#but there are so many other issues that those people could have used their influence to bring attention to
Sadly, the Wuthering Heights furor has also led to people (many of whom, let us be real, simply dislike the book or otherwise only think of it when it's brought up) to discourse about the content of the novel versus the wrongness of Emerald Fennell's choices with regards to the movie, which of course, has opened up the classic "IT'S NOT A ROMANCE! IT'S NOT A LOVE STORY! BAD PEOPLE! HATE STORY!"
... Which is... also a bad take.
First off, to be very clear, "Romance" is not inherently "genre romance", which is the thing I blog a lot about that was solidified in the latter half of the twentieth century (and which, no doubt, was influenced on some level by WH as much as Jane Eyre, Austen novels and so on). Wuthering Heights is a romance, it's just not a genre romance/romance novel. And indisputably, Wuthering Heights is a love story.
It may not be a love story you like. It may not be a love story with a happily ever after (though I will say—this is one of the few books where I think it's pretty debatable, as "wandering the moors as ghosts", if that is what happened, is kind of... what Cathy and Heathcliff would've wanted... and their ultimate desire was to be TOGETHER, regardless of whether or not it damned them, so is it an HEA in their freaky minds? Maybe so lol). It may ALSO be an abuse story in which the lovers act horribly to each other.... though, I gotta say, MUCH WORSE to literally everyone else in their lives than they do to each other...
But it's a love story. That is one of several things it happens to be. The entire novel is driven by this central love story between Heathcliff and Cathy—a love that is, contrary to what a surface-level reading or reading by word of mouth would imply... very much mutual. I've already gone on about how Cathy Earnshaw is not Heathcliff's victim the way Isabella Linton is, and how Cathy is very much as involved in the love affair as he is. But truly, while their individual internal struggles are the framework and what keeps them apart in many ways—Heathcliff being a man of color and subject to racist abuse, Cathy conforming to society and classist pressures when her natural temperament is very much not of society—what propels the story is this romance.
Because they are supposed to be read as extremely similar, and as two people who do not truly identify with anyone but one another. They're supposed to be read as like minds. They're supposed to be read as thwarted. Some of the things those two say about each other and to each other are legitimately some of the most romantic lines I've ever read.
I mean, are they also kind of sick and wrong? Sure! But I do find it kind of rich to see people who are totally fine with reading dark romance wring their hands over the public at large interpreting Heathcliff and Cathy's relationship as an epic romance. I don't have an issue with anyone enjoying either! But. Let us be real. Part of why y'all are even enjoying work like that is the standard that books like WH set, and the fact that WH does speak to the lure of the dark and the tragedy of people who are super imperfect... and also super in love... continuously fucking up their own lives (and the lives of basically everyone around them) in this push-pull of denial and desire.
When people say "HOW COULD ANYONE EVER INTERPRET THIS AS ROMANTIC?" I just have to question... did you read the book? Because even if it's not for YOU, if it's not romantic TO YOU, surely you can see why other people (me and mine lol) read lines like these and go, "Wow, romantic":
“Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you--haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”
(fun fact: I do have a part of the above quote tattooed on my body and I'm very happy about it)
"My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it."
"Hush, my darling! Hush, hush, Catherine! I'll stay. If he shot me so, I'd expire with a blessing on my lips."
[said when her damn husband is almost at the door lol]
"I’m not wishing you greater torment than I have, Heathcliff. I only wish us never to be parted: and should a word of mine distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me!"
"'Heathcliff, dear! you should not be sullen now. Do come to me, Heathcliff.’
In her eagerness she rose and supported herself on the arm of the chair. At that earnest appeal he turned to her, looking absolutely desperate. His eyes, wide and wet, at last flashed fiercely on her; his breast heaved convulsively. An instant they held asunder, and then how they met I hardly saw, but Catherine made a spring, and he caught her, and they were locked in an embrace from which I thought my mistress would never be released alive..."
"Kiss me again; and don’t let me see your eyes! I forgive what you have done to me. I love my murderer—but yours! How can I?"
[Read: she is the murderer he is talking about. He's saying she doomed herself to death a long time ago, and he hates her for it. While also crying and kissing her lmao]
They're sickos! Nobody can argue otherwise. But that does not mean they're not in love, and it doesn't mean this isn't a love story, and wagging your fingers at people who read this as the obviously destructive love story this is and find it romantic... doesn't change that.
And the thing is that the book makes it pretttyyyy clear that even if Heathcliff and Cathy has assholery programed into their personalities, WITHOUT the contexts of how they were raised and the society that expects them both to conform to prescribed roles, they would probably just... be together. Like, they victimize people, especially Heathcliff. But they are also victims. The book isn't about a critique of two people Emily Bronte dreamed up; it's a critique of the CIRCUMSTANCES by way of Gothic, subversive melodrama. At the end of the day, their feelings, however passionate they are, are not inherently subversive. Their feelings are NATURAL. But they're twisted and contorted into something ugly through circumstance and the characters' responses to those circumstances.
For Heathcliff, A LOT of those circumstances that did twist him are in fact out of his control. Which is why we hate that casting, right?
But all that said, a love story being dirtybadwrong and about Bad People doesn't mean it isn't a love story, lol. Again—we don't even expect genre romance to be about good people.
Like. Yeah. We know Heathcliff and Cathy are assholes. You're not breaking new ground with that take. The book is still, in many ways, about those assholes being in love.
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mysadcorner · 2 months
have you seen deadpool and wolverine?? and will it be okay to request for wolverine x daughter fic?
Wolverine x Daughter!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the images owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in headcanons and read request rules -
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• He may not be able to be around constantly, especially with whatever issues mutants may be facing in the world, but he will try to be around as much as he can. He does feel bad about this as you are his responsibility, but sometimes he doesn’t have a choice in settling down for a family life.
• If he knew that he had a child then he would have definitely been there for you while you were growing up. He may not think that he’s a good father most of the time or that he’s a bad influence, but he will try to be present in your childhood as much as he realistically can.
• If you were born a mutant, then bringing you up would be much harder for him to deal with. Simply, he’s going to have to keep a much closer eye in you while you’re young than he would need to with a regular child to make sure you don’t end up accidentally causing yourself harm or exposing yourself which may put you in danger. This ends up being something he’d worry about quite a bit, and he may get pretty paranoid over it until you grow up.
• He would hate for you to get involved with his line of work, or put yourself in the position where you could act as a hero type - or even an anti-hero. Any kind of fighting he does will be purposefully kept from you unless he’s teaching you self defence or there’s an incident which means you’ll need to know how to go up against others. He’s determined to shield you from that kind of life in any way that he can even if it doesn’t make sense first him to do so.
• His parenting is definitely going to be on the rougher side, despite caring for you he certainly isn’t used to consistently being gentle or soft spoken. He’ll swear, and do a vast number of things many parents may find too shocking (mainly his attitude towards those that are rude, he doesn’t really care about calling people out) - and there will absolutely be times he’s the cause of arguments between parents in the school yard if he’s allowed to pick you up.
• He’s going to be both a good and bad example, such as teaching you how to look after yourself and trying his best to give you the best education he can, while also seeing his drinking and other bad habits. He’s also going to be grumpy quite often, so expect to pick up his attitude while growing up.
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hot-astrology · 9 months
The Aqaurius Mind: Pluto in Aquarius, Age of Aqaurius, and 2024
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The recent events surrounding Katt Williams have stirred my interest, though this event barely scratches the surface of the cosmic workings. The year 2024 portends a great unraveling, as deciphered through its numerology (8) : the influence of Pluto looms over this year, with its placement in Aquarius.
This year's fixed energies signal transformation (Aquarius and Scorpio) and raw power (Taurus and Leo), with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius. The impact of the fixed signs will be significant and profound.
Saturn's presence in Pisces heralds a great awakening. ;I am reminded of my own natal Saturn in the 12th house, which imbues this area of spirituality with discipline and authenticity.Saturn brings discipline and realness to this area of spirituality. And this is what we will see happening for those who are already tapped in. For those who are not this is another great chance similar to 2020 to awaken.
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Turning to Vedic astrology, Saturn is positioned in Aquarius this year. In 2020, this was such a huge alignment the only difference is there won't be a great conjunction. But I could see similar potency already. With certain things being spoken about, and if you haven't heard. It's because the government (Saturn) is trying to hide (pisces) a lot of this information away from society. We are fully in the age of aquarius, and things will only continue to get exposed. And no matter how much certain authorities try to hide or stop it. It won't stop until the FULL truth is revealed. No matter how many people are killed, and etc. More and more will keep popping up until the mission is done.
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Now switching to tarot, because this is how I connect a lot of my dots. The 21st card (The world card); This card consists of a lion (leo), an eagle (scorpio), a human (Aqaurius), and a bull (Taurus) We see all of these energies being pulled towards us. The world card is the very last card in the tarot deck and represents completion. Now, I would like to turn this over to venuz because he knows more about the cycles and years and stuff. But, I do, I want to also talk about the 10th card in tarot. This is the wheel of fortune. This card signifies karma, destiny, and fate. The cycle of life. This card also resembles the world card but not in a way where things are ending. It shows how life goes on & on. This card also has The Lion, The Bull, The Human, and The Eagle. The four corners of the world/ The angels of the four directions. We see how that number 4 is so significant. These are cycles, and fixed is the last stage. Beyonce was right, America really does have a problem...... The Seal has been broken. ☺ Now, to you venuz.
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Cycles......Yes, cycles! Everything evolves in cycles and changes, it's only so long you can stay in the same scenario or comfort zone without chaos knocking at your door. Aquarius is all about change and revolutionizing its surroundings and its people. This energy is at its boiling point. Every 20 years there's a recurrent cycle of same-aged groups with specific behaviors that change. So, if you add 3 more cycles to that it will be a 4 cycle switch, which every generation would affect the other. When the 80-year mark comes around it is a crucial period. Everything is done in cycles, it doesn't matter what it is. Saturn in Pisces will materialize everything you think of, or focus on. This will also bring about what you have been hiding, and not speaking. Thoughts of your subconscious will be brought to the surface, and some will have to face those fears. For Example, Katt Williams has known all of these lies, secrets, backstabbing, cheating, phony, and false allegations, so it's being materialized. All his thoughts, dreams, and deep-rooted issues about other comedians came out to the forefront without any care. As he spoke and exposed their behaviors in front of millions (mass 11th house) and demanded a change (pluto). This calls on the energy of Pluto in Aquarius.
Pluto in Aquarius loves erratic behavior and unexpected scenarios. Pluto comes with a punch and is at full throttle here. Many people are outspoken now and about change and freedom. Aquarius is all revolutionary and Pluto is a generational planet so change is bound to come. This is just the beginning of this world being destroyed and reconstructed into a new and profound system that isn't in line with these new powerful souls. This makes an 80-year period. 10 more years from now will make 90 years which is energy 9 which will be the completion of a major cycle. 8 is just the transformation period and reconstructing period, everything and everyone who wasn't living in their own essence and misusing their fortune, fame and financial abundance in a non conducive manner will reverse roles and be exposed for their inequality.
Like gorgeous Moon Devi said they're trying to hide what they're up to but Saturn in Pisces is revealing everything they have been hiding. So everyone wakes up to all those lies, takes off the rose-colored glasses, no more fantasy land, and is in a delusional state of mind. Pluto in Aquarius will allow everyone to have a voice and speak up, change what's not right, and stand for something even if you never did your whole life. If you were born in this era or if you were born to still be alive in this era get ready for the showdown. If watched in Living Color, this movie promises to be a captivating experience, delivering the answers to long-standing questions and revealing hidden truths. It has the potential to evoke personal fears, making them tangible and forcing introspection. It's a crucial time for everyone, not just celebrities or elites, to focus on self-healing, purification of the soul, and actualizing personal aspirations. Astrologically, the influence of Aquarius, which rules the 11th house of hopes and aspirations, and Pluto provides the necessary impetus to transform negative situations into positive ones, for oneself and the greater good.
