#but there’s a very real chance i could squeeze all that in with just eight hours.
lexalovesbooks · 1 year
Oh my god I’m trying to work out what classes to take for my last semester and apparently I technically only need. four hours to graduate afjafkagnsg
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princessfbi · 5 months
Cuddling with caretaker in a warm shower/bath + buddie
Buck shuddered against him, making the water ripple around them in tiny waves against the porcelain of the tub. The smallest of whimpers croaked past dry swollen lips and Eddie shushed the noise as it puffed against the hollow skin of his throat.
“I know, baby,” he said, dipping the washcloth into the water before squeezing it at the base of Buck’s shoulders so the water would cascade down his spine.
Eddie had tried to talk Buck into letting him stay out on the side so he could have the complete space of the tub for his long limbs to curl into. But one choked plea and a pair of red rimmed, exhausted blue eyes had had Eddie stripping off his clothes and joining him. Buck had barely let Eddie get situated before he turned on his front and curled into Eddie’s chest, shivering from the fever induced chill that had been wrecking his system for over forty-eight hours.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Buck so sick. Worry had prickled under his skin and latched on with nettles so he couldn’t shake it off, practically drawing blood the longer and longer Buck’s fever raged on.
At least he wasn’t heaving though. Not that Eddie thought he could. Buck had barely been able to stand let alone work up the bile and empty air and the very few sips of water he’d managed to get down.
His stomach, however, hadn’t seemed to get the picture.
Every chance Buck drifted off to sleep had been interrupted with a whine and a curl of his body. He’d thought the hot bath would help. Or, if anything, would allow Buck’s body to unclench so he wasn’t in so much pain!
It had worked for a while. Eddie’s butt had gone numb and the water lukewarm that he’d had to add some more hot water by stretching up to the turn the faucet with his toe. But Buck had relaxed against his chest and hid his too cold nose against the base of Eddie’s throat. Eddie had kept up his ministrations, trickling water down his back and sweeping his hands so he could give him just a little bit of warmth; so he could take the pain away for just a little bit longer. Eventually, Buck had drifted and if he hadn’t been asleep then he’d at least gotten close. Eddie would’ve happily stayed there for ever.
Buck twitched against him and Eddie braced himself for the worst of it. His arm was half way out of the tub to grab the trash can he’d pulled over before they got in. Eddie locked down the panic in his throat that wanted to claw its way to his heart with all the racing thoughts in his head.
No. No please. He can’t keep doing this. He needs these fluids. He’s already suffered enough. Please. Please. Please!
He’d promised Buck no hospital but that creeping realization that the very real possibility that he may have to break that promise very soon was getting closer and closer each second Buck didn’t get better.
Buck pressed his face into the hollow of Eddie’s throat, stiffening like he was frozen in time, and Eddie waited.
There wasn’t much else he could do. Not without IVs and people with more medical knowledge than he had under his belt.
But then Buck sighed and he sagged further into Eddie’s as the water shifted around them.
Eddie pressed a kiss against Buck’s head and dunked the washcloth back into the water.
“It’s okay,” Eddie said as he curled an arm around Buck and squeezed out the water over Buck’s spine. Buck whimpered again as he burrowed impossibly close and settled deeper into Eddie’s hold. “It’s okay.”
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3-2-whump · 6 months
The Party
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TW/CW: public humiliation, pet whump (I think?), objectification, whumpee on display, whumpee being talked about as if not even there, light microagression towards whumpee (?) This is fun to tag.
By now, Khaled should’ve been used to hearing the faint sound of metallic clinking as he walked. His owner used to bind his feet in cuffs for nearly a year straight when he had first come into his home, leaving just enough chain in between to walk comfortably and not an inch more. That was nearly six years ago, yet even hearing the faint shk shk shk of shimmering chains whenever he moved mentally transported him back to boyhood, when he was scared, shy, and didn’t know what was going on or what was expected of him. Much like tonight.
“Stand up straight, pick up your feet, and don’t look so glum,” Thomas chided.
Easy for you to say, Khaled thought as he eyed his fully dressed owner in envy. The mafia boss was dressed in a three-piece suit as usual, though he had changed into one of the more expensive ones for tonight’s function, a charity ball of some sort. The garnets set into his golden cufflinks glowed like freshly shed blood under the foyer’s lights as he gestured at him.
Khaled wore gold and garnets of his own, except they were…everywhere. They were in his earrings, in his nose ring, studded like pomegranate seeds in his necklace, acting as connection points in the harness-like body chain draped over his bare chest and torso –he was covered in them and still felt naked. A sheer and silky fabric tied unskillfully around his waist matched the color of the sanguine jewels and provided the only shred of modesty in this obscene outfit. Khaled prayed it would not fall off, but he did not favor his chances.
At least I get a break from that chastity cage, he consoled himself.
He straightened his posture and adopted a more neutral expression. His master smiled. “Good boy,” he said, and yet the usual praise did not ease the nervous churning in his gut. The golden bracelets on his wrists, matching the bands on his ankles, clinked softly as the man reached out to squeeze his hands in reassurance. “You look beautiful,” was all he said to him before he dropped his hand and parted the large doors to the ballroom.
Khaled’s skin seared hot under the chandelier lights as he felt the gaze of every patrons’ eyes on him. Keeping his eyes focused on some neutral midpoint ahead of him –like that potted plant, yeah, is that even real? –he followed his master into the fray, swallowing nervously as he heard the heavy doors close behind him. It felt like everyone was staring at him, and from the glances he dared to take from his periphery, he understood why. Every other patron was dressed in formal attire. Even the few escorts he saw -and he could recognize a fellow sex worker when he saw one- were dressed more modestly than him. At least their chests were covered! His face burned with embarrassment, a blush that probably rivaled the cerise garnets, all the way down to his collarbones.
The boss stopped, finally, and so did he as they settled into the corner of the ballroom. They stood next to the bar and very close to the table laid out with several dozen little canapes. Khaled’s stomach loudly rumbled and his mouth pooled with saliva just looking at them. He hadn’t eaten since lunch, which was nearly eight hours ago. He glanced at his master, who was currently receiving a glass of whiskey from the bartender, and he carefully stretched a hand out to reach for the tartlet-thing closest to him.
“No.” His bracelets jingled as his hand was swatted away like he was a misbehaving pet. His master stared down at him as he threw back the shot of whiskey. Khaled drew his hand back to his side. “I’ll feed you when we get home, if you’ve been good, that is.” He sighed, but reluctantly nodded. He cast his gaze down to his sandaled feet as he tried not to think about the ever-present food and the persistent gnawing of his stomach.
A pair of expensive black leather shoes stepped into the top of his vision. “Thomas, so glad you could make it,” the unseen stranger greeted.
“Wouldn’t miss this for the world,” his owner replied, a polite smile in the tone of his voice.
“So, who’s this?” The stranger’s attentions were on him.
“This,” he said boastfully, “is my darling, my dearest, my worst-kept secret!” Khaled wanted to shrink away from the attention, but has master’s hand on his waist reminded him not to. “Come on, Khaled!” He summoned his courage to look up. An older man with a pot belly and a short, dour-faced wife on his arm was appraising him curiously, as if he was an exotic item and not a person. Smile, damn it, an impatient voice rang in his head. He flashed them a shy smile as he looked at them through his kohl-rimmed lashes.
“Your intern?”
“My ‘intern’,” his master clarified.
“He’s a pretty one, how long have you had him?”
“Oh, about six years now, come this spring.”
“Wow! Well, you’ve obviously been taking great care of him!” It was so obvious that this stranger wanted to do more than just look at him, with the way his fat fingers practically vibrated in excitement.
 “Six years?!” a second guest –a tall and thin woman– gasped. Khaled realized by now they had attracted a small crowd of partygoers to the bar, all with the intent to sneak a peek at Don Costa’s boy toy. He ducked his head in shame.
“Mine didn’t even last six months!” the woman whined, trying to garner sympathy.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I just got lucky, I guess,” Thomas shrugged.
“Tell us, how is he in bed?” another guest asked.
“Good, though there’s not much skill in lying back and taking it!” A chorus of laughter accompanied his master’s. He found a scuff on the hardwood floor and pretended that was the only thing that existed.
“Does he speak?” yet another faceless guest asked. The whole semicircle of gawkers fell silent. Khaled dared to look up. All eyes were on him.
“Well, go on, boy, say something,” his master directed.
Khaled wanted nothing more than for the earth to swallow him whole.
“W-what should I say?” he asked nervously.
An irreverent number of oohs and aahs erupted from the small entourage.
“Not even the faintest hint of an accent!” the first man exclaimed. “Now tell me, Tom, did you train him to speak that well?”
“No,” his owner admitted, “I mean, I hired a tutor to teach him English, but he trained the accent out of himself on his own.”
“Why, though?”
The stretch of awkward silence indicated they were waiting yet again for Khaled to speak, that they wanted him to answer. Khaled shifted his eyes to the floor again, swallowing past the discomfort of being scrutinized this closely. “Because… I didn’t want to stand out.”
“You were amazing!” Thomas complimented Khaled as he watched him shovel take-out falafel pita into his mouth like it was his first meal in days.
“So, this was just a one-time thing, right?” his beloved slave asked, cheeks distended with half-chewed falafel.
“Hey, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Thomas chastised him, “I trained you better than that.”
Khaled swallowed the food and apologized under his breath. “And to answer your question, who knows? They couldn’t keep their eyes off you,” he smirked pridefully. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, either. He glanced from the road over to his passenger in the car. Khaled had looked every bit as alluring as he had imagined when he was covered in gold and jewels and blood red silk. He would never admit he was hard for nearly the entire time they were at the party, but the evidence probably spoke for itself through the bulge in his slacks. “It’s no wonder though. Red is a good color on you.” And I want to see what you look like in blue next, he mentally added. “I just might drag you out to other parties in the future if we get attention like that.”
Khaled set his stub of a pita down on his lap. Thomas couldn’t help but grimace; what if it left a stain? “Do I have to dress like this again?” the young man asked, though his defeated tone told him he already knew the answer.
“Oh, don’t be so sad about it, you were gorgeous!” I thought about nothing but how to get you alone for the entire time we were there!
“I was nearly naked, Master. In public. In front of strangers. Does that not bother you?”
“So? I like to show off what’s mine,” he shrugged. “Look, when you’re free, you can choose to wear whatever you want, but until then, you’ll put on whatever I give you, okay?” Khaled slumped further into the car seat. Maybe it was a bit cruel to tease him with the freedom he’d never willingly give him. Thomas sighed, feeling a little guilty. He reached out a hand to pat a silk-covered thigh. “It won’t be very often, I promise,” he reassured him.
“Yes, Master,” his pet murmured.Thomas smiled. At the red light, he leaned over to kiss the side of Khaled’s sauce-stained lips.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee
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seenoversundown · 3 months
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Eight
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: DRINKING / ALCOHOL (bigger warning because they are actively drinking in this one, not just in the bar) Swearing, Sex is mentioned (not had) A LOT of ridiculous puns and jokes, Slow Burn is REAL, Halloween Costumes, Brotherly Banter (gentle bullying) and finally, our favorite warning, YEARNING.
Word Count: 7k (longest so far!!)
Summary: IT'S HALLOWEEN BABES; Josh decides to decorate the bar for the holiday and so, they make it into a little party. Jake hesitates on what to do about Charlotte, but goes with his gut. And BOY IS THAT A LITTLE TREAT.
Author's Note: I said this week would be a sweet treat and I think that you'll find that it is! I don't want to spoil the surprise but, I think you'll be excited to see what it is 🤭 See you on the other side!
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Crush - Tessa Violet "You make it difficult to not overthink, And when I'm with you, I turn all shades of pink, I wanna touch you, but don't wanna be weird."
Jake POV 
“You know, whatever you decide to hang up, we need to be able to get down, right?” 
I stand there watching Josh not so carefully hanging off the ladder’s top step. Quinn looks less than impressed while they stand on the bottom step.
“Maybe Jake is onto something, Josh Groban,” they tell him. 
Josh stops, looks back with a glare, and then returns to whatever he is trying to do. 
I look over at them, both of us shaking our heads, knowing that Josh will do whatever he damn well pleases. 
“He’s your problem to deal with now,” I tell them, gently squeezing their shoulders as I pass by. 
Deciding to make sure the bar is fully stocked for the night, I can’t help but eavesdrop on Sam and Willa as they try to get ‘cute post-worthy’ pictures for the bar’s Instagram. 
“Sam, can you just work with me?” Willa asks, letting out a frustrated sigh. 
“Birdie, you know this is also my job?” 
“Yeah, well, last time you took promo photos, you stole all my flowers, AND you hated the outcome. So, maybe just listen to me?” 
“I’m not trying to be difficult, little bird,” Sam says, “You just need to relax.”
“When has telling a girl to relax ever ended well for you?” 
I was chuckling to myself as I listened to them and took notes of what needed to be pulled from the back. I hate dragging myself away from the free entertainment, but I need to keep moving so the bar can be ready tonight. 
I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea to do a themed night; you can only imagine who suggested it, but people have been talking about it lately, so maybe it was a good choice. Even though I had to explain to Josh that we cannot require people to wear costumes, I think it’ll be fun to see everyone dressed up. 
Looking at the back stock and pulling out the things we’ll need, I hear footsteps approaching me. I simply glanced at the doorway to finally be met with Josh’s presence. 
“So.. are you going to invite her?” 
My eyebrows pull together a bit, “Who?”
“Your First Mate,” Josh says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Oh shut up,” I quip back, “I was thinking about it.” 
Regret has never hit me quicker. 
“I mean… you saw her the other day, Josh. She’s obviously not having a great time and the fact she has to keep coming here, I may as well at least extend the offer.” I tell him, “Even if she’ll probably say no.” Quickly, I look back at my notes to make sure I’m not forgetting anything before walking back out to the bar. 
“Well, you have been talking to her,” he says. 
“We’ve texted .. a little bit,” I tell him, knowing that he will pry for more information, “BUT– it’s nothing crazy. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” 
He follows me, offering no assistance carrying anything but absolutely still trying to make something out of nothing. 
“That’s very you… of you to do.” 
Both of us looked vaguely unimpressed at that statement. 
“Okay, that wasn’t my best work. I’m just saying that maybe there’s a chance you two could be something of an item,” he tells me, a little too giddy for my liking. 
Setting everything on the bar abruptly, “Jesus Christ, Josh. Just because I’m nice to the girl doesn’t mean I want anything more.” I’m trying to sound convincing, even though I know he will call me on it at any moment. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, though. But for god’s sake, Josh doesn’t need to know that. 
“Okay, okay, alright, I’ll stop,” he starts, holding his hands up. But know that I will find out if anything happens between you two,” he squints at me before turning around to continue helping Quinn decorate. 
I watch as he finds himself busy again, but I can tell from a distance that he updates Quinn on his interrogation. If there is anything I know about my brother, it is that he will know everything about everyone all the time, which in turn means Quinn knows everything as well. I let out a small sigh while piling bottles of Modelo back into the fridge. Maybe I should just text her. Is that weird? She’s going to say no anyway. 
Still squatting down behind the bar, I pull my phone from my back pocket. Unlocking it to a handful of email notifications and a few texts from Sam that I ignored earlier.  I love him, but he doesn’t need to ask me every time if he can take some promo pics for the bar. 
I tap on her conversation; my thumbs hesitate for a second. Is this stupid? Am I wasting my metaphorical breath? Maybe she’ll appreciate the thought. 
Me: Hi there. How are you? Are you busy tonight by any chance?
I shove my phone back into my pocket before standing back up, grabbing the few loose cans and bottles across the bar, and tossing them. Looking around at the new decorations, they all have managed to get hung up already, and it’s definitely feeling much more festive. 
“Josh, can you–” I start, but I feel my phone vibrate, stopping me mid-question, “Uh, lost my train of thought. I’ll get back to you on that,” 
I grab my phone and see her name sitting there, making the heat rise in my face. 
Charlotte: No, I’m free. Why? 
The three dots pop up before I can reply, making me more nervous. 
Charlotte: Do you need help with something?
Me: nooo I don’t need anything from you. We’re just doing a little thing here for halloween and I thought I would see if you were interested. No pressure or anything lol.
Those god-forsaken three dots come back, then disappear, and reappear. There is no worse form of torture in the modern day than waiting for a text to pop up. 
Charlotte: Maybe
Okay… Well, it isn’t a no. I look up to find Josh directly in front of me, scaring the shit out of me. I didn’t realize he could be quiet enough to do that. 
“Can I help you?” 
“You looked very intrigued by whatever was on your phone there, brother,” Josh says, with a shitty little grin on his face. 
“Don’t you have things to be doing other than watching me use my phone?” I ask, not able to stop the slight eye roll that came along with it. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” he says, “ Quinn and I are going to run upstairs to get ready, and then I can take over so you can go put on whatever pirate bullshit you want.” He says, staring at me with a matter-of-fact expression and his arms folded across his chest.  
“Sounds good to me, bub.” 
 Sam and Willa left shortly after Josh and Quinn, leaving me with the usual regulars to tend to. They weren’t a rowdy bunch, so I got a good amount of cleaning done before the rush of people. 
Maybe. The fact she didn’t say ‘no’ was basically haunting me. It’s not a big deal if she does show up because she is just a ‘friend’. That’s even a strong way of wording it. 
At this point, the sun has been set for a while, which is attracting costumed customers. Some are more clever than others, but regardless, I’m just glad that people seem to like the idea. 
I’m talking to Linda, who’s dressed as an 80s Aerobic Instructor, when I hear the sounds of my dear brother entering the building. He always has a way of making his presence known, whether he means to or not. We both glance over to the door, where he lets Quinn through first, quickly following behind. 
Hand in hand, they joined us at the bar. I just looked at the two of them for a minute, my head tilted slightly. 
“Peter Pan and Tinkerbell?” I finally manage to ask.
“Yes!” Josh says, fluttering the tiny wings he has on. 
I let out a small sigh; I should have known, giggling to myself. 
“I think you two look adorable,” Linda compliments them, eliciting a curtsy from Josh while Quinn does a stage bow. 
“Alright, Tink, come tend bar so I can go change into something more festive.”
After I finally got upstairs, I started digging through my closet, looking for everything. I know it’s in here. I finally found my cream button-up; it was a bit looser on me than most of my shirts, so when I tucked it in; it definitely fit a pirate theme. 
I pull on my black slim-fit jeans, tucking the bottom of my shirt into them. I slide on my brown dress vest over the shirt, leaving it fairly open so that my chest is exposed. I grab the necklaces on my nightstand and walk into the bathroom to make sure they are sitting properly. I don’t need Josh telling me I layered my necklaces wrong again. 
I know Josh has some sort of scarf or belt that would make more sense for a pirate outfit, so I decide to bravely go into his room. Good lord, Josh.  Walking into his room, I always forget that he likes to have things. I mean that nicely; he just loves art, decor, and tchotchkes, so his bedroom would be overstimulating to most. Considering how long I’ve known him, I’m generally accustomed to his ways, but when he keeps his door shut more often than not, it starts to slip my mind. 
Rummaging through his closet, filled with colorful pieces, I find the clothes hanger loaded with scarves. I pulled out an olive green one; earth tones will work, right?  I tie it around my waist, moving in front of his full-length mirror; I look much more piratey than before. 
I look at the time, not realizing how long it’s taken me, I hustle back into my room. I grab the rings from the drawer in my nightstand, quickly sliding them on and spraying myself with another round of cologne to hopefully hold me over the rest of the night. I pull out a single cigarette from the drawer, shutting it a little harder than I mean to. 
Maybe? Her text is still sitting in my mind. What if she does show up? I grab my phone from the counter, slide it back into my pocket, and head out the door. 
“Excuse me, sorry,” I mumble as people pass me on the stairs. I’m moving a little quicker than I usually am because I don’t want to leave Josh bartending alone for too long. Maybe Melody is helping him out? I should have pulled everything out earlier, so this didn’t happen. 
I pull open the door, letting the couple outside into the stairwell. I pull my lighter out, placing the cigarette between my lips and covering the filter end with my hand to block the wind. I take the long way around the building so I can enjoy this while I have a second. Josh is fine, the bar is fine, if she shows up, that’s also fine. I think to myself as I’m rounding the corner. Taking one final drag before putting it out, I hold in the cloud of smoke for a moment before releasing it. I close my eyes for a second, breathing in the cool fall air. Glancing over to the most delightful sight, I’m unable to come up with words fast enough before I hear– 
“Well, hello there, Captain.” 
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Charlotte POV
You’re allowed to have fun, Charlotte. That’s the mantra I’ve been repeating in my head since Jacob told me about this party, though the alternative is that this is incredibly unprofessional. 
I’ve been parked and sitting in my car for 10 minutes, building up the will to get out. You bought a costume, and you got ready, and you smiled at the text for about 15 minutes straight. Just go have fun. My hand finally reached for the handle, opening the door. 
My boots make a little click on the pavement as I get out of the car; I smooth out my pants and readjust the little corset so it’s more comfortable. I look at my reflection in my car windows, leaning in to make sure my lipstick is still in place. Okay. Just go. 
Rounding the corner, I see the entrance to the bar, making me slow my pace a little until- 
Jacob? I watch as he walks towards the bar; he looks .. good– No, Charlotte, cut it out. I slowly walk towards him, still watching him as he lets out a quick stream of smoke; why is that kinda…  He sets the rest of the cigarette in the ashtray placed on top of the garbage can. He stops for a second, clearly trying to calm down. Is he okay? His shoulders drop as he lets out a long breath. Suddenly, we’re making eye contact. Shit.
“Well, hello there, Captain,” I say to him. Smooth Charlotte, real smooth. 
He giggles at the name, “Well, blow me down. I didn’t know if I would see you tonight, Red.” 
“I decided that I deserved a little fun after this past week and all.”
“I think you made a good decision,” he says calmly, “Also, your costume choice is just lovely.” I don’t know if I ate too much or if he is actually giving me butterflies right now. 
“Oh, thank you,” I say quietly; I’ve never been good at receiving compliments. We both stand there for a brief second before he grabs the door to the bar, gesturing for me to go through. 
“Ladies first.” 
“What a gentleman– oh, I mean, gentle-pirate.”
The bar is full of costumed people, Halloween songs playing loud over the speakers that you can barely hear over the chatter from everyone.  It’s nice to see how busy the bar is finally.  I had only really been here earlier in the day and honestly, it’s refreshing to know that the bar is doing well, considering how many people are here. 
I followed Jacob to the bar, sitting down, only to notice that his brother was dressed as Tinkerbell. It seemed like an odd choice until I looked down to the other end of the bar to see Peter Pan sitting there. Oh… OH. 
“Charlotte! You came!” Josh says excitedly, “Y’know, I told Ol’ Captain Sparrow that if he just asked you that, you-” 
 “Oooookay, Tink, that’s enough,” Jacob cuts him off, making me laugh. 
He slid a glass over to me on a napkin. I looked down to see that he made me a Boulevardier. He remembered? My heart feels weird. 
“Let me know if it’s terrible, I’ll remake it for you,”
I take a small sip; it’s incredible?
“No, it’s perfect, thank you,” I tell him. 
He smiles at me, even his eyes light up. I watch him walk down the length of the bar, checking in on other customers and replacing their drinks with fresh ones. He’s so soft-spoken that I’m shocked he feels so comfortable bartending. The way he looks at every single customer, giving them his full attention, even for the twenty seconds it takes for them to place their order. He’s so-
“So Charlotte,” Josh starts, pulling me out of my thoughts, which may be a good thing at this rate. 
“How are you doing, dear?” he asks while wiping a wine glass dry. 
“I’m okay,” I tell him, “I am sorry about the other day, I hope you weren’t trying to get out of here.” 
“I was actually coming back from lunch, and you weren’t a bother at all,” he tells me, relieving me that I didn’t mess up his entire day. 
He continues, “Also, never apologize to me for having feelings. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad that you were able to let them out. Jake is good at handling situations like yours, so you picked the perfect time, honestly.”
“Oh,” I say before taking a bigger sip. 
“Are you here alone?” he asks. I nod quickly, “Let me introduce you to someone. Hold on!” 
I watch as he waves over the person in the Peter Pan costume. They make their way over to us, and with how Josh’s face looks, I’m assuming this is a special person to him.
“Charlotte, this is Quinn,” Josh said, gesturing between the two of us. 
“Hi, nice to meet you, Quinn,” I can’t help how professional it comes out. 
“You as well,” they start, “If you haven’t pieced it together, yes, I’m Josh’s partner.” They let out a small laugh, gesturing at the Peter Pan costume. Okay, thank God, I didn’t want to say that I assumed.  
Looking at the two of them, they really are precious. 
“I love your costumes,” I tell them. 
“Oh, thank you!” they both say simultaneously. 
“So Charlotte, what exactly is your job?” Quinn asks. 
“Well-” I’m cut off by the group of people approaching us loudly. 
I watch quietly from my seat while they all greet each other. 
“WILLIAM,” Quinn hollers.
“QUILLIAM,” the two of them yell at the same time, falling into a fit of giggles. 
I can’t help but wonder what I’m currently witnessing. 
“Oh my god, you look so fucking good.”
“Stop it- no, YOU guys look so good.”
Quinn looks back over to me, grabs the two girls’ hands they have been chatting with, and hustles back to the bar.
“Guys, this is Charlotte!” Quinn starts introducing us. “This is Willa,” they gesture to the petite girl with a cute bob haircut that frames her face so nicely. She’s dressed in light pink. Loofah? Which is quickly clarified when Sam comes into view dressed as a bar of soap, whom I met briefly the first day I came in. 
“I still can’t believe I’m soap, Bird.”
“It was this or Twilight, be glad!”
“And this is Melody, obviously. You’ve met already, though?” gesturing to her, who’s also absolutely beautiful. She’s dressed as Arwen, which means that Danny is dressed as the Aragorn man.
“Hi,” I manage to get out, “Yes, we have, and you both look so great,” 
“Thank you so much!” Melody quickly responds. 
“Oh, thanks!” Willa quips back. 
“Drinks for everybody,” Jake’s voice came from behind me as he slid a bunch of glasses towards us. A chorus of ‘thank you’ surrounds me. Before I can turn to acknowledge him, he’s grabbing my glass. 
“Another one?” He asks, fairly quietly this time. 
“Please,” my nerves are getting the best of me, and the best way to fight them off is not to be sober. 
“Oh, sick! We’re all in couples costumes,” 
“Sam,” Willa hitting Sam’s arm, “Shut up?”
I could feel the heat rising into my face; I had been ignoring that Jacob and I wore the same kind of costume and wishfully thought that nobody would mention it. I guess that ship has sailed.
“We have Peter Pan and Twinkerbell, Lord of the Rings, and Calico Jack and Anne Bonny at the bar– I thought it was safe to assume!” Sam says, his loud laugh following it.  
“Oh guys,” Jake sounds defeated, “Don’t embarrass her. You just met her.” 
He looks back at me, handing me a new drink, “I’m sorry about that. I swear sometimes my brother hates me.” 
“It’s okay. I was kind of waiting for it to happen,” I laughed, “I mean, we are matching so..” 
He laughs at my observation for a moment. 
“Between you and me,” he leans a little closer, whispering, “I think we’re the best dressed here,” flashing me a small smile; oh, how I wish he wouldn’t do that. 
“Charlotte, come with us!” Quinn says, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the barstool. They pull me over to a table where the other girls are sitting. Oh god.  
“Josh told me you were here alone, and well.. that’s not fun,” they tell me. 
“I don’t actually live around here, so I don’t really know anybody,” I start, “Well, aside from you guys, now.”
A slew of ‘oooohhhh’s come out from all of them. 
“So, I’m under the impression you’re all partners with the boys?” I ask. 
“Yes!” “Yep,” “Mhmmm,” quickly followed. 
I take another few sips of my drink, feeling the anxiety starting to melt away. 
“I’m secretly a sucker for romance, so who wants to let me in on the situations here?” I tell them, rapidly pointing around at all of them and the boys. I’m going to be around for a little bit. I may as well get to know them. Plus.. it probably wouldn’t hurt for me to try and make some friends… right? 
“How much time do you have?” Quinn asks bluntly. The other two erupted with laughter. 
I look down at my drink, swirling it around, and then drink the last few sips quickly before looking at them and delivering a monotone, “I got time.” 
“Well, in that case,” Willa starts, “Let me tell you about my sweet, dumb, but hot boyfriend Samuel.” She says while cracking her knuckles. 
“So– I met him at the farmers market, where he proceeded to be an absolute dick to me. And THEN, he was here when I came here on an unsuccessful date, we had to WORK TOGETHER, went on a trip where we got with ONE BED-” Willa pauses for dramatic effect before taking a breath to practically yell, “LIKE THE BOOK TROPE, CHARLOTTE.”
“You sure you wanna hear this?” Quinn interjects. 
“Oh, I’m invested now,” I quickly spit out. I catch a small glimpse of Jacob as he’s grabbing some empty bottles from a table across the room. He smiles and nods at whatever they say; oh, there’s that feeling again. 
