#but yes your very typical busy morning for the group
victorluvsalice · 16 days
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-->While Smiler was bopping away, Victor had finished his upgrading, so I had him transportalate down to the greenhouse, change into more appropriate clothes, and start tending all the plants (a process made a little bit harder today by his bees being angry about life and stinging him occasionally). Alice, meanwhile, was stopped from going out to shower in the rain (Erratic Sims…) and forced to finish her breakfast and take a quick wolf nap to calm her instincts before I sent her out to feed Toothy the cowplant and the poor starving chickens. Fortunately going out in the thunderstorm didn’t make her scared (one of the few perks of a Sim being Erratic) – though it did break her umbrella, so that wasn’t great. Despite this, though, she got everybody fed, cleaned out the coop, and got all five eggs waiting in said coop without incident. Feeling both proud of her for staying on task and bad that I'd made her work in the rain, I then directed her to head inside and up to her and Victor’s bedroom, before having her change into her outfit with the Delicate “bad mood calming” bracelet and start working on her latest book again (the mystery “Who Stole The Tarts?” in case you need a reminder – I did!). She plugged away at that for a bit while I checked in on Victor – he’d finished all his tending, so I decided to have him super-sell his garden –
After he’d bonded with his bees to stop them being so angry. And after he’d evolved his taro root. And after he’d gathered soy wax off his soy plant. And after he’d gotten a pee – which involved him magically fixing the downstairs toilet because at some point it broke (I think the moment he tried to sit down on it, in fact). And after he’d given Surprise a lecture on scratching the furniture. I’m saying it took a WHILE to get to super-selling all that produce. XD But he did get there eventually, poor guy!
-->And then I looked at Alice again and noticed her Fury was getting really high because, despite her bracelet’s best efforts, her “gotta be outside” werewolf instincts were giving her lip. I quickly sent her out into the backyard (fortunately the rain had calmed down to a drizzle at this point, AND her umbrella was back in good repair) and had her somber howl to lower her Fury – then, deciding I wanted to be extra safe on a party day, sent her back up to the séance room to meditate the rest of it away. Smiler, meanwhile, was finally allowed to stop dancing for the camera (I’d left them like that for a while because, uh, it was just easier ^^;) and upload the video to their production station so they could start editing it and adding effects and transitions and all that jazz. Victor, for his part, finished his super-selling at last – I immediately made him Repairio the wind farm (those things break SOOO MUCH) and smash up a twisted tendril growing outside Moory’s pen before having him harvest the prairie grass in said pen. XD No rest for the wicked – or the magical! Though he got a pretty good harvest out of the prairie grass – not only did he bundle up plenty of hay, he also found a bottle of potato nectar – and a bottle of VITALITY nectar. AKA the nectar that can deage Sims and bring ghosts back to life. O.o So yeah, that right there? That is the GOOD stuff. Have to remember to get him to store it in the aging racks later!
-->Anyway – while Victor was getting that done, Smiler uploaded and hyped their finished video (just in time for it to be included in the royalty money for the day, nice), then ran downstairs to lecture Shock for scratching furniture and drinking from puddles. I couldn’t get a good picture of either as Shock kept running away from Smiler to do something else as they tried to lecture her (like going to drink from puddle in the bathroom while Smiler was trying to tell her no scratching the living room chairs), but the lessons DID take, and Shock has learned not to do either thing anymore. Hooray! I then had Smiler mop up all the puddles around the place and take a quick shower as I checked in on Alice – to my delight, she was completely Fury-less! Yay! :D And even better, I quickly discovered an activity to keep her busy while I tried to wrangle Smiler and Victor (Smiler, finished with their shower, was trying to mold the clay blob in the bathroom from last episode while Victor wanted to chat with them) – the laundry! The hamper was starting to look a biiit full, so I had her search everyone’s pockets, then load up the washer with the clothes and a chrysanthemum and set them tumbling. Victor and Smiler had headed back up to Smiler’s room to dance to the tunes coming out of their radio at this point, so I just had Alice head up and join them for a little dance party –
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Newsies And What Instruments They Play - Headcanon
Hey there! Here's some Newsies headcanons that me and my pals @nycnewsgirl and @newsies-but-theacadianway came with about what instruments the boys would play. I added the details just to make it a little more fun. Anyhoo, I'm curious about what you think so feel free to agree or disagree or come up with your own ideas in the comments.
-Jack sings and plays the guitar. And Katherine equally loves it and makes fun of it being the most cliche way ever to romance a girl (which he definitely does take her up to the rooftop of the lodge and strums away on his guitar while singing to her. He loves the vibe and romance of it. She...doesn't always roast him.) He just enjoys the simplicity of his own voice accompanied by a guitar. And also, he can sing whenever he wants up on the rooftop and most of the time no one sends out a noise complaint. Jack likes to sing and play a lot of pop and country songs but he'll branch out and try new things if someone introduces him to it. Mostly, he just likes to play things that the boys (mostly Crutchie) want to hear or play along with him. He just loves getting to sing and play because to him, it helps him feel free and like he can do anything. Jack also will occasionally play harmonica because Santa Fe. Need I say any more?
-Davey plays piano and he can play most of your typical classical pieces by memory. He has the perfect piano posture and is fairly graceful and delicate. He likes to lead a group from the piano but doesn't like to play piano duets with anyone else really (ask Sarah.). He's actually really good at jazz though and likes being creative with classical pieces by putting a jazz spin on them.
-Crutchie plays mandolin and banjo. He loves to strum little folksy tunes and sit outside on the rooftop. Sometimes he'll convince Jack to learn the words to the song and sing along with him (oh who are we kidding? Jack 100% learns the words to the songs and how to play it on the guitar.). Crutchie is very chilled out by his music and sometimes he'll come down into the bunkroom and play songs so the little boys will go to sleep. He's a beast at the mandolin too (which is a feat considering it has twelve strings) because he plays at least once a day for awhile and Jack can't say no so he'll join in and then it'll wind up being more like 2 hours of play time.
-Race can play the triangle (yes, he wakes the boys who won't get out of bed up with it every morning and yes, they HATE it.). He uses it every time any kind of a meal rolls around when everyone is home (the boys kinda hate this too but not as much as the other aforementioned triangle use). At Christmas time, Race will play the slap stick in Sleigh Ride and will leap across the stage like a reindeer (claiming that it helps him feel more like one) as he slaps the two wooden 2 x 4s together. In a regular setting, he usually has both of these percussion instruments nearby. Race can also play guitar and he likes to play...any kind of music really. He likes anything that he can strum fast and/or hard to. He's not a very gentle player (which when he plays with Finch who also plays guitar, they play things that have an equal amount of picking and strumming). He also likes to collect picks and NO ONE can touch his precious picks without his permission. (Thanks, Nutcracker for helping come up with the last couple things for Race). None of the boys question it anymore because they've put up with Race's antics long enough that they know better.
-Albert plays barry sax and/or drums. He likes that with the barry sax he gets to be a solid presence but still stable and not have to do anything too fancy most of the time. He appreciates the occasional solo that'll get thrown his way but he just likes to stick to the fun low rhythms. When he plays drums (and he's not too busy hardcore judging Race for his triangle or slapstick playing), he likes to be a little bit fancier with the rhythms and he likes to be a little bit louder. He likes to remind people that he is there and he IS the stable rhythm. He likes to play any kind of rock or metal songs on the drums. Something that has drive but a stable rhythm. On his barry sax, he likes to play anything that's got a fun but stable groove to it.
-Les plays baby bongos(the Davey approved instrument) and trumpet(obviously the non-Davey approved instrument). He would never tell Davey this but(he actually enjoys the baby bongoes because they sound fun). He really likes to play the trumpet because it's loud, he can play fast on it, and it annoys Davey. The baby bongos are almost a little too small and a little too boring for him because Davey just teaches him really simple rhythms while Les wants to learn something more...intense. Hence why he had Finch teach him trumpet (Finch plays a lot of things.).
Speaking of the bird boy...
-Finch plays a lot of different instruments....like a lot. He plays guitar, flute, trumpet, and really any kind of brass instrument to name a few. He appreciates them all for the different styles of music he can experiment with. He spends a lot of time playing guitar and learning all kinds of different pieces on it but he really plays a variety of instruments for a variety of occasions. He likes being able to play the different instruments just whenever he feels like it (Jack had to tell him he could only play flute and guitar late at night because they're quieter). Oftentimes during a performance, he'll be running around the stage, filling in on different parts or playing a song here only to run across the stage to play a song on a completely different instrument. Somehow he manages to keep all of his different clefs and keys straight (just don't ask him what happened during a performance of The Little Mermaid for his high school. He was playing trumpet and picked up his flute and had the trumpet music in front of him and it got confusing real fast. Thankfully, Finch got his flute music and it was all good.). Finch likes playing with the other boys who play instruments as well as teaching some of the other boys instruments. He loves random little jam sessions and watching one of his friends achieve a new skill on an instrument (they all joke that he's the one going to Carnegie though). Finch just enjoys sitting in a tree with an instrument after a long day and playing while forgetting his problems, sometimes by himself or with a couple of his close friends.
-Romeo plays the accordion and some hand percussion (give that boy a tambourine and....well you'll feel whatever you feel when he starts playing it). Why? So he can croon romantic songs while playing the accordion. Does it work? Ummm..... Nah, he really loves it because he likes to learn love songs on it and he feels that the accordion is a very romantic instrument. He also likes that you get to play keys and push a lot of buttons. It's very hands on which is a good thing for him. When Race annoys (he doesn't think it's annoying but ask Romeo) the boys in the morning with the triangle, Romeo gets out the accordion and then things escalate into a noise war (Jack eventually kicks them both out onto the fire escape or something). Most of the time though, Romeo likes to play the accordion out on the fire escape to see if a neighboring apartment has a fair young woman who would be interested in hearing his playing. He appreciates how the accordion allows him to be flamboyant and expressive all at the same time while being his (in his book) most mastered attribute....romantic. As far as the hand percussion goes, he can be as loud and enthusiastic as he wants with it and nobody judges. He loves the tambourine (it's his favorite one) because it's loud and requires a lot of movement. If he wants to impress someone though, he goes for the accordion.
-Spot plays the violin. He..surprisingly plays some very pretty classical music on it (which Race totally makes fun of him for from the percussion section), folksy songs (boy does have some Irish heritage) and he likes playing as the violinist for groups who perform rock operas. His classical training enables him to do...so much with his violin. He started by taking violin lessons as one normally would and just playing a lot of different kinds of music which in turn made him a very versatile musician. The other violinists he knows all think he's amazing (and his reputation is something Spot doesn't let others think they can trifle with). Spot basks in this but purposely appears hard to please so he can maintain his tough reputation. He really enjoys the classical music as much as the other music but he can't let anyone know because that would reveal that he has a soft spot and Spot Conlon does NOT have a soft spot.
-Jojo plays ukulele and playing it takes him right to his happy place. He'll sit on the beach in Brooklyn (Spot won't kick him out because he actually likes the peaceful vibes of Jojo's playing) and just strum a song. Sometimes it's some kind of island song that he learned from the Internet, a pop song, or some kind of Spanish guitar song but Jojo thinks it sounds better on ukulele so that's where it gets played the most. When some of the younger boys are struggling to go to sleep, he'll strum some peaceful music to go to sleep. The other boys don't care because it actually helps them go to sleep better too. That and it's Jojo and the music is very peaceful. Sometimes he hums along but he's kind of shy about his singing voice so he mostly just strums. Once he picked up ukulele, he realized that this is the one habit which soothe any nerves that he has. He'll sit somewhere and play by himself and just enjoy the peaceful rhythm of his strumming or he'll play for others so they can feel the same kind of calm and peace that he does.
-Kid Blink plays alto sax. He likes that it's kind of loud but can do some really cool things and can be as smooth as butter. It's kind of an aggressive instrument but it can do some amazing things. Part of the reason why Blink likes it so much. He can play some of the punchiest melodies on the planet that are loud and biting while also being able to play some of the smoothest jazz pieces. Blink typically likes to play band music or jazz. He loves band arrangements of pop songs (even though he finds the actual pop songs annoying, the band version to him is a ton of fun). He likes to play music with Albert, Mush, and really any of the guys. He also likes to compete with Race's triangle and plays louder than Race so that way people can hear something more fun than just Race banging jingle bells on the triangle for the umpteenth time. He and Romeo then get into a "who can play louder" competition and...yeah, you can imagine how that goes. There's a lot of loud accordion and saxophone music going on. Blink likes playing smooth jazz pieces that sound beautiful and he likes some of the more fun and fast jazz solos. He's someone who really really likes to see how fast he can play so he'll pick something ambitious to play and just goes to town on it. He and Albert get into little who can play faster competitions and the boys cheer them on. Crutchie, Mush, Jojo, or Buttons will tell them that they really play equally fast but the boys don't listen. They want to WIN. (Except any of those boys most definitely can shred more than Blink and Al but they don't need to know that). Blink just likes playing saxophone because it's freeing. He can be as loud as he wants and it still sounds cool. Much like how he has a somewhat loud and outgoing personality, but he can do a lot of cool things with it.
(Okay, this next one might get really long because I love Mush and his instrument. I'm sorry but I also love Mush so I'm not that sorry)
-Mush plays clarinet and he's really good at it. He loves getting to play pretty jazz things, pretty classical things...etc. He also likes playing things that are a bit more loud and flamboyant but he likes playing quieter too and some of the more elegant styles. That being said, Mush likes to play just about anything as long as he doesn't just sit there and hold notes. He thinks that that is really boring even if the melody on top is really pretty. Davey loves to play music with him because they can play some really pretty duets and Mush typically follows the music or Davey's directions. They play some really pretty things that surprisingly will captivate some of the younger boys on any given night. Mush LOVES to play in the pit for musicals. He loves it when he gets to play fun little solos or the melody that the cast is singing. He likes the jazzy musicals the best because then he gets to bust out his jazz skills as well. And maaaaannnn, does this boy have jazz skills? He can do slides and vibrato and growls pretty well. Sometimes they go sideways and it makes him and whoever is playing with him laugh. Mush plays music with a lot of the different boys. He likes to learn new songs and styles and try out different tricks that he learns on his clarinet with these new songs. He'll play just about anywhere and at anytime really. If there's a girl he likes in the room, he'll just casually start playing from somewhere else in the room and see if she notices. Jack will periodically kick him out to the fire escape at night if there is some peace and quiet needed in the lodging house. He'll just sit on his bunk(which is a top one for the sake of this headcanon) and casually swing his legs back and forth while he's playing. But seriously, he'll play just about anywhere. He can play really high notes on his clarinet and sometimes that's more effective in getting the boys to be quiet than shouting or whistling at them because high notes on a clarinet are super loud (Skittery hates it when this happens and it's not in a piece of music). Mush likes to play in a little jazz combo with Finch, Albert, Skittery, Davey, and sometimes Crutchie or Jack. They have a ton of fun playing little jazz songs from the 30s but they usually do that when the littles are out for the night so that they can just enjoy their music. Blink and Mush also play a lot of music together because they both play woodwinds (yes, I'm aware that sax is also technically a brass instrument) and they play jazz songs and all kinds of things. Sometimes Blink joins in on the little jazz combo when he has free time to do so and he and Mush will trade solos back and forth just for fun. Mush and Finch play together a lot too and they also would trade solos back and forth (Finch plays a variety of instruments that go well with Mush's clarinet so it would depend on the day and his mood what he's playing). Mush plays in a lot of different groups when he has time and similar to Finch, has a pretty well rounded musical skill set.
Also, I did actually write something on Wattpad where Mush plays clarinet: https://www.wattpad.com/1116924147-life-with-the-newsies-one-shots-open-to-ocs-all
It's a 20s AU oneshot and I had a blast writing it. I am hoping to write some more for him in the future.
-Skittery plays drums and double bass/bass guitar. He likes the drums because he can hold down the rhythm but it also helps him get out any...frustrations. He really likes rock and metal music for this reason because he can hit the drums as hard and fast as he wants and no one's complaining as long as it sounds cool. He sometimes will play bass guitar but only in a more chill setting. He enjoys getting to play some cool bass solo every once in awhile in some kind of fancy rock song. Bass can get really gritty and Skittery can really let some of his more negative emotions just get lost in the bass solos. He also will play double bass in orchestral or jazz music. Orchestral music is something that Skittery....tolerates. He just...for some reason doesn't find it very interesting. He LOVES jazz though because he can play some fun and fast jazz solos. He also likes that they don't sound as gritty but that his jazz solos can just be so...pleasant to play. Again, it really helps him get out of his crappy mood (even though he'll deny it) to just go to town on some kind of jazz song where he gets to go all over the bass' register. Skittery likes things (and he would never admit this) that are just...fun to play on an emotional level because they really do make him happy. He doesn't like to stick out but he likes to have his moments of fun and he likes to hold down a reliable rhythm that people can count on.
-Buttons plays the banjo. He honestly love the more...rustic sound of it. He enjoys playing fast folk songs but he'll also play a soothing ballad and get into it just the same. Buttons can finger pick across the fret board of a banjo quite well and aspires to be like some of the great bluegrass players someday (seriously, just look at this man's Spotify Wrapped. It's all FOLK). He and Crutchie, Jack, or Finch will sometimes play together. Buttons also really enjoys Southern Gospel music so he'll play that too sometimes. He just enjoys all of the things that a banjo can do and yet, it feels so simple because it's all on one instrument. It can add a lot but it's still simple and can stand up on it's own, much like himself.
(Can you tell that I like things to have deeper meanings? These all end with these instruments relating to the boys in some way).
-Elmer is Buttons' (and sometimes Crutchie's) folksy partner in crime with his fiddle/violin. These two will play together for HOURS. Elmer and Buttons have learned all of the folk songs together and they both know all of the little solos that make those songs sound the way that they should. Elmer also will play classical music and periodically a pop song or two, but folk is really where his heart's at. He has played jazz occasionally and enjoys it too. Elmer loves violin because it sticks out in the group. It's also something pretty unique in and of itself (even though Skittery literally tells him it's the most POPULAR string instrument. Yes, Elmer gets very passionate about that topic.) and Elmer just really likes its versatility. He primarily uses it for folk music but he enjoys having an instrument that meshes well with a lot of different styles. He likes being able to blend in and stick out all the same. He wants his moments of solo time to shine and to be heard but, he wants others to be heard too.
-Specs plays tenor sax. He loves how low and mellow it is. He can play some pretty things that stick out but, he prefers to keep things smooth and chill. He and Finch will play together a lot to just sort of jam. Specs like just getting to vibe and play smooth jazz music or pop songs. Most of the time, he prefers really chill and slow jazz. He finds it soothing and it gives him a chance to stand out without overdoing things too much. He particularly likes French sounding jazz because it has a lot of smooth and pretty tenor saxophone in it. He loves getting to sustain notes down in that lower register just because they sound absolutely reassuring. He finds it easy to lose himself in music like that. This boys absolutely LOVES to play gentle soft jazz when it's raining outside. Like he just loves the rainy jazz vibes that tenor sax allows him to experience. He's not the most vibey person but this gives him all the feels for sure. He also has a lot of fun playing more energetic music though and will play some fun solos in more exciting swing music songs (and he will sometimes prove to the boys that yes he CAN in fact solo and keep up with the rest of them and he doesn't prefer to stick in the background all the time...). The smoother jazz is more relaxing to him and it allows him to play things that he wants to play without it always being chaotic and loud (even though he plays a notoriously loud instrument) because he enjoys getting to have his moments but he prefers them to be more chill and relaxing, just like he is most of the time. Being slow and more relaxed calms the anxiety that he has about always having to...perform well and allows him to just be himself.
(Yeah, sorry if that was a crappy ending on that one. I feel like some of these background Newsies are all starting to seem the same even if they're very different people.)
And last but not least....
-Henry plays the cello and takes it VERY SERIOUSLY. He's the kind of guy that people play to have Pachelbel's Canon in D at their wedding. Yeah, that's Henry. For some reason, holding half notes to him isn't super boring. He's very particular about his music and will really only play classical music (no seriously, he low-key scoffs at any of the boys who play jazz). He also practices for HOURS a day because he wants to be the best at what he does. Like the absolute best. He plays in nearly every orchestra that he can try out for and he tries to learn ambitious solos. He gets really cranky if he can't find a quiet place to practice in the Lodge where he KNOWS he won't be interrupted. The only people he will sometimes play music with is Davey or Elmer. They're and I quote "the only ones who appreciate classical music enough" (even though Mush, Finch, and Skittery also play classical music. He's tried playing with each of them before...and well. And yeah, don't even ask about Race.). He will sometimes even give both of them the stink eye just because they've been and I quote again "tainted by jazz". He chills out though once he starts playing his music. He just gets lost in it. He's the kind of guy who will talk about one gorgeous chord for a literal ten minutes (and I mean...he's not wrong because it is a beautiful chord.) and the other boys are just nodding their heads. Henry likes the cello because he can be precise and expressive. It allows him to be very present but still allows him to play in a way that is very precise and makes his style well voiced, much like he carries himself.
Alright that's the end.
I'm throwing in a bonus. Merry Christmas!
No actually, Merry Christmas! I'm writing this on Christmas.
Well parts of it, this has been a work in progress for months now but I think I'm finally finishing it. Hectic semester and all that.
-Mike and Ike play marimba and xylophone respectively (and yes, those are different instruments and no, don't tell them they're the same because they may actually fight you. If you really wanna know, ask Race.). They love to play songs together and bounce different rhythms and melodies off each other. They'll play just about anything and they absolutely love songs where they can just go crazy. They work together (periodically even their music wars against each other's but who does that surprise?) and despite their...occasional disagreements, have a ton of fun. The faster they play and the more energetic they can be, the more they feel like themselves. They love sometimes even switching instruments mid-song or playing one song on the same instruments. Their feats are unmatched by the other percussionists within the Lodge because they are 100% the legendary dynamic duo. They enjoy the energy that they get from playing their instruments and the joy that they get by playing together.
Alright, I'm done for real. Merry Christmas, you guys! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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What are your headcanons if the circus ark members instead of being adopted and raised by baron kelvin were instead raised by Sebastian in the estate ?
So, I had a AU in the making where the circus members weren't killed but instead told by Sebastian and Ciel they can live/work at the manor instead of prison or death. This concept sounds fun, need to be tweaked to the canon source though a bit such as timeline, since the Baron Kelvin arc happened in neck breaking pace-
Him seeing the the circus members and takes them in, He goes to a party around this time and meets the Phantomhive family, Tries to be friends with Vincent and has a very creepy break down where he believes he's not worthy of being in the life of a child (gags), The circus members making themselves as a circus performing group of found family, Phantomhive murders, Circus, Ciel gets found, Kidnappings happened
So for this to work we need to find a way to pin this, aka putting this AU in a place where they stayed in the streets longer (Kelvin not showing up) and Sebastian happens to take them in and then getting Ciel like "Hi this is my master now" or putting it right where he takes them in the same night that shit went down when he and Ciel met.
I'mma do that!
Will this be shippy? Very much yes
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It was a stormy night after the demon came to the estate with his new little master, he was in town searching for things he needs to the first officially week of being a butler of a Lord that's the small heir. When walking the streets he saw them, all huddled and cold...
He brought them back to the manor in which he gave them a bath and open bedroom, planning to explain to Ciel the new faces in the morning
Morning comes and Sebastian explains they'll be servants from here on out and will be trained along side the two learning side by side
Doll, since she's the youngest/the closest to Ciel's age, became somewhat of a personal servant that'll hang out with him and give him the kid interactions he needs to grow while Sebastian and Ciel's tutors helps giving both the teachings of their levels. As they got older she became a more protective yet kind soul best friend/personal mortal body guard if Sebastian or the other servants are busy
Beast and Wendy are maids
Dagger and Beast help in the kitchen while Peter, Wendy, and Jumbo help out in the gardens/yard work, and Joker helps with Sebastian calling the shots
Beast is referred to as Mally still but Dagger and Joker were given their names by others, Joker being named Joker for a long while for his smiley spirits and Dagger being called Dagger for his fast learning on knife throwing when doing defense. Doll was named Doll by Joker as the same as the canon
Sebastian hand made the prosthetic
When Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard were taken in and trained it was a bit easier thanks to these guys being here
Out of everyone, Doll seems to have developed a special soft spot within Sebastian. Some (Ciel) may claim it's cause she's a cat like gentle heart of a human being while others (Sebastian) assume it's cause she's "too good for this sinful world". They have a sibling/father-daughter bond
Peter and Wendy fawn over Sebastian with Mey-Rin
Doll's free to dress how she wants with the comfort of everyone else around her, same with the other servants, but there are events when many people come to the manor she must wear a typical maid uniform that has some design requested by Sebastian
Nina Hopkins's had a feel day when designing and knowing these guys!
Think this scene but with Beast-
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Rest of canon within the manga and I will do them now:
Black Butler Arc:
When Chlaus came to visit he gave them little gifts since they were beside Ciel from the very beginning, he calls Doll "ragazza piuttosto lentigginosa" which means "pretty freckled girl"
They all help Ciel with Funtom things, Doll being the biggest supporter among the entire manor and gets free taste samples guaranteed!
Now, they knew of Lizzy but never had the formal pleasure of meeting her or at least for Joker and Doll's case since they were there for some early meeting shits for a long time, so they were confused when she just randomly showed up
Lizzy dressed them up, need I say more?
When they heard Ciel never learned to dance they were allowed to snicker since by this point they're allowed to
The night when Lizzy came to the manor and threw a ball was the night where Doll, despite the engagement between Lizzy and Ciel, offered to sleep beside Ciel which comforts the two and makes Sebastian happy in a way
Whenever Madam Red and Lau and the other nobles come to the manor to play pool and gossip with Ciel, Doll and Joker are there usually beside him while everyone else does their normal duties with the servants.
