#obx4 spoilers
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princessbrunette · 4 months ago
Also I know you said in part 1 Hollis would take bunny!reader out shopping and stuff to butter her up, but do you think she’d take the deal like Sophia? Personally I think no because she’s so blindly loyal to Rafe and tells him everything, some times unintentionally
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oh she’d tell him immediately! at first he’d really question her on whether she has the details actually correct, knowing she can be ditsy and get a little confused. “are— are you sure that’s what she said? hollis? this just… this doesn’t make any sense, alright?”
out of breath from literally sprinting to tell him, bunny nods — grabbing his arms to stabilise herself.
“rafey, she offered me money. just didn’t feel right i don’t know! knew something was wrong!” she whines, feeling bad for even being in his business like this. he always told her to stay out of his business but this she just couldn’t keep to herself.
he lets go of her to pace, running a hand over his buzzed head. “so she’s screwing me. she’s — that — god damn—”
“rafe…” bunny huffs, confused.
“good job, alright? i’mma talk to her. smooth - smooth things out… go home, yeah?”
and with that, he’s storming back down the pier to confront the blonde.
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lostsyren · 4 months ago
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JUST FELL TO MY KNEES they are the cutest everrrr!!! The way he was just in a motorbike collision and went flying and he can still pick his girl up?? Like I can totally see Sofia being like “are you sure you’re ok? Let me help you walk” and Rafe just scooping her up being like “see I’m fine” all flirtatious😫😫😫
(obx better release the deleted scenes or imma cry)
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myrandom-fandomlife · 5 months ago
sorry most unrealistic thing abt jiara so far is that jj isn’t all over kiara
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maybanksbaby · 4 months ago
just watched obx4 part 2 and WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT
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hepaidattention · 5 months ago
my chaotic obx4 part 1 thoughts.... without any order
OBX Spoilers!!!
JJ's name is Jackson............????????? WHATS HIS MIDDLE NAME
jiara is everything. they are my everything. they literally are all we ever wanted. would never complain for more kissing maybe, okay just slightly. like a kiss on the cheek even. but they are perfect. perfection.
ruthie. you don't even have to listen to jj's threats honey. because it's KIARA you should really be scared of. wrong pogue to make an enemy of.
protective jj makes me just.... ugh. he will do ANYTHING crazy and thoughtless and dangerous but if kiara wants to he's gonna be level headed and try to talk her out of it. he's a presh bean
absolutely love Kiara Carrera and absolutely hate her parents. wouldn't expect anything less from our girl, but the fact that her parents said "don't come back unless he's gone" and she said "okay bye then" and never looked back is just. I love her. I love jiara.
the writers really said "lets make jj's mom dead and oh yeah that asshole dad? not his real dad - raised him out of the goodness of his heart, then beat him. yeah but NO no no no noNO no sarah can't be his sister. the fans want that too bad."
the way kiara put up a pillow to make out with JJ (or more *wink*) in the chamber pod thingy *chefs kiss* and the way she and JJ had traded places, of course implying that there was definitely some rolling around going on in there *wink* best part imo (just woulda been better if we had seen them kiss but its fine IM FINE) I'm just a slut for some kiss scenes that's all. I honestly didn't even feel like their dynamic needs it. I just like to see that kissing content
I actually really love the dynamics this season. They have THREE couples in the main group and they've done amazing not making it feel like that, tbh. Though I did get frustrated because I COULD use a little more PDA sometimes, it also (especially for JJ and Kie) makes perfect sense for their characters. Plus, as friends first (and friends for so long), it's nice watching them get to slowly be more comfortable in showing affection beyond closed doors.
I know Rafe is crazy. really I do. but I really want him to become good. I love how this girl has seemed to help that, too. she's a pogue and he doesn't care - like he does but he loves her anyway and it's helped him realize why Sarah did what she did. being a pogue doesn't really change who you are. He also has shown remorse for hating on pogues, like the whole beach scene. I saw someone say they didn't understand the point but I think the point was to show us Rafe and his gf (forgot her name I'm so sorry girly), and show how mad she became, and for Rafe to realize maybe this whole pogue vs kook thing was STUPID and hurtful. It also seems to have to do with Topper development but I kind hate Topper so I don't care about him lolll
still not over the jiara kiss. THEY"VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR ALMOST 2 FUCKING YEARS.
JJ. Babe. I love you. But you have dated that girl for 2 years and have not taken her out on a date???? I know, I get it, you've been very busy building a life. BUT HONEY. tsk tsk. Treat her right, sir.
Absolutely love how soft he gets towards her.