However you envision your world to be, you will get the results in this transit. Imagine yourself as a kid at the art table, and you have a box of crayons, an blank piece of paper. The teacher tells you to draw your new world. How would you create it? Would it consist of peace, prosperity, and love? Then she says," Stand up in front of the class, and explain what your world looks like." You say it out loud in front of the class with conviction and power. Then you close your eyes and watch it manifest right before you, VOILA!!! 
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From two aqaurius/uranus dominant spirits, ~ Prinz Venuz & Moon Devi
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐳 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢
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cal-flakes · 1 year
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╰┈➤ mean!rafe’s confession
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, underage drinking, drug use.
summary: this was a request, courtesy of @sublimepenguinpeach-blog. <33
the kook prince, rafe cameron, was the human epitome of a stone in your shoe. no matter how many times you think you’ve got rid of it, it just keeps coming.
living in outerbanks and growing up on an island seems like paradise to outsiders, but it wasn’t any different than living on the mainland. the social divide between pogues and kooks was the worst amongst the young adults and teenagers living there. it it was that same divide, that brought their friendship to a dramatic end.
y/f/n and rafe cameron were inseparable through childhood, true partners in crime. where one went, the other was never far behind.
they were two peas in a pod. they explored every inch of the island together, they hid their first sip of alcohol together, their first cigarette together. that was until highschool.
in tenth grade, y/n met a boy called pope heyward, who introduced her to a group of pogues. unsurprisingly, they were nothing like rafe had said they were.
but thats where things became a bit rocky between her and her bestfriend. she started hanging out with pope and his friends a lot more, she went fishing with them, got stoned with them.
she didn’t see the issue, they were good, kind people, albeit a little crazy sometimes, but it matched her own craziness completely.
little did she know, there was a deep, burning hatred growing in rafe cameron’s chest, ignited everytime he saw her with them. it wasn’t hatred for her however, but the pogues. he felt like they had stolen something that belonged to him, ripping it away from underneath his feet before he could notice.
with this, rafe threw himself into the full kook life, collecting all the traits of a typical asshole as he claimed his rightful place in the pecking order. he was the prince, without a princess.
it wasn’t until the annual bonfire that she completely snapped.
y/n and the band of pogues gathered around the edge of the bonfire, laughing amongst themselves as thick clouds of burning cannabis smothered them.
she was wrapped in a blanket, facing the fire, while she nursed a can of beer. she loved the bonfire, the one time everyone on the island came together, leaving behind their prejudice thoughts of eachother.
she never claimed to be either a pogue or a kook, she danced across the two, having friends in all corners of the outerbanks.
hoots and hollers erupted from the rocks above them as the kook trio arrived, sneering down at those situated below them.
rafe, topper and kelce were the worst of the worst, or so john b had once said to her. she didn’t believe him however. well, that being said, y/n did not like topper and kelce at all, she thought they were bad influences on rafe. although, she’s sure he’d say the same about the pogues.
she couldn’t help but feel a tug on her heart strings as she watched the three boys, eyes landing on rafe.
he didn’t seem himself, his once neatly gelled head of hair was now dishevelled as it fell into his face. and the constant furrowed brows a sign he was holding a lot of stress.
a snigger caught her ear just before pope let out a yelp, an empty beer can having hit him in the shoulder.
she glared between the can, now on the floor, and rafe. she knew exactly who’d done it, yet the reason why was unknown.
the anger inside her was passed it’s boiling point, and this was her chance.
her chance to find out what the hell happened to her rafe cameron, the boy that used to make treasure maps with her and hide sea glass around the house for her to find.
she removed the blanket around her furiously, shoving it into pope’s hands as she leapt from her crouched position.
y/n disappeared through the crowd of bodies and made her way to the top of the rocks from the back. stomping through the mess littered on the ground, she shoved rafe from behind.
an orchestra of ooh’s filled the air between them as he turned to face her, jaw clenched. “what the fuck are you doing?” he spat, looking down at her as she squared up to him. “no rafe, what the fuck are you doing? what the hell is your problem?”
as he went to answer, topper intercepted, puffing out his chest as he stood in front of the small girl.
she broke into sarcastic hysterics at his demeanour, somewhat flattered by his attempt to intimidate her. “is this supposed to scare me?” she mocked, gesticulating towards him.
toppers ego deflated slightly as rafe pushed him back towards kelce, knowing who’d come out on top if his friend was to go for her.
y/n was feisty, she had never once backed down from an altercation, no matter who it was. rafe could remember a few of the countless times he’d had to pull her away before she could lunge at the unlucky victim.
he blamed himself for that sometimes, he was the one who had taught her to defend herself. they’d play fight and wrestle in the garden all the time, not stopping until both had tapped out atleast twice.
“top, take it easy man, i got this..” rafe spoke in a chill tone, dragging her away from the large numbers of people watching the argument.
she struggled against his grip as he pulled her further into the trees, out of sight from everyone else.
“so are you going to tell me?” he sighed, a hint of cockiness on his tongue. “tell you what, asshole?” she seethed.
“tell me what the fuck your problem is!” he shouted, closing in on her. “my problem? you really wanna know why my problem is?” she shrieked, eyes crazed. “yes! please, enlighten me y/n, what the hell is your problem?”
she had reached the end of her tether with rafe, he dropped her out of thin air, leaving her behind to wonder what she had done that was so god awful, for her to deserve such horrible treatment from her bestfriend.
“my problem…” she whispered, gathering courage. her hands shook violently as she met his prying eyes. “my problem rafe, is that you, my bestfriend in the whole wide world, could treat me so awfully out of the blue, that you could cause me so much pain and heartbreak and never tell me why, that you could take out your hatred for pogues on my friends, infront if me!” she wailed, hot tears cascading down her cheeks.
his glare softened, watching as the tears on her face fell, or more specifically, fell for him. he never bothered to think about how she felt, having been blinded by such hatred for her friends, he never considered what he was doing to her.
“i-i…” rafe stumbled over his words, struggling to get them out as they rushed to the back of his throat.
“spit it out then!” she snapped, waiting impatiently to finally hear whatever crime she had committed.
“because i fucking love you!” he yelled, causing her to freeze. “i fucking adore you y/n! and i always have! and-and those pogues took you away from me, my y/n, they turned you against me when i wasn’t looking!” he rambled, the words falling out of his mouth before he could catch them.
a shaky breath escaped her as she stared at him. “ please don’t say something you don’t mean rafe..” she whispered, wiping away the tears with the back of her hand.
her heart paced rapidly, she’d never have seen this coming, yet it’s what she’d wanted to hear for so long.
“i do mean it! why would i lie? y-you think I would’ve gone out of my way to find the prettiest sea glass for you when we were 13? you think i would’ve brought you flowers in ninth grade when you broke your arm? do you think i would’ve done any of that for you if I didn’t absolutely worship the fucking ground you walk on?” he bellowed frantically.
before he could continue, she placed a soft finger to his lips, shutting him up.
“wh-what are you doing?” he pleaded, preparing himself for the final blow.
“kiss me, rafe” she sighed, tears having dried away. his brows furrowed once more, looking at her as though he’d misheard.
groaning in anticipation, she balance on the ball of her foot as she leaned up to meet his lips, pulling him down to meet her halfway.
their lips connected with such passion, it was almost forceful, each had waited so long for this, yet the other never even knew.
his hand reaches into her hair, tangling his fingers as the other roamed her waist, yearning for closeness.
she smiled breathlessly into the kiss, pushing him backwards into a tree before he grabbed her thighs, hoisting her up. she cupped his face as neither wanted to let go, the kiss so frantic and desperate.
pulling away, a string of saliva remained between them as they beamed at one another.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that..” he chuckled, out of breath.
“you’re telling me!”
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adarkrainbow · 11 months
Since I am on the topic of these people that get a lot of criticism for their take on fairytales but still deserve to be kept around due to their influence, I want to briefly evoke Bruno Bettelheim's book "The Uses of Enchantment", known in France as "Psychanalysis of fairytales".
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Note that I will not speak of the book itself or the reception of the book in English-speaking countries, but I want to talk about its reception in France and an impact it had on France. Today, numerous elements of the book have been debunked or criticized, coupled with many people misunderstanding the intentions of Bettelheim or misinforming about the context of the book or how it had to be read. As a result, today there is a tendency to crap on this book or laugh about it when we talk about fairytales analysis. However this book had a great importance in France when it came to "save" fairytales.
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Before going into the general, as a brief piece of personal experience - which isn't exclusive to me, as others also shared this. This book actually was what got me into the analysis and study of fairytale. Or rather, when I read it as a pre-teen, it made me discover that... fairytales could have depths. Fairytales could have hidden meanings behind being simple children stories. It made me consider how these stories could be taken and reinterpreted as so many allegories and metaphors, it opened my eyes to a certain visceral, psychic, social aspect of these tales, and without this book I certainly would not have been into fairytales as I am today.
Not that this book is the ultimate resource of fairytale analysis - and the entire process of a psychological reading of fairytales is someting that exists but should not be taken into account when trying to explain them (fairytales being the produce of the encounter between literature and folklore). However, this book stayed a door-opening key for me, outdated maybe, overthinking stuff I guess, but that at least allowed me to glimpse into the "great beyond" behind these stories.
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And now for my actual point... How Bettelheim's book saved fairytales in France. This is something I learned when studying the life and work of Pierre Gripari - in a book called "Pierre Gripari, un passeur d'écritures" by Inna Saranovska.
When Bettelheim's book reached France in the late 70s, fairytales were in a bad spot when it came to cultural authorities. Already fairytales had been reduced in people's mind to simple, naive children stories only good for making American cartoons (cough cough, Disney). But those of Perrault were still evoked and studied in schools (little schools for little children) because it was part of the heritage of France, of French culture, and the evolution of French literatue...
However what happened in the 70s? The very serious project of just burying fairytales was brought forward. The talks by politics and school authorities were simple: let us stop teaching fairytales to children in school, let's remove fairytales from school libraries, we do not have any use for them anymore, let them be forgotten. On one side, as I said, there was a discredit due to them being seen as silly children story, and thus no real pedagogic or "useful" chilren literature. But on the other side, there were very concrete and serious political business involved - fairytales were seen as antithetic, and opposed, to the principles of the modern Republic of France. Fairytales were seen as backward antiquities that went against what a great democratic nation should be. For example, people really did took issue in the fact that fairytales depicted monarchies, with kings as absolute authorities, and where a happy ending meant to end up prince or princess. For them, it was literaly teaching children to favor and idealize monarchy when they should rather learn about democracies and republics, and while it might seem silly today, it was serious back then and what almost led to the complete erasure of fairytales from school programs.
But then came Bettelheim's book. A book which proved to these folks that fairytales could be of a deep, psychological, social use to children. A book which taught these authorities to see beyond the "silliness" of these children stories or the "backward social message", and which told them how these stories could contain and express the deep fears, the secret desires of children, and help them grow up and deal with familial, social relationships. The book was a best-seller in France, and it completely changed the higher-ups opinion, and convinced tem fairytales should indeed be maintained in school - because fairytales were now "serious" due to being part of the very serious and praised domains of psychology and psychanalysis (which was all the fad and rage in the second half of the 20th century France).
