#c west
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 11 months ago
dunno if you've already answered this but they're about to graduate, so what are the ros plans and dreams? do they all want to go to college? if so, which ones are they aiming for? what subjects? or jump straight into a job? travel around a bit? i'm just curious about these characters, i love them lol
i love questions that make me think ! this one's a bit long, and I gave you a lil bonus at the end, but thank you for your interest in my babies <3 I twirl them around in my head like a microwave !
Dylan──artist! artist! artist!! mainly sculpture work but also trad painting and murals!
Dyl has quite a hard time in school to begin with so the thought of going on to do more school literally seems like torture to them. They already have a small commission based business with their art (mainly portraits but they've had some murals and two sculptures!) so all they'd really need would be a boost in outreach. Dylan might be persuaded to take community college classes for specific types of art if only for the experience and the qualifications but scholarly college/university? nuh uh no way!
Shay──head empty, no thoughts??? he's struggling to see sense in American colleges or universities... Not that English ones were any better... He keeps pushing the thought of it off but he knows in his heart that it won't be for him... but what else is there?
What is he... good at? He's good at maths, he guesses... Video games??... Making his friends laugh, helping strangers smile... Quite honestly I can see Shay stumbling is way into YouTube or TikTok stardom just by being himself! He's naturally charming (in a heartwarming way not a flirty way) and very entertaining. Lmao if C ropes him in to their gap year travel plans he'd be down for it─he doesn't really have a yearning for travel but spending time with his friends on what is essentially an extended vacation (which turns into a learning and helping experience he really enjoys) he's so down for it! Our boy's just a bit lost and clueless right now </3
Kinsley──her mother demands university classes in law... but her mama would've told her to follow her heart, right?
Kinsley has... Expectations... placed upon her. For her to go to university and double major in law and business so she has a choice in which avenue of the family she wants to continue with... And she might take on the business classes but not for law or accounting... She remembers when she was younger, when her mama was still alive (when her mother still cared) and they attended a fashion show─a runway─and she was... mesmerised. Kinsley doesn't know if she wants to design clothes or rooms or what but she does know that following her mother's path is slowly killing her... she just doesn't know if she had the strength to disobey.
J──if J could never work a day in their life they'd be just fine! Certainly not in law or politics, just to spite their mother they'd be a stripper!! (In reality J is very good with engineering and would do well with cars and motorbikes! The dream of all dreams is to actually design one under their name!)
J is very good at school, they simultaneously put the work in and are also an information sponge that doesn't need to work that hard at all... That doesn't mean they want to be in school more than they legally have to be! They're stuck in a limbo situation currently, between wanting to spite their mother (who wants them to clean their act up and follow her into politics) and setting a good example for their sister, Arabella, and not completely wasting away their education... They're not going anywhere until Bells is safe for their father's eye (and wrath) and no longer under their mother's thumb but they wouldn't mind travelling (especially going back to Italy to visit family!) J might go to university for a more in depth education in motor engineering─which is what they're both good at and really into, but most of all it's something that would just kill their mother's plans and spirits so... that might be the plan after all!
Theo──something to do with music... or! Yes, the environment! Theo knows that while their parents have cast dark shadows, they would support Theo with anything they want to do─so much that they feel like they could do it all!
The thing is, most of Theo's long term dreams all need some sort of further education and they can't do them all at the same time (that and they're still kind of scared of failure and their dyslexia only adds to their anxiety) but! becoming a Horticulturist or a Conservation Scientist or a Tree Surgeon may just be worth it! And hey, if C can convince them and MC into going on a gap year to travel the world then Theo gets to help the environment and participate in different music scenes!! (A plan seems to be formulating in their brain)
C wants to take a gap year to travel (they will rope Theo, MC and Shay into it!) and when they come back they want to use their journalistic skills for good use and either become a travel writer or something like it but local!
MC has the option of taking over the family business but their family supports them in anything they want to do!
V has the wits to become a very good bio─physicist, it's only a matter of what they're willing to do to get there that's the problem!
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foxtricksterwriting · 1 year ago
Long Furby Crafting
Author's Note: Elijah is turning out very annoying, which is exactly how they're supposed to be lmaoo.
Tags: @piece-of-the-pie-if
Summary: Elijah bullied Theo and Charlie into helping them make a long furby. Here's their process lol.
"Okay, so here's all the things we'll need for this surgery," Elijah drops a box onto the floor in the middle of their friends. "Surgery?" Theo questions, peering into the box. "Oh boy," Charlie pulls out a sheet of faux gray-and-sparkly fur and a long bendy white thing, "What in the hell is this?"
"That's going to be my daughters spine, Charlie," Elijah explains as they snag their furby of their bed. They hold the toy up for the other two to see, "This is my daughter, Starlight. Over the course of tonight and tomorrow, she will be reborn into the glorious monstrosity she was always meant to be!"
