#but yeah especially when it comes to the who would be a good batman after bruce
oifaaa · 1 year
Opinion: plot lines and fan arguments about who should be Batman once Bruce retires/dies are pointless cause DC is never going let him (permanently) retire/die.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
While I agree with you that dc will never let Bruce retire I don't actually think arguing about who would make the best batman after Bruce is pointless considering it is a fun debate and hyperthetical to think about and we can still make stories that are fun and interesting to read based on what would happen if Bruce was to not be batman anymore the batman beyond universe being a good example of this
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flamingpudding · 4 months
Sorry but I have returned with a part 3 of Klarion is Dan
So Danny is still having you know conversations with the entire RedRobin Young Justice team
When Tim sneaks away to go talk to the Justice League outside he's holding a few kryptonite cookies in his pockets then starts explaining to the Main Justice League on how yeah Klarion bought our trust with gifts so we can pretend to be his friend so he could make his mom happy Klarion's Mom he's is the nice creepy person I have ever meet so can y'all just got to play along
Clues the main Justice League playing along with Klarion being their sidekicks friend after a while Danny finds a way to pull up his scrapbook too also Danny and Clark have started speaking country to each other it's hilarious amazing
Batman in the end like a party pooper reveal that is Klarion is one of the enemy of the Young Justice it makes Young Justice along with Klarion sad for two different reasons for the Young Justice because Klarion's mom is really cool and Klarion cuz he feels like he is disappointing his mom
Danny after a while had a feeling that Klarion made friends like himself back when he was a teenager
A bit late but I finally had the time to write this down, without work stress or a migraine / headache torturing my brain! Hope i didn't make you wait to long! Either way I love this, sooo lets go! Part 3! Here we come!
Also thanks so much for the ask! This was inspiring since I have been struggling with writing the past weeks.
Danny was really enjoying his time an conversations with the children. He liked them, even if one of them was a speedster. And he could see that they were good for Dan, now Klarion. Danny had always been worried about his time clone / son. Klarion had no longer been as connected to Sam and Tucker as Danny was. Sure Jazz, Ellie and him, as well as Vlad had been there for him. But Danny knew himself and through that he also knew Dan in a way only Vlad could understand. They had been worried. But when Dan got deaged and choose to go by Klarion Danny's worries had become lighter. Especially when Klarion started to tell stories from the Dimension he had chosen to live in when he wasn't at home. One that was unlike their own home dimension but still similar enough so he wouldn't have troubles adjusting.
Danny smiled like any proud mother would as he watched the four heroes interact with his son. He could see it, Klarion had recreated friendships for himself outside of who he used to be in a different timeline. That alone lifted so many of Danny's worries for the boy. A chuckle escaped him as he once again watched Klarion snatch a green glowing cookie from Red Robin, glaring daggers before he jumped across the table in an attempt to tackle Impulse who was now also reaching for the green cookies. The speedster as expected easily dodged him.
He knew something was going on. Klarion has created a barrier right as Impulse had returned earlier from his 'bathroom break' and he could feel presence outside of his son's front door. One of them feeling funnily similar to one of many the soul contracts that had been laying on his desk for months now, ignored on purpose. But Danny choose to ignore it for the moment. If the kids were up to something than he was the least adult to stop them. So instead he when he saw his boy so distracted, Danny smiled towards Wonder Girl, reaching into a quickly opened portal next to him. "So about the picture you wanted to see earlier."
Danny smiled mischievously like any parent would at a chance to embarrass their child. But also noticing how Red Robin used the chance of Klarion chasing after Impulse and the Kryptonite Cookies in his hands to stuff a couple of the green cookies into his own pockets as well as one into his mouth. Danny suppressed a laugh, as he kept conversation with Wonder Girl flowing.
Superboy was right by Red Robins side as the boy pounded his fist against his own chest in surprise, but also refused to spit the cookie out. Once he swallowed the kid stuck out his tongue a look of wonder. "Have you ever tasted something that felt like sugar coated in love and care sprinkled with calming emotions but had a weird but not bad after taste of sewer water?! I will never be able to look at the Lazarus Pits the same anymore!" the caped teenage hero whined towards his Kryptonian friend and Danny couldn't help it any longer as he burst out laughing.
"That's a Description I have never heard before! Sam likes to say their taste like actual Rainbow puke and Tucker is still trying to convince me that they taste like he was dared to lick a motherboard but one was coated in the finest meats!" Klarion instantly froze in his chase after Impulse and pointed glaring at Red Robin as both Wonder Girl and Impulse now appeared very tempted to actually try the Kryptonite cookies too. "You didn't!"
"I did." Red Robin grinned fearless, the way Tucker used to when he had hacked into the GIWs servers when they were kids.
"DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" Red Robin yelped as Klarion jumped at him over the couch table to wrestle with the other boy as if to make him spit out any green glowing cookie reminds that could be there. "You mortals are idiots!"
Danny blinked and laughed as a little Chaos (Ha! His sons favorite past time) broke out with Wonder Girl, Superboy and Impulse trying to help Red Robin against Klarion only for them to get pulled into the little wrestling match too. With Klarion occupied with the other three as well as trying to stop Impulse from also shoving a green glowing cookie into his mouth he noticed from the corner of his eyes how Red Robin snuck away.
Batman looked ready to strangle John Constantine as he glared at the Justice League Dark member currently working on removing the barrier. This was taking to long in his opinion. Their kids were in there with a highly dangerous being and one of their enemies. This wasn't a situation to take lightly. He growled and Superman patted his shoulder trying to calm him down.
"We will get in there Batman. Just calm down for now. I am sure they are doing all they can to remove the barrier." The Kryptonian said in a calming tone sharing a look with Wonder Woman and the Flash, who by now had rounded the apartment three times to see if there was a possible entry way not covered by a barrier. Batman only grunted again as the door to the appartement suddenly opened, their heads snapped instantly towards it to see Red Robin standing behind the barrier.
"Red Robin Report!" Batman instantly snapped marching forward but frowned as the barrier was blocking him from reaching the teen.
"Klarion's mother is a multidimensional being under the impression that Klarion is working with the Heroes in this impression and not against them. He is also known as the Ghost King ruler of the Infinite Reams. I am sure you are already updated on what the Infinite Realms are." The teen stated in a reporting tone the adult heroes were familiar with. "So far The Ghost King has not shown any hostility towards us or our dimension unprompted. He is rather nice and a good parent by all means. To not disappoint his mother Klarion abducted us so we could pretend to be his friends, in other words Klarion is in need of our help to keep his mother under the belief that he is working and friends with us."
Batman nodded, letting the information sink in. "Anything else?"
"Well, I would suggest to not become hostile ourselves and to play along for the time being." Red Robin offered his solution hoping that with his report their mentors were more willing to play along than with the way Impulse probably slammed the door in their faces. For one, they would get to have a longer time of a break and two, as long as they don't piss off Klarions mom they won't have to face an eldritch being probably ready to tear them appear to protect his child.
"You believe that to be the best course of action? What about the others?" Superman asked instead and the teens head turned a little to look at the Kryptonian. "We are all in agreement. We are also additionally in a position with this to fish for more information about Klarion."
He could see their mentors thinking as they were exchanging looks weighing the pros and cons of his suggestion.
"Constantine? You said that the Ghost King is a dangerous being that could destroy our dimension, correct?" Wonder Woman spoke up turning towards the magician.
"A Bloody fucking Tyrann that can rip us all a new one, mate." the Brite muttered annoyed with the situation.
"Then I guess keeping the Ghost King happy by humouring Klarion should be the best and most peaceful option we have at the moment." Flash added crossing his arms as he looked at the other JL members as they came to a silent agreement.
Hocked, Lined and Sinker. Red Robin thought for a brief moment with relief as the adults agreed to his suggestion. "That means no using spells behind our backs against the Ghost King too." The teen hero added though as he narrowed his eyes under his mask on John Constantine that was cursing under his breath but nodded.
"Great then I can tell Klarion-"
"Red Robin what are you doing out here?" Batman stiffened as white gloved hands rested on the teen hero's shoulders and they saw a white haired man, wearing a royal cape and a floating crown on his head, appearing by the door behind the teen.
"Oh I was just greeting our mentors, they came to check on us." Red Robin lied easily, not even flinching as the man had appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Batman had narrowed his eyes as he exchanged looks with Superman. They hadn't even noticed the man's approach.
"I see, please come in instead of standing out here." John Constantin gabbed as with the flick of his finger the man removed the magic barrier as if it was nothing and they heard a loud whine from inside the apartment of. "MOM IT FEELS WEIRD WHEN YOU DO THAT!"
"Sorry Klarion, baby!"
At that moment the adults realized that the man before them was the Ghost King.
The man lead them inside introducing himself as Danny as he guided Red Robin by his shoulders back to the couch to join the other teens again. The adult heroes where greeted by the image of Wonder Girl sitting on Impulse who was monopolising a photo book and Klarion being lifted into the air lion king style by Superboy flailing around. The teens and mentors blinked at each other several times before the teens continued like they weren't there, Red Robin joining them wanting in on getting to see the photo book that apparently contained 'baby' photos of Klarion.
"How about we leave the kids to themselves and have some coffee and cake by the dinner table?" The Ghost King, Danny, suggested and the adults mutely followed. They blinked as Danny opened a portal, Batman grunted as seeing similarities to something else in it, and reached into it. Danny heard his sisters distinctive "HEY!" Through it when he pulled out a cake from it to place on the table. The heroes couldn't help but sweat dropped, the cake was clearly not finished, it was only half way coated in cream and decorated.
"It's nice to meet the mentors of the friends my boy made in this dimension." Danny started to make small talk serving them coffee and each of them a slice of cake. "It's also nice to finally meet the guy that has sold his soul into so many pieces that I have an entire stack of paper work on my desk."
Constantine flinched, as he refused to make eye contact with the Ghost King who only chuckled. "Relax, I don't care about all these contracts. Most of them were even made before I took over as the King and the previous Ghost King... well lets just say he slept through all of his paperwork."
"Wait previous King?" The magician looked up now. "Mate are you telling me you aren't the bloody fucking Tyrann Ghost King?"
They watched as Danny rubbed his neck embarrassed. "Oh looks like the news didn't get to your Dimension yet, yea I dethroned that guy on accident and took over once I became an adult. Pops did say that it might take some time for all Dimensions to get updated on these kinda news..."
The four heroes looked stunned as they heard the Brite groan loudly thumping his head against the table muttering a "I need a whiskey."
"Oh its also nice to sort of meet my... Cousin or Niece from this Dimension whatever you would prefer more." Danny said to change the subject, looking towards Wonder Woman who blinked at him. "Cousin or Niece?"
"Yes I was Ghost Adopted by Clockwork, also known as Cronus, and Pandora. They speak a lot of praises about you, well every version of you." Danny smiled. There was an awkward moment of silence that Flash broke looking stunned at Wonder Woman. "You never told us you were related to the literal King of all Dimensions!"
"I didn't know!" / "Not all Dimensions."
Both Wonder Woman and Danny spoke at the same time. This finally seemed to break the eyes among the adults as most of them started to chat idly while the teens were fighting over a photo book in the back ground. Well all but one Batman sat among them listening to the other Heroes talk with the Ghost King, grunting every now and then to signal that he was listening. His eye twitch a little as both Superman and Danny suddenly started to talk in a weirdly with niceties filled way of talking.
Of course everything good and nice couldn't last forever and when a triumphant shout in the background from Red Robin resounded who was holding up the photo book with Klarion pinned to the ground by Impulse and Superboy, Batman had to be the one to finally put his foot in his mouth causing everyone to freeze. The bite of cake Superman was about to eat dropped back onto the plate and resounded like a pin needle dropping by the silence caused by one simple, in Batman's mind, question.
"As his mother, are you aware of your son's villainous actions against us heroes?"
A dramatic "No!" Resounded from the teens mostly caused by Impulse dramatically falling to his knees in a pleading motion towards the adults. Klarion on the other hand looked like his entire world was just shattered as he sat up on the ground from his previously pinned position, his eyes glued to his mother. Both Wonder Woman and Superman eyes looked to and fro between Batman and the Ghost King with worry while Flash, apparently decided to get himself another slice of cake as quick as possible before the Ghost King would inevitably kick them all out because of Batman.
Danny stared at the dark knight for a long moment not reacting until he let out a sigh. "Figured as much."
There was another kind of silence, a stunned one, as they all blinked at the Ghost King who was starting to chuckle a little at the faces they were making.
"Oh please Klarion." Danny waved his son off. "We both know that neither you nor I ever made friends the normal way. Of course you would make friends by being a little shit, just like I did with all my rogues when I was a teen and are now part of the council. It was unavaidable for you to do the same. Ancients even Vlad made friends like this or did you forget how many times he tried to kill my dad, Jack?"
There was silence for a third time, this time it got broken my Wonder Girl bumping her shoulder into Klarions.
"What kind of crazy family do you have?!"
"You have no idea.... you haven't even met my older sister yet...."
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 5 months
Genshin Guys with an S/O on their Period: Waking up with a Mess and Cramps Edition (Diluc, Kaeya, Neuvillette, Itto)
A/N: Now that I can do more than curl up on the couch letting the heating pad do it's job kind of here we go.
Do we even know what period products people on Teyvat use? And have they even invented Midol? Like, what does a Teyvat medicine cabinet look like?
CW: mentions of blood because period, duh, hurt/comfort
Diluc x fem!reader, Kaeya x fem!reader, Neuvillette x fem!reader, Itto x fem!reader
Requests are OPEN
Diluc is a heaven send at a time like this, no doubt it
The man is on it
Let's say he comes home from some Mondstadt batman-ing and goes to curl up in bed with you
Only to find you asleep, but curled up in pain and a growing red spot on the sheets
Thanks be to Adelinde for making sure he's not clueless about female issues. If he didn't know anything before dating you, she made sure he had an idea clue after
He wakes you up, gently, and helps you get to the bathroom so he can help clean you up, while Adelinde (who makes a habit of staying up when Diluc does his vigilante thing) makes sure the sheets are changed and gets you whatever pain relief Mondstadt has available
After you're clean and have whatever products you use on, you go back to bed and he curls up behind you. He uses his vision to warm his hands and uses them as a hot pad for you
Let's be real, you don't get better than a pyro vision for dealing with cramps
Kaeya is not quite as good as Diluc (mostly because of his vision, lol)
In this case he has the decency to not tease and poke fun. Even if he didn't know that doing so would result in his premature death, he actually feels sympathy
When he wakes up next to you, finding you curled up and nearly crying, he's momentarily very concerned. After all, his pretty little s/o is in pain and that just won't do
A quick once over and he spots the blood pooling between your legs and the concern subsides. This isn't the first time this has happened, especially if you're not possessed of a clock-work cycle, though your cramps usually aren't this bad
Because both of you are familiar with this routine, he''s got a lot of stuff on hand. Like Diluc, he makes sure you wake up and get cleaned up while he changes sheets and runs to pester Barbara about something to help the cramps. Again, he doesn't have the advantage of a pyro vision
If he has a mission that day, he does it as quick as possible, but if he just has paper work, he carries that shit home and does it while taking care of you
He wants you to focus on not hurting, so any chores you would do he takes over (it gives him a way to avoid paperwork, lol)
I'm not saying Neuvie would freak, the first time this happened, but yeah, the man freaks the fuck out
I mean, dragon boy doesn't spend that much time in close proximity to human females. He conceivably is fully unaware of what exactly a period entails.
When you wake up cursing and hissing in pain, which wakes him up in the process, he's genuinely scared for you
After all, you look like you're in huge amounts of pain and that's blood on the sheets. It takes you several minutes to calm Neuvie down, to make sure than he's not blowing things too far out of proportion
Eventually you manage to enlist his help cleaning up. He's perfectly happy to give a little help making sure the bloodstains on your thighs are gone and changing the sheets
He still calls one of the Melusine nurses. A) you're in pain and that's unacceptable to him and b) he's still not 100% certain that you're OK
You roll your eyes, but it does hurt and I'm not sure what kind of over the counter period relief Teyvat has. Either way, you'll have something that might help
After the Melusine leaves, you pull him back to bed and cuddle while you explain female biology in depth. First time a 500 year old dragon has had to take sex-ed lol
Once you're done he feels a little embarrassed over his overreaction
Needless to say, your next period goes much smoother. Once he's aware of the issue, he does some research on his own, talks to some other girls about ways to make it easier (basically being a stand up, super loyal boyfriend.n outstanding boyfriend)
Eventually the entire ordeal is something the two of you will laugh over
I rarely write for Itto, but I think the idea of Itto seeing the period mess and cramps would be kinda funny. At least from the outside. I would not want to be the s/o in this situation. It's a mess
He thinks the world is ending. Blows it waaaay out of proportion, and unlike Neuvie, he doesn't really listen.
