#but the blue and green are so good with them dangit
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Bro you actually got me wanting to marry farm sans 😭 he's so out of my league though. What a man. I like that the whole community wants them to get together too, sans is one of their boys, they gotta have his back and hype him up a little!! I just know there's a monster in town who's offered to plan the wedding for sans, and old ladies love gossiping and playing matchmaker if left to their own devices
"dangit. you found my hiding place before i did."
You jumped, glancing up and over your shoulder, distracted from staring out into the dark. But you relaxed once you saw who it was.
"Ah, sorry." You didn't actually want to move. You immediately felt better for Sans being there, even despite the events that had just transpired, some of your wound-up stress leaking away. "I can go find a new place to cower from socialising,"
"nah, this is fine." Sans sat down on the step, right beside you, letting out a relaxed sigh. He held out a glass of monster champagne to you - you (obviously) accepted. "s'more than enough room for two."
He was right. The beautiful little veranda was spacious enough for a whole party of people. It just so happened that the party had retreated indoors, now that night had fallen. From your spot sat on the edge of the veranda, you could faintly see the lights of the rest of the village, the muffled murmur of the dinner party going on in the house behind you not quite enough to mask the sound of the wind rustling the grass.
You fiddled with the glass. Sans' knee was almost touching yours. He smelled warm, comforting.
"Nice party." You mumbled.
Sans leant back slightly. "yeah. dinner is always good when felinus is hosting."
"Don't tell anyone I said this, but it's much nicer than Theodore's."
"i know he's a dolphin. but still don't get why he only served seafood."
You looked at him, and those pretty green eyelights focused onto you.
"So... are you also running away from the matchmaking?"
Sans' smile dropped - then he let out a somewhat pained noise, leaning forward and putting his skull in his hands. You couldn't help but giggle.
"m'so sorry," he groaned. The tension in the air had eased now that you'd finally broached the subject.
"It's fine. Really." You nudged him with your elbow. "It's just old ladies having a laugh. It's probably the most entertainment they've had in a long time."
He rubbed his face. "i know, i know. i just... stars, they're so pushy. it's mortifying watchin' them corner you like that."
You recalled the slight jump of fear you'd had when a cohort of delighted elderly bunnies had seemingly materialised out of thin air in the party to determinedly tell you it was such a shame a 'delightful human like you' was single. They then heavily reiterated how single Sans was, how much he clearly liked you, and what a 'lovely young man' he was.
"They can be strong-willed. That's for sure."
Sans sat up, but seemingly couldn't look at you. "i don't want you to feel some typa way about me because of them."
"... Some way?"
"i know yer anxious to fit into the community." He picked at the fraying sleeves of his knitted blue sweatshirt. "i don't want you to feel... like you have to date me, if you want to be accepted. you can date who you want. or not date. or whatever. i dunno,"
Oh. Your heart fluttered in your chest a little. "I don't feel like that at all."
He eventually looked at you, sheepish. "you sure?"
"Yeah." You waved your hand, eager to cheer him up. "They can be a bit pushy, sure. But it's all in good fun, right? It's not like they're chasing us into a church with shotguns. The worst they've done is very obviously set us up as dance partners at the festival."
A wave of relief seemed to pass over him. "or get us walkin' opposite ways 'round the market so we'll bump into each other."
"Besides." You smiled. "If they like me enough to try to set me up with someone they know, must mean I'm 'in'. So I'm all sorted on the community infiltration front."
He softened even more, nudging your knee with his. "that's true. they love ya. they'll like ya whether or not they've harassed you into datin' me."
"Not like I'd need to be harassed into that anyway."
Sans seemed to realise what you'd said before you did. His eyelights, in an instant, were double their usual size
"... what'd you say?" He was staring at you.
... You could feel the heat creeping over your face, neck and ears. Your mouth had instantly glued itself shut. You didn't answer his question - you just stared at your untouched champagne glass.
Both of you jumped, this time, you felt the cold champagne splash out of the glass and onto your hand as you dropped it entirely. When the two of you turned around, Papyrus seemed just as startled by your reactions as you were to him; he was stood just outside the door, car keys in his hand.
"P-Papyrus!" "bro,"
Papyrus, immediately, gave you and Sans a shifty look. But he quickly covered it up again.
You and Sans quickly stood, bolt upright, at the same time.
"i'll go say goodbye to everyone. you two get the car backed out."
"Sure. Sure,"
Before you could say anything else to him, Sans had hurried past his brother, back into the house. Papyrus watched him head inside with visible confusion written across his face.
"... HUMAN," Papyrus glanced at you. "WHAT DID MY BROTHER SAY TO YOU?"
"Uh, I'll..." You fiddled with your hair. "I'll, m, I'll tell you in the car."
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…idk, world heroes mission ig (bnha movie 3)? not clear on whether the Hawks minisode thing is before or after it so I guess I'll watch it after
"quirk doomsday…" k so they don't like quirks, they're like the non-bender faction in korra. Still kinda feels weird tbh when you got powered folks and non-powered folks and they make a faction that stands up for non-powered people and then make them unambiguously evil. Granted, I'm making assumptions because this group is ticking every box on the "evil cult aesthetic" checklist. -- "we, pure humans…" you, sir, are a vedalken. …uh, that is to say, blue. you are blue.
ho shit they got a death star? …oh, sewer gas or summat -- …a… mutagen thingy? no, it's boosting quirks… -- "you don't have a quirk, do you? and you didn't happen to randomly get murdered by the twenty-odd major disasters we just set off that demolished half the city. congrats, prolly half the people you know are dead but some of them had powers so it's fine"
"ohey, we don't have a hero from egypt yet" copies some clipart "there, now we do"
…WHAT??? HOW LONG HAS HE HAD THIS ALT SKIN? should I have got a few episodes in first? gawd, figuring out anime movie timing is flat-out impossible
ohey it's that guy from this movie that people like
dang, the animators are showing tf off with this chase stuff. the parkour's almost reminding me of mirror's edge 'XD -- pfft, then he just casually rail-grinds down a staircase bc I guess his quirk is being from a tony hawk game
why do I have the annoying feeling I should be recognizing this eyepatch gu - wait. spends ten years scrolling thru his own tumblr looking for his comments from the first movie okay eyepatch guy KIND OF sometimes has a similar face to the, I think, swordkil guy from the first movie, but the hair is not even close, nvm -- um. …shit what was even happening. marcellus wallace's soul, right. cept I think it was a jewelry store, so more like his pinkie ring?
ah k, so rody rhodepecker gets wallace's soul cuz he thought it was the gems he'd had before, so now rody's in the main plot and I guess eyepatch is dead and the chipmunks are gonna have fewer dolls to pick up -- (deku and rody fight over the case and it falls open) marcellus wallace's… tax returns?
"we gotta move somewhere safer. I know! THE TOP OF A MOVING TRAIN is the perfect place to set down this civilia - " okay fine, "suspect"
what kinda topsy-turvy world is this where midoriya gets on a country's most wanted list before God Explosion Murder? …I forget, Bakugo STILL never got hisself a hero name, right?
ah, so the local gov is all in the doomsday cult. …eyepatch seemed to think those papers were important, but deku found nothing of interest, why does everybody want marcellus wallace's tax returns? I guess it's got important inside cult info in code?
"he's going to klayd. bakugo, come on, we have another country we need you to endanger" -- you know you're important when they assign the stelfiest cops on the force to tail you. todoroki and bakugo better find a corner to walk around if they wanna lose these guys
not the sharpest rat on the street, this rody, huh. also, deku's a heavy sleeper apparently. had his hand all over that case and rody was able to just slide it away with no problem. -- you, sir, are an inuyasha villain
-- ("why did you protect me?") "saving people with a smile" is never gonna stop feeling like a brand slogan to me.
…okay, road trip montage ig. good stuff ig. -- "you have a quirk, right?" deku you were fucking born without a motherfucking quirk what the hell kind of a question is that. anyway clearly the farting bird is rody's quirk
(rody gets blasted off a cliff then ice jets show up and idfk stuff) wowee, dangit guys, you're makin me dizzy with the camera zipping all over the damn place -- under the blades bakugo UNDER THE FUCKING BLADES THAT HELI IS GONNA MAKE A SMOOTHIE OUTTA YOU HAVE YOU NEVER WATCHED AN INDIANA JONES MOVIE -- …well damn, Green Arrowette, dramatic enough?
aha, a sneakret compartment -- and obviously it's the puzzle toy from rody's childhood because cults are all about getting the kids involved -- bet the cult woulda loved it if rody had solved it way back when and fucking swallowed the data chip. …random question, where does nintendo get off putting an entire game in a choking hazard just because they can? irresponsible af
"I'm one of the scientists that the cult kidnapped yadda yadda yadda plot stuff final message" and. and they just. plugged this into a computer and hit play. with the speakers on. in a hotel lobby or wevertf this is. with civilians watching tv. FIVE. FEET. AWAY.
bakugo: "only an idiot would make a key without telling you where the door was! where's the place with no bombs… there! that's where their base is!" BULL. SHIT. BAKUGO. IS A HACKER. also bullshit because didn't the first bomb go off literally a hundred feet directly above their base? -- "I'm working on it, damn nerd!" - hackugo the hackerman who apparently is the only computer literate person in the room
okay these wobbly giggly sword-whip guys bakugo's fighting, them I kinda like tbh, designwise at least. …I guess because they just remind me of so many soul calibur characters at once 'XD
"they told me they'd stop the Otheon bomb if I give them the key" okay ten trillion percent he's faking this time, right? …right? -- ohhh, eddie soul. I musta been barely listening to… uh. um. eyepatch guy's audio log 'XD -- "my quirk is that silly pink bird with the mask that farted on you earlier" -- "and also dodging really good" - ohp, okay, not dodging good enough tho
HIS QUIRK IS THE FARTBIRD I WAS FUCKING JOKING. I mean like cool he has a ranger animal companion ig, hell, Minsc has kind of the same thing going for him and he ruined at least one Magic format with it
(bakugo finally won his match)(todoroki is still drowning) freeze the water dumbass, damn -- oh wouldja lookit that, he froze the water
"his quirk has a limit!" I mean, I guess. wobbuffet's only got so much hp. …I swear to god this guy was probably literally and actually and in fact based directly off of wobbuffet, it would explain everything about his visual design -- "you gave up on trying to get people to like you, heroes never give up" deku please just shut the fuck up and finish this fight, every single time you try to say something to somebody about their backstory, you just come off as an ignorant dickhead
"there's no explosion…" marvin martian: "where's the society-shattering kaboom?"
(the fartbird plugged the thing in, probably ages ago) go for the eyes, Boo! the one in texas goes off anyway because the power grid failed again and the disarm code didn't get transmitted to the bomb
oh goody, the not-corrupt police officers arrested the one that was. he was definitely the only bad apple in the bunch, yessiree
…ayup. movie movied. villain had paper-thin motive compared to all for one's easy-to-grasp god complex or the actual literal nightmare that is tomura's, but wever. and rody's fun.
the Hawks Soothe thing is five minutes, huh. -- I think bakugo listening to todoroki's "write 'people' on your hand then eat it" thing is the first hint of character development for bakugo I've seen in maybe this whole WHAT in the FUCK is THAT supposed to be
-- hawks just casually strolling up wearing the carpet from the Shining
jesus christ my guy, this is why they knew to put you in that hannibal mask
okay so this was literally just a prologue of them clowning around in the airport for a couple minutes and I shoulda watched it first, I had them in the right order in my notes. …dammit
anyway, on to s6 ig - wait no apparently there're two OVA bonus episode thingies for s5? huh, it's them playing baseball. lol shoji's got three bats in the cover image 'XD
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Princess Bubblegum pulled herself from the river that Lady threw her into, which washed her downstream. She crawled onto the bank and falling onto her back, coughing up soda that got into her gummy lungs.
“Dangit Lady!” She spurted. “Girl got a deathwish or somethin?” She was angry at her companion. Forcing her to abandon the fight so Lady could take on the Ice King, maybe get herself killed. Then she thought about it for a moment and realized Lady Ranicorn was no slouch when it came to fighting, she would probably be fine, even if the Ice King did freeze her.
Good thing it was Ice Magic the geezer used and not actual normal Ice, otherwise a lot of important people PB cared about in some way would probably be dead. Still, being frozen by him is a bit of a traumatic experience, it happened more than once to Bubblegum and she ALWAYS needed to scratch parts of herself really badly when it happened.
She sat up and examined her weapon. Most of the parts were fine, nothing she could not fix and it could operate even when drenched like it was. She did design the flamethrower to work when wet. But the hose was the issue, it had a slit in it. Plus it was gray and not red like she remembered it was.
She took a piece of her gum hair and pressed it hard into the slit. Then she tested out her weapon. Only thing that came out was a spray of sparkles before the gum popped out, causing it to cease.
“URRRAAAGGGH!!!” The Princess yelled in frustration. She then fell onto her back, her crown falling off as she splayed herself out as she stared up into the clouded blue sky above, wondering if this is a divine punishment for what she did to the Snow Seers and the Ice Jarls. They did keep him sealed away, capturing him every time he escaped every century or so.
“Why did they have to be friends with Gumbald...” She whispered to nobody. “Why’d they have to be butts and not obey me like they did with him?”
She felt pain within her, her strength was drained. Part of her wanted to abdicate and just run away from it all. Let the Kingdoms fall, let the peoples know what its like to be without her. Let the Evil within her Castle loose. Let the Lands of Ooo and all the world burn and drown in a sea of emerald green fire, just like it did centuries ago.
Then she felt a deeper pain, one tinged with shame as she knew she was stressed and she was just being selfish, she didn’t really want to abandon her duty, too many innocent peeps would suffer, so objectively it wouldn’t be worth it in the end... right?
She let out a deep, sullen sigh. “Oh Billy... why did I drive you into leaving?” She just needed someone to help with her problems. Not all of them, just some of them, so she didn’t feel like she had a mountain of burdens on her shoulders.
She loved helping people, solving their problems, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, wiping away all of their tears and telling them it will be all right, like a mother to her children.
She hated hurting others, even people like Ice King, mostly. She hated using violence or underhanded means of getting what she wanted done, even if it was always for the greater good. She liked it when people saw things her way and everything just worked in harmony, like bees in a hive all working together.
But she didn’t feel much of anything these days, only tired, sad and angry all hidden behind a mask of smiles and laughs, few of which were truly sincere. It was just all oh so overwhelming and she couldn’t take it anymore.
She didn’t feel much like a Princess anymore, like in those old movies, she felt like she was living inside of a prison at times, not being to live a life that she didn’t feel was worth having anymore.
She needed a Hero, now more than ever and she did not know how much longer she could keep going without one.
“Dadadaaa! Dadadaaa! Daaa-Di-dididaaa!” Hummed a familiar lunatic. “PRINCESS!!!” Yelled the Ice King. “WHERE YA AT GURL!?”
