#but she’s not an irredeemable monster either
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evilherehotel · 3 months ago
wait why does el attack book so much??? did book do something to her personally or is it just to get at pencil
i kinda went over this in my original post but let me elaborate
the reason el goes after book the most in her encounters with freesmart isn’t out of any personal grudge (her quarrel is with pencil and the generalization in her head of freesmart) but because she’s just such an easy target. the weakest or most easy to isolate are always her first targets and. well.
not only does book put herself in danger to protect people, but freesmart, like i said, has a tendency to leave her behind. evil leafy quickly picked up on that
her attacks on them get more frequent in the later half of bfdia because her team is very quickly disintegrating.
her best friend who she found out essentially based their relationship on a lie is gone before she’s able to fix things. tb feels somewhat lost without gb and is struggling to maintain their control on el since golfball did most of the direct interaction. fries ditched a while ago and she barely got to know the others
it feels like she’s going back to how she was without them to anchor her. a terrifying and remorseless monster to be avoided at all costs. maybe she was better off in the forest. she’s never done well with people
with book it was never personal. she harbors no hatred, but also no guilt
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spacedlexi · 24 days ago
Pls if u can draw minerva more i rarely see fanart or edits of her its only hate and slander 💔 they don't understand her
guess what anon 😏
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love this traumatized lesbian who makes it everyone elses problem
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bump-inthe-night · 9 months ago
Vivziepop is a “pick me” girl who pretends to be a feminist but actually despises other women. You can see her disdain for women in her writing and real-life behavior.
In Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, Vivziepop portrays women as tools who exist to provide emotional support for men, aiding in their development or serving as obstacles for them to overcome. Women only become relevant to the story when they involve a man; otherwise, she sidelines them and pushes them into the background. 
When Vivziepop portrays her women as evil, she treats them as irredeemable bitches without providing backstories to explain their behavior. She gives her men sad backstories to justify their actions and to add a crumb of complexity. However, even when Vivziepop’s men are one-dimensional monsters, she showers them with heavy love and favors them more than all of her women combined.
Women in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are one-dimensional plot devices to push men’s stories further instead of actual characters with their own plotlines.
In real life, Vivziepop treats men better than women, like in her writing. Most of her victims are women who've either been friends or employees of hers. Vivziepop insults women and puts them down to feel better about herself. She looks down on women, which makes it easier for her to attack them than men. The only exception are trans men, whom Vivziepop believes are "self-hating women."
She can act like she’s a feminist all she wants, but it’s obvious she looks down on women and views them as dirt beneath her feet instead of her equals.
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iasirene · 3 months ago
I really hate how some Mouthwashing fans think that if you point out Curly’s abuse by Jimmy that it somehow justifies what he did to Anya. It doesn’t, not at all. Curly is smart, physically strong, and attractive- but even people like this can be pulled into an abusive dynamic. Jimmy and Curly have a narcissist/narcissistic enabler type of relationship, where Jimmy is the narcissist and Curly is his enabler. Jimmy causes direct harm (his sexual assault of Anya, crashing the ship, and his treatment of everyone on board.) Curly also causes harm by enabling his friend. Jimmy says “you always had my back”, but he also says “I ended up hurting you even though I was trying to save us." This line is a great example of Jimmy’s narcissistic abuse towards Curly-“yeah I hurt you, treated you like shit, BUT…..” Even in the end, Jimmy doesn’t want to take responsibility. These lines suggest that these two have known each other for a while.
Curly dismisses Jimmy’s sexually charged comments towards Anya during the psych evals by laughing it off and saying “he won’t try that bullshit with me! Don’t worry, I’ll get him off your hands”. Anya is happy after he says this, she lets herself trust Curly to put his foot down around his weirdo friend. However, after Anya tells him about the pregnancy, he simply says that he knows Jimmy, that he’ll “talk to him” and that he will “fix things.” Yes Curly apologists- he DOES side with his friend, not in a “hahah nice going Jimmy, Anya’s so hot!” way, but because he wants to avoid conflict. By wanting to avoid that conflict, he leaves Anya and his crew behind. The crew that he was supposed to protect as the captain. Curly does not take Jimmy “out of her hands” like he promised before her assault. Curly is simultaneously victim and perpetrator. Although his actions lack a deliberate malice, his enabling and protection of Jimmy throughout their friendship is ultimately the catalyst for what happens in the game. There is a reason why we only play as Curly and Jimmy- and we don’t play as Anya, Daisuke, or Swansea. However, Curly feels guilt for his actions and the role he played in the events that unfolded on board the Tulpar. “He joined because of me you know.” “We are defined by our past, but not slaves to it.” Unlike Jimmy, Curly is introspective, and is able to feel remorse for what he’s done. He is not an irredeemable monster like Jimmy, but he is also not the “Great Captain Curly” either. He’s a flawed human being living in a world that rewards complacency, service to capital, and cruelty.
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about-faces · 16 days ago
Saw a post from a Nightwing fan that was like “oh my god there’s someone out there who seriously would like to see Two-Face in the BatFam, WTF?! After what he did to Dick?! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
… Anyway, here’s why I think Harvey Dent should be in the BatFam.
For starters, I think it would be a wonderful way to incorporate Bruce’s long-standing love for Harvey in a situation where he gets to interact with a variety of young people who either have personal beefs with Harvey and/or have little sympathy/reason to care about him. We’ve already seen the potential of Harvey and Jason interacting and how fantastic that was for both characters.
I want to see Harvey (specifically a Harvey whose good side gets to be present and distinct, if not in complete control for the time being) interact with Dick, who hates him and—like some of his fans—completely disregards Harvey’s history of mental illness and internal struggles to overcome Scarvey. Extra points if they incorporate the Robin: Year One origin with Dick being beaten by Two-Face (which is not currently canon, btw), something that Harvey would never have done if he was in his right mind or even in control at the time. He was subsumed by his worst side to the point that Two-Face outright genuinely considered Harvey “dead,” but Dick neither knows nor cares about that, and I’d like to see that explored outside of a typical hero/villain environment.
I want to see Harvey interact with Damian and Cass, who each might have his own opinions about Bruce’s ongoing belief in someone’s inherent goodness, heroism, and worth, no matter how much blood is on one’s hands or how they were raised.
I want to see Cass and Steph both reckon with Harvey’s own history of abuse at a father’s hands, and how one tries to struggle against the cycles of violence. Is Harvey a victim of how he was raised, or is he a monster for not overcoming his trauma like they did? I want know if the compassion Cass extended to Clayface could also apply to Harvey. I want to know if either woman would have any empathy for Harvey, or condemn him as being reprehensible and irredeemable.
I want Babs to have a backstory where she, as a kid, knew and liked Harvey, and the two bonded over having alcoholic fathers, something which no one can understand if they haven’t experienced it.
I want to see if Duke has any feelings about a once-good man who was transformed into something he does not want to be, much in the way his own parents were victims of Gotham’s monsters.
I want Tim to better understand Harvey’s psyche, to see if he still thinks that Harvey is someone who “chooses” to become Two-Face again after every redemption attempt.
I want more interactions between Harvey and Jason, acknowledging them as twin symbols of Bruce’s failure who both became murderous mob bosses. How many orphans has Jason created? Why is Jason welcomed back in but not Harvey? Is it because Harvey nearly beat a Robin to death, just like Damian did with Tim? Is it okay to excuse/forgive a brainwashed child but not a severely mentally ill adult who had no control over his worst side? Why or why not?
I want to know which BatFam members would even notice all the ways that Bruce and Harvey are so similar, mirrors to each other with Harvey being the one who lost everything, including his own identity and sanity. I want to know what their takeaways would be, or if they’d even care. I want to know if any of them would realize that Bruce could easily fall like Harvey without the love and support they provide as a family, which Harvey lacks?
Remember A Lonely Place of Dying? Harvey without Gilda and Batman without Robin, both evenly matched in a mutually-suicidal death spiral, broken only when Tim emerged in Bruce’s life? Would Tim draw those parallels? Would any of them? Would it even matter?
