#but the answer would have just been 'because he's mother fucking spock'
shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Pride! Jim & Spock? Can be in the Sybokverse or on their own eitherway is perfect!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5
“I believe I have the right to face my accuser.”
Jim is going to tear this asshole apart.
There’s muttering throughout the crowd, the auditorium filled to the brim for one cadet’s academic dishonesty disciplinary hearing. These are always open to be attended by the accused’s peers, but usually no one bothers, having far better things to do on a Friday morning. Jim is flattered, honestly.
Admiral Archer nods and everyone turns as one of the instructors stands and walks stiffly to the other podium.
Jim is honestly taken aback. A Vulcan giving him shit over this? He squints, trying to place him, suddenly sure he’s seen him somewhere before. Possibly just in the halls, but the familiarity feels deeper than that. He’s met a lot of Vulcans, to be fair.
“Cadet,” he greets.
“Defend the logic of your accusation,” he says, falling into familiar vernacular and only barely keeping himself from saying it in formal Vulcan. This guy might appreciate it, but Archer won’t, and Chris had told him not to be too much of an asshole.
The Vulcan raises an eyebrow. “The purpose of the test is to assess your response to no win scenarios. Altering the parameters, while admittedly an impressive feat of programming, shows both your lack of understanding and your casual disregard for the institution of Starfleet.”
“I don’t believe in no win scenarios,” he says confidently, flashing a smile to the assembled admirals that, in different circumstances, tends to get him laid.
He stiffens. “Your belief in them does not change their existence. In an impossible situation, you must react to the circumstances given to you. Anything else is entertaining delusions.”
“Bullshit,” Jim says immediately and sees Chris pinch the bridge of his nose. Oops. This is a perfect time to go into the speech that he has prepared, about how if he was actually trying to cheat he would have been more subtle about it, about how cheating was his answer to the question presented by the test, and how that applies to how he would really react as a captain.
But then the Vulcan gives him the bitchiest look he’s seen in – well, about four days, but he’s suddenly so sure where he knows him from.
Spock doesn’t understand how someone with so little regard for both etiquette and moral standards has survived this long in the academy. He’s intimately familiar with the doors that having a famous father can open, but surely there must be limits.
James Kirk opens his mouth, presumably to continue his insulting and inappropriate defense of his actions, then his eyes narrow, widen, and he demands, “Spock? S'Chn T'Gai Spock? Son of Amanda Grayson and S'Chn T'Gai Sarek?”
For a moment, all he can do is stare. “Have we met?”
His syntax when first faced with him had made him think that James Kirk was familiar with Vulcan, as unlikely as that seemed, but now he’s sure. Not only because of the correct pronunciation of his family name, but in how he has addressed him. Vulcan society is matriarchal. It is correct to identify him first as his mother’s son, and also appropriate to leave off his father’s title as ambassador when identifying his family origin, as his father’s position is supposed to be secondary to his mother’s. His mother married into his father’s clan, but that doesn’t change formal conventions.
Even on Vulcan, he is rarely identified correctly.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” James Kirk says, then takes out his communicator and starts typing.
“Cadet Kirk!” Admiral Archer barks. “Put that away and comport yourself as your position demands or we’ll be here for more than accusations of your cheating.”
“Apologies, Admiral,” James Kirk says, placing his hands behind his back and looking like he’s taking this seriously for the first time. “If you’ll just allow a couple minutes-”
Spock’s communicator goes off.
“Commander,” Admiral Archer says warningly.
“One moment, please,” he says, his stomach rolling as he takes out the communicator. He’s hoping that this is another of James Kirk’s tricks, because when he’s placed it on silent only his family can contact him, and his mother marks all of her correspondence as non urgent. There is no good reason for his father to contact him.
He opens it up and blinks twice, to be certain of what he’s seeing.
Sybok has sent him a text base message. His elder brother never sends him text based communication, as he believes that Spock will not respond timely or authentically, and so only video calls him. Usually at inopportune times.
stop being mean to jimmy :(
He is a genius. Several things suddenly make sense all at once.
He is of course aware of his older brother’s dear friend who he only refers to as Jimmy. In the tragedy of Tarsus IV, when all should have been lost and the corrupt governor threatened to kill half the colony and did kill a not insignificant amount of them, it was Jimmy and Sybok who worked together to create a sort of resistance and keep people alive long enough to for their jury-rigged signal to make it through.
Receiving that strange message from Sybok after years of silence had let him, and their father, know that something was wrong and alert Starfleet.
Jimmy, who had been a minor at the time, and so his identity had been kept from the public at his request, and who had visited Sybok on Vulcan but Spock had examinations at the time and had not been permitted to travel across planet to meet him.
James Kirk looks at him, a smile hovering around the corners of his lips.
James Kirk. Colloquially known as Jim. Jimmy.
Spock had designed the Kobayashi Maru with his brother’s experience at Tarsus IV in mind. He had been different after, just as prone to arguing with their father, more prone to arguing with everyone else, but he’d been sturdier too. As if that experience had at once confirmed and destroyed all of his worst expectations of people.
James Kirk does not believe in no win scenarios and he has demonstrated that more aptly than any simulation could.
“I rescind my accusation of academic dishonesty towards Cadet Kirk.”
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thegeminisage · 1 month
I have to know about the dead beat ghost of George Kirk, that lit my brain up. Also Spock on Spock violence either/or. both even?
BOTH IS GOOD. tysm. this got so long don't worry about reading this entire answer lol <3
ok, so, spock on spock violence is a fanfic i conceived when i was deep in the throes of trek last autumn. but i had to wait until i had watched EVERYTHING with nimoy's spock in it before i could begin working on it, and by the time i got there, the steam sort of ran out of my engines. so i'm not sure if it'll ever get done at this point, especially considering i sort of veered back into working on something else. anyway, to general concept of this is - while it's very sweet that in the movies and in real life quinto spock and nimoy spock are friends, it's also. love and light. a little boring. i think that really, spock is an individual who is in many ways at war with himself, and when asked the age-old question "would you fight your clone or fuck him?" would unequivocally choose FIGHT every time
the very basic plot of the fic (which is really just a flimsy excuse for spock and spock to be petty cut-throat bitches at each other) is that post stid quinto spock has been traumatized by 1. the death of his mother 2. the death of his planet 3. the death of his boyfriend (hi, jim) and he's decided to break up with jim and do a kohlinahr so he doesn't have to feel grief anymore (and, with his longer vulcan lifespan, never has to watch jim die) because this shit is killing him. jim thinks this is stupid and nimoy spock also thinks this is stupid so nimoy spock and quinto spock spend a great deal of time hurling insults at one another about it.
there is also a side plot that very vaguely cribs from the tos episode "what are little girls made of?" wherein people are getting replaced by androids, and at one point, quinto spock is tempted by a jim android, because, after all:
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an android jim never has to suffer! he never has to die! spock could have and love his boyfriend FOREVER AND EVER and never have to fear the pain of loss ever again! that will totally work and fix everything with absolutely zero problems, right?
since i don't actually have any prose written for this yet, i will provide an excerpt from my notes, edited slightly for clarity:
to quinto spock, nimoy spock is a living example of his every failure and his worst fears. he gave up the good fight against his own internal humanity, he TOOK A HUMAN MATE (gross!), and he allowed/indirectly caused vulcan to be destroyed. nimoy spock, old and at the end of his life, has no one. he's been mourning his jim for longer than they were ever together. the only thing he knows is the unbearable pain of grief. quinto spock fears this kind of pain more than anything. he thinks he is seeing his own future and he is desperate to prevent it via any means possible, even the kolinahr - this timeline can be different, right?
to nimoy spock, quinto spock is a living example of the very worst and most cowardly parts of himself, and wastes all the precious opportunities he has - he makes nimoy spock sick with envy. quinto spock has SO many years left to spend with jim and he's going to WASTE them just because he's afraid of what life will be like without him. worse, he's hurting the person nimoy spock loved most by pushing him away, and it's all his own (nimoy spock's) fault because vulcan was kind of his bad. by allowing vulcan to be destroyed he has ruined not only his future, but also his past. quinto spock is destroying himself from the inside over his misguided prejudice over his own humanity, and his internalized xenophobia or whatever, and he's too young and too stupid to see that the only way to get through it is to GO through it, and he won't listen to the one person he should trust above all others (himself) because he HATES HIMSELF, that's his/their whole problem
like, imagine your entire deal is self-loathing and an abject refusal to accept both halves of your extremely internally conflicted being. and then suddenly there's another version of yourself who can stand next to you, who can be blamed and yelled at (possibly punched?), who is somehow doing an EVEN WORSE JOB at being you than you already are!!!!! you have to watch this other you make mistakes so massive even YOU wouldn't do them and you guys are supposed to NOT fight somehow??
ultimately, this is a fic about confronting grief and pain rather than running away from it, but it also morphed into a kind of fix-it for generations (the movie where kirk bites it in the most underwhelming death scene ever) which turned it into a very full project because those two things are a bit at odds with each other, so i had to reoutline it, but the outline IS all ready to go, i just...haven't gotten around to it yet because i'm working on the other project. i haven't given up on it though!!!
deadbeat ghost of george kirk is essentially a story about how completely useless it is to have a ghost for a dad. not a literal ghost, it's not that kind of story, but despite how affecting the opening of the 2009 movie is, we have to contend with the sad reality that if you grow up without a dad there is a high risk of simply becoming chris pine's kirk. like, that's why he's like that, right? hard truths. i only have about 800 words of this and it's quite likely it will never be finished or posted, but every time someone says something horrible to me in real life about my dead dad (happens more often than you think) i add another rage-fueled paragraph. an excerpt (content warning for child abuse and suicidal ideation):
What's so heroic about it, anyway? Jim's dad didn't die to save eight hundred lives; he died to save two, and counted the other seven hundred ninety-eight as a happy bonus. And what became of those two people? His mother a chronically offworld functional alcoholic, married to a chronically on-world nonfunctional alcoholic, whose favorite hobby is hitting his wife's sons with his belt and whose second favorite hobby is seeing which bones he can break with his steel-toed boots. Jim himself, sent to the hell that was Tarsus IV for driving a car off a cliff, who at eleven years old had already been jaded enough to consider just going off the cliff with it. Would George Kirk do it again the same way, if he could somehow know how the world turned without him in it? Would he think it was a fair trade? Either the answer is no and he was an idiot who threw away his life for nothing, or the answer is yes and he was an asshole. Either way, it hardly amounts to heroism. What good is a dead father to anybody? They can't turn up at the school play or the track meets. They can't teach you to tie a tie or throw a punch at bullies or slip you your first beer or bring you birthday gifts. You can't give a Father's Day card to an empty grave, not if you're saying anything true. All the cards say things like Thanks for being there for me, Dad!, and all Jim knows about his father is that there is the one place he wasn't. See, Jim has been in space, which is quite literally the absence of everything. He's also been on Tarsus IV, a planet where people got so hungry they started hacking limbs off of corpses to soothe the absolute absence of food in their stomach. And yet, for all that, the absence of George Kirk is the keenest absence he's ever known.
let people send you an ask with the WIP title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
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lesbeamofsunshine · 10 days
okay Strange New Worlds rant ahead:
they made Spock and T'Pring a Romance when it absolutely was tf not in TOS, it was explicitly an arranged marriage neither of them wanted, ASIDE FROM THE FACT THAT SPOCK IS CLEARLY GAY, and I don't like that it looks like they're headed toward a story where T'Pring is unfaithful. that's not what the ka'le'fe or whatever it was called in TOS was about, it was T'Pring choosing Ston over Spock, yes, but it was her right. and don't get me started on that "Spock, are you naked?" "No, but he was about to be" scene. that was horrid. completely un-Vulcan. AND since Spock and T'Pring had an arranged marriage obviously T'Pring's mother can't be against their engagement. what do these fuckers think an arranged marriage is??
and I hate that they made Spock and Christine an actual thing. like yeah she was kind of in love with him on TOS but... ASIDE FROM THE FACT THAT SPOCK IS CLEARLY GAY... would they really have had a romance? really? do they really think that could be a thing at all for any amount of time? c'mon.
and I think it's funny how many times Christine has almost died. it would be funny if they did just straight up kill her off one episode bc they might as well with how non-canon this show has been so far
I HATE TIME TRAVEL I HATE IT SO MUCH. this is a problem in other treks as well; they're like "wouldn't it be fun if Starfleet officers went back in time to Our Time and it's just like it really is now?" and the answer is yes but also no. no because to do that you have to ignore your own canon, like the eugenics wars of the 1990's. somehow through the power of time travel across multiple shows they've changed the decade of the eugenics wars in Star Trek canon and I am bitter about it. like how do you justify that in TOS the eugenics wars were said to be in the 1990's when in SNW Khan Noonien-Singh wasn't born yet then? I just really hate time travel. no one gets it right, with the exception of Back To The Future. like sometimes it's fun but mostly it just fucks everything up. butterfly effect anyone? no? that means nothing to you? don't get me started on Picard season 2 either ay ya yai.
also it kinda sucks that the Kirk brothers are played by different actors. I think it was funny that Sam Kirk was just Willy Shatz in a moustache. (Willy Shatz is what I call William Shatner in my head.) tbh I don't think the casting for either of them is right. like idk I just think it's probably hard to find someone to match Willam Shatner's energy but I don't think they nailed it. also, in every iteration of James T. Kirk that is not William Shatner, the guy is either too blond or not blond enough and in this case he is not blond enough. it seems like it should be a small thing but to me it's a big thing.
they also totally fucked up nurse Chapel's character so bad it's not even funny. like in TOS she has a very classy, elegant personality but in this she's like. what is even happening. how did they mess up so bad. like I don't even know how to describe it. not that a character with SNW Christine's personality is bad, it's just not anything like TOS Christine.
okay rant over for now
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uhhhhmanda · 23 days
15 questions, 15 people
I was tagged by @fr-wiwiw! I was sure I had done this one but I can't find it on my blog so I probably did what I usually do, which is to agonize over every answer and then delete it halfway through, lol. So let's try again!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! Spock's mother! Thank you, dad, for loving Star Trek and convincing my mom not to name me Kelsey Dawn.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Hold on, let me check my watchlist. I don't cry a lot (an interesting change that has happened in the last 10 years or so) but I know I just cried recently when I was watching a drama or a movie ... Ah! It was You Are My Secret, the cdrama.
3. Do you have kids?
No. My husband and I agree wholeheartedly on no human children. We've got two dogs and a cat that I'm way too attached to, though.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I have made a concerted effort to cut back. Now it's mostly just in texts to my husband.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Depends on the person and the situation. Sometimes height, sometimes hair, sometimes clothes. If they are talking it might be a cool accent or interesting word choice or voice. Everyone is interesting in their own way.
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I love horror, so oth is ideal, but if I can't have happy I will take scary over sad. A sad ending can drag me down for a long time after a movie/show/book, but a scary one is fun to keep thinking about.
8. Any special talents?
Understanding thick accents (which is wild because I have auditory processing issues -- if you speak perfect English you are harder for me to understand than if you have an accent that a TV station would caption. the human brain is mysterious af).
9. Where were you born?
In a small town an hour north of Seattle, WA.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, drawing, cooking, photography, watching Asian dramas. Once in a blue moon I post a vlog.
11. Do you have pets?
I have two dogs who are both approximately the same percetage of pit bull and german shepherd (they aren't related, we got dna tests) but their genes expressed in opposite directions, so Geordi looks like a pointy pit bull and Pepper looks like a short-haired GSD. We also have a weird cat named John Enwistle who overgrooms himself so that he looks like he's wearing a little bolero jacket or a crop top.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I wanted to try soccer when I was little because one of my brothers was a soccer player. But no one told me the rules? Ever? And also mom wouldn't let me quit the team when it turned out that I fucking hated being watched by everyone's parents? So I spent the entire season standing on the corner of the field ignoring everything. Kind of a formative experience. It's on my Mention To Therapist list for when I finally can afford therapy.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in high school?
15. Dream job?
I would love to make money off my art but I'd have to uhhhhh MAKE SOME ART to do that but I've got dysfunctional executives. Other things I'd love to do for money: forensic document examiner, architect, or book indexer.
I think everyone I want to see answer this has been tagged, but if you want to play PLEASE DO!
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darkwingsnark · 8 years
whos ur fav star trek character
YOU ARE ASKING TOUGH QUESTIONS, MY FRIEND. I’m going to just list characters and then explain why i love them, is that okay?
 Hello my lizard prince, what lovely scales you have. Seriously though, I just really enjoy how everything he says comes off as both super friendly/flirtatious and yet like he’s going to stab me in the back– which he probably would, and say it’s for Cardassia. I love his dedication to both the man and the planet that easily turned its back on him, and in the end he still does what’s best for his people. He is a man with so much patriotism, his outfits he designs are a pleasure (looking at you watermelon outfit), and every time he’s on screen I’m having a good time.
I love my lizard man.
