#by the time we got home i felt like a husk of a person no one was open w a bathroom except yumyum donuts and i did get a donut
fucking up this jamoca cappuccino blast from br while listening to cibo matto. im going to impale myself on yhis straw because i am Half Asleep
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#we didnt get back from the fuckhole that is pomona until 5am last night bc of the whole car situatiom#last night was so#so evil. we got taken to a gas station to get our tires changed by some dude w an#ginormous plumbers crack (i could have stuck a wad of $5s in there for his handywork) and his buddy wearing an fsociety tee together they#TOOK FOUR HOURS TO DO ANYTHING#THEY KEPT SITTING AROUNF AND LIKE. CALLING RANDOM ASS PEOPLE . FOR ADVUCE#arent you guys Literally Professionals. Why Are You Asking How To Change A Tire Stem#and then midway through that someone on the highway across from us lit a dumpster on fire and it was blazing for#30 mins and chuffing out black smoke while my dad called 911 to get someone out there bc we thought it was a car crash#AND THEN I FOUND A BAG FILLED W HUMAN FECES AND USED NAPKINS TIED NEATLY IN A BOW THAT STILL SMELED SO BAD..#by the time we got home i felt like a husk of a person no one was open w a bathroom except yumyum donuts and i did get a donut#that was the only highlight of last night. my dad kept apologizing to me and the kids like. dude its not your fault we hit a giant pothole#otw home#we Could Not See It#but why did chp and triple a take several hours Plus 25+ phonecalls each to let us know the insurance expired.#and the chp officer tjat had to babysit us on the side of the road to ensure we didnt get ran over or killed pn the highway#w#lookef so pissed off at us for being stranded 😐 they r always soo mad#THAT WHOLE SITUATION WAS SEVEN HOURSSS#Six flags was spo fun thooo
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
I just got this idea and I trust your writing the most, I was wondering if you could write ,unless you already wrote this, where the reader steals König or ghost masks or anyone else and their reaction (nsfw or sfw is fine), thank you have a great day :))
König & Ghost's Reaction to their S/O Stealing their Mask
Warnings: Implications of Smut, Dominant Ghost, Dominant König, Territorial Military Men <3, Minor Spoilers of Ghost's Past, Mention of a Size Kink, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You.
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Since he's absolutely massive, the ends of his sniper veil literally reach the bottom of your ribcage.
So when König sees you wear it for the first time, he's absolutely F L O O R E D
We don't call him Size Kink König for no reason.
Goes absolutely feral when he sees you draped in his veil.
Can barely keep his hands off you.
"Maus," he husks, fingers twitching as he reaches for you slowly, cautiously, offering you the chance to go with him willingly.
"You don't know what you're doing to me."
Even without the veil, his eyes are dark, a blackness settling over them that, somewhere in your mind, your intuition, has you seeing red.
Regardless of how innocent your intent when acquiring the mask, none of that matters now.
All that does is the growing bulge in König's pants, the shortness of his breath, and his shadow settling over you as he advances on your path.
"You'll be needing that mask more than I will after I'm done with you."
And when you dare to ask "Why ?" now entrapped – eclipsed – by his frame, he just smiles, thin and sharp. Cruel.
He takes you in his arms, pulling you to him, your face almost crushed into his chest.
He laughs. A low rumble – the promise of a natural disaster.
His nose is to yours covered by the veil, a condescending gesture of his prowess and your submission. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
"Because everyone will get a free show to the fallout of an evening you’ve roped yourself into."
As if to prove his point, his hands are at your wrists before you even notice the pressure he's applying there, binding you, pulling you ever closer to him. And in that second, you know you're not leaving your little stunt – the night – unscathed.
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Hoo boy.
Okay, it's no secret to anyone who knows Ghost – really knows him – that he's suffered a lot of hardship throughout his life, hencewhy he is the way he is.
Which others may construe as cold, heartless – even soulless.
But that's only because Simon has lost so much.
So when he comes home to find you in one of his masks, smiling up at him (he can tell by the way your eyes crinkle), he's immediately whipped.
And I mean W H I P P E D.
To see the one person he can truly call his own wearing his gear is something he didn't know he needed until now.
Sure, he's seen you in his shirts, but this felt different. More intimate.
Your face was where his usually was, his spectral imprint practically morphed with the contours of your face.
Though it needn't be mentioned, he has a hard time... containing himself.
"Fuuuck me, Darlin'," he rasps, on you like a sickness as he sits on top of you, pinning you to the sofa by your waist.
"Y'look better in that than I do."
And you smile. Something intentional hidden within.
"Hmm... I doubt that." You can feel Simon's body heat rocketing beneath his clothes.
"You know I can't resist you when you wear it."
And that's all it takes to send him over the edge.
You hear his breath shake as he rolls into you ever so slightly, still restraining his whole weight to keep you intact. Something began to prod your abdomen.
"Oh, you're in for it now," he tells you. There is not a single hint of fallacy to his claim or his expression – one of barely stoic restraint.
"You won't be able to do much of anything by the time I'm through with you."
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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rapunzelbro · 8 months
A Sacrifice for a friend Angel Dust x Reader 1
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Tw/ extreme angst, implied death, sad shit so be warned. This is going to be one of the imagines that ends up being closer to a full blown fanfic
Masterlist Taglist
1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 Statement
If Angel Dust was there 5 minutes before, maybe he would’ve been able to change your fate
Maybe if he stopped you from going out that night he could’ve stopped it
He knew you were reckless, he knew how much you cared but why did you do what you did for him of all demons?
Why the FUCK did you do it
You were Angel Dust’s closest friends, you were there from when he first got to the hotel, you two bounced off each others personalities and it made you two of the most annoying people in the Hazbin Hotel but y’all didn’t give a shit
You knew of his deal with Valentino, all the abuse, sex, movies he was forced to do. How he was forced to sign his life away to him. It was fucked.
You were there all the constant nights he came home bloody and bruised to take care of him, comfort him when production got rough, or when he felt at his lowest.
You were far from redemption and you knew that was a given, the only one you cared enough about was Angel Dust and helping his redemption. He was so close but so far
And helping him meant saving him from the hell he was going through. The contact he signed with Valentino which held his redemption back entirely
You were extremely bothered the few weeks leading up to your decision. You were more drunk than usual and avoided questions on why, when they appeared
Husk felt the shift in your mood instantly, and the intentions you had he was unclear of. You usually always had a bright smile and bubbly personality when you were drunk with Angel, but as the weeks passed, he saw the change and that personality slowly went away even if it wasn’t noticeable
He noticed
You started coming back to the hotel later, you always came back bothered and uneasy, you didn’t talk to the others as much it concerned Husk like hell
Everytime he tried to confront you, you were never there or yelled at him.
When it was time for your decision to be made, you had all of your stuff in boxes. Your room has never been so dull until now. Angel helped you decorate with all sort of pink colors and photos of everyone together, but now? it was just lifeless
Everyone was asleep when you walked towards the exit, except for Husk
“Don’t do anything stupid Y/n”
“I can’t guarantee that Husk”
You giving him a smile before you left to do what you had to do whether you were scared shitless or not
Valentino hearing ‘I want to make a deal’ and he is instantly interested
“What will get you to release the contract on Angel Dust”
You’re straight to the point. You already know the answer, which you’ve been preparing for
“He’s my top money maker~ You’d have to give me your soul in exchange for his freedom”
He has his hand out, his signature glasses slightly positioned down to look you in the eyes with a Cheshire Cat like smile
“Do we have a deal?”
You staring at his hand before grabbing onto it
The moment you say that your arms and legs are covered in thick pink smoke before you’re pulled under
That was the last thing you heard followed by the sound of chains breaking
you were pulled in an empty room filled with the similar pink fog coming from one of Valentinos crushed cigarettes.
While the poison of the pink fog holds you still with the tangible arms, you accepted it, you didn’t struggle when your body gave up on you
You accepted your fate long ago
Angel Dust tag list: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @satansmanager @storydays
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normansnt · 8 months
For old times sake (pt.2)
(Huskerdust x platonic! Male!overlord reader)
I'm really happy with how this turned out. Non of y'all asked for it the idea just hit me so I had to write it down😎
I'm VERY likely going to write a pt.3 thats an Alastor x male reader so lemme know if ya'll would want that🫡💗
Warnings: V@lentino
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Art by the very talented: @dragon-spaghetti
You were having the best time. Talking to Husk and Angel was very fun and you saw the amazing chemistry they had. You guys were talking laughing and drinking in your office when suddenly Angels phone started to get bombarded with messages.
You felt the sudden shift in atmosphere. Angel hurriedly reached for his phone and when he saw the messages he jumped up.
"It was nice to meet you (Y/N) I had a lot of fun and thank you for the drinks but I have to go now, Husk baby I'll see you at the Hotel don't wait up for me if I get home late."
He said, with one breath and quicker then you have seen anybody talk and left with the same speed.
"Shit..." said Husk as he stood up with a sigh to pour himself another drink.
"What was that?" You asked baffled.
"It's...its his job, his boss he is... a fucking cunt"
Said Husk with audible anger in his voice.
You were about to ask more questions but then it hit you. You knew angel was a porn actor. And you also knew about the Vees. It was easy to put the picture together from this point on. And judging by Angles terrified reaction, Husks anger and cussing you could quite easily tell how his boss treated the spider.
"Hey, Husk" he looked at you with tired eyes.
"I have an idea." You said at last with a smirk on your face.
"HAHH, suck it idiots, guess who was invited to a business meeting by THE (Y/N) Demon of gambling." Yelled Valentino as he entered the Vees break room.
"What. The. FUCK, give me that" said Vox pissed as he tore the invitation from Valentinos hand.
"THAT BITCH, why did he invite you and not all of us."
"Never mind that who the fuck sends messages via letters?" Asked Velvette disgusted.
"This is the way the big shots do it, you uncultured swine" said Valentine still very full of himself due to the invite.
"That doesn't make ANY sense" Vox has read the invitation at least 3x by now not understanding why you invited only Valentino.
The Vees have been trying to get in contact with you for years now but to no avail. You had no interest in any alliances since you thought them to be stupid and egoistic, if overlord meetings were something to go by.
"Deal with it honey, I'm just better than you guys" ended Valentino the conversation as he snatched the letter from Vox and blew the pink smoke from his cigarette into his face.
Valentino showed up to your casino with Angel by his side dressed in...well, almost nothing. Of course he wasn't gonna show up without a pretty thing by his side and who better than his favorite toy.
"If you embarrass me in front of the demon of gambling I'll-" he started saying through clenched teeth but got interrupted. By you.
"Mr. Valentino, it is such a pleasure to meet you." You started as you put your hand out to shake.
He shook your hand slowly. He was surprised to say the least. One of the most powerful overlords was this young, not to mention very hot. When he got over his surprise however his personality was back and on FULL display for you. He turned on his charm like never before and started shamelessly flirting with you.
You just kept the calm smile on your face.
"So, Mr. Valentino I'm sure you are wondering why I invited you and we will be having a business meeting do not threat however I'm afraid I have something else to take care of first, please go ahed and try out the games my casino has to offer and drink something, all the drinks are on the house for you."
Now, in a situation like this normally Valentino would be offended. How dare someone invite him and then say they have something else to do.
But you were different. You were a very powerful person in all aspects, your goddamn charm, it was just irresistible not to mention the free drinks.
"Well all right but do not keep me waiting for long now, amor." He said with the ever present flirtatious tone in his voice.
You didn't react to this, just a simple nod of your head and with that you left.
Valentino hasn't gambled much in his life, or death, he just stood by when Vox did it, so he sat down by a random table.
He won. To his (and Angels) biggest surprise, he won.
"Oh, yeah, this is going to be a good night. ANGEL, bring me another drink."
This was just the beginning of the night. He continued to go around table by table, and he won, by every single one of them. And the more he won the more he drank.
About two hours after he arrived one of your employees came up to your office.
"It's time sir I think he is drunk enough." Said your guard. So, you put down the book you were reading and stretched. You didn't have anything to do, that was just a lie. It was just part of the plan.
When you arrived downstairs you saw that your employee had been right, Valentino was standing on the table singing and kicking the coins he had won.
You cleared your throat.
"Mr. Valentino, I'm glad you're enjoying my casino" with that one sentence you got everyone's attention in the room.
You could have that effect. You weren't a cruel overlord and didn't choose to rule over people by the means of fear. But you could make it so that even just your voice demanded respect.
"I see you have won quite a lot, would you care to play a round against, me?" You said ever so calmly.
And of course drunk and full of himself due to not loosing once all night, Valentino was more then happy to play with you.
