#but that doesn’t mean i don’t feel weirdly guilty for it
gregmarriage · 1 month
literally the biggest mood of all time, ms williams
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So Spider-Man AU won!
Red Hearts is the daughter of the head scientist Bridget Hearts at wonderlabs, a lab specializing in genetic mutation. Her mother wants her to follow in her footsteps in the scientific world, but Red has no interest in science. She wants to pursue art but isn’t allowed to, so she sneaks out at night to use spray paints across the city. Bridget isnt an abusive mother, rather just strict and emotionally distant. Red is enrolled at a science specialized high school even though she has no interest in it. There she met her best friend. Chloe Charming. Chloe is the daughter of the NYPD captain charming and Ella charming who was friends with Bridget in high school. Red has been secretly harboring feelings for Chloe for months now and refuses to tell her, convinced they aren’t returned. As of this point Chloe feels nothing but good friendship for Red.
One night while staying late with her mom at her lab, an escaped spider bites Red on her upper left arm. Red smacks it away and doesn’t think anything of it until she gets home and immediately passes out on her bed face first. She wakes up in the morning and notices she can see without her glasses. Then she walks toward her mirror and notices something is different about her appearance. Her arms are much more muscular than before and she has definition in her abdomen. “oh that’s new” she says. She spends much of her morning trying to control her sudden strength and stickiness, weirdly enough. Red makes it to school in one piece, barely, causing Chloe to worry.
Over the next few weeks she creates a suit and starts dealing with small crimes in her area, to captain charming’s dismay. She creates a persona known as “the red spider”
Meanwhile with Bridget, she is trying to genetically engineer ways to enhance brain performance, but she tested it on herself too early and turns her mind into a Jekyll and Hyde like state with “Bridget” and “The Queen of Hearts” the queen of hearts quickly becomes the red spider’s #1 enemy.
One night the red spider saves Chloe from being mugged in an alley. Chloe starts saying how she can’t shake the feeling that she knows her. The spider refuses and says she must be confused. Chloe slowly rolls up the bottom of her mask and the spider let’s her. She stops just above her nose. She leans in and kisses her in the pouring rain. A few moments later she pulls away and stammers a goodbye and runs into the night leaving a confused Red behind.
The kiss stayed on Chloe’s mind for days, why did she do that? Who did she even kiss? Whoever it was her father despises. She also feels strangely guilty. Feeling like she betrayed Red, but she doesn’t like Red like that? Right?
Afte one particularly bad fight with the queen of hearts, Red manages to swing to Chloe’s bedroom, seeking bandaging, knowing she has to reveal her identity to Chloe. She slips in through the window, Chloe staring mouth agape from her bed. Red slowly pulls off her mask and looks up at Chloe. The two stared at each other for what felt like forever, until the moment was broken by red wincing and clutching her torn up stomach. Chloe rushes over and helps red pull down her suit to her waist and sets her down against her bed. She heads to the bathroom and comes back with a cloth, water, and bandages. She starts to clean the blood and grime off. Once a good amount was cleaned Red noticed Chloe looking at her newly there abs.
“Is THE Chloe charming checking me out?”
Chloe turns the color of Red’s hair and goes “WHAT? NO! ….those are just…new, is all”
Once red is all bandaged up, they lay in Chloe’s bed, side by side. Chloe sighs and says “so we have some things to talk about” Red turns to her and goes “okay I’m sorry i didn’t tell you but I didn’t want you to get hurt and about the kiss, I’ve liked you for like ever and I would’ve let you kiss me even if you didn’t know it was me, but you do now, so I don’t really know what that means for us but-“ the blue haired girl cuts her off with a kiss, placing her hand on the side of Red’s face.
“If you couldn’t tell, I like you, too”
“Oh, really? Couldn’t tell after you kissed me twice.”
A few weeks later the red spider and the queen of hearts have another particularly heated battle. In the last move, the queen throws her cards and the spider creates a reinforced web to bounce them back at her, hitting her square in the stomach. As she lay on the ground, her mask slipped off. The spider slowly approaches the figure and realizes the figure looks familiar. As she reaches her, the cold shiver of realization goes down her spine. Her mother is the queen of hearts. She just HURT her mother, possibly fatally. She rips her mask off and kneels next to her.
“Mom, hey, you’re gonna be okay”
“Red? Wha..what are you doing here?”
“Mom I’m the Red spider. I just hurt you, I’m so sorry please hold on I’ll get help-“
“Red, there isn’t time. I’m going, we have to face it”
“No no no no no no no mom you’re gonna make it, just let me get help”
Bridget grips onto her daughters hand with the little strength she has left.
“Red. Listen to me. I’m dying. Right here. There are some things I want you to do.”
Red nods signaling for her mother to continue.
“I’m leaving wonderlabs to Maddox, I know it was never your dream. You still have a share in the company but all of the stuff I do is left to him. I’m sorry I tried to force science on you, I just wanted you to be successful.”
Bridget takes a shakey breath.
“Keep in touch with chloe, she’s a good girl with a promising future. Maybe one day she’ll work at wonderlabs. I’d love to have her brain there.”
Red feels the tears welling up in her eyes start to fall.
“I love you, Red. I know I didn’t say it enough but I do. So please get out of here so you aren’t wanted for my murder. Go, I love you.”
And with that Bridget was gone. The queen of hearts, the head of wonderlabs, her mother. Gone.
Red flees the scene. She cleans up and prepares to face the press that night. Her funeral was the next week. She was asked to say a few words. She got to the podium and started sobbing immediately before she could say anything , she stepped down and let Maddox talk instead.
The city doesn’t see the red spider for a while after that.
After 6 months, the spider comes back, but something in her air was off, it was more reserved, less chatty, less there, but the city was glad to have her back either way.
Behind closed doors the spider cries in the arms of her girlfriend almost every night, plagued with nightmares and guilt she can never share.
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thestormynobody · 3 months
Turnabout Timeloop Chapter 1
“I’ve heard enough. It’s time to declare my verdict.”
(This is bad.) Apollo didn’t have the evidence needed to turn this around. (What should I do???) He was out of options, wasn’t he? (That doesn’t matter!! I can come up with a good reason why. For now, I just need to ob-)
Almost instantly, a voice rings out across the courtroom. “NO!!!!! Frin would never do something like that!! Let them go!!!” Bonnie struggles helplessly in Odile’s arms. They must have found a way to sneak into the courtroom after all. Odile’s expression is unreadable as she tries to usher them back out of the courtroom. None of them had wanted Bonnie to see this.
Apollo’s client, Sifferin, nomiddlename nolastname (Still can’t believe that was allowed), stares in horror at the commotion. “Bonbon….”  They look shattered. Understandably so, considering they were just declared guilty of murder, and in front of Bonnie, no less. 
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. I didn’t- I just- wanted to-I’m sorry.” Their voice is small. Practically drowned out by the scuffle happening in the back of the room.
