#but yeah... just TMI moment
queenoftsage · 18 days
For the record....
When I get bad customer service, which luckily enough for me, has seldom happened in REAL life [only when I have called places I have gotten really bad customer service. Believe me, I remain very calm all the way through and when I hang up, I have to think strategically on how to fight that shit and solve it myself cause.. wow.] , I never complain.
All I think in my head is... Oh well... this person is having a day. Wish I wasn't making their day so shitty. Cause this is real life. This isn't the internet.
On the internet I'll go HAM on a person, if they piss me off enough. Which usually doesn't happen either because if they start fucking around, I either sit there and sigh about them doing so. Or go in with a tired retort. You know, like that last time I called a Melanin Redacted asshole 'Gimli'. To be quite honest, I think that was too nice, of me. But he really did look like GIMLI! lol.
However, IN real life, you gotta choose your battles and I'm not about to fight a teenager who's just fed up with putting up with people, even if they're not saying anything about how fed up they are. Their actions are loud enough for me. If they treat me badly, I don't say anything, and I just stare at them like they're aliens. I think they feel it sometimes. But like I said, seldom happens. Despite their shitty jobs, most if not all the people my mom and I usually run into are very nice.
.... Now that I am trying to re-enter the job market in one to one scenarios, or in person, now I can go back to those children that have had bad days with me and understand them even more.
We're all fed up with corporates. Those fuckers need to choke on their greed and insane disregard for people's livelihoods. That's my conclusion to this.
another way to put it.... EAT THE RICH ....
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
because i had to (politely) warn/criticize an acquaintance musher who was out on the trail in 86% humidity and 80F weather running their dogs on a rig when i was there today, i thought now was a good reminder that:
dogs do not cool down effectively when it is more humid
dogs that have previously suffered heat stroke are more at risk of developing it again and will do so more easily than a dog who has never had heat stroke. This ALONE is a great risk to sled dogs.
in the northern hemisphere a majority of dog heat stroke incidents take place in July (which is the month I'm writing this).
most mushers do not recommend running dogs in harness over 50F. No your dogs are likely not an exception. All dogs can develop heat stroke.
HERE is a post with a helpful chart from the Australia Sledding Sports Association about how to determine a safe combination of humidity and heat to run in. (it is in Celcius, but the combination of what we walked in today was easily a 26 on this chart.)
Some mushers CAN train dogs during the summer. Those that are in much more arctic conditions where early am may sometimes be frosty this time of year are clear to do so. Although the Mush with P.R.I.D.E. Sled Dog Welfare Guide has some warnings about the risks running dogs in hot weather poses. Their description of heat stroke even mentions snow which, yes, is true. Sled Dogs can easily overheat even in snowy conditions. Even then though, the summer mushers i see (who are in like...the Yukon...) are regularly monitoring temperatures and not running when it is above 50F.
and look. I've been at the receiving end of weather temperature criticism myself. I once ran Sigurd and Zombie on a like...60F degree evening in summer as a novice and my mentor tore me a new one. I felt bad (and cried lol), but it is what it is and i never did it again. It's also why working with and/or seeking advice from sport veterans is important. I will also never stall or refuse to tell somebody they're posing a risk to their dogs, not only bc i care for their animals well beings, but because mushers pushing dogs like this does reflect badly on the sport.
The one thing i do to make sure i'm aware of how hot my dogs may be besides monitoring the temperatures? I overdress whenever i take them out.
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boxwinebaddie · 9 days
if you don’t mind me asking, how in the everloving fuck did you get mercury AND arsenic poisoning?? is that common??
so, no...thankfully, my dear, sweet darling:
i don't think it's terribly common, ( neither was the arsenic i guess, but i'll get into that ) but it is when you're stupid as fuck like me.
because i am too lazy to type it all out again and don't have it in me to be eloquent ( i am saving that for writing about the boys, now that i, thankfully, can coherently write again ) i will send you the synopsis that i sent elite sickfic style dr. ana ( god's fucking angel )
**it's the updated, more articulate ( give or take ) version because i tried to explain it to the girls the day i got home ( take it easy on them please, i couldn't text or call and gave them quite a fright, ily girlies ) unfortunately, i was still not super good at making words and processing things, so i wrote this now that i am functioning better.
but long story, medium:
alright! gather round kids --
it's uncle nina story time.
