#caffiene save me. save me caffiene
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hyah-lian · 1 year ago
So body numbing tired hhhhhhhhhh gotta go out and do things tho
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bannock-freak · 4 months ago
me, who probably quite likely has that chronic fatigue thing on account of being chronically fatigued, and goes through every day feeling as such: holy crap how come i got the eeps so bad
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electricalhuzzah · 2 months ago
HAVE YOU READ OUTSIDE STARS?? YOU NEED TOO ‼️‼️‼️ I LOVE it and I feel like you would like it too,,, this is basically a fic recommendation….. :3 lmk if you have or haven’t read it !!
RAAAAAAAAHH its now on my marked for later list‼️‼️
i swear im ALWAYS out here like “ill read this fic when i have free time!” then when i have free time i stare longingly at a half written sentence of the heinz dilemma and im like needfinishmustfinishNOWifididcocaineicouldhavethisdonethroughthefinalchapterTOMOROROW
but i shall read it when i have free time! >:)
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agenttexsflippedshit · 7 months ago
Quick zap me with the motivation ray
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petruchio · 10 months ago
when the diet coke hits and it is as if i have never known pain
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bizlybebo · 1 year ago
had coffee at 8:30 pm for sillies but now i am thinking about jrwi and want to run a marathon and als o my hands are shaking
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mousegirlheart · 2 years ago
did you know if you drink 1.4 triple espressos Bad Things Happen to your organs
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4e7her · 1 year ago
the posted word count for fcubed: 37.8k
the drafted word count for fcubed: 50.2k
like 20k of this is from the last three days. help???? what??????
i am in fact going outside to touch grass (accomplish an errand) tomorrow so do not worry too much for my health. but also. HWAT
literally the fish boys are consuming my brain.
starting on chap 14 like i didn’t just finish writing chap 10 three days ago. what.
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study-lizard · 8 months ago
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iced caramel latte save me...
okay but actually vitamins & supplements have saved me and caffeine, of course
but i have been taking a stew of magnesium, vitamins b, d & k, adult multivitamin (with iron!), quercetin with bromelain, antidepressants, antihistamines, and of course, a lil caffiene - and it has helped clear up my sickness in like two days [orla was right when she said "we all become our mother in the end"]
anywho! since i now feel better, back on the grind! submitting master's apps, sending emails, figuring my shit out! lets go!!!!!
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ros3ybabe · 11 months ago
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Daily Check-in: April 20, 2024 🎀
No update for Friday as all I did was go to class then go to work, come home, and sleep. But Saturday was a very good day and I feel as tho I did a good amount of things! And I feel good about the thing I did! <3
🩷 What I Accomplished:
woke up early before work (didn't hit my alarm three times and wake up tired, like I've been doing)
worked a ~7hour shift
agreed to cover a coworkers morning shift on Sunday 4/21
created a budget/ work plan for next semester to see how much I can make vs what most of my spending will look like
made an appointment to get a tattoo at the beginning of May (it's a tattoo to honor my dad and my late mother, who will have been gone 10 years this year. I wanted to honor my dad with the tattoo as well because he has been an amazing parent for the last 10 years, and I love and appreciate him so much)
booked an intro class at club pilates for mid-may (finally going to see if I enjoy it, and if so, will continue taking classes next semester!)
did a morning yoga workout
reflected on why I've been having a hard time sticking to my goals/daily tasks lately
washed my laundry (didn't put away tho)
💞 Good Things That Happened:
my friend gave me a ride to work
my favorite supervisor gave me a ride home from work
ate some spicy cheesey ramen
had a really good day at work
was able to request a day off work for beginning of May
got told my tattoo won't cost as much as I had thought
talked more with my roommates
💔 What Could've Gone Better:
drank too much coffee, and too late at night
had a near panic attack because of the coffee and cried myself to sleep
didn't zoom with my boyfriend because of how bad the coffee made me feel
lost trust with a different supervisor that I had thought was cool with me ( made me realize you can't trust most men to keep their word nowadays. not all men. just the men where I live at least.)
didn't study anything or do anything I felt was productive
💗 Stuff For Sunday:
work a shift
clean bathroom
wash pillowcases and towels
dust bedroom
practice some past chemistry homework problems
pick up medication from pharmacy after work
draw up rough sketch of tattoo idea
morning yoga?? we shall see
DONT drink too much caffiene
til next time lovelies 🩷
p.s Check Out My Depop shop!
