#but then my brain went 'what if we add dick though'
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hypewinter · 2 years ago
Danny felt a familiar tug in his chest. Not another summoning. The cultists never quit did they? Danny was going to ignore it. Just like all the rest. He figured they would try blood sacrifices but then he didn't experience the familiar tang in the air that usually wafted through his nose. That had peaked his curiosity. So he leaned into the summoning a little. Not enough to be summoned but enough to get more senses. He heard..... he heard crying! What? Why was he hearing crying? He leaned into the summoning just a little more. That allowed him to see, albeit vaguely. He caught the glimpse of a form within the circle. It was small. It was...... a child. A child? A. CHILD!? Those cultists had really thought since blood sacrifices didn't work to try a whole human. Danny's blood boiled. He had been content to ignore them until now but no more. He was taking care of this. NOW. With that, Danny allowed himself to be fully summoned. The cultists immediately fell on their knees.
"Oh great King, you have finally answered our plea," the apparent leader said.
Danny ignored him and immediately scooped the child up in his arms. He gently rubbed circles into the child's back, whom he now knew to be a boy who couldn't be older than 8. He felt his rage flair. They had tried to sacrifice an eight year old! Danny didn't even bother listening to the cultists. Instead he dispersed his power throughout the room, allowing all the souls sacrificed over the years to gain form.
"Feel free to exact your revenge," he said simply.
Then he turned and opened a portal, tuning out the screams as he stepped through.
It took a while, but Danny finally managed to calm the boy down and convince him he didn't want to eat him. Once he did, he asked for the kid's name.
"It's Richard Grayson," the boy answered. "But my parents called me Dick."
Danny didn't miss the past tense. Were his parents dead? Danny's mouth set into a firm line. If he found out those cultists had anything to do with this- His train of thought was cut off by the sound of sniffling. Right, Dick. Danny would handle the cultists later. Right now, he had a little boy to comfort.
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gothamite-rambler · 1 month ago
Don't worry guys, he's been through this before.
Kara (talking on the phone): Nightwing, where are you?
Dick (casually): I'm in the hospital.
Kara (confused): You had a doctor's appointment today?
Dick: No, I was in the middle of fighting these goons when a gun went off. I thought I was fine… until I realized a bullet ended up in my body.
Kara glanced at Raven, who shrugged, equally surprised.
Kara: What?
Dick: I got shot! I thought you had super hearing.
Raven laughed dryly, but Kara groaned not amused by the joke.
Kara: Don't act like what you said was completely normal. Where were you shot?
Dick (nonchalantly): My head.
Kara (in disbelief): Bitch… are you joking?
Dick (shrugging it off): Nope. It’s okay, I've been through this before… though we don’t talk about those dark days.
Raven (deadpan): He’s not lying. Ask him how long that bullet was lodged in there.
Kara (in disbelief): How long was this bullet in your head?
Dick: About four days. I could've gone a lifetime with it stuck there, but last night when I was having sex with Kori, I started convulsing at the worse time. Like I was deep and right at the climax-
Kara: Didn't need to add that detail, but you did.
Dick: It adds to the story. Anyways she's with me in the hospital. I started shaking Kori said drooling as well. It stopped, but as I rested on top of Kori that’s when I thought, 'Okay, this is something I should deal with.' I'm fine now, and we'll be there soon.
Kara (raising her voice): Oh my God, stay in the hospital! You got shot!
Dick: Yeah… but I’m fine now. They removed the bullet and it's been like a day. Kori's holding it.
Kori: The human body is fascinating seeing as this was lodged in your brain for four days. That and your tough as steel.
Dick: Aww, thank you. Oh and Kara don't worry I just have to sign some papers and then be ready to fight.
Kara: Cool, stay at the hospital.
Raven: Show us the bullet later though!
Dick: But... I want to fight. I cleared my whole schedule for this trip.
Kori (sighing, annoyed): Dickie baby, the doctor, me, your father and Kara are on the same page, you are staying in the hospital!
Dick (whining, frustrated): This is so unfair! Thanks a lot, Kara!
Kara: Don’t get snippy with me because you couldn’t go past four days with a bullet in your small brain!
Dick: I am ten times smarter than you! You know what? You're rude, bye!
Dick ended the call abruptly, leaving Kara stunned and making Raven laugh loudly.
Kara: When was he shot in the head before?
Raven: None of us like to talk about it.
Kara: Right, I'll just conclude that him and his family are strange people.
Raven (flatly): That's usually the best answer for them.
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onepieceoftheoceanblues · 10 months ago
Batfam X One Piece Crossover AU
Someone mentioned this sort of au and I went Insane a bit ^-^' hope you guys enjoy!
Okay so a Batfam in the One Piece world au and how I think it would work/go;
I imagine the Batfam were whammied into an entirely new dimension while on patrol so we have the full costumed roster (but not the full extended clan cuz that's so many people lol) so we have Bruce/Batman, Dick/Nightwing, Jason/Red Hood, Tim/Red Robbin, Damian/Robin, Cass/Black Bat, Stephanie/Batgirl (you can pry Steph still being batgirl out of my cold dead hands), and Duke/Signal.
The First thing they do is figure out where they are, an island in something called the ___ blue (idk which they should be in lol, but it's best if they start in a blue I think), and are very obviously not in their world. (I'm gonna say for the sake of Plot either One Piece doesn't exist in their world or none of them have watched/read it because that would be too easy lol)
Ofc the second thing they do is try to find a way home and gather info but uh, they quickly realize this world doesn't have the best tech around to build something to take them home, and places/people they can get to would be either hard to find or in a place that's very dangerous to get to (Vegapunk is their best bet but... not really an option for right away due to mentioned reasons).
They think of asking this "World Government" for help for all of two seconds, before finding out how fucking awful and corrupt the whole system this world has and nixes that idea right in the bud. They're Vigilantes for a reason, after all, and know corruption in governments very well. So honestly, their best bet is either trying to go along and find someone that can help and materials, or waiting for their people from their world to come and get them.
(SO much more under cut im sorry Brain went Brrr)
Tbh it must be so wild to be in this world too tho, for some many reasons. It's close enough, but then you factor in all the different races and species, and how the world is set up. Add the fact most of it not as advanced as their world, except in some places which it is? And how half their technology runs on... snails?????? What a baffling world. Also, people can have powers and are gained from something called Devil Fruits which give you powers in exchange that the sea can and will kill you, except for some races have natural powers due to their biology.
They decide pretty quickly in world of water to not eat the Devil Fruits. Also keep an eye on Duke because his powers, while not too flashy, arnt a devil fruit, and they have no way to explain how he has them, and how he can manipulate both light and shadows.
Its probs also so jarring because like, in their world, they are used to being the peak of what humans can do. They keep up with metas and aliens and are cosidered among the best of the best for a reason, and while they often have to compensate with gear and tech, at the end of the day they can only go so far as humans.
However, it's different in this world. Clearly even though there are humans, their biological standards are different then their Earth, and even just humans without powers can go far beyond their own norm if they train and work hard enough for it.
The Batfam could easily handle the Blue's pirates and marines, and probs all cannon fodder marines, and while I think they could deal with a good chunk if not most people in Paradise baring the strongest in the first half of the grand line, there's no way they could deal with the New World even with their best gear and in peak condition for them. Which sucks because their best bets are likely in that Sea.
Idk where I'd see them, my heart wants them to be pirates of their own little run pirate crew, but I could easily see them being picked up by a canon crew or turning Revolutionaries in exchange for getting help find a way home, or pirates with connections to Revs. The only thing I can't see is them as Marines, as stated a few paragraphs above, lol, but also I figure they run into the law and go fuck you guys and what you stand for and end up with bounties so they are wanted anyways. But either way they are gonna be progressing and trying to find a way home while getting stronger.
I imagine Haki is the first thing they really try to get down after leanring about it. Idk how they managed to find out about it either in the blues or so early in the grand line, but they are expert information gatherers so they do and immediately try to learn it (either tracking someone down who knows it or how to unlock it, or finding adequate documentation in how to do it) and get to work. It's their best chances in getting a leg up in this world.
And they do unlock it! They're pretty much all geniuses, and they already have experience learning weird skills and manipulating their mental will (they can block out telepaths and have strong willpower in general against mind control canonically), so learning to manifest it into Observation and Armament Haki is less about how hard it is and more just if they can (After all they aren't from this world) and how to apply it. Thankfully, it seems they can.
Duke's Observation makes his future vision so much more powerful, so much he actually has adverse effects to it at first before he gets used to it. Observation is great, just helps what they already natrually know but Armament is very much beloved, instant armor that helps you hit harder even against normal people, let alone devil fruit users!! They are big fans.
Conquerors Haki off the table rn because A.) they don't know if they have it and B.) Who or whatever they learned Haki from didn't explain it or have it to explain so that's put to the side for now, but I'm unsure who, if any of them, have it. Maybe Bruce and Jason, and maybe Damian? I feel?? I could also see Dick unlocking his use of it in a fit of protective rage? Im largely Unsure.
I also think it would be neat if the longer they are here, their bodies adapt to this world more and more until they start being able to past their peak of what they could do before and just... keep going. It varies from each batfam member how they feel on their biology changing over time, but they can't do more than just accept it. At least it will help them survive.
Also, they have to adapt in more ways than one. They arrive and their best gear, fully stocked and mostly undamaged, but the longer they are here the more they run out of supplies and things wear down so they have to figure out how to get/make more or alternate for something better. Batarangs thankfully, while having to be made of a different material, can be made from any island with a good blacksmith who's willing to let them use their forges to make them themselves (cuz having to commission them would take money they don't actually have)
Their suits thankfully are fine and reinforced, but over time they're gonna have to likely find a fabric that could replace the stuff their suits are made of or just switch to diffrent outfits inspired by their suits. Dick's Escrima Sticks can't be charged, so they end up not electrified until they find a way to do it later. Jason's guns inevitably run out of ammo then even if he makes his own, they get just damaged so he's forced to switch to the local pirate guns, thankfully not all are just flintlocks.
Damian's sword is apparently very high grade here and is very smug about it, though annoyed other "Swordsmen" keep wanting to know more about his blade and where he learned to use his "weird style". Tim gets a boa staff that has the ends tipped in sea stone.
Their styles also adapt over time. I have this vision of Dick getting his hands on these boots, probs with Dial technology, that let him jump higher and bounce off of walls if he times it right. Jason with Dial guns. They start picking up the 6 powers as well, not all, but Geppo and Soru become very heavily utilized. I think one of them should end up with Voice of all Things, either Cass or Duke, because it's fun lol.
Im... unsure about devilfruits, but I think it would be intrestin to explore if somone ate one, likely out of despration or having little choice. Unsure who or what fruit but just would be neat i think, expecially dealin with the side effects. Tho Dick with a Wind Logia or a winged Zoan of sorts sounds SO interesting. (Can you tell who my favorite batfam memeber is? ^-^')
As for Ponyglaph Runes, Bruce and Tim def find out about it and try their best to tackle it, but It's REALLY hard to learn an entirely different language with unfamiliar sentence structure when you have absolutely no keys or references to work with. They learn of Nico Robin, and aren't stupid so figure it's likely an awful cover-up or more to the story, and decide to lowkey make it one of their goals to track her or any other knowledge on how to learn it down. If they get even a bare hint of a clue on how to translate, I'm sure they'd figure it out over time, but Robin is their best bet.
They find out about Whitebeard, and they are quietly glad Bruce's adoption problem isn't that bad but think its funny. Dick is beloved by all and makes enough friends and allies to rival Luffy's charisma, it's a skill man. I can't decide if their Epithets in this world are just their Vigilante names, and they stay masked, or they get knew Epithets and decide there's no point in hiding, or a mix of both but yee.
The OP world either speaks "Common" they can all magically speak now with some diffrent launages in diff parts of the world, OR Japanese, which some of them know and have to teach the others, OR a weird mix of English and Japanese. There's a point in time that people think Damian is Nico Robin's child or sibling because of the Robin thing, and he's a little demon child. Or hell they still do, and he's very livid while Robin is both amused but also scared for this child who is being tied to her.
They still dont kill for the most part, baring Jason, but some of them are pushed into it and they have to figure out what that means for them and what it means moving fowrard with their no kill policy. Some do better with it, some dont. Bruce still hasnt and wont kill, same with Cass, and Damian decides he doesnt want to but will if absolutly no other choice is offered, thankfully they havnt let him had to make this choice yet. (I just have so much thoughts about a assassin raised child deciding they dont want their hands more red now they have the choice).
One or more of them should end up pulled into the War at Marineford and Ace should be saved because I will try to fit a Ace Lives plot into everything lol
Overall I think if this was a fanfic the plot would be a lot of exploring the differences in their worlds, how they adapt and overcome, and trying to find a way home while also coming to like this world and overturning corruption and fucking over the government. I think them with the Strawhats or another crew would be fun, either as allies or joined idk, but I think with them as their own crew would be cool as well. If they join or ally with a crew Bruce lowkey adopts everyone, and he's given SO much shit for it but christ so many of them have such sad backstories and he wants to help
I think in the end they should get to find their way home and like no time has passed, but they're so changed, and arguably considered powered now because lol, but find a way to go back and visit safely.
Sorry for the word vomit but man im in love with this idea. Feel free to comment or send Asks with questions or comments about the au! Please Reblog, and not just like, as they do nothing <3
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justmeinadaze · 1 year ago
Thinkin bout that sure, strong Steve with the baseball bat rn.