Pope: scolding
JB: argues
Kie: scolds
JJ: you're right baby I'm so sorry I'm just trying to help
the pogues being pogues. this season feels very fanfic in the best ways. like we actually got all of them living together in one house???? all just being best buds and loving one another platonically (and romantically)???? and I'm just. I love it. it's what we all asked for and it was worth the wait (tho the wait has been very very long)
it's the way Sarah and JB put up a seashell to let them know they're busy *wink* and Kiara almost walks in and says it's getting excessive IMPLYING that Sarah and Kie are roommates. which that makes me cackle because now I think JJ and JB are roommates and Kie and Sarah are roommates but JB stays in Sarah's room so much that Kie basically lives in JB and JJs room
cannot get over how solid jiara is. they're just... they're just right. they fit. and now that they've been together for 2 years working crap out, there's no silly early dating drama. it's just JJ being JJ, or Kie being Kie, and they both know each other so well they know there's not a reason to even argue. like JJ didn't even fight Kie on diving because he knew he couldn't fight her. she's too stubborn. just like Kie knows there's no need in getting mad at JJ when he does something wreckless because he does something like all the time. she knows talking to him calmly is the only way to even reach him anyway.
JJ: does something stupid
Sarah: "your bf's doing something stupid again"
Kie: "I know this and I love him."
cannot wait to see how they all get back together, or how Kie and JJ reunite, or how Kie will react to the news, or Rafe will help with this adventure, and how JJ will meet his dad (even though I wish it was Shoupe and not the random evil dude).
Also. They WOULD give JJ a death curse. SMH.
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obxsummer · 3 months ago
okay i know i said chapter today but i really wanted to fluff it out and give this the time it deserves so we aren't rushing to the end. snippet now, full chapter tomorrow?? s4 spoilers below!!
Sarah frowned at the memory. The days of peace and hoping for the celebration you and JJ could have were long gone, but she hoped they could find a way to change that. If anyone deserved that happy ever after feeling, it was you and JJ. 
Biking back to Poguelandia was quiet, and Sarah was thankful for the time to think. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do with the pink tests in her bag and her heart was racing just thinking about it. She was nineteen, John B was almost twenty, but shit they were still young. This wasn’t what she imagined when she thought about having a family. Not in an environment like this.
Sarah tiptoed her way back up the stairs, noticing all the doors were closed except for the one to your room. A tiny part of her was relieved and she peeked in to see the balcony open, curtains blowing lightly with the wind. Closing your bedroom door behind her, Sarah made her way out to where you were resting in the hammock with your eyes closed.
“Hi,” She whispered quietly, not wanting to scare you.
You blinked and smiled up at her. “Hi, you okay?”
Sarah bit her lip in response, hand searching blindly in her back for the boxes before she held them up for you to see. “Um… can you-can I do this, in here? With you?”
You nodded, pushing yourself out of the woven hammock to meet her in the doorway, grabbing her hand in yours. Sarah tossed her bag on your bed and followed you into the connected bathroom, forcing a deep breath into her lungs. 
“I’ll wait, out… on the other side of the door?” You asked carefully, not sure if she wanted you in the room or not. When she nodded, you squeezed her hand. “Whatever happens, it’ll be okay. I promise.”
“Yeah.” Sarah nodded in agreement, but it was obvious she was trying to convince herself more than you. You attempted to give her a reassuring smile, but it probably didn’t help considering you were just as nervous for her. She closed the door quietly after that.
You paced the floor for a moment, wanting to give her the space and privacy she deserved while also fighting the bile in your throat. What the fuck happened now?
And where the fuck was JJ?
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itneverendshere · 4 months ago
That scene in episode 6 when rafe and JJ pass each other in the boats reminds me of this meme so much
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i saw someone point this out too on twitter and it made me giggle so hard 😭😭😭😭😭😭 it’s spot on
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starkeyclines · 4 months ago
need more obx mutuals so i can talk about this season with someone!!
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roxiestranger19 · 5 months ago
spoilers ahead!!!
yall im freaking out i just finished watching it.
first of all we are so back. S1 pogoes vibes are back and i love it. finally normal scenes of them just together.
i had the biggest fucking smile on my face when jj was dancing on the pier and for their kiss. also noticed that when kie said “i love you” he kinda cringed a little which makes me think that he still doesn’t entirely accept it and perhaps we’ll get more of that later in part 2
all the jiara scenes in general are everything to me. THE DIVING SCENE HELLO?? the way jj didn’t even argue with her bc they’re both so stubborn. the banter?! i’m dead. protective jj going into full gear. IM SOLD. THEY GOT THE BENDS! so many season 1 callbacks im loving it.
I need a jiara missing moment from the hyperbaric chamber thingy. i was gagged when i saw that that was what that still was from. giggling and kicking my feet during that whole scene.
also the pier scene was great. i know a lot of people are complaining about the lack of physical contact between them but tbh i don’t mind it. their whole relationship has been more based on words and action rather than physical touch and i live for their flirty banter. and the way they speak to each other is so soft and sweet. like they never raise their voices at each other even when everyone is else is yelling. protective jj once again at the beach scene. (fuck ruthie btw almost was in tears over that turtle) and then shoupe coming back to investigate jjs literal death threat on behalf of kie and him blaming it on AI omg i was literally dying.
