#but the crash was still So real. also like explaining the rules (it was our first combat they know the rules In Theorybut yk how it is)
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dante-and-dragons · 1 year ago
Ough. Post-session fatigue is hitting harder than usual today.
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fewsystemsinonebody · 1 month ago
We don't have OSDD? We all agree with each other? Right...
Last evening:
Why (name of an alter as a reminder) fronted and told us he won't write our story because it's shitty. Thanks a lot - not that our host cared. He gave many reasons though. Some of them were the facts he hates love. Doesn't believe it is one thing but also throws up just thinking about it as it's toxic, evil bullshit that traumatises people so we should write more realistically ending everything with suffering or even death. He also mentioned that God never listened to us - worse - he actually took our asks and twisted them. If we would ask for a cupcake he would give us... but a poisoned one...
Host fronted considering his words. We always had beef with God. We indeed believed in him but we were mad he won't help people and that his plan is basically shitty in our opinion so we were mostly scared to pray anymore knowing he will do the opposite. Lessons? Would need to help instead of leading to finding out we don't deserve anything good apparently and have to avoid people while our life is crashing down around us. Obviously host was all about "if a kid is kidnapped, raped and murdered then what does it teach that kid?" The answer is obvious. Nothing. It can probably go to heaven after being a martyr but that's it. Host says she is going to hell and there's nothing she can do about it as she doesn't even want to meet God and all the forgiven pieces of shit she used to know.
But there's Greg. The only religious alter we have that is coming back from dormancy no matter how many times we think it's the last time wanting him gone. We once made a God out of him asking him constantly if something is morally right then being mad at him for judging us as he's no better. We overthinked so much we almost puked as our head was hurting way too much and often considering we actually could one sentence analise for straight three days without more than a few hours of sleep each night. We got better but after he was gone. Were we fair? No. But we also were mad at him obviously especially when he told his own husband he forgives him for his past. He had no rights to do so. It never hurt him and he's not a priest. Maylo also came back after over a year of being gone. We call him saint Maylo as he had some sort of function of creating everything like God himself but he was only mirroring our trauma inward symbolically like he's writing a book. That was our idea of processing trauma when we started officially fronting instead of taking it inward far away from host. He was mad at himself for inventing such a thing as it was punishing us now more than helped. He felt at fault of our pseudomemories and himself ignoring that for awhile to not mendle with rules to not fuck it up even more. He tried to and it didn't end up well us brain not only got used to how it worked - it actually decided he will deepen the trauma and self harm this way turning Maylo's idea upside down basically... So we called jokingly Maylo a demigod because he doesn't create bad situations in real life - just tries to do something with it inside. Still Greg tried to explain God's plan basing on Maylo's doings. I don't remember it word for word so I won't even try to write it down in here but the point is... host kinda believed it first time in ages. She was of course not convinced 100% as she is not only stubborn but also scared to trust which she was asking us if that's ok or makes her a bad person... as usual. She is so worried she might be it takes away half of every day for her to calm her down she's good. Greg was telling her how amazing she is everyday and how well she's doing towards parents even though intrusive thoughts try to tell me now she's not obviously to stear drama. We will ignore it as much as we can. She cried and went to hug mom telling her she's happy for mom's existence. Sure. Mom's abusive/toxic but has her good moments. Mom said the same back in the darkness of home at night.
Lu fronted and was grumpy then started to break down. We rarely see him in such state. He can complain about himself being a bad guy but never to the point of shaking like a chihuahua. This time it was different. He was convinced that if we stayed then we will take host to hell as he is not going to believe like her. So asked her to get rid of us. Greg first joked about staying with host just the two of them but then saw that situation is serious. Host said that she's going to keep us no matter what adding that maybe she will go to heaven and they won't but right now she prefers to have us, those who actively help her and are there for her everyday, even if it would lead her to hell. She hugged Lu, Lio and Pink but Greg was already worried that he's the cause of this mess all over again... and said he will go dormant himself.
Then this happened...
Brie - his husband, the guy who was arguing with him to the point of hate but also loving him at the same time, fell on his knees begging Greg to stay. Only one time in his entire life he did that before towards someone else which wasn't a good idea but that's a story for another time. He was kneeling on verge of tears, vulnerable as fuck, Greg in shock so his natural hyena instinct made him joke about it as well to lighten the atmosphere:
So you're going to become religious?
Yes - Brie said.
You have no idea how big of a confession that was coming out from Brie's mouth. He's the LEAST religious alter among us. The proud one. Alter who will build walls around himself to protect his heart. A lot of people are actually afraid of him while he won't say anything else but somebody's name in THAT tone. He basically never say any nasty words and yet he can stab you emotionally with his snarky remarks.
And he's kneeling in front of his husband saying he will believe in God just for Greg to stay and not do it to him for the... fourth time maybe?
Greg kneels in front of him taking him in his arms and says:
This isn't you. I don't want you to be someone else.
Basically the same words Brie told him earlier about not wanting Greg to change when he was worrying that he is choosing God over Brie wanting to leave. Acceptance. I do remember what April recently says what love means to him when Ursus asked having no idea how it is no matter of having the same thoughts and memories as others as we share our brain. We were mistaken many times before on the topic going deeper and deeper with the meaning and feelings - first with second ex then with each other when she was gone. We are aware that even though we loved before it wasn't good. Sometimes it was too obsessive, too idealistic, too flat, too toxic, too childish, too fresh to call love and so on but I wish April actually made a post about what he said as I am unable to do that myself not being the one who ever experienced this. So many times we hear people being stuck in relationships that are so bad that they even complain about them themself yet refuse to leave out of many reasons. Are we perfect? Absolutely not. Even April himself was saying to Jerry he doesn't love him anymore like minutes ago after haha but they are still together to this day. We are constantly bickering, leaving, pushing each other away, doubting them or ourselves because we're broken but we always can discuss things (or eventually break up of course) which was never an element we could have with people in real life. We were always alone with all that. We couldn't ask, inform, observe, beg for them to stop and change, even escape - we were trapped with somebody unwilling to talk things through when we need shitload of that. No manipulation but reassurment that isn't just words but actions. We support each other, get to know each other and we fight for each other even if with each other as well and that... that never was part of our real life before when it comes to lovers so I suppose Why is right about one thing - we aren't meant to be with somebody. Maybe he's right that we're a burden, we're hard to deal with, we need a savior that is more healthy than us even if we support them a lot (actually usually we've supported someone more than they supported us). That's ok. We can deal with shit alone... actually together.
Seeing Brie laying in arms of Greg that night was everything. He almost never sleeps. He has insomnia. He looked at Greg breathing deeply - thunder in his chest - snoring a bit maybe. His beard, big hands and soft belly. I am convinced that people we've met didn't know about love much. Maybe it was lack of experience as we were the same but they also seemed too egoistic, too focused on themselves, too needy harming us to feel love. To be able and have a right to receive ours. Calling it dopamine, adrenaline, attention when they were bored. Nah. We are so much deeper than that. Sorry to say that as it's only part of memories of others but... sex is indeed mechanical when you feel forced, not appreciated, unsure of somebody but when you went with them through hell and back, you know every inch of their mind and not just body, you can trust them fully then you can truly fall for them, with them, after them and it's no longer like an addiction, drugs, being high - it's connection that makes you neither dominant nor submissive - your theirs and they are yours but not as belongings, toys or something of the sort - you just become whole without losing yourself completely in a bad way so you also stay whole individual person yourself because you finally can be yourself around someone even if there are moments you have to compromise and stop yourself to not hurt them. It's so complicated, complex actually, that nothing can describe the feeling of truly loving someone...
I don't feel pressure from Greg to believe nor being stopped by others to not. I just... am open and don't wanna think about it even if it's not enough for God. Maybe Greg's right, maybe not, I don't know that. I don't wanna be wrong so I won't have an opinion fully formed myself. I'm glad we have a part that is a believer and also one that's not. What matters is we're trying to be good people :D
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willsimpforanyone · 3 years ago
Taking place throughout the Hawkeye series. Kate Bishop x Stark!Fem!Reader! phantom powers (much like Danny Phantom). Reader and Kate have known each other since childhood and have been dating. Reader does not know that she is the lost younger sister of Daisy Johnson, she got adopted by Tony Stark. Daisy knows she has a sister so she goes out of her way to look for her and finds her during the whole tracksuit mob debacle with Kate and Clint. So the Coulson team goes to Clint to explain everything.
yall have high expectations of me huh XD i'll do my best hun
Kate took a deep breath. "So, yeah, basically I'm a superhero now."
I laughed and squeezed her hand. "You do know that meeting your favourite superhero and thinking you were helping him does not count as being a superhero?"
She pouts and pulls me close with her arms around my waist. "Baaaabe, be quiet and just be supportive of your awesome girlfriend, okay?"
"I can't be quiet about my awesome girlfriend." I grin and pull her flushed face to mine to give her a kiss.
"Uh uh, nope, no PDA in this house, missy."
We break away and I roll my eyes. "Dad, you're the one who said she could come round, you'll have to deal with some affection, alright?"
Tony waved a screwdriver at us. "No affection in front of my innocent eyes."
I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Is that the rule we've always had? Because I seem to remember a certain day when I was twelve-"
An apple was thrown at me and I let it phase through me.
"We do not speak of that day, if you want pancakes for dinner you're going to have to come hug your old man and promise that you'll do some training tomorrow."
One last peck to Kate's kiss and I skipped over to hug Tony, because yes I really did want pancakes for dinner.
The morning also featured pancakes, piled high with fruit as a compromise with Pepper. Giving each of my adoptive parents a kiss on the cheek I grabbed my training bag and ran out the door.
I was highly amused to see Clint had drawn the short straw to train me today and I interrogated him enough that we came up with a compromise- every bull's-eye I hit, I could ask him a question. I was not as good as Kate with a bow but I got a few questions answered.
I was sweaty and exhausted by the time we were done. "Alright, I'm warning you now, she will seek you out and try to help, you know that?"
Clint ran a hand over his face in exasperation. "I can just about handle you for backup when that unfortunate situation happens, I don't want to babysit the both of you."
"I am offended." I held a hand to my chest, but I could understand his view. We were younger, less experienced, Clint had come out of retirement for the dozenth time to save Kate's ass which I had heavily berated her about.
She was a nightmare, but she was my nightmare.
It was the next few days we got into some real trouble.
They were the Tracksuit Mafia, though I was still unsure if that was their official name or just what we decided to call them. It didn't really matter when all three of us were tied to carousel horses.
I could easily have phased out of the ties but I had to wait for an opportune moment. Despite Kate's incessant chatter and Clint's tired commentary, that one guy just wouldn't take his eyes off me. Damn.
A crash of a window breaking on the other side of the warehouse.
All eyes snapped to the sound.
I vanished.
It was a piece of cake to slip out the ties and slash through the others' ropes until we were all free and armed. There was no time to figure out what had broken the window when we were immediately faced with three tracksuited thugs.
In the few glimpses I got, there was a flash of brown hair, a rippling pulse of energy, a cry that sounded eerily like my own. It wasn't until we'd made our escape and got the hell out of that warehouse that we realised there was a fourth person running right alongside us.
I made eye contact with Clint and we nodded slightly. He veered off into an alley as we followed, losing the woman for just a moment. We whirled around to face her, weapons drawn and power at the ready.
She skidded to a halt, gauntleted hands up in a surrender. Her long brown hair matched her eyes, leather jacket slightly reflecting the streetlight glow.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise, none of you." She began, wisely not moving a muscle. "I'm Daisy, Daisy Johnson, and, uh-" she swallowed and looked right at me. "-I think you might be my sister."
I dropped, feet now flat on the floor from where they'd been hovering a foot above the ground. "Excuse me?"
Kate and Clint bristled either side of me and I reached back to take Kate's hand.
"You were adopted, right? When you were a really young kid?"
I frowned. "Yeah, but it only takes a bit of research to work that out."
Daisy slowly lowered her hands. "I only found out I had a sister a few years ago, I've been looking, I mean really looking, for the last few months." She gave a slightly awkward chuckle. "Stark keeps your info pretty close to his chest."
Clint stepped forward. "Even if this is true, now is not the time. We're hurt and need to go." He nodded to us and turned to leave.
"No, wait-!"
But we'd already gone.
Kate's aunt's apartment was closest and we crashed there; almost literally, as I realised I'd twisted my ankle badly from tripping over some general warehouse rubbish. I sent a text to Tony letting him know where I was, who I was with and that we had some crazy shit to tell him when we got back.
I got a reply saying 'language! :D love you kiddo, be safe xx' and I switched my phone off for the night.
Kate woke me up the next day, ironically by doing her best to not let the dog wake me up. I groaned, my ankle still hurting.
"Sorry, babe, did I wake you?" Kate didn't seem particularly sorry, but I pulled her down for a kiss anyway.
"Yeah, you did, but we gotta get going anyway." I sat up, accepting the slightly weird sweater Kate had nicked from her aunt's wardrobe. "Dad needs to know about Daisy."
Clint had already vanished but he was a grown man and knew what he was doing. In theory.
It took a bit but we made it back to my home. Pepper was already waiting at the door, arms folded and a frown that vanished in concern when she saw my limp.
"What happened, honey, are you okay?"
I reassured her it was just a sprained ankle, but was cut off quickly with how busy the living room was.
My dad was there, Clint too, but so was Daisy, Coulson and some other people I'd never met before.
"Uh, dad? What's going on?"
It was Clint that stepped up. "Long story short and with no sarcasm, Daisy might actually be your sister."
I stared at him, clinging to Kate. "I beg your pardon?"
Daisy shifted forward. "It's a long story and I know you might not believe me but I promise I can prove it if you give me a chance."
Kate and I exchanged glances. I located a vacant armchair. "Alright, I'll listen, but there are far too many people in my house."
i tried lol i hope this was acceptable? thank you for requesting!
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sideblog-usernametaken · 10 months ago
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Would've put this in the replies but it would've taken too many parts so I made it a reblog instead:
This would actually make a scary amount of sense if we're being completely honest. Kurusu's tragedy boiled down to "Well, she can't be an idol anymore. What a shame." Compared to basically every other Negator tragedy this is utterly trivial. This is something that not only does happen in real life, but it also happens constantly. While getting mobbed by your fans is absolutely traumatic, it's not really comparable to accidentally killing your parents or killing a colleague on live TV or being forced to live for 445.5 Billion years.
Depending on the activation conditions, someone with UnChaste could live a completely normal life like the holder of UnAvoidable before Void. So it's not impossible that Kaede could've gotten UnChaste, gave up the idol life, then settled down to have a family without ever knowing she's a Negator. Her leaving the idol scene because of UnChaste would also explain why they never told Fuuko about it, how do you explain to your kid that you used to have a successful music career but stopped because your fans got too horny at a concert? Likewise, this is why her grandfather never told her either. However bad it would've been to explain before it's even worse after Kaede dies.
This would also fall into place with our new knowlege of how Negator abilities work. If Kaede used to work with Kurusu, then she probably recommended her to be the next UnChaste. We still don't fully understand how the timing works or what criteria previous Negators look for, but with Unbreakable and UnTruth there's a precedent for choosing people close to the previous Negator despite what kind of tragedy will occur.
Lastly, we come to the UnChaste tragedy itself. The reason Kaede dies in a plane crash is because her daughter developed UnLuck. If she didn't have to give up on being an idol, then she either wouldn't have had children or she would've had them later in life, meaning she never would've been hit with UnLuck. The plane crash could've been a two for one tragedy where Fuuko loses her mother and Kaede has to reside in her former colleague and know that her daughter is growing up without parents (And eventually meeting her in person through Kurusu and finding out just how horrible of a life she's really had).
Now that I've said all this, I would like to address that narratively speaking this is unlikely. The reason is because the current loop has a lot of time dedicated to characters who never got much of a spotlight or explanation on the previous loop. Like, Void didn't really do much in the previous loop either, he showed up and got murdered then he was almost never brought up again outside of Fuuko feeling guilty (Even then that guilt was mostly about Gina). I mean, he never even makes it to a manga cover until the next loop starts yet he's one of the first characters to get an arc dedicated to them. Then there are other characters like Sean who got maybe 5 pages worth of apperances total in the previous loop who are now just part of the main cast.
My point here is that while it is possible Kaede will be UnChaste (It would easily fit after all) Kurusu is probably still going to get UnChaste and be the focus of this arc. However, I'm not going to try to predict either way because Kaede is much more important to the plot than Kurusu and got much less time than her in the previous loop.
There is also the worst option:
Kaede gets UnChaste.
Fuuko accidentally touches her a little bit and a massive stroke of UnLuck happens.
Kurusu gets UnChaste.
Fuuko and Kaede both fail to escape their tragedies despite Fuuko helping to save literally everyone else.
This serves as a breaking point for Fuuko, and a poorly timed one at that because they still have more Master Rules to beat and Andy to save. It would basically be a way to throw a monkey wrench into the whole operation since things have been relatively smooth sailing so far and they seem like they'll genuinely be prepped for Sol at this rate (After all their main issue last time was infighting).
look i just need to say this one thing. if fuuko's mom ends up being unchaste i'm going to fucking scream
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anaiswriterr · 5 years ago
The Dragon Kings Queen
Pairing: Dragon King!Bakugou x Queen!Reader
Rating: M
Warning: This is part one, I’d like to point out be aware: 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝗼𝐧��𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝗺𝐞𝐬, 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐠𝗼𝐫𝐞, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐭𝐜. Please don’t read if you are not comfortable with it, and if you’re under the age of 18+ I will give a warning when it becomes NSFW but at the moment it’s SFW.
Synopsis: ➪ When the word marriage crossed your mind, you believed you'd marry someone you loved. Not this brute of a King. So here you are standing at the end on an alter, pushing away the urge to run and fight. Possibly start a new life, instead of being dragged into a loveless marriage. But for the sake of your people.. They say he's not what rumors make him out to be, but how can you believe that when his eyes burn into yours; just as fiery as before. How could you, ever love someone as barbaric as him...
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- chapter one: wedding of peace -
"May I introduce you, to my daughter, Princess Y/N of Airkin Kingdom."
"We are looking for a suitable suitor for her."
"You are doing your people a public service; think of all the possibilities that will come from this.. arrangement."
"You will soon be a Queen; start acting like it."
You wipe a tear away from your cheek as you soak in a bath of milk and honey; handmaids all around you scurrying scouring for jewels and expensive lace to dress you in. You clutch your knees together; pulling them into your chest as the bath water soaks into your skin. Quiet muttering of the handmaids pulling you out of your thoughts.
"M'lady would you allow me your hand; I must prep you for the ceremony." She gives off a gentle smile, her voice so small and soft; her hair is in two ponytail braids just separated by red satin ribbon. You nod, moving your shaky hand from the milky water; another handmaid coming to your side to prep the other hand. You hadn't realized somebody sat behind you combing your hair; brushing through your roots like silk.
You watch as they hang your dress up in awe, clapping their hands in cheer.
In another life, on another day you probably would've liked the dress. Maybe even fantasize about it, walking down the isle, eyes fixated on the love of your life as you smile. Ruling together as King and Queen; but most importantly as husband and wife. You frown at their smiles. Feeling bad that you couldn't share the same excitement towards them, you realize that the people of the Dragon Kingdom were much more proud people. From travelers and trades, you learned about the people from your kingdom by the royal bookkeeper; she had explained to you that the people of the Dragons were prideful and loud. Something you weren't quiet used too.
You were far more gentle and outspoken, quiet and kind. Your Kingdom was quite the opposite.
Tales of the dragons say that they are barbaric, and don't care what others have to say. And so did the tales of their people.
A part of you wonders why you were placed in this arrangement seeing that both kingdoms are extremely different from one another.
You sigh, it's for the best. This wedding will end the war between both kingdoms and more trade will come into the markets with many more jobs available for your people, it's important that you brush your feelings aside. You flinch as the handmaids drop your hands back to soak in the bath before being pulled up and quickly covered by a towel. Patting down your supple skin and moisturizing, applying expensive lotions on you and lathering it up your body.
You weren't used to being pulled in different directions. Soon enough a much younger handmaid, who seemed to be in training, came up behind you. Placing a silk robe over your exposed skin, you ask for them to leave the room for a while in order to gather yourself.
"Composure." You inhale.
They seemed annoyed but quickly wiped the fake expression off their faces and proceeded outside, following the orders of their future Queen.
You decided you would put on your undergarments yourself, keeping the last of your dignity. And later waving them in to help fit you in the dress, you feel the rough tug of the corset they had placed on your waist. Tightening it till you were nearly pulled to your feet; they apologized in advance as your hands grip the end of the counter. Grimacing at the nearly unbearable tightness, the handmaids at your kingdom were much more gentle and apologetic with you.
You missed them terribly.
They were finally finished with you.
Stepping back to admire their work, you smile weakly towards them.
The tiny white flowers that were gently placed into your hair, the vale.. all so perfect. So beautiful, the white and small blush on your cheeks radiating the innocence of a woman. You take a deep breath, your hands running down the bodice of your dress and smoothing it out. You wipe the last tear that dared threatened to escape. 
"Don't you dare start crying, don't you dare show weakness."
You watch as the waves crash against the rocks from the castles window, awaiting for your father. You smile, at least this kingdom was near the ocean and mountains. Such beautiful serene for a kingdom known for its brute and prideful attitude. You feel a tightened grip on your forearm, a man leaning down kissing your forehead. Your father Y/F/N, King of Airkin Kingdom here to give away his daughter.
"What a lovely Queen.." His voice comes out in a trembled whisper, you nod in agreement. Though you thought instead you'd be the Queen of your own Kingdom, your baby brother ended up taking over that role. You clutch onto your fathers bicep, staring off onto your gloved hand. You've never even had a single conversation with this man, you didn't know his name till last night, and you've never kissed anyone in your life besides your parents.
But those were most definitely not real kisses, those were cheek pecks and forehead pecks.
You feel your heartbeat start to pump faster as the wedding march played, hundreds of guests attended to see the ceremony. People from the kingdom and even other royalties attended the wedding, you exhale and start to walk beside your father. Feet moving on their own, you thought about running.