💕 Song of The Day: Pied Piper - BTS
this song has been making me feel the same way that House of Cards has, which is saying a lot. I love this song so much right now.
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fandomfuntimem · 1 year ago
Second chances: a fnaf au
Part 2
CHAPTER 1: Wake Up
Fire. Blazing fire.
Despite the dire circumstances Michael actually felt quite calm. It was over, he and Henry had succeeded. They rounded up all the animatronics, and burned it all down. Now it is time to rest, and he was all too happy to do so...
Michael shot up. Fire. There was no fire. Where was the fire? He wasn't in his office anymore. He was in a bedroom. His bedroom. Not his adult bedroom, his childhood bedroom. Before he could fully process anything he heard knocking on the door, "MIIIIKEEEEY!!!! TURN THAT ALARM OFF! IT'S ANNOYING!" Elizabeth? No that can't be. Michael swung his legs off the side his bed and slammed him hand down on the clock. Was it all just a dream? He wondered, no. This is a second chance.
Michael jogged down the stairs. If this really is a second chance he won't waste it. No more fox mask, no more scaring Evan, no more pranks. Besides, William was barely around anyways, his siblings need someone to step up and be the parent.
The house was just as he remembered it. Neet with only a few toys here and there. Family photos decorated the walls, not a single smile found in any one of them. If you're visiting for the first time you would think its a cozy average home, but it really wasn't. Michael will never forget just how cold it felt, with each life lost the house only got colder. Well that's just going to have to change, Michael thought.
Walking into the kitchen Michael saw Elizabeth trying to reach for a box of cereal. She was right there, alive, not some phsycho clown animatronic. She's alive, He's alive, Evan's alive. Everyone is back, and he could save them all. For now though, he had to act natural. So he did. He totally did. "Haaaay Lizzie. What uh... what are you trying to do?" He said, god, this was harder than he thought. It's not every day you burn in a fire and wake up in your childhood home.
Elizabeth turned and gave him an odd look, "whats up with you? Got a stick up your butt?" She proceeded to give him a snarky grin.
"Haha very funny. What are you doing?"
"Trying to get to the cereal," she pointed up at the cereal box. Cinnimon charm puffs? Michael thought, didn't those get banned in the 90s?
Michael glared up at them, they deffinately did. "Why those? Don't we have something better," he muttered walking to the fridge. Yup there was a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon. If he's gonna do things right he is gonna do them right. No more cinnomon lucky cherrios or whatever they were called. He could have sworn they got banned for having vile levels of caffiene in them. Who even puts caffiene in cereal?
Elizabeth glared, "Daddy said we aren't allowed to use the stove."
"Yeah well, father isn't here to stop me," Michael snarked, "where's Evan? He's gonna miss breakfast."
"He's in his room. This isn't some elaborate plan to scare him again is it? You arent hiding that dumb Foxy mask anywhere are you?"
Oh right. That. First thing Michael did before coming down was throw it under his bed. He didn't want to see that nasty thing anywhere near him ever again, "no. I'm uh... I'm done with that. No more pranks. No more foxy mask."
Elizabeth looked skeptical, but she went off to Evan's room anyways. Evan. Michael's gonna have to be prepaired to see him again. Will Evan cry? He doesn't want to see that again. He'll probably cry too! He has to hold it together. It's hard enough to explane his sudden change in personality, but to explain why he broke down in ugly sobs the moment the kid he bullies enters the room? Yeah, there is no good explanation for that.
