#caesar x reader x joseph
uwurakax · 3 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 finding an obscure otome game on the internet wasn't on your 2024 bingo card, but with only the cover art and no blurb, you decided to give it a shot. it looked promising enough at the start, and nothing could go wrong, right? ✩
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 various jojo's characters x f!reader
𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 otome || university/college!au || isekai || alt!universe ||
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 cursing (duh) || me thinking im funny asf || dio
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2.8k
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masterlist || next
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-> 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You liked to think that you were an otome game expert. Even if it sounded… strange to the everyday person, it was your niche and who didn't have an out there hobby anyway? Supply and demand, right?
So you’d pride yourself on your extensive, and completely useless, knowledge regarding fictional pixel romance.
That was how you found yourself here, at two in the morning researching a really obscure listing of a dating game that you had never heard of before. There was no description, release date or year, and no mention of a publisher found anywhere.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure.
That was all you had to work with, the title of this so called game. There wasn't even an item picture uploaded. Spending a whopping thirty minutes gave way to absolutely nothing and you weren't going to lie, you were pretty miffed about it. A piece of so-called lost media just happened to be put on sale on a totally legitimate looking website at the grand old price of.. wait, $10?
Now you were intrigued. An otome game for that price? There was no way this was authentic when games of this nature cost upwards of $50 to $80.
With a few more clicks on your laptop, you came to find out there was free shipping included as well.
That was surely safe, you thought to yourself in your sleep deprived mind.
You faltered for a moment before closing the tab, shutting off your device and promptly collapsing onto your bed for the sleep your body craved hours ago.
Damn, you’ll feel that tomorrow.
The following days were mundane at best, your mind drifting to the odd listing of the game. The circumstances alluded you, and during your free time, you found yourself naturally going back to it. Exploring any and every corner you could, even going on the occasional forum. You didn't get much information however, and it seemed the more you looked, the more elusive it seemed.
How was it that no one else seemed to know of this game? Surely that wasn't possible.
It became more and more tempting to just shot the odds and buy it outright and trying it yourself, but you were still apprehensive.
The website didn't do any favours for itself, looking like it hadn't been updated since 2009, and there didn't seem to be any reviews on the authentication of the site either.
You groaned, sinking back into your chair and staring at your ceiling. Closing your eyes, you cautiously rubbed at them, deep in thought as the listing displayed at attention on your screen.
With a deep inhale you leaned forward again, focused as your hand hovered over the trackpad. The inner debate followed; curiosity killed the cat…
but satisfaction brought it back.
Super sketchy website, but if you played it smart, you wouldn't need to give out too much of your personal information. Plus it was dirt cheap for what it claimed it was.
‘Fuck it’, with a click and a few taps of your keyboard filling the otherwise silent bedroom, you received a congratulatory email and in red capital letters were the words ‘SOLD’ on the now ended post.
And so, you were now the future owner of the enigmatic video game, and if you so happened to be scammed… rest in peace that ten bucks.
You were honestly pleasantly, and weirdly, surprised at how quickly your package arrived. Didn't you just order this thing yesterday? The no bigger than A4 sized parcel sat at your doorstep in a white bubble mailer, perched upright. The keys jingled in your hand as you bent down to pick it up, purse falling forward slightly in an uncomfortable manner. Your mood was already soured from the days events, and any little inconvenience had grated you. You were about to roughly shove your bag back and open your door when you realised there was no label stuck to your package. You flipped it over, only to find the same blank space.
That's definitely not worrying at all.
You jammed the key inside your door and forced your way inside with an all too loud slam. You knew you shouldn't have trusted that damn website. Now some axe murdering lunatic knows where you live! You could feel the nerves wash over you, and your heart began to palpitate. Twisting the deadbolt lock on your door gave you some sense of security, but it did little to appease you.
Tossing your keys and bag on your coffee table, you sat into your much too old and worn out lounge as you ripped the parcel open.
Discarding the plastic wrapping, you’d clean it up later, you found that inside was a small case with what you suspected was the game. There was nothing of note on the back, no text, rating, or any other information found. Turning it over, you saw the images of various male characters decorating the cover.
These must be the leads.
You glanced over each of the men as your fingers traced their features.
Four blondes, one brunette, one with dark blue hair, another with dark purple, one with a green undercut, a redhead and at the center was a brooding character with black hair and a tipped down cap.
What an interesting cast.
You couldn't help but wonder what made the creator go for ten different routes. It wasn't like that was unheard of, but it was quite a larger cast of romantic interests. In the midst of your thoughts, you felt a chill.
Like you were being watched.
Walking over to your kitchen window you looked outside, hand still holding onto the keep case. You stayed there for a few seconds, looking at the now setting sun against the trees. The orange glow offers little warmth within your small apartment. You gaze back down at the cover art, focusing on the dark, capped character. You didn't know why, but there was something unsettling about them. The longer you looked, the more the feeling began to fester. Gently facing it down on the marble counter, you headed into your bedroom to shower and change; hopeful that a new set of clothes and washing the day's grime away would lighten your mood.
Spoiler alert, it didn't.
Clad in only a towel, you went back into the kitchen to get a drink, throat parched and getting dry. You drank the cool beverage as your eyes began to wander back to the faced down disc. You still felt unexplainably wary, but it didn't feel so bad in that moment.
Gosh, you were such an idiot, who gets freaked over plastic?
You took the few steps towards it and turned it back over again. Tapping your fingers against the countertop in thought you wondered if you should actually play the game. It's highly possible it was just some kind if virus ready to wipe your entire harddrive, but your curiosity was getting the better of you.
You really needed to see what this was, consequences be damned!
Deciding that you’ll use your old high school laptop, you headed back to the bedroom to change into comfortable clothing. You found a pair of old white, cotton shorts and your well loved gray t-shirt that was much too big for you, left behind by a long forgotten ex. You couldn't even remember his name, or maybe you didn't want to remember. He was an ex for a reason, but the shirt sure was comfortable and his loss for leaving it with you. The only scent lingering on it was your own, so by definition and for all intents and purposes, it was yours.
Placing the game on your desk, you went rummaging around your room for the laptop.
Searching high and low; under your bed and in the wardrobes, resulted in nothing. You spend a good twenty minutes before checking the drawers of your desk and finding it hidden under stacks of scrap bits of paper in the bottom drawer. How cliché, and of course it was there.
Agitated, you moved your current laptop away and plugged in the old tried and true. It got you through high school, so hopefully it’ll make it through this.
Though you had hoped inside it wasn't a dud, as you began to feel sentimental about the outdated electronic.
If it did, you'd think about setting aside the money to have it fixed, even if it wasn't worth it - and it most definitely wouldn't be worth it.
You waited a couple of minutes for the thing to boot up, dusting off the slight dirt that accumulated from its lack of use. The age of the laptop was clear as you heard the fan blare to life.
Would it even be able to run the thing? There's no way you'd risk your actual computer on this…
Once deemed ready enough, you pressed down on the disc drive a couple of times, using much more than necessary force on the last push when the reader wouldn't open.
You waited impatiently as it closed with a quiet click, tracing your finger over the trackpad as the cursor moved violently across the screen.
You kept waiting… and waiting… and waiting… until….
The screen had shut off, and no amount of pressing the power button, force restarting the laptop or even hitting it did anything.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” the disbelief and anger present in your tone as you plugged the charger cable in and out of the port.
You weren't entirely surprised it was a scam, a virus now killing your laptop, but that didn't mean you weren't any less pissed.
Yeah you were lucky it was an old laptop, anything on it long since gone when the thing was reset before you graduated, but still…
What a waste of a laptop and the ten dollars spent on a useless thing. On the off chance that the laptop's hardware was too old to run it, you couldn't even get the disc back unless you wanted to pry the drive reader open and damage it further.
With a huff you slammed the laptop shut, grabbing your phone and laying down in your bed. You’d figure out what to do when you had time, but you were too upset to deal with your broken device now.
At least you had the sense to use an old laptop with no data. Gotta take those silver linings.
To lift your spirits, you ordered some takeaway, eagerly awaiting to stuff your face full of the greasy food. After the later half of the day, you felt like you deserved it, and the knock on your door couldn't come soon enough.
Switching off your television, you reached beside you and tapped on your phone screen to check the time.
You debated whether you did want to sleep now, but your body decided to answer for you as you let out a loud yawn.
Your lounge was pretty comfortable right now, but after previous experiences, you'd definitely be feeling it in the morning.
The longer you stayed, the more difficult it would be to leave so you quickly got up, threw away the rubbish from your order and went on to do your nightly routine.
After the final step of brushing your teeth, you went to bed, flicking off the bedroom light before you looked towards your desk. Your laptop illuminating a glow along the edge.
Well that's suspicious… that's weird…
You shook your head off the image and voice of Cardi B and slowly sat down at your desk. Tentatively reaching out and opening the laptop you were met with a title screen.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure.
A deep blue background with the words in a hot pink gradient that faded to white. Deep violet coloured roses garnished the sides as different hues of purple petals fell from the top of your screen.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure, that was the name of the game from the listing, wasn't it?
Absentmindedly, your middle finger moved across the trackpad, white sparkles glittering off the cursor with every motion.
Surely a few minutes wouldn't hurt right? Just to get a feel and understanding of the game.
Small, white text slowly flashed underneath the title text reading ‘PRESS SPACE TO START.’
“Here goes nothing.” you murmured, as the screen faded to black, shrouding your entire room in darkness as well.
After a few seconds of nothing, you became apprehensive. You silently prayed that it didn't conk out on you again. There was no way you’d be teased like this.
It felt like a minute before the black screen started to light up again imperceptibly, a slight purple tinge colouring against the blackness. More white text appeared.
>> ‘HELLO’
You awaited the continuation, but nothing else had occurred, the bold letters staring at you. You clicked all over the screen and tapped enter, but there was still nothing. On a whim, you ran your hand over your keyboard to see it typed into the screen, right underneath the greeting.
How peculiar.
You held backspace to remove what was a mess of letters and numbers before typing back a ‘HI’ and hitting enter.
New student? Was this game set in a school?
At least it wasn't in high school, thank goodness. You’d be damned to face another high school otome game. Figuring this was how the game went, but deciding to see what would happen you typed,
> NO
You tried to hit enter, but nothing happened. I guess it wouldn't accept that answer. You deleted the text before following what you assumed to be the correct response,
The text response was different now, a yellow instead of the earlier white. You felt a shiver run up you, looking behind at your empty room. You sensed that something was wrong, yet you didn't know why.
Okay this wasn't funny, and this disc was obviously some kind of troll or some deep web, tracking crap. At minimum it was designed to scare you and at most… well you didn't want to think about that.
You don't know why you decided to be somewhat honest, but something was telling you that it would be better than lying. Not like it mattered much.
You kept rereading the text before the screen flashed with your name, repeating over and over and over again.
Fuck that!
You unplugged the charger, covering your room, once again in darkness. Your breathing became laboured, as your heart beat thundered furiously in your chest, threatening to explode. That most definitely was some type of tracking, data hacking bullshit! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
What were you supposed to do now?! Call the police? Move? You were only kind of kidding about being sent the disc by an axe murderer, but it was now a very real possibility.
You tried in vain to calm down, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. This was so stupid! So completely, utterly and devastatingly s, t, u, p, i, d! You closed the lid and shoved it back into the drawer. It gave you some semblance of safety. Tomorrow you’d go far away and toss it in a random dumpster. To hell with sentimentality, that laptop was now dead to you.
You wished it would've worked earlier, at least then you would've been able to dispose of it. There's no way you were leaving your unit now at this hour.
