#She actually had homeschooled me before I had to go to public school :D
billygoat26 · 5 months
Ocean Blue Elephant
Dedicated to Nani, my grandma. <3
Everyone has that special something.
That "something" could be nothing
But a memory in their head,
Or something they lie with in bed.
For me that special something
Is a stuffed blue elephant.
One that holds all the memories
Of the past in it's glossy black eyes
And it's fluff, blue as the tears we cry
When we remember why.
The elephant, blue like the ocean
You loved to visit.
The sound of the waves is calming,
Isn't it?
The ocean you shall always be sitting by
Reflected in the blue of the stuffed elephant.
There's so much more I wish to say,
But I can't.
So for now, as I lie next to your blue elephant,
All I can say is "thank you."
Thank you for all the memories
That we shared,
And that you always cared.
Memories forever embedded
In your ocean blue elephant.
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sci-fi-freaksandgeeks · 10 months
outing some of the truly awful things my mother has said or done (because this is tumblr and she'll never see it, and even if she does, she won't believe it's about her):
1.when i was 13, she discovered a text i'd forgotten to delete before a nightly phone-check, in which i told my best friend that i had "broken up with [my boyfriend] because i realized i'm gay," which then led to a further investigation into my internet doings where she found my secret s/h account, and ultimately ended with her storming into my room at 3 a.m., breaking my phone in half in front of me, making me sleep in her bed the rest of the night, and checking me into an inpatient facility at 8 a.m.
2. she then made my 10 year old brother lie to everyone at school and say i was home sick with the flu while i was in said inpatient facility
3. when i got out and was doing my mandatory two years of outpatient therapy, she found a new therapist every time they brought her in for our family sessions and she felt like she was being blamed; when it happened with the last therapist, she even went so far as to storm out in the middle of session
4. from the night she broke the phone (i call it d-day in my head, i know that's really not classy or anything okay i started doing it when i was 13 and didn't even really know history) but anyway from d-day until my 18th birthday i was effectively grounded: no phone, restricted internet access (ill come back to that actually), and definitely no going out with friends or to sleepovers.
5. when i was about 16, we'd moved a couple of times and ended up at this huge school that tbh i hated, but anyways i met a girl that i didn't hate, and then when my mom found out she'd had enough and pulled me out of public school altogether.
6. so then for the next 9 months she thought i was homeschooling, but since i quickly learned that a) i wasn't actually attending school through an accredited online academy but rather a website set up by some christian lady who taught her own kids, and b) my mother couldn't actually be bothered to check and see if i was actually doing anything, i factory reset the "restricted" computer she gave me for school and spent my nights online talking to the aforementioned girl, and my days sleeping and ignoring my mother's email's (that's how she communicated with me since she took my phone away)
7. told me i looked like this dog-
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-any time i straighted my hair
8. this one was actually one of the few awful things she's ever said to my brother: she told him he "should be ashamed of himself" when he was almost 20 and told her that his girlfriend was pregnant, even though she got pregnant with me at 18 (projecting much??)
9. soooooo many snarky comments about any thing and everything - from disapproval of the few hobbies i tried to find joy in, all the way to comments about every aspect of my appearance
10. okay last one - the one and only time i tried to get her to sit down and meet a girlfriend, yknow, to see how happy and healthy i was, she ignored my girlfriend the entire time, only talked about her job or people my girlfriend couldn't possibly know, and actually stormed out at the end of the meal when i told her she hadn't made much of an effort to talk to my girlfriend and it upset me (she paid for lunch on her way out at least)
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elliebear666 · 2 years
Me, in school, daydreaming instead of paying attention and then getting in trouble for not paying attention.
It's funny, but... being homeschooled catered to my learning style. It was one on one and engaging. I liked almost all of the stuff we studied. It was genuinely interesting. When I got to public school, my grades at first were great and it wasn't terribly hard because, thanks to our homeschool curriculum, I knew most of the shit we were being taught.
However, as I progressed in middle school, my grades steadily declined until I was failing like one class with a D in another and mostly Cs or Bs. It was a nightmare in a few of the classes I was in. I'd daydream or zone out or dissociate. I had a lot of anxiety and, of course, gender dysphoria. I was miserable tbh. Being homeschooled, my mom would take us out to do stuff, she'd show us things and read books to us. She kept us engaged by speaking to us.
I can see how coming to an ADHD (inattentive) diagnosis could be difficult. I mean, there was a lot going on with me.
I think that my persistent day dreaming instead of focusing on the task at hand, forgetfulness, distractibility, and short attention span (unless engaged by something I really liked) are definitely indicative of that, though. I mean, I went through all of this with my psychiatrist. It wasn't like I just said, "So, I think I have ADHD" and he prescribed me strattera. We talked about this for a while.
I mean, I guess my forgetfulness could be chalked up to like dissociation. Like, I'll set down an object, turn around, and then literally forget where I put it. "Out of sight, out of mind." I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. I'm incredibly forgetful and disorganized. I can't manufacture the motivation to clean my room beyond basic tasks that still take a lot of gumption to get going. Like I got in trouble with my landlord because I wasn't keeping my apartment clean. Not because I was like, "I don't want to >:(" but genuinely because it seemed so daunting and overwhelming and difficult, and the very simple matter of manufacturing motivation made it seem impossible. Like, when my friend Lettii would come over, she would help me organize my space because when she'd leave it was nice but within a week or so it was a mess. All my shit is in a big pile in my closet. I have tons of odds and ends I've forgotten about tucked away in a multitude of bags and boxes in my closet.
I forget to change my cat's water, or to change her litter. To feed her, unless I see it is empty and act on it right away, or she wakes me up with her paws in my face.
I used to literally need my mom to remind me every single day to take my medication because I would forget. So I put alarms on my phone. I would still forget. Recently, however, I'm actually surprised at how well I'm doing with my meds. My alarm to take meds goes off and usually within a little while I'd have taken them. This is a development in my life that is actually awesome. It makes me feel so proud of myself lmao, that I can manage my own meds xD
But then there's the matter of bills. Maybe this makes me an absolute pathetic loser, but my mom helps me pay my bills because I keep forgetting. Like, the only reason my rent gets paid on time each month is because she will write the check, hand it to me and say "Go pay it now." The one time that she wrote the check and gave it to me a a day before I was supposed to pay rent, I forgot. It took me four days to realise that the baggy on my TV stand, which is cluttered with countless random objects, had a check in it. So I paid it like three days late and I got another mark on my record.
I literally pay my phone bill late almost every single month. The times I don't get it within four days of the due date, I usually get a message that says, "You need to pay your phone" or my mom says, "Did you pay your phone." I'll say no, and promise to do it when I get home. But I'll have forgotten about it within a few minutes at most. My mom will give me instructions for something, and I'll sometimes need her to repeat it. But about 70-80% of the time, by the time I get to where I need to be to deal with whatever it is I need to deal with, I've forgotten what I need so say. Like I had a thing I was doing a while ago and my mom gave me instructions and naturally I forgot what I was supposed to say so I awkwardly stumbled over my words until they figured out what I needed. They thought it was kind of funny but honestly it was fucking humiliating. I felt like a fucking stupid idiot. To top it off, most of the time I have an appointment, I'm either getting distracted or don't process what they say, or by the time I leave, I've forgotten everything that was said. My mom would ask me how things went and what they said and I'll just say, "I don't remember. I have bits and pieces, but I don't remember."
Like, this isn't a, "Shucks, I can't focus so it must be the ADHD :(" situation. This is a... my forgetfulness, inattentiveness, distractibility, and overall inability to manage my life has culminated in me being dependent on my fucking mom to keep me from becoming homeless lol.
Like this is bad. It isn't just anxiety or depression that makes me forget to pay my bills. I've actually reduced anxiety and depression by an enormous amount. I've transitioned. I'm on hormones. I'm taking my meds. No depressive episodes or mania in months. Only periodic BPD symptoms. And yet I still forget to pay my rent. Like... idk, man
It isn't like I WANT this to be a thing lmao, it isn't cool. It fucking SUCKS. This is absolute fucking ass, y'all. This blows donkey dick. My life is so difficult due my various problems that I genuinely can't function like a normal person.
Like, when I was little, I used to be so inattentive and distracted, whether daydreaming or whatever, that I'd put my dirty underwear in the freezer or the trash instead of in the hamper IN THE OTHER ROOM. Like ALL THE TIME XD. This didn't start in adulthood. So, maybe I was so anxious and depressed and traumatized by my family life. Maybe, sure. I could accept that. I just... I don't think that's what was going on when I was little. Like, most of the trauma came and got worse after those symptoms were noticed.
I told my mom about possibly seeing a psychologist to get an in-depth assessment beyond what I've already gotten and she said that like... well she basically said that my psychiatrist has already done that, and that my history is indicative of that too.
Idk. I get stressed and look for anything that this issue might he besides ADHD, and nothing really tracks. No other issue causes all of these symptoms besides being an absolute fucking idiot.
I mean, both my psychiatrist and my therapist agree on ADD, but again I guess I could go see a psychologist. Idk what that would change. It would be two or so sessions with someone that has never met me before and has no knowledge of my mental health history. They'd probably interview my mom I guess. She could tell them she pays my bills because I'm too stupid to do it myself, I guess. That I used to talk so rapidly and fast as a child that most people couldn't understand me. That I was so forgetful that she constantly made comments about it.
I'm honestly too tired to worry about this right now so I guess I'll just do something else instead of fretting over this shit.
I mean, I'll be fifty and still forgetting to take my brain with me when I leave the house.
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dessarious · 4 years
Guilt and Consequences Pt12
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Lila walked out of her building with a duffle of clothes to last a few days and her computer. She still had no idea why she was agreeing to stay. Well other than the fact that Marinette’s mother terrified her. She would admit it was nice being around adults who didn’t only take notice of her flaws though.
“So what’s your game now? Get close to Dupain-Cheng so you can get better dirt on her?” Lila looked around in confusion for a moment before she spotted Chloe leaning against the building. How did Chloe even know where she lived?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I meant what I said today.” The girl just scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Forget for a moment that you want me to believe a serial liar suddenly decided to tell the truth. If you really wanted to get expelled why didn’t you just go the direct route and come after me? It wouldn’t even take much to make that happen.” Lila let out a sigh. She’d considered it.
“Because your dad can cause problems for my mother and once she finds out it’s because of me I’m screwed. I want to go back to homeschooling, not end up locked in my room for weeks at a time or sent off to a reeducation camp for an attitude adjustment.” She shuddered at the thought. That had happened two years ago and she still had nightmares about that place.
“You’re serious aren’t you?” When she looked at Chloe the other girl was looking at her like a puzzle that needed to be figured out. A lot of the class seemed to be under the impression that the girl was your stereotypical dumb blonde but that look said otherwise even if Lila hadn’t already known better.
“Yes I’m serious. None of this was supposed to happen. Everyone was supposed to recognize bullshit when they heard it and ostracize me for it. After that it’s a quick road to me going back home.” She could hear the frustration in her own voice and tried to take some deep breaths to calm down. She was so tired of going over this with people.
“What are you going to do about it now? That scene this morning was only the beginning. You’ve seen how stubborn those peasants are.” Lila shot her a flat look.
“That’s none of your business or concern. I don’t see why you care anyway given that you hate me and Marinette.” That just got another eyeroll.
“Hatred is for equals which neither of you are. You’ve been a nuisance so far and I want to know what you have planned so I know if it will inconvenience me or not. Or I can have Daddy have a talk with your mother.” Damnit. She should have realized telling her that was a bad idea. God she hated people.
“I’m transferring, I hope.” Given her mother’s record of refusing to listen to her Lila was going to have to come up with an amazing argument.
“And Dupain-Cheng?” Chloe’s tone made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
“I don’t know.” It wasn’t technically a lie. Marinette still hadn’t made up her mind. “She still seems to think they’ll all get over it in a few days.” Chloe actually laughed at that.
“That definitely sounds like her. She has no understanding of the way most people hold grudges. It’s sad really.” She gave Lila a searching look. “Let me know if you have any issues with that transfer. The sooner you’re gone the sooner I can get things back to normal.” After that she just turned and walked away. What the hell?
Lila spent the entire walk back to the bakery trying to figure out what the girls game was. Maybe she just didn’t like change, but if that was the case why hadn’t she done something about Lila sooner? It seemed like she wanted Marinette to stay at the school but Lila had no idea why. She didn’t really have an answer by the time she got back and she wondered if she should say something to Marinette’s parents.  
“Lunch is upstairs. After that you two should start filling out the forms for the scholarships and transferring.” Lila blinked at Sabine in surprise for a moment. She had only been gone for half an hour and they’d already convinced Marinette to transfer?
“I’m still not sure my mother will allow it.” Especially if she didn’t qualify for scholarships. It seemed like any extra expense was an automatic no. It was one of the reasons Lila was surprised she got sent to a therapist in the first place.
“Let me worry about your mother. You just get everything filled out so we can send it in. What?” Lila wasn’t certain what the look on her face was but it was apparently enough for Sabine to comment.
“I don’t think it’s a great idea for you to talk to her.”
“Why is that?” She was using that overly cheerful tone again. This was going to be bad. Lila stared at the floor when she answered.
“It usually just makes things worse. She really doesn’t like people disagreeing with her and it almost always ends up with me losing something.” Lila got more nervous as Sabine stayed silent. Finally she cleared her throat.
“Can you give me an example?” Her tone was off again and Lila peeked up at her but all she saw was confusion and concern.
“We were at some function outdoors and I brought my camera with me.” A camera she had paid for with her own money, but that never mattered either. “She told me to put it away and one of the other attendees said she should let me take photos instead of just getting bored. It was someone she didn’t want to argue with so she dropped it but when we got home the camera went in the garbage.”
“Did you argue with her about putting it away?”
“No. I don’t ever argue with her in public especially about something so small.” Honestly the only thing she tried to argue about anymore was school and even that was more out of habit and desperation.
“Go eat and get those forms filled out. We’ll deal with the rest when we see if the two of you get in.” Sabine gave her a little push to get her moving towards the stairs and Lila figured this wasn’t something worth arguing about either.
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cara-terra-pace · 4 years
-wow does Lila get absolutely C R E A M E D in this au.
-almost makes you feel bad.
-since we got Mr Felix “I don’t need friends. They disappoint me” Agreste here, you better believe this girl gets exposed faster than you can say “Watermelon Kids”.
-(I mean Felix quotes that vine all the time to his FRIENDS so it sorta doesn’t apply but whatever you get what I mean.)
-Lila lies immediately about Marinette. But she obviously doesn’t know it’s Marinette, because Marinette goes by Marie Mêler, and not Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
-it’s actually kind of funny because Noel Bulles (I’m going with Nino’s brother’s name being Chris, not Noel because I needed a name and Noel was the best one so) or Nino Lahiffe also overhears her bragging about being best friends with him, just as he had said about Marinette.
-“oh Marinette Dupain Cheng and I are besties! Us and Nino Lahiffe, we’re like this!” She grins, crossing her fingers to signify how close they are.
-Oh heck to the no!
-Marinette is now becoming angry and that’s not good, so Felix decides “hey, I’ve met Dupain Cheng and Lahiffe before, and they are almost never in the public eye. It’s basically impossible for that to be true. But if you want to continue trying to make this class your sheeple, be my guest. You’ll see what happens when you do.”
-And the entire class kind of explodes
-everyone realizes that, hmm, yeah that’s a bit suspicious.
-there was no reason for Felix to lie about that, because they know that this 17 year old that acts like some 30 something businessman literally could care less about the class liking him.
-They immediately are more cautious of Lila’s words, and when she starts talking about Jagged and his cat, that really brings it home.
-they ignore her.
-they aren’t mean to her, since that’s just not anyone’s style. Chloe went to homeschool a few years ago, and that’s the only real “bully” they had.
-but they don’t take anything she says seriously. Lila eventually realizes that the lying is not working. So she just stops talking as much, moves to the back of the classroom without prompting, and plans her next move.
-“that wasn’t too bad!” You say, forgetting that there is more.
-Watermelon kids and their reveal!
-Marie is Marinette Dupain Cheng?!
-Noel is Nino Lahiffe?!
-Lila, who hadn’t really talked in weeks except to attempt to gain some sort of sympathy, paled immediately when she was confronted with it on Monday morning.
-“this is proof that you were definitely lying. You should be glad Felix stopped me before I put that video of you on my blog.”
-Alya Cesaire everyone!
-she has a blog where just writes about different attractions and news in Paris. She figured getting such a scoop from the best friend of two never seen in public rich kids would really jump start her blog.
-Felix and Adrien stopped her, Adrien being nice and calm about it and Felix telling her it would be idiotic to post the interview without sources.
-and she listens, bc even though she’s still hopeful that Lila is telling the truth, it does sound a bit too good to be true.
-Alya is still best friends with our baby Mari.
-it’s different than in canon but they hang out at Alya’s a lot, sometimes when Mari stays at the bakery she’ll invite Alya over, and basically they are inseparable
-Alya isn’t really into romance, at least not for herself since she’s trying to kickstart a career, but when she sees the budding romances between Mari and Felix and Adrien and Nino
-Madamoiselle Matchmaker at your service.
-but enough of my girl Alya
-lets get back to the WATERMELON KIDS
-they are both so awkward after the reveal.
-people in class are all starry eyed and it’s weird because okay, they were both nice and well known in the class and throughout the school
-Mari basically sticks close to her friends because when she gets overwhelmed, they help her out a ton.
-Nino tries to be chill and it’s not working.
-but the thing is, now people either try to become best friends with them for the benefits, or they insult them because they’re rich kids
-and, yeah it doesn’t really bother them.
-sticks and stones, you know?
-but then someone insulted Alya, saying she’s a suck up and she’s just hanging around the group so she can get a scoop and expose their secrets and stuff.
-and Mari and Nino actually go off.
-that is their little baby reporter friend who can definitely take care of herself and doesn’t need to play dirty to get good news and be a great reporter thank you very much
-they can handle being insulted themselves, but touch their friends and family and it’s game over.
-Alya finds it very sweet
-she does remind them that she can take care of herself, but thanks them for backing her up
-Emile Agreste
-woah where did she come from???
-there’s a movie premiere in Paris and she’s attending and Adrien is like !!!
-Felix is just kind of... standoffish when she’s in town??
-he’s just bitter that both his mother and father are distant and his dad’s assistant is more of a mother figure to him at this point.
-btw, Nathalie is so done. She sometimes cries in her office, which sounds really sad until you learn she is just leaning her head on the wall and crying as she bangs her head.
-ma’am please take a month off and take a vacation
-but she can’t because she loves the boys too much
-she’s emile’s best friend, and so when she gets kind of mad at em for being gone so much, everyone’s really surprised.
-she’s walking into the premiere with a tablet in her hands and Emile is like “wow I missed you and Gabe so much!!!”
-and Felix and Adrien are RIGHT THERE LIKE-
-and Nathalie just snaps
-“obviously not enough to actually take a break. Felix, Adrien, it’s time to go into the theatre. Your father won’t be joining us, he didn’t deem this important enough to attend in person.”
-what was I talking about?
-oh yeah, back to fashion.
-that’s Marinette right there, making new designs.
-she does special celebrity commissions and gifts herself, but they have tons of other designers and seamstresses helping with the actual mass production of lines.
-Mari’s first fashion show is a collaboration between DC and LE. They provide the runway music and have live up and comers, and Mari does the same, with smaller designers presenting their lines before Mari’s and her’s being the final and the crown jewel.
-she jump started a lot of careers that way, both in the music and fashion industries.
-the watermelon kids are on every teen magazine
-they are huge in America
-both of them traveled there to just get a better feel of American culture, fashion, and music and wow
-Nino meets some American singers and convinces his mother that an American location would be good for the company
-Marinette does the same, insisting that it would be full of profit
-it works and the summer following the reveal, Marinette, Nino, Alya, and the Agreste Twins all go to America.
-which will be elaborated on in Part 3!
This whole thing was sort of a mess lol
I jumped around a lot but most of these were the first ideas that popped into my head and it was a lot of fun to create.
(Note: if you guys want to be tagged, just let me know and you’ll be added to the taglist!)
