#but this is gonna criticize a lot of her past actions
pastadoughie · 7 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
Hey, if you don’t mind the question. What’s your opinion on Undertale Yellow?
8/10 game. pretty good at being a game, not so much at being an undertale story. the gameplay itself was fun, the area/puzzle designs too, the soundtrack was untouchable it literally gave me the same rush i felt hearing sburb initiation for the first time. minor NPCs designs were fun but the primary cast was too monotonous, tbh. (all the main characters have tall gangly very detailed designs save for like, axis). its attempts at landing Undertale's humor were quite often successful, but it held back on exaggeration and caricaturing its original characters which took away that oomph from the canon game. the character writing was... lacking. which is a pity.
i love fucked up women so i was really disappointed that every single one of ceroba's actions/ideas/influences on the story were nothing but an extension of her dead husband. when you take chujin away she's just... A Good Wife and Mother. or starlo's past love interest ig. i mean both dalv and martlet's backstory were tied to her family and we never see them interact at all. but they do have an established dynamic.... with the dead husband. again. UGH. she's just really wasted as a character (she and chujin should've BOTH been scientists and she should've continued the project AGAINST his wishes after he died. she's the main cast character, she should be the driving force in the narrative, not him—even if chujin sets the plot in montion by inventing the serum first).
I'm not a huge asgore fan—not that i dislike him, he's just not a character i care about all that much—so congrats to this game for making me say "he would NOT fucking say that". the "fuck the royals" subplot thing was really unnecessary. actually, that was a bit of a recurring thing in the game. suddenly introducing these Huge Social Dilemmas like labor exploitation, anti-monarchic sentiments, misogyny (bro who on earth "needs to take a wife" this is Undertale) everyone realizing that clover is a child, over exaggerating the violence at stake... while also attempting to maintain Undertale's careless, bouncy treatment of the situation. that's... not how things work. undertale is able to maintain its light tone BECAUSE it doesn't let you take those topics seriously, they're not meant to be. the fairytale-like king, the battles, the child protagonist, they're all set dressings for the REAL story and REAL power imbalance it wants to highlight: that between player and game characters. everything is in function of that. you take that layer of separation and make everyone aware that theyre violently attacking and killing a literal child... that's not. a good thing dude. if it's not gonna impact the tone of the story, why acknowledge it in the first place? it's just unnecessary
anyway flowey neutral run was really, really fun. his dialogue writing all throughout the game was very solid and i had a blast having him around. however, they shouldn't have tried to anticipate his character development. this game is a prequel, you can't do that without undermining his arc in the canon events. pacifist should've had him doubling down on his frustration from the neutral ending. i do all this work for you keeping you alive and you make the same mistake i did sacrifice yourself for them??? are you BRAINDEAD???? what I'm saying is he basically should've thrown the biggest tantrum of his LIFE. oh and in the NM run he should've been terrified when he lost control of the SAVE file. this is the first time it's ever happened to him and now he's gonna die for good. he wouldn't have gloated like he did.
if you want to hear more criticism along the lines of what i said then this post by the fantastic @andreabandrea covers a lot of what i also felt during the game. i know this might sound like a lot of negativity, but the fact remains that UTY was an absolutely phenomenal work of fan creativity the likes of which we have never seen before in the fandom. considering the quality and polish, i thought it only fair to approach it as the piece of art it is and give it my genuine thoughts on the matter.
overall, still a really fun way to spend the afternoon with a pal. so. thumbs up
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toastieghostie1 · 2 months
Accept Me (Stu Macher x GN!Reader)
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Hey guys this is my first time posting here, but I came up with an idea and here it is! Please leave suggestions or ideas for me, I'm always looking for constructive criticism. Without further ado, Accept Me, a Ghostface (Stu Macher) Soulmate AU (Matching soulmarks)
Chapter 1
Dear Journal, 
Today marks day 548 of an entire day of slightly invasive questions. All I want to do is go to work and go home, but no. What feels like every broad that comes in here is asking me about my “soulmate”. “Have you met them yet?”, “Are you looking for them?”, “Aren't you excited to have THE one for you? Living with them as the only love of your life?”. The answer is no. I don't want to meet them, I don't want to fall for them, I am most definitely not looking for them. The only good thing is that they can't quite tell which mark is the soul mark. Tattoos are a big help to distract from the mark, I can just pretend it's just ink, and not the universe is trying to force me to be with. Anyways gotta go, gonna hang with my friends, Stu is having a small party for the six of us.
Peace out, 
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-At Stu’s House-
“Hey guys! I brought the food you asked for!!” I yelled into the giant house. Hearing footsteps, I stretch my arm out holding the aforementioned snacks. Feeling someone grab the bag, I look down and start toeing my shoes off. Taking my jacket off I look up to see who took the snacks to see the host himself, Stu. He grins at me before digging into the bag to see the selection. 
He cheers, “Awh yes! You got the gobstoppers I wanted! I knew you loved me, Sweets.” He grins again while holding his hand to his chest like some kind of damsel. 
I roll my eyes and push past him, “Sure Stu, I got them specifically for you.” Making my way to the kitchen, I go into the fridge and root through it to find the coke I know he has in there. “Hey Stu, where's your coke? I know you have some.” I question as I stand straight and turn, only to see him quickly advert his eyes. I ignore that and raise an eyebrow while cocking my hip, waiting for him to acknowledge my question. 
“Oh! Erm, it’s in the living room with everyone else.” He rushes out. Leading me to the living room, where everyone quickly greets me before moving onto the bag Stu has in his hands. 
I laugh at the varied and rushed greetings, “I see you only love me for the goodies I bring.” I grab a coke and fall on the comfortable couch, looking at the coffee table in front of me I see the movie choices we have. “Randy, you couldn't have brought better movies?” I huff and groan. 
“Better movies? Than these? No such thing my friend. Horror movies are the best, and I only bring the best of the best.” Before Randy can get too into his rant about how horror movies are the best thing since sliced bread for the millionth time, Billy sits back down and delivers a swift smack to the back of his head. 
“We get it man, horror is amazing. Honestly though, try different genres. A nice comedy or action movie is cool too.” Billy utters. Sidney backs him up with a shared glance to Tatum, “Can't go wrong with a romance either.” 
See Billy and Sid are soulmates, they found out back in 5th grade when we had a school trip and some girl put gum in Sid’s hair. She had to cut it off to her shoulders and that’s when Billy saw the matching vinyl player mark he had on his waist. Ever since then they have been annoyingly in love. Tatum is searching for her soulmate, but that isn't stopping her from “getting experience for him, I don't want to suck entirely for him.” Her exact words. Of course there's nothing wrong dating outside of your soulmate, I mean how else are you supposed to see a mark? But still it's usually frowned upon. 
Randy is holding out hope that the universe was wrong about Sidney and Billy, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm not sure if Stu has found him yet, he doesn't talk about it a lot, I know he wants to find them some day. 
After some arguing we finally decided on a movie, a classic, Halloween. I make myself as comfortable as possible to watch this movie as Stu settles in next to me. I get part way into the movie when feelings of drowsiness start to make an appearance. Trying to fight it, I rub my eyes. Ultimately I lose the battle and succumb to my sleepy state. Before I fully knock out, I feel my head hit what I thought was the back of the couch. 
