#but yeah no if you know me you know i love *translation differences like this
antiquarianfics · 20 hours
Taken pt. 11
If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would go back to that morning. He would hold you a little tighter in his arms, and he would kiss you a little deeper. He would pull your daughter in between the two of you, letting her giggle as loudly as she wants whilst her parents kiss her cheeks and tickle her belly. If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would have told you not to go to the park—to go anywhere else. But Bucky Barnes can’t time travel, and his wife and daughter are gone.
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a/n: this is a direct result of the power of commenting/reblogging an author's work. someone said they were sad they didn't think i was going to finish this, and i realized i hadn't finished it, and i have some time for once, so i decided to be skibidi sigma. (gen alpha brainrot is starting to come out unironically. i work with middle schoolers. sorry.)
warnings: swearing, blackmail, mention of murder, themes of conspiracy, canon typical violence.
note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters. Any and all characters are a work of fiction and any likeness to real persons is wholly unintentional.
You do not have permission to copy, translate, or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
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When the judge tells you, “Mrs. Y/N L/N-Barnes, you’re a free woman,” you let out a sob and feel yourself yanked into a firm chest that you’d recognize anywhere: Bucky.
“You’re okay, sweetheart. You’re coming home.”
You would think that months working for the enemy, followed by months locked up in a cell, followed by a month of trial, that finally ended in your freedom and return to your family would bring you peace.
It doesn't.
Sure, finally sleeping in your own bed again and cuddling up next to your husband was amazing, hugging your daughter again was amazing, having privacy again was amazing... but freedom and its perks don't erase trauma. You get to lie in your own bed again and cuddle up next to your husband, but you can't sleep lest the nightmares come. You get to hug your daughter again, but you're always looking over your shoulder, worried someone will snatch her away from you again. You get to have privacy, but you never trust that you're truly alone.
After everything that has happened, you realize, you will never be able to go back to how things were. You're a different person than you were before you and Becca were taken. You're a murderer now, not a hero. When you look at your hands, all you see is blood, and when you look in the mirror, all you see is a shell of the woman you once were.
The first week back home as a free woman is spent making amends, as per the recommendation of your court-mandated therapist.
"Steve, I am so sorry for trying to kill you. I... I don't even know what to say. If it weren't for Bec, I wouldn't've, but-" You say, throat dry, palms sweaty as you wipe them on your pants.
"Hey, it's okay. I understand. I forgive you. If anyone is going to understand turning on a friend to protect someone they care about, it's me." Steve gives you a comforting smile, his tone so earnest. "Just ask Tony and Bucky."
You crack a smile.
After Steve, came Fury and Coulson, the late presidents' family, the families of the many politicians you killed... the list felt unending as you worked your way through it.
It takes months to track down the loved ones of all the people you hurt while with HYDRA, and by the time you're finished with it, you're more exhausted than when you were literally locked up and starved while in HYDRA's custody.
With a huff and a frown, you flop onto the couch. You fall over the arm of the couch and land on your back. Bucky laughs a little as he watches your dramatic display, walking over and leaning over you, resting his arms on the back of the couch.
"Tired?" He asks.
"Yeah. This making amends stuff is exhausting. Don't know how you do it." You flop an arm over your eyes.
"Slowly but surely," he says. "And it helps that I have a super hot and supportive wife to encourage me when it feels like too much." He reaches over the couch and pokes your stomach. You giggle and squirm.
"I don't know that the 'hot' part helps the amends," you say pointedly.
"Maybe, but it doesn't hurt."
You smirk but say nothing. Bucky watches for a moment.
"Well?" He asks finally.
"Well what?"
"Are you going to say it back?"
"Say what back?"
"You know."
"I don't know."
"That having a super hot and supportive husband makes making amends easier," he says in a matter-of-fact tone. You lift your arm off your face to look at him; he's wearing a shit-eating grin.
"I guess it does help a little," you concede.
He jumps up, throwing his arms in the air in victory. It's a little out of character for him, but it makes you laugh. He's been going out of his way to make you laugh, even when it includes him doing things that feel unnatural to him. Bucky Barnes wants his wife back, yes, but he is also aware that after everything that you went through, you won't be the same. Things won't go back to normal: there will just be a new normal. In the meantime, he just wants you to laugh a little while you figure out what your new normal is.
At some point, you fall asleep on the couch. Bucky leaves you there, afraid to move you lest you wake up. Ever since your captivity with Frost and HYDRA, you've been having nightmares that Bucky worries rival his. Any nightmare-free sleep you get is rare and needed.
Bucky had lain a blanket over you before putting Becca to bed and heading to bed himself, and even though he'd deny it, he was exhausted, too. So when your nightmares start, he doesn't wake up.
The nightmare starts out slow, and you toss and turn in your sleep, pitiful whimpers leaving your lips. Though, it doesn't take long for the nightmares to progress. Soon, you've tossed the blanket onto the floor and your whimpers have turned into screams. Bucky doesn't hear, but Becca does.
The 4 year old walks through the apartment, leaving her room quietly in search of her screaming mother. She's scared; she's never heard you scream like this. While locked up, she heard you scream in anger—she still remembers how you screamed and pulled the chains out of the wall—but she has never heard you scream in fear. Until now. Her mommy has always been the bravest person she knows, and that's even braver than her daddy—he said so himself.
Clutching her stuffed rabbit in one hand, she slowly walks into the living room where she can see you flailing and screaming on the couch.
"Mommy?" Becca calls out softly, nervously. When you don't answer, she tries again, moving closer still. "Mommy, wake up."
Again, you don't answer. You're still deeply asleep. Becca walks up to the couch and stands right beside you. Tentatively, she places the hand not holding her rabbit against your shoulder and shakes.
"Mommy, wake up."
When you still don't wake up, she shakes your shoulder a little harder and speaks up a little louder.
"Mommy, wake up! Mommy, it's just a dream. Just a bad dream. Wake up!" She gives a good push to your shoulder with the last 'wake up' and you sit up quickly, swinging your arms in a punch. You hit Becca, and she stumbles back, loses her balance, and falls, hitting her head against the coffee table.
You start to fully come to. You're looking around the room frantically, breathing heavily, and, slowly, you realize you're in a familiar place. Slowly, you recognize your living room. Slowly, you realize your daughter is bleeding on the floor.
You do a double take. Becca is sat against the coffee table, her bunny abandoned at her side. She's holding her head, but blood is still dripping out from the sides of her small hand, and she's bawling.
"M-m-mommy, I'm s-s-sorry!" She cries.
"Becca! Oh, no, no, no!" You quickly stumble off the couch, sitting on your knees as you hover your hands next to Becca's head, trying to assess the damage.
"I'm so sorry, baby. Mama's so sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to."
The commotion is loud enough that it wakes Bucky up and he slides into the room, panic staining his face.
"Y/N, what's going on? Are you okay? Is Becca okay?" He says worriedly, rushing over to you and kneeling beside you.
Noticing that you're not actually touching Becca or trying to help, he pushes you out of the way, pulling Becca's hand away from her forehead. He grimaces as he gently swipes his thumb across the cut, wiping the blood away. He lets out a relieved breath.
"It's not that bad. It's okay. You're okay, sweetheart," he tells Becca, kissing her forehead.