"We're dissecting a furby?" Theo asks. "Not just dissecting, bestie. We are going to turn her into her ultimate form: the long furby!" Elijah's blue eyes shine with excitement. They unceremoniously drop to the floor, careful not to damage their 'daughter.' "I scrounged up a sewing kit. We're gonna hand sew this little fucker since none of us own a sewing machine," They set Starlight down next to them as they pull a small sewing kit out of the box. "Elijah, why is there dental floss in here?" Their friend sighs as he fishes out a new thing of dental floss. "I've heard that dental floss is stronger than normal thread! Don't worry, I got normal thread, too," They uncover five spools of gray thread and drop them onto the ground. Charlie laughs and stops one before it can roll into the abyss under their bed. "I already made a pattern for her body, so we don't have to worry about figuring that out. I have to remove her skin, so can you guys cut the fur?" They grab the wire cutters and scissors from their material box.
An hour later....
"Oh god."
"What, Theo? Are you disturbed by seeing a furby's innards?" Elijah laughs as they try to free the face plate. "No; you're using scissors to unscrew something," He despairs. "It's fiiinnee," They whisper at him. The duo perk up when Charlie's phone rings. They set the tube-in-progress in their lap and check their phone. They light up, "it's Julie!"
"Answer it!! I must show off my monstrosity!" Elijah bounces in place. Their friend doesn't need any further prompting. They tap the screen then say "Hey!"
"LOOK AT MY FURBY!!" Elijah screams, shoving themself into Charlie's side. "Elijah!" Theo tries to grab and pull them back but it's too late; they end up barreling into Charlie and sprawling across the ground.
A few hours later.....
"Okay, Starlight's head is done.... well, mostly. We have to do the ears," Elijah slumps against their bed. "Her body is.... about halfway done?" Charlie holds the tube up in front of them. "Don't forget her feet," Theo throws the little detached feet into their lap. ".....Fuck," They groan. "Theo, is her heart done?" Elijah asks.
"Yep, it's right here," He holds up the little light blue stuffed heart. They take it from him, inspecting it. It's obviously hand stitched by a first time seamster. "It's perfect!" They smile at him, "now, should we attach it to the spine so it'll probably stay in place? Or should we just throw it into the stuffing?"
"Is the heart going to move much?" Charlie asks. "I don't know..." The pink-and-red haired person pouts at the heart, then looks at the spine. After a minute, they decide, "I'll just attach it to the spine. Can't hurt her."
The next day....
"Is she done?"
"Almost," Elijah says, finishing some last minute stitching. A minute later they proudly hold out the gray stuffed toy that's just about as long as they are tall, "Ta-da!! My daughter!"
"That's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be," Theo laughs. "What're we going to do with her?" Charlie asks, taking Starlight from them. "Go hang out, show her off.... potentially scare people," Elijah answers with a laugh. They take the furby from Charlie and wrap it around their shoulders, "Let's terrorize the town!" Theo shakes his head.
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hasthecityrearranged · 4 days ago
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So I took him underneath my wing, And that is where he stayed, Until one day...
Melanie La Barrie as Hermes, Dylan Wood as Orpheus, Hadestown West End 2025: @callmelasagna’s master
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theatreism · 7 months ago
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JEREMY JORDAN timeline (broadway, off-broadway & west end)
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peekofhistory · 22 days ago
Do you have a favourite c-drama, either historical, modern or fantasy? I really enjoyed watching Everlasting Longing
I absolutely have a favourite, along with 3 other that come really close 😃 These 4 shows I've watched for almost 30 years now and I still keep re-watching them because of how amazing they are.
a) 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国演义) b) 1986 Journey to the West (西游记) c) 1987 Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦) d) 1998 Water Margins (水浒传)
These 4 series were based off of the classical novels of the same names. They were produced by CCTV, the central broadcasting network in China, so we call them 央视版 (central broadcast version) because there are many other adaptations.
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Romance of the Three Kingdoms, out of these 4 series this one is my ABSOLUTE favourite. Not only for Chinese drama, this is my favourite show historical, modern, Chinese, English, the top spot in my heart.
This story is set in the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. Out of all 4 classics, this one is the most historical, but the story DOES contain many fictional aspects. Many people say it's 70/30 (70% based on history, 30% made up/tweaked from history). The characters themselves ARE all real in history, and the general direction of the story follows history as well.
Near the end of the Han Dynasty, local warlords started gaining power, eventually splitting the country into 3 Kingdoms. That's pretty much the basis of the story. It goes into strategies used in warfare, psychology of using strategies, famous battles, etc. People also use it to discuss some philosophical questions like, honor, right vs wrong (kill an innocent person to calm an entire army, is that justified? etc.), what is acceptable as a leader, being faithful to your country, not giving up, etc.
I've watched this series no less than 20 times over the past 30 years and every time I still laugh and cry. I also know enough about the background when they were filming to know how difficult it was. The series is 84 eps long, they filmed in 5 groups for 3 years (so basically all 5 groups were filming at the same time to save time), even utilizing the military for some of the larger battles. Main character roles were paid 250 yuan/episode (about $34 USD today), which was fairly good for salary back then but nowhere near the outrageous amounts actors get today compared to average worker. The first few months before filming all actors went through training, horseback riding, fighting, going over the novel with experts, learning etiquette and mannerisms, etc.
