#but that doesnt mean the actual flavor would be on point
note-a-bear · 2 years
I hate when branded partnerships for my store actually turn out to be really good. Namely, these Tabitha Brown vegan goodies
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This fucker. This one right here is the platonic ideal of lemon garlic aioli.
Right texture, BRIGHT lemon and strong (but not overpowering) garlic. I'm mad about it
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hey so if you can could you by chance do tadc x very clumsy reader who whenever something happens they try to save themself by flirting (but it's like very bad)? I'm picturing a scenario where the reader is trying to walk on like a tightrope and falls landing face first in front of their s/o looks up and just says "I must be an angel because I just fell for you". Thank you in advance if you do take this request, and have an amazing day/night!
TADC cast x clumsy but flirty!reader !
my dear sillies youre going to have to come up with the flirts/pickup lines on your own because admin has zero rizz soooooo TToTT i didnt make meringue cookies today, so sad... but i think i might make them tomorrow! im a little torn on flavors, though... i got vanilla, almond, peppermint, strawberry, orange, and raspberry extract... i think i might do plain vanilla, though! shrugs
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honestly i think he might just forget that you completely embarrassed yourself and return the same energy by flirting back with you know? but thats just caine being caine, probably picks you up via literally grabbing you by the back of your shirt and dragging you back to your feet. i think if you guys are close, be it dating or just friends, he might tease you about the line... its going to be a while before you hear the end of it... does make sure youre not hurt, though.. cant have an unhappy circus member under his watch
out of confusion gives a sheepish and awkward "thaaaaaaanks..." before realizing that you just fell from the top of the tent and splatted onto the ground. sure youre going to be fine, given that this is in the digital world. but pomnis shock fades and is replaced by worry and concern as she runs over to make sure youre alright... actually i dont even think she would register that you flirted with her, much less that you did it to play off your shame... at least not until later, probably hours after the event as she replays the moment in her head before going to bed... honestly the line was probably so bad it made her inwardly cringe, just a tiny bit
tries not to be phased by the line but honestly i can see ragatha being into cheesy and cliche shitty pickup lines, but after a moments pause shes fretting over you and trying to peel you off of the circus floor... lightly scolds you for even attempting something so dangerous. i mean sure, you wont die since this is the digital world and you wont have any long lasting damage and unlike pomni, ragatha is very aware and very used to this fact. but theres still that instinct, you know? probably gets onto you for trying to play it off, i mean youre in pain and your first instinct is to come onto her? probably tries to deter you from doing things that can get you hurt in the future....
probably retaliates with a.... whats the opposite of a flrty pick up line? like he deflects it and crushes it in a teasing way... regardless of if he knows youre doing it to save your pride. no one flusters this man, no-sir-ee-bob! similar to caine hes not going to let you hear the end of it, but he also brings up the incident of you being clumsy to further push the point... a little bit of a dick about it but he thinks its funny, probably also laughs just a little. i mean he said he likes seeing funny things happening to people, and as long as no one is actually being REALLY hurt/permanently hurt/dying then everything is free game in his eyes
so you know how in pomnis part, she doesnt even register that youre trying to playfully flirt with her but she realizes it hours later? honestly i dont think kinger would recognize that it was a pickup line, ever. hes way too busy panicking and freaking out and trying to pull you up off of the ground. probably gently shaking and rocking you about as hes checking your body over for any injuries, forgetting that you cant really get those in the digital world in the heat of his panic... seriously, one of these days youre going to give this poor man a heart attack, please take it easy for his sake....
rolls their eyes and scoffs, before grabbing your arm and pulling you up. theyre open about saying that your pick up lines are dumb and cheesy, but they dont exactly make fun of you for using them to protect your pride. do they think its pathetic? only a little bit, just own up to the shame man, thats what they think you should do... but its your choice... no they just think the lines themselves are... euuguhgh... you know? honestly if they knew any better lines theyd probably offer to teach you some, but alas, they dont. they dont really strike me as the type to be a flirty person... probably gives you /that/ look when you so much as imply youre going to do something that has a high change of ending in disaster
not phased by the pickup line, shes just standing there in shock. you know how gangle looked when zooble got disassembled in the pilot? she looks at you with a similar look, if not the exact same one. if her comedy mask if broken, perhaps she even lets out a short and soft whine in place of crying... if she doesnt burst out into panic tears, at least. makes no comment about your flirting for the most part, but i think she would meekly try to push you away from doing anything dangerous... ponders
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gayloringinplainsight · 7 months
why is all of your "evidence" so contridictory? if she came out on lesbian visibility day and all her past relationships are pr beards, why does it matter the bisexual hints she drops? AND if she IS bisexual, why come out on lesbian visibility day and have so many lesbian flag themed hints? why would she be in pr beard relationships if shes openly bisexual?
Okay first idk why you need to scream at me. Calm the fuck down. And if you don't care about Taylor Swift then I'm not sure why you're on my blog screaming in all caps about her, but let's do this anyways cause I'm in a verbose mood.
Second, it's not my evidence, it's her evidence and her flagging, and I have eyes and a brain capable of a modicum of critical thinking.
And I don't think any of the evidence is contradictory but I kind of understand what you're getting at.
So let me begin by saying that I have no strong opinions on if she's bi or pan or lesbian or fluid or whatever. I think there was a lot of bi flagging in the 1989 era, both bi and pan flagging during the Lover era, and then there's been a lot more lesbian flagging during the Midnights/eras tour period. So if I had to venture a guess I'd say she used to identify as bi and now identifies as lesbian, but I don't feel super strongly about it and I also don't think there's really enough evidence to say for sure one way or another, only that there's more than enough evidence to be certain she's some flavor of queer.
What additionally contributes to the lack of clear answers on labelling is the fact that she does flagging on lesbian visibility day, and then mixes bi flagging and pan flagging in the same music video. But I don't think it's fair to say that if she's (for the sake of argument) bi, then she can only do bi-specific flagging. She can do any kind of flagging she wants, and that doesn't diminish the queer message she's coding. It might also be that she simply identifies as queer or unlabeled, and therefore feels free to mix and match all of these things. Or maybe her label is more complex and reliant on the split attraction model, like bi-romantic lesbian, or homo-romantic bisexual/pansexual.
To address some of your specific statements, she didn't "come out on lesbian visibility day". At least not explicitly. But she flagged very hard and said something that could be construed as coming out in a glass-closeted kind of way.
We also don't know that all of her public relationships have been PRships. They might have been, and I think a lot of them were, but we don't actually know. I think you're also asking, if every public relationship with men was PR, why would she ever flag as bi? But just because the relationships we know about were potentially PR doesn't mean there couldn't have been relationships with men that we don't know about. A great example of this is Martin Johnson, who many people think was a real relationship (and the muse for Dear John).
All this goes back to the point that she can do any kind of flagging she wants. She's not restricted to bi flagging if she's bi, or lesbian flagging if she's a lesbian. Perhaps she vacillates between labels. Perhaps her labels are more complex like bisexual lesbian. Perhaps in addition to whatever her own label is, she wants to give visibility to other queer identities.
