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i-need-entertainment · 3 years ago
hihi, headcanons about haikyuu boys meeting your family please. Include any characters you want, I only ask for Kunimi to be involved :))
QUIII hello. I hope this lives up to your expectations😌💕I went with meeting the WHOLE family, I hope that's okay!
Haikyuu!! Boys Meeting Your Family
Characters: Washio, Akaashi, Kunimi, Iwaizumi, Hoshiumi, Komori, Numai and Suna
Warnings: Second hand embarrassment (honestly it could've been worse),  dads trying (some succeeding, some failing) to be intimidating, use of father/mother, siblings, aunt/uncle, grandparents & cousins.
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Washio Tatsuki:
Honestly- you’re like 98% sure you’re family is more scared of him than he is of them LOL
Your dad opens up the door, expecting to scare off the ‘punk’ his daughter dragged home and is instead met with the most intimidating stare he’s ever had to lock eyes with.
You really almost lost your composure as you saw your dad’s eyes widen before he cleared his throat and introduced himself, your boyfriend politely introducing himself and shaking your father’s hand.
You watched as one by one your family members all reacted to your tall, stoic and intimidating boyfriend.
You started to get worried they really would be too intimidated by him to be normal until-
Your little cousin tugged on Washio’s pant leg, and you saw the short flash of panic in his gaze.
Washio wasn’t scared of kids, actually he loved them.
…he just didn’t have the best track record with them liking him.
“...up..” your cousin was only 2, so in his fearless little brain he just sees someone tall and thinks ‘fun’.
Your family watches with mixed reactions, waiting to see how he’d react.
He looked over to you, and when you nodded that it was okay, he bent down and gently picked the child up, cracking a small smile when your cousin giggled.
You’re sure you saw hearts in your aunts eyes- too bad auntie, he’s yours >:)
If that didn’t win him over, then his offer to wash dishes after dinner did them in.
Safe to say, your boyfriend has become a treasured member of the family and if you two break up…they may never forgive you.
Akaashi Keiji:
He is stressed.
What if they don’t like what he wears? What if they think he’s too quiet? What if he tries to talk more to be less quiet but he says stupid things? What if-
“Keiji, baby, you’re spiraling again…aren't you?”
Akaashi is a great guy, you know it, fukurodani knows it, and you know your family is going to love him.
You just wish he could know how great he is too- maybe he wouldn’t be fiddling with his hands and borderline pacing outside of your front door.
He tenses up when your father pats his back and ushers him inside, but he gets himself together enough to properly introduce himself.
You hide your laugh as your dad sneaks an impressed glance your way, “covertly” giving you a thumbs up as he takes him to meet the family.
Back off dad- you saw him first✋🙄
Just as expected, everyone is absolutely enthralled with your boyfriend. He’s smart, handsome, humble AND athletic- 
He blows everyone's socks off when he gives intelligent and sensical input during one of the conversations during dinner.
Where did you find this guy- harvard?!
They don’t even try to hide how impressed they are, giving you a wonderful view of the pinkness of Akaashi’s ears and the little throat clear he does before returning to his meal.
You are gonna have to establish your dominance in your family since several people have stated “if you two break up- we’re keeping him, you can go.”
Kunimi Akira:
“Are you ready to meet them?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
He seemed cool as a cucumber, like the thought of meeting your whole family didn’t terrify him just a little.
You knew better though, he had been stressing about it since you had asked him.
The initial meetings go over well enough, he gives short answers but doesn't outwardly appear annoyed or smug towards them.
More so he just has on his usual face of complete and total indifference.
One of your relatives says something minorly offensive? Doesn't phase him one bit.
One of your little cousins runs head first into his leg? No reaction.
Your family begins to wonder if he's capable of such feelings at all.
And then you bring up the time you watched kindaichi whack his head on a door frame and it happens-
As bright as day for the whole table to see a smile broke out on his face as he shook his head, muttering a 'that idiot'.
He was a tough nut to crack but you knew that with time, he was gonna fit in just fine.
Now to make sure they don't ever discover how lazy he is…
Iwaizumi Hajime:
Is there a better guy to bring home? You're really not sure there is.
He's respectful, returns your fathers handshake with an equal (if not greater) amount of force, has good conversation with your aunts and grandma, and gets on great with your siblings.
You can tell your dad is trying not to like him- it's obvious with the scowl he has on and the twitch his eyebrow does every time iwaizumi says something he can't refute.
