#but the gay voices in my head tell me to draw
orcelito · 1 year
y'all have cursed me ngl. been about 2 weeks since i made Gay Moon Post & in the thousand + notes since i have seen that fucking gay moon panel SO many times
i see ppl redrawing it & im just like "oh Gay Moon Post reference?" & i have to remind myself tht this is a part of the manga that plenty of other people see without seeing my post on tumblr dot com
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reminiscingtonight · 7 months
Gay 4 Me
Alessia Russo x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: A little spiciness, talks about solo-action if you get my drift. Based on the G Flip and Lauren Sanderson song
[WOSO Masterlist]
You find out by accident. 
Katie, shit-stirrer she is, is in the midst of ribbing the fuck out of Alessia. The striker had missed one too many goals, one too many passes, one too many everythings at practice and the Irish woman’s taking too much joy in rubbing it in her face. 
“Mate, you’re too stressed. Gotta find yourself a lovely lad or someone to work out the tension.”
“There’s no tension, Katie!”
“Tell that to your shoulders,” the brunette snorts, fingers flicking at Alessia’s shoulder. 
The blonde bats her hands away, a frown on her face. “There’s no tension,” Alessia repeats, annoyance leaking into her voice.
“There’s no shame in getting a bit of help, Lessi.” Katie shrugs. “I might judge your taste in… partners, but that’s exactly what they’re for. To help us relax a bit.”
“I don’t need help relaxing,” Alessia huffs.
It takes a second, but Katie eventually gets what the blonde’s telling her. Katie’s mouth splits into a devilish grin. The Irish woman’s always more than happy to get too close and personal, invading everyone’s private lives. 
“What, your fantasies that good?”
Alessia rolls her eyes. “I never said they’re fantasies, McCabe.”
“Oh come on, you can’t say straight sex is that good to be reminiscing about.”
“Well I never said it was straight sex now did I?”
Katie’s mouth drops open and Alessia uses the moment of reprieve to push past the Irish woman. 
You tuned into the conversation the second the two of them made it into the locker room. You’re not sure what it is but something about Alessia is just so magnetic, always drawing you in no matter what you’re doing.
So yeah, you’re already listening to Alessia and Katie’s bickering when you find out that Alessia apparently has no qualms getting some solo action. But those words paired with blue eyes flashing towards you has you struggling to swallow.
Good lord. 
Alessia Russo touches herself to the memories of the two of you having sex. And she just admitted it to the whole locker room. 
(Not that the girls know which memories she’s getting off to, of course)
A bolt of arousal shoots right through you as you drop your head, face flaming red. 
You can still remember the night it happened. The taste of tequila sharp on your tongue after a night out with the team. You’ll argue that the alcohol lowered your inhibitions but truthfully nothing but pure lust made you trail after your blonde teammate out of the bar. Alessia felt soft under you, the noises she made sounding like music to your ears. What she lacked in experience she clearly made up for in skill, easily bringing you to the precipice multiple times just as you did her.
Just the thought of sweet little innocent Lessi, hand shoved between her legs, nothing on her mind but your hot night together as she brings herself to release makes you want to take her apart right here right now. 
The feel of a hand trailing down your back has you hurtling back into the present, breath caught in your throat in surprise. Alessia seems amused when you start hacking away. Her hand stays in place as she hands you your water bottle.
“All good?” Her face is the picture perfect example of innocence but you can see right through her.
“All good?” you mock, shoving at her lightly. Alessia laughs, discreetly running her hand down your arm, pausing to give your bicep an appreciative squeeze before taking it back.
“Of course.” Her words are paired with teeth biting her bottom lip and you have to fight the urge to sink your own teeth into the rosy skin.
“You’re killing me, Less,” you groan under your breath.
“You can’t seriously be blaming me, can you? Was quite rude how you left me with an ache if I’m being honest.”
Eyes bulging at Alessia’s confession, you find yourself choking on yet another breath.
It’s the way she says it without any embarrassment, eyes glimmering with a slight challenge, that takes you off guard.
Deep in your head you can still hear your cousin’s warning when Alessia first signed for Arsenal. Ella had backed you into a corner at a family gathering, finger digging into your sternum the second you walked through the doors.
“Alessia’s my best mate and she’s the sweetest and most innocent girl ever. You better take care of her when she joins your stupid little club or so help me I will make your life a living hell the next time we see each other.”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to tell Ella that she seemed as threatening as a scraggly chihuahua. But you promised her that you would watch out for the blonde.
If only Ella could see her best friend now. Not so innocent and pure as she thought.
Though you really have no one to blame for that but yourself.
You know your cheeks are burning right now and you pray that none of your teammates are paying close attention to you and Alessia. If anyone was, they’d instantly know you guys are talking about things less than PG friendly.
Nervously chuckling, you keep your eyes trained to your bag, trying to ignore the way you can feel Alessia staring at the side of your face. “That great, huh?”
Alessia clicks her tongue, an action that has your head instantly going to the gutter, remembering exactly what she could do with the muscle. “If I’d have known how good you were in bed I would have asked Ella to hook us up eons ago.”
She’s grinning when you look up at her with an incredulous expression. “Alessia!”
“What?” she laughs, easily intertwining your fingers and leading you towards the door when she realizes you’re done packing. She leads you past a still dumbfounded Katie by the door, pausing long enough to wink at the Irish defender before you’re slipping away to the parking lot.
You have a feeling you’re going to have to endure an interrogation from the brunette in the days to follow, but right here right now, hand still caught in Alessia’s as you walk her to her car, you can’t find it in yourself to care all that much. 
Especially when Alessia suddenly hooks her fingers into your belt loops and yanks, sending you crashing into her body. You tilt your head back and laugh, arms resting around her shoulder so you don’t completely barrel her over.
“Well hello there,” she winks, as if she’s not the reason you’re currently pressing her against her own car.
“Alessia,” you return evenly, raising an eyebrow in question.
“I have a bottle of tequila and microwaveable chicken nuggets at my place. Wanna recreate some memories?”
You narrow your eyes at the striker. Her smile turns a little more teasing.
“Would you rather I straight up ask for you to put your fingers--”
“Shut up and get in the car, Less.”
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lowkeyrobin · 17 days
hiii I was wondering if I could request a sorry boys x reader? (Totally understand if not tho! Just Tommy, ranboo, Charlie, and Philza (: )
but the reader is like a streamer who just does art streams? I like to think of it as crumb-like streams? Anyway, the reader also has an idea for a possible indie show or comic or whatever they wanna make one day and they sometimes draw or animated stuff for that?
(also do you mind if I be the ⚠️ anon?)
oooo yeah of course! ; and welcome to the hotel ⚠️! love the reference haha ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; again, apologizing for how short this is
SORRY BOYS ; auti-artistic
summary ; youre an art streamer chilling with the sorry boys
warnings ; language
word count ; 504
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You were currently live with Tommy and Phil at your sides, watching you draw. You usually streamed when you were working out the blocks for your upcoming comic, wanting to get some outside opinions from friends and chat as you worked.
Charlie and Ranboo's voices hung in your head over the Discord call, where you'd repeat their words to Tommy and Phil as they talked. Those two were streaming some weird simulation game, so you were listening to them babble with your volume on 10 as you worked, more so listening to Phil and Tommy. The blondes were giving you suggestions, compliments, and were talking about some movie they'd recently watched together.
You place your pen back down on the iPad screen, coloring in the blocks as you worked. You had numerous amounts of pallettes to make sure all the colors were correct, plus it made life easier in the long run.
"No, no, no!" Tommy waves his finger dangerously close in front of Phil's face, "That movie sucked. The dad can kiss my ass!"
"The dad was trying to save his kids, Tom!"
"By shooting their mum?!"
You slowly look up at your webcam, your jaw slightly agape, eyebrows furrowed. You listen as they both blabber on and on, talking about whatever plot there was to this random apocolypse movie that they'd seen.
"What are you talking about...?" You finally ask, looking slightly back and up at Tommy.
"Explaining to Phil about how he's wrong!"
"Okay, pal"
You turn back down to your iPad, continuing to color in the boxes as you had been. You flinch and push yourself back in your desk, hearing Charlie and Ranboo both scream into your ears.
"Jesus fuck, why are you screaming?!" You exclaim, bringing your mic closer to you to become louder.
"No, that was your fault!"
You look over at chat, seeing some users explaining why you just got jumpscared with screams. Tommy and Phil had quieted down, looking at chat as well.
"No way you got that scared over a game." You deadpan at your webcam, knowing one of them had your stream up.
"Don't give me that look!" Charlie exclaims, "These ghosts are fucking scary, Y/n!"
"That's not my problem." You joke before deafening. The Discord ping rings in your ears before you're greeted by silence.
Tommy blinks before looking down at you. "So, like, what happened?"
"Some ghost scared them." You shrug, twirling your digital pencil in your fingers.
You glance at chat, seeing Charlie's green username and VIP star tag pop up. "tell ranboo to stop sumging them HLP ME"
You slowly nod, seeing that he was clearly typing in a rush. "Have fun with that, my guy"
Tommy chuckles, "Is he that desperate?"
"Guess so" Phil shrugs, "What are they even playing? I thought they were playing some stupid simulator game"
"No idea" You shrug, "But that gives me an idea for this comic-"
"Here we go again"
"Tommy, be supportive"
"I am supportive, I'm a fifth gay!"
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archangeldyke-all · 1 month
I Had a major setback in life and I’m just really down on my luck and hope. Could you maybe right a conforming Sevika fic?
of course, i hope you're doing alright! i know how frustrating and discouraging major setbacks can be, love you babe <3
men and minors dni
she doesn't make you talk. she knows you're upset.
she just holds you while you cry, then holds you some more when you've cried all your tears out. she's just as upset as you are. she doesn't understand how the world can be so unfair to someone so perfect, and she hates seeing you so sad.
still, there's nowhere she'd rather be than right beside you, pressing kisses into your hair and slowly stroking your back.
"you want me to tell you how much i love you and how it's gonna be okay or you want me to be quiet?" she asks after a while. you giggle, it's watery through your tears, and consider her question. she's so sweet for asking. she knows that sometimes words don't help.
but tonight, you want to hear her voice.
"talk, please." you whisper. she presses one more kiss to your head then starts to speak.
"fuck baby, i'm so sorry." she mumbles against your head. "this sucks so bad. it's so unfair." you nod against her, closing your eyes and focusing on the low rumble of her voice in her chest. "you're going to be okay, though, you know. you're gonna be great. it's just gonna look a little different than you thought it would." she whispers.
you take a shaky breath, nodding again. sevika considers her next words for a few minutes, and you let her, enjoying the way she's scratching your scalp.
she sighs, then clears her throat. "i love you so much. you're so strong."
"i don' feel strong." you mumble, wiping snot off your face. she chuckles.
"you are, though. strong, and smart, and brave. and, you've got a great ass and i could stare at your face for days but... that's not the point." she shakes her head to re-gain focus. you giggle. "and you really are going to be amazing. even if it doesn't feel like it right now."
you fall asleep in her arms. when you wake up two hours later, sevika's still drawing patterns in your back, whispering intermittent 'i love you's against your head.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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ghouljams · 3 months
GOD ghpst MOVE your ass i want her too :((( goose just one chance goose pLEASE im so gay i have tears in my eyes she's so hot she's so gorgeous she's a goddess im in love with her please please please goose please if she kissed me gentlyand called me good girl (OR good boy i can do both im versatile like that) i think i would have zero problems i think that would fix me goose pleaseppelase pelase im so in loive with her goose pLEAASE ouyghhhhhhhhh
The absolute havoc Goose wrecks through her natural inclination to call everyone darling and baby. Here she is at the rodeo, her natural habitat. Scaring men away from her favorite competitors and giving herself an edge.
"Oh bless his heart he is tryin'." Goose makes a face at the bull rider you've been avoiding for the last six hours. She grimaces and settles a hand on her hip. "You need me to run 'im off, baby?" She asks you, her tone light but sincere. You try to tamp down the way the lilt in her voice sends shivers down your spine.
"I'm alright," you tell her, fixing the straps on your saddle, "he'll just come buzzin' back, can't take no for an answer."
"He'll take my no," she murmurs, the dip in her voice, the shake of anger... you tense to keep from letting on what this woman does to you. Damn, why'd it have to be Goose of all people queued up with you. She's going to mess up your whole ride.
"Just leave 'im," you shrug, trying to keep your brain on your horse and not your companion, "I don't wanna cause a fuss."
"Oh no darlin'," Goose coos, turning your head with two fingers under your chin, "you're not startin' anythin', it's on him to take your no and leave it." She tips your head, her brows drawing together, "Just bad breedin' that's all he is."
You try to turn away from her and she holds you firmly in place. "Ah, ah," she corrects, "you keep your eyes on me hun, just look'it me for a few minutes while I talk to you. Just long enough to scare off your flies then I'll let you go. You can do that for me?"
You nod. You don't know what else you're supposed to do but nod.
