#potp if
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piece-of-the-pie-if ¡ 1 year ago
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Demo! 🍑 Directory! 🍑 Trigger Warnings! 🍑
It's the first day of senior year and the people are itching for some drama... apparently.
When you get caught slacking by your best friend and staring off into the abyss turns out to be resident cool kid Dylan Quinn you're dragged under in to the cess pool of love-based-drama that surrounds NYC's McKinley High.
Just as you're forced into a love triangle by the school's resident queen of mean, Kinsley Grace–Cameron, for the mere rumour of your supposed crush on Dylan, your least favourite teacher assigns you babysitting duties with the new guy, Shay Walker and the rebel-without-a-cause J Montgomery for your year long finals project──landing you with the starring role in the latest gossip mill.
How are you ever going to survive the graduating class of '25?
There's no murder, there's no magic, there's no monsters or ancient societies, no sci-fi future apocalypse, no treasure to find or deadly goons... just high school seniors navigating romance and maybe an asshole teacher and potential conspiracy theories.
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Features! 🍑 FAQ! 🍑
romance one (or more*...) of five love interests! are you in touch with your feelings? could you be non-committal? do you fall hard and fast and with everyone?
customise your mc! from your appearance to your gender to your personality and your family relations!
overcome your senior year of school at Jackson McKinley High! are you studious or a slacker? do you care for popularity or are you content as a relative nobody?
get a job! in your family's bakery or your local cafĂŠ or something more unorthodox!
be the object of the rumour mill! does it feel like unwanted drama is following you? or do you live for it and actively feed into it?
+with five solo routes, two poly routes and two love triangles you have a plethora of choice! love triangles include──dylan and kinsley as well as dylan and theo while poly routes are as such──the cool crush and the mean girl, #kinslan──the new guy and the rebel, #jayne!
──*please note that this is a romance focused i.f and as such no set aro/ace/aroace route is present.
engage in the conspiracy theory surrounding your school! is your least favourite teacher dating your favourite teacher? is there actually a cannibal on the faculty? is there a reason for the sudden spike of suspensions?
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Key Pieces! 🍑 [ LI Introductions! ]🍑
[RO] The ‘Crush’!──Dylan Quinn [gender locked─they/them─12/01/2006]
comforting smiles, playful eyes, paint stained clothes, chipped nail polish, chest binders, chalk covered fingers, messy hair, cluttered rooms, sculptural clay, dark hair, friendly words, genuine popularity, intense loyalty, unspoken understanding but silent judgement too.
[RO] The New Guy!──Shayne Walker [gender locked─he/him─04/04/2007]
cheeky smirks and cheeky winks, ruffled hair, english accents, comedic timing, wide smiles, loudly laughing, wilting in silence, heartache for home, missing friends, curly brown hair, warm brown eyes, younger brother, older brother, everyday adventures, discovering new people, new places.
[RO] The Mean Girl!──Kinsley Grace–Cameron [gender locked─she/her─11/21/2006]
shades of green and white, sun bleached blonde hair, cold blue eyes, sunblock tanned patterns, sickly sweet smiles, eye rolls, longing glances, hesitation in silence, secrets behind closed doors, heavy shoulders with a head held high, craving difference, stubborn to a fault.
[RO] The Rebel!──Jaxon/Jasmin Montgomery [gender selectable─he/him or she/her─06/17/2007]
stick and poke tattoos, cigarette smoke, uncaring attitude, strong and silent type, doesn't know what a shirt is, bloody knuckles, sunglasses collections, secret book worm, borrowed vape pens, complicated family relations, exploding anger, protective older sibling, almost alcoholic, androgyny, short hair, italian heritage, intellectual depth, no regard for authority.