(What do they mean?) Was there something he missed? There had to have been. It just didn’t add up. (I wish I had more time to investigate, maybe I could’ve-)
Apollo wakes up at his desk in the Wright Anything Agency. (A dream? Man. I must be really stressed about this case if I’m dreaming about losing it huh? That dream was weirdly detailed though….weird.) 
He tilts his head back and forth to try and deal with his stiff neck. It pops unpleasantly.
“You’re going to end up with back problems like me, you know.” A familiar voice calls out.
Phoenix. Wright. His boss. Didn’t he say something like this before? Apollo had just kind of responded noncommittally in the dream, something about not doing it again. It was pretty passive, and he’d felt weird about it after. Like he was a kid getting scolded by his dad. (Gross.) 
“Dunno, Mr. Wright. You sure you’re not just old?” 
“HA. I guess you don’t want this coffee then. More for me.”
“Wait, no I was just joking-” he wanted that coffee.
“Yeah, yeah I know-” He pauses and with a devious smirk adds “....kiddo.” and ruffles Apollo’s hair.
(Eugh.) Apollo nabs the coffee from Phoenix’s hand and downs it. He’s not sure how long he slept but he needs to get to work. There was lots to do. Meet with the client, investigate the crime scene, interview the witnesses…the sooner he got started the better. He didn’t want a repeat performance of his dream.
“Alright, you know Trucy and I are going to be out of town for her next show. Gonna have to get your own coffee for a few days. “
“I’m sure I’ll manage.” It was kind of a shame. Mr. Wright did make weirdly good coffee. Maybe he worked at a coffee shop at some point when he was disbarred? Who knows. Wasn’t like he’d tell Apollo if he had.
“Good luck on your case. I know Prosecutor Von Karma can be intimidating but she’s mellowed out a lot since I faced her in court. You got this!”
Prosecutor Von Karma…she had been practicing law abroad for some time now and had only just recently returned to Ka Bue. The daughter of Manfred Von Karma, the prosecutor with one of the longest win streaks known in the law world as well as the adoptive sister of the head prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. Family legacy aside, she was well known to be very good at what she did and to take very little nonsense in the courtroom. He’d have to be at the top of his game if he was going to be facing her. In his dream she’d been as formidable as he’d imagined… Perhaps it was some sort of subconscious warning against complacency? Sure. He’d go with that.
“Athena’s out of the office today but should be able to assist you in the trial tomorrow if you need back up.” He knew she’d been enjoying some down time after her last big case and didn’t want to drag her into his own workload. Still, her skills were invaluable in many past cases so he should consider his options carefully.  
“Water Charley for me, won’t you?”
Oh, he’d been in his own head about the case and not responding to Mr. Wright, oops. “Of course. I’ve got things here Mr. Wright. Go enjoy Trucy’s show”
“I know you’ve got this, I just gotta do my job as your boss, heh. See ya in a few days.”
“Don’t forget to take a few videos of the show for me!”
“‘Course.” He says as he leaves the room with a small wave.
 He fixes his signature spikes and pulls on his suit pinning his badge to the lapel. 
His pretrial nerves were starting to get to him as well as lingering weirdness from the dream. Well. No one was here to judge him for doing his cords of steel warm ups as he got ready sooo-
“I! AM! FINE!”
(Alright!! All warmed up! It's go time, Apollo!)
He hops on his bike and pedals away to the detention center. He vaguely remembers how there had been a traffic jam in his dream so he takes an alternative route where he could stick to side streets more. Silly maybe but hey if his subconscious was trying to protect him from being late who was he to argue?
  A woman is waiting for him outside the building. She is technically the one who hired him. (Odile if I remember correctly. She’s a Ka Buan citizen but has been abroad up until recently. She was part of a group that saved the country of Vaugarde.) 
This case was somewhat of a diplomatic nightmare. Despite the distance, Vauguarde and Ka Bue were in pretty good standing with one another. Convicting one the saviors of Vauguarde carried steep political implications. A citizen of Ka Bue had been murdered though and the law was clear that justice must be served regardless of the circumstances of the accused. It was his job to prove his client innocent and possibly prevent an international incident. (No pressure!)
“Mr. Justice.” She says it more as a statement than a question. HIs defense badge must have given him away.
“Yes, ma'am! At your service!”  He realizes he sounds a bit too over eager and tones it back a bit. “You must be madame Odile?”
“That’s correct.” She gives him an appraising look. Her expression does not give away any conclusions she may have drawn. “Thank you for coming out on such short notice.”
“Of course.” (Short notice is kind of the norm in my experience…) 
“Siffrin is inside. They wouldn’t let me inside to talk to them but they should let you in as his lawyer.” 
(She seems calm for someone whose friend is currently being held on suspicion of murder. She’s either one tough lady or she’s convinced they didn’t do it.)
“I’ll see if I can get you visitation privileges after I talk to them.” 
She gives him a small nod. “Thank you.”
Apollo enters the detention center trying not to think too hard about how Odile had appeared so accurately in his dream. It was probably just his brain mixing up memory with dreams after all. She just looks similar enough that his brain THINKS it's the same! (....yeah that’s gotta be it)
His client looks very distraught. Understandable considering the circumstances but they look like they’re on the verge of a panic attack. (I should do something to calm them down.)
In Vauguardian he says: “Hey, breathe for a second alright?” When their attention snaps to him he hesitates for a moment then: “Here um. LIke this?” He breathes in. Then out. 
They follow his lead and after a bit seem to have centered themself a bit. A realization seems to dawn on them a moment later however. “How did you know to do that?”
“A breathing exercise? I mean. It's a pretty common calming technique isn’t it?”
“No- You…did it differently before” 
“Before…?” (I did do it differently in the dream didn’t I? This way seemed to work better for them in the dream so I guess I just led with it? But that was just a dream. Wasn’t it???)
They seem to be deep in thought for a long moment then they fix an intense look on him. “Something of mine was found on the victim. What was it?”
“A coin.”
The answer was so automatic he surprises himself. That wasn’t right. He hadn’t even been to the crime scene yet. Sure in his dream there’d been a coin but that was just-
“Stars. You remember.”
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cookie-crumblr · 9 months
What would happen if Darling showed a little jealousy towards the girls who flirt with Ezra?
Oh my goodness! i am so sorry covid kicked my butt and i’m still not better lol, but anonie ily, idk if you’re the same nonnie that’s been sending all or at least most of the ezra asks, but i am working on them all!!! i promise i just haven’t even touched this app in DAYS. T.T
anyway, Minors DNI as always 🥰 plz and ty
CW: GN/READER, no body or genitalia descriptions for reader (other than hole lol), kissing, biting, sex in whatever hole you have luv u bb, creampie, indecent exposure, public sex, ditching the body type beat
Status: Not Dating (but close to it)
You stab your pencil into the knot in the wood of your table. It’s so hard to listen to your professor next to Ezra. Today’s a little different though…
“Ezraaaaa~” a gorgeous peer touches his arm, and fawns over him. He’s watching you with some weirdly satisfied expression on his face. You roll your eyes at him. He chuckles back and your brows furrow ferociously. What? did he just— “When are you gonna come back over? we’re having a party this weekend…”
Now a few guys are walking up and one of them pushes another forward, He sputters for a sec before speaking up “H-hey Ezra! um, wanna go out this weekend again?”