And as such - no matter what you might say about the book's uality today - it can still be thanked for actually "saving" fairytales in France.
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thejournallo · 2 months
Hypnosis: what is it and how it works?
Some weeks ago, I received a question about hypnosis and how it works, and this activated my curiosity, so I did go deep into my research, and, to be honest, it did help me with my fear of beginning to hypnotize.
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Hypnosis is like entering a special, relaxed state of mind where you're very focused and open to suggestions. Imagine being so absorbed in a good book or movie that you tune out everything else around you—hypnosis is a bit like that.
People use hypnosis for all sorts of reasons. Some want to quit smoking, manage stress, or overcome fears. Others might use it to help with pain or improve their confidence. And yes, sometimes it's used for fun in stage shows, making people do amusing things while they're in this special state.
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how does it work?
Hypnosis entails a state of complete attention on something, better acceptance of what is being told and deep relaxation. It is usually caused by verbal suggestions and imagery by the hypnotists. Some important things about hypnosis are:
State of Mind: During hypnosis individuals are generally very relaxed but still have their minds sharply focused on the suggestions given by the hypnotist.
Suggestibility: Increased suggestibility is one characteristic feature of hypnosis which means that people under hypnosis can accept and act on suggestions from the hypnotist.
Purpose and Use: Therapeutically, Hypnotherapy is used in helping people to quit harmful habits, reduce pain, anxiety or manage psychological issues such as phobias or trauma. It may also be used for purposes of entertainment like stage shows.
Experience: People describe the Feelings like being detached from one’s surrounding, heightened imagination or altered perception can be experienced by some while others will only go through an inward feeling while still perceiving things normally as they are aware of what happens and their actions remain within control.
Trance: Entering into a trance-like state has often been referred to as hypnosis which is a condition marked with greater concentration on things being said, relaxation coupled with increased response to suggestion. This type could however vary in depth, from light to deep trance.
Misconceptions: Many people think hypnosis is like being asleep or losing control, but that's not true. When you're hypnotized, you're actually very aware and focused, not unconscious. You don't lose your willpower or get controlled by the hypnotist. You won't do anything that goes against your morals or beliefs.
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In essence, hypnosis is a really intriguing state of mind. Imagine being so relaxed and focused that you become more open to suggestions. This can be incredibly helpful for things like breaking bad habits, managing pain, reducing stress, or tackling fears. Therapists use it to help people make positive changes in their lives.
Hypnosis can also be just plain fun. You've probably seen those stage shows where people do silly things while hypnotized. It's entertaining, but it's also a great example of how our minds can be influenced in a trance-like state.
So, while hypnosis might seem mysterious, it's just another way our amazing brains can work, whether it's for therapy, self-improvement, or a bit of entertainment.
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if you are intrested in more intresting way to manifest don't forget to check my masterlist! I hope you have a blessed day or night!
-xoxo the journallo
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
A common anti talking point is that "problematic" content is fine as long as it's portrayed in a bad light, and I know this is mostly a way for them to say "porn bad", but, like... if we exclude stupidity, is this even a common issue at all?
I try to think of what they could otherwise mean, because I read a lot of things they'd hate, but even the cutesy stuff has dark undertones, or is clearly done with the reader meant to understand that at least one character involved is a freak. Even with porn, I'm not sure I've seen many that didn't lean into how taboo it is. The closest trend I can think of is age gap romances where the protagonist is 16 and going for someone in their 30s, but even those make sure you're extremely aware of the age difference the entire time since that's the appeal. Or an anime where the siblings are REALLY close and no one comments, but as a viewer I can still clearly pick up that these are codependent freaks.
Is this a me thing? Do I just not see these swarms of insidious positive portrayals and they're actually everywhere? I don't doubt there are bad writers that fumble their stories, and I'm less likely to read those long enough to find out, so is that what they're referring to? Or is it really always just porn is evil?
No, people being dumb as a box of rocks and not grasping that weird internet porn is not a how-to manual is not that common a problem.
However, being traumatized and having zero useful mental health support is.
A lot of anti talking points are coming from a place of toxic coping. mechanisms where someone thinks that if they can just control everything around them The Bad Thing can't happen again, to them or to anyone else.
Blaming the influence of bad fiction is a very common step for people who haven't had enough time or safety to accept that, no, actually, the person they trusted hurt them on purpose because they felt like it, not because Media Made Them Do It.
Or that maybe their dumb teen self handled some situations badly, but it's because teens often do that and/or because no decent adult was around to ask them why they seemed upset, not because it was fiction's job to teach them boundaries. It's a lot easier to blame the concrete experience of reading something that modeled bad behavior than the highly amorphous negative space where good offline role models who paid attention and gave a fuck should have been.
Some people are self-medicating with a rage high. A few are nasty ringleaders trying to power trip. Lots are just scared dumbasses who haven't grasped that it's okay to have dark fantasies.
A lot of it is just people with the hubris to say "Well, I have decent reading comprehension and can spot subtext, but what if all these other people can't?"
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
⚷ Chiron (The Wounded Healer) ⚷
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⚷ Brief Introduction ⚷
In Greek mythology, Chiron's mother was a water nymph who turned herself into a horse while trying to run from Zeus' amorous overtures. She was not able to escape. She later became pregnant with Zeus's offspring, and when she gave birth, she was shocked to see that her newborn was half horse, half boy. The mother was so terrified that she prayed to the gods to be changed into a tree. Her wish was granted. Thus, both of Chiron's parents abandoned him. Despite his pain and sorrow, he became a skilled teacher and healer. One day, while he was handing a poisoned arrow to a student, it dropped and pierced his leg. As the son of a god, he was immortal, yet he was still made of flesh and blood; The pains of the poison coursing through his body made him suffer greatly. In terrible pain, he prayed to the gods to let him die. In gratitude for his teachings, they granted his wish and placed him in the sky.
Chiron is the wounded healer. This planetoid is for everyone who, rather than giving into despair amid their suffering, reaches out so others will not have to experience the pain they've felt. This can especially be seen in people who have had a painful childhood and go on to be psychiatrists, therapists, or counselors. These people feel the influence of Chiron. It can be healing for a person to help others cope with a pain that they have lived through.
As such, the sign and house Chiron resides in and how well (or not so well) it is aspected will shed light on our wounds. It helps us identify them, what/where they are hurting the most, and conversely, how to heal, transform and move on.
⚷ Chiron through the Houses ⚷
Chiron in the 1st house:
Chiron indicates that the native's wounds are related to their appearance and self-expression. Your self-confidence may have taken a severe hit at a young age. People with this placement were, in many cases, shy children. They were afraid of putting themselves out there and going after their dreams. As a child, you see only the negative in yourself. Chiron in this house can feel like you were observing your reflection in a distorting mirror. Having a clear sense of self is hard. Often, the environment could be more supportive too, and you get little positive encouragement. Because of this, working on your self-esteem is a must as an adult. You may feel unwanted, unattractive, or unworthy of acknowledgment and love. This placement can also indicate that you think that you are not allowed to enjoy life. You have to have faith in yourself and find power in your life choices. Living passively and with regret would be a common mistake and habit you need to break. You feel pain in being you, and remaining authentic to yourself instead of embodying someone else's projection would be transformative. Taking action and being unapologetic is critical to breaking yourself out of the mold. You help others do transformative work by leading as an example. You can become the image of someone who triumphs in life despite all obstacles.
Chiron in the 2nd house:
Chiron in the 2nd house raises issues around self-worth and self-value. Those with this placement may have experienced some form of trauma or wound around their finances or possessions, leaving them feeling insecure about their worthiness. This can manifest in various ways, including overspending or undervaluing oneself in relationships or career choices. However, these individuals can learn to heal and cultivate healthy self-esteem and self-worth with awareness and introspection. Despite the challenges, it's worth noting that Chiron in the 2nd house can also bring a unique gift of healing regarding self-worth and value issues. This placement can inspire a deeper understanding of one's true worth and the importance of self-care. Additionally, it can lead to a career or calling in the healing arts or counseling, allowing individuals to help others heal their own self-worth and value struggles.
Chiron in the 3rd house:
Chiron in the 3rd house holds various implications. First, this placement suggests that the person may have experienced some injury or trauma concerning their communication, learning, or sibling relationship. Consequently, they may have difficulty expressing themselves effectively or understanding others' perspectives. However, this placement also offers an opportunity for deep healing and growth through developing better communication skills and learning to accept and love oneself despite past hurts. Individuals with Chiron in the 3rd house may find themselves drawn to healing professions or have a natural talent for teaching and mentoring others. Moreover, this placement can be challenging but ultimately transformative, providing the potential for profound personal growth and healing. By embracing their wounds and working towards healing, individuals with this placement can develop greater self-awareness, empathy, and compassion toward others. Ultimately, the journey toward healing and growth can be challenging, but it can also lead to significant personal transformation and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.
Chiron in the 4th house:
Chiron in the 4th house can be challenging. This is because it often brings past wounds and emotional trauma related to one's family and home environment. Those with this placement may need to work hard to heal and process these issues to find a sense of emotional security and stability. It's not uncommon for people with Chiron in the 4th house to have experienced a difficult childhood or family life. This can manifest in various ways, including issues with trust, boundaries, and intimacy in adult relationships. However, with awareness and effort, this placement can bring profound healing and a sense of inner strength and resilience. While the healing process may take time and patience, those with Chiron in the 4th house have the potential to transform their past pain into wisdom and compassion for themselves and others. In addition, by working through these challenging experiences, individuals can emerge stronger and more self-aware. Ultimately, this placement can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
Chiron in the 5th house:
The positioning of Chiron in the 5th house indicates a profoundly ingrained wound or trauma closely related to self-expression and creativity. Individuals with this particular placement may have undergone experiences of rejection or criticism in their artistic pursuits, which could have led to a persistent fear of expressing their creativity or putting themselves out there in a vulnerable manner. However, this placement can also signify a potential for healing through creative expression. By embracing their unique talents and gifts, individuals with Chiron in the 5th house can discover a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in their creative pursuits. It is essential to acknowledge that it may take considerable time and effort to overcome the wounds and insecurities associated with this placement. Still, with patience and self-compassion, it is possible to transcend the challenges and tap into the transformative power of the 5th house. The journey toward healing and self-discovery may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly worth it.
Chiron in the 6th house:
This placement of Chiron suggests pain related to criticism and feeling that you are not good enough. You feel that you don't fit in the workplace, are inadequate, or are unfit to oversee tasks. You tend to take criticism too seriously, especially when you are still learning and honing your skills. However, none of us is perfect. Pain related to loss of health is also possible. Keep a sense of awareness of mental health. When in a bad mental state, there's a tendency to develop feelings of loneliness, isolation, self-criticism, and Stockholm syndrome. Breaking the cycles of self-sabotage and depreciation is key to improving resolve and creating a positive internal monologue. However, with this particular house, there is a great potential for transformation and healing to occur. Individuals with this placement may be drawn towards alternative healing modalities or find that helping others with their health and work issues brings them a sense of fulfillment and purpose. For those with this placement to thrive, it is essential for them to prioritize self-care and find work that aligns with their values and passions. By doing so, they can turn their past wounds into strengths and contribute to the greater good. It is also important for them to recognize the potential for growth and healing within this placement and embrace it with open arms.