Maybe you shouldn't throw it away and instead give it to the proper authorities? But if it was just some troll, you'd either be laughed at out of the station, or berated for wasting their time with nonsense.
You triple checked your deadbolt and closing every curtain, also ensuring that every window was sealed shut and locked.
Retreating back to your room you hid under the covers, the fluffy security net doing little to curb the anxiety that was manifesting inside.
You were surprised to feel yourself growing drowsier, the cute cat compilation video that you put on was only 6 minutes in.
You fell asleep shortly after that, your phone showing a ginger cat jumping off a shed roof and face planting into the concrete.
You woke up with a start, sitting up as you gasped for breath. You could feel the slight sweat covering your body, a stuffiness surrounding you as you attempted to slow down your breathing. You looked around the room, a new panic forming as you saw the furniture and belongings of someone who was definitely not you.
Your room didn't look like this! Neither was that desk, or that chair! These sheets weren't yours either.
You closed your eyes as your breathing picked up again, thinking of what to do next before your phone went off with a ding.
Reaching down, you unlocked your phone screen as the words ‘A BIZARRE DATING GAME’ faded into view.
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rougepancake · 1 year
In which you take your boyfriend to a party and he gets jealous of your friends
Ft. Caesar Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar, Rohan Kishibe, Jotaro Kujo, Dio Brando, Jonathan Joestar
Warnings: Slightly suggestive. Mentions of alcohol. Google translated Italian. Gender neutral reader. Not proofread.
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You stood there, chatting excitedly with your friends about how your week had been. They listened intently and you all spent a good amount of time just exchanging stories over the loud music that was playing from the living room of the house.
You could barely hear them, but you didn’t mind. The environment around you was anything but quiet, which was fair since you were at Joseph Joestar’s party.
It had been hours since it started, and some people were starting to pack up and leave, taking some of the loud buzz with them.
Eventually it began to calm down, and it was just you and your best friend sitting on the couch, enjoying one another’s company in peace.
The two of you continued in your tipsy conversation, giggling frequently as you spoke. It was nice, honestly. Your week had been nothing short of a nightmare, only adding to the amount of stress you were under. So when you found out about Joseph’s party, you immediately decided to take Caesar and head over.
Speaking of Caesar…
The party had been going on for hours and you had yet to see him.
As you were speaking to your friend, you found yourself being interrupted by the feeling of someone’s arms wrapping around your waist.
“Caesar…” You whispered, turning to look at him as he buried his head into your shoulder, kissing at the flesh gently. He looked up and shot your best friend a glare, which resulted in them excusing themselves and leaving the two of you alone.
His grip on you tightened, his back pressing up against your chest as he continued to kiss and bite as your neck.
“Finalmente- siamo soli.”
Finally- we’re alone.
It was his party and he was out dancing in the living room, drunkly throwing his arms into the air as he moved carelessly. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight as you talked to your new friend Caesar, who apparently went way back with Joseph.
The two of you hit it off, especially when you found out that he was an ex of Joseph’s, which meant he had dirt on him that you could use against him later. You actually grew so lost in your conversation with the blond that you tuned out your boyfriend’s drunken dancing.
“So like I was saying- JoJo is a bit of a-“ Caesar began, leading you into the kitchen and away from the noisiness of the living room. You listened intently and contributed to his points, telling him about what your relationship with Joseph had been like so far until-
“Y/N!” The sound of Joseph’s voice rang throughout the kitchen, causing you to jump in surprise as he stormed over towards you. “I sidn’t know Caesarino was h-here!” He slurred his words and threw an arm around your shoulder, shooting a glare at the man before you.
Caesar took that as his sign to leave and did just that, leaving you and your drunk boyfriend alone in the kitchen.
“Y/nnn.” He whined, both of his arms now pulling you close to him as he struggled to stay upright. “Why were you talking to himmmm??”
“Well he and I had some interests, that’s all.” You chuckled slightly but let out a surprised yelp as he put all his weight against you. “Joseph! Get up!” You groaned and forced him to stand up, pouting as you led him back to his bedroom so he could rest.
“But you’re mineee.” He continued to whine as you dragged him, pouting childishly as you walked.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t.” You chuckled. Drunk Joseph was always… something else.
“Let me show you.” He whispered, pinning you against the wall of his hallway and trapping you there. He began to attack your neck, leaving sloppy love bites in his wake.
And you just couldn’t tell him no.
He wasn’t much of a ‘party person’, but he figured he’d humor you just this once. He had spent most of the night right by your side, making sure nothing bad happened to you as you drank.
Had you always been this social?
Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but he did rather like that side of you.
Eventually, you ran off to talk to one of your buddies, and he decided to leave you be. But the sight of you with this friend of yours lit a fire within him. They had a hand on your arm, and seemed a little too invested in what you had to say.
Perhaps you two were just close. He hoped so, even though he didn’t fully understand why.
Since the great Rohan Kishibe doesn’t get jealous of others.
Others get jealous of him.
With an annoyed sigh, he put on a stern expression and walked over to you two. You greeted him with a cheery smile that sent butterflies swirling in his stomach, and it made him feel slightly guilty for what he was about to do next.
He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and forced your lips to collide with his, using your gasp of surprise as the perfect opportunity to shove his tongue down your throat and remind you that he was the one that continued to make you feel good.
“We’re leaving.” He grumbled and grabbed your wrist, smirking at how your little friend was nowhere in sight. Your drunken protests fell on deaf ears as he pulled you out of the house and into his car, buckling you up safely and stomping over to his side.
“What was that for-“ He cut you off by smashing his lips onto yours once again, groaning at the taste of alcohol that came from you.
You were in for it now, and you didn’t even know why.
He couldn’t believe that you thought it would be a good idea to drag him out to a party. Honestly! What in the world was running through your mind?!
But when he saw how much fun you were having, he just couldn’t take it away from you.
So- he resorted to standing in the corner of the, rather large, living room, arms crossed as he watched you dance around aimlessly.
It was all fun and games, until he watched one of your close friends come up and begin to dance with you. They took your hand in theirs and began to jump and sing along with you, their smile just as bright as your own.
The sight sent Jotaro’s heart to his stomach.
What was this feeling bubbling up inside him? Was it jealousy?? Surely not. Jotaro Kujo was known to get jealous every now and then, but over one of your friends?
It made him feel more guilty than anything.
It should be him dancing with you, making you smile and giggle like that. He should be the one out there encouraging you to be yourself while you hop around and scream the lyrics of the song that just came on.
God why did he have to stand over in the corner?
Hesitantly, he walked over to the two of you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the side briefly. His heart swelled at the sight of your cheesy grin, which only made him feel worse.
“Y/n.” He started out with a heavy sigh. How was he supposed to tell you he was jealous of your friend? It would ruin your night and he knew it. So… he sucked it up and gave in to the crazy idea that had been bothering him since he saw you go out and dance.
“What’s wrong?” You seemed to sense his inner turmoil, your voice soft and understanding. “Do you need to leave? It’s alright with if you do, I get it.” You made a motion to grab your jacket, but he only pulled you back towards him.
“I want to dance with you.”
Oh wow. Did he really just say that? He had to be kidding… but based on the way he was looking at you, you knew he wasn’t.
You’d ask him about his change of heart later, but decided to give him a peck on the lips and drag him back to the center of the living room.
It was a sweet act on his part, but his eyes betrayed how he really felt.
He was going to take you, and not a single bit of your body would be safe from his wonder working lips.
He’s a slut for a good party and you know it. Nothing can stop him from getting absolutely wasted and enjoying himself in the sea of people. He was practically born to live in the spotlight, so that he’ll do.
Until you drag him home.
Or until he sees you flaunting around with a good for nothing loser that he’s never met before.
Tonight- it was the latter, his eyes laying upon the sight of you talking to a supposed friend of yours that he’s never met.
There was always the possibility that you had met them tonight, but he wasn’t about to hear you out. He knew all of your friends. Every single one of them. And he didn’t care if they liked him or not, so long as he knew them.
He watched in disgust as you laughed at something the stranger said, cringing even further when you placed a hand on their shoulder to steady yourself.
The sight simply enraged him, and maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it made his heart throb in agony.
Was he really that bad for you? I mean sure, he was your boyfriend, but he’s never been jealous of someone before and it was really starting to bother him.
“Y/n!” He hissed and grabbed you by your wrist, not even giving you a chance to say goodbye to your friend. “Stop trying to date other people!” His face was close to yours, and his breath reeked of alcohol.
“I’m not?!” You argued, pulling your wrist away from his grasp, only to have him grab it again and lead you out of the house. “Hey! What are you doing?!” You shouted and glared at him as you stood. “Are you at least going to tell me what’s wrong?”
He stopped and looked back at you, his eyes shining with malice and nothing more. He was totally blinded by his rage.
“I’m going to remind you who you belong to.”
And by god he did.
He’s a gentle giant. Parties aren’t really his thing, but if it makes you happy, then he doesn’t mind a whole lot.
For the most part, it was the two of you and some friends talking by the pool, your feet dangling in the water as you talked. It was relaxing, surprisingly, and Jonathan couldn’t help but rest his head on your shoulder as you talked.
Now, Jonathan isn’t really the jealous type. He never really has been and he doesn’t think he will be.
But there’s just something about Dio sitting beside you that sets him off.
“Hello Y/n darling.” His voice is like silk, smooth in his way to try and seduce you. “JoJo.” He nodded at Jonathan before taking your hand in his and kissing it softly.
“Dio.” You scoffed and pulled your hand away. “I didn’t know you were invited to this party.”
“Of course I was.” He chuckled lowly and smirked. “I’m always invited to these things.”
Jonathan’s arms found their way to your waist, curling around you and holding you close. He lifted his head up and shot a glare at Dio, his gaze unwavering in his resolve. The blond scoffed and left, leaving you and Jonathan alone to enjoy one another’s company.
“You know… Dio is our neighbor…” He started, whispering softly into your ear. “It would be nice if we could ensure that he didn’t get sleep tonight, no?”
“Oh Jonathan.” You chuckled and leaned into him. “I don’t see why not.”
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Can i request headcanons for feitan, madara, Indra, jojo( Joseph and caesar) for fem reader being a time and world traveler? Like she can come and go as she pleases or when she gets bored and wants to see something else. She enjoys taking her time and exploring each world she visits
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, paranoia, threats, manipulation, blackmailing, violence, female s/o
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @simplydlightfuldestiny @flaming-vulpix
S/o is a time and world traveler
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜​There is something different about you. Years of training and honing his abilities to utmost perfection have given Indra a very keen intuition on people's skills through simple observation. Someone as skilled and strong as he is does not have time like his younger brother to waste his time with everyone, instead he is much more selective with his preferences clearly lying in stronger people. That is why he finds himself seeking you out as he as a feeling that you will prove yourself as worthy of his attention and time. His intuition is after all rarely wrong. As you are a traveler who has found her way to their village, Indra instantly takes it upon himself to separate you from people he does not deem to be worth of the attention and time he plans to invest in you. He shall be your guide and adviser during the time you spend in the village. Despite being known for his unforgiving nature and harsh attitude, you find out that he is quite attentive and mellow when he is left alone with you, answering all your questions.
💜​Accompanying you as you get to know the world around you becomes one of his favorite activities as he relishes in the privacy he can have with only you. As seasons come and go, he finds himself growing quite possessive of your time he sees as far too precious to clown around with those he does not see as fitting. You are far too knowledgable and skilled to waste your day with people who will never become strong enough for him to acknowledge. By now he only seems to tolerate his little brother and his father around you as he scares others away from your side. Yet not only does he scare those he deems as weak away, he also insists for you to let him train you as he would hate for you to not grow fully into the potential he knows you possess. He discovers very soon though that he has barely anything to teach you as the opposite would be much truer. As uncomfortable as he feels when figuring out that you seem to be stronger than him, he shows willingness to learn so that he will eventually surpass you in order to hold the illusion of being in control.