Just because we don't know her exact brand of queer doesn't mean the evidence is contradictory. It means we don't know her exact brand of queer.
Lastly, to address your final demand where you want tangible proof except not lyrics or videos or social media posts or hints. Which is a request that's not really based in reality. Because that's exactly where the tangible proof lies. It's in the enormous pile of queer flagging that can't be explained away. It's in the performances where she sings "I want her midnights." It's in her panoply of rainbow outfits. It's in statements like "Gay pride…makes me, me!" It's in all the mv scenes of glass closeting. It's in Jack accidentally outing her. It's in the rep prologue. It's in lyrics that reference hairpin drops and secrecy and religious guilt and fear of being found out. It's in her literally telling us "I prefer hiding in plain sight." This is all queer flagging and if you know how to read it then you can read it. And if you can't or refuse to, then that's on you. If you want to wait for her to shout her identity from the rooftops before you think there's tangible proof, then feel free to wait for that day. I think it will come. But in the meantime, queer flagging IS proof. And the sheer volume and scope and clarity of it makes it tangible.
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an-excellent-choice · 7 months
I was recently gushing at a friend about bg3 but didn't want to spoil her in the romance and the characters backstory.
So, I started comparing everybody with Dragon Age companions to give her an idea on everybody's personality.
Now I need to complete this list just for the sake of it.
Astarion: Zevran, Isabela, Morrigan
I know a lot of people compare Astarion and Fenris but honestly, I personally don't see them being similar enough( yes even with the slavery and white hair) they are just two different flavors especially in personality. They are similar in broad strokes but in the details not really.
Now with Zevran and Isabela, I can see. These two very sexual characters both use their sexualities and their daggers to manipulate those around them.
They both cope with their trauma with putting a mask of light heartedness and sexual freedom. The main difference of between Zevran and Isabela to Astarion is that Astarion is more upfront with his trauma.
The Morrigan aspect is his pragmatism. Astarion's killed or killed is similar to Morrigan. They both hate helping people as they don't see anything beneficial it. They are so used to the absence of kindness that any they see from the protag is seen as naivety or even fakeness because if there truly kindness in the world why did they never experienced themselves.
Gale: Anders, Merril, Solas
So the common trait I established from these characters that I see in Gale is them being blinded by their goals. These 3 all kind and mean well but they think their way is the only way to fix things. All these three are self serving to their selfish desires to the point it overwrites any kindness they have. They want to do something drastic to help others. Solas with elves, Merril her missing friends and Anders with mages but in the price of themselves.
Personality wise,Merril is also similar to Gale with her akwardness and naivety. Gale has a tendency to do akward moments in his enthusiasm and lackk experience in socializing. While the Solas is love information and informing others, he's very welcoming in sharing experiences.
Now, Anders. Specifically Anders dao and da2 Act 1-2 because Gale would never justify the means justifies the end mentality in act3 of da2. The basics commonalities: cat dad, mage, time bomb but the most damning similarity is that both Gale and Anders thought that they know better even though they were already warned. Gale with the piece of weave and Anders with Justice. They both essentially shot themselves in the foot by ignoring the warning signs.
(I'm not including Merril in the shooting of foot because her ritual was tampered she knew her risks and had actually prepared a kill switch just in case)
Wyll: Cassandra, Merril, Varric
The main thing I focused on this trio is responsibility. All these 3 has certain responsibility or expectations set upon them with a main conflict of whether they should just follow expectations or do their own will even at the price of losing support or their people
Wyll has heavy expectations on him and he himself always tries to put the well being of others before him even at the price of his soul.
Now personality-wise, Cassandra is an old romantic. Just like Wyll they both enjoy poetry and wooing. They both live for the romance even though they try hard to focus on only their duty they cant hide their soft squishy hearts.
Merril is kind and is always torn with her abandoning her duty to do what she thinks is needed to be done. She loves her people so much she will bear being seen as a monster to try to help them. *cough* wyll is the same*cough
Varric is charming as fuck but he also is kindaa running away from his responsibility until finally he was forced to take a stand. He accidentally helped start aspects of the mess but he will be damned if he doesnt try to help.
Okay, I'm running out of steam now. I'll do a part 2 for the ladies as this is also too long now.
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cryptocism · 9 months
I don't remember if it was stated in frequency but do the clones have different colored lightning when they use their powers?
u know i considered having some differences in the lightning colors for flavor but it ended up being a chore trying to figure out even what bart's lightning color is. in the impulse series his lightning is consistently yellow, (and so is thad's) but there's some recent issues of the flash that have his lightning as a sort of orange or even sometimes red.
the depictions of inertia thru the comics have been pretty stark in contrast which COULD have been a point in my favor since the premise of frequency hinges on the More Than One Inertia theory, IF depictions of bart werent also inconsistent. i can't use the argument that after impulse 1995, all of inertia's appearances seem to have green lightning now - therefore different person - because bart also sometimes just has red lightning and he's presumably the same dude throughout.
i ended up just not bothering to mention the different lightning colors because different colorists can be inconsistent and it doesnt necessarily mean much narratively. (hell, in the early issues of young justice 2019 bart is depicted with blue eyes, which IS actually a thing ive had to deliberately ignore for the sake of the key aspects of Three's appearance)
however! i'd say in this story: Bart, Three, and Jude all have yellow lightning. Five tilts more orange but still in that range. Four would've had green lightning as per his comic appearances. Six: also green, but the scans i have of his comic appearance make the color a little more teal than his predecessor.
Thad would match with Bart and Three if he had access to the speed force, but since his access to speed in the story is mainly via velocity 9, id say maybe it tilts into a different color. just to show that this isn't actually Thad's speed powers working, but an external force instead. or maybe he wouldn't have lightning at all using velocity 9 idk.
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Give me your Blyndeff sister headcanons please.
You got it, Boss!
Starting off, I think shes autistic. Look, i know this is low hanging fruit, but i mean... come on...
I have a list of all the nervous tics she has, which include:
Chewing on her hoodie strings
Clicking a pen, mechanical pencil, figit cube
Cracking her body, mostly her hands, fingers and wrists
Chewing her inner cheek
Biting herself
Shaking anything jingly
Nervous hand flappies
I also have a list of stims that i kinda projected:
Hand flaps are a big one
Same with fist shaking
Patting her thighs too
She also makes small popping noises
Ok back to ACTUAL headcannons:
Doesnt do well at amusement parks, but is cool about the scary halloweeny stuff
Quiet kid in school on the days she goes
Vocalizes what she does (aka making sounds as she does stuff) (akaaka her walking and she goes "eh eh eh eh")
I feel like she indulges in horror games, thinks the cutesy stuff is boring
Did not realize she was autistic until Trixie said "Thats neat Molly! By the way, did you ever get diagnosed for autism?" After she went on a whole rant about bear facts.