tw for gross medical stuff / me being in mentally ill hell
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anyways, looking forward to sharing my writing with you all again and answering my asks if we still care!
love you and hyh,
metal head uncle nina
#uncle nina: village idiot#kind of; i am glad my brain still works#when i tell yall i wasnt writing bc my body was so weak from my bac infection and the crazy metal poisoning me#that i could not think clearly it was hard to talk it was hard to move i was very very very frightened and very light sensitive#i do have bipolar but i was seriously worried i was lowkey schizophrenic for a second there bc i was starting to hallucinate#i am not! just psychosis from the stress and toxic amount of certain elements in my body! whew! jerseykyle moment#my tinnitis is starting to get better and sounds are less scary now i do still get these intense flashes of light in my vision#i'm talking like 80s slasher movie strobe lights like someone turned off the light and turned it back on it fucking sucks#i do still think they should skin biop me for the bac for anythin it caused but fuck if i'm seeing another dr. fuuuck no baby!#but yeah scary when i tell you i thought everything was contaminated ( which it kind of was and was why the para wouldnt clear )#there was ( i think ) a lot of it because i didn't catch it very quickly and or didn't know what it was or what to do because#the doctors wouldn't listen to me about it ( and specifically failed to catch my super serious bacteria infection which#became resistant to several antibiotics which they piled me with to treat conditions that i DID NOT HAVE THX AHOLES )#idk just be gentle with me i am a little fragile just bc its weird to be back to normal and okay again ( i do take a lot of meds )#and i am sorry for all the neglected asks i very much want to answer them and hope to get back to you soon#i love you and sorry if this is tmi i like to be honest with yall
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random-bean-allie · 2 years
Honestly, i wish Cassandra Clare would write more (flashbacks) about Luke and Valentine.
We're always told the Parabatai bond is something special, so to see two parabatais against each other like that- i'd just love to see more of how they were before Luke became a werewolf.
But honestly, what i'd like the most is knowing whether they ever thought of each other... after.
Does Luke ever get hit with a wave of sadness thinking about the good moments they had? Sure, he hated Valentine in the end and had every right to do so, but it's still normal to think back on the nice parts of even the most toxic friendships, it just happens.
Did Valentine ever think about what his life would be like if he still had his (not werewolf) parabatai by his side while he was training the Jonathans?
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billygoat26 · 5 months
Ocean Blue Elephant
Dedicated to Nani, my grandma. <3
Everyone has that special something.
That "something" could be nothing
But a memory in their head,
Or something they lie with in bed.
For me that special something
Is a stuffed blue elephant.
One that holds all the memories
Of the past in it's glossy black eyes
And it's fluff, blue as the tears we cry
When we remember why.
The elephant, blue like the ocean
You loved to visit.
The sound of the waves is calming,
Isn't it?
The ocean you shall always be sitting by
Reflected in the blue of the stuffed elephant.
There's so much more I wish to say,
But I can't.
So for now, as I lie next to your blue elephant,
All I can say is "thank you."
Thank you for all the memories
That we shared,
And that you always cared.
Memories forever embedded
In your ocean blue elephant.
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hooved · 1 year
i dunno if this is like weird advice to give, but for anyone who is or has a partner/friend/etc. who's interested in a threesome (or more), you gotta make sure that everyone involved is emotionally ready for that. if you or someone else might get jealous, then just don't do it. don't lie and say you're ready just because you wanna make your partner happy, or because of peer pressure, or even just because you're attracted to someone involved, etc., if you're having any doubts at all then just say so. this is something you need to discuss thoroughly beforehand. jealousy or any other sort of emotional discomfort during group sex WILL negatively affect your relationship(s) with whoever's involved. if sex is an experience that's very important and personal to you and you're not ready to share that with someone other than your partner(s) then there's no shame in turning it down. a good partner wouldn't be upset by you setting boundaries. your comfort is more important than the opportunity to have a threesome
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
S W shop talk and random abt the day stuff below. no details abt the actual vid just filming talk and me whinging abt my joints lmao, but scroll by if this aint ur thing
i just finished an hour and a half of straight filming for the u kno what blog lmao
it'll be my longest one yet, and idk exactly how to go abt it yet (cut it up in davinci and post clips with the offer for the full vid if they m$g me? post the whole thing and comment that it's an example of a vaguely niche ish thing that I'd be happy to do customs for and hope someone wants to set one up????)