Because not all of the BatFam can or should have empathy for Harvey. No family, not even the BatFam, should end every disagreement with Full-House-style hugs and apologies. Sometimes you just hate or don’t even care about other family members, and that’s fine! But I still want to see those relationships explored and hashed out within the context of family.
On top of it all, I want some acknowledgement that Harvey was Bruce’s first and only ally back in Batman: Year One before Gordon came around to Bruce’s side. That Harvey was the ONLY person in Gotham trying to fight against the forces of the mob and cops alike before Bruce returned and Jim rolled into town. That he, as Batman’s ally and the youngest DA in Gotham history, was the original Boy Wonder of Gotham City. That Bruce’s failure to save Harvey has hung over each and every one of his relationships and connections in the BatFam.
Finally, I want to see Harvey in the BatFam because I want to know that, no matter what you’ve done or become, there will still be some people out there who are holding out for you to come back. That you may not be forgiven by all or even most of them, but you’re still worthy of love. And even if/when Harvey loses his battle with himself again, I want some of the BatFam to react with sympathy, some having changed their perceptions about the man they only knew as Two-Face. That maybe, occasionally, the criminals they fight aren’t monsters but just broken people, lost to some combination of circumstance, upbringing, mental illness, and personal choices. I want to see them reckon with that. I think that would be important.
And okay yeah sure I’d also like to see Harvey take them all out for pizza and games at Chuck E Cheese’s or something like that. I just think that’d be neat.
Anyway. I hope that all makes more sense now for anyone still wondering. I’ll finish up with proof that Harvey being in the BatFam has actually been touched on in comics, from the gatefold cover of Hush (that’s Harvey, not Hush, with the bandages), DC Future State, and DC Bombsells.
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So there’s a fuzzy sort of precedent for Harvey fitting in with the BatFam. I just hope someone at DC will eventually share my vision, even if some BatFam fans never will.
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alicentral · 6 months ago
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This is a response to a hotd critical post about the "favouritism towards Greens in screen time ratio", and I think it's so interesting how team black also feel like they're being fucked over by the showrunners when, to me, it's blindingly obvious that it's the other way round.
Not only are the show runners villainising the greens, not the blacks, they've also gone out of their way to make the blacks seem like the badass heroes who can do no wrong, and this is the root of the problem for both team black and team green. It oversimplifies the dance and goes against the themes and message of the whole book, rendering the characters either inconsistent, one-dimensional, and worst of all, flat and boring.
Lets start off with the greens. The argument that the showrunners are "gagging on the greens" doesn't hold up when we actually think about it for more than 2 seconds.
With the source material of hotd being a fictional history book with different biases and perspectives (emphasis on different perspectives), the showrunners have cherry picked what to adapt, and have chosen to take the worst of the greens as the objective truth and erase their good moments as "green propaganda". The main example that comes to mind is aegon. Plenty of other people have talked about this in depth before, but in f&b, aegon raping a girl was a rumour spread by mushroom, a narrator with a clear black bias who wasn't even in kings landing at the time. There was no reason in adapting this rumour other than to demonise aegon, and by extension, team green. The way the scene is framed, it is clear that it was never about dyana, how the rape affected her mentally, emotionally, socially, physically. For a supposedly feminist show, dyana's rape was a throwaway scene, it never had any impact on the story further. So what was the point of the scene other than to tell the audience "look at what a monster aegon is. How can you support someone like that?" And it works.
You can see on social media, any time there's something vaguely positive about the greens, you have hoards of people comment "yeah but he's a rapist" "how can you support a rapist?", etc. It forces you to side with team black. Later in the show, the audience gets to know that aegon's dick burst "like a sausage". Why would the audience need to know this? Aegon's mutilated dick is presented as "karma" for dyana and is only meant to humiliate him. And again, after this revelation, so many people on social media were making fun of his "burnt sausage". They've made a laughingstock of aegon, and as the figurehead of team green, it's clear that we're not meant to side with team green.
Furthermore, in bastardising, and sometimes, even completely erasing the relationships between team green, the showrunners have dehumanised them and made them irredeemable villains, because, again, we were never meant to side with those who "usurped the rightful queen".
The loyalty and commitment the greens had to one another made them such compelling characters and heavily shaped their central motivations and actions. Aegon only took the crown to protect his family. Aemond, after rooks rest, never called himself a king, only lord protecter even though he knows he would've made a better king than aegon. Daeron torched the riverlands to get to his mother and sister and sacked bitterbridge as revenge for his nephew. Helaena offered up her life for her son, and chose to sacrifice maelor because she knew he wouldn't understand what was happening. Their actions may not be necessarily good (and in daeron's case, actually happen to be war crimes), and their motivations may be morally grey, but they're understandable, they're sympathetic, seeing as it was out of love and loyalty, something that 21st century society can relate to. Without these complex and compelling ties, the audience is left asking why would the greens stick together if they all seemingly can't stand each other? Why fight for aegon if he doesn't even seem to care for them? What was the point in having the crown then? As a result, the characterisations feel one-dimensional (helaena being reduced to being just an "innocent" amidst her bloodthirsty family) or inconsistent (alicent. just her entire story arc. it could've been interesting if done right, but alas, no such luck), or rushed (suddenly aemond wants to be king in his own right after defending his brother's claim at storms end).
This isn't to say that team green are perfect, far from it, but the close emotional ties and relationships could've been used to elevate the internal conflicts in the show. We could've had complex characters who aren't necessarily good, but they're family and they stick together despite their personal grievances.
And this isn't even mentioning their bonds with their dragons. Where was vhagar roaring when aemond's eye was cut out? Aegon and sunfyre had the closest bond between dragon and human and that was given to rhaenyra in the show and where is dreamfyre?
One last thing on the greens, they are presented as incompetent and not equipped to rule, which is meant to show how it would be oh so much better if rhaenyra was on the throne. Criston parading meleys' head is framed as stupid as meleys was "a beloved dragon", ignoring the fact that she murdered hundreds of smallfolk at the coronation. Alicent is presented as stupid for thinking that after rooks rest, the small council would appoint her the queen, aegon in the small council was meant to be laughed at. Of course, this begs the question, if the greens were meant to be a mess of a faction with only 3 functioning dragons and now 2 effective dragon riders, how did they hold out against the blacks for so long? It's clear that the showrunners haven't thought this through.
So yeah, i don't really understand what this person was trying to say when they say that the showrunners are "gagging on the greens" when they are demonised, humiliated and stripped of compassion. I would like to say here, nothing i've said about the greens here is new to team green fans, and so many more people have gone into more depth about this.
Lets move onto the blacks. In a conflict where no side was meant to be in the right (who has the right to rule is a beast for another day), where there were no winners, only losers, where a dynastic dispute almost tore down the entire aforementioned dynasty, the blacks are framed as the heroes, the side the audience should root for. If they come off as villainised to the audience, i don't think it was done on purpose.
Opposite to the greens, they're mistakes and flaws are glossed over. I think this is the main reason why team black falls flat as opposed to lack of screen time, which i don't really want to count.
An important example of this is blood and cheese. In f&b, blood and cheese was a horrific event which drove queen helaena mad and, importantly, was meant to murder one of aegon and helaena's sons in revenge for lucerys. A son for a son. It was always meant to be jaehaerys. By making blood and cheese all one big mistake in the show, with aemond as the real target and oops, we can't find him so jaehaerys will do, team black and rhaenyra can't be held accountable for the murder of an innocent 6 year old boy. Moreover, the fact that rhaenyra never knew or sanctioned the murder, and it was all daemon going rogue, rhaenyra is even further removed from the horrific murder of a child, because, of course, our heroine can't be responsible for anything bad, she's meant to be the one in the right!
Furthermore, condal and hess try to force the smallfolk's love of rhaenyra during the dance, contrary to the book, which serves to uphold rhaenyra's right to the throne and show how team black are the right side. During the blockade on kings landing, the smallfolk conveniently forget that she's the one causing the blockade when she sends food through (showing that she could've done that at any time). The cheering for rhaenyra and the riot makes no sense, as again, she was the one who caused the blockade in the first place.