"Good," the purr in Goose's voice could kill a man, it might have already you don't know, "good girl."
You don't know what the fuck Goose talks about for the next few minutes, you're too focused on the way she leans close, the curve of her smile, the vibration of her voice through you, to be listening. The only thing your brain picks up is the occasional pet name, a baby here, a darling there, one sweetheart, and a sugar to round it out. You do manage to pick up a "You are pretty though aren't you? If I weren't married I might do something about the brain leakin' out your ears."
Your run is absolutely fucked. You may as well drop out of the rodeo altogether. Goose's eyes dart to the side and you're released from her spell as quickly as she wove it.
"See, man just needed to think you were off the table." Goose beams at you, claps you on the shoulder and turns to deal with her own horse, as if she hasn't turned your legs to jelly and your brain to mush.
You highly doubt she's actually scared off your bull rider. You've had months trying to chase Graves off your tail, he's not going to abandon ship because of Goose. You can almost hear him asking to join the two of you. Shameless. Both of them are shameless. (But what does that make you?)
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jamdoughnutmagician · 6 months
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New Year's Eve Kisses.
Steve Harrington x Reader (Fluff)
Just a short and fluffy NYE drabble with Steve, heavily based on this scene from Friends
Posting this a little early but whatever 🤷‍♀️
Word Count:668
Masterlist / Steve Harrington Masterlist.
The party is in full swing with everyone gathered in Steve’s house for a new year’s eve celebration. There’s banners, decorations and food and drink aplenty as all the party-goers stand around chatting in their groups.
“Yes! ‘87 baby! It’s finally going to be my year, Harrington. I can feel it!” Eddie beams brightly, his wide smile stretching across his face.
“Good luck, man.” Steve cheered back, clapping a hand on his shoulder. 
“We’re both happy for you, Ed.” you smile at your friend, although you wish you could share his enthusiasm about the new year drawing to a close.
You and Steve had been only dating for a few months, and Eddie was the only one who knew about you two. An unfortunate moment where he accidentally caught you both making out in a dark corner in The Hideout one time. Truth be told, Eddie didn’t think too much about it until he saw you leave the bar hand-in-hand with a matching pair of smiles on either of your faces.
Eddie noticed how your smile didn’t fully reach your eyes, and a worry set it’s place in his chest.
“Hey, what’s the matter?”  
“We wanted to kiss at midnight, but nobody else is going to, so we can’t either.” you explain with a sad tone in your voice.
“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart.” Eddie says with a nod. “Just let your old pal Eddie sort it all out.” he tells you all too confidently. 
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Eddie makes his way over to Robin where she is already enthusiastically beginning to countdown the seconds until midnight.
“33! 32! 31-” 
“-Hey Rob-” Eddie interrupts. “Who are you kissing at midnight, huh? Chrissy or Nancy?”
“What?” she replies in confusion.
“You gotta kiss somebody. You’re gay, so you’re not gonna kiss Steve.” Eddie explains further.
“So who’s going to kiss Steve?” 
“Y/N is.”
“Really?” She smirks, cocking her head to the side.
“Look, who would you rather have kiss Steve, me or y/n Eddie says with a quirked eyebrow.
“Oh definitely Y/n.” she decides all too quickly. “I suppose I’ll kiss Chrissy.”
“That’s great!” he smiles at her, with a pat on her shoulder before moving his way around the party.
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“Hey Chrissy!” Eddie shouts over to her above the music. “Robin’s going to kiss you at midnight!”
“Oh okay! Sounds good!” her cheeks flush pink at the idea of kissing that cute girl from the school’s band that she’d had a secret crush on for a while.
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“Nance! Nance!” Eddie shouts, getting her attention as he makes his way towards her. “I’m going to kiss you at midnight, okay?”
“What?” she shakes her head, her dark curls bouncing as she does.
“Everybody’s kissing someone, so I’m going to kiss you. Plus you can’t kiss Steve, you two have that whole weird history going on.”
“And?” she shakes her head once more, as if she wasn’t quite following what Eddie was putting forward.
“Besides, Jonathan’s not here, so who would you rather have kiss you, me or Robin?”  Eddie asks, with a confident nod of his head.
“Robin’s lovely, but I just don’t swing that way.” She confesses.
“Great.” Eddie smiles.
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The countdown to midnight draws closer and closer as everyone gathers by the television in Steve’s living room.
“3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!!” Everyone cheers, as they hug and peck the lips of their respective New years eve partners.
You wind your arms around Steve’s neck to bring him closer as his hands find their home on your hips, giving you a gentle and reassuring squeeze.
 Steve leans in close to you, his lips softly brushing against yours in a sweet kiss. 
“Happy New Year, Honey.”
“Happy New Year, Stevie.” you smile back at him, your eyes sparkling with love for the boy in front of you.
You couldn’t be more happy to have your Stevie in your life, and sharing a kiss with him at midnight was the perfect way to ring in the new year.
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@itsfreakingbats @penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx @onegirlmanytales @reidsbtch @willowsgrl @mrsjellymunson
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loserboy-futterman · 3 months
Hey,hi! If possible could I request a Derek Danforth x bottom male reader (smut if it’s not a problem) story where Reader is a spy sent to gain Derek trust and obtain information about the last scandal that happened but ends up falling under Derek charm? Thanks <3
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Derek Danforth x Male!Reader
A/N: thank you sm for giving me my first request on this account, there for christening it with smut. Enjoy! also this was so fun to write and i made reader like an fbi agent, i hope thats alright<3
-Wolf in Sheep's clothing-
Word Count: 2.9k
Warning!! 18+ content ahead!! Gay porn ahead!!
includes; rimming, degrading, praise, anal sex, skimpy outfits
This was already a nightmare.
You were a detective, a man of law and justice. Someone who took down the bad guys and saved the day! A man that could be trusted to keep you safe.
But today? Today you were a 'dancer' at a sleezy night club. How does that happen you may ask? All thanks to billionaire brat, Derek Danforth.
Your mission was to get close to Derek and get him vulnerable, get him to tell you his secrets and expose his company. Then, destroy him and throw him behind bars. Should be easy enough. If only.
You adjusted the entirely too small tube top you had on and tried to pull the tiny shorts down so your junk wasn't almost popping out. Huffing, you set your eyes on the night club, scanning the dark room as you tried to find Derek's famous blonde mullet. It was hard to see anything with all the people, so you began moving swiftly through the crowd, scanning tables and booths. Trying to get a glance at everyone without drawing too much attention. You make your way through most of the club until he's there. You spot Derek sitting at a booth in a far corner of the club, sprawled out to take up half the space. Surprisingly, he's more alone then you initially thought he'd be. Instead of being surrounded by beautiful men and women, he's only got his number two by his side. The two are talking in hushed whispers when you walk up to the booth and slide in, sitting right up against Derek.
"Lookin' awfully lonely over here gentlemen, care for some company?" You could vomit at how high and bubbly your voice sounded, completely foreign to how you usually talk.
Derek's assistant was the first one of the pair to look up at you, clearly uncomfortable with another person around during their sensitive conversation. "No, no- thanks." He muttered quickly, trying to wave you off as he shifted in his seat, trying not to look at your scandalous outfit.
"I wasn't really asking you." Your attention is on Derek, whom, has been looking at his phone until now. His head picks up when he starts to feel you scoot closer to him. His dark eyes trace down your form quickly, making you feel even more exposed.
Derek lean his body towards you before wrapping his arm around your hip, pulling you tight against him. "He can stay, gimme something to look at." Derek leans down to you, giving you a shark-like grin and looking deep in your eyes. He stayed there for a moment as you stiffened under his gaze. You could slap him, but instead you wrap your arms around his neck and smile. "Don't let me interrupt your conversation then."
This is working out perfectly! You knew Derek would be an easy target.
Derek gave you a lazy grin as he pulled away and hit his vape. He blew a few clouds that smelt awful before turning back to the other man, who was frankly, very upset by your presence. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he liked Derek.
"How much are we bringing in?" Derek broke the tense silence as he rolled his head to look at him. The man tensed and you focused your eyes on Derek's hair as you played with it, trying to convince them you weren't listening, only here to jump Derek's bones.
"48." He said stiffly, eyeing you suspiciously. This answer seemed to only upset Derek though as he took a harsh hit of his vape and barked at his employee.
"48 what? Thousand? Million?! Don't fuck with my money!"
Derek's aggressive behavior was a little surprising but not completely unexpected. You had read in his file he was prone to anger spouts, especially when he was high. You decided to use this to your advantage to drive Derek further into your arms.
You began by carding your fingers through his soft hair and whispering soft coos in his ear to calm him down. His chest rises and falls heavily and you seem to cut through his drug-addled mind.
"T-thousand Derek." He replied nervously, shifting uncomfortably as he watched you two.
If Derek was upset before, now he was full of rage. He clenched his jaw tight and his grip around you was almost bruising. Derek let out a deep sigh and glared at his business partner. Even you felt a little shudder run down your spine at the intimidation.
"Go." Derek growled and his partner was quick to scurry off and out of sight. You can't help but let out a laugh as he leaves but Derek's quick to turn his glare on you. "What's so funny?"
"Well, your friend is kind of pathetic." You reply simply with another laugh and it seems to actually lighten Derek up. He chuckles himself and puts on a casual mask even though you can tell he's still tense. His leg is bouncing and you're surprised his vape hasn't exploded yet from over use.
"He really is." Derek tilts his head back and you let your eyes trace down his neck. You can't deny he's handsome but you know what he does and he has no remorse. You clench your jaw and throw a bare leg over his lap. He's quick to run his calloused hand up and down your smooth calf.
"So what do you do, hm? Making millions?" You ask with fake innocence and curiosity. Derek keeps his eyes on the hand stroking your leg like he's mesmerized. Drugs, you think.
Finally he shrugs and looks at you, his eyes softer than you've ever seen them. "I run a software company." He smirks and leans in closer to you, nuzzling his nose and face close into your neck. The sudden closer contact makes you flush and you want to push him away but it's for your job. And maybe, it felt kind of nice to feel Derek's warm breath fan over your neck. "I wanna know about you. You charge?"
You simple shrug and shake your head at him. "No. I'm just here for a good time. Although, a quieter place would be nice." You need to get more information, you need to get him alone and you can snoop around his house.
Derek pulls back from your neck and eyes you for a long moment, trying to decipher your intentions. After a moment, he slowly nods and smiles. "Let's go baby boy." Derek stands (stumbles) up and you follow him up and out of the club. His driver is waiting outside and you both crawl into the back of his limo.
The quiet feels like a breath of fresh air until you remember you're now alone with Derek Danforth, your target. You're both sitting close in the limo but Derek's mind seems to be elsewhere entirely. He's chewing his nails and glaring out the window, clearly stuck in his own head.
"Are you.. okay?" You ask sweetly, causing Derek to look at you and snap back to the present. He shakes his head and grabs your hand.
"Fine sugar. Just worried about my Bitcoin stock is all." Derek grunted out, shifting closer to you, clearly needing more physical touch.
You needed to get him to open up and stop giving these vague answers, even giving plain lies. "You can tell me anything Derek. I won't tell. My trade is in secrets." You cup his cheeks and make him look deep into your eyes.
Derek seems to think about his answer for a long moment before finally the dam breaks. "My stupid company isn't making enough money, even though I trained those stupid fucks myself." He suddenly growls, clenching his fists tight.
Finally, he was cracking. "How come they're not making enough?" You tilt your head and watch him go to reply but the limo comes to a stop and it seems you've arrived at his apartment.
Derek's quick to pull you upstairs to his penthouse apartment and it's absolutely stunning. He pulls you in and makes his way towards the dry bar in the living room. You watch as he pours a shot of expensive whiskey and shoots it. He immediately makes a face and you snicker at him behind your hand.
He glares at you but it doesn't hold much malice. Derek rounds the bar and stands in front of you. He wraps his arm around your waist and leans down close. You can smell the whiskey on his breath but it's almost enticing, instead of gross like usual. "Okay Mr. Chuckles. Tell me your secrets then." He smirks down at you, making your cheeks heat up.
"Well Derek... My secret is..." You lean in closer to him, almost closing the gap but stopping an inch away. "... I think your kinda cute." You admit and it really was true.
Derek is quick to quirk his eyebrow and give you his usual sarcasm. "Just cute? Are you sure?" His voice is filled with confidence and before you know it, he closes the gap between you, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss. It seemed Derek didn't know how to go slow or be gentle because he immediately kissed you hard and bit down on your bottom lip.
You know you shouldn't be making out with Derek Danforth but it was all for the mission, to get closer and get more information out of him. It definitely didn't have to do with the growing erection in your tiny shorts. Derek bruised and bit at your lips, sliding his hands down until they rested on the waistline of the small shorts.
