#but the article it sources was written in april 2022
markstits · 9 months
was the second season of teos supposed to come out in 2023????
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
Spot the Difference : US University Edition
Note : Until the page break, NONE of these points are opinions - they are all facts, with citations. Opinions are after the page break. October 25, 2022 Penn State University : 1. Proud Boys founder invited to give a speech 2. Proud Boys are "labeled a terrorist organization by New Zealand and Canada" (but not in the US) 3. Turnout = 100s of students 4. Protests turned violent 5. Charges : 1 criminal, 0 suspensions/expulsions/other sanctions by Penn State April 4, 2024 Columbia University : 1. Khaled Barakat, alleged member of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, invited to "Resistance 101" event 2. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine "been designated by the United States as a terrorist organization" (but nowhere else in the world) 3. Turnout = none, event canceled 4. No violence 5. Charges : Initial 6 suspensions, final - 4 students with indefinite suspensions
April 18, 2024 University of Southern California (USC) : 1. Asna Tabassum noted as valedictorian for Class of 2024 (speech not yet written) 2. Known to be Muslim, wears a hijab, publicly pro-Palestinian (none of which classifies her as a terrorist) 3. Turnout = none in person, "complaints" online by pro-Israel groups 4. No violence 5. Charges : none but the valedictorian speech was canceled April 19, 2024 Columbia University : 1. Pro Palestine student demonstrator occupied Columbia University lawn for over 30 hours 2. No organization affiliated with the protest, including Columbia University Apartheid Divest, have been linked to terrorism 3. Turnout = 100s of students 4. No violence 5. Charges : suspensions (unclear whether separate from April 4 suspensions), 100+ students arrested End facts. ----------------------- So. Let's compare. Yes, the three universities are different in location however... both Columbia University and Penn State used to boast a liberal arts education. "Such colleges aim to impart a broad general knowledge and develop general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional or vocational curriculum" per Wikipedia. Hmm.... you'd think freedom of speech is included in this, no? Which Penn State demonstrated by issuing a statement, paraphrasing, they do not agree with the Proud Boys but for the sake of freedom of speech, they approved the event. Only after students protested (with violence), it was canceled. I'm not gonna analyze more because if the above facts aren't CRYSTAL CLEAR to you... I don't know what else to say. Again - the top part had none of my actual opinion, simply facts I took from various news articles (including the direct source at the university, when possible).
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backup-baby-backup · 1 year
Very preliminary and speculatory writing of Midnights timeline
Disclaimer: All the exact dates are based on tracking Taylor's private jets, which is a controversial activity (to say the least). Those are sourced from @youareinlovees' detailed masterposts.
Aaron Dessner confirmed that High Infidelity and Would've, Could've, Should've were written and recorded during Grammys week in March 2021. Since Taylor was in LA between March 7th and March 15th only, we can safely assume that those songs were written within that period.
The Great War and Hits Different were probably written before Jack Antonoff became the main co-writer of Midnights, because (according to Dessner in the podcast above) that signified a change in concept, but they probably also weren't written in March 2021 since Dessner mentioned them separately.
According to Taylor, most Taylor/Antonoff co-writes were written in New York, when JA and Jack's fiance were filming in Panama. This means they were written between November 22nd, when Taylor flew back from Panama to New York, and December 16th, when Taylor flew to Panama.
According to Rolling Stone, Lavender Haze and Glitch came out of a session where Jack Antonoff, Sounwave, Sam Dew and Zoe Kravitz worked on Zoe's debut album. This was before Jack started working on Midnights (so before November 2021), but also Jack only sent those tracks (demos?) a few months later, which might put the date around late 2021/early 2022.
Also in the same article, Karma was a "last-minute Hail Mary"-- wouldn't be surprised if it was the last song to be written on the album.
Sweet Nothing mentions a trip to Ireland "last July", i.e. July 2021, which probably implies the song was written in 2022. Additionally, on 19 April 2022, JA did an interview where he mentioned he didn't intend to write any more songs under a pseudonym, which either means 1. he signed an NDA or 2. he had already written Sweet Nothing at this point. For wishful thinking purposes I will assume the latter.
Snow On The Beach, which was co-written with Lana Del Rey, was finished by 4 April 2022, as on that day Lana posted this photo on her Instagram, a colourized version of which was later included in this Instagram post.
Now on to the solo writes: Vigilante Shit is a mystery. It mentions Scooter Braun's ex-wife so that puts it after July 2021, but that's it. Maybe she saw the news of Scooter getting a divorce and cackled manically? (also I don't think the FBI line points to anything concrete-- more of a revenge fantasy than anything IMO)
Bigger Than The Whole Sky is also a mystery, but if you believe that it's about Claire Winter then that would place it after March 2022.
You're Losing Me... um... I really don't know? I think there is a possibility it was written along with most of Midnights in that Nov-Dec 2021 session, especially since JA was in a different country then, but it also could have literally been written last month and we would be none the wiser. Here I'm going to give Taylor the benefit of the doubt. Also Hits Different is a breakup anthem but we don't talk about that...
Midnights was most likely finished by May at the latest, when she quoted a lyric from Labyrinth in her NYU speech and may or may not have teased the name of the album in this Instagram post.
To conclude:
7-15 March 2021: High Infidelity, Would've, Could've, Should've
March-November 2021: The Great War, Hits Different, Vigilante Shit
22 Nov-16 Dec 2021: Maroon, Anti-Hero, You're On Your Own, Kid, Midnight Rain, Question...?, Bejeweled, Labyrinth, Mastermind, Paris, Dear Reader, You're Losing Me
Late 2021-Early 2022: Lavender Haze, Glitch
2022 (before May): Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Snow On The Beach, Sweet Nothing, Karma
Feel free to comment if you think I've missed something important or got something wrong, though I might not respond immediately (busy week coming up).
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namorthesubmariner · 2 years
“Namor was never white to begin with”: A look into Sub-Mariner comics, the Biracial Coding of Namor, the origins of the Atlanteans, Mutants, and the upcoming Live Action Namor
Many people who have followed me here, on twitter or my personal blog know that I have been very vocal about Namor being played by an Actor of Color for many years. I have written two major posts about this subject but also mention it in countless posts, meta, and discussions. Many of what you read here will be a repeat of that but I thought that I would gather everything into one post as well as talk about the casting of Tenoch Huerta as Namor in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
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(Jan 9th, 2019 Meta Post / June 7th, 2021 twitter thread)
“guys Namor was never white to begin with”- Saladin Ahmed, Comic Writer (source)
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continued below the cut~
Namor the Sub-Mariner was created in April 1939 by Bill Everett, and for everyone who looks at the surface aka Namor's pale skin, and declares him to be a white character please look closer. Namor has always been coded as a Biracial character of color. I know many people like to apply Modern concepts to older comics but we really need to understand comics within the context and time frame when they were written to fully understand the concept behind them.
Character Design
It’s 1939, there are many characters of color used in racist or stereotypical ways within comics, many older comics have racism and racist depictions. I am not excusing this but also the main focus of this meta is to explain why Namor isn’t white. I will be posting panels that showcase Namor and Atlanteans as being coded as "other" aka non white people or simply as a non white character. I personally believe they are coded as an indigenous/native people. This was written into the character since his first comic. If you want to point out how the colors shift and change, I would like to point out to you that back in the early days of comics, the colors were unreliable, reading this article will help you to better understand how they changed, Atlantis Blues.
The very first time we see Namor, his original character design by Bill Everett depicts Namor with an angular face, arched eyebrows, pointed ears, red hair, and blue toned skin. Nothing about this screams “all american blond haired, square jawed comic book hero” because Namor wasn’t that. From his very first depiction Namor was “Othered” by his red hair and feyish ears, not to mention his character was quickly established as morally grey, making him the oldest and first comic anti-hero, as well as the oldest coded bi-racial character due to his parents being of two different races. To be Othered is defined as: one considered by members of a dominant group as alien, exotic, threatening, or inferior (as because of different racial, sexual, or cultural characteristics). People of Color are often Othered by White people in real life and in fiction.
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Why do I mention the red hair? Unlike today’s perception of red hair, history usually paints characters with red hair in a negative light, such things like the “Red Headed Step Child” trope existed within Namor who was treated as an outcast both among humans and ostracized within his own people. The Red Headed Step Child trope is defined as: A child whose coloring is different from the rest of the family, often calling the Mother and Child morals into question, in addition to mistreatment happening towards the child due to the belief it was born a Bastard. Namor’s hair would later be changed to a black color.
For a further look into Namor’s character design by Everett then read: “The Brillance of Bill Everett’s Sub-Mariner, Marvel’s Superman”.
So within the first page that Namor appears it’s clear that Everett has purposefully “Othered” Namor, a character who is born of a royal mother, Princess Fen, (a Submariner later Atlantean) and sea captain Leonard McKenzie (a human). A child born of the union of sea and earth. Duality is an important aspect for Namor’s character and essential to understanding his character. Namor is never one thing, he is always more.
From Submariners to Atlanteans
What is this? Fen is a Submariner? Why yes, all the characters and backstory that you know now and has been canon since the Silver Age were never Atlantean to begin with! Everett’s race for his original characters were all called “Submariners”, no hyphen, and they lived in the ocean near Antarctica. The very first mention of Atlantis and Namor’s claim to an Atlantean heritage comes from Sub-Mariner Comics (1941) #31 claims that Namor's people are descendants of Atlantis so that was in the Golden Age and far before Namor's reentery to comics in the Silver Age. Here is a timeline of events showing how Namor came to be Atlantean and a Mutant. I’m also including Aquaman’s origins since there is often misinformation among fans as to when exactly everything was revealed.
Golden Age
April 1939 - Namor is created by Bill Everett. (It is important to note that while Namor made his first public appearance in Marvel Comics #1, he was actually created in April 1939 for Motion Pictures Funnies Weekly, a comic that was never distributed.)
November 1939 - Namor is published in Marvel Comics (1939) #1, he is shown as the first superhero to fly under his own power due to the wings on his ankles, (source) and is the first aquatic superhero. Namor is the first anti-hero in Marvel Comics. It is established that Namor is the Half Human/Atlantean (Submariner) son of Princess Fen and Sea Captain Leonard McKenzie. Grandson to Emperor Tha-Korr. Namor is born a royal prince with duel heritage of the land and sea.
November 1941 - More Fun Comics #73 - Aquaman is published, and established to be the fully human son of a human scientist who found Atlantis and used it’s secret science to give his son the ability to breath underwater. Aquaman was never created as a half human/half atlantean character like Namor.
January 1949 - Sub-Mariner Comics (1941) #31 - The first time Namor mentions that he and his people are descendants of Atlantis.
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May 1954 - Human Torch (1940) #38 - Marvel (Timely/Atlas) makes a sly reference that Namor is the “Original Aquaman”
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February 1955 - Sub-Mariner Comics (1941) #38 - The Origin of Namor’s Ankle Wings is revealed, which makes me believe the inspiration for the X-Men’s mutantism comes from Namor. As the prototype mutant Namor’s story is very similar to how the X-Men mutants would later come into their powers. As a teen, Namor’s ankle wings manifested during a traumatic event where his life and his mother’s life was at stake, and using his wings he was able to fly them both to freedom.
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Silver Age
May 1959 - Adventure Comics #260 - Retcons Aquaman into being the Half Human/Half Atlantean son of Lighthouse Keeper Tom Curry and Atlanna of Atlantis.
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Fantastic Four (1961) #4 - Namor enters the Silver Age.
Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 1 published July 1963 -  Namor is the Human/Atlantean Prince of Atlantis, and also Marvel’s First Mutant. The X-Men are first published September 1963.