The introduction of the prophecy also is only meant to justify any "wrong" rhaenyra and team black do. The death of the dragonseeds and the smallfolk were all in the name of a prophecy so it's ok. And this is the thing which infuriates me the most, because the prophecy could've been a fascinating aspect of team black's motivations if framed right. The idea of committing atrocities in the name of a believed divine, higher purpose could've been used to expand upon team black's character growth and internal conflict vis a vis the knights templar and the crusades. How do they feel about this? Are they even aware of what they're doing? Alas, the show itself buys into the prophecy, buys into the divine purpose and suddenly, the atrocities aren't presented as "that bad" anyways. All of that to say, the show has never intentionally villainised team black.
So we've established that as the heroes, team black can't do anything wrong, and if they do, it's for a higher purpose, so it's alright. Team black's "emotions and conflicts are made secondary" not to "disposable filler scenes of Greens", but to themselves, or rather, to rhaenyra and her right to rule. So many team black scenes were used to uplift rhaenyra to show how she is the rightful queen. The main two examples of this that stick out to me is baela rebuking jace when he rightfully questions rhaenyra's decisions and daemon's whole harrenhal arc, which serves as his redemption and so he can reaffirm his commitment to rhaenyra's right to rule. Of course it's going to be "a bore" if the main characters, the ones we're meant to be cheering haven't got anything going for them except for cheering on rhaenyra.
There's no character interaction, no character growth, no real internal conflict because from the beginning, team black has been presented as in the right and can do no wrong, so there's no room to grow, no room to develop, not because of lack of screen time. When character development almost breaks through (see: jace questioning rhaenyra), it's quickly quashed, because the audience needs to be reminded that rhaenyra is always right. There's a clear good and bad side that the show is trying to force, which doesn't work in this setting because it reinforces the idea of the divine right of kings, the idea that one person, one family is superior to all others, and that person is rhaenyra here. It undermines the idea that no one was in the right for the atrocities they committed. No one can be justified and that fundamentally, these are not good people, they're interesting characters (or could've been interesting characters), but they're not good people.
So why? Why are the blacks presented as the good side and the greens presented as evil? It all comes down to the fact that the showrunners have propagated the idea that the dance is about a woman's struggle to rule in the face of misogyny, rather than the decline of house targaryen due to their belief in targaryen exceptionalism or the consequences of the pursuit of power. Sure, feminism and misogyny is one aspect of the dance, but it's not a major driving factor. The showrunners have backed themselves into a corner here, because they trying to portray the dance through a modern feminist lens, and so they believe that they can't write women being flawed or evil, and so we get the free, liberated good side and the "misogynistic", conservative bad side.
So in conclusion, it is clear that the showrunners aren't villainising the blacks as this person believes, but the greens. In doing this, they've made a clear cut good and bad side which works to the detriment of both team black and team green. It leads team green's characterisation to be inconsistent and one-dimensional and it chokes team black from having character growth.
Listen, i don't know if team black truly have less screen time than team green, but if they do, it's not the reason why team black falls flat.
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toasterslime · 2 years ago
I have so many thoughts about Jon and Daisy’s s4 relationship. I know the fandom is very “look guys they’re besties” or “Jon deserves better Daisy is horrid” and like honestly,,, I don’t think either of those things are accurate. I’m not trying to say them being friends is healthy or even plausible it’s just a really fucking interesting dynamic to look at.
You take a man who’s turning into a monster who NOBODY believes can be redeemed (like… outwardly. He doesn’t know Martin even still cares about him) and the literal embodiment of an irredeemable monster whose hunger for the hunt made up everything she was… and you put them together. Jon saved her life. Jon saved her life after she tried to kill him, after he could know things about her that would probably make most people want to vomit. Why? Because if there’s hope for her, maybe there’s hope for him. And he doesn’t see his life as worth anything any more. When he went into that coffin he didn’t know if he was going to come back out. And Daisy knows this. On some level, Daisy doesn’t believe she deserves this second chance either. That’s why she doesn’t give into the hunger like Jon does. Because she literally believes she deserves to starve. But she thinks Jon *can* be redeemed. She recognizes that she was wrong to treat him like a monster. The person who wanted so badly to kill him recognizes this. And tries in her own way to support him and cheer him up. I think about that sometimes and foam at the mouth.
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thefcguy · 1 month ago
Miraculous Main Character Ranking
Just like how I ranked the designs of superheroes for Miraculous Ladybug... now, I will be ranking the characters as a whole. Although design will be a small factor in some of this cases... it mostly has to do with the characters themselves this time. How enjoyable I think they are based on the show, its writting, the circumstances they have been put through, their purposes and, most importantly, my personal opinion.
Also, although i will be ranking this characters, I would like to say, before you guys read the ranking, that I don't actually hate any character here.
They are mostly victims of bad writting from Thomas Astruc, his team, and their lack of understanding on how teams interact with each other, and what interactions are okay and others not.
That's why I feel sympathy towards all of them. But, I understand if you don't.
These are characters from a show made for kid. Please, be respectful with my opinions, and I will be respectful with yours.
Also, if you are either a Marinette , Adrien, Felix or Chloe stan... please, don't look at my ranking, okay?
So, with nothing else to add... Let's begin!
(I hope I don't get destroyed for my opinions).
21- Socqueline Wang
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... Can someone please explain me WHY she exists?
Socqueline is one of the characters that miraculous introduces later on for a specific reason, and then doesn't get used later.
However, out of all of these characters... Socqueline is the worst.
Although the idea of Marinette having a friend before Alya, but then moved away/got transferred is interesting, but they add her on SEASON 5!
She and Marinette were supposedly best buddies, and Socqueline was always there to "protect her from the irredeemable monster Chloe bwahhaaa", and yet, she doesn't visit Marinette ONCE in a period of 4 seasons?! Not a photo, not a mention... anything.
The worst part is how they try to make us fans believe that "she has always been here", like in episodes such as "Perfection" when she is added to the group of Kagami's friends.
But, besides "Jubilation" and even worse "Derision" her character has no purpose or impact to the story.
Marinette already has a group of female friends (Alya, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Alix, Kagami, Zoe, and probably Sabrina on season 6) with badly developed relationships. Do we need one more girl on this mess?
I UNDERSTAND that she is supposed to be a reference to PV!Marinette, that Bridgette was just a name we, the fandom, gave her, and it was supposed to be fan-service, but... the way they made it makes no sense.
Socqueline could have been deleted from season 5 and it wouldn't have changed a thing.
A famous miraculous brazillian youtuber actually had an idea for the purpose the Socqueline could have had in season 5.
His idea (which I also enjoy) is that she, instead of Alya, should have been the one to use Tikki in the "Kwami's Choice" special.
Hawk Moth had already found out that she wasn't Ladybug in "Jubilation", she had no previous connections to Ladybug, and had the desire to be a hero.
This way, hero's choice could also expand on her as a character, explain why she hasn't spoken to Marinette in so long, her own fears and wished for the future...
And maybe... just MAYBE getting a crush on Kitty Noir as the new Ladybug, and, meeting Zoe later after losing the earrings, and getting attracted to her due to reasons she can't explain.
But no, she has the charisma and the importance of a cardboard. I am 75% sure that she will be forgotten in Season 6, and might be "replaced" by Sublime. Who knows.
As for her design... I feel like they did a good job in showing that Socqueline is PV!Marinete, while also making her unique enough in a way.
20- Felix Fathom
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Although Socqueline is the most pointless... Felix is the worst character, definetely.
On his first episode, he lies, steals his cousin's phone, tries to ruin his friendship, tries to force Ladybug into kissing him, tries to make a deal with Hawkmoth, and steal's Gabriel's wedding ring... not a good start, right?
The episode's explanation, according to what some character's say, is that he is going through a rough phase because he hasn't been processing his father's death well, and that without his father's authority, he has been "out of control".
This will be important further on.
On his second episode, he is obsessed with finding Hawk Moth's identity, seeing it as a way to get what he wants. Then, again, he gives a wicked smile after he feels like he is winning.