What if reader had a scary encounter on her way home and big strong Steve came to the rescue 👀
I changed this around a bit. I hope that ok. Stevie is still being protective with his bat though <3.
Watch A Few Movies, Take A Few Notes
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Warnings: Reader gets hurt and Steve saves the day; they are shooting a Scream-esc scene so there's that
Word Count: 1965
Followup to this request
“C-Carter?”, you squeak as you step out of the bedroom and look down the hallway. Everything in the house is silent. “Carter!”
“Nina?”, James asks groggily before seeing your worried face and throwing off the blanket to come check on you. “What’s wrong?”
“Carter heard a noise and went to check it out. H-H-He hasn’t come back, James.”
As you cry he wraps his arms around you and holds you to his chest. 
“Fucking idiot. Always has to play hero. You were right you know? Sometimes that man leads dick first before using his fucking brain.”
You stiffen in his hold before taking a step back as your wide eyes meet his.
“I never told you that. I said it to Rose when we were hanging out before she…”
Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose, releasing a heavy exhale. 
“Fuck. I was really hoping you’d be the one to make it through this.”
As the metalhead lunges forward, you hastily slide out of his way and run down the stairs as fast as your feet can carry you. 
“Carter! Carter, please! Where are you!?”
Your back hit something hard and you abruptly turned coming face to face with the clown mask that had been haunting your nightmares. You screamed trying to run but barreled straight into James’s chest as his arms trapped you tightly to him holding you in place. 
“Where are you going, sweetheart? The fun’s just beginning.”
Tears run down your face as the man in front of you removes his mask and you heart breaks as Carter’s angry, manic eyes find your own. 
“Cut! Good job, guys.”, the director compliments as Eddie releases his hold around you and you watch as Steve’s eyes immediately soften to the regular kindness you’re used to seeing within them. “Why don’t you guys take a break and we’ll come back in twenty after we have everything set up.”
Both boys nod as they walk ahead of you towards the catering cart as you trail behind. Since your evening with them they hadn’t really interacted with you outside of set and you knew that was your fault. They had invited you over a few times since, asked you to dinner, and asked you on so many different dates but each time you declined. Truth of the matter was you were scared. You liked them very much, wanting to spend more time with them off set and outside of the bedroom but this was new territory for you. 
“I miss you guys.”, you mumble as you fiddle with some of the snacks in front of you. 
“Hm. Not very much since you either don’t return our calls or tell us you’re busy when we invite you somewhere.”, Steve sighs as his eyes remain downcast. 
“And your still with Captain Asshole.”, Eddie adds with a tone filled with disgust. 
“He’s my boyfriend—”
“Didn’t seem to bother you when you came over, princess.”
Finally turning to face you, Steve tosses what he grabbed back onto the table. 
“Look, if you wanted what happened to be a onetime thing, that’s fine. We’re big boys, Y/N, we can handle that. That’s all most women want from us anyway; together or separate.”
“But you just disappearing and ignoring us like you did. Now WE feel like the disgusting whores.”
“Steve, Eddie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…I just…I’m so confused and…”
Nodding, he cut you off by walking away from you as his friend followed. 
20min Later
“Y/N, are you alright?”, the director asks as you fly onto the set with tears in your eyes. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just ready to do these scenes.”
“I’M FINE, ALEX! L-Let’s just do this, ok.”
Both men’s stares penetrate your body as you place yourself in front of Eddie who wraps his arms lightly around you. 
“Are you ok? You’re shaking.”, the metalhead asks with genuine concern. 
“Yeah because two serial killers are about to threaten me. I’m in the right headspace. Just do your fucking jobs and scare the hell out of me.”
“Did something happen, honey?”
“Oh, I’m honey again, Steven? I thought I was the bitch that used you and made you feel like a whore.”
Even though only they could hear you, everyone on set could feel the intense energy radiating from the three of you as you glared at the man in front of you.
Amber hues search your face as his lips form into a thin line before a creepy smile spread across his face. 
“Surprised, Nina? I thought we’d be married with six kids before you finally figured it out. James is more of a pessimist than I am. He thought you never would.”, Carter laughed, tossing the mask to the side.
“Why?”, he mocks making you angry. Reaching for your jaw, you glare up at him as he tilts your face till your almost nose to nose. “Control that attitude, little girl.”
Moving his fingers to your hair, he yanks you further into the living room and pushes you against the wall making you wince. 
“I’ve been your best friend for years, Nina. I loved you since the moment I saw you.” You jumped as he slammed his hand into the space beside your head. 
“That hard, Harrington? He’s trying to control himself from not just pounding into you. Your little pussy is driving him crazy.”
Your eye lids flutter as you shrink under his stare. 
“But it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough right? JESUS! I would have worshipped the fucking ground you walked on! All of this, Nina, is your fault! It took us killing all your friends and that stupid fucking asshole from the diner who tried to take what was MINE! YOU’RE MINE!”
“I’m sorry…”
James came up to your other side and rest his forearm inches from your head. 
“I bet you are. Bet now you’d do anything for him, huh? Pfft, I told you just let her go, Carter. We can scare up something better especially once we’re famous, dude.”
“James, why did YOU do this? You were my friend! One of my closest!”
“Really? One of your closest? FUCK. OFF!”, he growled in your ear. “I was just someone for you and your friends to laugh at. Carter here is my only true friend. He knows what I’ve been through. You could have been a part of that! But no…all that matters is image right?”
“No! No, I swear. I don’t care about that! You two mean the world to me!” His palm against your chest pushes you back against the wall. “There is some part of you both that understands! James, I never laughed at you. I laughed with you. You’re so funny and I love talking to you about music and-and I don’t know fucking everything! And Carter, you’re so sweet and protective. I always cared about you! I didn’t want to lose you!”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart, and you’re definitely not a whore. You’re special. You deserve so much better.”
Carter’s eyes blink back frustrated tears as his hand reaches out to caress your face. 
You wince and they notice. Steve’s fingers extended out to take a look but you bobbed your head out of his reach. Eddie gripped your jaw as both men stood up straighter and the other boy licked his thumb before trying to wipe the makeup from your cheek. 
“Gentlemen? What’s going on?”, the director called. 
Along your cheek bone, a bruise was starting to form slightly above the redness that circled it. Their eyes softened as they let you go but remained huddled around you. 
“I told him I wanted to break up…”
That was all you needed to say before their faces hardened and Steve turned silently walking past the director who kept calling his name as you and Eddie trailed after him.
“Steve, wait.”
He didn’t hear you; he was a man on a mission. Knocking on the dressing room door with the bat in his hand, he waited. 
“I’m busy! I still have 30 minutes till I need to be fucking anywhere!”
As Steve stepped back, Eddie gripped your shoulders and pulled you to the side out of the way. You jumped when his shoe connected with the door and it flew open. 
“What the fuck?!”, Ryan shouted as he got to his feet. 
“That’s a good question. What the fuck? What the fuck kind of asshole hits his girlfriend?”
“Ex, Harrington.”
“Oh, my fault. That’s right, Eddie, thank you.”
“Fuck you both. That bitch wants to leave, she can!”
Steve swings the bat into the mirror inches from Ryan causing it to shatter as your ex jumps back. 
“Call her a name again.”
“L-Look, what do you guys want?”, he stutters. “You want her? Fuck, you can have her. I-I-I don’t care. Money? Drugs?”
“We had her already, Ryan, and we’d like to stay with her if she’ll have us.” Your ex’s eyes widen as he glances your way. “Oh, she didn’t tell you?”
“She said she loved someone else. She didn’t say who.”, he growled. “Or how many, you fucking whore.”
The bat in Steve’s hand hits a framed poster behind the man as he swings again. Eddie leans forward and grabs his collar shoving the man against the wall. 
“What we want, Ryan, is an apology.”
“Fuck you.”
He cowers as the bat comes within inches of his face into the wall beside him making him scream. 
“Not for us, you idiot. Y/N.”, Eddie sighed in frustration as he rolled his eyes. 
Ryan’s own eyes glance towards you but when he doesn’t say anything the metalhead slaps him hard. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry, Y/N! God damn it!”
“Sorry for what?”, Steve encourages. 
“For hitting you.”
He grunts as ringed fingers slap him again.
“I’m sorry for slapping the shit out of you, Y/N! I’m so fucking sorry!”
Steve steps towards him placing the bat against his chest.
“If you come near her again…this bat won’t just be breaking your furniture. Do you understand me?”
Ryan nods as both boys grin, Steve reaching for your hand and heading out the door as Eddie follows. 
Eddie plopped down beside you on their couch making you flinch when he placed the icepack on your face.
“Oh, you’re fine.”, he teases.
“I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Take care of wounds on your face? Well shit, baby, I mastered in it. It’s really easy, you just—”
“No, you dork.”, you giggle. “I’ve never… been in a shared relationship but…I want to be. I want to be with you two. I—”
“He said you said you loved someone else. Is that true? Do you love us?”, Steve cut you off, smirking when you nod. “Good because we love you to.”
Raising your eyebrows, you glance towards Eddie whose smile widens. 
“I’m sorry I made you guys feel the way you felt. I didn’t mean to but I swear when I came over here it wasn’t to use you to feel better or for it to be a one-time thing. I’ve always felt safe with you both.”
“Mmmhmm. Is that why you got all hot and bothered during our scene today?”
Your jaw drops in faux shock and the metalhead mimics your reaction mockingly. 
“I was not!”
“Suuuuure. Come on, honey. That’s the best part about shooting scenes like that. Playing the role of someone you’re not in a situation that you would never be in…”
“But if you were, you’d rather it be with someone you trust who has your best interest in mind.”, Eddie adds as they both grin wickedly your way. 
“What do you think, honey? Wanna do that scene again but with a spin?”
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sofasoap · 2 years ago
Accidental meet cute
Pairing : Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x F!reader
Summary: What happens when your friend tries to be a cupid behind your back?
Part of Gaz Fest 2023
Warning : M rating. Semi-crack, meet cute. Coarse languages.
A/N: Thank you @glitterypirateduck for organising the writing festival!! * cheering *
Thank you @siilvan and @jynxmirage for listening to my brain storming blabberings :) Based on real life event ( ..80% of it ) see End A/N.
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Moving away from the crowd as you finish watching one of the bands onstage, in search of some beverages to quench your thirst. 
You were dragged along to the music festival by your friend, which to be honest, you had no interest in attending at all. After being nudged and bribed ( well, thinking back, more like coerced) by your friend and with promises of staying in a caravan instead of roughing it out in a basic tent and possible muddy floor, you gave in.
“Come on! My parents said they can lend us their old caravan, there’s enough space for four of us in there. There's a toilet and a basic shower.” your friend trying hard to sell you the idea. “ Plus, you seriously need to get out and experience the sunlight. You can’t coop up at home all the time, and complain about you never getting a chance to find your ‘soulmate’ “ putting her hands up and doing an air quotation mark, she exasperated. 
Well, that is true. You aren’t the most outgoing person, and it is time to finally do some socialisation, to enjoy life a little bit, and maybe, just that maybe, you can break your record of partnerness life. 
You didn’t quite expect the tricks and plots your friend went to trying to find you a date.
As you were ordering a glass of wine from the mobile bar not far away, your phone started ringing. Frowning as you stare at the unknown number, you hesitated for a few seconds before picking it up. 
“Heyyyyy is this uh…what’s her name again??” the speaker on the other side of the phone turned away to call out to someone in the background, and you heard a mumble which sounded like your name as a reply. Is that your friend Emma’s voice???
“OH yes hey hey.” They greeted you again with your name. “I got this number from your friend, and my friend Kyle, who I might add is a very handsome fellow, is quite willing to meet up with you.” A vague muffled protest could be heard in the background, but was quickly shushed by the speaker on the phone. 
You pull your phone away, staring at the screen, utterly confused. What the hell is this about??
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“Hey handsome!! Take this!!” 
Kyle looked down at the wrist band a random passerby just threw into his hand, with what seems to be phone numbers written on it.
“If you are interested, ring the number!!”  Ah so he was right. “Wait,” Pulling the girl back, “Interested in what?” 
The girl giggled, “My friend! We are trying to get her out of the dating desert.” Holding up the wristful of bands, “We made a whole lot of these and now giving it out to people, see if we will get some luck. Oh, she doesn’t know about it though.” Kyle cocked an eyebrow, silently questioning the girl’s method without the said person’s consent. 
“OH he is definitely interested, you got a picture of her?” Kyle’s friend perked up beside him,leaning his head onto his shoulder as he wrapped his around around the other. “What a coincidence, we are trying to get our good buddy here,” patting Kyle’s shoulder and in the process nearly spilling the beer in his hand. “Some actions as well. He’s been wayyy too busy with work to brush some rust off his dick.”
Trust his good friend to say something decent. 
The girl just laughed, and took out her phone, scrolling through the photo album and flipped the screen towards Kyle and friend. “There, that’s her, third from the right. What do you think?” 
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“Sorry but who the hell is this and how in the hell did you get my number??” You semi yelled into the phone, as the background crowd noise and the band on stage started playing again.
“Your friend Emma! She was giving out numbers to people!” 
OH that bitch… you turned around to look at your two other friends, who are currently holding drinks in their hands, with a stiff smile on their face, looking semi guilty but not sorry at all. 