But the guards at each possible exist popped your thought of escape and pulled you into reality, if you were suicidal you'd most certainly throw yourself out the nearest window and allow yourself to plummet onto the pavement below, in order to runaway from this arrangement.
You look up from the bouquet of flowers in your hand, and notice the former Queen Mitsuki, bright eyed and smiling. Her Crown on a small velvet pillow, nodding in approval. The former King Masaru also seated beside her, holding onto her hand in pride and happiness. And suddenly yours eyes meet the man of all the rumors.
With long spiky hair, decorated with tooth necklaces, feathers, scarlet red tooth earrings, and tribal arm sleeves, a tribal tattoo imprinted onto his arm. With piercing ruby red eyes, not a smile in sight. The upper half of his body fully exposed, your eyes slightly widen. Noticing almost everyone on the Dragon Kingdom side wore very revealing clothing.
You surpass a small gasp, woman wore light fabric with exposed stomachs and legs. Meanwhile men were too show off tribal tattoos. You realize the reason why the kingdom was so prosperous. All dazzling in jewels, you didn't even notice your handmaids were dressed in similar wear, but with more decoration. The closer you got the more of him you saw, his lips pressed into a fine line. 
The both of you truly did not want to be there.
As soon as you reached to the end of the isle, your father gave you away to the man that you'd now forever be wed too. And rule beside, you pass the bouquet over down to the small flower girl beside you. Giving her a soft smile and placing the tiniest flower behind her ear, earning a tiny giggle from her and large toothy grin.
You turn around and reach down to his hands, traditionally the two of you were obligated to hold hands as the ceremony commenced. They were so rough against your tiny soft ones, his eyes a crimson red finally reaching your soft E/C ones. You start to chew at the inside of your cheeks, drowning out the words of the preacher finding the floor as the most intriguing thing other than his burning eyes. 
"Our father who art in heaven.."
He begins the prayer, holding out his hands, chanting prayers through the cathedral. You shut your eyes and bow your head down in prayer, following after the man in front of you. The wedding continued, and your eyes still refused to reach his. Though, you could feel his heavy gaze on you from to time. "Now we are granted the pleasure, of witnessing the matrimony of two young souls. Soon to rule this Kingdom, King Bakugou, do you take this woman, Y/N L/M as you lawfully wedded wife. Crowning her Queen of your kingdom?"
You almost forgot that you had no say in this.
The answer was simple, emotionless and short. You give a small nod and allow for the ceremony to continue, hand in hand with a man you had only met once. Dreading each second, the preacher raises his voice holding his hands up, declaring "the love" these two share in sake of their kingdom.
"I now pronounce you, King and Queen, husband and wife. You may now, kiss your bride."
You prepare yourself for a short kiss, something simple. But are hit with a searing kiss, long and burning passionately against your virgin lips. The side of the Dragon Kingdom roaring in excitement, it's former King and Queen nodding in approval. Meanwhile the Airkin side had only resorted to small cheers of happiness. His hand cups your jaw, a small growl erupts from his throat until he pulls away. You are taken aback but quickly replace the face of sudden surprise to a smile you practiced in the mirror hundreds of times. Waving off to the kingdom, and fixing the crown a handmaiden placed on your head.
You fight the tears that pooled on the outer corners of your eyes.
"Aw look! The Queen is crying of happiness!"
What a statement so far from the truth. Don't you know, I've practiced this smile since I was six?
"M'lady? You've had such a long day, we have a handmaidens awaiting for you with a hot bath. She will be in charge of clothing you for tonight.."
Your hands run through your hair smoothly, brushing out the flowers and placing them in a small basket. You nod, thanking her as she left.
Tonight you were expected to give yourself to the King in tradition of matrimony. With your assigned duty to birth a son or daughter for the next of kin. This thought had clearly blown over your mind as you suddenly realized tonight was the night. For years you thought you'd give yourself to the love of your life someone who'd cherish you forever. Sighing you are pointed towards the direction where countless of handmaidens are awaiting to prepare you for the night.
Silk robes and a black night gown that you thought was far to revealing for your liking sat neatly on a chair. A bath of milk and honey with rose pedals awaiting for you, and an assortment of creams and lotions and expensive soaps sat beside the counter. They strip you away of your clothes and lead you towards the tub.
"Your Majesty, we are so happy to have you as our Queen. We assure you you'll love it here, and the King. What a lucky woman to be able to represent our Kingdom. Tonight's going to be a night to remember." They rave on, startling you with how loud they were. You gasp as they place a cool cotton ball in your hand, wiping away any dirt with the rose water infused ball, scrubbing away at you hand. Then neatly wrapping your hand in a fist.
You nearly tell them to stop when they begin to pull and tug at your hair.
But it was their jobs and you wouldn't dare scold them for trying to help you, for years you promised you wouldn't be a mean Queen, you'd always be loving and kind. Even if it meant you had to endure few minor inconveniences.
Dreading each minute that went by, the time just edging closer and closer to the moment you'd be in a room with him. You bite at your lip, tugging the bottom piece not noticing thirty minutes had went by and it was time for you to leave the bath water. They tug you by your wrists and cover you with a towel, leading you into a changing room by yourself, leaving you to change into your undergarments before you wave them over.
Allowing them to finish their preparations.
You are seated back in your room, grateful you were provided your own room till you were finally settled to sleep with your “husband”. Facing the vanity mirror your body covered in a silk robe when a women knocks on the door.
"Hello, I'm Toga. I'll be your head handmaid, I'm tasked with preparing you for tonight's events." She grins, walking towards you and combing out your hair.
It's quiet for a while, an eerie feel swells in your chest. Her smile yells to not trust a single word that escapes her mouth, she's grinning like a slithering snake. Eyes slanted and dark, her voice chirps up to fill the silence.
"I heard you're pure.."
A gasp escape past your lips, her smile only getting larger by your expression.
"You know what's to be expected by tonight, I wouldn't be surprise if you wouldn't be able to walk the next day. You know what they say about the Dragons, barbaric.." she grabs your jaw and forcefully tugs you near her, whispering into your ear, "rough too. But I'm sure you'll be fine."
"H-He's not a-"
"Oh sweetie, of course he's not. Which makes it better for him... he'll know what it's like to fuck a virgin."
You slap the hairbrush out of her hand, kicking your vanity chair from beneath you.
"How dare you speak to me in such a malicious tone! Get out, immediately. Or else I'll be forced to hire another head handmaid. I'll prepare myself!" You sneer, pointing your finger towards the door.
She bows, and tsks kissing her teeth, “Whatever you say, your majesty.” She grins, her fingers trailing on the bed spread as she exits your room. Leaving you fuming at your vanity. You throw on the stupid night gown, huffing and running your fingers through your hair. You barley notice the figure standing at the end of your room, leaning against her door frame. You gasp, startled at the reflection of his ruby red eyes.
You turn around, hand on your chest. Walking backwards till your back meets your desk, his eyes aimlessly wandering over your body, tracing every dip and curve. He knocks on the door frame, “C-Come in...” your voice wavers.
His boots clank against the mahogany wooden floorboards, as he approaches you. Arms crossed over his chest till he’s finally only inches away from you, your heart is racing and a part of you wants to tell him to go away. To never come in here again, allowing Togas words to bounce around in your head. He takes a strand of your hair in his hand, admiring as it aimlessly fell through his fingers, draping over your shoulders. A finger tracing over your exposed shoulder.
“I thought you had Toga helping you out get ready.” His voice is firm, yet calm.
“I-I decided I wanted to change myself, tonight.” Your voice comes out in a stutter, you didn’t mean for it to sound so small and unsure. He nods, noticing your stature. He arches a brow, before stepping back.
“No harm, will come to you in this Kingdom. I won’t force you to do something you are clearly not ready for, nor will I make you perform an act we clearly don’t want to do. So sleep tight, and stay out of my way.”
Your breath hitches as he leaves your room, closing the door shut behind him. Your heart rate increasing by the second, you finally release the breath you yourself didn’t notice you were holding.
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i-need-entertainment · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou, Numai and Iizuna
Warnings: Children, children can be cruel- please proceed with caution, the guys being called not-nice-things cause kids are (albeit cute) incarnates of satan. I say this with love, and yes I have trauma, mentions of injuries, nerf guns and shooting someone with them, pushing someone down the stairs
Akaashi Keiji:
When your son was first born, he was very much a parents-only child. He didn’t like to be held by strangers, which were anyone not his parents.
But there was one exception to that rule, and that was Bokuto.
Which was good because even as an adult I don’t think Bokuto could handle being rejected by little Akaashi.
As he got older, he slowly warmed up to more people, but he was still very shy everywhere not home.
Bokuto had been visiting for the weekend, wanting to come see his friend and his family!
Bokuto had left that morning, and your son was still not happy. He really wasn’t a difficult kid, but this weekend had been a long and active one, so he was very tired.
And seeing as he was indeed Akaashi’s son, he was also very blunt.
“Come on buddy, let’s go take a nap. I know you’re tired.” Akaashi tried to coax his son to come with him, eye brows furrowing when his son shook his head and refused.
“Why not?” his son pouted as he looked up to his father.
“Cause I want uncle bokuto…” Akaashi frowned as he kneeled in front of his son, “I know, but he’ll be back to visit soon.”
His son shook his head, “No, I want him now, I want him to tuck me in.” One of Akaashi’s eyebrows rose, his head tilting to the side abit, “Why Uncle Bokuto? Why not daddy?”
His son sighed, “Because I don’t like you, I like Uncle Bokuto.” Before he trudged off towards his room, dragging his blue blanket behind him, leaving Akaashi speechless and betrayed.
You wasted no time in assuring Akaashi that ‘he didn’t mean it!’ and that ‘he probably won’t even remember it when he wakes up’. But that didn’t do much to sooth the seething pain of your first born betraying you✌😔
Washio Tatsuki:
Washio was outside with the kids, watching over them while they played.
You were inside, talking on the phone with your mom and sipping a cup of tea/coffee.
You were flipping through a magazine, laughing at a memory your mom had brought up, when the front door burst open.
Turning around, the smile on your face dropped when you saw Washio holding your youngest (3 yr old son), who was balling his eyes out.
Apologizing to your mom you stood up from the couch, immediately walking over to them.
“What happened?? Did he get hurt?” Washio sighed as he gently handed him off to you, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head.
“I don’t know, he won’t tell me. All I know is he’s scared, but he won’t tell me what scared him.”
You frowned as you held your little boy, cradling his head against your chest as you slowly rocked back and forth, whispering words of comfort into his ear and kissing the crown of his head.
Eventually, he stopped crying, he was still a bit sniffly and had a few hiccups, but he had settled down quite a bit.
You sat down on the couch with him on your lap, Washio standing after he had brought the twins in as well.
“Wanna tell me what scared you baby?”
Your little boy looked at you, slate gray eyes shimmering with tears as he wiped his cheek before turning to look up at your husband.
He pointed a little finger, “Daddy, daddy’s scary.” He then proceeded to dive back into you, head snuggling into your neck.
You quickly looked up to see your husband's eyes widen as his jaw dropped, looking down to your son in complete and utter disbelief.
It broke your heart the way he clung to you that night, head buried in your chest as he quietly asked if he was a good father, conclusion: kids can be cruel…
Please don’t hate me, i guarantee this hurt me more than it hurt you
Konoha Akinori:
You had brought out old videos from Konoha and yours high school years, wanting to show them to your kids since they were curious. And you and Konoha had wanted to trip down memory lane anyway.
You had chosen a game of Fukurodani vs Nekoma, since those were always good ones.
Your kids were more than entertained to watch it, since dad had long hair?!?!?
They also liked seeing some familiar faces, like Komi and Saru and others obviously.
But one of your children found a specific moment a little...too funny.
It had been a rough match, and a close one as Konoha had remembered it. Akaashi had been subbed out after a ball caught his nail, Washio had very minorly twisted his ankle, and Bokuto had already gone through 2 emo modes, the 3rd not far away.
Konoha had been getting over a cold, he was no longer sick but he wasn’t at 100% yet, so he wasn’t completely in it.
Not to mention he had to make up for the absence of both Akaashi AND Washio.
It was half way through the second set, he was in the back and Yamamoto was up to spike, only Konoha wasn’t expecting Yamamoto not to hit and instead for Kuroo to come up from the back, meaning the ball his Konoha right in the face, knocking him down on his butt.
You all kinda laughed at that part, I mean, who wouldn’t? (don’t lie-)
But what you didn’t expect was a full on demonic cackle coming from your 3 year old who was sat in between you and your husband.
It wasn’t a chuckle, or even a laugh, IT DIDN’T EVEN SOUND LIKE YOUR 3 YEAR OLD!!
It was...unsettling, and when she bounced back not 2 minutes later, you snuck a glance over to your husband, who was slowly scooting away.
Kita Shinsuke:
Kita came in from the fields, closing the door and slipping off his shoes, stretching his hands above his head as he groaned.
He smiled when he heard little foot steps echoing through out the hallway, watching as his little girl ran towards him and into his arms.
He smiled wider when you walked out of the nursery, little baby in your arms as you came up to him and gave him a kiss.
Time skip to dinner that night, all 4 of you are sat at the dinner table.
Kita is sat at his usual spot on the end, you sitting to his right as his daughter sat to his left, you feeding the baby.
He put down his fork to rub his neck, fingers trying to work out the knots that had formed over the past few days.
“You know, granny and I are going to get massages this weekend, why don’t you join us? Gin said he’d be willing to watch the kids.” Kita smiled towards you as he nodded.
“That’d probably be a good idea, thanks honey”
You nodded as you continued to feed your youngest, sending silly faces and smiling at her little giggles.
Kita was about to continue eating when his oldest daughter asked him a question.
“Hey daddy? Why do you need a mass-age.” He chuckled at the way his daughter said massage, going back to eating.
“I’m goin’ cause my neck is sore sweetheart, it’s just from work, nothin’ to worry bout.”
Your daughter nodded, returning her attention to her plate as well.
“So, basically, daddy’s just really, really old.”
You turned away so your husband wouldn’t see your smile, and it worked until you snorted and started laughing.
His small glare towards you only making you laugh harder.
“It’s not bad daddy, you’re just really old, but s’okay, I still love you.”
He shook his head, eating the rest of his dinner with a pout as your daughter carried on like nothing happened and you explained why she shouldn’t say those things.
Suna Rintaro:
Suna was sat on the couch with his oldest son and daughter, watching a movie.
Obviously it wasn’t scary or inappropriate for children, I mean, it was a kids movie. But he had to admit, this one was cutting it a little close.
He would have turned it off but...it really wasn’t that bad and the kids were sitting quietly and watching it, so he figured it’d be okay.
His kids weren’t exactly squeamish, and they didn’t scare easy, but they were also only 8 and 6, so he wasn’t going to risk it.
He also didn’t want to risk it with you, he had a comfy bed and he’d prefer to continue to sleep in it😊
Sometime after the half way point of the movie, a scene came up that was questionably violent for a kids movie. There wasn’t any gore or anything, but it wasn’t a clean death either.
He reached for the remote to change it when his kids started giggling.
Not like uncomfortable awkward chuckles, I mean real and sincere laughter...AND SOME DUDE HAD JUST DIED?!?!?!
Suna texted you with a ‘please help, our children are demons’ as he tried to return his focus to the movie and not his snickering children.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
Ushijima had just picked 3 of his kids up from school, and was taking them home.
His 2 oldests were talking to each other about school while his youngest (of the 3, not in all), just sat quietly and listened to the radio.
His oldest had asked about his day, and Ushijima told him all about his practice and the practice games they played.
The 2 oldests were entranced, and loved hearing about the sport, his middlest however did not.
It’s not like he hated the sport, but it wasn’t really for him. He much preferred martial arts to volleyball, which was fine with Ushijima, at least his son was happy!
Anyway, Ushijima and his 2 oldests started to talk all about volleyball, the middlest looking confused.
“Wait, why is it like that?” Ushijima peaked in the rearview mirror, “It’s the rules, like how there are rules in Jujitsu.”
Your middlest turned towards the window, “Yeah, but Jujitsu is cool, volleyball sucks.”
Ushijima almost crashed, and it wasn’t long before he got home, pulled into the drive way, parked, and turned to face his middlest with a face that said ‘where did I go wrong…?’
His son just turned to face him, “What?” Ushijima shook his head, turned off the car and headed inside.
When he got inside and walked past you, all you heard was him muttering ‘no child of mine will say that about…’ as he headed straight for the bedroom to lie down.
Yahaba Shigeru:
Yahaba was walking around the living room, sorting through the mail as he separated bills and important things from junk mail.
He had been working in his office all day, doing paper work and what not, and right now he had his ear buds in since he was technically in a work meeting. (muted with the camera off cause how else do you do things virtual?)
So he was completely unsuspecting of his two sons as they snuck up behind him, both holding nerf guns in their hands as they crept closer and closer.
Yahaba had paused, slipping his phone out of his pocket as he started to talk to his coworkers about something when all of a sudden the unmistakable whirring of the automatic nerf gun started.
Before he could even turn around his sons had open fired right on their dad, Yahaba yelping as he started to run, grabbing a pillow from the couch as he fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to mute himself between being pelted with nerf bullets.
“ACK- hEy! You two! Quit it!-” He had made himself a shield out of the couch cushions, finally getting his phone and apologizing to his giggling coworkers, he wasn’t in trouble obviously, the distraction and entertainment was a gift to them all.
The meeting then finally ended, and Yahaba turned to find his sons searching for bullets, him shaking his head as he walked towards them.
“Nice try boys, but I collected the bullets as you shot me, so there’ll be no more of that.” His youngest shrugged as he then decided to instead throw the toy at Yahaba, his oldest then hitting him with it as he shrieked and made his way to the master bedroom.
Iwaizumi Hajime:
You and Iwaizumi had 3 boys.
3 boys who were close in age and high in energy, never a great combo when they’re stuck indoors because of the rain.
You had been taking a nap due to a weather-related head ache, while Iwaizumi did some work from home.
He had heard some questionable sounds coming from the basement, but he didn’t pay them any mind, figuring they were just being kids.
That is until he heard a distinct ‘ow!’ from his middlest.
Walking down the stairs he could hear his youngest chanting something like ‘fight! Fight! Fight!’ which obviously made him move faster.
He rounded the corner to see his oldest and middlest in the middle of a circle, each with one of his boxing gloves on as they circled each other.
“The heck are you guys doing??” They all turned to face him, that was when he noticed they had drawn on themselves to, what he guessed, look like pro-wrestlers, the basement was also a mess.
“Having a cage match, it’s 2 for 2 so far, this round decides the world-class-gladiator-basement-fight-to-the-death match, and the loser gets sacrificed.”
He almost let it go as his boys were being normal boys, until the last part hit him.
“Wait- what?! Sacrificed to who?!” His son giggled, “I don’t know, it’s only pretend, daddy.” Deciding he could no longer bear their empty stares he made them clean up the basement before spending the next 1 ½ hours cleaning off marker.
Futakuchi Kenji:
You guys had taken your 3 girls to the park to have a play-date/picnic with Aone and his wife/kids.
You were sitting and chatting away with his wife, while Aone and Futakuchi talked about their high school days, Aone gladly telling Futakuchi’s embarrassing moments.
Your youngest daughter was 3, and so far it has proven to be the worst of any age they had experienced yet.
Or rather...he had experienced yet.
For you, she was a perfect little angel, sweet and giggly, super cuddly and very much a momma’s girl.
But towards her daddy? She held nothing but malice. She would often smack him and run away to you giggling, or scrunch her nose up at him when he tried to get a hug or kiss.
You guys didn’t know what brought on this sudden hatred, but you were sure it would pass someday.
Your baby girl had waddled up to the picnic blanket and plopped herself down on your lap, playing with some nearby grass as the more adults continued to talk.
Deciding to try his luck, Futakuchi got the attention of your daughter.
“Hey, why don’t you come sit in Daddy’s lap.”
Your daughter turned towards him and shook her head, “No.”
Futakuchi pouted, “Why not?” Your little girl huffed as she only turned her head this time.
“Because I don’t even like you dada.” She then plopped her head back down on your chest while you and Mrs. Aone started laughing and Futakuchi’s face showed only pain.
“hEy! I helped make you, the least you can show me is some gratitude!” Your youngest only stuck her tongue out at him, causing an audible chuckle out of Aone and more pain for Futakuchi.
Daishou Suguru:
When you and Daishou had your first child, your daughter, you never had a hard time getting her to sleep.
But for some reason, lately she had been getting out of her bed in the middle of the night, with seemingly no reason.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Daishou loves his little girl.
But sometimes...kids can be creepy, and yours were no different.
When she woke up at these awful hours of the night, she’d just go to you guys’ room and...stand there...she wouldn’t say anything, just stand there with her teddy bear in one arm and the other hanging limply at her side.
It was almost 3 am, so naturally Daishou had long since been asleep.
He had just rolled over to the edge of the bed to grab some water when he almost screamed.
Standing right there was his daughter, just standing there, watching him.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took a deep breath.
“I- go back to sleep, it’s late.” Your daughter just nodded, turned around, and walked out of your room and back into her own.
Heart still beating out of his chest he got his sip of water, laid back down and tried to go to sleep, which proved difficult with the blank stare of his child still stuck in his mind.
Numai Kazuma:
You, Numai, and your 4 children had taken a road trip as your big summer vacation.
Currently, you were all driving through this cute little town on the out skirts of one of the cities.
Two of your boys were sleeping, one reading his picture book, and your youngest and only girl was looking out the window.
You had taken a turn driving while Numai had taken a small nap, although he had woken up a little bit ago.
You guys had gotten to the outskirts of this small town, and were coming up on a cemetery.
Your daughter was 4, so she knew what a cemetery was. You guys weren’t too worried, she had grown up with 3 older brothers so things like bugs or ghost stories never really bothered her too much.
You and Numai had started talking to each other when you heard your daughter speak up.
“Hey mommy, hey daddy,” You took a peak into the rear-view mirror, your husband turning to look at his daughter.
“Yeah baby? What is it?” Your husband asked as he smiled towards his little girl.
