#cal hcs
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sillyhahasilly · 5 months ago
caldre would never label their relationship or call each other bfs in the canon timeline. sure they would kiss and fuck and flirt but cal and andre are only ever cal and andre.
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treasure-goblin · 8 months ago
hmmm I feel like I kinda know a lot about you ! but here are my hcs anyway .D
you have short , blond curly hair
your voice is kinda deep and you’re really good at singing
when you were younger , you really liked gymnastics
you don’t like peppers
These are all based on vibes so I could be totally off
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sillyhahasilly · 4 months ago
cal told andre that when they die they'll come back and fuck w any of the people on their kill list that survived (which ended up being practically all) and andre js rolls his eyes, not believing that they are gonna die or be able to come back.
the first time they tried the oujia board, cal tried to contact past dead school shooters 😭😭. andre made comments making fun of them about how their endeavors practically failed (hint hint the columbine guys) and THATS when the planchette moved. it made andre laugh his ass off but cal freaked tf out.
cal 1000000% believes in ghosts while andre is the biggest skeptic. they bought an ouiji board to test in andre's basement. it moved, but andre refuses to believe it was anything other than cal moving it around with his fingers. still, cal tries to convince him with bloody mary or charlie charlie, but none of them ever work.
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calwasfound · 1 year ago
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heart of the sea
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terrifiedtooth · 8 days ago
Everyday I ache to know what made Cal so desperate to die.
Andre never wanted to die and he deluded himself into believing that he'd be able to escape right until he put that gun to his head, and even then he struggled with going through with it depsite knowing it was the only option,but Cal? Cal seemed to almost crave it,he talks about su1c1de in nearly every video entry he does. It's like it's all he thinks about.
and at the end, he seemed so impatient to get Andre to agree to die with him,rushing him to agree on the numbers while Andre was clearly trying to delay the inevitable.Its haunting.
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months ago
random thought of the day: do you think Cordova braided Cere's hair or do you think she did it herself?
Then did Cere try to do the same for Trilla?
sorry i need 5-7 business days to recover from thinking abt trilla and cere for 12 seconds
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sillyhahasilly · 5 months ago
physical affection hcs?? not nsfw, unless u want to, but cuddling and shit.
of course! can be read as romantic or platonic
he is really really really awkward when it comes to physical affection with someone he isn’t really close with
he won’t initiate anything on his own
if you ask him to be more physically affectionate, he’d like give you a side hug
HOWEVER the closer you get with him the more comfortable he’d be with physical contact
he doesn’t like pda tho…
he would give short hugs, keeps his arm on your shoulder but that’s about it for public
in private? different story
he likes the feeling of someone laying on top of him, the pressure feels nice to him (coughcoughautism)
deep down he loves being little spoon but he has to be REALLY comfortable with u to even ask
if you like giving random kisses and ur only friends he’d feel a bit weird at first but he’d get used to it
he ends up even liking the quick pecks on his cheek as a greeting!
tbh i think of everything he likes holding hands the most
it’s just so simple and ur close n touching but ur also at a distance
his hands are a tad bit sweaty tho
he is way more physically affectionate but it’s not overbearing yknow
arm around the waist is his favorite way to hold u i just know it
the type to walk up behind u and wrap his arms around u with his chin on ur head/shoulder
if ur equally/more affectionate he doesn’t mind at all! he quickly adapts
u like greeting w tight hugs? he can do that
he doesn’t care about pda, he’s not obnoxious about it but he does it
in private he cannot keep his hands off u
if ur watching tv or a movie he is cuddling up into you and he dozes off so now ur trapped
he gives hand kisses without thinking
speaking of kisses… if ur just friends and u like showing affection through pecks he literally doesn’t mind
might tease u a bit
“if u wanted to makeout u could just ask”
he has cold hands he WILL make u hold his hand when and whereever
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tubbiecustardt · 27 days ago
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hawk tuah!
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bloodstainedveil · 3 months ago
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andre kriegman as a boyfriend // a lil angst? // tw suggestive! // gn!reader // headcanons
andre kriegman, who believes it’s his job to take care of you. he’ll insist on driving you home, paying for your food when you’re out together, shoving his jacket in your arms when it’s cold. it’s not open for discussion—it’s just how he’s been raised.
andre kriegman, who gets embarrassed as hell when his parents say nice things about you. his father will make a comment in german, and andre will turn red, mumbling, “it’s nothing.” when you ask him what mr kriegman meant.
andre kriegman, who doesn’t handle arguments well. he’ll raise his voice, maybe slam his palm on the table in frustration, but he’ll never touch you—his anger is loud but always directed at himself or the situation, not you.
andre kriegman, who is totally an ass guy, oogling you shamelessly every time you’re wearing tight jeans.