He is a cinnamon roll. I know people are tired of hearing that, but he is LITERALLY the unproblematic fave. He loves art, his cat Spot, his bff Geordi, his captain, and Sherlock Holmes. I loved his quest for self discovery and, in extension, his humanity. It was so interesting to see, as the seasons went on, the people around him realizing that he was a person just as much as they were. I also was so upset when his daughter died. Just… let him be a dad. He has so much love in his robot soul. JUST LET ME WATCH HIM BE THE FAMILY MAN.
The worst. A trash man. The problem child. The list can go on. But ultimatley I love him because everything he says is hilarious. I also love how he goes from ‘HUMANS MEAN NOTHING TO EXISTANCE” to ‘HUMANS ARE MY PROBLEMATIC FAVES! Hey, hey Q Continum, come check out these funny things the humans do! …. I’m gonna go fuck with my actual real life boyfriend , Jean-Luc.’
Lowaxana Troi
I already liked Diana a whole bunch, but her mother… She is the best. I love how she would pop into personal spaces and just be like ‘yeah, no, you’re doing your life wrong. Let me show you the better way’. She had a way of making everyone off kiltered, but at the end of the day… she cared. She was very good for Odo, especially.
Alright, he may have been shitty father of the year… But i love him. Grumpy characters with hearts of gold are my weakness. It was also nice to discover he had more to him than just violence and fighting. THOUGH, speaking of which, one thing I liked about his character was him trying to connect to his people despite being raised not knowing his heritage. I felt bad with how hard he had to fight in that sense as well to prove that he was just as worthy as the next Klingon– even if his ways were different.
Odo and Quark
I… feel like I can’t really talk about one without the other. I love their dynamic. I’ve always been a lover of the frenemy trope, and it’s fun to see how their lives are so intwined. I could just watch them argue for an hour. you don’t need to give me an episode plot, just put them in the same room and I’m gonna have me a good time.
Jadzia Dax
You gave me a goddess… and then you killed her. She was one of the best characters that instigated so much hilarious teasing… and you killed her. I know many people liked Ezri Dax, and while I didn’t hate her… I’m just bitter, you know? Like Worf was upset, she was just a constant reminder that Jadzia was gone. PS, last season was the WORST. 
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Two Ships Passing in the Night {5}
Part 5
Series Masterlist
Spock x fem!Reader then Bones x fem!Reader
Summary: Spock has been thinking, Leonard has been seething, and unfortunately, they are on the same ship.
A/N: Hello, I reread the beginning of this and realized that I had some deeeeeeep plot holes, so now I am going to try to remedy them and create a cohesive plot….. While emphasizing some angst, and feelings…. If you’re still reading this, you’re a great being and deserve all the best things. So here’s some flashbacks and moods to tape this together. Also, just needed some angsty boys.
Warnings: Language.
Word Count: 2,069
Spock found himself inside your hospital room, he felt that he owed you explanations. Even though you were leaving the Enterprise for your own ship. You deserved closure from him, that much had been conveyed by Prime.
“I plan to stay on board the Enterprise. Prime, intends to remain with New Vulcan and aid in the growth of the community.” Spock said, direct, to the point. “Uhura and I have grown closer, we are going to see where this goes.”
“I see.” You murmured quietly, glancing up as Dr. Ambrose came into the room.
“Well, you and the child’s vitals look good. At the moment I do not see any complications due to the Vulcan genetics. I think that’s in part….” She stopped when she saw Spock sitting next to your bed. “Hello.” She murmured, raising an eyebrow in your direction.
You sat stiffly in bed watching Spock process what he had heard. The doctor continued speaking when you tilted your head, at this point there wasn’t a reason to stop her. The cat was out of the bag. Spock remained quiet while you continued your conversation with the doctor.
Spock could feel his mind racing with the information he now had. You were pregnant, with his child. A child who could be integral to the future of his home world. To the Vulcan race. The potential was so great, but the child would only be a fourth Vulcan. He remembered the distain he had been exposed to as a child by being half Vulcan. Did he want to expose a child to this? Perhaps there would be a shift in the culture due to the current circumstance? His mind continued to jump through hoops. Then he heard the sound of someone else at the door.
His glanced over to see Dr. McCoy at the door in his medical blues. Intense eyes staring directly at you in the bed, his focus kept him from even noticing Spock in the room. There was a look in his eyes that Spock knew he could never give you. It was completely illogical, but Spock knew he had to step away from the situation, because while he cared about you and the child. Leonard McCoy would care for both of you in ways he never could. The child would know love, be cared for, in ways he had never been. He would never give up his Vulcan life, the way he was raised, but he would not choose it for another who was not fully Vulcan.
He glanced at you, confusion evident in your eyes. He had remained silent through all the doctor had said. Most men would have an emotional response to the news of becoming a father, he was not most men. The best option for all involved, would be for him to remove himself. He stood from the chair, making short eye contact with McCoy, “Doctor.” He greeted, turning back to you. “Congratulations again, Captain.” He murmured, turning on his heel and leaving the hospital room. The last thing he heard was you telling McCoy that you had not told him. His eyebrow raised, while it wasn’t a total lie, but it was a lie by omission. Spock didn’t know much about your relationship with the Doctor, but he knew you didn’t lie to him.
Nyota found him meditating in his room that evening. He could feel her hovering in the doorway as he concentrated on his breathing.
“Spock, do you want to talk about it?” She asked quietly coming to sit at his side.
He remained silent for a moment as he considered his words. “She’s pregnant and the child is mine. I would not have known if the doctor had not revealed it to me. If you were her, would you hate me?”
She sighed and turned to look into his eyes. “I don’t think there is a single ounce of hatred in even her little finger. I imagine she is hurting, confused, maybe even a bit scared. But I doubt that she hates you.”
“Do you think the child…..would they hate me, as a father?” He gazed down at his hands.
She bit her lip. “Children love their parents, it’s what their parents do through their lifetime that determines how that love grows.”
Spock nodded at her statement, “Would I be a good father?”
Nyota reached out and rested her hand on the nape of his neck. “I believe that you have the potential for greatness in anything you do, even as a father.”
Would I be a better father than Leonard McCoy? He wondered as she pulled him into an embrace.
Being aboard the Enterprise was relatively the same as it always had been for Spock. Jim inevitably lead them into some kind of minor peril, against the logical path, and was lectured by the doctor when he was injured. Spock could not navigate the new relationship he had with Dr. McCoy. He was used to the man’s casual distain for his existence. But now it was personal and both men knew why. Logically, Spock should have found a way to relieve the tension and turmoil between himself and the doctor. Perhaps informing the Captain of the tension between the members of the Enterprise should have been a priority for the first mate. But unfortunately, Spock let his emotions dictate this matter, which is what lead to the incident.
Leonard was having a bad day, a horrible day, possibly the worst day of his miserable existence. Jim had decided to jump headfirst into an unexplored planet that had lifeforms, very angry, territorial lifeforms, causing Leonard to barely have a few seconds of rest. Once he was sure that the crew members were stable he made his way into his office for a short break. He pulled up his PADD hoping for an update from Ambrose, but the messages were blank.
“No news is good news.” He murmured to himself, setting the PADD on his desk. “We’re in the middle of unknown space, it might still be transmitting.” His fingers tapped nervously on the desk. He knew that with the current timeline you would be getting important news about the baby’s growth, potential genetic anomalies, the sex. And he wasn’t there, and the father wasn’t there. He let out a frustrated huff of air and glanced up at the form that darkened his doorway. “Jim you have already given me more than enough work today, what the hell do you want?”
Spock stepped into the light, “I’m afraid I’m not the captain, doctor.”
“And I repeat, what the hell do you want?” Leonard asked, letting the venom leak into his voice.
“I was hoping that we could have a discussion.” Spock said, tilting his head towards the chair across from the doctor’s.
Leonard reluctantly gestured to the chair. “Did I use to many bandages after the away mission?” He grumbled.
Spock gritted his teeth, this was not going to be an easy discussion. “I’m here to talk to you about the mother of my child.”
Leonard’s eyes flicked with an emotion that Spock could not read. “And why are you talking to me about this?”
“I think we both know why.” Spock answered.
“So she decided to tell you?” Leonard asked, glancing down at his PADD, which still remained dark.
“Not exactly.” Spock answered, the doctor raised his eyebrow in a question. “The doctor revealed it in front of me when I visited her before the mission.”
“So you’ve known all this time,” Leonard started, hurt rising in his chest. You had lied to him, that day, you had lied to his face. “And you haven’t done a damn thing for her.”
Spock prepared his words carefully. “I know it is no secret to either of us that if she had her way I would not be aware of the child’s existence. I hardly believe she wants me involved.”
Leonard’s hand slammed down on his desk. “You are just as responsible for that child as she is, and whether she wants you involved or not, you should have offered something. You just left her. You fucked her, got her pregnant, and you left. You knew and you walked away.” Leonard’s voice began rising in volume. “She loved you and you just walked out. I was there after you left and dammit I saw her heart break.”
“And she loves you more than she could ever love me.” Spock snapped quickly.
The doctor paused in his rant, confusion in his eyes. “You expect me to take anything you say to heart, you’re basically a walking computer program.”He scoffed, but he could feel that thought taking hold in the back of his mind.
Spock sighed, he knew that reasoning would not work with the doctor, particularly in his current state. And he would never admit it, but he could feel something boiling in his stomach as the conversation continued.
Leonard’s PADD lit, breaking the tension between the men. His fingers flitted across the screen, eyes softening. Spock could feel he was overstaying his welcome as the doctor continued to furiously scan the PADD screen. He rose from the chair, stopping in the doorway as he heard the doctor call after him. “For what it’s worth, it’s a boy.”
Spock’s shoulders relaxed and he turned back to the man at the desk for a moment, his eyes meeting his. “Thank you.”
“I’m not doing this for you.” The doctor answered, going back to the PADD. Spock nodded and exited the room. He knew that he and the doctor’s relationship was far from friendship, but he was fairly certain that the doctor was not going to punch him the next time he walked into the medical quarters. He wandered through the halls until he made it to his quarters, he picked up his PADD from his bedside table.
“I’m having a son.” He murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips. His mind wandered to thoughts of his mother, she would be excited to be a grandparent. Maybe not proud of how the child came to be, but she would love the child, like she loved him. He felt a tear roll down his cheek as he began to type his message to you.
I owe you an explanation for my actions. I know that I did not react to the news that was revealed to me, without your consent. I know that I will have a child in this world in a few months. I am responsible for them coming into this universe.
I have spent much time these past few weeks reflecting on my time with my mother. She was kind and I know without a doubt that she loved me, and I her. The human emotion of love is one that for years I repressed to be more like my father and his world, only to learn that he too felt love in his own way, in his own expression. As a child I did not understand this expression, only that of my mother. It is through her expression that I know the kind of mother you will be. You will be strong, you will be kind, caring, and above all, loving.
The life of this child will be better without me in it. The universe does not require more of me, it requires more of you. You are good, you are kind, you are caring. You are everything that I am not. This child will grow into a good and just person because you care for them. I ask you to raise them as you were. If they ever know me is not important, it is important that they know you. If either of you require anything, know that I will do what I can in my power to be sure you have it. If you require anything of me to provide for raising the child, you will have it. But you will not have me. The responsibility of their livelihood does not solely rest upon your shoulders, I played an equal part.
I cannot offer them care or kindness, only logic. Logic does not make a parent, love does. I fear I am incapable of the love that is required to be a parent. But you are not, nor is he. And he loves you more than I ever could.
Live long and prosper.
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scarletwidowvibes · 5 years
Other Times
Spock x Fem!Reader
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Warning!: Swearing
“What the fuck Jim?” You ask, staring at the former first officer.
“I didn’t expect him to throw us off the ship!” Jim exclaims while throwing his hands up.
“Well now he has and we’re stranded on this ice planet so bravo!” You yell at him.
Jim turns at the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. You turn in time to see some monstrosity that almost looks like a bear running at you two.
“Oh this is your fault!” Jim yells, grabbing your hand and running from the... animal. 
“How is this just my fau- what the fuck!” You yell when another monstrosity, this time a huge red... lizard? eats the bear thing.
Jim screams in confusion and you both start running from the lizard thing, jumping over a cliff and into snow.
“Into that cave!” You yell, pointing to an opening in a glacier and you and Jim start running again. 
Unfortunately the lizard thing is small enough to fit into the cave and backs you and Jim into a corner.
“Oh brilliant idea Y/n!” Jim yells over the roar of the lizard thing.
Before you can respond fire is thrown at the lizard thing and it backs off and out of the cave. The man who’s holding the torch turns and furrows his brows at the two of you.
“James Tiberius Kirk and Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n.” The old man says. 
“A friend of yours?” You ask Jim who in turn shakes his head.
“I am Spock.” The old man, Spock, says.
“You know I kind of see a resemblance.” You say before being pushed into the snow by Jim.
“Bullshit.” Jim says.
You and Jim sit with Ambassador Spock for who knows how long, listening to him tell his story.
“Wow, so you and Jim are besties? Could’ve fooled me.” You say, leaning against the glacier wall.
“Yes, me and Jim are very close. But you and I, Y/n, are married.” Ambassador Spock says causing Jim to choke.
“Oh my god! You and Spock are married?” Jim asks through his very loud laughter. You roll your eyes and push him over, into the snow.
“Well then why did you throw me off the Enterprise?” You ask.
“Right now I am experiencing pain I never thought I could. My planet has been destroyed and as you both say my mother has died. Currently I am trying to do what I think is most logical.” Ambassador Spock explains. “Jim, you need to expose my pain to the crew and make me realize that I have been emotionally compromised. Then you must become captain of the Enterprise, make me your first officer, and defeat Nero.”
“Sure, that sounds simple enough.” Jim says, rubbing his head with his hands.
“Okay aside from all that thrilling stuff, we are still stuck on a ice planet with no way to get back into the Enterprise.” You remind the two of them.
“There is a Star Fleet officer on this planet and we will need his help.” Ambassador Spock says, gesturing for you and Jim to follow him.
“Oh great! Finally you brought me some food!” A Scottish man says, sitting back in a chair. He starts an argument with his friend while you and Jim look at each other with confusion.
“You are Montgomery Scott.” Ambassador Spock says, to which the Scottish man nods.
“Scotty yes, and this here is Keenser.”  Scotty says, pointing at his friend.
“I am Ambassador Spock, this is Y/n and Jim.” Ambassador Spock introduces your little group.
“Okay that’s great and all but do you have any food?” Scotty asks.
“Uh I have some cheese puffs.” You say, taking the bag of cheese puffs and handing them over to Scotty. Ambassador Spock and Jim turn to you with raised brows but you just shrug.
Ambassador Spock pulls you aside while Keenser, Scotty, and Jim get the launch pad prepared.
“Y/n, when Jim reveals my true emotions I will be very distraught. You will need to try and comfort me to the best of your abilities.” He tells you.
“I mean I’ll try but I can’t promise anything.” You reply. He nods and then gestures for you to join Scotty and Jim on the launch pad.
“Live long and prosper.” Is the last thing you hear before being transported into the Enterprise.
“Uh Jim, where’s Scotty?” You ask. You and Jim look around before hearing someone knock from inside one of the water containers.
“Scotty?” Jim asks but Scotty gets sucked into a tube before he can answer.
“Oh my god, Scotty!” You yell chasing after him. Jim follows close behind, trying to find a way to open something so Scotty can at least breathe.
You’re standing under a panel, watching Scotty zoom towards you when Jim pulls a lever, opening the panel and dropping Scotty onto you.
“Ow! What the hell Jim?” You yell, taking Scotty’s hand as he helps you up.
“Who told you to stand under the panel?” Jim asks, beginning to walk towards the bridge.
“You could’ve given me a warning.” You counter.
“Sorry to interrupt but are you two always like this?” Scotty asks but before you can answer there’s a phaser pointed at your face.
“You’re coming with me... cupcake!” A man yells at Jim. You and Scotty give each other a look.
“We are travelling at warp speed how did you get aboard the Enterprise?” Spock asks.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Jim replies. Spock looks to you next but you’re to busy waving at Bones. Finally his eyes land on Scotty.
“Are you a Star Fleet officer?” He asks Scotty who just nods, “How did you board this vessel.”
Scotty starts to explain but Jim cuts him off which puts him in a very awkward middle position. 
“You know I don’t think I should get involved.” Scotty says, backing up. You try to hide your laughter with a cough which unfortunately makes everyone look at you.
“Hey could we get some towels?” You ask, gesturing to you and Scotty who are soaked. Bones sighs and calls someone down at the medbay to bring towels up to the bridge.
You and Scotty slowly sneak over to Bones while Spock and Jim argue. You both snatch a towel and look over in time to hear Spock give his position as acting captain up to Jim. 
Spock breaths heavily as he storms off the bridge, his father following close behind. You and Scotty watch him go while Bones leaves your side to argue with Jim.
“I think it’s your turn lassy.” Scotty says, lightly pushing you to the exit. You look over at Jim who nods in understanding.
“Y/n will be my temporary first officer and her first job is to go check on Spock.” Jim says which makes Bones scoff. You turn and leave the bridge behind, going to find Spock.