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“The First Known Mutant”
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And that is why Marvel calls Namor their “First Mutant” because he was in real world time the First Published Mutant. Later stories of characters like Apocalypse doesn’t change the fact that Namor is the First Mutant, and Marvel would often use it in their promotion and editorial, “Marvel’s First and Mightiest Mutant” & Namor: The First Mutant, arts by Jae Lee
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And there you have it, the origin of Namor, his mutantism, and how Aquaman was created after Namor and later changed to be more like Namor, even casting an Actor of Color to portray the Aquaman who has always been white in the comics. I was never against the casting of Momoa, in fact I liked the Aquaman movie and am looking forward to the next one, but I did want to point out that Aquaman had been taking/borrowing elements of Namor’s character since the beginning.
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The reason I bring this up is that many articles going around now are saying that Marvel changing Atlantis to Talocan to avoid it being too similar to Aquaman, but as you have seen it was always the opposite, Aquaman and Atlantis copied Namor. However I think it’s more that Coogler and the cast/crew of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever are bringing Namor back to his original roots, and are creating a world that makes sense for them for the movie so this choice has nothing to do with Aquaman.
Coding in Comics
Taken straight from the comics themselves, here are several examples as to why Namor is coded as a Biracial PoC character:
(As stated above; the color printing in comics in that era was not the best hence why Namor and Fen are blond, this is a remastered comic page keeping to the original colors)
Marvel Comics (1939) #1 / Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary(reprint/recolor)
Princess Fen explains why Atlanteans (then called Submariners) hate the white surface humans who hurt their home and people. Emperor Tha-Korr calls upon her to spy on the "White Monsters" thus establishing that Atlanteans do not see themselves the same as white humans. Fen is described as most closely resembling the female of the White Race, this has more to do with the fact that she looked more human than the males of her people, who looked more amphibious. (A fantasy/Scifi trope often used: Sexy Dimorphism )
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"Go now to the land of the white people!" Fen says to her son, and so Namor goes, to wage war and Avenge his people.
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This panel is not always shown in context, but it is also from the first issue. Namor & Dorma make trouble on the surface then Namor tells Dorma to return home as he continues his way to the city and continue his mission.
“And so Namor dives into the ocean again - on his way to further adventures in his crusade against white men!”
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Marvel Mystery Comics #2 opens with Everett directly saying that Namor is in a war against the white man. Not every subtle way to once again point out that Namor doesn't consider himself a white man, his father may have been white and passed on his skin color to his son, but Namor was raised among his mother's people and his mother's side isn't white. Yes, they are a fantasy race but they are certainly coded as a non-white people.
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Marvel Mystery Comics #3 - Namor rages about the harm Betty Dean's people, "white devils", have done to his people.
“Hate you? Yes. I hate you - and with good reason! You White Devils have persecuted and tormented my people for years - just as you are killing each other off now, in this war!”
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Namor speaks of his Tribe - Marvel Mystery Comics #4. By the way at this point in the comics, Namor and his people live in the south pole/waters. Namor also had an ice palace, or ice house. I won't say Namor is Inuit but I do believe inspiration was used for the submariners.
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In golden age war era comics, which I know has lots of slurs and caricatures, but in this issue Namor is not a caricature but instead is mistaken for a Japanese soldier Sub-Mariner Comics #5
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Namor being called ‘squinty’ by Hank Pym in reference to his eyes in Avengers (1963) #71. This term is derogatory towards Asian people who have monolids and is a known insult.
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Namor is also described with "slanted eyes" - The Defenders (1972) #1
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Nita (Namor's cousin) speaks about how similar Atlantean culture is to Asian culture. New Warriors (1990) #2 
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Also, not all Atlanteans are white, they are shown in a range of different surface human looks when they come on land/take serum or potions to breath on land. So there is no excuse for this whole "Atlanteans are white" nonsense. Wolverine (2003) #44 
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Namor is said to look Japanese in The Marvels Project (2009) #3
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A twitter thread I found interesting and wanted to share talks of the the subject of Namor's backstory/being biracial/othering in fantasy media as discussed by Naomi Clark (source)
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We have now established without a doubt that Namor’s original origins and moments over the comics through the years showcase that Namor is Not White, he was always written as as an ambiguously biracial native character. The Atlanteans are a fantasy race. Atlanteans are not a real, they cannot be White because they are not real, and as I’ve shown you they were never even White to begin with. The outcry by a number of “fans” that occurred when the casting for Namor was announced was made by people who do not understand the source material, their whining of “black or brown washing” is a tactic that often happens and all they want is to silence fans and fans of color, relying only on the surface looks of Namor’s white passing skin to hate on the new direction of the Atlanteans in the upcoming Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, so I implore fans to simply ignore those “fans” and remember that representation is important in comics and movies.
Live Action Namor as played by Tenoch Huerta
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Was the coding in the comics something that we could call good representation of a Biracial Character by today’s standards? No, not really, but the fact that it IS THERE, and it’s been there since the beginning is worth attention.
What’s more there have been people who have seen Namor in various incarnations, in comics, in cartoons and were immediately drawn to his “Otherness” which is why it being represented in the upcoming Black Panther: Wakanda Forever makes it more important than ever before. Simply put, a white actor would have never been able to grasp the essence of Namor.
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Kurly Tlapoyawa:
“It was on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends,” Tlapoyawa tells Inverse, recalling the 1981 animated series. I was like, ‘That guy looks different,’” Tlapoyawa remembers. “He didn’t look like a white guy.” Namor’s otherness resonated through the screen to Tlapoyawa, who describes himself back then as “a young, angry Chicano” trying to figure out his place in the world. “If you look at the older comic books, it always talked about Namor and his war against the white man. That appealed to me as a Chicano kid — a non-white hero as one of the original Marvel heroes.”  (source)
Benedict Wong:
When I was watching all these Marvel films, I was always looking and feeling crestfallen. Where were all the Asian superheroes? I was pretending in my mind that the Sub-Mariner was actually East Asian, because he looked East Asian. Somehow I was trying to look for a hero.  (source)
Namor being played by a Native Mexican actor is more comic accurate than casting any white actor. Before the trailer for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was released, back when the RUMOR of the Tenoch casting there was a rush of people trying to “cancel” Tenoch on Twitter and other sites, many insults, and bad faith arguments, even taking his words written in Spanish out of context to translate and try to paint him as a bad person. Once again racism in Fandom was trying to wage a war on Representation but luckily the majority of people have embraced Tenoch as Namor.
Namor will be played here by Mexican actor Tenoch Huerta, previously seen in The Forever Purge and Tigers Are Not Afraid – with this incarnation of the character inspired by the culture and history of Mesoamerica. “You can take Atlantis from Greek myth, or you can adapt from a real culture,” argues Huerta. Rather than the ruler of Atlantis, on the screen he’s the ruler of Talocan (source)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will be the first Live Action debut of Namor the Sub-Mariner but unlike his comic counterpart, MCU Namor will not be from the Fictional Atlantis, but rather from a newly created mix of Mesoamerican Cultures/Countries, like how Black Panther’s Wakanda was the Afro-Futurism representation of several different African Nations/People so will the new Talocan represent a different take, one that will have a wide reach across the world. While I am not a Mesoamerican Historian, I do encourage people to learn/read more about the history and to understand that this is a fantasy take rooted in real history. This article talks a bit about that subject and how racism is often rooted in the Eurocentric take on Atlantis.
I could not believe it when I first learned that Tenoch Huerta was to play Namor, because it felt like I was talking to the wind for years trying to get fans and people to understand that we shouldn’t have a white actor for Namor, and there have been many fans who argued with me even after I would show them the proof within the comics. So to find out that not only was I getting a Native Non-White actor but one who is outspoken about the racism and stereotyping he faces for having dark skin it felt like Coogler had picked the perfect person to bring to life my favorite character because Tenoch would be able to understand Namor’s character. Namor’s struggle against American/White Imperialism, his Anti-Capitalist stance, his Eco-Warrior efforts to save his people and oceans from the pollution and corruption of the surface world and his struggles as a character whose home is constantly being destroyed. Namor is a proud flawed character, a prince, a king, but most importantly he cares for his people. So Tenoch reaffirming that we would not be getting a villain in the movie but a more complex take on this anti-hero is wonderful. Tenoch’s many interviews talk about how inclusion and representation is important and he felt the movie brought that with Wakanda, Namor and Talocan in the movie.
I am greatly looking forward to this new era of Namor and what it brings.
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Some news sources about Tickle Versus giggle.
ABC news article
Ms Tickle had also sought orders for a written apology, but Justice Bromwich declined to make those orders.
"It is plain that any apology given by Ms Grover, and any apology given by her on behalf of Giggle, would be through clenched teeth and utterly devoid of sincerity," he said.
"She would be doing no more than saying she was sorry, but she would not in fact be sorry at all. She adheres to her sincerely held beliefs."
SBS News article
Guardian article
In his written decision, Bromwich drew attention to the behaviour of Grover, including laughing at a caricature of Tickle during the trial.
Video interview with Sal Grover on A Current Affair
Video interview with Sal Grover on Sky News (from 08 April 2024)
Text interview with 4w (from 19 Feb 2020)
Grover reports that out of the 10,000 app downloads, about half of them have consistently been men trying to break into a space that is clearly not for them. One man even “tried 48 times to get past the verification system,” according to Grover.
And according to this article, Giggle was originally trans inclusive.
Audio interview with Sal Grover on Feminist Current podcast (from 7 November 2022)
Please let me know if the videos are geo-blocked
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thoughtportal · 1 year
I should not know who David Zaslav is. I didn’t know who any of the big media CEOs were back when I was a happy little child, and I shouldn’t have to know who any of them are now. I should be able to fire up HBO Max, see that it’s still called HBO Max, treat myself to two horrible, horrible hours of a “Batgirl” movie, and then read a satisfyingly catty review of it in GQ.
Alas, I’m not that lucky. Because Zaslav is the man in charge of frankencorp Warner Bros. Discovery and, in an impressively short period of time, has managed to f—k up nearly everything within its considerable portfolio. Freelance writer Jason Bailey attempted to note all of those f—k-ups for posterity just this week, when he wrote an article for GQ excoriating Zaslav for his pathetic stewardship of WBD. It noted all of Zaslav’s lowlights, which I will repeat here for reasons that will soon become evident. 
Zaslav wrote off that “Batgirl” movie rather than formally release it. He did NOT write off and bury “The Flash,” even though its titular star was an allegedly choke-happy asshole and the movie itself was something that even McG wouldn’t have put his name on (it tanked). He hired a clearly in-over-his-head Chris Licht to oversee CNN, only for Licht to destroy morale within that company even faster than Zaslav could have on his own (Licht has since been fired). And it’s not like CNN was my favorite news source in the universe prior to this. You have to really try to make CNN more inane than it already was. Zaslav did.
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FILE: Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav visits “Mornings With Maria” at Fox Business Network studios on April 10, 2019, in New York City. Roy Rochlin/Getty Images
All of these changes were not only unwelcome but also NOTICEABLE. Same as if Dan Snyder owned your favorite NFL team. That’s why Zaslav got booed by students at Boston University while trying to give a commencement speech. It’s why striking Writers Guild of America writers, myself included, have made him the face of studio bosses who want to reduce TV and film writing jobs to gig work. It’s why Zaslav’s crimes against both art and basic consumer preferences need to be put on the record. It’s why Bailey wrote what he wrote, and why he was right to do so: posterity, so that we all know who’s to blame for this f—kery and why they deserve to be remanded to a space prison.
This was a damning blog post but also still just a blog post. All damning stuff but all easily ignored if you’re a captain of industry. Lord knows such men have capably ignored similar attempts to own them online.