Speaking of facts, hyperfixation/special interest list:
Lethal company
Any horror game you give her, really
Horror movies
History (this is me protecting)
Actual Headcannons:
Textures are iffy for her
Shes touch seeking but will freak out if she feels or tastes a weird texture like with fleeces or fabrics
Naven triedd to help her with this, but it didn't work out and she spat out the food while apologizing
Likes Rasin Brain, its the only cereal thats not sweet
Drinks black coffee and tea
I feel like she owns a green Nokia with a bear keychain
Music taste is probably those nice music box covers or really quiet piano with rain ambiance.
Shes autistic too, but not at the same spectrum level as Molly
Abandonment Issues
If shes stressed she'll stim while talking out loud to herself
Had HORRIBLE meltdowns when she was younger, she stopped around the time Molly was born since her parents said she had to set an example
Sweet tooth, favorite flavor is Birthday Cake
I can sense she has a Dnd special intrest, most definetly has played Baldurs Gate 3 at some point
Warrior Cats kid
Bedazzles everything she owns
Horrible cook. Dont let her touch an oven
Her and Molly used to infodump together before they started hating eachother
Def a bedazzled flip phone girlie
Idk why but I feel like shes a Chai drinker, no explination I just feel it.
Also really likes Halloweeny stuff
She struggles more with school work than Molly (Proof, her spelling in PoP) but she doesnt want to ask for help cuz she feels stupid about it so she just does it wrong
Full Hyperfixation/Special Intrest List:
Dungeons and Dragons/TTRPGS
Baldurs Gate 3
Harry Potter (Fuck JKR)
Warrior Cats
Wings of Fire
Percy Jackson
Actual Headcannons:
I feel like shes an Art Kid
Specializes in Pottery and Doodles
Also has taken up plushie making! Without an Epithet, I may add
She doesnt have an issue with texture most of the time; but if she feels any slime or coldness on her hands she'll flip.
She likes the popular music; but secretly loves fantasy game soundtracks and vocaloid. DWEEB!!!! (Me too i get it Lori)
Storing money to go to a Renaissance Faire
She sometimes uses her dream bubbles for Dnd campaigns with the friends she has! Or she would if she had any
I feel like she sits alone at lunch :(
Loves Boba! Tried getting Molly to taste it but she spat out a Pearl
Theater kid. Gut feeling.
Thats all from me, anon! Enjoy!!
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losergames · 9 months
Personally I dont think most people saying their MC wouldnt do this have a problem with playing a game about being a criminal. Though some maybe do. There is also a wip where the MC is forced to be the ruler of a kingdom by the characters and feedback there has also been that their MC would leave, that they hold a grudge etc. I think it more comes down to the inciting incident (joining the gang) is canonically not really mcs choice since it is forced/coerced by other characters which at least for me breaks immersion if the MC is then expected to accept and thrive in that Situation. If it was fully a choice the MC made (not by Player choice but as a Story beat and maybe the reasoning as choice flavor) I would accept it much more easily as characterization and just that the MC is a person who would do that. But if even the MC isnt canonically fully behind the choice then its harder for me to accept the premise. This doesnt mean I want you to change your game! Just a perspective why some people might have a problem accepting the premise
that is a very fair point - the inciting incident and fall out is very jarring and i'm honestly glad people get a reaction out of it because it would be boring otherwise!!!
i will say the mc hasn't 'joined' yet, by the end of the current demo all they've been offered is a meeting and they've been strong armed into going to that meeting. this all plays out in ep 3! as for the story beat of the mc actually making the decision to join, that'll come in ep 4 - so, we still have a ways to go on mc's choice to go through with it. i think this is where my frustration lies but that's no one's fault!! just the consequences of having a public on going project haha
i do really appreciate the feedback though!! i think once we get over the set up hurdle things will be more clear :') thank you!
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shesmore-shoebill · 4 months
i loveeee disaster/pining!amanda in amangela HOWEVER i pitch you this: disaster/pining!amanda in courtmanda. amanda who shouldnt be surprised that courtney’s very flirty/affectionate but somehow Always Is Suprised when the energy is directed back at her. courtney who sees a blushing/stammering amanda for the first time and is absolutely delighted (and maybe a little bit surprised) that They were the one who caused that reaction
AUGH COURTMANDA MY BELOVED. Excellent timing sending this to me right before we got fed with fantastic Courtmanda in the new FNAF video.
That said: OOOH disaster/pining Amanda in a Courtmanda context. HMM.
Okay, preface: I'm going to say a lot of things here. Again, this is all personal RPF characterization and is not supposed to actually be about the real people. Its about the RPF alternate universe versions I've decided on.
So from what I have in my head, disaster/pining Amanda doesn't look the same as it would for Amangela, because where Angela doesn't usually lean into the kissing/flirting bits with the same level of enthusiasm/isn't the type to initiate them, at least with Amanda, (hence why flirting back would be so jarring). Like you're saying Courtney (and Amanda tbh) is the kind of person to:
1- Flirt incessantly with people for the bit,
2- If challenged, would COMMIT to the bit with zero hesitation
3- Willing to kiss a friend, no worries.
So in my head, with their existing dynamic it seems less likely for Amanda to be completely caught off guard by just the fact of Courtney flirting/flirting back. (TBH I think its fun to have their dynamic already have an inherent flirtiness to it, that in Courtmanda universes can lead to Confusion or Hijinks. See this post). So to really SELL it I feel like there has to be an extra level to it that turns the existing dynamic on its head. Catches Amanda off guard or some extra flavor to the obliviousness. And I find it VERY fun to have the disaster part of this be Amanda committing harder to flirting if she's panicking about Courtney, because Courtney would commit BACK, and that kind of escalation always opens up fun in stories. AND, at the point where Amanda does get completely flustered/tongue-tied the payoff is that much more significant.
And there's a few fun ways this can go, trope-wise, I think. Courtney dials it up and Amanda was fine about it before (ignoring her feelings) but the ramp up in intensity flipped SOMETHING in her head she can't ignore angmore, and now Courtney is flirting and Amanda is panicking/flirting back with a definite edge of panic and Courtney can. Tell. For angst or more plot, the fact that the affection is already there can cause confusion! Misunderstanding! What's joke flirting and what's real? What's a bit and what isn't? Even if its not a bit for her, is it for them? etc. Plenty of fun ways to take the Courtmanda disaster dual flirting dynamic.
That said, the "already always flirty Courtmanda" is just a personal characterization thing on my part, and this is RPF, none of this is real, so we dont need to do that. If we don't commit to their existing dynamic already being flirty the imagery of a flustered Amanda and deeply pleased Courtney is still SO good. Amanda flirts with everyone and Courtney flirts back and Amanda goes. 😳. Courtney as a fun silly little guy and Amanda as a charismatic force laying on the charm with everyone but Courtney does something back and Amanda loses it a little. Flirts weird. Gets goofy. Little compliments get to her. Something something the rpf extension of Amanda constantly calling Courtney cool or complimenting her style in random places in videos. And Courtney continues to be affectionate because they just ARE affectionate and Amanda (also known affectionate person!) is losing her cool over it way more than she should be. Oh man. I do love this concept actually.