Smiling, she turned towards the window and pointed to the cemetery.
“That’s where all the dead people are.”
Numai blinked as he just nodded and turned back around in his seat, slumping down as his eyes held a certain ‘deer in headlights’ look, slowly turning to see you as he pointed towards your daughter than to you.
“That came from your genes, not mine-” He winced when you slapped his arm, shaking your head as you too tried to erase the utter creepiness you were feeling after that.
Iizuna Tsukasa:
Iizuna yawned as he walked out of the master bedroom, having just woken up from a 3 hour nap.
Today had been a particularly intense game, which they had won, but had left him exhausted.
You were downstairs in the bathroom, working on washing the magic-marker your other children had put there off of your 10 month old baby while your 2 oldests were upstairs in time out where you left them.
Iizuna walked through the hallway, smiling as he heard his two oldests talking and playing. Or at least, it sounded like they were playing.
Recently, your oldest, your daughter who’s barely 4 and your son who just turned 2 had been bickering all the time, fighting over toys and had resorted to pinching.
When you had caught them and put them in time out, Iizuna was dead asleep, so he didn’t know his kids were supposed to be in timeout, and at the ages they were at it wasn’t unusual to see them play together.
Turning the corner his smile dropped as he sprinted towards his kids, watching in horror as his oldest pushed the middlest down the stairs, simply watching as her brother tumbled as Iizuna lost 10 years of his life.
Quickly scolding his daughter he ran down the stairs and carefully grabbed your son, who thankfully had no injuries, heart beating out of his chest as he sighed.
You, having heard tumbles and then tears, speedily rounded the corner with your now marker-free child in your arms.
It was safe to say neither of you knew how to respond to that, your oldest simply waving from the top of the stairs as Iizuna now has a significant amount of trauma.
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Part 3! Starring Mini Mammon and Mini Asmo!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Underground Tomb special Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Part 4
MC names:
Lucifer’s kid=L!MC | Mammon’s kid=M!MC | Asmo’s kid=A!MC
Why did bad things happen to good people? Well... Lucifer being a good person is up to interpretation. He hadn’t done anything too heinous recently, his instruments of torture were collecting dust for goodness sake! So why oh why was he staring down two half demon children who looked suspiciously like two of his brothers?
The first kid to step forward was Mammon’s without a doubt, but their general demeanour was very different from their father’s. Perhaps their other parent had done a good job-
“What the fuck was that?!”
Never mind. The kid had Mammon’s pottymouth.
The other child surveyed the scene with a nervousness that their suspected parent never possessed. The kid’s gaze fell on Lucifer, their eyes began to glow ever so slightly. “Uh-um...” the kid cleared their throat. “Someone explain what’s going on!”
Was this child seriously trying to use manipulation powers on Lucifer? He almost laughed at the mere idea of someone trying. The child didn’t even seem to be aware that they were doing it. When their question was met with blank stares, they instantly shrank back and practically hid behind the first half demon. Despite the severe self-esteem difference, this kid was Asmodeus’.
Lucifer’s own child cleared their throat and smiled. “Welcome to the Devildom!”
The Uncle That Looks Like he Has his Shit Together but he Leaves the Reunion Drunk off his Rocker (Lucifer)
Ah shit here we go again-
Okay- okay. Normally he’d scold L!MC for taking Diavolo’s line, but Dia had recovered from his shock and was now gushing over the new exchange students like an excited puppy.
“Okay... L!MC you’re going to need to share your room.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Unless Belphie is willing to give up the attic as a nap spot-”
“You’re sharing your room.”
RAD was buzzing with gossip for the entire first month of the second attempt at the exchange program. The threats of being eaten were once again stamped out very quickly.
(Special thanks to L!MC for being a good bodyguard)
Now, Lucifer didn’t exactly know what to expect when it came to the child of his favourite brother. Mammon was a dumbass, but this kid... this kid...
Was smart.
For the first time in Lucifer’s very long life he felt compelled to place someone in a higher echelon than himself.
Mammon’s child managed to successfully budget that dumpster fire of a house. On the first fucking day. Not only that. This kid managed to skim FIVE THOUSAND GRIMM OFF THE TOP AND THE BUDGET STILL WORKED! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT-
Lucifer and Mammon thanked whatever spirit was watching over them because they truly believed their financial woes were over.
Shame that M!MC also spent their money on dumb stuff they didn’t need. Like father like child.
It’s no secret that Lucifer does have a bit of a soft spot for Asmo, I mean, who doesn’t love Asmo? But A!MC was a blessing sent right from the Celestial Realm.
They were just... too sweet. Way too sweet. Lucifer was actively getting cavities just being near them.
Anyone who bothered A!MC and M!MC during the first month ended up getting... uh... suspended.
(We can assume the threat of suspension would have extended to those who bothered L!MC but all the lesser demons were already terrified of them.)
Normally when Lucifer called someone into his study it was to lecture them for at least four hours and then send them to their rooms, but he was having quite the difficult time actually being upset with M!MC and A!MC.
A!MC looked close to tears and M!MC just stared right back at Lucifer with little to no fear in their eyes.
“Starting a fight during the first week of school is not how I expected the exchange students to behave.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, and prepared to continue the lecture, when he heard a sniffle. There wasn’t enough Demonus in the entire Devildom...
“I-I’m s—sorry...” A!MC sniffled, quickly wiping at their eyes. “Th-they were being r-really scary and we did-didn’t know what else to do...”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“I threw them out of the window.” M!MC huffed. “They were bein’ a dick.”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“That um...” A!MC mumbled. “That’s not all... I may have... told them to stick their head in a toilet first...”
“You made them stick their head in a toilet,” Lucifer turned to M!MC. “And then you threw them out of a window?”
“Yes.” M!MC and A!MC replied. Lucifer downed the rest of his glass of Demonus and debated whether or not it would be a show of weakness to slam his forehead into the desk in front of the children.
Lucifer looked between the two for a moment, then shook his head and sighed. “It’s my job to deal with threats to the exchange students, not yours.” Lucifer stood in front of the two, he rested his hands on their heads and gave them a quick pat, before knocking their heads together. “Next time someone bothers you, tell me. If I hear even a whisper of you two getting into another fight, I’m hanging you from the ceiling. Is that clear?”
A!MC and M!MC looked at each other, then back at Lucifer and nodded. “Yes sir!”
“Good.” Lucifer removed his hand from their heads. “Now shoo.”
Flying lessons for the two of them went way quicker than it did for L!MC, mainly because L!MC was a way better teacher.
As much as Lucifer loved his newly found niblings, he couldn’t show it too much. Outward softness was reserved for L!MC and L!MC only. M!MC and A!MC were stuck with silent acts of affection.
Every once and a while a little present or two would end up in M!MC or A!MC’s possession. Some ice cream money for M!MC when they blew their part of the budget on fancy sunglasses, a multiplayer video game that the three half-demons could play together, new shoes when A!MC accidentally ruined their’s...
He’s a good uncle. A scary uncle. But a good uncle. ^_^
(Don’t tell him I said that, I’m still in trouble for advertising Mammon’s escape Go Fund Me and I don’t want to have to write the rest of this HC hanging upside down.)
He’s Not Like the Other Dads, he’s a Cool Dad! (Mammon)
He’s a dad?! HE’S TO YOUNG TO BE A DAD! Hang on- he’s over five thousand years old...
Oh would you look at that! His kid pulled out a calculator.
...his annual income? Uh... why do you- HEY! WHAT’S WITH THAT FACE?!
M!MC puffed out their cheek as they continued to add the ever growing list of numbers into the calculator. Mammon was trying to get a peak at what they were calculating. M!MC suddenly looked up and practically lit up the room with their smile. Aw, their fangs were growing in!
They had a devilishly charming smile, just like their pop! A real chip off the old block! It almost brought a tear to Mammon’s eye and he actually felt compelled to give this kid all the money he had on him. Maybe even his Rolex too!
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed,” M!MC said sweetly. “My... dad.”
“Yep! That’s uh... that’s me!” Mammon awkwardly ruffled his kid’s hair, the kid laughed good naturedly.
M!MC’s sweet as honey smile flipped from elated to malicious in a manner of nanoseconds. “You owe over thirteen years of child support. Dad.”
Everyone say thank you to Lucifer and Diavolo for getting M!MC to compromise and not try and sue their father.
If you thought Mammon spoiled L!MC you’ve got another thing coming. Mammon’s wallet never stood a chance against his kid.
Poor Goldie, press F to pay respects.
Mammon also tried to teach A!MC and M!MC to drive, M!MC has no regard for their safety, the safety of others, or the laws of the road, buuuuuuuut they manage to get the car back with no dents and no property damage bills are being delivered to the house sooooo...
A!MC can drive fine... it’s just that they adhere to literally every law known to demonkind, which means neither Mammon or Asmo are allowed to open up the sunroof and do that movie thing where they pop their heads out and yell something. ITS NOT SAFE!
Our beloved dummy also tried to teach his kid how to play poker, with... limited success.
“Aw, come on kiddo.” Mammon smirked, flicking his kid on the nose. “Your poker face is awful, I can also see your cards from here.”
M!MC growled and held their cards closer to their face. “My poker face is fine!” It was in fact, not fine.
Mammon scratched his head and thought for a moment. Was he sure that this kid was his? I mean, they weren’t good at poker, had terrible luck in blackjack and roulette, and could barely understand the rules of craps. Craps! While he was lamenting the loss of possible gambling winnings, an idea hit Mammon at a thousand miles an hour.
“Hey kid, you’re damn good at math like your great and amazin’ father, have you ever thought about learnin’ how to count cards?”
Fancy outfits on, hair done (sorta), car ready, the two were off to the casino after quite the intense training montage. It appeared that casinos in the Devildom allowed children inside... Diavolo should really fix that.
“Okay M!MC, you remember what to do, right?”
“Yes. Remember the signal, and if someone catches on, deny deny deny.”
Mammon gave his kid a slap on the back. “Damn straight! You got this, bud.”
As the night dragged on, M!MC and Mammon had made their weight in money, paper money, they had made a SHIT ton is what I’m saying. Tragically, neither the Avatar of Greed or his child had any sense to leave before their luck crashed like the Stock Market in 1929.
They were both Icarus, and they were playing chicken with the sun... and by 3 am they were also playing chicken with security.
“GO GO GO!” Mammon shouted as he and M!MC sprinted towards the car, the night’s winnings in hand.
“I think I lost a shoe!” M!MC gasped as they scrambled into the car, security on their heels.
“I’ll buy you new shoes JUST PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT!”
Re-enacting every Fast and the Furious movie in twenty minutes was how that lovely night of father/child bonding should have ended... until they got home and realized they were locked out.
“The window to my room!” M!MC whispered, pointing up at their window. “It’s usually unlocked, we can climb up to get to it.”
“Good idea!”
M!MC tucked the bag full of their precious money under their arm and began the climb to their window, their father close behind. They had almost made it, they were so close, M!MC could literally touch the window-
The window swung open and the smiling faces of L!MC and A!MC greeted them.
“Oh my, it looks like we have some delinquents breaking curfew~.” L!MC cooed, resting their head on their hand.
“You shouldn’t be gambling this late! A-and your accessories don’t match!” A!MC huffed.
“Oi! L!MC, A!MC! What are ya doin’ up this late! It’s not good for ya!” Mammon whisper-yelled.
“My sleep schedule should be the least of your concerns right now, right A!MC?” L!MC elbowed A!MC, who nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep! Those who break curfew are hung from the ceiling by their toes.” A!MC shuddered.
M!MC rolled their eyes and stuck out their hand. “Come on L!MC! Let us in! You should listen to your older cousin!”
Upon hearing M!MC pull the older cousin card L!MC smiled deviously, grabbing both of M!MC’s hands. “Of course, dear cousin.” They leaned in. “Long live the king!”
L!MC shoved M!MC downward, Mammon caught them, but lost his own grip and they both lost hold of the money, which fell out of the bag and onto the ground like snow. Paper snow...
Oh well, at least Mammon and M!MC landed in some of the bushes...
“Ya know,” Mammon said as the money fell around them. “I’ve had dreams where this has happened.”
“Wow,” M!MC smiled. “Me too!”
Yep. This was his kid alright.
Not all his father/kid time revolved around money, it also revolved around both of them trying to avoid horror movie night without making it look like they were chickening out.
“Okay, I’ll fake a medical emergency!”
“Kid, no! They’ll never believe that!”
Since A!MC had their father’s eye for fashion and none of the judgemental comments, the kid became Mammon’s unofficial style coach.
“U-um... I hate to say it but those shoes don’t match with the rest of the outfit, the silhouette is confusing...”
“What’re ya talkin’ about? I look fantastic!”
“Are you blind? You look like a thrift store threw up on you.”
“Who invited you, Asmo?!”
“I’m here to support A!MC! You’re doing great by the way, sweetie!”
He may have cried a little when M!MC was able to fly without help... sniffle... they grow up so fast...
Oh- oh fuck they both crashed into the tree-
Oh My God he Actually Showed Up?! (Levi)
That... that couldn’t be real life! A shut-in’s worst nightmare! More people he needed to talk to!
Considering Mammon and Asmo’s track record with taking care of his things, Levi was incredibly hesitant to invite the two to binge anime with him and L!MC.
It seemed that the two normies inherited their fathers’s level of respect for closed doors. What I’m saying is the two crashed anime night.
“I have never seen such bullshit before.”
M!MC’s hands were stuffed in about five pairs of socks each, effectively turning their hands into useless nubs.
“You be quiet! This is to make sure that you don’t take any of my things and try and sell them on Akuzon!” Levi hissed, turning back to make sure his figurines were safe from the mini Mammon. A!MC was standing awkwardly next to L!MC, who was sitting in Levi’s gaming chair reading manga.
“So what are we going to watch..?” A!MC piped up. “I haven’t really watched much anime but I did watch Digimon...”
“I was more of a Beyblade kid.” M!MC hit their sock-stumps together to make a thumping noise.
Levi looked like he was ready to have a stroke. “L-listen! Those are gateway anime! You two need to watch proper anime! Non-dubbed anime!”
A!MC let out a shriek and stared at their reflection in a very shiny looking gundam figurine. “Have I been wearing off colour lip gloss the entire day?! O-oh no... I’m a mess!”
Levi let out a strangled wail and snatched the gundam out of A!MC’s hands. “D-don’t touch that! It’s worth more than a house!”
“It is?!” M!MC perked up and tried to wrestle their way out of their sock-gloves.
“Don’t make me stick you in a straight jacket...” Levi growled. He turned to L!MC with a pleading look on his face. “Please make them stop...”
L!MC grinned deviously and closed their book. “Of course I’ll help you, if we watch season two of The Promised Neverland.”
Levi shrieked and nearly pulled out his hair then and there. “It’s manga divergent! MANGA DIVERGENT! THEY SKIPPED SO MANY ARCS!”
M!MC and A!MC continued to wreak both purposeful and accidental havoc on Levi’s room, he was just about ready to summon Lotan then and there when L!MC shrugged.
“The ball’s in your court, Levi.” L!MC leaned back in the chair and resumed reading their manga.
Levi’s willpower shattered the moment he heard something fall off one of his cabinets. “WE CAN WATCH WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST MAKE THEM STOOOOOP!”
Quick as a flash, L!MC was out of the chair and had both M!MC and A!MC by the ears.
M!MC and A!MC became the most well behaved children in the Devildom after that... and L!MC and Levi got to watch their anime in peace.
Okay, Levi wasn’t heartless, he loved his lame normie niblings. They were just very very loud...
Though, M!MC was very good at finding merch for way lower prices... and A!MC actually really liked some of the anime they watched... Maybe they weren’t so bad.
M!MC’s attempts to budget that financial dumpster fire of an otaku was not going well, at least until M!MC convinced Lucifer to dangle concert tickets in front of Levi like a carrot on a stick until he agreed to do his best to stay within the monthly budget.
Levi had learned his lesson from L!MC’s flying lessons and steered clear of them, but luck was not on his side. The ONE time he willingly stepped outside of the house...
Both M!MC and A!MC crashed right into him.
The Uncle With the Cat You Never See and Aren’t Really Allowed to Pet. (Satan)
Oh fuck him sideways the house was going to be so much louder... Say goodbye to his quiet reading time...
On the bright side, the look of pure disbelief and exhaustion on Lucifer’s face gave Satan the biggest rush of serotonin he’d ever had in his life.
To be honest, he got on well with Asmo, and he... well it’s Mammon.
Could have been worse.
Could have been ANOTHER child of Lucifer.
“So... who do you think did it?” M!MC asked as the opening to the fourth episode of the murder documentary they were watching began. “I think it was the sister.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” Satan asked.
M!MC shrugged. “Chick’s shifty.”
“I um... I think they disappeared on their own accord.” A!MC murmured. “I mean, so far it seemed the two’s home lives sucked...”
“Good theory.” Satan nodded to himself. “But both of you are wrong, it was very clearly the mother and the neighbour.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” L!MC asked, imitating Satan’s voice. Detective Toe Beans was sprawled out on their lap.
Satan glowered at L!MC and leaned over to scratch Bean behind the ears. “The step-mother and neighbour are backing up each other’s alibis and they have a motive, access to a possible murder weapon, and a way of disposing of the corpses.”
L!MC rolled their eyes. “That’s a load of crap. It was just the step-mother. The mother had the motive, she and the father were on the outs, she wanted the father’s inheritance all to herself so she got rid of his kids.”
“How many more episodes of this are there?” M!MC asked. “This seems like a really dragged out way of just saying: I don’t know.”
“Sh! They’re explaining possible corpse disposal methods!” Satan hissed.
The four of them traded theories until the documentary series eventually ended with an unsatisfying ‘we dunno’.
“This is such shit...” M!MC muttered. “How have they managed to fill eight episodes with all these leads and evidence and the case is still unsolved?!”
“It’s because everyone involved was incompetent and stupid.” Satan sighed.
“You know,” L!MC smirked. “With all the true crime stuff the four of us watch, we could create the perfect crime.”
“We really could.” M!MC nodded in agreement.
“Using A!MC’s powers no one would suspect us...” Satan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“Uh...” A!MC shifted uncomfortably. “On an unrelated note... I’m going to go...”
As A!MC scampered out of the room, L!MC turned to Satan and M!MC.
“There’s always the one weak person in the group who’s not down with murder.”
“A sad truth.”
“Hang on I thought we were talking about theft or something-”
Satan and M!MC are surprising study buddies, hell, they even help Mammon study. Or... it’s more accurate to say that they try to help Mammon study.
A!MC is good company, they’re quiet when they read, unlike most people in the house who felt the need to provide commentary on every single event that occurs in the book.
After proving to be quite useless in L!MC’s flight lessons, he just reminded the two new half demons to wear protective padding.
The Hot Single Dad That’s In Every Romcom That Features a Child (Asmo)
Oh... his... father... HE WAS A DILF NOW-
He practically vaulted out of his seat to coo and fuss over his new found hellspawn, they were just SO CUTE!
Their wings were just like his! So adorable! Oh and those little horns! They were so cute Asmo just might have combusted then and there.
Of course, he couldn’t combust without finding out which of his flings had made such an adorably shy mini-him.
“Ah! I remember that party!” Asmo squee-ed as he looked at a picture of A!MC’s parent. “They looked so hot in that outfit I swear I was completely-”
“Asmodeus.” Lucifer grumbled. “That’s a child in front of you.”
“Oh! Right! Mind if I call your ren, A!MC?” Asmo asked, ruffling their kid’s hair. “I want to see if they remember me fondly!”
As Asmo chattered with A!MC’s parent about just how adorable and perfect their kid turned out, Asmo leaned over to A!MC to ask a question.
“A!MC, I know this is sudden but how do you feel about getting a sib-”
“Tsk. Rude.”
It’s safe to say Asmo adores his kid. I mean, they’re 50% him, how could he not.
He didn’t exactly have experience with the whole... being a big part of his kids’s life thing. Sure he held the unofficial record for most kids but that was because effective birth control hadn’t been invented at the time when he was allowed to run rampant in the human world, not because he was an A+ dad.
None of that mattered! He was going to be a 10/10 dad to A!MC!
They were so shy... so... mouse-like...
“Um... dad?” A!MC awkwardly twiddled there thumbs as they stood in the doorway to their father’s room. The sweet smell of whatever essential oil was being spread with the diffuser did next to nothing to calm the poor half-demon’s nerves.
Asmo popped his head out of his walk-in closet with a sparkling smile. “Yes, child of mine?”
“I um, just wanted to ask...” A!MC was desperately trying to stave off an oncoming stutter-spiral. “H-h-how- *ahem* how do- ugh...”
A!MC steeled their face and straightened their posture.
“How do I be confident like you?!” They blurted that out a little too loud for comfort, but Asmo’s near-immediate joy quashed any embarrassment A!MC was feeling.
“You want to be like little ol’ me?” Asmo gushed, clearly trying to hide just how flattered he was. “Well, of course you do! Your dad’s got your back. So first what we’re going to do-”
The Avatar of Lust had done the stereotypical early 2000s movie makeover many times before, but never with so much enthusiasm. His kid’s style was fine, it wasn’t a lack of pizazz either, it was the lack of confidence in the pizazz.
“Okay, now stand up straight.”
A!MC straightened their back as much as they could.
“Perfect! Chin up, shoulders back, and there you go!”
A!MC didn’t look too different on account that Asmo felt like their fashion sense was perfect, but dear not-old dad coached MC on a new walk, better posture, and Asmo filled their arms with about seven boxes of self-care supplies.
“What’s all this for?” A!MC asked, shifting the weight of the boxes slightly so they could actually see their dad.
“That, A!MC, is all the stuff you need to have confidence.” Asmo explained. “It’s not required of course, but it sure does help.”
“I’m not sure I follow...”
“Oh sweetie, it’s simple really. When you take care of yourself, you feel better, and when you feel better, you look better, and when you look better and feel better, your confidence skyrockets!” Asmo shifted some of the boxes A!MC was carrying around so they could stand up straighter and not be held down by the weight of the self-care arsenal. “Good posture stops your back from hurting, dressing decently helps you feel better about your appearance, as does taking care of your skin, aaaaaand all this will culminate in you being your best!”