Princess Bubblegum jolted up with renewed strength. She didn’t see him yet, which meant he probably didn’t see her either. She without thinking crawled with fervor to the bushes to hide, crawling further into the forest to slip away.
The Ice King floated on his flapping beard slowly over the river, searching for Bubblegum. “I KNOCKED YOUR GAL PAL OUT! SHE WAS ALL UP IN MY GRILL BOUT ME MARRYING YOU AND NOT HER! BUT WE TALKED IT OUT AND ITS CHILL NOW! MOSTLY BECAUSE I KNOCKED HER OUT, LIKE I SAAAIIID! Well, actually she sorta knocked herself out I think, not sure what that whole biz is about...”
He then stopped and scanned the area where she previously was. He was Red and White now, as if he were Santa Claus, Lady Rainicorns powers shifting his colors around during the fight, something he didn’t care too much about it, mainly because he didn’t notice.
“Where did you run off to? Galpals don’t abandon each other, even when they’re not at their best, right Gunter!?” He said to nobody being there. “Gunter?” He asked again looking around and found his companions wasn’t anywhere. “Now where did ma Guntsy flap off too? ...Oh right I didn’t bring him! I think... or did I forget him? I hope not! He’s an evil lil agent of chaos, he might burn this place down if ya let him!”
Then he spotted it. “OOO! Free Crown!!!” He floated down and picked up the piece of royal jewelry, regaining altitude up into the canopy of the forest. “Sweet! Free loot!” He examined his new treasure and noticed it was familiar.
“Wait a zippin sec, this is Bubblegum Tiara! She must have dropped it!” He then gasped. “SHE MUST HAVE BEEN THROUGH HERE! WHICH MEANS SHES CLOSE!!!”
Then he got a devlish grin on his bearded face. “Unless... this is something she WANTED ME TO HAVE!!! YES! HAHAHA! YES!!! THAT MUST BE-...n-no, that’s silly. It’s better to ask if that’s the case. Mama didn’t raise no Ice Thief! I’m multi-classed in Ninja/Wizard! Mostly Wizard!”
He the cleared his throat and said “Hey! Princess Bubblegum! Did you leave this crown’a’yours for me to have as a present?!”
“Course ah di-yud leave it fo yous ya saxay peace a mayun!!!” He said attempting to imitate... something approximately female and perhaps Southern.
“Oh-ho! Why thank you! I do got that Silver Fox thang goin on, don’t I?” He said to himself.
“Ya sure do, sugarplum!” Said his girlish(?) voice. “How bout you put on that tiara and make yoself into a sexy lady! You can be Vixen Princess!”
“Hmmm, Ice Vixen Princess... that sounds good! I might write somethin about th-”
“Okay okay! Sheesh, keep ya panties on! Not like I am goin nowhere fast!” He said.
He reached up and grabbed the crown upon his and sudden fell from the air. “WHOOOOAAAAAA-” Crashing into the shallows face first, screaming the whole.
“... Ice King dooown.” He said in pain to his noggin.
“PFFFFT-HAHAHAAHAAAAA!” Laughed a voice in the trees.
Adventure Time Presents: The Good, The Fair & The Beautiful. - Chapter 6 - Zalloj - Adventure Time (Cartoon 2010) [Archive of Our Own]
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Pidge was beyond excited, and if it wasn't for the fact he had mentioned the A.I to her, one would think she had had a little too much caffeine. It was adorable, nonetheless, to see her like this, especially considering a few hours prior she was barely saying a word.
He led them down the multiple corridors he had taken in his hunt for the supplies, before stopping Pidge in her tracks when he recognized the lab.
Pidge quirked a brow, bemused. “You broke into a lab?”
“What?” he gave her a sideways glance.
”Oh, no. The door was already unlocked when I tried it.”
“That doesn’t make it any less wrong, Lance.” Despite what she had said, she was smiling.
Here’s my submission for @madiletio and @rosieclark ‘s fic for the @planceminibang ! I wish I had more time to give the lineart and background more justice but regardless, this was a fun piece to work on. I’m a sucker for Pidge getting excited over tech and Lance thinking it’s adorable.
Links to the fic will be added once it’s posted!
#plance#plance mini bang#plance bang#pidgance#flirtyrobot#lance#pidge#vld#voltron#plance fanart#vld fanart#voltron fanart#I wanted to give them different colors than their usual#but the blue and green are so good with them dangit#my art#digital#digital art#anchoredtether#anchoredtetherart
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Lives of Three | Prologue
Halloo! So I decided to start making a fic and to honour that have the prologue. hope it ain't too bad! Here's a link to it on Ao3
Ah, Boatem. The explosive area known for the good 'ol hole to the void right in the center. Boatem, the people that decided to have a meeting located in said hole to the void. Boatem, the lovable, talented people on the northern part of The Continent. Or at least they were formerly part of The Continent.
It was, odd, to say the least. The Hermits had been having a normal day. Crafting tables were scattered yet again on Pearl's mountain, an end crystal had appeared right beside Mumbo's front lawn, and honestly no one knows why the big-hatted salesman is doing what he's doing but overall it's a normal day in the seaside town.
Ah, another meeting it seems. Cubfan had seem and heard them all, llamas in the void, end crystals and eggs, and oh don't forget about the racehorses. He never really minded though.
With a little bit of peaking, he saw the next shanenigan they'd gotten themselves into. Grian had replaced some of the surrounding grass with ice, and they'd be sliding around in boats while trying to discuss the topic. He went straight back to his canyon, deciding it'd be best to check his stores' stock.
GoodTimeWithScar fell into the void
There's the first death, an expected outcome in any boatem meeting. Cub paid no mind to it, they would respawn anyways.
<CubFan135> Successful meeting? <Grian> Where's Scar?
The vex stared at his communicator. Well he's fallen in the hole, has he not? We saw the death message appear right in chat, so he could be at either at spawn, or at his base.
GoodTimeWithScar left the game
Now that's odd. There's no rational explanation as to why he'd leave, and if it has something to do with the void then X might have an answer but other than that, there may not be much. Cub can hear panicked yelling from the Boatem area, and it sounds like Pearl's trying to calm everyone else down.
MumboJumbo fell into the void ImpulseSV fell into the void PearlescentMoon fell into the void MumboJumbo left the game Grian fell into the void ImpulseSV left the game <Tango> What is going on?? <Etho> I don't know but it's kinda weird PearlescentMoon left the game <GeminiTay> Do you think we should check it out? <Renthedog> Yeah it's not looking so good Grian left the game
Oh. Well then that's not good. Cub pockets the communicator in his lab coat, storing his collected diamonds into his wallet. He navigates the spikes of his dripstone canyon and walks towards the boatem village.
He wasn't the only one there. About seven other players were there, Ren, Etho and Bdubs being some. Cub unmuted his mic, meeting with a bunch of concerned voices.
"Ah Cub! You're their neighbor, do you know what happened to them?" a worried Gem had asked.
"Afraid not. I know about as much as the rest 'a y'all." He pulled out his comm to look at a playback of chat. Yep, mostly worried messages and five void deaths. The commotion around him started getting louder, a cluster of voices piling up onto each other to create a flurry of confusion.
"Guys, down here!" the familiar voice of Etho called from down in the Boatem hole. Everyone looked down, caring not to accidentally fall into the boatem hole itself. That's when they see it.
The Void wasn't exactly the Void anymore, the pure black and with hints of purple had started to swirl and glow a dim green. Etho grabs a spare loyalty trident from his inventory and launches it into the Void. He waits, and waits, and waits, and it doesn't come back. Tango carefully made his way to a safe section of the bedrock, he crouches down and squints his eyes to focus more on the void.
"What is that thing?" He lowers his head closer when he feels gravity pulling him down and jolts right back up.
"You think you can get up from there? we don't want to risk losing anyone else," Doc called down. The two of them nodded, with Tango firing a rocket and Etho pearling upwards.
"Alright, Tango, Etho, what did you see?" Doc asked. Zed brought out his clipboard and started taking down notes.
"Well I tested out one of my spare loyalty tridents on the thing. Never came back." Zed nodded along, messily scribbling the details onto a paper.
"Well there's definitely something weird about it. Dangit, where's X when you need him?" Tango crossed his arms and tapped his feet against the ground. He's looking around avoiding to even glance at the Boatem hole. The atmosphere is tense, and as the vex looks down he notices a bright blue substance on certain parts of the walls.
"Vex magic," he thinks aloud. The other hermits look towards him. "Scar had used vex magic here, there's traces of it." He moves closer towards the edge, assessing the traces of vex magic left.
"Do you know why he'd use vex magic?" Zed asked, replacing his clipboard with a scruffy notebook.
"Honestly I have no clue. Maybe we should ask X?" And the rest nodded.
Haha idk if this is good lol
#Viv talks#Viv writes#viv's originals#fanfiction#fanfic#dsmp x hc#hc x dsmp#hermit-centric#LoT#Lo3#Lives of Three#Boatem Crew#Boatem#Cubfan135#ethoslab#Tango tek#Docm77#Zedaph#Geminitay#Boatem Hole#bdouble0#bdoubleo100
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So I’m going to talk about Transformers Earthrise
I kinda just wrote each thing after each episode so I won’t forget much.
I’m writing what I remember from each episode
Episode 1: Elita is cool as ever, freeing Decepticons and pulling out “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings” on Jetfire when he was questioning why she wanted to free them.
And then Steeljaw :( He was in cassette mode when they were hurting him. Makes me sad thinking about it. If Blaster is going to make an appearance, I hope Steeljaw will be with him.
Also, I need to know what’s up with Megatron having Ultra Magnus’s head on his table and just talking to him like a normal conversation.
There’s a happy Red Alert moment when he talks about how happy he is to have someone on their team who can fly. I’m calling for a Red Alert and Jetfire friendship.
Megatron acknowledges that Elita is a good leader and saying she could’ve been leaderbof the Autobots instead,. He may have started a war but he still knows what’s good.
The bots at Section 12... I loved them, they were so nice to Megatron and were admiring him a lot. It’s easy to tell it hurt him very much to have to “sacrifice” them for the project. I’m pretty sure all of us were sad. Those three bots were very nice.
Episode 2:
Elita is once again acknowledged by Megatron she is a good leader. He even called her Ariel. I’m wondering if we’ll see the past between them.
When Megatron put them in the cylinder thingies, the Decepticons the Autobots frees the first episode came to save them.
The bot even said “Til all are one”
And Skyfire... this huge dude really did just fall against the glass wall while they were trying to escape all stealth mode.
Luckily Skytread let them escape. It was funny when he asked one of them to punch cause Chromia was like “on sight, bro” and went for it. Like I love Chromia. :D
We also get to see our bots on the Ark again! And we get to see the mercenaries too.
We get to see conehead seekers again dudes! And this is my first time seeing Doubledealer on the screen(might be his first time? I honestly don’t know)
What’s with the gray colored Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Hound? But yet again, it could just be reusing the same models.
Where’s tiny man Prowl? Where’s Ratchet?
When G. Bumblebee said “Where’s the ugly looking one?”, I was like “sir, you looked in a mirror lately?”
Quintessons! And for some reason, blue spirit mask looking Deseeus just cut off all the Qunitesson other faces just cause she wanted a consensus? Damn
Episode 3: Oh no sad Optimus. D:
Ooh Ratchet and Wheeljack are working together.
“Bumblebee is correct-“
“I am?!”
Ayyy more Elita and co, they even got a bunch of Decepticon with them. Oop the Reflector with the scars is named Scrapface.
Elita seems more chill with Jetfire now. More friendships! I really like seeing Elita and her group.
Also the Autobots found the Nebulon station.
Bee and Prime walked through the space bridge, and the other side of beautiful. It’s got a similar terrain like Earth’s. It’s leafy and green and colorful.
Oop it’s a giant scorpion on the ship. Is it Scorponok?
Yep it’s Scorponok.
Elita and co are going to stop the remaining Decepticons from getting harvested by the Shockwave. How nice of them :3
ONEGA SUPREME! oh wait dangit it’s a mirage.
Damn Scorponok is tall. He looks like Devestator and RID01 Megatron had a baby.
So Megs finally caught up with the Ark.
Episode 4: I love Ironhide. He may have few moments, but he’s still my fav.
Optimus noooooo
Bumblebee was trying to help, but Optimus is over here being a worried dad.
Ooh, Megatron really shot Scorponok to say “Optimus Prime is mine!”
Soundwave has unleashed his cat :0
Prime’s just trying protect his kids.
So they got knocked out from the blast, and Ravage was sniffing Starscream to check if he was alive, but the dude shoved him off. Rude, he making sure you live.
He thinks Megs is dead so now he’s leader.
Now Prime and Megatron are stuck in a room together, and now they’re talking. Megatron’s got a girder in his chest and he slowly dying.
Here’s a picure I got of the scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The bots and cons are working together now! S not for now though.
Then Starscream starts talking shit to Megs and when he’s done talking about how he’d be a better leader, he says “What’s your argument?”
Megatron just shoots him. Ravage then checks on him again, but he shoves him off again. Why is he so rude?
Oop bots be out here calling Megatron a Quintesson and he’s offended. Quite hilarious
Starscream is really taking command and tossing Barricade aside. Starscream I love you but push him again and I’ll fight you.
So now something happened to the Nemesis ship, or perhaps it was the Ark.
Episode 5: Alpha Trion and Sky Lynx!! Sky Lynx wants to be a Prime too.
So the Autobots are in the Dead Universe. Sky Lynx is still alive and can apparently hear all.
Andddd he’s got some spiritual power and talking to Optimus now.
Sky Lynx is now humbled, I think he’s gonna join the Autobots.
So Megatron alive and he’s boutta pimp slap him.
GALVATRON?! where’d he come from?!
Sky Lynx is really making sad.
And now Galvatron doing the same spiritual thing to Megatron.
OP, let Sky Lynx go with you! Let him be redeemed.
Now Sky Lynx seems to be mentoring OP.
Optimus, Elita isn’t dead! She’s alive!
Yes, Megan. Don’t trust Galvatron! He’s trying to make you kill the bae.
Damn I keep forgetting how much the arena hurt Megatron mentally. :(
Ah yes, OP comforting Sky Lynx
Dang Galvatron don’t got them lips.
Woah the hate plague appears again? Damn Megan what you doing?
What what Unicron and the golden discs! And now the bots are before Earth. It’s building up to Kingdom!
Episode 6: Megatron still after OP I see.
Wow Arcee strong enough to chokehold Starscream. ,,•^•,,
YES COG, QUESTION OP. Optimus, why you holding a gun to Megatron, trying to force him to accept your apology and forgive you.
ah yeah more Elita and co screentime.
Shockwave stalking Elita with a invisibility cloak
And now OP and Megatron yelling and fighting. OP’s officially lost it guys
Ooh Bumblebee is taking charge
Ooh the mercenary gray Wheeljack is named Exhaust and the gray Bumblebee is named Bug Bite
Lol Elita tripped on air. Nvm it was Shockwave.