Willa continues her tale, but I barely hear her. My eyes fixated on him, watching how he makes eye contact with anyone who talks to him. Making sure that he hears them, nodding along and giggling often. Every so often, letting someone have a genuine smile–
Willa’s voice hit me again, “–and now I guess I like him back.” 
“Oh, my god?” I respond, “That is uh.. A lot?” Oh, I’m the worst person ever. 
“It is a lot, but I guess he was worth it or whatever,” Willa rolls her eyes at the statement. 
Quinn smacked her arm, “You loved that silly string bean for so long. Don’t even act like you didn’t.” 
Everybody was giggling at the call out. I saw Melody look around the table at all the empty glasses before standing up and grabbing them all.
“Let me get us another round, but Quinn, feel free to start whenever,” She grabs their arm, “I obviously know how this goes already.” 
We all watch her for a minute as she walks up to the bar, getting the boys’ attention. 
“Melody is so pretty?” I say out loud, “Oh god, is that weird?”
“Not at all.” 
“We all think she’s hot, don’t worry.”
Before I can look back over to them, Jacob is in my line of sight again. This time, he’s behind the bar, talking to one of the older ladies he seems so fond of. The way they make him laugh is sweet. He’s stood there for a second before he leans over the bar to grab something from them, but the way he leans makes his shirt fall open more; I can see his stomach flex for a split second. Holy shit. Where is Melody with those drinks, dear god- 
“Alright, Quill, let’s go.” 
Melody sat back down at the table, dispersing the drinks to everyone. 
“Welllllll,” Quinn says, “I met him at Hobby Lobby- don’t ask me why HE worked THERE.”
I have got to stop getting distracted by this man. He walks past our table, gently squeezing Quinn’s shoulders as he passes them. They just glance over at him as they’re talking. It’s precious how much he seems to like them. Maybe he’s just a loving person? Oh, god I don’t like that. 
 “But, now we’re just in love, and he’s perfect, so!” 
“...in the cooler?” Willa mumbled, covering her mouth, “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
What did they do in the cooler? Shit, I need to be paying closer attention. 
“Yeah… I probably could have left that part out, huh?” Their eyes widened, looking over at me, with the realization of who they were telling that to. “We cleaned up after! Promise!”
“Wait a second- so, you and Josh.. here?” Willa says, pointing at Quinn, before turning to Melody, “And you and Danny …ALSO here..?” 
Never mind, I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me, don’t tell me, don’t tell me. 
The two nod in sync, holding back their laughs. 
“Well, that’s not fair!”
“This is truly taking years off my life,” I tell them while rubbing my temples, making them all giggle at my pain. 
“I’m not about to make it any better,” Melody says with a laugh, followed by the other two losing even more.
I hold up one finger while inhaling the rest of my drink, “Okay, I think I’m ready.” 
“So Daniel and I actually started dating in High School,” Melody says, pulling a quiet ‘awww’ from all of us, “We were together for a while before I decided to go to college out of state,” she tells us. 
I see him in the background, just scanning the room while Josh is making drinks, well, until he sees me looking back at him. Shit, shit, shit, shifting my eyes back to Melody.
“Anyway– I ran into Josh, who got me the job here, and I’m so thankful for it. The boys are so great, and I’m obviously not going to complain about getting to see Daniel again.” 
“I bet you’re not complaining,” Willa says suggestively with an exaggerated wink. 
“HE sure complained at first, though,” Quinn pipes up with a laugh.
“Oh hush,” Melody tries to brush it off, “I do love him for more than our sex life.”
Willa is quick to reply, “Whatever you say, girly.” 
“So.. what’s the part that will ruin my day?” I nervously ask. 
“Conveniently, the day you came in actually, Jake had sort of… walked in on us.” 
“Walked in on WHAT?” 
“The thing is.. The roads were terrible, so I asked Jake if he minded grabbing Iris-” Quinn quickly cuts off Melody. “YEAH, WE HAD A SLEEPOVER WITH THE CHILD,” Quinn can’t tell us fast enough. 
“Hey,” Willa, chuckling, gently grabs Quinn’s arm, “Charlotte was the only one not involved. You don’t need to yell.” 
“Sorry, I just love Iris a lot, okay?” 
“And she loves you back,” Melody reassures them, “Anyway, yes, so everybody else had a fun sleepover with my daughter, and I closed the bar with Daniel while having a weird argument–” 
Jake comes up between Quinn and Melody, placing one hand on Melody’s back, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I come bearing not watered-down drinks.”  
He starts placing the drinks on the table, having to slide mine and Willa’s across the table. 
I watch as he makes a little small talk with everyone and how much they all seem to like him. He seems too nice to be real. Everyone laughing with him, I look up at him before he slides my drink over to me. His hands. Oh my. He has rings on… oh my GOD. Trying not to be obvious, I quickly flit my eyes back up to meet his. 
“Thank you,” I mouth to him while the other three are talking. He mouths back, ‘Of course’, flashing me a smile. The boy is beautiful when he smiles. 
He turns to go back to the bar, and I just focus on him walking there; unknowingly, I am being watched.
“Yes?” I quip back; I can feel the heat in my face, but is it embarrassment or the alcohol? The world will never know.
“Are you… into Jake..?” Willa asks quietly. 
The other two leaned in on our little secret session, which I was not prepared for. 
“Nooo, no, no, no,” I can’t spit it out quickly enough.
Quinn lets out a laugh before choking out, “You were practically drooling over him,” 
“Ha ha.. Nooo.. I wasn’t,” I try to defend myself, scratching the back of my head, “Was it really that obvious?” 
A chorus of yelps elicited when I loosely admit to thinking he’s attractive. 
“Oh stoooop,” I cover my face. 
“Don’t be embarrassed– those Kiszka boys are incredibly charming,” Quinn states, “It’s hard not to fall for it.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about ‘charming’ per se, but they do have some good genes in that family.” Willa taking a light jab at Sam. 
“Really though,” Melody chimes in, “Jake is honestly very charming,” 
“Oh, he is absolutely,” 
“He’s too nice,”
Quinn and Willa tend to talk at the same time, and being a few drinks in does not help my deciphering of who said what, but at least when they’re on the same page, it helps. 
“He has been very easy to work with, so I would believe that,” I try to regain my composure,  even though the fact everybody thinks he’s sweet is not helpful to where my brain has been going all night. 
“I’m sure his brain just shuts down when you’re around,” Willa says into her glass before taking a sip. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Have you seen yourself?” Quinn questions, “You’re so hot?”
‘Yeah, you are.’ 
I know that my face is absolutely pink at this rate; I just shake my head ‘no.’
“I’m sure he sees plenty of pretty girls being a bartender,” I roll my eyes at the idea that he wouldn’t hit on other girls while he’s working. 
“Pretty sure the only one he entertains is Eleanor,” Melody giggles. 
“I’m almost positive he told Josh that he’d just marry her if he stayed single for too much longer,” Quinn says, looking over at Josh, who just blows a kiss to them. Wow, they’re so cute together. 
I watch as Melody taps on her phone, seeing the time, “Well, guys, I need to go relieve Josh for a bit.”
Quinn quickly stood up with their drink and nodded to the bar. Willa and I followed suit, migrating up to the bar. Claiming a bar stool and watching as Josh comes to find Quinn, quickly kissing their nose and then their forehead before Quinn snuggles themself into him for a brief moment. 
“Pretty cute, aren’t they?” Jacob whispers, scaring the living daylights out of me. 
“They really are,” I say, “And you need a bell or something because Jesus Christ.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he laughs, placing his hand on my back for a second, “I just need to get out of there for a minute,” he tells me.
 “So I’m going to run around to clean and just saw you fixated on them.” 
“Well, since you’re here, Jake,” Willa says loudly, leaning over to me and whispering, “Wanna see the boys squirm?” I simply nod with a grin plastered across my face. 
“Don’t you guys think Melody is insanely hot?” She questions everybody.
Daniel violently shakes his head, ‘Yes,’ while Melody laughs behind the bar. 
“I.. uhh,” Jake mumbles, holding the back of his neck, “I have tables to clean,” and quickly walks off to grab glasses. 
Sam’s eyes are wide, and his face is filled with panic. “Birdie, I can’t answer,” he begins to say before his brother abruptly cuts him off. 
“SMASH FOR SURE,” Josh confidently shouts, being met with a high five from Quinn. 
“You’re right, that was worth it,” I whisper, leaning into Willa. 
I sat with everybody while they talked, well, yelled. This is a much louder group of friends than I’m used to. Granted, I have like..no group of friends. I listen to a lot of very odd conversations filled with Sam instigating Willa so that she would get a little pissed at him. There are plenty of lengthy stories from Josh, which probably wouldn’t take as long if he didn’t tell us every side story that goes along with it, but he’s so animated I guess I can’t really complain. 
“Here, Charlotte,” Melody says, “Jake told me how to make your drink, so .. I hope it tastes right,” 
I take a sip, oh lord, that is STRONG, “It’s great!” 
Why did I do that? She needs to learn… Not that I could even correct her right now. 
I sip on my drink for a while, feeling it hitting harder than I’m used to. Every so often, Jake comes out from behind the bar to make small talk with some of the customers or come bug his brothers for a few minutes. I always hope it’s the latter. 
“How are we doin’, Red?” 
I blink rather slowly, “I’m thriving,” slowly cracking a smile, knowing it sounded terrible coming out of my mouth. 
“Well, I’m so glad,” he tells me. The way he makes eye contact but also watches my mouth when I talk makes me want to scream. 
“You know,” I tell him, what are you doing? , “I dare ye to resist me booty,” the alcohol starts speaking. 
“Are…are you trying to flirt with me?” He laughs out. 
“Maybe, is it working?” I ask, biting the inside of my lip. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
“Oh– well,” he giggles quietly; leaning in, he rests one hand on the back of my barstool to support himself, but his face creeps in closer to my ear before he whispers, “You don’t even have to try with me, honey.” Fuck me. 
I spend the rest of the night chatting with Quinn and Willa about the most random things. But I think that is what friends are supposed to do? 
Slowly, people start trickling out as it nears 1 a.m. I say my goodbyes to Sam and Willa, which is shortly followed by Josh and Quinn. Jake was nice enough to let Josh go to bed since he was here decorating so early. 
“Ready to go, ducky?” Daniel asks Melody;  party of one officially. 
“Oh, I am beyond ready,” she stretches her arms out before turning to me, “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” 
Shit. I already forgot that I told her about the training earlier today. 
“Yes, you will! Can’t wait,” I do my best not to show that I definitely forgot and that I’m definitely NOT going to feel like shit in the morning now. 
“I’ll see you then,” she says with a little wink. 
I turn to the bar, leaning into my hand with a very minuscule smile painted on my face as I watch him. Just waiting for him to look over at me, I can’t help but stare. 
“I can feel you watching me,” he grins from the other end of the bar. 
“I’m debating on how I’m going to get home, is all,” I say with a sigh. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks. 
“Okay, so, first of all, you’re not going to do that,” he tells me. 
“And why not?” I protest. He sauntered over to me, leaning against the bar. 
“You’re so pretty,” he says to me, glancing down at my lips until I finally pull the bottom one in with my teeth, “Yeah- you’re not driving.”
My jaw drops; he really got me there. 
“I can just call an Uber,” I tell him.
“Charlotte, I don’t love that idea. It’s almost 2 am, and I literally live just upstairs,” Jake continues to tell me I need to stay here, and I don’t know why I’m fighting it so hard. 
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I’m offering?” 
“Touche Captain,” I giggle a bit at the nickname. I bet he likes it. 
“Just hang out for a couple minutes so I can close the bar down,” he tells me. 
“Don’t you want to clean?” 
“It’s so late. Josh can help me in the morning,” Jake speaks low as we walk into the stairwell. 
“Oh no,” slips out, “oh, I didn’t mean to actually say that,” 
Jake lets out a quiet laugh, “I got you, don’t worry,” 
Before I can react, he has his arm underneath mine, gesturing for my hand. I lace my fingers into his; the butterflies are back. How fun. He holds my hand tightly, letting me put a lot of my weight into him as we carefully go up the first flight of stairs. 
“I think I can do it,” I tell him; I absolutely cannot? 
“You sure about that, sport?” 
I squint at him and immediately stumble up the first couple of stairs of the second flight, letting out a small ‘oop.’
“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” He makes fun of me gently while supporting me again. 
This may be the longest stair climb of my life.
We finally make it to his apartment.
Jake whispers, “You can take my bed, and I’ll just sleep on the couch.”  He’s so cute when he’s concerned.
“Noooo, I can sleep on the couch. I’ve already inconvenienced you.” 
He blinks at me slowly, unamused. 
I can’t stop myself from walking towards his couch, and it’s a humbling moment for me as my legs wobble in the process. 
“No, you don’t,” Jake says from behind me. 
“Jake, really, I don’t mind,” I look back at him, disorienting myself from turning too quickly. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he grabs my arms to stop me from falling over. I just stare at him like a deer in headlights. 
“Yeah, I didn’t want it to come to this, but,” he says before he wraps his arms around my thighs, lifting me over his shoulder. 
Childlike laughter erupts from me as he carries me through his apartment into his bedroom. I can feel his chest vibrating subtly from giggling with me. 
“Here ya go,” he says, moving one hand to my back so he can set me down.  So carefully, making sure not to drop me, he leans down slowly. The feeling of falling became so real suddenly, that I instinctively held onto his shoulder, which pulled him back with me. He stumbles forward a bit, catching himself before landing on top of me. 
I prop myself up on my elbows as I laugh. He’s hovered over me, with a hand on either side; our faces are so close. 
We both freeze as we realize how close we are. I wonder how soft his lips really are… My eyes defy me, shifting down to look at his mouth, just for a second, as he watches me. 
Clearing his throat as he stands up. 
“Uh- here, let me get you a sweatshirt or something,” he sounds timid. Quickly shuffling through his closet, he pulled out a navy sweatshirt and handed it to me. 
“It’ll probably be a little bit loose on you, but better than sleeping like a pirate?” 
I chuckle, smiling up at him. Simply grateful for something comfortable to wear. 
“I’ll go so you can do that,” still clearly very nervous. 
Pulling my shirt over my head, I quickly pull the sweatshirt over me. I lock the bottom of it under my chin so I can see what I'm doing. Oh no. No, no, no, no. My zipper is stuck, and staring at it makes me cross-eyed. I drop my head back, letting out an angry sigh. Please just unzip. My hands get increasingly sweaty, making the stupid plastic zipper hard to grip. 
I hear a few soft knocks on the door before it cracks open. 
“Can I come in?” He asks. 
“Actually… I um… I need help.” 
Coming in quickly and shutting the door behind him, I just stare at him pathetically. 
“My zipper is stuck,” I tell him, embarrassed. 
He chokes back a laugh, setting a glass of water on the nightstand next to his bed. 
He kneels in front of me; oh, this is terrible. I lift the sweatshirt, revealing the catastrophic mess from me, yanking the zipper every which way. 
“Where the hell did you even get these, Red?” He asks, looking up at me with a soft giggle. 
I wish he would just focus. I don't need to look at him like this. Making eye contact causes my brain to short-circuit, and I stare back at him silently. Watching him try to figure out how the zipper got caught, he’s so carefully moving the fabric around. 
“How much do you care about these?” He asks, gently tapping my hip. 
“At this point,” I raise my eyebrows in defeat. 
“Are you sure?”
I just nod ‘yes’ in response. 
He grabs either side of the zipper and tears it apart quickly. The sound of the fabric ripping was relieving, well, for a second. Both of us smile at the fact that I’m free until he looks back down to see the lace of my thong peeking out. 
I see his eyes go wide, and the pink creep into his cheeks as he pinches the fabric together. 
“Oh,” slips out of me. I let the sweatshirt drop, falling to the tops of my thighs as the now ripped pirate pants hit the floor. 
“So, uh, well,” Jake says, holding the back of his neck while avoiding eye contact, “I will let you get some sleep.” 
I don’t know what possesses me to say, “Wait-“ 
Closing the gap between us, I lean up onto my toes slightly, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you,” I tell him before crawling into his bed.
“Of course, m’lady,” he says with a bow. His little English accent laces the words, which makes me laugh. 
“Sleep well,” he whispers, shutting off the light as he leaves. 
I fall back into his bed, wrapping myself up in the blankets. They smell like him, comforting, warm. 
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | FDOG Playlist
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
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Rowaelin Month Day Eight: Single Parent Au @rowaelinscourt
Rowaelin Month Masterlist Where We've Been Masterlist
Warnings: nothing too major? ~6.5k words
Where We've Been, Where We're Going--Part Six
Aelin awoke with a start the next morning.
Sprawled out on the small couch in the waiting room, she’d forgotten where she was for the briefest of moments.  Her dreams had been filled with running through a small apartment trying to get free from her pursuer.  Constantly looking over her shoulder.  The impending knowledge that she wasn’t safe.  Needless to say, she didn’t sleep well.
As she remembered where she was, that she was safe, she sat up and ran a hand through her hair.  The small window of the waiting room showed off an early morning sky that wasn’t yet dusted with the pinks and golds of a rising sun.
Outside the door were the usual sounds of a hospital: nurses talking quietly, med carts rolling, shoes squeaking on linoleum.  It hadn’t bothered her throughout the night, for which she was grateful.  The hospital was slowly waking up with the usual ins and outs of operation which meant Aelin would soon need to leave.  
She only had a dinner shift at the diner, and she knew Nox wouldn’t be mad if she was late, but considering she was on an hourly wage and needed the tips, getting there on time would be better for her.
Sitting up, she stretched out her sore back.  She’d have to make sure not to wince or waddle when talking to Malakai or she’d never hear the end of her stubborn refusal to go home to a real bed.
She stuffed her hair into a bun, certain it still looked like a rat's nest, and gathered her jacket and phone.  The battery was well on its way to dying so the sooner she got to her car where the spare charger was, the better.
As she headed up to Emrys’ room for a quick check in, she ran into Yrene who was finishing up at a nurses station.
The brunette smiled. “Hey, did you stay here all night?”
“Yeah, I wanted to be close in case anything happened,” Aelin said.
Yrene nodded in understanding.  She reached out and gave Aelin’s arm a squeeze.  “He’s a strong man.  And stubborn as they come.”
“I know.”  She did her best to smile, unwilling to break down in front of Yrene who always appeared so strong and composed all the time. “I just want to swing by the room before I head back to Terrasen.”
“I’ll walk with you.”  
Yrene initialed a patient file before putting it back where it belonged at the nurses station.  Her hair was pulled back in a braid, but there were a few flyaways escaping.  The curls framed her face, emphasizing her dark hazel eyes.
“So, how have you been?” Aelin asked.  She didn’t know Yrene very well, only from the occasional check-ups and some medication prescriptions.  But, Yrene had a quality about her that spoke to kindness and surety that Aelin appreciated.
“Oh, same old,” Yrene laughed.  “A few nurses quit last week so my workload increased a bit.”
She rolled her eyes even as Aelin stared in slight horror.  
“It’s fine,” Yrene insisted, “I get double overtime and everything.  Besides, I’ve gotten really good at sewing up barbed wire injuries.”
“You still deserve a break,” Aelin insisted.
They stepped on the elevator to head up to the recovery wing.  Unlike yesterday, Aelin was able to remain mostly calm.  She kept herself as close to the door as possible still, ready to jump out at the first chance.
“Who needs rest?” Yrene chuckled.
“When was the last time you had a girls night?” Aelin asked. “You should come into Terrasen.  You, Nehemia, me and Marion, we can have a night out of fun.”
That gave Yrene pause.  She fiddled with the pager at her waist as she thought.  Aelin had a feeling she knew exactly what was going through the other woman’s head: new friends, too busy, do I really have time, easier to ignore it.  She knew those thoughts.  As much as Aelin loved new people and having fun, she’d grown warier as of late.  She knew how easily her cover could be blown, sending up a smoke signal to Arobynn telling him where she was.  
It had come close to happening after the debacle with Chaol over a year ago and why she didn’t entirely trust the man anymore.
“If you don’t want to,” Aelin began.
“No,” Yrene said quickly.  “No.  It sounds fun.  I’ll take a look at my schedule and let you know.”
The elevator opened up a floor and had Aelin bouncing out as soon as she could.  Despite the care she took to hide her emotions and her unease, she’d been failing more often in recent weeks.  She used to be good at it--protecting herself from other’s eyes.  For her own sake and the sake of her daughter she needed to get back to that point.
“Great!” Aelin flashed her brightest smile.  She had to be careful around Yrene’s keen eyes.  The woman had seen some of Aelin’s past medical records--the healed broken bones and scars--and would know what they meant.  While Yrene was a professional, and bound by HIPPA, she was still a good person who would look out for someone in a bad situation.  As long as Aelin acted like everything was alright, Yrene wouldn’t comment on it.  
She could hope.
“Marion doesn’t seem like the type to go out,” Yrene commented with light amusement. 
They headed down the hall as dawn slowly began creeping in through the skylights and windows.  It was set to be another beautiful summer day, even with all the turmoil surrounding them.
“Oh, she doesn’t,” Aelin agreed, “she’s always been a little closed off. She bit my head off the first time I invited her out to lunch.  It just takes a little bit for her to feel comfortable around people.”
We all have things we need to keep hidden, she almost said.  She bit her lip and kept those words to herself.
The recovery wing was quiet as they rounded a corner to Emrys’ room.  Malakai was already up and in the hall as the doctor and a nurse did a morning evaluation.
“You look terrible,” Malakai said, giving Aelin an appraising look.
She rolled her eyes. “Oh thanks.”
“I told you that you should have gone home,” he said.
“I’m fine.” The crick in her neck said otherwise, but Aelin ignored that. “How is he?”
“He woke up,” Malakai said, “still groggy and confused, but he did wake up.”
“Good,” Aelin said, “that’s good.”
She glanced to the room where the curtains were drawn.  She wished she could have gotten to see Emrys at least once, but she did need to get going, especially if she wanted to relieve Nehemia from Meiri duty.
“Will you give him my love?” she asked.  “I need to head back to Terrasen.”
“Of course,” Malakai agreed, “go.  I’ll let you know if anything happens.”
Aelin nodded. “I’ll check in with Luca and make sure he’s going to his summer classes.”
“Chaol knows what he’s doing,” Malakai reminded her.  
Aelin kindly ignored him.  She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before turning to Yrene.
“Text me about your schedule.”
Yrene told her she would and satisfied, Aelin headed back to Terrasen.  
Rowan stood at the top of the ladder and stared at the window pane he was trying to install.  This really was a two man job but considering he knew no one in this damned town, he was determined to accomplish this on his own.
Last night he’d made the impossibly stupid decision of staying in Terrasen to help finish the renovations on the Inn.  He wasn’t entirely sure why he did it--other than the fact that he actually liked Malakai and Emrys. 
Maybe it also dipped into the idea that he wanted to make a difference.  For so long he’d been entrenched in pain and war, blood and misery.  For so long he’d done what others had told him to do to the point he never really knew what he wanted.  Until the end.
Until that last raid when he’d made a deadly choice.
But this wouldn’t lead to death.
Unless he slipped off the ladder.
Rowan looked down.  He’d probably survive.  
Good thing heights had never bothered him.
He turned back to the window pane.  With careful leveraging he could manage this on his own.  But for the rest of the windows?  Maybe he would have to enlist some help.  Which would require talking to people.
After another twenty minutes, Rowan did manage to finagle the window pane into place and secure it with the necessary equipment.  
Sweat poured down his skin as she finally made it down the ladder.  It was barely one in the afternoon and he was ready to call it a day.  Even after spending years hauling equipment through the Kovac desert and sitting in a sniper's nest--there was something particularly grueling about this today.
He hadn’t been sleeping of course.  Hadn’t been training every day, all day.  His body was trying to adapt to its new circumstances and seemed to be failing miserably.
When his feet hit solid ground, he stripped off his shirt to wipe off the excess sweat that was dripping from his forehead.  As he’d come to learn about this part of the state; it was endlessly sunny.  The blue sky allowed for no relief.  Not that Rowan wanted it.
He stood in the parking lot of the Inn, bare chested and let the sun pour down.  He could taste the remnants of dust on his tongue and hear the quiet hum of cars drive past on the main road.  If he focused, if he closed his eyes and waited--he was back in that desert waiting for orders.
The low growl of a closely approaching car drew his attention and he opened his eyes to the blinding light of the sun as a black SUV pulled into the parking lot.  The engine cut off and a man hopped out of the driver's seat.  He had to be Rowan’s same age if he had to guess.  He was handsome with black hair and a charming smile.  There was something familiar about the easy way he held himself.
“You must be Rowan.” The man proffered a hand to shake.  He wore a suit that had to cost at least as much as the SUV he drove. “I’m Dorian, the city mayor.”
Rowan shook his hand but was otherwise unsure what to say to the man.  He’d met many political types in his time in the army and hadn’t liked any of them.  All he could really do was nod and mop his face with his shirt again.
“Malakai mentioned you might be staying in the front office for the day,” Dorian said, glancing at the ladder and mess of window equipment. “He didn’t mention you’d be working.”
There was such an easy way about him, that Rowan could see how someone could be disarmed by the man.  Since Rowan could now count on one hand the number of people he trusted in his life, it was easy to keep his defenses up.
“I figured I’d try and repay them by helping out,” Rowan said.
He remembered meeting a business man out in Kovac who would essentially loot abandoned villages and look for any opportunity to get his hands on money.  It was one of the things that led to Talbot’s death.  And that final raid.
All because of one man.
Rowan knew why Dorian was familiar.
“Havilliard,” he said slowly. Dorian’s smile froze in play. “Dorian Havilliard.  I’ve met your father.”
“That’s unfortunate,” Dorian said, “the man’s a bastard.”
Rowan eased back a step.  Henry Havilliard had come to Kovac because his business was investing funds in the war and had wanted to see sites where his money was being used.  Which had led to the attack miles outside of base camp.
In reality, Rowan knew he couldn’t blame the sins of the father on the son.  He knew that.  But it would be so easy to.
“You served in Kovac, didn’t you?” Dorian asked. “That’s mostly where my father invested.”
“Three tours,” Rowan said.  Three tours over four and a half years.  And then a year of training stateside before that.  It shouldn’t have happened that way, he should have had more time between tours.  Should have given himself a break, but after Talbot…everything had spiraled out of control.
“My father never understood what it was like to serve,” Dorian said, “never really understood what his work was doing.”  He held Rowan’s gaze for a few moments before looking away. “Even with all the time he spent over there.”
No one understood what it was like.  Not until they were holding a dying kid in their arms and had blood staining their lips.
“Did you need to get into the office?” Rowan asked.  He didn’t need to talk about his military time nor did he need to try and bond with a Havilliard.
“No,” Dorian said, he cast another look over the motel.  “I just thought I’d stop by and introduce myself.” He paused. “Are you planning on finishing the renovations yourself?”
Rowan shrugged. “May as well.  Sartaq is still finishing my truck.”
Though, if the last text was to be believed, the truck would be finished by the end of the day.
Dorian nodded absently. “Malakai was worried about being ready for the county fair.  You know--”
He was cut off by a loud squeal.
“Uncle Dorian!”
The small voice carried across the parking lot and was followed by the emphatic pounding of feet.  When Rowan looked around until he saw running along the sidewalk toward them was Meiri.  Her blonde hair bounced wildly about her face and an infectious smile beamed at him.  As she got closer he noticed she wore a pink tutu skirt paired with a blue Spider-Man shirt.
Behind her trailed Aelin at a quick pace with Meiri’s backpack slung on one arm, coffee in hand.
“Hey kiddo!” Dorian knelt down as Meiri nearly bowled him over.
“You missed pizza night with Mia!” Meiri told him.  She smacked her hands on Dorian’s cheeks and looked him dead in the eye. “You never miss pizza night.”
“I’m sorry,” Dorian said, he genuinely seemed apologetic.  Though Rowan wondered if that was from missing the pizza of missing time with Nehemia. “Next time I’ll be there, I promise.”
Meiri held out one hand, pinky in the air. “Pinky promise!”
Aelin watched the exchange in bemusement that had Rowan wondering how often Meiri sealed deals with pinky promises.
“Pinky promise,” Dorian agreed.  He hooked his pinky with hers.  
Satisfied, Meiri turned to Rowan.  Much like the first few times they’d met, she shied away from him, just a little.  Though, she still eyed him with interest.
“Hi,” she said, “did you get pancakes today?”
“Nope,” Rowan said, “no pancakes.”
“That sucks,” Meiri said.
“Meiri!” Aelin scolded, dropped a hand on her daughter's head. “That’s not a word I want you using.”
“But Luca says it,” Meiri said.  She shook her mother off and patted down her hair aggressively.
“Yeah and he’ll be in trouble too,” Aelin assured her daughter. “It’s not a nice way to talk.”
Meiri immediately became uninterested with the mild chastisement and ran over to the tool box sitting out beside the ladder.  She poked and prodded before she found a measuring tape and got to work measuring out every little thing she could.
“I thought you’d be gone by now,” Aelin said, drawing Rowan’s attention away from Meiri who crouched beside Dorian’s SUV, tape measure extended over the tires. “Sartaq left me a message saying your truck was done.”