[RO] The Best Friend!──Theo Wesley [gender selectable─he/him, she/her or they them─09/30/2007]
hair care as self care, cat parent, not-so-subtle pinning, rooftop picnics, friend dates, jazz cafĂŠs, plant parent, eco nerd, photos as memories, dark skin, coiled hair, far sighted glasses, people watching, balcony lover, bookshop worker, essays about love, hugs as a love language, suffer in silence type, made of money but would rather they weren't, smoking weed but only on the weekends, indescribable feeling of loneliness in a crowded room.
The Bestest Friend!──Chris/Chloe/Charlie West [gender locked─he/him, she/her or they/them─02/14/2007]
The ‘Rival’!──Valory/Vinny Williamson [gender selectable─she/her or they/them─10/03/2007]
The Cool Teacher!──Easton/Estelle Bharti [gender selectable─he/him or she/her─05/19/1992]
The Asshole Teacher!──Nolan Thorp [gender locked─he/him─11/26/1978]
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©️ bonnie berry 2023──@moretinyideas 🍑
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foxtricksterwriting ¡ 1 year ago
PotP Drabble
Author's Note: A touch-averse person writes someone who shows affection easily
Tags: @piece-of-the-pie-if
Elijah glances up at Shay as he works. They'd been drawn to him when they first met him, but now? A few months in? His friendly, jokey demeanor caught them hook, line and sinker. They enjoy his easy affection; casual hugs and leaning on each other when they sit together, forehead kisses and other light touches. He easily went with their mischief and impulsive ideas, even indulged in their interests. They bonded over a love of gaming, even if their preferences were different. He fit surprisingly well into their friend group, too. Their feelings for him hit them like a truck and they weren't sure what to do about it now. Should I ask him out? Would he say yes? What if he didn't feel the same?
He looks up just at that moment and smirks at them, a little sparkle in his honey-colored eyes. Elijah giggles, quickly looking back at the paper they're supposed to be writing. A minute later a pencil eraser hits their laptop keyboard with a click. They look back at Shay, who's acting like nothing happened. The cheeky, tiny smile gives him away. He realizes they're looking at him a second too late, straightening his lips out to a neutral line. Elijah flicks the eraser back at him, hitting him in the chest. His neutral mask cracks easily as he tries to catch the eraser before it can fall too far. They purse their lips, suppressing a smile as they go back to typing. They shoot the eraser back and forth until it ends up bouncing too far away for them to retrieve nonchalantly.
Elijah and Shay gaze at each other, chuckling as the fun little game ends. They hold the stare, exploring the depth in each others eyes before Elijah feels their cheeks heat up. They look down at their laptop again, flustered and nervous. They feel Shay still looking at them before going back to his work.
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peitalo ¡ 1 month ago
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Go forth my leach
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medicalunprofessional ¡ 9 months ago
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breaking the angel
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saintebarnes ¡ 1 year ago
The Muppet Christmas Carol goes even harder when you realize this guy wrote all the songs
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kreachvera ¡ 9 months ago
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the devious rapscallion proposes his mischievous scheme
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atr11um ¡ 8 months ago
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syl16 ¡ 3 months ago
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Winslow :3
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ravenlynclemens ¡ 4 months ago
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my favourite toxic t4t couple
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halothanic ¡ 4 months ago
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“a thousand wasted hours a day, just to feel my heart for a second”
happy 50th anniversary to brian depalma’s “phantom of the paradise”, a brilliant work of art that will forever move me beyond words.
i cherish each gorgeous frame, each note, and will never be able to articulate fully how much winslow as a character means to me.
hopefully i'll be around to celebrate its 100th. i bet by then i'll have every line memorized.