You know it's over when your boyfriend brings up sports- something your father is quite the fan of. It's really over when they find out they like the same team.
Safe to say he manages to win over your entire family within 30 minutes, and when he’s gearing up to leave has like 3 different people inviting him to the next event.
After the meeting you are constantly being bugged about him- when is he coming over next? Is Hajime going to be there? When are you two going to get married?
Actually you’re starting to wonder if they like him more than you…
Scratch that, you know the answer- but admitting it would boost your boyfriend’s ego, so better not.
Hoshiumi Korai:
By law he's a menace to society- now is no different. 
It all seems to go well at first; he's surprisingly humble when introducing himself (he only mentioned volleyball like twice), he doesn't say anything super offensive and he seems to be behaving himself.
And then it happens..the inevitable mention of his height- or rather lack thereof.
Your aunt and uncle show up a little late- understandably so since they're kids were still little.
Their oldest child is 7, which means he's old enough to converse but not quite old enough to know that some thoughts should stay just that- a thought.
You really thought this would go over without incident- it had been 30 minutes and he hadn't done anything questionable!
Then your cousin walked right up to him, cocked his head to the side and said those dreadful words-
"Aren't you short for a volleyball player? I thought they had to be tall."
You could've sworn you watched a VEIN pop on his forehead, and before you could react you heard it, the "HUUUHHHH?!?!"
He began his rant- only to have it muffled when you slapped your hand over his mouth, calmly asking your cousin not to mention his…stature.
Komori Motoya: 
Is it possible for someone NOT to like him? You weren't sure, and you hoped tonight wouldn't be the night you got proved wrong.
You couldn't tell if he was genuinely excited or trying to cope with his nervousness- but he seemed legitimately happy to be meeting them.
Your fathers intimidation tactics? No effect
The overwhelming amount of interactions from your mom, grandma and aunts? He happily engages in conversation(s).
Jumpy little energetic cousins? Plays with them and becomes their new favorite person.
If someone in your family didn't like him they sure were good at hiding it cause by the end of the night your dad is laughing at his jokes, your mom is cooing over his endearing stories of you, and when he leaves literally everyone is begging you never to break up with him.
If he ever misses a family gathering in the future you are immediately hounded with "where is he?!" Like you're not standing right there smh🙄
Numai Kazuma: 
He's a nervous wreck- his words not mine.
"H-hi, sir! I'm Numai Kazuma!" You watched as the hand he stuck out for a handshake shook just a teeny tiny bit.
Your dad nodded, introduced himself and shook your boyfriend's hand- a little harder than necessary might I add.
Your dad clapped him on the back and invited him inside.
You had warned numai before hand that your dad can be…a little too protective. You know he had good intentions- he wants you to be safe and happy!
But he can be a bit much, and now was no exception.
Your dad lead him into the living room where all the men in the family were waiting. 
You watched as his face blanched, quickly turning to you for immediate assistance.
Knowing not even you could stop this interrogation from happening, you just shrugged and let him know you'd be right back, quickly exiting to build your "save my boyfriend" squad.
Once your cool aunt, siblings and grandmother had gathered, you all dragged Numai into the kitchen where they all began to absolutely rave about your "handsome strong young man!" Of a boyfriend.
So yeah- after being scared straight by your father, he gains a fanclub that will never stop asking you questions about him.
Suna Rintaro: 
I don't know if trainwreck is the right word…but it certainly comes close.
Its not like he did anything bad per se, for the majority of the evening he was being his normal stoic quiet self.
All in all he was behaving himself- or he did for most of the evening anyway.
Although he comes across as the 'super respectful and stand up guy' at his core suna is still a lord of chaos- intent on witnessing the twins' mischief and dedicated to getting anything and everything on film.
So who was he to not laugh when your toddler cousin happened to trip on air and face plant?!
To make it slightly better…he wasn't the only one who laughed, your family just didn't expect your quiet reclusive boyfriend to bust out laughing when your cousin tripped.
By the end of the night at least 90% of your family is ready to adopt him as one; your grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins and your mom/siblings all love him.