Rowan ran a hand through his hair, the sweat helping it stick back out of his face.  He nodded to the pile of window and construction equipment off to the side.
“Decided to help out a bit until Emrys was back on his feet,” he explained.  How long had it been since he last checked his phone?  If he’d known Sartaq had finished he would have gone to pick the truck up.
Aelin’s expression betrayed nothing even as her head cocked to one side.  She didn’t exactly trust him, that much was for sure.  But she didn’t dislike him either.  At least…as far as he could tell.  Though, Rowan was certain that she’d never admit to such a thing.
“You should stick around for the county fair,��� Dorian said.  He had an earnest grin on his face that had Aelin scoffing, but Rowan didn’t think the malice was directed at him. “It’s a good time.”
“You’d do anything to keep numbers up,” Aelin said.  She rested her hands on her hips and gave Rowan a look. “The reelection is coming up.”
“I’m just saying, food, music, and fireworks,” shrugging, Dorian looked a little chagrined. “And, there's a sharpshooting competition.  Been around since the fair started.  I’m sure Chaol would like the competition, no one’s beat him in three years.”
The offer was genuine, easily extended.  Rowan, however, had no inclination to pick up a gun again.  Not for a long time.  And not unless he had no other choice.
“Yeah, maybe,” Rowan said.  He ran a hand over his jaw contemplating if he could get out of this conversation by just walking away.  He hadn’t touched a weapon of any sort in months, not since being discharged and the thought of handling something else…
Meiri ran over to Dorian, the measuring tape flailing behind her.
“Uncle Dorian! Your car tires are this big!”  Meiri held up the metal tape that made a distinct whipping sound.
“Thanks kiddo,” Dorian smiled down at Meiri. 
“Momma’s gotta go to work, can I stay with you today?” Meiri asked.  She released the tape measure so it snapped together sharply.  
“Sorry, princess, I’ve got a lot of meetings today.” Dorian cast an apologetic look to Aelin who grimaced.
“I should have texted you beforehand,” she sighed. “I guess I can ask Mrs. Olmstead…”
“No Momma!” Meiri cried. “She never has any cookies and she doesn’t like to dig holes.  Plus she smells funny.”
Dorian had to turn away to keep his laugh hidden and Aelin’s lips were pursed so tightly, Rowan worried she’d bite into them.
“The cookies are the biggest crime,” Dorian said.  He patted Meiri on the head. “I need to head down to my meeting.  Have all the fun with this.”
He nodded to Rowan and gave Aelin a peck on the cheek before returning to his SUV.  The car turned out onto the main road, disappearing around a corner with a honk in farewell.
It was only then that Aelin cleared her throat before plucking the tape measure from Meiri’s hands. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but she is a very nice lady.  We can dig holes tomorrow.”
“Please, Momma?”  Meiri clung to her mother’s leg and tugged insistently.
It was a moment that was amusing and endearing.  Meiri in her tutu and large blue eyes and Aelin’s will crumbling bit by bit.  Rowan could remember a similar situation years ago.
A daughter.  A mother.
Each desperately clinging to the other.
“I can watch her,” Rowan said, the words leaving his lips before he knew what the hell he was thinking.
Aelin blinked, clearly shocked by his offer.  Well, there was no turning back now.
“Do you like to dig holes?” Meiri asked.  Her blue eyes widened expectantly as if it were the most important question in the world.
“Sure,” Rowan said, “I spent my summers burying my school books so my mom wouldn’t find them.”
Meiri pondered for a minute before she nodded once. “Okay.  We can have pancakes too!”
She took the measuring tape back from her mom before running to his tool box and taking the level out.  She held the tool in her hands with obvious care before heading over the window ledge of the front office.
It was easy to see Aelin’s uncertainty on the matter with the way she gripped Meiri’s bag in one hand.
“We can just hang out at the diner if you want,” Rowan offered. “You can keep an eye on her, I’ll color with her or something.”
For as long as he could remember, Rowan had never been a kid person.  He’d never known what to do around them or with them or…anything really.  The last kids he’d been around were his cousins but that had been ages ago, back before the war.  And frankly, Rowan wasn’t sure if he should volunteer for this.  After spending years around Lorcan and Fenrys combined there was no telling what Rowan would let slip.
Plenty and cursing that was certain.
“I,” Aelin began.  She sighed and rested a hand on her hip.  The tank top she wore left her golden arms on display.  She even had a few freckles spotting along her shoulders.  Summer looked good on her. “Alright.  Marion has reading hours sometimes at the library, if you stopped by I’m sure she’d help you out.” 
“Alright,” Rowan said.  That would work out well.  He remembered how much Sellene liked to read and Endymion could spin tales like no other.  “We’ll stop by.”
Aelin slowly pulled a key ring from her pocket and unwound a key.  She held it out between two fingers.
“I’m going to trust you,” she said, “don’t make me regret it.  I’m off at eight, but Nox might let me leave early.  You can go back to my place and watch Barbie movies if she gets too rowdy.”
Rowan accepted the key, tucking it into his fingers.  The metal was cool on his skin and seemed to weigh a little heavier in his grasp.
Trust was a heavy burden to own and he really wasn’t sure if he deserved it.  
Meiri skipped back over to them holding up the level so she could peer through one of the small openings between one of the bubble vials.
“Are we gonna get pancakes?” Meiri asked.
“Better,” Aelin answered, “Rowan’s going to take you to the library.”
Meiri gasped in excitement. “Yes!”
Aelin smiled as she crouched down next to her daughter. “Listen to Rowan, okay? I’ll see you tonight after work.”
“Bye, Momma! I love you!”  Meiri threw her arms around Aelin’s neck, nearly smacking her in the head with the level.
Chuckling, Aelin dodged the near assault.  She gently took the level from her daughter. “Let’s be careful with Rowan’s tools, these aren’t toys.”
Meiri nodded, the picture of innocence.
Aelin stood, drawing this good-bye out as long as she could.  Even Rowan wasn’t completely detached from human emotion to notice.
“I’ll make sure my phone’s charged,” Rowan assured her, “and I’ll get your number from Marion.  If that’s alright.”
“You have a phone?” Aelin asked, brow raised.  For the first time that day she was actually directing her amusement at him and not disdain.
“I haven’t used it in a while,” Rowan admitted. The only reason he new where it was was so Sartaq could keep in contact.
Despite the small bit of humor she’d just displayed, Aelin still looked hesitant.  One hand flexed toward Meiri who now butted her head into Aelin legs.  “Just keep me updated.”
“Updates every fifteen minutes,” Rowan promised.
That got a genuine smile. “Thirty minutes is fine.”
“Do you like reading Meiri?” Rowan asked as not more than ten minutes later he and Aelin’s daughter were rounding the steps to the library.
The building was small, tucked right up against the post office.  When they entered the double doors, Rowan got the distinct scent of fresh paper and static cleanliness that could only belong to a post office.  It mingled with the subtle undertones of cedar and book musk.
 “Yeah!” Meiri said.  “My favorite is the story of the princess who has to go find her family in the lost castle.  Do you know that story?” 
“Uh, no.”  The last book Rowan had read was…hell, he couldn’t even remember.
Meiri sighed.  “Do you know the story about the ducks?”
“No.”  Whatever fascination Meiri had once had for him was certainly draining away now.  Quickly.
They entered the main lobby of the library where there was a large display of children’s books set in the summer months and a cutout of a puppy with balloons tied to its collar.  Fly away with reading! Was written out overhead.
“Well what do you know?” Meiri asked.
Rowan thought back to what Sellene would have read at Meiri’s age.  “What about Snow White?” 
“She doesn’t have a sword.”
Well at least Rowan knew Aelin was giving her daughter a well rounded view of the world.  Though, admittedly, a lot of fairy tales could be improved if the princess had a sword.
“I’ll ask Marion for help,” Rowan assured Meiri.
He found a small table where he could plug his phone in and let it charge enough to make sure it would actually turn on, before making sure Meiri was settled in the picture book section.  He made sure not to go too far where Meiri was out of view as he looked for Marion.  Despite how small the library was, he wouldn’t take his chances on Meiri running off.
It didn’t take long before Marion appeared from a back room with a stack of books in her arms.  She paused when she saw Rowan.
“Hi,” she said, “what are you…?”
Rowan jutted a thumb back to where Meiri was picking out books. “I’m helping Aelin out with Meiri.”
“Aelin let you take her daughter out of her sight?” Marion obviously did not believe what Rowan was saying.  She propped the books she held on one hip as she walked to the main counter. “She doesn’t know you.”
“Yeah,” Rowan said.  He shrugged. “I  don’t really know why either.”
Marion set her books down and brushed adjusted the bun her hair was knotted in.  She reached for the small phone sitting next to her computer.  Rowan didn’t even try to argue as she immediately began texting.  
“Her shift just started,” he offered helpfully.
Marion only glared up at him.  For such a small woman, she would have made an excellent army ranger.  He could see her ordering a group of soldiers around without much effort at all.  Hell, she could even give Lorcan a run for his money with that scowl.
“Why would I kidnap a five year old and immediately bring her to a library?” Rowan added after Marion finished her message.
“Because you’re up to something,” Marion said. “Showing up to a small town and offering no information about yourself.  Helping out a family you just met.  Don’t think I haven’t heard about what you’re doing for Emrys and Malakai.”
It had been, maybe, a half hour since speaking with Dorian and already the gossip was circulating.
Determination flashed in Marion’s eyes.  As well as mistrust.  Rowan had spent plenty of time trying to understand people, interrogating them, learning everything he could about them that he knew these subtler human emotions.
“I tell you my secrets if you tell me yours,” he offered.  And then, to make a point he added: “Marion’s not even your real name, is it?”
That got a reaction.  Marion stiffened, just barely, but it was enough to tell Rowan enough.  It was a cruel thing to point out, especially given how protective and cautious she was--but he knew, he knew, there was something different about her.  
“Can I have Aelin’s number?  I told her I would text her with updates.”  Rowan tapped a pad of sticky notes for emphasis.
Marion muttered a curse under her breath but did as requested.  She handed him the note, jaw set with anger.
“Thank-you,” Rowan said.
He went back to where his phone was charging, unlocking it and disregarding the missed messages waiting for him.  Those weren’t important.  There were only three people who had his number and he didn’t want to talk to any of them.  Well, technically a few others but dealing with ghosts never got him anywhere.
He tapped out a quick message to Aelin.
>>This is Rowan.  Meiri is currently well on her way to emptying out the entire library.
He debated sending a picture along with it but decided against it.  He doubted Aelin would want a near stranger having pictures of her daughter on his phone.
Hell.  She must have been desperate to let him take Meiri for the afternoon.
Just as he moved to set the phone back down a new message buzzed through.  He thought it was Aelin already responding until he saw the I.D.  He should have known they would reach out like this.
<<im back stateside
<<we need to talk
<<its important
<<you cant ignore me forever
Rowan frowned.  Well he sure as shit could try.
He locked the phone and went over to the small play area where Meiri was rapidly accumulating a large pile of books.  She sat at a small table with a book propped up before her.  One finger trailed along the words as she slowly mouthed the words out.
“K-k-kwik,” she said, “the dog was quick.”
Rowan didn’t know much about kids, but he had a feeling Meiri was far above the usual reading level.  She glanced up when he approached and waved her book in the air.
“C’mon, you said you’d read with me.”
So, Rowan went over and took a seat in the tiny plastic chair beside her and read about the dog that ran all through a small town wrecking havoc as it went.  Every few books, Meiri would get up and wander around to find another book or two and bring them back for Rowan to read.
She was so entranced by each story, Rowan didn’t have the heart to shirk his duties so he wound up doing voices and accents for the different characters.  He made sure to send Aelin messages along the way--ignoring the ones from his old contacts--and just tried to keep Meiri entertained.  
Eventually Marion came over with a coloring book and giant box of crayons for Meiri to color with.  The girl happily took the items and set to work, choosing to go sit in a corner next to a giant stuffed elephant.
Marion sat in one of the kid chairs across from Rowan, chin propped in one hand.
“You know,” she said, “that kid is one of a kind.  And Aelin loves her more than anything.”
It wasn’t anything Rowan was surprised to hear.  Meiri did seem like a different kid than most.  And Aelin’s love for her was one of the first things Rowan had noticed in the diner that first day in Terrasen.  He eyed Marion wondering what she was getting at.
“When Chaol and Aelin were dating, well, if you could call it that,” Marion shrugged, “he wanted something serious and she was just trying things out.  Anyways.  They were doing whatever and he tried to find her family.  Or…I think he did.  Almost told them exactly where to find her too.  I’ve…I’ve never seen her more upset.”
Marion paused, picking at a hangnail.
“I don’t know exactly what happened in her past,” she finally continued, “but I know enough.  And if…if it was anything of what I went through then she deserves to be happy, to have this time and place for her and her kid.  You should have seen the look on her face when Chaol said he found her cousin.  I swear she was going to leave right then and there, murder him too.  She just wants to raise her daughter.”
The words sunk in slowly, taking their time to nestle into Rowan’s brain.  He could hear what was left unsaid and come to his own conclusions.  It didn’t mean he could trust any of it.  Not that Marion or Aelin would blatantly lie about this sort of thing, but they could certainly leave out bits of truth.
“I’m just here for myself,” Rowan said. “I’ll leave as soon as Emrys is back on his feet.”
Marion smiled. “Didn’t you say the same thing about your car?”
She was, unfortunately, right.
“Rowan?” Meiri said, scrambling up from beside that stuffed animal.  Crayons went flying as she moved. “I’m hungry.”
He smiled at the little girl with her wild hair and mismatched clothes.  Confident and strong just like her mother.
“Alright, let's get something to eat.”
If there was anyone that could keep her child safe from the wiles of the world, Rowan was sure it would be Aelin.  He just hoped that one day, maybe, she’d be able to stop running.
The heat of Kovac dissipated only slightly when a storm blew in.  Instead of being a dry and consuming heat it had turned into a melting pot of humidity. Dust and sand kicked up from wind and the few trucks that were still on the move, leaving everything in a hazy glaze.  Adding to that a burst of rain and lightning, the desert felt like a whole new type of misery.
Supposedly, the one thing to come of it all was that there would be no scouting or fighting that day.  Rowan wasn’t sure if he liked that or not.  For a while now, he’d felt on edge.  As if he were always waiting for something to happen--and IED to go off, a sneak attack to occur, something that he couldn’t fix.  
He tried to play it cool, to ignore the way his thoughts would latch on to every negative and dangerous thing.  Tried to pretend he was being logical in his worry, that he was simply preparing for what may come.  It was flimsy at best and a part of him knew it.  Ever since the raid last week and the reality that they'd be getting a new commander…Things were changing and Rowan  didn’t like it.  Lorcan or Gavriel were more than capable leaders and if Maeve wanted to divide the squad, she could just keep Gav in his current position and promote Lorcan.  Or even Vaughan.  Bringing in a new body now seemed like a stupid idea.  Rowan knew better than to argue against Maeve when she had her mind set on something, though.  It wasn’t worth the demerit.
He simply tried to keep his frustration at bay.  His squad mates had only offered the usual glare in Maeve's direction at the announcement.  They each felt the frustration but there was nothing to be done at this point.  Not if they wanted to keep things running smoothly.
Unfortunately, they were set to meet Hammel that day.  He’d arrived sooner than anticipated, which Rowan would choose to see as a good thing, a way to get into a new rhythm and normal before the next planned raid.  In the week since the announcement, Rowan had done his own background check on Hammel.  Perhaps it was an abuse of power to call in the favors he did, but he’d wanted to learn everything about the man he could.
He’d spent the last year and a half in Oregon on a small base up there as a trainer.  Many of the men he’d worked with had gone on to get accommodations, many even being stationed in Kovac as well.  There was a brief incident report of someone breaking into his off base apartment and beating his girlfriend before stealing some cash and the tv.  Something about that didn’t seem right, but it was only one report relating to Hammel.  He was an excellent marksman and scout but his true skills lied in stealth work.
Officially, Hammel was a good soldier.  One of the best.
Unofficially…well.  There was only one comment from a young cadet who had been discharged part way through boot camp after “over escalating” a situation between her and a fellow cadet.
Lieutenant Hammel did not take my comments or safety seriously in this investigation.  I would formally request placement in another unit. The cadet had instead been honorably discharged before vanishing entirely.
It wasn’t a lot to base his opinion on, but Rowan was already coming to his own conclusions.
So when the official call came in for the Cadre, as they were known by, to meet with Hammel--Rowan did his best to let the irritation fade away.
"Gentlemen," Hammel greeted once they were all seated.  
The briefing area was as hot and muggy as ever, settling them all with another level of discomfort.  
Lorcan as usual chose a back corner seat, hardly sitting at attention.  Gavriel maintained his decorum and the twins were as lanky and childish as ever.  Rowan glanced at Talbot who had been whisked into the squad after the last raid and Hernandez transferred him.  Rowan didn't know the reasonings, but he liked the kid so he didn't argue.
Before them now, Hammel stood tall and at ease.  Though, there was no mistaking the cold silver of his gaze and the harsh lines of his face.  His red hair hung to his shoulders and he wore a cold ring on one finger.  He didn't seem the least bit concerned with anything but himself.
“I've heard you're undisciplined and like to cause problems."  Hammel raised a single brow looking as though he couldn't have cared less about the lot of them. "Not under my command.  There have been too many slip ups and unsuccessful raids.  These mess ups will no longer happen or I'll make sure the rest of your weeks here are as miserable as your lives."
It was quite the speech, not that Rowan was truly intimidated by it.  He'd already experienced hell and this man wasn't going to make things worse.
"We'll start with a practice training tomorrow, no matter the weather conditions, you've got to be capable of working through anything.  Sniper!"
Rowan sat up, lifting his chin. 
"Only five confirmed kills," Hammel lifted a lip. "Do better."
"None of my men have died in the last two tours I’ve done," Rowan said, "sir.  I've protected my men."
That sneer only broadened. "When I give you an order, soldier, you accept it.  No arguments."
Rowan only stared at the other man.  He fought the urge to gauge everyone else's reactions.  Hell, he wanted to see Gav most of all.  Gav who’d been their leader for nearly two years now and was being sidelined for someone younger.  
Rowan had known war wouldn’t be easy.  He’d known he would kill, potentially be killed.  He knew his perceptions of life would change and that nothing, nothing, would be the same when he was finished.  But to be told to take more lives?  To add more chaos into the world?
“Yes, sir.”  Rowan didn’t salute.  He didn’t move a muscle until Hammel turned the conversation to the next raid that would take place as soon as the storm passed and this time they would see results.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Don't Go Blindly Into the Dark
To hide that he can't read, Jan Van Eck has been forcing his son to pretend he's blind since he was eight years old. Wylan is now attending Ketterdam University, and meeting Jesper Fahey may very well be about to change his life. But is he safe to tell Jesper the truth? And what will Jesper say if he does?
Jesper is struggling to weigh up his life in the Barrel and his life at the University of Ketterdam, and there's a good chance that his growing debt is about to make the decision for him. He hasn't attended class consecutively for months, but maybe that will change when his newest project includes partnering up with Wylan Van Eck. But can he really leave the Barrel behind him? And how long can he keep up the pretence of who he thinks Wylan wants him to be?
Tags: @justalunaticfangirl @lunarthecorvus
If anyone else would like to be tagged let me know :)
Content warnings for this chapter: death, trafficking references (Kerch indenture law), weapons, violence, murder, dehumanisation
AO3 link
Chapter 12 - Inej
“And exactly why do I care?” asked Kaz, coolly.
Kaz’s office at the Crow Club was by far the most difficult room to eavesdrop on in any of the Dregs’ main haunts, and Inej didn’t doubt that was why he had chosen it. Inej also didn’t find a lack of windows or accessibility at all off putting, and was currently laying flat on her front so she could just about squeeze into the space between Kaz’s ceiling and the floor above it. There was a gap between some of the slats, barely perceptible from below unless you were at the perfect angle, that Inej had found after only a few weeks of working with the Dregs when she was preparing herself for her first real job by trying to move about the Crow Club undetected. It proved a surprisingly simple task, but Inej had never been quite sure if Kaz knew that she was there. As she peered through the gap now she was gifted the slightly hazy image of Kaz, leaning back in his chair with his gloved fingers closed over the head of his cane, and the very edge of Jesper sitting opposite him at the desk. 
Perhaps Inej should feel guilty for spying on Kaz; here, outside his window at the Slat, through a vent above Per Haskell’s office. But it was him who had made her the Wraith, wasn’t it? You couldn’t train a falcon and expect it not to hunt. If he never bothered to tell her anything himself, she would have to find the information her own way. 
“You’re going to steal the secrets of the rich men of Ketterdam,” he’d told her, months ago, amongst a longer speech. It felt like years ago. It felt like days. “And I’m going to use that information to take that money,”
“What happens when you take their money, and you become a rich man?”
That had made him smile.
“Then you can steal my secrets too,”
Well, Inej had seen the books: Kaz was more than comfortably on his way to being rich. So what if she was jumping the gun a little? Of course she knew, or at least she supposed, that the dark shimmer of humour behind his words was because he would never be rich; no matter what money Kaz Brekker accrued, he lived in the worst slum in the Barrel, his cash wasn’t safe to just spend without thinking, he would always be DIrtyhands, the Bastard of the Barrel. When Kaz said rich he didn’t mean money, not always. He meant old money, real money, Geldin District money. Even Zelvar District; it was earned money, then, not old money, but five kruge from a lawyer would always be worth more than ten of Kaz’s ill-gotten gains. Plenty of people got rich in the Barrel - people like Pekka Rollins, and Tante Heleen - but no-one made real money. Inej had realised a long time ago that you couldn’t make real money, you could only inherit it and add more to the pile. 
“If you want to make anything off that kid-”
“If there’s truth to anything you’ve told me, Jesper, then I wouldn’t have been able to make a penny off him anyway. I’m cutting my losses,”
Inej had come late to the conversation, but she assumed they must be talking about Wylan. Once she’d got Jesper back to his dorm last night, she made him drink two glasses of water and then waited until he’d fallen asleep - it didn’t take long - before she went to find Nina and tell Kaz was calling them home.
“We’re not even hanging around tonight?”
Inej shook her head.
“Everything completely cancelled,”
“Damn,” Nina shook her head, “I owe him back for two weeks income now,”
They’d walked back to the Barrel together, bags in hand, following the waterway along the Southern border of the Financial District until they were at the very bottom of West Stave. Because of the canals and where the bridges were situated, they had to go up past the Crow Club before Inej could turn back towards the Slat. They stopped on the bridge and Nina put her arms around Inej’s shoulders.
“You sure you don’t want to come back to the Slat for a while?” asked Inej.
The sun was rising but Inej was going to try to get a few hours of sleep anyway, and she could tell that Nina was tired as well. But she shook her head, smiling. 
“No, I should get back. I probably have a thousand clients waiting,” she teased, “But I’ll be insisting on taking a nap first, I think,”
Inej stood and watched for a moment as Nina began to head North, and then slowly turned and began to wander back to the Slat. She was exhausted, and she thought she might have managed two hours of sleep since she got back and got everything sorted through, but as soon as she woke up she’d come to the Crow Club and found herself hiding inside Kaz’s ceiling. 
“You reckon she was already dead, or that The Peacock got her?” Rotty was saying to Anika and Pim as Inej walked through the door.
“Too clean,” said Anika, quieter than Rotty had, her words holding more melancholy where his did intrigue, “Nothing I’ve ever heard makes me think she does deaths that clean,”
Inej frowned, feeling a sudden alertness taking hold of her at the sound of that name. The Peacock. That was how the rest of the Barrel referred to Heleen Van Houden, but to her girls it was Tante Heleen or the back of her hand. 
“What happened?” she asked, turning to Rotty and the others.
None of them had realised she was there, and a surprised whisper of Wraith quickly flew between their mouths. She prompted again.
“The Leopard showed back up this morning,” said Rotty, “They found her a couple of hours ago. Dead,”
Inej shivered. At the Menagerie each girl was known by her animal counterpart; a Fjerdan wolf, a Shu serpent, a Zemeni fawn, a Kaelish mare. A Suli lynx. The Leopard was the costume worn by the girl from the Southern Colonies. Inej didn’t know her - no-one had been wearing that cloak when Inej was there, except for the last month of her indenture when a little scrap of a thing from the Colonies had shown up. They’d never spoken, in fact Inej had seen very little of her because the Leopard had spent most of that month in the room downstairs, but Inej had recognised her on the occasional time she crossed through West Stave. A pretty girl with blonde curls and deep brown eyes that looked more like they belonged to a doe, despite the spots painted on her neck and across her collar bones. She’d heard about her going missing because it happened right before she and Nina went to the university and she didn’t doubt rumours had flown across the staves - by all accounts, the Leopard was currently Heleen’s most popular item on display. Or she had been, anyway.
“Strangled, it looks like. They left her on the steps outside the Menagerie, I heard the Peacock complaining it’s gonna reduce business,”
Inej’s hand drifted to her knives.
“Where’s Kaz?”
“In his office, with Fahey, last I saw,”
Inej nodded, then walked away and ignored the whispers that surely followed. She slipped upstairs; it was mostly private game rooms up here but none were populated this morning, and the staff room at the far end was probably empty or near it if the rooms weren’t currently in use. Inej slipped into the store cupboard above Kaz’s office and leant against the door, whispering a prayer for a girl with no name. 
“Demo,” said Jesper now, suddenly, as Kaz stood up.
Inej was pulled out of her thoughts. Kaz paused at the corner of his desk, leaning heavily against his cane as he turned back to see Jesper.
“You said you want more hands on demolitions,” Jesper breathed, “Last week, I heard you telling Raske,”
Kaz conceded it with a nod. Inej was only mildly surprised; Raske was the best demolitions expert in the Barrel, but he was also one man and the only member of the Dregs who knew what he was doing with a bomb. 
“Wylan can do demo. He’s a chemist, Kaz, he can make anything,”
“You’ve seen his work?”
Inej was pretty sure that was a lie, but apparently Kaz was either fooled or willing to be fooled, because he nodded slowly.
“What are you staking on it?”
Oh Saints, Kaz.
“I’m not putting my neck on the line for no reason, Jes. I’ve already lost a lot of money this week, I don;t fancy adding to that. If this goes sideways or the kid isn’t any use to me I want compensation, and I know you don’t have any cash so I need some insurance. What are you staking?”
There was a long pause. An inexplicably long pause, actually. A noise behind Inej made her flinch and she had to restrain a gasp as one of the boards beneath her creaked. Kaz looked up, almost straight at the tiny gap Inej was peering through, but he mustn’t have been at the right angle because he only mused:
“Layla’s dropping my merchandise again,”
Layla waited tables at the Club, and had an unfortunate reputation for accidentally smashing rather expensive bottles and platters. Sometimes Inej wondered why Kaz kept her on, but then she saw her at the tables and knew exactly why; Layla could dazzle anything out of anyone, and she would sail back past Kaz and Inej armed to the teeth with political gossip for Inej to follow up on.
Silence fell back over the office for a time, but Inej could hear footsteps behind her now. Any minute Layla or another staff member could wander in and find her spying on Per Haskell’s best lieutenant, and probably - especially if word of the run-in with Velthuis and the Black Tips was spreading as quickly as she predicted it would - accuse of her of betraying the Dregs. Even though she trusted that Kaz knew she never would, that was a near-on impossible thing to come back from around here. Your gang was your family, and Inej already felt like she didn’t entirely belong. 
“Well?” asked Kaz, after another long moment had passed, “Am I doing this or not?”
Jesper stood up, unslung his gun belt, and dropped his prize revolvers onto Kaz’s desk. 
“Your insurance,”
Inej couldn’t see their faces properly, but she could imagine the exact arch of Kaz’s brow. 
“Alright then,” he said, walking towards the door, “I’m in,”
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Frustration (Mikey Way x reader)
Kinktober day 6: Angry make-up sex 
Summary: After a friend posts a picture of (y/n) having fun with them, Mikey finds that he’s rather jealous - and his insecurity leads to an argument that can only be resolved one way. 
Word count: 1471
Warnings: silly little argument + conflicty stuff, dubious consent (like there’s no clear no, but also no clear yes - it’s just heavily suggested that our reader is fine with what’s happening) ,degradation 
“Hey, I’m home.”
When their boyfriend didn’t answer, (y/n) stuck their head around the door frame, concerned. He was sat at the kitchen table staring at his phone with a deep frown. “Mikes? Is something wrong?”
A muscle in the side of his face twitched slightly. “You went out wearing that?”
They glanced down at the very short shorts they had chosen to go out in. “Yeah. You saw me when I left… what is it, what’s up?”
He shook his head in disbelief, holding his phone out. “This.”
It showed the photo their friend had posted on Instagram earlier, one (y/n) had loved. There were eight of them crammed into a tiny booth seat at the pub, legs tangled over each others laps and arms around waists or shoulders. Everyone was dying with laughter and nobody was looking at the camera - it was the perfect semi-candid shot. “Okay, what about it?”
“You think it’s appropriate to go acting like that in public?”