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FILE: David Zaslav attends the 2022 Time 100 Gala on June 8, 2022, in New York City.Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for TIME
Knowing this, GQ could have, should have, stood by its reporter, especially given that he was a freelancer just trying to earn a living. Maybe if former Editor-in-Chief Jim Nelson was still in charge of the place, it would have. That GQ was both thorough and undaunted. But Variety just reported that current Editor-in-Chief Will Welch is attached as a producer on an upcoming Warner Brothers film that’s based on a GQ story and that he was one of the editors Zaslav’s stooges complained to. So it’s not hard to connect the dots as to why his GQ would abandon its journalistic principles just to please Zaslav. (Multiple sources within GQ told SFGATE they weren't even aware of the controversy until it became public; Bailey politely declined to talk to me for this piece.)
As someone who adored working at GQ, I cannot begin to tell you how much all of this disappoints me. I worked for Nelson. I also worked for the people who annihilated Deadspin and just published their first post written by a bot instead of an actual person. I know the difference between these two leadership styles, and it is stark. You can see it right in the product, and you can see it everywhere in Zaslav’s leadership. Not only is this man a terrible CEO, but he’s also an imperious coward who’s more than willing to swat down anyone who dares question his authority. Our worst kind of rich person.
Maybe Zaslav was able to get Welch to back down from public criticism, but my bosses here at SFGATE won’t be similarly cowed. So, for the permanent record, let me state all of this again flatly: David Zaslav is an eel who sucks at his job. He’s destroying HBO. He’s destroyed what bare credibility the DC Universe had left with moviegoers. He’s forced GQ to willingly debase itself. He’s destroyed TCM. And while he couldn’t get Licht to destroy CNN, he’ll find some other pair of docksiders to finish the job. 
It’s a fact that, in an age of mass consolidation, no one person could possibly run all of a billion-dollar entertainment conglomerate effectively. But David Zaslav has distinguished himself not only by being unable to run ANY part of one but also by being such a brazen coward about that fact. I shouldn’t know who this man is. But here he is, and now he should deal, in full, with what he’s wrought. He’s a parasite: a terrible CEO, an enemy to artists, and a lousy, horrible graduation speaker to boot. I hope he’s strapped to a chair and forced to watch “The Flash” on repeat for the rest of his pathetic little existence. And no, I’m not deleting this.
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paolawdiary · 3 months
Article 1257. In order that the consignation of the thing due may release the obligor, it must first be announced to the persons interested in the fulfillment of the obligation.
The consignation shall be ineffectual if it is not made strictly in consonance with the provisions which regulate payment. (1177)
CASE DIGEST: Cacayorin v. AFPMBAI I G.R. No. 171298 | April 15, 2013 | DEL CASTILLO, J.
Oscar Cacayorin filed an application with AFPMBAI to purchase a property which the latter owned through a loan facility. Oscar and his wife, Thelma, and the Rural Bank of San Teodoro executed a Loan and Mortgage Agreement with the former as borrowers and the Rural Bank as lender, under the auspices of PAG-IBIG. On the basis of the Rural Bank's letter of guaranty, AFPMBAI executed in petitioners' favor a Deed of Absolute Sale, and a new title was issued in their name. Then, the PAG-IBIG loan facility did not push through and the Rural Bank closed. Meanwhile, AFPMBAI somehow was able to take possession of petitioners' loan documents and the TCT, while petitioners were unable to pay the loan for the property. AFPMBAI made written demands for petitioners to pay the loan for the property. Then, petitioners filed with the RTC a complaint for consignation of loan payment, recovery of title and cancellation of mortgage annotation against AFPMBAI, PDIC and the Register of Deeds of Puerto Princesa City. AFPMBAI filed a motion to dismiss claiming that petitioners' Complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), as it was filed by petitioners in their capacity as buyers of a subdivision lot and it prays for specific performance of contractual and legal obligations decreed under Presidential Decree No. 957(PD 957). It added that since no prior valid tender of payment was made by petitioners, the consignation case was fatally defective and susceptible to dismissal.
Whether or not the case is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the HLURB.
NO. Consignation is inherently judicial, as opposed to tender of payment, which is extrajudicial; as such, the RTC, not the HLURB, has jurisdiction. Article 1256 of the Civil Code states that in the following situations: when the creditor is unidentified or absent; when he is unable to receive the payment on time; when multiple parties assert a right to collect; or when the obligation's title has been lost, the debtor shall be released from liability by consigning the thing or sum due, without the need for prior payment tendering. The aforementioned clause expressly forbids consignment outside of courtrooms.
Obligations and Contracts  (2022); Atty. Ronaldo F. Flores | Central Book
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collymore · 5 months
Why are so many British people, and mainly whites, in such a pathetic state of denial?
By Stanley Collymore     If you're going to bullshit people   William at least be original in   your actions. This photo of   Louis, allegedly currently taken on his   6th birthday, was distinctly shown on   Good Morning America: distinctively   on the 24 April 2022 - obviously two   years ago - so, it's rather discernibly   literally not a current, or even a very   recent birthday photo really, simply.   But what the heck, you know those   sycophantically kissing, your really   over privileged ass based stupidly   on achievements you quite simply   didn't earn and really are basically   too thick to discernibly personally   acquire yourself are quite like you   obviously unquestionably literally   therefore, simply rather evidently,   not even quite distinctly remotely   among the sharpest implements   literally there, in the cutlery box!     And as for the Daily Mail, you   purport to be a newspaper,   so why don't you publish   what sensible people logically regard   as news; or at least, try to effectively   acquire the habit of simply doing so   rather than quite consistently being   the populist shit stirrer and actually   unquestionably mercenary maniac   I clearly half-expected that William   had seen sense, literally bearing in   mind the Windsors’ clear personal   connections with discernibly quite   wholesome moral figures actually   like clear favourites Jimmy Savile,   Bishop Peter Ball, Jeffrey Epstein,   and Rolf Harris, very undoubtedly   amongst several others and thus   had morally, sensibly chosen not   to simply use his son Louis, as a   PR prop; and, thus, consequently   refrain, from using Louis' picture   as evidently queer bait for those   with a strange fascination really   with other people's kids. Clearly   I was wrong! For either William,   you actually bowed to pressure   or just obviously couldn't resist   the opportunity - being the lazy   work shy bastard you evidently   undeniably are for more media   coverage, which you obviously   see as your indisputable right!     (C) Stanley V. Collymore   24 April 2024.       Author's Remarks:   My readers will notice I've clearly made no reference to Kate Middleton which is rather deliberate; as Kate is distinctively and most unquestionably, very crucially and significantly quite essentially out of the equation! Obviously you’re rather at liberty to make of that what you will!     There's a specifically, and very evidently also a logical and distinctively poignant Barbadian saying that significantly says those whom the Devil literally envisions himself destroying, or has already quite surreptitiously done so he deceitfully as well as deceptively publicly and actually ostentatiously heaps great praise on!     I've already written my promised article on this Windsor saga but have decided not to publish it yet. Clearly, not for any legal reasons - in this scenario I simply don't give a fuck about those a clearly my research and sources are evidently impeccable.     Three copies: legally witnessed and, as well, countersigned are discernibly now in the "custody" of trusted associates in 3 distinct countries, while we obviously, very patiently wait for the Palace's most interesting explanation, of quite current events. No hurry on our part! As clearly, we'll be proven right. And besides, with my Bajan sense of humour, why spoil it for the self, and brainwashed plebeian, monarchical sycophants? Lol!
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wynetteblogtime · 8 months
Journal Entry No. 1 (BLOG): My Own Idea and Perceptions on Globalization
During my CONWORL class, Sir Geoffrey said, "You don’t have to look anywhere else, you are a by-product of globalization. The way we live, behave, and communicate is an effect of globalization." What he said truly made me think because what he said is very much true but to think about the full extent of globalization would mean I have to think about every aspect of my life and the life of others.
It is actually quite amazing how far globalization has come. It has come so far that not even the pandemic could stop it. According to an article written by Steven Altman and Caroline R. Bastian from the Harvard Business Review, world trade in goods soared to new heights by the end of 2020 because of the increased demand for traded goods.
In the same article, it discusses how because of the unique circumstances of the pandemic, it basically had to lessen supply constraints and it allowed global trade to flourish from this change.
Watching cartoons as a child is technically a part of globalization because I watched cartoons directed, animated, and then broadcast from another country to mine. Back in the pandemic, I was lonely so I ended up connecting with my friends online, while also making friends from around the world through the use of Discord.
