#but they are locked in! my dad even agreed to wait on watching more episodes so we can watch together as a family
asinglesock · 18 days
I got my dad to watch a cdrama with me (not all that surprising but a win nevertheless: he likes Chinese period films but usually prefers standalone movies over long dramas) and he really likes it! but the real surprise is that my brother-in-law also seems to really like it??
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 28 days
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The Return of Superman- Mark
(cw: f!reader called “mama”, a child duh)
Mark had spent a good few decades with a lot of his life documented on cameras. There were music videos, behind the scenes vlogs, cameras, talk shows, selfies, you name it- he did it. There was however, one area of his life that wasn't show or documented for the public. That was you, your marriage, and his son.
There had of course been the announcement on SM's end about Mark being in a relationship, then there was SM the announcement five years later about the two of you being married paired with a post from Mark with a wedding picture of the two of you where your face wasn't seen, and then the last announcement 3 years ago announcing the birth of his son.
Mark completely understood and agreed with your apprehension to show aspects of your life to the public, especially regarding your son. There was the occasional post with you and you can recall the uproar it caused across social media when Mark finally posted your full face on his public account. It was complete madness. People had managed to track down your place of work and even found other pictures of you from your friend's account. You had reason to be apprehensive regarding the privacy of you family.
However, as your son got older, you and Mark got more comfortable sharing more and more about your life, still being mindful of your privacy. So when Mark's managers called and mentioned his own episode on The Return of Superman, you had both discussed it and cautiously agreed with a few conditions. Conditions that were met with no argument since Mark was such a big celebrity to lock in.
Mark was sitting in the confessional, the familiar black curtain behind him as he introduced himself to the camera, "uh yeah, hi. My name is Mark Lee, I've been a member of NCT since 2016. My wife and I have been married for almost 9 years and our son is 3 years old."
He pauses as he listens to a producer as a question. He chuckles and shakes his head, "My son and I spend a lot of time together, but loves his mom. I try to take him out for some father and son bonding, but he cries for mom after an hour, when he play together he always involves her. It's great, I obviously love her too, but I think these few days the two of us will be kind of rough."
The scene cuts to the cameras panning over the space of yours and Mark's home as the commentators laugh and predict what they think will happen.
Mark is shown sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly before putting on his glasses and heading for his son's room. You had left the night before for a much needed girl's weekend with friends. You waited until your son was gone, peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses as he slept in his toddler bed before sneaking out of the room and bidding Mark goodbye with his own barrage of kisses and watery eyes. You knew Mark would be fine alone. He was a good dad and his confidence had skyrocketed once his son had grown out of the shaky steps phase.
"Wow, that is such a cool boy room!" One of the commentators marveled as the camera in Mark's son’s room showed the room covered in Spider-man. He had Spider-man sheets, blankets, wall stickers, toys, books- everything.
Mark smiled softly at the sight of his son sprawled across his little bed, still deeply asleep. Mark made his way to the kitchen and began making breakfast. He turned on the rice maker and began cracking eggs into the pan, watching tiredly as they turned from translucent to white.
One commentator cleared her throat, "this is interesting. Isn't it well-known that Mark can't cook eggs? I wonder if he's gotten better or his son likes them?"
The scene shows Mark and his son sitting at the dining table, his son blinking slowly and using both his hands to keep his head up. Mark laughs softly, scooping up a spoonful of rice and fried egg to feed his son. Usually, he'd be able to feed himself but this morning he's just too sleepy and Mark admittedly likes babying him. He is still a baby.
His son tiredly chews, his eyebrows furrowing and his face falling into one of confusion. He opens his eyes fully as he leans away from the next spoonful of food heading for him. "What's that?" his little voice asks as his finger points at the egg.
"It's eggs and rice, bub. Say ah," Mark instructs.
"Mama made it?" his son asks while turning his cheek away from the spoon.
"No, I made it," Mark replies, deciding to instead take the bite of food for himself.
His son scrunches his face up and takes the fried egg from his bowl and places it into Mark's, "yucky, Appa. No thank you!"
Mark tilts his head back with a roll of his eyes as the commentators laugh and compliment his son's good manners despite him calling the egg 'yucky.'
The scene cuts to Mark and his son standing in the entryway of your home, putting on their shoes. As Mark opens the door, his son freezes, "is Mama sick?"
Mark is hesitant to respond, "no, Mama isn't here. Remember it's going to be just me and you until tomorrow night?"
He can hear the familiar catch of his son's breath as he nervously looks up at Mark, "she's ok? She's coming tomorrow?"
Mark feels his heart melt, and the commentators all aww and coo over how cute the 3 year old is. Mark crouches down in front of him, picking him up and hosting him onto his hip, "of course she's coming back. Come on, we're going to go ride bikes at the park and get dinner with uncles later. Does that sound fun?"
His son sniffles and nods, "and ice cream?"
Mark laughs, "yes, and ice cream."
The camera crew follows Mark and his son around the park, watching as Mark teaches the boy to pedal and steer the bike. He eventually gets the hang of it and begins riding around on his own with a big smile. His little laughs and giggles fill the air as he zooms in every direction much faster than Mark or any of the cameramen expected, especially the cameraman tasked with following the boy around with his heavy camera.
It's all going well, no tears, no complaints, not even a mention of you, until the tricycle comes to an abrupt stop and turns when it gets too close to the edge of the grass. Mark sprints over the second he sees the tricycle teeter over and makes it to his son before the tears start.
He keeps calm as he looks his son over for any wounds, finding none and immediately being filled with relief. His son must have just gotten scared from the fall. Nonetheless Mark holds him close and rocks him as he cries into Mark's t-shirt.
"I want Mama," his son cries.
"I know buddy, I'm sorry. Does it hurt anywhere?"
His son continues to cry and shakes his head, his sobs turning into sniffles as he calms down. Mark pushes the hair away from his son's forehead and presses a long kiss to the sweaty skin, "you are being so brave, bub. I know it was scary, huh? I am so proud of you."
"And Mama too?" his son asks with watery eyes.
"Yes, and Mama too. You can tell her all about it when she comes home tomorrow. You can tell her that you heal fast like Spider-man."
His son perks up and his eyes brighten, "like Spider-man?"
Mark nods and stands, with his son in one arm and the tricycle in the other, "Oh yeah, big guy. Just like Spider-man, whenever he gets scared he keeps going, right?"
This sets his son off on his little tangent about Spider-man fighting the Green Goblin, then Doc Oc, and how he uses his webs and how the bad guy loses and Spider-man always wins.
The scene cuts to Mark in the confessional, "I really have enjoyed my time on the show, but I may be worse than my son. If you have me back, can she stay too? Please."
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laurel-finch · 3 months
'I Don't Bite' S1.Ch18: Salvation
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Summary: A decades-old enemy makes a reappearance... Referenced Episodes: mentioned S1 E20 "Dead Man's Blood," S1 E21 "Salvation" CW: None. Word Count: 6003 words. Recommended Song: Creeping Death -- Metallica Previous Chapter -- Masterlist -- Next Chapter
Raindrops ran down the windows of the Impala, slipping across the chrome surface. The brothers and I agreed to return for my truck in the morning and salvage whatever we could. I doubted the monsters would stay for long. There was nothing there for them anymore. Their leader was dead, and they knew we were still in the area. I was mostly concerned about the weapons stash – I hoped the vampires wouldn't go rummaging in the wreckage.
The car was quiet, though I hadn't expected anything different. The thrills of the evening had finally worn off, leaving nothing but worry and rampant questions in its wake. I could imagine that the boys were concerned about their father. Would he be waiting for them at the motel, or would he have already left to fight the demon? Would he even allow his sons to accompany him? Probably not.
I propped my cheek against my hand, eyes flickering to the treeline outside the roaring car. I felt as though I should be panicking or at the very least nervous about the night's events. But truthfully, I felt at peace, as though I finally understood a part of me I had been struggling with.
Was it fear that had kept me from shifting? It must have been. That sense of terror that I wouldn't be able to control my actions or my blood lust. Perhaps that's why I had kept myself chained down – because I never wanted to confirm the worries that I had previously felt. Worries that maybe I really was a monster.
But I wasn't. At least, not in the eyes of those I cared about. Maybe I was, or had the capabilities to be, but for now, I was unconcerned about what my future held.
I felt loved.
The Impala slowed to a gradual halt in the motel parking lot. I slowly unbuckled my seat belt and slid out of the car, my feet hitting the wet asphalt with a soft thump. The ground was still covered in large puddles, leftover from the recent rainstorm.
I knew it was after midnight, but I had no idea just how late it was. I didn't really care; I just wanted to sleep. Without a word I passed the brothers and headed towards my room, waving at them as if to bid them a good night.
My room was cold, as though someone had left a window open while I was gone. I shivered and shrugged off my coat, laying it gently over the back of the armchair that sat in one corner of the room. I rummaged through my belongings, looking for a change of clothes, and sighed. As much as I wanted to sleep, I was covered in dirt and dried blood, and desperately in need of a shower.
I had planned to take a short shower, just enough to clean off all the blood. The warm water was too inviting for me to get out quickly, so instead, I soaked, watching as the dried blood washed off and disappeared down the drain.
In just two days with the Winchesters, my life had been turned upside yet again. I had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to come.
I woke to a heavy pounding on my motel room door, jarring me from a surprisingly deep and peaceful sleep. I bolted upright with wide, startled eyes and leaped from the bed, padding softly across the carpeted floor to the door. I turned the lock and drew the door open, meeting Dean's grinning face.
"’Bout time you woke up," he teased, leaning against the door frame. "I was beginning to think I had the wrong room."
I opened the door just a bit more and glanced at the golden placard that read '105'. "Nope, you got the right one," I joked. "What can I do for you, Dean?"
"Family meeting in our room," he said simply. "Dad's going over the plan for dealing with the demon."
My brows rose in surprise. "And I'm invited? He’s alright with that?"
Dean’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek, stifling a frown. "At this point, I don't think he'll try and stop you. Just keep your head down." He pursed his lips and glanced back towards his motel room in thought. "We're going to be heading out soon, I think. We'll stop by the vamp nest and see what we can salvage from your truck. S'up to you if you want to come with us after." His eyes turned back to mine, holding a serious and contemplative air. "You should pack up. If you decide not to come with us, we'll have to find some way to get you home."
"You won't be driving me?" I questioned. Dean shook his head and glanced back down the row of doors to his own.
"Dad's impatient. He's going to want to get this son of a bitch ASAP. No detours."
I nodded and looked behind me at the minimal mess I had caused. My belongings were already well organized, save for my personal hygiene products in the bathroom. "Give me maybe five minutes and I'll meet you in your room," I said before turning away from Dean. I heard him chuckle and close the door softly behind him.
In just under five minutes, I changed clothes and packed up all my stuff. I still looked exhausted, despite it being just after ten in the morning. I doubted John would approve of a caffeine stop.
The door to the brother's room was unlocked, thankfully, and I slipped quietly inside, hoping to not interrupt the ongoing conversation.
"You're late," John grumbled, not even bothering to turn away from his surprisingly impressive collage of demon-related news.
I rolled my eyes and dropped my backpack by the door. Sam patted a spot on one of the beds beside John and me quickly. "Late by, like, maybe two minutes. What'd I miss?"
"Not much," Dean chimed in. "This is everything dad's got on the demon." Dean shifted in his chair and leaned back, green eyes raking over the mess of omens and symbols laid out before him. "So what's this trail you found, dad?"
"It starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California," John spoke, turning back to his complex board. "Houses burned down to the ground. It's going after families, just like it went after us. Families with kids, infants, attacked on their six-month birthdays."
"I was six months old that night?" Sam inferred, leaning forward with his arms braced on his knees.
John nodded and turned towards his youngest son. "Exactly six months."
"So basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason. The same way it came for me? So Mom's death...Jessica. It's all because of me?" Sam demanded, his voice rising with frustration. Jessica. Was that his girlfriend's name? I knew so little about her and Sam's life before meeting him. All I knew was that she had gone up in smoke, just like Mary...
"Sam, we don't know that," Dean sat up and glared sternly at his brother.
"Oh really? Cause I'd say we're pretty damn sure Dean," Sam scoffed.
Dean rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms indignantly. " For the last time, what happened to them was not your fault-"
"Right. It's not my fault, but it's my problem!"
"No, it's not your problem, it's our problem!"
"It’s no one’s fault but the demon," I chimed in by raising my voice, bouncing to my feet and glaring at the two quarreling brothers. "And we’ll make it his problem too. Arguing isn’t going to help us make a plan." I flopped back onto the bed, lying flat on my back and glaring up at the ceiling. After several long moments of silence, I threw a hand up and waved, motioning for John to continue.
Sam sighed and relaxed his shoulders. "So why is it doing this? What does it want?"
"Look I wish I had more answers, I do. I've always been one step behind it; I've never gotten there in time to save..." John cast his eyes to the ground, lost in thought. After a long pause, he continued to speak. "There's signs. It took me a while to see the pattern but it's there in the days before these fire signs crop up in an area. Cattle deaths, temperature fluctuations, electrical storms. And then I went back and checked... and..."
"It happened in Lawrence..." Dean said softly, eyes wide with realization.
John nodded and took a few steps towards us, hands deep in his pockets. "A week before your mother died. And in Palo Alto...before Jessica. And these signs, they're starting again."
"Where?" Sam asked, his fists curling and jaw clenching in anger. I placed a gentle hand on his arm, my eyes never leaving John's form.
"Salvation, Iowa," their father said simply. "Pack up your bags, we're heading out in an hour." And with that final order, John left the motel room, presumably to pack up his own belongings and stash them in his truck.
"An hour, huh," Dean remarked as he stood and stretched. "Gives us plenty of time to head back to the barn and check the damages on your truck. We can swing by on the way out of town."
"Well, then you boys had better pack up pretty quick," I teased. "Don't want to keep your old man waiting."
My truck was ruined. That was the only word I could use to describe it. Utterly ruined. My beaten mess of a pickup was laying on one side, the door crushed inward and glass shattered. The entire driver's side of the car was folded inward and I was thankful that I hadn't been in it at the time. The metal was in pieces and scattered across the ground in some spots, glass littering the earth. The hood was blackened and burned, as though it had been set on fire at some point - I wouldn't put it past the vampires for doing such a thing.
The bodies I had left in the dirt were gone now, likely buried or burned along with my truck. The only indication that they had been there was the large splatters of blood on the ground like spilled paint.
Dean whistled in surprise as he marched around the truck, taking in the damages. He stopped in front of the hood and placed his hands on his hips, turning to face his father who was just exiting his own pickup. "What d'you think dad? Salvageable?"
John scoffed and glared beadily at my crumpled mess of metal and ash. "No," he said bluntly. "I don't even see anything worth keeping."
I groaned and placed my head in my hands. "I'm so glad my uncle isn't here to see this," I grumbled and dragged my hands down my face in utter defeat. "Do you think the weapons were at least mostly preserved?" I asked Dean.
He shrugged and placed a hand on top of the truck, pulling himself up what would have been the underside, struggling for footholds. He laughed and turned to face me as he straightened and stood on top of the trunk. "You're missing a door," he called and pointed to the other side of the truck. "It ended up over there."
"You've got to be kidding!" I shouted and ran over to the other side of the truck. Lo and behold, there was a car door lying in a dirty puddle. "How the hell did it get over there!?"
"Vampire might have ripped it off," Dean called. "Hopefully it didn't get into your weapons stash."
"Well, how the hell am I supposed to check?" I asked, throwing my hands up in exasperation.
Dean laughed and extended a hand. "You climb in," he said with a cocky smirk. I glared and marched over the truck, taking his hand irritably. I had expected it to be difficult, but he hoisted me up with ease, pulling me to stand beside him on top of my ruined truck.
I gazed down into the backseat, grass visible on the other end. It struck me now just how wide my truck had been – although it wasn't a particularly long drop, it still made me nervous.
I dropped into the truck, feet planted on the side of one of the front seats. There wasn't much room, but it was enough. After several seconds of fumbling for the latch, I lifted up the bench seat in the back and peered through the darkness at what was left of my weapons stash.
The seat compartment was empty, every gun, knife, a container of holy water, and whatever else was gone without a trace. I glared furiously at the empty compartment and snapped my eyes up to meet Dean's. He looked equally frustrated and extended a hand to pull me from the wreckage.
"Damn," he grumbled as he hauled me up and pulled me into his side, steadying me. "They really cleaned house, huh?" I nodded and clenched my fists and anger. First my truck, now my weapons?
The truck didn't have a ton of sentimental value. Sure, it was my uncle's favorite and the only one I had kept, but it wasn't nearly as important as the Impala was to Dean. But the fact that the vampires had burned and raided it? It made my skin crawl.
"Hey," he spoke, drawing my attention to him. I glanced up quickly and dropped my eyes to the wreckage. "You alright?"
"Yeah, fine," I replied. "Just pissed." He chuckled and placed a firm hand on my shoulder.
"Fair enough. You need help getting down?"
I shook my head and moved to sit on the edge, sliding off and thumping to the ground. The impact jarred my ankle which was still healing from my recent fight with Caeden and the vampires.
I couldn't help but lose myself in thought, leaning against the overturned truck as I did so. The loss of this vehicle was damaging. It was more than just a mode of transportation – it was a link to my life before all this started, before losing my uncle, before the pack, before the Winchesters. It showed just how much my life had changed, how far I had come, and who I had been.
I missed who I was. That girl who had been so sure of what she wanted- or what she didn't want. No pack. No romance. Just life on the road, hunting with my uncle.
Now, I didn't have hunting with my uncle. I had a pack to look out for and needed me, sometimes to my disappointment. And love? I snuck a glance at Dean as he dropped from the top of the wreckage. I still didn't want love. Not now at least. But, Missouri had planted those seeds in my mind with her psychic premonitions, leaving the door open for unexpected visitors.
"Ready to check in on Sam and dad?" Dean asked. I peered up at him and then towards the barn that I knew Sam was exploring.
"Of course," I said with a grin and began my small trek to the weathered barn.
Despite the constant drizzle of rain last night, the scent of vampires still lingered in the air. It was enough to make me crinkle my nose and gag. The Winchesters couldn't smell it, but it stunk heavily of that odd sickly-sweet decay. It was unnatural.
But then again, some would argue that so was I.
The place was deserted, with no sign that anyone had ever lived there. The hammocks were gone, along with whatever personal items that had been laying around. The occasional beer bottle littered the straw floor, though any passersby would likely just assume they had been left by rowdy teens.
Sam peered out from a doorway down the long hall, drawn by the sounds of our footsteps. "Find anything?" he called.
Dean shook his head. "Zilch. They took everything man."
"Damn," his younger brother uttered. "Doesn't look like there's anything here either. It's pretty empty." Sam disappeared back into the room, rifling through whatever was left behind.
"What about you, dad?" Dean called out, waltzing into the main room that felt oddly empty without the rows of hammocks. "Find anything?"
"No," John replied and Dean followed his voice to what I assumed was Luther and Kate's room. I had seen him running out of it Colt-less the day before. "Maybe you can get your mutt to sniff something out."
I bristled and grimaced down the hall, glaring at the doorway that Dean had disappeared through.
If I were human, I wouldn't be having this problem.
"If you boys haven't found anything, how ‘bout we head out? Iowa is pretty far and we're losing daylight." I offered, tapping my foot impatiently against the straw floor.
Sam's head popped out from a doorway and he gazed at me with adamant surprise. "Does that mean you're coming with us?" he questioned.
I grinned. "Course I am. Told my pack I'd be gone for a week at the most, and I've been here for, what, a little over forty-eight hours? Still got five days." Dean appeared around a corner with his own shocked expression. "You boys aren't getting rid of me that easily."
Hours of driving had left me lethargic, and frankly irritable. Being crammed into a seat with a tight seat belt and little room to move was almost worse than driving for hours on end. At least I would have something to do if I were driving.
The Impala suddenly lurched to the side, swerving towards the edge of the road. I jolted upright and gripped onto the door, holding on tight to prevent myself from sliding. "The hell, Dean?" I sputtered as he slowed to a stop on the side of the road and parked.
Without missing a beat, Dean stepped out of the car, Sam not far behind him. I glanced nervously between the two and opened my own door.
"God dammit!" I heard John shout, causing me to jump. I quickly slid out of my seat and jogged over to the Winchesters. John continued to swear and stomped around in frustration. "I just got a call from Caleb," he spat.
"Is he alright?" Dean questioned, voice filled with worry. Caleb? I assumed that was a hunter friend of John. The name rang a bell...
I could practically see the light bulb going off over my head as I spun to face Dean. "Isn't that the dude that researched the Daevas for you?"
Dean glared teasingly. "I helped," he grumbled and returned his attention to his father. "Is Caleb alright or not?"
"He's fine," John growled. He stopped his pacing and looked up at his son, grief evident in his eyes. "Jim Murphy's dead."
"Pastor Jim?" Sam asked, his own eyes going wide with disbelief. "How?"
"His throat was slashed. He bled out," John replied bluntly, casting his eyes to the gravel road. "Caleb said he found traces of sulfur at Jim's place."
"A demon?" Dean questioned. "The demon?"
John shook his head in uncertainty. "I don't know. Could be he just got careless, he slipped up. Maybe the demon knows we're getting close." I bristled. This was suddenly becoming all too real. A demon. I had never seen a demon, let alone fought one. All I knew was the basics of how to identify one, taught to me by the brothers only hours before.
A part of me hoped to God that it would be an easy kill, but I knew better than that.
"What are we going to do?" I asked. John's eyes snapped to mine and he glared ferociously. I stared back, holding his infuriated gaze.
"Now we act like every second counts. There are two hospitals and a health center in this county. We split up, cover more ground. I want records. I want a list of every infant that's going to be six months old in the next week," he ordered and turned to climb back into his truck.
"Dad, that could be dozens of kids. How do we know which one's the right one?" Sam questioned, and rightly so. Salvation wasn't a small town, and having to search the entire county made it even more difficult.
"We check 'em all that's how. You got any better ideas?" he demanded, voice gruff and irritable. When no one responded, he nodded curtly and climbed into his truck dismissively.
I turned and went back to the Impala, Sam by my side. Glancing up, I realized Dean hadn't left his father. They shared quiet words, barely audible even to me before Dean turned and sauntered back towards the Impala, a crestfallen look on his features.
Whoever Pastor Jim had been, he had been someone important to them. They were tired of losing people they cared about. I was tired of seeing them so miserable. This demon deserved what it had coming.
The Salvation public library was surprisingly empty. It was a big library, with records dating back generations. If there was anything to indicate where the demon might be headed next, it was here.
Sam was on birth records duty, whereas I was looking for any symbols and potential omens that could highlight more of the demon's activities. It was tedious, to say the least, and I had little patience for it, but it needed to be done.
I flipped through old record book after old record book, looking for any signs of demonic activity. Nothing. I slammed another book shut and tossed it on the floor beside me.
"No luck?" Sam called from the other side of the shelf I was leaning against.
"No," I grumbled, palm pressed to my cheek. "All I'm seeing are the same things John found. Just... evidence that it's in the area." I sighed and placed my chin in my hands, pouting. "What about you? Find anything?"
Sam chuckled and I heard his footsteps traipse around the shelf to me. He sat beside me and handed me a list of names and addresses. "These are all the kids in the county that are turning six months in the next week."
My eyes scanned the page of Sam's messy handwriting. "That's a lot of kids..." I grumbled and handed the page to him. "You humans sure do keep busy."
Sam chuckled and folded the paper, tucking it into a book and placing it in his lap. "Skinwalkers are like, part dog, right? Doesn't that mean you'd have more kids?"
I scoffed and glared at him. "Most monsters are more prone to having twins, or even triplets. Probably because of… y’know, dwindling populations. That doesn't necessarily mean we breed like rabbits. Most don't ever have kids."
"Why not?" he questioned, leaning back against the shelf.
"Because they're either too busy eating humans, or don't want to bring kids into a world where they'll be hunted for just existing.” Few monsters ever had kids or families. Maybe they'd have mates, like those vampires in Manning, but rarely kids. Hell, before Marcus, my father was the only purebred skinwalker I had ever known.
Sam didn't respond and instead tapped his fingers rhythmically on the cover of the book. What was there to say after something like that? 'Not all hunters kill monsters for existing'? That wouldn't hold up – his own father had tried to kill me simply because I was a monster.
He sat up and scanned the cover of his old book. He looked exhausted, and rightfully so. He was finally so close to ending this demon and having his family back.
We were all exhausted, for varying reasons.
"Your bruises are looking a lot better," he finally spoke. I raised my brows and glanced at him. He was right, they were looking better. My jaw had faded to splotchy yellowish bruises, not nearly as noticeable anymore. By tomorrow, they'd be gone. "How'd you get them anyway? Dean said something about a fight."
I huffed and rested my arms on my knees, leaning forward slightly. "Just a pack fight, with Caeden. Nothing serious."
"Your bruises looked pretty serious," he continued. I glared at him and he shrugged as if to show that he was simply concerned.
I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the shelf, resting my intertwined fingers on my stomach. "Caeden just... wasn't handling having an alpha well. He doesn't trust people," I said softly. I glared down at my hands, my knuckles bruised and scraped from my recent fights. "He was trying to prove a point, and it didn't work out."
"Who won?" Sam asked. I cast him a confused look. "The fight," he clarified. "Who won?"
"No one," I replied. It was true- there were rarely winners in a fight. Everyone always lost something. Sam fell silent, his eyes roaming along the opposite bookshelf, although he clearly wasn't reading the titles. He was thinking.
I wondered what he was thinking about. There were a million things I wanted to ask him. Maybe about his life before hunting, or why he had left. About his experiences, and his father's slow descent into obsession.
Did revenge always lead to obsession and aggression? I hoped not.
"Sam?" I asked. He hummed in response, motioning for me to speak. "Why law?" I shifted and straightened my back, no longer slouching against the, frankly, uncomfortable shelf. "Why did you want to be a lawyer?"
Sam laughed softly and leaned beside me, mirroring my position and stretching his legs. They nearly extended the length between the shelves. "I guess because I wanted to help people without violence," he said softly. "Save lives, and correct injustices without having to lie, cheat, steal, and murder."
I chuckled and nudged him with my elbow. "A lot of people would say lawyers still lie, cheat and steal, you know." He laughed and pushed back gently.
"I don't know, maybe they do. But, they deal with the real monsters," he said, his voice low and soft, lost in thought. "There's more to being a monster than not being human..." he trailed off and glanced towards me. "You're proof of that."
Not a monster.
I grinned up at him deviously. "I don't know, monsters are scary, and I can be pretty terrifying." I bared my teeth teasingly at him. He laughed and placed a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. "Hey!" I shouted, pushing his hand away.
"Sure, you're absolutely terrifying," he teased. "Like a pomeranian."
I frowned. "Pomeranians can be scary," I countered, pointing an accusing finger at him.
"Right," he said with an eye roll. "We should head out. I'm sure Dean's done at the hospital by now." I nodded and hobbled to my feet, extending a hand to Sam. He gladly took it and I helped to hoist him to his feet, wobbling a bit from exertion. Sam dusted himself off and clutched his book tightly to his side. He gestured ahead of him, allowing me to lead the way. I grinned and marched down the small hallway, making my way towards the exit.
It was a lovely day, compared to the gloom of Colorado. The sun was high in the sky by now, finally making itself visible after the drizzle of rain and fog earlier that day, and it was nearly cloudless, save for the occasional wisp low on the horizon.
Suddenly, Sam crumpled and hissed through his teeth. I spun to face him in worry. He was clutching his head and whining through gritted teeth. "Sam!?" I called and raced forward, holding him upright.
"Vision..." he hissed out and straightened, towering over me. "The demon... in a nursery..."
"Where Sam?" I asked. If this was anything like his other visions, I had no doubt he was seeing the demon's next victim. "Can you see anything that would tell us where it is? Any sights, smells?" My voice fell dangerously low, coaxing any sort of answer out of him. It startled me just how deadly my voice sounded.