This series also has my favourite historical figures, Emperor Liubei and his Prime Minister Zhuge Liang. After researching the actual history of this period, these two are my top historical Emperor/advisor pair. An Emperor who trusted his Prime Minister with his Kingdom, and a Prime Minister who fought to the last breath to fulfill the dream they had together T___T 为什么我的鱼水君臣要 BE...😭😭😭
If you're interested in watching this series, @hanchaozhilang is doing English subs for the whole series
Putting up 2 MVs for them here (combined into 1 video), 我家昭烈帝和武侯有排面!!
Srcs: 一知半解书 【悬溺一响,诸葛亮登场】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nP411W7tA/
博文儿吖 【刘备|正史燃向】翻译翻译什么叫昭烈! https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14r4y1m7rs/
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Journey to the West is based off of a true event in history, during the Tang Dynasty. A monk went on a journey from Chang'an (now Xi'an) to India for Buddhist scriptures. I'm not too familiar with the actual history, but I can imagine back then it would've been an incredibly difficult journey to make.
The novel took that journey and expanded it. They wrote in 3 disciples for the monk (technically 4...the horse who's the son of one of the Dragon Kings is also one), and put 81 "tests" along the way. The monk and his disciples had to overcome these attempts to thwart their journey to finally reach their goal.
The main character of this series isn't actually the monk but his eldest disciple, the Monkey King (top right). The Monkey King (named Sun Wukong) was birthed from a rock, and learned skills like how to transform into various objects, how to fly, etc. At one point he trashed the Jade Emperor (Emperor of the Heavens) palace and was sentenced by Buddha to be trapped under a mountain, but was tasked to assist the monk on his journey 500 years later.
When they filmed this series they were desperately short on funding, only had 1 video camera to use xD Every single main actor took on several roles (some of the smaller monster roles, once all the makeup was on you couldn't tell anyway). The actor who played the Monkey King, Liu Xiao Ling Tong, he came from a family of Peking Opera performers who specialized in the Monkey King role, so he excelled in it.
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The novel Dream of the Red Chamber is originally called Story of the Stone (石头记). It centres around several large, rich, powerful families interconnected through marriage, with members serving in the court and one of the daughters even being a concubine to the Emperor. Although the story doesn't specify a dynasty, most people speculate it's likely set in Ming (the author was from the Qing Dynasty).
There are numerous storylines throughout the story, but the main one is between a young man, Baoyu, and his cousin, Daiyu (top left). This novel is incredibly complicated, with an entire profession dedicated to studying just this book (called "Redology" 红学). It can be viewed as telling the rise and fall of a family, but can also be viewed to describe a society and the rise and fall of dynasties. There are many, many characters in this book all with different story arcs. When I was a child, watching this show was just pretty clothes and hair, but as I grew, every time I re-watched the show I found reflections of life in this story. Family relationships, friendships, colleagues, bosses, this story touches on all of them, so whatever age you read this book/watch this show there's things to think about.
Many of the actors for this show were not actors by profession, literally plucked from the crowd. For two years prior to filming, all of them lived together, learning the script, reading the novel, going over it with experts, learning mannerisms, how to write calligraphy, poetry, etc. Their roles weren't immediately set, so during those two years they all tried out different roles, memorized lines, basically like living in a giant dormitory together, so once filming did start their "acting" was very natural.
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Water Margins is set in the Song Dynasty. This story, to me, is darker than the other 3. The story depicts a court that is very corrupt and unjust, which forces a lot of otherwise good people to resort to criminal activity. Over 100 of them gather on a mountain in the middle of a lake, called Liangshan, where they essentially become a gang.
The traditional view of them tended to be kind of like Robinhood, raiding local cities and distributing the wealth to the people but if you actually read the book it's darker. Before joining the group, some of them would kidnap women and **** them, or one person had a restaurant where she murdered customers and made them into meat buns O.O;; So...yeah, dark stuff.
But anyway, the story goes into how this group take on the courts, lots of fighting, lots of bloodshed, the ending's really tragic T_T
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afacelesschampion · 7 months ago
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Stay away from Rita. Stay away from me.   Or what?   Or you will see the monster.
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dabiconcordia · 7 months ago
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Night in the West
There is something uplifting, inspiring, In the plains of the beautiful West, When calmly the day is expiring And all nature is going to rest. by Grace C. Howes
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dctrfate · 9 months ago
it drives me insane how wally views his relationship with barry because he's always been of the mind that he needs to somehow "earn" his love whereas barry has literally never imposed that stipulation onto him, ever. and yet still wally feels this unending pressure to live up to the standards barry set during his tenure of the flash to the point where one of his greatest insecurities is about the possible negative reaction barry would have to wally stepping into the role of the flash himself. all of this fear and longing for approval and in reality there is literally nothing wally could do for barry to stop from unconditionally loving him. just. yeah.
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connorsnothereeither · 4 months ago
Due to some unfortunate technical difficulties I am sad to say that there will likely not be any WWSMP content from me for a little while :((
I’ve had a lot of issues editing the C.W POVs and at the stage I don’t know when/if I’ll be able to salvage the files.
There will also be a delay on the last handful of Virgil POVs for Skybound SMP, as I’m entering my finals period in university, and will be preoccupied for the next few weeks.