“Oh my gods, can I please just focus!? leave him alone! the professor is literally speaking!” The pencil snaps, half of it stuck graphite first in that same wooden knot. It’s been ground a little deeper than it was earlier.
“Ew. You can always—” The gorgeous one starts, before Ezra cuts her off.
“Nah they’re right. This is boring as shit.” He leans over to your ear, “‘sides, I like you mad,” He’s wearing a beaming grin as he pulls back.
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you outside, the professor doesn’t spare either of you a glance.
As soon as you’re out in the hallway, his raw strength is forcefully slamming you into the lockers, rattling the metal doors.
“Ezra??” You never see him this passionate or nice? Sure he’s still rough, but he isn’t hurting you.
He lifts your legs and wraps them around his waist. “Owch,” One of the latches is digging in your back, you laugh a little “sorry, my back”
He moves you both down an inch or two, his lips crashing onto yours before he pulls away to take in the sight of you.
“Why do you make me feel this way…?” It’s like he didn’t mean to say that… You feel like you’ve seen something you almost… Shouldn’t have? You look down and away. “No. Look at me.” He pulls you back roughly with his hand on your jaw.
“Fuck, Ezra…. I don’t know… Maybe you shouldn’t” You choose your next words as carefully as you can. “have been so mean. Prolly feelin guilty or somethin’”
“That too.” His lips assault your neck now, teeth biting and air puffing against you. Your body is a whirlwind of sensation.
He either doesn’t hear you or just doesn’t answer.
Your arms are locked around his neck but your fingers tingle with yearning. Youdecide to trust him with your weight and let go in favor of tracing his muscled arms. You both sigh into eachother. The Ozone and forest scent of him comes through and fill your senses once again.
Even the smell of smoke is starting to welcome you back. You don’t let yourself think twice. You deserve some feel good sex after everything he’s done to you. He owes you. “Yeah.”
“What?” He pulls back with glistening lips to inspect you his expression quizzical but still smiling.
“You owe me. a lot. actually.”
“Oh? hah! fine whatever. now open up.”
You push your crotch against his bulge harder, “I have been, just waiting for you.”
“Fuck, good” He pats your head affectionately. His hand falls down your face almost… Lovingly.
You try and shove those fluttery feelings down. This is Ezra after all.
Once inside he’s bouncing you desperately on his thick pulsing cock. His hands are wrapped around your throat getting you so close to blacking out it hurts. You try to tap out but he continues pounding furiously into you.
You deliciously sloppy hole stretches around his width perfectly. His grunts fill your fading and popping hearing.
“F-f-ff” you can’t speak at all. Finally you feel him shuddering and filling you with his thick streaming cum.
He drops you.
You slump unceremoniously down onto the smooth waxed floor. Cum leaks out of your still exposed hole.
You have to catch your breath, and while you are indisposed you see the flash of Ezra’s phone camera. Then he leaves you there. His walk a satisfied swagger down the hall away from the classroom and toward the front doors.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
ok i just finished season 1 of daredevil and i will have articulate things to say about it at some point but for now here's the stream of consciousness notes i took while i was watching:
-I like Jack Murdock as a portrayal of a loving but flawed parent — like he clearly cares for Matt so much and he’s doing his best but there’s some parts of a “normal” childhood he just doesn’t really have the resources to provide. That being said being stupidly self-sacrificial clearly runs in the family. Just take the dive and collect your money my guy 
-“you shouldn’t be sneaking around at night you could get hurt”/ “we need to do this within the legal system” Matthew you fucking hypocrite (affectionate)
-weirdly fascinated by the way Fisk & co. translate for their sketchy group meeting that always seem to take place in abandoned parking garages, especially with how Wesley gives the general idea of what they’re saying instead of a direct translation — ok update i suspected this was because Fisk actually understood what everyone was saying and I was right!
-I like Foggy but I disagree with him about the purpose of a defense attorney — he wants to represent people who aren’t guilty/were justified in what they did but everyone deserves representation even if they 100% did the thing and were 100% wrong in doing so 
-Honestly probably worked out better for Matt that Stick was only around for a couple of years at the most. Also symbolic that he left before teaching Matt to use knives — Matt never fully goes down the road of lethal force (I mean some of the things he does definitely would kill people in real life but in real life he’d also be dead so it evens out) or fully cuts off the people he cares about. Also are they implying that the reason Matt doesn’t permanently have broken ribs and/or major blood loss that he meditates? I mean suspension of disbelief obviously but that is. very funny 
-Fisk is, on the one hand, very detail-oriented, but he’s also impulsive and emotionally reactive, so he has to come up with plans to cover for it. Also I feel like his and Wesley’s relationship is going to implode at some point. Or one of them (probably Wesley since Fisk is like. the main villain) is going to die
-are they sponsored by Dell 
-obviously I know why they do this for cinematic reasons but it’s very funny that in-universe Fisk gives his entire speech in 1x08 without actually saying his name until he dramatically announces at the end. Although maybe that’s just for dramatic effect and in-universe he's just repeating it? Also don’t throw your computer Matt you have no money 
-Matt’s smug little smile when Karen says the man in the mask looks badass flipping around :3 
-“the whole wounded, handsome duck thing” 
-i love how much they dwell on the actual implications of finding out your friend is secretly a vigilante/has had superpowers the entire time you’ve known each other, and that knowing they go out at night to beat people up, even if it’s for the “right” reasons, would still be alarming 
-actually not bad on the nighttime colour-grading front! I can see what’s happening which is better than most shows 
-I appreciate that there’s an actual plot about/explanation of how Matt gets his body armour 
-Wow who could have guessed leaving the gun in the middle of the table was a bad idea. I kind of liked Wesley but honestly what a dumbass way to die. Do admire the bluff though “you don’t really believe I’d put a loaded gun where you could reach it?” 
-love the approach to superhero realism here — not necessarily in the abilities or the way the plot is constructed (although that’s good, too) but in the characters’ reactions (Foggy finding out about Matt; Karen when she kills Wesley, Fisk when he finds out Wesley is dead) 
-“I thought your days of being relevant were past” ouch 
-reasons Wilson Fisk is evil: murder, drug dealing, doesn’t like cat videos 
-I do like that Fisk kind of gets the power of friendship thing though? But like it makes him worse 
-I’m very much not the most qualified to make this judgement and I’d want to check what people who actually *are* in a position to judge have to say about it, but I feel like this show has a bit of an… orientalism problem, I guess? But orientalism that also includes Russians, and also I know this is partly an extension of her being a very minor character but Doris (Ben Urich’s wife) is the only character who seems like she’s *only* there to like. encourage others through her wise words and doesn’t have much of an internal life of her own (besides the priest I guess but I feel like with priests that’s kind of their job) 
-Did Foggy not go to Ben’s funeral? 