Derek was the first to pull away but he still kept his mouth busy as he trailed kissed down your jaw and to your neck. "Jump." Its a simple command but it takes your brain a moment to register through the haze. You jumped up, wrapping your legs around Derek's hips and tangling your arms around his neck. The new position let Derek control the situation as he started to bite harder on your neck, leaving distinct marks. Not that you minded in this moment.
"So fuckin' pretty baby. Cute little outfit too, you okay if i ruin it?" Derek rasped in your ear and bit your earlobe softly. The deep rumble of his voice made you shiver and you chewed on your lip, contemplating if letting Derek fuck you was a good idea. What would you put in your official report? It was getting harder to think as Derek kept working on your neck and moved to push you against the wall, grinding his hips against yours. His green silk pants left nothing to the imagination when he got hard. You groaned softly and dropped your head back against the wall as Derek ground his hips harder. "Well baby? Wont do anything without a yes. Not that you need to say yes."
Derek was now looking at you with those big puppy dog eyes and you could tell he was being genuine. You decide you need more information and this is how to do it. You lean in and capture his lips again, bucking against his own hips and savoring the whine he lets out.
"Ruin it Derek." You mumble against his lips, making him moan loudly. He pushed you harder into the wall, supporting you with his hips and legs so his hands were free to literally rip off the thin tube top you had on. Your nipples pebbled at the cold air and you hissed softly but it trailed into a moan when Derek's warm mouth was on you. He sucked and licked at one pec, fondling the other as he moaned almost more than you were.
You tangled your fingers in his blonde hair and tugged him closer, earning you a high pitched whimper. Derek's hand trailed down your chest and to your stomach, groping it softly before sliding down to grab your cock that's straining the tiny shorts.
"Maybe if i tease you a little more, you'll break these sorry excuse for shorts." He chuckled cruelly and grabbed your cock tight making you whine and squirm in his grip.
"Derek, please." It felt so good but it wasn't enough, far from it and it was driving you insane and he knew it.
"What? What do you want baby? Want me to fuck you until you cry huh? Fuckin slut." Derek hissed the name at you but it made you shiver. You hated how he was talking to you but you fucking loved it, you hated that fact too. His words dripped with cruelty and lust.
You felt so tense and you needed him so much. "Yes!" You surprised yourself with that scream and you shifted your hips against him hard. Derek smirked and grabbed your hips tight to still your movements. He took you to his bed and dropped you on the plush mattress as he stood before you. He quickly tore off his shirt and whipped off his pants, clearly just as desperate as you.
Derek quickly crawled back over you and kissed your chest, leaving hickeys and bruises as his hands hold your hips tight against his. The new skin on skin contact makes fire run through your veins and everywhere Derek touched seemed to be more sensitive than ever.
In a flash, Derek had flipped you on to your stomach and hiked up your ass to meet his cock that was leaking through his Calvin Klein boxers. He growled low in his throat and slid his hips against yours before finally pulling your shorts off and freeing your painfully hard cock. You hissed at how sensitive it was but didn't have time to focus on that as Derek's finger tips prodded gently at your hole. He leaned over your back to whisper in your ear.
"You look so good baby... Mind if I have a taste?" His voice dripped with pure lust.
You nodded, not trusting your own voice and not exactly understanding what he meant until you felt something warm and wet against your hole. You gasped and looked back to meet Derek's dark eyes as he licked and lathered your hole.
"D-Derek!" You shuddered again as Derek winked before plunging his tongue as deep into your hole as he can, rapidly fucking you with his mouth. You cry out and your cock drips pre-cum on the bed like a fountain, showing you were close.
He grabs your ass tight in both hands, pulling away with spit covering his lips and dripping down his chin. He looked like a hungry predator as he wiped his face with his hand and stood up behind you. Derek grabs your hips tight and leans his sweaty chest against your back, pushing you further into the bed.
"You're perfect baby boy. Might just have to keep you." He mumbled into your neck, wrapping one arm around your chest as he angled his cock and began sliding into your wet hole. You panted and whined at the stretch as his head slides in. Derek's hips stop but its clear he's struggling to hold back in a failing attempt to keep teasing you.
"Fuck! I-I cant- i need to fucking ruin you now."
That's all the warning you got before Derek's hips are slamming into yours, shoving his cock all the way inside you and punching the air out of your lungs. Derek cant stop himself from rutting and bucking his hips against you already but every movement feels too good. You moan out and grab the sheets tight in your fists as Derek works his cock in and out of you faster and harder.
He wasn't kidding about ruining you as his hand on your chest wrapped softly around your throat, not applying pressure but it still made your eyes roll back. Especially as he desperately pistoned his hips inside of you, grazing your prostate every so often, making you see spots. Derek panted and moaned in your ear, a mix of praise and degrading words falling from his lips.
"That's it. Fuck yeah, so tight baby."
"Such a hungry fuckin whore f'me."
"Fuuuck, baby, yes, god fuck-!"
You felt your end approaching fast as Derek kept moving and his moans turned to high whines and whimpers, showing he was close too. His pace grew sloppy and your cock rubbed against the bed, making you finally see white and arch your back in the most toe-curling orgasm you've had in a long time.
Derek's let out the sweetest moan when you tightened around him and it was impossible for him not to spill his load inside of you. He gave a few more hard thrusts until he was collapsing against you and panting hard. You grunted under his weight but you didn't attempt to move after that.
"Stay with me?" Derek's gruff voice broke the silence as he nuzzled his nose into your neck again.
You nodded and shifted slightly under him. It seemed this mission would take longer than expected but you don't mind so much.
Derek kissed your shoulder lightly. "Sounds good... Officer."
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
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content: mutual masturbation, sub!steve, switch!eddie, dom!reader, modern au, steve has a daddy kink
join my gay ass server
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The second you’d announced you were going on vacation, Eddie and Steve knew they were in for a painful week.
Steve was already away, visiting family members a state over. Though he hardly interacted with them, he’d still been required to come.
Now you were leaving Indiana, headed to California for a week-long vacation. You could even spend time away from the rest of your family since they’d be out on their own activities.
“I hate this, it’s so boring without people to piss off,” Eddie grumbled, slumping against his pillows. His laptop was on his bed, lazily positioned so you and Steve could see him sitting down.
"Don't you have plenty of preteens to spend time with?" You questioned, chuckling at the half hearted glare Eddie gave you.
“I’ll be back in two days! You can live that long,” Steve reminded.
“Yeah, but Y/n will still be in Cali. I want both of you.” With the low tone of his voice, the implication was obvious. He had less than innocent plans for when you and Steve both got home.
“I want both of you too, but it’ll be better than being alone until we can all get back together,” Steve reassured, brushing Eddie off. The metalhead groaned, head tilting back as he did so. You chuckled at him.
“Y’know, we could always have fun now if you don’t feel like waiting?” You offered, smirking at the camera. There was a nice desk at your hotel, making for a good place to talk to Steve and Eddie. Steve was seated on a bed as well, laying down on his stomach.
“Now?” Steve’s eyes widened. He looked around the room, making sure his headphones were plugged in.
“You’re alone, right?” You questioned both of them. Your family was out doing whatever at the beach, they wouldn’t be back until that night.
Both boys nodded at your question.
“Then why wait?” You unzipped your pants, the action barely audible to the men on the call with you. You pulled your cock out of your pants, with the desk in the way only the tip was visible from your camera. You heard Eddie groan and saw his hands dip into his boxers.
He slid them down his legs, stroking his half-hard cock idly.
“Can’t wait ‘til you can come back and fuck me,” He started, eyes glued to you on the screen. Steve had taken his pants off as well, now in a sitting position on his bed. His hand moving up and down his cock slowly. “Wanna ride you when you get back. Stuff myself with your cock until you fill me up.”
You groaned at his admission. “Miss your tight ass,” You admitted, stroking faster, “You both feel so good around me.”
“God I want you to fuck me so bad, Daddy,” Steve whined. He was kneeling now, two fingers sliding in and out of his ass. “Can’t reach as far as your cock does. Want you to fuckin’ ruin me.”
Eddie moaned louder, drawing the attention of both you and Steve. “Fuck I’m gonna cum. Tell me what you want from us, Stevie.”
Steve whined, fingers moving faster. You could feel your end approaching as well, your eyes shifted between the two boys.
“Want one of you to fuck my ass and the other in my throat,” Steve confessed, slipping a third finger in his hole. You and Eddie both groaned at the admission, your cocks twitching as you did so. “Want you guys to fill me up, can’t wait for you to use me like your fucktoy.”
That pushed Eddie over the edge, cum landing on the old band-tee he was wearing. “Such a good cumdump, Steve,” He moaned. “We’re gonna fill you up nice when you get back.”
Steve came a second later, grinding down on his own fingers as he desperately chased his high. “Gonna fuck me so good,” He muttered, eyes screwed shut as he tried to imagine the both of your hands as his own.
The sight was enough for you as well, cum dripping down your cock as you came down from your high.
At least you had something to look forward to.
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Fluff and gay rarepair are currently drawing. So I tried to write the fluff, with the idea I could finish it, watch some videos, then maybe crack at gay after stuff ends. I think this isn't actually fluff, but /I/ think its cute, and its soft, even if it is a bit hurt/comfort for what I meant by fluff.
Philza finds Missa asleep in the ram pen.
Philza wakes up, and he isn't sure what is wrong. His eggs are asleep, the doors are all locked, and dawn is still far away. Still, he swears he heard something. It's not from above - people still use his warp and garden too often to be bothered by noise from above - and that settles dread into Philza's spine.
He slips out of bed, bothering with shoes and scythe but not changing out of his pyjamas, and stats looking. It's probably a water pipe, he tells himself; he will not settle until he checks.
Chayanne's room and the kitchen are checked first, but nothing unusual is in either. Philza puts the plates from the night before away, then keeps looking.
Tallulah's garden is, too, empty of oddities.
Philza is about the chalk it up to nothing, when he remembers the aquarium beneath his feet. Instantly annoyed he breaks a piece of the floor, and drops down.
He fixes up the hole - he can just warp out after all - and looks around. The change isn't immediately apparent, but after he checks behind the animal pen… his heart breaks.
"Missa?" He whispers at the man - his husband - asleep among the animals. "Why are you sleeping down here?"
Missa sleeps on, oblivious to the question. Philza looks, and hesitates, then sees the ram try nibble Missa's hood and makes his descision.
He can hate him in the morning if he's wrong.
Carefully, he reaches down. One arm goes behind Missa's back, and the other tucks under his legs. His husband stirs with a quiet groan, and Philza gently hushes him.
"Go back to sleep," he whispers. "I'm just bringing you to bed."
His words have the opposite effect; Missa eyes slowly blink open, head turning to find him. "Phil…?"
"Hi Missa," he abandons his plan, and kneels next to the setee instead. "What were you sleeping down here for? Our bed is upstairs, silly."
Missa blinks at him, tears welling up. Philza reaches out and smooths then away, brushing Missa's hair from his eyes too.
"What are the tears for? My face isn't that bad, surely?"
"No," Missa whispers, and then his voice picks up. "No, no, no, its a good face! A very good face."
"Then why are you crying, king?"
Missa shakes his head; Philza reaches out, offering a hug. The shaking and tears both get harder.
"Missa?" Philza is worried now, genuinely worried. "Missa, what's wrong?"
"I don't deserve it," Missa sobs - in Spanish now, and Philza glances to his translator for support. "I don't deserve you, I'm a bad husband, I'm a worse dad, please, I'm so sorry-"
"Shhh," Philza continues to brush his hair. "You're not, you're not. You have to travel for work, that's all - plenty of parents have to. I don't blame you. Chayanne adores you. You're a good husband, I promise, there's no one I'd rather raise my eggs with."
Philza waits, but Missa does not continue, just sobbing into a ball.
"I should have thought and asked Roier to keep up Chayanne's Spanish once your trip back was delayed," Philza says. "These things just happen with kids, it's not your fault, he's not hurt, he's safe and he's happy."
"Philza," Missa sobs. "Philza! Stop it! I… I know I did bad, you shouldn't comfort the terrible."
It's maybe too late, too emotional, too tired for that conversation. Philza instead reaches over, pulling Missa into a hug. It hurts, it hurts to see what words have done to his dear egg-partner. "You're not terrible," he promises. "You're not, you're not - come upstairs with me; some sleep will make things better."
The sobbing lasts a bit longer, before with a sniffle Missa manages to stutter out "really?"
"Really," Philza replies. "I want you in my bed, and the eggs want you with them. We've been waiting for you."
"For me?"
"For you."
Philza leans forwards, tapping his forehead to Missa's mask. There's another hiccupping sob and then Missa throws himself into Philza's arms more fully.
He is of course caught, and held as he cries.
"You're so good, king," Philza promises. "Phil e Missa, Phil e Missa - its still our house; I built it for you."
There is no answer, but eventually Missa's tears slow. Philza backs slightly away, just enough to grab a tissue and let Missa dry his eyes.
"… You mean it?" Missa asks.
Philza does his very best not to laugh, and nearly succeeds, "yes, king, I do. We want you here, I promise."