Bucky turns to see that you've backed yourself into the corner of the room, as far away from him and Becca as you could possibly get. You're holding your head in your hands, crying, and muttering "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to," over and over.
"Doll, she's okay. It's just a small cut. You didn't do anything wrong," Bucky reassures you, scooping Becca in his arms as he speaks. He was piecing together that you'd hurt her in a post-nightmare haze (he was familiar with them).
You just shake your head frantically.
Bucky gets Becca cleaned up and put back to bed. When he returns to the living room, you're still huddled in the corner, but you've stopped crying. Instead, you're staring blankly at the wall. He walks over.
"Doll? Hey." He gently tilts your chin towards him. "Bec's okay. She's not mad—a little rattled—but mostly worried about her mama. You didn't do anything wrong. You know that, right?"
You shake your head and he sighs.
"She's asking for you."
You finally make eye contact.
"No. I don't want to see her; I can't see her. You have to keep Becca away from me, Bucky." Each word that leaves your mouth is deadly serious. Bucky's mouth is slightly agape as he takes in your words.
"Sweetheart, she's okay. You can see her," he tries.
"No, I can't. I'm a danger to her, Bucky. I hurt my baby." Your voice cracks, and the pain in your voice breaks Bucky's heart.
"Promise me you will keep her away from me," you beg.
He nods reluctantly. "Okay."
You nod and turn your gaze back to the wall. It's silent for a few minutes.
You stand abruptly and Bucky quickly mirrors the action.
"What is it?" Bucky asks.
"I'm going to kill Frost," you say at the same time.
A beat. Bucky stares at you.
"I'm going to hunt that son of a bitch down, and I am going to make him pay for everything he has done to this family." You make direct eye contact with your husband. "Everything."
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localicecreambiter · 2 days
demi god LU time
the law of hyperfixations says you must combine interests at every given chance
adding a cut here as to not clog feeds!! its a real long post
i wanna hear thoughts too! so dont be afraid to comment. these are my personal opinions and i wanna hear if anyone agrees or disagrees :D (apologies for all the tags btw)
edit to add the stupid doodle
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the gods all have favorites, and ironically none of them are their own kids (save for hades: he loves his kid. doesn't make him a good parent, but you know?)
In a more Zelda timeline abiding setting; Originally they weren't all at camp halfblood at the same time, but time shenanigans decided they were to be brought together
Imagine Chiron’s surprise when 7 of his dead campers waltz into camp (this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME they enter camp. Dionysus is completely unfazed, knowing the bs time shit the gods are dealing with atm)
By the time they enter camp in Wild’s Hyrule for the second time he kinda understands (Wind and Sky didnt have a Camp Halfblood, for the record, for obvious reasons)
Alternatively, its some form of modern au where they’re just from different parts of Hyrule (skyloft, downfall, ordonia, windfall peninsula, hyrule town (different from castle town), the list goes on) which would make a lot more sense for this kinda au (the world would’ve just had a LOT of calamities within the span of a few years, some of the heroes knowing about camp and others not so much)
(i think Legend, Wars, Time, Wind (post WW) and Four would’ve known about Camp Halfblood while the others were just kinda on their own until after their quests) meaning over half of them didn’t have prophecies and just went to deal with the issue themselves, possibly meaning on their journey they learned of camp
Ok well, all of them but Wars, who grew up at Camp Halfblood
All Zelda’s are children of Athena, save for Skyward Sword Zelda since she's the reincarnation of Hylia (yeah, im keeping the original Zelda goddesses! What of it?)
At some point fairly early on, a Zelda only had a son, who got together with Athena at some point and boom
Sky: child of Zeus 
self explanatory 
God of the skies? his name is literally Sky
not to mention how fucking powerful he is?
he was the "first" Link; Zeus was technically the first God, it makes sense (this is such a stupid reason)
The skies are his home, Zeus finding someone on Skyloft and “falling in love” with their love of the sky too results in this bad boy right here
The demise fight? Only a zeus kid could harbor lightning like that
A camp counselor in the modern setting (ik typically once you’re 18, you’re no longer a camper really, but shhhh)
Wind: child of Poseidon 
Don't roll your eyes, i've got a reason!!
the 4 wind gods throw a fit anytime he's sent on a quest (they all love him even if they won't admit it)
A world purely ocean and islands? Poseidon would have a fuckin ball
The Great Sea needed a hero, Wind was brought about more for necessity than out of the want to have a child (this leaves a hard disconnect between wind and the gods, knowing his dad didn’t really have him out of love for his mom but because the world needed to be saved)
The irony of Poseidon being the patron of pegasi and horses and Wind not knowing what a horse is will never not be a funny thought
Has more control over the wind than he does the sea (for now) 
he, like Legend, pointedly ignores that he's a demi-god, especially since he comes after the Hero of Time (kinda hard to live up to that, even outside of a demi-god au)
The ocean and winds are his mood ring: you upset him the wind gods are after you
In a modern setting, the same reason applies kinda; a quest under the sea would be virtually impossible for anyone but a child of Poseidon, and hell knows a cyclopes isnt gonna be sent (gotta love those prophecies) 
Wind isnt a demigod
The wind gods still adore him, but he doesn't have the hero’s spirit and i think that’d kinda translate to not being a demigod, yet still being the one who was destined to go on the quest because there just weren't any demigods to do it
Still not set on which id go with
Legend: child of Hades 
Ah yes, child of the big three goes on so many quests trope. Love to see it
he's Apollo's favorite favorite (Warriors is jealous as hell. Thats his dad! Wdym he likes Legend more????) 
Pointedly ignores the fact he's a demigod (at least, he definitely tries to)
Blessed by (and beefing with) so many gods from his quests
probably one of the few heroes who's spoken to their godly parent (trust me, it was out of obligation rather than free will)
Prefers helping out the more minor, underappreciated, and not as needy or bitchy gods (like Hestia, for example)
curses the Olympians constantly, they've learned to ignore him, hes their best questing kid
Sort of a general camp counselor since Hades doesn't really have kids (its technically his last year but hes been there the longest out of everyone)
Managed to block the oracle over iris message
After his trip to the dark world and lorule, the gods go haywire around him, much to his delight (because it means they leave him alone)
Hyrule: child of Hecate 
adopted by Hermes (much to the dismay of all the Hermes children)
I was on the line between Hecate, Apollo, and Hermes; Hyrule’s affinity for magic and the blood curse resulted in Hecate to win 
Very detached from the gods, the help he receives is never outright but more subtle blessings
The gods like to ignore Downfall after Legend died tbh (outside of modern, obviously)
Well, they still ignore Downfall as a city/country. 