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verytheoristjellyfish · 11 days ago
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olympain · 8 months ago
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That ravishing redhead who just held up your bank, is now going to hold up your heart with her rendition of 'How 'bout a dance?'
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 1 year ago
ROs heights?
what i'm thinking rn... could change a little in the future!
Dylan──Dylan is 5'5
Shay──Shay is 5'8
Kinsley──Kinsley is 5'7
J──Jaxon is 6' and Jasmin in 5'10
Theo──M!Theo is 5'7, NB!Theo is 5'5 and F!Theo is 5'6
C──Chris is 5'8, Charlie is 5'9, Chloe is 5'3
V──Valory is 5'4 and Vinny is 5'6
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likeafantasy · 1 year ago
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DEXTER REWATCH — 2.06 DEX, LIES, AND VIDEOTAPE My whole life I've done what someone else said I should do, been who he said I should be. I followed his rules, accepted his plan. I never stopped to think about what I wanted, what I needed. And now, I don't know who I'm supposed to be.
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hasthecityrearranged · 7 months ago
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Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade,
Lucy St Louis as Christine Daae, West End 2023: @callmelasagna’s master
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nonsensenook · 4 months ago
Chapter 4 | Lingering Scars, Heavy Sighs
Synopsis: You and Bajie leave The Hollow heavy with separate burdens which you both chose to drown out with alcohol. A continuation of this unapologetic take on you, the reader, accompanying the Destined One on his journey. 
Word Count: 5,035
Warnings: Sadness, Violence (Brief Mentions) 
Author’s Note: A bit heavier of a tone than previous chapters, at least in the beginning. Is it just me or are these chapters getting longer? I thank you very much for your patience, kind words, and I hope you enjoy! 
Read on AO3: Link
Requested Tags: @joyfulllittlething, @servamp01, @suntizme
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 3.5 (Optional) - Cont.
Arriving at the Webbed Hollow had you go against a rule you’ve enacted on yourself since you came to this world: try to change the course of the story. You had time to think through your plans again before you and your group arrived at the Village of Lanxi. While smuggled in the chest carried by two pig Yaoguais you were silently deep in thought as Bajie rolled his eyes at the petty gossip the two were exchanging. You could tell he was getting impatient from how often he peeked out from the chest. In your lap was the Destined One in his bird form, cradled in your arms. You absentmindedly pet him as the village came closer. 
You had a chance to alter the course of the future. Maybe some lives can be spared and some stories re-written. After all, your presence is proof enough that things can be skewed off course, at least a little. But no matter how you went about it you couldn’t see a future where things went the way you wanted them to. You couldn’t shake the dreadful feeling that your actions would be in vain. At the same time, you wouldn’t forgive yourself if you didn’t try. 
You had warned Bajie of the dangers that came from trying to trick the ladies of the house. You were careful not to teeter too close to the edge when warning Bajie, cautious of him questioning the knowledge you held and if he were to begin asking questions you couldn’t answer. In the end, you couldn’t give an explanation that justified not going through with Bajie’s plan, at least not one good enough to satisfy him. They needed to infiltrate the Hollow, even if they were seen through. And so, the Weavers Needle landed its mark. You swallowed the bitter taste of failure and carried onward. 
The Hollowed Web was the most perilous of all lands you’ve traveled to so far. Knowing this beforehand didn't change that fact. You were hesitant to jump into it with the Destined One, but there were no other ways for you to continue forward without him. You were grateful that the kindness of the Fourth Sister extended to you as well. She had safely taken you both into the Hollow. 
The Fourth Sister was another one whose outcome you tried to rewrite. Knowing her fate if the Destined One were to continue tearing the talisman made you consider deeply whether or not you should advise him not to do so. You ultimately chose to stay your hand as your companion tore each talisman. You hoped your choice was the right one; that a chance of a future outside of this Hollow was one she’d take even if it meant becoming a captive of the Celestial Court. You wanted to believe in that chance and couldn't make yourself take it away. 
You spent much of the time in The Hollow clinging to the Destined Ones back or having him catch you as you traversed from platform to platform. Your guard and stress were at an all time high as you thought of every possibility while Yaoguais ambushed you from above and below. Nothing was changing. Even when you warned Bajie or the Fourth Sister, everything was falling into place as they should. As the Destined One kept you both alive you worked to think of a way, any way to make just one change. You felt yourself sink further into despair as every moment played out as it had before. Your unprecedented presence had made no difference. 
You were silent as The Hollow was left behind. Bajie was the same, both of you were deep in thought, matching the usual energy which The Destined One carried with him. Your gaze was unfocused, your mind elsewhere. Many times you were stopped by the Young Sage from walking into a tree or off a dangerous ledge. His arm would wrap around your waist protectively or his hand would be placed on your shoulder to redirect you. You would apologize to him before sinking back into your stupor. 
Bajie was the same, if not worse. It would take several attempts to get his attention and once he acknowledged you with a grunt his mind would go back to where it was the very next moment. When a hostile Yaoguai appeared on your path, Bajie didn’t even glance at it until he was flung back from an attack. This made him turn into his boar form, crushing the Yaoguai against a tree. When he returned to his usual self, he made no acknowledgement of what happened. He simply kept walking. 