💜​It is his father's decision to name Asura as the next successor that ultimately pushes Indra over the edge and it is the defeat he suffers at the hand of the brother he always thought to be weaker that fuels his obsession. Not being the one who is stronger equals now not being in control which is why he grows quite paranoid with you as he knows that he has never bested you in skills. It is his very real threat of abducting you to keep you for himself that finally leads you to reveal the truth to him about the full potential of your powers. Your powers let you be closer to a god than an actual human and this knowledge humbles and humiliates him. A feeling of insignificance threatens to weight him down as he comes to realise that in your eyes he must be something to be forgotten as time passes by. A knot of emotions, unable to be untangled, is born in his heart and makes it hard to navigate. Between the anger, the sorrow and the paranoia there is one thing Indra is certain of though. That he will have you bending down to his will, no matter what.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑​You appear before him in a time of rare desperation as his heart feels heavy as the last member of his family is battling with death after having been mortally wounded by Tobirama Senju during one of their many battles. Everyone from the doctors has proclaimed that there is no saving Izuna yet here you stand, unfaced as you are surrounded by hostile Uchiha warriors and proclaim that you can save his younger brother from the tight grip of death. No one believes you, not even Madara yet you know of his deepest wish to not lose Izuna and ultimately Madara allows you to tend to Izuna. If you cannot fulfill what you have promised, he will see it through to make you regret every single word you have dared to use to lie to his clan. You defy all expectations though as you save his younger brother from unescapable death using a jutsu that no one of the medics in the Uchiha clan have ever seen before. As Izuna is on a safe way of recovery, many beg of you to stay a while longer and to learn the abilities that you possess.
🌑​The Uchiha value power and skill and you possess plenty of it. Madara, quite intrigued by you, only joins the offer of his clan as he asks of you to accept the hospitality of his clan so that he can properly express the gratitude he feels. To the delight of everyone you accept the offer though as you have been planning to settle down for a while to take a break from your travels. As the war continues raging on outside, you are treated kindly within the Uchiha compound as many of the strong clan ask of you to learn from you. You have no interest in the war yet your strength is undeniable as you have taken some offers to spar with some of the warriors out of your personal boredom. Some even suggest to make you an ally to fight against the Senju yet as you voice your clear displeasure against that idea, Madara sees it through to silence all who dare to think like this. It is no secret that he is utterly smitten with you at this point and does whatever he can to ensure that you stay with his clan.
🌑​In his mind he has already named you as the wife he wishes to take as your knowledge, sharpness and skill are most desirable traits. Someone special as you only deserves an equally impressive man. A man like him. Rumors have already spread, the eldest of his clan have already given him their blessing for his decision yet it is then that you decide that it is time to leave. You manage to sneak away from everyone yet he catches you in your attempt. Initially he persuade you to change your mind yet when he realises that you have made up your mind, he switches his plans and instead tries to use force on you. It is that night that he is bested by someone for the first time as not even Hashirama has ever beaten him so effortlessly. He is as impressed as he is humiliated, something he has never felt before. It is only then that you decide to confess to him your true origins and powers. Perhaps for others it would be soothing to know that they lost against someone who transcends through time and even space yet he has never been someone to resign himself to his fate. Red eyes glare at you as you go your separate ways as he swears that he will become even a god to claim you as his.
Feitan Portor
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☠️Commonly it is believed that first impressions matter yet if that were to be true, Feitan couldn't care less. You truly appear in the wrong place at the wrong time as the city you currently reside in becomes an unfortunate victim of a heist of the Phantom Troupe. Completely left in the blind with what is going on, you do what you deem to be the right thing to do as you try to save at least some people which leads you to violently clash with no one else but Feitan himself. Initially your brave facade is scoffed at yet you manage to impress him to the point where he even finds himself enjoying a fight he initially is confidet he will win. You are just strong and stubborn enough for him to enjoy the idea of toying a bit with you and eventually break you. Just as it appears like he has won though, you finally seem to be mad enough to use your true abilities. Feitan doesn't fully understand what happens, only that you easily overpower him and shame him as he realises that you held back the entire time.
☠️​Humiliated and ashamed of his defeat he feels guilty for letting the troupe down by not doing his part yet Chrollo does not think badly of him as he knows of Feitan's skills. Instead it begs the question of what your abilities exactly are for you to defeat Feitan as effortlessly as you did. It would be safe to investigate you and Feitan is quite adamant to participate as he is silently brooding due to the defeat he had to suffer because of you. Very soon he finds himself confronted with the problem that he can't find any data about you as not even Shalnark can dig up information involving you. You may as well be a ghost and all of it only feeds Feitan's growing frustration as he finds himself reduced to the pitiful position of stalking you personally, just itching for a chance to fight with you again and get you back for his shameful loss. What was initially obsession for revenge soon turns into something else though yet when he fully realises the seriousness of it all, it is already too late for him to turn back.
☠️​The amount of time he dedicates to stalk you increases as he starts growing quite impatient and perhaps even a tiny bit desperate. Weeks of stalking yet he knows nothing about you nor about your Nen abilities. Why do you have to make it so difficult for him? When he finds out that you plan to leave the city and continue your journey, he is triggered. You react quite unfazed though even as the sharp tip of his sword is pressed against the back of your neck as his quiet and hoarse voice forbids you to leave this city. He still hasn't gotten his chance to beat you after all. To his dismay you reveal to him that you have known of his stalking the entire time, only adding more insult to his humiliation. You manage to defuse the situation though when you offer him the chance to ask you a few questions which you will answer to the best of your abilities. Whilst at first iffy, he takes that offer and asks you the question that has been bothering him the most. What exactly are your abilities? The answer you give him is too ridiculous to believe yet he senses no lie in your words. He falls silent yet you can see how he is brainstorming for a solution in that moment. He knows that you plan to leave. He can't have you do that.
Joseph Joestar
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🦾​Your cover is instantly blown when you travel to a new world. Joseph, with his stupid luck, just had to see you suddenly appear through the portal you opened what should have been a reclusive area. Instead you meet eye to eye with none other than the young Joseph who is gawking at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face. You can't blame him for that. In the next moment he dramatically points his index finger at you, asking you aghast if you are some sort of witch. You fear for a short moment that you'll have to do something but to your luck the Joestar has no intention of stopping you as he tends to avoid problems normally. Instead you manage to figure things out with him as you have no choice but to confess to him the truth, especially since he seems to be quite witty and sharp, recognising it if you try to lie to him. After he has been convinced that you are merely a tourist from another world and plan to cause no chaos, you two instantly hit off.
🦾​Can you blame him though? It is not everyday that he stumbles upon someone who can travel through time and space. Instead he finds himself enjoying showing you around and being able to boost his own ego by amazing you with the stuff that is ordinary to him but new for you. He can't stop himself from flirting with you, although you find out that he does this quite commonly with the people around him so you learn to brush it off. He does like to remind you that you have the most unique and otherwordly charm of all people though. Quite literally. He enjoys your presence greatly though because you keep up with his antics, even if it has gotten the both of you in troubles quite some time before. It is only natural in hindsight that he caught feelings and whilst he may appear quite silly at times, Joseph is quite clever. Though he does like to think at the beginning that his feelings are nothing serious, he has no way to deny it anymore at a certain point.
🦾​He proceeds to act the same way he has always done to not rouse your suspicion but on the inside he is brainstorming already. He is no fool after all. You have told him yourself that you travel around when you get bored of a world. Very subtly he attempts to pry for more information about how exactly your powers, expressing genuine curiosity as he asks you if you can bring other people along. Honestly, he doesn't mind your abilities that much if it wouldn't be for the very real chance that you will simply never return to him again. If he would just know that you would reciprocate his feelings, he would even be up to tag along and see some new worlds for himself. He doesn't know if you feel the same though and even if he continues to flirt and has gotten as of lately more clingy and even a tad bit more jealous, he hesitates to tell you. He knows after all. He knows that his feelings are rather creepy and unhealthy. Let's just hope that he can delay your leave for as long as possible by keeping you entertained until he has found a solution...
Caesar A. Zeppeli
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🫧​Caesar is no stranger to the concept of courting young ladies and stealing their heart in the process. He seems to be instantly attracted to you when he sees you as you have something special about you that he can't yet put his finger around. Adamant to discover what makes you so special to instantly capture his heart though, he does not shy away from approaching you with a gentlemanly playfulness that has always worked on women before. Whilst you appear to be amused as you can clearly see his intentions, you decide to see how it'll go out of curiosity nevertheless. You can indeed see the appeal in the young and hot-blooded man after a while as he truly doesn't hold back when it comes to his partner. Expensive jewelry and gifts are all given to you, dates in fine restaurants become a daily occurrence and sweet and romantic words that belong in a romance novel are whispered into your ears. Truly, he does not shy away from making a lady feel like the world belongs to her.
🫧​You can enjoy it only because you have heard and seen that he treats all ladies that way which is why you think of this as nothing too serious. That is until you notice the shift in his behavior. His eyes stray less to other ladies and solely focus on you with a warm and adoring glimmer in those green eyes, he invades your physical privacy by always taking an extra step to be closer to you out of growing protectiveness and you have realised his growing disdain as whenever he spots you with another man as he is turning without a doubt more and more possessive of you. You don't intend to have him fall truly in love with you because you know that you would leave him with a broken heart so you try to distance yourself from him in hopes that he will stop. Yet the moment you dare to pull back, his paranoia seems to increase. His mind is racing, wondering what it could be that has caused such a rift between you two and much to your sadness you find him multiple times in front of your door, begging you to tell him what is shackling your heart.
🫧​Caesar is fully aware of his reputation as a womanizer and he truly regrets it now that he has found the one lady he wants to marry and spend his life with. He is far too delusional to fully acknowledge the unfitting desperation he starts to display the further he feels you drifting away from him. As you notice that no rationality will work on him anymore, you decide to leave the city. The world you are in is still big after all and you have much left to discover. Yet you are aware that Caesar has abilities which aren't common for other people of this world to possess so you address an honest letter to him, trusting him enough to keep your secret safe. The heartbreak attacks him like a vicious dog when he breaks into your empty apartment after you did not answer the door and he finds your letter where you explain the situation to him. Still, he refuses to believe your words that deny that you two could never have a future together, something he has already envisioned multiple times. You poor thing must have never felt true love before to think that. As heartbroken as he is, Caesar is just as determined to find you and convince you of his feelings and the dangers that come with traveling all alone.
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gayboyasher · 9 months
Caesar & Joseph (SEPARATE) x pillar men reader!!
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He was searching the caves, looking for evidence of his family. But then, suddenly, he heard extra footsteps, echoing his. At first, he thought it was Joseph’s, but, knowing the arrogant Joestar; Joseph would let himself be known. He turned and suddenly activated his hamon, ready to strike, but then he saw you instead. You were so… curious.
“Are all humans pretty like you?” You asked him, and that absolutely gagged him. He was stuttering, trying to think logically, but you just circled him and started acting coy. Somehow, present day, he’s sitting down on the couch reading a book while you’re sitting next to him.
*You quite literally be witched him, gagged him even.
Didn’t know that he could even love your species/race (IN THE PILLAR MEN SENSE)
You proved him completely wrong when you picked him up like a cat and walked away
If you ever introduce him to the other pillar men (if you even have a relationship with any of them) it’s a shit show
Genuinely didn’t trust you for a long time
Almost killed you
When he started to fall for you, he had NO WHERE to turn.