“Surprise!”  One of your friends laughed nervously as you glared at them, hands up trying to defend themselves. “We just want to help you..”   
“Hello?? Hellooo? You still there?” you turned back to your phone, ignoring your friend’s comment. “ Put Emma on the phone for me, PLEASE.”  You try to sound as polite as possible to the stranger on the phone as you requested for your friend, but a hint of anger still sips through. 
“So, explain yourself.” You growled. 
“Oh, you’ll like him, I promise.” Dodging your anger, Emma quickly put forward her case, “Look, I can see him right in front of me, I chatted to him for a bit, and his friend, who is equally as cute,” she sighed, “ come on, just come over to meet him! He fits all your criteria, plus, he did mention you are his type. So, just pop over to the beer bar on the other side of the main stage, he will meet you there.” 
“I don’t think your friend is that interested in me by the sound of it… ““Relax! She is TOTALLY interested!” Just before you hung up the call you briefly overheard Emma reassuring… Kyle? 
Ah well. Why not? Let’s give it a try. This isn’t much difference to some blind date or meeting up through a dating app right?
And for the second time, you gave in to your friend.
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“What did Emma say he looks like??” your friend whispered into your ear, as the three of you looked around the bar area, trying to spot the guy.
 Looking down at her phone, checking the message Emma sent through; “Let see.. Uh, Dark skin, short curly hair..taller than you? Brown eyes.. And.. scar on his cheek on the left? How vague can this woman be…”she mumbled. 
Your eye stopped at this tall dark man standing at the corner of the bar. 
There he is, in a simple white singlet, ¾ blue jeans and matching cream colour shoes and jacket tied around his waist. 
Casual, yet stylish. And wooah boy, the tight fit clothing definitely shows off his lean but well toned muscles beautifully. Is it suddenly getting hotter in here?
“I think that’s him there….” you whispered into your friend’s ear as you pointed to him.”he is the only one that fits all the description…” 
“Let me go scout him out.” Before you can say anything or pull her back, she marched towards the bar, full of purpose. 
She subtly slid into the gap between him and the patron next to him, ordering a drink, while trying to side eye him at same time. 
Her eyes brighten up as she spotted something, and turn towards facing you and your other friend, nodding furiously. 
“OH! Is that the wristband Emma gave you?” you heard your friend speak loudly. Gosh, how much more embarrassment would your friend bring you? You mentally facepalm yourself as your other friend drags you towards the bar. “You must be Kyle! Where is Emma and your friend??”
You can see him getting startled as he jumps slightly, turning around to face her. “Um, they took off about ten minutes ago, saying there was a band that both of them needed to check out…um, who are you?” Waving her hand dismissively, “It doesn’t matter who I am, it matters who SHE is. Come come, come meet my friend, the mysterious lady you are going to try woo tonight.” She stepped forward and half pushed you towards the bar area, “Alright, two of you have fun! We are going to check out the food stalls outside!” 
With that, your friend just left you and Kyle, standing in the middle of the bar, staring at each other awkwardly. Fidgeting with your hand, you decided to break the ice first. “Hey um, So, you are Kyle?”  holding your hand out, you introduced yourself. 
“Kyle, Kyle Garrick, but everyone calls me Gaz,”  you raised your eyebrow, confused. He chuckled, “Inside joke. Don’t worry.” waving towards an empty seat right beside you, “you must be tired walking all the way from the otherside of the festival ground in the mud. Take the seat.” Oh a gentleman, you thought, tick a box. 
“Thanks Ky… Gaz.” After turning around ordering yourself a drink, you start asking him questions. “So.. seen any bands you like?”
Gaz shrugged. “ I’m not familiar with any of them to be honest with you. I got dragged here by my friend because he said I need, ah, more, ahem, companionship.” Gaz quickly took a sip of his beer, hiding his embarrassment of hidden meanings of his words. 
Eyes wide, you perked up, “OH I thought I was the only victim!! My friends, the ones you just met,” waving into the air into nowhere while rolling your eyes. “dragged me here because they said I need to find someone to relieve my sexual frustration.” 
Gaz burst out laughing at your bluntness. “Sounds like we have much in common. Should we form a self-help group to recover from the trauma our friend has bestowed upon us?” Gaz gives you a wink and flashes you a wide smile as he jokingly suggested. 
Very cute smile too. How perfect can this man be? Got humour,physically attractive, a gentleman.. You have to admit, Emma might have helped you to hit a jackpot here. 
“Well, to form a group, we have to start up a member list.” You tilted your head as you whipped out your phone,smirking. “And better set up regular meetings to talk about our problems right?” Using all the flirting energy you haven’t had a chance to use.. At all? You are going all out. 
“So, we should set up a date then?” There’s a mischievous yet excitement in his eyes and bright smile as he takes your phone to enter his own number in there. 
“It’s a date.”  
“You going to shag him tonight?”
“Shut the hell up Emma… and Thanks.” 
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Ok. so I said it's based on a true event. and 80% of it's truth. idea came from my receptionist, who excitingly told me about her experience at a country music festival she went to last week. She made up a whole lot of wrist bands with her name and phone number on it, and both her friends and her were handing it out during the festival. she did end up striking a date :) which is happening this week LOL. So.. it works??
tag list :
@nrdmssgs @schr-torta @glitterypirateduck @cumikering
@obsolescent @whydoilikewhump @b1rds3ye @devcica
@argella1300 @tiredmetalenthusiast @liyanahelena
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day Nine
Mommy Kink
warnings: soft dom bottom amab gn reader, sub top Thomas Hewitt, mommy kink
Thomas loves it when you call him baby.
He thinks he hides it well, but truthfully he's not that good at hiding his reactions. You see the way he squirms and flushes each time you say it. It's cute, with him being so much bigger and stronger than you. You love the way he likes to be treated like some small delicate thing.
You didn't think it went beyond that, until of course his hands started signing "mommy," while you were riding him.
"Oh baby," you groan, your cock giving a heavy twitch as your brain processes what the signals his hands are making mean. "You like how mommy's cunt feels around your cock, Tommy?" you ask, squeezing around him as you sink down on his dick. Thomas covers his face with his hands, seemingly embarrassed even though you know he likes it, because his hips thrust up to meet yours.
"Don't be shy," you coo, taking his hands in yours as you rise and fall again and again on his cock, "hah, I'll be your mommy, baby. I'll take care of you," you promise. You know Thomas is blushing something fierce under his mask from the way that his breath hitches.
"Sweet thing, oh— making mama feel so good," you moan. Thomas grips your hands tightly, practically shaking under you. You think he must be close to cumming, and trying oh so hard not to cum too quick. His breathing grows heavy, his chest rising and falling in time with your pace.
You're not much better off, feeling closer and closer to climax with each time you lower yourself and his cock brushes your prostate.
"You're feeling close?" he nods at your question, letting out a barely audible whine. You coo, "cum inside mommy, baby, fuh-fill me up, ungh— it's okay, I'm clo-oh-se too," you ramble, your cock leaking pre cum onto your abdomen, a clear tell for Thomas that you're going to cum.
He jerks his hips up once or twice, meeting your hips with a lewd slap, and then he's cumming, turning his head and trying his best to hide his face in the pillow under him.
"Oh there we go, there's my good boy," you moan, chasing your own pleasure as you help him ride out his orgasm. His cum is hot and fills you in all the right places, and you're so close.
Thomas letting go of one of your hands to sign "please" is what eventually brings you over, dirtying the two of you as you cum untouched, the bed creaking at the force in which you ride him.
"Jesus Chirst," you breathe, once Tommy has gone soft inside of you, and the feeling of him, still so big and thick, stretching you open is overwhelming. Your thighs ache as you lift yourself off him, feeling his cum leak from your hole as you flop down beside him.
Thomas hides his face in your chest, and you run your fingers through his hair.
"That was fun," you tell him before you kiss his head lovingly. Thomas nods in agreement. "I definitely want you to call me mommy more often," you add.
Thomas leans back enough so you can see him sign "yes ma'am", and you laugh, taking his face in your hands and kissing him properly.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months ago
this isn’t a criticism on you. you’re amazing and i adore you and i think you’re an incredibly talented writer. why is joel so mean all through lavender like he isn’t nice at all even in the beginning??? girl stand up, this man is not nice to you, find someone who treats you well! he’s always like i’m sorry for being a dick :( ok then stop being a dick then
OMG Hi Bestie!
I totally get what you're saying lol Lavender Joel is a tough one! I'm putting the rest below a cut because oh my GOD I wrote a lot, I have a chronic case of cannotshutthefuckupitis and it's incurable.
While I definitely get what you're saying, I do disagree in that I don't think he's an asshole at the beginning, at least not totally. He has his stumbling block of "this is wrong, I never should have done this" after they sleep together and has his dick moment at the bar. He struggles because of Doc's relationship to his daughter and the fact that the last time Joel had any kind of relationship with a woman it was Sarah's mom and I think he kind of sees himself as a potentially life ruining force for someone he adores and respects so much and he desperately doesn't want to be that for her. Before they're together he's looking out for her (saving her from the asshole guy, having her stay with him, doing little things like bringing her the pens when she's low on ink and making sure she drinks water because I think Joel's love language is acts of service) and once he lets himself love her, I think he's a great partner (though I could definitely be biased because I wrote him and we don't see a ton of their relationship together in the fic!) He supports her interests and ambitions, is so excited for and proud of her achievements, understands her struggles and cares for her through them. He just is keenly aware of the fact that he's not a traditionally successful person and he perpetually thinks she can do better than him. Eventually, he falls victim to that line of thinking and tries to do the "right thing" by breaking up with her.
With the breakup, I think Joel always kind of planned it to be a temporary thing - assuming Doc didn't find someone better for her while she was in med school, anyway. His hope was, at the back of his mind, once she went to Harvard or Yale or some other fancy school and she got matched for residency, Sarah would be off at college, Tommy would be more stable and he could be in a position to pick up and move to wherever she was and they could try again. He just couldn't bear to see her dictating her life around him and selling herself short because of his limitations. His greatest hope was for Doc and Sarah both to reach their full potential and do the things he knew they were capable of without him holding them back. If she met someone else and settled down then, well, it would hurt but he'd be happy for her, assuming it was someone who he thought was worthy (a high bar but it wasn't one he cleared.)
And thennnn there's the outbreak lol
Post-outbreak Joel is another matter ENTIRELY and I've talked about my interpretation of Joel's character a lot BUT it boils down to this: Joel is too traumatized to fully, properly love anyone. Not that trauma inherently keeps you from loving someone but Joel has this really horrible storm of circumstances around his trauma that makes it basically impossible. The biggest one is that the person he loved most in the world died in his arms and he couldn't handle that so he tried to die, too. To the basic parts of his brain - the parts that keep him alive, logical or otherwise - the association has been made: love will kill you. Just like someone who may have been in an awful car accident might have a hell of a time getting behind the wheel again, he can't just let himself love someone. Add that to the fact that the QZ is a state of constant retraumatization for Joel - his daughter died at the hands of a military force and he lives in a city controlled by the military, his job often involves him carrying the bodies of dead children - he can't move past the thing that gave him that association to begin with. The problem is, he already loved Doc. That doesn't just go away. So his poor trauma-addled brain sees her as a threat to his survival and is constantly and instinctually trying to push her away. He doesn't want to be doing these things. He clings so hard to her when he first gets to the QZ because what he wants is to be with her. The trauma just doesn't allow it. The reason it works out when it does is that he's removed from the state of retraumatization and put into a situation where he has a lot more control than he had in his daily life in the QZ and he was finally confronted with the fact that losing her would kill him, regardless of how near or far she is.
You are right, though, that Doc really did not have a spine when it comes to Joel (or a lot of things, really) but that was kind of by design. She accepts his treatment because of her own baggage. Being abandoned by her parents in infancy, being treated with a certain level of resentment by her grandmother (who loved her but really didn't want to be the one raising her), her best friend dying by suicide in her teens, she has developed this complex that she is supremely unwanted and unworthy. She feels like everything she does needs to justify her existence because she doesn't inherently have a reason to be there. Her whole life, she's been an inconvenience at best and she's keenly aware of that fact and she spends her whole life trying to make up for it (just look at her career choices - always looking to care for others.) While Joel never thought he was worthy of her, she never thought she was worthy of him, either. But instead of trying to push him away, she did everything she could to endear herself to him, including tolerate his mistreatment because she doesn't realize that she deserves better.
Joel and Doc are very much two sides of the same coin (which was the point of the fic!) in that they have a lot of the same trauma. The feelings of being unworthy from before, the loss after. But when they both lost everything, Doc took the path of "cling to everyone I love as hard as I can" when it came to surviving while Joel took the track of "push everyone away and I won't be at risk." They pick these paths right at the beginning, with Joel choosing suicide when he loses everything and Doc choosing to keep going because she knows Joel would want her to. In the end, when they're in a place where they're safe and their basic needs are being met, they can heal and have a relationship that's far healthier.
ANYWAY lol I'm sure you didn't want an entire dissertation about my interpretation of Joel but here we are! I hope this is some insight into why I wrote him the way I did. It's mainly that trauma is a hell of a drug and Joel got a hell of a dose of it.
Thank you for asking, bestie! Love you!