Despite the tearstains, Missa's face lights up in a hesitant but true smile. Philza sniles back, pressing a thumb to Missa's cheek and touching their foreheads again.
"So… will you come to bed?" He asks.
"Okay," Missa whisoers. "Okay, I- I-"
"Will get some sleep, and in the morning Chayanne and I will make you breakfast, and we're going to spoil you for a little while, okay?"
"I- I don't need that, just a bed, just a bed somewhere close to you!"
"Well, we have a double upstairs, and its a shame not to use it," he presses Missa's hand to the warpstone. "You remember where to go?"
Missa pulls out his warpstone, and allows it to pull him back atop the wall. Philxa follows a second later.
Above the door, the sign Missa wrote still hangs. Philza looks at it, then turns to see Missa doing the same.
"I missed you too," he finally replies to the message.
Missa whimpers, but smiles, "I missed you more."
"Bet?" Philza asks, even as he pulls him inside.
There's barely space in their house, a tiny place made for an egg and repurposed for his parents. The double bed is squashed tightly between the walls, and they both have to scramble to get onto it. By the time they are under the covers the pair are already a mess of limbs, one that only grows messier as Missa hesitantly gestures for a hug and Philza willingly provides.
/I love you/ Philza thinks, but cannot bring himself to say - not when the love he offers isn't the sort people ever want. /You are home and my home, you are family, you are mine; I love you./
Missa doesn't say anything either, having never entirely woken up; as soon as his head touches the pillow, he is asleep again.
"Goodnight," Philza says instead.
Then he huddles himself closer, and feels the warmth of his husband, and knows that shit though the island might be, here intertwinned is the best place he's ever been.
In the morning, Tallulah wakes up. Papi is no longer in his bed - she grabs Chayanne, shaking him hard. He wakes with a groan, and panics just the same. Together they search, getting more and more worried.
They're about to go get Tio Tubbo to help find him, when Chayanne remembers the house upstairs. They scurry up and across the ladder, and find the blinds closed for once.
They open the door and peer inside, and Chayanne jumps for joy as he sees both his dads inside. He runs and jumps up on the bed, a sleepy Missa grabbing him with one arm and pulling him close before turning back to sleep. Tallulah approaches more gently, scrambling quietly up. Still Philza's arms find her when she wiggles herself beneath the blanket.
Their dad - their dads - are here. It's later than normal, but they snuggle back in and return to sleep in the morning light.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 2 months
Second Chance - Chapter 13
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Warning: small amount of angst (talking about death, past trauma), mostly fluff, swearing, gay panic(both reader and Yelena are in love your honor)
Note: This has been my favorite chapter I've written so far this story.
Word Count: 3.5k
You understood why people rode motorcycles. There was no way to hear your thoughts over the engine’s roar. The whipping wind covered your arms and legs in goosebumps. As you swerved through traffic or made turns, your heart would pound. It was freeing. Yelena slowed down to a stop at a red light. “How are you doing, Easton?”
“Good,” you smiled. “Where are you taking me? You aren’t kidnapping me, right?”
“If I were, I would not tell you. That would be very dumb,” you rolled your eyes and pinched her sides. She yelped as the light turned. “You are so annoying.” You giggled and held onto her as she took off. This was oddly nice. At the moment, you weren’t a girl trying to beat a deadly disease. You were just a girl on the back of a motorcycle with no care.
“You brought me to an aquarium,” you said, a little shocked as you took the helmet off. Yelena helped you off the bike. Your legs were a little shaky.
“Yeah, you like to draw animals, so I thought it was a good idea,” she busied herself with locking up the bike, but you liked the blush that covered her cheeks. “If you want to go somewhere else, we can.”
“No!” You cringed at how aggressive that sounded. Yelena stood up with her eyebrows to her hairline. “I’d-” your phone started to ring and cut you off. Sighing, you pulled out your phone. It was Tony. You stared at it, weighing the options in your head. Either answer it and explain you’ll be back at the tower later or ignore the car, text him that the doctor’s appointment went well, and tell him you’ll talk later. You chose the latter and sent him a quick text. “I’d love to go with you,” you said to Yelena. “I may fact, ramble, so tell me to shut up if I’m annoying.” Yelena smiled.
“Never, I like listening to you talk.” It was your turn to heat up.
“Oh,” your voice cracked. Goodness, this woman was trying to kill you. Yelena chuckled and offered you her arm.
“Come on, Easton, let’s see if you know your stuff.”
“What the fuck is that?” Yelena asked, staring into the tank. You smacked her chest at her language as you saw some kids nearby. She looked offended, but you pointed at the kids. Rolling her eyes, she looked back at the creature.
“It’s an Atlantic sturgeon,” there was no need for you to look at the plague to know what it was. It was like that for all the animals you passed.
“I think you meant dinosaur,” you laughed and shook your hand.
“You are not wrong. They are considered living fossils,” you were looking at the creature swimming around, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yelena watching you, hanging onto every word you said. That also happened at every exhibit. Even though you were worried you were annoying her, she reassured you weren’t and to keep talking. That was different. You went to an aquarium with some girl you met online; she found you annoying after the first exhibit. You kept quiet after that. “There are over 28 species of sturgeon, and the earliest fossil was dated to the Late Cretaceous period.” You heard Yelena mumble, ‘So dinosaur.’ You smiled and continued, “Atlantic sturgeons were abundant but have declined due to overfishing, water pollution, and habitat impediments.” The blonde frowned.
“Why do humans suck?” You laughed as you moved to the next part of the aquarium.
“I think it stems from some of us believing they are entitled to an Earth that we share,” you shrugged. You were excited to walk through the tunnel and see the sharks. According to the pamphlet, they had a few black-tip reef sharks. “But conservation efforts have made positive efforts to undo some of the damage.”
“Do you think it’s enough?” You looked at Yelena. Her eyes were on the animal in front of her, but once again, she seemed a million miles away.
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “Over time, the scars may fade away, but the memory of what happened stays,” you sighed. “I don’t think that will ever go away.” You hated the sad look on her face. You pulled her to the next area, which focused on the restoration effects that the aquarium was part of.
“However,” it was perfect timing as an employee came out with a little penguin. The area soon became filled as everyone tried to get a look at the little creature. You watched Yelena’s eyes light up as the employee set the baby down and it waddled to its parents. You glanced at the temporary sign that explained what happened. The female penguin was rescued from a fishing net. She was pregnant, and her fin had to be amputated. The aquarium staff slowly introduced her to a lone penguin that wouldn’t mate. It was the aquarium’s first same-sex couple. “Even in the darkest times, something beautiful can emerge.”
You couldn’t help but look at Yelena. The blonde caught you staring at her, and her eyes glanced down to your lips, but she focused back on the penguins. You let out a shaky breath and pushed the thought of kissing her out of your head.
On the third phone call, Yelena couldn’t ignore her sister anymore. “Oh, so your phone isn’t broken,” she rolled her eyes at Natasha’s teasing comment. The blonde stepped to the side while you stayed at the touch pool. You tried to get her to touch some animals, but Yelena refused to put her hand in the water. “Did you kidnap her?”
“No!” Yelena huffed. “She came with me willing,” she sighed. “Okay, that sounded like a kidnapping plot.” Her sister laughed.
“You chose the wrong day to confess your feelings to her. Stark is annoyed.” Yelena thought that man was a giant toddler. Today was going perfectly, and she wasn’t sure if she would tell you anything. You needed a day away from doctor appointments and a reminder of what would come. You needed a day to smile, laugh, and see the beauty in life. Yelena wanted to give that to you.
“Look, I have a few more planned ideas, and Stark has called her three times. Can you get him off her back?”
“Will I be the maid of honor at the wedding?”
“Suka (bitch),” Yelena mumbled as her sister laughed again. “I’m doing this because her doctor appointment was not great.” She stopped laughing immediately.
“What do you mean?” So Yelena told her everything from the lie you told, refusing to use Morgan, and the next steps for your treatment. “Fuck, okay, I’ll deal with Stark. Just enjoy the day with your girl.”
“She is not my girl,” Yelena huffed. Natasha laughed, and Yelena hung up before her sister could say anything else.
“Here,” the blonde turned around and saw you with three bags from the gift shop. You were handing one of them to her. “I got you something.”
“Easton,” she whined. “I was going to buy you something.” You rolled your eyes.
“Just take the gift, Blondie,” she snatched the bag from your hand. Deep down, her heart skipped, and she was fighting to keep a smile off her face. “The dinosaur? Seriously?” She pulled out a stuffed sea demon from earlier.
“Sturgeon,” you laughed. “There is something else in there,” Yelena grumbled and opened the bag again. At the bottom was a small jewelry box. She opened it, and there was a ring inside. It was a simple silver ring with a turtle charm. “A ring to replace the one you gave me,” you explained. “Also, they donate a small amount of the proceeds to save turtles and,” you pulled out a small piece of paper from your pocket. “Every ring has a tracking number, so go to that website and track your turtle.” Yelena smiled. The turtles were her favorite part, and the face you picked up on that made her happy.
“Thank you. You did not have to get me anything,” you smiled, looking at the ground and shrugging your shoulders.
“It’s the least I could do for you taking me here. I had a lot of fun.”
“Well, the day isn’t over yet.”
A quick stop at her motorcycle to put away your bags, and Yelena gave you her jacket so you could walk by the water. You were grateful for the pockets to keep your hands to yourself instead of grabbing Yelena’s. “Do you want to know something funny?” You asked her. She nodded right away. “My mom was terrified of the water. She was so shocked that I was drawn to it,” she smiled at you. “I miss her,” you admitted. “Going through this without her sucks.” You felt your throat burn as you tried to keep your tears away. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to make this depressing.” You saw Yelena move her hand, and she whipped away a tear that fell down your cheek.
“Do not apologize for talking about her or your condition,” she said. “It is a part of who you are.” She stopped to pick up a seashell and handed it to you. You smiled and looked it over. It was a perfect cockle with different shades of purple. “The past can be complicated to talk about.” You slipped the shell in your pant pocket. You grabbed her hand instead of putting your hands back in the jacket. She smiled at it.
“You can talk to me about your past, too,” you told her. “I won’t force you to, though.” The blonde shrugged.
“There is not much to discuss,” she said. “I was trained to be a pawn in a man’s chess game.” You read the files on the Red Room that SHIELD had, so you knew a fraction of what she went through.
“But you are free now,” she nodded and kicked up some of the sand. You walked in silence until she sighed.
“I used to live in Ohio,” she said. “With Natasha and our parents.” You stayed quiet and allowed Yelena the space and time to speak. “It was a mission crafted by the Red Room, but it was the closest thing I had to a normal life. I was six when the mission was over.” Your heart broke for her. She was far too young to be subjected to such darkness.
“I bet you were a cute kid,” you said, knowing Yelena did not want your pity.
“Oh, the cutest,” you liked the smile that was now back on her face.
“And the biggest troublemaker,” you teased. The blonde gasped.
“I was an angel, a perfect child,” you rolled your eyes and dropped her hand.
“Keep telling yourself that, Blondie,” you pushed your fingers into her side and laughed at the yelp she let out.
“You are in for it now, Easton,” you took off running and heard her race after her. You felt privileged to listen to her laughter so unguarded and unrestrained. You wanted to hear it again and again.
You pulled Yelena into a small store while she led you to a nearby restaurant she found online. The reason was because you saw a small sketchbook from the window. It had a collage of pictures from the area. “Don’t you have enough sketchbooks,” the blonde teased you as you walked up to the counter with your sketchbook and a pencil.
“You can never have too many sketchbooks,” you left the store with your bag in hand. “And this sketchbook will remind me of our day today.” You smiled. Yelena’s face softened, and she grabbed your hand.
“Are you going to show me what you draw in it?” You shrugged.
“Maybe, Blondie, maybe.”
That is how you found yourself at a table with Yelena, whining to see your sketchbook. You finished your appetizers and were waiting for the main course. While you ate and talked about everything and nothing, you were sketching. It was nothing special; it was just basic line work of moments from your day. Later, you could add more details and color them. There were moments you couldn’t forget. The way her eyes lit up when she saw the penguin. Her smile when you got her the ring. You wanted to remember them forever.
“Come on, Easton,” she whined for the fifth time. “Let me see them,” you rolled your eyes and closed the book.
“They aren’t even started,” you sipped on your water. “I like to sketch out sides so I don’t forget them.”
“How did you get into drawing?” You smiled.
“My great-grandmother, actually. She died before I was born. She was an artist, and I thought she was the coolest person,” you explained. “So my mom got me an art set for Christmas. I feel in love with it.” Before Yelena could respond, the waitress approached the table with food. You both thanked her, and you took a pill to help with the nausea. If Yelena saw you take it she didn’t draw attention to it.
“So, can I see?” She asked and pointed to the book. She gave you perfect puppy dog eyes. With a shake of your head, you handed it to her. You observed her face as she flipped through the first few pages. The realization that you were drawing her dawned on her, and she set the book down.
