#but yeah no what the fuck was this update XD
firebrand mains every balance update
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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We return to the Chill Valicer Save on Fall Friday, with another, shorter update featuring the gang back to their usual routines -- namely, taking care of the farm and getting those shelves filled at the store! Let's get right to it, shall we?
-->First things first though -- adorable kitten times! Alice and Smiler both met our new arrivals Shock and Surprise last episode, so it was Victor's turn to get introduced to the kittens! A process that took longer than anticipated, because of course adorable kittens have to do adorable kitten things, and that often involves hiding under couches and rolling over and running around all over the shop while their poor owner waits patiently for the "Wait For Pet" interaction to finally complete. XD Oh, Sims 4 pets... Shock and Surprise, you're lucky you're cute. :p
-->While I was waiting for the kitten nonsense to complete, though, I did notice that we still had an unwelcome visitor hanging around -- Temperance! Despite having been thoroughly cowed by Victor's bizarre idol last time, she was still in the back yard talking to the local specters instead of properly fucking off. I plopped the bizarre idol back out for a bit while Victor got to know the kittens, and she FINALLY took her leave. Off with you, ghost who is the "big bad" of the Paranormal stuff pack and yet is somehow less annoying than Guidry himself.
-->With Temperance banished and the kittens introduced to all the various members of the family, it was time to get started on the day properly! Smiler was already busy editing their new fashion vlog so they could get it out while the trend was still hot -- once that was done and the video posted, I sent them out to the greenhouse to get Bugs and Elmer the garden-bots out and running while Victor and Alice enjoyed some breakfast (buttered crumpets and chicken chimichurri skewers respectively). The bots got busy watering and weeding while Smiler started harvesting all their herbalism stuff and plasma fruits --
Only to be attacked by bees. Darn things apparently objected to Smiler picking their chamomile today. *shakehead* Fortunately the injuries were minor, and Smiler managed to pick up Gardening Level 6 from their harvesting, so that was good! (And it's not as bad as what MIGHT have happened -- I foolishly went into Build Mode to try and move some of the seed packets the gnomes had left behind during Harvestfest while Smiler was getting the bots ready, only to remember too late "SHIT THAT MIGHT AUTO-HARVEST THE PLANTS INTO THE HOUSEHOLD INVENTORY." Fortunately I was lucky and all the produce stayed on the vine, whew. A narrow escape!)
-->While all that was going on, Victor went around the front to check on Toothy the cowplant -- and found their bin knocked over! A final "fuck you" from Temperance as she left, or the result of an angry townie? The world will never know... Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal -- Victor just picked up the bin, sorted through the trash pile for parts, then recycled it and all the other crap in his inventory for bits and pieces. Keeping the farm nice and eco-friendly! :)
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dreamerwitches · 7 days
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GUESS WHOS ACTUALLY AWAKE! Yeah i think my body clock wanted madoka XD
WOW that exedra news was disappointing, they even mentioned inu curry as a cock tease ToT
Anyway… i think wnk made up for it….
Clara doll mention! I cant remember which one off the top of my head
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This is 100% the cafe from rebellion, im calling it
AND FUCKING AND this is what didnt make me disappointed… CONCEPT MOVIE MENTION!!!!!!!
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Its so nice seeing a happy nagisa but also i think this is another girl we’ve seen before. I think the fringe is a stretch but if she’s the bear girl the colour is almost perfect. The curls on her bunches also match bear girl’s. Also notice she has those two small strand of hair taken from the above concept
OR another idea is that this is based off concept nagisa which is cool too
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Just a cool shot
The information was as pitiful as usual though, huh… with such little content shown for exedra i… i dunno im getting low hopes?? Do you even have a game there? Im worried it’ll be the kind of game on release where there’s nothing fucking there but you have to wait for updates to make it better… meh
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saintobio · 3 months
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Ummm.... Yeah no maybe it's my fault for opening my mouth xdxdsdgadvd (also for some reason it wouldn't let me take a screenshot so enjoy these shitty pics I had to take from my phone 🤡)
It's a side tangent but since you came back with sn, one of the most fun things have been to theorize and see other people's theories hehe. I honestly read sy so long ago and it had such an impact on me, so seeing you and honestly everyone back here; talking about series and excited about updates makes me feel so giddy and at home. It's been a while since I've had so much fun in a fandom XD
Ok now back to the ANGST, I want you to know this was my reaction the whole time,
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I was honestly scared of even reading the chapter but my GOSHHHH.
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for TvT
They are both hurt, they are both suffering without each other; but they also suffer when they are with each other. TvT
Also, I understand Akemi's reaction but bitch 😭😭 Don't you realise this is exactly what y/n felt when you slept with Satoru. Her avoiding y/n to not make her angry or trouble her, I understand; but it just seems to me that she's making excuses to lessen her guilt and run away so she doesn't have to see what she did to her best friend. LIKE SHE'S SO FRICKING EAGER to play house with Satoru and when Sachi called her mama she was overjoyed. It's just so... sus. I might understand her but I lost all respect for her when she decided to betray her bff. I would never understand women who choose a man over someone who's been there for them through everything. I just think she's taking the whole "I can fix him" 🤡 thing too seriously but idk at this point.