To hell if you think he’s going to Joseph
He actually almost did
He ended up figuring out his feelings himself, but he waited for you to approach him.
Turned out he was your first damn near everything romantically.
Tries to get you used to human life, even if you can’t go in the sun.
Genuinely, you’re the only pillar men/being he loves.
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When Joseph agreed to fight the other three pillar men, Wammu told you about this news. You wanted to see the man who challenged them and said he would only need a month to train.
When he caught you, he was about to challenge you to a fight as well, but that was until you started to started to compliment him about his bravery.
God forbid you feed into his ego
Surprisingly flattered
So so SO glad he didn’t agree to fight you he wasn’t gonna be able to do it anyway
Tries to impress you so so so much
Also another one who reasonably can’t get along with the other pillar men
Only has beef with Kars though, the others just find him a bit annoying
He confessed his love to you right before he left to fight Wammu
Did NOT know or was prepared to find out that he was your first romantic relationship
I mean, you’re practically a god, what do you mean you haven’t had a boyfriend before??
Doesn’t care, will still do anything to be with you
Doesn’t give a fuck if you want to change to act human like or not; he likes you the way you are, even if you are different than humans
Will make you put on extra clothes though
Stop walking around with your parts out
Absolutely loves you though, absolutely
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jojosbizzarewife · 1 year
Cooking Headcanons
Who cooks with you
more often just wants to keep you company in the kitchen while you cook, he will chop all vegetables at least
William Zeppeli
was always good at cooking, gets competitive about it when Joseph comes around, and always offers to show off his cooking skills just for you
insists on being the taste tester
a surprisingly good cook
wonderful baker, expect extravagant baking dates every Valentines Day
loves cooking with his s/o, loves to try new protein snacks and drinks together
loves to try whatever recipes are trending (basque cheesecake is her favourite)
Funny Valentine
buys you both cute couple themed aprons
on sundays, he meal preps lunch and dinner for the week. Family Rule "if you don't help, you make your own meals that week"
Who cooks for you
Suzy Q
the original Italian grandmother - cooks for everyone
insists on cooking for you, it's not good, he's going to try again, you're not leaving until he makes something you like
doesn't cook well, but does cook for you - Pancake Sundays are a must
loves to make you his family recipes, always tells you the family history of the dish
(inspiration for this post)
also an Italian grandmother, for a giant he is pretty smooth in the kitchen
Weather Report
Mountain Tim
loves to pack little lunches for you both, will purposefully make them as embarassing as possible, includes a sweet note in each lunch
Who can't cook
can only cook instant noodles - makes really good instant noodles
will not cook, will always opt for takeout
instantly HANGRY, too angry to cook
says he can do the basics (he can make cereal)
gets bored easily and will either burn or undercook the food - you will probably get food poisoning
useless ass himbo cowboy I'll be your mommy
Ringo Roadagain
I wouldn't even trust him to microwave popcorn
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koogl001 · 2 years
Hi. Can I get a pillarman and a deaf-mute reader?
(I like your Yandere pillarmen heads who keep the reader in their secret hideout and bring stuff for the sake of explanation)
One-Shots and Headcanons Masterlist
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When you were first abducted by the pillar men, they took your quietness as a sign of defiance, or maybe you were too frightened by their presence, losing the ability to talk?
It was only polite to answer when asked a question, and disrespect was something they did not allow (especially Kars)
As your punishment, you were chained to a pole as your back was whipped
But when you didn’t let a single cry out, only gasps, Wamuu started suspecting if you even had the ability to speak in the first place
After a bit of researching, they found mutism might be the cause of your problem, so in order to communicate with you (as they were trying to obtain information from you about where exactly the Red Stone of Aja was hidden) they provided you with a small dry erase board and some markers
You explained to them that you were deaf-mute and mainly communicated with people via what you called a sigh language
Kars was disgusted by your weakness, making it his point to let you know
The humankind was even more useless than he originally thought
When he realised you had no knowledge of the Red Stone of Aja (or at least none that you made known) he decided for you to be a bargaining chip as you had no other use
He steered clear of you, after all you were not worthy of his presence
But then again, he did make a mistake by issuing a punishment for something you had no control over and for whatever reason, he wanted to make it up to you
He comforted himself that it was only fair and there was nothing more to it, no feelings attached
As quite the exquisite man who enjoyed luxury, he decided to gift you with your very own lavish room, silky clothing, and herbal bath oils
He also got you a personal maid (one of the vampires he acquired for his army) to tend to your every need
After all, in his eyes you were too weak to even take proper care of yourself
That is, only till he saw you fight
When Kars came to observe what caused such a commotion in his lair, he only saw piles upon piles of burning carcases left by his now deceased followers
Apparently, they got hungry and naturally went after the only human around, poor fools
You weren’t a part of Lisa Lisa’s team for nothing
This strangely earned you respect from the leader of the pillar men, instead of his wrath as that was what you expected
He was wrong, once again
You were admittedly far from weak, despite your limitations
Perhaps you would make a fine mate
After all, as a soon to be ultimate life form, Kars intended to rebuild his tribe and you might just be up for that task
Esidisi found entertainment in exploiting your weakness
He would sneak up on you and jump out of nowhere just to give you a good scare and maybe a heart attack or two
As he was the one to bring you to the pillarmen’s lair, he knew of your hamon wielding abilities
It was clear to him they were honed to perfecting by years and years of restless training
It was commendable, for such a meek looking creature to pack such a powerful punch
He purposedly picked fights with you, testing the limit of your abilities, noting that each time you two fought you adapted to his rhythm a bit more and soon, you were even able to deal damage
Nothing serious thought, he would not allow that as much as he would not allow himself to hurt you
After one of your many sparring sessions, you questioned his unwillingness to attack you, resorting only to defence, but you were met with no answer
Why was that indeed?
The burning king found himself questioning his own actions
Was it because you were so fragile, he was afraid of shattering you?
Perhaps spending so much time with a human made him softer, he thought
Venturing outside to test that theory, Esidisi easily killed Messina, one of the two men who trained Jojo and Caesar along with Lisa Lisa
There was no sign of remorse nor mercy, so the strategic genius deduced he only had a soft spot for you, why however he couldn’t tell
You were confused when, after a meeting with Kars (in order to persuade him to keep you even after obtaining what they came for) Esidisi insisted on you sharing his room with him, but as you were in the position of a prisoner you didn’t have much say in what you wanted and didn’t want to do
He would use this opportunity of you getting closer to him to figure out his own feelings and thoughts
When he accepts that he has feelings for you, get ready for a lot of teasing as he loves when you get frustrated with him, finding your pouting face adorable and precious
He’ll pinch your cheeks and tell you he was only joking, enveloping you in a big hug
He feels so much guilt over your punishment which you clearly did not deserve as you had no control over your inability to speak, he distanced himself from you at the start
He knew he had to make it up to you somehow, so he started secretly sneaking outside, grabbing whatever he thought might get you to forgive him for his wrongdoings
He didn’t however know much about trying to win someone’s favour as he was but a child when his tribe was wiped clear by his masters, not getting to know how to properly act in social situations
What do women want? Is it power? Money? Flowers? Clothes? Jewels? What is it?
He decided to seek help from human books, especially romantic novels and appropriated the ways the lead male characters acted towards their love interest
Tons of flowers, words of affirmation and compliments, help with whatever you wanted, companionship and much more is coming your way
This gentle giant will make you feel like a princess straight out of a fairy tale
He’ll spoil you rotten and then some more with his sweet words and actions
He soon finds he enjoys your company quite a bit, looking forward to coming back to you after each mission requiring him to leave your side
He’ll soon incorporate light physical sighs of affections, such as holding your hand, your shoulder, and around your waist
When you accept his advances and even start reciprocating them, he’ll be over the moon and go a bit further with hugs, kisses on the cheek or forehead, brushing your hair and such
He’ll go slowly, accepting that he put you in a difficult position since you are still their prisoner
If you ever come up to him on your own and start a little cuddle session, he might just die from happiness
This sign language you speak of sounds new, and he loves new things he can learn, so he’ll get to it as soon as possible
With his adaptive nature and high intelligence, he masters it in less than a month, eager to show you his progress and maybe get you to point out if he got it correctly
You’ll praise him and tell him how extremely sweet of a gesture it is, loving that you’ll be able to express yourself to him a bit more freely
As he’s not familiar with the concept of praise, he’ll be confused by the warm feeling in his chest
Was he ill? No, pillarmen couldn’t get ill, but then what was it?
Conducting a small experiment, he soon found he only felt this when in your presence specifically, did you have powers that made this happen?
Feels no shame, so he’ll outright ask you about this new sensation, making you flustered
It was as if he was indirectly confessing to you
As you were too embarrassed to explain, you showed him some books that might hold answers to his question and left him to his own devices
He’ll quickly become possessive as he’s more feral than the rest and will feel the need to protect you from any protentional danger since you’re such a fragile creature
He’ll go as far as to straight up growl at Esidisi when he tries to mess with you
He’ll make a nest for the two of you in his room and demand you stay with him 24/7 for “protection purposes”, though he just wants to spend every second in your warm presence
He’ll go out of his way to impress you, not only to show you he is a capable mate but also to get some more praise that he quickly becomes addicted to
If you want him to go putty in your arms, simply tell him how much of a good boy he is
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swirlpops · 2 years
jjba & you: fall dates edition.
Another season, another round of D A T E S with some of our faves. HAPPY FALL AND SHIT, Y’ALL. 
> all characters 21+.
> characters: bruno, abbacchio, gyro, jotaro, josuke, doppio/diavolo, diego, giorno, kakyoin, poly caesar & joseph.
> gender-neutral reader.
> sfw fluff, tender and warming for the soul.
(> if you're interested, a summer dates edition with our darling bruno, is here!)
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bruno bucciarati ; farmer’s market
Bruno had always loved the hustle and bustle of the farmer's market. Amidst a cacophony of hellos, he would blaze a trail of taste testing and sightseeing, taking in all the market had to offer. Today, you were by his side as he showed you his favorite stalls. "That one over there," he says, pointing one hand and gently resting the other on your shoulder, "has divine maple butter pastries. The farmer makes them fresh every morning." He ushers you to another stall, dotted with bouquets and fairy lights even in the gentle light of morning. "And this one has flowers that are homegrown here in Napoli, picked at the break of dawn." 
The sight of such a diverse array of flowers catches you off guard – mums painted with deep burgundy, sunflowers soaked in the last vestiges of early autumn sun. Bruno hums over the selection and plucks a violet dahlia; its center is smattered with brilliant gold. He tucks it behind your ear and smiles warmth down at you – undoubtedly, the most beautiful flower of them all. 
leone abbacchio ; fall shopping
At the craft fair, the fragrance of candles poured with apples, leaves, and candy corn float through endless rows of fall decor. Leone wrinkles his nose as you enter a particularly robust row, and casually takes your hand in his. It’s calloused and rough; the arbiter of a small token of affection doled out in carefully placed intervals. It’s ok – you don’t mind. “Why do people make these damn candles so strong?” he grumbles to himself. However, a small, white pumpkin tufted from scratchy felt steals his attention. He picks it up with his other hand, inspecting it as he holds it up to the crisp light of the low autumn sun. “This is cute,” he says under his breath, almost loathe in his admittance. “Let’s put it on our mantle. It'll look nice above the fire.”
gyro zeppeli ; bonfires & s’mores
"No no no," Gyro titters at you. "You have to smush it like this." He presses his palms together, melding gooey layers of graham cracker, scorched marshmallow, and rich milk chocolate. "The flavors have to bloom!" he continues, stressing each word as he gesticulates. "They have to bloom and grow, so you can stick it in your mouth for it explode with a big boom from the taste of it and–"
You stare at Gyro, mouth agape, as he waxes poetic about the wonders of s'mores technique. The bonfire he so skillfully built was licking its flames to the night sky, acting like it was protesting his lecture. Shadows play across his face, but you notice something amidst the embers' glow. 