“You are drawing me,” you nodded. “Why?” You wanted to give her many compliments, but they died on your tongue.
“My nana used to tell my mom to draw what inspires you,” you shrugged and focused on your salad. It’s easy to feel inspired when I’m with you.” You heard a surprise noise that came from the back of her throat. Her cheeks were light pink. “Making you blush is kind of cute, too.” The blush on her cheeks depended.
“You are so annoying,” she mumbled, throwing her straw wrapper at you. You laughed and focused on your food. It was so easy to act like this with her. It may be too easy.
The view was amazing. After dinner, Yelena drove back into the city and once again refused to tell you where she was taking you. It was far from the tower even though it was past 9 o’clock. Instead, she took you to one of the high-rise apartments where a young girl was waiting for you with extra jackets and gloves to let you in. So you stood on the apartment’s roof, leaning against the railing and looking at the city skyline. “Hot chocolate for you,” Yelena said, handing you a cup. You thanked her with a smile. She stood next to you, her arm barely touching yours.
“Why did you do this?” You asked. The question had been nagging at you since dinner. She shrugged.
“I wanted to,” you face her as she sipped on her drink. Finally, she sighed. “I saw you lose a little hope today at the doctor’s. He said for you to get through the nest phase, you can not lose that so,” she sipped on her drink again. “I was hoping today you would see something to help with that.” And she was right. It was annoying how easily the Black Widow could read you. During your appointment, you didn’t lose hope; you wanted someone to fight this battle for you. You wanted someone to hug you and not tell you it would be okay because that wasn’t certain. You wanted someone to be by your side through the good, the bad, and the ugly. You wanted her. That scared the shit out of you.
“You are supposed to be looking at the view,” she teased you. You weren’t sure how to tell her that you rather look at her. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to go through this alone to save yourself and her from the heartbreak.
Life has a funny way of testing you. Why did this disease have to bring you together? Soon, Yelena started leaning closer to you. Before your lips touched, you placed your hand on her chest to stop her. “What are you doing?” You questioned.
“I was going to kiss you,” she whispered. “Do you not want me to?” Oh, you wanted her to. You wanted to know what her lips felt like on yours or her hands on your waist. To finally feel her heartbeat against yours. But you couldn’t give her that. Instead of answering, you pulled away from her and ran inside. Running was something you excelled in. You ran from the pain of losing your mom and your friends. You ran to New York because DC reminded you too much of what was. So you went back to what you knew and ran.
“Wait,” Yelena called after you as you opened the door and threw your hot chocolate away. It was much warmer inside, and you pushed the elevator button. “Can we talk about this?”
“I don’t do this,” you pointed to the space between you and her. “While I’m going through this.” You refused to look at her.
“Because you are dying.” You nodded.
“It wouldn’t be fair to you,” the elevator opened, but Yelena stopped you from entering. “Let me go,” your voice cracked. It was pathetic how weak you sounded in your demand as if you never wanted her to let you go.
“Why do you get to decide what is fair for me?” She questioned. Finally, you looked at her. She has a determined look and a tighter grip on your hand. You’ve seen her like this only at training: determined, focused. When you stayed quiet, she continued, “I have thought about it. I understand the possible outcome, but what if you live and we wasted time because of fear,” your mouth became dry as you stared at her. “We all end up dying some sooner than others. Why should we let fear of dying stop us from living?” You licked your lips.
“I’m not afraid,” you weren’t. You told Pepper and Tony that. A small part of you was surprised you’ve lived as long as you had. You survived the car accident, the Blip, and a hurricane in the Atlantic. Still, you refused to die. It was like a bad joke that cancer was the thing that was going to kill you. Not the dangerous animals you faced, the unpredictable weather, and the less-than-safe places you visited as a solo female traveler. It was going to be cancer.
“I think you are, maybe not of death, and that is okay because I am afraid too,” she took a step closer, and your back hit the wall behind you. “But I have lost so many years because a man thought he was entitled to my body. I do not want to waste any more time.”
“I’m not afraid,” you repeated. Yelena softly smiled.
“Then prove it,” you rushed forward, your hands on her neck and your lips against hers. Her hands moved to your waist and pulled you closer to her. You could feel how fast her heart was beating, or maybe it was yours. You knew you were screwed as soon as your lips touched hers. They were soft and tasted of hot chocolate, the chapstick she used, and her dinner. You pulled away and rested your forehead against hers. You closed your eyes and tried to get your breathing under control. It was no surprise that she would leave you breathless.
“I don’t want to break your heart,” you admitted and opened your eyes. She closed them and let out a shaky breath that you felt against your lips.
“I do not want you to either,” she whispered. “But if you do, then I am glad I gave my heart to you to break.”
You snuck back into the tower and onto Yelena’s floor. Her hand held tightly onto yours. It was impossible not to follow her. Her apartment had a similar layout to yours but not as decorated. You had no time to look around as she dragged you into her bedroom and gave you some of her clothes to wear. Once you changed and your teeth brushed, you lay under the covers of her bed with her head on your chest. You chuckled. “What’s so funny, Easton?” She asked.
“Nothing,” you ran your fingers through her hair and felt her melt against you. “I didn’t like you’d like to be the little spoon.” You felt her tense. “Noting wrong with that,” you reassured her. “Everyone deserves some cuddles.” Yelena sighed, and you felt her fingers grab your free hand.
“I like listening to your heartbeat,” she whispered. “It is comforting.” Who would have thought that a Black Widow was such a softie? You smiled and kissed her head.
“Thank you for today,” you said. “I forgot how much I miss enjoying life with another person.” She stayed quiet, and that was okay. You figured today was a lot for the blonde, but the silence was comforting and less lonely.
Taglist: @likemick, @averagetmblrusser, @wandaromamoff69, @simpforyelenabelova, @cd-4848,
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
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Jaskier, The voice of the Continent,
Radovid, The Voice of the Fandom...
Seriously, it's like they decided to have a character fall in love with Jaskier, and finally tell him everything we wish someone would have told him since the beginning of watching this show...
You gorgeous, loyal, empathetic, caring, devoted sapioromantic pansexual bard with a heart of gold and the voice of a freaking angel, that sees others as they are, and brings out the best in them often at your own expanse...
It was high time someone finally saw you, too - caught a glimpse of the pain and weariness you carry in your heart (yet keep downplaying and brushing aside, afraid that others would be made to feel bad about it and stop enjoying having you around to keep them entertained if they paid too much attention to it) - and took the time to remind you that you are, indeed, enough...
Radovid kept insisting for a song...
And you gave him one...
Not a song singing his own praises - with the goal or making him more sympathetic or famous to an audience (so that the world could see him and care about him the way you do)...
Not one asking him for what he yearns for, while being frustrated and heartbroken over him apparently being so set on self-sabotaging that he's unable to return the love of those that do love him...
No, for once, you decided that you were done "entertaining others", and singing about what you think they want you to sing...
Instead, you chose to sing a song about what you need and yearn for in life...
And he learned it...
Jaskier sang to him before he left the palace, and Radovid freaking learned Jaskier's song by heart, after having attentively listened to every note and every word he sang only once...
How's that for a pie without filling?
They somehow managed to turn that new ship into a whole freaking Cruise Line in just 4 episodes!
Don't get me wrong, I do love Geralt and genuinely think he was attempting to push Jaskier away out of both self-hatred and a desire to protect others from himself in Season 1... But the things he said, and the way he used to treat Jaskier, still hurt him, affected his sense of self-worth, and left some scars.
I'm therefore not drawing comparisons to bash on Geralt and Jaskier's own relationship, but because I love the healing opportunities that Radovid's hopefully genuine romantic interest in Jaskier are providing.
i.e. They better not pull some sick twist on us, by having Radovid be revealed as a cruel, scheming villain that took advantage of Jaskier's goodness, feelings, and needs for his own gain; because I've a feeling heads would be found in boxes!
Just let him have his big gay spoon, alright? Or little spoon! But I kinda want Jaskier to be the one spooned with someone firmly holding onto him with no intention of ever sending him away right now, so...
Also, what's the new name of that ship, Jaskovid? I'll go with Jaskovid...
I also found it very interesting, from a LGBTQ+ representation standpoint, that they are seemingly going the route of a polyamourous pansexual character that might be somewhere on the gray-romantic spectrum.
i.e. That Jaskier would specifically need to experience a sapioromantic connection - be attracted attracted to one's wits and insightfulness - in order for him to experience any desire to enter a romantic relationship with them.
Will Jaskier remain polyamorous, both romantically and sexually, should Radovid himself be monoamorously romantically/sexually exclusive, and the two of them choose to fully commit to their romantic connection?
I guess we'll have to see!
But I still thought it was a very nice nuance to bring to the character.
And I could see this going many different and equally interesting ways!
Jaskier could enter a deeply committed romantic and sexual relationship with Radovid, with one, or the two of them, remaining romantically and sexually non-exclusive (ex: one of my polyamorous friends has a main romantic/sexual partner that they live and share their lives with, and another one that they regularly go on romantic dates with, but without the need for them to build their lives together, or see each other as often).
Jaskier could enter a deeply committed romantic and sexual relationship with Radovid, with one, or the two of them, staying romantically exclusive, but enjoying sexual polyamory with lovers that they have no committed romantic connection to.
Jaskier could be revealed as being more ambiamorous than polyamorous, and be completely comfortable and happy being in a romantically and sexually exclusive relationship with a monoamorous partner.
As an ambiamorous panromantic demi-pansexual myself, I've personally discovered that, while I'm comfortable being in a romantic polyamorous relationship, sharing an exclusive romantic and sexual relationship doesn't feel forced, nor like I have to make any efforts and deprive myself of anything I enjoy, if I so happen to be romantically and sexually attracted to a person that isn't polyamorous.
It's like my monoamorous v.s. polyamorous instincts are naturally determined by the preferences of my romantic partner.
i.e. In the absence of any romantic connection to my sexual partners (that I do need to share a strong emotional bond with, however), however, I'm sexually polyamorous.
If the sexual desires occur in the context of a romantic connection with a monoamorous partner, I genuinely stop experiencing any sense of romantic and/or sexual attraction towards anyone else than that partner.
If the sexual desires occur in the context of a romantic connection with a polyamorous partner, however, then it's like my heart and my body will naturally remain open to forming multiple committed partnerships with other people, often with one of those romantic/sexual partnership being perceived as a domestic/life partner.
So, with Jaskier, it's perfectly possible that he might lose all interest in ever romantically and/or sexually having relationships with anyone other than Radovid, should Radovid be revealed as a being a romantically and sexually monoamorous individual himself.
Just like he could be polyamorously romantic and sexual all the way, and being unable to offer Radovid any exclusivity (which wouldn't make the romantic connection they share any less real, deep, nor valuable).
Whatever path that relationship takes, however, as long as the love and empathy between them remains genuine and real, I'll be extremely happy!
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itzkawaiiduh · 4 months
*crawls into ur asks* any Will headcannons?
hello there my guy!! So sorry for the late response, I don't use tumblr that much and I had to refresh some of my headcanons for William. But here's a few I am fond of! Warning for some regarding angst, graphic descriptions of shapeshifting, and Monty mention.
-gay man
-he can bake really well!! sometimes he duplicates himself to help bake in the kitchen :)
-i have this hc where will remakes his days in his room because he doesn't have a roommate, like a sitcom! He clones himself and his clones do the voices. Think of it like a play. I intend to create more about this lmfao
-He can draw a little!! Most of the time he draws monty in the margins of his work, or even his journal. And it's always beat up because he throws it behind him at the speed of light (like his poor toothbrush)
-buddy also journals. you may call it a diary perchance
-he and berenice are frienemies!! inspired by a fic I read :D
-will and monty both reciprocate the action of leaning their heads on each other's shoulders.
-Will would have a hyperfixation, but because he didn't really have anyone to tell to, he writes it down or if Monty asks him 'whats up' that's will's signal to go off a long tangent about his thoughts
-he cracks his fingers whenever he's nervous-he has like a kajillion nicknames for monty and sometimes tells him to stop "mon-stressing." Montresor hates that.
-when will is in his "spectre form", he is 5'10" while montresor is 7'0. so you see this average man fight with a hot red demon guy who's like a whole few feet taller than him in the manor.
-Inspired by the original work, William doesn't really like mirrors or being fixated his appearance much-- he likes to keep it simple. He doesn't like being in vain.
-When Will transforms into someone, his body physically contorts and bones snap, extremities move until he looks like you. It's fucked up and perfect for the wax bit.
-When he's transforming into his spectre, his body melts and contorts until he becomes this spectre. If y'all seen The Mandela Catalogue and know of alternates, you know what I mean!! (I haven't seen it but I love the concept of alternates, I don't know the lore behind TMC nor have I seen it. I like to draw horror, not see it. I'm weird lol)
-Because Will doesn't have a roommate, he duplicates himself to play charades or even go fish with himself. Unfortunately it's hard because he is himself.