Once you convince him you're not dying, he thinks you're the absolute coolest for being able to bleed every month and be in that much pain and not die
You might have to stop him from trying to "join his most awesome girlfriend ". Like, if you're so cool for this, obviously the One and Oni must be able to as well? Right.
You immediately call Shinobu because, "No. Itto. You have a dick. If you try and bleed like this. you'll die."
You and Shinobu stop him from trying to have a period too, because he'd try...somehow, and send him on basic errands or something. Anything to distract him.
Honestly, I feel like dealing with Itto's...whatever he has going on...would be more exhausting than the period and cramps
In this situation, Shinobu is your girl. She is prepared, both with the ability to redirect Itto and whatever you don't have on hand in case of mess and cramps
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nat-ter · 5 months
Bruce had never met Superman face to face but he still hated the alien and thought of him as a threat and he was convinced his boys did too— except his kids are traitors. They each met Superman individually and found him really friendly and nice. At first, they were all hiding the fact that they were friends with Superman from each other, and especially from Bruce. So while Bruce was obsessed with coming up with contingency plan after contingency plan to take down Superman— even though he didn't try to kill the alien yet since Superman was still doing good for the people and Bruce couldn't just attack someone who hadn't done any wrong yet— the kids were making excuses to go meet Superman in secret and Bruce just went on oblivious to the fact that his kids are backstabbing demons.
Of course they lied to Superman too, about Batman's opinions of the Man of Steel, and the various plans he had made to kill said man. They always came up with reason after reason why Superman shouldn't or couldn't meet Batman, sometimes it's getting so ridiculous they were sure even Superman would call their buff. But sweet, ol' Kal never did.
Eventually, they found out that none of them held a grudge against Superman like Batman did, so they all teamed up together and cover for each other whenever one of them spend time with Superman, or cover the fact that Superman came to Gotham one too many time than he should. And it was the one thing that all of them could work together on without fighting or insulting each other. At one point, to keep their secret friendship with Superman, Dick even went so far to wear Batman's costume and meet Superman as Batman because Superman had wanted to meet Batman really bad and they were running dry on why Batman couldn't make time to meet the neighboring hero, and it wasn't like they could just ask Bruce to meet him considering the large collection of Kryptonite in the Cave. And they didn't exactly want their mentor to find out they had went behind his back and formed a friendship with who he swore was his mortal enemy (B's dramatic like that).
They tried to broach the subject of partnership with Superman to Bruce once in a while, of course, but every single time they were either shot down immediately and called ridiculous for even thinking about it or they had to sit through a dramatic monologue about how Superman couldn't be trusted and why they should stay away from him.
But Superman could fly and had superspeed so of course they couldn't stop him if he were to randomly come to Gotham and speak with Batman as if they were friends. Which was what exactly happened. Dick, as Batman, had warned Superman to never, ever come to Gotham without prior notice and to make sure no one notice his presence while he was in the city ("but you can totally see my kids. I'm cool with that." "Oh? Thanks, Batman. But... you know you sound younger than I thought you would." "Uh... yeah, I. Ehem. I'm very in touch with the modern lingo."), and Superman had readily agreed citing about respecting each other's boundaries and all, so the kids thought they were in the clear. But of course, there would be an emergency when even Superman wouldn't have the time to page first before coming right into Batman's turf and ask for his help.
So on a relatively quiet night, Batman was perching on a gargoyle while the newest Robin was scouting out the alleyways for any trouble. And Superman decided to touch down on the roof behind the crouching Batman and said, as if they had met before, as if they were close friends who hang out every once in a while, "Good evening, Batman. It's nice to see you again. Sorry I couldn't page first, and I hope you're not too busy because I have an emergency and I could really use your help."
Batman had gone rigid in a second and through gritted teeth, said, "Superman."
Upon hearing the name through the comm, Damian panicked and immediately sent out an emergency alert to his brothers before grappling to the building where sweet, clueless Superman with his sweet heart was facing the big bad Bat of Gotham who had been stockpiling on kryptonite for years, waiting for the day he would fight Superman. Which was the first mistake.
Because of course Superman, friendly Superman, with heart the size of the Sun, immediately recognised Robin. And of course, clueless Superman with his dumb, harmless 1000 megawatt smile was waving at Robin as if they were friends, as if they knew each other, as if Robin didn't hear Bruce grumbling about each piece written about the good deeds the Superman did every other day.
The others arrived at the scene faster than they would have at any night. Panic stricken and scared shitless of Bruce's wrath. And of course Superman immediately greeted them as soon as they got there.
Batman had merely narrowed his eyes when Superman had waved at Robin, and barked, sharper than he had before, "What the hell are you doing in my city?"
Superman looked taken aback but he was quick to recover. Seems like whatever emergency he got was more prominent than figuring out why his sort-of-not-really-friend was behaving weirdly. "Like I said, I have an emergency and I could really use your help, Batman."
Batman scoffed but with the voice modulator it sounded garbled and hard for the ears. "And what makes you think I would help you?"
Superman blinked. "What do you mean— Why wouldn't you help me?"
"First you encroach into my city without even asking for permission, talking to me as if we are— friends. And then you ask for my help as if I would just drop everything on my plate and follow you. Who do you think—"
But Batman's rant was cut off by the arrival of the other three heroes who stood at the edge of the roof, looking sheepish and guilty, breathing heavily in the quiet night. Superman looked at them, bewildered and surprised to see all the Batfamily in one place but smiling wide nonetheless because he was happy to see his little friends together. It had always been two kids or one. Never three, never all of them and certainly not with Batman in the mix.
"Oh, hey, Red Robin, Nightwing and Red Hood...?" Superman waved awkwardly by the end of his greetings, looking unsure. "Sorry," he said and actually curled in on himself a little as if he's self-conscious. "Are you guys on a big case? I didn't hear anything so I thought you weren't busy. I guess I could try to contact Wonder Woman if you have your hands full."
Superman turned to Batman but Batman was slowly turning his head towards where his kids stood at the edge of the roof. He was eerily silent and motionless making the kids take a step back nervously. Superman watched the scene with a frown, pulling his eyebrows together so tightly they almost meet in the middle. He was starting to detect that something wasn't quite right.
"Explain." Batman barked.
And Superman's face scrunched up even further. Clearly the man was deep in thought. "You know," he said slowly before none of the kids could speak. "Batman. You sound really different than the last time we met. Or any other time, actually. It's as if you're..." he trailed off, staring at Batman's feet, lost in his thoughts again.
"What." Batman shifted slightly. "We've never met before."
"Oh," Superman breathed out, his face going slack. He turned to Nightwing and the young hero immediately stood up straighter. "It was you."
Batman's head snapped towards where Dick was standing with his hands literally clasped behind his back like a soldier. "Nightwing," growled Batman. "Explain."
"Uhh..." said Dick eloquently.
"Red Robin." Bruce barked when Dick fell into silence, unable to come up with a plausible excuse, or to tell the truth.
"Err..." said Tim, swaying a little on his feet. He hadn't had enough sleep or coffee in him to live through the situation.
Batman did not sigh but Bruce Wayne did. A lot. And the kids had a knack of bringing out the dad side in him so Batman sighed through the voice modulator before he could think better. He had always suspected that his kids were up to something but he was so consumed with the thought of the alien— who was now standing in front of him with the world's greatest kicked puppy eyes in the world for some reason— he had stupidly thought whatever shenanigans his sons were up to, he would be able to deal with it later. Of course, he had never thought that his kids were dirty, backstabbing demons.
"Father," Damian finally said, but only because Jason had been signing at him to do so, telling him to use his puppy eyes since it still seemed to work on Bruce. "This is a misunderstanding."
But apparently they were dealing with the full Bat tonight, despite the involuntary sigh, because Batman did not slumped down his shoulders like he always did when Damian turn on his pleading eyes, instead he stood up straight as ever and met Damian's eye straight on. Jason was sure he could hear thunderstorm coming their way.
"A misunderstanding." He repeated flatly.
"Yes." Dick quickly said and Jason gave him a side eye. Dude, he thought, I just convinced the demon child to throw himself under the bus, why are you still talking.
"How is this a misunderstanding." His tone was so flat it didn't even come out as a question.
"I don't understand," Superman said instead, before anyone could reply Batman. He turned to the kids, his face set in disappointment so similar to Bruce's the kids actually flinched back. "You told me Batman was okay with me hanging out with you guys... And he told me— Oh. Nightwing. Right."
Batman's shoulders went impossibly more rigid. "You have been... hanging out."
"Err," said Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin simultaneously. Jason wisely kept his mouth shut. But Bruce's eyes still landed on him. Jason groaned in his head. So much for staying undetected.
"Red Hood," Bruce said slowly, very pointedly. "I thought you hate Superman."
"Yeah, well." Jason shrugged with nonchalance he didn't feel. "Turns out, he's a pretty great guy. So, kudos to him. Yay...?"
"You hated me?" Superman asked, looking dejected. Like someone kicked his dog and Jason knew he had a dog so the expression was even more daunting. And Jason wasn't having any of it, okay. Kal-El had literally given Red Hood his Ma's secret recipe for the perfect cinnamon roll. Which tasted like heaven (sorry Alfred). They had a bond, okay. No way he would let Superman see him as some cynical asshole. No way.
"Not fucking fair. It was the old man who went on and on about how you can't be trusted while making weapons to kill you. So, in my defense, it was hard to like you when all your flaws and possible weaknesses are pointed out in an alphabetical order." He threw a quick glance at the old man he just threw under the bus. Bruce looked unimpressed as ever. "But that was before I met you and found out that you're actually a chill dude. With a mother who's, like, the God of Baking."
"Superman doesn't have a mother!" Batman, honest to god, spluttered.
"Yes, he does." The young heroes said in unison.
"His world is dead. His parents are dead." Batman needlessly emphasised the word 'dead', for which he got four pairs of unimpressed eyes.
"B, have you ever heard of adoption." Dick said, emphasising the last word just to spite Bruce. Because of course Bruce did, if not, three of them wouldn't be there.
"You have Earth parents!" Batman exclaimed quite unlike himself, pointing a finger at Superman as if that's an accusation.
"You want to kill me." Kal whispered, his puppy eyes back on full effect.
Batman shifted uncomfortably. It was one thing to plan ways to kill someone, even if they're alien, it's completely different when said someone you wanted to kill was confronting you about the very thing.
"Yes." Damian reaffirmed. Ever the literal. "Father has been producing a variety of weapons to weaken you, hurt you and eventually kill you with the material called Kryptonite."
"Robin." Tim hissed.
Damian was still a growing child, emotionally and physically. But even he knew that when his any of his brothers said his name like that, it meant he had crossed a line he shouldn't have without realising he did.
"But you have nothing to worry about, Kal." Damian quickly amended. "Should father try to use these weapons under unwarranted circumstances, he will find the stock empty. We have contingency plans for father's contingencies—"
"Damian." It was Dick this time, who quickly moved and put a hand over Robin's mouth. He didn't even realise his mistake, not any of them did, actually.
"What." Batman said. Mostly confused. He couldn't even find it in himself to be furious at the moment. He was just flummoxed.
"Oh. Uh." Superman stammered. "Thank you? That's really nice of you."
An awkward silence befall the rooftop as each hero stood awkwardly where they were, barely breathing, motionless, not knowing what action to take next. Eventually Batman shifted an inch.
Oh no, thought the boys, he's going to go on another rant.
"You went behind my back," Batman started with a dark voice. "I warned you about the danger and you dismissed it. You went and made an alliance with my enemy." Here, Superman let out a protesting noise which could also he offended because, really? Enemy? Batman ignored it. "Not only that, you made plans to go against me. Instead of talking to me, you decided to oppose me. I have trained you and taught you everything you need to know. I take care of you and make sure to meet each of your needs. And this is what I get in return. Betrayal. You did not listen to me and—"
But he was cut off by a sardonic voice. "Master Wayne," said a voice from the batcomm each Bat was wearing, and Superman with his superhearing could hear it loud and clear too. "Considering your history of doing what you were told not to do, are you sure that you should be giving this speech?"
"Alfred," Batman said, sounding almost petulant.
"It is your fault, afterall, that you did not seek out Superman first before deciding who he is and what he is like. It is a good thing, if I may be so bold to say, that the kids see past the mask and befriend Superman in spite of what you have to say about him." Batman looked at Superman who was standing there awkwardly, staring at Batman. Bruce sneered, unable to help himself.
"Quit that," Alfred admonished. Bruce immediately dropped it. Superman blinked. "Now, Master Bruce. I agree that Master Dick, Master Jason, Master Tim and Master Damian should have come forward with their established friendship with Superman but considering your opinion on him, I believe it is understandable that they hesitated to do so." The aforementioned young boys nodded their head at Bruce. "That is not to say, however, that their behaviour shall go unpunish." Now they were groaning and Bruce had a little smile of triumph. "Perhaps, a few days off petrol and reflecting on our behaviours would do us some good. Including you, Master Bruce." Bruce immediately dropped his smile. Why him, too? Alfred answered right away. "I believe you realise now that you have been acting brashly the past few years. Now, we know that Superman is not as aloof and alien as we had previously thought. He is more earthbound than we believed him to be. If he were to go, he will have someone to miss him."
The kids nodded again. Superman just stared at Bruce with wide eyes and an expression Bruce couldn't put together. Whatever, Bruce had no time to care about him. He turned slightly away to whisper to the comm.
"But Alfred—"
"None of that now. I suggest you send the young lads home and we put this discussion off for the future."
In the ensuing silence, Superman softly breathed out: "Wayne."
Batman immediately went rigid, and so did the other young vigilantes. How the hell—
"Bruce... Wayne...?" Superman searched Batman's covered face as if he was trying to see if he was actually coming to a concrete conclusion.
"Oh," Alfred said, surprised and guilty. "The supersenses have slipped my mind. My apologies, Master Bruce."
For the first time in his life, Bruce didn't know what to do. Of course his immediate response should be deflection. But how could you lie to Superman about the very thing he just heard. The kids didn't seem to know what else to do either.
"Perhaps, you should ask Superman to come over for tea if his emergency is not an emergency anymore and we could talk about this in a more secure place." Alfred smoothly continued. No point in lying now. Superman had heard what he had heard and it was unlikely that he could be convinced that his superhearing was faulty.
Superman blinked a few times as if to clear his thoughts before he cleared his throat. "Yes, uhm. I was going to ask Batman to help me take a look at some data about a shipment from Gotham to Metropolis that was to happen tonight. I have reasons to believe that Luthor is involved and when Luthor is involved—"
"Kryptonite is involved." Bruce finished it for him.
Superman looked at him, seemingly a bit surprised. "Erm, yes. That. But I think it has already happened so... I'd have to follow it up tomorrow. So. Uh. I have... time?"
Batman narrowed his eyes and stayed silent.
"Bruce." Alfred said.
"C'mon B," Dick piped up. "The worst has already happened."
"I concur, Father. Kal-El now knows who you are, it is only best that the matter of discretion be properly discussed." Damian nodded sagely.
"The fuck, old man, are you still contemplating this?" Jason raised his arms in disbelief. He's so done with this family.
"Language, Master Jason."
"Uhh..." Tim swayed on his feet.
Batman sighed again. Dammit. Instead of showing his discomfort, however, he growled out a mean, "Fine." And then he grappled towards where he parked the Batmobile. Those brats could find their own way home and Superman? He could fly anyway.
Turned out, Superman could fly with four more passengers and Red Robin's bike that the kids used to get to that building. Although Bruce later gave Kal a piece of his mind about safety and the standard amount of people Superman should carry during flight without putting anyone in danger.
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gartenofbanny · 4 months
Morally, gray characters are those with complex motivations or goals that aren't simply right or wrong. One of my favorite morally gray characters in fiction is Jason Todd from DC. The second Robin that Batman failed to save, who ended up dying at the hands of the Joker and resurrected by Ra's Al Ghul.
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Given a second chance at life, he comes to a revelation that villains should NOT be left alive. Villains, especially the Joker, have caused the suffering of thousands of people, as said by Jason Todd in Under The Red Hood.
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Leaving villains alive will risk more innocent lives and graveyards to be filled when it easily could have been prevented.
But there is an opposite argument that does have merit to it. In DC, there is a crook turned superhero named Plastic Man who, after multiple chances, turned his life around for the better.