andre kriegman, who isn’t big on initiating PDA but will kiss you on the cheek or hold your hand when he thinks no one’s watching.
andre kriegman, who doesn’t do flowers and sappy shit (except for valentine’s day or your anniversary) but will randomly bring you something practical—a pack of your favourite gum, a soda you like—because he remembers the things you’ve mentioned.
andre kriegman, who is pragmatic and always prepared. every time you hang out, he has breath mints or gum in his pocket. just in case you decide to kiss him.
andre kriegman, who takes you on “random” dates but secretly spends hours meticulously planning every detail, down to what route to drive so you guys can stay in the car for a bit longer.
andre kriegman, who drives with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on your thigh, his thumb absently rubbing circles. he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it—it’s basically second nature by now.
andre kriegman, who always seems a little stiff when he’s shirtless, self-conscious of his bacne. but you’re quick to distract him by running your fingers through his hair or kissing along his happy trail, which he secretly loves even though he’d rather die than admit it.
andre kriegman, who gets jealous without realising it, his mood souring whenever mel the cat earns a kiss on the head that should’ve been his.
andre kriegman, who tries to balance his time between you and cal. heavy emphasis on “try”.
andre kriegman, who secretly thinks that you’re too good for him.
andre kriegman, who lies on his back in bed, alone, arms outstretched, holding his video camera. his room is pitch black, the only source of light coming from the flickering screen, showing shaky, grainy footage of you holding a beer, laughing with friends and talking about something trivial.
andre kriegman, who rewinds the part where you notice him filming, the way your eyes flicker toward the camera like a character breaking the fourth wall before you walk closer. the camera shakes as your face comes into view, the grainy footage catches a brief flash of your smile before the screen blurs—you hand batting his away, forcing andre to drop his arm. the camera spins wildly, the view distorting, and for a split second, everything is a chaotic blur.
andre kriegman, who watches in silence as the camera focuses on the kitchen floor, the lens catching nothing but the tiled surface. muffled catcalls and laughter echo from the background as you press your lips against his cheek.
andre kriegman, who has brief moments of doubt while watching these videos. his finger hovering between the “replay” and “delete” option, wondering if he’s making a mistake.
andre kriegman, who still videotapes you, but there’s something different in the way he frames the shots now.
andre kriegman, who starts zoning out more often. you’ll be talking about something random, and his eyes will glaze over, staring a hundred yards past you.
andre kriegman, who doesn’t mention your name once in the last tape he and cal film. he keeps his expression neutral, his tone matter-of-fact. because he refuses to drag you into the media shitstorm he knows will follow… the one scrap of kindness he can afford to give you.
andre kriegman, who drove by your house the night before zero day. he didn’t come in or anything, just looked up at your bedroom window from his car in silence.
andre kriegman, who doesn’t believe in happy endings but still hopes you get one, even if he knows he won’t be a part of it.
um not sure how i feel about this one.. sorry
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levemetal · 5 months ago
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Dual calamities Qijiu AU save me.... save me Dual Calamity Qijiu...
Yes they are wearing each other's former coats/outer layer and tons of matching accessory and garment pieces why do you ask
Details under the cut/Rambling ahead
Dual calamities AU, post pidw. SJ kills himself on the shards of Xuan Su by swallowing them. Qijiu end up entwined into one ghost amalgamation, their combined regrets hatred spite and resentment and everything creating a nearly supreme/calamity level ghost. They go off indiscriminately murdering in the demon realm in a mindless unaware rampage, consuming ghosts and demons alike and becoming stronger until they are strong enough to be aware once more.
Luo Binghe becomes aware of the new calamity too late, due to his distraction with the Bingge vs Bingmei extra happenings, and ends up regretting it as he fails to catch up to them time and time again, despite attempting to chase down the new calamity that slaughtered half the demons in a mindless rage.
It could go down the Bingqijiu path or be simply Qijiu retreating somewhere to live in peace. Maybe being annoyed later on by Hua Cheng and/or He Xuan, maybe even Bai Wuxiang once. They kick Qi Rong off a mountain once, when he comes to annoy them for the title only to prove that is not a calamity (unfortunately for him, ily stinky green ghost). SJ is gonna have the time of his life roasting his ass. Qi Rong will leave both in pieces and tears.
Their only disadvantage really is that they cannot seperate too much, physically. But I imagine after being in each other's brains after the soul merge they don't particularly care to be (nor would they want to be. This is Qijiu we're talking about.) It's Qijiu's codependant dream. Xuan Su sewed them together and actually they are very very codependant and possessive after everything so this is just fine. They probably even have a Xuan Su blood weapon, that heeds both their commands and calls. While fighting they synchronise, with YQY being the strength and SJ the brains.
I imagine YQY is able to conjure the arrows that pierced him as spiritual projectiles, and SJ chains that bound him in the water prison. Their strength was cultivated by absorbing and devouring other ghosts and demons.