On his third appearence, he uses Gabriel's wedding ring to CONTROL his cousin to agree with his plan, pretends to be Adrien, gets the Dog Miraculous, and uses it to give all the miraculous on the box to Gabriel...
Then, Season 5 arrives, and Felix erases the population of Earth, becomes an almost yandere for Kagami, and becomes a "good boy" because he is just misunderstood and Kagami's love fixed him. There is also the plot of his activism for Sentimonsters...
Do I need to explain myself on why I hate this character?
From the moment he appeared on screen, he has done nothing but caused chaos. And his cause of helping sentimonsters? Pretty hypocrite, considering how he controlled Adrien in "Risk", and tried to ruin his friendships in "Felix".
He is not a confused anti-hero with a noble cause in need of guidence... he is straight up a resentful villain who is unleashing his frustrations on others.
And all the chaos he caused is suddenly forgiven because of his redemption and his abusive father?
Also... where does this Abusive father came from? His debut implied that Colt's death was what bittered Felix's heart. And that he was the one to keep Felix in control.
It either means that the crew thinks that Colt's abusive behavior was good because it keep Felix in line, or that they came up with that last moment to give him a redemption.
I will be going with the latter, because, oh GOSH, the writers put all their effort into redeeming Felix this season.
This boy over here has committed crimes and the show pet him on the head. Meanwhile, school bullies get sent to live with their abusive parent.
His design is great. He is supposed to look just like Adrien, and he clearly looks more formal.
19- Lila Rossi
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Lila is... a lot like Felix, actually. She is bitter, manipulative, and always want to have the upper hand.
However, unlike Felix, that the show refuses to portray as a villain, the show actually knows that Lila is bad.
Still... they literally had no idea of what to do with her and went of the rails with her "arc".
When 'Volpina" aired, Lila was just a liar who wanted popularity and came up with the weirdest stories possible to make herself look better.
The class was infatuated by her, which, made sense considering she was new and all.
Then, the whole Ladybug fiasco happened and she became Volpina. Then, on the end of the episode, the writers hinted at Lila returning eventually and becoming a bigger threat...
And she disappears... for a whole season to be precise.
I remember how the fandom was excited to see Lila in action on season 2. Since many were expecting Chloe to be redeemed (since we had no idea how the Queen bee arc would play like), many started to assume that Lila would be the one causing akumas this season.
Which, would have been interesting! We were so used to the formula of Chloe bullying other until they turned into supervillains, that it would be interesting seeing how Lila would operate.
But, she disappeared and only returned when she was needed on Heroes Day.
Then, season 3 arrived, and boy, things got bad quickly.
The class still adores her (to an unnatural degree, tbh), she gets away with all of her stunts, ruins Marinette's reputation, gets Kagami akumatized and makes a deal with Gabriel.
Lila's plot armor this season is WILD. She brags about everything she does, there is proof that she was a part of Heroes Day instead of travelling as she stated (the illusion, and, even if people assumed there was another akuma with this power, considering the event was televisioned, she must have appeared at least one), and she, a teenage girl, impresses Hawk Moth to the point of him wanting her as an ally...
And she never faces the consequences of her actions. Except Onichan.
Then, after all the chaos she caused in season 3... she is benched on season 4, only to return with an even stronger plot armor in the season finale.
Alya somehow believes on her, even is she knows Ladybug's identity and who the real best friend is; and Lila managed to make an alliance with Chloe. WITH CHLOE.
Chloe, the girl who couldn't stand Marinette or Kagami 5 centimeters near Adrien. This Chloe, who probably saw Lila flirting with Adrien already at least once, makes an alliance with her.
The explanation? Chloe can't remember Lila from how "irrevalant" she is.
... do you guys get what I am saying? She has insane levels of plot armor!
Season 5 is when the writers literally gave up on keeping her consistent.
Now, she is an unstable girl cutting photos with Marinette's face, getting Kagami (one of the few people that disliked her) on her side, puts a teenage girl on the position of a mayor, and, am I forgetting something... oh yeah! She is literally crazy, may not even be a teenage girl, and has multiple identities and mothers...
This character makes no sense, her escalation into a supervillain comes out of nowhere, and, the moments we EXPECT her to be a villain, she isn't, and only appears way later.
Considering how much the plot protects her, I don't doubt that it will take at least 6 more seasons to defeat her.
Lila's design in general is okay with the exception of the hair... what's up with her hair? Like, she has 3 "ponytails". Does anyone actually use this hair and I just don't know it?
18- Chloe Bourgeois
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Behold, the most incosistent character on this whole show.
I like to say that "Chloe" is not a character. It's a title giving to many identical looking characters that swap places depending on what the plot explains.
The First Chloe is season 1 Chloe, who is your typical mean girl. She bullies other students, is superficial... but, she is mostly a harmless thing. She is just mean, and the akumas all go after her on the end of the episode.
The Second Chloe is the Chloe of episode "Malekdiktator". This Chloe is a sensitive and fragile. She just feels lonely and purposeless.
The Third Chloe is the sassy anti-hero Chloe. She helps Ladybug and Chat Noir as Queen Bee, and can act kindly from time to time. But, she will still be occasionally mean and insult your clothing.
The Fourth Chloe is season 4 Chloe, who is like the first Chloe, but instead of having some depth and realism to her... she is now just pure evil. She trapped Sabrina in her closet and treats Andre like a slave.
The Fifth Chloe is season 5!Chloe, who is a heartless monster that becomes a dictator as soon as she can, becomes Hawk Moth's ally, and incriminates others to get her way.
The writing keeps changing Chloe to what they need her to be. There is no progressive transition or any signs of an arc.
She is a plot point which the writers will never let go.
As for her design... it's pretty iconic, not gonna lie.
17- Kagami Tsurugi
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Man, it hurts me putting Kagami this low on the list... but the writers ruined her character.
When Kagami was introduced, she wasn't much different from the majority of the secondary cast.
All we knew is that she came from a strict family and that she was a perfectionist. She is very hard on herself, and wants to make her mother proud.
But as time progressed, the show showed how fierce and determined she could be and that even people like Lila and Chloe could get in the way of the things she wanted (Sadly, most of the time, her goal is Adrien, not a prizer or anything).
Then, Ikari Gozen happened, and we finally saw a new side of Kagami. How lonely she felt, how awkward she could be out of her comfort zone, and that, although she had her issues with Marinette, she wanted to have her as a friend.
On Season 4, she stays mostly the same, although, I feel even more sympathy towards her because Adrien was such a bad boyfriend to her.
(Seriously, Adrien dating Kagami while still having feelings for Ladybug, and Marinette dating Luka while still having feeling for Adrien was a mess that the show never acknowledged).
Season 5, however... things go downhill for her.
Before, she used to be one of the few people to not fall for Lila's, due to her intelligence and strategic thinking. But, now, she is one of Lila's MAIN puppets for the season.
But the worst is probably the relationship with Felix.
Kagami, GIRL, that boy gave the most powerful artifacts in the universe to a Terrorist. He erased human life from the face of the planet. It's not because he saved you from his mother that it makes him a good person deep down!
Man, Kagami was such a confident queen in the past, who knew who to trust... and they turned her into this mess during season 5.
If I was to rank Season 3-4 Kagami, she would be way higher on the list.
But Feligami destroyed her reputation.
I have a few issues with her design. The hair looks weird, and... the damn uniform. A lot of people comment on how her uniform is because of japanese steryotypes and I hate it.
16- Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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Okay, before starting my explanation, I would like to disclaim a few things first.
Marinette as character, seems to be constantly having a hard time.
She has the most powerful miraculous, Chat Noir indeed doesn't treat things as seriously as he should, she becomes the guardian way younger than she should, and she has to carry a lot of weight for a girl her age.
Just like we saw in Steven from Steven Universe, this kind of responsibility indeed can lead to an unstable mental health.
And there is also the fact that Marinette only acts the way she does, because Miraculous a whole isn't good at executing ideas.
BUT, even with all of this... it is still very hard to defend her actions.