It hit me then just how much I wanted this demon dead. It had hurt my family- hell, it had hurt John and that alone was enough to piss me off. And now it was going to hurt others.
Sam hissed one last time and straightened, taking his hand palm away from his temple and cracking his eyes open. He winced at the sunlight that suddenly seemed harsh and unyielding to me. He blinked twice and grimaced, thinking deeply. Immediately, his eyes snapped open and he turned to charge back into the library.
"Sam!?" I called questioningly and chased him. He weaved through the rows of shelves and stopped at a librarian's desk, speaking hurriedly to her. I hadn't even made it to his side before he was off again, following the older woman through the maze of towering bookshelves.
When I found him again he was seated at an old table, a map laid out in front of him and a pen in hand. I spoke his name quizzically, which barely drew his attention. He pulled out a chair at his side and motioned for me to sit.
"I heard a train," he said simply, eyes roving over the page. "I'm looking for newer neighborhoods with a train station nearby."
"Find anything yet?" I inquired and hovered over the map, my eyes trailing over the long line of train tracks, running from the top left to the middle of the right.
Sam nodded and pointed to a spot in the mid-left section of the map. "Here. This is the only big neighborhood that fits the bill," he said, tapping the spot gently. "It's in the middle of everything; it's near the school, near grocery stores, and not far from downtown." He gazed up at me with determined eyes, jaw set firmly. "Perfect for new parents, don't you think?"
I shrugged. "I don't know much about being a parent, but it sounds pretty perfect. You want to call Dean and check it out?"
"No," he said flatly and folded the map, slipping it into his book. "No, that'll take too long. I say we check it out now."
"Without weapons or backup?" I questioned, resting my palms on the table and standing. "Sam, that's-"
"We'll be fine," Sam cut me off, sounding too sure of himself. "My vision was set at night, and it's-" he checked his watch, "4pm now. We'll be fine," he repeated. I paused and finally nodded, following him out of the library.
Thankfully, it was a rather short jaunt to the neighborhood Sam had found, maybe about fifteen minutes. The sun, although a nice change of pace from the previous night's rain, was beating down now and the temperatures were swelling.
Sam marched down the sidewalk, his eyes scanning up and down the row of houses and on the lookout for any indication of a train. His strides were much longer than my own, and I had to take two steps to match one of his. It was becoming exhausting having to nearly jog to keep up.
He finally stopped and winced, pressing a palm to his temple. He glared furiously at the ground and then bolted upright, hazel eyes falling upon a white house across the street. "That's it," he whispered out.
I looked at the house, with its white paint and sea green trim. The curtains were lace and it had a well-kept lawn and fenced-in yard.
A white picket fence.
"Look," Sam whispered, and I followed his gaze to a very pretty woman with a stroller and an umbrella hanging off her arm. "That's her," he said. Without missing a beat, he crossed the street and stopped beside her, making idle conversation. I tore across the street after him, skidding to a stop beside him.
Sam knelt beside the little baby carriage and cooed at the girl swaddled in the shade. "Wow, hi!" he murmured to the infant. "I'm sorry, I'm so rude," he spoke and extended a hand to the woman. "I'm Sam, I just moved in up the street. This," he said, gesturing to me and offered my name to the woman. “She's helping me move in."
"Hi," I said with a small, friendly wave, and held out my hand for her. She took it with her own sweet smile. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too," she said. "Well, I'm Monica, and this-" she leaned over the stroller as her baby took her finger, "-is Rosie."
"Hi, Rosie..." I said as I knelt beside the carriage and stuck a finger towards the baby. She grabbed it with a giggle, wrapping her tiny digits around mine.
The conversation seemed to fade away as I looked at her, her blue eyes boring into mine. I could hear- no, feel her tiny heartbeat pulsing in her chest. It was the first time since meeting Calliope that I had heard another heartbeat. But this time, I wasn't afraid.
I was elated. This little baby looked at the world with rose-colored glasses, like there was no evil. She looked at me like I was just another being.
I grinned sheepishly at the little girl and ran my fingertip over her pudgy knuckle. Kids were so simple, so beautiful, and pure. They knew nothing of evil in the world.
I wanted to make sure Rosie never experienced that evil.
"She seems to like you," Monica said softly. I tore my gaze away from Rosie and looked at her with astonishment. I had seen so few babies in my lifetime that the idea that this tiny little life form could like me was astounding. I grinned and turned my gaze back to her, taking her tiny hand in mine.
"She's such a good baby," Sam remarked, hovering over me and gazing at Rosie with interest. the baby giggled, bringing a wider smile to my lips.
"I know, I mean she...she never cries. She just stares at everybody. Sometimes she looks at you and I swear it's...it's like she's reading your mind," Monica replied. Her last comment drew my eyes back to hers.
"How long have you lived here for?" I asked softly.
Monica grinned and partially leaned against her stroller. "My husband and I bought our place just before Rosie was born."
"And how old is Rosie?" Sam questioned, nudging her other hand with his finger. She reflexively reached for it and burbled.
"Six months old, today," Monica responded, her chest inflating with pride. "She's so big- growing like a weed."
I froze, my finger stopping its gentle caressing movements over her knuckles. Today. Six months old today.
"Hey Monica..." Sam started. The new mother looked up expectantly, eyes wide with joy and excitement. I never wanted to see that look disappear from her eyes. "Just... take care of yourself."
She frowned in confusion and tilted her head. "Yeah, you too, Sam," she sighed and giggled, drawing a finger down Rosie's cheek. "I guess we'll be seeing you around?"
"Yeah, definitely," I said, standing and casting Rosie one last forlorn glance. And with that, Monica waved goodbye and continued her trek down the sidewalk and towards home. A car pulled into her driveway and she waved at the driver as he stepped out of the car. I assumed he was her husband, and he looked just as happy to see her as she did.
Sam and I watched the happy family, my eyes darting between the husband and wife. I longed for that life so much that it made my heart hurt. I felt weighted with worry and despair- would I ever have that life? A large part of me doubted it, knowing that few monsters ever found love or even started families. But a small part of me held on to the thin hope that maybe I would one day have my white picket fence and family.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 7 parts 1&2]
Oh my god Puen’s arm is so dead
Wait, what do Up and Aou think their relationship to Joob is?
“Hello, beautiful” Pang: *leaves*
I’ve completely fallen in love with the intro at this point
I imagine making a comedy is super-hard, it’s not just about the writing but timing and delivery as well
I see you Puen being the one to suggest a romance
“Our script should be more mellow with a girl on our team” I have no idea what any of that means
“I’m afraid you’d die” I think you should be ten times more afraid for yourself Talay
“Hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m your portkey?” yes, all the way back in episode 2
They should definitely be hearing what the other party is saying at this distance
Thankfully it didn’t occur to Talay that Puen might be dead
“Your scent smells nice” It’s true, Puen is an actual cat
Talay: *takes off the shirt* /much/ better
“I won’t let you go back alone” Puen’s heart launches itself into the wall
“I’m paying” Fuck your wallet Tess, you’re rich anyway
This reminds me it’s been a while and I wanna go see a movie in theaters too, fuck streaming services
Talay learn to lock the door for god’s sake
Now Talay has no one to share his popcorn with :c
Omg the show even pointed it out adjfkdl
This looks like such a comfy cinema, holy shit
“Who did anything to you?” me with people I hold dear (you included <3)
As much as I appreciate that Talay can talk to Tess’s brother, friends can be just as important if not more important as romantic interests, dickhead
Oh my god these two are such wrecks without each other
“One sec my ass, I’ve been waiting half an hour” Me and my autistic ass
LEARN TO LOCK TH–ugh fuck it
Btw you won’t hear me complain about the product placement because I was taught Thai BLs need it to even exist
Puen that pu(e)n was terrible why would you do this
Omg Puen is being so open and honest, good
What if he called him “kitten” in be–
I’d like Tess’s dad to cry but not for the same reason
Wait, what do Up and Aou think their relationship to Joob is? <<<<< the only time up and aou saw joob was when she and dol went to their movie premiere, so i think they just assumed she was one of tess and tun's friends
“Hello, beautiful” Pang: *leaves* <<<<< POOR PANG HAS TO DEAL WITH SO MUCH
I’ve completely fallen in love with the intro at this point <<<<< JUST ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
I imagine making a comedy is super-hard, it’s not just about the writing but timing and delivery as well <<<<< AGREED as a general rule i think making people laugh is way harder than making people cry, and when it comes to comedy there's also a very fine line between being funny and being absurd. the risk of overdoing it is always very high
“Our script should be more mellow with a girl on our team” I have no idea what any of that means <<<<< not sure what they meant with that either but i choose to interpret this as talay saying 'diversity is important and we should try to incorporate a different point of view in our story'
“Hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m your portkey?” yes, all the way back in episode 2 <<<<< I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THIS MULTIPLE TIMES BUT THE WAY THEIR ATTITUDE ON THIS COMPLETELY CHANGED IN THE SPAN OF A FEW EPISODES MAKES ME CRAZY. it's also SUCH GOOD ANGST because on one hand they (and we as viewers too) don't really know how portkeys work at this point, so it's impossible to say who is right between them, and on the other you have talay taking the fact that they aren't already back in their universe as proof that they aren't portkeys and so that they aren't meant to be, while puen is taking talay pushing him towards someone else as a rejection (more on this in the next post when the almost kiss happens if i ever get there alive)
WHAT IS THAT RANDOM-ASS BUST <<<<< truly a questionable choice in home decor sfjksgdj though now im wondering if it has some particular meaning because the show often does this (for example in episode 3 they actually show a wooden hand with its pinky out as a sort of foreshadow to the pinky promise puen and talay make at the end of it)
Thankfully it didn’t occur to Talay that Puen might be dead <<<<< VERA PLEASEFJKSGDKSG but also they slept in the same bed so many times i think at this point talay just knows puen sleep in the most ridiculous positions
“I won’t let you go back alone” Puen’s heart launches itself into the wall <<<<< AND MINE IS RIGHT BEHIND IT these two owe me so much monetary compensation for the shit they put me through
“I’m paying” Fuck your wallet Tess, you’re rich anyway <<<<< talay was so real for this because i, too, would just pay everything for my friends if i suddenly got rich
This reminds me it’s been a while and I wanna go see a movie in theaters too, fuck streaming services <<<<< BIG SAME i haven't seen anything in theaters since before covid it's been AGES and im grateful for streaming services to a point but it's just NOT THE SAME
PUEN BAILED??? FUCK <<<<< talay even took the time to dress nicely and search for the perfume puen liked 😭😭😭
Now Talay has no one to share his popcorn with :c // Omg the show even pointed it out adjfkdl <<<<< TWO MEN AND THEIR BAWL OF POPCORN THE ROMANCE OF THE CENTURY (the way im not even joking........)
LEARN TO LOCK THE DOOR <<<<< sfjksgdksg idk if it makes it any better, but back in episode 1 fuse and kita said that tess gave him the passcode to enter his place. i guess talay just never changed it sfjksgdj
“Who did anything to you?” me with people I hold dear (you included <;3) <<<<< VERA YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY YOU ARE SO SWEET 😭😭😭 SAME THOUGH IM READY TO FIGHT EVERYONE FOR YOU
As much as I appreciate that Talay can talk to Tess’s brother, friends can be just as important if not more important as romantic interests, dickhead <<<<< i tend to forgive kita for being like 'if you are so upset then that friend must be more than a friend' because that man has been talay's main support system for the entire show when it comes to his relationship with puen and coming to terms with his own feelings, so i just assume kita KNOWS who talay is talking about
Btw you won’t hear me complain about the product placement because I was taught Thai BLs need it to even exist <<<<< yeah and it's also like.... admittedly vice versa had way more product placements than usual, but it's also probably the reason why a show like the eclipse could be made without having any of them. anyway i still think most of the product placement scenes in vice versa are actually good or at least straight up adorable (nivea bathtub scene in episode 3 you will always be famous to me)
Puen that pu(e)n was terrible why would you do this <<<<< AS AN ITALIAN IM BOTH HORRIFIED AND DELIGHTED BY THAT PUN (AND I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE VERA)
Omg Puen is being so open and honest, good // TALAY STOP TEASING HIM HE’S BEING SINCERE, LOOK AT HIS POOR FACE <<<<< im sorry if im gonna sound rude but the way people were so pressed about puen not telling talay his name when him being so vulnerable and honest about his feelings was the most important thing for talay to begin with. it's not the name that matters to talay but knowing that when puen says "not many people see this side of me. you're one of them" he actually means it (the name thing has always been about puen's character arc, which is learning to accept himself, rather than talay's, which is letting himself love and be loved)
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h0tchner · 3 years
Any Age, Any Day, Anywhere (Part 1) - aaron hotchner x fem!reader
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: WRITTEN FOR AN ANON REQUEST: "ok hi so u already wrote a jealous reader and was wondering whats your take on jealous hotch? i mostly see him in fics as possessive and yeah being the leader type i would think he could also be possessive but i also think that he would just be sad like ya know he doubts himself as we saw in some episodes and i think he would need assurance and a lot of convincing that u only love him but if you’ve given that to him then thats the time he would be possessive and god i would love to imagine a possessive and feral aaron hotchner"
word count: 3.5k
includes: kissing, so much freaking adorable fluff, talk of body insecurities, insecure!hotch, protective!hotch, wifey reader, super brief mentions of pregnancy, alcohol, confrontation with a drunk asshole (derek & hotch are all over it tho dw), party at papa rossi's!, smut to come in next chapter...
rating: 18+ (technically there is no smut in this part, but there are adult themes such as drinking, kissing, etc.).
a/n: HELLO BESTIES! This is part one of a two-part fic! The next part will be pure filth, so keep your eyes peeled for some feral hotch content... ALSO! PLS (!!!!!!!!!!!) interact if you liked this, rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
“Aaron! Can you come here for a sec?” you call out to your husband from the bathroom, muttering curses under your breath as you try (and fail) for the third time to zip up the back of your black cocktail dress.
“Sure, I just need a minute,” he replies from the bedroom closet, securing the last opalescent button on the arm of his white dress shirt. He looks at himself in the closet mirror, zeroing in at the bags under his eyes and the sprinkling of grey in his stubble. He looks… tired. Tired and old. And he hates it.
Even though Aaron is only in his late-40s, he has lived lifetimes; years of working as Unit Chief of the BAU will do that to a man. Every horror he’s seen and every person he’s lost has weighed on his body and mind. In the past few months, amidst work changes and a new baby, he’s been exhausted and in fear that he’s letting himself go. Of course, being the stoic man that he is, he’s done his absolute best to hide these feelings from you. Tonight, however, he doesn’t know if he can. It’ll be your first night out together as a couple since welcoming baby girl Hotchner to the family four months ago. With no pressing family or work distractions, he just knows that you’ll be able to sense his apprehensions. It’s only a matter of when.
Taking in a breath, he turns a little to the side, frowning at his profile. Aaron winces a little at his “dad bod,” but quickly recovers from the discomfort, milliseconds after it flashes across his face.
“Aaron Hotchner get your handsome butt in here and help me zip my dress! We’re gonna be late,” you exclaim, trying one last time to reach the zipper before giving up and crossing your arms in defeat. You lean back lightly against the countertop facing the door, letting the fabric slip off your shoulders, and wait for your husband to rescue you from the hell that is this dress.
At the sound of your voice, Aaron snaps out of his trance. He shakes his head lightly, as if to physically erase the intrusive thoughts, and clears his throat. Grabbing his suit jacket off the hanger, he flicks off the closet light and closes the door behind him.
Languidly, he meanders from the closet toward the bathroom. He drags his feet a little longer than he normally would, still feeling off and a little bit shy about his appearance.
“Aaron,” you sing, “I’m waiting for –,” your jaw drops mid-sentence when Aaron appears in the doorway.
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out before you can stop yourself, eyes widening at the sight of the gorgeous man in front of you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, crossing over to you, searching your face for any ounce of reprieve.
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” you’re quick to reply, standing from your leaning position to meet him, holding out your hands.
He takes them in his own, cocking his head slightly, his soft hazel eyes boring into yours.
You shift forward, moving up on your toes to peck his soft pink lips.
He sighs into the kiss, feeling the warmth of your lips against his own. It feels so good that it almost makes him forget about how he is feeling… almost. But the dark thoughts come back, and he pulls away from you a bit, reluctantly.
Aaron clears his throat.
“You called me?” He questions, but it sounds more like a fact.
“Yeah,” you give his hands a squeeze. “I needed you to zip up my dress, but now,” you lean in again, “I kinda want you to rip it off me.” You offer him a sultry smirk, moving your hands up to rest on his broad chest. He moves his hands to settle on your hips.
You lick your lips and let your eyes rake over his body, taking in every ounce of his sexy frame. The way his crisp, white dress shirt hugs his solid body makes you go weak in the knees. His strong, toned legs in those black dress pants? Yes please. His soft black hair and salt and pepper stubble on his face are practically begging to be touched. He looks good. Damn good.
“You look…” you pause, tapping a finger lightly against his pectoral, searching for the right word, “…delicious.”
Aaron blushes lightly at your ogling, offering you a sad smile as he squeezes his eyes shut out of embarrassment.
You sense the falter in his demeanor, knowing that there’s something else nagging at him far beyond his usual flustering when you vocalize your attraction to him.
“Honey,” you implore, looping your hands around his neck to bring his forehead down to touch yours. “What’s going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours?”
“It’s nothing,” he mutters, swallowing, rubbing soft circles into your sides.
“It’s something,” you counter, carding a hand through his hair at the nape of his neck. You scratch lightly at his scalp, waiting for him to speak. You’ve learned that the best thing to do when Aaron gets in a mood is to give him some time to gather his thoughts. Keeping him close, physically, is a way to show him some comfort without pressuring him to speak. It encourages him, without words, that your arms are a safe place.
“I don’t…” he starts, and then stops himself. His dark eyebrows furrow and his mouth presses into a thin line.
“Mhm?” you question, fingers still tangled in his thick, black locks.
He pulls his forehead away from yours and locks eyes with you. You let your hands be still now, a silent gesture to show him that you’re listening.
He takes in a breath.
“I don’t look the way I used to,” he says quietly, shifting his eyes away from yours.
“What do you mean,” you urge him to continue.
“I mean, I don’t look like I did five years ago. Two years ago. Four months ago. I mean, I was practically a different man when we first met. I was younger, fitter…” he trails off, visibly upset.
“Yes, Aaron, you were,” you agree, keeping your tone temperate.
His eyes snap to yours, confused. It’s clear that was not what he was expecting you to say.
“You were a different man,” you continue gently, resuming your pacifying touch in his hair, “and I was a different woman.”
Aaron lets out a huff.
“Do you love me any less now than you did five years ago?” You ask him.
“Of course not,” he’s quick to answer.
“Why is that?” You prod.
“You’re gorgeous, inside and out. You’re funny, smart, loving…” he begins, but you interrupt him before he can go on.
“And,” you butt in, “if I were to go completely grey, gain thirty pounds, and only wear a potato sack to work every day would you love me any less?”
Aaron huffs again, but this time he’s fighting a smile. He’s starting to catch on. You watch as a spark of levity returns to his eyes. He holds you a little tighter.
“No. There’s nothing you could do or say to make me love you any less,” he grumbles in annoyance, but his upturned lip and matching eyebrow tell a different story.
“Ditto, baby,” you smile up at him. “I love you at any age, any day, anywhere, and there is nothing in the world that can make me change my mind.”
He dips down then, capturing you in a kiss, grinning against your lips.
You giggle as Aaron works his way down your jawline and neck, gasping as he kisses the soft skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder, thick fingers gripping the sides of your hips. He moves his lips back up to your earlobe, nipping at it lightly as you let out another soft gasp.
“You always know the right thing to say,” he whispers into your ear, pressing another kiss right underneath it.
“Aaron, I know I said I wanted you to take this dress off me,” you say breathlessly as Aaron nips at your shoulder again, “but Rossi will kill us if we don’t show up tonight. Plus, I really want the chance to show off my super sexy FBI husband. It’s been far too long.”
He lets out a low groan into your skin and gives your hips a squeeze, nuzzling his head into your neck.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, “you’re right.”
“Aren’t I always,” you snort, eliciting a chuckle from your husband as you turn around in his arms to let him zip you up.
He takes his time, letting his fingers brush lightly over your spine as he draws the zipper over your back. When he’s done and the clasp is latched, he kisses one shoulder lightly, and then the other.
“Thank you,” you whisper, leaning back against his warm body.
“No, honey,” he kisses the top of your head, “thank you.”
By the time you and Aaron arrive at Rossi’s mansion, the party is already in full swing. Judging by the number of cars in the makeshift parking lot on his spacious front lawn, there must be at least fifty, maybe even a hundred people here.
Despite the bustle of the evening, it doesn’t take long for you two to find Emily, Penelope, and Derek in the living room, drinks in hand, snacking on some very expensive looking food.
“Hey, look! It’s the Hotchners!” Emily cheers, teetering on the arm of the leather couch, wine glass in hand.
“Hello beautiful BAU power-couple!” Penelope chimes in from the seat next to her, cuddled up into Derek’s side.
You laugh and let go of Aaron’s hand, walking over to greet your friends.
“Hey hot stuff, look at you, look at you!” Derek chimes in, eyeing you up and down before standing to shake Aaron’s hand.
“Oh, please,” you roll your eyes at him as you give Emily a big hug.
“And you don’t look bad yourself, boss man!” Derek adds.
You shoot your husband an ‘I told you so’ look over your shoulder, before untangling your arms from Emily and giving Penelope an equally enthusiastic squeeze.
“It’s good to see you all,” Aaron smiles lightly, all dimples in the low light. He steps in to give Emily and Penelope soft hugs.
“Let’s go get you a drink,” Derek says to Aaron, clapping him on the back.
“White?” Aaron looks to you, even though he already knows the answer.
“Yes please,” you respond, “thank you.”
“Be back soon,” he smiles easily, kissing your cheek, making your heart ache.
Aaron and Derek turn and exit the room together.
Penelope drunkenly pats the seat next to her, and you plop down on the couch.
“We’ve missed you like this!” Emily exclaims, gesturing between the three of you and around the room. “I can’t believe we’ve had to wait nine whole months plusanother four just to have a drink with our best friend again.”
You laugh at her, tilting your head back lightly. “Well, you guys got a beautiful little niece out of it, doesn’t that make up for all the wild girl’s nights I missed?”
Emily sighs, dramatically, “I guess so,” she jests.
“Oh, for sure.” Penelope adds. “You look freaking gorgeous, by the way. I mean, I would have never guessed you were creating a tiny human in that body only a few months ago!”
You blush lightly at her words, “You flatter me far too much, Pen. I owe this,” you gesture down at your figure, “all to Spanx!”
“Amen!” Emily toasts. You raise an imaginary glass to theirs and pretend to clink, taking a swig of invisible liquid.
“Are J.J. and Will here?” You ask them after they’ve had a few more sips of their wine.
“Yeah, yeah,” Emily nods, “they’re around somewhere.”
You take a moment and look around the room, taking in all the sights and the sounds of the party. You see some faces you recognize from around the bureau, but others you don’t. Just as you’re about to turn back to your friends, someone catches your eye. One face stands out from the crowd: he’s a young, suave-looking man in a sharp navy suit. Sandy hair perfectly gelled, shiny brown loafers, and bright blue eyes looking right at you. In another life you would have been exhilarated by his attention, apparent charm, and good looks, but now? Now, you’re married to the love of your life with an amazing stepson and a wonderful baby girl. His wolfish gaze means absolutely nothing to you. You simply flash him a curt smile and turn back to Emily and Penelope without a second thought.
You and your friends resume your chatter, waiting for the men to return with more drinks... only they don’t. Perhaps its “new mother anxiety” talking, but the longer your husband is gone, the more you start to grow concerned. A few more minutes pass of antics, laughter, and catching up until the nagging voice in the back of your head turns into an all-out scream. All you know is that you’re suddenly feeling very overwhelmed need to be with Aaron. So, you announce to your friends that you’re going to hunt down Derek and your husband.
You stand from the couch and smooth out the skirt of your dress with the promise to be back in a few minutes.
You walk out of the living room and into the grand foyer, following the same route as Aaron had earlier. Your black kitten heels click on the marble flooring, the skirt of your dress swishing lightly as you walk with purpose towards the kitchen. You’re so concentrated on reaching your destination that you don’t realize the man who had been watching you in the living room was now hot at your heels, following you through the house. It’s only when a hand reaches out and jerks your arm backward that you stop, startled, just past the grand staircase, turning face to face with him.
“You’re not an easy woman to get alone,” he smirks, reeking of alcohol, still gripping your arm, tight. Up close he is decidedly not as handsome as the low light of the living room made him seem. In fact, he seems… creepy. Really, really, really, creepy.
“Can I help you?” You blink at him, pulling your arm out of his vice grip.
“You sure can, baby,” he steps closer to you, voice oozing with sleaze. You gag at the liquor on his breath.
Moving away, you scowl at him, crossing your arms across your chest.
“What’s say you and I head upstairs for a little while? I’m dying to get my hands on your body.” He jerks his head toward the staircase, reaching out to grab your arm again.
You’re fuming at this point, ready give him a piece of your mind when a stern voice beats you to it.
“Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing?” Aaron articulates, approaching you both with Derek not far behind.
You breathe a sigh of relief as your husband glares at the drunken man vengefully, coming to stand by your side. Aaron pulls you into him, roughly, hand tight around your waist. The anger radiating off your husband is equally terrifying and HOT.
“Take a walk, man,” Derek adds in, coming to stand next to the drunken asshole. The man looks from you, to Aaron, then over to Derek, and finally back at you.
“Whatever,” the man grumbles, putting his hands up, “she’s not worth it anyway. Not pretty enough for the hassle. I just thought she looked like an easy lay.”
“That’s enough,” Aaron snaps, seething. “Leave now, before I make you,” your husband growls. He angles his body forward so you’re slightly behind him. A shiver passes through you at his fierce protectiveness.
“Fine, I’m going to get another drink,” the man utters.
“No,” Aaron interjects, “the party. Leave the party or I’ll have you removed.”
“What’s your problem?” The creepy man retorts, this time, more confrontationally.
“My problem?” Aaron says, angrily. You feel his entire body tense at the accusation.
“Hotch,” Derek warns, “I’ll take care of it. You guys go enjoy yourselves. Forget about him.”
“Come on, Aaron,” you tug on his suit jacket lightly, eyes pleading… but Aaron doesn’t budge from his spot. He only holds you tighter as he continues to stare down the man as Derek ushers him away and towards the front door. He doesn’t falter until they are out of sight.
“Aaron?” You repeat.
He looks down at you, finally, blinking away the fury until all that’s left is an all-consuming love. He releases you from his protective hold, and you face him.
“I’m okay,” you assure him in earnest, letting out a shaky breath.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” he breathes, bringing his hands up to cup your face.
“Aaron, it’s okay, really,” you bite your lip, shifting your eyes away from his.
“You’re so beautiful,” Aaron kisses your forehead, and then the top of your head. “So, so beautiful, and I’m so sorry.”
“Aaron, can we just go home?” You ask.
“Sure,” he kisses your head one last time before weaving his fingers between yours and guiding you gently toward the back exit.
The car ride home is quiet. The only sounds are the occasional click of the turn signal, and the hum of the wheels on the road. Aaron is still upset, and so are you, but you’re also… something else. Something you can’t quite put your finger on. You feel guilty for ruining the evening, guilty that you FEEL guilty for something you had no control over, hungry, tired, and… horny? Oh, and guilty for feeling horny.
It isn’t helping that one of Aaron’s hands is planted firmly on your thigh. He lifts it only to adjust the air conditioning or to scratch his nose, but otherwise it remains on you the whole way home. When he pulls into the driveway of your shared house, and shuts the car off, he still doesn’t move it.