Chiron in the 7th house:
Chiron's position in the 7th house signifies a deep wound or sensitivity associated with relationships and partnerships. This placement may suggest that the person has undergone significant pain or trauma in their past relationships, making it difficult for them to establish healthy and well-balanced partnerships in the future. However, with a heightened sense of awareness and self-reflection, individuals with Chiron in the 7th house can utilize their experiences to grow and heal. They may discover that they are naturally drawn to partners who reflect their wounds, which can present a unique opportunity for healing and growth. In addition, they may have to improve their sense of self-worth and relationship independence to avoid falling into codependent patterns. Having Chiron in the 7th house can undoubtedly be a challenging placement, but it can also open avenues for profound healing and transformation in relationships. Therefore, it is essential to approach the challenges it brings with a positive mindset, as it can offer valuable lessons and experiences that can ultimately lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
Chiron in the 8th house:
Chiron in the 8th house indicates deep emotional wounds and trauma related to power, control, and intimacy. People with this placement may struggle with trust issues and vulnerability, as well as experiencing fear of abandonment and betrayal. It can possess a significant and transformative on planets aspects as well. However, the positioning of Chiron in the 8th house also offers the potential for powerful healing and transformation. By facing and working through their deepest emotional wounds, individuals with this placement can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before. It is important to note that navigating the intense emotions and challenges that arise from this placement can be a difficult task. Therefore, it is advised for those with Chiron in the 8th house to seek support from trusted individuals, such as a therapist or spiritual advisor. These professionals can help individuals manage the intense feelings that may arise and assist them in their journey to healing and transformation. In conclusion, Chiron in the 8th house is a placement that can be both challenging and rewarding. With the proper support and approach, individuals can overcome their emotional wounds and emerge victorious.
Chiron in the 9th house:
Chiron in the 9th can evoke a profound yearning for spiritual development and comprehension. Individuals who possess this placement may have undergone some form of trauma or injury related to their beliefs or higher education, prompting them to seek healing in these domains. In addition, they may be strongly inclined to travel and explore diverse cultures to widen their worldview. The Chiron in the 9th house placement also suggests a potential for becoming a teacher or mentor, as they naturally guide others towards greater understanding and personal growth. However, those who bear Chiron in the 9th house must be mindful of any tendencies towards dogmatic or rigid thinking, as this can impede their own growth and constrain their ability to connect with others. By embracing a more open-minded and comprehensive approach to spirituality and education, individuals with this placement can discover profound healing and fulfillment in their pursuits.
Chiron in the 10th house:
The placement of Chiron in the 10th house significantly influences their professional trajectory and public image. Those who possess this placement may encounter difficulties in their career path, struggling with feelings of inadequacy or feeling wounded. However, with introspection and healing work, they can transform their experiences into a source of strength and compassion, becoming exemplary leaders in their respective fields. Additionally, individuals with this placement must learn to balance their personal and professional lives, as they may tend to prioritize their careers at the expense of their relationships. While navigating these challenges can be daunting, those who are willing to put in the inner work will find that Chiron in the 10th house can ultimately be a transformative experience. Through cultivating resilience and compassion, individuals with this placement can emerge as influential and inspiring figures in their communities and industries.
Chiron in the 11th house:
Chiron's in the 11th house pertains to experiences with friendships, social groups, and humanitarian causes. Those with this placement may struggle with a deep sense of woundedness regarding their social interactions, feeling like they don't quite fit in or belong with their peers. This can be partly due to past traumas or experiences of rejection in these areas. Despite these challenges, however, Chiron's influence can also bring about a profound sense of empathy and compassion for others in those with this placement. This may manifest as a desire to help those who have also experienced social exclusion or marginalization or a natural talent for creating a sense of community and bringing people together. It's important to note that this placement can be particularly challenging, as individuals may feel as though they are constantly struggling to find their place within social groups or causes. However, with Chiron's influence, there is also the potential for profound growth and healing in the realm of social connection and collective consciousness. Again, this may involve facing and working through past traumas or wounds. Still, it can ultimately lead to a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in one's social interactions and contributions to the greater good.
Chiron in the 12th house:
Chiron in the 12th house can be a source of significant difficulty for the natives. This placement can bring up deeply buried wounds and traumas that may have remained hidden or repressed for an extended period. In addition, the 12th house is associated with the unconscious mind, spirituality, and the collective unconscious, so having Chiron here can indicate a profound need for healing on a soul level. Individuals with Chiron in the 12th house may experience difficulty with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and disconnection from the world around them. They may possess a solid intuitive or psychic ability but may need help understanding how to channel it healthily. As a result, this can lead to confusion or a sense of being overwhelmed by the emotions and energies around them. However, Chiron in the 12th house can also serve as a potent placement for transformation and spiritual growth. By confronting their deepest fears and wounds, individuals with this placement can better understand themselves and their place in the world. This may also lead to developing a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others, and they may feel driven to help those suffering in some way.
⚷ Chiron in the Signs ⚷
Chiron in Aries:
Chiron in Aries can bring up a lot of past wounds and traumas related to personal identity and self-expression. People with this placement may have experienced early childhood experiences where they could not fully express themselves or were criticized for being too assertive or independent. As a result, they may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or a fear of being rejected for speaking their truth. However, Chiron in Aries also offers healing and growth opportunities through learning to embrace and assert one's individuality healthily and constructively. This can involve setting boundaries, communicating assertively, and cultivating a strong sense of self-worth. Ultimately, Chiron in Aries can teach us that our unique identity and voice are valuable and worthy of expression and that we have the power to create our own path in life.
Chiron in Taurus:
The placement of Chiron in Taurus typically signifies a profound attachment to the earth and a strong inclination towards stability and security. Individuals possessing this placement may have encountered early traumas regarding issues of self-worth and material abundance, leading to a lifelong voyage of self-healing and self-discovery. Nevertheless, with perseverance and dedication, these individuals can harness their inherent qualities of patience, perseverance, and practicality to establish a firm foundation for themselves and others. They may also possess a flair for working with their hands or creating physical beauty. The ultimate lesson of Chiron in Taurus is that authentic wealth originates from within, and we possess the ability to develop our own sense of security, regardless of what life may present to us.
Chiron in Gemini:
Chiron in Gemini is an exciting placement that can bring many intellectual curiosity and communication skills. People with this placement may have experienced early wounds related to communication, learning, or siblings that have shaped their worldview. However, they also have the potential to be great teachers and communicators, using their own experiences to help others learn and grow. It's important for those with Chiron in Gemini to work on healing any wounds related to communication and to embrace their natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. With a bit of self-awareness and effort, they can turn their wounds into strengths and positively impact the world around them.
Chiron in Cancer:
Individuals with Chiron in Cancer often have a complex emotional history, as this placement can signify difficult experiences related to family and home life. These experiences may include abandonment or rejection by a parent or caregiver, which can lead to a persistent sense of insecurity and a need for emotional stability. However, with introspection and a commitment to personal growth, those with Chiron in Cancer can learn to nurture themselves and cultivate a sense of inner belonging that transcends external circumstances. Moreover, this placement can also indicate a natural talent for providing emotional support and comfort to others, as those who have experienced emotional pain themselves often develop deep empathy and understanding for the struggles of others.
Chiron in Leo:
The placement of Chiron in Leo can evoke emotions of inadequacy and insecurity when it comes to self-expression and creativity. Those who possess this placement may have faced unfavorable feedback or rejection in their artistic endeavors, leading to a fear of exposing their talents to the world. Nevertheless, through deliberate effort and therapeutic intervention, Chiron in Leo can also be a source of great power and assurance in one's unique abilities and gifts. Individuals with this placement must acknowledge their worth and significance as a creative entity and foster a sense of self-love and approval in order to fully unleash their creative potential.
Chiron in Virgo:
Chiron in Virgo indicates a profound yearning for healing and completeness, especially when it comes to matters of health and service. People with this placement may be strongly inclined towards aiding and mending others. However, they may also struggle with the tendency for perfectionism and self-criticism, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. Additionally, those with Chiron in Virgo may find themselves overanalyzing and worrying excessively. Despite these challenges, by being mindful and compassionate towards oneself, individuals with Chiron in Virgo can tap into their healing abilities and utilize them to serve others significantly and meaningfully.
Chiron in Libra:
When Chiron is in Libra, it brings up various issues regarding relationships and partnerships. One may find it challenging to maintain balance and harmony within their relationships or need help setting boundaries and standing up for themselves. As a result, it is crucial to develop healthy communication skills and learn to appreciate one's own needs and desires in relationships. This placement may also indicate a tendency towards codependency or seeking validation through others, making cultivating a strong sense of self-worth and independence essential. Overall, Chiron in Libra presents an opportunity for growth and healing in the realm of relationships, but it may require some effort and self-reflection to achieve.
Chiron in Scorpio:
Individuals with Chiron in Scorpio may experience significant challenges related to power, control, and intimacy. This placement can bring deep-seated wounds and emotional trauma to the surface, which may manifest as feelings of betrayal and abandonment in relationships. Moreover, these individuals may hold onto grudges and resentments, making it difficult to move forward. However, when Chiron in Scorpio is harnessed and healed, it can become a powerful tool for transformation and healing. Those with this placement can become skilled healers and guides, helping others navigate their own journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Chiron in Sagittarius:
Individuals with Chiron in Sagittarius are known to possess an intense yearning for spiritual development and comprehension. This placement often instills a profound sense of purpose and a deep connection to personal beliefs. However, those with this placement may encounter difficulty finding a sense of belonging or experience a lack of understanding from others regarding their spiritual journey. Therefore, it is imperative for these individuals to seek out a supportive community that values and comprehends their quest for spiritual growth. Additionally, finding a balance between their aspiration for growth and the requirement to stay grounded and pragmatic in their day-to-day life is crucial for their overall well-being. Ultimately, Chiron in Sagittarius holds immense potential for personal growth and transformation.
Chiron in Capricorn:
Chiron's placement in Capricorn demands us to confront the wounds of our past and seek healing. Capricorn's uncompromising nature adds to the challenge, making it an uphill battle for many. However, we can transmute our pain into power with Chiron's guidance. This placement helps us address lingering issues related to our sense of self-worth, authority, and responsibility. Chiron in Capricorn inspires us to take control of our healing process and grow as individuals. It requires patience, perseverance, and courage to face our fears head-on, but the outcome is worth it. With this transit, we emerge as stronger, wiser, and more capable versions of ourselves.
Chiron in Aquarius:
The sign of Aquarius is renowned for its focus on humankind and progress, while Chiron is known as the wounded healer. Together, they create an intriguing combination that can suggest a person who is deeply committed to supporting others but may struggle with their own emotional and psychological scars. Individuals with Chiron in Aquarius are likely to possess a distinctive outlook on the world, one that is drawn to unconventional and progressive modes of thinking. They may also feel a strong pull towards humanitarian causes, taking on a great sense of responsibility for the well-being of others. However, the placement of Chiron in Aquarius can also signify a sense of detachment or emotional distance. These individuals may find it challenging to forge deep and meaningful connections with others or feel like outsiders in their social groups.
Chiron in Pisces:
Chiron in Pisces can trigger the emergence of intense emotional wounds that have been buried deep within. Therefore, it is crucial to dedicate time to processing and healing these wounds through therapeutic means, creative outlets, or spiritual practices. Additionally, this placement can heighten our sensitivity to the suffering of others and ignite a desire to alleviate their pain. However, it is imperative to maintain a balance between this desire and self-care, as Pisces tends to blur the boundaries between ourselves and others. In essence, Chiron in Pisces offers a unique opportunity for profound healing and compassion towards ourselves and those around us.