(For angst route- miscomm! misunderstanding! Amanda going "Oh Courtney is like this with everyone, it doesnt mean anything". Courtney taking Amanda's slightly strange reactions as 'oh she doesnt like me doing this/feel this way'. Ah shit I've just swapped the Amangela dynamic).
Anyway. Lots of fun potential here. Love the Courtmanda dynamic. Maybe a fun plot idea regarding S&B filming and Amanda seeing a new side of Courtney that shifts her world a little bit.... 👀 hmm.
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blood-injections · 9 months
OKAY. Suitehearts Thoughts time. For my magnus archives danger days au. The first brainstorming post is here
One of thems a vampire. The shark toothed physically unable to speak tma kind. I was thinking Sandman but actually. Maybe Crab?? Because i always headcanon him mute and hard of hearing and Benzedrine like semi verbal and they communicate a lot with sign but the vampire thing is like. They send mental vibes through eye contact. Feelings and thoughts in a mindmeld. And i just think that fits them. Maybe he turns benz at some point and he becomes a vamp too. Sure the vampires whole purposes are like to like hunt humans sure but like whatever its fiction he can have human friends. Mostly human friends. Because the thing is the suitehearts in this are all Fucked up. Like they're juvie halls, they're in the underground, in the city, where the fears are. And sure better living sends all their monsters beyond the walls for the killjoys but like the desert is the other powers domain, the Witch and Destroya and whatever else i come up with. The fears are festering within the city, and especially in like the slums and the underground? They kind of run rampant, bli doesnt care, the peple there are seen as expendable, all future dracs. So the suitehearts face monsters and fears and shit, but it also means that those who are avatars of the entities, they're powerful within the city, where the entities are. So Sandman and Donnie, who i might be making avatars, have more powers than like, Cherri with the vast or Ghoul with the rot or something like i mentioned, since theyre way out in the desert, and not as connected.
Benzedrine- well I'm still thinking about it- but either hes an avatar, or his flavor of fucked up is like, he used to be a avatar. My main plan is that he survived a ritual and had like. A youngblood chronicles experience. So this would be like. A ybc/suitehearts/dager days/tma crossover 💀. So he's like still dealing with the aftermath of that. And suprise! Hes immensely fucked up by it. Maybe theres still traces of that power in him too, and sometimes his eyes flicker yellow.. (im so normal about this).
Donnie I'm not very sure on anything yet, if he'll be an avatar or not. If he is, maybe for the spiral? He just has the vibes.
Mr Sandman.. I think he'd be a good avatar for the end. With some power over or knowledge on death. Like the tma guy that could see the vines and knew how and roughly when everyone would die, at first he just saw it in dreams but then he started seeing the vines in real life too. Sandman has that power or like, the power to give someone a heart attack or something. I just know i want it to be freaky, and him to be really, really creepy.
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moss-and-marimos · 9 months
info dump to me about whatever media, OC's, albums, or anything else that comes to mind! :D (if you want to, that is)
infodump incoming about my dnd character
Grahhhhhh Percival makes me actually wild, hes a triton, he looks like this, sorry If ive showed you him before I cant remember
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but this guy makes me actually wild. hes so unwell hes got so many issues. we've finally started getting a little into his lore in the campaign and I got to call his sister last session which is a big step, and hes finally getting comfortable with the party calling him nicknames which is a big deal because like very very early on campaign I told the other players that he was the type to silently judge you if you called him Perci instead of Percival if you weren't close with him, but last session was the first time one of the other people slipped and called him perci and I got to be like 'he doesnt react negatively' and theyre all like omg we got nickname privileges and im very happy about it at the same time unfortunately though, a lot of his development is kinda gonna go down the drain now because we've got a new player joining the campaign and its really gonna mess him up, he was finally feeling comfortable in the character dynamic, they just saved his life literally and that means a lot to him, but now a new person is joining and thats going to feel like a big betrayal of trust he had a party before this one a few years ago, when he was a lot newer to the surface, and they didnt really care about him or treat him well, and so to get healed by the others meant a lot, because the other party wouldnt heal him unless he was fully downed, always saying that he was overreacting because he was a kid (he was 16-17 at the time) which just wasn't true, this guy has a high pain tolerance and is used to hiding injuries from adults, and so to 1. see his party immediately heal him and for even the pacifist to start taking the fight seriously once he got seriously injured meant a ton, and 2. that they didnt immediately freak out at his blood being the 'wrong color' (his blood is blue) also meant a ton to him. this guy has issues he has so many issues. hes got some kind of complex about not being human enough and it messes him up, but the party has all been nice about him being nonhuman and it means a lot, even though he still tries to mask a lot of his nonhuman traits around them
in the future at some point the campaign is going to go back to the undersea and im trying to figure out how he would react to that. even though hes a fish and comes from the ocean, ever since he left at 16 I dont think hes ever, or at least not often, gone back. his parents were really awful, and hes scared to step very deep into the water because, even though he can breathe underwater literally, metaphorically it would feel like drowning. I think he might be able to put it aside for a little bit for the sake of the party and having to teach them how to move around underwater and stuff, but I definitely think it would mess him up pretty bad. he would also be happy to see his sister though, she's an artificer, and is probably going to be the one to give them the stuff that allows them to breathe underwater, he cares about her a ton and vice versa. ironic for him to be a fish with a fear of the ocean
fun little details about him: - he has a sending stone flavored as a seashell, his shell phone we call it, he uses it to call his sister and thats the only contact it has, and its a cowrie shell (his sisters' is a conch) - He really idolizes his sister, she pretty much raised him, she's the reason he dyes his hair white and wears it in a ponytail - This fish is transgender 💪💪💪 so is his sister too - He can bioluminesce and its one of his stims is that he makes the lights flash up and down his forearms - his name is a fish pun based on the genus perciformes
We got to do a thing recently where he was like actually scared, because he has a lot of issues with bodily autonomy and so being mind controlled is one of his worst fears/triggers, and there was/is a very real potential for that to happen, and its one of the first times the party has ever seen him scared and I love describing the changes in his body language. Most of the time he presents himself very confidently for lack of better term, very open body language, but when hes scared that changes, he doesnt lean back as much, his tail flicks, he clutches at his forearms (especially since one was recently injured when he almost died) and leaves claw marks in his leather bracers, etc
I have more I might put in another reblog bc this is getting really long
traumatized with so many issues -> 🐟
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liquidstar · 2 years
i completely missed this but apparently the second season of to your eternity is airing rn, and i dont know if ill watch it because ive actually read the manga passed the point of where the season will probably end off, but it reminds me that i have some thoughts about the series...
