#but the prompt was mythology and i. i'm not sure. this is what anyone had in mind
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year ago
i always thought there were two ways to rediscover old stories that you don't remember writing and they are 1) oh no i can't look oh no oh no that's embarrassing, and 2) hey? this is pretty cool actually? this sort of really rocks?, but today i've discovered the secret third option. and it's 3) i guess in 2018 i wrote 1500 words of original fiction about thor (the norse god) and the easter bunny (the easter bunny) on a blind first date in a starbucks and it's a little haunting that this reads pretty much the same as most genuine fluffy scenes i've ever written, but littered with egg puns
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 months ago
All 50 honest character prompts for Pre-Seige!Loki
To avoid wank over confusion, this is about this guy.
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1. Do you project onto this character?
Yes. In weird ways.
2. Did you always like this character?
I probably started with conflicting emotions, but he was my favorite part of a Thor cartoon movie that introduced me to Norse Marvel (i.e. Hulk vs. Thor (2009)). And I was annoyed his plan was basically foiled by the power of love TM.
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In my humble opinion, he's also the best part of old Thor comics because he's kinda funny and bitchy, and has weird "evil" past times. He scratches so many boxes of characters I like. He's like Grendel, Mordred, Cain, Odin, the Devil, and Loki all wrapped up into one character.
3. What first drew you to this character?
I got into Marvel!Loki before before I watched the Thor movies and before Agent of Asgard existed. Funnily enough, it was through Hela. I saw her in that Marvel cartoon mentioned above, and was like "Loki's giant goth daughter is hot, I'm gonna look up her mythology counterpart in Wikipedia." This introduced me to Norse mythology (and I thought myth!Loki was hilarious). Then it was a mixture of MCU!Loki (cus he's adorable) and Norse mythology(they're so funny) that made me want to explore pre-siege comics!Loki.
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4. Did you initially dislike/hate this character?
I began to like him out of spite because the narrative annoyed me. The comics just felt overtly congratulatory towards Thor for either being SO VIRTUOUS or SO PHYSICALLY STRONG. He felt like a Gary Stu. Also, to top it off, every woman falls head-over-heels for him and make it their entire personality...
Kind of like how Balder feels in Norse mythology( yes he's my least favorite Norse deity for being such a Gary Stu. And before anyone comes at me: I AM AN ATHEIST! Leave me out of drama.).
I couldn't dislike Loki because I feel he got the narrative short end of the stick. Though sometimes I am annoyed at how he's written or handled. They'll accidentally make him sympathetic, which is hard not to given the conditions he was born into, so they make sure to show him doing something over-the-top evil or have an evil thought bubble the moment he's free to show how justified his treatment is. A lot of it comes off as abuse apologism (in my humble opinion, and fuck it, those comics are old as Odin's balls, so it's actually the case).
5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man?
Yes. His reincarnated successor is a woman sometimes. And though he still identified as a man while wearing Sif's body to avoid being harmed by Thor, Lady Loki was interesting and amusing in a fucked up way. ( I am not a fan of the "man wearing a woman's body" aspect. That's basically a transphobic dogwhistle.).
6. Do you have any nicknames or pet names you use for this character?
Bastard Old man, evil sassy bitch, fucking pineapple butt, the fish torturer (he's probably envious that they can swim. He has scaley armor! He WISHES!).
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7. Does the character’s age matter to you?
Not really. My favorite is the old man from Loki (2004).
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8. Does the character’s looks/design matter to you?
It's nice when he's pretty, but not necessary. I guess I like him when he has a spooky bitch vibe. I love when he has a bunch of buckles and finger gloves like in Siege. And I love that Esad Ribic (e.g. Blood Brothers) gives him a jester-like costume.
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Also, lol, but for the longest time I thought the Loki from Kieron Gillen's Siege Loki run has a similar pointy face to the MCU version. But he has no eyebrows, a cowl, and a different eye color. And that was before the casting.
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9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
I associate MCU!Loki with a girl I was infatuated with because she was obsessed with Tom Hiddleston. But pre-JiM comics!Loki is maybe myself? He scratches a weird primordial angst I've had over being labeled difficult from a young age.
10. Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
Wouldn't that be projecting?
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
I find him kinda funny. I love scheming fucks that are hated and shunned by those around them for reasons beyond their control and legitimate reasons born out of their lashing out.
I love villains that think they have things under control but then realize they're way in over their head. He's that villain that occasionally teams up with more powerful entities only to get his ass handed to him, so he ends up seeking Thor help.
Part of it is also my frustration that the narrative and people failed to acknowledge there was anything sympathetic and sad about his circumstances for the longest time. Most sympathy is aimed towards MCU or the pretty reincarnated Loki.
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
He's basically a royal hostage and a runt. Thor and Loki were not equals. That's angsty as fuck, and I felt it wasn't explored enough. I'd write about him being paranoid, fearing for the day Jotunheim tries anything due to his life being on the line, and knowing he's not considered a great loss by his home realm because he's a runt. And this could be used to showcase Thor's kindness. What if he makes an oath that he won't let Loki be executed in the event that Jotunheim breaks the treaty? (Ultimately dooming Asgard because he gave a future enemy a way to avoid execution (though he can still be tortured in myth-based punishments).). So when Jotunheim breaks the treaty, and Loki's dragged out for execution, Thor confronts Odin about his promise. Loki is allowed to live, though it was done with reluctance.
Also, Loki is a runt who seems to go out of his way to avoid physical fights and uses magic instead. Why has no comic book writer alluded to him being sickly? Like he's a dragon in that panel. Does magic tax him too much?
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He was also temporarily blind and made a deal with Dormamu to try to get his sight back, only to have his mind broken and be driven catatonic. It'd be cool if that got explored in modern comics as they're bringing back past storylines. And yay! They've finally acknowledged how fucked up Loki's myth-based punishment is!
I'd also write about Loki and Sif's contentious relationship. He'd end up cutting her blonde hair she's so proud of because she mocked him. And he'd keep it to both mock her and to attempt to look more related to Thor. It's the weird yellow tassel he wears that's been shown to be removable. It's one of my weird HCs about comics!Loki.
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13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
Loki with his mouth sewn shut. It's such good angst!!
14. Are you physically attracted to this character?
Not really, but I'm intrigued at the variation of his appearance according to artists. Like they'll give him a face meant to be caricature while simultaneously caking his ass up (see below). There's something interesting going on with his facial features as Loki goes from villain to reincarnated antihero. You could write a media analysis thesis on the physiognomy of villains in Thor comics throughout history.
15. Are your thoughts surrounding this character usually sexual, non-sexual, or a mix of both?
Usually nonsexual. Though I am intrigued by the occasional NSFW thing I find with this Loki as he's not a common target for R34.
Despite that, there's a surprisingly high amount of suggestive bondage comic panels despite Loki being considered ugly and perpetually bitchless. Like look at this shit. Why is pineapple butt so caked up? D:
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16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely?
I don't think there's as much whump of him as there is of other Lokis. So probably not. He does give me the feels though.
17. Have you ever felt physical pain over this character? (ex: physical heartache).
I don't think so, but I am an apologist and woobifier regardless. Lol.
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
I'm a sadist.
19. Does this character serve as a stress ball/ security blanket for you? Something you run to after a bad day to feel safe or happier?
20. Do you feel affectionate towards this character?
Yes. I love that bastard old man and Asgard deserved it.
21. Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
Platonic. I like to study him like a bug. He's a perfect example of a Hays code/Comics Code Authority era villain.
22. Do you think you will always love this character?
Yep. I've lasted this long. And if I don't like cannon, I have plenty of experience ignoring what I don't like.
23. Has this character permanently altered or impacted your psyche in a way you won’t forget?
Yes. I now use the phrase "perpetually bitchless", that's how far my brainrot has gone.
24. Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
I don't think so. I think I dreamt about MCU!Loki having a more interesting series though.
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not?
There isn't a lot of fanfic for pre-JiM comics!Loki.
26. If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding?
I'd have to exclude the MCU and Thor movies, and only select Thor (comics).
27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to?
I crack ship him with Komand'r as they were both over-the-top evil initially but later got more nuanced portrayals. They have so much in common.
I guess I don't ship strongly, because he's the embodiment of perpetual bitchlessness, but I'm down to ship him with every villain he's teamed up with.
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
Yea. I feel like I'm probably more apologistic towards him than with other pretty Lokis and than other people are. It's probably due to my frustration of it taking so long by the narrative to admit there are sympathetic elements to his character.
29. Do you affectionately bully this character?
I constantly make fun of how bitchless he is. He also can't swim and he takes it out on fish (retconned because he can turn into salmon and has never being revisited, I know).
30. Are you especially sensitive about this character?
Yes. He's a sympathetic villain, goddammit!
31. Are you ashamed of liking this character?
Yes. I'm very secretive over my Loki obsession.
32. If you could make this character a meal, what would you make them?
Why did I think this meant turning Loki into food? Lol. Unfortunately I mostly eat beans, oatmeal, and tuna.
Well, he likes eating meat very grossly and hates fish. He seems to like hot dogs, so Costco hot dog? Maybe I'd give him a turkey leg of there's a county fair or renn faire nearby.
33. Are you “blinded by love” for this character or do you accept any flaws they may have?
I know he's evil, but I'm still going to be Devil's Advocate because the way he was framed in earlier Thor comics annoyed the fuck out of me. There were a lot of "evil adoptee" elements I didn't vibe with. Like they're already shit-talking him as a fucking baby! That's not fair.
34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
We're both spiteful creatures.
35. Has this character ever prevented you from sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about them?
He's kept me up looking for panels and reading analyses so yea...
36. Do you feel a spiritual/soulmate connection with this character?
Maybe a small kinship. Though he does over-the-top evil stuff.
37. Is your love for this character a secret from people you know in real life?
Yes. I'm taking that to the grave.
38. Do you tend to joke more about dying or killing for this character? Both? What causes the distinction?
I don't say that, and he can do that himself. But I often joke that I'm probably a bigger woobifier towards him than to other prettier Lokis.
39. Do you feel lovesick over this character?
I woobify the fuck out of him.
40. Are you very empathetic towards this character? When they feel a certain way in the story, do you feel those emotions too?
He's over-the-top evil, so usually not really. Maybe in Loki (2004) and Loki (2010) I do. Though I do get angry on his behalf on occassion, like when Thor's in his "assault Loki first then ask questions later" mode, or the fucked up myth-based punishments. There's a panel where Sif is narrating about how Loki deserved to have venom dripping on his eyes and Thor's a softy for freeing him from his torture. WTF, Sif? She also goes off about how Loki's not really Thor's brother. Also, if you think people should be preemptively punished, you're a fucking cop. I said what I said.
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In the example below, Loki wasn't even behind it. It was Amora:
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41. Do you prefer to interact with this character directly via self-insert/reader type content? Or do you enjoy seeing them mostly with other characters in the story and/or your OCs?
I don't do or consume this type of fanfiction.
42. If you could, would you write this character a song or poem?
If I could I would. Lol.
43. What type of weather makes you think of this character?
A windy day.
44. Which season makes you think of this character?
A cold harsh winter.
45. Do you feel as if you are intimately familiar with this character?
I don't know, maybe?
46. How much do bad interpretations of this character upset you?
I feel like in a way I am the bad interpretation because cannon annoys me (and fuck it, cannon isn't always good when it comes to comics. Thor: Son of Asgard and Ultimate Thor are awful and they are closer to cannon than any of my takes on Marvel!Loki will ever be. Finding good interpretations of characters that have existed for at 50+ years in a comic that started out as anti-communist propaganda is like looking for a needle in the haystack.).
I don't like "evil from birth adoptee" narratives that for decades refused to portray him with an iota of sympathy. And there's a bunch of tropes I'm not a fan of applied to him. I find the Thor comics narrative more interesting when it's picked apart and deconstructed. Or "read against the text."
A MAJOR PET PEEVE I have with pre-2010s Thor comics is that they'll do their take on Norse mythology, but they'll erase Loki's involvement in solving the problem and they'll dumb him down when he's supposed to be an evil mastermind. Thor will solve the problem 100% THROUGH PHYSICAL STRENGTH ALONE and there's a weird undercurrent of "Loki should have known his plans would be ineffective cus strength trumps everything hurr durr durr". And Thor wil save Loki's ass from retribution. And like, fucking eyeroll! And if that isn't a Gary Stu. I'm of the opinion that if you want an evil mastermind, said mastermind needs moments to shine. I'm especially thinking of the Ages of Thunder and Reign in Blood runs by Matt Fraction. The writing is fucking stupid and misogynistic.