"Oh. He didn't hide'" Elizabeth said behind him. Michael turned, she was holding a small bat, and behind her was Evan. Poor Evan. He looked terrified.
Michael tried to look as friendly as possible, but that only seemed to make him more uncomfortable, "I uh... I made breakfast. You can go sit at the table." The two kids seamed skeptical but sat anyway. Michael placed down three plates with some fresh bacon and scrambled eggs, "you guys uh... you-you want toast??" He asked with a grin. Elizabeth gives him a suspicious glare, meanwhile Evan held his fredbear plush close and refused to make eye contact. Silence. Ooooh the uncomfortible silence. "Oookkk," Michael muttered, "no toast I guess."
Michael drums his fingers on the table. "You know what? I could go for some toast, yeah, toast, toast sound good," he said, shuffling back to the kitchen. While rummaging through the kitchen he hears Elizabeth and Evan whispering, he couldn't make anything out, but they sounded concirned. As he placed the toaster on the counter he felt a tug on his shirt, "whats wrong with you? You're being weird." Michael looked down, it was Elizabeth. She was giving him a frustrated and pouty look. "Nothings wrong," Michael said, "am I not allowed to be a good brother for once?"
"No, but it's still weird. You're usually mean and scary. THIS IS WEIRD! What did you do to our actual brother??"
"I am your actual brother Lizzy. I just decided to be better."
"Oh yeah? And what brought on this 'realization'"
"Fire. Blazing fire."
"It was a uh... a dream. A lot of fire. I was in hell. Definitely hell."
Elizabeth glares at him again before sitting back at the table and begrudgingly took a bit of her eggs. Upon seeing this Evan cautiously took a bite and seemed pleasently surprised when nothing was tampered with. Michael started buttering his toast, glad that he atleast made a proper and enjoyable breakfast. It's been decades since he was able to eat so he wasn't too sure if he could make something that would actually taste good. Come to think of it. It's been decades since he needed to cook at all. How did he manage this? He was litteraly a zombie living alone. How in the world did he manage to retain the skill to cook?
Just as a was beginning to get a little too deep in thought he heard a small voice call from the dinning table, "Mikey. Can you make me some toast too?" It was Evan. Holding his plush close, he timidly did his best to look at Michael. Progress, Michael couldn't help it but have the biggest goofiest grin plastered on his face. Evan spoke to him and he didn't cry or stutter. He even called him Mikey!
"Sure! You want butter too?"
Evan nodded. Its not much, but its progress. Evan is still scared but he asked Michael for something! That's deffinately progress right? No matter. He's being a good brother. Sitting at the table he handed Evan his toast and began to eat. Food! Aaaaaah finally food! He was a corpse for so long he almost forgot what eggs and bacon tastes like. Everything is going right. He's alive, Evan's alive, Elizabeth is alive, he got exactly what he wished for, a second chance.
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baelpenrose · 9 months ago
Project Praetorian 36: Pretense of Normal
Kids have to deal with online school, because being government lab rats and super soldiers isn't hell enough - and they are still recovering from a battle! TW for Jonathan's internalized ableism, including use of the R-slur, because I've spent the last two years teaching and kids absolutely still use it, ESPECIALLY when they feel stupid. Oh also you get no points for guessing that Stricken was the one who came up with the fake cover names for the kids whose deaths were faked.
Beta-read, as always, by @canyouhearthelight, who did a huge amount of work in Shiloh's section. Honestly, there was a whole argument that went into the second paragraph of this chapter about caffiene dosing, of all things... Oh, also, yes, this chapter has an abundance of the "thing you read/learn about in school is relevant to your life in a bad way," trope because I'm a sucker for it.
Watching the video with these godawful auto-generated subtitles was always annoying - worse yet because Shiloh was already overstimulated, and was still trying to recover from the battle. Curtis had mentioned it was normal to fully crash a day or two after extended combat, especially for a rookie fighter, but it was making everything in their brain feel like a deep fog.