You find him at the transport pad, staring at the place his mother should have been transported to. His father passes you on your way in but he doesn’t say anything.
“Why are you here?” Spock asks, not turning to face you.
“I’m the temporary first officer, Jim tasked me with checking up on you.” You say, going further into the room.
“I assume we are turning around and going back to the Romulans.” Spock says, finally turning around to face you.
“Yes, we’re going to get Pike.” You reply, leaning against the wall that separates the transport pad from the transporters.
“How did you get on the Enterprise?” Spock asks.
“Scotty is a very talented man, he used some equation, and something about space being the thing that’s moving.” You try and explain. Spock nods in understanding.
“Everyone doubts Kirk, except for you.” Spock says, searching your face.
“Well Jim’s been my long time friend, I’ve learned that he’s both smart and pretty,” you say, “and we have shared life experience.”
“Yes, you both lost parents on the USS Kelvin.” Spock says blandly. You nod, frowning to yourself.
“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.” You tell him. “Or if you ever want to play chess, someone told me you’re pretty good at it.” 
Spock raises an eyebrow but doesn’t stop you as you turn and leave, going back to the bridge.
Spock enters the bridge a few minutes after you, just in time to hear Jim’s brilliant plan on entering Nero’s ship.
“Spock, you’re my new first officer, Y/n take the con, come on Spock we’re going to Nero’s ship.” Jim says quickly, patting Spock on the shoulder as he walks by.
“After this is done, I would like to play chess with you.” Spock says as he passes by you.
“Understood Mister Spock.” You say with a hidden smile.
“Ambassador Spock.” Spock says to his alternate reality.
“Commander.” Ambassador Spock replies.
“Why did you send Kirk and Y/n when you alone could have explained everything?” Spock asks.
“Because you needed Jim and Y/n in that time and I believed in their capabilities to win this fight.” Ambassador Spock says.
“Hey Spock! And uh, Spock.” You say, walking up to the two. Ambassador Spock waves at you and you give him a smile. “We’re having a party, since we beat the Romulans. You both are invited.”
“While I do love Jim’s parties I will have to decline this offer, I need to take the remaining Vulcans to New Vulcan.” Ambassador Spock says.
“Yeah that makes sense,” you say, turning to Spock, “what about you Spock?”
“I believe we were to play a game of chess.” Spock reminds you.
“And we will play chess, but I need to make an appearance at the party or Jim will never leave me alone.” You tell him, “And you’re coming with me.” 
You turn on your heel and walk away, towards the party room.
“Saying live long and prosper seems oddly self serving so I will simply say, good luck.” Ambassador Spock says to Spock.
“Good luck.” Spock returns then turns and follows you.
You link your arm with Spock’s and lead him to the party room, wanting to make your appearance quick.
“You know we’re married in Ambassador Spock’s timeline.” You tell Spock, moving a chess piece.
“Ambassador Spock failed to mention that to me.” Spock says, his ears tinged green. 
“Well it’s true.” You say, taking a sip of your drink.
Spock nods, moving one of his chess pieces. 
“You’re turning green.” You whisper teasingly, moving one of your pieces.
“You’re turning red.” Spock retorts, thinking of his next move.
“Too much drinking.” You say, swirling the alcohol around in your glass.
“That is one logical hypothesis.” Spock responds, watching as you move a piece. 
“You know I have always liked circle ice.” You say, staring into your glass. Spock looks at you with confusion, raising an eyebrow. “You know, like the ice in spheres.”
“Ah, it is aesthetically pleasing.” Spock says, moving a piece.
You take turns moving chess pieces until eventually Spock wins making you huff in frustration. You look at the bottle that was full of alcohol but is now empty and sigh, getting up and starting to clean the glasses.
Spock starts cleaning the chess pieces and chess board up while you put the dishes in the sink, leaving them for tomorrow.
“I suppose it’s time for me to take my leave.” Spock says after putting the chess board away.
“Yeah I guess so, it was nice spending time with you Spock.” You say, walking him to the door.
“I had a pleasant time as well Y/n.” Spock says, stopping at the doorway. You lean up on your tiptoes and give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Have a good night Spock.” You say, settling back down onto your feet.
“Until next time, Y/n.”
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pollyna · 4 years
A concept: Leonard H. McCoy is a good dad. Four hundred fifty people can confirm it and one, eventually two, kid is going to tell him.
For the first two years Jim doesn't really know how or why Leonard's marriage has ended, but he knows it was a sad and awful affair that messed up Bones pretty bad. And he knows, just because he can snoop like no one else in the entire galaxy, that there's a kid in Georgia, her name is Joanna Elizabeth and she loves green and she is almost four. He knows that Bones talks to her every time he can, goes home every weekend he isn't on rotation at the clinic, doesn't forget a birthday or any kind of recitals she does. He can't be there, not as much as he likes, but he always sent a flower or two to make sure his baby girl knows how proud he his of her. Still when the-ex, whom Jim refuses to learn the name, calls in the middle of the evening and says "you're a really shitty father Leonard" and Leonard agrees with her, Jim would like the break something or to shake Bones up because how could that woman think Bones is a bad father? What does she knows about bad and worst fathers? About being forget by their own mother to a person they'll never call dad and who makes them want to run, runrunrunrunrunrunrun, every time something is slightly off? Because they now, he knows, that when he's going to realize what's wrong is gonna be the end. And if not by his hands it will be by his words and they never really gonna forget what he said to them. Not after five minutes and not in ten years. What Bones is a bad father because he is not with his daughter every day? Is he a bad dad even when he calls her daughter after almost forty hours of shift, with tears in his eyes because he lost one to many patient, but seeing his little girl is more important than anything else? Is he a bad dad because the ex wants him to be so bad so she'll have an excuse to cut him off once and for all or she is just mean? Jim knows Bones isn't a perfect dad but he also knows that "perfect" dads are shiny dreams of stars, starship and broken promises that got lost in the death and broken debris. Perfect dads are the one who leave behind them empty graves and so much grief a life time won't be enough to process it all. So the ex should give Bones a little more credit and maybe, maybe, Bones himself is gonna start believing he can be a good dad for Joanna.
The fact is the never really talk about dads, not when they're sober at least. They don't talk about a lot of things but they're getting better on that side. The first fathers' day on the ship come and go, Leonard and Hikaru share a drink and spend the night talking about their girls. Later Bones will tell him that Sulu is a great dad™, trying to say the tm too but pronouncing something similar to t-n, but every one is a better father than he is. 'M just a shitty excuse for a dad, Jimmy. And oh, that makes Jim tear a little, but he doesn't answer because Bones is already asleep.
For the second one their in the middle of a diplomatic mission, too many light years away from Earth, and not even Sulu remembers of it. Still Jim kisses Bones before cuddling with him that night. They still don't talk about it but is a little better than the previous year.
The third year Jim is dead. Joanna is ten and she calls him uncle Jim. The ex, he knows her name is Jocelyn but still the ex, calls at least twice a week and she says she is sorry about some things she said when he was at the Academy. Jim is still dead when all of it happens but he is alive, weak as a new born but alive, when Bones confesses to him that maybe, just maybe, he is not a bad dad. At least not as bad as he used to think. Jim consider it a victory on his personal agenda.
The fourth father's day they share a drink in his private quarter before Hikaru can drag Bones away for their annual "cake and I-have-so-many-feelings-about-my-baby girl" but, when he comes back, he's sober and he's still laughing. Joanna calls the next day and she screams his name so loud even Scotty, five decks under theirs, can hear it. What she is saying is dad I love you, thank you for the present oh god but what they get is a dadiloveyouthankyou! And it's the first time Joanna says "happy fathers' day uncle Jim!" Bones spends the rest of the night kissing him as if he's the treasure.
Th fifth year, the last one before they're going to spend six to nine months on earth, Bones is quiet for a week. He's still kissing him every time he can, bitching with Spock and playing poker on Wednesday will all the senior crew but he's just sad. It's Bones himself that solves the mystery: "Last week one of the new technician, the one we picked from the end of the Alpha Quadrant almost a year ago?, came in for xe physic and xe leaves me a note? Like a paper one, with little doodles all over the page, colorful little, beautiful things and xe wrotes, in Standard, that xe is grateful to know me and xe things I did more to help xem to settle in and learn to live in the middle of so many new species than anyone else. Xe said working here is like starting a new life for xe and I took the role of xem dad? And it wasn't the last card I received! Other eight people left their physic giving me strange, colorful and hilarious pieces of paper wishing me a great dad's day. And then Spock comes in today and he hugs me, a legit hug Jim!, and he says that he will be honored if I could accept to be the godfather of a child who doesn't exist yet, because he can't thing about another human he could trust for the role. And they all are all the faith in the galaxy in me when I don't, not in the role of father at least, and it's unsettling and makes me want to hide away until they realize I'm not that great and I'll let them down."
"I have the best crew in the galaxy or didn't I? So Bonesy you have to trust them when they say and do things like that. And babe, you deserve it. I know you don't believe it but it's true" he concludes kissing him on his lips.
(Bones saves every single one of the card he receives inside a box he takes with him when they arrive on Earth and leave it with his mom because space and danger and all that stuff.)
The sixth, seventh, eighth father's day are spent in different places all over the Alpha and Beta quadrant, trying to meet new species and learn new things. Some of them are the best kind of day, where Bones talks to Jo, kisses Jim until he becomes a little more stupid and in love with this man, and once he even plays chess with Spock and Uhura. Others are not so good but Bones&Hikaru tradition helps more than anything else.
On the ninth Bones is cuddling a new born who lost his parents during a raid on their home planet. "We should adopt him" Jim proposes during dinner and "it's the most logical course of action to take doctor" adds Spock. "Oh hell" is the only thing Bones says before requesting the papers for adoption.
(It's not the only thing he says because they discuss it for hours, because they're afraid to fuck up everything and he is just a baby and he already their world. They've been married long enough to trust they're going to do this together but is all new and terrifying just as exciting.)
For the eleventh father's day they're on Jupiter, Joanna's eighteen and Samuel's two and they spend all day at the park near the Starfleet Center, with the Sulu's. Bones is laughing at something Ben said and Jim looks at him and he is just grateful to do this, having a family, rising a child and exploring space with this wonderful man.
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wanderingcas · 5 years
@bekindplsrewind prompt: Found the phone number of an old childhood friend in some box at the back of the closet and decided to call it to see if it still worked AU. in other words: dean is afraid of phones destiel. 1.7k. fluff & phone shenanigans.
“How did you accumulate all this junk?” Sam asks. He punctuates the point by throwing a pink crop top that says “Real Women Lift Weights” at Dean’s face.
“This isn’t junk,” Dean protests, “this was from my junior year in high school.” He carefully puts the crop top on the bed, letting out a sigh. “What a time of sexual discovery.”
“God, Dean. The fact remains—” Sam dives in deeper into Dean’s closet, on his hands in knees, pushing boxes and clothes across the floor at random, “—that Mom is showing this house on Wednesday, and no one is going to want to even consider buying it with all your cluttered crap all over the place.”
Dean snatches a Spock figurine off the floor before Sam’s knee collides with it. “Your room was worse.”
“Yeah, but I cleaned it.”
Making a face at the back of his brother’s head, Dean sits cross-legged on the ground. “Fine. But I’m the final say on what’s garbage or not.”
“We’re never getting out of here,” Sam sighs. But he reluctantly passes Dean a small shoebox anyway.
Dean opens it and sneezes. It clearly hadn’t been opened since before he had to start shaving on a regular basis. He rifles through the contents: colorful paperclips, a note that a cute girl had written to him in eighth grade, a small notebook that had SAM RULES written on the front that was crossed out and modified to SAM SMELLS. Dean chuckles and launches the notebook at Sam’s head.
Not stooping to Dean’s tactics to derail the cleaning situation, Sam calmly slides another Nike shoebox in Dean’s direction.
“You’re no fun,” Dean mutters, taking the top off of the shoebox. He pauses. 
The polaroid picture staring at him from the bottom of the box all but slams into his brain, making him remember the moment like it was yesterday. Him and Cas had found a polaroid camera at a neighbor’s garage sale, but instead of buying it, they held it under their chins and took a picture with it, stealing the picture and running away with it. They giggled in Cas’ tree house as the photo slowly revealed their chins, stuck-out tongues, and wayward eyes drawn into obnoxious faces.
“Who’s that?” Sam asks over Dean’s shoulder. Dean jumps almost a foot in the air.
“Jesus, Sam, warn a guy.” Dean hastily shoves the picture back into the box. “And you remember Cas, you dumbass.”
“I was only four, Dean, give me a break,” Sam says. “That’s the kid you hung out with in Dad’s neighborhood before he sold the house, right?”
Dean softly scoffs. ‘Before Dad went off the alcoholic deep end and lost the house in a foreclosure,’ was more accurate. John had ghosted soon after that, leaving Mary with full custody of Sam and Dean. Her neighborhood was across town from Cas’.
“The last time I saw him was probably… I dunno…” Dean whistles through his teeth. “Probably when I was eight or nine.”
“I remember when you tried to run away to see him once,” Sam says. “You got a garbage bag full of your stuff and everything.”
Dean chuckles. “Yeah, and Mom just watched me drag that thing down the street until the bag ripped and I had to come home.”
“Overdramatic,” Sam says with a grin.
“Whatever, like you were an angel.” Dean rifles around in the box for more Cas-related stuff: broken, smoothed-over green glass they found by a creek that they were convinced were priceless jewels (they weren’t), an old broken ping pong ball they thought was a bird’s egg (again, it wasn’t), notes from Cas that were passed to Dean during class.
And a phone number.
Dean remembers the number as soon as he reads it: 555-9875. Cas had told Dean that if they ever get in trouble, or move away, they have to remember each other’s phone numbers so the other person can help. “Even when we’re adults!” Cas proclaimed from atop the slide, arms outstretched before he tumbled off the side (he did that a lot, climbing to high places, and making Dean’s too small heart already having premature attacks from fear).
“You should call it,” Sam says, again prying his big nose into Dean’s personal business.
“What? No way. It probably wouldn’t even work.”
“I dare you,” Sam offers.
“Jesus, Sam, how old are we?”
“Fine.” Sam crosses his arms. “If you call that number, I will clean out most of this closet myself, and you won’t have to lift a finger.”
Dean considers. He looks down at the frayed, yellowed paper. It’s been twenty years. It’s likely that the number is disconnected, or belongs to someone else.
“Deal,” he decides, whipping out his cell phone. “But you can’t throw away anything, okay? Not without my say.”
“I’ll get a box,” Sam sighs, rising to his feet.
Dean waits until Sam stomps out of the room before carefully dialing the number. He holds it to his ear and waits, hearing his own heartbeat vibrate the receiver.
One ring. Two. Three, until—
“Hello?” asks a voice.
Dean hesitates. It’s male, but couldn’t possibly be Cas, because the Cas he remembers had an obnoxiously pipsqueak voice, not this gravelly one that sounds like the guy just got finished chewing nails for breakfast. “Uh, hey,” he says.
There’s a beat too long of silence. “Can I help you?” the man asks again.
“Oh, yeah, well. Uh. I was just wondering—does Cas Novak still live there?”
“This is he.”
Dean’s face freezes. He gapes at Sam who has just walked back into the room. Sam’s mouth moves into a silent “What?” while Dean frantically gestures at the phone and yells silently “Cas! CAS!”
“Hello?” Cas asks over the receiver.
Sam, saving the day as usual, does a dive toward Dean and smacks him over the head with a box to stop his panic attack in its tracks.
“Oh, awesome.” Dean clears his throat. “It’s, uh—it’s Dean. Dean Winchester. I… yeah.”
The wariness in Cas’ voice is completely dropped when he repeats, “Dean? Oh my god.”
“You remember me?” Dean blurts out.
“Of course I remember you, I—” Cas laughs. Dean breathes in sharply. “This is so strange, I’m just here helping my mother move and the phone rings and—” He laughs again, more airy and bewildered. “It’s great to hear from you. What’s it been, twenty years?”
“Something like that,” Dean says. “You know, we’re moving my mom out of her house too. Must be a ‘moving your mother’ convention in town.”
Across the room, Sam groans and holds his head in his hands.
But Cas laughs, miraculously, and says, “Must be. Do you still live in town?”
“Uh, yeah. You?”
“Yes. I moved away for college, of course, but now I’m back.”
Dean smiles down at the floor. He picks at a thread of carpet. “Remember when we made a pact to go to the same college?”
“I do. In Australia, if I remember correctly.”
“Did you go to Australia?”
“No,” Cas chuckles. “Did you?”
Cheeks coloring, Dean stutters, “Uh, well, the college route—it wasn’t for me. So that’s a negative.”
“College is an ample waste of time, I don’t blame you,” Cas says. There’s a noise in the background that Dean can’t quite identify. “Dean, I’m sorry to cut this short, but my mother needs help dealing with the movers.”
“Oh, sure, Cas, no prob.” Dean looks up at Sam, who is gesticulating wildly, miming out a pen and paper like a crazy person. “Do you uh…”
“Dean—” Cas says at the same time. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“No, you go,” Dean says, smacking his forehead with a palm.