And Satoru how THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP FUMBLING THE WOMEN YOU LOVE SO BAD. If you are gonna be an asshole atleast do it right!? I so badly wanna believe he only ran after Akemi to check on her and explain everything but... I just don't have enough faith in him now :<
I feel SO BAD for y/n. Girlll 😭, I don't even know what to say but I can only give her this message-
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(My asks always get so long so quick, sorry oof. But SIDE SIDE TANGET- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIDE OR DIE. I ATE IT UP FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER OH GODDDD. I was a certified Sukuna!hater but you have changed my ways... you have brainwashed me into falling head over heels for that gremlin xd the brainrot rn is so bad- like MOVE ASIDE GOJO)
thanks so much for sending this ask. yayy you finally made it to the askbox on time !! :’D and this was such a fun read for me. ty for sharing <3 it’s always nice to see such long asks abt sn/sy bc the theories and analyses are all so great, like how do u guys come up with those? they’re so detailed too!! 🥹
i agree i think what makes sy11 impactful is bcos it took so long for gojoyn to be honest with each other, only for it to crumble down the next day bcos of their trauma, external relationships, and distrust with each other 💔 like so close yet so far
and ooh interesting analysis on akemi! i like how you juxtaposed her reaction to gojoyn versus yn’s reaction to catching gojokemi. there’s definitely a big difference there :> but i won’t say anything more to avoid spoilers hehe
lastly, rod! omg thanks for reading, i thoroughly enjoyed writing it i was giddy the whole time !!! but same bb same that gremlin has me on a chokehold too 😆
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bloopitynoot · 13 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 6
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Here we are on book 2!
I took a couple days off because my body was perishing (read: my uterus was being a little bitch) but I am back :D
Today's tea is an apple crumble with milk and sugar and my little reading buddy (Charlie) has returned for this chapter Extra Needy and sporting his new necktie.
Let's get into this long chapter:
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And we start three years later! I was wondering if there was going to be a time jump and there is! :) p9
Why is everyone so thirsty in this world RE: Ning YingYing p10
Oh dang. I really want to know what's making people melt into skeletons p13
Shen Qingqiu is such a vibe" I know I am physically useless, but i'm also a walking encyclopedia so I bring that to the party" p14 honestly same
So many corpses in the water!! p18
Oh shit, what the heck Wu Chen's legs? p22
RE: Wu Chen I did lol at "Great Master, you call this a bit uncomfortable?!" p 22
this totally feels more like a curse than a standard plague p24
why am I laughing so hard at "fuck me, with this speed, they wouldn't lose to a runner doing the 100-metre hurdles! 'Old Lady'? Yeah right! I must be blind!"p26
oooo! Gongyi Xiao is back! p28
Baby is back too!! Luo Binghe! pp29-31
omg and now there is a height difference! Shen qinqgiu being the smol one p32
Re: on the subject of thinking it was a curse like 15 pages ago, it is not a curse. I don't know why I thought it would be literally anything other than demons LOL this is the plot of the entire fictional universe of this book p37
Luo Binghe still only has eyes for Shen Qingqiu- even after being tossed into hell p38
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I truly love the inner monologue of Shen Qingqiu's thoughts vs what people just kind of assume he's feeling. SQQ: Luo Binghe has brainwashed these disciples, he is definitely coming for me, I am fucked. Everyone else: this poor man misses his student so much, he is so hurt that Luo Binghe didn't go back to him.
LOL at Luo Binghe's hatefire at seeing SQQ and Gongyi Xiao bonding together p42
I can't XD SQQ: I have a huge announcement guys, Luo Binghe is back!!!! Everyone else: who tf is that? RIP p44
no shit that demonic activity increasing in frequency is 100% indeed a bad omen. p47
I'm crying SQQ thinks Luo BInghe is about to kill him p48
not the magpie bridge reference p50
This man is just crushing his windpipe for funsies -> why do I feel like this is their dynamic? p50
SQQ is actually an idiot. This fool is continuously operating under the assumption that nothing in the story has changed and the original story is guaranteed. If he heard these words and responded appropriately he'd probably be fine RE: "Then why did you tell me not to put too much weight on race and that no one is intolerable to the heavens" p55
Goddamn is Luo Binghe just going to keep beating the shit out of SQQ?? pp57-59
He really made him drink his blood (side note: when this is all said and done, I need to read some vampire aus) What even is that blood going to do to him?? (do not actually tell me, I assume I will find out soonish) p59
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I am once again here to talk about how utterly Fucked SQQ is. He still has 0 idea that Luo Binghe has absolutely claimed him p65
Oh dang. Still, even after all this, SQQ has not shaken his original fate of being hated p69
Bro should have let Qi Qingyi finish that sentence. Re: out of his mind with grief" also probably would have changed some things (even if he was embarrassed as hell) p71
omg so much happening in this scene rn AND then Shen Qingqiu's ex shows up out of no where?!?!?!?!??!!? p73
this man truly cannot catch a break p75
holy shit not even his ex- his wife??????? p75
oop, we have SQQ backstory reveal p77
But also with this reveal: it's a little weird for her though. Like her family takes in this kid from the street, makes him a servant. He continues to serve them, his "family" starts to view him a sibling, AND THEN they get betrothed (not married). Like what. This is wild poor guy- weird because sibling dynamics, also he was their servant. I think she is the weird one honestly. p77
okay, well, he did kill her brother LOL p78
the water prison does not sound good. p81
he really wants to try and last a month there??? best of luck buddy, he cant even handle riding in a carriage without a snack p85
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Bonus picture with no notes!
