neill - July 28 (Soccer Player) Juris Hartmanis - July 29 (Computer Scientist) Nichelle Nichols - July 30 (TV Actress) Pat Carroll - July 30 (Stage Actress) Archie Roach - July 30 (Rock Singer) Bill Russell - July 31 (Basketball Player)
AUGUST Vin Scully - Aug. 2 (Sportscaster) Melissa Susan Bank - Aug. 2 (Novelist) Villiam Vecchi - Aug. 3 (Soccer Coach) Valdir Segato - Aug. 3 (TikTok Star) Clu Gulager - Aug. 5 (TV Actor) Jô Soares - Aug. 5 (TV Show Host) Richard Roat - Aug. 5 (TV Actor) Issey Miyake - Aug. 5 (Fashion Designer) Cherie Gil - Aug. 5 (Movie Actress) Judith Durham - Aug. 5 (Folk Singer) Leandro Lo - Aug. 7 (Martial Artist) Roger E Mosley - Aug. 7 (TV Actor) **Olivia Newton-John - Aug. 8 (Pop Singer) Lamont Dozier - Aug. 8 (Songwriter) Nicholas Evans - Aug. 9 (Novelist) Lydia De Vega - Aug. 10 (Runner) Vesa-Matti Loiri - Aug. 10 (Movie Actor) Jon Hill - Aug. 11 (Drummer) *Anne Heche - Aug. 11 (TV Actress) Darius Campbell - Aug. 11 (Stage Actor) Wolfgang Petersen - Aug. 12 (Director) Teddy Ray - Aug. 12 (Comedian) Denise Dowse - Aug. 13 (TV Actress) Robyn Griggs - Aug. 13 (Soap Opera Actress) Tinfoil Chef - Aug. 13 (YouTube Star) Rakesh Jhunjhunwala - Aug. 14 (Business Executive) Tokollo Tshabalala - Aug. 15 (Pop Singer) Lenny Johnrose - Aug. 15 (Soccer Player) Frederick Buechner - Aug. 15 (Novelist) Joseph Delaney - Aug. 16 (Novelist) Josephine Tewson - Aug. 18 (TV Actress) Sombat Metanee - Aug. 18 (Movie Actor) Alexei Panshin - Aug 21 (Novelist) Charrliiieeee - Aug. 22 (TikTok Star) Rembert Weakland - Aug. 22 (Religious Leader) Jerry Allison - Aug. 22 (Drummer) Len Dawson - Aug. 24 (Football Player) Yusuf Al-Qaradawi - Aug. 26 (Religious Leader) Manolo Sanlucar - Aug. 27 (Composer) Gawd Triller - Aug. 28 (YouTube Star) Charlbi Dean - Aug. 29 (Movie Actress) Luke Bell - Aug. 29 (Country Singer) Bill Turnbull - Aug. 31 (TV Show Host) JR Ridinger - Aug. 31 (Business Executive)
SEPTEMBER Earnie Shavers - Sept. 1 (Boxer) Sara Holmes - Sept. 1 (YouTube Star) Megan Nespliak - Sept. 2 (TikTok Star) Pat Stay - Sept. 4 (Rapper) Peter Straub - Sept. 4 (Novelist) Virginia Dwan - Sept. 5 (Conceptual Artist) Tina Ramirez - Sept. 6 (Dancer) David A. Arnold - Sept. 7 (Comedian) Marsha Hunt - Sept. 7 (Movie Actress) **Elizabeth - Sept. 8 (Queen) Gwyneth Powell - Sept. 8 (TV Actress) Mark Miller - Sept. 9 (TV Actor) Tommy Smith - Sept. 9 (Family Member) *Everleigh Rose Smith-Soutas's Father* Trevor Tomkins - Sept. 9 (Drummer) William Klein - Sept. 10 (Photographer) Harry Landis - Sept. 12 (TV Actor) PnB Rock - Sept. 12 (Rapper) Ramsey Lewis - Sept. 12 (Pianist) Lowry Mays - Sept. 12 (Entrepreneur) Jean-Luc Godard - Sept. 13 (Director) Henry Silva - Sept. 14 (Movie Actor) Irene Papas _ Sept. 14 (Movie Actress) Luciano Vassalo - Sept. 16 (Soccer Player) George Ward aka Cherry Valentine - Sept. 18 (Reality Star) Maury Wills - Sept. 19 (Baseball Player) Jalen Hill - Sept. 20 (Basketball Player) Raju Srivastav - Sept. 21 (Comedian) Hesham Selim - Sept. 22 (Movie Actor) Hilary Mantel - Sept. 22 (Novelist) Louise Fletcher - Sept. 23 (Movie Actress) Robert Cormier - Sept. 23 (Movie Actor) Zack Estrin - Sept. 23 (Producer) John Hartman - Sept. 23 (Drummer) Carlitos Bala - Sept. 23 (TV Actor) Destinee Govan - Sept. 24 (Rapper) **Coolio - Sept. 28 (Rapper) Gavin Escobar - Sept. 28 (Football Player) Arlene Cody Bashnett - Sept. 28 (YouTube Star) Markus Hogg - Sept. 29 (TikTok Star) Héctor López - Sept. 29 (Baseball Player)
