#but that doesn't mean i'm not ace
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
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now that I can think semi-coherently again...whooooo's ready for Friday WEEHOO
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maerhiya · 8 months ago
"why were you staring at them? you like them, don't you?" uhm no. i just thought they were aesthetically pleasing. don't you also stop and stare at someone in absolute awe of how beautiful they are, feeling blessed to be in the presence of such a stunning being?
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cosmicredcadet · 10 months ago
"This fandom is so queer friendly!" This fandom literally hates, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, and aspec people but ok.
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schadenfreudich · 6 months ago
Dislike it when I see a post making a good point about romantic relationships not being necessary from an aro perspective and then the rest of the post is about friendships.
Especially in a way where it just feels like they replaced romantic relationships with platonic ones.
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beneathsilverstars · 8 days ago
post-canon where siffrin decides they do like isabeau like that and they start dating but eventually it turns out they're not compatible bc they just want different things from a relationship... isabeau wants to settle down, siffrin wants to keep traveling... siffrin likes the same couple casual types of dates, isabeau likes grand romantic schemes... siffrin wants to stay together forever but doesn't want to get bonded about it and isabeau can't not take it personally... siffrin gets so mopey when isabeau stays out late working because being alone in their shared house is way worse than just being alone on the road... isabeau wants to have kids and siffrin isn't sure they'll ever feel up to the task of fulltime parenting... alexa play sad violin music ten hour compilation classical royalty free sad music for crying
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turnaboutstar · 2 months ago
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I feel bad for apollo but idk why I don't care much about clay like I feel a little sad obviously but still
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lulu-the-bugaboo · 10 months ago
Ever think about how Sabo is probably going to outlive Luffy as well (because of his shortened lifespan) and really be left alone like he originally feared when he got his memories back
Even though he was the first one who was assumed dead, in reality he is gonna be the last one left
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thatoneloonaticsfan · 9 months ago
Idk if anyone else thought of this but here:
Duck: "Watch this Ace. I'm gonna do a thing."
Ace who just rolls his eyes: "Oh boy."
Ace watching from outside the lab doorway to see whatever Duck was doing backfired in his face:
Tech who just turns to Duck annoyed as all hell: "What is it Duck?"
Duck: "Your bird privileges...."
Duck then holds a very confused Rev up in the air like a trophy: "HAVE BEEN PROVOKED!"
Duck, then runs off with Rev:
Ace: "Seriously, that's the big bit? Tech that was just very stupid right-"
Ace then sees Tech crying on the floor:
Tech: "My bird." ;~;
I don't know if this is funny or not, but I might make a comic of this if my iPad works and if I have motivation.
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juthemagicalclown · 2 years ago
i think we as whole have a huge problem with the misuse of the word 'platonic'
'platonic' is not a synonym for 'friendship' or 'deep friendship', platonic' and 'romantic' are not mutually exclusive
'platonic' means non-sexual, which means a relationship could be romantic and platonic
love is much more nuanced than you make it to be
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sparkyblizz · 1 year ago
you know what, I should write a blackbright fic in which when real Bobby wakes up from his coma or whatever (classic) and meets Simon for the first time Simon literally grabs his face and feels it (to make sure it's real but in the moment Bobby is just stunned) and from then on Bobby is into him
this would probably be good for like an emotional? angst? moment later but brief comedic moment at first I love my comedy and my emotional moments—hey I already did something similar in another fic didn't I
my tags are a little bit silly today fair warning
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super-sootica · 2 years ago
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tangents-within-tangents · 4 months ago
Local Ace overthinks headcanon and shipping culture
Happy ace week, my friends! Imma be posting some aspec hc's this week so I felt the need to overexplain my personal stance on orientation headcanons and such
To start, as with any and all fandom things: to each their own. People can do whatever they want, and (for the most part) I can choose what I do or don't engage with. I know that hc and shipping and stuff is mostly for fun, or for seeking/creating representation, no hate to anyone who does it and enjoys it.
But also sometimes things can be problematic and I can still be bothered by those things. Even things that are 'just for fun' or 'not for you' can impact and reflect our views and behaviors, so it's still worth speaking about.