"Now then, since we are playing in the big leagues now we cant just play for money thats below us don't you think."
"I'd like to be below you, handsome" he answered.
You just hummed, unamused.
"I say, how about we play for souls."
That caught Valentino off guard, he didn't think of that, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of you so he agreed.
"And...whose soul would you be offering? I heard the demon of gambling doesn't own anyones soul" said Valentino with just a bit of temptation in his voice.
You hummed.
"You heard correctly, I'm in no need of souls, I will be offering...my own" you said still as calm as ever.
To that Valentine spit out his drink. The amount of power that would be in his hand if he owned your soul is...too much for his drunken mind to think about. And of course due to the amount of alcohol in his system he didn't think about how stupid this proposition would be on your part if you weren't 100% sure you would win. He didn't even think about the fact that you are the demon of gambling, the owner of a casino, it would have been obvious to anyone that he had no chance at winning.
"Well then, I'll offer the soul of this beautiful thing here" he said while squeezing angels cheek.
You looked at Angel and said
"Very well then, let the game begin.".
After a few rounds, you were loosing. Big fucking time and Angel was starting to get very worried. But not only him, Husk, who was the whole time as well, making sure the plan goes well, was starting to doubt you two. He knew first hand just how good you were especially in poker, but it was still a game that depended on luck at least 50% of it.
When Valentino needed a break to go puke, Husk walked over to you.
"Kid, just what the hell are you doing you are aware that you're loosing." He said pretty pissed off.
"Oh, I'm just messing with him-"
"Well stop, what if you mess too close to the sun you might be good but you cannot control your luck."
"Luck is a non factor if you use logic. You seriously think a porn seller, money hungry, moth man big shot wanna be will beat me, in Poker? Don't insult me." And with that Valentino returned and the game continued.
He kept winning rounds and Angel and Husk were growing more anxious by the second.
Finally the last rounds were coming around and thats when you decide you messed with him enough. And just like that you started putting down winning hands one after the other.
Valentino was panicking. He is about to loose his best paying costumer whatever you come out with this round everything depends on it-
Royal Flush.
You fucking won the game.
Now that the loss has sobered his mind he could finally look at all of this in a logical way.
Of fucking corse you won. You are the mother fucking demon of gambling just how the hell did he think he could win.
But the wins before. Hold on. That was illogical too, NO ONE goes to a casino and wins every fucking time was he really that drunk not to notice.
You broke him out of his thoughts when you snapped your fingers. And Angels contract that bound him to Valentino appeared in your hands.
However now, where Valentinos name used to be, stood yours.
"Well, Mr. Valentino that was a very productive business meeting I hope to never see you in the future"
"...What?" asked the moth angrier by the minute.
"You still haven't figured it out? I do not care for you or the other Vees business. Did it not seem suspicious that I only invited you? What am I saying of course it didn't, because a narcissist like you would never ask why someone wants their company. See, thats why tricking you was so easy. Getting you drunk wasn't even necessary I only did it so I can be sure that you will play for angels soul."
"...but, but...NO, Angel dust is still mine, he-" Valentino went to reach for Angel but Husk stopped him.
"No he fucking aint." Hissed the cat.
In panic Valentino tried to make the leash appear but to no avail. A deal was a deal. He doesn't own Angel's soul anymore.
"Just why the FUCK was it so important to you to get a wretched whore's soul?" Asked the moth now yelling.
"It was a favor for an old friend."
"You mother fucking- do you know who the fuck I am, I will destroy you me and the Vees-"
"No" you stated simply.
This was the last drop for Valentino.
"I would like to ask you to leave now Mr.Valentino and, please tell your partner not to send me any more invitations, I do not care"
Valentino made one last attempt to attack you but your guards stopped him.
"I was winning all night you dickwad I sucked your casino dry" tried to irritate you Valentino.
"Oh? Thats right here, isn't this one of your coins?" You threw it at him.
"Of course, every coin has two sides."
Valentino turned the coin around to discover a big fat 0 at the other side.
"You really thought you won at every single table? Wow, you are even stupider than I thought."
It was part of the plan, you told everyone who worked at the casino wherever Valentino sits down, he wins, at least coins of zero. You needed to boost his confidence so he'd think he can beat you.
"You will not take him away from me I'll find him-"
"You will do no such a thing he belongs to me now so he is under my protection." You were getting a but pissed now, he just wouldn't give up would he?
He was about yo say more when you looked at him. Dead in the eyes. Thats half the reason why you are as powerful as you are. The look. If you looked someone deep in the eyes they will see their worst nightmares playing right in front of them.
Valentino started screaming, crying and shaking uncontrollably. And with that your guards dragged him out.
You turned to Angel and Husk, who were standing there holding hands.
You looked at Angel, lifted the contract, and tore it in half right in front of him.
Angel was staring at you. He stared as tears started to roll down his cheek and he fell to the ground in sobs.
'I'm free' he thought to himself over and over again. Husk chuckled as he knelt down to his boyfriend and hugged him.
You two locked eyes, and you understood just how thankful he was, words weren't needed.
You wanted the couple to have some privacy so you headed back to your office.
Unbeknownst to you another demon was present that night at the casino, and he saw the whole ordeal.
"How well you grew up to be, young (Y/N)" chuckled Alstor to himself.
"(Y/N)" you heard Ang- Anthony yell from behind you.
You turned around with raised eyebrows and looked at him.
"THANK YOU" he yelled still sobbing.
You smiled at him.
"Happy to help, for old times sake."
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
A summary from someone who was at the premiere:
Hi! I'm the person who was at the premiere and noted how Viv ignored her fans (yes the theater was small looking back on it, this was my first time going to an event like this)
Here are the summaries of the first 3 episodes
Episode 1 The episode starts with an origin story about how the angels created the world and Lucifer was one of them and was very creative and shit. So when the angels made Adam and Lilith (and before you ask yes Hazbin's Adam is the first man, they confirmed it in the episode) and Lilith rebelled she and Lucifer became chums and ended up convicing Eve to eat the fruit, which brought sin into the world and made the angels banish Lucifer and Lilith to hell which made Lucifer sad and lose his spark because he's now surrounded by shitty humans. Lilith meanwhile continued to inspire demons with her singing and because heaven didn't like that they sent the exterminators to make sure demons do not rise up against them. But now it is up to Lucifer's and Lilith's daughter to help sinners.
Then it turns out that this was a book Charlie was reading and Vaggie comes in and comforts her telling her she believes in her. Also it turns out that Charlie has not seen Lilith in 7 years. Vaggie then tells Charlie that Alastor has a surprise and we get to see the ad Alastor made. Turns out that they forced Alastor to make an ad with video (and yes he was upset about it). Big woop the ad sucks cause Alastor insulted people in it. Angel Dust suggests to remake the ad into a fucking porno because of course he does.
Then Charlie gets a call from Lucifer who tells her that Adam wants to meet with her and she sings Happy Day in Hell during her walk to Heaven's HQ thing. Meanwhile Vaggie decides to redo the ad which involves Husk reading off the script and Angel sexually harassing him. Vaggie gets upset and Alastor sees this and promises to make a deal wirh her, he helps her make the ad with a video camera and in return they never make him do shit with video again.
Charlie reaches the Heaven's HQ where she meets Adam who literally talks like Chaz. He swears all the time, talks about sex, and even called himself "the original dick" or something , I dunno I had a stroke. He just spends like an hour or so talking to Charlie about how cool he is, how he had sex with this one chick, ect ect. He's really no different from the average demon. Also he's a hologram and he eats ribs during this. Charlie than finally gets to explain her plan to Adam but he and Lute go "no" because sinners had their chance as humans and Adam likes killing them. He then sings a song which I forgot the lyrics for, and yes the "this shot is EVERYTHING" clip came from that song, and he kicks out Charlie. Oh and the next extermination will be 6 months later because Adam felt like being a dick.
Charlie comes back home all sad and shit and Vaggie tries to cheer her up by showing her the new ad. Until it interrupts and Katie Killjoy announces the news that the next extermination will be in 6 months instead of 12. And yes her voice is literally just Bryce Tankthrust's. The episode ends with Lute showing Adam an image of a decapitated exterminator, and now they want to kill all demons because of the murder of an exterminator.
And that's episode 1
Episode 2 Episode 2 starts out with Charlie realising sinners are freaking the fuck out, and that this 6 month deadline may mean sinners may get desperate to redeem themselves. Also Valentino is constantly DMing Angel because Angel moved out. Then Sir Pentious shows up to fight Alastor again but Alastor kicks his ass.
We then meet the 3 VVVs, and Valentino disemboweled Velvette's model because he's angy Angel moved out, so she calls Vox to calm him down. Vox shows up and calms down Valentino. And bruh, Valentino somehow acts no different from Stella. He's so unthreatening and goofy with how much he acts like a spoiled child who got mad his lolipop got taken away it fucking hurts! During their chat, Valentino mentions to Vox that Angel is not the only patron at the Hazbin Hotel, but Alastor is as well which angers Vox because he thought Alastor was gone when he vanished 7 years ago.... wait-
Alastor defeats Sir Pent by punting him after he rips off a strip from Alastor's jacket. Alastor leaves to get his suit fixed up but not before summoning some monsters to guard the hotel, with whom Angel flirts with because of fucking course he does. Then we get a duet between Alastor and Vox where Alastor basically announces he's back baybee. The three VVVs then try to inflitrate the hotel so Vox they have to hire someone Charlie would not expect as a spy.
Charlie returns with no new patrons until Sir Pent knocks on the door. Vaggie is about to murk him when Charlie decides to give him a chance and welcomes him into the hotel. There she tries to teach Sir Pent how to be good by making him learn about apologizing, so he apologizes to Alastor for ripping his jacket and gives him back the strip he tore off. Alastor responds by burning the strip.
Charlie then does an excersize with the crew where they all introduce themselves, and only Charlie and Sir Pent do it. At some point we get the Roleplaying scene where Sir Pent pretends he is an innocent kid, and Charlie tells him he'll be on his way to redemption in no time, which makes Angel sad for some reason. Angel goes to his room where he scrolls through voice mails Valentino sent him which flip flop between "Angel baybee I'm so sorry" to "Pick up you fucking whore". And the last one is him telling Angel that "there is no hope for you" while red smoke wraps around sad Angel.
Later that night Angel gets up to get a drink of booze when he walks in on Sir Pent putting up a camera from Vox. He confronts Sir Pent and they start fighting. Charlie and Vaggie walk in and Angel reveals what Sir Pent did. At that moment Vox calls Sir Pent and tells him he's a failure who should die because he failed. Sir Pent then bows down to Angel and Vaggie saying he's sorry and they can kill him. They're about to do so when Charlie breaks out into a song how redemption starts with a sorry. They all then go back to bed when Alastor t poses into the room and bullies Vox for a bit before breaking the watch Sir Pent used to have to talk to Vox.
||Also Niffty simped for Sir Pent for a bit because he's a "bad boy", but after he and Charlie sang that song she got upset that he wasn't a bad boy anymore||
And that's ep 2
Episode 3 So episode 3 starts out with it being one week since Sir Pent joined and Vaggie is chewing him out for building weapons and havine egg minions. So she has Alastor take the egg men away. (We also get a scene of Alastor eating a deer carcass for breakfast) Sir Pent also keeps trying to shoot ppl because he doesn't trust anyone.
In response to this Charlie tries to do some trust exercises for the rest of the crew, such as having them say the most intimate things about themselves while also falling down and letting the crew catch them. She tells them how much she loves them and Vaggie catches her. Angel sexually harasses Husk by saying he loves sucking popsicles and then falling in his arms and saying he loves sucking dick too. Sir Pent says he loved his minions and tells ppl not to catch them but they all do anyways. Niffty confesses that she loves killing mama bug infront of their babies so they learn fear. No one catches her but she keeps jumping off the stage over and over. Then Angel suggests another exercise.
Cut back to Alastor and the egg fellows who meet up with Zestial (who also has one of the hottest voices in the show like holy fuck, then again he's voiced by Ozzie's VA). Also people seem to be so scared of Zestial they either run away or the hurt themselves. Alastor and Zestial talk about how Alastor went missing for 7 years and is now working with the princess of hell or sumthin. They end up in a meeting for overlords where Rosie shows up but she says nothing. Also despite Alastor telling the egg sapiens to stay outside one of them ends up following him. Here we meet Carmilla who gathered the overlords to talk about protecting sinners from the extermiation or something. Then Velvette shows up because Vox and Val didn't wanna show up, and she reveals to the overlords a dismembered exorsist head. Then we get a song where Velvette and Carmilla duet and the song kinda slapped? I forgot most of the conversation tho. Then after the song Carmilla tells the Overlords to leave, and Alastor makes the egg man that followed him spy on Carmilla, and it turns out that she's the one that killed the exorsist but I forgot why she keeps it a secret. Also Carmilla and Zestial seem to be a thing. Then she gets a song that's also a duet with Vaggie which I also forgot what it's about.
