#but wow did the tentacles take forever
luminousjellyfishy · 4 months
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Error belongs to: @loverofpiggies
Nightmare belongs to: @jokublog
Leviathantale belongs to: @skumhuu
Speedpaint link below
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Maybe some headcanons where Bakugou, Tamaki, and Mirio are hit by a quirk that makes them behave mostly the opposite of themselves for a few days to a week.
Bakugou is kind and gentle towards the reader and so visibly in love. He's become quite the gentleman!
Tamaki is super energetic, extremely romantic, and declares his affections in front of at least his entire class.
And Mirio is so very, very gloomy but he's practically attached to the reader and says they're, "One of the precious few rays of light left in this gray, gray world."
[ I really like this request. Hah, personality changes are the best! ]
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Katsuki's behavior shocked everyone, including you. Being his usual hot-headed self, he ended up in a quirk accident that changed his personality. When Mr. Aizawa assured you, the effects would be only temporary, you were grateful because Katsuki acting so…sweet, and gentle was just as frightful as when he was his usual self.
Normally, he would be protective of you, but now it's different. "Here, I don't want you to get wet," he said, holding the umbrella over you while he got soaked. "Nothing will happen to me, but someone like you shouldn't be caught out in the rain," he smiled sweetly at you while you trembled in response.
If someone talked to you in the wrong way, he'd pull you close and say, "Please don't speak that way to Y/n, they mean a lot to me, yeah?" Despite this, his loving gaze resembled his angry one and you tried to believe that the real Katsuki Bakugou was still somewhere inside him.
"Let's cuddle!" he would announce bluntly, no matter who was around. If you didn't respond fast enough, he'd pull you into his lap by force. He'd have his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
There was more thought put into your dates and he showed a greater interest in your hobbies. He would take you to your favorite restaurant or spend the evening in the dorm reading or watching a movie. He didn't get angry when others commented on how romantic or sappy he was, unlike before.
He could only react in anger when the effects of the quirk wore off and everyone shared the stories of what he did. "What the hell do you mean I did all that!?" He demanded, explosions sounding from his hands. It was only natural for you to smile because you missed the hotheaded Katsuki.
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"Stay close to me, I love you so much…you're so kind and sweet and I can't bear to be apart from you!" To say Tamaki's reaction was surprising would be an understatement. It was like his hero persona times a thousand when he talked so bluntly about his affection for you. But his sudden personality change was credited to a quirk incident.
"I got these for you! They're so gorgeous, just like you. I…I just wanted to thank you for being my biggest fan and….love. I love you so much! I don't care who knows it!" He said after marching over to your desk in the morning and presenting you with the largest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen.
"Wow, another love letter for you! Guess this quirk accident brought out the more loving side of Amajiki, huh?" Nejire teased. It was clear she meant no harm, but Tamaki's love letters were beginning to get out of control. Since the incident, you must have found one to two in your locker every day.
During training exercises, it was normal for friends to cheer for you, but Tamaki took that to another level. The fact that he shouted your name enthusiastically and formed letters with his tentacles was endearing, but it was also distracting.
"Don't rub it off this time, okay!" He said, pressing a small kiss against your cheek. "I just want to kiss you forever!" he exclaimed trailing kisses across your reddened face. You hoped you wouldn't have to adjust to his lack of shame when it came to public affection.
"T-that's horrifying! W-why would I d-do all that!?" He squeaked out, hiding his face behind his hands as he appeared to be close to a panic attack. While part of you missed the proud and outspoken Tamaki, this version was the one you loved.
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A quirk incident transformed Mirio into an emotional rollercoaster in a whole new way, and all the good parts of his personality vanished, leaving only doom and gloom behind.
As a result, he lost all his confidence and motivation, not to mention he questioned his purpose as a hero. "Don't get me wrong…having a quirk is great…but…my quirk is just so lame compared to others and if I don't have a cool, flashy quirk..then what's the point?" You wondered whether those were his real thoughts or if his mind was also thrown back to middle school.
"You're truly my only source of sunshine…the rest of this world is…dull and gray to me…" Mirio sought your company whenever and wherever he could, he didn't care if others were watching when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, almost as if he was trying to hide from the gray world he described.
As his self-confidence dwindled, he refused to attend class and skipped hero training. To your surprise, he began discussing new dreams unrelated to his previous lifelong dream of becoming a hero. These included exploring new interests and hobbies and you could only remain supportive.
"I can't stand this gloomy world without you. If you left…I don't know what I'd do…I'd just wither away," you assumed this was his way of expressing his gratitude that you hadn't abandoned him during the long week following the quirk accident.
"Hah! Wow, really? I can't believe that quirk accident made me think so negatively about becoming a hero and yes, my quirk may not be flashy but I can still save the world," he said after all the quirk effects wore off. Then he poked your nose and with a cheesy grin said, "Thanks for putting up with me! I totally owe you one!"
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apalkenndream1 · 1 year
I'll Follow You Into The Dark || !Tav/!Reader x Astarion
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(The brain worms demand this be posted)
Tags: fluff, soft, full squad, end-game spoilers
Word Count: 3,664
With the Netherbrain defeated and everyone cured of the tadpoles, Astarion has to flee from the sun once again. You follow him, of course, so he doesn't have to face the darkness alone. You head to the Underdark to help the vampire spawns find their way in this new world. Watching Astarion help his brothers and sisters warms your heart, reminding you of their freedom and how far he has come. He was once a man who only knew to live one way: deceive others and fight his way through everything. Now, he accepts the role of being a hero and helps out his siblings when he could've left them behind. Of course, his personality stays the same, including his sass and silly jokes in every interaction with them.
The two of you have found a home to call your own, making it comfortable for the time you can spend alone. While there may not be any sun to bask in, you make it comfortable with lanterns and a fireplace to keep you both warm. However, it never seems like quite enough.
Lately, it seems Astarion has been less of himself, diving into readings and drawings instead of keeping up in conversation. Similar to humans having seasonal depression, it seems this vampire has a similar affliction. He has become a recluse, only coming alive when he's helping out the vampire spawns. You decide to bring it up to him, hoping to find a way to help him out.
"Hey," you say softly, hoping not to disturb him.
"Hello, beautiful." He smiles softly, finally looking away from his book.
"Whatcha drawin'?" You say casually, ensuring he doesn't know what's happening.
"My muse, darling. You." He uses his wicked grin, the one that always knocks the wind out of you. You softly giggle, eyeing his drawings of you.
His attention to detail, including your wrinkles around your mouth and by your eyes. He shades every detail exactly, capturing your essence in picture-perfect form. It's like you're looking into a grayscale mirror.
"Wow, you're incredibly talented. That looks incredible." You're taken aback by his abilities, speechless.
He blushes slightly, as much as a vampire can, "Oh, you're too kind. Now, what did you actually want to talk about?" He says, a little more sternly, as he can see you're holding back.
You sigh, let out a large breath, and look into his striking red eyes, "You seem a little...off. I'm worried about you, is everything okay?"
His eyes drop, and he sets down his book, looking at his hands, "I miss our adventures, our team, and the sun. A part of me wishes we had never gotten rid of those tadpoles. A part of me wishes it had never ended so that we could still be out exploring the world, exploring my home. I guess I didn't realize how much it affected me."
Your eyes well slightly; he has never been able to be this open to anyone before. You know how important it is to take this lightly, and you must comfort him. You wrap your arm around his shoulders and smile softly at him, "I miss it too, but we also got to save a lot of good people. I'd rather be down here, safe, with you than, ya know...growing tentacles and eating brains."
He laughs softly at you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. "I know you're right; it's just a hard thing to move past...Thank you for talking to me; I love you." He stands up, giving you a peck on the forehead, "I'm going to go gather some things for dinner; I'll be back shortly."
You both smile softly at each other and say, "I love you too." before he heads out. While it helped slightly, you can tell that he is still not 100% back to himself. Then, a lightbulb goes off, and you know exactly what you must do.
You leave him a note so he knows you haven't disappeared forever:
Dearest Astarion,
I will be gone for a short while, but I will be back shortly. I've gone into the city, as someone needed some help retrieving an important item for them. Continue with dinner; this shouldn't take me long. I love you, see you soon.
Yours always,
You gather some supplies for your trek back to Baldur's Gate, made simple by the Ancient Sigels, and get ready to assemble some people as well.
Your first stop is the Sorcerous Sundries, assuming that's where he might be staking out. Since the end of Lorrokan, the tower has been home to Rolan, but he also wanted to learn more about the weave. What better person to do that with than Gale? He also took over the entire running of the Sundries, ensuring knowledge was accessible to all wizards. As you walk in, a familiar face lights up and runs to you with arms wide open.
As you embrace him, he laughs, "I wasn't sure you'd ever come out of the Underdark without your trusty lover!"
You chuckle, "It's good to see you too, Gale." You back up from him, looking him over in his newest and finest robes.
"You're on a mission, I see. What can I do for you?" Gale says, his voice more matter-of-fact.
You sigh, hoping he will understand what you're getting at, "Astarion hasn't been himself lately. He seems down like he needs a pick-me-up. I hoped to gather everyone to get together and see if that helps. Would you be willing to come to our home for a small party?"
Gale looks inquisitively at you like he's trying to read your mind. Then, he lets out a laugh as he grabs your shoulders, "Of course I'll come! Anything to help an old chum out of a rut. I'll also let Rolan and the tieflings know; it would be great for them to take a break!"
You smile, giving him a firm hug with a bit of a squeeze, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You don't know what else to do, as thanks would never be enough.
You head off to your next destination with a large smile on your face.
One of the few places with a lot of greenery is where two of your Druid friends spend their time: Halsin and Jaheira. When you find them in Bloomridge Park, you see them and Arabella assisting other Druids to become one with nature. They are so focused on the task at hand that they almost don't see you walking up.
"Y/N!!" Arabella shrieks, running to give you a hug around your legs. You bend down to return the favor.
Halsin smiles in your direction, crossing his arm across his chest and smiling towards you. "It is great to see you, friend. It's been a while; glad to see you getting some sun."
"Welcome back," Jaheira says softly, giving you a nod.
"Hello to you all. It's great to see you helping out the younglings," You grin, wondering if you'll be asking too much of them. Taking them away from the younglings seems like a large ask, considering the kids are new to this side of nature. You start to second-guess yourself, wondering what aspects this might have against them.
"You are concerned; let us know what you are thinking," says Jaheira, a fellow look of concern on her face.
"I don't want to take you away from these children; it seems like a bad time to ask something of you." You kick the ground lightly, feeling nervous.
Halsin smiles, looking at you caringly, "Whatever you have to ask, I'm sure it is necessary."
You look up at them all; they have warming smiles on their faces, making you feel better. "Okay, well, Astarion has been feeling a little down lately. I was thinking of ways to make him feel better, so I thought about getting everyone together in the Underdark. It's a lot safer, and Astarion has been working with the vampire spawn to teach them how to take care of themselves properly. Only if you're able to; not a big deal if not." You realize you have rambled on to them and get nervous awaiting their answer.
"YES! Let's go, please, please, please!" Arabella shouts, vibrating with excitement.
Halsin and Jaheira laugh, holding onto her shoulders to try to calm her down. "Of course, we'll be there, Y/N. That is never too much to ask of us." Halsin exclaims, smiling to try to comfort you. Jaheira nods in agreement, a similar smile across her face.
You grab them in a group hug, feeling fulfillment all throughout your body. "Thank you. I appreciate this more than you will ever know." With a final squeeze, you allow them to get back to their hard work.
Your idea is finally coming into fulfillment, adding a skip to your step as you head to Wyrm's Rock Fortress. There are quite a few people you can talk to here, but the chances of them being able to step away is very slim. The first stop is the barracks to chat with the two behind getting the military ready to protect the people. You walk in to see them hard at work, helping the beef up the crew.
"A'right, soldiers, take a moment to recoup before we get back into the training," Karlach states in a stern tone, one you've never heard.
"T'saik, I never rested in my training; you are too soft, Karlach," Lae'zal exclaimed, rolling her eyes at this obviously tense partnership. Karlach gives her a soft punch on the shoulder when she sees you out of the corner.
"No fucking way," she states, running towards you and tackle hugging you. Lae'zal sanders over with the slightest smile on her lips.
"Why are you here?" she asks, some confusion in her voice. It's only suitable; it's been a month since you've seen the surface.
You let out a sigh, feeling their confusion, happiness, and slight sadness. You've been so concerned with helping Astarion that you never thought about how it could affect the others.
"I'm sorry I've been gone so long and that I've come to ask a favor. I should've come and visited earlier; I apologize." You say sheepishly.
"Oh, soldier, don't worry about it. I'm sure you've been just as busy as us." Karlach states, flinging their arm around your shoulders. Lae'zal crosses her arms, looking into your eyes with dismay.
"I still came to visit." She seems a little more cranky than usual, probably since she's here helping people who aren't even Githyanki. Perhaps it's disappointment in her high expectations, or maybe she's worn out from defeating Vlaaketh and rebuilding her home.
"Lae'zal, ease up, will ya?" Karlach says, her eyes a little more piercing than usual. "What do ya need?" She smiles towards you, her arm still on your shoulders.
"I wanted to see if you could come and do a bit of a house party for Astarion. He's been feeling quite depressed since we went to the Underdark, and I think it would cheer him up." You try to sound enthusiastic, but it comes out a bit more pleading than you want.
"Always aiding him when you should be here with us," Lae'zal says through gritted teeth. This statement grants her another intense stare from Karlach, to which she just bears her teeth at her.
Karlach looks back towards you and grins, "We will be there after we finish training. I'm sure they won't mind a night's rest from this one." She points over at Lae'zal, who just rolls her eyes at the gesture. You smile and give Karlach a big hug, which no longer burns since fixing her engine. You glance at Lae'zal, who finally uncrosses her arms and relaxes as much as she can.
"I will be there by no choice of my own." Lae'zal scoffs, a sign that she isn't as upset as she gives off.
"Alright, where's Wyll? He's next on my list." You say, looking around and expecting him to be there. Usually, he is around to help the Blades of Avernus grow and learn how to protect the city.
"Oh, he's downstairs. That's where the Blades practice after he rebuilt the old prison as a training ground." Karlach says before turning back to the trainees. "Break over! Let's get back to it."
As they line up, you head down to what used to be Wyrm's Rock prison. Once you get down the stairs, you take in the new training area. It's fitted with all the best weapons, shields, and armor that Baldur's Gate has to offer. As you look around in awe, you hear Wyll helping the Blades of Avernus gain in ranks.
"Blades, we have a special guest; please give them your respect," Wyll states before you can even process it. All the Blades stand up and give you a sign of respect. You nod towards the soldiers, and Wyll says, "At ease, back to your training."
He turns to you and smiles, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
You smile back at him with the same twinge in your stomach that you had when talking to Karlach and Lae'zal. "I'm getting everyone together for a get-together at my home. I was hoping you might be able to come. Astarion is having a hard time, and I think it could cheer him up." You look up at him softly with the same break in your voice.
"You can count on me." He says, saluting you with a grin. "I should be done shortly; I'll head there as soon as possible."
"Thank you, Wyll. I'll see you tonight!" You bounce off, successfully recruiting all your friends for a fun night.
Before heading home, you head to Behive General Goods to gather some goods for tonight. You realize that it's going to be hard to surprise Astarion with all of these people and groceries. It's time for you to add a step to your plan.
You head back to the Underdark, hiding your groceries somewhere Astarion couldn't see them. You then head to Dalyria's home, heading to ask her for help with distracting her 'brother.' You knock on the door, waiting for a response before walking in.
Dalyria opens the door and smiles once she sees your face. "Y/N! Come on in." You walk through the door, returning her smile.
"Hi, Dalyria, I have a favor to ask. Could you possibly distract Astarion for an hour or two? I have a surprise for him." You smile brightly towards her.
"Easily. I'll go over there now! Do you need him to leave the house?" She says kindly, happy to assist obliviously.
"Yes, please! There will be quite a few people. Can you also ask your other siblings to come over a little earlier? You and Petra can come with him when the time comes."
"Yes, I absolutely can do that. Oh, I am so excited. It's been a while since I've had to keep a secret." You instantly know what she means, but try not to let the thought hold you too long.