Taglist: @animegirlweeb
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Back to you (Chapter III)
Summary:  Y/N Stark and Peter Parker are unconditionally in love with each other, being friends for years was just the step before making it official. BUT, just the weekend they became official Thanos and the snap happened, leaving Y/N broken: without friends, avengers family or Peter Parker. So, she has to move on, at least that’s what everyone’s telling her and she really tries to do it and who better to help her than Harry Osborn. But, has she really let Peter go? What if Tony Stark -genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist- knows how to bring Peter back? And what happens when he does? Is Y/N going to avenge again? Who’s going to lead the avengers now? Who is she going to choose? Harry or Peter? and who the hell is mysterio? *He doesn’t even go here*
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word count: 9.8 k
author’s note: THIS WAS THE LONGEST ONE YET I MEAN. **EDIT: If you want to read my best fucking fluff ever go to the last flashback of Peter and Y/N and let me know what you think I hope you really really like it.** I feel like I need to mention that for me Harry looks like Brad from SPFFH and a little bit like the guy from  Ariana’s Grande Music Video of break-up with your boyfriend but nottt that smug? I don’t know, I just think they are a good reference for the character of Harry. Plus, I wanted to make him a little bit more human here and what was his role in helping Y/N move on but also see how a d o r i n g her relationship was with Peter. I actually had to cut off two scenes that I had originally planned to write because I didn’t want to make it too long. Please let me know what you think about it if you liked it OR hated it. Whatever you want but your comments make my daaay so tryy ok bye. Love, -J. 
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Peter really didn’t give much thought about how often he looked at you, he knew he was in permanently awestruck with you, with you just being yourself and he tried to keep it together as much as he could but sometimes he failed miserably. But how could you blame him? Especially now, how you look fixed on your presentation as Mrs. Warren listen to you carefully talking about the no-hair theorem about black holes, how the words would roll out of your tongue, how your brows bumped together as you watch MJ placing the wrong slide but then smiling as soon as she fixed it right away, how your voice was soft but determined and how your hands would do little movements that you didn’t even know you did to emphasize your words. Sometimes, Peter liked to think he could tell anyone how you looked and acted, and that he would describe you so well that anyone who was listening would picture you exactly as you were, he felt proud that he knew every curve and straight line of your body and mind. 
���Penis Parker,” Flash whispered as Peter got out of his trance and looked to his right side to see Flash with a smug expression drawn on his face. “Could you stop drooling over Y/N? I think you creamed your pants” Flash snickered while Peter simply rolled his eyes.
He could feel the warmth creeping up his cheeks as well as the shame, quickly he looked down to his phone trying to brush off Flash comments about you, he knew it could be worse if he paid any attention to him. See, Peter knew Flash was insecure and that’s why he said what he said and acted that way, it was better than before and since Peter knew this, he should take the high road, at least that’s what Captain America had told him and so he had followed his advice, although it was getting harder every time. 
But not for Ned. 
“Jealous, Flash?” Ned fired back at Flash whose smile dropped the second he heard Ned who instead had a smile on his face. “Are you jealous about all the time Y/N wants to spend with Peter? Get the clue!”
“dUde!” Peter whispered as he gently tapped Ned’s shoulder who shrugged as a sudden flicker of revelation crossed Flash’s face. 
“What?” Flash said loud and clear for all the class to hear while you finish your presentation, everyone turning around to see the scene.
Peter just wanted to die right there and then. 
Peter didn’t like that people talked about you two, he didn’t like people to insinuate things and it wasn’t because that he wouldn’t like for it to happen, but he knew how much you valued privacy and in general, how your avenger family valued it. 
Tony knew since the very beginning that he wanted to shield you as much as he could from anything and so he did, you were enrolled in a private school on Malibu until Tony became Iron Man, after that you were homeschooled until you came to New York and met Peter one year after that. 
Don’t get me wrong, you did know people and had friends or acquaintances from your time in Malibu, other heirs, and heiresses that you went to school with but never anyone got too close to you. Firstly, because of your acquire a taste of keeping everything to yourself and enjoying your time alone; plus, being removed from school when you were too young also helped. Secondly, because being the daughter of a billionaire turned hero was an aphrodisiac for danger. The question popped into Tony’s, Happy’, Pepper’s and Rhodey’s mind for years as you grew up: how can we keep her safe? After the avengers, became the avengers it was even harder, how it roamed into every single avenger’s mind as well. Tony suffered really extreme panic attacks because of it, he couldn’t do the same as Clint because people knew you existed but oh, how he wished he could. Nonetheless, when you began avenging and then Peter came into the picture, Tony’s anguish reduced significantly, enough to enroll you into Midtown by Sophomore year, which was especially a new world for you. 
But it still had its problems. 
You knew you were known, you knew that a paparazzi could catch you and from time to time, you went to a few events and gave a few interviews too and well, you understood because you were an avenger and the daughter of Tony Stark, but you never really experienced something like what you had experienced when you arrived at Midtown. I mean, Peter Parker was a little bit star-struck when he met you, mostly because he was enamored by you the second your eyes connected at your lab when Tony was giving Peter the tour to Stark Tower but arriving at Midtown tech was a whole new thing. 
People were actually taking pictures of you from a distance, some boys and girls had a crush on you as you walked by with Peter and Ned, even teachers were a bit dazed as you answered questions at classes -although you liked to believe it was because you were really advanced against the others in class- and some others whispered and spread rumors that went to magazines, which annoyed you the most.
An heiress that had been kept from the public, turn avenger, turn a student of Midtown while still avenging? You were new meat and people wanted to know more about you. A lot of tabloids went out every couple of months with news about you, about your normal behavior, about how you acted after a mission, how did you dressed, how you decided to spend your time and sometimes who you were hanging out with. There was even a tabloid that published that you were in a secret relationship with Bucky because he had picked you up from school one time -he was actually picking you up as a punishment from a bet with Sam-, but it wasn’t the kind of rumor that was light in the avenger’s household. You had gotten so mad that you had decided to ditch school for two weeks and just hanged on your lab alone, that’s when Peter knew you were sensible to the topic. 
So, as you were walking towards Peter and Flash after you had finished your presentation, Peter wanted to grab you right there and then and swing you away from what could happen because of what Ned had said. 
“It’s there something wrong?”, you asked as you sat right beside Ned, MJ followed you and sat next to you. 
“Nothing happened!” Peter blurted out before Ned could open his mouth as he rolled his eyes at Peter and sighed, Peter had a serious case of blushing as he glared at Ned and then cleared his throat as your eyes connected. 
You examined Peter and how his gaze filled with panic and concerned as soon as he saw you, but he quickly moved his eyes down trying to avoid it as he fidgeted with his fingers, he was hunched over to look smaller and he sighed defeatedly. Flash said something to Peter, was the first thing that crossed your mind.
You knew Peter better than anyone, so it wasn’t as hard for you to read him right away, you could always do it with how much time you spent together and how being partners made you even closer. Plus, the fact that you really loved him, helped a lot. 
“Okay…”, you muttered as you watched Flash gazing at you with inquisitiveness. You turned to watch MJ gazing back and forth between Peter, Flash, and Ned, trying to get all the information she could from the interaction.
When you both locked gazes, you nodded at each other and continued to hear the other presentations without saying a word for the rest of the class. Peter would’ve liked to think that you didn’t gave it a second thought and that you simply moved on with it, that you didn’t realized how crazy his heartbeat was going, how flushed he was because of it and how Flash’s gaze was piercing your side as he watched back and forth between you and Peter.
So, Peter found himself dumbfounded, to say the least, the moment that you pinned Flash against the classroom wall as soon as Mrs. Warren had left the room, and everyone was changing classes. At the moment, you didn’t care if someone saw you but were done with Flash’s behavior for a while now, you knew it came from a pLaCe oF InSecUrItY and you really thought the kid wasn’t that bad, it had gotten a lot better than before you arrived at Midtown but you were done and ready for him to stop harassing Peter.  
And if Peter wasn’t going to do it, you were going to do it. 
“Woah Woah Y/N, what the hell??”, Flash shrieked you pressed a bit harder against his neck with your forearm.
This was going to get you in trouble and you didn’t even care at the moment as you glared at Flash. 
“Leave Peter alone, got it, Thompson?” 
“Y/N!”, Peter burst before he placed a hand on your back, his gaze quickly took a look at the whole class that was watching you, everyone was shocked by the scene. 
Peter was worried, you were technically an avenger and he didn’t know how the school would take if you attacked a student in the middle of the day, on school property, to defend your best friend. You were being trained by assassins and spies while poor Flash couldn’t even pass gym class. He was thinking of grabbing you quickly and leaving the room and he could, but if he showed half of the strength he had in the classroom, people could get suspicious, so he remained frozen behind you. 
“I, I-”, Flash managed to let out in little yelps as he seemed bug-eyed by the scene. 
“Thompson, say you understand or help me god I will call Spider-man and all the other avengers to kick your ass”, you barked one more time before the boy simply nodded and you let go of him.
Flash fell to the ground as he coughed, you didn’t like to do and you didn’t enjoy it that but at this moment your only thought was Peter, how to stop Flash from harassing Peter over and over again, it was a one-time thing, you hoped and as you saw Flash, you couldn’t help to think that he finally got a clue. Quickly, you offered your hand for him to stand up, Flash’s forehead puckered as he examined you for a second but when saw how your face softened he took it. 
You helped him stood up and gave him a smirk before you turned around grabbing Peter’s hand, who was completely startled by what you had done and quickly walked out of the classroom, trying to ignore the incredulous gazes of your classmates. 
“Sweet”, MJ let out as she smirked while Peter and you walked away. 
“I think the best course of action for us is to replace all of the aqueducts on the buildings rather than change it bit by bit because it’s just putting a band-aid on a bullet injury, it’s better to get over with it quickly”, you addressed as you gazed at the blueprints of the building that you had bought in California with Harry in order to begin the constructions for the center. 
It had been a wild ride, two months had passed since your first meeting with Harry and it was going well, including your dates. You couldn’t believe how smart and business savvy he was, he remained you of Pepper a lot and how he sternly thought his next step and everyone else’s, he was always ahead of the game. You could understand now how he felt a bit better once his father was gone, you couldn’t imagine someone supervising him. Moreover, he was sweet, and he made you laugh, which it might sound a little bit cliché, but you didn’t need more for the moment, you just wanted someone who could awake the butterflies in your stomach and tingles in your body that before only Peter had been able to do so. 
“But, Mrs. Stark it would delay the entire set up of the medical wing and the lounge area”, Brad whined as he stared at you with his eyebrows bumped together while you watched him carefully. 
You raised your eyebrow because you knew this wasn’t his problem, you had gotten to know him better.
He sneered, which made you feel icky. 
“We would spend more money, we would have to pay more people to fix it and that means more days of work, more money spend on materials, etc.”
“We have the money to fix it and we can do a better job; don’t you remember why we are doing this?” you asked.
“But do we have to?”
You could feel the temperature rising on your body as your annoyance grew, you even felt how your right eye twitched a bit as the young man waited for your answer with an irreverent look on his face. You didn’t like Brad too much if you were being honest and he was getting under your skin recently as he protested every little thing you said, it was as if someone was giving him money for each time he disagreed with you. Usually, Harry would intervene seeing that he was his friend and you didn’t say much because you didn’t want to waste your energy on an asshole like him. 
But boy, it was getting harder. 
“I wanted it this way, do you want to serve children water that might not be in the best quality? Would you like for that water to be used on the hospital wing? Or even worse, it could cause damage to the structure which could mean evacuation. We can ask for help on the hospitals nearby while paying them and the educational area can be reduced while we fix this”, you answered dryly. “Our main goal is to have the residence wing and educational wing ready to begin as soon as possible”
Brad looked at you for a few seconds with a dour expression plastered on his face, his mouth seemed like a line before he turned around and whined once more. 
“But, Harry…” 
Harry rolled his eyes as the rest of the meeting sighed again and you could feel your body filling with anger.
“Hey dipshit, I’m right here you can complain to me”, you growled as Brad quickly turned around astonished by your words.
Harry smirked as his eyes gleamed with anticipation. In the few months you had spent with Harry and getting to know each other, he had come to learn that you were a hardcore intersectional feminist and how it had become a passion for you to learn about the topic as such a young age, it really coincided with the making of your own suit. You began reading ‘The Second Sex’ by Simone de Beauvoir while you waited for J.A.R.V.I.S to scan the different models you created for recalibrating your suit. Finding this social movement somehow encouraged you to realize your value, how smart and kind and badass you were, you got to know yourself, be 100% you without following society’s norms. 
But that was before you entered a field were although people knew you were an avenger and a businesswoman, men like Brad still wanted to talk over you. 
“She’s right, she’s the owner of this and she’s the smartest person I know, we are going to do what she says, and you need to start treating her as she is your boss because she is” Harry answered. “Brad, you will respond to her directly, not to me” 
Brad looked astonished as he saw Harry’s severe expression while you fought the urge to smirk. 
But he didn’t say a word and the meeting continued, the only thing that changed was that Brad’s mouth didn’t open for the rest of the meeting. Everyone left the room as soon as you planned the next steps for the project and you couldn’t help to keep an eye on how quickly Brad leave. 
Harry walked to your side as you picked up your documents, he looked so damn good in his nice tailored suit, his broad shoulders relaxed as soon as he gazed at you while he placed a strand of your hair on the back of your ear and you smiled. 
“You are not allowed to compliment me anymore in business meetings. It’s too nice and patronizing”, you finally said as you closed your bag and threw it over your shoulder while you stared at him with a coy smile, Harry simply rolled his eyes.
“I can’t help it”, he chuckled as he took a hold of your hand and played with it, you felt your heartbeat stammering on your chest but then you saw him clearing his throat as he looked a bit more unsettled. “You want to go out to my place tonight? I know you don’t have to go to NY until tomorrow” Harry finally let out. 
“How do you know I’m not going back today?”
“I heard H.A.P.P.Y reading your agenda today before the meeting” Harry answered, while you chuckled. 
You had been going out and you knew each other more and more but this was the first date at someone’s place, at first you didn’t really know what to say, not because it was uncomfortable to you but mainly because you felt eager about it, which you never thought you would. You knew nothing was going to happen, you knew your limits, but the fact that it didn’t make you feel repelled about it surprised you. 
It had been over a year since your first time with Peter and you thought you could never experience that earth-shattering feeling with no one else but Peter Parker.
But apparently, Harry was changing your world. 
“Sure”, you said with a smile, you saw how Harry simply let out a long breathe and he grinned. 
“Sweet”, he said with a smirk as you both exited the meeting room.
You had been on small missions before, mostly scouting different locations where HYDRA could’ve been operating, sometimes you found some HYDRA agents and you had managed to do your job: you had kicked their asses. Peter and you still felt like a million dollars when Tony or Steve would congratulate you on your work. After all, you had begun officially training as an avenger just one year prior and Peter had entered the avenger’s life just six months before. 
But when you arrived at the compound after Happy picked Peter and you from school, you couldn’t have imagined what you were about to do. 
“So, you want us there?”, you blurted out as you stared dumbfoundedly at Tony, Steve and Nick Fury who were presiding the meeting.
Peter gulped as he examined the scene and the avengers that were present: Rhodey, Wanda, Bruce, Clint, Vision, Natasha, Sam, and Bucky. Peter felt his heart skipping a beat, this was the first big mission Mr. Stark had given him, without counting the Vulture off course that was off the record. Now, he was going to finally have his debut as an avenger. He had been training non-stop for this day to come, each week harder and harder and he had proven himself to Tony and the other avengers. 
Plus, he couldn’t be happier to experience it with you. 
“Why do you think I call you kids?”, Tony answered rhetorically as he gave you a smirk. 
You couldn’t help but smirk back at him.
“You are going to be very careful nonetheless, Mrs. Stark” Nick Fury added with his permanent frown. 
It had been your dream to be an official avenger since Tony had become one since you saw the shift in his heart and his purpose. After all the time you had been overprotected, after all the time your dad had denied you to go out into the field, after all your effort to build your suit from scratch, after all the hours of training with Nat and Peter, after proving yourself with small missions and then doing neighborhood duty with Peter, after all, you were finally being taken seriously, it was all for this moment. 
And you couldn’t be happier that you got to experience it with Peter. 
“What’s the mission?”, you asked joyously as a smile grew on your face.
The mission was simple but dangerous as well, Tony had been very clear that you should not engage into any fighting unless he ordered you to do so or if the circumstances presented themselves where you had to fight. The place of the mission? An underground laboratory in Kosovo, Southeastern of Europe. Fury explained that the remaining agents of the HYDRA nest that the Avengers had attacked before Ultron, where Wanda and Pietro had been kept as well as Loki’s Scepter, had escaped to the new country. SHIELD believed they still had some of the scepter’s energy which gave Wanda and her brother their powers. Nonetheless, they soon found out they were taking test subjects by force, no one had survived the energy of the scepter before.
“To be extremely clear, we are on a rescue mission”, Steve announced as he dropped the file with info in front of you and another one for Peter, in order to get all the intel. “Both of you have been tasked to find the subjects and secure them while we neutralize the enemy”. 
While you examined the file, you felt Peter’s hand over yours which startled you. You gazed back at him and he was giving you a small smile. Those once that you loved, you couldn’t help to smile back at him. 
After the meeting ended and Steve ordered you to get ready, Peter and you ran to your rooms and pack everything that was needed. It didn’t take you long enough since you were almost the first ones to enter the quinjet, behind Steve and Fury. You completely suited up while you barely contained your happiness as you sat down and strapped yourself to your sit. You grabbed Peter’s hand and both of your hands intertwined, Peter, giving you a toothy smile. 
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a bit as you saw Peter, his chocolate eyes had little honey specks that you loved, how his curls looked kind of messy because he had taken his mask off and how they were a little too long, long enough for them to fall a little bit before his eyebrows, how good he looked with the few freckles he had under his eyes and how bright his smile was. Plus, it didn’t hurt that his skin-tight red and blue suit fitted him perfectly, framing his body and allowing you to have a good look at his muscles. 
While you were proud of your suit, you had been working on it to make it a little less like Tony’s and a version that suited you better. It was way lighter than Tony’s, and it was more fitted to your frame, it had been hard making it smaller since you still needed the whole energy that you usually had but the last few test runs had gone okay. 
“Why are you already suit up?” Tony asked you while he arched a sly brow. “We are going to take like four hours to get there, kid. Take it easy.”
You quickly let go of Peter’s hand as you watched Tony carefully leaving the case that contained his suit, your brows bumped together in a scowl. As you watched Wanda, Nat and everyone else walking inside the quinjet with no suit, you felt the blush creeping through your cheeks.
“Well, Steve is suit-up”, you protested a bit as you undo your belt and stood up. 
Quickly, you pressed your temple as your suit opened up, letting you out of it and then closing again, while Peter rummaged through his backpack looking for a sweatshirt to put over it his suit. Nat chuckled once she saw you and Peter. 
“That’s because Steve’s a dork”, Nat whispered making Tony laugh and Peter crouch a little bit more on his sit while you rolled your eyes.
Nonetheless, soon it all became business and suiting up. Everyone was discussing little kinks and details of the missions, Wanda and Bucky were even practicing combat training with her powers while Tony was hanging out with Wanda and Nat as they drank some coffee and went over the layout of the territory. You, on the other hand, had been going over and over again your plan with Peter, he believed and knew for a fact you already knew it by heart, but he was aware that you were kind of anxious and tense about it. 
He had already gone after the Vulture while you hadn’t done it yet. You began to panic as time passed and you got closer and closer to Kosovo and you began to realize how serious it actually was, your dad had allowed being here with almost every avenger and asked you to be there. It was real, and it was dawning on the weight of it. Peter could’ve sworn he saw a little bit of Tony’s anxiety on your eyes, gleaming, that restless sense that Tony carried with him, he had passed it to you. Therefore, Peter simply stayed with you, listen to you, nodded, talk when he needed to talk but most of all tried to calm you down by being his easy-going self. 
Until Steve decided that he needed a word with him. 
“I have to take Queens with me,” Steve said as he placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder, making you both look up to him. As you heard Steve’s words you frowned. “It will be for just a moment Y/N”
“Fine…”, you huffed as you walked towards Nat and hugged her from behind in order to get some, much needed, comfort without having to actually talk about it. 