Speaking of, Angel takes the crew to a BDSM club because of fucking course its a sex joke. Vaggie says no and then takes the crew to a turf war and makes them all fight against other sinners to make them learn how to trust one another??? It some how ends up working btw. Later on after the afromentioned duet Vaggie apologizes to Charlie but she says it's ok since Angel, Sir Pent, Husk, and Niffty seem to be chummy now now that they helped one another in that turf fight. Alastor returns with the eggs and Vaggie allows Sir Pent to have them back. The episode ends with Sir Pent and his eggs going to bed.
And that is the end of my Hazbin screening.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Is it the end? ( Joel miller x reader)
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summary : y/n opens up the about the past, mark starts on his plan and well a patrol leads to an ambush , y/n face the beast of the past and this time she ready to go down to make sure he can't hurt those she has come to love even if it means she might never see them again
warnings : angst as fuck some fluffy moments but this one is also heavy , mentions of abuse in the past including SA , domestic violence , facing an abuser , violence a lot
A.N : this whole chapter is a warning if any of the following could trigger please look after yourself and skip this one (you're not alone , you got this, we are all proud of you ) hopefully see you in happier fic in future
Previous part
Maybe it was the events of the night or maybe it was because it was Joel miller. She never felt this way , something her mother described  as love it was all new and scary and yet it filled her with warmth , comfort and safety when the man was near her. How instinctively her body new he was close like sense searching him out and even in her most scared state she felt the rush of calm the moment his arms where touching her skin, his scent of  oak and musk in her nostrils and the gruff husk to his voice all those made her feel safe , all those felt like home. The man who made her feel like she wasn’t alone again . years of living hell more hell then infected hell she’d prefer them to her ex.They had more mercy , mindless zombies had more compassion then her ex to which is she didn’t get free well she would of threw herself to them. But here she was with joel sitting on edge of his bed and she wanted to be open with him completely , not hold or hide anything. 
“ i wasn’t scared because it was nigel ,it wasn’t anything to do with him it was the feeling that sent me back” she breathed out feeling the words ready to burst from her mouth like a dam every single one  that needed to be said.” he wasn’t the one that was attacking me like in my head it wasn’t him, it was like i was back there back in a past so dark it felt like a black hole, sucking the life out of me every second i didn’t even feel like a person just puppet on a string or when times seemed fit the whipping boy for when he was having a bad day”she laughed dryly .
“Jonah found me i was exhausted , starving and probably on the brink of death i thought he was my knight in shining armor like stories my mama told me about as little girl , he was on a horse and everything, brought me back to his camp and i had food and warm clothe even a blanket because i refused to ruin my brothers, then after a while i found my prince was a monster with a pretty mask , one that hid the evil he truly was start slow i would talk to passers by the first time he hit me claimed it was some sort of ptsd thing then he stopped using excuse , stopped wearing the mask every time i opened my eye i hated it , hated he didn’t just kill me like he kept telling me it wasn’t something i feared anymore it was something i wished for only thing i had was that blanket, my mama made it from some wool we found , then jonah found it made his men hold me down and he burnt it right before my eyes and something snapped inside when he went  let the melted material fall i grabbed his knife i cut him , i cut em all and ran with the bag  on my back, then there i was falling over my own feet , starved , dehydrated and my body ready to give up until a man called out just as i hit the ground ,i woke up here  in jackson and your brother as telling me i was ok , i was safe” she sniffled .
“ so when nigel hit me pushed me it wasn’t him i was seeing , smelling and hearing it was jonah like i did every single day since i was fifteen” she smiled weakly the tear that filled her waterline and once more she spent a night crying in joel millers arms feeling the weight of the past off of her shoulder. 
He just held her ,tight holding only her . she didn’t need his words to tell her how strong and amazing she was that could wait. What she need was to feel safe , to truly feel protected. How much he hated the world for trying to break her , how it made her hurt in ways a person should never hurt.  She needed to feel comfort and security to know that he had her, he was going to protect her no matter what . Tommy must have known more about his behavior to suggest it   he wasn’t going to ask. She already told him so much but he could only imagine what else the monster had done. It didn't take rocket science to see that .  He hoped his touch told her what his mouth didn’t , He meant it every sense that day he said it , she had him  in every way she wanted him .  More and more he felt him drawn to her seeing every side to the woman and she was still beautiful even more so like a flower blooming  a bed of weeds . one he will do everything and anything to keep it flourishing . he barely slept that night , watching her sleep the way her lashes touched her cheeks , the soft even breathes that pull and pushed through the pillow plush lips .  How perfect she fit in his arms like she was always meant to be there , how she should always be there and if he could it would always be that way . 
Mark wanted to leave , this needed to be over with  the longer he was gone the more danger they were in .  Jonah promised they would be safe if he did this but it even he couldn’t trust that man’s word , he did know once this was over he was taking his wife and daughter some where else far away shit he would build a boat if he needed to .  It need to end soon longer he waited the longer it would take . 
“Mark we got your present” the radio crackled as he rushed off. 
“ so fucker made it huh  he should be able give you details of the patrols , y/n does them weekends two days from now i can’t stay” 
“ two days  and i get my wife back good enough for me i’ll give you a horse and your cunts back” jonah snickered. 
“ two days” mark gritted his teeth before turning the channel off. 
Even though it was an absolute nightmare of event the night before it was the best sleep she gotten in a long time , every single time she was a sleep in his arms she had dreams  actually dreams and not nightmares that made her wake in a panicked sweat . She woke rested and calm , she was safe.  Even if it was the wake of a storm she felt safe In joel millers presence . Something about the man always made her protect something wod Seem like it was made up concept . 
“ hey love bird  breakfast Soon” ellie voice called she didn't have to look at the teen to see the smirk that was there , feeling it was enough . 
“ we'll Get up in minute go ahead” his voice god his morning Voice had her thighs clenching and her stomach In a tornado Of feeling. “ darling you wake” he rasped. 
“ do I have to” she sighed nuzzling more into His chest her head bobbed at the vibration of his sleep filled laugh . 
“ sadly you do , ya need to eat and get your head checked … I mean the wound On your head checked” . 
“ need my head checked wouldn't hurt either” she snorted as she stretched out something was different yet the same like unspoken new Development to their friendship or whatever this was . 
“ don't we all come on your grumpy when ya don't eat” he pushed her gently as he got himself up the glare she sent him was down right adorable In his eyes . Leaning down as their face so close ,Eyes locked on the each . 
“ If you're good I'll Make you a cup of the good coffee” He smirked lips ghosting over her , he could easily fall into the temptation of one simple movement And he could finally feel her soft lips . Yet he pulled back as her eyes followed his confused tilt Of her head she looked like a confused puppy . The fucker was playing with her well she could match him . 
“ I ain't ever been good  might need a man put me in my place” she whispered in his ear before heading down the stairs almost beaming when she seen ellie Standing there.  That smirk all over her face as y/n descended the stairs. 
“ looked cozy up there thought i was actually going to have to go ahead”.
“ nah couldn’t leave you to walk two minutes on your own” she giggled. 
“ my hero , hows your head that bruise isn’t as big as i thought it would be either , where’s joel?” . 
“ here i am  come on both of y’all get cranky when you don’t eat” he shot y/n a look to say whatever started was definitely not over. 
The three walked easily through town til she stopped outside that alley a shiver sent through her body until she felt his hand land on her lower back and suddenly she didn’t feel so scared continuing on their journey to the mess hall. 
As soon as she walked in it was like all eyes were on her and  they probably are few looked at her with pity , some in respect and some in pride.  Tommy had a shit eating grin on his face as he almost studied the two, ellie ran off towards dina and some of the younger residents of jackson. Maria looked  both worried as she took in the injuries so did the residents doctor making her roll her eyes. 
“ after i eat you can poke away” she finally said . 
“ oh you bet your ass you should of been brought last night” the doctor playfully glared. 
“ i also need to talk to you after if you don’t mind doing it while doc does his thing”maria ask quietly.
“ course then i want the good coffee”she turned to joel.
“Fine fine come on before benny gets there before us” he chuckled  moving her along as maria gave them an appraising look to only see her own husband watching with a big grin on his face. 
The rest of the breakfast was same the two found ways of touching each other like a couple of love struck teenagers til she was taken to the clinic  both and doc wanting to make sure the wound on her head properly taking care of  . which only good thing the man could say was it was cleaned properly but it needed stitches and should of  the night before . 
“ so you wanted to talk to me what's up may as well distract me” she laughed nervously. 
“ patrol found kid note attached erm mom was  well found not far later but was too late .. couple that was gonna take him changed there mind and maura she is watching him but she too old for kid so was wondering if he could stay with you” maria explain softly  and carefully. 
“ how old ? “  she asked wincing and gripping the chair as she felt the skin being pulled. 
“ four  his names charlie , cute little thing”. 
“ can i think about it after patrol this weekend i’ll give you an answer i mean its alot” she went to look at the woman. 
“ yeah of course i can take your time really” maria nodded . “ are you her shadow” the woman joked. 
“ something like that erm she ok”joel asked. 
“ fine but i needed stitches which i tried to tell the old fool it was my idea not come here” y/n winced . 
“ bad influence young lady” the man playfully chuckled cutting the thread. “ come back in a couple days to check it over keep it clean now off with you” he shooed her off. 
“ and i thought you liked me” she pouted.  
“ as much as a headache” the doc grumbled. 
Maybe it was the way she was raised , a couple who could of easily left her to die but choose to care for a complete strangers child not once but twice and the conditions We're  less dangerous than before  so maybe  it was something to consider .  Like a sort of paying it forward help a child like she was . She could ask ellie to help watch on patrols but then again this was big what if the possibility  Of jackson falling and then she was trying to survive with a child and watch if she screwed kid up.
  She walked Through town watching where he was . He was playing with his toys as the elderly woman watched. The way his Eyes lit Up with the snow all around til he must of felt her eyes on him suddenly he was looking right at her and wasn't charlie it was her brother lucas the way he would play , his Little chubby cheeks that went Rosie when it was cold. Yet when she blink he was gone Charlie head tilted looking at the woman . She gave a warm smile and wave although joel could see it , he knew that feeling of seeing a person of the past in someone else . 
“come On darling let's get that good coffee” he smiled softly . 
“ you think I could do it,  don't pretend you don't know “ she smiled weakly. 
“ I was one to suggest it at meeting” he nodded . 
“ you have too much faith in Me joel miller” she sighed laying her head on his shoulder As they walked . 
“  nah I just know you'll know how he feels” he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder letting himself being so close. 
“ I'll make  my choice after patrol” she nodded although he had a feeling that she Already  had her answer.  
The two could feel the shift Hell a blind person could see it . They were so close  and yet each waiting on the other to make that move . Each afraid of reading it wrong in so sort of way although  It was just more afraid. She sat closer to him, he would touch her more letting himself get closer , each so close and so far. 
They were like that the whole couple of days it was driving them both crazy  just wanting to take that step joel more so . 
“ you gonna grow a pair and make a move” tommy asked as they all were tired of the dance and just wanting the two to finally just get together. 
“ I was thinking talking to her tonight but since you got  like four of us out here I’ll have to change my plan” joel sighed although slightly relieved at the change of plan knowing it was safer in case nigel was out there .
“ well he's armed, Mark was too busy beating him to notice slimy prick taking them hence him want making it right” tommy huffed. 
“ yeah well I ain't worried about them” joel huffed as she walked past on the horse . 
“ you girls gonna keep chattering or will we get going” she smirked . 
“ you were less mean when you didn't talk” tommy playfully narrowed his eyes at her. 
“ well blame your brother is like that pardon box thing” she shrugged. 
“ Pandora box sugar “ tommy snorted 
“ yeah that too come on” she laughed as joel hopped on his own horse they all walked out. It wasn't a big one just check around make sure everything was safe make sure the cabin was empty and if it wasn't make sure it wasn't raiders. She sat on her horse humming away  eyes looking around she wasn't scared whether nigel was armed or not , he wasn't greatest a shooting and his knife or fake knife skills well they weren’t  anything to fear but she would give him on thing he was sneaky.  But he wasn't around he was definitely gone she nothing was around not an animal or infected but she stalled moment she seen the prints in snow .
“ something this way” she called bolting off before anyone could grasp her words .
“ I got her” mark headed off as joel and kai  the other man followed after. 