After the long debriefs with the full team, and higher ups looking over their combat performance, that same brain fog and their fall-off in healing capacity towards the end of the engagement had their loadout being adjusted. Not only were they now carrying conventional medic gear to augment what they could do, with spray on skin and antiseptics for mild burns, chest seals, and other gear to save their powers for when it was really needed, they were now going to be carrying a bunch of First Strike Ration bars which came with an insane caloric density and were fortified with 200mg of pure caffeine concentrate a pop. That, plus microdoses of adrenaline for if they started really fading…They could push much much harder. They wouldn’t be staggering around and falling down helpless. 
They realized they’d zoned out of another important part of the video they were trying to watch - motherfucker WHY DID THIS NOT HAVE A TRANSCRIPT - and rewound again, then realized that the subtitles were so bad that it was almost pointless anyway. Gripping their thigh and squeezing, then drumming their fingers on the desk, Shiloh paused the video and took a breath. 
Then they started googling the topic with places that weren’t FUCKING video based, figuring that they were going to have to figure it out themselves. They knew they weren’t stupid, and they could at least pull off and get the information well enough from other sources, even if it wasn’t as complete as it otherwise might have been. Still, it was annoying to struggle…
They had been staring at the screen where they’d pulled up the article for a while. Come on, focu…they drummed their hand on the desk to get something going, trying to focus on reading about expansion of changing states of matter. It was hard to believe this was relevant to their life given that they were….
Then it abruptly hit them that this was very much relevant to their life and they stood up and stepped away from the desk. No, they didn’t need to understand the physics behind that. They wanted to learn how bodies worked so they could fix it, in case it happened to one of the people they cared about. They tried to force themselves to focus again, but it was…the sudden spike of adrenaline from thinking about the bodies they’d had to try to fuse back together, the exhaustion that was finally hitting…
Leon was finally walking over, signing gently. “Shiloh? You okay?” 
Shiloh shook their head. “Subtitles aren’t working right, and trying to read it from the textbook helped but it’s freaking me out.” 
Leon looked at them, then Shiloh pointed out the passage they’d read. “How the aliens fight. Do I even have to do this?”
Leon took a breath. “Yeah, let’s…try to help you through this lesson, first, so you don’t have to come back to it. Then let’s give you a break. Pretty much everyone is struggling today.”
He was tired, and staring at a computer was not helping him focus. Still, he had ambitions of going places that probably required a college degree after the war, so he needed to get through it. 
Still, he was focusing on things that would actually help him - he didn’t need to pass art to graduate, so he wasn’t bothering. Math was only up to a certain point, but Curtis mentioned it would help him with logistics, so he was willing to suffer through it. Physics was giving him good ideas about how to use his powers, or use his team’s powers, so he wasn’t going to complain - he didn’t know he wanted to bother with an elective science next year. History may be useful, especially civics, and he was thinking of taking the foreign policy course elective next year to have a better chance as the team traveled. English - eh, maybe, for public speaking, but for the most part it was a thing he could afford to bare minimum so he could graduate and leave public speaking to Xavier and Casey. 
He took some breaths and continued working. Focus - he saw Shiloh stand up, and tried to focus down for himself. 
The questions on this assignment were annoying - how long had he been staring at this one? He pulled some scratch paper and tried to work it out, finding himself more annoyed than before. Set up the problem, realistically if I can do that in real life I can run a calculator. 
He listened to the teacher droning and tried to restrain his anger, his contempt, as the teacher on the zoom screen pointed out that he was obviously not paying attention. Idly, Mark pondered leaning into the ‘insane group home’ thing and telling the truth  that he was busy trying to figure out how to graduate while juggling being a test subject for government experiments and fighting a war with aliens. He’d be written off, and but he’d have this condescending jackass eat himself whole when the whole mess was declassified. No, Mark thought. Complicates my path to graduation if he assumes I’m crazy rather than assuming I’m totally under my own control. And by the time he’d be dealing with the consequences I won’t get to laugh. 