They looked absolutely stunning when they came in. Hair windswept and cheeks a little rosey, made me want to kiss all up on their face. When they pushed past me I could smell the alluring scent of their cologne. Cinnamon and vanilla, I could bathe in their presence if they'd let me. Only problem is they don’t want a soulmate, I don’t know whether it’s just a fuck you to the universe or if they genuinely hate that they are stuck with one person meant for them. What sucks more is I know who their soulmate is, me. They thought they could hide my mark with tattoos and layered clothing, but I saw it when we all went swimming up at some beach last summer. Their bathing suit didn't cover it, but it isn't exactly easy to hide a giant dagger stretching up your side over your ribs, one I know matches the one on my thigh. 
I startle slightly when I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look down to see Y/N asleep. Poor thing must have had a rough day working. I readjust them so they're more comfortable. Falling asleep with them. Hoping that one day they will come to accept their soulmate. To accept me.
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Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more.
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yuikomorii · 10 months
Honestly I don’t get this fandom… ALL the diaboys are abusive and horrible, not just to yui but to other women & sacrificial brides, yes even subaru, yes even ayato, yes even azusa. I don’t get the point of bashing OR defending the diaboys actions esp when yui isn’t their only victim. If you don’t like a series about abusive, sadistic, fucked up and blatantly misogynistic vampires or you’re gonna defend them most of their actions then this series isn’t for you.
(Yui is an exception though because she deserves love + praise though for not only putting up with their abuse but also being positive, intelligent and kind throughout the series, people who hate on her are the real pickmes fr. Anyways love your account + have a nice day xx)
// I would have understood people reacting like that if DL was promoted as something family-friendly, but the word DIABOLIK is literally in it. I think those individuals forget that these guys are vampires; they have different morals and can’t be judged by human standards since they’re a whole other existence. On top of that, they’re traumatized (also cursed in Ayato’s case), which makes their behavior even worse.
I think every character deserves to be defended at some point but also criticized. I’m a huge Yui stan and I admit that she’s not the best heroine out there but she’s 100% the best heroine DL could have and definitely not a pick me. She’s sort of an idiot but got emotional intelligence, which is what makes her good for such a franchise. After all, I think DL desperately needs the heroine to be quite dense because if Yui didn’t make a lot of mistakes or unintentionally provoke them, the plot would have gone nowhere without anything being solved. There would be no story if the heroine quickly found out all the mysteries and how to “put in place” or handle everyone.
DL’s writing is not perfect but one thing I like is that the development of most characters or of the story, in general, doesn’t feel rushed. For example, they made Ayato be the one to realize the truth about Karlheinz in Dark Fate, after THREE games, and they took time to heal Laito from his past. If these two things happened in the first game, it would have felt too badly paced.
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transformerswoc · 1 year
The TFP "Airachnid" Problem
Like I said, I'm gonna make essays and discussions regarding women in transformers <3. The first person is tfp Airachnid.
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TFP Airachhid is honestly, the litmus test for how I feel that Transformers fans can handle “mean” evil, women. Because the hate train that she received and the hate she still receives is massive, and it rounding up to “she killed cliffjumper” or “she’s mean to arcee and starscream” “she killed breakdown” just shows that this fandom wouldn’t really be ready for a female villain that was worse than her, or that just did not give a fuck.
And honestly, that is soo unforutante because we see male characters, like Starscream and even like Megatron, who are basically like Airachnid, if not worse, getting love and support for their actions.
She’s not supposed to be nice…she is a villain a straight up, in your face, villain and that is interesting. Yes, other Airachnids/Black Arachnias get love, but a lot of them are morally grey or complex.
A lot of them either turn good or ambiguous in the end, or aren't who we think they are, giving them a very empathetic past to almost excuse their actions.
Yet, when we have villainous, no morals Airachnid, which I find made her character far more intriguing, it seems that people just hated her, and would hate her for the things they loved with the male villains. She was the perfect mixture of Starscream and Knockout, with Megatron’s brutality, and she was just…hated for it.
And it made me realize that in terms of female villains, we haven’t ever had one like her. One that says ‘fuck you’ to morality and shit, because I just do not think the fandom could handle her. And I’m talking about in the TV Shows.
There are female villains in the live action, but that is another topic for another time.
Lastly, to me as a Black Woman, I cannot help but feel a lot of hatred toward Airachnid is people not checking their own racism and antiblackness. I think it’s easy for people to, not even realize it, but hold black women to higher moral standards than others. The point is that, Airachnid is voiced by a Black Woman and fandoms tend to be very critical toward Black women whether they be live action, voicing characters, etc. black women are either too much, or not enough.
Funnily enough, we are seeing this with ROTB with tons of people who aren’t black women, bashing the representation of Black women in ROTB and saying they aren’t doing enough or they’re pointless.
And this brings me back to Airachnid and how fandoms tend to, unknowingly be very heavy and critical toward black characters, but especially, Black women characters as well who are mean, or who do not fit to their standards. That is just my perspective from a black woman.
I’m not going to sit here and say that everyone who dislikes Airachnid is racist, but I will say separately that I think a lot of reasons for disliking Airachid are rooted in misogyny.
There has been no good reason for disliking Airachnid that I haven’t seen laced in some form of misogyny, because every reason she is hated, you can trace back to a male villain doing the same thing, if not worse.
Given fandom’s negative reaction toward Airachid, I wonder if we’ll actually ever see such a cold, heartless female villain like we did her. I think that only thing that makes things ‘acceptable’ is if a female villain has complexity, or has depth or will eventually be a ‘good’ guy again, or at most, morally ambiguous. That is what makes a female villain acceptable and frankly, that’s not fair but unfortunately I just feel…that’s how it is.
Another thing I noticed, which I will make in another essay, is how TFP tends to shame any form of ‘feminity’ especially in its women but also, in queer outwardly femme charaters, like Starscream.
The ‘tom boy’ or ‘one of the boys’ perosna is something that we tend to see with Arcee and Miko. And forms of femininity such as motherhood, or being outwardly femme like Airachnid or Starscream are seen as ‘bad’ by the narrative.
What I mean by this is that, June is shamed for being motherly toward Jack, by Arcee and by Miko and it is something that she is made to feel bad for, for wanting to care for Jack. Arcee and Miko are portrayed as I said, as being ‘one of the boys’ Arcee herself made a negative comment toward the idea of being PINK…which is ridiclous.
Airachnid and Starscream are both heavily femme and queer coded, but they are shamed by the narrative and the fandom. Starscream is brutalized on the daily, and Airachnid, who is outwardly femme tends to be seen as irredeemable by the fandom and also inexplcitly evil by the narrative.
TFP’s issue with femininity  is something is something I certainly want to talk about later on, but given this essay is just about Airachnid, I will stop here.
The last thing I'm also going to say is that I don't think that the writers knew, or understand how to write a female villain for a notoriously misogynstic fanbase. There are reasons why the other female characters are 'acceptable' and it's because they are for the most part, written in a way that is okay for a male audience. That doesn't mean they don't face their fair share of misogyny...they do. Especially Miko.
But an outwardly evil femme fatale who doesn't give a fuck about it...the fandom is just not ready for such a character. And while I don't think the writers needed to pacify her, i do 100% believe that when operating in a misogynstic fandom, you should learn how to write a female character in a way that will not get her dragged the way Airachnid has been dragged.
If you enjoyed my essay, please share and consider following?