She kept going and going she was ahead of group something she now regret something in her stomach told her to run but before she could even turn she was knocked off the horse hitting the ground with a thud knocking the air from her lung  as the sound of footstep came towards her . The crunch in the snow was she tried to focus her vision on the blur looming over her .
“ i missed ya darling” that voice , that voice that made her stomach twist and turn , the one that made the bile rise in her throat . 
“ fuck you” she gasped feeling his boot heavy on her throat.  
“ aint something you should say your husband dear” he pulled her up by the hair. 
She pushed and pulled out his how not caring for how it felt like her scalp was burning in his hold. One thump to her head she was out cold. 
“ good job Mark shame was fer nothing huh” jonah laughed shooting the approaching man before his men put y/n on his horse and leaving the area hearing the ones approaching . 
When joel finally got there was two minute later ,  he wanted to scold her for taking a head  when he saw mark on ground and her horse empty  something told him that wasn't going to happen today . 
“ where is”  joel crouched voice trailing off at the sight of more blood trailing off . 
“ jonah took her  , he said he'd give me my family back if I did” mark laughed coughing as blood stained his lips . “ settlement up … fuck up north about an hour an abandoned warehouse they stay in cold months ” mark cough and spluttered. 
“ get tommy on radio now” joel growled not knowing if he should save the bastard or let him suffer. Saving him would help get y/n back . “ why didn't you ask us help stupid bastard” he pushed harder on the wound making man cry out. 
“ you don't know them like I do their worse than a rabid dog” .
“ well time put rabid dog down” joel growled.  
“ tommy and men on their way doc too” kai spat looking down at the man , the betrayal.  
“ she dies you will regret it I don't care who you think jonah is or how bad if y/n get hurt well  even devil himself will stop me” he spat . 
She woke up tied up to pole in an abandoned office it seemed as she looked around . 
“ well wife good to see your finally home , I may  forgive you some time but this ain't that time “ he slapped her hard making her head jerk to the side with the blunt force of it . 
“ you think I'm scared I got away once I can again” she laughed only to be slapped again . “ jesus you hit like a bitch” . 
“ looks like I gotta train you again I got time hell might break those legs of yours” he kicked her in the stomach making her slump over gasping for air. “ would you look at that I still take your breathe away” he chuckled. 
“ when I do get free I will make sure your dead this time” she growled feeling the hilt of her blade still there. 
 “ well our new  man here will make sure you dont” he smiled whistling as nigel walked in  face as smug as anything . 
“ ah the guy who tried rape me I'll make sure to kill him too” she spat only the mood instantly shifted as jonah head shot to the man.
“ she liar man” nigel laughed not noticing the shift. 
“ his hand will show you other wise I cut him with your knife both have matching scars now real besties” she rolled her eyes. 
“ show me your hand” jonah stalked closer. 
 “ she lying man I didn't touch her” nigel backed up his smug smile long gone . only as jonah pulled him close seeing the same blade pattern his blade across the wound .
“ you tried take what's mine huh guess both ya need teaching “ he growled knocking man to the ground kicking him hard . Giving her time to pull the knife from her sleeve cutting the binds . 
He kept kicking and kicking as the man below him stopped moving only stopping when he felt the metal touch his throat. 
“ put that down sweety and I'll forgive you”. 
“ only thing that's being put down is you , how dumb you think I am to think you would forgive you psychotic fuck” she pressed harder making him hiss only for him to slam his head back hitting hers he pulled out of her hold and she held on the knife. 
“ I don't care if it kills me but you ain't walking out this office alive “ she stood adrenaline coursing through her veins as she jumped behind the desk as he pulled his pistol out , she smiled feeling hers in her boot pulling it out she stood only for him to be right there his gun pointing right at her.  Two pulled and pushed the guns direction as she heard more shots and screaming behind her . She heard joel  calling her name that all she needed to push the gun from her to him as it went off sending her ex to the ground. 
“ I ain't that scared little child bride of yours I keep my promises now she took her own revolver shooting him in the head.  Walking needing to get to him only door open their he was standing completely in front of her .  While hers showed relief , he told different story. 
“hey what's wrong” she stood confused til she followed his line of site seeing what had him so concerned the knife sticking out her stomach.
“ why don't I feel it” she said slowly slumping to the floor. As joel and tommy ran over both ignoring two dead men  only focusing on her. 
“ I need to stop meeting you like this” she joked looking at tommy as he torn  her husband shirt off placing it around the wound . 
“ hey look at me we're  gonna get you to doc right” joel promised holding her hand. 
“ joel hour way I don't think we can..” tommy hissed. 
“ I got him , he thought was gonna be scared little girl but I got him” she smiled weakly Trying not to scream . 
“ you show em who boss” tommy felt himself getting choked up . 
“ we need to move her  some how” joel yelled feeling a sick sense of history repeating.  He couldn't watch another Person he love die in his arm not again it was good enough killing him . 
Her eyes felt heavy  everything felt sore and burning yet she felt weightless . 
Her hand lifting weakly towards his face holding it like it was last time she was going to see maybe She would See see him again  in another life more peaceful life not Filled with infected or Monsters under the guise of men . then Her hand felt and hit the ground , everything was cold and black  as she watched the sequence of her life passing by most of best parts involved joel  , she finally understood what those stories Meant , the ones of the Knight Saving the princess .  Joel miller was her Knight and she was happy she knew a good man , she was happy to fall In love . 
next part
Taglist: @harriedandharassed @vickie5446
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0mysticmidnight0 · 5 months
~Mystically Broken Au - Chapter 6~
This chapter is very short, sorry-!
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Warning: Heavy ANGST, thoughts about suicide, parent deaths, etc.
Leo's POV:
What is wrong with me? Why is this happening in the first place? We separate for YEARS and the only time I get back, Donnie gets taken away? I didn't even know that was possible. It was because of them, THEM.
But, doesn't this always make it my fault? I was the one who let him get taken away. Even argued with him.. let his lab get robbed! How could I? I should've died the day I ran out of food. I looked for help. But no one cared to even glance at me.
When I saw some filthy guy scam that old lady. I was about to get all the food I could ever need.. poor guy. He died a jerk. Oh well.
I can't help but think of Dad. Everytime I decide to take a life, I see my dad in the corner of my eye, looking at me with disgust and sadness. As well as guilt.
That scammer got what was coming to him. I wipe the blood off my odachi as I take a bite out of a piece of fruit.
I see my dad in the corner of my eye. But his gaze wasn't filled with love.
"Is this what you wanted? Don't look at me like that. I had to do it. I hate you. You're just a shell of a man. A HUSK! You have no right to judge me, splinter."
"You're not my son. My son would never hurt another person wheth it be for his survival or not. From this point forward, I have no son with the name 'leonardo'. "
He looked so ashamed. Like I was disgrace. He slowly walked back into the shadows.
"Pops.. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry! Dad! ..."
I felt so small, I found myself in an empty room.. looking for him, just like I did when I was little, when I was scared.
"Dad..? Please come back..!".
I didn't realize the tears that stained my cheeks. "pathetic" I murmur to myself. I'm sure my father- No. Splinter, would agree.
I turn my head to see them, looking at me.
I didn't mean to say it so coldly.
~Your POV~
When I went to apologize to Leo, I heard him screaming and apologizing, who was he apologize to? I try to get closer to hear. But he saw me, he wiped his tears and looked at me.
It's like he wanted help. Should I help him? What if he pushed me away further? No, I can't let that happen.
"Any progress on finding Donnie?"
He growled.
"You Don't get to call him that."
"Donatello, did you find his whereabouts?"
"No. Not yet. You should leave, we don't need you getting into other people's business. So go home."
"No. I promised I'd help you and I will."
"If you really wanted to help, you'd know what's good for you and leave."
You were about to fight back when you looked at his face, was he pleading..?
You replied as you shut the door behind you.
He knew he made a mistake, but what's one more mistake to his already mistaken life? He was a mistake. He knew that. But you.. you still persisted. He admired it.
I got some of the ideas from my friend:
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ticklehigh-allthetime · 8 months
Losers Together
A/n: Hey guys! I haven’t wrote a tk fic in so long so bear with me please! Huskerdust has my soul literally.)
It had been a normal day in the hotel for everyone,except for Husk.
He had been standing behind the counter long in thought staring into space.
Everyone in the hotel knew about Husks deal with Alastor. They knew not to bring it up to either of them because it would make husk mad and grumpier than he already was.
The only person who could ask questions was Angel. Husk trusted Angel with everything, perhaps it was from the close bond they had with each other….. I mean to be fair Angel was the first person in hell to ever seen him cry which is reasonable because they were now dating.Husk was trying to avoid thinking about what happened to him with Alastor a while ago but he couldn’t help himself. The more he thought about it the angrier he got. For the first time in a while he started thinking and reflecting on his actions and how fucked up he was mentally. He felt tears in his eyes but blinked them away laying his head on the counter. He started to think about Angel. He couldn’t wrap his finger around why Angel liked him or even…..noticed him? He was a grumpy old cat after all, why would someone as cool as Angel want him? He sunk into to counter eventually falling asleep.
Angel eventually got home from work, today was a good day for him because Val didn’t go too far in the studio and he got off work earlier than usual. Angel was excited to see his grumpy cat lover so they could hang out, usually they never have time to hang out in the day because of Angels work schedule but thankfully today was different.
He walked up to the bar noticing Husk purring as he slept with his head on the counter.
Angel moved next to him and rubbed his ears, most of the time when Husk sleeps at the bar he’s had a bad day so Angel knew something was up.
He stayed there until Husk eventually woke up to Angel softly petting his head. “What the…..Angel? You’re back already?” His voice was raspy and deep from just waking up.
Angel smiled at him but noticed the fur by his eyelids were a bit damp hinting he was crying a bit. “Hey Husky how about we go to my room so you can get some sleep, okay?”
Husk smiled at the offer but wasn’t super tired anymore.
“I’m not that tired anymore but we can still go to your room if you want”He took a sip from his drink then throws away the bottle.
They get to Angels room and decided to watch a movie.
Angel was laying on Husk’s chest as they watched on of Angels favorite comedy movies. He looks up to Husk seeing a sour expression on his face. He pauses the movie and looks up to him. “Hey we can change the movie if you don’t like it baby, I don’t mind” Angel smiles at him softly “are you ok?” He kisses Husk’s cheek looking at him with admiration. Husk looks down at him still wondering how he got such an amazing soul in this dipshit called hell. “Yes Angel I’m fine” He mumbles softly still not acting like he was enjoying their time together.
Angel frowned, “Is it Alastor again?”
Husk ashamedly looked down. “I mean kinda? I dunno I’m just-“ He sighs looking an angel holding his chin. “I just don’t know why you stick with me all the time….im not a good person and I’m not worth your time”
Angel basically gasped. It felt like Angels heart just exploded in millions of peices. If anything Husk doesn’t deserve him. He sat up and looked at Husks solemn expression.
“Babe honestly what the fuck are you talking about?”
Husk was caught off guard and stared at him with confusion “I mean-“ Angel covered his mouth and hugged him. “You deserve the world, if I could give that to you I would.”
Husk hugged him back. He still wasn’t used to getting all that affection and admiration but he didn’t exactly hate it.
They cuddled while Angel continued spilling compliments to Husk u til he was a blushing mess.
“We’re both losers together remember?” Angel smiled at husk as he nodded. Angel was messing with Husk fur eventually brushing up against his sides.
Husk jolted and made a weird expression, he hoped Angel hadn’t noticed but it was too late. Angel smiled at him. “Dang I forgot you were so ticklish that even a tiny brush against your side makes you squirm~”
Husk blushes and grabbed Angels hand tiredly. “Don’t even think about it”
“Too late~ ‘sides you need a good laugh after today”
Soon enough Angel grabbed Husk paws and places them above his head gently tracing his fingers on his sides waiting for a reaction.
Husk didn’t was to succumb so easily and was fighting back the urge to laugh. To be honest Husk never hated when Angel would tickle him but he would never admit that to ANYONE even himself..
“Babyyyyy come onnnn it would be sooo much easier and fun if you would just let loose!” Angel giggled as he watched husk struggling not to laugh as his body twitched with every move angels fingers made.
Husk eventually let go and started laughing, his laugh started with minor chuckles but eventually got louder.
“There’s my smiley baby~” Angels fingers started getting faster and softer as he went to Husk’s ribs and soon enough his wings opened up from all the adrenaline. Angel gave husk a mischievous look.
Husk looked at him panicking while he was laughing still from the tingly sensations
Angel the stared tracing on his wings while leaving a set of hands on his sides still tickling.
Angel thought Husk laugh couldn’t get louder, lord he was wrong.