Shockwave actually believes Elita knew the Guardians.
And now Elita and her team have been compromised. :(
Doubledealer nooooo. Deseeus better let him go
okay so Spinister caught Elita’s team, Shockwave has Elita.
COG NOOOO! cog :,(
oh shit Megs got the Matrix, and he calling OP Orion
oh no he got away with the Matrix
Ooh Earth!
I finished it ;-; Hope you guys liked the show cause I think it was good.
I miss Cog and Elita ;-;
Also very sad there’s no Sunstreaker
#transformers optimus#transformers megatron#elita 1#transformers siege#transformers skyfire#transformers earthrise#transformers post#transformers netflix#transformers#geminiofpluto
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white! LAVENDER green PINK RED sky bluee and purpl :) 💖
White: >:3c hehehehe what you don't realize is my roommate has a huge knife collection so I have a LARGE access to knives <3 and not only that but I would have access to knowledge on how to USE THEM MWEH HEH HEH HEH it's really come in handy mincing garlic <3
Green: h-----literally right after I give up on physics for the night bruh what timing XDDDDD
Pink: WHA HEY NO YOU FIRST beSIDES I'm already in bed hmph
Red: oh fRICK yeah hon get us some of my monkey bread and some memes and we can vibe in silence for ages
Sky blue: oh funny you should mention would you be able to go back in time and knock Isaac Newton unconscious so he never discovered gravity and I don't have to do physics <3 thanks ily bestieeeee
Purple: low-key forgot what this meant dANGIT I was doing so well remembering OH WAIT HDIEODEJOSPDDJ NO Y O U HOW ARE *YOU* SO HOT GOOD GRACIOUS
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Continuation of Art Process below!
Step Five: Shading
So around this time it was almost 1 AM in the morning and I was forced to go bed at that point...
I would say after I woke up early in the morning (8 AM on Sunday), I continued for approximately 4 hours.
I remember being panicky since I usually upload Sundays, but thanks to losing an extra 4 hours (4AM on a Sunday night), I was extremely behind in finishing the album cover.
(But thanks to you guys and the support, I felt a little less pressure)
Also, I changed the flower’s coloring since it looked more like a sunflower than a Gerbera. I could’ve changed it for Kalim since a sunflower’s meaning is happiness, adoration, and loyalty - but the ‘loyalty’ wasn’t working out for me.
Furthermore, by the time I did that I already based the WHOLE album on the color scheme of orange. So that wasn’t even an option.
Step Five: Background + Highlights
Usually I would hate the lineart as it looks before the adding multiple layers - but to me it looks SO much better! It was tempting to put THIS as the cover!
Though, I tend to have a certain style in the album, so I had to keep the same focus.
I really wanted to mostly highlight them n a i l s , the Gerbera, and his eyes. But now that I look at the final product, I think I lost that focus in the end (in terms of his nails). *cries*
Also, I would say Step 4 and Step 5 is his color scheme - Step 4 being the base, and Step 5 the shading to give them g l o w s .
This one took around Sunday night (estimation of 6PM - 10 PM), and thanks to homework being just tests - I secured my time doing this instead.
At this point, I felt I was basically looping Mystique + [insert 3rd song in the Scarabia Trilogy] like CRAZY. I repeated that song the whole way through just like I did with Lupine and Rosaceae.
I also enjoyed the shine of that Gerbera - I felt like a proud mom -
Just to let you know btw the leaves are apart of Kalim’s design, not just for show.
Step Six: Final Background + Highlights
When I finalized it a little more...this was Monday night when I was finishing this up 5 PM - 6:40 PM. I was really excited to finish this piece - by announcing that Mystique was about to come out!
But around 6:40 I had to discontinue due to my daily life...but other than that I was generally pleased.
Though, I think that I fell short in the process. Some areas that were supposed to be highlighted (such as the feathers, bandana, and leaves) were not highlighted properly.
Though, I’m glad that the main focus was still there in the whole piece - his eyes and the flower (which also gives focus on his face). So I’m satisfied.
Step Seven: Orange + Red Lineart
Now for this I did the following (to achieve that look above):
Copy and paste the lineart on another layer (from now on I’ll call that pasted Lineart #2.)
Lineart #2 is selected, and colored in in a different color (in red)
Shift the lineart to a certain side (which is more of the right)
Add Lineart #3 (which repeats #1 - #3), which was colored in orange.
I was going add hints of green and blue - but I didn’t like how the colors made Kalim look...so I left orange and red.
Plus, red is apart of his original color scheme + the flower’s orange so it gave me more of a reason to keep that focus.
Gosh dangit, it’s colour not color Tumblr-
I did this once I arrived home and I was absolutely elated! I wanted to post it as soon as possible, but I wanted to be more professional in terms of announcements and all that, which sends us to Tuesday.
I scheduled it Monday night/Tuesday morning (4 AM) at 4 P M so I can get you reactions live and be active for questions and responses but THAT didn’t happen-
Step Eight: Title -> Final Piece!
Wow! You made it this far! That was a lot to read (lol).
Feel free to send in requests about the art process btw! This includes the plot, the characters - anything! I will happily answer ASAP :)))))))))))))
I feel like I should do this for ??? [ Insert 2nd song of Scarabia Trilogy], but this WILL delay the song as well (especially the lyric analysis that I will and must do).
But luckily, I’m physically out of school on Friday so it wholeheartedly depends on how much I get done in the weekend...
I must admit - taking the time to do Kalim in normal hours felt pretty good unlike Lupine and Rosaceae. That doesn’t mean I love them less though-
Anyways. You know the drill!
Thank you for supporting the fan made music and art of Twisted Wonderland and Date A Live content.
Curious? [ Art Process - Part One ]
#twisted wonderland#TWSTxDAL#scarabia#twst kalim#twst jamil#kalim al asim#jamil viper#1 DOWN#2 TO GO#honestly#I enjoy the hype and the adventure#I hope you guys are too!#Stay tuned. And have a wonderful day!#TWSTxDAL art process
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My name is Patton, and I’m your Guardian Angel [Guardian Angel AU]
Synopsis: Virgil tries to kill himself, but his Guardian Angel stops him.
Trigger warnings: Suicide attempt (not successful), crying, depression, pills, vomiting,
A/N: Really weird worldbuilding idk. This was supposed to be a high school type au but I’ve been listening to people playing DND so it’s a really weird mix between modern and fantasy. Wtv.
Virgil came in through the front door, making sure to slam it loud enough for it to echo through the entire house.
He had skipped his last class and turned his phone off, not to do anything particular, but to walk around town. He wandered through the shopping district, stopping at a bakery to pick up a cupcake, and drifted to a park with a duck pond near the gates. He was half paranoid that the guards would see him on their break and send him back to school, but no one paid him any mind. He just sat and ate his cupcake and watched the ducks and the sunset.
He had turned his phone back on on the way home and it buzzed with three messages, all from the same person.
Did you get detention?
I’ll wait here another ten minutes before going home. I’m not waiting for all the sports’ practices to get out just to find out you left without me again.
I’m coming over later. Don’t do anything stupid.
He couldn’t help the sharp pang of disappointment. He knew it was stupid, and it was childish, but he just wanted to see if anyone would notice he was gone. Adam did, but that wasn’t really a surprise. They weren’t who Virgil was hoping to hear from.
At the sound of the door slamming, another one swung open down the hall. Remus’s little feet slapped against the tile and, before Virgil could blink, he had an arm-full of his little brother.
“Where were you?!” He whined, grabbing fist-fulls of Virgil’s hair and shaking a bit.
“Ow, Remus, stop,” Virgil mumbled, settling him against his hip.
Roman came into the foyer, clutching his script. “Remus! Don’t be so loud, you know your dad just laid down.”
Remus pouted.
Roman frowned. “Virgil, did you just get home?”
Virgil’s heart rate picked up. He nodded.
His eyes widened. “Where were you? Has Remus eaten? Remus, did you eat? How did you get home?”
Remus shook his head. “Nuh-uh. I walked!”
Roman pressed his hand to his heart. “You walked? All the way from school? Virgil, what’s the matter with you?” He tucked his script in his waistband and went over to them, cradling both of their heads in each of his hands. “I’ve never known you to be so irresponsible. What’s going on?”
He shook his head and looked away. “Nothing. Sorry, I’ll make him dinner.”
Roman kissed Virgil’s cheek, and Remus giggled when Roman kissed his nose. “Just be quiet. Logan’s taking a nap in the living room. I’ll be in our room if you need me.”
The resentment-mixed-shame built up in Virgil’s stomach as he made Remus dinner. While he was cooking the grilled cheese, he slipped on some water and reached out for anything to grab to steady himself- Like the hot pan. He prepared himself for the seering burn with a small cry, only for his hand to be pushed away and his body to be righted.
“Vergie?” Remus asked with a frown. “Are you okay?”
Virgil caught his breath, breathing heavily. He was confused, but he tried not to think about it. “I’m fine.” He sat Remus’s food down in front of him and went to his room.
His phone buzzed as he sat on his bed.
Adam: I’ll be late. Don’t ask. Should I bring my camera?
Virgil: no
He flopped back on his bed, the wrinkled purple sheets a comforting, if albeit boring familiarity under him. His room was always very dark. When he was little, he had insisted, day in and day out, that he wanted to paint his walls black. He wanted it to resemble a cave, and he wanted to sleep upside down like a bat. Roman and Logan told him that he couldn’t do that, because if he painted it black he could never paint it any other colour, and that if they ended up wanting to sell the house, that would make it much more difficult. Virgil didn’t care. He insisted.
Finally, Logan did it out of spite. He bought all the paint and a bar you used for pull-ups and before he did anything, he asked Virgil if he was sure. Virgil was. So they painted his walls black together, and Virgil got it all over himself, and Roman nearly lost his mind when he got home but his parents were indestructible and Virgil had never seen them fight about anything serious. After his bedtime story, they both sat down and watched Virgil hang upside down on the bar for all of thirty seconds before he decided the black walls were enough and he wanted to sleep normally.
He now kept faerie lights to keep his room as light as he could, as many as he could find, all over his walls, purple and blue and yellow and green. There were ripped posters from bands he didn’t listen to anymore and photographs of him, his parents, Remus, and even a few of Adam, the short time they’ve known each other. By the only window, he had pushed his ferrets’ cage up against it so they got sunlight.
And as much as he loved it, he didn’t think he could bear to look at it any longer.
He reached between the wall and his bed and pulled out a bottle of pills he had taken from the medicine cabinet in his parents’ bathroom.
He had always thought he would be crying when he did this, but in truth, he dried himself out at the duck pond. He didn’t feel too much of anything, just a slowly increasing heart rate and some sweaty palms. It was like his anxiety was trying to poke through, but it was buried under wrapping muscle and bones and blood. It was all… Muffled.
He felt kind of sick after he took all of them, but that could be because of the overwhelming, chalky taste in his mouth. He grabbed the old Mountain Dew off his bedside table and downed the rest of it.
Then he went to sleep.
There were flashes of white, soft, soothing white, and he was floating. It was nice, until he threw up all over the carpet.
“Dangit,” someone whispered in his ear. He couldn’t recognize the voice, but he wasn’t scared. “Come on, a little further.”
Virgil collapsed against the toilet and dry heaved, ripping a sob from his throat. It felt like his body was trying to turn itself inside out, it was horrible. He had taken the Atarax to skip this part, sleep through it, but now it was like he was in a dream, the bathroom lights blurred and his skin tingling.
“Sorry about this,” the voice whispered before something was shoved down his throat.
It disappeared, and he threw up again. He coughed and gagged, smacking the base of the toilet a few times. An eternity later, he slumped back against the wall, gasping for breath.
“Oh, it’s not working…” They sounded panicked. “Nng, they told me not to do this… Oh, well.”
Suddenly, Virgil’s throat was cleared, and his stomach was empty. He sucked in a deep breath, blinking away the tears.
“What…” His voice came out a horrible, ugly rasp.
“Oh, no, don’t do that! You’ll hurt yourself. Here…”
A glass of water was forced into his hands. He didn’t question it, just chugged the whole thing. When he finally got his vision back, he came face to face with a boy around his age in a blue cloth dress, perched on his sink.
“We should get you to bed,” the boy said. “You need to rest after all this.”
Virgil blinked. “Who are you?”
“Oh, introductions already?” He giggled nervously. Comically small, pastel blue feathered wings sprouted from his back and carried him gently to the ground. He grabbed Virgil’s arm and helped him to his feet. “I’m Patton. And I’m… Well, that doesn’t really matter right now. Gosh, I can see now why we aren’t supposed to do this…” He settled Virgil on the bed and pulled the covers over him. “Oh, wow, I love your room…” He giggled. “Purple was my best friend’s favourite colour.” His voice trailed off into a murmur as he wandered around, his wings fluttering as he looked at photos and trinkets. “Well, his and about fifty others in my class… Anyway, it’s a good colour. Strong.”
The Atarax was pulling him in again, but… He had to know.
“I need to know who you are,” he slurred.
“Oh, you really don’t-”
Patton tensed up, and then sighed with a subdued smile. “Very well. Virgil Sanders-Rios?” Virgil nodded slowly. “My name is Patton, and I’m your Guardian Angel. But I’m new, so go easy on me!”
Part of him believed this was some Atarax-induced dream- He’s hallucinated before when he took too much. It’s never been this… Detailed, though.
“I’ve been assigned to you for your lifetime to keep you safe. You trying to kill yourself isn’t quite something I’m allowed to let you do, so… Rest up! You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Virgil stared at him. He was asian, with a light brown pixie cut, peach-toned skin, and round, hooded blue eyes. Other than the ridiculous wings, he didn’t look like an angel. He just looked… Normal. Part of him wondered if the wings were pinned on, but no, he could tell they were real. They breathed with him, fluttered occasionally, and when Patton had bent over to look at the stack of books under his desk, they stretched like muscle.
The only thing he could possibly get out was an astounding, “But you’re… My age.”
Patton giggled and shook his head. “Unless you’re 315, I don’t think so.”
Virgil stared at him. And then he rolled over, pulled the covers up to his ear, and said, “I’m going to bed.”
There was no answer. When Virgil looked over again, a few hours later and in between dreams, Patton was gone.
Tagging everyone who reblogged the intro post, lmk if you want on or off the tag list:
@larry-angels @themysticfae26 @comicsimpson @anxietea-and-insanitea @nonasidesstuff @coffeewithhaiku @arri-aspects @sanders-sister @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes @anxiousmess82161 @iamthenewqueenofgames @ninjagirl9797 @luna--28 @a-deceit-salad @plunksaysnope @lovesupportandcookies @normallyaspen
#virgil is v emo in this lmao#virgil sanders#roman sanders#patton sanders#remus sanders#sympathetic remus#virgil#roman#remus#patton#guardian angel au
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Moriarty 5 - 7 | HypMic 10 - 11
Moriarty 5
Saito’s Moriarty and Gentaro voices are quite similar, now that I compare them.