One of these meetings Lau drops how close Doll and Sebastian are and how soft the "stoic dark butler" is to her, in which Ciel replies he doesn't see the difference
When Ciel get kidnapped and Sebastian left, Doll was told to come along since (again) she's Ciel's protective af bestie and personal body guard besides Sebastian, Joker being in command until the return
Now since their first month knowing each other Sebastian taught Doll hand to hand combat and knife moves, so she's skilled with blades and is still rather flexible cause lets face it I doubt she just happened to grow flexible in the circus she was already pretty limber
But when it came to Sebastian saving Ciel personally he told her to wait outside no matter the sounds she hear, a normal thing she learned
During the event when Ciel was inviting the orphans from Count Barton's orphanage it was roughly the same except Ciel wasn't the only one who did the chocolate head stealing-
Red Butler Arc:
As the word of Jack the Ripper rises, when Ciel get roped in to the case, the group were split in two investigations within the group. One half being the ones doing researching within the gutters and streets (which was Joker, Beast, and Jumbo) and the other half being the main story (which was Doll, Dagger, Peter, and Wendy)
Doll likes Grelle
When visiting Undertaker, the four couldn't help but feel creeped out somehow with him and how he interacted with him
Peter and Wendy attempted a dirty limerick to make Undertaker laugh
Dagger did his best jokes from Joker which fails
And Doll just failed cause she was nervous
Bro, picture Doll's face when Sebastian jumped out the moving carriage-
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With the two halves working together they came up with our Viscount Lord of Druitt, our literal Cult of Dionysus man with no ifs and or buts when it comes to party and sex, Aleister Chamber and found out about the party with rumors of a black market auctions at his place
Doll pretended to be a young man who's engaged to Ciel's undercover persona as Madam Red's niece and Dagger and Beast pretend to be her maid and butler
Ciel's pissy she got to wear pants for this event
At one point they were gonna get cause so Doll pinned Ciel by a wall and made it seem she was going to kiss him to avert gaze, which peeked the interest of Aleister to help before the dance
Despite they're findings being wrong and the many apologizes from Doll, she can't shake the feeling of dread of failing her mission
They were all there during the reveal and were shocked and hurt over it
In a move to save Ciel Joker lifted his arm up costing his prosthetic against Grelle's death scythe
Madam Red was pretty much all of their first mother figures so to see her being a killer and then killed herself hurt
Her past revealed didn't help
They all stayed on the ground with Ciel as Sebastian and her battle it out
Then William showed up-
"Mr Suit ruining the fun. . ." mumbles Doll as she sees him save Grelle
The funeral was hard since it was their first one ever and let's just say they all had a bit of a mental crisis about life and found it nice Ciel made a grave for Mary Jane Kelly, especially Joker who mainly helped this case to find closure of his mother
The aftermath was rather hard for a lot of them, the manor felt cold since unlike his parents Ciel wasn't the only one grieving within the manor
I think Joker gets along best with Francis and she doesn't "fix" his hair unlike the others which annoyed the crap out of Peter
They all stayed behind in the manor as Francis and Ciel have their little hunting contest but Doll joined after Lizzy's begging to join the fun. She agreed and it was kind of a fun bonding think with Sebastian and her
During Ciel's birthday celebration it was just a touch less chaotic since Joker, Beast, Dagger, Jumbo, Peter and Wendy were there
While Sebastian sighs about the cake he made he and Doll shared it
Indian Butler Arc:
Winter is fun in this household I'll say it now
Lots of Doll being the best bestie during the snow
When the assaults and crime happen, Beast tried to tell Sebastian maybe he should try and convince Ciel to step this out since it still hasn't been much time since the Jack the Ripper moment
Despite Ciel's and Sebastian protests, the gang joined him in Lau's den to search for could do this, not wanting to leave them alone after everything
Dagger and Joker and Jumbo were flustered at the girls in Lau's den and Beast did her best not to punch Lau for offering her and Doll wear the dresses
In the East End they drop knowledge of the levels of survival, which gives Sebastian and Ciel a painted picture of what their lives may be like if they didn't save them
None of them have sympathy over the con-mens who tried using the scam on Ciel
Soma ordered Agni to attack, but has a pause on Beast, Doll, and Wendy, and also Peter despite Peter taking offence over that
After Ciel explained what was happening with everyone help of "What the literal hell" and the crisis was averted, they went to the town house
Agni and Soma are there and Doll, Joker, and Dagger (being how I headcanon them being thirsty knowledge nerds) were amazed to hear he's a prince
After Doll pleaded to Ciel they agreed for the two to stay from the cold for the night, which she regretted later when she slept in Ciel's room and Soma gave them that crazy wake up call with him teasing how Ciel has his "brother" sleeping in his bed still hinting at Doll
When hearing about Soma's and Agni's search for Mina, Ciel couldn't help but feel pain
Joker, Doll, and Dagger are more amazed by the statue of Kali
When they kept showing up throughout the entire day with all of Ciel's lessons and stuff, the group found is honestly amusing
Doll and Soma got along faster than the rest which somehow annoys Ciel
Sebastian teased his friend is making a friend her level of social ques
During this someone drops Doll's a girl which makes Soma joke Ciel's a "sly smooth dog" to have her in his bed
He tried telling Doll to undress for Ciel to paint which earned him a little kick from Doll
After Ciel and Soma fenced he fenced with Doll who kicked his butt harder than Ciel in which Sebastian explained to Agni on the side lines he taught her well
Watching the butlers duke it out was fun!
Soma and Doll bond a bit more after than in which he ask why her hair covers her face in which Beast scolded that's rude
Does anyone else think Wendy would have a crush on Agni?
Some respect was raised from Joker when he heard Agni's past, cause he gets it
Agni and Joker relate to their pasts and having a basic sunshine ball who saved them i.e. Doll and Soma
During the dinner when Soma talks more on Mina, Doll somehow finds it so romantic he's doing all this for love despite she's just a maid to others but doesn't really get why she romance was never her thing
They weren't there for the Agni reveal but were told. Doll got Sebastian random ass deer head mask in return
Wendy feels upset and realized her romantic attraction to the butler when she hears his deeds
They all know of Ciel's past, but hearing it again hurts, as it hurts Soma hearing their pasts of being abused and abandoned left and right from everyone until they were saved by Sebastian and Ciel
Curry contest happens, lots of bonding and test tasting of curry
Doll wore a nice dress and Soma gave her one of his golden necklaces he forgot to give her when they became friends, as a thank you gift
Both Ciel and Doll cringe over memories of Aleister and the party
Lots of tears
Joker and them all ind of met Victoria before either in a previous case or when they go to the palace with Sebastian and Ciel who hangs for tea
Circus Arc:
Obviously since this is different cause the ones involved in the circus arc are main characters now, we'll change this!
Baron Kelvin still met the Phantomhive family and gone crazy, while he didn't find the OGs he did take in some orphans from his workhouse and others from the streets that led to the chaos of kidnapping and murder.
After getting word of the circus and leaving Undertaker's, Ciel, Sebastian, Beast, Joker, and Doll head to the circus to watch
Same stuff with the tiger and Sebastian still happened but Beast ran out to him to yell at him more, the tiger got calm when she saw her which peeked the interest of the ring master. Doll got roped in and so did Joker
After the show Sebastian was called back to get checked up by the circus' doctor and Beast and Doll came with while Joker stayed with Ciel
The ring master express impress with the three, for Sebastian's bravery and skills, Beast's somehow able to tame the usual agro tiger, and Doll's speed and flexibility
They convinced him to let them and the other "recently fired servants" join their circus
Of course Ciel was annoyed they did this without his permission but agreed in the end
Sebastian, Beast, and Doll were basically given the parts of circus members that night
Dagger did some knife throwing
Jumbo proved his strength was no laughing matter
Peter and Wendy did some tight rope walking and tricks
And Joker just got in with simple ease of doing things circus like
Ciel went through his normal trail
Doll and Ciel used the names "Tom" and "Finnian", Doll using "Tom" as a reference to "Tom the Piper's Son", and they use the guise they're brothers as Doll hides her gender
Doll was given the nickname Freckles by the troupes and was given a role of helper and tightrope walker who cross dresses since they had a dress her size
Dagger had to dye his hair that blond style with the black peek to make him look "cooler". It got stuck afterwards
When William appeared again it took Joker and Ciel to hold Doll's hands to not pounce on him
After some tricks Doll and Ciel got a tent their own and Jumbo, Peter, and Wendy share a tent while Joker and Dagger share a tent and Beast gets to share one with some other groups who tend to animals
The shower scene was somewhat different with both Ciel and Doll having a moment of panic in which Ciel quickly came up with a lie that in their previous manor they were forced to bath with others who beat them and cut them for their youth, so in pity the ring master allowed them to use a more isolated yet small shower to share
That was awkward.
Now Doll has seen Ciel's brand in their early years of being friends and staying in the same place when she walked to the bathroom without knocking and saw it which resulted in a yelling from Ciel
The two didn't even look at each other but Doll did rub his back for him and he returned the favor but it was hesitant and fast moved
That night they had a heart to heart talk with each other
Doll grew close with a circus performer named Snake who's a snake charmer/dancer
The night Ciel got a asthma attack Doll stayed by his side no matter what
Thanks to Doll, Soma and Agni, Ciel stayed in the townhouse after arriving back
Ciel left later that night to meet this Baron Kelvin man, making sure none of Joker and them will follow them
When they arrived back they all comfort Ciel's clear sign of distress, which he confessed by the fireplace what happened in grave detail
Phantomhive Manor Murders Arc:
Life back in the Phantomhive manor was fun.
Doll ask and got permission by Ciel to keep calling him "Smile" just not in front of others and he gets to call her "Freckles" in return
The Double Charles show up and Grey actually had a little nerve to flirt on to Beast much to her eye-rolling moves
I'd like to think Joker had a small side plot thought of finding out more on Grimsby Keane cause he had a moment of thinking they're related somehow
Doll is forced to wear dresses-
She and Arthur get along
Beast got plenty of Georg von Siemens harassment
When Georg gets murder, high alert by all
Doll's, Peter's and Wendy's, Jumbo's, and Dagger's alibis are the same which is they were in the billiards room while Beast's and Joker's alibis were cleaning with the servants
Doll was ready to throw hands at Lau's accusation of Ciel
To prove Ciel isn't a murderer they chain him with Arthur in a random room, who to join is Doll per request of Sebastian since she's able to protect both (Grey backed that shit up fast cause of how she fought in the kitchen) and would make a second witness to each person as Arthur and Ciel are both their witnesses of alibi
In the late night Sebastian gives the servants their original orders with him telling Joker to help with every little thing for tomorrow and staying beside Tanaka, Dagger to get some dining sets ready early in the morning, Beast to help Finny with the fire, Peter and Wendy to fix the paintings in the hallway, Jumbo to help the guests and give Doll a pocket watch
That same hour of the night when he gave Ciel a new pillow, he handed a very groggy half asleep Doll a stack of letters and tell her to give them to Joker and the rest some time the next day and rubbed her hair;
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This is his gesture with Doll
He also told Doll her letter is hidden in the kitchen
In the morning, Ciel saw Sebastian first out of the three who were locked in a room all night. Bard tried to prevent Doll from seeing but it was too late. . . Doll falls to her knees wailing, tears burning her face, sobbing more with Ciel's display of disbelief and denial
As Tanaka got the butler pins back, he and Joker take the roles of head servants as Joker realized that's what Sebastian meant the night before
Jumbo gave Doll the pocket watch
The found Patrick's body and Peter is just about done with this shit
When Karl threatened Ciel they all were pretty peeved as everyone would assume
Lau decided to be a dick and ask ciel and Doll what their actual relationship is, implying if Ciel was out of his chains she would easily lie and how odd it was Ciel slept soundly. He got slapped by Doll which no one scolded her on not even Lau cause he was honestly impressed
They searched the servant's bedrooms with the luggage and Sebastian's room to cancel out suspects
During the search in Sebastian's room Grey asked what was Doll's deal to Ciel; "That reaction was rough to watch than listening to. I would assumed her body got punched." Said Grey, twiddling with the cat toy he found. Ciel had a moment to pause, as if picking his words correctly, "The best..." He started, pausing again, "The best was to explain them is family... Upon the second day being my butler Sebastian came back with her in tow of others, claiming to take them in easily. Over the years I watched how he taught her how to read and write, how to cook, how to fight, how to be human. . . In other words their relationship is hard in words of my own...It's a bond I can't ever dare dream of one day breaking... Now that's he's gone...half of her is gone now to..."
Finny and Mey-Rin's rain crying session and Bard's speech is the same but with everyone else
When Doll got back inside she changed into a black dress Sebastian gave her forever ago with the pocket watch attached, making a promise to be strong for Ciel
Jeremy arrived and they all felt something was...odd with him
At one point Doll was helping preparations when Jeremy arrived and told her it isn't healthy to hide her tears in such a state, especially over "some butler". He comforts her as she tells him Sebastian wasn't just nor will never be just "some butler", tucking her hair behind her ear
At another point Joker struggled with his braids and started to tear up just when Jeremy arrived and helped him as Joker vents
Yet another moment in the kitchen he calls Peter and Wendy to help with booze, saying he senses they're the most wisest and doesn't talk to them as children
When the killer got revealed to be a snake, everyone was-
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Doll stopped Karl from running out the manor with a cartwheel kick
Doll finally gave the letters to everyone and found her's in the kitchen where it's facing a window that shows a fence Doll used to play on when the guest were leaving
The letter's basically told them all that happened up til Sebastian's "death" truth and all and different words for each person. Basically confirming their feelings of odd towards Jeremy and the small feelings of familiar when they're near him
They still believed he died, since they don't know he's a demon still, so when he rose from the grave after Finny and Jumbo take his ringing ass coffin out the ground the tackle hug hurts more than hell
Luxury Liner Arc:
Snake is now part of the Phantomhive family and Doll has been his main friend and supporter since day one
Wendy teased Peter a lot about the whole thing with Ran-Mao in Ciel's clothes and he got flustered
April showers are the best with this group~!
Doll and Joker kind of got extra protective since the house murder party, which is why they wound up going on the Campania ship trip with Lizzy and her family, Mey-Rin Finny Tanaka and Bard staying behind
Dagger was about to stay behind due to his low-key-high-key fear of ships
Again, Doll's force to dress in dresses which can't be helped but Sebastian brought her pants and everyone including Snake other outfits
I saw that Doll and Edward were shipped at one point in AO3 tags so that was fun- Edward has a slight crush on Doll but could never pinpoint it
These are more or less the outfits they wore during the party
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Doll and Ciel danced at one point during the party after Ciel overheard Doll getting shit talked about her looks
Basically this trip made Doll realize her deep feelings on Ciel and suffered conflict with it
She followed Ciel and Sebastian when she saw them sneak off and found them wigged up and, having no time to send her away, gave her Sebastian coat and Ciel's extra eye patch to disguise her the best they could
So she saw the corpse thing first hand
As Ronald got the souls and fought Sebastian, Ronald happened to drop he could help inform Doll and her friends their pasts if she helps him defeat Sebastian. Tempted, but she refused
Doll follows Ciel down to the lower freight to the storage area where they ran into Lizzy and Snake
Doll protected them the best she could with her blades
Meanwhile as bizarre dolls climb up to the main decks, Joker and everyone protected the best they could
While Sebastian informed the Midford family Lizzy's safe, he informed them they need to go for the heads which was easy for Dagger's knife throwing skills and the new wire string weapons Peter and Wendy has now
Jumbo picked up many people to help save them as he stomps on some BD's heads
When the iceberg hits, Joker took a look at the damage and cursed
Beast ripped a big chunk of her dress to wrap a cut on Grey's arm
When the water floods the boiler room, Snake remained with Stoker and Doll as Ciel and Lizzy get stuck on the other side, Doll and Ciel had a moment of having their hand against the door before she left
To prevent slowing them down, Doll quickly strips of her dress and remained in her petticoat and bloomers and corset with Sebastian's coat as her cover up, heels ditched and now a weapon
Joker did he best to protect a lot of the children who were just sadly there, Beast fought along side Grey and Dagger
Peter got a cheek smooched by a very grateful noble woman
When fight the Bizarre Dolls in her area, Doll recalls the simple training from Sebastian and how close she is to Ciel and Sebastian, making a promise to meet with them again
When meeting with them and Lizzy again with Snake, Doll cut her feet against the broken glass hidden in the water in which Snake piggybacked her
Everyone reunites and Joker took over holding Doll
None of them want to leave Sebastian and Ciel behind, especially not Doll since a lot happened when she's gone but Jumbo knocks her out after she was gonna jump out of Joker's hold
When she woke up she was in the life boat with the others, holding Sebastian's pocket watch and Ciel's extra eye patch
When Undertaker stabbed Sebastian and revealed his memories, they were the same but with them in the memories with Sebastian teaching them and helping them. Memories of Doll crying and running to his room in the middle of night was one of the first during that turn of respect in Ciel's and Sebastian's relationship. Another was of during a dark night Sebastian finds not only Doll in a sleeping Ciel's bed but everyone else either on the bed or around it asleep
When the two reunited with the others, they got lots of ear fulls and crying hugs from them all.
Sebastian's tackle hug was worst than when he "came back from the dead"
Doll made them promise to never do anything without her again
Dagger swears to never go on a boat again
Peter smugly informs he got "more than a few kisses" from the rescuer ship. Never specified any further
Easter is here at last and Doll finally wore pants to the party
The egg hunt was longer now cause more people
Teams were; Edward and Nina, Mey-Rin and Bard, Snake and Finny, Soma and Agni, The Double Charles, Doll and Joker, Dagger and Beast, Peter and Wendy and Jumbo were a trio, and Ciel and Sebastian
Doll and Joker were the main team to go up against Ciel and Sebastian and the Double Charles
As Ciel tries to get the egg Doll was trying to get it as well using her tricks from life and the circus event while Joker helps Sebastian fight the Double Charles
Phipps decided to name the chick Joker cause he spared so well
Public School Arc:
The night Ciel made plans to attend Weston College, Doll barges in the room revealing she was listening in on this talk
She scolded them for make these plans without her and demanded she go with, saying how she swore to never leave them alone anymore and even threatened if they refuse her she won't ever forgive them
This brings Sebastian some worry, he never had Doll not forgive him before, it sounds like a big threat
So year she's attending
Doll used the name of "Thomas "Tom" Rathbone", using Jeremy Rathbone's name title after both Sebastian and Ciel said it was fine that they "got his permission"
They get assigned to their houses with Ciel in Blue House and Doll in Violet House
Doll had to be very careful in the dorms, with Sebastian informing the school (in the guise as Jeremy Rathbone) that "his son has a medical issue that gets worst if he stays in a dorm packed of people" so she wound up getting a more quiet all-be smaller room
The one time Doll gets to fall Sebastian "Father" and it's a Catholic way-
Doll and Ciel message each other through a note in the confession booth in the church if they can't meet up somehow
Doll met Maurice Cole and there's a connection in a way, maybe cause Doll doesn't fully believe that man is a male
Cheslock: Sup Freckled Face Doll: Oh hello Scar Face
If it isn't obvious, Cheslock and Doll have a toe to toe relationship of "fuck you", has been since Doll threw a pebble at Cheslock for throwing rocks at Ciel
Doll got transferred to Green House some time after Maurice tricked Ciel, all thanks to Cricket and bullying-
So Doll got along with McMillan in a way and kicked some ass when she caught some bullies bugging the boy. She grabbed one of their cricket bat and swung dangerously close to the crotch She got three Ys This was all caught by Herman Greenhill and him and Gregory Violet did a bit of war to see who'll have this one
Edward had no idea Doll was there in a ruse of a boy identity until he saw her in the dorm
He kept quiet at first but soon pulled her aside and demanded a reason
Doll came up with a lie saying she actually wanted to feel worthy enough to be the best friend of Ciel Phantomhive and worthy of Sebastian's praise by getting a better schooling, her planning on Weston due to her afraid to be away from Ciel and, dare she shall admit, Edward
He decide to help her be comfortable but fueling the lie of Doll having a condition that requires her own room and was invited to the Swan Gazebo after hearing how she saved a student
Maurice made plans to make it Hell for Doll as well which annoys Ciel more and broke him to call upon Soma
And when I mean Hell for Doll I mean arranging someone in Green House who's connected to Maurice to break into Doll's room and tear it apart, even ripping apart her books
This led to Edward sharing a bedroom with her for the while until certain things get repaired
Soma's lie on why Doll is there is cause she just refused to be alone. Not a full lie but eh
Ciel and Doll confronts Maurice on his lies and Maurice reveals he had the art room set up for his goons to attack them, Ciel's ready to fight more cause Doll is roped in on this sick violation
Herman and Edward admires the two for being so protective and strong for each other
As Clayton takes Ciel as his Fang (I'm using a new name for it cause even though it met something else it's a no for me) Edward takes Doll as his Fang.
Some time pass and Doll gets along with the Prefects and the Fangs beside Edward and Cheslock and Doll's room been fixed
Picture gossips within that Gazebo once Doll is added to the mix
Edgar Redmond drops the bomb he sense Doll is in love and pestered who it is, so Doll simply said "I am but it's not meant to be" which Edgar swoons over "forbidden romance"
Doll chilled Cheslock out after the fire
Ciel gets picked for the Blue House team for June 4th and Doll, with Edward backing it up, gets picked for Green House's team
Doll likes looking like a knight for this entrance
When Aleister gets revealed to be Edgar's uncle, Doll gags in secret.
However Aleister recognize Doll! But not from the cruise, but from that ball with the "beautiful robin in pink", in which Edgar teases her saying he "sees her forbidden love was real"
When escaping the teasing Edgar ran into Joker who came and the two kind of...clicked
"Midford! Phantomhive! Permission to dance with your Lady Elizabeth?" Doll called out with a small smirk when Lizzy went to her
Doll gave her the same lie as she told Edward
Cheslock: "I hope to soon kick your ass in cricket Freckle Face." Doll: "Well I hoe your dreams are as vivid as your music talent when you lose Scar face"
Doll heard about the Red House upset stomach act and was appalled Ciel went that far
Green House vs Blue House is a fun game of "Oh yeah, I'm kicking your ass no strings attached" between Doll and Ciel
Edward made sure no one knew Doll's gender in the changing rooms and game
When Ciel got whacked in the head everyone screamed out, but Doll was a touch louder when she screamed "Smile"
Doll went to the inferiority with Sebastian and Ciel, and as Sebastian left the room for a second the two had a moment where they nearly kissed
Cheslock's face when it's revealed Sebastian's a butler, his prefects are murders, and Doll's a girl;
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After the case was closed Doll still writes to Cheslock, Edward, Clayton, and Cheslock Ciel knows now he may have feelings for Doll
During the London visit Joker got some juggling balls cause Edgar called him "jester" as a humor, Dagger got new blades, Beast got a new bag, Jumbo got books to read, Peter and Wendy got wine cause ye, And Doll got a hat with a nice specially made hair pin.
Emerald Witch Arc:
I headcanon Peter has German roots so he was excited
By this point the others know of Doll's crush on Ciel
Joker is still thinking on that pretty blond man he met during the 4th of June
Witches curse? Sounds like something that peeks in interest of the thirsty new knowledge nerds~
The village is cute-
Oh wait it's a bunch of women with weapons
Everyone's in love with Sieglinde's home
I was letting my sister read this whole post cause by this point it has taken me TWO DAYS to write down and she comments how Wolfram is now another person Wendy would have a serious crush on after he addressed her as her actual age and not how she looks
Ciel is still shocked how Sieglinde eats but not too much cause Doll still doesn't eat like how he does
Sieglinde grew attached to Doll fast since she's the first female her age
No one was there when Sieglinde randomly offered a threeway with Sebastian and Ciel
With Finny, Doll was picked to help Ciel after he got effected by the "curse"
Sieglinde and Peter kind of bond over the sense of being stuck with a "curse". I see Peter hating his condition more than Wendy, who more or less accepted it now
She gave him a customized male version of her dress as a thank you
Doll literally bit Sebastian when he was dragging her and Finny out
Joker's hair got cut short while they escaped
Doll and Peter were with Ciel and Sieglinde so they were able to help them switch clothes
Doll got to stab with the hair pin
Sorry it took a while and I'm stopping at the end of Emerald Witch's arc, cause as much as I want to write the Phantom-Five and everything I'm going to take a pause. I wrote this for days and I'm feeling sick guys, plus the arcs to follow are the R!Ciel territory so yeah, I'd like to hear your thoughts while I sleep
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myloveforhergoeson · 6 months
are there any differences to roxy's characterization from when you first thought up of her vs now over one year on? excluding plot directed character growth (like her being more comfortable in her standing within the group vs earlier). is there anything particular that you wrote/made notes on in the earlier days where youre like that's not what she would say
what about other ocs like declan somerset and mag and dani? or even canon characters youve fleshed out more like camille, jo, dak zevon
hi!! yes yes yes there are so many things that have changed about her over the course of this story from when i conceptualized the idea, wrote it out, and began publishing it!
like you mentioned, rox becoming comfortable with the guys and her new friends has been the main thing, but aside from that she's now learning about good relationships, realizing that being with dak messed her up a bit and working through that
but enough about plot directed character growth! there were plenty of instances and scenes i had written in her early days (and even now lol) where i just had to completely chop conversations out and reword them because she used to be a lot more combative than she is now. less go with the btr flow and more... hey are we going to get fired?? but that's not fun at all - so she's mostly transformed to be an accomplice.
i'm not sure if this also counts, but outside of her writing she's not very good at processing her own feelings so there were a few instances in which other characters made her upset (camillle; james; dak) where i wrote out some scenes where she essentially exploded at them and reading it back it felt so so so wrong. she can hardly put to words her own feelings in conversation, so i changed those to scenes that i think fit her better
instead of blowing up at dak over his cheating she chose to distance herself from what was happening and end their "business relationship" before their real relationship (originally she threw a stapler at him. it was awesome. but she'd never really do that so i cut it out)
instead of screaming at camille for kissing the boy she likes, roxy stepped back and asked her why she had chosen to hurt logan, not why she'd kissed james (i stopped writing this one fully before it got ugly because it hurt me, but roxy had some choice words about breaking girl code)
instead of actually talking to james and working out their problems on tour, she's trying to figure out why he doesn't like her - if it was something she had done, not if there was anything she could say
so yeah. dubs for the emotionally stunted girls. damn maybe she should work on that idk
i haven't written dec or dani enough to have their original personalities shift from what i had originally imagined - declan is just a goofy teen dad trying to raise his daughter the best he can. while he's just trying to be there for her, sometimes he's gotta put the father foot down too! dani is just kind of catty and they typically follow mag's lead on things.
as for mag, i originally wrote a scene where rox bumped into him at the grocery store when they got kicked off rocque records. he was a lot meaner than i wanted him to be, so i just kicked the scene entirely. but you can read it here if you want! in my head he's a lot more of a nicer on the outside kinda guy, like in the Morning Glory chapter. what he says is sweet, but his words have bad undertones and he's very good at getting what he wants. more of this in the future~
i think i do pretty well at writing the canon characters in line with how they act in the show... except for james.... god. literally every time i write him i think im doing it wrong and it bothers me so much lmao. like yes he's silly he's goofy he always wants to make out with his girlfriend (not that she's complaining) but he simply would not be like. the perfect boyfriend. but this is my story and i want him to be so he is!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah sometimes i'll write him and rox talking and just have to completely delete what he says because he's not that brilliant and make him say something stupid instead lol
so tl;dr! yes all the freaking time. all. the. time. but that's what makes writing fun! it's like a puzzle, placing everyone's distinct personalities together and putting them in situations to see how they'd react. i think all of them get along really well, even when they butt heads :) but sometimes whats in the drafts has gotta stay in the drafts
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survey--s · 1 year
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1.) What was the last strong scent you smelled? The candle that's burning, which is coffee and caramel scented.