Only learned of camp thanks to Legend, otherwise he wouldn’t have had a clue it existed
Wild: child of Athena 
Also adopted by Hermes 
One of the more chaotic children of Athena
The idea of Athena being his godly parent sourced from his resourcefulness and quick battle (or just general) strategies, along with his pre-calamity self being stoic and more on the critical side
Completely forgot he was a demigod and just let loose, Athena is more than slightly perturbed by him and yet so infatuated
Supervises archery at camp
Warriors: child of Apollo 
exemplifies almost 0 traits of his father other than his looks and his affinity for medicine (shit archer, shit musician, can't write poetry)
blessed by Athena during the war since he was struggling so much, she always has a soft spot for the heros since they fight to protect her daughters so hard (aka pity blessing) 
Actively beefing with Ares 
Aphrodite likes to keep an eye on him, mostly for entertainment (she woulda eaten the whole Cia debacle UP)
Very notorious in camp considering he was a war captain at the ripe age of 17; once learning of the whole Camp Jupiter has apartments and college for half bloods insisted and led a project at CHB to get something similar built (which is where he, Sky and Twilight stay after turning 18)
Twilight: child of Demeter
His love for ranch animals and caring for his farm lead me to this decision
Also the whole wolf thing, that also counts
Appalled by the fact Wind doesn't know what a horse is considering he's literally the son of Poseidon (jealous the kid can talk to Epona and he can't)
After his journey to the twilight, the gods kinda flicker between Greek and Roman around him so they tend to avoid him like Legend
blessed/cursed by Lupa, hence the wolf thing
Teaches foraging lessons at camp
Four: child of Hephaestus
He's the smithy, I couldn’t not say he's a Hephaestus kid
received a lot less help from the gods since he was one of the first 
started advocating that heros receive help from the divine after LU concludes so those after him have a fighting chance (not in the modern setting)
I havent played many of his games, but the kinstones sound like a thing Hephaestus would scatter across the earth as scrap from his creations
Not one of the fire wielders (the only one that can wield fire is Red when split, mostly because of the elemental bs in minish cap)
After drawing the Four Sword, Janus (despite being roman (i like to think the four sword would be a roman artifact, it just feels right)) was suddenly pretty interested and bestowed what wisdom he had for the demi-god
Vulcan, Neptune, Aeolus, and Ceres all came together to forge the elemental stones; the Minish were still the ones to bestow the sword to Hylian people
The gods tend to avoid him too, for the same reason they avoid Twilight and Legend (dark world shenanigans and the Four Sword)
He loves the damn forge at CHB, and was ecstatic seeing the one at Camp Jupiter
He was asked by Chiron if he would be interested in running a forge class for young demigods (be it his siblings or anyone interested) but sadly declined 
Has that air of responsibility to him, being a seasoned quester (and while his 3 doesn't stand to Legend’s 6, its still pretty sizable) hes looked up to by the younger campers
Time: child of Demeter Kronos? 
The Kokiri were so Demeter core dont even tell me they werent
I guess they’d kinda act like nymphs and dryads in a sense??
His abilities use to relate to his mother until the events of his first quest: the Ocarina of Time was designed to slowly corrupt the user, being a creation of Kronos’
However, it wasn’t really designed with a demigod in mind sooo…
Also self explanatory, the titan of time? Duh… huh?? what do you mean he was taken over?? What do you mean he was a child of Demeter?? No he wasnt lol that Neverrr happened
the reason he's the only “child” of a titan is mainly because of the fierce deity mask literally making him god-like, meaning he has a lot more power harbored in him sooo (the second he dawned that mask he discarded his old identity for that of a titan’s child, since it was also cursed object)
Don’t ask how he came to being Kronos’ kin, no one knows, not even he does (I do) (no, it does not imply a Hylian wandered into Tarturus and got out alive to have the baby)
Avoids interacting with the gods at all costs, he's weary of them as they are of him (even if he saved the world twice)
Extras :)
Ravio: child of Pluto 
blessed by Minerva for his natural quick witted nature and clever war strategies, if her own daughter can't succeed she might as well make sure ONE does
can tell if a rupee is real or not by glance alone
Sheerow scares the fuck out of the gods, which in turn means Ravio puts them on edge, a thing very few can achieve
the gods never gave him much thought until the events of albw, to which he suddenly gained like four pair of godly eyes on him
can and will plan one of the worlds most successful heists, refuses to participate 
also beefing with Ares (not Mars, Ares)
Based on my personal HC that Ravio’s some sort of artificer (be it replicating magic dungeon items or just flat out creating new ones) i think Vulcan has his eyes on him too
Hilda: child of Minerva 
by far the strangest child Minerva ever birthed
exemplifies the traits of a hero rather than a ruler
a little jealous her mother likes Ravio more than her
gods be damned, she's not going to let them neglect her kingdom anymore 
a force of fucking nature that single handedly forced a meeting with the gods and somehow forced them to agree to start restoring Lorule (she got the idea from Legend, who has done this multiple times for multiple different reasons)
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sugarushwriting · 22 hours
vampire enhypen ot7, you’re their human blood bank (part eight and last part!!) (or is it the end?)
last part! thank you for loving this series, that i didn’t expect to be a series!
also i realized mfc roomies name is jen 🤦🏽‍♀️ pls ignore that and imagine two different jens
not proof read.
reblog, like, comment, share but please do not repost or translate.
again, i am not shipping any le sserafim girls with enhypen, especially ni-ki and eunchae!!
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
a few days passed and jay felt like he lost all authority of the guys. ni-ki was ignoring him and all the other guys, they couldn’t find him after he disappeared in the middle of the night. he hadn’t showed up to classes the rest of the week.
they lost you. you ignoring every effort of them trying to reach out. again, it hurt you to ignore jake and the younger ones, but you couldn’t be sure they were genuinely concerned or doing it because of jay and sunghoon.
sunghoon was pissed at jay as well. jay was still angry with jake. jake was just trying to focus on classes but he missed your taste and blood.
jungwon only got to feed on you once, and his body was definitely craving your blood. heeseung tried to help him feed on another human safely, but it seemed his body rejected the blood.
soon it would be sunoos turn to feed on a human, and he was less than thrilled.
jay stood in the middle of the library in the house that you loved so much. your scent lingering behind. he sighed in frustration, more at himself.
“jay.” sunghoon caught his attention.
jay turned around. “yeah.”
“we have trouble.”
the trouble? sakura called in a friend.
bang chan, also known as chris. he was an elder vampire, even older than jay by a decade. but not only was he a vampire, but a vampire—werewolf hybrid.
bang chan brought two of his own vampires, lee know and seungmin.
“thank you for coming so quickly.”
“of course.”
bang chan lived not too far away, but stayed low. he didn’t just take in vampires, but all supernatural creatures that don’t have a family or their original living arrangements didn’t work out.
ni-ki bowed to the oldest.
“you must be ni-ki.” bang chan smiled.
bang chan explained how he made sure all supernatural creatures learned to live among humans all while balancing their other lifestyle.
he has fairies, a banshee, a ghoul, other vampires, werewolves and so much more he helps and takes care of.
“i could come with you?”
“if you want. i understand your original living plans may not be going the way it should?”
ni-ki shook his head, “he’s threatening to send me to switzerland.”
“sounds like good ole jay. just hauling newbies off when he finds it too hard.” lee know laughed.
you soon came down the stairs surprised by the handsome men in the living room.
“is she a creature needing a living space too?” lee know asked.
“no. she’s a human hiding from the guys. they poisoned her to keep her at bay to behave.” sakura answered.
“jay has become more unhinged since the last i have seen him.” bang chan said and looked at sakura. “basically since he last had you, when you were human.”
“they know we’re in town.” seungmin whispered.
he was talking about jay and sunghoon. bang chan looked back to the younger one. “do they know where exactly?”