Husk was laughing really hard but he was also purring in between laughter. Angels whole face lit up
“Oh my god! You’re enjoying this!”
Husk blushes really hard and eventually his laughter becomes wheezes. Angels took that as a sign to stop, he let go of his paw and sat down smiling at him.
Husk was still in a fit of giggles on the floor laughing at the funny situation he got himself in.
“Sooooo you like being tickled husky?”
Husk looked at Angel still out of breath with a faint blush.
“Fuahak off….”
Angel looked at him with a grin “it’s okay I don’t judge baby” Angle rubbed Husks belly removing the ghost tickles. He started kissing husks face all over and hugging him.
“Losers together?” Angel smiles and lets go of the hug.
“Loser together” Husk pulled Angel into a kiss, afterwards they decided to head to sleep ending the evening with cuddles and a few slight tickles from Angel to Husk every few minutes. He didn’t mind though, he loved Angel so so much.
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cockslutpadalecki · 2 years
All For You
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Summary: You’ll never be able to tell Jake just how broken you truly are without him. Just how much you still love him. And the constant cycle of pushing him away before begging for his touch at 2am will never end until you can.
Characters: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x F!Reader.
Words: 2.4K.
Warnings: heavy angst, smangst, lots of sexual tension, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+. MINORS DNI.
A/N: Only six months late to the Jake bandwagon, but here we are. Based off song of the same name by Cian Ducrot Ft. Ella Henderson (definitely worth giving it a listen). Jake’s POV is in first person. Beta: @princessmisery666 but all the general bullshit is entirely mine. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Please support our content creators by sharing our work.
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You know it’s a mistake the moment he picks up. His familiar deep husk that’s indicative of waking from a deep sleep. It stirs something inside you that you haven’t felt in so long that you almost hang up without a word.
“Hello?” he repeats drowsily, frustration already heavy in his tone.
“Jake,” you finally respond and you swear you can hear the breath catch in his throat.
“Hey.” The word is only three innocuous letters but it hurts as if it’s a breakup speech and you regret being so hasty to call. There’s a brief silence broken by the muffled sound of him grunting, and you know from memory he’s stretching across his bed to glance at the clock.
You swallow deeply, trying to block out the mental images of those taut abs tensing and contracting. Rippling as he fucks you long and hard in missionary—
“Y’know it’s 2am, right?” His voice interrupts your thoughts.
You know what time it is without needing to look at a clock. Like when your body is so in tune to waking up at the same time every morning, yours is programmed to reach out to Jake at 2am.
He sighs softly. “What’s happened?”
You don’t expect the question even though he always asks. Oh how you wish he’d get angry and hang up. It would certainly make these exchanges easier to deal with, but he never does.
I felt a moment of you in him.
You can’t tell Jake you missed his voice. Missed him. You’re too afraid to tell him anything.
“It’s not important,” you brush off, quickly changing the subject, “so, how you been?”
Jake coughs, clearing his throat. “Are you drunk again?”
“No,” you say, but the wine on your breath tells a different story. In reality, you’ve been drinking since you got home an hour ago, cutting short your date with Ben by feigning a stomachache. You did— do— feel sick, your gut twisting and turning as you try your best to wash down the memory of Jake on your skin, but it has done nothing except exacerbate your thoughts.
“You always were a bad liar,” he chuckles softly and the sound splits you down the middle before his tone changes. “Look, you should get some sleep. I’ll call when you’ve sobered up.”
“I can’t talk to you when I’m sober.”
“Why not?”
Because I’ll say all the things I should’ve said a year ago.
“This was a bad idea,” you backtrack hurriedly.
“D’you need me to come over?”
You shake your head vigorously, momentarily forgetting he can’t see you before you manage to choke out a solitary, “No.”
You can’t have him in your apartment. The last time it happened, all of the hard work you did to move on unraveled like a spool of thread in a matter of heated seconds.
As soon as he stepped inside, Jake was on you. Lips covering yours, hands in your hair— on the fastenings of your clothes as he rushed to free you from them. You mirrored his actions, tearing into his jeans as you kissed away the taste of bourbon from his tongue. He moaned into your mouth, a blissed out version of your name that you swear in the moment you’d have memorised for life. You stepped out of your yoga pants and jumped into Jake’s arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.
His cock was hot and wet as it notched at your entrance, teasing your pussy lips apart before he slid his way home—
“Hey, you still there?” Jake sounds panicked.
Your voice is thick as you reply, “‘m here.”
“Just say the word.”
No. No. No.
But that’s not the word that ends up slipping out.
I know I shouldn’t have offered. Yet I find myself bolting out of bed the second she whispers, “yes,” despite the reluctance in her tone that doesn’t fool me for a second. The entire ride over to her apartment, I can feel the deep tremble in my bones, the anticipation of seeing her again setting me on edge. And when I pull up in the parking lot, it takes all of my strength to drag myself from the car.
From the outside, I look like I have my shit together. A line of women queue up around the block to spend the night with me, and while I might indulge a couple when I’ve stumbled home from a bar, nobody can come close to her.
It’s simple. I didn’t do enough. I should’ve tried harder. I should’ve fought for what we had. But I had my chance and I lost it. She’s moved on, yet there’s a still part of me that can’t help but grasp at these lifelines— these little glimmers of the good times, and hope that maybe we can figure out a way to make it work.
It never goes any further than a quick hook up in the dead of night. And while I still want— need— her in every capacity, those moments hold me together like loose stitches, just waiting until they break apart and dissolve.
Apprehension takes hold as I step up to the door, lifting my fist high in preparation to knock. I hesitate for a moment, heart thudding against my rib cage. I could turn and walk away now, let us both move on like we should do, instead of suffocating beneath feelings I can’t verbalise. But as I fly blind into a cloud of denial, I always accept the lifeline she throws me, and I hold onto it like it’s saving me from plummeting to the ground from 30,000ft.
I knock and wait for her footsteps. When I finally hear them, my breath stalls in my throat.
You pause at the door, hand grasped loosely around the handle as you try to summon up the courage to open it. After all the time you’ve spent trying to create a void between you, it seems equally pointless as it is gut wrenching that he’s merely only a door’s width away from you now.
Eventually you suck in a deep breath and pull it open, feeling like your heart is on pause inside your chest as you wait for your eyes to land on Jake, like you expect the time and distance spent apart to have altered his appearance into something ghastly and hideous.
He hasn’t changed from the memory your mind has preserved, and that notion alone has enough weight behind it to make your whole body ache. Your gaze finally meets his and you stand there frozen, still remembering the way his touch felt against your skin the last time you stood in this very spot.
I never should’ve said yes.
Jake hovers in the doorway as if he’s waiting for your permission, and you hesitate in giving it to him before slowly moving out of his way to let him pass. He crosses the threshold in silence, sliding past you as his hypnotizing aftershave follows behind. Just the slightest inhale of it is enough to send you spiraling.
He turns to face you, brows furrowed in concern. “I can go.”
You shrug your shoulders in an attempt to act aloof. “If that’s what you want?”
“I wouldn’t have come if it was.”
Please don’t say that. Instead what comes out is, “I shouldn’t have called you.”
“Then why did you?”
“I don’t know, okay?” you rush out a little sharply, using the sudden burst of ire to slam the door shut. “What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know,” he says, “how about the truth?”
You stare each other down for a moment before you storm past him, only making it as far as the kitchen until Jake is reaching for you. With his hand around your bicep, he spins you around to face him.
You pull your arm free of his grip and hiss, “Don’t touch me.”
He looks hurt. “Why?”
“If you start, I won’t want you to stop,” you break down, virgin tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
Jake regards you like you’re the most fragile thing on earth with clear hurt in his eyes and you feel your heart crumpling at the sight. Quickly, he closes the gap between you and you put your hand up to his chest to stop him, but it falters the minute your fingers skim over the material of his t-shirt, and the hard steel of his chest beneath. You begin to pull away, but Jake grabs your hand before you have a chance.
His skin is hot on yours despite the cold outside and it sets your entire body alight.
“What if I don’t want you to stop me?” he whispers, his spare hand sliding around the nape of your neck to pull you against him.
“Then we’re on the same page,” you breath out before pressing your lips roughly to Jake’s.
The kiss is hasty and messy. All tongue and heated moans between frenetic scrambling to free yourself of enough clothes to get to what you want. Jake tugs at your skirt, lifting it higher and higher until it sits bunched around your waist, just as you reach into his jeans to pull out his cock.
With a husky grunt, he turns you around, forcing you over the edge of the counter. You both frantically tug down your underwear, allowing him enough access to your cunt to slide himself inside you.
There’s a sudden bout of silence between you— like a second to reflect that you shouldn’t be doing this and stop, but neither of you do. Jake tenderly kisses your shoulder, and you turn your head to capture his lips within yours once more. Slowly, he starts to rock back and forth, pulling out with sloppy wet sucks as he retreats and brings back with him deep, thick moans when he fills you back up.
You lift your arm, wrapping it around the back of Jake’s head to keep him close, not wanting to be given the chance to speak for fear of coming to your senses. It’s better this way— losing yourselves in the moment rather than blaming each other for how your relationship failed. Yet stray words still manage to slip free— hushed expletives and blasphemous grunts, amidst praising moans telling one another how good it feels.
Jake knows your body as if it were his own. Fucking you like he never left. And when you come, you wish he never had.
The early morning sun prickles against your naked back, warming your skin until it wakes you. Sleepily, you stretch out, fingertips meeting cold sheets. For a minute it feels like any other morning, until you remember…
You sit up fast, grabbing the t-shirt you normally sleep in and roughly pull it over your head before rushing out of bed. The pile of his clothes you had both thrown onto the floor in a fervoured frenzy are long gone. The sheets where he slept are smooth. There’s no trace that he was ever even here.
Except between your legs.
Your heart drops as your body sags, the ache in your chest like a gaping wound, ripped open and raw. You feel so stupid, so gullible. How could you be so blind? And even though you were the one to call— knowing it would end up like this, you’re still somehow surprised that things haven’t changed.
Ben crosses your mind for the first time since last night and remorse hits you like a ten tonne truck. It doesn’t matter that you’ve only been seeing him for the past two months or so— you aren’t even necessarily exclusive— it’s still a betrayal of trust. One you won’t be able to earn back.
Tears ravage your body, huge sobs that echo around the room like a haunting symphony. You fall back onto your bed, curling up into a ball as you hold a hand to your chest in an attempt to keep your heart from bleeding through it. It takes everything in you to remember how to breathe through your cries, the anguish stealing away all cohesive thought as misery consumes you.
You don’t hear the footsteps outside your room, or the creak of the door opening. You don’t realise Jake is standing next to you until he appears in your tear-streaked periphery, looking terrified.
He places something on your nightstand before rushing to his knees beside you, reaching out to stroke your forehead. “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”
“Thought… you… left,” you manage to choke out through a fresh wave of tears.
“I just went to get us breakfast.” He glances at your nightstand and you follow his gaze— two coffee cups along with a brown paper bag sit there innocently.
You want to cry all over again, but for an entirely new set of reasons. Embarrassment blooms beneath your skin— white hot shame at allowing Jake to see you. The real you. The one buried beneath your grief.
Pushing yourself up, you keep your head down, not wanting to make eye contact. You chide and vilify yourself internally, wishing you could take back the last twelve hours.
“Did you really think I’d leave without saying goodbye?”
With a sniff, you mutter, “You’ve done it before.”
Jake scoffs. “Only because you force me too.”
Now you look up, staring him down through wet eyelashes and the elysium— the brief period of jubilation in his company all but melts away. He’s right and it stings. You create this shield— this barrier so he can’t do it to you first.
You clam up like every other time before— the words on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t seem to vocalise them and the constant lie you tell yourself finally becomes apparent.
It doesn’t matter if you’re sober or not, you’ll never be able to tell Jake just how broken you truly are without him. Just how much you still love him. And the constant cycle of pushing him away before begging for his touch at 2am will never end until you can.
“I never want to leave,” Jake confesses, “but you push and push until I believe that leaving is what you really want. If it’s not,” he takes the deepest of breaths, eyes pleading, but his jaw is set tight as if he’s expecting a blow to the face, “if you want me to stay, if you want me, I need to hear it.”
You feel the solitary word in your throat. Can sense it teasing along the seam of your lips until it spills over like blood seeping from a wound. “Stay.”