but im proud of myself. yesterday into today has been nicely productive counting everything including this, and while this last thing maybe isn't a traditional accomplishment to be proud of, this is a bigger step for me in that direction. My audience is small but bigger than i thought it would ever get and like.
the money is v little. but maybe if i keep trying to improve it will become more, and in the meantime im quite satisfied with the latest few comments from ppl aksndjfnf
that said tho GOD im old and things aren't working well if ever they did and like. my knees ache. we walked the beach earlier yesterday and between that and the Posing for this bit of work, I've aggravated my right knee and ankle especially, and am standing typing this waiting for the radiating pain to stop so i can walk on that leg and take a fucking shower lmao
Worth it tho, for all of it
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
it’s gonna be so funny when helena reads tda and realizes that ty and livvy and kit are like. nothing characters and i’m just insane because i happened to be 15 when i read lord of shadows
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
i remember at one point in my teenage life i was so sad that i don't get to experience romantic relationship and stuff
now i am 23 and i don't even have people that i can call friends 🤷🏻
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irritablepoe · 1 month
they are terrible for this you have a problem and told them and they make fun of you? that is mean as fuck people who are supposed to care about you should want you to not feel horrible but maybe the friends feel badly for you with that look? like sympathetic?
yeah, but i'm... well not okay with this exactly, but i'm glad that they're respecting these boundaries at least. i'm used to being made fun of though lol, i'll take that then ig
and yeah my friends definitely feel sympathetic towards me, though probably don't know how to react bc they don't quite understand? which again is fair, these thoughts are irrational after all (at least the feeling dirty and scratching/hitting part, though this has probably resulted bc of me not establishing boundaries much earlier where i started to feel uncomfortable with it, which is a valid thing to feel ofc but didn't realise at the time)
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zanderbobs · 10 months
Having to face the fact that I might actually have to go to the doctors at some point and can't keep putting it off forever
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I'm lucky enough that I've never had any major issues with food in general but whenever there's any kind of seafood in the house I get so paranoid over the thought of accidentally eating it/being made to eat it without my knowledge
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kimmkitsuragi · 2 years
gonna be real w u chief dont know if i have 2+ more years of design education potential in me
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poppy-metal · 1 month
okay idk if this is tmi or not but i like LOVE just like grinding but like naked and like the teasing, like imagine like dom!reader taking pathetic!art’s dick and like rubbing it up and down her pussy, just like teasing him and stimulating her clit with his tip while he’s begging and crying for her to let him cum and put it in like UGHHH ITS SO HOT
yeah <333 can make yourself cum from the friction of rubbing his weepy pink tip back and forth over your clit, really - sending little bolts of pleasure through your body everytime his slit catches against the stiff peak of your nub. "oh please - please, baby - " he begs so pretty. his voice gets whiney when he pleads with you. flushed pink and watching where you rub him against you.
"what?" you ask, knowing full well what he wants - what you're doing to him. you're soaking wet. slick leaking from your cunt and you know if you slid backward he could slip inside you so easy, too.
"put me inside you. you're so wet - fuck," he tilts his head back and you see the pale column of his throat bared to you - his adams apple bobbing as he swallows his own spit, gasps his pink lips apart as you pass his head once again over your throbbing clit. "I can make you feel good. let me make you cum, baby, please -"
you clench around nothing at the sound of his voice. circling his cock against you - bobbing your hips up and down gently so his sticky head bumps and glides your button. "m'already making myself feel good. your pretty cock feels - amazing, baby." you tap tap tap him against you - your thighs trembling - "ohhhh yes - that's gonna make me cum."
he could cry. he wants to feel you cum.
"wanna feel you," he tries again. appeals, "just a little - don't you wanna be stretched out? let me in - let me fill you, baby, please. wanna spread you open -"
god, he's good. fuck.
you whine. glare weakly down at him for being shady - you should have gagged him, but then you wouldn't hear his whines.
your cunt pulses at his words - and you're close - you could cum this way - but he's reminding you how good he feels inside - when you're all worked up and wet and he just - glides right in -
your hips move on their own, sliding his cock through your wet slit until he's catching at your opening - fat crown breaching you immediately with how slick you are and you both moan - your hand leaves his base to balance yourself on his shoulders as you let yourself sink down down down -
"ohhhhhh goooood -" you whine and you start coming. eyes rolling back - "oh fuck, art - oh fuck you're so big -"
your walls spasm around him, drawing him in as you twitch and pulse and cum. his hands grip your ass, taking your moment of weakness to slam you the rest of the way down, grunting at how you clench rhythmically around him as you cum. "that's it - yes, fuck yes - cum on me - use me to cum -" he helps bounce you up and down. ride it out. "you're so beautiful."
he loves you.