At the end of the day, Jason is ending a human life. A life with the potential to convert and change for the better. They're capable of changing, but it's a risky game to play. This is what makes Jason Todd a morally gray character. You understand his motivations, and depending on who you are, you agree or disagree with his actions. There is no easy answer for a topic like this.
So, what about Alastor? Well, he's just not a good person at all. Does he do some good things? Yeah, but he mostly does them in exchange, which will benefit him. He doesn't do anything out of the kindness of his heart (if he even has one), nor does he do stuff, which he believes is right.
So, as always, this blog will be separated into two sections listing the reasons why I don't believe Alastor is morally gray, starting off with status.
Alastor is an Overlord who makes contracts with other demons to get them to submit their souls. Alastor has many souls in his possession, including Husk, and he holds all of them in for power. Immediately, this is not what a morally gray character is. I have yet to see a morally gray character who enslaves other people just to further their goals because that's just what an evil person would do.
And it's not like Alastor had no choice or did it for the greater good or did it to simply defend himself. He ambushed Overlords, took their souls, and broadcasted their fucking screams across Hell to show the denizens of Hell that he means business. He wants people to be afraid of him or respect him for his power.
Secondly, there's just him as a person. He genuinely sucks. Everything he does, he usually does it for himself or because he's told to by a higher power. He helps Charlie just so he could watch the Sinners fail for laughs. He helps Vaggie with the commercial so he wouldn't have to make one ever again. He makes a deal with Charlie in exchange for a favor he'll likely use to his advantage in the future. All of these "kind" actions are usually in exchange for something else, he doesn't do anything out of the kindness of his heart just to further his own agenda.
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And if you really think about it, Alastor contributed very little to the hotel despite making a deal with Charlie that he would help her. They only got one new patron, which was Sir Pentious, and it stayed that way for 6 months. Apparently, Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor suck at their job if they can't bring any new members lmao. And no, just because a villain did something nice for once doesn't make them morally gray.
Thanos helped an old lady cross the street just so he could ruin some woman's life, that definitely doesn't make him morally gray.
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Morally, gray characters are complicated, and that's what makes them interesting. Alastor isn't complicated. He's just a power-hungry psycho who eats people and wants to have fun. He's the perfect example of simplicity.
Just because Alastor will potentially be a morally gray character or complicated character in the future doesn't mean he is one now. And I say potentially because the writers of Hazbin and Helluva like to set things up with underwhelming payoffs. But that's a future blog for a different day.
In conclusion, Alastor is not a good person. He's a bad guy, and just because he's the protagonist doesn't make him any less evil or any more good. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a good one. ❤️‍🔥
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damianbugs · 1 year
If you r still doing the fic recs, what are some good Bruce and Jason ones? I'm going insane
HELLO. oh my gosh. you know, since exam month has officially begun, i should be studying, but like, why would i do that when i could be doing this instead? this is like. so much more productive for my happiness.
it's no secret i am not normal absolutely totally insane about bruce and jason and OF COURSE i will rec you fics of them. i have 150+ bookmarks of fics just centred around them so i really tried to narrow it down to a few of my favourites. if you ever need anymore please ask again!
what a truly disastrous tragedy they are. the blueprint i fear. no fictional father and son has impacted me more. jason and bruce fic writers lace their works in crack because once you read one, you are stuck forever. there is no escape. trust me. anyways!
don't take your guns to town by kreestar
batman comes home from a night patrolling to find a 10 year old jason todd waiting for him in his kitchen. across gotham, at the same time, red hood is stopped by a 25 year old bruce wayne.
MY NOTES: no one is surprised at all that the first fic on this list is time travel. the characterisation in this was insanely good especially between young bruce and jason i loved their parts. so bittersweet and the ending was lovely!
I Will Always Be There For You by squashflower
There's a closet in the manor that locks you inside. It has no lighting or heating or air conditioning of any kind, and Jason, safe to say, wishes he could burn it to the ground. Or shoot it. One of the two.
MY NOTES: there is just something so good about stories where it switches from robin jason to an experience mirrored by red hood jason and this is the perfect example. so so good.
all the small weights by sparkycap
When Batman gets hit with fear toxin, he worries about his Robins. His Robins think it's their job to deal with it. Jason wasn't aware anyone still included him in that group, but according to Tim, he's the only one available.
MY NOTES: fear toxin the trope that keeps on giving. best thing about this though is that the actual fear toxin is not the main part of the story, and i think it was handled so beautifully and maturely in a way i haven't seen before. i cried (twice).
-> just an aside, but i think you should read the other bruce and jason work by this specific writer. they're all insanely good.
Mermaid Tears by minnow_doodle_doo
And if real mermaid tears were what Jason wanted the world to have, Bruce would make Aquaman cry glass.
MY NOTES: teehee sorry for recommending ur own fic in ur ask minnow but this fic is just so sweet and special i need everyone to read it. a wonderful look into that all encompassing love bruce had for jason when things were much simpler for them.
Aftermath by ivy_and_ivory
Now: Batman is in Paris, pulled there by a case that extends beyond Gotham’s borders, when circumstances lead him to a badly injured Red Hood – who might hold the key to Batman’s investigation.
Then: The Red Hood storms into Gotham, begins to stake his claim on the criminal underground, then abruptly disappears – but only after he breaks into Arkham Asylum and leaves the Joker dead in his own cell.
Or: A study of why Bruce couldn’t kill the Joker, what would happen if someone else could – and how you move on from the aftermath.
MY NOTES: you know when you find a fic and you're just like. oh my god. this is it. this is exactly what i wanted. this is all that matters. yeah. that's this fic to me. im sort of obsessed with the idea of batman bonding with red hood without making the direct connection that it's jason.
A Straight Blade by Sparkypants
"What happened to your face?" Bruce asks, reaching his hand for Jason's jaw. "You're bleeding." Jason bristles, cheeks turning pink. "I cut myself shaving." He says, and wipes at the cut with the cuff of his hoody. Damian makes a clicking noise with his tongue, "I'm amazed you haven't taken your own head off." He snarks. Jason shoves his chair away from the table, temper flaring. "Well it's not like anyone ever taught me, is it." He hisses. He's five years late, but Bruce finally teaches Jason how to shave.
MY NOTES: i am so okay so normal about this fic. such a sweet little happy story but i was literally looking down at my screen squinting through my blurry vision because i was tearing up. the unknowing domestic simplicities of being father and son (hysterical sobbing)
Stargazer by LemonadeGarden
Jason Todd is seriously injured during patrol one night, and is forced to stay at the manor to recuperate until his injuries are healed. To pass the time, he makes a list of things he never got to do before he died. Except there's one small problem: most of them involve Bruce, and Jason doesn't really think Bruce cares all that much about him anymore. This is a story about how wrong he is, but I made it sad anyway.
MY NOTES: okay so i think the best way to end this post is with the first ever bruce and jason centric work i ever read that changed the chemicals in my brain forever. THIS is the fic that made me really latch onto their relationship and want to see that reconciliation and recovery. THE roadtrip fic ever.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
What would fae!dick and Bruce's relationship be like? Would they fight, woild they be loyal to a fault, would they even separate? Faes do love living in one place after all
Hmmm, well if we go with the option of Dick growing up mostly in the human world being more accustomed to attaching himself to people rather than a place I’d reckon him and Bruce would end up growing quite close.
Of course, the manor becomes Dick’s permanent home and reacts to the presence of an other being rather quickly, but at the core of it? I think Dick would use Bruce and Alfred as his anchor, with Jason and Tim and all the others joining over time.
And loyalty… well, the creatures I grew up with were never divided into good or evil. They were very versatile, much like humans. One could be kind and sweet in one story only to turn monstrous in the next, usually dependent on how they’d been treated by the human of the story. Dick is kind and loyal by nature and I headcanon he only shows his more “monstrous” side when he’s truly irked or feels he’s been wronged in some way (which is… a very subjective thing for fae).
Bruce offered Dick a home and a family, both things that certain type of other creatures value very much and consider sacrosanct. It may not win him over right away, but it goes a long way in building that fundamental trust that’s gonna end with Batman and Robin roaming the streets as a team.
On Bruce’s part… most things he does that are considered “gift giving” and “offers of kinship” are accidental. Because, well, he’s not fae. And he’s new to this child-parent thing and is totally winging it but it??? Seems to work ok???? And he finds that bribing Dick with food and old trinkets makes the boy more approachable, so that’s what he keeps doing until Dick starts coming to him on his own, without additional prompting.
Bruce is super happy because he thinks he’s doing this parenting stuff right and his son ward is warming up to him.
Dick is grudgingly charmed into accepting Bruce and Alfred as “his” humans. (It’s really hard to stay cold and distant with all the good food. And Dick may be fae but he’s been around humans all his life. He gets lonely embarrassingly easy. And he thrives and hugs.)
Sheesh ok getting off topic again. To sum it all up: I think their bond would be pretty strong and not easily broken. There’s mutual trust going on, but Bruce would have to learn to make compromises with Dick very early due to his… otherness. All those strict rules wouldn’t go over well with a fae. at all. Especially not if Dick found out who got his parents killed.
Consequently I think the monumental fallout that ends with Dick moving to Blüdhaven wouldn’t happen. At least not in its original severity. Mostly because Bruce had to get accustomed to Dick having a strong mind of his own years ago, and because he found out that being “rude and downright disrespectful” is an easy way to have a murder of crows with a suspicious number of eyes and wings chase you around for weeks on end. (Not to mention the deer incident. Bruce swears deer should NOT have that many rows of teeth.)
So yeah, they still argue. They still fight. But it’s usually just small spats and gets resolved rather quickly. ✨ and now that Dick’s finally settled down? Yup. Sorry. That’s HIS stretch of land now. He’s got his magic sunk into the very roots of it. Thank you and good day. And may the gods help anyone who tries to take it OR his humans away from him. 🌳
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justmeinadaze · 10 months
We're a Family Part 19 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Dads Steddie X Mom Fem Reader, SMUT, delicious smut between the boys and then da boys and reader, spanking (they like it :)), slight overstimulation, dirty talk, FLUFF, they love their kids and reader loves her little family, ANGST, Spicy Dylan is back to test slightly over protective Stevie, Steve talks about his high School days, I think that's it.
Word Count: 4363
“Mama? Can you say mama, my love?” James giggles and kicks his feet as you hold him up under his arms. “Oh my goodness. Look at that cute smile.”
“Mommy, can I have a snack?”
“Go ask your father. If he’s cool with it so am I.”
Aurora rises to her feet and scurries quickly to the kitchen. “Dad! Mommy said I could have a snack.”
“You know I can hear right? You three aren’t hidden behind a wall or in another room?” Your daughter covers her mouth as she laughs and Steve lifts her into his arms as he heads to the fridge to get her something to munch on. 
“Even if he was in another room, your dads are superheroes. They hear and see everything.” You playfully widen your eyes making her laugh harder. 
“Don’t laugh, Ro. It’s true. I’m like Batman, the greatest detective in the world!”
As he heads towards the living room, Dylan quickly bangs down the stairs and heads for the front door. 
“Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?”, you shout.
“My friend’s invited me over for a movie.”
“Not even gonna ask?”
“Mom, may I—”
“Yes, you may. Go on.”
He grins as he heads for the door before Steve stops him again. 
“Hey, what time were you going to be home? I was thinking, maybe, you, me, and Eddie could play a game or something.”
“Um, I’m not sure but I’ll text you guys and let you know!”
The man sighs as he comes over to the couch and plops his body down next to yours. 
“Don’t take it personally.”, you softly smile as you rub his shoulders. “He’s a teenager. It’s what they do.”
“I know. I just feel like we haven’t got to spend time with him in a while especially with just us you know?”
“Without these adorable attachments?” James grins as he wiggles out of your hold to replace his sister’s spot on Steve’s lap after she slides to the floor. “God, he looks so much like you. I don’t think either of these children got my genes.”
“Yeah they did. James say ‘I have mama’s nose and cute chubby cheeks.’” As he pinches the baby’s face you lightly smack his shoulder as they laugh. 
“Steve, baby, we know where he is. I checked with Noah’s mom. Come to bed.”
“Y/N, this isn’t ok. He said he would let us know when he would come home. Not only did he not do that but he’s not answering his phone.”
You glanced at Eddie who gestured with his head for you two to go into the bedroom. 
“Ok. If you need anything…”
“I love you.” He smiles at both of you as he continues fiddling with his fingers. 
“Am I being too lenient about this? Noah’s mom said he was there.”
“He has a point, sweetheart. As someone who snuck out a lot and did terrible things”, Eddie chuckles. “I at least left a note telling Wayne where I’d be. He was always terrified Lynn was going to kidnap me or something so if I was even a little bit late he would panic.”
“My sister and I always said we were going to someone’s house but then went to a party. “
When you and Eddie laid down the clock by your bed said 9:30pm. Without Steve and now being worried about Dylan, you stayed awake with the metalhead casually talking in the dark. At 1am, the alarm beeped as your son stumbled in. 
“Shit is right, kid. Where have you been?”
You both listened as they spoke, Steve sounding much more agitated then when you left him. 
“I told you. I was at my friend’s house watching a movie.”
“Lose the tone, Dylan. You said you would text us what time you were coming home and then you didn’t respond to any of our calls or messages. What if something happened to you?! We would have no idea.”
“But nothing did, dad, alright? I’m fine and I’m home. Can I go to bed now?”
“No, you can’t because you are in a lot of trouble. I can smell you from here. What were you really doing?”
“Ugh! I was at a friend’s house! How many times do I have to say it?!”
“Until you tell me the truth, Dylan!” You started to get out of bed but Eddie reached for her arm to keep you in place. “Fine. You want to be stubborn. That’s ok. You’re grounded. No phone, no tv, no friends house. You’ll stay here all summer for all I care until you want to be honest with me!”
“Don’t get mad at me because I’m not spending as much time with you guys anymore, Steve!”
The metalhead promptly released his grip and you marched towards the living. 
“You. Bedroom. Now! You better be awake when I get up there and don’t even think about stomping or slamming doors. If you wake up either one of your siblings you’re staying up with them.”
He huffed as he did what you commanded. As soon as he was out of sight, you turned to find Eddie with his arms wrapped around Steve from behind as he rested his cheek on his back. 
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, I’m, um, I’m fine. I’m sorry if we woke you up.”
“Aw, that’s cute. You think we went to sleep.” Steve smiles at his husband’s joke as he wraps his own arms on his.
“Honey, you know he didn’t mean that, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m fine, guys. Really.” 
Your eyes glance upstairs as you listen to Dylan vomiting. “Well, he’s going to be learning a lot tonight. Lesson one, drinking CAN fucking suck. Eddie, do you mind helping me get him in bed?”
When you two find him, he’s fast asleep by the toilet. Eddie carefully lifts him into his arms, carries him into his room, and places him on his bed. 
“He’ll be okay, right?”
“Were you at his age?”, you ask as you take off your son’s shoes and socks.
“Ma’am, you can’t prove I was drinking in my adolescence.” He grins when you laugh. “Hey, um, go check on Steve. I’ll take care of the rest here.”
As you entered your bedroom, you found Steve sitting on the edge of the bed staring into the void of the carpet. 
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah, baby, he’s fine.” You sit beside him and tenderly run your fingers through his hair. 
“It’s not what he said exactly but, goddamn Y/N, hearing him say my name again hurt a lot more than I thought it would.”
Pulling him into your arms, you tugged him down against the pillows and held him till he fell asleep. When Eddie didn’t come back, you tiptoed out of the room, and up the stairs to find him asleep on the floor by Dylan’s bed. Your heart shattered for them both as you covered him with a blanket, checked on your other two little ones, and headed back to bed. 
You son slugged down the stairs early the next morning finding Steve in the kitchen as he bounced James around while feeding him. 
“Hey, take this. It will help with the headache.” Dylan sighed as he took the medicine and quickly chugged down the glass of water like he had been thirsty for days. “You’re going to want to drink a lot more of that through the day. Hangovers are never fun.”
“Do you know why dad is asleep by my bed?”
“Hm…I imagine he was worried about you. We all were.” 
“I’m sorry I scared you guys. I was at Noah’s but his parents left to have dinner together so…”
“Soooo…you and your friends raided the liquor cabinet?” Dylan nods as he rests his head against the counter making Steve chuckle. “Yeah, I did that a few times. It was easier for me because my parents weren’t home 99% of the time. People would come over and party at my house.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“It was…until I realized I hated the people I was hanging out with and was just trying to impress them.” Dylan shifted his gaze to look up at him. “Plus, the hangovers the morning after were a pain in the ass when I was supposed to be paying attention at school.”