I'm actually so excited for the water prison- it sounds vile, but I need to know how he get's out/how his relationship with Luo Binghe progresses.
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writing and learning about Romeo and Juliet as an aro-spec person is so funny to me. like, "True love"? yeah nah fuck that. "love at first sight"? guess what? according to basic human psychology, impossible. i was saying to my English teacher how it was unrealistic for someone to fall in love with a person they'd met an hour prior and she went "ohhh, you say that now! but just you wait! it'll happen to you one day!" and me an my friend shared an all knowing aromantic look and i turned back to her and said "i wouldn't be so sure". like gurly pop be so fr
update: i wrote a parargraph long rant about the psychology of attraction in my romeo and juliet essay and how shakespear has created an unattainable unrealistic ideal love XD
lets so what my english teacher thinks abt that lol
edit: Update! i got the highest mark in the class LMAOOO
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 4 months
Guess we're back to this Again
I guess this is sad news because Miles will be deleting his blog again and going back to being a private blog without trace.
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But why?
Well all I can say that this aged poorly-
But to be fair no one was 100% accepting of his apology. We were all skeptical about his changed ways.
Though I can't deny that I genuinely did think he had changed and was showing proof that he moved past that annoying phase of harassing or bullying artists and users alike.
Boy was I wrong and to think that I had my expectations high. (I didn't)
What went wrong?
Apparently there had been stuff going on behind the scenes...
An artist that I shall not name has been dealing with Miles aggressive behavior directly in the DMs.
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Which you would think he wouldn't fuck around and find out after this.👇
But I suppose he decided to fuck around and find out again.
Here's a screen recording of the conversation between this artist and Miles interacting but I've been told that it is best to fast forward onto the 2:33 timestamp.
"Tumblr just gives me bad vibes and i do not understand anything XD"
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Yeah, I wonder why...
SURELY it mustn't be the consequences of your actions again.
Yeah, honestly I don't need to sound like a fucken broken record or be on repeat about Miles being a man child. I think it's clear that he went against his word by still being an entitled brat.
Just to also clarify that Miles Guidelines on his pinned post never specified that you cannot do changes to the oc or have them be used in your own AU. It was clearly stated that you can't claim them as your own or discredit their ownership.
But I think what's more upsetting is having the audacity to buy two OCs while knowingly that someone else wanted them.
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Honestly at this point
Who gives a fuck? It's like damn me if I do use them or damn me if I don't use them for my own personal preference.
Just the fact that you had shove Mobox87's name to justify your argument and be on your high horse is utterly disgusting behavior!
Especially after apologizing and going back to do the same shit again!
This is exactly why I and many others were skeptical of your apology. We knew that you'd do it again because we all knew you were just itching to go off at someone eventually using Mobox87's OCs in the way that it triggered you.
But GOD forbid that person were ever me to go crazy at drawing characters you bought.
Anyways, I don't need to make this a long post on how this asshole is so disrespectful when I have these posts.
Miles ownership timeline drama
Aftermath Final Response
Plus the video shared is more than enough to get mad and be critical of Miles.
I never said this unironically but I think it will be the first time I say unironically and mean it.
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Edit: Update! Apparently he's staying now-
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But he still went against his apology. So, Fuck Miles.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 8 months
Update (1/30): Please do not give any attention to this person. I'm no longer angry about the art theft, I'm just amused/annoyed. But yeah this person thrives on any attention, negative or otherwise. It genuinely bothers them that they can't get "engagement" based on their own skills/merits so they resort to lazy art theft. Their bread and butter is hurtling harassment towards others and creating posts accusing the people they harass of being predators.
So, yeah. Not worth your time or mine.
(Vent Post/Art Theft: I'm hella pissed and I don't give a fuck right now)
@nefarious-616-necromancer Stole and reposted my art and then had the fucking gall to come onto my own post and try to "claim it" as theirs.
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Wow, what a way to tell on yourself, too. And they still had the fucking gall to hop onto my own post and try to say my art was theirs asd;lfkja;lgkjag
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Like, my guy, the timestamps ALONE make it very obvious who made the original art. AND MY FUCKING SIGNATURE IS STILL IN THERE!!!!!
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What does the DDWK stand for @nefarious-616-necromancer? Huh? Wanna share with the class what that could POSSIBLY stand for?????
If you're going to have the balls to not only steal and repost my art, but to try to say my art is also yours, then get F U C K E D.
Update: 🤡 Clown Alert 🤡
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I wanna say I'm surprised, but I'm really fucking not. People like this suck ass.
Update II: They fucking blocked me and deleted my original replies on their stolen post XD
Fucking. Wow.
Update III: They changed their bio to say they have "permission" to repost stolen art
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I wonder what could have possibly happened in the past hour or so for them to change that all of a sudden 🤔 🤡
Also what a bullshit made up excuse to hide behind lmao
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usedpidemo · 1 year
Update - 2nd year anniversary! (plus a reflection, and future plans).
Hi everyone! π here.
Today, May 13th, is the day I officially opened up this blog and began writing degenerate and immoral stories! 2 fucking years have passed, how time flies. So much can change in a year, and so do some of the stats!
First work: Sandwich - Red Velvet Wendy (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m.)