47. Does this character ever make you laugh sincerely?
Yes. He's a living shitpost who enjoys reverse waterboarding fish on his spare time.
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
His black hair, black nails (the MCU are cowards for forgetting about those), pointy ears, and eyebrows.
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
He's spiteful, he's a schemer, he's proud. He's the kind of villain that is constantly getting his ass beat by other stronger villains and is forced to ask for the hero's help.
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
I think I included some HCs in the "What Would I write" question. This song is in my MCU!Loki playlist and I found it the best fitting for comics!Loki both pre-JIM and post-JIM.
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cringyfanfictions · 1 year ago
Before I had a Tumblr account there was this Greek mythology blog I really liked called @dontwannadothisanymore but now they're deactivated :/
This really sucks because I really wanna see their posts again (and there were two that I really really really need to see again). But if nobody reblogged then those posts are gone... forever. I have faith that people reblogged, though, I just need to find them.
If anyone has ANY post from them that they reblogged, please tell me!! Genuinely I will be so thankful.
Here are the two post I'm looking for:
One is an Athena Complex big 4 (Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades) headcanons post. I think it was about them feeling/using their power for the first time. The only thing a recall concretely is Hades being oblivious af (and something to do with Cerberus). There was a panel of the character before each set of headcanons.
The other is a Hades & Poseidon & Zeus fic, and actually if I dig through my very numerous ChatGPT prompts I might find it (sorry, I think I fed the fic to AI because I loved the style so much, maybe I shouldn't have done that but if I do find it that way then I sure won't regret it) but I might not (it will also take a helluva long time 'cause I didn't name any of them) . Uhh it's kinda hard to explain the premise but what I remember is: Hades spits out bad coffee (on the stairs?) and goes to the kitchen (and sets the cup in the sink?) and lies down on the floor. I don't remember what Poseidon was doing but he also joins Hades on the floor. Zeus gets up to use the bathroom and calls out to his brothers if they're in there just in case, and Poseidon answers that they're in the kitchen on the floor and Zeus ends up joining them too. Yeah. At some point either Zeus or Poseidon narrowly avoids stepping on Hades's coffee-spit.
I loved *all* of their Greek mythology headcanons though, literally if you can find a single one please tell me.
I did a google search and found some of their not Greek mythology posts, and a couple of Gm headcanon posts which I will reblog (but on a seperate blog probably).
(I'm too scared to reach out to the bigger blogs they interacted with; some of them are restricted anyways.)
Yeah. Thank you (if you read this far lol).
And sorry for the tags...
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galaxyedging · 2 years ago
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Max Phillips x f!reader (written in the third person)
For the Haunted Hoedown using the randomly generated prompts: Mythology/monsters and “you are mine, whether you agree or not.”
Warnings: Dubcon. P in V sex. Face riding. Slight monster fucking.
TW: allusions to sexual assault.
Feeding Time
Being out of work doesn't suit Max at all. He needs to be busy. Not using his keen business skills just seems like a waste. He feels like the star played out with an injury.
It's frustrating as fuck. The other downside is that he had to hunt for his meals and that's just a pain in the ass. It's not like he doesn't enjoy the hunt itself. Especially the part where they are screaming and begging and he just gets to overpower them. Max has been overpowering before. He was overruled and kicked out of college. He should be a little grateful now, as he'll never be the victim again.
The ass aching part comes in the form of CCTV and disposing of the bodies. Normally, corporate would deal with that for him. On his own, he had to be careful, vary the places he grabs people from, avoid cameras, and never feed too close to home. Not for the first time Max wonders what it would have been like to be alive centuries ago like in the movies. Roaming around fog clouded villages at night. Ripping the throats out of anyone he pleased. The thought of it made him need to adjust himself in his pants.
That's one of the things they don't tell you about you turn, how fucking horny feeding can make you. Sometimes that first burst of blood on his tongue has him standing to attention in a second. There have been times where he's had to stop drain victims so he can fuck the ache away before finishing. No one needs a distraction like that when they are eating. There's an added bonus of the blood tasting more full bodied if he makes them come. With this in mind he decides that he's going to indulge his other appetite tonight before he feeds.
Turning away from the bar, he plants his feet either side of his barstool. His long legs are open, highlighting the significant bulge in his suit pants. Maybe that will do some of the work for him. Max isn't picky when it comes to partners at all, any hole's a goal, but no one he sees tickles his fancy. Too lost in scanning the crowd he doesn't notice the act setting up on the small stage to his left. Until she starts to sing. All his attention is drawn to her. The way her lips move as she produces the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. The way her fingers adeptly pluck the strings on her guitar. He can't help but wonder what other talents her pretty mouth and skilled fingers have. The mental image of her on her knees, his length in he'd mouth and her fingers teasing his asshole has him hard and straining against his expensive designer underwear.
The night passes so goddamn slowly, the sound of her melodious voice has had him on edge for hours. He briefly thought about taking the edge off with the red head that's been buzzing around him like the flies around the drip trays in this dive. No, she wouldn't do, he needed his pretty little songbird. Finally, everyone left and he compelled the owner to go home leaving the keys with him.
"Wow. You are talented." He ladles enthusiasm over his words. Surely stroking the artist's ego should get him somewhere.
"Er..thank you. Where did Mike go?" She looked around the now empty bar.
"He had to run. He left these with me to lock up. Mike and I are old friends. I'm Max by the way." He held out his hand.
It was almost warm with the way she had the limited blood in his body singing. It had been harmonising with her all night. Shaking it she gave him her name.
"I've been barely about to take my eyes off you all night, your performance I mean. Do you have a manager?" After she shook his hand he didn't step away.
He stayed in her space. He could feel the discomfort coming off of her in waves. He didn't want to use his powers on her. He wanted to do this the old fashioned way. Max was nothing if not charming. He could definitely woo a timid little thing's legs open.
"No, I don't." She sidestepped out of the space he had her held in.
"Well, I just so happen to be a business manager…." He slipped a card from his pocket to hand to her.
"I'm not sure I'm ready for a manager but I'll keep you in mind." She plastered a polite smile on her face.
At this point Max realised that she wasn't interested in him at all. She wasn't timid, she was scared. She wasn't nervous about the handsome man flirting with her, she was worried about being alone with a strange man. For a fleeting moment Max felt bad for her. Only for a moment.
"Hey, why don't you let me buy you a drink? As a thank you for the wonderful entertainment." He smiled brightly at her as she tried to quickly pack up her things.
"I have an early start. I really shouldn't." With her case in her hand she made for the door.
Stepping in her path he added. "Just one?"
Her eyes were filled with panic, he could taste the fear in her blood.
"Just one. Then I have to go." She told him.
Max had seen this dance a hundred times. The guy coming on too strong. The girl trying to find an out that wouldn't anger him. Normally, he'd swoop in. Kill the guy, fuck the girl. They were all so grateful when he made a show of running the guy out of the bar. After draining the guy in some dark spot he'd bring the girl back there and rail her with the asshole's blood throbbing through his cock. It was his own dirty little secret.
As she tried to seem like she was comfortable in his company, but not too comfortable as to lead him on, he could see her checking her phone.
"Something important?" Max didn't know what had come over him tonight. He wasn't usually an asshole about these things. Even for a killer he had standards.
"My roommate. She'll worry if I'm late. She gets off her shift at the same time." She's making sure he knows someone will miss her.
"Well, text her. Tell her you're safe with Mike's friend Max." He lay his hand just close enough to hers on the bar to make her shudder.
She must have heard that a million times. The nice guy routine.
"She doesn't like to be alone. I should go. You can lock up, right?" She makes to grab her guitar case but Max is quicker. He holds it at his side just out of her reach.
"Come on. I've waited all night. I watched your show. I just want to talk. You can give me that, at least." He laughs as he steps closer.
That is when she runs, she's halfway to the door when Max reaches out with his powers. She turns on her heels under his influence. Her skirt swishes over her thighs as he makes her walk back to him. As soon as she's in reach Max has her pinned to the bar. His mouth assaults hers as his hand grope her tits through the soft cotton of her dress. As he goes to trail his fingers up her trembling thighs to her core a thought tugs at the corner of his thoughts. He pushes it away as he pushes two fingers inside of her.
It's her whimpers that have then thought tugging at him again.
'No. I don't do this. I never force them. I only take them if they want it.'
Suddenly her hips begin to move, she rides his fingers and kisses him back with enthusiasm.
His head feels dizzy. Nausea swirls in his stomach. He feels tired in a way he hasn't since he was human. It's bone deep and makes him want to drop to his knees.
All the time she's still been kissing him like she's hungry for him. Pulling away she looks deep into his eyes. The fear in them has gone. "You wanted a challenge. So I gave you one."
His feet move of their own accord as she leads him to sit in a booth. She slides into his lap and twirls his short curls around her fingers.
"Poor Max. All frustrated from not working. Not being stimulated enough." Her fingers undo the buttons of his crisp shirt as she speaks. Her hands push it off his shoulders before roaming his chest. "I can stimulate you, Max." With that she licks a wide strip over his nipple before biting it.
Max hisses and his cock jumps against her. "I thought you'd like my little scenario. I didn't figure you for such a gentleman. I knew I like you." Her hands are at his belt now.
Max tries to talk, to move an inch, nothing. He's completely frozen as she takes his rock hard cock out. She hums approvingly as she pumps it a few times, smearing his precum over it.
"So pretty. I've seen you around. We share a hunting ground apparently. I've been living off of scraps. Two pump chumps that barely give me anything. I think you actually drained a few once I was done with them. Then I saw you." Standing for a moment she strips herself bare. Max can't help but notice how everything about her that made her pretty is now magnified. She is absolutely stunning. Her clear skin glows. Her soft hair shines. Her curves are so inviting. "All that supernatural strength. I bet you can feed me for hours. Look how hard this pretty cock is. I bet I could ride this for hours, couldn't I?"
Max would love to tell her that she's right but still he can't speak. He looks forward to showing her as she returns to his lap and sinks down onto him. Unfortunately, all it takes is him bottoming out for him to come. He cunt is warm and silky in a way he's never felt before. It's all too much after all the build up.
As his useless seed spurts into her she lets out an inhuman roar. "Oh, yes, Max!" She bounces on his cock a little, milking every drop with her tight channel.
"There we are, still hard for me. Such a good boy." A few more bounces of her hips and she comes hard. Max worried that she might actually break his cock off with the way her pussy contracts around him. She screams his name as her whole body convulses. Max has never experienced anything like it before.
She's still riding him as she pants out "Oh. You are perfect.”
Max wants to tell her the same. Fuck his head spins and his cock throbs. He still can't move. It should scare him but it doesn't all he wants to do is rise up and fuck her like he wants to.
"You too." He manages to get out. That stops her in her tracks. He shouldn't be able to fight her influence. His strength arouses her further. For a moment she lets her control drop just to see what he'll do. In a whirlwind of movement her bare chest is slammed into the wooden table in front of her. Max is behind her. His cock spears her in place as he thrusts like the wild creature that he is. Speaking of which, when he drags her body flush to his to she sees the hands at her chest grow more claw-like. Her hand threading into his hair reveals horns protruding from his temple.
"Max!" She cries as he hits the right spot, his cock feeling even longer and thicker than it did before. "Let me see you."
Max barely pulls out before he spins her shoving her ass up onto the table and fills her again.
She squeals in delight as he splits her open again. "Oh. You are beautiful." She traced the veins on his skin.
Coming over him again, she undergoes her own transformation. Her skin shimmers with a blue glittery glow. Her eyes become a vivid seafoam green.
"A m-mermaid?" Max stutters out as he carries on fucking her deep. The table shakes with the power of his thrusts. His pants and moans almost drown out the sound of the table creaking. He's so close he can feel it at the base of his spine. It fuels the movement of his hips driving them forward and deeper into her incredible cunt. It's so wet and warm, he wants to stay in it for the rest of his life. His groans, as he blows his load again, are silenced by her lips on his. Max almost gets his wish about being buried in her for the rest of his life as her kiss draws out his life force. His softening cock slips out of her as he weakens and falls to his knees. Her lips cling to his until he's sprawled on the floor. He feels his immortality slipping away. Just as he thinks death might retake the eternal life it gave him, she releases him. Crawling up his lifeless body, she straddles his face. Their combined spend dips down his cheeks as he lays there clinging on to life.
