#but that doesn't change the fact that his hair could be considered blonde as an adult
exhaustedalien · 1 year
I have so many thoughts and opinions on the Arthur's hair colour discourse that I will not be going into because I know his hair is definitely not the colour I draw it
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I remember reading Bakugou x Tomuras little sister reader fanfic when I was younger and I just cant get this trope out of my head now :((((
! Tiny bitsy spoiler about the UA traitor !
!Fem reader!
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Imagine your Tomuras younger sibling, taking care of Lovs buissnes from behind the scene. Making sure missions went right, helping your master with nomu production and and recruiting new members to the league. You liked your role. You liked your life. Even though it was full of blood and violence from an early age. Because you had your brother. And he had you. He could be cold and cruel around others, but whenever you were alone, he was the most caring older brother you could ever have. Whenever you had some free time, you watched movies together, played games, and talked... Like a normal family.
Everything changed when the main league team was formed and AFO decided to send you to UA. You were supposed to make sure the traitor you sent there didnt turn on you. Easy job, really.
That's what you thought.
Making friends at UA was easy. No wonder, since you've been practicing adapting your personality to a given person all your life. Considering what work you did outside of UA on a daily basis. There was only one- well, two issues that you had with the whole mission.
One, you practically don't see your brother now. In the morning until the afternoon you are at school and then you fulfill your duties in the league. There is no time to sit down and talk to the only family member you have.
And two, There's someone here who doesn't buy your kindness. At first, the blonde just glanced at you from his seat in the classroom. Your new friend - Mina - couldn't stop joking about how he probably liked you. Which only enraged him more.
But you knew it wasn't that kind of a glance.
And he knew you knew he was suspicious of you
His suspicion only worsened when the students learned that there was a traitor among them.
He started pairing up with you at every field training with heros. It didn't help with keeping an eye on Ayoama at all,but you have to play along.
Now, you were listening to instructions about public safety from one of the hero-teachers.
Even though there was no requirement to break into groups or pairs for this lesson, you could feel the boy staring at your back. You glanced back at him, then you looked back to the front. Taking two steps back to get closer to him, you whispered "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll seriously start to think you like me." Even though you stand with your back to him, you can imagine the angry look on his present on his face. "I wouldn't touch you with a stick" He barked back in a whisper. You could only quietly laugh at this comment knowing that the spiky-haired boy was only getting more annoyed. "Whats so fucking funny?" He asked. "Oh I dont know.... Meybe the fact you think I would let you get anywhere near me in the first place? I don't date hooligans" You covered your mouth with your hand to stop laughing. You feel him leaning over your ear.
"I don't date criminals."
Up until now you were just playing with him. You were you laughed in his face. But now? He has your full attention. You turned to him with your eyes wide open, shocked of how fast he worked out why youre here. You knew he would be the first one to find out, but you hoped he would take more time. You snorted under your breath. "Criminal? Where did this came from? It would be hard to get a girlfriend if you you assume the worst about everyone-"
"Cut the crap, woman. We both know youre not here for that......You're not here to be a hero either. But just so you know, If you try to do anything that in some way will make my way to becoming a pro longer, I will get you, and you will regret ever meeting me." He interrupted you and then looked back at the hero who was still speaking, pretending to listen. "We will see about that." You said, also looking at the hero.
This will be good.
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Reblogs appreciated!!!
Pls dont flop😭
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revisitingfandoms · 6 months
Idea prompt 12- A midsummer night's longing.
(Based kinda off the project bud by @luvielolol. Go check it out!)
(Honestly- I don't know if this more prompt or story blurb, lol.)
It was largely understood. Faerie cookies were created to be the right hands and servents of the virtues. Of course, not all Faerie cookie were this way, but that was their choice and shadow milk would be a fool to begrude them.
Afterall, a number of them when to seek themselves and that was knowledge on its own. Part of him almost wanted to join a few of them- wanting to see their growth, their change and watch them shift and change and-
Shadow Milk shook his head, "Ah- I shall have to put that off, the festivial is important." Part of him looked forward to the festivial- the other half hated having to attend.
The Joy on cookies face was a delight, but dealing with the formalities? The planning? The worshipping? Shadow Milk would rather not.
He had very little problems with planning- infact planning quite often a mental test he quite enjoyed, but the more... formal aspects he could do without.
But of those formalities, their was only one he truly enjoyed. Performed by the very faeries who served under him.
The Faerie Soiree.
A celebration in the form of dnace. A colorful, beautiful enchanting dance. A glorious movement of storytelling, of speaking in beautiful riddles and twisting truths.
Of all things; Shadow Milk loved the Soiree.
Althought he hated the aftermath.
The Soiree had been almost the same as last years which was.. dissappointing at first. But- It was different.
He couldn't stop his eyes the moment he spotted the blonde dancer with closed eyes.
The blonde hair had been what first caught his attention. Faeries didn't typically have blonde hair- in fact he has never seen a Faerie with blonde hair until now.
Yet after a moment after he had quickly noted the lack of Faerie wings. Just considering that fact the blonde Faerie was more then likely only half-Faerie. Which although uncommon, wasn't impossible. Just an oddity.
Yet he couldn't keep his eyes off that dancing Faerie.
He couldn't tell the direct gender of that Faerie- if they had one. They looked danity, each step was in tune with the rest- but yet mixed with a slow movement at the same time. Mere half seconds off, they adjusted well to the rest but they still moved slow.
A delicate step forward in line, the moving green silk ribbion ends flowing their moves as they enter a twirl and as they come back to face the audience- shadow milk can feel his breath being stolen.
Unfocused but so very gorgorous eyes. His right glittering like the sun had given part of itself to shine in eye, his blue like the soft tides of the ocean as they crashed softly against a beaches shore.
His mind as so stuck on this- Witches he doesn't have the correct word for them.
The green long loose sleeves that lose green ribbons were held onto were like dancing willow leaves. The white under shirt and dancing trousers- not even mentioning the twisting jewelry of white vines on the green robe- only made them seem to glow.
They weren't even one of the main dancers- merely a backup. Yet, he was unknowling stealing the show and planting them at shadow milk front thoughts.
"Them," He mindessly says to his nearby attendent, "I want Them."
Its after a moment before he spots the Faerie look upon blonde dancer and then bow with a tone of hestiantance speaks, "It shall be done by lord."
He silently mourned the loss of the blonde dancer upon the end, before remembering what he had mindlessly spoken and felt conflicted.
The Aftermath of the Soiree typically ended in one of two ways. Either a Faerie would be picked from the performers over the course of the festivial by himself or one of the other beasts or none would be picked.
The picked Faerie would end up on of three ways; Typically only the first two had happened, the third had yet to be used.
The first would be spending the night as a, in better words, bedpartner. The second, would be as a compainion, to simply be there for comfort or as a call upon for things of other natures.
The third was for a lifetime partnership. For the Faerie to be seen as a true partner and to be wedded to that virtue.
He understood for Faeries it meant quite a bit for their social standing yet he never quite felt comfortable with just picking a Faerie as a partner- muchless a bedpartner! In fact this was the first time he ever picked a Faerie from the festivial!
Throughout his time waiting, he was a mix of impatient, eager and apprehensive. Just what- or rather who was this blonde half-Faerie who had taken over his mind.
His mind was interuptted with a knock at the door, his festival attentent bows to him, "My lord, the... Faerie has arrived." He notes the hestiance at the word Faerie- only more evidence to his half-Faerie theory then.
Witches, Faerie cookies are so prickly at times with their own kind. Some cookie doesn't act a certain way? Outcasted. Isn't good at what are considered standard Faerie skills? Mistreated. Not completely Faerie- or not even raised in their general culture?
Well. Almost always they never go into Faerie society and if they do, they typically leave it.
His eyes linger on the blonde with closed eyes as they enter the room and bow to him, "Greetings, my lord." Gentle, yet warm. Quiet, yet can easily fill a room.
Something in his mouth is dry as he looks upon the new outfit the other was in. He wore a similar outfit to the one on stage. The same white pants and undershirt, but with a green leaf like top with wrapping vines around his wait and those leaf overtop sleeves meeting right at the edge of his long white sleeves. There seemed to be an odd live yellow flower with a- is that an eye thats blinking?
He chuckle aloud, this halfling just gets more and more interesting.
He waves his hand to his attentant, "Leave us, I call if needed."
The Faerie nods- but he notices they look they give the blonde Faerie. He can't stop the frown that forms on his face at that action. He turns back to the still bowing Blonde. He motions for them to rise- but they don't seem to immediately act. Shadow milk is a bit confused before he speaks, "Rise please, and take a seat on the chair to the next of me."
The other raises without question and slowly making their way to the chair- he notes closed eyes and the blinking flower, but also the way the other feels the room as they walk to the seat. As they take their seat, they sit, hands in their lap, looking the picture of manners.
He offers a tea cup to them, "I am quite curious about you, would you answer my questions, perhaps?" After a good moment the other takes the tea cup and takes a small hestiant sip- no, not quite hestiant. Cautious.
The other speaks in that soft, yet ringing tone, "I am Pure Vanilla Cookie, My lord. It would be an honor to answer your questions."
Pure Vanilla Cookie, he thinks with a smile, what a lovely name. Flows right off the tounge. He hums, "Well then, my dear, I hope you are perpared, I am quite the curious one."
Pure Vanilla, he thinks in the aftermath of the festivial, is a spirited, knowledgable, kind and lovely cookie.
He comes from a small farming village as a sherpard. He was taken in a baby by a sherpard named Brown sugar cookie. He learned he was good with healing magic at an early age when he healed one of the herd. He loved reading, although he struggles to read most things with his poor eyesight. His blinking flower was something he funneled magic into to be able to see temporarily. When one of the younger cookies of the festivial bumped into him, he immeditaly made sure they were okay- healing their scraps as he did.
Yet, he was distant, he was hestiant and he was careful. Perhaps he held an ex-lover? Or even with an even higher likelihood the other Faeries were giving him problems. He even confirmed the pure vanilla was half Faerie as he thought.
Yet as twirls the green flower in his hand that pure vanilla had caught during the festivals flower throwing. He can't help his mind.
Pure vanilla, he thinks.
I want him to be mine.