Peter quickly stood up and looked at Steve, a little bit jumpy because he was getting direct orders by Captain America himself and he wanted to be as respectful as he could about it. 
“Peter, I don’t think I need to remain you about the protocols for protecting the civilians or how to take care of guns, I think you know them by heart, kid”, Steve said as he crossed his arms. 
“I do, sir. Cap-Captain America” Peter answered promptly as he stumbled on his own words.
Steve smiled a bit and nodded. “But I think I haven’t talked about the Y/N protocol,” Steve said as he sighed and sat down next to Peter, inviting him to do so as well. “Y/N, she is passionate about avenging although she hasn’t done it for very long or on a very large scale, but, we know she will give her everything in every mission because that’s the person she is”. 
Peter nodded, he could feel his back muscles tensing and he didn’t know why he got a feeling like if Steve was going to tell him something that you wouldn’t want to know. Soon, Peter’s eyes drifted towards you as he kept listening to Steve go on about you. 
“Peter, what I want to say is that you need to keep her in check. I know both of you will go all in because that’s the kind of person you are. Nonetheless, we need you to take care of each other and think about your next move and how to protect one another, okay?”
Peter couldn’t help to notice how your smile made your eyes close a little bit and how your chin would go a little bit up with it, almost as if it was a reflex. He couldn’t help to notice how ready and badass and sublime you looked with the suit you had built yourself. How your Y/H/C hair fell on the grey nitinol and how your act reactor brightened your face, how your nose scrunches up a bit while Nat and Wanda hugged you and the sound of your laugh too was striking. 
Without warning, you realized that he was looking at you and your gazes linked up. 
Peter, not knowing any better on how to be smooth, gave you a faint smile, it was bliss for you and he felt the same when a smile dangled on the corner of your lips. 
Oh god, he was so falling in love with you and he couldn’t help it. 
“Eyes up here, Queens,” Steve’s said as he couldn’t help but to shake his head when saw the both of you while a gob-smacked Peter turned around quickly. 
You groaned as soon as the elevator door opened, and you walked into the Stark’s Tower apartment with Harry walking behind you, barely as tired as you were. Harry had only been into the Stark Tower household one time before, where you had introduced him to your family, but it had been only for about an hour of formal conversation before he had to go back to California and continue working. Now, you hadn’t actually told Pepper or Tony that Harry would be coming over that day but at the moment you couldn’t careless because of how tired you were.
Harry and you had been working non-stop into the project for the last six months and he had decided to go to New York in order to visit the center that you had created one more time in order to get a sense of the environment you wanted to create in the new west-side facility. It had been a long day, playing with kids, giving one of the classes, talking and having conferences with staff and volunteers, attending support group meetings that you had, meetings with other sponsors on the east coast, etc. 
It wasn’t until 11:00 p.m. that you were finally gone for the day and instead of making Harry stay in his hotel, you decided that you wanted to invite him over. It had been a while since you had been seeing each other in a little bit more serious note than ever before and you thought that the honeymoon phase was finally kicking in. You were feeling less and less guilty of holding his hands as you walked or less and less guilty of kissing him. It sounds bad, I know it does, but you couldn’t help when your mind brought back those chocolate eyes with honey specks to your mind or his chocolate curls or his freckles or his nose, or… well, Peter Parker himself. 
But it was getting better, you weren’t seeing Peter everywhere and all the time anymore. 
“I’m soooooooo done with everything”, you grumbled as you shook your head while taking your shoes off and leaving them in the entrance hall. 
Harry was as tired as you, the bags under his eyes were getting noticeable and he had only been with you a whole week. But it was part of dating you, you were usually a night owl that loved waking up early in order to take advantage of the day, the only one that didn’t like the routine as much as you? Your own body that at the moment was screaming for you to lay down somewhere in the house and eat something. 
The only problem and question at the moment was: what did you prefer: sleeping or eating?
“Do you want me to cook you something?” Harry asked earnestly.
He was an amazing cook and if you knew that he wasn’t that tired, you would have definitely asked him for one of those acai bowls he did that made your mouth watered by the thought of it. But as you saw him, taking off his jean jacket with his black sleek hair a little bit messier than in his usual put-together style and with those dark circles decorating his face, you knew you didn’t have the heart to make the boy do something else.
“No, don’t worry”, you said as you grabbed a random hoodie that was on the kitchen, that probably belonged to your dad or… Peter, well they were technically yours as you had systematically stolen them from him years prior. “I’ll make some popcorn on the microwave, go ahead and sit down on the living room. We can watch a movie”
Harry nodded as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and simply followed your command.
“Put on something we don’t care about since we are clearly going to fall asleep”, you said a little bit loud as you placed the popcorn on the microwave.
As you waited, you felt a knot in your stomach as your mind flashed to many of the movie nights you had with Peter. He knew that movies were your favorite thing ever, even before reading, you loved to analyze and learn everything about them, so he indulged you by watching any movie you invited him too. But on days when you were too tired, he would pick movies you had seen before or movies that were maybe bad for your taste for you not to miss a thing, you had learned about it after a while and you smiled to yourself as he had created that tradition. 
Your thoughts dissipated as soon as the microwave began beeping and you quickly took out the popcorn and filled the bowl with it before walking towards the living room. You felt like your legs were giving up as you walked towards Harry who was waiting for you, blinking slowly as he smiled once he saw you and smelled the popcorn.
“That smells so good, I was craving these” Harry said as you placed them on the table in front of you and sighed and finally flopped over him. 
Harry let out a breathy laugh as you landed on his torso, in such an awkward position but you didn’t care at the moment, you just knew your body had to rest otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do anything but just nap the next day and you couldn’t afford to do that.
“I’m so tired, please just hold me”, you muttered as Harry accommodated you with his strong arms, he laid your head on his chest and moved down a bit, so you could be comfortable.
You could only hum as you place a quick peck on his neck and he gave you a sweet smile, giving you a real peck as he was grabbing the popcorn while you asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to start the movie. 
“You chose Twilight?”, you snorted as you saw the movie starting with Bella’s narration and Harry rolled his eyes. 
“You told me to choose something we wouldn’t care about,” Harry said as you laughed. 
“I know what I said, I just never figured you would choose this one”, you could barely hold in your smile as you continue to laugh. 
Harry couldn’t help but to laugh along with you and as you giggled to yourself, you couldn’t help to notice the way he was looking at you, it was as if he was seeing something for the first time and you realized you hadn’t had a laughing fit with him. Basically, you hadn’t laugh like this since Peter and you felt like your chest was going to explode by the way he was looking at you. The laughter died down as you both stared into each other’s eyes and for the first time in a while, you managed to feel in cloud nine, you quickly placed your hand on Harry’s slaying jaw and pulled him in for a kiss. 
It was a demanding kiss as you pressed your lips together, Harry had those lips that few boys had, lips that were voluptuous enough to be noticeable but not too much, lips that you knew were soft and that would taste like cotton candy the moment they touched yours. The kiss was enticing, the way he moved his lips against yours, you didn’t stop for a while as he pulled a little bit your hair and you moved with rhythm. 
In the end, you had to pull back to catch you breathe. 
“Is it okay then?” Harry whispered.
You simply nodded and smiled, you thought that you might be ready for more for the first time in a while. But you didn’t want to give it much thought as you turned around and focused on the movie. 
It didn’t take long before you were knocked out cold in Harry’s chest. 
Harry was enticed by you and he felt in seventh heaven as he watched you sleeping peacefully in his arms. There was something about you that made his heart feel so full of love and excitement and he couldn’t pin down the exact moment he had fallen in love with you, but he was sure about what he was feeling. 
Harry didn’t want to wake you up by moving so he decided to stay like that as he ate the popcorn and actually did watch the movie. He was very into it but the sound of the automatic doors opening brought him back to reality as he saw Tony walking into the living room with a hostile expression on his face, his eyes narrowed to crinkled slits as he saw you too in the sofa. 
Harry gulped. “Good evening Mr. Stark, I- um” Harry stumbled into his words, he normally didn’t but then again, he wasn’t talking to anyone, he was talking to Tony Stark, your dad, and Iron Man.
“Good evening to you Mr. Osborn” Tony answered respectfully as he crossed his arms. 
“Y/N told me I could stay over, but I still have my room in the hotel if you don’t feel comfortable”, Harry stuttered. “I completely understand”
Tony didn’t actually know how to feel about it, it wasn’t like he didn’t like Harry because he did, he gave you another thing to be happy about apart from business and you had been doing so well the last few months that you had been talking to him. But there was something that bothered him, and he couldn’t put a pin to it. Moreover, he saw how you were collapse on Harry’s chest and he couldn’t risk waking you up, so he simply began shaking his head and waved his hand. 
“No need, kid. Stay there.” Tony managed to say. “Do you want me to bring you a blanket?”
Harry swallowed hard and simply nodded, as Tony gave him a tight smile and then proceeded to exit the room as quickly as he could without making too much noise. As Tony grabbed the blanket from one of the closets, he figured out what was bothering him so much, his heart squeezing a bit as he realized it: It was Peter, you always used to fall asleep watching movies with Peter. 
You didn’t remember much from the attack of Scorpion or what had actually happened for you to end up in the medical wing with an IV glued to your arm and nasal cannulas decorating your face, plus a bonus: an overwhelming pain on the left side of your body. But you did remember a few details.
For example, you knew that before you blacked out completely, you had fired your repulsor against Scorpion, managing to hit both his tail and leg, making him fall on the ground with a growl that seemed more animalistic than before. On the other hand, Peter had fired his taser webs in order to completely neutralize him and it had worked because after a few seconds his green and reddish eyes were closed. After months of attack after attack, you had managed to stop him all alone without any reinforcement which made it even better. 
You had finally completed an alone mission with Peter and you felt your heart pounding in your chest, you didn’t actually know if it was your heart or the adrenaline or just pure and utter joy as your suit quickly dematerialized from your body as Peter landed a few meters away from you. You wanted to run towards him, you wanted him to scoop you as you crashed into his body with a smile plastered in both of your faces as you celebrated because it was yours. 
Peter and you had done it. 
But before you could utter any word of joy, there was a sharp plunged on the left side of your body and before you knew it, everything went dark. 
“He wasn’t completely down” Peter’s voice startled you, he was standing up from the sofa of the room. 
He had been crying, you could see it and it made your heart squeeze a bit on your chest as he yawned and got closer to you. Peter hated seeing you hurt or injured, it was one of the worst things that could happen to him -or no, not one but the worst thing that could happen to him-. He had been waiting for you to wake-up and he hadn’t been able to get out of the room, it didn’t matter that he had some injuries too, he didn’t care, he only cared about being by your side as soon as you woke-up. 
“No shit, Sherlock”, you answered with a smirk as you still felt how the left side of your body began to throb. “What did you do, then?”
But Peter didn’t smile, he had a sullen expression drawn on his face as he passed a hand through his curls. He hated himself because of what had happened with you and how he couldn’t avoid it. He had been thinking about it none stop and the debrief of the incident had him on the verge of tears as he recalled how you had been thrown, without your suit and like a rag doll to one side of the street. Tony tried to tell him that these kinds of things happen on the job and that he was simply glad that Peter was there to take care of you like he had done in the attack prior to this one. 
But Peter was still mad at himself. 
“I- I tried to catch you and, I, I stopped you from hitting the façade of the building full force but, um-I didn’t manage to really catch you so -um- you still collapsed on the street” Peter mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you. “After that, I just…”
Peter didn’t really know how to explain it, he believed it was almost a black-out because he honestly didn’t remember much from it. He believed he was in shock from seeing how you were pushed by Scorpion’s tail, but a few seconds later and he realized that he had almost finished Scorpion off. He didn’t really know how he did it, but he had managed with his bare arms to rip Scorpion’s tail from the rest of his weird biological suit. He had heard Scorpion’s cries and growls, but he didn’t care at the moment, he placed more and more taser webs and then… then he had kicked him and punched him full force until Peter was completely sure that he was passed out. 
It scared him a bit, to see what his force could do, he had never lost control like that. 
“I just, I just asked K.A.R.E.N to call everyone and, I, I took your suit and then carried you here.” Peter managed to let out as he sat next to you. 
If we were being honest, it hadn’t been that easy. He broke down the moment he saw you laying in the pavement, not moving and he was sure that if he hadn’t felt your heart from where he was standing he would have lost it. He didn’t have to think twice before telling K.A.R.E.N. that Steve and Nat had to pick-up Scorpion on the 54th street in Manhattan and that Tony needed to go to the compound as soon as he could because you were injured. Without a second thought, he managed to take off your necklace and made your suit materialized over him, he took you with extreme care and then flew as fast as he could towards the compound. 
“Peter, I …”, were the only words you managed to say as you tried to lift up your left arm more than before but was quickly cut off by the piercing pain. 
Peter panicked a bit and he almost jumped into the hospital bed with you, he got closer to your side, but he wanted to avoid touching you, he didn’t want to hurt you, so he restrained himself and just watched carefully as you breathe out the pain. 
Without saying any words, you began to roll up the hospital gown slowly and steadily. For any reason, you wanted to see how bad it had gotten because the pain was a bit too much, even for you, that at the time you had gotten used to being kicked, cut, battered and whatnot on the battlefield. It came with your chosen path and you were okay with it, but it never stopped annoying you when you realize how fragile you could actually be sometimes. 
This was one of them because you didn’t expect how bad it looked. 
It began on your hip bone, the reddish color tainted your skin on the outer side, it barely reached your bellybutton and you couldn’t help to feel a bit startled as you passed your fingers over it, getting higher and higher. You could only see a dark and purple-stained on the majority of your left side and you were sure it reached your back because you didn’t saw an end to it. It was vile the way it spread over your body and it barely finished on your breast, it was all purple-black and you winced at the thought of how fast you had lost consciousness.  
You quickly snapped out of it as you gazed at Peter.
He was a mess. 
He had this shadowy look in his eyes as he watched carefully, his eyes barely spilling all the tears he had been holding back for the last two hours where he had managed to keep it together. You seemed so small to him right now and all he wanted to do was going back in time to avoid it. He didn’t know how to make it better and it seemed as if he had a hopeless pit in his stomach. But he wanted to do anything, something so badly that it seemed like a reflex as he leaned forward to your body.
You blinked and held your breath as Peter leaned down and lightly kissed the top of the freshly formed bruise, his lips soft against your skin and you felt short of breath as he continued to do so, covering the majority of the large bruise with his pecks. He didn’t even think about it, but he was determined to make it better and it seemed like the most proper way to do so. None of his kisses on your skin hurt, they were light and indulgent but with a hunger to it, a hunger to heal you and you couldn’t help to quiver as his lips climbed your body. He meticulously went through the dark blotch in your body, enticed by the feeling that it would work and somehow it did. 
He didn’t open his eyes for a few seconds after he finished and stood up again, it had taken him all his will power to stop kissing your body and he needed to focus his senses once more because he had been lost on it. On the other hand, you felt like you could melt in Peter Parker’s mouth and nothing would be wrong in the world, you would just let it be because the way your body was buzzing at the moment… it was heavenly.
“Peter”, you whispered shakily, and he opened his eyes.
Those dark chocolate eyes gleamed with, just… love. He was so grateful that you were okay, that you had woken up with him in the room, he was grateful that you were breathing okay, that you had managed to talk and to be yourself, that you had allowed him to kiss your body as you had done because it was heaven for him. Being with you, having you in your life was the best thing that happened to him. 
“Y/N…”, he whispered back.
Without previous notice, he leaned forward and placed his lips against yours for the first time. 
You finally sat on your office after a full morning of different meetings with the staff of the facility, trying to figure out what was the next step for the kids that were older and needed to move on, you knew that 99% percent of them decided to go to college, but it had been tricky since most universities shut down after the snap. It had been almost two years since you had begun your own organization and it was a topic that you hadn’t actually given much thought about it because the vastly majority of older kids during the time of the snap had managed themselves, so you had received mostly younger ones but now time had passed, things had changed and you had to really give it a thought. 
Mostly, it shocked you to the core to realize that you should’ve been in college by now with Peter, Ned, Mj, Flash, and Wanda.  You had obviously continued to study and learn, but you always had wanted that experience, but it slipped through your fingers. 
Nonetheless, you needed to take that weekend off since your father had arranged for you to go to Stark’s new household. Morgan was already two years old, she was growing each day with such a rapid rate that she was already talking like she was five, as Tony realized this he knew that he wanted Morgan to be surrounded by something different. And so, he had bought this huge cabin upstate, where he was spending most of his time now with Morgan and Pepper. 
You visited them as much as you could but being almost twenty-one years old, you had decided to stay in Stark Tower by yourself. You felt like you needed the space and he had allowed you to stay where you wanted to. You still had a room on the new cabin and your father had crafted it perfectly for you, so you loved spending long weekends with them but for you, it was simply a better arrangement to stay in New York. Plus, Pepper had to go almost every week and every day to keep working on Stark’s Industries which was still nice. 
But it was different nonetheless, the newly founded independency you had always thought about living with Peter by your side. But your thoughts dissipated as someone knocked on the door. 
“Come in”, you noted as you stood up from the chair and fixed your blazer but as soon as you raised your eyes, you couldn’t help to squeal as you saw Harry’s bright smile.
Harry was working on his new Latin American project and had been there for over a week, you talked and texted almost every day as always, but you couldn’t help to feel a bit lonely without him close to you. Over the last year, you had been spending so much time together either in California or in New York working on your project, but as the facility in California was done, Harry had decided to focus on his previous work.
“What are you doing here!”, you breamed as he embraced you in a hug with his strong arms. “I thought you wouldn’t be here until the end of the month”
Harry would wrap his arms around you and you felt safe with him, which was a new feeling you had with him. In the past, you had only felt like this with the other avengers, your father, your suit and Peter.
“I wanted to surprise you!” Harry said as he held you and then place a kiss on your forehead, you hummed as he did it. “Did I do a good job?”
You smirked as he let you go. “You did, thank you for coming back early”, you mused as you took a hold of his hand. “How was Colombia?”
Harry began talking about his trip, how the capital was recovering from the snap but mainly how nature began to take over the abandon parts of the city, which was crazy. He was so into it and you couldn’t help but smile as you heard him explaining everything. You knew how much work he had and how invested he had been into your project, it was only fair for him to take a step back and return to the thing that he felt passionate about, which was bioengineering. It didn’t bother you, you didn’t feel needy with him, but you couldn’t avoid missing him and that was why it made your heart warm, the thought that he had taken your feelings into account and came back earlier. 
“So, what are our plans then?” Harry asked when he finished telling you all about the trip. 
“H.A.P.P.Y, can you bring the car to the main entrance please?”, you whispered into the com in your ear and you winked at Harry who was biting his lip. 
“Road trip?”, he asked excitedly as he pulled you into him as began hearing your car approaching the main entrance. 
“Yes, we have to go Upstate to visit my father, Pepper, and Morgan”, you said as the car opened his doors and you walked towards it. “It’s going to be a few days and after that, we can come back to the apartment and hang out there”
“Sounds good to me”, Harry answered as he sat on the passenger’s seat and you buckle your seatbelt. 
The drive was breezy, Harry kept going on and on about his trip and how he wished that you could go with him in about a month. They were making so much progress and there was nothing that brightened his face this much. It was true, you hadn’t visited Latin America in a while and you thought it would be a good trip, but you couldn’t help to feel a pit on your stomach when you remember how everyone in Midtown had promised to go backpacking through Latin America for about a month before you enter college. How Peter and Ned were so excited to meet Colombia and Peru and how you had promised them that you would ask your father for the private jet, so you could go. 
But you tried to shake off the feeling, tried to shake off those beautiful chocolate eyes. 
It didn’t take long until you arrived upstate, it was really easy getting there and it was a beautiful day. The weather was warm, and the sun was shining, it was the perfect way to spend the weekend with people that you loved. Maybe, your dad wouldn’t be so happy with the idea of Harry staying over but at the moment you didn’t care because you really needed him to stop thinking about… wait, you thought to yourself as you parked the car into the driveway that was decorated with trees. 
“Impossible”, you muttered to yourself as Harry had a peering expression on his face while he looked at you. 