“they shouldn’t, i made sure they couldn’t track us.” sakura said.
“that’s why we couldn’t smell you all.” bang chan nodded. “smart.”
sakura got a phone call from one of the girls.
“we’re being followed by them.” kazhua said.
sakura already knew who she meant by them. sakura looked at the three vampires in her living room.
“lead them here. it’s fine.” sakura answered then hung up.
kazuha and eunchae led sunghoon and jay straight to the seraphims house, pretending they didn’t know they were being followed.
both girls entered the house, greeting the three men. sakura made quick introductions, then a knock came at the door.
“oh how nice for them to knock.” bang chan laughed.
sakura went to open the door, jay and sunghoon pushed past her but stopped when they came eye to eye with bangchan.
“hello men.” he smirked. he knew those two had no power over him. bangchan was one of the strongest living supernatural creatures there was.
jay didn’t even acknowledge him. “ni-ki, pack your things, you’re coming home with us.”
“no, you’ll just send me to switzerland!”
jay shook his head. “i realized i over reacted. i promise not to send you to switzerland.”
“why? so you can chain me in the basement instead?”
sunghoon made eye contact with you. “babydoll.” he said barely above a whisper. he couldn’t even recognize his own voice.
your heart fluttered at hearing sunghoons voice. “hi hoonie.”
he went to step closer to you, but stopped himself. “babydoll, how are you?”
“she’s fine now that she’s not poisoned by you.” kazhua spat.
sunghoon frowned. “i am so sorry.” he was defeated. you were special to them.
jay was fighting his emotions. his family was basically falling apart. jake was ignoring him, sunoo and jungwon was tiptoeing around him, ni-ki had ran away, sunghoon and heeseung was frustrated with him.
most of all, he lost you. he betrayed you and your trust. and because of that, his own clan was struggling. but he just needed you to know you belonged to them and no one else.
he didn’t like the idea that you may be going off with bangchan and his clan.
jay looked up at you with pleading eyes. “love, i am so so sorry for how i treated you and made the guys treat you.” jay stepped closer to you, you instinctively stepped back. “love, please don’t go off with them.”
you looked at him surprised. “you think i was going to leave with them?” you pointed towards bangchan and the other two guys.
eunchae shook her head. “she wants to become a seraphim.”
everyone in that room looked at you in shock. eunchae was tired of holding onto what you asked her last night.
“absolutely not! i will not lose another love!” jay yelled in anger. then looked to sakura with pleading eyes. in order for you to become a seraphim you would have to die. you knew that much.
“what’s the point of me staying human if i grow older and you all stay the same huh? what happens then jay?” you argued once again. “like i have stated, i refuse to be at your beck and call for the rest of my life!”
“fine! you wanna become a supernatural creature?”
no one, not even bangchan saw what was coming next. jay used his vampire speed to pass everyone, to get to you.
you couldn’t even realize he was in front of you until he sunk his teeth into your neck. this time, it felt different. it didn’t feel like jay was feeding. no, this stung, terribly. you screamed out in pain.
you heard screaming, gasping, your named being yelled, jays name being yelled, and then jay ripped off of you.
all before you blacked out.
“babydoll, wake up please.” you heard sunghoons pleading voice.
“jay has lost his damn mind!” jake said next.
“what the hell is wrong with him?” this was heeseungs voice.
“it’s his emotions.” you think that was bangchan. “he’s blinded by her like he was sakura. but this time, he refused to lose her.” bangchan sighed. “he went against his morals to keep the woman he wanted.”
“but now we won’t even be able to feed off of her. her blood is like ours!” jake stated in worry. oh how he was going to miss your taste.
“not necessarily,” bangchan offered, “her body still needs to accept or reject the change.”
you squirmed. what does he mean accept or reject? you slowly opened your eyes, realizing you were at the boys house, in sunghoons room. you had a cold towel pressed on your forehead, a mini heart monitor attached to your finger.
“baby, you’re awake!” jake smiled in relief and went up next to you to grab your hand.
bangchan asked, “how are you feeling?”
“like hell.” you answered with a groan. “what do you mean accept or reject?”
bangchan didn’t beat around the bush. instead simply and straightforwardly answered your question. “when someone gets turned into a vampire, their body will either reject the transformation or accept it. by accepting it, you turn into a newbie. by rejecting, you’ll either return back to a human with some complications or die.” bangchan explained. “we’ll know in the next 12 hours what your body does.”
“what kind of complications?” you asked.
“there’s no limit or straight answer. some who have rejected the change became blind, or mute, or deaf. they’ve became paralyzed. some develop paranoia, ptsd, and other mental disorders. some end up getting tumors or cancer. very rare has those who rejected the change return to their normal self.”
“im gonna kill him.” sunghoon said under his breath.
“no need for that, let’s see how she does, first.” bangchan said trying to ease the tension. “remember, you all said she was special. it’s very rare a vampire loses all their morals and senses over a human. there must be a reason.”
“any ideas?” sunghoon asked.
“there’s a few,” bangchan began. “all of you say she’s special, at least the ones that have fed on her. and there’s some reasons to that. her blood could have a rare genetic marker that makes you all more attracted to her. it could be simple as her blood type is rare and more diserable. or it could be symbolic.”
“symbolic how?” you asked now interested yourself.
“a human who’s special to a vampire can represent the human side or humanity that vampires lost once they became what they are. a reminder of their past life of what they once were. it causes an emotional attachment and significance.”
“what was it for sakura?” you asked.
“her blood type was rare and more desirable back then.” sunghoon answered. “same for kazuha. the more we fed the more we bonded with them through their blood.”
“what happens if my body accepts the change?”
“you’ll have to feed on jays blood to complete the change.”
“and if i don’t?”
“you die.”
jay was being watched heavily by lee know, seungmin, sakura, and kazuha. eunchae stayed back at the house with ni-ki, and jen, chae and garam showed up to keep them company after what they witnessed.
jay was surprised by his own self. he’s never went against his morals. he vowed to never bite a human to change them unless they were close to dead and agreed to become a vampire.
“i don’t need a babysitter.” jay huffed.
“if she dies, i will rip your head off myself.” sakura snapped. “another human doesn’t deserve to die because of you.” sakura wanted to cry but she stayed strong.
“sakura, im so sorry.” jay apologized.
“centuries too late buddy.”
sunghoon walked into the living room where jay was being watched. jay stood up quickly, “how is she? any change? any idea of what her body will do?”
“she’s okay for now, she’s awake. no worries or ideas yet. she’s aware her body may accept or reject and bangchan explained what may happen if her body rejects it. bangchan even explained why we could be so attached to her.” sunghoon said.
“why are yall so possessive of her?” sakura asked. “is her blood that rare like how mine and kazuhas was? it’s the 21st century, im sure her rare blood type is more out there than before.”
sunghoon shook his head. “im not sure. she doesn’t remind me of my past before i became a vampire.”
jay shook his head. “me niether.”
“then it could be a genetic marker in her blood.” lee know offered as insight. “meaning she could come from a line of heritage that is just meant to be a human blood bank for vampires.”
“meaning she was made to be fed on by vampires.” seungmin summarized.