first of all i wanna say that i dont think its a BAD show, in fact i liked a lot of it. the premise of an orb that can shapeshift being sent down to earth by god to learn how to be human is already so intriguing. and the first episode is amazing and also a huge emotional gutpunch. it was its most down to earth episode too.
and to some degree i feel like its more fantastical elements (aside from fushi themself) detracted a bit from the story’s message. its supposed to be about what it means to be human, but the way this theme is handled in tandem with the shounen fantasy tropes feels a bit sloppy and makes the series come out somewhat hollow for it, and the more that are introduced the more its quality dwindles.
i DO think this can be done well, of course! im not saying fantastical tropes are bad at conveying the human experience, in fact i believe that they can be used to highlight it brilliantly. mp100 is a great example of a story using psychic powers to convey emotions and connections, fma is a great example of a series using its magic system in tandem with its philosophical themes and commentary, assassination classroom has a frankly batshit premise that actually makes some poignant commentary about the school system...
i dont think things have to be realistic to be human or relatable at all- they still hold value, not in spite of, but BECAUSE of the way the fantasy of their narratives reflect our human experiences. theyre metaphors! theyre fantasy! the whole point is that these fictional stories highlight the realities of our world.
but.... while i feel like to your eternity certainly tries to do this, i feel like a lot of the fantasy shounen elements are... less so thrown in there to highlight the stories message, and more so just added in to spice up the story. and i think thats fine, but after a certain point it feels like these added spices have sort of taken away the flavor that made it appealing to begin with. that and some frankly very weird choices that are trying to be deep but are mostly just kind of strange.
personally i think its a series with a premise that would benefit more from being down to earth. that doesnt mean it cant be a fantasy at all (its premise makes it one by default, technically) but i feel like it doesnt have to do stuff like add monsters and tournament arcs and aliens assimilating with humans and fushi getting knocked up as a turtle to be interesting. also the lolicon step brother shit what the fuck was up with that. i feel like the more elements like this get introduced the less interesting the story became because it was just... literally losing the plot.
and this last thing here really is personal preference but when i first heard what the series was about... i would have loved if it was just. historical fiction? you know, like, a forest-gump style thing but instead of the latter half of the 20th century its just a big chunk of human history. i think i would have loved seeing an orb learn to be human just by watching them go through different eras of humanity, all around the world, just being a small part of history and maybe even sometimes playing a bigger role (for better or worse).
but regardless of that, i just think sometimes... less is more. seeing fushi interact with humans to “become” human is the point, no need to add a grander narrative about copying the entire earth and beating evil monsters- there are plenty of real life historical events to place them in to give stakes! or even fantasy versions of those events! you can tell that thats what they were going for in a lot of arcs but tbh the march and gugu arcs were the only ones that really nailed it. everything would get progressively more and more unhinged from there.
to just see a character that was once an object become moss, become a wolf, become a nameless boy, become a little girl, become their own brother, and learn what all that means... that was already enough. but the story just kind of stopped being about that after that whole prison island arc (which i do think still had interesting commentary about the violent side of humanity too but wasnt really all too elaborated on for fushi’s development). the best episode since that was just the one where they watched their grandma figure die of old age and dementia- that felt genuine again.
the theme of “what it means to be human” was just sort of lost, like, its still there but you have to move aside a lot of contrived nonsense to really still see it, in my opinion. and it doesnt work as well as i would have loved it too. i really really really wish it did! thats why i read like 200 chapters of the manga! but... it didnt refind its footing in my eyes, sadly. i dont think its bad if you like it but i do think it leaves a bit to be desired, for me.
but hidden within there is still an amazing premise. and it doesnt need to be Epic. i think it would have been enough to just watch fushi go through different eras, meet different people, carry them with themself, and move on to the next “lesson in humanity.” it wouldnt have to be part of some grand plan by an alien to copy earth, but just a way for god to learn from his creations (i dont even think god needs to be shown).
and i think the story would have been more impactful too, if it went with a more “nihilistic optimism” route, when asked why humanity matters. whats the point of all this? everyone dies all the time, theres so much pain and suffering, and people struggle for all of history... but people also come together for all of history, make families, friends, art, music, and reasons of their own to keep living. and even though its a blip in the face of eternity its also... something. it also mattered. that the nameless boy, who died without any family alive to remember him, long long in the past, still mattered. not because of something grandiose, but because he just was. and now hes not. but he was. that mattered. i think thats enough.
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caninekakashi · 2 years
��� CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
i cannot even BEGIN to fathom the apocalyptic world ending situation required to make hound actually CRY cry. he doesn't know how to, he's so emotionally numb for years that even learning how to feel concrete, identifiable HAPPINESS is difficult. CRYING? he recognizes grief, with kakashi's help, he can comprehend what that is when he feels it, but to actually CRY? it doesnt happen
he doesn't cry, he might go into shock, or lock up, but he Does Not Cry. kakashi takes care of that for both of them.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
oh my god so much of what hound does and has learned is from anbu. his posture is rigid he very rarely if ever relaxes even an inch, his expression is always blank, he does not use vocal inflection properly.
hound is kind of like an echo of what they were as a child, so a lot of hound's interests and habits do eventually go back to things that they would have done as children. his snark is very biting, even mean at times. he prefers old flavors that kakashi doesnt consume as much anymore.
honestly adjusting to hound in general is difficult because, to a lot of people, he is a Different Person in Kakashi's Body. they're expecting KAKASHI even when Hound is fronting and that makes it difficult. for everyone.
hound also doesn't use contractions the amount you would expect in regular conversation, he's very stilted. someone socialize him please.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
im going to blow up the whole world.
for so long hound didn't really want or feel anything that wasn't. what he was created for it wasnt within the cards for him to WANT things but when he can, oh my god when he can.
for awhile maybe he wanted obrin back but that was wrong and for a while maybe he wanted sensei again and for awhile maybe he wanted to be a person but it was all wrong and he wasn't anything until he was again.
he just wants to be a person, he wants to be a person with everything attached to it. he wants to do things he enjoys he wants to have people that love him he wants to be able to love people. he needs so much therapy to get to that point, of knowing it of acknowledging it of working towards it.
he wants to be able to feel things again, he doesnt want to be a human, he wants to be a person, and he's trying so, so hard.
at a point in time he may have considered killing kakashi for it, but he never would have, even if he could have, he never would have.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
oh my fucking god.
i don't know, i don't even think he knows, hound doesn't fucking know. hound isnt the type of person to consider impossibilities, he's never going to consider a true wish upon a star that could change things or provide something. hound is always going to reach for things with his own two hands, and if he cannot reach it, he will stretch until he can.
an obvious wish, for an earlier hound, might be to split, to have his own body and let kakashi have his, twins instead of alters. but, he wouldnt enjoy that wish if it came true. he MIGHT, for awhile, but it would fade, he covets kakashi in a way that obrin do not understand yet, wont for a very long amount of time. kakashi was his, his responsibility his burden his feelings his everything and he has fantasized about being separate when all he was was angry but not anymore, never anymore.
he and kakashi dont want to be separated, either of them, and that is another thing that the people in their lives will have to adjust to.
if he could make a wish, blow out the candles on a birthday cake and wonder, he might wish for peace, but hound was made for war, and such things do not come to him so easily.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
hound is made for so much more than war, but it will be years before he realizes this.
hound is a caretaker, thats what he WANTS to be, that is what he is, even at his worst he cared, and that was always why he was so goddamn angry.
he's never going to be soft, or nice, or sweet, he's got terrible bedside manner, but he cares, he's kind.