Once you see Astarion leave with Dalyria, you grab your hidden groceries and get the party set up. While you don't have to make food for him, you start cooking for your food-eating friends. Along with that, you set up some carafes of wine out on the table. Once you have things finished, you hear familiar voices outside your home. You run up to the door and open it to a crowd of faces that light up your heart. They start pouring in, each with something in their hand. This went from a small party to a much larger gathering than you expected. Thankfully, they brought enough to cover everyone.
You look around as your longest friends mingle with each other, laughing and filling your home with warmth and joy. You can't wait to see how Astarion reacts when he shows up with Dalyria. The vampires come in shortly after everyone arrives and begin mingling with the crowd. Your plan has finally come together and ended up even better than you imagined.
When you see Astarion approaching the house, you shush everyone for his entrance. As he opens the front door, everyone simultaneously shouts, "SURPRISE!" Astarion looks around in absolute shock, taken back by all the kind and familiar faces. He lets out a loud laugh as everyone joins in, surrounding him to say hello. You allow him to mingle around with his long-missed friends to allow him to glow up.
You watch him at a distance, smiling as you see him joking and laughing with everyone. Seeing him return to himself brings you a joy unmatched by anything you've felt since you first met. He looks around, locks eyes with you, mouthing 'I love you' and grinning. You mouth 'I love you more' back to him, winking as you move to mingle with the others. You walk over to the group to listen to the conversations being had.
You listen to adventures retold, new experiences from the point you all split ways, and everything in between. From Gale's tales with Tressym and Rolan to Wyll's expertise with the Blades of Avernus, everything seems to feel back to normal with everyone except Lae'zal. She is recluse, not talking with everyone and keeping to herself. You decide to speak to her privately to see what you can get out of her.
"Lae'zal, can we speak, please?" You say softly so the others don't hear.
"Tsk'va, why would I want to talk to you? I am only here because of Karlach." She scoffs, crossing her arms like she did at Wyrm's Rock. You sigh softly at her, grabbing her arm to drag her outside. She yelps, but you get her outside before she can throw a fit.
"Let me go, istik." She hisses, yanking her arm away from you. "What do you think you are doing?"
"I'm here to ask you what is going on. Why are you so angry at me?" You say, crossing your arms to meet her energy.
She rolls her eyes, annoyed at you. "Is it not obvious? You left us for SO long, not even a word or a letter. You could've been dead for all we knew. Then, you come back and ask us to do you this favor when we know you'll just leave again. This will be the last time you see me." She glares at you, keeping the energy she's had the whole time.
You sigh, understanding her frustration and taking it in. She's completely valid in her concerns, but you aren't sure what to say to make her feel better. "You are completely valid in your feelings. I got so encompassed down here that I didn't think about the effects it would have on everyone else. I'm sorry; I truly am. I promise going forward that, I will come up with more. We can plan night events as well to bring Astarion around. I should've done this from the beginning, but I will correct my actions going forth."
Lae'zal takes a deep breath and relaxes her stance more. "If you break this promise, I will never forgive you. I will leave you behind like I have done to many before you. I will accept it...for now." She glances at you and then back inside. You take the hint and follow her back into the party.
When you return, it seems that no one noticed your little skiff outside, and they're still mingling together. You go and grab yourself a drink from the table when a hand all too familiar to yourself rests on your shoulder.
"Thank you, darling," Astarion whispers, kissing you on the cheek gently. You smile at the kiss and turn to him to see his soft smile. "This means so much to me; how did you know I needed it?"
"I know you better than you know yourself. I needed it as well, ya know?" You smile as you rest your hand on his cheek. He rests his face against your hand, closing his eyes to your soft touch. This moment makes you both forget you're in a room full of people. You softly rub his cheek, but your moment is quickly dispelled by hooting and hollering by your friends in the room. Astarion whips back at them, and they immediately silence themselves, sipping their drinks. He bursts into laughter and heads back to the group, winking back at you. You join them, telling stories and gaggling about everything. The night flows into the morning, wrapped in love and friendship for the whole time.
Everyone has left, most helping to clean up and leaving you and Astarion to relax after the long party. He sits on the couch, and you lay next to him, resting your head on his lap. He plays with your hair as you sit in silence, closing your eyes to his touch. You sit in silence for a while, the first in the last few hours. After a while, he breaks the silence in a hushed voice.
"This night is one I won't forget for a while. I didn't realize how long it had been since we had seen everyone. I missed the laughter, the stories, and their presence. Thank you, dear. I will never be able to stop thanking you." He smiles at your calm face, looking at every crevice that he adores.
You open your eyes and smile back at him, looking lovingly in his eyes. "I would do it again, a thousand times over, just to see that lovely smile of yours." You sit up, bringing him into a soft kiss, feeling him smile throughout. Your kiss deepens, filled with passion, love, and thrill. You pull back, resting your forehead against his, both grinning from ear to ear.
"It's nice to have you back."
"It's good to be back, my sweet."
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Maybe you should… go on a journey. See the world more.
Aka, ‘Please leave because you’re terrifying the newbies who are actually scared you’ll kill them.’
Skalar scoffed as she washed her face in the cool rushing river. If the brats who came to the Temple wanted to become appropriately trained, they should get used to someone breaking things.
�� okay maybe breaking Jared’s arm was a bit far.
… and perhaps she didn’t need to climb up that tree and fall to ruin that cart on purpose, even if the owner was scum.
… and- you know what, no. Yeah, they were right to send her off to calm down.
The Hill Dwarf sighed, taking a moment to remove her blonde hair from its bun, the thick curls falling to her shoulders. She stuck her head into the river, removing some of the sweat clinging to her. Her pale skin possessed red burns already from the heat, and Skalar wondered why in the Hells she went to Anauroch. She had a reason to search out any forgotten ruins, but the heat was killing the monk. She got lucky there was a single river she’d stumbled upon.
Pulling her head out, she shook her head like a dog before gathering the curls haphazardly to put them back into a bun. She’d fiddle with it later. Maybe she’d finally shave the hair off. Maybe not.
She readjusted her pack before standing. No reason to stick around the desert if it was going to be that damn hot. She walked off, wondering where to go. She honestly… huh, when was the last time she’d left the Temple? When she was… wow…
“I feel so young,” Skalar said out loud. It was true, she supposed. She was only fifty-five. Young for a dwarf, given they could live to 350. And she’d been at the temple since she was twelve, a street rat of a child who tried to steal from a monk who had, instead of hurting her, smiled and taken her to the Temple. The place was different then most centers of worship. Monks, clerics, paladins and priests lived there, all working together. The lifestyle focused on simplicity and worship in everyday actions.
Skalar loved it, loved the training, and while she never considered herself to be religious despite living there for decades, she found herself thanking the gods daily for what they do. The only issue would forever be Skalar’s rage within. The bitter anger within the dwarf bubbled up at random times.
Rage at her parents for dumping her on the streets (Papa, mama, come back).
Rage at the world for hating her for living on said streets (Just another rat scurrying about).
Rage at the snobby assholes who chose a life at the Temple for dumb reasons (Oh, I’ll be stripped of my birthright if I don't, oh I did it for a girl, oh I did it cause my friend is).
A monk should never let the feelings they hold overwhelm themselves. She could never follow that teaching. It wasn’t in her nature.
Skalar sighed as the sands beneath her feet became rock and grass. There was no point in dwelling on things. She may have been… pushed into taking a journey, but she’d do her damn best to enjoy it. Perhaps she would go to Baldur’s Gate or even Neverwinter? Oh! Candlekeep sounded fun, too!
The woman smiled to herself before she began humming on her walk. The sun was shining, and it was damn hot, but a shadow slowly fell over her. A cloud! She looked up only to freeze.
That… was not a cloud.
A massive ship with tentacles hung in the air, one of said tentacles flinging down. Skalar ran, hoping to avoid the thing-
Then blackness.
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Principal of pleasure part 56
Clark goes back to the cabin and finds Dick and Jon making dinner.
Superman x Nighwing pairing
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As me and Jon prepare dinner for when Kal comes home.
I told Jon when Kal got home he would explain something to him when got back here, I didn't tell him the details on what and he accepted Jon was so accepting even at a young age.
I hope Lois was ok and she pulled through this for Jon.
I hoped it wasn't me and Kal that caused her resulting in overdosing but I knew better.
I knew I was the one causing her fallen state that, Me and Kal pushed her to that of Kal's silence and him breaking her heart.
I will not take all the blame but I am hoping she does not die for the sake of Jon.
I don't want this to change Jon but if anything happens to her it will change him forever like it did me and my parents.
As I contemplate Jon and Lois and chopping tomatoes Kal's cell rings he left it here when he went to Smallville.
I looked at it and Jon looked at it as well and went for the phone, I didn't say anything or had enough time to protest but what good would that be if I did.
"Hello." Jon answered.
My fever has improved a lot since I've taken the echinacea Kal had other pills for cold and flu but I needed something more than that. Jon continued his conversation on his father cell.
"Oh hello Mr. Wayne." Fuck it's Bruce I look at Jon and he looked at me his eyes understood something when he looked at me he bit his lip.
"Well I am by myself Mr. Wayne can I leave him a message."
"Mr. Wayne.... it's best you tell my father this." Jon sounded nervous.
I stopped chopping and put down the knife on the small wooden chopping board and listened.
"I don't think my dad is a journalist anymore he says he wants to do something else....... My mom is at home right now Mr. Wayne....... I don't know about those things Mr. Wayne I am sorry......... How's Damian....... Oh....." It looked like Bruce was fishing for information and Jon was just playing dumb or didn't know how to answer Bruce's questions.
"I will tell him when get's back ok......... Mr. Wayne thank you for calling." Jon replied and put the cell down on the kitchen table signalling the conversation has ended.
"Wow he wants to do a tv interview with my dad that's so cool." I was shocked to hear that but Kal said he wanted out of that life of reporting and started fresh, He hasn't told Perry yet about him resigning but he will do it soon.
"He wants to pay my dad a lot of money to go on tv." Jon said and came by my side at the kitchen counter.
I feel like this is so all of a sudden like this so out of the blue and out of depth for Bruce, He usually does not do this for anyone but I could see why he would do this or even go there for Kal.
He was still reaching out his tentacles at Kal trying to pull him back trying to retrieve what he could never have.
"Well when Kal comes home you could tell him what Mr.Wayne said." Jon looked at me a look I never thought a child his age could have but then again I saw many things in my life this is the first of many.
"Do you... are you Mr. Wayne good."
"I don't think we are on bad terms but right now I don't want to talk to him." I said smoothly.
Jon changed the subject. "What else should we put in the pasta." As we continued on making dinner the door opened. "Hey boys." Kal exclaimed at the door the wind and rain wafted in I shied away from the breeze.
"Dad Bruce called and he wants you to do an interview on tv with him and, I told him he should talk to you about it." Jon said not excited and not overly upset just neutral as he talked to his father.
Kal on the other hand is shock he wasn't expecting that type of news at all.
"I will call him later wow you boys prepared this for dinner It looks good." Kal said rubbing my shoulders and went to sit down at the table.
Rubbing his temples he was stressed something happened at the hospital.
I could feel it.
And that's when my cell phone rang on the counter it was Barbara.
I picked it up right away. "Hey Bab's."
"Don't you fucken say hey Bab's to me you low life trash eating scum." I was shocked and stunned at the same time at her voice and her profanity.
"I found your boyfriend at the hospital in Smallville and he said I could give him a call I would rather call you MY EX-HUSBAND INSTEAD." She yelled at me through the phone.
I looked at Kal who was looking at me Jon looked at me to and we all looked at each other in silent.
"Well cat got your tongue."
End of part 56 next is part 57
Thank you for reading
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summertrashsplash · 2 years
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Wow, our summer trash splash has resulted in 31 trashy works!  Here is the full roundup of the fics and artworks that have been added to the Summer Trash Splash AO3 collection during the SplashZone, in alphabetical order:
A Means to an End by Call_Me_Kayyyyy and HaniTrash (art + 1k words)
Zemo is using Bucky as a bargaining chip in Madripoor, which means Bucky must play along to get the information they need. He hadn't expected the Baron to take things this far...
a widow's tender bite by ghostlygun (2k words)
After the creation of new Winter Soldiers has failed in 1991, HYDRA finds a new partner in Dreykov and his Red Room, both parties determined to try again. Vasily Karpov doesn’t like those plans. Neither does the Soldier.
aftertastes by Lies_Unfurl (5k)
The Red Book didn't just contain the trigger words: it also had thorough accounts of all the many punishments that HYDRA inflicted upon the Winter Soldier. A not-insignificant amount of which involved food or drink.
While in Madripoor, Zemo sees a way to use scent and taste to draw out the Soldier he's certain still hides inside James.
ART Fill for "Collar/Leash" by BloodMooninSpace
ART Fill for "Enforced Chastity" by BloodMooninSpace
ART fill for "forniphilia" by BloodMooninSpace
ART Fill for "Magic/Occult" by EclipseArts (BloodMooninSpace)
ART fill for "Tentacles" by BloodMooninSpace for mumblemutter
Art of Steve Rogers in an Army Green Stealth Suit by BloodMooninSpace for NeonBat
Art for a piece that NeonBat wrote for Trash Splash 2022!!!
[Art] Recreational Use by Call_Me_Kayyyyy (many arts!)
Some art I made based on bingo prompts. No real explanation's given.
The Asset Mindset by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy and Call_Me_Kayyyyy (3.3k + art!)
The Asset has always been turned on by violence—so much so that Hydra’s been forced to keep him on ice. When an urgent mission means he needs to stay out of cryo, his handler orders him to bring in a high value target for his fuck toy. Soon enough, Steve Rogers is the Asset’s unruly, misbehaving pet who only needs to be broken in order to be properly trained.
bonding ritual(s) by cm (mumblemutter) (1.5k)
The one where Sam and Bucky bond in Europe.
For the squares: recreational function / public use, restraints, breeding
Bucky the dog by Neonbat (40k)
Bucky's life has never been his own. Pierce is his Uncle, his provider, his everything. A chance encounter one day calls everything into question, and after fate provides a chance at freedom, Bucky seizes it without hesitation.
But Bucky can't outrun his past forever, and soon it catches up. He will do whatever it takes to ensure Steve is safe and far away from his dark, cold world wrought with blood and violence.
caught in 4k by ghostlygun (4k)
John Walker releases some old Hydra footage to the public, proving that the Winter Soldier did a lot more for them than killing people, while looking far too happy in these videos. Word spreads, and soon everyone knows about Hydra's whore. Bucky and Sam have to deal with the fallout.
en pointe by cm (mumblemutter) (6k)
Steve finds the man unconscious in the woods.
Or: The one where Steve is the Stomper and Sam is the Red Falcon.
For the squares: shrinkyclinks, Tony Stark, secret trigger phrase, brainwashing (free space)
etiquette for beginners by cm (mumblemutter) (3.5k)
The one where Sam inherits a Bucky from Zemo.
Things go about as well as expected, really.
For the squares: gaslighting, friend = handler, trade sex for x
hard times by Lies_Unfurl (5.5k)
“Don’t make this weird,” says Bucky.
“…is that a cock cage?” asks Sam.
Bucky glares at him, in a single motion yanking up both his boxers and his sleep pants—the black checkered pair, the ones he wears in order to signal to Sam that he doesn’t want his dick touched, and doesn’t particularly want to discuss it. “What did I just say.”
(or: Sam, Bucky, and The Cock Cage Incident.)
heat. concrete. polaroid by cm (mumblemutter)
Or: The one where the author conveniently manages to fill their final two squares with a sequel to a fic that didn't need a sequel (except for the one where they have birbies).
I'm gonna just say that this is outside canon, and a completely self-indulgent alternate universe sequel to ice. hollow. nightfall.
For the squares: Johann Schmidt, reclaiming what HYDRA ruined
key issues by ghostlygun (2k)
“I didn’t get all the science stuff, but for him, it basically works like an aphrodisiac.” “Sorry, what?” “He’s horny. Do something, or he dies of a heart attack.”
Or: There's no safe house stay with the Soldier that doesn't include more-or-less unpleasant surprises.
man's worst by cm (mumblemutter)
The one in which Sam and Bucky talk about dogs.
For the square: dogs
(non)negotiation by cm (mumblemutter) (2.2k)
The one in which Rumlow makes a brief return.