Aro/ace-spec identities are really diverse and complex, and we're really underrepresented as is. We have historically and chronically been plagued by problematic misconceptions and tropes, both in canon representation (or lack thereof) and fanon mindsets. Some of the main issues to be aware of with this topic specifically:
The majority of (sometimes unintentional) representation being non-human characters (like aliens and robots) implying that sex/romance = humanity and/or a fulfilling life. (Here's some video essays that touch on this: X X)
Related stereotype issues like racist or ableist de-sexualization and infantilization of certain groups like Asian men, physically disabled people, or people with autism. (It's an intersectionality thing bc yes those people can be aro/ace as well but it's still complicated) (more video essays! X X)
Common erasure of historically aspec characters in favor of allo plotlines bc that's "more interesting/realistic". Or ignoring canonically established aspec characters in favor of allo shipping (often excused by the fact that some aro/ace people do have sex/relationships, which is true but the complexities and nuances are often ignored and there's lots of double standards) (Here's some posts that touch on this: X X X)
Amatonormativity's over emphasis on sex/romance as a fundamental and necessary part of life, which is often reflected in how media and shipping culture are generally allo-centric, and it can just get pretty pervasive at times (note: we aren't a monolith obv, some aro/ace people enjoy it and participate too, but others don't and it is hard to avoid) X X
So while I know there's lots of reasons for shipping and headcanoning, and for the most part there's nothing wrong with it and people aren't trying to do these things, there are still issues that exist. Honestly seeing posts talking about these things has been really validating for me bc it let me know like yeah this is a problem other's have noticed too and I don't have to just accept it.
So with respect and awareness of nuance, ship and headcanon however you want. The rest of this post is about my own personal preferences and such. I'm not necessarily trying to persuade anyone here, I just have some thoughts I want to put into words:
For me personally, when it comes to characters' sexualities/gender identities/etc, I prefer just to stick to whatever is established in canon (or in confirmed intentional coding), and, if nothing is specified, headcanons that are based in canon evidence (more like theories I guess, as opposed to reimaginings or straight-up projection that knowingly ignores parts of canon. Which is fine and fun if that's what you like but to me there is a distinction). This is because:
1: While fandom culture is all about freedom and creativity, I do think it's important in this day and age to recognize actual canon representation and strive towards that because that is what will reach more people and have impact (and personally I think that writers' intentions should actually be given more thought/value)
2: I think that shipping/hc/fandom culture in general tends to perpetuate amatonormativity (specifically in devaluing/erasing friendship and non-romantic love), and sometimes leads to harmful parasocial queer speculation in real life (though again, I know that's not the intention but it's still a thing).
3: Generally, unless it’s explored as a part of a reimagined fic or something, just saying a random character is aspec (or whatever identity) when they did not present that way at all in the actual media doesn't really help me feel seen.
For example, I've seen a lot of people headcanon Mabel Pines as aromantic and that really threw me off bc in the show she is obsessed with romance. Like if other's see themselves in her that is great I won't stop you (the idea is that her crushes are comphet, which is not something I personally struggled with, and maybe I could see it if I rewatched the show with that in mind) but when I watched the show, I specifically did not connect with or relate to Mabel BECAUSE of my ace identity (yeah this post was mainly about her lol) so it just doesn't do much for me to claim her as aspec, in fact it feels counterproductive.
Sometimes it can feel really tacked on too, like 'well it's not confirmed that this character has sex so they could be ace', or 'some ace people do have sex so they can still be ace.' And like sure yes they could be but often it's like a kid show or something so none of the characters' sex lives are relevant or explicitly confirmed. Just bc they aren't not ace doesn't mean that they are, or that saying they are is meaningful if the character/story doesn't actually speak to anything related to the ace identity or experience. (This can happen with canon characters too, like Sponge Bob being asexual means absolutely nothing to me, especially since I get the sense that the creator said that more in a 'sea sponges reproduce asexually' type of way :/ )
So basically, in terms of representation I prefer the theory/interpretation type of headcanons that have supporting evidence of some kind, because that evidence is what makes me see myself in a character and feel represented in some way by them. So that's the type of headcanons I'll be posting, and that's why I'll be discussing evidence and explanations, even though I know plenty of people have fun and find value in just claiming identities without any of that.