2.) When was the last time you changed your outfit? This morning after I had a shower.
3.) What did you buy the last time you went shopping for new clothes? I got some new leggings and tops online a couple of weeks ago.
4.) What is your favorite meal of the day? I don't really eat set meals. I have breakfast but otherwise I generally just snack during the day, but if I'm out somewhere then I love going out for lunch.
5.) Do you typically eat breakfast or skip it? I always eat it - I work a busy, physical job and I would genuinely feel unwell if I didn't eat anything in the mornings.
6.) What was the last thing you took a picture of? The kitten.
7.) Do you have a collection of anything? Wax melts and jumpers.
8.) What was the last thing you threw away? An empty Malteasers wrapper.
9.) What is the cause of your current emotional state? I'm relaxed because it's Sunday but I'm tired because the dog was really restless last night and kept wanting a cuddle.
10.) What were the last plans you made? How about cancelled? To go to my mum's next weekend - we're off to Manchester on Saturday but I want to stay the Friday night too so we're planning a takeaway for tea. I can't remember the last time I cancelled plans.
11.) How did you discover your favorite band? My dad introduced me to them when I was tiny.
12.) Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? Yes, sometimes. If I don't have to go out then it doesn't really bother me, but I find wind and rain really stressful weather conditions to be outside in, to be brutally honest.
13.) When are you most likely to be bored? During a power outage. <--- yep.
14.) What was the last big decision you made? I can't remember, to be quite honest.
15.) Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? Uh, to a clients' house to feed their cats, and then to the local shop to pick up some cat food for my fussy buggers who have all decided that they won't eat Felix anymore.
16.) What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? Books.
17.) How organized are you? I'm ridiculously organised, to be honest.
18.) What were the positives and negatives of your last week? Positives were that work went well, I saw my mum and I finally got a nice, relaxing weekend. The negatives were getting caught in the storm and the cats all getting the shits because their food suddenly started disagreeing with them lol.
19.) If applicable, how did you decide what you wanted to study in college/university? I just picked the subjects I enjoyed and was good at.
20.) What was the last thing you received in the mail? Some probiotics for the cats.
21.) What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? Owning a business on full-time livery. HA. I wish. 22.) When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? I honestly don't remember.
23.) Who was the last person to upset you? How about the last person to cheer you up? I don't remember the last time I was upset or needed cheering up.
24.) Is there anything or anyone you’re trying to get over or let go of? No.
25.) What was the subject of your last phone conversation? It was with Suzanne about what dates she needed me to stay with Charlie over half-term.
26.) What are your plans for tomorrow? How about the weekend? I'm working tomorrow. I'm in Manchester over the weekend to see a play.
27.) When was the last time you were sick? I had an awful bug back in January time. I can't remember feeling that unwell, honestly. I have no idea what it was but I was so unwell.
28.) How close do you have to be with someone before you’ll consider them a friend? Not very close, really.
29.) What did the last jacket you wore look like? It's just a black and grey waterproof.
30.) Name five things you can grab from where you’re sitting. Simba, my phone, the remote, a can of Dr Pepper, socks.
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apex-academy · 1 year
Chapter 6: The Decay of Our Lives (#7c)
Mahavir’s still holed up in his room, of course. But I volunteer to bring over his breakfast today, since I might as well check up on him. He seemed like he was doing better when I left, but...
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...That kind of thing doesn’t always last.
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Knock, knock.
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“Mahavir? Are you awake?”
I hear what might be the creak of furniture.
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Thump, thump. Either awake or sleepwalking very heavily. He’s always been the type to answer back clearly, but maybe his voice was just too weak to make it this far.
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The door opens, just a crack.
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“Kogamino... Good morning.”
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“Morning.” I nod at the box in my hand. “Brought your breakfast. Should I hand it to you, or...?”
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“Just leave it on the floor, if you would. I can pick it up after you’ve gone.”
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“All right.”
I set it down.
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“Too early for a conversation? Or are you waiting for me to leave so you can eat?”
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“I should hardly think it’s ‘too early’ for anything.”
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“Right...” By your standards, nothing could ever be too early in the morning.
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“Did you just get used to getting up early for your job, or was it more like a training regimen?”
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“A bit of both, I suppose. As well as time to make myself presentable, make our breakfasts...”
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“...attempt to catch up on any homework that wasn’t working out the night before... as if it’s ever been more comprehensible come morning.”
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“It could work, in theory.” 
I really don’t feel like talking about homework right now. Just drives home the point that we should be having that kind of conversation here. This was a school and all before it got converted to a sick murder playground.
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“There’s got to be something more fun to talk about. You already said you don’t really read, um... Art? You do any art?”
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“Not really.”
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“Is homework all you talked about with your schoolmates at lunch?” 
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“You said they stopped hitting when you could hit back, so I assume you weren’t a complete outcast after that.”
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“No, not at all. If I sat alone, I’d typically be joined soon enough.”
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“I couldn’t say I was a particularly notable conversationalist, though. I’d answer questions posed to me, of course, but more than anything else, it was a matter of listening.”
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“It was a bit odd that they wanted to sit with me in the first place. Most often it was a handful of girl friends, so if they only wanted someone to listen, they already had each other.”
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“Sometimes you just want to share with someone different, I guess?”
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“...Did you say they were all girls?”
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“For the most part, yes.”
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“I haven’t the faintest idea how all the friend groups overlapped, but I’m sure my fallout with the bullies would have exiled me from the jockish boys, at least. That seems the most likely reason to me.”
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“Yeah... Probably...”
On second thought, it’s not really my business if he was a chick magnet at his old school. I get the distinct impression he’d never know if he was, though.
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“At least some people were still willing to reach out to you, right?”
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“Yes. I hope I was appreciative enough.”
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“I’d certainly think so.”
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“And you as well.”
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“Er, I mean—I hope I’m appreciative enough to you as well, not the obverse.”
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“I assumed.”
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“Don’t worry. You’ve reached out to me plenty, too.”
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“All right.”
My gaze drifts to his door and the bento sitting at its foot.
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“I didn’t think to bring my own breakfast here, sorry.”
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“I’ll eat with you some other time.”
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“I look forward to it.”
I leave him to this meal alone. Don’t want him talking himself to exhaustion, and it’s a little weird to sit in silence together when we can barely even make eye contact with the door in the way.
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But we’ll eat together one of these days.
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Just got to hang on until then.
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wayward40k · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. ( repost do not reblog ! )
✿ name:  Kaz :D
✿ PRONOUNS:   They/them
✿ preference of communication:  I'm usually on Discord and Tumblr simultaneously 99% of the time. Regardless of which messaging system is used, there may occasionally be the ADHD error where I see your message, I plan to reply to your message, tab away from that window, aaaaaand promptly forget, thereby delaying a reply until I realize I'm an idiot.
✿ name of muse(s):   Alethea, Clementiya, Valrain, Raiq, Shyael, Mahvaris, Serge, Laelia.... Neeq? I'm still debating adding Neeq because sometimes, we need Dumbass Shenanigans on the dash.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  Uh. I've been RPing on tumblr since... 2013? on and off? And I' think even before that. And I've been RPing since even before that. I want to say 2002-4-ish? (Granted, it wasn't very GOOD RP...)
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  I've RPed on Tumblr (does anyone remember M!As? I loved the chaos of anons using magic to fuck up your character's universe), Discord, Skype, streamed RPGs (don't ask me about my TTRPG characters because then there are even more idiots for me to talk about and no one needs that xD), in MMORPGs (don't ask about those either), a couple different LARPs, uh.... to make me feel really old, I also RPed on forum boards, with Yahoo Messenger and AIM and in Yahoo Groups.
✿ best experience: Even if I narrow down to all my best experiences on Tumblr, there's a lot. I've met many awesome folks, had some amazing RP arcs and ships and everything.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  Uuhhh... If I feel uncomfortable/unhappy/dissatisfied, I will say something (and please please PLEASE do the same with me). The dealbreaker is when that's ignored. I understand that we're only human and sometimes we slip up and forget, but efforts need to be made to avoid that. And I fuck this up, too, so please? Tell me if I do?
✿ fluff, angst or smut: Any selection or combination of the three? Absolutely. Yes. -Chef kiss.- Perfection.
✿ plots or memes: What are memes but embers by which to potentially spark the fires of passionate plotting? I enjoy both~
✿ long or short replies: Either, and I can vary quite a bit. Sometimes I prefer the shorter replies because they're easier for me to write, and they're usually more casual RP. Banter or general silliness. If there's a lot of information to react to, or if there's a significant reason for story development, my reply might get a bit... long.
✿ best time to write: I work third shift and try to keep that schedule on my days off, too. So I'll usually be active between 6 PM to 8 AM EST, and the level of activity will vary quite a bit depending on whether I'm at work or otherwise busy. I do queue up memes to post between 2 PM and 9 PM EST, because that's typically my 'sleeping/busy morning' phase of the day.
✿ are you like your muse(s):  I guess a little bit? In various ways. Some of them have a particular trait of mine that is fun to tap into.
TAGGED BY: @starbound-prince
TAGGING: U h h h ... @asklordcaptaincastronova, @chapter-master-darius, @akhenaten-imhotep, anyone else that sees this~
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colophonxenophanes · 2 years
By the end of the federal holiday weekend it had been six weeks since the military debacle at Snake River. The President had not dared to order another engagement, unsure if the forces under his command could win. Use of the Air Force and ballistic weapons was considered off the table, as such destruction would destroy the very resources that were sought and would, all agreed, lead to an all-out civil war.
Vegeara arrived at the Pentagon at 0425 hours, feeling very well-rested and anxious for what the General would have for him after hearing nothing from him for two days. It was a cold morning and the echoes along the deserted corridors seemed louder and more pronounced. The additional security personnel were not posted and Vegeara was able to make his way through the circuit of security doors with his ID card and fingerprints, making it all the way to the main office without seeing a soul. He was visibly shocked and gasped when he entered the main office and saw that the General was already there.
“Hello, Colonel Vegeara,” the General said calmly, “I appreciate you being prompt. It’s going to be a long day.”
“Yes, sir,” Vegeara managed. He was very unsettled by the General’s presence at this early hour. He was more unsettled to hear muffled voices from inside the General’s private office. He could not help but glance that direction. Almost on cue Colonel Brant emerged, looking very serious and severe, followed by two junior officers, a Lieutenant Colonel and a Major. Colonel Brant nodded at the General and Vegeara, then departed with his subordinates without saying a word.
“Sir,” spoke Vegeara, “may I ask what is going on here? I’ve been very perplexed the last several days. This seems highly irregular.”
The General betrayed uncharacteristic warmth as he looked at Vegeara. He approached and put a hand on his shoulder. “Colonel,” he said, “you’ve always been dedicated and loyal. I’ve come to depend on your steadfast support through the most difficult days of my career. These are uncertain times. I understand your concerns. But right now, I have to know, yes or no, whether I can count on you, no matter what?”
Vegeara was taken aback. The General never talked like this. He was all business, which is something Vegeara respected greatly. He did not know quite how to react to this emotional plea from such a great man.
“Of course, you can sir,” came the reply, almost without effort.
“Good. That’s what I thought. We leave in an hour for the White House. Don’t bring anything with you. I’ll brief you on the situation as soon as I can.” The General nodded and spun around to head inside his personal office.
An hour later Vegeara sat in a large, nondescript van, crammed against the tinted window, next to the General. The van was rated for twelve passengers, but there were sixteen confined inside. Colonel Brant and his two subordinates were there. As was the Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard, and several lower ranking officers from the Army and Marine Corps that Vegeara did not recognize. There was a second vehicle that departed immediately after them, but which had taken a different route. Vegeara had seen the Chief of the Air Force among that group. He assumed there must be an unscheduled meeting with all of the joint chiefs. This was odd, as typically such meetings were conducted from a secure facility at the Pentagon, over video interface. But this, he assumed, must be something unique.
The first rays of daylight broke across the gray sky as the van pulled up to the White House security gate. Traffic barriers recessed to permit them access. ID cards were presented and the van was directed in. Minutes later the entourage was through another security checkpoint and metal detectors at the entrance and filed inside. It was not yet 0600 and the east wing was empty, save for an occasional Secret Service agent. The General led the group directly to the DMIO. Vegeara had never been there, but he knew the layout from the schematics he had scene when assisting in arranging for the office space.
The General’s ID card and handprint permitted him access. The entire group of sixteen were ushered inside. The three personnel manning workstations inside scarcely batted an eye at the large group invading the space, as if they had been expected. Moments later there was a knock at the door, which Vegeara recognized as Morse code for the letter X. The General opened the door himself, admitting another ten military officers from all branches. The room was crowded, so much so that Vegeara could not tell who all of the men and women were, but he thought most of the acting Chiefs of Staff were there. They huddled together in a corner while the rest set about a choreographed process of setting up equipment and removing items from their uniforms.
Only one of the three men operating the surveillance system continued to do so, as the other two worked in concert with the group. Shortly, four desktop manufacturing machines were in operation. Metal buckles, buttons, medals, and pins were fed into the little devices. Within minutes they were cranking out pieces of magnesium machinery. A handful of the officers who had come with Vegeara worked an assembly line, snapping pieces into place as fast as the little machines could mold them. Vegeara’s heart sank as he saw the final product begin to take shape. By 0620 the group had managed to produce at least three functional 9mm handguns, complete with clips and ammunition. This should not have been possible according to Vegeara’s understanding of the technical capabilities. But the military intelligence and special forces specialists around him obviously knew more. Innocuous pieces of material, cigarette cases, watches, rings, all of it was melted down to raw materials, which mixed with compounds of magnesium and petroleum to produce a perfectly functional weapon.
While Vegeara grew uneasy with the situation, he marveled at the efficiency of the operation. What seemed like a mere moment after Vegeara realized they were making pistols, they were being distributed among the assembled group. He breathed a deep sigh of relief when he was not offered a weapon. The General took two and the highest-ranking officers each tucked one inside their Class A jacket. The uniforms looked odd, missing much of their military decorations, but this would not be obvious to most civilians.
At 0632 one of the station operators shouted at a commanding tone, “POTUS is on the move!” informing the assembly that the president was en route to his office in the east wing. The General cleared his throat and spoke briefly to those near him. He then asked for silence as he, and most all present, bowed their heads in a brief prayer. At 0636 the General tapped Vegeara at his elbow and said, “Stay behind me.”
A minute later the assembly broke apart into three groups. The first group, made up of the joint chiefs and a few subordinates, headed by the General, made its way for the Oval Office, intent on being present before the President arrived. The second group was larger, mostly Colonels and some lower ranking officers, formed a ceremonial line, just down the hall. The third group left the area and disappeared to another part of the east wing. The entire operation appeared to be extremely well-coordinated. No one spoke a word and every action was precipitated by scarcely even a hand-signal or eye contact. Vegeara only considered for a moment his role in what he believed to be happening. He disdained politics and was not one to pay much attention to the news, save that which he was required to know to perform his duty. But he trusted the General instinctively, and if there was a mission to be accomplished, he’d gladly die in his service to accomplish it.
The Oval Office door was flanked by two Secret Service agents in black. Vegeara made eye-contact with the man on the right as he flowed in. He recognized him as the man who had met with the General and Colonels Brant and Mortenson just three days earlier. The man looked right through him, never betraying the slightest hint that they had seen one another before. The General’s group was hustled into the Oval Office and took calm, deferential positions far off from the President’s desk, feigning an air of submissiveness and benignity. 
Every person in the room was already standing at attention when the President entered. He was consumed in conversation with an aid, his eyes fixed on a stack of papers as he entered the room, scarcely seeming to notice the squad of eight generals and admirals that were arrayed to greet him. After the President entered, the door was closed behind him, by the Secret Service agent in black that had met with the General previously. The President dropped his papers on his desk and gulped down most of a bottle of chilled mineral water. Wiping his mouth, he finally turned to acknowledge his visitors, staring the General dead in the eye.
“Alright General,” quipped the President, “what is so urgent that I have to give up one of my off days to meet with you and your friends here?!”
For what felt like an eternity, there was no reply. The General stared at the president, at first with a blank, vacant poker face that betrayed nothing. But this shifted, to a visage of anger, but then sadness, as the General moved slowly and passively across the room.
“Mr. President,” the General choked up, fighting back the emotion of the moment, “I’m afraid it is my duty to inform you that I am placing you under arrest and relieving you of your duties as chief executive and commander in chief.” The words were perhaps the most monumental that had ever been uttered in that historic space. But they were stated with such plainness and neutrality that the president was incredulous to the point of confusion as he responded. 
“What’s that now? You’re going to do what?!”
In an instant all of the servicemembers in the room had drawn their pistols, as had the Secret Service agent. These were all pointed at the president and his advisor. Both slowly raised their hands, surrendering to the moment as much as to the cadre of armed men that immediately seized the room. Outside the door, a single shot was fired. Not the regular recoil of a standard weapon, but the explosion and crack of the artificial plastics of the homemade weapons. With hand signals and brief mumbles the office door was opened and a small group of cabinet officers was shoved in. One of the Marine Corps Colonels lifted a small radio to his ear, then barked to the General, “The vice-president is secure. We hold the castle. Reinforcements are on site.”
Scarcely twenty minutes later the General confirmed that his small group of operators, and a small contingent of augmentees had operational control of the White House. The President was indignant, but the sight of one of his guards, suffering the impact of a gunshot on his body armor, was enough to quash any meaningful protests. Without delay the President was shuffled back to the west wing to join his family, now under armed guard. The General paced as he awaited a series of coded messages, delivered via simple unlicensed HAM radios. Events moved quickly and by 1000 hours the General was ready to execute the next phase.
There was now a much more substantial military footprint in and around the White House, and spread throughout the capitol. A few soldiers escorted a camera crew into the Oval Office and monitored as they turned on lights and placed microphones. A television at the side of the room displayed images from across Washington, showing Army soldiers guarding various buildings, including the White House, but with no clear explanation as to why. Then, a breaking news update flashed that there would be a statement from the White House in the next few minutes.
The General wiped his brow and gathered some papers from his pocket, looking them over. He spoke to Colonel Brant, “Alright Dave. Let’s get on with it.”
Colonel Brant waved a hand and most of the military personnel exited the room. Vegeara began to follow them but the General pointed at him, directing him to stay. The civilian camera crew was quiet, displaying shock and discomfort at being among such a tense situation. When all of the equipment was in place they gathered together and looked to the officer that had escorted them. The camera operator signaled thumbs-up. “We are a go, sir,” said Colonel Brant.
The General sat up straight in the President’s chair, striking a strident, defiant pose, glaring intensely at the camera. All was quiet. At the side of the room, the cable news channel flashed an update, and in an instant the image of the General filled the screen. The camera operator counted down his fingers, three, two, one, then pointed at the General. The General showed no emotion and spoke plainly and calmly.
“My fellow Americans. I greatly regret having to address you today. Unfortunately, recent events left little choice, and I have taken an action unprecedented in our nation’s history.
“Earlier this morning, in concert with leaders from all branches of our military, I placed the President and Vice-President under arrest. Due to the unmitigated domestic crisis our nation has experienced for at least these past several months, I find that there was little choice but to remove the President from office and place the United States under the temporary control of the military. Accordingly, all members of the House and Senate present in Washington have been escorted to airports and directed to return to their states and districts. Those members already home should remain there. They and their staffs should not return to Washington for the time being.
“I am temporarily suspending the U.S. Constitution. All citizens should consider the nation technically under a state of martial law as of now. All domestic forces have been activated and are on alert to respond to any incidents of unrest or upheaval. I will temporarily function as head of state, for a period, which it is my hope, will not exceed ninety days. In that capacity, I am freezing all wages and prices. The machinery of federal and state government should proceed as normal, at least to the degree possible under the circumstances.
“The reason I have taken such extraordinary action is simply because it became clear that our federal government had ceased to function. Political civility had disappeared, abuse of power by the President and others had become untenable, and that led us to a state of actual civil war. It is my sincere hope that by my disbanding the government, temporarily, that the leaders of the Coalition of states will, as a show of good faith, ease their grip on domestic food production and assist the military in restoring the supply of the necessities of life to all of our citizens, including those in the largest cities and who now suffer from unprecedented scarcity.
“It is not my desire to the hold power over the nation. I took this desperate action only because it was clear that a much worse calamity was about to befall our great country. Within the last month, under the orders of the President, I was directed to install a permanent military intelligence office at the White House which was to be used to conduct domestic surveillance, focused on undermining any opposition to the President. In my view, this was not a step on the road to tyranny, but was, in fact, tyranny itself.
“I have no doubt that many who can hear the sound of my voice, and that history itself, may well judge me as a villain. I will accept the consequences of my actions and the judgment of history for what I have done today. But for the present moment, I have assumed the functions of chief executive, head of state, and commander in chief. I would warn the leaders of our fellow nation-states around the world not to attempt to take advantage of this unusual situation. Our forces stand ready and I will not hesitate to use overwhelming force to answer any belligerence or action aimed at destabilizing the U.S. or its allies. I urge you not to test me on this matter.
“Finally, to you, the American people, and to the governors and members of the state legislatures that represent you, as my last act this morning, I am calling a convention of states in accordance with Article Five of the U.S. Constitution, to convene in ten days. You, the citizens of the United States, and your state legislatures should make due consideration and select honorable, selfless, and committed delegates to attend this solemn event. It is my intent that, unless the representatives of the people determine otherwise, that whatever alterations to our form of national government are made, that a new federal election be held within ninety days and that those elected take power immediately. If, however, the nation is unable to come to terms and agree upon a path forward within ninety days, I will simply withdraw from this position, cede power back to the President, allow the previous Congress to resume, and let the states chart their own course into the future, whether it be peace, or war.
“My last admonition is this: I ask each and every one of you, please, pray for our nation. Ask almighty God to have mercy on us, forgive us our trespasses, and deliver us from evil.
“May almighty God bless all of you, and may God bless the United States of America.”
A dead silence gripped the entire nation for a long moment.
As the signal was cut, the weight of the undertaking was obvious on the faces of everyone assembled. The General closed his eyes for a long moment and breathed deeply. As the camera crew was escorted out the General rose, thanked them, and approached Lieutenant Colonel Vegeara, motioning him to take a seat at a nearby desk. The General produced two index cards with bullet points and notes written in pencil and handed them to Vegeara. He scanned them, then immediately went about the process of writing up a schedule for the General’s day. There was much work to be done.
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cafoundationbooks · 2 years
As all know that there are three phases of the CA Course, CA Foundation, CA Intermediate, and CA Final.  After CA Intermediate there comes a very important training phase for the CA Students which is known as the CA Articleship. After clearing the CA Intermediate examination, CA aspirants across the country gear up for their CA Articleship which involves practical training as a Chartered Accountant for three years.
Eligible candidates can appear for the CA Final level examination only after completing 3  years of CA Articleship.
What is CA Articleship Training?
CA Articleship Training is hands-on instruction in which students carry out the typical day-to-day responsibilities of Chartered accountants. After passing either one or both CA Intermediate Groups. The CA Articleship lasts for three years. Students get the opportunity to put their academic knowledge into practice during these three years of training and gain practical experience.
To take the CA Final Exam, students must finish the required coursework.
Will the CA Articleship Period Be Cut in Half to Two Years?
Recently, the ICAI presented a brand-new education and training programme. In the new plan, ICAI lowered the CA articleship training term from 3 years to 2 years. The modifications have yet to be authorised by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs despite being submitted by ICAI.
There is a greater likelihood that the revised plan will be approved, and the required updates and modifications will start right away.
What Occurs During the Practical Training for the CA Articleship?
 In the articleship, the key tasks that an article performs are: 
Compliance with ROC,
Tax return filing,
Preparation of financial statements, etc.
According to the diligence of the articles, they are currently given some assignments in the second and third year. 
Furthermore, we have shown that the work performed by articles is also influenced by the company they work for and the training year they are in.
Does Articleship Training Matter in CA?
The response is an obvious Yes. It is important to complete the ICAI Practical Training. The following are reasons the CA Articleship training is crucial: 
1. Develops Your Professionalism: 
Three years of hands-on experience is more than enough to shape you into a true professional. You have more than just academic knowledge; you also have real-world experience. 
 2. Develops a Professional Attitude:
The way we carry ourselves, the way we interact with others, the presence of mind when a client asks a question but we are unsure of the answer, how we represent our team in front of the Board of Directors, how we manage deadlines and multiple tasks, and how patiently we handle challenging circumstances are all indicators of our behaviour, attitude, and personality. We all learned these things during the articleship.
3. Client-handling experience
You will have the chance to work with and for clients during the CA Articleship training. This has the advantage that you can open your own practice and attract clients as soon as you become a CA.