They rolled their eyes at his tone. “We were out for a couple of drinks, not whoring ourselves out on street corners. And nothing I ordered had booze in, before you ask. I was just having fun. It’s hardly illegal.”
That didn’t seem to help his temper at all. “Okay, but why are you getting so… personal with people in public?”
“They aren’t just people, Mikey, they’re my friends. Why is this bothering you so much?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” He huffed sarcastically. “Maybe it’s because you’re my partner. You’re taken. You shouldn’t be out showing yourself off like you’re single.”
Their eyes narrowed. “Showing myself off? I was hardly doing that. Hell, you were invited! If you were so concerned about me having fun with people without you then you should have come along.”
“What, so I could sit there and watch you drape yourself over a whole host of random people?”
“They’re my friends!” Their jaw dropped, furious that he was being so childish. “You know, some of us are capable of making friends with people without having to scrounge them off an older sibling.”  
Something in him snapped at that dig. “Say that again. I fucking dare you.”
(y/n) snorted. “What, you think you’re all big and scary because you’re six inches taller than me? Get fucking real.” 
Suddenly they found themselves pinned against the wall, Mikey’s leg shoved between theirs and a familiar hardness pressing against their stomach as he glared down at them. “You’re gonna pay for that.” He didn’t give them the chance to respond, slamming his lips into theirs and tugging firmly at the handful of hair he’d seized. Judging by the way they moaned against his actions, he was doing the right thing.
Breaking the kiss, he manhandled them through the doorway to their bedroom. “Strip. And kneel.” 
They scoffed, arms folded. “Make me.” 
This time when he kissed them, his hand kept such a tight grip on their throat that their mind was going fuzzy from lack of blood. When he finally released them he fixed them with a glare that made their hair stand on end. 
“Next time you say no to me, I won’t touch you at all. I’ll tie you up and make you watch as I get off all by myself while you’ve got no way of doing the same. Is that what you want?” 
(y/n) shook their head, and he smirked. “That’s what I thought. Now strip.” 
They’d barely finished removing the last item of clothing when he moved to stand directly in front of them and pushed them to the floor, also totally naked himself. “Open your mouth.” 
“You’re really pushing your luck today, aren’t you?” He seized their chin tightly, squeezing until their mouth hung open. Scanning their face for any sign of doubt or worry - there was none - he rammed his dick into their mouth before they could talk back, groaning as they gagged a little around his length. “That’s better, putting that pretty little mouth to good use.” 
His cock hit the back of their throat over and over, and he watched as tears mixed with the saliva that trailed from the corners of their mouth. The sounds he was making were almost unholy, and despite the force he was using them with, (y/n) couldn’t help but feel their own pleasure building. They’d never been the most vanilla of couples, but this was certainly the roughest Mikey had been with them in a while. And they were loving it.
Both hands on the back of their head, he held them down so their nose brushed his pubes, ecstasy flooding through him as their warm, wet cheeks fluttered around him. “You’re my little whore, aren’t you? You belong to me. You can go out looking like a common slut for all the world to see, but only I get to see you like this. Like the needy little bitch you are.”
He let them go, listening to their choked gasps as they got used to being able to breathe properly again. It took very little effort to drag them onto the bed, spreading their legs so he could kneel between them and press himself against their entrance. They keened softly, putty in his hands as he pinned their wrists above their head.
“You keep your hands to yourself, and maybe I’ll give you what you clearly want. Huh? No touching. If you move those hands, I won’t let you cum for the next week.”
They nodded and he let go, smiling as they kept their hands in place. “So good, doing as you’re told.” Gripping their hips harshly he thrust into them, straight away moving at a punishing pace and relishing in the cracked moans his movements were pulling from their throat. He fucked them relentlessly, fingers digging into their soft skin as he dipped his head to sink his teeth into their chest.
They arched against him, still just about keeping their hands away as they struggled to speak. “I - shit, so close. Need you.”
He slowed for a second, resting his forehead against theirs as they whimpered. “Now, do you think you deserve to cum? Do you think you’ve been good enough?” 
“Please. Fuck, I can’t… please.” They became even more incoherent as he slid a hand between them, pressing his fingers against them in a way that made them squirm. “Oh God, Mikey!”
The way they cried his name so reverently was more than enough to convince him, and he started thrusting again, somehow managing to go even deeper than before. It was only a matter of moments before they were tightening around him, muscles spasming as their orgasm left them boneless.
 “Fuck, that’s it.”
Pulling out as they came down from their high, Mikey only needed to jerk himself a few times before spilling across their stomach with a groan, vaguely aware of them stroking his shoulders encouragingly as his vision greyed out. He collapsed next to them, breathing raggedly as they ran a hand through his sweaty hair. Neither of them said a word. After a couple of minutes they got up, already walking slightly stiffly as they headed for the en suite, cleaning up the mess he’d made. When they were done, they grabbed his water bottle and brought it over as a kind of peace offering, snuggling back under the covers. He took a drink and sighed, guilt sinking into his chest as he saw the beginnings of the bruises already littered across their delicate skin. 
“I’m sorry. It was a stupid thing to start a fight over.” 
(y/n) shrugged. “I mean yeah, it was. But I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have said some of the things that I did. I gotta say though, I really like your method of conflict resolution.” 
“It wasn’t too much, was it? I didn’t make you uncomfortable?” 
“You want me to be honest? Fine. Michael James Way, I think that was some of the best sex we’ve ever had.” 
He snorted, tucking an arm around their waist. “Glad to hear it. I mean it though. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I... I just can’t help but think that you’d be happier with someone who wasn’t me. Someone more sociable, more of a party animal. Someone who isn’t worse at socialising than a nerdy seventh grader.” 
“Hey, no.” They propped themself up on an elbow so they were looking down at him. “No way. You’re the love of my life, and I need you to start believing that. Nobody compares to you. I don’t wanna imagine what my life would be like without you in it.” 
He pulled them down again for a kiss. “God, I love you so fucking much.” 
“And I fucking love you, Mikey fucking Way. No matter how much of an idiot you are.” 
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meetmymouth · 3 years
theadora, part seven
previous parts | full chapters on patreon | playlist
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He said he would text.
He doesn’t.
She keeps checking her phone after putting Thea down to sleep, but Harry’s text doesn’t come. She knows she’s making a huge deal out of this, and he would probably text either later tonight, or first thing in the morning about where they would go since they’d talk about going somewhere earlier tonight. So, she tries not to think about it too much.
That was the thing, really, she thought way too much– especially when it came to Harry. She often found herself overthinking to the point where the Harry in her head does or say something which annoys her, and she thinks about that version of Harry way too much that when she ends up seeing the real Harry, she feels herself holding grudges because of something he has said or done in her head. It was unhealthy, and certainly unfair to him. She needed to stop.
So, she makes herself a cheese toastie, pours herself a glass of wine, and sits in front of the telly, feet up on the coffee table, Thea’s breathing oozing from the baby monitor filling the living room. She watches an episode of Doctor Who, and has to get up and look at Thea, put her back to sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night. She goes down easily, and she leaves her bedroom with a smile on her face, walking straight into the bathroom to take a quick shower before finally getting in bed. She finds that sleeping is in fact sacred, and that she should take the chance to sleep whenever and wherever she could considering her one-year-old.
After waking up twice because Thea does, she wakes up fairly early in the morning, just after six, and decides to do some work around the house before checking some work emails. She hoovers, unloads the dishwasher, and tries to clean her bedroom as much as she can, and it’s almost eight o’clock when Thea wakes up. They walk down the stairs, Thea yawning still, and she places her in her highchair, and feeds her, eyes darting to her phone from time to time because she’s still waiting to hear from Harry about their plans. As Thea is playing with her toys on the carpet, she takes her phone, and sits on the sofa, watching Thea as she presses her phone to her ear, and waits for Harry to pick up.
Harry doesn’t pick up.
She puts the phone down, and plays with Thea before it’s feeding time again– which is both their lunch, and when she finally sits back on the sofa with Thea in her lap, her phone rings.
It’s Harry. 
It’s also twelve past twelve in the afternoon.
“Y/N,” he says, all rushed as if someone’s trying to catch him. It sounds a lot like he’s in the car.
She hums. “Yes? I thought you were going to text me last night.”
“Yeah, I fell asleep pretty early and today– I’m having to go to Bath.”
“Sorry, what? Now?” She grows agitated, and she doesn’t even know if she has the right to feel that way. She figures she does.
Thea looks up, and starts babbling when she hears someone talking on the other end.
She hears Harry sigh, then a horn. “Yes, I know– it’s very last minute but since I can’t go to Nashville, I also have very limited time to record it here in Bath,” he says, hurriedly. “The sound engineer will be out of the country next week–”
“–Harry, I don’t care that you have to record,” she sighs, mimicking him. She squeezes Thea when she keeps looking up at her, and tries to give her a smile, knowing she’s sensing the anxiety bubbling up inside her mother. “You didn’t call this morning either.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got caught up in a meeting with Jeff, and then the call from the sound engineer came…”
“Harry, I– I don’t know what to say,” it’s the truth. “I know you’ve to work, and I understand that. I just wish you called this morning, told me you’d be working. Thea and I would’ve done something together or something.”
“I know, I’m so sorry.”
“Just– communication, H.”
“I’m so, so sorry, Y/N, I should’ve texted or phoned,” he murmurs. She shrugs, despite knowing he would never see.
They hang up, and she decides to take Thea for a walk. They pass Mr. Wilson’s house, and he stops them to say hi on the way as they chat about anything and everything while he waters his plants in his front garden. He makes Thea laugh, and asks about Harry only when they’re about to leave.
“Have seen him around a lot recently,” Mr. Wilson says, scratching his beard. “Good for him,” he goes on, nodding as she tries to give him a smile. “Divorce is hard, but you’ve to be present for your daughter.”
She nods, not having anything else to add. “He is around, visits often,” she says, just to keep things short and sweet.
“Good lad. Being a family– that’s what matters. You’ve to have each other’s backs, no matter what. You know my oldest, Lewis,” he says. She nods. “He and the missus got a divorce two years ago. He fucked off to Germany last year. Only calls on birthdays and whatnot.”
“Harry’s not like that, from what I’ve seen. Good lad, he is.”
“Yeah,” she nods, wanting to end the discussion. “He’s a good father.”
“Good for him– hey, good for you, Y/N. It’s not easy.”
“Yeah… right, we better get going Mr. Wilson,” she tries to smile. “Talk to you later.”
See, it was certainly not easy, she came to find it. Being single, being a divorced woman, it certainly was not easy in her eyes. She knows Harry feels the same, quite possibly, with them both still trying to adjust to the divorce… and she thinks it’s also hard on him because he does not get to see Theadora as much as she does.
There are days where she feels like a horrible mother, having to bear the thought of her daughter growing up in a broken home because she just couldn’t stand being on her own as Harry toured. Was she selfish? Could she have avoided the divorce, maybe? She didn’t know. She wanted to be with Harry still– she loved him… still. But she wasn’t ready to give in to those thoughts yet, she did not want to get hurt once again. She knew it was his job, and it was his job when she decided to date him, and also marry him; she knew all along. What she didn’t know was how alone she would feel whilst being with him, whether they were together or apart, in the same country or not… she, oftentimes, found herself alone.
She thought Harry put himself and his job before anything, which also included Y/N, too. When Thea was born, and Harry was ready to get back to work, she’d found herself worrying again– worrying that Harry would put his job before Thea, too. And sometimes, he did. He preferred recording for long hours at the studio than to be at home with Y/N and Thea, or decided four promo interviews in one day was a perfect decision even though Jeff had told him he would decline two of them for him to spend more time with his family. He’d just shrugged on FaceTime with Jeff, and said, ‘I can handle it’.
She looks up from Thea’s head, smiles when she sees her look around herself, taking everything in along their walk, and decides to walk to their local park so Thea can feed the ducks there. Despite the disappointment Harry had caused her this afternoon, she still takes numerous photos and videos of Thea and sends them all to Harry, and watches as he responds in no time, a series of black heart emojis, followed by an ‘I miss her!!!!’. She smiles, petting Thea’s head before they decide to leave, but not before Thea screams ‘buh-bye’ to the ducks because they seemed to be her favourites at the moment.
She sends him another set of pictures, of Thea in her crib sleeping, though this time, she doesn’t get a response. She decides that it’s okay, and that he must be working, so she FaceTimes Robin and Alena, and they all go on a full discussion about the series, Ted Lasso, and Alena adds, very brashly that she would ‘sleep with Ted in a heartbeat’, earning a glare from Robin themselves.
“It’s a TV show character,” they say, shaking their head as Alena munches on some blueberries.
“Who’s the actor playing him? Is he that goofy in real life?”
“Jason Sudeikis,” Y/N finds herself answering, laughing at the glare Robin have been sending Alena’s way. “And, no, he’s not that goofy.”
Alena offers some blueberries to Robin which they decline. “Then I would sleep with Jason Sudeikis.”
Robin groans. “You don’t even know what he’s like in real life.”
“Anyway,” she’s determined to change the topic. “Has Harry texted after that?”
“No,” she hums, eyes darting to the TV, then back at the duo. She doesn’t add anything else.
They both nod.
“It’s work, he probably couldn’t do anything about it.”
“Yeah,” she looks at Alena. “Probably. It’s okay, I’m not mad or anything. I just wish he told me these things beforehand– you know? He’s always late when it comes to communicating.”
“Yeah,” Alena says. “Understandable.”
They hang up, and she takes a shower before Theadora decides to wake up for the third time that night, and finally gets in bed when the clock on her bedside shows twelve-to-one. When tomorrow comes, Harry still doesn’t text back to her last message, though she doesn’t think much of it. Co-parenting did not mean texting back and forth every second of the day, though she still thought Harry would text or FaceTimed to see Thea before Saturday rolled around.
When Thursday comes around, she becomes antsy.
It’s not like him to ignore her, or them. She thinks something must’ve came up, or maybe he’s on his way here.
That, she thinks, is not likely.
On Friday when Theadora walks around the flat, and keeps calling for ‘da-da’, Y/N chases her with her phone in hand, taking a video yet-again for Harry which she knows he won’t respond to. Despite that, she still sends it to him, ‘she’s saying dada!’, and instead of waiting for an answer, she puts Thea in her carseat, and they drive up to her dad’s. She still takes tons of pictures and videos of her feeding the chickens in the back garden, trying to drink her granny’s tea, and one of her drawing a tree according to Thea herself: ‘tee’. They have fun, and she manages to get some work done while Thea’s grandad and granny look after her.
They return to London when the clock shows six o’clock, and she quickly feeds Thea, then puts her to sleep without even checking her phone. When she hears it go off with a text, she sees that Harry’s finally getting back to her, and she reads the messages with a crease between her eyebrows.
‘I’m so sorry’ one says, ‘Studio was hectic’ another one goes, and finally, ‘I’m outside, can I come in for a bit?’.
She walks to the front door, and like his text said, he’s standing at the door, hands in her coat pocket as he keeps scratching his days-old stubble with a frown on his face.
“Hello,” she chuckles, because it’s good to see him– hear from him. “Nice of you to text us back.”
The frown deepens. “I’m so sorry.”
“Well,” she shrugs. “Yeah.”
She lets him in, and they walk to the kitchen, the kettle being turned on immediately as she watches him sit on one of the chairs. He plays with one of Thea’s stuffed toys that’s on the table for a bit, as if he’s trying his best not to make eye contact, and she finally has enough when he keeps fiddling with the toy instead of meeting her gaze.
“You could’ve texted,” she murmurs, turning around to pour water into their mugs. “I texted you so many times and not even to ask where you were. Just pictures and videos of Teddy.”
“I know, I’m so sorry.”
“I thought we were going to try. Communicate and all that…”
Harry sighs, and they both realise that he did not take his shoes off. She doesn’t say anything.
Instead, she places his tea in front of him, and sits on the chair, quietly sipping her tea while she waits for him to just say something– anything.
He takes the hint.
“The day I went to Bath, I genuinely forgot to let you know beforehand. Then,” he wraps his palms around his mug, presumably sighing at the warmth against his cold hands. “They kept pushing me to my limits, telling me I needed to record very quickly and in a perfect way because they didn’t have any time to waste on me after the last time.”
“The last time?”
“When I kept pushing it back, the recording.”
She nods. He continues.
“I recorded four songs while in Bath. Slept for… probably a total of ten hours in that time frame. It was awful. And I wanted to text,” he looks down at his tea. “But I knew I was in the wrong for not giving you a heads up. I chickened. I was embarrassed.”
She sighs, placing her tea back on the coaster. “Harry, you didn’t need to feel embarrassed. I’m not angry. I was actually– worried for a while. It’s not like you to ignore photos of Teddy. I just– just don’t shut me out,” she bites her lip, and tries to maintain eye contact. He nods, a tiny, barely-there smile appearing on his face. “You said it to me, don’t shut me out. We need to communicate.”
“I understand.”
“Yeah, good,” she nods.
“I’m done now,” he exhales, taking a big sip from his tea, and humming when the tea reaches his throat.
“Done with what?”
“Recording. Officially on my break. I’m still writing for the album– the next one. I’m not going to record anything anytime soon, though. No interviews as of yet. Even if they give me some, I’ll be home– do them online.”
“Okay… you deserve to rest.”
“Yeah,” a nod. “And see my daughter.”
“Of course.”
The smile on his face deepends, and he puts the mug back down. “Can I go up and see her?” He says, all giddy. “I promise not to wake her up.”
He sounds like a kid on a Christmas morning, she thinks. So, she nods, with a smile on her face, and watches him run up the stairs. She lets out a chuckle when he almost slips, but he doesn’t let it get in the way as he keeps running up the stairs. She sips her tea, goes on Twitter for a bit, then places her phone face down on the table. When she goes to take another sip from her tea, Harry’s phone vibrates, signalling a phone call. Curiosity gets the best of her and she cranes her neck to take a look at the caller ID, a smile appearing on her face when she notices it’s Anne who’s calling. Harry comes back, a smile on his face, and sits back down.
“I wish I took my phone with me,” he sighs, leaning back in his seat. He takes a sip from his tea. “She looks so cute when sleeping.”
“She’s hungry,” she says. “So, she’ll wake up soon for feeding time. Your phone rang, by the way.”
“Oh,” Harry taps once on the screen, and it lights up. “Was my mum. Oh– she asked if it would be okay if we visited one Saturday? Drove down to Cheshire.”
“Yeah, of course,” a nod. “It’s been a while since she’s seen Thea. You should take her and visit.”
He smiles, nodding. “Thank you.”
A beat.
Another beat.
Then Harry coughs into his fist, something she’s learned he did when he had to say something.
She doesn’t ask.
Instead, she takes yet-another sip from her sip. “How was Bath?”
“Oh,” Harry looks up, like he’s surprised that she’s asking about it. “It was nice. Finally got around to recording the last bits of the album.”
“Good– that’s good.”
A ding, and her attention falls to the phone on the table, signalling a text from the group chat she shared with Robin and Alena. When it goes off for the third time, she has to take it in her hands, and open the chain of texts.
Robin: I know we said no texts about the ex but wasn’t he in Bath to record?
Alena: ^^ (I’m at work what’s going on?)
Robin: this:
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She looks up from the photo, and sighs. It’s not new, photos of Harry with a girl, or anyone for that matter. For that reason, she doesn’t think too much of it, it’s not even her place to think such things and question him on his private life. Despite the tinge of jealousy deep in her bones, she sends a shrugging emoji, and locks her phone, placing it face down on the table.
Harry’s watching, almost like a concentrated frog with a crease between his brows, and she shrugs again, muttering out a foolish excuse about her friends sending her memes. He lets it go, like he always does. It’s all good– they’re good.
“How’s work?”
She looks up. “Work’s good. I stop the whole working from home thing in three months so I’m trying to enjoy the pajama bottoms as much as I can,” she chuckles into her mug.
“You still got time,” Harry smiles. “How’s Natalie?”
At the name, she smiles, remembering how Natalie was also there when they first met.
“She’s good– doesn’t work for British GQ though. She’s over at British Vogue.”
“Oh? Wow– I didn’t know that; I haven’t spoken to her in ages. Since, you know…”
“Yeah,” she looks down at her lap. “So. Album? When’s that coming out? Or am I not allowed to know since I don’t fall into the ‘partners’ category?” She muses. Harry laughs, a breathy one.
“Honestly? I don’t know, yet. Next year probably. Beginning of May or something.”
With a nod, she lets it go.
There’s not much she can ask about, so she gets up from her seat, and walks over to the sink, placing her dirty mug in there before she turns to Harry again.
But, before she can say anything, try to fill the silence, Harry starts talking:
“Hey,” he says, timidness clear in his tone of voice. “Before you see it online… I met a friend while in Bath,” he says, all deep and hoarse.
She nods, waiting for him to continue. He doesn’t. Instead, he focuses on his hands in his lap, fingers playing with the few rings that are on his index and middle finger.
“Okay,” she nods once again.
“So, yeah. She’s just a friend. A friend of a friend, actually.”
It all sounds familiar, she thinks.
She was once a friend of a friend.
“Okay, Harry.”
“What do you mean ‘okay’?”
“I mean, okay. It’s okay. I know you get papped a lot. You don’t have to come up to me and explain– we’re not together.”
A crease between his brows. He straightens up in his seat. “I know that.”
A nod from her. “Okay.”
“Okay, cool, just– you know the tabloids, right?”
“I know,” she nods, crossing her arms. “They can be vicious. I know…”
“Yeah,” he scratches his cheek. “When do you think she’ll wake up?” He says, eyes looking towards the stairs. Her eyes follow.
“You can wake her up,” she says, the look in his eyes proving enough that he’s missed his daughter dearly. “I’m gonna try to feed her some solids this evening, you can stay and try if you like?”
“Yeah. Got the okay from the doctors ages ago but you know…”
He nods. “Okay, I’d like that.”
Theadora wakes up soon enough, and Harry almost trips when running up the stairs. She shouts a ‘careful’ behind him, though he keeps running up the stairs. She hears him greet the baby, his voice velvet-like, the one he uses only when he’s talking to Thea, and he talks about how much he’s missed her, how lovely her sleep-messy curls look. They come down the stairs five minutes later, Thea in her leopard leggings and a pink hoodie Harry bought for her way before she was born, and the little girl’s hair is a lovely mess of curls sticking in all directions which makes her smile and get up from the table, walking towards them with her smile only getting wider and wider.
“Morning angel,” she presses a kiss to her hand, chuckling when Thea moves her face closer to Harry, pressing it in the crook of his neck. She doesn’t mind it. It makes her smile even more.
Harry walks into the kitchen, Y/N following close behind. “Where do you want us?” He asks, cuddling Thea into his chest.
“Put her in her highchair, please. I’ll warm up the food.”
“What are we having?”
“Boiled potatoes and carrots.”
“Excellent,” he whispers into Thea’s cheek, making her giggle and press her own nose into Harry’s neck. “Isn’t it, Teddy?”
“Hm,” the little girl hums.
“She agrees.”
“I sure hope she does.”
They share a look, and Thea is placed in her highchair, Harry immediately pulling a chair to sit in front of her. She places her pink bowl in front of Thea, and takes a step backwards, watching Harry stare at the food for a bit like he’s blessing it, or rather trying to remember the steps to feeding a child. It’s funny, how nervous he looks, as though he’s feeding Theadora for the first time, and she can’t help but let out a laugh, shrugging when he gives her a look.
“What,” he murmurs, a crease between his brows. “What’s that laugh for?”
She can’t help but shrug for the second time, a half-smile still present on her face. “You just look like you’re shitting bricks. It’s just food, relax,” she says, smiling at the nervous expression on his face.
“What if she chokes? I mean–” he looks down at the food again, prodding the potatoes around with the fork they use to feed Thea. “–these are big pieces. What if she chokes, Y/N? It’s– it’s not funny.”
“I’m sorry,” she says in between laughter. “Harry, you’re not going to feed her the whole potato or that big piece in her bowl,” she motions at the bowl. “Cut it into small pieces and then feed her.”
Harry, though, he’s not having it. The frown on his face gets bigger, and the crease in between his brows never leaves.
“Okay,” he ponders. “But what if she still chokes? Her throat– her mouth… everything is tiny. Are you sure we should be feeding her all this,” he purses his lips, looking down at the food.
She lets out an exasperated sigh. “Do you want me to feed her?”
“No,” he shakes his head, lips still turned downwards in a frown. “No, I can do it. I’m just– kinda scared, y’know…”
“I know, Harry, but it’ll be fine. She eats baby biscuits now–”
Harry looks up. “–She does? Since when?”
It’s full of worry and something so endearing, his question. She knows he’s thinking of all the time that’s been lost, all that time he’s been away and missed so many firsts in his daughter’s life.
She smiles, a broken-smile, and shrugs. “Not long. She’ll be fine, H.”
“If you say so…”
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*  *  *
She wakes up to small fists in her face, slapping and stroking– alternating between the two.
She’s taken back, and is terrified, thinking she’s fallen asleep while Theadora was awake and that she left her on her own. It’s a scary thought, so she quickly straightens up on the sofa, only to find Harry wearing her apron, a kitchen towel on his shoulder as he watches Thea with a smile on his face.
“What’s going on?” She manages to choke out, voice still gruff from the sleep.
She doesn’t think she was out for that long, and a glance at her watch tells her the same.
Harry shrugs, coming to collect Thea since she keeps trying to throw punches at her. “You fell asleep. I unloaded the dishwasher and made something to eat. Sorry,” he smiles, all bashful.
“Sorry for falling asleep,” she says, rubbing the sleep off of her eyes. Thea calls for her, and she gets up from the sofa to take her in her arms. “You didn’t have to do all that, Harry.”
“It’s okay,” Harry shrugs, once again, and grabs an empty baby bottle from the floor. “I was hungry, anyway. I made crispy chicken and rice.”
A beat, and she bites her lip, not being able to hold it in any longer.
The tears start rolling down her face, and uncontrollable sob escaping in the middle of it, and it makes Harry look all alarmed, ready to attack. She wipes her eyes with one hand as the other holds Thea.
“It’s my favourite,” she murmurs. “Thank you,” she says, giving Harry a teary look.
Harry bites his lip, not knowing where to put his hands, so he just puts them on his hips. “Why– why are you crying?”
“I don’t know!”
“I’m gonna be on my period,” a sniff. “And I love chicken and rice. I just didn’t have enough time to make something I love recently… thank you, really.”
The look on his face becomes softer, eyes kinder, and he smiles. “Oh,” he says. “It’s okay, really. Hey, why don’t you sit back down, we’ll eat here.”
“Thank you.”
He grins. “Don’t need to thank me. Come on, sit down.”
“Harry,” she calls behind him.
“Yes?” Comes a voice from the kitchen.
“Can you– dice some spring onions on mine?”
A laugh leaves Harry’s mouth. “Sure.”
“Thank you…”
They eat in silence, Thea on the floor, drawing yet-another masterpiece, and Harry lets out hums from time to time and agrees with her babblings whenever she finds it appropriate to interrupt their dinner. It’s almost like they have a secret language, Thea letting out quiet hums and babbles from time to time as Harry agrees, ‘very true, Teddy’, and ‘I think so, too, Teddy!’ She watches and listens while eating her chicken and rice, and lets out chuckles when Thea gets too into the agreements and yells, ‘hm, daddy’, though it sounds more like DADDEH!
They both finish at the same time, and she lets Harry spend a bit more time with Thea as she loads the dishwasher, and when she comes back to the living room, she finds them curled on the sofa, a book in Harry’s hand as he reads from it, though Thea seems to care more about her father’s rings than the book he’s holding.
It’s eight, and Harry’s phone goes off, and he goes into the kitchen to answer it as the both of them sit on the carpet, playing with blocks as Thea steals block after block from her pile. When he comes back, there’s a crease between his brows, and he’s rubbing the back of his neck like he always does when nervous and worked up. If it were years ago, she would walk up to him, and offer to massage his back because ‘you’re so worked up’. But, it isn’t. So, instead, she watches from her seat on the floor as he walks over to them, and sits on the floor while Thea looks up only for a second before looking down at her blocks again.
After the fourth sigh, she decides that she’s had enough.
“What’s going on?” She asks, a block forgotten in her hand.
This makes him look up. “Nothing,” he murmurs, placing another block on one of Thea’s. “Was Jeff. Something about me on Twitter.”
When he mentions the ‘T’ word, she knows what he’s talking about. She’s almost certain she does, and she almost wants to let out a laugh, tell him she already knows, and that he shouldn’t worry too much about it because ‘aren’t you used to it?'
He looks up, a pink block in hand, and purses his lips like he knows. He does. “You’ve already seen it, haven’t you?” He says, almost accusing her of knowing before him. “You’ve seen it and you’re waiting for the right time to throw it in my face.”
A crease between her brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?” It’s defensive, and there’s an anger to her words. “I saw it. Couldn’t care less, though.”
“Yeah?” He chuckles– it’s a bitter one, a sarcasm-filled one. “Of course.”
“Harry, you’re being unreasonable. Of course I didn’t tell you– what was I supposed to tell you–”
He grunts. “–How do you know anyway?” He says, playing with the block in his hand.
“Does it matter?”