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drunkoffsmoke · 1 year
Hey do you have any platonic Headcanons for Reiner,Mikasa,and Armin?
a/n: RAGHHH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE THE REQUEST EARLIER!!!! I DIDNT GET A NOTIF— anyways brother elliot shall provide once more >:) (this is like season 1-2 so no spoilers).
pairing: Reiner x gn!reader ; Mikasa x gn!reader ; Armin x gn!reader.
fandom: AOT (Attack on Titan).
genre: Fluff, headcanons.
! WARNING ! : N/A. (it's sfw pookies)
Reiner Braun.
Man is FLEXING his ass off when you're around.
Anything he thinks you might like? He's showing it off. Whether it be leadership skills (which he barely has) or muscles (okay he does have those), HE'S SHOWING OFF.
He likes to get your attention through random stuff such as constant poking or annoying you.
Since you're close to Reiner, he talks a lot about you to his friends Annie and Bertholdt.
Bertie likes you, although Annie keeps her distance. It's not that she doesn't like you, it's just that she's a loner and wants to keep it that way.
He probably follows you around during missions to make sure you're safe.
He's like a golden retriever off the field, but on the field, he's the most protective mf you can ever meet.
The second a titan reaches out to grab you, boom, he's slicing the titan's hand off.
If the mission proves to be easy with few dangers nearby, you and him have little contest like 'who kills more titans' and such.
He doesn't want to admit it, but he lets you win almost every time, blaming it on his gear for being this rusty.
You usually stay up past your curfew and watch the stars.
During this time you don't talk a lot, merely enjoying eachothers presence.
He's usually acting like an older brother, but sometimes you have to be the mature one and step in between fights he's about to start (somebody looked at you wrong).
Super supportive, literally the main cheerleader as you kick somebody's ass during training.
You and him have sparring sessions and he teaches you useful information about hand-to-hand combat!
He'd be a good teacher if he wouldn't be teasing you so much.
"Look at you, you're so fragile, you could never take me down!" were his last words before you kicked his ass.
He was shocked, he didn't expect you to ACTUALLY win the fight.
Nevertheless he's proud of you >:)
Mikasa Ackerman.
She firstly heard about you through Armin, telling her and Eren about how he made a new friend.
She was skeptical at first, thinking you were actually someone mean who just tried to get advantage of her blond friend.
But upon meeting you, she quickly changed her mind.
Mikasa is usually quiet and is always following Eren around, so the two of you don't really get some time alone.
But Armin told you she considers you a good friend of hers!
You're a feisty fellow, so she has to make sure you don't get in trouble aswell (as if she needed another Eren to take care of).
Being the mother friend of the group, she has to make sure nobody gets hurt, so she keeps you, Armin and Eren close when in missions.
Always on alert, she's ready to lash out at anyone who does you wrong.
One time a rookie spoke lowly of you behind your back. Mikasa found out, said she was going to take care of it, and you never saw that rookie again.
It's scary what she's willing to do to protect her loved ones, but it only makes you realize she is a good person deep down.
Honestly you're closer to Armin than her, but she doesn't mind that, since it gives her and Eren some alone time (nothing happens in this time, but she likes it when it's just her and Eren hanging around).
Not really good with praises, but will congratulate you after missions, saying you did a good job before walking away.
Armin Arlert.
If you're close to him, you're ultimately close to Eren and Mikasa too.
He likes to talk to you about facts he's learned from books and he's genuinely happy you listen to him (unlike a certain SOMEONE who has brown hair and teal eyes glares at Eren).
You had to rescue him a couple times from bullies. Because of that, you tried to teach him how to defend himself, although he believed this wasn't the right way.
He probably shows off every new item he found. It's mainly cool rocks or shards of glass bottles, but the way he's presenting them makes the trinkets look like some ancient relics.
He is a great listener and offers good advice where he can.
Most of the time he's shy so you have to speak up for him, he's really thankful you do that for him.
Armin's parents like you a lot, especially since you help out Armin so much. They tell you stuff about Armin which makes him embarrassed and blush.
You know the song 'To the Bone' about Undertale?
Well there's this one part saying "I am the Mastermind, he's my accomplice!"
Yeah that's Armin, and you're "You're still alive because I made a promise."
You guys are a great duo, fighting off titans together (although you end up eliminating most of them since Armin is a bit rusty on his skills, he's learning tho!) during missions and such.
He probably tells you all about the wonders of the ocean he's learned from his little book, it gets you as excited as him and it makes him feel as if he doesn't just let the information fall on deaf ears.
He thinks you're a strong, independent person and admires you for that.
He's the orange cat friend and you're the doberman friend. You can't convince me otherwise.
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drmaddict · 1 year
Patchwork II - Growing Up
This is the second part to this story:
Summary: Growing up comes with a lot of challenges.
Warnings: teenagers fighting on a party, fluff, use of (y/n)
Word count: 2.757
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"What are you doing here?"
Mike stoped in his movement. He had almost made it.
"Nothing." he said far too quickly and turned to Henry. Disappearing the small something in the pocket of his jacket pocket.
Henry just raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "If I remember correctly, everyone's privacy is considered here."
"I... I just needed... batteries.", Mike stuttered.
Henry grinned. "You'll have far more success in (y/n)s cabinet."
Mike turned bright red and looked down at the floor.
"Mike come on. I was young once, too."
The boy tossed the condom packet on the bed and continued to look at the floor. Hoped fervently it would open up and swallow him.
Henry closed the bedroom door and sat down on the armchair in the corner of the room. "We should talk about this, right?"
Mike shook his head. "You know the internet is very informative," he muttered, still red-faced.
Henry smiled. "Yeah. I know. I was young once, too," he pointed out again. "But that doesn't change the fact that these with latex and we know you're allergic to it thanks to your chemistry experiment in school."
"Yeah oh. Mike there is nothing wrong with wanting to be prepared. You can talk to me about anything, but you don't go digging around in my or (y/n)s stuff! ... We don't want to traumatize you right away," Henry continued to grin.
Mike turned to the window, overwhelmed, and buried his face in his hands. "Too much information!"
Henry laughed amused.
Mike looked at him sullenly.
"Sorry big guy. I'll stop." Henry raised his hands placatingly. "You and Amber have been together for so long, it's understandable you want to make that step.... She wants too, right?"
Mike slumped a little. "Yes Amber does." he mumbled.
Henry stopped. "What about you?"
Mike shrugged.
"You don't have to."
"I should want to, shouldn't I?"
"You don't have to do anything you're not ready to do. No matter what anyone at school might say."
Mike plopped down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
"I don't know if I.... quite yet..." Mike waved his arms around. Who could have guessed that such a tall and strong teenager could look so small.
"Sex can have many sides Mike."
Mike just grumbled.
"Start with something you feel comfortable with. You'll figure out what you like."
Mike sighed. "And what if I do it wrong?"
"That's the beauty of it. There is no wrong. Just two people and agreement. This isn't a boxing match Mike. There's no perfect technique and no strategy. But at least talk openly to Amber about what you want. Share it with her somehow. You wouldn't want her to torture herself for you either, would you?"
"Of course not!" he blurted out immediately. He immediately sat up and looked shocked.
"Then do her the same favor."
Mike sighed. "Yeah okay."
Henry smiled gently. He stood up and walked over to his nightstand. "Here." He tossed a red packet at Mike. "These are latex-free."
Mike caught them more poorly than he could.
"And now get out of here!"
The blond haired boy stumbled out of the room as fast as he could, still bright red.
The adjacent bathroom door opened and (y/n) peered through the gap. "You'll have far more success in (y/n)'s cabinet," she mimicked him. "Did you have to violate him with that picture?"
Henry grinned. "As long as I have to listen to Humphrey jokes, yes."
"Men." she rolled her eyes and went back into the bathroom. "You coming now?"
Henry ran after her at a quickly.
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Henry was sitting on the sofa reading a script when Lilly shot through the door and quickly ran up the stairs.
"No time!"
"Why aren't you at dance practice?"
The door to her room slammed into the lock and he just heard the key turn. Damn.
"Lilly, what's wrong?" he called through the door.
"I need (y/n)!" she called back.
"(Y/n) is not here! I can help you. Now open up."
"Or Mimmy or Fatima!"
"Why not me?"
"I need a woman!"
Henry sighed. "At least tell me what's wrong."
"I've got my period!"
Henry faltered. "First time?" he asked uncertainly.
"What do you think?" she yelled through the door.
"Lilly this is-"
The door was yanked open. "Don't tell me that's normal now!" She held up a finger.
Henry looked overwhelmed at the delicate now 12-year-old creature. "Do you know how shitty it is for women who do professional sports to still have to deal with something like this?"
She cringed and screwed up her face. Henry gently supported her.
"Okay. You just take a deep breath and lie down. I'll call (y/n) and then we'll take it one step at a time."
She let herself be led to her bed and lay down on it.
"I'll be right back."
Lilly nodded and pulled the covers over her.
Henry went into the kitchen and got a hot water bottle ready while he pulled out his cell phone and called (y/n).
"Hey... Uhm little problem-"
"Did Mike break something again?"
"No! No Mike is fine... I think... Lilly just stormed through the door and it turns out she's on her period. She's freaking out right now and thinks her dancing career is over."
(Y/n) sighed. "Can't I have an undramatic child?"
"And your hope was in Lilly, of all people?"
She sighed before pulling herself together.
"Fine. You-"
"Hot water bottle's on. I'll make tea in a minute."
"Perfect. I'll buy her whatever she needs. Give me half an hour. Try to keep her calm until then."
"And how-"
Tuut tzut
Henry looked at his phone, perplexed.
He wasn't disgusted by it. God it was just normal, but he knew Lilly. And Lilly always knew exactly how she thought things should be. That her body was now 'betraying' her was hard for her to swallow.
Carefully, he walked back to her room.
"Hey princess. Are you okay?"
"No." she pouted.
He sighed. "Here. For the cramps. The tea is gross, but it always helps (y/n)."
She reached for the cup, smelled it, and put it right back down. "What's this?"
Henry laughed lightly. "I don't know."
Lilly grabbed the hot water bottle and placed it on her stomach.
Henry sat down by her bed. "(Y/n) will be right in."
Silence settled over the room. Uncomfortable silence.
"You know there are a lot of female athletes." said Henry, looking at the shelf of trophies and medals.
Lilly just puffed and continued looking at her blanket, tugging at a loose thread.
Henry sighed.
"I didn't even get to go to practice today," she grumbled.