“…he’s a good egg at heart.” – LOL, never thought I’d be reading subtitles that said that.
Oh, so that was Frida on the bridge?
I wonder, is Moriarty like Bon and nursing a weak leg with that cane? Or is the cane just a symbol of nobility?
Moriarty 6
The Titanic? Wasn’t there a Black Butler arc based on it?
LOL, these people in the foreground are CGI.
…is that the grapefruit guy? (Beats me, I haven’t watched this in weeks and am only returning to it because Scott keeps mentioning spoilers. The only thing I’m keeping up with properly is HypMic and my Kanon watch with #AniTwitWatches…and soon I’ll add the final episodes of Sailor Moon to it.)
Found him! Sherlock Holmes! I sort of triangulated from buzz around me that he appears in this episode.
What’s with the skull ring Holmes wears?
…ah, the golden ratio!
…Oh, this is gonna get interesting! You can tell this Holmes is adept in fighting due to his build, but…how did Moriarty figure out Holmes played the violin? Calluses on his hands?
Is this Holmes a womaniser…? I thought the guy was often characterised as an asexual, or at the very least aromantic. That’s part of what makes the guy so intriguing to me - because he still has Irene.
A colliery is a coal mine. It’s been a while since I heard that word.
Moriarty 7
The anime’s sense of colour is probably one of the most striking parts of this. Not just red, but blue and green where it counts too.
Not a fan of the 1st person cam…
That knife came out pretty clean for something so blood-stained.
I wanted to say “’Right,’ said Fred”…but Fred didn’t talk, so I can’t do that. (Dangit!)
I somehow found it slightly funny that France was ahead of Britain (America?) in forensic pathology, although I dunno what made it funny exactly.
I squealed (…just a little bit) when the iconic quote came up: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” I have it memorised from my Detective Conan days still, see?
Next time: A Study in S (according to stuff I read, the S stands for Sherlock this time).
HypMic 10
…I can’t believe it’s almost over already. I’ve basically been in a dream this entire season…but then what happens once the anime is over…? Waiting for the 2nd DRB to happen, I guess.
I didn’t even realise, but Jiro’s varsity jacket has an owl on the bottom of the logo.
…”[H]it the head”? Wassat mean? *checks up* Oh, so it means to go to the bathroom…Right. It’s US slang, which might explain a thing.
Notice Ramuda uses “Jakurai” and not “jijii” or something like that during his time with Ichijiku. Also, there’s a lot of his deep voice going around…
You can see MTR on the poster behind Ramuda at one point.
*anguished noises* Ramuda!!! Please don’t do this!!!
LOL, Sadamezuka and Kazuha.
Is “bum-rush” even an appropriate word for this situation…? US slang is weird…
…Doppo’s performance almost seems like a Rosho foreshadowing. Also, I love how Doppo’s screens disappear with his motivation.
…I saw a spoiler today on Twitter regarding Dice and meat…now I get it.
“detarame” – I know this word means “nonsense”, but for some reason I memorised it as meaning “s***” at one point due to the context of Scenario Liar. I find it interesting Hifumi used a word from Scenario Liar in the first place, even though it’s not necessarily meant to be taken in that context.
“the King of Normies” – For some reason, that made me laugh pretty hard. That is an accurate translation of “riajyuu no ousama” though.
Gentaro’s smile puts a smile on my face as well.
“colours you’ve dyed” – Note Shibuya is constantly referred to by colours, including how PCCS (in the Shibuya 1st DRB team song) apparently means “practical colour coordinate system”.
I find it interesting that Saburo was the one who mentioned holding hands as a sign of camaraderie first in the anime and then the Funi translation makes Ramuda use the same symbolism here. It may have been unintentional, though.
…the subbers keep using “OMG” and I’m like ????. Is OMG outdated slang in 2020?
…wow, that holy imagery…they really went all-in on Jakurai’s godliness there.
…even when knocked down, Jakurai’s hair is still 100% gorgeous.
I noticed one of the lyrics the translators cut out of Doppo’s rap was “borderline”.
Ahhhhhhhhhh! This anime just kicked me where it hurts! (<- As in, it used the trope I love so much – where the underdog causes a sudden turn-around in the battle and they’re not even aware of it!) This is why I love you, Doppo!
LOL, FP spent their countdown gossiping. That’s such a FP thing to do.
Hifumi seems to carry the beat in MTR’s Kizuna. Jakurai gets drowned out quite a bit, although Riou (who has a similar voice) was less drowned out.
“No pain, no gain.” – That’s a good saying.
HypMic 11
2 episodes until the end! (Yikes!)
I still take some issue with subbing the laughing. Well, then again I’ve been half-deaf lately with my ears being clogged (accidentally clogged my ear up again…), so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
If I’m hearing it right, Ramuda goes “nee-san” and not particularly anything to do with “Beauties” or “Beasts”, which seems to be exclusive to the subs.
Stone guardian? I guess this has to do with jizo in Japanese. Hifumi does go “namu” (short for “namu amida butsu”) towards Doppo at the end there.
That bed is…why is it so empty if it’s meant to be the room someone’s staying in?
Is Jyuto’s hair black or brown? I’ve been colouring it a deep brown because I think that looks nice, but it might actually be black…
I have a newfound respect for Komada ever since I found out his birthday is [secret censored – maybe if you follow the hints I leave behind, you might find out what I mean].
LOL, I spotted the fire extinguisher in one corner and was immediately reminded of how someone once translated “fire extinguisher” to “hand grenade”.
…how does Jakurai’s hair work from the back? There’s this coil of hair that seems to go places it shouldn’t be…
For some reason, the subbers keep translating “sensei” as “the good doctor”…or is that the first and only time it happened?
I think it’s appropriate they discuss bonds on the day Kizuna (the ED) goes out on streaming.
…*thinks about 2nd DRB, where BB vs. DH is going to happen next month* …Yeah, you better pay attention or your daddy’s gonna come spank you boys.
Jakurai summoning his mic is always freakin’ cool. Aspire to be like this elegant man.
The wolf hand sign again.
There’s a pun between kizukizu (wounds) and kizuna (bonds). Update: The phrase is actually gisugisusa (stiffness, unsociability, coldness [of atmosphere] etc.), but...there’s the same rhyming scheme, so it’s not wrong.
Doppo’s bit about Jakurai(-sensei) being a kasugai (hemostat) is, surprisingly, quite faithful, as you can tell from how those words rhyme. Hifumi’s verse mentions a monkey wrench, though.
…kasumitai ore ga yoi… - that translates to “…[Jakurai is] better than us, who are like scum…” It’s a very Doppo sort of line, noting that kasu literally means “residue”.
I didn’t realise this until now, but Riou has a piercing in one ear (his right). It’s just in an unconventional place in the upper curve, so I never spotted it.
Samatoki’s death aesthetic really contrasts against Jakurai’s healing one. I can see why people really liked the MTC vs. MTR fight now.
It seems the strategy to win in this series is to keep spamming your attacks. It seems hugely suitable for my pseudo-Pokemon AU, which emphasises attack over defence.
Oh! I never noticed the blue gem on Jakurai’s mic!
Note how Samatoki said “lightning rod” – Jakurai’s name means “lonely thunder”. It’s one reason why I fell head over heels for the guy – his stupidly awesome name.
“horse/rabbit/bush warbler” – These refer to MTC. Samatoki, Jyuto, Riou. On that note, ARB currently has an event where Ramuda hangs out with MTC and he calls Jyuto “usa-chan” as a pun. I find that so darn cute!
“And the winner is…Matenro!” - *cue the song, The Champion*
Notice how they put BB and FP before MTC and MTR in the ED…it’s foreshadowing!
#simulcast commentary#Hypnosis Mic#HypMic#Hypnosis Microphone#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#Chesarka watches Yuukoku no Moriarty#Chesarka watches HypMic
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This is for the MB challenge by @somebodyalreadytookthis2
A Welcomed Guest
Nightmare's eyes lit up.
"Dream!" He exclaimed looking around, unable to locate his brother in the vast expanse of darkness.
Dream, quiet as a ninja, snuck up behind Nightmare and hugged him: the smaller yelping out in surprise. Instantly Blue and Cross had their swords draw: pointing at the mysterious silhouette that had just taken their Prince captive.
"Quite the pair of freinds you've made here." Dream commented, releasing the other from the hug.
"Don't surprise me like that! I almost had a heart attack you know" Nightmare pouted, showcasing a childish ness foreign to Cross and Blue but familiar to Dream.
"Uh, Nightmare... who exactly is this?" Cross asked finally getting a closer look at the stranger.
How come this one prince-
Cross's (nonexistent) brain seemed to short circuit.
"Oh! This is my b-"
"Hi! I'm Dream. An adventurer from the capital and Nighty's childhood friend" Dream cut off Nightmare, secretly winking at his brother.
Catching Dream's drift, Nightmare nodded: deciding to fo along with Dream's antics.
"I see. Well, looks like we should look for a way out-"
Cross was cut off by the sound of insane laughter sending shivers up his spine.
The sound of a knife scraping against a surface could be heard as an ominous green glow reflected off the pillars in the hall.
Sharing a nod, the party : Dream included, hid behind a pillar and winced. It was blinding. A strong green light seemed to emerge from what appeared to be a skeleton demon holding a knife. Honestly, it was terrifying as both Cross and Blue felt their bones lock up.
'And now we run into a demon with flashlight eyes? Man, what's next? The teleportation kid from before shows up'
Blue sighed quietly before freezing at the bone chilling voice.
"Well, well, well, looks like we have some rather noisy guests. Ones that were not welcomed here at that. Tsktsktsk..." the Flashlight eyes demon clicked his nonexistent tongue, eyes still focused away from the party.
"We cant have that can we?"
'RUN' Cross could think as the demon looked him straight in the eyes and he was blinded.
Shutting his eyes that were searing in pain: Cross turned tail and ran. He could hear the thumps of his companions footsteps beside them as they turned and twisted around the pillars of the chamber.
Only when they were in complete darkness did they stop running and collapse to catch their breath.
They could still hear the demons voice snickering and purring: "come out come out where ever you are~" or " marco~... this is the part where you yell out polo you know?"
After catching their breath, the party shared a silent message: we're not going back there. And so they continued forward in silence: scared of the demon finding them. Well, everyone exept Dream who had only retreated only due to his brothers insistence and visible distress.
After a while they came aCross an odd looking lamp. It seemed to glow from the inside but the light only came out in golden blocks of light. 'Strange indeed'
That's when caught the sound of an oddly familiar tune coming up from infront of him. One that a cirtain trader had been humming a while back.
Smiling softly to himself, Dream followed the others as the sound got louder and they came across more lamps: some hanging from the ceiling by long chains and others just placed on the ground.
Eventually the say a gentle and welcoming soft light emerge from what appeared to be a stall, a wierd but oddly catchy song coming from it.
The stall was simple with a pink bar saying 'WELCOME TO INK'S SHOP', Ink presumably the skeleton monster sitting at the table with his head reasted on his hand and looking at the party smugly.
Cross couldn't help but gasp.
"Aren't you that potion seller I brought from a while back?"
"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows what really happened off screen" the trader shrugged out of habit, a small smile of relief unseen as his eyelights eyes Dream from the corner of his eye.
'Thank stars that brawny idiot wasn't dead yet'
"So, is there anything I could do for you? Maybe a potion, a charm? Maybe even my mystery box of useful items?" Ink asked, putting on a fake sellers voice cause Dream to snicker silently.
Ink count help but smile and secretly wink at the brute before getting on with the matter at hand.
"I- I cant help bit be curious of what's in the mysterious box of useful items. You swear that whatever's in there will come in handy right?" Cross asked, eyeing the grinning trader suspiciously.
"If course! I guarantee it!" Ink perked up.
'..Of course we're getting something so vague.' Blue smirked in amusement before his eye focused on the trader. There was something rather... intriguing about this 'Ink'.
Ink tensed up, blushing slightly in embarrassment as Blue stared at him. Of course he knew who Blue was, after all: you and your freinds wouldn't stop yelling about him.
Ink carefully placed a rather large pouch infront on Cross. After Cross had reluctantly given Ink the required gold, He took the pouch and opened it. Only to gasp in shock.
Cross turned away from his party, shoulders hunched as Ink watched in amusement.
Cross turned around suddenly, a pair of Ray-Ban visors taped to his skull. His smile was wide and full of child like excitement as he posed, showing off the glasses that only reflected the light coming off Ink's shop.
It was cute in a way: Ink found himself understanding why almost everyone seemed to adore the monochrome skeleton.
Dream couldn't help the genuine smile playing on his lips. Watching Cross do his wierd happy dance reminded his of how he would be as a child. Blue's reaction portraying Nighty's reaction at the time.
Dream knew instantly that this Blue character and himself would get along.
After calming down, Cross pulled out similar glasses to his own and distributed them among his party.
As he did, he couldn't help but pause as he gave Dream his pair. The other seemed strong, Cross couldn't help himself as he started analysing the others well toned (nonexistent) muscles. A few more bench presses and Cross was sure Dream would be ripped. Buff even.
Dream turned and started talking with Blue. He could feel Cross examining him as a light heat was apparent on his face. Blue noticed this instantly as a the strangely contagious heat grew on his cheekbones.
After putting on their glasses, they all thanked Ink: Dream giving the smaller a wink and earning a rainbow blush.
They all dreaded what was coming up. According to Ink, the exit to the chamber was in the direction they had come from: the direction of the demon.
Dream was pumped. He couldn't wait to snap that demons neck. His anticipation for a good fight could be seen from miles away as they once again heard the sound of a knife scraping.
'This is going to be good' Dream could already feel the adrenaline tingling up his bones and sending a pleasurable shock through them.
Soon enough, they could make out the familiar glow of the demon. Putting on and securing their sunglasses, they prepared for the battle.
Killer smirked. It seems that the prey had once again entered the lions den: this time of their own volition. It was hillarious.
He steadied his knife as he prepared to strike- grin maliciously wide. It was then that someone clocked him right on the jaw. Stumbling back a little, Killer looked at which one of these insects thought he was a lion and attacked him.
His eyes widened as he saw it was none other than the kidnapped prince himself. 'Did he get out of that cell on his own?' He thought before shrugging it off.
The boss told him not to kill the prince: he never said anything about hurting him.
"Well, well, who would have thought the beloved first prince would pack quite the punch" Killer mocked spitting out some purple substance.
Dream grinned as he attacked once more: the battle between the two commencing as the others just sat on the sidelines and watched. Not like they could do anything to interfere in such an intense battle.
Nightmare's eyes turned cyan as he drew back away from the group silently. Hiding behind a pillar somewhat close to the others he whispered an order before going back to the others: eyelights purple and an expression of confusion apparent on his face.