“I was just—I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee. Maybe catch up. I know it’s been a while, but—”
“Yes!” Dean blurts out. He gapes at Sam, who is giving him a very enthusiastic thumbs-up. “Yeah, uh—that’d be awesome, Cas.”
He can hear the smile in Cas’ voice when he says, “Wonderful. I’ll give you my number.”
Sam digs in his pocket and flicks a pencil at Dean’s head. Dean quickly scribbles down the number Cas gives him over the phone, on the yellowed paper just under Cas’ childhood one.
“So I’ll just text you some times and days, then?” Dean asks.
“That’d be wonderful.” Cas pauses. “Thank you for calling, Dean.”
“Uh, sure, Cas. Thank you for, uh. Answering, I guess.”
Cas laughs. Dean could listen to that laugh for days. “Goodbye, Dean.”
“Ciao, Cas.” Dean flips his phone shuts and yells at it, “CIAO? Who the fuck do I think I am!?”
“We’re looking him up on Facebook!” Sam declares, making a nose-dive for his backpack. He yanks out his turn-of-the-dark-ages laptop and begins to wildly type.
Dean lays on the ground and pulls the pink crop top over his face. “That was the fucking worst thing I’ve ever done,” Dean declares.
“What’s his last name?”
“Novak,” Dean groans into the fabric. “I’m gonna text him, but he won’t text me back, because who would text back a psychopath that just randomly calls your childhood best friend’s phone number—”
“Dean,” Sam says.
“—and what if he’s the psychopath, or worse, not even Cas and he was just pretending and I meet up with him and get killed or worse he steals Baby and—”
“Dean,” Sam barks.
“What,” Dean yells back, flinging the crop top off his head.
Sam turns the laptop around and taps, hard, on the screen. “Dean, your childhood best friend is hot.”
Squinting, Dean raises his head toward the Facebook page sprawled out on the screen. There’s a picture of a very blue-eyed, very chiseled, very dark-haired man smiling in his profile picture. Dean can immediately match the voice to the face—he even recognizes remnants of young, eight-year-old Cas in between those smile lines—and his soul leaves his body for a moment.
“I need to text him immediately,” Dean says, wide eyed, to Sam.
“You need to text him immediately,” Sam agrees.
(Dean does, of course, after many beers and a lot of texting with subsequent deleting. It’s a story that Sam loves to tell at Dean and Cas’ wedding, a few years later.)
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2019 Fic Recs
To celebrate the end of 2019 (and also to procrastinate on my own fics!), I figured I’d round up 19 of my favorite fics of the year! Now, to be clear, these were all written (at least partly) during 2019, and they’re all complete. But that’s like all they have in common. They’re from random fandoms and some are def explicit and they’re in no particular order, but mostly it’s Riverdale lmao. Bc i’m trash and i ain’t ashamed.
Starting out with the Riverdale here babyyy:
Things unrequited by Bearfacedcheek
New Veronica, new type?
Set after S01E01 Veronica decides that Jughead Jones is the perfect antidote to all the bad romantic and moral choices she always seems to make. But making Jughead hers doesn't prove as straight forward a task as she expects
No peace nor rest by Bearfacedcheek
They're not stupid. They know there's no peace in revenge. But the sight of Betty and Archie together makes them stupid and whisky makes them weak, so they take the only revenge they can.
Set post 2x08 Betty and Archie enter a relationship, leaving Jughead and Veronica heartbroken and a night of drunken revenge sex morphs into something far more complicated.
have i been too discreet? by partyhardy
In which Betty realizes she slowly watched Jughead fall for Veronica. 
keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type by Krewlak
The new kid at school argues with Veronica and it sparks something inside of Jughead. 
Supporting Characters by torombolo
Maybe this was inevitable, Jughead thought, staring at the couple in front of him. He spared a glance at Veronica. From the look on her face, she thought the same thing. Betty and Archie. Archie and Betty. Perfect. The American Dream.
“Fine,” the dark-headed girl had told him, “I’m fine.”
“Me too,” he said convincingly. Whether he was trying to convince her or himself he wasn’t sure.
But Darling, Who Ever Said That Love Was Fair? by bothromeoandjuliet
There is no room for blood and thorns in the bubblegum scented word that was Betty Cooper's life, and both Jughead and Veronica know it. But that doesn't mean that they can help what they are or what they feel. Only, nothings fair in love and friendship. 
Hindsight, As They Say, Is Twenty-Twenty by bothromeoandjuliet
Betty's always wondered why Jughead Jones broke up with her, and now, eight years after the fact, she finally gets her answer. (A one shot/drabble ft. past!bughead, and past!veggie, with a healthy dose of jeronica sprinkled all the way through.) ((Also I manage to write fluff that doesn't just turn to angst!)) (((So thats exciting)))
Some Stucky:
This Side of the Blue by notlucy
Tucked against a set of crumbling, stone steps was a tank made of metal and glass, filled to the brim with greenish water, distorted sunlight filtering through and casting strange shadows. Playing tricks on the eye. A trick was the only explanation for what Steve saw floating there. This figment of his childhood. This myth. This legend.
Within the tank, the siren bared its teeth.
Paper Tree by Ellessey
Bucky just laughs and shoves another bite of egg in his mouth, giving Steve a shrug and a full-cheeked smile. He's so damn cute Steve wants to shout at him, but he can't seem to say any of the right things. "Shoulda got you a comb for Christmas," is what he comes up with instead.
"What did you get me?"
It's Steve's turn to shrug now, and if he looks more terrified than cheeky as he does so, he can only hope Bucky doesn't catch it before Steve hurries out the door.
On December first, Steve wraps up a letter for Bucky and sets it under their Christmas tree. Now he has twenty-four days left to figure out how to tell Bucky what he wrote, face to face.
Political Animals by crinklefries, Deisderium
Okay, so the real problem is that you shouldn’t fuck your arch-rival, political enemy, and the person you loathe the most in the world where you work. Or like, at least, you shouldn’t keep doing that.
But okay, the thing that Descartes or whoever didn’t know was that Steve really tries, but Bucky Barnes has a mouth that should probably constitute an eighth sin or something.
Jesus fucking Christ, Sam’s going to kill him.
(or—Steve’s best friend is the U.S. Constitution and he can’t seem to stop fucking a hot Republican. They shouldn’t fall in love, but somehow they do. That’s it, that’s the fic.)
like heaven stood up in you by napricot
“You said you were gonna miss him,” says Bruce slowly. “He was supposed to be back in five seconds, but you hugged him and said ‘I’m gonna miss you.’”
Bucky’s face is serene again now, and gives nothing away. “I know Steve,” he repeats. “You think you can hand him a time machine and some rocks of unspeakable power and he’s just gonna go put ‘em right back where they belong?”
Steve does put the Infinity Stones right back where they belong. He just does a couple other things too. Or: three timelines and a Reverse Time Heist.
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap by AggressiveWhenStartled
Steve had gone fully red-faced with pedantic altar-boy fury. “Did your computer forget how to Google translate?” he bellowed, sticking his head up and over. Bucky yanked him down again. “What are you even trying to say?”
Bucky tried to shake the sparkles off the grenade he had been planning on lobbing over the divider. “It sounded like Latin to me,” he said reasonably, pursing his lips and frowning at the explosive. It dripped a sparkle, and a puff of purple smoke curled up where it hit the concrete.
“That’s because you spent Sunday school flirting with Sarah Cunningham,” Steve accused, bobbing back up to throw his shield and ducking back down to dodge a shining ball of blue light. “You wouldn’t know Latin if it came up and kissed you on your ugly mug.”
“I’d sure know it if Sarah Cunningham did, though.” Bucky grinned, struck by the memory. “That gal really knew what she was doing.”
Some DC stuff (Halbarry):
Iconoclast by the_mythologist
When an alien race’s covert invasion and assassination spree decimates the Supercommunity, the survivors must band together to defeat against an unseen, invincible enemy. With many of their greatest heroes off-world or dead, the remnants of the Justice League, Teen Titans, Birds of Prey, Batfamily, and a few unaffiliated ‘heroes’ are all that stand in the way between the ‘Iconoclasts’ and Earth’s annihilation.
John Constantine is most unamused.
Slowing Down by Cinderstrato
It hadn’t been long after they first met before Barry began to suspect, in a vaguely-formed way, that it would be easy to fall in love with Hal.
sweating out a hot day by magnetocent
it's a hot day, but barry decides it's not hot enough 
Okay now some one-offs from random fandoms/pairings:
Off The Record by crookedswingset
Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp’s money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn’t nail down: the real identity of everyone’s favorite webhead.
Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.
Stars Beneath His Skin by ElloPoppet
On the white piece of paper was a smattering of small, black dots. McCoy turned the paper, in search of a pattern or alignment of some kind but not finding even a trace. The dots appeared to be drawn at random or rather, McCoy noticed as he squinted, printed. He looked up at where Spock was standing over him and returned a cocked eyebrow of his own.
“If you need help cracking some kind of code, this isn’t exactly my specialty, genius.”
Rather than banter back, Spock responded immediately and smoothly. “It is not a code. That is the alignment of stars that would have been visible in the night sky from Earth should one have been standing at the coordinates where my Mother was born at the moment of the occurrence.” Silence blanketed the room, McCoy not having a goddamn clue how to respond to that. Luckily, Spock wasn’t finished.
“I wish to memorialize her with what most races would call a tattoo, and I would like your help with the matter.”
Too Close To Love You by stylescoalition 
Aleks used to have a big crush on Brett but he doesn’t anymore, which is great considering they work together, on top of being good friends (suuuper lit). Now, Aleks is going to be living with Brett in LA until he finds a place of his own, but just because he isn’t crushing on Brett doesn’t mean that Brett isn’t crushing on him. Suffice to say, it makes things complicated… except it really isn’t as complicated as they think. 
drawn to wilder nights by detectivemeer
Scott and Derek start a frenemies-with-benefits relationship, and it goes about as well as one would expect.
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biscuitreviews · 4 years
Biscuit Reviews Star Trek Discovery (Season 2) (SPOILERS)
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After watching the first season of Discovery, I thought, “what first season of Trek isn’t awful, maybe Discovery will hit its stride in the second season.” Then I watched the second season... 
That was a thing.
As mentioned previously in my season one review, technological inconsistencies will not matter and Lore will be taken on a case by case basis. Season 2 will be judged on Season 2 alone, but I will bring up Season 1 events if appropriate. I won’t be going over every episode as Season 2 had a continuing storyline.
Spoilers will be discussed so if you haven’t watched either the first or second season, you’ve been warned.
Season 2 immediately picks up where Season 1 left off, with the USS Discovery answering a distress signal from the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. With the Enterprise heavily damaged, Starfleet has tasked Pike to take command of Discovery to continue his mission on investigating seven signals that mysteriously appeared with no explanation.
Having Pike come in is once again an excellent way to bridge this series with the TOS timeline. We also get to see more of Pike himself as our only experience seeing Pike in action is the TOS pilot. Pike is a Captain that will do anything for the crew he serves. He upholds Starfleet’s ideals of peace and exploration. We even get to see Pike still continue to carry the guilt of being able to do nothing during the Federation/Klingon war, something that we also saw in the pilot episode of TOS which was a really nice touch of connecting that this Pike we are seeing is the same Pike from the pilot.
As for where we are exactly in accordance to the TOS timeline, Season 2 takes place at an undetermined amount of time after the events of the TOS pilot. However, from what I have observed with what Discovery presents to us, my guess would be we are about 8 years away from the first episode of Kirk’s command of the Enterprise which we saw in “The Man Trap”. Which would put the events of the pilot happening around the first or second year of Pike’s command of the Enterprise. Take that little detail with a grain of salt, but again, with what we’re presented, I feel this makes the most sense in terms of the timeline of the Prime Universe.
However, despite how awesome Pike was, I felt season 2 used him as a crutch to keep the series up. It seems that the second season wanted to highlight Pike as the main character rather than Michael Burnham, you know, who the series is actually supposed to be about?
Speaking of Michael, what’s her story this season? Finding Spock after he broke out of a psychiatric hospital. Why is Spock in a psychiatric hospital you might ask. He’s there because he’s connected to the seven signals somehow and believes that the creator of the signals, known as the “Red Angel” is communicating with him. Spock also enters a “logic breakdown” trying to figure out if the Red Angel is real or not, seeing how he’s the only person that has had any form of contact with this being.
We’ll get more to Michael’s story soon, but first let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the room. How is Spock in Discovery? He’s fine. I don’t have a problem with this Spock showing more of his emotional side as it lines up more with how Spock was portrayed in the pilot of TOS. However, what I do have a problem with the conflict he has with Michael Burnham and how the writers handled the rest of Spock’s family. Spock resents Michael, why does he resent Michael? The reason for said resentment is what I consider to be one of the most offensive things to happen to Spock himself.
Amanda Grayson, Spock’s mother, saying how she couldn’t give all her love and support to Spock because she didn’t want to confuse him with his Vulcan/Human heritages and being raised the Vulcan way.
What the fuck.
Look, I know canon established that Amanda had difficulties with raising Spock and how she faced challenges with the Vulcan upbringing. But even through all of that, she still showed her love towards Spock and did her best to give Spock the support he needed during his formative years. We’ve even seen Spock in TOS and the movies be very warm towards his mother, even AOS reflected this. To have Amanda say she gave everything to Michael not only gives more unnecessary resentment Michael faces to the longtime Trek audience, but also does a disservice to the established relationship between Amanda and Spock that we see in TOS and the movies.
Let’s not forget the other reason Spock has resentful towards Michael, because she called him a half-breed when they were kids. The reason Michael did that was also really weird, which was for the sake of protecting him from the Logic Extremists to show that they hated each other. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that would stop a terrorist organization trying to harm Spock. This seems like another case of the writers needing a patchwork reason to show why they never went after Spock as a child to uphold established Lore and that was what they came up with.
As for Spock himself, well my complaints for Spock are the same as Pike’s. He was used as a crutch for the season to keep interest, which was not necessary. A Spock appearance was inevitable with the adoptive nature he shares with Michael, but to have him play the large role was unnecessary, especially with what we learn about Michael’s connection with the Red Angel.
Now Sarek, this season, I will have to admit, he was handled much better than the previous season. We see a Sarek that cares for Spock, even partaking in Vulcan rituals to attempt to reach out to his son when Spock is missing. We see Sarek doing everything possible to help Spock. Even when he’s faced with a dilemma between turning Spock over to the Federation for questioning, we see that internal conflict he faces on whether it’s the best course of action. 
However, his reason for turning him over was a really dumb reason. 
“Because the Federation can take better care of Spock.” 
I’m sorry, but every piece of Lore, every Star Trek series, has shown that nothing can take care of a Vulcan better than another Vulcan when it comes to these mental issues. We see this in TOS, we see this in DS9, we see this in Voyager, and we see this in the movies. But it’s the thought that counts I guess? Not really.
Another reason for turning Spock over is that it’s because he believes in Spock’s innocence and that he believed it was logical to have Spock, Pike, and Michael provide their evidence regarding the Red Angel and why Spock didn’t commit the murders he was framed for. He knew that for Spock to be cleared, it was logical to appear cooperative and with the Discovery crew actively investigating the Red Angel and Spock’s alleged crime, it made sense. That part I get, and I wish that was just the reasoning, instead of tacking on the whole “Federation can take better care of Spock because of his condition.” It would have really highlighted Sarek’s loyalties to the Federation, while at the same time showing his love for Spock. But we didn’t get that. Instead we got the Federation can take better care of a Vulcan than another Vulcan.
Now, what about the other characters? Staments’ storyline dealing with the revival of his husband Dr. Culber I’ll admit is something I was not a big fan of. If anything the revival of Dr. Culber, got rid of the development and drive Staments had in the end of the first season and the need to want to leave Starfleet at the beginning of Season 2. It had the potential to tackle a sci-fi issue, is this alternate version of a character the same person, or are they a completely different person?
The initial answer I’ll admit was rather intriguing. Dr. Culber can recall the experiences, but those experiences are not his and he even stated as such. He even moves out of the shared quarters with Staments to figure out who he is as well as show that this Dr. Culber is indeed a different person. I was looking forward to the two of them getting reacquainted and see a new type of relationship develop. A new romance, a friendship, or maybe not get together at all. Instead, we got the new Culber picking the relationship back up with Staments without any real meaningful development or reasoning as to why he chose to re-enter said relationship. 
Now Trek has always played with character deaths. In fact, Voyager is a series that played with it alot, at least every character died at some point, but got revived because of either breaking time loops, changing the past, or having alternate universe versions just take over. The reason it worked with Voyager is because the crew were in an unknown part of galaxy and were doing everything possible to get back home. All of it was written and ingrained in Voyager’s story and DNA.
With Discovery, this felt more like a mistake they were trying to correct in season one by negating the “killing the gay” trope to be like “see, he’s not dead. It’s Trek, just write it off!” No, I’m not going to write that off, Alex Kurtzman, you just did more of a disservice towards these two characters just like the disservice that happened to them in season one.