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tojisun · 9 months
I feel like bimbo reader would call her fresh set dick grabbers
I also feel like Simon would suck her freshly done toes HIT SEND!
you have to know that i screamed so loud i actually woke my mom up and she has tore me a new one!!
first of all, absolutely (to the first statement). bimbo!reader used to call her fresh set just good ol’ “claws” but her friends are imaginative (and graphic) so of course she got used to calling her fresh set “dick grabbers” too!! bimbo!reader and her friends have finally got to that point that any “TMI” moment is now a casual convo. her bestie would even act out scenarios, with full on demonstrations and sound effects LMFAO so yk. she got it there.
thinking about the first time it was even brought up, with you showing off your new set to your friends – sanrio themed with a big 3d hello kitty bow on your ring finger – and they cooed and ahhed before one of them goes, “fresh dick grabbers for your man?”
you blink, confused, and they have to spell it out for you and you, well, you liked the term a little too much. it was funny, it was direct, and it was something you knew would shock simon. so, with their urging, you send him a picture of your nails, your fingers folded to your palm in a loose fist, and captioned it as such — got my new dick grabbers for u simmy <3
simon’s reply was just, “??????” then a, “they look pretty, sweets :)”
simon totally had to rub a quick one after that :^(
im staring at your second sentence in mortification because you know what? yeah.
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chrollogy · 2 months
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iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
next | masterlist
synopsis: The sudden popularity over your first confession gives you the confidence to share more about your feelings for a certain someone. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi seems to be in deep thought, especially after reading the second confession—thanks to Oikawa.
chapter content warning: college au, fluff, mutual pining, iwaizumi is more lovesick than he lets on, oikawa is a lil shit, iwa has dimples!, not beta read.
word count: 2k
notes: divider: cafekitsune. ch 3 may be a bit late since i’m still in the process of writing it :> but enjoy !!!
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The confessions page never piqued Iwaizumi’s interest, not that it wasn’t interesting per se but he just didn’t have the time to read about other people’s lives unlike you, and Oikawa. Sure, he’d spare a minute or two whenever it’d appear on his timeline but he never sought them out.
If Iwaizumi were to think back on the last confession he had read, it’d be about a student TMI-ing, and confessing how they did the deed with a random stranger in a park near the campus. As expected, the post blew up, and was the talk of the campus for a few weeks straight due to its bizarreness.
Of course, just like every other student, you, and Oikawa gossiped about it during study sessions—safe to say it absolutely drove Iwaizumi nuts because of how much he’s heard that same story over, and over again.
Whenever he came across a confession on his timeline, he’d scroll right past it but oddly enough, the recent post Oikawa read aloud earlier might or might not have piqued his interest.
For starters, Iwaizumi knew he was in the same predicament as the anonymous sender. As he mentioned earlier, it was not easy to have feelings for your best friend, especially if one’s day to day life included said person. He could only act nonchalant for so long before he’d finally break—though, with the long period of time he’s harboured feelings for you, it might be sooner than expected.
Iwaizumi has always wondered how he’s even holding up in the first place every time he remembers how long he had kept his feelings for you. 
It’s just that every single time you’re around him, it does nothing but test his sanity. Everything about you was just so loveable that it wasn’t a surprise when Iwaizumi found himself loving you more than a friend—the lingering glances, his crimson-painted cheeks, the softness of his voice, the warmth of his palms, all those were reserved for you.
And Iwaizumi wished that at least somewhere down the line, you reciprocated his feelings too, even if his love for you outweighed your love for him. At least then, he would experience the feeling of your beating heart against his palms. Oh, Iwaizumi would do nothing but treat it with the utmost care, as though it was a fragile flower—not too much water to drown it but also not too little to starve it.
Pulled out of his trance, Iwaizumi blinked up at you, confusion growing on his face with each passing second. Fuck, he was deep in thought, wasn’t he? One minute the two of you were exchanging a conversation, and the next his mind wandered over to uncharted waters—a place he’s been dying to dip a finger into for the longest time.
“Now, you’re the one who seems stressed. Still thinking about your big assignment?”