Killer pulled back as he tilted his head like an animal listening. "Gosh, dangit. And I was having soo much fun too. Well, looks like I gotta book my way out of here. Duty calls" the demon shrugged before disappearing with a pop.
Cross sighed in relief as he noticed a chest bot to far off from them. Motioning to the others as Nightmare calmed down he newly revealed to be brother, he approached the chest excitedly: wondering what loot he will get this time.
He opened it: only to find a black crown similar to the many he had found before.
"AGAIN!" Cross yelled in annoyance before tossing the crown behind him. Blue snickered as he explained the many crowns they had come across to Dream who couldn't help chuckling in response.
Nightmare's eyelights glazed over as he picked up the crown and put it in his inventory. He had a gut feeling that he may be needing it later.
"Hi there"
The party jumped the the sudden voice: Dream luckily held back by Nightmare before he could instinctively punch whatever had just surprised him. Blue sighed. 'I knew I shouldn't have jinxed it'
"What the hell are you doing here kid?"
Criss asked eyeing the monochrome kid- Core was it?- from before.
"Just here to help you find your way" they shrugged before pointing at a rather short door. "Go through there and you'll find yourself on the second floor if the castle"
Nightmare and Dream looked at the child as though they were insane. Cross and Blue sighed before opening the small door, crouching and going inside: Nightmare and Dream hastily following after.
"We need bait" Cross's voice echoed through the now empty and purple splattered hall. Thank God Dream was on their side.
"Yeah... but what?" Dream asked, shaking his hands in a attempt to get the purple substance off it. Blue watched in amusement as Nightmare hesitantly popped up: "ummm- how about cookies?"
Cross looked at Nightmare quizzically.
"And how do you know that?"
"I dont know... just had a feeling" Nightmare mumbled as Cross and Dream looked at each other before shrugging.
"And where do you suppose we get a cookie?"
"There" Blue said using his thumb to point down the hall at a familiar wooden stall.
Everyone stood there: mouth agape before collecting themselves. Cross had tears in his eyes as he knew he would have to say goodbye to some more of his beloved gold. That's when Nightmare gently pat his back and approached Ink: using his very own money to be a cookie from the trader.
And so the waiting game started. The party deciding to hide in a corner and rest up: some taking a cat nap. Nightmare got up and motioned towards a corner. "I need to use the restroom" he said, cheeks purple in embarrassment. Everyone nodded, allowing the prince some privacy.
As he turned the corner, Cross focused back on the cookie intently: waiting for the Demon King to take his bait. That's when he heard a quiet shuffle of shoes. He saw a demon: crown glistening on its head as ot approached the cookie.
Cross was in shock: the Demon King had actually taken the bait! Snapping out of his shock he tackled the Demon King down, the Demong King scowling in surprise.
'How did they know?'
Cross ended up ontop of the Demon King in a rather suggestive position that brought a blush to both the Kings and his own face.
Growling in annoyance, the Demon King poofed into thin air: teleporting elsewhere.
Nightmare came back from his rest stop before noticing everyones (who was awake) expression.
"Well, that's enough of a break" Cross perked up. "We're almost at the throne room according to Ink, so let's get this show on the road!"
(My first animation/gif. In other words: sh#t.)
#mb week challenge#moon blossom au challenge#moon blossom au#wednesday: a welcomed guest#its wednesday my dudes#undertale au#my first gif#Why the hell is each part of this challenge fic soo long-#might as well just make a whole book on it#@somebodyalreadytookthis2
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ORN-Part 5 (Beginning the trek)
The rest of the morning was filled up with Ford gathering supplies that he thought were necessary, including a Ziplock baggie filled with extra pens (just in case), his journal, an assortment of emergency supplies for protective spells, curses, and other things for dealing with the creatures that lurked in the forest, and his nice down sleeping bag. Oh, and of course a large bag of jelly beans.
Stan prepared by taking his newly laundered things out of the dryer and stuffing them back into his duffel bag (ha ha, stuffing stuff in his duffel, that was almost a poem), before going out to the Stanley Mobile and rooting through the back seat and trunk to see if they had anything to offer up that might be useful. He decided to bring his brass knuckles, his lighter, both his switchblades and, after some hemming and hawing on the subject, the gun (acquired by methods of somewhat dubious legality, and which definitely was not registered to him) that he mostly just kept for real emergencies.
He had just stowed it in his duffel and zipped it up when Ford approached, the path crunching under his shoes a little.
“The caves I want to visit are about a day’s hike away, and I don’t know how long we’re going to stay there, so you should probably bring at least a few day’s worth...of clothes…” He faltered; that probably meant he’d remembered that a few day’s worth of clothes literally constituted all the clothes Stan possessed. Dangit. “...Do you have anything to help you keep warm? It’s starting to get cold at night.”
Stan shrugged. “I got a blanket.” He held it up as evidence; it was a long, handmade one that some kind soul had given him one night while he was in Utah. It wasn’t the warmest thing in the world, since it had a lot of little holes in it because it was crocheted, but you know-waste not.
Ford did that little frown thing again. “I’ve got some extra blankets we can bring.”
Stan bristled. “I don’t need any handouts, I’ll be fine.”
The frown became deepened by exasperation. “It’s called ‘sharing,’ Stanley.” He quirked an eyebrow. “You remember what sharing is, right?”
Stan, after a moment of hesitation, tilted his head in mock confusion. “Sha-shar-um, sha-”
Ford rolled his eyes and turned back to the house. Stan couldn’t help smiling a tiny bit.
In the end they brought three large, thick blankets in addition to everything else, and a couple of pillows. Ford didn’t have a tent, but the weather was supposed to be relatively fine, and either way they’d be staying in a cave for a while, out of the elements.
So, after they made sure the house and the car were securely locked up, and that they had all the supplies they needed for the journey, they set off into the forest.
Stan had to push himself a little, since it had been a few months since he’d had to run for his life from an angry crowd and was therefore not as in shape as he would have liked, but he managed to keep up with Ford well enough as his brother strode happily through the trees. Which was more than a little surprising, considering which one of them had gotten a D- in gym on several consecutive occasions.
The walk was mostly quiet, save for Ford occasionally pointing out some interesting flora or fauna, or scribbling something in his journal. It wasn’t as awkward as the night before had been, but it wasn’t exactly as comfortable as Stan would have liked. However, it seemed wrong to disrupt the silence, so he kept quiet until they reached the crest of a hill.
“Whoa,” he breathed, staring down at the crystal blue lake lying in front of them.
It was farther up than Gravity Falls Lake, and smaller-but it was also far more beautiful. The water was so still that the mountains reflected in it seemed to blend in the middle, and the shore was decorated with tiny green trees so it literally looked like something that should be on a calendar.
Ford turned and, to his surprise, smiled at him.
“It’s lovely, isn’t it?”
Stan nodded.
“Believe it or not, there’s a family of sirens living in an underwater cave out in the middle there.” He pointed towards the center of the lake. “I actually dated one of them for a while...but it didn’t work out.”
Stan’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe his ears.
“Wait, what?!”
“Yeah, I know, it’s crazy! I never expected to find a full colony of them out here-”
“You dated someone?!”
Ford’s excited glee over being able to once again discuss the weirdness of this place dropped, replaced by slight confused annoyance.
“...Yes, Stanley. She was a siren. They’re this type of feathered water creature that-”
“No, no, sorry.” Stan waved his hands, trying really hard to suppress the smirk that was trying to work its way onto his face over a chance to do some partly-sincere, good-natured ribbing. “I’m still tryin' ta wrap my head around the idea that you actually dated someone.”
“...Shut up, Stanley.”
Stan started guffawing anyway.
It’s in Lost Legends if you don’t believe me.
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Episode 1 Script!
???: Hapupu Pafufun Pahapa Hapafa: I summon you, new TV show! Appear! My name is Eiko Kurokawa, and this is my story...
OP Theme: Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara by AKB48
(Scene: The beaches of the Japanese town of Futaba. A girl strolls along the sands aimlessly.)
Girl: (thinks) *Man, I can’t wait for Summer to come. Any other season, this place is practically abandoned. It’s boring.*
(She looks at the shoreline.)
Girl: (thinks) *Still, there’s nobody else here to get the good sea glass. Like that one, right there!*
(She reaches down to pick it up, but her hand meets with another one in a magenta glove. She looks up to see a woman looking back at her with golden eyes.)
Girl: Ah... Oh! Sorry. I didn’t know you wanted that one, too.
Woman: No, it’s alright. It’s yours.
Girl: R-Really? Thanks, um...
(She picks up the sea glass and looks at the woman. The stranger wears a blue dress, a yellow gem hanging by a magenta ribbon around her neck, and beige boots which are pointed at the ends. Her black hair is tied in a bun with five curls sticking out, and her nose is pointed. She seems to be in her 30s.)
Girl: Uh... You know, I probably should go. I don’t think I’m allowed to talk to strangers yet.
Woman: ...My name’s Famo Bordeu.
Girl: Huh? I’m Eiko Kurokawa.
Famo: We’re not strangers anymore now, are we?
Eiko: I guess not...
(Just then, another girl’s voice calls out to Eiko.)
Girl: Eiko? Come on, time to go home!
Eiko: Okay, coming! (to Famo) I’ll see you around, bye!
(Famo, watching as Eiko leaves, smiles.)
Title card: Eiko and the World of Magic
(Scene: The next day, at the Kurokawa house. Eiko is brushing her hair in the mirror. Her older sister, the girl who called out to her at the beach, is putting her things into her bag.)
Sister: Eiko, you’re gonna have to pick up the pace, or you’ll be late.
Eiko: Sorry, Rie.
(Cut to her putting on her school uniform. Rie waits by the door.)
Rie: You ready?
Eiko: (running to the door) Ready!
(She puts her shoes on.)
Eiko: Bye Mom, bye Dad!
(Their parents are in the den, the dad on the computer, with the family’s pet cat, Kuro-chan, on his lap while the mom talks to him.)
Mr. Kurokawa: Bye!
Mrs. Kurokawa: Have a nice day!
(As the two sisters run to school, Eiko narrates.)
Eiko: Hi. I’m Eiko Kurokawa. I’m 14 years old. I was born on January 13 on a Friday, my star sign is Capricorn, I love chocolate and milk, my favorite book is Alice in Wonderland and I suck at Math. My life’s pretty much normal, if you could call living with a stay-at-home dad who’s kinda weird and a mom and older sister who are kinda both nerds for their favorite pop culture normal. Still, a part of me can’t help but wish for some kind of change...
(They arrive at Futaba Junior High. As they put on their school slippers, an African American student comes over.)
Foreign Girl: Morning.
Rie: Morning.
Foreign Girl: Heisuke’s got a new rumor again.
Rie: (sarcastically) Oh, great.
(Scene: Outside Classroom 3-A. The sisters and the foreign student arrive to see a male student, Heisuke, talking with the other students.)
Male Student: No way.
Heisuke: I’m serious, you guys! We need to keep an eye out for her!
Eiko: Keep an eye out for who?
(There is a pause. Heisuke leans forward and lowers his voice.)
Heisuke: ...They say a witch has come to Futaba.
Eiko: A witch?
Rie: Okay, where did you hear this one?
Heisuke: I’m not kidding! My cousin swears that she saw her one night flying down from the sky on her broom.
Rie: Last week, your cousin also said that a kappa tried to steal his-
Heisuke: Now don’t you diss my cousin just because of his awesome adventures!
Rie: Exactly which cousin are you talking about again?
Heisuke: (ignoring Rie) Anyway! Either one of you seen any strange ladies around?
(At that moment, Eiko remembers Famo, and how strange she seemed... and yet, nice, too.)
Eiko: ...No, not really.
Heisuke: Oh. Well, keep a sharp lookout, anyways.
Student: Hey, speaking of which, here comes Mrs. Asahi!
Heisuke: Oh, shoot!
(As the other students scramble into the classroom and to their desks, the sisters look at each other. Timeskip to Mrs. Asahi teaching the class, like all good teachers. Eiko is hunched down behind her textbook, texting Rie on her cellphone while also pretending to read. In Rie’s classroom, her phone vibrates. Rie answers it to read the following text from her sister:)
Eiko’s text: You believe in witchcraft?
Rie: Wh-
(She replies:)
Rie’s text: Don’t tell me you actually believe that yarn?! It’s just a rumor, okay?
(After reading Rie’s response, Eiko thinks to herself. Scene change to the school library. Eiko is in the Fantasy section. She picks out a particular book on witches.)
Eiko: (thinks) *”A Guide to Witches, Good and Bad”. I wonder if...*
(She takes a look through the pages.)
Eiko: (reads) *”A Witch’s Profile: Mysterious, owns a cat, rides on a broomstick, often wears gloves, is capable of smelling the blood of human children...”*
Rie: Eiko?
(At her sister’s voice, Eiko jumps and squeals, hiding the book behind her back.)
Rie: ...You done?
Eiko: Uh...
(Making sure not to let Rie see the title of the book, she quickly puts it back in its place on the shelf.)
Eiko: Yeah, I’m done.
(Rie raises an eyebrow. Scene change to the end of the day, when everyone’s getting ready to go home.)
Eiko: You’re not coming with me?
Rie: Nah, Yuka invited me over to her place. Wanna come with?
Eiko: Ah... No thanks, I’m good.
Rie: Eh, your loss.
(She leaves to go with Yuka. Cut to Eiko walking home.)
Eiko: Maybe Rie’s right. Maybe I should just forget about the whole witch thing.
(She walks by a trio of delinquents from her school, who take notice of her.)
Boss: Hey, look what we got here!
Lackey#1: Nice legs.
Lackey#2: Legs, pah! Lookit that form!
(They approach her.)
Eiko: Uh... Hi. Can I... help you guys...?
Boss: Nope. But maybe we can help you.
Eiko: I... I need to get home, so...
(She tries to go around the boss, but his lackeys block her path. She gulps nervously, and backs away from them. Suddenly, a familiar gloved hand is placed on her shoulder. Eiko looks up to see Famo.)
Eiko: Fa...
(Famo steps forward to address the three.)
Famo: Don’t you three have better things to do than pick on innocent girls?
Boss: Look, lady, we’re not pickin’ on her. We’re just-
(Famo fixes him a stern glare. If looks could kill, he’d be completely atomized.)
Boss: ...Dangit. C’mon, guys. (leaves)
Lackey#1: Aw, what the heck, boss?!
(As the terrible trio take their leave, Famo looks back at Eiko.)
Eiko: Wh... Whoa...
Famo: On the off chance that any more like them arrive, you should come with me.
Eiko: What, to your place? (considers this) ...Okay...?
(Scene change to the two walking down an unfamiliar pathway.)
Famo: That was a near thing. You were lucky I was here.
Eiko: Yeah, thanks for that, by the way. (thinks) *Should I really be following Famo? She seems nice, and she did drive off those guys back there, but I still don’t know anything about her!* (remembers Heisuke and the book) *What if she’s…*
Famo: Are you alright?