I think that globalization is such a wonderful thing because it helps us reach around the world to connect with our loved ones, as well as being able to connect with people from other countries who we never would have met if it were not for the internet. Since I'm in college now I'm not able to see my friends from my old high school as often anymore and it makes me a little sad that I cannot hang out with them as often as we used to. But it makes me so glad to be able to still communicate with them and make plans with them via social media platforms and it makes me feel less alone. If globalization can help connect me with the people I care about in my life then I don't think it's so bad. Sources:
Altman, S. A. (2022, April 12). The state of globalization in 2022. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2022/04/the-state-of-globalization-in-2022
Effects of economic globalization. (n.d.). https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/effects-economic-globalization/
Takefman, B. (2023, May 9). The effects of globalization on economic development. ResearchFDI. https://researchfdi.com/resources/articles/the-effects-of-globalization-on-economic-development/
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allaboutmarketing4you · 10 months
Why America’s Retailers Like Target Fail Abroad
"  Retail Reinvention: Marketing Strategies of Target Corporation Target’s first and only foray into international markets happened in 2013 in Canada. The retailer opened a total of 133 stores in just over a year. But the expansion didn’t go as planned. By April 2015, Target withdrew from the North American neighbor and closed all locations. Poor real estate decisions, weak leadership, and major SAP systems errors contributed to the company failing in Canada. Target lost $4.1 billion in after-tax losses in just one year as a result of the fallout. The company has no plans to expand internationally anytime soon. McDonald’s is synonymous with fast-food in many parts of the world, but there is one country where it’s failed to capture national attention. Iceland celebrated the fast-food chain when it entered in 1993, but a global economic collapse during the next 15 years forced McDonald’s to exit the Nordic region. And Harley-Davidson may be the biggest name in American motorcycles, but the U.S. market is aging and shrinking. India and southeast Asia, with massive and growing markets, offered Harley-Davidson hope. But the legendary maker of big iron ‘hogs’ faces fierce competition in India. In order to succeed, Harley will need to make smaller and cheaper bikes that its most loyal fans might not recognize. Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 00:33 — Why Target Failed In Canada (Published September 2022) 12:47 — Why McDonald’s Failed in Iceland (Published February 2019) 20:24 — Why Harley Davidson is struggling in India (Published May 2019) " Video Source: CNBC - - Well, complement the information and case study presented in the video with Two articles, written by The Brand Hopper: 1º Article: " Target is an American retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and hypermarkets, headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is the sixth-largest retailer in the world in 2022 in terms of worldwide retail sales, and a component of the S&P 500 Index. The company is one of the largest American-owned private employers in the United States. Target was founded in Minneapolis by businessman George Dayton in 1902, as a department store called Goodfellow Dry Goods. The name was changed to Dayton Dry Goods Company in 1903, and to Dayton Company in 1911. In 1962, the company opened its first Target store, designed as a discount version of Dayton’s department stores. George Dayton founded Dayton's George Dayton founded Dayton’s Target quickly became a success, and the company began expanding its store count in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1969, Dayton Company merged with the J.L. Hudson Company to become the Dayton-Hudson Corporation. The company continued to expand its retail operations under the Target brand, and also acquired several other department store chains, including Marshall Field’s, Mervyn’s, and Dayton’s. In 2000, the Dayton-Hudson Corporation changed its name to Target Corporation. The company continued to grow in the 2000s, and opened its first stores outside of the United States in Canada in 2004. Target also expanded its online presence in the 2000s, and launched its own e-commerce website in 2004. Target is renowned for its unique approach to retail, focusing on the idea of providing affordable yet stylish products to a broad range of customers. The company’s philosophy revolves around the concept of “Expect More. Pay Less.” This philosophy underscores their commitment to offering quality merchandise at competitive prices, thereby making fashionable and functional items accessible to a wider audience. Today, Target operates over 1,900 stores in the United States and Canada. The company also owns and operates several other businesses, including the Shipt grocery delivery service and the Roundel online marketplace. Target is a major player in the retail industry, and is known for its wide selection of products, its competitive prices, and its convenient shopping experience. One of Target’s key differentiators is its store experience. The company strives to create a shopping environment that’s both enjoyable and convenient for its customers. Each store is designed with a clean and organized layout, often featuring well-lit aisles, a wide variety of products, and dedicated sections for different categories. This layout is intended to enhance the overall shopping experience and encourage customers to explore the store. Marketing Strategies of Target In today’s competitive business landscape, successful companies employ a wide range of marketing strategies to attract and retain customers. Target Corporation, one of the largest retail chains in the United States, has distinguished itself through a combination of innovative marketing approaches that have contributed to its sustained growth and brand recognition. Let’s delves into the various marketing strategies that have propelled Target’s success: Table of Contents Brand Positioning and Identity: Product Assortment and Merchandising: Omnichannel Experience: Emotional Advertising Campaigns: Influencer and Celebrity Partnerships: Seasonal and Event-Based Marketing: Brand Positioning and Identity: Brand positioning and identity play an essential role in determining how Target Corporation presents itself to its audience and sets itself apart from competitors. These elements help define what makes the brand unique and memorable, ultimately influencing consumer perceptions and purchase intentions. Target Corporation positions itself as a one-stop shopping destination for everyday essentials and stylish finds at affordable prices. Its brand identity emphasizes convenience, style, and affordability, making it stand out in the retail industry. Through its well-designed stores, trendy fashion lines, and accessible price points, Target creates a welcoming environment where customers feel confident about finding everything they need under one roof. The brand’s strong visual identity includes a signature red bullseye logo and bold use of color throughout its stores and marketing materials. This consistent look and feel across channels helps establish recognition and recall among consumers. In addition, Target leverages partnerships with popular brands and celebrities to further strengthen its image and draw in new audiences. Target Logo Effective brand positioning and identity contribute significantly to Target Corporation’s success by fostering customer loyalty and driving sales growth. By consistently delivering on its promise of high-quality, affordable products and services, Target continues to solidify its place in the hearts of American households. Product Assortment and Merchandising: Product assortment and merchandising are crucial aspects of Target Corporation’s operations, playing a significant role in enhancing the company’s competitive edge and maximizing profitability. A diverse range of quality products offered at various price points ensures there is something for everyone, while visually appealing displays encourage impulse purchases and drive sales. Target Corporation offers a wide variety of products ranging from apparel and home decor to electronics and groceries. Their product mix caters to different lifestyles and budgets, allowing customers to find exactly what they need without having to shop elsewhere. The company continuously updates its inventory to keep up with changing consumer tastes and seasons, ensuring a fresh selection for repeat visitors. Merchandising plays a vital role in enticing customers to make purchases. Target Corporation designs eye-catching displays that highlight key products and create a sense of urgency through limited-time offers and clearance sections. Seasonal and holiday-themed displays also capture shoppers’ attention and stimulate sales. Overall, Target Corporation’s product assortment and merchandising strategies work together to provide an enjoyable shopping experience that keeps customers coming back. By offering a broad range of quality products at different price points and presenting them in visually appealing ways, the company encourages impulse purchases and drives sales growth. Omnichannel Experience: An omnichannel experience refers to a seamless shopping journey across multiple touchpoints, including physical stores, online platforms, mobile devices, and social media. Target Corporation has invested heavily in creating an integrated omnichannel experience for its customers, aimed at improving convenience, efficiency, and engagement. Here are some examples: Online Shopping: Customers can browse and purchase products directly from Target’s website or mobile application. The platform features user-friendly navigation, detailed product descriptions, and real-time availability information. Customers can also access personalized recommendations based on their past purchases and search history. Target Website Mobile Applications: Target offers dedicated apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to browse and purchase products, view weekly ads, and manage their Cartwheel savings. The app also provides store maps and directions, helping customers navigate physical locations more easily. Physical Stores: Target maintains an extensive network of brick-and-mortar locations across the United States, each designed to optimize the shopping experience. Store layouts feature clearly marked departments, easy-to-find products, and helpful signage. Employees are trained to assist customers with locating items, answering questions, and processing transactions. Target Store Order Pickup & Drive Up Services: Target offers order pickup services for customers who prefer to collect their orders in person rather than receive home delivery. The service allows customers to order online and schedule a time to pick up their packages curbside or at the front door of participating locations. Recently, Target introduced a Drive Up service that lets customers order online and have their items delivered right to their cars within minutes of placing their order. These services enhance convenience and flexibility for busy individuals or those who prefer not to carry heavy loads around the store during their visit. Target Corporation’s omnichannel approach focuses on providing a cohesive and convenient shopping experience across all touchpoints. From online shopping and mobile applications to physical stores and social media presence, customers can access Target products and services whenever and however they choose. With these initiatives, Target strives to meet evolving customer expectations and stay ahead of the competition in today’s fast-paced retail landscape. Emotional Advertising Campaigns: Target Corporation leverages emotional advertising campaigns as part of its overall marketing strategy to connect with consumers on a deeper level and build long-term relationships. This type of advertising creates strong feelings and associations between brands and people, often resulting in increased brand awareness, preference, and loyalty. Here are some notable examples of Target’s emotionally charged advertisements: “The Toycracker That Boy” Holiday Commercials (2018): In this heartwarming series of commercials, a young boy named Tyler discovers his love for music after receiving a toy keyboard as a gift from Santa. As he grows older, he becomes a successful artist, crediting the toy as the source of his creativity. The story culminates in a surprise reunion between Tyler and his childhood self, showcasing how memories made with loved ones can last a lifetime. “Toys For Tots” Charitable Program Promotion (2017): Target partnered with the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation to help bring joy to children in need during the holidays. The campaign featured heartfelt stories of families struggling financially yet still finding ways to give back to others. The emotional appeal motivated customers to support the cause by purchasing and donating toys to less fortunate kids. Toys for Tots Website These campaigns demonstrate how Target uses emotional advertising to evoke powerful responses from customers. By focusing on relatable experiences and shared values, such as family bonding, generosity, and nostalgia, Target creates memorable moments that resonate beyond just making a sale. Over time, these connections strengthen the relationship between Target and its audience, fostering brand loyalty and encouraging repeat business through meaningful interactions. Influencer and Celebrity Partnerships: Target Corporation leverages influencer and celebrity partnerships to enhance brand visibility, connect with consumers, and drive sales. These collaborations involve product endorsements, limited edition collections, exclusive content creation, event sponsorships, and experiential marketing activations. Notable examples include: Lilly Pulitzer x Target Collection: In 2015, Target teamed up with iconic resort wear designer Lilly Pulitzer to create an affordable, limited edition collection featuring her signature patterns and colors. The collaboration generated widespread media attention and drove massive sales, leading to multiple subsequent releases over the years. Lilly Pulitzer x Target TOMS x Target Collaboration: In 2017, Target joined forces with footwear and apparel brand TOMS to offer a range of shoes, accessories, and clothing items, including products designed to benefit global philanthropic initiatives. The partnership highlighted Target’s commitment to socially responsible fashion and consumer demand for ethical consumption options. TOMS x Target Collaboration Fashion Designer Collections: Target frequently collaborates with renowned designers like Peter Pilotto, Victoria Beckham, and Zac Posen to launch limited edition apparel lines inspired by their high-end runway designs. These capsule collections attract fashion enthusiasts seeking accessible luxury pieces without breaking the bank. Food Blogger and Chef Partnerships: Target has worked with popular food bloggers and chefs like Chrissy Teigen, Padma Lakshmi, and Molly Yeh to develop delicious recipes incorporating store-brand ingredients or kitchenware. Recipe booklets and cooking events further engage customers interested in home cooking and entertaining. Beauty Influencer Collaborations: Target has teamed up with beauty industry leaders like Huda Kattan and Patrick Starrr to introduce exclusive makeup and skincare lines tailored to diverse skin tones and preferences. These influencer collaborations capitalize on the growing interest in online beauty tutorials and social media makeup trends. Athletic Collaborations: The sneaker collabs are another way that Target leverages influencer and celebrity partnerships to boost brand appeal and sales. By partnering with athletes like Serena Williams, Misty Copeland, and Simone Biles, Target creates stylish yet functional activewear lines reflective of each athlete’s personal style and achievements. These collaborations not only resonate with fitness enthusiasts but also showcase Target’s dedication to empowering women and girls through sports participation. Target’s influencer and celebrity partnerships often extend beyond traditional retail categories into music, film, television, and literature. For instance, Target has supported projects like “The Handmaid’s Tale” series adaptation, partnered with musicians like Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift for album release promotions, and hosted special events with authors like Rainbow Rowell and Jenny Lawson. Such ventures help position Target as a cultural hub where customers can discover new interests and passions through shared experiences with their favorite artists and creators. Overall, Target’s influencer and celebrity partnerships demonstrate the company’s ability to adapt to evolving customer desires while maintaining its core values of quality, affordability, and community involvement. By aligning itself with inspiring individuals across industries, Target fosters a sense of connection between its brand and consumers, encouraging long-term loyalty and support. Seasonal and Event-Based Marketing: Target Corporation utilizes seasonal and event-based marketing strategies to maximize sales opportunities throughout the year. Here are some notable examples: Back-to-School Campaigns: Each summer, Target runs extensive back-to-school campaigns targeting parents looking for affordable essentials such as uniforms, stationery, and lunchboxes. Promotional offers, thematic displays, and digital content (e.g., checklist videos) encourage families to shop at Target for all their back-to-school needs. Target’s Poster for Back to School Sale Holiday Promotions: During major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s, Target rolls out festive decorations, gift ideas, and party supplies. Its holiday marketing efforts focus on creating memorable family moments and making it easy for customers to find everything they need under one roof. Limited Edition Product Launches: Target regularly introduces exclusive, limited edition merchandise tied to popular culture events like movie premieres, comic conventions, and video game releases. These unique items generate buzz among collectors and fans eager to own rare commemorative items related to their beloved franchises. Spring Home Refresh Campaigns: As winter ends, Target emphasizes spring cleaning and home refresh concepts, offering deals on storage solutions, bedding, and indoor/outdoor décor. This approach helps customers prepare for warmer weather and motivates them to update their living spaces before hosting gatherings or embarking on DIY projects. Summer Clearance Sales: To clear out inventory during transitional seasons like late spring and early fall, Target runs aggressive clearance events for swimwear, patio furniture, and other warm-weather items. These sales entice bargain hunters who want to stock up on discounted necessities ahead of future sunny days. Summer Clearance Sales at Target Valentine’s Day and Galentine’s Day Promotions: Target embraces romantic occasions like Valentine’s Day and Galentine’s Day (a fictional holiday popularized by Parks and Recreation TV show), offering heartwarming gifts, candy, and decorations for both couples and friends to express love and appreciation for loved ones. Target’s Valentine’s Day and Galentine’s Day promotions aim to create joyful shopping experiences around these sentimental occasions, helping customers connect with others and spread affection through thoughtful gifting. Target’s Valentine’s Day Display Target’s seasonal and event-based marketing strategies center on providing shoppers with relevant products and experiences aligned with their lives and annual milestones. By anticipating consumer needs and wants during key times of the year, Target remains an attractive destination for people seeking convenience, value, and fun when planning for holidays, school schedules, and other meaningful occasions. In conclusion, Target Corporation’s success is attributed to a combination of effective market segmentation, consistent branding, personalized experiences, emotional advertising, community engagement, and innovative approaches to stay ahead in the retail industry. By understanding its customers and adapting to changing market dynamics, Target continues to thrive as a beloved and influential retail brand. " 2º Article: "Hitting The Bullseye : Target Corp Trailblazing Journey In Retail Target Corporation is an American retail corporation headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is the seventh largest retailer in the United States, and a component of the S&P 500 Index. Target was established as the discount division of Dayton’s department store of Minneapolis in 1962. It began expanding the store nationwide in the 1980s (as part of the Dayton-Hudson Corporation), and introduced new store formats under the Target brand in the 1990s. As of 2023, Target operates 1,948 stores throughout the United States, and is ranked No. 1 in the discount store category by Forbes. The company’s mission is to “inspire and empower guests to choose the right products and services to meet their needs every day.” Target’s target market is middle-class families. The company offers a wide variety of merchandise, including apparel, home goods, electronics, and groceries. Target also offers a number of services, such as a pharmacy, a credit card, and a home delivery program. Target is known for its innovative marketing campaigns and its focus on customer service. The company has been praised for its efforts to make shopping more convenient and enjoyable for its customers. In recent years, Target has faced some challenges, including competition from online retailers and a data breach that affected millions of customers. However, the company has responded to these challenges by investing in its stores and its online presence. Target is a major player in the retail industry and it is expected to continue to grow in the years to come. The company is well-positioned to succeed in the competitive retail landscape due to its strong brand, its focus on customer service, and its commitment to innovation. Table of Contents Founding History of Target Business Segments of Target Corporation Target’s Approach to Retail, target market, and Unique Selling Proposition Target Corporation financial performance Target Corporation Marketing Approach and Strategies Growth Strategy of Target Founding History of Target Target Corporation, one of the largest retail chains in the United States, has a rich founding history that dates back to the early 20th century. The company’s roots can be traced back to 1902 when it was established as Dayton Dry Goods Company by George Draper Dayton in Minneapolis, Minnesota. George D. Dayton initially acquired the struggling Goodfellow’s Dry Goods store and renamed it Dayton Dry Goods Company. Under his leadership, the store experienced steady growth and success. In 1911, Dayton’s son, Nelson Dayton, joined the business and played a significant role in its expansion. In 1946, the company made a significant strategic move by opening its first suburban location called “The Target.” This new store format focused on offering discounted goods in a department store setting. The concept of providing high-quality products at affordable prices was a success, prompting the company to consider expanding this model further. Target First Store Opening | The Brand Hopper Target First Store Opening In 1962, the Dayton Company launched its first official Target store in Roseville, Minnesota. The new store featured a clean, modern design, and its merchandise was priced lower than traditional department stores. Target aimed to attract a broad customer base by offering a wide range of products, including apparel, household essentials, and home goods. The introduction of the Target brand was a pivotal moment in the company’s history. The name “Target” was chosen to represent the store’s focus on providing customers with a specific, targeted shopping experience. The iconic red bullseye logo, still in use today, was also introduced at this time. The success of the first Target store led to rapid expansion throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Target stores began popping up in various locations across the United States, offering customers a unique and affordable shopping experience. By 1979, the company changed its name to the Dayton-Hudson Corporation to reflect the increasing significance of the Target brand. In subsequent years, Target continued its expansion and diversification efforts. The company acquired several regional retail chains, including Mervyn’s and Marshall Field’s, further solidifying its presence in the retail industry. These acquisitions allowed Target to reach new markets and expand its product offerings. In 2000, the Dayton-Hudson Corporation underwent a rebranding and changed its name to Target Corporation to align with the growing prominence and recognition of the Target brand. The name change reflected the company’s commitment to its flagship retail chain and its vision for continued growth and success. Today, Target Corporation operates over 1,900 stores across the United States and has established itself as a leading retail brand. With a focus on providing affordable, stylish products and exceptional customer experiences, Target continues to evolve and adapt to changing consumer demands in the ever-evolving retail landscape. Business Segments of Target Corporation Target Corporation operates through several distinct business segments, each catering to different consumer needs and contributing to the company’s overall success. These segments include: Retail Stores: Target’s primary business segment is its network of retail stores. These stores offer a wide range of products, including apparel, home goods, electronics, beauty products, groceries, and more. Target stores are designed to provide a convenient and enjoyable shopping experience, with well-organized departments, attractive displays, and friendly customer service. The company operates stores in various formats, including Target stores, SuperTarget stores (which include a full grocery section), and small-format Target stores located in urban areas. Online Sales: Target has significantly expanded its online presence in recent years. Through its e-commerce platform, target.com, customers can shop for products online and have them delivered to their doorstep. Target’s online sales segment has seen substantial growth, offering a wide selection of merchandise and leveraging the convenience of online shopping to cater to the evolving needs of consumers. Target Brands and Exclusive Merchandise: Target has developed an extensive portfolio of private label brands and exclusive merchandise. These brands offer unique and high-quality products across various categories, including apparel, home goods, beauty, and food. Target’s private label brands, such as Goodfellow & Co., Cat & Jack, and Threshold, provide customers with exclusive and affordable options, helping differentiate Target’s offerings from its competitors. Target Optical and Target Clinic: In addition to retail operations, Target also operates Target Optical centers and Target Clinic locations. Target Optical provides customers with eyeglasses, contact lenses, and vision care services. Target Clinic offers basic medical services such as vaccinations, minor illness treatment, and preventive care. These services provide added convenience to shoppers and contribute to Target’s commitment to holistic customer care. Target Circle Loyalty Program: Target Circle is Target’s loyalty program, designed to reward customers for their loyalty and incentivize repeat purchases. Members of Target Circle can earn personalized offers, get early access to sales, enjoy discounts, and receive other exclusive benefits. This loyalty program helps drive customer engagement, fosters brand loyalty, and encourages repeat visits to Target stores or online shopping. Each of these business segments plays a crucial role in Target’s overall operations and contributes to the company’s financial performance. By diversifying its offerings and embracing omnichannel retail strategies, Target aims to meet the evolving needs of consumers and remain a leader in the retail industry. Target’s Approach to Retail, target market, and Unique Selling Proposition Target Corporation has developed a distinct approach to retail that sets it apart from competitors. With a focus on creating an enjoyable and convenient shopping experience, Target caters to a wide range of customers, offering a mix of affordability, style, and quality. Let’s delve into Target’s approach to retail, its target market, and its unique selling propositions in more detail: Approach to Retail Target differentiates itself through its well-designed stores, attractive displays, and emphasis on customer experience. The company strives to create an inviting and engaging atmosphere, with wide aisles, organized departments, and visually appealing layouts. Target’s stores are known for their clean and modern aesthetic, providing a pleasant shopping environment for customers. Target Market Target aims to cater to a broad customer base, including individuals and families seeking affordable yet stylish products. While its offerings span multiple categories, Target focuses on household essentials, apparel, home goods, and electronics. The company positions itself as a destination for everyday needs, attracting customers looking for quality products at competitive prices. Unique Selling Propositions: a. Affordable Style: Target is renowned for its “cheap-chic” strategy, combining affordable pricing with stylish merchandise. The company collaborates with renowned designers and brands to offer exclusive collections that reflect current fashion trends. This approach enables customers to find fashionable items at accessible price points. b. Diverse Product Range: Target provides a wide range of products, including clothing, accessories, furniture, home decor, electronics, groceries, and more. By offering a diverse assortment, Target aims to meet customers’ various needs and preferences, positioning itself as a one-stop shopping destination. c. Exclusive Brands and Partnerships: Target has developed a robust portfolio of private label brands, such as Cat & Jack for kids’ clothing, Threshold for home goods, and Archer Farms for food products. These exclusive brands offer customers unique and high-quality options not found elsewhere, fostering brand loyalty and differentiation. d. Inclusive Sizing and Diversity: Target has been proactive in promoting inclusivity by expanding its apparel sizing options and featuring diverse models in its marketing campaigns. This commitment to inclusivity resonates with customers seeking retailers that prioritize diversity and cater to a broader range of body types. e. Target Circle Loyalty Program: Target offers a loyalty program called Target Circle, providing customers with personalized offers, discounts, and early access to sales. This program enhances the overall shopping experience, incentivizing customers to return to Target for their shopping needs.f. f. Convenience and Digital Integration: Target has invested heavily in its digital capabilities and omnichannel strategy. It offers online shopping with various delivery options, including in-store pickup and same-day delivery. Additionally, Target has integrated its physical and digital channels, allowing customers to seamlessly switch between online and in-store experiences. Target’s approach to retail, focus on its target market, and unique selling propositions have enabled it to carve out a distinctive position in the retail industry. By combining affordability, style, and convenience, Target has cultivated a loyal customer base and positioned itself as a preferred destination for shoppers seeking a diverse range of quality products. Target Corporation financial performance Target’s financials have been strong in recent years. In fiscal year 2022, the company generated $109 billion in revenue and $4.2 billion in net income. This represents a 10% increase in revenue and a 20% increase in net income from the previous year. Target’s strong financial performance is due to a number of factors, including: A growing customer base: Target’s customer base has been growing in recent years, driven by the company’s expansion into new markets and its focus on providing a convenient and affordable shopping experience. A strong online presence: Target has a strong online presence, which has helped the company to reach new customers and to increase sales. A focus on innovation: Target is constantly innovating, which has helped the company to stay ahead of the competition. For example, Target was one of the first retailers to offer same-day delivery and buy online, pick up in store. Target’s strong financial performance is a positive sign for the company’s future. The company is well-positioned to continue to grow and to succeed in the years to come. Here