#buy hoodies for toddlers
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cotandcandybaby · 4 months ago
Discover stylish and comfy oversized hoodies for toddlers and kids! Shop fleece options for every age, including baby boys and girls, with our top picks.
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clawsonpaws · 4 months ago
Tips for closeted littles from a closeted little
Diapers: period pads (get the overnight ones) or period underwear, they might not work superrrr well but they’re worth a try
Paci: chewlry, lollipops, baby bottle pops, push pops, I’ve seen lollipops that look like pacis before, your thumb✨
Sippy cups/bottles: cute water bottles with straws
Clothes: adult onesies, most pajamas are super cuteee, cute clothes in general no one will question you since it’s a style
Bed?: I personally roll up blankets and put them on the side of my bed not by the wall and it makes me feel like I’m in a sorta crib
If you have a way to go to a convenience store and pay without parents knowing, they will most likely have baby products, make sure to buy some big things too if they ask
Ask a friend you’re comfortable with to buy something little for you if they’re able to
Kids games on any device really, if you’re superrrr concerned you can delete them after playing them
Swaddle yourself in a blanket it’s super cozy and you can pretend you’re a ghost!!
No one questions stuffies!!! You can play pretend with them when you’re alone :3
Baths! Just say you wanna relax and you can have super fun bubble baths!
Listen to lullabies with headphones on
Mac and cheese, yoggies (they are like little balls of yogurt covered strawberries and they make me feel so little), Cheerios, cheez its, goldfish, fruit snacks
For me, cups that are super big so they make me seem small while holding them
Always use little spoons/forks
Ask parents to cut up meat when given to you (my mom does it all the time:3)
Juice boxes/caprisuns never get questioned
Bracelets make me feel little, I dunno about anyone else
Watch kids shows (no one EVER questions Bluey)
Fictional caregivers (either make an imaginary one or make head cannons of a character!!)
Character ai has fictional caregivers you can talk to, plus you can make ais of them if there isn’t any
Find old baby/toddler stuff (for some reason a lot of people have them in their closet) and say you’re keeping them for nostalgia
If you have a parter tell them the little names you like as petnames they can call you
Coloring books never get questions
Get a journal that you can write little things in or draw in when regressed
HELLO KITTY, need I say more?
Cute socks!!
Weighted blankies
Oversized everything
Truck or treat as long as you can
If you cosplay cosplay as a child
Sensory items
Those hoodies that look like puppies
Bright colors on things you can (if they don’t make you overstimulated)
The tiny backpacks
You can use graphic novels as picture books!!
Bento boxes make me feel like I’m having a little lunch
If you can use straws when you drink from a cup and not a bottle
Oversized sweater and shorts (no pants nation!!>:3)
Sorry if it’s bad I came up with everything while writing it!!
Good luck to all my other littles love y’all <3 (platonically)
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theragethatisdesire · 2 years ago
aot men as dads - headcanon!! some 18+!!
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includes: eren, jean, reiner, & levi
i'm still working on some full-fledged one-shots and parts of my series', but i'm nannying for the summer and have BABY FEVER. please enjoy my little headcanons of my fav aot men as dads <3
DISCLAIMER: some of this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
ok but eren is such a cringe dad lol
buys himself all of the #1 Dad! merch. he’s got mugs, tshirts, hats, all of it, and all of it went on his credit card.
10000% a girl dad. loves all the little dresses and bows; he puts your daughter’s hair in its first bun, nearly tears up when she points at his matching hairstyle and babbles “like da-da!”
you have to parent eren as much as the children. when you turn the corner into the living room where he’s supposed to be having “quiet time” with your toddler only to find that they’re buried in a pillow fort and eren’s signed his own name in crayon on the wall next to your daughter’s scribblings. “babe, we can just repaint it! she’s being creative.”
loves when you’re pregnant. after your first, eren keeps a calendar on the wall marking off the days until it’s safe for him to fuck you again, fuck a baby right back into you. already has a breeding kink before your first. develops a lactation kink after.
TERRIFIED (and i mean terrified) of hurting your little angel. has absolutely zero concept of “cry it out”; if he hears his baby crying, he’s sprinting into the next room, kissing a nonexistent boo-boo.
refuses to admit it but he has no backbone when it comes to your daughter wanting literally anything. she wants it, she gets it.
favorite thing in the world is matching outfits. favorite. “babe, where’s her green hoodie? i’m wearing mine today for the park!” “of course it matters, we have to match! on that note, where’s yours?”
lets your daughter use his hair to learn how to braid. usually has a few pink hair ties or glittery clips sticking out of it when you come home from a mom’s night out.
really big on your baby getting to see the world. drags you on vacation to any place he can think of, even as you try to explain to him that she can’t form any long term memories yet. “but baby, she’ll have pictures. how many kids in her class can bring a picture of them at the eiffel tower to their first show-and-tell?”
accidentally ruins santa and the tooth fairy for your daughter. cries harder than she does over it.
aggressively vets babysitters. ends up settling for a nursing student in the labor & delivery school who’s the oldest of seven children and probably more knowledgeable about child development than both of you combined, but he’s still suspicious.
wants to watch while you push, watch his baby come into the world. you’ve never seen a sweeter sight than eren in his scrubs, crying while holding your baby girl.
most people picture eren as being the roughhousing dad, but it’s jean, and i will die on this hill.
freaks out every time he drops your first boy while throwing him around like a ragdoll, but he’ll never stop because “listen!! he’s laughing!”. when it comes to the rest of them, he’s experienced enough now to tell the difference between a real booboo and an imagined one, and he simply brushes their little pants off caringly before shouting “now you tackle me!”
jean’s got no gender preference for your first, or the rest of your little brood for that matter. he raises them exactly the same, regardless: tough.
it takes him awhile to get used to the concept of babies’ minds. you’ve walked in on him having full-blown arguments with your shrieking toddlers several times. “what’s not making sense? if you let your goldfish ‘swim’ in the toilet, it dies, simple as that.”
plays “bad cop” for you because you’re terrible at it, but he’s always having to turn around and snicker into his elbow in the middle of scolding because your babies get the same little throbbing forehead vein as you when they’re mad
wants a big family, and gets it. you practically have to drag him to get his balls snipped after your fourth, him reminding you that “it’s reversible!” the entire way there.
the newborn phase is his favorite. he’s rarely home for any longer than ten minutes without scooping your most recent addition into his arms, squishing their little cheeks and marveling at their gurgling noises.
the kids never give him anxiety, but when you’re pregnant??? jean’s a wreck.