Eiko: Huh?
Famo: You still seem a bit tense.
Eiko: Uh, y-yeah. I’m fine.
(Famo smiles, and they continue walking. They reach an old summer house.)
Eiko: Huh. So is this where you live?
Famo: Where I’m staying, actually. It’s only temporary.
Eiko: Ah. Right.
(Famo goes up to the front door, and seems to snap her fingers instead of using a key. The door opens, and they both enter.)
Famo: Make yourself at home.
Eiko: Thanks.
(She sits down on a couch and looks around. A black cat, similar to Kuro-chan, rests on the stairway.)
Eiko: (thinks) *Famo’s pet...*
(She looks back at Famo, sensing something strange about her. Famo notices this.)
Famo: Is something wrong, Eiko?
Eiko: Uh… no. Heh-heh. Where’s your phone?
Famo: In the hallway. Would you like something to eat after your call?
Eiko: Okay.
(As Famo enters the kitchen, Eiko goes into the hall, finding the phone. She picks up the receiver, then stops. She puts it back, tiptoes to the kitchen door and peeks in, seeing Famo before an empty tray. As she watches. Famo snaps her fingers, and a whole batch of cookies appear in a puff of smoke. Eiko puts her hand over her mouth in shock. Brief flashback to earlier that day...)
Heisuke: They say a witch has come to Futaba.
(Flashback to the book...)
Eiko: (thinks) *”A Witch’s Profile: Mysterious, owns a cat, rides on a broomstick, often wears gloves, is capable of smelling the blood of human children... is capable of using magic…”* (flashback ends) *Oh god. It is her!*
(Eiko slowly backs away from the kitchen, then turns around and runs for the door. She is just about to turn the doorknob... only to freeze at Famo’s voice.)
Famo: Eiko?
(Eiko quickly turns around to see Famo holding the tray.)
Eiko: S-Stay back!
Famo: W-What?
Eiko: I knew the rumors were true! (points at Famo) You’re a… a…
(Famo’s eyes widen. She drops the tray and starts forward.)
Famo: Wait! Please don’t-
Eiko: ...a real witch!
(Famo gasps. Then, steam shoots out of her nostrils, and she screams, her body beginning to glow eerily. She is launched up into the air, and is propelled around the room like a deflating balloon as Eiko, clinging to the door, closes her eyes tightly. The cat on the stairway watches, visibly horrified. Finally, Famo’s screams die down, and what is left of her falls to the floor with a SPLAT. Eiko opens one eye, then the other as she sees what has become of the witch. A puddle of green slime is all that remains.)
Eiko: (thinks) *Mother of Mercy, I killed her! Is... Is it safe to use the phone for real? Wh... What should I do?
(Step by step, she approaches the slime, and crouches down to inspect it. Suddenly, it begins to move, startling her. The slime reforms into a small bloblike creature, almost like a frog, but not really. The thing has four stubby limbs and an almost chibi-like appearance. Five curls of black hair stick out from its head, and it’s wearing Famo’s necklace. It looks down at itself.)
Blob: (in Famo’s voice) Why...?
(Eiko comes to a realization.)
Eiko: Fa… Famo?
(The blob looks up at Eiko, revealing a face consisting of puffy, reddish lips and small, beady, yet familiarly colored golden eyes. Eiko lets out a small gasp. The two stare at each other, when suddenly...)
Girl’s Voice: YOU!!!
(Eiko jumps to her feet and looks around wildly for the source of the voice. She notices the cat glaring at her angrily. Then the cat speaks.)
Cat: You did this!
Eiko: (thinks) *Ohdeargodthecat’stalkingthecat’stalkingthisistoomuchformetohandleIneedtogetrightthefrickoutofhereNOW.*
(Before she can leave, the cat leaps off of the stairs towards her.)
Eiko: (covering her face) AH, NOT THE FACE, I’M TOO YOUNG-
(The cat abruptly changes into a tiny, flying woman midair. She has long, wavy black hair and orange eyes, and wears a tan conical hat and silky red clothing, with no shoes. This new being seizes the collar of Eiko’s school shirt.)
Tiny Girl: You turned Majofamo into a witch frog, you little- (draws back her fist)
Blob!Famo: Riri, calm down! It’s no use shouting at her.
(The tiny girl, Riri, looks at Famo, then at Eiko before slumping her shoulders and letting go.)
Riri: Alright, alright. But she still has to take responsibility!
Eiko: Whoa, whoa, take responsibility? How? I have no idea how I did this! All I did was say she was a witch, and then this happened!
(Famo hops over to Eiko.)
Famo: Let me explain. We witches have been living under a curse.
Eiko: A curse?
Riri: Yeah. A curse that you just triggered.
Famo: When a witch’s identity is discovered by a human, that witch is punished by being forced to become a witch frog. The only one capable of restoring her to her normal form is the one who exposed her.
Eiko: Y-You mean… I have to change you back? B-But I don’t know any spells!
Famo: That’s why we’re going to train you.
Eiko: Wait, train me? I get to become a… a witch too?
Famo: Of course. But for now, you must become a witch apprentice. To become a true witch, you have to undergo various tests.
Eiko: Tests? But I haven’t studied! I don’t even have a #2 pencil!
Famo: There’s no need for that. And don’t worry. I’m sure you will do just fine.
Riri: Wait a minute, Majofamo! Do you really think this girl has the guts to become a real witch?
Famo: We have no other choice. Besides, I sense potential in her.
(Eiko eyes widen in wonder.)
(Scene: Still at the old summer house. Famo—or Majofamo—and Riri are on a small table. Before them, Eiko is seated on a wooden chair.)
Riri: Listen up, kid! If you think your training is gonna be a cakewalk, then you’re sadly mistaken. If you wanna make it through this, you’re gonna have to do as we say.
Eiko: Wait, how long will this take, exactly? ‘Cause my family’s expecting me home any time now.
Riri: ...Wow, you’re dumber than you look.
Majofamo: Riri.
Riri: What?!
Eiko: So, uh, how do we get started? Is there a guidebook to this sorta thing or something?
Majofamo: Actually, it’s very simple. (to Riri) Riri, could you bring the chest from my room?
Riri: Fine. Whatever.
Majofamo: (to Eiko) Follow me.
(Eiko complies. Famo hops up to the back door, grabs and turns the doorknob and hops outside and onto a glass table. As Eiko enters the backyard as well, Riri lowers a small, colorful wooden chest on a rope support onto the table.)
Riri: (huffing) Here!
Majofamo: In here are what all witch apprentices need.
(Eiko opens the chest to find six circular objects. Each one has colorful buttons along its rim, and a larger one in the center with a musical note emblem. She picks one up.)
Eiko: Wow. So what do I do with this?
Majofamo: Just press the central button and put on your uniform.
Eiko: My uniform? Okay...
(Eiko presses the button, and the device begins to play music. It floats out of her hand, flashing colorful lights, until it forms a green dress and witch’s hat.)
Eiko: Whoa!
Riri: Hurry up and put it on!
Eiko: Wait, “hurry”? There’s a time limit?!
(As the dress floats down, Eiko grabs it and struggles to put it on.)
Eiko: Okay, how do I-
(The music stops, the dress and hat disappear, and Eiko is left holding the device.)
Eiko: Ah...
Riri: I told you to hurry! You have to put it on before the music stops!
Majofamo: It’s not the end of the world. Just try again.
Eiko: Okay, got it! Here goes...
(She presses the button again, and all happens as before. This time, she manages to pull the dress over her head. As she sticks her arms out through the sleeves, green opera gloves with colorfully beaded bracelets appear on her arms, and pointed green boots with pale green stockings magically materialize on her legs. She grabs the witch hat and puts it on before striking a pose.)
Riri: The fresh heck is with that pose...?
Eiko: This is so cool! So, what next?
Majofamo: Well, press the buttons “Do mi so do” on your Tap.
Eiko: Gotcha! (looks down at the Tap on her front) Uh...
Riri: I got you.
(Riri presses the correct buttons, and a ball of light pops out, forming a pink wand with differently colored spheres in a glass tube. Eiko instinctively grabs it in midair.)
Eiko: Oh wow.
Majofamo: This is a magical instrument called a Peperuto Pollon. To cast spells, you must first say an incantation before announcing your wish. Your spell is “Hapupu Pafufun Pahapa Hapafa“.
Eiko: Okay. (raises the Pollon) Hapupu Pafufun Pahapa Hapafa: Make me a big chocolate cake!
(Sure enough, a chocolate cake appears on the table in a puff of smoke.)
Eiko: SWEET! It’s just like my birthday!
(Suddenly, the cake is gone.)
Eiko: (sheepishly) ...What just happened?
Majofamo: It only lasted a little while because you're still a beginner. When you pass witch exams, your Pollon will cast more powerful magic.
Riri: Yeah, so stop wasting Spellspheres on personal stuff.
Eiko: Spellspheres?
Riri: See those balls inside the Pollon?
(Eiko inspects them. One is missing.)
Eiko: Oh yeah, those. So, it’s like Mana?
Riri: ...What.
Eiko: Like in a fantasy MMORPG. The kind my sister and I-
Eiko: Wh-Wha?
Riri: Majofamo, just tell her how to summon her broom!
Eiko: Uh, yeah. What she said.
Majofamo: Well, to summon your broom, press the buttons “Do fa la do“.
Riri: These buttons right here! (presses said buttons)
(Another ball of light pops out, this time forming a broom, which Eiko catches.)
Eiko: Cool. So I can fly around on this?
Majofamo: Of course. But you have to be careful when-
(Eiko flies up into the air on her broom.)
(Majofamo and Riri stare up at her.)
Majofamo: Oh.
Riri: I’ll stop her.
(She flies after Eiko, who is beginning to have some difficulty flying.)
Eiko: Whoa! How do you steer this thing?!
(Riri lands on the tip of the broom, straightening it out.)
Eiko: Phew! Thanks, Riri.
Riri: Look, this isn’t just about your broom flying, okay? People could see you, and if you’re exposed, what happened to Majofamo could happen to you!
Eiko: Y-You mean... I could turn into a...
(Eiko imagines herself as a witch frog, frolicking hand in hand with Majofamo through a flowery field, both laughing merrily.)
Eiko: WHOA!
Riri: Yeah.
Eiko: I could be an adorable green thing for the rest of my life?
Riri: Well, actually, only until- (realizes that Eiko missed the point) Whaddya MEAN “adorable”?! Look, let’s just... Let’s get you back to wherever you house is.
Eiko: Okay! (speeds of in the direction of her house, leaving Riri behind) WHOOOOOAAAAAAA!!!
Riri: HEY! (flies after her)
(Scene: The Kurokawa residence. Eiko flies in, followed by Riri.)
Eiko: BrakebrakebrakebrakebrakebrakeBRAAAAAAKE!!!
(She crash-lands in a tree in her backyard. She chuckles sheepishly before the branches break, sending her falling into a bush with a shout.)
Riri: (shaking her head) Rookie...
(Eiko staggers out of the bush, slightly dazed. Riri flies up to her and presses the central button on the Tap, causing the apprentice uniform and broom to disappear. Eiko is now back in her school uniform, holding the Tap.)
Riri: We’ll come here to check on you, just in case you decide to do anything stupid.
Eiko: Yeah, sure.
Riri: And make sure you stop by our place tomorrow, too.
Eiko: Okay, bye! (runs to the front of the house)
(Scene change to the house’s interior. Eiko takes off her shoes and runs to the stairs, passing her father along the way.
Eiko: Hi, Dad! Bye, Dad!
Mr. Kurokawa: Uh...
(Eiko runs upstairs to her room. There, she collapses onto her bed.)
Eiko: (thinks) *This is amazing. Me, learning magic from a real witch!* (looks at the Tap in her hand) *I gotta make sure I’m not dreaming all this...*
(She pinches her cheek hard, and flinches from the pain.)
Eiko: OW! Okay, definitely real!
(Scene change to Rie coming home from Yuka’s place. Once inside the Kurokawa house, she takes off her shoes, and heads for the stairs.)
Rie: I’m home.
Mr. Kurokawa: How was your day?
Rie: Meh.
(She goes upstairs, and Eiko sees her.)
Eiko: Hi, Rie!
Rie: Hey, Eiko.
Eiko: So, uh, how’d it go at Yuka’s?
Rie: Eh, we just ate and watched TV. What about you?
Eiko: Uh...
Rie: What, you’re still on about the whole witch thing? I told you, it’s just a rumor!
Eiko: Well, actually, ah...
(Just then, she remembers what Riri told her.)
Riri: ...If you’re exposed, what happened to Majofamo could happen to you!
Rie: What?
Eiko: Nothing. Bye. (goes back into her room and shuts the door)
(Scene change to Eiko in her room, looking at her Tap in thought.)
Eiko: (thinks) *Can I really keep a secret from my own family? I mean, this is some really big news, here! But, then again, if I tell anyone...*
(She imagines the earlier witch frog scenario again.)
Frog!Eiko: (laughing) AAHH, I BOTCHED IT!
(Back in reality...)
Eiko: ...Oh my god.
(Meanwhile, in Rie’s room, she thinks to herself.)
Rie: (thinks) *All this witchy talk, and now Eiko’s acting weirder than usual... Just what is my little sister up to?*
ED Theme: Koisuru Fortune Cookie by AKB48
On the Next Episode...
Eiko: WHAAT?? Famo’s house is...
Riri: Getting torn down, yeah. That’s why we need someplace to stay!
Eiko: Well, how about my place?
Rie: Eiko, What are you hiding?!
Eiko: Oh no, Rie’s getting wise! Now what?!
Next Time on Magical Eiko: The Suspicious Sister
Wishing you a magical day!
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RWBY Volume 7, Chapter 1
What is up, FNDM!!! At long last we are back with an all new volume of RWBY, and thus I am back to gush about it! Let's just jump right in with my thoughts and opinions on Chapter 1 of RWBY Volume 7, "The Greatest Kingdom"
I swear, the moon gets prettier and prettier every volume. This opening shot is incredible.
When we heard his one line in the trailer, I was blown away with how little I could tell that Qrow had a new voice actor, even though I was listening for it. Now that we get to hear more of it, the differences are admittedly starting to stand out a bit more. That being said, I don't think it will take long at all to get used to it, andJason Liebrecht is still doing an amazing job. I certainly look forward to his performance moving forward.
Looks like I was right in the finale in that the lower area is Mantle. I must say, it looks amazing. Everything about it just looks so dirty and industrial, definitely what I would imagine for the slums of the technological giant that is Atlas. Major kudos to CRWBY for this setting design.
Ooh, both Ironwood and Winter get new outfits. They look good, though something about Ironwood's beard looks off to me. Maybe I'm just not used to it, but something about the shading makes it look photoshopped on. Maybe it'll look better in the future.
