launchsteinward · 4 years
This is for the MB week challenge by @somebodyalreadytookthis2
Once upon a time...
There where two brothers. Twins of royal blood. One, outgoing: a rather reckless but powerful optimist, a hand to hand combatant and sword wielding fighter.
The other, quiet and reserved : a realist who would rather spend all day reading books than socializing, a powerful spellcaster and a rather good strategist.
Perhaps if they both worked together, the kingdom would reach an even higher state of greatness and development.
Nevertheless, both princes grew up together and supported each other- even with their contrasting personalities.
The first prince: held in high regard by many and looked up to due to his friendly but fierce nature. The second Prince: not so much. Due to his lack of appearance in many social events: he was basically a myth to many citizens. Almost nonexistent. Not that he minded. The second prince preferred not to draw attention to himself. It allowed him to see areas and attitudes the kingdom showed that no royalty could ever hope to see. It gave him a better understanding of people and he loved it.
One day, the second prince had snuck out of the castle: years if experience guiding him. Today he decided to visit the outer ring of the castle: where all the farmers lived. As he made it there, he saw the farmers arguing: apparently over a few black flowers that had bloomed in one of their farms. As they were arguing over who would uproot them, the undercover prince took it upon himself to volunteer to do it.
Ignoring how the farmers looked at him like he was out of his mind, he made his way over to the mentioned farm and instantly saw the flowers.
They where beautiful. The flowers appeared to be roses. Roses the prince had only seen drawings of in books. Black roses. A starking contrast with the yellow stacks of wheat and golden buttercups dotted here and there. In a way, it reminded him of himself and his brother. Shaking off the thought, he wondered why anyone would want to uproot such rare and beautiful black roses.
Sighing to himself, he supposed the farmers may have been the superstitious type and believed they were moon blossoms: mythical flowers said to be cursed. 'Not like those actually exist'
He started plucking the flowers- one at a time. It didn't take long, only a few minutes in fact before he had a handful of the gorgeous flowers. The farmers thanked the prince greatly before asking for the uprooted flowers to burn. Hesitantly, the prince gave up the flowers he had: secretly keeping one for himself. 'It would be such a waste if flowers as beautiful as these were just burned.'
After returning back to the castle and acting like he never actually went out, the prince placed the flower in a small cup of water on his bedside table. He watched the sun set over the horizon as his eye lights started to get foggy and his eyes drooped.
His eyelights flickered to the flower one last time before he fell into a deep sleep.
"Hey Brother! What could have brought an introvert such as you here: to the training Hall of all places?" The first prince's voice popped up, startling the second prince back to reality.
'Where am I- what-' the second prince seemed to panic causing the first prince to bring him to a hug. After calming down the first prince gently repeated his question from before in hopes of distracting his twin from whatever cause his earlier distress.
The younger twin leaned into his brothers embrace for comfort as he stuttered out quietly "I-I cant remember-". This cause confusion in the first prince before he had to calm down his twin yet again from another panic attack. "How about we go inside and we can talk about this with mom and dad?" The usually confident twin asked with a sweet but gentle tone. Nodding ever so slightly, the first prince picked up his brother like a child (causing the second prince to pout in embarrassment) and made his way over back into the main area of the castle.
The memory loss incidents had become more and more frequent, so much so that the young prince had gotten used to it. His parents sent for the kingdoms best doctors and medical practitioners when they heard of what happened. They all had related these memory loss incidents with his weak state during childhood. Not being able to do anything about it, the workers in the palace was informed of the second princes condition and told to tell him where he was and what time it was if he ever seemed confused. The second prince found this very helpful and made sure to thank any and every worker who had helped him.
Word had come about that there was a new Demon King with a newly built demon castle nearby. The king and queen worried about this but decided to pay it no mind and avoid it. As long as the demons stayed away from them, they would stay away from the demons.
The Demon king smirked. It was finally time to put his plan into action. There he stood, infront of the first prince's bed, a malicious smirk on his face. Silently he casted a sleep spell, ensuring the prince wouldn't wake up through this.
Carrying the first prince like a child (and earning a small sleep grumble from the prince himself) he entered a glowing cyan portal.
"Um... I dont mean to be rude Cross but do you even know where the Demon Kings castle is?"
Blue dead panned. He had started to realize that the so called hero wasn't all he was portrayed to be.
"Isn't it outside the kingdom?"
Cross asked cheerfully as he continues to make his way through the market.