"Gyro," you interrupt.
"You have chocolate on your nose."
"I do?" He swoops in to bring his face close to yours, and playfully rubs the tip of his nose against your own. "Well, so do you." 
jotaro kujo ; apple cider
Quiet mornings are always spent together, perusing the daily newspaper on the porch. Morning fog sets the scene, rolling over fireburnt foliage and quaint cottages to douse the horizon with a cozy, picturesque atmosphere. Jotaro looks across at you, deep in the headlines of today's paper. He takes note of your concentration – brows furrowed, eyes scanning, and lips parted and soft from the touch of apple cider kissed along them. His own mug is warm and steaming, with tendrils of heat unfurling to befriend the rolling fog. Eyes still on you, he lifts his mug to his mouth. He takes a moment to relish the taste – but its sweetness holds no candle to the sacred ritual of sharing his mornings with you. 
josuke higashikata ; pumpkin patch
With all the countenance of an overexcited puppy, Josuke tugs on the hem of your marigold sweater to pull you in the direction of the hayrides. He drags you over rows of pumpkins dusted with nighttime dew; vines snag your ankles as the crunch of leaves lead you to a farmtruck stuffed with bales of hay. Easy as could be, he grabs your waist and lifts you clean off your feet, settling you onto the back of the truck. The low full moon shines its favor on the both of you when you share a tender gaze. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, gently resting his hands on your knees while his cheeks bloom with blush. “As I’ll ever be,” you respond with a smile, reaching your hand out to him. He smiles back, wide and beautiful, as he takes your hand to climb aboard and join you. 
vinegar doppio/diavolo ; haunted house
Trembling like a fieldmouse at harvest, Doppio latches onto your arm. "I bet another monster is going to hop out any minute," he laments. "I can't take this!" He buries his face into your shoulder and rubs it, wiping away the tears threatening to spill. "We shouldn't have came…"
You reach up to stroke the wild pink fluorescence of Doppio’s hair while you both round a corner into a small and empty room. "They're just actors!" you say, laughing in jest. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
All Doppio could do was quiver in the dim light of the haunted house; he whimpers and grips you tighter. "I mean… I could protect you too, you know."
"Is that so?"
You swore you could see a familiar glint in his eye. Doppio nods, and his body starts to grow larger as he does so. You lean back when you feel a heavy presence – though at this point, you supposed you were used to it. 
A muscular arm pushes you against the wall to trap you between a rock and a hard place. Who you knew as Diavolo was now pressed against you, with his arm bracing the wall to cage you in. "Oh?" says a deep voice. "What’s this?” His tone is smooth and dangerous, and the touch of his trailing hand evaporates down your cheek. "Lost in a sea of wolves, little lamb?"
diego brando ; trick or treat
“This is stupid.”
Diego huffs as he enters the room, clad in a comically oversized dinosaur suit from head to toe. "Remind me again, why am I doing this?"
In your Jurassic Park ranger costume, you giggle at the sight of Diego, who so courteously succumbed to your request. "Look at you, oh my god!" you say excitedly. "You'll be a hit at all the houses! We're gonna get so much candy, just you watch."
Diego waddles over to you, and you can practically see the scowl on his face through his getup. "I can barely breathe," he complains. "What a stupid tradition."
"It'll be fun, I promise. And you can always take off your little dino head, you know.”
No more permission is needed – he pulls it off with zero hesitation. “Done,” he says, making his way to the overflowing candy bowl in your foyer. "An hour is my absolute limit, mind you."
You follow alongside him, pouting and affectionately pinching his cheek. "Aw, Diego – a little bit longer? Please? For me?"
He picks up a miniature candy bar and tosses it in the air. With a deft hand he grabs it, then squeezes it out its wrapper, sending it flying to catch in his mouth. “Well, if it's for you I suppose I could," he says through a mouthful of sickly sweet chocolate. "Right. Let’s get on with it, then.”
giorno giovanna ; carving pumpkins
Tongue peeking out in concentration, Giorno carves into the delicate stencil pasted on his pumpkin. Ambitious as always, the pattern is intricate – inlaid with roses aplenty and labor intensive vines. The only sounds in the room are hushed breaths and the drag of carving knives ripping into the pumpkins' soft flesh. 
"How's it coming?" you ask, peering over your own pumpkin. 
"Almost there," Giorno replies, with his eyes trained on his handiwork. "How about you?
“Uh…” You take a moment to tilt your head and appraise your progress. It’s a bit jagged and roughshod, but it still retains the likeness of a classic jack o'lantern. 
Giorno scoots over in his chair and leans into your shoulder to take a peek for himself. “Looking spooky,” he says with a half grin. “I love it.”
“Thanks!” you say, as you go back to hacking into its eye. “But honestly, this part is a little tough to cut through. Do you mind giving me a hand?”
He places his hand on top of yours, grasping your keyhole saw alongside you, and presses a gentle kiss into your temple. “Allow me,” he says, melting all of your woes in one fell swoop. 
noriaki kakyoin ; apple picking
A dappling of light scatters through a grove of apple trees. The air is fresh and crisp; your baskets overflow with apples speckled in sap. The best part of it all, is getting a lift on Noriaki’s shoulders – a far better option than scrambling up wooden ladders laden with splints. 
From your perch, he runs his hands down your calves, looking up in adoration to observe as you pluck a particularly juicy looking apple. After a small wiggle to position yourself, you tug the fruit from its spot on the branch. It falls into your hand with a satisfying plop. 
“That one’s pretty big,” he notes. “Maybe we should eat that one first.” 
“A good plan, I think,” you say. You give it a quick wipe on your sleeve, then bend over so you can present it in front of his mouth. He smiles with serenity, appreciative of your offer. His eyes lock on yours as he tilts his head forward, sinking his teeth into the ripe flesh. A trickle of juice runs down the side of his mouth, and he can’t help but laugh through the burst of apple. Everything always tastes better when it's with you.
caesar zeppeli & joseph joestar ; soapmaking
The hustle and bustle of people milling around your soapmaking class was the perfect diversion for Joseph’s latest caper – which was to annoy you and Caesar. Simply put, it was business as usual.
Caesar slipped on a pair of gloves, but the looming figure behind him snatched his attention from pouring his lye. “I can see you, Jojo,” he said, looking over his shoulder in annoyance. “We can both see you.”
Your head was also turned – you were well versed enough to recognize Joseph’s ways. His face stretched in a wide, suspicious smile, and his hands remained hidden behind his back. "No need to get your eyes checked, then!” he exclaimed in a singsong voice, cheesy as ever. “Look at my two favorite lovely people, being so cute, making the best soap–” 
Caesar rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. Leaning over to you, he spoke, “If we ignore him, he just might go away.” 
“Caesar,” Joseph whined, “I’m right here! I can hear you!”
“Good,” said Caesar. 
Joseph whipped his arms from behind his back, brandishing a heart-shaped bar of soap in each hand. "Fine," he pouted. "I was going to give you two these, but since you're being so mean…" 
Your heart melted on sight. Though they looked… suspicious, to say the least, they were still a token of Joseph's affection. "That's so cute, Jojo!" you exclaimed happily. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," grumbled Caesar – but he couldn't even begin to hide the blush spreading across his cheeks.
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y3ager · 1 year
— hamon training has left joseph and caesar oh so high strung… you’ll be a good little helper and give them a hand while lisa lisa and suzie q are gone, won’t you?
joseph j. x black!fem!reader x caesar z.
tags: canonverse, smut, mmf threesome, oral sex (m receiving), double penetration, spitroasting. creampie. minors dni.
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“CAESAR! JOSEPH! JUST a few more minutes and i’ll have lunch ready for you guys.” dusting flour off your apron, you smiled sheepishly. “had to run down to the market, we were out of butter! us! out of butter! crazy, huh?” you turned to the stovetop and carefully fished the gently coiled nests of freshly made pasta noodles from the pot of boiling water. “i decided to try my hand at that squid ink pasta you keep raving about, jojo, i really hope it’s to your liking.”
“…, you spoil me!” joseph grinned brightly. as exhausted as he acted while walking through the threshold to the kitchen, he suddenly had the energy to rush up to you and wrap his arms around you tight, pulling you flush against the front of his body. bending his head down, his smile turned impish as he got close to your ear. “keep it up, and i might have to make you my wife.”
“get off the lady, joseph. she’s cooking, and you reek like a pigsty,” caesar scrutinized as your face burned hot. you hoped you could conceal it with the heat wafting off from the stovetop. “hey, …, do you know where master and suzie q are?”
“they told me they had business to attend to in the city. good news is they’ll be gone for a while, so you two have time to eat and rest for a bit.” you squirmed in joseph’s grip. “jojo,” you whine. “i can’t make your plate if you don’t let go. it’s like you’re gonna crush me.”
joseph’s arms loosened, but it wasn’t the only thing that changed about him. at this newfound knowledge his eyes darkened, unbeknownst to you, of course. he glanced over at caesar. for once, mild annoyance didn’t immediately cross his face. his pretty features were instead being decorated with a small smirk. he knew what joseph was thinking just like joseph knew what he was thinking. gone, and for a while, huh?
“you know, you really do take good care of us, …, and i fear we don’t appreciate it enough.” finally, joseph released you from the cage that was his arms, backing up to give you enough space to plate the food. his interest in that, however, was quickly waning. he wanted something else. “i know we’re a handful. caesar more than i.” the italian scoffed.
“you two do plenty. i mean, what can you do? you’re always so busy. i’m just happy i can show i care by doing the most i can to help you.” now free, you had the space to plate the steaming food on perfectly white porcelain plates. next, you scrutinized the two bottles of wine you brought up from the cellar, suddenly unsure of which one you wanted to pair with this late lunch. joseph’s and caesar’s staring certainly didn’t help your indecisiveness. “but now you’re making me nervous staring at my back! it feels like you’re gonna glare holes through me.
“go, shoo-shoo!” you turned and attempted to usher the two men out of the expansive kitchen and towards the dining room of the manor, first nudging the brunet, who kindly entertained your admittedly weak shoving by pretending to exit, and then the blond when he was close enough. you managed to get them closer and closer to the threshold, but only because they let you. “i can bring the plates to you, i can’t expect you to eat standing up! rest while you have a chance. show your appreciation by doing this.”
caesar stopped himself by placing his hand on the the doorframe. “i know you must’ve spent so much time cooking for us and believe me when i say we appreciate it, but i think we want something else.”
"for once i agree with ol' caes! do you mind doing something else for us big fools? we promise it'll be worth your while..."
a cute furrow forms in your brow as you stare up at the two men. "oh, uh, sure!" you exclaim, a bit unsure. the two working in tandem sets off enough alarms in your head, but you know they would sooner die than lead you astray. "what is it that you need...?"
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“open your mouth for me, baby.” your face burns as you look up at joseph, his deviously charming crooked smile twinkling back at you. obediently, though, you open your mouth, sticking out your cute little tongue for the joestar. “good girl,” he coos. he languidly strokes his cock with one hand, coaxing it from semi-hard to full on throbbing. with the other, he presses down on your tongue with his thumb. “suck— there ya go, just like that. a little pro, huh? now can you do that with this?” after staring into your glazed over eyes for a few moments, he retracts his hand. a thin line of drool connects his thumb to your tongue. “use your words.”
“y-yes, jo— oh, g-god!” caesar’s hand has moved to your throat, lightly clenching as he eases his heavy cock into your dripping cunt. “c-c— ohh, fuck! please!”