A!MC still looked a bit skeptical, but they nodded anyway.
“Remember MC!” Asmo said as he led MC back to their room to help them sort their new stuff. “Confidence in yourself doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t let Mammon try and sell you a fix-all potion because it’s just boiled Gatorade.”
“O-okay- wait did you just say-”
“Yes, boiled Gatorade.” Asmo shuddered. “Let’s not talk about that.”
Dear uncle Asmo? A financial dumpster fire?! It’s more likely than you’d think.
Sure, Asmo’s got a job and makes his own money, but Geez Louise... one demon does not need that much hand cream! Or that many questionable Akuzon packages that everyone is too afraid to touch...
M!MC had their work cut out for them is what I’m trying to say.
Of course... once M!MC realized what a lost cause getting Asmo to stop with the obsessive bath bomb purchases was and a few too many insults were thrown at M!MC’s dear dad... some of Asmo’s things went uh... “missing”
But would you look at that! No one went over-budget!
Even though their dads have a fierce party related rivalry, A!MC and M!MC get along great. It’s very wholesome.
The Uncle That Helps You Pester Whoever is in Charge of the Food at the Family Reunion About Dessert (Beel)
Yay! More kids :)
Do you think any of them know how to cook? No? Okay... :(
Beel adores his new niblings with all his heart and soul, and Belphie’s out of the attic and is able to meet them with everyone else this time! Yay!
I didn’t mention this in the other parts- but Beel totally gave L!MC piggyback rides whenever they asked, but now that two more kids have arrived... it’s now a fight to be tall.
But yea- kids like uncle Beel. Strong contender for favourite uncle.
“Do you think this is right?” A!MC asked as they fiddled with the settings on the stovetop.
“No clue. Do we put the cheese on while the meat is cooking or do we wait until after?” M!MC asked, they flipped through multiple cheeseburger recipes on their DDD, their frustration growing. “Hang on- do we have a deep fryer?”
A!MC rummaged around the cupboards and shelves for a good fifteen minutes and came back empty handed. “No, but I’ve seen videos of people making fries without a deep fryer, I think we just need to heat up vegetable oil and drop the potatoes in.”
After setting up the make-shift deep fryer, the two cousins carefully dropped the first fry into the oil, then screamed like banshees when some oil splashed close to their hands.
“Did you get burned?!” M!MC asked, A!MC shook their head.
“No, you?”
“Nah...” M!MC eyed the oil warily. “We should do this one at a time to be safe...”
It was an awkward process, grab potato, place potato, scream, make sure no one is burned, repeat. As... decent as the process was, with both of them manning the deep fryer, no one was manning the patties that were now completely charred.
“What’s going on in here? It smells like Solomon’s cooking.” Beel poked his head into the kitchen and saw two very upset children and the world’s messiest kitchen.
“We’re failures. That’s all...” M!MC murmured.
“We wanted to make lunch for all of us and we ruined it...” A!MC added.
Beel’s heart was set to explode then and there- but his stomach growled. “You tried your best, don’t feel too bad. Let’s get cheeseburgers somewhere else with Belphie.”
M!MC and A!MC nodded enthusiastically as the three of them left the destroyed kitchen behind them.
After Beel had to sling a sleeping Belphie over his shoulder, the now four of them were halfway out the door before they heard L!MC scream bloody murder.
M!MC and A!MC made eye contact, then sprinted out the door. “CHEESEBURGERS FIRST!”
A!MC and M!MC probably go to all of Beel’s games like the little super fans they are. Beel is very grateful for the support! :D
Flying lessons? Nnnnnot again. He’s here for moral support and moral support only. And to catch the two babs when they inevitably fall.
The Uncle Who Was Like... Really Racist the Last Time You Saw Him But He’s Not Anymore (Belphie)
So he uh... he didn’t try and kill these two. That already gave the two newbies a better first impression than what he gave to L!MC.
The Anti Lucifer league ALSO grew, just by one member though. A!MC was very easily persuaded to snitch on whatever prank the group concocted.
The attic nap club gained two new members, but Belphie still had to deal with wings hitting him in the face and waking him up. He’d usually return the favour with a swat from his tail.
“M!MC I swear I will throw you out of the window if you kick me again.” Belphie murmured, mashing his face into his pillow.
“Mmmph.” M!MC threw a pillow in Belphie’s direction.
“Quit whining, Belphie.” L!MC huffed. “You’re doing better than me.”
A!MC had attached themselves to L!MC like a sloth to a tree and would not let go or stop drooling. Ah schadenfreude, the best feeling in the galaxy...
“Stop with that look.” L!MC hissed, Belphie snickered. “I’m telling you to quit it because you’ll wake up Beel, and Beel is solving your M!MC problem.”
Belphie turned to see Beel practically crush M!MC into a bone breaking hug in his sleep.
“Should we do something about that?” L!MC yawned.
Belphie smirked his little douchebag smirk. “Eh, let them stew for a few more minutes.”
“Help me...” M!MC rasped.
Out of the three, A!MC is probably the best nap buddy, they bring in their own pillows and don’t hog the blankets.
Belphie is once again at the forefront for taking videos of the flying lessons, at least till M!MC accidentally broke Belphie’s DDD.
Just a friendly reminder, the sleepy cow man would kill for these kids.
Look at them funny and no one will find your body.
Okay! That’s part 3 done! I had to cut Belphie’s and Satan’s short because of post limit stuff, but the stuff with the side characters is coming soon! Also, Mammon would like me to inform all those who donated to his Go Fund Me that you will NOT be getting your money back, he has a kid to deck out in full Gucci now, he needs the cash!
345 notes · View notes
tweedlydumbtweedlydoo · 4 years ago
Nowhere | Rafe Cameron x reader
Requested by MEEEEEE lol / Summary: Rafe has nowhere else to go after Ward kicks him out of the house and he finds himself on the doorstep of your house. What will the rest of the pogues think of your new roommate?  
A/N: do i have like 20 requests on my list right now? Yes. Am I working on one that I thought of instead? Yes and i’m sorry but I hope you guys like it! xx
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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It was way passed one o clock in the morning when you woke up to someone knocking on the door. “no... shut up..” You groan, turning over and pulling your pillow over your ear to block out the knocking. 
Part of you should have probably been worried to be woken from your slumber to someone knocking, but you lived on the cut and lived in the marsh where you didn’t have anything worth stealing. You should have also been worried about being home alone, but your father worked an oil rig off shore and he wasn’t home months at a time, so you were use to being home alone. 
The person continued to knock and you muttered some curse words before finally tossing the blankets off you and heading toward your front door, “I’m coming! Jesus..” You had to rub the sleep out of your eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming and to make sure your mind playing tricks on you because this had to be a dream. Rafe Cameron is standing at your door. 
“I had no where else to go.” He croaks as he lets his shoulders fall, “He kicked me out.” 
You and Rafe weren’t for the usual pogue vs kook thing like everyone else on the island was. You’d even go far enough to call yourself friends. Friends who’d had a few intimate moments. 
You ushered him into the house and closed the door behind him before wrapping your arms around him in a hug. It was then that he let everything out and started to cry in your arms. “I’ll never be good enough for him...” 
You two stayed up talking for the longest where he’d explained what went down before Ward kicked him out. You offered your place to stay for as long as he needed, but he would need to pull his own weight, which meant trying to find a job. He turned his nose up at the suggestion, “Me? Rafe Cameron working?” 
“If you want to eat and live then yeah. You, Rafe Cameron working.” You laughed, shoving his shoulder, “It’s called not everyone has a rich daddy.”  
He groaned as he fell back on the bed, “How horrid!” 
“I do it almost everyday! It’s not that bad.” You laid down next to him, “I’ll ask around, see if I can find you something.” 
He turns his head to look at you, “Thank you. For letting me crash and offering to help find a job.” 
“I’m just paying you back for saving my ass that night.” You’d been at the wrong place, wrong time and was about to be arrested for it when Rafe had appeared out of no where and talked to the officer. Telling the officer you’d been with him the whole time and weren’t anywhere near what had happened. 
He turns on his side and props himself up on his arm, “Couldn’t let you go to jail. You’re too pretty for jail.” 
You can’t help but let your heart flutter at his words. He was serious with his compliment but you weren’t sure how to react. Deciding to play it off, you playfully roll your eyes, “And you’re too pretty to live on the streets.” You laugh and reach over to turn off your light, “Let’s go to sleep.” 
“What the hell is this!” Kie screeched as she’d opened the door to your bedroom, the pogues behind her. You all had plans today to go fishing, but you weren’t waiting on the dock when they arrived so they decided to see what the hold up was. They didn’t expect to find you curled in bed with Rafe Cameron. 
“Shit!” You quickly sit up, remembering the plans you all had, “It’s not what it looks like.” 
“Not what it looks like?!” JJ asks. 
“Looks like you’re in bed with Rafe Cameron!” John B adds. 
You groan and throw the covers off you, getting out of bed, shooing them out the room, “I’ll explain.” 
Rafe groaned as he woke up, “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing.. just go back to bed.” You said softly, pushing the pogues out of the room. “I’ll handle this.” 
He watches as you push the pogues out of your room and shut the door. Uh oh. 
“What the hell y/n? Have you lost your mind?” Kie asks as soon as y’all make it to the living room. 
“Out of everyone, Rafe Cameron?” Pope asks, “He’s given us shit for months!” 
“Like I said before, it’s not what it looks like. We didn’t sleep together.” You head into the kitchen to make you a cup of coffee, the pogues following. 
“Then why is Rafe Cameron in your bed?” John B asks. 
You debate telling them the truth; “Can you guys just trust me when I tell you it’s not what it looks like?” 
“No, we can’t. Not after everything that asshole has done to us.” JJ answers, “He’s a snake and a kook. There shouldn’t be a reason for him in your bed.” 
“Okay first of all, who is in my bed is none of your concern.” You warn JJ with a point of a finger, “You’ve fucked almost every girl on the island and every touron who gives you a look, so you can’t say shit. and second, he’s a friend who needed a place to crash, so I gave him one.” 
John B scoffs at that, “What Tanneyhill didn’t have enough rooms for him?” 
“No asshole, his dad kicked him out. You happy now?” You grab the sugar and cream and set them on the counter. 
“It’s Rafe Cameron, he could have gone to anyone else on this island. I mean anyone, he’s friends with everyone. But.. why you?” Pope asks with suspicion. 
“Yeah, y/n. Why would he come to you, a pogue he is supposed to hate looking for a place to stay?” Kie asks, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“You know that night you all ditched me after shit went down at the Boneyard? Yeah well, Rafe was the one who talked me out of being arrested.” You look up at them, “He’s the one who saved my ass while you all just ditched.” 
“We couldn’t get arrested either. You could have ran.” JJ scoffs, “We all did.” 
“They already had it surrounded by the time I reached the tree lines.” 
“Okay but that still doesn’t answer the question of why you.” John B says, his hands on the island in front of him. 
“I don’t know john b maybe he sees me as a friend?! If you haven’t noticed, he’s stopped fucking with you guys, including me. The kooks who mess with us aren’t his buddies. He’s a good guy, if you’d just get to know him. If you’d just give him a chance.” 
Kie gives a half-hearted laugh, “Get to know him.. Yeah okay. You mean sleep with him, don’t you? You’ve slept with him?” 
You step up at Kie, “Like I told JJ, who I fuck is none of your concern.” 
“Alright. let’s just calm down.” Pope mutters, stepping between the two of you, “Kie, y/n is right. Who she.. sleeps with isn’t our concern.” 
“Yeah but y/n you should have told us about this. About you and Rafe. Maybe it wouldn’t have come with such a shock.” John B states with a shrug. 
“It would have been the same reaction you all have now. What does that matter? You all would still be scolding me for getting even close to Rafe or thinking of him as a friend.” 
“She’s right though.” JJ mutters and gives a shrug when the pogues look at him, “I mean it’s the truth. You guys really think we’d be okay with it if she told us it from the beginning?” 
“Fine whatever, okay then why is he here? Why’d his dad kick him out?” 
“I don’t-” 
“Because I didn’t want anything to do with him or his business.” Rafe interrupts, walking into the kitchen and to your side at the counter, “He wanted me to take over the company, be just like him and I said no.” He glances down at you then back up at the pogues, “Plus, I told him I was in love with someone he didn’t approve of.” 
“You’re.. in love with her?” JJ asks, pointing to you. 
You’re looking up at Rafe in disbelief, “Me?” 
He scratches the back of his neck, “yeah.. I mean this wasn’t how I wanted to tell you...” 
“I love you too..” You whisper with a smile and pull him in for a kiss. 
“oh no.. don’t do it.” JJ groans covering his eyes. 
“Well shit.” John B mutters. 
“I guess pogues vs kooks is over now?” Pope asks. 
Rafe smiles into the kiss, holding you against his body, “I guess I’m a pogue now that I’ve been kicked out?” 
You shook your head with a laugh, “Oh honey, you’re definitely still a kook.” 
“yeah no you’ve never worked a real job in your life.” Kie laughs, “You’re a kook.” 
What else was there to say to you? He loved you, you loved him. The pogues were your friends and even though they’d have to get use to it, they’d still support you and Rafe’s relationship because that’s what friends are for. 
Rafe Cameron // Drew Starkey taglist: @pm-my-hubbies​ , @timotaychalabae , @fratboystark​ , @fangirlvoice​ , @saraholland03​ , @starkeymemories​
All my works tag list: @blossomreed , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee , @thewolf-and-thesheep , @obxrafe ( @obxrafejjwhore ), @abbiesthings , @itstaskeen , @reniescarlett​
Obx taglist: @poguestyleskye​ , @alexa-playafricabytoto​ , @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ , @prejudic3 , @turtlee-says-rawr​ , @outrbank , @k-k0129​ , @annedub​ , @rockyyc77​ , @ilovejjmaybank​ , @treestarrrrrrrr​​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @write-from-the-heart​ , @lasnaro​ , @ircnwitch, @normatural​ , @kaylinfayezink​ , @lordsagittarius , @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ , @thelovelydreamer17​ , @chasefreakinstokes​ , @fanficscuziranout​ , @diverrdown​ , @tregua-oca​ , @junkiemuppettxx​ , @afterglowsb-tch13​ , @hardyxlove​ , @cinnamon-roll-seth​ , @copper-boom​ , @dpaccione​ , @themaddies-obx​ ,
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tomtenadia · 4 years ago
A Little Braver  - Chapter 12
Here we go. As promised i did not keep you waiting too long and chapter 12 has finally landed by gentle concession of Whitethorn airlines. 
Be ready for angst, fluff and our Rowan in full fuss mode. I swear the man invented fussing. Also, our Iceman this time loses it. Even Fenrys is shocked by how much. 
EDIt: forgot to say ATC is Air Traffic Control.
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Rowan had finished his class and went back to his office. He had given those spoiled brats a very intense training and he had taught them how a real pilot flew and was quite satisfied of his level of evilness. 
He sat at his desk, grabbed his phone and noticed a text from Aelin and a smile tugged at his lips.
Not even two hours back. Crash at the airport. I guess those civilian pilots are as bad as you claim.
He laughed to start with but then terror took him. He switched on the computer and tried to find some news about Orynth. He found a newspaper and read the breaking news. There was a video taken by probably some reporters on an helicopter and he almost fell sick at the images. The article mentioned two aircrafts but he could see only one. He had a bad feeling of what could have happened. The crew zoomed in and he spotted Aelin’s engines but he could not tell apart who was on the ground. Then he saw it. The collapse. A cloud of dust and fire lifted in the sky and he hoped that none of the guys were inside.
His heart raced and pure undiluted terror as he never felt, spread through him.
Once inside Aedion had to navigate through debris and remains of the collapsed structure. The dust raised by the collapse had somehow reduced the fire and he could see around him. 
“Aelin,” he called out. He walked and walked and he knew he was getting further and further from the entrance.
“Aelin… answer me, damn it.” He shouted over the silence. A few electric cables flew over him and he ducked just in time to avoid electrocution.
Then he heard it. Her PASS alarm. The one that activated when it did not sense motion for a certain amount of time. He hated that sound because it meant that one of them was in danger.
Eventually he saw her body and flames too close for comfort.
“Chief, lieutenant. I have her. Have EMTs on standby.” he shouted over the radio.
“Lieutenant, Chief, we have two water lines coming in now.”
He ran to her and fell to his knees working to clear the debris from on top of her and once free he rolled her over and noticed she was not breathing and not wearing her mask which lay abandoned at her side. His finger went to her neck and found a pulse albeit weak “She is not breathing, I need the medical team inside. Now.” He shouted over the radio with panic thick in his voice.
He gave her a few rescue breaths “please… please… don’t do this to me. Please, Aelin.”
He put his mask on her face, trying to pass some oxygen to her.
Voices broke the silence but he was too busy helping Aelin to bother to look who it was. 
In a moment the rest of the team had followed inside and they were putting off the remaining fire around them, allowing the medical team to do their jobs safely.
Lysandra was on her knees in an instant. Elide was at his side and Dorian was towering over them he was the one who had taken the two women inside.
“She is not breathing and her pulse is weak.” Said Aedion, his voice cracking “Help her, please.”
Lysandra did some checks with experienced efficiency.
“I need to intubate her, Aedion remove the mask when I tell you so.”
Lysandra got ready with all her gear “now.”
With the skills of someone who had done it a million times she intubated Aelin very quickly and Elide started to press the balloon to send air in her lungs and oxygen to her body. Lysandra did a quick check and noticed her right arm bore some bad burn marks. She wrapped the wound as best as she could with temporary bandages.
“Dorian, pass me the backboard.”
Within minutes Aelin was loaded on the board and carried outside. The remaining team stopped, staring at their captain unconscious.
Rowan was following the livestream of the accident when he noticed Dorian’s holding a board with someone on and on the other side a tall blonde man: Aedion. He looked a bit better and his heart sank. His eyes recognised the body on the gurney. Her blonde hair, her long braid.
All of a sudden he forgot how to breath. He just stood there watching as the gurney that carried her was lifted into the ambulance. Aedion jumped in as well and he saw Lysandra and Elide climb in the ambulance and drive away with crazy speed and sirens wailing.
He stood slowly, as in a daze, grabbed his stuff and left. He went home, packed all his belongings and drove back to the base. As quickly as possible he filed a flight plan and not long after he was in the air. He would explain everything to the school commandant but he had to go. He had to be with her.
The flight back to Orynth seemed to last forever. He swore loudly when on approach to Orynth he was told that the airspace above the city was closed. He was furious, the airbase was so far away from the airport that it was stupid.
“Orynth main, Typhoon FF9762, I am requesting clearance for landing at the airbase, not at your stupid airport. So you let me land this plane or when I ran low on fuel I will land in the middle of the motorway and then you can deal with that.”
A moment later he got clearance for landing and when his landing gear touched down on the runaway he quickly taxied inside the hangar.
When he opened the canopy, Lorcan was there waiting for him “don’t. I don’t fucking care about the school or anything else right now.” He grabbed his bag and quickly told his engineer to perform his post flight checks. It was totally against the rules but he had no time to lose.
“Elide texted me. They took her to Orynth general. It was the closest one. She says it’s bad.”
Rowan ran out of the hangar and to his car not even bothering to change out of his jump suit, threw his stuff in the back seat and drove like a madman to the hospital. Once inside the A&E he spotted some familiar faces. Her squad was all there, waiting for an update. Rowan stopped. Then his gaze crossed Aedion’s. The man walked to him and Rowan was sure he had been crying.
“How is she? Where is she?” His voice was shaky.
“We don’t know. They took her in urgently. When I found her, she was not breathing and her oxygen tank was dead. She was unconscious when we brought her in, and with some horrible burns on her right arm.”
Rowan sat down heavily on a chair, his hands shaking visibly. They had just found each other. He could not lose her. 
“I thought you were in Doranelle.” Aedion’s voice was flat and his eyes fixed on the doors where they had taken Aelin.
“Aelin sent me a text saying you guys had a call at the airport.” His hand ran nervously through his short hair “then I checked the news and there was a livestream of the accident. And I saw it. All. And when I saw you and Dorian carrying her out… I left everything and flew here with my jet. Bloody ATC almost prevented me from landing.”
“This is always the worst part.” Said Aedion sitting beside Rowan “the waiting.”
The whole group remained in silence and Rowan did the same until a doctor went to them and Aedion stood, followed by Dorian.
“I have an update on the captain. Her condition is critical. She suffered serious internal injuries from the collapse and they are being treated now. Her right arm has some severe burns and again they are now being treated to avoid infection. Her oxygen levels are still below the normal parameters. During surgery she has coded twice, but we got her back. As soon as the team is done with her we will move her to the ICU. We need to keep her under strict control. She could still develop acute respiratory syndrome. She will stay intubated and heavily sedated.” Then the doctor turned to Aedion “I will let you know when you can see her.” And with that he walked away.
“Everyone, return to the station. We are still on duty.” Aedion ordered his men. They gave him a hug and asked to keep them posted. He knew that it had been very hard for them to obey him. They all wanted to be there for her but slowly they filed out leaving him alone with Rowan.
Dorian patted his shoulder “I will stay with them at the station.” And he left with the rest of the squad. 
“The scene at the airport seemed terrifying.”
“It was,” said Aedion in a flat tone “the small plane got reduced to smithereens. How the fuck that happened?”
Rowan sighed, he had an idea “possibly a mistake by ATC. They probably directed the smaller aircraft on the wrong runaway and the big plane landed and just crashed on it, then lost control, probably lost its landing gear and just slammed into the hangar bay.”
“How do you know?”
“Watching the live of the news. You could see that the bigger aircraft was on a landing trajectory from its heading. Also, it was on the runaway that Orynth airport uses for landing. The smaller craft was totally in the wrong runaway.”
“Well, it was a mess.”
“Did you manage to save anyone?”