Instead, he refocused on the lesson to the best of his ability, gritting his teeth over the exhaustion. Come on, focus, just a little harder.
Mark sighed as the teacher kept talking, having called attention to him and now leaving him alone while he worked through the problems. He glanced around - Xavier was doing about as well as he was from the looks of things, he gave it about even odds that Echo had gotten fed up with being talked down to by someone with half her IQ and just built an AI to do her homework for her, Casey and Molly were trying as hard as they could…
“Mr. Rosenberg, do you have the answer?”
Mark snapped, the irritation of the stupid fake name he’d been given finally wearing thin his patience after the week, and the teacher of the one day a month he had to show up for actual guided classes having thoroughly run out of luck for getting Mark of all people the day after the battle. He flicked the mic on. “Yeah, this one, and the next, and the next. All the way down to the last five, which I’m still chewing on. I had to do something to entertain myself and listening to you run your mouth wasn’t going to do it.” 
Leon looked over at the vicious tone in his voice - he was almost surprised to hear it. He’d never spoken like that in school before, though he probably would have if Imperator had put him or the others in school directly after abduction rather than keeping him for a few weeks to settle in. 
“That’s disrespectful. A bit of -” 
Mark muted himself before he could fire off the dozen insults that rapidly sprang to mind, and tuned out what else the idiot was saying. Leon approached and asked him what was going on. 
“Just…short fuse. Been trying to focus on getting through school in the midst of the war and I don’t need the teacher’s shit. That’s all.”
Leon looked quietly concerned but nodded. “I understand why you feel that way, but I need you to try to slow down, take a breath. We’ll talk about that more in our next session.”
English - it had been her choice on what independent study to focus on this week, she supposed, and English was an easier thing to work on than math, but god, really, did she want to be reading Catcher in the Rye in the middle of…actually, yeah. Because it felt like the kind of thing she’d get to complain about if she was back home. So she focused on Holden Caulfield, and his miserable little life, and wondered if her younger brother would be reading it soon back in Cincinnati. How he’d do with it.  How her sisters would do with it, without her to help them with the homework. 
She started on the essay, and tried, just for a minute, to pretend this was her biggest problem. She remembered hating school, and it still wasn’t exactly fun, but now it was at least…it was at least something normal in the midst of everything else. A reminder that she was going to be normal again, want to go to college, want to get married, have kids, be normal again, even if her powers were never going to leave her. 
Something tickled at her as she read it - she got why people didn’t like Holden, he was angsty, self-pitying, obnoxious, mean-spirited, and flat-out gross, but she also understood what he wanted. Looking after his sister and deciding, eventually, to do what he had to because it was the way to look after her, being her…god that was such a dumb expression…”Catcher in the Rye…”
She sighed, as she looked at her essay. If she asked anyone else to look at this, she was going to get psychoanalyzed. Everyone, EVERYONE, hated Holden Caulfield. Jonathan and Echo hated Holden and they were actual orphans like he was, so it probably wasn’t okay to write off his shitty attitude as being trauma related. She hated him for making his little sister worry about him as much as she did, since it shouldn’t have been her job, but him getting his act together at the end had felt good to watch, like someone should have recognized that he made progress in taking responsibility.
She knew Leon would tell her she only felt that way because she’d been parentified, whatever that meant, that she’d been her mother’s secret-keeper, all that. Had been a Catcher for her younger siblings, since she knew that her parents’ marriage hadn’t been going as cleanly as it could be before she disappeared - her dad working all those extra shifts, her mom struggling to keep up with everything she and her siblings did. She’d tried to have fewer extracurriculars to take some of the weight off, help out with the little ones, listen to her mom so the younger ones didn’t learn about it, but…
She looked at the essay she’d written and slowly deleted a lot of it, some of it was too personal. Then she started writing again. 
Damnit. I’m still doing it. Still trying to end the war before it hits them. Not that I can. But…
Casey took a breath. At least school, and all the annoyances and embarrassments that came with it, that could be normal. She could be normal again, eventually. As normal as she’d ever been. 
