#cal kestis headcanon
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mrkestis · 2 months ago
Headcanon that Cal Kestis is the opposite of a picky eater. After years of military rations and whatever sludge they fed him on Bracca he can eat almost anything.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years ago
Just finished star wars Jedi survivor, so send cal kestis and Bode akuna requests. All star wars requests are open too, but I'd like to write about those two.
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ledeni-tm · 1 year ago
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Padawan group holophoto !! In a universes where Ahsoka, Cal, Trilla, Caleb and Barriss all know each other and everything is fine ! (let me dream) Not pictured : their masters (Obi-Wan included, Ahsoka is his padawan too) gushing at the cuteness behind the holocamera.
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mayaarman · 6 months ago
Just thinking how much I love the whole "Cal Kestis is Obi-Wan baby". And now I really want to write something about Cal being sent as the commander/padawan for Obi.
This tiny menace following the steps of the bigger menace that is the General, and the clones just being like:
"Well, it looks like we are fathers now."
And accepting their fate as the protectors of the redheaded Stewjonis problem magnets that they have to follow to war.
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dragonpyre · 11 months ago
Cal Kestis headcanon: because of his years of unsupervised living on Bracca, he has horrible eating and sleeping habits. He'll be up at 2 am chugging caf for no reason and thinking ration bars count as a meal. Greez is having an aneurysm. Cere is horrified. Merrin sees nothing wrong with this.
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breakfastteatime · 7 months ago
It's been a wild few weeks on Bracca. Everyone in the Guild heard about the renegade Jedi. Some of them even knew him, but they're all smart enough to keep quiet about that. The Empire's tightened its grip here, and they're looking for anyone who may have harboured the kid. He's gotta be dead now, right? That's the general consensus. No way does some Jedi-turned-scrapper escape from the kinds of soldiers they sent here in the aftermath and -
And it's a big crowd at the bar tonight. Really big. Lots of shouting. Oh, right, fight night at Sorc Tormo's. Lots of bets. A lot of broke people sure to start cursing their luck pretty soon.
The huge screen at the back of the bar shows the Ordo Eris arena.
And the combatant.
Whispers go through the bar.
Isn't that Cal?
Did you know?
No! No way.
...I'm gonna bet on him.
Turns out it's the one night where just about everyone wins their bet.
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fantasticgothicpeachsludge · 3 months ago
You're playing Jedi Survivor I’m playing the Cal Kestis Dress-Up game. We are NOT the same.
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blue-sadie · 1 year ago
Blinded By Feelings
Armitage Hux, Cal Kestis, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker
They have feelings for you their enemy
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Armitage Hux
He hated you even through he's never met you, he loathed your very being and it only increased when he met you, you were another general that to fought to be the best.
And when you two were together in a meeting or just in passing in the corridors you two would bicker like children over plans or random things that was annoying one of you that day.
He would only realize his feelings when a storm trooper would ask him but he would tell them to shut up and threaten them saying he would throw him into space if he ever spoke something so ridiculous again, but it would cloud his mind days after that.
He would feel disgusted by himself and avoid you by all cost but his efforts went to waste when you come back injured from a mission and he would make it his personal mission to take you to the med bay and scold you at the same time.
"You are stupid as the rebellion if you think you would not get scolded for your actions you could've gotten yourself killed next time at least tell me first so I can get you better storm troopers"
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Cal Kestis
You joined the crew way before he did and had a stronger bond with greez and cere he was kinda jealous it wasn't much of a hatred thing he just found you kinda annoying to be around and would avoid being with you.
Every time you tried talking to him he would ignore you or when you saved him countless times he would just give you a forced thank you but nothing more.
The thing that made him notice is that you would start showing up in his dreams more or when he meditates, he'd find it annoying at first but he'd start thinking about you more and more.
He'd start listening and paying more attention to you which not only freaked you out but the other crew members to, during one of the missions he'd actually listen to your ideas instead of shutting you up.
"You have some really good ideas I should've started listening to you sooner, I'm sorry about that by the way I guess I was just jealous of you"
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Poe Dameron
You were the rebellions best mechanic and the person that would work on his x-wing without his consent he'd hate it even though it needed to be done, he hates it more when you'd leave sticky notes telling him about the up grades you've done to his ship.
He would complain to Leia about you but she'd just laugh and tell him off because your just doing your job so then he'd come complain directly to you but you'd just ignore him continuing on his next up grade.