"Mermaids are so old hat. The only people that fish those waters are the descendants of those smart enough to survive the sirens attack. The smarter amongst us evolved. They bred with incubus and other creatures, until they could walk on land and feed on more than flesh." As she speaks, she drags her folds over his profile. His perfect curved nose nudges her clit over and over. "I could feed off of you forever. I could fuck you and fed off the energy it creates. Unlike the humans you'd survive. Barely. Sorry about that." Her hands come down to grip his horns as she grinds her clit on his plush lips. "But don't worry Max. I'll take care of you." His juices burst against his slack mouth as she quivers through her orgasm. All Max can do is lie there as her release drips onto his tongue "I'll feed you up and get you strong again because you are mine, whether you agree or not."
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kingedmundsroyalmurder · 2 years ago
Blue Castle Book Club Catch Up Post
Sorry for having vanished for a while -- it has been a busy week!
I want to start all the way back in chapter 32, because honestly Valancy frankly deciding that Barney committed bank fraud is my favorite scene/passage. Like, girl went, 'oh yeah, my husband is definitely a criminal, but he didn't do, like, a real crime. Financial crimes don't count, and anyway, I bet he feels bad about it!'
It also tracks with her earlier idle musing that he was counterfeiting money in Bluebeard's Chamber.
I'm also curious why Barney has that newspaper clipping. Did he just use it as a bookmark one day and forget about it? I don't think it ever comes up again.
Skipping over chapter 33 and on to Allan Tierney. We're told that "He was reputed to be a lonely, eccentric man." (Fic prompt: Tierney asks to paint Valancy when both Snaiths are home. They still say no, but they end up becoming friends with him, since he spends his summers on the lake.)
I know others have said they don't like Barney's flatly refusing to let Tierney paint Valancy. I think the reason it doesn't bother me as much is because she also doesn't want to be painted, so the narrative isn't upset that Barney said no. Although I do need to repeat that it's such a good thing that Valancy's in a fairy tale and not a horror story, because the amount that she's wildly uninterested in anyone but Barney is almost uncomfortable. Not that she doesn't like other people -- she has no issues hanging out with Roaring Abel, and she even contemplated visiting her family last chapter -- but she doesn't really care. Even here, when Barney says he had a caller, she is "surprised but indifferent".
Someone better versed than me in actual proper faerie mythology might have a better take on this, but it feels like Valancy has just straight up entered fairy land, with its good and its bad parts. There was a lot of imagery when she first went to Barney's island about entering a fae world, and she's been compared to a spirit several times now, including by Tierney. And she is now utterly indifferent to the mortal world. She does not care what they think, she does not care what their rules are, she is no longer part of their world. In chapter 27, after she told her family she was married, Uncle Benjamin helplessly suggested that she was a changeling, and it feels like Valancy has, like, reverse-changeling'd herself. Instead of the faeries coming to the human world and leaving a faerie child, Valancy went to the faerie world and said, 'I'm here, take me.' And the faerie world did.
Only, again, this is a fairy tale with a lot of the rough edges removed, so the parts that could be bad -- isolation, indifference to the world, alienation from people she once knew -- are presented as entirely positive. Valancy turned her back on the human world, gave herself freely to the faeries, and she was right to do so.
(Fic idea: Valancy as Janet from Tam Lin.)
And Valancy figures out that Barney likes her! In Valancy's defense, I'm not sure how long it took Barney to figure out that Barney likes her, so she can be excused for not figuring out something he didn't even know.
I like her reasoning for not wanting him to love her. It honestly makes perfect sense. Like, she wants him to be sad when she dies, because that means he enjoyed her company, but she likes him too much to want him to be devastated. I do think she is underestimating him -- he didn't love Cissy romantically, and he was clearly devastated when she died, so even if he just likes Valancy as a friend, it wouldn't be easy for him to watch her die. Like, sorry Valancy, your husband is going to be sad when you die.
It is interesting how little emphasis this book puts on the notion of being loved. It is very much about how loving others is good and freeing and meaningful, but there is very little about the value of being loved. One of these days I'll write out my whole essay about Barney and the experience of being desired, but for now I'll leave it at -- coming from a literary tradition (largely but not entirely fanfiction) where unrequited love is seen as a fate as bad as if not worse than death, it's kind of refreshing to see it treated this way. Valancy isn't in control of Barney's feelings and she doesn't need anything from him. She's glad he enjoys her company, but her happiness has nothing to do with whether or not he loves her back. It's all about her, her feelings, her desires, her actions.
Gonna stop here, because this is super long, and come back in a new post for a Dramatic Tone Shift.
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thebestofoneshots · 2 years ago
hi i hope you doing good. Can i have a "✩ Star" for Marauders Era please 💐I'm autistic. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I'm okay with Poly!Marauders. I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra also a Slytherin. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, and distant. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other. If I am with someone, I am clearly their mother. -🧠
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose form <3
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☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with!
Hey darling! I soooo ship you with Regulus Black. When you two first met, he didn’t know what to make of you, the shy new Slytherin kid. The shyest in your group, he noticed that easily. But there was something about you that sucked him in. Even if whenever your eyes crossed in the common room you would just stare at him for a second and then turn your head, not even making a single expression, nothing.
He was the first to approach you, but he didn’t try to talk to you, in fact, he just walked closer to you as he spoke to Barty, he had realized you liked to listen to what people might have to offer before exchanging a word with them. Barty had tried to talk to you several times before, but you hadn’t replied, so he thought of you as a very rude person. But that day, when Regulus asked if you could pass him something, and you replied with a sweet “sure, here you go,” he was shocked.
“So you can talk?” Barty teased.
“Leave them alone,” Regulus had warned him, with an icy stare, bordering on a threat. Barty had shut up in an instant and he never dared bother you again.
Your friendship with Regulus had developed slowly, you appreciated how he always noticed whether you were presenting as a girl or a boy, and used the correct pronouns with you. It was sweet, and it made you trust him even more. He once invited you to Hogsmeade, and the two of you walked together through the crowded areas, shying away from them and deciding to walk inside an antique store instead. There he purchased a necklace that had caught your eye. You found it laying on your bed, inside a box with a note inside.
There’s something about you that I just can’t put my finger on, there’s nothing like spending time with you, talking about anything and everything like we do sometimes… I enjoy walking with you and looking at you while you’re so focused on getting the strokes of a drawing right, when you’re too preoccupied with getting the seam of a garment to look perfect, or even when you’re just staring at the fire like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. Thank you for being a part of my life (Y/N). -RAB
You smiled, a little giddy after reading such sweet words, and you knew they were true, you had seen the way Regulus looked at you, you weren’t blind, but you had also noticed how respectful he’d been about his admiration, how he’d retracted his hand after reaching out for you several times, as not to startle you, He had watched you, learned your boundaries, and he stuck to them like they were the most important rules on earth.
“I loved your note,” you told him when you saw him again after that. “I also really like spending time with you, It’d be lovely to do it more…” you told him, a little smile developing on your lips.
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A/N: Hey hun! I really hope you enjoy this little ship, I read your little prompts and it absolutely screamed Regulus to me, btw I hope I didn't write anything triggering, I tried to be extra carful <3
Side note, I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to deliver this, it's been like a week I know, but I've been working on Gilded Constellations and also a new episode of The Five Senses (that will be dropping later today), bedsides my day job getting a bit heavy on the workload, so it's taking me a bit longer than I expected to deliver the "400 Follower Celebration" gifts. But rest assured, they will all be delivered, I promise.
Much Love, Lilly xx
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meowcats734 · 1 year ago
(prompt response) "You're right, we are peaceful." He said, slowly standing up and lifting an axe that dwarfed him in size. "For you're only 'peaceful' if you're capable of great violence. Otherwise, the word is 'Harmless'."
We were jumpy in the days after we trapped Iola in the Plane of Elemental Calm. Even with Sansen sacrificing his hope and mental health to scan futures—coming up clean every time—and Meloai staying up all night on watch, I still had nightmares of the bubble-skinned thing Iola had become melting a hole in the fabric of space and doing... well, the nightmares were never clear on what, exactly, but it probably wasn't pleasant, judging by the way I shot awake in a cold sweat. 
Tension in the party was at an all-time high, especially since none of us had, er, talked about what we'd glimpsed in the Plane of Elemental Possibility. Lucet had deliberately made a note of making her sleeping bag as far away from mine as humanly possible, and I took the hint that she didn't want to chat about it now. Or maybe ever. 
So we needed a bit of old-fashioned banter to unwind every now and then, and old-fashioned banter was exactly what we got.
"I say the elves should be the most peaceful species, at least on paper," Meloai grated out as she clambered down the mountain. Our ragtag little adventuring party wasn't at its best right now, but we still had the energy to talk while we climbed. Meloai in particular seemed to have been hurt in the Plane of Elemental Cold, although I... wasn't really sure how mimic biology worked, and neither was she. Still, she managed to keep up a lighthearted expression as we inched down the Silent Peaks.
Lucet scoffed, hammering a rope into a cliff face and casting it down with ease of long practice. A native-born Peaks child probably forgot more than I'd ever know about rock climbing. "An elf? Are you crazy? Right after Iola just tried to light-magic us out of existence, too?"
"I don't think that was traditional light magic," Meloai said. "The last person he used that spell on started bleeding and vomiting, and that was before he became an eldritch abomination."
"See? Does that sound peaceful to you?"
"All I'm saying is that elves are supposed to feel joy. I don't think Iola's a very good example of what elves are normally like. They sound like they'd be... I dunno, better people, on average. Better than Iola, at least."
"Well, that one elf in particular is pretty peaceful now," I said, piping up, "because we violence'd his ass into a place where he won't be hurting anyone."
Meloai and Lucet chuckled, while Sansen merely grunted. The wrinkled old man was the most experienced of the four of us when it came to adventures like this, and I had a feeling he was about to put our banter to shame. "If you want a real answer? I think the Fey are the most peaceful of all the human-derived species. They just live in their forests and grow their crops and bugger off whenever someone threatens them."
"No, see, that's not peaceful." I tested the rope Lucet had nailed down, then started absailing down the sheer cliff face. I had to speak up to be heard over the wind. "That's just passive. I'm pretty sure the fey are, like, mentally incapable of not immediately forgiving anyone they meet. It's part of their biology. Magicology?"
"You're looking for 'mythology'," Meloai absently said.
"Yeah, that." Ugh, I'd even taken a class called Mythology of Magical Beings, way back in what seemed to be an age and a half ago. "Forgiveness is Regrowth and all that. The fey physically cannot do anything but forgive tresspassers in their forests. I don't think that's peaceful so much as helpless."
"So... what, in order to be peaceful, you have to be capable of immense violence, just... choosing to hold back for the time being?" Meloai mused, rubbing her chin. The shapeshifter currently in the form of a young girl grinned. "Because I can do that." Quick as a flash, her left arm morphed into an axe taller than she was—partly because she grew shorter to compensate for the lost mass.
"Well, rifts, by that measure, we're probably the most peaceful adventuring party in the whole of the Silent Peaks!" Lucet chimed in.
I couldn't see Sansen from my position climbing down the cliff face, but I could imagine the gruff grimace in the old man's face. "I don't think that's what peaceful means," he mused, and I could almost imagine him back at home with a cup of brandy, eyes twinkling as he philosophized, instead of running around with three violent teenagers who called themselves an adventuring party. "I think that being peaceful is... something for people who've managed to forget violence. For children whose greatest concern is how they will go to school, or what their friends will think of their new clothes. I think that being peaceful is something that we fight for, not for ourselves, but for the next generation. We die in violence so they can live in peace."
The only sound to follow that was the whistling of the desolate winter winds around the empty Silent Peaks.
Then Meloai hefted her axe. "So, uh, no incredible violence for me, then?"
And just like that, we were back to laughing and chuckling and climbing down the next section of rope. "I just said we'd die in violence," Sansen said, expertly navigating the rocky cliff with the help of the rope.
"Rifts, that is not what you want to hear from the party oracle," I muttered.
"But we die for a purpose." I could hear the smile in Lucet's voice. "I like that. So the most peaceful people in the world... is not the people of today."
"It's the children of tomorrow," Sansen agreed. "That's what we fight for."
Burning with determination, our ragtag adventuring party continued crawling down the side of the Silent Peaks, to whatever death awaited us and whatever peace we would find after.
Soulmage is a serial written in response to writing prompts. Stick around for more episodes, or join my Discord to chat about it!