“Why are you being so nice to me? I yelled at you and called you by your name.”
Steve sighs as he shifts James around in his arms. “Yeah, you did but, Dylan, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re my son and I love you. Nothing you do or say will change that, kid.” The boy wraps his arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. “That being said, it was nice knowing you because as soon as your mom wakes up she’s probably going to kill you.”
The baby tries to tug on Dylan’s hair causing the boy to wince as he lightly grabs his wrist. 
“James, dude, you have to stop with the hair pulling.”
“For real. It freaking hurts, doesn’t it?”, Eddie yawns as he descends the stairs with Aurora in tow. “Why are you up, weirdo? When I was young and stupid, I slept till like 4 in the afternoon.”
Steve chuckles as Dylan cringes at the volume of his voice. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.”, he whispers loudly. “Are you hungover? Drink a little too much last night?”
“Wha Dylan drink?”, Ro asks turning to look at her brother as her father narrows his eyes at Eddie.
“Nothing, honey. Dylan just had too much soda with his friends.”
“Nice recovery, Steven.”
“Is anyone hungry? I know it’s a bit early but since everyone is up.”
“Wha ‘bout mommy?”
“Let’s let mommy sleep a little more.”
You smiled from your place by the bedroom door where you had been eavesdropping, climbing back into bed so Eddie and Steve could spend some alone time with their kids. You listened to the sounds of your little family giggling and talking as they made some breakfast. It was a stark contrast to the silence you heard every morning almost 15 years ago when you were married to Charlie. Even after Dylan was born, when he woke up he crawled into bed with you, waiting for you to open your eyes to make food while he watched cartoons. 
After a while, the living room went quiet and as you stepped out to check on them, you found everyone had fallen asleep again. Both men were laying with their heads on opposite sides of the couch using the arm rests as pillows. James was curled up on Eddie’s bare chest as his father’s palm was holding him securely on his back. Aurora was on Steve’s left side while Dylan was on his right. Both kids had their heads on his chest while he had his arms wrapped around them. You quietly snuck a few pictures before beginning your day.
“Hey mom.”
Dylan laughed at your joke as he turned his attention back to Steve’s BMW. “Dad said cleaning his car would be a good punishment until you thought of something better. To be fair, it’s pretty awful. There’s like a never-ending supply of cheerios all over the backseat.”
“Yeah, your sister loves to snack. She gets that from Eddie. You think this car is bad, you should clean his van.” Your son shakes his head in fear making you giggle. “Naw, I think Steve came up with a good one last night. No phone, games, or going to friend’s houses for…a week. I was going to say two but we’ll chalk cleaning the car towards good behavior.”
He nods, grinning in your direction. “I don’t how good it is. I can’t seem to get this spot off.”
Tilting your head, you move closer to where he was pointing before he suddenly turned the hose in your direction causing you to gasp. 
“Oh, there we go. I got it.”
“You butthead.” You both playfully chase after each other as you try to wrestle the hose from his hand. 
“Hey! I see a lot of water but none of it landing on my car.”, Steve chuckles as he shouts at you two from the porch. Aurora giggles as she runs towards you both on the ground. 
“Sorry, baby, Dylan is an awful car washer. He keeps missing places.”
“Y/N, don’t you dare.”
“Don’t I dare what? I don’t even have to hose.” Hugging your daughter, you duck as Dylan shoots water towards Steve making Eddie cackle beside him. 
“I have a baby! He is my white flag.”
Steve marches down into the yard and easily snags the hose from his son, spraying all three of you as you run in playful panic. James laughs as he claps his hands getting the man’s attention. 
“Steven, I have a child.”
“Uh huh.”
Eddie tries to use the baby to block parts of his body making him giggle as he makes grabby hands towards you. As he leans away from his father to fall into your open arms, Steve takes the opportunity to drench him causing Aurora to point and laugh as his long hair falls comically over his face. 
“Am I joke to you, Ro?”
“Yes, daddy!”
The six of you remain outside and have fun together till the sun begins to set. 
“Ok! Please, try to eliminate as much dripping on our floor as possible. Dylan you run upstairs and shower. Rara and James, you come to our bathroom. Shoes on the porch, please and thank you.”
“Hey mom?”
“Hey kid?”
Dylan smiles at your response as you come into his room and take a seat on his gaming chair.
“I really am sorry…about everything.”
“I know.” You meet his grin with one of your own. “Baby, you’re a teenager. You’re going to fuck up. You think the three of us didn’t?”
“Yeah, dad told me about the Harrington parties.”
“It’s funny. You would expect it flipped with Eddie having parties but that man told me he snuck out to hang out with his friends and play D & D. He’s actually the good boy of our group when I think about it.”, you giggle.
“Oh, you and Aunt Kierra weren’t choir girls?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” Your son laughs at you as he leans back against his headboard. “What I’m trying to say is like Steve said… we love you.”
“Yeah…I hurt his feelings though right?”
You twirl in his chair as you carefully thing out your answer to his question. 
“Do you remember when we were in the apartment and you had gotten in trouble at school for fighting? You were so angry; I remember when Steve came over you shouted at him like I had never heard before. After talking to you, you cried in his arms. When you went into your room, all he could talk about was how worried he was about you. He didn’t care that you yelled at him. Eddie didn’t care that you said he couldn’t scold you because he wasn’t your dad. They just wanted you to be ok.”
“They still have that picture you drew them to.” Dylan grins as you both giggle. “Well, Eddie has the original. Steve has a photocopied version in his desk at school along with that little box you made him for his birthday when we were neighbors.”
“What do you have?”
“Good lord, my desk is littered with things you and Ro have done. As soon as James starts getting creative, I’m going to need a bigger office!”
“Excuse me!”, you jokingly holler when you find the boys making out in your bed. “Cool, don’t wait for me or anything.”
“Payback for when you were pregnant with Aurora.”, Steve accuses as his finger reaches out to boop your nose as Eddie continues sucking on his neck.
“That was almost five years ago, Steve Harrington. I need you to let it go.”
He grins as his eyes flutter closed and he groans as the other man grinds his waist against him. 
“Fuck me. Come here, baby.”
“No, you two keep going. I told you I don’t mind you guys being intimate.” Eddie lifted off Steve’s shirt before discarding his own, mewling as he ran his fingers through his chest hair and up towards his jaw so he could bring his lips back to his own. “And I definitely don’t mind watching.”
Getting lost in each other again, Steve tugs on his husband’s sweats and the metalhead removes them, yanking the other boy’s down along the way. As he crawls back up the length of his body, Steve takes a hold of him and flips Eddie on to his back. A heavy moan leaves his lips as Steve rubs his cock against along his own. 
“Yeah? Do you like when I do that? When I grind my messy dick on yours.” Eddie responds with an open mouth kiss making Steve chuckle as he lightly pulls away. “Answer me, baby. Please. I want to hear it.”
“Feels…feels so good.”, he panted as his palms gently ran up and down the man’s back to his ass. “Don’t stop.” Steve’s head fell as he sucked on the metalhead’s neck, grinding his hips harder against his as Eddie’s eyes rolled back. “Fuck. I-I need you to ride my cock, sweetheart. Please.”
Steve nodded as he shuffled back onto his knees and turned his attention to you.
“Come here, honey. I need your help.”
As you crawled closer to them, he playfully pushed you over so he could yank off your pants and panties while Eddie lifted off your shirt. After light heartedly punching his arm and readjusting yourself, you both tilted down to lick the metalhead’s length. You took care of his tip, flicking your tongue along his slit and lubricating him with as much spit as you could while Steve played and wrapped his mouth around the boy’s balls. 
“Jesus! You both are going to fucking kill me.”
The other man came off him with a loud smack, grabbing your face as he sloppily kissed your lips. “Don’t cum yet ok?” You whined, feeling desperate for relief. It didn’t help when his hand came down to spank your ass causing Eddie to groan as a heavy pant of need escaped you. “Ok?”
“Ok, I’ll wait.”
You moved out of the way to give them space and Steve hastily positioned himself over Eddie, gripping his cock in his hand, and slowly lowered himself on to it.
“Fuck me, baby. I’ll never get over—mmm—how tight you are. Th-that’s it, Steve. Take what’s yours.”
The man bounced and grinded on top of him, his eyes closed and mouth open in ecstasy. Licking his palm, Eddie began stroking his cock and you quickly rose to your knees to cover his mouth as Steve’s moan bordered to a shout.
“Sorry. Feels so good.”
“Don’t be sorry, Steve.”, you cooed as you kissed his shoulder. “Trust me, I know how amazing his cock feels.”
“When we’re done, baby, we’re both going to fuck you so fucking hard. We love you so much, Y/N.”
“Focus on him right now, honey.”
Eddie pulled himself up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around Steve as he roughly thrust up into him. Steve clung to the man’s hair as ran his lips along his chest to his neck. 
“Cum, baby. Come on, my good boy. Cum.”, Eddie panted repeating his words over and over until the other man mewled and his release hit his tummy. “Good boy. Fuck, you are so fucking hot when you shudder like that on my dick.” He couldn’t help but smile when he heard you whimpering at his words. “You hear that? She likes the way I talk to you. Jesus…imagine how wet she fucking is right now.”
Steve began to subtly grind down, meeting the metalhead’s thrusts making Eddie groan as he looked up to meet his eyes before he grits his teeth and came inside of him.
Eddie falls back against the mattress, breathing heavily as his body gleams with sweat. The other boy kissed up his chest as he reached for a tissue to clean of his tummy before glancing towards you.
“There’s no rush. I can wait.” Your other husband looked your way as well when he heard how small your voice sounded. 
“Are you okay, princess?”
They grinned when you nodded your head and opened your legs to display your dripping cunt.
“Fuck me…”, Steve sighed as he crawled towards you while Eddie rolled onto his stomach and slid closer to you. “Look at her getting all hot and bothered.” His forehead leaned against yours while Eddie rested his on your shoulder. They were both still panting slighting which made you whine again as you rubbed your thighs together. 
Their fingers effortlessly slipped through your folds and moaned as Steve slid two of his digits inside of you while Eddie pressed circles into your clit. 
“You like watching him fuck me? Stretch me open? He feels so good inside of me, Y/N, I swear to God.”
“St-Steve, please.”
“What, baby? What do you need from, Stevie?”
“Faster.”, you answer breathlessly as your head falls back. Their lips latch on to your neck as both men do what you ask causing your eyes to roll as you feel the coil wind. 
“You like the way I talk to him? He really does look fucking handsome when he cums. You look sexy to, princess. The way you moan drive me crazy.”
You quickly shove your face into his shoulder to smother the scream that wants to break loose as you cum on their fingers.
Steve grips your waist and spins around onto his back, placing you near his hips. 
“Put it in, honey.”
“Are you sure? You both just came—”
Pinching your cheeks, he brings your lips down to his own, kissing you with a need you hadn’t felt from them in a while.
“I don’t care, Y/N. I want to feel you, baby.” Reaching between you both, he hisses as you slowly guide him into your entrance. “Goddamn it…”
You can see it all over his face. Steve was trying so desperately to control himself as he waited for Eddie. He was still slightly overstimulated and that contact just made him want to fuck you hard till he came again. The sight had you clenching tighter to him and in return his fingers pressed harder into your skin. 
Eddie’s own fingers startled you as he gathered some of the slick between your legs and pumped his cock a few times before gradually pushing into your ass. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”, the man behind you groaned as he took hold of your shoulder. Pulling himself back till just the tip was inside you, he slammed back in pushing you forward making Steve grunt at the sensation. 
They both took over, thrusting into you with purpose as you tried to suppress the urge to scream. Eddie’s palm came down a few times on your ass causing both you and Steve to let out a needy whimper. Leaning on to your back, his hand came around to lightly grab your throat as his fingers turned your head towards him. 
“Our beautiful girl, baby. Look at those gorgeous fucked out eyes. Do we—mmm—do we feel good, Y/N?”
Eddie chuckles when he looks down at his husband’s scrunched up face. “I love when he gets like this. Look what your pussy does to him.”, he whispers as he turns your head again. 
“I’m gonna—”
“You gonna cum, sweetheart? Ok, let us take care of you.”
Collapsing forward, Steve’s arms wrapped around you as they both pumped their hips at a harder pace. Panting in his ear, you trembled as you came. The man underneath you followed, grunting you felt him let go inside of you. With a couple more rough thrusts, Eddie gasped as he filled you up, slowly pulling out and falling to your sides. 
“Are…are you two dead?”
You shook as Steve laughed, gently lifting your head so he could look at your tear-soaked face.
“Are you ok, honey?” 
“Yeah. Just…felt good.”
“We need to learn new words besides good.”
“Jesus, Y/N. Look at Mr. Teacher over here.”, Eddie sasses as he sticks out his tongue at the man. “Come on, my loves. We need to get clean.” As everyone stood to head for the tub, the metalhead tugged your arm forcing you to stop. “Shit, sweetheart. I didn’t realize I hit you so hard.”
Turning to look in the mirror, you notice the growing red mark that was developing where he had spanked you. 
“Oh, you really didn’t, baby. I swear. I would have told you if you were.” You quickly kissed his lips before climbing into the warm water and curling up around them. 
“So, I heard a rumor that the Harrington’s house was the place to be back in your high school days.”
Steve smirked in your direction as you and Eddie beamed over at him. 
“Yeah, for a while. I had some falling outs with some people I thought were my friends. As Munson loves to tell people, I used to be asshole.”
“What made you change?”
“A girl. She made me realize I didn’t like who I was with them.”, he grins. “Not to say that’s the same with Dylan. He and Noah are good kids.”
“The people he used to hang out with were assholes like him. Whatever happened to Tommy anyway?”
“I don’t fucking know.” Eddie splashes water in his direction and Steve does the same. “How is Dylan?”
“He feels bad for hurting your feelings.”
“Naw, he didn’t hurt my feelings. That’s my kid, ya know? He can call me whatever he wants but he’s stuck with us.”
Your hand reached out to gently run through his hair. 
“Your dad is a fucking idiot. You’re a good man, Steve Harrington.” You lean back and kiss the other boy’s cheek. “You to, Eddie Munson.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @strangerfreak
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair @actuallyspencerreid
@moviefreak1205 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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where-dreamers-go · 2 months
“Teasingly Sweet” Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: Here’s part three after “Lucky Treat” of 90s Robin and Reader. What happens when Robin thinks he’s the one having bad luck? Also, do they know what’s even going on between them? Warnings: Use of (Y/N), slight angst maybe, spicy times of a makeout session, and fluff. Word Count: 2,321 words)
Gotham City had its fair share of people. Even masked heroes and creative villains who had eventful nights compared to their civilian days.
You, on the other hand, were having a pretty tame evening. The day had been productive, however nothing was too much to handle. A really decent day that lead to you grabbing a well deserved treat from a confectionary in the city.
Street lights and buildings kept the streets lit well enough.
You kept an awareness to your surroundings. Keeping your mind mostly on what moved around you and partially on ideas of what a certain masked hero could be up to.
Hopefully, Robin is alright, you thought as you held a light box of delicious treats close. He usually is. That we know of. You kept your jacket zipped up, an extra layer against the chilly night air.
After deciding to take a detour to avoid the growing crowd at a coffee shop, you annoyingly realized there was even more activity down the busy street. Lights flashed and news vans lined the road to boarder the sidewalks. Much too close for you to ignore.
Really? You thought, I don’t need this today. Pivoting on the spot, you turned with every intention of squeezing passed the line for coffee on your route home. Safety first.
You had very good intentions and determination to avoid any trouble. The good luck you were having again recently was not going to be thrown away on your watch. No way. There were treats to be had.
Just keep walking and you’ll be fine. No big deal. Average Gotham City night.
Average night, was it?
Was it not uncommon for a crook to flee from a police car?
Was it also the usual night for a crook to head straight toward you without your knowledge?
Definitely not.
Heavy footfalls came in rapid succession behind you.
Alarmed, you turned to the noise and saw a person, wrists cuffed, headed your way. Despite the initial scare, you were able to see a positive. Another person coming your way.
Robin sped forward, almost flying across the concrete to intercept the crook. Cape rippling behind him, your hero launched himself through the air.
You watched on in awe as Robin flipped over the guy and took him down in the process.
Oh, dang.
Hopping back to his feet, Robin spotted you as the crook peered around in a daze.
“Close call, sweets.” Robin said, looking you over. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” You clutched the dessert box in your grasp. “You?”
“I’d be better if this guy didn’t run off, especially too close to you.”
“I’m okay.”