“i’ve been fantasizing about this ever since i first witnessed how your skin glittered under the venitian sun, cara mia.” that caesar, ever the casanova even while he was balls deep inside of you, hips easing back and forth slowly. for now. “how beautiful you look under me, taking me so well. always such a good girl for me. for us.”
a shaky moan passes by your lips before you're reminded of the other man in the vast bed. joseph taps the tip of his dick onto your plump bottom lip, gently reminding you of your other task. eagerly, you open your drooling mouth and with gentility you didn't know the joestar possessed, he pushes himself past your mouth. your lips press firmly around him, your moans a pleasurable vibration on his cock.
you're completely at their mercy now, but there's no place you'd rather be. caesar has hiked up your legs and thrown them around his hips to get the leverage he needs to really fuck into you. joseph might have been soft before, but now there's purpose behind his thrusts deep into your throat. their hands are everywhere, groping your breasts and brown, pebbled nipples, your swollen clit, it's nearly too much to bare.
"oh, please. oh, fuck. fuck me, please." what a chatty little thing you are! pumping joseph's spit soaked dick with your soft hand, you beg and plead the italian to keep going, don't stop. "i'm gonna cum, please," you sob.
"of course, tesoro. cum for me." leaning over slightly, caesar drills into you until you unravel and writhe on the sweaty sheets. your orgasm washing over you, the blond pulls out only to paint your brown cunt white. the sight is enough to send joseph over the edge. with a loud, low groan he cums as well, spilling white over your lips and part of you cheek. you lick it away eagerly. everyone’s panting, bodies numb and slick with a thin layer of sweat.
joseph, unsurprisingly, breaks the silence first. “you have another one in there for us, don’t you, pretty girl? you’ll love this, too.” he’s maneuvering the two of you, his back against the headboard before he pulls you up to place you in his lap, your back against his chest.
“jojo,” caesar starts.
“oh, don’t act high and mighty now! like you haven’t fantasized about this too.”
“about.. what..?” dickdrunk as you are you can’t say you appreciate them talking like you’re not even there.
joseph’s hand easily envelopes your face, gently squeezing your cheeks until you lips form a gentle pout. “us fucking you at the same exact time.” his other hand slides down your body until it meets you cunt, making you shiver. “now, you would love that, wouldn’t you?” two of his fingers sink deep inside, walls still so wet and warm.
“yes, ohh, y-yes.. please.. please…” you open your legs wider so the joestar can have even more access, missing how caesar swallows thickly.
“look at her,” joseph coos before looking up at caesar, grinning mischievously. “we can’t keep the poor lady waiting.”
caesar tries to maintain his gentleman image but the needy, wanton, downright slutty look in your hazed over eyes has all the blood in his body rushing straight from his brain to his dick. the wetness dripping down from your folds proves to be just the lubricant joseph needs, his thick tip pressing into your back hole and making you shudder in pleasure. “jojo,” you whine.
“that’s a good girl,” he praises, one hand easing up to fondle your tit, fingers pressing and pinching your nipple.
“caes,” you call out, still getting stretched by joseph but wanting more. seemingly at you beck and call, he sidles forward, lining himself up with your awaiting hole. "fuck m- oh, fuck." you feel impossibly full as the italian slides his dick deep inside you. the two work together in tandem, with one of them sliding out of you as the other pushes inside, keeping you stuffed. once again, you're nearly overwhelmed as you're sandwiched between the two men, their moans low and heavy in your ears. "feels s' fuckin good.." your back arches up, chest pressing into caesar's as your cunt flutters and clenches. "s-so.. much.." they speed up, making you bit your lip and clench your fists had, body trembling.
"give it to us, love. let it out." joseph pumps his hips harder, his own orgasm coming closer and closer. the mild shakiness in caesar's thrusts signaling his own.
it's too much now, them pressing so deep into you finally pushes you over the edge with a loud cry, their own cum quickly spilling from your spent holes.
everyone falls away, caesar next to the of you on his chest, joseph with his back against the headboard with a loud sigh, and you on top. hearts are racing, chests heaving in greedy gulps of thick air. wits about you after a couple minutes, you realize you want to continue helping them out.
a/n: blah blah no anal w/o proper lube blah blah i never claimed to be an accurate sex narrator
never written for jjba b4 but pt 2 had the writing juices flowing last year! yes, this is from last year… 🫠
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despicablebisexual · 2 years
$5 | Caesar Zeppeli x Reader
Joseph really should have learned to listen to Suzie Q when she told him to knock...
warnings: afab reader, EXPLICIT SMUT mdni, betting, cursing, Joseph Joestar is a perv
set during battle tendency (part 2), all characters are 18+ years old
a/n: I've been on a Caesar fics binge lately, pls give my lover some attention
A wasted day.
That's all Joseph could think. He was wasting his one free day away.
Lisa Lisa decided to have mercy on the occupants of Air Supplena island and let everyone take the day off. She had business to attend to in Venice all day and wouldn't arrive back home until dinner time. When she left, Joseph begged Loggins and Messina to loosen the reins and leave the young adults alone. After some (shameful) begging on Joseph's part, the instructors gave in and left them alone. The only condition was to leave them to their all-day poker tournament in the library of the mansion. They told them if any funny business happened, they would not defend the young adults against Lisa Lisa.
"Alright! Now then lads, let's say we kick the day off by getting into the wine c-"
Joseph stopped mid-sentence when he noticed his two fellow Hamon users nowhere to be found.
That was about four hours ago. It's 1pm on the hottest day of the year in Venice, and Joseph had nothing to do. He had been trying to entertain himself with cards but could hardly focus since he was so bored.
"I know... I'll find Suzie Q! Then we can track down y/n and Caesar."
Joseph smirked to himself as he set off in search of the girl who had captured his heart. Besides her shyness, she was quite the jokester herself. He searched all throughout the mansion before finally spotting her in the laundry room.
"Suize Q!"
"Ah, Jojo! You scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that."
She playfully smacks his chest before turning back to folding the laundry in front of her. Joseph stands behind her and watches her.
"Jojo, if you came to watch me fold laundry, then the least you could do is offer to help me instead of staring."
Joseph snorts before he brushes the hair out of his face.
"I wasn't staring... I came to ask if you had seen y/n and Caesar! The two rats fled on me before I could even suggest what we do today."
"I believe I saw them in their swimsuits, heading for the pool earlier."
Suzie Q continues folding the laundry while Joseph stands behind her with a confused look.
"Swimming? Why would they go swimming without me?"
Suzie Q giggles at Joseph, not even bothering to turn around. When she turns around to place some folded towels on the shelf next to her, she sees Joseph's look of confusion.
"Oh my, Jojo! Do you really not know?"
"Know what," he says as he furrows his eyebrows.
"Why Caesar and y/n would go swimming without you, silly." Suzie Q laughs again but Joseph is steadily getting more impatient.
"What's the big idea?! Do they not like me or something?" He's starting to fume at this point.
Suzie Q sets down the laundry and laughs hard. "Jojo, you are so funny! It's not that they don't like you, it's that they like each other."
Joseph's jaw drops and Suzie Q laughs as hard as she possibly could at his reaction.
"How could you not notice that your two best friends are dating each other? Everyone in the house knows!"
"Everyone?!! Knows?!! Caesar and y/n... are dating?!!"
Joseph clutches the side of his face. Suzie Q's laughter has died down at this point and is instead replaced with shock.
"How did you find out?! Who told you?"
"Y/n and I spend a lot of time together when the three of you aren't training. Women talk, it's just what we do."
Joseph is baffled at this point.
"I don't believe you. I would bet $5 on it that you're wrong," he states plainly.
Suzie Q shakes her head as she chuckles.
"Follow me, Jojo."
Joseph Joestar might not be the smartest person in any given room, but there was no possible way that he could miss something like his two best friends dating. As him and Suzie Q trekked through the mansion, he began to think aloud.
"Caesar and y/n, really?? But she's so mature and strong and sensible, and he's not."
Suzie guides them through the kitchen and onto the back patio. She stops and turns to him. "Sometimes, love is found in the last person you expected." She smiles so hard at him, her eyes crinkle. Joseph blushes as they continue walking. Heading through the small flower garden, they reach the pool. Caesar and y/n are nowhere in sight.
"Hmm... I know I saw them in their swimsuits, y/n was wearing that beautiful green one that looks amazing on her!"
Suzie Q and Joseph looked around for a moment. That's when Joseph noticed two sets of wet footprints by the back door that had not dried yet due to being in the shade.
Joseph grabbed Suzie Q's arm. "There, Suzie! Let's follow the path they took."
Without even waiting for an answer, Joseph took off with Suzie in tow. He followed the water trail through the kitchen, into the hallway, up the stairs, through the corridors before finally landing in front of Caesar's room. He put his hand on the doorknob. He went to turn, but Suzie Q grabbed a hold of his wrist and stopped him.
"Jojo! We can't just barge in! They're a couple, what if they are..." Her cheeks flushed as she abandoned the thought.
"Nonsense, I walk into Caesarino's room all the time and he has yet to been in there with y/n. I'm telling you Suzie; they aren't a couple." And with that firm statement, he turned the doorknob and entered the room.
Upon entry, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Caesar's bed was made, the curtains were drawn open to let sunshine in, and all his items were in place. The only thing out of the ordinary was a towel that sat on the bed. When Joseph's picked it up, he could smell the chlorine on it still.
"See Suzie Q! Only one towel; Caesar's towel. If they were together, her towel would be in here with his."
Suzie Q shook her head. "I guess you are right, Jojo. Perhaps we're all mistaken, and they aren't together."
Unsatisfied with her defeat, Joseph grabs her hand. "I'll prove to you that I'm right, perhaps y/n is still in her room. I'm getting to the bottom of why they left without me now."
The duo exits the room and Joseph marches them down the hall to y/n's room. She had been placed on the other side of the large hall to afford her privacy from the two boys.
Again, Joseph doesn't knock and bursts into the room. "Oh y/n," he says in a sing-songy voice.
When they enter, they can hear the shower in y/n's ensuite bathroom running. The door is cracked open just enough to let the steam escape.
"Jojo, she's in the shower! Give her some privacy. Such a pervert!"
Joseph sighs and turns on his heel to exit the room with Suzie Q. The two are just at the door when they hear her.
A long, high-pitched moan comes from the bathroom. The duo turns to each other suddenly.
Another one. "Mm, more please, Caesar."
"Anything for you, cara mia."
This time it's Suzie Q's jaw that drops. Joseph slowly turns to face the shower. He takes a few steps forward. Silently, he gets Suzie Q's attention and points to the green swimsuit on the floor right by the door, accompanied by blue swim trunks. The moans coming from the bathroom are getting louder, and the sound of skin hitting skin becomes apparent. Joseph takes a hand and eases open the door by a few centimeters. Suzie Q is silently shaking her head and trying to stop him, but he can't help but take a look in.
The scene inside is pornographic. Caesar stands inside y/n's shower (that has clear doors) with her in his arms, pressed against the wall. The couple are facing one another, too absorbed into the moment to realize that the door had crept opened several inches. He's rutting in and out of her at lightning quick speed. Y/n's arms and legs are wrapped around him, and she bounces along with his thrusts, moaning obscenely. Caesar is whispering sweet nothings to her while she babbles on about how good his cock feels inside of her, and how she's coming close to the edge.
"Caesar, I'm so close. Please don't stop."
Caesar groans at her words, trying to adjust her up higher. He handles her a little too roughly, and almost slips. The couple both yelp and Joseph takes this moment to flee from the scene.
He grabs Suzie Q and they run out of y/n's room, flying through the mansion until they are back in the kitchen, as far as possible from the couple.