He patted her hand. "I'm really not an expert on this," Henry said.
"Unfortunately, that's it."
Lilly rolled her eyes. "Men." she grumbled.
"Yup. You're a woman now."
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All eight sat at the kitchen table, looking spellbound at Fatima, who had three letters in front of her.
One from Oxford. One from Cambridge. One from Havard.
"What do I start with?" asked Fatima for the first time in a long time with no real plan.
"We can open all  three at the same time," (y/n) suggested.
"I can't do that," Fatima groaned, already pushing the letters away from her.
Henry stroked her back soothingly.
"Deep breaths."
Fatima drew in an exaggeratedly deep breath.
"Me one, you one, and (y/n) one. Okay?"
Fatima nodded and grabbed the letter from Oxford.
All three tore open the envelope and pulled out the letters.
Fatima let out an uncharacteristically pointed scream. "I did it!"
Henry looked questioningly at (y/n). She just nodded with a smile.
"Three times, actually," Henry grinned. Fatima snatched the cover letter from their hands and skimmed the pages. "Oh, God. What am I going to do now? How am I supposed to decide?"
"No, no, no!", Henry grabbed her by the shoulders. "First rejoice! Then mull it over."
"You did it.", beamed (y/n) at Fatima. "God I'm so damn proud of you. Come here." She pulled the girl into her arms.
"I'm worth something," Fatima whispered.
"You always have been and you always will be. Do you hear?"
Fatima nodded and let herself be pulled back into the embrace. Everyone jumped up and hugged the two until there was only a tangle of family in the kitchen.
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It was Emilia's birthday. Emilia had invited friends. Emilia had invited her boyfriend. Joseph. Henry sat in the bedroom, watching the boy in the garden through the window with suspicion.
He had decided he didn't like him. There was something boastful about him. He had also overheard him calling a classmate fat, which brought up unpleasant memories.
"Want some night vision for later?", (y/n) grinned at him and held out a coffee.
Henry grunted. "I'm just keeping an eye out."
(y/n) continued to grin.
"I just don't like him," he blurted out. "He's such...such-"
"Such a spoiled asshole?"
Henry looked at her in surprise.
"Hey I'll let them have their way. I'm not always for it by a long shot." she stated defensively.
Henry looked back into the garden. "What's going on now?"
A flurry of activity arose in the party. Joseph could be seen talking vigorously at Emilia, and Emilia's face grew smaller and smaller.
Henry immediately got up and went down the stairs. (Y/n) right at his heels.
"Joseph-" he heard Emilia's broken voice.
"Are you doing everybody now, or what?" followed Jospeh.
"That's not even-"
"Keep your fucking lies to yourself!"
Henry pushed his way through the group of teenagers when he already saw Mike pushing his way between them. A good head and a half taller than Jospeh, he had an intimidating effect for now.
"Think about what you're saying!" said Mike emphatically.
"Yeah. You don't want anyone to know that she's already spread her legs for the whole school. You know, some girls appreciate staying pure."
You would have thought Mike would have just put him in a headlock and dragged him out, but it was Fatima, of all people, who hit him with a skillful hook and sent him staggering back.
"Don't you ever talk to my sister like that again.", she hissed at him. "Now get the fuck out of this house or you'll learn what it's like to have Mike break you."
Joseph stumbled backward toward the patio, where Henry was already waiting for him. He grabbed the boy roughly by the back of the neck and pulled him along. "I better drive you home," he growled.
(Y/n) went to Emilia and Fatima and took care of damage control.
Henry, meanwhile, pulled Jospeh with him and shoved him into his car.
"Get in! Buckle up!"
Jospeh reluctantly obeyed him.
Henry started the engine and drove off. "If I ever see you treat my daughter like that again, you'll meet my brother. Royal Marines. Think about it."
Joseph looked at him angrily. "Do you want to threaten me?"
"Yes I am. Because we're going to your mother's house right now, and she's welcome to find out how her little sunshine is doing." The boy got smaller. Figures. Henry rolled his eyes. "Now shut up."
He dropped Joseph off at his parents' house, calmly told his mother that there had been an altercation and that her son's image of women could be set straight, and drove back home.
The party had broken up. Forgotten mugs still stood in the garden and rapidly changing lights shone from the living room.
Henry peeked around the corner and saw everyone spread out together in the living room watching 'The little mermaide'. 
Emilia loved Disney movies more than anything. Since no one really knew how she grew up, they just assumed she was making up for a little childhood with it.
Henry quietly disappeared into the kitchen and retrieved his secret weapon.
When he returned, he leaned over to Emilia and held out a cup of hot white chocolate. Filled with colorful marshmallows. "Here. Helps with heartache."
Her eyes sparkled slightly with tears. "Thanks," she whispered, moving a little to the side.
Henry somehow squeezed in next to her and held her close.
(Y/n) smiled gently at him from across the room.
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Henry was sitting in the kitchen drinking his coffee when he heard a car come to a stop in front of the house.
He looked out the window and saw Jason's car.
Not a minute later, the boy was standing in front of Henry, looking at him frantically. He held up a pile of sheets. "Taxes." was all he said.
Henry looked uncertainly at the pile.
"How do you do your taxes?" asked Jason, exasperated. "I've got side jobs and income from YouTube. But if I do the math, I get 4,000 pounds back and that can't be right!"
"You know..."
"Henry help me!"
"I've got an accountant! No one knows how to do this!" blurted out Henry.
Jason stared at him. "How much does an accountant cost?"
Henry's face turned pitiful. Jason understood and slumped. "Is (y/n) there?"
"Coming in an hour."
"It's eleven in the morning."
"It's taxes! Help me or give me the whiskey!"
Henry immediately reached for the bottle and handed it to the boy.
"How much do you actually make from YouTube?"
Jason waved it off and took a big swig from the bottle.
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"Do you have a minute?"
Henry turned to the little thirteen yearold boy who was looking at him with his dark puppy eyes.
"Sure Kamon, what's up?"
Henry signaled to Kal that it was time to take a break from playing, to which the furry mountain just puffed and threw himself into the shadows.
"So... What do... Girls... How does someone ask for a... date?"
Henry looked at the boy's face, who looked as if he would like to disappear into the ground.
Henry smiled gently and sat down on the steps of the terrace. He motioned Kamon to join him. Henry threw Kal's ball without much force and started to speak. "Well the difficult thing is that every girl is different," he smiled. "Everyone's going to like something different."
Kamon looked to Kal, who put the ball down in front of them. The boy grabbed it and it was now in his turn to throw the ball. 
"How do I know what to do?" he sighed.
"You should be yourself."
Kamon slumped his shoulders. "Then it'll never work.", he grunted.
Henry slapped him encouragingly on the shoulder. "Oh, nonsense. Even Mike found someone.", he winked at Kamon.
"But Mike is-" he interrupted himself.
"Mike is what?"
Kamon wrestled with himself. "Mike is popular. And... He's big and strong and I'm-" he raised his arms powerlessly. "I'm just like that."
Henry sighed. "Kamon you're thirteen. There are boys who grow until they're seventeen. You've still got time. And as for muscles. Not everyone is into that either." He grinned. "(Y/n) likes it more when her partner is slimmer. She picked me anyway."
Kamon continued to throw the ball listlessly. "What if I make a complete ass of myself?"
"It's okay to be scared. They're women. They can be very intimidating. Who are we talking about, anyway?"
Kamon faltered. "Um-"
"Come on." grinned Henry, giving him a buddy-buddy punch.
Kamon dropped his chin to his knees and looked out into the garden. "Alex." he said so quickly that Henry almost didn't understand.
"Alex?" He considered. "So what?"
"Alex... Smith." he mumbled very quietly into his knees.
Alex Smith... Smith... Henry's eyes grew wide. Oh. Alex Smith. The little soccer player from his class. The boy Alex Smith.
He saw tears forming in Kamon's eyes.
"Kamon! No! Don't cry. It's okay!"
"It is?"
"Yes Kamon!"
"You don't mind?"
Henry took him in his arms. "Of course not."
He stroked his back. "We all love you. No matter who you bring home."
Kamon sniffled into his shoulder. "How do you tell (y/n) something like that?" he asked into his T-shirt.
Henry smiled. "Well one would take me with them and then you make (y/n) a really big cup of coffee and then.... you just tell her. Because (y/n) loves you all." He grinned. "And since you are the least amount of chaos, you are her little secret favorite." He winked at Kamon. The latter smiled at Henry out of teary eyes.
"Will you help me?"
"Always. No matter what."
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bluesdesk · 7 months
Wars headcanons because it's a trend now??
He and Linkle are siblings, Wars is about 6 years older than her! They don't have other siblings.
He's a descendant of Twilight! They're distant relatives so Wars doesn't really recognize or know him! This headcanon comes from the fact Wars and Artemis/Athena are based on Twilight and Dusk the most, so yes Athena is a descendant of Dusk. Also I ship TP Zelink so theoretically Wars and Athena would be both descendants of Twi and Dusk and sk be distant relatives, but too distant to be considered family at all.
Wars was born in the countryside. A rural town was built around a well known ranch some time after Twilight’s adventure. And when Wars is a kid the ranch is inhabited by his grandmother, while he lives in a nearby house.
So, story time! His parents looked like good and respectable people. They didn't know much about swords, but the grandmother was secretly able with crossbows. When the first kid of the couple was born, they noticed the triforce mark and went crazy. They named him Link because he was going to be a hero, they began to spoil him, accommodate every whim, give him gifts like every day. The grandma pointed out it wasn’t good or healthy for him but the parents didn't listen. As soon as he could run without losing balance, the situation changed and even if he was still treated as the purest angel who couldn't be corrected or scolded (he couldn't do anything worng because he had the triforce, they believed), he began his sword training, that took hours every day and was exhausting. When he was 6 he got a sister, but apparently she didn't have a triforce mark on her hand. The parents were too focused on their Link and didn't bother to find a better name for her, they named her Linkle. While she was still loved, the parents treated the kids way differently. Linkle didn't get gifts every day, she didn't get training from a young age, she could make mistakes and get scolded (even when it was clearly Wars's fault). And mostly, the two kids couldn't spend time together the most of the times because Wars was often too tired to do anything other than sleeping after the training. The grandma couldn't stand that and decided to bring Linkle to her house/ranch and raise her by herself. She also taught her to use crossbows. She and Wars didn't meet again for years. In his teens Wars is sent to Hyrule Town to continue his training, it's hard for him at first because he was treated really differently at home. After being scolded too many times for acting superior, he learns modesty and teamwork. Then, when Wars is 21 and Linkle is 15, HW happens and they meet again. They're both heroes and they live at the castle. Their parents died in a fire some years before, and the grandma died shortly before HW.
