#c; hui
ao3-anonymous · 2 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (07/29/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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diver5ion · 2 years
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tianshiisdead · 8 months
This post is not an invitation for sinophobia piss off
God hanfu spaces can be so vile 💀 using 'manchu' and 'dog' so interchangeably is crazy, reason 10339405060 why I never look into the comments of Twitter posts abt hanfu
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(CNN) — Ever since her 2020 birth, Fu Bao has been one of South Korea’s biggest celebrities, with fans eagerly following every milestone of her life at Everland Resort’s Panda World, a theme park in Yongin city.
But the country’s most famous and beloved giant panda is set to bid South Korea a final farewell in April, with preparations now underway for her journey to her new home in China.
During the last week of Fu Bao’s public viewing earlier this month, visitors reportedly endured wait times of 5-6 hours just to catch a glimpse of the celebrity bear for a mere five minutes, as the park restricted viewing times to manage the influx of visitors, according to park officials.
On Fu Bao’s last day of public viewing on March 3, she received farewell gifts, including a panda family doll crafted from bamboo, a bouquet of flowers and heart-shaped pieces of bread from her dedicated keepers at Everland.
Fu Bao fandom
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Born to parents Ai Bao and Le Bao in July 2020 as part of China’s “panda diplomacy” program, Fu Bao is South Korea’s first naturally-bred panda.
In the days following her birth, Everland’s social media channels offered fans a steady diet of Fu Bao videos, with its YouTube channel pulling in more than 1.2 million subscribers and, as of February, surpassing 500 million cumulative views, according to the park.
A two-hour video chronicling Fu Bao’s journey from birth to childhood added to the Everland YouTube channel eight months ago has garnered 1.6 million views.
The most recent videos on the channel are now filled with warm and heartfelt messages from viewers, including the beloved cub’s self-proclaimed “online aunties.”
“Fu Bao, you’re a happy treasure that came to us like a miracle during the difficult Covid pandemic,” reads one Youtube comment.
“Your aunties have been so happy to have known you and you made me smile so much. You’re a clever one so I’m so sure you’ll do well in a new environment!”
Another commented that they “can’t believe how time passes so quickly and that we have to let Fu Bao go. I’m so sad to let her go … I support our Fu and love you. Every moment knowing you has been a great joy with laughter. Thank you.”
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Thanks to Fu Bao’s widespread popularity, her dedicated zookeeper has also found himself in the spotlight, becoming a bit of a social media star himself.
Often referred to as her grandpa, Kang Chul-won offered his own farewell message for Fu Bao, noting that the Korean people’s special love for her all began with social media videos shared during the Covid pandemic when the zoo was closed.
“She brought help and happiness to a society in many ways that was having a difficult time due to the coronavirus,” Kang said in a video posted to YouTube.
During remarks to the press earlier this month, he said people visited the social media sites every day, so it felt like he was “raising her together with them.”
“Of course there are aspects of her cuteness and playfulness, but they cared so much for her and they shared the same emotions of raising a cub together during such difficult times,” Kang said.
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Kang Chul-won and Fu Bao
Though one could argue it’s impossible to identify a single social media moment that catapulted Fu Bao to stardom, there are a couple of standout videos that have been particularly popular with viewers.
In one video, Fu Bao clings tightly to Kang’s leg, unwilling to let go, as he spins gently around the room.
After many attempts to uncoil her strong arms, he finally separates himself from her.
The other short video shows Fu Bao clinging to Kang’s arm while relaxing on a wooden bench.
As the zookeeper gently pushes her arm so he can take his phone out of his pocket, the panda links her arms tightly around his left arm.
After he motions to show something on the phone to her, she rolls onto her back.
In an announcement from Everland, the company says Fu Bao will be transferred to the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan Province in early April.
Everland said that it will keep her in a separate space at Everland Panda World for a month to prepare her to adjust to her new environment before her overseas transfer, which will be carried out in accordance with international regulations.
According to the agreement between Samsung C&T, the parent company of Everland, and the China Wildlife Conservation Association, mature pandas must be returned to China before they turn four years old.