“Good. How ab—hey,” Robin held the guy more firmly as he struggled against the hero. “I’ll be back.”
“Okay.” You stood quietly beside a building. The chill in the air made you shiver slightly.
All the movement remained about seven yards away, reporters trying to get closer to Robin and the dark looming figure of Batman stood by officers. Quite the sight really. There was no way you would want to be tangled up in that mess, even if it was under control.
Taking the time to check around, you deemed the area around the sidewalk boring and safe. Almost an oddity for Gotham City.
Can’t believe how fast Robin got that guy, you thought. He just…flipped and… Did he use his legs? I don’t know.
In less than about five minutes, Robin strutted towards you. Really heroic in that cape too. Yet he wasn’t smiling as you thought he might.
Is he okay? Did something else happen?
“Hey,” you said softly, “are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just…a lot of little things going wrong. Nothing I can’t handle, but it’s irritating.”
“Bad luck today?”
“Yeah,” he laughed half-heartedly. “You know a bit about that, huh?”
“A bit. But I know what can make it a little better.” You smiled as he perked up at your words. “I have some ice cream at my place and cookies, if that’ll make it any better.”
Robin smirked, “Are you inviting me to your place?”
“Yeah. If you want,” you shrugged, shy. A little nervous perhaps considering how much of a fan you were of Robin.
He’s walked me home before, you thought, and drove me home on his bike. Plus we’ve… Woo. Yeah. Okay, this could be interesting.
“Sounds better than how my night’s been going so far.” Robin replied.
“It can be my gift to you.” You quickly added, “You’ve helped me before and now. Why not give you something? You do so much already for everyone.”
“I can’t argue with that.”
You smiled. “I was headed home now. If you’re not through crime-fighting, I won’t take the ice cream out just yet.”
“You’d wait for me?”
“Yeah. It— Is that weird?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m flattered, but you shouldn’t have to wait that long. Give me a minute.”
You nodded and watched as he returned to the busy press-filled sidewalk.
I can’t believe this is happening again, you thought, feeling your heart rate pick up again. But…inside my apartment. I’m so glad it’s not a mess.
After wrapping up business with Batman, Robin jogged over to you with a charming smile.
On the way to your place, you two talked, caught up on anything new, and were very close. For chilly weather reasons, obviously. Robin was easy to talk to and wasn't completely full of himself. He knew what he was capable of and he didn't flaunt it.
Entering your apartment, you kicked off your shoes by the door.
“Make yourself at home.” You said as you set down the box of treats on the counter.
“Thank you. Nice place.”
“Thanks,” you smile warmly to him and walked over to the couch a few feet away to unzip your jacket.
“Is the box off-limits?” Robin asked, coming to stand by the end of the kitchen counter.
“Sorry, it is. This was for a well-productive day. From me, for me.”
He hummed in appreciation, “Is it cake?”
“…No.” You turned away slowly and took off your jacket.
It was then that you realized what you were wearing.
Crap, you thought and tried thinking of a way to hide the prominent ‘R’ decorated on the upper left of your Robin fan club shirt. Be subtle about it.
Left arm raised, pretending to scratch your neck, you attempted masking some of it from view as you walk back into the kitchen.
“So, uh, you can pick whichever cookies you want out of the pantry there.” You offered and quietly sighed as he did so.
“Hmm.” He turned around with a sleeve of cookies. “Sweet as you.”
“Gotta have some on hand in case of a bad day,” you shrugged.
“I’d say my bad luck has disappeared at the sight of you.”
Smiling, you replied, “I could say the same. You did show up when I was having a terrible birthday.”
“And how’d that go?” Robin smirked.
Like he doesn’t know! You flirt.
“Well, after a really nice walk, I got a gift from you. So, I think it went really well.” Moving in the kitchen, you reached into the top cabinet, grabbed two bowls, and turned to set them onto the countertop. No clumsiness included.
“Did you like your gift?”
Oh, now he’s full on teasing.
“Very much.”
He smirked, happily confident. Blue eyes sparkling in the warm light.
Opening a drawer, you took out two spoons and quickly set them by the bowls. “I hope you don’t mind (flavor) ice cream.” You said and stepped to the refrigerator.
“I don’t mind any flavor you give me.”
After nearly choking on spit from Robin’s words, you pulled out a carton of ice cream with images of its contents all over. The thin ice coating its edges relieved some the heat radiating from your hands.
I’m going to be fanning myself with a magazine if he keeps this up, you thought.
Leaning on the counter, Robin watched you prepare to bowls of ice cream with a smile. Every move he caught with curious and attentive eyes.
“Is this good?” You asked, spoon in hand.
“Yeah. Thanks.” Robin walked over to stand beside you and took up the second spoon.
“Beats running around outside?”
“I’d take being here with you over chasing down some guy determined to ruin people’s day for the thrill of it. This is more fun.”
Apparently smiling while eating ice cream was a minor challenge. The two of you took that challenge with ease. Ice cream with good company definitely brightened both Robin’s and your day.
It was a wonder how you were comfortable enough with him to invite Robin inside. Then again, you were a fan and had gotten to know him quite a bit during your last two meetings. You were proud of yourself for asking.
Why shouldn’t you gift a little with whatever type of relationship you two had going?
What’s he thinking? You wondered as you saw him looking at you with your peripheral vision. I mean, he probably has to leave soon. I guess. You quietly set your spoon down in the empty bowl. I wish he could stay a little longer.
“You know,” Robin started as he put the spoon down, “I owe you a ‘thank you’ for your gift. Inviting me in and treating me to ice cream and cookies. You didn’t have to.”
“It’s about time I gift you something. Something other than one piece of candy.”
“And about thanking you…”
Robin’s gloved hand pulled you in by the waist. A move he definitely perfected as he instantly kissed you. Stealing your breath, Robin kept the pace slow as his lips pressed against yours. Dizzyingly passionate as he curled his other arm around your back.
Another kiss for the record.
Eyes shut for a moment, you broke for air. Your hands finding purchase on his biceps.
Even with his knee-shaking kisses, you needed to know something. To ask one thing.
“Is this...casual for you or…?” You left the question open ended.
How do I even ask this?
Robin took one of your hands and pressed it against the pulse point on his neck. A rapid pulse. “Lately, I've been wondering the same thing, but... I think I only want this from you.”
“Your heart racing?”
“It can be calm too. But not when I think of seeing you again. You’re all I can think about some times.”
“Just me?”
“You and me.”
You pulled him in for a hard kiss. Fingers in his hair, you deepened the kiss with all you had. In turn, Robin held you impossibly close to his body. Both of you expressing what you wanted and tasting of frozen dessert with no signs of stopping. 
Neither of you had to be anywhere else.
Leading you backwards through the apartment, Robin continued pressing his lips to yours. You stumbled to keep up, not knowing where you were headed when you mind was on how he teased your lips with his tongue.
Your world turned sideways and Robin was all you could feel as you landed onto the couch. The cushions softening the fall onto your back. His cape covering you both as limbs entangled.
Time passed further into the night. Both you and Robin showed no hints of leaving the couch. If anything, it appeared as if you two would remain there much longer.
Panting breathes were exchanged between wet lips and heavy gazes. It was getting a little hot in the apartment.
Hands intertwined tightly over your head, neither of you dared break contact.
“We should probably stop,” you murmured.
“Probably,” Robin said into their neck. He rolled his pelvis onto yours. “Ahh. I should go.”
You bit your lip, keeping yourself quiet as your legs instinctively hugged him closer. Fingers still locked together with his gloved hands.
Robin. Oh, please. You thought as you felt your mind slowly floating away with pleasure, of being with him.
Placing another kiss on your neck, Robin kept a slow and sensual pace with you. His eyes fluttered shut as the two of you continued.
No thoughts of responsibilities or anyone else. No worries of where either of you should or should not be. Only thoughts of being closer together and all of the feelings that came with it all.
“Robin.” Back arching, his name escaped you like a plea.
Above you, he stopped completely and released your hands. “We can’t. As much as I really, really want to…” He looked you over in your half blissful state as he blinked away his own fog of pleasure. Shaking his head, he added, “Not while I’m like this…as Robin.”
You nodded, processing his words. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Yes,” you kissed his forehead.
Smiling, Robin kissed you again. Much shorter that time, but with no less affection. He pulled you up with him into a sitting position, chuckling at your disheveled appearance.
“And maybe we can pick up on where we left off?” He lightly pulled at your shirt and added, “With your fan shirt.”
“Sure. Maybe without your mask and cape?”
His hands held you to him, “More cotton and less…”
“Whatever this is made of?” You knocked your knuckles onto the front of his suit. “As long as it protects you, it’s fine.”
“It does the job.”
“Good.” You pecked his lips.
Reluctantly, the visit had came to a close as you walked him to the door. The pair of you shared one more kiss, a promise.
“Good night,” you murmured.
“Good night. See yah soon, (Y/N).”
Robin left your apartment quietly and went off into the night air.
What have you two gotten into?
Was he, the Robin, really going to reveal his civilian identity to you?
Was that even allowed?
Was it safe?
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @
90s Dick Grayson Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
i've found your account only a few days ago but ever since then I've been STUCK here rereading your fanfics, especially ones with damian. i wasn't even a dc fan (heard about some stuf, watched some films and cartoons, but that's it) but now im reading comics since im Obsessed and need more batboys in my life (rip my productivity😔)
Anyway, after Sleepover i'm curious what will Bruce (and maybe even Thalia) think of batboys strange behaviour towards reader. He's smart, so he definitely notices it early on, but how he'll react....
I can see him being weirded out (like he was by Jason's anger issues, before his death), but he also can be an enabler, since Robin (literaly any of them) had a hard life, so if those relationships can help him why not pretend that everything is normal? you'll be safer in a Wayne's Manor anyway
All in all, thanks for a new hyperfixation 💞💞
P.s. About games:
1. Boyfriend to death 1&2 - since you're into yanderes you might want to check this game out. I prefer the second game, but the first is also fun. But beware the trigger warnings!!
2. Long live the Queen - more of a raising sim than dating sim but you still can romance some guys and girls.
,3. Hatoful Boyfriend - mostly a comedy, but there is a yandere.
4. The Royal Trap - it's been a long time since i played it, but it used to be one of my favorites so i'll just mention it.
5. Higurashi - once again not really a romance sim, but its an interesting horror mixed with a slice of life
and yes yes get into DC!!! (girl who hasnt even read a full run since like. injustice)
damn now you got me thinking and excited. incoming spiel
i agree entirely about bruce just knowing how Bad things can get, so to make things simpler, he's like "yes, your darling(s) can stay in the manor, boys. 🙄"
mmm yes..... when it comes to bruce noticing the batboys are yandere, i think it's always sinfully delightful to just have him be reluctantly okay with it. 😈 it's also easier narratively ngl but i also like the idea that the batfam is all just corrupted.
bruce's thoughts are that they (his sons) fight for vengeance and justice but this is where they could use some leeway.... we all need our vice... they fight so hard for gotham, they deserve a little treat (getting rid of your human rights)... it's very "Dad who wants his sons to have happiness even if its not healthy" of him. in fics where bruce is a yandere, well, he's the exact same way so he can't judge. although if that's the case, i like the idea of bruce just being like "yes what we do isn't right. let's not talk about it. just don't kill <3"
still wondering what i like more. a yan!bruce who's self aware what he's doing is wrong but he just refuses to think about it. or a yan!bruce that justifies it all because of his paranoia, Tower of Babel style (if you don't know, that's when it's revealed batman has plans to subdue/kill the justice league just in case they go rogue.)
for the batboys depends on their personality... for damian, he's so resolute in things that i prefer when he just believes 100% what he's doing is okay, if not actually righteous. ^_^
hmmm talia.... I'M STILL UNSURE HOW I PREFER THAT AS WELL... i think talia being a you-arent-good-enough-for-my-son mom is a little cliche but also. she kinda would say that. you'd have to prove your worth somehow but idk how tf darling would do that LOL. in the end, i think talia is just relieved/comforted that her son indeed feels desire and wants love and will continue the family legacy (regardless if youre afab/can biologically have children.)
no THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! AND THANKS FOR RECS!!!! heheh yeah ive checked out btd and im not averse to the warnings its more like im not that most of into the designs ngl. fox guy seems cute? AND LMAO FUNNY BC IM ON A HIGURASHI REWATCH (never played it tho)
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 19
Chapter 18
Danny had unsurprisingly not gotten a good night's sleep that night. He was currently staying in an abandoned Firehouse. He was pretty sure he was getting the hang of finding semi-hospitable hideouts. Just to be safe, he had taken to hiding his stuff in the walls when he left. It was tedious, but there was no way he was risking a Red Hood (Jason?) situation. He knew that opening a portal to the Ghost Zone would be a bad idea, and that it could lead the GIW straight to him. That big of a power surge in one spot would no doubt attract them. At the very least, Vlad might also be aware of him in Gotham now. But for some reason he didn’t want to leave. 
Sure, He’d be safer if he stayed on the run but he had friends at school, was actually doing well in classes, and he had befriended the local vigilantes. Not that he was avoiding them. He had patrolled a bit with them again- invisible as always- but he’d started to feel eyes on him so he gave them Phantom’s contact info and proceeded to lay low the past few days. 
Danny had started feeling a bit paranoid after the whole ghost portal thing, but Batman and Frostbite were already making progress. Batman had even said that the GIW wouldn’t be able to do much in Gotham since he’d alerted the GCPD to reject any attempts at partnership and to detain the Fentons if they were spotted. Danny was still worried about it. Especially with Vlad and his parents. He’d of course told Batman about Plasmius, but in order to keep his own secret he hadn’t told them Vlad was a Halfa too. He was starting to think that maybe he should, just in case he showed his fruit-loopy self in Gotham. 
Obviously, Phantom could take Vlad in a fight no problem. It was him against the bats that he wasn’t so sure about. Lack of ghost weapons aside, Vlad also had a propensity for overshadowing people. Often multiple people because of his clones. The two things Danny wouldn’t or couldn’t do. 
He sighed. Maybe he was overthinking it. He should just do his best in school and hang out with Tim and Steph like a normal kid for once. Phantom was benched for now, and Danny needed to lay low in case the GIW or … the Fentons were searching for him. If they noticed the power surge of the portal, it’s likely, but who knows. Maybe they didn’t notice anything. Maybe Danny’s still safe. 
“Yo, Danny, are you okay man?” Steph asked, nudging him. They were at lunch, having gone off campus to a coffee shop instead of sticking around the cafeteria. Tim was downing his coffee and staring longingly at the second one he ordered like he couldn’t drink them fast enough. Steph and Danny had both gotten sweeter drinks because, as Steph says, they have taste buds that work. 
“Yeah,”Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck.”Just an off day, you know? Couldn’t sleep.” 
Tim perked up at that.”You know you can always come over to the manor-”
Danny cut him off with a groan. “I told you Tim, I’m not coming back.”
“Yeah I know,”Tim glowered, sipping his drink. “Had to try though, the Demon Brat is still spamming my phone about you. Even Bruce asks for updates.”
“Yeesh, even Bruce?” Steph winced, looking between the two boys. “Yikes Danny. Bruce isn’t known for letting things go. You’re doomed.”
“He’s not ‘doomed’,” Tim rolled his eyes, while Danny sighed dramatically from the other side of the table. 
“You know, it’s kind of hard to keep a low profile with a billionaire taking an interest in you,”Danny commented dryly. Tim shrugged. 
“Just means he can keep you safe from whatever you’re running from,”Tim raised an eyebrow pointedly at Danny’s scowl. His phone alarm rang and the three of them started packing up to head back to school. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,”Danny wrinkled his nose. “And wouldn’t hiding with a billionaire make it easier for them to find me?” 
“He’s got a point,”Steph chimed in, getting a look from Tim. “I’m pretty sure Bruce has a room for me just on the off chance I spontaneously need adopting. No doubt they’re gonna keep your room exactly how you left it.” Tim fought back a smile, knowing it was true, but wouldn’t prove his point. 
“Pssh, Bruce can be stealthy. No one will even know you live at the manor,” Tim pointed out. Danny snorted. “What? He can be stealthy,”Tim persisted, only for Steph and Danny to exchange amused looks and start laughing. “I’m serious!”
“Sure,”Danny chuckled as he and the others left the cafe and headed back to school. “He’s about as stealthy as the sun. Sure, you don’t see him at night, but when you do see him he’s super intense and the center of attention.”
Steph burst out laughing at that, and Tim made a face. “Okay that’s a fair point but still. I know we all told you before but everyones still worried about you.” 