“do your feet still hurt, love?” “what do you mean you have indigestion? that could be the baby coming!” “of course we can’t have sex, what if we poke its little head?”
definitely the dad that’s got a delivery bag and a backup bag and an emergency third backup of the backup bag in his car at all times. the first week of your third trimester, he starts watching you suspiciously for any signs of labor, even though this is your fourth together. you think you’ve got it down by now, you tell him, but he won’t listen.
always gets the kids to work together on little surprises for you. every mother’s day they wake you up with breakfast, every valentines day your dining room table is covered in handmade cards, every birthday your kitchen is coated in flour from jean and four little ones attempting to bake
SO HARD to drag him out for a date night. he wants to bring them everywhere: the fancy restaurant, the couples' get away trip
jean's that dad standing in the bar, watching the game, beer in hand, with an occupied baby carrier strapped to his chest
wants to watch during delivery, but he passed out the first go-round, so now he’s content standing up by your head, trying not to turn white as you squeeze his hand hard enough to break.
talks you into just one more on your fourth’s second birthday. “they’re all so big now. don’t you miss it, babe? my baby in your belly? c’mon…” turns out he reversed that vasectomy without telling you
another girl dad. hardcore girl dad.
buys his little princess all number of dresses and barbies, is confused when she’s more interested in the baseballs her classmates have.
accidentally raises the most tomboyish, toughest little girl. still babies her, and she hates it.
cries more than you do on your first date night out when you leave her with your mom. forgets to order his entree at the restaurant because he’s watching the baby monitor app on his phone.
definitely the best at splitting baby duties with you. reiner’s up before you most nights when she wakes, grabbing a bottle and cooing at her lovingly even as she screams. you always try to stay awake to watch him on the baby monitor, though, heart melting as his massive arms rock the tiny bundle back to sleep.
all the neighborhood kids love him because of his size. at every cookout, reiner can’t help on the grill because he’s buried in the grass in a little army of toddlers, led by your daughter, shrieking with joy.
always taking pictures. literally always. unflattering ones when you fall asleep breastfeeding, candids at the zoo, eighteen identical pictures of the lock of hair from her first haircut clogging up his camera roll.
can’t be the bad cop. literally ever. he just can’t say no to his little princess, can’t break her precious little heart by telling her that throwing her food onto the floor is bad.
takes your daughter to mommy & me classes with him
DILF DILF DILF. all the moms in the classes swoon over him and gossip about him when he’s not there; much to your annoyance, reiner never notices, insisting that they’re his “mommy friends”.
always sporting a little bit of glitter on his face or a sticker on his back from your daughter
coming from a fatherless background, reiner nearly kills himself trying to be a constant presence in your daughter’s life (you have to remind him that he has to rest too)
never misses an open house night at school, even if it nearly gets him fired. coaches all of her sports teams. literally almost cries when she makes her first soccer goal. actually does cry when she tells you the boy sitting beside her in class called her his girlfriend. full-blown breakdown on her first day of school, so bad he has to stay home from work.
the absolute BEST through your pregnancy and delivery. always cooking your craving of the week, constant foot and back rubs, stays up all night with you for the three days before the birth when you’re just too swollen and miserable to sleep.
holds your hand through the entire delivery, gets in the doctors’ way when they’re performing checkups because “i’m her father, i need to know what’s going on”
levi never pictured himself as having children, but when your little surprise arrives, blinking up at levi with his own grey, owlish eyes, levi can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it sooner.
very easily irritated with anyone asking questions about your home life.
when his coworkers ask for your newborn’s name, levi simply says “child.” are you two trying again? “why the fuck do you need to know?”
super overprotective. your baby waves at someone in the supermarket, and levi’s leaning down to explain (in words your eight-month-old can’t yet understand) stranger danger.
totally one of those parents that goes half-crazy trying to get their child into the top-notch, snobby preschool in town.
“we’re not wasting his intelligence on the public school”
levi grew up with basically nothing, so he goes all out buying the best baby products on the market. $2,500 strollers, researching “best baby toys for development”, the whole nine yards.
100% spends months trying to get your child to make a game out of picking up his own toys after playtime, but it never works.
has a meal plan for your child to “optimize nutrition” that you have to sneak around to give your baby little chocolates and junk snacks.
“why are there pringles in his playtime bag? they have no nutritional value.”
vets anyone that comes around your child, even other children. “no more playtime with that evan kid. he’s always got a cold or something.”
he’s always been a light sleeper, but once you have your child, levi snores beside them watching kids’ cartoons on the tv like you’ve never seen him, even drooling as his head lolls, arm tucked tight around your little one.
learned everything he could about labor and delivery beforehand
you almost killed him in the delivery room as he explained each medical detail of your labor symptoms to “reassure” you. he finally got the hint when you threatened to decapitate him.
he thinks it’s shameful, but watching you be a mother turns. him. on. 
wants to take you right there when he catches you breastfeeding, watches you read a bedtime story, spin your child around laughing. you’re just so naturally good at it and it makes him love you all the more, all that love going straight between his legs.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year ago
it's fall so it's basically winter so you know what that means: hockey player!satoru !!!!
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it should be a crime to look that stunning after running around with a stick for an hour.
"hey, gorgeous. you come here often?"
"a decade later and you still don't have any game. i can't say i'm surprised," you reply, only to find his grin growing wider. you hope he can't tell how your face feels like it's set on fire or that your brain short-circuited when he looked for you after his game. he's still slightly sweaty coming out of the locker room and it makes your pulse skip. distressingly, he's the only guy you can think of who can undo you with just a hoodie and sweatpants; even your legs were starting to give out a little bit when he got closer. "great game, by the way. do you always strive to piss off the opposing team that much?"
"only when i want to impress someone in the stands," he says in a low tone that sends goosebumps over your arms, even under your sweater. though unexpected, you weren't shocked when he mimed yawning or sleeping after scoring a goal that looked like he was playing against toddlers. when you see him, his eyes are the brightest you've ever seen, shining with pride and something like mischief like he was planning something you had no idea about. "you see how many goals i made?"
"how could i not, with the way you were pointing at me after every one?" his tongue absentmindedly runs over his top lip and it takes all of your will not to stare, not with him this close. on the bleachers, it was deceptively easy to watch the muscles in his legs propel him across the ice. you also got away with staring at his self-assured smirk when suguru gave him a pass that the other team couldn't see coming. most of the time, they never saw him coming. his speed across the ice was nothing like the unsteady marches you saw growing up with him. it gave you a small sense of pride, watching him kick ass and knowing that the winks he sent to your section of seats were reserved only for you.
"just making sure you got the message." he's silent for a moment, his eyes flicking down to your mouth and you swear you see his pupils dilate. you can't tell if your breath picked up first or if he did. at some point, the door to the rink creaks open, and suguru raises his hand in farewell, effectively snapping satoru out of his trance. he regains his composure in a blink, though, and shakes his hair around like a dog after a bath. "you doing anything right now?" you scoff at his bluntness and ignore your brain screaming at you to kiss him and get it over with.
"why, you gonna take me somewhere?"
"i believe my victory calls for a celebratory dinner," he drawls nonchalantly, shrugging his muscular shoulders. "plus, you need to catch me up on what's been happening in figure skating land all these years." every nerve in your body was straining to follow wherever he went, but your ego said otherwise. it can't hurt to play a little bit.
"i don't know; i have an essay due in a few days that i need to grind out." you inhale through your teeth, looking to the side undecidedly.
"essay, shmessay. with your gpa, you can have that done in half an hour." you make a big show out of pretending to think about it and he scoffs in defeat. "c'mon, i was planning on paying for you anyways."
"with what money?"
"a very hefty card that does not have my name on it." figures, he'd stolen his dad's wallet again. after a few more seconds of fake thought, you nod and he breathes a visible sigh of relief.
"satoru?" his shoulder is pressed against yours while you walk through the moonlit parking lot, one hand resting in the crook of his elbow. he was the one who linked your arms together from excitement after you agreed to let him buy you dinner. the dim light reflecting off his jawline in sharp lines and you wanted to run your finger over his skin.
"is this like, a date-date?" his complexion becomes slightly pinker while he opens the passenger side door for you. the question slips out of your mouth without warning and his head dips down to your eye level when you sit down, his forearm steadying him on the top of the vehicle.
"only if you want it to be." his voice is quiet and careful, very obviously indicating that you were the one deciding how the rest of the night would go. god, he's so good.
"do you want it to be?"