is a more detailed look at Target’s financials over the past few years: Fiscal Year 2022: Revenue: $109 billion, Net Income: $4.2 billion Fiscal Year 2021: Revenue: $100 billion, Net Income: $3.5 billion Fiscal Year 2020: Revenue: $94 billion, Net Income: $2.9 billion Fiscal Year 2019: Revenue: $90 billion, Net Income: $2.7 billion As you can see, Target’s revenue and net income have been growing steadily in recent years. This growth is a testament to the company’s strong business model and its focus on providing a great shopping experience for its customers. Target Corporation Marketing Approach and Strategies The marketing approach for Target involves a combination of strategies aimed at building brand awareness, driving customer engagement, and increasing sales. Here are the key elements of the marketing approach for Target: Target Market Segmentation: Target Corporation identifies and segments its target market based on various factors such as demographics, psychographics, and behavioral patterns. This helps in understanding the needs, preferences, and shopping habits of different customer groups. Brand Positioning: Target positions itself as a trendy, affordable, and stylish retail destination that offers a wide range of products for all ages. The brand focuses on providing a differentiated shopping experience compared to its competitors. Product Assortment and Pricing: Target curates its product assortment to cater to the diverse preferences of its target market. The company offers a combination of owned brands and partnerships with renowned designers and brands to provide unique and exclusive products. Target maintains a balance between quality and affordability, offering competitive pricing strategies and regular discounts to attract price-conscious shoppers. Integrated Marketing Communications: Target utilizes various communication channels to reach its target audience effectively. This includes traditional advertising mediums such as television, radio, and print, as well as digital channels like social media, email marketing, and targeted online advertisements. The messaging across these channels is consistent and reinforces the brand’s key attributes. In-Store Experience: Target places a strong emphasis on creating an enjoyable and engaging in-store experience. This includes well-designed store layouts, visually appealing displays, and knowledgeable and friendly staff. Target stores often incorporate trendy and themed sections, such as the “dollar spot” or seasonal displays, to create a sense of discovery and excitement for shoppers. Digital Presence and E-commerce: Recognizing the importance of online shopping, Target has invested heavily in its e-commerce platform. The company offers a user-friendly website and mobile app, enabling customers to browse and purchase products online. Target also provides options for in-store pickup, same-day delivery, and subscription services to enhance convenience for customers. Customer Loyalty Programs: Target’s loyalty program, Target Circle, offers exclusive benefits, personalized discounts, and early access to sales for members. This program helps to foster customer loyalty and encourages repeat purchases. Target leverages data collected through the loyalty program to personalize marketing messages and offers to individual customers. Community Engagement: Target actively engages with local communities through philanthropic initiatives, sponsorships, and partnerships. The company supports various charitable causes and promotes a sense of social responsibility, which resonates with many customers and enhances brand affinity. Data-driven Marketing: Target leverages data and analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. This data-driven approach allows Target to personalize marketing campaigns, recommend products, and optimize promotional strategies based on individual customer needs. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation: Target regularly evaluates the effectiveness of its marketing strategies through performance metrics, customer feedback, and market research. This enables the company to identify areas for improvement and adapt its marketing approach to changing market dynamics and customer demands. By employing these key elements in their marketing approach, Target Corporation aims to build a strong brand image, drive customer engagement, and ultimately increase sales and market share. Also Read: From Corner Store to Healthcare Giant: The Story of Walgreens Growth Strategy of Target Target Corporation employs several growth strategies to expand its business and maintain its position as a leading retail company. Here are some key elements of Target’s growth strategy: Store Expansion and Remodeling: Target continues to open new stores in strategic locations to reach untapped markets and expand its customer base. The company conducts thorough market research to identify areas with high growth potential and tailors its store formats to meet the needs and preferences of local communities. Additionally, Target invests in remodeling existing stores to enhance the shopping experience and keep up with changing consumer trends. E-commerce and Digital Expansion: Target recognizes the growing importance of e-commerce and digital channels in retail. The company has heavily invested in its online platform, improving website functionality, user experience, and mobile app capabilities. Target also offers various digital services such as same-day delivery, in-store pickup, and subscription options. This multi-channel approach allows Target to reach a broader customer base and adapt to the evolving retail landscape. Private Label and Exclusive Brands: Target focuses on developing and expanding its private label and exclusive brands. These brands offer unique and differentiated products, allowing Target to maintain competitive pricing and margins. By expanding their portfolio of private label and exclusive brands across various categories, Target can provide customers with a wide selection of high-quality, affordable options that are not available in other stores. Partnerships and Collaborations: Target forms strategic partnerships and collaborations with popular brands, designers, and influencers to create exclusive collections and products. These partnerships help Target attract new customers, generate buzz, and position itself as a trendy and fashionable retailer. Notable collaborations include partnerships with designers like Missoni, Lilly Pulitzer, and Hunter, as well as collaborations with popular brands like Disney and Starbucks. Focus on Customer Experience: Target places a strong emphasis on providing an exceptional customer experience. This includes investing in well-designed stores, creating visually appealing displays, offering personalized services, and ensuring efficient and friendly customer service. Target also leverages data and technology to personalize marketing messages, promotions, and product recommendations, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. International Expansion: While Target primarily operates in the United States, the company has explored international expansion opportunities in the past. However, Target has taken a more cautious approach, focusing on establishing a strong domestic presence before pursuing significant international expansion. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Target had not made significant progress in expanding into international markets. Data Analytics and Insights: Target utilizes data analytics and insights to understand customer behavior, preferences, and shopping patterns. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, Target gains valuable insights that drive decision-making in various areas such as inventory management, pricing, and personalized marketing. This data-driven approach enables Target to optimize its operations and provide a more tailored and seamless shopping experience for customers. Sustainability Initiatives: Target is committed to sustainability and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. The company aims to be a leader in sustainable retail by investing in renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and offering eco-friendly product options. These sustainability efforts not only align with customer values but also contribute to Target’s long-term growth and reputation. Overall, Target’s growth strategy involves a combination of store expansion, digital expansion, product differentiation, customer-centric initiatives, and data-driven decision-making. By continuously adapting to changing consumer preferences and market dynamics, Target strives to drive growth, increase market share, and strengthen its position as a prominent retailer.  " Source of Two Articles about Target:  thebrandhopper. com About Mc Donalds, we can read in thebrandhopper. com: " McDonald’s is a multinational fast food chain that was founded in 1940 in San Bernardino, California, USA by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA, and operates in over 100 countries with more than 39,000 restaurants worldwide. McDonald’s is primarily known for its burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries, and soft drinks. However, the company also offers breakfast items, salads, desserts, and specialty drinks. McDonald’s menu varies across different markets and locations to cater to local tastes and preferences. In recent years, the company has introduced healthier options such as salads and grilled chicken sandwiches to appeal to health-conscious consumers. In addition to its food offerings, McDonald’s places a strong emphasis on customer service and experience. The company invests in employee training and ensures that its restaurants are clean, welcoming, and efficient. McDonald’s also offers various ordering methods, including in-store, drive-thru, and mobile ordering through its mobile app. McDonald’s is one of the most recognized brands in the world and has a significant impact on popular culture. The company has used various marketing campaigns and slogans over the years, such as “I’m Lovin’ It” and “You Deserve a Break Today,” to create brand awareness and encourage customer loyalty. Overall, McDonald’s is a fast food giant that has a widespread presence around the world. The company is committed to providing affordable and convenient dining options while also adapting to changing consumer preferences and trends. Table of Contents Marketing Mix of McDonald’s STP Analysis of McDonald’s Marketing Mix of McDonald’s The marketing mix of McDonald’s includes the four Ps: product, price, promotion, and place. Here is a breakdown of each element: Product: McDonald’s offers a wide variety of products to cater to different customer preferences and needs. The company’s core products include burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries, and soft drinks. However, McDonald’s also offers breakfast items, salads, desserts, and specialty drinks. In addition, McDonald’s continuously introduces new products and limited-time offers to keep customers interested and encourage repeat visits. For example, they have launched items such as McRib sandwich, spicy chicken McNuggets, and various seasonal menu items. Price: McDonald’s pricing strategy is aimed at providing affordability and value to its customers. The company offers a variety of menu items at low prices to cater to budget-conscious customers. They also offer combo meals that bundle a main item, side, and drink for a discounted price. McDonald’s prices may vary based on location and market conditions, but the company maintains a consistent pricing structure across most of its restaurants. Promotion: McDonald’s promotes its products through various channels, including television, radio, print, and online advertising. The company uses catchy slogans and campaigns to create brand awareness and encourage customer loyalty. McDonald’s also uses in-store signage and offers coupons and promotions to incentivize customers to visit. For example, the company has offered free coffee, buy-one-get-one-free deals, and loyalty rewards programs. Place: McDonald’s has a widespread network of restaurants, with locations in over 100 countries. The company strategically places its restaurants in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, airports, and highways to maximize visibility and accessibility. McDonald’s also offers various ordering methods, including in-store, drive-thru, and mobile ordering. The company’s mobile app allows customers to place orders and earn rewards for their purchases. In addition to the four Ps, McDonald’s also emphasizes the importance of customer service and experience. The company invests in employee training and ensures that its restaurants are clean, welcoming, and efficient. McDonald’s also adapts its menu and marketing strategies to suit local tastes and preferences in different markets. Overall, McDonald’s marketing mix is designed to provide customers with a convenient, affordable, and enjoyable dining experience. STP Analysis of McDonald’s Segmentation: Geographic segmentation: McDonald’s operates in over 100 countries and has tailored its menu to suit the tastes and preferences of each market. For example, in India, McDonald’s offers a range of vegetarian options to cater to the country’s predominantly vegetarian population. In the Middle East, McDonald’s offers a “McArabia” sandwich made with grilled chicken or beef and Arabic bread. McDonald’s also strategically places its restaurants in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, airports, and highways. Demographic segmentation: McDonald’s targets a broad demographic range, including children, teenagers, adults, and families. The company offers a variety of menu options to suit different age groups, including Happy Meals for children and premium sandwiches and salads for adults. Additionally, McDonald’s caters to different income levels with its value menu and premium offerings. Psychographic segmentation: McDonald’s appeals to customers with different lifestyles, attitudes, and values. The company’s marketing campaigns emphasize convenience, affordability, and quality, which resonate with busy, value-conscious consumers. McDonald’s also positions itself as a fun and friendly brand that offers a welcoming environment for families and friends to gather. Behavioral segmentation: McDonald’s targets customers who are looking for a quick and convenient meal on-the-go. The company offers various ordering options, including in-store, drive-thru, and mobile ordering through its mobile app, to cater to customers’ busy lifestyles. McDonald’s also tailors its offerings to suit different occasions, such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Targeting: McDonald’s primary target audience is families and individuals looking for quick and convenient meals at an affordable price. The company has also been targeting millennials and young adults by introducing new menu items and technology, such as mobile ordering and self-service kiosks. Additionally, McDonald’s has been promoting its breakfast menu to commuters and people on-the-go. Positioning: McDonald’s positions itself as a convenient, affordable, and family-friendly restaurant chain that offers high-quality food and beverages. The company’s marketing campaigns emphasize its commitment to quality ingredients, customer service, and community involvement. McDonald’s also positions itself as an innovator by introducing new menu items and technology to enhance the customer experience. For example, the company introduced a mobile ordering and payment app, which allows customers to order and pay for their meals from their smartphones. Additionally, McDonald’s positions itself as a socially responsible company by promoting sustainability, responsible sourcing, and charity initiatives. Overall, McDonald’s has a well-defined target audience and a strong brand positioning that emphasizes convenience, affordability, and quality. The company’s marketing campaigns are designed to appeal to a broad range of customers and showcase its commitment to innovation and social responsibility. " Source of Mc Donalds Article: thebrandhopper. com About the Brand | Harley Davidson , Let`s read: " Brand | Harley Davidson  – The Success Factor Behind Darling On Wheels The craze and madness for red-blooded classic American Harley that gushes past like air with thunderous sound are exceptional. Harley is one of the very few brands that claim that people are willing to get the brand name and logo tattooed on their bodies. The adoration and idolization of this brand in countries like the United States and Canada are beyond imagination. Rather