Table of Contents
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firecoloredwater · 1 year ago
Fic authors self rec!
Oh boy I've been tagged twice now, by @planeoftheeclectic and @denialcity. Thank you both!
(And uh, since I somehow didn't actually get notifications for either of those and just noticed while scrolling, if anyone else has tagged me in... anything, really, and I didn't respond, sorry about that! Tumblr is being tumblr apparently.)
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Going to tag uhhhh @domoz @asukaskerian and uhhh what's a people I've never met a people in my life. what's a tag. I'll go shake discord a bit and come back with more tags in a reblog probably.
These are... not in any particular order of preference, I will just make question marks for a year if I try to sort them that way, so this is just the order I grabbed the links in. Which means newest to oldest.
1: Roots Grow Up - Naruto (Founders)
I still don't like the title, but I like basically everything else in this fic (including one detail I've decided on but not posted yet so... can't say). I am planning to add more, but the first chapter (which is all that's posted now) stands alone pretty well, since I wasn't sure whether I'd continue it at all when I first posted it.
The premise is that Kawarama didn't die, but instead lost his memory and has been living as a civilian farmer when Hashirama and Tobirama find him, a few years after founding Konoha. 0 people were prepared for this discovery.
It's been fifteen years since Isamu was found, badly injured and unconscious in the forest. He woke up with amnesia, but his origin was pretty obvious, so he doesn't even miss the memories. It's been fifteen years. He's grown up, earned a place in the town that took him in, and even gotten married. His not-so-mysterious past doesn't matter. Not until shinobi wander into town, anyway.
2: Blessed Sacrifice AU - Naruto (Founders)
Cowritten with @codedredalert aka @denialcity, on hiatus while we both deal with Life, but there's a large and excellent chunk up already and so many cool things planned. So many!!!
Also, turns out I REALLY LIKE cowriting. Which is kind of old news because I've been doing forum RP for a decade+, but I wasn't sure if that would translate to fic. Turns out the answer is definitely yes.
BSAU is basically taking the "red eyes blessed" trope and digging into the like... worldbuilding repercussions of that, as shown through Izuna. And also crows.
Also comes with LOTS of fantastic art from Red!
Mythology-religion freeform AU where Tobirama is considered blessed by the gods by the Uchiha, but they still need to deal with him as an enemy, so Izuna is ritually disowned from the Uchiha and given a special role responsible for protecting/fighting him.
3: Somebody Else's Dream - Girl Genius
Written as a gift for khilari! I can't remember what the exact prompt was, but I ended up writing an elaboration on the canon detail that Mechanicsburg was founded when a Heterodyne decided he wanted a town, so he just had his people build one.
The main character is an OC who was kidnapped to become a non-military member of the town, and the story is about how he ends up settling in. It's a very weird balance of a "finding your place in the world" story and "this is still kidnapping actually," and I don't think it would work in most fandoms, but since Girl Genius canon is a perpetual balance of heartwarming and "wow that is somehow worse than a war crime" already, I think it worked out really well, and I'm still very proud of it.
Also I suffered over the accents in this. But it worked!
Faustus Heterodyne wants civilians for his newly built town. What the civilians want is generally different.
4: Jager Search - Girl Genius
Also written as a gift, this time for sparkagatha. It's the future, *vague handwave* everything is resolved, the OT3 are together and Klaus has accepted that he can leave Agatha alone and the revenants are being cured, happily ever after.
...except that some of the "wild" jagers are still missing. So Agatha sets out to find them.
Not much to say really; I can see spots where I'd write it differently if I wrote it now, but that's mostly things like "would have slightly changed the characterization," not big issues, and overall it still holds up very well for being... close to eight years old.
Most of the detached jägers heard of the Heterodyne's return and came home, but a few are still missing. Agatha learns this, and decides to fix it.
5: Didn't Dream This - Death Note
Oh if I wrote this now tumblr would annihilate me. ~Problematic~ yay!
I'm not sure I'd say this is a good fic--if I was writing it now I'd write it so differently that it just would be a different fic--but I was clearly working out something about sexuality and relationships and the stuff (not) in my head that I've ended up labeling "being aro."
Basically: Mello and Matt are straight, and they decide to be together anyway. I'm glad I wrote it, partly because I know I wouldn't think or dare to write it now.
Mello doesn't want to die alone. Solutions can exist without working out the way anyone wants. (Psychologically intimate interaction is really a better description than romance.)
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purecantarella · 3 years ago
Who I Am
hey lovelies! so this is part 2 to my past prompt during poppy weekend a couple weeks ago. i'm not completely sure if this'll be a series but i got really excited to write some more poppy content HAHAHAHA so here we go! a lot of the content does involve a lot of greek mythology and it's lore. i'm sort of a nerd for that kind of stuff so i know some of it. Aphrodite : Goddess of Beauty and caused the Trojan War because of stealing Helen of Troy away for another man to marry Artemis : Goddess of the Hunt and is described as not being interested in relationships and would much rather tend to hunting Eros : Son of Aphrodite and God of Love. He's also known in pop culture as Cupid poppy min sinclair (jeon somi faceclaim) x goddess!mc (bea hughes) disclaimer/s : insults and a lot of cursing, in very queen b fashion
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Two whole weeks passed since a blonde stranger washed up from the middle of the ocean only to be saved by the island’s local hero, Bea Hughes. A woman who almost two years ago was in the exact same place and situation.
While you wanted to believe it was a happy coincidence, you couldn't shake the idea that it felt almost deliberate. So despite all of the pleading and the bribes from both Zoey and Kingsley, you refused to see Poppy.
You could sense that it would only lead to disaster.
Avoiding her was harder than expected though. Other than it being a small island, she was always getting herself into trouble. Snapping at the local vendors and bullying the other women in the village among other things. Plus the fact that when she did see you, she wore a shit-eating smirk, knowing that she had a strong effect on you.
And there may have been times when you caught her in the middle of the street and you may have lost control once...or twice...or almost every single time you've run into each other. And it wasn't long until you got caught by an unsuspecting Zoey walking into your bedroom with the intent of asking you for her clothes.
"I don't think I've ever seen you around with anyone, why her of all people, Bea?" Zoey asked amused while you ran a hand through your hair, trying to get them to fall back into place naturally. Suddenly, Poppy slung in front of you to fix your hair instead.
Your friend quirked an amused brow at the lovestruck look that sat over your features as you stared at the blonde. "I'm heading off, corn husker." She said, her tone sweet. The only time Zoey'd ever heard it so delicate making her eyes go wide.
You grinned teasingly before pulling her into you, forcing her lips onto yours. Pulling her lip back roughly before you stared into her blown out eyes, grin still on your face. "Keep out of trouble, Pop." With a small slap on her ass, she squeaked before strutting away, hips swaying just for you.
While you were entrapped by the blonde walking away, you felt a sharp smack on the back of your head. "Um ow, Zoey!" You groaned softly before rubbing the back of your head to which she rolled her eyes. "I'm sure it barely hurt. And what was that with Psyche wannabe?"
You chuckled softly before entering the room to hand Zoey her clothes when she turned you to face her. Her face stern but you still couldn't help but chuckle softly, she was just being dramatic.
"As your best friend AND guide, I have to remind you that this is likely your mother and her influence. Wouldn't be the first time in history she'd do something like this." You paused, breath caught in your lungs. You stared at your friend before looking out to the sky. Resentment and sadness filling your chest at the thought of her.
Zoey heard you release a soft sigh before she offered you a small smile. "I'm sorry, Bea. But you know how it works." With a reassuring squeeze, Zoey was out of your room, clothes forgotten. You stared thoughtfully at your hands, thinking of the way it felt when Poppy pulled you close. Memories of the past few weeks flooding your senses.
You knew that she was a less than ideal person, but there was something about the mischievous glint in her eyes, the sharpness of her words, and the softness she saved just for you. Your body warmed at the thought of her. The moment you felt yourself smile despite yourself, you shook your head violently.
Again, your eyes raised to the skies before rage overtook your body and you jolted up. You quickly grabbed your bow and arrow, eyes still glued to the sky, intentions clear. "Game on, mother." You taunted before rushing out the door.
In the middle of town, Poppy was still strolling under the moonlight. A giddy smile over her lips. Of course you two were caught but honestly she didn't mind, she was still tingling from your last meeting. While she still thought it was absurd to feel so much for you in the span of fourteen days, she still couldn't help it. You challenged her so fiercely, even when you don't want to.
It all felt so pure and real to Poppy. And it made the rage that sat in the bottom of her stomach subdue a little.
While she swam in the idea of your smile in her head, thinking of the way your skin glowed under the sun. A dreamy sigh fell from her lips when her eye caught your familiar figure running through the abandoned streets of the town and into the woods. Poppy raised a brow, curious about where exactly you were going.
Though was against Poppy's better judgement, but she couldn't help but be curious, more concerned but she'd never admit it to your face.
It was dark and she could barely chase after you without making a sound. Nonetheless though, she was able to stay a distance away from you without catching your attention.
The blonde watched you, eyes attentively moving from side to side. Like you were looking for something. Then, a flash of white caught the young woman's eye. It caught your attention as well, then you closed one of her eyes, you moved her aim to the sudden intruder. The bow and arrow in your hands new to Poppy, her brown eyes grew wide. Loosing the arrow just atop a pure white swan's head. However, it didn't flinch at the attack.
The blonde stared back in surprise. It was no secret that you were hiding something but if what she'd seen would add up, then that meant that...
"You don't have to hide, mother. No one's around." You said, lowering the bow and arrow you had in your hands. The blonde's brown eyes blew open as she watched you stare at the swan transforming into a beautiful woman so nonchalantly.
The woman whipped her blonde hair back, she had mature features, an hourglass figure and she was one of the most beautiful women that Poppy had ever seen, almost rivalling that of your own beauty, which she will openly deny. The older woman's eyebrow quirked up as she eyed you with a little disdain.
"Advocating for Artemis now, Beatrice? Maybe that would explain the apathy in beauty and romance." The woman pouted before walking up daintily to you. "You aren't even wearing the clothes I sent you, I hear there's a new gorgeous woman on the island. One you haven't rejected yet."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, an irritated grin on your face. Poppy could see that you were practically steaming with anger, she couldn't help but find it incredibly attractive. She took note to piss you off a little next time.
She shook off the arousal she felt from seeing your agitated state and returned to the shock before her. You, the mysterious hero of the island of Kythera, with unnaturally attractive features, the body of an Adonis, and the appeal that would make any girl swoon, were the child of the goddess of beauty herself, Aphrodite.
"What kingdom did you strip of a princess that you brought that gorgeous, pampered, pompous bitch from?" A hearty yet dainty laugh fell from the deity's lips making your blood boil with rage. In a hushed scream you said, "You're laughing at a time like this? Mother, you could start another war by acting so irrationally!"
The light blue sky suddenly turned dark as stars got lost in the clouds, the amused smile on your mother's lips fell as you stared at her, eyes still hard. "I never forced you to save that mortal. I never told you to take her in and to take care of her." As she took one step forward, you took one backwards, she was a goddess after all. "And most of all, I, nor did Eros, lead you to kiss her." Your mother smirked and placed a finger over her lips, as if she were thinking. "Not just once either, dearest. You kissed her quite a number of times."
Your face erupted into a blush and you crossed your arms. "That doesn't mean anything." You muttered, hiding your face from the omnipotent being. Aphrodite grinned softly before humming mindlessly, wordlessly teasing you.
You grinned helplessly, really there was no use denying anything. The blonde's heart couldn't handle the twists and turns in this conversation, but her blood rushed to her cheeks as you asked, "Mother, the woman...Poppy...is she...did you...?"
Your mother quirked a brow, her lips forming a surprised "o" shape. You raised your eyes, shyly moving from side to side."She's a the daughter of a man of trade in Aethiopia I wiped clean of all her memories. She's not my creation." You nodded solemnly.
Quickly, you turned a heel in attempts to hide the flush growing on your face, the leaves under your feet crunching as you walked away from the glowing deity. "I am taking her back to her family." You muttered sternly.
Your mother's form began to human fade slowly as she said, "You have my, and the Olympians' favor, Beatrice. As you always have." With that she was gone.
You took a deep breath before dropping the bow and arrow in your hands. Eyes closed as you took in the night air, Poppy noted how you looked rather peaceful after that discussion. "If you're going to sneak up on someone and eavesdrop on their conversation, you should breathe softer." You called out suddenly, cracking an eye open.