Hound is matter of fact, hound is dangerous, hound is lethal, these are all truths that are not negative, or positive, they simply are. kakashi knows he is safe with hound, because he knows the lengths that hound will got to love him.
obrin wont be exposed to that for some time, and what they do see they will see through hound tending to kakashi, they will see with hound interacting with naruto.
hound is a bad man, he is a bad human, he has done terrible things and he accepts all of them, but he has done them out of care, and he will do them again for the same reason.
hound's good with people that are hurting, because he knows what it feels like to hurt that badly.
obrin first really see Hound and have their interpretation of him challenged when they happen upon him sitting on his knees in front of naruto while naruto is rambling, obviously wildly upset about something that happened at school, most likely related to sasuke, or his grades.
hound can handle this easily, hound speaks in an even tone, he is capable of distracting and talking emotions down, he does this until naruto is looking at him still teary-eyed but thinking. hound presents a new perspective, hound raises questions that naruto could not ask on his own.
"do you think that is fair?" "...no" "you are correct. it is not fair, not to either of you. there are ways to fix this, but you will have to make an effort. will you do that?"
and naruto nods, redirected and calmed while hound stands to take his hand and guide him home.
obito is better at understanding hound than rin is for a long time, but "better" does not mean he understands hound completely, and even understanding hound's point of anger does not prevent him from being prejudiced against him.
kirpy i want to bite people.
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koipalm · 2 years
Hi! I have some questions about your monster!Jon if you don’t mind! I noticed the design is pretty spider-like - I know you got the inspiration from somewhere else, but is this standard Eye Avatar Jon, or a Web Avatar? Also, I’m guessing this is post-coma and my guy just woke up with some special modifications?
You might’ve noticed but I really love your art and designs, and I hope I can continue to see more!
thank you so so much !! i really like the idea of the fears being closer than most people think, so that avatars may display traits that dont always align to the "god" they believe is sponsoring them. so hes not necessarily "web" its more like ... he is displaying traits of fear that are divided somewhat arbitrarily? into the eye and the spider...
ok i just realized this is hard to explain so here
Tumblr media
im not actually sure this makes enough sense but ill try.... if humans group sections of colors into fears, some might overlap or they might leave out details altogether.... like if the fear of being 'owned' was where teal would be on the color wheel, it might be attributed to either the eye or the spider, depending on who you asked.... but the fears dont really work that way? its more just.... whatever type of fear you fell into, say, 'magenta', and you might exhibit those traits, which is really just whatever suits to best make the specific person monstrous. so, if someone 'became' in a murder-suicide by slowly replacing themself and their loved ones with dolls and their house slowly morphing into a dollhouse, the main fear would be something along the lines of 'people slowly not recognizing their loved ones' but also 'not recognizing themselves and their surroundings' which could be either 'spiral' or 'stranger'.... but really its just like. a flavor of fear? if that makes sense.... sorry, i just realized how hard this is to explain!!
in any case, monster jon is not only touched by almost all the fears at this point, but he is also consuming fear, which allows him to gain a variety of abilities, pushing him towards the center of the graph. i like the idea that the archivist is seen as a parasite of the other fears, consuming and becoming, which makes them more dangerous not only because of their connection to 'watching' but also all the other flavors of fear. which makes the archivist a very dangerous figure throughout history, like gertrude, and doubly so because jon also has firsthand scarring experiences with the other fears.... eventually, this jon would reach the center of the circle once he was marked by all 'flavors' of the fears through written + compelled statements + marks, allowing him to complete the ritual.
his 'becoming' is like exponential growth, so that the more 'fear' he encounters and consumes the faster he becomes powerful. since this is after the unknowing and then oliver banks, hes at a point to start 'becoming' very quickly. enough so that once he records a few statements after hes back the changes set in pretty quickly.... his jaw splits, the eyes open... etc! he does try to hide it from the others because hes afraid of their reactions and how they might react, but soon enough basira does catch a glimpse of an eye or two before he can turn away. luckily, shes disgusted enough that she allows him to continue his 'charade' of hiding under his hair and masks. this also means martin doesnt know! and neither does georgie. it also means that the whole of season 4 becomes a lot longer, with jon trying to support martin from as far away as possible, and martin becoming suspicious from the new rumors around jon and his elusiveness
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
I don’t understand the “there’s only 2 genders” argument
like I get saying “I THINK there’s only 2” and like admitting you’re a fuckin idiot brainwashed by european colonialism and white supremacy, and asking wtf people mean by saying there’s multiple. I get where the base of ignorance comes from. but also like. googles fuckin free
ten times a day I wonder various questions and google them. like, oh wow I didn’t know hall & oates did what I want HOO HOO, HOO HOO until I googled “who sang the song that goes like that”. doesn’t mean that I can say NO FUCK YOU TOTO SANG THAT SONG EAT SHIT AND SUCK MY DICK. because I would be wrong and dumb and also an asshole to people who love H&O and also people who know music history truth.
or you can… ask someone?
I mean an ounce of research will tell you dozens of cultures around the world have at least 3-5 gender identities. an ounce of research will tell you about the prevalence of intersex individuals shattering the sex binary. an ounce of research will tell you all the fucked up ways that everything you think you know about chromosomes is completely wrong. problem is people are academically lazy nowadays. maybe if school was a fuckin algorithm we could actually educate people but no. idiots are comforted by their low effort sponging.
anyway regardless of all that, if someone says “I don’t feel like I’m a boy or a girl” and there’s thousands nay millions of people who also say that, that’s inalienable truth right fuckin there that uuuuhhhh maybe there are people who aren’t actually boys or girls. maybe there are people who are both. maybe there are people who are one sometimes and the other other times. the fact that nonbinary people fuckin exist at all is pretty definitive proof that maybe they actually exist. Hm?
like imagine if tomorrow you saw a dog stand up on its hind legs, put on a pair of glasses, and start talking to you in perfect [insert the language you speak here]. you’d think huh that’s weird, then go on your merry way continuing to say “you know dogs don’t actually talk”. but then you go in town and there’s dozens of walking talking dogs. you continue to say nah that’s stupid dogs don’t talk. you walk up to a talking dog and say fuck you stop talking because dogs don’t talk but the dog is still fucking talking. are you an idiot?