Saru’s arc is not only amazing, but also in many ways relatable to his self-discovery as a Kelpian. We learn that Saru’s planet, his species actually used to be the oppressors towards the Ba’ul many years ago. Now that the Ba’ul have risen to power, they have turned their revenge on the Kelpians and are now oppressing them. Saru begins to enter a stage in a Kelpian’s life where it has been long believed that he is entering death. Instead he’s entering an evolution in his species. The fact that he doesn’t know what this new stage will do or how to go about it is very relatable. As a human person, I sometimes don’t know the inner workings of my body. Everytime we see a species in Trek, they know everything about their biology so to see an alien species actually not know something about theirs is very relatable.
I did love Tilly’s arc with communicating with the mycelinal network. Thinking she’s losing her grip of reality little by little, coming up with the conclusion on what was happening, reaching out for help when she needed it and the Discovery crew giving her actual honest help. If only they actually provided that level of support for another character that reached out for help. Don’t worry, I’ll be getting to Ash Tyler later. Hell, when Tilly was taken into the mycelinal network, Discovery did everything they could to get her out. The second part of her arc, which occured in the finale, was handled terribly in the writing sense as it actually required you to watch another series known as “Short Treks” to understand as it introduces a new character, Me Hani Iki Hali Ka Po (which I will refer to as Queen Po moving forward).
Yeah, I’ll deviate from Discovery a little to briefly mention Short Treks. Short Treks was meant to be more of a supplemental series telling short stories within the Trek universe. It’s a great idea for lore building but to have one episode required to understand how something in the finale happened left a bad taste in my mouth. 
Take Saru for example. He had a Short Trek episode that showed how he joined Starfleet. Yet it’s not required to watch as Saru gives what you need to know in the main series, but if you want the full experience you can watch the Short Trek episode or don’t, either way, you have everything you need. Even the Picard prologue episode doesn't require you to watch it first as again, what you need to know is in the series itself.
But Tilly’s episode regarding Queen Po, if you don’t watch it, you’ll be lost as to why this new character is important as well as her connection to Tilly.
So what about Ash Tyler, what’s he up to. He’s on Kronos!  Maybe he’s acting as a liaison between the Federation and the Klingons? Nope, he’s now the husband of the new Klingon Chancellor, who was his rapist. He forgave his rapist and then married her. 
Do the writers just not know what to do with him? 
I’m sorry are we going to forget everything that he went through in season 1? How he would enter a mental breakdown at the mere mention or sight of her. Are we going to forget all of the physical and mental abuse that was done to him, just sweep it under the rug and forget that everything happened because they now love each other? 
Look, I know canon established that Klingon women are very violent and physical towards their mates. But you know what Trek also established, that it was consensual when someone would engage with a Klingon in any sort of courtship or sexual relationship. But everything that happened to Ash Tyler wasn’t a part of Klingon culture and courting, it was not consensual, it was torture and rape in a time of war!
Look, the writers need to do better. He had some great potential to highlight issues such as PTSD and male rape victims. But it got bungled so hard that I don't even know how they can fix the mess they have made of his narrative. Would certainly be better for him if the writers stop trying to have him be a posterboy of issues that they clearly do not understand how to convey. 
Oh, they have a kid too. But the father was the Klingon who’s personality and soul was fused into Ash Tyler and now he needs to protect the kid, because reasons. So he and the Chancellor fake Tyler’s death and the death of their child. Those events bring him to join Section 31.
Now, Section 31 has been mentioned here and there in Trek lore, we would see their presence every now and then in DS9. We learn that Emperor Georgiou has actually become a member of Section 31 and would be an ally to the Discovery crew. Seeing a Mirror Universe person try to acclimate themselves to the way of life in the Prime Universe, which is a very drastic change compared to what she’s used to was a very refreshing change of pace involving anything that deals with the Mirror Universe. 
From being a leader of an empire that nearly brought the galaxy to its knees, to now taking orders from Starfleet. Not only that, but she must also obey her superior officers and report to her commanding officer, Leland. Whom in classic Mirror Universe fashion, does what she can to become a new commanding officer of the ship.
I’ll admit seeing more of this is something that I would like and I really hope that the Section 31 series starring Emperor Georgiou really takes off.
Leland will actually be our “big bad” for the season. He will be killed and have his body taken over by a Section 31 AI known as Control. Control’s immediate goal is to obtain consciousness, however, it’s the connection with the Red Angel that explains why Control is a threat.
The Red Angel is Michael’s mother, Gabrielle, who was thought to be dead. This actually added a lot to Michael’s backstory. Michael’s mother worked for Section 31 and was developing a time travel suit. Why was she working on a time travel suit? Because Section 31 obtained evidence that the Klingons were developing time travel technology. That little part I’m a bit weirded out on as I don’t think Klingons would even waste their time on time travel tech. Honestly that seems more like something a Romulan would do than a Klingon, but ok, I guess we’ll go with that.
When the Klingons attacked, she attempted to use the suit to go back in time to get her family out before the Klingons came. But, instead of going into the past, she ends up 950 years into the future, where Control has evolved and eradicated all life in the galaxy.
With Michael hoping for a joyous reunion with her mother, we find Gabrielle determined with one mission and one mission only, to stop Control. I actually really liked Gabrielle’s coldness towards Michael as it shows that she has been trying to stop Control for a long time. The exhaustion on her face, the zero emotion she had when reuniting with Michael and the sharpness of her dialogue delivery show a woman that has seen everything she cares for die in front of her repeatedly. So much so that Michael’s attempts to reach out to her are met with a callous mindset that Gabrielle knows too well. Why should she bother trying to reconnect with her daughter, if to her she’s simply going to die soon anyway for what is probably the thousandth time?
We even see Michael desperately trying to find some sort of connection, some sort of in to allow her mother to feel what she is feeling and that moment right there you really feel for Michael and just wish that her mother would at least hug her or something. 
It’s these moments that help Michael grow more as a character and help her stand on our own, without the need of Sarek or Spock holding her back. These moments show a Michael that just wants to save her mother, and show her that this long battle she has fought can end and that the future can change. Michael has lost her mother once and she is now in a position to save her.
This is how you bring a reunion, this is how you make a character standout. By having Michael show herself and her feelings. Not attach her to something that she really doesn’t need to be attached to for the sake of creating a connection with legacy characters for the buy-in. 
After the final battle and stopping Control, we see the USS Discovery and its crew find themselves 900 years into the future and that is where season 2 ends and where season 3 will begin.
Once again my main complaint is terrible writing that disrespects the characters. It disrespected Michael by having her continue to be held back by Sarek, Amanda, and Spock. It disrespected Spock by completely trashing his relationship with his mother. It disrespected Staments and Culber by just negating a major death from the previous season, tackle an interesting topic, and then just back out and move on like nothing changed. It disrespected Ash Tyler by continuing to have him be a representative of not-so-much talked about issues and still doing everything wrong on bringing awareness. 
Hopefully being in the future can free Michael and allow her to grow now that Sarek and Spock are no longer holding her back since they’re now dead. Hopefully this allows Ash Tyler to no longer be tortured by the writers ignorance. Hopefully, they stop messing around with Staments and Culber and actually show both of them starting a new relationship, or just have them both remain friends or show them finding new love. Also, I hated that they used this to essentially “test the waters” on their version of Pike and Spock to see if a new “Strange New Worlds” series would be welcomed. Despicable!
But with how the first two seasons have been so far, I’m not holding my breath.
Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 receives a 2 out of 5
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Jim Kirk x fem!reader (2)
“Whatever the hell you’ve done, (Y/N), you better sort it out quickly,” your roommate snarled, her feline ears twitching through her bristling mane. “I’ve got to get to class.” She stalked out before you could respond, and you heard a quiet exchange before the door clicked shut behind her. Quickly pulling on jeans and a black crop top, you exited your bedroom. All your belongings were packed into two standard issue crates, ready to be loaded, the only evidence that your reassignment wasn’t some elaborate dream.  “How old is she anyway? 17?” a familiar Southern accent hissed. “I’m 21, Doctor,” you interrupted, stepping into the living room. “Would you like anything – coffee, tea? I’m afraid you’ve caught me before breakfast.”
“Good morning, Ambassador,” Kirk greeted you, leaping to his feet. “Apologies for the early morning visit, we just wanted to inform you that there’s a–” “Jim wanted to invite you to meet the senior crew,” McCoy interrupted, rolling his eyes. “Coffee would be nice, please.” “The senior crew?” you repeated, eyes widening, even as you moved towards the kitchen. “Of the Enterprise?” “Well, kid, you are going to be serving with them,” he pointed out, brusquely. “What Bones meant to say, Ambassador, was that it’s an important part of my command that the crew, especially the senior crew, maintains good relations,” Kirk said, elbowing McCoy sharply. “Please call me (Y/N),” you smiled, easily, pouring yourself a cup of tea, “And I’d be delighted to join you all, Captain. Would you like anything?” You handed McCoy his coffee, and he hummed appreciatively. “This is the proper stuff, too,” he grinned, broadly, “Thank you, it’s been a long time since I’ve had proper Earth coffee.” “Call me Jim. And if it’s not too much trouble, I do enjoy coffee,” Kirk smiled. You retrieved another mug. “Please, have a seat.”
“Well, I’ve still got physicals to do,” McCoy sighed, eventually, standing up. He clapped Kirk on the shoulder. “I’ll see you both later.” “See you, Bones,” Jim said, as you rounded the counter. “Thank you for coming by, Doctor,” you smiled, warmly. “It’s Leonard, kid,” he offered, with a dry smile, “Or Bones, if you really must.” “He loves it secretly,” Jim laughed, earning a heatless glare from McCoy. “Whatever you say, kid,” he huffed, rolling his eyes. “Don’t do anything stupid.” “Come on, Bones, when do I ever,” Jim smirked. McCoy didn’t deign to reply, rolling his eyes as he clipped the door shut behind him. “I’m not bothering you, am I?” Jim asked, as you packed away the dishes. “I’m sure Scotty wouldn’t mind an extra set of hands with the final touches.” “No, no, you’re fine,” you assured him, straightening up, “Though I can’t promise to be interesting company. My only plans for today were finishing packing and trying to see if I could get one of the base engineers to sneak me in to at least see the outside of the ship.” Jim grinned, wickedly, his blue eyes dancing. “Well, I’m not sure about the engineers,” he began, “But if you can finish that packing quickly I’m sure I can facilitate a tour. We can get inside and everything.” “Really?” You bounced, excitedly. “You’d do that?” “Sure, Bones and I have bothered you all morning, seems only fair. I think we might’ve pissed off your roommate, too.” His laughter was contagious, as you both moved through the living room. He paused outside your bedroom door as you entered.
“Now that’s unexpected,” you grinned, mischievously, “The famous James T Kirk afraid to step into a girl’s bedroom.” “With a reputation like mine, you can’t be too careful,” he replied, with a bittersweet smile.  “Don’t worry, Captain,” you smirked, gesturing him in, “It’ll be a long time before your reputation for sleeping around outdoes the fame of your captaincy. Especially if your crew has anything to say about it.” “Oh?” he queried, finally entering, but still hovering by the door. “And what does my crew say?” “Nothing that doesn’t sing your praises,” you answered, throwing him your PADD, “And that in itself says enough.” He glanced at the video you’d presented him, a montage of crew interviews. 
First, Scotty looked like he was about to punch the reporter when asked about ‘the Captain’s reputation’. Well, I dinnae any reputation on board except for brilliance an’ absolute loyalty. Sulu was next, holding Demorra on his hip, as he snapped that surely the press has better things to do than slander the name of a Captain who almost died for his ship. Spock’s response was the calm, placid statement that the Captain is devoted to his ship and crew, suggesting anything less would be engaging in irrelevant popular fallacies. Uhura rolled her eyes, because what, you think I’m the one who’s going to slander my Captain because we didn’t get along in the academy? James T Kirk is a good man, today, and if his actions don’t tell you that themselves then you’re not paying attention. The video went on, everyone from Chekov’s in mother Russia, our reporters have respect to Ensign Riley’s seriously, you’re shitting on the dude for being a teenager when he’s now StarFleet’s best Captain? Fuck off. Bones had even turned around to cuss out a reporter who wanted to know ‘if the Captain has had any affairs on the Enterprise’. By the time the clip had finished, you’d packed your last belongings into the crates, and stacked them on top of each other. “That’s all you’ve got?” Jim said, eventually breaking the silence and handing back your PADD. “I travel light,” you shrugged, tucking it away. “I need to drop this off at the transfer dock, do you want to go for lunch? There’s a nice cafe a block away from it.” He smiled, and the room was suddenly warm again. “That sounds great.”
“I have no further comment.” You could hear panic rising behind Jim’s flat tone, his face still the same unmoving expression he had greeted the press with, as they crowded around you both. “Was Ambassador (L/N) fast-tracked to the Enterprise through your influence?” “Do you have a response to the allegations of cheating made against Ambassador (L/N)?” “Is it true that Admiral Pike personally intervened on your behalf, Ambassador (L/N)? Did Captain Kirk have any role in this?” Stepping in front of Jim, you blocked the press off, brushing your hand across his gently. “The Captain and I have no further comment. All relevant information will reach you through official channels. Myself, the Enterprise crew, and StarFleet command would appreciate your patience and consideration at this time given the extenuating circumstances,” you insisted, keeping your voice calm, but firm.  “Can you comment on Captain Kirk’s recent incidents with the superhuman?” “Is there anything to the rumours that Commander Spock will be leaving the Enterprise?” “Do you have anything to do with Admiral Barrow’s sudden reassignment to Starbase 15?”  “I said,” you raised your voice to shout over the insistent crowd. They fell silent. “Captain Kirk and I have no further comment. Information will be distributed to the press through official channels. No amount of intrusion on our personal lives will allow any involved personnel to give you more insight on my performance in the Kobayashi Maru and subsequent graduation and assignment than the information released by StarFleet command. As for the recent endeavours of the Enterprise and her crew, as well as the attack on StarFleet headquarters by the superhuman Khan, information has already been released and further investigation will continue to be conducted and shared. Once again, your intrusion on our personal lives will yield no further insight. Thank you.” A small silence followed, and you turned away from them, letting Jim lead you inside.
You took a booth in the back corner of the cafe, away from windows and prying eyes, even as the other patrons all watched you enter. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve known something like this would happen,” you apologised, as soon as you both took your seats. “I know the chef here, she can let us out the back door if you’d prefer to just go?” “No, no,” he managed a smile, again, but it didn’t reach his blue eyes, as he laid one hand over yours on the table. “We’re here now. Let’s have lunch.” He picked up the menu. “Any recommendations?” You smiled back, not moving your hand from beneath his as you picked up your own menu. “Clara makes the best cheeseburger I’ve ever tasted,” you admitted, glancing up as another ruckus started at the door.
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ironspiidey · 5 years
Superhero’s get Bullied Too- Chapter 8
Chapter: 1
Chapter 8: Tony Stark and Snooping Through Messages
Read on A03 
Harley looked up from his phone, hearing his uncle’s angry voice.
“What the fuck?” He muttered under his breath before getting up and opening his bedroom door.
“I need to know everything you know involving Thompson.”
Harley eyed him confused “Has age finally caught up to you? I’ve already told you everything I knew.”
“I’m not fucking around here Harley” he pushed his nephew to the side & made a gesture to the far wall. A projected screen of text messages between an unknown number and Peter showed.
Harley followed his uncle then frowned at the screen projected on his wall “What’s that?”
“This is a conversation between Peter and who I believe to be Flash Thompson. So this is the last time I will be asking, tell me everything you know in regards to him. “
Harley walked closer to the wall, swallowing as he read the messages. “What the fuck? When did this start.”
Tony turned fully and eyed his nephew “Wait so you’re telling me you had no idea of this?” He gestured again, and more screens appeared with more crude messages
Harley’s eyes widened “What do you take me for? If I knew what Peter was being put through Flash would be fucking dead!!!”
“Tone Harley.”
“Fuck this. He is so beyond dead. I don’t even care.”
Tony grabs Harley by the scruff of his neck. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Fucking let go of me. You’re not the boss of me Stark” Harley seethed and fought his uncle, trying to break free.
“Harley calm down!” when the teenager refused Tony hauled him back and grabbed his arms, putting them behind the teens head and holding tight “Stop it Harley. Harley!” Tony raised his voice as the blonde kept refusing to settle
“Fuck you. I hate you. Let me go!”
“Well I love you and I can do this all fucking day.” Tony snarled
“Boss?” Friday called out
“Yes Friday?” the older man answered gruffly, still restraining his nephew
“Incoming call from Karen Sir, Should I patch it to you directly or over loudspeaker?
“Let it come over loudspeaker.” Tony gripped the fighting teenager harder and Harley stopped fighting all together upon hearing about Peter
“Hey Babyboy, been worried about you.”
“Yeah uh I’m sorry about that.” Peter laughed nervously “I uh forgot my phone.”
“Yeah I noticed.” Tony said dryly, giving his nephew a look that clearly meant don’t fuck up before letting him go
“Everything alright? You sound weird.”