•Speaking of which, whenever Will has an off day, he clones himself and the clone gives him hugs. Unfortunately, the clone is blank so will can feel all the empty hugs-- it does nothing, but it replaces the feeling of closeness. he just wants to feel some form of physical love
•Additionally, Will is touch starved (this may just be confirmed) so he always looks at when ada and monty are together and that gnawing feeling of jealousy comes back.
-Will had considered disguising as Ada so he can get hugged by Montresor. Had he done it before, who knows?
*Cheers so loud* he LOVES sufjan stevens and glass animals!! (me too William) we need to get this man headphones and a mp3 player!! He just loves any indie music or something mellow and just speaks to him. 80s music is also cool.
I may update these or even add some! But yeah! Sorry it's so long guys he's been living in my head with NO rent. Let him live there for free and don't even charge him rent.
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foggyforest4169 · 1 year
'𝙿𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚎' 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 '𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝' 𝚁𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚌!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Summery: You're a sniper for task force 141 and there has been rumours going around about you and Ghost
A/N: Im doing this for my fellow gay ghost lovers since I can barely find any male reader fics. This is also my first so enjoy!
Sitting in a watch tower can be really understimulating; especially when you can't see nor hear any action, no gun shots, no screams from people being stabbed or killed, no flashes from grenades... nothing. You duck my head down and pick up the newspaper that was left here last time, reading about all he horrors in the world and wondering about where we may be placed next. The force had speculated turkey will be where the next mission to stop some sort of gang. You hid in your little nest of sand bags and cement blocks flipping through the paper, filled with celebrity gossip.
Footstep track closer and the newspaper is thrown to the side as if it would disappear
"Pay attention private, you'd be dead if i was an enemy"
Ghost says in his usual gruff voice as he creeps into your watch tower, blood splattered on his mask and uniform, holes littered all over where the bulletproof vest deflected any sort of bullet or stabbing attempts.
"I heard you come up LT" you tried to argue back
"That's because i wanted you to hear me" He says settling down next to you in the sand bag nest. He was right you've seen firsthand how slick he could be on the battlefield, he got the name ghost for a reason, deadly silence until he was on target and could commence with his lethal attack
Either way his company was much welcome, he warmed you up as you crammed in the small nest. He rested his hand on your thigh... this is strange, Ghost has never been a touchy person but recently hes been doing small gestures like this especially when people were around
"Sir, if you keep doing this then then there'll just be more rumours" you say turning from the sniper so you can look at him, his facial expression unreadable because of his mask
"Didn't I just tell you to pay attention?!" He says annoyed "You're still on duty, now keep a look out"
You look back in your scope and carry on the conversation "Do you even know about the rumours?"
Ghost kept to himself, he loved his crew but wasn't a very gossipy guy unlike Soap and Alejandro. The only time he really gossiped is when he was shit face drunk
"Us. You being attracted to me like flies on shit with the leg grabbing or trying to hold my hand or the post it note sketches of your mask you keep leaving on my desk... I even heard Soap speaking about our night in mexico..." I say pulling the trigger and watching the bullet fly through his skull and his body slap the floor
"Ah those rumours..." He grabs your jaw pulling it away from the gun for a moment "I made them up shithead, I started them all" You could here the smirk in his voice as he spoke. He lets go of your jaw but you carry on staring at him, dumbfounded at what he just told you... Why would he bring that up... who did he tell... how the fuck did it spread so fast??
"What?! Why?!" you semi shout, trying to keep your cover
"For the last fucking time Y/N, keep alert and be quiet!" You roll your eyes playfully and carry on looking around again "I did it so none of the other twats try hit on you because you clearly haven't seen the way they look at you. Originally, I just told johnny because I know he likes to gossip. That's why no one 100% believed it until I started being more touchy and leaving the drawings" The smirk lining his voice but how with a hint of jealousy
"Did you have to be 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 detailed with mexico though?" you say trying to hide your face so he couldn't see the blush when you thought back to that night
"Details make the juicer darling" He teases as he pulls up his mask and kisses you on your cheek "Plus it was pretty fucking impressive" You can feel his arm wrap around your waist as he chuckles in your ear "I think were done here, come on"
He helps you out of your nest and the two of you go back to base.
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piipaw · 2 days
ok drawing or writing prompt,,,,, gum going to a faerun/waterdeep seasonal festival for the first time? idk if that's enough lmk if you want more
Cold air nipping at his ankles, Gum was quick to tug on his boots. Waterdeep ran colder than his crèche ever had, and for once he was thankful for the multitude of layers his temple had him wear. Smoothing the purple folds of his robes, Gum quickly clasped his chest armor into place before hearing Gale's slow footsteps down the tower stairs.
"My love, why aren't you in bed?" Sleep couldn't escape Gale's voice, punctuated by a yawn.
"Why would I be in bed?" Casting his partner a confused look, the gith tilted his head. "Why are you still in bed?"
"It's Rhyestertide," stated as if saying the sky was blue, Gale came around and I clipped the chest armor. "Temple's closed."
More confused than when he started, Gum undid the laces of his boots, following Gale up the stairs back to their bedroom. He'd have to ask more when the wizard was more awake.
Rhyestertide, Gum soon learned, was a holiday celebrated by followers of lathander. Having a large population of them within the city of Waterdeep, many if not most local businesses were closed for the day.
Gale had taken Gum out for a walk so that he could see just how many citizens in their city wore robes of red. Gale explained why they kept one eye closed after multiple people had winked in greeting as they passed, having seen the confusion on the gith's face.
"You know, it's somewhat of a tradition to make lasting friendships with those you wink at," Gale smiled, winking at someone else who passed them by. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt for you to participate as well."
"The whole town closes for such a celebration?" Gum was still getting stuck on the impact holidays had on a city wide scale.
"Well, yes, even if the miracle didn't occur in Waterdeep there are some large temples dedicated to Lathander here in the city."
"Hmm... I see." In truth, Gum did not fully understand. It felt foolish to cease all activity over something so trivial, but it was only one day he supposed.
It was not one day.
Again Gum had gotten ready for work, this time making it to the temple before finding it locked and empty. Unable to get in without using force, the gith was weighing his options when the sound of fluttering wings caught his attention.
"There you are, other Mr.Dekarios," it was Tara, approaching on light paws. "Gale sent for me to bring you back home, seems I was a bit too late in catching you sooner. Come along now."
Confused, Gum didn't move from his spot where he'd nearly considered breaking the lock to the temple with the Blood of Lathander. "Did something happen?" Panic edged his words, trying to make sense of everything.
"Didn't Gale tell you what today was? Oh I swear he would lose his own head if it weren't attached," fluttering her wings she flicked her ears. "Come on, let's get you back and I'll let him do the explaining."
Once back at the tower Gum was met with the sight of Gale waiting on his front steps. Relief rolled from his shoulders in waves as he saw Gum approaching their home.
"Oh you're quite alright," Gale smiled, warm as ever, opening the door for his two favorites. "So sorry my love, I must have forgotten."
"Gale, something's wrong, nobody was at the temple."
"Nothings wrong my heart," Gale started, flicking a mage hand to help undo the laces of Gum's boots. "I forgot to tell you today is Fey Day. A lot of the city will be dressing up soon if they haven't already."
"Dressing up for what?" Removing the chest plate, Gum was beginning to feel a sense of Deja vu wash over him.
"We have invitation to attend a masquerade tonight for the holiday. We still have plenty of time to get ready, but I'm afraid without Astarion's help I won't have anything that will fit someone of your stature, and with all the shops closed-"
"The whole city is closed again?"
"Of course, everyone will be dressed either for the party tonight or as a fey to gain access without invitation." The answer was so simple, as if common knowledge. Perhaps it was common knowledge to someone who's been born and raised within the city limits, but this was Gum's first year in Waterdeep not to mention his first real interactions with holidays as a yearly concept.
Watching the gears turn in his partners head, Gale kissed over the spots on either of Gum's cheeks before undoing the sash around his partner's waist.
"I must say, I am very much looking forwards to see you all dressed up, provided Astarion can work his magic on such short notice."
Another day of play on the calendar for this month, Gum filed the information away carefully in his mind, truly baffled by how eager the city seemed to close its doors at the promise of some recreation.
Not two days later the city was closed yet again. This time for something called 'Fleetswake'. Thankfully Gale had warned the gith ahead of time, allowing them to both enjoy the suns rays as they lounged in bed far past the usual call of their day to day.
Fleetswake, Gum soon learned, was a maritime festival to celebrate both the sea and the gods associated. Ordinarily, Gum would be excited by the events of this holiday, but as Gale explained the week's worth of events over breakfast, it occurred to the girhyanki that this was not a day long celebration.
"Nine days?"
"Yes, though the festival isn't held until the end," taking a large bite of his breakfast sausage, Gale was misunderstanding his partners confusion once again. "Tho before the festivals there's a Gala-"
"Doesn't anyone in this city work!?" Gum couldn't help but feel exasperated, unable to hide the frustration building in his voice.
"We do, but there's also plenty time dedicated to celebration as well," studying Gum's face, Gale tapped his pointer finger to his chin. "ah, I see what's happening. Do girhyanki celebrate holidays often? I just assumed you had your own schedule of holidays unique to your crèche- ah, or to Tu'narath. I never thought to ask Lae'zel during our travels."
"It was rare that my crèche ever celebrated anything beyond the victory of a well earned battle," Gale knew not to press for details when it came to Gum's crèche, something the gith appreciated immensely. "And in my time spent in Tu'narath I was mostly in hiding, I did not experience any such celebrations. Even if there were, it was nothing that would shut down full operations for days."
Nodding along, Gale listened with interest. "Well, thankfully we are not in Tu'narath, not sure how you'd race boats in the astral after all."
This was going to take some real adjusting to, Gum soon realized.
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seiyasabi · 2 years
(Someone told me their idea of ‘yandere seemingly gay guy x fem reader who thinks they’re their bestie,’ and I foamed at the mouth. Anon I wanna kiss u on the mouth. 
This is a Yan Vil x Fem Reader story, so proceed w caution!!! Some details may not be canon, so plz don’t yell at me, I’ll throw up. 
TW: !!!noncon/dubcon!!!, !mistaken sexuality!, !reader is like ?? but ur gay and Vil is like ‘lemme show u that I’m not’, Vil is a meangirl as usual, unsafe sex!, need to express that he’s straight!, slight manhandling that is seemingly OOC, kinda dacryphilia, D/S kind of relationship, use of the word master, drugging!, hand on neck action, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!)
“-So I asked him if the extension was necessary, and he told me that because I was a distraction, he couldn’t get his part of the project completed. Can you believe that??? He’s blaming me for wanting to do the project in the same room, rather than separately, just in case he needed help! How rude!” You puff your cheeks indignantly, painting your nondominant hand a royal purple, matching Vil’s iconic look. 
Vil gives an airy chuckle, he’s currently styling his hair into his normal updo, making sure his braids are even on both sides of his head, “I don’t think he means it in the way you think, darling. I believe he’s insinuating that he finds you… endearing. Perhaps he has a crush on you?” The blond is gritting his teeth at that idea. No one deserves to have you (besides him of course)! This disgusting boy who happens to be your partner needs to be reminded of his place.
Whilst your best friend is brewing in his growing anger, you think about the situation thoughtfully. He may be right, your lab partner may have a crush on you! He wouldn’t be the first to, but he’s quite unkempt. Idia doesn’t practice self care, and that’s a big ick to you, “Hmm, maybe. But, hopefully not! While he may be nice, he’s not my type.”
That catches Vil’s attention. You always say they’re ‘not your type,’ but you have yet to disclose what is! 
“I see,” He joins you at his coffee table that you’re currently sitting at, daintily setting himself down on the seat next to you, “Now, be honest with me; what man- scratch that- boy is your type? I’ve grown curious about who you may fancy.”
You feel your face grow hot, eyes glued to your newly painted nails. You can’t possibly tell him about your crush on his guy best friend! That would be overstepping soooo many boundaries, so you need to think of someone other than Rook! 
“It’s too embarrassing, I don’t want to say,” The slight tremor in your voice catches his attention right away. Who could you possibly be thinking about to make you so flustered? 
“Oh, don’t be shy. I’m your best friend, you can tell me anything,” He drawls, grabbing your hands and inspecting your paint job. You did quite a good job, and he gives a small smirk of approval. 
“Well… you have to promise to not be mad,” He raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Who could it possibly be? 
“Darling, as long as you don’t say the name ‘Crowley,’ I promise I won’t be.”
That draws a giggle from your perfect lips, body shaking with laughter. That was certainly unexpected, but what else do you expect from your best friend? He’s quite hilarious when he’s comfortable with you. 
“No, no! I’m not into men like that,” You stick your tongue out at him teasingly, “He’s way too old, he reminds me of a grandpa.” 
He cracks a smile, his dark lipstick contrasting perfectly with his white teeth, “That’s fair, but no changing the subject. Now I’m even more curious as to who you like.” 