Highest note count: Awards after-party affair - Itzy Yuna (published 10/23/22, 1167 notes)
Number of works published: 80 fics (1 fic every 9.1 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days or 1 month, 5 days)
1,000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days or 4 months, 30 days)
2,000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days or 1 year, 1 month, and 5 days)
3,000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days or 1 year, 5 months, and 30 days)
Follower count: 3,953 followers (5.4 followers a day)
I wish I had something awesome lined up to celebrate this milestone, but I don't have anything prepared XD I've been busy and lazy at the same time. (Is that even possible?)
Actually, yeah, I do have a whole week's worth of cool things lined up this week! If I can even follow through with this one...
Monday: AMA
Tuesday: Reader Poll
Wednesday: ???
Thursday: ???
Friday: ???
I don't want to make the fun section of the update elaborately long, so I just want to say thank you so much to everyone for the support! Even though I'm not as active or as productive as I used to be, your eagerness never wavered, and you guys enjoy me talking about random shit on the side, whether it be song lyrics, Pokémon, or literally posts without any context to them. I love you guys. Here's to another year 🧡
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Everything else from this point is a brief reflection and introspection of what I've been feeling since then. You can ignore this if you wish to do so.
So today marks the second anniversary since I opened up this Tumblr and became a degenerate writer. The work I've been putting up is getting worse—in a sexual and filthy way, not objectively—and my mental health has been getter much, much better! When I made the same anniversary post around this time a year ago, I was at an all-time low, mentally speaking. I really felt like I had not much left to give at that point, my skill has stagnated, and I thought there wasn't much for me to improve on. If you asked me if I had any future plans for this blog, I'd say I'd be done by the end of 2022, if not sooner.
It's now 2023, and I believe I'm as good as I can be right now. Slumps happen for a reason, and you can't always win, but it's how you bounce back from the lowest of lows that you reach highest of highs. And I believe I can still get better.
Genuinely, not to sound arrogant, because Lord knows I'm not the best fanfic writer—fuck no—I'm not anywhere close, even in a theoretical top 1000 list, but I do think some of my finest work have come up in my most recent fics. I don't know, it feels more polished and there was more effort and deliberation put into it. The numbers don't lie, either; every single work I published since May 2022 has over 400+ notes, and I've even passed the 1000+ note barrier twice! It goes to show that you guys are enjoying what I'm putting out as much as I love making them, slow and difficult it may be. I can fondly smile at last year's additions to my masterlist and say, "I can't believe I did that."
I do want to apologize if my output rate has drastically slowed down, and if I'm not as active as I was before. It's unfortunately part of the sacrifice needed for better quality control, and also because I have more personal commitments to attend to. 2023 has been fantastic for me so far in almost every department, except maybe physically—I could use more exercise—but that can be worked upon.
I do believe I'm on borrowed time. Again, look at the gap between fics over the past six months ago, and it's only going to widen once I enter my third year of college. I also have to begin considering what hobbies and other things I should do to occupy my free time, so I can be more productive as a person. This isn't to say I'm definitely quitting, but I expect more responsibilities to be shouldered onto me in the future, and having time for myself is going to be pretty much a birthday gift with how rare it might be given, and I'd prefer spending my time off recharging and relaxing instead of stressing over inconsequential or 'fun' things.
There's a lot of people I want to thank specifically, because while I was struggling with my own personal battles, they've been encouraging me to continue fighting and have been absolute lads—and lasses—throughout the past year. When I needed someone to talk to that wasn't my therapist, they were there, and I took solace in their comfort and companionship. I can't tag you guys, but if you're reading this—Chunk, Raf, Peach, Aaron, Sol, V1n, Iz, Ddeun, C.o, Kaede, Frisky, Smite, Shaun, Sins, Jett, Eros, Prael, Ken, Cray, CJ, Sooya, Gray, Svn—I sincerely thank you. God bless each and every single one of you. And to Tim, I really hope you can see this, but I'm truly, truly sorry. I hope we can find a way to bury that fracture in our relationship in the past, and we can reconcile. If not, then I just want closure and peace for the both of us.
So in closing, I want to thank you so much for sticking with me through the bad times and prospering with me through the good, and I'm always humbled that you've taken a chance on me when I started, when I was a hopeful newbie, two years ago. Now here we are. I appreciate every single one of you, be it a fellow writer, a reader, or a lurker.
With grace,
Peter / π
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pastara-cell · 2 months
Tad bit about me?
Realised i should probs make an about me or something lols
Hellooooo!! My name is Pastara, You can call me Pastara, Pascell, Pasc, Laurie, Laurence, Lauren, Or basically anything if you’re not being rude about it!
Nicknames are 100% allowed, you don’t even have to ask!
@totallysean ‘s most devoted follower 🔥
Dms, Asks, Tags, and allat shazam are 100% a-okay! I like being interacted with!
(Please don’t tag me in posts that violate creators boundaries)
DNI if you’re an ableist, Homophobe, Transphobe, Z1onist, A-phobe, Dont include intersex people in the LGBT, or call people who use Neos weird.
Scene Kid 🔥🔥 (Ur average 6arelyhuman, Asteria, Odetari, and Clover!! fan. Always looking to expand my music collection tho, so song recommendations are super appreciated and accepted!)
Diagnosed Adhd, on meds for it, but chances are I forget to take em 50% of the time XD
Ijevin is my Idol, comfort streamer, and just a cool dude. Definitely recommend checking him out!