Please follow my twitter, where I'll also talk more about women's topics in TF.
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johnmarstonisawolf · 10 months
I love both John and Arthur
“RDR1 Represents John’s Character Growth” Argument… 
I’ve seen people get blocked for disagreeing with the types of posts that complain about “Rdr fans disliking John’s characterization in rdr2”.  I’d rather just agree to disagree but if anyone doesn’t like where this post is going, please feel free to use the block button.
Also, in this post, I am repeating some things I’ve written in past responses/posts. Plus I have read other fans’ posts and opinions about this topic, which will be sprinkled throughout this post. 
Here it goes… Mainly for me, it’s the ret-con. It’s not that John can’t be this man with flaws, but in the first game (rdr1) they hint a lot at John (when he’d been in the gang in the past tense, before the events in rdr2) being this quixotic, well-spoken, “right-hand man of Dutch”, which were traits that were all given to Arthur in rdr2. Even Bill and Abigail hint at this. If you want to hear another rdr fan go more in-depth about this, read here. Plus Rockstar in so many words had explained why they made John a humiliation conga because they didn’t want John to “overshadow” Arthur. 
Yes, Arthur is older and yes, John could’ve been influenced by Arthur (but only by so much, I mean, c’mon John and Arthur are their own person). Yet the fact that Arthur is not even mentioned in rdr1 (yes, rdr2 hadn’t even been created yet. I know.) and they decided to “downgrade” John in rdr2 and give all of these admirable traits (they allude to in rdr1 about John) to Arthur is what baffles me. 
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Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Arthur’s character. However, it’s the high pedestal that this fandom puts him on, emphasizing his positive traits while continually bashing John in the process, that does me in.
We get it, John wasn’t a good father or a good husband, he treats his wife and kid like crap (he gets better tho), he deserves whatever criticism he gets for those horrible actions of his, but we got to remember this is the Wild West; Abigail nor John had the resources or skills to deal with their own trauma much less even raise a boy in a gang, especially Abigail. But that’s not downplaying the fact that John is a very emotionally-mentally damaged person (as a result of many forms of abuse and being raised by Dutch, Hosea, and Arthur, who aren’t the best examples) while at the same time, Abigail is a very emotionally-mentally damaged person (as a result of many forms of abuse and being raised and working in a brothel) who’s had to carry a kid for 9 months and march on through with barely having much help, aside from some individuals in the gang who helped her—I’m not gonna go with the narrative that not a single person in the gang helped. 
Listen, it’s not that we can’t handle seeing John being this pathetic version of himself that the devs chose to portray him as in rdr2 (so he wouldn’t overshadow Arthur and lazy writing) or that we can’t watch him grow from this immature and flawed human being to a man who loves his wife and child and would do anything for them… but it’s how it was done and how rockstar did it. 
They also did Johnny boy’s physical character design very poorly in the epilogue; in the epilogue (1907) he barely showcases any of the traits we see in (1911) rdr1 (a four-year difference, timeline-wise, which really isn’t that long). Although NPC John and Epilogue John might look different from each other, their personalities aren’t much different. So there’s not much of a change in my opinion.
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Also, I just want to clarify that this post isn’t about the fandom preferring Arthur over John but more so about how John’s characterization was done in rdr2 compared to rdr1, which can’t merely be attributed to “character growth” rather than lazy writing.  Understandably, many people prefer Arthur over John. Hence compared to the first game, rdr2 has better accessibility, players get to go more into the protagonist’s mind, and many game mechanics have improved/developed since rdr1 was released. But rdr1 was an acclaimed game when it came out with many fans that still remain in this fandom, in spite of rdr2’s wider exposure. 
And if I was going to mention anything that the games were kind of consistent with when it came to John’s characterization, is that he has a dry and cynical personality that reflects the protagonists of old spaghetti westerns, and the unforgiving world that makes up the Wild West.
Personally, while I do like his character in both games (he’s my fave) I still feel like there’s a bit more they could’ve done with his character in rdr2, in regards to missions and stuff, I would even say the devs had put more effort into some supporting characters compared to John, but that’s just my opinion. And I was really hoping for a rdr1 remaster but more so in a Yakuza Kiwami way (amped-up gameplay, fixed plot holes, better character detail, quality improvements, etc…)
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grigori77 · 4 days
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 107
Thorum? Oh, this'll be interesting ... and HELLO to Marisha's body horror fan ... oh dear ... what's THIS madness? Wow ... this just got weird ... oh, thanks, Robbie ... that's helpful ... meanwhile Matt discovers a freaky new kink ... O.O
Yeah ... advertising by way of David Lynch ... that's about right. Thankfully she's BACK ... oh, TEN YEARS?!!! Awesome ...
Hmmmm ... Sam was kind of adorable there ... XD
The return of Momlan! Yay!
So ... how much shit is still going to go off in here?
D&D maths and lots of rollies ... wow ... and somehow for the first time Orym is stone dead LAST in the order ... even more wow ...
Laudna casts Mirror Image on herself, then FORM OF DREAD!!! YEAH!!! Oh yeah, that's RIGHT, no more Delilah! So she gets to be completely new and fresh and OH MY GOD CRAZY VICTORIAN BANSHEE!!! I love that ...
Chetney charges in and pulls out Ludinus' notes from the Bag, passes them to Fearne, then ... what the hell is he DOING? Brand of Castigation? That's a weird move ... and he deald her 13 points of damage? Seriously, WHAT?!!! I thought you were FRIENDS!!! If this is some kind of plan it's a WEIRD one ...
Braius dashes in to climb in through the window, then Inspires Fearne with his newly painted portrait of her which looks suspiciously like a piece of specially-commissioned promotional artwork ... cute ...
Ludinus' turn ... balls ... Matt asks what Fearne's hitpoints are? Oh THAT can't be good ... she's STUNNED?!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL -- NO!!! Laudna Counterspells and it SUCCEEDS!!! NIce save Marisha Ray you absolute GODDESS!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! But CRAP ... now he knows she's there, though ... but she's just SPOOKY right now, so ... yeah ...
Ashton dives into the muck and essentially starts SWIMMING AROUND, going for the column ... and prepares to take a swing at it with his hammer? Interesting ...
Fearne heads into the chamber and screams: "DADDY?!!! WE NEED TO TALK!!!" ... okay? Deception check? Hmmm ... oh yeah, Matt is NEVER gonna live "spread your legs" down ... XD ... 24? Oh, NICE ROLL, Ashley! So it actually WORKS!!! Unbelivable ...
Dorian rushes in too and sees the immediate threat to Fearne ... and casts Force Cage around her! Nice ... nick of time, Robbie! And some Bardic Inspiration while he's at it! Nice!
Gloamglut's turn! Crap! It breathes dark fire OVER Fearne's head and it INSTEAD goes at Laudna and Imogen! Crap squared! O.O They dodge but still get singed ... ouch!
Zathuda jumps down and MATERIALISES right behind both our girls! Crap! He attacks with his fancy sword! Laudna Shields, plus she still has her Mirror Image ... but the second catches her ... OUCH!!!
The Emissary drags themselves out of the mire and rushes to Ludinus ... looking for protection like a little bitch, it seems ...
Legendary action for the dragon! Balls! It scratches at Imogen and catches her, but it's just a glancing blow, at least.