Speaking of Linkle, she's the bearer of the rriforce if power. She didn't have it during HW because it was trapped in Ganondorf's spirit. After HW the triforce piece went back to the Sacred Realm but the day after it was already with Linkle.
Wars's hair is probably a darker shade of blonde, but he dyed it lighter. Why? Because Artemis/Athena is naturally a brunette like Dusk but chose to dye her hair blonde, and Wars tried her dye too!
Wars learned the scarf isn't really part of the tunic of the hero, and most likely a gift from his Zelda. That's one of the main reasons he's almost always wearing it, like Sky with his sailcloth!
Linkle will eventually teach him how to handle cuccos, he and Sky will be the "heroes with a long cape thing and the ability to hold cuccos"
Wind reminds him of his sister, he's 14 and Linkle is 16 during LU, their behaviors are kinda similar!
Yes his or Linkle's descendants will take care of the ranch in the future, one of these people is Makimi!
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infinitevacancy · 3 months
Was looking through some tags and I saw you reblogged a picture of Jill Valentine and you basically gave some meta about the catsuit and why Wesker did it, and I just wanted to let you know that your observation/meta was spot on and I like the way you think. Hope you’re having a very good week.
ty! idk how long ago this was but for anyone reading this after the fact:
i hate jill's design in resident evil 5 because it's so anathema to her character - the devs of the time pretty blatantly said that they wanted to make her look sexy, which is also why the P30 control device is on her chest - and it's generally, from a doylist perspective, the worst thing that can ever happen to a person's favourite character.
if you take Jill's change of hair, outfit, and general presentation as a direct result of Wesker now having complete control over her... it all makes a lot more sense.
Wesker is an egomaniac with a god complex who sees everyone else as inferior to him - so to have two regular people - jill valentine and chris redfield - continually pop up to ruin his plans and by extension contradict his worldview must be maddening.
then Lost in Nightmares happens, and despite once again failing to kill chris thanks to jill, wesker now has her in his clutches. the in-game documents shed some light on what happens next, so i'll just focus on the fact that now the bad guy with a god complex now has one half of the biggest obstacle to his supremacy over the human race under his control.
Wesker is arrogant. you could consider it his fatal flaw - he has a lot of those, but his arrogance proves to be his downfall by the end of the game... because he doesn't just kill Jill. he wants to break her and Chris, psychologically and emotionally, and let's face it he might not even want to kill them then. i think it'd be perfectly in character for Wesker's projected endgame plan to involve having both Chris and Jill as unwilling thralls, unable to resist and screaming silently the whole time as he forces them to help him destroy the planet and watch.
so what Wesker does is he puts Jill in a torturous situation - it's not expanded upon much but he forces her to infect civilians with bioweapons; which is absolutely going to fuck up someone who has dedicated their life to preventing such a thing, and also gives some insight to how Wesker views said civilians - as tools to further his own twiated ends. he even further assaults her mental state with the aforementioned catsuit and blonde hair, the superficial changes that act to remind Jill that her life and body are no longer her own to control - that's Wesker's territory now. you could extrapolate a deeper meaning from this about how patriarchal society views women's bodies, but RE5's dev team already proved me right.
so Wesker dehumanises and degrades Jill for three years, files off every sign of autonomy he can find and forces her to commit atrocities in his name. and then he pits her against Chris in a fight to the death, knowing that the only way it's going to end is with at least one of them dead - if not both - and the survivor wracked with guilt and misery.
but he doesn't count on Sheva. Wesker practically ignores her at every turn in dialogue, and i think he only refers to her once ("don't you two ever tire of failing your mission?") and i think it's another case of accidental brilliance by capcom where they want to make the game a big Chris vs Wesker showdown, but have to reckon with the fact it's a 2-player co-op game. Sheva helps Chris in disarming and freeing Jill, and then they work in tandem to exploit a weakness (that they only know about because of Jill! because they were able to save her because Wesker didn't just kill her!) and then finally they kill Wesker together, as partners and equals.
i don't really have a conclusion to this post, it was a lot of rambling, but my read of RE5 is that Wesker is very much aggrieved by Jill having the audacity to interfere with his plans and then putting her down in every way possible as punishment - and does this in big ways (P30 mind control shenanigans) and small ways (putting her in sexualised outfits) in order to cause her as much trauma as possible.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Snippets of the Travis Stoll fic because i need motivation:
“I’m mature because you left me to take care of an entire cabin of people when I was twelve.” Travis rubs his arms self-consciously. “I had to grow up. Kids would die if I didn’t.”
Travis Stoll loses his virginity when he is twelve years to a sixteen year old daughter of Demeter on the grass behind the Ares cabin, and honestly, he wishes that their landmines had blown him up.
He is twelve years old and a counselor now, and Tammy is in charge of the camp store.
He's counselor now. The children shivering on the floor of cabin eleven, they're his responsibility.
But he doesn't have enough money for blankets and toiletries, and Tammy-- Tammy tells him that if he comes with her and does what she asks, she'll give both of them to him for free, so he does.
He goes with her.
He's twelve years old. He knows what rape is. Knows this isn't it, because he consented, right?
Travis’ leg is bouncing up and down. It’s a bit rhythmatic, and calming, if anything could be considered calm.  He’s tense, and stiff, and the sound makes him wince every once in a while, when he forgets it’s his leg that’s tapping on the cool flooring, and not someone else’s winding footsteps. Malcolm would just pop! Into existance, scaring the shit out of Travis, but at least letting him know it wasn’t someone else, but… Travis doesn’t want Cecil, or Connor, -or anyone else really- to see him like this. 
Not now, when they’re all so scared- when he’s so scared. 
“Come on,” Travis fake whines at one point in an attempt to forget everything, “Drop the illusion! Become your true self!” He pouts, as Malcolm continues to ignore him, typing something without looking, at a speed that most would probably consider fast.  “Your authentic identity! Drop all pretences in a society that worships fakeness! Embrace your realist inner spirit! Should I go on?”
Malcolm sighs, and while he rolls his eyes, he mutters, “You’ve been spending too much time in Cabin Ten.”
“Have not,” Travis scoffs.
“Have so,” but he shifts anyway, ceasing the- admittedly childish- argument (which was not cool, thank you very much, some of us have bad and annoying coping methods, Malcolm-), the short blond hair shifting to a slightly longer, curlier brown, and the grey eyes turning green. 
It didn’t change much, really- Malcolm was still incredibly short- seriously, 5’2?-  but Malcolm now had two bandages around his mouth and nose which were slightly wrinkled due to his mouth being shut. 
Travis assumed Connor put them on. Malcolm often didn’t bother with bandages, and Drew was more clinical in her approach. It didn’t matter, really, except it made Travis wonder if Malcolm was missing them. His friends. His friends Travis has taken from-
Malcolm nudges him, whispering, “Hey. You alright?”
Travis opens his mouth to respond, but the only thing to come out is a strangled sigh. 
Travis is prone to wandering. He thinks it might be a Hermes kid thing, the reasoning spread somewhere in between the cabin being so incredibly small that you share bunks and sleep on the floor, and that if you ever have to go to the bathroom in the night, chances are the entire cabin knows about it because they either get stepped on, or move, or the fact that Hermes is the god of travel.
Travis doesn’t really like either explanation- he was selfish like that, wanting one thing to himself, just one thing, but, well. He was counselor, wasn’t he. Chiron always said, counselors have to share, counselors have to–
Why isn’t he allowed to be selfish?
Travis started in on the waffle fries, drizzling them with syrup first. 
 “You know they’re called waffle fries,” Malcolm pointed out, looking slightly disgusted, “because of the shape, not because they’re actually made of waffles.”
“Don’t limit me.”
“It’s another cabin eleven thing, isn’t it?”
“Camp thing, really. Surprised you haven’t noticed yet- you’ve been here, what, two years now?”
“It’s not like I often go to the dining pavilion,” Malcolm retorted, and Travis gives a Cheshire Cat grin at the opening Malcolm has given him.
“So you admit you never eat? Cause you know what that sounds li-”
“I do not have an eating disorder, I simply prefer eating in the kitchen before everyone else.”
“So what problem did this come from- ooh, wait no, let me guess- it is because,” Travis waved his arms for dramatic affect, “you were having too many sensory overloads so you got permission to eat in the kitchens, come on, Mr. Pace, congratulate me!” Travis half bowed in his seat, but Malcolm didn’t seem to notice, staring at his own hands a moment too long. 
“Hey,” Travis tries. “You okay?”
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maisha133 · 11 months
ACFTL was disappointing
Okay so it is currently 1:41 AM and I have finished reading A Curse for True Love and I have been let down and just wanted to get my thoughts out
Jacks characterization was the biggest down fall; The book is basically about Evangeline pinning for Jack but I wished it was the other way around; Jacks finds out Evangeline lost her memories and avoids him because she believes he is dangerous and he gets pissed off and desperately tries to get her back. I think this change in story telling would have allowed so much character growth for Jacks considering the fact he is so cold and calculating and having him grow desperate to have Evangeline by his side shows how much she had affected him and also showcase his humanity/vulnerability in his desperation to have her by his side as opposed to being cold and indifferent which leads me to the next point
JACKS BEING AN ASSHOLE-Literally every Evakjacks scene starts like this Jacks says a sassy/asshole dialogue>save Evangeline>Evangeline swoons>Jacks goes back to being an asshole again. Now I get Jacks often puts out a cold front because he doesn't want to be too close to Evangeline and hurt her. But we are three books in and it is established that Jacks loves her. So I don't understand the unnecessary rudeness like ie coming in the middle of the night tossing clothes at her face as she is waking up and almost knocking her off the bridge (yes I am well aware he was never going to let Evangeline fall) but dang does he have to be rude all the time???? I wanted Evangeline to tell him off, all she needed to say was something like "Jacks stop being such a jerk and wasting my time " and he would have stopped. But no. Evangeline is constantly talking about how angelic his face is and how blonde his hair is. Jacks treat your girl better pls????