Your dad? He's not so sure…
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semifilms · 3 years ago
sharing a bed for the first time, gn reader, not proofread, reblogs appreciated!
character(s), sakusa kiyoomi
tag(s) 🏷, @kiyelle isa, my beloved! i hope you enjoy<33
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you and kiyoomi had been hanging out for a few months now. yet you’d been officially dating for 3 weeks. most of your guys’ friends assumed you were together from the first time they saw the two of you together. it was nothing but stolen glances and admiring ones.
the two of you have kissed, and held hands, you’d done most of the basic things couples did. so why were you hesitant about staying the night.
kiyoomi proposed the idea to you once the weather outside got heavier. the light rain from before had gotten to be a storm and he didn’t want you driving in this weather. “what would i do without you?” you teased as you bumped his shoulder.
a light chuckle escaped his lips as his lips curled up slightly at the ends. “i’ll go grab you some clothes.” he said as he walked out of the living room and went straight to his room. now that he was out of sight you could visibly freak out. your eyes widened a bit more and you’re mouth fell open slightly.
“oh my god,” you mumbled under your breath. your mind went wild, mainly wondering where you were going to sleep. but not long after sakusa returned with no clothes in and. “i left them on my bed, you can go change. i’ll wait out here.”
at that, you wasted no time getting to his room. shutting the door behind you immediately. your boyfriend was confused at your actions but sat quietly on the couch to wait. it wasn’t long before you came out of the room quietly and tapped sakusa on the shoulder.
he turned his whole body to face you and he raised a brow. “where should i put these?” you ask, referencing the clothes you changed out of. “i’ll go put them in the wash.” he said, rising from his seat and grabbing your clothes from you. “i’ll meet you in the room.” he added as he walked off.
you swallowed hard at his words but headed to his room. you would’ve assumed that since sakusa was so casual about the whole ordeal that it wasn’t a big deal to him.
but that’s where you’d be wrong. once the words “i’ll meet you in the room.” left his mouth, his throat had gotten tight. he’d been freaking out about this just as much as you—if not, more. though he arrived in the room looking as calm as ever.
“where am i sleeping?” you asked upon his arrival. “the bed,” he responded whilst sucking in a sharp breath. “and you?” you added, and he repeated. “the bed.”
that was it, the confirmation you needed. but you chose to act calm about it. it was bound to happen eventually. you reasoned internally. “well goodnight!” you dismissed the conversation, curling yourself up under the covers. “uhm y/n, you’re in my side…” the raven-haired male laughed as he approached the bed. “oops, my bad.” you winced before scooting over to the other side of the bed. you faced the wall in an attempt to avoid him but you felt his skin just barely brush against your own.
“goodnight y/n,” he said as he leaned over to place a kiss on your cheek. the small gesture relaxed you. why were you freaking out over this? it’s just kiyoomi. “night omi.” you smiled to yourself as sleep slowly overcame you.
but by the morning you were surprised to feel your legs intertwined, your head in his chest, and your right arm slung over his torso.
“that wasn’t so bad was it?” the tired voice of kiyoomi greeted your ears.
“i guess not.”
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©semifilms do not copy, repost or translate my works
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taro-im · 4 years ago
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Haikyuu Masterlist:
Now playing:
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angst= ★
fluff= ♥︎
choose a highschool***
Karasano Highschool
Fukorodani Highschool
Aoba Johsei Highschool
Inarazaki Highschool
Itatchiyama Highschool
Shirotorizawa Highschool
Nekoma Highschool
multi character series
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return back to main menu
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miserye · 4 years ago
to start your morning off, WHOLESOME things :)
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here’s to hoping tumblr starts showing me in tags so that this shit can spread
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the-rawr-ster · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Squads
The emotionally constipated/Deadpan squad
The Squad that knows they’re bb
The squad that thinks they’re bb
The Squad that is bb but doesn’t know it
The hyperactive squad
The I should’ve been the main character squad
The “I deserved better” squad
The responsible squad that also will pop off at any given moment
The squad that just don’t GAF
The Squad with too much chaotic energy
Bokuto + Kuroo
Lev + Kenma
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sugarspiceandfan · 4 years ago
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Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Personalised Haikyuu Letter! Itachiyama Edition! https://etsy.me/3azWGXv
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sakusazine · 4 years ago
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Heyo! Interest Check for the zine is now OPEN!!
You can fill it out via this link: https://forms.gle/VmXXc4A41MT3kXaw9 
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project-ohagi · 5 years ago
Kiyoomi Sakusa x Reader {Haikyuu!!}
Today, your radiance seemed blinding.
The Ace's heart had long been ensnared within your web, no prospect of escape looming beyond the horizon. It was a tricky situation, especially with his anxious demeanour. The desperate pining, the need to float amidst the stars in your eyes...He wanted to feel the rush of a reciprocated love, the gentle caress of your fingertips upon his chin...but he was almost deathly afraid of germs, of such intimate displays of affection. His intense gaze often burned into your very soul, although he didn't realise. There was something so ethereal about you, an aura of majesty. You embodied the most divine, most beautiful goddesses ever to grace the Heavens.