Panting and out of breath, Jojo sits at the table and holds his head in his hands. He processes the moment he just saw between his two best friends, before looking up when Suzie Q taps his shoulder.
She's out of breath also but has a smile on her face and her palm before him, waiting. He cocks his eyebrow at her in confusion.
"$5, please."
Several days later. Joseph and Caesar walk into the kitchen to see Suzie Q conversing with a heated y/n.
"What's going on," Joseph asks nonchalantly.
"Joseph Joestar, you are a dead man!"
Y/n chases after Joseph, who has no idea what he has done to incur her wrath, throughout the mansion. Caesar and Suzie Q just watch the two.
"He finally caught us, didn't he?"
Suzie Q giggles, "yes, I'm sorry, I tried to stop him."
"Dio santo... She's going to kill him."
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coupleloosescrews · 2 months
Modern AU Caesar Zeppeli x Reader
Word Count:1382
“This is stupid.”
“That’s not fair! Anything you don’t like automatically becomes stupid.”
It was a sight to behold really. Stomping down the busy city streets came a loud blond man and an even louder brunette. The blonde was none other than Caesar Zeppeli and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out how he had allowed himself to be roped into this whole charade.
”You didn’t even give DJ’s a chance. We left after five minutes.”His loud mouthed companion, Joseph Joestar, whined, “You can’t walk through the doors of a bar, decide you hate the place and leave. You have to give it a chance, Caesar.”
”It’s your fault for thinking that I would actually be into a dive bar, Jojo. If you’re going to waste my time then at least pick somewhere that I’d like” The two had been bar hopping, or at least they would be if Caesar wouldn’t turn his nose up at every establishment they walked into.
He supposed he wasn’t being entirely fair. It wasn’t that he was so picky, not every bar was awful. Except for DJ’s, Caesar would much rather die than step foot into one more bar or club that almost exclusively relied on sports tv as their source of entertainment. Still, Caesar wasn’t the type of man that was opposed to a night out on the town, far from that really. He loved nothing more than a nice glass of wine and a dance with a beautiful woman but his heart just wasn’t in it tonight.
“Well, where do you suggest we go? Since you’re the life of the party,” Joseph threw his hands up exasperatedly.
Caesar stopped in his tracks at the question. Truth be told, he hadn’t expected it. He had expected Jojo to finally get tired of his attitude and then the two of them could return to their dorm and fall asleep in tense silence. It was a semi-common occurrence. What wasn’t common was for Joseph to actually ask for his opinion. It was unnerving but not unwelcome. It seemed he was serious about this night out.
“In that case,” Caesar trailed off, slowly walking ahead, assuming Jojo would follow “Come on”
Music not only filled the air, it vibrated through the building. It permeated everything within its reach. At least that’s how it felt to you from your seat at a club booth. You felt like you were shaking with each note. Like it was seeping into your very being and mutating your very DNA. You were not happy.
At all.
”Come on, cheer up, ”Called your friend from across the table. Susie Q wore an uncomfortable smile as she reached for your hand, flinching softly when you snapped it away from her, “I promise, the crowd really dies down with the night. I think you’ll enjoy yourself!”
Susie knew this wasn’t your type of scene. You knew that she knew and yet she still suggested coming out. And still, you were dumb enough to say yes.
You were never the social butterfly that the blonde girl was. Susie could make friends with anyone with just a smile, but you? Well, you weren’t unpleasant but you didn’t go out of your way to draw a crowd either. You preferred to keep to yourself, finding your own little world much more comforting. You were content with your family and a small group of friends, you never craved a marvelous social life.
Still, you deserved to have fun and admittedly going to the club sounded much funner in theory. Now sitting here with a blooming headache, you were beginning to question your judgment.
”Here, why don’t I go get us a couple of drinks?”Susie suggested, hoping you wouldn’t shoot her down. “Any requests?”
You sat silently for a second, staring off towards the wall. For a moment it seemed as if you hadn’t even heard her. After a moment, however, your shoulders sagged briefly as you mentally gave in. “Something sweet but strong..please”You finally responded, shouting out over the music.
You tried not to notice the soft smile on Susie Q’s face as she patted the table twice before jumping up and hopping off to the bar.
After she left you allowed yourself to finally look out over the club. A seemingly endless sea of bodies possessed the dance floor, swaying and moving in time with the thundering beats. Everywhere you looked it seemed like everyone was having the time of their lives. Why was it so easy for everyone else to enjoy themselves and yet you were left here miserable and overstimulated. You wanted to dance without a care in the world. You wanted to be like those people out there, meshing together as one. So why couldn’t you?
”(Y/N)!” Susie’s voice barely broke your musings and you looked up to see your friend, but this time she was flanked by a mystery man on either side. “I want to introduce you to Joseph and Caesar, they go to university with us.”As she introduced the two, she gestured to the brunette first then the blond second.
You were sure you’d recognized the taller of the two, Joseph you assumed, from your Biology 101 class. The two of you had been paired together early on in the semester during a lab and his organization skills had been abysmal, you remembered as much. This stranger though, you hadn’t the slightest clue who he was.
Definitely wasn’t ugly though.
”It’s a pleasu-“
”Hey, we have biology together!”
You bit your cheek, doing your best to hide your disdain as they spoke at the same time. Only this time it wasn’t at the interaction as a whole but at the way that Caesar rolled his eyes with a huff, his face already turning red in irritation at the interruption. If this guy was friends with Joseph you felt kind of bad for him.
”We do.” You reached out to grab your drink without looking at Joseph. You looked at the electric blue concoction, raising your eyes to look up at Caesar. “The pleasure’s all mine” and with a small acknowledging smile you looked back down.
And if you missed the light flush gracing his features, well, that was okay.
Susie wasn’t lying to you. As the minutes ticked by it seemed as if the people fled along with them. It was half past midnight when you really realized the gaps between groups on the dance floor. The chatter that once filled the room was beginning to die down, leaving room for the music to fully take over. The decrease of action did the same for your nerves, and at long last you could finally relax. Finally the room became less of neon blur, more of the picture of an okay night out.
You’d gone through a couple of drinks and was halfway through your third one when you caught slender fingers tapping on the table out of the corner of your eye. Slender fingers led to a thick forearm which led to a softly smiling Caesar. He’d done this same action throughout the night when he wanted your attention. It was much easier than yelling at the top of his lungs.
”Would you want to dance? It’s not as packed out there anymore” Had he been paying attention? The two of you had mainly stuck to the table. Well, mainly you did when every now and then Caesar would trot off to the bar or off for the occasional dance. He would always come back though. Susie and Joseph however, they’d abandoned the table long ago. Truth be told, the two had disappeared into the sea of bodies earlier and had yet to return. You suspected you’d been ditched but still held out some hope.
”What do you say?” You hadn’t realized you’d zoned out until your eyes refocused
You looked off towards the center of the room, letting out a quiet sigh. “Oh what the hell”You mumbled to yourself before taking your new companion by the hand and dragging him off to dance, and unbeknownst to you, Caesar was sporting the biggest grin.
Maybe tonight wasn’t such a waste after all.
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uwurakax · 4 months
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-> 𝒷𝓊𝒾𝓁𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓊𝓅 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓈, 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝓎 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒 <-
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✩ "these fatal fantasies giving way to laboured breath" ✩
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 finding an obscure otome game on the internet wasn't on your 2024 bingo card, but with only the cover art and no blurb, you decided to give it a shot. it looked promising enough at the start, and nothing could go wrong, right? ✩
★ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 various jojo's characters x f!reader (( jonathan x reader || dio x reader || joseph x reader || caesar x reader || jotaro x reader || kakyoin x reader || josuke x reader || rohan x reader || kira x reader || giorno x reader ))
★ 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 otome || university/college!au || isekai || alt!universe ||
★ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 prologue || one || tba
★ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 ongoing!
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 the manhwa title please. i'm so normal about these dudes it's not even funnyyy. new fandom unlocked? idk i've been wanting to post jojos for ages - also not limited to just the pairings, depending on how i feel, i might add more, but im feeling the challenge ~
-> will eventually be cross posting on ao3 here ✩
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𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓋𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝓎 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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choococho · 9 months
So in the Caesar and Kars example post I mentioned the APMW AU. It took me a while to post cause I was getting the gist of it down and trying to get my thoughts together, but it's finally here.
A pillarman world AU
A pillarman world: APMW: AU where the pillarmen won, taking over the world. They are all ultimate lifeforms, this includes Santana.
The AU is split into 3 different timelines:
Rebellion: APMW.R: Joseph, Caesar, lisa lisa and her 2 helpers all die, when does this happen I haven't decided yet, tho I think it will happen somewhere after the fight with Esidisi. In this version, one of the hamon users that were killed by Straizo managed to survive but with no memories of Straizo's betrayal and the existence of the pillarmen, regaining them piece by piece throughout the time period of BT while living in a small village in Mexico, and by the time the pillarmen became ultimate life forms, he regained full memories, and decided to start teaching the capable people of that town hamon in hopes of starting an underground society to take down the pillarmen. Years later, the news had made it around the globe through rebels that work among the servants of the pillarmen, and it's getting bigger and bigger, without the pillarmen's knowledge…or maybe they do know.
Last Chance: APMW.LC: this AU is similar to that of "Rebellion", with the difference being that the red stone of aja gang is not dead, and managed to escape last second and lived underground for a while, trying to plan how to take down the newly evolved pillarmen. Straizo's student still exists and he still taught the people of the town, but the news about them and the start of the society made it to the red aja gang before making it to anyone else abroad, and because of their advanced capabilities and great strategies, their group became the main leaders of the society, and they made sure to spread their influence to people that'll benefit them and were capable enough, while also keeping tabs on people that may betray them.
In both "last chance" and "rebellion", the secret society has a system put in place to keep the stand users hidden, and hamon users are advised to not use their abilities unless necessary, and not to do it in public, as even other people can betray them.
Servitude: APMW.S: the complete hopelessness AU, no one can save humanity, all hamon users are dead, and stand users got found out in some point, leading them to be hunted by the pillarmen goons and to develop tools to tell if a child is a stand user from birth or not, and if a person developed an ability down the line, and if found out they'll be killed. Humanity is over, and it's time for the pillarmen rule.
This AU can be used for world building asks/comments etcetera, it's not really limited for x readers (most of anything I'll do won't be only for one use as I want to have maximum fun and freedom) You can use it for world building in a fic, as long as there is credit.
Also yandere asks are allowed.
I'll make a separate post for how Darling can present in this AU ( I have….many ideas to say the least).
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soupbabe · 2 years
Requesting platonic hcs for young joseph and caesar with a gothic and sarcastic best friend
Young! Joseph and Caesar with a Goth! Sarcastic! Friend
This was very fun to write! Though I think my favoritism shows in this 😔
Joseph Joestar
- He has and will relentlessly make fun of you
- Like it's the oldest teases known to man 😭
- "Jesus Y/n! I thought you were a ghost!" "I thought Halloween was yesterday?"