4. Contribute to case study responses in your final paper.
The ICAI requires a fully qualified chartered accountant with both academic and practical competence at the CA Final Level. Those applicants who took their articleship extremely seriously also profit from it in their CA Final Papers.
5. Learn to Manage Time
It's been stated that anything can be managed if you can manage your time during an articleship. A CA student's timetable during their articleship is actually extremely busy. A normal CA student who leaves his house at 6 in the morning for coaching arrives at the office at 10 sharp, works all day, and returns to class at 6 in the evening after spending some time on independent study.
At a young age, they must learn to manage their self-study, coaching, office, audit, meetings, deadlines, work pressure, family time, and many other things. Therefore, if you can handle such situations well, consider yourself to have learnt management.
You must complete the CA articleship training because it is a crucial component of your CA education. In the end, choosing a dummy articleship will prevent you from learning more about these numerous advantages.
 And if you don't want to take the CA articleship, you should be aware that you need three years of CA Articleship certifications in order to sit for the CA Final Exam.
Important Information: Your three-year CA articleship will not count as work experience. This is so because your CA Course includes the practical instruction, which is required.
What are the requirements for CA Articleship Eligibility?
You must meet the requirements for the CA articleship to be eligible to apply for practical training. For students using the CA Foundation Route and Direct Entry Route, there are various eligibility requirements. 
Let's first go over the Foundation route eligibility requirements for CA Articleship.Student who is in 12th grade should first qualify the CA Foundation Exam. Then either one or both CA Intermediate groups, and then he will be eligible for the CA Articleship. 
In the Direct Entry Route CA Foundation is not required. One can directly give the CA Intermediate Exam and after qualifying it, can go forward for the Articleship Program. 
Students can go through the CA Entrance Exam Books for qualifying the different levels of the CA Exam. 
This blog is about an essential learning phase of a CA student's career: CA Articleship. Students are exposed to real-world problems during this training, which helps them become Professional CA. Therefore, students need to undergo this three-year training. 
Hope you all liked it. Thanks for reading. 
Best of luck!! Source: http://www.scanneradda.com/product.php?mtd=CA
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wingedcat13 · 2 years
Synovus: Villains Never Retire (2)
[This is part two of three for Villains Never Retire, and the third overall installment of Synovus’s story! As usual, if you’d prefer the Ao3 posting, you can find that here, and the master post with links to all of the parts of the Synoverse pinned on my blog, or here. Enjoy!]
All told, you think you did a pretty good job staying out of the scramble for your territory.
Yes, you did somehow manage to get caught up in one of the first power moves someone made and put one of them in the hospital on principle. And okay, maybe you were… tetchy… about people starting to lay claim to titles that once had been yours.
But hey. You were a villain. Selfishness was in your nature.
There was, however, one very significant hurdle to overcome.
You were very quickly becoming dangerously bored.
Normally, you kept yourself busy by partaking in various villainous pastimes. You exercised your powers, studied pop culture to keep your witticisms up to date, and actually studied various goings on from political shifts to news from other villains. If you had a plan upcoming, you worked on filling in its details. If you were in recovery from your last plan… well, you were in recovery.
But with your grand plan of retirement, there was no reason to do any of that. All you had to keep you occupied was a private island full of state of the art facilities, a teenager, and your small army of minions.
Okay, so it shouldn’t have been that hard, but you were used to multitasking, okay?
It didn’t help that everyone else, rather than trying to avoid the news of what was happening on the mainland, were actively keeping up with it. It seemed like every time you entered a room, someone scrambled to change a TV or radio channel, or stop a video’s playback. Several times, you showed up to eat in the dining hall, and found everyone else furiously debating something in a corner - only to stop cold as soon as anyone saw you.
And you also often lost the war against your own curiosity. Typically late at night (by your reckoning, which could mean any time on the clock at all depending on when you’d woken up last), you wound up skimming headlines, or going through your emails.
Still. You didn’t intervene. Not even when fucking Dazzler showed back up, and you hated Dazzler so much you’d spent a year specifically running them out of the hemisphere.
It was tempting, though.
Your self-imposed exile - sorry, retirement - was interrupted about a month after the fighting over the West Coast began in earnest. You woke up one morning to find an invitation set out on your balcony, complete with a completely unnecessary white rose threaded through a signet ring.
You stared at it for a minute. Then you raised your phone and snapped a picture of it, and dropped it into a group chat.
[Syn]: Someone care to explain what this is about?
You left it where it was, and went back inside. You’d need to do laundry before you dealt with that. And probably inform people of where you’d be going.
By the time you were dressed and had eaten something, you had a response.
[Tall]: It hasn’t been that long since you came to a meeting, Synovus.
[Dr.W]: We even gave you a few hours’ notice. This time.
You hissed at your phone as you replied.
[Syn]: I recall the last meeting. I also recall, not long after that, delivering my resignation to each and every one of you in this chat.
You might’ve gone on to say more - but you nearly ran into Minerva, and abruptly had to reach out to steady her.
“Watch- Synovus?”
The once-hero was balanced on crutches, which she was not adapting to with any fluidity. Her leg, broken at Alexandria’s birthday dinner a month ago, was nearly healed. Or at least, it would be, if she stopped trying to walk on it. The wonders of a heroic healing factor.
“That is my name.” You reply intelligently.
Minerva scowls at you, and at first you think it’s for nearly running into her or your reply, but then she surprises you by going so far as to take one hand off of her crutches - to indicate your clothes. “Where are you going?”
“Well, you needn’t be so suspicious, dear Minerva.” You drawl. The helmet is still tucked under one arm, but you already feel the mask of your field persona slipping back into place. It’s comforting, if inconvenient.
For a moment, Minerva blocks your way, staring you down. You meet her eyes, relatively unbothered. You two have done a variation of this particular dance too many times by now not to know how it ends - with you getting away.
She whistles.
You wince.
“What’s up?” Asks your young protégé, poking her head out of a door in the hall. “Did you throw one of the crutches aga- oh.”
Alexandria slips more fully into the hall, considering you curiously. “I thought we didn’t have any more training exercises today?”
It’s a reasonable assumption. You and Alexandria have been keeping to her training regimen, at least. Those sessions are the only times you’ve donned your costume since you delivered your notes of notice (for all the good that seems to have done you).
“We do not.” You answer shortly. “I have a meeting.”
“With who?” Alexandria asks, tilting her head. Minerva is still watching you with an intense scrutiny you find more annoying than unsettling.
“Anyone I’d know?”
“Where’s the meeting?”
“When is it?”
“Can I come?”
“Synovus!” Oflok calls, jogging down the hall after you with a small box in one hand, “good, glad I caught you - these are for Tallflawes.”
Either oblivious to or uncaring of Minerva and Alexandria’s reactions (one a sharp start, the other a more subtle tensing) Oflok tucks the box of what you know are cookies into your upturned helmet, while you pinch the bridge of your nose.
Minerva recovers first, “Tallflawes, as in the supervillain, I presume?”
“The Scourge of the East Coast!” Alexandria sounds, if anything, like she might start squealing in excitement. “Oh that makes sense that you two would cooperate! Hey, did you know that there’s a group on the Internet who thinks you two should date-“
“I am not dating Tallflawes.” You snap, flushed. You know exactly who to blame for that stupid fan theory.
Oflok gives you a look. “You’ve done worse.” She comments, and you wish she meant the murdering.
Scowling, you tug on Oflok’s shadow, turning it briefly physical to tug at her ears. Most people find the reminder of your ability to manipulate their personal shadows suitably intimidating.
Oflok sticks out her tongue at you.
You resist the urge to respond in kind.
“Do you know who else is going to be at this meeting?” Minerva demands, but she’s looking at Oflok.
“Ah.” Oflok glances at you, and you throw up your free hand in askance. “Lord Synovus-“ (it was one of those kinds of days, as you’d told her earlier) “-is sworn not to discuss those meetings. You know how he is.”
Alexandria nods, “Well, if Tallflawes is there, and it’s not a one-on-one, that’ll probably mean… something to do with territory? That’ll mean Gray Gangster at least, since he controls a good chunk of the area between you two? I don’t know anyone else who has significant enough territory to bother.”
“Dr. Wraith.” Minerva says grimly. “And the mages, Unwritten and Chanter.”
“Touched as I am that you all are so concerned about my social circles.” You interject, before they can keep guessing your comrades. “I do, in fact, need to get to this meeting, so if you will just scoot your righteousness to one side-“
“I’m going.” Alexandria announces, “So lead the way.”
When you glare at her, she shrugs, “I am your apprentice.”
Minerva’s expression at that is a study you don’t have time for - not the least because she informs you, “I am not allowing my daughter into a room full of supervillains without me there.”
The idea of it - taking Menace as your shadow, while Athena stands guard at your shoulder in furiously disapproving silence - is. Well. It just is, and it shouldn’t be, because this should never have come up.
“Easy fix.” You reply smoothly, on autopilot, “as neither of you will be going. This is not a meeting for apprentices or injured over-protective heroes.”
“I’ve fought through worse injuries.” Minerva says stubbornly.
“Mom, I don’t need you to protect me so much anymore-“ Alexandria abandons that angle completely at the look Minerva gives her, and tries another, “- it wouldn’t make any sense for you to go, why would Athena be there?”
“Then I won’t go as Athena.” Minerva says, irked. “Synovus has to have spares. That’ll do for one evening.”
You nearly have a heart attack in the goddamn hallway. Mental image of Minerva in your costume aside, you can’t think of any way to declare that you are hiding someone more clearly than to have them show up in your hand-me-downs. Even Menace’s costume was designed to be different, regardless of the similarities between them.
Tallflawes and Wraith would have a field day.
“This.” You tell Oflok, deadly serious. “This is why we keep our mouths shut, my dear Fair Lady of the Kitchen. This. Is your fault. Fix it.”
“Well, there is that project we’ve been working on.” Oflok muses, and that is when you know you are well and truly fucked.
At least you finally get a chance to reply to the group chat again.
[Tall]: Yes, I did get your note. Very elegant.
[????]: Yeah about that… the swirling miasma of chaos that is my life kinda… ate it before I could read it?
[????]: Saw the Twitter post though.
[Tall]: Decidedly not elegant.
[OP]: I did not receive a note. This upsets me.
[Syn]: Optix, give me a physical location to find you, and I will gladly remedy my error.
[OP]: No :P
[Dr.W]: Come on, Synovus. You didn’t really think the rest of us would continue to suffer through these meetings without you, did you?
[Ibis]: My companion and I will also be in attendance. We wish to see you, Synovus.
[*GP*]: Ooh, wouldn’t wanna upset the goddess, Syn
[Syn]: Someone remind me why we added Prodigy.
[Dr.W]: I believe it was your suggestion, with Optix’s support.
[Dr.W]: You did not elaborate on your reasoning, but Optix said something about ‘memes’ being ‘fire.’
[Dr.W]: It was mixed with emoticons, so I can only presume my interpretation is correct.
[*GP*]: [FortniteDance.gif]
Syn, ????, Tall, Dr.W, and Ibis have reacted to this message with *thumbs down*
[OP]: Synovus, bring your guests
[Dr.W]: Guests?
[Tall]: Optix, I feel obligated to remind you not to listen to anyone through our devices.
[Tall]: Additionally, I second both the question and the suggestion.
[Syn]: …
[Ibis]: We wish also to meet your allies.
[Ibis]: Unless they are prisoners - then we will respect your rights to your own sacrifices.
[Dr.W]: Here - all in favor of extending the Right of Parley to Synovus’s guests for the duration of the next gathering?
Tall, *GP*, ????, Ibis, and OP have reacted to this message with *thumbs up*
[Syn]: … Will the teleporter you sent me even take more than one person?
[Tall]: You’ll have to stand rather close together, but I see no issue - provided, of course, your collective mass does not exceed the specifications.
[*GP*]: Wait, who’s playing host this time? Need to know if I should eat before or not.
Resigned, you get the details from Tallflawes, and promises that the others will intervene if anyone else at the meeting not in your chat - namely, Gangster and Chanter - try anything.
While the banter continues (now at Galactic Prodigy’s expense instead of your own - the poor soul had made a typo), you set your phone down, and rub at your face with both hands. You are currently sitting in your own - well, okay, it was technically a sitting room.
You were waiting on Minerva and Alexandria, was the point.
You pull the package of cookies out of your helmet and tuck it into a pocket where it won’t get too crushed - you’re tempted to just eat them, but you know Oflok will make you wait while she makes more. You’ve had enough peer pressure for one day.
Helmet now clear, you slip it on, and find comfort in the familiarity of the interior, and being closed off from the world again.
As the clasps are sealing and the audio is syncing, you catch Menace’s voice, calling, “Ready!”
You look up, noting that she also has her helmet on now - though you could tell from the voice. Like your helmet, hers has a slight affectation, allowing her to sound more feminine without focusing. Though yours is featureless, hers has angles, more akin to a motorcycle helmet with a permanent visor.
And behind her is Minerva, in the results of some of your attempts to avoid boredom.
(Well, that wasn’t the only reason you’d designed it - but it was the reason you’d gone from concept to testing, ostensibly just to see if you could do it. You’d never intended to actually show it to her.)
‘Athena’ had been styled after a war goddess, what was worshipped by her partner. This costume, which you’d mentally dubbed ‘Amphitrite,’ was meant to fit the woman who wore it. You knew it wasn’t quite the same, given it was your design and not Minerva’s, but-
“Are these real pearls?” Minerva demands, running a hand over the scalloped edge of her half-mask. The pearls in question are set into the brow, at different points to accentuate the design.
You blink. “Why wouldn’t they be?”
Minerva makes a disapproving noise, and you roll your eyes. “They’re not load bearing, and they’re naturally harvested with mindfulness for the environment. You can pry them out to give to the poor or people who help you if you want.”
Minerva narrows her gaze at you, though it’s filtered slightly by the glass lenses of this mask. “You’ve… put a lot of thought into this.”
You shrug as you stand. “It seemed a shame not to have something more fitting for your costume.” You don’t intend for that to be a double-entendre, but given that this suit does hug the figure more, you realize it could be. You move on rather than address it, circling to check the seals and explaining as you do.
“It’s modeled after a wetsuit, so you won’t have to worry about potential wear and tear. The interior is woven with Kevlar and padded for ballistics. I presumed you’d prefer something more akin to your old costume in terms of contact, if only for familiarity, ergo-“ You gesture to the mask, “No full helmet, and the collar not reaching your chin. All of the compartments are water tight, and the compression should help with deep dives.”
You fold your arms, considering, “I wouldn’t recommend relying on it in arctic waters, we didn’t get to testing that factor.”
Minerva blinks, having stood warily still throughout your inspection. “And the color?”
Rather than white and gold, as her old suit had been, ‘Amphitrite’ was a darker blue, with slight lines of distortion. There were panels of extra fabric at the waist for modesty, though they were shorter than the skirt of Athena’s chiton.
You’d kept the gold accents though. Small gleams at the neck, wrists, and hips. Lining under the eyes of the mask. It worked with her hair.
“Camouflage. White or black stands out in the water. Blue seemed both fitting from a design standpoint, and practical.”
Minerva rolls her shoulders, quietly pensive. You realize you’re holding your breath.
“Well?” Menace prompts, leaning in to poke at her mother.
“I-“ Minerva falters, then sighs. “Thank you, Synovus. It’s - unexpected.”
“You think it’s creepy.” You conclude, sighing. “I promise you the measurements were guesses-“
“It’s - a little unsettling.” Minerva admits, “But not for the reasons you think. Before I became Athena, I… would occasionally go out for ocean rescues. I wore a wetsuit… and a snorkel mask.”
She reaches up to touch the edge of the mask you’ve given her again. You can place that hesitancy now - it’s wonder.
“I didn’t know.” You say softly, and it’s the truth. “Though I take it that means you don’t dislike it?”
“She loves it.” Menace informs you.
“A- Menace.” Minerva scolds.
You are grinning, beneath your helmet. “Well, in that case, there is one other matter of business before we can leave.”
“And that would be?”
“A name!” Menace crows, “A villain name!”
“I am not a villain.” Minerva corrects her quickly.
Menace shrugs, “You are for this meeting. I suggest Pacifica, after the ocean.”
“In my notes for the costume, I referred to it as Amphitrite, in keeping with your previous naming convention.” You offer.
Minerva shakes her head, “When I first started,” she says quietly, “I told people, when they asked, that a Naiad had rescued them.”
“Then a Naiad you will be.” You accept. The name, both Greek and tied to the water nymphs, feels right.
But you weren’t here to play dress up.
“The others you’re going to meet today know I change methods of address, but for formality reasons, will default to the neutral. I ask that you do the same. Do not speak unless spoken to, and even then I might intervene. You have been granted the Right of Parley for this meeting - that means you must also agree to grant it to others. That means no violence, no mental influences, and no poisoning. If someone else draws, you may do the same - but you must let them make the first move to strike, or the agreement is void.”
“What happens if someone breaks the agreement?” Menace asks.
“I happen.” You say flatly. "Questions?"
You leave out the times these meetings have turned into full scale brawls. You’d had to learn who could be invited and who couldn’t, and it was an ever shifting roster.
“Several.” Minerva - Naiad - says grimly, “but none, I suspect, that you would answer. Let’s get this over with.”
“Menace has been recognized as my student. Naiad, you will be a petitioner I have granted sanctuary. If anyone asks further, tell them you invoke right of privacy. They’ll still push, but it means officially they’re supposed to go to me about it as your sponsor.”
When they both nod, you gesture for them to follow you to the balcony, where the ring and rose still rest. You pick them up, and decide it’s better to show than tell.
You pull the rose free of the ring, and drop the signet to the ground. It expands, metal fluid and shifting now that it’s been triggered, but maintaining the perfect circle.
Once it stops, you step into it, and gesture for Naiad and Menace to join you. It is a little awkward - like trying to stand three people inside an oversized hula hoop - but as Tallflawes promised, doable.
“Pemberley.” You invoke - and you snap the stem of the rose.
Between one blink and the next, you are there, and then you are here.
‘There’ had been a balcony in the Pacific, balmy air coming in off of the waves, the sun just past its zenith.
‘Here’ was a well-furnished room in the modern style, with one wall consisting of floor-to-ceiling windows, showing you the night sky and the distant Atlantic.
You shake your shoulders, dispelling the strange sensation teleporting always gave you.
“Pemberley?” Naiad questions. “As in-“
“Yes!” Calls a delighted voice from behind you, because Tallflawes is, after all, a villain. “A delightful choice of name for a home, isn’t it?”
You step out of the circle before you turn, letting the stem drop and tucking the rose blossom into a pocket. It gives you a moment before you have to actually address her.
“Tallflawes uses a coded system to designate transportation points.” You explain, “based, for some unfathomable reason, on primarily Gothic literature.”
You come to a stop in front of Tallflawes herself, and incline your head in a regal acknowledgment of the host for the evening.
“I’m surprised you didn’t tell them before you arrived.” She responds with a smirk.
Though Tallflawes has to look up at you to do it, she’s long since mastered the art of meeting your eyes through your helmet. Though she will occasionally wear masks in the field, here at her home, she hasn’t bothered. And though you know she’s worn a variety of ‘costumes’ over the years… she’s chosen a white pantsuit to host, marked with the shoulder-and-lapel accents of her particular technology.
You can’t help but smile, “What fun is there in explaining everything?”
You leave the question rhetorical, gesturing behind you, “Menace, my protégé, and Naiad. I take responsibility for their actions and damages, for the duration of our meeting.”
“So you have spoken,” Tallflawes replies smoothly, “So you must live. Welcome to my home, Menace, Naiad. I will not promise you peace, only a place at my table.”
It’s still strange, to hear someone else speak the ritual words. To be the visitor, instead of the host.
You feel more than see Menace and Naiad watching you - but now is not the time to respond.
“Formalities aside, Tallflawes, you never did explain the purpose of this meeting.”
She gestures for you to follow, and you fall into step beside her as she leads the way through a selection of hallways and adjoining rooms. “Why, Synovus, darling, it’s you of course.”
You’re fairly certain both of your hangers-on tense, but you are unperturbed. “Doubtful.”
“Would I lie to you, my dearest?”
“Only as much as I lie to you, dear heart.” Your tone is sardonic. Hers is not. There was a time your positions were reversed. But regardless of the tone, you know you both understand each other.
“Well, that’s only fair.” Tallflawes agrees, shrugging. “But I’d rather only go through everything once.”
You tip your head in recognition, and change the topic accordingly. “Your sense in decor hasn’t changed.”
Indeed, from the white walls of the room you’d arrived in, to the pale gray of the furniture, everything you’d passed so far had been remarkably monochromatic, with only the dark lines of supporting furniture to accentuate the lack of color.
“All the better to show the bloodstains.” Tallflawes replies serenely, as you reach a door. “Take your seat, Synovus. We’ll begin shortly.”
You know that’s not why she decorates in white, of course. Tallflawes would never spill blood in her living quarters - at least, not without having it immediately cleaned and the victimized furniture replaced.
No, Tallflawes decorates in white because it makes every guest uncomfortable. It leaves everyone who walks her halls checking surreptitiously for shoe prints in the carpet, smudges on glass, feeling as though they are an embarrassing stain in a spotless world.
And you, in your dark costume, had always been like a walking blot of ink on a white page, slinking from one part of the building to the next. You had recognized the power play for what it was, and in defiance, had actively stained something every time you visited. Spilled drinks, actual ink blots from pens. Sometimes you’d had to get creative.
But now, all of the seats for her guests, spread out in this room in a rough circle, are black.
You settle into the chair that is yours (it’s complicated to explain why you know it is yours - a combination of view of entrance and exits and decor patterns and who else is sitting where) with a practiced grace, tossing your cape over one arm of the chair and leaning against the other, legs crossing comfortably.
Menace and Naiad shuffle for a moment, before finding their places at your shoulders - likely modeling it on how Gray Gangster, across from you, has two of his enforcers at the ready.
Everyone else is alone - bar Unwritten, who this time has a small dragon in her lap, gnawing ferociously on the upholstery - except for Ibis, who sits a few seats over from you with Vulture directly beside her. It throws off the symmetry of the circle to have their chairs so close together. Tallflawes has solved this by putting herself opposite the pair, with you and Gangster on the other quarter-axis. You approve.
On your left is Dr. Wraith, the immortal with a penchant for robbing museums. You’re not sure how old she actually is, and you do know for certain that not every artifact she’s stolen under the pretense of ‘reclaiming’ has actually belonged to her at some point, but you can account firsthand for how hard she is to kill. She gives you a wintry smile.
On your right sits Unwritten, now enticing her dragon to gnaw on the tie of her robes instead of Tallflawes’ furniture. “Hello, Syn.” She calls merrily. Her clothing changes color as you watch, but she doesn’t seem to be aware of it. Perils of being a chaos mage.
Ibis, in an excess of golden jewelry, sits with her consort on Unwritten’s other side. She bares her teeth at you in what you understand as a favorable greeting, and ruffles her wings in lieu of a wave. Supposedly, she and Vulture are the most recent vessels of long dead gods. You’re not sure if that’s objectively true, but you’re hardly one to throw stones for a bit of self-aggrandizement. Or a God complex either, really.
Past Vulture, and flanking Gray Gangster, is Chanter. He raises a brow at your two guests, but nods solemnly. Where Unwritten is chaos ever-roiling, Chanter is tightly constrained. His posture is perfect, his clothing neat. The only sign of his abilities are the swirling colors in the gemstones of his necklace, and in the small pocketwatch-shaped device he keeps on a chain wrapped around one hand.
Gray Gangster themselves is as unreadable as always. They won’t speak at this meeting - you’ve only ever heard them speak once - but their enforcers will translate what they want. A traditional pin suit and fedora marks the crime boss of the North. They do not offer you a greeting.
“Heya Jim.” You call to one of the enforcers you recognize.
“Synovus,” he replies respectfully, dipping his head.
Seated on Gangster’s right, between him and Tallflawes, is a bouncing bundle of energy you know as G.P. - Galactic Prodigy.
Lanky, blue skinned, and with several tendrils that he continues to insist cannot be described as ‘tentacles’ in place of hair, Prodigy never had a chance at blending in among humans. Lucky for him, he’d never intended to.
Prodigy had been an instant splash with the hero scene - though, as one of only.. (five? Yeah you were pretty sure the number was still five, unless Astrae had had her kid) five aliens on Earth, he would’ve stood out regardless. You remembered the first time you saw an advertisement for his themed cereal.
But then the kid had realized he wanted to go home, maybe, at some point, and he’d wound up in some trouble that you’d had to haul him out of, and some people who wanted nothing more than to lock him up somewhere and study him had taken that as opportunity to brand him a traitor. And Prodigy had decided that crime was more fun anyway.
He mostly pissed off governments by stealing classified files - making sure no one else wound up where they’d wanted to put him.
And that left Tallflawes, reigning queen of the circle and host of this tenuous peace. Her chair was slightly raised on a small dais. She had a small table on which to set a champagne glass, which you knew actually held a non-alcoholic sparkling cider. As she took her seat, she did not look at anyone in particular, instead checking something on a summoned view screen.
That technology was not public access - hell, even you had only figured out a few basic components to some of what Tallflawes did. It wasn’t that she was a genius - though she was, undoubtedly - it was that she was a woman out of time.
Some indeterminate amount of time in the future (she refused to tell anyone when, exactly) Tallflawes had been grappling with a hero for different reasons. During the fight, they had both been knocked into a contraption she’d been working on with the aim of deciphering time travel. It had worked - but she hadn’t planned on it being activated yet, and certainly not as a round-trip.
So she and the hero known as ‘Blue Prophet’ were stuck in the now.
Tallflawes, disinclined to give her technology to anyone else anyway, had immediately found ways to set up shop again, and now hand-crafted most of her tech in a foundry/workshop downstairs. Prophet, she’d told you once, had nowhere near the amount of knowledge needed to do the same - so he only had what he’d brought with him.
She was rather smug about that.
You realize Menace has leaned over towards you when she murmurs, “What’s the significance of Pemberley?”
“Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen. The estate the protagonist moves to once she’s married, and proof of her suitor’s good heart and business sense.” You reply, gesturing vaguely to the area around you. “Also, in this case, definitely bugged.”