“I’m fine, where are you?”
“Don’t lie to me Tony, I’m just at Aunt May’s. Calling you from my suit, but Friday probably already mentioned it.”
“I’m better now that I know you’re okay sweetheart. Your coming back right Pete?”
“Yeah of course, I just went out to visit May but got sidetracked. “
Tony frowned as Friday silently brought up Karen’s report of Peter’s Vitals “Peter...”
“Did you get into a fight? Did Flash get to you?”
“What no. No! Flash? “Peter sounded confused “Why would you think Flash got to me?”
“I’m looking at your Vitals report Peter.”
“Dammit Karen, stop ratting me out to Friday. But still that doesn’t explain… Oh.”
“Anthony Howard Stark, were you snooping in my room?”
Tony swallowed, noticing Peter’s tone didn’t sound angry. “It’s hardly your room anymore!”
“You hacked into my phone.” Peter stated.
“Well to be fair, Friday just helped me figure out your passcode, I didn’t even need to hack it.”
“She helped you?”
“I thought it was your birthday but Friday told me to try something else and it worked.” Tony shrugged at Harley’s eye roll.
“Whatever, either way you didn’t need to go into my phone!”
“Apparently I did!! Because you weren’t about to be 100% truthful!” Tony started to raise his voice
“That doesn’t mean you get the right to go through my shit!”
“Yes it does! Peter Jesus Christ don’t you see that he could seriously fucking hurt you. “
“I’m not doing this now. Imma go.”
“Peter wait! Let me come get you.”
“I’m not planning to leave yet.”
“Well let me come get you in an hour.” Tony asked, knowing how much Peter hates it when Tony raises his voice and despite what most people think, Tony hates it too.
“I think I need to be alone a bit Tony.”
“But you’re still coming home?” he asked nervously
Peter sighed “Yes. Regardless of you being an utter ass, I still love you so yes I’ll be home.”
Harley smirked “Well how about Happy? He could pick you up.”
“Harley? Wait. You’ve had me on speaker this whole time?”
Tony ignored Peter’s question. “So Happy can pick you up in an hour.”
Peter sighed again “Yeah have him pick me up then. But this isn’t over Tony. Bye Harley. Bye Tony.”
“See ya in a bit Parker.” Harley said at the same time as Tony said “Love you Petey.”
Which made Harley shake his head. His uncle really didn’t know when to leave a person alone
“Love you too. I’m hanging up now.”
Tony looked at his nephew when the call disconnected “What?”
“You really like Peter don’t you Tony?” Harley walked over and sat down on the bed
Tony followed Harley and pulled the desk chair closer to the bed. Sitting down on it he said softly “Yeah I kind of do like a lot.”
“You get crazy when it comes to people you care about.” The blonde stated
Tony licked his lips but nodded. “Yep and hopefully I didn’t just scare him away.”
“I know he wouldn’t want me to tell you this but Uncle I doubt you could scare Peter Parker away the hardest you could try.”
Tony rolled his eyes “You don’t need to flatter me with bullshit Harley.”
Harley leaned forward to look Tony dead in the eye. “This isn’t bullshit. I know for a fact he’s in love with you. Like the marrying kind of love. He doesn’t tell you or me what goes on because he knows Flash’s dad works for you and you would stop at nothing to teach Flash a lesson. Peter doesn’t want anyone to pay for some idiots actions by proxy. “
Tony looked at his nephew for a minute before speaking “When did you become so wise nephew.”
Harley shrugged then looked at the text messages on the wall “When did these start anyway.”
Tony looked at the conversations and went between pages with a flick of his wrist “The first ones in this conversation start 2 months ago.”
“Months? I’ve only known about Flash being a complete dick since a few weeks after you got together. And these are only what he has left on his phone”
Tony raised an eyebrow “What do you mean only what’s left?
“I know Flash was a bit of an ass to Peter for years. Something had to have happened to make him switch from basic dickness to this shit.” Harley states.
Tony eyes widen “Why didn’t I think of this sooner. Friday?”
“Yes boss?”
“Scan Peter’s phone for deleted messages from that unknown number. Before you try and say anything, this is for his safety.”
“May I call Ms. Potts for confirmation as she also had the protection of privacy protocol in place?”
Harley snorted, knowing full well how Pepper would react to their snooping.
Peter shook his head as he pulled his mask off. Heading back into the living room, he had walked into the hallway to talk to Tony and clearly that was a good idea. He took a deep breath then forced a smile on his face as he walked in.
“All good?” May asked from the couch
Peter nodded. “Yeah they were worried about me but it’s all good now.”
“They’re not the only ones worried.”
“Whatcha mean?” Peter asked as he sat down beside her.
May tilted her phone screen so both of them could see it. There were Facebook messages from both MJ & Ned.  May tapped on Ned’s chat bubble “See?”
Peter read through the messages then leaned ahead and pressed on MJ’s chat bubble and shook his head “They’re like the FBI.”
“Should I be worried Peter?”
“Oh no, not even. Flash was bugging me again and I just told him how it was and I haven’t had a chance to really tell em about it”
May nodded in understanding. “So they’re just hearing gossip from other kids?”
“Shouldn’t you call them then?”
“It’s okay, they’ll be fine till I get back to the tower. “
“What? I’m here to see you not spend all afternoon yaking off to my friends.” Peter shrugged
May gave him a knowing look “But you were quick as shit to tell Tony Stark where you were. “
Peter blushed “And?”
“And from Ned’s messages you left school early with Harley. But your best friends have no idea what’s going on. MJ even told me she called Harley.”
“May its fine, I’m fine. I swear. Nerds honor.” Peter raised his hand and made the Spock symbol.
May shook her head and handed him her phone “Message them from my Facebook at least, I’ll go crazy if I have to deal with much more of Ned’s mothering.” She got up “How’s some cocoa and Greys Anatomy sound for a bit?”
“Fine! And sounds great, don’t forget the marshmallows.” Peter took her phone and created a group chat with MJ and Ned
M: Hey guys Its Peter, Im alive and well. I left my phone at the tower and am with aunt may! You guys are like the fbi, you don’t need to worry so much.
MJ: calm down weirdo, glad your okay loser. Seriously tho what happened to your phone? You don’t go anywhere wo it.
M: Wow ned nice yelling at me through texts. I just came home and left my phone back @ the tower. I was just beyond done with today and had some much needed Chinese. Sorry if Harley gave yall a tough time
N: sorry dude just worry about you when you disappear, glad your alright . chill soon?
M: All is good guys. Ill message you later tonight, mays got hot cocoa and greys to watch.
MJ: oooh hot cocoa. Enjoy loser.
N: Jeallllous dude. Ttyl
Peter closed the chats and deleted them. “Hey May. I’m just going to use your phone to tell Mr. Stark not to send Happy out for another hour or two okay?”
May walks in with two hot steaming cups of homemade hot cocoa. “Actually, you can just text happy yourself.”
Peter raised an eyebrow “Text Happy?”
“Yeah he’s the second conversation. Hand me my phone.” She passed him one of the mugs as he handed her the phone.
May sat down beside her nephew then pulled up her text app, clicking on her second conversation which was with one Happy Hogan.
Peter watched her curiously. “What are you doing texting Happy?”
May almost blushed. “I’m allowed to have friends Peter.”
“Yeah of course but Happy?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Well he’s Mr. Stark’s driver!”
She raised an eyebrow “and your point? You don’t see me prodding you about being around a man half your age in almost all your spare time!”
Peter looked at her and debating on saying more but she was right. While May didn’t know fully just what went on during his time with Iron man. She was exceptionally cool about it.. He let him come and go from the apartment to the tower without much fuss. While it really weirded him out the thought of Happy and his aunt spending time together. She did deserve someone, especially a nice someone. After Uncle Ben passed away there hadn’t been a lot of successful suitors so who was he to judge.
Peter smiled “Well I’m happy for you then.”
May smirked and shoved him “Don’t be so excited, we’re just talking. We haven’t gone on a date yet. “
“Well do it!! Happy is a standup guy and he puts up with Harley and Mr. Starks antics so we know he can handle you.”
May flicks his hear “rude. Anyways! What do you want me to tell Happy.”
Peter started laughing and took a sip of his drink “Just tell him we’re going to watch an episode or two of Greys. Then I’ll be ready.”
May nods and types for a moment before sitting her phone down on the table. She picked up the tv remote and got Netflix started.
“Ready for some Mcdreamy time?”
“Always” Peter said with a grin.
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spockfallsinlove · 6 years
simple harmonies
prompt from @sierra198466​: After Beyond, Spock dumps Uhura and he realizes he loves Jim. He then finds out Jim has loved him since Into Darkness. word count: 2.2k ao3 link.
Spock has never known himself to do what humans refer to as “space out”. On the contrary, he does mental exercises daily to make sure his mind remains sharp. When there is a moment that he finds his thoughts floating from the current situation, he is normally able to bring himself back to reality.
However, during the whole conversation he and Nyota have, all he can seem to truly focus on are the wind chimes that are outside the coffee house door.
His mother had them, at their house. She used to say that it was the last non-electronic object that humans had to play music for them. The wind rarely gusted enough on Vulcan to make them sing; but whenever it did, she would look out the window and have one of her mysterious smiles that Spock never quite did figure out.
Like mother, like son. It is he who is transfixed, looking out the window, unable to look away as the chimes gently bump each other in the wind.
“We should end our romantic involvement with each other,” he says as Nyota takes a breath, ready to launch into the next part of her argument with him.
She stops. Blinks at him. “What did you say?”
The wind picks up again, knocking the littlest chime into the largest. A melodically odd tone results. “We should end our romantic relationship,” he repeats.
Nyota, for the first time since he’s known her, is speechless.
“Do you think that if we flew far enough in space, we could find the end of time?” Jim asks. He’s propped against the railing, staring out into the San Francisco bay.
Spock stops his vegetable gyro’s trajectory toward his mouth (it’s from a food truck that Jim insisted on them eating at; “the best in the galaxy” were his words). He frowns at his friend. “Modern physics suggests that a concept such as the ‘end of time’ is—”
Jim waves his hand, cutting Spock off. “I don’t want the science crap, any theorized evidence. What do you think?”
“Why do you wish to find the end of time?”
Jim shrugs. His hair is being lightly brushed by the wind and there’s a melancholic smile on his face that Spock cannot understand.  “If you can find the end, maybe you can trace it back. To where you want to go.”
Spock takes a thoughtful bite of his dinner and swallows before saying, “Even the ocean has an end. Technically.”
“It does, Spock,” Jim says, looking as if he’s seeing Spock for the first time, “it sure does.”
An hour after Spock leaves Nyota at the coffee shop, he receives an angry call from Doctor McCoy. He lets his phone ring itself to voicemail. The message is about as emotional as he expected.
“Listen you crazy hobgoblin—Nyota just told us what the hell you did. Just breaking up with her like that, no explanation, then walking out? Where the hell do you get off? You better believe that I’m going to kick that green ass of yours into the sky, and make sure you don’t get on the ship for that 5-year-mission—”
Spock deletes the message.
He stops at a crosswalk. People jostle his shoulder as they walk by. As is typical in the crowded streets of San Francisco, he feels fleeting snatches of their emotions and thoughts as they touch him: grocery lists running through people’s heads, worrying about who will pick up the kids at daycare, annoyance at how hot and sticky it is for a day in December.
Spock remains standing there. Staring into space, once again. The sound of windchimes stuck in his ears.
Spock tries to forget the day Jim got injured and almost died in his arms.
Peace talks with the people indigenous to Echo IV had not gone as expected. After refusing relations with the Federation, things had become tense. Jim, trying to calm down the situation, had gotten caught in the crossfire.
Spock’s hands were uncharacteristically shaking when he tore Jim’s shirt open to apply medical attention. McCoy was on the ship, since there was no anticipated danger at this meeting. Around the corner, the security team tried to manage the situation. Any requests for beam-ups were greeted with static.
“Spock.” Jim’s hand, stained with blood, caught Spock’s. “Leave it, find a way to get to the ship, just—”
“Cease talking.” Spock applied pressure to Jim’s wound. His mind was spinning. He could feel Jim’s agony through his skin.
“Get to the ship. Just be safe,” Jim choked out as he slipped from consciousness.
Spock tried to hail the Enterprise countless times. He helplessly watched as Jim’s face grew paler. Most of the security team had died, and Spock knew that soon it’d be him and Jim left. That Jim would die, either by someone else’s weapon or from his own wounds.
And all Spock could do is watch.
By the time the ship was finally hailed, and they were finally beamed aboard, McCoy had to stick a hypo into Spock’s neck to stop his body’s shaking.
It took five crew members to pull him off the unconscious captain.
It was standing over Jim’s sickbed, with Jim patched up and well and sipping water from a straw, that he finally relaxed. Breathed. He didn’t listen to the words that Jim said. He only watched his face, alive with emotions, and his lungs, expanding with breath.
It takes the whole afternoon before Nyota finally answers her comm. Spock is walking on the Starfleet Academy campus, which is empty due to the holidays, when his pocket buzzes.
“I wish to say I’m sorry,” Spock says, in a rush, before she can hang up.
She sighs angrily on the line. “I knew you weren’t a smooth talker, Spock, but, this... this takes the fucking cake.”
“I realize that I was … too forward.”
“Too forward?” she yells. “You didn’t even give me warning! One minute we’re arguing about me spending time on Vulcan with you, the next you’re dumping me in broad daylight! What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I do not know.”
“Well…” She sighs again. “It’s not like I didn’t see it coming. But the way you did it, it just—” There’s a silence. “I’m pissed at you, Spock. And I will be for a long time. Don’t call me again, okay?”
“Underst—” The comm link cuts out. He pockets the device, and stands by a large oak tree.
A cadet walks by in his uniform and shouldering a backpack. He looks surprised that someone else is on campus before giving Spock a wry, understanding smile.
“What was your mother like?”
Jim is lying on the floor of Spock’s living room apartment, wine glass clutched in his hand. He stares up at Spock innocently.
“Why are you asking such a question?” is Spock’s reply.
“Tell me about your mom, and I’ll tell you about my dad.”
“You never knew your father.”
Jim lets loose a laugh. “Low blow, Spock. I know enough, okay? Now, tell me.” He sits up, legs crossed. “Just one thing.”
Spock doesn’t think about his mother often. It threatens his control.
But it’s Jim who’s asking.
“She loved nature,” Spock says. “She always tended faithfully to a garden in the backyard, and would cry if a plant died.”
“A happy thing about her, Spock.”
“I did not know these facts had to be so specific in nature.”
Jim raises his eyebrows, stares at Spock expectantly. Spock relents. “Very well, she... “ He pauses. “I never understood her. She seemed to have many secrets.”
Jim rolls his eyes to the ceiling. “I’ll never get anything out of you, will I?”
“Perhaps give me an example of what your father was like, so that I may see what you mean.”
Jim grins. “All right. Mom said that he used to sing to her all the time. He was really good at it.”
“You did not inherit this talent,” Spock observes.
“What? I’m awesome!”
“I have heard you in our adjoining bathroom on the ship.”
Jim laughs, a full-bodied one where his head is tilted back and his golden hair catches the light of the setting sun. “You’re such a jerk, you know that?”
Spock lets a small smile tug his lips.
Jim’s laughter dies down, and he takes a sip of wine. In the silence, Spock offers, “My mother loved music. Her favorite object in the house was the wind chimes that hung just outside our kitchen window.”
There’s a sad way about Jim’s eyes when he says, “I wish I could have met her.”
Spock feels something fissure his heart. “As do I.”
On his birthday a few weeks later, Jim showed up at his apartment with a small, blue windchime. Spock stared at it for approximately 9.78 seconds before accepting the gift.
Spock finds a bench to sit on the harbor boardwalk. The sun is dipping low in the horizon, making the ocean seem to glow.
He does not want to return home, just yet.
Since the coffee shop, his mind has been restless. Unordered. Jumping between memories and realities as if he were a living television set.
He remembers the last time he was on this boardwalk. The image of Jim is in his mind, face happy and open, eyes discerning the sea in front of him. Spock has no doubt that he could take the world by storm if he wished; the galaxy included.
Jim could have anything if he set his mind to it. Could have anyone. It’s illogical; if these are the facts, then what does Jim need with an awkwardly socialized half-Vulcan?
Spock frowns at his shoes. The idea of Jim not needing him… is frightening. When Spock himself needs Jim so.
Spock’s gaze snaps to the ocean. The pieces in his mind burst together in a colorful, clarifying light.
Jim is at his apartment door when Spock returns, sitting against the door. He quickly scrambles to his feet when he sees Spock.
“Where the hell were you?” Jim asks angrily. “I’ve been calling and looking everywhere!”
“I have just been to your apartment,” Spock explains, unsteadily. “You were not there.”
“Because I’ve been waiting for you, you idiot! I’ve gotten hundreds of messages from Bones, Uhura, even Chekov has heard about it and is upset—”
“I regret worrying you,” Spock supplies, lamely, as he takes out his keys. He walks into his living room as Jim follows him through the door.