-Fisk is also going to kill Leland. Maybe stop killing all your allies Fisk 
-I think it’s cute that Matt still holds onto Foggy’s arm when they’re walking even when it’s just the two of them and Foggy already knows that he doesn’t need to do it 
-Why does Marvel keep naming wise mentor figures who die Ben? Matt and Peter Parker should make a club (is Ben Urich in the comics? I haven't read the comics)
-“while actively being arrested” has got to win some sort of award for worst marriage proposal but I guess I admire that he just went for it? 
-Ominously large number of minutes left in this episode after the seeming resolution 
-Matt’s dumbass little horns <3
-Fisk: “You think one man in a silly little costume will make a difference?” bro *you* thought one man in a silly little costume would make a difference when you were the one man. Also I hope the silly little costume protects Matt from blunt force trauma 
-I’m honestly still not entirely sure how/if Nelson & Murdock actually made any money
-I feel like that bit near the beginning where Karen and Matt both have secrets and Foggy’s like “I wish I had a secret” describes their dynamic basically
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
hi!!! i was wondering, can u write tewksbury x reader where the reader is very shy but quite smart, and very touchy? not like weirdly but that's just how she prefers to communicate when she's nervous? maybe reader is Tewksbury's best friend or something of that sort? could be headcannons or a oneshot or whatever you think suits it best
Cling to You
word count: 0.5k + bonus
requested: yes | no requests: open | closed request rules here
warnings: super creative title once more, fem!reader, reader has anxiety, [i think thats it but lmk if i missed anything]
a/n: sorry for the wait! i hope this is close enough to what you had in mind.
remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing <3
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As the thick wooden doors swing open, you hear your name and title announced to the room. Heads turn to take in the new appearance, and you feel your stomach twist at the attention. The crystal chandelier illuminates you brightly, making you feel as though a spotlight is following your every move as you enter the dining room full of people you do not know.
You don’t usually attend such high-class events, but, despite your aversion to social gatherings, you promised your best friend of almost eight years that you would attend his very first charity ball. In all honesty, you would do most anything he asked you to you think… but he doesn’t need to know that.
So here you are, carefully squeezing through the crowd in a dress that’s too itchy and shoes that are too tight. Your eyes scan the room in search of the one person you’re here to see, but no luck. Your shoulders bump with others as they walk past your retreating form, backing you into a wall in the very back of the dining room. You can hear music flooding in from the next room over, where people are dancing and drinking to their hearts content.
Unfortunately, your heart is far from content. You can feel it racing behind your ribs as your senses become overloaded with sights of people bustling about, and sounds of music and loud chatter, and scents of cake and red wine, and the feeling of your dress scraping roughly against your skin, and-
“There you are!”
You jump, gasping for air to ground your shallow breathing, as your best friend, Tewkesbury, weaves through a cluster of people to reach you.
“What are you doing all the way back here? I’ve been looking for you.”
You blink owlishly at him, opening your mouth to speak but not quite knowing how to respond. Your nerve ends spark and tingle with overstimulation that you can't quite shake.
Tewkesbury’s brows furrow in slight concern, noticing how your fingers tremble against your chest. “Is everything alright?”
Without thinking, you lift your shaky hand to the hem of his suit jacket, balling it tightly in your fist to try and relax your jitters. “I’m fine, thank you.”
Tewkesbury smiles comfortingly down at you, replacing his now crumpled jacket with his arm, which you gladly accept.
“Care for a stroll around the garden, m’lady?” He teases, a loving smirk adorning his features.
You feel yourself soften slightly under his gaze, “I told you not to call me that! But yes, please. I could use the fresh air.”
But of course, he already knew that. He’s known you plenty long enough to know all your tells, and he prides himself on being able to calm your nerves. He also knows your distaste for large social events, and he can't help but feel a little guilty for putting you in this position. However, he’s more than happy to help you through it all if it means he gets to be the one who’s arm you cling to as you count all the stars in winter’s night sky.
You and Tewkesbury are basically inseparable, no matter how long the two of you have been friends
You're extremely intelligent and love learning new things, which works perfectly with Tewkesbury's insatiable need to share his knowledge on plants
While Tewkesbury is extremely extroverted, you are quite the opposite
You would much prefer to curl up in your room with a good mystery novel than attend fancy parties and balls and such
So, when you do have to go to such large events, you can imagine the stress
Thankfully Tewkesbury is always by your side
He's never had any problem with the fact that your touchy, it's just how you are
He actually quite likes it. It shows that you trust him
He'll let you hold his arm or squeeze his hand whenever the nerves get to be too much
And he'll never refuse a hug if you need it
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may be an odd request but i was wondering if you could write a fic with a male!reader and vampire!g way that's a tad bit angsty :3?
not odd at all!! sorry if I went a little wild, but I had a vison and I ran with it
Vampire!Gerard Way x Male Reader Angst
WARNINGS: mention of prior abusive relationship, mention of death (gerard did it)
Tonight was the kind of situation where you had no real option other than to leave the bar, sit on the curb, and light a cigarette. Gerard stands a few feet away; as vampires are highly flammable. It’s gotten nearly pitch black out—you aren’t sure what time it is, but you know you should start getting home. Gerard says it before you stand up, though, which makes it seem like it was his idea. Something about that irks you.
“We really should go,” Gerard clears his throat, messing with the sleeves of his jacket as he speaks. “I know you’re upset, but—”
“Why am I upset Gerard? Tell me, what could’ve possibly happened?” You practically bare your teeth as you talk, staring at the burning tip of your cigarette as you speak. Gerard says nothing. You don’t like smoking—you only tend to do it when you’re guilty. Weirdly enough, you think you might be. You aren’t entirely sure why, but you have an intense feeling that something is wrong with you right now. You ruined the night out with a poorly-timed outburst over a dead bartender.
Gerard sits down on the curb with you. He knows you guys aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. He gets close to you, almost shoulder to shoulder—completely disregarding the lit cigarette in your hand. If you weren’t depressingly upset, you’d find that romantic, the way he’s risking his safety to be near you. You don’t notice, though. You shouldn’t be this upset, you know that. You’re ruining everything by doing this. You curse yourself under your breath.
You knew the bartender who died—you dated him in high school. You also knew that Gerard killed him, and, well, it shouldn’t bother you. But it does. One of the baristas told you about the death, how they think it was a wild animal, how his throat was torn from his body. It gives you chills. It doesn’t even bother you that Gerard killed a man, I mean, you knew it would happen. It wouldn’t bother you at all if you hadn’t dated the guy.
It was only for a few years, but it left a mark on you. A bad one. He was a bad guy, you know that. He’d get physical during fights, he’d cheat, he’d flirt with people in front of you. And, in the end, he was the one who left you. You never told Gerard ‘cause you were ashamed. You were embarrassed you’d stayed with him that long. You still feel that way. You’re worried that if he ever knew, he’d think less of you. None of that explains why you’re so mad about him dying though. Maybe you wish you could’ve done it yourself, maybe you’re still upset you weren’t the one to break it off. But really, you’re upset you never got an apology from him. You never got closure or even a sliver of remorse. It almost feels disloyal, being so upset over this. He doesn’t matter.