"my jersey number is your birthday. what do you think?" you chuckle softly under your breath, the tiniest okay leaving your lips in understanding. "put on your seatbelt. i'm driving with precious cargo." the door abruptly closes and he makes his way around the car to throw his bag into the trunk. a choked noise of surprise comes from your throat and you flick the side of his head when he slides into the driver's seat. neither of you can stop laughing and you sink into the leather at your back, glancing at satoru only to find him already staring at you.
"that is your worst line, to date," you say lightheartedly, shaking your head in exasperation.
"it's a good thing i'm not using it on anyone else, then."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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boyfiejay · 1 year ago
Enhypen : When you wear their clothes
Warnings : All of them are written as lovesick, kisses, size difference mentioned
Author notes : I think I'm falling in love with these OT7 reactions more that actuals fic. They're so much more easier tbh.
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• He tries to be cool trust me HE DOES TRY.
• But you just look so cute basically drowning in his clothes with the sweater paws and all.
• He never used to think of himself as huge or something but you wearing his clothes suddenly made him aware of the height and proportional difference between you both.
• Purposefully gives you clothes that are oversized for him, they just make you look even cuter if that's even possible.
• You're a cutie patootie and he's whipped.
• This man, I genuinely believe he doesn't like to share clothes.
• Reluctantly once gave you his clothes and now he can't get over how you look in them.
• He always loved styling you but now his cuteness aggression went one step higher.
• He has the cutest smile while looking at you minding your business in his clothes, he just can't get enough.
• Sprays his cologne on his clothes before giving them because he knows you love it.
• The embodiment of happiness when you ask for his clothes.
• He always knew you would look cute in his clothes but you managed to fluster him still.
• Because what do you mean the first piece of clothing you worn of his was a plain white shirt (he's dying atp).
• If he had a tail it would be wagging non stop whenever you wore his clothes.
• The type to buy clothes for himself only for them to end up in your closet.
• Another one who doesn't like to share clothes but he folds the moment you ask him.
• He tries to act all nonchalant but he just wants to squeeze you (affectionately).
• He thinks he's doing a good job but his grin is saying otherwise.
• Loves spoiling you and knowing how much you love his clothes, he's gifting you his entire closet.
• Gives you a hoodie with his initials on it ( He can't help being possessive like LOOK AT YOU! ).
• He has an entire collection of clothes that he's giving you even before you ask.
• Unlike the others he doesn't stop gushing about how cute you look.
• He knows what looks good on you better than yourself and gives you very specific clothes.
• But if you ask for something else he's giving it to you, no question asked.
• Never ever asks them back, says it was meant for you (you don't know how much I love him >_< ).
• He loves it when you ask for his clothes and how you look in them.
• Honestly thought he wouldn't be the lovesick type but you proved him wrong.
• He has such a highschool girl reaction when you wear his clothes. Giggling in his sweater paws, kicking his feet and all 😭.
• His clothes are already oversized and you look like a toddler in them, but he loves the height difference.
• Kisses you a lot more often and loves your caught off guard reaction
• He thinks he's tough and all and is proven wrong the moment you give him those doe eyes and ask for his clothes.
• He just goes red when he sees you in his clothes. Like stuttering and avoiding your eye kind of shy.
• There is a noticeable (but not awkward) height difference between you both and he loves to tease you about it, but he always found it cute.
• His hoodies are oversized and they almost reach your knees.
• He acts the opposite but he is so down bad for you, it's almost cringy.
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undiagnosedcruelty · 22 hours ago
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Felix’s Cookies Have a Side Effect
Pairing: roommate!skz x GenderNeutral!reader
Genre: Crackfic
summary: Felix’s cookies were supposed to bring happiness—not turn you into a walking, talking aegyo machine.
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Content Warning: light cursing, crack humor, cursed levels of aegyo, food-based magic gone wrong, secondhand embarrassment, and the emotional trauma of eating unseasoned chicken.
Word Count: 2k
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You should have known better. You really should have.
The golden rule of living with eight chaotic men was simple: never consume anything without questioning its origins first. But when Felix presented you with a freshly baked cookie—eyes sparkling with excitement, dimples popping as he all but shoved the plate into your hands���you didn’t even hesitate.
Big mistake.
At first, everything seemed fine. The cookie was warm, gooey, and filled with just the right amount of chocolate chips. The moment it melted on your tongue, you understood why Felix had that smug, cat-who-caught-the-canary expression. The guy knew his baking could end wars.
But then.
It started as a tingle in your chest—subtle, almost pleasant. Then, a strange, fizzy bubbling sensation crawled up your throat, like soda pop had replaced your blood. Before you could even process the weirdness—
"Aegyo mode activated."
"Oppa~~~!" you whined, gripping Han’s hoodie sleeve with both hands, voice unnaturally high-pitched.
The entire room went silent.
Eight pairs of eyes locked onto you. Blinking. Processing.
Han, mid-bite into his own cookie, choked so violently he nearly fell off the couch. Changbin clutched his chest like he had been physically struck, eyes wide with sheer betrayal. Minho? Minho had already turned on his heel and was walking out of the room without a word.
"I—" you started, panic rising in your throat. But once again, the words that escaped your lips were not yours.
"Jisungieeee~~~," you cooed, latching onto his arm like a needy toddler. "I missed you sooooo much today! Did you miss me too~?"
A deep, horrified gasp left your mouth as your hands shot up to cover it.
The damage, however, was already done.
Han collapsed. Not in a dramatic way—no, literally, his knees buckled, and he hit the floor like a sack of potatoes, wheezing so hard he could barely breathe.
"NO—NO WAY," he gasped between bouts of laughter, clutching his stomach. "WHAT IS THIS? WHY IS THIS SO CURSED?"
Seungmin, who had been quietly scrolling through his phone a moment ago, tilted his head and observed you like some kind of foreign lab experiment. "...Are you feeling okay? Did Felix poison you?"
"I DIDN'T!" Felix wailed, his freckles scrunching up in distress. He bounced on his feet, looking wildly between you and Chan. "It was supposed to make them happy! I put extra sugar and—"
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Chan groaned, already dragging a hand down his face, his stress levels visibly skyrocketing. "Felix, what the hell did you put in them?"
Felix pouted, shuffling guiltily. "...Uhhh. Maybe a little enchanted vanilla extract?"
Chan narrowed his eyes, looking like he was seconds away from deleting existence itself. " Where exactly did you get enchanted vanilla extract!?"
Felix let out a nervous chuckle, avoiding eye contact. "Uh… I found this one magic shop online? The sketchy one next to the convenience store?"
Chan’s face blanked. "Felix. Please tell me you didn’t buy cooking ingredients from a store that also sells cursed objects and possibly hexed jewelry."
Felix winced. "... It was on sale?"
The room exploded into chaos.
”I THOUGHT IT WAS A SCAM OKAY AND I WANTED TO TRY IT!” Felix said on his defense, his hands shooting up in panic.
Hyunjin dropped to his knees, laughing so hard he had to clutch the couch for support. Jeongin had his phone out, already recording like a TMZ reporter documenting a celebrity scandal.
Minho, who had initially left, walked back in just to shake his head at you in pure, silent disappointment—before promptly turning around and leaving again.
Meanwhile, you were suffering.
Your body felt possessed. Every movement unnatural, exaggerated—your arms automatically folding into uwu poses like you had been forcibly programmed into a kawaii anime character. Every attempt to speak came out in a ridiculous, saccharine tone, as if you had become a walking, talking aegyo machine.
You clenched your fists, desperate to fight it. "Hyunjin, you—" Hyunjin raised a brow, intrigued.
"...You're sooooooo handsome and talented~~!"
A beat of silence.
"NOOOO!" you shrieked, slamming both hands over your mouth in horror.