Why was it wrong!? He’d done everything right! 
He took a breath and forced himself to focus, checked - and realized that some of the numbers further back up the question had gotten flipped around. He tried to remind himself that Leon said he had a learning disability, that it didn’t make him stupid, that if he’d had good parents and wasn’t stuck in Imperator he would have accommodations, he wouldn’t be struggling so hard, but it was hard when he failed over and over in math that everyone else seemed able to do - hell, that Mark was practically blowing out of the water while ignoring the teacher and Echo had mentioned making an AI to do for her so she could learn more interesting stuff.
Fuck, wasn’t ‘learning disability’ just a nice way of saying ‘retarded’? His dad had always told him he was, and pretty much everyone told him he was dumber than a rock. The chair creaked under his grip, and he was suddenly crouching, catlike, as the chair toppled, and he realized that he’d accidentally snapped one of the legs off while just squeezing it. 
Stupid, stupid. He grabbed another chair and sat back down, Leon coming over as he tried to compose himself and talking to him softly. “Jonathan…”
“I’m so fucking done, Leon. I’m fucking retarded and there’s nothing about this that makes sense. I can’t do better with this and I don’t know what the point is because I’m not going to be anything but a Praetorian either way. Can I please, please just drop out so I don’t have to keep doing this? I’m not smart enough for college and…”
He took a breath and Leon asked, very softly, if he needed a hug, and Jonathan nodded, keeping his arms at his sides - he didn’t trust himself not to crush the closest thing he had to a mother by mistake right now, as she held him. “You are not stupid, Jonathan. And you have a future after the war. I’m gonna twist Stricken’s…no fuck that. I’m going to send an email to the school and say that I am concerned about your grades and want an IEP meeting of some kind. We can get you some kind of accommodations, I’m tired of watching you do this to yourself.” 
Jonathan blinked. “Can…can you do that? Will you get in trouble? Don’t get in trouble and get yourself hurt for me. It’s not worth it, I’d rather just drop out…”
Leon shook her head. “I’m not going to get in trouble. Big picture, it’s something that would be expected if a kid is struggling this badly and if I suddenly disappear, it’ll bring up more questions - I’ve been the contact for all of you with the school the whole time. I can’t get away with doing stuff like this often, but while I’m at it I might as well come up with some story about how I finally have the paperwork from the state about Shiloh’s hearing issues and need better subtitles or transcripts.” 
Jonathan took a breath. The thought that this could be better - “Are you sure? That I could actually do it if you get me what I need?”
Leon nodded. “I’m certain. You’re not stupid, Jonathan. You’ve spent your whole life being told you are, but you aren’t stupid, and you aren’t worthless. You have a future after this, after the war, and I want to help you plan for it.”
That was it. He started crying, and gently held Leon. “Thanks, mom.”