⚷ Chiron Aspects ⚷
Sun aspect Chiron:
When the Sun aspects Chiron, it signifies an opportune moment for growth and healing. Chiron symbolizes our innermost wounds and the ways in which we have been hurt in the past. Conversely, the Sun represents our sense of self and ability to radiate positively in the world. When these two energies converge, it presents a powerful opportunity to heal past wounds and step into our full potential. This aspect may elicit old pain and feelings of inadequacy; however, it also provides an opening to relinquish these limiting beliefs and embrace our true potential. With the Sun's brilliant light shining on the wounded areas of our lives, we can begin to perceive them in a new light and discover the courage to move forward.
Moon aspect Chiron:
When the Moon is in aspect with Chiron, it has the potential to trigger old emotional wounds and pain that may have been buried deep within us. However, this aspect can also provide healing and release opportunities if we are willing to confront and address these past traumas. It is essential to take the time to prioritize our emotional well-being and engage in self-care during this period. Our intuition can guide us in identifying what support we need, whether seeking assistance from loved ones or a therapist. It's important to remember that healing is a process that takes time, and it is perfectly acceptable to take things gradually, one step at a time.
Ascendant aspect Chiron:
Individuals with Chiron aspecting the ascendent may have undergone some form of early childhood trauma or wound, significantly influencing their identity and personality. However, this placement also implies that they possess the potential to use their experience to aid others and bring healing to those around them. As they mature and develop, they may find themselves attracted to professions in healthcare, counseling, or other helping professions. Individuals with this placement must prioritize their emotional well-being and seek support when necessary, as they may be more susceptible to emotional triggers and stress. Chiron's ascendant aspect can be a potent tool for personal growth and transformation if the individual is willing to confront and work through their inner wounds.
Mercury aspect Chiron:
The relationship between Mercury and Chiron in astrology is compelling, as these two entities symbolize the mind and communication in unique ways. Mercury embodies the concept of rational thinking, swift wit, and effective communication. Conversely, Chiron represents the wounded healer, signifying our most profound emotional wounds and the following healing process. When Mercury aspects Chiron in a birth chart, it can suggest that the individual has an inherent gift for communicating their pain and struggles. They may possess the ability to articulate their emotions and employ language to facilitate the healing process for themselves and others. However, this aspect may also imply a proclivity towards overthinking and self-doubt. The person might struggle with negative self-talk, making it arduous to trust their thoughts and opinions.
Venus aspect Chiron:
When Chiron makes an aspect to Venus in a natal chart, it can indicate a significant emotional wound associated with love, relationships, self-esteem, and beauty. This aspect may manifest as a sense of unlovability or unworthiness of love, challenges in establishing healthy relationships, or heartache and disillusionment in love. Nevertheless, Chiron's curative energy can also facilitate personal growth and transformation in these areas, as the individual learns to love and accept themselves and attract healthier relationships. Individuals with this aspect must focus on self-love and address past traumas linked to love and relationships.
Mars aspect Chiron:
Mars aspecting Chiron can evoke intense emotions and memories of past traumas. This alignment has the potential to be quite challenging, as it may stir up feelings of anger, frustration, and even hostility. However, it's crucial to recognize that this alignment can also present an opportunity for personal growth and healing. By confronting and gradually working through your inner pain, you can emerge stronger and more resilient. Astrology provides valuable insights into these intricate dynamics, and an experienced astrologer can offer guidance and support throughout this journey of self-discovery.
Jupiter aspect Chiron:
Jupiter aspecting Chiron in astrology can bring about a lot of healing and growth opportunities. Chiron represents our deepest wounds, and Jupiter represents expansion and growth. When these two come together in a harmonious aspect, such as a trine or sextile, we may find that our wounds are being healed through the process of personal growth and expansion. However, when these two come together in a challenging aspect, such as a square or opposition, we may find that our wounds are being exacerbated, and we may need to work harder to find the healing we need. Overall, Jupiter aspecting Chiron can be a powerful catalyst for healing and growth in our lives.
Saturn aspect Chiron:
When Saturn aspects Chiron, you may find yourself confronting deep-seated wounds and insecurities, specifically concerning your career and authority. These feelings may manifest as a sense of inadequacy or doubt in your ability to handle the responsibilities that come with leadership positions. But, even though this aspect can be challenging, it also presents an opportunity for growth and healing if you're willing to face your fears and work through them. To do so, it's important to take a practical and disciplined approach to your goals while also being kind and understanding to yourself throughout the process. Finally, remember that everyone's journey and struggles are unique and that asking for help and support is perfectly acceptable when needed.
Uranus aspect Chiron:
When Uranus aspects Chiron, there is a potential for breakthroughs in healing and growth. Uranus represents change, innovation, and awakening, while Chiron represents our deepest wounds and the potential for transformation through them. When these two energies come together, we may experience sudden insights, unexpected solutions, or new perspectives that help us move past limiting beliefs or patterns. However, it's essential to approach this energy with openness and receptivity, as Uranus can also bring disruption and upheaval if we resist its call for change. By working with the energy of Uranus and Chiron consciously and intentionally, we can tap into their transformative power and ultimately emerge stronger and more whole.
Neptune aspect Chiron:
Aspects between Neptune and Chiron can signal spiritual revival and advancement. This may stir up past traumas and emotional anguish, but it also offers a chance for profound insight and empathy. It is crucial to remain anchored and seek guidance from reliable sources, such as trusted confidants or well-versed professionals. Embracing your instincts and being receptive to unique perspectives has the potential to usher in remarkable healing and metamorphosis.
Pluto aspect Chiron:
When Pluto aspects Chiron, it's possible for old wounds and traumas to surface, requiring attention for healing and transformation. As outdated patterns and beliefs are challenged and released, this can trigger deep emotional and psychological growth. However, it's important to be aware that power struggles and intense emotions may arise as Pluto's intensity clashes with Chiron's sensitivity. Staying grounded and centered is crucial during this period, and seeking support from trusted friends, family, or therapists is necessary. Ultimately, this aspect can lead to profound self-healing and transformation as past wounds are confronted and released, paving the way for enhanced self-awareness and personal growth.
North Node aspect Chiron:
This particular aspect can prove to be quite daunting, as it unearths past traumas and vulnerabilities that we may have long thought were buried. However, it also presents an opportunity for growth and healing as it compels us to confront these issues and work through them in order to move forward. Through my personal experience, engaging in meditation and journaling has been instrumental in this process, as they provide a safe and supportive environment for me to reflect on my emotions and experiences. The North Node aspects to Chiron can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation if we are willing to put in the work and face our fears head-on.
South Node aspect Chiron:
When the South Node is in aspect with Chiron, it implies that you may rely excessively on past experiences and patterns, especially those related to emotional wounds and traumas. This inclination towards familiar patterns may provide comfort, even if they are not beneficial or productive. However, this can hinder your progress and prevent healing from past hurts. Therefore, acknowledging and confronting these wounds to release them and move towards a healthier future is crucial. Additionally, this aspect may indicate a need to let go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. By embracing new experiences and perspectives, you can cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Mean Lilith aspect Chiron:
Aspects of Lilith and Chiron significantly impact an individual's emotional wounds and healing process. Lilith represents our inherent instincts and uncontrollable desires, while Chiron symbolizes our deepest traumas and the path to recovery and personal development. This convergence of energies can lead to intense emotional struggles and a profound need for healing. Therefore, it is crucial to acknowledge and validate these wounds while striving to heal and attain a sense of completeness. Astrology serves as a valuable tool in this journey, offering insights and direction to navigate the intricate dynamics of Lilith and Chiron.
Unaspected or Less than two aspects Chiron:
An unaspected Chiron, or one in less than two, refers to a scenario where Chiron does not form any significant connections with other planets or points in a person's natal chart. This may suggest an area of life where the individual may feel a sense of detachment or isolation, as if they are working through their issues alone. On the other hand, it also indicates a need for self-reliance and self-healing, as those with an unanspected Chiron placement may have a unique perspective on healing and be able to offer guidance to others who are struggling with similar challenges. However, it's important to remember that each astrology placement is just one piece of the puzzle, and the interpretation of Chiron should be made in the context of the whole chart. For example, look into the house ruler of the sign of your Chiron as well as the house itself for more insight. The house rulers planet placement can shed light into underlayered or overshadowed areas that effect Chiron. (Chiron in 12th house Capricorn with Saturn in the 3rd suggests isolation from the immediate environment can be detrimental to the person's mental health.)
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oddvanilla · 5 months
Dhar Mann might've been secretly a "villain" the whole time....
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Pt.1 (?)
No, you're not hallucinating. You saw that title correctly. Believe it or not, I have had ridiculous beef for years with the man who many love, and even adore, Dhar Mann. And therefore, I'll be elaborating today on why such a "good person" like him is considered one of my sworn enemies, and why I think you should consider him one too.
Many people, and especially parents, assume that Dhar Mann is a great influence on kids, and a friendly individual. And although for the most part; that can be true, but you need to look at the bigger picture.
"The Dhar Mann Effect" is what I like to call it. A serious, and contagious virus that even the most experienced and hard-working doctors can't find the cure to. "What does the Dhar Mann effect do?" ...You may be asking. Well, great question! The Dhar Mann effect is when you form an addiction and obsession to watching the supposedly "short films" made by no other than Dhar Mann himself. And I'm not talking about a little, silly obsession. I'm talking about serious addictions that can lead into binge watching video after video non-stop. Such things should be taken far way solemnly.
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And the prime example is my younger sister. Among many of my Dhar Mann-obsessed friends, I'd say she's the worst case. It started out around 2 years ago, when their substitute teacher played a Dhar Mann video at class (since many students have requested it), and ever since, she got hooked. I knew then that there was no coming back, she reached the "no-return" point.
I'd go as far as saying that it's like drugs to her. She can't survive a day without watching at least 3 videos in one sitting. And yes, that includes re-watching or re-visiting older videos. Trust me, it's deeper than just a "So you see...". My sister can qualify as an iPad kid, now, if I had to say so. And even currently, as I'm writing this, I can hear Jay's voice, One of Dhar Mann's most popular actors— playing from her room. I feel like it's not the same, and those damages may be irreversible. My poor sister can't live her life to the fullest anymore. All she does is wait for the new Dhar Mann video. And while she waits for the next one, she just rewatches his old videos, making sure she knows all the lore.
This is not a "haha" joke, people. This is dead serious. No joke. I'm not crossing my fingers. I'm not what nowadays kids call "capping 🧢". I'm being genuine and I'm typing this with the straightest face ever.
Another issue I have with Dhar Mann is how threatening he appears to me. I can promise you that if you look long enough into his smile, you'll realise it's slightly unsettling. Did you notice his face almost always looks the same in every picture? Well, you're probably not trippin'. That's because he has that same smile in literally every picture I could find of him.
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What are the chances he might be a robot? Ready for the day we all fall for his spell and none of us are safe anymore, so he can finally strike? There is something so terrifying about him. Every time I look at that smile, I can't help but shiver a bit of fear. But mostly, I'm quite intimidated by his disturbing behaviour. The way he never fails to stare dead into our souls. That's what I find strange.
But hold up, the theories don't stop... at least not yet! Did you notice the way Dhar Mann ends every single one of his videos with "Hey Dhar Mann fam!" ??? What are the chances that he refers to us as his fam (family) to hide the fact we're probably stuck in his basement? If we're talking lore-wise, I'd say the reason Dhar Mann calls us his fam is the following: We're all chilling at our homes, until one day... A Dhar Mann video comes to our recommendations. By watching the media, you're secretly agreeing to sign an invisible contract that gives ol' Dhar the ability to adopt you. Child or not. And just because you're now part of his fam, doesn't mean he can't trap you into the basement and lock you up with multiple of many victims. The only time he'll ever check on you is when he comes in the basement and greets you with "Hey Dhar Mann Fam!" While feeding you those meaningless videos.