The blonde yelped before you chuckled softly and walked over to her. Poppy emerged from her hiding spot. "If you knew I was there why the in Hades didn't you—hmph!" You pulled her in by the waist laughing against her lips as she hit your shoulder dozens of times with her little fists.
"It's not like you have light feet, Pop. I could hear you a mile away." You said, snark dripping from your voice. The blonde scoffed and shoved your shoulder. "As for why...I guess I didn't want to hide anything from you anymore." You said while leaning down to peck her lips again.
Poppy bit back a smile before masking it with a cocky smirk. "So I've been hooking up with a goddess, huh? Explains why I keep coming back." You burst out in laughter before pinning her up against a tree as she bit her lip in anticipation.
"I'm going to have to take you home, you beautiful creature." You said, half as a come on, half as a statement of fact. Poppy simply rolled her eyes and pulled you closer by your chin. Her lips a breath away from yours.
"I'll go to the ends of the world with you, Goddess Bea."
here yall go! since i didn't want to leave it on a weird note, part three coming soon. like all greek myths though, i'll likely let this end in tragedy AHAHAHAH jkjk we'll see how this plays out. but yes! confirmation that you are in fact a goddess in this. while traditionally, mortals would never treat goddesses the way poppy did without getting yeeted into the ocean but this is bea and poppy we're talking about. they're relationship is loving with an edge. anyway, i will be coming back vv soon! esp since it's rosé day when i'm posting this. but expect part 3 of this and some more surprises on their way! keep safe my lovelies and i will see you all soon! bye 💓 - r
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the---hermit · 2 years ago
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Hide by Kiersten White
This novel was a ride. It got a lot of criticism, I have lots of things to say too, but weirdly enough they're completly different. Hide is an horror novel set in an abandoned theme park where fourteen people are challenge to a game of hide and seek for a week. Clearly things go wrong very quickly, or it wouldn't be an horror novel. The main complaints I have read for this book is that it's too short to be set around so many characters and you don't know enough about all of them to care about what is happening. This book is surely too short to care about fourteen people, but it made sense to me. We are mainly following Mack who clearly states that she does not plan on getting to know anyone, her plan is to stay as hidden as she possibly can even in the more emotional and social side of things. Since we follow her it makes sense for us to only get to know a little better those with who she will inevitably spend more time with, and almost not know anything about the others. What I think could have been done differently is that everyone should have been characterized a bit more, because I will admit I was very confused for almost half of the novel because I couldn't remember who was who. Overall it's not easy for me to say why I wasn't satisfied with this book. The idea could have been interesting, the book was absolutely entrataining that has to be said, but it missed something for me. When things start to go wrong there should be a bit of a mystery of what is going on but at page 60 I had almost exactly guessed what was happening and how (I'll say a bit more in a spoiler-y part under the cut). That kind of killed the thrill for me, I was intrigued to know if I was right but it was more and more obvious I got it very close. Now what probably didn't help is that those things that differenciated my idea to what actually happened felt very messy and didn't surprise me. And here comes another thing I didn't like bout this novel, the descriptions felt messy and confused. I couldn't picutre things and people as clearly as I would have and the story did not benefit from this. As for the end, I won't of course say anything to avoid spoilers, but something happened that I didn't like because it felt forced, I could kind of see that coming and at the end of the day what happened next to that fact wasn't too bad. But that one thing felt really unbelievable to be honest. I know this last thought was particularly messy but it's not easy to talk about this stuff with zero context to avoid spoilers. Overall the book was mediocre I would say, it's not bad but it's not good either. There was a lot of potential in my opinion but it felt wasted.
I read this both for the studyblr w/ knives pride challenge for the prompt fucked up queers, and for the horror challenge queer main character prompt.
As usual when you see a read more section in one of my book reviews it means that from here on I'll say stuff that contains spoilers.
In particular here I'd like to talk a bit more about the supernatural (if that's even the right word) stuff that was going on in the theme park. As I mentioned above around page 60 I realize what was probably going on and although I wasn't 100% right the thing was still a minotaur-like creature. I am not trying to play it cool like "I am super smart cause I got what the inspiration was super early in the book", the fact that I'm a mythology nerd might have helped but to be honest I felt like it was super obvious. There was too much emphasis on the clues that made me guess that this was going to be a minotaur sort of thing (which I should also say it wasn't but also I am not sure what the hell that monster was cause again, to me at least, the descriptions felt super messy). An even number of players half female half male that slowly disappear as they walk around what is said approximately an hundred times a labirint makes the inspiration very clear. And if you found yourself wondering whether you were right or not a quick check into the name of the city Asterion will give you the final clue to guess. (The real name of the minotaur is litteraly Asterion or Asterius depending on who's writing). I didn't realize it at first but once I had all three informations it was too quick and obvious to realize everything, and that killed the mood pretty badly. As I said there was a lot of potential, the idea of a sort of minotaur figure and the maze is so cool especially in a more modern setting, but I feel like things were too messy to actually work and be satisfying.
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nocek · 3 years ago
Have you watched the Eternals? What kind of petvengers will they be?
Sorry I'm bit late with this one
I actually watched it and really liked it so it was quite a surprise to discover so many negative opinions about this movie? Like seriously wtf? It made me feel I needed to rewatch it like did I miss something? Idk. So I rewatched it and I like it even more so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for drawing them, sure :) If I get prompts I'll be happy to try to fill them. I've been in a bit of drawing slump lately and petvengers are generally nice and easy way of getting out of slumps for me and doing small warm ups to more "serious" drawings -.-
And as for what animals would they be. Damn that's a tough question. But let's make it up as we go (but it anyone has other ideas I'm happy to hear them!).
So let's start with easy one. Ikaris, the dumb fucking robot, of course is a birb because obviously.
Thena would also be a birb. Owl to be precise since they are birds associated with goddess Athena and also owls are super pretty and also slightly scary so it fits and also I like them :)
Continuing with birb theme Makkari also would be one? I don't want to go with fast=cheetah and she doesn't fit the neurotic nature of cheetahs. She is confident and playful so my dumb mind went with og speedster for me - the road runner (blep-blep! ;P)
(or she could be magpie because collecting random stuff that caught her attention, or squirrel but i like the silliest idea most)
Which makes me want to make Druig a birb too? It could kiiiinda fit. Mind control vs those weird hypnotic dances some birds do? Idk. I don't have any other idea for now.
And that makes me want to make all of them into birds XD Except I'm really sold on Sersi being an otter. Mostly because of her cute silly spiel about turning rocks into other things. It reminded me of this random bit of trivia that some otters have a favorite stone that they use to open clams.
As for Gilgamesh same as with Thena let's go with myths. As far as I remember from my middle school myth phase (which was a long time ago but let's not go there) in epic of Gilgamesh there is something about fighting sky bull? And generally Mesopotamian culture was big on depicting bulls so yeah. And it kinda fits.
But the mythology route doesn't work for Phastos though since Hephaesteus doesn't have any animal associated with him? Again, as far as I remember. So I'm stuck. So ugh? Back to birb ideas and make him a crow? They are smart and can use tools? idk
And that leaves us with Ajak, Sprite and Kingo. hm.... yeah lets go with birds
Because Kingo totally is a peacock. He really wants to be some cool kind of bird of prey like Ikaris but he totally is a peacock :P
For Sprite I could go same route as with Druig, this time linking hypnotic bird dances with illusions but on the other hand heavey-handed Tinkerbell analogy... So let's just be assholes and give her fairy wings ;P
Which leaves us with Ajak and I'm out of ideas so birb. We had so little of her and I understand why but I wish there was more of her? I mean out of all of them only she had all the memories and knew everything. Why did she change her mind, had she struggled with changing her mind. Is that why she shared the truth with Ikaris who was like the worst possible choice to share emotional burden with because he is the most emotionally fragile and ehhhh.... just don't get me started on this dumb fucking robot -.-
ok so let's finish it here before I start ranting. This post is long enough already.
tl:dr; I have loose ideas what animals they are but it can change and please send prompts my way! I need an excuse to draw them :)
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contentconsumer · 3 years ago
Hi! Could I get a ship request for Stranger Things? I'm 19, bisexual, INFP, and as for my star signs: libra sun, pieces moon, and scorpio ascending! I'm essentially just a major nerd but a lot of my interests center around DnD, theater (both tech & acting), TV/Movies, books, mythology, music, and poetry! I listen to about every genre of music under the sun (except for country), but my favorite artists probably include Oingo Boingo, MCR, and The Oh Hellos. I'm currently studying to become a Highschool English Teacher, partially cuz I love literature and also because I love seeing that "lightbulb moment" when people finally have something click. If I had to describe myself with three words it'd probably be caring, creative, and passionate. I often tend to say that "I'm a dumb*ss not an idiot" due to my tendency to be more book smart than street smart. Example of what prompted me to coin that phrase: Me asking my friends if they ever just wanna eat moss cuz moss just looks nice to eat. Said example is what normally ends up with my usual friendship dynamic of me being the one the group lovingly teases/bullies. My love languages are physical touch and quality time. My personal style tends to lean more goblincore/alternative and I dye my hair a lot. Negative aspects of me include anxiety, laziness, procrastination, and can become very clingy. If we're friends with anyone I'd probably be friends with Robin and Dustin! As for the scenario/drabble, I have a soft spot for friends to lovers but I'll leave the rest up to you!
i ship you with eddie munson for sure! we both know that boy needs a tutor to get him through english and it just so happens you're top of the class, queue your teacher forcing you to spend time in the library with eddie desperately trying to get him to focus so he can pass this class. over the time you're tutoring eddie you learn his interests and how much the match with yours, leading to you spending even more time together outside of school as if you're gonna go do your hobbies you might as well do it with your soon to be favourite person. you're friends for a long time before eddie makes a move, he's known he likes you romantically for months but has been too scared to make a move incase you reject him and then he ruins your friendship but after conversing with dustin, he been given the courage to go ahead and ask you out - you say yes and the rest is history. i feel like you two would have the strangest but funniest conversations that keep you entertained for hours. i also see you dying both your hair the same colour to match and you defo share a wardrobe.
tysm for requesting ! hope you have a good day
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sucuretcannelle · 4 years ago
(Sorry if anyone is OOC! I haven't been around long enough to know all the personalities, and I'm too lazy to go back and check. Hope you can forgive that!)
That's what everyone was doing.
It had a been chaotic day yesterday and everyone wanted to unwind.
And that's what everyone was doing.
"So.. how much flour do I put in again?"
Cinna let out a soft laugh as she leant against the counter. She watched as Cup inspected the flour bag curiously. His eyebrows were furrowed together, showing his confusion and annoyance.
"Two cups," responded Alroy as he set a pan on the counter. "We just told you this, dove." He chuckled affectionately.
Cup puffed out his cheek. "I know! I just needed to make sure!"
Cinna shook her head with a playful smirk. " Are you suuuure? Seems like you're getting forgetful."
"Am not!"
The two other partners bursted out laughing at their boyfriend's pout. Soon after, the third couldn't help but join in the laughter.
Prompt was seated on the couch, his tail wrapped around the waist of Noodles. She was leaning against him, enjoying his warmth. The smaller was drawing while the taller was reading a book. A comfortable silence around the two as they happily accepted the other's presence.
"Hey, Prompt?"
Noodles fiddled with the notebook she held before turning it to face him. "Does.. does this look good?"
Prompt set down his book and looked at the drawing. He smiled once he was what it was; a Chinese dragon, and he recognized the way it was drawn. Finn's tattoo.
"It looks perfect," the Niviasin assured the hybrid. "Just like you."
As the neko blushed a bright red, the ex-prince took the opportunity to give his lover a soft kiss.
"S-so, wh-what's that one?" Vex asked as he pointed to a bird that flew overhead.
Alexi blinked before looking at the bird. The god smiled before looking at the snake hybrid. "That's a painted bunting."
"I-it's really p-pretty." The other male smiled.
The winged male nodded. "It is. You typically don't see them around. It's nice to see one."
Vex nodded in agreement. "It i-is."
Finn's tail twitched in annoyance as he listened to Amoris talk. He didn't particularly like the young girl yet, but at the same time, he wasn't going to tell her to leave. Listening to her talk about the mythology of dragons was sort of.. endearing.
He smiled slightly.
Maybe he could humor her for a bit.
Bird blinked at Shrimp, and she blinked back. The two had been on the floor for what seemed to be ages now. The two hadn't said a word. They had just been.. staring.