“Noted. What’s our island called, then?”
You sigh, “Thornfield. From Jane Eyre, by Emily Brontë.”
Naiad gives you an incredulous side-eye.
“What does that represent?”
“You know, Menace, I believe I have a copy at home. You can borrow it and find out yourself.”
“That doesn’t help me know what it means now, though.”
“Naiad seems to recognize it. Why doesn’t she explain?”
Naiad exhales in a near-imperceptible sigh. You realize she probably has a lot of practice at this - keeping her mouth and jaw still, if not the rest of her face. “I support you broadening your literary horizons and coming to your own conclusions.”
Menace leans further forward, “Wait, you agree with Synovus?”
“That is not what I said.”
“It is what she meant though.” You confide to one side, not quiet enough that Naiad can’t hear you.
You might’ve continued - or Menace might’ve found something else to ask about, there were certainly plenty of conversation starters in the room - except Tallflawes looked up from her screen. Recognizing the sign, you raised a hand, gently nudging Menace back into place.
“Before we begin with this meeting’s purpose.” Tallflawes calls, and her voice is clear and commanding, “Are there any relevant challenges that must be settled?”
“Nope.” Replies Prodigy. At a look from Tallflawes (and Wraith and Chanter) he sighs, and recites, “I hold no grudges with anyone here.”
One of the enforcers - Not-Jim - speaks for Gangster. Chanter gives his affirmation solemnly. Ibis uses the plural as Vulture simply nods. Unwritten mostly sticks to the script.
You go to give your oath, and pause. Athena, your rival, is standing at your shoulder. In a different name, in a different costume. Someone who hurt her child, accidentally or no, and was working to change.
The question was - did you still hold a grudge?
“Whether I hold a grudge against anyone present remains to be seen.” You settle for that, “though I give my oath that any potential grudges will not see consequence until well after this meeting’s conclusion.”
Tallflawes watches you for much too long. She nods, and turns to Dr. Wraith, who gives the standard answer.
“Aw come on,” Prodigy complains, “Why does Synovus get to give a different answer?”
“Because Synovus is retired.” You drawl, “And only here to find out what you all could possibly want.”
“The oath given was sufficient.” Tallflawes says, as though you hadn’t spoken. “Though Synovus is why we are here. We don’t have many rules - and I don’t intend to ask anyone to follow any more than we already do. But I think we all need to know a few things about your plans for retirement.”
She taps the arms of her chair, looking at you expectantly.
“I’m retiring.” You reiterate, “if you want specifics, ask for them.”
“A point of clarification before we devolve-“ Chanter puts in, leaning forward, “- Synovus, are you aware of what’s been happening in your territory since you announced your retirement?”
Awful question. Admit to ignorance, or pretend you know everything. You do neither, “Again, you’ll have to be more specific before I can answer that question.”
“He refers,” Dr. Wraith says softly, “To the small scale war breaking out between upstarts. The kind you normally put down, or intimidated too much for them to start.”
You sigh, “That is to be expected. I covered a lot of ground with several large scale cities - and it isn’t as though I had a no-interference policy.”
“And if you want to watch those cities burn, that’s your business.” Unwritten says cheerfully, “I just want to know if you’re backing anyone, so I know who to bet on.”
Jim shrugs, “You do have a student, after all. Maybe you wanted to have them take over?” He looks towards Menace, and several others do as well.
“Though we haven’t seen her out and about - or heard much at all about her yet.” Unwritten agrees, peering closer.
“An apprentice succeeding the master is only natural.” Chanter points out.
“Menace is under my tutelage - but she is not my pawn.” You say coldly, straightening from your lounged position. “If she wishes to take my place, that will be her affair.”
“Do you?” Asks Tallflawes, and she is no longer looking at you.
Menace, to her immense credit, doesn’t fidget under the gaze of so many monsters from her bedtime stories. “I have no plans to do so at this time.”
Dr. Wraith laughs, in a sign of approval. “Inherited Synovus’s tongue, if nothing else.”
You give her a sharp glance that she has no way of knowing occurred, picking up on the word choice. You haven’t addressed allegations she’s your actual child, and you don’t intend to be baited into discussing it now either.
“I choose my words for myself, Dr. Wraith. My teachers deserve their credit where it is due - but do not presume I am only their creation.”
Dr. Wraith gives another cold smile, and you’d swear you can feel Naiad’s blood pressure rising.
“A warning aptly given.” Tallflawes says coolly, “And not one we are likely to forget, child. The question remains. Clarified - Synovus, do you name a successor to your territory?”
“I do not.”
“What about your rivals?” Prodigy asks, having folded his legs up underneath him.
You are still.
“Athena and her Legionnaire.” Ibis hums, “I do not believe she is like us… but I would like to find out.”
“Bit difficult, given Legionnaire’s dropped off the map.” Not-Jim says.
Unwritten shrugs, balancing her dragon on one hand as it tried to climb on top of her head, “It never made sense to me that they were your rivals anyway, Synovus, so you know I’m in favor.”
“Dazzler or White Shadow would’ve been more thematic.” That’s Chanter, and you’re reminded why you’ve never liked him.
“This is an old conversation.” Dr. Wraith puts in, “the point is, if Synovus is retired, they may no longer claim the Right of Rivalry against the heroes Athena and Legionnaire.”
“Point of clarification.” Asks a voice from over your shoulder, and you tense as Naiad continues, “Define the Right of Rivalry?”
Chanter, again, “Your patron is the one who penned the Right. You do not know?”
Tallflawes’ eyes do not narrow, but you do feel them weighing on you.
Prodigy speaks before she can, “Hey, it took me forever to learn these things, no harm in wanting to know for sure.”
He looks at Naiad, and you wonder if they have met before. If he will know her, beneath the mask. You should have asked. You didn’t.
“Basically, no one is supposed to kill someone else’s rival, or go out of their way to fuck them over. There’s a whole lot of wiggle room if one of them comes after you or someone changes territories, or something happens, but it’s our way of calling dibs.”
Chanter remarks disdainfully, “Synovus has broken the Right before, of course.”
You force yourself to relax back into your chair. “Point of contention.” You say, as though bored, “The case of death of Igneous was ruled valid, and I have settled the debt with Heathen.”
Unwritten snorts, and you hear her mutter, “flying submarine.”
“Point - both of them - acknowledged.” Tallflawes cuts in. “Synovus, do you acknowledge that you may no longer claim the Right of Rivalry?”
You are silent, for a beat. You knew this was a possibility, but to bring it up here is forcing the issue. Is someone else eager to hunt them? It would have to be someone here, powerful enough to be willing to risk your wrath -
“I claim inheritance of Synovus’s rivals.” Menace says.
Tallflawes tilts her head, “On what grounds? No more than that they were your patron’s rivals?”
You do not speak. You cannot. To do so would be seen for what it would be - a desperate attempt at a cover up.
But Menace, your menace, continues on with her own gamble. She says simply, “They are my parents.”
There is silence in the room. In that silence, you can hear Naiad’s sharp intake of breath, and the creak of Menace’s gloves as she tightens her grip, hands clasped behind her back. You know how far it is to the nearest window and how everyone here will begin if it turns to violence. Shadows begin to knot, unseen, under your palms.
And then Gray Gangster laughs. Chuckles, really. It’s rough, and unsettling, and sounds like something from a graveyard had dragged its way up to sit in this room and mock you. He claps, slowly, exactly three times, as his enforcers watch him intently.
Not-Jim looks up, at you. “He congratulates you, Synovus.” They say neutrally, “On going above and beyond his expectations for your agreement. He will support Menace’s claim.”
With that declaration, the spell of silence is broken. Ibis and Vulture mutter to each other, speculative, while Chanter slowly nods. Dr. Wraith is staring at Menace, calculative, and tsks in a way that might indicate sympathy. Tallflawes cuts a glance towards Prodigy. Prodigy gives a bewildered shrug.
“We acknowledge Menace’s claim to the Right of Rivalry with Athena and Legionnaire. Are there any other matters of business we must address?”
The meeting continues - but no one in your party speaks again.
It’s only after you teleport all three of you back to the island (crushing the rose blossom in your palm with a terse ‘Thornfield’) that you expect the dam to break.
You are braced for it, prepared, waiting for the accusations and demands and questions. You stand on your balcony, letting the warm wind whip past you, and you wait for them to begin.
But Menace leaves first, stepping off the balcony railing and into the air to soar straight up, far away from both you and her mother. She leaves without a word.
Naiad - Athena, Minerva - is almost worse. She pulls off her mask, as the two of you watch Menace’s outline grow smaller. She watches her daughter fly away, and says softly, “Well. You did warn me you were a liar, Synovus.”
She leaves her mask on the railing, right where the ring and rose were earlier, and turns to leave. It is her parting shot that hurts more;
“More the fool, I.”
And you can only stand and stare at the starlight, alone.
[Do not fear! There will be a (at least slightly) happier conclusion - but this does mean instead of a two-parter, you all will be waiting on a part three. See you then!]
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Exsotica with all the other girls? Like Exsotica have this very rare moment that she doesn't have any costomers and this a small tea party and some food with the head wives and some selected woman's in the party and talked about what to improve the business and also hear any issue and help out
Exotica: Tea Ceremonies
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When it comes to tea meets you had those organized everywhere and in-between your schedule, thanks to your individual clients
But the exception would be your monthly tea meets
You often find a majority of your time spent dealing with typical clients and not so typical clients
It can be so exhausting sometimes
Especially when you have to scold and mediate grown men who argue like babies
You much preferred your monthly tea meets
During these meetings you reconnected with the girls and talked about what was going on in the town
Typically you have these during the day automatically excluding Daki
(A gift inits own right)
You would host these tea sessions as a way to meet up and speak with the girls about their missions
What missions?
Well Exotica's missions were tasks that furthered
You forced them to confront a part of themselves they struggled with
Emotionally or physically they would then present it to the group using the manners you instill with ever tea meet
For instance your little handmaidens were being taught the proper way to conduct research by keeping numbers on what behaviors were shared by the clients
Or one of the younger girls were being taught about fighting off the desire to gossip
Or, for fun, the older women would appreciate the way you made missions specifically to instill confidence in them
These are your girls and if everything is going to be leveled thanks to Gyutarou and Daki you wanted these women to be leaders and ambassadors for change
If they survive
You weren't an idiot to not realize that the traits that hurt them the most made them desirable but it was important that no matter what happened that they realized how valuable they are as people
You'd consider this a way to keep the morale high among the girls:
In the Kyugoko house you had your handmaidens help you collect the saucers and cups for the Tea meet. "Hi (Y/n)-chan!" The little girls looked at eachother and gulped as the infamous Oiran Warabihime addressed you so casually. Your really name wasn't what made goosebumps pickle their skin it was the very apparent dislike for her that made them worried. One night while finding you nearly sick out of your mind, you avidly refused to see her when she tried to visit. You even sucked your teeth when the headwife spoke about her in passing. You grit your teeth and fought the urge to break the dishes in your hand. You debated if you should just angrily tell her off now or play it cool. Instead you walked by her with no acknowledgement whatsoever heading out to the outside set up under a canopy. "My apologies Oiran-sama, they only want to focus on our tea party today and since it's in the morning they didn't want to inconvenience you for tonight. Excuse us." They bowed before trailing after you as you rushed to complete the setting of the table. She looked on in anger as you ignored her once again. She didn't bother hiding it as she swiftly returned to her windowless room. She laid down on her futon, disguising her use of intense hearing for sleeping. Using the reach of her sash she could only hear the very faint whispers of the kyogo headwife and some girls from the same house. "(Y/n)-sama seemed really angry with Oiran-sama today." "Yeah I wonder why?" "I heard it was because Oiran tried to take a client of theirs-" "I heard it was because -" "Now Girls! Do your missions mean nothing!?" "Sorry Kyogo-san, but it's just strange for (Y/n)-san to be soooo…"
"I-i know…but for now let no one speak of it, alright?" "Yes ma'am." Cheered the girls before scurrying to complete their tasks. Daki pulled at her hair forcing it out from the elegant style that took hours to do. Were you crying about something as stupid as that?!This was the first time you so boldly refused her. Despite popular belief she wasn't entirely oblivious to the fake reactions you gave. Heck she's been doing this for over a century. She tried to ignore it the light twitch in your matte covered lips as you smile at her. She couldn't deny that she could hear the grinding of your teeth and the subtle twitch in your resting hands. "Is it…all my fault?" She wasn't stupid you had been punished because of her, yes but was it so bad you couldn't stand to look at her? She was convinced that you would have forgiven her once you realized your mistake. "They don't understand their not a demon like us. They just don't understand." In reality Gyutarou was frantically trying to assure the both of them that you still loved them (him). His own fearful motto blurs into Daki's conclusion about you. You were just ignorant of the bigger picture, you are human after all. That's what she'll tell herself as she sees you retreat from everyone to your quarters. Resisting the urge to follow you in, she steps away. On her own. Maybe you just need some time to process this, who is she to try and explain this to a stubborn human? Perhaps if you were like her you'd understand.
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
for want of a bento box
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– It’s plain and simple, you see, someone is stealing your bento boxes and you will find your lunch thief! Or, in which Todoroki Shouto keeps taking your bento box and you declare war. 
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: fluff, cursing, shouto is a bad chef, I believe I made reader pretty gender neutral but I whipped this out in two hours and I can no longer remember if I used any fem!pronouns but im pretty sure I didn’t
word count: 3,060
a/n: this is for the wonder coworker bnharem collab! I had intended on writing a completely different theme and storyline but was very overwhelmed by how much time it actually needed to be written compared to the amount of time I actually had. that version will be out another time! but for now, enjoy some pure flufffffff!!!!
Having a normal, functioning, well-paying job was probably the most desirable thing to you. It wasn’t to say that you were slacking or that you were homeless, broke, and never to be seen again because you were that in debt. But it was nice having a job!
When you entered the prestigious Toshinori Company, you joined not as an entry-level job employee but as a senior representative. You thought it was crazy.
It had to be crazy.
You had no prior experience, and now you were going to be in charge and the lead in certain areas?!
“And that was the entire layout of the office!” Mina chirped happily, throwing herself onto the desk chair across from yours with a big smile. “Any questions?”
“I don’t think so,” you mutter, brows creased as you look around the room again. 
The office space was ample, sleek, open. Each desk has its own grand computer that you currently could not afford with your own money, comfortable chairs, and beautiful wood desks. It was elegant, far superiorly fancy, and yet, you didn’t feel out of place. Strange.
“Oh!” you say with a roll of your eyes as you reach below your desk to bring up your packed lunch. “Where was the break room again? I need to refrigerate my food!”
“Omg, of course, come this way!” Mina grins, standing up and motioning you to follow her. You smile gratefully and do. 
The entire way to the office, Mina takes the time to point at the many different people on the floor and give them names. Everyone so far had sort of acknowledged you earlier as Mina was giving you the official tour. Some were much more open and friendly, and some had sneers or blank stares that left you dumbstruck. 
Definitely a personable group.
“Hm, well, I guess Todoroki-kun isn’t here today?” Mina mutters as you enter the break room that has couches and comfortable-looking chairs. “Such a shame! You would have loved to see the office hottie!”
You snort at that, lips curled into a granulous smile as you place your plastic container with food into the fridge. “I’m sure I’ll live,” you brush off the fact that there was an absent person on your floor today.
“That’s the thing, though,” Mina points a finger at you, a lone eyebrow raised and a confident smirk on her face. “You won’t be thinking that again the moment you see him!”
You laugh, eyes crinkling as Mina joins your laughter. Eventually, she motions for the both of you to leave, and you nod in understanding. And with a weird sense of comfort and belonging, you realized that this job was going to be good. 
Eventually, you had been working at Toshinori Company for two months.
Sixty-two days to be precise, and in all that time, you had only met Todoroki Shouto once. Even then, you had only seen the man walking through the office with a blank face, fingers in his pockets as two other men were walking in front of him, bickering lightly.
Had Mina not quite literally thrown herself across the table and gripped the collar of your shirt and twisted your head to look at him, you would have never caught a glimpse at the man with red and white hair. The three of them walked into the break room and came back out with their own lunches before leaving.
And that was it.
You had learned that the three of them (Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, and Bakugou Katsuki) were within your department but worked very closely with the very high up members within the company. Many rumors pointed at one of the three taking over the company when the current CEO stepped down. They were, however, on the roster for your floor; they just never appeared except to pick up their lunches. Something they seemed to come to grab whenever you were a) way too fucking busy or b) not in the room.
You weren’t too bothered, though.
It wasn’t like you were trying to date one of them! You had only wanted to say hi.
Now, at ninety days, you had your first and probably most crucial evaluation. 
Toshinori Yagi, the man who founded and currently ran this company, sat before you, looking at papers within a folder with tired but kind blue eyes. He nodded, impressed (hopefully), making small comments about the work you had been able to accomplish, a smile becoming a warming grin as he looked up.
“I’m impressed by the performance you’ve managed to attend to despite the short while you’ve been here, y/l/n-shojo,” Toshinori spoke, his fingers threading together and placing them onto the table. “I knew it was an excellent decision to put you in that position, and you exceeded my entire expectation!”
You flushed at that, lips twitching as you attempted to suppress that smile of yours. 
“Thank you, Toshinori-san,” you practically wheeze as he waves off your thanks.
“No need to thank me, you’ve done all this work!” he laughs, tired eyes closing with a glorious supply of crow's feet blooming at the corner of his eyes. “Typically, at these evaluations, I ask a bunch of questions because there isn’t too much anyone can do in their first ninety days, I must admit.”
“Mhm, but because I am curious, is there anything that has been happening as of late that you feel needs to be addressed with me?”
You felt yourself stiffen but knew your one and only complaint was not something to bring up in this setting.
“No, nothing,” you shrug, and Toshinori beams.
“I’m glad!”
Now, the problem.
The big, fat, stinky, hooligan, wanting to throttle someone problem.
For the past sixty of your ninety days, someone has been stealing your lunch.
Yes, you heard that correctly; someone was stealing your damn lunch! Every morning you woke up and prepared a delicious bento box for yourself. Some days you went as far as cutting shapes into your fruits and veggies just to make yourself grin. You weren’t the best chef in the world, but your bento boxes were pretty enough to make up for it, in your opinion. But the thing is, every day when you went into the communal fridge, you noticed two things.
One, your bento box was no longer in the same place, and two, the bento box was not yours at all.
The food was disastrously organized. Rice and lettuce spilling out in every partition in the box. The fruit and veggies often packed in this box had multiple cuts in them, implying that whoever did this was less than ideal with a knife. The meat was often oversalted, the sushi never sitting together, and everything was just… not it.
The first time you had sighed and eaten it, grumbling about how your precious lunch was stolen. But you had quickly figured out that it was inedible, and Mina, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu thank god, offered to share their meals. 
Seeing that you were distressed about how someone stole your egg and octopus sausages one day, Mina declared that they would watch the break room for whoever was stealing your light blue bento box. The first day you staked out, you had done it with Mina. But ten minutes into waiting around, you needed to pee. So you stood up and left in a hurry, leaving Mina alone.
But when you returned, Mina was gone, instead standing by Kirishima’s desk with a bright grin and a stance that screamed that she heard something she liked (gossip, possible in-office romance, a love confession?). Her jaw dropped as she noticed you and Kirishima had turned and waved in your direction as you raced into the break room to open the fridge, and sure enough, your bento was gone.
The next time, you staked out with Uraraka. Your arms were folded, your bladder cleared, and your lips twisted into a pout as you glared and stared down every single member who entered the room. Uraraka whispered to you her guesses about just who might be the thief, every other person rating an 8/10 likelihood of stealing your lunch.
But as the both of you sat there, your eyes narrowed at each passerby, no one came to collect your bento today.
“Deku-kun, no packed lunch today?” Uraraka asked as the green, curly-haired man you had only met once previously raced into the break room, grabbing the extra chopsticks meticulously hidden in the third bottom draw.
“Ah, Uraraka-san, y/l/n-san! Uh, no,” Midoriya greeted you both, who apparently responds to the nickname Deku, laughs off as he grabs a handful of napkins. “Todoroki-kun left all our lunches in his car by accident, and well… they spoiled… Kacchan’s pissed, so I ran off to get lunch for us today!”
Uraraka laughed, shaking her head, “Leave it to Todoroki-kun to act that way.”
Midoriya laughed, bright and clearly in agreement, “You should have seen his face when Kacchan asked for his lunch! I swear–”
“HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GRAB FUCKING CHOPSTICKS, SHIT-KU! I’M FUCKING STARVING!” a voice roared from nowhere near the entrance of the break room. You did, however, jump a bit, eyes turning toward the break room entrance to see the blond man (Bakugou? Kacchan? You had no idea which was correct) near the entrance of the floor. 
“It’s only been a minute, Kacchan, relax!” Midoriya laughs, completely unaffected by the startling shout as he waves goodbye to both you and Uraraka before leaving, joining Bakugou as the both of them seem to talk comfortably… well, maybe more like bickering.
“Why are they–”
“Childhood friends, apparently,” Uraraka sighed, but the smile on her face betrays her exasperation.
No one stole your bento that day.
Yaoyorozu took up the third stake out, the two of you idly chatting about tea. You honestly had no idea what to talk about with Yaomomo; she was often just so elegant and mature despite being your age. When you learned that her family was in charge of the Yaoyorozu Corp, it had been strangely easy to accept that. 
It made sense.
So as the two of you stood at the kitchen sink, boiling water for tea Yaomomo swore would be the best matchup for your packed nigiri, the both of you missed the man who walked into the room, opened the fridge, and took your lunch.
“I… I am so sorry,” Yaomomo apologized, head bowed dangerously low as the both of you looked at the sloppily cut salmon in your not actual bento. “Please eat my food in reparation.”
“No, it’s okay,” you sigh, chewing on the somehow still warm salmon. “I deserved this loss.”
Luck was just on this man's side, it seemed. No matter what you did, you could never catch the man in action, and you were ready to give up.
But this was the last attempt you said to yourself as you returned to your office floor, the evaluation done, and the rest of your life coming to light. You could do this. No! You WOULD do this!
“Why don’t you just put your name on your bento box?” Bakugou asked, a lone eyebrow raised in what you could only assume was judgment and pity. The explosive man was standing in the doorway of the breakroom, watching as you and Mina were trying to climb up the counters of the breakroom to grab the camera you had previously planted. “Obviously, it doesn’t have your name on it.”
“Um,” you squeak, having been obviously caught by someone who intimidated you just the slightest bit. “That’s a good idea, thank you, Bakugou-san.”
“Tch, whatever, just clean up the damn counters, fucking nasty standing up on there. Some people prepare their food there.”
“We would never forget to do that!” you argue, desperate to not leave a bad impression on this man.
“I don’t know much about you, but I know raccoon eyes over there would.”
“Like I care.”
He left without so much as a wave but did seem to nod with his departure. You sighed as you hopped off the counter, Mina grabbing the cleaning supplies as she cursed out the long-gone man under her breath. 
But you were looking at the fridge with your missing bento box.
“I can’t believe I never put my name on it.”
“It’s okay! Not even Yaomomo thought of it, so I say we are still smart!”
It was the next day, you were at your desk, anxious as hell as you did your work, trying not to focus on the fact that it was lunchtime and you were actively avoiding the break room. You wondered if they wouldn’t come and collect it today. If somehow they were an asshole and wouldn’t care if your name was on it! What would happen then? What if it was someone like Bakugou who was taking your lunch? What then? You were sure you would cave in slight fear and major intimidation if he said that your lunch was his now.
“Want a cutie while we wait, cutie?” Mina asked, waving the small tangerine in her fingers as she grins.
“Please,” you say in gratitude for the food because you were starving. “Thank you.”
Eventually, you lost track of what was happening, becoming all too invested in the conversation that Mina was telling you about that involved Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, twenty-seven Red Bulls, fifteen Monsters, and five shots of sake. It seemed that the former two were quite big instigators when they wanted to be, and the latter two were unable to back away from challenges, especially when the other was involved.
“Y/l/n?” an unfamiliar voice called from behind you, and you turned partially in your chair as you looked behind you.
Standing behind you was a tall man with red and white hair, and from this distance, you noticed immediately that his eyes were a deep grey and brilliant blue.
Todoroki Shouto.
“T-Todoroki-san!” you greet him back, voice unable to keep from trembling as your nerves shot up. What was going on? You two had never interacted before! He was always gone, never present, and whenever he was in the office, it seemed that you weren’t there.
He cleared his throat and raised up two identical bento boxes.
“It seems… I have apparently been stealing your bento boxes,” he concludes, pressing the blue bento box with your name written on it into your hands.
Your jaw drops as your fingers curve around the cool plastic, eyes blinking up a storm as you try to abstain from laughing high pitched and ugly like. 
“It was you?!”
A pink color blooms onto his cheeks as he averts his eye contact with you and nods slowly, “I am so sorry.”
“I just… how?!” you exclaim, exasperated, this man obviously being a bit dense if he had no idea he was taking your bento box!
“I prepare my bento boxes the night before, and I don’t really remember what I put into them….” Todoroki explains slowly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, his tongue clicking the roof of his tongue. “I just thought that my cooking was improving and that I was somehow doing an amazing job.”
The grin that overcomes your face is one of subtle, strange fondness and soft warmth. “I can tell you that you probably haven’t improved much,” you tease, opening your bento box to see your prepared meal for the day. 
Cucumber salad, bulgogi beef, rice, and some fruit.
It was packed exactly how you remembered.
“I can’t believe I finally get to eat a meal I prepared,” you continue to tease, your eyes moving up to meet Todoroki, who was also looking at your bento previously. “Thank you for returning my meals and apologizing.”
“It was nothing,” Todoroki waved off with a single hand before opening up his own disastrously assembled bento box. It looked worse than usual today. Everything was just thrown in, it seemed. You saw egg and rice, but everything else in there was indescribable. He smiles at you before sighing at his bento. “This looks more like my stuff.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “You want to share my bento box? I’m sure you probably don’t want to return to that.”
