#c. brigitta.
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storyrealized · 2 months ago
"That mutt is far too fond of you."
As harsh as Brigitta's words may sound... there's barely any trace of actual vitriol to be found in them. In fact, though it's well-hidden behind an unsentimental tone, there's even some level of fondness in them too, though it would take a trained eye to see it - or just someone who knows her well-enough to not be fooled by her cold exterior.
She could spend time reflecting on just how this state of affairs came to be, and she's sure that she will... but right now, Brigitta finds herself just a bit distracted. Lately, it feels like the world's gone a little bit mad - to the point where even she's found herself unable to ignore it, as much as she tries to get on with her business without letting the things she can't stop impede her. But Luca being here... somehow makes things a little easier to bear, much as she'd be embarrassed to admit to it aloud.
He seems to have that effect on a lot of people, though.
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"That aside, you look like you've been busy as of late." she notes instead, arms folded as she takes a moment to observe the boy in question. Truth be told, there are things she wants to ask about, but... she's not entirely sure how to do so. "I'll admit that I'm curious about what you're up to... but I suppose you might be here to take a break from all that, hmm?"
@tenebriism ( starter for luca! )
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[C'è una fiaba anche per te][AA. VV.]
Una raccolta di diciassette fiabe rielaborate in chiave inclusiva che, uscite per la prima volta nel 2020 in Ungheria, hanno creato scalpore per i loro contenuti controcorrente, si sono fatte condannare ma non zittire, e grazie alla potenza del passaparol
Principi che non vogliono sconfiggere i draghi, principesse che non aspettano un eroe ma lo diventano, streghe che non hanno fame di bambini, conigli con tre orecchie: C’è una fiaba anche per te è un libro fatto così, gioca con le storie, le rielabora, le trasforma per celebrare l’amore in tutte le sue forme e dare spazio a sogni, paure e desideri di ogni genere. Perché chiunque merita il suo…
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crownsofesha · 10 months ago
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Charlotte ~ c. 1902 ~ painted by Lady Magdalena Von Sonnen
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[Middle] Kaiserin Charlotte "Lotte" Von Jägerndorf of Windslar (@simming-in-the-rain)
[Left] Lady Charlotte Beatrix
[Right] Prinzessin Brigitta Charlotte Von Jägerndorf
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dire-vulture · 2 years ago
For the drawing prompts asks !
10 & 11 for Tarragon if you feel up to it and/or 18 with Cloudsinger ? 👀
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Tarragon super simplified, and doing his job :D I used to doodle Pokemon like this a long time ago haha...so here is a stick Tarragon watering some plants!!
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And for 18, we have Cloudsinger "meeting "interacting with me" but I don't really have any sort of self safasd so instead here's my birthday dragon, Brigitta Bluebie the tundra/snapper, giving Cloudie some blueberries c:
also ngl I totally thought this was asking for Windsinger at first sdfasd honestly i would love to meet Windsinger. some day...
thank you!!
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spiderscape · 9 months ago
The Answer.
All of your curiosity are answered below.
Apa itu SpiderScape? SpiderScape adalah Temporary Open Agency berbasis semi event yang akan berjalan selama enam minggu. Dengan sistem semi event ini, maka event tidak akan dilaksanakan di setiap minggunya dan dalam beberapa periode, akan terdapat misi yang diberikan kepada The Heroes. ‎‎‎ㅤ
Siapa yang pertama kali memiliki ide ini dan apa alasan SpiderScape menggunakan konsep Spiderverse? Yang pertama kali menyuarakan pendapat untuk menggunakan konsep Spiderverse adalah Chief Marlo. Dari konsep tersebut, seluruh Chief berdiskusi dan menggabungkan inspirasi, ide, serta hal hal lainnya yang kemudian kami tuangkan dalam SpiderScape. Alasan menggunakan konsep tersebut ialah keinginan kami untuk mengusung pesan utama, yaitu 'Unity in Diversity' yang mana sangat erat dengan Spiderverse. ㅤ
CAUTION: THIS SESSION IS COMPLETELY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Segala bentuk pertanyaan yang mengancam organisasi Spider Scape tidak akan dijawab pada sesi ini.