“Honey?” You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are closed. You take in the strong features of his profile, noting the prominence of his nose and the way his eyelashes rest on his high cheekbones.
“I almost punched him.” Aaron whispers, opening his eyes to look over at you sheepishly.
“You what,” you exhale, mouth slightly agape.
“That guy,” he continues, bringing his left hand up to pinch his nose. “I almost punched him for saying that about you.”
You snort, amused by his confession.
Your husband lets out a short laugh, squeezing your thigh as he does.
“I would’ve liked to see that.” You’re grinning now and so is he.
He flashes his eyes at you and laughs again, this time less anxiously. You join him, feeling the tension dissipate with every passing moment.
“My big, bad FBI man decking a barely-legal drunk dickhead for making a move on his wife? Where can I get my tickets?” You joke.
As you say the words “his wife,” Aaron’s breath hitches in his throat. His hand on your thigh presses down instinctively. Neither of his reactions go unnoticed.
You lay a hand over his where it rests on your leg.
“You know, Aaron,” you begin.
He looks over at you, jaw tight, but this time it isn’t from anger.
“This is the first time we’ve had the house all to ourselves in months,” you pull his hand off you and bring it up to your lips. You press a kiss to his palm, and then to his wrist.
“This… is true,” he breathes out, studying you, taking you in.
“So, I’m just wondering:” you grin, linking your fingers with his, “are you going to carry your wife into our house, Aaron? Or do I have to walk myself?”
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marjansmarwani · 4 years
maybe, I’m afraid 
3.8k || ao3
Episode 2x06, but with Carlos (as it should have been)
Just me here again to give Carlos the screen time he should have had. 
A little late to the party maybe (I have no idea how you all manage to get fics up within 24 hours of the episode, I am in awe of that ability) but I still felt the need to make my contribution.
Most days Carlos was pretty sure that after 7 years on the force he had seen everything there was to see. 
Other days he got a call to respond to two teenagers trapped in a homemade minefield and he was forced to reevaluate that sentiment. 
It doesn’t take long to figure out all there is to know, including just how bad it really is, and by the time the familiar ladder truck pulled up (because of course it was the 126) he was waiting outside the passenger door to give Owen the rundown. 
“Officer Reyes,” he greeted when he saw him, “I’m surprised to see you. I thought this would be a little out of your jurisdiction.” 
Carlos shook his head, “Just barely within it, another half-mile and the sheriffs would be handling the call.”
“But you managed to snag it, lucky you.”
“Can’t say I would have been too upset if I had missed out on this one,” Carlos agreed drily. 
Owen hummed in agreement as he surveyed the scene, “What are we looking at, exactly?”  
It was a bleak picture: two brothers, trapped. One injured, both scared and stuck in an active minefield without a map. And the bomb squad was at least 40 minutes out. He saw his concern reflected on Owen’s face as he considered the situation and all the implications. If they waited, the boy would die. If they went in, he would be possibly sending some of his people to die too. 
And yet Carlos knew what choice he was going to make before he even opened his mouth. He had learned so many things during his time with TK, and one of them was that in so many ways he and his dad were a lot alike. If it were his call, TK wouldn’t have been able to leave those boys in there either. So when the instruction came, he wasn’t surprised. 
“We’re going to need the heaviest duffel we can find and spray paint - the brighter the better.”
Carlos locked eyes with TK briefly as he and the rest of his team turned to start gathering supplies, giving him a smile and hoping that it conveyed everything he wanted him to know: it would be alright, no matter what. 
He almost believed it too. 
All was calm at the start, the 126 functioning like the well-oiled machine they were. In no time they were prepped and Owen was striding back towards the ambulance, asking the new guy if he was ready to go. The discussion quickly transformed into an argument and Carlos couldn’t help but glance back over at the minefield and the brothers. Every moment they argued was one less moment these boys had. Carlos was considering stepping in when a new voice entered the discussion, effectively bringing the escalating argument to a halt. 
“I’ll go.” 
And Carlos froze because he knew that voice. He would know it anywhere, it drew him like a moth to a flame in any room. He turned slowly to find TK standing slightly apart from his crew, stance relaxed but jaw set in determination. 
“I was a dual function FD medic in New York,” he explained, voice calm and firm, “all my certifications are up to date. I can do this.” 
Carlos didn’t need to be looking at him, didn’t need to see where his gaze shifted to know that those last words were directed at his dad. The knowledge made Carlos’s heart ache. The fact that his boyfriend still felt the need to prove himself to his dad after all this time and all he had accomplished killed him, but the thought of TK willingly walking into the minefield killed him even more. 
But it wasn’t his choice to make and when Owen nodded, he felt a cold dread spread throughout his body. This wasn’t how today was supposed to go. Today was not supposed to be the day he watched his boyfriend walk into an active minefield. That day was never supposed to come, and yet here it was. 
He walked over to where TK was switching out his gear, struggling with a strap that was twisting over his shoulder. He reached out for the strap without a word, smoothing it out and snapping it in place. They didn’t speak as Carlos stepped back, surveying the harness and gear for any other twists or issues. 
“It’s going to be fine, Carlos.” 
TK’s voice, soft and reassuring, broke the silence and Carlos met his eyes sharply. He wanted so desperately to believe him, but there was a field filled with explosives that had already claimed one life today behind them and he was finding it hard to be optimistic. 
“Are you sure about this?” he asked instead. 
TK pulled his helmet on, his steady gaze never leaving Carlos, “Of course I’m sure, the kid’s going to die if we don’t go out there, Carlos. I need to help if I can.” 
Carlos reached down to grab his medical bag and held it out to him. He didn’t like the thought of the man he loved purposefully putting himself in harm’s way, but he also knew TK. As much as he might hate it sometimes, this was TK: always ready to help, always willing to put himself at risk if it meant saving someone else, and there was nothing Carlos could do to change that. And he wouldn’t want to - it was a part of TK that made him who he was: someone that Carlos loved with all his heart. 
When TK reached out to take the bag from him, he didn’t release it immediately. He let his grip linger for an extra moment as he studied TK, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Just, be careful,” he told him softly. TK gave him a small smile, and Carlos released his grip on the bag, allowing TK to walk away, towards the minefield. He was still watching as he ascended the ladder that would drop him out onto the minefield when he felt the presence of others appearing at his side. 
“He’ll be okay kid,” Judd said quietly, eyes never leaving the sight of the two Strands climbing to the end of the ladder. 
“You don’t know that Judd,” Carlos responded just as quietly, already feeling his fingernails digging into his palm as he clenched his hands at his side. 
“No,” the older man agreed softly, “I don’t. But I do know they’ll be as careful as they can.” 
Carlos nodded, eyes tracking every movement desperately. They had reached the edge of the ladder now and he watched as Owen tossed down the duffel, as they both reeled back in preparation for an explosion. He could feel his heart skip a beat and his breath catch in his throat as they waited, but there was only silence and after a moment, he allowed himself to breathe again. 
“I don’t know if my heart can take this,” Paul lamented from his left, “that was nerve-wracking and they still have a long way to go.” 
Carlos nodded wearily, but caught his retort before it slipped out of his mouth: if they made it that far. He didn’t need to release that idea into the universe and the others didn’t need to hear it. So he swallowed it and continued watching. Each and every movement they made was agonizing to watch, but each and every thud of them landing unharmed gave him a moment to catch his breath, a brief reprieve for his heart to beat normally. They had settled into a rhythm, and everything was going smoothly. 
Until it wasn’t. 
The sound of the mine exploding filled the air around them and worked its way into Carlos’s soul. It sent shockwaves through his body as he watched, desperately trying to see through the haze of smoke and debris. He couldn’t see him, he didn’t know if he was okay. 
That fact was more than enough to bring on the fear. It attacked him with a vengeance, freezing him to the spot. He felt as if the whole world froze in that moment; suspending him in the terror of not knowing, trapping him with doubt and fear. 
And then he heard TK’s voice, and he could breathe again. It might just be the most wonderful thing he had ever heard. 
When Owen’s voice sounded across the radios, confirming that they were both in one piece, time picked back up at its usual pace. He felt himself sag in relief, grateful for the knowing and supportive hand on his shoulder from Judd. He spared a glance at the others, seeing his relief reflected on their faces and in their stances. 
Marjan let out a long breath, “That was…” 
“Intense,” Paul agreed grimly, “let’s never do that again.” 
They all nodded, and Carlos couldn’t agree more. 
If there was an upside to that moment it was that the path forward was now clear and the two Strands made quick work of the rest of the journey, closing the distance between them and the boys in seconds. Carlos watched in awe as TK slipped into medic mode the moment he reached the boys’ sides, calmly managing the scene and taking care of the patient. It was a wonder to watch. He handled it all with focus and compassion, quietly reassuring the boys even as he gave instructions to his dad and administered care. He was cool and steady even as he delivered the lifesaving compressions, forcing the teen’s blood to pump through his veins with his own hands. It was only minutes before his voice sounded over the radio, announcing that the injured boy was stable and no amount of fear or worry could have stopped the intense pride Carlos felt in that moment. 
“Kid’s got some skills,” Judd observed with a fond smile and Carlos could only grin. 
Paul nodded, “Looks like someone’s been holding out on us, that was pretty impressive I must admit.” 
“Badass is more like it!” Mateo exclaimed and Marjan, standing next to him, laughed even as she placed a hand on his arm. 
“Steady Probie,” she reminded him, “they still have to get out of there. Let’s not jinx anything.”
Her words tempered the celebratory mood of the group, but even though Carlos had never let go of that fear (he knew he wouldn’t until TK was out of the minefield and at least 2 miles away) it felt different from before. It was wrapped in that pride now, and even as Carlos watched them prep to move and the bomb squad moved out to locate and detonate any mines along the path, he couldn’t shake that. It was almost stronger than the fear now, this pride he felt for TK. That was his boyfriend; the person who had just saved two young brothers in the middle of a minefield was the man he loved. Just when he thought that he had come to know every bit of his body and soul, he managed to surprise him all over again. 
It took every ounce of restraint and professionalism Carlos had to not rush over to TK the moment he cleared the edge of the minefield. He forced himself to wait, focusing on his own job while keeping a watchful eye on TK as he reported back to Captain Vega, as he got an exam from the new paramedic. It wasn’t until he headed back to the ladder truck that Carlos broke away from the crowd, meeting him at the side of the engine. TK looked up as he approached, a smile on his face and a greeting on his lips, but Carlos pulled him into his arms before he even had a chance to speak. 
He held him tightly, savoring the feeling of his breath on his collar and the faint sound of the beating of his heart. His familiar scent filled Carlos’s head with each breath and he closed his eyes. He would have been happy to stand there forever, feeling this and just being them and while he knew they couldn’t, he was determined to have at least a few moments more before the world interrupted. If nothing else, the universe at least owed him this. 
“I’m okay Carlos,” TK said evenly, his voice muffled against Carlos’s shoulder. 
But you almost weren’t. The words rang through his head, but he didn’t speak them. Instead he pulled away just enough to see TK’s face as he asked, “Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” TK assured him firmly, placing a steady hand on his chest, “the new medic looked me over but I could have told you anyway, I’m fine. Not injured, my dad and I both made it out and so did the boys. This was a win Carlos, I’m more than okay.” 
And he was, Carlos saw as he studied him. He was beaming; enthusiasm pouring out of him. His eyes were alight with something Carlos couldn’t name and he was practically vibrating. Despite everything, Carlos couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He was still worried, still terrified by all the ‘what ifs,” but seeing TK like this gave him a lightness he couldn’t have imagined feeling even a few minutes before. 
He shook his head, trying to mask his smile with little success, “I am glad you’re so pleased with yourself, considering you almost gave the rest of us a heart attack.” 
He had been going for a joke but he instantly regretted it when TK dimmed, “I’m sorry,” he told him sincerely, “I didn’t mean to scare you guys, especially you. I just knew I could help…” 
Carlos interrupted him, moving his hands so they were on each of TK’s shoulders, “You have nothing to apologize for Ty,” he assured him firmly, “you did the right thing. You saved a kid’s life and you did amazing. I am so proud of you.” 
TK’s smile returned, softer than before but still glowing with pride, “You are, are you?” 
Carlos leaned down to place a soft and tender kiss on his forehead, “I am. So incredibly proud. You’re a pretty impressive guy, you know that?”
TK’s smile could have lit up the world and Carlos would have been happy to let it. But they were both still on the job and decidedly not alone, as they were suddenly reminded when Paul peaked around the side of the engine. He smirked at them before calling over his shoulder, “Yeah, they’re decent back here, you guys can come around.” 
Carlos rolled his eyes at his friend while TK casually flipped him off. Paul crossed towards them, completely unfazed before reaching out and pulling TK into a hug of his own. “You can’t keep scaring me like that man,” he told TK when they pulled apart, “I’m getting too old for that crap.” 
TK rolled his eyes at his teammate and Carlos chuckled. He looked behind him to see the rest of the team materializing. 
“That’s my cue,” he told TK, “I need to get back to work and get this scene wrapped up anyways. I’ll see you at home later?” 
TK nodded, reaching out to squeeze his hand, “I’ll be there right after my shift.” 
“Think you can make it until then without nearly dying on me again?” 
“I’ll do my best,” TK assured him and Carlos smiled. 
“That’s all I ask,” he responded, “I love you.” 
“Love you too, Carlos.” 
Carlos smiled at that, the warmth he felt every time he heard those words from TK rushing through him. With one last squeeze of the hand holding his own, he stepped away, letting TK’s team get in their time. As he reached the corner of the engine he looked back, still feeling the whirlwind of emotions deep in his chest. 
But TK was safe and happy - he couldn’t ask for anything more. So he turned the corner and returned to the task at hand. 
“You know, that call today? It felt good, really good.” 
Carlos looked up from his dinner sharply to see TK idly playing with his, his focus clearly elsewhere. “Please don’t tell me this means you have decided to become a real-life minesweeper, I am going to have some objections to that,” Carlos deadpanned. 
TK laughed lightly, shaking his head, “No, not quite.” 
“Thank god, I don’t think my heart could handle that.” 
TK shook his head fondly at Carlos before his expression grew more pensive, “I didn’t mean the minefield, or even the danger or adrenaline. I meant the saving the boy part. I know I do that all the time as a firefighter, but there’s something different about doing it as a medic. I haven’t had the chance to really do any medical calls since moving to Austin, with the way the department is structured.” 
“You’ve never really talked about it before,” Carlos noted, “I’ve seen you do medical stuff in the field, but before today I didn’t even know you were dual certified.” 
TK shrugged, “It just never really came up, I guess. It’s pretty typical in New York, but their firehouses are structured differently. I guess once I made my peace with being down here I never really thought about it again. It’s not like I could do both the same way I used to.” 
His tone was almost wistful as he turned his gaze down to his plate, but Carlos had a feeling he wasn’t really seeing the food on it. “Sounds like you miss it,” he ventured after a few more moments of silence. 
“Sometimes I do.” 
“So why not go for it?” 
TK looked at him sharply, but Carlos just shrugged, “What? You’ve spent most of the past hour talking about it and you mentioned how the new guy quit and there’s an opening on the paramedic team within your first 10 minutes of showing up tonight. I know you and I know you’re already thinking about it, so why not try it?” 
“Even if I applied, there are so many other candidates. There’s no saying she’d pick me.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. She knows you and how dedicated you are to your job. She saw you in action today, willing to take the risk that someone else wasn’t in order to save a patient. You did the job well and you did it under insane pressure after months of not doing it. If I were her, I’d be wondering what you’d be capable of on an average day.”  
TK looked startled at the efficient takedown of his doubts, but Carlos just raised an eyebrow, “Next?” 
He would dismantle his boyfriend’s doubts with logic one by one if need be. Whatever it took for him to start believing in himself the way Carlos did. 
“I’d have to leave the team,” he said softly, “I wouldn’t be working with them anymore. We’re like a family, I can’t just leave them.” 
Carlos reached across the table to take TK’s hand in his own, “It’s not like you’d be leaving the station,” he reminded him, “you’d still be in the same building and on the same schedule. And they’re not going to feel like you abandoned them, Ty, they’ll still be right there. And right here,” he added with a laugh, gesturing towards his living room, “we’ve fed them, I don’t think we are ever going to get rid of them now.” 
That pulled a smile out of TK, but there was still so much doubt in his eyes that it hurt Carlos to see it. 
“What do you think they would say, if you told them it was something you wanted?” he asked instead, “Do you think they would tell you to forget about it? To stay with them because it was more comfortable?” 
“No,” TK said quickly, “of course they wouldn’t.” 
“So why are you worried about them? They want what’s best for you and they always will. Unless,” he hedged when TK’s expression didn’t clear, “they’re not the ones you’re worried about.” TK pulled his gaze up from the table and Carlos saw all the confirmation in them that he needed, “Your dad?” 
TK nodded, and Carlos sighed. “TK…”
“It would be a big change Carlos,” he said softly. “Except for my probationary period, I have always worked with my dad. I don’t want him to take it personally.” 
“But it is a little personal, isn’t it?” 
He was careful to keep his tone even, non-judgemental and he watched TK closely, waiting for his response. 
“Maybe a little, yeah,” TK admitted. “I feel like this would be a way for me to really see who I am without him right there. It’s not like this is a reaction to him or any news he may have shared recently,” he added hastily, “I would hope I’m past the ‘blowing my life up to piss off my dad’ point, but it is something to consider. And…” 
He trailed off, but Carlos had a feeling he knew what was going to come next, “And you’re worried he might take it personally?” he suggested. 
TK nodded and Carlos sighed and set down his fork, reaching across the table again to pull both of TK’s hands into his own, “Look,” he began, “what’s important is why you’re thinking about this. So, what is it? Why are you thinking about becoming a paramedic?” 
“Because I think I’d love it,” TK said without any hesitation, “because I feel like it’s the best way I can help people.” 
Carlos smiled at him, squeezing the hands in his grasp softly, “Then I think you have your answer. You should do this because it is what you want and because it is right for you. That’s all that matters. Everything else - and everyone else - will fall into place.” 
“And if they don’t?” TK asked softly, and Carlos felt a pang in his heart at the sound of so much doubt in the other man’s voice. 
“They will,” Carlos assured him. “Nothing ever stays the same, remember? And your dad knows that. We all know that. And,” he added, leaning forward in his seat to close some of the distance between them, “I will be here for you, every step of the way. No matter what.”  
The smile TK gave him warmed every inch of his body. They sat in companionable silence for a while, intertwined hands connecting them across the table until TK spoke again. 
“If you really mean that,” he began with a grin, “I could probably use some help with my resume.” 
“Anything for you,” Carlos quipped back, but even as he said the words he squeezed their clasped hands. He meant that, in every way possible. He would be here for resumes and job interviews and everything in between, as long as TK wanted him to be. 
Judging by the way TK met his eyes, and the soft ‘thank you’ that fell from his lips, he had a feeling he felt the same way too. 
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
An Introduction Pt.3- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2
Requests for this series is now open!!! You can request for ships, episode inserts, and headcanons for this series!!! More info can be found here
Summary: You guys are like the "Friends" of the crime-fighting world. Robin's totally Ross and if this was one of those episodes, it would be called "The one where aliens get their asses kicked"
Ships: none, see info above
A/N: Once again this is a reader insert for the Teen Titans 2003 show season 5 episode 10 (the one where they all meet!) I also added an epilogue for funzies.
You found yourself in a dark bubble of Raven’s magic, floating up to the alien ship. You had offered to water jet all six of you up, but you weren’t even sure if you could create that big of a geyser. Besides, a quiet bubble is much better than a large geyser. Beast Boy, however, disagreed.
“That dark energy stuff gives me the--” He was cut off by a glare from Raven. ”Uh...I mean, it's cool!” He gives a guilty grin.
Robin tells us to go to the firing control room, and you all crept through the hallway in a single file line: Robin, the pink-haired girl, Beast Boy, You, Cyborg, and Raven, who you noticed was still near the entrance. Cyborg gave you a look as if to say Keep going; I’ll handle this. You nodded and continued walking forward.
You were walking near Beast Boy, when you noticed a cut on his arm, with that part of his suit torn open. You pointed at it.
“Hey, you alright?” you asked, referring to the gnash.
“Oh this?” He replies. “This is nothing. When you’ve been a part of the DOOM patrol, a little cut is nothing.” He smiles confidently, patting his wound. You realize that he was totally bluffing when a comical tear springs from his eye and his arm tenses.
“Here I can help.” you say softly. Concentrating on the air between your hands, you condense the liquid in the air, forming a small bubble of water. You move that bubble of water onto his arm and it begins to glow. You let go of the water, revealing Beast Boy’s arm to be completely healed.
“Dudeee,” he stares in awe of your handiwork. “That's so cool-” He’s interrupted by your stumbling; healing really does take a lot out of you. He lets you lean on him, and the two of you continued walking forwards. After a few seconds, he stops.
“Uh, guys?” he says. And that's when you noticed it too. The six of you were surrounded by alien soldiers, and they seemed really out for your blood. “I think they know we’re here.” The six of you charged at the fleet of soldiers. But Robin seemed to have an idea.
“Raven!” he yelled. “Take out part of the floor!” Raven looked at him with confusion, but then nodded and did as she was told. With a large SMASH, she removed the part of the bottom of the ship, revealing the water below. The water below you realized, suddenly understanding Robin’s plan.
“Aquagirl! Now!” he yelled, holding off a soldier with his staff.
“On it!” you yell, punching another alien out of the way. (Apparently with water powers came enhanced strength, which you found out at that moment.)
Concentrating on the water below, you raised your arms, allowing the ocean to shoot up from below. Instead of blasting the water through the entire ship, you carefully controlled it to grab onto the aliens that were attacking your friends, pulling them through the hole and causing them to fall into the ocean below.
You looked at the door to the control room, which was locked shut.
“I got this.” Robin said, placing something shaped like a birdirang onto the door.
As the bidirang counted down, you heard Trogaar talking from behind the door. “The Earth scum shall learn it takes more than six juvenile heroes to defy the mighty Lord Trogaar!” he said, most likely with a smile on his face. You all looked at each other, prepared to prove him wrong.
The door exploded, and Robin was the first to get through. “We’re not six heroes,” he declared. “We’re one team.” Him considering the six of you a team sparked something inside of you. You all split up to take down Trogaar and his guard, with Robin at the lead. You took on a guard, kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying towards a wall.
You noticed that Robin was on the shoulders of Trogaar, and you sent a jet of water to his face to knock him off balance. That didn’t work and he threw Robin across the deck. Luckily, he landed on his feet. The two of you joined to fight Trogaar, taking turns to land punches and kicks. However he overpowered you and Robin, throwing you both across the room. You landed on your back, but Robin hit the wall with the back of his head and fell to the floor.
“Robin! Aquagirl!” The alien girl yelled. You got up as quickly as possible and helped Robin up from sitting position as she and Cyborg tried to take on Trogaar, only to be thrown in your direction as well.
Still leaning on you, Robin looked at Cyborg’s arm. “Can you rewire that into some sort of weapon?” he asked.
“I can try,” he said, getting up. The four of you were in a fighting stance, despite being injured and surrounded by Trogaar and his goons. Suddenly, you hear a voice, as clear as day.
“Get away from my friends!” It was Raven, supporting an injured beast boy. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” she chanted. Part of the ship exploded, sending it crashing into the ocean.
You found yourself standing in the ship, the roof torn off and making a slow descent into the ocean. All of the alien soldiers were groaning on the ground, but Robin, Cyborg, and the alien girl were all unharmed. The four of you watched in horror as Trogaar aimed to attack Raven when BLAM! You turned to see Cyborg standing next to you with a smoking sonic blaster in place of his arm. He grins.
“Alright I’m only gonna say this once. Boo-Yah!”
“Yo, is it just me or are some of these guys starting to move again?” Beat Boy points out, still slumped in Raven’s arms. He was right; a few of the aliens began to twitch, making attempts to get up. You turn to the other 5 people.
“You guys don’t worry. They’re in the ocean now, meaning that they’re in my territory.” You cracked your knuckles, your eyes glowing blue.
It’s the next morning and you find yourself sitting with Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, looking at a view of the bay and an island
“Thanks so much for the new suit Cyborg!” you say, fiddling with your brand new outfit. You were wearing a cropped short-sleeve rash guard and swim shorts, both with deep cyan and black patterns. He also gave you black gauntlets with curved spikes ‘To protect yourself from bad guys and still be aerodynamic!’ according to him. Robin gave you one of his old yellow belts, since he figured you’ll probably need something to carry stuff in. Finally, you found some black scuba shoes from the swimwear store that allowed you to walk and swim with ease.
“Its no problem AG! I figured you needed a new outfit if you’re gonna be a superhero now” Cyborg chuckled, calling you a new nickname that he probably made up just then. Superhero, you thought. I like the sound of that.
Raven had a far away look in her eyes.“That's quite a view.” she said, still staring that the scenery
“Somebody oughta build a house out there,” Cyborg agreed, his voice now softer.
“Yeah, if you like sunshine and the beach.” Beast Boy added, making an obvious dig at Raven.
“You know, you're kind of funny.” Raven said to your surprise, smiling softly at Beast Boy. This was obviously too much for the guy’s ego.
“You think I'm funny?” Beast Boy sat up straight, looking at Raven. “Dude! I know some jokes!”
You laughed at Raven’s face of pure regret, before a familiar voice brought your attention to behind you. It was the alien girl, now in a purple outfit similar to the one before, but this time it seemed to really suit her.
“I look .. nice?” she asked, obviously insecure. You took her hand again.
“You look amazing,” you reassured her, causing her cheeks to flush.
Robin stepped forwards. “I still don’t know your name,” he said.
“In your language, it would be ‘Star Fire.’” she says with a smile.
“Welcome to Earth, Starfire.” Robin said.
She looked at you all shyly, certainly different from when you first met. “ I thank you all for your bravery and help, and I wish to ask permission...to remain here. Where the people are most strange ...but also most kind.”
“You don’t need our permission,” Raven said calmly.
“But if you want our friendship, you've got it.” Robin added.
“I could use a new friend,” you say with a wink.
“Guess we could all use some new friends.” Cyborg agrees.
“Besides, we kind of made a good team.” Beast Boy says proudly.
“I thought we might want to keep in touch, so Cyborg and I designed these.” Robin fished out four black and yellow communicators. You, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire each took one and observed them. They were similar to flip phones, but they were circular and had no logo on the front.
“Made ‘em outta my own circuits, '' Cyborg said proudly.
“When there’s trouble, you know who to call,” Robin said. You all smiled at one another. You were a team.
While everyone else was still smiling at one another, you excused yourself and walked a few feet away. You opened your new communicator, dialing in a phone number you know by heart. You waited for the person on the other line to pick up, and began to speak.
“Heyyy dad. It’s (y/n); you must have been worried sick, I’m sorry… Yeah no I’m fine, really. I’m in uhhh Jump City and I made some of the coolest friends and I was wondering... if I could stay here? I’ve been spending the whole night wanting to go back home, but I think this might be home for me. I understand if- oh? Really? You’ll let me stay? Wow, thanks dad. I-I promise that I’ll be careful and that I’ll go to school here, I know there's this high school called Murakami School I’ll try to… I love you too dad. I’ll talk to you later.”
You flip your communicator closed, and walked back to your new friends. Raven looked at you.
“Are you alright?” she asked, noticing your change in mood.
“Yeah,” you say, a smile forming on your face. “I’m great actually. Just had to call home.”
“You're going home???” Beast Boy asked, a frown falling on his face.
You chuckled, “Of course not.” You lightly punched his shoulder. “Besides, this is my home now.”
“Awe Yeah!” the green guy cheered. You laugh, feeling extra cheerful. Now that you’re in a team, you really do feel like you belong. You looked at your new team.
“Anyone up for pizza?”