It shouldn’t matter, but you’re crying, and you don’t know how long you’ve been crying, and you’re not sure you’ve really stopped crying since you were fifteen. 
You put your cigarette out on the concrete, crushing it as you do so. It’s started raining, or, by the looks of it, it’s been raining. Your shirt is soaked and so are the fronts of your pants. Gerard leans into you shakily, putting his face against your neck. You’re both so cold, and even though Gerard is always cold, he shivers. You wonder briefly if he did that just for show. He sighs lightly, and you realize that he has been crying too.
“I’m really sorry.” His voice is soft and pitiful.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I ruined our night out.”
“I didn’t know you liked him, honest.” Gerard pulls away to look at you, and seeing his tear-stained face softly lit by the LED signs of the bar window is enough to have your eyes welling with tears again.
“I don’t baby, he’s just a guy.”
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
@perpetuallyobsessed my friend I've been put on 3rd main at the nursing home and it have me idea while thinking of you
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Out like a Light(Saitama x Nightshift!Reader)
CW/TW: None
No matter the distance, the journey home from work couldn’t be any longer. Particularly on a third shift. Trying not to speed while also trying to beat the daylight before your body decides to be a stubborn prick and say “oh, light means awake. No sleep”
Work was such a kick in the ass, you’re too tired to even attempt to unwind. Hopefully you got it in you to at least attempt to stretch or crack a couple bones before putting yourself in a coma.
Saitama would be getting up to start his day in a few short hours. Not much time between then to actually mingle with each other, unless you walk in as he’s just getting out of the bathroom. He’ll stay up with you for a little then.
Your mind is more impatient than your body as you fumble half-mindedly through your keys, passing through each one multiple times. Now they all look the same. Sometimes forcing your eyes to blink resets your perceptions. Not much now. With your luck, the door before you is unlocked and opened from the other side.
There’s Saitama, fully pajama’d and looking about hammered. His tired eyes look more sunken than usual. His resting expression is heavier. Like his brows hand low themselves, making a half-squint crease his face.
“Welcome home,” he says, contrastingly happy-sounding.
"You up already?" you ask, confused
"I've been up a while," he says, letting you in, then returning to the futon and taking a seat criss-cross
You shut the door, then set your bag down to start taking off your jacket, "How long is a while?"
"Since..well since you left."
You freeze mid-zip, "Huh!? Saitama, are you nuts???"
"Maybe," he responds, a little smile gracing his face.
"That's not good for you dude...why did you?"
"You’re probably right," he watches you hang up your coat and start undressing from your dirtied work clothes, "You sleep most the day, and you're up late. I miss you, you know."
"Aw, I know, Saitama," you reply, feeling a bit guilty, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, ____. I just want to sleep a night, er day, with you. I figured if you could stay up all night, I could too.”
“Well, good job, honey...but don’t mess up your own schedule.”
He rests his face in his hand, sighing, “It didn’t start getting to me until about 4. It was weirdly peaceful, though. Something about the quiet is kinda relaxing.”
“It is,” you respond, “And most night shift people have the 4am problem, too.”
“I fit right in. Too bad monsters attack during daylight. I could be a Hero of the Night or something.”
“Maybe you could be. They could change your hero name to that.”
“Oh yeah, that’ll be the day...are you gonna take a shower now?"
"Ah...I'll do it when I wake up," you say, tossing your dirty clothes in the hamper. Taking out a larger shirt of yours, you put it on on to be only modestly nude. Too cold to be ass-naked.
Saitama rubs his eyes and flops backwards onto the futon. You attempt to be quick to the bathroom with brushing your teeth, washing up just a little with a rag so you don't feel dirty. Fixing whatever the hell happened to your face. A lazy arrangement of your hair so it doesn’t look just as you walked in when you wake up.
Your poor boyfriend couldn't make it that long. He's passed out when you come out, even if it was only just a couple more minutes you were in there. A sigh of content quietly brushes your lips. How loved you feel knowing he just wanted to just have just a little longer with you than he usually gets. Not half bad for a boy with a typical bedtime of 10pm. 
Yeah, it would be cool if there was more night duties for heroes. Hero of the Night...eh, doesn’t ring well with him in particular.
You double check that you locked the door before going over to close the curtains completely. Saitama might find some true appreciation in the pricey black out curtains now that he’s sleeping a day like you. When you crawl into bed beside him, he’s roused a little when you lay your head on his chest. You’re locked into a close-cuddle embrace with his arms. You hear him mumble your name, so sleepily it sounds about drunk, before a kiss is pressed on your forehead.
Again, he’s out like a light.
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arliedraws · 6 months
Just some personal thoughts under the cut…
I was feeling a bit weird about veering slightly into torture porn with my recent writing, and then I reflected on why I’m so invested in putting my favorite character through hell when he does not at all deserve it. I think it’s a way to cope with helplessness. I don’t talk a lot about my feelings about the current genocide and the crushing feeling of not doing enough as one small person in the world—at least, I don’t talk about it here (I am more vocal and active outside of my presence on tumblr/online world), but there’s just so much shit right now that feels like a losing battle, and it’s easy to get sucked into numb apathy when everything you do seems to do nothing.
Of course, this is such a privileged place to be because my home is safe and I have my health and the freedom to go where I want and say the things I want, and I try to leverage that privilege where I can but it’s not enough and it’ll never be enough, and I feel guilty that I don’t do more. Teaching is wonderful and great, but I’m underpaid and overworked, and so much of my life is devoted to making sure kids not only learn to read but to think critically and care about other people even when we are all numbing ourselves to pain and the suffering of others because our brains are so limited in what we can absorb when there are so many terrible things that are happening in the world.
March is also the time of year where I start having suicide ideation. Something about winter lingering in the upper plains with that sort of suffocating grayness gets to me, especially this year following a practically snowless winter. This is also when most of the traumatic things that have shaped my life have happened, and even when I’m not actively thinking about those things, I can still feel them. (Don’t worry, I’m in therapy and I have a very good support system and my mental health is now very well-managed.)
That part of the fic where it says “Suffering was life but life was not only suffering, and once there had been joy and delight between the gasps of sorrow and hurt” is just me talking through my own feelings. Maybe I am sinking into the misery of this fic with a bit of zest, but it’s been really cathartic to make a character realize he wants to live in spite of the horrible things that have happened to him.
The first part of the second chapter was weirdly one of the most important things I’ve written for myself in a long time. Sirius realizes that yes, maybe he does want to live for Harry, but he wants to live for himself too, and even when you’ve been beaten and broken, it doesn’t mean that life can’t go one or that it isn’t worth trying. And you don’t really know if it’ll get worse when you come out of the thing you thought was the worst thing that could happen, but there is so much else that can and will happen too. Life swings like a pendulum, and it has to come back the other way because everything ends at some point even if it doesn’t end the way you wanted or hoped.