Evangeline and damsel in distress x 1000000 -damn my girl cannot catch a break literally everyone is trying to kill her. Now I am a firm believer that strong female characters don't have to be physical fighters and I am ok with Eva not being a fighter. However, I wish she would have gotten herself out of danger at times maybe just by using her wits or having a strategy? I got tired of seeing Jacks saving her. Yes he did teach her self defense but not much came out of that?
SO MANY MISSING PLOT POINTS- The bite of on Evangeline's wrist-does she owe Jacks a debt anymore? Luc? What about Evangeline's parents, what about her family's shop-does she not want to go back to Valenda?? Probably more I cannot think of right now.
Evangeline is not the first fox? Major disappointment in that. The first two books heavily implied that Evangeline was the first fox and there were so many hints regarding that ie Chaos telling Evangeline she looked like the first fox in TBONA and Jacks having volumes of the archer and the fox in his office (clearly he is not over the fox girl either) Also the fact he is over Donatella just like that?? Didn't she cause him so much heartbreak? Atleast having them talk it out would have helped to bring closure. Also are we never going to figure out who the first fox girl was? If not Evangeline? IDK it takes away the true love/soul mates aspect that drawn me to Evajacks in the first place imo
TOO MUCH APOLLO. I don't know why we got so many chapters of him, I rather had more chapters of Jacks and EvaJacks moments. Especially when it was established that he is the antagonist so I do not know why he was a main character when it really showed have been more about Evangeline and Jacks
No evajacks wedding-I am super bitter that we don't get to see Jacks and Evangeline having their wedding like in her dream
Overall, I think TBONA was 100/10, definitely the best book in the series. I still love this series to death and I am grateful for Stephanie for sharing her story with us. I just feel so underwhelmed from the ending, it sooo could have been better. I think the biggest problem is that the story was too complicated. Stephanie should have kept it straightforward>Evangeline is the reincarnation of Jack's true love and the first fox, Apollo is the bad guy, Jacks fights to be with Evangeline, they win and get married. Not everything has to be sophisticated. It’s okay if stories are predicatable, they just need to be good.
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saltywithsarcasm · 2 months
Chapter six of Hair of Gold has been posted!
I think it’s only Brook and Jimbei left??
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Sanji sorts through the spices Vito had gifted him when a hand suddenly appears from his shoulder, fingers gently running through his hair. Startled, he quickly turns but relaxes upon realizing it’s Robin. A warm smile spreads across his face as he watches her walk in, Chopper following closely behind.
“Did you two find any interesting books today?” He asks, pleased to feel her fingernails pleasantly scratching the back of his head.
“A few but we wanted to check on you.” Robin sets the few books they’ve purchased on the table as Chopper hops up into a chair. “Zoro mentioned you had a bit of an awkward encounter with Vito at the market.”
“It’s been cleared up.” Sanji responds, practically leaning into the hand in his hair, feeling like he might melt under her touch and attention. “He…uh, apologized.” Sanji's eyes flicker with sudden realization; Zoro had been the one to tell her. Frustration churns within him, his jaw tightening. Why did that idiot care? “Tell moss-head to mind his own business.”
“He was just worried.” Chopper says with a frown since they’ve just got him back and the thought of anything happening to him again made them little overly protective. “It’s his job to look out for us.”
“Well, I handled it so he doesn’t need to worry about it.” Sanji turns around just as the hand is his hair disappears and starts putting the spices away. Sanji feels his face flush a little as he hears Chopper hopping down from his chair and the little reindeer trots over to him, tugging on his pants leg. Sanji looks down, his heart softening at the sight of Chopper's concerned eyes.
“Are you mad at us?” Chopper asks, looking up at him with big and hearing the sadness in his voice hits Sanji hard, making his heart ache. “Is that why you keep refusing help?”
“No, I’m not mad at any of you.” Sanji turns around and kneels down in front of Chopper, petting his head to reassure him with a soft smile, hoping to ease the little reindeer's worries. “I just don’t want to be treated any differently than the rest of you.”
“Well, I don’t mind being helped by my friends.” Robin leans casually against the counter, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she watches the blush spread across his face. He lowers his head, trying to hide his face and feels a little hoof pat his head, hearing Chopper giggle.
“We love you, Sanji.” The reindeer hops into his arms, wrapping him in a heartfelt hug and the blonde immediately responds, holding him close and nuzzling his face into the reindeer's fur.
“I love you too.” Sanji chuckles as Chopper pulls back and gets down from his lap, smacking his leg.
“Then stop being stubborn!“ Chopper lectures, getting a light chuckle from Robin as he flushes with embarrassment. “Let us help you if you need it.”
“Alright! Alright!”
“That includes Zoro, he’s watched your back all night tonight.” Chopper frowns and gives him another smack, prompting the cook to raise an eyebrow in confusion because he hadn't really been paying attention to the swordsman. “He was worried that the creepy man might try to harass you again.”
“He apologized for his behavior-“
“It doesn't change the fact that he still did it and most likely only apologized because he was told to.” Robin says firmly, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. “And I'm glad Nami spoke up about when she did because he might’ve escalated.”
Sanji wonders about how the man could have escalated from just smelling and decides it's better not to think about it much since the possibilities are just too unsettling. He had always thought Vito was just a fanboy, admiring him from a distance and never considered that he might be attracted to him in any way. Sanji quickly shakes off the thoughts, convincing himself there's no way he looks at him like that. Vito's just fond of him because he's a fan of Germa and he happens to be related to them. That's all it is, nothing more.
But it doesn’t explain the smelling part.
He tries to rationalize it, telling himself it must have been an innocent mistake and perhaps the man was just curious about his cologne or something but couldn’t he had just asked? Sanji mutters to himself, he doesn't have a problem if Vito likes men or whatever but he isn't gay himself. He shakes his head, attempting to push the thoughts aside and focus on something else.
“I’m gonna go check on the others.” Sanji quickly leaves the kitchen, looking a bit flustered while Chopper and Robin just glance at each other.
Sanji steps out onto the deck, flicking his lighter and bringing a cigarette to life with a practiced ease. He takes a deep drag, savoring the momentary calm and strolls over to the railing. Leaning against it, he looks the scene below to see his friends are scattered, chatting among the other crew. His eyes quickly find Vito, standing close to his captain, who is in the midst of a conversation with Luffy. His gaze lingers on him and for a moment, Sanji is lost in thought, just staring. Suddenly, Vito looks up, their eyes meet and startled, he quickly averts his gaze, taking a deep drag from his cigarette to cover his reaction.
Vito catches Sanji's quick glance and a knowing grin spreads across his face. He chuckles quietly to himself before turning back to the conversation with his captain, his amusement barely contained.
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metalandmagi · 6 months
I'm re-watching High School Musical the Musical The Series (again) and even though I love this silly show so much, I'm compiling a list of things I would change for my own sanity. Get ready for some of the most niche nitpicks you can imagine!
Give the poor background kid who plays Ryan in HSM during season 1 his part back. We only ever see this kid during the "Status Quo" dance. He's not even in "Bop to the Top." I love Seb, but dang it, Sharpay and Ryan are an iconic duo.😞
Figure out what to do with EJ from the beginning. He is such a good character at his core, but the writers fumbled the bag with him so many times.
Ashlyn or Seb should have gotten offered a spot at the Youth Actors Conservatory instead of Nini. You know they carried that musical, and then we could have avoided the entire YAC arc.
More Natalie Bagley (the stage manager). She's hilarious and has a good voice.
More Kaden (background guy with bleached blond hair). Idk I just like him for some reason 😅
Make Seb the Beast in season 2. Justice for Seb!!!!!
The award that they want to win in season 2 not only has a cash prize, but a scholarship too! If the wildcats won, that scholarship could have seriously changed someone's life!
Lily seems like the type of person who would let the Wildcats perform The Rose Song and let them get disqualified without telling them about the rule. Just saying...
Why are the Wildcats ordered to stop production on Beauty and the Beast for going to North High and literally not doing anything, while a North High teacher stole their property and yet doesn't get punished? Also, why do they just drop this plot point later? I don't remember seeing it get resolved.
Ditch Ashlyn's "make way for Belle" attitude at the beginning of season 3. Seriously, what's up with that? Do the writers know her at all?
We never find out what Carlos was aiming to do by changing the Frozen cast list. Who did he want to play?🤔
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I didn't need Maddox and Ashlyn to get together. We could keep the arc about Ashlyn (and Big Red) discovering she's bi at camp, but I just don't feel the same chemistry as I do between her and Big Red. They're fine together; there's nothing really wrong with the ship. I just didn't like the way Ashlyn and Big Red broke up. And it felt a little like both Ashlyn and Big Red had to end up with people of the same gender to somehow "validate" the fact that they're both bi. (Yes it's a funny reveal at the end with the fake French kid revealing that he likes Big Red, but the point still stands). Again, Ashlyn and Maddox isn't a bad ship at all, I just feel like everything between these 3 could have been handled better.
Get rid of Dani is season 4. I'm sorry, but she doesn't add anything to the show (even though she gets chiller by the end). Nothing against her, she's just a nothing character.
BRING BIG RED AND SEB BACK FOR THE ENTIRE LAST SEASON! And scrap the cheating plotline. I don't have the patience for this nonsense.
I love Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara being end game (they're just like Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls!!!!!), but there has to be a better reason to break up with Ricky's dad. It felt so rushed.
Where the hell were all the extras that end up in the musical when Miss Jenn needed eight people to show up to the rehearsal? The main characters ditching that important rehearsal already annoyed me, but you'd think she'd get some of the ensemble to show up. Even if they said that most of them are doing the movie, some of them could have showed up, considering how big the ensemble is in the end.
Also in season 4, they talk about Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara's first meeting, but don't we see their first meeting back in season 1? Like...isn't it completely different?
As much as I love Miss Jenn wanting to continue teaching, I feel like she should have gotten her Broadway moment, at least for a little while. She was born to play Glinda.
I need to see Emmy become Natalie Bagley's protégé. They deserve to rule the world.
We needed an Olivia cameo at the end of the series. It could have been her face-timing the Wildcats. It could have been the camera zooming out when the rest of them were singing "Born to be Brave" to have her watching the video. Something! Anything!