Pronouns are (In order of preference) He/Him, Star/Stars, They/Them. Still experimenting with neos, so this may change one day
My gender is I dont give a fuck its tuesday (Genderfluid) and my sexuality is Pretty on the inside by Chloe adams (Pansexual)
70% of my friends and my mutuals too I think are on the a-spec, So shoutout specifically to acesexuals, aplatonics, aromantics, aroaces, and literally just any a-spec people. Y’all are literally the coolest people every and I love you all ♥️♥️/p
My fandoms include, but aren’t limited to:
(listed in order of interest)
The Music Freaks 🐀🥚
Hermitcraft 🦀
The Life Series/Traffic life ♥️💛💚
Witchcraft SMP 🪄
Lifesteal SMP (relatively new to it) ⚔️
Haikyuu!! 🏐🏐
Evolution SMP 🟪🟪
Empires SMP 🤠🐟
The outsiders 🔫⛓️
The Hunger Games 🔥🐦‍🔥
Very rarely, I do dabble in some Dream SMP 💚🤍
Same for Qsmp and Origins smp 🤍🟪🤍🟪
Afterlife SMP 🐈🦝🐉
Steven Universe ⭐️🩷
General MCYT/Minecraft community 💚🤎🤎
Ace attorney 🟦▫️🟥
Fandoms I used to be in but have left, can probably talk about them a bit?
Wings of Fire
Percy Jackson (Every book really)
My little pony
My hero academia
Country humans/balls
I enjoy writing fanfiction, Drawing, and writing poems! I’m super into Au making as well, so really, If you want a fully finished, Fleshed out Au for a fandom that I’ve listed in my Fandoms list, Send me an ask! No charges or anything, just tell me what AU you want and I got you!
I draw traditional and semi-realism, so as much as I’d love to do fanart, It often comes out looking slightly horrifying. Getting better though! Maybe i’ll post something when I make something i’m proud of!
Hyper fixation hobbies are rock collecting, Bracelet and keychain making, and ranting about stupid little things!
Comfort characters are Ijevin, Drew (tmf), and Noya (HK)!!
So uhhh Yeah!! Thats all! Will probably update this someday but thats mostly it!
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theminecraftbox · 1 year
Eldritch. What's worse; the first time something horrible happens, or the second time?
(Previous.) (All.)
Dream: Stop, stopstopstop...
Quackity: Good. Good boy, Dream, much better. Much better. See, Sam? Better already!
Sam: Is he, though?
Quackity: Sure he is! Sure he is, right, Dream?
Sam: (flatly) Clearly. He's not even listening.
Quackity: I swear to fucking god, Sam, one more word— hey, Dream. That wasn't rhetorical, man! Fucking answer me.
Dream: I— it's not—
(Dream screams. Sam looks on, his face unreadable.)
Quackity: Remember now? Remember how this works, asshole?
Dream: Rem— remember, what? What's there to remember!
Quackity: Your manners, for one.
(A scream that breaks into a laugh. Sam's face twists into a grimace.)
Dream: My manners! Right, right, yeah. Because that helped so much before, because I played the stupid game and it helped, right, you listened, right?? You both just— oh my god please stop, please stop!
Quackity: (laughing) Don't fucking laugh at me, man. I'll give us something to laugh about, right? How you gonna stay on the run when you're a fucking cripple?
Sam: Quackity, calm down.
Quackity: (rounding on him, gesturing with blood-soaked shears) What the FUCK is wrong with you?
Sam: I SAID. Calm. Down.
(His volume, and the wooden pick he's picked up, give Quackity pause, but only briefly.)
Quackity: Don't give me that! Don't give me that, Sam, you're always happy to watch! Pull up a fucking chair.
Sam: Just listen to me, Big Q! We can't die, we can't leave, we can't go back to the prison... XD is either keeping us stuck here forever, or he'll let us all go and we're back to the drawing board! You're not...
Quackity: (quiet, dangerous) I'm not... what?
Sam: This isn't... for the book! This is literally pointless!
DreamXD: 🌩 🫢 It is or it isn't. 🤷
Quackity: (full of vicious cheer) Oh, hey! Glad you've dropped by, did you want front-row seats for when I cut off his fucking feet? You'll have to update your ugly fucking impression!
Dream: Please! Let me—
DreamXD: You aren't answering my question. 😒
Sam: What even was...?
Quackity: Who gives a shit!!
Dream: (quickly) F-first time. The first.
DreamXD: SCORES: 82-82-85 (100) 💯🥳 And now, for the special QUESTION 💯 REVEAL!
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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Here's a LIST of PLOTS & GENERAL IDEAS I'd like to explore with my muses! They aren't in any particular order, and I'll be adding more as I go. Check out my wishlist tag too if you want!
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested!
Bolded ideas are the ones I'm craving the most. Italics are plots I'd like to do, but with which I'll be picky. Strikeout are ideas I'm currently not up for.
Dark threads. Violence, gore, torture, manipulation, near death experience, gruesome injuries, and any other sick things we can come up with!
Enemies / rivals with benefits relationships
Angst in general. Hurt my muses, betray them, hate them, be absolutely nasty. Let’s have one of our muses in a real bad situation and the other being hopeless to help.
Unrequited feelings (romantic, but also platonic). Let my muses suffer because their feelings are one-sided or have them dealing with the awkwardness of someone they know having one-sided feelings for them
Slow burn polyships
Fake dating plots
Amnesiac!muses threads
Crossovers !!!