Imogen uses Misty Step to bamf ONTO GLOAMGLUT'S BACK?!!! Are you effing KIDDING ME?!!! O.O She attempts to TAKE CONTROL with the reins? Wow ... that is BALLSY ... and she's a horse girl so she has ADVANTAGE at this! Wow ... 20? Holy shit ... she just SAVED HER GIRLFRIEND'S LIFE!!!
Orym really doesn't have a great idea of WHAT THE FUCK is actually going on right now ... so he rushes the best he can to get inside ... he JUST makes it to Fearne ...
Ira slithers in through a window and goes for the Sorrowlord ... okay, then ... and SCARES THE FUCK out of him while he's distracted with Laudna! XD I love that ...
Laudna casts Void Puppet to send a freaky phantom version of her RIGHT THROUGH the Sorrowlord, then casts Blight on him! Sweet! Matt takes a dump on his save so she FUCKS HIM UP ... wow, she has A LOT of dice to roll ... I can't wait for this result ... 40 points of damage! Holy fuck! Oh yeah, that clearly HURTS HIM ...
Chetney risks a slip past the guard and is missed while he goes, thankfully Matt rolls REALLY SHIT there, so he's through and charges for Ludinus, attacking him with his wolfy claws ... A HIT!!! And another hit with e Dirty 20! Nice! 20 and then 18 points of slashing damage for those! Nice ... it hurts him, but not bad yet ...
Braius Misty Steps his way to Ludinus ... now FLANKING hi along with Chet! Sweet ... he attacks with his crazy mace! With a 3rd Level Divine Smite! 40 points of damage! Yeah ... another attack, but that one goes painfully wide ... NUTS!!!
Ira uses a Legendary Action to attack Zathuda! Sweet ...
Ludinus tries to whip the Emissary away with magic but Laudna Counterspells ...only for him to Counterspell right back? Hmmm ... It's a Roll-Off!! O.O Nuts, Ludinus JUST wins that ... great ... now what can they do? He preps but just HOLDS IT in anticipation ... okay, then ...
Ashton pops up out of the mud and CHARGES HIM!!! And he Rages while he's at it ... okay, then ... now he comes in swinging! First is a NAT 20!!! Yes ... with a Chaos Burst! And a charge from the Ring! Right ... how much is this gonna hurt him? A lot of dice math, then ... always promising ... O.O ... 56 + 14 ... which means it BREAKS HIS CONCENTRATION and the spell he was brewing is GONE!!! Yes! Taliesin: "For my NEXT attack ..." XD ... 28 DEFINITELY hits ... 24 points of damage ... HDYWTDT!!! SWEET!!!
Crap ... Ludinus, you sneaky bastard ... the hit triggers an explosion from the clone? Ouch ... but it does envelop the Emissary while it's happening, at least ... but a bunch of them have to make Dex saves ... crap ... O.O ... Braius takes a FULL FUCKING HIT ... ouch ... and now Matt has Ashley rolls a D20 ... oh dear ... at least the ceiling doesn't cave, but it's definitely PRECARIOUS now ...
Fearne bamfs Mister out, tries to use Fiery Teleportation to port herself OUT of the cage ... hmmmm ... Charisma save? Okay ... she pulls it off! Nice ... she materialises by the Emissary and is immediately attacked by one of his guards! Crap ... she tries to convince the Emissary this is all fucked up with the news that Ludinus has been slaughtering fae for power for decades ... and Ashley rolls FUCKING AMAZING on her Persuasion so it DEFINITELY convinces! Sweet!
Dorian dashes up behind Fearne, but takes a blow from one of the guards as he passes ... ouch ... no attack, he's just there to back her up ...
Gloamglut pulls back at Imogen's urging, but it's charging up and there are PLENTY OF TARGETS under it ... crap ... Laura must now make a strength check to contest what it does next ... 13 against a dragon? Oof ... yeah, the dragon UNLEASHES a jet of dark fire on the chamber! CRAP!!! Fuck that's a lot of dice Matt's rolling right now ... O.O
Ira attacks again with another Legendary action ... Ashley rolls shit, and it fails SPECTACULARLY ... great ...
Zathuda makes like he wants to parley ... Insight Check for Laudna! She passes the message on, but VERY CAUTIOUSLY ... meanwhile as the Sorrowlord backs off Ira just ATTACKS HIM ... okay ... Zathuda pulls back and tries to BOLT, giving Laudna an attack of opportunity ... she grabs onto his wrist and Marisha rolls a Nat1 ... oh boy ... yeah, that's a SPECTACULAR fail, he's already gone ...
The Emissary questions the Sorrowlord ... oh, this just got interesting ... is this a standoff or can they talk their way out of this after all?
Imogen tries to speak to Gloamglut with her powers ... oh wow ... this could go SPECTACULARLY wrong ... O.O ... oh, so this will be a contest of wills ... Wisdom roll for Laura, then ... hmmmm ... 15? Oh bugger ... oh, but Matt rolled SPECTACULARLY shite ... it actually WORKS!!! I can't believe it ... she holds Psychic Lance for just in case ...
Orym gracefully makes his way in to pull Bait & Switch with the Emissary ... interesting ... then tries to defuse the situation while simultaneously Hexing Zathuda ... wow ...
Is Ira shit-stirring right now? Or is he just being cautiously smart?
Laudna skitters down the wall into the main chamber ...
Okay then ... looks like it really IS a parley ... Fearne gives the Emissary Ludinus' journal, while Chetney describes what happened in Molaesmyr ... meanwhile it looks like Zathuda's hanging Ludinus out to dray right now ... interesting ... insight check for Fearne ... OH SHIT!!! WHISPERS!!! Cue a WizzKids plug from Sam!
Zathuda tells the Emissary to go, intent on seeing his end through, but maybe now as a ruse instead ... can we actually BUY THIS right now? I don't trust it ...
What does this actually mean for the main plans? Have they just shot themselves in the foot somewhat?
Yeah, Imogen just gets BUCKED RIGHT OFF as Gloamglut lands ... but she starts flying instead so she can catch herself. Okay, then ... so Zathuda's making out that he's their inside man in the Vanguard now ... do we actually BELIEVE HIM right now? I mean this is bullshit, right? I don't trust him ...
Is this all going to go south because Fearne has no interest in going along with THEIR plans for her? Hey, Zathuda, stop talking FOR our girl, she can make up her OWN damn mind!
So ... a deal with the devil, or they're letting them set up against them KNOWING full well the plan moving forward? Or they just go all in right now and try and kill them all RIGHT HERE ... honestly NONE of these choices really sound too great ...
Now we're all positioning for JUST IN CASE this all goes off again after all ... oh boy this is tense no matter WHAT ...
Fearne gives Gloamglut scritches ... right as Imogen Psychic Lances Ludinus? HOLY SHIT ... O.O Meanwhile Orym dashes up Gloamglut's tail and uses Seedling to catch the Emissary with Grasping Vine ... Acrobatics check? Oh, that's child's play for our Wee Man ... with Silvery Barbs from Laudna too that succeeds ... he gets hurt by the drop but now they're got him in their grasp!
And now it's all GOING OFF just like I expected it to ... O.O
Rolling Initiative AGAIN!!! I don't think I can take this fucking TENSION ...
Orym drags the Emissary away, then hits him a few times to try and subdue him without killing him ... he's out cold with just a couple of hits. Okay then, now what?