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sentienttoastah · 10 months ago
Someone mentioned in the reblogs of the last post about their preferred interpretation of Moby Dick and after seeing that I had a little personal thought discussion of my own in my brain and like ahahsjsjs it made me so happy
I just love looking at this book in a more serious way than I usually do so thank you to whoever that was :)
And speaking of, I think from now on I’ll give actual (only occasional!) literary commentary on Moby Dick for these Daily Dick posts because I cannot discuss this book with anyone else except the internet so yes. But for the sake of those who only want to see funky whale drawings I will keep them under the post’s cuts!!
Plus if I didn’t the post would be ungodly long.
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Today, I tried to draw a bit of the crew but then I remembered I suck at drawing humans so even more extremely and unnecessarily green shaded Moby instead. Didn’t have much time so I just gave that fella the Outlast camcorder filter treatment. Dw, the cameraman is fine. Don’t like how this turned out though :(
I want to draw whale skeletons tomorrow :D
Anyways, delusional whale ranting time. Be warned this is way longer than my last one and will contain spoilers for those who haven’t finished the book!
So the reblog tag I saw went along the lines of interpreting Moby Dick as not a god but to have the reader doubt that fact throughout the book until the end because of the descriptions we get of him and honestly, yes. I absolutely agree on that for the original novel. It gives us dread while reading!!
Although I will say that if we were to add/accept some kind of mysticism to Moby Dick and see him as not only a whale and as something else, he still wouldn’t be a “god”. Yet at the same time he isn’t exactly a whale either. Or at least not a normal one (that much is clearly obvious I suppose). Like if that’s not a god then what is a god? And if that’s not a whale what is it? It’s all vague!!
One of the many messages or themes in Moby Dick is humanity’s constant struggle against the unknown and the uncertain. We all fear the unknown in one way or another whether we realise it or not. Why else do we dread our future? Or what will happen tomorrow? Or what will happen after death? Because we don’t know.
With Moby Dick we understand that he’s described as a massive white whale who is known to wreak havoc among sailors. But aside from that what else do we actually know about Moby? The only information we get about him all come from 3rd party sources (such as that other whaling crew they met at chapter 54) and then through Ishmael as our narrator. Like Ishmael himself has only encountered Moby Dick once. How do we know if the information he got from others is true?
And even if it was true it still doesn’t tell us a lot about Moby Dick. We don’t understand why he attacks ships, was he angry? Was he in pain? Was it his own form of revenge? Or was he genuinely just trying to mind his own business? We don’t understand how he became so intelligent, or whether it really was Moby Dick that they saw in the apparitions of chapter 51 or was it just a squid like we see in a later chapter? If it was Moby why was he following them?
The vagueness of Moby Dick’s position in being either whale or something else makes him haunting. So in my own interpretation I’d say to keep the final verdict completely undecided. He appears, then disappears. As only one of the many horrors of the deep. Moby Dick isn’t a horror book by any means but it is about the ocean, the ocean just so happens to be scary because we haven’t truly discovered everything it has to offer. Who knows what’s down there?
Also, not only the fear or mystery he gives to us as the readers but to the crew in the story as well. Moby Dick took victory from doing what other whales the crew have hunted never do. He was “unpredictable” as described. That wraps back to the beginning where I mentioned humanity’s struggles against the unknown and uncertain. But yet, even when we fear what we don’t know we are constantly challenging it still. We’re intrigued by it. Ishmael does so by wanting to learn more about whales and go off on more voyages despite his experience the first time around, and the pequod crew or most notably Ahab does so by challenging Moby Dick.
Speaking of Ahab, he himself can also be compared to Moby Dick’s unpredictability. He might not be vaguely god-like as Moby is, but there’s definitely something about him. Ishmael even quotes something about a mad man, a man who has let go of all rationality and morality, to be more dangerous than any beast. Why? Because he will become an unpredictable man. A man who will do anything to get what he desires even at the cost of others. Which is exactly what Ahab does. Humans are already dangerous enough when we understand them but when we don’t understand them? Even more dangerous no doubt.
That’s why his crew feared him after all. They didn’t know and nor did they want to know what would happen if they disobeyed him. Even Ahab doesn’t understand himself as he mentioned in the chapter with Starbuck. Why does he do the things he do? For revenge? For glory? For gold? He doesn’t understand except the fact he knows (or feels?) he has to. And it’s tragic.
In conclusion; aside from accepting differences, democracy, and the dangers of unhealthy obsession or copious amounts of whale anatomy, Moby Dick is also about the unknown and the uncertain. There’s a lot of other instances like Starbuck’s hesitation and Fedallah’s entire existence but I don’t want to drag out the rant for too long and obviously I’m not the first person to come up with this.
But what do you think? And thank you to anyone who actually read all my crap frfr 🙏🐟
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clownhonkbonk · 11 months ago
to any interested here are my reactions i remembered to write down for the magnus archives in it's entirety :3 it's not too many bUt this is what you get
the episode numbers are written with them!!
ft me trying to understand the story with a great deal of pain writing on my phone in my notes app mostly at 1 am
56 sub statment thinf w martin
avtually got tears in my eyes. i love you martin. i love you jon. im so happy he just went " avtually, im rather relieved " or whatever bc hell yes girl u are so unwell.
this show is so addicting.
OMG 28 DAYS LATER MENTION!!!! THE END IS EXTREMLY FUCJING NEIGH!!! not the reference but excited
WAY too attached to them
only just skipped the add and " episode Fifty-Eight. Trail Rations" And immediately went " oh NO !! cannibalism :( " and the read the description like LMAOO everytime there's anything relating to food in this podcast i just go " oh no it's cannibalisim "
holy shit it's a woman cannibal, diversity WIN
benjamin wtf homie this is NOT good bedroom foreplay
ouuugg auch good writing.
i understand the possible cannibalisim thing now
at lwast he doesn't think it's martin as much anymore ❓❓❓❓
i NEEEED to stop going through s1 animatics but QOW this fanvase is awesome i love all the designs.. i used to think martin and tim were the same person for a few episodes
honestly hell yeah tim. shout at jon for being weird. but also sike you can't leave.
ok im like halfway through this but like so for the deities / entities that r silly
we got
eyes, spider, diseases / insects ( though they maybe different ) and meat maybe???? maybe there's just three..
oh oh the guys r all core fears / most common fears, one extra is THE STRANGER OOOOoooOooooO
i love you martin for filling in n trying to take over for jon ur such a cutie
idk how much i believe that elias did it but like all evidence does point to that
actually love their lil dynamic. cuties.
martin is getting spaceyyyyy uh oh.... be careful bb..
jon have you been DRUGGED?!?! (8:00)
jon bb mayb take a break you seem to be like having iron deficiency LMAOO
ok we got 14 whores of the universe
1 end - death
2 eyes
3 vertigo
4 the stranger
5 the spiral - madness
6 isolation - fear of being alone / seperated form ppl
7 burning/fire
8 the desolation
9 the slaughter violence
10 the web - also being manipulated
11 the vast
12 filth disease insexts
13 claustrophobia
14 darkness
the meat ❓❓❓
WHAT HTEH FUCKKK !>??!?!?!? !??
bro this is NOT therapy. bro ham lukas peter you dickwad what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
ISOLATION??????????????????????? WHY IS THE ISOLATION GOD POKING AT MARTIN ?!?!?!?!?!?!??! DICKWAD??!?!?! ?criyng asobbign why
i actually low key love lukas " dynamic duo " is sO funny sjkdjk
martin i miss u come back it;s not woRTH ITTTTTT
fuck i draw jon like trent crimm if he was a twig and gayer and green
i physically recalled at the start they've IMPROOOVED their aUDIO... fucking crazy.
also bitches be bitching ( jon AND melane )
honestly fuck yeah helen girl
girl is dealing wth SOOO much trauma poor girl........... jeez.
cannot stop thinkin about martin :(
i miss tim.
the buried / cave
the end
the corruption / filth
the dark
the desolation
the eye
the flesh
the hunt
the lonely
the slaughter
the spiral
the stranger
the vast
the web
feeks like they're reading together but w a wall in the way which is sad
also jon what the fuck please don't be a dick this lovely lade lost her job and gained so much trauma.
jon stop using ur thing constantly on people it makes me worried for you and insanely pushes you to not being human.
jon i know she tried to hurt you both but ur being so mean, im WORRIED.
hell YES hellen
martin im still upset at you for going " why does no one tell me anything !!!! " while literally avoiding them and asking yhem not to talk to you!!! wtf broham.
anyway loving this story
gertrude what a girl holy cow<3
jon u r so self destructive...
holy ahit simon fairchild..
what the fuck im sobbing what is this good omens bullshit i love it but im crying not really but like heartbreaking????
i don't know if jons gonna survive if he doesn't stop getting weird and weirder.
also adorable "is he your boyfriend?!"
" yes actually "
jon what the fuck w u n these flesh flowers
ok hi!! thst was the last one.:3
i didn't write down reactions for further episodes but if we can bring our attention to me writing at some point ( in early season 5 ) in my sketch book " 10 bets jon or martin dies at the end "
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afriendlyood2 · 1 year ago
Confession of the most arrogant sjw ever, aw shiiii
hello, I have a flow of thoughts about hyperreality, digital instruments, fandoms and anger and arrogancy...
and mental health of course
so basically many influencers before my unpopular and even cancelled ass already noted that we have entered this digital agenda era when gadgets are stealing our attention and overwealm our brain to the point that we forget our own thoughts and real world around us
and that is their very agenda, as digital marketing specialists are batteling for the space on our phone screen and seconds of our attention, and public speakers and polititians are battling to drag us into the discourceTM bc "how can you be out of politics you ignorant jerk the world is on fire" etc etc. many described these mechanisms before so I won't repeat what they have said already, it's out on Youtube and many otehr resources.
and also many said before me how fandom discourse went to shit... well, it was shit even in my youth... we would battle over this problematic bullshit even by that time which was the early social media era of late 00s - early 10s (now it is even more radicalized though, to my horror)
but I as a millenial am horrified of how gen z and gen alpha folk are not yet realizing where it will get them in 10-15 yrs time... it will get them in hell, as I as a 30 yrs old millenial see from my own exeperience. some of them won't even survive mentally and I am even not overstimating the problem, as this is also real.
back in the day we had this cursed AOT fandom. I knew a girl from my city (I was in early 20s she was still a school teen) - an easy imaginable situatuion, as the fandom is mostly made of these age people. notable mention - by that time culture geek culture wasn't open to the self critisism sentiment yet, actually the opposite - geeks were made cool, "brainy is the new sexy" bullshit was sold to you by sherlock bbc or the big bang theory or shit like that, so geeks and especially millenials were HIGHLY arrogant and gatekeeping (i mean uss callister was yet to happen, in the meantime we actually head star trek into darkess coming out tbh). add that to the western way of white saving everyone and pull the discourse from a higher position of somebody morally dominant and 'progressive' and you will get quite a sick mental cocktail to spoil everybody more or less geeky and intellectual stepping into the online fandom game, especially if you faced bulling in school before that or smth... that shit alltogether can make you this arrogant main character with savior complex, fr, and I am horrified to see that in modern fandm teens cause THEY HAVE NO IDEA where it can lead them, yet I sadly do.
well /dark batman music theme/ let me tell you where it can get you you little arrogant social justice dick reading this
back in the day I as I told you I knew a girl who did some AOT fanfiction which you guys as I did by the time would call problematic. because that's what you see online right? a person writing some hateful words in their art online. basically puting a negative emotion of hate and only that emotion, not what stands behind it and creates it - you're to arrogant to see that, so you judge that little hateful teen (the fact that we are making teens feeling negative things 'problematic' is some sick shit to begin with in the first place - they are teens they are SUPPOSED to feel these things, the world is going at them, come on). that fact that I was arrogant to judge her even though we had an attempt at friendly conversation and understading each other... basically it locked her up - if a person judges you, you don't wanna talk to that person, you close from that person right? yep. that's what she did... as somebody who was ACTUALLy bullied by everybody by the time, literally by everybody from her social circle - and she WOULD tell me if she would trust me enough and if I wouldn't judge her, thus I would give her shelter orgs and psychiatrists or smth, I knew some by the time so could help.
thing is the girl - tw here - killed herself. I got to know that stuff from her then-time bf who came in his riddler era to avenge me later in 2020 and for damn sure he hated my arrogant ass as I was an adult who knew his gf and had recouses for giving helo yet not the knowledge of the girl's sutiation, and not to mention we are from the same city btw. bruh my mental image crumbled right before me and in intence karma hit I tried to repeat this girl's fate TWICE since 2020, and second attempt was here in Krk after I escaped Kharkiv in 2022, this year's June. I considered myself not worthy of life and happiness because I didn' see her troubles back then.... ugh.... call that catholic gulit of smth, but I am eating myself to this day. many say - this doesn't help actually and you need to live and help the living, not to crumble over the dead ones. but for damn sure I feel the guilt EVEN THO I am not her abusive classmates or older 'protectors'.
Social justice is sometimes arrogant and blind and it SHOULD NOT BE goddammit, stop and reflect on yourselves - are you really that morally right?
Also dear gen z and gen alpha
Those who have an ok social circle of family and friends - pls drop ya phone and get to them RIGHT NOW. For those who escape to the digital world from abusive surroundings - bruh some of us out there are arrogant as shit, but please tell your pains and seek for help I beg ya, and seek for shelter in REALITY, cause YOUR REALITY is abusive in the first place and just running into the virtual world sadly won't save ya, you need a safe space irl as well fr.