You grumble for a few moments, before deciding to be honest, “Well, you know him, first and foremost. He’s blond,” Vil visibly perks up, “He’s funny, quite strange, and takes very good care of himself.” 
You must be talking about him! Though, that strange comment hurts a little bit, he’s willing to look past it if it means he can have you, “I think I know who you’re talking about,” Vil states smugly, a practically dazzling smile on his perfect face, “I’m not mad at all about it, I’m actually quite happy. It must’ve taken a lot out of you to confess like this.” 
Nodding, you give his hands a small squeeze, “I’m so happy you’re not mad! I was so worried you would be!” 
“Not at all,” He releases one of your hands in favour of moving some stray hairs out of your face, “I’m so glad you feel the same.” 
This causes your heart to practically explode in your chest! Rook feels the same?! 
“Really? He feels the same way?” Instead of answering you, Vil presses a perfect kiss print against your cheek, surprising you, “Uhhhh, what?” 
He smiles at you, eyes practically glimmering like the glitter on his eyelids, “Oh, how long I’ve waited for you to confess. I’ve liked you since the day you asked for blending techniques, fairest.” 
Hold on- did Vil think that you like him?! And did he like you back?! Isn’t he gay?! And did he just admit that you’re the fairest of them all?! What the fuck is happening?! 
You shrink back, gulping due to your nerves, “I-I think there’s been some confusion,” His smile noticeably becomes tight, eyes staring into you like a great white’s, “I like Rook… I like him a lot. I should’ve been more specific, I’m sorry. But, I’m also really confused right now.” 
“What could you possibly be confused about?” The way he speaks through gritted teeth scares you, especially with how tight the grip on your hand has become. Is he trying to break your hand? 
“Aren’t you, uhm,” You pause for a second, trying to come up with the right words, but find none, “Aren’t you gay? I-I thought you liked men this entire time!” 
He stares at you for a long moment, before bursting out into uncharacteristically loud laughter. Vil can’t believe it- you thought he was gay? Oh dear, that sure complicated things, “Oh no, I’m most definitely not. Whilst it’s okay to be gay, I am not. I love women,” He leans in close, eyes shining in pure, unadulterated love, “And let there be no mistake; I love you.” 
A nervous sweat breaks out on your skin, as you realise how many boundaries you’d inadvertently pushed, “Wait, hold on; does this mean that you’ve,” Your heart stutters in your chest, “You’ve watched me change and-“ 
“Yes, and I won’t apologise for doing so. You never asked, darling, so you can’t blame a man for watching the love of his life in the nude.” 
This entire situation is too hard for you to handle, “I can’t believe it- you broke my trust! I-I did all of these things under the-“ 
“Ah, ah, ah, that’s not fair. You assumed that I was gay, if anything, I should be the one who’s offended,” His grip somehow becomes tighter, long, perfectly manicured nails digging into your skin, “And on top of that, it turns out you’re foolishly in love with my other best friend.” 
The way his shadow suddenly looms over yours causes you to twitch in mild fear, his voice sounding icy like his stare, “I can’t help that I like him! And how could I not assume?! You never explicitly stated any interest in women, but you are always obsessed over other men’s looks! What was I supposed to think?” 
“Tch, you’re lucky I love you, (First name). If I didn’t, I would post a smear campaign against you online, because of these allegations,” Oh, that was a thinly veiled threat. You’re so close to pissing yourself in fear, it’s not even funny. 
“I-what- are you threatening me?” 
“Not at all, I'm just stating my feelings on the matter,” He smirks, suddenly releasing your hand, in favour of inspecting the nail polish you’re currently using, “Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll finish your dominant hand for you. You know how much I hate sloppily done manicures.” 
Your mouth is wide open, disbelief encasing your entire being, “What?! You-you can’t just-“ 
“Shh,” He silences you with ease, his shark eyes shining in barely concealed delight, “I can just do that, fairest. Who would believe you? Hmm? You’re just a pretty girl against a social media tycoon.” 
Your lip wobbles at his softly spoken, but stabbing words. He’s right, you know he is, but it still doesn’t stop a sinking feeling from forming within your chest. You want to scream, cuss, spit, pull his perfectly done hair from his head… but you can’t. Even when he threatens you, you can’t help but think about the times he was a good friend. Before… all of this, which makes it hurt even more. 
“So, you’re going to be a good girl, and let me finish your manicure. You know I hate it when a beauty regimen is half done,” Without waiting for your response, he carefully unscrews the royal purple nail polish with one hand, and begins to meticulously apply it to your perfectly filed nails. 
You hate to say it, but the blond is amazing when it comes to anything beauty related. 
It’d taken a very long (and tense on your part) hour for your nails to be ‘done,’ leaving Vil to bask in your, understandably, uncomfortable presence. 
The need to leave continues to rise, but you’re unsure how to go about saying goodbye. Normally, you wouldn’t leave until Vil finished his nightly routine, the male gently shooing you under the guise of him needing his ‘beauty sleep.’ 
But, today it was completely different. It was only 6 in the evening, and you were ready to run as far away as you can from his expensive flat. 
Maybe if you left and ghosted him, he’d leave you alone… that’s what you hope, anyway, 
But who are you kidding? The blond would probably make a very public post about you being lovers or something, forcing you to come back into his clutches without the need for physical violence. 
And, if that didn’t work, he’d send Rook to drag you back to him. 
You’re so deep within your own thoughts, that you don’t notice the blond making dinner, much less finishing it, and plating the (healthy meal of choice). He sets the dish in front of you, expecting your usual praise. But, when he notices your glossy eyes staring off into nothing, he snaps his fingers, immediately gaining your attention. 
“(Your name), darling, are you alright? If you continue to day dream, I can’t promise that your food will be fresh when you get to it,” He sets his own plate down at the seat beside you, gracefully sitting down, and placing a napkin on his lap. 
You nod at him, eyes fixating on the food in front of you, “Yeah, I’m good. Just thinking.” 
His sharp eyes are on you in an instant, watching as you fiddle with your utensils. 
“What could you be thinking about in that cute brain of yours?” He (pushes your hair out of your face/pulls your chin in his direction) with two fingers, allowing you to view him with ease. 
“I’m just… in shock. I didn’t realise that you’re not… you know-“ 
Sighing in slight annoyance, Vil stares at you with dull eyes, “When will you drop this?” His sharp words cause you to flinch, not expecting his slightly elevated volume, “I am not a gay man, I am straight. I will always love women romantically, I will never view men in that same regard,” He grabs your hand in a tight grip, “I am also helplessly infatuated with you, and there’s nothing you can do to make me feel otherwise. Now, do you feel assured of my true feelings? I promise that I am not toying with you, and I genuinely want to pursue a relationship with you.” 
You try to pull your hand away, but his grip remains strong. The intensity of his stare is enough to make you avert your eyes, “That's the problem; I don’t want a relationship with you. I no longer trust you-“ 
He releases your hand, in favour of gripping at your thigh. Vil’s nails dig into your flesh and muscle, causing you to yelp in mild pain, your own hand grabbing at his to try to ease his grip, “Eat. Your. Food. I don’t want to hear the hurtful things you’re about to say.” 
When you don’t immediately begin to eat, he gives another squeeze. Glaring, you shove his hand off of you, causing him to scratch your smooth skin, but you don’t care, “I’m not hungry! I want to go home-“ 
Vil stands up suddenly, scaring you. He marches to the fridge, forcing it open, and grabbing a large cup filled with a pink smoothie. Slamming the icebox closed, he rushes at you, face unreadable but eyes flashing with anger. Placing the smoothie in front of you, he crossed his arms, looking at you expectantly. 
“Fine, if you’re not hungry, at least drink this smoothie. It’s filled with vitamins and minerals, along with a potion to make your skin clear and glowy.” 
You look at him, before looking back at the smoothie, “I don’t want it. I just told you; I want to go home. Hell, maybe I’ll go see Rook-“ 
“You will do no such thing,” He hisses, pushing the drink closer to you, “Drink the smoothie, or else I’ll do something you won’t like.” 
You swallow harshly, eyeing the drink. With a shaky hand, you grab the cold glass, before taking a large sip. It’s so sugary, reminding you of the pastries Trey makes. You can’t help but gag at the overabundance of sweetness, setting the glass down on the countertop, and pushing it away from yourself. 
“Great Seven! What did you put in this?” Coughing, you try to clear your throat, eyes watering. 
“Don’t be dramatic- the smoothie is good for you. Drink it all, or else I won’t let you leave.” 
“You can’t keep me here, that’s unlawful imprisonment-“ 
“Shh, just drink,” Without warning, he picks up the smoothie, and practically pours it down your gullet. Liquid splashes down your face, as you try, and fail, to swallow all of its contents. 
You’re somehow able to gulp down the majority of it, causing Vil to let up, effectively letting you breathe. You cough and splutter, leaning over the counter to try to catch your breath. 
“What the fuck, Vil?! I could’ve choked!” You wipe at your mouth and chin, taking in the soiled front of your cute blouse. The pink is sure to stain :// 
He says nothing, just staring down at you, as if he’s waiting for something. 
“Why’re you looking at me like that?! Say something!” He grins at you, showing all of his teeth, causing a feeling of dread to settle deep within your bones, “Did-did you poison me? Oh God, am I going to die?” 
Your body suddenly becomes hot, causing tears to head your eyes in fear. This is how you’re going to die! 
Sobs wrack your body, as Vil all but drags you to your feet, and begins to bring you to his bedroom. Is he going to dismember your body in his en-suite bathroom? Oh no! Oh no! 
Pushing you into his bathroom, he begins to unbutton your blouse, nimble fingers exposing your perfect, bra-clad chest. You try to shove at his hands, but your limbs feel like they’re made of lead. Even standing is a chore, causing you to stumble, falling into Vil’s surprisingly sturdy chest. 
He clicks his tongue at your actions, but says nothing, making the experience all the more terrifying. He’s almost never quiet, which means he’s probably up to something. 
“What’re you- what’re you doing? Why’re you undressing me? Are you going to cut me up?” Your teary eyed look makes his cock throb, you’re just so adorable when you’re reliant upon him. 
“Not at all, I’m simply making it easier for us when you reach the next stage.” 
Fat tears drip down your face and your lip trembles, “Next stage?” 
He nods, the smirk on his face is domineering, crazed, even, “Yes, fairest. I know you don’t believe me when I say I’m… infatuated with you, and what better way to show you, than claiming your pretty pussy?” 
You blanche, body heating up more than before, heart beating almost out of your chest. You don’t want him to, but it seems your body is thinking to you, “What did you do? What was in that?” 
He loves that pleading tone, loves your pitiful reaction, and especially loves the way you tremble against him. Oh, how long he’s waited for this moment! 
“Shh, don’t worry about that. All that matters is that you’ll feel good. Master will make sure of it.” 
Sudden cramping in your abdomen causes you to slump into Vil bonelessly, a small cry leaving your lips. His lithe fingers dance against your hot skin, relishing the way you’re being broken down by the aphrodisiac. 
You once again try to shove at him, but to no avail. You practically sink to your knees in pain, Vil loosely holding your arms as you rest your head against his hip. He’s so tall compared to you, so the only way to rest against him was quite inappropriate. 
“Awe, are you alright, darling? Tell your Master what the problem is.” 
A small sob is all he receives in response, causing a chilling laugh to resound around the room. 
“Poor dear. Here, I’ll help you out of these pesky clothes,” Pulling you up to your feet, Vil begins to undress you. He pulls your top completely off of you, before all but ripping off your trousers. You’re left only in your bra and panties, which you try, and fail, to cover with your hands. The blond coos are your cute display, before he yanks your bra off of your chest, and shucks your panties down your legs. Slick immediately drips down your thighs, now that your panties are no longer holding it in. He used two fingers to swipe at your sensitive pussy, causing you to whine as you soak his hand in your fluids, “Does your cunny feel empty, fairest? Do you need your Master to fill you up?” 
“No! Don’t- don’t touch me there! I don’t want you; I want Rook!” 
Vil practically growls at your words, a sudden and mannish feeling of wrath overcoming him, as he grips your jaw in one hand, squishing your cheeks painfully, and digging his nails into your pretty skin. You whimper, as he starts to drag you to his perfectly made bed. 
“Don’t say that name is my presence ever again, (Your name), I don’t have the patience for your rebellious behaviour. I am the only man who deserves you, and I won’t let him or your incorrect ideals about my sexuality get in the way of that.” 
He shoves you on the bed face first, forcing your ass up into the air, your legs folded underneath you. Vil grabs a pillow from the head of the bed, shoving it under your stomach, making your back arch more than before. He shrugs his expensive robe off of his shoulders, gracefully tossing it onto the bench at the foot of his bed. 
You writhe on the mattress, trying to move out of the position he forced you into, only for a harsh grip around your waist to still your movements. Your tears drip onto the silk duvet, as you sob out in both pain and betrayal, “Stop this insolence, darling. I won’t hurt a single hair on your pretty head, as long as you sit still and look pretty for me.” 