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
Requested by: @theshyprincess “Can I get a spencer James getting married and smut biracial if I’m not bothering you I really like your writing”
A/N: decided to do this in hc form, hope that’s cool? And it’s been my thing lately anyways lol. Hope you like this one! I also hope I channeled Spencer well 🙃
WARNINGS: light smut + some curse words ofc!
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We all know Spencer takes the world on his shoulders; when his finds you, you become his world
You meet freshman year in university, specifically on the football field and decided to invite him to a sorority party because what’s the best way to start off your freshman year? A little party never hurt nobody
Except it did, things got rowdy resulting with a huge ass knot on your forehead and losing consciousness for a few minutes
You expected Spencer to dip like any other asshole dude would have but you were shocked that he actually came to your aid and walked you back to your dorm even tho you had a “big ass egg” growing from your forehead
You could laugh about it a little then, but more so now
He actually asked for your number before you departed, even tho you thought you majorly screwed whatever this was up but he wanted to see you again and you were more than happy to oblige
It was instant friendship with a touch of flirtations but you knew that he recently got out of some heartbreak from his senior year of high school and you had no choice but to respect that he wasn’t looking for a relationship right now
Day by day you became the best of friends spending majority of your time together while also getting to know each other’s outside friends and family, you became each other’s family
It was end of sophomore year where Spencer decided he wanted to give it a go but it was your turn to be leery since you watched him go through some girls but he never flaunted that in front of you, yet you always knew
You didn’t want to be his last option
“You could never be that, y/n. You’re so much more than what you think I think of you.”
Words of affirmation is definitely Spencer’s love language and he had no problem saying how he felt about you
He openly admitted that he was confused at first, trying to fight with his inner self on taking your friendship into the love zone. He’s always gone the friendship route first before it turned into romance—well maybe not with Kia but his past two relationships he did
He was not only confused but nervous and you made him work a little bit to get a date from you but you didn’t hold out for too long since you felt Spencer was your person
You took things slow but you still felt like friends except now you held onto each other a little longer and touches seem to burn now but you liked it, really liked it
Senior year is when he proposes, he’s actually the second out of his group of friends back home to get engaged...JJ was the first and actually went through with the marriage after one drunken night in vegas with some girl who was studying physical therapy
Sure it’s only been two years but like your grandmother always says, “when you feel a pull in your heart whenever they’re not around, they’re the one baby.” And your grandparents got married only after knowing each other for four months. Every love is different
You were a sappy mess and Spencer found it humorous while slipping the ring on and embracing you, “we not doing that. Save it until the wedding, huh?”
And he gets a few nice whacks to the chest but he can take it ofc as he’s kissing you so gently
It’s a private moment and you wouldn’t have it any other way
A year and a few months after you graduate, Spencer gets drafted into the NFL and you’re still searching for a job you majored in
You’re both living apart with you going back to your hometown in Arizona and Spencer in Cali. Things aren’t easy but you’ve been planning your wedding and it feels like Spencer is just saying he’s okay with everything which is frustrating. You don’t want to do this alone and you need to find a place to live together, you didn’t want to live with Spencer’s mom and brother as much as you loved them. You were both adults and needed to take the wheel
Yet it always felt like Spencer was busy planning on putting further distance between you since he was secure in his career and you just felt stuck
That caused a riff between you two but Spencer didn’t like that silent treatment bs. You were gonna talk to him one way or another
Once you get through it, which you definitely do!! it’s pure heaven and you couldn’t be happier
You get married at a banquet hall
You both have a lot friends and family that’ve invited
Your best friends + sibs are your best men, bridesmaids, maid of honor
Spencer leaves a chair open for his dad up front with his mom and brother 🥲
Initially you were going to have your guests pick whatever seat they wanted and just have your immediate family have the front areas but you knew that would probably end up hectic with the strong personalities you had within your friend and family group so you kept it traditional. Your family/friends on one side and spence’s family/friends on the other
Memorable wedding, you were gorgeous and he was so handsome. You loved when Spencer got dressed up, it did something to you and you couldn’t wait for your honeymoon
It wouldn’t be anything over the top like The Bakers tried to gift you with, you just wanted something simple but nice with the man you loved
You were going to Palm Springs the next morning!!! Spending the night in the hotel
You were going to hold out even longer until the night you reached your honeymoon destination 😌
Spencer wanted the both of you to write your own vows and you sure didn’t know how you would compete with this guy. Spencer James always had a way with words!!!
He ofc had you a sobbing mess again but you knew it was never about out-showing the other
when you seal your marriage with a kiss, his hands rest securely on your hips with your hand cradling his jaw and you’re all smiles as the hall fills with cheers
“I love you, Mrs. James.” He’s got that smirk of a smile on his lips and love in his eyes
“As do I, Mr. James.” And you can’t wipe the smile from your own lips even if you tried
One thing you both know how to do is party so the reception goes on for awhile, until about 3 am even tho you both have to be on the road by 10 or a little later since check in isn’t until early afternoon
You’re both so giddy you can hardly sleep but you eventually do, you in your dress + Spencer in his dress shirt but he’s lost the tie and loosened his pants
Since Palm Springs is a 2 hr drive you’re reminiscing on how you basically taught Spencer how to drive and look at how far he’s come now with the rental you’re both using for 4 days and 3 nights
“so it’s my fault you don’t know how to instruct?” Which leads to harmless bickering over spencer’s road trip playlist
it’s been agreed that you each had an hour to play your playlists then for the left over minutes you’d listen to the radio once you got to your destination
your airbnb is REAL colorful and modern, not exactly your tastes but nonetheless it was your getaway from home. You were used to the desert while spencer? Not so much
“the hell was that?” Spencer is dodging and weaving especially if they fly
“looks like fire ants.” keep your distance.” “Why do you know what that is?” “I get stuck watching discovery channel with my dad when I can’t sleep and he’s always up. I saw one episode about them and we don’t want to mess with those bastards.”
you don’t do much with the rest of your day there, just enjoying each other’s company in the air bnb
You decide to shower while Spencer is ordering y’all your dinner from grubhub and deciding what you’re going to watch on firestick that you bought with you
you tend to take long showers so you’re just about done rubbing shea butter into your skin when Spencer announces that the food is here through the door
when you step out you’re on a mission with your silk robe, bustier, and garter
although you kept your own values of saving yourself until marriage—while Spencer was way more experienced you didn’t feel as nervous to get intimate with the man of your dreams
but that changed the moment his set his eyes on you
“what’s this?” He smirks, popping a fry into his mouth
You’re playing coy as your skin shines, leaning over to steal one of his fries. “My pajamas.”
He’s amused but definitely turned on, “oh aight, so that’s just the norm for you now?”
“I could change.” You pointed back to the where the bathroom sat
“I ain’t say all that, Mrs. James.” Spencer blinks then lifts his head upwards, “c’mere.”
And you move to sit on his lap with excitement even tho you think you hide it pretty well. You’ve always pictured how this would be and you knew from stories from your cousins and friends that half of them didn’t have the most romantic experience...
You didn’t need the rose petals and candles but you knew Spencer was a romantic at heart, plus you had plenty of time to see what was up his sleeve and knew this wouldn’t be the only time as of tonight. You were hoping!!!
“Are we starting dinner?” You ask, wrapping an arm across his shoulders but his eyes are set only on you
“I’m hungry for somethin’ else right now,” his nose presses against your beating throat, “and it just walked in here, looking good enough for this appetite.”
Now he’s kissing on your neck and when he gets to that sweet spot behind your ear he’s got the confirmation he needs but he needs to hear you say it. And he asks with his eyes which you reply with a dip of your head
Now he’s got his hands underneath your thighs, locking your legs around his waist for you and he’s off to your temporary bedroom
He’s always so gentle with you, even when he’s laying you down on this bed
“I promise the next time we do this, I’ll make the place look special for you.” He says into your neck and your nod as you feel the weight of him against you
You’re gasping for breath before he’s been fully touched you yet, “we still have the tub and a couple of days.”
He breathes out a laugh, “that we do. That we do.” Before your lips are brought back together
You know you are loved with the way Spencer touches you and speaks to you even in your most intimate moment
He builds you up before he gives himself all to you. It’s something you heard about, SEEN and knew it was crucial but you didn’t want to put too much logic in this moment. You don’t think you can even think straignt with the way you’re on fire for Spencer rn
And he’s know that but he needs you to be patient, he knows how to take his time. And he should know what he’s doing...he does
He’s seeing what your body likes, he’s watching his face even when you begin to whine for him
He knows when you’re truly ready even when you’re begging
He gives you your first climax with his mouth and you know you need more because you knew how much you loved his lips but you loved them even more now
“even better than I imagined,” he says with a lick of his lips from below before pressing a kiss on your abdomen and you’re still seeing stars
“you okay up there?” He asks. He’s always seeking reassurance from you. That’s too important to him, you’re too important to him
You have to say it as your vision slowly starts to splat back to normal, “I need you i-in— but there’s heat pooling in your cheeks. You’re a bit shy now as you’re getting in your head wondering how you must have sounded or looked in that moment of your first climax but it didn’t seem as if Spencer was disappointed. He seemed just as happy to please
He knows what you need. He worked with your body up to this moment
So he’s kissing up your body, slow and soft. He looks into your eyes before he glances over to grab his wallet from the night stand to grab protection
you didn’t think this far ahead but part of you wanted to know if there was a difference without, ofc you knew the risks without and you had forever to try so you made no comment about the choice to use protection
You wanted to do the honors, and so you did
You were surely in awe to be this close and personal with something you get to have for a lifetime
“Careful, something might fly in there.”
You can’t help but you roll your eyes and snort as Spencer places a kiss to your cheek before he reaches up to lock your hands together and up over your head, your wedding bands contrasting against the bright orange walls and your shea butter skin
“I’m ready.” You whisper, your eyes shifting from Spencer’s deep brown eyes to where your bodies would connect
Spencer hums as he keeps his eyes on yours before lining up, he has to free one of his hands to guide
and your mouth falls open with a slight arch in your back
He doesn’t move right away, he needs to be sure
when you lock both legs around his hips, tugging him closer than close to you, fully allowing him in your space, you then squeeze your hands tighter together, never wanting to let go
Spencer James was all you ever needed and you were more than thrilled to continue this journey of life with him
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brain-deadx0 · 4 years
Virgil's Betrayal
Part 3 of New Big Brother
Previous Next
Summary: Remy meets Patton’s brother and kids and proceeds to get murdered. 
Warnings: Food mention, play fighting including nerf guns, manipulation but for good stuff, let me know
Remy was not nervous. 
 When dad guy had asked him a few days ago if he would be ok with going to the man’s brother’s house for lunch that weekend, Remy had said, “Sure.” He’d agreed to it. 
 So no. Remy wasn’t nervous. Even as they pulled up to the frankly huge house in a neighborhood of huge houses. 
 Definitely not nervous. 
 Virgil was practically vibrating in his seat. He’d been telling Remy all about his uncle and cousins, and what games they could play together the entire drive. 
 “Everybody ready?” Dad guy asked as he turned the car off. 
 “Yep!” Virgil told him as he quickly unbuckled himself. 
 Dad guy sent one of his questioning looks to Remy via the rear view mirror. Remy ignored it and climbed out of the car to follow Virgil who had already ran for the front door. 
 Dad guy joined them at the door as Virgil rang the bell. Remy wasn’t trying to hide behind them. They just ended up closer to the door. There was the sound of a lock being turned before someone inside the house hollered for them to come in. 
 As soon as they walked through the door there was the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. 
"Virgil! Uncle Patton!” A pair of voices yelled before two young boys were launching themselves off the stairs towards them. Dad guy yelped in alarm as he attempted to… catch them? 
 “Jan, your boys are going to give me a heart attack one of these days!” The man yelled through his subdued laughter from his place on the ground. 
 “And I’ll help them get rid of the body.” The voice from before called. A moment later a short man appeared from what Remy assumed was the kitchen. He looked a lot like dad guy save for the fact he was definitely older than the man. And the mild scarring on the left side of his face. 
 “Alright boys, that’s enough abunculicide.” The man told the kids who were laughing in dad guy’s arms. 
 “Aw…” The pair said before releasing him. 
 Dad guy smiled before standing up and ruffling their hair causing one grin and the other to balk and try to fix it. 
 “You must be Remy.” The man said, “My name’s Janus, it’s nice to finally meet you.” 
 “Nice to meet you, sir.” Remy told him. 
 Mr. Janus smiled, “You can call me Janus.” 
 Yeah that was not happening. 
 “The two terrors who ambushed you all are my sons Roman and Remus.” 
 “I’m Roman.” “And I’m Remus.” The two introduced with matching bows, “And together we’re-!” They spun in opposite directions before striking poses back to back, “-the creativitwins!”
 Remy couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the theatrics as dad guy clapped excitedly, “Oh that was so cute!” Dad guy told them. 
“No it wasn’t!” The pair told him pointedly, “It was cool.” Roman told him. 
 “Yeah!” Remus agreed. 
 “Well whatever it was, I loved it.” Dad guy told them. 
 “Lunch will be ready in about a half hour,” Mr. Janus told them, “So you can all make yourselves at home.” 
 “Can we go outside?” Remus asked. 
 “Yes, but-” before the man could finish both boys took off running. 
 “Come on Virge!” One of them called. 
 The next thing Remy knew he was being grabbed by the hand and pulled towards the back yard, “Come on Remy!” Virgil told him. 
 Guess he was going outside. 
 “-Don’t get too dirty.” Janus finished lamely as all the minors fled to the backyard, “Well I tried.” 
 Patton chuckled, “Probably should’ve started with that part.” 
 “How many sons did you want back alive?” He asked. 
 Patton laughed, “Come on, I’ll help make lunch. 
 Remy watched the younger kids from his seat on the porch steps. Roman suggested playing super hero’s and was met with agreements until he suggested Virgil be the villain. Which apparently happened a lot. 
 “Come on, Virgil.” Roman whined, “We need a bad guy!” 
 “But I always lose when I play the bad guy.” Virgil told them, “Why can’t you be the bad guy and we fight you?” 
 “Because me and Re are the heroes.” Roman said as if it were obvious. 
 “We could be bad guys.” Remus told him, “The bad guys are cooler anyway.” 
 “Noooo.” Roman told him, “We’re the creativitwins! We’re supposed to be the good guys!” 
 “But we’re always the good guys!” Remus replied. 
 “Remy!” Virgil called, “Tell them we wanna be the heroes!” 
 “How about…” 
 Patton jumped when the mostly silent backyard suddenly erupted in gleeful screams. 
 “Welcome to the world of raising multiple children.” Janus told him. 
 Patton smacked his arm lightly before going to peek at the yard. The three younger boys were running around the yard at top speed as Remy made a grab for whoever got closest to him. Patton smiled as Roman yelled for a retreat before all three kids ran for the treehouse. Remy stalked after them, giving the twins enough time to make it to safety, but grabbed Virgil before he could climb high enough. 
 Virgil squealed as he was pulled away from the tree and yelled for help through his laughter. 
 Patton cooed at the sight before reluctantly going back to the kitchen. 
 Virgil laughed wildly even as Remy used him as a partially successful human shield. If he had known there were fully loaded nerf guns, Remy would’ve made it harder for them to get to the treehouse. 
 “Don’t worry Virge!” One of them yelled, “We’ll rescue you!” 
 “Dead or alive!” The other added. 
 Remy laughed, “It’s not a rescue if you kill him!” He told them as they continued to shoot.  
 “Silence feind!” The first one told him before firing more foam bullets at them. 
"Any ideas?” Remy asked Virgil quietly. 
 “I think there’s more guns on the porch?” Virgil whispered back. 
“Perfect.” Remy grinned, “Muwahaha! You can’t defeat me!” He told the pair in the treehouse before running towards the porch with Virgil. 
 Once there he put Virgil down and the kid directed him to where the extra nerf guns were. The ones in the hidden storage bin were much smaller than the ones the twins had. 
 “Virgil! You’re not supposed to help the bad guy!” 
 “Ha ha! I put him under mind control!” Remy told them, “Now I have a minion.” 
 Virgil snickered before rushing to grab a gun of his own.
 “You won’t get away with this, villain!” 
 “Let him go or face our wrath!” 
 “Never!” Remy called back, “Pick up as many bullets as you can, but don’t shoot too much, ok?” He whispered to Virgil, “When they run out we can go after them, cool?”
“Yeah!” Virgil whispered excitedly. 
 It took longer than Remy thought it would for the rain of foam to slow to a stop. “It’s over, heroes. Surrender peacefully and I might spare you.” He told them. 
 He could hear hushed laugher from the treehouse before one of the boys replied, “Okaay~ just a minuute~” 
 “Uh-oh.” Virgil said beside him. 
 He didn’t have to wait long to figure out what the kids were up to because a second later he was being pelted with various balls, ranging from ping pong to tennis. Before he even had a chance to recover, one of the twins was suddenly right next to him and whacking him with a foam sword. 
“What the- hey!” He laughed before trying to fend off the nine-year-old. While he was distracted, the other one had made their way to the ground as well and ambushed him from behind. “Oh shhh-!” He cut himself off as he fell. 
 The second kid had hit the back of his knees with a foam club. This was definitely not a fair fight. 
 While the twins were busy beating him to death he suddenly felt the familiar sensation of foam bullets. 
 “Wha-? Virgil! I thought you were on my side?” He asked incredulously, causing Virgil to laugh, “Betrayed by my own brainwashed minion!” 
The kid just giggled harder, “I was just pretending to be mind controlled!” He told him as he continued to fire the toy gun. 
 The kids screamed in delight as they assaulted him with their various weapons. Remy was ready to admit defeat and call them off when a voice interrupted. 
 “Alright, boys, that’s enough.” Dad guy said. 
‘Oh shit.’
 Patton’s heart broke a little as the joy on Remy’s face quickly melted away to something much more subdued. He sent him what he hoped was a reassuring smile but it didn’t seem to help any. “Lunch is ready.” He told them. 
 “Okay.” the younger kids chorused before dropping their weapons and racing inside. 
 “Are you alright?” Patton asked, “They might be foam but they can still hurt when the boys get excited.” 
 “I’m fine.” Remy said casually as he stood up and brushed himself off. 
 “Alright then.” He smiled, “Then let’s go eat some pizza bread.”
 "Pizza bread" as it turned out, was bread with cheese and pepperoni inside. So, more sophisticated than the rolled up pizza slice Remy had pictured. Apparently you were supposed to dip it in some fancy tomato sauce which is why Remy was surprised when Mr. Janus had them all move to the living room to eat. 
 "Dad, can we watch Avatar?" Roman asked. 
 "No, let's watch dirty jobs!" Remus told him. 
 "How about mythbusters?" Roman countered. 
 "Ah, ah," Mr. Janus told them, "what's the rule for guests?" 
 "Virgil," They chorused, "wanna watch-" "Avatar?" "Dirty jobs?"
 "Um… what about Most Extreme...?" Virgil tried. 
 "Two to one, we win!" Remus cheered. 
 "Boys." Mr. Janus told them, "We have more than one guest, remember?" 
 "Remy, say no!" Roman told him, "Then we pick a different show."  
 "I don't really have an opinion." Remy told him, "What's "Most Extreme"?" 
 "They take all the cool stuff from animals like eyes and teeth and show what it would look like if humans had the same ability." Remus told him, "It's neat!" 
 "Its freaky is what it is." Roman told him. 
 "That's what makes it cool!" 
 "I'm gonna pass on the vote." Remy told them. 
 "He's impartial so we win! The Most Extreme it is!" Remus turned to high five Virgil. 
 Roman seemed a bit miffed at losing the vote, but it wasn't long before he was staring at the screen with as much interest as the other two. And honestly? Remy got it. The show was actually pretty cool. 
 Patton smiled as Remy seemed to settle in again and get pulled into the show. He waited until the episode ended and everyone was done eating before moving to collect the empty plates. Unfortunately, the action quickly caught the attention of the teen. 
 "Don’t worry, I got it." Patton assured as Remy moved to start cleaning up as well. 
 "It's ok," Remy told him, as he paused somewhat hesitantly, "I don't mind." 
 Patton smiled, "I appreciate it, but you don't have to. Janus and I are gonna clean up and then we'll probably be heading home." 
 "Oh," Janus said suddenly, "while I'm thinking about it, we packed up some of our old clothes to donate. You guys can look through them for some play clothes." He told him. 
 "Sure." Patton told him. 
 "I'll be right back to help clean up." Janus said before leaving the room. 
 Remy wasn't sure why he was suddenly on edge. All he knew was something felt off and he didn't like it. 
 Mr. Janus came back a minute later with three large bags. "Ok," he said as he set them down, "look through and take anything." He told them before pointing to the twins, "No dress up this time." He told them. 
"Why not?" Roman asked. 
 "Because yesterday we had to cut your brother out of a shirt you both knew was too small." 
 "I was a mutant giant what was I supposed to wear?" Remus asked indignantly. 
 Remy bit back a smile. 
 "Preferably something big enough to get yourself out of." Mr. Janus told him. 
 "Boring~" Remus drawled. 
 Mr. Janus shook his head fondly, "No dress up." He told them again before leaving to help dad guy. 
 The second he was gone the twins shared a look before quickly opening the bags and digging through them. 
 Remy laughed slightly, "Didn't he just say "no dress up"?" 
 "He said no dress up for us," Roman corrected, "but nothing about us dressing up you or Virgil." 
 "And so long as he doesn't catch us too quickly we can do it too!" Remus grinned. 
 Remy quickly turned down any attempts to get him to play dress up, and delegated himself to watching as the older boys coerced Virgil into trying on just about every piece of clothing. They had quickly moved on from the kids clothes that Virgil could feasibly fit in, or at least grow into soonish, to going through Mr. Janus’s old clothes just to wear them. 
 Virgil was digging through the bag when he suddenly gasped, "Remy!" He said excitedly before pulling something out of the bag and bouncing over, "Look!" He beamed as he held up an old leather jacket, "It's like from the store!" 
 "Uh, yeah, kinda." Remy admitted. 
 "I don't remember that one." Roman told them, "It doesn't look like Dad or Noni's." 
 "Dad!" Remus called.
 "What happened?" Mr. Janus answered as he came around the corner before huffing a small laugh, "I see you ignored the dress up rule." 
 Remus ignored the last part, "Whose jacket is this?" He asked; pointing to the coat Virgil was holding. 
 Mr. Janus glanced at the jacket Virgil was holding, "That's my old one." He told them, "I haven't worn it since… probably since I was about twenty or so. That's when Noni gave me my other one." 
 "How long ago was that?" Virgil asked. 
 Mr. Janus laughed, "Long enough to know I don't need it, let's stick with that." 
"That's Dad's way of saying he's old." Remus whispered causing Virgil to giggle. 
 "I heard that." Mr. Janus told them with an amused eyebrow raise, causing the kids to laugh. Mr. Janus shook his head, "Anyway, like I said you're welcome to anything in the bags." He said with a glance to Remy, "Try not to smother your cousin in the clothes." He told them offhandedly as he went back to the kitchen. 
 Something was definitely going on. 
 "Try it on!" Virgil told Remy as he practically shoved the jacket at him. 
 "I don't know, kid." Remy told him. This whole thing felt like way too much of a coincidence. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. This had to be a set up, right? 
 "Why not?" Virgil asked. 
 "I already have a coat, remember?" 
 "Yeah but this one doesn't cost money." Virgil told him. Dammit. "And at the store you said these were cool." 
Stop making good points.
 "Oh! It could be part of your villain outfit!" Roman exclaimed, "All super villains need to look cool." 
 "Otherwise they're just regular villains!" Remus added. 
 "What's the difference?" 
"Presentation!" All three told him. 
 Ok, well he definitely ran into something there.
 "Pleeeease, Remy?" Virgil asked with wide eyes. 
... Fucking puppy dog eyes.
 Remy sighed, "Ok, fine." 
Patton peaked around the corner and smiled. For once he was glad Virgil had learned to weaponize his puppy eyes. 
 Remy made sure that when dad guy and Mr. Janus came back that he was not wearing the jacket. Just in case. 
 Thankfully neither mentioned it as they packed up the clothes Virgil. Or as they resorted the rest the kids had used for dress up. They all said their goodbyes, with Mr. Janus saying he hoped to see them again soon, and the twins telling Remy they wouldn't be going so easy on him next time. 
 If dad guy seemed extra smiley on the way home, it was none of Remy's business. 
 Remy was not smiling to himself either. 
 For anyone who was wondering, Virgil 100% knows what he's doing when it comes to puppy dog eyes. He was raised by Patton Can't-say-no-to-cute Sanders. And yes. He does use this for evil. 
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skywalker-swift · 4 years
I would love to hear more about tangled dinluke 👀
omg hello there I would love to talk more about it (this got super long so it’s going under the cut)
OKAY so cast of characters Luke as Rapunzel, Din as Flynn, Palpatine is Gothel, Anakin and Padme as the King and Queen, Leia would still be in this but just not born with magical powers so Luke and Leia still get separated, Din’s various vaguely criminal friends as some of the men in the ugly duckling, Artoo as Pascal, maybe Miggs and someone else as the stabbington brothers (i love miggs but thinking about the one episode in season one with the prison) and Max is IG-11, calling it now 
Anyways, basic plot of tangled still stands, Palpatine finds the flower and sings the song
Padme gets sick while pregnant with the twins, Anakin searches and finds the flower to save her, and thus the twins are born and alright, but Luke has this bright golden hair
Palpatine breaks in to steal a lock of hair, hair turns brown, steals a whole ass baby instead 
Palpatine raises Luke as his own, hiding him away from the outside world, and of course Luke sees the lights on his birthday and always the kid full of adventure longs to see them up close. Begs Palpatine to take him but Mr. Master Manipulator turns it against Luke, and continues to make Luke scared of the outside world
So Luke spends a lot of his time painting, cooking, so on and so forth
Anyways with the Brothers, Din steals the crown from the castle, and Grogu is there of course, which is the main reason Din is wanted by the kingdom, but because Din is always wearing a helmet, I think he might be more lax in this AU (haven’t figured that out yet), they can’t get what they think his face looks like on the wanted posters
Continued chase scene with the horse, Din ends up in the tower where Palpatine is hiding Luke away, and Luke just fucking decks him with the frying pan, and take Grogu away from him, who is super confused but likes Luke even though his dad was just knocked out, watching as Luke and Pascal try on the crown
Palpatine comes back, Luke tries to show him Din, and then the fight occurs, and Luke ends up asking for paint instead, so Palpatine leaves and Luke thanks Grogu for being so quiet
Luke and Artoo wake Din up, who is super confused by this pretty man with super long hair, and eventually he agrees to take Luke to see the floating lights, and Grogu is happy cause he likes making new friends!
Just imagine baby luke touching grass for the first time!!! Din is like literally what the fuck but also Luke is adorable so like whatever
Din tricks Luke into going into the Ugly Duckling because Din is not a fucking taxi service thank you very much, but then that goes wrong, and everyone is like Luke your dream is so cute!! Din your dream sucks 
Skipping forward to the scene in the cave filling with water Din tells Luke his name is Din (He’d been going by mando before, whoops sorry for not mentioning that sooner) and Luke is like I have magic hair and Din is like what the actual fuck 
aNYWAYS luke saves the day like always, and Din is like what did i get myself into, I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS but luke is so pretty and actually interested in knowing about Din, and so the orphanage thing is still real but Din tells him how he got Grogu, who just loves Luke so much, so Din takes that as a good sign, and Luke heals Din as well
Palpatine catches up to Din and Luke, and tries to convince Luke about Din’s true nature, and Luke is just like “I think he actually likes me,” and Palpatine “Toxic Kidnapper” manipulates Luke again with the crown 
Skipping forward a bit, just imagine their day in the city with Din and Luke, with Grogu so happy to see his Dad just so happy with someone for once, and Artoo, Grogu and IG are all like DANCE WITH HIM YOU FOOL cause there’s Luke looking like actual sunshine, and Din doesn’t dance, and then IG pushes him into the dance, and just Luke and Din holding each other at the very end of the dance (AHHHHH) OH and the little girls braid Luke’s hair cause i’m not taking out the long hair out of this plot luke would love his hair 
So, boat scene happens, and just Grogu sitting on Din’s lap so happy, and Din just calming Luke down about how if his dream doesn’t add up, and Just soft looks from Din and when the floating lights start appearing, Luke is just so happy, and Din is like “fuck I fell for him,’ and Luke eventually looks and sees Din and is like ‘fuck i fell for him and his little baby is so cute,’ so they send off lights together, and are holding hands with Grogu just happy to be apart of this and to see his dad look happy like that
Stabbington Brothers Spotted! On the shore, so Din is like, I should finish this so maybe Luke, Grogu and I can all live a happy life somewhere, and of course they knock him out and set him up pushing him across the lake on a ship, 
Luke and Grogu are just waiting for him to come back when the brothers threaten them, so Luke takes him and runs, and Palpatine saves him, so Grogu goes with Luke back to the tower
Din wakes up in prison, and he’s about to get executed, and all he can think of is Luke and Grogu, and he sees the brothers in jail cell, and threatens them, they tell him that Palpatine took them with her after scamming him
IG goes and gets the ugly duckling guys, and they get Din out of there, hook hand is def boba i forgot to mention that earlier, and Din and IG race towards the castle, where Palpatine knows he’s coming. 