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. His lips trembled. He backed away like you had just summoned an ancient evil. "I—I don't like this. Take it back."
Seungmin was crying with laughter, clutching Jeongin’s shoulder for support. "I've never seen something so cursed in my life."
"Felix," Chan exhaled, pressing his fingers into his temples like he was getting a migraine. "How long does this last?"
Felix chuckled nervously. "Ehhhh… maybe a few hours?"
"A FEW HOURS?!" You collapsed onto the couch, face buried in a throw pillow, your tiny, adorably furious hands gripping it for dear life.
Jeongin wiped a tear from his eye, still wheezing. "Wait—wait—so they're basically stuck in perma-aegyo mode?"
You lifted your head to glare at him. Or tried to. Unfortunately, your body decided to puff your cheeks out like an angry hamster instead.
Jisung lost it all over again, doubling over with laughter.
"I’m gonna die," Changbin choked, wiping at his eyes. "This is the best day of my life."
Felix, now feeling at least a little guilty, reached over to pat your head. "At least you're super cute?"
Your soul screamed inside your body.
Chan sighed so deeply it sounded like he was giving up on life. "Alright, Felix, you and I are figuring out how to reverse this."
Felix nodded furiously. "Right!" Meanwhile, the rest of the members? They were thriving.
Seungmin had already started editing the footage Jeongin took, adding dramatic background music. Hyunjin sat in a corner, staring blankly at the ceiling like he had just witnessed a full-blown exorcism.
Jisung? He had opened up a notes app and was typing every cursed phrase you had said for future blackmail.
From the other room, Minho’s voice rang out: "If this isn't fixed by tomorrow, I’m moving out."
Your life was ruined. And all because you trusted Felix’s cookies.
Chan was a man of solutions—not problems. So, after gathering all the members into the kitchen, he stood at the center with arms crossed, looking like an exhausted single father trying to discipline eight feral children. His jaw was tense, his brows knit together, and his fingers tapped impatiently against his bicep as he exhaled through his nose. "Okay. We need to fix this. Felix, what do we know about enchanted vanilla extract?"
Felix, who had been nervously shifting from foot to foot, rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Uh… it's supposed to enhance positive emotions? Like, amplify happiness. But I think maybe… I added too much?"
"No shit," Minho deadpanned, cradling a mug of black coffee like it was the only thing keeping him from spontaneous combustion. He took a long, slow sip, his eyes half-lidded with pure resignation. "This entire situation is proof that I need new roommates."
Changbin, ever the problem solver, raised a hand. "So, what if we make them eat something really bitter? Would that cancel it out?"
Jisung perked up, eyes lighting with mischief. "Oh! Like how people shock themselves out of hiccups! Maybe we just need to surprise them."
Hyunjin gasped dramatically, placing a delicate hand over his chest like an aristocrat in distress. "We should SCARE them! Like… like drop a fake spider on them or—"
"Absolutely not." Chan shot him down immediately, the dad-mode in full force.
"Wait, wait," Seungmin interrupted, eyes gleaming with something sinister. "I saw this thing online where if you eat raw garlic, it resets your taste buds. What if we force them to eat something super strong?"
Chan turned to Felix with an arched brow. "How do we feel about this?"
Felix winced, looking like a puppy that had just been scolded for chewing a shoe. "I mean… it could work…? But if the magic is emotion-based, we might need something even stronger than just bitter food…"
"Like pain," Minho said casually, not even looking up from his coffee.
Silence. Everyone slowly turned to look at Minho. He blinked. "What?"
"hyung," Jeongin whispered, shaking his head in disbelief. "You scare me."
Before you could protest, Seungmin struck like a viper, shoving a whole spoonful of wasabi into your mouth without warning.
Your soul left your body.
The moment the fiery paste hit your tongue, your entire existence was reduced to a single, unrelenting sensation: PAIN. Tears instantly welled up in your eyes as a molten inferno exploded across your taste buds, searing every last ounce of joy from your being. Your back arched like you had been struck by lightning, fingers twitching violently.
The room went still. Everyone leaned in, watching with bated breath.
And then—
"Omooo, it's so spicy~~~!" you wailed, hands flapping dramatically like a wind-up toy. "My tongue is burniiiiiing~~! Oppa, save me~~~!"
Jisung collapsed.
Hyunjin face-planted onto the floor, muffling his screams of laughter into the hardwood.
Chan just dragged a hand down his face, looking like he aged ten years in ten seconds.
"Felix," he sighed, voice drained of all life, "get back in the kitchen. We need a Plan B."
After the failed wasabi experiment, Chan had officially had enough. He stood at the counter, gripping its edge like it was the only thing tethering him to sanity. His shoulders rose and fell with deep, controlled breaths, the way one might prepare before dealing with absolute nonsense—which, unfortunately, was his life now.
"Okay," Chan started, voice firm, arms crossed. "Clearly, pain isn’t working."
"You don’t say," you grumbled. Or at least, you tried to. Instead, what came out was: "Aiyaaaa, I’m so tiiiiiiired~~~ Someone carry meee~~!"
Jisung had to physically hold himself up against the counter, face buried in his arms to muffle the wheezing sounds escaping him. Hyunjin, still recovering from the previous attack on his sanity, simply turned to face the wall, as if that would somehow shield him from the horror.
Seungmin, still recording, zoomed in on Chan’s soul leaving his body.
"Felix." Chan turned to him, voice dangerously calm. "We need a new plan. Now."
Felix winced. "Okay, okay! So if the enchanted vanilla is boosting emotions, we need to counteract it with something that suppresses them!"
Jeongin raised a brow. "Like what? Depression?"
Felix perked up. "Actually, yes!"
The room went silent. Minho blinked. "You want us to make them depressed?"
"Not like that!" Felix waved his hands. "Just… we need to feed them something that dampens emotions, kind of like a sedative."
Seungmin hummed, tapping his chin. "So… bland food?"
Felix nodded. "Exactly! If we give them something so dull that it cancels out the hyper emotions, maybe it’ll balance things out!"
Jisung perked up. "I have an idea."
Fifteen minutes later, the kitchen was filled with the scent of… absolutely nothing.
Felix, Chan, and Seungmin had prepared a dish so mind-numbingly boring that just looking at it made everyone feel empty inside.
Boiled chicken.
Plain white rice.
Unsalted, unseasoned, completely dry steamed broccoli.
Not a single grain of salt in sight.
Han looked at the plate in pure horror. "This is evil."
Changbin poked at the chicken with his fork. "It’s so… pale. It looks like it’s never known happiness."
Hyunjin leaned down and sniffed it. "I smell nothing. This is worse than death."
Meanwhile, you sat at the table, arms crossed, pouting aggressively. "Hmph! Why do I have to eat this yucky foooood~~? I want something yummy~~!" Jisung physically had to leave the room.
"Eat." Chan shoved a spoon into your hands.
You glared at him. Tried to. Your body betrayed you again, making your eyes go big and watery. "Oppaaaa, feed me~~!"
Chan slammed his hands on the table. "EAT THE DAMN CHICKEN."
With great difficulty, you took a bite. The moment the flavorless abyss of boiled chicken touched your tongue, something shifted. Your fingers twitched. Your uwu posture straightened. The bubbling sensation in your chest fizzled out.
The room held its breath.
You swallowed. Slowly, cautiously, you opened your mouth and said, "That was disgusting."
"IT WORKED!" Felix cheered, throwing his arms in the air.
Hyunjin collapsed onto the floor, hands covering his face. "Oh my god, it’s over."