“I get it,”Danny said. More than you know, Danny thought wryly. He knew that if the GIW had a way to track him they’d be led straight to the Wyanes, and then their secret identities would be in jeopardy. Danny wouldn’t allow that to happen. Besides, if he’s on his own he can use his ghost powers to sneak away and fly to a different state undetected. “This is my problem to deal with though. Can we just drop it?”
Tim wilted. “Fine, but if you ever need anything let me know.”
“Will do,”Danny saluted lazily. He would not. And judging by the look on Tim’s face, he knew it too. 
The conversation switched to upcoming school projects and classes as they made their way through the school. “Alright, I’m off to class, see ya later,”Steph waved. 
“See ya,”Tim and Danny waved. The two boys had chemistry together, so they walked to class side by side. They were a bit late, so they didn’t have much time to chat before sitting down in their seats before class started. 
Tim was a bit worried about his friend. Sure, he knew Danny could take care of himself, and had superpowers that could help him. But was he taking care of himself? Tim was sure the meal plan Damian had him on was all but nothing while Danny continued to live by himself. He wasn’t too worried, knowing that Danny was pretty good at surviving on his own. Besides, he was pretty sure everyone had scared Danny away with their lack of boundaries. 
In addition, Danny was a good person. Tim would be a fool to not see how the kid was trying to protect them. It was nothing they couldn’t handle, sure, but Danny didn’t know that. Even if the bats couldn’t be with him all the time, Tim was sure Phantom was protecting the kid. At one of the meet ups, Phantom had said he’s usually with the bats at night and Danny during the day. Though, the past two days Phantom had more or less said he’d be sticking around Danny more often so he wouldn’t be around much to help the bats. Which was fine. They’d need to find Danny to talk to the Phantom though, because they hadn’t been able to give Phantom a communicator before he disappeared. 
A voice came over on the intercom and Tim snapped out of his thoughts to pay attention. Especially since the rogues were keen on attacking schools, Tim was listening to make sure there wasn’t some sort of attack on the way. Oddly enough, it was just about a student needing to come to the office. But that student? Danny. 
Danny stiffened next to him, and Tim looked over with a raised brow, silently asking if he wanted company. Danny gave him a small smile and shook his head,”Probably just something about paperwork,”Danny whispered before gathering his things and making his way out to the office while Tim’s head spun with questions. The intercom didn’t give any details, and despite it probably being about paperwork, considering Danny had no actual adult supervision at home, Tim had worries. Parent teacher conferences were weeks away, and Danny hadn’t gotten in any kind of trouble at school. He had a bad feeling about this. 
Exactly two minutes after Danny left, Tim raised his hand. “Can I be excused to the bathroom?”He asked and the teacher, Ms. Morgan, sighed but waved her hand to let him go. She was more than used to Tim’s antics, but because of his good grades and lack of friends, she let him do what he wanted. Maybe he should send her some sort of gift basket, he thought. She was a good teacher. 
Once in the hallway, Tim beelined for the office on silent footsteps, passing by the bathrooms on his way. He kept an eye out for Danny, pausing when he heard voices coming from the door to the office. Getting as close as possible, TIm busied himself with a nearby locker while he eavesdropped. 
“I assure you, this is the best possible outcome for everyone,”Someone was saying. He didn’t recognise the voice, but it sounded like a man. 
“I suppose. As long as you keep your end of our deal. I don’t want any of this getting out,”Tim recognised the vice principal’s voice. What kind of deal? And where was Danny?
“Trust me, your school’s reputation is safe. Dealing with these creatures is classified government business. Nothing will get out to the public,”The man was saying, and Tim’s blood ran cold. Creatures? Were they talking about  Danny? Did they know? Where was Danny? Tim thought frantically. He needed more information. 
“Either way, this is how far I’m willing to help you. Follow the others through the back entrance. I don’t want anyone seeing you or the boy,”The vice principal, Miss Wethers, snapped. 
“Trust me, he won’t be seeing anyone from Gotham Academy anytime soon,”He chuckled darkly, and dread filled Tim’s chest. They had Danny? Where was Phantom? How did they know where he was? Tim thought frantically, shoes squeaking on the floor as he quickly made his way to the back door of the school. It was the staff parking lot, and if he didn’t want to run into Miss Wethers or the creepy dude he’d have to go the long way. 
On the way, Tim took out his phone, calling Jason and putting a com in. The others would be at school or work right now, and he knew Bruce and Alfred were getting ready for the Gala tonight. 
“What is it now, Replacement?” Jason snapped, but Tim didn’t have time. 
“The GIW’s at the school, I think they got Danny,”Tim rushed out, turning a corner and skipping down the stairs. “They’re taking him through the school’s back entrance, I’m on my way there but I’m in school clothes,”Tim said, and he could tell by the movement on the other end that Jason was getting his gear. 
“Alright, find out what car and where they're going but don’t interact unless you have a way to sneak Danny out without them noticing,”Jason grunted,”Be there in five.” 
Tim gave an affirmative and cut the comm, finally making it to the back entrance door. He wasn’t sure if Danny had five minutes, but Tim was confident in his ability to be a distraction and stall for time. He eased the door open and immediately latched onto seven guys in white suits, three of which were carrying  what looked like a heavily restrained and unconscious Danny into the back of a big white van. Damn. From what Tim could see, there was a muzzle and handcuffs, but he wasn’t sure if Danny was knocked out or drugged. 
“Shit,”Tim cursed as the last guy came through the side of the building with the vice principal behind him. He didn’t have hardly any of his gear on him and they were about to leave. Taking out what he had in some hidden pockets, he activated a tracking device and took aim, hitting the van perfectly on the back of the vehicle, near the back right tire. 
Tim chewed on his bottom lip nervously as he watched the van doors close. For a small group they were very efficient and fast at getting Danny out and on the road. Tim eased out from behind the door and made his way behind some cars, following the van’s path as they drove out of the parking lot. He knew he couldn’t keep up from ground level, so he climbed up to the rooftop of the nearest building when he had a chance to do it  without being spotted. The whole time he felt nothing but worry for Danny. 
“Hood, come in, where are you?” Tim asked impatiently. “They’re in a white van, sending you the location now. I managed to get a tracker on them but couldn’t get Danny out.”
“Two minutes out. How’s the kid?”Hood grunted, and Tim could hear the sounds of his motorcycle in the background. 
“Not great. They have handcuffs and a muzzle on him, and he was unconscious when they loaded him into the van,”Tim reported, and Hood cursed. 
“I see em’,”Jason said, and Tim could hear the roaring of his motorcycle across the street. Tim brought up his phone and used it to pull up the tracker he’d set on the van. He took a second to catch his breath from roof hopping, and tried to calculate their path. 
“Looks like they're headed towards the docks or the outskirts of Gotham,”Tim cringed. That’s also where a bunch of warehouses and abandoned buildings were located. It would be hard to find Danny around there if they manage to get away or ditch the van.
Suddenly, there was an explosion and Tim looked up from his camera with wide eyes. Looking over the edge of a building he was perched on, he could see the van scurry to a stop, smoke and what looked like the aftermath of an explosive right in front of them. “Jason?” Tim exclaimed, only to catch a glimpse of the Red Hood coming out of the smoke dramatically. He sighed a breath of relief. 
“What, worried about me Timbers?” Jason sing-songed, and from the roof Tim could see two agents exiting the van as Jason drew his guns. Tim huffed a laugh. “Stay out of sight, not sure what weapons they have on hand.”
Jason sneered at the white-suited agents as they approached him with a haughty walk. “The fuck do you think you’re doing kidnapping kids in my territory?” Jason called out to them, and the second guy paused. They weren’t actually in Jason’s area, but Gotham counted as his territory when he wanted it to be.
“You misunderstand,”The first agent said calmly, holding up his glowing green weapon nonchalantly. “I’m agent K with the Ghost Investigation Ward, we’re simply taking the entity in. It’s just possessing the boy, and it’s our job to apprehend it. You’re interfering with government jurisdiction.”
Jason let out a breath, but cocked his guns. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re doing. Step away from the vehicle before I start shooting.”
Agent K looked incredibly annoyed and yet smug as he slowly lowered his weapons. “Fine, we’ll do things your way. Agent O?”
At that, the other Agent dropped his weapons, including what looked like a glowing green grenade that rolled towards Jason. Hood cursed and leaped away as it went off in a flash of green light, firing at the Agents as they pulled out their weapons. Jason hadn’t seen any weapons like theirs in action before, but it was clearly heavy duty. Agent O even  tried to shoot a fucking net at him like he was some kind of crime fighting fish. Frustratingly, they kept him on his toes while he ducked behind a car. Jason managed to hit Agent K in the shoulder before the two ducked behind the car door. Hood caught a glimpse of them inching back to their van, and made to follow when suddenly the van itself rumbled. 
Tim and Jason’s eyes widened as what looked like missiles and lasers appeared from the van and locked onto Jason. “Shit,”Jason cursed, woefully unprepared for their tanked up van. Three missiles immediately took off, and Jason did his best to get to better cover while green lasers shot at him. One of the grenades from earlier hurtled towards him too, and it was at that moment that Jason vowed to blow up each and every one of those white suits in the van. He hissed as a lazer caught his leg and grazed his side. Clearly the weapons were made to hit ghosts, but damn, they still hurt. He needed to step back and regroup. As much as he hated to admit it he’d need backup. Or more firepower to counter these weapon-crazed maniacs. 
“Hood! They’re getting away and the tracker is down!” Tim shouted in his ear. Jason grimaced. 
“Little busy here,”Jason grunted as two missiles collided with each other, but the force of the blow blew him back, dragging his feet on the pavement. The third one struck him before he had time to dodge, and all he heard was the screeching of tires getting further away as it went off, sending him into darkness. 
Tim cursed as Jason was thrown back into a building before slumping to the ground. The van was gone and the tracker malfunctioned when the weird energy sources of the van's weapons activated. As much as Tim would have liked to go after Danny, he didn’t have a car or his Red Robin suit, nor a way to track them anymore. And Hood was down, He thought dryly. 
Hood was already moving by the time Tim skidded to his side. There was no blood, so Tim figured it was just a lot of percussive force damaging his brother. He’d have a lot of bruises for sure. As Hood grumbled and caught his bearings, Tim helped him stand, finding burns through his armor on his side and left thigh from the lasers. He grimaced in sympathy. 
“You okay?” Tim asked once Hood was standing. He didn’t seem injured too badly, but might have a concussion if not for the red helmet on his head. 
“Yeah,”Hood coughed. “Nothing I can’t handle. Wasn’t prepared for that shit though. The fuck do they have so many heavy duty weapons?” Hood spat, brushing off Tim’s hands. “Any way to track them?”
Tim shook his head. “I didn’t see Phantom anywhere but they managed to get Danny by roping the vice principal into setting up a trap for him. I didn’t notice until after they had him.” 
“Shit, think they got Phantom too?”Jason swore again, but went over to where his motorcycle was, dragging Tim with him. “C’mon, we’ll find them.”
“Yeah,”Tim responded, feeling his brain buzz with anxiety and plans. He’d have to figure out where the GIW base was, how they got into Gotham, and hack into the CCTVs to figure out if Phantom was around. A helmet was shoved into his arms and Tim jolted back to the present. 
“We’re on our own for this one. B and the others are on their way to the Gala already,”Jason said, revving the motorcycle. “Sides, not much we can do until we track down the van. We’ll gear up at my place and come up with a plan before looping in everyone else.”
“I can loop in Spoiler,”Tim added, twisting his arms around Hood’s waist. Jason grunted in agreement and they made their way to Jason’s apartment without following most traffic signals. The whole way, Tim worried about his friend and what the GIW would do to him. Though he had one big question hanging over him. Where was Phantom?
Chapter 20
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ladytauria · 5 months
Pairing: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Rating: Explicit (and please mind the tags) Chapter Wordcount: 4.9k
Jason tries to sell off his first heat to make ends meet for the upcoming winter. When he’s taken by traffickers instead, he’s sure that’s the end of him—until he’s rescued by a mysterious alpha. That “rescue” comes with a price: Jason’s heat hits shortly after, and… one thing leads to another, and now Jason and Tim are bound together by a fledgling mate bond. It’s not the first time Jason’s had to make the best of things, but… he finds it a little bit easier this time, especially as he grows to genuinely like Tim. Unfortunately, just as Jason is starting to settle into mated life, Tim’s ex-pack starts getting involved, and they don’t exactly approve of Tim’s choice in mate...
i was going to wait longer to post this, but... i've been dying to share it, lmao, so i'm doing so as a birthday gift to myself <3
under the cut is a preview of the first chapter, as well as chapter content warnings. i hope you enjoy <3
CWs: underage prostitution, kidnapping, non-consensual touching, non-consensual medical exam, non-consensual pelvic exam, antiquated sexual education, degrading comments, humiliation, dehumanization, non-consensual photography, hurt no comfort, (it's coming, i promise)
tumblr is being rude and not letting me upload my divider image so take this purple text instead
Jason hasn’t stood on a street corner in over a year. He'd hoped, deep down, that he never would again. But...
Here he is, dolled up in a pair of tight shorts and a t-shirt, the combo doing nothing to protect him from the chill. Even mild as it is, the cold cuts straight through his skin.
A cigarette, unlit, dangles from his lips. He turns a lighter around and around in his palm, but doesn't light it yet.
Luckily for him—or maybe unluckily, not even an hour passes before a car sidles up to the curb. Jason's no expert, despite his brief stint at a chop shop, but he knows enough to know this one is nice. Not top of the line, exactly, but good. Shiny. Sleek. All black chrome and tinted windows, the engine purring like a content house cat before it cuts, the car rolling to a stop.
The tires would fetch a decent price. Too bad his guy is laying low, with the rest of the shop.
The man who steps out is tall, with broad shoulders and thick arms emphasized further by a leather jacket. He's bald. Despite the darkness of the hour, there are sunglasses perched on top of his head.
Jason’s grip gets a little tighter around the lighter. He forces it to loosen as he lights his cigarette. The flicker of warmth at his fingertips makes the rest of him feel folder in comparison. He takes a long, slow drag before letting the smoke pour from his nose. It dissipates in the night; the wispy cloud getting lost in Gotham's smog.
He envies it, a little.
The man's gait isn't quite a swagger. His steps are slow. Confident. The size of him is intimidating. His scent, when Jason catches it, doesn't help matters. It's thick with alpha musk, both natural and artificial. Under that is the sharp scent of burning wood. The part of Jason that's purely omega, that cares only about the safety of pack and getting fat with pups and milk, perks up. There's a low, steady heat in his blood, something that's been building for weeks now, that grows a little warmer.
Jason keeps his scent tucked tight.
The alpha leans against the wall next to him, pulling out his own smoke.
“Got a light?” he asks, casual as you please. Like they’re just two work buddies on break together.
“Yeah,” Jason says quietly.
The man doesn’t do much more than bend his head down, forcing Jason to rise onto the balls of his feet to light it. The alpha’s hand rests on his waist, above his hip, steadying him. Under his shirt, Jason’s skin crawls. He hates being touched almost as much as he craves it, these days.
The alpha blows the smoke out, into the night, and says, “Thanks,” thumb rubbing circles into Jason’s hip.
Jason lets himself shiver. Knows it’ll be interpreted as desire; not a reaction to the dread settling in his belly.
Last chance to back out, Todd, he tells himself.
He thinks about his squat. About his nest, if you can call it that; assembled from old paper and cardboard, and things he found in the very bottom of lost and found bins. About the thin blankets, the creeping cold.
About the way the absence of his pack bonds grows harder and harder to bear with each passing day; the empty spaces aching like phantom limbs.
He won’t survive a heat on his own. Even assuming no one finds him, or that the difficult-to-reach location keeps him safe… He just. He won’t. Not with what he has.
Some of the men who have picked Jason up like to make small talk. Even flirt a little, like… Like it’s something real, and not a sick perversion. This guy doesn’t. “How much’re ya askin’, kid?” He’s still rubbing Jason’s hip.
“Depends on what you want,” Jason says back. He licks his lips, and then looks up at the man through his lashes as he takes another puff, hoping the move comes off as sensual, and not stupid. “My mouth…” Jason shrugs, exhaling smoke. “Fifty. But…” He leans back, tipping his head back, exposing a little of his throat.
The alpha watches with interest; greed in his gaze.
Jason keeps tight control of his scent—but he loosens it now. The milky scent of his puphood is an undertone now; slowly being overpowered by a more adult, omega scent. It’s thick and sweet, with just a hint of spice. The lure of impending heat floats between them.