For the squares: Rumlow / Rollins / STRIKE, self sacrifice
Parts of a Whole by writerkenna (14k)
When he first receives the part, the Asset does not allot much time to examining it. He’s had many adaptations made to him, most reversed eventually when they do not function as they should. This is no different. In fact, this part is hidden, tucked away under clothes, and creates no obvious distraction during missions. The Asset he sees no cause to look for trouble with it when there is none.
He doesn’t give his attention to it until it starts to bleed.
HYDRA outfits their Asset with a vagina and uterus. Bucky has to deal with that fact.
the plural of octopus shouldn't end with an "i" by cm (mumblemutter) (3k)
The one in which Sam has a secret, and Bucky finds out.
For the squares: magic/occult, tentacles
Reaching through shackles (Save me from the flames) by Neonbat (10k)
Steve never dreamt of what being turned over to Ross could lead to. Not only is he forced to give up the search for Bucky as soon as it's started, but give up all he holds dear. His friends. His body. His name.
A path diverges, and yet, through everything, the ending is always the same.
Til the end of the line.
rock meets scissors by cm (mumblemutter) (8k)
Bucky and Sam, in the Framework and out of it.
For the squares: orgasm control, impact play, triggered during recovery (flashbacks, etc), endurance torture (wooden horse, stress positions)
sleepless nights by ghostlygun (2k)
Bucky gasps for air, tries to move, tries to break free but he can’t, and the other person – the Asset, the Soldier, it’s him – squeezes until it hurts so much that the edges of his vision start fading to black. A rush of memories hits him like another punch; he knows he has done this too, crushed his target’s windpipes until they screamed and gasped and went limp in his grip.
“Who do you belong to,” the Asset growls. It’s not a question.
Some Like it Hot by HaniTrash (3.5k)
Steve has been captured by HYDRA. The STRIKE team is having a fun time trying to break him.
sore spot by cm (mumblemutter) (2k)
The one where Sam gets taken by John.
For the squares: John Walker, no place is safe
sweet as honey by ghostlygun (1k)
“Isn’t it tragic,” Dottie said as she took a step forward, “that every time we meet, we’re on different sides?”
Your Voice in my Head by thefilthiestpiglet (6k)
If someone cares about you deeply enough, you can hear snippets of their thoughts in your head. As a kid, Steve'd only ever heard his ma and Bucky.
So how come he still hears Bucky even now, when his best friend fell off a train 70 years ago?
Wow!!! A huge thank you to all the authors and artists who reveled in the dumpster this year!  Congratulations everyone!
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eli-my-beloved · 2 years
Part 2 please of child mc,it’s sounds so cute😊😊😊
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the part 2 people have been waiting for. here you go guys! hope you'll enjoy them <3
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Aurelio would be a great adoptive big brother! he'd be very gentle every time, and he'd always tuck you bed. expect daily walks in the forest with him, where you'll play with the cute little animals <333
just like tyrian, i believe aurelio can cook very well ! especially pastries ! he's so kind wow <333
also, nap time is obligatory with aurelio. even if you don't want to.
anyway, 10/10 for aurelio! great adoptive big brother!
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Espen may have a younger brother, but that doesn't mean he actually knows how to care for a child. i mean, he only spent around eight years with anton before being locked away and never seeing him until the coronation.
but! he'll still do his best for you, and he actually does pretty well ! during the hot summer season, he'll keep you cool thanks to his ice powers, and during winter, he'll build snowmen with you.
bonus point if anton sometimes joins you during the winter, and turns the nice snowmen building activity into a snowball fight. you and espen versus anton, guess who wins /lh
he might, might accidentally give you a cold, though. especially during the colder seasons.
9/10 for espen! had to remove a point because of the cold thing..........
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Jasmir would do his best to give a child mc all the love a kid needs. he'll let you explore the depths of your imagination, and would love to hear you talk about your imaginary friends and such!
if you want to, jasmir will spend the entire afternoon drawing with you. once the two of you are done with drawing, he'll keep all of them somewhere safe. they're all memories he'll cherish forever <333
you'll always be dressed in the most beautiful clothes— only if you also like said clothes, though! he doesn't want you to feeo forced to wear something you don't like.
he rarely ever scolds you— unless you did something really bad, like perhaps breaking an expensive vase or something like that.
but in general he's very sweet and patient with you. 10/10 ily jasmir <333
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Arien does not know how to take care for a child. i mean, he was the one taken care of, as the youngest of his family.
sometimes, he'll go ask for help from his sibs when he has absolutely no idea of what to do!
please, please please please don't cry in front of arien. he'll immediately assume it's his fault, and he'll start to cry too. yeah, he may be the oldest here, but he sometimes also acts like a child...
otherwise, arien loves to play with you! if you're under the sea, arien will take you with him in his secret cave full of strange human objects. he'll also explore the old, sunken ships with you, though it is very dangerous...
6/10 for arien. come on man, you can do better 😭
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Ursulus is evil. however, the wholesomeness that comes with caring for a child may be the only thing that could soften his heart.
he'll act like he doesn't care about you— spoilers, he actually does. you're not allowed to leave his place unless you're leaving with him. and even then, you have to stay by his side, because you might swim away and get lost and then he won't know what to do and—
basically, ursulus' relationship with you would go from "i don't know this kid. i don't know them." to "excuse me???? mc asked for no pickles."
if you want to play with his tentacles, because you're a silly child, ursulus will allow you. he'll act as if he doesn't want to, but he's actually delighted. <3
8/10 for ursulus.
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and finally. we are done. bye. *dies*
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Obliviate | Draco Malfoy
M A S T E R L I S T Harry Potter Masterlist
very sad (light) smut requested requests info
this is so sad. I’m sorryyyyy. also if you wanted to set the mood more, I listened to THIS while writing it. Please listen to it, it wont be the same without the song lmao
Part 1/10 (Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)(Part 7)(Part 8)(Part 9)(Part 10)
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Draco had thought back to every other time in his life where he had felt like this, and nothing came to mind. There wasn’t another second of his torturous life that felt like this. He tended to count his blessings where he had them, and you were a blessing in his life. One that he woke up every single day thanking God for, Draco isn’t sure he’d ever love anyone the way he loves you. But he knew from the start, that the two of you were doomed, two lovers caught on each side of the war. His Father in direct relation with the Dark Lord, and you- Harry Potter’s cousin. There was a target on your back from the second you got to Hogwarts all those years ago and when Draco had first met you- he didn’t understand just how much danger you were already in. 
Nobody looked at Draco the way you did, nobody looked at him like he was worth saving. But when you looked at him, you saw something in him that he didn’t even see in himself. Draco believes that he was never a good person until he met you, and even then whether or not he was good is still up to debate. You inspire people to be better, to be good and if there is no good- you create it. You are a light in an everlasting darkness, and he doesn’t deserve you. But selfishly he wants to keep you- and he knows you’d never voluntarily leave him. He had to make the choice for you. You can’t stubbornly stand by his side if you don’t remember you’re in love with him. 
The Black Lake looks darker than Draco remembered it being. The view he currently held from the astronomy tower was beautiful in it’s own way, but now that he held every memory you have of him in his hands- the beauty seemed to slip out of the world. Looking down at the small vial in his hands, the vial containing your memories of him, his bottom lip quivers. He can’t stand how emotional you make him, you make him feel both weak and strong at the same time. His hand curls around the vial, Draco knows this is what he needs to do. He never expected it to be this hard though. 
Closing his eyes, Draco decided to take one last walk down memory lane before he would destroy your memories of him forever. 
The first time you had met Draco was when you were stood on the steps next to your cousin, Harry. Draco was stood in front of you, and although his eyes were on Harry- the blush on his cheeks came from being so close to you. Draco had held his head high, even when you snapped at him and told him how wonderful you found Ron to be. Draco always admired your sharp tongue, your unwillingness to step down when you felt passionately about something. He’s going to miss being your voice of reason, or the hand that holds you back when you’re ready to literally fight for what you believe in. You always say what you’re really thinking, how you’re really feeling. That’s something Draco has never really had the strength to do. If he did he would have said he loved you more often, and perhaps would have told Harry that he doesn’t hate him. 
Draco vividly remembers the first time you looked at him, and saw him in a way nobody else does. Not even Crabbe and Goyle. He was sat in the back corner of the Library, hiding away from everyone and everything after receiving yet another disappointed letter from his Father. You’d been gathering books to study for Potions when you spotted him sitting secluded, alone. You didn’t hesitate to go sit next to him, and when you looked over at him you saw every emotion he carefully hid from the world written plainly on his face. As if you had the only key to unlock the innermost parts of his brain. After a few minutes of gentle coaxing, Draco eventually began to open up to you about his Father and in return you opened up about your terrible parents. About how abusive they were to Harry- how much that hurt you. Draco hadn’t given it a second thought when you revealed you were muggle born. Really Draco didn’t mind, nor did it offend him in the way he acted it did but for his Father Draco must keep up appearances. 
He still feels guilty remembering how you recoiled away from him when he had spat the word ‘mudblood’ in your direction. He feels guilty as he remembers the tears trickling down your cheeks. Even that feeling paled in comparison to the way Draco feels now. 
Draco remembers the first time you kissed him, and yes much to his embarrassment it was you that kissed him. You always were someone who went after what you wanted. He was in the Hospital wing after Buckbeak attacked him. Despite him being the biggest prat you’d ever met, you still went to see him anyway. You sat next to Draco in the bed, seeing the tears well in his eyes at the revelation Buckbeak would be executed. Sure he was angry the stupid thing attacked him but never would he want Buckbeak killed for it. Draco wasn’t entirely surprised to learn his Father had threatened the committee in order for Buckbeak to be sentenced. It’s not Draco that his Father cared about, it’s the family image. You had cupped his cheeks, and gently pressed your lips to his. It was the only thing you could think to do to soothe him, and it worked. Draco melted against you, his sorrows briefly muted by the feeling of your lips on his own. He thinks he might have fallen in love with you right at that moment. 
The first time you went to Hogsmeade with him was the following year, during the winter. Your cheeks were rosy and your hand was as cold as ice around his warmer palm. He remembers you squealing with excitement as it began to snow again, the soft flakes fluttering gently around you. You truly did look like an angel. The snow stuck to your hair as you turned to look at him, “make a snowman with me!” Your voice was lilted, almost melodic as the happiness you felt carried over into your tone. While Draco didn’t normally do silly things like making snowmen, he couldn’t fight the smile that split across his face as he helped you roll the bottom of the snowman. Before that moment, Draco never knew joy like that even existed. It was only later that he discovered that this kind of joy only existed when he was with you. 
The first time the words ‘I love you’ graced the space between your lips was when you’d both met at the astronomy tower at midnight. The stars were twinkling beautifully, but even so Draco couldn’t keep his eyes off you. You blushed, refusing to meet his eye. You were always insecure, which baffled Draco immensely. How could you believe any other girl is anywhere close to being as pretty as you? There’s not another woman on the face of this Earth that compares to you, and you would often giggle and tell him to stop when he would begin his long ‘you’re the most beautiful girl’ rant. You had led Draco to believe, that maybe he and Harry could find peace. You were in fact, the only thing they had in common. The words fell right out of his mouth before he could pause to give them any thought. “I love you,” The air seemed to stiffen around him, crushing him as he watched you. You didn’t hesitate. 
“I love you Draco.” It was the best moment of his life. 
Draco will never forget the first time he was allowed to see the beauty of your bare skin. You’d think it would be easier to find places to be alone in this great big castle, eventually Draco had settled for the edge of the Black Lake- far from the castle. The journey out to the Lake had started innocently, the both of you quite enjoyed star gazing and spending your evenings together. You’d been sitting next to him, watching the large tentacles of the monster that lives in the Lake toss you things from the depths. You really did have a way in bringing out the good in everything, you’d even managed to befriend the monster that lives in the Lake. “Wow look at this,” your voice was quiet with amazement as you turned over a beautiful amulet in your hands. It was simple, silver chain with a white gem that shone as brightly as the moon. The Lake monster had given it to you, and Draco remembers the soft sigh that left your lips as his hands graced the back of your neck, fastening the amulet. 
Draco remembers the delicate way you turned to face him, how your eyes never left his as you carefully slid onto his lap. Your hands were placed on his shoulders as your lips met in a slow and languid kiss. The searing heat built between you two and seemed to draw your most intimate parts together. Without realizing, you’d begun to gently grind against Draco- drawing out soft moans from his lips. Never before had Draco felt this kind of desire for another person. His hands slid up your back and carefully removed each layer of clothing that was in between him and your bare skin. Your skin was flushed as Draco’s lips explored your naked body, carefully turning you over so that he would hover above you. You gripped fistfuls of the grass as Draco had found his home in between your legs, laving your sensitive folds with his tongue and mouth. It felt like heaven, and he knew it did. He could see it on your face, and you looked so beautiful. 
The desire burning inside you began to beat between your legs like a drum as you pulled Draco back up your body. Nuzzling his nose against yours, Draco slipped the head of his member in between your folds. The thought of hurting you made him feel sick to his stomach, but with a few gentle words of encouragement from you, he was gently working himself inside your tight heat. The feeling was incomparable, indescribable, suffocating, and intoxicating all at the same time. Draco knew that here on the grass, between your legs, was somewhere he wanted to be forever. If he could capture this moment in something more than his minds eye he would, he wants this memory to live forever. He rocked into you again and again, losing himself in the way your body felt against his. Never had Draco felt so connected to another person, you had him, mind body and soul. He was falling into that pit now, no doubt about it, and there was no way out. He was head over heels in love, not that he minded. 
Draco would do anything to keep you safe, and he really means that. 
Draco had grown distant from you this year, mostly because of the swirling black tattoo on his left forearm. The Dark Mark. He knew in an instant that you had to stay as far from him as humanly possible, and while he tried to stay away, he was weak and kept falling back into your embrace. He needed to convince you to stay away from him, and if he couldn’t...then he had to make you. You’d confronted him this evening, with tears in your eyes and a tremble in your hands. You wanted, needed, to know what was going on. Why he felt so far away from you. So Draco pressed a kiss to your forehead, took your hand, and led you here. To the Astronomy tower, a place where so many monumentous things happened between you. This would be the perfect place to say goodbye. 
You staggered back when he lifted his sleeve. The breath was stolen from your lungs when you saw the Dark Mark, writhing and wriggling on his arm. Tears built in your eyes as you looked at him, his name falling past your broken lips. How could this have happened? How could he let this happen? You wanted to scream, to tear your hair out, to cry, to do anything but your body wouldn’t let you. You simply stood frozen before him, feeling as though the most powerful force in the world was tearing the two of you apart. The next words out of his mouth shattered you beyond repair. 
“You need to stay away from me, for your own good. And for Harry’s.” It was the first time he’d ever used Harry’s first name, that’s how you knew he really meant this. But you couldn’t, you loved Draco with every ounce of your heart, how could you leave him? You shook your head vehemently, tears now free falling down your cheeks. “I-I can’t.” You gasped, watching a pained expression cross onto Draco’s face. He didn’t want to do this, he really didn’t want to do this but the thought of you getting tortured or killed by Voldemort replays in his mind. He couldn’t put you in danger, not for something so selfish, not because he loves you. It’s because he loves you that he’s willing to let you go, that he’s willing to make this sacrifice if it means keeping you safe. 
When he turns to you again, his wand is raised and the look on his face is one you’ve never seen before. His hand is trembling, his eyes look hollow and his mouth is quivering. He looks desperate, he looks distraught, but most of all, he looks broken. “Draco,” You whisper, tears in your eyes as you look up at him, your hand finding the railing behind you. “You have to stay away from me.” Draco gasps, desperately fighting tears. 
“Please don’t do this.” Your voice is weak, you know what’s coming next. You’re smart enough to connect the dots. 
Draco’s hand wavers, “I have to.” His voice is final, but his body looks as though it’s falling apart. Thoughts of him facing what he must face, without your love, sends panic through your chest. He’ll have to endure the pain, the struggles, all of it, alone. You want to be there for him, you don’t care about the danger. Draco knows you don’t, that’s why he has to do this. 
“Baby please, I love you.” You cry desperately, and Draco feels his heart burning to dust in his chest as he looks down at you. “I love you too.” He breathes, closing his eyes and steeling his nerves for what he is going to do next. “Draco!” Your voice comes out as a cry of desperation, and you lurch forward. But Draco is faster. 