Morty being as unhinged as he can be, with all his pent-up rage and trauma pouring out. And I also want to explore his more cynic / detached / apathetic side
Exploring the long term consequences of Morty's traumatic experience in Meeseeks and Destroy (and possibly a what-if scenario where things go down the real dark route)
Rick dealing with the aftermath of finally getting his vengeance, only to find out that he feels just as empty as before, If not worse
Digging into AR's psychotic disorder
A "business fuck buddies" to "friendly acquaintance" to "friends" to "friends with benefits" to "lovers" arc for Blitz & Stolas
A "bitter exes" to "I'll allow you in my space but I'll make it your problem" to "cautious friends" to "friends (with or without benefits)" arc for Blitz & Vero
Blitz & Fizz working through all their shitty past history and becoming queerplatonic besties
Adrien finding out about Monarch's true identity and that he's a sentimonster (not necessarily in that order). Bonus if it's Félix who tells me either things
Exploring the real extent of the long term consequences that Cole's abuse has on Félix
Adrien / Felix & Cat Noir / Argos shenanigans
Mirror verse stuff for Adrien and Cat Claw Noir
Anti-hero Poison Ivy
Rick Prime and / or Bill befriending other villain muses
Alastor and Vox. Literally anything with those two. I live for their one-sided rivalry or whatever that's supposed to be xD and yeah, I do ship them too, but that's not important
Alastor interacting with the other residents of the Hotel. Gimme shenanigans
Alastor & Rosie 'cause they are bff goals
Vaggie talking with someone about her past as an Exterminator / how she felt after she was banned
Vaggie & Carmilla mentee / mentor dynamic
Alastor meeting a version of himself. Gimme duplicates interactions for him, it would be so fun! I can't guess if they'll get along or hate each other's guts x3
[ Last update: 25/04/24]
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gendervapor14 · 10 months
(update from previous ask — gotta send numbers for each hang on)
2, 12, 18, and 21 for crocodile!! and 2, 22, and 25 for doffy ✨
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(here is the previous ask)
sweating and trembling. you want ME to answer things about crocodile and doflamingo??? okay let's do this
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i love how he punches holes through his newspapers with his hook. so uncalled for. you could totally just balance the pages between the curve and point but no, he has zero chill, he's gonna fuck up this newspaper so no one else can read it afterwards.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i think he has a special interest/connection with animals. a lot of animals feature in baroque works, especially his lovely bananawanis. animals are easy to trust and difficult to hold grudges against, so maybe their presence gives him some peace of mind? he seems to have no issues disposing of his human agents if they fail him, but i like to think he's more forgiving with animals.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
i'm a sucker for a devoted second-hand, (cough cough vergo) so i'm gonna go ahead and say daz bones and crocodile. i love how daz seems to be the exception to his cruel-streak. they're both there for each other and it's warms my heart. also gonna rec this fic real quick because the daz & croc relationship is so good...
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
oh. this is tough. in general i enjoy crocodile's ability to deadpan his way through a comedic situation? especially since he's frequently in the company of rosinante when i write him XD so yeah i enjoy making him very serious or slightly annoyed when there's some sort of ridiculous situation. something i don't like is how i never quite feel like i have a grasp on his character 😵 croc i need a backstory for you so badly... it's killing me...
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
so many things. i think for now, i'll say my favorite thing is how he seems to love sitting incorrectly. in warlord meetings, he's always got his ass perched on the back part of the chair, and his feet are in the seat. provided he isn't sitting on the table!! he likes to sit on those too. also people. loves to sit on people. think he used king riku as a footstool at one point.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
i'm actually really picky about how doflamingo is written. i don't read much about him unless i'm familiar with the writer. i'm not a huge fan of the manic-pixie-girl coked-up-to-the-moon mingo (although i do think that's a funny style at times) also not a fan of the stories where he's just used as The Big Bad to make someone (law) suffer for the sake of whump. i love fics where he's got some crackhead energy, but not TOO much, yknow. he's quite intelligent and very diligent with his schemes, so a lot of the more comedic/brutal takes on his character make his intelligence less believable.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
OH i love this question. my first impression was the warlord meeting i think? i was fascinated. loved his character design (rip black V neck shirt. why couldn't he wear that for dressrosa. the white open shirt was Not doing him any favors) i thought he was just gonna be some Quirky crazy bastard, and he is! but when i saw dressrosa, specifically the backstory at spider miles, my brain opened up. his backstory, the brother trauma, how he spent his early life... it wasn't what i was expecting and i found him much more compelling with all that depth. that's probably why i tend to write him like more of a sleazy business man, spider miles mingo stuck in my brain XD
thank you for these questions!! ♥ so much good thinking for the sleepy brain muscles XD
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bloopitynoot · 19 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 2
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
Chapter 2: Mission
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Okay pre read thoughts here. This story is so good! I am totally loving the premise of this, the system mechanics are wonderful (so much sass) but also so unpredictable!
I'm not going to lie I am nervous for this mission that Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu and co are about to go on. I just feel like things are about to get completely fucked LOL
again (as a reader not as system in book) points to Shen Yuan for noting how nasty the relationships are in this OG canon (p 63 re: Die-er and Old Master Chen- barf)
Okay but like I get it Shen Yuan- I still cannot imagine attempting to fake being a martial master OMG p.64
MOOD "Shen Qingqiu didnt even want to pretend to meditate, so he lay on the bed, just pretending to be dead" p65
unrelated to this plot but also related to this plot: I fucking love how MXTX is as a writer. I love the constant comments about the writing of women and side characters in fantasy writing it's very meta right now p67 (Re: shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu- i haven't decided what to call him at this point tbh- talking about how the "original author" wrote the shittiest female characters).