“It does. To me, it does– why are you so calm?”
“Why, though?” She looks up from Thea, careful not to raise her voice. Thea does, too, looking up at Harry with curiosity clear on her tiny face.
Harry, though, just shakes his head, and lets out a sigh. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything right now. I’m just doing what they want me to do and it’s fucking up everything I come to know…”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N,” he says, shaking his head. A strand of hair falls over his eye, and she so desperately wants to reach and send it back. “I’m just confused about a lot of things.”
“About work?”
“Mainly. Yes.”
“Okay… I’m sorry.”
He looks up. A tiny smile appears, then it’s gone. “You don’t have to apologise– it’s not your fault.”
Thea grunts when they keep talking to each other instead of her. She lets out a puff of air, and goes, “Daddy.”
“Oh my God,” Harry stands up too quickly, almost tripping and falling. He takes his phone out. “That’s– daddy.”
“Yeah,” She laughs.
“She’s said it before,” he murmurs, fiddling with the phone. He directs it in Thea’s face. “But never this clear before. She’s said ‘daddy’, right? Like– right?”
“Teddy, say ‘daddy’.”
She laughs, he does, too. “Oh my God, Teddy, you’re getting so big!”
“She is!”
“Shh, I’m recording–”
*   *   *
The next day, she’s sipping from her tea as Alena tries to put Thea’s hair in two pigtails while Robin insist on mentioning the ‘H’ word.
She lets out a sigh, placing her tea on the coaster. “Can we stop talking about Harry and his girlfriend,” she murmurs.
Alena looks up from Thea’s hair, and Robin snorts.
Robin turns to Alena, shrugging. “I didn’t say ‘girlfriend’, she said it.”
“He mentioned it to me, said she was a friend of a friend– and that I would probably see it online or something,” she says, biting her cuticle.
“Y/N,” Robin sighs. “You mentioned the whole girlfriend thing, now you’re explaining what he said to you.”
“Because what?” Alena asks.
“I– I don’t know. I don’t know how to feel. It’s none of my business,” she shrugs, pursing her lips. “I’m just confused and– tired. Sleepy.”
“We literally did not say a thing,” Alena says, stroking the side of Thea’s face. She looks up at Alena, and turns around to copy her movements by stroking Alena’s face like she did to her. She smiles, then continues: “It’s normal to feel a pang of jealousy. Or something.”
Robin nods. “Or something.”
“Leave me alone.”
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seasonofthewicth · 3 years
Rowaelin Month - Day 9
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prompt: co-hosts with chemistry
extras: podcaster!rowaelin, friends to lovers, tooth-rotting fluff!
word count: 2k
The podcast had originally been Lysandra’s idea.
She had deemed their regular conversations dissecting each of their dating lives too entertaining to keep to themselves and so it had begun. It hadn’t been very successful and they had only managed to wrangle a small number of subscribers, mostly consisting of their friends and reluctant family members. They’d had fun, but when Lysandra moved to the Southern Continent they hadn’t bothered to keep it up.
Then Aelin got drunk with Fenrys and his new roommate Rowan.
Her drunken self had thought it a fabulous idea to whip out her phone and hit record when Fenrys had begun to weave his story of the beautiful Asterin and her ruthless rejection, Rowan chipping in with quips that always made her cheeks feel a little warmer. That and the sparkle in his green eyes each time he looked at her.
She’d been intrigued by Rowan on day one. He was everything Aelin felt herself drawn to in one big package. Tall, handsome, tattoos, wicked sense of humour, didn’t take any shit, constantly gave her shit. She was charmed.
Until the podcast had taken off.
The inebriated episode featuring Fenrys and Rowan had landed her with a few thousand subscribers. And she had wanted to continue.
Fenrys had rejected her outright, claiming he didn’t need any more public humiliation, the Asterin story had been enough and she understood, but Rowan…
She’s not sure why she even asked Rowan. They weren’t friends, the episode they’d recorded had been the first night they met and they hadn’t spoken since but she’d laid the offer on the table anyway. Despite the fact that hearing all about Rowan Whitethorn’s dating exploits made her stomach twist.
What she knew of Rowan had told her he’d say no too. He hadn’t given her the impression of being particularly easy going, or that spending time with her in the absence of Fenrys would have been something he would consider. In fact, she’d wondered if he’d thought her desire to chat about something as frivolous as dating would be somewhat shallow or childish.
But then he’d said yes.
And so began their tradition. Every Thursday after his final class of the day and Aelin gets home from her office, she uncorks a bottle of wine and makes dinner. Rowan turns up at eight pm sharp each week, armed with a slice of chocolate hazelnut cake and his lilting and charming accent. They set themselves up at the desk in Aelin’s spare bedroom, each with a set of headphones and a microphone and they talk.
That started eight months ago.
Now they have hundreds of thousands of listeners, people who for some unknown reason like to listen to Aelin and Rowan. Aelin doesn’t get it, but here they are.
Aelin tucks her feet under her thighs and rests the arm holding her wine glass along the back of the sofa. They’ve just finished this week’s episode and she’s not ready for Rowan to leave just yet. He turns to her at the motion, a brow cocked in questioning. He looks good, very good.
The light from her TV highlights the cut of his jaw and plays off the silver strands of his hair, flopping onto his forehead. The green of his henley perfectly displays his golden skin and she’s desperately searching for glances of the swirls of ink that peek out of his neckline each time he shifts.
She thought that by spending more time with him her crush would fade. Except now she definitely has a thing for someone who has turned into one of her best friends.
“What’s up with you?” he asks, so aware by now of her moods. He knows when to wait and when to push her, when to joke and when to keep it real.
Aelin shrugs and the motion dislodges her neckline from her shoulder to part way down her arm. Rowan’s eyes dart down tracking the motion but flash back to hers once she speaks.
“I’m thinking about where we go next,” she says slowly. “I don’t know about you but I’m not dating very much recently and I wonder if I’m running out of funny dating stories.”
Rowan’s lips twitch and she uses the time before he speaks to desperately wonder what’s going on in his head. Then he moves his hand to her knee, his touch a comfort and a thrill, and her mind can only focus on that. Can only focus on how good it feels for him to touch her. She doesn’t have the capacity to worry where his head is at when his hands are on her.
“It’s not just you,” he says, on the same wavelength as her as always. “I don’t find myself on many dates anymore.”
He says it without even a whisper of shame, like he’s confident in why that is.
“I can’t tell if I’m thinking too much about the podcast,” she admits, “or if I just don’t want to do it anymore.”
He’s silent, which she usually uses as her prompt to continue, but his hand stays on her knee.
“I have an idea,” she says, shocked again as his eyes meet hers. “It won’t last forever, but I think it could give us a few episodes at least. We turn to other people. We get listeners to share their experiences, their horror stories, their life lessons, their advice, their failures. We give our comments, we compare them, we’re funny. I think it could work.”
She’s so nervous for his thoughts, his opinions matter to her, she wants his approval.
“I think it’s a great idea,” he says as a soft smile creeps onto his lips, tugging up his cheek and she wants to press her lips right there. “We can get people to submit their best stories, review them, add our own additions and commentary and we’re good for a while.”
He pauses, as though there’s more he wants to say. His hand on her knee squeezes and she craves more of his touch, wants his hand to slide higher, wants his fingers to entwine with hers.
Then he says, “I have an idea for an episode.”
She cocks her brow but he shakes his head.
“I need to think it through some more but I’ll let you know as soon as I have a more solid idea.”
It works and she’s relieved her lack of desire to date anyone who isn’t six foot four, silver haired and named Rowan Whitethorn hasn’t needed any expansion and hasn’t so far caused any major problems. Apart from the fact she finds herself getting lost when he talks, unable to respond right away because she’s too busy staring at his lips, his hands, his everything as he speaks.
She’s sure he’s probably noticed but he kindly hasn’t commented.
The idea to get content from their listeners leads her down a path she’s somewhat shocked to realise exists. She’s been trawling twitter to find their content and interacting with a lot more of their listeners and it’s led her to a small corner of twitter dedicated to her and Rowan.
She scrolls and scrolls through tweets that are convinced she and Rowan are either married, fucking or in love. Or if not yet already, they need to be. Aelin doesn’t disagree necessarily, but it’s weird to know people are thinking that, let alone tweeting it.
@/crochanqueen: Aelin’s laugh every time Rowan says something slightly amusing…. girl you’ve got it bad. He’s not that funny.
Gods, she hopes Rowan hasn’t seen these tweets. She needs to watch when she laughs.
“Next submission,” Rowan says, leaning forwards and speaking into his mic. He’s in his usual chair across from her and she has almost unlimited access to the sight of him in all his glory. No wonder it’s hard to concentrate when they record. “This guy says hi, I’ve got it bad for my best friend.”
Aelin swallows. She definitely needs to watch herself for this one.
“A tale as old as time,” she says with a breezy laugh.
“Right,” Rowan says, a tightness to his voice that wasn’t there before, before he turns back to his phone to continue reading. “We’ve known each other for a while now and we spend a lot of time together just the two of us and it’s as easy as breathing. We get along incredibly well, she makes me laugh and she makes me smile. She brightens my day.”
“Gods, this is so sweet,” she coos and Rowan gives her a tight smile. Okay, she’ll let him finish.
“She’s my best friend,” Rowan continues and Aelin bites her lip. “I want more but I don’t want to ruin what we have if she doesn’t feel the same.”
“Hm,” she says, twisting her hands on the table in front of her. She has to manage this one carefully, so as not to give too much away. “Is there any indication of whether she feels the same way?”
Rowan glances back to his phone. “He says; there are moments where I think she feels the same, there are moments where I think I could press my lips to hers and she’d kiss me back. There are moments she looks at me and it looks as though it would be impossible for her not to feel the way I do.”
“She sounds like a lucky girl,” Aelin says almost wistfully.
“You think?” Rowan asks, and she’s not sure his question makes sense.
“Don’t you?” she asks. “If they have these moments, moments where he could kiss her and she’d kiss him back, the moments where they get lost in each other's eyes, I don’t think those things can be made up.”
She ignores the way she always feels as though she catches herself in these moments with Rowan. She ignores them and plows straight on through.
“If he’s having these thoughts enough that they feel like a moment, they probably are.”
“Damn, Aelin.” Rowan smiles across the table. “Any advice for the poor guy?”
“Oh, it’s simple,” she says smoothly, “he has to tell her how he feels. Don’t waste any more time, if you’re reading her this way and she’s your best friend I think there’s very little chance you’ve got this wrong. If you’re listening to this,” she says leaning forwards so her voice is clear in the recording, “get the girl. Take a chance, tell her how you feel. Start small, ask her to go on a date.”
Rowan nods, the movement a sharp jerk but a smile plays on his lips. He looks up to her, his eyes meeting hers.
“Alright, Aelin. Go out with me. A date.”
She laughs, a bright sound, not allowing herself to jump to conclusions. “Is that what it says?”
His eyes flick back to his phone before he locks it and slides it onto the table. “It doesn’t say anything.”
“What do you mean?”
She’s very confused now. Is he playing with her? Has he noticed the way she feels? Surely Rowan isn’t so cruel to mock her like this.
“There’s no submission, it’s me, it’s you. Go out with me Aelin?”
Her mouth drops open.
“Go out with you? You like me?”
She’s stunned okay? Cut her a little slack.
He laughs, a hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck. “This was quite possibly not my best idea,” he says. “To go about it like this. I thought it would have worked well.”
“You’re serious?” she says, a smile creeping into her voice.
“As a heart attack.”
She pulls her headset off, needing to feel this moment just the two of them. Rowan does the same, vulnerability shining in his gorgeous, green eyes.
“Rowan,” she breathes. “I’ve been into you since day one. I thought there was no way you were interested in me.”
She stands, rising from her chair and almost floating over to him until she stands between his legs. She gently rests a hand on his shoulder as she leans down. His hands come up to her waist and pull her onto his lap.
She settles with a smile as she reaches up to cup his cheek in her palm.
“I’ll edit this out tomorrow,” is all she says before she closes the gap between them, pressing her lips to his, sealing it with a kiss.
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jjmaybud · 3 years
bring her home to dad | rafe cameron
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summary: BJ’s every parent’s nightmare and rafe brings her home to ward.
pairing(s): rafe cameron x fem!oc, platonic!sarah cameron x fem!oc, platonic!wheezie cameron x fem!oc.
word count: 5.17k
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, fluff, angst, ward cameron.
author’s note: i’ve had this idea for a while and it was originally going to be a reader, but i have a lot of ideas for this oc and rafe that may or may not be a coherent story. i don’t know, we’ll see where it goes. this is an au where there isn’t any treasure hunt but like rafe still does coke and dropped out of college and sarah and john b end up dating. no season 2 spoilers! Also, the house they use in the show for Tanneyhill (it’s real name is Lowndes Grove) is actually so beautiful omg you can rent it for weddings!
BJ Bentley was in the passenger seat of her boyfriend’s truck on her way to his house for the first time. Though she’d been in a relationship with Rafe Cameron for the past few months, she understood the reservation he had to take her to meet his father. The dark tattoos all along her sun kissed skin and the style of her clothes definitely scared every one of her partner’s parents. It was especially worse when their parents were hard on them, and they tried everything to live up to their expectations. There were times when someone she was interested in brought her home just to scare their parents when they weren’t interested in her as well. It wasn’t like that with Rafe. For one, he was completely freaking out in the driver’s seat next to her as he drove to his house. And two, he told her from the beginning that he had to be in love with her to bring her home to Ward Cameron.
Well, he was in love with her. And she loved him, too. That’s why she was completely calm in the passenger seat as she waited patiently to pull up to the historic house. Rafe’s fingers tapped against the steering wheel as he was hyper aware of the world around him. Quick hits on the brake and too sharp of turns were a clear indication of his nervousness. BJ reached across the center console to take hold of his right hand. He gave it up to her with little hesitation, and she intertwined their fingers while bringing the back of his hand to her lips. The soft kiss released a bit of tension in his shoulders.
“We don’t have to do this today,” she said against his hand. He immediately shook his head at the idea.
He said, “No, I already told him you were coming today. He’s got Rose making her special meatloaf for the occasion.”
BJ placed their hands down on the console and smiled.
“I love meatloaf.”
He nodded, his mind still somewhere else, and stated, “I know. I told her.”
Rafe stopped the truck at a stop sign. With no one behind them, BJ reached her free hand up to his cheek and turned his head towards her, forcing him to meet her eyes. She smiled softly when he leaned into the palm of her hand.
“It’s going to be okay. I promise. I’ve dealt with plenty of parental disappointment. He might be a little harder on you, but he’ll let it go eventually.”
He smiled and kissed the palm of her hand before turning back to the road. As he pulled forward from the stop sign, she placed her outreached hand on his forearm to run her fingers up and down the prominent vein.
He said, “That’s not what I’m worried about.”
BJ’s hand stilled at his words, and she stared at the side of his face as she tried to think of any other reason he’d be so nervous.
“I don’t want him to scare you off,” he added as he avoided meeting her eye.
Her lip jutted out as she cooed, “Aw, Honey Bunch,” his eyes rolled and lip turned up at the pet name, “you don’t have to worry about him scaring me off. You’ve had plenty of chances to do that.”
Rafe laughed mockingly and reached over to squeeze her thigh. She laughed loudly as she tried to pull his hand off of her. When she managed to wrench his hand away from her, she reached over and poked his side which only resulted in his hand gripping her thigh again.
“Rafe Cameron,” she said in a firm tone, making him laugh. “If you don’t stop, I will knock you the fuck out.”
He didn’t stop. It took him almost side swiping someone’s car for him to let go of her and return his hand to the steering wheel.
“That’s what I thought,” BJ quipped but screeched and lifted her leg away from him as he pretended to reach for her thigh again.
The rest of the ride was silent aside from the music playing from the radio. Eventually, the sound of the turn signal interrupted the melodies of the song as they waited for the car in the other lane to pass to turn left into Tanneyhill. Trees blocked the view of the house from the gate, but she could see peaks of a white house with many windows. As they drove up the driveway and passed the trees, she could see the beautiful house in it’s full glory. The house itself was beautiful on it’s own, but the surrounding view made it stunning. She could see the expanse of the water over to the left while an expansive yard of trees veered to the right.
“Home sweet home,” Rafe muttered as he pulled into a parking spot next to someone’s car. He turned the engine off and unbuckled his seat belt but didn’t make a move to get out. BJ unbuckled her own seat belt and waited. She watched as he took a couple of deep breaths before turning to meet her eye. Her lips turned up in an encouraging smile. She leaned forward over the console enticing him to do the same. Their lips met in a soft peck and met a few times more before pulling away for good.
The couple got out of the truck at the same time and met at the back. BJ let Rafe stair up at the house before reaching her hand out for him to hold. He huffed a heavy sigh before taking her hand in his. On their way to the front door, BJ stopped walking. If he didn’t have her hand in his, he probably would have kept going. He stopped, their hands extended, and watched her eyes widen.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Her eyes moved from the house to him, and she said, “I’m going to meet Wheezie!”
Rafe released a relieved sigh as he let his head fall back with his eyes closed. The hat on his head nearly fell off as it’s bill hit the back of his neck. BJ laughed as she stepped closer to her.
“Don’t do that to me,” Rafe mumbled as he let her pull him along. When they got closer to his front door, he took the lead. He led her past the front room and into the main part of the house. They took a few turns before reaching a decent sized kitchen. As an old house meant to be preserved, it lacked the open floor plan most modern day houses choose to do. While some rooms were spacious, it felt very choppy as they moved through the house. Even the kitchen was cut off from the dining area. The only person in the kitchen was a blonde woman who was definitely not Sarah Cameron or Wheezie.
“Oh, hello!” The woman greeted as she worked on cleaning off the counters. She stopped at the sight of them and tossed the washcloth into the sink. Her eyes widened once she got a better look at the girl standing next to Rafe, but BJ took it in stride as she let go of Rafe’s hand to go shake hers.
Rafe spoke up from behind BJ, “Rose, this is BJ. BJ, this is my stepmom, Rose.”
“It’s really nice to meet you, Rose. I heard you’re making meatloaf! It already smells amazing,” BJ stated as she shook the woman’s hand. She watched Rose take in the tattoos on the back of her hand and the chain hanging on one side of her skirt, but she pretended not to notice as Rose fixed a genuine smile on her face.
“It’s nice to meet you, too! Rafe mentioned meatloaf was your favorite, so Ward asked me to make my special recipe.”
“Is there anything Rafe and I can do to help?” BJ offered. Rafe started to speak from behind her, but Rose beat him to it.
“Actually, the table still needs to be set, if you don’t mind?”
BJ shook her head and said, “Not at all.” She turned around to Rafe. “You know how to set the table, right?”
Rafe huffed and nodded his head. He turned to the left and led her into the dining room where a long, rectangular table that seats eight people took up one side of the room and a smaller, circular table that seats four people took up the other. He stepped over to the china cabinet and opened both of the doors.
“I can start with the glasses while you get the plates?” Rafe suggested as he looked at her. She nodded and walked over to him. He pointed at a specific set of plates before grabbing the glasses on the higher shelf. A place mat was already placed in front of each seat that was to be used. BJ started on one side as Rafe started on the other. They met at the head of the table, and BJ stared up at Rafe as he refused to move out of the way.
She wasn’t much shorter than him normally, but she was almost nose to nose to him with her boots on. The amused smile on his lips and the quirk of his eyebrow tempted her to do something about him being in her way. With a playful tint in the corner of her eye, she stood on the tips of her toes to press a kiss to his lips. His hand found her hip as their kiss lasted longer than necessary. When she pulled away and fell back flat on her feet, Rafe hummed and nodded his head. He patted her hip and stepped out of her way.
“You may pass,” he said, making BJ laugh. The rest of her task went without fail before the two of them placed the silverware out: BJ was in charge of the spoons while Rafe put out the forks and knives. The sound of a man’s voice interrupted the peaceful silence that laid over the air.
“Alright, I got the ice and another bottle just in case. I saw Rafe’s truck outside. Have you already met her?” The man stated as the couple saw him approach the island that Rose was standing next to.
Rose nodded, walked towards her husband, and said, “Yes, I did. They’re setting the table now.”
Ward tried to turn to look at where they were standing, but Rose grabbed the front of his blazer and pretended to fix it while she whispered to him. BJ puffed out a silent laugh as she looked at Rafe.
She whispered, “Very subtle.”
Rafe only had the energy to chuckle once as he watched the two in the kitchen. BJ studied the couple and watched Ward’s facial expressions to gauge his reaction. She noticed the exact moment Rose told him about her...appearance. His head tilted towards his wife in a quick motion to look in her eyes. Rose scolded him swiftly, and Ward fixed his face into a stoic expression. BJ could feel her boyfriend tense from beside her as she watched Ward look to the ground and nod at whatever his wife said.
BJ took the lead, grabbed Rafe’s hand, and pulled him into the kitchen. Rafe tugged on her hand to keep her from intruding on his dad and stepmom’s conversation, but BJ went through this too many times to know it was easier to rip the bandage off right away.
“Hi, you must be Ward! I’m BJ Bentley,” she introduced herself, extending her hand once again. Though he was warned, Rafe’s father appeared to still be surprised at the sight of her. He took it in stride regardless. His eyebrows shot up in delight and a charming smile crossed his face as he reached his own hand out.
Ward greeted, “Ah, nice to meet you, BJ. I have to say I was surprised to hear Rafe had a girlfriend, let alone that he was bringing her home to meet us.”
“Dad,” Rafe said as Rose called her husband’s name in warning.
“Honestly, I was surprised, too,” BJ confessed. “Didn’t think Rafe was the girlfriend type.”
The timer on the oven went off to interrupt the tense conversation. Rose hurried around the island to pull the door open. She used a cooking thermometer to check the temperature inside the meatloaf.
“It’s done. Rafe, can you go upstairs to get your sisters?” Rose asked.
Rafe made sure BJ was okay before reluctantly heading out of the kitchen to the stairs she’d seen on the way inside. She watched him until he disappeared out of the room and turned back to his parents. The brunette tucked her hair behind her ear as she caught Ward staring at the tattoos on her thighs sticking out under her skirt with a disapproving purse of his lips. She turned to Rose, the safer of the two, and offered her help.
“I can take the potatoes to the table if you’d like,” BJ offered as Rose sliced into the meatloaf and placed it onto a large plate. The potatoes were on a similar plate cut into chunks and seasoned so well that BJ’s stomach grumbled at the smell.
Rose smiled and said, “That would be great. Thank you.”
BJ returned the smile and grabbed the plate. Once she reached the table, she placed the potatoes in the center with enough room for the meatloaf. Ward followed her into the room and motioned to the side of the table with only two seats set.
“Rafe sits on this side next to me. Feel free to sit next to him,” Ward said. BJ nodded and stepped around Ward; she noticed then they were about the same height. Since Ward hadn’t pulled his chair out, BJ thought it best to wait to be seated. Her mouth didn’t agree to the plan.
“Your home is very beautiful. It has a lot of history behind it, right?” She inquired as Rose brought in the meatloaf before returning to the kitchen, probably for the drinks.
Ward’s head tilted in interest as he answered, “That’s right. People don’t usually know that.”
“I did a paper on Denmark Tanney in college. As you must know, he was the only person to survive the wreck of the Royal Merchant.”
A light lit up behind Ward’s eyes at the mention of the Royal Merchant. She mentioned offhandedly one day while hanging out with Rafe that she did a paper on the man who built his house after he told her he lived in Tanneyhill. He told her how much his dad loved the house and its history, so she knew she could use that to get on Ward’s good side. She wasn’t worried about whether the Cameron’s liked her, especially not Ward, but she wanted there to be mutual respect between them. From what Rafe has said about his father, she knew she would never like him. But as Rafe’s father, she had a level of respect for him that she wanted to be returned. No matter how the man treated him, Rafe loved Ward and looked up to him. She had to respect that.
“Of course,” Ward replied, his words more genuine than the other times he’s spoken. “It’s what drew me to the house in the first place. Tell me did your research take you to the information about the gold he was able to get off of the Royal Merchant?”
Rose brought in a pitcher of iced tea as well as a cup of scotch on the rocks for Ward. She started to pour a glass of tea for herself as she listened to their conversation.
“Yes, and no one has ever been able to find it. He had letters to his son that a lot of people have picked apart trying to find out where he hid it, but no one’s figured it out.”
“Ugh, dad, please tell me you haven’t bored BJ with your stories about the Royal Merchant,” Sarah Cameron stated as she came into the kitchen. She sent BJ a smile and a wink as she walked to her seat, leaving the middle one between her and Rose empty. Rafe followed in shortly after.
Ward laughed as he shook his head. “Of course not, Sarah. BJ brought it up.”
Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise and put her hands up in surrender. Rafe came to stand next to his girlfriend. Ward and Rose looked at him expectantly.
“Wheezie’s on her way down,” he stated before reaching over to pull out BJ’s seat. She smiled at the gesture as she stepped out of the way.
“Wow, Rafe has manners?” Sarah asked, sarcasm dripping from her words as she sat down. Rafe glared at his sister as BJ stepped in front of the seat. He pushed in her seat as she sat down. She mumbled her gratitude as he sat down next to her. Rose and Ward sat down after the kids, and Rafe took it upon himself to pour himself a glass of iced tea. He offered the pitcher to BJ, and she took it graciously.
The sound of loud steps interrupted the short silence, and a young, teenage girl wearing a bright pink tutu and a sequined, long sleeve shirt. BJ’s eyes widened in surprise, and she turned to Rafe as she pressed her lips together to contain her laugh. Rafe placed his elbow on the table and covered his mouth to hide his smile. From what Rafe told her about his youngest sister, the tutu was out of character for her.
Sarah gasped and said, “Love the tutu, Wheeze.”
“Wheezie, what are you wearing?” Rose asked as the girl sat down next to her. BJ turned back to watch the scene unfold in front of her. Wheezie smiled at her before turning to her stepmom.
Wheezie said with a shrug, “Wanted to try something new.”
“Wheezie, we have a guest. Go upstairs and change,” Ward demanded as he tilted his head back to stare at her down his nose.
“I think Wheezie has a right to dress however she wants,” Rafe said, finally lowering his hand away from his face.
Sarah added, “Yeah, dad, we should let her express herself.”
BJ could see what her boyfriend and his sisters were doing. Wheezie was dressed in an out-of-character outfit to make her brother’s girlfriend feel comfortable wearing the clothes that the older generation deemed unacceptable. Rafe and Sarah were helping coax their parents into understanding why she wore the clothes she did. It warmed her heart to see it. Wheezie didn’t know who she was, they’d never met before, but she was doing this because she loved her brother. Sarah and BJ had known of each other before she started dating Rafe because they went to the same parties.
“Also,” BJ spoke up, “I really don’t mind. I think you rock the tutu, Wheezie, and those sequins really bring out your eyes.”
“Thank you, BJ,” Wheezie said before she turned to her father expectantly. Everyone turned to him to see his reaction. Ward Cameron sighed as he stared at his younger daughter.
“So, BJ, what are you studying in college?” Ward asked as he sipped on his second glass of scotch. The men finished their plates as well as Sarah while the rest of them were still working on finishing their potatoes and little bit of meatloaf. BJ complimented Rose on her recipe after the first bite once she tasted the burst of flavor on her tongue. She talked to Wheezie about a new movie that was coming out. Apparently it was a part of a series that the young girl really liked, so she told BJ the synopsis of the first movie and invited her to come over to watch the first two movies together. Most of dinner was Rose and Ward alternating asking BJ questions about herself or Sarah telling everyone what she’d been up to for the day and what she was planning to do in the next couple.
BJ took her time swallowing the potato she’d been chewing and answered, “Actually, I finished college last year.”
Ward and Rose’s attention perked at the sound of that.
Rose asked, “I thought you said you were the same age as Rafe?”
“She is,” Rafe answered. “She finished her Bachelor’s degree in business, right?”
He looked to her for confirmation. She nodded.
“I started taking a lot of my general education credits my junior year of high school and took more business centered classes in the summer,” BJ said, turning to Ward and Rose. “By the time I graduated high school, I was a junior in college.”
Ward appeared to be impressed with what he was hearing and asked, “So, are you working now or have you decided to do something else?”
“I am. I work with my mother in her real estate investment business. I’ve always been around the office, even interned there the summer after high school graduation, and that’s how I knew I wanted to have a career in business.”
“I have to admit that’s pretty impressive,” Ward said and stared at his son. “I wish Rafe had as much drive as you do.”
BJ looked to Rafe to see him stare into the bottom of his glass that only had chunks of ice at the bottom. She could tell by the pout of his lips and his slouched shoulders that the comment hit a little too hard. Without allowing the others to notice, she reached under the table to place her hand over his on his lap.
“Rafe has plenty of drive,” BJ defended. “He’s just got to figure out where he wants to put that energy. Calculated energy is better than wasted energy.”
Ward only hummed in response. She finished her plate without any interruption. Rafe and Sarah grabbed everyone’s empty dishes. BJ helped Rafe stack all of the plates before Ward asked Wheezie to show their guest around the house.