"Well yes- but its actually to the north. Where going south right no-"
"Excuse me, but do any of you have a numchuck by any chance?"
Blue was cut off by the voice of a young girl. 'A numchuck? Why would any of us have a-'
"Actually I do. What do you need it for miss?"
Blue almost chocked on air. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A NUMCHUCK"
Cross sighed over dramatically.
"Oh Blue. Silly young naive Blue. It's common courtesy for anyone- especially demon hunters or knights to have numchucks."
'NO IT ISN'T-' Blue yelled inside his mind, mental tears being shed.
"Actually, I need those to beat the idiot who ate all my- well, the details are insignificant. May I have them or not?"
'That sounds oddly suspicious. Theres no way he'd give them to a citizen' Blue reassured himself.
"Eh- sure why not" Cross shrugs
'He gave them to her anyway- ' Blue mentally facepalmed.
"Oh thankyou. I'm Core by the way. Where might you be going if you dont mind me asking?" Core asked curiously, putting the numbchucks in her inventory.
"The Demon Castle- though I dont know where it is"
"-Like I said. It's in the opposite direct-"
Blue was cut off once again, his patience starting to run out
"Oh, I know exactly where that is. I even know a short cut actually." Core popped up drawing both of our attention. "You see that door there, yeah- the one to the left. Just go through that door right there and you'll be on your way"
Blue didnt even bother coming up with a retort. He decided to just sit back and see where this went.
"Like ok kid, opening a pantry door will totally take me to the Demon Kings castle"
Cross mocked as he opened the door.
"Holy shi-"
Cross fell through the door.
Blue sighed following after him. Blue opened his eyes and gasped in shock. Infront of him, surrounded by a field of black roses, stood a castle made entirely of vantablack stone. The sun had started to set on the horizon, causing orange and gold light to be reflected off the dark glossy windows. It was truly magnificent.
Blues gaze went back to Cross who had landed on his face and was cursing up a storm. He smiled in amusement. 'At least things are about to get a little more interesting
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me-paina · 4 years
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welp here you goo
first to drawings have :
1. @slylock-syl
2. @naomyart
3. @camilaart
4. @tinderboxofsillyideas
5. @little-noko
6. @datashift-official
7. @somebodyalreadytookthis2
8. @ijustwannahavefunn
9. @accidentverse
10. @aetherverse-official
11. @worldviewfinch
12. @imjustalazycat
last two drawings have:
1. @stevenuniverseanewchapter
2. @egglord667
3. @suzumindy
4. @qbanalras
5. @jakei95 / @xtaleunderverse
6. @womchi-blog
7. @venelona
8. @csormt
9. @thegrinningkitten
10. @mramazingva
11.  @cocothemunchkin
12. @manosaldibujo
oh and flemal and cheese is my OC's
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window-nv · 4 years
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These guys belong to @somebodyalreadytookthis2 I had fun drawing them!
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Some traditional art of Moon Blossom Error!
Moon Blossom is owned by @somebodyalreadytookthis2
This was fun to draw in monochrome colors!
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dyingpies · 4 years
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@shandycandy278 @andrewture @somebodyalreadytookthis2 
Noone warned me what for dangerous rooms are in this van...
(Also holy sh- im late, you r already at the Pink event xD)
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lunatunacat-14 · 4 years
Okay when first saw this dragon, I was like "Awwww how cute!" So I drew it. Simple as that.
Also damn this is definitely one of my favorites of my drawings, I should draw with this pen more often! Because it's kinda cute♡♡♡♡
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Cheesecake belongs to @somebodyalreadytookthis2
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onlyplatonicirl · 4 years
lorel almost 1k pog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kinda tho i need like 100 more people :/
im probably just gonna ask synthia to shout me out bc she has like 4k followers but never uses tumblr LOL
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peachy-ghouls · 4 years
I was ALMOST on time. It's 12:06 AM.
Goddangit lmao.
Anyways, made the bewitched prompt for @somebodyalreadytookthis2 a MB AU that I've fallen in love with! Drew it while listening to Fantastic Beasts music, haha.
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blastlight · 4 years
why was @somebodyalreadytookthis2 replaced by an antifreeze blog
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To make up for the fact that I forgot to do MB week Tuesday: under moonlight.. here it is!