You couldn’t stop wondering how you could have acted differently, how you could’ve guided them from this preordained path. If you have been more clever - if you have figured out a way, then Bajie wouldn’t be mourning. The Fourth Sister wouldn’t have been captured. Five daughters wouldn’t be digging a grave. You clutched at your arm, nails digging into your skin. What use was your knowledge if you could do nothing with it? What use were you to any of them? Your hands ran through your hair as the same question was brought forth. For what reason were you here? 
At some point a fire was started and a blanket draped gently around you. You shook out of your state briefly to look up and see the Destined One stirring something in a pot over the fire. You hadn’t noticed the sun had begun to set. You weren’t even sure when you had even sat down. You looked around and found that Bajie was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the inventory the Destined One laid out you noted some items were missing: several jars of brew and a few pieces of food. You gave a strong guess or two as to what happened to them and Bajie. 
The Destined One produced a bowl and spoon, ladling out hot broth. You watched him walk to you, crouching down to hand you the bowl. You accepted it, but made no movement to begin eating. The Destined One plopped down beside you. You could sense he was troubled as he took the bowl back from you. He stirred the broth once, then filled the spoon half-way before holding it beside your lips. You gazed up at him. 
His brow was slightly furrowed, mouth tilted in a small worried frown, and his eyes were urging you to please eat. You felt your heart ache. Guilt washed over you as you looked at his expression. You turned back to the food, leaning forward to sip at the broth. You quietly continued to let him feed you. When you asked if he’d prepared any for himself he interrupted your question by spooning you more broth. You swallowed quickly then put your hand up as a barrier.
“I’m not going to eat anymore if you aren’t going to eat at all,” you said. The Destined One stared at you for a beat then took the bowl to his lips. You felt yourself smile a little watching his tail lash behind him. You then obediently ate the rest of the soup. You had him finish off the last spoonful himself then leaned into his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry for worrying you,” you said. In response the Young Sage bumped his head against yours as his tail wrapped around you. His arm pulled you closer to him as your vision began to blur. “I’m sorry…” you repeated quietly. The Destined One held you knowing that your last apology wasn’t for him. 
You found Bajie at the edge of a nearby lake with a jar of brew in hand. Several jars were already emptied and tossed aside. You sat down beside him as he finished another and added it onto the growing pile. He wiped his mouth, eyes trained on the still lake. 
“What do you want?” Bajie asked bluntly, tearing another bottle open. 
“A drink,” you answered, grabbing a bottle of your own. 
You felt Bajie’s gaze shift to you as you tore the brew open and tilted it back, taking in large gulps of alcohol. You almost slammed the bottle down as you let out a heavy sigh. 
“You don’t drink,” Bajie said incredulously.
“Since when?” You responded, glancing sideways at him. 
Bajie seemed to think for a moment then held out his jar towards you. In return you held out your own drink, tapping it against his. With that small toast you both took a swig from your drinks and sat in silence staring out onto the lake. The last colors of twilight were fading. As the full moon began to rise you watched as fireflies slowly blinked awake. 
You didn’t know what to say to Bajie. No apologies would come without explanations you couldn’t give. Bajie was the same, bound by a similar rule that had you both brood in silence. You thought of the little girl; the youngest of the Spider Sisters. You remembered the expression on her face as she watched Bajie walk away. Again and again everything brought you back into the same loop, the same feeling of helplessness. You felt you wanted to throw something to hear it shatter and break apart. Instead you took a big swig in a pathetic attempt to drown and shut those thoughts out. 
The night continued like this until the moon shone its reflection onto the center of the lake. You and Bajie continued to drink, neither of you stepping from your own worlds. The alcohol was coursing through you. You felt buzzed as the ground swayed ever so slightly. Your mind felt like it had been soaked, half-heartedly rinsed, then left out to dry as the brew washed over your senses. Out of the corner of your vision you saw Bajie turn from the lake and sigh heavily as he closed his eyes. 
“Do you regret it?” the question left you before your mind fully comprehended it. Yet, you didn’t feel any panic once you did. You just wanted to hear the answer. You watched the subtle ripples of the reflected moon as Bajie kept his eyes closed. You thought he hadn’t heard you. A small part of you was grateful, ready to rebuild the broken silence. Then Bajie opened his eyes. 
“A better question is,” Bajie said, picking up a rock and turning it in his hand, “would I do it all again?” 
You stared at the lake, watching the fireflies lazily dancing on its surface. 
“Would you?” you asked. 
“Would you?” he asked right back. 
Your hand went to the scar on your arm. Flashes of memories flipped through your mind. From the moment you fell into this world to now. You thought of all those times your life was in peril, the struggle it took for you to adapt, the fear, the ache of home, the helplessness, and this evolved deep rooted guilt. You felt your hand clutch at your drink harder as your arms held yourself together. Then the Destined One appeared in your mind. You thought of his eyes, his smile, his little mannerisms, his gentle hands, the moments you two shared, his warmth, his fury, his joy, his pain. Him. You thought of Bajie. The stories he’d tell you as you rested. The times he’d fight alongside the Young Sage. The way he cared for you beneath that layer of gruffness. How he’s sitting beside you now, sharing a moment to drink with you.  