“then why aren’t yall going crazy for her? is it because you all haven’t tasted her?” sakura asked.
lee know shook his head. “she smells sweet, but not something i want. she is made for jay and his line of vampires, meaning, everyone he’s turned.”
“if we taste her, she may either taste normal or bitter to us.” seungmin added. “it also means someone in her family has the same genetic marker and was fed on by a descendant of jays. whether it be a great-great grandmother or great aunt or uncle, or whatever. there’s no pattern on how many generations it skips or passes down to.”
“if that’s the case, then her body will reject the change because she’s not meant to be a vampire.” bangchan spoke up as he came down to the living room. “if her genetic make up is made for her being fed on, then she’ll reject the change, survive, and go back to normal, hopefully with no complications. we just have to wait and see.”
“that still doesn’t excuse your behavior!” sakura scolded. “poor eunchae and ni-ki are probably traumatized!”
12 hours later, you felt the same. you didn’t feel sick, you didn’t feel stronger, you felt like the same ole plain you. your body rejected the change with no complications.
bangchan explained the reasoning behind that. your genetic marker and why you’re so special.
“so i still grow old, they’ll be young, and eventually throw me to the curb?” you sighed.
bangchan shrugged. “not necessarily, weirder things have happened.”
you realized you do have a bond with these boys, and it started when jay took note of you in class. when your eyes met, you knew there was something special, some different. when he told you about him and the other guys, you weren’t scared, it almost felt normal.
you were stuck with them and you were okay with that.
little did you know, it was your great-great-great grandmother who carried the genetic marker. she was special to jays father. jays father fed on her and continues to with his wife, jays mom.
yes, that is right. your great-great-great grandmother is still alive. after she died, jays dad found a witch to bring her back to her young human form so he could continue to feed with the one blood he had a bond with.
jays dad would make sure his son knew the truth, when it came time to say goodbye to you and how he could keep you alive and young.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
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bad268 · 2 days
Merda (Joao Felix X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/FC Barcelona
Requested: Yeah (ILY ZEP)
Warnings: Google translate Portuguese, mentions of being called puta
POV: Second Person (You/your but fem accents)
W.C. 1004
Summary: The reader wants to learn Portuguese.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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“I feel left out,” You said one day when Joao came back from practice. Immediately, 101 thoughts ran through his head about what you could be left out of. You were pretty close with his friends, you had the freedom to do whatever you wanted, you had the job of your dreams, and you were still able to travel with him whenever you wanted. He always made sure to make you feel included in anything he did, so he had no clue what you could be left out of. 
“Am I missing something here?” He questioned as he set his bag down by the door and walked over to where you sat at the kitchen island cautiously. He gently leaned down to see what you were looking at on your computer, and it was Google Translate. “What is this?”
“You and your friends always talk in a language I don’t speak!” You exclaimed as you flung your hands up to rest against the sides of your face while you looked over at Joao. “I feel left out of your conversations because there’s a language barrier. I just want to know what you’re all saying. I want to be part of the conversation.”
“I could always not speak Portuguese around you,” Joao chuckled in disbelief of the reason as he draped an arm around your shoulders. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“But it is!” You almost shouted as you dropped your hands and snapped your head to look at him. “That’s your native language, and I’d never ask you to stop speaking it around me, especially not when most of your friends speak Portuguese or something similar. I don’t, but I want to!”
“Google Translate won't help you,” He chuckled to himself, finding the situation amusing. “I could always teach you.”
“But that would require me asking for help,” You said simply as you eyed him, “And you know that’s something I struggle with. But if you wanted to offer,” You eyed him again, gesturing to the screen, “I wouldn’t say no.”
“Are you busy with Google Translate now or can I take you on a date?” He asked easily as he gestured to the screen.
“Like now? Tonight? Did you not just hear me?” You rushed out as you looked between him and the screen again. “I’m having an existential crisis right now. Can’t you tell?”
“I can see,” Joao replied, moving to close the laptop. “C’mon, go get ready.”
The following week you were able to sit down and actually start learning with Joao. It was very laid back for the most part.
“What do you want to learn to say?” Joao started the day by saying. It was a rare day off for both of you, and you were keen to spend the day cuddling away. You were resting against his chest as you just woke, and he decided now was the best time to talk about learning his native language.
“Can we start with cute things? I want nicknames to call you,” You said in a quiet tone as you pulled back a little to look at him. “You always call me different things, so it would be nice to know what they mean. Like amour, querida, amada, meu tudo, and fufinha.”
“Love, darling, beloved, my everything and cutie,” He listed off quickly. “You could call me those as well. Just change the end from a to o. Portuguese is a romance language, and the people who made the language decided to gender every word. It’s complicated, but all you need to know right now is that when you talk about a guy or multiple people, the end is an o. If you're talking about a female or a group of all women, it ends with an a.”
“So I can call you amouro, querido, amado, meu tudo and fofinho?” You asked a little confused.
“Not amouro, just amour,” He chuckled lightly as he left a light kiss on your forehead. “You can also do some funnier names like idiota, meaning idiot, cornel, which sounds bad but means sweetheart, or lindo.”
“What does lindo mean?” You asked skeptically. There’s no way he would have conveniently left that one out.
“Handsome,” Joao whispered into your hair as he moved to place butterfly kisses around your face.
“So, if I started calling you “lindo”, would you answer?” You teased as you moved your head around to try and get him to stop the flutter of kisses. “Meu lindo namorado? Did I do it right?”
“Wait, did you just call me your handsome boyfriend?” He gasped as you let out a laugh as you nodded. “But I didn’t teach you that!”
“Maybe, maybe not,” You shrugged lightheartedly as you turned to get up from the bed. You start walking to your closet to pick out your outfit of the day and head for the ensuite. “Now, come on, minha vida. Last I checked, we had plans with seus companheiros de time. I think Pedri, Fermin, and Ferran will throw a fit if we’re late for lunch.”
“Where did you learn that? My life, your teammates?” Joao got up in shock as he followed you to the bathroom, practically caging you against the sink. “When did you learn all of that? I’m proud of you, but I want to know when you learned that.”
“Let’s just say I listen,” You teased as you pulled his face down to leave a kiss firmly on his lips. You pulled back with a teasing smirk on your lips when he tried to chase your mouth. Not so fast, Mr.” You put a finger to his lips to gently push him back. “Does your mother know you call me “puta”?
“Merda,” Joao said under his breath as he looked to the side. He knew this was teasing but that didn’t stop him from playing into your antics.
“Fuck me is right,” You teased back. “I don’t know everything but let’s just say I have an idea now.”
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nyatbinary-81 · 4 months
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@vulpixisananimal sifstem art jumpscare!! more specifically i got bored and decided to mess around with sif and mal's outfits.