“Obliviate.” He whispers the word into the open air, watching as you halt, your tearful eyes locked on his. “Draco,” You whisper as a light of blue slips from your head and into the tip of Draco’s wand. Your hands drop to your sides, and your eyes fall flat, looking through him now, seeing him as everyone else does. Your face is empty, expressionless as you watch him. Lowering his wand, Draco slips your memories into the vial as you blink in confusion before sending him a nervous smile. You look around briefly, before reaching over to grab your coat. You brush past Draco without looking at him again, offering a hollow ‘goodnight’ over your shoulder as you go. Draco feels empty, emptier than he ever has. It’s only now that he lets a tear slide down his cheek. 
His hands were shaking as he leaned over the railing, the cool wind chilling him. The view laid out before him doesn’t hold any beauty in it anymore, and it feels as though all the color has drained from the world. Grasping the vial tightly in his hand, Draco squeezes his eyes shut before throwing it as hard as he could over the edge of the astronomy tower. He watches with bleary eyes as the vial of your memories, the vial containing your love for him disappears into the Black Lake. This is the right thing to do, but Draco can’t fight how wrong it feels. He knows now that he’ll never be the same, but he turns anyway. Straightens his suit, wipes his tears, and begins the journey back to his common room. 
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi I really loved your "yandere Juuzou with ghoul reader" text so can I ask yan Tooru with ghoul reader? That would be very intresting.
I feel like the situation for them would be very interesting since he’s part of the CCG.
Tw: Yandere themes, obsession, unstable mentality, vicious behavior, violence, threatening, killing
Ghoul darling
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🟢Tooru met you most likely whilst on a mission with the CCG, probably on the auction where he had to work as a spy to infiltrate the whole place. Tooru was at that time pretty nervous, standing in front of so many ghouls who all started wanting to buy them after it was revealed that they were a one-eyed ghoul.
🟢After the whole massacre had broken out, Tooru had been forced to fight, feeling anxious and scared, insecure about their skills since they hadn’t even been able to activate their Kagune at that time. And they had to fight quite some ghouls in there, partially being all on their own. And that’s when they met you, their savor.
🟢They had been cornered by a ghoul who had proven to be stronger than expected, having forced them in a corner and leading them to trip, leaving them in a vulnerable positions, having lost their knifes in the process. They honestly thought it would be the end of them, the ghoul already making themself ready to finally finish them off after finding out that Tooru was part of the CCG, explaining that they would kill and then eat them, their Kagune snapping towards them. And in the next moment blood was splattering around, splashing onto Tooru’s face and staining his clothes. And for a short moment Tooru thought that this was the end for them, thinking that they would now die. But that’s when they realized that they didn’t feel any pain, that in fact it wasn’t even their blood. It was the blood of the ghoul, their head having been chopped off.
🟢And as the corpse fell down, forming a pool of blood, Tooru was at first top shocked to do anything, staring with wide eyes at the corpse before slowly letting their eyes travel upwards, being met with the stoic yet slightly worried expression of a ghoul, standing right over him with their Kagune still visible, dripping from all the blood. And for a short moment Tooru thought that you had only killed the other ghoul to eat them yourself, crawling on his four limbs scared back when you stepped closer, but frowned slightly when you suddenly deactivated your Kagune, instead bending down a bit and offering them your hand. At first Tooru just stared shocked at your hand, too dense to understand what you wanted. And even if they did, they were still warily of you. What if this was just a trap?
🟢But the moment you suddenly told him in an almost jokingly tone that you wouldn’t bite, looking like you were about to return your hand, Tooru just quickly grabbed it, more out of reflexes since he didn’t want to be impolite. You helped him getting up on his feet, asking if he was okay to which Tooru could only stutter a yes out, too flustered to do anything else. Was this really happening? Was a ghoul helping them?
🟢You were really kind for someone who openly admitted to them that they would kill them or other investigators, emphasizing that it would be out of self-defense, picking their knifes up and giving it to them, telling them that they would need those, even explaining to them in which direction they had to go if they wanted to meet their friends again. A short wave and a “Take care!”, then you left them completely speechless there, quickly making your way out of the building to save your own butt.
🟢This short moment, this encounter was all that Tooru needed to form an obsession with you. They never told others about you, scared that they would hear the scoldings of the others that they couldn’t trust you and that you were a ghoul which they should have killed. They didn’t want to get their illusions about you destroyed. They were wrong! You were different! You had saved them instead of using the chance to kill them, even having helped them to find the way to their comrades. You had to be better, cut above the rest! They owed you their freaking life!
🟢Tooru wanted to meet you again, to ask you why you hadn’t killed them, hoping that your answer would confirm their delusions. That you weren’t as bloodthirsty and messy as others. They started digging up as much informations as they could about you, finding out that you weren’t in any records, meaning that you weren’t a big number which led to a huge relief from their side. For two reasons. The first one was that this meant no one knew about you so far, Tooru hoping that it would remain this way for forever. The second reason was that this was an enhancement to their delusions. They knew that you were different! You weren’t even known by the CCG yet, meaning that you weren’t as tasteless or unnecessarily cruel like some other big numbers in the records of the CCG!
🟢They did about everything to find you, trailing often through the streets of Tokyo in hopes of magically bumping into you, all whilst never telling anyone about you. And the more time passed by, the more desperate they got with their actions, going even as far as starting to search for other ghouls to question them about you in hopes that they knew you. Whilst also being ready to threaten them, Tooru knew that it would be better to distinguish themself as a ghoul, using the mask made from Uta to mix themself under the ghouls.
🟢But in the end it was the complete other way around than planned even though Tooru couldn’t really complain. You ended up finding him, a few ghouls telling you that recently a strange fellow had started searching for you. Whilst you at first didn’t know who they were talking about, after they had tried to describe that person as good as possible you had a very clear image in your head about who it could be, leading you to searching for Tooru and one day suddenly confronting him on the streets of Tokyo.
🟢A short walk through a park to get a bit more isolation was made, Tooru at first non believing that after so many weeks of searching you were finally here again. And you were a bit amused by all of this, obviously noticing how flustered and nervous they were. It had been a while since someone seemed that way around you. But you hadn’t only searched for them to have a nice talk. You wanted to know why this investigator here had searched for you, going as far as pretending to be a ghoul.
🟢There had wanted to show their gratitude, obviously, you had saved them. And whilst Tooru had of course wanted to see you again, they also had a couple of questions for you. Why had you saved them? You were a ghoul weren’t you? This question surprised you a bit, not knowing really why you had done it either. You guessed...you had just a feeling that their time hadn’t come yet. They seemed to have potential and it would be a waste to let someone die who hadn’t even reached their full potential yet.
🟢The situation was rather interesting, you having never heard, seen or witnessed a CCG investigator before thanking a ghoul for saving their life. And you knew that this should be kept a secret for safety reasons because if the wrong people would find out about this, either you or him would get in bad trouble. In the worst case scenario both of you, but luckily Tooru ensured that they hadn’t told anyone yet. And both of you agreed to keep it that way.
🟢That should have been the end of the story, it should have. But it turned out to only be the beginning, Tooru suddenly asking if you two could see each other again. And that surprised you. Weren’t they a ghoul investigator? They knew that they would get in really big troubles if someone would find out, right? Or did they not care at all? Wow, they had more bones than originally thought.
🟢Tooru wouldn’t kidnap you or lock you away, knowing that they have no right to do so. I imagine it to be really hard for them to meet up with you constantly, needing to be careful with their every movement so no one will catch them. If someone finds out they wouldn’t care that much what will await them, but the moment someone finds out and wants to either kill or catch you in hopes to get some informations, that would be the moment Tooru would start acting. What other choice would they have, meaning a triggered switch to their crazy fellow side. They wouldn’t want this to happen though, so being warily of every step they take should hopefully prevent them from needing to kill someone.
🟢But you yourself would have to do a few things to next to not telling anyone about this. Tooru wouldn’t request much, only that you try to not kill any investigators and be careful with hunting food down. They can’t say that they’re necessarily the most happiest with you killing humans, but on the other hand they know you need food in order to survive and have the strength to defend yourself if needed.
🟢I feel like you two most likely revealed your relationship after Kaneki was trapped in the dragon (this huge tentacle thing known as the dragon). Let’s just imagine that instead of Tooru someone else cornered Touka and threatened to kill her, leading Kaneki to his transformation. Because then ghouls and humans worked for the first time ever together and whilst you two were probably a bit unsure about finally opening up, some people started suspecting naturally that you two knew each other. And when you two were confronted about this, you by your ghoul friends and Yooru by his co-workers, both of you decided to make it public.
🟢Let’s just say the CCG wasn’t exactly happy with this, knowing that Tooru had been secretly having a relationship with a ghoul for this whole time whilst his friends and your friends were kind of buffled, but some were also happy, taking this as a good sign that the CCG and ghouls could live in peace together, your relationship being the living proof of that.
🟢Even if there would have been a few voices who demanded you two to break up or wanting to punish Tooru for what they’ve done, I imagine the most people being supportive of this or accepting this as long as nothing bad would happen. Tooru’s friends (Urie and Saiko) would most likely want to get to know you better whilst your friends would like to get to know Tooru better.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
Secret Messages
Author’s Note: The following story takes place sometime between chapters 13 and 16 of “Knights of the Fallen Empire”.
“That will be all everyone. Thank you.” Corellan Halcyon, the Alliance Commander concluded the meeting with the assembled command staff in the main conference room in the operations wing.
Vette gathered up her data pads. In less than two weeks, she’d made a place for herself here on Odessen. The skills she’d developed years ago as part of Kael’s old crew had netted her the position of communications specialist, which meant she had the chance to see the inner workings of the Alliance’s command structure first-hand. Indeed, Vette was one of only two aides present – the other being the Commander’s little AstroMech droid, Teeseven. Given that the Alliance was only a few months old, and that it was essentially a “motley” collection of defectors from the Republic, the Sith Empire, Zakuul and various other factions throughout the galaxy, she found it very impressive. The people here were motivated; despite their differences, everyone wanted to take down the Eternal Throne, and incredibly, everyone seemed to trust that the ‘infamous Outlander’, this former Jedi Master, would be the one to do it.
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After seeing him in action on Vandin, Vette found that she was starting to believe it, too.
As people made their way towards the exit – led by Doctor Oggurobb (how the heck could any Hutt possibly move that fast?) – the Commander looked over at her.
“Oh, Vette. Do you have a minute?”      
Vette blinked, surprised that the Commander – Corellan, he’d asked to be called while in private – would call on her. She nodded over to him in acknowledgement, feeling a brief upswell of anxiety as she waited for the others to clear out. She knew perfectly well that the feeling was a legacy of having been enslaved twice in her life but knowing that didn’t ease her nerves.
Which was funny. The Commander was entirely different than anyone else she’d worked with. He was barely older than she was, but she looked up to him. Honestly, Corellan Halcyon was one of the nicest people she’d ever met. He never got angry or even raised his voice with anyone and whatever frustration he experienced only seemed to manifest as steely resolve. She’d have thought – having watched Kael in action years ago – that all this would have made for a weak leader.
It didn’t. If anything, it just made people not want to disappoint him.
So for a moment, Vette felt nervous that she’d somehow disappointed him.
Weird that I thought he’d be like Quinn. she mused to herself. The stick-up-his-ass Imperial officer had been the most repressed man Vette had ever met. More than once, she’d speculated aloud that Quinn could have made a good Jedi had he been a Force-sensitive born in the Republic. This had proven an excellent way to antagonize him, which, of course, only encouraged Vette.
Good times.
As the room emptied save for herself, Corellan and Teeseven, Vette made her way over to him, clutching her datapads. He’d been standing at the middle of the table during the meeting while Lana Beniko and Theron Shan sat at his right, with Teeseven at his left. Come to think of it, he was the only person in the room who’d remained standing during the entire meeting. His place at the table didn’t even have a chair.
“Uhm. Is there a problem with the communiques, Commander?”
Corellan, who had been looking down at his own datapad, turned towards her.
“Hmm? Oh, no. Not at all, Vette. You’ve been doing excellent work.” He smiled at her reassuringly. “I’m glad you chose to stay with us.”
Vette exhaled in relief, not realizing she’d been holding her breath.
“Great. Great. Thanks. So… uhm. You wanted to talk?”
“Right. Its rather awkward.” Corellan turned to look down at Teeseven. “Tee, can you load that message from yesterday?”  
Teeseven beeped his approval, apparently requiring no more clarification than that. A second later, the Commander’s data pad chimed. He pressed a button.
“So I received this direct message in error. It’s probably related to the new directory security system Theron just setup. But it was apparently intended for you.”
He handed the pad over to Vette who looked down at the text.  
From: Avus Dayne
Subject: My blue flower
You don’t know me, but I’m a pilot with the Alliance fleet. I noticed you the second you stepped on Odessen, and I've been watching you from afar ever since.
Sorry, that's creepy, isn't it?
Anyway, I wrote a poem:
‘My flower of blue,
I pine for you.
Your laugh is so cute,
And your head tentacle things are also cute.’
It needs work. But the point is, I think you're pretty and I was wondering if you want to get a drink together.
If you don't, tell me and I'll leave you alone forever.
Avus (that's my name)
“Uhm. Wow.” Vette felt her cheeks turn faintly purple with a blush.
She was embarrassed. Part of her wondered if she should be offended. It was just a little creepy, sending someone a message – much less a poem! – out of the blue like that. Then again, Vette had met more than her share of real creeps over the course of her life. She didn’t get that sort of vibe from this letter.
The Commander waited a beat before continuing.
“Now this is none of my business, you understand.” Corellan added, his voice amicable. “I’m only talking to you now because the message was addressed to you, so I felt you deserved to see it.” He paused. “He did send me a follow-up message, that I’m willing to share with you, but only if you’re interested.” Corellan glanced down at the pad. “Just click the ‘Next Message’ button.”
Vette pursed her lips for a second, chewing that over, then overcome by curiosity she finally tapped the pad.  
From: Avus Dayne
My sincerest apologies, Commander. That message was not intended for you. Please delete it without opening.
But if you did read it... Do you think I have a shot?
Vette chuckled at the words, taken with the awkwardness of this guy. The messages were ridiculous, but at the same time, they were so earnest, too.
“Huh.” She finally said.
Corellan regarded her for another second, giving her a moment to think about things before pressing on.
“Like I said, its none of my business. I was just passing these on to you. I haven’t responded to him. Nor do I plan to do so unless you ask me to.”
“Uhm. Well. Thank you.” she exhaled, relieved that this situation hadn’t become more complicated.
Vette was feeling disconcerted by the whole thing. Until a few years ago, Vette hadn’t been used to people expressing an ‘interest’ in her. She’d spent most of her life in the shadow of more conventionally attractive women like Tivva, Risha and Taunt. All three had been sisters and like-sisters to Vette, but she’d always envied their confidence and their looks, and the attention they’d drawn. Then later there was Jaesa – never a friend, but another young woman who’d made her feel insecure. Vette had had a crush on Kael; she could admit that to herself now. But she’d eventually stifled it. He’d been nice to her, or at least nicer to her than most of her employers over the years, but she had no illusion about who he was what he could do. He had not been a nice guy. Jaesa was welcome to him, for all the good it had done either of them in the end. That had been years ago, though, and most of the people she and Gault had dealt with since then weren’t the type she wanted to be involved with. Not in that way.
Still, she had felt more comfortable about life in general in the weeks since she’d joined the Alliance…
She looked back down at the datapad.
“So. Uhm. What do you think?” she asked aloud.
“I’m sorry, what do I think regarding what?” Corellan raised an eyebrow.
Vette nibbled her lower lip. She’d never imagined having a conversation like this with a Jedi. Or ex-Jedi, even.
“I mean, do you think I should meet him? For a drink, or whatever?”
The Commander blinked.
“Well. I was a Jedi, Vette.” He explained himself. “Even if I’ve left that life behind, I’m probably one of the least qualified people to ask about things like that.” He looked down wistfully. “With the exception of my association with one rather philandering field medic, I have little experience with… uhm, courtship.” Corellan stammered a bit near the end, as if he had been trying to find the words, awkwardly.
It was funny to think of the Commander, who she’d personally seen storm through legions of Sky Troopers, as awkward about anything. He normally exuded confidence and poised.  
“Yeah.” Vette swallowed. “Me neither, actually.”
Vette winced. That was way too personal a thing to say. She and the Commander hardly knew each other.  