At season 1, at least, she was mostly just a fangirl. She didn't have the healthies behavior around Adrien, but, she still had salvation. And let's not forget that she was punished (at least, to some degree) by the narrative when she did something wrong (like in "Bubbler", when Tikki reprehends the way she used the Lucky Charm to stop Chloe from kissing Adrien, or when her reckless behavior as Ladybug led to Lila's akumatization on "Volpina).
Season 2 Marinette starts to do some questionable things, like leading Luka on, and keeping Chat Noir in the dark about the Guardian. Although, to be fair, she only kept secrets from Chat Noir because of Fu. She should have insisted more, but, it's not the worst she has done.
Then, on Season 3, Marinette goes off the rails. We have Animaestro, where she joins forces with Chloe to break Kagami, and Adrien, becomes overly paranoid with the Lila situation to the point of being obsessive with proving she is a liar. There is the Wax museum scene...
Season 4 Marinette is where I am torn about. In one hand, yes, she leaves the 4 kids she was supposed to be babysitting with her grandfather to be with Adrien, keeps a lot of info from Chat Noir, makes a whole plan to invade a party at Adrien's house, gives Adrien a miraculous although it already failed, and her whole relationship with Luka.
But, on the other hand... the girl is having the worst time of her life. She is guarding a bunch of small gods as a teenage girl, can't trust anyone, has no mentor to help her figure things out or to vent too, and needs to keep "Chat Blanc" a secret so that Chat Noir doesn't get akumatized. And Hawk Moth fixed the Peacock and he is a more dangerous threat (well, in-universe, that is).
And there was some logic as to why she chose "Adrien" to wield the Dog in "Strikeback". He had no mark, she was under Risk's influence and so on... (the part where she says that Flaimidable is an official part of the team pisses me off, though, cause, Miss Hound debuted AN EPISODE BEFORE).
Season 5 is where her mental health is finally at the bottom, and, combined with the fact she seems to be going back and forth of who she wants to be with (Adrien, Chat Noir and Luka in a way), she does a lot of bad decisions.
However, there is a limit to how many things a bad mental health can excuse. She kind of manipulated Chat Noir's feelings to get him to kiss her.
However, to be honest, if Astruc learned his lesson on how he can't write Marinette like a Stalker and overly jealous girlfriend, and tried to improve her portrayal on the next seasons, I could TRY to forgive her...
But then, Sublimation came.
Even after all the fans complaints, the forced backstory in Derision to try to justify her behavior, and the promise of starting a new arc... Marinette ends up breaking a girl's prosthetic leg because of Adrien.
In the end, even if I can see the archetype they were going for when creating Marinette, girl, I can't defend you and your jealousy!
Seriously, some of the things you did probably can be considered crimes.
(If I am forgetting something, please comment on the post. I don't have energy to search ALL the questionable things Marinette did on the show).
Her design isn't bad, but... the pigtails are childish, and the outfit looks like a simple pajama. Since she is a fashion designer, I expected something more.
15- Nino Lahiffe
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Man, Nino... what have the writers done to you?
Nino on season 1 was Adrien's best friend who tried to teach him how to relax and have fun.
He was this chill guy who dated Alya and spoke a lot of "dude". He was never the most profound character, but, he was quite sweet.
On season 2, during "Anansi", Nino shows how much he care for Alya and gets the turtle miraculous.
Then, he becomes basically irrelevant in season 3. It felt like the writers have no idea of what to do with him anymore.
Probably because, since Adrien has less runtime than Marinette, Nino get's basically zero focus, since the show only cares for him as Adrien's best friend and Alya's boyfriend.
If this wasn't bad enough on its own already,at season 4, Nino gets turned into a toxic boyfriend, revealing him and Rena Rouge's identity in a moment of rage.
Then, at season 5, he starts the whole idea of the resistance... and his plans are... questionable to say the least.
I honestly feel bad for Nino. The writers don't seem to care for him for who he is, and all of his arcs are dependant on other characters.
The show doesn't show his own inner struggles, ambitions, or his home life. Which makes him very shallow.
I know that Astruc once commented that Nino has an older brother who has disappeared and gave him the hat before going missing, and that's why Nino was sad when Chamaleon stole it.
But, they never done anything with it in the show which makes Nino's character empty.
I wish the show had treated him better, but man, "Rocketear" and "Illusion" really damaged his image.
Nino's design is solid. I think it shows his chill personality well.
14- Adrien Agreste
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Just like with Marinette, I would like to disclaim a few things.
I know Adrien has a complex home life. I know that all the sheltering from his parents made him a bit socially awkward. I know that Chat Noir is the only way he can truly be himself. AND I KNOW THE SENTIMONSTER PLOT KEPT HIM FROM HAVING AN INTEREST ARC.
Season 1 Adrien is... pretty wishy-washy. Although he is "nice" and he cares for his friends... he doesn't do much. A lot of that has to do with the fact Gabriel barely lets him out of the Manor, but, it doesn't excuse things such as him being friends with Chloe, even after she bullies not only Marinette, but Juleka, Mylene, Rose, Kim, and, honestly, everyone at the class.
As Chat Noir... he is a good enough hero. Cataclysm here was still useful, and he had his moments. Although his recklessness caused a lot of problems for Ladybug from time to time, and he didn't learn anything with it.
And let's not forget that he lied he was dating Ladybug just so Theo wouldn't flirt with her. Some people headcanon this as him protecting Ladybug (who he though was a minor) from an adult.
But let's be fair, Theo is probably their age in-universe, and Chat just did it out of jealousy. Which, was a bit of a dick move, but, not the worst thing he pulled out.
On season 2 he started to get a bit annoying. As Adrien, he keeps finding ways of defending Chloe, and "lecturing" how people shouldn't be happy with her leaving which... I understand he feels bad about his first friend leaving Paris, but, he can't explain the rest of the class should feel bad about it.
Chloe has been straight up BULLYING AND TORTURING the class for years, and everyone there had a right to be happy.
As Chat Noir, his jealousy becomes a problem with his character. Yes, Ladybug isn't exactly a great partner all the time, but he could try to remain professional instead of pouting.
Season 3 cements Adrien's character as a bland cardboard. Sorry, but his way of dealing with Lila wasn't good either. Like, if Lila's lies was harmless, I would understand the "high road idea", but she was straight up taking advantage of everyone. Lila's situation could have ended badly if they didn't take any action.
He does seem to change his stance on her a bit during "Onichan" and "Ladybug", but, it only affects the plot on season 5.
Then, season 4 happens, and boy, it isn't good for his image.
First, his whole relationship with Kagami is a mess. He CLEARLY has feelings for Ladybug while he is dating her. Like, he considers causing an akumatization on lies just because he is bored and wants to see her.
The scene with the yellow rose meant nothing on the special if Adrien would pull up a stunt like that on the second episode of the season.
As Chat Noir, he becomes so whiny this season. Like yeah, I understand Ladybug could put more trust on him, but, at this point, he should expect some secrets.
Season 5, surprisingly, is when Adrien's character actually gets a bit interesting.
Now that he is crushing on Marinette, and not Ladybug, we see him taking initiative as Adrien instead of Chat Noir. Which actually gives him a bit of development and depth...
Sadly, what holds him back is the sentimonster plot.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir this season is pretty ignored and forgotten by the plot. So, nothing to say about him.
Summing up my thoughts about Adrien: it's not his fault the way he is, but, most of the time, he whines or throws jealous tantrums.
Adrien's design is not bad, but... it's plain. It isn't that fashionable for the son of a designer, and it doesn't show his personality either.
13- Marc Anciel
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You might be wondering why Marc is on the half of the list of characters that I don't like... and it's because I don't like him, sorry.
Like, Reverser was an interesting episode. The akuma was creative, and, since Marc was a writer, it was a way for the fanfic writers fan to relate to him...
HOWEVER, Marc suffers from an issue. It isn't new to us that the miraculous writers are not the best in characterization, and sometimes, many characters can feel the same.
Marc feels like he is just a more friendly version with Nathaniel. And whenever he appears, he is WITH Nathaniel. And they act like a hivemind.
This makes Marc feels less like a character and more like an extension of Nathaniel.
He doesn't feel original, and the fact that he only has a prominent role in 3 episodes (one of which is Gabriel Agreste, where his role was a mess), doesn't make him any more interesting.