Aedion nodded “all the people in the big aircraft. As soon as we arrived Aelin told us to keep an eye on the wings for fuel. The aircraft exploded but not before we managed to evacuate the passengers. Manon and Asterin saved two of the civilians by hiding in the cockpit.” He sighed “Aelin saved four.”
Rowan chuckled “she took two of my books one on flight theory and the one on airplanes in general.”
“That is why she knew about fuel being in the wings.”
Rowan nodded with pride “Aelin and I… we are working on things. On us. I…” he lowered his head “I care about her… a lot.”
Aedion leaned back on the chair and removed his fire jacket, remaining in his t-shirt “she can be difficult and believe me there is no one but me who knows just how much. I grew up with her. She is my cousin after all, but I always loved her like a sister. But Aelin has the bad habit of saying what she thinks and we had so many fights because of that. She can be a brat, but together with Lys they are the two most important women in my life.”
Rowan smiled briefly at Aedion’s description of Aelin. It was perfect.
“I proposed to Lys.” Confessed the blonde man.
Rowan slapped him hard on the shoulder “that is an incredible news. Congratulation, man.”
“I thought it was time. Lys and I have been together for three years and I love her.”
Rowan was about to add something when they saw the doctor approach them.
“Aedion, you can see her now.” The man stood and gestured to Rowan to follow him.
“Family only.” Said the doctor when he noticed Rowan stand.
“He is coming as well, Sorscha. And if anyone has any problems, they can take it up with me.”
The woman lifted her hands in yielding gesture “She is on the sixth floor in the ICU, room 46.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you all this friendly with doctors?”
“We visit hospitals a lot.” He added sadly.
Aedion walked to the stairs and Rowan chuckled “not you too…”
“What’s with you guys and lifts?”
Aedion laughed “you posh boy can take the metal trap. I am walking.”
Rowan huffed and followed Aedion up the stairs. He was not letting an army guy beat him. He had pride.
Rowan pushed to keep up with Aedion and by the time they reached the sixth floor his legs were killing him, the man in front of him had kept a brutal pace, probably on purpose.
In silence they reached the room and Rowan pulled aside “you go in first, you are family.”
Aedion nodded and Rowan sat down on the chairs outside the room. Thing was… he needed time. He was scared of what he would see on the other side of the door. He was terrified.  She was the one with the scary job. He was the one who knew how to fly away from danger and avoid being shot out of the sky. She, on the other hand, she would willingly face a fire to save people. Getting involved with her meant going through the hell he was living now. He fought it for as long as he could. But somehow along the way he had fallen for her pretty badly. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall.
Much later on he felt a hand on his shoulder “you can go in now.”
Rowan turned his head to the door and his heart sank. Then he stood and mustered all the courage he had to open the door and step in.
The room was silent apart from the steady beeping sounds of the machines monitoring her heartbeat and the hush sound of the ventilator pumping air in her lungs. He froze and closed the door behind him. He stared at her immobile body. With all the cables and tubes and machinery, she seemed so small in the hospital bed.
He finally took a step closer and sat down on the chair beside her.
“Hi,” his voice broken as he felt tears streak down his cheek. Gently he brushed the tip of the fingers on her right hand and noticed the heavy bandaging on the whole arm.
“You scared the shit out of me.” He whispered, his head leaning on the bed near her hand “A part of me wants to bolt because I am not sure I can take it. But the other side tells me not to. Tells me that the recklessness, you fierceness and bravery are why I am so damn crazy about you.” He stood and paced back and forth “the idea of losing you paralyses me with fear.” He took a step backward with fear gripping his heart “I can’t do this. I am so sorry. I just can’t.”
He ran out of the door but Aedion blocked him “that was quick.”
“I can’t…”
Aedion’s face morphed into pure rage and grabbed Rowan’s jump suit by the collar “oh yes you can. I told you before, posh boy. You break her heart and I break you.”
Rowan collapsed exhausted on the chair and took his head in his hands “I can’t… I can’t go through that hell a second time.”
“What to you mean?” Asked the blonde man.
Rowan looked up and met Aedion’s eyes. So much like Aelin’s. They could have easily been twins.
“The pain…” he paused “I can’t deal with that pain again. Losing Aelin would break me definitely. And at the same time I can’t leave her for the same reason. I need her in my life. She might be infuriating but at the same time I am mad about her.”
“Then you have your answer.” Said Aedion flatly.
Rowan stood and Aedion placed his body in front of him.
“I am not bolting. I need to go home, shower, clear my head and I will be back.”
“You bolt, and I will find you.”
Rowan raised his hands and walked away in silence.
He got home, dumped his bag near the bed and shed his clothes on his way to the bathroom. Opened the water and dove under the jet, the water hot to the point of being painful. He stood there. Eyes closed and head bowed. Realising that the water would not be able to wash away the shame of him almost walking out on her like a coward. Again. He was not as brave as he thought. When it came to his feelings he was a disaster. But there was deep terror in him, to a level that he never experienced not even with a missile trained on him. He had almost lost her and at the thought he struggled to breath for a moment. He leaned against the wall and allowed the tears to flow, he allowed himself to cry and let his fears go for a moment. He could not believe that in a matter of few months she had become so important that the thought of losing her would break him this much. He breathed deeply and tried to regain some focus.
Quickly, he washed himself and then walked out with a towel around his waist and padded to the bed to grab his phone. He called the commandant of the school in Doranelle and explained him what happened, why he had to leave all of a sudden and most of all why he was not going back. The man was not happy and he was going to catch hell from Lorcan as well but he did not care. He had given up too much of his life to the force. Now it was his turn to be selfish and put his life before duty.
As expected Lorcan called him not long after and he was now on his way to see his CO in nothing but jeans, a polo shirt and a black leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses. If he had to piss off Lorcan better do it properly.
He knocked once in front of his door and the grumpy tone of the man of the other side told him to enter. He saluted lazily and definitely did not miss Lorcan’s stare of disapproval at him appearing in front of his CO in civilian clothes.
“You seem to have misplaced your uniform.”
“No sir, definitely at home in my wardrobe.”
Lorcan growled his disapproval “I got an interesting call from the commandant of the school in Doranelle. He says that you resigned your post. That you have no intention of going back.”
“That is correct,” and Rowan sat down although Lorcan did not give him permission to do so.
Lorcan threw a folder on his desk “and I got a complaint from ATC saying that you breached airspace lockdown last night and threatened to land on a motorway if they didn’t let you land.”
“That was bullshit on their part. The airbase is on the opposite side of the city compared to the airport. There was no risk for me to get anywhere close to the airport. They were aware of my flight plan and my heading. It was total bullshit.”
“Well, now I have to deal with an irate traffic control supervisor and an outraged commandant at a school with which we have been cooperating for years.”
Rowan shrugged in challenge “not my problem.”
“No Whitethorn, you are the fucking problem.”
“Then suspend me, like I give a fuck.” Rowan leaned back in the chair and stared outside ignoring Lorcan’s tantrum.
“You broke aviation rules with that stunt of yours last night and before that you put your personal life before duty.”
Rowan bolted on his feet “I am so fucking tired of sacrificing my life for duty. I did it so much that when my wife died I was on the other side of the continent and I was given a couple of days of leave to go to her funeral and then was ordered to haul ass back to my post as if nothing happened and like the good obedient soldier I was, I even thanked you all for giving me two days to mourn.” He shouted, not caring if he was being disrespectful to a superior “I gave the airforce twelve years of my life, no questions asked. And all of a sudden I am not sure if I want to keep doing it.”
“Is she really worth it? Is that woman really worth giving up on your career?”
Rowan moved dangerously close and leaned on the desk with his hands “she is worth more that you cold-hearted bastard can ever imagine.”
Lorcan stood “get your arse out of my office, captain Whitethorn. You are suspended for a month.”
“Good.” Said Rowan and walked out slamming the door not bothering saluting Lorcan or add anything.
On his way out he met his squadron “what are you doing back in Orynth?” Asked Gavriel surprised.
“Getting my arse suspended for a month apparently.”
“What the fuck?” Fenrys stared at him in disbelief. That was something that he would do. He could not believe that Lorcan had just suspended Rowan. The man was a stickler for protocol and rules to a fault.
“Broke aviation rules last night by landing during an airspace lockdown. Ticked off ATC big time. And before that I left my post in Doranelle without telling anything to anyone.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Iceman?” Asked Connall.
“Aelin.” Was his answer “she was at the disaster at the airport last night. She is in bad condition. I had to come back.” He sighed “then Lorcan gave me a dressing down for putting a woman before duty and I might have pissed him off to historical levels. I would stay clear of him today.”
“And he suspended you.”
“Yes,” confirmed Rowan and the rest of the team almost noticed relief in his eyes.
“But you are coming back, right?” Rowan noticed sadness in Gavriel’s eyes. The two had been friends for a long time. And although he could not care less about Lorcan, he felt as if he was betraying his team mates.
“I don’t know… I might.” He said not convinced “A month away might do me well. I am not sure right now.”
“How’s Aelin?” Vaughan had the guts to ask the question no one could voice.
Rowan’s hands fisted “she is in bad shape. Intubated and sedated. When Aedion found her she was not breathing. She has bad burn on her right arm and plenty of other injuries. She was buried under the collapse of the hangar after she tried to save some people trapped inside.”
“Damn, the woman is badass.” Fenrys patted Rowan’s shoulder “when you go to the hospital, tell her that we are rooting for her too.”
He covered the young man’s hand with his “will do.” Then he straightened “now I better go, before Lorcan comes through and punishes all of you just for speaking with me.”
“Keep in touch, please,” added Gavriel.
Rowan winked and left and once he finally stepped outside of the perimeter of the airbase his soul felt lighter.
He reached the hospital not long after and found her room empty, her team was probably at work and he was glad he could have some time with her.
“Hi menace,” Rowan sat down and brushed a kiss on her forehead “are you enjoying your nap?” His finger gently flicked her nose and he sat back down “I got suspended for a month… I guess I broke a few rules to be with you.” His finger brushed hers emerging from the heavy bandage “and I epically ticked off a few people, but it was so worth it.” He squeezed her fingers “you are totally worth it.” He then stood and started walking around the room making adjustments. He fixed the blinds so there was some sun in the room, he tucked her properly in bed, almost afraid she could be cold. He fixed the flowers on her nightstand and made sure they had water. And finally he sat down on her bed and slowly undid her braid, brushed her hair and braided it again.
“I am sorry I left this morning, I… was overwhelmed.” He sat back down on the chair “I am not leaving. Not unless you want me to.” He grabbed her hand again but then he heard the door open and he sat straight.
“Hi,” said Lysandra and Elide in unison.
“We just dropped off some patients and we came in to see her.”
Rowan stood and with his hand he offered his spot to the two women.
“I thought you were away.” Said Lysandra, walking close to her friend and depositing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“I was, and then I saw the disaster and I flew back and got myself suspended for it, but I don’t care.”
Lysandra was about to comment but he stopped her “I had to be here for her. I have no regrets.” His head then turned to Elide “you might want to stay clear of Lorcan for a few days. I ticked him off big time and the man might be a bit furious at the time.”
“Oh, okay,” the woman said timidly.
“I am sure that one of your smile will fix the mood of that poor old bastard.” Lysandra’s comment made him laugh.
“She just went in…” Lysandra’s voice was now a whisper and she sniffled turning her back from the other two occupants “she always does this type of crazy thing. Dorian was furious.”
A memory appeared in Rowan’s mind and his words were out before he could stop them “are they involved?”
He heard the woman chuckle “No. Dorian is in love with her and that is no secret. He was her captain when she was at west. But she always saw him as nothing but a friend. Also he is the chief and she a captain, so nothing can happen. They are really good friends, but no, nothing ever happened.”
A selfish part of him relaxed.
Lysandra’s radio went off and she groaned “come on Elide, back to work.”
Rowan waved them goodbye and went back to his chair.
Ten days had passed and the season had slowly turned and spring was now in full force.
Rowan was standing at the hospital window, looking outside towards the Staghorn mountains. The tops had officially lost their snow. He inhaled the fresh air and closed the window again. That room had become his new home in the past ten days. He had left only to go home and get changed and washed, but apart from that he had kept a tight vigil on her. They guys at the station had to work and he had been more than happy to keep her company. He was out of a job for the time being, anyway. He turned around and walked to the bed. Nothing had changed. She was still intubated and still unconscious. The doctor had raised concerns with regards to the damage her lungs had suffered and a neurologist had confirmed that her responses were within normal parameters and that they were expecting her to wake up soon. In the last few days they had noticed an increased cerebral activity which according to the doctors was a good sign. He sat down again beside her and went back to the book he had been reading to her. As a joke between the two of them he had started reading flight manuals, or any of any of his books about flying. He had read her other books as well and all the possible articles about their amazing rescue at the airport. Rowan had spent so much time at the hospital that all the nurses knew him and helped him every time he had a request for them to make her more comfortable. He had brought more comfortable pillows, had decorated the wall of her room with all the cards she got from the different fire stations and from west, together with the ones of the four people she save in the hangar. With his mobile he had played classical music for her and a few times he had played an opera as well and joked that they finally got that date after all. His past ten days had been dedicated to nothing else but her. He was humming away a tune from the last opera he had played, while tucking her bed sheets properly when he brushed her hand and felt it move. It was a subtle movement but he felt it. Rowan kept humming and this time the motion was much clearer.
“Aelin…” her middle finger lifted by a fraction and Rowan laughed.
“Are you giving me the middle finger even when you sleep? You are such a brat.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead “Can you hear me?” He whispered near her ear.
His gaze returned to her hand and this time he noticed her clearly trying to bend her fingers.
Rowan sat down beside her and stroked her cheek once more “Aelin… it’s me.”
A tiny flutter of her eyelashes had his heart race madly in his chest. And when her blue eyes finally set on him he gave her a big smile “it was abut time, there was no need to get into a fire and almost get yourself killed if you needed a nap.”
Aelin groaned and he noticed the middle finger in her left hand rise sightly. Rowan roared in laughter. Then she lifted the same hand and went for the tube in her mouth.
“Hold on, you are still intubated. Let me go and call the doctor.” He disappeared outside of the room and came back with her doctor a moment later. He extubated her and the procedure looked very unpleasant. Aelin coughed heavily but the doctor reassured him it was normal and then left the two alone.
Rowan grabbed a glass of water on the nightstand and helped her. He lifted her a bit and pressed the glass against her lips “drink a little.”
She drank eagerly and then collapsed back on the pillow exhausted. Rowan sat at her left side and brushed her head gently with his hand “are you in pain?”
With a small movement she shook her head. Rowan looked at the bags with liquids hanging behind her and noticed they still had plenty of stuff in them. She was hooked on painkillers and antibiotics and had a feeding tube down her nose.
“You… here.” She managed with difficulty. Although she was breathing on her own the doctor had warned him that some issues might take longer to heal. The smoke and the fuel fumes had battered her lungs pretty badly and that it was why after extubation, the doctor had placed small oxygen tubes in her nose.
“That I am.” he took her hand in his “after your text complaining about civilian pilots I had a look at the news and they were showing the inferno at the airport.” He stopped, he would never forget that horrible scene “when I saw Dorian and Aedion carrying you out I realised I could not stay there any longer. Long story short, I broke a few rules, pissed off a few people and got suspended, but I am where I am meant to be.”
Rowan nodded solemnly “Turns out that even if he has a girlfriend, Lorcan is still a cold-hearted bastard. I have no regrets.”
Aelin sighed and her breath came out ragged “squad.”
“They are all fine and they miss you. Aedion has been playing captain and he hates it and Dorian has been helping a lot as well. They are on shift now but they came and visit a lot.”
She was about to say something else but a brutal cough hit her and she was left exhausted and wheezing and he pulled her to him. It destroyed him seeing her like that.
He shifted the pillows behind her and allowed Aelin to be in a semi sit position, hoping that would make breathing much easier than lying down. He sat beside her, pulled an arm around her shoulder and dragged her closer to him “Aedion proposed to Lys.”
“There is no pleasing you, young lady. I assume Lys has told you.”
Aelin smiled at him and nodded.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and when he removed it he realised it was Lorcan. The man had tried to phone him all morning but he had refused every single call.
Rowan sighed heavily and Aelin looked up at him with a worried expression.
“I almost resigned.” His forehead touching hers “then I didn’t because of duty and all that shit. When they carried you out I lost it. Nothing else mattered but being here for you. Screw rules and regulations.”
She turned her head and deposited a kiss on his lips “thank you for being here.” She managed with great difficulty.
With spring in full swing, Orynth was covered in colours from flowers all around the city. The air smelled sweet and warm.
Aelin inhaled the fresh air and after almost a month in the hospital she felt alive again. Rowan lifted her in his arms and slowly carried her to her house. Her legs were still shaky and she was still weak. Her recovery was taking longer than expected. The doctors had put her through a respiratory therapy, but at times she still felt short of breath. Rowan dropped her off on the sofa and went to get their stuff. He had made a deal with her and he would stay with her until she was better. He still had four days before his suspension was over. He had been at her side since she woke up and the nurses had told her that even when she was still unconscious, Rowan had barely left her side.
Her mind went back to when he told her he could be very caring for the people he loved and he had showed her that over and over again.
“Here we go.” He dumped all the bags in the living room and then went to the bedroom and Aelin had a feeling he was preparing so that it was up to his standards.
“The bed is ready, your highness.”
He fussed. He fussed a lot but she realised she had started to love that side of him.
“Does it meet your standards, captain?”
He grinned “I don’t think is grandiose enough.”
“I will make sure I’ll upgrade my living standards to accommodate a posh boy like yourself. I doubt an army guy will fuss. Aedion never did.”
“They have no standards to begin with.”
Aelin threw a pillow at him but Rowan ducked in time and an instant later she was in the air and he dumped her on the bed with little ceremony.
He leaned forward and kissed her “now get changed,” he ordered and threw her her bed clothes.
“Yes, sir. At your orders sir,” she mocked him with a funny salute.
He shook his head “you civilians really have no respect for rank.”
She stood on her knees in bed and shed the top she was wearing and removed her bra as well, remaining bare.
He was busy emptying her bag that when he turned and saw her semi naked he almost tripped on the dropped top.
“My girls here feel lonely,” she palmed her breasts in a very sensual way
Rowan ignored her and passed her the pyjama top “It seems like you are doing a good job at keeping them busy.”
She slapped him with her t-shirt and got dressed again “I’d better get covered again, I don’t want to traumatise you.” She was about to add something else but a fit of coughing stopped her. Rowan was at her side in a moment and held her, knowing that it would usually leave her spent. The fits had become less frequent as she improved but the occasional one was enough to leave her breathless and this one seemed to be one of those. She grabbed his arm and squeezed it “hurts,”Aelin complained fisting her hand in his chest while concentrating on breathing. Rowan grabbed the inhaler she had been prescribed to use during an attack. She did as she had been shown by the doctors and then melted in his arms.
“Lie down.”
“Open…” she started but the coughing resumed and her hand fisted in the bed sheets this time. She grabbed the inhaler and breathed its medicines again, feeling air rushing back in her lungs. Eventually she collapsed in bed exhausted “Window…” she finally finished.
Rowan moved with speed and did as told. Aelin loved the spring air and even at the hospital she often asked him for the window to be open. It made her feel as if she could breath.
He moved her to the centre of the bed and covered with the blankets “do you feel like eating something?”
“No,” she said weakly and he knew she was not well. In the short time he had known her, Aelin had never refused a meal “Sleep,” his hand brushed her hair and she was asleep within minutes.
Once he was positive she was asleep he walked out and gently closed the door and went to the kitchen to make a phone call. Lorcan had been pestering him almost every day but Rowan had ignored him.
“The dutiful captain finally decides to phone back, or should I call you nurse Whitethorn now?”
Rowan growled and almost closed the call again, then decided to count till ten and listen what he had to say.
“Say your piece Salvaterre and let me go.”
“I want you to march back through these doors in four days.”
Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose. How could he leave her alone?
“A please from time to time doesn’t hurt.”
“Whitethorn, I don’t give a fuck if your firefighter woman made you a well mannered soldier. I am your superior and if I give you an order I expect you to answer with yes, sir. Another peep from you and you get your arse written up for insubordination and you can kiss your career goodbye.”
Rowan had to punch something, but a loud noise could wake up Aelin and he wanted to avoid that. So he just hung up the phone without giving Lorcan a reply then he grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. Once he was done he grabbed his laptop from his bag and set in motion his next plan.
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little-mad · 4 years ago
Downsides of Thievery Pt. 13 (Final)
~ Previous Part ~
Gavin couldn’t stop himself from turning over his shoulder to look at Rael, who apparently had information about his theft from the alteon diplomat. Immediately, Gavin was suspicious. What information could Rael possibly have about something he hadn’t witnessed? Anything he knew that the Emperor wouldn’t already, would have to have come from Gavin himself… “Oh shit, he’s not really talking about that is he?”
What did Rael hope to gain in telling the Emperor that Gavin had been commissioned to steal from the diplomat? Was he just doing his duty as a soldier by divulging everything he knew? Or was there something more to it? When Gavin had first told Rael that he had been hired to steal the ring, he’d seemed surprised, but hadn’t expressed any desire to confess the truth. Then again, Gavin had already proven unable to read Rael.
“Very well, go ahead,” the Emperor prompted, hands folded on the table as he looked at Rael with interest.
Gavin stared back at his former captor, unable to take his eyes off the giant man. “While Gavin Stone chose not to disclose this to the public, in our time together he did reveal to me that he was in fact hired by a third party to burgle Lady Elyth,” Rael explained smoothly. “So while Gavin Stone did perform the actual deed, the idea was not his own.” His voice had the same formal, all business tone it’d had when Gavin first met him, and yet this time there was a vague hint of...was it desperation? No, it couldn’t be. Gavin had to be just imagining things at this point.
The Emperor gave an interested hum. “Intriguing,” he remarked before turning to look at Gavin. “Is this true?” he inquired.
While Gavin hadn’t been planning on explaining the full circumstances of the robbery to the Emperor, he wasn’t about to deny it now that Rael had done so. Lying at this point would only make him look more suspicious than he already did. “Yes, sir,” Gavin replied, hoping the honorific wasn’t an improper term to use with the Emperor.