OCTOBER Antonio Inoki - Oct. 1 (Wrestler) Tiffany Jackson - Oct. 3 (Basketball Player) Kim Jung-gi - Oct. 3 (Illustrator) Charles Fuller - Oct. 3 (Playwright) Loretta Lynn - Oct. 4 (Country Singer) Sara Lee - Oct. 6 (Wrestler) Jody Miller - Oct. 6 (Country Singer) Ann Flood - Oct. 7 (Soap Opera Actress) Toshi Ichiyanagi - Oct. 7 (Composer) Eileen Ryan - Oct. 9 (Movie Actress) Michael Callan - Oct. 10 (Stage Actor) Dick Ellsworth - Oct. 10 (Baseball Player) Anita Kerr - Oct. 10 (Country Singer) *Angela Lansbury - Oct. 11 (TV Actress) Willie Spence - Oct. 12 (R&B Singer) Rsglory And Gold - Oct. 12 (YouTube Star) Bruce Sutter - Oct. 13 (Baseball Player) **Robbie Coltrane - Oct. 14 (TV Actor) *Wands Up For Our Beloved Hagrid. Jan Rabsons - Oct. 14 (Voice Actor) MikaBen - Oct. 15 (Songwriter) Joyce Sims - Oct. 15 (R&B Singer) Darius Vlad Crețan - Oct. 16 (Rapper) Dilip Mahalanabis - Oct. 16 (Biologist) Charley Trippi - Oct. 19 (Football Player) Tristen Nash - Oct. 20 (Family Member Kevin Nash's Son Ron Masak - Oct. 22 (TV Actor) Rodney Graham - Oct. 22 (Multimedia Artist) Dietrich Mateschitz - Oct. 22 (Entrepreneur) Michael Kopsa - Oct. 23 (Voice Actor) Don Edwards - Oct. 23 (Country Singer) *Leslie Jordan - Oct. 24 (TV Actor) Jules Bass - Oct. 25 (Director) Julie Powell - Oct. 26 (Blogger) Michael Basman - Oct. 26 (Chess Player) Lucianne Goldberg - Oct. 26 (Novelist) Arshad Sharif - Oct. 27 (Journalist) Gerald Stern - Oct.27 (Poet) Therese Angela Alexander - Oct. 27 (TikTok Star) Vince Dooley - Oct. 28 (Football Player) Jerry Lee Lewis - Oct. 28 (Rock Singer) Adam Zimmer - Oct. 31 (Football Player) Andrew Prine - Oct. 31 (Movie Actor) Laney Chantal - Oct. 31 (Makeup Artist)
NOVEMBER Takeoff - Nov. 1 (Rapper) Gael Greene - Nov. 1 (Journalist) Ray Guy - Nov. 3 (Football Player) Douglas McGrath - Nov. 3 (Screenwriter) Edot Baby - Nov. 4 (Rapper) **Aaron Carter - Nov. 5 (Pop Singer) Tame One - Nov. 5 (Rapper) Bill Treacher - Nov. 5 (Soap Opera Actor) Leslie Phillips - Nov. 7 (Movie Actor) Jeff Cook - Nov. 7 (Guitarist) Lee Bontecou - Nov. 8 (Sculptor) Tom Owen - Nov. 8 (TV Actor) William Frederick Knight - Nov. 8 (Voice Actor) Werner Schulz - Nov. 9 (Politician) Kevin Conroy - Nov. 10 (Voice Actor) Keith Levene - Nov. 11 (Musician) John Aniston - Nov. 11 (Soap Opera Actor) Gallagher - Nov. 11 (Comedian) Syazlin Zainal - Nov. 11 (Instagram Star) Anthony Johnson - Nov. 13 (MMA Fighter) Xana Kernodle - Nov. 13 (???) Nicki Aycox - Nov. 16 (TV Actress) Robert Clary - Nov. 16 (TV Actor) Isabel Salgado - Nov. 16 (Volleyball Player) B. Smyth - Nov. 17 (R&B Singer) Marcus Sedgwick - Nov. 17 (Novelist) Greg Bear - Nov. 19 (Novelist) **David Jason Frank - Nov. 20 (TV Actor) Albert Nipon - Nov. 20 (Fashion Designer) Wilko Johnson - Nov. 21 (Guitarist) Bernadette Mayer - Nov. 22 (Poet) Megha Thakur - Nov. 24 (TikTok Star) Borje Salming - Nov. 24 (Hockey Player) Issei Sagawa Nov. 24 (Criminal) *Irene Cara - Nov. 25 (Movie Actress) Jake Flint - Nov. 26 (Country Singer) Yoichi Sai - Nov. 27 (Film Producer) Clarence Gilyard - Nov. 28 (TV Actor) Brad William Henke - Nov. 29 (TV Actor) Christine McVie - Nov. 30 (Rock Singer) Yakira Chambers - Nov. 30 (TV Actress) Christiane Horbiger - Nov. 30 (Stage Actor)