Decided to pause on the newsboard that the purple haired dude is looking at, and I must say, while there isn't a lot there, what can be made out is...foreboding. The bottom middle headline I believe says "Outer Wall Damaged" which certainly seems like it will be important later, while the one to its left seems to be an opinion piece on the dust embargo. The standouts, however, are the top two. The first on the left talks about a journalist being found dead (always a good sign in politically charged climates) while the one on the right talks about an upcoming council election. Specifically, it talks about a "Mantle Hometown Hero" (whom I am assuming to be the woman on all of the posters that looks like she wouldn't look out of place in The Dragon Prince) going up against an "Atlesian Tycoon." Five Lien on who THAT could possibly be. Are Team RWBY and Friends going to have to go up against Jacques in a political arena? Because that could get pretty interesting.
I'd say that drone was too cute to die the way it did, but quite frankly it was far too funny for me to muster up that much compassion.
Yeesh, our first look at the Faunus Dust Miners, and it is not a pretty sight. Or maybe it's just the drunk asshole spouting casual racism. Either way, it's an ugly sight.
Thank you Weiss. We were all thinking it, put the trash where it belongs.
So did the drunk with the blue beanie know who they were? I feel like that was what he was trying to say before he decided to eat shit.
I don't know who the mouse Faunus girl was that exited the clinic, and we'll probably never see her again, but she was adorable as hell and I feel like that deserved mentioning.
Hmm, a robotics technician that resides in Atlas, has similar hair style and skin tone to the guy we cut to when Penny died, and is currently wearing a pink bow tie? Yeah, no idea who this is.
I love his chair. That is all.
"Days Since Last Nonsense: 0" I like the added touch of 'nonsense' being written down the side where room ran out.
If we never get to see Nora try Pietro's dancing shoes, this entire volume will be considered a waste.
So, seeing how incredibly obvious it is as to who this Pietro guy is, did anyone else perk up a bit when he referred to his daughter in present tense?
Hehe, convenient-reveal-delaying Grimm attack is conveniently-reveal-delaying
I see the Atlesian are as useless as always.
This score sounds like it's based on a song we'll be getting later, but even if it isn't I am loving it all the same
Even though his pose was completely different, when Oscar stabbed the Sabre Grimm in the head, it reminded me of Scrooge Mcduck's pogo attack in the old Ducktales game.
And there it is. The major even that they have been teasing us about for months, the big Vol 7 premiere surprise, the one, the only PENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited to see our precious robot girl back! Now all we need is Pyrrha and I will be happy once more
Let's face it Ruby, any other greeting simply would not have done this reunion justice.
Plus side, the status of RWBY redheads just got a lot less endangered.
"We have so many things to catch up about" Oh, Penny, you have no idea.
Dangit, Qrow, you had to jinx it, didn't you. I mean, I guess that's pretty on brand for you, but still.
These Ace-Ops guys certainly seem...colorful (despite most of them wearing the standard boring Atlas white color palette). I'm particularly interested in who I'm assuming is the leader, who the credits name Clover Ebi. I don't know who or what his character allusion is, but I feel like him being covered in stereotypical good luck charms is a sign.
Woohoo! New intro time! Just like last time, there's a lot to unpack here, so let's get into it
-The opening silhouettes remind me a lot of the original trailers, and quite frankly I love it for that. Not sure how I feel about the more pastel color pallet, though. -The shot of Team RWBY flying through the sky and shifting throughout all of their main outfits? A stroke of genius. -They seem to have updated Yang's semblance effect from the Bees vs Adam fight. It looks amazing and I love it. -Ironwood alone in a dark war room certainly doesn't seem ominous-Hmm, now the Ace-Ops guys get there own silhouette portraits? I am certainly interested in getting to know these guys. -When we zoom out on Watts's computer, alongside the Ace-Ops we see something to do with Mantle's security network as well as an election map. This election is definitely looking like it's going to be a main focal point of this volume. -Nothing too special here, just a few character shots, a silhouette of Tyrian looking creepy, Ironwood looking angry and sad (though the effect of the snow and ice consuming him is interesting), Jacques and Whitley looking smarmy, Weiss and Winter looking at each other (their facial expressions are certainly telling of what their relationship is going to be like this volume), Pietro and Maria, a group shot of Teams RWBY, Team JNR, and Oscar, and of course, Penny looking adorable. -Now that we're getting to see it in motion, I must admit that Jaune's new haircut doesn't look too bad. Also, I noticed his shield now incorporates hard light dust. I wonder if it just widens his shield a little or if it will manifest in other ways as well. -When the Mantle citizen threw a rock at the hologram of Ironwood, it briefly flickered to Jacques. That's concerning. -The action scenes are a lot of fun, with Oscar training with Ironwood, and Weiss and Blake in the dust mines, but the really interesting one is the Mantle Hero and Qrow going up against Tyrian. I wonder if Qrow knows her. -The group shot at the end is very My Hero Academia and I absolutely love it. -Wow, even Qrow gets a new outfit. It only took him twenty years. -Ooh, a brief look at the Relic of Creation. I admit, I was hoping that the relics would each have different color schemes, like having all of them be gold is fine, but I was slightly hoping where the Relic of Knowledge was blue, the Relic of Creation would be maybe green and the Relic of Destruction would be red, or something like that. Still looks cool though -There was not a single hint of Cinder or Neo in the opening, and that somewhat worries me.
Hehe, credits humor "Drunk Mann played by Joel Mann" Ah, once again, RWBY shows that it knows how to come out the gate swinging. They've set up a lot of interesting things in this first episode, and I can not wait to see how it all plays out.
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Mutated AU: Prologue/Origins (short STORY)
Writer's Note: That's right I'm doing this little written story here to give you its... not-so-humble beginnings in a way to let you expect the goings on for the AU sooooo....
Here goes!
"POWEEERR FIIIIIIISSSST!!" A youthful's voice rang out, thrusting out an arm with a bright blue, flaming fist that shot out of it at full speed. The incoming attack was making its way towards a large serpentine creature, complete with blondish white messy hair and yellow green eyes. With a smirk on its face, the cretin had its paws spread out wide and caught the attack in the nick of time, with a little bit of force as its feet were firmly planted on the ground. Tamaris, who the female monstrous mutant was properly known as, performed a counter clockwise twirl and lept at the boy with a fierce roar. KO shielded his face for the impact, but instead found himself pinned, before grabbing a peak at her unbelievably close face with one eye.
They spent the next 10 seconds gazing at each other, and the next thing they knew, the human and the beast started to laugh, having the time of their lives.
"Hahahahahaha, that was an amazing sparring session, Tamaris!" the child laughs, folding his arms behind his back.
His chimeric creature of a comrade couldn't agree more, with a nod and affirmative grunt. It was quite a good learning experience for the two in order to put their abilities to the test. Needless to say, she was impressed how far the hero in training had come with his innate powers had come, glad he has pals to help him out every step of the way.
With that said and done, it was high time for something to munch on as a reward, and since there was no Beardo in sight, who's humble abode was back at Lakewood, they settled for the next best thing they could find, and that was Weirdo's at the Danger Zone. Sure, the food he had was for a lack of better term, questionable. But Tamaris especially was hungry, so she was in a mood for a burrito. It resembled one of your run-of-the-mill wraps the original made, but it wasn't really any concern for her, being part monster. Ah, how she enjoyed the taste. Not only was it a favorite food for her, but it was also one of the only things to return in a more humanoid state she prefered. So as she took that bite of her meal, she diminishes a little in size, reverting into said form.
KO however, couldn't help but take in the scent, he was pretty parched after the workout. Then without warning, he hopped up momentarily and bit Tamaris' food, gulping it down. Her face paled at this, and instinctively pulled a little further away. "KO!" she exclaims, trying to hide her frightened expression to the best of her ability. "Oops." He said, rubbing at his head sheepishly. "The burrito smelled too good to pass up. Sorry!"
"It..." She wanted so bad to give him a bit of a scolding, but taking her glance upon her mutant saliva covered burrito bite, Tamaris had no other option to set that aside for a later time, after all. She gives a smile that didn't reach her cheeks all the way. "You know what, it's totally fine. Maaaaybe I forgot to pack you a snack beforehand."
"No worries! I'm having some spaghetti when we get back!" KO chimed in, with a smile of his own that was more playful and genuine. Tamaris gives a sigh from her nostrils. Hopefully things won't turn upside down at least. The two start their walk back to Lakewood Plaza, not taking into account that KO seemed to scratch at his head.
Several minutes later, the duo arrives back to their destination, just a couple footsteps into the bodegas' parking lot. Tamaris had finished her meal while KO on the other hand... still kept at his incessant scratching from earlier. Did he have lice or something? He had no clue.
"You know you've been going at the itching on the way home, how about a break so it doesn't get all red?" his silver blonde haired pal asked him. "I have?" He took a minute to finally slow it down, moving his hands away from his hair. Two or three of his strands rested on his fingers, and he waves them off.
"So correct me if I'm wrong, but is this usually the part of your day where something drops down from thin air for a battle?" Tamaris asked, using a sleeve to wipe her mouth.
KO was about to answer her question, but he was interrupted when the signature Voxmore box had manifested from the sky, then plummeting downwards the concrete. Once making impact, it opens up all four sides, revealing Darrell and Shannon, with mischievous grins on their faces and combat ready poses.
"Ding-dong, mop face, it's us!" The orange, shape-shifting bot, Shannon cackled, her saw blades out and Darrell's arm cannon was at the ready.
That's when Tamaris decides to take a glance at the two fighting machines. They must be one of the kid's opponents he clashes with almost daily. "I take it these are the bucket of bolts you fight from that building over there?" She inquires, pointing at the Voxmore factory building, which just happened to be across the street from where they were.
"Sure is!" was the child hero's reply, already assuming a battle stance at his advasaries.
"Hey, at least Shannon's head here isn't even an actual bucket, thank you very much!" Darrell seemed a bit miffed by the comment while her sister exchanged a look of annoyance. "Do you seriously have to go there?"
It got a silent giggle from the mutant-shifting woman, before her too, takes a combat ready pose just as the level 3 hero did. "Why don't you go on ahead and be the first to start the battle? I wanna see what we're dealing with."
KO got pretty stoked, starting to hop in excitement. "Really? OKAY!"
He starts out by running towards Darrell, reeling back his right arm, a bright neon blue glow manifesting in a flame. "You hungry? Cause I've packed a POWER FIST SANDWICH JUST FOR YOU!" he calls out, thrusting the arm at the one eyed robot, launching the signature attack. Darrell, was, as always, prepared to counter whatever his opponent could dish out, so with a single shot from his cannon, blasts it away at the last second. He gives a snicker at this, while KO growls irritated, shaking the arm he just used. Dangit, that was no good. Gotta give it another try. Attempt number two, he brings out the left arm now, about to unleash the same attack again. This, however, made him stop a moment when he started to feel a strange tingling sensation in said arm. KO glanced at it, wincing a little, inhaling air slightly from his teeth.
This didn't take long for Tamaris to notice from a few feet, as she watches with uneasiness bubbling up in her being. KO stands there, seeing his forearm become an acidic green color, small, pointed claws sprouting from each fingertip. Four spike-like growths were digging out, one by one. He showed a sign of discomfort, giving a suprised yelp at the sight.
"K-KO?" Tamaris asked rather quietly. This looked exactly like what was happening. Oh Cob. As much as KO wanted to ignore this and just attack already, he was distracted, witnessing the right arm undergo the exact same changes as before.
"Tamaris? Is it me, or do I feel kinda funny?" He asks with a small frown, moving one arm to rest at his forehead. His fingers nearly felt like they were poked at, so upon feeling around more, KO would discover that longer, pointed spikes grew from his head, about four or five of them. The boxbot siblings didn't dare to move, watching the scene before them. Shannon was perplexed while Darrell did nothing but shake a little. Was he... afraid?
Alright, this was getting concerning to watch for Tamaris. She had a troubled look that was clearly written on her face, should she stop this? She wasn't sure.
"Buddy, uh... are- are you, doing okay, over there?" She hesitated to ask. KO's ears grow into what exactly resembled her mutated form's ears. This cannot be happening...
"Fine, Tam!" he managed a thumbs up with all the changes. "I'm fine, really. I..." His situation said otherwise, the stinging feeling now progressing into bodily aches. From his shoulders, which sprouted blades from them, to his toes growing claws. He got cramps all over his frame, wanting so badly to get right back to attacking, but it just kept at it, it wouldn't stop. Even giving his darndest to make a Power Fist interfered with this. KO couldn't concentrate, this was proving to be too much for him. It was distracting to continue further. Once Darrell made sense of what was going on with KO, he shakes in fear, then letting out a high-pitched, frightened scream, hiding behind his sister. KO however, was getting more fearful than him, stammering, unable to make proper sense what was happening to him. "Aaaa, uh. Uuuhhhhh...." he moaned, looking around his surroundings. "Uuuuuuhhhh, no! Don't look at me!" He shouts, covering his face. The mutating hero couldn't bear to let anyone else witness what came next, he immediately retreats towards the bodega to hide inside, stumbling clumsily along the way.
All Tamaris could do is watch him desperately obscure himself from the public, she knew too well what that felt like. Confusion and worry was brought upon her. After what was a few seconds of the two opposing sides gazing at each other, trying to process everything, she takes it upon herself to use part of her mutant abilities and tear apart Darrell and Shannon on her own. Once she reduced them to scrap after, she runs off to the bodega in search of KO.
Not too long after heading inside, Tamaris could only search for her child comrade in what was said to be the most mysterious, potentially perilous parts of the bodega, and that was: the back room. She ventured inside on her quest to retrieve him all the while keeping a watchful and cautious eye of potential mimics, creatures that can assume the form of virtually anything AND anyone. Being careful not to make sudden sounds, she scanned the area left and right, and with one of her mutant senses, sniffs for a scent. There has to be a sign from the boy, he could be anywhere, all miserable and in pain, Tam couldn't bear to think of what might've happened. Just by then, she finally picked up what faintly sounded like a quick, pattering noise of feet and hands, starting to follow the source of the sound in pursuit. This had to be him, she could feel it!
With a torch now on one hand, so she would see around a little better in the room and a spray bottle with the other, she ventured in more, striding in her steps where the running and skittering noises increase. Tamaris was prompted to get closer, but two mimics in the form of a levitating book and a baseball bat made sudden impact with her, letting out a grunt. Guess she'd have to ward these pests off along the way. The shapeshifting beasts gave a hiss at her while she made a growl back. It felt like a distraction with those hostile obstacles in the way, but made quick use of disposing them with tearing up the mimics with her sharp, pointed teeth and a fraction of her mutant strength to throw them against a wall as hard as she could. With that, they were out of her sight, yelping away.