That's my message of this awful Batman Daredevil and oh my god Lenny Bellardo kinnie I am in my 30s. It is not told in calm voice, I am screaming here to ya. Shit will get fucked fr. Take care of these things pls.
P.S. as tho my arrogancy in that interaction was real - these folks, oh the irony, used my guilt to put not just her death on me (even tho it's on her abusers), but also the mess in the workplace of my ex boss - not to mention she later put the death of an ex colleague on me (jeez she died because of being overwelmed by activism she did during the war so this is ON OUR ATTACKERS DAMMIT) cause it was so suitable to force me into guilt for something I am not responsible for, so she and these folks became as ugly in social justice as I am LOL. Such an irony of things turning back at them right? All these people are Ukr refugees like me btw. We all have to learn fron this.
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janewaykove · 10 months ago
Hey! Please look into how AI datasets are formed. These programs are only able to function due to large scale intellectual property theft that would be illegal for any other purpose. AI is an amazing concept and we can do lots of great things with it, even (theoretically) with generative AI if someone were to build a dataset ethically with knowledge, consent and compensation of the authors whose works are being used (there aren't any currently, thus theoretically. the reason there aren't any is if you did it, it would no longer be profitable) but please be aware that the currently available generative AIs (not just text btw, visual ones too) exploit writers/artists, especially smaller ones who don't have the means to fight back. The only way we can disincentivize this theft is by ending demand for the product
If you see parts of anything in the AI stories I post(ed) that you think are from someone's story, please do let me know. But as far as I can see, it's just common phrases and generalized things. Aside from the names I put in and the dozen specific prompts (which often included dialogue), basically all that's left is to put it into place and fill in stuff like everyday phrases (ie "she walked down the hallway and turned the corner"). And of course the sex bits that I prompt. If there's suddenly a paragraph in there from Moby Dick, that'd be a bit questionable!
Now if I posted something from some original story/character/world, I could totally see the issue with it being ripped off. But I wouldn't post that. As it is, I have to be specific about a lot of it. I mean, it will know Captain Janeway should be on Voyager. But if I make the character be Kove, it tends not to know who the hell she is and makes her a tall, skinny blonde who works as a waitress. There's only so many ways to write a sex scene so unless someone owns "she reached between her legs and touched herself," or whatever, it's probably not stealing that from anyone, lol!
As for photos, I've seen how those work and don't care for them. I see a lot of images that look just like original images so I know the generator is just taking original images and basing "art" off those. And not even well, I might add (oh those extra fingers it likes to add).
Hope I'm not sounding like an ignorant jerk here. I know a lot of people don't like AI, so I note when I've used a generator. But, as I've said a while back, my brain isn't what it was 25 years ago and some times I just wanna read a weird story with a weird ship. When they come out kinda good (even though they still need tweaking), I share them. What I've seen is general/common stuff in between my specific prompts, otherwise I wouldn't mess with it.
Also, if fanfiction is technically illegal anyway, the only people to be compensated for AI programs using their work would have to be people who write original stories. Those would be easiest to find in AI generators so that'd be a plus, at least. If AI generates stuff based on fandoms, it's harder to figure which is stolen. But if you've got AI talking about Zippooloo Square on the planet Deengu with its 3 purple-pink moons, that'd be an obvious steal. If it's talking about Voyager being in space, that's more general and common knowledge (unless it mentions a quirky addition we know someone else made up just for their own version) that most of the fandom has wrote somewhere or other.
Edit: I'm not saying AI doesn't steal, just to be clear. I read about it stealing works, or people using it to continue an original story. I certainly don't approve of that! But the little stories I do are just AI filler stuff in the specific prompts I give it. So just "he said/she said" and "walked down the street and went into the cafe" stuff. Not chunks of storyline from already written stories.
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flying-nightwing · 2 years ago
Love for a Bat (in the Modern Age)
Hi 😳😳😳 It's been a while, how's everybody doing? So um, yeah. Sorry about that long absence. Life, y'know. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little warm up piece even though it came out approximately 4 days too late for Valentine's day. But hey, another one to add to the Nightshade!batsis collection ;)
Pairing: batsis!reader x batfam
Word count: 2734
Warnings: semi bad language
Summary: The bat boys have noble intentions in love, but severely lack the capacity to prioritize their own well being when faced with the choice between a date and saving the city. Luckily for them, this year they have you to help out.
Dick’s frantic entrance in the cave was anything but subtle. He climbed down the stairs so fast it sounded like he was literally tumbling down and kept muttering shit shit shit over and over again under his breath. Or not so much, as someone up on the second floor could probably hear him as clear as day. 
“I am in so much trouble”
In any other circumstances, you would have worried about how frantic and desperate he sounded. Yet, you suppressed a self satisfied grin and spun your chair around to face him. Dick was either becoming more predictable with age, or just just knew him that well. Either way, he would soon find out his emergency wasn’t one. You just wanted to enjoy making your big brother squirm for a little bit longer. 
“What’s up Dickie?” You asked with your most suspicious, best fake innocent voice, but it went right over his head. Poor thing must truly be distressed for him to miss so many clues. 
“I meant to call and make a reservation for tonight” He groaned, hiding his face behind his hands. “But then B called me on a case, then there was this whole Poison Ivy thing that took me out for like a week, and things kept on piling and now they’re full and Babs texted me earlier to confirm we were still on and I said yes but I have no idea how I’m gonna pull this oh my god I messed up so bad–”
“Hey, deep breaths” You cut him off as you stood up and went to him. “It was that dessert place, yes?”
The Sugarcloud Lounge had opened a little less than a year prior and had quickly become a must try in Gotham. You had dropped by one time your patrol had stretched until the morning light was well settled and was lucky enough to get your hand on a fresh out of the oven cupcake, and you could confirm, it tasted like it was a gift from the gods hand delivered to you specifically. They regularly hosted dessert tasting events, but their Valentine's Day Dessert Madness was probably the most anticipated of them all, their first time slot on the 14th having been completely booked in less than a day. The other time slots throughout the day had taken more time to book, but it would be foolish to hope there was anything left on the day of. 
Luckily for him, Dick liked to babble, informing you of that plan of his months ago, before the bookings even opened.
“Yeah” He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “She’s so excited to try out all those desserts. Especially the strawberry cream tartelette parfaite. That’s French for perfect tartlet, (y/n). I don’t think I have the strength to tell her I didn’t get a reservation”
“Oh, that’s terrible” You replied, patting his shoulder. “If only you had some sort of, I don’t know, awesome sister that knows you all too well and managed to get a reservation for two under your name as soon as the bookings opened.”
“Well, that’s–” He went still for a second as your words registered in his brain. Then, his face peeked out from his hands, his eyes as wide as saucers. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying your booking is at 8” You grinned, then let it drop completely. “Don’t be late”
Shock was still written all over his face as he fully understood the situation. You had pretty much just saved his ass and his whole Valentine’s day evening. Color returned to his skin and his eyes were bright again as a blinding smile slowly stretched on his lips. “Oh my god”
“Not quite, I’ll give you one more try–”
You barely saw him move as he swooped you in a bone crushing hug, lifting you off your feet. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, holy shit, you’re the beeeeeeeest”
You couldn't help but laugh as he gently put you down on your feet. He was vibrating with newfound excitement, and it was adorable to watch. “You’re very welcome”
“I’m gonna make this up to you, I swear” 
“Make this up to me by not being late” You joked as you began pushing him toward the exit of the Batcave.”Now go get ready, shoo”
“Okay okay” He chuckled as he began jogging backward. “You’re the best, I love you!”
“Love you too, have fun!” You waved at him before he turned around to climb back up the stairs. 
You watched him retreat with a fond smile on your face, knowing your brother and one one your closest friend would have a great time where they would be able to prioritize their happiness for once without having the weight of the world on their shoulder. Besides, both Dick and Babs needed a little time off to breathe anyway. And if this pause was also surrounded by delicious godsent desserts, then it was all the better. 
“How long have you been standing there like a creep?”
Jason made a disinterested sound and stepped out of the shadows, walking until he was standing shoulder to shoulder with you, staring in the direction of where Dick disappeared. “Long enough. That was almost impressive, Cupid. Now he’s gonna take your side in every debate for months, no matter what stupid point you bring. Thanks”
You smirked. “Well, someone’s feeling the spirit of Valentine’s day tonight”
“It’s a stupid holiday to force people to think they need to buy gifts to prove they love their significant others” He scoffed, crossing his arms against his chest. “The only spirit I’m feeling is capitalism, and I’m not having fun”
You rolled your eyes at how dramatic he was being, then searched your jacket pocket until your fingers wrapped around a small flash drive. You held it up toward him. “This flash drive holds 25 of the best movies ever made by your standard. All director’s cut, original format and original language. Roy’s waiting for you at your place with a fifty for pizza” 
He didn’t answer for a few seconds.
“... If you want to, of course” You slowly began to pull back the drive towards you. “Valentine’s day being a shrine to capitalism and all–”
Quicker than lighting, he snatched the drive from your hands. You could have teased him at that moment, but you didn’t; it wasn’t your goal today. You’d get him another time, god knows there will be plenty of opportunities to do so in the near future. You watched him as he stared at the small red USB key, then up at you.
“Did you organize that?”
You shrugged. “Roy already had a mind to come. I paid for his plane ticket and pitched the movie idea to him. He told me which movie to compile, that’s all him”
He blinked one, then looked down. “That’s thoughtful” He mumbled, then spoke more clearly. “Thanks, Tiny Wing. It means a lot”
“Don’t mention it” You bumped his shoulder with yours. “Now go have fun. Say hi to Roy for me”
If you didn’t know better, you would have sworn it was a smile that formed on his lips. Either way, the way his face had lightened up in the last minutes was unmistakable. “Will do” He said as he nodded, then exited the cave the same way Dick had. 
You took a few steps back and leaned on the desk, and predictably, Bruce came in next with Alfred in tow. However, you raised an eyebrow at how Bruce was dressed. He was in full batsuit minus the cowl, his cape flowing behind him as he chatted with Alfred about the new firewall he installed on the computers. 
“Ah, (y/n), I was wondering if–”
“What’s that on you?” You cut him off, wagging a finger to his outfit. 
Bruce looked down at himself, slightly confused, as he patted the suit for anything amiss. He took the time to double check, then returned his eyes on you with question marks written all over them. “Uh, the batsuit?”
“Yeah” You replied. “Why do you have it on?”
He looked to Alfred, who gave him no clue whatsoever as to what you were on about. “... Patrol?”
You gave him a deadpan stare. It was obvious he would have tried something like that, and that’s why you had been in the cave for hours now to be sure to intercept him before he went out, but seeing it unfold in front of your eyes sure was something else. Unbelievable. “Bruce, you have a date with Selina in just a bit more than an hour”
“I know” He frowned. “I’m just doing a quick sweep around the city, just to make sure everything is alright, I have enough time”
“You most certainly do not” You shook your head. “Now get that off and go get ready”
He was taken aback for a second, then his frown returned a bit deeper. “The city always come first, (y/n), you know that”
“Nuh-uh. Not tonight” You stood your ground, resisting the urge to mimic Alfred’s subtle amused smirk. “Selina comes first tonight. Now go get changed, your nice suit she likes has been dry cleaned and ironed. Worry about not messing up your hair, nothing else”
“NO BUTS” You shut him off. “Damian and I will take care of patrol tonight, I’ll be on watch and do it by your rules while you go on your date with Selina. That is non-negotiable dad, so don’t even try it”
He recoiled at the finger you practically jammed in his face, then looked to Alfred once again for help. “Where did she learn to be this threatening?”
Alfred, without missing a beat and without giving away any reaction, replied “I believe she learned it from you, Master Bruce”
Betrayal fell over Bruce’s face. “Alright, I see how it is. I am being kicked out of my own cave by my daughter. Fine, I’ll go”
You waited until he stomped out of the cave and shut the door close behind before letting out a sigh of relief. All things considered, forcing him not to go on patrol went pretty well. “Thanks for the assist, Alfred”
“It was merely an observation” His amused air returned. “You did most of the heavy lifting on this one, Master (y/n). I must congratulate you, your determination to make him uphold his commitment to Miss Selena was remarkable”
You brushed your hand dismissively. “You said it yourself, I just used his own medicine against him. Stubbornness runs in this family, what can I say”
“It does indeed”
“Now there’s only one left” You said as you glanced at the door. Usually, Tim arrived a little bit later, but you were surprised when you heard the door open so quickly after Bruce’s departure. “Ah, there he is”
Tim lazily jogged down the stairs in sweatpants, munching on a cookie and scrolling down his phone. He barely looked up to acknowledge you and Alfred before he popped in the chair beside you. He kept watching his phone until he felt your glance on him, after which he slowly looked up. He took in the usually busy cave at this time of the evening, only to find out it was empty. Well, beside Alfred, and you, who kept staring at him.
“Where’s everybody?” He finally asked.
“Preparing their Valentine’s day evening” You replied coolly. 
He scoffed. “Valentine’s day isn’t until next week, are they having an early all family dinner or what?”
You kept looking at him and shook your head. “Tim. It's today”
“No way, I literally checked my calendar this morning…” He trailed off as his eyes went wide. His thoughts were comically loud as he realized more time had passed than he had even realized, until panic took over his every features and made him shoot up on his feet “Fuck. FUCK. I didn't get Bernard anything”
“I know Timmy. That's why I rented the Gotham Aquarium for the night” You said as you held an arm forward to block his path, so he wouldn't run away from you. “You'll have a private tour and a dive with the rays. A car will pick Bernard up and drop him at the aquarium at 7 on the dot, so I suggest you get there first to greet him”
Oh yeah, that sent his brain into overdrive alright. “What”
“I know, I'm amazing” You grinned. 