He didn't understand just how to approach these emotions.
So, he continued to observe.
He watched and studied, hoping for a sign, however small. Until then, his romantic inclinations would remain sequestered behind the veil of monotony. After all, seniors never truly acknowledged the younger generations unless they shared a passion, right? Sakusa was positive that you had nothing in common, and his general timidity refused to allow even a word of greeting to pass his lips.
With this as the reality, what had compelled his feet to lead him further into the library, and specifically to your table? His mind spiralled into overdrive; should he be praising himself, for finally gaining the confidence to sit beside you? Perhaps not. It wasn't exactly confidence - more a simple, magnetic pull (or destiny, as he preferred to muse), and he wasn't perched by your side - there was a separation of at least five seats. Yet, there he was, lips tugging slightly upwards under his mask. He risked but a single glance towards your figure, ever-blossoming in its Aphrodite-fineness. Even that fleeting look provided so much insight. For example, he noted that not a trace of make-up sullied your face; your beauty was natural, magnificent.
A strange giddiness suddenly consumed him, but he maintained his composure. He couldn't afford to trip up and present to those (e/c) crystals a lowly court jester, now, could he? Royalty only permitted itself to marry into wealth and honour. If Sakusa possessed even a sliver of a chance of winning your favour, he would struggle until the very end. The hope was mounting, the love swelling exponentially, and neither could be easily quelled. As much as he attempted to use the textbook and notes before him as distractions, his traitorous little mind forever wandered back to you. Usually, you felt a million lightyears away, but today...today you were so much closer.
If he wasn't so awkward, he might have been able to reach out, to touch you. If he was a smooth-talker, or just a little more extroverted, then maybe you would already be together. If he could waltz right up to you, exuding lion-like courage, slinging an arm around you and whispering sweet nothings, as you melted into him...
...Yeah, that would be the life.
The cruel world ripped another sigh from his shielded lips, heavier than the rest, and a little concerning. Well, to any regular human. To you...to you it was quite an entertaining scene. Here was a charming underclassman, who assumed himself to be rather adept in the art of stalking. He was certainly an interesting specimen - you couldn't possibly deny that.
Not that you were trying.
Placing your pen on to the table and clearing your throat, you decided to startle the adorable little thing.
"Are you alright?"
As anticipated, hearing your voice, even at its hushed tone, made him jump in his seat. Wide, ebony eyes latched on to your form, then just as swiftly dropped back down, as their owner fought to stifle his blush. That briefest moment of eye-contact apparently caused a meltdown of his mind. Oops. If you remembered, you might apologise for that.
Anxiety was his soulmate, so it seemed; a series of vibrations knocking the table (his jittery knees) informed you of this. The concentrated expression, coupled with his furrowed brows, showed that he was deeply immersed in his thoughts. Due to this, it was evident that he wouldn't actually answer your question without a second prompt.
Honestly, it wasn't as though you requested his hand in marriage. The amusement flourished inside your core, and you stood, abandoning your revision. At your approach, his entire body began to tremble. Then, everything went cold. You pulled up a chair, but maintained a standing position for now. He gulped, audibly. You mirrored this, giving it a seductive twist. Those nimble fingers, the ones he yearned for, were flicking through the pages of his notebook.
Turning it over, you studied the kanji of his name. "Kiyoomi..."
If a sentence was biting the tip of his tongue, you would never know, and your eyes, however sharp, definitely couldn't make out the way he bit his lip. In spite of this, you still collapsed into the chair, but not before picking up the pen he had so carelessly left on the table. Facing those curly, raven locks, you arrested his unadulterated attention, as you rolled your tongue around that which had previously touched his skin. An emotion menagerie exploded in his blood - should disgust be his primary instinct...or arousal?
When he made no effort to respond, you chose to heighten the stakes. Removing the pen from amid your wet cavern, a string of saliva and a salacious popping sound following closely behind, you scooted forwards, drinking in his precious little gasp. Narrowing your eyes, you brought the pen up to his mask, lightly tapping it, and proceeding to trace the outline of his lips.
"What I'm interested in...is why you're always wearing this. I've seen you before, but never without it." Your succubus bore her fangs, but even if her kiss was eternal damnation, he wouldn't hesitate to embrace you.