Once Fu Bao departs for China, there will be four giant pandas left at Everland – Fu Bao’s mother Ai Bao, father Le Bao, and their twin babies Rui Bao and Hui Bao, who were born in July 2023.
Source: CNN Travel
Baby panda 'FuBao' glued to the zookeeper dragging her around | Everland Panda World
16 December 2020
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semiotomatics · 2 years
good evening everyone it is "sobbing over EEAAO winning awards" hours again
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antoniettap1303 · 1 year
HxH Hypothesis: Forshadowing ?
Hi! Here we are with the newest theory of HxH that like always is only a tought of mine and we don't know what Togashi sensei will do for the next chapters. So, after clearing up this as always, Here's the new question: Was Fugetsu forshadowed in chapter 159 ? And most important, is her possibile (?) Relationship with Killua forshadowed ? But let's take ot slow. In chapter 159, called Ai Ai the city of love (😏 ?), hisoka takes gon's group to the said city in greed island. Obivously he talks about the many cliché that can happen here But... there's a thing or some that made me think. To the said explaining thing told before, we then saw this panel 👇🏻
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Is oblivious you're all asking " and then ? What's up?" The detail that caught my attention was this one, since Hisoka is talking about how to get along with someone after a meeting in the typical romance comedy style and the fact that while he's saying this we see only Killua. Since is an explanatory thing, it would have made sense to see maybe Gon, killua and someone between bisky or the guy along with them, but instead while hisoka says this, we only see Killua.
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This ( for me at least, don't get me wrong ), has a similarity with another panel concerning Killua, who's this one 👇🏻
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Also later always in chapter 159, we saw a scene that normally wouldn't make sense... if not for a certain detail 👇🏻
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We see hisoka citing a "princess". Now... exactly 190 chapters later... look who gets introduced ?
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Now most of you can call me crazy or just pushing things that don't have a sense but i don't think that all this has been done casually. Now, whenever i read of HxH, i always read that one of the things that gets most of the praising is that is a story that feels like real, inspired by the real world and it's situation, with the characters layered in many ways that it feels so real. Is obivous that HxH mirrors real life in many points, including human relationships. Is oblivious that Togashi sensei is doing a whole Life journey on the series, that reflects everything a normal human goes trought it's life: family, friendship and so on. Killua is ab evident clue of it. He cames from a family that literally used him as only an assassin, the literal projection of what everyone think he was, is and should be. Someone who's life is already "decided" by others. But then, his independance calls in, he rebells, he's want to be the one in control ( sorry but not sorry for the janet Jackson reference) of his life, do what he wants. Then, he leaves home. He makes the first ever human relationship in his life ( Gon Freecss ), and little by little, thanks to him and also others, he starts to connect to his human self . Togashi sensei decided to mix the manga tropes to a common growth journey, developing the plot things,relationships and situations at normal pace like it would happen in real life, and who better than Killua can have this Role of a boy who makes experiences like a normal kid, in a shounen manga world ?We saw his first friend ever ( gon), the older brother side ( alluka), the social side ( wanting to be accepted as a hunter instead of an assassin).Killua's journey is his road to become "human". Now, Killua had to solve many of his flaws and some will still have. And i think that, if this will ever happen of course, Fugetsu will have a Role in this. Killua never knew a normal type of woman ( bisky, Kikyo, Canary,palm, tsubone), and he doesn't have the experience gon has ( the women in greed island 🤣). Also Fugetsu highly probably has spent most of her time with kacho and/or the royal guards inside the royal palace. But, like i've said also in a previous post, i think she will make a good impression on him, as her kindness, humble side and even her logic can surprise him enough. And i think the same will happen to her about him, confident, highly cheeky, and probably also his adult attitude and knowledge will fascinate her enough. This plus the similiarities between each other's lives ( family,situations, mannerisms, ecc.) and situations will make the rest, as the two will slowly know each other, get to see each other's point of view in life and more, opening ti their own problems, childhood, be that part of the world they never get to meet in a direct way, compare the best and worst of each other, make a new acquaintance that maybe will turn the things in an unexpected and surprising way. That will improve also with the world around them, individually and together.