than a motorbike, Harley is perceived as a medium to “experience freedom” and the company has managed to build on this consumer perception to fuel growth. Harley Davidson is an American motorcycle manufacturer founded in 1903. The company had a very modest start out of a small wooden shed where the first bike was produced. Since then, the company has been through a roller coaster ride, surviving public backlash and even the great economic depression! Yes, Harley Davidson is one of the two American motorcycle manufacturers to sail through The Great Depression. Today, Harley is a global brand with a strong presence in Canada, Europe, and Japan among a host of other nations, with revenues clocking to $5 billion. Harley Davidson manufactures its bikes at various plants located around the world. It has plants in New York, Brazil, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and India(till 2020). Harley motorcycles are broadly divided in 5 families- Sportster, VRSC, Dyna, Softail, and Touring. Each family has a wide variety of motorcycles. Table of Contents Intelligent Marketing by Harley Getting communities RIGHT Marketing to military Segmenting and Targeting the right people Testing Times ahead Strategy to steer through the Crisis Intelligent Marketing by Harley Harley has been twice on the brink of bankruptcy since the 1960s, and it was their enviable marketing strategies that fuelled growth and saved them. Unlike most brands like Dominos, Coca-Cola, Nike who achieved their status because of perpetual marketing powered by deep pockets of these brands, Harley’s success came from behind a curtain effort to sell a product on its merits. Harley does not spend too much on advertising its bikes in media instead, it focussed on its target consumers and tailored its marketing strategies that resonate with how they perceive Harley. This led to the formation of the biggest brand community in the world H.O.G (Harley Owners’ Group). Getting communities RIGHT Just type “Best Brand Community” on Google, and Google will churn out Harley Davidson from hundreds and thousands of brand communities. Harley uses its brand community not just for customer engagement, maintaining brand loyalty, or building customer relationships, it also leverages its community to continuously improve Harley bikes. Harley has staffed all its communities with its employees. The company mandates even senior executives to attend the community events and bring customer insights and reviews back to the company. This has helped Harley to produce bikes that are concomitant to the demands of its target audience. The wings of Harley’s Communities are now spread across the globe. More than 1400 local communities are made by Harley with more than a million ardent individuals as its members. Harley organizes charity drives, biker rallies, adventurous trips to lesser-explored parts of the region. Harley has unlocked a completely new stream of revenue from selling items other than motorbikes. Harley sells apparel, home decor, ornaments, toys, and even video games. Unsurprisingly, Harley Owners’ Group members spend 30% more than non-member on these items. Also Read: Ferrari – The Making Of World’s Most Powerful Luxury Brand Marketing to military Despite being 20%-30% more expensive than the competitors, there are a few brands that are still able to bag a market share of more than 30% in the United States. The “American Image” of Harley has fetched a lot of customers to the company. Deep association with American Military and programs like ‘Heroes Ride Free’ has cemented their position in the US.   Harley Davidson Success | The Brand Hopper Harley Davidson managed to sell around 15,000 motorbikes to the US military during World War 1 and sold its entire output to Harley during World War 2. Segmenting and Targeting the right people The segmentation by Harley has spurred the greatest period of profitable growth for the company. Harley realized that its customers were non-monolithic people with a different lifestyle, ethos, opinions who loved, owned, and rode the brand. The following was the segmentation done by the brand –Sensitive Pragmatist – These were primarily blue-collar workers and comprised about 29% of the market. Laidback and composed – These people were patriotic who bought only “Made in America” products. They tend to be Sportster owner and loved to get in touch with nature. They comprised about 24% of the market. Cool Headers – These were individuals with white-collar jobs and purchased Harley to experience freedom. They comprised about 17% of the market. Adventure Lovers – This segment purchased Harley to experience freedom, adventure, and independence. These were also firm believers of the “Made in America” tag. They made around 10% of the target market. Rich Capitalists – These were RUBS (rich urban bikers)- a class of wealthy winners. They were in the age bracket 45-50. They represented around 8% of the target market Testing Times ahead For the past few years, the company has been losing terrain both in terms of profits and sales. In the year 2020, the sales in the US declined by 17.7%, in Japan by 7.1%, in France and Canada by 27% and 28% respectively. The only positive data came from Russia and China where sales were up by 14.2% and 34% respectively. Strategy to steer through the Crisis In Feb 2020, Harley appointed Jochen Zeitz as the new CEO, widely hailed for turning around Puma’s near-bankrupt business. His 5-year turnaround strategy consists of restructuring processes and functions, cutting costs, and also seeking new ideas to revamp the brand. The restructuring will entail eliminating 700 positions globally and a restructuring charge of $50 million. Harley will also quit 39 countries with low sales/profit and efforts will be channeled to boost the sales in the top 50 markets. The product portfolio will also be restructured and only one new model to be launched in the year 2021. " Source of The Harley Davidson article:  thebrandhopper. com To read the full articles and view images  from the articles, visit thebrandhopper. com - Video Source: CNBC #mktmarketing4you #corporatestrategy #marketing #M4Y #lovemarketing #IPAM #ipammarketingschool #ContingencyPlanning #virtual #volunteering #project #Management #Economy #ConsumptionBehavior #BrandManagement #ProductManagement #Logistics #Lifecycle #Brand #Neuromarketing #McKinseyMatrix #Viralmarketing #Facebook #Marketingmetrics #icebergmodel #EdgarScheinsCultureModel #GuerrillaMarketing #STARMethod #7SFramework #gapanalysis #AIDAModel #SixLeadershipStyles #MintoPyramidPrinciple #StrategyDiamond #InternalRateofReturn #irr #BrandManagement #dripmodel #HoshinPlanning #XMatrix #backtobasics #BalancedScorecard #Product #ProductManagement #Logistics #Branding #freemium #businessmodel #business #4P #3C #BCG #SWOT #TOWS #EisenhowerMatrix #Study #marketingresearch #marketer #marketing manager #Painpoints #Pestel #ValueChain # VRIO #marketingmix
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thxnews · 1 year
Northern Ireland Budget (No.2) Bill Introduced in House of Commons
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  The Northern Ireland Budget (No.2) Bill was presented in the House of Commons today, marking the initiation of the legislative procedure to establish a budget for Northern Ireland for the fiscal year 2023-24. This comes as the Northern Ireland Executive remains absent, necessitating legislative action to secure the budget.  
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Stormont Estate, Northern Ireland Parliament Buildings. Photo by William Murphy. Flickr.  
Confirming Departmental Budget Allocations
The bill follows the Written Statement made by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt Hon Chris Heaton-Harris MP, on April 27. The statement outlined the budget allocations for Northern Ireland's departments for the ongoing financial year. With the introduction of this legislation, the budget allocations will be placed on a statutory foundation. The total resource budget available for Northern Ireland departments will amount to £14.2 billion, accompanied by a capital budget of £2.2 billion. These figures encompass the Northern Ireland Executive block grant and regional rates income.  
Departmental Allocations
Under the proposed budget, the Department of Health is set to receive a total allocation of £7.3 billion, representing a £20 million increase compared to the previous year (2022-23). Similarly, the Department of Infrastructure is slated to receive a total allocation of £523 million, with a £2 million increment from the previous budget.  
Exploring Revenue Generation and Financial Sustainability
In a significant move, the Secretary of State exercised newly provided powers through the Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Act 2023. In a letter addressed to the Permanent Secretaries of all Northern Ireland Civil Service departments earlier this month, the Secretary of State sought information and advice on various measures that could enhance local public revenue or improve the sustainability of public finances in Northern Ireland. The deadline for the first set of information and advice is this week. However, it should be noted that the ultimate decisions to adhere to this budget lie with the Northern Ireland departments.  
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Official portrait of Chris Heaton-Harris, Secretary of State. Photo by Richard Townshend. Wikimedia.  
Secretary of State Urges Executive Formation
Expressing disappointment at the ongoing absence of an Executive, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Chris Heaton-Harris, emphasized the necessity of locally-elected politicians making budget decisions rather than himself or the Northern Ireland Permanent Secretaries. He highlighted how the political deadlock hinders strategic decision-making that is crucial for ensuring the stability of public finances. Despite the challenging circumstances, priority has been given to safeguarding frontline public services. Heaton-Harris stated, "I impress again on the Northern Ireland parties the need to get back into an Executive as soon as possible so that spending decisions flowing from the budget allocations can be taken by the politicians that the local people have elected to do so."   Since 2014, the UK Government has provided approximately £7 billion in additional funding to Northern Ireland, exceeding the Barnett-based block grant.   Sources: THX News & Northern Ireland Office. Read the full article
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panintended · 1 year
Not All News is Created Equal
If you believe that everything written on the internet is a 100% truth, I would ask you to think again. I will show you an article I found online and why I believe it to be an item of misleading fake news.
Given how easy it is to share information with each other through social media or direct share function on our internet connected devices it is very important to think twice before sharing. There has recently been written a lot about the psychological effects fake news has on us, For example: how easy it is to accept it as truth or the idea of a conspiracy theory.
Let us look at a recent article on a website called Natural News
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This title is confusing, it just seems a bit too vague to be true because if there was a certain company indeed planning to create such injections, why would the news article not mention them directly? Instead of being specific they chose a general term Big Pharma which can include the entire pharmaceutical industry When I did a bit of fact checking I found that the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands sponsored research testing effectiveness and safety of using microneedle patches to deliver the Covid Vaccine.
As this research has been ongoing since April of 2022, there would be nothing stopping the writers on Natural News from including this link as a reference for the reader to have a better understanding of the issue. These two examples show that this information is a piece of fake news because they are intentionally hiding important information.
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The above picture shows two more reasons I believe the article to be a piece of fake news. Reading this I would ask myself if the claim is really true. Can I go around censorship by sharing a link? The simple answer is no. The intent of this may be to promote the spread of this link as far as possible. One more thing of note in the above screenshot are the social media share links. You have probably noticed that well-known social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are missing. This makes me a bit suspicious especially given how popular these social media sites are.
When I read an article online, I look for references in the text or below it. They should be useful and leading me closer to the original source of information,
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When I see a list of references like the one above, I am getting suspicious because of two things. It is not listing all references and those that it does list lead to article similar to the one I just read but not closer to understanding the message of the article.
When you see an article online, I would highly recommend you to be sceptical and check the facts before trusting the source
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volleytimes-com · 1 year
France: Chaumont join Tours in final. Nantes defeated in straight sets in decisive Game 3!
🇫🇷| Chaumont join Tours in final. Nantes defeated in straight sets in decisive Game 3! 🏐| Semifinals Game 3: • Nantes - Chaumont 0-3 (21:25, 19:25, 21:25) Serie: 1-2 🗞️| Read more on #volleytimes_com 👇🏼
Disclaimer: this article it was written by me, Danilo, on April 29, and it’s protected by COPYRIGHT. I don’t authorize anyone to republish it or some of its parts translated into italian or other languages without citing ME or the original source. It is illegal. Ligue A 2022/23 Final will be between regular season leaders and French Cup winners Tours (a team that already claimed the ticket for…
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ok9ja · 1 year
Osimhen eager to celebrate Serie A title with fans
With 10 games to the end of the 2022/23 season, Super Eagles striker Victor Osimhen is already relishing celebrating the Serie A title with Napoli fans, PUNCH Sports Extra reports. Osimhen is enjoying one of the best moments of his career with Napoli this season as he currently tops the Italian Serie A scorers chart with 21 goals, seven more than Inter Milan’s Lautaro Martinez, who is in second position with 14 goals. The former Lille man’s fantastic form in front of goal is one of the reasons Luciano Spalleti’s side are league leaders, 16 points more than second-place Lazio and are on course to win the Italian league title for the first time in over three decades. In an interview with TG5, the Nigeria international said he couldn’t wait to celebrate the league title with the Napoli fans. “We are all happy and giving our best to make our dream come true,” he said. “We are close to the objective and can’t wait for that dream to become reality. Naples is extraordinary, and so passionate. I have never received so much love and I can’t wait to celebrate the title with them in the stadium and in the streets.” Osimhen missed out on Napoli’s game against AC Milan in the league on Sunday due to an adductor issue he sustained on international duty with Nigeria during the Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers against Guinea-Bissau. He however assures he will be ready for the Champions League quarter-final against Milan with the first leg scheduled to hold at San Siro on April 12. “It is nothing serious, but I want to take these 10-12 days to rest and recover,” Osimhen told TG5. “I hope to be there, but I have also been told and I am convinced that I will be on the pitch against Milan.” All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH. Contact: [email protected] Source link Read the full article
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the-active-news · 2 years
Bill Maher Net Worth: How Does He Make His Money?
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Bill Maher, a comedian and political pundit, is reportedly wealthy. The success of Maher's stand-up routines and his TV and movie roles helped him amass a sizeable wealth. His reputation has grown in recent years thanks to his biting political commentary, which is generally directed toward the right. Let's find out how much money he has and what kind of life he leads.