“What, you just break Uhura’s heart and then take off? And don’t even tell anyone where you were? You’ve been M.I.A all day!”
Spock places his keys on the coffee table. “I am aware.”
Jim puts both hands on his hips, glaring at him. “So, what, no explanation? You’re just gonna stand there?”
“I was attempting to find you. I need to—”
“Then why didn’t you call me? Why did I have to—”
“I am in love with you.”
Jim stares at him. His mouth remains slack, his eyes wide. “What did you just say?”
“It’s why I was attempting to find you.” Spock sits on his couch, hands on his knees to stop them from shaking. “I have come to this realization 3.57 hours ago. I regret not realizing and telling you sooner. And I regret not knowing this as I was ending my relationship with Uhura. But I assure you, I will give her an explanation.”
Jim stares at him. “You’re kidding me.”
“I assure you, I am not.”
“How can you just—sit there and deliver that news like it’s the fucking weather?”
“It is a fact. I thought it best for you to know.”
Jim puts a hand on his forehead, shaking his head. “Uhura’s gonna kill me.”
“I understand that the likelihood of you reciprocating my feelings is 5.456%,” Spock says, almost too quickly, “due to the fact that you have not shown amorous feelings for me in the past. I understand if you were to open my position to applicants, as working with me may now seem impossible. If you were to—”
“Spock.” Jim walks to the couch and stands close enough so that their knees touch. He stares down at him. “Shut up.”
Spock obeys. Jim kneels down to Spock’s eye level.
“Do you remember when I died?”
Spock goes tense. “I do not see what that has to do with—”
“Spock. Just answer the question.”
“Of course I remember. It is a stupid question.”
Jim closes his eyes in frustration. “God, you’re making this difficult.” He takes a breath and opens his eyes. “When I died, I couldn’t really get words out. And there was that… damn glass between us. So I couldn’t tell you what was really in my head.”
“Tell me what?”
Spock’s breath hitches when Jim is suddenly taking his hand, holding it between his. “I’ve loved you for years, you stupid Vulcan.”
Spock’s heart feels to have stopped. He takes time to illogically memorize the moment; the shadows casting on Jim’s face, the complete stillness in his normally animated expression. But only a moment, because Spock cannot stay still any longer and is framing Jim’s face with his hands, bringing him forward in a very human, very emotional kiss.
“Finally,” Jim breathes on Spock’s lips between kisses, moving to bracket Spock’s legs with his. They fit together flawlessly; effortlessly. As if the small moments between them were meant to lead to this.
In the distance, on the flight of the wind, Spock can hear the chimes.
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hiiii! i was wondering if u had any recommendations for best caps fics? dirty or not. ALSO LOVE UR BLOG
First of all, THANK YOU FOR ASKING! I loove giving fic recs. Second of all…this is gonna be LONG lmao. I gave some Kuzy and Willy/Latts recs earlier here, so these are gonna be primarily Nicky/Ovi recs, with some smaller pairing ones too, and I’m gonna sort them by pairing that way.
Tumblr media
SO, Nicky/Ovi (including some poly recs, which I’ll list the pairings for):
-First of all, literally EVERYTHING by Ferritin4. They were the first Caps author I read after blood pressure, and I’m going to limit myself to linking just three of them, but really, READ EVERYTHING.
King Meby Ferritin4 [E, 12k]
In which there is a small tragedy, a great success, and a lot to learn about someone Sasha thought he knew awfully well.
Dream the Right Dream by Ferritin4 [E, 14k]
They don’t do it like that in Sweden, which Nicklas mans up and valiantly explains to the room after he makes it back from camp. They don’t use humans as tools. All people are people, and Nicklas would never — he couldn’t imagine having a teammate inside him every time he fell into heat, however willing they might be. His body is his own, and they all touch him far more than enough already.
What Will Survive Of Us by Ferritin4 [E, 26k]
It’s going to be a big deal, his mother had told him, and Nicklas had listened.
His mom’s not an idiot.
It’s going to be a big deal, she’d promised, if and when you find them. It’s going to be more than you thought it would, and if and when you know it, you’ll know it for sure.
-Another author you should read everything by is screamlet. They have some non-Nicky/Ovi fic I will rec later, so I’m just gonna post a few of the Nicky/Ovi ones now
the arrival of 290287 backstromby screamlet [M, 18k]
Nicky has an asteroid named after him; that’s just the beginning.
the washington royals by screamlet [M, 45k]
Sasha doesn’t remember the very first time he met Nicky, but Michael Nylander is kind enough to remind them when he arrives to meet the team, carrying an honest to fuck laminated newspaper clipping of the first time Prince Alexander visited Sweden to meet his future husband, Prince Nicklas.*An arranged marriage—or, an arrangement and a marriage.
-One more author to mass rec: angularmomentum! They’re not solely a Nicky/Ovi author so I will be linking them more down below too, but for now:
running from the weather by angularmomentum [E, 21k]
Alex starts playing for Dynamo at sixteen.
kithbyangularmomentum [E, 12k]
Sasha makes prefect in his second to last year. It’s earlier than anyone but him expected, but right on track for his two year plan, which is: be head boy, get a contract to play Quidditch professionally, and beat Bäckström off in the baths.
-For the rest of these, I’m gonna sort them by rating! Lowest to highest (G-E)
Soft Hands by sadhockeytrashbaby (allofthefandoms)[G, 1k]
Alexander Ovechkin walks into the Capitals dressing room with a collar and the entire Washington sports press corps grinds to a stunned stop.
Eight + Eight (+ Nine) bysockitup [G, 2k]
Active players have started waking up in bed with retired players who wore the same number when they need relationship advice. It goes some kind of way.-*-Teemu pulls back and kicks forward at the same time so violently that he knocks both Paul and Ovechkin out of the bed.
street’s an empty stage by grim_lupine [G, 4k]
Over their heads, in this little dream world Nicklas has built, the sun is blazing at it’s peak, searing them where they sit. The light bathes Alex a molten gold. He couldn’t look any other way in Nicklas’s head, of course.
Nicklas is cracked open, exposed.
so play on, play on, play on by carissima [2k, G]
“Gonna give you the cup first,” Alex says, still too close. He’s in Nicke’s space like he always, always is. He’s grinning and Nicke’s grinning because they finally won the goddamn cup but his head is spinning now. “Brooks already had cup. Your turn first.”
raise my hands (paint my spirit gold) by seaqueen [G, 1k]
They break apart with chests heaving for air, and when Nicke looks Alex is burning with it, fierce joy and agonizing victory painted in every line of his body and Nicke loves him so, so much.
pledge my allegiance and bite my tongue by spock [T, 5k]
It’s a given that all droids will develop some form of their own unique idiosyncrasies, but none of them are as decidedly too much as Ovi’s is. He’s got too much style, too much personality; it’s a well known and much maligned fact that he’d nearly been recalled not all that long after his activation, but the test groups had loved him so much that he was granted an exception.
cherish the moonlight by haipollai [T, 6.5k]
“What is wrong, pup?” He asks again, wishing desperately that he could actually get an answer. Instead he settles for holding his hand out, palm up until Nicky takes the hesitant step forward to nuzzle against him.
The Dog Days Are Over by xihale [T, 8k]
In which alternate universe Boston had 4th pick and Washington had 5th pick in the 2006 draft, and in which alternate universe the NHL is kind enough make accommodations for players’ personal circumstances. For instance, to allow Washington to pick Alex Ovechkin’s absolutely true, definitely not fake, 100% not-made-up fiancé to come play for the Caps.
“You what,” Alex says. “Alex Ovechkin’s who?”
—and its aftermath, through the years.
Demons, Ovechkin and other Superhuman Forces by stumblebee [T, 2k]
Sometimes Nicky wonders, usually in moments like these, if there is something to it, if you need Canadians and the horrible things they chose to do to themselves as children to win it all. Maybe Don Cherry is right, at the end of the day, maybe you just can’t win without demonic assistance. Without sacrifice, as that insufferable spray tanned dinosaur always puts it.
something old, something newby bropunzeling [T, 5k]
“You,” Alex says, pointing at him. “Me,” he continues, pointing back at himself. “Married.”
“Oh,” Nicky says. “Oh.”
[It doesn’t go any smoother after that.]
Wait Until Tomorrow (You’ll Be Fine) by sunshinexbomb [T, 8k]          
In which Nicky is an accident-prone Auror and Alex is the Healer that always seems to be coming to his rescue.
Red is the Color (of Your True Love’s Blood) by Saebrin [T, 2k]
What are the odds that all of Jakub’s teammates are serial killers? Like, statistically that has to be impossible, right?
Literally by xabier [T, 4k]
In which Nicklas Backstrom is literally Andre Burakovsky’s father.
to have and to hold by oops_ohdear [T, 6k]
The problem with putting a fake engagement photo, complete with stupid smiles and a bottle of champagne, on Facebook, is that sometimes someone’s mother sees it.
This is not a problem Nicklas ever had before he knew Alex.
This Alone Is The Real Treasure by leyley09 [T, 10k]
A defiant trip to the Olympics gets Alex outed. The solution is obviously to marry Nicky.
Whatever happened to all this season’s losers of the yearby Thorne [T, 9k]
Alex loves his kids, he really does, but he also might kill them. That is, if they don’t put him in a goddamn early grave first.
(Cop bribing, theft of public property, and how to photoshoot your dick properly in order to seduce a teammate: all part of a captain’s responsibilities to his rookies.)
Baby Boom by WeagleRock [M, 7k]
Having babies gives you dad power. Dad power helps put hockey teams on the road to Sir Stanley. Sid sired a herd of little Penguins before Pittsburgh won its Cup. Toews might as well be running a Blackhawks baby factory.
Now it’s Ovi’s turn. If only someone had told him that impregnating your fuckbuddy might make things a little weird.
String Theories by WeagleRock [M, 14.5k]
Nicky knows what’s expected of him: Set up goals, mentor rookies, provide a steadying backbone for a struggling team …  and never, ever look at other men.
Then Ovi surprises him with a kiss, and Nicky doesn’t know anything anymore.
The Brook Horse by WeagleRock [M, 11.5k]
Nicklas Bäckström is a good person. Nicklas Bäckström would never risk Ovi’s life just to stay human.
It’s really too bad he isn’t real.
Holding Onto You by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [M, 6.5k]
“You can’t be picked if you’re married,“ Nicky says, like it’s obvious.
“I’m not married,” Alex replies.
“You’re marrying me,” Nicky says, his jaw set.
“You haven’t proposed.”
the laws of the world never stopped us once by punkassbookjockey[M, 6k]
Sasha points at him with his chopsticks. “Your powers,” he says. “Snowzilla comes, suddenly everyone’s mutants? Something happened there, no other explanation.”
Fault Lies by hoosierbitch [M, 6k]
Alex kneels.
“You’re smarter than me,” Trotz says to Nicky, “but I do know what I’m doing.” Right now, Nicky is fairly sure that he’s wrong on both counts. “Let me be his coach. Let me take care of him.”
no it’s not nirvana but it’s on the wayby ghosthunter [M, 4k]
Sasha does not miss the way Backy looks at him then, sharp and angry, and Sasha knows he deserves it. They sit in awkward silence until the waitress comes to take their drink orders.
A More Fascinating Name by pukeandcry [M, 38k]
Although Sasha had never made the younger Mr. Backstrom’s acquaintance, he was at least familiar enough with his reputation to know that chief amongst his qualities was the quite publicly known fact that Mr. Backstrom was as notoriously uninterested in achieving an advantageous marriage as Sasha himself.
Something, then, must have upset the order of things. What that was he could not say, but Lord Backstrom was now, it would seem, in active search of a husband for his son.
Better Than Heartbreak by the_glow_worm [M, 1.5k]
It’s morning in Vegas, technically, but Nicke and Alex aren’t about to go to sleep anytime soon.
Kärlek Redux by Saebrin [E, 3k]
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” —Mignon McLaughlin
A.K.A. Four times Nicky (re)fell for Alex.
Perfect For A Person by mlyn [E, 18k]
Alex Ovechkin is near the end of his 30th year and still not married. In the US, that means he’ll either have to find a spouse at a Transformation Hotel before his birthday, or he’ll check out transformed into an animal.
Not if Nicklas Backstrom has anything to say about it.
You and me, Drenched in greenby xihale [E, 18k]
Nicky’s an omega with a heat problem. Ovi volunteers as tribute.
tell me in the morning by haipollai [E, 4k]
Nicky yanks himself back and away, almost hard enough to tip his chair. “You don’t know why I’m scared my very Russian friend and teammate is suddenly asking questions about me dating men?” He snaps.
anchor by pavses [E, 2k]
They’re not going to make up the three-goal deficit, but Alex sure as hell is trying to single-handedly score a hat trick in a minute.
You’re a work of art, baby by sirona [E, 7k]
FBI Agent Alex Ovechkin doesn’t mind working with others. He even likes working with Malkina every so often. What he doesn’t like is being lead by his dick nose. And yet, he can’t stay away from the Gray case.
Wolfborn by waspabi [E, 60k]
A wolfborn on an airplane was either unbearably reckless or a hockey player. Most of the time, both.
if you’re needing something by atrytone [E, 5k]
Nicke hates losing, but he’s grown out of letting it black out everything else in his mind. Alex can’t seem to do the same thing, not when they get on a roll like this, not when nothing he tries seems to make a difference.
Luckily, he has Nicke to help.
touch by itsahockeynight [3k, E]
When Alex does turn up, he walks across the locker room and straight into Nicke’s arms.
Eleven Years by waspabi [E, 2k]
The door inches open. Alex, of course. Bloodshot eyes, rumpled suit. His Conference Champions cap with the sticker still on the brim, the fucking Prince of Wales Trophy still clutched in one big hand.
Nicky/Willie Nylander:
weekender by screamlet [M, 5k]
William couldn’t imagine that Toronto would ever love him the way Washington loved Nicky.
Fingertips Putting On A Show by sunshinexbomb [E, 1.5k]
In which Nicky finds comfort in William during Worlds.
make me wanna hold on (make me wanna be all yours) by Pinkmanite [E, 4.5k]
It’s like Will instantly melts into a well-worn mold, one he’s been in many times before. The switch is flipped and he’s standing up straighter, painting on that pretty smile, the one Nicky loves so much, pentimento on the overworn canvas of his cheeks. He angles his chin so he can look up at Nicky through his lashes, batting them in the way that he knows gets Nicky all worked up.
Nicky/Ovi/Willie Nylander:
the elementary disposal of weighted objects by angularmomentum [T, 14k]
William, at eleven, was primed to tip over the cusp into nascent adolescence. He was big for his age and very competitive, and had no real idea that his obsession with beating Nicke was actually an obsession without caveats, because infatuation was a word he didn’t know.
right there where we stood was holy ground by babygotbackstrom [NR, 4k]
The revamped Tre Kronor line, of Nicky and his soulmates, is mesmerising.
Sasha is jealous again, and it is ugly, even though the team is leading the division.
copenhagen by screamlet [E, 10.5k]
William had already casually texted Nicky a photo of the sunset, a cool little haha bet you don’t have this in GÄVLE, but there was no response. Gävle had Nicky and William didn’t and it was bullshit.
Andre/Nicky and/or Ovi:
say all that you’re feeling by screamlet [T, 43k]
Andre Burakovsky/Alexander Ovechkin, Nicklas Backstrom/William Nylander
Much had happened in the past year, enough that Andre sat on the hill overlooking the lands he had been naive enough to call home until he pledged himself to Lord Laich and left his friends with barely a note. Now he had returned and—Who would want Andre now?A flash of lightning in the distance illuminated the one house he hadn’t yet considered.After a moment’s thought, Andre rode south.
a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me by Pinkmanite [E, 6k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Andre Burakovsky, Andre/Various Caps
Nicke’s got a beer in one hand, uses the other to wrap his arm around Andre’s waist, grips his hip and pulls him in close, as close as he can be.
He tucks his face in the crook of Andre’s neck and hugs him tight, exactly like he’d done on the ice just hours before.
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” he murmurs, raw and genuine, just for Andre to hear.
Don’t You Worry Child by Capbuckyang [M, 2k]
Nicky pats his thighs and Andre drops, just like that. It’s not like it was the first time, when the boys all watched in a hushed silence, but it does quiet down a bit.
It isn’t that hard, boy, to like you or love you by Two_for_Slashing [M, 3.5k]
Nicklas couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he had become desirable.
Lop-sided on the Side of the Angels by babygotbackstrom [NR, 2k]
The sun doesn’t make vampires sick anymore but that doesn’t mean Nicklas Backstrom is a morning person.
for the taking by chartreuser, thegraceinyoureyes [E, 4k]
Of course Nicky knows Andre wants him.
Sharp Suits and Sly Smiles by SomebodyOwens [T, 5k]
He chased them so hard that they caught him.
A seduction in 5 (+1) parts.
Wayward Mayday by xihale [E, 6k]
Nicky and TJ are fucking around, and one of them starts mouthing off about Ovi, how Ovi might join the two of them, how hard he’d hold them down, how hard he’d ride them.