As i always want to say, this is only a tought of mine and we don't know what Togashi sensei will do for the next chapters.
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conartisthaiji · 1 year
you're me when it comes to boys planet. like i am not watching but as long as my guys ricky woonggi and hui debut i will be okay
AND THE GUY WHO BEAT UP JYP!!!! (<-has no idea if that guy is still in)
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gomezst · 2 years
#  SECUELA: para un starter donde cléo & gómez discutan lo sucedido con el arresto.
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“entiendo que sea tu amigo, cléo”  comienza, palabras sinceras por demás, ceño contraído con sutileza, pizca de preocupación que entinta las facciones y la inflexión de la voz  “pero, comúnmente, quien luce más culpable es el culpable” saberes adquiridos a la fuerza, en su profesión no podría fingir algo diferente “realmente lo lamento” .
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dioneq · 2 years
# PASILLOS: para un starter donde cléo & dione se encuentren en los pasillos.
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por un instante echa de menos los distintivos cabellos azabache, demasiadas rubias asaltando los pasillos de alabaster, así que no se de cuenta de que se trata de ella hasta un segundo vistazo, dione, con un gesto delicado, para detener le andar, le toma la mano, agrega rápidamente “juro que no vote por ti” . / @vekemvns​
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tontongrill · 2 years
Notre salade crevette
Notre belle Normandie… que de souvenirs de vacances! Même les petites crevettes grises de notre salade de crevettes se rappellent en souriant leur vie agréable dans le sable de la Manche. Après être parties à l’assaut des vagues, aujourd’hui elles veulent conquérir vos papilles gustatives. Aidées par des rondelles d’avocats bien verts, des feuilles de salade fraîches et un peu de sauce fait…
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dis--parity · 2 years
『 🌹 』 “It’s finally here... winter.”
They hold a gaze that can only be described as steadfast as they look out at the snowfall from their window, how it coats the roofs of buildings below them. However, they only manage to hold it for all of five seconds before they fall to their knees with a childish wail.
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“Man, this shit suuuuuuuuuucks! Even my body ain’t hot enough for this minus-five degree horseshit! Whyyyyyyyyyyy?”
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
If you want to lean in on Shen Yuan’s obliviousness, perhaps he doesn’t realize Bing-ge is courting him, until Bing-ge successfully nabs him and declares it so.
(Bing-ge does do the crow courting behavior you mentioned first, but while secret transmigrator Shen Yuan accepts and reciprocates the gestures he doesn’t actually get it).
It’s not until Bing-ge pulls out a scroll listing all the ‘accepted’ betrothal gifts (aka, every item Shen Yuan stole), and the return gifts (aka everything Shen Yuan give him) that what’s going on suddenly occurs to Shen Yuan. (Look up Guo Da Li and Hui Li ceremonies).
Shen Yuan thinks Bing-ge is blackmailing him into the marriage, by making the thefts seem like gifts, but it’s wholly unnecessary as who could say no to Binghe?
For other thoughts I had:
A) Consider Shen Yuan having a “fan” made out of his family’s shed crow feathers, that he hides behind.
B) Perhaps Bing-ge finds out Shen Yuan is only half demon when he is able to break out of a demon trapping array with spiritual energy. (A trick Binghe has never seen anyone else pull off before).
C) In Airplane’s original draft, Shen Yuan’s character was meant to be a sort of foil to Binghe. He’s another half demon but with far less power (he’s no heavenly demon, and his spiritual cultivation potential is only good, not genius level) and a more stable upbringing.
Maybe Shen Yuan’s crow family even settled in the human realm because of a beef with some demon lord too, making the human realm more accepting (another inverse of Bing-ge who was rejected by the human realm for his heritage).