“No, it’s okay,” Todoroki gently declined, although he looked at your bento with great want. He cleared his throat, gaze moving to lock on yours, and you swore his cheeks were still pink but no longer from embarrassment. “I just wanted to come and apologize for stealing your lunch for so long and to thank you for the meals; they were all delicious. Especially the soba you had made.”
“It’s all good; it’s in the past now,” you say gently, somehow finding yourself falling for a man you’ve barely just begun to talk with. The both of you stare at each other, and your skin feels warm. You chuckle, gaze averting for a moment before returning as you tease him. “Although, if you steal from me again, I’m not so sure if I’ll be so lenient.”
“It won’t happen again, promise,” Todoroki smiles, and you feel your spine melt. “But I would love to make it up to you somehow. I can make you dinner one night or something?”
You laugh, head shaking, “No, absolutely not; I don’t trust your cooking skills just yet. But you can definitely take me out to dinner.”
“Yeah, I can definitely do that,” Todoroki agrees, and the both of you fall silent as the shy stares continue. “Does, um… is Friday at seven okay with you?”
“That works,” you say, and Todoroki smiles.
“Good, I’ll uh, see you then?”
“See you,” you agree with a sweet smile before turning around, your fingers raised in a small wave. 
You turn to see Mina, Uraraka, and Yaomomo staring at you, eyes comically wide and so very intrigued.
“Oh… my… GOD!” Mina shrieked as Todoroki walks away, and you shriek as she jumps across the table and shakes you, screaming about office romances and meet-cutes being entirely too underrated. “PROMISE ME I’LL BE INVITED TO THE WEDDING!!!!”
It would take about three years of dating, several months of teaching Shouto how to cook, which resulted in a few bellyaches. Still, eventually yes, Mina would be invited to your wedding.
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professorrw · 3 years
Hey could I please request a LokixReader story set on Sakaar where they have an enemies to friends to lovers relationship? Lots of fluff and smut if that’s okay. Thank you xxxx
Lord have mercy is this long. I love the request (probably a little too much). I have to warn you before reading, it's 6.6K words, the longest fic I've written yet. BUT I love it. I'm really proud of it!
Pairing: female reader x Loki
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smut, 18+, praise, unprotected sex, fingering, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff, fighting (Hulk and Thor), spoilers for Thor Ragnarok, takes place during Ragnarok
A/N: And with this finished I'm going to take a day to myself tomorrow! I'm not feeling very well and I want to catch up on my series because I've been neglecting it. Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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You could ask anyone on Sakaar who the Grandmaster’s favorite person was and they would say it was you. You grew up on the trash planet with your father, who was a reject from his home planet. But on Sakaar you were basically royalty. Your father befriended the million year old Grandmaster when you were just two and from then on you were living in the lap of luxury.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been on Sakaar, but it had been a few hundred years. You didn’t look that old, more like twenty to thirty. But there was no way to be certain with the way that time worked on Sakaar.
Your life was perfect in your opinion. You and your father were happy and healthy on the trash planet. Every day you would dress in your finest silk robes, adorn your flashy face paint, and go to the arena to watch fights. When you weren’t doing that you were in your home or with the Grandmaster, who was basically a second father to you.
It was the end of the day and you were eating dinner with the Grandmaster, your father, and some other ‘royalty.’ As typical with all meals held by the Grandmaster it was full of excited and animated talking and extravagant food. You were too busy drinking your wine to engage in conversation, unlike your father who hadn’t touched his plate in favor of speaking to the man next to him.
Your father was a very social man, probably why the Grandmaster took such a liking to him. They were equally as flamboyant and outgoing. the Grandmaster often remarked how much you looked like your father. You had the same hair color, eye color and shape, and skin tone. Though you couldn’t tell your father’s true hair color anymore because it had started greying, contrary to the rest of his body that wasn’t aging as quickly.
There was a knock at the dining room door and the Grandmaster called for whoever it was to come in. The noise had drawn everyones’ attention, and all eyes were on the man that was being escorted in. He was tall, with fair skin and raven black hair. He was the most attractive man you had seen in a while. He didn’t look like a lot of the men you saw, but he still looked elegant.
“Who is this?” the Grandmaster asked.
Instead of waiting for the guards to speak, the detainee spoke, “I am Loki, God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard. I would like to say right now that it is a mistake imprisoning me and I will forget all about it if you let me go right now.” Loki spoke swiftly and with an accent foreign to many you heard normally. He had a very charming speech but you were in utter shock at the way he had spoken to the Grandmaster.
You expected the Grandmaster to order the guards to throw him in with the other gladiators and make him go against the champion, but he actually laughed, followed by everyone else in the room other than you.
“Well, Loki, I suppose I don’t need to make you fight. You can keep me company instead. How does that sound?”
It must not have been what Loki was expecting because he raised his eyebrows and said nothing for several seconds. “I think that would be fine,” he finally responded.
“Good, good. Why don’t you take that off him so he can pull up a chair?” the Grandmaster said to the guards. They did as he ordered and unshackled the dark haired man. As soon as he was free he grabbed a chair and planted right in between the Grandmaster and you. Loki sat down and gazed at you, offering a dazzling smile.
You squinted at him for a moment, sizing him up. You knew he was going to be trouble, to you at least.
“Ah Loki, please meet Y/N. She’s like a daughter to me,” the Grandmaster said to him.
“Hello Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His words were so obviously a lie that it made you scowl. You could hear the sarcasm seeping from his words. You could tell that he was already trying to butter up the Grandmaster. But in actuality he was trying not to get himself killed. Thor was nowhere to be found and he was on this planet by himself.
“Likewise,” you said back. You turned away from the men and started eating your meal, pointedly ignoring Loki as you did so. You could hear their conversation and it was almost impossible not to eavesdrop. The Grandmaster was mostly talking about himself, all things that you’d already heard before. Loki, when given the chance to talk, was just complimenting him in return.
When the meal was over and the dishes were collected the Grandmaster addressed your father. “My dear Holden, would you house my company for the time being?”
You whipped your head over to the Grandmaster. You couldn’t believe the words that had just come from his mouth. You couldn’t believe he was asking you and your father to let Loki stay with you. But your father being your father would have no problem with it. You just knew he was going to accept.
As you expected he said, “Why of course, the more the merrier.”
Your house was incredibly close to the palace. There really was no need for guards to escort you and your father home but the Grandmaster thought it was necessary. So after dinner you, your father, and Loki made your way to your home. It was very beautiful, and almost as grand as the palace itself, but much smaller.
Your father was in high spirits as usual. Once you were inside your father turned to Loki with a brilliant smile adorning his face. "We are delighted to have you. Please follow me, you can sleep here in the guest bedroom. Y/N is right next door so you can go to her if you need anything."
You looked at your father with a deadpan expression, which he didn't seem to notice. Loki on the other hand was positively beaming back at your father.
"Thank you so much for the hospitality. I really cannot thank you enough."
Your father chuckled, "It's no trouble at all. Any guest of the Grandmaster's is a guest of mine. So please, make yourself at home."
"Thank you again. I am quite tired so I think I'll be heading to bed. Goodnight Holden, goodnight Y/N." He bowed and went to his chambers without another word.
You looked incredulously at your father but he seemed to not have a care in the world. He was awfully aloof when it came to matters dealing with the Grandmaster. Your father and the Grandmaster had a complicated relationship. You really had no clue what was going on with them. They called each other dear and said they loved each other, but you had seen the Grandmaster and your father doing a fair share of flirting with many men and women.
You walked to your own room with a heavy sigh. You stayed up for a few hours that night wondering about the man next door.
You quickly realized that the Grandmaster had taken a liking to Loki. The next morning you, your father, and Loki were having breakfast with the Grandmaster and Loki was hanging onto every word that came out of the man's mouth. You just knew that Loki didn't care. But what you want to know are his intentions. He randomly shows up on your planet and instantly catches the Grandmaster's attention.
You spend most of the morning with your father, preferring his company to the Grandmaster and his new pet. The next time you saw him was at lunch. And just like at dinner the previous night Loki was sitting right next to the Grandmaster. Instead of enduring the empty compliments that were coming from Loki you decided to sit farther down the table next to another one of your father's friends.
"Hello Marridija," you said as you sat down. Marridija was a very kind woman. Kind and very up to date on all the goings on at the palace. It was no surprise that she was close to the Grandmaster.
"Why hello Y/N. You aren't sitting at the front of the table today?" Her drawn-on eyebrows drew in and she tilted her head to the side slightly, making you worry that her hair, which was styled heavily with spray to keep it straight up, would tip over and ruin. Over the many years on Sakaar you had grown accustomed to the wild fashion in the palace. Everyone in the Grandmaster's group wore metallic face paint and did their hair as tall and elaborate as possible.
Out of everyone at the table Marridija had the craziest hair and brightest makeup. She always made sure she was seen in a crowd. Her hair was bubble gum pink and looked like cotton candy on top of her head. Her makeup was many bright streaks of pink, blue, and gold.
"No, not today. I thought I might try something new."
"Oh. Well I'm delighted that you decided to sit by me. I've been meaning to ask-" her eyes cut from you to something over your shoulder before returning to talking, "about your company last night."
You clenched your jaw for a second before you answered her. "What would you like to know?"
"Well… the whole palace wants to know about this mysterious man. Loki, he said." She was speaking in a hushed voice so no one other than you could hear her. If anyone heard her they would most definitely be listening in. But Marridija was good at being quiet when she needed to be. She wanted to be the first with fresh gossip, and for that she would have to hear it before anyone else.
“There isn’t much to tell really. As soon as we got home he went off to his bedroom.”
The woman narrowed her eyes for a second before giving a huff. “Oh Y/N, you won’t give an old lady a bit of juice now will you?” Her face changed from a pout to a sly smile a few seconds after she said that. “Or is there something you don’t want to share with me? A secret of your own perhaps?”
“Absolutely not Marridija. What I’ve told you is the truth. I’m sorry I have nothing juicy enough for your ears.”
You turned away from the woman and forward towards the table and the meal being set in front of you. Through the whole of breakfast you remained silent, listening to the chatter around you. There always seemed to be something to talk about on Sakaar, but with Loki’s arrival and the Grandmaster’s liking towards him has made Loki the center of attention.
After breakfast the guests were clearing out of the dining hall. The Grandmaster had dismissed everyone and he and Loki were the last to leave. You stuck around and when the Grandmaster went to use the restroom and left Loki unoccupied you walked up to him. A smile appeared on his face as he saw your smaller frame scowling at him as you neared. For whatever reason he was quite enjoying how frustrated he was making you, though he didn’t know what exactly was making you mad.
“Hello Y/N,” he greeted.
“Don’t act all innocent. You’re up to something.”
Loki’s eyebrows shot up but his smile remained. “And what would that be?”
“Well I’ve come to find that out.” You crossed your arms and planted your feet in front of Loki. It wasn’t your best look but you wanted to intimidate him. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. He was taller than you and obviously confident enough to tell the Grandmaster it was a mistake to imprison him.
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, as they say, but I don’t have anything planned. I landed here by mistake.” Loki said the words so simply you just couldn’t believe it. If he was telling the truth then it would take more than that to convince you.
“And why should I believe you?”
“Well I suppose you shouldn’t. You don’t know me, you don’t know my past or all the things I’ve done. Maybe we could spend some time together and you’ll realize I’m being honest.”
Loki wasn’t entirely sure why he said that last part. He had never offered to let someone get to know him. But a part of him also wanted someone to be able to talk to since he was all alone on a planet he was an outsider on. And it helped that he thought you were incredibly attractive.
You on the other hand didn’t know what to make of his words. If you accepted you might be falling right into his trap, into his plan. But on the other hand maybe he was being genuine. It surely wouldn’t hurt to find out more about him. If he was lying then you could possibly find out his intentions. So you thought the only logical decision would be to accept.
“Fine. After dinner we’ll go to my home and we can… get to know each other. But only because I want to know if you’re telling the truth.”
He laughed, “Of course, of course. See you then.”
The door you were standing next to opened and the Grandmaster himself walked out. He clasped his hands together and a smile appeared on his face. “Y/N! Thank you for keeping Loki company. Are you two getting along?”
You and Loki glanced at each other. There was no way you were going to say no, both of you had common sense. So you both put on a smile and looked as comfortable as possible.
“We are!” Loki said first. He put a huge grin on his face and leaned towards you, draping an arm around your shoulder. The sudden touch almost made you recoil, but if you did that it would look strange to the man that had just questioned your relationship.
“Well Loki and I should be going. I’ll see you at supper gorgeous.” The Grandmaster wiggled his fingers at you with an award winning smile. Loki took his arm off you and started following after him when the Grandmaster began to walk away. A hole might have been burnt into the back of Loki’s head from your staring. He was so puzzling. Irksome even.
The footsteps eventually faded as they walked further and further away from you and closer to wherever it was they were going. Your own slippered feet padded against the floor of the palace as you made your way down to the bottom level, outside, and safely in your home. It was a shame that most of the people your age were bounty hunters. You were all in all lonely. Maybe that’s what led you to agree to getting to know Loki.
You assumed he was around your age. He claimed to be a god after all, so he must be more than the average person.
Dinner rolled around and you went to the palace to eat as you did everyday. Loki was there. Though you knew he would be. You weren’t used to his presence just yet, so every time you saw him you were still slightly surprised. You were used to being around the ‘royalty’ of Sakaar for years and attending the same mundane events all the time. Loki was something new, something fresh. That’s why he was such a buzz on Sakaar. Especially when he made such an impression on the Grandmaster.
After the meal you went home and waited for Loki. You knew he would have to tell the Grandmaster some excuse for him to leave, so he was going to be a few minutes behind you.
Ten minutes after you had arrived home the door opened and Loki walked in. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw the exasperated expression on his face. You knew just how tiring the Grandmaster could be. Upon hearing the ring of your laughter Loki smiled. It was the first time he heard you make that sound and thought it was beautiful.
He slung his hair out of his face and slid into the white bar stool next to you at the kitchen island. You already had two glasses of champagne ready for the two of you. Assuming you would need it.
"What did you have to tell him to let you leave?" you asked, raising the glass to your lips.
"Well I told him I was tired and he just laughed it off then I said I was having an upset stomach and wasn't doing so well down there and he let me go."
Neither of you could hold back laughter. You were the first to start cracking up and seeing your reaction influenced Loki's joyous noise. The atmosphere was smooth and laid back. In preparation you had a drink beforehand, hence why you were so calm. Loki's smile and infectious attitude were also to blame.
In the time span of lunch and coming home you realized how ridiculous you were being. You had only just met Loki yesterday and you were already trying to accuse him of trying to harm the creator of your planet.
Once the laughter had died down you set your glass on the countertop and turned to Loki. "I'm sorry for how I've acted towards you. I haven't treated you fairly or given you a chance at all. I started jumping to conclusions and that was wrong of me. So I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me."
“Wow- I- Yes I can forgive you. I understand where you were coming from. You care about the Grandmaster and don't want him to be in danger. I think that’s very noble of you.” The corners of Loki’s eyes crinkled up as he looked at you with a soft smile.
“Well… thank you. I’m glad we’re on good terms.” You gave him an awkward smile and took another sip of your drink. Loki picked up his own and took a sip of it.
"So your father and the Grandmaster… are they together?" he asked once his glass was empty.
“I’m not entirely sure. They’re relationship is complicated. I know they call each other love and darling but they also flirt and do things with other people too.” You cringed at the memory of coming home and hearing your father with one of his friends. But beside you Loki let out a chuckle. He was really enjoying getting to see this new side of you.
With a final tip of your flute you had finished your drink. Looking over you realized that Loki had too, so you stood and refilled it.
“I just realized I didn’t ask you if you wanted another glass,” you said when you had finished pouring.
He waved you off. “Don’t worry, I do.”
You slid his flute across the counter and leaned on it, not bothering to go back around to sit on the stool again. “So, you said that you ended up here by accident… what did you mean by that?”
“Ah, trying to find out if I’m lying again? I thought this was behind us,” he said.
“I’m not asking because of that. It is behind us. I want to know more about you and what you were doing before you got to Sakaar.”
He nodded. “Well I was with my brother. Though I don’t know why he hasn’t gotten here yet.”
“Time works differently here,” you interjected. “So if you both came through at the same time he might get here later than you did.”
“Ah okay, well that explains it then. Anyways, I was with my brother, Thor. My sister, Hela, has cast us out of Asgard and we need to get back there and defeat her. We don’t stand a chance though,” he explained.
“If you need help getting there then I’m sure my father and I can be of assistance.”
“I think I should wait for Thor to arrive, whenever that is…” he trailed off.
“He could show up any day. But while you’re here you can hang out with me.” “When you’re not with the Grandmaster that is,” you added.
“I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get away from him but I’ll definitely try.”
The last drops of your champagne slid down your throat as you smiled against your glass. You were really looking forward to getting to spend time with Loki.
For the next few days after that you guys were together any chance you got. The Grandmaster was keeping Loki close, but he was able to make up excuses to come see you when he could. Loki was like a breath of fresh air in your life. His life was a lot different than yours, but you found yourselves relating in multiple ways.
Every time you two were together all you could do was smile. It was like you had found your first true friend. But you knew that when Thor came that Loki would be leaving. Even though it was wrong you hoped that Thor wouldn’t arrive for a while just so you could have more time together.
It was a little over a week since Loki had arrived and you were laying next to each other on your leisure ship, staring up at the stars.
“It’s beautiful, everything here is,” Loki whispered. You were looking straight above you but when Loki was speaking he had turned his head towards you.
“It’s strange isn’t it? It’s called the trash or garbage planet but it’s dazzling if you take the time to look around.” When you finished speaking you rolled your head to the side to look at Loki. The whole time you were speaking he was memorizing every part of your face with a smile on his own. When you saw him smiling you shyly smiled too.
Without you realizing Loki reached his hand over and found yours. When he did he took it and interlocked your fingers. You looked down at your entwined hands. Your heart was racing and butterflies were filling your stomach.
No words were spoken, it was just the two of you underneath a blanket of twinkling stars wishing for something more. Loki’s hand was warm in yours, and you wished that same warmth would envelop your whole body. You scooted over closer and closer to the man until he wrapped his arm around you.
“This is nice,” you mumbled against his chest.
“It is. I like having you in my arms,” Loki whispered back.
You let your eyes close and the warmth and blissful feeling take over you. You woke up in bed, wrapped up in your covers. The sun was shining and filtering through your windows and splaying out on your floor. You thought back to last night and remembered you must have fallen asleep, which meant Loki must have taken you home and carried you to bed.
You walked out of your bedroom and stood right outside your door. You weren’t sure what time it was. It was morning that was obvious. Maybe it was early enough that Loki hadn’t been summoned by the Grandmaster yet. You walked over to the bedroom next to your own and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Loki called out.
You opened the door and gently shut it back when you entered. Loki was still in bed but he was awake.
“Good morning beautiful,” he greeted you.
A tired smile went across your face as you sat down on Loki’s bed. He reached out to you and pulled you into him, setting you flush against his frame and placing a kiss on top of your head.
“How did you sleep?” he asked.
“I slept well. Thank you for bringing me back home.”
“It was my pleasure.” Loki tilted his head down and kissed the top of your head once more. His actions were so sweet you were feeling things you had never felt before. It was wild to you how quickly you had fallen for the God of Mischief.
After laying together for a few minutes there was a knock at the front door. You sighed and got out of Loki’s bed. The guards had arrived to escort Loki and you to breakfast with the Grandmaster. You both hurriedly got dressed and left to start your day.
For another two weeks things ran smoothly. You were happy. Loki was making you happy. But you knew that the day that Thor would arrive was approaching. It had been three weeks since Loki himself had fallen onto the planet, meaning his brother was not far behind.
You were sitting with Loki and mingling with other people in one of the palace rooms when Scrapper 142 announced she found someone. 142 was Grandmaster’s favorite scrapper. She brought him his champion after all. The person she had brought came into the room in the usual reinforced chair that all contenders usually did.
Loki was sitting next to you not paying any attention and neither were you until the man started yelling Loki’s name. You looked at him with confusion before you realized, it must be Thor.
When Thor finally got Loki’s attention he immediately stopped talking and got up. They were whispering back and forth fervently until the Grandmaster came up to them and interjected. They talked for a minute before Thor was thrown into the holding area for gladiators.
“That was your brother wasn’t it? Thor?” you asked when Loki came back over to you.
“Yes, yes it was.” He lowered himself back onto the couch and stayed quiet.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I just… wasn’t expecting him.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded. Not only did you understand but you felt the same way. You hoped maybe Thor would show up later, and give you more time. But no. He was there and when given the chance he was definitely going to leave. But that wouldn’t be too soon. If he was fighting the Grandmaster’s champion he may never leave. You had seen the green monster in action and he was brutal.
Later that day you and Loki were sitting in the upper class stands at the Grand Arena watching the fights. Loki was constantly wiping his palms on his pants and his leg was bouncing up and down. He had never seen the champion fight but you had told him how ferocious he was and that made Loki nervous.
The Grandmaster announced Thor and when he came out onto the dirt the crowd was filled with ‘boos’ and other jeers. The ring around the bottom of the stadium begins to rise to accommodate the height of Thor's opponent and the Grandmaster started to announce him.
“Ladies and gentlemen I give you… your Incredible…” he trailed off, or at least you thought he did because before he could say the actual name the fighter burst through the doors and yelled, “HULK!”
The blood drained from Loki’s face next to you. “I’ve got to get off this planet,” he mumbled.
“Why what’s wrong?” you asked, worried.
“The Grandmaster’s champion is an Avenger, just like Thor. And he’s defeated me.”
Down on the dirt Thor had looked up into your box and was yelling, “We know each other! He’s a friend from work.”
The Grandmaster’s mouth dropped open and he looked over at Loki, who was staring straight forward and clearing his throat.
Thor was making small talk with Hulk before you heard him look over and shout again, “Loki! Look who it is!”
You’d never seen Loki so nervous and afraid. You reached over and placed a hand on his arm. “It’ll be okay.”
Down below Hulk was tired of hearing Thor talk and started running towards him. The fight was in full force and Loki was getting more nervous by the second. Hulk was in it to win it, and he wasn’t sure if his brother would be able to make it out. Surprisingly Thor was able to hit Hulk, sending him all across the barrier on the arena. The crowd was silent as Thor neared Hulk. He placed his hand in Hulk’s massive one and started speaking, but you couldn’t tell what he was saying.
They weren’t fighting and everyone was still and watching. Then Hulk grabbed Thor and swung him back and forth, hitting him against the ground countless times. Loki jumped up, startling you, and shouted, “Yes that’s how it feels!”
The Grandmaster looked over at him questionably and Loki responded with, “I’m just a huge fan of the sport.” The Grandmaster didn’t say anything, just turned back toward the arena and laughed.
Loki sat back down and you looked at him with your eyebrows raised, “What was that about?”
“Well… Hulk did that to me a few years ago.”
“Really?” you laughed.
“Yes. It wasn’t one of my finest moments,” he chuckled. You both settled back down on the couch and focused on the match again. The fight progressed and favor switched between Hulk and Thor for a minute or two. The Grandmaster and Loki were leaning in and cringing depending on the blow and who it had landed on. But things weren’t looking good for Thor. Hulk had him pinned down and was beating him to death.
Blow after blow was pounding down right on Thor’s face. Then something happened. You strained your eyes to see that Thor’s eyes began to glow and lighting began to glow and crackle all around his body. He seemed to gather his strength for a second, wind back his hand and land a punch right to Hulk, sending him flying with an arch of lightning, resulting in a collective gasp from the stands.
Hulk collapsed yards away from Thor. The Grandmaster raised out of his seat, stepped forward and stared at the scene below you. The crowd was murmuring and whispering all kinds of things. You looked over at Loki, who had his elbows propped up on his knees with his mouth wide open.
Thor and Hulk both stood up and ran towards each other, jumping and then hitting one another. It was like a mini-explosion where Thor’s fist collided with Hulk. You were on the edge of your seat. It seemed like Thor could win. The crowd sure seemed to think so because they were chanting, “Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!”
Your full attention was drawn on the arena and a perplexed expression crossed your face when Thor violently shook and then fell to the ground. You looked around and saw the Grandmaster pointing his activator down at Thor, activating his Obedience Disk. You couldn’t believe it. If the Grandmaster wouldn’t have interfered then Thor could have won. He could be freed.
The Grandmaster stood up with a smile and started his projection onto the center of the arena, “Well done! Well done! Two very good fighters, but it looks like my champion has defended his title once again. Thank you everyone for attending today, I hope to see you at the next battle!”
His projection disappeared and people started to file out of the stands. You could tell by the silence that followed that the Grandmaster wasn’t too happy. He walked out of the room followed by guards, leaving everyone else alone. Loki was leaning back on the couch next to you slack-jawed.
“That wasn’t fair,” you breathed out.
He shook his head, “No, no it wasn’t.”
“At least he didn’t die. He should be okay for now,” you said, talking about Thor.
“Thank god.”
You and Loki returned home and sat down on the living room couch. You never got the chance to talk about Thor’s arrival but now no one else was around.
“You might be leaving soon,” you said.
“I may.” Loki reached his hand over and took one of yours in his. You couldn’t mistake the sadness in his voice.
“I won’t make you stay. If you need to go then you should.” You looked at Loki with pure earnestness in your eyes. It hurt to say it, but if Loki and his brother needed to leave then you didn’t want to be the reason they didn’t.
“Y/N I don’t want to go. I want to stay here… with you.”
“What about your sister? Didn’t you say she was trying to take over Asgard, your home?” you questioned with a soft voice.
“Yes but- we don’t stand a chance. If we go we’ll only die. There’s no hope for us.”
You faced your whole body towards him and dipped your head down so Loki could see your face. “You don’t know that. You’re strong and I know you aren’t a coward.”
He stayed quiet but squeezed your hand and met your eyes.
“If you need to go, don’t let me hold you back,” you repeated.
Loki strained up and gave a stern look forward as he nodded his head. “You’re right. I do need to go. Asgard is my home.” He bent his head towards you and spoke, “But I want to make my time with you count.” He leaned in and tilted his head, eyes trained on your lips. You also leaned in and closed your eyes, letting yourself dissolve into the tender kiss.