Din gets there, Luke lets down his hair, Din makes it up the tower, sees Luke and Grogu in chains, Palpatine comes behind Din and stabs him, Grogu is crying and angry, and Luke is just resisting
Palpatine tries to get the two of them out of there, and Luke tells him that he will fight everyday of his life, unless he can save Din, then Din is locked up, and Luke is just like stop talking let me heal you, and Din cuts his hair instead of letting Luke heal him because he would rather Luke and Grogu be free than himself be alive
Palpatine turns to dust like the little bitch he is
“You were my new dream,” “And you were mine,” don’t fucking look at me
Grogu and Luke crying over Din, Grogu in Luke’s lap, then bam magic powers rescue the day, and just picture Grogu staring at the light
“Luke..Grogu?” and they just throw themselves on Din, who just so happy to have them both in his life, and Grogu in Din’s lap when he kisses Luke for the first time, don’t look at me 
the reunion scene with luke’s family, Padme staring at her son, and Leia throwing herself onto Luke, and Anakin wrapping all three of them into the biggest hug, and Padme pulling Din and Grogu in as well  DON’T FUCKING LOOK AT ME PADME WOULD HAVE LOVED DIN
And then the final scene with Luke being the one who like “after many times of asking, I finally said yes,” “Luke...” “Okay!! He finally said yes :D” and then Luke, Grogu and Din live happily ever after as a little family 
Omg sorry this is so long but here you go!!! please ask me more questions about this AU with details i might have missed!! thank you so much for your ask! also sorry about any spelling mistakes I was just so fucking excited when you sent this ask) 
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yutahoes · 4 years
(Part Two)
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One - Two
genre : Chaptered, Fluff
pairing : childhood friends: soccer player! Nakamoto Yuta x single mom! Reader (Y/N)
word count : 2.3k words
You’ll always be his Sakura.
taglist :  @ailoveyuta @loona-4-eva @aiforyuu @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @url-lindo-sexy @nuoyipeach @aaasteroidsky  @readers-posts @delightfultacobread @bby-kji9 @a-bts-world​ @mel-yjh​ @yeolsechanhun​ @yutazen01 ​
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It was the summer before his third grade when his dad announced that they will be moving to Seoul because of a business opportunity. The then eight-year-old Yuta hated that he had to leave his friends just because he can't stay in Japan. He hated that he had to transfer schools and learn a new language. Why do they have to move to another country? Why not move to another city instead? 
When the teacher introduced him to the class of third graders, he just glared at his Korean classmates who were looking at him in wonder. He doesn't want to be friends with them. He doesn't want to talk. He doesn't want to learn a new language. He's Japanese, why would he speak Korean? The teacher told him - or at least that was what he understood - to sit on a vacant chair at the back of the class. His classmates were staring at him. He's the new guy, it's normal. But he hated the attention. 
It was lunch when he decided to eat on the school's rooftop. He wasn't surprised that it was locked but a girl was drawing on the door of the rooftop. Isn't she in his class? The girl seated in front of him? A crayon drawing of stick figures made him curious, what is that? 
A certain symbol caught his attention, a straight line with a beak-like image and wings at the end held by a stickman he believed is a girl because of the triangular picture below her body. "Sakura?" He asked and the girl jolted in surprise, quickly hiding what she was doing. "Cardcaptor Sakura?" 
The girl was wide-eyed, looked at her drawing then at him. He noticed how her eyes twinkle at that even if the area isn't well-lit. Or is it because she just cried? "You're that Japanese guy." She said in Korean and he only caught the words 'Japanese' and 'guy' so she's probably referring to him. "Do you know Cardcaptor Sakura?" He only nodded. It is a hit in Japan, everyone knows Sakura. "I like Cardcaptor Sakura!" She exclaimed with a bright smile. 
That was the first time he saw that girl who loves Sakura. The first classmate who talked to him as if they spoke the same language. He remembered handing her a comic of her favorite cartoons the next day and she introduced herself as Y/N, even asking him along the lines of 'Can you teach me Japanese?' and 'Do you want to be friends with me?' 
His initial plan of not knowing Korean or not talking to people backfired. He wanted to have a real conversation with this Sakura girl. His first Korean friend. 
Yuta would remember teaching her hiragana every lunchtime, on their own place by the door of the rooftop and she would teach him hangul in exchange. Before class, she would tell him stories about what happened to Sakura from the episode yesterday as if he didn't watch the same show. After class, they would spend some time in the playground waiting for her mom to pick her up. 
She was also the person who encouraged him to try out for the soccer team. Unlike in Japan, soccer isn't a required PE in Korea so his classmates were amazed that he knew how to play soccer, even defeating some older kids. "Yuta, sugoi!" She exclaimed that made him smile, a real genuine smile he never showed to everyone. "You're handsome when you smile. You should smile more often." It was her who made him smile more. Just because he wanted her to call him handsome once again. 
In fourth grade, the two were so close that she spent time in their home and him on hers. Sometimes she would even sleep at their place when her mom has to stay all night in the hospital. He found out that she doesn't have a dad, he left them when she's just a baby and that she would always cry in her sleep looking for her dad. Kids weren't very welcoming with the idea of a broken family either and he would often see her crying on the stairs to the rooftop. 
And now, she's the one who has children. A mom. He never imagined that he will see her as a mom in the future. He wondered if she still cries for her dad. He wonders if she still knew how to speak or write Japanese. He wonders if she could call him 'handsome' again. 
Yuta promised that he wouldn't stay that long in Korea, he wanted to leave as soon as the wedding was over and he had every reason why. But Mark Lee, his secretary, thinks that he needs to stay for a couple more days and think of it as a vacation before the big soccer leagues happen. 
"Your alma mater is inviting you to teach the soccer club," Mark noted as he stared at the email by the administration of his former elementary school. The place where he honed his soccer playing skills. 
The place where he met her. 
The younger guy was surprised when the soccer player agreed to the said invitation. Even forcing him to do it today before he changes his mind. Luckily, he doesn't have any schedules that day.
The school changed a lot. Well, it's been years since he last visited the place. A lot of buildings surrounded the soccer field and he watched how elementary kids played. They look so small or is it because he's used to watching the adults play? The principal greeted him and introduced him to the soccer coach who looked so cocky. But instead of heading to the soccer field, he asked the principal if he could look upstairs. 
His feet dragged him to the staircase to the rooftop. Their meeting place. The door changed color, erasing her drawing that they maintained for years. From the stick figures to an actual 2D drawing of Sakura and Syaoran. 
He wished he could just erase his memory of her as well. The same way as the drawings are erased. 
It was free period when he went down to the classrooms and saw little kids in the school's hallway. Are they this small? "It's because you don't have a dad." He heard a child say and saw that it's a huge kid, probably a third-grader, in his jersey. "The soccer team doesn't accept kids who don't have dads." Well, elementary didn't change. 
When his gaze caught the smaller boy he's talking to, a sudden feeling of recognition hit him. Jae. Y/N's son. "My dad lives abroad." He nodded, he's correct about that. 
"Dads should watch your soccer games." The older kid claimed, making Yuta shake his head. Are children’s behavior like this? Well, he really should refrain from making one of his own. "Accept it, Jae. You can never be good for the soccer team." 
"Yah!" Someone shouted from the side. "Stop bullying my brother." Yuta smiled as he watched the mini version of the girl occupying his mind shout at the bigger kids who were hurting her brother. She's totally different from her. "Did your dad teach you that?" 
The bigger kid only glared when the soccer coach called for him, and he quickly called him 'daddy'. So that is where his confidence came from. His gaze returned to the siblings, Jae was holding his sister's arm saying sorry that she had to get angry. Yuta smiled, that's their mom's attitude. Always apologetic. How can these two be a spitting image of her? Truly, they're her children. 
"Yuta Nakamoto," Jae called before he could flee the place. He greeted the young boy then smiled at the girl who was looking at him in curiosity. "I told you he's eomma's friend, noona. He knows my name." Yuta chuckled at that. He just met his youngest fanboy. 
The younger girl pulled her brother behind her that surprised Yuta. "Eomma said not to talk to strangers." The older smirked. She's really different from her mom. 
"Should we call your mom? Can you give me her number?" The girl shook her head and Yuta nodded, already texting Taeyong. He responded with her number and Yuta quickly called the said phone number, "Hi Y/N. It's Yuta." Both kids were staring at him, "I'm here in Jae's school. Can I bring them to the mall?" 
"Ahjusshi, can I see if it's my mom?" The girl asked and Yuta handed his phone to her. "Eomma?" The girl stared at him in wonder as she heard her mom's voice. "Then can we go with this ahjusshi?" She glared at him for a moment then nodded as if she’s talking to her mom. “She wants to talk to you.” 
“Yuta, you don’t have to do this if you’re busy.” But he wanted to. He wanted to spend time with them and learn about her as a mom. “Just message me where you are. I’ll pick them up.” He agreed. If only he could spend time with her as well. 
It was Jae who’s most excited when they reached the mall. The older girl stayed a few feet away from the two of them. Maybe she’s not interested. But really, she’s a tough nut to crack. He discovered that Jae wanted to play soccer but his mom doesn’t want him to, saying that he’s too young to play. So Yuta brought him to a shop where they sell sports shoes. “I’ll go talk to your mom. But for now, wear these soccer shoes,” he claimed while tying the younger boy’s shoelaces that made him beam. Jae hugged Yuta, thanking him for the shoes. “You’re welcome, bud.” 
Yuta realized that he didn’t know the older girl’s name. What was it? Did Y/N mention her name? To be safe, he just asked Jae about it. “Cherry,” he called then walked to where she was, staring at the skating shoes. “Do you want one?” She shook her head mumbling that their mom would get mad. “Besides, it’s not snowing.” He nodded. 
“We can go ice skating...” 
“You’re not my dad.” That made Yuta stop. Of course, he’s not. “Stop acting that you care about me or Jae. You’re just like the other guys.” Other guys? “You’ll leave me and Jae. You’ll leave eomma.” She’s a difficult nut to crack. 
Yet she’s so different when she’s next to her brother. The cold eyes were changed into warmness when her brother asked if they could play in the ball pit. She looked like a child, smiling at the younger as they bounced at the trampoline. She looks exactly like her. How can two children, both from the same parents, have so different personalities? 
He was just watching them, texting Y/N where he is, checking from time to time the two kids playing with the others in the ball pit area. "Hey," Y/N called, sitting beside Yuta on the mall bench. She smiled seeing the two playing. "Did they tire you?" 
Yuta laughed. "It's fine. They're cool." There was silence, a comfortable silence. It's awkward to see her now. A lot of things changed. "Jae has the same personality as you, that's cute." She giggled. "Cherry looks like you." 
Y/N nodded. "I'm glad she talks to you." 
"It was hard, honestly." He confessed and again, she giggled. That sound. He missed her laugh. "I think she wants to go figure skating." That surprised Y/N. "And Jae wants to play soccer."
"He's too young. He'll get hurt with the bigger kids." Yuta was about to revolt at that. "I remembered when you played with the bigger kids back in eighth grade." That was one of his worst plays ever. Until now, he can feel how hurt he is. 
She confessed that she doesn't know anything about sports that's why she's a little worried about sending her kids to the sports clinic that made him smile. She's such a mom. "I'll train Jae," Yuta announced that made her look at him. "I have to stay in Spain for two months for the league then I'll come back and teach Jae soccer." He explained. "I'll help Cherry too." 
"Yuta, you don't have to." 
"I want to." He held her hand. "Please." 
"Why are you holding hands?" Cherry asked that made Yuta let go of his hold on her. 
The older just gave her daughter a glare that made Yuta laugh. They look alike, the resemblance is too uncanny if you see them now yet they’re so different. “Eomma!” Jae called, reaching out to hug his mom. “I had fun today.” And she smiled at him. “Yuta samchon is so cool.” 
“He bought you shoes?” She asked, checking the new kicks on her son’s feet. Jae claimed that he also bought Cherry one that made the older girl glare at Yuta. “Did you say thank you?” Both nodded. 
Yuta smiled at them. They do look like a happy family. “I’ll get going. I’ll see you when I get back from Spain.” Y/N nodded. Yuta asked for a hug and Jae was the only one who’s ecstatic to hug him. Cherry rolled her eyes that made the older guy laugh. As expected. “Come on, Y/N, a hug.” He said, hands extended for the older girl. 
The girl giggled before giving him a tight hug. His hand rested on her back then the other on the back of her head, caressing her hair. “You’re doing a great job being a mom, Sakura.” 
She laughed before muttering the words, “I’m proud of you, Syaoran.” 
Watching the three of them head to a different way opposite him, he wished he would have another chance to bond with them. He would love to be with them. Maybe having children isn’t too bad. 
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
We're jumping ahead to season 2 because I'm impatient and want to fix Misako; I WLL NOT HAVE THIS WOMAN BE CALLED A BAD MOTHER IN THIS UA!!!!
We're mixing episodes because we're starting with Lloyd watching school kids playing kick ball before he continues training with the ninja, which he is getting better at. When he's done, he leaves to go back to watching the kids play.
The ninja all get the jist that Lloyd's not himself. At all. He's more withdrawn after training and lessons, he's spacey, and he's just not all together.
Zane opts to talk to him, but Jay beats him to it, ruffling Lloyd's hair and telling him he's getting stronger by the day.
Lloyd thanks him and goes back to watching the students, particularly one that is getting picked up by his dad.
Now it's Kai's turn to ask what's going on. Lloyd repeats it's nothing, and leaves, though he gives one last glance at the father and son as they're approached by a woman, the man's wife and boy's mother; it is one of the worst reminders of who he is and what the dynamic of his family is.
The ninja debate on this, Zane seeing the family and understanding that want of Lloyd's, having personal experience with the whole "outliving his family" thing, but he's not going to go and talk to him about it because they've already bugged him enough.
Cue the serpentine and Garmadon being spotted at the museum and reviving the grundle, which I'm renaming the Valciraptor because this is PG-13 Ninjago now.
Garmadon wills it to life with the mega weapon, which is the 4 golden weapons mixed with the 4 silver fang blades, but only has it target Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane, shreds and scraps of their clothes, gloves, and armor to lock the Valciraptor on them and not on Lloyd, which Skales is starting think is tedious.
The ninja still 'stop' the resurrection of the Valciraptor, ensuing in a small little fight against Garmadon before he flees, and the serpentine generals leaving with the golden sarcophagus.
The ninja all give chase, but Zane, for once, is the fastest, stopping them just as they try attempting to get underground through a manhole.
He sighs at not stopping them, but secretly pats himself on the back for catching them before they could damage the artifact.
"Zane? Zane! Wait up!"
Zane has a moment of, 'wait a second,' before turning to the rest of the ninja, who are half his size, stumbling in their oversized clothes, and talking in higher, more youthful voices.
While they freak out over being kids, Zane can only suffer from a sudden existential crisis because he was now the oldest and must look after them.
Zane spots a cop car speeding toward them and, with a fantastic idea, races back around the corner they all just came from as the car stops infront of Kai, Cole, and Jay, Jay shouting they're the ninja when the cops ask, "What are you kids doing out, stealing from the museum?"
Cue Zane sprinting back around the corner, purposely misnaming each of the younger ninja as he embraces them all, saying he's been worried sick and thanking the officers for finding them; the three rascals wandered off again.
"Wait, these are YOUR children?"
"Yes. Hayden-" Zane gestures to Jay. "-has quite the habit of wandering off. And Nyle and Juniper-" Gestures to Kai and Cole. "-are good enough to keep their eyes on him."
"Why didn't you stop them first?"
"With all due respect, have you ever tried leaving a conversation with a more well off parent about our children wearimg the same costume, Officers?"
The cops nod at each other begrudgingly before the officer that has been silent speaks up, "Well, we suspect they stole the golden sarcophagus from the history museum about a block away."
"My children are 9 and 7 years old. How could they even LIFT such a heavy piece of gold? If you still do not believe me, check the security cameras."
They do. And it is shown that the children are innocent; the camera they watch from shows black and white footage and hides the foot chase between the ninja and serpentine. What it does not hide is the Valciraptor bones growing ligaments, muscles, veins, and skin, shaking where it stands, and then stomps away.
The cops excuse the family, saying it's a new animatronic they're working on, to ease a frightened Jay and Kai.
The team leaves, Cole on Zane's back for a change, and Jay panics, asking what they need to do. Kai isn't as freaked out, saying they're safe as long as there's light.
Cole tells them to calm down and focus befor asking Zane if he has any more ideas.
Cut to Lloyd taking a break from training and reading a comic book and overhearing Wu and Nya as they worry about where the ninja are. Before they can elaborate more, the phone rings, which Nya answers.
"Hello? Nya? It's Zane."
"Zane? Where are Cole, Jay, and Kai?"
Zane, dressed in normal clothes from a bag he keeps in a hidden pocket of his gi, looks over at Jay, Kai, and Cole as they all watch him, Jay staring off as he sits, Cole leaning against the wall, and Kai pacing back and forth. "Well... We are in the city, but we have a small problem."
"What's happened? Tell us everything," Wu replies
Cut back to Nya, Wu, and Lloyd, where we hear Zane through the phone.
"Garmadon brough back a Valciraptor, a beast that supposedly feasts on humans. He has made sure it targets us the most, but we will need to stop it before it preys on anyone else in the city."
"Why can't you just stop it?" Lloyd asks; Nya put Zane on speaker.
Cut back to Zane, who winces and kneels down, holding his phone out for Kai to talk into, though he does say as a joke, "Remember, son, speak nicely to others."
"You'd better be glad I'm a kid right now, Zane!" Kai snaps as he takes Zane's phone. "Sensei? Nya? Lloyd!?"
Cut back to The Bounty, where Nya and Wu are flabbergasted and Lloyd fights back a smile and laugh.
"Is... Is that you, Kai?" Nya asks.
"Yeah, and- HEY!"
"We've had a long night," Zane sums up as he stands. "What do you advise we do, Sensei?"
"Do you know anything about this Valciraptor?"
"Yes. It is nocturnal. And it seems to be vulnerable to light."
Wu is quiet for a second before replying, "Stay in the light, then, and find out as much as you can." He turns to Nya and Lloyd. "Nya, Lloyd, ensure you join them the minute you find them."
They agree, though Lloyd giggles out a quip about the ninja needing protection, which gets an, "I heard that," out of Kai, a desperate cry for an energy drink from Jay, and an agreement and "Be careful," from Zane, and the call ends.
The group of Wu, Nya, and Lloyd set out, Wu going to the tea lady for something he KNOWS will help and Nya and Lloyd looking for the ninja.
Cut to a gag of Zane hanging up, Cole sighing at how the call went, Kai groaning, and Jay whimpering that he just hopes they bring a soda.
Cut/Time jump to Lloyd and Nya walking around the city as they try to find the ninja. They're quietly observing, until Nya talks about the comic Lloyd was reading, noting how he used to read it a lot before, but recently he hasn't, which is strange because she thought he loved the series.
He tells her that he does, but lately all he can think about is Garmadon and facing him in battle. The training doesn't help and, thinking back on before he became the Green Ninja or even found the serpentine, all he'd ever wanted was to be a normal kid with a normal family. Granted he's more than happy to be with Wu, Nya, and the ninja, but he sees other kids with their parents and he can't help but feel jealous. He doesn't say this word for word, but Nya gets the point.
They find the ninja at a library, Zane and Cole being the only ones actually doing research on the Valciraptor while Kai comforts Jay, who just got done crying.
Thankfully, Nya saves the day with a sports energy drink and Lloyd winks as he shows the back pack he has contains weapons for the ninja, which had been dropped during their freak out.
Nya calls Wu and tells him she and Lloyd found the ninja, but Zane informs them that he can't exactly find anything on the Valciraptor, save for the most basic knowledge, so they're at a loss for information.
That is until Lloyd notices a teen reading the same comic book series he has been, and tells Wu to meet them at the comic book store Doomsday Comics when he finds the tea they need.
Cole tells him to focus and Lloyd replies that he is, and knows someone who can help them.
The call ends as Wu arrives at the tea shop went to th o get the Traveler's tea, the owner jabbing that she hopes he's not going anywhere anytime soon because she's out of stock. He tells her he needs Tomorrow Tea, which she does to look for. Wu looks out the window and silently prays for the ninjas' safety as dusk approaches.
With the ninja and Nya, they arrive at the comic store, where they meet the owner Professor Doomsday, which is what Lloyd calls him, as he was the only teacher at Darkley's that was actually nice to him.
The professor is impressed by how healthy Lloyd looks now, compared to his school days, but Lloyd talks business, asking about the Valciraptor, and if what he taught about it was true.
Turns out this beast was loosely related to dragins and used to be a thorough replacement for assassins and was used more for fighting rebellions by tyrant leaders. It didn't hunt only ninja, it feasted on anything it could get its claws on, especially after consuming its target.
Zane isn't exactly listening, because it's completely night out now and the street lights are dim as hell.
Cole notices Zane slip out of the shop, but is stopped by a girl, who tells him her friend thinks he's cute.
Outside, Zane spinjitsu changes into his gi just as the Valciraptor stomps around the corner and growls at him. He glanes at the other ninja, Lloyd, and Nya still inside the shop, and then unsheathes his shurikens. "Let's dance, you poor excuse of a dragon."
He races forward and leaps to the Valciraptor, which snarls at him at comes close to biting him in half. Zane kicks off it's muzzle and lands on a street light, tapping it to try to get the light back on.
It only makes the beast angrier.
In the store, Doomsday notes that it's strange how Lloyd's friends want to learn about such a dangerous and mature subject concerning the Valciraptor, and Jay asks, "What if we were to say that it was brought back?"
Cue Zane being thrown through the window and the Valciraptor chasing after him; the comic book shop is pretty big, about the size of a Barnes and Noble shop.
Cole asks if he's okay, but Zane goes right back to fighting off the beast, which doesn't work because it bites his leg and slams him down twice before throwing him against the wall.
The other ninja change, not as well as they'd like to, Lloyd included, and Nya leads everyone out of the shop and into the street.
The fight gets serious as the ninja can barely ude their spinjitsu and Zane is knocked unconscious and almost becomes a popsicle before Cole pulls on its leg and it kicks him away. Jay and Lloyd are up to the plate as Jay tries something he hopes works, disassembling the lights in a didplay to make a replica light sword toy a become to scare the Valciraptor as Lloyd makes and energy ball and Kai attacks it with scissors.
It knocks away all three of them, making Jay lose the super bright light sword. The Valciraptor sniffs at Lloyd before turning to the ninja.
Good thing Wu arrives with the Tomorrow Tea and Nya, in a panic, throws it to the ninja, which Lloyd catches, until it falls out of his hands and into Zane's. Just as he opens it, Kai stops him, realizing that it will also age Lloyd up along with the ninja and Valciraptor. Lloyd shouts to use it anyway, but every ninja objects, Kai, Jay, and Cole wanting him to still have his childhood and not miss out on it and Zane begging him to not throw his life away, and that such acts are too unfair, even for a boy of Lloyd's upbringing.
The Valciraptor, pissed beyond all reason, tears the sword out of Kai's hands and goes gor a snap. Lloyd, acting in the heat if the moment, snatches the tea and shouts, "Nothing in my life was ever fair! What's the difference NOW!?" as he throws it right into the Valciraptor's jaw as it shuts, shattering the tea instantly and making it wither, age, and dissolve right then and there.
It also restores Kai, Jay, and Cole, Cole checking on Zane, who's okay, even though he's a little concussed.
In the sudden silence and ash, Wu asks almost silently, "What about Lloyd?"
They dig through the ash, and Jay gasps at finding him.
Lying unconscious is Lloyd, who has aged up to either 16 or 17. He has grown taller and thinner, lean like Zane, his hair is very long, and is now at a point to where his gi now fits.
The "episode" ends with Cole carrying Lloyd as the team goes back to the Bounty, Doomsday asking Wu to promise he'll take care of Lloyd, as he couldn't back at Darkley's. Wu promises and the episode closes as they leave.
The next episode starts from Lloyd's perspective as he wakes up, greeted by the ninja, Nya, and Wu. He's still sore from the instant growth and winces as he sits up and examines his hands, especially noticing that his feet touch the ground. He asks what happened, but stops and puts a hand on his throat, surprises by the new pitch he now has.
Despite everyine telling him to take it easy, Lloyd gets up and walks very stiffly to the bathroom mirror, where he sees himself and the result of throwing the tomorrow tea at the Valciraptor.
He's literally speechless, examining his face, hair, and body as he realizes what he's done in order to save his friends.
That doesn't stop Kai from saying as gently as he can that they tried to warn him. Lloyd asks very sharply if they would rather have him sit back and watch them die, and Kai barks that he, actually, shouldn't have been in the shop when the Valciraptor yeeted Zane through the window, that he should have followed Nya.
There's more arguing and Lloyd tries to do a stand off, but his legs give out from under him and send him to the ground.
Pins and needles race through his limbs as Zane and Cole help him stand up, Wu elaborating that Lloyd needs time to adjust to his new body, and maybe his mind too because he aged from 7 to 16 in the span of a couple minutes and now has to get used to the teenage hormones that are no doubt going crazy.
"But what about the serpentine and my dad?" Lloyd asks as Zane keeps one of his arms over his shoulder. Cole affirms that he's not fighting or leaving the Bounty until he gets better. Kai mutters that he also needs a haircut, tugging his hair for more emphasis.
Wu assigns Zane as the caretaker for Lloyd and assigns Nya to join the ninja, as they've spotted a small group of serpentine in the outskirts of the city. Kai and Jay object, but Wu tells them that Nya needs the training and Zane is more experienced in taking care of someone medically, which will help Wu exponentially.
Nya gets an old, plain black ninja gi and her own weapons before heading out with the team, leaving a very sulky Lloyd with Zane and Wu, the former helping him to the shower.
He holds onto Lloyd's hands and walks backwards, practically leading an wobbly legged teenage Lloyd to the shower. The last few steps, though, he lets go, which leads Lloyd to catch himself on the door frame before he falls.
"What was that for!?"
"I didn't mean to be cruel, nor do I intend to be. If you wish to find your father in a hurry, then this is the fastest way I can think to help you adjust."
Lloyd nods and takes his shower, struggling to stand every now and then, but getting stable on his feet. Zane's waiting for him, when he's done, with a pair of scissors. With a look at how long his hair is, Lloyd shrugs in slight defeat, "Make me bald."
Zane snickers and gets to work, having SOME experience from helping Nya and the other ninja.
With the ninja and Nya, they're successful in catching two of the five snakes, these two being a Fangpire and Hypnobri, and demand to know why they're in the city.