Jisung was still laughing, but now in relief. "I was gonna have nightmares about that."
Chan exhaled the deepest sigh of his life. "Felix, never again."
Felix chuckled sheepishly. "No more enchanted ingredients. Got it."
Minho clapped a hand on your shoulder. "Let this be a lesson. Never trust Felix’s cookies."
You shuddered. "Never again."
Moral of the story: never accept food without questioning its existence.
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cotandcandybaby · 4 months ago
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dearmura · 2 years ago
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pretty you
☆ cw. None, not beta read (have fun reading my grammar mistakes😘)
☆ genre: Fluff fluff and more fluff
☆ pairings: non-idol! Ni-Ki × fem! reader
☆ synopsis: Ni-Ki and you causing havoc in some random fitting room tbh
"But Ki why do I need new clothes when I could just take yours?" you sulk as you're dragged through the mall parking lot
"Because I like my hoodies I would actually like to wear them please and thank you" he speaks in a way you already know without looking is mocking
"But don't you like when I wear your hoodies?" You continue insisting
Parents passing by probably thinking how well behaved their children are compared to you sulky toddler
He coos at your antics, snaking a hand around your waist, kissing your temple before whispering softly in your ear
"Of course I do, Angel, but you always steal them all" He almost giggles seeing your obviously annoyed stare
Reaching the entrance, he holds the door for you before following right behind you inside, returning his hand to hold yours
Still noticing you weren't exactly convinced, he turned you to face him, ducking down to your level a little
"How about this? If you try on some clothes, I promise I'll buy you ice cream right after? Does that sound alright, princess?" He speaks softly, knowing your weak spot
Seriously considering it, you weigh out your options carefully, making him scoff lovingly
Rolling your eyes, you uncross your arms in defeat, muttering a quiet "fine" before taking his hand once more, making him giggle
"Oh my gosh! Come here for sec, angel, this would look so good on you" he spoke with a little bounce, pointing to a pair of flared shorts, painted with little daisies embroidered into the fabric. Biting his lip in anticipation, he watched your reaction intently
You couldn't hide your smile at his excitement, following your eyes to where he pointed, only to be stunned by his excellent taste
Honestly, you were fully expecting him to be pointing at a hot dog costume or something, pleasantly surprised he didn't take his opening to crack one of his famous jokes
Seeing him grab your size, adding it his pile of clothes very obviously not for him, your heart melts. Suddenly feeling bad for your lack of appreciation, you do some exploring of your own
Scrolling through the racks upon racks of clothing, you realize going out wasn't as bad as you initially thought it would be, mentally noting to thank him for taking you
You practically squeal when your eyes catch a pair of couples hoodies. He would happy to know you wouldn't steal this one (you still would)
Taking it in your arms, you continue eyeing the racks, spotting a pair of sweats, remembering him mentioning his need for new ones
Before you knew it, you no longer had the capacity to grab another article of clothing, your hands desperately clinging onto the pile of items you picked out. Wobbling a little, you search the aisles to find the boy, immediately spotting him due to his height
Picking up the pace a little, you jog like an excited puppy to the Japanese boy, anticipating his reaction to your picks. Approaching closer, he spots you, just about to say something before you trip over yourself, expecting your fall to be broken by the ridiculously high pile of clothes but instead you feel a pair of hands on your waist
"Not so fast, angel what's the rush" he teases before helping you up, taking a majority of the clothes from your hands
"And what happened to not being interested? Are you saying I didn't need to bribe you with ice cream after all?" He says through a smile, admiring the blush that creeps upon your cheeks
"J-just try on the clothes, nishimura" you speak while looking straight at your feet, almost like a child after being scolded
A finger hooks under your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze as he leans down to your level a little, man he really loves making you feel short
"Eyes up here, darling. There's no need to be embarrassed" He smiles
"And make me go alone, come on" he bits lip expectantly, taking your hand in his, guiding you to the fitting room
Setting down your picks, he hands you his only after whispering softly
"Try these on for me beautiful. Call me in when you're ready" kissing your temple, he closes the curtain behind you, giving you privacy before settling himself on a chair just outside the fitting room
Shaking off the stupid grin on your face, you opt for trying on his first pick, slipping it on while eyeing yourself in the mirror. You had to admit, it hugged you perfectly.
Opening the curtain, his eyes meet yours before they pan down to your figure, biting his lip a little
"Can you do a little twirl for me, angel?" He says softly, giving you his full, undivided attention. Following his request, you can't help but giggle a little
"As expected" He finally speaks
"You look stunning" He breathes out, meeting your gaze with pure adoration. You blush a little, striking a pose jokingly
He giggles at your antics
"Okay babe strut strut" He cheers your on, getting up from his seat before kneeling down, leaning back with his hands imitating a camera
"There there there! Perfect perfect and pose! and pose! and pose!" He jokes, making you both fall into a fit of laughter
Sensing the judging pairs of eyes on you two, you pull him into the fitting room before he could notice, not wanting to ruin the moment for him
He's doesn't seem to mind, urging you to try on a particular pair of sweats. Grabbing it, you noticed a size bigger under it, realizing he too thought alike with couples clothes
"Ki, ki, try on that hoodie over there, it's also matching" you say excitedly, realizing you two could have couple outfits vomit inducing I know
"You're too cute, princess" he whispers before pecking your cheek, immediately taking off his existing shirt to put on the hoodie. Handing you yours, he urges you to try it on, gasping dramatically when you do
"We look so cute! Like two peas in a pod" he says rubbing himself on you jokingly, making you mock him back with a fake gag
"Wait, I have to to" he says before reaching into his back pocket, pulling out his phone, pulling you closer ever so gently by the waist to pose in front of the mirror
Snaking his hand around your waist, he kisses your cheek *click*
Burying his face in the crook of your neck, you both giggle softly *click*
Bending down, he gently tugs at your hoodie arm, urging you to do the same. Striking a V pose, you mirror him *click*
You couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter at his dedication, falling back on your butt from kneeling down *click*
Before helping you up, he quickly adjusts the settings on his phone, using the opportunity to take a .5 pic of you, making you gasp
"You little-" Thinking you were reaching out to cover the camera, he was flabbergasted to say the least when you pulled him down so he fell right on top of you, making your stomach hurt from laughing too much. Rolling his eyes, he tries to hold his own laughter in, eventually failing when he hears yours
The workers were probably scoffing at you two acting like a bunch of five year olds
Were you possibly banned from this store now? Yes
Did you care? Not at all
That was a problem for future you. As of now, all you care for is the beautiful boy before your eyes, making you unimaginably happy beyond your wildest dreams
Pics aren't mine! Credits to the owner
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anotherfcknschlattsimp · 6 months ago
you feed the genderfluid me. i love reading schlatt fics dressed as a man, then reading fics dressed as a woman. please keep feeding me.