A spark of...something...ignited within him, as your words echoed. You had actually taken notice of him, before? Ah, perhaps he could die blissfully now. Except, you never allowed a mere moment of tranquillity, did you? Sakusa was learning this the hard way - the rock-hard way. Seriously, his lower region needed to catch a breath! Seeing that you still failed to elicit more than a strained groan, you dipped the pen further down...down...Oh! Somebody was excited...
Gazing up with doe eyes, you whispered, "Take it off."
"The mask." He looked horrified, hence the clarification, and the less-than-subtle giggle.
His compliance didn't really surprise you, but the hunger to tease was overwhelming. You invaded his personal bubble, more and more, until he could feel your warm breath on his neck.
"If you're such a germophobe, why aren't you pushing me away?"
For that, only a hunch was available to him.
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iwadori · 4 years ago
Why do you pretend to not know tee?
Because I don’t know tee 🧍🏽‍♀️
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1zukuz · 4 years ago
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semifilms · 3 years ago
they catch you staring, gender neutral reader, reblogs appreciated! not proofread.
characters, kiyoomi sakusa, eita semi, atsumu miya, tooru oikawa, kei tsukishima
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sakusa felt your eyes on him from the other side of the room. his first instinct was to look and see who it was. i mean h read studying in the library and feeling a part of eyes on him was not helping. glancing up through his thick eyelashes he looked around the silent room until his eyes stopped onto you. it took you a moment to realize he was staring back at you. when you did realize you grew embarrassed and looked away immediately. if it wasn’t for the mask on his face and you already looking away you could’ve seen the small smirk on his face shortly followed by a low chuckle. it was entertaining to him nonetheless.
it wasn’t unusual for people to come in and watch practices to see ushijima but when semi was getting a drink from his water bottle and felt eyes on him he was surely mistaken. right? wrong. looking around the gym he saw in the stands a group of people giggling and pointing in ushijimas direction which was on the other side of the gym. but then there was you, in the front of the group facing up in that direction but looking back to catch a glimpse of the pinch setter. semi. when he realized this he was shocked. someone as attractive as you looking at him?? he mustered up enough courage to send you a small smile and nod before getting back on the court. you smiled back ofc. (and screamed internally)
atsumu had of course caught plenty of people staring at him. sometimes he was cocky about it other times he was irritated. for some reason though when he caught you—one of the very few people who didn’t want to be bothered with his presence staring at him. oh he was not going to let this go. he doesn’t say anything to you that moment but the first chance he does get he’s messing with you about it. “were ya checkin’ me out the other day?” he’d ask with a smirk. “fuck off miya,” you’d respond in a deadpan. no, he did not fuck off.
oikawa was a flirt, it’s a very known fact. he thinks it’s fun and or funny, especially seeing the person in the receiving end's reaction. in this case, the two of you were in class and you sat on the complete opposite side of the room from him and just one row ahead. everyone had been taking notes but you kept glancing back to look at oikawa. i mean could you blame yourself? he was attractive. now denying it. so what if you wanna reward yourself a glance after taking boring notes on god knows what. the next time you went to look back though he’d already been staring back at you. a smirk on his face before he sent you a wink and went back to writing. yeah. you didn’t look back after that. you could barely finish taking notes.
tsukishima like anyone else is used to people staring at him. whether it be his height or the fact that he’s extremely attractive. he was used to it. it wasn’t an all-the-time thing though where people just stared at him and swooned like for oikawa or atsumu. but when he caught you talking with your friends and glancing in his direction mid-conversation he had no idea what to do. messing with you was always an option but he immediately looked away and avoided looking back in your direction. did you…fluster him? but why you? did he…like you? 100%. but you assumed he wasn’t going to mess with you about the incident and you were great full u til after school when he and yamaguchi walked with you home. endless. teasing.
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©semifilms do not copyright or plagiarize my work.
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woahajimes · 3 years ago
Sakusa mentions he used to be involved in theatre and drama, and Atsumu is like "ya me too I was mouse #2 for our cinderella play" and Sakusa is like "yeah like that" until they find out that somehow Sakusa balanced full-on theatre camps and volleyball. And how he was lead on most of Itatchiyama's plays.
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fandomtrashpandasposts · 5 years ago
Porcelain Masterlist
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Miya Chiyuki, 17, 3rd year Itatchiyama
"My name is Miya Chiyuki. I have an autoimmune deficiency so I get sick very easily. With that said, I would prefer it if you all stayed away from me."