#my art#this is how I think theyd present themselves either in person or in headspace. the slouchers <3#sifs outfit is simple; the boots i always give them (but with star laces for funsies); loose sweater; simple pants#the pants are Meant to be jeans but isat doesnt Specifically Have Jeans so. theyre just Pants.#the sweater is slightly looser bc sif doesnt seem like a Form Fitting Clothes kinda guy to me but hes Trying to be more open#on particularly good days theyll roll the sleeves up or wear a sleeveless one methinks#even if everyone Knows abt the self-harm scars its hard to Look at them.#i also associate them being more open with them not wearing an eyepatch. esp bc hes the only one of the three to go without it#for mal (or 'ami' as i like to call it) i wanted smth reminiscent of a mourning outfit bc mal du pays means homesickness#and i picked 'ami' as a nickname bc ami means friend :] at least according to my basic translator. i dont speak french <3#ami's outfit being dark is also reminiscent of the inversion thing its got going on in canon.#ik the veil is starred in the original but i think ami would want the fewest reminders of home. on account of The Issues#(actually if i can come back to sifs laces sif also has issues with reminders of it bc of the memory loss but the shoelaces are His Choice—#—which gives them a form of control over it and they can keep it subtle or undo it if he wants. which makes it easier)#anyway. i put amis hair in an updo and smoothed the hat bc i think ami wants to be Unremarkable. Unknown. so it keeps its silhouette Simple#(it still keeps the pins. theres smth comforting abt them. they shine like stars and theyre not stars and theyre not Home. but theyre You.)#and i kept the long hair i gave loop. dont ask me why its so long when the canon hair is short. maybe their hair kept growing over the loop#OH and i drew ami in a side profile bc Silhouette and also bc i think itd make an effort to keep people away from its blind spot#andddd i think thats about it? plus i actually managed to keep this one within a reasonable timeframe.#if their hair changes lengths/the proportions change between drawings. no they dont 💛 peace and love and body craft#OH AND YOU FINALLY GET TO SEE WHAT I MEAN ABT SIFS BOOTS BC THESE ARE THE BOOTS I GAVE THEM ON MY REGULAR DESIGN ARENT THEY NEAT#i did actually try to give sif a different font but nothing Works for them like the pixel font. i cant explain it.#i think 'ami' would be a nickname that mira gives it. bc. shes Fantasy French. and its a sort of 'youre more than your yearning/loss' thing#me every time i think abt sifstem: yeah they just rotate in my head. nothing major#me every time i talk abt sifstem: oh hey im almost at tag limit again#au Good what can i say
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mel-loly · 6 months
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-Happy Easter..💛
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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I think I definitely like the original versions more than the edited ones. I'm more happy with the grumpy Fernando one, whereas the bratty Seb one made me want to cease painting forever. So hopefully he looks good?????? I'm sure I'll soften on it, but yeah, not TOO pleased with it right now. His facial expressions are so cute and dynamic and unique until you have to try and paint it and then you dont love him anymore(kidding ofc, how could I ever hate my beloved boy king 🥺)
Anyways, these are them:
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#the caption is a multi-pronged reference so if you get it you get it 🤭#hint: the quote is both a translation of a vettonso thing but its also not...exact. i added a little spice to it#so yeah translate all of that first(the first part of the quote wont work in google translate tho)#and then also the rest of the caption is both a reference to a real life thing but also me making it AUified !!#hehehe let me know your thoughts 🤭 was so fucking pleased w it when i first told C about it#ngl putting that quote was the main thing pushing me thru finishing the seb one#im like CMON YOU CAN DO IT!! IF YOU FINISH IT YOU CAN PUT YOUR SILLY LATIN JOKE!!! YOU LOVE LATIN!!#anyways i drafted this before i even really started the seb one#and my god LOOK AT THEIR HAND SIZE DIFFERENCE WOOF WOOF WOOF#did you guys notice...seb's ring...his wedding...ring? 🤭🤭🤭#wanted to add one to nando but his left ring finger isnt really visible but just so you know hes wearing it#I have a lot of thoughrs about rings and ungloved vs gloved hands grrrrrrr#theres a lot of meaning in it to me and it adds to their characterization so ill try and make a post abt thay sometime !#anyways pls enjoy the fruits of my labor.....#vettonso so good it makes me PAINT TWO PORTRAITS#i think before this au i was kinda trying to get away from painting csuse it stressed me out too much#and then the vettonso brainrot is so horrinle that im willing to paint for like...an undisclosed amnt of time#undisclosed not bcs im being secretive but bcs i have no idea and irs 6 am and i have school JSKFLVL#okay bur yes yes please enjoy. and enjoy my suffering as a purveyor of vettonso 🥹 id do anything for my lieges#f1#formula 1#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#vettonso#catie.art.#boy king au
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kiddokori · 2 months
i dont ship them per say i just think they understand each other in a way no one else can and while this could bring them together it’s much more likely for them to reject the horror of being known and cannibalize each other like oscars
#eunyung baek and haejoon goh. to me#i dont think they’re getting together i think theyre going 2 years without talking and then runners into each other and acting like no time#passed at all i think theyre just like adult besties that kinda hate each other#like yeah thats my best friend hes a shithead tho. kinda cant stand him. we’re going out for drinks thursday and i just know hes gonna be#a mess and itll suck. but ill go anyways#haejoon texts him like hey man whats up its been a few months whereve you been#and eunyung sends a photo of himself like in the mountains or some shit with no context#hes like yeah i joined an expedition lol ive been living in the woods for 3 months#they go like a full year without talking and haejoon goes wonder what hes up to and its always something crazy#i think thats how theyd have to be i think if the less time they soend together the better friends they are#eunyung: i joined a commune i think its a cult tho idk its kinda fun#haejoon: please just fucking use my guest room for the love of god#eunyung transitions and visits for the holidays because juwan invited him and haejoons like#something is different. is it weird if i ask. does everyone else know. will they think im homophobic if i ask#eunyung: hey can i bring my boyfriend to thanksgiving#haejoon: absolutely fucking not.#eunyung: homophobic.#haejoon: im gay bitch i dont want anyone youre dating in my house regardless of gender. im going to hate them.#haejoon sends him job listings and apartments and is like i will drive you to your interview please get a normal job#and stop getting involved in multi level marketing schemes#and eunyung goes no 🫶 die#i hust wanted to talk about them. miss them. i caught up to my translation im reading and now i gotta wait for updates
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acaciapines · 5 months
i need to talk about the dess raises kris au. or im gonna explode.
#chatter#GOOD TIMING TO THINK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY: EDITING UR TOH DAEMON AU LOL#like i can separate it out enough when im working lol but afterwards. oh its all deltarune babey!!!#been thinking a lot about dess and how i wanna write her#(aka im gonna canonize some mental stuff i've always kinda had in the back of my mind for her)#and GOD. dess. i forgive her for all her flaws <3#but no shes sooooo fascinating to me in this au its just. she was Eighteen. right in the middle of a pretty bad psychotic break.#the only person ever in her corner (asriel) Did Not Believe her and has always been real shitty about her undiagnosed mental illnesses#(dw we will come back to this i have a LOT of ideas for azzy lol he is. uh. not the best at the start!)#and so like. of course when it comes to kris her best was never going to be enough.#but GOD im soooo fascinated by like. she does genuinely really truly care for kris.#yes its messy and caught up in a bunch of other things but she LOVES THEM#even if she cannot ever love them in the way they want her to (ie as a parent loves a child)#and is it fair for kris? no! course it isnt!!!#but theres no changing the past and so. this is kris's life now#and its dess's life now. and they just have to live with what happened#thinking about the like. 6 months to a year where it was just dess and kris (before chara) and. god.#GOD. YOU GUYS.#sorry this au is. um. i think it is my everything. like.#if you know you know (hi stars lol <3) but. man.........man.#i have a lot of thoughts about. prophecy. and when translating that out beyond just story and into like. the real world#cause lets be real prophecy doesnt exist but things w this power of 'you are supposed to be x and cannot be anything but x' DO and#god. the dess raises kris au is So Much.#also yeah another acacia tags essay they simply hit differently <3#also enough to go into the main tag so#drkau#anyways lemme go back to editing lol
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this is such a funny change to me and im 1000% when i say im obsessed with it for whatever reason. like its nothing even major but i'm ill enough to still pay attention to it
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astrophilic-soul · 2 years
Love how I literally have a different name for india for every single WIP I have
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thewispsings · 4 months
he wins in monaco! | charles leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x mclaren!reader
summary: charles leclerc wins the monaco grand prix!