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foxluvrz · 4 months ago
not a teacher crush really, but we had this one sub (mr b/🐝 let's call him) and hes pretty silly and like REALLY REALLY lenient and chill, but like my friend R is like obsessed with him and it's really silly and we found out he plays on playstation and plays like singleplayer games cuz i asked abt overwatch ofc and he said he didnt play multiplayer😔 but anyways me and R drew him like "fanart" and it was really silly bcz we try n draw the teachers fanart sll the time (i ESPECIALLY do so for 🐢) and like yeah!! we put them on his desk and like he asked us who drew which and R said he drew mine (ngl his looked demonic so i didnt blame him) and so 🐝 asked me if i had drawn *points to R's* and i said "yep mhm, definitely" and i BELIEVE that he was aware I was being sarcastic but you can never be too sure so im just hoping he knew we were both playing around😭😭 (also cuz he saw us drawing our own i think?" er but yeah hes really silly! we had him as a sub for 🐬 as well as 🐢 for two days because of his wife. i hope shes okay and i hope hes okay and that everyones okay because if 🐢 is sad then IM sad. but yeah 🐝 is pretty silly and i like him :3 also off topic but 🦔 said "he's JAZZED on caffiene" talking about R, and i think the word "jazzed" is cute :)
okay so today (saturday) my guyfriends R and L went to an escape room with me (it was rlly silly) and said escape room is a place that 🦔 also works. i knew he wasnt going to be working there tn cuz i remember him saying he only works there on friday nights when they need him to so erm yeah. but i think either L or R mentioned him and asked if she knew 🦔 and she was like "oh yeah i know him, hes a hoot!" or something but she called him a HOOT. which is kinda crazy but also really silly and cute. i feel like 🦔 is a softie on the inside, i just havent quite gotten there myself; nor do i unfortunately believe i ever will. ALSOOO the dance was last night (friday night) and i emailed 🦔 around 7pm on my phone asking him a question about like if u could pay in cash for the escape room, and he suprisingly sort of actually responded within like 20 minutes and gave us a 20% off code for it :) WE LOVE YOU MR 🦔 THANK YOU WE SAVED LIKE $20.40 ‼️‼️🙏 anyways yeah uhm my friends and i wanna go again in like 2 weeks but on a friday night to do another one and im kind of hoping hes working there athat night, though id be really really nervous qwq
also kind of hoping mr m/🐕 subs again for our school soon but idk itd have to be for a longer period tbh bcz he makes me really nervius and theres no way i could actually talk to him unless its on like a monday and hes subbing for 🐢
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mochademic · 1 year ago
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 45] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 45]
this is my absolutely shameless admission to saving the last handful of kinder minis for myself on halloween. & i have enjoyed every one of them. >:] that little bit of sugar is definitely the caffiene-free energy boost I needed today. between the early mornings & late nights I've written & edited more than I probably have ever done in my whole life. with the majority of my essay writing out of the way I can peacefully work on binding a few books this evening.
currently listening // I Don't Love by Have A Nice Life
je reconnais sans honte avoir gardé pour moi la dernière poignée de minis kinder pour halloween. et j'ai apprécié chacun d'entre eux. > :] ce petit peu de sucre est définitivement le regain d'énergie sans caféine dont j'avais besoin aujourd'hui. entre les matinées et les nuits tardives, j'ai écrit et édité plus que je ne l'ai probablement jamais fait dans toute ma vie. avec la majorité de mes essais rédigés hors du chemin, je peux tranquillement travailler à relier quelques livres ce soir.
chanson // I Don't Love by Have A Nice Life
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muscledeep · 10 months ago
soft asks by sunnysideanon
i treat ask games like surveys, we all know this.
what song makes you feel better?
who listens to music to feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
i dont watch movies qwq im sorry these are rough answers
what’s your favorite candle scent?
i usually like winter fruit smells. so plums, pomegranates, grape, deep and rummy sorta scents. i also like rich sweet ones, resin-y smells. i like a nice light floral mix (iris, jasmine, lily, rose) on cleaning days.
what flower would you like to be given?
lillies. any lillies, but i like madonna lillies
who do you feel most you around?
my partner system, but specifically trent. he is me, and ive never felt it more than when we're together. my brothers are a close second.
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
i have gold rings around my pupils i just noticed the other day. they're gorgeous and i have no idea where i got them from genetically-- maybe my mother. she has gold in her green eyes. i'm glad i got something from her eyes, i'm jealous of them. i have insanely enviable hair. my nails are elegant... also enviable. im wicked talented and sharp, nobody can create the way i can-- BITCH???? ok one of my favorite songs paused randomly that was a whole experience. answer cancelled next question
what color brings you peace?
pale green. this isn't bad, though.