The giant sovereign gave a nod of understanding. He took a long, thoughtful pause as he considered the new information before focusing back on Gavin. “Is there a reason you didn’t report this?” he asked, a serious look in those yellow eyes of his.
God, it was intimidating enough being stared at by a giant, but being stared at by a giant who ruled over an entire dimension of giants was just something else entirely. And Gavin had thought meeting Orlando Bloom at a music festival when he was seventeen had been daunting. Gavin swallowed. “Keep it together,” he ordered himself. If he wanted the Emperor to treat him like a person, it was possible he would need to earn his respect first.
“Sir, whether I was hired or not doesn’t change the fact that I committed the crime,” Gavin started. “And since I don’t know the real name of the man who hired me, I didn’t see a point in reporting it to authorities.” There was also the fact that Gavin had never really been one to snitch, especially on his fellow criminals, but he wasn’t about to say that part in a room with a soldier and a political leader.
“I see,” the Emperor responded pensively. “Well, I consider taking responsibility for your own actions to be quite noble,” he told Gavin with complete sincerity in his voice. “Truthfully, I never took Ashryn’s suggestion very seriously,” he admitted. “I’ve worked quite hard to develop a peaceful and friendly relationship with humankind, and I am not about to undo that by mistreating my first human convict.”
Gavin’s eyes widened. Did he hear that right? Did the Emperor really just, one after the other, call him noble and say that he wouldn’t lock him up in a display cage? It was hard for Gavin not to let a wave of relief crash over him. The news was great, but he still didn’t know what fate did await him. Not being treated like an animal really was the bare minimum after all.
“Um...so what are you planning to do with me?” Gavin found himself asking. He was sick and tired of the uncertainty, of not knowing what was in store for him. Whatever his sentence might be, he just wanted to know what it was already so he could start figuring out how to cope with it.
The Emperor’s eyebrows lifted slightly. He seemed somewhat taken aback by Gavin’s abrupt question. It was possible the man wasn’t accustomed to being spoken to that way. Gavin hoped he hadn’t done something taboo. He wasn’t intending to be disrespectful, he just really didn’t know how to interact with literal royalty.
Apparently, the Emperor wasn’t too upset, because a small smile had taken form on his face. “Well,” he began, glancing back at Rael. “I find myself quite fascinated by your willingness to speak up in front of me in order to defend this human.”
“Is that what he did?” Gavin asked himself. Had Rael really been standing up for him? Was it really more than him just doing his job?
“You were aware that many important figures have negative opinions of Gavin Stone, and yet you risked your reputation by speaking up for him,” the Emperor went on.
Suddenly everything was beginning to make a lot more sense. The whole scene out in the hallway...it had been all about Rael protecting his reputation. He couldn’t choose a human over an alteon, lest he risk being looked down upon by his peers. Of course, none of that made what he’d done okay, but at least Gavin understood why now. “Does this mean he had some kind of change of heart...is that why he told the Emperor about me being hired…?” he pondered to himself.
The Emperor’s gaze suddenly returned to Gavin. “I believe I have decided what your sentence will be,” he announced firmly, a satisfied smile on his face that Gavin wasn’t sure how to take. “Since the two of you have clearly established the foundations of a relationship, I have decided that, in order to atone for your crime, you will serve under Rael as an assistant for a minimum of one year.”
Gavin’s mouth fell open, but before he could even form a coherent thought, he heard Rael’s stunned voice exclaim from behind him, “What?!”
The word had slipped from Rael’s mouth before he could stop it. He had just been so shocked by the Emperor’s announcement that all thoughts of propriety and manners suddenly flew out the window. “Sorry, your majesty,” he quickly recovered. “I just--I wasn’t expecting that.”
Take a human on as an assistant?! It was completely unheard of--of course it was unheard of, humans were tiny people who lived in another realm, why would one ever serve as an assistant to a common alteon soldier? Rael didn’t even know what to think. The Emperor clearly trusted him enough to put Gavin in his ward, but what the hell was Rael supposed to do with a diminutive person tagging along with him while he worked? Plus there was the matter of he and Gavin’s last encounter. Something told Rael the human didn’t much want to hang around with the person who had threatened him not once, but twice within a few hours.
“I’m aware that it’s unorthodox, but to be frank, this entire situation is unorthodox,” the Emperor stated. “This way, Gavin Stone will be able to serve his punishment while learning about and experiencing our realm.” It seemed the relationship between alteons and humans was even more important to the Emperor than Rael had realized--he was completely breaking away from the norm for the sake of diplomacy.
“Are you sure it won’t be too dangerous?” Rael had to ask. On a regular basis, his job wasn’t typically overly treacherous, but even the mildest thing to him could be potentially life threatening to someone as small as Gavin.
The Emperor offered a gentle smile. “I’m certain Gavin Stone will be quite safe in your hands, Rael.” It was easy for him to say that, he didn’t know what Rael had done just ten minutes prior--if he did, he would probably never let Gavin within a hundred feet of the temper-prone excuse for an Imperial Guard soldier.
“Uh--excuse me, sir,” Gavin piped up nervously. He was facing towards the Emperor, so Rael couldn’t see his facial expression. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to see it. “What exactly can someone like me do as an assistant?” the human inquired, voicing the question that Rael had been pondering.
“You will do whatever Rael requests of you,” the Emperor told him simply, then turning to Rael said, “You may utilize him as your assistant how you see fit, so long as he isn’t put in significant danger of course.” Rael couldn’t believe how much faith the Emperor seemingly had in him. Where did it come from? This was by far the longest interaction he’d ever had with the ruler of Iaela, so why did he seem to trust a random soldier so much? “I’ll have some furniture and attire made up to suit a human. You are also free to request any accommodations you think you may need,” the Emperor added, already scrawling down notes on a sheet of parchment.
Rael opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say. He just couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He’d gone from disliking humans to being made the guardian of one in a matter of hours. He still wasn’t sure about his opinion on humanity as a whole, but he couldn’t deny the fact that one particular human had penetrated the tough exterior he had built around himself.
Like it or not, Rael cared about Gavin. He never would have spoken up to the Emperor if he hadn’t. As strange and inexplicable as it may be, he needed to accept the reality of the situation. Gavin would be his ward for at least a year. They would be spending a lot of time with each other. Rael couldn’t keep pretending to be indifferent to the tiny man.
After being dismissed from the meeting with the Emperor, Gavin had been carried off by Rael, taken to what he could only assume was Rael’s quarters. The entire trip there had been silent, because what the hell was Gavin supposed to say? He was so mentally and emotionally confused at this point that he couldn’t even begin to make sense of anything.
Rael’s room was small and simple; it contained only a bed, side table, and little chest of drawers. On the way in, Gavin had noticed the hallway had been filled with doors, which led him to believe this area was entirely made up of the rooms of soldiers. At least Rael had his own space, the last thing Gavin needed at the moment was to be faced with more alteons.
“Gavin,” Rael spoke up, finally breaking the silence that had stretched out between the two of them. “I know you’re probably not pleased with this arrangement.” Gavin stared up at Rael from where he stood on the bedside table. The giant was sitting on his bed, but of course, he was still looming high over the human. “I...I understand why you would feel that way,” Rael’s voice was uncharacteristically hesitant, Gavin could hardly believe this was the same person who had yelled at him earlier.
A long sigh blew out from between Gavin’s lips. “I sure hope you’re leading up to an apology here,” he snipped, folding his arms firmly over his chest. He wasn’t going to put up with some indirect expression of regret, nah--that wasn’t going to fly. If Rael wanted his forgiveness, he would have to make an apology as clear and plain as day.
There was no derision or amusement on Rael’s face, just a solemn frown. “Ashryn wanted me to prove myself by...reigning you in,” the alteon explained in a stormy tone. “I was too afraid of harming my reputation to not take the bait.” Clearly Gavin’s assumptions had been right. “But I was wrong...and weak for not standing up to Ashryn. For that, I am sorry.” It was hard to believe Gavin was hearing those words being directed at him from Rael. A few hours ago it would have seemed impossible.
As good as it was to hear the apology, Gavin still felt like there was something Rael wasn’t entirely grasping. “Listen, I know I look pretty tough, but you’ve gotta realize how--how freaky it is when you use your size against me.” Admitting he was afraid wasn’t really something Gavin loved to do, especially considering he was trying to convince alteons that humans weren’t weak little babies, but Rael needed to know the effect his actions had.
The size disparity between the room’s occupants suddenly became even more strikingly apparent. Gavin was standing and Rael was sitting, and yet Rael still absolutely towered over the human. No matter how equal the two may be intellectually, Rael would always have a huge automatic advantage over Gavin--and that was something they would both have to come to adapt to if they were going to be living and working with each other for the foreseeable future.
“Are you afraid of me?” The sudden question stunned Gavin. He wasn’t sure why, because it had always been something in the back of his mind. Maybe it was just shocking hearing Rael ask it so bluntly.
Gavin paused. How was he supposed to answer this? He had definitely had fear inflicted on him by Rael on multiple occasions, but was he really and truly afraid of the guy? Gavin gave a weak shrug. “I don’t really know...I guess sometimes…” Rael gave a tight nod, as if he had been expecting that response. “But other times you’re just a big, awkward dork,” Gavin quickly added.
A very slight smile pulled at the corner of Rael’s lips. “Alright, I’ll promise not to use my size against you anymore, if you can promise not to call me a ‘dork’ again,” he said the words so seriously, and yet the growing grin on the alteon’s face gave him away.
Gavin chuckled. “Fine, but you gotta promise not to give me any weird assistant jobs, like polishing your scabbard or some shit.” He really didn’t know how much someone of his size could really be of use to a giant, but he supposed this arrangement was better than being thrown into a cage.
Rael raised a single dark eyebrow. “Oh, but you’re probably the only one that could actually reach the inside.”
A grumpy frown took shape on Gavin’s face. “Okay, next rule: no size jokes at my expense!”
A warm, genuine laugh escaped from Rael. In a flash the giant man was reaching forward, and before Gavin could dodge backwards, a massive index finger was ruffling his hair, making the already messy locks even more of a disaster. “No promises.”
Gavin let out a long sigh. Somehow he had gone from being a professional thief to the assistant to a gigantic, elf-eared man from another dimension. “At least it’s more exciting than being a damn doctor.”
I was originally gonna make this two parts but I decided to just make it one big chunky final chapter! This story was kind of like the introductory prologue to Gavin and Rael so there's definitely room for more about them in the future if people are interested. I had a ton of fun writing this and totally appreciate all the nice comments and such that I got!
I've got a busy few weeks ahead of me but feel free to send in prompts/commissions for my ocs. I just may take a little while to actually get to them.
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jasper13 · 2 years ago
Honestly, the more I think about myself as a kid, it amazes me that I didn’t realize I had autism until I was 31, despite being married to an autistic person and suspicious our oldest was on the spectrum.
-Fixed interests as a child- they varied some and came and went with various time frames, but I distinctly remember having to get everything with horses in K-2nd grade, but that was socially acceptable and a thing my peers also liked
—My stretch from roughly age 8-16 where my main interest was ancient Egypt, particularly mummification practices, not so much. I went through roughly 3rd and 4th fascinated by mummies in general, but by 5th or so, I’d honed in on Egypt specifically. In 8th grade, I made a whole room of boys cringe at my very in-depth explanation of mummification practices.
-I had a lovey. That’s not super strange, but I latched onto this pink rabbit my grandpa got me shortly before he died when I was 7. That pink rabbit became my end all be all. It went everywhere with me. It sat on my desk at school from 3rd-5th grades. In 3rd grade, he got decapitated by an asshole in 4th grade, and I had friends who were in another grade who informed me they could hear me crying and screaming in their classrooms. They thought someone had DIED. My mom sewed his head back on, and he continued to accompany me everywhere for years. 6th grade he still went to school with me, but I managed to keep him in my locker vs on my person. But if I didn’t have my rabbit, sleep was not happening. I would be fully distraught. In 7th or so grade, I got a similar attachment to a necklace I wore. I wore it until the loop on the charm wore through. That was 11th grade I think.
-I collected nail polish, but rarely did I ever paint my nails. But I’d get bottles of OPI and whatever I could get my hands on. I remember being 6 or 7 and stupid excited cause my mom let me pick out like 5 of those itty bitty nail polishes called BonBons. It was more for my collection. I’d pick out names for them from baby name books and write them on scotch tape and put the tape on the bottles. Then I’d crash in our bathroom with a blanket and play with them on the linoleum which was decorated in squares that were probably about 1”x1”. I’d line them up to get on the “school bus” (a section of floor I’d chosen), get them off to go to class (another section where each square was a desk). But nah, that’s normal.
-I got in trouble a lot for having a “smart mouth” from early childhood well into my teenage years. I’d get in trouble and literally not understand what I did wrong. But if you questioned that way, you got in trouble for back talking. So I was left confused by arbitrary rules that no one would explain or make make sense, and kept getting in trouble for answering things when it wasn’t my place or correcting people who I apparently shouldn’t. Or just speaking the truth no one wanted to hear.
-I spent more than my fair share of recesses hanging with teachers or older kids cause my own peers didn’t make sense. Teachers are fairly easy to please- make good grades, make the effort in school, be quiet, and don’t get in trouble. I was good for that. My peers were way more confusing.
-like many, I struggled in middle school. The friend groups in my class of 15 kids had been set long before I showed up. While I was allowed into the groups, I was caught on the fringes. I didn’t like soccer or sports, which was a major thing for the group of girls I orbited near. I distinctly remember my mom, one time when I was particularly upset about not having real friends, tell me that I should just pretend to like what they do, and then they’d be my friends. That felt inauthentic, not to mention hard, so I didn’t. But that was my mom’s advice- fake it. Don’t be yourself; be someone else.
-I was depressed and had anxiety probably from the age of 7. When my grandpa died I was a mess for days, straight up wailing at the graveside funeral, and I never really pulled out of it. I stayed some level of fragile in that realm for much of my adolescence. I was probably in my 20s before I could talk about his passing without crying.
-My wife flirted with me for months before she asked me out. I had no clue. It just 100% did not occur to me that she was being anything but nice. I had no clue she was even interested until she asked me on a date 2-ish weeks before semester finals.
-Once at a hotel, a grown man was struggling to get his key card to work. I was probably 10 or so. He asked me for help when I was coming back from the snack machine. I helped, nothing happened. I was so proud of myself, I went in and told my parents of the good deed I did. I proceeded to get torn.into. because that guy shouldn’t have done that, he should’ve asked an adult for help, I shouldn’t have helped him. At the time, I was just upset because I thought I’d done something good- helping someone as we’re always told to do- and here I was getting dressed down because of it. 100% confused the fuck out of me at the time. Of course, as an adult, I understand the issue, but at the time, I was just upset.
-Clothing tags. I was raised in the generation before tags were printed on clothing (and that has its own issues sometimes- sometimes they get rough and itchy). I cut all of the tags out of the right side of my underwear. T-shirts got the snip quickly. As did everything else. They would irritate me to the point of distraction.
-See also: private schools requiring monogrammed polo shirts. Why?
- See also: pantyhose. WTF is up with that toe seam?
-I cried during dress rehearsal for my one year of ballet/tap/jazz because we were required to not wear underwear under our tights for the performance. I was like…7?
-Also the “joy to have in class” stereotype. I did my work, paid attention, didn’t make a fuss, and was smart. I did my damnedest not to get in trouble. So yeah, I was a joy to have in class. I was easy. Asked for little and gave a lot.
-I distinctly remember working on homework in high school far past a logical bedtime, crying through the whole thing but it HAD TO BE DONE. My mental health be damned. And I HAD to take the advanced classes. In my defense, the “mainstream” classes were often boring AF but the extra workload of the AP, Pre-AP, Honors classes was too much for me in hindsight. Also who decided that classes with more advanced material have to have 3x as much homework?
-I self-harmed. Looking back now, I think it was probably a combination of depression and stimming. It was an aspect of my life I could control, I knew what it would feel like, and I found it soothing.
-GI issues since birth. Colic as an infant. Constipation in preschool. Lactose intolerance and IBS since I was about 9 or 10. I’ve had the blood tests, the colonoscopies, the barium x-rays, the CT scans…there’s not anything of note to cause the amount of stomach issues I have and the fact that I know every public restroom in a large swath of the city I live in.
I could go on. And I’ll probably add to this. Just cause I find it interesting.
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years ago
Why Samurai Jack is a Fan-Frickin’-Tastic Character
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
And today, I’d like to introduce you to somebody:
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This is Samurai Jack, from the popular Cartoon Network series Samurai Jack. Jack is a rare case. Where most shows would have a cast of main, secondary, and recurring characters of varying sizes, Samurai Jack is a series that mostly follows its titular character on his own. Sure, occasionally, you'll see the Scottsman or Aku making an appearance once in a while. But for ninety-five percent of the series, it's entirely focused on Jack and whatever oddball bounty hunter he's forced to deal with for the next twenty-two minutes. This type of decision can be risky because without quality writing, strictly following the same character week after week could get boring real quick. Thankfully, Samurai Jack is a series that's packed to the brim with incredible writing and direction, making Jack himself a fan-frickin'-tastic character.
How is that possible? Well, let me count the ways.
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1. He’s the right type of overpowered
Jack knows almost every fighting style in the world and uses that knowledge to survive every bounty hunter, demon, and/or robot he faces every episode. On paper, this type of character could seem unbelievable given that he's just a mortal man, and even monotonous to know he always wins. But that's the thing: Even though Jack manages to almost always win every fight he's in, it's quickly explained why in the very first episode. Through a montage, we see Jack learning every fighting style from several teachers, each of them helping him prepare for the ultimate battle against Aku, an unspeakable evil. Through the simple act of showing us a few scenes of Jack learning a new skill, it's easy to understand why he's a difficult opponent to beat and easy to believe when he introduces another fighting style we haven't seen him use yet. Plus, while Jack's fighting is formidable, that doesn't make him--
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WRONG SHOW! But it's true.
Despite winning every episode, it is never an easy feat. Nearly every battle results in Jack getting beat up and torn apart (Or, his clothes do, anyway). When this happens, it makes the victory feel earned rather than easily given. Take his fight against the beetles in episode three, for example. All of his traps go off without a hitch, and he makes it out while standing upon a pile of his vanquished foes. However, during the fight, his armor got stripped away entirely, and he's now scratched up and covered in robot oil:
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That image alone proves that even though he’s winning, it doesn’t come easy for him. That remains a staple throughout most of the series, throwing in a few instances when he temporarily loses only to make his eventual victory all the sweeter. He may be overpowered, but at least it's still entertaining to watch regardless.
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2. He adapts quickly
A bit of background information to those who haven't the show (probably should have done this in the beginning, but live and learn, I guess): Jack is an ancient samurai that gets magically teleported to a future where his mortal nemesis rules the world. Now, Jack is forced into an environment vastly different from his own, and in turn, he's forced to deal with a lot of stuff he doesn't know. Most writers would take advantage of this type of predicament to make a ton of fish-out-of-water jokes as a way to poke fun at the idea of a samurai being in a futuristic "utopia" (Or, at least, in Aku's eyes, it's a utopia). Thankfully, the writers avoid that cliche. In fact, if my memory serves me right, there's only one fish-out-of-water joke in the entire series. Which I'm more than grateful for because having a character getting thrown off and confused by the world around him would have gotten old fast. But it's not just being in a future world that Jack quickly gets used to. It's also being in situations he's unfamiliar with. Whether it's learning to fit in with dance-crazed zombies or being turned into a chicken (yes, that happens), it doesn't take too long for Jack to figure out a way to get through his current crisis. It proves that even though Jack is a strong warrior in battle, he's also a strategic one who can't be so easily outsmarted.
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3. He plays off of everyone he encounters
Jack, in almost every sense of the word, is a straight man. Most of his humor comes from interacting with the bombastic temperaments of others due to his own behavior being so stoic and calm. The series accomplishes this feat by having the future world filled with colorful personalities, making almost every character the best comedic partner for Jack. Primarily through Aku and the Scottsman, who, as I mentioned before, are the only characters that make regular appearances. These are characters with personalities that clash with Jack's, what with Aku being bombastic and chaotic and the Scottsman being loud and crash. Every time Jack interacts with either of them, comedy almost always follows. A good thing too because while Jack can have his own humorous moments, it's better to pair a straight man with someone insane if you want the laughs to come frequently.
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4. He’s still a ton of fun himself!
That being said, Jack is still a riot when he gets to be. By and large, I'd say he has a dry sense of humor, often shining through when he interacts with someone carrying the chaos for the both of them. But, occasionally, there are moments when Jack lets his goofy side out, and it's always funny. They're rare, but that in itself is why they work. Because since Jack always acts so serious in this series, seeing him suddenly break that character results in a laugh because it's something we wouldn't expect from him. If he always acted like this, it wouldn't hit as hard as it would only just be his usual sense of humor. So seeing him smile like an idiot as he's waiting "for the magic to begin" causes me to bust a gut laughing each time.
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5. He lives despite tragedy
But not everything is all fun and games for our protagonist.
Jack has one goal in this series: Get back to the past and stop the future of Aku from happening. Several episodes make it clear how strenuous a task this could be, showing Jack briefly losing hope that he'll even complete it. Hell, a good chunk of the final season is him practically given up. He still fights to stop Aku's minions from wreaking havoc, but you can see that the light has left his eyes, and he is more than willing for it to end. But, despite how hard things get and how tragic his life can be, there is always a spark of hope that reminds him what he's fighting for and gives him a second wind to finish it. Even when he's at his lowest point, when everything is seemingly hopeless, Jack will always get back up to defeat Aku, no matter what timeline they're in. It is truly noble and shows just how much of a hero Jack is. In fact--
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6. He’s the definition of what a hero should be
At least, to me, he is.