im gonna print this and hang it next to my degree
anyway, the fellas with a genderfluid/genderqueer/genderfuck partner, let's go
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if youre not big on giving a shit about pronouns, mans goes with she/they unless making a haha gay, then he/they
frankly very confused but accepting anyway
early on gets you bracelets/hoodies/some sort of marker so he doesnt have to ask about your gender that day cause he doesnt know how to be polite about it
buys you so many dresses
buys you funky suits to match his normal ones
so many shoes
youve opened this mans eyes to infinite possibilities when it comes to spoiling his partner
his monkey brain goes AWOOGA!!!!!!! everytime he sees you dress up no matter what way
buys you jewelry and makes fun of you for being a bimbo like ted and charlie
calls you his wife if youre okay with it, and will drop a "handsome husband" every once in a while
in case of a big tragedy in which you can guilt trip him, you can get him to wear a skirt but there is no guarentee that he wont immediately rip it off like a toddler before you see fully
more understanding and educated than schlatt
calls you m'theydy cause he's lame like that (i love him so much) and thinks its funny
you give him a kiss every time he does it cause he's so cute and happy when he does it
accidental pavlovian training is so easy with him i feel
big dumb puppy energy (it's okay, me too)
will beg you to dress up femme to go to parties so youre obviously the hottest couple but also gives in very quickly if you just want to be stunning in matching suits
always has to match rings and necklaces with you
you can probably convince him to wear skirts or dresses with you occasionally
most educated and (i almost said qualified) open of all of them
will call you m'theydy too cause he's a loser that we love, but mostly when he comes up behind you and throws down some awesome kisses on your head and face cause you make him feel infinite love with your infinite gender
he's yousexual
most likely to just drop that youre his boyfriend-girlfriend-partner as he would put it, and shorten to boygirlpartner before deciding to just go with partner
willing to wear skirts and dresses as soon as you ask, as long as you wear a matching outfit
LIVES for revered hyperfemme and hypermasc couples
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sailorsenshishitposter · 5 months ago
JJK X Sanrio
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"Would you hurry it up already brat!?"
"Mind telling me what's so important that you woke me up and forced me to go all the way to Shibuya for?"
Suddenly Yuji's arm pointed upwards.
Yuji was now standing in front of a large white building plastered with the mascot of a famous cat.
"Sukuna... You can't be serious...?"
They were in front of the Sanrio store, the giant Hello Kitty's eyes boring down on them like a Goddess passing judgement.
"Oh, I'm entirely serious brat. Now get your ass through those apple doors or you can kiss your Jennifer Lawrence posters goodbye!"
Yuji sighed. He wasn't going to lose more personal items due to a curse having a toddler tantrum.
"I would have never taken someone like you as a fan of Hello Kitty Sukuna!"
"It's not like that brat! I'm just here to scoop up all the items I need before anyone else has the chance to buy them!"
He then used Yuji's arms and grabbed five blankets.
"Hey, why do you need multiple blankets!? May I remind you that I have a perfectly fine one back at my dorm?"
Sukuna glanced at his pointed nails and then back to a Hello Kitty hand mirror that he was previously holding. "One. I already tore up your blanket with dismantle while you weren't looking so unless you want to fall asleep to squares of fabric, you will buy these. And secondly, I'm buying multiple because I intend to sell these online at a high price."
"Wait- you're a scalper!? Man, you really are evil..."
Sukuna chuckled as he strode down the isle. Just as he was picking up a third stuffed animal, his grip faltered. "What is this?" He turned around only to see another hand pulling back at the soft plush."
Gojo sensei, I didn't know you were a fan of Sanrio!"
It was none other than the infamous honoured one, decked out in a large Cinnamoroll hoodie. "Is that you Yuji?" He then lifted up his shades and smiled. "So what brings you here?"
Before his student could respond, Gojo felt a tug on the item he was holding and forced himself to stay in place. There was a loud growl and he then noticed a mouth on the opposite hand holding said item.
"No way! The king of curses is obsessed with Hello Kitty!?"
Gojo began to snicker and then pulled out his phone, taking as many photos as he could to Sukuna's horror.
He wanted to protest that it wasn't like that as he did with Yuji but they both knew the sorcerers six eyes would see straight through that lie. Sukuna then looked over to Gojo's cart and his eyes widened.
"You bastard! You're the reason I couldn't find any items from the collab!"
Within Gojo's stash was the whole stores stock of the Sanrio x Tomie crossover.
"Hey, it's finders keepers, losers weepers."
"You asshole! You want me to go get the store manager and see what he says!?"
The fighting had now caused a crowd to form."
Hey Mimiko, is that two guys fighting over merchandise?"
Her sister then looked over.
"Oh my God, it is Nanako! You know what I'm thinking?"
"You're going to film it and try to go viral on Tiktok again?"
"And then we can go get crepes after!"
"Alright, what seems to be the issue here?"
"Principal Yaga, you're the store manager!?"
"It puts food on the table. Now would one of you mind telling me what the hell is going on!?"
Before Sukuna could get a word in, Gojo spoke.
"Poor Yuji is being forced by Sukuna to help scalp items and sell them later. He even went into the employee only area! Trust me, I saw him!"
Yaga raised his arm and cut Sukuna off.
"Now tell me Yuji, is this true?"
"I'm sorry sir! He tried to bribe me with some Pochacco merchandise but I just can't let him get away with this!"
An eye then formed under Yuji's cheek.
"I think I'll be on my way now!" said Gojo.
Then a firm hand gripped his shoulder. "Stay. We haven't listening to Sukuna's side of the story yet."
'Shit!' Gojo swore internally. He was now sweating bullets.
It was then that Sukuna calmed down and composed himself. He then grinned at Gojo.
"As I was trying to say earlier, this disgusting excuse for a sorcerer has the entire stores stock of the Tomie collab in his cart."
"Satoru, is this true?"
Sukuna then used his technique to destroy the container and all the items fell out, the boxes now closing in on them waist deep.
Yaga sighed. "I'm afraid that I'm going to need to ask the two of you to leave. You are both hereby banned. Yuji is free to return as long as he can control Sukuna. Now please exist the store."
"What's wrong Yuji?"
"It's Sukuna. All of a sudden I can't feel his presence anymore?"
"Well I guess that settles it. Satoru would you please follow me towards the exit?"
Gojo turned off infinity because he would rather the cops not be called but that didn't stop him from causing a scene.
His eyes darted around until he saw a familiar face by the Pompompurin items.
The blonde sorcerer kept his back turned. "Just ignore it and act like you don't know him..." When this was over Nanami would treat himself to some sandwiches.
Yaga then opened the apple doors and threw Gojo out, causing the man to fall flat on his ass.
"Suguru! You gotta help me-"
"I'm just here to pick up my daughter's..."
"Oh... I see."
"...I don't know if you know this but you're kind of trending right now..."
Geto then threw his phone towards his ex boyfriend/best friend.
"Suguru, would you mind telling me what a TikTok is?"
Yuji looked down at his cart.
"I guess I should put all this stuff back huh? Oh that's right, Sukuna tore up my blanket like some kind of house cat. I guess it wouldn't hurt to just buy one..."
Yuji was about to go to the checkout when he noticed a Badtz-Maru plush. "I guess I could get Megumi something while I'm here."
Yuji picked up the plush and noticed they came in pairs. The one he was holding also held a miniature Hello Kitty. Yuji looked downwards. "Sukuna, I don't know if you can hear me or not but if I buy you this, will you please stop causing trouble in public!?"
After paying for the items and exiting the store Sukuna took control.
"...I'll think about it."
He tore open the packaging and held on to the stuffed cat. He nuzzled into Hello Kitty and murmured "You are my special..." 
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zerodaytesttape · 2 months ago
some andre and cal hcs because i luv them and people like these :}
- When they argue, it’s always Cal who storms off first. Not because he’s mad, but because he’s had enough of the silence. Andre will always stay behind, he doesn't often follow after Cal, knowing that he will come back eventually, like he always does.
- Cal’s always fidgeting with something. A broken pen, a piece of paper, the zipper on his hoodie. He can’t stand still. Sometimes Andre finds it oddly comforting, like it means he’s still here, still human. And other times he wants to rip whatever Cal has in his hands because the noise is too annoying. There's no in-between
- Andre gets unreasonably upset when people touch his hair. He’s not even sure why. Cal is constantly messing with it anyways just to see Andre’s reaction.