“But uhm. What are your… impressions of him, I guess?”
“Well.” Corellan took the datapad again and clicking back to the original message and considering. “I must say he sounds sincere to me. And he seemed a reputable individual from his personnel file, for whatever that’s worth. There was nothing to suggest he would do anything unpleasant to someone he was working with.”
Vette started to nod in appreciation, then stopped herself, noting what he’d said.
“You, uhm, read his file?”
“I did.”
“Because his message went to you and not me?”
“No, not at all. I look over everyone’s file.”
Vette blinked. The Alliance was still small compared to the other galactic powers, but all told, they still had hundreds of members by now, with more signing up every day.
“Everyone’s? I mean, that must take you forever.”  
Corellan frowned a bit, gathering his thoughts.
“Well, I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I haven’t been able to meet everyone in person, yet. We send so many of our people out on missions at any given point and there just isn’t enough time. But learning their face and their name, that at least is a start. For me, anyway. So every evening when I head back to my quarters, I have Teeseven load up some personnel files.” He smiled affectionately, patting the chassis of the AstroMech droid’s top. “It takes some time but it’s worth it and it makes for good bedtime reading.”
His expression had softened, his light blue eyes dwelling on a less complicated time.
“The idea that there are people working for me, even fighting for me, who I don’t even know is… well that’s a new one for me. It’s one more thing I’ll have to get used to, I suppose.”
Vette found herself charmed by this sentiment, though it also concerned her just a bit. In her experience, people in positions of power rarely did things like personally checking on every who worked for them. If he was losing sleep over minutiae, that could be bad for everyone.
For the moment, she kept on track.
“And you remembered Avus, just from skimming his file?”
He shrugged, indifferently.
“Actually, I don’t forget anything.”
Vette’s eyes widened.
“That’s a neat trick.” She whistled. “Is that from being a Jedi?” she hadn’t recalled Jaesa ever demonstrating instant recall like that.
“Thank you. And no. Its just something I’ve always been able to do.” Corellan shrugged again.
“Well, I wish I could do that.” Realization came to Vette, as she attempted to digest all of this. She eyed the Commander worriedly.
“So… you’ve probably read my file, too.”
“Well, yes.” He’d obviously picked up on her concern but seemed non-plussed about it, not comprehending the bantha in the room Vette had been hinting at.
“Uhm.” She paused but couldn’t leave it alone. “You must know I used to work for Kael.”
Corellan nodded with understanding, his face growing somber.
“I do.”
She looked up and regarded him.
“You still trust me with… your communications? And the field work, and everything?”
Corellan Halcyon’s face finally relaxed. This seemed familiar ground for him.
“You’ve given me no reason to think I shouldn’t. And the quality of your work speaks for itself. We couldn’t have raided the Gilded Star without you.” He spoke confidently, then gave her a reassuring look. “Vette, what happened between myself and Kael was never personal for me. Yes, he did things I considered monstrous, but so did nearly every other Sith Lord I’ve fought. He had his reasons for fighting Revan after Vitiate rejected him. When we finally fought on Yavin, I felt his rage and the pain behind it. And I exploited those weaknesses to beat him.”
He sighed in regret.  
“I truly regret that I couldn’t find another way. But there were countless lives on the line and I still had to deal with Revan. And the Emperor. So it went the way that it did.”
Corellan’s light blue eyes re-focused on Vette.
“For what its worth, I’m sorry. I know you weren’t working for him at the time, but that had to have been difficult when you heard what happened.”
Vette looked down at the table. Those were old wounds. She didn’t want to get into all that right now.
“Someday I’ll tell you about my time with Kael and his crew.” She swallowed. “But for what it’s worth, I don’t hold any of that against you.”
It was Corellan’s turn to nod in relief.
“I appreciate that.”
Vette awkwardly looked down at the datapad again.
“I think… I’ll send him a message. Just to see how it goes.”
The Commander smiled slightly.
“Sounds good.” Then he paused, an idea popping up in his mind. “Oh, but if you do wind up telling him you’re not interested and then he bothers you again, then absolutely come to me. I’ll take care of it if there’s a problem.”
Vette found herself grinning at the offer.
“I wouldn’t think you had much experience in scaring off creeps.” She mused.
A small grin formed across Corellan’s lips.
“I don’t, really. But as it so happens, my personnel resources director is a Sith Lord.” He offered, his eyes sparkling a bit. “She’s very… persuasive when it comes to conflict resolution.”
Vette laughed at that, breaking up what had become a heavy mood. Lana Beniko was the model of professionalism, but she was scary.
“Okay. Well… thanks for talking to me about this. And for being okay about everything.”
“Not at all. Thank you for being here.” His chrono pinged. “Ah. I have to go meet with Hylo to discuss the logistical situation.”
“I’ll leave you to it.” Vette smiled. “I should get back to the war room.”
“Sounds good. I’ll talk to Theron about the bugs in the directory system.”
With that, they parted company.
Vette smiled to herself as she left the conference chamber. She’d meet with this ‘Avus’ guy. Maybe it would be okay. Maybe it wouldn’t. But Vette felt that she’d be okay either way.
It was a good feeling.
Author’s Notes: The mis-sent letter has always been one of my favorite moments in KOTFE.
For the record, in this continuity, Vette does meet with Avus for a drink. He’s nice enough, but she decides he’s not for her. He’s okay with that. They remain friends to this day.
Corellan rarely sits down, except for the pilot seat of his ship. The reason for this will come up some day.
I’ve made references to Corellan’s eidetic memory in the past, but it rarely comes up so directly in a story.
I do kind of ship Vette with someone in this continuity. But that comes much later in my story.
I don’t know how Avus didn’t know that they are called “lekkus”.
Kael was not a nice Sith Warrior. More on him another time. @swtor-writers-guild​ , @swtorshipping​
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powerbottomeminem · 4 years
For the kisses, 36 :) emgk ofc and pls don’t hold back on the angst 🥺
36. “We can never be together” kiss (Eminem x MGK) (my choice: mermaid AU)
Waves were softly sloshing against the rocky beach. As Marshall was jogging along sand and small pebbles quietly crunched underneath his shoes. It was a quiet morning and he was enjoying the slow start of the day. 
Until he heard a groan, a pained and weak groan that almost drowned underneath the sound of the waves. But Marshal was sure he heard it.
“Hey, everything okay?”, he asked jogging toward the little pile of jagged stones sprouting out of the beach.
No words, only pitiful moans.
Tentatively he climbed over the jagged rocks to where he was sure the alarming sound came from. Long arms were draped over the rock, catching in little crevices and bloody abrasions brought color to the almost translucent skin.
“Hey, you okay?”, Marshall asked again stretching his hand out. His fingers touched the skin, cold and rough.
The other hand twitched.
“I got you”, Marshall assured and climbed closer. He had no idea what had happened or what he was doing, but the urge to help was strong.
A blonde head came into view. No, Marshall frowned to himself, that wasn’t blonde hair. He crawled closer, his own knee scraping against the sharp rocks. There was a colorful shimmer in the oh so white skin, arms too long for a man and what he thought was blonde hair seemed by closer inspection to be like the fins of fish.
“What the-”, Marshall had no words to voice his disbelieve and wonder. But he crawled closer, fingertips softly brushing against a cold, rough cheek. The features of the face almost familiar but not quite right.
Eyes opened, a bright flash of blue. The long arms wailing in self-defense but weak.
“Shh”, Marshall wanted to comfort but called himself an idiot. This wasn’t even a matter of different languages, was it. But what other options did he have? “I want to help you.”
In a gesture of human peace he showed the palm of his hand, inviting the other to take it.
Waves still sloshing around the beach, eternal uncaring. Marshall couldn’t help but look further down, a lanky light skinned body but he could see a pattern of blotches underneath. Until it fanned out into an array of tentacles almost as black as the rock the other was trapped in.
“Wow …”
Strained grunts as the other tried to lift themselves up off the rock, but failed.
“Wait, let me help you”, Marshall pleaded and put his arm around the lanky and cold body.
Another groan and what sounded like “Kell-kell-kell”, but who knew?
Then Marshall could see what had happened: One of the tentacles was crushed underneath rocks, a bluish substance floating on top of the pooling water.
“Damn”, he mumbled to himself. As he reached out to free the hurt appendage more screaming …
Finally the other was freed and Marshall had carried them off the rocks and onto the sandy, pebbly beach where waves never receded from. His hoodie was drenched in water and wrapped around the other.
Breathing heavy he sat there, looking at what must be a fever dream but felt unbearably true. His heart was beating heavy with the knowledge that this was ending here and now. He wanted to offer more help, to have the other heal the injury in the peace of Marshall’s vacation home, to actually get to know this wonder. But it wouldn’t be.
“Take care of yourself”, Marshall whispered.
A now wet hand stroked through his hair. Blue eyes looked back at him full with the same understanding, feeling the deep possibilities of hope but also the knowledge of reality.
The other leaned forward, a long body not meant for land but their mouths touched. Wet and cold and tasting like the sea but Marshall kissed back intensely. Two creatures not alike however he spun this, but also two creatures drawn into each other’s depths. One of the tentacles wrapped around Marshall’s arm, a strong grip he wanted to remember. His own hands came up to hug the other, fingertips brushing against slits in the chest - gills? Eyes closed to feel more of the other as long as he could.
When the kiss was over and Marshall’s eyes opened again, the other’s skin wasn’t white anymore but a moving pattern of colors. He pulled the other closer for another kiss. 
Waves nudged against his stomach, flowing cool around his legs and reminding him that he couldn’t stay here. Not like this, not for long.
Neither could the other.
“Kell”, not as pained this time. Whatever it meant.
Another touch of their mouths, a long kiss but too brief. The other withdrew, the tentacle withdrew from Marshall’s arm and back into the water, as the rest of the long body went back into the water, into the vastness where waves came from.
“Take care of yourself, Kells”, Marshall called out and waved his hand.
He had the sea on his tongue. Forever.
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord - HC dump 
Been a while!
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Siren wings aren't physical -mostly-, they have no heft or real weight to them and aren't "real" objects that exist within the same space as their owners. The wings are more manifestations of power, the visualisation of the Siren's concentrated energy. They don't fly with them, they aren't actually doing anything generally, any movement a Siren performs while their wings are visible is due to expending their power - hovering, levitating etc, it's not the wings displacing air.
To the touch they'd feel like... the warm static on front of an old TV screen, a tingling buzz of resistance you can pass through but feel like you shouldn't. They feel very off, other, it would be hard to experience one brush through your body and not carry some kind of creeping dread for a few hours after that part of it was still inside your chest cavity somewhere.
The forms they take on aren't related to their Siren Powers at all, the great sources don't care or even know when their powers are being used by a host, they aren't making decisions over things as removed from their sphere of concern as fucking wings, Siren wings are extensions of self. They represent how that Siren see's who they really are, in one way or another.
Amara hardens hers into solid fists, powerful muscle shaped into a protective cage or battering onslaught. They flex and posture in a display of raw physical power behind her back.
Lilith's burn everything she touches, friends, enemies, they destroy and warp reality around them. They don't belong anywhere, and they do more harm than good.
Troy's twitchy, skeletal right wing that's stunted and bent in on itself isn't related to his body damage at all... it's how he sees his form. The vile eyes rolling in their sockets and glaring hatred at everything around him that bulge from the pinions of his left aren't being created by The Leech, it's his extension of self, how he understands and translates its power, how he experiences it. He doesn’t know this though, and it's one of the reasons he's disgusted by his wings.
Tyreen is wretchedly proud of her own, the horrific tentacles of energy that rip through her back, but she doesn't understand those aren't the same as other Sirens. Those aren't wings at all, it's The Leech physically manifesting, not a symbol of her own power and control.
If she ever did leech Troy in LL hers would be the stunted, barely visible purple static ones from canon, because Tyreen has barely any sense of self left. There is so little of who she actually is, that her psyche forms... nothing. Sad, pathetic silhouettes that pale in comparison to the memory of her brother's breathtaking wingspan.
The twins don't like leaving Pandora in general, Troy seeing it as a nuisance, and Tyreen not dealing well with traveling on what she considers "cramped" transport vessels. There is also a major element of danger, cosmic space witches don't hold as much weight when the skirmish is outside a planet's atmosphere, and a hull breach doesn't care if you've got magic powers.
Her claustrophobia and issues with feeling caged are one of the reasons Ty leaves so much of the cult's off world business and faction schmoozing to Troy, he's far more comfortable warping in Sanctum with a small escort fleet than she would be knowing she can't leave her ship for 24 hours.
They won't make trips longer than a short jump to a border planet in anything smaller than their flagship, the danger of being swarmed by an ambush is a tad too real, and the COV's main transport is a -massive- cruiser class warship kept in orbit around Pandora. It doesn't have a name, it doesn't need one. Its city dwarfing silhouette of jutting spires and eye burning floodlights that beam from the building sized sockets of skulls scrapped together from the wreckage of enemy ships do more than enough to announce who's vessel this is.
It can transport an army comfortably, and while devoid of Psychos, is filled with rotating shifts of Bandit and engineering crew. It's iconic visuals are due to tireless work of acolytes and pious worshippers who cover the surface while it's resting in orbit, painting neon COV iconography in teams that can take days to finish a single building sized piece, welding spines, blades, screaming rusted skulls and fluorescent light tubes across the massive breadth of its hull.
The thing is a fucking monster in the dark of space, and if it's ripping through a planet's atmosphere alongside thousands of escort gunships decorated in its honor, the surface inhabitants know exactly who has come to claim their fealty.
The lower crewpeople call it "Vae Victus" with some mix of adoration and fear, Troy doesn't like that. Doesn't think things like his warship should have a name, it's beautiful as it is - free and nightmarish, it doesn't need to be described as anything other than the ship.
Tyreen doesn't feel physical attraction to people anymore, and hasn't really realised this. Shes not asexual, the feeling just isn't there, another symptom of The Leech consuming her piece by piece. She gets fiercely, painfully envious of Troy's "time" with willing followers, of the way he doesn't even really react to eager touches along his skin as he lounges sprawled across his throne while they sit in boredom and listen to whatever bullshit the queues forming all the way out of the Cathedral have come to confess, but it's how used to it he is that irks her. How much he takes for granted something she can't have. Tyreen doesn't like not being able to have things. There's a reminder there that she doesn't have the real control she seeks so desperately.
She has extreme issues with feeling trapped in every way, physical, in her environment, in her decision making etc, it's one of the reasons she can't stand being told she's wrong, or that she has to do something, and it all stems from The Leech rather than her.
Troy heals much faster than anyone would expect from someone with so many complex physical issues. He doesn't spend any time thinking about this and genuinely doesn't notice it's a factor, but the man has very few scars. A severe injury that would leave a horrific gash on someone else just seals for him, always has. He pulled a bayonet out of his abdomen just before he crushed that heretic's head in his maw's reveal, and didn't even react. Within a couple of weeks that was just another slight silvery line across the warmth of his ochre skin, and it wouldn't take much longer till it vanished entirely.
It's likely one of the little reasons he's so uncomfortable about the paper thin coverage of the major scarring on his empty right that never healed, it's such a horrible clash against his otherwise unmarred skin to look at, and Troy finds himself often letting his eyes rest absentmindedly on other people's scars, subconsciously comparing against his own, trying to understand if he's as abnormal visually as he believes.
He has a few, scratch marks across his knees from falling a lot as a kid, the indent cuts along the sides of his spine for his rig attachments, but they aren't that noticeable. His throat scars later, they don't heal great. They show for, well, forever, and it takes him a couple of decades to realise that's how it had always worked, that he chose what to keep and what to let heal all along.
He still.. falls a lot as an adult. He stumbles, he has severe moments of weakness that can make him trip to the side and rock down to his knees before he manages to get a hand under himself, and it’s never his right even though he usually falls to that side. He always tries to steady himself with his left, even after years.
For all her bullshittery about being well traveled and street-smart and blah blah blah, Seifa can be shockingly innocent at times with things she's not much experience of. Ven taking her to a track race? Wow. Where do they sit? How do you know when it starts. What happens if that shit goes on fire? Oh VEN that shit IS ON FIRE!! Is it meant to be? Oh whoah. OHHHH.
She's grabby, she's a super tactile person who tries to not touch too much and respect people's boundaries but if she's excited or scared or can see a close friend is hurting, she tends to give in. She'd be hanging off his arm, bouncing in her seat and screaming as the racers roared by, and she'll go back home and talk to JK about it like she's some kind of expert who's been attending them years.