of course I don’t mean to compare nonbinary people to dogs. it’s an allegory. how about ice cream? you think vanilla and chocolate is the only flavor. you walk around town and hear people talking about strawberry. FUCK YOU THERE ARE ONLY TWO FLAVORS, THAT FLAVOR DOESNT EXIST, SHUT UP. then somebody hands you a box of neopolitan and you smack it out of their hands and say NO FUCK YOU THERES ONLY TWO FLAVORS YOU FUCKING SJW. then suddenly spumoni and butter pecan and black cherry and cookie dough and all sorts of flavors start opening up to you. Damn bro I actually like this allegory way better. genders are like ice cream flavors. there’s a potential infinity.
and nonbinary genders exist. they exist because they exist. even if they’re “made up”. luke skywalker was made up but that doesn’t mean he isn’t real. it doesn’t mean he hasn’t entered the cultural consciousness. even if voidgender or spacegender or foxgender or whatever didn’t exist at some point in time, the fact that it was created by somebody to describe themselves inherently gives it life. nonbinary people are the alchemists of the cultural consciousness as far as gender is concerned. and if you can’t wrap your tiny head around that, you’re gonna get left behind by civilized society.
TL;DR you’re a fucking moron if you still ascribe to the gender binary
and now I want some ice cream
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inksandpensblog · 3 years
Hello inks^-^
erm... dunno how to say it correctly but...
(AvA related) a few months ago, you posted an character analyse that you and your friend made for RGBY.
I wanted to thank you for this, that helped me a lot when I started to make my comics (even tho i put my own twist on the sticks' interpretation/personality so that doesnt follow 100% your analyse oops -u-') and i still use your analyse even now.
ANYWAY, i am very grateful for you sharing your ideas ^-^ Thank you.
but i was curious to know if you also had an analyse for Orange/The Second Coming character. I am curious ouo''
I am wishing you a very good day -u-'
(i love your fanfics by the way, i cant read them all in one go unfortunately, but I love how your interpretation is completely different to mine. Thats so interesting! I love it >w<)
Hi Tulip! I’m happy to share, and thank you for waiting so patiently!
One thing I always think of when it comes to Orange is actually something that’s more prevalent in his earlier videos than in his more recent ones: he seems to not…know the pc landscape as intuitively as Chosen One and Dark Lord did (Victim never left the animation program so I can’t really use him to contrast. Though interestingly, Victim and Orange do seem to share an intuitive understanding of the animation program). When Orange breaks RYGB out to play around, he acts like everything is as new for him as it is for them, even though he has a few more seconds (heh) of experience over them. In the early Minecraft videos (The Building Contest), he has to steal the letters from words that are already on the page to get the search result he wants, but by the current arc (Lush Caves) he’s apparently learned how to type it somehow, like Dark Lord does in Showdown.
Keeping that first point in mind, I’ve also noticed that in AvA4, Orange fought Alan in a way that none of the three sticks before him had, and I don’t just mean the “talking.” He’s the only stick whose actions would have consequences for Alan that concerned more than just the integrity of his computer. Impersonating Alan on Facebook and trying to call 911 from Alan’s phone are things that have consequences in the world completely beyond the pc, so I find it interesting that Orange even knew to try things like that when he wasn’t even ten minutes into sentience.
On multiple occasions (AvA4, AvLoL, AvPokemon, AvArcade) Orange is shown forgiving his opponents rather quickly. Once differences have been resolved, he doesn’t seem to hold grudges, and is even willing to initiate, and usually pursue, a friendship in the same instant. His anger doesn’t last long. At the same time, said anger tends to grow pretty rapidly once it starts. Orange goes from 0 to 100 real quick once he’s been upset (AvA4, PvP, AvPokemon, Note Block Battle, Lush Caves, The Ultimate Weapon). My friend Kitty had this to say about Orange’s unique flavor of anger:
@k1ttyadventurer: It feels like Red's anger is more erratic and impulsive (while keeping in mind that fighting is not always his go-to response when angry).
(Actually, it's not Orange's go-to response either. Funnily enough, it may very well be Green's go-to response, though. Green is less impulsive, but it feels like that would be his answer most of the time when angry.)
(Okay, tangent over-)
Meanwhile, if Orange is angry enough to take action, it's very focused. He singles out his target(s) with complete tunnel vision, it feels.
Oh, note that this only happens when he's alone against an enemy.
This is likely the reason why (as I've noticed) Orange performs better in combat when alone.
And even when it’s not real anger, he can still be a little petty when he isn’t getting his way (PvP, Redstone Academy, Texture Pack, Note Block Battle, Parkour), as long as he’s unaware of any danger that would make him feel too wary to be petty. On that note, my friend Jules had this to say:
@skala: It seems to me that he takes on a protective role when he's with the color gang in a new environment, but when he's on his own, or with the others on Alan's pc, the more mischievous aspects of his personality shine through.
I’ve also noticed that Orange is the most habitually domestic of the stickfigures. Many of his free-time activities are some form of simple relaxation (AvYT before the buffering started, Skyblock, The Piglin War, Lush Caves, Animation vs Trash), and he has by far the most basic-looking room in the Minecraft house (yeah Red’s room is tiny and sparsely decorated but he also built a decent-sized rooftop garden for his pets; Orange just has a single orange tulip, one in-game painting, and a fireplace we’ve never seen lit).
Lastly, my friend Kitty handed me an interesting observation on how Orange fights:
@k1ttyadventurer: When he fights the witch alone, he does really well, no mistakes.
When he fights the witch alongside the others, obviously they don't beat her, but more importantly for us, he trips up a few times, even with the others making up for his trip ups.
(Also, just look at him fighting the evil bunny. For some reason, I can't imagine him going that wild and relentless around his friends, and I'm not sure why exactly.)
That’s all I have on Orange for now! Good day (or night, whichever it is for you when you read this) to you!
(I’m so glad you like my fics ^_^ I honestly find the differences between our interpretations super intriguing. Especially with Victim)
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shkspr · 3 years
hi. on your post where you may or may not have ended on 'moffat is either your angel or your devil' did you have maybe an elaboration on that somewhere that i could possibly hear about. i'm very much a capaldi era stan and i've never tried to defend the matt smith era even though it had delightful moments sometimes so i wonder where that puts me. i'd love to hear your perspective on moffat as a person with your political perspective. -nicole
hi ok sorry i took so long to respond to this but i dont think you know how LOADED this question is for me but i am so happy to elaborate on that for you. first a few grains of salt to flavor your understanding of the whole situation: a. im unfairly biased against moffat bc im a davies stan and a tennant stan; b. i still very much enjoy and appreciate moffat era who for many reasons; and c. i hate moffat on a personal level far more than i could ever hate his work.
the thing is that its all always gonna be a bit mixed up bc i have to say a bunch of seemingly contradictory things in a row. for instance, a few moffat episodes are some of my absolute favorites of the rtd era, AND the show went way downhill when moffat took over, AND the really good episodes he wrote during the rtd era contained the seeds of his destruction.