Bagaimana konsep The Universe? The Universe adalah kumpulan dari sekian banyak universe yang memiliki Hero-nya masing masing untuk menjaga ketentraman universe tersebut. Setiap universe saling berhubungan, begitu juga dengan Hero di dalamnya. Sehingga apabila salah satu universe mengalami kehancuran, maka universe lain juga akan mengalaminya, because we are all one. Oleh karena itu, saat salah satu universe mengalami ancaman dari entitas asing, The Chiefs meminta bantuan ke seluruh hero di universe lain agar bersatu melawan entitas tersebut demi keselamatan The Universe. ㅤ
Apa saja peranan di SpiderScape? a. Commander In Chief Commander In Chief (CIC) adalah kepala atau pimpinan di Spider Scape yang bertugas sebagai ketua dan pengambil keputusan akan setiap kegiatan di Spider Scape. b. The Chiefs The Chiefs adalah pemimpin The Heroes dari seluruh universe, dalam hal ini yaitu Chief Marlo, Chief Andrew, Chief Joanna, dan Chief Brigitta. The Chiefs bertugas memastikan setiap Hero melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik, yaitu menjaga kedamaian The Universe. c. The Heroes The Heroes adalah para pahlawan yang bertugas untuk menjaga kedamaian universe mereka masing masing, dalam hal ini ialah member dari Open Agency SpiderScape. The Heroes memiliki satu jenis hero yang sama, yaitu Spider. d. Strange Entities Entity asing berbahaya yang mengancam kedamaian dunia dan harus segera dikalahkan. ㅤ
Apakah misi The Heroes untuk menyelamatkan The Universe akan dilakukan secara diam-diam? Benar. Seperti yang telah dijelaskan dalam Concept Reveal, Spider Scape merupakan organisasi rahasia, sehingga misi yang dilakukan The Heroes untuk menyelamatkan The Universe dari kehancuran juga bersifat rahasia. ㅤ
Apakah setiap Heroes memiliki kisah dan abilities masing-masing? Siapakah Code Name 101? Apakah The Heroes nantinya juga akan memiliki kode seperti itu? WARNING! FORBIDDEN TOPIC. THIS QUESTION IS COMPLETELY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF COMMANDER IN CHIEF. ㅤ
Apakah terdapat sistem poin di SpiderScape? Benar. SpiderScape akan menerapkan sistem poin di mana setiap Heroes akan memiliki poin berdasarkan keaktifan mereka dalam mengikuti kegiatan di SpiderScape. ㅤ
Apakah di SpiderScape terdapat jumlah minimal interaksi? Jika tidak, bagaimana menentukan suatu member aktif atau tidak? Dalam SpiderScape tidak terdapat peraturan tertulis terkait jumlah interaksi minimal per hari. The Chiefs mempersilahkan para Heroes untuk berinteraksi sesuai dengan kapasitas masing-masing dalam setiap harinya. Namun perlu diingat bahwa aktif (baik dalam mengikuti kegiatan maupun berinteraksi dengan The Chiefs dan sesama Heroes) adalah sesuatu yang sifatnya wajib seperti yang telah tercantum di peraturan, kecuali telah melakukan izin atau sedang dalam masa hiatus. Sehingga apabila salah satu atau kedua hal tersebut tidak dilaksanakan, The Chiefs akan menghubungi Heroes untuk bertanya apakah ada kendala, atau sekiranya memerlukan izin hiatus. ㅤ
Berapa jumlah Heroes yang akan diterima di SpiderScape? Jumlah Heroes yang diterima nantinya ialah berkisar antara 25:25 sampai dengan 30:30, tergantung dari beberapa hal yang akan didiskusikan terlebih dahulu oleh The Chiefs. ㅤ
Apa yang menjadi kriteria penilaian dalam memilih Heroes? Penilaian yang akan kami gunakan yaitu a. Keaktifan (70%), mencakup bagaimana cara kalian berinteraksi dengan mutual maupun autobase, bagaimana cara kalian membangun atau mempertahankan percakapan, kegiatan yang kalian ikuti (misal: mengikuti games, event, dan sejenisnya bagi yang memiliki OA atau SQ), dan melakukan pembaruan karakter. b. Form (15%), mencakup bagaimana cara kalian menjawab pertanyaan dari The Chiefs. c. Interaksi dengan The Chiefs dan Promosi (15%), mencakup berbincang dengan para The Chiefs baik melalui tweet maupun pesan langsung, serta melakukan promosi di autobase. ㅤ
Apakah jumlah OA akan menjadi pertimbangan dalam pemilihan Heroes? Jumlah OA bukan penentu yang signifikan, karena berapapun jumlah OA yang telah diikuti tidak selalu menunjukkan apakah orang tersebut aktif atau tidak. Namun, hal ini bukan tidak mungkin untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk The Chiefs. ㅤ
Apakah kegiatan di SpiderScape akan selalu berkelompok? Tidak selalu. Akan ada kegiatan yang bersifat individu dan kelompok. ㅤ
Apakah event akan sesuai dengan jalan cerita? Kemudian apakah akan saling berkaitan? Tentunya, event akan sesuai dengan jalan cerita. Kemudian apakah saling berkaitan, maka jawabannya bisa iya dan tidak. Secara garis besar jalan cerita akan berkaitan.