4EVS: @amirra88 @andreasworlsboring101 @b3autyfuldisast3r @cheesyclaire @chibijusstuff @callsignrambam @dangertoozmanykids101 @daughterofthenight117 @doozywoozy @foxyjwls007 @geekofmanyforms @heyyouwiththeassbutt @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets​ @ilovefanfic86 @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @letsby @letsdisneythings @labella420 @mogaruke @maliburenee @notyourtypicalrose @nik2writes @obsessivelycapricious @patrick-hockslutter @princessmisery666 @phildunphyisadilf @roxyfan14-blog @sage-writing @sea040561 @sweeterthanthis @slutformarvelmen @simpformarvelmenandwoman @smokeandnailz @stoneyggirl @stoneyggirl2 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @thegirlnextdoorssister @unfortunate-brat @wayward-dreamer​ @warriorqueen1991​ @xoxabs88xox​
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loveislandthegame · 9 months
my overall thoughts on season 7, writing edition: what in the world ? 😭 i cannot believe i thought this season was gonna be good. i’ll be joining rohan & S2 MC in the circus, since FB made me look like a damn clown. i don't even know where to begin
being a casa girl had so much potential, and it was something that a lot of players actually wanted, even before FB started doing these themed seasons. they really fumbled the bag here
i enjoyed casa amor. the guys were all unique, had their own dialogue, and it was cool to see their pre-established relationships (alex being the villa dad, bryson and rafa being partners in chaos, the beef between bryson & joyo) then we arrived in the villa, and it all went downhill from there:
everybody became an empty husk, so they could be forced into interchangeable roles: uma’s partner, bonnie’s partner, OG LI’s ex, loved up couple (summer/joyo or #rafne) to name a few. FB’s lazy asses ruined their own characters . why is alex, the supposed level-headed & mature one, being petty & childish af in my playthrough? 😭
MC literally had no thoughts, head empty. we barely participated in any of the challenges and games. it felt like we didn't do anything besides "get pulled for a chat" by your LI or the girls
the LI personality merge in this season was the worst it has ever been. all they do is agree with whatever you say, or tell you how great you are (gone are the days of LIs having their own interests, & getting extra dialogue because of that, like levi with artist MCs)
same problem as the most recent seasons, where MC doesn’t have friendships. she has a forced bestie, then potential LIs that sit around waiting for you to pick them, choose them, love them (they immediately disappear if you don’t pick them)
the plot made no sense at all. being a casa girl means we miss out on the first half of the season, but there were many different ways they could've shown what happened before we arrived (it couldve been something as simple as MC watching the show at home or during the jeep ride to the villa. lol) the timeline was inconsistent, so much important information was paywalled, and i’m pretty sure FB was just making shit up as they went along, since the drama with stephen and OG LI's ex genuinely came out of nowhere . he wasn’t previously mentioned in the beach hut, casa amor, nothing . his only purpose was to make the OG girl look bad.
speaking of the OG girls, what a disappointment . before we got to the villa, i honestly thought they were hinting at estelle and/or willow being LIs . even if they were forced to be our rival, they still could’ve had an interesting character arc . it would've been a lot more fun if she was like allegra, rather than OG LI's equivalent of suresh
i was gonna write, "why tf did she even make it to the finale?" but the answer is obvious : for the gem scenes. every damn volume, it's pay diamonds to upstage her, pay diamonds to clapback, pay diamonds so “your man” doesn't turn his head 🙄 it's already stupid enough, but it makes even less sense if you're not pursuing your OG LI
which leads me to the biggest problem of this season, the lack of branching. you're given the illusion of choice, everything leads to the same outcome . i didn't think it could get any worse, until i saw what happens when you choose the money . does your LI storm off? nope. they make you do the treasure hunt anyways...to win you back ??😭 MC should've called security on their ass
s7 had a promising start but ended up being a flop. it was better than s5, but that's really not saying much . i wish FB would just take their time—s1 and 2 had a whole year long gap between them. but it's clear that rushed seasons are gonna be the norm, season 8 is dropping in february . capitalism ruins everything luv x
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gold-rhine · 5 months
fontaine is so interesting to me because it's on one hand got very interesting and well written quests, both lore wise and storywise, but it's also the first nation I feel we're leaving without making it Better. sure, there's no tsunami coming any longer, but the country itself? All the societal issues - from extreme wealth inequality, to a laughing stock of a justice and court system, and the most dire children in danger crisis the game's ever presented us with - have gone largely unresolved. even the ending of arlecchino's story quest with house of the hearth felt like just sweeping the actual problems (orphanage preying on the vulnerable children in fontaine and exploiting the dangers in order to train them as child soldiers and spies for a foreign government under the guise of giving them a home and family) under the rug. inazuma's ending wasn't well done either, but at least there was actual societal changes; the vision less husks became themselves again and the traveling decree was lifted, allowing families and friends to reunite. it's just so strange to me that genshin used fontaine to introduce really dark themes, but also never actually wanted to engage with them beyond "look at this really fucked up thing we did to these children" and "yeah, the justice system is fucked. we're not gonna show its improvements though, sorry"
sorry, this was a bit of a ramble, and maybe i've gotten it wrong. just wanted to share and discuss:)
ok where do i start.... dont take this as confrontational, im just not sure how to phrase it
the fact you see entire country not being dissolved into water, the actual god dying and ruler of country changing as less of impact than ppl getting visions back and being able to travel while raiden is still an absolute tyrant ruling by fear is like. interesting perspective.
in my personal taste portraying large societal changes as immediate result of one boss battle is silly actually. fontaine justice system being fixed in a moment by like. killing a whale would be very silly
that being said, neuvi did very much say he's going to reform fontaine and justice system specifically in the epilogue, he even postpones archon warcrimes trials and celestia war for that.
art can critique things without offering solutions on how to directly fix them and create utopia. like. to "show societal improvements" is not like, definitive goal of any piece of media critiquing societal flaws. the goal of this kind of satirical critique is to highlight and deconstruct these flaws by exaggeration. like, we don't say "why is The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas doesn't show child being freed and society being reformed?? Why doesn't black mirror show how to fix flaws of technology???" like. spending story time on giving step by step solutions for problems of fictional society created to be purposefully over the top caricature of irl systems would be kind of. missing the point tbh
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Am I enough - Bowser x GN!Reader fic
This fic has been one I've been working on for ages but I finally felt it was time to post it. Because deep down writing this has really helped me
Warnings : Heavy angst, talks of burnout, psychotic meltdown. Happy ending.
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It’s true what people say about giving your all but it just not being enough. I knew being among that of Bowser’s castle staff would be a very difficult and demanding job. That was partly the reason I took it in the first place.
As my life in the real world just wasn’t right for me. So, you can imagine when I discovered an oddly large green pipe one day hidden away in an abandoned alleyway I cut through that night to prolong getting back home. I chuckled to myself at the thought of going through it and wondered what it would be like if I found a way into one of the many Super Mario worlds. My curiosity got the better of me. I got what I wished for and more so.
I’ve been living in the Darklands for a few years now. After I was found near the castle of King Bowser. I chose to work for him. Rising steadily up the ranks to a place where I was the caregiver role to the children of the king. This meant taking each day as it came because no two were the same. I was a platform for their pranks until they saw I wasn’t going to be scared away by them. Soon after that, the wee koopalings really grew to like me. They came to me with their problems. When they wanted an outside look at projects they were working on and even let me in on the newest revenge prank in the works. We grew into an odd sort of family dynamic. I would even at a push say that Bowser was more a close friend than my king.
I was known for my kind smile and caring nature to all who needed help. But lately, I felt the wild spark that fanned my bubbly personality had dimmed to a low flutter that threatened to extinguish leaving a husk of smoke behind to fill and suffocate my soul. I tried that much harder to act like all was well but when the big man himself kept trying to gently approach the subject of my recent spout of sadness. I found that the phrase “I’m fine really I am.” And a soft smile that had become the lifeline I clung dearly to was just enough to brush away any concern he had or so I thought.
I had barely managed to get through the day with my mask of normality not slipping and shattering to the ground But oh how it fell freely as soon as I shut the door to my quarters. My body sank in on itself with the weight of utter exhaustion finally being allowed to take over once more. Jr had noticed I had zoned out for the 5th time today when we were painting this afternoon. I told him that it was fine. I’m just a little bit tired. He looked at me for a second more before shrugging and going back to his canvas.
I know that I really need to sleep but right now I know if I went to bed I would just not want to wake up for the next day and the day after that and so on. I can’t worry my king or the koopalings. I think that is why I find my way to my ensuite bathroom in the darkness of my room. I didn’t want to put any lights on but when I got to the large tub and start to fill it. I set about lighting candles but only in the furthest corners of the room. It was better than nothing. It was just bright enough to see a silhouette of the bath at the center of the room. My eyes had adjusted to the dimness now that I just stood and stared at the water slowly rising up higher and higher. I normally would get undressed at this point. But what was the point.
I let the water rise higher transfixed by the sound of running water. My limbs moving on autopilot. I just climbed in completely clothed, shoes and all, leaned back, and finally closed my eyes.
I wanted to slip under the water and just drift away. People in my old life didn’t care but in the one I made here, I was wanted. Dare I say loved?
‘Am I enough?’
Thoughts swam frantically around in my mind. Each lasting a split second but long enough to make itself known. I don’t remember crying but it felt good to let it all go. The bath water was spilling over the sides now. I hadn’t turned the taps off. But it was okay. I let it run on. Flow over and pool beneath the tub. I let out the most guttural scream. Expelling all the negativity out of me. I just needed it gone.
“(Y/N) CAN YOU HEAR ME.” His booming voice split the air. I heard his heavy footsteps thud closer to the bathroom. The door broke into splintered pieces on the wet ground. “(Y/n)!” Bowser runs to my side. His large, clawed fingers turned the taps off, partially breaking one in the frantic movements. He scooped my sodden body out of the bath and cradled me close to his warm skin.
“Please talk to me.” He scanned me body to see if I was hurt.
I could see him talking but all I could hear was a high tinny white noise. I couldn’t get my limbs to obey me. I just hung there limply in his arms.
“I got you. I got you now.” He clings to me like I might fade from his grip into nothingness.
“B-bowser.” My tongue feels heavy in my mouth as I try to speak again.
“I’m here. I’m right here.” He sounds so small. Not like the fierce king everyone else gets to see. I’m crying again at the fragility that I’ve forced upon him.
“I-I’m so sorry sir.”
“No don’t say that. You have nothing to be sorry for. When Jr came to me today telling me he was worried about you. I should have stopped everything and gotten here sooner.”
Oh no. I scared Jr why didn’t I hide this better. Why didn’t I do something sooner?
“I’m frightened.” I choke out another sob.
“It’s okay.”
“But it’s not.” I hit his chest. “This is my fault. I let it get this bad. I kept pushing people away.” I keep thumping my fists against his chest and he just lets me. I’m begging him to just do something. Stop me. Just do something.
“I’m so tired. So damn tired.” I hit his chest once more before slumping against him again. He pulls me close. I can hear his heartbeat. It’s frantic, it’s worried. I nuzzle closer maybe if I get close enough it will calm down again. Even though I have clearly gone through a meltdown. I want to help him.
“I know you are. It’s been blatantly obvious that you were burning out before our eyes but you are so strong and caring you kept putting others before yourself. I need you to remember that you are enough. That you matter and you deserve to rest. The children will be fine for a few days if you take that time to rest up. Please let someone look after you for a little while. Please let me help you.”
I reach up and cup the side of his muzzle. His hand rests on top of mine like we are sealing a bargain. I smile weakly, to which he returns. He stands up, still holding onto me. As he walks us both back to my large bed. I’m starting to drift off to sleep but I needed to stay awake just enough to change into dry clothes that Bowser helps me into. Before lifting the covers and tucking me in. He looks down at me all curled up and slowly falling asleep. He moves off the bed but I grasp at his hand.
“Stay.” My voice is so small but he hears me. When the bed dips behind me I feel him pull me closer to his chest again. I finally let exhaustion take me but not before I felt him kiss the top of my head. A real smile tugs at my lips.
Maybe I am enough.
This is my first fic in months and Bowser has been a real comfort character for me recently. So I hope people like this. Even if it was more of a personal idea.
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twisted-sickfics · 7 months
Tough Day
a lot of content warnings in this one for angel-typical sexual content and violence so please skip this one if that’s not something you’re comfortable with! this still has lots of caretaking and comfort, there’s just also valentino so please beware!
content warnings: MDNI, emeto, language, valentino, violence and sexual content
Angel knew it would be a tough day when he woke up feeling like shit.
Well, to be more specific, his stomach feels like shit and his entire body aches all over. It doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out that he’s probably coming down with something.
But he doesn’t have time to worry about that. Valentino needs him for a shoot and he’s not exactly going to take “I’m sick” as an excuse. He’s been higher and felt worse than this and completed shoots just fine. If he’s lucky, he doesn’t even remember them when he’s that out of it.