The Fangpire pulls an uno reverse card and demands to know what happened to the Valciraptor and Lloyd.
Nya asks why it matters, since Garmadon has the megaweapon, and the Hypnobri accidentally spills the tea that the megaweapon is "acting out" in a sense, not obeying its master's wishes and even starting to crack, which we see in a cut to Garmadon as the snake talks/narrates.
Garmadon commands the weapon to speak to him, but it only shows his reflection and grows cracks into it.
Cut back to the ninja and Cole asking what Lloyd has to do with it. Neither of the snakes know, but they need to find and retrieve Lloyd or Garmadon's going to get two new wallets.
Cut back to the Bounty after the ninja and Nya finish interrogating the snakes, where they see Zane walk out with Lloyd, who's getting a little better at walking and now has an awesome new hairdo. They all have to admit he looks pretty good, but get back on track with explaining what they learned about the megaweapon and Garmadon trying to find Lloyd.
Wu deduces Garmadon has practically abused the weapon's power and it's at its limit and tells a growingly stressed Lloyd he must stay on the Bounty, no matter what. Lloyd, however, isn't listening as he comes to his own conclusion: the snakes must have seen him use the Tomorrow Tea against the Valciraptor, but didn't see the monster die or him grow. They reported to his father, and now the final battle must begin NOW.
"This is all my fault."
Cole tells him it isn't, as the final battle was alway going to happen and Lloyd should really calm down because his hands are glowing with energy that his little body couldn't exactly make use of before.
With a shout, the energy blasts outward, knocking back the ninja, Nya, and Wu, just a little bit because he energies himself a shield. No one's thrown off the deck of the Bounty, Llyod just shoves them back a little too hard without directly touching them.
Zane determines the increase in power he now has and asks Wu if power is somehow connected to one's emotions, which he says can be the case.
Lloyd apologizes for almost throwing them overboard, which they accept as long as he doesn't do it again(he never will), and Wu tells him that his emotions and his powers are like different streams that go the same way; they're going to to seperate and hard to see together, but when they meet and converge into a river, they'll be united and strong. If it doesn't make sense, I'm so sorry, I'm not good at being a wise mentor. Lloyd is about to protest, but nods and agrees.
With the power of Process of Elimination, the team comes to the conclusion that Garmadon and the serpentine are probably at Ouroboros, all things considered.
They head there, their dragon following, which has totally been here the whole time, it just hunts and whatnot and comes back, though the ninja instruct it to stay with Lloyd once they reach the city.
During the flight, which takes a couple days, Cole finds Lloyd reading a book Zane lent to him, a fictional one talking about mature subjects like the societal underworld, politicians involved in and protecting people from it, and the society itself blind to what's going on. Forgetting Lloyd's sudden physical growth, Cole tells Lloyd that he's a little young to be reading a book like that. Lloyd, however, says he's tried reading it before, about a week ago, but barley understood it. Now he's starting to, proof that his mind is slowly catching up with his body. Cole takes a seat next to Lloyd as the younger admits that since his sudden growth, he's been seeing more of the world, kind of like before when he was younger, but there's more to see now, like he's a fish in a tank that's left the decorative house it stayed in only to find it is now noticing the tank is really the ocean for the first time, and is about to swim and explore it all.
Cole puts an arm around him, pulls him close, and assures him that he doesn't have to explore this ocean alone, that he has Wu, Nya, Zane, Kai, Jay, and himself(Cole) with him, as they are his school, if they're still using the fish analogy.
Lloyd thanks him, resting his head against Cole's shoulder, and admitting tearfully, and wuite self deprecatingly, that even with how much bigger he's gotten, he still has a lot of growing to do. Cole assures him he'll grow pretty quickly, knowing Lloyd.
They arrive and head out, the Bounty a good distance away as to not attract attention. Lloyd tells them to be careful, which they do, as long as he promises to stay put, Kai offering to buy him candy if he does, which Lloyd does not find funny at all.
Cole, being smart, offers that if they aren't back in thirty minutes, he can join in the fight, which Wu reluctantly agrees with, to calm his nephew.
They leave, Zane looking back and gesturing for Lloyd to remain out of sight as he stands on the deck.
Lloyd instead crouches and then sits down, examining his hand again before one of the dragon's heads rubs against it, so he can give ot pets. He chuckles as he does. "Guess I'm finally taller than Brad," he says to himself.
Back with the team, they arrive and enter in secrecy, watching from a close enough distance as Garmadon tries to make the weapon work as the serpentine return from searching for Lloyd and the Valciraptor, which they report is dead while Lloyd is purely missing. Garmadon groans and calls them all useless before pacing and turning to his last ditch effort: using the weapon to summon Lloyd to him.
Wu has none of that and spinjitsus his way into the center of the arena Garmadon and the serpentine have gathered, knocking out and away a few snakes and a general or two.
The rest join in and the battle begins, Garmadon and Wu duking it out, with Garmadon demanding, "Where is he hiding!?" as Wu snarks back, "This battle is between us!" while the ninja and Nya fight against the snakes, which are coming at them in very overwhelming numbers.
Cole and Zane are fighting back to back and doing fairly well as Zane hopes Cole was serious about that "thirty minutes" thing, because goodness help them if he doesn't show up.
Funny Zane say that as we cut to a sort of TV, Viewer prespective of a montage/jump cut extravaganza that cuts between Lloyd and the ninja fighting, quiet, slightly humorous, kinda bored soinding music playing for Lloyd as he rests his head in his arms on the table and looks at the clock to see only five minutes have past. He leans back with a sigh and blows some hair off his forehead as he taps a finger. Cut loud, kind of desperate, fighting, action music playing with Wu kicking Garmadon away and doing some wicked staff attacks that knock away Skales and the Fangpire general. Garmadon gets back up and the two have one of those weapon colliding glare offs as Garmadon seethes, "You stole my family once, I will not let you do it again!" He pushes Wu back and slashes at him, Wu dodging and asking, "You really think he will be safe back among the serpentine!? Not even you can protect him from them, and you LEAD them!" Garmadon shouts, "ENOUGH!" and lunges at Wu. Cut back to Lloyd, who's leaning against the railing on the bow of the Bounty and having a staring contest with Shard, who blinks, making Lloyd smirk at the victory. He checks the time on his phone and finds that seven minutes has past since the team left. CUT to Jay as he's thrown into frame by Skalidor before Zane dropkicks him for old time's sake. He helps up Jay, who thanks him, and they tag team Skalidor, who hisses at tail whips Zane and right hooks Jay. CUT back to Lloyd, who's balancing on the railing with the dragon watching, each head knowing what stupidity this 7 year old in a 16 year old's body is going to cause. He quickly switches feet ans his foot slips, making him lose his balance and fall to the dirt. The camera would linger on where he was standing as he hisses in pain and groans, "Ow." CUT to Cole as he wrestles the Hypnobri general to the ground and smashes his fist into his face, knocking the snake out standing back up in time for a Constricti to land on his shoulders and choke hold him. As he fights it off, Kai and Nya take turns fighting off Skales and an assortment of snakes, Nya even getting a few good hits in with her chakrams as she dryly remarks that she should've left ninja-ing to the boys. Cole throws off the Constricti and shouts, "Wherever Lloyd is, he better get here now!" CUT to Lloyd chewing on his nail as he's crouching on the ground, occasionally looking at the dragons through the corner of his eyes, like his eyes move but his head doesn't, and looking at the arena at the center of the city. He does this a few times before checking his phone again. Fifteen minutes has past and he can't take the suspense anymore as he climbs back onto the Bounty, quickly changes, and runs to join the fight, though the dragon trots after him in time to see him stumble a little. He saddles up and flies there instead, as he'll need all the energy he can get. (Thank goodness that's over.)
The ninja, Nya, and Wu are surrounded and back into the center of the arena, all of them bloodied, bruised, and worn from fighting, the snakes and Garmadon swarm in, ready to deliver the final blow, Garmadon having figured out he can create a killer lightning storm that doesn't TECHNICALLY go against what the weapon does.
Too bad Lloyd drops in super hero landing style and uses earth powers to knock the snakes back, and accidentally make the team fall. Garmadon remains standing and points the weapon at him, demanding to know who this tall, teenage, powerful ninja in green is; for anyone who says he should know his son is the green ninja, Garmadon doesn't know Lloyd threw away 9 years of his life to save the ninja, and it's kind of dark out, so he can't really see his eyes.
Lloyd stands up, stumbling a little, but still stands, gesturing for the team to stay back as he rises. He and Garmadon have a stare off before Lloyd gets into a defensive stance.
Garmadon laughs, remarking that this warrior is here in Lloyd's place, probably because they hid him somewhere. Lloyd's shoulders drop, because he's right there, but Garmadon interprets it as the ninja's plan being foiled, remarking that it was clever of them, but it was still stupid. He also can't help but thank Wu for keeping Lloyd away from the battle.
Before he can say more, Skales charges, clocking Lloyd with an upward swing from his staff into Lloyd's jaw, knocking him down. He shouts if THIS is Ninjago's hero, an amateur who's all bark and no bite? Lloyd kicks him back for that and stands as he picks up a sword one of the snakes dropped, holding it up as much as he can despite the weight. The snakes laugh, and Lloyd gives a 'bitch, really' face and throws the sword at Skales, which bangs into his staff and scares him.
"I'm not here to play games!" Lloyd shouts before pointing to the megaweapon. "The weapon's on its last legs. Use anymore of its power, and theres no telling what could happen!" Garmadon scoffs, retorting, "You expect me to just hand it over that easily?"
The serpentine back away, some even pulling the team back with them as carefully as possible. Lloyd notices and realizes what's about to happen.
Soon it's just Lloyd and Garmadon. Tv perspective, the camera would be above the now open ring as the two circle each other from far away, spinning counter to them. It cuts to a perspective behind Garmadon's boots as he walks, steady footed with Lloyd in the background of the frame trying to be tough, but still kind of stumbling. Cut to the same perspective, but behind Lloyd's less sure feet with Garmadon stalking in the background.
From where the team stands, Jay asks to no one in particular if the two aren't really going to fight, considering what the team knows. Upon hearing that, Wu has an 'oh, SHIT' moment, and tries calling out to Garmadon to not fight.
Too late, because he takes a swing at Lloyd, who barely dodges in time and gets a punch into the cheek that sends him back into the ground.
Garmadon shouts for him to get back up, that if he wanted a fight, then he'd get what he wanted, as he was the so-called green ninja. Those words, minus the green ninja bit, trigger a very unpleasant memory for Lloyd, one where an older boy yelled at him and beat him up for being the son of Lord Garmadon. He's snapped out of it with a kick to the face from a serpentine; he was unconsciously crawling away.
Garmadon shouts for his opponent to man up and stop being a coward and Lloyd shakes his head before standing up.
This time, Lloyd apologizes to his father and races towards him, using a trick he picked up from training with the ninja: he sends some lightning in Garmadon's direction, which he blocks, before sliding and kicking his feet out from beneath him, making Garmadon fall as Lloyd kips up, one that he's been practicing and celebrates pulling off prematurely. (Again, 7 year old in a 16 year old's body)
Garmadon gets up with a cool sweepy motion and kicks the back of Lloyd's knee before kicking him HARD in the face, enough to make his nose bleed.
He laughs that NOW this is a good fight, and asks very tauntingly where it's been in the first place, as Lloyd struggles to his feet as he holds his nose. He throws apologies and martial arts to the wind as he shouts and left hooks Garmadon close to the eye. Garmadon has none of it and uses two of his four hands to grab Lloyd's hands before returning the punch to its sender, kneeing, and kicking Lloyd away once more, but not without a surprise blast of ice to the megaweapon, freezing it to uselessness.
On his back, Lloyd fights tears as Garmadon shouts at him for getting in the way, being no better than the ninja and always trying to ruin his plans. Lloyd, barely able to keep it together, bites that what he's been told is true, that Garmadon really is evil.
Garmadon kicks him numerous times for that, in the face, ribs, and arms, shouting he doesn't know anything about what he's had to do for his son.
Lloyd crawls back and throws his hood off, revealing himself for everyone to see, those who don't know, at least.
All that rage and battle adrenaline Garmadon had immediately gets washed away by horror as he sees and recognizes the green ninja's face, even though he's bleeding, starting to bruise, and has tears streaming down his face.
Silence washes over the entire arena; not even Skales has something dry to say.
Garmadon and Lloyd stare at each other, the father struck with guilt and horror as his son glares at him as he doesn't bother trying to stop his tears, even backing away when Garmadon reaches out for him.
"L-Lloyd? How?"
Lloyd rolls onto his front and pushes himself up, grunting out, "The Valciraptor. I used tea to make it age into nothing but bones. Kai and Jay and Cole, the weapon made them turn into kids." He stands very slumped over and holding his side and turns around to Garmadon, who puts the pieces together, and glares at Wu.
"You... You fools! Look at what you've done to MY SON!"
"All Sensei did was bring the tea to our location," Lloyd replies as he takes a breath and straightens, wiping his eyes and meeting his father's gaze head on. "I wasn't going to let you take my family away from me."
Those words put a SPEAR through Garmadon's chest and opens the teams eyes, especially when Lloyd turns to them and smiles to say what he said was true.
Garmadon trembles as emotions flood him. He's beaten and attacked his son, turned his ENTIRE family against him, and has ultimately proven that the evil from the great devourer's venom has truly shaped who he is.
But he still has the megaweapon. With a shout, he smashes the bottom part into the ground, commanding the weapon to turn back the clock and to give him back his son, to give him back his boy and give him the power to destroy those who've taken everything from him.
The weapon cracks even more and begins to start working, but a panic reaction from Lloyd takes care of that:
The teen's eyes go from their usual red to green, and then gold as he shoots a blast of energy at the weapon just as it too blasts at him and the team. Despite a little back and forth, the gold and green blast overwhelms the megaweapon and it is destroyed in Garmadon's hand, leaving nothing but the fang blades and the now permanently dormant golden weapons.
The gold and green energy blast morphs into enery tentacles as Lloyd slightly hovers off the ground. Before they can do anything, he drops to the ground, the energy fading and everyone still alive. Garmadon's eyes lock onto the unconscious Lloyd and he drops to his knees, only watching him as his own tears fall from his eyes
The team silently collect the fang blades and the weapons, though Zane chooses instead to carry the unconscious Lloyd on his back.
As they leave, the serpentine all back off, giving them room to leave. Skales does try telling them to attack, but Garmadon weakly grabs his arm. "No. That's enough. Let them go."
The episode ends as the team reaches the Bounty and Lloyd cries as quietly as he can, which Zane notices. Kai asks if Lloyd's okay, but Zane says that Lloyd's just having a bad dream, as he did get triggered earlier, and will be okay when he's in bed. Kai shrugs it off, and Lloyd thanks Zane, who smiles sympathetically as the episode closes.
NEXT EPISODE: We start with a another jumpcut montage, but it's not crazy like before. Somber-ish music playing as we switch from Garmadon, who's leaning against a table while dealing with a major shame-over from fighting with Lloyd. The serpentine watch him closely, but are too scared to ask what their plan of action is now. Cut to Lloyd as he lies curled up in bed with the blankets over him. He's still physically and mentally beaten up by what happened in Ouroboros and would rather stay in bed than talk about it. Tv perspective, the camera would be on a tired and drained Lloyd as he hears and feels his bed creak slightly behind him as someone sits down. It cuts to show it's Wu, who has some bandages on his face from the battle and is silent for his nephew's sake. He goes to put a hand on Lloyd's shoulder, but Lloyd sits up and removes the blanket. They stare at each other before Lloyd hugs him, Wu returning the hug and rubbing the back of Lloyd's head. Cut to Garmadon staring at the sky, with Skales and some lower ranked serpentine watching him. One brave soul gulps and approaches him, offering some water, because he's been standing and staring for hours on end. G-Dog politely turns down the free drink and returns to standing and staring. Zoom in on Skales glaring him down as the serpentine quietly agree that since the fight, Garmadon's been about as useful as a water in a spray bottle used against a house fire. Cut to the ninja as they train on the deck, Nya included, all of them stopping when Lloyd walks out and awkwardly shrugs as he forces a smile.
As he warms up, Jay checks in on him, maybe we can have a visual gag of Zane doing something cardiovascular by running between where the deck meets the front and back of the ship behind them as they talk.
Jay asks if Lloyd's feeling any better, all things considered, including that he hasn't left the bunk rooms in a week, and Lloyd says he's fine, not as good as he'd like to be, but fine as he is. Jay then asks about what happened with the megaweapon, more specifically when Lloyd did the cool hovering thing, to which Lloyd responds that he still can't remember what he did or the events slightly prior, even though he's tried remembering and repeating what he did, though he does ask if they've had luck with the weapons and fang blades.
Kai pauses from his spar with Cole to say they've still had no dice. The elemental weapons are dead and there's no bringing them back. Behind them, Zane sprints around them, on a mission to get in as many laps as he can.
Lloyd deflates at the fact that Wu was right about the weapon being at its limit, but continues warming up.
Nya, from her place on some sort of mini obstacle course, relays that she and Wu did some digging and noted that the weapons had certain reactions when placed beside certain weapons; the scythe looked less like dead stone next to the 'earth' fangblade, the one used in the trophy for the talent show, there was a defined red edge to the sword next the the 'fire' fang blade, etcetera. Lloyd, who switched to doing push-ups, wonders what it could mean.
Kai jokes that maybe it has to do with Garmadon getting the fangbaldes and making THEM into another megaweapon, but Cole quite literally kicks his ass for this, which sends Kai to the deck with a surprised yelp. Cole ignores the glare from Kai as he says whatever the change is, it's most likely important. He also apologizes for how messed up his blood family is, concerning what Lloyd said about them being his family. When Lloyd flinches away, Jay tries to lessen the words by saying, "Hey, at least you still have Sensei. A-and your mother." Lloyd shakes his head at this and admits, "I wouldn't know. I've... never met her. I mean, I remember her, but... something happened. And I never saw her again."
The ninja ans Wu are dead silent, but Kai gets up to continue his spar with Cole, and try to steal the rank of leader, only for Zane, who's been running this entire time, to surprise leap onto his back and send him back into the deck, Kai shouting, "No! Not again!"
The ninja laugh, and Lloyd lets himself chuckle, Zane saying to him as he holds a wrestling Kai, "Regardless, Lloyd, I believe we should be able to make up for what you've lost, if you'll allow us." He nods and says he does, thanking Zane as Kai breaks free.
Too bad the moment's broken by an alarm going off, Wu informimg them that venom from the great devourer has been found at anither museum in Ninjago City, one that's bigger and more expensive to go to than the one where the Valciraptor was revived. They all head out, even Lloyd, who figures he could use the change of scenery.
Quick cut to Garmadon sulking, but a Hypnobri saying they found the ninja at sea, and that they overheard Lloyd admitting he was apologetic about what happened with the weaopn. Garmadon, too desperately, commands that they get there immediately, missing and smirking Skales, who nods a 'well done' to the Hypnobri.
Back with the team, they make it to the city, the dragon and Bounty hidden a top a building as they arrive, carrying the fang blades with them along with the dead elemental weapons for safe keeping, and because they missed using the weapons.
Turns out the venom, like before, has given life to some of the museum's exhibits, but instead of bobbleheads, it's extinct creatures that used to hunt in Ninjago before humans were a thing, creatures like sabertooth tigers with cobras for a tails, bears that stand tall as giraffes and are long as hell rather than squat and fat, maybe a mini Valciraptor and Treehorn, and all sorts of nasties that makes the hair on even Zane's arms stand on end.
As the museum's director explains the situation, Lloyd stops and notices a painting of a crowd, maybe a battle in a village, and the camera would zoom in on his face, more specifically eyes because his face is hidden, as he stares. TV perspective, the director's voice fades into a crowd screaming in terror, particularly a woman screaming for her child to stay with her before the child himself screams for his mother.
A tap on the shoulder from Zane snaps him out of it, the white ninja asking if he's okay, which he semi-lies about. They rejoin the group and find the beasties, each person taking on one: Cole gets the monster long giraffe bear, Kai gets a large, wolf sized doberman with a long long and snake head and a bat head, Jay gets the sabertooth, Zane has to deal with treehorns agian(he looks at them with a glare, pulls off his hood, and lets a very scary, psychotic smile grow on his face because these things are the size of pitbulls.), and Lloyd is left to a cheetah-horse hybrid that spits acid at him, acid similar to what we have in our stomachs to digest food.
Each creature is oddly colored and had grown a stoney patch with veins of the devourer's venom pulsing all theough their bodies.
Where are Wu and Nya during all this? Well, Nya saw a woman almost get nommed on by one of these creatures, but the woman threw NYA out of the way and dealt with it herself with a blade hidden in her research scroll. Another beast comes running, but just as she goes for her blade again, Wu saves the woman as Cole takes care of it, apologizing for being a bad driver. Wu asks if she's alright, the camera on him, and he gasps at who he just rescued, even though she would've been just fine.
Cut to the ninja each fighting off their respective monster and winning, though when they hear shouting from Zane, they find him panting in a room full of dust and stone bits with a smile on his face. They're all terrified, but Jay's the only one brave enough to say Zane's lost it, which Zane responds to by throwing a recreated treehorn bit at him.
Lloyd isn't as successful as the cheetah-horse keeps knocking him back with it's front hooves and going for a bite, though he does well enough to get a few kicks in and block it woth his sword. It snags his collar instead and shakes him into a wall, which makes him see stars, before it goes for a bite and Lloyd gets in a killing blow with a sword. It falls, and he lies on his back, worn from the fight and not noticing the mini, great dane sized Valciraptor bites his hood and drags him back, making Lloyd choke. He's dragged awsy from his sword and his powers aren't exactly working right now, so he's left flailing and kicking to try and break free.
Thank goodness a blade pierces the Valciraptor and a boot stomps in it, destroying the creature. I hope you remembered that woman Wu saved, because she helps Lloyd to his feet as he coughs and thanks her.
The two meet eyes and the woman gasps, the team rounding the corner with Wu at the lead. Lloyd has major déja vu as the woman holds his face, tearing up as she examines him, asking if it's really him.
Wu speaks up to Lloyd that he probably wouldn't remember, as he was a CHILD when it happened(there's being a child, like a little kid, and then there's being a CHILD, like a 2 or 3 yesr old) and a crowd that heavy would have been too overwhelming for a three year old to handle. The ninja are flabbergasted and Lloyd backs away, a look of 'it can't be' on his face before he runs, overwhelmed by what's going on and not turning back when the woman calls for him and starts to give chase before Nya stops her, saying he just needs a lottle bit of time. Jay apologizes for breaking the moment and asks who this woman is, considering how skilled she is for being Wu's age.
Wu states that this is Lloyd's mother, the woman taking the wheel and introducing herself as Misako.
Cut to Garmadon and the serpentine generals as they fly a fang-copter over the water, Garmadon looking and asking for where Lloyd is. Skales replies, "Right HERE!" and shoves hin into the water below, where he falls and resurfaces to see them fly away. He calls them bastards and traitors and swims in a random direction, hoping it's right because damn him, if it isn't. Skales and the other generals bid good riddance to bad rubbish and the other leaders decide Skakes would maje a great leader. He ddoesn't disagree.
Back at the museum, the team has split up in search for Lloyd, the groups being Wu and Cole, Zane and Misako, and Jay, Nya and Kai, who's joining so Jay doesn't do anything suspicious. Zane catches Misako up on the series and tells her what's happened. She's not too happy about the fact her son fought his father one on one and got his ass kicked or the fact that he thought it was a good idea at 6 years old to befriend a bunch of snakes, but knowing what happemed and what he's been through, she can't exactly throw in her two cents. Zane admits that she's back in Lloyd's life now, and the two of them can catch up personally.
They find Lloyd sitting with his knees to his chest near a bottomless pit, which is restricted from entering to the public, and Misako quietly sits beside him. Zane stays back, but sneakily grabs some rope in case they fall.
After a few minutes, in which the rest of the team arrives, Misako carefully puts a hand on Lloyd's head, apologizing to him as he meets her eyes. Turns out he's been crying and he sees that her eyes are tearing up very much so. Out of misunderstanding, and a broken heart, he asks why she left him. Misako quickly hugs him, crying that she held on as much as she could, that she should've carried him rather than led him by hand as he was only three years old at the time. He thinks back to that painting and remembers more clearly as Misako weeps it was an attack and they should have left as soon as it began rather than sit and wait for Garmadon. Lloyd remembers vaguely how his father was back then as well, and says almost bitterly that his father hasn't changed a bit.
Misako pulls away and gets a closer look at him, asking how he got so bug if only four years have past. Zane's the one to spill the tea, the Tomorrow Tea that is, and Kai tries joking about it, stealing my spilling the tea joke, which earns him 'drop dead' eyes from Lloyd and Misako.
Whatever doubts they had about Misako vanish instantly.
Lloyd has one more question, though: Where was she while he was in Darkley's, even when he was thrown out?
Misako gives Wu 'How could you!?' eyes and then hugs Lloyd again.
She looked everywhere for him. The bus he was put on headed toward Ninjago city while her bus headed toward Jumonakai village, the two locations essentially being like Maine and California. She looked in every orphanage, boarding school, refugee camp, and anywhere else she could think, going from village to village to try and find him. She never really found him, but she found out about the serpentine and the dark island.
We get the explanation from before about the Overlord, his indestructible army, and that HE'S the one Lloyd needs to take down, not Garmadon, though they all move rooms so no one falls in the bottomless pit.
The ninja collectively shudder at this, and then Misako notices the fang blades, asking about them and the dead weapons. Lloyd drops the megaweapon and fang blade bomb and Misako realizes that the great devourer is gone with a capital G, which is bad because it could've been a last resort. She also remembers something she learned, when Lloyd talks about the weapons reacting to the fang blades. She holds the nunchucks with the fangpire blade and everyone is surprised to see the weapons merge into a cook buton sai mix that can be nunchuck-y with the push of a button. Lloyd asks how it's possible, since the weapons lost their power, and Misako explains that things don't really die, they just become something else, something more powerful. This is a voice over as we see a giant stone warrior come to life with help from the great devourer's venom.
Cut to Jay taking back what he said earlier, because Lloyd's mom is a badass. He's not exactly paying attention, instead asking Wu and Misako why they didn't find him earlier or why Misako hadn't joined the team earlier when Lloyd was first brought on the Bounty. Wu explains that he had called Misako to fill her in, and Misako was on her way, choosing to travel by foot between bus rides because she was tired of getting cat-called by other men and having a sore rear from sitting for nearly four hours straight. She at first started the research to cope with what happened, but it became a hobby and "safety net" for when she couldn't find Lloyd. If that doesn't paint a clear picture that Lloyd is, was, and always has been her first priority, I don't know what does
The stone warrior interrupts the moment, shocking EVERYONE. It takes a swing and they all dodge it, Misako throwing Lloyd out of the way as she flips back and readies her blade again. Lloyd isn't about to lose his awesome mom, so he leaps off the wall and kicks out the warrior's knee, making it fall.
They run to a 'party' room, one that's proper for fighting, and the duel begins, the ninja unsheathing their weapons and each one merging his with a corresponding fang blade after seeing their weapons fail where Jay's succeeds. Cole's scythe mixes with the Hypnobri blade, making it a staff sword on one end and a wicked double bladed scythe on the other, Zane merges his shurikens with the Constricti blade, giving him a staff that his shurikens can be removed from that turns into a bow with ice and venom arrows, and Kai merges his sword with the Hypnobri blade, at girst complaining that his weapon is the same before seeing it is every pyromaniac swordsman's dream when the sword becomes something of a whip that spews fire when it slashes and cracks.
They do more damage to the warrior, Lloyd getting in aome good hits with his powers, which he keeps in check as Misako fights with him and commends him for doing well in battle.
Good times end when the ninja are thrown off and Lloyd remembers the bottomless pit.
He shouts for everyone to give him at least five minutes and ahouts for Nya to follow him, which she does, as the rest keep fighting.