The alpha’s grip tightens on his hip. His breath has caught in his chest.
Jason stubs the cigarette out on the wall and lets it fall from his fingers. It pains him to waste one like that—but it was only ever a prop to start with. He presses against the alpha’s side, wrapping his arms around the barrel of his chest, head tipped back. “If you want to make a proper omega outta me… I think a thousand is fair. Don’t you?”
God. He wants to ask for more. Heats are usually around three days. Alphas… Alphas may not be able to match an omega’s stamina in that time, but there are no shortage of other ways for them to touch him. To violate him. But he’s pushing it already, asking for a thousand. He’s a crime alley street whore, not a pretty little O with a silver spoon in his mouth and gold on his throat.
The alpha’s hand slips to Jason’s lower back, just above the swell of his ass. It— It’s a fight not to let revulsion sour his scent, his expression. His skin crawls. His stomach rolls.
“A thousand,” the man repeats, rolling the words in his mouth. Then his lips quirk up at one corner. “Yeah, kid. I think a thousand’s fair.” He stubs out his own cig before pulling out his wallet; a beat-up leather trifold.
Jason’s teeth catch on his lip. He watches him count one, two, three—five hundred dollar bills, folding them in half and offering them between two fingers.
“Half up front.”
He’s sure the alpha must be able to hear the way his heart thunders. If he does, though, he gives no indication. Jason takes the money, pushing it into the pocket of his shorts.
Then he lets himself be guided to the car. Just before Jason steps off the curb, the alpha grabs him, yanking him against his chest. His arm locks around Jason’s chest like a vice. Jason claws futilely at the arm around him. Though the alpha growls, scent sharp with pain, he doesn’t let go.
Jason twists. Kicks. “Let me go—“ He’s lost all control of his scent now; his terror is thick and sour in the night air.
The alpha covers his mouth—Jason takes his chance. He sinks his teeth into the meat of the alpha’s palm, clamping his jaw down as tightly as he can. Blood floods his mouth.
“Fucking bitch—“ The alpha snarls, dropping Jason.
Jason doesn’t think—he just runs, stumbling before righting himself.
Unfortunately, the universe has never been kind to Jason Todd, and she’s not about to start now. He’s not even sure what he trips on, only that one minute, he’s running, and the next—
He plummets.
He manages to avoid face planting, catching himself on his hands. Before he can push himself back up, though, the alpha reaches him—his boot slams into Jason’s side, knocking the breath from him.
The alpha kneels beside him, hand closing roughly around the back of Jason’s neck. He scruffs him roughly; thumb and middle finger pressing down on his scent glands, palm pushing at the back of his neck. Submission floods Jason’s veins. Unwillingly, he slumps into the concrete, all the fight leaving him.
He lets out a pup’s call—not for pack but for anyone. It’s small and helpless and immediately cut short by the alpha hauling him up and over his shoulder like a sack of grain.
Tears pool in his eyes.
He’s not strong enough to resist it. Not strong enough to do anything but twitch as the alpha carries him into the car. He drops him in the trunk, securing his limbs with zip-ties, rendering Jason utterly immobile.
Baldie slams the trunk shut, trapping Jason in the dark.
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enviedear · 8 months
Hi I love your neighbor!Ben oneshot!! Can I ask if you have anymore headcanons for him?
—aw hi nonnie! ofc i do, i'm always thinking about neighbor!ben. thank you for sending in an ask <3
request | masterlist
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neighbor!BEN SOLO...
— he is most definitely the kind of neighbor to knock on your door and ask for sugar or some shit. he always insists it's for leia, but he won't admit that he's the one telling his mom that he'll run over to yours and ask.
"hey neighbor, mom wanted to know if you have any powdered sugar?" "gosh ben, i just gave you some."
— he loves spending his free time in his garage, wide open, blaring music and working on his (and han's) car. i think these songs would be frequently playing from his speaker, 1 | 2 | 3
— insists on mowing your grass, even though your dad can do it just fine. no, ben likes having an excuse to strut around shirtless in your yard. he also will never accept payment for it.
"i can't let you pay me, sir. it's really no trouble."
— when he and his parents get invited over for dinner he'll make sure to ask you about all things poli-sci (he loves to bring up his minor all the time), headlining legal news, and nineteeth century philosophers. if you can keep up with him, he'll get sardonic and try to get you to fumble. if you're lost, he'll be subtly demeaning and solipsistic.
"let me guess? you think dostoevsky had the world figured out don't you?" "yes. why? do you want me to follow the teachings of comte as religiously as you?" he'd grin, "i'm just making conversation, kid."
— ben would always go on night runs, and on days he actually gets off on time, they end up coenciding with the time you walk your dog. he'll find so much joy in catching up to you and annoying the absolute shit out of you.
"you and cujo should really speed up, i can't jog the entire time." "no one asked you to stay with us."
— on the night run note, one evening he'd see a 'missing dog' poster that barely resembles yours and he'd accuse you of being a dog napper.
"holy shit kid, you can't steal people's dogs!" "shut up solo! i haven't stolen anyone's dog." "oh yeah? then why does this ankle biter look exactly like the one in the picture?"
— he really would just do any stupid or barely thought-out thing to get your attention
— he has no personal space, at least when it comes to you. he'll brush against you no question to grab something, he'll let his hands rest on your shoulders when he's behind you, and he'll cut your steak for you without even giving you a questioning glance.
"i can do some things myself you know." you'd groan, when he begins to cut your rib-eye. only for your mother to pipe in, "honey he's being nice! ignore her ben!"
— ben would constantly be invited to family trips, dinners, and events. especially when your parents catch wind that leia and han aren't home much. so expect ben solo to come along for a day trip into the city with you and your parents.
"you don't have to follow me around. i can navigate a museum on my own." "chill out, kid. i'm just trying to get a good eye on the best installation." you'd pause, "are you... talking about me?" with a smirk he'd reply, "you'd like that, wouldn't you."
— you'd take up a little job tending to leia's garden when she's away, and ben will always make sure to keep you in his eyes. he likes the way you look in overalls and his old batman potting gloves.
— after you're done in the garden he'll give you a glass of homemade lemonade with a sprig of mint. he lets you poke fun of him for it.
"all for me, solo?" "hmm, who else?"
— just like ben, you refuse to be paid for your little side gig. but ben will always leave a crisp twenty in your mailbox the day after. you take them and keep them in a red envelope with the words, 'from hot neighbor', written on the flap in sharpie.
han would catch him doing it one day and say, "can't pay yourself a girlfriend, son." ben would just roll his eyes, "it's not even like that. i'm just trying to not be a cheapskate like you." "sure, son. whatever you say."
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fadelion · 3 months
I'd really dig a Duke solo run right now. Or rather, a Duke focused run that shows off Gotham during the day again and has minimal appearances from other bats and established heroes. Something that shows how he runs things when it's just coming down to him. And brings the old Robin Crew back.
I admit, I feel like the curing of his parents was kinda anticlimactic. Like, if Metamorpho can synthesize a cure for Joker Gas, that guy needs to be on speed-dial. (Is he probably busy and hard to reach like every other hero trying to do this full time while maintaining a personal life? Probably? Would I offer him some of that Batman money to make some time every few weeks or so to examine all the various toxins and such used by multiple Gotham villains? Absolutely.) So, maybe that cure didn't work. Not permanently. A rare misread from Metamorpho, something that he could've and would've fixed ifnhed seen it. Maybe that gas mutates the victim over time, and if they stay dosed long enough, they start to relapse, even if cured. What if Duke's parents just have the occasional fit of mad laughter. Just an incident here, once or twice a month or so. But they seem to get longer each time, and then they start happening once a week. Twice a week. Every other day. And Duke is starting to freak out, running himself ragged on his off time to try to figure out what went wrong.
At some point, he recalls a case he was on that he never really got a chance to fully close out: The White Market. This place (seen in Batman - Case Files: Signal) was a whole villian swap meet, full of interesting gear, tools, spoils, and inventions, all hidden on a whole other wavelength that most people can't even see. Maybe some other villian has a cure-all for this kind of thing, or just something useful until Metamorpho gets free (the man muttered something about a "Danger Street" in one of the quickest phone calls Duke ever had, and Black Lightning and Katana are probably still on the same kind of stuff they were doing when Jason ran into them a few months back). Maybe, after some time has passed, they feel comfortable opening up a Gotham access point again, now that the heat seems to have died down.
Of course, there was a whole other half to that incident. Mainly that a Riko and Dax, somehow empowered by a tech billionaire, showed up to work the same case, Riko leeching Duke's powers to match the wavelength necessary to get into the White Market in the first place. Yeah, it ended with a blown cover and Duke getting beat bad enough that they were able to confirm he has a healing factor, but it's still unfinished business, and going toe to toe and blow for blow with people that used to be friends can't leave a good taste in his mouth. And it's not just Duke trying to figure it out. After all, you don't throw money like that into a project, and then scrap it, especially one of the steps in your plan is to jump a Bat (the new, daytime Bat, but still a bat). So they have to be still looking, right? If he can find a way into that tech guy's system, maybe he can get hold of some information he missed.
So, Duke has with a conversation with Tim about what Duke plans to do (because anybody else is busy (Nightwing running the Titans/League, Red Hood... "recovering"), out of the city (I think Batman is off world in comics at the moment? There's a current running comic about it. ), or might try to stop/join him (Oracle, Black Bat, and Spoiler, who have a Birds of Prey thing running right now, IIRC, and Robin, who's probably helping hold down the night shift). And Tim is all for it, willing to cover some things for him as long as Duke is sharing information and doesn't get himself killed. Duke makes sure Tim has Izzy's contact info and vice versa, and maybe emergency Hatch access, and he's out in the streets the next day, trying to find an access point for information on the place where he might find a cure for his parents. Only instead of a Bat over his shoulder, he's got Izzy in his ear and just his own skills in the field against assorted villians, another billionaire, and whatever he's still gotta deal with in the day to day to even have the time for this.
And all the while, there's a part of him thinking that maybe he can get the old crew back together instead. If they don't beat each other senseless on sight first, anyway.
Or maybe after. A win is a win.
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
I don't know if it's just me but it feels like alot of the points people use to criticise Tim are things that can actually be seen with early Damian writing. The too smart, dangerous, over-competent and slightly murderous character doesn't really fit Tim as a character even though he's ascribed to that and criticised for it but it can easily be seen with Damian.
I don't hate Damian as a character, but I get what you mean about it being tiring that DC keeps pushing him to the top of the totem pole especially since the way the do that is by making other characters seem incompetent and by ignoring other characters. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Cass, Barbara or Tim have been on the Justice League but Damian as a teen younger than them technically is/was?
Oh boy. Late response on this, but I've been playing with it for a while.
Starting with the last point first: Tim’s actually the only one of those three who hasn’t been on a main universe Justice League at any point.
Barbara was a member of the JLA after the Morrison reboot for quite a while between 1998-2000. She’s also got the tendency to pop up in JL stories and events as one of the computer folk helping maintain their systems. She’s certainly more focused on her OWN team and I don’t think she’s ever been a member as Batgirl, but as Oracle? As Lian Harper says in Titans #1 (1999), she’s secretly running the League.
Cass was a member of Justice League Elite, a morally ambiguous Justice League spinoff coming out of one of the more confusing JLA arcs. She was placed on the team undercover as ‘Kasumi’ by Bruce essentially as a spy. In tone it feels like DC trying their hand at a The Authority ripoff before they gobbled Wildstorm up. Is it a good series? No, but it does mean Cass has been on a Justice League team with Wally, Ollie, and a bunch of Z-listers you’ve never heard of. (Someone is now going to defend oh Manitou Dawn to me and while I DO like her, she's a Z-lister, sorry)
Digression aside!
I think a lot of the time when people are arguing against a character, they are frequently complaining about the flanderised, fanonised version of that character that they trip over in fic all the time more than the character on page in comics. Not always! But those do tend to irritate people more.
In terms of "what people want to argue fanon Tim to be, Damian already is" sort of? I mean there are multiple fanon versions of Tim, but yes, "too smart, dangerous, over-competent and slightly murderous" is a common one among people who want to really insist Tim killed lots and lots and lots of people in Red Robin #8 (a reading I do not subscribe to). It is equally an okay but not great description of Damian, in that I would mostly place even early Damian as 'dangerously violent' not 'murderous' by BFTC.
I don't think it's great in terms of complete accuracy for either of them, but yeah, if you boil things down, it's closer to Damian's actual character than Tim's.
In terms of DC pushing them: yeah, Damian by being THE Robin between 2009 and 2019 or so got a solid editorial pitch as a central character, because 'Robin' as a title has that extra cachet outside of intense comics nerd circles. There were events and storylines that centred his position as The Robin, but equally it comes out in basic things like...which characters are prioritised to appear in anthologies! If we are writing a Batman Christmas story, let's have it feature Bruce and Damian, or Bruce, Dick, Damian and Barbara. And so on.
Now whether Damian's getting prioritised over every other 'kid' of the family is a murky discussion - there's a place for the conversation that certain writers in particular had a tendency to focus on Damian being Bruce's biological kid, over and above the adopted children - but generally it comes and goes in waves and with what stories are pitched. It's very clear when you read comics that some writers just like using particular characters more than others. There's often stories written where to make the story work, someone has to be left holding the idiot ball or being needlessly aggressive, to provide conflict, and writers who do this obviously have to choose someone to do it for them. If a story is centring Damian, generally he isn't going to be the one who finds out he's wrong after providing the conflict. If it's centring say Tim, then Damian might be used to push the narrative forward. And when a writer does like one character more than another, they might choose the one they don't intend to write often as the one who gets stuck being idiot ball.
TL;DR: on some occasions Damian might be being prioritised. On others he isn't. He got a lot of spotlight to himself during the 2010s; that's been more balanced since then (honestly Dick has been the one hogging spotlight for the last few years, if anyone).
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I request a fanfic with the Batfam and maybe with powers like Kitty pryde ( you said X-Men were ok) that can phase through any matter with anything that she touches . I imagine some kinda scenario like your other headcannon with Damian were the league gets children for their army or something and she end up escaping to Gotham city and not knowing what to do she steals cuz like she can phase through anything and she meets Catwoman and she is impressed and then she meets the bats when she keeps theiving .I imagine her older that Damian but younger that Tim
Damian Wayne x thief reader with Kitty Pryde powers.
Damian Wayne x reader or Damian Wayne/reader
Word count: 4181 words
A/N: Yes, you can just ignore this, it's mostly for the anon who sent in the request. Anyways... Thank you so much for sending in a request, this was really fun to write, especially since I got to drag in lesser-known parts of Batman lore relating to the Gotham slums! Also, I adore Kitty Pryde! She was my favourite character from X-men growing up! I even have two of her quotes taped on my door, so... yeah, thank you for sending in the request! I hope you like what I did...I tried to incorporate everything you mentioned!
TW: GN reader, Damian might be a TW himself. A little angst I guess... Not really, kinda fluffy honestly. Mentions of kidnapping, nothing super bad I'd say, but we are talking League of Assassins here, so... You know, regular TWs apply.
Okay, so, perhaps Ra’s decided to assemble a team of meta-humans, kind of like in Teen Titans vol. 1: Damian knows best. He would have had assassins stationed out throughout the entire world, just to sniff out young and impressionable meta-humans. Ra’s will have them taken from their family in the dead of night, and if their families wake up and resist… Well, the good news is that there will no longer be anyone to attempt to find the kid. 
I can imagine that Ra’s would see it as a great asset to the League of Assassins to have a small yet specialised team of super-powered assassins. A kind of trump card that he saves for the most resilient of foes that simply refuse to bow down to his might.
You were one of these kids. A young child who had been caught multiple times phasing through walls within your home. Your parent(s) had worried for your safety. Meta-humans aren’t easily accepted everywhere, certain groups have been known to track them down and kill them in horrible fashions. So, to keep you safe, one of your parents decided to stay home and tutor you.
This only worked to secure your safety for so long. The night after you turned seven, you were sedated and kidnapped by two strangers dressed in all black. Your family had woken up, and while you were passed out, the two dark-clad strangers killed them all in the most gruesome manner imaginable.
When you re-awoke, you were laying on a dark brown linen hammock, the material was coarse and scratched your bare arms. You had been dressed in something entirely different from the pyjamas you had previously been wearing. It was a black uniform of some sort, just like the strangers from the night before had been wearing, the only difference being that you had been spared from wearing a mask in your sleep. This would be the type of uniform you would end up wearing for years to come.