Good. That takes care of that. Tamaris takes off once again as she at last reaches a corner area further in the room, and hears a shuffling sound of tail and feet, along with small grunts and yelps, clear indication that she's even closer where the noise had shifted direction, then stopped. Thank Cob, finally, the beast in human form thought to herself. Immediately, she flashed the flames' light at the squirming shape, but it quickly turned away.
"KO? It's me..." Tamaris softly called out to who was hopefully in front of her, wanting to take a peak at him. The shape barely budged. But it seemed to give it thought. Seconds later, it turned back to face where Tamaris stood. The creature in the shadows was then revealed to be none other than KO himself. But he appeared to look somewhat... different. His full attention was caught, staring at her and his surroundings wide-eyed.
"Oh. My Cob." The original mutant-shifter was, understandably, shocked at the sight. Her newest friend, with the same ailment she had, she was really dumbfounded. Only he still looked human at most, physically. But the mutant attributes were clearly there.
This was insane, she had to get a better view of him from head to toe, so she called the now currently mutated KO to meet ground level and meet up. "Hey bud," Tamaris called out. "You mind if you just come down here quick? I only wanna see how you're doing!"
KO's response was uttering a small growl, holding at his forehead with a green paw. He moved to hop from where he sat, but ended up tripping himself with his own tail. He tumbles and crashes back on solid ground in a rough landing, crying out when he made impact.
Tamaris came to his aid, holding his claw as she helped him back on his feet. "There we go, KO. You alright?" He had regained composure, shaking his head. "I guess so... I feel fine now," was his reply. At least he sounded like himself, no alterations to his voice whatsoever, so that was a good thing. He rubs at his prickly head with the same arm that begun the change, then stopped to take a look at it. "Wha?" he murmured, his clawed feet and tail then coming into view. He grew confused and curious, hoping what he saw was a mere illusion only he could see. Was it...?
"Tamaris... what happened?" Ooohhhh boy, this was a bad time to break the news. She became practically nervous, tapping her index fingers. No pretending that he got sick, took a hallucinating substance or anything. She really had to do this. Tamaris made a hesitant groan, grabbing a nearby large, wheeled, rectangular mirror. It'd be better if he saw for himself.
Well, that answered his questions and interest. In his reflection, he saw traits in himself that clearly resembled Tamaris: prehensile tail, clawed fingers and toes, spikes and blades peaking out of the skin and the like. KO jumped backwards, with a scream in fright and surprise. "I'M -- YOU!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" he practically yelled, freaking out now. Tamaris was doing the same as him.
"Aaaaggh, I know! This is a disaster! It's my fault, I made you into what I am, I could've stopped this from happening! I should've warned you about that burrito before and got you a healthy one to have instead!" She was beating herself up so hard right now. Cob, this was awful, just awful.
KO still hollered, running around in a clockwise circle, waving his arms about frantically. After what felt like longer than a minute of being rattled at this turn of events, the mutant child hybrid at last calmed himself and slowed down for a second to meditate, breathing in and out, closing his eyes. Focus, KO. Stop and just focus... Alright, good. He finally regained composure, walking towards where Tamaris still panicked, paying mind to his tail. He rested a hand on her... leg. Not big enough to reach her shoulder, but this'll do. "Hey, hey... Tammie. It's okay... It wasn't entirely your fault."
"No, no! It was, KO. You're this thing I'm stuck with now all because of me!" Tamaris objected at this. How could he possibly have any part of this?
"Well..." KO began, folding his arms behind his back with a sheepish look. "Maybe I might've stopped first to check if the burrito looked okay to eat, then I wouldn't turn into... this."
Tamaris was rather embarrassed, probably as much as he was. "Yeah, hahahah... that had my mutagentic saliva on it. I wanted to tell you, but..."
Wait. That's how he became the scaly thing now. Oopsie whoopsies...
Her and KO both join in after the exchange with awkward laughter at their own expense, then sigh.
Tamaris, exhaled, running her fingers through her messy hair, "Ah, this is gonna suck." She had no idea how he was gonna live through this.
"I dunno," KO chimed in, taking another glance at his new appearance. "I think it won't be as terrible as it may seem. Besides, now that I'm probably gonna stuck like this for who knows how long, that won't probably stop me from what else is coming my way." A pause, blinking twice. "I hope."
His female, mutant-shifting friend shrugged, although not taking exactly what he stated sincerely.
"Ooorrrr," the hybrid thought aloud. "I'm dreaming all of this up and I'll wake up tommorrow morning less thorny and normal!" Or so he thinks. Unfortunately that wasn't to be the case. Tamaris was living in a worst case scenario she can't escape. This should be a fun experience, yes siree.
~~THE END...?~~
Well now that took longer to complete as expected huehuehuehue. Ehhhh...... 😅 Anyway that's that. I don't do written work often but this is as best as I can do! Hope y'all liked it!
#ok ko#ok ko let's be heroes#ok ko au#ok ko fanfic#short story#mutated ko au#mutated au#au prologue story#prologue#mutant ko#tamaris#mutant beast form tamaris
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OCtober Writing Prompts Day 6 - Dreams and Aspirations
A memory from 21 years ago, when Karri was 12 years old.
Griff came home! He’s been gone for ages on his trip. He was in Waterdeep for a few years after he turned 20. He was working for papa and Mr. Braun, helping them make trade deals with merchants in the city. I didn’t see him much but he came home sometime and he always had stories to tell, and presents too. One time he brought me a belt knife with a handle made of pretty green stone, but mama took it away. She said I could cut myself so I could have it when I was older. It’s been 3 years and she still hasn’t given it back. She treats me like I’m a baby, but I’m 12 years old. It’s not fair. Griff brought me a ring next time. It’s pretty but I know he bought something mama would let me keep. I keep it in my box with the other things he’s brought me.
I like the presents, but I like the stories better. Griff saved all the money he made working for papa and Mr. Braun and went on a trip all the way across the ocean. He went to Shavay! He says that it’s really different there. It’s hot and bright and filled up with sand. It’s like being at a beach he says, but instead of ocean waves there’s just rolling sand (he calls them dunes) as far as you can see. Farther, even. He told me he met a man who had a cat with stripes on his back like the Fletchers’ tomcat (his name is Chops, ‘cause he has super fluffy fur on the sides of his face) but this cat was the size of a lion! Bigger even! He said he saw a big blue dragon fly over him so he had to hide in the sand. He also said he saw a animal that was the size of a house and it had big floppy ears (bigger than me!) and it had two white horns on its face and a long nose that it could fill up and then drink out of like a cup. I think he made that one up though.
There’s a story I don’t get to hear. Mama and papa made me leave before he told it, but Harri and Elli had to leave to. I think was a grownup story. I want to listen at the door but Elli told me was gonna tell on me if I didn’t stop. Traitor. I would have told her and Harri too but she says Mama said no. She never lets me get away with stuff. Probably why mama puts her in charge when I’m feeling sick and she has to go out. Cadi lets me play in my room when I’m not feeling good but Elli makes me stay in bed and go to sleep. One time she held my nose and made me swallow a bunch of valerian root since I wouldn’t take a nap. It was super gross and I didn’t wake up for like 3 days. Mama freaked out and wouldn’t let me out of her sight for ages after that. Elli got in big trouble for getting into mamas medicines though, serves her right.
They’re opening up the door now, I guess the story is over. I missed the whole thing, ugh. Rollo and Griff and the others are coming out. Are we done with stories for now? I run up to Griff and grab his hand, bouncing on my toes.
“Griff! Are you going somewhere? Can I come with? Please?”
Griff grins and reaches down to ruffle my hair, I grin back and blow my hair out of my eyes.
“I’m heading to the Stag-Horned Flagon with Rollo and Martyn. I don’t mind you coming along kiddo, what about you Rollo?”
“Fine by me. Martyn?”
“I don’t mind… What do you think Ma? Pa?”
Dangit Martyn, why did you have to ask mama? Maybe I can still make this work. I turn to mama and put on the most desperate, excited face that I can. Puppy eyes don’t work for me. If mama thinks I’m tired or upset she’ll make me stay home and sleep. I hop from foot to foot, hands clasped in front of me pleadingly, my eyes wide and pleading.
“Mama, can I go? Pleeeease? I don’t feel sick or tired, and I promise I’ll be good. Honest!”
Mama frowns and my heart sinks, she’s about to say no. I just know it. Then she sighs and turns to Papa, “What do you think El? Should I let her go?”
Papa rubs his chin, “I dunno, do you think she’ll behave herself?”
I hop over to papa so fast I almost trip, nodding my head vigorously, “I’ll be good papa, I promise! I want to hear the rest of Griff’s stories. I’ll listen to Rollo n’ Griff n’ Martyn, I will! Please just let me go papa!” I want it so bad I’m shaking. I hear a tiny giggle and see that Cadi is covering her mouth with her hand. I squint suspiciously, are they making fun of me?
But there’s more important things. I swivel back to papa, trying my best to contain my anxiety. What if he says no? But… hey! He’s biting his lip, he’s trying not to laugh! I take a step back and look around, glaring at everybody. They’re all trying not to laugh! I cross my arms, put on my cross face, and stomp my foot on the floor.
“Hey, you’re all making fun of me!” I huff in annoyance, “That’s not nice. Big jerks.”
They all give up. They’re all giggling, then they’re all laughing at me! No fair, they all teamed up to trick me! Even Elli and Harri are laughing! They all knew! That’s cheating! I stand there fuming while they laugh, then as they calm down mama comes over to me, still giggling softly.
“Allright Karri, you can go with your brothers. Just be good for them, okay?”
“Really?” My eyes get wide as saucers, I smile and hug her around her waist as tight as I can, “Thank you mama! I’ll be good! Thank you, thank you!” I get to go! I never get to go! This is the best night ever. Wait, what am I gonna wear? I gotta get dressed! I pull away from mama, still bouncing in excitement, and dash up the stairs two at a time. Mama calls up after me.
“Slow down Karri! You’re gonna trip and hit your head!”
“Yes mama!” I yell back, slowing down and taking the stairs one by one. She’s right, I get to go out! Can’t risk messing that up by bonking my noggin. Gotta be careful.
I hurl myself out of my clothes and yank on my best blue dress. I get to go out! I gotta look good. I tug a brush through my bright-red hair so I don’t look like a big tangle of yarn. Am I forgetting anything? I look around. I go to the window and struggle to open it. It’s heavy for me. I manage to crack it open and a stiff wind breathes through. I shiver, it’s chilly out. I shut the window. Mostly. It gets stuck, okay?
I look around for my coat but I don’t see it. It’s not in my chest either. When I look up, I see mama’s shawl on the bed. Well, my shawl. The one that was mamas. Its mine now. But I don’t want to wear that out. It’s warm and stuff but it’s… wearing your mamas shawl is for little kids. Not for grown ups. I get to go out with the boys I should look like a grown up. I look away from it. But then I look back. It is cold outside… and mamas shawl is really warm. And soft. And pretty.
I pull it around my shoulders. The pale blue looks nice with my dress. I should pin it with something though. Ooh! I got it! I run over to my bed-table and pull open the drawer to get my little box. Griffs ring is way too big for my finger, it doesn’t even fit mama and my fingers are way littler than hers are. But maybe… yeah! I pull the ends of my shawl through the ring and stick a little silver pin through them. Silver ring, silver pin, yeh. I look good! And I gotta look good, because I get to go out. Now I’m ready.
“Karri, you ready? We gotta get going!”
That’s Rollo. Everyone’s waiting on me, oops! I scuttle my way out of my room and down the stairs as fast as I can. Rollo, Griff, and Martyn all have their coats and are ready to go. Mama comes over to me, she has my coat. She holds it out towards me with one hand.
“Looking for this?” She looks down at me and smiles, “I think you look very nice, but would you prefer your coat dear?”
I look down at mamas shawl, draped around my shoulders. It’s too big for me, it makes me look even smaller than I already am. But it’s warm and… it’s mine. I shake my head and look down, blushing slightly.
“No. I’m okay mama. Thank you.”
“Alright then.” Her smile widens just slightly. She reaches down and adjusts my shawl, repinning it so it fits more snugly around my shoulders, like a hug. She cups my cheeks in her hands and kisses my forehead. Blegh, I blush and pull away and scrub at my forehead. She laughs. “Have fun baby girl, be safe.” I’m not a baby, but I nod anyways and scamper over to Griff and the others so we can head out to the Flagon. I get to go out!
The night goes fast. We have a really tasty stew for dinner at the Flagon, and I get to have a big cup of cider! It’s almost as big as my head! My brothers all have ales, but I’m not old enough to get one. Not that I want to, cider is yummy and ale tastes like butts. Or at least that’s what Harri said after he got in trouble for sneaking one of papa’s ales. Griff gets out his manto… his… mandi… his instrument and played songs he learned on his trip! I sat on Rollo’s lap and clapped and sang along, then Rollo laughed and set me up on top of the table! He said I had to dance for my supper, so I did. It was embarrassing but it was really fun too. I was so tired by the end of it. I plopped back onto Rollo’s lap and sat there while he and Martyn clapped along.
I guess I fell asleep at some point because when I woke up I was in my room. Rollo was carrying me to my bed. I was in my nightgown, I guess he changed me into it but I wasn’t embarrassed, he’d taken me swimming in Horse Pond too many times for me to be shy about that. My eyes were bleary as he set me down on my bed and pulled my covers up to my chin. I smiled up at him and he smiled back down at me.
“Hey kiddo. Did you have fun?”
“Uh huh.”
“Guess we really tired you out, huh?”
I nodded, yawning hugely.
“Allright kiddo. Do you want a light?”
The light from the doorway was coming through but once he shut it… the shadows were already getting bigger. I look over at the darkness, then turn back to him and nod, not meeting his eyes.
“Still don’t like the dark, huh?”
“Allright kiddo. Well, you know what might help? I almost forgot your present.”
My eyes shot wide open, I wanted to push myself up but I was so tired. I forgot about presents! He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little ceramic pot. It was black and shiny and covered in little gold leafs. Then he pulled out a little glass bottle. He pulled the top off of the bottle and a pretty smell filled the air. Lavender? He took my lamp oil from the bed-table and filled up the little pot, then put in a tiny droplet from the bottle, and lit a wick. The pretty lit lamp lit up on my bed-table and the smell of flowers filled the room. I smiled tiredly. It was nice.
Griff smiled again, brushing my hair away from my face.
“Do you like your present?”
“Uh-huh. Thanks Griff.”
“You’re welcome kiddo.”
“Yeah sis?”
“Will you take me on an adventure someday? When I’m old enough?”
Griff hesitated, then he smiled softly, I think a little bit sadly. “Sure I will Karri. You can come with me someday, but first you have to be big and strong.”
“Then I’m gonna get as big and strong as I can. Bigger and stronger than you even.”
He chuckled and ruffled my hair. “I bet you will kiddo. Then we’ll go on that trip, together.”
I nod, smiling sleepily. “Promise?”
“I promise. Now get some rest, okay?”
“Okay. I love you Griff.”
“I love you too Karri.”
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