Meanwhile, your eyes were fixed in the scene in front of you: Steve, Nat, Tony with Morgan in his arms and someone else, someone that you knew for a fact was dead. It had been shown in the statistics that the avengers had recollected of the people who had been turned to dust by the snap and Scott Lang was one of them. Scott Lang was supposed to be dead. 
But no, there he was standing in the porch of the cabin along with Steve and Nat that had tight expressions drawn on their faces as they talked to your father. 
“Dad?”, you stuttered as everyone in the porch turned around to look at you and Harry who was behind. 
The way your voice cracked was a clear indication of your emotional state as your eyes didn’t leave Scott Lang for a second, you felt your knees getting weaker each second that it passed and sharp pain in your chest because your mind could only form one thought: Peter. 
Steve, Nat, and Scott remained quiet, they didn’t say a word as they stared at you and you couldn’t help to notice how Nat had a somber gleam on her eyes as she saw you, like she knew something was going to hurt you. But she didn’t say anything, none of them did, they didn’t even acknowledge Harry as you all stood there, the tension could be cut with a knife and it wouldn’t have gotten any better. 
“Y/N, Harry” Tony said as he stood up from the chair and walked towards you, his eyes burning you, the same gleam that Peter had seemed a couple of years ago was showing in both of your eyes, he opened his mouth and then shut it, his gaze traveled to Harry. “Harry… I, I’m sorry but it’s best for you to go” Tony stuttered as his eyes turned back to you. 
You were taken aback by Tony’s statement, as well as Harry but he could read the situation good enough and you couldn’t help it but he didn’t give one step away, instead, his eyes traveled to yours as you looked at him for a second and then back at Tony but in that second you saw your father’s gaze and you knew Harry couldn’t be here. Tony nodded for you to let him go. 
“I- I’m sorry… I’ll talk to you later”, you mumbled as you saw how his body stiffened at the remark. 
Harry nodded, he muttered a goodbye before he walked away and entered the car as he quickly backed it up and then turned around. You stayed still, your face stolid as you couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to puke your guts out right there and then, but you managed yourself, you swallowed and looked at Tony dead-eye as the sound came out of your mouth. 
“What’s going on?”
Tony clutched Morgan a little bit tighter as he breathed deeply, his eyes not leaving yours. 
“We can bring them back”
TAGLIST: @spideylovin​ @eridanuswave​ @featuringcone9​ @bethanystan​
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creepy--pasta · 4 years
This is my own Creepypasta. It's called "Lacrymosa"
Her name was Lacrymosa Tea. Just as naming your child "Candy" predicts their future stripper career, her name almost guaranteed she'd be depressed. Lacrymosa is Latin for weeping/ sadness. Her father had run out on the family years ago and her mother was an alcoholic. Every night, she'd get drunk and beat her... that is unless her mother was on the phone with her sister all night. Lacrymosa cherished her aunt for that reason. They didn't live in the same state so the only way she could save her was to stay on the phone taking verbal abuse so that her niece wouldn't suffer physical abuse. She had no idea why she'd never reported it. Understandably, Lacrymosa was depressed. Her black hair hung limply around her face and her blue eyes once so bright had dimmed. She preferred to stay in the shadows. She preferred... to be away from people. By the time she was 13, she began cutting. It started when she was shaving her legs in the bathtub and the cheap razor broke. It cut a gash in her leg and at first, she swore under her breath cupping water in her hand to wash off the blood. However, as the blood oozed down, she felt satisfaction watching its path. The next day, Holly Hebert was teasing her again as usual in English class and she had a thought... the razor. This was a girl that sat behind her on the bus and cut her hair so it hung unevenly, put gum on her seat in class then pointed out the giant spot on her butt to everyone so they'd all laugh at her, threatened to beat her up daily, and often "accidentally" hit her with baseballs or volleyballs in gym class. She hated Holly. She didn't know who she hated more though...Holly or her mom. After school, she rushed home to dig the broken razor out of the trash and brought it to her room. She didn't hesitate. She placed the razor against her thigh and ran it in a long line. It bled just a little but it was enough. The sensation was hard to describe. It was like she was a balloon about to pop and the razor had let out some air. Just enough for her to function again. From then on, whenever she felt stress, anger, or any kind of unpleasantness, she would cut. Four years later, she was 17 and the cutting had all but stopped. Her thighs had visible scars from the years of cutting but so now did her upper arms and stomach. The scars were a reminder of the horrible things she'd done to herself. Sure she thought about doing it again, but she'd learned new ways to deal with her feelings. The one thing that helped most was the presence and attention of her little pug Evan. Her mother had gotten him for her and it was completely out of character, but Lacrymosa didn't question it at all. The dog meant the world to her. Shortly after she'd gotten Evan, her aunt had visited and seen the cuts on her body. She didn't deny it when her aunt had asked if her mother had done it. She couldn't admit she'd done it herself. In the end, her mother had gone to jail... and she'd been placed in her grandparents home. She felt bad she'd blamed her mother for the cuts but she'd done far worse to her for years. Bruises and broken bones her mother had gotten away with but now she was paying for her crime... even if it was technically the wrong crime. But that was years ago and she was able to sleep without fear now. One night she went to bed more exhausted than she'd ever been. So tired in fact that when a noise awoke her from a deep sleep, her eyes only fluttered open and barely registered a shadowy figure before falling deep asleep again. The next morning, Lacrymosa woke up to the sight of blood. There were cuts on her legs, stomach, arms, and wrists... just like the cuts she'd made herself for years. But she hadn't done these! She'd never even cut her wrists before. Why hadn't she felt any of it happening? Why hadn't Evan barked? She rushed to the bathroom to tend to her wounds then dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt to cover each bandage. She dashed out the front door ignoring her grandfather's greeting and rushed to school. She thought hard about the cuts. Had she done them herself? That's when she remembered the figure she'd vaguely seen the night before. Was it her mother? It had to be right? The next morning, she woke up and again... there was blood. Her cuts were deeper and the were more of them. She was scared now. She had to do something. Seeing the cuts was stirring something inside of her. She had the urge to cut again but no! She couldn't! She held Evan close and pushed the thoughts away. If it was her mom, she had to catch her. That night, she set up the camera on her computer to record while she slept and went to bed. The next morning, she awoke to the same cuts as usual. They were really getting deep now. Rushing to her computer, she stopped the recording and began fast forwarding through the footage. She watched herself sleeping covered only in sheets and moving slightly. She skipped through hours seeing nothing until she suddenly noticed something. Blood was seeping through the sheets. It was just a small spot at first but it grew quickly. Lacrymosa paused the playback. This wasn't possible. She'd watched closely and seen no one. She rewound the footage and watched again. There was no one there and yet there were cuts being made and blood pouring from them. The next night, she drank a ton of coffee mixed with caffeine pills. She was scared to sleep. It was like she was living a Freddy Kruger movie without the scary man and glove with knives for fingers. Trying her best to stay awake, she googled her problem. None of the results came close and she was about to move on and watch some videos on YouTube when a message popped up on her Facebook messenger. It was from a user with just the letter "D" for a name. She opened the message. It read: "We need to talk". Lacrymosa sat still a moment before responding. She had all but a dozen "friends" on Facebook (mostly family) and this was not one of them. "Do I know you? " she typed. "No, but we need to talk. It's about the cuts. Can you meet me? We can go somewhere public " She thought a moment. The cuts? How could anyone possibly know about that? Intrigued, she responded "How will I know who to look for?" "Meet me at the 24 hour McDonald's in town. I'll find you" Lacrymosa opened the window of her second story bedroom, pat Evan goodbye, and stepped out onto the porch roof. She then jumped onto the front lawn with a thud and got in her little beater car (a silver Neon her grandfather had gotten her for her 16th birthday) . When she got there, she looked around. She didn't know who she was looking for so she went to the counter to order coffee. As she stood there waiting for an employee to take her order, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Hey" said a man. Lacrymosa turned around. Before her stood a very tall pale boy about her age. His long shoulder length hair was black and his eyes were a beautiful grey. If he didn't look so tired and worn out, he might actually have been attractive. "Are you..." she tried to ask suddenly remembering she didn't know his name. "Draco... yes" he replied. "Draco? Your name is Draco? Like Draco Malfoy?" Lacrymosa said realizing she was probably saying the wrong thing. He rolled his eyes. "Yes... my parents are really big Harry Potter fans " he said almost sarcastically. "Your name isn't any better. Lacrymosa... like the song Roman Catholics play at funerals" "You're right. Fair enough. Why haven't I seen you in school? " she asked. Before he could respond, a McDonald's employee interrupted. "Can I help you? " she asked. They turned to see a smiling woman behind the counter waiting patiently. Draco ordered and paid for 2 large coffees and started walking to a booth in the back. They sat down in silence for a few moments before Draco responded to Lacrymosa's question as though there had been no interruption. "I'm homeschooled." He said simply. "So..." she said "how did you know? " Draco looked up from his cup. Then he rolled up his sleeves to reveal his arms full of bandages with blood seeping through. "You and I... are in trouble" he said. She tried to respond but he held up his hand. "Let me explain something first. Then we'll discuss it". Lacrymosa nodded quickly "I had a dream last night. In it, my sister who passed a year ago... told me to find you. I thought at first that she was talking about some drink... sorry. She said we could figure this thing out together." He paused. "Have you tried to record it?" Lacrymosa nodded. "Me too. It doesn't show up on camera. Ive never seen it..." he leaned in closer "but I think I know why it's happening. Before it started, were you a cutter?" He asked. She nodded, "but I'd stopped! It's been a year! " he smiled. "I think I'm right then. I was a cutter too. There has to be a connection". They sat in silence for a few minutes. "So how do we figure this out? How do we stop it? " Lacrymosa asked. Draco shook his head. "I don't know but we've got to try. Let's keep in touch. Call me if you figure anything out and i'll do the same" he said. They talked for a long time that night about their problem as well as other topics before going their separate ways. Lacrymosa found out he'd been homeschooled because of horrible bullying. They had that in common but he lived with two very supportive parents so they didn't have that. They seemed to instantly bond united by a common problem and goal. It felt nice to finally have a friend. They spent every free moment together for the next month. They barely slept and it got to the point that Draco would sneak into Lacrymosa's room at night and they'd sleep in shifts with one of them awake at all times keeping watch. They were becoming very close now. One night Draco didn't come over. He'd fallen asleep on accident and around 2 am, Lacrymosa was woken up by her phone ringing. It was him and he sounded terrified. "Can I come over? " he'd asked. She agreed of course and within 20 minutes, Draco was on her porch roof tapping at her window. Lacrymosa let him in and he rushed into her arms. "I spoke to it" he whispered. She pulled away quickly to look at his face. He was serious. "What?!" She asked. He nodded closing his eyes. Lacrymosa guided him to her bed and they laid beside each other. She held him in her arms as he explained. "I caught it in the act" he said. "I woke up when I felt a presence beside my bed so I opened my eyes and...I heard a laugh" Lacrymosa held her breath as he spoke. She wanted him to explain and feared he'd stop if she made a noise. "I'll spare you the details but it said that hurting yourself is an unspoken contract with it. Whatever this is... it doesn't like that we stopped cutting ourselves. It's trying to renew that urge inside of us to make us start up again and the only way to make it stop is to continue cutting...or cut someone else" He stopped and looked into Lacrymosa's face. "Each life we take..." he whispered "will give us 2 weeks". They lay there in silence for what seemed like an eternity. "I can't cut myself again. I can't. I'm already too cut up" she finally said. "Me too" "But I can't kill someone else! " "Me either" "So..." "So... what now?" Silence again. "Who would you off anyways? You know... if we did it" he asked. Lacrymosa thought a moment." Oh she knew who. She knew 2 people actually. Draco was homeschooled but he had a few names as well. "I know who" she said. "But let's think on it. Sleep here from now on. That should keep us safe for now". They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before their lips touched. That's when they realized... they were more than friends. They'd come to love each other very much. It had happened quickly but neither of them had ever had someone they cared about as much as they cared for each other. Together they could get through anything. "I love you Lacrymosa Tea" he whispered. "I love you too Draco Riley". Every night for the next six months, Draco snuck into Lacrymosa's room not to keep watch but to sleep beside her... and all was well. No blood. No cuts. They thought they'd found a loophole. For those six months, they were the happiest they'd ever been. This had to be why they were being left alone by the entity that cut them. Love was stronger than whatever it was. They did everything together now. They'd even met each others families and Lacrymosa felt that one day they may be joined. She shared this thought with Draco and he'd laughed, hugged her, and said "wait for me will you? That's my job to ask you". They both graduated High School and celebrated their 18th birthdays (which were only weeks apart). They made plans for the future and even began to forget about their ordeal. They shouldn't have forgotten. One morning at the end of the six months, Lacrymosa woke up beside Draco as usual. Her eyes still closed, she smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled up closer to him. But something was wrong. He was cold. She opened her eyes and immediately saw blood. All over the walls. All over the ceiling. She sat up and looked down at herself. She was full of blood but it wasn't all hers. She turned to Draco. She would have thought he was just sleeping except that he was an ugly shade of blue and he was covered in blood. His shirt was ripped open and carved into his stomach was "no loopholes" The next few days were a blur. Her grandparents were confused as to why he'd been in her bed, the police interrogated her about how he'd died beside her and she hadn't noticed, but they didn't ask about the message carved into his body... it was as though they couldn't see it. She didn't say a word. She didn't know what to say... she became catatonic. She was checked out and after seeing her cuts, she was stitched up and taken to a mental hospital. She missed Draco's funeral of course but that hardly mattered now. The thing... whatever it was... had taken Draco from her. For days she was in that hospital. Waking up with fresh cuts that were immediately stitched up. The staff were clueless as to how she was getting them and by the end of the week, she was covered in ugly black stitches... she now resembled Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. Even in her face. Draco's parents visited her. Pleading for information... asking if she'd done it. She didn't speak. All she could do was cry and shake her head. They eventually left empty handed. Lacrymosa hadn't spoken a word since the morning she lost Draco. One day she was sitting in her room staring at the wall when she noticed a brick that was loose. She pulled it out and found that someone had hidden a knife inside. Suddenly she heard footsteps and quickly hid the knife under her mattress. She had a visitor... her mother. She strode into the room and sat down in a chair. "I got out" she said. Something in Lacrymosa snapped. Draco was put in the back of her mind for a minute and all she could think of was the things her mother had done. Everything Holly had done. All the reasons she started cutting in the first place. "They said you wouldn't speak...I hoped you'd talk to me at least. " she sighed. "You look awful". Lacrymosa stayed silent as her mother continued to talk. She yelled at her for not talking, blamed her for "that boys" death, and of course for putting her in jail. Lacrymosa couldn't stand the look on her mother's face. She was getting angrier and angrier the longer they sat there. She stood up and so did her mother. She probably thought her daughter was going to hug her or something but as she took a step closer, Lacrymosa swiftly made a move for the knife and slit her mother's throat. Dropping to her knees, her eyes pleaded for help. But her daughter just stabbed each eye... and walked away. Lacrymosa walked through the hospital slashing the throats of patients and staff alike. She swore she heard the chords of a Lacrymosa playing and began to hum along. How she walked all the way home in a now bloody hospital gown is a mystery. No one was home when she got there and she went straight up to her room... to where she'd last seen Draco and began to cry. For the first time in weeks, she spoke. Just one word. "Draco". Two weeks after the Greenleaf City post reported on the New Hope Hospital Massacre, it reported on the death of a recent High School graduate named Holly Hebert. Her throat had been slashed just as the victims at the hospital had but the word "bully" was carved into her arm. She wouldn't be the last.
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You just ruined my chance - Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
[2.4K Words]
[Warnings: None]
[Storyline: You´re Tony Starks daughter. Peter isn´t Spider-man, but Tony is Iron Man. Since you didn´t wanted to be homeschooled any more your dad sent you to Midtown School of Science and Technology, considering it the perfect school for you, though it´s a public school. It´s your first day at a new school were everyone knew you, but you knew no one. (I´m sorry by the way, I don´t really know how Academic Decathlon works, so I don´t know if the stuff about it is right)]
You tap nervously against the car door while watching other cars pass. It was quite early, your first day of school and since your dad, Tony Stark, didn´t want you to bus to school, Happy was driving you. Even this early, New York traffic was insanely busy.
“All the people here need to get to work,” Happy explained to you as if you didn´t knew.
Here was the thing. You´ve been living in your Dad´s mansion in Malibu all your life, just recently you moved to New York. And as long as you lived in the mansion, you didn´t really get to do much stuff on your own. You were even homeschooled. Happy still thought because of that, you wouldn´t know anything about normal life. But you sure did.
Since you were spending a lot of your spare time on the internet, chatting with people, hiding who you actually were, you knew how normal people lived. You just weren´t too sure if it was going to be a challenge, being who you are, but you decided not to worry about it for now. Still, you were nervous.
When you were arriving at school, people started looking. Some of them amazed, some of them like they weren´t sure what was happening. Probably no one was actually. Some of them just liked the thought of a celebrity at your school.
Happy left the car, opening your door and helping you out before getting your bag. He was a little bit too much, there was no one left that wasn´t looking at you. Most of them knew who you were and they were quietly talking. You smiled to overplay who uncomfortable you felt. You wanted to take your bag, but Happy just ignored it.
“Happy, it´s fine, I can take that bag,” you said quietly.
“Miss-,” he started, but you looked at him and he passed you the bag.
It was heavier than you´d expected. Still you tried to not show him that, smiling like it was nothing. Happy locked the car, then led you into the school. You followed him through the school to the offices. A nice lady welcomed you.
“Miss Stark, such an honor to welcome you here at Midtown School of Science and technology. We´re so excited to have you here,” she said, making you feel slightly uncomfortable.
“I´m happy to be here, but please, don´t treat me different to everybody else. I really just want to be another student at your school not the celebrity that I´m not,” you answered.
The woman smiled uncomfortably at you. She was obviously embarrassed. You smiled back ignoring it. She then handed you your timetable.
“That´s your timetable and here you have a map of the school,” she started, “If you get lost or anything, there will be enough people around to show you where to go.”
You nodded. Then you and Happy walked out of the office. Happy looked at you with tears in his eyes.
“I´m so proud of you (Y/N)- Miss Stark I mean,” he said.
“It´s fine happy, no biggy,”you answered before hugging him good bye.
You watched him turn around and walk out of the school before you´re turning around. First task is to find your locker. Which you figured wasn´t too hard. The lockers were in the main hallway and finding yours was more than just easy. Just as you opened your locker, a boy came up to you and leaned against the locker next to yours. He started staring at you. Weird and creepy. Still, you started to talk to him, maybe he could help you.
“May I help you?,” you ask that boy that started chuckling.
“I´m Flash, but you may call me your future boyfriend,” he introduced himself.
Screw that, you´d take anybody´s help but his.
You laughed: “No, sorry, you don´t look like boyfriend material. But keep on telling yourself that.”
Some people around you started laughing. Flash turned around and stormed off. Since Flash wasn´t a name you´ve ever heard, maybe that was the reason why they called him that.
“Don´t give too much about him, he´s always like that,” someone said, making you jump.
A tall, brown-haired girl stood right behind you, smiling at you. She seemed a lot more friendly than  Flash.
“I´m Michelle, but don´t call me Michelle, call me MJ,” she introduced herself.
She´s slightly weird, but fine.
“I´m (Y/N), I don´t really have a nickname,” you responded.
“I guess you won´t find anyone around here you actually have to introduce yourself to,” MJ said and laughed.
And she was pretty sure right about it. But still, you were desperately hoping for a normal life. Though you knew it wasn´t really possible.
“So, which class do you have,” she asked, looking at your time table.
“Chemistry,” you answer shortly.
“I´ll show you were you have to go!,” she responded.
“I bet she could join the decathlon team,” a boy, Ned if you recalled it right, said.
You joined MJ and two of her friends for lunch. Actually, she said they weren´t friends. Just equally popular. She called them losers as well while talking about them. Still, she sat with them for lunch and they talked.
“Smart and popular, Flash would love it,” the other one said.
Peter. His name you knew for sure. Mostly because you met a Peter online once and the two of you got along just perfectly.
“If Flash is in the Decathlon Team, I´ll might pass before I get to know what a Decathlon Team is,” you responded, thinking of earlier.
“I can get that,” MJ answered.