It heated up quickly, pants filling the air between you every time you parted. You crawled on top of him, straddling his lap. His hands glided from your shoulder blades to your butt, caressing you.
You pulled away and opened your eyes for a second, your face only inches from his. “Should we take this to my room?”
“Yes, we should.” Loki raised up, holding you in his arms and carrying you to your room. You slid out of his arms right in front of the foot of your bed. He started undressing, pulling off his cape, boots, and other components of his complicated outfit. Yours was much easier to get off. All you did was kick off your slippers and undo your dress in the back and let it pool at your feet.
The whole process took a few minutes and you giggled when you had to help Loki undress.
“This is a mood killer,” Loki sighed.
“It’s okay,” you giggled. You pulled off the last garment including Loki’s underwear and he turned around to let you see him. He was so beautiful, every single thing about him. You could definitely believe he was a god, because he sure looked like one. Your wandering eyes made him chuckle, but he couldn’t say anything because he was doing the same.
His hands hovered over your hips, almost like he was afraid to touch you or else you would crumble in front of him. You smiled up Loki and put your hands over his, guiding them to your bare skin. He sharply inhaled as he felt how smooth and warm your skin was. He let out a small laugh in disbelief. He couldn’t imagine himself ever being so lucky as to have you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. He lifted you up again and walked over to your bed until his knees hit the edge. He crawled on and lowered you down onto the fluffy pillows. Your body was on display for him and he was completely swooning over you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in awe.
“And you,” you reached up and pulled him closer to you by his shoulders, “are very handsome.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Since he was already down there he crept lower and lower, placing gentle kisses from your cheek all the way down to your lower stomach. Your breath hitched as his breath fanned over your vagina. He gave it a small kiss before he leaned back. He replaced his mouth with his fingers, sliding them up and down your folds before inserting one.
He surveyed your face as he began to curl his finger making you start moaning quietly.
“Does it feel good?” he asked tentatively.
“Yes,” you moaned out.
He smiled and continued to work you up, building the pressure inside your lower stomach. You couldn’t keep your eyes open. You tried to, but with all the new feelings going on you were squeezing them shut. Loki frowned and cupped your cheek with his hand, rubbing it with his thumb.
“Princess, will you look at me?” he asked. You opened your eyes and did as he asked. You kept your eyes open but your lids were only half open.
You loved the way his fingers felt but you wanted more- you wanted him. “Loki- Loki I want you inside me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.”
He pulled his fingers out and wrapped that hand around his cock, pumping it and getting it ready to be inside you. He spread your legs further than they already were and walked forward on his knees until his tip was right against your entrance. You put his hand around it and guided it in slowly, letting you adjust to the length.
Your hands were on either side of your pillow and you were squeezing it. It wasn’t very painful, but it didn’t feel right to just have your hands open, so you clenched them around your silk pillowcase. Loki saw them and put his own hands on top of yours. As he rolled his hips into you that’s what kept him stable.
“Darling, you make me feel-” he moaned, “so good.”
The inside of you was warm and velvety, encasing his dick in a personal heaven. In just a few minutes he knew what was going to come. Him.
Loki was making you feel just as good as you were making him, if not better. You weren’t a virgin. You had lived long enough to want men and take them back home with you. But none of them were making you feel the way Loki was. He knew exactly what to do, what pace to go at, and all the right words to say. The gentle moans and vulnerable face were so beautiful above you that tears were staining your cheeks.
Worry crossed Loki’s face, he thought you were hurting. “Are you okay?” he asked quickly.
“I’m fine, you’re just- you’re so beautiful.”
He choked out a laugh and regained his original pace. The compliment had warmed his entire body. He was on cloud nine. There was a growing sensation in his lower region and he could feel his orgasm coming.
“I’m about to cum,” he panted.
“Go ahead darling, cum for me,” you returned. His eyes widened but he went ahead, cock stiffening before releasing his cum.
You moaned, head falling to the side from the buzz traveling through your body. You arched your back in an attempt to hurry your own orgasm along. You could feel it approaching but it couldn’t get there soon enough for you. Loki thrusted faster and tried to hit that spot that he knew you had. He succeeded, and an overwhelming pleasure drifted through you.
Your walls clenched around his dick and your own juices squirted out. You sniffed and wiped your tears, opening your eyes to see Loki’s face in complete and utter amazement. You laughed a little as he pulled out of you and rolled over to be by your side.
“What was that face for?” you asked.
“That was the best I’ve ever felt. You are… perfect in every way.”
“I feel the same about you.” You turned on your side and placed a hand on his cheek, just like he had done to you a few minutes prior.
He nuzzled closer to you, putting his face in the crook of your neck. “I’ll come back for you. I promise,” he whispered.
“I’ll be waiting,” you responded while stroking his hair.
Taglist: @deanscroissant
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zi-i-think · 4 years
Pairing: Jade West x fem!reader
Rating: SFW
Word Count: 1800+
Warnings: mention of drugs
Request: no
AN: I know I’m still not done with requests, but I just really wanted to get in a Jade West oneshot. I don’t think Jade is out of character all that much, but I’d love feed back.
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          Things sucked. Like. They royally sucked.
         When Beck and Jade broke up for the second time, it felt like a dark, ominous was looming over the group of talented teens. No one needed to be a genius to realize that both Jade and Beck with miserable. Not just because they were no longer together, but the breakup was emotionally draining.
         And despite it all, y/n couldn’t help but feel a little bit hopeful. She and Jade had been friends since middle school when Jade pushed a boy off his seat because he was bullying Y/n. They were pretty different. Actually very different personality-wise. Y/n was what Jade described as a hippie fairy. Which contrasted Jade’s vampire personality completely. 
         But there were just enough similarities to keep them together. Their hatred for the patriarchy. Interests in a feel-good green herb. They both started practicing Wicca together. And they were killer on the mic.
         It was a fine balance. 
         And over the years, Y/n couldn’t help but fall for the girl. Snarling personality and all. 
         She still recalls when Jade and Beck started dated. How at first she just thought she was annoyed at how Jade didn’t spend as much time with her but later realized that she was indeed feeling jealous.
         She knew it was terrible to be glad they’re no longer together, but she couldn’t help it.
         The first thing she saw when she approached her locker was the dark clothed girl waiting for her; standing cooly against the wall of lockers.
         “Morning.” Y/n greeted her with a smile. Jade hummed her greeting in response, waiting for her friend to get her things from the locker. “How you doing?” Jade sent her a glare, knowing that Y/n what trying to get her to talk about the breakup.Y/n mumbled a “nevermind” and closed the locker.
         “Do you have plans later?” Jade grumbled as the two started to walk to Sicowitz’s class.
         “Uh, yeah. I’m finishing up my script for my play.”
         “The one about the girl who turns into a dragon and then the prince who’s supposed to save her kills her on accident.”
         “That’s the one,” Y/n finger-gunner. “I’m trying to figure out how to make the finally really pull at the heartstrings.”
         “Make it gruesome,”
         “I’ll make a note of it.” 
         The class was already about to start by the time they entered and most people were engaged in their own conversations. Y/n saw Jade and Beck make eye contact. The same longing look on their faces. But stubbornness kept either of them from saying anything.
         “Hey, uh do you want to come over? Help me with the play?” Y/n asked, getting Jade’s attention again.
         “Sure. It’s not like I have any plans.” Jade shrugged before taking a seat upfront.
         Y/n smiled and took the seat next to her friend. A nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach grew as she already started to expect her friend’s arrival.
         “Good day, class!” The eccentric teacher barged into the room. “Your a pack or wolves engaged in a dance party!” He announced, prompting the teans to get up from their seats and act out the prompt.
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         Knock Knock Knock
         The front door of Y/n’s house sounded. With a furrowed brow and her hair still wet, the girl opened the door revealing Jade with two coffees
         “You’re early,” Y/n stated the obvious.
         “Only cause I got bored. Now you want your coffee or not?” The dark haired girl outstretched her arm to hand her the tall cup.
         Y/n smiled appreciativly, taking the cup and stepping to the side.
         “Alright. So what does your play need?” Jade asked, already getting down to business. She walked straight to the living room and plopped herself on the blanketed couch.
         “Well, uh. It's mainly the last scene. Where the dragon turns back into a maiden and the prince realizes what he's done.” Y/n described, sitting next to Jade and grabbing the laptop from the coffee table.
         “Ah, so it’s angsty.” Jade smiles and leaned closer to Y/n to get a look at the document with the script.
         “Yeah.” Y/n’s voice cracked as she tried to compose herself over her friends close proximity. “So, I was thinking that once he realizes his mistake, he holds her close. I want him to have a monologue. Describing how he'd never get the chance to talk to her, see her, you know typical human relationship things.”
         “Alright so what's the problem?” Jade asked, not seeing why Y/n needed her there. Not that she was mad, she loved being around her. And truthfully, she missed hanging out and not having Beck in the back of her mind.
         “It just feels like it's missing something. You know.” Y/n said with a tinge of frustration in her voice. “Like. There's something that isn't making the plot complete enough for him to have that monologue. He loves her, but it doesn't feel like he does enough.”
         Without warning, Jade took the laptop from her lap.
         “I’ll read it.” she grumbled. “You go dry your hair or something.”
         “Good idea.” Y/n agreed, leaving the couch and beading back to her bathroom.
         “And order a pizza!” She heard Jade shout.
         It didn’t take long for Y/n to dry her hair and put the pizza order in. And by the time she got back into the living room, Jade was finished with reading over the script. Instead, she was now holding her new pair of scissors and examining the blades.
         “Figure anything out?” Y/n asked, getting the girl’s attention.
         “Yeah.” Jade put down the scissors and turned her body to face Y/n as she came in and sat down. “Your characters don’t kiss.”
         Y/n month dropped and she bit her bottom lip awkwardly.
         “Well, I was thinking about putting one in, but I thought it would be better if there weren’t one. Think about the symbolism behind it. Without the action, it’s expressing how the two never truly experienced being together.” She explained.
         Jade hummed and nodded as if she were understanding.
         “That’s stupid.” she said. Somehow both calmly and aggressively. Y/n furrowed her brow and tilted her head. Asking without words for Jade to go on. “Y/n the script is good, the storyline is paced well, blah blah blah. But the only thing that isn't good is the way you're presenting that they are in love. You want the audience to be heartbroken for the guy, show them that he loved her.”
         “Okay, so, where do you recommend it goes?” Y/n asked, grabbing the laptop and scrolling through.
         “Obvious. Scene 4, during the confession, I think after she falls from the tree.” Jade said. Y/n quickly went there and read it over, thinking about how to go about it.
         “You don't think it's a little fast?” Y/n asked, twisting her face as unsureness creeped into her mind.
         “Course not. You've already presented their infatuation for each other, and after that scene their relationship is already escalating more quickly. If anything it makes more sense.”
         She was right. Y/n knew it. But she couldn't shake the fact that having this discussion with Jade felt unreal. Perhaps because Y/n was crushing on her, but also because while Jade was very knowledgeable in entertainment, relationships were more of a ‘on the surface’ knowledge.
         Typing quickly the placement of the kiss, Y/n let out a heavy breath.
         “And it’s in.” She announced mainly for herself.
         “Good.” Jade nodded, now smirking at her friend. “You wanna see how it flows with the scene?”
         Y/n kept scrolling down the document to the ending, avoiding looking at the vampiresque girl.
         “Uh, ” She cleared her throat to avoid cracking her voice. “What do you mean?”
         “Well do the scene, me and you. As then you can make the final choice on whether you like it or not.” Jade explained casually.
         “Yeah, okay. We can do that.”
         Despite sounding calm and nonchalant on the outside, Y/n was screaming on the inside. Surely Jade wasn't actually intending on kissing her right? They’d work up to it and then stop, right? No kiss?
         “Cool, I'll be the guy and do you have it all memorized?” Jade started, grabbing the laptop and placing it on her lap.
         “Yep, it's all in my noggin.” Y/n knocked on her head awkwardly, receiving a disapproving look from Jade.
         “I’ll start at the beginning of the confession.” The dark haired girl announced, reading the lines. Then she looked up, right into Y/n’s eyes. “Tell me, Ayleth, do you feel what I feel.”
         “Why, I'm not quite sure what you mean, my prince.” Y/n continued, swallowing her nervousness.
         “When you look into my eyes, do you as well feel that fire? The one raging inside of your heart and coursing through you. Making you think illogically, wanting nothing more than to be consumed completely by you.”
         “One shouldn't think illogically. One must think about their duties, their-”
“That wasn't the question.” Jade acted, her usual roughness and anger dropped as she said her lines. “Do you love me?”
         “I suppose it would be unwise to try to divert the conversation.”
         “Most unwise. Especially to your prince.”
         “Well. Yes. I believe I do.”
         There was silence between the two. This was where the kiss was written. In the quiet, they both seemed to be questioning whether they would actually kiss or not. They both leaned in, slowly but surely. Y/n’s heart sped up and she wondered whether Jade was feeling the same. No, of course not. It's part of the scene. She's just acting, obviously.
         The inches between them soon turned to fractions of an inch. And their lips were so close to meeting.
         Knock knock knock.
         They were interrupted by the door. “Y/n pulled away immediately.
         “Pizza. I’ll get it.” She chuckled nervously and got up.
         “They can wait.” Jade said instead. She grabbed Y/n’s wrist and pulled her back down on the couch.
         Before Y/n knew it, Jade placed a firm kiss on Y/n’s lips. Though shocked, Y/n quickly reciprocated the kiss. Jade placed her hand on Y/n’s cheek, while the other girl’s hand went to Jade’s waist. By now, Y/n’s heartbeat was going a million miles per minute and both girls forgot about the person waiting at the door.
         Until they knocked again.
         “Give us a minute!” Jade shouted angrily before turning back to her, uh friend? Y/n was giggling at her rage over small things like that. Jade noticed not only that her dark blue lipstick had smudged onto Y/n’s face, but that she also had a deep red blush that covered her face almost completely.
         “Should we practice again?” Jade asked instead of bring it up. And when Y/n nodded, she didn’t waste another second to lean in again, kissing her with more depth than the one before.
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wordsnwhiskey · 3 years
As It Should Be | Chapter 5: Breaking In The Newbies
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey x F!Reader x Frankie Morales
Summary: After a rough and emotional night, Frankie makes a decision on Jack’s offer. Before they can get to that though, the morning debrief with Champ brings back a familiar face and Jack has you and Frankie teach the junior agents a lesson during combat training.
Rating: M
Warnings: Canon typical violence, guns, swearing, discussions about safewords.
A/N: Alright, a lot of stuff needed to happen here and we’re going to have a little action and see Frankie show off a bit. It was important to me that the discussion of safe words and Jack checking again for consent happened in a chapter separate from the actual smut. For me, it further emphasizes that Jack doesn’t want Frankie to feel pressured to accept or do anything he doesn’t want to because it’s “in the moment”. Consent is sexy, friends.
I have to give my love and thanks to mi esposa @danniburgh and my friend Agent Capri Sun for the beta reads, the fantastic constructive criticism and encouragement!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 4: Company | AO3 | Art
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The morning sun stirred Frankie. Even with his eyes still closed, he could tell the room was alight, but the warmth that surrounded him had nothing to do with the sun and everything to do with the body next to him. He opened his eyes and realized he was definitely not in Whiskey’s guest bedroom. Instead, he was very much curled into Whiskey’s lightly rising chest. Frankie blushed, very unused to being the little spoon, and moreover, not used to someone’s morning wood poking at him. Whiskey was gently roused from sleep by Frankie’s small movements. He lifted his arm from around Frankie’s waist and stretched.
“G’morning Flyboy. You were having nightmares, so I brought you in here.
“Oh, sorry for waking you up and… thank you.” Frankie felt guilt sting at his throat.
Whiskey grunted and rolled out of bed to go shower.
“Nothing to worry about, partner. I’m no stranger to those kinds of nightmares.”
Frankie was grateful Whiskey understood and made no effort to pry. With a grunt of his own, Frankie got up from the bed and made his way to the kitchen, intent on trying to get coffee going while Whiskey showered.
Whiskey finished his shower and stepped out to dry off, then wrapped his towel around his waist. He was drawn to the kitchen by the smell of coffee, Frankie’s initiative quirking the corners of his mouth into a small smile. He leaned against the kitchen counter and watched as Frankie poured their coffee, handing Whiskey’s to him black. Jack hummed his approval, a sound which he noted made Frankie preen a bit.
“Good boy.” Jack gestured to the coffee with a small wink as the air seemed to be pushed from Frankie’s lungs. “Now, as much as I enjoy the view of you in just my shorts, let's get you into something you can wear at the office.”
Frankie was rooted to the spot, Jack’s “good boy” ringing in his ears and sending a wave of warmth throughout his entire body. Jack didn’t comment, just let his smirk speak for itself as he took his coffee back to his room and opened the doors to his closet. His fingers tabbed at a few of the hanging suits as he looked back to see that Frankie had finally uprooted himself and joined him.
“We’re similar in build, so you ought to be able to pull off one of my suits…”
Frankie winced.
“Right, well then, let’s go with something a touch more casual.
Jack grabbed a pair of jeans, a blue button down, white t-shirt, belt, and socks, handing each article of clothing over to Frankie as he moved around his closet.
“There, that should do you. Comfortable, but still presentable for Statesman.”
Jack gave him a smile only to notice Frankie shifting his weight.
“Thanks,” came Frankie’s reply as he turned to get dressed. He didn’t mind going without boxers, but the sudden realization that he needed more clothes of his own hit Frankie as he dressed in the clothes Jack had given him.
“Hey Jack?”
Whiskey hummed in acknowledgement as he finished getting dressed himself: jeans, suspenders, white button down shirt, and a navy wool blazer.
“I was thinking about your offer last night, and… I’d like that.”
Whiskey turned to look at Frankie, giving him a once over, distantly thinking about how good Frankie looked in his clothes, and a mischievous smile lit up Whiskey’s face.
“I’m looking forward to it, Flyboy. We’ll discuss things a bit more at the end of the day in my office. It’s about as close to neutral territory as we’re gonna get for that conversation. For today though, I want you to be a good boy and stick to me like a shadow. We’re meeting with Champ first thing. Then, we’re gonna have some fun.”
Frankie nodded, rocking back on his heels for a moment, then fell in step with Whiskey as they headed out, both of them grabbing their respective hats as they went. The ride in Whiskey’s Bronco was quiet, and soon enough they were riding the elevator up to their floor in the Statesman tower.
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You were seated at the conference table facing the double doors with Pope to your right.
“You sleep alright, Pope? Hope Ginger didn’t keep you too late.”
“She’s something, that’s for sure, Hawk, but she did let me go, eventually.”
He gave you a good natured laugh that slowly lost its shine.
“You hear from Fish, Hawk? Ginger told me where she put him up and I went to check on him last night, but he never answered.”
Worry bloomed in your chest, not that it had really gone away after seeing Frankie leave yesterday. You figured if he wanted or needed to talk, he would have reached out to you. Honestly, you had hoped he would have checked in with Pope at some point since he probably felt more comfortable with him. Just then, the conference double doors opened, giving way as Jack strode in, greeting you with a smile and tilt of his head. Relief eased the tension in your chest and shoulders when Frankie followed closely behind Jack. Your eyes darted over to Whiskey, fixing him with a questioning gaze as you realized the clothes Frankie was wearing belonged to Jack.
“Fish!” Pope practically jumped out of his chair, rushing over to Frankie with a duffle bag in tow. “I was worried about you, hermano. I went to the hotel, but you didn’t answer.”
To Frankie’s credit, his face didn’t betray much, but both you and Pope knew that Frankie didn’t have any other clothes aside from what he had left with.
“Uh, yeah, must’ve just missed you.”
You could tell Pope was filing the information away for later. Your eyes wandered to Jack’s again and you raised an eyebrow. At least you now had an idea why he had cancelled on you last night.
“Here, Fish. I figured you’d want your go bag.”
“Gracias, hermano.”
They clasped arms, then took their seats. Frankie grabbed the orange tinted glasses he had left the day before and put them on, adjusting them on the bridge of his nose. His gaze fell to yours and he gave you a small smile, but before you could say anything, Champ’s holo image flickered to life.
“Catfish! You’re looking mighty fine! Much better than yesterday.”
“Yes sir, thanks.”
Champ nodded. He’d been worried about how the man would fare, especially considering the news yesterday.
“Right, down to the business at hand. It does appear that a new cartel is making their play at center stage, picking up where Poppy left off. They’re not following Poppy’s business model, though. From what we understand, the group is headed by four individuals: Isabella Gómez, Duke Hernández, Steven Weisel and Emily Weisel. They’ve taken to calling themselves La Linda Rosa, likely after the Red Agent flowers. Up until now, they’ve been your run of the mill cartel, but it’s our belief that the Weisels have been instrumental in their production and processing of Agent Red. Recently, the Weisels purchased land in Colombia, and from our drone coverage, they may have set up processing plants there. We don’t know why the sudden shift to Agent Red, though. The plants themselves go for $500k per plant, and they take time to mature. We don’t think the Weisels are responsible for acquiring the plants, so that leaves either Isabella or Duke.”
Frankie’s attention drifted from Champ to the pictures on the screen and swore.
“Fuck. Pope, you know who that is, right? I thought they were in Australia?”
Pope did a double take, recognizing his old informant’s brother. The Statesman stared at the two men, waiting for them to elaborate. Frankie sighed and settled into his seat a bit more, knee bouncing anxiously.
“Four years ago, Pope came to me and the rest of our old team to take out Gabriel Martín Lorea and make out with the money he had stockpiled. Pope’s CI, Yovanna, and her brother, Duke, both worked for Lorea. In exchange for helping us, Pope got the brother out of jail and we dropped them off in Peru with papers to Australia and $3M. Looks like Duke wasn’t satisfied with life in Australia.”
Ginger frowned and pulled up Duke’s known associates, Yovanna’s picture following the others on screen.
“Yovanna appears to still be living in Australia, but it’s possible Duke grabbed the money and ran.”
Frankie closed his eyes, lifting his cap and carding his fingers through his hair before placing the hat back on his head and sighing.
“What’s the plan? Sounds like the plants and processing facilities need to be taken out, and then there’s the compound, too.”
Pope nodded, then sighed as well. This was bringing back memories for the both of them.
“We’ll also need to be wary of the local agencies. They’ll be on the lookout for anyone suspicious, especially if it’s anything like how it was with Lorea.”
Champ nodded and tilted his head to Ginger.
“We’re doing our own recon and then we’ll break out teams. Pope, Catfish, we’d like you to at least help with intel, and given your experience in taking down Lorea, if you’re up for it, I’d like you both on the compound assault team.”
You saw Pope and Frankie share a look, Frankie’s jaw clenched and then he nodded.
“Yes, sir.”
“Great, not to worry boys, Statesman has the best resources, stateside or otherwise. For now, I’m sure we can keep you plenty busy. Whiskey, don’t forget, today is your day for combat training with the new recruits. Bourbon, Cranberry needs you to test equipment in the lab later today.”
“Pope, could you actually stick around again for a bit? I’ve got some more intel I want to run through with you.” Ginger chimed in, and you were surprised he didn’t grimace at the idea of being locked in a room for hours again.
With that, the meeting was over, Champ’s holo image disappeared and they took their glasses off. Jack stood up and Frankie was quick to follow him, much to your intrigue. You stood up as well. You were eager to watch Jack have his way with the new agents. It was always fun. Whiskey seemed to know you would be following and beckoned for you to enter his office first, followed by Frankie, and Jack closed the door behind him.
“Go ahead and set your bag down wherever you’d like, Flyboy.”
Frankie dropped his bag in a corner then promptly started to rifle through it, pulling his shoes out and quickly swapping his dress shoes for them. He let out a sigh of relief as he rolled up on the balls of his feet and rocked back on his heels. He hated dress shoes.
You took a short minute to admire Frankie in the blue button down while he rolled up his sleeves. Jack’s fingers wrapped around your wrist and he tugged you into him.
“Missed you, darlin’.”
Smiling, you took his face in your hands and tugged him down for a kiss.
“Missed you too, Jack.”
You murmured against his lips, and you resolved not to ask about last night. Whatever happened, Frankie must have reached out to Jack, not you or Santi, and you’d leave it at that. Jack hummed contentedly for a moment before he pulled back and winked at you.
“Are you coming to watch us break in the newbies, darlin’? I was thinking you and Flyboy could do the first demo.”
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, but there was a playfulness in them as well.
“Us?” You questioned Jack with a raised eyebrow.
“First demo?” Came Frankie’s question as he whirled around to face you and Whiskey.
Jack’s smile broadened and he started out of his office and towards the elevator, expecting you and Frankie to follow.
“What are we demoing, Whiskey?”Frankie asked, more pointedly this time.
“Well, our newbies are scheduled to learn about disarms and what happens when the enemy goes for their gun. I thought it’d be good to have them start out seeing Bourbon disarm you.”
Frankie huffed as he crossed his arms and leaned against the elevator wall. You smiled as you leaned against the wall opposite Frankie.
“It’ll be just like old times, Fish.”
He groaned and shook his head.
“Why have me do the demo though? I’m not a Statesman agent.”
Before you could respond to reassure Frankie, Jack chimed in, eyeing him with nothing short of gleeful mischief. Jack enjoyed breaking the new agents in almost a little too much sometimes, but it was good for them, and he was good at it.
“No, you’re not, you’re ex-Delta Force, Frankie. These agents have had plenty of training, but they don’t have your experience, Flyboy. They’re gonna learn the difference today.”
Jack shared a similar philosophy with you when it came to combat training and sparring. You had been a terror in hand-to-hand, still were, you were proud to say. You knew there was often a size disadvantage, but you had learned to use your opponent’s momentum against them, and more importantly, you didn’t follow convention. In sparring matches, most people fought like they were sparring, which was fine for beginning, but there was a big difference between practicing and being in an actual fight. You never advocated for an all out brawl, but you refused to follow the typical learned pattern that people naturally gravitated towards. Tom had been predictable and a sore loser. Will was predictable but sweet. Benny, well, there was a reason he was semi-pro, which left Santi and Frankie. Santiago was fun, and you had lost your fair share of matches to both him and Benny. Frankie had a spark in his eyes when he sparred, but no matter how hard you had tried to get him to let go, he refused. It had nothing to do with anything silly like you being a woman, more to do with the fact that Frankie never seemed to just let himself go in that way. You had only seen him let go a bit twice, both times in the field and well worn down by the day.