When they do -eventually- stop doing a terrible job of pretending things haven't shifted for them to their friends, her playful nastiness towards Troy only increases. The sparkle in her eye does too though, and you'd have to not know either of them to think it wasn't intensely affectionate. Yeah she rips into him right in front of a chuckling Eli or JK, but he knows the things she whispers tenderly against his throat as she's falling asleep. He knows what it's like to wake up with her fingers loosely entwined in his, knowing she'd taken his hand in the night. He knows how gentle and soft she actually is, so he'll let her make the little digs. It's a good deal, and he's spent enough time around the little shit to know how to spot those.
(Genuinely awful job of hiding things. Ven pointing accusingly at the Troy sized mound and messy black hair desperately trying to hide itself under her duvet she's accidentally let him catch a glimpse of as she INSISTS everything's fine and she just needs five minutes to get her makeup on hey why doesn't he turn on the TV she'll just be a sec yeah she just has to close the bedroom door no don't worry about it pal yeah bye back in a minute etc)
Troy wears his prosthetic so much in public and has had to practice gestures with it so many times, that very rarely he tries to perform a learned gesture while not wearing it and shit goes to hell.
A huffy God King mid argument trying to cross his arms and just... going nowhere with the left as it swings towards the empty bracer, then pretending he did it on purpose while progressively getting redder and closer to a tantrum as the friend he's talking to desperately tries not to laugh.
It's almost all gestures it happens with, his regular movements and functionality are from a lifetime of not having the prosthetic so he's not going to run into any trouble there. He doesn't reach for things with an empty bracer because he automatically always uses his left, but the things he had to learn since Pandora and practice daily so he could look like he was a natural with it?
Those pop into his movements sometimes when he's only in the bracer and are usually a combination of frustrating and very funny.
Things like his physical threat, that's not something that was part of his life before the God King, how to hold himself and twist the massive arm forward while letting the shoulder blades spread for the viewers are things he had to practice and learn. If he's angry and not wearing it he'll sometimes shift into trying to perform the same actions and just looking confused for a second as his side shakes before he blushes and storms away.
If he's sitting lost in a story Ven is telling and starts absent mindedly playing with what's in his hand, he'll sometimes toss it to catch with the right, something he purposefully does in the background of streams to display finesse and strength subtly... cept in Sanctum that means just yeeting the fucking beer can sideways across the room and everyone stopping conversation for a second while he blanches.
Smarmy, stoned Troy getting into a insults chicken match with JK or Sei, grinning ear to ear and flashing a practiced cocky grin before leaning to rest arrogantly against a door frame and just falling into the wall.
It only happens when he's repeating something he's practiced for a persona, so it's a lot less hurtful than it could be for his esteem, but it's still embarrassing and he usually launches straight into being a huffy little asshole directly afterwards ( even if the genuine laughter feels nice in a way)
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kathyprior4200 · 3 years
Welcome to Wacky Wally Wackford’s World!
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Greetings, I say, greetings demons of all ages! The name’s Wally Wackford, an oh so suave man of business! You may not know me, but surely you’ve seen me…pretty much everywhere. Yes, I’ve never been the type to stay in one place for long. Life can be pretty wild at times. But that’s what makes it oh so fun!
 So what’s my story, you say, you say? Well look no further, ‘cause I have a tale to tell.
 I’ve been doing freelance work off and on, laboring at one job, moving onto the next. The jobs vary a lot, but I’m a Wally of many trades. (Yes, I’ve been fired many times as well, figuratively and literally…it is Hell after all.) Early on, I found out that living in poverty is never a lot of fun. I quickly learned how to scam other people…and boy did I enjoy it! It was the only way I could inch toward the top, get some power of my own. I’d make a few deals here and there and then when clients got desperate, I’d say something like, “Oh I’m so sorry but there’s an extra fee you have to pay. Forgot to mention that.” Then I’d point to that small scribbled section on the contract I added in moments ago.
 “I’m starving, sir!” they’d say. Or, “I left my money at home,” or my favorite: “Shove it up your trickster rear!”
 Sometimes they did pay me extra. Other times they didn’t…and those were the ones who soon forgot about everything forever. (chuckles).
 Anyway, moving on.
 Sometimes when my days got long and hard, I’d go to saloons for a nice bottled drink. The emerald colored Greed Mead is my favorite. Twirling my thin black mustache, I’d wink at some pretty imp gals nearby and say, “Hey there. You’ve been in Hell for a long time. Is that why you’re so hot?”
 Most of the time, I’d get a swift punch to the face in response. The glares on their pretty faces, “Take that remark to the Sloth Ring, lazy bootleg fucker.”
 So many aggressive people these days. I could tip my black hat to many imps and they’d either fall to my charms or roll their eyes. I was fine with that. There’s not much else to do in Hell then to live your life and amuse yourself with watching others struggle. In fact, pretty much every sin is encouraged, so why not keep going?
 After stalking around looking for more people to scam, I came across Loo-Loo Land in the Ring of Greed. I’ve always loved that place, its vibrant atmosphere emitting joyful fun and chaotic flair. I walked on over and asked the vendor, “I say, you have any jobs here?”
 “I’ve heard of you, Wacky Wally,” he said at the ticket stand. “You may be a good pick-pocket, but your skills are nothing compared to Mammon. In fact, this whole place is a fucking rip-off of Lucifer’s Lu-Lu Land!”
 “All the more reason to love this place!” I exclaimed.
 “Robo Fizz is putting on another show at 7pm tomorrow,” said the beefy imp vendor. “Made in Mammon’s factory and modeled after the famous imp Fizzarolli.” He then spoke in a low whisper, “It includes some behind the scenes moments for the VIPs…you know, with tentacles and ‘special features.’”
 “Oh that sounds delicious!” I said with a slow grin. “It’d be great to see how his…mechanics work someday…”
 The imp vendor rolled his eyes and flinched at my lighthearted comment. Always know what to say to get that grimace reaction.
 “Anyway,” said the vendor, “We’re running low on staff, so you can go sell those torches over there.”
 The imp pointed to a pink cart with Mammon’s jester face on it. I shrugged and got to work.
 I happily rolled my cart around, selling torches wherever I went. I could honestly stare into those mesmerizing green flames all day.
 “Torches here!” I drawled in my Foghorn Leghorn southern accent. “66% off when you buy four! Parties, decoration, destruction and more!”
 One time on my break, I got to talk to Robo Fizz about money, shows, sex and chaos. We even cracked some jokes together. The robot seemed a little nervous in my presence but then again, he was very unpredictable on a daily basis.
 “A duck, a frog, a demon and a skunk go into a bar. The bartender told them that the drinks were one dollar each. How did they pay for them? Answer: The duck had a bill, the frog had a greenback, the demon had a soul…but the skunk only had a scent!”
 “Hahahaha!” Robo Fizz laughed, sparks flying near him. “Your jokes are much better than Blitzo’s corny puns!”
 “Why thank you,” I replied. “But nothing beats your organ-playing animatronics in your ‘Wonderful World of Evil’ puppet show you did last month.”
 Robo Fizz grinned at the compliment. “You do anything else besides selling torches?”
 “I scam, I kill, I do a little bit of both. Oh and I’m also a great inventor!”
 “How marvelous!” Robo Fizz grinned. “Perhaps if you have enough mayhem in you, you could perform with me at the next Fizzarolli N Friends show!”
 “I say, I’d love that! I’m sure your show will be top notch, copyright be dammed…won’t it?”
 Robo Fizz smiled widely, hiding a strain. “You bet it will!”
 It was during one interesting day when I pushed my cart by a large tent where several Robo Fizz posters were posted. I held up a troch with a hand and called:
 “Torches, I say! I say! Get your inconvenient torches here!”
 Then before I knew it, the robot and a random imp crashed right into the cart.
 “Ow, I say OW!” I cried as the green flames quickly spread around. After getting the flames off me, I ran for the hills out of the burning park. I sat, dejected shortly afterward. So much for that job. Along with figuring out what to do next, I also happened to watch the imp fight off Robo Fizz…and the robot falling into the dragon’s mouth.
 How unfortunate.
 After helping Robo Fizz from the dragon’s insides, (killing said dragon, pulling out said robot, cleaning and making quick repairs), I inched closer to him and said, “You made some new friends, I say.”
 Robo Fizz stood tense with just long wires for his body, a metal skeleton of his previous appearance. “Yes…an old time co-worker of mine. A clown of an imp named Blitzo. He and his sisters were once part of a circus act called “The Amazing Imp Siblings. A bit dowdy if you ask me. ”
 Robo Fizz looked around. “Hahahaha! That was some chaotic fun. But now the park is ruined!”
 “I say, if I were you,” I told him, “I’d do all I could to get this park repaired and back on track. Costs a whole lotta money. The last thing you need is to have your boss disappointed in you.”
 A brief look of fear came on his face. “Oh yes, yes, good idea, Wally.”
 “And your friend…whether you upstage him or what, you’d best be sure Blitzo stays out of trouble. I lost my job and almost my life because of that fight!” My yellow eyes shined in a show of sadness.
 “I-I will not let master Mammon down…not that I have a choice.”
 “Let Asmodeus know what’s up as well.”
 Robo Fizz nodded, spun away and laughed. “Time to find that rodeo clown imp!”
0 0 0
 Later on after leaving Greed, I got a brilliant idea. It was after I saw some old fashioned 1800s snake man in Pride plow down buildings with a metal bulldozer vehicle. That was it! I could start my own business!
 I walked over to 666 News station. “Oh Katie,” I said in my sweetest voice.
 “What is it, scum?” she asked, sitting at a mirror and doing her hair. “Can’t you see I’m preparing for a back to back broadcast right now?”
 “I was considering doing my very own commercial about me exploiting…erm, employing other demons for my new factory.”
 Katie barked out a laugh. “Good luck with that, filthy old man! Now get out of my studio.”
 “Very well,” I said. As quiet as a hell mouse, I snatched a camera with an eye at the center and made my way out the door. The rest of the materials I needed came from a nearby junkyard. (Thankfully I avoided the wrath of some hungry kangaroo parasitic queen demon). I was running out of money fast; with no job around the corner, I figured I’d start my own!
 Even I don’t really know where I got my inventing skills from. Many say it was my natural trait. Others say I learned from other experts in the trade. After all, one of the quickset ways to a man’s wallet is through the latest technology.
 But I, Wally Wackford would not settle for your standard modern devices. No. I preferred to make things…well, wacky.
 In no time at all, I had built myself my own mini studio where I could film my commercial! Now, what to call my company? Hmm…
  The Onceler One In a Lifetime Opportunity? No, not enough Ws.
 Wowing Whimsical Wonderous Wonders? Nah, too many Ws.
 Ah…of course! What is a company if you don’t have your name on it?
0 0 0
“Uh huh, keep going, keep going, keep going!” Blitzo insisted at the I.M.P. office.
 Moxxie switched the channel again. This time, an imp appeared wearing a large black top hat, a white shirt and pants, gray vest, black bow tie and black boots. He held a cane in his hands and he also had a thin curly mustache. A mischievous grin of sharp teeth appeared on his face.
 “I say, I say!” the imp exclaimed, briefly pointing his cane at the camera. “Are you looking to get work making crazy contraptions and goofy gadgets?” “Crazy Contraptions” and “Goofy Gadgets” appeared in bold spiked icons to the imp’s left and right. The imp twirled his cane.
 “Well call me at Wacky Wally Wackford’s Wacky Idea ‘Factory!’”
 He pulled down another screen. The title appeared in bold red, gray and white letters surrounded by pinkish circles reminiscent of classic cartoons. “Factory” appeared in quotations. Wally Wackford appeared again.
 “Where you make the things and I make the money!”
 Wally Wackford then got up closer to the camera with a pleading look. “Please, I’m very desperate!”
 “Bingo!” Blitzo called, shooting and exploding the TV again.
 0 0 0
 It was actually really easy to find where Blitzo was and the new sinner inventors. The killing company of imps had me very curious. If they could start a business, why shouldn’t I? And being in the company of amazing inventors…
 I could almost see the soul dollar bills floating into my hands.
 I snuck up to the building, merged into the floor, eavesdropped on their fascinating conversation…
  0 0 0
 A metal plank crashed into the room from above as Moxxie scurried out of the way. Loopty Goopty strolled down the plank. “Blitz!”
 “Loofa!” Blitzo called, saying his name wrong. “We can explain everything. I was…”
 Millie pulled Moxxie out of the way before another metal plank landed in the spot where he would’ve been. From on the floor, Blitzo’s butt was very much in view. Blitzo glanced down at him and remarked, “Oh chill out Moxxie, if you kiss my ass any harder you’ll go right inside me.”
 Moxxie turned beet red in the face and scooted further back. Millie helped him up again.  
 “Thanks for saving me again,” Moxxie said. “I would’ve foamed at the mouth and maybe died again.”
 “Why would you think I would ever ignore you?”
 Moxxie shrugged.
 Just then, the demonic form of a man rolled down the plank. His body was black and spherical, with a mint green head wearing a black bowler hat on top. He had a large bushy light gray mustache and pince-nez goggles with dark red spirals on the lens like Loopty. His grinning teeth resembled piano keys.
 “Lyle Lipton?!” Millie, Moxxie, and Blitzo asked in unison.
 “I don’t understand,” said Millie. “We thought you went to Heaven.”
 Lyle Lipton chuckled. “Heaven?” He rolled toward Loopty Goopty. “You don’t make millions in technological advances in robotics by not experimenting on the poor!” He laughed.
 Loopy Goopty grinned as he unleashed his weapons in front of Lyle Lipton. “Finally! We meet again at last! Now that you’re dead, you have no money to keep from me!”
 “Well, I’m a better inventor than you!” Lyle scoffed. “And I’ll make the most money here first!”
 “Nonsense you no good son of a bitch!”
 “Tie yourself in a knot, loony Loopty!”
 “Roll in your grave, fat shit inventor!”
 “Two robotic inventors?!” called a nearby voice. A steampunk blimp hovered in the air and a well-dressed snake demon appeared from a hole in his ship.
 “Who is that guy?” Lyle Lipton asked.
 “I’m the one and only Sir Pentious!” he declared. Several Egg Bois were steering his ship. The eye on his dark top hat peered at the other sinners in curiosity. “With my dominating machines, I aim to take over all of Pentagram City!” Then he muttered, “The repairs were a fucking nightmare to endure.” He glanced at the leftover cracks and holes on the metal sides of his ship.
 “Oooh!” Loopty exclaimed in admiration. “I’ve only seen such inventions in old time history books. How long have you been here?”
 “Since eighteen eighty eight!”
 “Love the loopy numbers!” Loopty grinned, making three small eights with his contraptions. “I’m Loopty Goopty! Lyle is my could’ve been partner in crime but actually rival!”
 “When you’re rich as me, who needs a dead partner!” Lyle exclaimed.
 “You’re dead too, you know!”
 “Where did you cowardly sinners get here?” Sir Pentious asked.
 “Well we just got here,” Lyle called. “Experimenting on the poor made us millionaires! Just…be careful when messing with anti-aging machines. Made us both old.”
 “A machine that changes one’s age?” Sir Pentious pondered. “That could prove to be ussseful in the future,” he hissed.
 “Oh, you should join us, snake man!” Loopy suggested. “Or me, rather.”
 Sir Pentious briefly glared. “Hmm. While I’m perfectly capable of spreading my constrictive terror on my own…I suppose having some…lackey sidekicks would suffice.”
 “Don’t call us lackeys!” Lyle sneered. “And I’m not working with him!”
 “Maybe if we briefly collaborate as a team…”
 Lyle grumbled in annoyance.
 After a moment, Sir Pentious sighed. “Okay, you may join me, but…”
 He spread out his hood, revealing pink eyes. “Don’t even think about crossssing me.” He pulled his hood back. “Now go gather your contraptions and help me manage those scrambled fucking eggs!”
 A bunch of eggs in top hats and suits rolled out and jumped on the two inventors, who were stunned.
 Loopty then laughed evilly. “Inventors to inventors it is!”
 Just then, I popped out of the ground in the room.
  “Did someone say, I say inventors?! Name’s Wally Wackford, and I am lookin’ for creative new people to exploit! I mean employ.” I twirled my mustache with an evil grin.