He smoothes a hand over your perky ass, relishing the feeling on his soft hand. He’s waited so, so long for you to fall into his clutches, and now he doesn’t ever want to let you go. 
Moving his gaze down to your dripping cunny, he can’t help but shove two manicured fingers into you. A loud keen echoes throughout the room, causing his cock to jump in his perfectly pressed trousers. Yeah, he should’ve done this the moment he realised his feelings for you. 
He scissors his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace, his thumb rubbing small circles over your throbbing clit. You can’t control your moans, as the pads of his fingers massage your g-spot with vigour. Your fluids drip down his hand, coating his dress shirt’s sleeve in your slick, but he can’t find it within himself to care. 
You’re so out of it, that you begin to ride his fingers, ass bouncing with every rut against his pretty hand. You ground yourself against his finger tips, loving how he plays with your enlarged g-spot, wanting nothing more than to cream all over him. If he’s this good with his hands, your drugged mind can only imagine what he can do with his cock. 
Vil’s in complete awe, relishing the way you’re seemingly giving into him. He should’ve given you an aphrodisiac a long time ago. 
He so desperately wanted to see your face, knowing that a pretty princess like you would be drooling at his fingering skills.  
You teeter so close to the edge, pussy clamping down on his nimble fingers. Your moans and cries grow louder, as he constantly abuses your g-spot, causing your legs to shake and your eyes to roll to the back of your head. Yet, before you can squirt all over him, he pulls back, delivering a harsh smack to your plush ass, “I didn’t say you could cum, fairest. Only good girls are allowed to, and since you didn’t ask, I don’t think that applies to you,” 
Sobbing, you grip the sheets below you, “Please, Vil! I need it! I need to cum so bad!” 
He laughs at your pitiful display, before unbuttoning his dress trousers and pulling out his cock. He’s long and thin, tip flushed a pastel pink. Pre-cum practically drips from his tip, leaving small drops on both his trousers and sheets. He’s not too worried about it, though, you’ll either lick it up later or a maid will clean it. 
“Hmm, I suppose I can allow it. But,” he spreads your pussy open with two fingers, taking in the perfect sight of your puffy, dripping hole, “You can only cum on my cock.” 
When you don’t immediately respond, he pinches your clit between his thumb and forefinger, causing your body to jolt, a scream tumbling from your lips before you can stop it. 
“You will respond when I ask you a question, (Your name). Never ignore your Master,” You nod your head rapidly, more tears dripping down your face. 
“Yes, yes, I’m sorry! Please stop,” He releases you, lightly patting you on the pussy, before lining his cockhead up to your prepaired cunny. 
“Good, darling. Now, let me show you what you do to me,” Without another word, he shoves his prick inside of you, bumping into your cervix harshly. What he didn’t have in girth, he made up for in length. Vil’s eyes practically roll to the back of his head, mouth open, face screwed up in an abnormally imperfect expression, “Fuck,” He swears, which he almost never does, “I knew your pussy would be perfect for me.” 
He bucks into you ungracefully, which would have surprised you, if you weren’t so drugged up. You moan and cry, both loving and hating what he’s doing to your body. Your pussy creams around his cock, coating his cock in a milky white sheen, which the blond male looks at in awe. Using the two fingers that’s holding your cunny open, he releases one part in favour of lightly rubbing your engorged clit. 
Gasping at how you grip down on him, he begins to slam into you at a decent pace. His thrusts lightly rock your body, your face still smooshed into his bed spread. His pretty moans intermingle with yours, as he continues to assault your clit and fuck into you. 
Your juices drip down your thighs and onto his bedspread, cream and slick mixing together for a sinful concoction. Your g-Spot is so enlarged from the drug, that every drag of his cock has you practically convulsing. 
“Vil! Vil!” He gives a breathy laugh at your sweet keening, pressing down a little harder on your pretty clit. 
“Yes, fairest?” He acts coy, pretending to not understand why you’re calling out for him. 
“It’s-it’s too much! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum! Please let me cum!” Your foggy mind barely recalls his previous orders, filling the blond with pride. 
“Since you asked so nicely,” He leans in close to you, the soft fabric of his blouse feeling wonderful against your heated skin, “Go ahead, darling. Cum all over your Master’s cock.” 
Your body squeezes down on him harsher than before, practically milking him for everything he has. He lets out an unusually mannish grunt, spilling his seed deep inside of you, as you squirt around him. Both of your releases drip down the both of you; your bare thighs covered in delicious cream, whilst Vil’s designer trousers are completely soiled. Yet, Vil wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“What a perfect darling,” He releases your pussy, in favour of wrapping an arm around your bare chest, and flipping you onto your back. Your (hair is a complete mess/drool is leaking out of your mouth), makeup completely smeared all over your face. Though Vil is always one for perfection, he can’t help but think you look better this way, “You did so well for me, (Your name). So well, in fact, I believe you deserve another release.” 
You whimper, body completely boneless underneath him, “Please, please, I need you so bad. I feel so empty, Vil,” Your eyes are still teary, lips still trembling. It causes his cock to twitch. 
He places a kiss to your lips, his lipstick transferring onto you very noticeably, “Call me by the correct name, fairest, and I’ll make sure you can’t move tomorrow.” 
You gulp, mind screaming at you to hold your ground, but you fall victim to the drug burrowing inside of you, “Please, Master, I need you.” 
With a smug grin, Vil forces your thighs open, lining his now erect cock with your cum filled pussy, “I’ll do so, with great pleasure.” 
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ladybug023 · 4 months
Gwayne Hightower x Tyland Lannister
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(I’ve loved this pairing for awhile now. The problematic gay and his religious closeted pillow bitter. Also this when Gwayne and Tyland were young men.)
Warnings: Nothing too graphic, flirting, repressed sexuality.
When Tyland heard that Gwayne Hightower had been injured in a jousting match with Daemon Targaryen, he saw an opportunity to get closer to the dashing knight. He was a beautiful man, almost as handsome as Ser Cole. However, it was not just the knight’s beauty that enticed Tyland, it was also what Gwayne may know about the enigma that was Otto Hightower.
"I got word of your injury," Tyland said, entering Gwayne's tent with the most charming smile. "I came to check on you, I brought milk of the poppy if you are in need of it.” He placed the small vile of liquid on a table.
Gwayne glanced up from where he sat, his expression guarded, his brown eye gleaming with suspicion as they flitted from the vile to the Lannister before him. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I do not need your aid."
"Of course not," Tyland replied smoothly, taking a seat next to him. "I was just worried that the Prince had ruined your face. You did take quite the fall.”
Gwayne scoffed. "You worrying about some other than yourself? I highly doubt that. What do you want, Tyland?"
"I will not mince words, Gwayne. I'm deeply drawn to you," Tyland admitted, drawing nearer. Choosing directness, he continued, "There is an undeniable connection between us that I can't overlook."
Gwayne pulled back, a scowl forming on his face. "Connection? You are delusional. I have no interest in such unnatural proclivities."
Tyland’s had to restrain himself from laughing. He’d lost count of how many closeted pillow bitters told him the same thing. “There is no need to play coy, Dear.” He carefully reached out to Gwayne. The latter jerked away from his tender touch. “You are not as good at hiding as you think. It is okay to admit it to me. I will not tattle to your father.”
Gwayne’s face flushed. He shook his head. "Even if I was, I could never be with someone like you."
Tyland arched an eyebrow. "Someone like me? And what is that supposed to mean?"
"You are an ungodly man, Tyland," Gwayne said, his voice laced with disdain. "You would do whatever it takes to get what you want. That's not someone I would want to be with."
Leaning back in his chair, Tyland regarded Gwayne for a moment before speaking, "You're not entirely mistaken, dear Gwayne. However, my identity extends beyond mere politics and power."
It was Gwayne’s turn to study him. “Oh really? Like what?” He asked, his tone sardonic. The Lannister smirked, reaching out to touch his knee. Gwayne didn't flinch this time, but he certainly didn't lean in to Tyland's touch either. Tyland's lips tilted into a faint smile as he observed Gwayne. He had hoped he would be a little more welcoming by now. His fingers rested gently on Gwayne's leg as he spoke.
Tyland's smirk grew as he felt Gwayne's uncertainty. "You want to know what's behind the mask?" He leaned in closer to Gwayne and spoke softly. "That's not a simple answer. But I can tell you, whatever it is, it is all mine."
He leaned back in his chair again. "And speaking of masks. What about you? What's behind the armor? What drives you? What are you afraid of?" Tyland probes the knight as his green eyes sparkled with mischief.
“I fear nothing, least of all you, Tyland...” He returned Tyland's grin with a glare, sensing his skin warming under Tyland's touch.
Tyland smirked in response to the knight's glare, unfazed by the anger displayed before him. “Are you certain? I believe there are many things that instill fear in you. Fear of your father. Fear of revealing your vulnerabilities. Fear of losing your true self beneath that armor.”
Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on the table, his hands still placed on Gwayne's thigh. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”
“My thoughts are, I'll shatter your jaw if you do not remove your hand,” Gwayne retorted, returning a menacing smile.
Tyland's smirk widened into a grin as he leaned in closer to Gwayne. “You see, uttering such words is merely a facade to conceal the vulnerabilities within you. But that facade won't hold forever,” he asserted, locking eyes with Gwayne. “We're not as dissimilar as you imagine. Both of us don masks to conceal our truths.”
Gwayne's voice softened as he leaned in closer. "Are you implying that I'm weak?"
Tyland maintained a gentle, hushed tone in his response. “What’s wrong with weakness?” He drew nearer, closing the gap until they were mere inches apart. Tyland's hands resumed their subtle advance along Gwayne's leg, gradually ascending his thigh. “Isn't it a display of strength to reveal vulnerabilities? To unveil imperfections? To be open with someone?”
Gwayne shivered, his gaze flickering from Tyland's hand to his piercing green eyes. Despite this, he made no move to remove Tyland's hand. “Why would I show my back to you, only to offer you a target for your dagger?” he quipped with a chuckle. “I'm afraid that's not in the cards, Lannister.”
Tyland feigned a pout. "Fair enough. But I would never take advantage of your vulnerabilities.” Tyland took his hands off Gwayne's leg but leaned a little closer, his face only inches away from the knight's. He could see the green eyes flicker with curiosity. Tyland smirked. “I might explore them though.”
Gwayne scoffed softly and withdrew. “Lannisters," he muttered, "always babbling on...”
Tyland smirked again, but he didn't take his eyes off Gwayne. “And you Highgarden knights... Too proud to admit when you're curious.”
“Curious of what Tyland?” He glared at him, growing annoyed with the blonde’s games. He couldn’t help but blush because he had an idea of what Tyland was hinting to.
Tyland couldn't help but chuckle at Gwayne's blush. "You know what I'm talking about." He leaned in closer again, until their faces were just inches apart.
"Why don't I show you?" He whispered, his eyes locked on Gwayne.
Gwayne couldn't help but meet Tyland's gaze, feeling his heart beating faster and faster. His thoughts ran wild. What if he tried to kiss me? He was tempted to move away. But his body wouldn't listen to him. He had been starved of any affection from women or men alike. He wanted more. Gwayne didn't move as Tyland leaned in even closer, their faces almost touching. This was his weakness.
Their lips brushed against each other, and for a split second Gwayne felt the world stop spinning. He had never kissed another man before, but his body reacted to the kiss in a way he couldn't control.
Just as he was about to lean back in, there was a noise from outside the tent and the moment was broken. Gwayne quickly pulled away but felt a surge of emotions hit him all at once.
Tyland was breathless as he watched Gwayne break away. He didn't stop him, instead he kept his eyes on the knight until the tent was opened.
When they were apart, Tyland smiled softly. He was glad that the interruption hadn't ruined the moment.
"Next time..." His smile implied.
They had distanced themselves from each other when Otto Hightower finally caught sight of them, yet Gwayne couldn't conceal his flustered demeanor. Otto shot Tyland a quizzical glare, seeking answers.
"I was merely commending your son for his brave stand against the dragon Prince," Tyland stated with a smile, giving Gwayne a hearty pat on the shoulder. Gwayne avoided his father's skeptical gaze but nodded in acknowledgment.
As Gwayne hid his blush, Tyland remained calm. His expression was the same as ever, and he even managed to give Otto a small, friendly smile. Tyland had nothing to hide, after all, and it would not do to show the Hand of the King just how close he and Gwayne were kissing like a shy young couple.
Tyland was glad that Gwayne had followed his lead and acted natural around Otto. He hoped that Otto would not suspect anything from this short interaction.
Tyland turned his attention to Gwayne once more. “Well done.” He smirked and kept his voice low. He couldn't help but notice how Gwayne's cheeks had turned pink once again. He bowed to Otto before slipping from the tent. The Hand watched the Lannister go and turned his attention to Gwayne.
Gods help this poor knight.
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