“Academic Decathlon is like a school competition. School are competing against each other, answering questions about different subjects, giving speeches and things like that. It ends in a big quiz in front of an audience in the national finals,” Peter explained.
“Sounds fun, I´d love to join. It´s just, I´m not a big fan of that Flash boy,” you said, smiling slightly uncomfortable.
“Neither are we. But you´ll be fine, just stick with us,” Ned tried to motivate you.
“Fine, I guess I try out,” you answered, laughing slightly.
“There is a meeting this afternoon, you want to join us?,” MJ asked.
“I´d love to, but I can´t, my dad needs me home right away today,” you explained.
Your dad wanted to have you back home since you usually helped him with his suits. And since your mum died, your dad wasn´t really able to be on his own the whole time. The only reason he didn´t wanted you to go to school instead of being homeschooled was that he didn´t want to be on his own most of the time. And you could really understand him. You hated every second he left you behind and every second you had to spent without him.
You two eventually ended up having the same interests, spending lots of time together working on his suits, testing them or watching movies. Sometimes he was even helping you with your work from homeschooling. But then there were the times were he was being a hero. He left and you were never sure if he´ll be alright. You were just home alone with Happy, playing games with him while waiting for your dad to come back. He was probably not too worried about you, still, he was on his own.
“That´s alright, you can join in next time,” Peter smiled at you.
When you walked out of the school the big, expensive sports car, obviously one of those your dad owned, wasn´t hard to miss. Happy stood outside, waving at you.
“How was your day, Miss Stark?,” he asked while opening one of the doors for you.
“It was nice,” you just answered before jumping into the back.
You almost land on top of your dad, you sat on the other side. You weren`t expecting him though you really liked seeing him.
“Hey, I thought I´d come along picking you up,” he explained and smiled at you.
You smiled back. It was so typical your dad. You buckled up while Happy jumped in the front and started the engine.
You laughed: “Did Iron Man miss his daughter while she was away learning?”
“Is there something wrong about it?”
“Not at all!”
“So, how was school?”
“Except for that guy who kept on flirting with me throughout the day, really good actually. Met some really nice people. They asked me, if I´d like to join the Academic Decathlon Team. I think I will.”
“Who was flirting with you? Tell me his name, I´ll call the lawyer as soon as we´re home!”
“Dad, no need to, seriously.”
“Fine. So, tell me about the Academic Decathlon Team. You know, I used to be at the Academic Decathlon Team at my school.”
“Well, they meet after school. I don´t know how often in a week. And when it´s nationals, we drive to wherever the nationals are”
Before your dad was able to answer, you arrived home. Happy got out of the car, opening your dads door first, then yours.
“Sorry dad, I´ll be down in the lab later, I just need to do my homework first,” you excused yourself before he was able to say anything else.
You were waken up by your phone. It beeped, telling you you´ve got a new message. You lifted your head from the desk, wondering for a second were you were. You heard snoring from behind you and with one look around, you realize you fell asleep at your dad´s lab while working on the suit. You dad laid next to the wall, asleep, you slept on his desk in a bunch of plans and sketches you made earlier. When you checked your phone, you see it 4:47 AM. What woke you up was a text from an unknown number, who turned out to be Peter.
Hey, this is Peter. MJ gave me your number. Unknown
Parker Unknown
Hey Peter, why are you sending me a text at 4:47 AM? (Y/N)
Why are you up? Peter
You woke me up? (Y/N)
Before you continued the conversation, you quietly leave the lab, ending up outside on the balcony of your room. It was quite warm. From the balcony, which was up high since you lived on the top floor of a huge building, you could oversee the streets of New York. And even now, they were more than busy. New York, a city that never sleeps. Your phone beeped again.
Maybe you should turn off your sound Peter
Really smart, Peter, thank you so much! (this is sarcasm!). So, what were you doing? Since obviously, you are up as well (Y/N)
Just came home Peter
Where from? We´ve got school tomorrow (Y/N)
My crush was having a party. Couldn´t really miss it Peter
Peter Parker at a party. Who´s was it? And, did you make a fool of yourself? (Y/N)
Liz. And I feel like you went there with me. Peter
Wait, you did? I´m sorry, I was just joking. You want to talk about it? (Y/N)
She was making out with Flash Peter
Disgusting, who would do that? (Y/N)
I know Peter
The two of you kept texting until you had to get ready for school. You didn´t want admit it, but you were slightly tired from getting up so early. Still, you had to go to school. And, you were looking forward to it actually. Seeing Peter again would be nice, you got to know a lot about him during texting. And the Peter you got to know during texting is someone you really liked actually.
“Will you be home right after school?,” your dad asked, waking you up a little, as were sitting over your breakfast, almost falling asleep.
“I don´t think so. I´m studying with Peter I guess.”
“That´s fine, I guess. I´ll see you tonight then.”
You were wondering slightly. You expected a completely different reaction from him. Something was up.
“You´re off to a mission, aren´t you?,” you asked.
Your dad just nodded.
“Please, be careful.”
“I always will be.”
You were sitting in the library just finishing off your homework. Peter next to you finished as well, a couple of minutes ago already.
“You want to grab something to eat or maybe a drink?,” Peter asked.
You nodded. During the school day you spent almost the whole time with Peter. You liked him, you really did, but you were so scared of telling him since you knew he liked Liz. So you just decided to not tell him just yet.
Just the moment you wanted to leave, your phone beeped again.
“You still have it on sound,” Peter laughed.
“Dad´s away today, I´m just worried,” you answered before looking onto your screen.
Home. Right now. Something happened. I´m waiting for you outside. Happy
You almost dropped your phone. Your face fell and Peter knew immediately that something wasn´t right.
“I´m so sorry, we need to do that soon. Something happened, I really need to go home,” you excused yourself and smiled sadly.
Peter just nodded. You grabbed your bag and started running through the school. Happy was nervously pacing when you ran outside. You ran towards the school and opened the door yourself before Happy was even able to.
“What happened?,” you asked when Happy started the engine.
“I don´t know. Dr. Banner texted me, Tony is at the compound, he didn´t tell me what was wrong,” Happy answered.
The two of you didn´t say a word while speeding through New York. The time he was able to, Happy was over speed limit, but you were pretty worried so you didn´t really care. The moment he stops in front of the compound, you just jumped out of the car, running into the compound. You almost ran into Dr. Banner who came to pick you up.
“Hey, (Y/N),” he welcomed you.
You nodded: “Hey, Bruce, where is dad?”
He just pointed towards the medical base. You knew your way around here, so you started running towards it without waiting for the others.
You found your dad almost immediately. He sat in bed, left arm and leg in casts.
“Are you alright?,” you asked.
He nodded.
“Sure, just a broken arm and leg and a little bruised,” he explained.
You were slightly annoyed since you realized it wasn´t so bad and you just passed the chance of getting to know Peter better for your dad.
“You know, you just ruined my chance on getting to know a guy I like,” you said.
“That´s what I´m here for.”
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gay-spaghetti · 5 years
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Friendlypack Dads AU
An AU where Jimmy and Stan, after getting married and being together for a couple of years, adopt a kid together! This kid is a young girl who names herself Tessa (Tess for short). She does this because she hates her biological parents and the name they gave her.
And yes, her full, first name is: Tessandra. It is a reference to the ridiculous fact that Stan’s full name is Staniel, and Jimmy’s full name is Jimothy. It’s supposed to sound stupid and unnatural ;D
Bases used: [ x ] [ x ] @friendlypack @stanthewaterman
More info about this AU below! You can make your own HCs about it too! :D These are just my ideas, coupled with ideas from my buddy @missfeisty199! <3 They helped make this AU way better :3
And since people have asked me this before, lemme say that fan art is more than welcome! ^u^
-When Stan and Jimmy marry, Jimmy is the one to change his last name. He does this because he wants to embrace their marriage, and ditch his old last name. So it’s Stan and Jimmy Wheeler! ^u^ (Jimmy had a rough childhood/general past, so a free chance to ditch the name “Bending” is a chance he’ll take!)
-It’s Jimmy’s idea to adopt a kid. He’s tired of seeing Stan so depressed on Father’s Day, so he comes to the realization that he wouldn’t mind giving a home to a kid who needed it. 
-It’s extremely tough, but Jimmy eventually gets out of crime, prostitution, and doing drugs. He’s still that anxious adrenaline-junkie we all love, but he promises Stan to get that adrenaline fix in legal ways.
-Tess came from a verbally abusive household, and arrived at the foster home when she was 12. When they were looking for a kid to adopt, Jimmy asked for her specifically, being able to recognize that she had it tough. This is something they constantly bond over, since Stan had a good childhood with a loving family. Tess loves her dads equally, and doesn’t have a favorite, but she can definitely relate to Jimmy more.
-As any normal family does, they argue sometimes. Usually, it’s Jimmy and Tess who fight. Stan’s always the one to comfort the two individually once it’s all over. Thankfully, this little family is actually very functional, and these type of argument don’t happen often.
-Out of the two, Jimmy is absolutely more protective than Stan when it comes to any potential boyfriends Tess may have when she’s older. Stan’s the sweet dad that immediately makes a friend out of the boyfriend, but Jimmy’s that intimidating dad who warns the bf at any chance he gets.
-I think Tess would go to a public school, since Stan and Jimmy wouldn’t have enough money for private school, and they don’t feel qualified to homeschool her. (Without a doubt, they make sure she goes to some type of school, since they want her to be able to make friends, and she does! Her dads help shape he into a super outgoing, funny, and likeable girl :D)
-All of the GTA friends find out about Tess. Brenda becomes a sort of a godmother, and Tess calls Kiki “aunt Kiki”. Tess meets pretty much everyone: Mel, Eugene, Tyrone, Selene, Emma, –everyone. Jimmy always threatens them, so everyone Tess meets in the city are super friendly and cool to her asdfgfhj haha.
-Stan still sells water! But not as a clutch, –just as a genuine job. It makes them good money! He renamed his business: Stan and Daughter’s Friendly Water Delivery Service. 
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Son of Crow Hogan
Summary: After taking Yuya in so he wouldn't die in the cold rain Crow and Shinji decided to raise him as they're own but while they were Raising Yuya Crow was having nightmares about one people taking Yuya away from with those nightmares Crow became very Protective of Yuya making sure no one will take Yuya away from him and Shinji.
Shippings: Bruno x Sherry (I have no clue on their shipping name), Kingcrabshipping (Yusei/Jack), Guardianshipping (Shinji/Crow I think that's their shipping name), Syncshipping (Yugo/Yuya), Rottenshipping (Yuri/Yuya but in later chapters)
Chapter 1:
Crow's P.O.V
Life as I know it can be positive or it can be negative depending on what your doing. And as for me and my friends? Well, Jack and Yusei have been dating for a while now and they're living together I was so happy for them that they got together.
Bruno and Sherry got married and had a child who was now 6 years old which I got to name him which I named him Yugo and Akiza has been dating some guy. And as for me? Well I have been with Shinji for a while now and to tell you the truth I actually want to have a child of my own.
Shinji said we can adopt one which I was happy about just thinking about adopting and raising a child would be cool and maybe he or she can be friends with Yugo. Anyways I told Shinji That I was going to store to but food other things for the house and he told me that it will rain soon I just nodded and got on my D-Wheel and left. After about 30 minutes getting food and stuff we need for the house and after I paid for it I took the stuff and got on my D-wheel which it was already raining.
I put my helmet on and started it up and drove back home as I did I saw this small child alone and crying I stopped my D-Wheel and got off of it. I walked up to the child and asked him "Hey child where is your parents?"
The child looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "I-I don't know" he continued to cry. This poor kid didn't know where his own parents are and the fact that they'll even let this child be here all by himself made me upset. So I picked up the Kid and said "Come on I'll tell you to my place."
The small kid smiled a little and sneezed I guess he's got a cold from the rain so I put him on the back then I got on. "Hold in tight okay." I said he nodded as I start up the D-wheel and drives home with the child on the back.
Finally arriving home with the child I drove into the garage then got off of D-wheel and help the child off. The kid was looking around the place now that I think about it he kind of reminds me of Yugo but I knew Bruno and Sherry didn't have twins but I wonder why he's parents left him alone.
"Hey kid." I said. "Yes?" He asked. "What is your name?" I asked. "Y-Yuya Sakaki." He answered back.
"Well Yuya I'm Crow it's nice too meet you." I said smiling at him Then Shinji came out from the room and said "Hey Crow who's the child?" "This is Yuya Sakaki I found him alone without his parents." I answered. "Poor child why would someone abandoned such a child." Shinji said
"I know but I was think that maybe we can take him in as our own if we can't find his parents?" I asked Shinji. "I don't see why not." Shinji answered. I gave a bright smile and looked at Yuya who had fallen asleep on the couch me and Shinji smiled at this and decided to let him sleep before we can get a bed for him.
Narrator's P.O.V
After looking though the whole new domino city for Yuya's real parents Crow and Shinji found no one so they decided to adopt Yuya who was so happy to hear this.
Crow came and told Yusei, Jack, Akiza, Sherry and Bruno that he found this child named Yuya alone on the streets and that he and Shinji try to look for his parents but found no one.
"I say why would they abandoned a child for no reason then disappear out of thin air?" Jack said
"I agree with Jack on this one. But I'm glad that you and Shinji decided to take him in to take care of him Crow." Akiza said. "Yeah it is but......" Crow looked down. "But what Crow?" Yusei asked concerned
"Ever since I adopt him I've been having these weird dreams of some people coming after Yuya and taking him away from me and Shinji." Crow said. "That's a horrible nightmare." Akiza said
"I advise that you make sure that Yuya is always safe even if it means being overprotective." Sherry said "I agree with Sherry maybe it's a warning to tell you to be care Crow." Yusei said
"And we will help you protect Yuya as well." Sherry said "But have you told Shinji about them?" Bruno asked. Crow nodded and said "He just says that maybe someone telling me to be careful." "But while you have all your friends to help you and Shinji protect Yuya!" Akiza said smiling.
{[Time skip to a few years later]}
Yuya's P.O.V
Ever since Crow and Shinji adopted my life has been nothing but happiness. I learned how to drive a D-wheel with my childhood friend Yugo and for sometime I did have a crush on him but I felt that maybe he liked Rin another childhood friend of ours.
Both of them when to a public school but I was homeschooled since Crow didn't want nothing bad happening to me I didn't understand why I kept begging him to let me go to a public school but he always said no to me.
My dad Shinji said that I shouldn't blame Crow for being like this he's just acting like a normal parent would be and that is being overprotective.
Shinji's P.O.V
Lately I've been think that maybe it'll be better if Yuya did go to a public that way he could make more friends although Crow might disagree since he fears that something bad will happen to Yuya.
But then that's when I though what if we send Yuya to same public school as his two childhood friends maybe it'll make Crow least worried about Yuya if his with his friends.
I talked to Crow about it at first he didn't like the idea since he still didn't want Yuya to get hurt but after I told that Yuya should make more friends he finally agree to let Yuya go to a Public school so me and Crow had talked to the principal of the school so Yuya can be in.
Yuya's P.O.V
I was with Yugo driving around in his D-wheel as we were driving up a hill and he stopped at the top. "Why are we here Yugo?" I asked
"I though you like to watch the sunset with me." Yugo said smiling "I see...... Can I ask you a question Yugo." I said
"Sure Yuya you can ask me anything!" Yugo said smiling "What is it like going to a public school?" I asked looking at him
Yugo looked at the sunset and said "well Yuya it's like being in a class with other teenagers and talking to friends"
I looked at the sunset as well "I still wish Crow let's me go to a public school." I said sighing. "I know you do Yuya but Crow is just too worried about you going to public schools." Yugo said.
Suddenly me and Yugo heard a motorcycle drive up and to look to see who it was and the motorcycle stopped and the person took his helmet reviling a male with long light blue hair. "Um...... Can we help you sir?" Yugo asked as he stood in front of me
"I was wonder if two kids know who Crow Hogan is?" The light blue hair male asked
We both looked at each other how did this person know who my mother was? Who was this person?
"How do you know who my mother is? And more importantly who are you?" I asked
He sighed and said "my name is Kiryu and Crow was someone that I loved I didn't know he had a child." "Well I'm just adopted child of Crow Hogan." I said
Kalin paused for a while then put his motorcycle helmet on and said "thank you for telling me" then he left
"That was weird...... " I said and Yugo said "Way too weird...." Yugo looked at the time on his watch and said "let's get you home Yuya before Crow start to think something bad happen to you."
I nodded as he got on his motorcycle I put his helmet on me then we drove off back to Crow's house when we got there I got off the motorcycle and gave him back his helmet."See you tomorrow after school Yuya." Yugo said then left
Narrator's P.O.V
Yuya walked in the house and said "I'm back!" He sees Crow in kitchen making food and Shinji sitting in chair in the living room.
"Hey Yuya your just in time dinner is almost ready." Crow said as Yuya took off his shoes before entering the house completely. "And we have a surprise for you too Yuya." Shinji said smiling Yuya asked "Really? What is it"
"Well we talked about it and we decide to let you go to a public school." Shinji said and Yuya gave a bright smile. "R-really!?" Yuya said and both Crow and Shinji Nodded and Yuya hugged them both
"Thank you so much!" He said then Crow said. "I'm finally going to a public school!" Yuya said and both Crow&Shinji just laughed at how excited Yuya was to be going to school.
"So when do I start?" Yuya asked and Shinji answered "your starring tomorrow Yuya." "Even better!" Yuya said. After they all ate dinner Yuya changed into his sleeping cloths and when to bed.
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Spy au where they discover that the person who de-aged them is a weird teacher so they go undercover into a middle school (13 yr/o Stangie here) to kick the peron's ass and to change them back?
I went with a slightly different direction here, but it’s still spy Stangie undercover at a middle school to get evidence on a teacher, so...  Also, I went way overboard.  Almost 3k words.  Whoops.
              Stan eyed the table standing beforehim and Angie.  
              “Uh, this looks pretty differentfrom the gear you usually give us for missions,” he said slowly.  “Where are the high-tech tiny devices and catsuits?”
              “I’m confused as well,” Angie putin.  She picked up the yellow T-shirt infront of her.  There was a picture of ahorse wearing a flower crown on it. “These are way too small ferus to wear.  What’s goin’ on?”
              “The two of you have beenassigned to a special mission,” Ford said, standing in front of them, his handsclasped behind his back.
              “Did you get a promotion orsomethin’?” Stan asked.  Ford shook hishead.  “Then why are you debriefingus?  You’re not our handler.”
              “For this assignment, I’ll beyour handler,” Ford corrected him.  Stancrossed his arms.
              “Why this mission?”
              “Because of its nature.  Now, if you’ll let me explain?”
              “Yeah, sure,” Stan said, waving ahand.  Ford cleared his throat.
              “You’ll be going undercover not ata casino or gala, but at a middle school.”
              “A teacher, huh?” Stan said,nodding slowly.  “I think I could handlethat.”
              “No, not as teachers,” Fordsaid.  “Students.”  Stan and Angie’s mouths dropped open.  “We’ve received reports that a local middleschool history teacher is a member of the global black market that deals instolen artifacts.  We need you two tocollect evidence.”
              “I have questions,” Angieinterjected.
              “I knew you would.”
              “Why can’t we be teachers?” Angieasked.
              “The teacher, a Mr. Jones, wouldbe suspicious of two new teachers transferring in the middle of the school year.  While two students transferring at this pointin the semester would similarly be strange, no one would suspect them of beingspies.”
              “Why us?” Stan asked.
              “The three of us are the onlyoperatives who know each other’s real names. And a bare minimum of three operatives are needed for this mission: twoto go undercover and collect evidence, and one to handle the undercoveroperatives.”
              “By handle,” Angie started, “youmean…”
              “The typical handlerresponsibilities.  Keep track of theoperatives and guide them through the mission. In addition, the handler will need to pose as the guardian for theoperatives.”
              “Um, ‘pose as guardian’?” Angiesaid.  Ford nodded.
              “That brings me to the keydifference between this mission and all others you have gone on before.  You’ll be thirteen, and as such, to prevent awell-meaning teacher from intervening, someone needs to pretend to be yourguardian.”
              “What do you mean, we’ll bethirteen?” Stan asked.