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lenaiyasims · 1 year ago
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Brigitta's favorite outfits
Indian summer edition
Sweater ♦ Skirt ♦ Boots
Blouse ♦ Trousers ♦ Platform heels ♦ Necklace
Layered Shirt ♦ Jeans ♦ Boots
Top ♦ Long Skirt ♦ Mari Janes
Hair is from this pack
Thank you CC Creators ♥ @clumsyalienn @jius-sims @greenllamas @aharris00britney @serenity-cc @simstrouble @solistair @trillyke @magnolia-c
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jortschronicles · 2 years ago
Sion Reliquary Bag
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Lady Áshildr inn Hárfagri
November 6, 2021
presented at axeman xvi
Knitting is an old form of textile production, with extant knitted artifacts dated to the 11th century. Our earliest examples of knitting are intricate, well-made pieces made with a mastery indicating a much earlier date of origin. The earliest knit pieces found in Europe are dated to the 13th century in Spain and Estonia. Five knitted purses were found in Sion, Switzerland dated to the 14th century. Knit in silk thread, in the round, and with a "fair isle" type multicolor patterning, these purses have been reproduced and studied by many artisans of the SCA. In this reproduction, I knitted a bag based on Sion relic-purse I, substituting mercerized cotton crochet thread at a larger gauge and to different dimensions to achieve a specific purpose.
I have wanted to participate in Arts & Sciences for some time, but could not bring myself to put in the effort necessary for a project just for me. So in true Legion of Swashbucklers fashion, I determined the ultimate means to drum up the effort for a documentable A&S project would be a gift for the Queen of Ansteorra, Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth I, using my experience with knitting.
Knitting as we know it originated sometime before the 11th century, with our earliest artifacts being knitted short row heel socks from Egypt (Tissus d'Égypte). The earliest known knitted artifacts outside Egypt were knitted cushion covers and gloves belonging to Prince Fernando de la Cerda, some time before 1275CE (Rutt).
Five knitted purses were found in Sion, Switzerland dated to the 14th century, first described by Brigitta Schmedding (Schmedding). These bags are knitted from the top down from silk thread, closed with a three-needle bind off, and used two to three colors at a time to make a pattern. Each bag seems to be closed with a fingerloop braid and have a fingerloop braid strap.
I made this bag once before for HE Sara Asshton of York in the 2020 Sable Swap (pictured in Appendix A) and used lessons learned from that project to improve my approach to this project.
Method / Design
For the construction of this bag, I used Aunt Lydia's Classic 10 Crochet Thread in Dark Royal, Golden Yellow, White, and Black on Hiya Hiya US0 2mm double pointed needles.
I used double pointed needles as they are depicted in early "knitting Madonna" paintings such as Master Bertram of Minden's Visit of the Angel, dated to the 15th c and shown below.
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Most "knitting Madonna" paintings seem to depict a 3-and-1 arrangement of double pointed needles, with the stitches spread evenly across three needles with one working needle, but I opted to use a 4-and-1 arrangement to better divide my stitches across much shorter, modern needles.
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I used mercerized crochet cotton in place of silk for cost and durability concerns. As this bag is to be a gift for HRM Elizabeth, I want it to be a bag she can use and clean without fear of damaging delicate silk or expensive fibers. From prior experience knitting with both cotton and with silk, my joints and fingers suffered far worse with the silk than with the cotton. Because the readily available cotton (Classic 10) is a greater weight than the original silk, I used larger needles and produced a larger gauge than the original item. My gauge worked out to be 5 stitches/cm and 5 rows/cm as opposed to the 7 rows/cm and 5-6 stitches/cm according to Schmedding (using Knytir's translation). T
I cast on the project on August 9 with 14 repeats of the 12 stitch pattern, preferring the Sion I Chart interpretation in DesMoines's pattern to the chart in Lady Tola Knityr's interpretation. Progress pictures found in appendix B. The bag is only made long enough to hold a large phone, and as such does not have the number of rows or requisite tassels that the reliquary bag has.
There is a noticeable difference in gauge from the bottom to the top of the bag. The original is consistent throughout and bound off with a 3 needle bind off. Midway through production I found my gauge with 3-strand colorwork improving, which unfortunately changed the overall gauge. I chose to reverse the construction of the bag such that the firmest, most accurate gauge is at the top of the bag which will receive the most stress from the ties. The loose gauge at the beginning of the project is the result of knowing how an uneven but too-tight gauge makes colorwork "pucker" in an unsightly fashion, and that floats too loose but unseen on the back side of the product are typically more tolerable than too-tight floats with puckering.