Naturally, Ovi walks in.
intermittent melting by blushingsweet (sunflowered) [E, 3k]
“I don’t think he wants to leave,” Nicky says, looking up at him, smug and a little cocky. “Do you want to leave, Tom?”
“No,” Tom says. He’s pressing his hands into his jeans, shifting on the floor. Alex wonders if his knees have started hurting yet; Nicky’s kept him there for a long time.
-These are all part of a larger Caps ensemble series w/ a variety of pairings, but I’m singling the Andre/Holts parts out, which can fit together w/o reading the whole thing
All We Are Is by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [M, 5k]
Braden notices everything in the dressing room.  He’s seen enough that, sometimes, he can guess what’s brewing before it really erupts in the locker room.  And maybe, because he saw Brooksy and Burky, that’s why he wasn’t able to see himself and Andre.
Just to Please Them [E, 3k]
Andre’s in a tank top and jeans and his neck is tantalizingly bare.  Braden keeps staring at it, and Andre keeps catching him and honestly it’s getting a little embarrassing.
Don’t Think About Why [E, 13k]
Andre Burakovsky/Brooks Laich, Andre/Holtby
“What about Brooksy?” Andre asks quietly.  Nicky’s fingers still on the back of Andre’s head, and then start petting over his curls again a second later.
“He has a reputation,” Nicky says carefully.
Or: Andre tries, and then tries again.
Comfortability [E, 6k]
Andre/Holtby, Andre Burakovsky/Braden Holtby/Nathan Walker, Braden Holtby/Nathan Walker
“How’d you sleep last night?” Braden asks Walks, when they’re all sitting down for breakfast.
“I hope we didn’t keep you up,” Andre says innocently, and Walks chokes on his omelet.
Match Your Weakness With A Name by leyley09 [T, 4k]
In which Braden gets talked into playing spin-the-bottle with his teammates and - surprisingly - doesn’t live to regret it
Words Just Get in the Way by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [T, 8k]
“You’re pretty gone on him, huh?” Mike asks him.  Andre nods.  “And you don’t know anything about him?” Andre nods again, glumly.
“This is the semester,” Mike proclaims with enough conviction that Andre almost believes him. “This semester, you’re getting him.”
 field testby matskreider [M, 1.5k]
When he cracks his eyes open, he sees a rather determined pout coming from Nicklas’ favorite underling, a new guy called Burakovsky. “Sorry, 0070. I was going to offer to debrief you, if you were waiting for Q. He’s, um…going to be busy for a while.”
Andre + Willy and/or Latts:
Kickstart The Fight by MermaidSmiled [T, 9k]
Tom watches as Andre’s knuckles scab over and heal and split again after a hard practice until they’re finally healed, pink and shiny. He watches Andre’s eye blacken where a fist or an elbow caught him and charts the flow of the blood pooling under the skin as the days go by.
It’s something so unfamiliar to Tom, seeing these things he’s used to seeing when he looks down or in the mirror on Andre. He ignores it as best he can.
come under the covers by ghosthunter [M, 4.5k]
Andre meets him at the airport. He has a tan and he looks good. Not that Tom thinks he, himself, does not also have a tan and look good, but he’s not picking himself up at the airport in a foreign country either.
Something So Pleasant About That Place by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [E, 5k]
Tom turns his head to look at Andre, sprawled out on the other bed dicking around on his phone.  “Hey, wanna fuck?”
Andre glances at him, and rolls his eyes.  Tom doesn’t know if he should be offended by how not-surprised Andre is.
Or: Andre and Tom have a ‘List of Cities We’ve Fucked In’
#capsexroomiesby forks[E, 7k]
André doesn’t mind living in his own place now, but sometimes he does miss seeing Mike and Tom being sexy together.  Good thing he has his new camcorder along this time so he’ll be able to watch whenever he wants.
Tale as Old as Time by Kerfluffle [E, 5k]
Andre breaks his hand. Tom provides an assist.
champions by angularmomentum [E, 2k]
Tom had a problem. To be more accurate, Tom had several problems but that was the way of Tom’s life. He often had a few running in tandem. Tonight they included but were not limited to: bruised knuckles (regular problem) forgot his toothbrush (also a regular problem) and a boner for Burky (definitely NOT a regular problem.)
conversation superseded by by ghosthunter [T, 1k]
Andre Burakovsky/Christian Djoos
Somewhere along the line, some signals got crossed.
or: andre is dumb
sugar by ghosthunter [M, 4k]
Nicklas Backstrom/André Burakovsky/Marcus Johansson
Nicke’s almost ready to leave, his jacket still off, his tie around his neck. “He’s fucking with you,” Nicke says quietly, coming to stand next to Andre as he ties his own tie. “And you looked at his ass when he walked away.”
So Press Record, I’ll Let You Film Me by Petalpants [E, 3k]
Andre Burakovsky/Brooks Laich
Hey, ur hot! If ur interested in doing sum amateur porn, lmk ;)
Ergo: Homo by R_Gunns [E, 14k]
Andre/Various Caps, Andre/Original Male Characters, Andre/Original Female Characters
In which André no-homos his way through casual sex, bro-snuggles and the discovery of something between his captain and his A, before Braden kindly hits him with a clue bat.
Or: self-discovery is a bitch.
press my nose up to the glass around your heart by nighimpossible [T, 6k]
“I swear to God,” TJ says, covering his face with his hands, “if I get an inkling that a bond is starting to form, I’m truly going to kill you, John Carlson.”
“It’s Carly,” Carlson grins, leaving him behind in the locker room. “And I’d like to see you try.”
toss, turn by alotofthingsdifferent[M, 3k]
John’s neighbor – the one who has a lot of loud, enthusiastic sex – is really, really hot.
John is in so much trouble.
do you even know the miranda rights? by nighimpossible [E, 9k]
Sidney Crosby’s brother swap program is going to be the death of TJ.
Inside My Bones by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [E, 3k]
TJ’s riding the high of winning a Stanley Cup Final Game, before John’s hand comes down hard on his shoulder, gripping him tight through his pads.  He knows what that hold means, what it means when John’s fingers dig into the soft spot just next to his armpit through the gap in his pads.
“You’re lucky we won,” John murmurs in his ear, hot breath fanning over TJ’s neck.
but then you say “please” by Anonymous [E, 2k]
“Quite the charmer,” TJ goads. His feet are a little more under himself now. “Bet you could get anyone you want, kissing them like that.”
“Cut the shit,” John says, but he’s smiling, running a thumb over TJ’s cheek.
hold me tight and i’ll sink in by thermocline [NR, 2.5k]
Willy/Latts/Oshie, Oshie/Carly, Oshie/Various Caps
The thing is, it’s happened a few times, during the season and mainly during first round.
TJ’s always been touchy. Not needy. Just better when he’s given touch. He works best when he’s receiving.
i’m a prisoner to my decisions by orphan_account [E, 1.5k]
Lauren makes him forget the things he’s been running from since high school.
Tom makes him remember.
staying put by thegraceinyoureyes[E, 7k]
Nicky/Oshie, Oshie/Various Caps
There are bodies—hands all over him, all around him.
Covered in the Colors by sunshinexbomb [T, 12k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Mike Green
In which Nicky and Greenie pretend to be soul bonded so they can be road roommates.
Taste of Bavaria by JessamyGriffith[T, 7k]
Philipp Grubauer/Braden Holtby
Philipp Grubauer is a tour guide, resigned to spending yet another day introducing American tourists to the beauty of Bavaria.
Braden Holtby, star goaltender for the Washington Capitals, is looking forward to a nice day seeing the sights of Munich on his vacation.
Happily, neither of them is going to have their day go quite as expected.
drop by savedby [T, 2k]
Devante Smith-Pelly, Ensemble
five times the Washington Capitals welcomed DSP to the team and one time he did it for someone else
Tell The World by sunshinexbomb [M, 10k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Braden Holtby
Three times somebody finds out about Nicky and Braden and one time they decide to tell someone on their own.
feels like summer by Thorne [M, 30k]
The unglamorous fact of the matter is that lifeguarding, particularly at a community swimming pool, is much less about the dramatic rescues and slo-mo dives into the water that Baywatch has tricked people into believing, and much more about janitorial work that’s either tedious or gross, spiked with the occasional scraped knee or elbowed nose or no-holds-barred ice cream vendor death-match in the parking lot.
(Or, Karl’s in love with his best friend, all the local community pools in the Metropolitan county are at prank-war with each other, and also there are ducks.)
Oh, but how were we to know? by orphan_account [NR, 12k]
Tom Wilson/OMC
“How’d it feel skating with Gavin for the first time as teammates?” a reporter asks in the locker room after their first preseason game, played against the New York Islanders. “He cites you as such an integral part of his development into a player. It must be rewarding to see it come full circle.” 
When condemning the whole body by anonissue [E, 6k]
Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt
There’s more than one way to cure the hiccups, as Braden Holtby has the misfortune to find out.
Wide Open by Ferritin4 [E, 2.5k]
Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt
Braden opens his mouth again, because he’s glad it’s okay but he didn’t mean no, he just meant give me — give me a minute, give me —
114 notes · View notes
rreader · 6 years
Hello, I really enjoyed the one you've just posted about Jim asking Spock's half sister out on a date. Would it be possible to write like a sequel where after years of dating, Jim finally has the courage to propose to her? She says yes. Thank you!
Tumblr media
pairing: james t. kirk x spock’s sister!reader ; spock x uhurafandom: star trek (modern)warnings: languagegenre: fluffprevious: x
summary: five years. that’s how long you had been by his side, through the bad and the good. and now jim decided that it was finally time to take the next step with you, even if he had never thought he’d be that kind of guy.
a/n: such a cute request and one I loved writing. I enjoyed the first one a lot, so this was nice. I might actually make another one, where they have their first baby.. idk, we’ll see I guess. for now, enjoy this one my love ♥
Jimhad never thought he’d end up like this.
Yearsago, he has had missions that were so dangerous, that he should haveshit his pants. He should have been scared and downright nervousabout every single one of his moves and choices. But he had kept calm through itall, rode out the storm like a pro without breaking a sweat. Because that’s who he was. The cool guy.
Buthere he was, his forehead and palms were glistening with sweat, hewas shifting his weight from one foot to the other and his breathingwas rapid at the thought of what he was about to do.
Andall because of a single question..
..butthat question would change his life forever. Both if you were to give him the answer he wanted you to give and the one he was so afraid of.
“Youseem nervous, Captain,” Spock said, hands confidently behind hisback, “Are you scared of what my sister might say to you?”
Jimrolled his eyes and leaned his forehead against the cold wall infront of him.
“Notnow, Spock.”
Spock wasn’t concerned about Jim proposing to you. No, being able to see just how scared he was of it, was actually rather amusing to him. He enjoyed this.
Thefact that the great Captain Jim Kirk, who was known for fearingnothing and being so very brave, was currently about to cry becauseof his sister.
Notonly was he amused, but proud of you for having such an effect onJim.
WhenSpock was about to say something else, the door got opened and Uhuraentered with a big and excited smile.
“She’son her way.”
Jimnodded and looked at himself in the mirror once more, straighteningout the white shirt he was wearing and taking a deep breath. He kepttelling himself that it would be alright, that you would say yes. Youdidn’t have a reason to do otherwise.. did you? You had been datingfor more than five years now.. it was time to take the next step,even if the topic of marriage hadn’t come up that often and if it had, you both just ended up joking about it.
Hejust hoped that you would see it the same way he did.. that you wanted totake your relationship to the next level.
Sohe took one last look at himself, making sure that his appearence was perfect, before walking past Uhura and Spock.
“Inever thought I would say it, but I think Jim is going to make anamazing husband,” she said, once Kirk was out the door, “Don’t you think?”
“TheCaptain has changed a lot over the course of the past years and Ibelieve my sister has been a huge influence on him. So yes, I believehe shall indeed make a good husband and treat my sister right.”
Uhura’ssmile turned into a grin and she wrapped her hands around his arm,leaning against her boyfriend.
Who would have thought that Spock would one day approve of Kirk so much, that he’d not be against the idea of him marrying his little sister.
Certainly not Uhura.
                                                             * * * 
“Uh..hello?” you glanced around the big room, your eyes scanning thearea to see if there was like a hidden passage where the party wassupposed to be, “Am I too early?” you murmured, more to yourself, than to the emptiness of the room.
Nope,when looking at the time real quick, you realized that you wereactually a little late.
Uhurahad come into your room about twenty minutes ago, telling you aboutthe party the crew was having because of the success of the lastmission.
‘Everyoneis going to be there, (Y/N)! You have to come too!’
Youwere exhausted, wanted to take a hot shower and then cuddle with Jim, but the all-to-well known group pressure had gottenthe better of you, and so you had changed, taken a super quick showerand made your way over to where the party was supposed to be.
Onlythat there was nothing here. No party, no people.. just you.
“Oh,good, I thought this was a prank or something. They told me there isa party?” you asked Jim, who closed the door behind him.
“Therewill be.”
“SoI am too early? Uhura said I should hurry,” you huffed, annoyed thatyou could have taken your time and at least enjoyed a nice, hotshower. But that annoyance quickly faded when you saw the state thatyour boyfriend was in, “Jim? What’s wrong with you?”
Hewas sweating, his hands were even shaking slightly, even thoughsomebody else wouldn’t have noticed it. But that’s what more thanfive years of being in a relationship with him got you. You couldalways tell when there was something wrong. And quite frankly, this has never been a state you had seen him in.
Youmade your way over to him and pressed your hand against his forehead.
“Hmm..you don’t have a fever.”
“..butwe should still go and see Bones. You’ve been coughing quite a lotyesterday, maybe you’ve gotten sick on the last mission...”
“Comeon, I’ll go with you,” you wouldn’t even let him finish, way tooworried with the possibility of him being sick.
Butwhen you grabbed his hand and wanted to pull him away, he stood hisground and grabbed both of your hands instead.
“(Y/N),can you just let me talk for a moment?”
“Oh,right..,” you cleared your throat, “Sorry, go ahead.”
Hetried to calm his accelerating heartbeat down, but holding your handslike this and staring into your (Y/E/C) eyes, he realized that hewouldn’t be able to calm down, before he got your answer.
Sohe took a few more deep breaths, lowering his head and closing hiseyes, before taking up all the courage he had in him and looking back up intoyours.
“Youknow how much I love you, right?”
Youfurrowed your eyebrows.
“Good,that’s good,” he nodded and tried to continue, but the lump in histhroat kept him from doing so right away, so silence engulfed the two of you.
Onlywhen one of your hands disappeared out of his and instead, was placedon his cheek, did he look back up at you.
“You’reworrying me.”
“No!”he quickly said, that was definitely not his intention, “No, pleasedon’t be worried. If anything, I’m the worried one. Fuck, I’m sosorry, I thought I’d be able to pull this off like every other guy. And here Iam, like a teenager asking you to go to prom with me.”
“Well,you always said you’d take me dancing, someday,” you smiled happilyup at him.
Asmile that made him beam as well.
Howcould he not be nervous right now? When someone like you, someonethat he loved so much, was standing in front of him and only aquestion away from becoming his wife.
“Youknow.. when I was younger, I never thought I’d find someone like you,much less fall in love and be loved in return by someone like you. Ithought I’d spend the rest of my life sleeping around with whoever Iwanted to sleep with. But when you came into my life, my prioritieschanged from day to day. And then, eventually, there was a day whereI realized that there was only one future for me. A future that hadyou in it.”
Youkept smiling, still completely oblivious to what was happening, so hecontinued.
“Irealized that.. calling you my girlfriend isn’t enough for meanymore,” only after that sentence did your smile drop. Not becauseyou were upset, but because you were shocked, “I realized that Iwant to call you the mother of my children. I want to call you mywife, (Y/N). I want to call you mine, for the rest of my life. So..”
Andwhen he knelt down in front of you, you couldn’t help but take thetiniest of steps back, your hand covering your mouth.
“(Y/N)(Y/L/N). Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Itwas so.. traditional. Not that you had EVER expected him to proposeto you, in any form or manner. The topic had come up from time totime, but always in a playful manner, so that you never had taken itserious. You had accepted that he probably didn’t want to marry andit was alright for you, really.
Butnow that he was kneeling in front of you and asking you that samequestion that you had always dreamt of someone asking you when youwere a child?
Itwas all a bit overwhelming.
Somuch, that you hesitated for one second too long and you could feelJim’s hopes of you accepting vanish by the second.
“Ido,” you finally whispered and his eyes grew bigger.
“Ido!” you laughed, two lonely tears rolling out of your eyes, beforeyou leaned down, cupped his face in your hands and kissed himpassionately. He held your hips, slowly getting up from the floor,but not stopping the kiss for a second.
Onlywhen he put the ring onto your finger, did you separate for the tiniestmoment, lips returning to meet each other again afterwards.
Youwrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled you close, his ownarms around your middle.
Andwhen you could hear the sounds of clapping behind you, you found somemembers of the crew standing in the door way with the biggest ofsmiles on their faces.
Yourbrother being one of them.
Andwhen your brother smiled, that meant something.
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