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what calms you down?
being alone in my own space. writing music/poetry. having a clean space. music-- hey, i guess that first question was onto smth
what’s something you’re excited for?
grocery run tomorrow, haircut sometime this week. yay.
what’s your ideal date?
taking turns spitting vodka into each others mouths and banging our skulls together til we pass out
how are you?
im fine! a lot of excess energy strangely which is funny b/c i haven't had any caffiene today. that reminds me i need to add energy drinks to my grocery list. eeeeeeee also feeling sappy. in love. so in love hehe
what’s your comfort food?
probably any kind of salad theyre very safe foods
favorite feel-good show?
i dont dream of watching televi-- interview with the vampire.
fairy lights or LED lights?
fairy lights. LED lights make me anxious to look at but now Everyone has them so what do i know
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
myself, but secondly, my fiance.
what do you want most in the world right now?
a kiss.
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
don't smoke cigarettes and don't tell that girl everything.
what would you say to your future self?
keep doing it, even if it's uncomfortable. trust your gut, not your body.
favorite piece of clothing?
my black turtleneck or my fur coat.
what’s something you do to de-stress?
bounce and moan on it
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
moneyyyy!!! oh, personal. money from their personal bank account!!! (a card. i collect those.)
what movie would you want to live in?
childs play. id fuck that doll and save the little boy JFIOWEJFE
which character would you want to be?
... oh myself isnt an option ok. then id wanna be in clueless and be cher. id like to be rich
hugs or hand-holding?
hugs. i need my hands for other things but i can be hugged forever
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
horses, dirt roads, hotel rooms, cigarette smoke.
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kimikitti · 2 years ago
I tried 5 hour energy for the first time, and man is caffiene nice. I got a second bottle. Turns out your not supposd to have two in a row. Thy should print that bigger because im blind. LOL
I've been thinking up of Obi overblot design. Honestly, I've made so many iterations of the design that I don't like. The concept itself has changed so many times too. But i think I have settled on an idea/ concept i want to base it on.
THe biggest issue I had with the core concept of Obi's overblot is the reason it happens in the first place. TBH I initially wanted it to be just as destructive and flamboyant as the othr OB.
BUT I don't think that really fits his character
The more I get to know Obi, the more I think he is like a tsundere. He has feelings and stuff but he is in capable of communicating them in a meaningful and honest way to others and himself. Unlike the tsundere's default language of anger though, Obi masks his true feelings through hypranalyzing people.
Obi likes puts himself into the position of a watcher, someone who is on the outside looking in. But that contradicts his desire to build connection, so he tries to rationalize all of it by saying that he's just playing along with the story.
The reason he is helping overblots? It's fun! Taking care of Grim? He seems interesting!
But deep down Obi desperately cares about others, even more than himself. Each of the overblotter's stories and experiences hurt but he takes them on because he is an observer. He can't be hurt if he is just watching.
The facade starts cracking by chapter 6 where things start to get more personal. I think Idia, probably is someone who would be able to speak Obi's language a little. Probably points out his bs a little as they are trying piss each other off.
by the end of ch 6, Obi makes the decision to jump into styx to save grim. And things stop being a story, Obi realizes that he cares about the Grim and the othr NRC students as more than just entertainment.
But here's the thing, Obi has finally realized his care for the people of Twst but he still lacks a lot of self worth. That wonderful combination is the mindspace obi is in when he overblots.
(I will refrain from any ch7 speculation for now. But let me tell you Malleus' overblot is absolutely crushing for Obi)
That has all been the preamble to explain and justify my concept idea.
Obi's overblot would not be loud and destructive. It would be quiet. Peaceful almost, as Obi just quietly lets himself sink into all of the blot he has been collecting. He's powerless to help anyone he cares about, so he quietly let's go. Obi would give up all of himself if it meant that Grim, and the others could get the chance to be happy.
It's a blissful dream.
I would hesitate to call what awakens after that even Obi. Wrapped in soft downy feathers with a gentle smile is the first ever non-magical overblot.
And he's here to help.
LOL this is long. this is mainly for my reference anyway so im going to list some visual design stuff that I'd like to include for future me
angel themes (biblically accurate? nahhh )
smile ( try to contrast it with Obi's usual express, softer curves maybe)
white and black making the core colors. More white though, like blinding amount (gold accents? Maybe?)
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