#but the whole cast was incredible
gaytobymeres · 8 months
Just saw barber of Seville and it was so good!!!!!! I love opera so much!! Also I love Figaro with my whole heart
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prongsmydeer · 4 months
Reasons to Watch Drive-Away Dolls (2024):
Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan as Jamie and Marian, in the 90s Lesbian Road Trip Adventure Crime Comedy of Our (My) Dreams
It was delightfully absurd! I love a movie that is off-kilter at every turn!!! The stakes are escalating but rather than suspenseful, it is snappy and spirited
If you have ever wanted to watch a crime movie where the criminals are so incredibly inept at committing crimes that they have to keep pleading with lesbians they've just met to help them, this could be the movie for you
If you have ever wanted to watch a movie where for every scene involving violence there is also a longer lesbian sex scene, this could be the movie for you
Curlie, the Drive-Away Rental Dealer, who is decidedly in a different genre of movie, and who doesn't like people calling him Curlie (his actual name) because it's too familiar, deserves his own shout-out
This movie was exactly the right length!! It didn't drag, it told the story exactly in as much time as it needed (1h24min)
There is only one character in this movie who is based on a real person, and while I could not have predicted who that would be, they were once described with the phrase, "Someone like [them] should be in the Smithsonian."
Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, who are married, in a polymarous relationship and the latter of whom is a lesbian, directed and wrote this self-described B movie and have been trying to get it made for almost 20 years, which is incredible dedication
Quotes like: "Take the wall dildo." "It's your dildo, Suzanne."
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aurosoulart · 3 months
made a lil shadow forest on my bed 🛏️
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jula483 · 5 months
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still in shock after being 4 rows away from David Tennant for 2 hours on Monday, January 15th 💖
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utilitycaster · 2 months
I really do dunk on villain stans a lot but the thing is like. I genuinely do not care on any sort of moral level if you love a villain, or villains generally. They are pretend. The murder and the war crimes aren't real. Do whatever.
The issue is that like, this is a person the narrative is telling you to root against, and that it's okay because they are pretend. That doesn't mean they can't have sympathetic qualities but it does mean that as a rule the story is telling you "hey, here are the heroes who oppose this person, cheer for them" and also "you should boo and hiss when this motherfucker comes on stage" and a lot of people who like villains will look at everyone else and go "why the FUCK are you booing and hissing don't you see they have TRAUMA" instead of acknowledging the big "TIME TO BOO AND HISS" signs being thrown out by the story and saying "bring it on."
And I suppose you can argue that this is an overly simplistic way of looking at it, but if we're dealing with a story with at least some reasonably clearly delineated heroes and villains you're not intelligent for trying to pretend it's more complicated than it is. I'm not talking about the gray areas of antagonist who could be persuaded otherwise, nor antihero but straight up "this is the bad guy, we all but have arrows pointing at them saying it". Like, really, a lot of people who stan villains don't seem to do it for the love of the game, which I would respect, but because of a sour grapes situation with the heroes, or because they're in their edgy "subversion automatically means you're the smarter one" phase.
Anyway my point is I don't care if you woobify a villain for any sort of moral reasons but I do think that if you do so, you're a coward and not terribly good at understanding stories. I also don't care from any sort of moral standpoint if you enthusiastically cheer on the villain, but if you act confused or mad that most people aren't with you on that, I think you're an idiot and not terribly good at understanding stories.