- Cal has an obsession with collecting old, broken things. It's mostly electronics or random gadgets that he swears he can fix. Andre thinks it’s dumb, but he’s caught looking through the pile more than once, just because there’s something cool about all the messed-up parts
- Cal gets obsessive about fixing things that are already broken, and it drives Andre crazy. He’ll spend hours on things that should just be thrown away, and Andre will stand by, watching him, knowing it’s just another way Cal tries to fix himself too
- Andre would never admit it, but he’s terrified of Cal getting too far gone, of him slipping into a place where he can’t reach him. Every time Cal gets that faraway look in his eyes, Andre’s chest tightens, knowing he’s losing him more with every day that passes
- Cal’s hands are always shaking. Not super visibly, but if someone watches closely, they can see it when he’s thinking too hard. Andre notices it, and it makes him wonder if Cal even knows how often he does it
- They’ve both gotten into fights with random kids at school, but it’s always Cal who ends up getting more attention for it. Andre stays quiet, the tension in his shoulders enough to say everything without a single word. Cal has one once but doesn't get in fights as often, Andre hasn't one even ONE fight, but he's always pushing and scrapping with people, not often more than that. It's never his fault or his choice.
- Cal’s laugh is way too loud and so god damn heard because he's always giggling at something, but it never sounds real. It’s like he’s forcing it because he has to, even when it doesn’t make sense. Andre’s laugh is quieter, more hesitant, like he’s waiting for the other person to tell him it’s okay to laugh. Cal is always out-of-it, it just sounds like he's laughing for the sake of making noise and being in the moment.
- Whenever they go out, Andre will buy snacks, and Cal will eat them all before Andre even has a chance to get a bite. It’s always Cal who insists on "sharing," but ends up finishing everything before Andre even gets close. Andre turns around for one second, and Cal has snatched up literally everything. Theres the RARE occasion where Cal will buy something with some loose change he found and feed it to Andre like he's a toddler, but that's not often. Cal has money! He just doesn't use it unless its something he doesn't need
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theghostavocadoe · 3 months ago
The Remnants during the holidays
Doesn't mind the holidays, actually.
he thinks they're pointless and, in his words, "drivel and a waste of effort," but it brings his brothers immense joy so he puts up with it
However, if he hears the first three notes of Mariah Carey's "all I want for Christmas is you," his sword is going straight through the offending radio.
He totally doesn't steal the Nanaimo bars off the counter at 3am that's crazy what are you talking about
Around the holidays he takes a bit more time to peer into the windows of stores to see if his brothers would like anything on display. When Cloud points this out, he quickly gets told to mind his own business.
Kadaj does go back on his own time to purchase (or perhaps steal, if it's worth it) the gifts in question.
He gets Yazoo those dangly ear cuffs that don't require a piercing, since he knows Yazoo hates needles. And for Loz he gets a sheepskin hoodie with a cute Stamp design on it because it's stupid and he knows Loz unironically loves stupid things.
he doesn't bother wrapping the gifts, he just hands them to his brothers with a simple "here" and then scurries off before he has to deal with their emotional reactions.
the next day he finds gifts for himself waiting on his desk.
He loves cold weather so he is absolutely THRIVING during the holidays.
he has all the warmest yet stylish clothes to go out in, courtesy of Genesis.
The clothes in question include but are not limited to: pom pom beanie, knit mittens that can pull back to reveal his fingers, a very long puffer jacket, and knee-high snow boots that have snowflake shaped clasps. And all of them match with the same colors.
Absolutely dominates at snowball fights because of course the local sharpshooter has immaculate aim
He only lost when Loz resorted to straight-up manhandling him to dunk his face in the snow
Everyone has decreed that Yazoo is the only person that's allowed to make hot chocolate for the group because he somehow does it flawlessly every single time.
The holidays is probably the most you will see Yazoo genuinely smiling, because there's a soft spot in him that loves seeing his family actually all in one place.
He knew exactly what he wanted to get for his brothers as gifts MONTHS in advance.
Kadaj received a small charm that he could tie to his sword's hilt that took the shape of a yellow lily. Loz received a new pair of boots that were sturdy yet flexible and surprisingly good for running.
You know those local light shows where you can walk through and there's just Christmas lights EVERYWHERE? yeah Loz eats that shit UP.
He just stares up with the wonder of a toddler and internally he's going "shapes and colors,..,.," because ooogh sparkly
participates in Whamageddon (try to go the entire month of December without hearing Last Christmas by Wham) but fails almost instantly.
Once picked up a handful of snow and dumped it down the back of yazoo's shirt, resulting in the girliest scream you will ever hear come out of that man's mouth
The household affectionately calls him the trash disposal because any leftovers from holiday dinners will quickly be devoured by him
LOVES helping with baking. He's surprisingly good at it. Tifa is genuinely shocked when he flawlessly builds the perfect gingerbread house.
loves holiday movies but hates "Elf" because the abuse of second hand embarrassment makes him need to physically get up and leave
He made his gifts for his brothers from scratch because choosing what to buy was too stressful for him.
Kadaj got a wall-mounted sword rack, and Yazoo got a handmade waist chain. Additionally, he made matching charm bracelets for all three of them to share.
He did, in fact, sob like a baby when he got his own gifts from his brothers.
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johnathanstatue · 2 months ago
Well I finally bought some tape diapers like real ones. I realized I can make them discreet I just have to pick the right clothes anyways I bought some depends because they always fitted me good and there only 1 of two options in my local pharmacy. The only other ones are Tena slips and they have weak tabs and there's only two of them, depends have 3. And there more comfy I'm not sure why. But anyways I woke up this morning and I was really craving a farmers wrap so I decided I'd make the 20 minute walk to Tim hortons but I figured I mine as well wear a diaper to see how they feel when walking longer distances. I didn't even plan on wetting or messing myself but I had the mindset that if it happens it happens. I secretly kind of wanted too so I didn't go to the bathroom before I left. I sort of had to go but it wasn't an overwhelming urge. Anyways I put on my diaper clothes aka my tight underwear to hold it all together and my long John's "leggings" and pulled it up tight and put on a rather baggy pair of these dark blue jeans I didn't care about. I also wore my hoodie that's way too big to hide the small diaper bulge. The diaper felt nice it wasn't so big it was saggy but just tight enough it stayed in place. Anyways I set off and I surprisingly heard no krinkle sounds and it was rather quiet. It wasn't long before the small urge turned into a bigger urge and I didn't pee this morning either so thst was slowly creeping up I could see the Tim Hortons so I figured I wouldn't hold onto my bladder and just let it out when my body wanted too. It felt so good to not have to hold it and I did stop to look at my phone when I was wetting just incase it leaked cus of all the movement. The warm sensation filled the front of my diaper up pretty full so I slightly spreaded my legs and I could feel the warm flow of pee flow back to the seat of my diaper. It wasn't a huge pee but it sure filled it up quite a bit. I had the urge to mess myself and I wasn't cramping in the stomach or anything I wanted to let it out bit by bit and so I decided to do the same thing and just not hold it and let it come out on its own. It honestly felt really good to just not hold on and I didn't even feel like I was going to for a second till I kept walking then I felt it slowly creeping out. Everything was pretty tight so it just kinda started slipping out but stopped as soon as it hit my diaper and I didn't wanna push so I just had a mess halfway out for a minute, I ended up abandoning the Tim Hortons idea and went to this public park thing and just walked around for a minute. I tried pushing a little so I stopped walking and realized I had the classic toddler pooping stance so I kept walking till I got behind a tree that was blocking me. I didn't wanna push to hard I just wanted to get it started so I pushed a little and I could feel it slowly filling up a little , it was pretty solid so I gave a few more slight pushes then kept walking. I started walking back towards my house which was like a 10 minute walk and the whole time this mess was seeping out. It was pretty solid to this point then I felt it slowly coming out easier and easier. It was getting more and more mushy and it spread around quite a bit and felt great. I ended up stopping at a convenience store on the way back and I didn't really smell anything till I got in there. I was buying my stuff aka my chips and I felt like I had to pee so I just didn't hold it and let it out it felt really nice. The diaper was pretty full but not leaky kinda full, after that I just made the short walk home. Seen my roommate in the kitchen so I quickly dashed to the bathroom and got in the shower. Then just cleaned up and got rid of the evidence. I really regret not taking pictures. Anyways that was my morning
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rowdyluv · 10 months ago
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Summary: Lillian gives her daddy and uncle trouble one night leading to Jack suggesting getting a nanny.