“Yes…” you said. 
“Then you have your answer,” replied Bajie. 
Even if this journey ends in pain and tragedy you already knew. If given the choice, you’d choose to do it all again. Bajie makes a sound between a grunt and a hum. He turned the rock once more then tossed it into the lake where it skipped twice disturbing and dispelling the image of the moon. You watched the ripples smooth itself out, sipping from your drink. 
Bajie spoke up, “Your turn,” he said. 
“Hm?” you picked at the grass, becoming more aware of how warm your body had become from the drink. 
“I’m owed a story,” said Bajie. 
You laughed then emptied the last sips of your bottle before wiping your mouth. Your hand went to grab another, humming as you undid the seal on the brew. 
“Have I ever told you about the time I was captured by bandits?” 
“No, but I am not surprised. You attract unwanted dangers like our Master had. Might as well wear a sign reading Free Morsel.”
“Funnily enough, they thought I was your master,” you said, ignoring his quip. 
Bajie choked on his drink, “Those idiots thought you-” Bajie burst into laughter, hitting the ground as he did so. You could only make out some snippets of what he was saying in-between his cackling. 
“They thought-you! A pious monk! Oh yes, I see you are just brimming with virtuosity.” 
You rolled your eyes as Bajie’s laughter settled down to a controllable chuckle. 
“I couldn’t have been this cheeky when I first asked you for a story,” you grumbled. 
“Oh no, you were much worse,” countered Bajie. 
“Can I tell my story now?” 
Bajie tilted his drink to you, “Floor’s all yours, kid.” 
Bajie listened as you recounted the event of your capture. You skimped a bit on the details regarding the argument you and the Destined One were going through. He mumbled about how you were “Just like Master” when you shared how you were caught unawares to be consumed. He seemed to enjoy your description of the rats and their little tussle. He snickered when you told him the lie you had fed them. 
“They really believed that?” 
“I’m still telling the story, Bajie.” 
Bajie seemed gripped as you told him about the rising tensions the group had when they argued on what to do with you. Then came the moment the rat leader opened his mouth to take a bite of you. You built on that suspense up to when the Destined One dramatically appeared to save you which had Bajie grunt. 
“What a surprise,” Bajie said sarcastically. 
You must’ve been a bit too descriptive in how you described the Destined One as he battled the rats because Bajie interrupted you by saying, “Yes, yes the dashing little monkey prince came and rescued you. What happened afterwards?” 
You paused. “Afterwards?” you repeated. You blinked as the events of ‘afterwards’ replayed in your mind. You were grateful your cheeks were already flushed from the alcohol. You cleared your throat, absentmindedly swirling your drink around and feeling there was a little over half of it left. You avoided looking at Bajie. 
“Nothing much, we just continued the journey as usual,” you said casually. 
“Huh, figured the kid wasn’t one to take advantage of the situation.” Bajie commented. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, such a romantic rescue usually ends with a kiss at the very least.” 
You froze. You couldn’t tell if the way Bajie was leaning forward out of the corner of your eye meant he was knowingly teasing you or you were just imagining it. Bajie continued, “So nothing hap-” 
You threw your drink back, gulping it all down loudly as some of it spilled from the corners of your mouth. 
“Woah, slow down, kid. You’ll drown yourself drinking that much all at once,” Bajie warned.
You didn’t listen. Tossing your empty drink aside, you grabbed and ripped into another, giving Bajie a brazen smile. 
“Scared I’ll out drink you, old man?” 
Bajie seemed taken aback for a moment then flashed you a grin. He emptied his drink down his gullet, mirroring you in grabbing another. 
“Big words from such an impudent human. You’ll be regretting that tonight,” Bajie said. 
“Such a powerful Yaoguai like yourself s’got more to lose,” you replied spilling a little of your drink as you offered him a toast, “And only tonight, Bajie? No, you’ll be the one regretting this come morning.” 
Bajie snorted, almost crashing his drink against yours. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
You couldn’t stop laughing. The ground was constantly moving. The world seemed to take a moment to catch up every time your gaze shifted. Your words were slurring, tumbling over each other. You and Bajie were constantly switching between tearful laughter and heated arguments. All of which were nonsensical. The arguments escalated into petty bets. Who can chug the fastest without pause? Who can throw the most accurately? Who can stack the taller brew tower? Though you won your fair share Bajie was quite ahead in wins which made you challenge him again and again. More and more silly bets came and went. You’d just beaten him in a very fair and not at all skewed agility test when Bajie spoke up, almost tripping over an empty jar. 
“Alright, I know one-one thing. I can summon that kid without speaking a single word.” 
You tilted your head in thought, your drink tilted with you spilling a bit on the ground. You didn’t pay that much mind as you squinted at Bajie. 
“And no using your powers?” you questioned. 
“Not one,” assured Bajie. 
Bajie stumbled over to you and waved you closer like he’s about to share a secret. Without much or really any thought you leaned down. Bajie reached his hand out and flicked you hard on the head. You yelped, clutching your head as you fell to the ground. You went back and forth cursing at Bajie and groaning out “Why.” The answer came when two familiar hands pried yours from your face. The Destined One had been successfully summoned. The Destined One turned your head to examine it. Joy at seeing him sparked back into irritation towards Bajie as you heard him cackling on the ground. Bajie pointed to you, “Take that one back to camp before they drink all my alcohol.” 