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linkemon · 2 months
Il limone (Bruno Buccellati x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you're interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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[ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] ᴛʀɪᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴘᴀɪʀ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴᴇ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏꜱꜱ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴜꜱʙᴀɴᴅ. ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪɴᴀʟ ꜱᴇᴛᴛʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀꜱᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɢɪᴏʀɴᴏ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜʙɪǫᴜɪᴛᴏᴜꜱ ʟᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ…
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴊᴏᴊᴏ'ꜱ 5ᴛʜ ᴘᴀʀᴛ - ᴠᴇɴᴛᴏ ᴀᴜʀᴇᴏ. 2. ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ɪɴ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 5 ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴀɴ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ. ɪ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴜʟᴀ.
Even now remaining, is that bitter Scent of lemon, that’ll never leave Waiting out the rain, I can’t go home until it clears away. Kenshi Yonezu, Lemon
[Reader] sat down with difficulty on the whitewashed rattan chair. There was a crystal jug on the table. She reached for it. But when she saw the lemonade, she withdrew her hand. Fate always liked to mock her. She contented herself with a piece of fruit tart. She laughed inwardly at the sight of the fork with a plant motif. Giorno may have had the title of boss of Passione but he was still a child inside. Unfortunately, the sweet taste of the baked goods left much to be desired, although she knew that Trish tried very hard. She made a cake especially for her arrival. She was certainly counting on praise from the long-time pastry chef. [Reader]'ll have to bend the truth a little to avoid embarrassing her.
There was an amazing view from the terrace. From a distance she saw how large the clusters of grapes were on the green shoots. The poles were barely able to support the weight. It became crowded around the brick building. Vineyard workers hurriedly put away equipment and baskets. A storm was coming. The sky above the horizon turned dark blue. The wind was getting stronger every moment. For now, it was only lightly brushing her hair but she knew that soon it would be tugging at everything it came across. She used to like this weather. She liked the feeling of something powerful coming, uncontrollable, unstoppable. The old excitement about this image was replaced by irrational fear. She had had enough of surprises. She's already lost enough.
She grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the table. Mista must have left them here with the lighter. Slight change. It doesn't seem like a big deal but he's never smoked before.
The events of six months ago affected them all. It became impossible to return to the previous state. They seemed the same on the outside but on the inside they had aged years. She knew this was true, even though they barely talked about it.
She lit a cigarette with a slightly trembling hand. She hadn't felt nicotine for a long time. However, before she could take a puff, she heard:
— Smoking is harmful to the child.
Giorno Giovanna sat across from her. The blonde didn't wear his usual black and green outfit. He was wearing a loose shirt and regular pants. She hadn't seen him like this for a long time. In fact, she hadn't seen him at all in a long time. She was pleased with this informal style. He must have seen her as some kind of family. Because wasn't that what they were now? A broken family united by trauma and longing?
— You may be the boss of the gang but you're not my boss. — She stuck out her middle finger.
Still, she put out her cigarette. She said it was a waste of so many years of rehab to start again now. Besides, she knew deep down that he had told the truth.
— Nice to see you too, [Reader]. — The smile was faint but noticeable.
She studied his face after the long separation. Only after a while did she notice the dark circles under her eyes. She asked herself if it was from work or if he suffered from the same thing as her — insomnia. However, she kept silent about it.
They talked about everything and nothing, making up for lost time. Until now, she hadn't realized how much she missed the company of other people. She wasn't left completely alone in the villa. Her siblings visited her regularly. But they were different. Chatting with them never had any trace of the same depth. They knew nothing about the stands and did not know the real reason for her husband's death. She couldn't blame them but it made the sympathy they showed her feel hollow. As if their words didn't mean anything true and sincere.
— Have I ever told you how I met Bruno? — she asked, watching him sip lemon water from his glass.
He shook his head. He must have felt surprised. They hadn't mentioned him in a long time. They did not scratch barely healed wounds. This became a silent agreement between them.
[Reader] went to the door and changed the sign that read "Open" to "Closed." Dusk was slowly falling outside, contrasting with the bright interior of the bakery. She liked moments like this. Her siblings were in the back, cleaning up after the day, so she had a moment to herself. A calm, slow melody came from the radio, mixing with their voices. The clock ticked quietly, counting down the time left until the end of the shift. The warmth in the room made her feel sleepy.
She pulled out a dozen trays from behind the glass window. There wasn't a single cookie left. Customers bought all the baked goods at an alarming rate. She was happy but it still wasn't enough. Her family needed more money. Treating her father for such an advanced stage of cancer cost a fortune. They used the last of their strength to make ends meet to keep him alive. Chemotherapy brought great results but every lira of costs went towards it. This meant that there was almost nothing left to pay tribute to Passione.
She reached for the broom. The floor needed a good cleaning after the whole day. She also ran a mop over it. The smooth and wet surface reflected the yellow light from the ceiling lamps. She sighed dissatisfiedly as she heard the jingle of the bell above the entrance. Probably, as always, someone will come in with dirty shoes and she will have to start from the beginning.
— Closed! — she said reflexively.
— I'd like to see the owner. — The calm, deep voice carried a note of command.
She turned around slowly. Whoever was standing on the doorstep was clearly no ordinary customer. He wore a pristine white, oddly tailored suit. Tattoos were visible on his slightly exposed chest. However, it was his gaze that made fear appear in her heart. Blue eyes looked at her with cold determination. It was their first time meeting each other but she knew immediately who he was. He came for the money.
The peaceful evening disappeared in a split second.
— I'll take you there in a moment. I'll just take the cake out of the oven — she said with as much calm as she could muster.
She went to the back.
— Get mother, now.
The siblings knew what to do. They had already had their bags packed. They also knew every escape route from the confectionery shop and the rooms upstairs. She saw terror on their faces. They knew this day would come and yet they still seemed surprised. She prayed that they would get out safely.
She pulled the warm tart out of the oven, then reached into the glove compartment. She felt for the gun at the bottom of the drawer and reached for it. The cool barrel felt heavy in her hand. She was learning how to shoot and yet the idea of ​​pointing it at a living person seemed unrealistic. She took a deep breath as she put it in her apron pocket.
[Reader] led the man towards the stairs. She hoped that he would be the first to enter and she would have an opportunity to shoot. However, nothing of the sort happened.
She opened the door to the small bedroom. The father must have heard footsteps because he was sitting propped up on a large pillow. He was breathing with difficulty.
The familiar smell of the drugs made her nauseous. The room was lit only by a small bedside lamp. She could have sworn the shadowy figure had shrunk over the past few months. She remembered it completely differently from her childhood. When her dad taught her how to bake he was a few pounds overweight and had a round face. Now the thin frame was covered with sallow skin. The remnants of gray hair fell onto his wrinkled face. Instead of recipes, bills were piled up on the nightstand.
She reached into her pocket with a trembling hand as she heard her parent explain that he didn't have enough money. Her ears were ringing. She expected everything. Screams, shots, fighting and blood. She was even ready to attack with her invisible friend if she could summon it. She had no control over it. Sometimes it showed up in crisis situations and got her out of trouble. She had no idea what it was. No one else saw it.
The man turned towards her. It was as if he knew she was planning his death.
— We will postpone the repayment of the debt.
He said just that and that's all.
He wasn't lying. She felt it. The navy blue irises did not hide any trace of falsehood.
Her lower lip began to tremble uncontrollably. She bit it until it bled, all the while repeating his words in her head. She had a hard time holding back the tears that wanted to come to the surface. She released the long-held breath, trying to pull herself together.
She went downstairs, still in disbelief at her luck.
— Is there anything sweet left? — asked the capo, grabbing the door handle.
The question caught her completely off guard.
— Lemon tart — she replied after a moment's hesitation.
Only she was able to eat it. She baked it every Sunday. It became a sort of end-of-the-week ritual. But it looked like she would have to do without it this once.
— I'd like to buy it. — He took out his wallet.
— It's on the house. — She took out a decorative box. — But I am warning. It is very sour. I haven't met anyone else who likes it yet beside me.
Their hands touched briefly as she handed him the paper bag. She was surprised to see that they were delicate. They didn't match the rest of the gangster's body at all.
— Arrivederci! — He disappeared behind the glass window of the confectionery shop.
— Then he started coming regularly. Even after my father died and the debt was paid off. You know the rest of the story. — She rested her head on her shoulder. — Sometimes I think that only he was able to eat this cake because the sourness could not overcome the bitterness of his life. — She laughed.
For the first time in a long time. This sound filled the silence that fell at the table. She felt strange about it. As if she was somehow betraying Bruno's memory. But then she remembered that enough mourning was enough. She promised herself that. She had cried enough. It's time to heal the wounds. A child needs a strong mother.
— [Reader]. — Giovanna looked at her hesitantly. — Why are you telling me this? I have the impression that there is a second meaning to this...
This didn't surprise her. As always, he was a good observer.
— I talked to Trish about it but not to you — she began.
The storm was getting closer to the vineyard. The wind tugged at the strands of her hair more and more each moment. She persistently brushed them away from her forehead. Just like her husband used to do for her. He had a tender look reserved only for her back then.
— I don't blame you for his death. What I said then…— She took a deep breath. — I was angry. At myself, at you and at him.
The memory of her own anger made her feel ashamed. The grief and sadness of the loss forced her to shout out the things she regretted. She shifted the blame. It was easier that way. It helped only initially.
After the funeral, she locked herself in a large villa. She didn't let anyone in. For the first week she only went to the orchard with lemon trees. She picked fruit and baked cakes. Continuously. It's always the same thing. She wasted a lot of food. She had no one to eat the pastries and she herself didn't even want to put the tarts in her mouth. She felt like vomiting at the thought of the sour taste. She kept telling herself it was because of the pregnancy.
During the second week, she walked on the beach every day. She spent hours at their favourite place. She collected shells and sometimes just lay on the sand. She would spread a blanket and listen to the sound of the waves all afternoon. Sometimes it occurred to her that she should simply run towards the distant cliff and plunge into the dark green depths. But she never went in that direction. She was afraid she might actually do it. And she was no longer responsible only for herself. So she stroked her rounding belly and told the baby everything that came to her mind.
Bruno was the son of a fisherman. The boat they were using sometimes was still at the docks. The yellow colour was getting on her nerves. One day she dragged it to the shore and painted it. She covered herself in white paint from head to toe. The clothes were only fit to be thrown away. That evening she went to bed tired enough to fall asleep peacefully. She finally wasn't plagued by nightmares.