And the fact that he is a part of Mendeleeive's class doesn't help at all, considering everyone there barely has cameos, and I doubt the show's team sees the majoirty of them as actual characters.
Then, in Penalteam, someway somehow, even with how little emphasis he had through the show, he got a miraculous...
Seriously, the writers made Chloe evil only so that there was a spare miraculous for Marc? When Zoe could have gotten the rooster?
(I usually only keep Marc as the rooster holder in my AUs cause 1, I like the design, and 2, he is the only confirmed writer on the teen cast).
There is also the fact that Marc was inspired by a person that was allegedly friends with Astruc, and that Astruc allegedly treated badly. This kind of sours the character even more to me.
And last, but not least... I don't like the design. It isn't the outfit, I just think that his face and his hair don't mix well.
It's mostly due to the hair, I think, because I love the combo of his bone structure with his Rooster Bold hair.
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I personally like @maddascanbe-blog 's take on marc, because they adjust the face shape and the hair to make a better combo.
But, before moving on to the next character, I would like to state that I don't judge anyone who likes Marc as a character.
Again, he is a character who writes, and the miraculous fandom is known for its large amount of fanfiction and rewrites. He is a shy character that is also slightly geeky.
I understand why people like Marc, @artzychic27 has a lot of stories expanding on the character and creating a bunch of interesting headcanons in the process.
It's just that the character doesn't work for me.
Still, I think he deserved better.
12- Kim Ature
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Kim is a character that angers me a lot.
And not because of Derision. Far from it, actually.
Kim, from the start, had questionable behaviors that he could have learned from and improved. But, the show kinds of ignores his past mistakes.
He is very insensitive with the feelings of his friends, like how we saw in Stoneheart, where he is literally mocking Ivan, a boy that clearly has low self-stem, because he can't confess his feelings.
And "Timebreaker" reveals that he is known for pressuring his friends into dares that no one seems to enjoy. Reason why Alix dares him into a race to see if she can stop him.
He is not a jerk, nor a bully, but, he clearly lacks emotional intelligence.
Does the show does anything interesting with it? No, it doesn't. We never see him apologizing to Ivan, or trying to empathize with his classmates.
He doesn't have any arc and it's sad.
He is only higher on the list, because there are moments where Kim is actually enjoyable. And because I know he isn't a bad person.
Just wish the show actually tried to give him something.
His design fits him perfectly, and I can't imagine him any other way.
11- Alya Cesaire
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I feel like the fandom has a weird view on Alya.
Most of the complaints I see is when people call her a bad friend and things like this.
However, I don't exactly see Alya as a bad friend. Her believing Lila is mostly due to bad writing. and, although she can be a bit pushy when it comes to Marinette's love life... literally the entire cast (but Zoe, as shown in Kwami's Choice) is.
My main problem with Alya is that she is not what the show tries to portray her as.
We are told that Alya is more of a serious reporter, or even a detective in the majority of cases.
But... she mostly seems like a fangirl, an amateur gossip reporter, or an influencer.
She is either after Ladybug's identity to post on her blog to get more views, making videos such as rankings, or taking unecessary risks to get some answers.
I know she is a teenager, and there aren't many teenagers in the real world who actually do serious investigative work, but, the problem is that the show tries to portray her in a more serious light.
But, besides helping Marinette with the Miracle Book in season 4, we don't see her doing anything else. We don't see her interrogating akuma victims to find a pattern, or trying to find Hawk Moth's identity with an investigative board... nothing.
If they embraced the more gossipy side, I think that she would be more interesting, but, since they don't, Alya ends up as just an annoying character to me.
Alya's design for me it's good. It's hard for me to imagine her any other way.
10- Ivan Bruel
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From this point onwards, is where I start to find the characters interesting or even liking them.
Ivan, as a character, it's pretty interesting. He is sweet, insecure, has no friends, and, still, he seems to care so much about all his friends.
He is aware of his strengh, and, because of that, is afraid of hurting others.
Besides, he is such a cute boyfriend to Mylene, and is always trying to support her.
Astruc also confirmed that he has a hard home life, which, could lead to interesting episodes.
What holds him back is the lack of focus that he is given.
Besides Stoneheart, Horrificator, a bit of Mega Leech, and Penalteam, he doesn't do much, and just stands on the background.
He had the potential of being a fan favorite... but, the plot forgets his existence most of the time.
His design is simple, but, I kind of like it.
9- Mylene Harprele
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Mylene, as a character, is interesting as well. I think that it's interesting how much she struggles with her fears, mostly because I struggle with mine as well.
And still, she manages to be an activist and fights for what she believes.
Sadly, she doesn't have much more going with her character.
Besides her sweetness, emphaty and insecurities, the show doesn't explore more about her.
They do have the plot of her interest in acting but... I think that her activism plot is more interesting.
Not that she can't be both, but, since we already have an actress on the main cast (Zoe), I think that they shouldn't overlap.
The web series 'Miraculous Secrets' on YouTube commented on Mylene wants to be a politician someday, and, I think that, if the show focused more on that, Mylene could get way more interesting.
Imagine if, instead of Marinette, Mylene was Class President? She would be forced to face her fears, doubts and Chloe to do so. It could be a great arc for her.
But, no, she only gets one or two uncreative episodes that try to teach about environmental awareness but fail badly.
And, although the fact that her mother left was only added to tarnish Chloe's image even more, they could have used it to explain where her phobias came from, and have an episode where she faces her traumas.
But no. The show just treats her as the "hippie girl" of the class.
As for her design, I don't have any complaints. I heard people talk about how her hair is cultural appropriation, but, since I am a white boy, I have no idea if it is or not.
If any black person would like to comment on the matter, I would gladly hear it.
8- Rose Lavillant
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Rose, in general, is an interesting character.
Although she is very sweet and innocent, she is also very strong and dedicated.
And, even is she doesn't have many episodes where she has a prominent role, her minutes on the spotlight are very well utilized.
Either be her usual comments on the Love Square, her trying to cheer her friends up, and "Guilltrip" as a whole.
But, there is one BIG problem with her character... the "Toxic Positivity" she is always trying to force onto the other characters and the viewers.
As someone who grew up with Spongebob, and still uses toxic positivity nowadays as a copying mechanism... kids shouldn't be taught that. It isn't healthy.
And the show doesn't acknowledge that at any moment.
As for the design, I think it fits Rose perfectly. It matches how joyful and bubbly she is.
7- Luka Couffaine
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Luka is a pretty chill guy. He usually is the group's therapist due to usually being the one with most experience and thoughtful.
Growing up without a father, and with Anarka being chaotic, he had to learn to be responsible and help himself and Juleka.
He is great at music and uses it to express himself and understand the world around him...
He is also very romantic, and know how to flirt.
He seems like the perfect Love Interest... which ends up making him a bit of an uninteresting character.
I understand why the fandom loves him, because, well, he is "perfect". But, that doesn't leave much room for him to grow.
We rarely saw Luka's inner conflicts or his struggles through the seasons.
Viperion, from his debut, is already great with his miraculous, and he never fails.
The times his powers fail is due to someone else's actions.
Season 5 brought an interesting arc for him. He found out about Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and, therefore, can't get akumatized. Because, if he does, Monarch wins.
But, after Migration, he is sent to Brazil and only returns at the season finale...
As for his design... I mean, it's okay. It kind of matches the character... BUT, I would like to comment on something.
During the big season 1 and 2 hiatus, where the fandom survived with the fan comics and the crumbs of information... some people created designs for Luka.
I don't know the artist because I only saw the comic on youtube, but, there was a design of him which he had a more circular face shape like Juleka, red highlights instead of cyan, and a more timid, but still playful behavior that was PERFECT!
Although Canon Luka is sufficient at his job... this fan comic Luka was so cool!
It's a shame I never found the artist...
All in all, I like Luka, but, he could have been more interesting.
6- Nathaniel Kurtzberg
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Although I don't like Nathaniel as much as the fandom does, I do think he is interesting.
He is an art kid who enjoys fancomics and fanfiction. Pretty relatable in my opinion.