“But. How?” He blinked rapidly. “You came up with that? For me? But why? And where did you even find the time to organize all this?”
You put a hand on his shoulder. “Tim. You're working so much that you black out and literally lose chunks of time. It's the least I can do to help you out and most importantly, give you some time off with Bernard. Things have been much quieter on my end lately, so it was no burden at all”
“It's literally the best date ever” Finally, a smile appeared on his face. “Thank you so much, I don't know how I'll ever repay you”
“Well, for a starter, I could meet him” You half joked. You hadn't met Bernard yet even after hearing so much about him; there was just never a right occasion for it. Still, you were curious about the boy who stole your favourite brother's heart. “For the rest, don't worry about it. Just have fun”
“Yeah definitely, for all of that” He gestured vaguely as he was already halfway out of the cave. “You’re the best, hands down, thank you!”
And then he ran off, already shrugging his hoodie off. You shook your head with a small smile and returned your attention on the city monitors to flag the more active sectors for the night and brief Damian as soon as he would be ready to go. You still had about half an hour until sunset and the boys were all taken care of, allowing you to take care of the last minute preparations for your run in peace of mind. 
“I must say, it is very kind of you, the way you helped out Master Timothy and Master Bruce” Alfred began quietly. You glanced at him over your shoulder and smiled. “I suppose you accorded the same favour to Master Richard and Master Jason?” 
“Yep” You nodded and returned your eyes to the screen. 
“Giving them all the night off was quite generous” He hummed. “Handling Gotham alone with Master Damian for the entire night won’t be an easy task, however”
“I know” You replied softly. “But I don’t really mind, not in these circumstances. All of them… They work hard enough and never take time for themselves or time with their partner. I just thought I could do that for them. It didn’t require much effort on my part, and if it can make them happy… They deserve it, and it’s all that matters right now”
You would so dangle it against them later to get what you want, but for now, you were just content with making sure they had an evening they could enjoy without worrying about patrol and crime. An evening for them. This life was a hard one, it took away a lot from all of you, mostly in the form of sucking out all happiness from interpersonal relations. You knew that as much as them, so it was only the right thing to do. You didn’t have a partner to go back to, or close friends to celebrate with who also wouldn’t be on a date tonight, so it was only fair to be the one to stay behind and take watch. And you were good with that, even if it meant you would take on more than you should.
“You know you deserve happiness too, right?”
Your smile faltered just a little bit. You didn’t want to think about how you were still single this year, or how you just couldn’t seem to keep relationships long enough to last until Valentine’s day. Maybe you went all out for your family to make yourself feel a little bit better through others’ happiness, or maybe you did it to distract yourself. But there was no point in envy or in delusion, not now, not ever. 
“Maybe one day, Alfred. Maybe one day”
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reallyromealone · 3 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I sure can!
You're very welcome!
Also in this Mikey is still friends with his old friends
(Name) was quiet as he sat up front with Takeomi, their son currently getting chewed the fuck out from the rest of the pack as the eldest alpha rested his hand on (name)s thigh, rubbing gently as he drove them home.
"You come from an Omega and yet you disrespect them?! Have we taught you nothing!" Koko said heatedly as (sons name) shrunk more, trying to make himself invisible from his parents lecturing because fuck did it hurt.
They were disappointed and angry with him but (name) still said nothing to him.
That's kind of what terrified the tween the most.
Mama hadn't said anything.
When they got home the alphas led (name) to the sitting area and made sure he was comfortable and smooched his forehead before going to sons room and literally taking everything that could possibly bring him entertainment out of his room as Ran ordered Omega rights books and books written by omegas (basically this universes version on feminist books and women's rights) and Rindō looked up classes that were sure to take up all his spare time outside doing homework "when these books come we want a report on what they were about and what you learned from them"
"Do you really think arguing with us is the smartest move right now?" Mikey's voice was cold and thankfully (name) was away from earshot.
He knew (name) didn't like that voice even though it's never been directed at him.
Their son shut up at that and just silently fumed at this.
This made him hold a grudge against not just the student but omegas, he didn't understand why omegas were put on a pedestal and why his mama got away with Yelling at his dad's like that.
It didn't make sense for his dumb tween brain.
After all his stuff was locked up in the basement he was sent to his room for the night, dinner would be brought to him.
"Now..." Mikeys voice was soft as the men went to their mate who was fidgeting slightly "why didn't you tell us baby?"
"Which thing"
"Well first the whole Omega thing and then the pregnancy thing preferably" Ran said as they all got comfortable around their mate who looked down "You guys were really busy with that project and I didn't want to add more stress... I chose to stay at home so I could handle this...." (Name)s voice was meek as he avoided eye contact.
That 'project' aka drug trade was six months ago.
"He's been acting like an ass for that long?"
"I-I thought it was a phase ya know? Edgy teen stuff... He's apparently hanging out with these other elitist alphas and I don't know what happened "
The alphas watched (name) crumble and stepped closer "baby no matter how busy we seem you can always come to us... He's our kid too even if he's being a complete dick "
"Speaking of kids, bow long have you known about this one?" Mochi said pointing at (name)s stomach and the Omega blushed a bit "since my doctors appointment two days ago..."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I was already stressed, I didn't know how to bring it up" (name) slowly looked up "I'm sorry alphas..."
"Just talk to us when you're dealing with stuff, ok?"
(Name) just nodded and the alphas were reluctant to let him cook dinner especially after the events that transpired but (name) managed to convince them so long as they could supervise.
They didn't want their pregnant omega lifting anything heavier than an egg.
Dinner took considerably longer with the Alphas trying to help him though none of them could cook by any means.
"I'm gonna take (sons name) his portion" Ran said grabbing a plate and a cup before going to their sons room, Mikey nosing at (name)s neck when he smelt the slight distress coming off him "don't worry baby, we will get him right"
"I just miss my pup..." (Name) mumbled and the family began eating, the Alphas trying to feed (name) more with the new information of a pup on the way.
Ran walked to their sons room, he was still pissed with him.
Treating his dam like that?
The person who loves him unconditionally and would die for him, just to turn around and belittle and treat them like a second class citizen.
(Sons name) was stewing in his room, doing homework as ran set the food down and stared at him "you know despite your shit show, your dam still loves you" Ran said simply as he looked around his sons room before looking at the tween "even tried to have us go easy on you"
(Sons name) said nothing as he continued working "breaks coming soon, we will decide what you will be doing with your time off"
Ran left without saying anything else, returning to the others and smiling at his omegas much better mood.
When (name) went to bed the men gathered around the sitting room as now they would discuss the real punishment that would come when their pup would be on break.
They loved their kid, thus why they are sending him to work under the most terrifying Omega they all knew outside of (name) when they fuck up.
Nahoya Kawata.
Everyone in the room agreed he was not to be fucked with and maybe a few weeks with him and Souya would prove to show (sons name) that omegas weren't weak and definitely not to be fucked with.
Mikey would be making the call come morning as they went to go change for bed, smiling as they looked at their mate who was snuggled in the Alaskan king bed in one of their shirts.
They stopped buying (name) sleep attire unless it was for non sleep activities.
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beautifulgirl223 · 2 years ago
Hello all! Well this is my first time writing and posting to tumblr, but I had this idea that I could just not let go of in my head, so here we are. I wrote this with Eustass Kid in mind because I’m absolutely obsessed with him and want to do filthy things with him, but I wrote it to allow you to add any male character you’d like. I wrote the reader gender neutral, and with no descriptions of anything so anyone could enjoy. Anyways. Here’s this. I didn’t proof read : D and I have no idea how to make my posts look pretty like other writers. So let me know if I miss anything. No smut. I wish I could write it, but I’m so bad at it. I’d be willing to corporate with someone on this if they wanted to write the other half 🤷
“If you don’t think you can do it, then just say that.” You desperately tried to maintain the facade of indifference as you turned your back to him.
He knew what you were doing. You were only trying to get a rise out of him. It was a stupid game that he didn’t see the point of.
And you were always good at getting a rise out of him.
“Give me the damn chocolate…” he mumbled under his breath as he popped 2 into his mouth.
“Babe! You’re only supposed to take half!” You exclaimed as you watched him swallow the aphrodisiacs. He raised his eyebrows challengingly.
“Aww sweetheart. Don’t think you can do it?” Using your exact words against you in a condescending tone.
Narrowing your eyebrows at him, you grabbed 2 from the package and ate them as you glared at him.
“Oh I know I can do it sweetheart,” you say with emphasis on the word, “It’s only a matter of time before you come pleading at my feet. Just begging to fuck me into the mattress.”
“Oh I was gonna do that anyways,” he said with a shrug as he went his own way to do whatever it was that he does during this time of day. “Only it’s gonna be you pleading me to fuck you until you forget how to breathe.”
He was out of earshot before you could even come up with a retort. You couldn’t help but lightly stop your feet like a little kid throwing a tantrum would. You were supposed to get under his skin. Not the other way around.
You were a bit worried though. Not that the chocolate was going to kill you. But you did both just take 4 servings…
*** 20 minutes later ***
This was a huge fucking mistake.
You hated to admit it. The last thing you wanted to do was prove him right. But it was impossible to focus on anything else when your brain was only concerned with you laying on your back underneath -
Holy shit you needed to focus.
You sat at the kitchen table attempting to get some work done. Your face was warm as you tried to rein in your thoughts.
Crossing your legs to try and alleviate some of the discomfort you felt in between your legs. Only to have made your arousal worse. Desperate for clarity, grabbing the biggest glass availed and poured the coldest glass of water you could handle. Hoping to lower your temperature.
You had no idea where he was at. Noting how you hadn’t seen him for the last 20 minutes, you were starting to get pissed off. It makes sense that the aphrodisiacs would respond differently between the two of you, but was he not feeling anything at all? It wasn’t fair. He had 4 servings of the shit. It was only a matter of time before you decided your pride wasn’t worth it, and ask him to take care of you.
You went to sit back down until you heard heavy breathing headed straight towards you.
Speak of the devil.
He came into the room, and he had never looked more attractive than what he does right now.
His shirt nowhere to be found. Showing off his flushed midsection and neck as he continued to breathe hard. His skin was radiating heat, and you could feel the lust rolling off of him in waves as he moved towards you.
You felt no shame as you allowed your eyes to roam down his body. His dick straining against the fabric of his pants. It looked painful. You almost felt bad.
With his presence, you remembered that you have a game to play. You forced your eyes away from your man’s crotch and just barely got away from his reach as he tried to grab you.
The growl of warning was enough to make your knees buckle for a quick second. The sound going straight to your crotch. Suppressing your urges you managed to turn and look at him.
“Well someone looks absolutely ruined,” you chuckled as you took another sip of water. Trying to feign any symptoms of lust. Knowing good and well that you were as bad as he was.
He ran a frustrated hand down his face in order to try and calm down.
“You’re not looking much better,” he managed to get out with a strained voice. “You were staring pretty hard at something only a moment ago.”
“What? I can’t admire how pretty my man is?”
“Why don’t you admire me from on top of my face huh? Bet you wanna take a ride.”
The whimper left your mouth involuntarily. He was gonna cost you the game with how he was talking.
He smirked. Seeing to have gained a moment of control as he reached for you once more. This time not having the strength to move, you allowed him to manhandle you. Relishing in how his hands felt as they moved across your body.
“Whatdya say sweetheart? Wanna admit that you can’t go any longer without me splitting you open with my cock? Just ask nicely and I promise to give it to you,” he whispered in your ear. His breath fanning across your neck in addition to his hands groping you everywhere he could reach made for a losing combo.
The arousal was building to the point it hurt. You could rub one out to save you the disappointment of losing to him. But the idea of pleasing yourself when you had a man that could please you so much better than you could yourself made you want to cry. You didn’t want to think about getting off any other way if it didn’t involve him over, under or behind you in someway.
He was grinding his erection against your body, and groaning at the friction. Essentially dry humping you through multiple layers of fabric.
“Just say the word sweetheart and make sure you can’t walk tomorrow,”
He was playing so dirty. Touching you and promising filthy acts in your ear. Your knees buckled under the sensations, but he was there to grab you. Like he always was.
Somehow you managed to catch your breath and steady your legs before you maneuvered out of his grip. The look of shock on his face was quickly replaced by one of annoyance. He thought he had you.
“How about some other time? I’m kinda busy working right now,” you say as you sit back down with your work.
You knew it would be impossible to finish any work right now. It was the last thing on your mind as you had someone who was ready to ravish you at the drop of a hat who stood no more than an arms reach away.
You force yourself to break his gaze by staring back at your work. Internally kicking yourself for wanting to win this stupid game when you were horny to the point of pain. You would make sure to never take that much aphrodisiac ever again.
The only noise in the room came from the heavy breathing the two of you shared before he mumbled something you didn’t quite catch.
Moments later he scooped you up in his arms and was racing towards your shared bedroom.
“Fuck this stupid game. You win alright?”
Please do not take my idea or copy my writing anywhere :) all the rights here belong to me 😈
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diamond-coral · 4 years ago
A Game
Summary: Tony suggests a game that you, the unfortunate intern, get dragged right into the center of: who can make a woman cum the fastest?