The elevator dinging startled you out of your reverie, and you followed right behind Jack towards the training room. Frankie assumed they would be entering a gym of sorts, but he was sorely mistaken, and he realized the ‘floor’ they were on must have been composed of several. The ‘room’ was really more of a training complex housed in the unassuming tower. To the right, a group of 20 people stood, waiting. He gave them a cursory glance, and then his eyes were pulled to the range. He’d definitely have to visit to let off some stress. He followed as you and Whiskey led the way to the group of agents and hung back slightly as the group stood to attention.
“Well, look at this promising group of newbies, Bourbon. D’you think they’re up for today’s lesson?”
You let the smirk on your lips turn into a full crooked smile, you had more than a small idea as to what Jack was going to do. Looking over your shoulder, you caught Frankie’s eye and nodded for him to join you.
“I don’t know, Whiskey, simple concept, but we’ll see what their execution is like. My money is on our guy.”
The agents before you bristled, full of young pride that was well-earned. Whiskey’s hand clasped over Frankie’s shoulder as he introduced him to the new agents.
“Y’all are in for a treat. Our friend, Catfish, here, has generously volunteered to help train you on close quarters combat and disarms. Bourbon will demo the defense first. Catfish,” Whiskey took a pistol from the long table off to the side and handed it to Frankie. “Your objective is simple: shoot a blank at Bourbon.”
Frankie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, and his eyes sought yours to make sure you were comfortable. An answering smile was good enough for him, and he checked the pistol, confirming there were no live rounds, before looking back up at you. The two of you easily slid into a ready position, and Jack gestured for the new agents to give you some room.
“Halcón, when you go for the takedown, ten cuidado con mi espalda. Ya no soy joven.” [be careful with my back. I’m not young anymore.]
It only mildly annoyed you that he already knew you were going to go for the takedown, after priding yourself on your spontaneity earlier, but you pushed that out of your mind as you both stood a few steps apart. There would be a split second when Frankie pulled his pistol and took a readying step. That would be where you would have an opening and make your move. A tense handful of seconds that seemed to stretch on filled the air. Jack watched the new agents, the tension between you and Frankie seemed to embed itself in the junior agents’ lungs as they all waited with bated breath.
Nothing telegraphed Frankie’s quick movements as he drew his pistol, but on instinct, your body was moving. He saw your left hand fly out to redirect his momentum and push his gun hand away, quickly shifting to plant his weight, keeping you from landing the takedown this early. The training you and Frankie had received taught you to be efficient and end things quickly. That was easier said when you had spent years training together. The junior agents seemed to still be holding their breath while you traded blows. Your moment of opportunity came, and you took it. Frankie seemed to understand what was happening but his balance was off. You stepped into him, your hip bumping his as your hand came to grip over the top of his pistol. The next thing everyone knew, you were both on the ground, the gun skittering harmlessly away, and Frankie’s arm in an arm bar. He grunted and quickly tapped at your leg to surrender, and you let him go. The class was quiet until Whiskey broke the silence as you helped Frankie to his feet.
“I hope you lot were paying attention to Catfish here, he did a great job demonstrating what to do when facing a difficult opponent like Bourbon. For this exercise, the rest of you will attempt to take a shot at Catfish and he will disarm you by whatever means he deems necessary.”
You can’t help but let out a small laugh, knowing Whiskey was being intentional with his wording.The laugh died quickly, however, at the words of one of the junior agents.
“How was that a good example? He lost, he was disarmed. We should be practicing against someone better, who would last longer.”
At your side, you saw Frankie stand up straighter, his feet moving shoulder width apart as his hands clasped behind his back and he fixed the younger agent with a steely gaze. Even as his breathing remained calm, it was obvious the words had gotten to him. Whiskey’s good natured grin turned into a smug smirk.
“Davis,” Whiskey began, calling the man out by his last name and emphasizing he hadn’t earned a Statesman moniker. “Since you’re so eager, by all means, approach Catfish when you’re ready and show us how your Statesman training fares.”
Frankie kept his gaze leveled at the cocky junior agent, noticing in his periphery that you had moved away to give them plenty of room. Davis moved to be a few steps in front of him. Frankie continued to hold the stare as he questioned Whiskey.
“Are you sure about this, Whiskey?”
Whiskey nodded, Frankie’s gaze flickering over to him for the briefest of seconds, then he brought his hands to a loose ready position at his sides. Davis drew his pistol, but Frankie grabbed the barrel with his left hand, stepped forward and hooked his right foot behind Davis’ lead leg and pushed on the agent’s chest with his right hand. Davis went down, but found himself suspended by Frankie’s hold on his shirt. The class was filled with littered gasps and snickers. The ‘fight’ was over before it had really begun. Frankie helped right the agent and stepped aside to let him retrieve his firearm.
“Attaboy, Catfish! Davis, looks like you’ve got some work to do. Here’s another lesson, agents: Statesman agents aren’t your only competition out there. We’ve got some fancy gear and trainin’ here, but there’s a world of intelligence agents and mercs out there. Catfish served with Bourbon, and that should tell you all you need to know.” He paused a moment to let the information sink in as Davis returned to the line to lick his wounds. Then Whiskey called the next agent.
Frankie breathed in, then out through his nose, and got ready. As they went, the junior agents in waiting began to pick up on a few of his techniques, and he had to adjust, but time spent practicing and training at Benny’s gym had prepared him well for this.
You watched as Jack’s eyes danced while he followed Frankie’s movements. The circumstances earlier had prevented him from truly appreciating how efficient and capable the quiet man was. The last of the junior agents had made their attempt and consequently failed. Frankie’s breath was coming more unevenly now, and rightly so. What he had gone through would be exhausting for anyone.
“Well done, everyone, a round of applause to Catfish for taking the time to demonstrate y’all have a lot to learn before getting approved for field work. Now go on and line up at the range and get warmed up. We’ll be running sims next.”
The junior agents dispersed to the range towards the back of the room. Frankie let out a breath and rolled his shoulders to let out some of the tension he had been carrying, then started heading for the range, eager to let off some more steam.
“Where do you think you’re going, partner?”
Frankie frowned, his eyes darting between you and Whiskey in confusion.
“I thought we were going to go shoot?”
Jack smiled then winked at Frankie.
“They’re warming up, you still have one more person to disarm, Flyboy.”
Frankie’s fingers twitched, and you could see that the exercise earlier had worn at his usual restraint.
“No lasso.”
Whiskey handed you his lasso, then unloaded his revolvers and passed you the ammo. He holstered his revolvers again and stepped into position in front of Frankie. You watched as a new kind of energy seemed to crackle between them, and some of the junior agents seemed to sense it, stopping to watch as well.
Whiskey was fast, but training at the boxing gym had helped Frankie with his speed. As Whiskey drew his revolver, Frankie sprung forward. He didn’t bother to grab the gun. Instead, he brought his fist down on the barrel, sending it skittering away. Whiskey’s fist connected with Frankie’s side, and you heard, rather than saw, Frankie’s reservations fall away with a snarl. He took hold of the inside of Jack’s blazer, grabbing the grip of the other revolver holstered there and made to pull it out and take the ‘shot’. Jack’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. He hadn’t expected Frankie to go on the offensive, but he found he was impressed. He liked a challenge. Before Frankie could draw the revolver from the holster, Jack grabbed his wrists and wrenched them down, then back up quickly to break Frankie’s hold, and then Jack threw them both to the ground. Both men recovered quickly, but in the chaos, the revolver had fallen to the ground and Frankie scrambled for it. Just as his fingertips touched cold metal, Whiskey’s whip flicked the revolver further away, and they closed the distance to grapple with each other again.
Your match with Frankie had been a well practiced dance, and this was too, in its own right. However, where yours had been fluid, Whiskey and Frankie were bordering on feral. For a moment, it appeared that Frankie had gotten the upper hand. Whiskey staggered backwards, about to fall, but as he went, he flicked his whip, the corded length wrapping around Frankie’s throat. He tugged, sending them both to the ground. Frankie grunted and struggled against the snare he was in. Whiskey wasted no time in scrambling up and pinning Frankie, his knee to the pilot’s back. Frankie continued to struggle until Whiskey leaned down so that only the other man could hear.
“Easy now, Tiger, save your strength for tonight. You did good.”
Frankie relaxed under Jack’s weight and nodded. Whiskey got off of him with a grunt and unwound the corded length of the whip from Frankie’s neck, then pressed a button on the handle to recall it. He helped Frankie up and dusted him off a bit.
A few of the junior agents were still watching in awe. It was rare to see a senior agent like you or Whiskey truly need to put some effort in, and to see it twice in one day was something else entirely. You walked over to the two men and put your hand on Frankie’s shoulder.
“You did great, Fish, nice to see you let loose for once.”
He scoffed good naturedly and swooped to pick his hat up from off the ground.
“You guys had quite the audience while you were at it, too.” Your smile was barely contained as you raised an eyebrow at Jack.
This time it was Whiskey’s turn to scoff.
“Well, I hope they’ve been practicing. They’ll be running the sim after Frankie does.”
Whiskey patted Frankie on his shoulder then gestured for him to follow. He led him to an enclosed area that occupied the majority of the left side of the training complex. A small structure that looked like a house sat inside the enclosure, and you knew it was furnished to match whatever simulation scenario had been determined. Whiskey stopped at a table just outside of the enclosure and gestured to the rifle, combat knife, folder, and headset.
“Alright, Flyboy, I know you’ve done this sort of exercise before. Your brief is on the table there. Good luck.”
You and Whiskey walked a bit further along the enclosure to two screens. One cycled through a variety of camera angles while the other would connect to the headset once Frankie turned it on.
“You’re really having Frankie run the simulation?”
Whiskey nodded, “I didn’t have him help with the demo just to teach those newbies a lesson, darlin’. He’s been through hell, and I figured getting him to work through some of that in sparring and the sim would help. That, and, well… you can’t blame me for bein’ curious, Bourbon. Last time I got to see what he could do, we were a bit busy trying not to get shot.”
You can’t help but to chuckle and shake your head, your attention going back to Frankie as he geared up.
“Frankie turns into a different person on missions sometimes, used to scare the hell out of people on base who saw it. No one ever suspected it because he was always the quiet one, but he’s just as competitive as the rest of the guys on the team. He was just always scary good at keeping a level head and focusing on the mission. You’ll see.”
Frankie put on the kit provided for him then flipped through the brief before lowering the headset and advancing. The brief had been fairly simple: infiltrate the compound, rescue the target, and escort the target to the exfil location. They even provided a decent description of the target. The virtual course populated guards patrolling the 3 entrances. He opted for the path of least resistance with only 2 guards posted.
From the screen, you and Jack could see Frankie take a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing even as he crept towards the two guards. You knew it was because he was willing himself to let go, to let his instincts and muscle memory take over. He was lightning fast as his knife came out and he landed brutal and precise fatal blows to the targets on the screen. In a normal situation, he would hide the bodies but the miracle of technology meant he didn’t have to. It was beautiful in a devastating way to watch Frankie move with such confidence, stealth, and precision. He peered around a hallway, noting the sudden influx of guards and catching a glimpse of red at the end of the hall. The brief had indicated the target would be in red, and it made sense that there would be more guards to ensure the target didn’t run off. He counted five hostiles in the hallway.
Five guards, five bullets.
Once he had downed the hostiles, Frankie stepped through the hallway, catching a glimpse of the target and swore at how cliché the scenario was. The brief had just said the target had last been seen wearing red.
“¡Me están jodiendo! ¿En serio? ¿Una mujer en un vestido rojo?” [They’re fucking with me. Really? A woman in a red dress?]
You could both hear Frankie through the mic link in his headset, and you couldn’t help but laugh. It quickly died as you and Whiskey tensed. The woman in red was a decoy, one that statistically caught the majority of users by surprise.
“Ma’am, are you-” She moved just barely and he saw the glint of where a gun was holstered. Frankie didn’t finish his sentence. Instead, he fired a shot to her chest and grumbled to himself before moving on. Normally, it wouldn’t have taken him that long to figure it out.
Whiskey whistled, thoroughly impressed. It wasn’t long after that Frankie found the real target and reached the ‘exfil location’.
“Damn, sweetheart, you sure picked a good one.”
He winked at you, and you grinned back as Frankie pulled off the headset and his kit, then walked over to you.
“Alright, agents! Catfish successfully completed the sim in 15 minutes, that’s your time to beat!”
A chorus of groans echoed in the training room. Whiskey ignored them and clapped Frankie on his shoulder.
“You did good, Flyboy, really set the bar high. Most people get caught up by the decoy.”
Frankie’s chest puffed out a little at the praise, but he was soon shaking his head. Before he could deflect the compliment, Whiskey squeezed his shoulder.
“Feeling hungry, Flyboy? Figured the three of us could grab a quick lunch before Cran steals Bourbon here away from us.”
“Yeah, I’m starving. Didn’t expect you to keep me busy like that.”
Vermouth entered the training room, and you waved him down.
“Hey, Vermouth! Watch the junior agents for us. Whiskey’s just got them running the sim. We’re going to go grab lunch!”
Without waiting for Vermouth’s answer, you grabbed Whiskey and Frankie’s hands, dragging them out of the training room and to the elevator.
“There’s a deli not far from the office we can walk to, and it’s late enough that we should miss the rush.”
Walking arm in arm with both of your boys, you could think of very few things better than right now. You didn’t care that you were in the middle of downtown New York. All that mattered was Whiskey on your right, and Frankie on your left.
Frankie did his best to relax and not let his anxiety and internal struggles get the best of him. Whiskey’s words echoed in his mind: “When it comes to me and Bourbon, keep an open mind and try not to overthink it.” That was a lot easier said than done, but he was working on it.
You were right, the timing made it so that you had missed the lunch rush. You all ordered your food, Whiskey stepping in to pay with a look that silenced both you and Frankie, then you all went to sit down.
Whiskey practically sprawled in his chair, his legs encroaching your space under the table and Frankie’s space next to him. Frankie sat somewhat stiffly but the more he ate, the more he seemed to relax. You nudge his foot with yours playfully to grab his attention.
“How’s your back? Mr. Ya-no-soy-joven.”
The three of you laughed, and Frankie shook his head with a wide grin on his face.
“I’m not! Gotta leave that shit for the young guys who think they’re invincible.”
“Young guys like Davis?” You shot back, smug on Frankie’s behalf.
“Cocky kid had it coming.”
There was no anger in Frankie’s eyes, only the slightest lilt of mirth in his voice as his gaze met yours, then Whiskey’s. Whiskey leaned forward and barked a laugh while patting Frankie on the back.
“He sure did. The lot of them were in need of a reality check. That’s why Champ specifically likes to have me or Bourbon take at least one pass at our junior agents. After all those hours spent training, they tend to forget that there are much bigger fish out there.”
Conversation flowed easily between them for the rest of their lunch. It reminded Frankie of the prior morning, when they were enjoying breakfast and everything just felt right. It felt as if all of the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and this time, this time, it didn’t feel fleeting.
Walking to the office was much more comfortable than the walk to the deli had been. You noticed that Frankie was far less stiff under your touch on his arm, even leaning into you occasionally. You parted ways in the elevator. You were heading to the lab to play guinea pig for Cranberry, and your boys were headed upstairs to Whiskey’s office. Frankie seemed hesitant to let you go, and you did your best not to spook him, your heart fluttering in your chest.
Given everything that had happened, things needed to be almost wholly in Frankie’s court, at least until he was more comfortable around you. You had certainly noticed, however, how easily Frankie and Whiskey seemed to allow each other into their respective spaces. The elevator doors closed behind you as you strode down the hall. You were glad that they were comfortable together, though. It had definitely been a concern of yours, considering their respective pasts, but you also thought that there was the potential for them to relate and understand each other better than most.
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The rest of the day passed by slowly, and as directed, Frankie remained Jack’s shadow. Jack did his best to keep from laughing when 5pm rolled around and Frankie began to subconsciously bounce his knee. He was scrolling on his phone, lower lip pulled between his teeth and brow furrowed as he tried to focus on whatever was on the screen.
You knocked on Jack’s open office door, raising an eyebrow when you saw Frankie startle at the sound. He wasn’t usually this jumpy. Jack’s gaze met yours, and you could see the amusement and mischief that bubbled in his eyes.
“Hey there, darlin’, you getting ready to head out for the night?”
“Just about, wanted to come see my boys before I do.”
Frankie’s knee stopped bouncing at your words, his phone falling into his lap as he looked up at you. You motion for him to scoot over a bit as you sit down on the couch next to him and rest your chin on your hand.
“We’re still on for dinner tomorrow, right?”
You posed the question to the room in general, even though the three of you knew that it was really directed towards Frankie.
“Uh yeah, I’m-I’m looking forward to dinner tomorrow,” Frankie says after clearing his throat and gives you both a shy smile. Leaning over, you take his large hand in your own and give it a squeeze.
“Great!” Standing up from the couch, you smooth your clothes, give Frankie a kiss on his cheek, and then kiss Jack. “I’ll find us a place, and we’ll figure it out more tomorrow. Night, Frankie. Night, Jack.”
A minute later, you’re gone, and suddenly there’s nothing keeping Frankie’s mind off of the time, which is painfully close to 6pm, when Jack said he’d be done with work. The moment the clock turned that final, eternal minute, Frankie sat up straight, attentive, and alert as his eyes watched Whiskey.
Jack leaned back in his chair, stretching, then relocated next to Frankie on the couch.
“I don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything tonight, Flyboy. If you feel like you’re not up for it, we’ll just grab dinner and head home.”
Frankie shook his head and took a steadying breath.
“No, I want this. I-I could really use it, Jack.”
Whiskey nodded, eyes wandering over Frankie as he adjusted on the couch.
“Alright, I use the green, yellow, red system. You need me to stop for whatever reason, call red, and that’s it, no questions, no hard feelings or fuss. I’ll get you cleaned up and help you come down. Sound good?”
Frankie nodded, his tongue suddenly thick and his mouth dry in anticipation. Jack tutted.
“I need you to use your words, Flyboy.”
Frankie swallowed, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“I understand, s-sounds good.”
“Good. Now…” Jack pulled a small pad of stationary paper and a pen from the side table. “I want you to write out what you’re ok with and any hard or soft limits you have.”
Frankie nodded, then took the pen and paper and began writing.
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A blush took hold of Frankie as he handed it back.
“It’s what I can come up with off the top of my head, for tonight at least. I’ll let you know if anything else comes up though.”
Jack’s eyes were dark as he perused the list, looking up from the paper to Frankie, he stood up with a smile.
“C’mon Flyboy… we’re gonna have some fun tonight.”
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Little Unicorn Day Center
Title: Little Unicorns Daycare Center
Prompt: day 2 - meet cute
Rating: G
Brief Summary
Any Content warnings: 
Hermione had cared for many children in the three years since she had opened the Little Unicorns Daycare Center, and she had always been careful to be impartial and fair to every little boy and girl that walked through her doors.
But she couldn’t deny that Lily was one of her favorites.
The vivacious red-headed girl had been in her care for around six months, and it had been obvious from the start that she was different from the other kids. She was well ahead of the group on her reading comprehension, and she had a highly developed sense of humor for her age. She also loved to tell detailed, fantastical stories about magical creatures, and people flying around on broomsticks, and Hermione was amazed at the depth of her imagination.
Hermione had only ever met Lily’s mother, Ginny, who shared her daughter’s long red hair and quick wit. Ginny was always in and out of the cottage in a hurry when she came to drop Lily off or pick her up, but she was always friendly enough. She knew that Ginny was in publishing, and her husband in law enforcement, jobs that surely kept them both very busy, so Hermione didn’t think anything of the quick visits.
It never struck her as odd, either, that she had never met Lily’s father; it was common for her to deal with one parent more than the other. She finally met him on a cold, snowy day, when the front door opened and Lily burst in, shedding her hat and gloves before she had even made it past Hermione’s desk, and a tall, gorgeous red-headed man trailing behind her.
He smiled apologetically as he bent to pick up Lily’s things to hand to her. “Sorry about that. Is she always like this?”
Hermione’s fingers brushed against his as she took the gloves, and she was surely imagining the spark that ignited her skin at the contact. “Oh, it’s um…” Hermione unconsciously raised her hand to flatten her bushy hair before scolding herself. This man was married, and it surely did not matter how her hair looked. “It’s finger paint day. I’m sure she’s just excited.”
“Oh, that explains it, then. Can’t say I blame her.”
He gave her another brilliant smile, and she melted as she looked up into his vibrant blue eyes. Lily had bright eyes, too, but hers were an almost unnatural shade of green. Ginny’s, if Hermione remembered correctly, were brown, and for a fleeting moment, she hoped that maybe the man was a family friend or something. But then she saw the shiny gold detective's badge pinned to his trousers, and the hair color, of course, was unmistakable. Even so, Hermione couldn’t stop herself from asking, “Will you be picking Lily up this afternoon?”
“Nah, Gin just had an early meeting this morning. She’ll get her later, like normal.”
Hermione hoped that her disappointment wasn’t glaringly obvious. Her instant attraction to this man was undeniable, but it was also incredibly inappropriate. He was a parent of one of her charges, for goodness sake! Hermione put on the most neutral smile she could muster and then motioned to a pile of papers that she was certain were nothing more than coloring sheets. “Okay, I hope you have a lovely day. If you’ll excuse me, I really should get back to work.”
“Oh, yeah, me too.” He leaned to the side to look through the open doorway into the playroom beyond the lobby. “Bye, Lil! Be good!” Hermione heard no response from the adjacent room, but he turned without one and gave a slight wave of goodbye to Hermione before heading back out into the cold.
It was several weeks before she saw him again. Lily again raced through the door while her father ambled in behind her and smiled at Hermione. “Must be finger-paint day again,” he said teasingly as he approached the desk. “I realize I didn’t properly introduce myself before. I’m Ron.” He held out his hand for Hermione to shake and she took it, trying to ignore the warmth of his palm.
“Hermione.” Their hands remained linked for just an instant longer than was probably proper, and Hermione forced herself to break their gaze. “Lily’s a wonderful child,” she said, determined to focus on the little girl.
“Yeah, she’s a hoot. She—“ Ron cut himself off with a frown and fished a buzzing pager from his coat pocket. “Sorry, duty calls.” She caught another glimpse of his badge and nodded in understanding. “Nice to see you again.”
“You, too.” Hermione lifted her hand in farewell, and she was so distracted by the view of him from behind, that it completely slipped her mind that Ron was not the name of the other parent on Lily’s paperwork.
She saw Ron several more times over the following months, and he was always so charming with her. Hermione was horribly embarrassed by her attraction to another woman’s husband—though she had noticed that he didn’t wear a ring—and even worse, the fact that the feeling seemed to be mutual. She wanted to believe that it was just his personality, that he was the outgoing type, and not that he was a man who would shamelessly flirt with other women. He didn’t seem to be the sort who would do such a thing. Or maybe she just didn’t want to admit to herself how unseemly her behavior was. Either way, Lily would be moving on to kindergarten soon, and she could forget all about Ron.
Usually if she saw Ron, it was at Lily’s morning drop-off, so Hermione was surprised when he appeared one afternoon at pick-up time. He was quieter than usual, not his typical cheery self. “Lily!” Hermione called to the other room. “Time to go!”
“Coming!” the little girl hollered back as Ron approached her desk.
“Hi,” he said, his tone soft. She didn’t know him all that well, even now, but he actually sounded nervous. “So, I um...wanted to ask you something?”
Hermione’s heart started pounding, and she rubbed her palms against her jeans anxiously. “Sure,” she replied, and she hoped he couldn’t hear the tremor in her voice.
He hesitated, and then blurted out, “Are you free for dinner tonight?” He must have registered the look of shock on her face at his overt invitation, and he began to ramble. “I’ve got to take Lily home, but after that, or—or maybe this weekend we could—“
Hermione gave a vehement shake of her head and lowered her voice to hiss at him, “That is wildly inappropriate!” As much as she couldn’t deny that there was a chemistry between them, acting on it was a whole different matter.
“I—“ He seemed taken aback by the severity of her response. “I can take the rejection, but...inappropriate?”
She looked at him incredulously. “Yes. I don’t make it a habit to fraternize with—“
“Uncle Ron!” Lily’s exclamation and pounding footsteps cut her off and stopped her cold. The little girl threw her arms around one of Ron’s long legs, and he reached down to pat her head.
“Hey, kiddo. Have a good day today?”
Lily nodded. “Where’s mummy?”
“Waiting at home, and your dad is picking up your brothers.”
She then glanced at Hermione before gazing up at Ron with a knowing look beyond her years. “Did you come just to say hi to Miss Hermione?” Lily half-covered her mouth to whisper loudly to Hermione, “My mummy says he fancies you.”
Hermione couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief. Here she had been berating herself all these months for nothing. She wracked her brain, but she couldn’t recall Lily ever mentioning her father or Ron by name, and she had never addressed him directly until now. She had just been assuming that Ron was off-limits, and couldn’t remember ever being so pleased to be wrong.
Ron’s face was red with embarrassment, but he was still smiling shyly at her, and the look was incredibly endearing. “Did you really think I was her dad? Haven’t you ever met Harry?” Hermione shook her head.
“No, I haven’t, actually. I saw your badge and, well, your hair—I just assumed.”
“So...any chance that changes your mind about dinner?” he asked hopefully.
Hermione crouched down to the ground and motioned Lily over. “Maybe you could tell your Uncle Ron,” she said in a stage whisper, “that I fancy him, too?”
Lily nodded eagerly before scampering back over to Ron. “Uncle Ron! Miss Hermione said she fancies you.”
Hermione straightened and beamed at Ron. “Seven okay?”
“Tonight?” Hermione nodded; she didn’t want to wait any longer to get to know him better. “Brilliant. Seven it is.” He took Lily’s hand and led her toward the door, glancing back over his shoulder at Hermione with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
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