“Yeah, BJ, I’ll show you Rafe’s room first since you’ll probably spend a lot of time there,” Wheezie said as she pushed her chair out to stand up.
Rafe stepped back into the room and scolded her, “Wheeze. Shut. Up.”
BJ laughed and stood up to follow after Wheezie. She patted Rafe’s shoulder as she passed him. Wheezie talked the entire time as she showed the older girl every room in the house. Most of the stories included embarrassing stories about Rafe.
“The rug right here?” Wheezie pointed out as they stood in the hall leading to the stair and outside of Rafe’s room. “Rafe tripped over it running out of his room and almost busted his chin going down the stairs. Luckily he stopped at the turn or he would’ve broken his arm.”
BJ shook her head and asked, “When was this?”
“Last week.”
The two giggled at the news, and Wheezie took her up another set of stairs. BJ followed her into a room that was clearly hers. It was a typical young teenager room with a few posters and brighter, mismatched colors.
“The tour is now over, please don’t forget to tip your guide and remember to visit again,” Wheezie said in a highly comical, animated voice. She worked on taking off the tutu as BJ looked around the room. It wasn’t a big room, but it was large enough to hold everything her heart desired.
“Is she your favorite artist?” BJ asked, pointing to a small poster of Taylor Swift next to some, what BJ could assume were, lyrics.
“Of course, she’s a lyrical genius,” Wheezie said, and BJ could tell how much the girl looked up to the artist by her voice. “Who’s your favorite artist?”
A sheepish smile was brought to her lips and turned to Wheezie. The youngest Cameron was sitting on her bed against her pillows, and BJ went to sit on the edge near her.
BJ said, “So, this may come as a shock, but I love Whitney Houston.”
Wheezie’s head tilted forward in surprise as her eyes widened. BJ laughed. The former girl looked down at BJ’s clothes and tattoos before looking back up to her with narrowed eyes.
“There’s no way. You definitely listen to classic rock like Nirvana,” Wheezie said.
“Okay, Nirvana is definitely not classic rock. Whoever told you that lied to you. And yes, despite my looks, Whitney Houston just hits the spot.”
Wheezie laughed and said, “I can’t wait to tell Rafe.”
“Hah,” BJ mocked and hit the girl lightly on the leg, “he already knows.” She hopped off the bed and headed for the door. “I’m going to go find him. I just take the stairs all the way down right?”
The only response she received was a nod before leaving the room. BJ could hear slightly raised voices drifting up the stairs as she started down them. She could hear Rafe’s voice but couldn’t make out any of his words.
Then, clear as day, she heard Ward’s voice, “I don’t care, Rafe! Think about what people will say when they see you with her. What they will say about our family.”
“You didn’t say this to Sarah when she brought John B home,” Rafe countered.
“John B doesn’t dress like she does and doesn’t have tattoos up and down his arms! I don’t care if you love her, you-”
Suddenly, it was quiet as BJ stepped on a particularly creaky stair. Not that she was quiet on her way down, but they didn’t hear her over their yelling. As she came down, she saw Rafe, Ward, and Rose through the doorway into the kitchen standing in awkward silence as they waited for her.
“Please, don’t stop on my account,” BJ said as she walked towards the three of them.
Rafe started to talk, “BJ, I’m sorry-”
BJ held up a hand to stop him.
“You don’t have to apologise, Rafe. It’s not the first time I’ve walked in on an awkward conversation with my boyfriend’s parents. I just hoped your father had enough respect to talk to me about it.”
She smiled a sickeningly sweet smile as she met Ward’s eyes. Rafe said her name and offered for them to leave.
“And I wish my son had enough respect not to bring you home,” Ward said as he took a long drink of his scotch.
BJ’s smile didn’t falter at his words as Rose sharply said his name.
“You know, Ward, a person can always change their clothes,” BJ informed the older man and motioned to her own clothes. “Hell, on a normal day, I don’t typically wear this. I only wore it now so you could see the ‘worst’ of it and learn to get over it. I understand your reservations on tattoos. It’s not everyone’s preference. I, for one,” BJ stepped over to Rafe and motioned to his bare arm, “love the blank canvas that is your son.” Rafe muttered an “oh, my god” at her words. “But you should never judge someone’s character for what they decide to do with their bodies. It’s their actions you have to pay attention to.
“Your actions, specifically, have told me that you are a very insecure man who tries to keep the image of his perfect family intact to hide the fact that he feels like an imposter in the life he’s created for himself.” Ward stood up straighter and set his glass down forcefully. Rose put her hand on his chest to stop him from taking a step towards BJ. “The only reason I’m saying this to you is because, although I do not like you one bit, I have respect for you. I know who you are, Ward Cameron. Started on the other side of Outer Banks and, through hard work and sacrifice, you made it to Figure Eight. You raised a beautiful family despite hardly being there for them emotionally. Anyone can respect someone who has managed to do that for themselves.”
Ward scoffed and interrupted BJ’s tangent, “I let you into my home, and you decide to speak to me like this in the name of respect? My actions have told you all of this about my character? Through one dinner?”
BJ shrugged and simply said, “I minored in psychology. And I’m sorry if you find what I’ve said to be disrespectful. I found you talking about me without me present to be disrespectful. I love your son whether you like me or not and as long as he still feels the same way, we’ll have to treat each other with mutual respect.”
Rafe’s hand slipped into hers. Through their interlaced fingers BJ felt his grip tighten as he stood up to his father. With her other hand, she reached out for a handshake. Ward stared down at her hand for a moment before looking at Rafe. Another squeeze on her hand. Ward and BJ locked eyes. He sighed and reached out his hand. A firm handshake, and the two were on their way with Rafe saying over his shoulder he might be back later.
Her boyfriend practically dragged her out of the house and to his truck. The sun was already set, so the lights around the house were the only thing to light their way to Rafe’s truck. The overhead lights inside turned on and off as they got in. The dash light lit up Rafe’s features as he turned the ignition over to start the engine. BJ watched as he sighed heavily and fell back against his seat, and she reached over to grab his hand again.
“I almost shit myself when you called him insecure,” Rafe confessed, making her laugh out loud. “I thought he was going to kill us both.”
BJ leaned over the console and said, “But he didn’t.”
He opened his eyes and turned his head without lifting it to look at her. Pieces of his hair fell onto his forehead, and she smiled at him as she studied his face. A sweat had broken out on his face and neck, but it was slowly drying in the cool air of the truck’s air conditioning.
“No, he didn’t.” BJ watched his soft lips as he spoke.
“Now, the worst is over.”
He nodded. “It is.”
BJ’s free hand reached up to the back of Rafe’s head and pulled his face towards hers. Rafe didn’t put up any fight as he leaned into the kiss. She pulled away with a sigh, and the boy moved so he could comfortably lean against the console as she played with the hairs at the back of his head.
“Wheezie’s cool,” BJ admitted. “She told me a lot of embarrassing stories about you.” Rafe rolled his eyes. “Something about you and a rug followed by a small tumble down the stairs.”
Rafe shook his head and said, “I have just as many embarrassing stories of her.”
BJ smiled.
“I can’t wait to hear them.”
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The Road Less Travelled (Legolas x Reader) (Part 2)
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A/N: A continuation of my Fellowship x Pregnant! Reader story, in which you ended up choosing Legolas to help raise your unplanned child. Part 2 can be read without reading part 1 first.
Synopsis: Life with Legolas, your two daughters and your treehouse is perfect, until one night, parental instincts go on ignored, and things go deeply awry.
Warnings: I watched The Conjuring before bed tonight and was unfortunately inspired. Enjoy. Also Legolas is a cute adoptive father send tweet.
Pairings: Legolas x Reader
Word Count: 2610
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Rain fell heavily outside, though yourself and your family did not feel said rain. Buried below glorious crowns of leaves, your treehouse was situated securely.
Built into the thick trunk of an Ithilien tree by Legolas’ own bare hands, your treehouse was set with two bedrooms, and resembled an elevated cottage more than anything else. Around the length of the cosy home, a rounded balcony lay.
Leading down from said balcony was an old rope your children used to climb to and from home. One broken ankle later from your youngest twin, however, and a winding set of stairs was built into the trunk below, too — leading up to your balcony.
And indeed, “twins” was right.
Learning on the Fellowship’s journey that you were pregnant with that no-good Brander’s child was shocking enough, let alone discovering at the actual birth that said little baby’s embryo had split into two, providing you with a set of beautiful daughters.
Fortunately, they were nothing alike their biological father in spirit — possessing kind hearts and noble souls instead. Even more fortunately, they garnered your looks. Regarding their appearances, although twins, they each held distinctive differences.
Perhaps the luckiest of all, your old Fellowship colleague, now turned husband, seemed to have the most influence on both Ivorwen and Tobrien — better known simply as “Ivy” and “Toby”.
Rabbit stew, a recipe sent from your Shire friends, was made for dinner that night, as the four of you sat around a wooden table and ate merrily, enjoying the lively atmosphere the warm candles provided.
“There is still hair on the meat!” Ivy insisted, though, the grin on her 9-year-old cheeks gave away her agenda.
“There is not!” Legolas urged back, sharing her grin.
You and Toby laughed brightly, passing a plate of rolls between one another. This argument had been going on since before any of you had even sat down.
Ivy made a show of stabbing a chunk of rabbit and holding it up. “Yes, there is! See? There’s hair on it! You’re a horrible cook after all!”
Legolas made a show of squinting his eyes and leaning across the table to inspect the chunk of rabbit, before settling back into his chair and pressing on.
“That’s most likely your own hair! How many times have I encouraged you to learn my version of braiding?” Legolas pointed out, gesturing to his own locks.
Your eyes crinkled with amusement and love, as you watched the dad and daughter exchange teasing words, even if none of those words were actually “dad”, “father” or even “ada”.
“You’re impossible, Varno,” Ivy shook her head, still smiling nonetheless. “Just admit your talent lies in hunting and not in cooking.”
“I resent that accusation,” Legolas playfully warned, pointing a fork at Ivy.
“Varno” was a name both you and Legolas had decided upon. “Ada” reminded him too much of his own father, and “uncle” simply felt too misplaced.
So, instead, “Varno” was decided upon — meaning “protector” in Legolas’ own language, which is exactly what he had been for you, ever since that fateful night by the campfire you’d learnt of your predicament.
Although many of your friends and colleagues that evening offered you their hand in marriage, you had felt a maternal stirring within you. Something told you to choose the best of the best for your unborn offspring, and who better than a steadfast elf to keep you safe?
You had been watching Legolas one night, a few evenings after learning of the life growing within you, with your hand over your stomach.
Although you still didn’t quite have the full comprehension of knowledge behind this, you truly believed, till this day, that both Ivy and Toby told you to “choose that one—he’s our dad”.
Resolute in your mind, you approached Legolas and accepted his offer of marriage. He was ecstatic and gleeful, and then a little boastful to the other suitors. Cockiness befell him for a short while, until your stomach grew and a paternal kick changed him.
He matured overnight and grew from a young archer into an awaiting father, despite the girls not being his. That never slowed him, though—he was a better father to Ivy and Toby than some real dads were to their own children.
He soon married you after the war, and the rest was history.
After you had to break Legolas and Ivy’s “fight” up with a laugh and a motherly warning, the table was cleared.
“All right, dishes to the kitchen, and then teeth,” Legolas announced, quirking a brow in Ivy’s direction as she walked past.
Legolas mouthed to her that their fight wasn’t over, and Ivy made a show of raising her brows once in challenge.
“She gets that from Gimli, I know it. Don’t ask me how,” Legolas whispered to you, as you too walked by.
“Intrusive visits and loud Yules,” you joked, grinning over your shoulder at your best friend.
Grimacing, Legolas winced his teeth with a hiss. “Do not speak of such holidays, let us just enjoy the autumn while it lasts.”
“You don’t want Yule to come soon?” Toby asked, appearing from behind Legolas, and peeking her head around his torso to gaze up in his direction. “What about toys?”
“Galadriel sends the best, and nothing has topped the bow she gave me in Lothlorien eight years ago,” Legolas replied. “Have you brushed your teeth yet, aranel?” (princess)
Toby made a prolonged noise, as she beamed brightly to show off her teeth.
“No, I don’t fall for pretty girls and pretty teeth, thank you very much,” said Legolas shaking his head. “Breath test.”
He bent down and allowed her to piggyback ride him. Standing swiftly, he looked over his shoulder and at her, where she then breathed loudly with an open mouth into his face.
Legolas scrunched his nose and recoiled. “Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell someone with stinky gums. And I’ve been to Mordor.”
Toby’s eyes grew bright with excitement. “Will you tell us another Fellowship story tonight?”
“Only if you brush your teeth,” Legolas answered, nuzzling his nose with hers.
Ivy walked past again, done with her dishes, and scoffed at Legolas. “Don’t listen to him, Toby. It’s bribery!”
Legolas gently kicked her ankle as she walked by, although, a feather could’ve done more damage—your “gentle giant”, you called him.
“Very well then, tonight I’ll tell you all about the Mouth of Sauron, and why brushing your teeth is important,” Legolas said again, turning around to watch the eldest twin head for the bathroom down the hall.
She waved him off over her shoulder, before disappearing to brush her teeth.
Toby swiftly kissed Legolas’ cheek, before dismounting from the piggyback ride and skipping after her sister.
You watched from the kitchen sink with a warm smile, and wiped a bowl with a dry rag. You observed the ardent love in Legolas’ eyes, as he watched the hall for a minute, where Toby and Ivy could be heard giggling over their dad’s cooking skills.
He finally shook his head and turned to you, wearing a content smile of his own. Catching your warm expression, he walked towards you with a sly question on his tongue.
“Nothing,” you replied, returning to the dishes. “But have I ever thanked you for marrying me and helping me to raise those two ladies?”
“Ladies is a stretching term,” said Legolas, coming up behind you with a wrapping of your torso and a burying of his cheek in your hair, as he hugged you from behind, “but no—I don’t think the few thousand times is enough. Could you perhaps tell me once more?”
You melted into his hug, laughed like bright bells, and turned around. Wrapping your own arms around him, you buried your head into his shoulder and embraced him tightly.
“Well, thank you,” you emphasised, teasing him slightly.
Rocking the hug a little, he kissed the top of your head, and responded after a moment. “Actually, it is you all the thanks is owed to—I never assumed a life like this would be possible for me, but here we are.”
“Here we are,” you agreed, squeezing the hug once more.
You both stayed like that for a moment, before he kissed the top of your head again and let go. “You can ready the girls for bed if you’d like, I’ll finish up here.”
You lifted his hand and kissed the back of it, before walking away. Your hands remained held until the distance you walked grew too much, and Legolas had to let go to stay in front of the sink.
He smiled after you, as you disappeared around the wall.
Sighing in tranquillity, as the rain grew outside, Legolas looked out the glass window to his side. All he could make out were tree trunks through the rain and moonlight, and the prince basked in the sense of home for a few seconds.
However, the placid state could only last for so long. Unsure if the girls teasing him all day on their rabbit hunt had just worn him down, or if his eyes were indeed working correctly, a sway of trees exposed a trunk in the distance, where Legolas could have sworn he saw a body scaling.
Narrowing his eyes and knitting his brows, the archer moved closer to the glass window. As his breath fogged up the glass, Legolas moved as close as he dared to the window, observing the distant trunk.
Peering harder and harder, Legolas prayed for the wind to sway the leaves again, so he could view the tree. However, before he had the chance to do so, a quick voice from behind startled him.
“C’mon, Varno!” Toby urged, waving her dad to follow. “Me and Ivy are ready for the bedtime story!”
Legolas jumped on his feet, most unlike an elf indeed, and snapped his eyes over his shoulder to his daughter. Meeting her young gaze, he calmed.
Although, with the odd anomaly on the distant trunk still on his mind, Legolas turned back to the window. The leaves swayed again, and Legolas saw the tree once more. However, this time, no beings scaled the side of it.
He swallowed his nerves and shook his head, as his daughter called him once more.
“Varno?” Her voice was slow and unsure.
Meeting her eyes again, he beamed brightly and ran forwards. Scooping her loudly laughing self into his arms, he spun around and lifted her high—all whilst heading down the hall.
Toby’s laughs and Legolas’ eagle noises alerted you first, as they flew into the bedroom. “Eagle Attack” was a game he’d played with the girls since birth, where he’d lift them high, making them “fly”, and screech obnoxiously.
It usually ended with him gently throwing them down onto a bed or couch, in an effort to tire them out before slumber. Tonight, apparently, was no different.
“Aren’t we a little too old for Eagle Attack, Varno?” Ivy taunted, already sitting cross-legged on her bed, as you brushed her hair beside her.
“I’m over two thousand-years-old, and I still find it fun,” Legolas taunted back. He collapsed onto Toby’s bed with her backwards, leaving the younger twin a laughing mess.
“I do not think that tires them out as much as you believe,” you advised, shaking your head with a smile in your husband and daughter’s direction, who asked for the ride again.
“That’s why I have stories hidden up my sleeve,” Legolas replied. He sat up on his elbows, and smirked at you.
You gave him a playful frown, before finishing Ivy’s hair. Kissing your daughter’s cheek, you began tucking her in.
Legolas readied one candle, and dimmed all the other lanterns, so sleep would find the girls swiftly. Soon, as you tended to Ivy and he to Toby, Legolas’ story began.
It was one you remembered well, and one you also didn’t want to. You appreciated how comical Legolas delivered the story, in a way accessible to children, for there was nothing child-friendly about that war.
It wasn’t long after that, that soft snores from the girls filled the room.
Bringing the woollen blanket up to each daughter’s chin, and kissing their temples, you and Legolas bid them a soft goodnight from the door.
Closing it behind yourselves, you both began the small journey down the hall back to your shared room. He wrapped one arm around your back, and led you safely to the door.
Upon entering the room, you each made your way to your own beds. You had only shared a few kisses on the lips throughout your marriage, usually in times of great emotion, like the birth of your daughters, or the wedding itself.
Yours and Legolas’ marriage was almost entirely platonic, but he loved you more than any other, and you him. Only Ivy and Toby were counted among his other greatest loves, with you sitting safe right beside them.
Although nothing physical or lustful of nature took place between you, your relationship was one of deep devotion, and you had, in your own way, each pledged yourselves entirely to one another.
It was simply the most beautiful friendship, and one neither of you forsook.
Fluffing up your pillow, you rearranged your bed, which was only a metre away from Legolas’ own. He did the same, and hummed to himself slightly over the rain outside.
“This weather is a little intense, isn’t it?” you spoke up, looking at the roof above once in gesture.
He followed your gaze and agreed from behind his concerned frown. “I was almost worried earlier that the roof would collapse, with the leaves now falling and such.”
“For its seventh autumn, it isn’t doing too bad,” you decided, now sliding into bed.
“Agreed,” Legolas smiled, commending himself and his handiwork.
As he slipped into his own sheets, Legolas thought of what he saw earlier scaling the trunk. You were just about to reach over, wish your best friend a goodnight, before turning the candle out, until Legolas’ voice stopped you.
“Actually, meleth nîn—” he called, earning a blinking back of your eyes.
Conflicted over his own words, that same paternal feeling that kicked within him eight years ago drove his instincts. Sucking on his lower lip in thought, Legolas decided to trust whatever his gut was telling him, and lifted his blankets over to the side.
He beckoned you to slide into the covers with him. It was nothing unusual for you both, for many nights you had spent sleeping in the same bed with him. It first started in those early winter days, when your teeth chattered and your bones shivered.
His body warmth provided both solace and security, until you each grew so comfortable around one another that hugging in your sleep seemed as casual as a pat on the shoulder.
You almost went to tease him about being touch-starved or something of the likes, until you saw the look behind his eyes. They were the eyes of a concerned patriarch, and you knew better than to disagree with him.
After all, you knew to trust your own maternal instincts. His were no different.
Without saying a word, you slipped out from your bed and climbed into his, relishing in the warmth of his arms. He kissed the top of your head goodnight, before turning the candle off.
Only a small percentage of the fear within his stomach subsided, but he tried hard to fight it away. Nonetheless, the rain lulled him to sleep, where he then fell into a light slumber alongside you.
That is, until the bloodcurdling screaming of the girls started.
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oops-all-knuxadow · 3 years
Shadow is tied to tje chaos emeralds right? Cause he was made with one? Well my hc is that he has a small amount of there energy so when master emerald which controls the chaos emeralds decides they all need an impromptu meeting on angel island shadow get warp-Kidnapped along with them.
Or maybe knuckles just decides to practice preventative medicine and gaurds the chaos emeralds as well which means shadow is along for the ride too whether he wants to or not.
I dont know if u want this but its urs now
When I saw this in my inbox, I sat down and wrote for over an hour to get this out because I L O V E D this idea. Thank you so much for this, genuinely.
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Shadow was intimately familiar with chaos control. He knew the feeling of his body becoming displaced, the instantaneous snap of movement as he was relocated, the split-second presence in a void between reality that made him feel weightless, and he knew it well.
What had just happened, was not chaos control.
It felt like someone had gripped his very soul and yanked it into the in-between. Shadow physically felt the will of another person being forced upon the atoms constituting his body, moving him against nature's rhythm to reappear somewhere else. On his end, there was absolutely no control in the chaos.
All the warning he'd received was a tightness in his chest. His steps faltered, helpless to watch Rouge turn around and regard him with concern right before he vanished. Before his heart even had the chance to skip, he was sitting on top of the Master Emerald, surrounded by all seven of its progeny gems and dizzy with confusion.
"...W-what," he stammered, catching his breath, "what the hell!?"
Knuckles took a deep breath and pressed his palms against the Master Emerald, closing his eyes in concentration. He tuned in to the energy radiating from the jewel, honing it, willing it to his needs.
After several moments, he got the results he wanted; using the Master Emerald allowed him to find the seven chaos emeralds scattered around the earth. He could feel their energies, and didn't fight the triumphant grin spreading over his muzzle.
It was a skill the former Guardians had been able to master, but they hadn't been able to teach Knuckles the technique before being wiped out. Finally, after years of meditation and training, he'd learned to hone it himself. The echidna knew his ancestors would be proud, were they here to witness his feat.
Tails would be proud, too. Though the fox kit had made a chaos emerald tracker of his own, its range was extremely limited. The team didn't often find the emeralds until the fate of the planet had gotten down to the wire, and frankly Knuckles was sick of scrambling all around the globe to gather them up again.
This was definitely the edge they needed to keep a leg-up on Eggman and any future threats.
"Okay, Knuckles," he spoke aloud, widening his stance and pressing a little more insistently against the Master Emerald, "time for the real test. You found the emeralds, now bring 'em here..."
He furrowed his brow, squeezing his eyes shut tighter, and willed the gems to appear before him. He could feel all eight pulses of energy, and envisioned his hand reaching out to grab them up and draw them towards himself.
"Come to me," Knuckles commanded, nearly overwhelmed by the surge of power he was interacting with. "C'mon...come to me!"
He felt his mind wrap around the emeralds, gripping tight, and pulled.
Energy swirled around him, reaching a blinding crescendo that he could see even behind closed eyes. The master emerald glowed bright enough to rival the summer sun, nearly overwhelming him.
Then, in another moment, it was done. As if repelled, Knuckles stumbled backwards from the giant jewel and rubbed his eyes, blinking up at the top of it to see what he'd done.
The euphoria of success left just as soon as it arrived as he stared at all the chaos emeralds, replaced with utter confusion as he watched Shadow clutch his chest and look around in a panic.
"W-what..." The hedgehog stammered, "what the hell!?"
"...Shadow??" Knuckles called. It was only then that the echidna realized he had drawn eight sources of chaos energy to him. There were only seven chaos emeralds.
Red eyes snapped to him. Knuckles watched his panic relax into confusion, the grip on his chest loosening.
"Knuckles," he replied. "What's going on? I was - I teleported here. Do you know why?"
The echidna scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. He hadn't meant to bring Shadow here, much less scare his friend the way he had.
"Uh, I think I do. Come down here, I'll explain what happened."
Shadow obeyed, shuffling to the edge of the emerald and allowing himself to drop to the floor of the altar. Knuckles watched the hybrid stumble and reached out to steady him, and as they collided, he was blown away by the amount of raw chaos energy dwelling within him.
Whatever he'd done to attune himself to the emeralds ended up connecting to Shadow, as well. The echidna knew that he was artificially created on the ARK with the aid of chaos energy, but he hadn't realized just how much of it made up the man in his arms. It was so strong, it felt like the hedgehog was a sentient emerald, himself.
"Oh..." Was all Knuckles had managed to say, violet eyes wide in awe. "Shadow, you..."
After getting a better grasp of his bearings, the hedgehog stood tall, and regarded him warily. Clearly the trip here had done an unexpected number on him, which made Knuckles swallow thickly in guilt.
"I, what?" He asked. "Fill me in, Guardian, I need to understand why I was pulled into some bastardization of a chaos control against my will."
Knuckles grimaced. "Yeah...that's probably not the last time that's gonna happen."
Knuckles clutched the hedgehog by his shoulders. "Calm down! First thing's first; are you okay?"
Shadow blinked, mouth opening to snap at him about his misplaced concern, but clicked it shut again and decided to give it real thought. Some of the tension vanished from his body - a sign of progress.
"My chest hurts. Like a hand gripped my heart and squeezed it like a bagpipe."
"Damn, that sounds painful. I'm sorry."
The hybrid shook his head. "It will fade. All I want is an explanation, Knuckles. Please."
The Guardian nodded. He gestured for Shadow to take a seat, and joined him a moment later.
"Okay. This is a bit of a long story, so, here goes..."
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looooooooomis · 4 years
Somebody’s Baby
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a stu macher x fem!reader one shot requested by the lovely @slasherscream​ 
I try to shut my eyes, but I can't get her outta my sight. I know I'm gonna know her, but I gotta get over my fright.
pairing: Stu Macher x fem!reader word count: 5.6k warnings: s m u t, longing, fluff, angst, oral, teasing, honestly I went off (my bad)
Stu Macher never really did stand a chance. At least not when it came to you.
He was putty in your hands, whether you knew it or not. He’d do anything for you, everything for you – even if that meant taking a backseat to Billy Loomis. He had to admit, it was gutting to watch you and Billy interact the way you did. The two of you were close – hell, the three of you were close – but there was something about you and Billy that seemed to just…make sense.
And, for the most part, Stu was okay with that. For the most part being the key words. Because, fuck, he’d be a liar if he said that tonight of all nights wasn’t bothering him. It was a night not unlike any other. The three of you had decided on a movie that Stu couldn’t really bring himself to care about all too much as you and Billy harped on and on about whatever it was the two of you were talking about, but it was your attitude that was rubbing him the wrong way.
You were distant tonight. You were cold. You seemed to smile real big whenever Billy would make a comment about the movie but if Stu said a goddamn word it was as though he’d sucker punched you in the gut. It didn’t feel angry, or at least he didn’t think you were angry, but there was something off about the whole damn thing and it was driving him mental.
You were tucked away in the chair with your knees curled up into your chest, frowning at a particularly bloody scene on the TV, a seemingly important one too, but Stu couldn’t bring himself to watch it. He was far too busy trying to discern what the lines on your forehead meant, what the furrowed brow and small, barely-there frown on that pretty face of yours meant. Had he unknowingly done something wrong? He didn’t think so, but stupid shit came out of his mouth all day long so, he supposed, it wasn’t impossible.
But there was a niggling feeling in his gut that told him that couldn’t be it. You weren’t mad or annoyed, you were cold. You were distant. It was as though you’d barricaded yourself away from him and done so with purpose. But why?
Why, why, why?
“It’s eight, Stu,” Billy muttered, far too engrossed in the movie to bother looking his way. “Didn’t you have to be at whatsername’s by eight-thirty?”
Glancing down at the time on his watch, Stu stretched out his long limbs and chanced another look at you only to find that your eyes were solely focused on the wall just beyond the television. For a moment, he remained still, waiting for you to do something. To look at him, to make a quip about his date, to do literally anything besides ignore him, but when your stare remained cast ahead, Stu sighed and stood up to his full height. “Yeah, yeah, I’m going.” He griped. “Think she’ll put out?”
It was meant to be a joke, something to lighten the mood or, at the very least, get you to crack a smile or roll your eyes, but when all you did was continue in your stare-off with the fucking wall, Stu’s stomach fell.
What the fuck was your problem tonight?
“Tact, fucker. Y/N is right here.” Billy rolled his eyes but shot him a small smirk. “And if she has a brain, don’t count on it.”
“Hilarious,” Stu mocked. “You guys need anything before I go? Some water? Some beer? Handful of condoms?”
“Fuck off,” Billy cracked a grin. “Don’t do anything stupid tonight.” He gave Stu a knowing look, being sure to keep his mouth shut around you in fear of letting anything regarding their little charade slip.
“Me?” Stu feigned hurt. “Never.”
Once again, he waited for you to say anything – a goodbye, at the very least – but when he got nothing in return, Stu merely rolled his eyes and walked out of the house.
You, on the other hand, remained stoic as ever as you blinked back a flurry of tears daring to spill out of the corners of your eyes. Your heart was in your stomach and your nails, which had been digging into your palms for the better half of the evening, carved out tiny half-moons into the sensitive flesh as you fought back every urge you had to scream and yell at the idiot for leaving you yet again.