This au belongs to @somebodyalreadytookthis2
So does the challenge
Oki let's do this
The darkness spread throughout the land as the sun took its rest and the moon woke up giving a mystic feeling to the forest where the questers journeyed to defeat their foe; The Daemon King
But as they walked they couldn't help but feel watched... And nightmare swore he saw a shadow it was quick and silent..
and it was following them
Nightmare broke into a run, while everyone looked at him from behind; confusion etched into thier features but they did not follow he ran and ran and ran , seeing the shadow running at him....
and everything went black
The daemon king woke up in the middle of running.. why was he running?? The king of daemons doesn't run away!! He conquers and destroys anyone who dares stand in his way!
The daemon king turns around; the place which was a forest clearing; was bathed in the white ghostly rays of the moon and he had noticed his opponent, a shadow hidden in the trees, they looked left , then right and stepped onto the moonlight;
They wore a purple mask over their face, the sockets of which were hollow and to had two black marks on the sides, the figure itself was wearing a black hooded cloak which faded to purple and sharpened into spikes at the end with the inside a striking red, the figures body was covered neck to toe and was black with a belt strapped on the chest and matching boots with pairs of which belts were strapped together and as they marched closer they stopped at a distance
He thaught as the both took a stance .. getting ready to defend themselves while attacking the other ..
As the wind picked up it felt like he was in an anime ..and his nerd ass treated it as such as he whipped up his fabulous monologue (that he definitely didn't practice for hours for this specific moment or anything..) ;
" So you mysterious figure have come to slay me , me?? THE MIGHTY AND WICKED DAEMON KING?!? Well you must be best prepared then!!! I will not go down easily assassin!!"
The assassin stood there unamused by the situation and took out a dagger before charging towards him
It had went on for a while until the shadow assassin (yes a worthy name for such an adversary) teleported?? Only deamons should be able to... , his grin widened as he just figured out that the assassin was half daemon and as always
Secrets revealed themselves under moonlight
This is bad ugh whatever enjoy this I guess
Edit: I made it better kinda, I saw the post about night being a total sucker for anime soo yeah
Also anyone else thinks errors clothes look like Ravens from the og Teen Titans?? Just me?? Ok.
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wils-brother-tommy · 4 years
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this madlad of a Nightmare belongs to the beautiful @somebodyalreadytookthis2​
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launchsteinward · 4 years
This is for the MB challenge by @somebodyalreadytookthis2
A Welcomed Guest
Nightmare's eyes lit up.
"Dream!" He exclaimed looking around, unable to locate his brother in the vast expanse of darkness.
Dream, quiet as a ninja, snuck up behind Nightmare and hugged him: the smaller yelping out in surprise. Instantly Blue and Cross had their swords draw: pointing at the mysterious silhouette that had just taken their Prince captive.
"Quite the pair of freinds you've made here." Dream commented, releasing the other from the hug.
"Don't surprise me like that! I almost had a heart attack you know" Nightmare pouted, showcasing a childish ness foreign to Cross and Blue but familiar to Dream.
"Uh, Nightmare... who exactly is this?" Cross asked finally getting a closer look at the stranger.
How come this one prince-
Cross's (nonexistent) brain seemed to short circuit.
"Oh! This is my b-"
"Hi! I'm Dream. An adventurer from the capital and Nighty's childhood friend" Dream cut off Nightmare, secretly winking at his brother.
Catching Dream's drift, Nightmare nodded: deciding to fo along with Dream's antics.
"I see. Well, looks like we should look for a way out-"
Cross was cut off by the sound of insane laughter sending shivers up his spine.
The sound of a knife scraping against a surface could be heard as an ominous green glow reflected off the pillars in the hall.
Sharing a nod, the party : Dream included, hid behind a pillar and winced. It was blinding. A strong green light seemed to emerge from what appeared to be a skeleton demon holding a knife. Honestly, it was terrifying as both Cross and Blue felt their bones lock up.
'And now we run into a demon with flashlight eyes? Man, what's next? The teleportation kid from before shows up'
Blue sighed quietly before freezing at the bone chilling voice.
"Well, well, well, looks like we have some rather noisy guests. Ones that were not welcomed here at that. Tsktsktsk..." the Flashlight eyes demon clicked his nonexistent tongue, eyes still focused away from the party.
"We cant have that can we?"
'RUN' Cross could think as the demon looked him straight in the eyes and he was blinded.
Shutting his eyes that were searing in pain: Cross turned tail and ran. He could hear the thumps of his companions footsteps beside them as they turned and twisted around the pillars of the chamber.
Only when they were in complete darkness did they stop running and collapse to catch their breath.