Imogen Pyshic Lances Zathuda again, this time at 6th Level ... NINE D6 of damage? Holy shit ... 29 points of Psychic damage! Oh my fucking GODS ...
Gloamglut goes for the Emissary ... OF COURSE it does ... O.O ... meanwhile the building is under some SERIOUS strain now ... and the guards are FLEEING now ... as they should, really ... it slashes at Orym with claws and tail ... Orym manages to dodge, but the miss hits the pillar instead ... shit ... yeah, that's it, the pillar is DUST ...
The building is now COLLAPSING ... O.O
Fearne psychically tels everybody to RUN and then climbs up onto Gloamglut ... what the actual FUCK?!!! The dragon's having NONE OF IT so she has to fight for it ... oh boy ... 5 is a SHITE roll ... yeah, that's DEFINITELY not gonna work ...
Chetney BOLTS ...
Braius rushes to Fearne, then casts Thunderweight on her to launch her up onto the dragon's back? Holy fucking shit ... he gives her a little kiss on the booty for Inspiration ... she rolls a Dirty 20 and NOW SHE'S ON THE DRAGON!!!
Ashton dives into the mud and just SHOOTS OUT with impressive speed ...
Dorian rushes to the Emissary, throws them over his shoulder and just teleports them both outside ... NICE!!!
Ira goes into his Nightmare Form ... oh shit! He leaps onto Gloamglut's back, clambers to Zathuda and starts cutting down into him! Holy shit ...
Laudna asks Fearne if she wants the dragon to live, which she DOES, ofcourse she does ... Void Puppet again? Ooooooh ... Disintegrate? Fuck ... if this works it could just straight up MURDER Zathuda on the spot ... Matt PLEASE fail this save ... Silver Barbs! That could help ... oh my gods HOW MANY DICE is she gonna roll right now? Marisha (to Ashley): "Is it okay if I kill your dad?" 81 points of damage? Holy fucking shit ...
Zathuda is now MISSING A LEG and somehow he's STILL ALIVE ... so she just Eldritch Blasts him instead ... only one hits ... 12 points ... oof ... that was SO COOL but it was almost EVEN COOLER ...
Using Seedling Orym tries to yank himself up beside Zathuda ... but Gloamglut resists VIOLENTLY. People are thrown about by the force of iits wings, and Fearne's knocked off its back ... CRAP!!! And after all that Orym STILL doesn't gain purchase after all ... so he just makes another attempt to run up its body ... which ALSO fails, so he just gives up trying to go for Zathuda and instead just starts slashing at the dragon. Hack! Slash! He draws blood both times ...
Imogen uses Telekinesis to try and rip Zathuda away from the saddle ... Strength check! 14? Against 10 that's A WIN!!! He's torn free and dumped RIGHT IN FRONT of Braius ... that deals him 4 D6 of damage! 14 points and he's UNCONSCIOUS!!! Wow ...
All right, NOW what?
Imogen Misty Steps to Laudna ... Gloamglut BARELY manages to squeeze itself out through the same hole it got in through ... FALLING DEBRIS!!! Watch your heads! Time to fucking RUN!!!
Yeah, this is now becoming EXTREMELY complicated and extremely urgent ... people need to just do what they can AS FAST as they can ... meanwhile IMogen's dragging Zathuda out with her Telekinesis ... they have BAREL;Y SECONDS NOW!!! The roof is coming down, people!
Is Braius SERIOUSLY committing desecration on his way out right now? O.O
Singularity Assault? How badly is Ashton going to fuck this all up right now? This sounds like something that could go SPECTACULARLY bad ... wow ... he's REALLY going to punch Chetney right now ... I can't belive he actually DID that ...
I mean TECHNICALLY that does work but it is REALLY UGLY ... O.O
Wait ... Braius and Imogen AREN'T OUT YET when the building collapses? What does that mean?
Seriously, are they okay? And NOW he chooses to call it a break? RIGHT NOW?!!! Matthew fucking Mercer!
Zathuda's first death save? Oh, okay ... meanwhile Ashton's already starting to try and dig them out ... and OF COURSE Laudna is currently FREAKING THE FUCK OUT ...
Dorian's trying to convince the guards that they're not a threat to the Emissary and somehow it seems to work? Crazy ... that was like THE WORST fake-out ever ...
Telepathic Bond! Yeah, try that ...
Wait, what the FUCK is happening right now? The temple is currently REBUILDING ITSELF ... so it's, like ... completely rebuilt now? Crazy ... but at least THEY'RE both okay ...
Thank FUCK for that ...
Braius gives Zathuda a Medicine check ... which COULD actually KILL HIM if it fails ... wow ... this'll be interesting ... so he's stabilised, but thankfully STILL unconscious ... okay then. That's smart ...
They all rush right back inside the temple ...
Well that settles it, then ... that was DEFINITELY the Arch Heart fixing that ...
Matt is LEAVING ... what the fuck ... SOMEONE ELSE is coming instead ... OH HELLO!!! Abubakar Salim is in the house again ...
Oh shit, yeah, it is just GOING OFF right now ...
Ah, I think I get it ... so they're all tripping out in the midst of another spiritual vision like the one Orym had before ... okay then ...
Like I said, this is DEFINITELY the Arch Heart ... oh okay, so he's clearly focusing on Braius right now ... makes sense after THAT exit ...
Look here, Doomseed, there is NOT going to be any talking your way out of this ...
Oh, so that was a BLUFF? SILAHA you sneaky bastard ... XD
A feast? Interesting ... is that actually going to be at all REAL? Are they actually going to gain sustenance from that?
Oh shit ... he sees something specific in Fearne? Interesting ... and now he's noticed it in Ashton too ... yeah, there's definitely something MISCHIEVOUS in this particular god, and I love it ... XD
I'm not at all surprised by Ashton going off on him right now, he's definitely the most primed to react badly to THIS kind of behaviour ...
A vessel ... wait ... is he about to try and turn one of THEM into a Vessel? I'm not sure I like that idea ...
He likes Laudna, of course. I expected he would. I'm not surprised he finds her a little fascinating too.
That's how it is, really. The true heroes are never the ones you really EXPECT to be. They're misfits, troublesome and morally dubious, terribly complicated and in some ways rather problematic, and yet right now they're EXACTLY what this world needs ...
Sacrifices for the greater good ... oh yeah, that shit always sounds great in theory, doesn't it? But in practice it's always messy, and ugly, and often times it's not really worth it in the end ...
Oh, so this isn't really an OFFICIAL meeting, then? He's not doing this with their blessing? That's interesting too ...
What, sacrifice a god to Predathos? You really think THAT'S gonna work? Sounds a bit rudimentary to me ...
Oh hello, Asmodeus ... that's interesting ...
Insight check? SERIOUSLY?!!! Yeah, I don't think 19's gonna cut it, Riegel ...
Nifty little Dawnfather impression ... yeah, you got a good ear for that, Braius. XD
Bit of a dramatic way to make your point there, Orym ... O.O
He is very pretty, yes. I mean he's a literal Starman. That's, like, inherently cool ...
Dorian makes a very interesting point ... although I'm a little worried it might get him smote at the same time ...
Wow ... so are they genuinely gonna go along with this, then?
The guy LITERALLY just yanked a star out the sky. This can't be good ... O.O ... and the star is ALIVE ... great ...