This is just…uncomfortable. Inconvenient. A fucking drag.
Getting to the set isn’t an issue but actually having to film? That’s another beast altogether. Having a bunch of dicks shoved in his mouth isn’t exactly the best idea when he’s already feeling like he could puke at any second. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like that’s the vibe Valentino wants to go for today.
Filming isn’t actually that bad, but it’s during the short break he’s allotted that things start to take a turn for the worse. He takes a drink of water and practically gags, feeling his stomach rebelling against the liquid he tried to introduce into his system.
“Angel, baby, we haven’t even played with your gag reflex today,” Valentino says, obviously having fun reveling in Angel’s misery. He just has to suck it up and take it, trying to fight back now would just be stupid. “Don’t tell me you’re losing your touch.”
“Not at all, Valentino,” Angel swears. “I’m fine.” The last thing he’s going to do is open up to Valentino and admit weakness. If anything, the creep would only want to exploit his misery even more.
Valentino looks at him intensely as though poring over every little detail of Angel’s body. It feels slimy. It feels violating. “Back to filming, then,” he commands and the stagehands and actors get into position. Angel follows suit.
It’s when he has a demon’s cock up his ass and his brain is being pounded out that the nausea gets worse. He lifts a hand to cover his mouth, but Valentino immediately yells, “Cut! Angel, what the Hell are you doing?! We need to hear you loud and clear!”
“Valentino, I—” He isn’t sure how he would have explained himself, but even fumbling over his words would have been better than doubling over and vomiting all over the bed. Which is exactly what happens. He hears the stage crew gasp and shout around him, pictures being snapped, and Valentino yelling at him.
It all gets fuzzy after that. Maybe it’s the fever he’s positive he has at this point or maybe it was all so awful that he blocked it out of his memory, but he doesn’t remember much of Valentino’s wrath, just being thrown out of the studio and yelled at by some stagehand to call a cab because the shoot is over.
That didn’t end very well.
Angel still has the cognizance to do exactly what that stagehand told him to do because he needs to get home now. He’s lucky a driver even lets him in the car with how rough he looks, but he manages not to throw up in the backseat for the entire ride. That’s a win in his book.
This late at night (or early in the morning), not many of the hotel’s employees are still awake. Alastor might be lurking around somewhere but that doesn’t really count. Husk is the only one up at this hour, but that’s about the only person Angel feels comfortable showing himself around while he looks and feels like this.
“Hey,” Angel greets, his tone noticeably less excitable than usual. “‘m not feelin’ great today, you got anythin’ other than booze here?” He hasn’t eaten or drunk anything since the previous day now and he knows he should at least get some non-alcoholic fluids into his system.
That…definitely wasn’t what Husk was expecting. He thought Angel would immediately ask for the strongest drink he could make, but for him to admit that he’s not feeling well? Husk decides to keep a close eye on him out of concern. “I’ve got coffee, milk, tea, and water,” he offers. “Take your pick.”
Angel’s stomach rolls at the thought of drinking anything other than plain water right now, so he opts for that. Husk eyes him for a moment longer than usual before handing him a glass of water. “How was work?”
“Terrible,” Angel admits. “I threw up all over the bed during the shoot and Valentino threw me outta there. Guess I ain’t getting paid this time.” There’s no way Valentino will pay him for screwing up. He’ll have to resort to other means to make ends meet for the month, then.
“What the fuck?!” Husk shouts, and he immediately lowers his voice because of the way Angel flinches. “That bastard did this to you? Because you got sick? The next time I see that guy, I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“After today, I think I’d like that,” Angel says, taking a swig of his water like it’s alcohol and immediately regretting it. His stomach still isn’t feeling great. “Listen, I’m gonna head to my room now. You have any drugs I can take? Like, the actual medicine kind?”
He must be feeling worse than he’s letting on if he’s actually asking for medicine. Even now, he’s performing. “You head upstairs and I’ll meet you there. I’ll bring you some meds and some water.”
Angel looks like he’s about to say something for a moment, but stops himself. Instead, he nods and heads to his room. Husk knows the bitterness of the tea would probably upset his stomach even more, so he pours him a glass of water instead. He gets some nausea medicine and some fever reducers (just in case, the guy was looking a little worse-for-wear) and heads to Angel’s bedroom where he’s immediately greeted by the sound of retching from the bathroom.
“Angel?” Husk calls out, setting the glass of water and medicine on the nightstand and opening the door to the bathroom only to be greeted with Angel hunched over the toilet, expelling what little is left in his stomach. “Hey, ‘s okay. Just breathe.”
Angel gags, bringing up a small amount of stomach acid. “I feel like shit,” he moans, eyes streaming with tears from the strain of throwing up, his voice hoarse and raw.
“I know,” Husk sympathizes, “but you’re doing great. Just lemme know when you’re done and we can get you cleaned up.” He takes this opportunity to check his forehead for a fever and sure enough, he’s burning up.
It’s tough to see someone who’s usually so strong in Husk’s eyes barely able to keep themselves up in front of a toilet bowl, and he really feels for the guy. If he had any kind of power over Valentino, he would kick his ass into oblivion for working Angel to the bone while sick.
“Think I’m done,” Angel says, looking absolutely miserable. He looks like he might pass out, so Husk wants to get him to bed as soon as possible. Husk rips off a piece of toilet paper and uses that to clean around Angel’s mouth. It might just be the fever, but his face looks really red.
“Think you can stand up?” Husk asks. He’s surprised when Angel nods, attempting to stand up on his own, but he leans on Husk for support as he walks to bed.
For the first time that night, Husk sees Angel visibly relax and close his eyes. “No going to sleep yet, sweetheart,” he says, apologetic since he knows the only thing Angel must want to do right now is go to sleep. “I need you to take these.”
Angel swallows the pills with some water and sighs. “If I have to go into work tomorrow, I think I’ll actually die again. I feel like shit, Whiskers.” How honest. When he’s not feeling well, Angel tends to be a bit more truthful. Interesting.
“I know you do, Legs. Tell you what, you sleep in today and get some rest. If Valentino comes knocking, I’ll set Alastor on him. Sound good?”
“Mhm,” Angel mumbles affirmatively, but he’s already half-asleep and very out of it. He probably doesn’t know what he’s agreeing to, but there’s no way Husk is letting him go to work tomorrow when he’s this sick. He’s already thrown up twice and his fever felt pretty high. Whatever Valentino is going to do to him won’t be good.
Husk turns to leave when he feels a hand grip his wrist. “Wait…please stay…” Angel mumbles. How could Husk say no when he’s asked like that? He isn’t completely heartless. Just mostly heartless.
It doesn’t take long for Angel to fall asleep. He must have been exhausted, because it usually takes him much longer. Husk sits next to him, reading a book he’d been meaning to catch up on.
Husk flips through the pages of his book when Angel begins to stir again. He doesn’t appear to be awake but he looks distressed, as though he’s having a nightmare. Husk doesn’t wake him because he doesn’t want to disorient him even further, but a large small part of him feels badly seeing him like that.
Eventually, Angel wakes up with a gasp. “You’re alright, Legs,” Husk says, a steadying hand on his back. “You just had a nightmare. You’re in your room and you’re fine.”
He doesn’t feel fine, though. His stomach is in knots and he’s starting to sweat but he feels cold. He just dreamt about Valentino and he has to go to work the next day like this. There’s no way he can work like this! He’s going to get in so much trouble.
Husk can see Angel starting to work himself up even more, but he doesn’t know what to say to him to make it better. It’s only when Angel’s breaths start to morph into nauseous hiccups that Husk goes to get a trash can and places it under Angel’s mouth.
Angel starts to gag unproductively, bringing up strings of saliva. It isn’t a pretty sight, but Husk wants to be here for him. He has to. “It’s all right, Angel,” he says, “just let it out if you have to.”
Eventually, Angel finally does bring up a mouthful of bile and Husk winces. He hasn’t seen him this out of sorts in, well, ever. And he’s seen Angel in many different states.
It seems like that’s all he’s going to be able to bring up because the rest of his retches are dry and unproductive. Husk has to help him sit back in bed as he moves the trash can out of the way. “How’re you feeling?” he asks tentatively, though he has a feeling he already knows the answer.
“Like shit,” Angel says, as expected. “I think I threw up the medicine you made me take. Sorry ‘bout that.”
That’s when his phone starts blowing up. Husk is able to see the contact labeled “Valentino” on his phone, followed by several messages with some very aggressive language. He doesn’t miss the way Angel tenses up when a new text comes in.
“I-I should answer that,” he says, reaching for his phone before Husk snatches it out of his grasp.
“No way,” Husk says, “you’re not answering that asshole. I’ll take care of everything, promise. You deserve one day for yourself. Worst case scenario, tell that Valentino to shove a dick up his ass because you’re not going and that’s that.”
He’s worried he crossed some boundaries there, but Angel’s lips turn upward in a small smile. That’s enough to make Husk smile too. “Just get some rest, sweetheart.”
Husk isn’t stupid, he knows that means more work and possibly more punishment for Angel down the road. But for now, he’s in no state to show up for a shoot. Anything that comes later, they can handle. For now, he can just focus on resting and feeling better.
Angel doesn’t have to ask him to stay this time.
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3ggsnbutter · 6 months
Hi I just came across your pinned post and I was wondering if you could write like a short huskerdust sickfic with hurt/comfort?
Just no one really writes sickfics about them and I just like reading about one person being clingy or something while sick and the other person taking care of them ;-;
If you're not comfortable with sickfics I understand :3!
It's been a few weeks since the new hotel was built, angel dust just got home after a long shoot and went straight to the bar where husk resides.
"mm hey husky, can I get a-"
"sex on the beach?, as always" husk grabs his bottle and started making the cocktail.
"you know me so well husky~" Angel dust leaned onto the counter looking flirty as always.
Husk gave the drink over to angel and just stood there and watch him drink it.
Before angel could drink it he suddenly freezed and sneezed, making him spill his drink.
"woah there legs, that sounds serious are ya comin down with something?" Husk got closer to angel and put his hand and angels forehead obviously catching the spider off guard
"your heating up you should get to bed, give me that" the cat demon grabbed angels drink
"aww what are you gonna take care of me and put on a hot doctors outfit~" Angel played with husks wings
"c'mon no time for kidding" husk put his hand out waiting for angel to hold it
"aw got soft there huh whiskers?" Angel smirked and held husks hand
They arrived at angels room husk making angel get on his bed
"c'mon now legs just get on your bed and rest"
"aww I liked flirting with you tho" angel got on his bed and husk felt his temperature again
"Jesus Christ, your burning up quick how the hell did you get sick?"
"mm maybe it was because the scene we did was like havin sex in the rain you know, wasn't actually rain, Val didn't really let me dry off immediately" slowly after fat nuggets waddled over to angel
"son of a bitch of course he's the reason your sick" husk thought to himself before heading to angels wardrobe to grab something for him to change into
"here get changed its not good for you to sleep in those" husk handed over the clothes to angel
"aw you gonna watch me change husky~?" Angel started to unbutton his shirt as he watched husk leave the room
"in yer dreams legs, you have my number just call me if you need help-"
"wait, don't go yet stay please I don't want to be alone" angel looked sincere so husk stayed but looked the other way from him.
"hah just cuz your sick don't mean I'm gonna wear your frilly dresses"
"didnt catch you for the clingy type" husk just scanned angels room, from the various posters from the movies he made and also posters of him as a drag queen.
"what's so fun bout dressin up as a girl?"
"it's fun, feels freein barely get to feel that y'know, yeah I like bein a boy but beein a woman is nice too sometimes maybe you should try one of my dresses"
"hah, no I'm not wearing your frilly dresses"
Angel laughed and husk did soon after.
Angel woke up from his nap seeing husk beside his bed just scrolling through his phone and angel reached out and held husks hand
"oh- how are you feeling?" Husk stopped what he was doing and faced towards angel and rubbed angels hand
"heh your acting like my boyfriend~" angel leaned his head up
That comment made husker blush "tch- just lay down"
"you didn't deny it~"
"shut up!" Husk blush turned a bit more red
Angel laughed at his reaction while still holding his hand. Slowly after husk smiled at him and just sat there talking with him.
Hey hoped you liked this I tried my best sorry if it's a little weird I never did this type of fic before
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quixoticmoth · 1 year
Missing Someone
(A small scene for my work Railway Ronin from the perspective of Mikazuki, one of the two main characters.)