I'll show you a couple of examples, and YOU tell me what these videos could possibly teach kids who barely know what photosynthesis is.
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I think another weird part is that Dhar Mann featured another EXTREMELY popular YouTuber named "Mr. Beast" many, many times, but even then— he feels this need to pull out knock off Mr. Beast...ahem ahem....Mr. "feast"...??????
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No joke. Just search up "Dhar Mann Mr. Feast" and count how many videos come up. But if you're so lazy to check, it's 4. yea. 4 DAMN VIDEOS ABOUT A MR BEAST RIP OFF. YOU GUYS NEED TO WAKE UP AND REALISE THIS IS A MAN WITH A WIFE AND 2 KIDS.
And back to square one, What's the moral meaning behind this media he displays for the youth?
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Not Dhar Mann (a multi millionaire) copying the "NO CHICK-FIL-A SAUCE?" girl???? Smh...
So... Do you think Dhar Mann is really the innocent "moral philosopher" he claims himself as? Or is it deeper than a "Hey Dhar Mann Fam"?. But either way, that's it for today. Thank you all for listening to my Ted Talk.
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dipperdesperado · 1 year
Get Organized!
I recently made a post about how to get started in doing radical stuff. Said otherwise, that post was meant to answer the question, “Where do I go, when I know the world is fucked?” This post covers similar ground, but is more interested in the theoretical side of things. Not to say it won’t be practical. It’s just saying that if you’re not the kind of person that can read a little bit and feel confident to act, or you like having a little bit more scaffolding, that you also deserve a resource. I’m hoping to contribute to that today. As the title says, we’re going to be focusing on organizing. This is one of those things that is said a lot, but is actually defined much less often. Tangentially, you should be aware and ready for this for literally everything relating to politics. Any word that you hear used, you should always ask for a definition. Many a movement would have gone differently if folks spent more time trying to find semantic alignment. Anyway.
When I say organizing, I mean catalyzing the energy of folks, acting from a specific theory of change. A theory of change is a thought process or method to create some kind of social impact in a particular context. When the world sucks in some particular way, and you want it to stop sucking, the answer is to organize, in the way defined above. By organizing, we lean on the idea of collective power to create changes that are currently only afforded to those with authoritarian power. It’s a game of evening the odds.
I will also note that this assumes that you are going to be framing your work around broad-based movements, that have (mostly) aboveground (as in “legal”) tactics. This is not necessarily a statement of what is correct; small groups that are in concert with larger movements are also able to be successful, even when doing more confrontational tactics.
So, to organize, I’d say it would be useful to be involved in movements already. You can look at my radicalism 100 post to see how that could look. Either way you have to know what your where your niche(s) lie. In other words, what sits in the middle of the intersection between what you like to do, what you are good (or can become good/have a willingness to become good) at, and what is needed in your context. I tend to center the local level, because that is the area where influence is more tangible, and fits into how I see a resilient world coming to fruition. So, you have to ask yourself, “What can I do, that I would enjoy doing, in my community?” Then, you should find some other people who are in that same vibe. Depending on your approach, this may take no time at all, or a lot of time. I listed some ideas for finding folks in radicalism 100, but to reiterate: look for social medias and IRL presences of people who are into the same topics, and connect with them. See where you can plug in, and see where the contours of organizing in your local contexts are. Ideally you can see places where gaps can be filled.
Once you find an issue that you think has potential, and you have a couple of people to do some organizing with, you have what I think of as a catalyst group. This group is meant to start (or assist) in a certain kind of reaction, but not lead it. Trying to control movements is both futile and antithetical to liberation. So, to ground us, we have two very important ingredients: a topic/issue/area of focus to organize around, and a group of folks to work with. Once this is in place, you can co-create a strategy with your organizing team. I’d recommend employing an encircling strategy as your long-term or meta strategy, where multiple sub-strategies and campaigns happen within this frame. Essentially, this allows you to employ campaigns across a matrix of tactics. Within the encircling frame, you can create a campaign (what I consider a “short-term” strategy). Campaigns are a series of actions over time. Strategies are a series of campaigns over time.
A useful way to think of strategic planning is by separating the process into stages, grouped by movement size.
Small: Organize small actions/protests, figuring out ways to build movement visibility and interest
Medium: Focus on scaling up the participation, through mobilizing efforts. Promote your actions, get people involved, and encourage meaningful action.
Large: Create a movement. The kind of thing people hear about.
To organize on the smallest level, the easiest thing might be to just do plan actions that are well within your team’s capacity, organize those actions, and execute. If you can swing it, I’d really recommend to not lean too much into symbolic actions. There are risks with every action, no matter what legal frameworks your locality has. If you’re going to do something, you have to be very intentional with:
what you hope to accomplish through the action
a high likelihood of success for the action
doomsday planning in case something goes wrong
If you’re able to do this, then you will be leagues ahead of a lot of other folks. This is not to make it a race or a competition, but it is moreso to say you can symbolically represent and catalyze action without becoming a martyr.
As you’re doing actions, you should be refining your idea of who’s impacted by the issues more and more. As that picture gets clearer, you should spend more and more time understanding and listening to those folks. Ideally, you get to a point of co-creation, where you are enabling people to fight for themselves and build their autonomy. That is the kind of thing that prevents movements from dying. Organizers should be trying to put themselves out of business, in a sense. Catalysts should be able to come from anywhere.
To scale up, I’d recommend a focus on meeting folks. Take the ideas of deep canvassing, where you empathetically have conversations with whoever is impacted by the issue you’re responding to, through the lens of giving power to those people. Rather than asking them to feed into some established system of power, encourage them to take action into their own hands, as a collective.
I’d also recommend that as capacity grows, build a “positive” or “constructive” power. This can look like a lot of things. Whether it is a block club, neighborhood pod, community council, or community assembly, dedicate energy into creating spaces where people can start building their democratic and consensus muscles. These can simultaneously act as the training ground and alternative governance structure that allows folks to start making decisions for themselves in a very specific way.
This will ideally allow the movement to really start to be intersectional. It should be intersection minded from the outset, but that can be difficult to meaningfully actualize in the early stages of the movement. since single-issue movements are inherently brittle (if your movement revolves around getting something on a ballot, winning or losing just ends the movement)—there are throughlines that connect all movements, and those lines should be made visible and traveled. Environmentalists should fight for housing rights, LandBack, Reparations, and a host of other things. The more developed our networks, the stronger our movements will be.
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codenamesazanka · 5 months
i always loved the Geten Himura reveal and blurb of backstory because it really rounded out the world of bnha. imo. It was a relatively tiny detail, but it showed that problems were deeper and more complex than just Bad Man, because many things were interconnected, and how tragedies can occur due to those chains of intersections.
Like, the fact that the Himura were traditional wealthy landowners was significant, because it meant they were the exact sort of old-money conservative douchebags that would hate change, that would marry cousins to keep their bloodline pure, that would raise children with the expectations to sell them off in arranged marriages. And because they were an old landowning clan, they would've had influence over local village politics - so is it any surprise that villages would be awful towards heteromorphs, when the village leaders or elites were people who rather marry their cousins than 'taint' their bloodline with outsiders and possibly have a kid with a heteromorphic quirk?
It meant Rei was always prepared to not marry for love, but be married to someone rich, and stay in that marriage no matter what, for the sake of her family. I don't know how low the Himura fell, but given that they're a big landowning family, they probably weren't 'starving in the streets' poor and in need of cash for survival, but rather didn't have the money to support their previously comfortable lifestyle. Rei kept in contact with her mom, but the mom could offer no support when Enji turned abusive - whether it was because the mom was also trained to be a traditional housewife and thought this was all normal, or because the mom needed the daughter to keep up a lifestyle, it's all fucked up. And plus, the marriage broker in Chapter 301 also mentioned "Himura women" like there's bunch, and there probably were - Rei's sisters or cousins also getting married off for money, also stuck in this clan-obligation-duty-dysfunction-web.
Enji was the asshole Rei ended up marrying, and everything that happened is his fault, but there very much could've been five other wealthy assholes that her parents had lined up for her to meet. In fact, Enji could've been a particularly useful idiot for the Himura - at the time, Enji was only 21, 22 years old, only having reached the age of majority the year or two before; his father was dead, so he's the head of his household, so they don't have to worry about pesky in-laws; he was probably nouveau riche from his Hero career, so he had no idea of old clan politics; he wanted a quirk marriage, which fit perfectly with their blood purity ideology; and he wanted a kid immediately, sealing the deal. Enji's selfishness matched beautifully with Himura's own messed up issues.
And so the problem isn't just Enji, and it didn't affect just Rei, it's a whole thing. And I so always thought this reveal added so much to the landscape of HeroAcaWorld, where quirks didn't only brought new problems, but exacerbated old prejudices and inequalities, entrenching them even further into the fabric of society. And it would've been fascinating to see how Heroes would have to deal with that.
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how the exorcists look like demons, and while I do understand where the complaint is coming from I also wanted to talk about how them looking like that kind of supports the narrative.
I’m going to start this off by staying this is from a perspective looking at the narrative presented to us in the Hellaverse, not any specific religion because 1) I am an atheist who doesn’t have the knowledge or background for making any calls on that and 2) the canon hasn’t confirmed this adheres to a specific belief system. There’s Adam and Eve and Hell and Heaven and yes, but this show arguably works as a parody of all of that.
Now that that’s established, I want to bring up one of the main points in the show: the idea that those in Heaven and Hell aren’t that different. In Helluva we’re shown the experiences of hell-born, and we even see cherubs later on who seem to fulfill the parallel role of them in Heaven (with the IMP vs CHERUB fight.) We also know that Lucifer was an angel in this canon. So some of the characters with the most authority in those domains are from the same stock.
The main difference seems to be punishment. Lucifer was punished for his actions and was given those who were deemed “Sinners.” The Hell born seem to be just natives living there and many seem to be products of their environment. So while Sinners may be “bad” and Winners “good”, all those born in Heaven or Hell have no reason for being there.
Whether exorcists are brought to heaven or made there, there is still that view of superiority. The way Lute talks makes it clear she’d be willing to kill the hellborn if she could, despite them not having done anything to be there like the Sinners. It’s similar to how some people born into high economic status view those born into lower. It’s just luck of the draw but now you have access to different opportunities and that influences the way you view others. Those born in Heaven probably look at those born in Hell and argue that if hellborn aren’t bad, then why does Hell suck? Ignoring the fact that Hell is established for the purpose of containing Sinners, who often end up being more powerful that the majority of hellborn.
Even some of the Sinners likely fall into that issue where people who gave to endure harsher environments may have to resort to more extreme measures to get by, and then punishment for it just causes them to need to do even more because their conditions worsened. As seen with the rate of people who keep returning to prison. With Hell some may have fallen down this path (think of Angel, who was born into a crime family, it’s likely a lot easier to fall into drug addiction then when you have access and more things you’d like to forget, but drug addiction can be a slippery slope and the other stuff he needed to do to survive basically condemned him.) Obviously not all Sinners fall into this category and are just monstrous pieces of shit, but they likely isn’t the case for everyone.
Then, once you get to Hell it’s essentially a larger prison, except you aren’t separated and are given powers, causing some of the more malicious individuals to rise up and acquire power, making it even more of a nightmare for everyone else. This continues that cycle of having to do certain things to survive. Similar to have in jail that fear of getting hurt by some violent people make you align yourself with slightly less violent people. Except now in Hell there’s that added issue: there’s no escape.