Even though they do well enough, the stone warrior follows where Lloyd and Nya ran, the remaining team trying to stop it.
Cut to it finding and charging at a meditating Lloyd, Misako crying for him to move because he's right infront of the bottomless pit. As the warrior swings, Lloyd falls back, and the warrior falls with him, having lost its balance from swinging at him.
Misako and the ninja are all quiet, Misako fighting tears as Nya says that all Lloyd told her to do was move the rope around the pit and keep her distance, and that she didn't know he'd do this.
Misako sees a glow from the pit and gasps as Lloyd hovers back out of the pit, looking very much like how he did before when he destroyed the megaweapon to protect his uncle and friends. He touches the ground drops to his hands and knees with a sigh, looking back at the pit and laugh-cry about his plan working as Misako hugs him and slyly pulls him away from the pit.
The others are equally glad, though Cole threatens him that if he does something like that again, he's keeping Lloyd in a harness on his chest to keep an eye on him.
They try to laugh it off, even though Misako gives him murder eyes, and all leave the museum, Lloyd sheepishly asking Misako if she's coming with them.
Upon seeing the 'please say yes' in his eyes, she hugs him and agrees that she'd be more than honored.
The episode ends with the team welcoming Misako on the Bounty, and a cut to an unconscious Garmadon floating on his back and washing on the shore of the dark island, exhausted from swimming and plotting on how he can get back at the serpentine. From a first person POV shot, a figure watches him rest, hissing out in a distorted voice, "Ah. He's perfect."
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maybebanks · 4 years
I Could’ve Stopped It CH.I
interactive fic
idea from @outrbanks
JJ Maybank x Routledge!reader
alternative plot to episode “Dead Calm” - outerbanks
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“So that’s what we’re doing now? We’re robbing drug dealers?” Kie asks, her tone worried and angry at the same time.
“This Barry guy is gonna find out. And he’s gonna come after us,” Sarah adds.
“Yes he will, okay, this is not the time to start wilin’ out,” Pope agrees.
“How’d you guys like havin a gun pulled on ya?” JJ retaliates.
You clenched your fists at your sides, Barry had threatened your group earlier and if it wasn’t for your brother John B initiating the reverse attack, he would have stolen your gold.
“Relax,” John B told JJ, stepping closer.
“He had it right here on you bro,” JJ pointed in your brothers face.
“Look,” John B pressed, “Just give me that shit-“ John B reached for the duffel bag JJ was holding.
At this, JJ lunges at John B, pushing him into the van. A loud banging noise erupting.
You flinched, but only Kie noticed.
“We’re putting it back,” John B orders. Still at the mercy of JJ.
“You feel like a tough guy, huh!? What are you gonna do when he comes for us?” John B questions.
You bit your lip, to be honest, the thought of vengeful Barry was worse than him before.
“We punch him in the throat,” JJ responds.
“Yeah good fuckin’ idea, JJ,” John B adds.
JJ scoffs lightly, “I’m not putting it back,” then JJ hops inside the van, taking a seat in the back.
“You guys getting in, or what?” JJ shouted, shuffling around in the bag.
You looked at Kie and she shook her head at you, almost telling you no.
Pope exchanged a glance with John B. No one said anything.
JJ took notice and got out of the van, “What?” He asked.
“We’re sick of your shit,” John B says, you wanted to stop him, but your feet were planted.
“Oh, my shit?” JJ scoffs.
“Yeah, yeah, your shit,” John B confirmed.
“Yes. Your pulling guns on people shit.” Kie pointed out.
“Y/n?!” JJ brought you into this, you were standing behind Kie, but you didn’t have anything to add, other than the fact that you were just scared.
Pope stepped forward, “You’re acting like a frickin maniac-“
“Pope! I took the fall for you man! You know how much money I owe because of you?!” JJ exclaimed.
“I’m gonna pay you back!” Pope responded.
“I just did! Pay it back,” JJ said, now quieter, “Right here, right now, by myself,”
JJ turned his head, locking eyes with you, “You know what? That’s exactly what I’m gonna do,” JJ decides, grabbing the bag and zipping it shut.
“No, JJ-“ you began, your throat still dry.
“Go off, by myself,” he said harshly. He pulled the strap over his shoulder, turned his back, and started walking away.
“JJ wait!-“ you called, but stopped when you felt two hands grab your shoulders from behind and pull you back.
“Hey, don’t, Y/n,” John B, your brother said.
“He’s our friend-“
“Just..let him go,” Sarah added. Making you slightly angered.
Kie sighed, as Pope slammed his hands on the van.
“You can’t tell me what to do, John B,” you told him as you stepped forward to join JJ. You knew what would happen, that JJ had nowhere to go.
John B grabbed your again, by your waist, pulling you back towards him, “I’m not gonna let you hurt yourself over JJ and his-“
“Let go of me!” You screamed, John B pulling you into his chest as you squirmed.
You felt his muscular arms close in on your chest, watching JJ get farther and farther away.
“John B...” Sarah said as she saw you fight against him.
“I’m gonna let you go, and your gonna go straight in the van, okay?” John B said, condescendingly.
“No!” You spit, “fuck off,” you struggled.
“Y/n listen to him,” Kie added.
“Can’t you see he needs us right now?!” You strugged yourself away from John B.
“He does this, Y/n. He’ll come back sooner or later,” John B persuaded.
“I can’t believe you guys,” you scoffed, yanking your last arm out of John B’s grip.
“Y/n, don’t you dare,” John B challenged.
“Seriously?!” You exclaimed, staring directly at John B.
“He’s just trying to protect you, Y/n,” Sarah argued.
“You don’t fucking know him,” you said harshly, Sarah was surprised by your anger.
“Yeah, but we know his Dad. Y/n you don’t want to do this,” Pope reasoned.
You sighed, looking for JJ and now not able to see him, he must have gotten through the trees.
You tried not to show the sadness on your face at the thought of what would happen to JJ if he went home. He usually stayed with you and John B.
You didn’t say another word and just got in the passengers seat. John B started driving it beside you, the rest of the gang in the back.
You felt anxious, scared even. And not even of the fact that Barry could shoot up your house any minute.
You paced back and forth through the kitchen, only focused on your footsteps against the wood floor. You looked up only once or twice to see the couch spot JJ sometimes slept on, maybe he would be there.
“Y/n will you stop that?” John B asked, coming inside from the porch.
“I can’t...I’m fuckin’ worried,” you expressed, breathing out your words.
“Y/n, he’ll be fine. He’s dealt with his dad before. He’ll come back in two days, tops,” John B suggested.
You frowned, but didn’t respond, just sat down on the bed, staring at the couch JJ sleeps on.
“Hey guys,” Sarah says tiredly, coming in and hugging John B.
You rolled your eyes, she’s here, while JJ isn’t.
John B smiled and said something about starting a fire for her, then headed outside.
Sarah approached you slowly, then sat down next to you, hesitantly.
“What?” You said.
“You really care about him. I get it,” Sarah said.
“I just don’t want him getting the shit kicked out of him,”
“I know, that’s how I feel about John B,” Sarah agreed.
You scoffed lightly, trying not to provoke her, “You’ve known John B for like 2 days, Sarah,”
“Yes...but I know I’d protect him...like he did for you,”
“John B stopped me from going to JJ’s because he doesn’t think I can handle his dad. I’m also not going to abandon JJ just because his dad’s a tool,”
“His dad does drugs?” Sarah asked.
“Among other things,” you mumbled.
“Well I’m sure John B had good intentions,” Sarah argued.
“Sarah, it’s not your place,” you told her.
Suddenly, Pope walked in, also looking worried. When he saw you his eyes widened.
“Hey, can I talk to you? It’s about JJ,” Pope started.
You jumped up subtly and quickly got towards Pope, “yeah what’s up?”
“He wasn’t at his place,” Pope told you quietly.
“What?! You went there?!” You exclaimed.
“Shh! Yeah...I think something bad happened. Like maybe Barry got him. I don’t know. I’m just worried,”
“Yeah same. I just want him safe. So what do you think we should do?”
Pope shrugged at your question, “we could scout out his place again. You go there, I’ll check Barry’s.”
“If we’re going to do this you can’t tell John B. He’ll freak if he finds out I was anywhere near JJ’s place,” you mentioned.
“I don’t know, seems like the more people know the greater our chance of survival is,”
“Look, I just don’t want John B playing the overprotective brother all night. I want to find my friend,” you assured.
“Fine. But send out a letter to my parents when I die, Barry is one scary ass dude,” Pope says.
“Ugh...okay...maybe we don’t have to go to JJ’s I mean, we already know he’s not there. And I can indirectly find out if Barry has him,”
“Indirectly?” Pope questions.
“Through Rafe. I should probably go alone though, he’d be more inclined to talk,”
“Shit, Y/n...I hate to say that’s a good plan. Because dealing with Rafe can get messy, John B would kill me right now-“
“If this works..he won’t be so overprotective, and you won’t have to worry. And anyway, let’s go get out best friend back,”
You pulled at the hem of your crop top, secretly wishing it would cover the rest of your midriff. There was some pop song playing up the walk way of the country club. You sighed.
“Hi! Uh excuse me! Members only beyond this point,” some worker mentioned to you, blocking you from entering.
“I’m actually here with Rafe Cameron? You know him? Or maybe you know Ward-“
“Yes, alright, he’s in the private suite,” the worker said and quickly turned away.
You nodded and walked slowly, past the bar and to where a group of privileged boys were laughing.
“Uh Hey. Rafe can I talk to you? In priv-“ you stopped yourself when you saw a sick smile grow on his face.
“Hello Y/n! So glad you came here! More pogues to join the fun,” he exclaimed, sniffling something under his nose.
“More pogues?” You asked, confused.
“You’re John B’s sister right?..Sorry how rude of me, I’m Topper. I was just thinkin about the revenge I could get on him by messing with you,” he laughed, eyeing you.
You tried not to look afraid, swallowing hard.
“There’s no need for that!” Rafe paused, “it was the guy who put a gun to your head that needs the reprimanding. That’s what he’s here for isn’t it?” Rafe chuckled, putting his arm around you.
You grabbed his wrist gently and pulled him off, “JJ’s here?!”
Rafe raised his eyebrows, his amusement only growing, “JJ, my man! Come out and serve me my mai tai!”
You looked around, and soon, as Rafe said, JJ came out behind the bar, his head was hanging low. He served the boys some drinks, not even making eye contact with you.
You were in utter shock. He didn’t have the country club uniform on, so you knew this wasn’t a legit job. Just a way of stripping JJ’s pride.
“What-What are you doing?” You ask JJ, dumbfoundedly.
JJ looks down, ignoring you. His face is littered with bruises, and cuts on the weakest points of those. It hurt you to see him like this, battered. And all of his pride and cocky happiness gone.
“What the hell? You think not treating JJ like a human is fair revenge?” You tried not to let your voice crack.
“We didn’t even beat him up yet! I was gonna have my fun,” he paused rolling up his sleeves, “you’ll stay for the show, won’t you?”
At that, Kelce, Topper and some other dude grab JJ and hold him up in a position for Rafe. JJ struggles, trying to hold out for you.
“Very Rafe of you,” you rolled your eyes.
Rafe muttered some things about how he was going to punch JJ. Instantly, you stepped infront of Rafe’s tall figure. You grab his fist in both of your hands, “Don’t hurt him,” you ordered.
You though you saw a flash of hurt or sympathy flash in Rafe’s eyes. But what he says next destroys everything you thought.
“Move out of the way...or I’ll let Topper do what we’ve all been thinking ever since we saw you in that red bikini,” Rafe seethes angerly.
“I can’t get that image out of my brain, yo,” Kelce added, smirking.
JJ’s jaw clenched, he hated this. Hated how you had to come save him, hated how they talked about you like some object. You weren’t, you were a amazing person to him inside and out.
“Fuck off!” You shouted, shoving Rafe’s shoulders back aggressively. Subconsciously knowing your exits.
“Wanna say that again, sweetheart?” Rafe exclaimed, he wrapped his hands around your neck, digging the tips of his fingers into your skin, “why do Pogues always get in fights they don’t belong?” He seethed.
You whimpered at the pain he was giving you, then Rafe shoved you against the floor, two feet away from where they were about to beat JJ.
You took a few deep breaths before interfering, you weren’t going to give up. Not on JJ. Like you did before.
JJ notices you stand up, and walk over to put yourself in the fight again.
“Get out of here, Y/n,” JJ warned, shoving against his confinement.
“Rafe, please! Don’t you have better things to do? I mean..what would your dad think-“ you were just thinking on your toes, you didn’t expect to activate him.
“You watch your mouth, pogue,” he fumed.
“Make me, asshole,” you stated, remaining completely unfazed at the threat his body alone was posing.
That’s when he snapped. His whole body lunged towards you, you jumped back. But he caught you, his chest against yours as he forced your back into the nearest wall.
“Get away from her!” JJ shouted, thrashing more violently against the group of boys.
“I have her right where I want her,” Rafe said, both of his hands were on either side of your head, closing you in.
You really wished John B was here.
“Hit him,” Rafe ordered, nonchalantly.
The kook boys responded.
Your eyes widened in panic, “NO!”
CH.II if you like fluff
CH.II if you prefer angst.
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beckydoesthings · 4 years
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various fics of hxl that i adore reading! this list is quite lengthy, but feel free to message me if you have any questions!
*will continue to be updated. also, if i mistagged you, i apologize, i do not know how to tumblr*
Love Is a Rebellious Bird
E | 134k | @100percentsassy and gloria_andrews
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
i think this tickled every bone of my musical self and also made me cry (are you seeing a theme here??) one of the first fics i fell in love with and one i keep coming back to.
E | 226k | @tequiladimples
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
the world building in this one is insanity - so much good mythology mixed in and it made me screech with joy. i think i can firmly say that i did not expect where the plot went, but that made the story so much better.
Flour and Chocolate
M | 145k | @danosphere91
It was nice, for a bakery he supposed.
Then he approached the display cabinet.
And the foreboding slammed into him. Because every product had letters next to it. Letters. GF, DF, V, O, VGN.
What. The. Fuck?
Lifting his eyes to the chalkboard menu spread across the back wall Louis felt physically ill. ‘Gluten-free’, ‘organic’, ‘vegan’, ‘paleo’, ‘dair-…’ Wait, what the fuck was a paleo? He had entered some hipster-trash establishment and it was more than time to get out.
Louis is a single dad and Harry works at the newly opened bakery down the street.
the miscommunication in this fic is SO REAL and makes for a good read. the rest of the flour and chocolate series is also fantastic. i thoroughly enjoyed both the ziam and ed/niall arcs that bring the whole story together.
run away home
E | 106k | @hattalove
Louis stands, in the middle of a clearing with his hands in his pockets, and stares. This boy—God, this gorgeous, gorgeous boy. He seems so clumsy, confused at the best of times, but there’s a wisdom about him as he speaks, a maturity that belies his age.
Louis is hopelessly, wildly attracted to him.
or, louis is a successful jockey down on his luck, struggling to get his life back on track after an injury. harry has a horse, a house fit for a prince, and a broken heart.
it takes them a while to figure out that they need each other.
this makes my inner horse girl extraordinarily happy - even if i don’t know anything about horse racing. louis’ story in this is beautiful and makes the whole piece worth a read.
waiting for the tides to meet
E | 60k | @nauticalleeds
Louis lets out a deep breath, thinking about Harry’s soulmate. Thinking about how Harry’s soulmate is probably as beautiful as Harry, some person that Louis cannot compare to, and how the universe has chosen them to be Harry’s. Fuck the universe. “Fuck you,” he calls out to the universe. He’s aware of how crazy he sounds.
Maybe he is crazy, with how he’s falling for Harry. And fuck that, too.
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
Featuring a lovely cup of OT5, a road trip down the coast, and a scene where Harry eats a whole head of lettuce. Don't ask why.
gorgeous soulmate AU that gives me summer cruising vibes. worth the read for the lettuce scene alone (i kid, i kid)
Do Not Go Gentle
E | 70k | @afirethatcannotdie
“This is all a game to you, isn’t it? Well, it’s not for me. This is a real life or death situation,” Louis says, spitting the words at him. “And I just don’t think you’re cut out for it.”
For a moment, they stare at each other in complete silence. Harry can feel his blood thrumming between his ears, can see Louis glaring at him, feels red-hot anger. And then all he feels, oppressively and desperately, is lust.
Suddenly Louis is surging up to him to press his lips against Harry’s. Harry walks the two of them backwards, pressing Louis back against the door. Louis oomphs in surprise and brings his hands under Harry’s scrub top, scratching at his lower back.
“Lock — oh — lock the… fucking door,” Louis mutters.
When Harry Styles starts his first day as a surgical intern, he expects a lot of things: to treat patients, to observe a surgery, to feel a bit overwhelmed. What he definitely doesn't expect, however, is that the handsome guy he kicked out of his bed this morning is also an intern.
A Grey’s Anatomy AU where tensions are high, Harry and Louis are hooking up in secret, and no one has time for love. Or do they?
okay i’ve watched maybe 3 episodes of Gray’s Anatomy, but i feel like this encompasses the vibe of the show: medical stuff with a hefty dose of angst and sexual tension
Falling For Me Won’t Be A Mistake
M | 58k | @all-these-larrythings
Harry is married to his job and so overworked that he doesn't know how to stop. All it takes is a forced Hawaiian get-a-away, the warm tropical breeze of the island, and the most beautiful, elusive man he's ever seen to make him remember what living is like outside of work. Well, that, and the little souvenir he accidentally takes home with him.
one of my favorite mpreg fics so if that’s not your cup of tea, then don’t read it. i love surgeon harry with a vengeance, but honestly Gems and Niall are iconic in this one.
Watching the World Fall
E | 11k | @crazyupsetter why won’t it let me tag :(
This segment has been going on long enough that Louis knows what’s coming before James starts in on it, trying to sell him on something he knows that Louis wouldn’t normally be buying. But there’s four cameras surrounding him, and an audience watching him expectantly, so if Louis wants to continue convincing people that he’s doing just fine, he’s going to have to go along with it.
“We have a whole host of single men backstage waiting to meet you, Louis,” James tells him. “We want to help you find love tonight, on Late Late Live Tinder. Is this okay? Do you want to play?”
It actually kind of makes sense that his first date after the break-up is going to be just as public as said break-up. Something like coming full circle.
“Alright, James,” Louis agrees, hopping down off his stool.
“Okay, come down to the stage,” James says. Louis can’t even tell whether the excitement in his voice is genuine or not. “Right now, come on down!”
i have a soft spot the size of Antarctica for Late Late AU fics (we stan James Corden) and for exes to lovers so this checks all the boxes.
autumn leaves
E | 27k | @suspendrs
“Brave?” Harry frowns, caught off guard. “No, not particularly.”
“You seem brave,” Louis decides, pushing off the wall and stepping on the butt of his cigarette. “You are strong, and you are not mean. That’s good,” he assures, touching Harry’s arm gently.
“Thank you, but that’s not true,” Harry smiles ruefully. “I’m really not anything special.”
Or, Harry is an American soldier in France during World War II, and Louis is a French waiter that doesn't mean to fall in love with him.
love love french AUs and while this one isn’t sunshine and rainbows, it’s a beautiful yet heart wrenching piece. warning for period typical homophobia
caught up in your love affair
NR | 8k | @disgruntledkittenface
“And the corgis took to you straightaway,” Harry remarks.
“That’s true,” Louis chuckles.
 “I’ve spent the last 29 years being barked at,” Harry deadpans, jerking his hand toward Louis, “this one walks in, absolutely nothing.”
Louis outright giggles at that, saying, “They were just lying on my feet during tea.”
“Wagging tails,” Harry says, shaking his head.
“It’s because they don’t understand flirting,” Louis tells him, “you can’t charm them the way you do everyone else.”
Royal AU. Prince Harry announces his engagement to Louis Tomlinson in an interview with longtime friend and BBC host Nick Grimshaw. Inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
just. 8k of royal fluff. that’s literally it and i adore it so much.
Apples Always Fall (As I Do For You)
M | 54k | @rainbowsandgucci
”Due to unforeseen circumstances, help is needed here at the orchard for the impending apple season. Looking for someone able to start within the next week or two at the most, is willing to do whatever miscellaneous tasks are needed, such as picking & packing apples, running the cash register, and other handywork that may need to be done. Must be good with customers, and able to lift up to 50lbs. Help will be needed until at the least the end of October. Please contact the number found on this page, or come out to the orchard and ask for Harry. All the love xx” --- Louis is staying at his Aunt's farm in a small town in Minnesota for four months. To deal with the boredom that sets in a week into his stay, he starts working at the local apple orchard, owned by twenty six year old Harry Styles. Louis quickly finds himself falling in love with the orchard, and he finds a family in Harry's friends Niall, Liam, and Zayn. He also starts to fall in love with Harry. Falling in love with him turns out to be the easy part.
i never thought i would enjoy an apple orchard fic?? but it’s so good?? farmer harry makes me laugh to think about, but the heartbreak in this fic is so. real.
Mine Would Be You
E | 114k | @crinkle-eyed-boo
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
exes to lovers drama but make it extra sad. the fact that we see so many facets to this story just makes it all the more painful, yet beautiful. this fic also reminds me of how much i love one mister niall horan.
One for Luck
E | 96k | @leavingonatrain
The very first time Louis remembers hearing Harry Styles' deep, deep voice, he's just won gold at the World Equestrian Games and he's officially back on Great Britain's Olympic team. He's also three sheets to the wind, drunk on victory and champagne, and there's a gorgeous boy whispering in his ear. Life's grand.
(AU: Louis and Harry are professional riders on the British Olympic team.)
again, i know nothing about horses, but i like to pretend i do for the sake of this fic. it’s beautiful, it’s smutty what else could you ask for?
Nothing But You On My Mind
E | 83k | @absoloutenonsense
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
i absolutely. definitely. sobbed tears at this fic. it’s just so beautifully painful to read. don’t want to spoil anything, but this is a must.
Adore You
M | 67k | @isthatyoularry
“We invited our new acquaintances from uptown. You’ve simply got to meet their oldest son!” said his mother with a flourish, and suddenly it became abundantly clear as to why his parents had so adamantly demanded he join them in Deansville for the entirety of the summer.
Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do.
Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.
i strongly relate to harry in this one! one of my favorite historical AUs and honestly i love the thought of louis in well fitting suits.
leave it to the breeze
E | 81k | @hattalove
Louis couldn’t be prouder of his bake, but there’s something—there’s something. Something about Harry Styles and the earnest way he measures, pours, mixes, scrapes. Something about the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth as he knocks the air out of his batter.
or a great british bake off au in which louis cares about winning and winning only, harry is made of sunshine and rainbow sprinkles, and niall sticks his nose into other people's business. also featuring liam as louis's best friend-slash-concerned mother, and zayn as a macaron connoisseur.
i. love. the. great british baking show. baking + h&l is amazing. and another reminder as to why niall is the absolute best.
Paint The Sky With Stars
M | 62k | @icanhazzalou grrr let me tag
On 10 April 1912, Harry Styles boards the finest ship the world has ever seen. Still grieving the death of their mother, he and his sister are being sent to America to live with a callous uncle who cares more about his business connections than family. Harry prepares himself for a long, disappointing voyage alone in his stateroom.
Louis Tomlinson has borrowed and saved, and finally has enough to purchase a Third Class ticket to America. With all of his belongings in a single ruck sack, he boards the Titanic filled with hope for a brighter future. Never one to sit still, he can’t resist exploring the massive ship, and soon goes sneaking into First Class in a stolen steward’s uniform.
By a twist of fate, Louis finds himself in Harry’s stateroom, entranced by the most attractive man he’s ever laid eyes on. He keeps returning day after day, even if he doesn’t understand what it is about Harry that continues pulling him in. That’s all right; Louis has a week to figure it out, and Harry is plenty willing to help.
Except they don’t have a week. They have four days. Because on 15 April, their entire world will be turned upside down.
Or, the historically accurate Titanic AU with a happy ending.
gorgeous historical fic that’s so accurate and painstakingly written. i keep coming back to it!
When It’s Late At Night
M | 25k | @all-these-larrythings
Louis has zero interest in an ex-boybander turned solo artist when his appearance on the show gets announced, but that's exactly who he gets stuck with when Harry Styles shows up at the Late Late show to promote the release of his debut album. For an entire fucking week.
The Late Late prompt that we all need to get through this excruciatingly hard time.
remember when i said i love Late Late AUs? yeah. i love that louis gives absolutely zero shits in this fic until he gives all the shits.
Chasing Empty Spaces
E | 79k | @domestic-harry
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
gorgeous historical AU that goes through Harry’s struggle with his sexuality wonderfully. this one also made me cry.
Resist Everything Except Temptation
E | 100k | @domestic-harry
The lethargic sound of heels clicking against wood resonated across the sea. Footsteps descended the staircase, every assured step creating a menacing aura as it grew closer. Perspiration gathered along Louis’ palms as the rhythmic sound halted in front of him.
“Captain,” Malik greeted.
Louis watched out of his peripheral as Malik’s boots shuffled back a few steps. Sweat matted the hair along the nape of Louis’ neck as he waited for something to happen. He felt as if a sharp blade was twisting his gut as the silence became tangible. There was a metallic slide of a sword being pulled out of its sheath, the sound startling Louis out of his cocoon of sterile shock. His shoulders jumped as the tip of a blade flattened underneath his jaw. Louis’ distorted reflection stared back at him in the polished metal. Engraved rose petals twisted his appearance as they crawled up the length of the sword. The sword lifted and took Louis’ chin with it.
Standing in front of Louis was Captain Styles.
The one where Louis is the commodore's son who is forced to become a part of Harry's crew when he is captured.
love this pirate AU that’s got one badass gemma styles. also, harry as a super cool pirate in gorgeous clothes makes me super happy!
i’ll make this feel like home
E | 49k
Harry to groans himself and then takes a deep breath. “Okay, well. Here’s the thing. I peed on a stick.”
Louis isn’t able to get more than a shocked “What!” out before Harry’s steamrolling on.
“I peed on a stick and it says it’s positive, but you always prattle on about how it’s best to go to the doctor’s before you get excited, you know to confirm it because sometimes hormones are off or you have like a tumor or some shit and get false positives and what if I’m dying and-”
“You’re pregnant?!” Louis shouts out, stomach dropping as the words leave his mouth.
“Um, yeah… maybe.”
[the one where Louis' hopelessly in love with his best mate... who just happens to be pregnant with another man's baby.]
baby momma harry with hot mess!Louis is a recipe for disaster, but this one has plenty of fluff to make up for it.
Hands Clasped Tight
E | 44k | @afirethatcannotdie
“What am I looking at here?” Harry asks.
“This, my friends, is a ‘proof’ Instagram account, run by your students,” Liam announces.
“It’s got all this stuff about how the two of you are together,” Niall adds.
“I heard about that,” says one of the math teachers. “Confiscated a kid’s phone today when they were looking at it. I have to say, the evidence that you’re dating is pretty damning.”
“Really,” Louis says dryly. “Do you think being married for three years might have something to do with it?”
Or the one where Harry and Louis are high school teachers and their students have been playing matchmaker for over a year. Little do they know, Harry and Louis are already married.
love love teacher harry and louis that’s mostly funny fluff with a little angst. just a teeny amount. reminds me of my own experiences with meddling students haha.
*updated 2/16/21*
50 notes · View notes
No doubt in my mind where I belong
Ok, so I've been thinking about this one for a while and anyone who follows me will know just how incensed I still am at the whole 'Paddy locking Aaron in his own house' episode, so this is my attempt at trying to make it just a little more bearable. I've had to rejig the whole going on the run thing so canon as it was pretty much stops when Vic walks in to tell them that L** is dead.
I've used some of the dialogue from the ep itself, but yeah, I've tried to make it better.