DECEMBER Quentin Oliver Lee - Dec. 1 (Stage Actor) Gaylord Perry - Dec. 1 (Baseball Player) Yoshio Kikugawa - Dec. 2 (Soccer Player) Ursula Hayden - Dec. 3 (Wrestler) Paul Broughton - Dec. 3 (Rugby Coach) Jim Kolbe - Dec. 3 (Politician) Bob McGrath - Dec. 4 (TV Actor) Pablo Puente Buces - Dec. 4 (Religious Leader) June Blair - Dec. 4 (Model) **Kirstie Alley - Dec. 5 (TV Actress) Mills Lane - Dec. 6 (Referee) Antonio D'Amico - Dec. 6 (Fashion Designer) Jet Black - Dec. 6 (Drummer) Helen Slayton-Hughes - Dec. 7 (Movie Actress) Barbara Thore - Dec. 7 (Family Member) *Whitney Way Thore's Mother* Yoshishige Yoshida - Dec. 8 (Director) Chas Newby - Dec. 8 (Movie Actor) Ronnie Turner - Dec. 8 (Movie Actor) Ruth Madoc - Dec. 9 (TV Actress) Jovit Baldivino - Dec. 9 (Pop Singer) Georgia Holt - Dec. 10 (Family Member) *Cher's Mother* Paul Silas - Dec. 10 (Basketball Player) Grant Wahl - Dec. 10 (Journalist) Angelo Badalamenti - Dec. 11 (Composer) Stuart Margolin - Dec. 12 (TV Actor) Ali Dulin aka AlidSpiceXO - Dec. 12 (TikTok Star) Mike Leach - Dec. 12 (Football Player) **Stephen "tWitch" Boss - Dec. 13 (Dancer) Grand Daddy I.U. - Dec. 13 (Rapper) Ronnie Turner - Dec. 13 (Movie Actor) Kim Simmonds - Dec. 13 (Guitarist) Dino Danelli - Dec. 15 (Drummer) Stephanie Bissonnette - Dec. 17 (Stage Actress) Phil Urban - Dec. 17 (BasketBall Player) Mike Hodges - Dec. 17 (Director) Jamie Lopez - Dec. 18 (Reality Star) Wim Henderickx - Dec. 18 (Composer) Terry Hall - Dec. 18 (Rock Singer) Lando Buzzanca - Dec. 18 (Stage Actor) Sonya Eddy - Dec. 19 (TV Actress) Tom Browning - Dec. 19 (Baseball Player) Quinn Redeker - Dec. 20 (TV Actor) Franco Harris - Dec. 20 (Football Player) Ronnie Hillman - Dec. 21 (Football Player) Diane McBain - Dec. 21 (TV Actress) Pedro Paulo Rangel - Dec. 21 (Soap Opera Actor) Stephan Bonnar - Dec. 22 (MMA Fighter) Big Scarr - Dec. 22 (Rapper) Thom Bell - Dec. 22 (Soul Singer) Ronan Vibert - Dec. 22 (TV Actor) Dax Tejera - Dec. 23 (Executive Producer) Eric Mumford - Dec. 23 (Family Member) *Lynn Toler's Husband* Maxi Jazz - Dec. 23 (Soul Singer) Philippe Streiff - Dec. 23 (Race Car Driver) Tunisha Sharma - Dec. 24 (TV Actress) John Bird - Dec. 24 (Comedian) Bob Penny - Dec. 25 (Movie Actor) Kevin Payne - Dec. 25 (Soccer Player) Joseph “Jo Mersa” Marley - Dec. 27 (Reggae Singer) Shawn Wolfe - Dec. 27 (Adult Actor) Guy East - Dec. 27 (Family Member) *Andrew East's Father* Agne Jagelaviciute - Dec. 28 (Fashion Designer) Ruggero Deodato - Dec. 29 (Director) Pele - Dec. 29 (Soccer Player) Vivienne Westwood - Dec. 29 (Fashion Designer) Keenan Cahill - Dec. 29 (YouTube Star) Jean Valentine - Dec. 29 (Poet) Edgar Savisaar - Dec. 29 (Politician) Ian Tyson - Dec. 29 (Country Singer) Edilov - Dec. 30 (Boxer) Barbara Walters - Dec. 30 (Journalist) Uche Nwaneri - Dec. 30 (Football Player) Vladimer Barkaia - Dec. 30 (Soccer Player) Anita Marie Pointer - Dec. 31 (Soul Singer) Jeremiah Green - Dec. 31 (Drummer) Pope Benedict XVI - Dec. 31 (Religious Leader) Barry Lane - Dec. 31 (Golfer)
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