Above the lake I watched the green-hued moon; impending as it was and close to the earth, and around my feet I felt warm caresses as it pulled the tides higher to meet me. My shoes were gone, and I hadn’t any idea of when I shed them. I think at some point I shed my gloves; I only realized as my fingers dug into silky, water-loosened sand. And when I took a deep breath of humid air, I found that I shed my mask at some point as well. It was me, here, bare of all identities.
Content at the foot of the celestial throne, I was a mere visitor to the god of the lake who lived here and whispered to me from the distant shore. Not in words she whispered, but in the chimes that hung from her shrine. They played out across the water, riding the ripples in concentric circles that crossed the ones which emanated from me in kind. The geometry was beautiful. I wondered the sound of my own music and hoped she heard this song of mine. 
But as I rested here at water’s edge, the song grew sour. Her chimes responded to mine with an indignant harshness that struck my ears. What had I said? What had I done to upset her? I couldn’t explain myself, not without my face or name… No, not that I couldn’t, but she didn’t listen. The once artistic ripples rose to roaring waves that roped me in. As a wave of anger swelled up inside, I struggled! 
The sky and moon were lost to me, and the fabric of the lake that surrounded me held my arms fast. I couldn’t stand to listen to the music anymore lest I scream and fill my lungs with cotton and feathers and silks! Then, freeing a heavy arm, I reached for the phone on my nightstand, sliding a thumb to hang up the call. The offending music was all at once gone, and the lake along with it.
 All that was left was me, the darkness, and the phone lain next to my shoulder drowning among the sheets.
And the irritating song played again. So I squinted against the irritating light. The caller ID read the name of my most irritating half. And tempting as it was to hang up again, I hadn’t enough mind to question what this early morning call was for.
“Good morning,” I said, and since I was fresh from sleep, my voice sounded softer and higher than I intended. I cleared my throat of day’s-first-words.
“Well, good morning to you, too,” he said. I judged he was loud enough that I could set the phone on the pillow and still hear just fine. I could even close my eyes. “Sounds like you slept well.” 
Not really.
“Mikazuki?” he asked. I had been lulling once more, and never actually said what I meant to aloud.
“Sorry, I was dozing off,” I said. I overcompensated for the lithe voice before and now came across husked. Oh, absolutely not that either. 
Kyle's laugh vibrated close to the microphone. “Have any good dreams?”
I thought of them, but only found myself seeing vague shapes of branches and the feeling of going. I went somewhere; somewhere important to me. There was someone there, but I couldn’t remember who. It was such a grief to only find the shell of a dream. So I hummed and moved past the question. “What time is it?”
“Mmm… half past 3?” Whether that was in my time or his wasn't clear. There was a tint of the anger from my waking moments soaking into the edges of my consciousness. “I just got home,” he continued, ”wanted to see how my favorite person in the world is doing.”
So it was this sort of day, was it? It’s too early to play, but play I did. “Is that me?” I said, not answering the question.
“Of course!"
I hummed again, wishing to fall back to sleep. “You’re home early, aren’t you?” “We wrapped the meeting up early,” he said. “The guest speaker canceled, you know how it is.” 
“I do,” and not wishing to talk about work upon waking, “Have you thought about dinner yet?” “I haven’t even had lunch yet.” “Kyle…”
“I’ll grab something now, don’t worry.” “Thank you,” When I said these things, I imagined myself a busy but beloved wife out of a sweet American soap. Not a romance I think I particularly fit, but a romance nonetheless. With my eyes shut, the scene transformed, colors re-assigned, the static overlay of a TV. Cameras were pointed at us from the periphery of the perfectly arranged kitchen set for a perfectly arranged couple. He went through a few cabinets, rustling packages and pulling boxes of dry snacks onto a counter.
“That’s not a meal,” I said.
“You don’t even know what I grabbed.” He sounded baffled, which uncovered that he was caught.
“I know well enough.”
He put the freeze-dried fruits back. I’ve seen them when I stayed with him; they were his go-to, and I could imagine the specific plums I brought last visit already half empty, but still in the gift packaging.
“Psychic,” he said, getting something from a refrigerator, which then opened with the click and hiss of a vacuum-sealed container.
“You could put them on the salad though.”
“No fucking way.”
I was smiling now, only slightly. He looked around for the studio cameras, but little did he know he was inside the show, and all he could see was me, hovering behind him, watching over his shoulder.
After this, he turned on video call while he ate, dissipating the illusion I had set up in my tired mind. He acted sad when I wouldn’t turn on mine in turn; however, I figured that he just wanted the consolation that I could only see him because he set up a camera himself, rather than wonder what secret way I knew his actions. Which was fine. I didn’t look at the screen the entire time, and when I did, I squinted with one eye at the bright light composed of the white interior of his suite. It had that American city aesthetic of new-age sterility accented with the painted-over carved woodwork of the home’s heritage. It was not my favorite, but I’m sure my home’s style wasn’t his favorite either. 
As I thought about architecture, we spoke longer about the week since we last saw each other. For a moment, it was pleasant; it felt like catching up with a friend. But that wasn’t what it was supposed to feel like; it was supposed to feel like the yearning of a decade-distorted long-distance love affair.
“You never actually told me how you’ve been,” he said. 
“Lonely as usual,” I said quietly as if to hide it from those who share this home with me. There was a sharp rustling against his phone as he moved to another room. I pulled one of my many pillows close for comfort, accidentally bumping my own phone’s speaker in the same way. 
“Yeah?” “Yeah…” It wasn’t a lie, I was lonely. Met with a lapse, my sleep-wracked mind questioned if I should have even admitted that.
When he spoke again it was uncharacteristically gentle. “I miss you…”
“I hate when you say that.” Now that I shouldn’t have admitted, but I already spoke, and so I continued. “I’m right here, you are talking to me now.”
He was thrown off his grove. I threw off the whole grove of the arrangement. Now I was stripping back the layers of this show one by one-  awake enough to know better but bitter enough not to care.
“You aren’t lonely; you have company even when I am not around. And I know you don’t miss spending time with me, as you always find ways to keep apart. You don’t miss my affection. And we talk often; we are talking right now, and still you say you miss me. So what is it in me that you miss?” He wrung his hands, posture deflated on that sterile white couch. The symmetry of the composed shot was broken as he looked off to the side. I knew what he missed. All that was left was for him to say it.
“I…” He hesitated. Inside I was begging him, now cradling the phone in my hands. Please, just say it. There was no one here but us to hear the confession. “I...” Please... “Well, don’t you miss me too?”
I hung up.
The fire-fanning ringtone that had woke me before sounded yet again, and my heart pounded in my throat and ears. “Yuzuki,” I said and was met with a soothing jingle. “Block Kyle, please.” Her voice responded with a mechanical inflection, affirming that Kyle was blocked. The song did not pick up afterward.
It was crushing- the disparity between the silence in the room and the noise from the emotions and thoughts that wracked me. It felt as though that ringtone was still echoing in my head, over again, because I knew that it should be. How was I supposed to go back to sleep like this?
“How can I help?”
And maybe it was wrong of me to think that the voice of this virtual assistant made me a degree less lonely than the call of my betrothed. “Let’s do a meditation.”
She affirmed my request again. Not long after, I heard her play the calming sounds of water and wind... and the nostalgic music of distant chimes.
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my submission for malloysical secret santa!
(also available on ao3)
this is my first (published) fan-fiction, so lmk if there’s better ways to format/ make accessible
written for @lobotomy-jpeg 
The first time Rose saw the Knight, she was more surprised than anything. She knew the likes that came into the establishment, and this one… wasn't one of them. Suits of armor didn’t belong in speakeasies. And then, when the Knight took off the helmet, the face held an even more out of place air. There was purity to it, a knowledge of what to do next, a light that made Rose want to follow into battle– until the Knight shifted, and the person looked just as tired and world-weary as any of the other patrons. Just as well, Rose thought to herself, I know what to do with weariness.
The Knight sat at a barstool in front of Rose with an air of exhaustion– no, more than that. This was a husk of a person now. The knight glanced up at Rose with big, doe-brown eyes, and smiled a sad, empty smile, and asked quietly if there was any gin in stock. Rose could feel herself blushing. Blushing? Since when did patrons, no matter how gallant, ever make Rose blush? She shook the thoughts off, and tended to the Knight. 
That night, Rose dreamt of a bear and the knight– the knight was fighting the bear— or was the bear fighting the knight? There was a man there Rose did not recognize who was screaming at the knight– wasn’t he? Why was the stranger screaming “Pearl”? Why did Rose feel so angry? The bear turned from the knight and charged at Rose. Both the stranger and the knight cried out. Why did either of them care if she got hurt? She hardly knew the one, and didn’t know the other at all? Why wasn’t she afraid of the bear galloping towards her? The bear roared as it approached. He was coming faster and faster, closer and closer. Why wasn’t she running away? Was it that she couldn’t? Wouldn’t? Rose steeled herself, trying to stand firm for the oncoming impact. The bear was close, she could feel it’s breath, hot and heavy on her face. It’s jaw opened, wider, wider, until Rose was sure it could open no further. The bear lunged, and as the moment of impact stared her down
She awoke with a start, sweating and panting. All she could remember was the overwhelming need for honey.
The next day was as dusty and gray as any before it. The Knight returned, once again, tired and woeful. The Knight– named Soldier, she said– and Rose made small talk over the moonshine Rose poured. In a lull of conversation, Rose remembered her dream. 
“Do you know anything about honey?” she asked Soldier, not really expecting an answer. After the initial shock wore off of the Knight’s face, she slowly reached into a pouch at her belt and pulled out a thin, clear vial filled with golden liquid. 
“In my time,” Soldier explained ruefully, “Our generals gave us these. They said they were filled with God’s blood that he spilled to encourage us that our bloodshed wasn’t in vain. Never stopped to question why we followed a god who could bleed…” The knight’s face twisted some, and then smoothed over with a shake of her head. “Regardless, one of the others broke, and then we all realized what it actually was. It was too late by then, the war had run its course, on our side and the other. No one won.” Soldier’s face had gone dark again, and Rose thought of the boys who had come home from their war–and the ones who hadn’t come home– and understood far more than the knight said. 
Rose had almost expected a dream that night, but the crashing visions that overcame her felt more like memories than stories made inside her head. This time, there was no bear, but instead a dimly lit treehouse. Rose could hear laughter filtering from the window, the crash of waves on the beach. Despite the apparent calm, Rose felt unsettled, angry. She ascended to the treehouse, each step pushing the anger further and further into her veins until she burst through the door. The only thing she could feel was rage, white-hot and burning. 
“You.” Rose couldn’t tell if she was screaming at the woman– Pearl, she knew her this time, her sister, how could she— or the man— the man, the Astronomer, her former lover, the man who took what was hers and passed it off as his own. God, it felt like she didn’t know anything other than the fury that burned inside her chest, the pounding of her heart against her ribcage, the agony behind it all. All she knew was these two would pay.
When Rose awoke, she knew what she had to do.
That night at the bar, they had a band playing. It was a small affair, playing songs that did nothing to alleviate the heaviness that settled with the night. When the Knight arrived, Rose felt the same spark of rage light inside her chest. She needed Soldier gone, and she needed that vial. She took her onto the dance floor, in the hopes that proximity would allow Rose to get to the vial. She was spinning in the dust with this stranger and all she could see is her sister’s face– but it wasn’t her but it was her and everything felt heavy and the knight was crying and Rose couldn’t stop and couldn’t reach the vial and everything was heavy and she felt the gun she had snuck under her skirt beat against her leg and—
Rose froze. She turned quickly, taking the steps out the back way, into the dark alley, in the hopes of seeing the stars, of gaining some sense, of catching her breath– Rose didn’t know what she had hoped for. Was she really going to kill some stranger because of some dream she’d had? No, no, that would be crazy, that would be wrong, she wouldn’t do that, would she? Could she? She wrenched the gun out, staring at the black metal. She spiraled, unsure of anything, when a gentle hand touched her back
“Rose,” Soldier whispered, with a look that felt knowing and forgiving and permissive. “Rose.” And with that, the Knight pulled her against her chestplate, wrapped in a hug: a hug of warmth and of friendship, a hug of understanding. Both of them seemed to be weeping, and Rose felt as if she’d known this Soldier all her life, all of her lives, and knew she loved this one more than anything, that this one loved her, and that was all that mattered. The flash of light startled both of them, and Soldier staggered back against the alleyway wall. “O-oh. Oh Rose,” the Knight looked up at Rose. “I’ll see you in the next one,” and the look on Soldier’s face was the same as the first glance— surety, purity— until it faded, leaking through a hole in the silver armor. 
Rose was never sure if the gun had gone off on purpose. All she knew is the blood stained vial in her fingers felt heavier than lead. 
(https://archiveofourown.org/works/43603726 the link I think?)
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