The sound of the front door shutting was enough to make your body relax just enough for a few stray tears to roll down your cheeks. You were just so mad and so incredibly hurt all at once and, while you should have been used to it by now, it never got any easier watching that tall bitch of a man you’d grown to love over the years walk out for yet another date with another woman who was not yourself.
“You okay?” Billy asked, lulling his head towards you from his spot on the couch. He was the one person in the world to know your true feelings about Stu Macher and, while he’d never admit to it out loud, you knew he was oddly protective of you when it came to Stu’s idiocy, especially where his dating life was concerned.
You swallowed hard, not quite trusting your voice in fear of breaking down in front of him. So, instead, you remained silent and barely nodded. Was it hot in here or was it just you? You suddenly felt like you couldn’t breathe as you sat in the dark room with Billy to your left and Stu now long gone. Deep breaths, you thought to yourself, squeezing your palms yet again. Deep, calming breaths.
You heard Billy sigh as he paused the movie. “Y/N,” he muttered, his tone careful, “how’s he going to know how you feel if you don’t actually say shit about it?”
Through the thick blanket of tears still gathering in your eyes, you focused your glare on the dark-haired man. “Fuck off,” you barked out, “like it’s that easy.”
“It is,” he shrugged. “What’s stopping you?”
“The idiot has a date every week, Billy,” you hissed, “am I supposed to show up with a bouquet of fucking roses declaring my feelings as his tongue’s down some other girls’ throat?” With your emotions at an all-time high, you stood up from the chair and raised a shaky hand to anxiously toy with your hair. “I mean does he have to parade his shit around here the way he does? It drives me nuts.”
Billy remained quiet and still as he watched you pace in front of the tv. He’d seen this frenzied look on your face only once before, but he knew what was coming next. It wasn’t often that you let your feelings finally bubble over to the brink of explosion, but if your current state was any indication, he was about to witness a breakdown.
Standing up to his full height, Billy quietly walked towards you and placed his hands on either shoulder, holding you in place as his brown eyes searched your own watery gaze. “Hey,” he cooed, brow puckered. “Stu’s a fucking idiot if he doesn’t see what’s in front of him.”
You chewed on your lip in an attempt to contain the sob desperately clawing its way up your throat. “I can’t watch him do it anymore, Bill,” you finally said, barely above a whisper. “It just hurts too much.”
It wasn’t often you were met with the soft side of Billy Loomis, but you cherished those moments – though so far and few between – each and every time. With a sigh, Billy wrapped his arms around your shoulders and tugged you close. He said nothing, though, because what could he say? Stu was a fucking moron when it came to you, he knew as much, but uttering those words at a time like this would only hurt you more.
You sniffed, your tears bleeding into the cotton of his white t-shirt. “I swear he—”
“Wow,” Stu’s voice rang out into the silence of the room. Snapping your head towards his sudden appearance, you froze in Billy’s arms, terrified of just how much he’d heard. At first, he seemed to just stand there for a second, staring at the two of you wrapped up in each other’s arms with a resigned, almost defeated look in his blue eyes. But all at once, in typical Stu fashion, that serious undertone slowly morphed into an almost amused sneer. “You two move fast, huh? Guess I should’ve grabbed those condoms.”
You rolled your eyes, barely hearing Billy’s sly comeback as you gently pushed him away. That heaviness in your chest that had made you cry only seconds prior was now a raging fire inside of your chest. The audacity this big, dumb, ass of a man had.
“Hilarious, Stu,” you griped, sniffing as you walked back to your chair. “Forever the comedian.”
“Hey,” he held his hands up in surrender. “No shame in it, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You didn’t interrupt shit,” Billy said. “And you know it.”
“What are you even doing back?” You snapped, glowering across at the idiot. “Or did you get bored of this one already?” You made a show of looking down at your watch-less wrist. “Five whole minutes, that’s got to be a new record.”
Stu pretended to laugh. “I forgot my wallet, ice queen,” he grabbed his wallet off of the table but continued to glare down at you. “What’s your problem tonight, anyway? You’ve got a stick shoved so far up your ass it’s practically coming out of your—”
“I wouldn’t go there,” Billy warned, flicking the play button on the remote. “Stop while you’re ahead.”
Stu barely glanced at him. “Nah, Billy,” he shrugged and took a seat on the edge of the couch closest to where you sat. “I’m curious. Can’t a guy be curious as to why a broad suddenly decides to give you the cold shoulder?”
“I warned you,” Billy merely shrugged.
“A broad?” You growled. “Get fucked, Macher.”
“What is your issue?” Stu reiterated. “I’m serious. You’ve been acting like a—”
“I’m not getting into this with you.” Pushing yourself off of the chair, you stormed passed both men towards the front door. “Enjoy your date, dipshit.”
Stu watched you go in utter confusion but before he could get up to follow you and continue this entire fiasco, Billy smacked him upside the head. “Leave her be, idiot,” he merely said, not tearing his eyes away from The Exorcist. “Let her cool off.”
“Cool off?” Stu asked with a furrowed brow. “Cool off from what? You two got that heated that fast that she stormed out because I came back inside?”
A long, deep, heavy sigh escaped Billy’s lips as he – yet again – had to pause the movie. His eye twitched in irritation as he surveyed the almost dopey look on Stu’s face. “I just want to watch this damned movie and it’s like a fucking soap opera with you two.”
Stu blinked. “What are you talking about?”
“You seriously don’t know, do you?” When all he received was a blank stare from his friend, Billy pinched the bridge of his nose and swore under his breath. “You’re even dumber than you look, you know that?”
It was a few hours later when there was a casual knock at your front door. Your parents were gone for the night and, as you glanced at the time, your stomach gave a nervous twist. It was nearing midnight and, while it was a Friday and you were by no means tired, just who would be knocking at your door this late at night eluded you.
Debating on whether or not to answer, you remained firmly situated on your couch as you eyed the front door in disdain. Maybe if you waited long enough, they’d move onto the next house and your life could be spared for another night. But, before you could get too much hope on the matter, another loud knock erupted from the door. This time, however, followed by an all too familiar voice.
“Hey dipshit,” Stu’s muffled voice rang out, “open up.”
“The fuck?” You whispered in confusion before making your way to the front door. Sure enough, as you unfastened the lock, there he stood. Stu Macher in all his glory. His eyes were somewhat wild as he silently stood on your front porch, soaking you in from all angles as his Adams apple bobbed up and down in his throat. For the first time in…well, ever, it appeared Stu was at a loss for words.
“Stu, what the hell?” You asked. “My parents could have been home do you know how late it is?”
“Yeah,” he simply said, not moving an inch from where he stood. “But this couldn’t wait.”
You blinked. “What couldn’t wait?” You asked, glancing over his shoulder to see if this was some weird prank that he and Billy thought up. “Come inside, you’re freaking me out.”
“I—” His words seemed to die on his tongue. “I just need to know if it’s true.”
You frowned. “If what’s true?” You racked your brain for a possible answer but came up empty. “Did something come up on your date or something? If it’s about that rumour with me and Matt Sewinski, I promise you that’s not true. The guy’s a creep.”
Stu shook his head but his eyes remained glued to your face, unblinking. “No,” he simply said, “and I didn’t end up going out with Heather.”
You wrinkled your nose. “I thought it was Sarah tonight?”
Stu shut his eyes in sheer annoyance. “Heather, Sarah, whoever the fuck it was,” he opened those blue eyes open again and the raw intensity inside of them made you take a small step back. “I didn’t go.”
You swallowed hard and suddenly felt a wave of nausea overcome you. “Why?” You gulped out.
Stu licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair. He was yet to step foot inside your house and between the maniacal look in his eye and the chilled breeze seeping in through the open door, you shivered absentmindedly. “I talked to Billy.”
Four words. Four tiny little words was all it took to make the room around you spin on its axis. A cold sweat broke out across your chest as you averted your eyes to the wall directly beside his head. Maybe if you didn’t quite look him in the face, you could get out of what was about to become an incredible awkward, painful situation. With your breath trembling, you swallowed again and tried to find your voice. “About what?”
Stu cocked his head to the side. “Y/N,” he warned, “cut the shit.”
Another painful gulp. Your throat felt like it was closing in on you as you stood there facing the boy you’d been in love with for as long as you could remember. You’d often dreamt of this day, the day where he’d finally realize your feelings only to have them reciprocated fully – but when you’d pictured it, Stu looked a lot less crazy than he did looking back at you now. But, even still, there was a glimmer of emotion shining brightly behind those blue eyes that made your breath hitch in your throat.
It made you nervous.
Worse, it made you hopeful.
“Stu,” you tried to find some conviction in your tone, but your nerves got the better of you. “Can you just get inside first? You’re scaring me.” Despite feeling as though you were going to faint, you managed to reach across the divide to yank him inside of your house. Locking the door behind you, you took a few even breaths before turning back around to face him. “What did Billy say?”
Stu ignored your question as he began to pace around your hallway. He was this tall, broad, string bean of a man on a regular day, but the mass of him tonight was all encompassing as he governed your foyer. “Seven years,” he began, his voice slightly shaky. “We’ve known each other for seven fucking years, Y/N. And I’ve hung on your every fucking word for all of six years, eight months and a handful of days, give or take.” He turned on his heel rather abruptly to face you. “But you liked Billy.”
You opened your mouth to respond to the first half of his statement before realization dawned on you. Grimacing, you shook your head. “Billy? He’s like my brother, where the hell did that come from?”
“You act like he hung the fucking moon, Y/N!” He exclaimed, emphatically. “What was I supposed to think?”
“What?” You shook your head in sheer confusion. “Okay, one thing at a time. Billy is one of my best friends. So are you. What’s the problem here?”
“The probl—?” Stu laughed. “The problem? For seven fucking years you’ve been the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of before I go to sleep. And literally every fucking second in between. And this whole goddamn time, I thought you were in love with Billy.”
You were reeling. You weren’t entirely sure if your heart was beating as loud as it appeared to be, but you were sure he could hear it from where he stood a few feet away. “I—” You tried to form a sentence – any sentence – but nothing seemed to suffice. “But the dates?” Were the only words that seemed to spill from your lips. “You were dating – are dating – constantly.”
“Yeah,” he breathed out, “wonder why.”
You weren’t sure when you’d done it or just how your legs managed to carry you back into the living room, but you found yourself falling against the arm of the couch in an almost dream-like state. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m not trying to say anything,” Stu fussed. “I want to know if what Billy told me was true.” He walked up to you and searched your face. “Do you love me?”
You didn’t answer at first. You couldn’t. Not when it felt as though your lungs were about to explode in your chest. You must have opened your mouth a dozen times over, each time with the promise of a formative sentence, but nothing seemed to suffice.
Suddenly Stu’s hands were on you. Squeezing your thighs with those large hands, he demanded your focus as he swooped down and caught your eye. “I need you to answer me, doll.”
You were so focused in on the overwhelmingly glorious feeling of his hands on your thighs that you forgot to answer. Hell, you forgot to breathe. It wasn’t until you slowly managed to tear your eyes away from his hands to trail up the rest of his body towards that striking face of his, that you found your words.
“You came to my house at midnight. You’ve been the one going on dates like it’s a part time job. You’re the one claiming to have been hanging on my every word for the better half of our friendship so, no, Stu, I’m not saying a fucking word until you tell me what it is that brought you here this late?” You pushed his hands off of your thighs and stood up. “All I’ve done this entire time is sit idly by and watch you carry on like Heffner at the Playboy Mansion. You want me to answer you? Not until I get a—”
Your answer came in the form of a kiss.
On instinct, your hands tangled through his hair as his tongue slid along your bottom lip. He might have been on your shit list at the moment, but fuck he was a good kisser. You’d been thinking about this very moment for as long as you could remember. Longer, even, and god was it everything you thought it would be and more.
His hands were on your face at first, cradling it gently as he backed you into the sofa, and then they were on your neck, holding you close as his tongue massaged against your own. Shivering beneath his touch, you instinctively leaned into his broad chest as the pair of you continue to stand there, kissing like your lives depended on it.
“Stu,” you mumbled against his lips. “What are we doing?”
“Kissing” he rasped out before finding your lips yet again. “Bed or couch?”
Every red flag in your head was going off to stop this and properly talk about what was not so subtly insinuated only seconds prior, but he just felt so good and you’d wanted this so so long. “Bed,” you told him breathlessly, without a second thought.
Stu wasted no time in leading you towards your bedroom, kissing his way down your neck as you stumbled down the narrow hallway. Obviously losing his patience about halfway through, he pushed you up against the wall and trailed sloppy kisses down your jaw and neck. “I love you, if that wasn’t obvious.” He breathed out. “Like, a lot.”
His words struck you blind. Ever the dutiful distraction, however, Stu’s hand trailed down your sweatshirt before settling on the waistband of your pajama shorts. Your body reacted to the promise of his hand. Arching into him, you bit your lip and sighed in contentment as his fingers slipped beneath the band. You were already soaked. Your body responded to the man in a way you couldn’t begin to comprehend, and you weren’t sure you wanted to. And as his middle finger slid into your folds, instantly finding your clit, a soft moan escaped your lips.
“Is this the horny part of your brain talking?” You growled, tugging at the ends of his hair so that you had full access to his lips. “Or are you serious?”
“So fucking serious.” He hummed into your mouth. He pinched your clit, garnering a rather surprised hiss to escape from your lips as your entire body lurched forward. Hearing him chuckle, you popped an eye and began to pull his shirt over his head. When you tossed it across the hallway, his eyes met yours. “Do you love me?”
“Yeah, but I have bone to pick with you first,” you chided, doing your best to control your breathing as he quickened his pace on your clit.
He ducked his head down to bite your lip. “Unless it’s this bone,” he ground his hips into you, and you could feel his rock-hard erection even through his jeans. “It can wait.”
You laughed before you could think of stopping yourself. “Jesus Christ, you’re disgusting.”
He was smirking across at you. “You love it.”
Still grinning, you rolled your eyes before your lips took refuge on his neck. Which, as it turned out, was a massive turn-on for Stu Macher. Running your tongue along it and nipping at the sensitive flesh, was getting him incredibly riled up if the bulge in his jeans was any indication. Biting down on the sensitive flesh, the groan it drew out of his mouth was enough to make your already wet pussy clench around his fingers.
“Fuck,” he drew out, sliding the finger that had been assaulting your clit only seconds prior inside of you.
You let out a small moan of your own as you hurriedly got to work on his belt. “Why the fuck wouldn’t you just tell me how you felt?” When you’d managed to practically rip it off of his waist, you wasted no time in unzipping his jeans. His cock sprung free within seconds.
“I thought you liked Billy,” he rasped out gruffly as you began to pump his cock with your hand. “What was I supposed to do?”
You wiggled free from the hand currently down your shorts and dropped to your knees. Looking up at him through your thick eyelashes, you raised your brow. “You could have asked me?” You reminded him, swirling your tongue around the tip of that perfectly girthy cock. The man might have been a pain in the ass but good god he had the assets to make up for it.
Stu braced himself against the wall behind you and threw his head back. Fuck, you were lethal with that mouth of yours. “Hindsight,” he breathed out.
You released his cock with a pop. “You’re an idiot.” Was all you said before getting back to work. With your hand, you circled the base of his dick and took the length of him inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip each time you made your way back up.
He grabbed your hair and gave it a firm pull. “Fuck,” he growled. “Keep going.”
You hummed against his dick, digging your nails into his thigh briefly before looking back up at him. “Or what?” He allowed his forehead to fall against his forearm currently stabilizing him against the wall. You knew you were driving him crazy, but he’d done the same thing to you for the last seven years and you were nothing if not a petty bitch when you wanted to be. “Say it again.”
He furrowed his brow. “Say what?” Realization dawned on him. “Fuck, baby, you keep doing that I’ll put a ring on your finger tomorrow.” Stu’s blue eyes were hungrily taking you in. How you’d managed to stay fully dressed as he stood there with his jeans around his ankles and his cock out was beyond him but, sure enough, that was his reality. “I love you. A lot.”
You dug your nails into his thigh again, and slowly licked up the base of his cock. “Hmm,” you hummed with a nod of your head, releasing it to stand up to your full height. His eyes were pleading with you to finish him off, but as you slinked up the wall and mirrored his hungry gaze, he surprised you by sliding his calloused hand up the side of your neck until it cupped your cheek. You were practically nose-to-nose as he slowly pinned you against the wall and, as he leaned forward and nudged your nose with his, a slow, lazy grin broke out across your face. “I love you, too.”
Slowly, you leaned in and kissed him. Unlike the deliberate make-out session you’d had minutes prior, this kiss was slow and methodical. When you pulled away, you kissed the tip of his nose and nodded towards your bedroom. “Get on the bed.”
Stu’s eyebrows shot up in amusement. “Pushy.”
You gave his dick a tug. “Go.”
He swooped in again and kissed you before haphazardly kicking off his shoes and jeans, punting them across the hallway as he backed you into your bedroom. When you were close enough to your bed, he broke the kiss to peel off your sweatshirt. Throwing it across the room, his hands were back on you within seconds, kneading and massaging your breasts before taking one in his mouth. Expertly, his tongue ran along your nipple before he began to suck and nip at them. Arching into his mouth, you fisted a handful of his hair and groaned as he pulled you in even closer.
“Stu,” you moaned, shutting your eyes momentarily as you allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling of his mouth on your tits. The man truly was a god with his tongue.
But you had a trick up your sleeve. A little payback, if you will. And this, melting into his mouth, was not part of the plan.
Hating yourself, you pushed him away. The back of his knees hit your bed and you watched as he fell back onto the soft mattress with a slight bounce. There was confusion in his stare as he sat there ogling you. “Get over here,” he beckoned, voice low.
Slowly, you shimmied out of your pajama shorts, feeling his eyes on you every step of the way as you stepped out of them and walked towards the bed. Towards him. Sitting himself up, he opened his legs so you could step between them. His hands were slow as they trailed up and down your thighs, hips, and waist before sliding around to your ass. Squeezing and pulling at your cheeks, he pulled you closer and placed a tender kiss to your sternum before craning his neck up to peer up at you.
“I always knew you had a thing for my ass.” You raked your fingers through his hair, pushing it back and away from his forehead as you grinned down at him.
His answer came in the form of another firm squeeze of your ass only rather than stop there, he tugged you closer until you were tumbling onto his lap. You gripped his shoulders as you straddled his lap, subtly grinding your hips so his erection settled between the folds of your pussy, rubbing against your clit.
“Lay down on your stomach,” he uttered. When he noticed your apprehension, he raised a single eyebrow up at you and squeezed again. “Do you trust me?”
You nodded mutely and did as you were told. And, before you knew it, you were sliding off of his lap to lay stomach-down on your bed. You felt the bed shift as Stu crawled towards you but before you could question him on it, you felt his hands slide beneath your hips to pull you up so that your ass was raised in the air.
“What are you—”
Your words died in your throat as you felt his tongue glide along your pussy. Gasping, you nearly buckled forward, but caught yourself on your pillow. You were face down, buried in the comforter and pillows of your bed, but with your hips bent at the level Stu had moved them into, he had full access to both your pussy and your ass. You could feel his fingers kneading into your ass as his lapped up your every fold until settling on your clit. You groaned and buried your face into the pillow as he began to suck your clit. You could hear how wet you were as his mouth imbibed every inch of your pussy.
His name tore out of your throat and your knuckles whitened as you gripped the bedsheets. The veins in your neck swelled with every laboured breath you managed to draw and you found yourself bucking into his mouth as an orgasm rippled through your body. You moaned and groaned and cursed into the bed but Stu’s mouth was relentless. And as he pinched your clit all the while still lapping you up, you all but collapsed. When he was sure you couldn’t take another second of torture, he pulled away and allowed you to collapse onto the bed. Your cheeks were flushed, and your lips were parted as you attempted to catch your breath. With a quiet chuckle, he kissed his way up your spine, grinning against your skin as your legs continued to twitch.
“Can I?” He asked, his cock at the ready.
Nodding, you gasped when you felt him slide inside of you. He bit down on your shoulder as he thrust into you and his quiet moans and unsteady breath was enough to kill you. “Fuck,” he whispered. “You feel so fucking good.”
This was a high unlike any other for Stu. Watching his cock slam into you, watching your ass slap against him with every wild thrust and pump he provided and feeling just how fucking wet you were for him – this was the unattainable high. You were the unattainable high.
He reached around to play with your clit again. He could feel it throbbing between his fingers and, feeling you tremble made him weak. Quickening his pace on your clit and steadying his thrusting to ensure you finished again, Stu bit down on your earlobe. “Come for me, baby.”
Your answer came in the form of another thick, guttural moan as you came undone yet again. He watched you quiver and shake and the vision of it was enough for him to quicken his thrusts. Groaning, his hands fell from your clit to hold your hips as he pounded into you. The sound of your cheeks slapping against him was drawing him closer and closer to one hell of an orgasm and as you let out one last breathy moan, his whole body seemed to erupt in fire.
His breathing was heavy as he came inside of you and the more sensitive his cock got with every thrust, his pace slowed. For a moment, neither of you moved. Instead, he allowed his forehead to fall back against your shoulder before he slowly pulled out.
“If I’d have known that’s what I was missing, we should have had this talk a lot sooner.” You teased, earning a playful smack to your ass from the man. Grinning, you flopped back onto the pillow and stared up at him. He was leaning on one arm as those blue eyes scraped over every inch of your face. You could see the words he wanted to say splayed out across his face and found yourself reaching up to brush his hair back and away from his sweaty forehead.
“Right back at ya,” you smiled.
Fuck, you really were in love with the idiot.
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The Long Con Part Eleven
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader   Rating: T   Notes: I hope y’all had a good week! 💕 Warnings: Cursing, a lil angst, some fluff...Well, mostly fluff. Summary: The wedding day had been much more relaxed— for you, anyway.
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You would’ve given anything to spend the entire day in bed with Marcus. You relished in his soothing touches, relaxing little murmurs. But you eventually pried yourself out of his arms, unpacked the few things you’d hastily thrown into your toiletries bag, and rejoined the family downstairs.
You were so tired from the work you’d done the night before, and felt so worn from what you’d admitted to the Pikes. But rather than hang around the house, you went with Marnie and Jill to drop checks off to the vendors, and helped to set up the space for the rehearsal dinner. You wanted to show them that there were no hard feelings, especially after they’d apologized several more times at breakfast. Besides, you needed the distraction. You hadn’t heard anything back from Melinda about the information that you’d given her or the team in regards to your grandmother’s potential involvement in forging Leda and the Swan (potential— you were still insisting that it was still possible that it wasn’t her; that painting showed signs of age, wear-and-tear; the materials were old; you didn’t even know where she was—); your mind drifted back to the shock on the Pike’s faces from that morning every few minutes. It was odd, knowing that Jill and Marnie now knew so much more about you, but still chattered amiably with you. If anything, this incident, your absolute honesty, seemed to have brought you closer to the family. Odd. Odd, but comforting.
-- The most vindicating moment came when Kimberly arrived at the rehearsal dinner and spotted you. The color seemed to drain from her face completely, her smile dropping in a second. You just offered her a bright grin and a quick wave. “Who are you waving at?” Marcus asked, looking around. You looked up at him, finding that his smile disappeared just as quickly, his face darkening at the sight of her. “Don’t,” You urged softly, wrapping your arm around his middle, “We’re here for Marnie, and we’re fine. There’s no need for a scene.” “I can think of a reason.” “C’mon.... Marky.” His lips quirked into a reluctant smile at your teasing, and you smoothed your hand over his side as he sighed through his nose. “Now is not the time to say anything,” You added. “...Looks like I won’t have to.” You frowned, turning back to see Jill and Marnie approaching Kimberly. Your eyes widened slightly. “What are they doing?” You asked. “I do not know,” Marcus admitted quietly. You couldn’t hear the conversation from there, but you could just make out a flash of irritation on Kimberly’s face, a rising flush of frustration before she stomped toward the door. Your brows rose sharply as she left and Jill and Marnie disappeared back into the crowd of revelers. Marcus hummed, satisfied. “You were right,” He agreed, resting his chin on your shoulder, “No need for a scene.” -- 
You leaned back against Marcus’ chest, smiling softly as you watched Hazel and Marnie do their first dance. Marcus’ arms were wrapped around your waist, his cheek rested against your temple. He swayed the two of you back and forth to the music. The ceremony had gone perfectly. Jill and Marcus had both cried a bit; you’d even seen Walter shed a couple of tears. The wedding day had been much more relaxed— for you, anyway. Marcus had been keeping close at the reception especially, and you were happy to be held. You’d met Marcus’ ex-wife, Deanna, and for all of the nervousness that had welled up in you, you’d found that she was very amiable, even sweet. She and Marcus treated one another like old friends, teased and joked. You didn’t feel intimidated by their ease. She’d been more than kind to you. It was nice to see Marcus so relaxed with his family and friends. You’d found yourself watching him throughout the day, and realizing just how much you would miss him. Not just the closeness that came with being near someone, but the closeness that came with being around Marcus. You were certain that once you returned to D.C., things would return to the work-centric relationship that the two of you had previously, and that was so odd to consider. The man now knew so many of your secrets: your favorite foods, books, pastimes… Where you were ticklish. Not that many people had such information. You were going to miss his family, too. “What are you thinking about?” He murmured.
You were thinking that you wanted to freeze this moment. You wanted to keep it somewhere safe, hold onto it for the days when the world felt like it was dark and closing in-- days that were surely just around the corner. You wanted to memorize what it felt like to be cuddled against Marcus’ chest, to be held like you were precious; you wanted to keep this feeling of warmth, this feeling of safety, and happiness.
You wanted this to be real. “...How happy they are,” You answered, smiling as Hazel rested her forehead against Marnie’s. -- 
“Okay, if you’re not gonna finish that frosting, give it,” Marcus said. You rolled your eyes, pushing the excess icing that you’d cleared off of the piece of cake onto Marcus’ plate. “You’re gonna have such a headache in the morning,” You teased, tugging your plate back toward yourself. “Am not,” Marcus chuckled before nudging your leg with his, “You having fun?” “I’m with you, of course I’m having fun,” You said honestly. Marcus grinned as he reached out, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. Then he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m glad you’re here,” He murmured, “I wouldn’t wanna be here with anyone else.” You turned your head, kissing Marcus softly, and giggling after a moment. He leaned back, brow furrowed. “What is it?” “You taste like frosting,” You laughed, unable to help it. Marcus grinned, dipping his finger in the frosting he’d scraped from your plate. “You know what?” He asked before plopping the dollop on your nose. You groaned, batting his hand away and reaching for your napkin. “I don’t need any more icing, Pike, I’m sweet enough.” 
You settled down against Marcus, yawning widely. It was nearly three in the morning. Your feet were sore and you were all danced out, but you couldn’t remember the last time you’d had so much fun. You reached up, rubbing Marcus’ smooth cheek. “Can’t believe you shaved,” You pouted a little. “You miss the uh… The beard that was to-be?” Marcus asked. “I was getting used to it. Looked good,” You rested your chin on his chest. He smiled, stroking his hand over your shoulder. “You have everything you need for tomorrow?” “Mhm.” “Flight leaves in...What, eight hours?” Marcus glanced toward the clock on his dresser, “We should get some sleep.” You grunted, turning your head and closing your eyes. “Alright,” You mumbled, “Sleep now.” After a few moments of quiet, you heard Marcus say, “Oh, I forgot to tell you.” “Mm?” “There’s been a break in the da Vinci.” Fear gripped you as your eyes opened, your heart ticking up in your chest. You were quiet, waiting for him to go on. When he didn’t, you glanced up, finding him half-asleep already. “Tell you in the morning,” He finally mumbled, yawning widely. You smiled, leaning up and pecking his jaw. “Sweet dreams, Agent Pike,” You murmured. “Mm,” He hummed, giving your shoulder a light squeeze, “Sweet dreams, baby.” The murmur thrilled you, and you dropped another kiss to Marcus’ clothed chest before closing your eyes again. 
-- “Now you come back and visit,” Walter patted your shoulder before letting go of you. “I’d really love that,” You nodded, meaning it. You turned to Jill, smiling as she drew you into her arms and hugged you tightly. “You’ll call when you land,” She said. “We will,” You promised. “I told you we would, mom,” Marcus chuckled. He waited until she’d pulled away before leaning in to hug her. “Just, remember to— He forgets.” “I will make sure he remembers,” You smiled. “Alright, fly safe! Well, as safe as you can as passengers,” Jill glanced between the two of you, smiling as Walter tucked Jill under his arm. “Alright,” Marcus took hold of your hand, “Let’s go.” -- You took in Marcus’ profile as he swiped through the onscreen entertainment options. He was distracted, which gave you plenty of time to just...Watch. You remembered the tightness in his jaw on the previous flight, the way his leg had been bouncing. He glanced over at you, doing a double-take when he saw you looking at him. “What is it?” He asked. “You are so relaxed right now,” You smiled, “You were practically shaking the plane when we left D.C.” Marcus chuckled, leaning back in his seat a little bit, “Well… We’re done, it’s… Over, you know. It worked. Like holy shit, it worked,” He tipped his head back, looking up, “I just lied to my family for a week.” “Hey,” You soothed, nudging his arm with yours, “We just lied to your family for a week.” He chuckled, tipping his head to the side to look at you. “Yeah,” He agreed, “I could not have done this without you.” “Maybe next time you’ll just let Marnie set you up with Kimberly again.” “After the shit she pulled? Not a chance,” Marcus shook his head. He took hold of your hand, intertwining your fingers, “I still can’t believe you told my parents...What you did.” You looked down at your joined hands. “I kinda can’t believe I did, either,” You admitted quietly, “But I trust them… I trust you.” 