The weeks passed. The family's first unannounced visit made her irritated. They seemed to tiptoe around her. Pretend nothing happened. Still, she saw pity in their eyes. She told them to leave. It was only three days later that she called to apologize. She needed time to collect herself. She accepted them only a month later. After a stiff greeting, the words started pouring out of her mouth. The previous denial and apathy were replaced by tears. She cried in her sisters' arms. She howled with grief. So long that she no longer knew who she felt sorry for — Buccellati, the child or herself. She fell asleep on the couch between her family. They covered her with a blanket, cooked dinner and took her shopping. Ordinary, normal life. She slowly recovered.
The most difficult thing was coming to the meeting with Passione. Her earlier outburst changed a lot in their relationship. They didn't explain everything right away. Insecurity, guilt and regret stood in the way. Some things were left unsaid. They needed a lot of time to repair damaged relationships.
Giorno was not at fault. She wanted to make him realize this because she knew he was consumed with guilt. One that she herself contributed to. [Reader] had already moved forward but he was still stuck in place. She wanted to fix it.
— Bruno would try to make his dream come true even without your help. Perhaps then many more people would have died and nothing would have been achieved. I realized that one day these drugs could be sold to our child and it terrified me. None of these deaths were your fault. It's high time you realized this.
The first cool drops began to fall on the terrace. They hit the boards steadily, creating dark spots.
— Thank you. — The voice seemed barely distinguishable from a whisper.
— There is one more thing I came with.
She had a feeling he wouldn't like it. She had no clue as to what she would do. She wasn't sure if he would grant her request but she had to try.
— Take Fugo back in...
She saw how much he wanted to interrupt her.
— Buccelatti gave me and my family a chance. — These words made him fall silent. — I know you think he's a traitor but he was only loyal to his old boss. I'm not saying you have to take him right away. You can give him a task or mission. Whatever. But don't throw away his help. I've known him for a long time. He misses you all too. Narancia's death took a heavy toll on him.
She didn't know why she was defending him. She had the right to blame him for leaving her husband. He did not take part in the deadly expedition. He refused to help his friends. On the other hand, thanks to this he survived. She knew he was sorry.
She has already lost too many people. Taking Pannacotta out of her life on her own accord seemed stupid to her. A longtime friend should stand by their side again. She was going to give him that chance.
— I will consider this. — He nodded.
She couldn't count on anything more.
— Do you need Trish? — she asked, getting up from her chair.
They picked up the dishes together. The boy held up the silver tray.
— I don't have any tasks for her at the moment. Do you want to take her with you?
— The villa is too big just for me. Childbirth is getting closer. I could use some help. — She stroked her belly. — And a change of scenery will be good for her.
— [Reader], are you there already?! — The girl entered the terrace.
Trish kissed her on both cheeks. [Reader] hadn't seen her so happy in a long time. She was happy that this visit evoked such emotions in her. That meant she had somehow pulled herself together.
— Where were you guys? — Giorno headed for the door.
— We went to buy her tights. — Mista looked tired.
He didn't like shopping. Especially with Una. She was extremely picky about clothes.
— They only had hopeless brands but there was a promotion for lemons. Mr. Pistol bought a few bags. I have no idea what he will do with them. I guess he'll feed the Sex Pistols...
[Reader] laughed.
— What are you laughing at? — Mista lowered his eyebrow.
— Nothing. — She waved her hand. — Just a coincidence because that's the name I chose for the baby. Meet Limone.
She wasn't sure if it would be appropriate. She was afraid it would remind her too much of the pain of loss. But now she felt confident that it was a good choice. Bruno had to look down on her and send her his favourite fruits. He sure had a great time watching it all.
— You have a vivid imagination — the man commented as he entered the building again.
The rain was breaking up in earnest. Streams of water poured from the sky, hitting the dark green leaves and drowning the unpacked, earthy paths. The entire vineyard succumbed to the wet weather. The sounds of thunder were getting louder. The woman felt that she was soaked to the skin. Clothes stuck to her body. The storm will probably continue to rage for several hours.
[Reader] headed towards the dry house. On the threshold of the door she realized that Giorno had disappeared. She looked around, shielding her eyes from the drops. She spotted him in the distance. He waded through the pouring rain. He stopped on a small hill and unfastened his brooch. For a moment she saw the shadow of the Gold Experience. Immediately after, the golden ladybug turned into a lemon tree. She smiled for the third time that day and went inside.
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silent-dragon · 1 year
TWST Other OC Profile ~ Magnum Mashiro
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Theme song to listen to while reading ^^
Personal Info
Name: Magnum Mashiro
Nickname: Mags,Blue,Sleepy
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Wolf Beastman/Werewolf
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: 6/20
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 295cm/9ft'6in 
Eye Color: Deep Red
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Homeland: Sunset Savanna
Twist of Shirou Ogami from BNA: Brand New Animal
Occupation: Social Worker Assistant
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Other Info
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Chicken Fried Steak
Least Favorite Food: Energy Drinks
Likes: Helping Those who are Struggling,Hospitality,Dog Collars,Button-Ups Tops,Dog Movies,Child Care,Wolves,Fried Food,Seeing Tarak's Smile,Tala's Food,Terry's Laugh,Jesh's Humor,Gym Workouts,Blankets
Dislikes: Any Hate towards Beastfolk,Seeing People Struggling,Jesh & Terry's stubbornness,Forgetting What Time it is,Feeling so Old at his age,Being woken up randomly,Anyone who Abandons Children
Unique Magic: Werewolf Form is this. On random full 7 day week each month he changes and remains that way till Sunday's sunrise
Personality: Is the quiet one of the group. He is very stoic as well,never really showing emotions unless someone brings it out of him. Quite the tired looking type as he often forgets to sleep and just keeps working. Is very kind and selfless when sees others needing help. Has a tendency to ask a lot of questions as he doesn't know luxury logic much not because of age,cause he never had any of it.
Bio: The tired workaholic wolfman. One of many abandoned at a young age due to reasons that were not his fault,Magnum developed a caring personality for those similar to him. When he was 5yrs old he took in Terry,Jesh,Tala,and Tarak and together strived to survive on the streets and ensure their safety above his. He will admit he is not the cleanest of a person due to what he had to do to get where he is at with the 4 he cared for all in good health but he works to amend that by helping others down on their luck or left alone due to reasons they had no say in.
Lil Facts
Magnum never had a chance to go to any elementary school as couldn't afford daycare for Tarak who was a baby at the time. He did manage to get the other 3 in and has since gotten all 4 into college. He never went to high school or college sadly.
He started working at age 10 taking out the garbage for food places in exchange for leftovers for the others to eat.
Always told Jesh & Terry to protect Tala and Tarak while he was away working. While he raised the 4 he made it clear due to be similar age to them that he was not a father figure to them as it was parental ideals that caused their situation. All 5 consider each other as best friends or friends they can never forget.
Has never stopped working and at one point had 3 jobs all while still providing for the other 4 and refused when they asked if they could help.
Forgets to sleep a lot which has caused the sleepy old man vibes on his face. Some think he is in his 40s for this reason and for the fact he is very dad-like often. He does enjoy seeing children happy cause he has seen them not be.
Scars are from him helping calm down the other 3 during some of their werewolf transformations. He is very used to his so tries to help them out despite usually getting hurt in the process. The face scar is from Tala,Stomach Scars from Terry,and he has 2 back scars from Jesh. He already has said to Tarak he'd be there for him if happens to him too
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dead-blondie · 8 months
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- First off and one of my favourite ones is this girl loves Easter! It's her favourite holiday. I can see both her and Dewey loving to celebrate it when they were younger and now Tatum just can't help herself but get excited over it every year. It's an under appreciated holiday, but she loves it nonetheless!
- Another one I have is that she knits, sews, crochets. This is because to me, her mother looks like someone who sews, so she probably taught Tatum growing up. It also goes hand in hand with another small headcannon that she has a fashion dream. Anything fashion and clothing, she loves!
This can link into the Easter one, as I like to think she crochets rabbits and baby chicks around the holiday. It's sweet.
- Tatum seems like someone who's been through a fair bit in terms of love life. It could be potentially why she's protective over Sid in terms of Billy because she doesn't want to see her best friend making the same mistakes she did and get hurt from it.
Also could explain why she's very wary over Stu, his whereabouts or how he genuinely feels about her. Makes me feel that she used to be a little boy crazy and at some point got hurt real bad, it made her completely turn a leaf, become confident in herself and refuse to let any man walk over her. Though that is also the reason this girl is super prideful, lmaooo!
- From the previous HC, this goes hand in hand with my 'Stu was her first actual boyfriend' idea. She knows alot more about him than she lets on but stays silent, maybe she just thought this was the most she could get out of a guy, since she's used to being someone fling or eye candy. (Not that she doesn't love knowing she can hold a man's gaze.)
- If she had survived the 1996 massacre, she'd have black hair in college. A sort of way of proving she wasn't a 'dumb blonde'. It wouldn't be that much of a drastic change considering Tatum was never a real blonde in the first place. Either black hair or a couple shades darker than her natural brown.
- Tatum was also 100% an aggressive child. She's bossy and always has been, yes that includes those temper tantrums, but she'd hit more than most. Poor Dewey was always victim to his sister's assaults. This is super cute if you remember Tatum and Sidney were childhood best friends. You got a bossy, snappy child who hits, and then her best friend who's quiet, friendly and normally sits in the corner of the room. Besties for life amiright?!
- Tatum loves physical contact!! Side hugs, holding onto wrists, comforting pat on backs, CUDDLING. She's very keen on touching, even with strangers, so someone she's close with and loves? SPOILED WITH HER AFFECTION. She loves giving out attention, but she'd tease anyone who admits it, lovingly of course.
- Okay this one could actually be canon, it was just never confirmed. Tatum could have actually been really close friends with Casey. Them two with Sid could have been an amazing trio if it wasn't for Stu. (It was more her having an issue with being a rebound, it had nothing to do with the fact it was to Casey.)
If it wasn't going to be awkward due to Stu, and well if Casey wasn't dead, I feel like they'd have great potential. (Also I just know they are teaming up against Stu in the afterlife!)