“Don’t listen to him, he’s drunk,” you huffed. 
“You’re drunk!” Bajie retorted. 
The Young Sage made to take you into his arms, an offer you’d never thought you’d turn down. In your drunken stupor indignation and stubbornness flared, catching ablaze on the alcohol coursing through you.
“Now it’s fair,” you threw an arm around the Destined One and pointed at Bajie, “As a team we’re taking you down, old man.” 
Bajie guffawed, “You think adding the kid is enough to match the Zhu Bajie?” 
“If you’re too scared now that my monkey prince is here, then go ahead and cut me off,” you challenged. Bajie’s ear twitched. He walked up to the Destined One and shoved a drink into his hand. The Young Sage looked at the drink then at Bajie. 
“Your pre-requisite,” Bajie said slyly. 
The Destined One looked at you still hanging onto his shoulders. You were grinning stupidly back at him, giving him a thumbs up for encouragement. The Young Sage downed the drink in one breath. You watched mesmerized as the drink spilled from his lips and trickled down his throat. You felt something smack you on the shoulder. Tearing away from the Destined One you looked at the ground where a pebble was rolling to a stop. You frowned at Bajie. 
“Quit your gawking, I can see you drooling from here,” said the Pig Guai.
The Destined One threw the empty jar aside looking roguishly, sinfully, and devastatingly handsome as he wiped his mouth with his wrist. You grinned at Bajie who responded with a chuckle, “You’ve got some catch-up to do, Nephew. I’ve got ‘em beat eight to one.” 
“You lying piece of-” 
The games began. 
An outlooker could describe the scene and sound like they’re about to tell a joke. A monkey, a pig, and a human were drunkenly running around near a lake scattering the nearby fireflies and small wildlife. Every so often the human would be yelling at the pig as he shoved more drinks into the monkey’s hand. The monkey remained unphased by the amount of alcohol he consumed and was the only one not swaying on their feet. At some point, someone's mother was being insulted. 
Bajie’s challenges were becoming more ruthless. The beginning was a simple game of rock skipping. Bajie had made an impressive six skips while your own rock sank to the bottom of the lake immediately. The Destined One had picked up a rock without much thought and flicked it across the lake's surface. The rock skipped across the lake, going well beyond six and continuing into the distance. You jumped onto his back with a fist in the air. Bajie was quick to prepare for the next game. 
The Destined One dominated them all. No matter the amount of drinks that Bajie handed him he didn’t seem even the slightest bit buzzed. You saw that he wore a subtle grin;  his tail swayed to and fro as Bajie challenged him again and again. He was fully enjoying himself. You didn’t mind at all that he was carrying you in almost every challenge being much too busy laughing and stumbling around as you cheered him on. Eventually, Bajie threw up his hands. 
“Alright! Final challenge,” Bajie swayed heavily pointing back and forth between the two of you. You were being carried on the Destined Ones shoulders as you switched between drinking and having him drink from the same jar. Bajie had just lost to a simple game of rock paper scissors in which you were the victor. The Destined One had held you up as you laughed victoriously. 
Bajie’s words were heavily slurred as he went back and forth between the line of drunken delight and vexation. Bajie patted around his body then produced a small jade pendant which he almost dropped. Bajie held it up for you and the Young Sage to see. 
“A simple game,” Bajie hiccuped, “of keep away.” 
You watched as Bajie took a few steps back, making some distance between you and the Destined One. Bajie walked into the lake till the water reached his waist. You patted the Destined One gently on his head. He set you down from his shoulders. You knew this one was truly for everything. 
“Five minutes should be enough for you two numskulls,” Bajie said, “Come at me, the both of you!” Bajie tossed the pendant up. You followed its trajectory as it ascended, readying yourself to dash towards it. Beside you, the Destined One did the same. In slow motion, your eyes followed the pendant as it descended. In the next moment, you watched as a catfish met it halfway and swallowed it. The very same catfish fell back into the lake with a small plop, disappearing below the surface. You stood there, staring as the ripples of the lake smoothed out again. It took you too long to comprehend what just happened. For a moment, you and the Destined One stared at the silent, unmoving lake. In the next, you were wading through the water calling Bajie a list of colorful names and terms which this world had yet to hear. 
You addressed the Young Sage. “Any fish-like transformation in your arsenal?” you asked, already knowing the answer. The Destined One shook his head. You kicked at the water in vain. As sudden as it came, you felt your anger douse itself out. That little cheater. You couldn’t say you wouldn’t have done the same if you were in Bajie’s shoes. Or would it be hooves? 
You laid back onto the water, mindlessly floating about. You let yourself swear at Bajie one more time with a smile as you swore revenge. Fireflies flew in and out of your sight. The moon was outdoing itself tonight as it shined brightly in a sea full of twinkling stars. A familiar face appeared in your vision. The Destined One looked down at you as your head bumped against his leg. 
“I’d ask you to join me, but I’m not too sure if you float,” you said. He seemed happy enough to simply watch you.