notes: HE WOOOONNNNN!! this is SO short because i just NEEDED to get something out for his win
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liked by, charles_leclerc, yourusername, and 1,837,983 others!
view comments below!
user3: girls don’t want boys, they want to see charles leclerc dominant if his home track
user6: y/n: “charles won? are you fucking with me? seriously? HOLY SHIT!”
mclaren: we hate a day when y/n doesn’t win a race, but we’ll let this one slide…
user7: HE DID IT
user8: ❤️❤️
yourusername: HE DID IT !!!!
user9: y/n the most “aggressive” racer on the track when charles wins:
redbullracing: well deserved 👏👏
user25: HE DID IT ???
user26: the one time i miss a race 😐
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ynupdates: y/n on the radio today! seems like she was very happy for charles win!
user10: y/n who once said, “i rather die then be happy for those who beat me” when charles wins:
user11: to be FAIR she did say that as a joke
user12: yeah but i think we ALL know there was some seriousness mixed in there
user13: the way she was genuinely so shocked 😭
user27: patiently waiting for y/n post-race post
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liked by charles_leclerc, mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 783,839 others!
yourusername: i hate to lose, but it’s different when the love of your life accomplishes his life long dream of winning in his home. ❤️❤️
view comments below!
user16: AW ☹️☹️
user17: i’m crying this is so cute
user18: 💔💔
user20: “love of your life” okay just step on MY HEART LIKE THAT
user21: they’re so CUTE
charles_leclerc: Je t'aime mon coeur ❤️
user22: me running to google translate 🏃‍♀️
user23: translation, “i love you my sweetheart.”
yourusername: enjoy this while it last because i will DEMOLISH you in canada 😁😁
user24: you can take the girl out of competitiveness, but you can’t take competitiveness out of the girl
user28: con😭grat😭ulat😭ions
user29: i’m was already crying for charles but then y/n post THIS ??? sobbing.
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
Last one I swear...What If 141...had an American girlfriend and they argued or had to teach them about some cultural differences? Football/soccer...currency...bathroom/loo, etc.
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You said last one but we know that's not true. Don't blame you though. Keep them coming.
I love this idea. It's so cute! Translation mixup, confusion about slang, cultural differences, etc. Even though the Brits speak English, it's nothing like American English in a lot of respects, which is why I find this prompt so fun!
Wanted to make this quick and short. Presented in four drabbles. Enjoy!!
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Task Force 141 x Reader
Content & Warnings: brief swearing, brief mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 400
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
“Those are cookies, Kyle.”
“It’s a biscuit.”
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “A biscuit is savory. Cookies are sweet.”
“Your biscuit is a scone.”
“Oh my god,” you groan.
An old lady navigates around the two of you inside the grocery store. Her cart almost clips you.
Kyle glances down at the list in his hands. “What the fuck is an eggplant?”
“We need it for dinner on Tuesday.”
“But what is it?”
You point and Kyle follows. His arm drops to his side and he side-eyes you.
“That’s an aubergine.”
“That’s an aubergine,” you mimic as Kyle laughs.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
The front of the pub is painted all black with intricate gold lettering. A nearby streetlamp casts the front window in a warm glow.
“Remember what I told you?” asks Simon.
You both stare at the pub, neither moving to the door just yet.
“Tell me again.”
Simon clears his throat. “If I’m buying a round, don’t offer money for your portion. Order at the bar but don’t linger. Know what you want. Respect closing time.”
He pauses and you see him turn in the reflection of the window.
“Got it?” he asks.
“Got it.”
“Let’s get bloody pissed then.”
John "Soap" MacTavish
“You’ve got this. Don’t stress.” Johnny grasps your shoulders and squeezes. “It’ll be fine.”
“What if I mess up. Make a fool of myself?”
“You won’t,” he affirms.
He sighs and then cups the sides of your face. “You don’t have to say anything but three things.” You breathe deep, and Johnny goes in for a quick kiss. “What are they?”
“Aye,” you say. “Which means yes.”
“Naw,” and this is you emphasize with a terrible accent that makes Johnny wince, “is no.”
“What else?”
“It’s okay to use ‘fuck’ casually in a sentence.”
“That’s my girl,” laughs Johnny.
John Price
“If you’re coming to the game, you’re calling it by its proper name,” says John, pointing at you.
“What?” you ask with pretend aloofness. “Soccer?”
“Football,” he growls with annoyance.
It irritates John when you call the sport by its American name. But you do it anyway just to tease him.
John holds up a jersey. “This is important to me.”
“I know.”
“It’s a game with the boys.”
You pat his shoulder. “I know, John.”
He sighs. “What is it called?”
You remain quite and John arches an eyebrow.
“Soccer,” you answer, grinning.
“You’re lucky you’re so damn cute.”
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@enarien @saoirse06 @ferns-fics @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett
@ravenpoe67 @tulipsun-flower @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat @ninman82
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
@haven-1307 @voids-universe @itsberrydreemurstuff @spicyspicyliving @keiva1000
@littlemisscriesherselftosleep @statixx-x @umno-yeah @blackhawkfanatic @talooolaaloolla
@sadlonelybagel @kadeeesworld @iloveslasher @sammysinger04 @dakotakazansky
@suhmie @jaggersinclair @jackrabbitem @lxblm @beebeechaos
@no-oneelsebutnsu @kidd3ath @certainlygay @thewulf @lovely-ateez
@taysarchive @gingergirl06 @eternallyvenus @smileykiddie08 @vrb8im
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serosblunt · 2 months
Kiribaku x Reader: Miss You
Kiribaku x (Gender-neutral) reader
Warnings: Snippets of spicier content, pre-NSFW, 18+
Description: Bakugo's out of town on a mission, Ejiriou decides to text him late at night.
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The numbers stared at Eijiro, taunting him with every blink. It felt like there was never enough space in your enormous king-sized bed, but somehow, now that there wasn't an angry blonde on the other side of the mattress, it felt remarkably empty.
You were long since asleep, curled up and drooling on his chest before 11:30pm - despite your adamant denial that you 'do not drool'. You were tucked up against his side, Dynamight plushie firmly secured under your chin.
The sturdy hero thought it was the purest thing he'd ever seen, and it gave him a reason to text Katsuki so late. He knew under normal circumstances, the blond would kill him for being awake.
He doubted Kats would even be awake himself, but if he wasn't, at least he'd see Ejiro's text in the morning.