HER?!!! Her who?
Imogen, what the fuck are you doing? Oh shit ...
A smell of winter? What ... okay, where's THIS going?
And now they're all awake again ... and out boy is LEAVING?!!! Shit ... and now Matt's back! Crazy ...
A ring? Is this some kind of new Vestige? THAT'S the end of the episode? Oh, A CARD?!!! Cooooooool ...
Oh wow ... yeah, that does all sound seriously boss ... that is a SERIOUSLY OP'd piece of magical kit, there ...
So that's it. Okay then ... is it Thursday yet?
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
"But since she did decide to get involved, I am going to criticize her attempts at 'fixing' the situation."
honestly same. i also feel that way about them saying Marinette's whole obsession with Adrien is to be taken seriously because Trauma(TM). Like you want it to be taken seriously? I'm gonna do that and you can't keep crying about "it's a kid's show" and how I'm criticizing it because you told me to take it seriously and those actions are basically criminal offenses
Yeaah no that one hurts.
I've said this before, but before Derision I just kinda rolled with the more stalker-esque behavior. Yeah if you put it into irl standards it's a fucking yikes. But there's a lot of tropes that are perfectly fine in fiction that are not okay in real life.
And I don't even mean very bad 'that's morally reprehensible but whatever gets you off' but just. How many shows have a plot of 'oh no I sent a message/left a voicemail to someone I didn't mean to and it'll be horrible if they receive that message because it's embarassing/full of my secrets/will get me fired! Let's stalk them, steal their property, break into their work/home, etc. to delete it!'.
There's a lot more examples from a lot more shows. Whether they be cartoon or live action, though the former is often even more exaggerated in what they're allowed to get away with than the latter. So I didn't get too hung up on when characters would do questionable things like this. I do say 'yeah she shouldn't have done that' regardless, but it doesn't have as much weight to it.
But Derision coming around and saying that no, we should be taking Marinette's antics 100% seriously absolutely /ruins/ every scene of this for the past four and a half seasons. Instead of quirky comedy from a fictional show we can kinda chuckle at, we've been watching a super fucked up trauma response where she was breaking several laws and boundaries and should have a few charges. 'oh but it's fine because Adrien forgives her and they blame Chloé'.
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can i just be honest, confused, and mildly amused for a hot sec?
i've seen exactly *zero* valkyrie apologists hop up on this blog to diehard defend valkyrie. every single confession i've ever seen on here "defending" valkyrie doesn't make a single excuse for her worst actions. if you go through them, some are trolling but most will straight up acknowledge it or even admit she could have had better writing. sometimes they even just politely ask that whoever the anti is to just leave them alone and let people like what they like, which should be fair enough given that she's a fictional character and people are allowed to like villains or poorly redeemed heroes.
who are we to judge?
i have; however, seen plenty of the antis insulting valkyrie fans and calling them sociopaths and apologists or whatever for just simply liking her. nothing else, no defense or anything, just liking her or for wanting to like her in peace i guess. i've also seen a lot of empty bad faith arguments and those same antis turn around and diehard defend dude characters that have legit done worse than valkyrie could hold a candle to or have not changed their ways and may not ever?
i am so sorry, but if you can rationalize homelander or *omni-man* (for a more accurate comparison) even as just *possibly* more redeemable or savable than valkyrie.
i don't mean to be rude. but if you're to that point, it might be time to reevaluate where the hatred for this fictional alien is *really* coming.
you could even argue that omni-man's redemption arc is much better written than valkyrie's and you'd probably be right, but that still wouldn't make her "less" redeemable, they have almost exactly the same background.
and i'm not even saying *actual* slavery or "valkyrie" apologists can't exist, i'm sure they do, actually i know they definitely do. but you can't equalize every single fan as that simply because they are a fan of valkyrie. what the fuck, is this a war? are they your enemy just for liking her? is this collective punishment, what's going on here???
and i'm pretty sure, given the run through that the antis have done on this blog, that wherever they are. they just have this blog blocked and are never gonna see this shit anyway.
it kinda makes me wonder what audience these antis are actually trying to reach here. they complain about not being able to give valid criticism of valkyrie without being attacked or whatever but then never provide the actual valid criticism of valkyrie and *constantly* attack *any* confession they see that "defends" valkyrie.
why not be constructive for once, provide areas where they could have improved upon valkyrie's writing and what you wish you would have seen with her? otherwise and again, if you can't think of a single constructive or nice thing to say about her, i think it may be time to reevaluate where the hate comes from.
i used to be neutral on valkyrie. i still mostly am but knowing it bothers people so fucking much that anyone could like her is kind of hilarious.
and then there's the copy pasting with confessions? oh my god like who is this troll and what the hell do they actually want???
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
It’s actually insane how people take Ana’s comment about discovering you don’t like horses, and her involvement in the skateboard incident, to show her as an evil, irredeemable, ableist, but Tommy is somehow immune to any criticism. I have seen multiple posts about how people don’t understand why someone wouldn’t like Tommy because he’s never done anything wrong, and he’s so soft. Was I hallucinating that he was heavily implied, and arguably outright shown, to be racist and sexist in Hen and Chimney’s “Begins” episodes?! People argue that Tommy was redeemed, but I don’t remember anything really shown to so strongly support that. I know Chimney and Hen are friendly with him now, but it mostly seems like another apology for a horrible wrong (and subsequent changed behavior) that we’re supposed to assume happened outside of what we are shown. Just because a character is queer doesn’t mean they’re not an asshole, or beyond criticism. And just because a character is straight (and getting in the way of your preferred pairing) doesn’t mean they’re evil. I don’t even mind Tommy that much, even though I hate him with Buck, but it’s ridiculous to claim he’s flawless. Especially when they destroy other characters for much, much less.
yeah this is exactly right lmao. it's the misogyny.
on the note of chim and hen being friendly with him (although not friendly enough for him to have been invited to the wedding 🤣🤣🤣) this is true and i think i said previously, i'm not gonna sit here and talk about how we should all hate tommy for being problematic because presumably, yeah, it's been resolved. and, controversially, i'll even go so far as to say that at least some of the people who spend a lot of time harping on tommy's past actions are just looking for a way to rationalize the fact that they don't like bucktommy and they think other people shouldn't either (which is silly to me on multiple levels but not the point here).
my problem with tommy's past comes down to the fact that i think that if they were going to bring back this specific character, it was ABSOLUTELY the writers' responsibility to acknowledge the shitty things he's said and done. if they never hold anyone accountable for anything else, ok, whatever, i know better than to expect that. but you're sitting in front of me telling me that you really care about telling this story the right way, you understand the political implications, you don't want to cause harm... well, then you're going to have to deal with the fact that this man WAS racist and he WAS misogynistic and that's not just, like, interpersonal shittiness. they even had the opportunity to do this and they didn't take it!
so to me, this is YET ANOTHER poor writing choice they made in favor of going full-amnesiac to give buck his Soft and Sweet and Gentle and Tender storyline. this, on top of the host of other shitty writing choices that i won't re-litigate here, on top of the fact that said choices have brought a lot of insane eddie-related racism out of people, on top of the fact that it's been largely acceptable to claim that if you're NOT into this ship or if you have real criticisms you're actually bigoted in x or y way or you're immature/unenlightened/puritanical/insert whatever here (which is absurd)? i'm the crazy person for finding it all deeply unenjoyable? just. nuts.