 At last, a chance to expand my business of the mass production of robotic Fizzarollis! All of Hell will go crazy when they get a chance to buy all the sex robots, the merchandise, everything...and all to profit ME!
 “Everyone, stop fucking up my walls!” Blitzo yelled. “Moxxie’s gonna have to fix all this shit! Satan’s balls! First we deal with Heaven’s table-scraps, now this?”
 I smiled. “Well I guess you can say, you say, you have a holey operation here, Blitzo!”
 I slapped my knee and laughed at my own joke.
 “Get out,” Blitzo muttered.
 Soon I doubled down on the floor laughing. “Oh! I said, ‘o’!”
 Blitzo yelled, “No, I’m serious, get the fuck out!”
 Everyone in the room looked at Blitzo in shock and surprise.
0 0 0
 And then, that one other time where I helped host the Harvest Moon Festival Pain Games!
 Wally Wackford a.k.a. me…stood on the wooden stage, holding a gray microphone decorated with an eye in the center and small horns on the top. I wore my usual white shirt, vest, white pants and dark boots. I twirled my black cane and tipped my black top hat.
 I spoke dramatically through the microphone.
 “Welcome, I say welcome all to Wrath Ring’s annual Harvest Moon Festival! To kick things up, we have the great prince Stolas-a here to user in this here Pain Games!”
 Stolas took the microphone from me and chuckled in slight embarrassment.
“How kind, Wackford.”
 Stolas then addressed the audience. “Greetings tiny Wrath Ring imps. I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continue to feed the citizens of Hell!”
 A crowd of imps glared at him and several boos were heard. Many of these Wrath imps were impoverished farmers who lived on scraps, meat or good crops if they were lucky. The food they worked so hard to produce was consumed by royalty and those in the other Rings. But the reward for their work was being underfed, underpaid and underappreciated instead. The unbalanced cycle had lasted for generations.
 I, too, stared at Stolas with a glare in my eyes. That rich royal thinks he can parade around, doing whatever he wants. Well unfortunately for him, I have plans of my own. Once he sees what I’m capable of…
 He will know who really rules the roost.
 Stolas obliviously continued. “I’m happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest imps to show their skill and dominance.” He did a little wave with his fingers. “Good luck to you all!” He noticed Blitzo in the crowd beside Moxxie and Striker and spoke lower. “Especially that sexy little one there! Yoo-hoo, Blitzy!”
 “Oh fuck me,” Blitzo scowled.
 A gun went off and the games began.
 The first event was the race. Moxxie was instantly trampled by the other racers.
 The second event was the high jump. Striker climbed over the high wooden ramp structure with ease and raced after Blitzo who jumped past him. Moxxie struggled to keep his balanced as he reached the top. He slipped down, trying to use his claws to hold on. He fell with a splash in a small puddle…and was promptly chewed on by a monstrous black and white shark with several red eyes.
 The third event was an event with rope. Striker grinned as he held a tied up Blitzo. Blitzo’s arms, legs and horns were all tied up. Moxxie gulped as a stronger grinning imp tied him up with ease.
 The fourth event was tug of war. The crowd cheered as the two teams pulled hard. Striker, Blitzo and Moxxie were on a team. Moxxie stumbled and fell into nearby water, where the shark attacked him again.
 The fifth event was mud wrestling. Blitzo and Striker grinned as they wrestled each other, Striker getting the upper hand as he held Blitzo down, arms locked. Moxxie was instantly crushed in a football hurdle by a group of imps. As they got off of him, Moxxie sat up. And the shark leaped out of the water and over the fence.
 “Mother fucker!” Moxxie screamed as the shark crushed him. (Moxxie somehow survived all this.)
 I hopped back on stage.
 “I say, I say for the first year ever, we have a tie, for the winner of the Harvest Moon Pain Games!”
 Stolas took the microphone from me again.
 “The winners are…Striker, and my darling Blitzy!” Stolas did a one-legged pose as the crowd cheered.
 “Just say my name right!” Blitzo complained. He muttered “Fucking dick,” as he and Striker walked onto the stage.
0 0 0
After the event, I noticed that I.M.P. and Stolas had left. After sharing an undiscernible look with Striker, we parted ways.
 I soon returned to a special place in Greed, tired but determined. I walked alone down dark hallways, torches burning green flames on either side. I wagged my pointed red tail.
 I pushed open the double doors and came across a marvelous sight.
 Gold. Heaps of it, just shining brightly all around the vast spacious chamber. Gold pillars held up the cavern-like ceiling, a chandelier made of bones and diamonds hung from above. There were chests of necklaces, precious gems, goblets and weapons of every shape and size. Hanging on a far wall, concealed in shadow were angelic weapons…at least half a dozen.
 I stared around in amazement. Even Lucifer would be surprised if he could see this place.
 I raced around and tossed the gold coins into the air. In a craze, I rolled around in a nearby pile of green dollar souls. With a grin, I stood up and stared with pride at the grinning face of the jester printed on there.
 A face confident in his ability to deceive others, pursue wealth and bask in endless entertainment.
 The grinning face was all too familiar…
 …because it was my face.
 Wally Wackford leaned his head back, mouth open in a high pitched shriek as dark magic flickered around him. The imp form fell and morphed into shadow. In the imp’s place, a large black beast with thick fur, razor sharp claws and red eyes decorating the body. The figure stood up on two powerful furry legs and sat comfortably in a giant golden throne that occupied the center of the chamber. Angular jester clothing of red, gold and purple stripes adorned the wolf body. And finally, a large spiked black crown sat atop the dark loopy jester hat with bells at the ends. A white and gold jester face showed sharp white teeth and glowing yellow eyes. Dark clawed hands juggled fresh demon skulls into the air and popped them into his large mouth. He crunched loudly before swallowing every bit.
 My imp disguise was perfect. Literally no one else save for Robo Fizz and a few elites knew who was underneath. And even then, my magic was so powerful it could easily confuse anyone around me.
 Being an imp has its advantages; you can travel anywhere and gather information along the way. You can track imps from a killing company and find out where they’ll likely travel to next. You can affiliate yourself with your own robotic creations, some slave imps and succubi…and then in your own form, work with a fellow Deadly Sin on the next stage.
 A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
 Funny, really. Wally Wackford could easily be a separate being, born into poverty, learning to scam others at an early age and go up from there. I, however, didn’t need to learn anything…deceiving others and attracting material wealth was a natural talent. As was shapeshifting.
 Lucifer might not be happy with me coping his idea of a theme park…but business is business…and in Hell, anything goes.
 That incompetent prince Stolas would be dead soon enough. No more Goetia showoffs to get in the way of my rule and reputation. At least the prince’s wife was rightfully concerned with maintaining tradition that has existed for centuries. Aside from my dear friend Lucifer, I was, and should be, the most powerful being in Hell. I’ll keep exploiting those I choose because money is money.
 Those I.M.P. assassins have no idea who they were dealing with.
 I let out a crazed evil laugh, intermingled with a wolf’s howl. With a single touch of my hand, my nearby scepter turned into gold. I admired its shiny flawless sheen. Asmodeus, Leviathan, Lucifer, Satan, Belphegor, Beelzebub and myself…the Seven Deadly Sins…circus-loving rulers of the Overlords and in charge of maintaining chaotic order in our respective Rings.
  I, Mammon, had much to do.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
INTERVIEW: Nyatasha Nyanners on the Art of VTubing, Embracing Cringe, and Sharing Your Heart
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  This interview is part of our series "So You Wanna Be An Anime Girl?"—a series of articles and interviews with the members of the VTuber agency VShojo. Each interview is accompanied by the VTubers' Top 30 Anime of All Time. You can see Nyanners' Top 30 Anime here!
  We've known for a while now that VTubers have taken over the planet, but one of my favorite things about them is that every single stream you tune into is completely unique. Every stream gives you this very special blend of (what is usually) a high fantasy anime character and the genuine personality of a performer that you can't really get anywhere else. What sticks out to me about Nyanners' Twitch streams is the way they can transform from a sincere, vulnerable talk about things that are important to her into something as absurd as a revenge-driven Minecraft reinactment of the Nibelheim Incident set to "One-Winged Angel." 
  We had the opportunity to talk with Nyanners about her career as a VTuber, the challenges of being in the public eye, and what it's like being an unfathomable being of horror disguised as a pink catgirl.
    Crunchyroll: For any of our readers who might not be familiar, could you introduce yourself?
  Nyatasha Nyanners: My name is Nyatasha Nyanners, I’m a VTuber who is an ancient evil eldritch abomination that is going to take over the world, and I love to play video games. 
  That actually leads into another question I had… What is a day in the life of an eldritch horror like?
  Nyanners: I wake up, and I eat breakfast, and I torment many minds with my far-reaching otherworldly tentacles. Then I sit down and I enjoy myself some browsing of the interwebs. After that I go to work and stream and torment people some more, and their madness gives me energy. 
  So, is Twitch streaming sort of an extension of the mind tormenting?
  Nyanners: Yeah!
  Ah, I think you have some of my brain juice then. I hope it sustained you for a little bit. 
  Nyanners: Yeah, it was very delicious juice. 
  Thank you. It’s pretty barren up there, so I hope it tastes like something at least. 
  So, as an unknowable abomination, when did you discover video games and feel like, “oh this is nice, maybe I should do this more”? 
  Nyanners: Well, the real answer is that I discovered games properly through my family. My parents are both gamers and I grew up watching them play games. My dad actually got me a game for Christmas when I was 7 or 8 years old that kind of changed the trajectory of my life forever. It was Final Fantasy X and it became like my special interest. I became really invested in it and the world, characters, and the voice actors in particular. I was really fascinated by them! I looked them up and I was like, “wow! These people brought these characters that I love so much to life, but also so many other characters. They have so much range and they can do all of these things with their voice. I want to do that, too!” That led me down this path of finding out that I like acting and voice acting and entertainment in general. I want to entertain people and give people that same feeling I got when I was immersed in that world. I want to give people a world where they can come and laugh and forget about things that are bothering them and enjoy themselves. That’s why I went down this path where I voiced some characters in games and now I’m a Twitch streamer… I’m… I’m just a pink cat. I’m just a pink cat that wants to make people laugh! All because my dad got me that game.
  My heart feels very expanded. That made me very happy to hear!
  Nyanners: I’m glad!
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  Nyanners playing Final Fantasy X during a recent marathon stream (VOD here)
  I’ve always felt like there was something about anime and video games that really resonates with people all over the world. What do you think it is about them that connects so many people with the art but also each other in such a special way?
  Nyanners: It’s probably because a lot of anime and a lot of games like JRPGs tend to have themes of misfit people coming together to overcome a common goal. Whether it’s rising above everyone else in the ninja village or killing god together—all these different people being brought together as one and using the power of friendship… I think a lot of people are moved by that. They can see themselves in these characters and it makes them want to reach out to various other people in the world who feel the same way. 
  I totally agree! I don’t know if it was just this way when I was growing up, but there was something about a lot of American cartoons that felt very… decided by a marketing algorithm, where it didn’t feel that way with anime.
  Nyanners: Yeah. Anime, because it’s so limitless and you can do so much with it, feels like it’s made the way it is because it’s fun and people wanted to create this world and these kinds of people that live in it. It’s just fascinating and filled with possibilities!
  I think something similar can be said for VTubing, too. I think VTubers connect to that same place that people feel when they watch anime. Like you said, there’s this sense of “anything can happen!” and it isn’t decided by a large corporation. Is there anything you feel is unique about VTubing in the way it connects to people? 
  Nyanners: It allows people that otherwise wouldn’t have been able to do things like streaming or putting themselves out there without this kind of interface with the world. I know a lot of people that may have illnesses or anxiety or any other kind of life circumstance where it isn’t certain whether they’re able to do normal streaming or a “normal job,” and VTubing has allowed them to express themselves through becoming whatever they want to become with unlimited creativity and reach out to people in that way. It’s hard to explain! I’m a very shy person and I don’t think I’d be able to put myself out there if I wasn’t... pink cat. It’s like a mask, but not in a way that hides you—it’s a mask that brings you out even more. When people talk to each other with masks like that, they can reach into each other’s hearts more closely in a way because they aren’t afraid of being judged. They aren’t afraid of whatever might be holding them back. 
  That said, VTubing seems like it can be very overwhelming! When you’re VTubing, you have to handle a lot of stuff at the same time—you have to entertain an audience, you sometimes have to shift between short and long hair and other different forms, you sometimes have to play video games, you sometimes have to change background music… there are lots of things you have to do! Is it challenging doing all of that or is it more like second nature now?
  Nyanners: Oh gosh… when you list it all out like that, it really occurs to me that it’s pretty overwhelming! So, I have a cat brain and I don’t know how I handle so many different things at once… I guess I just go into a meditative state and just do it! I love being an internet clown. I love spinnin’ the plates and jugglin’ the balls. Sometimes it’s tough to handle playing a game, being entertaining, talking with my chat and making conversation with them and making sure they’re having a good time, doing all the background music, adjustments, and general streaming stuff… Actually, I have a thing on my Twitch channel that I got help setting up with fugi.tech so people can use their channel points to automatically change my hairstyle and stuff. It will magically go bwaaah! And suddenly my hair is short! I can do it manually, too, by thinking very hard and using my psychic powers. 
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  Some of Nyanners' channel point redeems on her Twitch channel
  I noticed when those channel point redeems got added! It’s such a good idea.
  Nyanners: Yeah, I like that there’s a way for people who lurk or people who don’t want to spend money to interact. I feel bad forcing people to spend money for just… me sitting there playing a game and stuff. If people want to support me in that way, I really appreciate it! But I like including a way for people to participate and have fun without having to spend a dime. The channel points are super helpful for that! On my channel they’re called “forbidden nyawledge!” It’s like insight in Bloodborne–the more they watch me, the more their mind gets corrupted.
  Yeah, I have a few thousand forbidden nyawledge and when I walk around sometimes I see ghastly visages of horror in the sidewalk.
  Nyanners: That’s my favorite.
  I should probably spend more of it so it doesn’t build up so much.
  Nyanners: You gotta get that happy medium! I do like to see some tentacle appendages in my day-to-day life. I like to keep a healthy balance of racking up those points inside my head. 
  Are there any misconceptions about VTubing that you’ve noticed, or things about VTubing you wish more people knew about?
  Nyanners: Some people scoff at VTubers and they just reduce it to, “oh it’s just a bunch of anime girls and people simping for .pngs.” Sure, people do love VTubers a lot, but people love VTubers for a lot of different reasons! People are inspired by VTubers, people discover new things through VTubers and discover things about themselves… they meet friends through VTubers, discover that maybe even they want to be a VTuber themselves! They overcome problems through VTubing… it’s just a lovely community full of people who just want to support each other. I love all of my friends in VShojo and beyond, independent VTubers, too. We all support each other and we all inspire each other. There’s so much unity! We all come from backgrounds where, in some way, we feel different. Through VTubing we can feel like we belong. I feel like a lot of people who watch VTubers feel the same way, too. They feel like a misfit or an outcast and, through VTubing, they can feel like they have a place to go to, a place to belong. I just think that’s really precious and it’s something I wish more people would understand instead of just scoffing at it and assume it’s just .jpegs of anime girls or assume that it’s something naughty or seedy! It’s just fun, people are just having fun and making people laugh! 
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    There’s limitless possibilities. I’m amazed when I see what people do and achieve through VTubing. I’m a big fan of Hololive EN—Kiara and Mori Calliope to name a few—I love their music and energy and creativity! It feels so good to see people given a way to express themselves like this and conquer the world in a way they didn’t feel like was possible before. I myself still feel like this is totally surreal and I don’t quite know how I got here. I got discovered by a lot of people for whatever reason and now I’m here! I’ve come so far from where I was just last year and I feel humbled by it. I’m just so grateful and feel so lucky to have gotten where I am. I’m looking up to everyone else and feel like I want to get better and better. I see everyone else working hard and coming up with cool ideas and it inspires me so much! I love how creative and supportive VTubing is, it’s like a big family. I love the feeling of belonging. 
  Growing up I didn’t have very many friends… I don’t want to start a pity party because I’m not alone in that, I know a lot of people had that experience in school, but going from someone that was shy and felt like I didn’t want to speak up because it didn’t feel like there was a point or reason for my voice to be heard to speaking and being heard by people who want to listen and who do care is something I cherish a lot. I love VTubing because it gave me a place to belong, and I didn’t feel like I had a place to belong before. Sorry for rambling!