"They're so weird," Writer mumbled as she lent against Citypop. The husband laughed softly as he gently ran his hand through her hair.
"As if you aren't weird as well," Cookie retorted, laying across both of their laps.
"We're all weird," the demon chuckled. "let's leave it at that."
"Okay, now try to say.. 'My name is Pip.'"
Nash was sat in front of Pippin, with Atlas sitting nearby, and Null floating around. Nash had enlisted Atlas to help him teach his adopted son full sentences, but he also wanted the latter around to make sure he didn't slip up around his son.
Pippin placed a finger to his mouth before his eyes lit up. He grinned, his wings fluttering. "M-my name is Pip!"
"That's my boy!" Nash laughed happily as he picked up Pippin and held him close.
Atlas smiled at the sight, and glanced up at Null when he heard him chuckle.
"That's the only thing he's managed to say fully so far," Null whispered as he floated down to Atlas.
The demon smiled as he looked at Nash and Pippin. His smile brightened upon seeing the two so happy. "That's true, but as the saying goes, 'little steps first, big steps second'."
(Hope everyone enjoyed it! This look about an hour. Lmao. But it was fun to write!)
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iam93percentstardust · 5 years ago
I'm bombarding you with those prompts, so I fully understand if you just ignore all those you don't like, lol. Would WinterIronFalcon be an OT3 you're intrested in writing? Some established WinterFalcon with Tony pining helplessly after them, not believeing he could have a chance? With a dash of angst in it? Thank you ♡
There isn’t much angst in this but there is hopeless pining so yay?
Also on ao3 here
“Share Bear, it’s not fair,” Tony whines into the phone.
“What isn’t?” his cousin asks, sounding patient but also kind of amused. He takes the phone away from his ear and squints at it. Is she making fun of him? She probably is, Sharon always makes fun of him. She’s mean like that; he’s pretty sure she gets it from Natasha.
“They’re so fucking gorgeous, I can’t stand it.”
“Oh. Them again. Seriously Tony, didn’t you used to have better taste?”
“Excuse you,” he says, offended. “My taste is perfect.”
“They think arguing is foreplay.”
“It’s bickering! And it’s cute!”
“Gross,” Sharon says cheerfully.
“God hates me,” Tony says dramatically, flinging his hand over his eyes. “That’s why he cursed me to work with two such beautiful humans who are already dating each other.”
“I know Bucky stays up to date with the fandom,” he continues, going a little quieter. “He’s gotta know that tons of people ship the three of us. But he doesn’t say anything about it. Share Bear, why doesn’t he say anything?”
“Probably because for every person who ships all three of you, there’s twice as many who ship just you and him,” she admits. “I know that if someone were shipping Maria and Nat and ignoring that I even exist, I’d be pretty upset.”
“Yeah,” he says glumly.
“What’re you filming today anyway?” she asks.
“True Crime. We were supposed to be doing an episode of Supernatural at the Odinson Mystery House, you know, over in Norway where the son found out he was adopted and then got super into Norse mythology and supposedly disappeared into a rainbow?”
“Oh yeah, that guy was crazy.”
“Wasn’t,” Tony insist stubbornly. “There are three different eyewitnesses and they all saw the same thing.”
“All three eyewitnesses tested positive for meth.”
“It was trace amounts and ruled irrelevant to the case. Anyway, there’s some sort of blizzard so our flight got canceled. We figured we’d get a jump on this season’s True Crime episodes instead.”
“What are you doing this week?”
He scowls into the phone. “Fandom episode. They voted for Captain America.”
He can practically hear Sharon wince. “I’m sorry. That fucking sucks.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, not least because both of them know exactly what happened to Captain America. He was recovered from the Arctic back in the 50s and went on to live a very happy and fulfilling life with Aunt Peggy. But that’s a very closely guarded state secret; the U.S. government can’t let it get out that Steve Rogers survived nearly a decade in the ice. Technically, Tony and Sharon aren’t even supposed to know but Aunt Peggy had insisted she be allowed to tell them after she took custody of Sharon and Tony moved out of Howard’s and into her home. It’s kind of cool actually, knowing that Uncle Steve is really Captain America. He’s a pretty great guy. It just kind of sucks that he can’t tell anyone about it and now he has to do a whole episode about it when everyone knows he’s a shitty liar.
He’d talked it over with Uncle Steve and Aunt Peggy when the results of the vote had first come in. Aunt Peggy’s advice had been to act more manic than usual, throw even more outlandish theories into the mix, and really make this episode about the banter between him and Bucky. “Direct their attention away from Steve,” she’d said. “They’re already going to be looking at you. Just make sure they’re doing it for the wrong reason.”
He kind of wants to kiss Bucky. That would definitely draw attention away from the episode. But that’s not fair to either Bucky or Sam, who are very happy with their relationship and don’t need a homewrecker like Tony throwing a spanner into the mix.
“Good luck,” Sharon tells him before they hang up. “You’re gonna need it.”
“Wow, thanks,” he mutters but she’s already gone.
Marvels Unsolved was never supposed to be this popular. It started off as a novelty webseries about Tony trying to convince Bucky about the existence of the supernatural—he firmly believed that if science could turn Uncle Steve from an actual shrimp to the god of muscles, then magic had to be out there—and then they’d started talking about an unsolved crime from the early 20th century after filming an episode one day, forgetting that the camera was still rolling, and had ended up with enough footage to make a second episode about real crimes. They had stayed pretty unknown throughout that first season but then true crime podcasts had exploded in popularity and Unsolved along with them.
Now they have a fandom and merchandise and actual fanfiction written about them, which is the craziest thing. They both have several often-quoted gifs floating around the Internet and Bucky has somehow become the poster child for being unimpressed by literally everything (he actually makes some of the best faces when something genuinely scary happens but they always end up editing those parts out—he has an image to maintain after all).
They brought Sam on once they started gaining in popularity. Tony, by that point, already had a pretty well-established crush on Bucky. He’d even thought that he had a chance with his co-host, small as it may be, and at first, it hadn’t seemed like Sam was going to change anything. He and Bucky argued all the time so Tony had been absolutely stunned when he’d stumbled upon them making out like it was the end of the world.
They had just finished filming their second season. Sam had suggested going out to a local bar. He’d suggested it for all three of them but Tony had, inexplicably, felt like a third wheel all night as Sam and Bucky bickered. At one point, Sam had disappeared off to the restroom and a couple minutes later, Bucky had followed him. Tony doesn’t know how long he had sat there waiting for them but he’d eventually gone looking for them only to find Sam pressing Bucky up against a wall.
And that had been that.
Three years later, Sam and Bucky are still going strong, Tony is as smitten with Sam as he is with Bucky despite knowing how hopeless both crushes are, and the fandom seems convinced to either write Sam out of Tony and Bucky’s relationship or write Tony into Sam and Bucky’s. He wishes they would stop. He stays pretty up to date with the fandom as well and they have all these meta posts about the way Bucky looks at him or something. It just keeps giving him hope but, well, it’s been three years. If Bucky wanted him, or if Sam did for that matter, they would have done something long ago.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Sam asks him as they’re setting up.
“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” He avoids meeting Sam’s eyes, focusing instead on adding creamer to the coffee. Marvels had presented them with these mugs last year to congratulate them on four years of Unsolved. They’ve got their most iconic quotes printed on them, Bucky’s with “Obviously I killed JFK” and Tony’s with “I’m the dramatic bitch your mom warned you about.” Sam has one too with his one and only line in the entire show printed on it (“Why did I agree to work with you?”) but since he’s always behind the camera, he doesn’t have to use the same mug for each episode.
“You just seem a little off.” The worst part is that Sam genuinely looks concerned. If they didn’t care about him, he thinks his crush might be easier to manage but they do because they’re just nice guys like that. “I know you weren’t too thrilled when we announced this week’s case.”
“Howard worked with him, practically hero-worshipped the damn guy. Of course, I’m not excited.”
Sam winces. They know all about Tony’s shitty relationship with Howard after his dad called Marvels furious that his son was hosting a webseries instead of coming home to grovel at his feet and take over the business. The whole team had been brought in to listen as Fury tried to placate him. By the end, Bucky had been furious on Tony’s behalf and Sam had berated Fury for twenty minutes for making Tony listen to the vitriol his dad had spewed. It had cemented his crush on Sam, then just a passing fancy, into something real and permanent.
“Seriously, Sam, I’m fine. Might be a little off today but I would have said if I didn’t think I could do it.”
Sam doesn’t look convinced but he agrees anyway. Tony sits down next to Bucky and passes him his mug. Bucky shoots him a grin and murmurs, “Thanks, doll.”
Tony doesn’t blush but that’s only because he has five years of practice. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Sam counting them down and he turns to face the camera, settling his hands in front of him.
“This week on Marvels Unsolved True Crime and in celebration of our 100th episode,” he begins, “we asked you what you’d like us to investigate and you came back—”
“—overwhelmingly,” Bucky interjects.
“Many, many times,” Tony agrees, “with a topic near and dear to my own heart: Captain America.”
“That’s right,” Bucky says, sounding surprised though Bucky had been the first to point out that maybe they shouldn’t do this episode because of Tony’s connections to Project Rebirth. “Your dad helped turn Steve Rogers into Captain America, didn’t he?”
“And he never let me forget it!” Tony says cheerfully.
“One hundred episodes,” Bucky says slowly, enunciating each word. “Can you believe that, doll?”
Sometimes, he wonders why the fans ship them when Sam is right there. Other times, Bucky says things like this and he understands completely.
“Not even a little bit, Bucky Babe.” Okay, so maybe he doesn’t help.
“One hundred. The big one zero zero.”
“We tried to do something extra special and get Sam in front of the camera for you guys—”
“—so you could see what a hunk he is—”
“—but Sam said that he didn’t trust anyone else to film us properly—”
“—which makes sense because Tony? If you put him in the wrong light, he’s practically a gremlin—”
“I’m just telling the facts.”
“Well, the facts are wrong.”
“They’re facts, sweet thing, they can’t be wrong.”
“Can too. Anyway, since Sam refuses to join us—”
“—and that just breaks my heart because Sam, he’s one of my favorite guys, you know?”
Tony pauses. It’s not like Bucky to say anything nice about Sam. Usually, it’s all good-natured insults and bickering. He must really be fed up with the Starkbucks shippers to say something like this when they’re still this early in the show.
“Only one of?” he asks curiously.
Bucky shoots him one of those filthy grins that their audience loves so much. “Well, it’s hard not to include you on that list,” he drawls.
He’s not going to blush.
He’s not going to blush.
He’s not going to—
Damn it.
Whatever. It’s no big deal, that’s what editing is for. So what if Sam has never edited out one of Tony’s blushes yet? Maybe Tony will get lucky and he will this time.
“You know, I was actually named for Captain America’s sidekick?” Bucky asks, getting them back on track.
“Wow, that is deeply unfortunate,” Tony deadpans.
“Yeah, Dad’s a fanboy. His whole troop was pinned down and rescued by the two of them. He tells the story all the time—kind of like your dad.”
“Except my dad goes straight past into fanboy and directly into obsession territory.”
“…Fair enough.”
“Really? That’s all you’re going to say?”
Bucky shrugs and takes a sip out of his mug. “I’ve been inside your house. I’ve seen the Steve Rogers shrine. I’m not going to argue with you.”
Tony thinks about that for a moment. “It is kind of a shrine, isn’t it? Anyway, we’ve got some great stuff for you today. We’re going to crack open this cold case, show you some never-before-seen footage courtesy of my mom sneaking my dad’s old war tapes out of the mansion, and then we’ll talk a little bit about the theories out there.”
“How many of them are going to be ridiculously outlandish and physically impossible?”
Tony glares at him. “None of them. I have never once presented a ridiculously outlandish and physically impossible theory.”
“Right because alien abduction is a valid—”
“Aliens are real!”
“You said that crabs might have eaten Amelia Earheart!” Bucky shouts over him.
“It’s a valid theory!”
“I take it back, you’re not one of my favorite people anymore.”
“That really hurts me, deep inside,” Tony says sarcastically, trying to cover up that maybe that does send a small pang shooting through his chest. He likes the thought of being one of Bucky’s favorite people. He doesn’t want to lose that.
“How deep?” Bucky asks and winks.
“Very deep. Way, way deep down. Practically in my—”
Bucky’s eyes widen and he nearly chokes on his coffee. “Okay, that’s enough of that. Let’s get into the facts.”
“Hey, that’s my line!”