So he snapped a quick photo of the two of you, cringing at the brightness of the flash.
~ Red 🪨
Think someone's missing you
<image attached>
The responding message came through in seconds.
~ Blasty 💥
Can't believe we still have that stupid thing.
*image saved*
True enough, the limited edition plush had more than a few scorch marks on it. Evidence of Katsuki's previously attempted 'hits' on the doll.
Ejiro smiled to himself fondly.
~ Red 🪨
I think we'd both prefer it if it was the real Dynamight
~ Blasty 💥
Which in Bakugo language translated to 'Yeah, me too.'
You stirred slightly under your boyfriend's hold, and the red head made a mental note to type more quietly.
~ Red 🪨
How much longer do they think the assignment will take?
~ Blasty 💥
Fuckers keep giving me different answers. Hard to tell. If it’s not done by Friday I’m coming home anyway. 
Ejirou knew he very likely would. 
~ Blasty 💥
  It’s late. Go to sleep, shitty hair. 
~ Red 🪨
  Can’t sleep. Miss you
~ Blasty 💥
Miss you too, E, and the Gremlin.
He meant you. The nickname stuck after the first time you all slept over together and Katsuki discovered your 'unsavoury' sleeping habits; snoring and latching onto people. 
~ Red 🪨
<image attached>
This time it was Kirishima kissing your head gently, your face smooshed even further into his pec with the change in angle. He knew it was risky to use flash, but he was praying you’d stay asleep. 
  Wish you were here x
~ Blasty 💥
  *image saved*
Why’s Friday so fucking far away?
The typing bubble filled the empty silence for a few seconds before disappearing. Riot held back a chuckle, he was tell Katsuki was wrestling with admitting defeat his feelings.
You guys are cute. 
~ Red 🪨
  Naww thanks babe, you’re not so bad yourself ;)
~ Blasty 💥
  Don’t start shit, Ejiro. It's too late.
The red head felt suddenly cocky.
~ Red 🪨
  That a challenge?
~ Blasty 💥
Warning you, E.
The red head considered his options for less than half a second before rolling away ever so slightly so he could send his partner a more…scandalous photo.
Pointing the camera towards his chest, Ejirou made sure to get his pec in frame once more, only slightly hardened this time, knowing how much the explosive hero loved them- even if he would rather die before admitting to that.
A cheeky smile showed off his sharp teeth and tongue that hung teasingly out from between them. 
He winced at the flash once more, but decided his mission was worth it. Satisfied with himself, he pressed the send button as you stirred beside him. 
~ Red 🪨
<image attached>
“E…what’re y’doing?” You mumbled. 
“Shit, I’m sorry sweetheart. I was just texting Kats.”
“With flash on?” You grumbled, clearly unhappy with the hero beside you.
“I’m, ah….helping him out?”
“Oh. Can I see?”
~ Blasty 💥
<video attached>
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syefiles · 5 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: bf nagi w a big d ! 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: height difference, cumming inside (no condom), dom and sub nagi, blowjob, reader has a pussy, usage of spit as lube. let me know if there's anything i missed ! 𝐚/𝐧: hiyaa ! my requests are open for thirsts, fic ideas etc. ‹𝟹 [] also im pretty sure there's someone else that wrote this already but i wanted to share my take on my fav boy on the entire show ^_^
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nagi loves using his height against you. whether it be using it to tease you or using it to overpower you when he's pounding into you mercilessly with his cock.
safe to say, he loves both. all of that height matched his cock. his cock is thick but doesn't lack in length. your mouth never fails to water whenever you suck him off, his deep moans and praises always have you trembling for more. he lets out thick and hot ropes of cum on your pretty face, and he loves seeing you lick it all off of yourself afterward. ''look so pretty 'f me, angel.''
the most rewarding is him letting you on top. even though nagi loves being on top, always manhandling you and throwing you into the positions he wants, he doesn't mind laying down and making you do all of the work for a change.
he loves seeing your tits bounce, and how crazy you go when you first sink down on his big cock after a long time. ''take it- take it like a good girl.'' your eyes roll back and your hands shake from the stretch. you'll never get used to his dick bullying into your wet pussy, always making you feel heavenly whenever he thrusts inside whenever you feel weak.
though he is a lazy person, his stamina never falters when it comes to him fucking you. his hips snap back and forth, fully forcing in his thick cock inside of you, while his big hands worked magic on your tits.
''fuck, always so tight and wet for me.'' he didn't need spit as lube when he enters, but right when after you make him cum by giving him head, he slides in so easily inside, knowing that's where it's rightful place is.
''yeah? you love my cock huh? my naughty girl.'' he praises, his cock hitting your spot repeatedly, while his free hand rubbed circles on your clit. your moans were loud, it was a string of words that didn't even make sense anymore.
''n-nagi fuck—i'm cumming-'' you blurt out, as your mind spins while you cum on his cock, he thrusts his cock fully inside, letting his cum spurt freely inside of you.
nagi didn't like clean sex. he wanted his cum all over your face, your boobs, hickeys all over each other, and bite marks here and there. but, he knew it would be a pain in the ass cleaning up after.
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©adourly 5/11/2024 - do not copy, translate, modify my works.
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ryescapades · 2 months
a little something before i continue working on other stuff. (gn!reader)
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"working late again?"
hoshina glances up from his work, seeing you leaning against the doorway to the office with your arms crossed. his heart does a little pitter-patter in his chest just at the sight of your fond smile.
"and to what do i owe the pleasure of your visit, my love?" he greets, pushing his rolling chair back to face you when you start approaching. you only give a small shrug before stepping closer, now standing in between his legs.
"would it be too much if i say that i've been missing my husband?" you murmur, reaching up to trail the back of your knuckle down the slope of his nose gently. hoshina shivers, both at the label and the cool sensation of the ring on your finger when your other hand comes up to his nape.
"a little too early to call me that, no? i only just proposed to ya a few days ago." he teases, making you raise an eyebrow. "so you don't like me calling you my husband?"
"i also don't like my dearest betrothed disturbing me when i'm clearly working here."
you let out an offended scoff, turning around and starting to step out of his space but you don't get far. butterflies fill your stomach when hoshina grabs your wrist, pulling you back into his proximity. "'m sorry, 'm sorry. i'm only kiddin', sweetheart." he chuckles.
"you're not funny, hoshina." you roll your eyes at him before your hands are back on the back of his neck, massaging the skin to relieve the corded muscles underneath. "mhm, i beg to differ." he mumbles, burying his face into your chest and arms wrapping around your waist.
"also just sayin', but you're going to be a hoshina soon too, you know?" he drawls pointedly before his fanged teeth take a light chomp on the front of your uniform, right on your sternum.
you hum, "not if you keep joking like how you just did." your fingers grip his hair to make him release the bite, relishing the sound of his pleased groan from the pull.
the next few minutes are filled with a comfortable silence, just you and him basking in each others' familiar scents and warmth before you sigh, "i'll wait for you. make sure to come to bed, soshiro. you need rest." you sternly say, starting to pull away from the embrace.
"rest is overrated, don't ya think?" he jests.
"yeah, okay. i'm locking the door from now on. better get used to sleeping outside, husband."
"sorry, sorry! i'll be there soon, i promise!"
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©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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