My main problem with Nathaniel is that the crew sometimes exagerrate with his sass.
Instead of being charismatically sassy (like Pearl on SU, for example), he feels more whiny from time to time.
Like, sometimes it can be a pain to see him in scream complaining or throwing a tantrum.
Still, he is not the worst character on the show.
As for his design... I don't like red on him. Like, we already have so many characters on red, like Marinette after she transforms, Marc, Kagami, Kim...
It's just a bit too much. After finding out he is actually a brunette, i was fully convinced they should have chosen another color for him.
Especially cause, although I love Caprikid's design, and it fits Nathaniel perfectly... the red doesn't look good.
Imagine him being Brunette with really dark hair as a civillian, and his turning black with white streaks after he transforms?
All in all, even if Nathaniel can be enjoyable in canon, he can also be a pain in the ass (and his behavior in "Reverser" was unacceptable).
5- Juleka Couffaine
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Juleka is a character that I really like... mostly because of the Brazillian Dub.
In most countries, she is a character that jsut mumbles, and, most of the times I see the official accounts commenting on what she is trying to say... it's usually creepy. Like how people suggested that she once said that "Marinette should kidnap Kagami".
However, instead of just mumbling, Juleka actually speaks in Brazillian. Most of her lines are probably not what Astruc in mind, but, it makes her more interesting.
Brazillian!Juleka is, a lot of the times, a reluctant voice of reason. Like, in one episode, she suggested that Marinette should SPEAK with Kagami about her feelings for Adrien. Instead of any crazy plan.
Besides, I think that Juleka's arc is pretty interesting. She had to learn how to express herself, and stop people from stepping on her.
Although Crocoduel ended up being more about Lukanette's break up than Juleka, it shows us new sides of the character.
It shows how Juleka feels unfavored in comparison to Luka (specially by Jagged), how she doesn't want to disappoint her friends... and how she just want her parents to make peace and stop fighting.
It's a shame that the miraculous magically solved her self-stem, though, instead of being something more procedual.
Also, I hate how the tiger's power was basically the same as the cat, when the entire fandom wanted invisibility.
Still, Juleka had an arc on the show... which is more than I can say about the rest of the cast.
And, the design combines perfectly with her.
4- Max Kante
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Max is miraculous best boy, and, no, you won't change my mind.
Max is pretty much the steryotype of the geeky nerd. He is great at math and objectivity, he is great at science, and can be a bit socially awkard from time to time.
Although he doesn't have an overarching story across the series, his hero choice was the one who made most sense in context. Unlike the other heroes who were mostly chosen due to being friends with Ladybug or Chat Noir and being related to the akuma, Max actually helped the heroes on the episode.
His relationship with his mother is also very cute, especially considering how badly Parent and children relationships are written in the show. It reminds me a bit about mine with my mother (although my relationship with my mother can be a bit more complex due to some reasons XD).
My biggest disappointment towards him, however, is that he was given the horse, and not the, I don't know, the RABBIT!
Like, out of all kids in class, he is the one who would probably understand about time travel. Imagine if he was the one safe watching the timeline?
I like to imagine Rabbit!Max as a Professor Paradox from Ben 10, of sorts, who appears only when necessary and knows what to do to keep the events on the rails.
It makes more sense for him to have this role than Alix. At least, in my opinion.
Besides, imagine episodes focused on Max learning how to deal with time annomalies inside of Burrow. Like a Rabbit!Max spin-off! Let me dream, guys, please.
As for his design, it is adorable. I love the suspenders.
I do have my complaints about his character, like, the circumstances for his two akumatizations are pretty... meh and two basic, and his friendship with Kim is too underutilized and explored by the show.
3- Alix Kudbel
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Alix is such a fun character to watch. She is competitive, and has a bit of a short fuse, but, at the same time, she is also the one who tends to be the most reasonable on her friends' group.
She is sassy, but on the right measure, and has her moments of vulnerability. And, even if her relationship with her father isn't frequently shown, I think it's interesting that, even is she tends to be a bit rebellious... he supports her and trusts her.
My main problem with her is the choice of her miraculous...
Alix has always been a character that is straight to the point. She is brave, direct and confrontational... and they gave her a miraculous that forces her to be on the sidelines...
In my opinion, she should have been given either the Snake, the Tiger, the Ox, the Bee or the dog.
Due to her position as Bunnix, she doesn't appear as much as she should.
(Although, like with Max, maybe some episodes focused on her adventures inside of burrow could also solve this issue).
Her design is also very cool. It's pretty rebellious and sporty. Although, I don't like the shade of pink in her hair... like, it just doesn't clash well.
I also would like to thank my friend @natedogx15 , by making Alix a main character in his rewrite, he showed me how good Alix could actually be.
2- Zoe Lee
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Okay, this character grew a lot in me as I rewatched season 4 and 5 (also the fact that the other characters got worse and worse in my eyes).
Although Zoe is usually seen as just Chloe's half-sister who became the next Queen Bee, she is much more than that.
She is a girl from an abusive family, who felt powerless on her own house, and lost herself in an attempt to fit in a world where she thought she had to belong...
Only to find out that she could be herself, because she would eventually find a place where people would like her for who she is.
I am making a bunch of analysis on Zoe's character, but, to sum it up, she isn't a bad character. It's just that the show hates her.
I would also recommend @nerdy-chocomallow analysis on her. It will surely help you guys have a new vision on her.
1- Sabrina Raincomprix
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I am aware that this opinion is very unpopular among the fandom, and I kind of understand it.
She was Chloe's servant from seasons 1 to 4, and, even if she was treated badly... she still helped Chloe into torturing the rest of the class without visible remorse, only to suddenly few guilt in Season 5 and turn her back on Chloe and Lila...
But, just like the majority of Sabrina fans, I like Sabrina for 1, how much i relate to her, and 2, for all the headcanons that I created with her unused potential.
The old webseries commented on how, with the exception of Adrien, Sabrina has the best grades of the class.
You might ask yourself "What about Max?". I like to imagine that, although he is a prodigy at math and science... he isn't as good with subjective subjects. Like poetry.
As for Sabrina, I headcanon her as for being a jack of all trades. She isn't a master at science or Math like Max, but passionate and dedicated enough to get the top grades.
I also like to imagine Sabrina writes poems. She can't vent her feelings with words, so she does it via poems.
Also, as Penalteam shows, she loves soccer. I imagine she is a fan of sports in general, and uses them as a way to relieve stress.
Why she is so dedicated in general? Maybe it's a way to try to get her busy father's attention. Maybe it's so that she can fill the voide she feels due to her loneliness.
Sadly speaking, that's what those headcanons are. Headcanons.
If you guys want more Sabrina headcanons like this, i recommend @sabrina-central to get more info.
It's a shame that canon Sabrina didn't get more explored. Although I never had a toxic friendship on this level, I know the feeling of feeling alone, and that you will never find friends outside your current group. I know how it is to have a lot to say, but unable of externalizing it.
As for her design... I just think that the shorts are ugly. Like, the shade of cyan they chose doesn't fit the character at all.
Anyway, that was my ranking. If you disagree with me... I understand. Miraculous as whole doesn't have good writting, especially when it comes to the characters.
And I understand people excusing or defending a character because they can relate to them.
I just think it's important for us to be critical so we can learn from the mistakes the characters make.
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icedragonlizard · 11 months ago
I might get torn apart for posting this, but imo it must be said.
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To make it crystal clear, I don't excuse Susie's actions in Planet Robobot. But I don't excuse Taranza's actions in Triple Deluxe either.
I think people in the Kirby fandom infantilize Taranza way too much.
I am not joking when I say that I've seen people go as far as to say that he was "never a villain in the first place". That he's "innocent".
I'm sorry, but that's just flat out wrong. He was objectively the villain during Triple Deluxe. "He was just following orders!" is not proof of innocence when he was following the orders of a dictator. Taranza was a dictator-enabler. A dictator's right-hand man. That's not innocent. He lowkey kidnapped people in the name of this dictator.