What do I mean? Well, I always believe that a hero is a person who would do everything they can to do the right thing, refusing to let innocent people suffer no matter what the cost. Jack proves it in every episode, frequently the ones where he's inevitably screwed over by his own selflessness. He could easily finish his quest and finally get back to the past, but because it could mean that someone innocent would be badly affected by it, Jack always doubles back to save them. The best example is in the second episode of season two. Jack gets ahold of a fairy that he heard can grant him any wish that he wants, but it's trapped in this ball of energy and will never get out. Jack can just wish to go back to the past and stop Aku once and for all. He only needs to make one simple wish. And what does he wish for? The fairy's freedom.
Because that's who Jack is. He's not the guy who would bargain for the life of another, even if his quest is more important. You can argue all you want that if saving something as inconsequential as the fairy's life is pointless due to tragedies like it being preventable if Jack successfully goes back in time. But that doesn't matter to him. A life is a life, and Jack is not the person to trade it. He's a hero and a damn good one at that.
There are many reasons why Samurai Jack is a fantastic character, but the one above, and the others I've just listed, prove how he is a fan-frickin'-tastic character.
(Sidenote: Does it bother anyone else that, despite five full seasons, we've never known what his real name is? No? Just me? Ok.)
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rein-ette · 4 years ago
Are you still working on your Commonwealth study? Do you have any thoughts on Arthur's relationships with his colonies apart from Canzuk + US?
Not properly, unfortunately with exams and then work I haven’t had mental/emotional capacity to do real research (and probably won’t for a while 😔). But I have continued to think about and develop certain relationships, and I think I also have old hcs I’ve never shared, so I’ll put those down!
Born into the Empire
@oumaheroes has already done such great hcs on him idk what I can add, but basically he was a little bit of a rowdy child, always breaking windows and shattering fancy pots, never able to sit still. I think rainbow once mentioned that Ken (short for Kenneth, my name for Aus) was a lot like England as a child in his curiosity and energy, and I wholeheartedly agree. But I think Arthur’s intensity was more inwardly directed, pushing him to pursue and master new talents and learn whatever he could, while Australia is a little more carefree in his love for the outdoors, exploring, jumping around and off things, little wild animals. Unfortunately for him, he was born in a period of the empire when Arthur was very serious about his kids education, and therefore often praised those who studied hard and learned fast, which really just wasn’t Australia’s cup of tea. Australia took this kinda hard and thought he was the “dumb” one in the family that Arthur was always scolding, but in reality Arthur knew and appreciated that Australias interests lay elsewhere — he was just a frustrated, tired, parent who really wanted to give his kids the best while also holding his empire together, two goals that were never going to fit well in the end and would completely exhaust him.
As Australia’s grown older he’s realized a bit of this (not entirely, though) and also that 1) he really did break a lot expensive things and cause general mayhem 2) scolding us Arthur’s way of showing he cares, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have payed attention to him at all 3) despite being a penal colony, he was still one of Arthur’s more “legitimate” children (being white and a boy) and was therefore still incredibly privileged — never having to question, for example, why it was that Arthur was his dad, if it should be this way, or if he had a seat at the family table at all (more on this later).
New Zealand
Zee, from birth, was a clear favourite. Obedient, calm, quietly intelligent, he would also later develop a blistering sense of humour which combined with his appearance made it overwhelmingly clear who’s child he was. If Ken questioned his place in the family because of his poor academic record and others did because of their appearance/race/other complications, Kaelan never had such problems; his siblings called him the “prince.” Zee, however, also had a charm that, like Matthew, endeared him to his siblings and mostly protected him from jealousy, though he certainly still had issues with being called a try hard, daddy’s boy, bossy, arrogant. Certainly as a child Zee was a little prideful and, under that unperturbed demeanour, willful, but he grew out of it by the 20th century and became one of those most trusted by Arthur, second only to Matthew. He’s also always been inseparable from his brother Australia despite their differences, and today they both have one of the healthiest and most amicable relationships with Arthur of any nation, let alone former colonies (family road trips, every summer).
I absolute fell in love with this girl after reading about here, once, in this fic by @shachaai, and after that my mind just ran away with me. For me, her human name given to her by Arthur just has to be Ariel — for the little mermaid reference, yes, symbolizing her connection to the sea and stunning good looks, but also because:
1. Ariel is a biblical name, meaning lion of God. This makes sense to me, because Bermuda began as a Portuguese trade post, so Arthur definitely consulted our resident bad catholic Port before naming her.
2. Ariel used to be boys name. This also makes sense, because I hc Bermuda was and still is a tomboy. Bitch is fierce, takes no prisoners, and has zero filter. Her letters to Arthur, which all the colonies sent so Arthur could keep an eye on things, were full of shit like “I swear to god if the Spanish don’t get out of my waters I might eat one of them,” and “father, I asked you for destroyers two months ago, and yet you sent them to Hong Kong — could you explain this most unusual occurrence, surely it’s not that you forgot”, and “thank you for the harpoon on my birthday, I caught a small shark a couple days ago and have sent you some of its teeth for your collection.” Arthur tolerates this attitude because he’s weak when it comes to girls; he absolutely spoils his daughters (and flushes like a 16 year old when a woman so much as bats her eyelashes at him). Yes, p*ssywhipped Arthur is a hill I will die on.
3. It also suits her because? Ariel? Shakespeare? The Tempest? Bermuda Triangle? Shipwrecks? Daughter-like figure of powerful and vengeful sorcerer? Yeah. And this girl is a fire spirit — she is so lively, snarky, clever. As she’s grown older she’s mellowed out a little, but still: a no shit taken, no fucks given type of gal.
4. Speaking of growing up, she’s also become quite the beauty. Shacha, if I’m remembering correctly, described her as dark skinned, wavy-haired, and green eyed and that image has been burned onto the back of my eyelids ever since. Those Iberian genetics really be pulling through for her, that’s for sure. Engport love child if I’ve ever seen one. Definitely one of the prettiest in her family.
I’ve already mentioned this to needcake, but I’m not too big a fan of canon Singapore, so this is my oc version. Singapore is fascinating to me because it had only a very small local population before it became a colony (The original settlement had actually been destroyed by the Portuguese about two centuries before the British started building a port there.) So nation-tans like Singapore and Bermuda really are Arthur’s children in the most direct sense of the word. And yet, Singapore is mostly ethnically Chinese, with Malays being the second largest group. Growing up Asian in a white, Victorian era family surely cannot have been easy and more than once Singapore probably wondered if there hadn’t been some mistake. To make up for the constant fear that he wasn’t “really” British, Singapore studied ferociously and had a truly terrifying work ethic. I’m not sure if this is common knowledge outside Asian circles, so I’ll mention that this hc comes from the fact Singapore is well known for having truly exceptional students and some of the most prestigious schools. Singaporeans score highly in literally everything and they have an advantage with good English learning environments, a highly desirable trait in Asia, but these results come from brutally long hours — and its really saying something that they’re known for working hard, considering the studying ethic of students in Korea, Japan, and China aint nothing to sneeze at, either. To me this actually fits really well with Singapore’s upbringing in Arthur’s household, because Arthur himself prizes intelligence and hard work above all else, being a workaholic himself.
As for their relationship, it was probably the best when Singapore was young and peaked in the 1930s with the massive naval base the British built at Singapore, at the time the largest dry dock in the world. Singapore was a well-behaved child, not necessarily introverted but not rowdy either, and all the way into his teenage years he truly admired Arthur and was proud to be a part of the British Empire, despite his lingering unease and insecurities. The British defeat in World War II, however, was a massive turning point. He had worked his ass off to be a good son, a good brother, to contribute to the only family and system he had ever known, and he had thought by the 30s he was finally on his way to becoming a fine adult. And suddenly, the British surrender brings his entire world crashing down. He had followed the rules faithfully thinking it was his destiny, but suddenly it was clear that all rules were made up. Of course, his insecurities exploded. If the empire was a ruse, what the hell was he? A part of the illusion? He couldn’t have a truly Asian identity, because many of the old East Asian nations shunned him for his Western upbringing, and he could not entirely understand their values either. So he was a kid who kinda had to figure out late and very very suddenly who the fuck he was and wanted to be.
And, well, he’s done pretty well for himself, hasn’t he. After having a total crisis and questioning everything, I think Singapore slowly started to realize that just because the British Empire as a political entity didn’t last forever, that didn’t mean that his entire childhood and identity weren’t real. The love he gave to his siblings and the love he got back, the hard work he put in, his bond with Arthur and the safe, happy childhood he had — those memories and feelings didnt have to be diminished by what came after. Essentially, he learned the lesson all nations have to learn, which is that one needs to be able to discern between duties as a nation and feelings as a human being, and to some extent keep them separate to protect both.
Whoooooo ok I’ll stop there because this turned into a dissertation, sorry. Let me know if there are any specifics u want me to elaborate on or anything I missed, but I’ll leave this here for today :)
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avengerscompound · 4 years ago
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 2
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1849
Warnings:  Pregnancy and minor language on chapter.
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there.
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Chapter 2: Anger Issues
When Marya returned home from school that day we were all ready to meet her.  Marya was sixteen years old, a little taller than I was, with dark hair and light brown eyes - just like Bruce.  Those weren’t the only things she’d inherited from her biological father.  She was extremely intelligent and had been skipped ahead a grade in school.  There had been talk about skipping her ahead more than that, but it wasn’t something encouraged in schools due to the strain it has on children’s emotional and social development.  So instead she was finishing up high school with her peer group while taking college courses as electives.
She also had her own little green problem.
Her powers worked differently from Bruce’s.  She could turn into a hulk, and that transformation could be triggered by extreme negative emotions - not just anger, but when she was really sad or anxious too.  Unlike Bruce though, she never had to worry about sharing her body with another person.  When she changed she was always herself and generally she had such precision control over the transformation that she could do it on command, much as Bruce could after the bonding ceremony all those years ago.
She looked around suspiciously at us as we called her over to the couches by the large window, typically the place where we had family meetings.  It was usually where we spoke to the kids if they had done something they probably shouldn’t have.  We took an approach with our parenting where they didn’t usually get in trouble for misbehaving.  Rather we tried to think of a real-world consequence for what they’d done.  For example, if they were fighting they had to sit down and listen to each other’s grievances and then work out a way to both come to an understanding about how the other feels and try to make each other feel better.  It didn’t always work, but we figured it was better than arbitrarily making them go sit in the corner.  So it made sense that she’d think she was in trouble for something.
“What’d I do?”  She asked, dropping her backpack on the ground while she stood looking at her gathered parents.
“Why don’t you tell us?”  Sam teased.  “And we’ll tell you if that’s it.”
“I’m not falling for that,” Marya snarked, folding her arms across her chest.
“Honey, sit down,” Steve said, gently.  “You’re not in trouble.  We just need to tell you something.”
Marya sat down carefully, looking at everyone with deep suspicion.  “Is someone else pregnant?  Are you trying to populate Earth with just our family?”
“No,” Clint laughed.  “What the hell?”
I rolled my eyes.  “Honestly, honey, I sometimes think the same thing,” I said.  “But that’s not what this is.”
“Your Aunt Angela came to visit today,” Steve explained.  “She’s giving up the throne of Asgard.”
“Does that mean Riley’s going to be queen?”  Marya asked, looking over at Thor.  “I can’t believe my sister’s going to be the queen of a whole other planet.”
Thor shook his head.  “Riley is still too young to rule by Asgardian standards.  My people - our people - would consider that the equivalent of having Zak as their king.  I have to step up and take the lead.”
“Which means, we are moving to Asgard,” Steve finished.  “I know that...”
“What?”  Marya yelped, interrupting Steve as she blinked at us.  “When?”
“Within the month,” Steve said.
“But I have school!”  Marya shouted.  Her fists clenched and she started to turn green at the edges.  “And what about my friends?  You can’t just take me away from everyone I ever knew!”
“Mar,” Bruce said, gently.  “Deep breath.  Get that under control.”
“Don’t tell me how to feel!”  Marya shouted, slamming her hands on the coffee table and sending a large crack through the heavy wood.  I jumped a little, startled at her violent reaction, and the green started to creep into her arms starting at her hands, making her muscles swell and double in size.
Sam moved forward and crouched in front of his daughter, taking both her hands in his and looking into her eyes.  “Marya,” Sam said with a gentle yet commanding tone.  “I know you’re upset, but you need to talk about this rationally.  If you can’t talk about it, you’re gonna have to go to your room to cool off first.”
She started crying and pulled her hands out of his.  “It’s not fair!” She cried.  “I don’t even get a say about whether or not you take me away from my friends.  My whole goddamn planet?”
“Honey,” Steve said, wrapping his arm around Marya’s shoulders.  “I know this is tough.  I really do.  But we’re partially doing it for you.”
“I don’t see how taking me from my friends is somehow supposed to be good for me,” she grumbled.
“Alright, kid,” Natasha said.  “I’m going to give you some harsh truths here.  You’re going to lose them anyway.  Maybe not all of them anytime soon, but the ones you would have kept in your life you’d have had to watch age and die.  Just like we all have done and are with our friends and family.  We want to save you what’s happening with Rose.  We don’t want you to have to fall in love and then watch them fade out while you’re stuck looking like you can’t buy a beer.”
Marya started crying harder and fell into Steve’s side and Wanda glared at Natasha.  “You didn’t have to be so harsh,” Wanda snapped.
“Well babying her wasn’t doing it either,” Natasha argued.  “She needs to hear it.  She might not like it, but going to Asgard is what’s best for her.”
“Can’t I even finish school?”  Marya begged.  “I could stay with Eddie - or Rose.  Or one of my friends.  And then… then I’ll come.”
“There will be school for you on Asgard,” Thor said.  ��And it will teach you things that far outreach anything any of you have learned on Midgard.  Riley and Pietro both attend and they learn of the world tree, and alien languages, advanced mathematics, and magic.  You are already holding yourself back to fit in, daughter.  You would never have to hide any part of you in Asgard.  Not your intelligence, and not this -” he tapped her arm where it was still tinged with green.
“And I’ll make it so you can talk to your friends here.  We’ll set up a line of communication,” Tony added.  “Don’t worry.  I’ll make sure my kids don’t go without Tumblr and Instagram.  Imagine how many followers you’ll get posting selfies in Asgard.”
“I already have a tonne of followers, dad,” Marya sniffed.  “I’m a Skjodbærer.”
“Yes, you are,” Tony said.  “And don’t you forget it.  The whole universe is yours.”
“We’ll make sure we come back to visit,” I said.  “We all still have friends here, and places we like to spend our time.”
“Yeah, who’s going to annoy Katie-Kate if I’m not around?”  Clint joked.
Marya let out a small laugh that was still more tears than actual laughter.  “I’m sure she’d hate not being annoyed by you.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Clint said and patted Marya on the thigh.
“We aren’t doing this to punish you, Mar,” Sam soothed.  “I promise.  We’ve all been talking about this for a long time, and we were going to wait, but your dad can’t anymore.  He has to go and rule his kingdom.  And sometimes we have to give up what we want to do for what we need to.”
Marya let out a long slow breath and nodded.  “I know.  I know, dad.  They’re still my friends though and I’m still sad about it.”
“I know,” Wanda said.  “Being sad is normal.”
“Can I have a goodbye party?”  Marya asked.
“Look who you’re talking to,” Tony teased.  “The biggest.”
She sat silently for a moment and nodded again.  “If I really hate it, can I come back again?”
“You need to give it a proper chance,” Steve said.
“I will,” she assured him.  “I just… I don’t…”
“If you really hate it, you can come back,” I said, cutting Steve off before he had a chance to reply.  “We won’t like it, but our kids being happy and healthy is the thing we want most.  We just think… in the long run, this is the best option for that.”
“I know,” Marya said.  She looked around at anyone and kicked at her bag.  “Can I go now?”
“One thing first,” Steve said, tapping the table where she cracked it.  “What are we going to do about this?”
Marya sighed and looked at it.  “I’m sorry,” she said.
“And…?”  Steve pressed.
“And… I’ll go see if I can find someone who can repair it.  If I can’t, I’ll shop for a suitable replacement.  And… and I’ll volunteer at the soup kitchen for the Sundays before we leave as a stand-in for the fact I don’t need to earn money to pay for these things.”
“Good girl,” Steve said.  “Dinner will be at 6.30.”
Marya stood up and grabbed her back.  “Okay.”
“Marya,” I said.  “We love you.”
She smiled a little and nodded.  “I love you all too.”
We watched her disappear up the stairs and Bruce sat back and ran his palms over his scalp.  “I really need to help her deal with her anger.”
Bucky patted his arm.  “It’s usual teen stuff.  We’ve seen it before -” he gestured to me “- we’ll see it again.”
“Yeah, but when any of the others got upset we didn’t have to worry about them breaking the building,” Bruce said.
“Umm… do I need to remind you about that tantrum Riley had that meant we had to remodel her room,” I said.
Bruce chuckled and nodded.  “Right.  I guess.”
“It won’t hurt to work with her more,” Sam said.  “But don’t think that her having a temper is on you.  She’s hyper-intelligent and smart kids often deal with anxiety because they’re always thinking ten steps ahead about all the potential terrible outcomes.”
“Tell me about it,” Tony snarked.
“Yes, Tony, you’re a genius, we all know,” Bucky teased.
“I do not like that I am the reason for her distress,” Thor said.  “We could always go back to how it was before Angela took the throne.”
“And barely get to see you?”  Clint said.  “I don’t fuckin’ think so.”
“That’s not going to happen, Thor,” Steve said.  “We’ve been talking about this for a while.  It’s time.  Sometimes kids have to move because their parents are.  It’s not fun for them.  But she will adapt and it is better it happens sooner than for her to fall into this society's expectations for when she should be doing things.”
Thor nodded, though he didn’t look completely convinced.  
“Alright,” Clint said, clapping his hands.  “Enough about moody teenagers.  We have a lot to work out.”
“It’s going to be a big change,” I said.  “But we’ve gotten really good at those, and in my experience, they always worked out for the best.”
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i-cant-sing · 3 years ago
Okay, Moon anon was able to contact me and I'm gonna post their chapters 3-6 here.