“Yeah.” He lied.
In all honesty, Iwaizumi wanted nothing but to wrap his arms around you—be as close to you as possible, as though any moment away from your warmth would instantly end him. But Iwaizumi’s arms remained by his side, fingers drumming on the wooden bench beneath, a way to distract the annoying itch of wanting to be near your skin.
The late afternoon breeze blew past, a gentle caress of cold wind against his crimson-painted cheeks, as if mother nature herself cupped his face, and reminded him that everything was going to be alright. The trees danced as the wind intertwined with its leaves, forming a melodic sound to calm the mind.
Both of you were currently passing time before retiring to your rooms, as usual, Iwaizumi had waited after your late afternoon lecture but this time, it felt different. You found him leaning on the side of a vending machine, phone in hand while the other shoved in his pocket, an indifferent expression was plastered on his face—it’s a sight you’ve seen a thousand times, a sight you’re more than familiar with but why did it make your heart flutter so much now
It didn’t help how the subtle smile Iwaizumi sent your way had your knees buckling, and fingers curling tighter around the strap of your bag.
“Can I—” Iwaizumi started.
You noticed the way his fingers drew random shapes on the fabric of his pants, a nervous habit he’s picked up, one that you’ve learned from observing him. Though, you remained silent despite the slight worry in your chest, urging him on to finish his sentence; somehow, what was to come next may or may not have had your heart pounding. The hint of softness in his voice was enough to send your heart into overdrive.
“Is it okay if I lean on you a bit?”
Iwaizumi had shifted closer, you knew because you were shielded from the cool late afternoon breeze, instead, the warmth of his body greeted you like a calm embrace. From the corners of your eyes, Iwaizumi looked at you, his dark emerald gaze was intense enough to burn holes through the side of your face—a searing gaze you didn’t know how to return. Yet.
So, you simply nodded. A subtle dip of your chin, eyes fixated on the distant tree line of the park as though it piqued your interest, funny how it's dark green hues reminded you of his eyes.
That was all Iwaizumi needed before closing the distance between your bodies, and leaning his head on your shoulder. You sucked in a breath, closeness was never foreign in the friendship but the feeling of his body flush against your own was enough to torture your poor, poor heart.
Speaking of your heart, you at least hoped that Iwaizumi couldn’t hear it violently pounding against the walls of your chest—how it aggressively wanted to jump out of its confines, and onto his palm.
Unfortunately for you, Iwaizumi heard just fine—he swore your heart stuttered.
Were you nervous? He wanted to be delusional, and think that he was the one making your heart race like this, even though he clearly saw the empty can of energy drink you threw in the bin earlier. Though, on the back of Iwaizumi’s mind, despite the low possibility of his reciprocated feelings, he was oddly confident that it’d never be zero. 
Maybe he was just purely delusional.
“Sorry for inconveniencing you like this, I’m just a bit stressed.” Another lie.
Oh, Iwaizumi wasn’t stressed at all. In fact, he was actually kicking the assignment’s ass that he’s almost a whole week early in submitting it before the scheduled deadline. If anything, it was all child’s play to him. The real reason he was doing this was to simply have you closer to him, nothing else.
He felt kind of bad for lying to you like this since it was a purely selfish reason but could you really blame his heart?
The two of you stayed in complete silence for a moment, basking in the afternoon glow of the sun. The park was now deserted, students, and other park goers opting to head home before the sun fully retired behind the horizon; it was peaceful, as though you, and Iwaizumi were in your own world—something you could both get used to.
Back in his dorm, Iwaizumi unceremoniously plopped onto his swivel chair, he hooked an arm over his eyes, recounting memories of earlier, he could still feel the warmth of your shoulder on his cheek, and the calming tune of your heartbeat.
“What’s got you all in a mess like that?” Oikawa spoke from his bed which caused Iwaizumi to jump from his friend’s sudden voice. “What the fuck, Oikawa?! Don’t do that.” The latter turned his chair to face the brunette, an all-too-familiar scowl written all over his handsome face. Oikawa could only shrug in response, amusement painted on his face at the state of his friend.
“You’re probably not gonna tell me about it so I’ll take it upon myself to talk about something else,”
Before Iwaizumi could even mentally pray that it’s not some stupid gossip, Oikawa was already sitting up on his bed, and clearing his throat to speak.