There was a pause before Marcus untangled his hand from yours. You felt panic snake through your veins, but Marcus’ hand raised and cupped your cheek. He drew you in for a sweet kiss. You leaned up into it, resting your hand on Marcus’ thigh and sighing softly. He rested his forehead against yours as the kiss broke, and you kept your eyes closed for a few moments, reveling in the feeling.
“I should probably stop doing that, huh,” He said softly. Please don’t, You thought.
“...Probably,” You conceded aloud.
Tag list: @hufflepuffing-all-day-long ; @spideysimpossiblegirl ; @blueeyesatnight ; @elen-aranel ; @yespolkadotkitty ; @artsymaddie ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @lunaserenade ; @winniedaboo  ; @empress-palpat1ne ; @randomness501 ; @nutmeg-20 ; @leonieb ; @the-feckless-wonder ; @lou-la-lou ; @captain-jebi ; @supernaturalgirl  ; @naturenebula21 ; @evelynseventyr ; @giselatropicana ; @heatherbel ; @marydjarin ; @annathewitch ; @absurdthirst ; @hnt-escape ; @writingletterstothefire ; @misswriter ; @bison-writes ; @xx-small-town-witch-xx ; @ajeff855 ; @hellovanessax​ ; @drinkingwhileblogging​ ; @meanperegrine​ ; @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan​ ; @autumnleaves1991-blog ; @xoxo-callie ; @mentally-dating-din-djarin​ ; @frenchyjuju
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
5 Day Stay
| Or, Angel down bad for a week |
Angel x F!Reader
Warnings: language, infidelity, Angst (?), lil bit chili spice at the end
Angel felt he was too young to consistently feel so bone-tired, yet that’s how his day had been ending for weeks now. Sometimes it was all he could do to get off his bike and make it to the door, only to have to rest his head against it to prepare to make it to the couch and collapse.
Tonight was one of those nights, and he wanted to be dead to the world until it dragged him back into it.
It was the smell of mixed spices that hit him first. It felt like he was in suspended animation, and slowly being released as different things started to register to him.
His TV was on, someone was rummaging through his kitchen, and music played faintly from his desk. Thinking back to the last time an unwanted guest was in his kitchen, he placed a hand on the holstered knife fastened to his back.
The fridge door closed, and you appeared in the window, eyes focused intently on whatever you were cooking on the stove.
He exhaled, feeling like complete shit. It only spoke to how weary his mind was that he could forget you were staying with him for the next week. Especially after the conversation that led to it.
“I don’t know Angel…really I can afford a motel for a few days.”
“Here? Rusted-through pipes will be the last thing your landlord is worried about when you bring back bedbugs and shit.”
Your eyes had widened at that, but still you brought up the thing that had been chained to your hesitation. “I mean….do you think it’s ok to do this? After we…Nails..Ang-“
He remembered a flash of irritation, more so at himself than you, when you said that. “Yes querida, fuck. If you’re so scared, I most likely won’t even be there the way things are going. Nails is out of town til’ next weekend…”
“Relax Ignacio.” you had cut your eyes at him, and he’d felt his dick jump like it did whenever you gave him attitude. “I’m just not trying to be a problem.”
Your voice calling his name brought him to the present. He caught the last part of your statement, that you didn’t know he’d be back.
“Yeah, we got in earlier than expected.”
“While you’re standing there like a weirdo, let me shame you real quick. How does a man in his thirties still have the kitchen of a frat boy?” You leaned on the sill of the divider. “You’re lucky I already knew you were sad in the kitchen. I had to bring my own tagine.”
He stepped into the kitchen, his stomach coming alive with interest. “One, I don’t know what that is, two, I can’t help it if the kitchen isn’t my preferred room of work.”
He peeked over your shoulder, but the unique pot kept him from seeing what you were making.
“Neither is the bedroom, unless that work is piling up dirty laundry.” you stuck your tongue out at him and turned back to your simmering dish.
“Ha ha. Dinner and a show, she does it all folks!” he collapsed at the table, the day catching back up with him. “Should put your ass on the club’s payroll. End the cashflow problem real quick.”
You turned to him, concern etched on your face. “I heard from Hank about that…sorry. I know now isn’t a great time for that at all.”
Things got awkward like they always did when you referenced the recent changes of his life. He wasn’t sad about getting another chance at fatherhood, this one more tangible than the last. However, he wasn’t entirely sold on everything he’d accepted along with it, and he was pretty sure you at least suspected that. It threw the previously comfortable confusion that was your relationship off track when it was touched on.
“No, it’s not.” was all he could manage.
It was quiet for a beat, the simmering of the food and quiet Neo Soul the only sounds.
“Well,” you started, turning off the burner. “At least you don’t have to eat like a ‘we got food at the house’ meme for once.”
He laughed, a genuine and needed laugh. “Ok, you know what? Keep talking about my pantry stocking skills, and I might take it personally.”
The rest of his night went that way. Anytime you and Angel got together, things were just…easy…better. You spent the evening eating in front of the TV (Angel getting all the way to thirds for what turned out to be olive chicken and roasted potatoes), trading jokes, and going over the finer points of Golden Girls. Angel learned you took it very seriously, and mocked you for being “old”.
It wasn’t until you were nodding off, and he was left with his own thoughts, that he realized he hadn’t enjoyed coming home this much since he moved in.
Angel had dreamed he’d been back in his childhood home, but as a grown man. There was music coming from his parent’s room, and when he got to the doorway, his mom was at her dressing table. She hummed along to the soulful seventies music and smiled at him from the mirror. She said something, but he couldn’t make it out, and woke up in the frustration.
He jerked up from his position on his stomach, and slowly came to. With a grunt he wiped his hand down his face, glancing at his phone to find it was six in the afternoon.
It then occurred to him the music wasn’t just in his dream, it was coming from his bathroom. He got off the couch and followed the sound.
“Hey coma head.” you grinned at him from where you were doing your makeup.
He shook his head, trying to let go of the last vestiges of the dream, and how eerie the scene before him was.
He focused instead on the nightmare of products and alien looking tools surrounding you.
He kind of liked the mess, even if he couldn’t see the counter anymore.
“Hey hurricane Ulta.”
You made a face that was a cross between being amused and suspicious. “You sleep in your jeans and buy your shirts in pack form. Don’t act like you know what that is.”
He made a face of mock offense. “That’s so classist.”
This time you paused completely in you what you were doing and twisted your body to meet him. “Uh oh…let me find out you’re actually learning something from EZ.”
“Angel Reyes can know something about something, damn.”
You laughed, lowering your hands from where you’d been lining your eyes to avoid a mistake. “I’m only teasing you Angel Reyes.”
“Looks like you plan on teasing more than me. Some clown is gonna get his hopes and tiny dick up for nothing.”
“There’s this new club in the city that Belinda’s getting us into. It’s bad luck to buy your own drinks on the first night at a new place.” you adjusted the bodycon mini-dress for emphasis. “You doing anything?”
“Club shit.” he started picking through the products, sniffing them every so often. “Then I think I’ve got a call with Nails at some point.”
“You think?” you popped his hands when he got too close to the good stuff, or the things you were using currently.
“Yeah..I think.” he shrugged, only realizing how short he sounded when you winced.
He didn’t know why he got so annoyed when she was brought up around you. He wasn’t like that with anyone else, and he knew you were only trying to support his incoming changes.
Awkward silence settled in before he found the words to break it.
“Why do you wanna know? You want me to be that clown?”
“Never.” you pinched his cheek, tone pure saccharine jest.
He muttered in Spanish, stepping around you to the toilet.
“Angel!” you exclaimed.
“What?! It’s my bathroom, I have to piss.”
“You better never make me angry Reyes, I could end your whole Casanova game with ease."
“You holding on a little tight there mami!” Angel called over his shoulder with a laugh. “You said go fast."
“Shut up!” you giggled, but he wasn’t lying.
You’d asked Angel to take you to work on his bike since even though you spent so much time with bikers, you hardly got to ride one. You were going to the same place anyways. He had been all too happy to shake up his commute, but your speed challenge took it over the top.
He didn’t know how you were up so early, he personally felt like the bags under his eyes were like a PEZ dispenser. You’d gotten in at two am, and still got up with him at eight.
He loved watching you in the morning, you managed to be cheerful without being obnoxious, and it worked better than coffee for him.
He loved how much he was learning about you.
As he pulled onto the street beside the cafe you’d asked him to stop at, he felt your arms uncoil from around him. He may have pretended to shift just to make you pause and hold him a few seconds longer, but he wasn’t going to acknowledge that.
“I didn’t scream, and I’m not shaking, so you still have to buy my breakfast.” You unclipped your helmet, grinning the whole time.
You looked so pretty to him, with the sun hitting your eyes and hair just right. He could catch you at just the right moment, and you’d look so gorgeous, he struggled to believe you were real.
He cleared his throat, afraid his voice would crack if he didn’t. “Fair enough, come break my pockets then.”
You laughed, squeezing his chin and pointing out his pout. “You don’t even have to tell me once sir, I know my worth.”
Once inside, he trailed after you to the counter, using your head like an arm rest when you reached it. “That’s good.”
“Boy!” You swatted his hand away, and it was his turn to laugh at your adorable pout.
“New bet,” he stepped around you while the customer ahead of you wrapped up. “If I get your entire order just right, you buy lunch.”
“Deal.” you leaned on the counter, eyebrow raised at him in challenge.
Angel knew the best part of his day would be watching your expression go from smug to shocked out of the corner of his eye. He nailed every pastry, the iced coffee, and their preparation with ease.
The simultaneously impressed and amused barista looked to you for confirmation. She got a shocked nod in response.
“I know my worth too mama, so don’t skimp on lunch.”
“Fair enough.” You shook off your shock as you repeated his earlier words and shrugged. “Can’t complain I guess. I trained my work husband too well.”
He scoffed loudly, and the two of you went back to swapping smart ass barbs while he tried to ignore the lingering dip his stomach did when referred to him as “husband”.
Angel was a grown man, with years of grown man experience, yet he was sitting on the edge of his bed feeling like a teenager again.
The end of your stay was nearing, and every time he thought about you going back home, he felt weird. He was pretty sure that’s why he’d been a little snappy and annoyed easily at the club the past couple days. He just wasn’t ready to delve into that too much.
Regardless, he had to admit you had some growing effect over him. All morning, while he should’ve been resting and preparing for a charter visit, he was fighting off hard-ons thanks to you.
“Can I borrow your kitchen for the day Angel?” He mimicked your voice in a nasally mocking tone. “I’ll save you some when I’m done baking.”
He’d thought nothing of it when you asked the night before. Really didn’t even feel like you had to at that point.
He realized why when he saw that the desserts you were making for your friend’s brunch were elaborate as hell. The effort took all your attention, and unfortunately for him, his too.
You were baking a lot more than dessert and didn’t even know it.
Now he was hiding in his room, fighting off arousal he knew wasn’t appropriate. You weren’t his and he wasn’t yours.
That didn’t change the fact that you in a short silk lounge set, singing in French (how the hell did you know French?), doing domestic things in his home, did it for him.
He ran a hand over his hair, still damp from his cold shower, and forced himself to finish getting dressed. He had to be ready to face a room of dangerous bikers and prove his patched in worth. He couldn’t be thinking of weird little fantasies and parallels to his parent’s marriage.
He must’ve zoned out again, because you startled him enough to almost make him hit his wardrobe.
“Oh my god Angel try this! I think I did magic.” You excitedly thrust a red cookie his way.
Angel took the offered treat, and found it was a red velvet cookie. “It’s fucking good mi dulce.”
“Really?” You looked so hopeful, so beautiful, that he would’ve lied if the situation called for it.
“Yes, but you know you kill it in the kitchen.” He turned away to put on the flannel he’d fished out.
Now you were in his personal space, smelling amazing, and all his senses were under attack. He couldn’t trust Angel jr. at the moment.
“Baking is different. It’s a whole thing for me...I go all in.”
“I noticed your little Broadway production in my kitchen.” He kneeled down, pretending to look for his shoes as something to do while you were there.
“Don’t shame me.” You pressed your foot into his back, gently pushing him. “It makes for better results.”
‘shit.’ He cursed mentally at the contact.
Luckily, he heard you turn to leave the room. “Oh, EZ said to tell you to hurry up or pick up your phone.”
He rose up once you were gone and checked his phone. Sure enough, he had several missed calls and texts from Gilly, Coco, and EZ. He cursed aloud this time and finished getting ready, determined not to get distracted again.
Of course, his boys having to physically come in and get him when he did just that destroyed that promise.
It had come down to the last night of your stay with him, and what he thought was a favor to a good friend, turned out to be more for his benefit.
The hell with the club seemed so far away when he was home now, and he’d laughed more times that week than he had the previous few months total.
Tonight though… Tonight had him so in his head he didn’t know if he was coming or going.
You, sensing something was going on with him, had invited EZ and Felipe to dinner. He didn’t know how you got the latter to agree, his dad had never even been in his home before, but you did it. It went over a hell of a lot better than the last time they tried it too.
The missteps that reared their head when his family tried to talk to each other at length were mitigated by you. You were the perfect buffer, able to get them to engage with you and then each other.
He saw his family in an unfamiliar, but favorable light. His father was actually enjoying his time with him in his house. He knew that night wouldn’t have happened if not for you.
Now, as he distractedly dried the dishes you’d washed, listening to you hit all of the high notes in Loving You, it hit him.
‘She should be my wife’ the thought came so quick, and was so loud he almost jumped, confused if it came from him or someone else.
“Hey dishwasher-less!” you nudged him with your hip. “Move those hands.”
“Why can’t we be a thing?” he blurted.
You dropped the silverware you’d been washing, eyes wide and focused on him. “Um..excuse m-…what?”
He knew that wasn’t the most tactful way to introduce his thoughts to you, but it was his way. Fuck…he didn’t even understand them fully himself.
“You heard me querida,” he put the dish down on the counter, turning to you. “When I stayed with you that weekend that my head was all fucked up-“
“Angel.” your tone made it a warning, but he kept going. He was never afraid of a challenge.
“I was inside you so much that weekend I forgot that’s not how I came in this world. I can’t believe I’m saying it out loud, but I felt home cause I was with you-”
“Stop it!” you hit the sink, rattling the contents.
“Fuck that!” he shouted back, startling you both. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a calmer tone. “Fuck that. Why can’t we talk about it? Why couldn’t we talk about it then?”
You didn’t say anything, but he saw your chest heaving with adrenaline, and realized you were just as affected by the conversation as he was.
“You just decided it didn’t matter and put it in this space we can’t touch now. It’s all fucked up!”
“Because,” you hissed. “If you remember, it was all over that Adelita chick, and I don’t know what kind of hold she has or had over you, but it was deep.”
He cringed at that, and turned his attention to the light fixture over your head, unable to meet your heated gaze.
“Whatever feelings I have for you Angel, I put them away in a place where I can still be your friend and keep things in perspective.”
“Feelings you have for me?” he latched on to the lack of past tense, hopeful.
You inhaled sharply. “You are having a baby and just got engaged. What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing..I mean a lot, but nothing to do with this. I know-“
“I know,” you pushed away from the sink and reached up to cup his cheeks. “That you’re scared Angel. You’re scared, because you’re gonna take two steps you’ve never taken before at once, and you’re trying to sabotage it.”
He shook his head, taking your hands from his face and holding them tightly in his own. “No..mi dulce, no. I’ve been struggling with this all week, longer if I’m being honest. Tonight sealed it.”
You snorted humorlessly, looking around the kitchen as if something in the room would help you get through to him. “I cook you some big boy meals, and treat your speakers to some musical taste, and you’re ready for vows?”
“Don’t put this all on me. Tell me you don’t feel it. Right here and now, to my face.”
He watched your expression soften, and let you put one hand back on his face, your thumb gently stroking his cheek. “Ok, I can’t do that, but I also can’t just fall into a situation with you either.”
He scoffed and shook his head. “We both know we didn’t just fall into anything. We sat here and let it build and didn’t say shit, and now I have to. This week just made it too real not to.”
He placed his forehead to yours, his own hands cupping your face. “Please…”
He watched you have an internal battle by your changing features before you finally leaned into him. The moment you did, his lips were on yours.
He knew it was more than just a kiss a few seconds in. Everything he’d felt that the previous week was alive and confirmed between you too. He could feel you telling him you had moments like his own.
He palmed your thighs under your sundress before grasping them tightly and lifting you up. He placed you on the counter while you two separated for air. Your chests heaved in unison, and neither of you had to say you wanted the other touching you again before it happened.
He gripped your hair, tilting your head back for access to your neck. The smell of vanilla and cocoa butter surrounded him as he worked his mark all over your skin.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pressed yourself against his jeans.
He hated he couldn’t feel the heat he knew was emitting from your core through the thick material of his jeans, and slid his other hand up your thigh to your panties.
Your entire body twitched when he ran his fingers over you through the thin cloth. It wasn’t just hot it was soaked.
“You need me that bad mami?” he pulled away from your neck, satisfied with his work, and beginning to work at his jeans.
“And quick.” you breathed into his ear, your tone and the sensation making him shudder.
The ache against his jeans didn’t need to be told twice to find its way into your heat. He slid your panties to side and pressed his thumb against you. You jumped, whimpering your need again, and he pulled your panties way from you.
You’d gotten them around one ankle before he was inside of you, and they were no longer your focus.
You clung to each other so tightly there’d be evidence on both of you.
In the quiet, he wondered if your mind was racing with the same thoughts that his was. What now? How do we get this again?
He pressed kisses to your cheek just as he started to move. You inhaled, your nails sliding down his back. Not quite catching the skin, but enough to set him on fire all the same.
He mapped out a rhythm by your whimpers and how you grasped at him until he crafted the right one.
This was the conversation he’d needed. Every thrust from him, every cry from you, every bit of give and take to heighten the other’s pleasure. The two of you were admitting that everything that was between you was deeper, realer than you’d wanted to admit. He loved you, and you loved him, and you were engraving that on one another.
The flirtation, the way you could be yourselves around each other, the heatless jabs. Good friends was always a ruse.
Your face was buried in his neck, and when he felt dampness he knew came from your tears, he hiked your legs higher, moving deeper.
You cried out so loudly it echoed in the kitchen, drowning out the soft crooning of an eighties songstress.
“I know baby, I feel it too.” his voice was choked by the threat of tears of his own.
He’d never been here before. Not with Adelita, not even close with Nails. He was terrified. Terrified for it to end because he never felt so good. Terrified for it to end because it might never happen again.
“Angel..” your voice sounded so small, but it was strong enough to anchor him back with you. “I’m close, I’m so close.”
“Let go,” he encouraged. “Let me have it querida.”
Your body seized up with your release, his name the only thing he caught in your unintelligible babble.
You clenched up repeatedly in the aftershocks, and that drug him over the edge with you, biting your shoulder.
His vision tunneled, pinpricks of pleasure traveling up and down his spine. Your hands smoothed up and down the area, and he realized it was because he was shuddering.
He gripped the counter for support, pulling back slowly. He was searching for a way to ask if he’d changed your mind, but the act hadn’t made words for his thoughts any easier to find.
It didn’t matter, before he could even speak you stopped him. Your eyes were glazed over with tears that had nothing to do with pleasure this time.
“That was all that I can give you Angel. It’s not right, none of this is, but it’s all I can give you.”
Am I the only one who wishes she had reference photos for their home/club layouts? Lol, it’s such a weird non-factor thing, but still. From memory, I’m pretty sure Angel only has one bedroom though.
No shade, no hate but this was partially inspired by how over Nails Angel looked when she was putting her back into it….🥴
I played with a few canon-timeline things + knocked the dust off my smut writing ability (I’m going under my humiliation rock now, no calls plz)
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cafecourage · 3 years
The moment they realized they loved you. (Isekai Au Edition) Part 3
If you want more information on this AU here is the Link!
- It confusing and full of yearning.
- The Fae Folk are very affectionate in nature. Physical touches and platonic kisses are just normal. Hyrule growing up briefly with them had adopted this habit.
- You are like that as well so you’re the one to take care of Hyrule when he wanted affection. Since other then Legend, it’s awkward to ask the others.
- He finds however while he still asks/gives you affection. He gets more flustered and embarrassed when you initiated contact.
Admittedly Hyrule never had a clear understanding of Hylian social norms. Some things were easy to pick up when he was just traveling by himself. However, there was a lot that conflicted with Fae social norms. While yes, the Fae were more mischievous and could be borderline malicious, they are very affectionate creatures. Which was the one of many things Hyrule picked up when he was being raised by the Great Fairy.
Before you join the chain, he had to hold himself back from being overly affectionate with the group. Yes, when he had chances, he would give a quick side hug or ruffling of the hair for the younger Link’s. But nothing on the level of cuddles or small peaks on the cheek and forehead. You though! You were the one to lay the affection on everyone thick. Most if not every Hero has melted from all the complements and physical affection.
Hyrule was living his best life now with you! Cuddles are a must for the two of you. Especially when one another has been having a rough day. You’ve also gotten the others involved with this newly formed ritual. He just over all feeling comfortable and loved.
Which then leads to Hyrule’s issue. Slowly he began to feel embarrassed with every peak after he heals you. Then his heart begins to race when he is cuddled up resting his head against your chest. Even holding your hands became hard for him to stand! It felt so warm but also made him fearful. He was scared of losing you. Losing this warmth. This comfort. He wanted to keep it but scared that this feeling was to good for him.
“-and that’s what happen so far.” He was visiting the Great Fairy Cotera of Wild’s Era. He had visited her each time they visited Kakariko. Cotera gently hummed messing with his hair. “What should I do?” He looks up to the giantess worriedly. His small sisters surround him ether sitting on top of him or by his side.
Their mother hummed as she thought about his problem. “My dear sweet child.” She started after a long pause “this human… do you feel different compared to your other friends? Or with your siblings in the forest?”
Hyrule thought about it after a while shook his head. “No… I did used to feel embarrassed with the others but it was different. This is more… warm?”
“Warm?” She urges him gently to continue. “Do you hate it?”
“No…” he sounded like a child, fidgeting in his seat “I hate how anxious it makes me now.” You meant a lot to him. Hyrule knew you meant a lot to everyone too, but that normal! You’ve helped them all in some sort of way! Yet he was deep in that unidentifiable emotion towards you. He adores you. All of you. Even during your more impulsive actions he didn’t mind having to heal you. Of course, he would truly rather not heal anyone with his magic. Yet… with you giving his payment in kisses on the cheek or forehead… he can’t stay mad at you.
“Chin up little one.” Cotera lifted up his head “your feelings are valid and has a simple explanation.” Hyrule pouted slightly making her giggle a bit tapping lightly on his nose. “You my dear seem to love your sweet human.”
It was like a lanterned was just lit in a dark cave he was wandering in. Finally revealing a path out. Everything thing slowly explaining itself. “Oh…” was all he could say as he was comprehending it. His sisters were giggling at their brother’s expense causing him to blush. It all made to much sense.
“Roolie! Are you nearby?” He and the Great Fairy both perk up when they heard your voice. He stared up at the Great Fairy expectingly.
“Well?” Cotera nudged him off of the petals of her fountain. “What are you waiting for little one?”
- Well, that was embarrassing and he knows once he starts perusing you. The more his siblings of the forest will start to tease him. Not only that but the chain also catches on pretty quickly.
- He becomes a blushing and stuttering mess around you, not pulling away from your touch but leaning more into him.
- It will be a miracle if he confesses but he will! And he will do it in a more intimate manner though, with or without help.
- It took long to accept but filled with soft cotton fluff.
- Isn’t canon in the manga that the colors (minus Vio) straight up try to impress a girl they just met?
- Now I’m not saying he is like that now a days, but old habits die hard right. He probably doesn’t even recognize that he still does it.
- Honest to God the resident brain cell is the only one that new point blank what was happening. Having a “not again” moment.
It’s been a while since Four was back in his forage. He missed every second of it. The smithing process was the one hobby each color had in common. As Link they found it relaxing, something to get their mind off of things.
That morning was no different. Traveling on the road was stressful even for a seasoned adventurer. Traveling alone was boring which was the upside according to Red. It relieved them of responsibility Green was used to taking upon himself to carry. Blue was at least a lot calmer with having to be on alert all the time. Vio had pointed out this was mainly because of You.
The chaos came back full force. The same argument has been happening recently, it was about his feelings towards you. Now they all liked you as a friend. Four knew that for a fact. He was only six when he felt your presence and this situation, he was in was as if an imaginary friend became real! At least that’s what Red felt.
No matter if they were unified or separated, Four could trust you to help him out of even the messiest situations. So, what if some of those situations were caused by him trying to impress you? That doesn’t mean anything!
Just because Blue became a stuttering mess when you surprised Four with a flower crown just meant he was taken aback at your kindness! He isn’t good at showing his emotions. Yeah, so what about Green becoming a soft mess when you first showered him in praise and affection. Wouldn’t any person do that from someone that been through hell and back with them? It doesn’t count that Red craves your affection! He is like that with everybody and just because it makes him feel different it doesn’t count. Someone saves Vio from this.
Four was conflicted which is why he was working so early in the morning. They wouldn’t shut up about their own feelings. It was a chaotic mess inside his head as soon as he woke up. A weight on his back clued him back into reality “Good morning!” You while looking down at him smiling still holding on lazily. “How is the most beautiful person here doing?”
Ah. There goes most of composure out the window. Vio was the last one standing with Green and Blue almost hanging on. You loved to tease him and he was never able to get you back. “Don’t know how are you?” Four was really struggling to keep unified and calm. He was shaking because of the other three’s nerves. You stared at him wide eyed.
“Jeez look at you!” You give him a squeeze before finally let go of him “you’ve grown! If only you were that smooth towards Erune.” You teased.
The blush he was so desperately trying to beat down started to flare up this time out embarrassment. “Can we not talk about that?” Four could only cringe when he thought back at that bit in his adventure. Him and Erune have been close friends since then, but the colors were really trying to play the hero in front of the poor girl back then. Their antics truly were really not impressing anyone.
Green was really happy he grew out of it. Seriously it‘s not like Blue really cared about it anyway he was just a kid! Red was just happy that he got a long-term friend out of it! The audacity the others had was killing Vio. They are still just as bad and it seems like no one was listening to reason.
An explosion of emotions and thoughts collided in Four’s skull. Three denying their logical side’s claim all while getting thrown every instant in their faces by the odd one out. “Whatcha making anyway?” You were observing the short knife blade curiosity not seeing the other’s internal debate. Vio felt like he had to spell it out to each of them. Pulling up memories of their actions towards the outlander. Four struggled to focus on what you were saying but it was too loud!
“Woah there.” You turn him away from his project letting it sit safely on a cooler section of the work top. “Breath Link.” You where kneeling down in-front of him holding his hand. He focused on your warmth. The way you rubbed small circles on the back of his hand. On your voice that instructed him to breathe. In for four, hold for seven, let out for eight. Repeat. Slowly the divide melded back together. Soon the voices faded out. “There we go.” You whispered “good job Link.” Four stared back at you still tired from everything but nonetheless happy that your here with him.
Man, he loved you so much.
- It was definitely an I told you so moment.
- Four as a whole though is still struggling to come to terms with it, even though he had already admitted his feelings.
- Another case of: drown him in affection until he realized. Not because of him not believing you! It’s just you have four people in a trench coat here! If one is conflicted then four as a whole will feel that subtly.
Bonus (just Headcanons):
Wind (finding out that a Link has a crush on you)
- The little gremlin is going to have a field day! He was thinking about messing around but the other hero is doing his work for him!
- The only one saved from this Black Mail harvest is you. He does have a few things but you mostly let him off the hook when he gets in trouble anyway sooooo…
- Not the best wing man but he honestly isn’t trying. He is just enjoying the journey.
- He might be tempted to help if he was asked but there isn’t much he could do. You are his right hand after all! Why would he let your secrets go so easily?
- Imagine Wind just vibes with you when the other Link is trying their best and you literally ask if the other hero was ok since they are acting weird around you. It would take Wind a minute to get an answer because all he is thinking is: ‘are you dense?’
- Or on the flip side. If you know about their feelings. He would definitely be on board of helping you out. Again, you’re his right hand! Of course, he’ll help you! (Favoritism)
- Wind: “Don't worry. He likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read their diary.” (Y/n): “He thinks it's fancy?”
(Part 1) and (Part 2)
My First Request is now done :D! That was fun. Thank you Pinky and Star for the request <3
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