I am once again here to talk about how Shen Yuan talks about Luo Binghe (he is a child- another barf) but also Shen Yuan does have this future(?) omniscient (?) knowledge about about what he becomes as a fully realized adult character - it still makes me deeply uncomfortable RE: "Shen Qingqiu could only say that, as expected, the brilliant protagonist truly was overwhelmingly cool, awesome, insane, and badass, with a dick longer than the heavens" p68
RIP easy mode XD LOL p69
why is he naked tho??? p71
bless her heart- RE: everything about Ning Yingying p74
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I can't. Re: Luo Binghe's crisis pp76-77
If shen Qingqiu fixes this entire story by accidentally making Luo Binghe fall in love with him I- *deep sigh * pp76-77
The way Shen Yuan keeps reading the filth out of these characters- SO MUCH shade! "Their IQ wasn't beyond saving!" p 81
thank fuck he finally unlocked the OOC feat p85
Okay but the Lin Xi Caves actually sound so stunning p88
Re stunning caves: well minus the blood and qi deviation LOL
When his headcanon for Liu Qingge is absolutely wrecked ahahahaha p93
Liu Qingge really hates Shen Qingqiu (I mean, I get it but like still, damn) pp 97-98
Unrelated but I adore the way this sect is organized. It is visually stunning with the various peaks, im fully picturing this gorgeous mountain range
The QUEEREST thought so far in this is Shen Yuan commenting on the demon woman's (now I know she is Sha Hualing- don't @ me) footware, I can't p102
wait what the heck! Shen Qingqiu's fighting is so elegant! pp 106-107
Luo Binghe: status- Broken p107
OMG he wants to protect this kid but the struggle of a protagonist (re: -1000 if Luo Binghe does not fight) p109
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Hell yeah! I already love Liu Mingyan!!! p111
OMG he totally is accidentally causing Luo Binghe to fall for him. I can't-what a way to fix the plot. p112
The hate Shen Yuan has for Ning Yingying is too much XD I keep laughing, oh no. Him basically saying "omg thank you for running away I literally cannot handle you in this fight because you are a constant mess" p116
wait. WTF. Is Shen Qingqiu going to die?!?!?! p124
oh, thank fuck, Liu Qingge showed up pp129-130
bahahahah OFC he's "repaying for the cave" p131
oh damn well shit okay, that's one way to end the chapter.
I hope his cultivation is not fucked because of the poison!?!?!?
also jesus, that's a harsh way to get points. Does he level up in this?? I feel like he at least deserves a level up.
That's all for this chapter!
Tomorrow is date night for me and my partner so maybe no chapter- but we will see if I have time to read earlier or not.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
IT IS. star trek update time. last night we did ds9's "the muse" and voy's "the thaw."
the muse (ds9):
the a-plot of this was so fucking stupid. WHY is it always jake and older women...can we please cut him a fucking break...
also, the mysticism around writing. "i can show you exercises and techniques" "you have so many ideas it all seems too big to you right now" come on. the only exercise and technique she needed to show him was how to fucking outline. it's not MAGIC you don't get divinely graced with the ability to write a book you just sit down and do one little bit at a time. i cannot believe writers wrote this. insufferable. they sound like george rr martin i hope he is having a bad day wherever he is
jake and sisko at the end were so cute though...sisko my beloved...
the b plot.............................................
here's the thing. while i have reversed my stance on lwaxana troi, who got much better in her final few episodes (was this the last one or do we have one more...?), i don't want odo/lwaxana to be better than odo/kira and the odo/lwaxana was REALLY GOOD. and ik some people really didn't like the way odo/kira wound up happening in canon so even though idk what happens yet NOBODY TELL ME i am bracing for it to be bad and to love it unconditionally anyway. so that was a huge struggle for me
odo in his little shapeshifter playground feeding off of lwaxana's giddiness...i wish deanna had been able to do the reverse-empath thing on tng, it would have been so much fun
ALSO i cant believe he finally got his first little smooch!!!! GOOD FOR HIM
the thaw (voy)
sigh. so apparently a lot of people really like this episode but i...hated it. one of the worst voy episodes to date actually
whatever this episode THINKS it's saying about fear is lost under the set dressing. and the set dressing IS really cool - i like the wacky practical effects and bright colors. it reminds me a lot of tos. in fact, this whole episode could have been a tos episode, but it would have been one of those tos episodes that makes the top 10 worst ranking or whatever
the problem is the Randumb XD Humor...it's like q, like the squire of gothos. it just doesn't hit for me and never will. like, the actors were good at what they did, the costumes looked great, the set was funky, even the background music really fucked, but things being Randumb XD is just too dated for me. i don't mind star trek being dated most of the time but this is where i draw the line. maybe i'd like it better if i gave it another shot, but i probably will not be doing that
i think janeway called it in, with her acting. like everyone's like damn she ACTED no girl she did a lot of dramatic whispering. and who can blame her. the script was all over the place
i just think if you're trying to terrify people you could do better than the circus theme. yeah, clowns bad, but even tng had that spooky morgue thing happening
also, lost opportunity: if this clown guy can kill people by scaring them to death ie making them live the experience of getting their heads chopped off virtually which gives them a heart attack in real life then why not write tuvok, local expert at conquering fear, into this episode? you could have cut off tuvok's head and he wouldn't have died of fright. it would have been perfect for the metaphor
the ending to this episode would have fucked a lot more if the rest of it hadn't sucked so bad. janeway's murder walk was REALLY good. it's also something kirk would have done, if they'd had the holodeck in tos, and thank GOD they didn't
but yeah, the solution of fear needing conquering and wanting to be conquered just doesn't hit when most of the script...didn't really talk about fear, it was just wilding out
TONIGHT: ds9's "for the cause" and voy's "tuvix"...okay, wait, i'm just now looking at these episode titles. everyone on reddit is always so mad about janeway killing a guy named tuvix but i thought i got it mixed up with tuvOK. like i literally thought she killed tuvok and everybody was like dw about it she doesn't kill tuvok so who tf is tuvix...is this a clone thing or something? like black shirt green shirt tuvok?? please let it be a clone thing
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empressofthesunwriter · 3 months
You and I 01
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Whether in canon or in fantasy, whether already in love or falling, whether naughty or nice, You and Izuku always find your way to each other.