“With a missing plane and pilot and so much redaction in the files, we’re lucky to even have a name, let’s get into the theories.”
“Actually, wait, before we do that,” Bucky says, “I want to ask if you’ve ever noticed that your voice changes when you’re doing the voiceovers.”
“Wait, what?” Tony asks. He glances at him, to one of the cameras, then back to Bucky. “What do you mean?”
“You know, it gets all deeper like you’re trying to voice movie trailers or something.”
“No it doesn’t.”
“Sure it does.”
Tony shakes his head. “There’s no way.”
They both turn toward Sam, who thinks about it and then makes a ‘sort of’ motion with his hand.
“Told you!” Bucky says triumphantly.
“You’re such a child,” Tony sneers.
“Yeah, that’s why you like working with me so much.”
Behind the camera, Sam silently snickers and Tony glares at him before telling the camera, “If you’re watching, let us know in the comments. Is my apparent movie trailer voice okay or does it need to go like Bucky clearly thinks?”
Bucky goes paler. “Hey, wait, I didn’t say it had to go.”
“It was implied when you brought it up,” he argues.
“No!” Bucky insists. “I was just wondering if it was on purpose.”
They both turn toward Sam, who thinks about it and then makes a ‘sort of’ motion with his hand.
“Aha!” Tony says triumphantly.
“Traitor,” Bucky mutters into his coffee.
Sam signs, “I’ll make it up to you when we get home tonight.”
“And that was more than I ever wanted to learn about Sam and Bucky’s love life,” Tony lies through his teeth. “Let’s get into the theories. I only have two for you today, one of which I think Bucky will particularly like.”
“Oh no.”
“Our first theory is that Steve Rogers died in a plane crash on December 16, 1944. Winter months in the Arctic are known to be particularly stormy. There would have been low visibility due to the high latitude and time of year and with the waters and surrounding land being well below freezing, it’s possible that, even if Captain Rogers survived the impact, he would have frozen to death in the stormy seas.”
Bucky thinks about it for a second. “Yeah, that seems plausible.”
“In addition, Howard Stark, a known Captain America aficionado and the father of Marvels Unsolved’s best host—”
“You lie like a rug!” Bucky howls.
Tony snickers and then when Sam signs, “He’s really not,” bursts out into full-out laughter.
Once he’s recovered, he continues, “Howard Stark has spent the first fifty years after the crash of the Valkyrie and the last twenty funding searches in the Arctic in the hopes of recovering Captain Rogers’ body. He has found no evidence that Captain Rogers survived the crash although he did find part of the remains of the Valkyrie and has since stated that, ‘No human could have survived that crash.’”
The expeditions are a scam and have been since Howard first found the Valkyrie crash site and Uncle Steve along with it. He hadn’t been planning on continuing the expeditions—too costly, as he claims—but when Aunt Peggy had told him that Uncle Steve’s survival had to remain a secret, he’d kept them up for pretense’s sake.
Bucky is saying something about how it sucks that the first superhero is gone and when he finishes, Tony grins and says, “Then you’ll like our second theory.”
“Somehow, every time you say that, I end up completely hating it. Wonder why that is.”
“Our second theory is that Steve Rogers survived the crash and is still alive but cryogenically frozen in the ice. There—”
Tony starts laughing but he tries to continue on over Bucky shouting that it’s complete nonsense. It’s hard and he knows that Sam will probably have to do some editing and maybe make Tony do some voiceover work in order to make the theory audible but he thinks he manages to do a pretty good job.
Bucky is pouting by the end of it, arms crossed over his chest. “What fucking bullshit,” he mutters.
“The supersoldier serum—” Tony starts to point out.
“Isn’t a miracle drug.”
“That’s exactly what it is.”
“No, it just made him big and strong. It doesn’t just magically keep people alive when they should have died.”
And then they’re off into familiar territory, arguing about the merits of either theory. Tony’s actually feeling pretty good about himself, convinced that he’s doing a decent job of steering the conversation away of anything classified, right up until Bucky says, about halfway through the episode, “I’m surprised at you, Tony.”
He wrinkles his nose. “Surprised?”
“Usually, you have some absolutely batshit, off-the-walls crazy theory but these have actually been pretty normal for you.” He pauses and then adds for effect, “And you’re usually much better at your research than this.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh come on, even I know that there’s one more theory.”
He starts tapping at his chest nervously, almost wishing that he had a pair of sunglasses. Aunt Peggy always said that his lies are in his eyes, that they’re too expressive to hide the truth. When he was living with Howard, in the spotlight, he always had a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes but he hasn’t wanted to use those since he moved out. He wishes he had them now.
“And what’s that?” he asks, feigning a casualness he doesn’t feel.
“That Steve Rogers lived and came out of the ice at some point and has been living out his life in anonymity.”
He barks out a nervous laugh. “I didn’t mention it because even I know that that theory is completely impossible.”
“Hasn’t stopped you before.” Sam nods agreeably. Bucky nods back at him and adds, “Even Sam agrees with me.”
“He’s your boyfriend, he’s practically required to.”
Both Sam and Bucky laugh at that one and yeah, okay, it was a pretty ridiculous statement. Anyone who knows them knows that being boyfriends is less likely to make them agree with each other.
“Look, Steve Rogers didn’t come out of the ice alive. Howard would have known for one thing and if you think, he could keep something like that quiet, then you don’t know him very well.”
“Maybe the government insisted it be a secret,” Bucky suggests, shrugging. “There have been plenty of people who have claimed over the last couple decades to be Captain America.”
Tony scoffs. “Oh come on, by that logic, anyone could be Captain America.”
“Maybe they could be.”
“No,” Tony says flatly. “It’s like that crazy conspiracy theory guy over on Reddit who’s convinced that Bruce Wayne is Batman.”
“Maybe Bruce Wayne is Batman.”
“Ooh do the butts match?” Tony says mockingly. “I mean, really, Bucky Babe, if we’re going off of lookalikes, then my fucking Uncle Steve is secretly really Steve Rogers, which is ridiculous because the guy’s like practically ancient and faints at the sight of blood in PG-13 movies.”
That sets off another round of arguing that lasts the rest of the episode until finally Tony wraps it up with, “Whether Steve Rogers died in 1944 or is still alive today is a mystery that will remain unsolved.”
They both pause for a moment to provide time for Sam to edit in the theme music and closing title. Usually, there would be some lighthearted bantering afterwards, maybe a joke about something they said earlier in the show. This time though, Bucky says thoughtfully, “The thing is, though, I’ve met your Uncle Steve—”
Tony goes cold.
“—and he really does kind of look like—”
Tony panics. That’s the only explanation that he has for declaring, “I’m done waiting,” reaching across the tables and grabbing hold of Bucky’s shirt, and yanking him forward to kiss him.
For a moment, Bucky is too startled to do anything but then he melts into Tony, mouth opening under his, tongue pushing forward to meet his. Bucky’s arms come around him, pulling him up and out of his chair and settling him into his lap. Tony makes a small greedy sound, swallowed by Bucky’s kiss, and then they’re both pulling away. Bucky’s lips are very red; Tony can’t stop staring at them even as he’s filled with dismay.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I shouldn’t have—”
“Why not?” Bucky demands.
“You—Sam—” He glances toward the camera but Sam isn’t standing there anymore. His heart drops into his stomach—has he just ruined Bucky and Sam’s relationship? But then he hears someone drop to their knees behind him and when he turns slightly, Sam’s fingers are on his chin, gently turning his head.
“How long?” Sam asks.
“How long what?”
“How long have we been wasting our time when we could have been kissing you instead?”
Three years, two months, and fifteen days. “Too long.”
Sam kisses him then, mouth gentler than Bucky’s but no less consuming. Bucky is a hard, hot line against his front; Sam is warm against his back and Tony? Tony loses himself in the storm that is the two of them, sparks shooting through him as Bucky’s hands find their way to his hips, as Sam’s tongue slips into his mouth, as Bucky whispers into his ear, “We’re not wasting any more time.”
Marvels Unsolved’s 100th episode shoots to their most watched, most liked video in less than a day and when asked, maybe the smallest handful of viewers could have said what it was about.
The day after it posts, only a week after it was filmed, Tony’s phone rings.
“Kill it with fire,” Sam says sleepily.
Tony, however, recognizes Aunt Peggy’s ringtone and he rolls over to grab it before Bucky can throw it at the wall. “Hello?” he asks groggily.
“Congratulations on not blowing Steve’s cover,” she says.
“Oh yeah,” Tony mutters. “Can I go back to bed now?”
“One more thing, duck.”
“What’s that?”
“Congratulations on the new boyfriends.”
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prince-liest · 5 years ago
Aw no fair, I already established that I liked your energy geez now you gotta drag me in even more xD so much to respond to wow, alright but Hawks being Prometheus? Very interesting and fresh perspective from the every so common Icarus title people gave him. I'm interested! *shakes you back and forth because my agreement and understanding of your words have rendered me silent how do I respond?* ohh musicals, nice! That takes me back. Haha sometimes you gotta go feral. Hope you had fun :)
Omg, haha - I’ll drag anyone I can down into the enthusiastic meta pit! 
I talked about my opinions on the Icarus metaphor over here, and the tl;dr is that I think it’s not fitting at all and probably is just a go-to because Hawks has wings and it’s relevant imagery. I have no formal background in Greek mythology and haven’t studied the myth of Prometheus properly aside from the usual middle school Greek mythology phase kids get that prompts them to enthusiastically pick up Percy Jackson, and I can see aspects of it that don’t quite fit as a parallel (especially regarding Prometheus disobeying authority and Hawks obeying it to a fault), but I also don’t have enough knowledge to pick a better Greco-Roman stand-in, haha!
I feel like, overall, Hawks is meant to be a character who is sacrificing himself and his beliefs in a number of different ways for what he sees and is told is the greater good. Both in the main manga and the internship side mission spinoff, Hawks regularly talks back to the decisions the Commission makes, but also immediately proceeds to adhere to those decisions completely. He is also in many ways punished for his decision to do this work, in his lack of relationships and social life, his sacrifice of his beliefs and morals and friendship in killing Twice, and his physical well-being as a hero with, uh, judicious application of fire.
(2/4) I say that but it’s literally just my 9th grade musical phase I’m blaming the group of kids constantly singing in the hallway in the early mornings of my first period class for. But to be fair, musicals + nearly dark sky + nice wind/clouds + standing at the edge of the school empty area listening to the sounds drifting around contemplating life sure is something. I’d just sing in my head. And yeah! See that’s the thing, they aren’t resolved so I’m :(
I am unashamedly obsessed with musicals, haha, I’m not gonna lie! Especially the ones that are very high-energy. I love Heathers a great deal in particular, and the singers for the West End version go hard. So I had a lot of fun, haha, thank you! I ended up writing a whole DabiHawks Heathers spinoff outline I’m never gonna write after listening to Meant To Be Yours and Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) too many times during a quarantine walk…
(¾) I’m gonna sob. I’m desperately clutching onto Horikoshi’s comments on having a lot of expectations for Hawks’ character for moving the story forward and cool places for him to go. So I’m like woah what??? Well okay, I’ll keep my hopes up that the writing is good for him! Another cryptic comment was how ‘he’s outstanding compared to the other heroes, but what exactly is he looking at over the horizon?’ And I’m so lost haha mysterious. Well Hawks always did throw everyone for a loop.
Lack of resolution kills the man! qAq I’m actually really excited to know that Horikoshi has made comments like that - knowing the way the story is going, I’m sure it’ll take a while to take us there, but he came through in featuring Shinsou more in a way I enjoyed greatly, so I have high hopes for Hawks! Especially considering how well he’s set up to be a really polarizing character in-universe.
With regards to that comment, though, I think he may have been referring to the fact that Hawks is a prodigy that excels at being a hero, but is looking forward to a time when he doesn’t have to actually do his job because the world is safe and sound!
(4/4) Guess whose salty and angry my phone crashed and deleted two asks before I could send them to you. NOW MY RESPONSE IS LACKING AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I HAVE TO RETYPE AND IT WON’T BE THE SAMEEE!!!! Ahhhh darn it. 
OML, anon, that’s really frustrating and I’ve been there, you have all my sympathies! Feel free to send more asks or hit me up on Discord (Bellamy#7777) if you feel okay with un-anonymizing yourself, though, whether you remember your thoughts or have more! :D
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shadowknight465 · 5 years ago
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Lunar seer
June 19, 1517
Today I decided to cut myself,  so I can numb the pain I feel almost every single day. Now thinking about it; it was the most stupidest thing I have ever done. Luckily my brother was there to stop me, in fact there should be more people like my brother in the world then anything else. Maybe I am needed after all.