Another thing I feel the need to overexplain is kinda the reverse of that. I think it's important to recognize that a character does not have to be a certain identity for you to see yourself in them. Like that sense of relatability and representation is still valid even if they aren't, and I think it's good to leave space for that ambiguity.
This is coming mostly from the fact that I have always valued platonic relationships (between any and all genders) long before I ever knew I was ace. I've always wished that was better normalized and represented in media and real life. I think that is just as important as queer representation, and sometimes they can counteract each other.
Like yes Min and Ryan could be gay and if that's what the writers were going for despite restrictions, or if people see themselves in that, great! But I would also love for this story to give a close friendship this much narrative value for once.
Merida does not HAVE to be aro/ace (or lesbian) to not want to be forced into marriage with a stranger at the age of 16 (in fact she specifically says "I'm not ready" and "not yet"). But regardless, aspects of her story are still really relatable to us and applicable to living in amatonormative society.
Mako and/or Raleigh do not NEED to be aspec for this glorious refreshing no-romo moment to happen (nor does one need to be aspec to appreciate it)
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And maybe claiming them as aro/ace could even undercut the power of this platonic bond (like saying the only way they could not be interested in each other is if they are not interested in anyone (same if you said they are gay, as if that's the only possible way for a man and woman not to be attracted to each other)). But it's still a moment lots of us aspecs love because platonic relationships AND aro/ace characters do go hand in hand and BOTH are so rarely portrayed in media.
So these ideas also play into my preferences, and I want to acknowledge that my headcanons don't have to be definitive (which like I know that is normal amongst fandom culture anyway) but are more about pointing out aspects we can see ourselves in and relate to, especially in a media landscape that is so lacking in representation and understanding of our identities.
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beesinspades · 2 years ago
plea for people who have ace headcanons and write those characters as ace "by default" to tag their fics with 'asexual character' even if it's not explicitly or implicitly mentioned so that I can find them without having to go through a hundred fics that hit me in the face with varying degrees of said-characters thirsting over their partner first
for explicit and implicit mentions of your ace headcanons you can use "asexual [character name]" as well. thank you.
signed: me, a tired asexual whose second main reason for not reading many fics is exactly this
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thekegelelf · 1 year ago
I keep seeing posts about "oh idk why people still ship radiodust it's definitely not going to be canon Alastor is ace and Angel is definitely going to end up with xyz" as if that's at all the point of shipping. Do you think I care about canon beyond using it as building blocks for my silly little fandom fun time? Absolutely not
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chromotps · 1 year ago
uhhh thoughts on alabasta ratman sleep-deprived and weed fueled ace vs peak chad energy fuckboy prime wano ace?? like which one do you prefer, do you have any thoughts if he’d treat/think of luffy any different? in these two periods of his life?