Anyway, this has been a very strange spring break, and I can’t believe I’m thinking this deeply about Sirius Black getting tortured and why it matters to me. So I guess, enjoy the whump/torture fic written by a formerly suicidal author if that helps you. Enjoy without guilt because exploring human suffering and cruelty and recovery through the safety of fiction is okay and probably good. Fiction isn’t real, but human emotion and our need for catharsis IS real.
And don’t worry because nobody dies in my fic. And yes, he will be rescued in the end.
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god. this is a really selfish and stupid ask but i've been feeling weirdly guilty so. is it okay to like an autistic coded character?
okay it sounds stupid on paper but there's this character who i like. blorbo, if you will. anyway one of the reasons i think blorbo is a cool and interesting character is that blorbo was born with impressive powers that made her deemed too dangerous for the world, and they had to remove them, taking away what made her herself to her own detriment- blorbo is left with a permanent stutter and a permanent blow to her self-esteem.
so it turns out blorbo is autistic coded
and i don't feel like it'd be right for me to like blorbo because she's tragic if there are real people who go through the same thing. but i really like blorbo and think she's a really cool and interesting character
so basically
Hi there,
I think there are a lot of neurodivergent characters out there, however I don’t think the writers meant them to be neurodivergent (if that makes sense).
And many have head cannons about characters too. I’ll share one with you.
There was this gothic novel I had to write about in college called “We Have Always Lived in the Castle”. The two main characters are Mary Katherine (Marikat for short), and her sister, Constance.
Constance has agoraphobia, which means she doesn’t go outside, so Marikat has to go out during the week to pick up things for the house.
Something interesting about Marikat is that she follows a schedule. Like many neurodivergent people like to do. She usually goes to get a cup of coffee before running errands (if I remember correctly). However, the boys in town tease her each time she goes out, which probably makes her upset. And she’s very interested in types of poisonous things. Like mushrooms.
And the cloths she wear are very different from her sister’s, who wears bright dresses. While Marikat usually wears darker clothes, and I don’t think I’ve seen her wear a dress.
It would make sense if she was neurodivergent. She follows a schedule, wears clothes that others might find strange, and her special interests is most likely poison.
Here’s a picture of them. Constance is the one with the bright pink dress. Mary Katherine is the one wearing the dark shirt/dress.
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Anyway, I don’t think it weird to like an “autism coded” character.
Holly molly that was a long answer. Lol.
I hope this helped answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Ok part 11 was a hard read but totally necessary, I get we had to go through it 😄 But, ok ok WHAT IF Chrissy comes back with something like ‘you were never here, you were always next door’/‘you told her you loved her more often than you told me’/‘your best friend got more attention than I ever did and it got worse when we moved here’ and tries to blame Eddie for it?? Or Steve complains that his wife never took him on picnics in the garden and stuff and he was feeling lonely?
(And maybe they’re both like ‘oh, they’re actually right’ but weirdly don’t feel guilty for it and it’s actually what pushes them together?)
And either way somebody is lying about the whole in love/he’s gonna divorce you thing but I’m not even gonna speculate on who that is yet 😛
Hiiii lovey!! I feel like Chrissy and Steve using Eddie and Reader’s relationship against them would be super understandable because those two are extremely close. BUT i feel like they’ve always been that way and Steve and Chrissy knew that before they got married to them? With that being said it doesn’t mean that they won’t use that as an excuse for why they cheated! I agree someoneeeee is lying!!👀💖
Me eating up all y’all’s theories:
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myrmyrtheorca · 4 months
Hello, my dear friend! For the weirdly specific character questions may I ask the following?
For Myr: 12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific! 
And 23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
For Lidija: 43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
Anemone: 54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Hopefully that’s not too many questions!
*rises from the ashes of war aka work and editing* Hello and thank you for passing by my anonymous friend 🩵
Here's your answers!
Myr: Ok so, Anemone is DEADLY afraid of frogs. Like, bolt on the table and shriek in terror-levels of fear. There was this one time where Myr had picked up a frog from the yard and brought it in Anemone's office and... lost it inside. Anemone ordered her and Lidija to look for it and once Myr found it she brought it up to Anemone cupped in her hands. What happened after taught Myr not to ever show a frog to Anemone again, but sometimes she does the gesture of bringing her cupped hands to her scientist friend's face just to see her flinch. And that makes her laugh every time. Evil menace.
Also, Myr clearly remembers eating the petals of Lidija's favorite rose bush because she thought they'd taste as good as her perfume. Lidija has forgotten, but still doesn't let her help with plants because of... other incidents. For their own safety and Myr's
Lidija: she has read so many sappy romance stories and fables during her teenage years that now she thinks that flirting means doing the stereotypical courting stuff like big flower bouquets, huge boxes of chocolates, invites to parties, etc. ... So whenever someone's actually flirting with her by normal means, she thinks they're just being nice, and when Anemone makes her notice that, she gets super confused.
Anemone: she's not a fighter by any means, and doesn't like to let her emotions get the best of her. If the danger is something that can be overrun, she will definitely flee, but the same can't be said when her team is under threat.
Thank you so much for your questions, they really had my brain worms work overtime!! As I always say, they're super helpful in building up my OCs to be more fleshed out.
OC Ask Game: here
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
I really hope this doesn’t sound awful and if it does I truly apologize, but maybe you could write the fic for yourself? Like, if it’s a story that’s near and dear to your heart, and you don’t want people to react in a (unjustifiably) negative way because of the specifics of the reader, I totally think you could write it as a story for you first and foremost and kind of keep it as your passion project of sorts? Does that make sense? I really don’t mean to sound dismissive of it or act like you absolutely shouldn’t publish it, but I do think that that’s a valid option and you could do whatever you want that way without worrying about having to worry about catering to an audience, if that makes sense.
Again, I really hope this doesn’t sound like I don’t think you should publish the fic at all, because I promise that wasn’t my intention! I just think that it’s totally valid if you want to write the story your way, stress-free, and just not end up sharing it publicly. I really hope that makes sense!!! /pos
no no actually this is a really great point!! it doesn't sound dismissive to me and u are right. i do think i write most things for me but its also a lot harder for me to justify writing things completely for myself because the writing process is very difficult and im like (?) unreliable. idk how to explain but i always feel like. SO weirdly guilty writing self-indulgent things
prince todoroki would be a HUGE passion project and there was a point in writing it where i really did completely intend to keep it to myself but then i took a long hiatus from writing it. now that ive steeled myself (kinda) to write it all the way and give it the love it deserves - i do want to share it with people but because of how much i poured into it. BUT any negative feedback i think will kill me dead. im way more okay with it on other fics but not this one for some reason
i do think i will take this advice and at least pretend that this fic will never see the light of day. this was a really good reminder for me actually and i genuinely from the bottom of my heart really appreciate it. and everyones patience with this public breakdown i have semi-anually about this fic in particular KJFDHKJS. i know it can get annoying but this is my Writing Blog where i talk about Writing so i hope ppl can put up w it. i promise a quality fic in return and thanks for not jumping ship on me when i inevitably change my mind on things.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
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astralbooks · 1 year
Immortal Longings - Chloe Gong
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Read: 04/06/2023 - 09/06/2023
Rating: 5/5
Rep: Chinese coded setting and cast, side f/f relationship, implied achillean side character
CW: violence, blood, on-page death & murder, suicidal thoughts & intention, poverty, kidnapping, hospitals, consent issues
Each year, the twin cities of San-Er hold a game. Eighty eight competitors fight to the death, with the winner being granted riches and the option of leaving the city for a quiet life elsewhere, something which nobody else is allowed to do. When Calla enters the game she’s determined to win, though not because she wants or needs the money. She’s a princess in hiding who’s been in exile since she killed her parents five years ago, and being the victor is the only way she can get face to face with the king, her uncle, so she can finish the job. 