Pairings: all dark!: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader, Thor x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader, Tony x Reader, implied natasha x reader
Warnings: DUB-CON/NON-CON (oral: f-receiving, fingering, tiny smidge of analplay) VOYEURISM/EXHIBITIONISM, BLACKMAILING, OVERSTIMULATION. The characters in this story are NOT good people. After reading the warnings, your media consumption is your own responsibility!
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As Stark’s party mellowed down and all the guests left, you, the unfortunate intern, were called over to the small group of five Avengers seated in a section of couches.
“Y/n, come!” Thor’s voice boomed.
“Y/n, come!” Sam mimicked, deepening his voice to make fun of Thor’s.
You approached them as the men snickered at Sam’s joke. 
“What can I do for you?” you ask, a fake smile plastered on your face.
Stark cleared his throat and raised a brow at you; a silent command. 
“What can I do for you, sir?” 
“A round of drinks please, and add this to Sir Barnes, Sir Rogers, and I’s drinks.” Thor handed you the flask of his Asgardian liquor and you accepted it, hiding the slight nervous tremble of your hands.
“Of course, sir.”
“Someone’s been learning their manners,” Steve taunted, and it took all your restraint to not snarl at him.
“Easy there, Rogers,” Stark interjected, noticing how your fingers clenched Thor’s flask tighter. “Pretty sure Barnes fucked the brat outta her couple days ago when he came back from that shitshow of mission in Bosnia. Got a lot of pent up rage there, Buck?”
“Mission just put me in a bad mood,” Bucky shrugged. “Either way, I don’t think I fucked all the brat outta her. Got anything left for me, doll?”
“I have nothing for you, you self-righteous, ignorant prick,” you spat venomously.
“There she is. I always love a challenge.” Bucky smirked at how your knuckles were turning white around the flask. “Now didn’t Thor ask you to go fetch us some drinks?”
You huffed, opting to bite your tongue rather than lashing out, and spun on your heel toward the minibar.
Three-months ago, you would never have imagined your internship interview at S.H.I.E.L.D to bring you here. Your interview had been conducted by Captain America himself, and just as things began to look promising, it was interrupted by a sharp knock from Tony Stark. Tony had brought Steve into the hall, leaving the door to the conference room open, and you could only sneak glances through the window of the room, hearing Steve whisper about how it was “a question of morality” while they both kept looking back at you.
You got the position, and the next day, Tony sat you down and gave you an offer.
The Avengers needed to be ‘taken care of’, as he put it, and you being a ‘stress-reliever’ would boost morale around the team. Most of the them never had time for the outside world (apparently saving the world was a big commitment?) and were rarely ever able to make lasting relationships. You could accept the position, be compensated monthy, and get to live in the compound, or you could decline, and walk away with your mouth sealed by the confidentiality contract you signed before the interview.  Something about S.H.I.E.L.D. work being linked to a lot of top secret information, meaning you weren’t allowed to speak any details of the job to outside parties unless you wanted to get sued for every penny you were worth.
You had been on the cusp of taking the second option before Tony mentioned your sister’s job as S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent. She was half the reason you’d interviewed for an internship. A couple words from Tony about her possibly falling into a fatal accident on a mission, and you took the position offer in a heartbeat.
You almost overfilled the glass while getting lost in your train of thought. Setting down the bottle of expensive whiskey, you placed the last glass next to the others on the silver tray, and picked it up, gracefully yet begrudgingly making your way back to the small gathering.
“Y/n, finally. We were just talking about who here can make a woman cum the fastest.”
The complete utter bluntness of Tony’s words caught you entirely off guard, and you tripped over your own feet, stumbling in your high heels to keep the tray of drinks from falling before Sam reached an arm out to catch the tray and another arm to hold your hip and steady you.
You ripped yourself from Sam’s touch without acknowledging or thanking him, to disturbed by Tony’s previous words to do so. You began passing out the glasses of dark liquid. “And you’re telling me this why?” Your voice was flat in hopes of showing Tony you were completely disinterested in any plans he might have.
“Why, we need your aid, Lady Y/n,” Thor answered a little too cheerfully for your taste.
“I won’t be partaking in your little immature competition of toxic masculinity.” You crossed your arms and continued. “It makes it seem that women are nothing but prizes. Games to be played by boys as they fight over the highscore. Toys.”
“Aren’t they?” Steve cocked his head, eyes glimmering with amusement while a smirk painted his face. The rest of the men chuckled at his reply.
“I think HR would be shocked to hear that Captain America is being a sexist dick to a woman in the workplace,” you bit back, but your threat was weak and they all knew it.
“I think HR would be to busy writing a condolence letter to your sisters family if, let’s say, on her mission with Sam tomorrow in Russia, a stray bullet hit her,” Steve replied. A quick reminder at the stakes. 
Sam clicked his tongue and shook his head in mock sympathy. “Those darn Russians and their careless aim.”  
He abruptly pushed himself off the couch and clapped his hands together. “I wanna go first,” he declared.
“Just remember, you can’t use your dick,” Tony added. “Some of us don’t have super soldier serum enhanced fuckwands.”
“Please never, ever say fuckwand again,” Bucky said, scrunching up his nose. “Besides, the hydra serum didn’t do anything down there.” He waggled his eyebrows while elbowing his enhanced counterpart. “Don’t think I could say the same for this punk here though.”
Steve muttered a ‘shut up’ while the group snickered.
All while they compared sizes like a bunch of teenagers, Sam manhandled you onto the coffee table in the center of the couches. You let out a grunt as you were shoved onto your front, stomach pressed into the tabletop while your pelvis was slammed into the edge.
Sam kneeled behind you and brought up two fingers to your mouth.
“Get ‘em nice and wet for me, baby.”
The men around you went quiet, entranced as you reluctantly took Sam’s fingers into your mouth, sucking on them and swirling your tongue around them.
When Sam finally pulled them out, he looked back at Tony.
“You ready?” Sam asked.
Sam hiked the flowy skirt of your dress up your legs causing you to squirm and pathetically thrash; a desperate attempt at putting an abrupt stop to this stupid game.
“You’re on the clock.”
At Tony’s words, Sam immediately stopped your desperate attempt at worming away from him by catching you by the back of your neck and slamming you back down hard on the coffee table. Much to your disdain, the rough treatment made you wet, and that was the last thing you wanted them to see.
But when Sam pulled your lacy panties down, you could tell it was the first thing he noticed.
“Fuck babygirl, I didn’t need you lubing up my fingers, you’re already drenched,” he noted.
You let out a soft moan as Sam worked two calloused fingers into your pussy. Although they’re thick and long, they were nowhere near the size of his dick and you silently thanked whatever was out there that he wasn’t splitting you in half with it at the moment. Sam released the grip on your neck, moving to settle the hand on your ass before giving it a light squeeze and a slap that elicited another moan from you. While Sam slowly began moving his fingers- twisting, curling, and pumping them- he leaned over you, caging your body under his broad chest, to speak dirty words into your ear.
“Baby, you’re so wet right now, I think you like having them watch you.” Your cheeks burned in shame while he picked up the pace. “You want them to see how well-behaved you are for me? Want them to see how you come on my hand like a good little slut?” he cooed.
Slow pumps now turned to quick thrusts from his skilled fingers and Sam groaned as you fluttered around him.
“That’s it. You’re taking me perfectly.”
Twisting his wrist so his thumb could also strum your clit, Sam was moving so fast you’d easily mistake him for a superhuman.
“Yes, Sam, please,” you cried out, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“Uh-uh, babygirl. Wrong word,” he scolded, although his pace never slowed as his fingers brutally fucked into you.
“Daddy!” you screamed. “I’m cumming!”
You chanted those words, cunt clamping down on his merciless fingers. He gave you no reprieve, mercilessly thrusting into you, until you squirted, your release coating his hand and dripping down his forearm. Only when you were almost crying, did he finally remove his hand from your abused cunt.
“Now that-,” Sam stated, grinning while he stood. “-is how you make a girl come.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever Birdbrain.” You don’t have any strength to look at Tony as he speaks. “Give her a couple minutes before whoever’s next.”
Whatever the conversation was between them (you couldn’t hear it over the buzzing in your brain), it was much too short to your liking. The few minutes Tony gave you only felt like a few seconds before Bucky was getting up.
“Guess I’ll take a crack at it,” he announced, rolling his head from side to side.
“No one says “take a crack at it” anymore, old man.”
“Keep talking when your in last place, Sam,” Bucky quipped, however, his tone was still light.
You felt a metal hand on your hip before you were rolled over onto your back, now facing Bucky while your eyes pleaded with him.
“Please dont,” you croaked.
Bucky just scoffed, kneeling down between your legs and wrapping both arms around your thighs as he pulled you closer.
“Tony?” His hot breath fanned your pussy as he spoke and you inhaled sharply at the feeling.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Stark said.
Bucky wasted no time the moment the words left Tony’s mouth. He started by licking up from your hole to clit over and over, the lazy stripes already driving you wild. Letting go of one of your thighs to bring his flesh hand to your pussy, he pulled the hood of your clit back, pausing his licking to blow on your engorged bud.
“Such a pretty pussy, doll,” he murmured before turning his head around and speaking louder. “You guys seeing this?” 
He moved his head out of the way to showcase your glistening folds. A couple groans from the men on the couches had you trying to close your legs, but Bucky’s grip was like steel (especially considering his hand was metal).
“Wasting time Buck,” Steve commented and Bucky just rolled his eyes.
“I’m pretty sure I can still beat Sam and have time left over,” he scoffed.
Bucky directed his attention back to your folds, this time, diving in right away. He still had the hood of your clit pulled back as he encased the bud with his lips causing you to writhe at the intense sensation. And yet, you were held down with practically no effort as he methodically played with you. Each time he groaned against you, you let out an embarrassingly loud moan, and by the time he started sucking on your clit, you were wrecked. Your hand found home in his brown locks of hair while he quickly moved his tongue back and forward on your sensitive nub that was trapped in the vacuum of his mouth. The coil inside you wound tighter and tighter, and suddenly, while Bucky began shaking his head from side to side, it snapped. Your clit pulsed rapidly while encased in his hot mouth, and you screamed, legs locking around his head while your hand held his head in place. He worked you while you rode out your orgasm on his face until you could barely move.
Bucky got up from his knees, grinning down at you, so weak, you couldn’t muster it in you to glare back.
“Now I think I really fucked the brat out of you,” he said. “What was that?” He cupped his ear. “Did I hear a thank you sir?”
“Thank you, sir,” you whimpered weakly.
You were so fucked out, all the next events were but a blur.
Thor had feasted between your thighs the same as Bucky but was more sloppy, although, your body seemed to love ‘sloppy’. His tongue was constantly lashing and worming around your clit, the wet muscle accompanied by lewd slurping sounds, and in record time, Thor’s suckling and licking had you tensing and building up so much that your orgasm felt like a waterfall crashing over your body.
Steve was just as methodical and precise as Bucky, also pumping his fingers slowly in and out of your pussy. He was sweetly slow, dragging out your pleasure to the point where you were begging him to come. His warm tongue dragged across your sensitive cunt, while another hand reached up to grab a breast and pinch a nipple. You felt like your body was on fire. It wasn’t until Steve had inserted a thumb into your ass that he finally allowed your body sweet sweet release.
Your head span as finally collapsing on Tony’s floor, listening to the muffled voices above you.
You didn’t even register Stark’s words as he announced Thor had won and Steve had come in last. You barely even heard Steve’s defense that he was just enjoying himself too much in the moment.
Although ten-minutes later you had a somewhat sense of clarity, after hearing their conversation, you wished you were just unconscious. Even better, dead.
“I’m tellin’ you man, I made her squirt. She definitely came the hardest with me.” Sam’s voice rang.
“Dude- she was literally grinding against my face and holding me in a headlock with her legs,” Bucky argued.
“I literally made the brat beg to cum,” Steve inserted.
“I’d say that by bringing her to release the fastest, it was most intense with me,” Thor declared, victoriously.
You were on the brink of tears as they talked about you. Until another voice cut into the room. A female voice.
“What do you boys think you’re doing?”
It was Natasha. Your head jolted up as you felt a glimmer of hope surge through you.
That glimmer of hope was quickly extinguished at her next words.
“Not inviting me to the boy’s party?” she scolded. “You think a girl might beat you by a landslide?”
Nat squatted down next to you, running a soft hand on your cheek.
“Well you’re right. I’ll beat Thor’s record and cut it in half.”
She began unbuttoning her pants.
“And I’ll do it while riding her face.”
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ericspinkhair · 4 years ago
quarantine longings
pairing: best friend!kevin x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k
synopsis: you and your best friend have sex because quarantine made you horny
warnings: best friends to lovers, takes place during the pandemic, spoiler of 356 days (but not the end, just generally the plot), no use of condoms but only the pill, creampie, sexual fantasies, fingering, hand-job, sex, slight angst at the end if you squint
a/n: I would literally die for kevin, I love him so much. I'll be writing a multiple parts series about him after I'm done writing scenarios for every member first.
requests are open!
masterlist + requests
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you slammed your foot hard against the wall and cursed in pain. you hopped on one foot to your bed, holding your other leg in agony and tasted blood as you bit your lip to keep the volume of your suffering groans in check. someone knocked on the door.