Daniel and YN 3 🌗🌗
Rainy days are crazy. Some of YN’s best and worst memories were on a rainy day. It was a rainy day when Daniel was born. His parents overjoyed when he decided to join the world early. The Sunny morning turned rainy when they saw something was wrong. The sky was so dark when the doctored explained that their baby didn’t get enough oxygen in the womb or when he came out. That his brain was impacted by the trauma. It took four years for Daniel’s mother to stop blaming herself, four years for her to understand that she couldn’t have known that something was wrong in her womb. Four years when they had their second child. It was a rainy day when YN and Daniel got lost. Holding each other’s hand, tightly they wandered the Kamino Ward. Hoping that their parents would be right down an alley or around the corner. That was a terrible 6th birthday for YN. The steps Daniel left in the dirt started to get deeper and more burnt. The boy slightly started to tremble. “Daniel.. it’s gonna be ok. Momma and Pop are going to find us we just have to-“ “Are you two lost?” A very tall man in a black suit asked. YN couldn’t remember his face, but his voice was eerily calm and smoothe. His head had snow white hair on it. A look at him would’ve left even the hero All Might scared. “ye…Yes. My brother and I can’t find our parents..” “Oh dear. Well I can help you. They couldn’t have gotten far.” He held his hand to Daniel. And he almost took it had YN not stepped in. “We’re not supposed to touch strangers.” “Oh yes, that’s a very good rule. Well my name is.. Shigaraki. Now what are yours?” “…yn.. and daniel..” “Now we aren’t strangers. Let’s get you two somewhere safe. Your brother’s quirk might level the neighborho-“ “YN! DANIEL!” The relieved voice of their father shouted out. And the two quickly turned away, toward his calls and open arms. Tears running down their faces, swearing to never wander off again. The day was saved. When YN went to turn to Mr Shigaraki to tell him it was fine, he had disappeared into the crowd. But one question lingered in her head. How did he know Daniel’s quirk could be dangerous? It was a sunny day at first when YN and Daniel went out to the park for their Day out. YN had already planned to tell her parents that she wanted to come back here for her 12th birthday in a few months. Daniel kept over-stimulating himself with every single thing that caught his eyes. The anthill, the trees, the way the wind carried the leaves, when he and YN jumped around over the hopscotch drawings. When the rain came down they didn’t want to leave. They wanted to splash in the wetness like a couple of ducks. But Momma was insistent it was time to go back to the apartment. Inside the car YN immediately put on her headphones to listen to nightcore covers of popular songs. It wasn’t until she noticed her mom’s terrified expression and felt her dad’s fear did she take them off. “-I DONT KNOW ITS NOT BREAKING!” “WE’RE GOING RIGHT INTO TRAFFIC! DO SOMETHING!” “..momma?..” “DANIEL! YN GET DOWN!” That was the last thing her mother said to her. The rain hit the car harder. Daniel was quick to cover his little sister as the car swerved towards a large truck. YN felt her brother shield over their bodies. The last thing she heard from her father was a yell. Before they crashed into the truck. Before YN and Daniel were flung out into the side of the road. Scratches beginning to litter their arms and cheeks. YN felt the rain on her face as she tried looking up. Tried finding her parents. It was a rainy day when the last image of her parents was the crushed front end of the car. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN 4 🌗🌗
The incident at the cafe left a bigger mess then was intended. Of course the waitress didn’t say a word about who caused the mess, still terrified of the threat, but the manager still called the police. At the moment it was being investigated as a break in. It wasn’t until they started to bag the broken vases as evidence did they think to call a hero as they believed this was a terrorist villain trying to strike more fear. When the first cop touch the broken vases he immediately fell over and started seizing. Like someone had sent hundreds of volts up through his gloved fingers and into his blood stream. The second cop tried picking up the glass with prongs so that she wouldn’t get the same effect. But she still felt some pain and volts. Even the glass windows were giving off static. When they were examined no one could find a point of impact. It was almost like they spontaneously exploded. Worse and more confusing yet was the fact that the material seemed to give off radiation spikes. From a computer screen image, it was like a red glow was emanated from the glass. When the police tried to check the cameras, all the footage was either ruined, too melted to gather anything. It left them in a stump. So they had to make a plea to the hero society to get fresh eyes and help on the case. Not expecting any big response. Some heroes wanted to solve the mystery because it stumped them as well. This quirk residue was something unseen before. Calls and emails were left. All saying they would look into it. And it seemed like this would just be a mysterious case left forgotten. That is until the All Might showed up in the station one morning. Along with his protege Deku. They said they wanted to solve the case because if this person left such a dangerous residue after using their quirk, then they were a danger to themselves and others. No on saw the real intentions in their eyes. When they asked about the only other patron in the cafe the police said that they tried tracking them down, but they were gone into the wind. The only other patron at the cafe made their way into a compound. Holding treats meant for a little girl. But first he had to make a stop at his boss’s office. “Hey.. Kai. You won’t believe what Just saw.” Meanwhile in the station two separate rats made calls to two separate people. “Put me through to Shigaraki…. Hello. I have something interesting to tell you. Something that might please you and your Sensei.” “Oh hey there Aizawa. Detective Tsukauchi here. Look I you know about that cafe destruction a week ago? Yea well I think you outta here about this.” Indeed the cafe incident left a bigger mess than intended. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 5 🌗🌗
They’d been gone for at least two months. YN’s feet hurt and Daniel missed his own bed. But they had to keep going, with no intended final destination but a goal to keep away from the previous home they ran from. After the morning at the cafe, YN and Daniel had kept to the shadows for the rest of the day. But they couldn’t keep going like this. They needed to eat today but not at a restaurant. There was only one dreaded… dreaded option. The grocery store. So after they checked in at the latest motel with kitchens in the rooms, the siblings ventured off to the store.YN couldn’t leave Daniel alone yet. He’d panic and probably have a fit. The store was minimally packed. Since it was still early in the day it seemed like they would zip in and out with relative ease. After grabbing the bare essentials, and what she could pack in a backpack without much drag, it was time to go to the candy aisle. It was a long journey thus far, a journey deserving of some sour candies. But of course there had to be another person there. Invading space and looking right at her favorites. She wanted to just grab and go. But her hand and the stranger's hand touched as they reached for the same one. “Sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going heh..” The tall redhead said. A small blush on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s fine. Lemme just grab and go here.” She looked back for Daniel, luckily he was close by staring at the varieties of pocky they had. Turning back she noticed his uniform. UA, that might prove to be a complication. But YN was desperate for some kind words and a brief moment to talk to someone her own age. “So you go to UA? Are you a general student or a hero course student?” “Oh hero course definitely! I even have my hero name chosen!” “Wow that’s great. I hope in a few years I get to be saved by…?” “Red Riot!” “Like Crimson Riot?” “Exactly! I really admire him and I hope I live up to his-“ “OI SH**TY HAIR! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE! GRAB YOUR CRAP AND LET’S GO!” A blonde kid shouted down the aisle, also wearing a UA outfit. YN couldn’t place why but she felt like she’d known him before. That volume felt very familiar, but it startled her brother who jumped in fear causing the pocky he saw to fall off the shelving. Time to go now. “I should go anyway. It was nice meeting you.” “Wait, we could walk you and your brother to your school if you guys want?” “We have to go.” The blonde got closer and she could tell something was perpetually up his ass. “Bye.” “Wait! My name’s Eijiro Kirishima. What’s yours?” “YN. Just YN. That’s my brother Daniel.” And before he or his companion could ask anything else the two siblings fast walked toward the checkout and were out the door before they got another chance to talk to them. “YN… huh she was pretty cool right bakubro!” “What ever. Let’s get going before we show up after Deku.” But that name was familiar to him. The girl had long since faded from his mind, but how could anyone forget the day when a quirkless kid tried bashing your head into the dirt. He planned on apologizing the next day for his comments but she was gone. Gone and almost forgotten. It could be possible that this was just someone who shared the same name. But maybe.. possibly.. the universe was giving him the chance to apologize. “YN.” 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 6 🌗🌗
YN never really liked her neighbors. She never outright loathed them, but she was uncomfortable with how Inko kept trying to be her mother, and how Izuku had this strange obsessive stare when he looked at her. As long as they stayed in their apartment and never bothered them it would all be fine. But their parents couldn’t watch them all the time. So on days when momma and pop went out Miss Midoryia would graciously watch them. YN never liked pity. So when Miss Midoryia tried to pity and feel sorry about YN’s quirkless status, that just made her dig her heels in longer. She didn’t need people to fuss over her like she was a glass doll. At least with Izuku she could’ve had a companion. She did try to get along with him. But he was so weird. Just because they both were quirkless didn’t mean they’d would be close. “So why are you homeschooled?” “I get into fights.” “Why?” “Because people are mean and they think they’ll have no consequences to their words. I proved them wrong.” “Were they mean because you’re quirkless or because Daniel is… different?” Now obviously he didn’t mean any harm by that. But an emotional 10 year old girl is not someone to mess with. So with a sharp glare to his face the conversation quickly died. In the dining room, Daniel would usually be coloring. Or playing with his legos. Something to stim and distract his mind. Sometimes he’d just pull out a old painting his dad got him, and he’d spend hours looking at the strokes and would mentally add a new feature. Twirling the hair on his head whilst sucking/biting his thumb. “Daniel? Would you like some water?” “No miss. I want momma.” “I know sweetie but she won’t be gone forever. And you call me Inko” Though she’d prefer him to call her something more affectionate. Throughout the night Inko kept trying to mother them. She hovered over YN’s neck and tried petting her head which resulted in a swipe from the little girl. By the time YN’s parents got back, she was relieved and spent the rest of the night complaining to her mom about how she didn’t want to go over to the neighbors anymore and how she felt uncomfortable. Across the hall the two greenettes were enamored with the two kids. Inko adored how sweet Daniel was, how shy he looked to her. Izuku was star struck at this girl without a quirk who was so quick to fight against the norms put in place by a society against them. They'd soon make it a habit to try to talk to the family in the hall, or bump into them on the street. One day, after the family had been gone for a couple weeks, they saw the two with several police officers and a social worker packing away all their belongings. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that something terrible had happened. When Inko offered to watch them, the social worker confirmed the worst and took the children away. Three weeks later, as her son was at school Inko kept trying to find the legal way for her to gain custody of the kids when her door was knocked. Her husband, AFO, on the other side. She tried telling him to go away. Tried saying that he had no part in Izuku’s life anymore. But he had a bigger role than known. “How can you be so cruel my love? Especially now that I’ve opened the door for you to gain what you want?” “What do you mean?” “I’ll help you gain custody of the two children you are craving. I happen to have a fascination with them as well.” “I can’t ever guarantee that we’ll be a whole family ever again.” “Of course not. I wouldn’t expect you to. But let’s try something for now.” So Inko made a deal with the devil, to gain two angels. 🌗🌗
Now that AFO is in the story, I'm like so excited! Great work, Moon anon!
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holidaywishes · 4 years ago
Dusk Till Dawn
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: 22 of the music prompts with Matthew Tkachuk please? “but you’ll never be alone / i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn” (dusk till dawn, zayn & sia) for @chuckythepest
  Warning: fluff, maybe some angst, soft smut (I’ll be honest, I changed my mind about having a bit of smut in here or not and it’s not much but it’s there, so...)
  Author’s Note: I’m sorry it’s taken me a little bit longer to write but hopefully it gives you what you’re looking for. I’ve never listened to this song so much in my life; I had it playing on repeat as I wrote this so I could really get a feel of what to write. My friend is a huge Matthew Tkachuk fan, really a huge Flames fan in general, but I have to admit I had to watch a lot of interviews to get a feel for the guy. I also wasn’t sure if I wanted it to be an angsty fic or a fluffy one because the song kinda has both vibes so honestly, it’ll be an adventure for the both of us. If you enjoyed this one, here’s the entire list of prompts. Feel free to send your requests through! Stay Golden, loves <3! 
  the other masterlist
  You had been on a vacation with a few of your friends in Cancun for about a week when you got the news that everything was going into lockdown
  “What does this mean?” your friend, Beth, asked as she paced around the hotel room
  “It means that everyone has to stay inside for a bit” you said
  “No, what does that mean for us?” she asked again
  “I guess it means that we have to isolate when we get home” another of your friends, Jenna, replied as she dropped onto the bed
  “I wouldn’t have left if I knew we were gonna come back to a total nationwide, international lockdown!” Melanie, your childhood friend shouted frantically
  “Okay, everyone calm down...” you sighed, “we knew this was a possibility, as much as we might want to say that we didn’t, we knew that we could get home and everything would be shut down”
  “So what do we do?” Beth asked
  “We...” you stammered, not having the answers but trying your best to stay calm, “we listen. We do what we’re told -- isolate, quarantine, get tested, all of it -- and then hopefully it’ll be over soon.” Your words were like a curse because as soon as you got back to St. Louis, the world seemed crazier than it ever was. Months went by and nothing changed. People were still getting sick, still dying, and there were still people who thought it was all a hoax. Birthdays were spent apart, friends stopped making an effort to keep in touch and it made everything feel... cold and sad. The only thing that seemed to make any sense was your friendship with Matthew.
  “What’s up kid?” he texted one day after a particularly hard week and you just about broke down in front of your phone screen
  “I lost my job...” you sent back
  “Ah shit, I’m sorry”
  “It’s fine but thank you”
  “It’s not fine”
  “I mean, no, but it’s not like it’s just me. Half of the world has lost their jobs”
  “That doesn’t mean you have to be all fine about it”
  “Matt, seriously, it’s fine”
  “You say that now and then two days from now you’ll get pissed about someone else getting promoted”
  “I wouldn’t do that”
  “Not on purpose but stress can do things to a person...”
  “I’ll be fine but thank you for caring so much”
  “Anytime!” you smiled at his concern before changing the subject, checking in with his family, asking him about what was going to happen with the season, “I have no idea... everything is still shut down until further notice”
  “I hope things get better by Christmas”
  “At the rate things are going, I don’t think they will”
  “Way to stay positive, Tkachuk” you scoffed to yourself
  “It’s what I do 😜” the conversation didn’t last long after that and you went on a spiral of looking and applying for jobs; everything came crashing down when you’re grandpa got sick and you couldn’t visit him. You called the hospital every day, not wanting your grandpa to be alone, but they wouldn’t let you in, ‘protocols’ they said
  “I don’t know what to do, Matt” you sobbed over the phone
  “Relax,” he tried, “we’ll get you in there”
  “They won’t let me in!” you argued, raising your voice in anger, “he’s dying and they won’t let me see him...”
  “I can make sure you see him.”
Matthew’s P.O.V
  You were trying your best to get (Y/N) into the hospital to see her grandpa but it was taking a lot more effort than you thought
  “Please,” you begged the doctor, “he doesn’t have anyone else. She’s not getting any answers and she just wants to see him, even if it’s to say goodbye”
  “I’m sorry. I can’t break the rules for your girlfriend” the doctor replied
  “No--” you stammered, trying to backtrack, “she’s not my girlfriend. She’s my best friend and she wants to see her grandfather”
  “I can’t break protocols for one person. We’re doing everything we can to keep him healthy and if we invite guests inside, it puts our patients at risk,” the doctor explained, “maybe we can set up a Zoom call”
  “If he dies and she isn’t there, she will blame herself for the rest of her life”
  “I’m sorry. I don’t have a choice...” you angrily hung up the phone, throwing it to the side while you thought up a plan before calling (Y/N).
  “The doctor said no...” you said solemnly
  “What?” she whimpered, “Matt, he can’t be alone there. In a hospital, he needs to be with people who love him”
  “They said they have protocols,” you added, “but we can sneak in there...”
  “Sneak into a hospital?” she scoffed, “Matthew, we’re not spies. We can’t sneak into a hospital during a pandemic”
  “Just trust me”
  “What happens if we get caught? If we get in trouble?”
  “We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it”
  “I can’t le--”
  “Just trust me” you interrupted, convincing her that everything would be okay and ending the call. You made your way to the hospital where (Y/N)’s grandpa had been checked into and asked around about how someone could have visitors
  “They’d have to be tested before they came and then retested, temperature checked, when they got here,” a nurse explained, “and then they’d have to sit behind a barrier with a mask on. It wouldn’t be any different than most other places -- we’re following the same guidelines and restrictions, we just have to be 10 times as careful because we have lives at stake”
  “But if a family member did all that, the tests and followed the guidelines, they could come visit?” you asked, feeling like you might be getting close to a solution
  “Hypothetically?” she started, “it’s possible but there would be a time limit. Maybe 10 minutes maximum and even that’s pushing it”
  “I can work with that!” you smiled under your mask and rushed out of the hospital, texting (Y/N) about what needed to be done, the two of you rushing to a testing facility as fast as possible and waited impatiently for the results. When both of your results came back negative, you told her you’d make a call and get her in to see her grandpa; she hugged you tightly before a tear fell from her eye onto your exposed collarbone. “He’s gonna be okay” you whispered
  “Thank you,” she replied, keeping her arms wrapped around your neck, “for doing all this for me”
  “I know how much he means to you” you smiled at her when she finally let go of you, her eyes softening at your words. You and (Y/N) met when your dad was drafted to St. Louis and had been friends ever since, celebrating each others successes as the years went by. Her grandparents raised her after her mom died and her dad took off, she was only six years old; her grandma died two years later so it was (Y/N) and her grandpa against the world. They were inseparable and she would’ve done anything for him -- including letting you sweet talk a group of nurses to get her into a hospital during a global pandemic. You watched as she made her way down the hallway, the lack of visitors and laughter making everything suddenly feel real, she stopped in front of a large glass door clutching onto the coat that she held in her hands as she waited for someone to let her in. A doctor finally let her in but stayed close by, pulling her out after 10 minutes had passed, not a second more, “come on, man,” you begged, “let her have a little bit more time”
  “I can’t” he replied before looking at (Y/N), “I really am sorry.” She nodded at the doctor before looking back toward her grandpa’s room and tucking herself into your side as you made your way out of the hospital. You started to drive her home but after miles of silence, she asked if you could take her to the park where the two of you used to sneak out to
  “Yeah, sure” you agreed, keeping your voice soft and letting her rest her head against the window for the remainder of the ride. When you pulled up in front of the park and parked the car, you looked at (Y/N) noticing a stream of dried tears on her cheeks before she swung open the car door and ran to the swings. She did this every once in a while, tried to ignore her pain and focus on putting a smile on someone else’s face by pretending she was fine. You could always tell that she wasn’t fine but you couldn’t always bring her out of it, “(Y/N)...” you sighed
  “Come on, Matty!” she called, pushing herself on the swing to see how high she could get, “let’s see if you can get higher than me!”
  “(Y/N).. we don’t have to do this. We could just sit and talk if you wanted to...”
  “Why? I wanted to come to the park to play, not to talk,” she challenged, “if I wanted to talk, I would’ve gone home or to your place...” you exhaled as you walked toward the free swing beside her, your eyes following her as they tried to catch a glimpse of her face; trying to gauge whether or not she was crying. She didn’t stay on the swing too much longer, instead choosing to jump onto the Merry Go-Round
  “You’re gonna spin on this now?” you scoffed
  “No,” she answered with a laugh, laying down on the cold metal, “you’re going to spin me and I’m gonna see how long it takes me to get dizzy.. Just like we used to do.” You obliged, letting the sound of her laughter fill the air while the old playground equipment squeaked below her. As you kept spinning her, you noticed that her once happy laughter had been replaced by whimpers and you fought to slow down the Merry Go-Round
  “(Y/N)?” you asked as you rushed to her, “what’s wrong? what happened?”
  “He’s all alone, Matt...” she cried, “you should’ve seen him, he was so weak and I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay but I don’t think he’s going to be okay...”
  “Shhh,” you tried to calm her sobs, letting her head fall onto your shoulder, “I’m here”
  “I don’t want him to be alone... I don’t want to be alone” she sobbed
  “You’re not alone...” you whispered and she looked up at you, her eyes flooded with tears, “you’ll never be alone...” you could tell by the way she looked at you that she wanted you to kiss her but you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything, fearing that she was too vulnerable and you’d be taking advantage of her. So, you continued to hold her instead, for as long as she needed but when she lifted her head up from your shoulder to look at you once more, she made the first move, pressing her lips onto yours as dusk set in and the two of you were the only sound either of you could hear. Your lips moved in sync with hers as your hands laid firmly on her sides; rolling her onto her back slowly so she didn’t hit her head. Her hands roamed to the top of your zipper, pushing the slider down before you tore it off your body quickly, leaving her lips for just a second to throw the fabric behind you. As much as you wanted this to happen, you were still being careful and she could feel your hesitation
  “What’s wrong?” she asked
  “Nothing,” you lied, “I just want to make sure you’re okay with this. That you’re not just doing this because you’re upset...”
  “I know what I’m doing, Matt” she smiled.
  When Matt started to drive you home, you asked him to redirect you to the park the two of you used to go as kids; so you could feel a little less like the world was falling apart
  “Yeah, sure” he said softly before your head fell against the window as you waited for him to pull up to the park. You had managed to keep your crying quiet enough that, when he saw you, Matt was surprised to see the stream of tears on your cheeks. You pressed your lips together before you rushed out of the car toward the old swing set, jumping on and trying to get as high off the ground as possible
  “(Y/N)...” Matt sighed and the tone of his voice was all too familiar so you ignored it
  “Come on, Matty!” you laughed when you called to him, “let’s see if you can get higher than me!”
  “(Y/N).. we don’t have to do this. We could just sit and talk if you wanted to...” he tried but you shook your head. You just wanted to forget what you’d just seen, forget about what was happening, forget that you might have to be alone again and you really didn’t want to be alone again
  “Why?” you urged, “I wanted to come to the park to play not to talk. If I wanted to talk I would’ve gone home or to your place...” he finally walked to the swing next to you and began pumping his legs to meet your height before you could feel him watching you, leading you to hop off the swing and head to the next piece of equipment from your childhood; the Merry Go-Round.
  “You’re gonna spin on this now?” Matt scoffed as he followed you to the metal death trap that you climbed on
  “No,” you replied, chuckling at his question before lying down, your exposed skin meeting the cold metal below you, “you’re going to spin me and I’m gonna see how long it takes me to get dizzy.. Just like we used to do.” He compressed his lips and did as you asked, spinning you quickly and you laughed as you got increasingly dizzy with every turn before your grandpa’s face popped into your head; tears overcoming you as whimpers left your lips. Matt quickly dug his feet into the ground to stop the Merry Go-Round
  “(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” he rushed to you, pulling you close to him, “what happened?”
  “He’s all alone, Matt,” you cried as you remembered your grandpa in the hospital. He was all you had and the idea of him not being with you terrified you, “you should’ve seen him, he was so weak and I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay but I don’t think he’s going to be okay...” you shook your head frantically at the thought
  “Shhh..” he hushed you, letting your head fall on his shoulder, “I’m here”
  “I don’t want him to be alone... I don’t want to be alone” you sobbed
  “You’re not alone,” he whispered and you felt his body move closer to yours, just to close the space between you, your eyes continuing to brim with tears, “you’ll never be alone.” Whether it was your fear of being alone, of losing the only person who had ever loved you, or if you just wanted to be close to someone, anybody, you looked up at Matt with soft eyes, hoping he’d make a move. But he didn’t. He just held you and, as nice as it was, it wasn’t what you wanted. You lifted your head once more, this time moving your lips closer to his as the sky filled with the dark hues of dusk, his breath brushing across your skin before your lips connected with his. He pressed his hand against your waist as he kissed you slowly, your lips parting just enough for his tongue to inch into your mouth before he shifted his body to lay your back onto the Merry Go-Round, holding your head with his free hand so you didn’t hurt yourself. Your hands found their way to the zipper of his hoodie, sliding it down and pushing the fabric from his arms and he left the kiss just for a second to easily throw away his hoodie, leaning back over you while you waited for him to continue kissing you but he pulled away
  “What’s wrong?” you asked, sitting up as he did and you leaned against his back
  “Nothing...” he said but you could tell he was lying, “I just want to make sure you’re okay with this. That you’re not just doing this because you’re upset...” 
  “I know what I’m doing, Matt” you scoffed and he turned his head back to you
  “I know you do,” he smiled, kissing your nose playfully, “I just want you to know that you don’t have to”
  “I want to” you replied, placing your hand on the side of his face to bring him closer to you, pressing your lips against his and twisting his body back on top of yours. You melted into each other, your breathing in sync as you undid the button of his jeans, setting him free before his hands drifted to push your leggings down. His lips trailed to your neck as he pushed himself into you, eliciting a quiet moan from you and a growl from him when you dug your nails into his skin. You tried not to make too much noise, worrying that the park was still too close to the neighbouring houses, but every once in a while you whined out a curse word
  “Fuck,” Matthew moaned out before you could, “oh god” he grunted against your neck as he continued to pump in and out of you, your back arching to gain more friction
  “Shit,” you whimpered, “fuck.” His speed increased and you giggled when you heard the Merry Go-Round start to squeak
  “Shh” he chuckled
  “I’m sorry” you laughed back, trying to focus more on the pleasure than the noise and after a few minutes, Matt released inside you and rolled to the side. You curled up beside him, placing your hand on his chest before you fell asleep next to him. You woke up with the dawn, letting Matt sleep while you watched the Sky lighten
  “Good morning” he cooed, kissing your shoulder as he sat up
  “Good morning,” you smiled, turning to lay a kiss to his lips, “we should probably get out of here before someone rats us out” he laughed but nodded in response, grabbing his hoodie from the ground and wrapping it around you. You watched him drive smoothly through the streets and you smiled to yourself
  “What?” he smirked
  “Nothing,” you replied, “I just... like you a whole lot”
  “That so?” He chuckled to himself
  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I like you a whole lot, too.” He reached out his hand to interlock his fingers with yours and a flush of heat ran through your body. He had managed to make you forget about everything for a while and you were grateful to him for that but you were still scared that you’d end up alone in the long run. “Hey,” he said, seemingly catching your eyes fall to your lap, “I meant what I said last night”
  “What?” You replied, furrowing your brow
  “You’ll never be alone. I’ll always be here for you”
  “Thank you,” you smiled, dropping your head on the headrest, “for everything.”
  “Any time” he smirked, bringing your hand up so he could kiss it while the two of you drove silently back to his house.
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