"You don't get it do you. The only friends I've every had were my brothers and the Inarizaki team. Everyone else were fakes wanting to use me for my brothers."
"I'm so weak, everything about me is weak. I hate myself more and more everyday. All I am is a problem to everyone around me.
"Falling in love is a foolish thing to do. People get hurt and it's always messy. I know from experience."
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Sakusa Kiyoomi, 18, 3rd year Itatchiyama
"Pushing people away is my specialty. Everyone annoys me and they are all dirty."
"Volleyball is all I care about Komori. I've told you this multiple times. She doesn't mean anything to me."
"She just came into my life and turned everything upside down I hate Miyas."
"Thats the first time I've seen you smile, it suits you."
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Warnings - Angst, slowburn, language, eventual smut, alcohol use, talks of emotionally abusive relationships(not between Sakusa/Chiyuki).
1. Idiot -
2. Don't touch me
3. The Miyas
4. Partners
5. You don't know me
6. Friends?
7. Tell him
8. Tell her
9. Nationals
10. Graduation
Part 2
. . . . .
Author's note: This will also be posted on my wattpad account HER0F0RH1RE so don't be alarmed! I have not written a lot lately with school and well I'm a mom! My plan is to update every Sunday but with life and finishing up my last semester of college I might not always make it! Please leave love and praise as you see fit and I will do my best with grammar but I might mess up and have typos here and there! In the end we are all human! If you want to be tagged send a message, ask, or comment! I don't own haikyuu or any of its affiliated characters thanks!
Taglist: @marigoldthoughts @butyfigers
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years ago
are u itatchiyama?
Um, no. Sorry?
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passerine-writes · 3 years ago
Symbols - Chapter 9
Warnings: None :) Word count: 2562
Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
“What do you mean we’re moving?” It felt as though my voice echoed from the silence that followed when I asked my father that question.
“Let’s sit down, please.” I sighed but listened to him, knowing that he was trying to treat me like a grown up rather than a small child. “I got offered a promotion, which would mean only one job, instead of two or three. I would be home more often and be able to spend more time with you. I wasn’t expecting them to offer it to me. My boss called me into the office and I was prepared to be fired, in all honesty but she told me that because of seniority and my strong work ethic she wants me to move up in the company. She wanted an answer on the spot but I told her I need time to talk to you first and if need be, put in my letters of resignation at the other shops. She understood and respected that but wants an answer by Friday. We wouldn’t be moving far, but it would mean a change in schools for you because Fukurodani is too far to drive to or bus to everyday of the week. So we would have to switch you to Itatchiyama, they take transfer students and whatnot. I know it’s a lot to think about, I understand that you don’t want to switch schools again and after last year, I wouldn’t even dream of sending you to live with your mother, even if it was just part time. Just think about it, please.” I wanted to think about it, tell him I didn’t want to move schools again and endure being the new kid once more but I already knew my answer. Even if I didn’t want to, this wasn’t just about me. This has to do with him too, his health, how much we see each other and money.
“Tell her you’ll do it.” His head snapped up towards me as I uttered those few words.
“What? Honey, are you sure?”
“Dad, this isn’t just about me. It’s about you too. You need this, we need this. But what about a house? We kinda need a place to move to.” I smiled softly as my Dad ran around the table and gave me a hug.
“What did I do to deserve a daughter as amazing as you.” His statement made my eyes water. “She actually gave me a few places to call just in case, let me grab the book.” I didn’t picture my dad and I spending two hours on a Sunday afternoon looking at places for rent. “Okay, I’m gonna go call some people.” I nodded, my father placing a kiss on my head before going to his bedroom.
Four Dummies and a Smartie
From Kaara: Hey, are you guys free?
From Akaashi: Yes, is everything alright?
From Kenma: Yeah, what’s up?
From Bokuto: I’m always free for you!
From Kuroo: We’re all at Kou’s right now, what’s up little atom?
From Kaara: I was wondering if you guys would like to meet up somewhere? I need to tell you all something and I don’t think it’s something I should say over text
From Bokuto: You can just come over to my place! I’ll leave the door unlocked for you, let yourself in!!!!
Third Person POV
That’s how she ended up outside of the Bokuto residence, to let herself in and take the oh-so familiar path to Koutarou’s bedroom. Barely knocking on the door before the owl like boy tugged her into his arms. Everybody greeted her with a warm welcome, but she felt like she didn’t deserve one. Not with the news she was about to give them.