(also ugh I adore both and there’s something special about alabasta ace who went after luffy to drum island, made sure everyone knew he would be waiting for luffy in alabasta, then went and sat there for 10 days with no other purpose but to wait for luffy. bc he just wanted to see him so so much. brocon alabasta ace is uhhhgggghh insane vibes but. there’s also something about wano graciously giving everyone big tits and a healthy layer of fat tissue on top of all that muscle. also the fact that portgas d “i hate when little children follow me around” ace willingly befriended and took care of tama. also promised her the same thing he promised luffy. idkidkidk I just like to think luffy was on ace’s mind 90% of the time, wherever he went, and he often just thought about him bc a lot of thinks reminded him of luffy. like things luffy would like, things he’d like to eat, things he’d find funny etc)
I thought this would be easy to answer but then I had like a whole essay typed up in my head. so. thank you for this ask, I have a lot of feelings about it apparently. 😂😂
they really do feel like 2 different characters, maybe bc Oda was still firming up the details of marineford/wano when Ace first appeared in alabasta? In any case it's always fun seeing which "version" of him fans lean into in fanart/fic/headcanons hahaha. like do they make him more scrungly and sleazy (but maybe also secretly doting)? you got yourself a greasy Ace fan. do they make him all upstanding and softly affectionate and soulful? wano ace wano ace wano ace
(a lot more rambling from here)
I have to admit...... and I'm ashamed to say it............... but I was only half-aware of Ace in Alabasta—like at that point, he was just another "wacky cool shounen guy" to me. It took Marineford breaking my brain down to its component parts and rearranging them for my full Ace brainrot to set in, and at that point he was closer to Ethereal Fridged Wife wano Ace, so I'd probably go with that one? God I do need to rewatch Alabasta tho, I feel like it'd be such a trip of fawning over greasy ratman Ace this time around ahahahah
I think it took until Marineford for me to really latch onto Ace bc it was outwardly like: Alabasta Ace: I'm cool Marineford Ace: I'm cool [ironic][hiding INTENSE self-worth issues]
I agree with everything you said though... I love wrinkly, wrung-out-to-dry Alabasta Ace and his devil-may-care coolness. His vibes of being just a bit more of a rebel than any of the Strawhats even, the thing that makes people cast him as a guitarist or artist in modern AUs. that fuckin,,,,, crouch/perching thing he does,,,, The WAITING... he's so understated with his devotion, like, this panel??
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he's trying to be so cool and older brother-y but really he just wants his little brother to visit him sometimes!!! he waited for luffy for 10 days when he's been prioritizing this mission over everything else, even being with his other found-family crew, and I just!!! sigh
"any thoughts if he’d treat/think of luffy any different" I so agree that Wano Ace is pre-Whitebeard Ace, meaning that even though he's presenting himself as independent and a leader/captain, there's a part of him that's still very angry and searching for acceptance. And yesss, bc of that he was probably holding his memories of Luffy so close all the time, seeing his brother who loves him in the innocent, trusting kid he helps, and unable to stop bragging about his brave little brother to the brash, impressive club-weilding guy he runs into.
meanwhile I feel like Alabasta Ace is actually more mellowed-out in his feelings toward Luffy, in a way? like idk, maybe—I might be completely off—but he's more secure in himself and his attachment to Luffy... or at least he tells himself he is. I just feel like that explains why he's shown to be so openly brag-y about Luffy in his Wano days, but seems way more laidback in Alabasta, haha (but the brocon devotion is still there, just better-hidden, lmaoooo) (and it gets ripped to the forefront during Marineford—he's forced to confront all that fear and attachment when he sees Luffy hurtling through the air toward him AH)
god tho. wano ace. wano ace and this gif
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the things. the things i want to do to this man. the morals i would abandon. unspeakable.
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and this???? him??????????????? sunkissed angel backlit like the once-in-a-lifetime love interest in a twee indie film???
yeah I... in summary, I feel like I have 60/40 preference for Wano Ace over Alabasta Ace, but really it's that mix of all those qualities that I like to bring in when i can.
(my secret third answer is Marineford Ace. the blorbo who started it all, lmao)
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 months ago
I've been thinking a lot recently about the differences between romantic and platonic love in the absence of sexual attraction and I'm kind of realizing...I can't actually come up with anything other than the desire to engage in the social construct of a romantic relationship (just without sex.) and I'm...finding myself wondering how much of that is just that- a social construct, the same way gender is really more of a social construct.
it's real, because social constructs are still real, and therefore aromanticism is real too, but it's just...I'm not feeling so sure that romantic attraction (and therefore the lack of it) is an innate biological thing the same way sexual attraction is...without sex as part of it, it just feels like a version of platonic love that fits into our socially constructed ideas of romance...or a version that we choose to fit into that construct because we want it to, mutually with our partners...but if you break it down, really...what's actually different? Can we not be platonically in love, can we not have partnerships with platonic loves, can we not feel deep and powerful attachments in platonic relationships? No one would say no to that. So then what's different, really, without sex in the picture? Can you quantify it, break it down in a way that actually separates them on a biological level?
I don't think you can. I've never heard someone manage it, anyways, in a way that fully makes sense.
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