After a while of laying completely still in the hammock, you had been taken out of the room and forced in front of Ra’s and Talia along with five or six other meta-powered kids. You had been informed of your purpose and when one of your fellow metas, the oldest of you, had tried to escape, he was decapitated by Talia. That was enough to scare the rest of you into line.
Your little group would be trained by either Ra’s, Talia or both. You would train alongside Damian and the other metas. But something about you had stuck out to Damian, maybe your ability to pass through all solid objects had intrigued the young boy beyond measure. After all, it made you practically invincible in a fight as you’d simply engage your power whenever a fist flew towards you.
I can see you and Damian sneaking off after training to play around with your power, or Damian making you enter the kitchen to get a bowl of Kdaameh for each of you. He’d use his authority as the grandson of the Demon’s Head to get the two of you out of trouble and you’d use your ability to facilitate said trouble. Only when he asked you nicely though, you were horrified of both his mother and grandfather, it was only the reassurance of his protection that calmed you down enough to join his occasional hijinks.
I believe that since you’re able to simply pass through solid objects, Talia would make you Damian’s training partner just so he could practice his katana skills on a living target. Damian would be careful not to accidentally swing at you when you weren’t prepared, he didn’t want to hurt you, (which is a pretty spectacular effort for him, since he usually didn’t care who he hurt, as long as he enhanced his fighting skills). 
I can see him one day admitting that you’re his only real friend, that he doesn’t know how he would keep his head above water without you, and you realise that you share his sentiment. You never really got along with your fellow meta-companions. Maybe you’re on regular speaking terms with one or two and that’s it. Nothing like what you have with Damian. 
The two of you remained friends up until the League is attacked and Damian is forced to go to Gotham with his father.
After Damian’s departure, everything changed for you. You had always appreciated your powers when you were younger, since they had enabled so many fond memories, particularly with Damian. But with your only real friend gone, they became the curse that had you locked in a routine of neverending training, missions and academic studying. It became a dull yet dangerous existence. The other metas didn’t seem to share the same feelings as you, or at least so you assumed from the way they never seemed to doubt any of Talia’s commands. Perhaps it was because they hadn’t had a taste of anything else since they were kidnapped. If you don’t know what you’re missing out on, how can you long for it?
Your discontentment with staying in the league reached a turning point when you were twenty. The reason was no longer the yearning you felt for your first and only real friend within 'Eth Alth'eban’s walls, but that had certainly been the spark that lit the candle for your growing rebellion.
You and the rest of your meta-human peers had been sent to Gotham for a mission. You were supposed to locate and bring the Red Hood to Talia Al Ghul, alive. Although, as long as he still held a pulse, there was no limit to the means employed. If he was thrown at Talia’s feet come morning, he could be missing both his arms and legs for all anyone cared. The league had the means to mend such injuries.
You had been keeping to the back of your group. Your leader, a girl a few years your senior with the power of laser eyes, guiding you through the dark and crime-filled city of Gotham. Everyone was looking at her and no eyes were aimed at you. Perfect conditions for a silent escape.
You had all climbed on top of one of the many half-abandoned apartment complexes within Crime alley, the area where you had all discerned Red Hood would be found. Looking at your group, you made sure that none of them had eyes on you. They didn’t. Still, it was too risky to do anything now. If they saw you escape from the league, you would be viewed as a traitor and there was no room for those in Ra’s and Talia’s eyes. If you were caught, you would be dealt with swiftly. By “dealt with”, I, of course, mean killed right where you stood. No meta-powers would save you from the Al Ghuls’ wrath, you would only be able to evade them for so long. 
That’s why you made a plan to use the fight that would no doubt ensue once you found Jason. 
As the predictable fight began, you were impressed with how well the elusive Red Hood held up, considering his lack of meta abilities. “He’s truly worthy of the reverence that Talia gives him”, you briefly thought as you evade one of his bullets by letting it pass right through you. 
Alas, even the greatest fighter would eventually lose to a well-trained group of metas intent on seeing their opponent fall. You considered your options for a split-second, before deciding that you might as well help the masked anti-hero escape the situation too.
You bent down towards your split-toe boots, fishing up what you had brought from 'Eth Alth'eban. A box of matches. Now, that might seem like nothing, but you realised that it’d be more than enough, considering your surroundings; An old and decrepit warehouse, with its windows boarded up with large planks and wooden boxes littering the place.
Your group had surrounded Jason, trying to get him to lay still enough for them to tie ropes around his wrists and ankles. You quickly flicked your wrist behind your back, and slowly a slight flame emerged from the top of the short wooden stick. You tossed it towards a crate, unaware of what the box might’ve held. Whatever it was, though, it caught on fire fast.
It distracted your group, and in a brief selfish moment, that might well have cost them their lives down the line, they fled the scene with neither you nor Jason alongside them. You briefly smirked, you know that Talia would hold you up as the hero in this scenario. “The one who stayed back to complete the mission, despite it burning them alive”.  How ironic. You chuckled to yourself.
The Red Hood stood up immediately, desperately attempting to put out the fire, but was stopped in his tracks at the feeling of a hand grasping his biceps. Your hand.
“Come on”, was all you uttered to him, before dragging him towards the only wall left not yet engulfed in flames, which was coincidentally the one furthest away from the exit. Jason became agitated, were you trying to get both of you killed? He wouldn’t be surprised if you were, that seemed like something a league assassin would do.
But when you started to run directly towards the brick wall of the warehouse, Jason changed his tune. No, you were not just a regular assassin, you were delusionally crazy. Why were you dragging him towards a solid wall, and why did he let you? Instinct is why. Something in him told him to trust you.
Well, he was right. The moment you both came into contact with the wall, you both went right through, as if it hadn’t even been there.
Jason was impressed, he took you to his safehouse in crime alley, his favourite. It used to be his home with his mother before Bruce took him in. 
You didn’t say much, you had been trained not to, ever since you were kidnapped as a child. Jason did most of the speaking, as he stood in the kitchen and cooked a strange-smelling pasta dish. It looked burnt. “Who’s able to burn spaghetti?” You pondered to yourself with a confused frown. Maybe you shouldn’t have saved him. Perhaps, if he had burned to death, it would have been natural selection, ridding the world of possibly the worst cook to have ever been near a stove. 
When Jason smacked down two bowls of burnt pasta with marinara sauce from a can, you make eye contact with him. His eyes were an impressive shade of turquoise, their colour reminded you of Damian’s deep green eyes, and being the closest to your childhood friend you had been in years made a pang go through your heart.
“So? You defected, huh?” Jason pushed, he needed information to help you, but you made it hard as you simply gave him a cautious nod.
Digging into his food, slurping more than a little bit, Jason leant back. “You can stay here for a while. If you want?” You didn’t. You had learnt from the league that you should never accept anyone’s help unless you knew what you were giving in exchange. No one just helps others out of the good of their heart, people always want something in exchange. Even Batman. According to Ra’s, Batman had been seeking validation since he was a child. He claimed this in one of his many long-winded speeches that you were always a second away from dozing off during.
Jason was worried for your safety as you departed from his safehouse that night. You still carried your weapons, and your meta-ability made you feel safe, but it didn't ease his worries much.
You had removed your mask at Jason’s place, so your face was now free.  While most people in the Gotham slums wouldn’t look twice at someone carrying multiple knives in holsters around their torso, there’d be no hiding from the watchful eyes of the Al Ghuls if you kept wearing the uniform they gave you.
Looking around, you discerned the closest clothing store. Running up to it, you inspected their security system. It was only the windows and locks that had an alarm attached. “Amateurs”, you whispered to yourself, before passing through the front window undetected. 
You picked up whatever you needed, a few jackets, a handful of sweatshirts, and a couple of denim trousers. Whatever clothes you believed would make you blend in with the regular inhabitants of the Gotham slums. Once you had gotten all you needed, you left the same way you arrived, neglecting the slight detail of paying. Well, it wasn’t like you had any money either way.
Sleeping in the blind alleys between buildings and making friends with multiple of the kids from the Alleytown Strays, you got by. Only after you escaped from The League of Assassins did you start to finally feel free again. 
You got your food, blankets and everything else you needed by running into stores at night, grabbing what you thought you might like and leaving through the wall again. You repeated this process for months until something in you began telling you that you could do more, that petty thievery was too low for someone with your skill set. You sat your sights on larger hauls.
You got set up with Mama Fortuna by the kids you had befriended. She taught you everything one would need to become a better thief, as ridiculous as that might have sounded. She took you into her frail old arms and patiently taught you everything from the subtle art of pickpocketing to how to plan a heist. 
You started testing your skills out and you were a natural. Diamond necklaces, hundred dollar bills and priceless art pieces, all fell right into your pockets as you went from one building to the next. 
It was through Mama Fortuna that you meet Selina Kyle. In her formative years, the woman now known as Catwoman had trained under the leader of the Alleytown Strays. It was this ancient tutor of the intricate art of thievery that had helped the infamous Gotham city burglar start her career.
Selina was not only impressed by your thieving skills, but she also pitied you as you explain your situation. The cat lover was more than aware of Talia’s brutality. The Al Ghul woman had on multiple occasions attempted to kill off Selina for her relationship with Bruce. “Jealous bitch”, Selina had named her. A nickname which made you laugh for the first time in years. 
Mama Fortuna had proposed a partnership between you and Catwoman, suggesting that you joined Selina as her sidekick. You had at first been sceptical, you preferred to work alone, but relented when seeing how excited the old woman became at the prospect of how much loot the two of you could rake in if you worked in tandem. Mama Fortuna knew that she wouldn’t see a cent of the profits, but she didn’t care, she was in the business because she loved the game, not the gain.
Selina hadn’t been opposed to the idea either, but she would only offer her partnership on two conditions. Firstly, all loot was split 50/50. You readily agreed to this. The possession of stolen goods was a metric you could easily work with, and the idea of an obvious exchange made you more comfortable working together with her. The second condition had you confused, however. “You gotta meet Batsy-”, Selina had smirked, “-I want to show him that I’ve gotten my own sidekick now. He has always had the Robins, now, I have you. Isn’t that exciting?” It took you a while to agree to the latter condition. You had always heard Ra’s and Talia speak so impressively about the dark knight, the idea of him disturbed you. Still, you couldn’t deny that you felt a certain loneliness ever since Damian departed from your side, and Selina’s pleasant company helped fill some of the void left behind. You reluctantly agreed to her conditions. That was how you started working at Catwoman’s side. 
You were set to meet the Gotham knight on your first night out with Catwoman. Since you didn’t have a designated costume like Selina, you had put on your old league uniform, except the mask, you didn’t want to be confused for one of Ra’s workers anymore. Selina had chuckled at your almost childlike refusal when she had asked you to put on the full league disguise. Still, she understood your reasoning, and after having rummaged through her entire closet for what seemed like eternities, she had come back with an old domino mask. “It used to be Robin’s, but he forgot it here once and never came back after it. So, now it’s yours.”
You had accepted the mask gratefully. It fit you well enough and you decided that you actually kind of liked how it made you look more professional. 
As you went off with Selina, you first broke into some art gallery. Combined, you managed to steal away with an entire exhibition of small golden pots and pans made in the 1700s. They rattled loudly in the sack Selina had brought to carry your loot. 
It didn’t take long for you and Selina to be confronted by Batman and Robin on the rooftop of one of the many Gotham highrises. Both of them were visibly surprised by the fact they hadn’t caught the two of you in the act. “How did you get all of that without setting off any of the alarms?!” Robin had asked incredulously. Your heart stopped for a moment, and blood rushed to your ears. You recognised the voice as soon as you heard it. Damian. He was older now. Eighteen, you calculated in your head. He was two years younger than you, something you had always teased him for as kids. 
You could barely recognise him as you gazed at him, though. He looked different. Gotham had done terrible things to his complexion, as it did with everyone else’s. He was still remarkably tan, but the rich goldenness which had usually clung to his skin back in  'Eth Alth'eban was but a light shimmer now. The dark Gotham sky slowly drained the colour out of everyone and everything, as it blocked out any light the sun might've provided, and you had never cursed this ability as much as you did now. Still, you couldn't help but notice that he was built nicely. A little lanky but with obvious muscle tone under his tight suit. You did not envy him his choice of attire, you much preferred the bagginess of the League uniform. Still, you couldn’t deny that he had grown to be fairly good-looking… Very good-looking.
Bruce wasn't focused on the sack full of stolen goods laying on the ground, like Damian was. No. His eyes were on you. He knew the uniform you wore, but he had never seen one of the league ninjas take off their masks. He knew it was against one of their near-infinite rules. You wearing one of Damian’s old domino masks confused him greatly as well. What was Selina playing at? “I thought you and Talia couldn’t stand each other?” Bruce had interrogated, gesturing to you. Selina laughed loudly, walking behind you and folding her arms tightly around your shoulders.  “Oh, we can’t! That’s why I gladly took one of her escapees.” 
Damian’s eyes finally landed on you. “Escapees? That’s impossible the league kills anyone who flees.” 
Selina had looked at him with a mocking glint in her eye, “Not if they can’t catch her”. Selina’s arms tightened to the point of almost crushing your ribcage and on instinct, you activated your powers. Her arms fell through your body and Bruce stared with a disgusted glare. The dark knight had always disliked meta-humans living in Gotham, they were too easy for the rogues to control... As was clearly the case with you and Selina, he thought to himself. Damian on the other hand stared in awe. “Y/N?”
Bruce was none too happy that you knew his son. It reminded him of his current youngest son's past. Still, he said nothing as his son engulfed you in a tight hug. You stood stiff, looking to Selina for aid, unsure how to react. However, she was too surprised at the young man whom she knew to be distant and angry at the world 24/7. You slowly reached behind your old friend and folded your arms around him, resting your chin on his shoulder. “You missed me so much that you stole my old mask?” The smugness in his voice made your cheeks light up. You hadn’t even known that the mask was his, but you realised how it must’ve looked to him. Still, you couldn’t help but shoot back. “Yeah, and if you’re not careful, it’ll be your old suit I steal next time.” Damian chuckled. He had missed you. More than you realised.
As you and Catwoman departed from the scene, the two men realised they had forgotten to confiscate your loot. Reaching towards his utility belt to inform Red Robin of the two burglars on the run, Damian realised that one of his batarangs was missing. Looking in the direction you and Catwoman had fled, he saw you waving it around in his direction. A quiet “Damn”, left his lips. And Bruce shook his head affectionately at his son. It reminded him of when Selina used to do that when they were younger. Giving Damian’s shoulder a light push, he murmured so just the two of them could hear, “Don’t get too attached to the batarangs, they run out easily when in the company of a thief”.
You and Damian would start to meet up on a semi-regular basis. Sometimes you had been out looting with Selina, and he had come to demand back whatever you had taken. But most times, you simply met up to spend a quick while together on the Gotham rooftops. You couldn’t spend too long, he had to go back to his patrol, after all. 
Once, you had even stolen a small stereo speaker which you used to blast out Damian’s favourite music as you danced the night away together after his patrol.
Then you guys started to go out together in the daytime. You had moved in with Selina and didn’t live too far away from Wayne manor, so it was easy for either of you to drop in to hang out with the other.
Damian would develop a crush on you after a relatively short time, and I imagine that it would be the same for you. He’d feel as if he was finally home as your relationship quickly tuned back into what it had been when you were younger, and you finally regained your best friend, the only person who could make the League of Assassins an appealing place and who could turn Gotham into a paradise in comparison.
I could see him asking you out one night on the rooftop of the largest art exhibition in Gotham. He was awfully confident that you’d accept… And you did, so, his confidence wasn’t entirely misplaced… But it still irked you a little, in a good way, of course.
Damian is and will always be a passionate lover. You would be the only one for him and his loyalty never wavered. However, that doesn’t mean that he ever let you get off with your stolen artefacts. He would tease you for getting caught, even if he knew that with your power set, you most likely let him catch you. Still, he would let you off empty-handed with a kiss and a hasty, “See you tomorrow, beloved”.
As the years went on. Damian became the new Batman and you took over the role of Catwoman. “History repeats itself”, Bruce chuckled quietly as he sat next to Selina at you and Damian’s wedding. While the oldest Wayne was still wary of you, (old habits die hard), he did enjoy your company and was more than pleased that Damian had found happiness in your arms. Jason and you likely developed a close friendship, he remembered how you saved him and he is nothing if not loyal to those who show him unconditional kindness.
Whether you quit your thieving adventures after your marriage or not doesn’t matter. If Damian was to be totally honest, he actually enjoys the cat-and-mouse chase which ensues whenever you walk through the walls of a jeweller or an art gallery, taking whatever catches your eye.
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