'are you okay?' your roommate asked concerned.
'no, leave me alone, kevin,' you croaked out. you wanted to suffer by yourself.
there was an awkward silence and then you heard him sigh. soon after, the door next to your room closed shut.
why were you so frustrated, one might ask? well, the pandemic was kicking your butt and you just couldn't take it anymore. when the news of the virus had first spread, no one thought it would become this serious. but suddenly everyone was walking around with masks and spent most of their time staying at home.
after graduating high school, you and kevin had decided to move in together for college because both of you were broke and couldn't afford to live alone. you had been best friends since middle school and had been convinced that it was a smart idea at the time.
and everything went smoothly for the first one and a half years. however, after not seeing anyone else since the start of the pandemic over a year ago, it became increasingly difficult to share an apartment, but not in the way one might assume. you were neither sick of each other nor did you fight a lot. to tell the truth, it was quite the opposite.
earlier, before you had kicked the wall in anger, the two of you had painted together. kevin was majoring in art and, since you didn't have anything better to do, you joined him while he did projects for his classes. you might have been majoring in journalism but you had always liked drawing and painting, even though you weren't particularly skilled. you were a naturally clumsy person, always tripping over air and dropping things. today you were hecticly moving around your hands while telling him about a stupid video you had seen and you accidently let go of the brush in your hand. it hit the side of kevin's face, leaving a wide splodge of red paint on his right cheek.
to get back at you, he jerked his paint brush and splattered some green color on your white shirt. you saw this as a challenge and soon both of you were both drenched in the colors of the rainbow, laughing hysterically on the floor, not caring that you were spreading the paint on the poor carpet.
you turned your heads to look at each other and you felt absolutely in peace. you loved this man and couldn't be more glad that it was him and not anyone else you were stuck with inside of this apartment.
he stood up to take off his stained shirt and your smile quickly faded off your face. your lips slightly parted and you couldn't help but stare at his now exposed biceps and abs.
your mouth watered and you felt heat pooling between your legs as you took your time to study his architecture. thoughts about how badly you wanted him to thrust into you while his strong arms held you up invaded your mind. you tried to shake them off but it was impossible.
occasions like this were slowly becoming a common occurrence for you.
having mostly stayed inside for over a year, also meant that you didn't have sex for that long. it's not like you were the horniest person on the planet but you still had needs that were being neglected. with kevin being home all the time you didn't even dare to masturbate, scared that he would be able to hear you through the frustratingly thin walls. you must have gone insane with all the lust building up inside you and that's why you suddenly craved to have sex with your best friend. this whole thing was destroying everything. it was hard to act normal when he was making you this nervous and heated but you tried to pretend that everything was fine anyway for the sake of your friendship.
that was the reason why you were angry and had hurt yourself. you hated the way you felt about your best friend and you hated the pandemic for not giving you an outlet to escape so you could recollect yourself.
what you weren't aware of was that kevin was no stranger to the exact same frustration.
he would need more than his ten fingers and ten toes to be able to count the amount of times he had to run to the bathroom to hide his boner because he had done so much as look at you bend over or stretch. he didn't want to make you uncomfortable but it was a challenge to try and calm down his hormones.
whenever he jacked off, images of you flashed through his mind; your sweet curves and pink lips drove him insane.
last week, you two were cooking together and you had asked him to get the salt. he stood behind you to reach for it on the highest shelf. he was forced to press his crotch against your butt cheeks and his dick hardened against his will. he quickly handed you the salt, excused himself and ran off before you could figure out what had happened.
he might not have known the cause of your sudden outburst but he sympathized with your fury because he had a lot of pent up anger towards covid as well.
he lay in his bed and tried to focus on the book he was reading but he couldn't tune out the groans coming from the room next to his. he cursed.
'stop it!' he was panicking as he saw a familiar tent forming in his pants. your sounds triggered some weird perverted part of his brain that sent signals right to his genitals. his dick was hardening and he saw no other solution to his problem than to give in to his subconscious desires.
he pulled down his pants just far enough so that his cock had enough room to spring out. it only needed a few strokes before it stood tall and angry. kevin pressed his head into his pillow and moved his hand fast. he wanted to get over with it quickly. he emptied his cum on his stomach while imagining your greedy little mouth being stuffed by his cock. he lay there panting as yet another round of shame flushed over him.
'get yourself together,' he whispered, mentally slapping himself.
'do you want to order japanese or italian?' you asked kevin. today was friday which meant it was time for your weekly tradition of ordering take out and watching a movie.
'definitely italian. we've already had japanese for the past four days. I need something else for a change,' kevin complained and shuddered at the thought of having to eat sushi again. the japanese restaurant prepared absolutely delicious food but he just couldn't stand it anymore.
you laughed at his pained facial expression. 'fine, italian it is.'
within twenty minutes the doorbell rang and after about half a minute kevin came back with two huge boxes.
he opened them on the small table situated in front of your couch and the smell of freshly cooked pasta seasoned with basil made your stomach growl.
kevin wanted to dig in already but you stopped him. you had to choose a movie first.
'let's watch tall girl. I saw everyone hate on it on tiktok,' you suggested.
'I think we should watch 365 days, that was all over my for you page as well,' kevin argued. you hadn't heard of it so you weren't sure whether it would be the right movie for you. the rule was that it had to be as bad as possible.
'according to what I have heard, it's apparently even worse than 50 shades of grey,' kevin added which piqued your interest. the both of you had watched 50 shades about two months ago and you were honestly shocked by how awful it actually was. you couldn't understand why everyone had been so obsessed with it when it was first released. if 356 days was really worse, then you'd hit the jackpot. you clapped your hands.
'fine, you win. I swear if the movie isn't as horrible as you say it is then you owe me something!' he intertwined his pinky with yours to promise.
watching horrible movies was way better than watching good ones. making fun of bad storylines, stupid characters or horrible editing was one of your favorite past times.
'I guess I'll have to add are you lost, baby girl to the top 10 worst lines ever spoken. who thought ah yes this is sexy, let's have him repeat it over and over again', you complained, shoving some pasta into your mouth.
'so he's like I won't do anything without your permission while he is literally groping her boobs against her will, like make it make sense, massimo', added kevin, ruffling his hair in frustration. he almost completely forgot about the food.
'so let me get this straight: he drugged her, kidnapped her, tied her up, hung up a painting of her just because he saw her face when his dad was shot?'
'totally relatable.' both of you giggled.
you were enjoying complaining about the plot. it was horrible.
there were plenty of erotic scenes but they were honestly so funny and kinda gross that you could bare it without really being affected by them. kevin, on the other hand, had placed a pillow over his hard-on to hide the embarrassing fact that these terrible, smutty scenes had turned him on.
and then the infamous boat scene came.
massimo and laura had a huge fight, she fell of the boat, he saved her and now she was suddenly so in love with him that she begs him to fuck her. which he does.
you felt your panties become increasingly wet as the couple had steaming hot sex.
'this is embarrassing but I'm so horny,' you admitted but in a way that should have suggested that you meant it as a joke. something about this statement stirred something in kevin.
'well, what can I say?' he replied and lifted the pillow. your pupils widened at the sight of your best friend's bulge.
his eyes darkened and he looked at you with lust clearly written on his face. you reciprocated his stare with the same intensity. you tried to focus on his dark brown orbs instead of his boner but the image you had just seen was present in your mind.
his gaze shifted to your lips and, before you knew it, kevin climbed above you and pressed your back flat onto the couch.
your lips locked and you immediately buried your hands in his hair to pull him closer. you moved in sync, his lips fitting perfectly onto yours. you bucked your hips up against his crotch and earned a moan from kevin. he opened his eyes in shock as realization hit him. he quickly pulled away and jumped off the coach.
'I'm so sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have just done that. I don't know what came over me,' he apologized profusely, staring at his feet. did he really think that you didn't want this?
'give me your hand,' you told him and held out your hand.
'why?' he raised his eyebrows in confusion. you rolled your eyes.
'just do it.'
you took his hand and led it to your crotch.
'what are you- oh my god.' your juices had completely soaked through your panties and your sweatpants. 'you are so wet.'
'for you,' you added. 'there's no need to apologize. I'm literally begging you to continue.'
you didn't have to say that twice before he pulled you closer to him by your hips and engaged you in another desperate kiss. his hands were groping your butt while you let yours slide under his hoodie. you felt his naked skin and toned abs, as you rubbed his stomach. you lowered your hands and bravely palmed his boner through his clothes.
'y/n,' he hissed out against your lips. you hooked your thumbs in the elastic of his pants and underwear, and pushed the material down to his thighs. he struggled to get them off.
you stroked his hard dick as he slipped his hand into your panties to massage your pussy at the same time.
he slipped one finger inside and began working it in and out. you finally were getting the relief you had been desperately craving for for so long. kevin was skilled and your walls were trying to swallow his slim finger. you were quickly coming close to your orgasm after having abstained for more than a year. you pulled his hand out.
'I bet you can make me come even better with your dick,' you challenged kevin.
'you bet I will.' he was confident.
'let me just look for a condom.' he was already turning away to go search in his room but you held him back by the arm.
'forget about it. I'm on the pill and I want you raw. I want you to come inside me and not spill into a stupid condom.'
the idea of this sounded very tempting to kevin. he picked you up and threw you back onto the couch, drawing your hips closer to him so he could pull off all the pieces of clothing that were hindering him from accessing your pussy.
he propped up his arms next to your sides and spread your thighs apart. strings of arousal were hanging from your folds and he saw your hole desperately clench around nothing. his dick hurt from how much he wanted to finally be inside of you. he wanted to find out how close he had been able to imagine how you would feel around him.
your hole took him in easily, welcoming him happily by embracing it tightly. kevin swore he could've cum right here and there.
he went slow at first to give you a chance to adjust but you were already fully ready, rocking your hips forward to meet his thrusts.
he crashed your mouths together and you kissed him like he was oxygen and you were short of air. you smiled and your eyes rolled back, satisfied with how things had played out today and the prospects of coming looked fairly promising.
desperate for release, kevin picked up the pace, his eyes closed while fucking into you like a horny animal. he couldn't help himself and all the 'faster's and 'harder's spilling from your mouth only encouraged him to drive himself deeper into you.
you wrapped your legs around his torso in an attempt to regain the control you were losing.
'fuck fuck fuck,' you cursed, feeling your muscles starting to contract. kevin brushed away some hair that was stuck to your sweaty forehead.
'it's fine, I'm coming too,' he announced and it took only a few more thrusts before a body shaking orgasm flushed over you, making you see only white. this drove kevin over the edge too and he spilled inside you, filling you up with his hot cum. he continued to slowly ease his dick in and out of you, fucking his semen right back into you until you had ridden out both of your orgasms. he let himself fall onto the couch right next to you, panting hard.
'I very much needed this,' you sighed in content.
'same, I wasn't sure whether I could hold out any longer without having a proper orgasm.' he watched his cum drip out of you.
'we should've thought of this sooner,' you said. 'this was a great idea.'
kevin hummed in agreement.
so now you and kevin were having sex on a regular basis, your high score being five times in a day. it felt good to finally live out your sexuality and not having to restrict yourself. sure, you guys did it more than necessary but it was a great way to pass time and it felt fucking amazing.
today you had done it in the shower after waking up, then on the kitchen counter and you had just finished having sex in his bed.
he was spooning you from behind, his cock still placed inside of you. he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
'stop, that tickles,' you chuckled.
after a while of comfortable silence you heard him let out a big sigh.
'what's wrong?' you asked as he pulled out of you. you turned around to be able to look at him.
'I don't think I can do it like this anymore,' he confessed.
'what do you mean?' you asked. 'are you talking about us having sex?'
he nodded. your heart dropped and you started feeling dizzy. you tried to search for answers in his eyes but he avoided looking at you.
'w-why?' you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in your eyes.
'it was amazing at first,' he started and finally raised his head to meet your gaze, 'and I went into it without much thought. I went crazy during quarantine and began fantasizing about having sex with you. then it became reality but now I understand that was probably wrong of me. I've always thought of myself as a gentleman, yet I slept with you without much thought. you see, my issue is this…'
suspense hung in the air and you were impatiently waiting for him to get to the point.
'I like you.'
you quietly gasped in surprise. you had been expecting him to say you were bad at sex and that he regretted everything but not this.
'I shouldn't be sleeping with you unless you were my girlfriend,' he finished off his ramble. you felt immensely relieved.
'do you want me to?' you asked him.
'want you to what?' kevin was confused. he had been a hundred percent sure you'd immediately jump out of the bed in disgust when he confessed.
'be your girlfriend. after all, I like you too, you moron.' you realized that you had known this for a while. you might have even been crushing on your best friend since way before the pandemic struck but it was kind of hard to track your feelings. still, you were sure you liked him too. now that he had admitted his feelings, you were able to admit yours not only to him but to yourself as well.
'wow, I didn't expect this,' kevin confessed surprised. you laughed.
'yeah, we should've realized this sooner.' he pulled you closer and kissed you. it was different than the other times. his lips moved softly against yours, in contrast to all of your rough and passionate kisses you had exchanged these past few weeks. he conveyed his emotions through the kiss.
'you're ready again?' you groaned as you felt kevin's dick harden against your upper thigh. he chuckled.
'sorry, you just turn me on so much.'
so then you did it for the fourth time. that day, you set a new record of having sex six times. you might have been happy now but still just as horny.
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