              “As you know, our organizationdoes extensive research in biochemistry. A serum was created by our R&D team that will revert your bodiesback to thirteen years of age. Middle-school age.  At theconclusion, you’ll be returned to your appropriate age, but for the duration ofthe mission, you’ll be teenagers again.”
              “You’re kidding,” Stan saidflatly.  Ford shook his head.
              “I assure you, I’m not.  The organization has rented out a housespecifically for us to all reside in for the duration of the mission.  There are false identities developed, alongwith the paperwork to back our claims up.”
              “My fam’ly will miss me,” Angiesaid.
              “We have that covered,” Fordsaid.
              “Okay.  Howdo ya have that covered?” Angie pressed. Ford shrugged.
              “You don’t need to be concernedabout that at this point in time.”
              “That’s comfortin’,” Angiemuttered sarcastically.  Ford placed twoshot glasses on the table, each filled with a red liquid.
              “Drink these and we will finishthe debriefing.”
              “I assume this is what’s gonnaturn us into kids?” Stan asked.  Fordnodded.  Stan sighed and picked up one ofthe shot glasses.  Angie picked up theother.  “Cheers,” Stan said, clinking hisglass against Angie’s.
              “Cheers,” Angie said.  They both downed the drinks.
              Ford pulled into a parking spotand turned off the car.
              “Thank god,” Stan, sittingshotgun, muttered.  “That music wasdriving me crazy.  Why couldn’t we listento classic rock, huh?”
              “That’s not what the averagemiddle schooler listens to,” Ford said, frowning at him.  Stan crossed his arms and looked awayhuffily.  “At least you’ve settled intothe appropriate behaviors, even if you haven’t quite engrossed yourself in theright pop culture.”
              “Are ya sure these clothes arewhat kids wear nowadays, Ford?” Angie piped up from the back seat.  Ford turned around.
              “I may be pretending to have ason that is thirteen, but there are people in the organization that actuallyhave children of that age.  There’s noneed to worry about sticking out.  We didour research.”  Angie nodded, a nervousair about her.
              “That research didn’t include howto make a braid, huh?” Stan said snidely. Ford scowled.  That morning,before they could leave, Angie had needed help braiding her hair, which nowstretched halfway down her back.  Aftermultiple failed attempts, Ford finally looked up instructions on the internet.
              “Hey, I’m just being a teenager.”
              “Hmph.”  Ford drummed his fingers on the steeringwheel.  “Before we go inside, tell me whoyou are.”
              “Eleanora Hawkins,” Angie said,“but I go by Ellie.  I have two sisterswho still live in my hometown of North Platte, Nebraska.  Our mom got them in the divorce, our dad gotme.  He decided to move to San Diego fora fresh start.  His job, consultant,keeps him busy, so his friend from college keeps an eye on me while he’s atwork.”  Ford nodded.
              “Good work, Ellie.”  Ford looked at Stan.  “And you?” Stan sighed and slumped back in his seat.  He scratched at his cheek, where to hisconsternation, he had already developed a few pimples.
              “Logan Peterson.  San Diego native, but my dad homeschooled mefor my whole life.  He was worried aboutthe school system failing me like it failed him.  Today is my first day of public school ever,and is only happening because my dad’s college friend convinced him to let mego to school with Ellie, so that she wouldn’t be alone.”
              “Excellent, Logan.”
              “Thanks, Dad,” Stanmuttered.  Ford rolled his eyes.
              “My name is Aaron Peterson.  I have a thirteen-year-old son named Logan,who was born while I was still in high school. His mother and I separated when he was five, and she gladly gaveparental rights to me.  My job, freelancewriting, gives me more free time than my good college friend who recently movedto San Diego with his daughter, Ellie. As such, I keep an eye on Ellie regularly.”  Ford looked at Stan and Angie.  “Let’s go to school.”
              Angie swallowed nervously as sheand Stan followed the helpful school secretary to their classroom.  Catching onto her nerves, Stan winked ather.  She managed a small smile back.
              “Here we are!” the secretarychirped cheerfully, coming to a stop in front of a door.  The secretary knocked and entered.  “Sorry to interrupt, Dave,” the secretarysaid apologetically.  The teacher at thefront of the room waved a hand.
              “It’s no problem.  What’s going on?”
              “You have two new studentstransferring today.”
              “In the middle of the semester?”
              “Well, Ellie here only just movedto San Diego with her dad,” the secretary said, nodding at Angie.  “And her dad convinced Logan’s dad to allowhim to come to school with her.”  Stannodded silently when his false name was mentioned.  “Isn’t that sweet?”
              “I suppose.  Are the two of you friends?” the teacherasked.
              “Yes,” Angie and Stan saidtogether.
              “Good.  Then you won’t mind sitting next to eachother in class,” the teacher said.  “Thanks,Sarah, I can handle it from here.”  Thesecretary nudged Stan and Angie into the classroom and closed the door.  “I’m Mr. Jones, the history teacher,” theteacher said with a smile.  “How aboutyou introduce yourselves to the class?”
              “Do we have to?” Angie askedquietly.  Stan elbowed her.  “My- my name’s Ellie Hawkins.  I’m from North Platte, Nebraska.”  Mr. Jones nodded.
              “And you, young man?”
              “Logan Peterson.  My dad’s friends with Ellie’s dad.  Mr. Hawkins finally got my dad to stophomeschooling me.”
              “Well, I hope you enjoy publicschool, Mr. Peterson.”  Stanshrugged.  “The two of you can sit at thefront of the room, right there.”  Mr.Jones gestured towards two desks by the wall. Angie and Stan walked over to their desks.  Mr. Jones resumed the lesson.
              About five minutes later, Stanrealized there was a lot of noise coming from Angie’s desk.  He glanced over.  Instead of sitting quietly and taking carefulnotes like they had planned, she was fidgeting obsessively and loudly, clickinga pen and tapping her foot against the ground.
              “Ellie!” Stan hissed.  Angie didn’t seem to hear him.
              “Miss Hawkins!” Mr. Jones saidsharply.  Angie snapped toattention.  “I don’t know how they dothings in Nebraska, but here, we don’t allow students to be so disruptive.”
              “S-sorry, Mr. Jones,” Angie saidin a quiet voice.  Ten minutes afterthat, Angie got caught not focusing. Instead of taking notes, she was staring out the window.  The bell rang in the middle of Mr. Jonestelling Angie that if he caught her being disruptive again, she’d getdetention.  Stan hung back while the restof the students left the classroom for lunch, waiting for Angie’s scolding tobe finished.  He pretended to beinterested in a poster on the wall.
              “You should try to be more like yourfriend Logan,” Mr. Jones said.  Stan’seyes widened.  “He’s been a model studentso far.”
              “Yes, Mr. Jones,” Angie said in adefeated tone.  Mr. Jones sighed.
              “I hate to be so hard on you whenit’s your first day.  But I have a verystrict policy about disruptive students.” Angie nodded woodenly.  “Now, goto lunch.  Logan’s waiting for you.”
              “Yes, Mr. Jones,” Angie saidagain.  She grabbed her bag and joinedStan at the classroom door.  The twoexited together.  Stan grabbed Angie’sarm and pulled her away from the crowd of students swarming the hallway, to asecluded area by a rarely-used staircase.
              “What the hell was that, Ellie?” Stan hissed.  Angie sniffed loudly.  “Are you really gonna cry right now?”
              “I can’t help it,” Angiewhispered, her voice thick from holding back tears.  “I- I had a really rough time in school.  A lot of bad memories are getting broughtup.”
              “Hey, I didn’t have the best teenexperience either.  But I’m sticking tothe plan.  Remember, you’re the goldenkid, I’m the bad one.”
              “I tried to behave!”
              “Didn’t look like it.”
              “Well, Logan,” Angie said, “that’s why I had issues in school.  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t focus,I couldn’t stay quiet.  I only got itunder control my senior year of high school.”
              “Why didn’t you say anything?”
              “I didn’t know that I’d losecontrol again!  It’s been years sincethat nonsense caused me trouble.”  Angiewiped the tears from her cheeks.  “I’mcompromising the mission, aren’t I?”
              “No, I- I think we can savethis,” Stan said quietly.  “The teachercalled me a model student.”
              “What if we swap methods?” Stansuggested.  Angie stared at him.  “I’ll be the teacher’s pet, so that he’ll askme to help in the classroom and I can look for the stolen artifacts.  You be the troublemaker and get detention, sothat you get left alone in the room and can look.”  After a moment, Angie nodded.
              “Okay.  We’ll have to tell your dad.”  Stan frowned at her.  “Y’know, Mr. Peterson?”
              “Oh.  Yeah. We’ll have to tell my dad.”  Stangrimaced.  “That’s gonna be a tough coverto keep.”
              “I might have fallen back into myold behaviors, but at least my brother doesn’t have to pretend to be myfather,” Angie said cheerfully.  Stanrolled his eyes.  “We should probably goto lunch.”
              “Yeah.  Mingle and shi- stuff like that.  Pretend to be normal teenagers.”
              Angie and Stan walked into thekitchen, where Ford was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper.  Ford looked up.
              “How did the study session withBrook and Tom go?”
              “I mean, as well as a studysession over material I’ve known fer years could go,” Angie said, slipping backinto her southern accent.
              “I know that it’s aggravating togo through these things again, but it’s also necessary,” Ford said.  “You two have to keep up appearances.  Remind me to thank Brook’s mom for droppingyou off.”
              “Yup,” Stan said, sitting downand propping his feet on top of the table.
              “Feet off the table,” Ford said.
              “Nope,” Stan replied.  Ford sighed quietly.  “Oh, and, uh, we did run into a bit of asnag.”  Ford put down his newspaper.
              “What’s going on?”
              “Y’know how we ended up switchin’our methods?” Angie said, taking a seat at the table next to Stan.  Ford nodded. “Well…”  She slid a piece of paperover to Ford.  Ford picked it up.
              “They want to see Ellie Hawkins’father about her disruptive behavior in class,” Ford said slowly.  Angie nodded. Ford smiled at her.  “No need toworry.  After you and Stan swappedmethods, we prepared for this eventuality.”
              “Whattaya mean?” Stan asked.
              “Mr. Hawkins is in the houseright now,” Ford said.  “Cecil, would youmind coming in here?”  Stan and Angie’sjaws dropped at the sight of the man who walked into the kitchen.
              “Did I hear that right?”Fiddleford McGucket asked.  “My darlingdaughter’s been causing trouble?”
              “Wha- how-” Angie stammered.
              “Apparently, Fiddleford wasactually a member of the R&D team that developed the de-aging serum,” Fordexplained.  “When I told HQ that you twohad switched methods, they immediately set about finding someone who could poseas Ellie’s father.  Who better to do thatthan Angie’s older brother?  There’sclearly a family resemblance.”
              “Yeah, I don’t think anyone wouldtry to claim those two aren’t related,” Stan said.  He grinned at Angie.  “Guess you’re stuck in the same boat as me,Ellie.”  His voice cracked on Angie’sfake name.  “Dammit.”
              “I knew what the serum did, sinceI helped make it, but dang,” Fiddleford said, shaking his head.  “This is ten flavors of strange.”
              “At least you get to stay thesame age fer this mission,” Angie muttered. Stan nodded.
              “Yeah, you’re not covered in zits.  Your voice isn’t cracking every other word.”
              “You don’t have homework, or aset bedtime.  You don’t have to deal witha bunch of middle schoolers each day,” Angie added.  She scowled. “I don’t get paid enough to get hit on by children.”
              “Wait, what?” Fiddlefordsaid.  
              “Both Stan and Angie have beencomplaining about their classmates approaching them in a…romantic manner,” Fordsaid.
              “I’ve lost track of how manytimes random teenage boys have asked me if it’s okay for them to ask out Ellie,”Stan said.  “People think we’re dating.”
              “But…you are,” Fiddlefordinterjected.
              “Those middle schoolers don’tneed to know,” Angie said.
              “They might stop hittin’ on you ifya told ‘em.”
              “No, Stan and Angie wereinstructed to pretend to be friends and nothing more,” Ford said.  “Most thirteen-year-olds aren’t in romanticrelationships.  They need to pretend tobe an average person of their biological age.” Stan picked up the spoon Ford had used to stir his coffee and squintedat his reflection in it.  He went to popone of the pimples on his forehead.  Fordtook the spoon away.  “Stan, I told youto stop picking at the acne.  That justmakes it last longer.  Wait for the creamI purchased to do its job.  It certainlyworked for Angie.”
              “Angie had like, two zits.  I look like a damn pepperoni pizza,” Stangriped.  “Greasy and covered in redspots.”  Fiddleford sat down at the tablewith the others.  “You can tell the restof your team that the serum works perfectly. Angie and I are exactly likewe were when we were thirteen.”
              “It’s been…interesting,” Fordsaid carefully.  “No one expected the serumto work this well.”
              “‘Interesting’ is code for ‘hell’,”Stan said.  “It’s been hell.  For everyone involved.  Angie and I are stuck in weird, sweaty, teenagebodies, and Ford has to watch two hormonal thirteen-year-olds.”
              “You still have yer adultminds.  It can’t be that-” Fiddlefordstarted.
              “No, Stan’s right,” Fordsaid.  He grimaced.  “It’s been hell.”
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hakuyamazakisensei · 7 years
Hi sweetie If you are still doing the ship meme, could you do Yamazaki x Chizuru? Have a nice day =)
Yay!!! I love Yamazaki and Chizuru! :D
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? They are both the type to really commit, so forever
How quickly did/will they fall in love? It took a while to recognize what it was they were feeling.
How was their first kiss? Shy, but it grew pretty quickly to a more heated affair
Who proposed? Yamazaki…and he was nearly too nervous to speak, but it did it!
Who is the best man/men? Shimada
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? Sen
Who did the most planning? Sen and Chizuru, though in reality….it was mostly Sen ;)
Who stressed the most? There was an equal amount of stress…LOL!
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
As the heiress to the Yukimuraclan, Sen made sure Chizuru had a wedding befitting her station. Yamazaki was abit…daunted, but he complied.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Kodo and Kaoru…Yamazaki is not one to begrudge someone a special thing like this, so even though he…isn’t fond of Okita, he would never shun him.
Who is on top? It’s a shared thing…in the beginning, it was Yamazaki, but after things became a little less new, it was pretty even between them
Who is the one to instigate things? Again, in the beginning, it was Yamazaki, but Chizuru does feel comfortable enough with him to instigate, too, once she’s become accustomed to the whole thing.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
They’re actually pretty active…Forone, Chizuru has learned it’s great stress release, and she definitely wants torelieve Yamazaki’s stress ;) and two, Yamazaki does like to show his creativeside in bed, much to Chizuru’s delight
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
I think it would take a littlewhile to get to that point, but eventually, I believe they would be a bit more risquéthan some couples. Again, this is solely based on my idea of Yamazaki being abit…different behind closed doors. Since he can “let his hair down”, so tospeak…I believe he does…in unconventional ways :D
How long do they normally last? It depends…some nights it’s just an hour or so…at other times, they can make love until morning.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Absolutely…half the fun for them is getting a response from the other
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
While Yamazaki does like to try newthings, he cannot bring himself to be rough with Chizuru. I don’t see herreally enjoying rough treatment here, either.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
Most of the time, they cuddlebefore falling asleep. On some occasions, though, Yamazaki needs to clear hishead a bit and he may go out on the veranda to think while Chizuru sleeps
How many children will they have naturally? Two, a boy and and girl
How many children will they adopt? -None
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - They typically share, though it’s not 50/50…Chizuru gets the 60 while Yamazaki gets 40.
Who is the stricter parent? -Yamazaki, absolutely, though he does try to see the child’s side before scolding in most cases. He remembers how it felt to be ignored as a child and definitely wants his children to know he listens
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -Both, though the split is more 60 Yamazaki and 40 Chizuru.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)?Chizuru deals with lunches, though Yamazaki does remind her the night before, sometimes-
Who is the more loved parent? They are loved equally…This question always bothers me :P I can’t imagine an unequal love unless the parent is an ass…Since none of the Shinsengumi boys are asses….it’s equal ;)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? They homeschool…Yamazaki is certain he can teach them just as well and prefers to keep them home.
Who cried the most at graduation? - They had an at-home ceremony, and Chizuru did choke up a bit, but no tears
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Chizuru…Yamazaki learned from Saito that lessons are learned better when consequences are enforced
Who does the most cooking? Chizuru, though Yamazaki is okay at it. He just doesn’t enjoy it that much
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Yamazaki…he’s a health nut
Who does the grocery shopping? It’s generally a 50/50 split, depending on who is less busy
How often do they bake desserts? Chizuru bakes a couple of times a week
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? Typically more veggies than meat, but a bit of everything
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Yamazaki…He’s pretty romantic at heart, even if he does hide it most of the year.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Chizuru, when she sees that Yamazaki is getting cabin fever from being the stay at home dad
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Neither…they’re both competent
Who cleans the room? They both clean
Who is really against chores? Neither…they both rather enjoy the cleanliness and find it soothing
Who cleans up after the pets? -Yamazaki was adamant that the children clean up after their own pets
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? -Nobody…
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Chizuru…she wants everything to be perfect
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? -Nobody…they’re too fastidious :D
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Neither really take long baths, though Chizuru will on occasion
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -Again, Yamazaki has the children care for their own pets…it teaches responsibility….
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -For all the main holidays…They both rather enjoy the holidays
What are their goals for the relationship? -To live long, happy, cherished lives
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -Neither…this is an early rising household
Who plays the most pranks? Yamazaki has his moments, typically with the children
4 notes · View notes
claws-n-salt · 7 years
Marichat May Day 3 - Homework
Marinette is struggling with physics. Strangely enough Chat Noir stops by her house offering to tutor her. What happens when Marinette's grade improves but she's begun to use Adrien's way of working through a physics problem?
Rated T || 2,537 Words
Cross posted to Ao3 || FF
Now it Makes Sense
Physics was not Marinette’s strong suit. She excelled in all her other subjects but when it came to physics she was completely lost. Alya had tried to help her but there are only so many times one can fail at trying to study together before “want to study” changes to “want to hang out.” It was during one of those study sessions turned hang outs that Alya told Marinette how good Adrien was at physics. The blogger wiggled her brows at Marinette when she recommended the bluenette ask her crush to tutor her. Marinette dismissed the idea because if she couldn’t speak two words to the boy without stuttering then how was she supposed to ask him questions when she was confused?
Marinette was trying to learn the material, she really was, but it just wasn’t sticking. Getting back another test with a D circled in red at the top had her banging her head on her desk. “Girl, that bad again? I thought you’ve been up studying late since the test was announced?”
“I have Alya! I don’t know what the problem is. I actually thought I had done pretty well on this one but that big fat D says otherwise.” At Marinette’s choice of words Alya snickered. How could she not? It was just too perfect. Marinette rolled her eyes at her friend. “Come on, you know what I meant. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m going to fail physics if this keeps happening. I haven’t even been doing well on the homework!”
Physics was Adrien’s strong suit. He had good grades in all his subjects, his father expected nothing less, but he actually enjoyed doing physics. Alya's laughter at something Marinette said had him tuning into their conversation without him realizing. It concerned him when overhearing she was struggling with his favorite subject. He almost turned around to offer being her tutor. Remembering that she could hardly speak two words to him stopped the offer. She wouldn’t accept help from someone she didn’t even like. However, if a certain cat were to pay her a visit maybe he could help her that way.
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Looking over her failed test later that night Marinette still couldn’t figure out where she had gone wrong. She was so focused that it took Tikki pulling at one of her pigtails to notice something was tapping at her window. Marinette began to climb the ladder that led to her balcony thinking the noise to be some bird she would have to shoo away, only to look up and fall back onto her bed with a scream. Chat Noir’s face was peering down at her, looking slightly timid at now having scared her. Huffing slightly, she reclimbed the ladder and pushed out onto her balcony. “What are you doing here Chat Noir?”
He could tell she was perturbed. Her arms were crossed and her foot was tapping out a steady rhythm waiting for his response. Chat raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. “Well, I hear that you were having a little trouble in your physics class and I happen to be quite good at physics. I was wondering if you wanted my help?” At his words her tapping stopped and her arms uncrossed but she was still tense. In fact, she definitely tensed up more.