After five minutes, Bajie appeared bursting from the lake shaking off excess water onto you and the Destined One. You stood up to glare at him and give him a splash back. He tsked at you. 
“Hey now, it’s a bad look to be so sore after losing,” Bajie chided. You flicked water at him defiantly. Bajie ignored the little water droplets you pelted at him. 
“As winner,” he continued, ignoring your jeering, “I declare you both cut off from drinking anymore of my alcohol and you shall call me King Bajie the Unparalleled from now on.” 
“We’re not doing that,” you said then sneezed into your elbow. Your drenched clothes clung to your body as the Destined One scooped you up into his arms, ignoring how his own clothes were getting soaked. 
“Yes, take that insolent human away, Nephew.” said Bajie in a haughty tone, waving you both off. 
You opened your mouth to reply, but ended up sneezing again. The Destined One turned away quickly, wading out of the lake to get you onto dry land. You turned to Bajie, ready to counter him with an insult. Your tongue stilled as you looked at him. Where Bajie was just standing, a young man now stood watching you both leave with a forlorn smile on his face. He was tall, handsome, with an almost exalted air surrounding him. As the fireflies blinked in and out around him, he turned away from you, his long dark hair shrouding his face. You didn’t dare blink, not even when the trees and foliage began obscuring your vision. You watched as the young man looked up at the moon, turning that little jade pendant in his hand.
You were snuggled in the Young Sage’s arms as he carried you back to camp. A blanket of drowsiness wrapped itself around you. Cut off and kicked out, you finally felt the exhaustion of the day catch up to you. Looking up through half-lidded eyes, your hands went to trace the Destined One’s face. Dreamily, you brushed through his fur. 
“It’s so soft,” you said as you scratched the back of his head. He leaned into your hand then tilted his head this way and that to make sure you get every good spot. 
You laughed, “You are adorable.” 
The Destined One blinked. That was a newer compliment. You knew it was one you typically kept to yourself, but you didn’t care. Your inhibitions had been washed away, perhaps abandoned at the edge of the lake a drink or two ago. In this moonlight, underneath the sky dusted full of stars the Destined One looked much too- “Handsome,” you said out loud. The Young Sage seemed surprised, but fully embraced your sudden praise with a smile. You kept them coming, his subtle joy at your words pushing you on until you were babbling. You talked about how fun tonight was, you wondered if he’d ever gotten drunk, then you would double back to complimenting him again. His eyes, his smile, his hands, that tail of his, everything about him you flooded with shameless praise. The Young Sage looked close to laughing. 
You couldn’t make out the details of anything. The world was an unfocused blur on an unfinished painting. The only thing clear to you was him. You smiled wistfully, looking into his eyes. 
“You know, before I came here I-” a sudden wave of nausea hit you. You covered your mouth as you felt yourself salivate. The Destined One quickly put you down where you braced yourself against a tree and emptied your stomach. The Destined One steadied you with a hand on your back. You felt sick and dizzy, no longer able to open your eyes without the world spinning out of control. The next instances came in snapshots: being cleaned up, changed, asking for water, groaning, more vomiting, more water. You fell asleep curled up next to the Young Sage, clutching at his robes while he combed his hands gently through your hair. 
The next morning, you woke up feeling dehydrated with a throbbing headache. You squinted in the light of the sun, catching your pig guai companion fairing the same across the way. Both of you groaned as the consequences of your actions produced an unforgiving hangover. 
The Young Sage was just fine, you could make out his fuzzy shape warming up in the distance with his staff. He’d left a little kettle beside the embers of a dying fire already heated and ready. You forced yourself up and poured a cup of hot tea with shaky hands. Bajie stayed where he was, but continued his lament of groans as he tried to cover his eyes from the sunlight. He hadn't made it to his bedding last night which sat unused only half a foot away from him. You placed the steaming cup near Bajie, his ear twitched as it followed your movements. You poured yourself another cup and took a sip, shivering as the hot liquid coursed through you. 
Bajie slowly sat up, taking the drink you’d given him. He took a sip and shivered as he closed his eyes. 
“Thanks, kid,” Bajie said. 
You gave him a small hum in response. Birds were greeting you with their chorus as a warm breeze blew through your hair. The Destined One returned, sitting beside you and handing you breakfast already prepared. You looked at him as you held your pulsing head. Your memories after leaving Bajie were hazy and jumbled, as if someone wiped at the pages of your mind while the ink was still drying.
“Did I say anything weird last night?” you asked. 
The Destined One tilted his head in thought. He gave you a small, almost indiscernible, mischievous smile and shook his head. You probed him more as that tail of his flicked back and forth. The Young Sage took your cup and sipped at it, remaining unmoved as you pestered him on what you could’ve possibly said. Bajie, with eyes still closed, spoke up, “Silence,” he said, “The Unparalleled King Bajie commands it.” 
A passerby could describe the scene that happened afterwards and sound like they’re about to tell a joke.
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megalithical · 1 month ago
dick: make no mistake. not only am i party rocking, but i am also in the house tonight.
wally: but are you shuffling?
dick: everyday.
conner: what language are you two speaking??
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