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
We're moots, but I'm just going to send this on anon cause I have swiftie moots and don't want to start any wars lol
Anyways, I saw this tiktok that made me actively roll my eyes so hard they almost fell out.
Some girl basically said how it's "telling" that everyone is judging Taylor harder than Matty and it's so bogus to me how someone could actually think that? Like, people judge that Matty guy plenty. Every swiftie is fighting for their life, trying to justify her choices, and you're gonna argue people go harder on her? She's a grown woman, damnit. She knows exactly what she is doing. She knows exactly the criticisms that have been leveled against Matty. What that person says goes against a feminist notion because you're trying too hard to put her on a pedestal, when she should be judged for her choice.
In the past, I was trying to be respectful and not personally judge her for her dating life, but at this point, she's literally bringing it on herself. Like, you just ended an engagement, and then you're jumping some other guy's bones like two weeks later? I wonder what really happened there...
literally NO ONE has blamed taylor for his actions. everyone’s upset that despite his actions, she’s CHOOSING to be in a relationship with him. I don’t understand how that’s just such a hard concept to grasp. they want this to be misogyny so fucking bad it’s embarrassing. white women refusing to acknowledge that they’re not excused from consequences just because their actions involve men. they’re like “no no no, but he’s a MAN! you should judge HIM!” bitch why?? he’s not fucking himself because he’s got you, we’re ALLLLL past the point of being upset at him. we know what he’s done and we’re done with him. it’s YOU as the woman dating him that can’t accept what he’s done and leave his stinky ass. you choosing to stay with him says a lot about you and your ignorance than us being mad at you for it does hon.
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releasemefromthevoid · 7 months
EP1 - EP3
We all know that ATLA’s character arcs and just. character building in general is one of if not its absolute biggest strength. This show has a lot to live up to on that front, and if it can manage it, then that’s all the better. I’ll probably be critical of this aspect in particular, keeping in mind that this is generally meant to be an alternate canon which leads to Some changes in order to fit a shorter form.
Without going too far into it, I’ll say I will continue to be a little worried about the new spin on Aang’s character arc until I can see it play out all the way through. 
I’m also a bit worried about Zuko’s character. He seems a bit more willing to hurt people than in the cartoon, so I think they’re gonna have to play that pretty carefully moving forward. 
There are, of course, some things they’re doing incredibly well. Zhao’s character is On Point, and Suki feels about right too. I also am generally liking how they’re adapting plot points so far. There’s at least one episode from the original cartoon that I can tell won’t be adapted because of something in this episode, and it feels natural enough, I guess. I don’t have too many complaints on that front. 
Stay tuned for episodes 3-8! Live reactions/spoilers under the cut!
really fucks with me to not start with The Monologue
still don’t know how i feel about this iroh yet. is it just bc he isn’t mako? idk it’s like. uncanny valley iroh
also still not a fan of aang being so serious already. hopefully there will be a substantial enough character arc to replace that
katara so far is reading the most like the original to me
gran gran. just had a waterbending scroll?? i mean. i guess. bringing back the southern waterbending style. i do think i like the original more in this case, it’s just a little more horrifying to have that style basically wiped out completely. that being said this is definitely a way to consolidate the waterbending scroll episode right? i shouldn’t expect to see pirates?
ok the iroh and zuko dynamic in the marketplace was on point
there is NO unagi, where is she
SUKI!!! suki looks GREAT no notes.
suki’s. mom? interesting.
kyoshi island seems a lot less welcoming to aang, even though they know he is in fact the avatar, which does a lot to remind us that they were supposed to be a neutral party in the war. this is not a bad change
zhao definitely has the right vibes
omg, suki 😭get some queen
okay so we finally get to see aang being a kid for a minute (please just let them be kids sometimes it’s okay)
SUKI IS EATING AND LEAVING NO CRUMBS. love that we still get the classic suki beats sokka’s ass scene
oh,, is that what they’re doing with aang in this series?? not a learning to be serious thing,, he’s learning to deal with the fact that he is powerful and he has to control that so he doesn’t hurt people. that’s interesting, so i’ll reserve judgment until it plays out. it just. doesn’t feel the same
the sukki romance is almost playing out in a more believable way than the cartoon, so that’s pretty great
so like. what happened to avatar roku? is he just gonna be replaced with kyoshi? like she’s a badass and we love her, but. why?
sokka is not hearing a goddamn word suki is saying. he is Too Entranced. i have never been more on board with this ship
how are they dealing with this without the unagi
gotta say the spirit world appearance is really cool. chromatic aberration was a good choice
oh yikes kyoshi that’s a bit harsh. i miss roku
was zuko. about to kill katara?? he would never. tell me he would never.
ok so this is a winter solstice at the fire temple moment. happening now so it doesn’t have to with roku later? interesting.
“only call upon the past avatars when i’m at their shrines” lol okay. fair enough. roku did Not adhere to that in show
zuko’s digging himself a hole with zhao here. bro IMMEDIATELY called the fire lord
ngl i’m loving this iteration of zhao. absolutely despicable vile man. hate that guy. great character. 
liking: SUKI <3, Zhao's characterization, set designs, sokka and suki's relationship
worried about: aang's character, zuko's character
disliking: roku's absence (though i do love kyoshi, god bless), no unagi :(
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lindszeppelin · 10 months
Austin isn’t who I thought he was if he’s too pussy to tell a 22 year old girl he’s unhappy with her and go his own way and the longer he decides to stay the less bad i feel for him. cindy isn’t a good enough excuse either anymore tbh. you’re a grown man and your girlfriends mom scares you¿ same for Randy becauz i think austin deserves more criticism than he gets for for palling around with and hugging and laughing with a known sexual harasser knowing he’s being photographed. What message does that send to your fans that are female?  To your sister and female family members? your female publicist that has to be around who you hang around?
At some point we have to accept the loss for what it is and accept that as long as he gets to fuck a model he doesn’t care if she’s annoying//is happy in own misery. There are plenty of actors out there with standards to be a fan of unless he decides to wake up soon. He made his bed. 
I feel like I gotta step up right now, because i don't agree with what you said and how you framed it. It's easy to see someone like Austin who is this larger than life person in Hollywood and project a fantasy. But let me humanize him for a hot minute here, it's important. Sit down with a snack because this is gonna be another LindsTalk.
Austin isn't a pussy. This is an extremely nuanced situation of dynamics between people. And I am giving Austin the benefit of the doubt about Rande, because it would be odd for him to know that. Her family certainly wouldn't bring that up in conversation. Rande's sexual harassment is either a niche fact that you're aware about or you aren't. Being fans as we are and seeing who he dates, the facts about her family is stuff that we on the internet are privy to. But Austin probably has no clue about it.
I think your framing of Austin being this scared little boy who is too much of a pussy to leave a 22 year old and allows himself to be around a sexual harrasser is unfair to make. Austin, like all of us as humans, have hangups from childhood and the past that play into how he moves through his life. He is trying to figure out who he is as a rising actor, he's trying to assess his career moves, he's only 32 and his past dictates that he clearly has wounding from his childhood around connectivity, family, and relationships. Allow him to sort though his baggage. He is kind, and sweet, loving. Honestly that man is too good for the likes of Hollywood. And he is the perfect prey for people to use him for their own benefit. Anybody at any age can fall victim to bad mistakes and bad people. When you're in quicksand it's hard to escape, but it's not impossible. And he can do it on his own time when he's ready.