“So, Paris’s superheroes are making house calls now?” Marinette was worried about her partner being there. Sure, her and Chat had interacted a few times when she was a civilian but he was talking about helping her study meaning prolonged interaction. What if he found out she was Ladybug if she said yes? She was kind of desperate and he did look sincere about his offer, almost bashful. It was a look Marinette had never seen Chat make. It was that never before seen look upon is face that drove her response. "Well, I guess it wouldn't be too smart of me to turn away help at this point. I'm warning you though, you're trying to save a sinking ship at this point."
Chat's grin was bright at her words. "Don't worry princess, I'll sea to it that you're on board with the work in no time."
It turned out that Chat was indeed very good with physics. It was kind of ironic that her crime fighting partner and her crush enjoyed the same subject. Marinette would chance a guess that they would get along quite well. Chat Noir’s punning would probably rub off on Adrien though and then she’d be doomed. Chat was able to not only help Marinette with her homework but also explained it in a way that it made somewhat sense to her. It was worth sitting through the punning and if she were being honest with herself they were kind of funny. There were one or two things that not even Chat understood but it was already a vast improvement to how she had been struggling along. Chat and Marinette’s study sessions began a regular occurrence, happening multiple times per week. Chat would knock on her window, Marinette would let him in, go grab snacks, and they would get to studying.
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Over the weeks, Marinette’s grade began to improve drastically since she had someone finally explaining the material in a way that made sense to her. Where she had been pulling D’s before, she was now getting B’s and even some A’s on homework. After her first few good grades on physics tests Alya had questioned Marinette on her sudden grade improvement. Marinette had been anticipating the interrogation, it’s something to expect when having a journalist as a best friend, so her answer was primed and ready. Alya didn’t have to know that it wasn’t Marinette’s dad who was the big physics nerd, but one of Paris’s favorite superheroes.
Marinette was flying high when she got her first A on a physics test. That was until the teacher asked to see Marinette and Adrien after class once she had passed back everyone’s tests. All eyes were on the two students who both began to turn red at the attention. Neither knew what their teacher needed to speak with them about so both secret heroes proceeded to worry over what could possibly be wrong for the rest of the class.
Marinette and Adrien packed their things slower than usual before approaching their teacher’s desk. Ms. Mendeleiev didn’t seem to be upset with them. In fact she smiled when looking up front her grading. “I wanted to let you both know I’m proud of you both. Marinette for reaching out for help on a subject she needed help with and Adrien for helping a fellow student who needed it.” At her words the blood drained from Adrien’s face while it rushed Marinette’s.
“I, um, I’m actually, um Adrien hasn’t been tutoring me Ms. Mendeleiev.” Marinette knew her protests would have sounded better if she hadn’t stuttered through it but Adrien was standing right there and being accused of helping her study. He might now want people to think he was tutoring someone. What if it got back to his father and he was angry that his son was helping someone less gifted? He might take Adrien out of school if Mr. Agreste thought public school was dumbing Adrien down in any way. Plus, if he were helping her study that would mean they’d be in the same room together, probably alone. Just the thought made Marinette slightly lightheaded.
“You two don’t have to hide it from me, you shouldn’t be embarrassed at all to get a little help Marinette. Adrien has a slightly different way of showing his work that that he learned while being homeschooled. No other student has used the same technique as him until you began using the same method a few weeks ago Marinette. If Adrien’s way is how you understand the work then keep using it.”
Marinette began to protest again but Adrien cut her off. “Thank you for your kind words Ms. Mendeleiev. It hasn’t been any trouble helping Marinette, I actually enjoy helping her study. She pays me in pastries.” The teacher chuckled at his joke and Adrien brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. He wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible. Hopefully he could play this off as just not wanting to argue with the teacher. “Well, we should be going now. Thank you again Ms. Mendeleiev.”
He walked out of the room hoping to get away from Marinette as quickly as possible, just in case. Plagg must have been effecting his luck that day since a hand wrapped around his arm when he wasn’t even five steps out the door. Marinette was pulling him towards an empty classroom down the hall and based on her stomping gait he knew she wasn’t very happy. Adrien was in trouble.
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Once the door was shut she whirled on him. A small hand pushed him back against one of the walls with surprising force. Plans of escape where out then. Although, pretty classmate pushing him against the wall, he didn’t know if he actually wanted to escape in the first place. He had to try to talk his way out of this one at least. Ladybug would be pissed if she knew he was revealed to someone because he was helping them with their homework. “Whoa, Marinette what are you doing. I mean not that I mind but I’m a bit surprised.” Shit, no, that was a little bit of Chat. He was spending too much time as his alter ego around her that it was just so simple to slip into.
On a normal day, Marinette’s face would have been engulfed in red by Adrien saying that he didn’t mind her pushing him against a wall, but this was not a normal day. Marinette’s mind was more focused on the fact that she just found out her wisecracking, crime fighting partner was also her crush. “Cut the act Chat. You gave yourself away by not only mentioning the pastries but the way you rub your neck when you’re nervous. You did it the first night you asked if I wanted you to tutor me and just now when talking to Ms. Mendeleiev.” Adrien could see the steel in her eyes and that there was no way to convince Marinette that he wasn’t Chat Noir. At least she was someone he trusted. He took a deep breath and shook his head yes.
“Alright, you caught me. I guess the cat is out of the bag. It’s just that I knew you were struggling and I wanted to help. I figured you wouldn’t accept help from me as Adrien because you don’t like me very much but I thought you might from one of Paris’s heroes. I know you wouldn’t, but I still have to ask you not to tell anyone.” It was a lot to process so he wasn’t surprised when Marinette owlishly blinked up at him for a moment.
He didn’t think she liked him. Adrien Agreste just made a pun. He made a pun because he was Chat Noir. The same Chat Noir who has been helping her study for weeks. She was studying with Chat because Adrien thought she didn’t like him. She was alone in her room with Adrien Agreste multiple times! “You don’t think I like you?”
That was not the question Adrien thought would come out of her mouth. “Well yeah, I mean, you barley talk to me and always run off before we can begin a conversation. I figured you never really got over the gum situation.” He shrugged. Well, shrugged as much as he could while being pushed against a wall. It was that bashful look that Marinette had first seen on Chat’s face those weeks ago that she was seeing on Adrien’s face now.
When Chadrien was looking bashful she apparently did impulsive things because she never thought she would udder the next words out of her mouth to boy in front of her. “I like you. I actually kind of have a crush on you.” Marinette didn’t even stutter when she said it, which was probably due to the fact that she was still in shock from finding out her crush was Chat Noir.
It was Adrien’s turn to be shocked and then ashamed. “I’m sorry Marinette but I’m already in love with Ladybug. I don’t want to hurt you and maybe if I didn’t already love someone I’d be interested but it just wouldn’t be fair to you.” He didn’t want to see the hurt on her face so he looked away.
Instead, he missed the pure joy on her face. “Do you mean it? You might have feelings for me if you didn’t love Ladybug? You love Ladybug even though you don’t know her under the mask?”
Adrien still couldn’t look at her when he replied. “Yes, but I love her with all my heart and that won’t be changing anytime soon. I don’t care that I don’t know her under the mask. I know that she’s kind, caring, fierce, and hundreds of other wonderful things. She does her best to fix her mistakes and is willing to listen to other’s ideas in a situation even though she typically has the best idea already.”
Marinette mumbled something Adrien couldn’t quite hear but it sounded tearful. Shit, maybe he shouldn’t have gone on and on about how wonderful he thought Ladybug was. There was a pink flash that made him turn his head back to Marinette. However, in Marinette’s place now stood Ladybug. “My Lady?” His voice was soft as he breathed the words.
“Hello chaton, fancy seeing you here. I heard from a little birdy, probably the same one that told you I was struggling in physics, that you were in love with me recently and that you might like my civilian side if hero me weren’t in the way. Funny enough, I’m in love with your civilian side and might like your hero side if civilian you weren’t in the way.” It was during that admission when the two realized how close they were. Marinette’s hand still had Adrien pressed against the wall but she had unconsciously moved closer while Adrien was pouring his heart out about his love for Ladybug. His love for her.
Marinette let her transformation drop and Tikki flew into her purse as to not ruin the moment. “Well, my lady, it looks as though we have been being ridiculous. Seems as though we both have crushes on each other.” Adrien placed his hand over Marinette’s on his chest and leaned down as she leaned up. Their lips met and the kiss was everything either of them had been hoping for and more.
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politicoscope · 6 years
Tulsi Gabbard Biography and Profile
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/tulsi-gabbard-biography-and-profile/
Tulsi Gabbard Biography and Profile
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Tulsi Gabbard was born in Leloaloa, American Samoa on April 12, 1981, the fourth of five children. At the age of two, Tulsi and her family settled in Hawaii where as a teenager, she co-founded the Healthy Hawaii Coalition, a non-profit teaching children to take care of themselves and the environment.
“I grew up with the Aloha Spirit. We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.” –Tulsi Gabbard, US Congresswoman.
An advocate for environmental policy, Tulsi ran for the Hawaii State Legislature in 2002 and became the youngest person ever elected. A year later, Tulsi joined the Hawaii National Guard to serve Hawaii’s citizens and our country.
Tulsi Gabbard spent her life growing up in beautiful Hawaii. As a teenager, she co-founded an environmental non-profit called Healthy Hawai’i Coalition, focused on educating children about protecting Hawaii’s environment.
An advocate for environmental policy, Tulsi was elected to the Hawaii State Legislature in 2002 when she was just 21 years old, becoming the youngest person ever elected in the state. A year later, she joined the Hawaii Army National Guard to serve Hawaii and our country.
In 2004, Tulsi volunteered to deploy with her fellow soldiers, becoming the first state official to voluntarily step down from public office to serve in a war zone.
Tulsi served two tours of duty in the Middle East, and she continues her service as a Major in the Army National Guard. Tulsi’s 2005 deployment was a 12-month tour at Logistical Support Area Anaconda in Iraq, where she served in a field medical unit as a specialist with a 29th Support Battalion medical company. She was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal at the end of this tour.
“I think she’s wonderful,” House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer tells me. “She’s been in combat in a leadership role, and she knows how to lead. She deals well with men and women, young and old, Republican and Democrat. She’s got an extraordinary political talent.”
In between her two tours, Tulsi served in the U.S. Senate as a legislative aide to Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI), where she advised him on energy independence, homeland security, the environment, and veteran issues. While working for Senator Akaka in 2007, Tulsi graduated from the Accelerated Officer Candidate School at the Alabama Military Academy, where she was the first woman to finish as the distinguished honor graduate in the Academy’s 50-year history.
Tulsi was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and again assigned to the 29th Brigade Special Troops Battalion of the Hawaii Army National Guard—this time to serve as the Military Police Platoon Leader.
Tulsi continued to work for Senator Akaka until 2009, when she again voluntarily deployed with her unit to the Middle East. During this second deployment, in addition to leading her platoon on a wide variety of security missions, she also conducted non-military host-nation visits and served as a primary trainer for the Kuwait National Guard. Tulsi was one of the first women to set foot inside a Kuwait military facility and became the first woman to ever be awarded and honored by the Kuwait National Guard for her work in their training and readiness program.
In 2010, Tulsi was elected to the Honolulu City Council, serving as Chair of the Safety, Economic Development, and Government Affairs Committee and Vice Chair of the Budget Committee. In 2011, she visited Indonesia as part of a peacekeeping training with the Indonesian Army. Tulsi was elected in 2012 to the United States House of Representatives, serving Hawaii’s 2nd District. She is one of the first two female combat veterans to ever serve in the U.S. Congress, and also its first Hindu member.
Now in her fourth term in Congress, Tulsi brings with her a broad range of real world experience, a storehouse of personal strength, and tested leadership as she represents the people of Hawai’i and our nation in Congress. As she works on the challenges that face our country, she remains focused on bringing her pragmatic approach to working in a collaborative, bipartisan fashion to find real solutions that best serve the people.
Tulsi serves on the House Armed Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee where she is a strong advocate for veterans, our service members, and making smart strategic decisions that best secure our nation. Tulsi is working every day to make sure we have a sustainable economy that works for all families, with access to affordable health care, good jobs, and a quality education.
Tulsi Gabbard and Her Father Mike Gabbard Her father, Mike remembers, “When we look back, there were these qualities like determination and focus. When Tulsi was ten she said, ‘Dad, there’s this Typing Tutor program.’ ” He and his wife, Carol, were homeschooling all five of their children at the time, shaping the curriculum to their interests. They bought the program, and a year later: “She goes, ‘Watch this.’ She’s eleven, typing 120 words a minute.”
In those years, Gabbard says, she had a yearning “to be part of something bigger than myself.” At fifteen, she cofounded with her father a nonprofit environmental organization, Healthy Hawai’i Coalition, and then at 21, when a seat came open in the state legislature, she made a surprise decision to run, despite her almost paralyzing fear of speaking in public. “It never entered my mind that this would require giving speeches,” she says now, laughing. “The first one I gave was at an elementary school, and there were 300 people. I thought I was going to throw up, I was so nervous.”
But she delivered that speech and more; she knocked on doors, turned out inexpensive black-and-white flyers (“I didn’t have any money,” she says. “We made every dollar count”), and won the election—becoming among the youngest women voted to statewide office in U.S. history. That year, 2002, it seemed easy to believe in something called Team Gabbard. Her mother, Carol, was already on the State Board of Education; her father was getting elected to the Honolulu City Council; and Tulsi wasn’t just her district’s new representative but appeared cut from the same cloth as her parents. She shared their vegetarianism, their attraction to Hinduism (which she adopted as a teen), and the hard-line social conservatism that has made her father, in particular, a bugbear to women’s groups and the LGBT community to this day.
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Tulsi Gabbard and her father Mike Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard and Abraham Williams
Abraham Williams is a freelance cinematographer in Honolulu. He is a son of Anya Anthony and the stepson of Timothy S. Anthony of Kailua, Hawaii. The groom’s mother is the manager of Ms. Gabbard’s district office in Honolulu. His father teaches social studies and administers the English language learner program at Kalakaua Middle School in Honolulu.
The bride’s first marriage ended in divorce.
She and Mr. Williams had been acquainted for some time, but they didn’t really get to know each other until 2012, “when he was volunteering on the shoots for my campaign ads,” Ms. Gabbard wrote in an email. “About a year and a half later, he asked me out for the first time at a birthday party that a mutual friend of ours threw for me. It was the first time that we had a chance to kick back, relax and really talk on a personal level.
“As we got to know each other, we realized how much we actually had in common. We went for a long walk on our first date, and ended up at a pickup volleyball game with a few friends. Pretty soon, we were going on hikes, going surfing and spending as much time together as we could. Oftentimes that meant an early-morning surf before work. Our friendship and relationship developed over our mutual love for the ocean and surfing.”
Surfing also played a part in the marriage proposal. Ms. Gabbard said:
“I was home from D.C., and the day before Thanksgiving, he mentioned he wanted to go for a sunset surf on the South Shore that night. I was in meetings all day, and by the time we left, the sun was starting to set. We got stuck in traffic at a really long red light, and he was getting so frustrated. I couldn’t understand what the big deal was.
“By the time we got there and were paddling out, the sun was just about to dip under the horizon. He paddled quickly out to the lineup, way ahead of me, and waited as I slowly made my way out. Then he paddled over, pulled out a double-tethered contraption attached to a gold duct-tape-covered flotation device, with a beautiful ring attached, and said, ‘I have a question for you: Will you marry me?’ ”
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Tulsi Gabbard and Abraham Williams
Tulsi Gabbard Biography and Profile (Tulsi Gabbard)
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eds-zebra-warrior · 3 years
2021 Ehlers Danlos Society Awareness Month (Day 5 Prompt: School and Teachers
I didn't get a diagnosis until I finished college however I did have several teachers who realized something was going on. The first one to take notice was my first grade teacher Mrs. M. She notified my mom that she believed I had learning disabilities and believed something was going on. The school continued to refuse to do any kind of testing but she stepped up and fought them. My mom even had a picture of a birthday cake I made for my dad in which I wrote “Happy Birthday Dad” on the cake totally backwards as if it were a reflection in a mirror. Mrs. M not only gave me the individualized attention I needed but also wouldn't take no for an answer from the school which made them do basic learning disability testing and put me into a specialized reading and writing class.
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It wasn't until later elementary school, when I was in the 3rd-5th grade that I believe my Gym Teacher Mr. W started noticing something was going on. He never said anything so I can’t be sure he realized there was a problem however he did provide some extra help for me in gym, like when we did pull ups he was always happy to help lift part of my weight and never said anything about my inability to run, throw balls, do sit ups and pushups properly, only grading me on effort and would sometimes ask me if I needed help with certain things or would give me tips without it being too obvious to other students. He was genuinely just a happy guy though. He would whistle the lamb chops song while we ran and was pretty relaxed which is why I’m not sure he noticed but since he did conspicuously offer help to me makes me believe it at least crossed his mind that something was going on. A lot of EDS patients really struggled with gym teachers and learned to hate that class but I always had really good gym teachers who took notice to the fact that my inability do succeed in sports wasn't my fault. They always knew that I wasn't lazy and there was something more going on in my body that caused me to be clumsy, weak and different than the other kids.
In middle school, I didn't have a gym as I went to a homeschool coop which was more like a private school. When entering this school I had yet to start treatment for my Juvenile Dwarfism but in contrast to my first school where I was bullied for being tiny and clumsy, at this school I quickly became the most popular kid in the school. This made me blend in so my teachers didn't really notice much atypically that was going on. The students however were the ones that did notice but being small, I was no longer a freak but at this school I was “Pocket Sized” and my social awkwardness and clumsiness was embraced as uniquely different and original. The girls would fight over whose house I would spend the night at on the weekend and as gym was replaced by Friday field trips, the guys would fight over who got to give me a piggyback ride during the field trips. The falling is a lot less noticeable when people are either piggy backing you around all the time or you had people around you all the time so if you tripped usually someone was grabbing your arm to catch you before it was that noticeable. This is the school where I really came out of my shell and went from the shy kid to the social butterfly. So much so that the teacher would start occasionally referring to me as a butterfly before telling me to stop talking. I eventually passed up the educational capabilities of the teacher and was put into a place of teaching younger students myself which forced me to leave and return to public school, this time at a different public school in the country.
In high school I was kind of right in that sweet spot when it came to popularity. Right in the middle where I didn't have problems with anyone and was able to befriend some of the jocks and cheerleaders as well as the kids in quiz bowl and band. I had a lot of friends but not so many that it became overwhelming or stressful because here at least there weren't fights over whose house I went to, whose vehicle I rode in on the way to a field trip, which kid was going to get me as their big sister in the big sister big brother program, who got to sit by me etc. so it was more manageable and I again started falling more under the radar of the teachers.
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My high school gym teacher Mrs. B again took notice of my unusual body mechanics in gym and after my first gym class which was sports based suggested I switch to another class that was actually a harder class but totally different as well, focusing on weight lifting, cardio and fitness rather than sports. She was able to teach me for the first time in my life, how to run. She also took note that where I lacked in upper body strength, I excelled in lower body strength and helped me to eventually be able to leg press 320 lbs. when I was only 92 lbs. by the time I graduated. My goal was to hit 300 lbs. which she suggested I lower that a bit but on the last day I leg pressed 300 lbs. and then told my partner to put a ten on each side, just to see if I could do it, and leg pressed 320 lbs. one time and said well, there's one. Now I can say I did it and we put the barbells up. When It came to bench pressing I barely could bench the 45 lbs. bar without any weights added at all and was the only one in the class who had to start with a mini 35 lb. bar. She taught me to do proper push ups and my body mechanics really improved with her help.
I had an English teacher in high school named Mrs. H. She reminded me of a grandmother when I was in high school and improved my reading skills more than any teacher I ever had when I was in the later years of elementary school, the reading and writing teacher pulled my mom in for a meeting, telling her that unfortunately, at this point, I just wasn’t progressing in those classes and I would be illiterate. Back then their teaching philosophy for reading was to look at the picture in a book and describe what was happening in the book which wasn't reading at all but it was also rather strict and if you did what she said and described the picture and it wasn't the same as the words she wasn't exactly mean but definitely made it clear in a very frustrated sounding voice that that was wrong. When I took the proficiency test she had essentially given up on me at that point and would read the multiple choice questions to me in the reading section and then ask me if it was A, B, C or D and if I got the wrong answer she would tell me to guess again, essentially making it look like I was doing a great job since all of the answers were right which in turn made it look like she was doing a great job to later tell my mom I would be illiterate. When I left that school I finally started learning to read in the 7th grade, reading at a first grade level.