(Also, Hell is a prison but you STILL have to pay rent and work to survive, so you really get the added stress of both worlds.)
Anyway, this whole cycle causes a similar effect to the growing class disparity we see in many countries. Those on top (Heaven) continue to have power while those lower have to deal with most of the burden. Reinforcing that belief in exorcists that Heaven is “good” and Hell is “bad” because they are unable to see the full picture. They just see it as “they blew their shot” without thinking of why that may be or considering the people who didn’t even have a choice being there— like how some people blame others in poverty for being that way because “they are lazy.” That’s not even remotely the full picture. But because certain things come easy for you it’s hard to understand why it can’t come easy for others.
Exorcists are then given the excuse and opportunity to kill others, people who they believe are lesser than them. And some take genuine joy out of it, yet they continue to see themselves as the “good guys” because that’s what they are and the others “deserve it.” And this shows how when some people are given the opportunity and reason to be assholes they’ll take it- millionaires don’t HAVE to exploit their employees, but they view it as being to their benefit and helping the bottom line.
So now, both exorcists and those in hell have reason and excuse to be violent, albeit for very different reasons. Yet because of this exorcists are still “good” and those in hell are “bad.” And this is largely because of the lack of consequences for their actions. Heaven reinforces their behavior, before episode 8 there was no push back from Hell, so they could continue to use their reasoning as an excuse to kill others.
They’re blind and don’t see it though. They only see the world from one perspective, which is ironic given the exorcist mask is missing an eye. They can put masks on and hurt others and then take them off without dealing with the consequences. They “go down” to the level of the very people they despise and then write it all off, because they have the comfort of taking their masks off at the end. Of having a choice.
It’s also interesting how their masks don’t resemble sinners but Hellborn. Which almost reminds me of mocking another’s culture while actively hurting them. They may not be able to physically hurt hellborn, but they’re still viewed through the same lens as Sinners. They’re still “bad.” So exorcists can don caricatures of their appearances, go around “pretending” to be them by committing violent acts, and when they’re done they can take it off. As I’m writing this I’m now thinking about how in the past black-face has been used to reinforce racist stereotypes, making racist caricatures.
This also camouflage in a way, maybe they were previously asked to “fit in” before things got all crazy, and when told to look for “demon disguises” they all fall back onto the stereotype and dressed up like that.
The usage of exorcists wearing demon-looking masks could be them both “playing bad” while also clearly showing the fact that at the core people aren’t so different. For as much as they hate those in hell, they’re just as likely to fall into the same traps and patterns as them.
Having written this all now, I wanted to bring up Vaggie. Vaggie who took her exorcist mask off to show sympathy for someone only to be punished and marked with an “X” that mirrors her mask. Vaggie who previously was part of the “elite”, where she could forgo consequences until she couldn’t for not following them and was cast out, being permanently marked. Vaggie, who was previously allowed given the gift to “play bad” due to being in Heaven, but when she was cast out “playing bad” wasn’t an option anymore. Taking off her mask can’t get rid of mistakes anymore, and now she has to display them for the world to see.
I don’t know if the “X” was intentional on her part or irony, but if she did choose it it could also be her recognizing her role in the system. Her realizing she can’t go back and using the “X” to remind her of what she’s done. Because she doesn’t have the luxury of pretending she’s a good person anymore— she doesn’t want to forget.
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Claude propaganda:
"To say Claude has trust issues is an understatement—you have to spend half the game earning his. (Claude isn't even his real name!) Once you have it, though, he's absolutely ride or die for you until the stars go out. He is so full of heart and ambition: He wants both sides of his heritage to get along, he wants to open borders and eliminate xenophobia and promote equality between commonfolk, and deep down, I think he craves a partner to stand with him at that new dawn, or an equal who sees his vision for the future and will fight for it just as hard. Nobody believed in him when he was a kid, but if you put your faith in him, he'll return it tenfold. Some people don't like that he's calculating, or has to leave the player character at the end of the game to go back to his homeland, but both are necessary elements for his goals to change things. He will always come back, and everyone who bets against him and his love for his companions is wrong with a big fat W. #KhalidForMostDatablePrez"
"Claude is a fun little onion of facades. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he acts like he's carefree and without worries, an unscrupulous schemer--and so many in universe buy into that hook line and sinker. He's used to others viewing him with suspicion and uses it as armor to obscure his not-so-dark truth: that he cares immensely, that he values minimizing the loss of life, and that above all he has so much hope that people will fundamentally choose to do better given the choice.
His front guards a center that his conflict filled world would be happy to tear apart. As the child of people from two nations in constant conflict--one of which is explicitly isolationist and dehumanizes those outside its church's reach--he hasn't really had a place where he can be without his facade. As a child he thought he could run, but when confronted with the fact that this hatred existed no matter where he ran, he chose to instead try to create a more just and kind world.
His inability to let others in beyond his facade at first may lead to a sense of distance, but isn't it then all the more satisfying when you're allowed in? All he wants is a little trust, a little faith, and--like what he wants to give everyone--a chance to be better.
And like that you got a charming young lad with a fun personality that your grandma would be thrilled to have stay forever."
Milo propaganda:
“they were in the last contest sure but i feel like they could get farther. like they're literally a nonbinary grim reaper that's also an influencer and sure sometimes the influencer stuff can get kinda overwhelming i feel like it's very clear that they care about you and want to be around you. you guys go on a reaping date. their eyes and nail colour change based on their mood too and i think it's a really cute detail!! also SLIGHT SPOILERS but they even reference rocky horror in their special ending. they are perfect to me and i love them and i believe they deserve a second chance <3”
"Vote for Milo because they deserve it
They're literally so attractive
- They are a social media influencer
- They are obsessed with an adorable little kitty and will do everything in their power to make this cat the most beloved creature in existence
- They love makeovers and helping their friends rebrand (this includes working with Damien and the PC to help Jerry the Murderer rebrand so that they really has a brand identity)
- They are a grim reaper and even help the PC plan the PC's own funeral (special ending) and they give a great speech and it's super sweet
- They will sometimes take the PC on reaping jobs with them and shenanigans ensues
So in summation, vote for Milo because, as I repeat, they deserve it"
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missmaywemeetagain · 10 months
A Pink Scarf Thanksgiving 💗🧣🦃
A very happy Thanksgiving weekend to those who celebrate! ❤️
This blurb came out of nowhere, in a fit of Thanksgiving inspiration (and a special thanks to Norah for inadvertently nudging me towards a Thanksgiving prompt)! Because of this, it is not overly edited or revised. I will say, I'm not sure yet just how canon I want this to be in terms of the PS Universe, but I figure it came out of me for a reason, so I decided to go with it for now. 
I think my current moody headspace influenced the vibe for this--for us fans, it's a slightly indulgent "what could have been" scenario. But that's PS in a nutshell, isn't it?  🥹
Anyhoo, I hope this hits you in the feels! And I hope you know just how much you matter to me, even though I've been a bit MIA recently. 
Much love xoxoxox, Madi 💗
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TW: It's 1977, so...medical issues/trauma/strife. Panic attack. Thanksgiving stress. A little hint of sexy at the end bc I couldn't leave you on a melancholy note! 💋
A Pink Scarf Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving 1977
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. P, but the oven is out. Lamar took a peek, but the thing is as cold as ice and don’t look like it’s gonna be warm any time soon,” Mary says, looking as distraught as you feel. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch it sooner.”
The naked, trussed, and cold turkey on the counter mocks you.
“No, no, it’s not your fault, Mary. We’ll…figure something out,” you try and reassure her, but it feels like a weight has just been placed on your chest. You pinch the bridge of your nose to stave off the massive headache that began early this morning when Nicky barged into your room at the crack of dawn sobbing because he’d had a nightmare that Mr. Gobble Gobble, a monster turkey, had eaten Daddy instead of the other way around.
This was one of many nightmares that your poor little boy had suffered since August, but certainly the first starring a murderous Thanksgiving turkey. He’d barely been consolable and neither of you had gotten back to sleep.
You take a deep breath, holding back the tears that threaten your vision.
Today needs to be perfect. It was supposed to be perfect.
But you should have known. After all, this year has been far from perfect.
You force yourself away from the wave of despair trying to overcome you. No, we’ve been lucky, you think. It could be so much worse.
Unfortunately, your nerves are shot, which makes sense considering the last few months you’ve had. You’ve kept it together so well. You’ve had to. For Nicky. For Elvis. But that tried resolve begins to crumble with the pressure of it all, as though everything that has happened is hitting you all at once.
Now you have a house full of hungry people, Elvis will be home any minute, and your usual quick-footed problem-solving skills have flown out the window. Your hands begin to tremble.
The panic swells as the kitchen swarms with people looking to you for direction, and in that moment, Nicky runs through the adults, chased by one of the other kids. It happens so fast—you barely have time to register the commotion before disaster strikes.
You watch in horror as the kids fly into the sideboard, knocking the precious side dishes and desserts onto the floor with a resounding crash.
The collective gasp of the adults in the room sends your panic into overdrive.
Thanksgiving is officially ruined.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” you shout. The entire room goes silent. It’s not everyday Elvis Presley’s calm and collected wife loses her shit. No, that is something usually reserved for the man himself.
“Well, that’s not quite the welcome home I was expecting,” a familiar baritone chuckles from behind you.
You whip around, your bottom lip quivering. “Elvis?” you whisper.
He’s standing right here—standing! On his own!—leaning on his cane for support, a twinkle in his eye that you haven’t seen in ages. One you weren’t sure you’d ever see again. And the sight of him finally being home again after so many months in the hospital is more than you can bear. After standing tall and strong for him for so long, you crumble into a thousand pieces. An uncontrollable sob chokes out of you, your tears overflowing.
“Aw, honey,” he says quietly, slowly making his way to you, waving everyone else out of the room with the commanding flick of his hand. They exit in a flash with their concerned and pitied looks. Not that you care, because the second you can, you are falling into your husband’s open arms.
“I’m so sorry…your homecoming…it’s all ruined,” you sob into his chest, being mindful of the long scar down the center. Feeling the warmth of him engulfing you is overwhelming. His scent, untainted by antiseptic and hospital smells for the first time in a long time, swirls around you, caressing your senses.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s okay. Let it all out, Satnin,” he coos, stroking your hair with his free hand. “Hers has been so strong for hims, but hims is home now.”
The tenderness of his baby talk in your ear sends a fresh wave of tears to your eyes, staining the silk of his blue dress shirt. He’s dressed up, you think absently, knowing this is a huge thing. Even before that fateful August morning, he’d been mostly wearing his tracksuits when he wasn’t performing. He’d been so uncomfortable and in pain, you’d understood why.
You bury your head into his neck, pent up emotions violently shuddering through your body as you let your tears fall freely for the first time in months. You can barely breathe with how you wedge yourself into him, with how he holds you tight. He’s so much slimmer now that the edema is gone and his colon has been tended to, you realize, but he’s still soft in all the right places. You still fit against him perfectly, and his grip on you makes you realize he understands just how raw you are.
You cry more, thinking about how the last time he was here was when you’d found him unresponsive on the bathroom floor. How you’d never been so scared in your entire life, not even when you yourself had brushes with death.
It's a miracle he’s here at all. None of you, doctors included, were sure if he’d ever step through the doors of Graceland again. Not after the heart attack, or the coma, or the complications from his various surgeries. It had been one blow after another, for weeks, months. But somehow, in true stubborn Elvis fashion, he’d pulled through.