- Every time you two go out to eat and he has that squid ink pasta? He'll act like "goth Joseph" with the sauce all over his lips
- He does a little impression of you every time, and while you admit it's entertaining, it gets old fast
- You have to humble him, pretend he isn't funny anymore
- He's like a dog tbh
- If you don't want him repeating bad behavior you don't respond to it
Caesar Zeppeli
- I think Caesar doesn't care about your music taste/style
- At the very least, he admires how you express yourself truthfully and if you're happy, he's happy
- Though your sarcasm is the bane of his existence
- It gets under his skin easily and it's absolutely hilarious
- Pray for Caesar if you and Joseph team up on him- you'll get him pulling his hair out
- I don't think he can take you anywhere, especially if he finds someone cute
- You'll overhear his convo and your snarky remarks will end up charming the exact people he's trying to woo over
- It makes him jealous and embarrassed
- "Y/n you're scaring away the hoes" /j
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nezebel · 2 years
♡ jojos + jobros doing black!readers' hair ♡
a/n: i was talking to some friends about how badly jjba characters could fuck up our box braids. i'm gonna do multiple of these, but for now i'm just gonna do the first 3 jojos/bros. there's a lot of parts so I wanna split them equally- the next one will be part 4, 5, and 6 (maybe 7). hope you enjoy! also ty for over 50 likes on my first post! mwah mwah mwah
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Part 1 Jonathan Joestar
Very gentle with your hair. Despite his size, he tries to treat you (and thankfully your hair) as if it might break at any moment. Unfortunately, this means he isn't very willing to actually detangle it.
"Jonathan, please. I need you to actually comb the tangles out of my hair or we'll never be finished."
"I know, my love. I'm sorry. But it might hurt..." "You can be insufferable at times, darling."
Eventually leaves you to detangle your hair by himself so he can do the braiding part, which goes WAY faster. He's quite skilled with his fingers. Makes your braids gorgeous and even adds in crystals and little accessories to spice it up. Overall, 8/10!
Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Very confused. Did you say twists or braids? What's the difference? How do you know? Where did these hairstyles even come from? No matter. Despite his confusion, he's determined to help you out. He's good with detangling and decent with braiding, but decides twisting is the easier way out. It takes him a bit of time to do it though.
"Are you almost done with that twist, darling?" You mumble, exasperated. "Yes dear, just give me a second- oh, that doesn't go that way- sorry, dear-" You giggle as he struggles to finish a single twist, still having half of your hair to finish.
Finally finishes your hair after many, MANY hours. At least he made your hair cute, though. Buys you charms and hair ties so you can style your twists. 7.5/10 for Speedwagon!
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Part 2 Joseph Joestar
No idea what he's doing. Tugs, knots, and pulls at your hair accidentally as he simply tries to put it into passion twists. The extensions made it even more difficult as he fumbled with them, trying to make them mesh into your hair seamlessly as you always had. Still very confused.
"Joseph, what the actual fuck are you doing?"
"I DON'T KNOW!" "You better figure it out, Jojo. Please. Do you need a little help?" "For the last time, dollface, I don't need any help. 'M Joseph f'ing Joestar. I can figure this out," He mumbles as he continues to struggle and stress your hair.
When he's done, you look like you got jumped. You give him a kiss and a pat on the back. He tried his best. You secretly take the twists he did out and put your own in overnight, then tell him the twists simply settled last night.
"Huh! Guess I'm not so bad, eh?"
You sigh, then give him a sweet smile. "No, sweetheart. Not at all."
Overall, 4/10. He tried his best, but unfortunately his best was not enough.
Caesar A. Zeppeli
Shocks you with how skillful he is. Even adds in color to your passion twists! Blonde, of course, so you can match with him. Works efficiently and without struggle, but leaves the ends of your twists looking kind of funny.
"Why do the ends of the twists look like that?" "Like what?" Caesar stops and looks at a twist. "Ah. I wasn't exactly sure how to end them. Mi dispiace, amore." Oh well. It wasn't all that bad. And besides, whenever he calls you amore, you can't stay mad at him.
"No worries, darling. I'll fix them later."
Helps you fix the ends of your twists and gives you a pearl necklace to go with the finished look. Overall, 9.5/10!
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Part 3
Jotaro Kujo
Very grumpy. Almost says no when you ask him to help you with your hair because he thought it'd be too difficult (and he was kind of right), but you assured him he'd be fine and you'd guide him through the steps of the hairstyle.
"...What did you say this hairstyle was called?" "Goddess braids! They're like box braids, but you have to crochet water wave extensions through the top of the braid." You show him a photo of the hairstyle and he damn near faints.
"...Yare yare. Why do you have to choose such complicated styles?"
"One thing I won't do is hear complaints from a man who didn't wash his hair for 50 days. Better start detangliinggggg..."
He sighs, chuckling a bit, then begins to do your hair.
Finishes relatively quickly and gives you the color of your choice. Buys you an extra large bonnet to keep the curls from getting too frizzy and gives you some silver and gold charms that match some of the charms on his hat. The braids could be better but for his first time doing braids they're pretty good. Overall, 7.5/10, especially for his patience! (still looks irritated about the amount of time it took though)
Kakyoin Noriaki
Very good with washing, detangling, and parting your hair. He does feel stuck about how many braids he has to do or how fast he has to do them. You simply tell him to take his time (but not too much time) and that you can tell him what to do.
"Okay, I'm starting the braids now."
"You said that 10 minutes ago."
"..." "I mean it this time."
Slightly hesitant about actually starting your hair, but he makes it work. Asks if you want to do light pink to match with him and gives you cherry-shaped charms. Also adds pink, red, and white beads to the ends of your braids because he saw someone do that once and thought they'd look cute on you. Overall, 8/10. The braids are pretty and he didn't take too long at all.
Looking in the mirror, you gasp as you look at your gorgeous new braids. "Oh my goshhh, Kakyoin. Have you done this before? You aren't walking around wearing box braids, right? These are so cute!"
He smiles, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. "I tried my best. I'm glad you like them."
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idk when part 2 is coming out. maybe later today. hope you enjoyed this little fanfic or whatever, it took me a little while to write lol. feel free to send requests of what you'd like to see next!
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jojosbizzarewife · 1 year
Grocery Shopping Headcanons
Always makes a list
Always includes a snack or treat for you on the list - you can't say no, it's on the list
He needs a list, will forget everything and come back with nothing
Gets exactly what's on the list and leaves - hates browsing and being around others
Hot Pants
Never makes a list
Insists on buying a pack of gum from the checkout every time
Hol Horse
The pistols will be throwing things they want in the cart, regardless of a list
Always wants to push the cart
William Zeppeli
Will fill the cart with junk food if he gets to wander
If he thinks you're going too slow, he will hit your heels/ankle with the cart
Funny Valentine
If you let him, he'd love to sit in the cart and have you push
Tries to sneak snacks into the cart
He's always hungry, so he wants the whole damn store
Akira Otoishi
Always tries to sneak a chocolate bar into the cart - has and will hide it under other food so you don't notice
Will also try to sneak things out of the cart - Goodbye zucchini
Always misses one thing on the list
On purpose - "we don't need that" type
Too excited to get home and spend quality time with you
Price matches whenever possible
Will hold up a line for an hour if it means he gets a better deal
Weather Report
Price matching and coupons type of guy
Ringo Roadagain
Dishonorable Mentions
Jodio and Dragona
steal more than they buy, every time
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Road tripping, aka torture
Ceaser had been in many traumatizing situations in his life.
His teenage years after his father left
Seeing his father die before his eyes
The pillar men fight-
However, none had truly shattered his soul as what the poor man was currently experiencing.
Where just after getting in the car was a composed, actually excited for the trip blonde, now stood-
no, layed-
the ruins of this far ago positive man, who felt like all the energy of his soul had been cuelly snatched from him, now just a lifeless body without meaning.
First there was no orange juice in that gas station store where they'd stopped to recharge, which, slightly, crushed deeply in the darkest depths of his soul in a way he'd probably never be able to recover, but that was fine.
He'd just resigned and pretended all was well despite the internal urge to turn emo and put #deadinside in all his instagram posts.
(After all it wouldn't fit with all his shirtless pics-
if he got some edgy tattoos to look the part then perhaps-)
Suddently he got kicked out his thoughts by a random bump, cruelly yanked away from his possible emo era becoming thoughts that muffled the noise arround him and put him back in the cruel place that reality currently was for him.
Motherfucking Joseph.
Ceaser hated him so much right now
The shattered remains of this man were currently being forced to listen to Joseph's screaming or as he probably would call it singing- he couldn't stand it at this point anymore.
However- alas, this man had no real choice-
He regretted so much not responding to that message asking for a dick pic that day.
Maybe then he'd have had a moment that would not have left him so pent up to the point of thinking joseph's waist looked grababble-
Or his toned pecs that were practically anime girl boobs at this point
Or his ass
Not to mention t hose juicy lips-
Ceaser would have slapped himself remembering that but he didn't have the energy
But- that was probably the reason he said yes to Joseph that day when he asked if he was up for a road trip.
The things that man did to him. Despite being straight, of course.
Because yes, Ceaser fought tooth and nail to keep his Straight Man™ persona, despite his bisexualism wanting to come out.
Pun non intended but now is
His thoughts, now more gay than emo, like a 2020 tiktoker slowly chirning into their next human pokemon evolution stage, were again cut off by a sudden scream as apparently Joseph's favourite song came on the radio.
The only wish he wanted was for Joseph to shut the fuck up, and he'd tell him. If he had the energy.
Ceaser snickered to himself with the little energy he had at his own mental quip, his sanity slowly drooping.
How Lisa Lisa was able to stand the screaming Beyonce wannabe himbo of her son, Ceaser would never know.
Looking at her, he tried to concentrate despite the noise, trying to see for any eye twitches or signs of trying to not show pain in this torture, he made a futile attempt to understand how this woman wasn't losing her mind.
Then he noticed the earplugs.
How dare she.
Ceaser could not believe his, once creative and properly working before this, brain, hadn't thought of that, thoroughly dissapointed in himself, or what remained of him.
His only remaining braincell, bruised yet proud, like that bitch Napoleon noone likes, like those french soldiers twerking after french blood was put in the spanish royals, sadly for all us spaniards, leaving us with slumped shoulders and a burnt and stomped-on french flag in the corner, which deep down we only did for the memes despite for a handful of old guys who were genuinely resentful, slowly remembered that A Creature apart from the dude banned from two countries and his mom was in the car with them, turning his head with the little energy in his destroyed flesh and soul to look at Suzi Q for any signs of fellow mental death.
Suzi Q was sleeping.
Suzi Q was fucking sleeping.
In this hellhole of a car.
With Joseph screaming Call Me Maybe at the top of his lungs.
Ceaser found himself severely concerned by how the fuck this woman was humanly capable of actually sleeping, worrying for how the fucking HELL she learned to sleep through such hellish sounds as if it were gentle relaxing rain or those satisfying sleep asmrs that only made you more stressed and want to tear someone limb by limb or punch into the wall like toxic "men should act like men" men in their 40's when their 19 year old wife made their dinner slightly cold because they were doing their best trying to balance take care of this shithole they called a home with taking care of their 4 kids because their bitch husband didn't want to use condoms because "he couldn't feel it".
Ceaser wanted to cry at this point.
But he didn't have the energy to either, when suddently noticing the screaming had stopped, Joseph looking at him, surprising the poor victim of the torture he called singing looking at him, surprising Ceaser with the slight display of worry.
"You look terrible, you ok Ceaserino?"
The screaming.
The orange juice.
His own pride and will to live.
His emo pokemon era.
It all churned inside him as he suddently felt The Zepelli Spirit bringing his energy back at the sudden lack of background screaming, like a small fed up child wanting to ask a question in Biology when his classmates finnally stopped becoming human airhorns after seeing a picture of a penis or a boob.
Ceaser looked at him dead in the eye, slowly inching closer to him despite Suzi Q being in the middle, pulling him slightly closer by the collar of his shirt and putting his mouth against his ear, not caring for looking like a weird borderline homoerotic tension romcom.
Ceaser screamed.
Joseph screamed from the scream in his ear.
The sudden yanking and bumping into her woke up Suzi Q who screamed as well, turning the car into an inhumane screaming match of blondes and Joseph.
Lisa Lisa just kept driving.
Those tesco earplugs were damn good.
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