- When sleeping with her partner, she'll entangle herself around them, limbs for limbs. Though she's a freezer during the winter and usually sleeps in long sleeved shirts and comfortable pants. ABSOLUTELY sleep talks, and can totally sleep with any old shit playing, AND do not expect her to sleep when a film she hasn't seen is playing. She will watch it.
- BIG OLE INITIATOR, she loves to initiate, she genuinely doesn't know whether she loves initiating or preferring her partner too, it all really depends on her mood. Usually it's a half half kind of situation. She wants to control and take chance, but she also wants to be verbally wanted by her partner, she wants passion!!
- Ways she initiates will include gentle grazes of her hands, ESPECIALLY over her partners thighs, she will flash bedroom eyes, she'll whisper in her partners ear. It's quite obvious when she wants to sneak out to have some intimate moments. As she usually will say yes if asked.
- Is also quite very open minded, whenever, wherever, any position, she loves experimenting. As long as it doesn't unnecessary or unconsensually cause harm to her/her partner or even others. She will most likely get intrigued/ask to try something out or be very enthuistic if her partner were to bring something new and spicy to the bedroom.
- Such a confident girlie!!!! It's mostly her personality and her experience, she definitely knows what she's doing and she's still just as spunky and outgoing in bed, she'll tease and tease to her hearts content, and loves to make her partner feel good.
- She doesn't need to wait all that long to become comfortable in a relationship to have sex. Before Stu (and after Stu), she had her fair share or making out and hooking up etc. She is quite sex positive and comfortable in herself already. Obviously she can wait if her partner isn't ready, she has patience, believe it or not. For people she cares about that is.
- She does happen to be a switch, when she's being a sub, she wants to be manhandled, yes that is one of her kinks, she likes a big strong man to be direct. However if she's in the mood to top, she wants the heavy passion, the fighting for dominance, and then she wants to win. The surge of pleasure and confidence this gives her is immaculate!! Especially if her partner is quite dominate strict.
- The blonde won't even feel bad about leaving marks if she wakes up to see what she did the night before, in fact over anything else, she'll laugh about it and it just might get her in the mood for another round. Seeing the marks scattered and littered over her partners skin from when she lost herself admist the chaos of a desirous and libidinous night.
- With her partner, aftercare is a HUGE thing, she wants to cuddle, she wants to be cuddled, she wants to surround her partner with gentle caresses, she wants to be the reciprocant of said gentle caresses, she wants to praise, be praised, she also finds aftercare a great time to bond and have pillow talk with her partner (also so she can jokingly taunt you about any noises or spoken words.)
- If she's been drinking, whether she's plastered, drunk or tipsy, she'll try to have as many sweet moments as she can in terms of aftercare, but she'll fall asleep fairly quickly.
- If it's the full thing, rather than a quickie or something, and she's waking up in her partners bed or they're waking up in hers, she probably would very much rather cook breakfast with them. But if not, and she's in a loving mood, she'll make breakfast in bed (this is also for birthdays, christmas and other special occasions, where she will expect at least appreciation.)
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smileduponyou · 9 months
Grave (from supercreig for the send a word for your muse meme thingamebob)
Grave - Find my muse dead.
It was no secret to him that he would die some day.
Likely so much earlier than his peers would ever consider when it came to their own demise. But death was something that Gregory had made his peace with long ago and continued to push forward. Because that was one did when you had responsibility toward your fellow man.
That was what he did.
It was his choice, just like it always had been. Not chosen for him, not foisted upon him by overbearing figures.
Just him. Only him. Raw and determined.
He hears the shot before feeling it, the first reaction being a full body jerk that forces him into toppling backward and hitting the ground with a pained cry that trails into a wheeze. Frenzied, panicked thuds in his chest the only clue to his grip on life.
And the rapidly building wet heat between the flesh of his chest and his shirt the indication of how fast he was losing that grip. Unable to think, the blond swallows hard enough that it makes his throat hurt. There's enough energy in his body for him to force his way onto his back, staring up at the sky as the echoes of the battle around him carry on.
Did he do enough, he wonders almost bitterly. Almost.
Had he ever done enough, made a big enough change? Would those he helped remember him? Gregory doesn't know... but he hopes so. Beyond all hope... that he hopes the most. The cold sets in first, sharp contrast to the heat against his chest, nipping at the ends of his fingers. Funny... he usually could ignore the cold. Not this time.
An exhale, more of a rattle that sounds like his lungs are knocking against his ribs. Had this been a deathbed, he would be asked if he regretted anything. Regretted the fact that this was where he died, so young and with so much left unfulfilled.
He would have said No.
What was there to regret, aside from the fact there was so much work he could no longer see to? So many souls he couldn't help. A weak smile appears on his lips, eyes still staring at the equally blue sky as they water a little bit.
Thud, thud, thud.
Still his heart stubbornly beats, only hastening its end. No, he had lived a good life even if it had been short. He'd died for the causes and ideals that he believed in to the very end. Didn't all men want that, in some way?
Faintly, black swirling at the edges of his consciousness, he thinks he can hear someone calling him. Perhaps it was nothing, just his own dying imagination. Or perhaps the reaper, trying to coax him into the dark faster. Either way, it did not matter. It didn't matter anymore. There's too much blood... still, he doesn't regret. How could he ever regret?
He's not a man who did not regret easy in life, why should death be different. The tears run now, down his cheeks and into the golden strands of his hair, vanishing in their gleam. It was okay.
It was okay... it was all okay now...
Another swallow, the darkness is getting harder to ignore. Faintly, he smiles and sings to himself one last time.
"Shake off... all of your sins... The time has come... Let us be... brave..."
A good end, even if violent. That was fine. One last deep inhale, chest expanding.
A final rattling exhale.
And the golden leader goes limp, walking into the darkness without fear.
Just as he had in life.
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weilongfu · 2 years
PJO!MorkPi: Pi has gotten quite good at changing his appearance (like his mother), but Mork is much more fond of how he normally looks. It’s time he tells Pi that.
There were many gifts which could be given from Aphrodite or Venus to their children. The most powerful was charmspeak, for with a single word spoken with confidence and power, an Aphrodite or Venus camper could bring a person or monster to their knees. Such as it was, Mork considered himself grateful that the most capable users of such a power were friends at Camp Half-Blood and not enemies.
The lesser known power to change one's appearance, however, was Mork's greatest enemy. Not its user, no, Mork could never hate Pi. He'd loved the Greek demigod since before either of them had found out about their godly parentage. But Mork hated Pi's powers with a passion for they always seemed to feed on Pi's insecurities.
Pi would start the day with his dark brown hair and Mork would watch as it shifted to black, blond, brown, red, blue, and so forth as Pi tried different ways to make himself look more attractive to anyone. As time went on and Pi gained greater control over his powers, it was not uncommon to see that Pi had changed himself to look more like a famous singer or actor.
Mork had even heard from Theo and Akk that Pi had changed his appearance entirely during their adventure and the story set Mork into such a panic that Thara and Pha had barely managed to snap him out of it.
Pete and Yo had, of course, set counter measures. Every night before lights out and every morning before breakfast, the two carefully checked Pi's face to make sure any changes he'd made through the day or in his sleep had been reverted.
"Do not lose your sense of self," Pete told Pi in warning when his powers had begun to manifest. "Mother gave you this power, it's true, but it doesn't mean that you are unattractive or undesirable. It means you have the power to see what others find attractive or desirable and to use it to your advantage."
Of course, Pi would only listen as well as he liked, no less stubborn than his siblings, godly and mortal. And so it was to Mork's great disappointment that Pi showed up to their very first official date with a nose that was not his own, eyes that were blue, cheekbones that were too sharp on a face that was too narrow.
"I heard the movie is a really good one," Pi said as he offered Mork the tickets while he was still bewildered at the current formation of features on Pi's face. "Lots of good action and dialogue." Pi grabbed Mork's wrist and began to pull him towards the appropriate theater, but Mork changed the grip and instead pulled Pi towards an empty hallway. "Huh? Where are you going? The movie is that way!"
"Pi." Mork put his hands on Pi's shoulders and felt the shorter boy tremble for a second. "Pi, why did you change your face?"
"What's wrong with this face?" Pi turned it from left to right, further increasing Mork's discomfort. "Isn't it handsome? I tried to make it look more like that Benedict Cumberbatch person."
"No, Pi. I don't like it." Pi blinked in confusion, his eyes changing from blue, to hazel, to brown, to blue with each blink. "I... Haven't I said that I like your appearance when you're being you?"
"No, you gave me a list of my flaws, one of which was my appearance," Pi argued.
"Yes, because those were things you could change about yourself but refused to out of self pity," Mork replied. "You didn't need braces anymore, your teeth had finished straightening. You just wanted to keep feeling like an outcast. You left your hair messy because you thought no one was looking." As Mork went on, Pi's face morphed to look more like a popular KPop star. "But what you didn't seem to understand is that I liked you despite those flaws, Pi. I, in fact, loved you for them."
"Don't lie to me," Pi said as he shrugged out of Mork's hold.
"Then I won't say a word. Use your powers then," Mork challenged. "Search my heart, search my feelings, and let your face change to reflect what those say I find attractive, not what your brain thinks I find attractive."
Pi sneered before closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths. Mork found himself unable to breathe until the shifting of Pi's features was over. Pi opened his eyes and pulled out a compact that Pete had clearly stuffed into his younger sibling's bag. "This is..."
"It's your face, your real face." Mork stepped into Pi's space. "The face I fell in love with."
"No, no, you really can't-"
"I can. I do." Mork cupped Pi's cheek, thankful that he felt only a teardrop and not the shifting of skin and flesh. "This is the you I love, the you I'm attracted to."
"You asshole," Pi mumbled as he leaned into Mork's hand.
"Will you believe me when I'm not being an asshole?" Mork teased.
"I'd believe you more if you were never an asshole in the first place."
"Well..." Mork took Pi's hand. "I can't change the past, but I can make a better present." Mork pressed a kiss to the back of Pi's hand and Pi felt his cheeks burn in a blush and not in changing or morphing. "So will you come watch the movie with me?"
Pi bit his lip and started pulling Mork again. "I swear to god, if you ditch me after this movie-"
Mork pulled back and Pi found himself in Mork's embrace as he caught him. "Never." Mork's face drew closer and Pi immediately pushed him away again to run towards the theater. Mork sighed and ran to follow, but there was no denying that it was the feeling of Pi accepting his feelings causing his heart to race instead of the exercise.
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