They could still hear the demons voice snickering and purring: "come out come out where ever you are~" or " marco~... this is the part where you yell out polo you know?"
After catching their breath, the party shared a silent message: we're not going back there. And so they continued forward in silence: scared of the demon finding them. Well, everyone exept Dream who had only retreated only due to his brothers insistence and visible distress.
After a while they came aCross an odd looking lamp. It seemed to glow from the inside but the light only came out in golden blocks of light. 'Strange indeed'
That's when caught the sound of an oddly familiar tune coming up from infront of him. One that a cirtain trader had been humming a while back.
Smiling softly to himself, Dream followed the others as the sound got louder and they came across more lamps: some hanging from the ceiling by long chains and others just placed on the ground.
Eventually the say a gentle and welcoming soft light emerge from what appeared to be a stall, a wierd but oddly catchy song coming from it.
The stall was simple with a pink bar saying 'WELCOME TO INK'S SHOP', Ink presumably the skeleton monster sitting at the table with his head reasted on his hand and looking at the party smugly.
Cross couldn't help but gasp.
"Aren't you that potion seller I brought from a while back?"
"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows what really happened off screen" the trader shrugged out of habit, a small smile of relief unseen as his eyelights eyes Dream from the corner of his eye.
'Thank stars that brawny idiot wasn't dead yet'
"So, is there anything I could do for you? Maybe a potion, a charm? Maybe even my mystery box of useful items?" Ink asked, putting on a fake sellers voice cause Dream to snicker silently.
Ink count help but smile and secretly wink at the brute before getting on with the matter at hand.
"I- I cant help bit be curious of what's in the mysterious box of useful items. You swear that whatever's in there will come in handy right?" Cross asked, eyeing the grinning trader suspiciously.
"If course! I guarantee it!" Ink perked up.
'..Of course we're getting something so vague.' Blue smirked in amusement before his eye focused on the trader. There was something rather... intriguing about this 'Ink'.
Ink tensed up, blushing slightly in embarrassment as Blue stared at him. Of course he knew who Blue was, after all: you and your freinds wouldn't stop yelling about him.
Ink carefully placed a rather large pouch infront on Cross. After Cross had reluctantly given Ink the required gold, He took the pouch and opened it. Only to gasp in shock.
Cross turned away from his party, shoulders hunched as Ink watched in amusement.
Cross turned around suddenly, a pair of Ray-Ban visors taped to his skull. His smile was wide and full of child like excitement as he posed, showing off the glasses that only reflected the light coming off Ink's shop.
It was cute in a way: Ink found himself understanding why almost everyone seemed to adore the monochrome skeleton.
Dream couldn't help the genuine smile playing on his lips. Watching Cross do his wierd happy dance reminded his of how he would be as a child. Blue's reaction portraying Nighty's reaction at the time.
Dream knew instantly that this Blue character and himself would get along.
After calming down, Cross pulled out similar glasses to his own and distributed them among his party.
As he did, he couldn't help but pause as he gave Dream his pair. The other seemed strong, Cross couldn't help himself as he started analysing the others well toned (nonexistent) muscles. A few more bench presses and Cross was sure Dream would be ripped. Buff even.
Dream turned and started talking with Blue. He could feel Cross examining him as a light heat was apparent on his face. Blue noticed this instantly as a the strangely contagious heat grew on his cheekbones.
After putting on their glasses, they all thanked Ink: Dream giving the smaller a wink and earning a rainbow blush.
They all dreaded what was coming up. According to Ink, the exit to the chamber was in the direction they had come from: the direction of the demon.
Dream was pumped. He couldn't wait to snap that demons neck. His anticipation for a good fight could be seen from miles away as they once again heard the sound of a knife scraping.
'This is going to be good' Dream could already feel the adrenaline tingling up his bones and sending a pleasurable shock through them.
Soon enough, they could make out the familiar glow of the demon. Putting on and securing their sunglasses, they prepared for the battle.
Killer smirked. It seems that the prey had once again entered the lions den: this time of their own volition. It was hillarious.
He steadied his knife as he prepared to strike- grin maliciously wide. It was then that someone clocked him right on the jaw. Stumbling back a little, Killer looked at which one of these insects thought he was a lion and attacked him.
His eyes widened as he saw it was none other than the kidnapped prince himself. 'Did he get out of that cell on his own?' He thought before shrugging it off.
The boss told him not to kill the prince: he never said anything about hurting him.