Ends are left untrimmed inside the bag to allow repair options, as the cotton is slippery and I do not trust its ability to stick to itself should I simply weave in the ends and trim. If this bag begins to unravel, I wish to fix it.
The fingerloop braid closure is left off pending the presentation of the gift to the recipient, as it affects the fabric and if she has no interest in the drawstring closure there seems no point in needlessly altering the fabric itself.
If I ever try to knit 3 strand color work again, throw this paper at me.
DesMoines, Anne. Reliquary Style Pouches.
(downlaoded May 2020)
Knytir, Tola. Sion Knitted Purse.
(accessed November 1, 2021). Found in part here
Rutt, Richard. ​A History of Handknitting​. Interweave, 1987.
Schmedding, Brigitta. ​Mittelalterliche Textilien in Kirchen Und KloÌ​stern Der
Schweiz: Katalog​. Bern: StaÌ​mpfli, 1978
Tissus d'Égypte: témoins du monde arabe, VIIIe. - XVe. siècles. Collection
Bouvier, Exposition 1993-1994, Musée d'art et d'histoire à Genève. 1994,
Institut du monde arabe à Paris.
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August 10, 2021
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October 15, 2021
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October 20, 2021
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October 28, 2021
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Blocking the Final Product October 28, 2021
Thank you for reading this kthxbai
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hallmark-movie-fanatics · 2 years ago
Part of the Network’s Annual Christmas in July Programming Event
STUDIO CITY, CA – June 9, 2023 – Katie Cassidy (“Arrow,” “Gossip Girl”) and Stephen Huszar (“Love in Glacier National: A National Park Romance,” “Chesapeake Shores,”) star in “A Royal Christmas Crush,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, July 8 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s annual Christmas in July programming event.
Ava Jensen (Cassidy) is a talented architect who joins her beloved Uncle Karl (Charlie Ebbs, “Six Degrees of Santa”), in the enchanting frozen kingdom of Fríðrland to build an elaborate ice castle for the Royal Family – a tradition going back almost 200 years. Every year, the Royal Family gathers at the ice castle to relax and get away while they prepare for the annual Royal Christmas Ball. While there, Ava meets the handsome Prince Henry (Huszar), heir to the throne and one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. Although the two may be from completely different worlds, they become smitten with one another. The Prince, impressed by Ava’s talents, asks her to help him with his big speech and the two set out to learn more about one another. However, things aren’t as magical as they appear as the palace’s scheming Director of Logistics, Brigitta (Angela Besharah, “Circuit Breakers”), seeking to restore her family’s nobility and status, is determined to win the charming Prince over for her own daughter, the beautiful and very persistent, Sigrid (Kathryn Kohut, “Fly Away with Me”). With so much at stake, Brigitta sets out to sabotage the new budding romance before the Prince and Ava can get too close, however, hearts may already be melting in this winter wonderland ice palace.
“A Royal Christmas Crush” is from Fireside (IH3) Films Inc. Timothy O. Johnson and Andrew C. Erin are executive producers. Joseph Wilka and Lisa Alford are co-executive producers, while Josie Fitzgerald and Stefane Gregoire serve as producers. Marita Jane Grabiak directed from a script by Keith Hemstreet, Catherine Reay and Kate Somerville.
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yudisamara · 2 months ago
Menipu Mertua Menantu Polisikan
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini N a m a : BRIGITTA SASTRANEGARA Tempat. Tgl Lahir: Jakarta, 9 Agustus 1956 Agama : Islam Pekerjaan : Mengurus Rumah Tangga Status: Belum Kawin Kewarganegaraan: Indonesia Alamat Sesuai KTP: Jl.Pancoran Buntu I, RT.002,RW.002 Kelurahan Panocoran,Kecamatan Pancoran,Kota Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta Alamat Saat ini : Apartemen Fointain Park, Unit 8 C, Jl…
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emdesignnet · 10 months ago
[woo_name] [flexy_breadcrumb] Чугунена печка на дърва La Nordica Extraflame BRIGITTA GB – 5.8 kW , изцяло изработена от емайлиран чугун и изключително високо топлинно излъчване. Фронтална врата за зареждане с дърва. Гор��вна камера изработена от чугун със система за последващо изгаряне на дървата. Керамично стъкло издържащо на 750°C. Традиционна чугунена печка на дърва BRIGITTA GB от…
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wildwechselmagazin · 1 year ago
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abiskibita · 3 years ago
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So bye bye ladies
May the best queen hold the crown
For the most bush sold on the levee
My my, how word gets around
She strangles for a good time
And she kills my self-control
She's my man, don't be too sad sonny
'Cause she'll never be your woman no more
Post for these specific drawings in which I only came up with the idea by listening to the song or watching a video and I understood differently...