Bill Maher's Net Worth
American stand-up comic, political pundit, TV host, and producer Bill Maher. His political discussion shows Real Time with Bill Maher has been on the air for nearly 20 years on HBO. Bill Maher's net worth is predicted to be $140 million USD by 2022. https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/217825056556986368 . When Bill Maher first started out, he made a tonne of money as a stand-up comedian. As Vice's executive producer, he was honored with a Primetime Emmy Award in 2003. Bill Maher has written several best-sellers in addition to his successful career as a television host, including When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden and The New Rules: Pleasant Reflections from a Timid Observer. When the coronavirus epidemic hit in 2020, Maher's wealth took a serious knock. The entire Maher staff was reportedly let go in April 2020 because of the epidemic. As a direct result of the pandemic, Maher's salary was cut in half the next month. In spite of the epidemic, it is predicted that Maher will still have a net worth of $140 million in 2022. Must Read About This Carlos Boozer Net Worth?
How Does Bill Maher Make His Money?
Bill Maher's income comes from many different places. Over everything else, his talents as a stand-up comedian and TV personality have brought him fame. Maher's income comes not just from his TV shows, but also from his roles as a political pundit and author. The Fantastic Four, Dazed and Confused, and Pyramid are just a few of the movies in which he has appeared. https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/1626809386000850944 Bill Maher's Real Time with Bill Maher earned him $10 million that year (2021). When he wrote his book, The New Rules: Polite Reflections from a Timid Observer, he was offered a $2 million advance. Bill Maher is not dependent on any one source of income. he has multiple sources of income from his various occupations and assets. He has a stake in the New York Mets as a minority owner. Bill Maher will reportedly have a net worth of $140 million in 2022. You Can See This Jessica Lowndes Net Worth.
Bill Maher Real Estate & Assets
His estimated $140 million net worth comprises 12 homes, 5 automobiles, 2 luxury yachts, and over $30 million in liquid assets. Maher has a $25 million investment portfolio in addition to his real estate and automobile businesses. Maher has invested in companies like Tesla, General Electric, AT&T, FedEx, and PepsiCo.
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In addition to his business interests, Maher is the proud owner of a $15 million, 8,700-square-foot mansion in New York City. This luxurious mansion features 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, an elegant Persian design throughout, not one but two plunge pools, and no less than six fireplaces. Bill Maher is obviously not only a talented comic but also a savvy businessman. You Can Read About This Fat Joe Net Worth? Bill Maher is a popular TV host, comedian, and political pundit. In addition to his estimated $140 million net worth, he has worked in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years. The majority of Bill Maher's wealth comes from his stand-up comedy tours, however he also benefits financially from guest appearances on other programs, film roles, and paid sponsorships. Feelings on Bill Maher's financial success? Use the space below to tell us more. The Active News.Com is a good place to go if you want to stay up to date. Read the full article
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otakusmart · 2 years
Upcoming DC Movies in 2023 That’ll Decide DC’s Future
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DC Comics was introduced by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson in 1934 and is known as Detective Comics. It gained popularity with the audience when they could not watch high-graphic movies. People used to read comics and relate them to the pictures designed in those comic books in this era. As time passed, new superheroes were introduced by DC Comics. Superman was the first superhero, and the story was written by Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster. Now DC Comics is getting back on track, and we'll see four new movies this year. Yes, DC Comics is attempting to compete with Marvel's incredible film, generating a lot of buzzes. We all know how hard they've worked on their characters and storylines since 2008, when Batman debuted as the Dark Knight. Superman debuted as the Man of Steel in 2013. The audience is becoming like a coconut; they pretend to be something from the outside and something else from the inside. No matter how much you show your love for Marvel, deep down in your heart, you know that DC Comics is also working great, and their hard work is paying off. Want to know how and why DC Comics is getting better day by day? Let’s find out by reading the full article about the upcoming DC movies in 2023.
Upcoming DC movies in 2023
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (DC Comics)
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Shazam! Fury of the Gods will be released on a global scale very soon. This film was supposed to be released on April 1, 2022, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it has been pushed back to June 20, 2023. The movie Shazam was picked from Fawcett Comics and published by DC Comics, and now they're the original project holders of this comic. The first Shazam movie! was launched by the director David F. Sandberg on April 5, 2019. The film had a budget of ten crores USD and received numerous nominations, including the MTV Movie & TV Award for best comedic performance. We all know how fantastic this movie was with Zachary Levi's and Asher Angel's comic timing and the best cameo role of Superman at the end, and we'll be seeing them all again in movie theaters worldwide. About the movie
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Shazam! Fury of the Gods is all about the Mamaragan's (the Old Shazam Wizard's) magical staff, and it's the primary source of Shazam! God has the power and is good enough to become a god, and he can bestow godly powers on anyone. In this movie, the three Daughters of Atlas, Hespera (Helen Mirren), Kalypso (Lucy Liu), and Anthea (Rachel Zegler), are the main villains who are after this magic staff because they believe that the power of Shazam! is stolen by the children. To reclaim all of the powers from the Shazam family, these sisters intend to take the magic staff and repair its power of transferring Shazam's power, which Billy broke in the first installment of Shazam. ALSO READ: Top 10 funny movies on Netflix that will never be not funny (2023 rewatch) Powers of Shazam and the magic staff
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If we talk about the magic staff, like how powerful it is, you can compare it with Thor's Mjölnir; both can give the powers of the gods to anyone, but both are slightly different because of Mjölnir. Mjölnir's specialty is the power of thunder, which can destroy anything that gets in its way, but to use it, the weapon's holder must be worthy and have a pure heart.  That's why it's a pure form of weapon, and its primary intention of creation was to destroy the opponent on the battlefield. The magic staff has both elements of destruction and creation with the power of thunder, which can give the power of god to anyone worthy and make them a warrior, but it can also create its own life form and give new life to any being in this world that is dead. In this way, the magic staff wins the race for power. The Flash Movie (DC Comics)
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Flash is a DC comic character who can dash; he gained this ability while working in his lab, attempting to capture the extra-dimensional yellow energy that killed his mother when he was a child. One day when Barry Alan was in his lab, he was so frustrated and was planning how to catch the yellow extraterrestrial energy. Still, unfortunately, red lightning energy blew up from the window when he threw the small machine at it, and then it entered the lab and stroked his body. After this incident, he remained unconscious, or we can say he was in a coma for nine months, and when he woke up, he found some changes in his body, like he was feeling starving and the fat percentage of his body was too low, and he got six-pack abs. He noticed that he could see everything in slow motion at times, but he had no idea that this was the energy that struck him; it was absorbed by his body while he was in his lab, and he gained the ability to run faster than a bullet train. It was the red lightning energy that was reacting in his body.  ALSO READ: An Interesting tour of Japan’s period movie Sansho the Bailiff Powers of the Flash
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We can compare Flash's speed to Superman's speed; if we watch an episode of Superman the animated series, we can see how, as time passed, Barry Allan unlocked the powers within him to run in the form of light. Gradually he broke all the limits of speed and the dimensional wall, which headed to create or introduce the multiverse in the DC Universe. In this movie, the main character, Barry Allan, is played by Ezra Miller. Barry Allan tries to do time travel so that he can save his mother from getting murdered by Eobard Thawne (the Evil Yellow Flash), but when Barry Allan creates the gate of the multiverse, it changes the whole reality of the present, past, and future.  He also meets another version of Barry Allen, played by Grant Gustin, who looks more attractive, is more confident, and is smarter than him. ALSO READ: Chainsaw Man Season 2: Release date, caste,and everything you need to know Why is The Flash movie getting too hot? According to some sources, we can see Superman (Henry Cavill), Supergirl (Sasha Calle), Batman (Ben Affleck), and another universe's Flash (Grant Gustin) in this movie.  After all, we'll be seeing Multiverse for the first time in any DC movie, which excites the audience, and we're all excited to watch and can't wait for the release of this movie in June 2023. Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
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Blue Beetle was first introduced in the 1967 comic book Blue Beetle and was expanded in 1986 in another comic book, Blue Beetle: Secret Origins #2, Blue Beetle #1 (2006), and Blue Beetle #1 (2011) will be featured in this film. Several characters became Blue Beetles.  The first man who became the Blue Beetle was an archaeologist named Dan Garry, who found the temple, and while he was doing his research there, he found a beetle-shaped scarab. He took it with him to his lab, and when he was researching it, he touched it, and the scarab was fused with his body.  Then, he didn’t know what happened to him, but soon he was shocked when he tested his power of super strength.
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In every generation of DC comics, we can see that three characters got the Blue Beetle powers. When Dan died, he gave the Beetle Scarab to his friend Ted Kord, but soon he realized that it was not an ancient artifact but some kind of alien technology. One of Ted's good friends inspired him to become Blue Beetle with no superpowers. Still, as time passed, Ted accepted the Scarab's supernatural powers and became the Super Hero, Blue Beetle, and the Scarab was passed down to a teenage boy named Jaime Reyes, who became the final Blue Beetle. ALSO READ: 12 South Korean Movies that have to be on Everyone’s Watch List (January 2023) About the movie
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According to sources, American actor Xolo Mariduea, also known as Victor Graham in the Parenthood series and Miguel Diaz in the Cobra Kai series on Netflix, is playing the role of Jamie Reyes (Blue Beetle). The supervillain would be Victoria Chord, and the beautiful American actress Susan Sarandon, also known for many other super hits like Helen Prejean's in Dead Man Walking, Pearl there are some possibilities that Ben Affleck is also playing the role of Batman in a cameo scene. Why you should watch this movie?
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We’ll see more action in this movie, and the new DC series will begin. As we all know, DC has released Justice League twice: the first time on November 17, 2017, and the second time on March 18, 2021, with deleted scenes from the first.
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The character Blue Beetle is connected with Batman and Robin in manga and anime, too, and if we talk about another comic of the DC Universe, Jamie Reyes (Blue Beetle) is a part of the Teen Titans. Without Batman, this movie will be incomplete, and everyone knows that where there’s justice, there’s Batman.
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So now that DC is trying to introduce the Teen Titans movie soon on the big screen, that's why the characters of the Teen Titans appear gradually in DC movies. We saw one scene in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice where Batman looks at Robin's suit and is spoiled by the Joker: "HAHAHA Jokes on you, Batman." This is how DC Universe cleverly introduces another line of comic characters to bring their new teams.  ALSO READ: Ichi The Killer Full Movie Review, And Ending Explained
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After seeing all of these strategies, there's no doubt we'll see a DC film similar to The Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox as a sequel to Zack Snyder's The Justice League. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
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In 2018, we already watched the movie Aquaman. The Handsome Hunk Jason Momoa played the lead male role of Aquaman, and the gorgeous Amber Heard played the female lead role of Mera.  This film was a worldwide box office success, earning $ 1.148 billion, and now its sequel, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will be released, with Yahya Abdul-Mateen II playing the character of Black Manta. This movie was going to release on December 16, 2022, but for some reason, it will terminate in December 2023. In this movie, Aquaman is trying to protect Atlanta and the rest of the planet from the big danger of the Black Manta and his troops, who will try to conquer the world Earth through Atlantis. ALSO READ: 31 Spine-tingling horror movies you cannot watch alone About the movie
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Aquaman deals with another country and makes his own army to protect Atlantis from Black Manta and his soldiers. I don’t know much about it, but according to the source, these are the facts that we can see in the movie Aquaman 2, and its trailer will be released very soon. We can now see some of the Aquaman 2: Behind the Scenes videos on YouTube. Why DC fans are waiting for Aquaman and the lost kingdom?
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We've all been anticipating this film since we saw the first installment, a mix of action, thrills, comedy, and romance.  We all loved watching how Atlanna's son Arthur Curry became the Aquaman, who never worried about returning to his homeland: Atlantis because he was unaware of it, and when he discovered that he has all the special powers because of his mother. 
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Atlanna, the former queen of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, he returns there and takes revenge for his mother and becomes the Aquaman by pulling out the trident from his mother.  According to the sources, we’ll see Ben Affleck as Batman in this movie, which means the new danger is on its way to Earth. ALSO READ: Top 10 Pakistani dramas you much watch to experience morality and romance Read the full article
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