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piece-of-the-pie-if ¡ 1 year ago
Tag Breakdown and Answered Asks List
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Main Tags:
Blog tag──piece of the pie if Secondary tag──potp if
LI Tags:
Dylan Quinn──dylan quinn Shayne Walker──shay walker Kinsley Grace-Cameron──kinsley grace-cameron Jaxon/Jasmin Montgomery──j montgomery Theodore/Theodora/Theo Wesley──theo wesley
Poly Tags:
Dylan&&&Kinsley──kinslan poly Shayne&&&Jaxon/Jasmin──jayne poly
Main Pieces Tags:
Chris/Chloe/Charlie West──c west Valory/Vinny Williamson──v williamson Easton/Estelle Bharti──prof bharti Nolan Thorp──mr thorp
Misc Tags:
MC tag──peach MCs family tag──peach's pie Player MC tag──homemade peach pie +Secondary Player MC Tag──peach: [name]
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Answered Asks:
About The Game──general About The Cast──discussions Self Reblogs──follow up All LI/ROs──all ros
NSFW Asks──not safe to bake +NSFW Asks Disclaimer [ here ]
More about the setting [ here ]
Where in NYC? [ here ]
MC and Siblings [ here ]
MC and the 'Crush' on Dylan [ here ]
'Queer MC' discussion [ here ] [ here ]
'Straight MC' discussion [ here ]
MC's family [ here ]
MCs family bakery [ here ]
MCs first day rumours [ here ]
MC is called Peach for why? [ here ]
What subjects to Professor Bharti and Mr Thorp teach? [ here ]
MC personality options? [ here ] [ here ] [ here ]
Poly routes discussion [ here ]
Difference between the poly and love triangle routes [ here ]
ROs visual appearance [ here ]
ROs in one word [ here ]
Routes in one word [ here ]
For your anniversary, the ROs sing a song they wrote for you at a restaurant. [ here ]
ROs as YA TV shows [ here ]
RO Heights [ here ]
RO family backgrounds [ here ]
ROs and horror movie marathons [ here ]
ROs and romcoms [ here ]
ROs favourite animal? [ here ]
Crushing stage ROs see MC with a hickey (long) [ here ]
It wasn't a hickey after all [ here ]
How jealous do the ROs get? [ here ]
ROs reaction to a dense/oblivious MC [ here ]
ROs play DND (ft C) [ here ]
ROs love languages [ here ]
ROs favourite desert other than pie (ft C) [ here ]
ROs and video games [ here ]
ROs favourite beverages [ here ]
ROs idea time of date [ here ]
ROs ideal date [ here ]
(prompt series 1) PLAY──
MCs potential reaction to Dylan [ here ]
Dylan and Art [ here ]
Dyl's thoughts about MC? [ here ]
(prompt series 1) HAIR──tucking a strand of hair gently and securely back behind their ear, letting their touch linger afterwards. [ here ]
(prompt series 1) CLOSE──standing so remarkably close your gaze can't help but linger on their lips when you scan their body. [ here ]
(prompt series 1) HUSH──standing close and hiding, reaching up and pressing a finger to their lips to keep quiet. TUG──tugging them close to your side by their waist. [ here ]
(prompt series 1) WAIT──catching their wrist, preventing them from leaving. [ here ]
Kinsley and Influence at School [ here ] discussion [ here ]
Kinsley's slow burn (ft J) [ here ]
Kinsley's enemies to lovers route is toxic? Discussion [ here ]
Jayne poly route dynamics [ here ]
(prompt series 1) DANCE──when alone, you spontaneously dancing with each other. [ here ]
(prompt series 1) WRAP──reaching back, taking your wrists, and gently pulls your arms around their waist. [ here ]
J's slow burn (ft kinsley) [ here ]
Jayne poly route dynamics [ here ]
Concerning Theo's Distance [ here ]
Facts about Theo! [ here ]
Theo and crushing in MC [ here ]
Facts about C? [ here ]
C's DND character (ft the ROs) [ here ]
C's favourite desert (ft the ROs) [ here ]
Who is V? [ here ]
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foxtricksterwriting ¡ 1 year ago
Long Furby Crafting
Author's Note: Elijah is turning out very annoying, which is exactly how they're supposed to be lmaoo.