Is being with Kaia his best match and is she good for him? No, anybody with eyes and a functioning brain can see this. But a lot of us have been with someone in our past that wasn't good for us but through whatever reasons we stick it out longer than needed. Failure is a massive fear for people. Breakups are hard and messy and can affect people differently. He is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Is he responsible for his own actions? Yes. We just have to let him wade through the waters and sift through whatever it is he has to sift through.
To wrap this up, I will always be here for Austin and be his advocate because I understand his sensitivities and I see him for who he is as a person. He is not perfect, nobody is. Even your favorite actors are not perfect, they are flawed humans. And while I hope that you can stick with Austin and be excited for the wonderful career he's going to have, nobody can force you to stay here if you are tired of the bullshit. Because hell yeah this shit is fucking exhausting seeing a good person be sucked into a bad relationship But I will never throw in the towel on Austin. He is a rare person that comes around once in a lifetime. All i can say to you is to give him grace. And if it's too much for you and you really think Austin is a pussy then enjoy another fandom to be apart of.
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shamrock313 · 2 months
Evan and Nat (July 15)
I was gonna wait till August to do a reading, but I was so impressed by the anon on @theloverscardtarot that I wanted to see if me and anon would get the same. One thing I love about tarot is that sometimes you can get the same card coming out for someone or the results are nearly the same even if the card is different, so If you haven't read anon result, go read it.
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Take everything you read with a grain of salt. Enjoy!
Evan POV: Queen of Wands - Independent, cheerful, and confident lover. Opening himself up to others. Greater intimacy.
Nat POV: The Star (side) - (Upright) Optimistic about love life and healing from past wounds. Now, in past readings (you won't find them, they're deleted) I wrote that there's a possibility that she was cheated on. Of course, I don't know what her relationship was like with the DJ guy or if she was with someone after him, but I hope she didn't get cheated on because that sucks. Continuing, always communicate and be honest. She feels blessed to be with Evan.
(Rev) Self-criticism. Lack of confidence. I can't confirm is she does this or not, but got a visual of her checking herself to see what is said about her. Wants to see what fans have to say about her. Pretty sure any girl he dates would do this, but she does this occasionally. Because of this, this causes low confidence for herself. Needs Evan to reassure her. Self-esteem issues. Feeling unworthy from time to time.
Overall: Justice - They (Evan) might not be the most romantic, but he does care and tries his best to show it. Romantic efforts rewarded. Compromise. Treating partner fairly. If there's issues, handle it behind closed doors, and meet in the middle.
High Priestess (side) - (Upright) Lots of sex and drama free. (Rev) Hiding true self from lover. We've got this in previous readings, don't know why Nat or Evan keeps doing this. He/She/They need to stop. Trust your feelings in love and romance. "Avoid taking action or saying words to simply please your lover". Can lead to nothing but resentment. Not always seeing eye to eye.
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punkranger · 10 months
I'm about to be annoying!!!! Eros-3 Philia-3 Storge-5 Agape-5 Ludus-4 Pragma-4 Philautia-3 for the babies! For all of them (if you're a masochist); one kid per category (writer's choice?); or all for my precious kitty boo boo fuck (Densil) 😘
Grief you could never be annoying! I do however not feel like a masochist today, so it's only your precious kitty boo boo fuck (warning you though it's densil it's gonna be depressing lol)
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection?  Does it make them uncomfortable?  How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Densil is not fond of public displays, but as always that doesn't mean he won't use it to make his partner blush. It's better to be on the offensive. That's also one reason he likes Chen, who is even more uncomfortable with it. Mortum is a bit more forward, but Love can handle that, or distract easily enough. A kiss in public is one of the less awkward options, affectionate words are much worse.
What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Loyalty. Going above and beyond is the only acceptable measure of friendship. It's never enough anymore though. Densil values friendship much higher than romantic relationships, and has much higher standards for them. Trust is also important and they never learned to do that.
(Also answered this for Antoine if you're interested in the comparison^^)
Is your OC able to love without necessarily needing or expecting reciprocation or reward?  Or are all their relationships to some extent transactional?  Have they ever loved another person unconditionally, whether a child or another adult?
Densil has definitely loved unconditionally, or thought she did. The first and last person she loved like that was her first handler. Let's just say it was not good, did not end well, and fucked her up to the point of doing a complete 180 and never considering any relationships without first counting the cost vs benefit. 
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination? 
Now this one's fun because if you dehumanise yourself as well as your enemies, you sort of end up feeling for them. Ofc that doesn't stop Densil from killing people. Quite the opposite, seeing their own faults in others just makes it more satisfying to wipe them out.
Who was your OC's first crush?  How do they feel about it now?  
I think even Densil has had a brief crush on Ortega… did not go anywhere and he was more than fine remaining friends allies. Now he wouldn't even consider it, just another stupid idea his past self got into his head. 
After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship?  Shared goals?  Similar values?  Or contented companionship?
With Densil it's fiery passion or cold ashes, no in-between. Which might be difficult to tell, but if he's interested he pays attention and most importantly sticks around. I guess what draws him in in the first place is also what makes him stay – with both Chen and Mortum their intelligence is something he enjoys, and their ruthlessness is something he can understand. 
Does your OC judge themselves by the same standards as they apply to others?  Or are they sometimes hypocritical in condemning others for faults they also possess? Or perhaps they find it easier to forgive others for things that they cannot abide in themselves?
Hmm, in a way Densil is both hypocritical and as harsh a judge with himself as with others. A lot of minds that she sees leave much to be desired, but she can look at her own actions with the same critical eye. There's no forgiveness to be had there, and in the end all that matters is survival. 
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themolescriticalblog · 3 months
Hello!!! Welcome to my rant blog!!!
Here is where I, Pebble or Mole will rant about shows I like or general media, since I do a lot of it and want a place to keep my stuff!! Since this is just a side blog all likes are gonna be from my main blog anyways, but if anyone really needs to know it I'll link it if asked
Out of any shows I'll probably be talking about Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss the most, but I will have other shows. Not sure yet depends on what I watch JWBJEJWD
Some may be positive, some maybe negative, I like to try to view shows with an open eye most of the time, and even for shows where I dislike a majority of the writing I may always mention 1 or 2 ideas I liked for example
My basic rules are:
· I'm fine with people sending criticism of any of my opinions as long as it's respectful, I'm always open to seeing where I could've missed something or been rude
· While I'm fine with people shipping what they want (basically as long as it isn't pedophilia or incest or worse like said below), I DON'T want people who identify as comship or any other type of really dark ships that involve incest, pedophilia, or abuse. You can do what you want but don't bring that to me, I find it gross even if it's "fiction"
· this blog will be very on and off, and like I said, I might say some positive things about Hazbin or Helluva since there are still things I genuinely enjoy about that show, so if you want a rant blog that'll be purely negative then don't expect it here!!!
I finally wanted to say I don't like Vivziepop at all, people can change but she's said basically nothing at all about any of the shit she lets her fans do or even her questionable past and present actions. I also think, she's a terrible writer!!! And won't be afraid to say so!!! She has some glimmers or hope but it's mostly down hill from there
Now let's see if I post anything at all!! Thanks for reading
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