“Hey squishy.” Kaara smiled in acknowledgement as she took a seat next to Akaashi. “Is everything alright?” She gave him a tight lipped smile and shrugged. His dark blue eyes followed her movements as she tried not to worry herself too much.
She smiled as she watched them all fall back into synch with one another, sometimes joining in but other times feeling content just watching. Everyone smiled brightly as she laughed every now and again at some joke or action that happened. The serenity only lasted forty or so minutes before Kuroo brought the attention to her.
“What did you want to tell us little atom?” She froze as all eyes fell to her. Her sleeves were brought to her palms, nervously wringing the material in her tiny hands. “Bubbles?” He crouched in front of her and went to place a hand on her knee but stopped, remembering her boundaries.
“I talked to my dad today.” The rooster haired male raised an eyebrow, knowing that she wasn’t done but patiently waiting for her to say her piece. “He got offered a promotion.”
“That’s great! But what about it is bugging you?” She sucked a lip between her teeth, looking further down at her lap to try and hide.
“Wait, bumble bee, is it-” She cut off Akaashi with a nod. He froze in his spot and stared forward. “You have to move again..” The room fell eerily silent, mimicking one of what could be in a horror film.
“Tell me he’s wrong, that this isn’t happening again, please.” Her heart wrenched at the sound of Koutarou’s voice, breaking and pleading for this not to be happening again. “Kaara?” She sniffled and wiped the tear before it could fully fall.
“I wanted to tell you guys in person. I couldn’t do it over text and I didn’t want to leave without an explanation again. I just found out today. I’m not moving far, but it’s just far enough that I’m moving schools. I’ll still be in Tokyo though.” The tension dropped a bit as she said that, clearly that statement being the silver lining of the situation.
“When do you move?” Kenma’s voice calmed her nerves a bit.
“Uh, in about two and a half weeks.”
“Why not just move back in with your mom part time?” She stilled at the suggestion and rapidly shook her head, Koutarou didn’t mean any harm by it.
“That’s not an option.”
“Then we’ll spend as much time as we can together! Make sure you have fun before you move and we can visit you! Or you can visit us and come to some of our games!” She didn’t know how well that arrangement would work but nodded along for Bokuto’s sake, he truly did have the same energy as a golden retriever sometimes.
“I don’t, I don’t want to hurt you guys again. But I’m not soulmate material, I don’t believe in them the way you four do. Bo,” he perked up when he heard his name, “I know how you think this is all going to play out in the end but it’s not going to. I don’t want you to get false hope and get hurt again because of me. None of you deserve that. I want things to go back to how they were before the soulmate bonds but it’s not an option. I can already see how the bond is effecting me let alone every single one of you and I-” She shook her head to clear her thoughts before digging the hole too deep to climb out of. “Nobody else should get hurt-”
“If you say something along the lines of how we should move on and try to forget you once you move because it’ll be better for everyone then I hate to break it to you little atom, but it won’t happen.” She stared at him with wide, hazel eyes, he guessed almost exactly what she was going to say. “We care about you, never stopped the first time and it won’t stop ever. Maybe one of these days you’ll see that.”
“I just don’t want anyone to get hurt again.” Her voice came out small in comparison to how she was trying to sound.
“And what about you? We never want to see you hurt again. We respect being friends with you, we won’t push for a relationship unless you want one, bubbles. But this goes both ways, please stop trying to push us away, we’ve seen where that landed all of us last time. So tell us exactly what you want and we’ll try our best to make it happen.” She fought back the tears welling in her eyes, confusion was the most present emotion.
What did I do to deserve this?
That was the only question floating around in her head. Yet, she had no answer. She ignored and ultimately abandoned the four most important people in her life simply out of fear and here they are asking what she would like. Leaving such a large and seemingly vague question up to her. But anything she chose wouldn’t be fair for everyone. If she asked to just stay friends, Bokuto and eventually the other three would become hurt or impatient. If she left again then everyone would be hurt. If she opened all of the soul bonds and pursued a relationship, then she would be hurt and therefore injuring everyone else involved. There were truly only one or two people she could blame for this, yet she chose to blame herself. It was easier than being mad at someone else.
“Hey..” In her haze, she hadn’t realized Kenma ushered Kuroo out of his spot and sat in front of her, his legs crossed in front of him. “Just talk to us.. like middle school.” Something about his words gave her a bit of reassurance that she needed. Akaashi placed a warm hand on top of hers, his slightly calloused thumb rubbing across her knuckles, something he used to do frequently to try and quell her nerves.