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The Bracelet SFW
Hello and welcome to story 10000000 or so. XD
This is a little project I’ve been thinking about for a while.
Izuku Midoriya is not only my favourite character in MHA, but he is also currently number one of my anime crushes.
I swear if this boy was real and my age I would marry him on the spot!
Since I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who loves our Green Bean I thought about making this One-Shot Collection for all us Izuku-Fangirls.
It will be cute and also dirty.
So there will be for anyone something there to read.
I will update this story when I get ideas for a One-Shot.
I take requests, but only if I feel comfortable writing this story you propose, some things like suicide in it I won’t write as examples.
Please understand.
Now enjoy the first love story of Izuku and You!
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The first One-Shot is just a little cute and short story with a bracelet. SFW.
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Love hurt.
Love was a bitch.
Love was a fucking villain who beat you up and left you bleeding to death on a dirty alleyway, you were sure.
It felt like a thousand knives rammed themselves into your heart as you saw Izuku, your crush and Uraraka, your frenemies, playing together a card game and being sugary sweet with each other.
God, you wanted to throw up.
Since you guys all moved into the dorms of U.A. you could see how these two grow closer any day.
Of course, it was like living together...with 18 other people but whatever.
The most important thing was, how Izuku and Uraraka got closer and you considered joining the villains to get rid of her.
Kidding, of course, you were kidding, but the jealous side of you had unkind ideas towards your rival.
Stupid Uraraka with her cute face and stupid cute quirk!
She was the perfect girly girl and you...we're so not.
First, you had a pretty manly Quirk, as Eijiro liked to say. 
Second, you weren't all pink and glitter and rainbows.
Yeah, why should Izuku choose you over Uraraka?
No one would.
Signing you got up from one of the couches and made your way to your room.
Not noting how your bracelet, a gift from your dear grandmother, fell from your arm, you were just too depressed.
However, someone saw.
You lay in your bed like a death starfish staring at the ceiling like it has all the answers to your love problems as it knocks on your door.
"Come in.", you said with a lifeless voice.
"[Your Last Name]...are you okay?"
You sat so fast up that you nearly got whiplash.
Izuku was here!
In your room!
Oh my god!
What did he want?!
"Hey Midoriya.", you quacked out. "What brings you to my humble home."
Shyle he holds your bracelet up in the air.
"I saw how you lost it and wanted to give it back.", he explained.
You jumped out of bed and took the bracelet.
"Oh thank you Izuku, this bracelet is so important to me, I would be so sad if I lost it."
"I had a feeling, you wear it even in your Hero Costume.", he noted with a cute blush.
He took so much note of you, that he remembers this?
"Yeah, you are right.", you say a bit stupified. 
Nervously you try to put it back on, yet thanks to your sweaty fingers, the bracelet slips away from you.
"Erm, may I?", ask you Izuku, pointing at the bracelet.
You just nod, cheeks a flame, as he puts the bracelet back on your wrist.
"You know my grandfather gifted my grandmother this bracelet.", you hear yourself say to him. Why are you telling him this romantic story? "He asked her with it to be his girlfriend when they were both 16 and then at 18 they married."
Izuku looks at you with his beautiful green eyes and smiles softly.
"That's a really sweet story."
"Grandma gifted it to me on my birthday, saying the bracelet would bring my destined love to me. Isn't it funny, hahaha? And you brought it back to me, erm I mean, forgot what I said."
You would shut your mouth up with Sero's tape! 
Why are you such a basket case?!
Why do you say such things to him when he has Uraraka?
You are making a fool out of you!
Only Izuku didn't look at you like you were an idiot, he had a soft blush on his cheeks.
"Oh really...this sounds nice.", he mumbles and rubs his neck.
You blink and your mouth is faster than your brain: "Do you wanna get a juice with me?"
His green eyes sparkle formally in happiness and your heart beats faster.
 "It's a date."
You both giggle and Izuku takes your hand in his.
Together you make your way to the next cafe to get your juices.
Maybe your grandma was right...
Two years later when you and Izuku are 18 and marry you wear of course the bracelet that brought your destined love to you and when your daughter is 16 you hand it to her and tell her how this bracelet would lead her to her love, like it with you and her father.
Izuku hugs you from behind and kisses you, eagerly you kiss him back, while your daughter rolls her eyes at you two.
Uurgh, you were so lovey-dovey it gave her caries!
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