like i made that post about the empty child/the doctor dances and it holds true for blink and thats about it bc the girl in the fireplace and silence in the library/forest of the dead are good but not nearly on the same level, and despite the fact that i like them at least nominally, they are also great examples of everything i hate about moffat and how he approached dw as a whole.
basically. doctor who is about people. there are many things about moffats tenure as showrunner that i think are a step up from rtd era who! actual gay people, for one! but i think that can likely be attributed mostly to an evolving Society as opposed to something inherent to him and his work, seeing as rtd is literally gay, and the existence of queer characters in moffats work doesnt mean the existence of good queer characters (ill give him bill but thats it!)
i have a few Primary Grievances with moffat and how he ran dw. all of them are things that got better with capaldi, but didnt go away. they are as follows:
moffat projects his own god complex onto the doctor
rtd era who had a doctor with a god complex. you cant ever be the doctor and not have a god complex. the problem with moffats era specifically is that the god complex was constant and unrepentant and was seen as a fundamental personality trait of the doctor rather than a demon he has to fight. he has the Momence where you feel bad for him, the Momence where he shows his humility or whatever and youre reminded that he doesnt want to be the lonely god, but those are just. moments. in a story where the doctor thinks hes the main character. rtd era doctor was aware that he wasnt the main character. he had to be an authority sometimes and he had to be the loner and he had to be sad about it, but he ultimately understood that he was expendable in a narrative sense.
this is how you get lines like “were the thin fat gay married anglican marines, why would we need names as well?” from the same show that gave you the gut punch moment at the end of midnight when they realize that nobody asked the hostess for her name. and on the one hand, thats a small sticking point, but on the other hand, its just one small example of the simple disregard that moffat has for humanity.
incidentally, this is a huge part of why sherlock sucked so bad: moffats main characters are special bc theyre so much bigger and better than all the normal people, and thats his downfall as a showrunner. he thinks that his audience wants fucking sheldon cooper when what they want is people.
like, ok. think of how many fantastic rtd era eps are based in the scenario “what if the doctor wasnt there? what if he was just out of commission for a bit?” and how those eps are the heart of the show!! bc theyre about people being people!! the thing is that all of the rtd era companions would have died for the doctor but he understood and the story understood that it wasnt about him.
this is like. nine sending rose home to save her life and sacrifice his own vs clara literally metaphysically entwining her existence w the doctor. ten also sending rose with her family to save her life vs river being raised from infancy to be obsessed w the doctor and then falling in love w him. martha leaving bc she values herself enough to make that decision vs amy being treated like a piece of meat.
and this is simultaneously a great callback to when i said that moffats episodes during the rtd era sometimes had the same problems as his show running (bc girl in the fireplace reeks of this), and a great segue into the next grievance.
moffat hates women
he hates women so fucking much. g-d, does steven moffat ever hate women. holy shit, he hates women. especially normal human women who prioritize their normal human lives on an equal or higher level than the doctor. moffat hated rose bc she wasnt special by his standards. the empty child/the doctor dances is the nicest he ever treated her, and she really didnt do much in those eps beyond a fuck ton of flirting.
girl in the fireplace is another shining example of this. youve got rose (who once again has another man to keep her busy, bc moffat doesnt think shes good enough for the doctor) sidelined for no reason only to be saved by the doctor at the last second or whatever. and then youve got reinette, who is pretty and powerful and special!
its just. moffat thinks that the doctor is as shallow and selfish as he is. thats why he thinks the doctor would stay in one place with reinette and not with rose. bc moffat is shallow and sees himself in the doctor and doesnt think he should have to settle for someone boring and normal.
not to mention rose met the doctor as an adult and chose to stay with him whereas reinette is. hm. introduced to the doctor as a child and grows up obsessed with him.
does that sound familiar? it should! bc it is also true of amy and river. and all of them are treated as viable romantic pairings. bc the only women who deserve the doctor are the ones whose entire existence revolves around him. which includes clara as well.
genuinely i think that at least on some level, not even necessarily consciously, that bill was a lesbian in part bc capaldi was too old to appeal to mainstream shippers. like twelve/clara is still a thing but not as universally appealing as eleven/clara but i am just spitballing. but i think they weighed the pros and cons of appealing to the woke crowd over the het shippers and found that gay companion was more profitable. anyway the point is to segue into the next point, which is that moffat hates permanent consequences.
moffat hates permanent consequences
steven moffat does not know how to kill a character. honestly it feels like hes doing it on purpose after a certain point, like he knows he has this habit and hes trying to riff on it to meme his own shit, but it doesnt work. it isnt funny and it isnt harmless, its bad writing.
the end of the doctor dances is so poignant and so meaningful and so fucking good bc its just this once! everybody lives, just this once! and then he does p much the same thing in forest of the dead - this one i could forgive, bc i do think that preserving those peoples consciousnesses did something for the doctor as a character, it wasnt completely meaningless. but everything after that kinda was.
rory died so many times its like. get a hobby lol. amy died at least once iirc but it was all a dream or something. clara died and was erased from the doctors memory. river was in prison and also died. bill? died. all of them sugarcoated or undone or ignored by the narrative to the point of having effectively no impact on the story. the point of a major character death is that its supposed to have a point. and you could argue that a piece of art could be making a point with a pointless death, ie. to put perspective on it and remind you that bad shit just happens, but with moffat the underlying message is always “i can do whatever i want, nothing is permanent or has lasting impact ever.”
basically, with moffat, tragedy exists to be undone. and this was a really brilliant, really wonderful thing in the doctor dances specifically bc it was the doctor clearly having seen his fair share of tragedy that couldnt be helped, now looking on his One Win with pride and delight bc he doesnt get wins like this! and then moffat proceeded to give him the same win over and over and over and over. nobody is ever dead. nobody is ever unable to be saved. and if they are, really truly dead and/or gone, then thats okay bc moffat has decided that [insert mitigating factor here]*
*the mitigating factor is usually some sort of computerized database of souls.
i can hear the moffat stans falling over themselves to remind me that amy and rory definitely died, and they did - after a long and happy life together, they died of old age. i dont consider that a character death any more than any other character choosing to permanently leave the tardis.
and its not just character deaths either, its like, everything. the destruction of gallifrey? never mind lol! character development? scrapped! the same episode four times? lets give it a fifth try and hope nobody notices. bc he doesnt know how to not make the doctor either an omnipotent savior or a self-pitying failure.
it is in nature of doctor who, i believe, for the doctor to win most of the time. like, it wouldnt be a very good show if he didnt win most of the time. but it also wouldnt be a very good show if he won all of the time. my point is that moffats doctor wins too often, and when he doesnt win, it feels empty and hollow rather than genuinely humbling, and you know hes not gonna grow from it pretty much at all.
so like. again, i like all of doctor who i enjoy all of it very much. i just think that steven moffat is a bad show runner and a decent writer at times. and it is frustrating. and im not here to convince or convert anyone im just living my truth. thank you for listening.
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