This book isn’t slow paced, but is deceptively slower paced than you’d probably expect, with a decent chunk of the word count being dedicated to descriptions of the cities that paint a clear and detailed picture of what San-Er looks like and what it’s like to live there. This is a stylistic choice that isn’t going to be for everyone, but I really enjoyed it! Gong managed not to lose my interest at any point, even during the passages where less was actively happening, and by the end of the book I had a really strong understanding and image of the city in my mind.
I loved Calla! She’s the sort of anti-hero who desperately wants the world to be a better place and is prepared to do whatever it takes to make it so, even if that means burning everything down and hurting innocent people along the way. She’s not happy about participating in the king’s games and she doesn’t revel in killing all these people but that doesn’t mean she won’t do it with brutal efficiency. She doesn’t waste time feeling guilty about any of it. Those people need to die so she can achieve her goal, that’s all there is to it, and she’s confident in her ability to get the job done to the point of arrogance. It was interesting to see the ways in which her priorities shift – and don’t shift – as she gets closer than anticipated to Anton, another participant in the game.
I didn’t find the romance between Calla and Anton entirely convincing, which weirdly I thought suited the story well. Their relationship isn’t healthy and in the situation they’re in it would be almost impossible for it to be. They both have their own reasons for entering the game that means losing isn’t an option for either of them, and unless one of them pulls out of the game one of them has to die. They both know this from the start. They both know they aren’t planning on backing down. The third most significant pov character points out in text that Calla and Anton’s relationship can’t possibly be genuine love after so short a time. Just because a character believes something doesn’t mean they’re correct, and this book is a prime example of that. I believe that they believe they’re in love which is arguably the more important point. If you’re looking for a heartwarming love story this isn’t the book for you.
The magic system is centred around people’s ability to ‘jump’ from body to body, basically possessing other people. No more than two people can occupy a body at any one time, if someone possesses someone for long enough then the original person will fade away and effectively die, and the only way to tell who’s piloting a vessel at any given time is by looking at their eyes as those are intrinsic to the person and their qi, and not to the vessel. I thought this was a really cool detail!
Jumping is so normalised in this society that it’s stated that many people don’t stay in the body they’re born in, with Anton spending the entire book hopping from vessel to vessel without giving the people whose bodies he’s taking much thought. It also leads to there being a lot of collateral damage in the game, because if a player is killed then so is anyone else who happens to be in that vessel at that time. It’s established that people who’ve been jumped into are completely unaware of anything that happens during this time but that they still have to deal with the physical consequences of whatever was done while they were possessed. There are some inherent consent issues here. Someone who’s being possessed can’t consent to anything the person possessing them might decide to do with their body. Your mileage may vary on how much this bothers you. 
This is getting a lot of comparisons to The Hunger Games, and it’s completely understandable why, but Squid Game is possibly a closer comp. Unlike in The Hunger Games, the people participating in King Kasa’s game have all volunteered to be there and are technically able to withdraw at any time, but the vast majority of them are facing financial situations such that they’re effectively facing death either way so almost nobody ever does. Just like in both these comps, the societal critique is both blatant and sadly needed.
I sometimes find myself wishing I didn’t read an arc of a book for the very simple reason that I’m now faced with even longer to wait until the next book in the series than most people are going to have. The way this book ends is such that I desperately want to know what happens next, both the bigger picture and also the next thing that gets said in that room. But I have to wait! Oh well, Chloe Gong hasn’t disappointed me so far, so I’m sure the wait will be worth it.
If you like retellings, battle royales and the societal commentary that tends to accompany them, a magic system based on possession, or the concept of cyberpunk-but-make-it-dial-up, then I recommend checking this one out!
Thank you to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for providing me with an e-arc in return for an honest review.
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aceghosts · 2 years
5 & 20 + Blue
Thank you for these ones as well!
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Guilty pleasures
A guilty pleasure for Blue is any time they spend with Joseph. Considering Joseph is the Resistance's biggest enemy, Blue feels extremely guilty for spending any time with him. They know that any time with him could be used to protect the Resistance or to stop Eden’s Gate from hurting others, but they love the quiet moments with him. So, Blue tries to just enjoy the moment and not think about the implications of what they’re doing.  
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Blue is the one OC that I have a ton of AUs for, but I’ll focus on their DC! AU, which is set after the Batman (2022). I haven't super talked about this one, lol. In some ways, it’s an offshoot of the Five Years Later AU, but instead of Blue staying in Hope County, they end up moving to Gotham roughly four years after the end of the game. (One of those years is spent in the Bunker with Joseph.)
A few headcanons that I have for it are:
Blue’s fellow detectives in Gotham PD know that Blue transferred from Hope County, but they don’t know what went down in Hope County. Bruce also knows this after running a background check on Blue after Blue met him for the first time as Batman. However, the U.S. Marshals redacted a lot of Blue’s files so no one isn’t quite sure what happened. And Blue doesn’t really talk about it. If anyone asks, Blue just makes a joke.
In Gotham, Blue misses their friends from Hope County a lot. During their time in Hope County, they became close with a lot of people, especially Grace, Sharky, and Hurk. Blue wishes they could visit, but Gotham (and Batman) keep them busy. (I really love the idea of writing a fic where Sharky and Hurk visit Gotham because I think it would be funny as all hell. Maybe someday.)
They don’t take Boomer with them to Gotham. Blue thinks he belongs in Hope County, which means he ends up living with Grace. Grace sends Blue plenty of photos and videos of Boomer.
Living in Gotham is Blue’s first time living in a major city. It’s different from Boulder and definitely different from living up in the Rocky Mountains or Hope County. They had a steep learning curve for City Life, but Blue managed well enough.
Weirdly enough, Blue isn’t phased by any of Batman's weirder enemies. After dealing with Joseph, John, Jacob, and Faith, Gotham doesn't seem all that weird to Blue. The Seed Family was pretty weird. Plus, no one in Gotham tried to make Blue think that they ended the world in Nuclear Armageddon.