@ace-shenanigans came up with the lovely title "jade dragon stalks bamboo" which is a much better title than I could ever hope to come up with. Thank you for listening to my mad ramblings
I've been wanting to draw and think on this for a while, of how grotesque to make the initial ghost + the later higher cultivation form. But basically the kiln and everything would count them as one ghost, probably a dual title too. They'd be like a myth amongst the realms, retreating to a comfortable mountain peak with bamboo, occassionally off to hunt down slavers.
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sillyhahasilly · 6 months ago
this might be controversial but I don't think modern day caldre would shoot up their school. I js think they'd be really fucking annoying and regular mentally ill.
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treasure-goblin · 8 months ago
You like your hair loose as they're fun to shake around and play with
Ooooh that's mostly correct!
Yall are supposed to be giving me headcanons, not facts about me /lh /j
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andre-and-cal · 1 month ago
Anon wanted school day related headcanons but I didn’t like some of what I wrote so I redid it eek 💔
Cal and Andre’s everyday school agenda,,
Andre has his worst classes in the morning and his better classes in the afternoon. He likes being able to get his shit classes out of the way.
Cal’s schedule is kind of scattered, so he’ll get through one annoying class, then an okay one, and then go back to an annoying one.
They always meet up in between classes, and depending on which block day it is, they walk each other to their next class. They share 3rd and 5th period, and they sit next to each other in both classrooms. They’re well-behaved with their teachers, though Cal occasionally whispers sarcastic remarks to Andre about the students getting in trouble, so Andre has to shush him.
After their two 90 minute classes, Andre and Cal sit together at lunch. They mainly sit alone at the back table, but when the lunchroom is crowded, they quietly eat their lunch outside in the courtyard, where no one bothers them. Neither of them have very many friends despite being on good terms with their acquaintances. Also, Andre refuses to allow Rachel to sit with the two of them, presenting the feeble excuse that he “just doesn’t like her”, so she sits with her own friends. Besides, Andre is a bit of an asshole to her, and while Cal tries to defend him, he doesn’t want to take sides. So when Rachel gets skeptical, he’ll place the blame on Andre in that moment.
And after school, Andre’s generally pretty busy. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he goes to the science club meetings and events after school. On Mondays, he has track, and occasionally, on Fridays, he’ll head to the small gatherings the school newspaper is offering.
Calvin isn’t as busy as Andre is. He takes part in band practice, which is only on Thursdays. Other than that, Andre usually has time to drive Cal to his house and then head back to school. Most of the time, on Thursdays, they’ll get out at around the same time, so Andre will wait for Cal to get finished up with band practice, listening to the radio in his car.
They don’t outwardly show support for their school or maintain their “school spirit” for pretty self-explanatory reasons. They have to attend pep rallies during school hours, but they don’t attend football games, nor do they head to the thespian society’s performances or school holiday parties. They believe they have better things to do.
However, one time, back in freshman year, Cal played with the school band at the talent show, which was held in the auditorium. Andre attended, finding it admirable how Cal had the confidence to go up there and play his guitar. However, the band wasn’t necessarily that good and made numerous mistakes. One of the bass guitarists and the singer got into an argument after their performance, accusing each other of being off-key during the song, so Cal became annoyed and left with Andre, wanting to hang out with him instead of staying for the other shows.
During their junior year prom, Andre and Cal went together as friends. The next year, when Andre found out Cal was going to prom with Rachel, he turned down going out of spite, even though Cal said he’d meet up with him there. So, they settled on making plans after prom, even though Andre was still bitter.
Brad Huff isn’t very nice to Andre and Cal when they encounter him at school, but he isn’t necessarily “the biggest shithead on the planet”. He’s just kind of arrogant, yet the two boys think he’s worse than he actually is, with how Brad had publicly embarrassed them a few times.
Andre and Cal are both responsible with their grades, wanting to upkeep their parents’ and teachers’ respect for them in order to prevent suspicion from spreading.
Most importantly, Andre and Calvin mutually agree that when they carry out Zero Day, there should’ve been “no signs”. No drastic changes in mood, no noticeable changes in behavior at school, and certainly no significant drops in their grades.
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bisexualmcqueen · 9 months ago
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(sketch dump) they do bite
part of a headcanon non (@/youhavehitawall) has where basically racers get to look extra badass and have fangs. ive adopted the hc also now. biting and attacking etc etc
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calilk · 2 years ago
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terrifiedtooth · 7 days ago
Andre who tries his best to stay calm and collected but loses his shit at every minor inconvenience.
His computer lags? he's red in the face and fighting the urge to smash the screen in.
His parents cooked him something he doesn't like for dinner? he's going to bed fantasising about smothering them in their sleep.
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