He'd have a few people tell him that he probably has a crush on you because of him talking about you so much but what really makes him realize is when he sees you talking to others guys and the jealousy he feels.
When returning from one of his missions his x-wing battered and needing repairs he'd actually come straight to you to ask you to repair it for him.
"I know I found it annoying but I've come to realize your up grades are kinda.... helpful after saving me a few times so what I'm trying to say is I'd like you to continue working on my ship"
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Din Djarin
Your were an assassin, killing off the high end people most bounty hunters were afraid to kill, you've also killed a few of his bountys making him pissed.
He's only ever layed eyes on you a few times in crowed bars or a desolate street he doesn't really care about knowing you because why would he get to know his enemy a thief.
He'd only start looking out for you more when you saved him from an ambush you shot his captures in the head and threw him a gun before disappearing again.
He'd be against the idea of ever actually falling for you because of his past experiences but after some more encounters with you he'd would stop you before you vanish again.
"You can reject this offer but I'm still putting it out there, I want you to join me us, it would be alot easier we work together then you stealing my bountys so what do you say"
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Anakin Skywalker
You are master windus padowan and the person he's always compared to why can't you be like yn why can't you take after her, it was something he heard almost everyday which makes him hate you.
He hates how kind you are even through his hateful words he spits your way or when you'd sometimes take the fall for one of his stupid plans he never even thanks you.
He like hux only got the realization when you got hurt, you'd taken a hit that was ment for him, the panic he felt as he watched you fall made him snap and kill whoever did it.
He'd spend day and night by your bedside in the medbay pacing back and forth as he tried thinking about his feelings, they'd only calm down when he sees you awake.
"Don't do that ever again do you hear me, you don't deserve to be here especially because of me I should be in this bed instead of you, do you know what you put me through I thought I lost you"
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darkballoonstarlight · 4 months ago
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Cal and Caleb(Kanan) i cannot stress enough how much i love the "besties! Cal&Kanan" headcannon
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annoyinglyhardsong · 4 months ago
I’ve seen a lot about Cal Kestis being a poncho guy and trying to corrupt other people into wearing ponchos. Currently rewatching Episode IV A New Hope and I completely forgot that Luke was a poncho bro. And I can totally see them both having a fashion moment later on where it’s two people wearing the same outfit but instead of one insisting that the other changes they both just get excited and go ,”You like ponchos too?!?”
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neptune-scythe · 4 months ago
Merrin and Cal are 100% queer to me idc
they're bi for bi, they're aspec for aspec, they're queerplatonic, they're friends with benefits, they're t for t, they're polyamorous
they're undefinable, they're unlabeled,
cishet romantic/sexual relationship?
not a chance
those motherfuckers got some queer shit going on
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ledeni-tm · 1 year ago
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I'd like to think that Quinlan Vos helped Cal understand his psychometry when he was a youngling and/or a padawan, during quiet times, to Jaro Tapal complete dismay who wouldn't want any bad influence on his padawan. (no weapons involved, only nice things, with sweet echoes. Quinlan is not THAT irresponsible. I think. Aayla turned out okay after all) With all the banter involving links with other characters like Greez interest in Yaddle or even Qui-Gon friendship with Cordova, I think it would have been cute to learn more form Cal and his childhood at the Temple.
(Close up under the cut !)
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mayaarman · 5 months ago
Unlike many would think, Cody was not the first one to be called Buir by Cal. He was the second one, after a long campaign in some random planet.
The first one was actually Bones, the medic was getting more than used to the General stunts even after only some months of working together. But when the mini version of the Jedi was added to the battalion, he became twice as protective.
So one of the most common things to see in The Negotiator was the tall Alpha Class medic carrying around like a backpack their tiny menace of a commander.
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fullbattleregalia · 1 year ago
I have a wee little head canon that Din Djarin and Cal Kestis know each other. Not particularly well, but Cal’s a scrapper and mechanic. The Razor Crest was heckin’ old before its demise. Cal helped Din out a time or two when Din needed to replace some hard to find parts. But that’s all Din knows Cal as - a mechanic.
I just want Cal and Din to run into each other again, and one of Din’s friends is like, “You spent all that time trying to find a Jedi to train your kid when you had one on your comm contact list?!”
And for Din to just be like, “…he’s a Jedi?”
Because already knowing a Jedi without realizing he already knows a Jedi feels like the most Din Djarin thing ever.
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lady-winterediting · 6 months ago
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headcanon where cal timetravels and meets old luke.....(dont ask questions, just take it in)
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breakfastteatime · 9 months ago
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