Nightmare put down his quill, and close his journal entry. He looked out to his window to see his brother playing with a couple kids. To him children are pure beings that has more common sense than adults. He should know he was the village children's secret teacher. All because a little girl asked him to read her a story that her mom neglected to read for her. As he thinks for a writing prompt in his own stories, he heard the parents of the children calling for them, it's way past their bedtime. Dream came back holding a book. "Brother, can you read me the story? The girls told me that you're the best storyteller in the world." Dream ask with stars in his eyes. "I can teach you to read that book if you want." Nightmare responded.
"Well I don't want anyone to see me as a grown baby anymore." Dream reason with himself.
That night under a full moon, on Dream's bed.  As Nightmare help Dream read a Greek mythology about how Leto gave birth to Artemis and Apollo. They discover like many of the towns people Dream has difficulty reading. However it doesn't mean he won't give up on it.
"Let-o struggle for 9 d-ays try-ing to give Ap-o birth, then her first-born daughter Art-e-mis who was born mer-ely a few days.. Brother, how come it's forbidden for anyone, but the priest and the king to read?" Dream asked putting the book on his lap. Both of them knew Nightmare broke the sacred law of literacy. Nightmare scratch his head then said. "I wish I knew, Dream I was I knew. Plus I was very curious when I was young."
Dream chuckled. I know I promise everyone that I'll keep it a secret, but everyone believed that you were a cursed."
"What do you mean?" Nightmare responded. Just because he one of the a few people who knows how to read, doesn't make him cursed. "Well you're not very good at socializing, not very well at being empathetic, and you never look at anyone in the eye."
"I looked at you in the eye."
"Plus, now this is the only part where I and everyone else agreed on, you never really pay attention to any of your surroundings; you just have your nose-hole in a book." Dream turned at Nightmare with a smirk on his face. "Also you keep rubbing with your hands, even as we speak."
Nightmare look down at his hands and put them behind his back. "Do you see me as cursed?" Nightmare asked. "Nah, you're just different." Dream answer as he snuggle in his bear skins blanket inside a rope hammock.
"Well, Bonne nuit." Nightmare walk to his room. "Bonne nuit.." Dream respond as he drift off to sleep.
Nightmare headed to his hammock and wrap himself into his bear skin. Letting the tiredness to take over into a deep sleep.
He found himself in the same valley at the stars again, this time he shall white figures that resembles children playing which later turned into a whole village celebrating a festival. Curiosity took over and he went to see what the festival is all about. Only to see a version of both him and his brother but his doppelgänger felt a bit off. Not right off in the 'this is not normal' way. Off as an eerie feeling. His hunch was right when he saw the doppelgänger killed the tree by accident. Yet here the other him, being hated.  Things got worse when the doppelgänger got corrupted with the negative apples by eating them and started killing everyone, later turning his brother into stone. Nightmare tried to get the lookalike to stop, but as if by invisible chains, he cannot move or speak. He than felt a cold chill on his shoulder blade and turn around seeing himself with black substance pouring from his eyesockets as he smiled a crooked grin, muttering. "Hope is useless, dispair forever there."
Nightmare jotted up in cold sweat as silence filled the room. He look around to see if everything is still here. It was. He groun to himself. He's the prince of nightmares, he shouldn't be afraid of them. Because he don't think he'll go back to sleep anytime soon, he decided to make himself some coffee with milk cream. After making the fire, he took a look at the tree and he's doesn't know if he shouldn't do this, but he doesn't care. He admired his side of the tree, for resembling the night sky. If is was blue instead of purple of course. Then again a purple night sky wouldn't be so bad. As he traced the Orion constellation he heard the sound of crunching leaves, which turns out to be his brother.
"Dream, what are you doing up so late?" Nightmare asked. Usually he was night owl and Dream was the morning bird.
"I had another nightmare. This time I was being burned alive." He answered. "I guess your dreams are trying to tell you to not play with fire often." Nightmare responded.
"But fire is so beautiful."
"I know, but it's very dangerous as well." After a few seconds of silent Nightmare offer his brother some coffee. Dream was shocked when he heard that. His brother is a coffee addict and will get angry at anyone who interrupted his coffee time or try to steal his coffee. "You mean it?" He asked. "Sure." Nightmare said as he pat the other side of the log he was sitting on. Dream had coffee before, so it wasn't a huge shocker that he didn't go crazy and disturb the villagers sleep. Nightmare did notice that he was paying attention to the fire instead of the hot spilled drops on his shirt. "Just got a word from the messenger that the fire wizards are now calling themselves pyromancers." Nightmare jested. "Brother." Dream chuckle for a bit while embarrassed. As the two brothers laughed at the jest.
Nightmare suddenly saw a flash of light and saw a beautiful church that was famous throughout centuries because of a singular book. "Notre Dame." He whispered the church's name. " is something wrong brother?" Dream asked. "In April 15, 2019, Notre Dame will be set on fire."
"Brother don't destroy the beautiful church and plus it's impossible to live to see that year." Dream responded. Snapping Nightmare out of his dream like state. "Hmm? What happened?" Nightmare asked.
"You just said that Notre Dame will be set on fire in 2019." Dream reminded. Nightmare couldn't believe what he heard. Did he really said that? Before he could say anything else another flash appeared. This time he saw a queen portrait, but her head was off. He looked at the name he saw Marie-Antoinette. Nightmare shook his head violently and asked Dream did he say something weird. Dream nodded and said. "You yelled 'Let them cake' as you rip the head of a snake from its body." Nightmare quickly look down at his hot blooded hands with one of them still holding the head of the poor snake. He dropped it and immediately pour out his coffee to make a new batch. This time no cream.
"What's happening to me?" Nightmare asked himself. "Maybe you just need some sleep." Dream said. Nightmare quickly forgot that Dream was sitting right next to him. Regardless Nightmare nodded and decided to wash his hands in the cold river water. Just before he got onto his hammock he asked. "Hey, Dream can you sleep with me?" in an embarrassing tone. Dream nodded happily as the two brothers climb onto the hammock. Maybe just had to do something with the moon.
Nightmare regret about drinking coffee at midnight. He felt the bags forming in his skull already as soon as he woke up. It didn't stop him from going out on his day however. After he was done brushing his teeth it dried corn and water, got dressed, and took his stickle for hunting. He saw a bright fire on the house. He knows it one of his bullies house, but it doesn't mean he can't prove that he's not evil after all. He dropped his stickle and grabbed a random bucket and headed straight for the village water well. After he was done filling the bucket he ran to the house while looking around, wondering why is nobody's reacting to this at all. After some effort he threw the water on top of the house. Big mistake. He could only stand up clutching his teeth and forming fists as he was being scolded at, while trying his best to not cry. What's going on me?
Nightmare asked himself. Until the priest got to the crowd yelling. "I'VE TOLD DREAM THAT HIS DEMON BROTHER IS CURSED WITH THAT  HEINOUS JEWEL ON HIS BACK!" The crowd then try to rip his shirt, but he quickly got away to the woods. Knowing that nobody goes there out of fear of the Pooka. After a while of running he stopped to catch his breath.
Am I really cursed?
He thought to himself. He later try to think back on what he did before the events. Maybe one of his bullies cursed him. Maybe it could be the priest after Dream didn't listen and took his side. He then thought about his own nightmare. Is it true that despair is forever here? He heard the sound of running water and followed it. Maybe a splash of cold water will help him. As soon as he was done. He felt something hot the second time he dip his hands in the water. He later opened his eyes and saw that the water is stained with blood in some type of substance that apparently can be light on fire even if it's in water.
What the hell is going on?
He thought to himself .
"You are seeing the future." A familiar voice said. He turn and saw one of those ghost people. "I'm seeing what?"
"The future that's why your eyesight been acting strange and so is your behavior." The ghost said. Nightmare sigh and got up. "Look I don't know what your little plan is. Making me scared on being your emperor-king? I don't care, but making a fool of me means that you had to explain yourself." Nightmare rant. It becomes more terrifying from the fact he's actually taller than the little ghost.  "As the moon emperor it's important for you to see the future. Even if it means no one will believe you."
"You still should've picked Dream. He'll make a greater emperor than me." Nightmare continue. "I understand that you are confused, but just like everyone else said you are not needed in this world."  It reply. "You're wrong again because my brother needs me."
"Remember that dream you had last night? We were showing you what will happen catch up if you continue your miserable path."
Nightmare couldn't believe what he is hearing. So, he left. The part where the ghost said no one will believe him actually reminds him of what he would consider one of Greeks saddest tragedy  Cassandra Ulysses. He will admit that even though her death was kind of sad, it was also kind of happy knowing that she would be free from all the pain she went through.  He went back to the village hoping that maybe that they're going to forget about the little incident. They didn't, and called him a 'mad skeleton'. He remembered that he dropped a hunting stickle, and try to look for in the grass.
That's when one of the bullies he scared the other day stabbed him in the back with it. "This is what happens to demons like you." The bully said. Nightmare just shook his head. If the bully was going to stab him in the back he should've done it with his own weapon. "You're still a hypocrite. And don’t think that I didn't saw you trying to groom a 11-year-old girl." Nightmare said. "Well who is going to believe an aspect of evil like you?" The bully reply. Nightmare will admit he does have a point, but he didn't say it. So he just replied it with. "God will, if you try to kill me."
"Do you think God will ever care about a evil being like you?" Nightmare didn't reply. And walk towards his home, and of course the priest forced the little ones to throw rotten fruit and vegetables at him. While the adults called him evil and that his life doesn't worth anything. Not thinking about public appearance anymore he ran across the stream without rolling his pants up or taking off his boots. And of course he kept his eyes closed the whole time and bumped into their cottage. He quickly rubbed his nose-hole and got inside. Knowing that all the adults are laughing at him. He hated the adults are hypocrites that the children will get tainted with ignorance as they grow older. The world seem scary when the younger generations have more common sense than the last one. He threw himself to his hammock to take a few breaths.
"Brother, are you OK?" He heard the gentle voice of his twin. "Come in." Nightmare reply. "Everyone told me about how you ran around like a maniac, and some of them saw you sobbing. Did something happened?" Dream said.
"I think I'm really am cursed. I keep seeing horrible events, and I believe I'm going insane." Nightmare told Dream. " How can you be so sure?" Dream asked. "I don't know." Nightmare sigh. "Hey Nightmare can I ask you something again?"
"Sure, what did you need?" Nightmare sat up from his hammock. "Do you think we're horrible brothers to each other?"
Nightmare got confused. Why out of all people Dream would ask that?
"What makes you say that?" Nightmare asked.
"Well, everyone keep comparing us to be polar opposite's with each other. And every time I'm not around you always ended up getting hurt one way or another. And you were so distant from me lately." Dream answers, trying not to cry in front his brother, but failing. "Dream, no sibling is perfect for one another, but that's why we had to stay together. In a way we balance each other out."
"But why were you avoiding me? Don't you trust me?" Dream asked. Nightmare sigh. " I do trust you I always thought you want to play with your little friends like we always said ' I need to get out of my little shell more'." Nightmare reminded Dream. "Plus I'm not always avoiding you. As long you are wearing that cape, always know that I'm here." He reminded Dream about that stormy night. Dream blush embarrassingly.
"And you would've made friends with the Village's children if they actually see that you are the best brother ever." Dream joked a little. Nightmare chuckled. Sometimes he feels like the only reason he kept on living was because of Dream. "Oh, I almost forgot our hammocks are going to be replaced with actual beds. And this is the fun part we get to design our own bedrooms." Dream cheered.
"What?" Nightmare responded.
After half the day on room designing Nightmare went to his new bedroom. Which is shades a silver,purple and hues of blue. The only thing that seems to be the odd one out is the giant light yellow crescent moon on his spring blanket. And he felt lucky that the villagers are sort of nice when they gave him his own writing desk. He set his book down and began writing his thoughts.
June 20, 1517
Lately today I began seeing visions of what the spirit told me to be the future. However they also said no one will believe me like the story of Cassandra. I still don't know what their intentions are, but my visions told me that if I continue on my suffering path I'll become the evil being everyone believed me to be. I know that in the Bible that I should be afraid of God, but I don't think I am. I am more afraid of people, yet not their children. It's scary to think how the elders are supposed to be the wisest, but it was actually them.
Nightmare closes his book and went to his bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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