HAHA, sorry, I love the idea that Bing-ge has kept this whole ass account of just...every little thing that has ever been stolen or given by Shen Yuan, and I can feel the feral excitement radiating off him when he's like, "and I've got RECIEPTS that we've been courting each other!!" He's so so smug, and Shen Yuan is just in that bird-like shock where they just sit there and stare as if he's bluescreened. He's actually offended that Bing-ge thinks he needs to be blackmailed into marriage because "anyone would be lucky to marry him" A) OH MY GOD, SHEN YUAN WITH A HOMEMADE FAN is an adorable idea. I haven't figured out what his robes look like, but it'd be so cute if like, the first time he's trapped, he begrudgingly turns to half-human form and whips out this gorgeous fan (Bing-ge's jealous because who gave the demon this fan and why hadn't HE given it to him??). Despite being what some would call a half-feral demon (he isn't), he actually radiates class thank you very much due to his human roots from before his transmigration (he was an internet gremlin, but I like to think he had a wealthy family that taught him that etiquette he needed for formal situations). B) He is undeniably surprised when Shen Yuan eventually breaks through the array and is like "fun hang out, thanks for not killing me!" and just disappears with whatever he was trying to steal. Bing-ge's like "oh my gawd, just like me fr" and needs to find out everything ever possible about him or he's going to lose his mind. C) Oh my god, I'm madly in love with foils, I love that idea. They're similar in so many ways and yet there are certain differences between them that wildly change who they are as people. From a reader's perspective, Shen Yuan understands this. From the perspective of a character? It's absolutely insane that he's comparing himself to the Luo Bing-ge like the emperor could ever be compared to this crow demon. (It also brings me to the question, what on earth is Airplane doing in this AU, if he's there at all?). The idea of the crow family settling in with humans to escape from a demon lord is sooo good because then, when Shen Yuan is being courted by this emperor, it's hard for them not to feel suspicious of it all!!! {part four! Part one, part two, part three, part five, part six, part seven!!}
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chinesehanfu · 4 months
[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Warring States period(475–221 BC) Traditional Clothing Hanfu-Life of Qu Yuan(屈原)
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【Historical Artifact Reference】:
China Warring States period (475-221 BC):Silk painting depicting a man riding a dragon (人物御龍帛畫)
it was discovered in the Zidanku Tomb no. 1 in Changsha, Hunan Province in 1973. Now in the Hunan Museum
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A man with a sword is riding a dragon by holding the rein. The dragon's body was given the shape of a boat. A little egret is standing at the tail of the dragon. A carp under the dragon is leading the way. The umbrella in the top middle of the picture shows the owner's nobility. The work has become associated with the Chu poet Qu Yuan’s famous verse from his poem Shejiang (涉江, Setting foot in the river), ‘Carrying a long sword with weird colour; Wearing a qieyun–styled high cap.” (帶長鋏之陸離兮, 冠切雲之崔嵬)
Western Zhou Dynasty seven-huang jade pendant with linked beads/西周七璜联珠组玉佩
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About Qu Yuan(屈原)
Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC – 278 BC)was a Chinese poet and aristocrat in the State of Chu during the Warring States period. He is known for his patriotism and contributions to classical poetry and verses, especially through the poems of the Chu Ci anthology (also known as The Songs of the South or Songs of Chu): a volume of poems attributed to or considered to be inspired by his verse writing. Together with the Shi Jing, the Chu Ci is one of the two greatest collections of ancient Chinese verse. He is also remembered in connection to the supposed origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.
Historical details about Qu Yuan's life are few, and his authorship of many Chu Ci poems has been questioned at length.[4] However, he is widely accepted to have written "The Lament," a Chu Ci poem. The first known reference to Qu Yuan appears in a poem written in 174 BC by Jia Yi, an official from Luoyang who was slandered by jealous officials and banished to Changsha by Emperor Wen of Han. While traveling, he wrote a poem describing the similar fate of a previous "Qu Yuan."Eighty years later, the first known biography of Qu Yuan's life appeared in Han dynasty historian Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian, though it contains a number of contradictory details.
Life of Qu Yuan(屈原)
The only surviving source of information on Qu Yuan's life is Sima Qian's biography of him in Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji), although the biography is circumstantial and probably influenced greatly by Sima's own identification with Qu.Sima wrote that Qu was a member of the Chu royal clan and served as an official under King Huai of Chu (reigned 328–299 BC).