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its-your-mind · 9 months
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TF One D-16
#poll#maccadam#transformers#smash or pass#request#d-16#tf one#look. listen to me. i want the movie to be good. i want it to be good so badly.#but i simply do not trust it. its giving marvel movie and that has me Incredibly Fuckin Worried#because i do not want this franchise to turn into generic safe crowd pleaser action comedy allergic to genuine emotion generator no. 6483754#i do not want cliche heavy low effort lowest common denominator movie afraid to do anything even slightly weird beyond surface level#like. look. as much as i dunk on bayverse. as much as i voice my distaste for the designs and everything micheal bay has ever done#i respect the hell out of them for letting those robots be fucked up aliens#with weird nasty unfamiliar biology#and for having intense and serious and deathly somber moments#even if they butcher the characterization of some of the bots#cough cough give me your face ill kill them all optimus#im also not crazy about it looking like optimus and megatron come from the same place in the bottom of society#its so much more compelling for megs to come from the very bottom and be hyperaware of how bad everything is#whole orion has more of an everyman position. a cushy library job. not afforded luxuries but not rotting at the bottom#because then they learn from each other. orion piecing together hiw bad things get while megs picks up how in the dark the mid caste is#also genuinely truly if i have to hear bumblebee say 'well that just happened' im walking through the space bridge into a vacuum#welp. that turned into an essay. dont mind me being a hater 💖
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Brian Michael Smith (with Ronen Rubinstein & Rafael Silva) receiving the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Drama Series in 2023 for 911: Lone Star
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personishfive · 1 year
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in which ann takamaki is there
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coffeehelly · 11 months
something i like about saiki k is that it allows its characters to be genuinely flawed while still being Good People
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stranger-chichka · 1 year
"Get ready for season 5, everyone. Because trust me, you guys are not ready for what's coming. So get ready," — Noah Schnapp.
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"I think you find out slowly through the season, Will’s kind of love towards Mike and I think it’s a really beautiful thing; there is probably a mutual understanding and an acceptance,” — Finn Wolfhard about Mike’s arc in season 4.
"I think the Duffer brothers figured out, I would imagine, a perfect ending in five. We didn’t even know if we’d do two. So, we’re happy that people still are around and want to watch it. But yeah, I’m excited. Four was huge in scale, but I think I’d like to see the fifth season draw back on more of the dynamics of Season 1 and sort of be a little more contained, but also still be gigantic. I hope we kind of get an ending for each character that’s pretty satisfying for fans," — Finn Wolfhard about season 5.
"I mean, it’s pretty clear this season that Will has feelings for Mike. They’ve been intentionally pulling that out over the past few seasons. Even in Season 1, they hinted at that and slowly, slowly grew that storyline. I think for Season 4, it was just me playing this character who loves his best friend but struggles with knowing if he’ll be accepted or not, and feeling like a mistake and like he doesn’t belong," — Noah Schnapp about Will’s arc is season 4.
"There’s so many different things they have to address. Obviously, we hope for a coming out scene, and I also want to see them address this connection to the Mind Flayer and how that fits into the world. And I’ve always been wondering, why was Will the first victim and the first one captured? I just want to see it all tie in and all work out. So I’m excited to see what happens," — Noah Schnapp about season 5.
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borealopelta · 4 months
reading the boys in the boat after obsessively watching the movie is so funny. george clooney i'm fascinated by your many choices. i agree with fewer and fewer of them
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hamletthedane · 11 months
turns out you can spend $18 million on your filmed production of Hamlet and cast all the great Hollywood stars of the 90’s to act in it, and it will still never beat that one performance by a kid in a texas barn with an audience of 40, performed during in a 110F heat wave
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drdone · 2 months
Aabria is a delightful DM and storyteller and roleplayer and I LOVE her and I'm SO glad we had this little story, BLESS her and bless this cast, literally love it so much
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karioke13 · 16 days
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Skskdkskdkeke nobody talk to me 😭😭😭
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5283 · 8 months
haeryun stabbing the cop to save "the man she trusts", junmo tipping her off she should just leave for hongkong instead of going back to china or staying in korea.
junmo leaving the car key inside to let gicheol escape, then later shooting him mid-suicide... for god knows what reason? because he wouldn't be able to bear the guilt of him killing himself because of junmo's betrayal? because killing gicheol can be justified and rationalized as "part of the operation"?
also the moment junmo confesses to gicheol how "it's too late for him to go back to normal". how at the very end he visits his grave. and leaves a half-smoked cigarette instead of flowers.
"i am a sinner but using my trust and deceiving me is also a sin." and euijeong replying "yes it is. and we will be repaying it for the rest of our lives."
gicheol in the end was betrayed not only by junmo and euijeong, but also by his whole gang and his dearest friends.
i feel like there's also a particular sentiment in "the first international drug case solved by three nations" which i can sense but wouldn't be able to grasp fully since i'm not from said countries. but knowing the history and the tensions between the three nations even up until today, the whole "working together for one goal" thing seems like it could really tug at one's heartstrings, too.
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