jj is my husband and my baby i love him so much. i’m so glad that he gets the spotlight this season. i don’t think he’s gonna die like everyone is saying. i was actually screaming at the ending though. did not expect luke to not be related to him at all??? i could understand him mom being elizabeth but the fuck you mean like isn’t his dad??! i know he’s gonna be going through it in the next part and him smashing shit and starting riots and what not makes a lot of sense. also he looked good af in every scene. honestly everyone looks hot in every scene so far.
anyways i’m not gonna be able to stop thinking about this until nov 7 i need the fics to come out the girlies better be putting in that work lmao
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pankowsboo · 4 months ago
i will never ever ever watch obx again after that fucking shit
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princessbrunette · 4 months ago
Ok first of all, I hope kitty!reader is ok!!!
well!!!!!! spoilers below the cut real quick
guys this is a safe space ok. in the princessbrunette universe, jj was stabbed but he survived. he falls back, holding his wound and essentially bleeding out after kitty grabs the knife — jumping on top of groff and stabbing him repeatedly until he’s unrecognisable. she’s never killed anyone, let alone like this — but after everything he’d done, and now the threat of him taking her jj away — she just snapped. think that one scene of ellie in tlou1 when she only stops stabbing that creep when she gets pulled off by joel.
in this case, jj — coughing and spluttering pulls her off, taking her bloody face in his hands.
“hey,” he coughs. “you got him. you got ‘im. take a breather i’m,” he coughs once more. “i’m okay.” he promises, but sounds far from it.
she can only stare at his growing wound, eyes wide and filled with traumatised tears when the rest of the group arrive, immediately acting and yanking the two of them apart to get to jj. kitty stares down at the body she disfigured, looking up to see rafe staring at the same thing as the group frantically patch up the blonde to the best of their abilities, yelling over eachother to make plans of an escape.
“you do that?” rafe drawls, unreadable.
she shudders, mouth opening to speak but nothing coming out. he softens slightly, reluctantly.
“did what you had to do, alright?” he eyes her, before busying himself with the team as they hoist jj onto his feet to carry him away.
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lostsyren · 5 months ago
I WATCHED ALL THE EPISODES!!! here are my thoughts on Rafe’s characterisation!! ok spoilers ahead:
I don’t agree with everyone saying rafe is out of character. Firstly, he’s always been insecure. He’s always needed someone to reassure him and be his yes man: (topper, Ward, Barry even Wheezie). So it’d make sense he’d do the same thing with Sofia– asking her for advice, making sure he’s doing the right thing etc etc.
Secondly everyone saying that him not being psycho is out of character doesn’t make any sense. When he was “psycho” he was off his head with coke. In season 3 we see him clean and instead he’s turned to alcohol. So it’d make sense for him to be this drunk, playboy persona and desperately try to cling to the “man of the house” vibe he established in s3.
Thirdly, everyone saying it’s cringe or not correct for him to act soft with Sofia…we don’t know how he acts with a girl. Sure we have fanfic interpretations, but those are often exaggerated and unrealistic. Rafe lowkey seems pathetic and clearly unstable after the death of his dad. He’s seeking comfort in Sofia, that much is obvious, and I’d say that’s pretty spot on for him– especially with how he’s not committing to the relationship (saying she’s just a friend, just a hookup) whilst simultaneously telling her he wants to start a life with her. This back and forth sway from two opposites is very in character of him. Like how he went from trying to kill his sister to feeling guilty, to trying to kill his dad but then saving him. He’s unstable. That doesn’t mean he’s solely angry and violent. It also means he needs an outlet to be vulnerable (and seeing his softer side is such a nice thing guys come on!!)
And finally, everyone saying Sofia is just a cookie cutter “y/n” stereotype is not giving her enough credit. We see her wildly different life, with a big family and her little home on the cut, directly contrasting the massive, devoid of family house that belongs to Rafe. That storyline has sm potential!! Like imagine rafe meeting her family and realising what a family should look like!!! She also clearly doesn’t vibe with his friends and the kooks, and she clearly likes him. The way they’re always touching each other, always near each other, this weirdly codependent relationship has sm layers to explore!! And rafe clearly cares about her, letting her tell him what to do, her little disappointed looks that make him overthink! Everytime they’re on screen, the vibe is undeniable!!
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girlstalkmichael · 4 months ago
Spoiler ⚠️
Obx killing off JJ is like if Teen Wolf decided to kill Stiles in s6 like these are the sort of characters you simply don't kill. I mean they could have gone the Teen Wolf s6 route where he is in only a few scenes here and there and maybe it's because he is kidnapped or something just like what happened with Stiles so it makes sense why he isn't there as much anymore. Like anything except killing him.
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myrandom-fandomlife · 5 months ago
yeah i’m gonna need that jiara in the decompression chamber fic asap
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bloodibambiidoll · 4 months ago
Low key OBX spoilers under the cut
Jj looks so fucking hot my pussy is literally screaming for him in epsidoe 6 right now. This scene is crazyyy. With war pigs playing? Insane.
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largedenominationsplease · 3 months ago
How could they kill jj maybank
I’ve been asking myself this for a week now.
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