The first is based on the video for Hernando's Hideaway from the movie The Pajama Game. It is not a surprise to many that thanks to Scroldie I now like tango, and looking for videos related to tango, I found that video and I came up with something like that for Scroldie, thinking that the movie was about those two actors, but recently I saw the full movie and now I realize that it has nothing to do with what I thought at first 🤡
The second is from the song "She's My Man" by Scissor Sisters, at first I thought it was a reference to a gay couple or a trans couple, but after watching the video I thought it really was a hetero relationship, where the woman dominates the man and with that last thing I thought of Scroldie and that's why I made that drawing, but now I realize that the song is based on the story of Keelboat Annie 🤡 Whatever the meaning, I love the song.
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gumandwhitewine · 4 years ago
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the sound of music — rodgers & hammerstein, lindsay & crouse
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Cornelis Mahu - A man seducing the maid - 
oil on panel, Height: 48.5 cm (19 in); Width: 64.2 cm (25.2 in)
Signed bottom right with a monogram “4c/MAHV”
Cornelis Mahu (1613 – 16 November 1689) was a Flemish painter of still lifes, genre paintings and seascapes who showed a very high level of craftsmanship in his compositions.
Mahu was born in Antwerp. Nothing is known about his training before he became master of the Guild of St. Luke in 1638. In 1633 he married Brigitta Wolfvoet, who was the daughter of the painter and art dealer Victor Wolfvoet I and brother of the painter Victor Wolfvoet II. It is possible that his father-in-law was his master.
In addition to his son Victor, he had three pupils of whom Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen the Elder is the best known. His son Victor (c. 1665 – 1700/01) continued painting genre scenes in the style of his father.
Mahu died in Antwerp in 1689,
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dire-vulture · 3 years ago
omg i don’t think i’ve ever posted the official list of what Florabrisa grows actually
- Gardens with a colorful variety of decorative flowers. Most of them are banned from being consumed because of Tarragon, though there are some herbs grown for medicinal use as well. The gardens are mostly taken care of by Tarragon, Millisievert, Hudson, Elder, and Sasha, though other dragons do help too.
- Various herbs for cooking that are grown in the kitchen
- Wheat, grown by Durum and processed by Dox
A host of vegetebles grown by Calabasas, Artichoke, and Foley, including: - Artichokes - Carrots - Lettuce/cabbage - Spinach - Broccoli/Cauliflower - Eggplants (often stolen by Patlican) - Pumpkins and other gourds and squashes - Foley also will save sunflower seeds for eating c:
Various trees tended to by Orahov, including: - Olives - Cacao - Walnuts - Almonds
- Peanuts, grown and processed by Nutshell
- Tomatoes, grown by Marglobe. sometimes abnormally large
- Wine grapes, grown and fermented by Concordia
- Rice, cultivated by Horchata
- Cranberries, grown in a bog by Reuben
- Pears and apples, grown by Bosc
- Oranges, lemons, and limes, grown by Bergamot
- Blueberries and strawberries, grown by Brigitta Bluebie
- Raspberries and blackberries, grown by Pewter
- Onions, garlic, and potatoes, grown by Videlicet
- Mushrooms, cultivated by Brondelle
- Bamboo - wild, tended to and processed by Riah
Tropical produce exported from Fire, grown/handled by Colada: - pinapples, coconuts, bananas, sugar cane - Coffee,  grown by Vroman *new!*
and not produce, but dairy products are handled by Kaydeross and Margarine, and Arcanine raises chickens for eggs and sheep for wool!
lastly, shoutout to the clan’s various farmhands who help with irrigation, harvesting, and general plant maintenance for many of the dragons mentioned above - Lorna, Jun, Meridian, Serendipity, and occasionally Cinnyrus and Honeoye helping their partners too c: I imagine there’s probably more, likely dragons coming by Florabrisa to stay for a short time with room and board, before moving on elsewhere. also my aberration Oate, the official forager! other dragons definitely forage too when they have to, but Oate’s made it her official job.
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reallypheelingit · 5 years ago
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Finally got around to drawing Brigitta, aka Bluebie! They’re my birthday dragon from this year c:
Bluebie is a Snapper-like tundra! It seemed right to have my birthday dragon represent my favorite breeds! They are a blueberry farmer! And they have the goopy fur situation MUCH more under control than Sorl.
..and that’s about all I have figured out about them right now haha. just wanted to draw a snaptun tbh
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