During the early days of King Huai's reign, Qu Yuan was serving the State of Chu as its Left Minister. However, King Huai exiled Qu Yuan to the region north of the Han River, because corrupt ministers slandered him and influenced the king.Eventually, Qu Yuan was reinstated and sent on a diplomatic mission to the State of Qi. He tried to resume relations between Chu and Qi, which King Huai had broken under the false pretense of King Hui of Qin to cede territory near Shangyu.
During King Qingxiang's reign, Prime Minister Zilan slandered Qu Yuan.[9] This caused Qu Yuan's exile to the regions south of the Yangtze River. It is said that Qu Yuan returned first to his home town. In his exile, he spent much of this time collecting legends and rearranging folk odes while traveling the countryside. Furthermore, he wrote some of the greatest poetry in Chinese literature and expressed deep concerns about his state. According to legend, his anxiety brought him to an increasingly troubled state of health. During his depression, he would often take walks near a certain well to look upon his thin and gaunt reflection in the water. This well became known as the "Face Reflection Well." On a hillside in Xiangluping (at present-day Zigui County, Hubei Province), there is a well that is considered to be the original well from the time of Qu Yuan.
In 278 BC, learning of the capture of his country's capital, Ying, by General Bai Qi of the state of Qin, Qu Yuan is said to have collected folktales and written the lengthy poem of lamentation called "Lament for Ying". Eventually, he committed suicide by wading into the Miluo River in today's Hunan Province while holding a rock. The reason why he took his life remained controversial and was argued by Chinese scholars for centuries. Typical explanations including martyrdom for his deeply beloved but falling motherland, which was suggested by the philosopher Zhu Xi of the Song dynasty, or feeling extreme despair to the situation of the politics in Chu while his lifelong political dream would never be realized. But according to "Yu Fu," widely considered to be written by Qu himself or at least, a person who was very familiar with Qu, his suicide was an ultimate way to protect his innocence and life principles.[citation needed]
Qu Yuan is said to have expressed his love for the ruling monarch, King Huai of Chu, through several of this works, including "The Lament" and "Longing for Beauty".
Dragon Boat Festival/端午节
Popular legend has it that villagers carried their dumplings and boats to the middle of the river and desperately tried to save Qu Yuan after he immersed himself in the Miluo but were too late to do so. However, in order to keep fish and evil spirits away from his body, they beat drums and splashed the water with their paddles, and they also threw rice into the water both as a food offering to Qu Yuan's spirit and also to distract the fish away from his body. However, the legend continues, that late one night, the spirit of Qu Yuan appeared before his friends and told them that he died because he had taken himself under the river. Then, he asked his friends to wrap their rice into three-cornered silk packages to ward off the dragon.
These packages became a traditional food known as zongzi, although the lumps of rice are now wrapped in leaves instead of silk. The act of racing to search for his body in boats gradually became the cultural tradition of dragon boat racing, held on the anniversary of his death every year. Today, people still eat zongzi and participate in dragon boat races to commemorate Qu Yuan's sacrifice on the fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.
Recreation Work by : @晴南
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Ingek73 found this gorgeous 1878 neo-classical building that has a long history, including being a hotel in Amsterdam. The mansion has 6 floors, 28 rooms and 14 bathrooms. €6,950M / $7.416M.
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Can you imagine coming home to this elegance every day?
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Incredible neo-classical details.
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Isn't this room amazingly beautiful and cozy? I would have to put a sofa or comfy chair in here.
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You can see that the window glass is original b/c it's uneven and has tiny bubbles in it.
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Wainscoting and beams w/corbels in the hall.
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The stairs have very different neo-classical newel posts and railings.
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The landings are large enough to decorate.
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Remember the building is 6 floors.
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Look at this fireplace. The insert is original. Amazing.
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Check out the library and the huge fireplace with a tile firebox.
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Looks like maybe this is a game room or dining room. That fireplace! And, the ceiling. I wish they would've shown a kitchen, but it may be commercial b/c of it being a hotel.