Tags: @piece-of-the-pie-if
Summary: Elijah bullied Theo and Charlie into helping them make a long furby. Here's their process lol.
"Okay, so here's all the things we'll need for this surgery," Elijah drops a box onto the floor in the middle of their friends. "Surgery?" Theo questions, peering into the box. "Oh boy," Charlie pulls out a sheet of faux gray-and-sparkly fur and a long bendy white thing, "What in the hell is this?"
"That's going to be my daughters spine, Charlie," Elijah explains as they snag their furby of their bed. They hold the toy up for the other two to see, "This is my daughter, Starlight. Over the course of tonight and tomorrow, she will be reborn into the glorious monstrosity she was always meant to be!"
"We're dissecting a furby?" Theo asks. "Not just dissecting, bestie. We are going to turn her into her ultimate form: the long furby!" Elijah's blue eyes shine with excitement. They unceremoniously drop to the floor, careful not to damage their 'daughter.' "I scrounged up a sewing kit. We're gonna hand sew this little fucker since none of us own a sewing machine," They set Starlight down next to them as they pull a small sewing kit out of the box. "Elijah, why is there dental floss in here?" Their friend sighs as he fishes out a new thing of dental floss. "I've heard that dental floss is stronger than normal thread! Don't worry, I got normal thread, too," They uncover five spools of gray thread and drop them onto the ground. Charlie laughs and stops one before it can roll into the abyss under their bed. "I already made a pattern for her body, so we don't have to worry about figuring that out. I have to remove her skin, so can you guys cut the fur?" They grab the wire cutters and scissors from their material box.
An hour later....
"Oh god."
"What, Theo? Are you disturbed by seeing a furby's innards?" Elijah laughs as they try to free the face plate. "No; you're using scissors to unscrew something," He despairs. "It's fiiinnee," They whisper at him. The duo perk up when Charlie's phone rings. They set the tube-in-progress in their lap and check their phone. They light up, "it's Julie!"
"Answer it!! I must show off my monstrosity!" Elijah bounces in place. Their friend doesn't need any further prompting. They tap the screen then say "Hey!"
"LOOK AT MY FURBY!!" Elijah screams, shoving themself into Charlie's side. "Elijah!" Theo tries to grab and pull them back but it's too late; they end up barreling into Charlie and sprawling across the ground.
A few hours later.....
"Okay, Starlight's head is done.... well, mostly. We have to do the ears," Elijah slumps against their bed. "Her body is.... about halfway done?" Charlie holds the tube up in front of them. "Don't forget her feet," Theo throws the little detached feet into their lap. ".....Fuck," They groan. "Theo, is her heart done?" Elijah asks.
"Yep, it's right here," He holds up the little light blue stuffed heart. They take it from him, inspecting it. It's obviously hand stitched by a first time seamster. "It's perfect!" They smile at him, "now, should we attach it to the spine so it'll probably stay in place? Or should we just throw it into the stuffing?"
"Is the heart going to move much?" Charlie asks. "I don't know..." The pink-and-red haired person pouts at the heart, then looks at the spine. After a minute, they decide, "I'll just attach it to the spine. Can't hurt her."
The next day....
"Is she done?"
"Almost," Elijah says, finishing some last minute stitching. A minute later they proudly hold out the gray stuffed toy that's just about as long as they are tall, "Ta-da!! My daughter!"
"That's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be," Theo laughs. "What're we going to do with her?" Charlie asks, taking Starlight from them. "Go hang out, show her off.... potentially scare people," Elijah answers with a laugh. They take the furby from Charlie and wrap it around their shoulders, "Let's terrorize the town!" Theo shakes his head.
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percifax ¡ 4 months ago
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Heres the other Potp piece i made!
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toki-toro ¡ 2 months ago
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drew this while listening to a song called pussy riot
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kreachvera ¡ 10 months ago
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weirdbird74 ¡ 4 months ago
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me when I get you
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