It takes a while for Bruce as both himself and Batman to trust Blue, which only makes them more determined to become his friend. They eventually do become his friend because Blue is (1) extremely friendly and (2) they prove to be a trusted ally through their actions. 
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nineteenthmay · 2 years
Dan Humphrey as Gossip Girl
Decided to write down my thoughts on the matter. I have seen a lot of people saying that Dan turning out to be Gossip Girl doesn’t make sense, that it was a stupid retcon but while I agree that this idea was not very well executed and there are inconsistencies (like Dan reacting to Gossip Girl’s posts with surprise or shock while being alone) I don’t believe that making Dan Gossip Girl was the writers’ last minute’s random decision or something because there are a lot of signs and circumstantial evidence throughout the series from the very beginning that point at Dan that simply can’t be accidental. Let’s consider...
First, we know that in Gossip Girl’s centre of attention there had always been Serena, Gossip Girl’s first post was about Serena, we see Serena’s picture and hear Gossip Girl uttering Serena’s name in opening credits of every episode etc. Who had been obsessed with Serena since pre-pilot days? Dan. It’s said in 2x25 that the posts started when our gang was at the ninth grade; Dan first met Serena at a ninth grade birthday party. 
At the beginning of the pilot when Gossip Girl is introduced during the voicecover of the famous phrase "that's one secret I'll never tell" the camera points at Dan sitting at his laptop. I mean, common, there’s no reason for Dan to be shown right then and there, such things on tv series are never a coincidence. Plus, in the same episode helping his father with fliers Dan recommends to him to have a blog and suspiciously hovers behind Chuck and Nate on a bus listening to their conversation, Chuck actually notices it and asks if he follows them.
The Season 2 finale is another episode that is full of clues. Dan is upset about his name being omitted from the list of graduates and what soon follows is Gossip Girl’s blast with labels where among other stuff Serena is called ‘irrelevant’ (like Dan was made to feel irrelevant a moment ago). Dan’s label is the only one that is inoffensive and it is also very suggestive - "the ultimate insider", indeed, what better label could Dan assign himself as Gossip Girl? Later at the Van der Basses’ penthouse when Serena gathers the gang together to unmask Gossip Girl Dan is very irresponsive to her idea and together with Vanessa conveniently leaves the party right before the gang implements their plan to unmask Gossip Girl. Finally - and it’s pointed out in the series finale - Dan is the first person who appears at the bar where Serena was waiting for Gossip Girl to come. Also, Dan thanks Serena for letting him in her world from outside which not only shows that it was indeed important for Dan to belong to the Upper East Side but his phrasing also sounds kind of suspiciously (in 1x02 Gossip Girl’s voicecover says "the ultimate insider has become a total outsider") .
In 4x09 Dan tells Nate that "Serena van der Woodsen does not exist", the same phrase is repeated by Gossip Girl’s voicecover in the Season 5 finale.
In 5x10 when at a hospital Serena and Nate accuse Gossip Girl for causing Chuck and Blair’s car accident Dan is weirdly defensive on Gossip Girl’s behalf. Next episode we learn that Gossip Girl has shut her site after the accident, Gossip Girl starts to message Nate offering him to investigate what caused the accident and helps him out. Feeling guilty Dan as Gossip Girl would be very interested to prove that someone else was responsible for the car crash in order to clear his conscience. And, indeed, luckily for Dan/Gossip Girl it turns out that the accident was caused by Nate’s cousin Tripp.
Also, around the same time, in 5x12 Gossip Girl seems unsatisfied with Serena running a column for "Spectator" and via messages demands Nate to take down her column. Who else is unsatisfied with Serena making career as a blogger? Dan.
In 5x22 Dan follows Chuck and Blair to the brothel-mansion. We see him sitting in a taxi outside the building and speaking with Rufus on phone but we never see him departing. In the same evening Gossip Girl succeeds in getting into the building and regaining her laptop. In the video that Diana sends to Nate in the Season 5 finale it’s revealed that the person who stole the laptop was a guy.
In 6x01 Nate texts to Gossip Girl asking for help to find Serena but Gossip Girl seems very mad at Serena and announces that "Serena is dead". Who else is very mad at Serena and declares that he doesn’t even want to help her? Dan.
And of course, the last episodes before the finale are transparent: in 6x08 Dan announces to Rufus that he has had a plan all along, in 6x09 when Serena tells him that he is worse than Gossip Girl his facial expression says it all, etc.
These are the things that first come in my mind, I’m sure that one can find more re-watching the series closely. 
I also believe that the writers made Serena acting as Gossip Girl briefly in Season 5 taking into consideration the idea of Dan as Gossip Girl so that Serena could forgive him at the end because she had done the same thing.
Plus, Dan was the only one who had a believable motive and it was in line with unsavoury traits of Dan’s character like his envy of the Upper East Siders’ privileges, power and wealth, self-righteousness, lack of self-awareness, hypocrisy, tendency to exploit people around him for his writing purposes.
Yeah, there are holes in this Dan as Gossip Girl business but some things that I have seen being pointed out as plot holes on closer inspection can be explained. I want to discuss the two here: the Rachel Carr situation in Season 2 and Gossip Girl’s blast at Blair’s wedding in 5x13.
So, why would Dan post a rumour about himself and a teacher? Well, why wouldn’t he? It’s important to understand that Dan craved for attention, recognition, fame, power, he wanted to be noticed and talked about. And by posting this rumour he didn’t really risk with anything, he knew that the rumour was false and nothing could be proven, he haven’t started an affair with Carr yet, it happened after and Carr couldn’t be fired on basis on some rumour that was floating on a teenage gossip blog. Moreover, it gave him an opportunity to take down Blair exposing her as a slanderer. Re-watch 2x17, it was Dan who reported on Blair to Carr and suggested to use one of her minions Nelli Yuki to prove that Blair sent the tip, and Dan almost succeeded in getting Blair expelled. Problems for Dan started afterwards when Serena saw him with Carr in intimate atmosphere, took a photo of them and gave it to Blair, and Blair e-mailed the photo to the headmistress and made appearance at the parents-teachers meeting.
Regarding the blast at Blair’s wedding I have seen the question posed - how could Dan send the blast or text anything unnoticed when he literally was standing in sight of everyone at the altar? The answer is simple, he didn’t. It was Georgina, who had stolen the site and was acting as Gossip Girl at the time. Dan only sent the video to Gossip Girl, perhaps in hope that whoever has stolen the site would not be able to resist to such a juicy piece and will post it.
In conclusion, I believe that Stephanie Savage told the truth when she said that the idea of Dan as Gossip Girl was there right from the start. It simply was inconsistently executed partly because they didn’t tell the actors about it (and consequently Penn Badgley couldn’t act accordingly when Dan was reading Gossip Girl’s posts/blasts), partly because they hadn’t decided whether to reveal Gossip Girl’s identity or not, and partly for reasons unknown to us, who knows, maybe there were disagreements between the writers on this matter.
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