"Well, well, who would have thought the beloved first prince would pack quite the punch" Killer mocked spitting out some purple substance.
Dream grinned as he attacked once more: the battle between the two commencing as the others just sat on the sidelines and watched. Not like they could do anything to interfere in such an intense battle.
Nightmare's eyes turned cyan as he drew back away from the group silently. Hiding behind a pillar somewhat close to the others he whispered an order before going back to the others: eyelights purple and an expression of confusion apparent on his face.
Killer pulled back as he tilted his head like an animal listening. "Gosh, dangit. And I was having soo much fun too. Well, looks like I gotta book my way out of here. Duty calls" the demon shrugged before disappearing with a pop.
Cross sighed in relief as he noticed a chest bot to far off from them. Motioning to the others as Nightmare calmed down he newly revealed to be brother, he approached the chest excitedly: wondering what loot he will get this time.
He opened it: only to find a black crown similar to the many he had found before.
"AGAIN!" Cross yelled in annoyance before tossing the crown behind him. Blue snickered as he explained the many crowns they had come across to Dream who couldn't help chuckling in response.
Nightmare's eyelights glazed over as he picked up the crown and put it in his inventory. He had a gut feeling that he may be needing it later.
"Hi there"
The party jumped the the sudden voice: Dream luckily held back by Nightmare before he could instinctively punch whatever had just surprised him. Blue sighed. 'I knew I shouldn't have jinxed it'
"What the hell are you doing here kid?"
Criss asked eyeing the monochrome kid- Core was it?- from before.
"Just here to help you find your way" they shrugged before pointing at a rather short door. "Go through there and you'll find yourself on the second floor if the castle"
Nightmare and Dream looked at the child as though they were insane. Cross and Blue sighed before opening the small door, crouching and going inside: Nightmare and Dream hastily following after.
"We need bait" Cross's voice echoed through the now empty and purple splattered hall. Thank God Dream was on their side.
"Yeah... but what?" Dream asked, shaking his hands in a attempt to get the purple substance off it. Blue watched in amusement as Nightmare hesitantly popped up: "ummm- how about cookies?"
Cross looked at Nightmare quizzically.
"And how do you know that?"
"I dont know... just had a feeling" Nightmare mumbled as Cross and Dream looked at each other before shrugging.
"And where do you suppose we get a cookie?"
"There" Blue said using his thumb to point down the hall at a familiar wooden stall.
Everyone stood there: mouth agape before collecting themselves. Cross had tears in his eyes as he knew he would have to say goodbye to some more of his beloved gold. That's when Nightmare gently pat his back and approached Ink: using his very own money to be a cookie from the trader.
And so the waiting game started. The party deciding to hide in a corner and rest up: some taking a cat nap. Nightmare got up and motioned towards a corner. "I need to use the restroom" he said, cheeks purple in embarrassment. Everyone nodded, allowing the prince some privacy.
As he turned the corner, Cross focused back on the cookie intently: waiting for the Demon King to take his bait. That's when he heard a quiet shuffle of shoes. He saw a demon: crown glistening on its head as ot approached the cookie.
Cross was in shock: the Demon King had actually taken the bait! Snapping out of his shock he tackled the Demon King down, the Demong King scowling in surprise.
'How did they know?'
Cross ended up ontop of the Demon King in a rather suggestive position that brought a blush to both the Kings and his own face.
Growling in annoyance, the Demon King poofed into thin air: teleporting elsewhere.
Nightmare came back from his rest stop before noticing everyones (who was awake) expression.
"Well, that's enough of a break" Cross perked up. "We're almost at the throne room according to Ink, so let's get this show on the road!"
(My first animation/gif. In other words: sh#t.)
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zu-is-here · 4 years
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Memes are life.
Template by @unu-nunu-art
Blueberror & Error by @loverofpiggies
Ink by @myebi / @comyet
Astral by @somebodyalreadytookthis2
A.I. (Artistic Illusion) by @oooodlesofdoodles / @datashift-official
G!Swap by @kory-san
Ccino by @black-nyanko
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window-nv · 4 years
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Doodle of MB!Killer. He belongs to @somebodyalreadytookthis2
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shattereddreamsau · 4 years
Welcome to burger king-
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I blame you @somebodyalreadytookthis2
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boxofwaspss · 4 years
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I highkey enjoy this au, and its designs/characters, have some art 
[moonblossom au is by @somebodyalreadytookthis2 ]
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