  Oh my god, no you’re fine! That was a great answer. There’s this YouTube video I watched recently where someone describes making art or putting big parts of yourself online as basically like breaking off a piece of your soul and sharing it with people. And it can be hard because a part of you sort of belongs to a bunch of people now. But I think your willingness to be able to share that part of yourself is why so many people respond to you and other VTubers. You’re touching other people in a really important way!
  Nyanners: Oh goodness… thank you. It’s hard sometimes. Like you said, when you do something like this, you’re putting a piece of yourself out there, and some people take that piece and it’s strange how they can warp it into something completely different. The way they see you can be very different from the way you see yourself, so much that you ask, “how are people getting this kind of impression from me?” It gets you caught up in feelings of self doubt. While that does suck, it is rewarding to see people take that piece of yourself into their own life and get inspired to take on challenges they thought they weren’t able to before or do something similar with their life. I like that aspect a lot. Being able to touch people’s lives in that way is really important to me. I love being able to give people a place to unwind and have fun and get their mind off of things that are bothering them currently.
  There is a lot of that going around recently with the pandemic… I’m sure everyone’s tired of talking about the pandemic at this point, but that’s another part of why VTubing exploded so much! Everyone is so worried and there’s this crushing anxiety hanging over the whole world for the past few years because of all of this. People found an oasis in VTubing because VTubing is about having fun and creating a world where people can just be themselves and spread magic everywhere! It’s like healing media in a way, the Japanese word for it is iyashikei I think. I always say VTubing kind of reminds me of a comfy slice-of-life anime because it’s just cute people doing cute things! Maybe they’re not even cute, you can be a really big, muscular dragon or something… but that in itself is still cute to me… that’s just me!
  Like Bigfoot?
  Nyanners: Yeah, I love Bigfoot! I just love big monsters. I’m really into the Soulsborne games… I like really monstrous, terrible looking designs. I look at them and I think, “oh, you are my baby and I love you.” 
  Yeah, I totally get it! I have a lot of friends who think giant monsters are really cute.
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    I only have two more questions, and the first one is—do you have any advice for people who are thinking of trying out VTubing?
  Nyanners: Advice… hmm… I would say, just get in there! Don’t worry about doing it the right way—do it the way that feels the most fun to you. VTubing is supposed to be fun! Just start making stuff! I know it’s scary. When you make stuff online, you’re putting a piece of yourself out there and it can feel very vulnerable. When you put yourself out there you feel so seen by everyone and people can criticize you and say, “oh, you’re being cringe.” But don’t be afraid of being cringe! Life is cringe. Everything is cringe. It’s ok. Just have fun and you’ll see where you go from there! It will be a nice journey. I’m really bad at giving advice.
  What, no! That was great!
  Nyanners: To anyone who wants to be a VTuber, I’m very excited for you! Whenever I hear that someone wants to start being a VTuber, I’m like, “oh god! Yes! Fresh blood!”
  Yeah!! Okay, last question. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  Nyanners: Yes! We’re gonna make it!
  Here’s the question—is there anything you would like to say to everyone in general before we say goodbye?
  Nyanners: Everyone in general?!
  Yeah, everyone who’s reading this article, at least.
  Nyanners: Everyone who’s reading this article… Thank you for supporting VTubers! Thank you for supporting anime! Because anime is… beautiful. And I love it and all it has been able to do for everyone in the world. And I hope you have a nice day. Also thank you to Cayla and Crunchyroll… I’m on my knees praying…
  Oh my god NO. Don’t thank me, it was such a pleasure to talk with you, thank YOU for talking with me today!
    You can watch Nyanners' streams on her Twitch channel here!
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      Cayla Coats is the Editor-in-Chief of Crunchyroll News EN. She tweets @ceicocat.
By: Cayla Coats
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psychomeows · 3 years
I imagine Killer, Dust and Horror doing a bet of 50g about the first words of Miracle and Nightmare not liking it even a bit.
Which were Miracle's first words anyway?
Oh wow Anon! Have you read my mind? Because I had just opened a new Google Doc to write a drabble about that exactly and then I saw this ask! Anyway I’ve now finished the drabble so here’s your answer: 
Killer and Dust sat on the sofa with Miracle on Killer’s lap. It was a day like any other and Killer was smiling down at his son, trying to do what any parent would do when their kid was approaching a year old.
“Come on, Miracle, say ‘Mama’ I know you can do it!” Killer encouraged, hopefully. He had bet 60g that would be his son’s first word. Nightmare was not impressed about the betting, he never was. 
Miracle just looked blankly up at them though and stuck his thumb in his mouth. 
“No,” Killer said gently, taking his son’s wrist and pulling his thumb out of his mouth. “Say ‘Mama’”
“He’s not going to do it,” Dust said as he watched with his phone recording just in case Miracle said his first word.
“He will,” Killer argued. “I’m the best so he has to say ‘Mama’ first! Nothing would be better.”
“Well I’m trying something else,” Dust said as he waved to get Miracle’s attention and smiled once the baby looked at him. “Say ‘Dust’ Miracle. ‘Du-st.’” That had been his bet, while Horror had bet on Dada being the child’s first word just because he wasn’t expecting his or Dust’s name and Killer already bet on Mama. 
Miracle just blinked at him before he looked back to his mother. 
“See! He clearly doesn’t want to say that! Say ‘Mama.’ Mama is better that dumb Uncle Dust.”
“Don’t call me dumb! You’re dumb!”
“You’re the only dumb one here,” Killer shot back. He’d use a more explicit insult but he didn’t want Miracle to pick that up.  “Dumb Dustbin!”
“Grow up, Killer,” Dust sighed as he turned his attention back to Miracle. “Come on, say ‘Dust’ I’m sure you can!”
Miracle looked up at his uncle and tilted his head. “Du…” 
“Oh my god!” Dust said excitedly. “He almost did it! He almost said my name! Come on, ‘Du-st.’”
“That was just a normal baby noise!” Killer argued. “You can’t listen to the dumb one, say ‘Mama’”
Miracle just kept looking at Dust though and slowly he pointed up at him. Both Killer and Dust held their breath as they waited. Was he really about to say Dust?
“Dumb Dumb!” Miracle shouted and started clapping his hands as Killer burst out laughing, leaving Dust to look horrified. 
“NO!” Dust shouted. “I’m Dust not Dumb Dumb!”
“Dumb Dumb!” Miracle repeated. "Dumb Dumb! Dumb Dumb!”
Killer eventually managed to calm down. “I take it back this is way better than his first word being ‘Mama!’” 
“No, it’s not!” Dust said looking genuinely hurt that a baby was calling him dumb. “I’m not dumb, you’re dumb!”
“Nah, Miracle has spoken, you’re clearly the dumb one!”
“Dumb Dumb!”
Killer began to laugh again before he looked down to see Miracle pointing at him instead. It was Dust’s turn to laugh.
“You’re Dumb Dumb too!” Dust called out as he laughed. 
“No, Miracle, that’s Dumb Dumb. I’m Mama,” Killer said gently, hoping to change his mind.
Miracle looked like he was thinking carefully before he pointed at Killer again. “Mmm…”
“That’s it, ‘Mama.’”
“...Dumb Dumb!”
“Noooooo!” Killer whined as Miracle just laughed and clapped his hands again. 
“...Maybe he doesn’t know what it means?” Dust suggested. As funny as it was that he was calling Killer Dumb Dumb as well he wanted it to seem better for himself more.
“Maybe,” Killer agreed, “we do call each other dumb all the time. Maybe he just thinks it’s what you call people just generally?”
“Dumb Dumb!” Miracle said again as he clapped, only making Killer and Dust cringe. They really couldn’t believe they were being called dumb by a baby…
The door opened and shut again with a click and the two turned to see Nightmare walking in. “What’s going on here? I sensed some negativity.”
“Babe!” Killer whined as he picked Miracle up and stood. “You won’t believe this; Miracle said his first word!”
Nightmare looked rather happy at that and smiled at his boyfriend as he walked closer. “That’s great! So why the negativity?”
“Show him,” Dust said, with a pout, he really wasn’t happy about this at all. 
“Dumb Dumb!” Miracle said, pointing at Killer. “Dumb Dumb!” He said again, pointing at Dust. 
At that Nightmare burst out laughing. That only made Miracle giggle as well and clap again; if his Daddy thought something was funny then it really must be funny!
Nightmare reached out with a tentacle and pet his son’s head happily. “That’s my boy, not even a year old yet and already spreading such wonderful negativity! I’m so proud!”
“We don’t think he knows what it means,” Killer said. “Why else would my boy being calling his wonderful Mama, ‘Dumb Dumb!?’”
“It’s still funny and it’s still negativity,” Nightmare said as he kept petting his son who wiggled happily at the attention. 
“You won’t find it funny when he’s calling you Dumb Dumb!” Killer argued and looked back at his son. “Go on, Baby, tell Daddy that he’s also dumb.”
Miracle looked up at Killer again and blinked before he looked at Killer’s hand that was pointing at Nightmare. Miracle pointed at him too and opened his mouth… “D…”
“Dumb Dumb,” Killer encouraged. “He’s Dumb Dumb too!”
“D… D… Dada!”
Nightmare burst into another fit of laughter. “Oh, I’m so proud of my Little Prince! Smart enough to know what dumb means and now he’s called me Dada!”
“...He really thinks we’re dumb…” Dust said, sounding really hurt by it.
“He won't call me Mama! I’ll forever be Dumb Dumb to him…” Killer complained dramatically as he handed the baby to Nightmare. 
“Don’t be so dramatic, Kills. He’ll call you Mama eventually.” Nightmare quickly turned his attention to his son as he hugged him and gave him more head pets. 
“My baby thinks I’m stupid!” Killer kept complaining which only made his boyfriend and son laugh even more.
“I really am so proud,” Nightmare said as he kissed Miracle’s cheek. “So much negativity being spread by someone so small.”
Killer and Dust just looked at each other and sighed. They’d just have to accept the name ‘Dumb Dumb’ until Miracle started calling them by the correct name. 
“Anyway,” Nightmare said as he adjusted his hold on his son. “Horror asked me to tell you two that dinner’s ready. We better get going before it gets cold.”
“Right!” Killer said suddenly perking up. “Miracle is sure to call Horror ‘Dumb Dumb’ too!” 
“Yeah!” Dust agreed as he began to walk towards the door. The more people Miracle called ‘Dumb Dumb’ the better they’d feel.
“Hey, Horror,” Killer said as he walked into the dinning room seeing some really good looking Korean food set out on the table. Killer couldn’t identify what the dishes were called but he could tell by the look on Dust’s face that he was very happy. “Figures, Horror’s still trying to get into his pants,” Killer thought as he took his place. 
Dust took his eyes off of the food to look at Miracle again. “So, Miracle, who’s that?” He almost felt bad for encouraging Miracle to call Horror dumb after he made all this food but he didn’t want to be lumped with Killer alone. 
Miracle looked up at Horror who waved at the baby. The big guy didn’t really know what was going on but he guessed they wanted him to speak. 
“Come on, call him ‘Dumb Dumb’ too,” Killer encouraged as Nightmare just rolled his eye. 
Slowly Miracle’s little hand lifted and he pointed to Horror and looked up at his mother who nodded. With a head tilt and a bit of thought Miracle opened his mouth again… “Nom Nom!” 
“No!” Killer and Dust shouted in unison and Nightmare just laughed again.
Horror took a minute to process what just happened but the second he did his eyes went wide and he went running to the baby. “Aww! He called me ‘Nom Nom!’” He said happily as he pet Miracle’s head. He was clearly happy with his nickname. 
Miracle just accepted the head pets feeling like he’d done so well. 
“...So what about the bet?” Killer asked as they sat down to eat. “His first word is dumb so no one wins…”
Nightmare sighed and shook his head. “It’s a tie so wouldn’t the logical thing be that you all get your money back?”
The three of them shrugged they supposed that did make sense. That really was an unexpected outcome though. 
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lostinwoods · 4 years
Some love for Sesshoumaru-sama who is being bashed for the last few days!
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When everything is said and done, I would like to show some love to the Sesshoumaru-sama I grew up while watching.
Heh.... I was really angry when Sunrise did all that shit... But, the OG Sesshoumaru deserves all the love.
So amongst all the hate and anger I have accumulated towards the Silver haired hero, I would like to remind myself, 'why exactly I fell in love with the Daiyokai of the west!'
The spoiled brat
How can I forget that spoiled brat who all but waltz (by poking his bro's eyes to fish out a jewel) into his dad's resting grave and spouted a bullshit like, "Inuyasha have some respect, you are in our father's grave!", while the next second he turns into a giant dog stomping and melting said grave with poison drool.
The spoiled brat who thought the universe owed him, well, coz' he was Sesshoumaru. And being himself, he was entitled to the best of things!
Side note: I still felt so bad when he lost his arm and I actually remember crying seeing the white doggie bleed ( what can I say, I was 10. Lol)!
The curious brat
Okayz...So then comes the part where the spoiled brat is no longer just an arrogant, hollier than thou, spoiled brat but a curious (how long can such a vulnerable human remain as she is) spoiled brat.
Yes, the time this overgrown man child decides that he has had too much of sulking and actually notices someone other than his over-inflated ego (whelp...this the beginning of Yashahime...isn't it?)
That toxic thought aside...
The arrogant brat decides it is interesting to see how long this human lasts and allows Rin to tag along.
And thus started the journey where the brat actually gets swept up in Rin's childish smiles and full of life toothy smiles. Coz' honestly who won't (especially not the outwardly bratty and inwardly softy lord)?
Sesshoumaru starts showing more immersion into the world around him. Actually starting to grow from a self-centred prick who knows nothing beside himself to a guy who starts thinking 'bout how Inu needs the sword more than him to remain sane.
Side note: Should I confess, I had so hard hero-worshipped Sess... Now I laugh everytime I remember me ransacking our rose garden to get a rose for Sesshoumaru-sama whose face was being shown on TV.😂😂
The somewhat reluctant orphans' hero
The spoiled brat has now upgraded after tagging alongside the sunny Rin. He is now a low-key arrogant male with his nose in the air and more of a semi-matured male who starts taking care of the devasted-under-Naraku's- control Kohaku.
Well, like one kid was not enough. Now two? But who is Sesshoumaru if not awkwardly parental. He clearly had no idea how human kids survived. But damn, steal one of them and he would Tokijin your ass!
So starts his awkward parenting journey...
The proud surpasser of his dad
No one forgets the green woodoo magic that happened when Magatsuhi trapped Sesshoumaru in his kinky tentacle play. But Sesshoumaru is the strongest character for a reason. That dude's internal protection mechanism kicks off immediately (is that a demon immune system) and green light spews. Ten seconds later, the tentacles are fried (nah...he ain't giving a piece of himself to that kinky Nataku) and out emerges his now regrown left hand...oh look at that, with a free sword?
Wow... after that he shows one of the greatest and strongest sword magic in Inuyasha, the Bakusaiga ( he deserved such a sword. Power call to power).
Bakusaiga destroys everything and Tenseiga does the rest.
Awkward bro love and acceptance
Naraku that kinky ass and his body maze actually makes Sesshoumaru a more formidable character.
What with losing his temper and Bakusaiga'ing the entire mass of flesh (loved it when he did that) and his awkward moment with Inu.
Aww...he actually says, "You chose the wrong person to possess Magatsuhi!"
The pride in his voice when he accepts Inu as his Kin. And then forgiving Sango at the end...
Pfft...followed by the leg. "Onii-san!"
At that moment when he had replied with a grunt of acceptance, Sesshoumaru had truly changed from a self-centred brat to a matured adult who understood his situation well and had the quality of a compassionate leader.
The king of Sarcasm
Yes, the dude who carried the mother load of sarcastic and witty comebacks in his shiny hair.
Really he did not even need to open his mouth to be sarcastic. A well placed smirk in a well timed conversation was enough to make his enemy charge at him like a raged bull...
The emperor of micro grunts and subtle expressions
Hmph... that's all!
Love you forever you dorky, silly, adorable and awkwardly stiff faced asshole!❤❤❤❤
Ending with a most beloved catchphrase.
"Jaken, shut up! Or, I will kill you!"😂😂😂
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