(A03 link)
When he was a kid he caught the end of one of those dramas about the apocalypse and it scared him. He’d gone downstairs late one night, wanting some water and he’d peeked through to door to see his Mum and Dad watching it. For weeks after he’d had nightmares of the world ending and him being all alone. When it actually happens though, it’s not with a bang or anything so dramatic. In reality it’s two little words that bring his world crumbling down around him.
“Lee’s dead.”
The room is perfectly quiet at Vic’s words, as if none of them quite know what to do. All he can see is Robert’s panicked face. They both know what this means. It means a murder charge, at best manslaughter. It means Robert going to prison, possibly for years.
Then Robert’s talking, his voice carrying through the fog of panic that’s filling his head.
“If anyone’s going then it’s me on my own.”
He stares at him, their silent conversation telling him everything. His next words are the truth, he’s useless without him. There’s no question that he’s staying behind
From then it’s a rush, making sure Seb’s taken care of, that Vic will take him back to Rebecca and try to explain, packing enough clothes for the night, they don’t have time for anything else. When he comes out of the bathroom, hands full of stuff they might need he finds Robert sitting on the bed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Is this the right thing?”
“Yeah. There’s no other choice. Robert we don’t have time. We have to go.”
“We won’t get anywhere, you don’t think they’ll have my name everywhere as soon as they can? How will we even get out of the country?”
“Look, let’s just get out of here first and then we’ll sort it. If we stay here the police will come and then we’ll have no choice. If we leave we have a chance.”
“I should go on my own. You don’t need to be dragged into this.” He shakes his head, there’s no way, the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. “I mean it. Your family, the scrapyard, I’d be dragging you away from it all because I was stupid.”
“You’re my husband, you think that stops just because things get tough? I meant those vows you know. Now come on, get packed.”
Even in his wildest dreams he hadn’t thought it would be so hard to say goodbye to Seb. He tries to say everything he needs to while the little boy plays with his trucks. The little boy he’d once thought he could never love, who had won him over the minute he held him. Would he ever remember them, would he hate them for leaving him like this? He presses a kiss to the top of his hair and then makes his excuses about sorting the two cars because he can’t watch Robert say goodbye to his son.
By the time Robert’s done his Mum and Paddy are there and he makes the goodbyes as quick as he can but of course his Mum doesn’t want him to go, using the baby to try and stop him, demanding he doesn’t leave. He says the only thing he can.
“I choose Robert.”
It was idyllic, the sun coming through the trees, the only noise the birds singing and the distant hum of traffic.. It really was idyllic. If he closed his eyes he could imagine they were on a picnic, the three of them, Seb taking a nap after wearing himself out exploring, he and Robert enjoying the quiet. Instead he’s looking around expecting the police to jump out any second. They’d driven for an hour, far enough away that they wouldn’t be found quickly, driving the cars down a track that looked like it hadn’t been used for years, deep enough that it couldn’t be seen easily, and now they were waiting, sat in the woods like they had years before.
"So we're agreed?" Robert asks breaking the silence. They’d talked this over so many times and there was no other way.
"Yeah." They needed to get out of the country and to do that they needed passports. Robert’s contacts had come up blank, leaving Aaron with no choice but to call Cain. Now it was all set. "I'll go and get the passports from Cain and more of our stuff, then meet you. Cain can pick up the car we leave later.”
"And you're really sure? Because it's asking a lot I know and I won't...if you wanted to stay."
"I'm sure." It wasn't even a question. No one got it, not his Mum, not Liv, no one. He thinks maybe Cain comes the closest. He had to be with Robert. Couldn't even contemplate letting him go. “Like I said, useless without ya, aren’t I?”
“I know but…we can never come back Aaron. Can you really handle not seeing Liv again, or your Mum or the baby?”
“I can’t handle not seeing you again. I’m not saying it’ll be easy but there isn’t a choice. Throughout our lives together remember. That wasn’t just about the easy bits.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Stuck with me now though.” Robert grins, the first one since they’d heard the news and he smiles back. “Right, so you find somewhere near the port then text me.”
“I’ll find you and then we’re gone.” It sounded so so simple, he could only hope it was that easy in reality.
"Then it’ll be me, you, little chateau, by the river maybe.” It sounds like a dream.
“We could even get a little veg patch."
"Fancy yourself in a pair of wellies do you?" Robert's laughing and for a few seconds he revels in it, the normality, before he sobers. "We're really doing this aren't we?"
"Looks that way."
"And it doesn't matter that we'll have nothing?”
“Are you forgetting I’ve done this before.” There was some kind of joke in there, going on the run twice in a lifetime. “ been there done it, got the criminal record
“You had Ed then.”
“Yeah, for all the help he was. Spent most of the first month panicking every time he saw a uniform. The security guard at the local supermarket nearly gave him a heart attack. At least you’ve got a bit of sense about you.”
“Listen to me, I don’t care what I have as long as I’m with you. What about you? I mean you're leaving behind just as much as I am."
"I don't have any choice though. I can’t handle prison Aaron, I know it. Anyway, I’d rather live out my days living my best life with you with nothing than not have you at all. But you, you have a choice.” He pretends not to hear the wobble in his voice because this is where they are now, they've made the choice. No going back.
“No I don’t.” They go back to sitting in silence, waiting, thinking, until his phone lights up. He picks up his phone. "It's Cain. He's got them.”
“That was fast.”
“Amazing what you can get if you offer enough money.”
"You're sure going back to the village is safe? Why couldn’t he meet you somewhere else.”
“I don’t know, there’s something up with him. I’ll be fine, I’ll be in and out. They can't get me on anything anyway. The worst they can do is hold me up but like I said, you wait twenty four hours and if I'm not there you go, however you can.”
"No. You go. I mean it Robert you get away. I'll find you. Don't you dare do anything stupid like giving yourself up."
"Yes boss.” He takes a minute, just in case, to drink him in and then he’s getting up, kissing him, lingering as long as he dares before he leaves.
He's halfway home when Cain calls telling him he's held up and to wait, that he's sending them over with Billy. Aaron rolls his eyes at that, him of all people. Whatever is going on with his uncle better be worth it.
He's sat at the edge of the village not daring to go any further until he has to, for all his bravado in front of Robert, he doesn't much fancy being hauled in by the police, even if they couldn't actually prove he'd helped Robert in any way. It would just waste time. Time they didn't have.
After he’s met Billy and got the passports and the cash Cain has managed to get together, he goes to the house, wanting to grab enough to tide them over for a few days. Sentimental it might be but he threw a few pictures of Seb in too alongside their wedding album. At least they’d have the memories wherever they ended up. As he’s zipping up the bag he hears the door slam downstairs.
"Hello?" Instantly on edge he grabs the bag making his way to the top of the stairs, half expecting find a police firearm in his face. Instead he finds Paddy standing between the stairs and the door. "Paddy, what is it? I don't have a lot of time."
"I saw Billy.” Fucking Billy, he should’ve known he'd mess it up.
"I don't need this." He goes to walk past him, cursing Cain, but Paddy stops him, and that's when he sees Liv sat at the table. "Paddy get out of the way,"
"Listen to him Aaron."
"I know what he wants to say and I gave you my answer this morning. I choose Robert. Now move, I need to go."
“No. I can’t let you do this to your mother. Not when she’s in the state she is.” There it was the tone he was so used to, like he was a naughty child. He wasn’t that person any more.
“She’s pregnant Paddy, and everything is fine so there’s no need for the dramatics. Did she send you?”
“No, but she’ll probably know by now. I told Marlon.”
“Terrific. Why not just send an email to Hotten nick. So, what are you going to do about it? And what's your part in all this?" He switches his attention to his sister, suddenly mute in the corner.
“I’m trying to help you see sense.”
“Liv, don’t do this. You told us this morning, you said we should go.” All he gets is a shrug.
“I changed my mind, I don’t want you to go. At least let us talk. You didn’t even give us a proper chance to say goodbye.”
"You understand that the police could’ve turned up any minute night? Did you want me to throw a party?"
"What!" He turns back to Paddy. "You know what. I don't have time for this. Robert's waiting."
"You're really going to throw your life away. for him?" The sneering tone whenever he talks about Robert is back. Had it ever gone away or had he just ignored it. “You won’t be able to come back. Can you really do that, give up everything? Everything you’ve managed to build up here, the life you have?”
“That’s what you don’t understand.He is my life! Nothing else matters except for him.”
“You’re about to do the most stupid thing imaginable. For him. He killed someone Aaron."
"A rapist. Don't you ever try and tell me I should feel sorry for someone like him. Robert did the world a favour and if you didn't hate him you'd admit it."
"He broke the law and just like always he thinks he can just get away with it,”
"You call this getting away with it? He wishes he was surprised that Paddy was behaving like this but he wasn't. "He's giving up everything, his business, his home, his family, his son. You think that's easy?"
"Maybe he should've thought about that before he killed someone. Maybe Seb will be better off." Aaron can't help himself, steps up in Paddy's face ignoring Liv's protests and it takes everything he’s got not to push him out of the way. Only because it’s him does he not give into the urge.
“Whatever you think about Robert even you can’t deny he’s a good Dad. The best Dad, so don’t even go there.” He bends to pick up the bag again. “I’m done. I need to go, so are you going to let me pass?”
"No. You're staying here until you see sense.” Paddy nods at Liv and she finally moves. He frowns as all she does is go to the kitchen window. It takes a few seconds to realise she’s locking them.
"You're not serious?"
“Every door and every window is locked. I love you Aaron, you’re not going to get your own way. I'm not letting you ruin you life over him.”
"So you're keeping me prisoner?” He’s going to wake up in a minute and find this is some kind of drug induced nightmare he’s sure of it.
"If necessary."
"For how long?” They can’t be serious. Any minute now they’re going to laugh and send him on his way because he’s having a hard time believing that people he loves would do this to him.
"As long as it takes.”
"Best get comfy forever then because the second your back is turned I'm gone.” He’s not quick enough to stop Paddy moving past him and he can only watch as he throws the keys into the waste disposal.
“Oh that was clever. So tell me, how are you going to get out?”
“I’ll think about that when you’re not being so stupid.” He sits in the chair he’s moved to in front of the door, the one he picked out, the one they argued over because it didn’t match the sofa and Robert hated, the one he insisted on because it was big enough for both of them to sit in if they were really close.
“I’m being stupid? You’ve just locked three adults in a house and thrown the keys away. Real mature that. Now you’ve had your fun, but I’m done. You either let me leave or I’m callin’ the police.”
“Go ahead. I doubt they’ll let you go any more than I will.” He just stares at him, wondering where the Paddy he used to know had gone. The one who had seen him through one of the toughest times in his life, who had sat by his hospital bed when he’d thought there was no point in carrying on. The person in front of him wasn’t that man, he didn’t know who this was.
“I’ll have to take my chance won’t I?”
”Aaron. Don't be ridiculous. You’ll go to prison!”
“Fine. Not like I’m going to have a life here is it? If you’re willing to stand by and let me go back there then so be it.” He’s bluffing, it’d kill him he knows it would, but maybe just maybe it’ll bring them to their senses.
“He’s not worth ruining your life over!”
“See that's what you don't get. He is my life. Without him…without him I don’t have anything.” He ignores the cry coming from Liv. He didn’t mean to hurt her but he’s only speaking the truth. Without Robert he’d merely be existing.
He knows exactly how it would go, a repeat of the months after they broke up. The sympathetic looks would last for so long and then their tactics would change, the odd mentions of cute guys, of how he should get out more, how Robert wouldn’t want him wasting his life. He wouldn’t be able to cope with it, not again.
He has to come up with something, he was wasting time here, and they weren’t going to budge he knew that, but he had to get out. He’s frantically trying to think where there might be a spare key hidden. Robert was obsessive about them losing their keys so he had them stashed everywhere but right now his brain is so muddled he can’t remember where he put them.
“Seeing sense are you?”
“No, just trying to work out how to get out without hurting you.”
“You can’t. And besides we can’t let you. You’ll see we’re right in the end. You know the police, they’d think he masterminded this. All you’re doing is adding time to his sentence when they catch you, which they will.”
“We’ll be long gone by then.”
“You and Robert against the world? Do you think that’s going to last forever, that you’re not going to resent each other for everything you’ve had to give up.” They’re wrong and he wants to shout it from the rooftops. He doesn’t have anything to give up that’s worth more than Robert and if they’re together then nothing else would matter.
“This is our only option you know, I’m not choosing this.”
“But Robert did. Robert chose the day he ignored you and Victoria, the day he went out and attacked Lee, just like I did the day I went to Pierce’s office and smacked him one for what he did to Rhona.”
“There you go. He was just protecting his sister.”
“But she didn’t want that Aaron. Can’t you see, this is what he does! He always has to get his own way! It was all about him, and what he wanted. I was the same, it was about my need to do something. Ended up nearly ruining the court case for Rhona in the end.”
“Yeah, well Vic didn’t even get a court case did she?”
“That’s not the point and you know it. He still killed someone, someone’s son, someone’s brother.”
“Paddy you really are mental if you think I’m going to feel one ounce of sympathy for a rapist.”
“Aaron, he’s not a hero. He’s selfish, and he’s reckless and I know you don’t want to hear this but if he valued your marriage even half as much as you do…”
“Oh Paddy will you just be quiet. You know nothing about our marriage. The only time you bother with us is to tell us what we’re doing wrong or when Mum drags you. I get it, you don’t like him.
“And why is that? He’s turned you against us, me and your Mum.”
“No, no. You’ve done that yourself. Do you think he didn’t tell me what you said before our first wedding? When we broke up? Always in his ear like an annoying little flea aren’t you, whispering your poison. Whatever you say isn’t going to change anything, you might as well save your breath.”
“This is the man who tried to kill me. Twice. He cheated on you. He had a child with someone else and then forced you to take him on. He’s not yours Aaron and he never will be, not really.” That hurt, even now after all this time, because it’s true, in reality he’ll never have any claim on Seb. He knows that if this goes wrong, if Robert ends up in prison he’ll lose the both of them.
“No. You stop right there. I love Seb. You know you’re so obsessed with biology and yet you reckon I’m your son.” He shrugs, biting his thumb nail. “When was the last time you saw Leo?”
“What?” Finally he thinks he’s managed to wrong foot him, sitting there with his head tilted to one side, a habit that Aaron hadn’t realised was so annoying until today.
“When did you last see Leo. You do remember him don’t you? Nearly nine years old, blonde, you used to call him your son.”
“That’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair is you lecturing me on all of Robert’s wrongs when you're not so squeaky clean yourself are you. Now you’re with Mum you barely want to know Leo. I suppose I should be thankful you still speak to me, although right now I’d rather you weren’t.”
“Aaron, why are you being so horrible? Paddy’s always looked out for you.”
“Has he Liv? Really? Where was he when I was going through the worst thing a person can go through? When I had to take my own father to court, to stand up in front of strangers and tell them what he did to me? Where was he?”
“Wait a minute…”
“No. He’s so keen to talk about Robert’s failings, but Robert was there. He listened to me, he let me talk, he didn’t lecture or tell me what was best for me. He stood by me the whole way through, he was there in court by my side every day.” He stands up and leans over Paddy, hands clutching the leather of the chair. “You, you turned up what twice and then as soon as it was over you upped and left me to it because you’d been found out after having an affair. That’s not what a Dad does.”
“You didn’t want me near you if you remember.”
“Because you’d had an affair! Something you keep crucifying Robert over. Face it Paddy, you’re a hypocrite. You hold everyone to such a high standard and yet you can’t even meet it yourself. If you truly loved me like you say you do you’d have been there anyway. I told Robert to do one numerous times and yet he was still there.”
“Oh Robert’s so perfect isn’t he?”
“I’ve never said that, no one is perfect, but he doesn’t stand on the moral high ground like you do lording it over everyone.”
“And yet he’s got you going on the run, away from your family. You can face the truth or not Aaron but he’s the one who’s put you here, all because he couldn’t control his temper."
“Whatever. I don’t need to hear this, just move.”
“No!” He’s shouting now, getting up out of the chair grabbing at his arm.
“Don’t be stupid Paddy.”
“Why, what you going to do? You gonna hit me?”
“No.” He’s so close all those old feelings of being trapped flooding back and doesn’t know if he can stop it. For all he’s better now, it’s still there.
“Well that’s the only way you’re going to get past me isn’t it?” It’s the hand on the shoulder that shakes him out of it, swings round so fast only to see Liv’s shocked face looking back at him.
“This is what he does you see Liv, lashes out, so he doesn’t have to listen, so he can turn it into a fight”
“You’re the one pushing me to it, and you know it.”
“Cos you know we’re right, like the last time you decided to beat me up.”
“Paddy stop it, that’s not fair.” He actually can’t believe he’s brought that up. He’s changed, surely he knows that. He’s not that petrified kid anymore.
“Tell me I’m wrong Aaron. Me, Jackson, James, Kasim, even Robert. Any time you’re in a temper or things aren’t going your way you lash out.” He can’t speak, just nods, fighting back tears, refusing to let them see him upset.
“Fine. If that’s what you think.” He sniffs, stands up straight. “If I’m so bad, if I’m such a violent person then you won’t need me around anymore.”
“Now hold on, that’s not what I’m saying.”
“No. Clearly I’m not someone you think very much of so there’s no point me staying any longer.” He wishes he was more surprised, but when he thinks back there’s always been an air of disappointment, like he’s never quite been good enough. He’d never be able to thank Paddy enough for taking him in, helping him, but it’s almost as if he’s expected to pay for that by conforming to his, and his Mum’s, idea of what his life should be like, and when he doesn’t they bring out the emotional blackmail, and bring up all his past mistakes.
He knows he’s done that himself, with Robert, can remember sitting on that sofa and calling Seb a mistake, seeing the light go out in Robert’s eyes as if he’d realised that he’d never be able to forget that one moment of stupidity. He should never have done that, especially as he hadn’t even meant it, had just been lashing out in his helplessness over Liv. He knows how that feels, how could he have made Robert feel like that.
“You’re going to break your Mum’s heart.” He barely manages to stop from rolling his eyes. Maybe she’d be upset, no he knew she would, but deep down he knew she understood even if she’d never admit it.
“She’ll get over it. She managed before when I went to France.”
“And you came home then, what makes you think you’ll be able to do it this time?”
“I’ll be with Robert.” They could do anything as long as they were together, as sappy as that sounded. They’d already got through so much, this wouldn’t be the thing to break them. “He’s all I need, and you can argue all you like but it’s the truth. I’ll never forgive you if you do this Paddy, I swear."
“I’ll take the risk. I’m still not letting you out. Your Mum would never forgive me and you might not think so now but you’ll thank me one day.”
“It doesn’t matter, because like I told you, as soon as you leave I’m gone. You can’t keep me here the rest of my life.”
“I don’t need to, the police will catch up with him eventually.” He can’t believe he’d actually wish someone to go to prison like this, it’s such a world away from the Paddy he’d lived with, the one who’d taken him in.
“You know, I used to think you were the best, I wished you’d been my Dad, that I’d always had you. But that person, he would support me, he would understand. I’m twenty seven years old Paddy, I’m not that messed up kid you took in, not any more. You can’t force me into doing what you want any longer.”
“Someone has to. I’m not standing by while you mess up, again and ruin not just your life but ours too. You say you’re not a kid anymore, well start acting like it.”
He just shakes his head, there’s no point talking anymore, he was getting nowhere. He checks his watch, it’s been hours and he’s running out of time. It’s dark outside, surely someone will have noticed Paddy is missing by now but he can’t rely on that. He’d never be able to call Cain, they’d probably break his phone. No, he has to sort this himself, has to stop relying on other people.
All he can think about is Robert sitting somewhere alone, waiting, wondering. Maybe he thinks Aaron’s had second thoughts, has decided he’s not worth it, hates that he knows it’s the first thing Robert will think and that he can’t do anything to take that away.
He can’t bear the thought of him out there alone, knowing no one, having to hide, not being able to contact anyone. At least if he’s with them then they have each other.
He needs a plan, because there is no way he’s letting Robert believe that Aaron doesn’t love him enough to do this.
“Have you ever been in love Paddy?” He asks quietly. Liv’s asleep and he doesn’t want to wake her.
“I said have you ever been in love?”
“I’ve been married four times.”
“We both know that means nothing. I mean real, intense, passionate love. The kind where if you’re away from them too long it actually aches. The kind where you’d willingly die just so they could live. Have you ever felt like that?” He’s silent, like he knew he would be. “Because that’s me and Robert. That day, in the car, I told him to go, to save himself, to leave me so he could save himself.”
“So...if you’ve never felt that then you can’t even imagine how much you’re hurting me right now.” For a minute he thinks maybe he’s got through to him, Paddy’s staring at him and maybe he’s finally seeing it.
“See, if that’s true, then Robert would willingly let you stay so that you could have your life when he can’t have his. He wouldn’t make you do this.”
“For God’s sake Paddy, he’s not making me. The only one making me do anything is you.” He doesn’t answer and Aaron sighs, sitting back in the chair.
They sit in silence for hours. His eyes are permanently fixed on the clock over the mantelpiece, the minutes and hours ticking by. He’s seriously short of time now, and if he doesn’t get out soon there’ll be no point. He looks around, Liv’s still curled up asleep on the sofa worn out from the constant arguing. Paddy’s still in the chair, he looks asleep but Aaron’s not going to take it for granted.
He’s about to give up hope when it comes to him, can only hope they haven’t realised, that they’ve forgotten it. He wishes it didn’t have to be this way, wishes he could’ve made them see that this was what he wanted, that without Robert there was no point. They’d never change though, so convinced that what they believe is true, and he had to do what was best for him.
Once upon a time he would’ve caved, would’ve given in just to keep them happy, that it would be the only way they’d love him, if he did what they wanted. He knows better now, Robert has taught him that love is unconditional, or it should be.
He gets up, checks they’re still sleeping. As quiet as he can he picks up the bag, eyes fixed on Paddy silently begging him not to wake up. As soon as he’s in the bathroom with the door locked he springs into action, nearly cheering when he finds the window unlocked.
“Not so clever after all eh?” He whispers, pushing it as wide as it’ll go, throwing the bag out onto the ground.
He studies the window, hoping he can fit. Then again, Robert did. If nothing else it’ll give them a laugh later on.
Before he knows it he’s out, the night air cool around him. For a second he thinks he should break back in, let them out, but he reasons with himself that the two of them got into the mess, they would have to get out of it. He drags his phone from his pocket dialling the familiar number.
“Robert? It’s me.” His voice is shaking from the adrenaline and he wants to laugh at the fact he’s just escaped from his own house. He would if it wasn’t so ridiculous and he wasn’t so angry.
“Aaron, what’s taking so long?”
“I’ll explain later. Where are you?” He gives him the name of a place and then he’s quiet and Aaron knows he’s waiting for him to tell him he’s not coming, that he’s changed his mind. “Rob?”
“I’m here.”
“I’m on my way. I promise.” He tells him, jumping into the car. He wishes they’d had time to find another car but as it is he’ll just have to be careful and as much as it would slow him down he’d have to keep to the speed limit to avoid any unwanted attention.
“I’ll wait.” He smiles. That’s all he needs to know.
He doesn’t want to leave Liv like this, he knows she’d only done it because she cares. Maybe Paddy did too, but there was a part of him that knew if it had been anyone but Robert, they wouldn’t have stopped him. It has to be this way. Maybe one day they’ll see each other again, somehow. Maybe one day he’ll forgive them, but right now that’s not important. What’s important is his future and he knew exactly what that meant.
His future was with Robert now.
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palettepainter · 3 years
So the first episode after Mugen Train is up on the usual website I watch anime on, here are my thoughts:
-Zenitsu taking food for Tanjiro and Inosuke..my heart, what a good boy 
-Also why did Tanjiro ask “Are you Senjuro?” have you SEEN Senjuro and Rengoku?? Senjuro looks like a mini version of him he could be son for crying out loud they look that similar. I just found it funny how Tanjiro asks this when it plainly obvious they’re related 
-I want to publicly announce that Senjuro Rengoku is a precious angel and should not be hurt in anyway shape or form. And Shinjuro Rengoku can go burn in a ditch for slapping him: bad mouthing Rengoku, you’re treading on very thin ice. Hitting his sweet little baby boy brother?? Peace is no longer an option old man
-Also Demon slayer you can get outta here with this emotional abuse with Senjuro telling Tanjiro theres no need to blame himself for Rengoku’s death, how dare you
-AND the emotional abuse of Senjuro saying he’ll find a way to be useful because he couldn’t get his sword to change colour no matter how hard he trained. Angel you don’t have to be useful you need to be HAPPY!! THAT’S ALL I WANT FOR YOU!!
-Ugh Senjuro giving Tanjiro Rengoku’s sword guard...what a sweet boy!
But on another note, I really loved how Senjuro reacted to his father: I’m sure Senjuro knows how his dad acts and treats him is wrong, but he’s still a kindhearted kid and I’m sure it’s just natural for him to ask people if they’re okay regardless of the treatment they give him. Aka this further prooves my third point
-Oh ho ho Senjuro’s deadbeat dad did NOT just tell him to shut up
- “It’s probably his final complaints about me” Uh no kidding dude, you’re aweful. You literally hit your youngest child in the start of this episode, that doesn’t exactly scream father of the year 
-Oh you’re showing me the dad crying now cuz he realized what a good son Rengoku was? Nice try Demon Slayer you’re not gonna make me love this character that easily 
- “Do I have a fever? I can’t breathe” Yeah maybe cuz you got stabbed in the stomach Tanjiro, you shouldn’t be walking around 
-This sword maker needs to chill out, Tanjiro is literally fighting demons with inhuman strength and abilities, a swords gonna get broken or lost every now and then goddamn. Tanjiro can’t catch a break, dude literally got pinned to the floor and punched in the face multiple times by Rengoku’s dad now he’s trying to run from being stabbed
-Aoi helping Tanjiro escape the sword maker, good job Aoi!
- “Theres no need for thanks” Aoi there is most certainly need for thanks, I am 100% convinced that sword maker would have gutted Tanjiro if you weren’t there
-”Get me some while you’re at it!” “How about this? I’ll get you your own later” Aw Aoi and Inosuke being friends, look at this beautiful lil friendship blossoming!
-”Zenitsu would no longer throw fits, even when he had to go on solo missions” Alright Zenitsu wait a go buddy! Look at how far you’ve come I’m so proud of you!
- ”If you give me a small lock of Nezuko’s hair, I’ll give it my all” Okay calm down there buddy you’re one shrine away from Tanjiro banning you from being near his sister
-Aw Tanjiro and Nezuko working together to defeat the demon! 
-Tengen’s dub voice actor is so fucking good! 
-AAAAAA KANAO FOLLOWING HER HEART UGH!! Tanjiro is changing people for the better where ever he goes!
-Pft all of them charging Tengen XD Also Tengen leaning his head back and knocking one of the girls off him after Tanjiro comes over is hilarious, I laughed more then I should have
-Tanjiro pouting, nuff said
-Okay but like...Tengan can’t be a dad, right? We all agree on that point?? Guy literally tossed a kid, didn’t even hop back to the ground to put her down safely, just straight up tossed her with a “Nevermind”. God forbid this man ever has a kid with either of his wives cuz so far I’m convinced he wouldn’t be good with safety 
-Tanjiro caught her, good job Tanjiro, you get the gold star UwU
-Also Tengen says he needs females to accompany him on this mission, and says that Aoi doesn’t look that strong...why doesn’t he just take two of the female Hashira’s they already have?? Heck take KANOE! She at least can defend herself Aoi would be dead within ten minutes 
- “Everyone has there own strength, so don’t be inconsiderate and make comments like that!” You tell him Tanjiro we stan!
-UGH THAT ANIMATION WHEN INOSUKE AND ZENITSU SHOW UP OMFG!! I want to shake the hand of every person that worked on that scene cuz I feel like not enough people are going to appreicate it
-TENGAN SLAPPING AOI’S BUTT IS NOT OKAY!! I know she’s 16 but still, not okay dude! You’re married!
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