“Do you remember that confession I read out loud a few days ago? They posted another one, look.” The brunette hastily peeled himself from under the ivory covers, and within a second, he was in front of Iwaizumi, phone shoved abnormally close to the latter’s face, causing him to jerk back a bit.
Clearly, he had all the time in the world with how updated he was with this goddamn confessions page. Iwaizumi wasn’t going to lie, he remembered details about that particular confession from a few days ago far more than the contents of his lectures. Not on purpose, though, moreso out of his own will.
Every hallway he walked, every lecture room he entered, every café he studied at, and every bathroom he used, at least two students were talking about it. Iwaizumi couldn’t care to listen in on their conversations nor did he want to, it wasn’t like talking about it more would somewhat reveal the person behind these confessions.
Iwaizumi couldn’t even escape it even in his own room. Though, this was normal, as if the whole campus ran solely on juicy gossip.
Of course it was about that damn confessions page, Oikawa was practically it’s number one fan at this point, Iwaizumi bets the former probably has a ‘Top Fan’ badge with how much he interacts with each, and every confession they post. He wouldn’t be surprised if the brunette openly admitted to sending in submissions to the page.
He grabbed the phone off Oikawa’s hand, and read it. Iwaizumi figured entertaining his friend’s antics would be much better than resisting it since he could get extremely annoying at times—all the time, even.
‘Today, I asked him if he was stressed and he agreed without hesitation. It pains my heart to see him beneath grey clouds; I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him until all the stress drains from his body, until he’s smiling again and a subtle dimple forms on his cheeks, until he lets out a hearty, melodic laugh that I’ve grown to love but don’t be mistaken, I’ll love him whatever version of himself he presents. Wholeheartedly. Maybe—if only—he’ll let me be his safe space, not just a best friend but something more.’
Huh, how weird. Why did his heart flutter? This wasn’t even for him.
Iwaizumi’s eyes shifted back, and forth, back, and forth over each sentence until they reached the end. He did this for a total of four times, and each time—without fail—his mind wandered back to fifteen minutes ago where he was sitting on a wooden park bench with you, his head on your shoulder. It was like the confession described exactly what happened earlier.
He recounted your words, and how you were talking about how stressed he was. From this perspective, everything fit in perfectly like a puzzle piece but was Iwaizumi reaching too hard? Was his mind playing tricks on him just to convince himself that these two confessions came from you? As far as he knows, you’ve never even sent in a submission yourself but that didn’t mean you couldn’t.
Okay, maybe Iwaizumi was being delusional. All those years pining after you had finally gotten to his brain, and turned him into nothing but a yearning, pathetic man.
Though, the confession easily could have been from anyone. Not to mention how it's been such a tough semester so far, it made sense for the anonymous submitter to write about their best friend being stressed about something. Right? Right. Iwaizumi was getting way ahead of himself for assuming such things, he blamed it on his mind stubbornly shaping reality into things that benefited his situation.
He was looking too deeply into this.
See, this was the consequence of letting one Oikawa Tooru get inside one’s head, clearly, it’s the brunette’s fault for even showing something that didn’t concern Iwaizumi at all. And it could only get worse from here.
Oikawa impatiently pulled his phone away from Iwaizumi’s hold, reeling the latter back into reality. The brunette read the paragraph once more before letting out an amused hum, catching his friend’s attention.
He puckered his lips, brown eyes narrowed, and brows subtly knitted together as he stared at his phone. Oh. Iwaizumi didn’t like that expression at all, and he sure wasn’t going to like the words coming out of Oikawa’s mouth next. He knew that face all too well, it screamed nothing but mischief, and a thirst for chaos.
“Say, Iwa-chan, you have dimples when you smile just like the post mentioned. Haha—won’t it be interesting if these confessions were for you?”
What the fuck?
tags: @stunie @akumakitsune21 @boosyboo9206 @khfviq @avis-writeshq @elliesndg @1929sleepdeprived @wakashudou @lillycore @viscoolreal @lialia3945 @softpia @anqelkoz @tar0sw0rld @nwhaerin @kiyuwumi @seroh @eggyrocks @jellysupremacy @songofgratitude @gsyche @haikyuusunsalad @smellysluna @amoosarte (lmk if you wanna be tagged and don’t forget to turn your mentions on :3)
affiliated with @houseofsolisoccasum & @the-all-stars-network !
© chrollogy 2024 | don't plagiarise, repost or steal my header.
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