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Gorgeous garden.
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How the building looked originally.
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Remember, it was once a hotel.
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Each room has an en-suite bath.
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This looks like the very top - a small structure on the roof.
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lovegrowsart · 7 months
what do you think of the take that katara not having a statue is in line with her character because she’s not someone who would boast about her achievements, but instead would be humble about them?
firstly, i think framing the idea of having a statue in recognition of one's achievements as "boasting" a little flawed, considering aang, zuko, sokka, and toph all have one or more statues in tlok - does that mean they were boasting about their achievements? toph, maybe, but zuko? the guy can't take praise if you paid him to.
but more importantly, no, i don't think katara hypothetically refusing a statue because she'd be "humble about her achievements" to be in line with her character presented in atla much at all.
exhibit a) book 1, ep 15: katara when she's recognised with the mark of the brave.
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exhibit b) book 1, ep 19: katara after kicking the ass of every other one of pakku's students and being told she has "advanced more quickly than any student he's ever trained."
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exhibit c) book 2, ep 1: katara when she's called the "mighty katara" by general fong.
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in the avatar wiki transcript, it says:
Katara: (Pleased) Mighty Katara? I like that.
exhibit d) book 3, ep 3: katara when the jang hui village put up a literal statue of the painted lady (who katara is acting as!).
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she is, in fact, the only one of the gaang to show a positive reaction like this to the idea of having an actual statue of herself in recognition of her achievements, which makes her lack of one post-canon even more egregiously baffling.
it's also not a bad thing or a flaw if katara did want a statue of herself to recognise her achievements, especially if it's not treated as a flaw for the rest of the gaang to have them. aang has a literal statue of liberty style statue!
she worked hard to master waterbending when there were incredible odds against her. she doesn't often get a lot of explicit gratitude and recognition for her hard work and how much she helps people. in fact, at the start of the show, sokka is explicitly ungrateful and sexist about how hard she works because the work she was going then was "women's work". she helped end the war by defeating azula, a prodigy firebender superpowered by a comet, and saving zuko, the future fire lord's, life. and that's just all that she does in the show, let alone all she could've achieved afterwards, so fuck yeah she deserved a statue, probably more than one, and she would've been absolutely in character and within in her right to enjoy having one.
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honeyblockm · 11 months
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A c!Karlnapity webweave in three parts
In the Mood for Love (2000) - Wong Kar-wai // Your Name Engraved Herein (2020) - Kuang-Hui Liu // The Death of Antinous - Mark Doty // Happy Together (1997) - Wong Kar-wai // A brief-but-seemingly-long-moment when we are on the phone. It is snowing outside. I am staring at the snow. Idk what you are looking at but we are running out of things to talk about. - Sean Cho A. // [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in)] - e.e. cummings // chasing ghosts - @routeriver // all i need - @violentcherries // Jenny Holzer // discord message
Ash Ode - Dean Young // A BAS BRUIT - Leo D’Oriano // SAND GLASS MIRROR SHARDS - @saintashes // In the Mood for Love (2000) - Wong Kar-wai // Jenny Holzer // Nguyen Linh // Luana Azevedo // Zoriana Stakhniv // Wolfgang Tillmans // After the Threesome, They Both Drive You Home - Sue Hyon Bae // Swan-like Embrace, Paris, 2001 - Nan Goldin // PRELUDE: ON CONTAINING MULTITUDES. - @saintashes // Medici Bustier Pearl - Mirror Palais
In all of my dreams, the words I love you - Hanif Abdurraqib // Seaside Death, 2021 - Al Mefer // Jenny Holzer // baroque pearls (1) // baroque pearls (2) // storm front - lorata // 7 Politically Correct Catcalls as Told by a Poet - Natalie Choi // Happy Together (1997) - Wong Kar-wai // SO LIGHT YOU WERE I WOULD HAVE CARRIED YOU - Deborah Digges // Hanif Abdurraqib, poet - Hanif Abdurraqib // SAND GLASS MIRROR SHARDS - @saintashes // @ousia-poetica
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