Warnings: none, just a toddler being fussy and brothers stressed out, a couple uses of profanity like twice
Lilian had everything and anything she could reach in her mouth. She was so uncomfortable at seemingly all times of the day. Jack and Luke both were at a loss for what to do for the sweet little girl.
Lillian is typically a happy baby, she giggles and loves to play.
If she isn’t playing, she’s cuddled up to whoever will cuddle her. But over the last week she’s been wailing if she isn’t chewing on something.
The only problem there is, she doesn’t want one of the hundreds of teethers Luke has bought her. Nor does she want her pacifiers. She wants Jack’s charger cord, the living room television remote, or Luke’s hoodie strings. When told no and swapped out for a toy, the toy gets bounced off Luke’s or Jack’s heads. Tonight’s teether ring bounced right between Jack’s eyes.
Luke had to conceal his laugh before scold his toddler. “No. Lilypad, you can’t do that” Luke warned her. Taking her away from Jack. He positioned her against his chest where she can hear his heartbeat but still reach for his hair. His daughter much like him in this aspect. She’s comforted by hearing his heartbeat and she likes to play with hair. She’s beginning to get comforted by her uncle’s heartbeat, but mainly it is only Luke’s.
Once she’s settled into him, Luke reached for her stuffed bunny and handed it to her. With in seconds the bunny’s ear was in her mouth being gnawed on and her cries stopped. “That damn bunny. You better buy bulk in those things. Mom’s house needs like five. We need an endless supply. Quinn needs some at his place. We can never ran out of this little shit.” Jack exaggerates but also has a point. “I wonder if I should just get someone to magically put a teether on one of the extras?” Jack stares at his brother incredulously. “You’re kidding me right. You couldn’t have thought of that before we were sitting here at 2:45 in the morning? When we have to be at morning skate at 7am?!” Jack tried to yell at his brother while keeping it at a whisper.
“Luke Warren Hughes I hope you know someone to do it because we’re going tomorrow with two of the extras. One for here and one for the arena. THEN it’s time for you to accept help from a nanny.” Jack declared, deciding for Luke.
“No. Nanny. It will confuse Lillian and I’m not”
Jack cut his brother off before he can go off on a tangent about how having a nanny will confuse Lillian about mothers. “Luke, I think it’s time you accept help from a nanny..because we can’t do this alone. We’re killing our selves. It’s 2:45 am and we skate at 7am.” Jack leaned back while running his hands through his hair. “I know someone, just let me call them. They’re from back home. I don’t think it will be a problem.”
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cotandcandybaby · 4 months ago
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an0thergl1tch · 8 months ago
Here are some sanderssides outfit headcanons because I’m gay :
Remus : Definetly had a pair of the Brendan Urie are you nasty booty shorts at some point in time. When alone this bitch either dresses like a emo slut, a toddler who decided to dress themselves for the day, a punk anarchist, or Adam Sandler, there is no in between. Janus has to convince him to put on pants when guests come over. “Who says I can’t wear converses with my dress.” Janus has to stop him from spontaneously cutting his hair or giving himself piercings so has a BUNCH of fake ones. Spends 10 minutes taking off all of his accessories. Puts in funky contacts to be edgy. Never throws old clothes out and thinks it looks punk despite there being very obviously not intentional large holes in them. Either extremely over or under dressed, If there’s a dress code, it’s ignored. Constantly wearing platforms. Definitely has tried to give himself a scar on his face because he thought it would look kickass, he no longer has access to knives. Randomly does sfx makeup to freak people the fuck out.
Janus : So much vintage wear. Definetly has a pin striped suit somewhere in his closet, dosent wear it because Virgil calls him the cat from Tom n jerry. Definetly has tea parties in renissance era dresses. Probably has one of those dramatic 60s newly widowed housewife robes that he wears while lounging with a glass of wine. Probably wore one of those androgynous suit dresses to Thomas’s prom, Roman was pissed because he looked better than him. Extremely overdressed, would wear red to a funeral. So many fucking hats, need I say more. Beauty is pain, there is no functionality, he can’t walk in half his outfits. Wears a lot of layers but actually has the excuse of being cold blooded.
Virgil : Oh so many bracelets, who gave him access to so many bracelets. Spends a solid 2 hours teasing his hair and putting makeup on every morning (this bitch is a GOD at eyeliner.) So many layers, you do not need to be wearing 3 hoodies at once. Somehow always cold despite having enough clothes on to survive in the artic. “Oh fuck one of my bracelets fell off.” Acts like he despises pink despite wearing neon pink raccoon tails during his college scene phase. Extremely underdressed unless he has the energy to dress as a Victorian vampire. Definitely experiments with goth makeup and clothing.
Patton : Its giving youth pastor. Owns every color of polo shirt. Wears aviators to look ‘hip’ and ends up looking like goose from top gun. Definetly has a leather jacket somewhere in his closet that he only wore to college parties to look cool (the obligatory dad mid life crisis leather jacket, probably worn and probably has seen some shit.) Constantly wears a tool belt or a Fanny pack, lord get this man a backpack. Had horrendous emo phase, good lord MySpace traumatized him. Definitely has a jersey and varsity jacket but actually IS into sports. Needs to get outfit tips because he will wear a polo shirt and cargo pants to every occasion. So many dad hats.
Roman : wears jerseys and varsity jackets despite not being into sports at all. Loves makeup but goes horribly every time he tries to do it on himself. Has to be held down to do eyeliner or mascara because he will NOT stop moving and complaining about you poking his eyes out. Loves being overdressed however half his wardrobe is costume pieces he pretends are high end items. So many rings and necklaces. “Buy me Prada” *is wearing thrift store jeans* Takes hours getting ready, getting dressed takes 10 minutes but he has to get his mindfulness meditation for the day in before he leaves. Definitely has a purse collection.
Logan : This dude probably has so much vintage clothing and historical pieces but is absolutely terrified to wear any of it and wrinkle anything. Has a tie collection (extremely obvious) however half of them are funky ties Patton spotted while shopping and gave to him. Has hundreds of the same shirt but tons of blazers and vests to spice things up a bit. Definitely has a collection of very high end leather shoes that he takes care of dearly and gets heavily pissed off if someone steps on them. So many cheesy nerd pun t-shirts that he wears exclusively in his room because Patton would freak the fuck out. Is tired of people calling him Steve Urkel or a newsie when he puts on suspenders. Practicality over looks, however makes a few exceptions (This bitch would look amazing in a corset.) Can run in heels and Roman is extremely jealous and terrified. Can do makeup surpisingly well.
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