He’d gritted his way through healing, through physical therapy, through weaning off so many of the meds he’d been on before and during his hospital stay, and he hated every second of it. He’d been livid about the colostomy, but you’d had no care for his vanity when you’d had to make the decision to save his life. You didn’t care if he hated you because at least he’d be alive to tell you so. He’d gotten past it, mostly, especially once he was feeling better.
The entire ordeal had terrified him. Something had changed in him in those weeks he’d lingered between life and death, something he wasn’t ready to talk about just yet, but even with all the setbacks, his determination to come home was intensely motivating.
Which is why you’d wanted it to be special, and why it being Thanksgiving had so much meaning. Elvis was finally coming home. Then everything had gone to hell in a handbasket.
“I wanted everything to be perfect for you. You deserve it,” you say quietly, sniffling, holding him as tight as you dare without wanting to hurt him.
“Darlin’, just bein’ back home with you and Nicky is more than I ever dreamed of. I don’t need no big fancy dinner or welcome home committee. I jus’ need you.”
You pull back then, your heart about ready to burst, and look at him. He looks downright debonair with his silvery hair (which you’d convinced him not to dye back after it had grown out during his illness), freshly cut and shorter than it had been in years, fluffy but brushed back off his face in a style reminiscent to when he was younger. His apple cheeks are full and have more color than they’ve had in months.
“What?” he asks looking down at you, almost bashful under your gaze.
You reach up and cup his freshly shaven cheek, smooth and soft under your palm. Those deep ocean blue eyes of his threaten to swallow you whole. Staring into their depths, you don’t want to imagine a world without him in it anymore.
“I just love you,” you whisper, barely able to get the words out without choking up again. “So much.”
Eyes shining, Elvis pulls you up and into him. His lips are as sweet and as soft as you remember when they press into yours. The kiss is full of yearning, of love, and of everything you two have been through the past twenty years. It’s truly like coming home.
The kiss turns hungry then, more so than you expect. It’s been so very long since you’ve had each other in this way and it surprises you how readily your body remembers, despite all the pain and trauma you both have experienced. You open for him, and he moans when his tongue brushes against yours. A fiery wave of heat blisters through you then, hastily banishing away your tears.
Despite all the challenges you’ve faced over the years, you’ve always felt the pull of him in your soul. You’ve always wanted him, neededhim, even when you convinced yourself to forget because you thought you couldn’t have him. And now, after almost losing him for good, you can think of nothing else but him. The warmth of his body pressed against yours causes you to melt. The way his lips and hands roam over the curves of your body sends you soaring.
You thought you’d never have this again. It had almost broken you.
“I’m here, baby. I’m home, I promise,” he mutters into your skin, as if reading your mind.
You kiss him deeply, yanking him into you by his pretty shirt, taking his breath away.
He pulls away and presses his forehead to yours, and you can feel him sway on his feet, a little unbalanced.
“Good news—looks like Little Elvis is back in working order,” he says breathlessly, pressing his thickening erection into your belly. He seems pleasantly surprised.
Honestly, with everything dire that happened, it hadn’t even crossed your mind as a concern, but it makes sense that it could be an issue. You grin up at him with the knowledge that it isn’t, then roll your hips against him.
He groans. “Bad news—not sure I have the energy to do all the things I wanna to ya, and we got a house full of people.” Doesn’t stop him from grabbing a handful of your bottom, however.
“Oh, that’s never stopped us before, now has it?” you muse, walking your fingers gently down his chest and over his belly to palm his length.
“Lord have mercy, woman,” he moans, his eyes fluttering closed. You notice him lean more heavily on his cane and instantly ease up. One blue eye opens with a quirked brow. “Hey now, I din’t say stop.”
You laugh. “Well, it seems dinner is ruined anyhow,” you say, surveying the disaster of broken dishes and scattered food all over the floor, and the cold, raw turkey on the counter. “Maybe we better get you upstairs to rest.”
Rest is, of course, the furthest thing from your mind now, which you let him know with a little squeeze to his butt.
“Mmhmm, yes, I definitely need to lie down,” he mumbles as he peppers you with kisses. Suddenly, he freezes against you. “But, honey, I-I-I’m not sure how much I can do,” he whispers, a wave of uncertainty washing over him.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll take it slow. Real slow. One step at a time, like fumbling teenagers,” you say lightly, cupping his face and looking up into his eyes. “Or we can just kiss and hold each other. I’m just happy you’re here, baby.”
He nods, seemingly reassured by this. “I know I don’t say it as much as I should, but I thank God every day for you and for what we have together, Satnin,” he says quietly, brushing your hair behind your ear, kissing you gently. “I love you.”
Your heart and body ache for him. “We better get you upstairs to “rest”before I start crying again,” you snuffle, laughing, slowly walking with him toward the stairs.
“Well, tears aren’t entirely off the table…I can think of a couple good ways I can make you cry,” he teases, nibbling at your ear.
“Elvis Aaron, you did not just…” you gasp.
“What??” he says innocently. “Am I wrong?”
A shiver runs down your spine and settles in the heat of your belly.
You’ve missed him. Terribly.
But you do have so much to be thankful for this year, namely for the infuriatingly talented, generous, and stubborn man you married and are gingerly leading up the stairs for the first time in months.
In fact, there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
Taglist Pt 1
@sassanoe@thella @suspiciousmidge @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle@carolinesbookworld @juggernort @aesthetic-lyss @stitchattacks @donnamarie23
@be-my-ally @whositmcwhatsit @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @thatbanditqueen @powerofelvis @from-memphis-with-love
 @precious-lil-scoundrel @stylespresleyhearted @prompted-wordsmith @crash-and-cure @elvisgf @lookingforrainbows @fic-over-cannon @godlypresley @ab4eva @whatstruthgottodowithit @elvisabutler @amydarcimarie@idontwanttoputanything @callieselvisobsessed @captainamerica1235-blog  @xenaspace3-blog 
@simplyamberj@claire-elvisgirl@everythingelvispresley@louisejoy86@deniseinmn @madelynpresley
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As you know by now, I absolutely love your headcanons, especially about the Vees, so I was curious to know that you think their love life might have been like on earth. Vox, I could imagine being married and having kids for appearance sake, but hating it. Val, I could see getting married once when he's still young, but overall being more of a fuckboy with plenty of illegitimate children. And Velvette, I'm not really sure. What are your thoughts on the Vees here?
tw // mentions of abuse and suicide
Ohh that's a good one!
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So let's start with Vox. You've read my fanfic so you know about his wife. Her name was Vivienne and he was crazily in love with her. Well, at the beginning at least. Honestly, he was in love with the idea of her and how perfect they could have been. He proposed to her quickly and she was essentially pressed into the marriage by her parents, because who would deny a famous multimillionaire? But she fucking despised him and used every opportunity to remind him about that. Vox so desperately wanted her to follow his fantasy he grew to be abusive, constantly struggling between love for the imagined version of her and hatred towards her true self. They've never had a children though because she didn't want to be mother of his children and he didn't want to share her attention with anyone. You know how it turned out for them.
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Valentino has never gotten married because he's not a monogamous type. His idea of love is an obsessive passion so in his mind he loved many people. None of his significant ones could bare him for longer than few months. Plus his way of living didn't support building stable realtionships. Any person he loved met a morbid end - killed in a fight between cartels, committed suicide to escape abuse, died of drug overdose or murdered by him. He thinks of himself as a tragic romantic hero, never destined to get his happily ever after because of course he doesn't recognize that he was the problem all along. Also I totally agree he has a bunch of illegitimate children and wouldn't be able to recall a single of their mothers' names. Actually I kinda like the idea that he has a daughter somewhere in hell that is currently plotting how to kill him for being a fucking garbage of a man.
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Velvette I headcanon as aromantic and having a severe intimacy issues (disclaimer: those two things are not by any means connected, aromanticism doesn't equal any kind of issue and aro people can built deep and fulfilling raltionships; Velvette is just evil and self centred, that's the problem). So she has never had a love life per se but during her living days as a influencer she dated some fuckboy that looked good on her Instagram and helped her with building brand. Her followers were obsessed with their unhinged not-like-other-couples content, similarly that people used to be obsessed with Harley and Joker in 2010s. But of course Velvette was the big daddy in this relationship, he was just an arm candy, some dumb rich Jared recording emo tracks funded by his parent's money.
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fanonimus · 6 months
My brother is obsessed with TTG, and I am baffled. We binged it, and I looked around in the... Fandom? I know the show is lighthearted, but I'm a psychology nerd.
Tw: Abuse, neglect, shitty people in general, mind conzrol and trauma. Progress with caution.
Not many people talk about the abuse Robin faces. I don't understand why is there basicaly no angsty content.
I also want to scoop that boy up and hug him and take him away from those people that surround him.
This boy has no positive influence in his life. Get him a therapyst.
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He's neglected. I was sick watching this.
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WHAT THE HELL DUDE this was genuinely hard to watch, and even the colour coded idiots aknowledge how badly he was treated.
Oh but they don't get away scott free. The little idiots.
They constantly hurt him (which I noticed is a reocurring joke, but it happens to him so constantly that it's not even humour. It's just... painful.)
What the fuck was that prank?
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Considering I know his backstory pretty well (look, I watch enough dc), this prank just makes me want to cry. He smiles. His smile broke my heart. I genuinely started crying, alonside Robin. It was not a nice experience.
So they clearly don't have a problem with triggering traumatic responses.
Robin is also almost always the butt of the joke, even tough he is the leader nobody respects him.
Which would be understandable if he didn't try his damn hardest. He's resourceful and can make the best of a situation.
Like the time he got dance powers (which is just amazing, holy shit I want dance powers).
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He found great use of an othervise "useless" pover.
Speaking of useless, his "friends" look down on him because he has no powers. Even though he is capable of beating all of them without it.
Yknow, like in the movie.
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Oh yeah, nice recall to the movie the one where they competed with the Super Hero Girls team (love that show).
Y'know, where it started like this
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And ended like this in like, five seconds.
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Abandonment issues go brrr:
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He's my angsty boy.
Also, the fact that he answered mind control on the last question, and it wasn't even on the board, broke something in me.
Him being a "control freak" is also played up for jokes, which I personally hate, but you can also go with the route of the Titans just not listening, ever, and Robin, still raised by the batman even if differently than in canon, in a city where if you are not on top you are dead, it's obvious that he developed an instictive need for control. He had gotten used to being on top of every situation, so when he felt that control slip, he grasped it and held on. This behaviour is not good, but he can't help it, and without proper consuling, he won't be able to stop this behaviour. He could, if he just let go of the illusion of control he clings to, a safety net, and we all know one can not simply just do that.
(I was someone people called a "control freak". I worked on myself, and I changed, but it took years after I noticed. Letting go is the hardest thing people like me and him can do because letting go means losing control, and that can be the scariest thing in the world. So I have experience, yes.)
(Yes, I also have experience. No, I am not going to talk about it, but it wasn't physical, don't worry)
For the hitting... Wild hot take and shit: Since Batsy was not a stellar dad, he kept robin in line by means not so family-friendly. (He hit his kids in canon, it's really OOC for him, but we have proof that happened) And it was really effective. Children of abusive parents go a lot of ways, but repeating the parents' mistakes is one of them. So maybe Robin decided that violence might be the thing to keep his teammates in line. (We are circleing back yeah.) But it clearly didn't work.
Edit: Holy shit I just realized that this Robin is all of the worst qualities of the other Robins. Obsessive, Controlling, full of himself, violent, and then throw their insecurities into there too (Abandonment issues, parental issues, anxiety, paranoia). Holy lady.
Edit2: Thank you, Yurki-posts, for pointing out some things my little rant was missing. I shall update it now.
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