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt, but no matter what somebody will and I don’t know what to do.” Kenma wanted nothing more than to help but he didn’t know what to do. 
“Let’s just watch a movie for now, we don’t have to worry about this at the moment.” Everyone agreed, but everyone was thinking the unspoken, worrying about what may happen to the five of you.
She sat between Bokuto and Akaashi on the couch, compensating rather than sitting alone. Kenma sat curled in the corner of the large sectional, his head resting on Kuroo’s shoulder. Tetsurou hung a leg over Koutarou’s who was man spreading and sinking into the couch cushions. Keiji sat beside her, one leg precariously crossed over the other comfortably. Without anyone discussing it, Kuroo put on her favorite movie. The only movie able to brighten up her day in an instant and relax any and all nerves, including now. She smiled softly as the intro scene played, practically having memorized at this point, but nonetheless it always brought her serotonin. Koutarou and Keiji could feel this, looking behind her and to each other with a smile on their faces. She got lost in the movie, the pure, unadulterated joy filling her body and easily lulling her into a state of comfort. About thirty minutes in, she brought her knees up to her chest, something that was only missed by the eldest in the room sitting beside you. Kuroo, Akaashi and Kenma all shared a look at this change of state but said nothing else, knowing the usual meaning behind this.
Kaara didn’t even feel her eyes flutter shut half way through, her head rolling to the side and dropping to Bo’s shoulder. The ace froze before a giddy, child like smile grew on his face, he rested a hand on Tetsurou’s leg, just above his knee and smiled. Something about this felt oddly domestic to him and he loved every single moment of it. The serenity of it all filling his heart to the brim. Kuroo lowered the volume a tad before speaking up.
“I don’t want to lose her again.” He took a breath and ran a hand through his already tussled hair before speaking again. “Something happened, someone.. someone hurt her. I just want her to be okay again.”
“What if.. What if when she leaves, we lose her again?” Everyone looked to Bokuto as his voice cracked, his hair drooping down and falling flat to his head.
“We won’t lose her, we won’t.” All the boys agreed with Kuroo’s statement. Turning their heads back to the T.V. but really, none of them were paying attention. They had all seen this movie dozens of times, however that wasn’t the reason why, they simply couldn’t focus with the lingering thoughts in their heads.
Kaara woke up oddly warm but with a stiff neck, the television played quietly in the back ground and lightly illuminated the room. She heard soft snores surrounding her and tried not to jolt when she shifted her glance to see she was sleeping on Koutarou. Glancing around, she noticed Kuroo and Bokuto were the only two asleep. Keiji sat with a book beside her, the table lamp on the lowest setting and he had his reading glasses perched on the bridge on his nose. Kenma sat in the corner of the sectional, his PSP in his hands as he clicked away on his game, this screen light illuminating his face. Her slight shuffling caught the attention of the boy next to her.
“How was your nap, little opus?” She fought the small smile at the sound of her old nickname.
“Uh, pretty good I guess. Did neither of you sleep?” Akaashi looked up to her with a soft laugh.
“Kenma’s sleep schedule is near nonexistent. And I don’t exactly like to disrupt mine if I can help it.” She hummed in acknowledgement and remembrance, thinking back to how adamant Akaashi always was about getting a full nights sleep and the nights she spent awake in middle school playing video games with Kenma.
“Sounds about right.” She took a glance over at the book in his hands, recognizing it as the third volume of One Piece. She smiled softly to herself, even though by this time they were in the forties with volumes, he still enjoyed reading back to the classics from when they were toddlers. She skimmed through the pages he read, stopping when she heard her phone buzz against the table. Her eyes widened in shock.
3 missed calls from Dad
1 voicemail from Dad
5 text messages from Dad
“Oh I am in so much trouble, I’m sorry I have to go. M-My dad is freaking out.” Akaashi ruffled her hair, laughing quietly at her situation. “Bye guys, uh I’ll see you around.” She quickly placed her shoes on and ran out the door, calling her dad back quickly.
“Honey? Oh my gosh, I was so worried, are you alright? Where have you been?” She sighed at the sound of his voice, she could practically see him running a hand through his thinning hair.
“Hey dad, I’m sorry. I was over at Bokuto’s and fell asleep watching a movie. We completely lost track of time. I left you a note on the notepad, sorry I thought you saw it.”
“...I see it now. I didn’t know you  were hanging out with the boys again.”
Trust me, I didn’t either.
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sugarspiceandfan · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Character Letters! Itachiyama Edition!
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