By my senior year of high school. I was reading at a 3rd grade level when I got Mrs. H who was the first to really be able to teach me how to read. A lot of people didn't like her class because it was so hard and the homework could get extensive but the challenge is exactly what I needed as well as her teaching style to make reading, for the first time in my life, interesting. She was always willing to work with us and help and upon grading our papers she was incredibly thorough when marking errors and explaining why they were incorrect which gave me much more understanding than simply saying “No, that's not right. Try again” I was finally able to understand and learn from my mistakes as well as feeling as if her detail was proof, explaining why I got the grade I did. She was willing to work with us one on one up at her desk and it was quite obvious that teaching English was a true passion of hers which really wore off on me. By the time I graduated and took my college entrance exam, I was shocked to learn that not only was my reading no longer at a 3rd grade level but I had tested into college level, honors English and eventually took the hardest English class the college offered, not because it was required but chose it as an elective, just for fun and acing it. She really helped me overcome my biggest barrier when it came to learning disabilities and what's more amazing is that she was able to do this in a single year.
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In college, multiple professors took notice of my health issues. While in the nursing program I was often used as the example student. The one the professors would call to the front of the class for demos or in the classes with two professors they used me as a fill in to help with demonstrations because I had been in the hospital so much myself that I oftentimes already knew the content being taught and sometimes had teachers saying they wish they could test out people like me from some of the classes because I could have probably gone in the first day of class and passed the final without even taking the class because of my life experiences and medical history. I was the one everyone wanted to use to practice drawing blood on because I was such a hard stick so it was no secret that I had a lot of health issues though at the time no one knew the ultimate cause of them was Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
The interpreting field classes on the other hand had a lot of immature teachers who reminded me of teenagers and seemed to have nothing better to do in their lives than to try to publicly humiliate me to try to get me out of the program. I was top of the class and later found out when they tried to kick me out of the program for something I didn't do and I had to take them to court. My lawyer believes the reasoning behind it was that they were intimidated by me and actually wanted me out for job assurance. My health issues were very well known as I was in this program the second time I lost the ability to walk and had multiple hospital trips for seizures, heart issues and my thyroid.
There was one incident in particular I was hospitalized because I was on thyroid medication for hypothyroid but somehow I flipped from hypothyroid to hypothyroid leading to my T3 and T4 levels being four times the normal levels which can be really dangerous and left me with the worst migraine of my life. I emailed my teacher while in the hospital telling her what happened as this happened two days before the final and I was admitted and had no idea how long they would keep me. I told her I know she said there will be no makeup and if we missed the class we would have to retake it but asked her to please have understanding and and let me make up the final since I was hospitalized. She told me what she said still stands and there are no makeups and that anyone can say they're in the hospital, not believing I was truly there so I took a picture of myself in the hospital as well as my hospital band with the date on it and sent it to her. She replied saying that she said there were no makeups, come take the final or take the class again next quarter. I told her I would check in with them first thing in the morning to see when I may be released.
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The next morning they said they would probably keep me for a few more days and I emailed her that morning and updated her, again asking to make up the final since I obviously have a good reason to not be there when she again refused to let me retake the class. I got the email an hour and a half before the final on which I was again told no makeups and if I don't show up she will see me again the following quarter. I was forced to tell the staff I had to leave and was checking myself out of the hospital because I had to take the final, explaining how much the class cost and how much work I had put into it. They did not agree with this and made me sign a waiver stating that I was leaving against medical advice and by the time I got out, it was about 45 minutes before the final. I got dressed at the hospital, and haven't showered since before I went into the hospital so I put my hair up and my mom drove me to the college where I barely made it into the room in time for the exam. The medical term for what I was dealing with was called Thyrotoxicosis, Thyrotoxic Syndrome or a Thyroid storm and at my levels were life threatening the heart rate, blood pressure and temperature can shoot up and you’re at high risk for heart attacks, strokes, brain aneurysms, coma, seizures and there was a 75% chance of death if left untreated at the levels my TSH, T3 and T4 were at The nurse told me that if I was going to do this to keep a heating pack around my neck the entire time to prevent my temperature from spiking which could cause seizures and organ failure. I had to keep the hospital bracelet on so it would be easier for them to re-admit me when I finished the final and she made me promise to come right back when I was done and because the migraine was so bad, I couldn't tolerate the light and kept throwing up at the hospital from the light so wore sunglasses and she gave me a dose of Zofran right before pulling my IV to try to get me through.
As soon as I got into the glass Professor P, humiliated me in front of the entire class bringing the class into it about how ridiculous I looked in pajama pants, with a shirt that didn't match at all, sunglasses, an icepack and my hospital bracelet on telling me how I was making an ass out of myself and if I was really that sick I should have just told her and made up the test later. I told her that I emailed her multiple times, explaining the situation and she said I couldn't make it up when she then denied she ever told me that and said “You know I would have let you make it up” and continued to use that against me since the day I graduated saying all the time that I would be a bad interpreter because I was just plain weird, calling me weird in front of everyone multiple times and going back to the never in my life have I seen a student come into a final looking so ridiculous with an ice pack around their neck and sunglasses and at one time calling me a freak. She said nothing about my dedication by making it work nor did she acknowledge the financial burden associated with having to pay to take a class over and graduate late because of it when most college students don't have a lot of money. I would have never left the hospital if she wouldn't have told me multiple times that she would not allow me to make up the final. She again made fun of me when I had to go back into a wheelchair and back into therapy to learn to walk again telling everyone how I was a freak and weird (yes she used those exact words) time and time again, saying I would fake illness and was mentally ill turning my entire class against me. She got another professor in the department, Professor D on board to assist in making me a joke who ended up being worse than Mrs. P and lied about me time and time again eventually getting me kicked out of the field.
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I ended up having to the college to court to get back into school and provided around 100 documents to prove I didn't do what she said I did and then changed the reason she kicked me out to something else that wasn't true in which was also backed by those documents. The Lawyer for Columbus State requested their documents to prove their case time and time again and always got the excuse of it was lost or I must have stolen it out of a cabinet that was locked in the department office area in one professor's office and in a locked filing cabinet so behind three locked drawers and their lawyer found this out by accidentally calling the professor who kept the files in his office. They pulled me into a room, locking me in it with them while both of them yelled at me trying to intimidate me to say I did it into a camera and I refused to admit I did something I didn't do and after two months of not sending them anything their lawyer said she would drop them if they did not provide any proof at all so they sent in the video of them harassing and verbally abusing me to try to get me to admit I did this and refusing to let me out of the room with me in tears and them still screaming in my face and calling me names but I never said I did anything and their lawyer asked my lawyer to see my documents of proof which proved without a reasonable doubt that I did not do what they said I did so she told them she was dropping out of their case and would not support them in court so I automatically won the case.
Their lawyer actually called me because all I was suing for was to be able to go back into the field and take the class again without having to pay for it even though it forced me to graduate late and she told me that if I really wanted to go after them I could tack on verbal abuse, harassment and unlawful detainment. I did not do this but the teachers in this program were unethical and made my life a living hell for a genetic condition I never asked for and in no way caused to myself.
Part of me wishes I would have went through with it and added to my case so that they will never work as interpreters again but I just wanted to get back in school and get my degree, not knowing then that I would be too sick to use it but being an interpreter was a dream of mine since I was in the first grade.
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To fulfill my physical related credit I took a jazz dance class. I can't say much about that other than I was god awful. So bad at dancing that the professor came up to me in the fourth class and said, I know this isn't your major but I grade it as if it is and I think you should consider dropping this class because if you don't you will fail. I wanted to take Yoga but it was never available so I decided, I can't dance so why not learn. Though it was a beginners class it was short lived and I ended up having to drop it. Since that didn't work out the following quarter I took a fitness class that sounded a lot like the one I took in high school with Mrs. B. I loved her class so I decided to give this one a try and ended up loving it just as much. What I didn't expect was to have a professor who was just like her, since he knew right away something just wasn't right about me.
I really wish I could remember his name because he was an awesome professor. He noticed the first day and simply asked if there was anything he should know about. I told him no because I was still undiagnosed at the time so didn't know why I was so clumsy and so much weaker than everyone else. He really took notice, asking several times if I had any medical conditions he should know about before I did any of the exercises. I continued to tell him just Celiac Disease, hypothyroid and Scoliosis but none affected the class. Since there was an odd number of students in the class he ended up assigning partners instead of letting everyone choose their partners and made me the odd one out so he could be my partner to make sure I didn’t get injured.
During the class he modified exercises and gave me a barbell limit, telling me I was not to use any barbells over 25 lbs. When doing pull ups I was not allowed to do them alone making sure I did it in a way that protected my shoulders and using elastic straps under my knees while he supported me for proper body mechanics, I had to do sit ups on a balance ball instead of on the floor and he did some exercises on a balance board which made it more like an extremely intensive physical therapy class than a gym class.. I truly believe he knew what was going on and what was wrong with me. Rather he knew the name for it, I don't know, rather he had heard of EDS before, I will probably never be able to ask but I truly believe that he has at least seen the same symptoms before and knew the risk I was taking by entering this class and doing certain exercises.
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I've had both good and bad luck with teachers throughout my life but what makes me different than other EDS patients is that I couldn't have asked for any better Physical Education teachers and professors throughout school if I tried. I was incredibly lucky in that aspect.
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A Stairway To Midnight Radio-with Dave 'Daviscre' Choi
( NOW PLAYING ► Calling Out - Looking For Alaska)
DJ: Good evening, Earthlings! Can’t believe we’re already on the last week of October...how’s this month been treating you? Aside from the weather which is getting colder and colder each day. I hope it doesn’t stop you from accomplishing everything you have been working on. To be honest, on this last week of October...I’ve wanted to do something different in the spirit of Halloween by starting with a strong opening song, but...after talking with our beloved PD, I don’t think it’s a good idea to surprise you guys, our lovely listeners, with any creepy songs as we’re going further to midnight(laughs softly). But instead! We have an interesting guest as my company tonight, to bring that Halloween spirit into the studio. We will meet them in a second.
(A short commercial break, which soon replaced by a creepy background music)
DJ: (talks in a lower tone and speaks slowly) Hehe, are you guys surprised? Do not be afraid...You are still tuning in to Stairway To Midnight Radio...with...DJ...Han (changes to his usual voice) I sound weird so I’ll stop for now. Sorry about that, guys. Anyways! As I said in the beginning, in the spirit of Halloween, we are having a special radio event today. With a super special guest as well to complete our spooky, spooky night. Get your blanket and wrap yourself up, because we have Dave Choi here!
( a dramatic sound effect)
DJ: For those of you who might not know who he is, David--or as I usually call him, Dave--Choi is a Youtuber whose channel holds a paranormal activity content, I would say? He would go to many abandoned places and record himself there, uploading any footages of his experience facing ghosts and spiritual activities. As a friend, I did try to watch his content but I feel like...my guts...and legs...just went numb even on the first few minutes.
Dave : Ah, yes. Hello everyone! I’m David. People around me usually call me Dave. But it’s whatever really . . I’m originally from New York but I moved to Seoul with my parents a decade ago. And I like it here, a lot. Being a paranormal investigator is definitely not a job for everyone. I don’t usually bring friends with me when I work because of the danger that can come with. I’ve been working with this for a few years now, I do have two more jobs on the side but, I enjoy it quite a lot. I don’t only explore the abandoned. For example I’ve been investigating Stanley Hotel, where the movie The Shining got its inspiration from. It’s quite an interesting place. I’ve been to darker places too and It’s very intriguing for me to visit these type of places. Since not a lot of investigators get the opportunity to do so. You did follow with me once on a previous investigation and for not not having been on one previously, you did a good job . .  I must say.
DJ: Yeah...I did follow him once, out of curiosity and under a food bribe... It was...a lifetime opportunity… it was an abandoned house, wasn’t it? I’m personally not fond of ghosts and supernatural things myself, but I was fascinated that he sincerely does this job and seems quite enjoying it? You can really find anything on Youtube these days, people for extreme activities and supernatural thing is one of it. But tell me, how did you even start doing this job? Did you initially want to do this from the very beginning?
Dave: There is always huge risks that comes by following along on quests like my investigations, mostly because anything can happen when you explore. Yes, It was one of the few abandoned houses there is left here in Seoul. I’m not going to give away the location for safety reasons. It’s sad some of the buildings are getting demolished but that happens to old places after time pass by. To answer your question, ever since I was a little kid I’ve had dealing with paranormal experiences myself. I did in fact have one of those .. you know, invisible friends. At the time I didn’t know it was a spirit who was lost, it did freak my parents out when they saw me talking to just air. When I grew older, they eventually told me all the experiences that I had as a kid and I got really interested in it so I started to look it up more, and that’s when I found Ghost Adventures and all those other paranormal tv programs so I started to watch them a lot and I wanted to try start it on my own too. So for a beginner like I was back then, I started small since I didn’t want to get caught by security and what not and when I was 18 I started my channel and posted a lot of urban exploring videos and of course paranormal but it hasn’t been until now that interests grew stronger because I did get the chance to meet up with one of the world's most famous investigators, so that did really help me on the way.
DJ: That’s interesting...I would say that it’s like a ‘gift’ for you to use. Some people might use the ability to hurt others but you use it to educate people instead. I think it’s an educational things so people learn that there are other ‘creatures’ around us? I think it’s good that we’re aware of them, so we’ll be more careful when we visit some places. And learning the history too. But, what was the scariest thing you’ve experienced? Did they ever hurt you, or they refused to communicate with you and told you to leave? In the summer, there were severals horror movies released and some of them talked about mythical creatures too. It’s an odd thing to ask you but do you think these myths are correct?
Dave: The scariest thing I’ve experienced happened probably at the asylum outside of Seoul that was demolished this year, I do use a lot of equipment when I do my investigations and sometimes I do wish I had like a small crew with me because it would make everything so much easier. But, it’s hard to find people who has this same kind of interest, you know? And I feel like, not many people tend to think of what happens with life after death. And it’s completely fine to be a non believer. I know some people tend to be open minded while being skeptic at the same time. But I feel like, we all need to learn more of what happens after. Because, when we die, it’s definitely not the end itself. There is so many more things we still don’t know about life after death and the paranormal. I don’t really know much about mythical creatures, but I do think that they are somewhat correct. I do believe that something else do exist out there and we yet have to find it. It sounds really scary though when thinking about and talking about it out loud doesn’t it?
DJ: Oh! Are you talking about this abandoned hospital? I think I heard about this place. Wasn’t there a documentary or a movie about this place? I’m not sure if this is something to be proud about, but our country does have interesting myths to talk about. Whether it’s ghost stories or mystical creatures, there are many things to explore and talk about. Anyways, if our dear listeners are curious about what Dave’s channel, you can go to Youtube and search ‘Daviscre’, D-A-V-I-S-C-R-E--oh look at me spelling in English (he chuckles). We’re gonna take a short break! We still have many things to talk about but let’s enjoy this upcoming song first and relax for a bit~ We’ll be right back!
( NOW PLAYING ► Fall Into You - Toby Burton)
DJ: That was a song titled Fall Into You, from Toby Burton. A good chill song for tonight. Now, we have received some comments in our board. If I haven’t told you guys, you can leave any comments in our board. Go to our website, look for Stairway to Midnight radio and see there’s a comment button there. You can also stream this live broadcast from the website. So, I will read the first comment, which left by our listener, Yuri. Hello, Yuri! She...leaves an interesting entry here. Let me read it for you.
“Hello, my name is Yuri, and I’m a third year high school student. I watched David Choi’s video before and I really enjoyed his content. I’m really into ghosts and supernatural things but my friends and family found it ridiculous for me to have such hobby. One thing that makes me interested in ghosts starts from the rumor of a dead student in our school. Some people said it was a myth, but I personally faced the student. I was in school until late at night. By the time I was about to go home, I had to walk through this main aisle of our school which was known to be scary at night. The ghost girl was originally a student who was found dead in the corridor, and it seems their soul is still trapped in our school. So, I was walking and I heard these steps behind me. The faster I walked, the steps would follow my speed. And when I turned around, there was a dark shadow who looked like a student wearing our uniform with her long hair. I nearly peed in my pants and I screamed for my mom. I never stayed in school until late after that. It was so scary…”
DJ :  Whoa...this is…I got goosebumps (a knocking sound on the table suddenly heard) ACK--what’s that?! PD-nim, don’t do that!! Geez, he purposely hit the table like that!! That scared me to death! (the sound of the staffs laughing in the background)... That is so uncool, pranking me...Anyways (he clears his throat, and laughing softly) Sorry about the scream, everyone. I’m weak-hearted more than you expect me to be. Anyways--school ghost stories is always something fun to talk about. Dave-ssi, what about your school? Did you ever have any similar experience?
Dave: That sounds like a really creepy experience. I wouldn’t have want to go back at night either but knowing myself I probably would at the same time. I actually never did go to a public school. Ever since I moved to Seoul from New York, my parents decided it was better for me to study at home so I was homeschooled. I didn’t complain about that though. Which also gave me chances to explore whenever I wanted to and I did all my assignments. So unfortunately I don’t have any school experiences but I have seen dark shadows before and it’s a very scary thing. It’s something that I don’t wish to happen to people but, sadly it’s going to.  
DJ : Ah is that so? But still, you managed to go to many places and they still give you stories to tell. As for myself...probably not just my school but many academy have their rooftop locked during final test week to prevent student going up there and jump off the roof. Have you ever heard things like that? It could become a serious issue if something really happened. But knowing how pressuring our school system is, I think students should be looked after and be encouraged in positive way. Also, to our listeners who are still studying tonight, don’t forget to take a break, okay? Talking about ghosts and creepy things might be keeping you awake tonight, though (he laughs softly) Moving on, I’m going to read another comments left in our forum...it’s from Haejin who seems a fan of yours, Dave-ssi.
“My name is Haejin, and I’m currently a college student. Being a Youtuber is a new career dream nowadays. I want to start myself too, but I don’t know how. I admire David Choi because his content is interesting, but I don’t want to be someone who is copying you. Do you have any advice for amateur like me who wants to start a Youtuber career? Let’s hit another subscribers milestone! I’m looking forward to your next content.”
DJ : Oh, that’s a good question. What’s your advice for youngsters out there who wants to, or dreams to be a Youtuber, Dave-ssi? Furthermore to the question, what content makes a good content? As for me, I don’t record myself on camera often because I still feel awkward about it. I prefer to talk and have conversation with someone rather than being the center of attention. Since you’ve been doing this for a while, what’s the thing we should prepare before we start posting on Youtube? Also, do you have any projects coming soon? It seems your fans are listening too and they’re excited to know more about your upcoming videos.
Dave: There is a lot of young investigators out there, but one thing to think about is to be careful about trespassing. And to not get caught in general. But if exploring the abandoned and what comes with, I don’t see why not. I don’t usually sit down and talk directly to the camera, only on different occasions, I am not a vlogger kind of person. You wont be copying anyone since your content will still be a lot different from others, even my own content. We all do it in a certain way. If you want to try youtube, you should. It did sound weird to my parents at first when I told them but I told them it was just a part of my job where I could post these videos I was filming and that they were okay with. There’s a lot of people out there who will enjoy your content so if I were you, i’ve always said this to myself: Never give up on your dreams, if you work hard enough, they’ll come true. And they do. I don’t regret starting it.
DJ : It got deep for a second there...but I agree with him. You will never know what’s waiting for you until you start it. People say that the scariest thing in life--aside from ghosts--is starting on something. Even before it begins, you feel anxious, scared, insecure, overthinking things...and if you let those feelings control you, then you will not go anywhere. But once you go through that starting line, it might be not as hard as you imagine it would be. So don’t be afraid to start things you’re passionate about, everyone! (he laughs softly) Someday, with your hard work, you will be able to reach your dream. Alright, we’re gonna take another break! After this, Dave will still be here accompanying your night on Stairway To Midnight radio. Stay tune~
( NOW PLAYING ►Steel - Wit U (feat. Charcoal & Sleek Jeezy))
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