Who knows what he could've done off-screen during the game while dragging Dedede around with him... probably could've tormented a lot of unshown Floralians while Kirby was trying to stop the takeover.
I also believe that Taranza loved playing the villain. He looks incredibly smug while dragging Dedede around and provoking bosses into fighting Kirby. Not to mention the very things that he says in his monologue right before he uses Dedede like a puppet to fight Kirby.
.... So much for the claims of "never a villain in the first place".
I very much believe he's reformed (Susie too, tbh) but I wish people would stop totally erasing his actions and pretending he did no bad.
This is not meant to demonize Taranza in any way. It's just... I absolutely hate that people treat him like a poor little innocent baby while simultaneously treating Susie like an irredeemable, unforgivable monster. They committed very similar crimes, but somehow get treated like they're opposite ends of the spectrum morality-wise.
Now, when comparing them, Susie is indeed the worse of the two overall, because her actions were done on multiple planets vs. one country. But that doesn't change the fact that it's still hypocritical to treat one of them like they're innocent while demonizing the other.
Regardless of the different scales of their crimes, they're both ultimately just second-in-commands to corrupt higher-ups that then helped give Kirby something to fight the final boss when it mattered.
I like to think that Taranza and Susie are both rather morally grey people with good and bad qualities. To me, they're friends with Kirby now, but they still have flaws despite not being as bad as they were before. I'd put Magolor on the same boat alongside with them too.
Taranza can both have grief and still have flaws. And I think Susie 100% has had grief for her dad too, even if she's less open about it.
One of the reasons why Susie discourse is so aggravating is because people simultaneously downplay and infantilize other villains, especially Taranza. People are hypocrites. I bet people wouldn't give a crap if Taranza or Magolor were to turn Meta Knight into a robot.
I get why the colonization and capitalism themes for both Susie and Planet Robobot as a whole can strike a nerve to some people and elicit discomfort, but I don't really think that warrants a massive and unfair discrepancy to how she gets treated compared to the others.
While I can get why those themes can make some people not like her as much as others, I don't think it makes it fair to treat her like an unforgivable demon because her villainy happens to be more real.
Just because the others are less real doesn't mean they're innocent.
The double standards suck.
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balanceoflightanddark · 4 months ago
Azula and Responsibility
Should Azula take responsibility for what she's done? This is a question that the fandom has repeatedly asked in discussions about her and the possibility of redemption.
The answer is obviously "yes". Every way you slice it, she wasn't exactly the best person. She hurt her friends, treating them more like soldiers than people. She wasn't the best sister. She did support her father and the Fire Nation's imperialistic cause. If she wants to improve, she ultimately does need to take responsibility. That's not in debate.
What is in debate is "how much"?
There is a difference between "personal responsibility" and "systemic accountability". Personal responsibility is doing what you realistically can for yourself to right wrongs and better yourself. Systemic accountability is when the issue is so huge, it can't be solved by a single person alone or can realistically only be handled by those in power.
Now what does this mean in regards to Azula? Well it means is that while she should take responsibility, it's unfair to expect her to take responsibility for what she had no control over. She should apologize to Ty Lee and Mai for how she treated then. However, she shouldn't be expected to take personal responsibiliy for being indrocinated to believe that mindset of "fear is the only reliable way". At most, she should learn that it's wrong and make amends for that. Not beat herself up for believing it in the first place.
Same thing with Zuko. She does need to work on her end to better their relationship. Yet she can't be expected to do all the heavy lifting on her end when Zuko wasn't the best brother to her either. Should she take some responsibility for her part in the war? Yeah, but it's unfair to bury her with all the crimes her nation and father caused. Even if you want to argue that she was the one who suggested the "burning the Earth Kingdom" plan, it was Ozai who drafted, organized, and implemented it when all she did was bring it up as a possibility.
The thing about responsibility is that it's a double edged sword. You need to know what you're taking responsibility for. If you take too much responsibility for stuff you had absolutely no control over, you're creating this mountain of guilt and crimes. Eventually it becomes insurmountable and you end up being burnt out and feeling like an irredeemable piece of shit. Which is what Azula already feels like. She feels she's a monster that can't redeem or change herself. So what's forcing her to take up so much guilt going to do? Either she's going to double down on her belief, or she's going to do something pretty damn stupid and almost suicidal in some misguided attempt to atone.
And she does know she screwed up. She does know she treated Mai and Ty Lee unfairly. Azula said so herself in the mirror scene. Besides, why else would she at least care about either of them in "The Beach" or try to do right by them? Was it unhealthy and didn't reach the root of the problem. Yes, but at least the intent is there. The problem is that Azula wasn't able to realize that treating your friends like soldiers is inherently toxic. And if we want to get on her case about being a bad sister, she was willing to try and build up bridges with Zuko in Book 3. Multiple times as a matter of fact. It's just that Zuko's resentment and experiences in the Earth Kingdom changed him that it just wasn't feasible.
It's not that Azula shouldn't take responsibility for what she's done. She should, and obviously is willing to. It's more of a question when enough is enough. Where should she draw the line when taking too much responsibility?
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 5 months ago
In regards to what you mentioned in your Kwami's Choice Part 2 Plagg wanting to cataclysm Chloe post, that's the trope we call "Jerks Are Worse Than Villains", in which the jerks are hated more than the actual villains. Now granted, this is an out-of-universe reaction, but it feels like Thomas genuinely believes this in-universe with how he treats most of anyone who's against the heroes, mainly Marinette.
Funnily enough, Gabriel himself is on the list. As stated by TV Tropes, "Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch is the subject of an odd variant of this with himself — in large parts of the fandom, his actions as Gabriel Agreste are seen as more detestable than those he takes as Hawk Moth. While Hawk Moth may akumatize civilians into fighting the heroes, he's spared due to a measure of Evil Is Cool and the impersonal scale of his supervillainy. Gabriel, on the other hand, is a chillingly accurate abusive parent to his son Adrien, micromanaging and isolating him since before the show began — and it doesn't help that he's willing to enable Lila in tormenting Adrien's friends (especially Marinette) for his own gain. It's telling that "Cat Blanc" is widely regarded as Gabriel's Moral Event Horizon crossing based on his treatment of Adrien and Marinette, and not for any of his usual supervillainy."
To a lesser degree, Chloe also made the list: "Chloé Bourgeois is a highly divisive character in the fandom, but she at least has a subset of fans who either Love to Hate or just straight-up love her. On the other hand, her parents André and Audrey are widely hated — the former for his constant abuse of his mayoral status, the latter for being an abusive parent and adult version of Chloé without any of her redeeming qualities, and both for pretty much enabling all of Chloé's worst behavior yet never getting called out or punished for it (by contrast, their daughter not only at least gets called out on her behavior, but is usually portrayed as being the sole one at fault for how nasty she's become). This applies more to Audrey, as André does show some sympathetic qualities in later seasons, and eventually faces Laser-Guided Karma after he's forced to resign due to the stress of his corruption and his "friend" Gabriel double-crossing him."
The last point with André is contentious, I know, but going back to my first paragraph, the show really does love treating Chloe, Lila, or anyone who is still less of a threat than Gabriel as WORSE than his supervillain identity because they weren't nice to Marinette, and some of the ones who see the light STILL AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE (Felix, Sabrina, Nathalie) or took way too long to get a Freudian Excuse as to WHY they're a jerk (Again, Felix, but also Alec Scataldi, pretty sure there's some others that can be listed here...), or retroactively aren't good (Jagged leaving Anarka (is Jagged really his birth name, or did they reveal it in supplementary like Placide or offhand like Armand?), Kim unintentionally traumatizing Marinette with his prank and then not feeling remorseful in the present day until after he's de-akumatized (which is actually just "be more empathetic to how people feel about your jokes" than any actual regret last I checked), some others I can't think of right now...). It's pretty bad...
The thing about that entry on TV Tropes is that it's usually the fans who view a character that way. It's never intended for a character who's just an asshole to be seen worse than a homocidial maniac.
With this show, it's like the writers are trying to gauge that kind of reaction out of the audience by constantly telling them that Chloe is this irredeemable monster as if we should hate her more than the actual supervillains who routinely endanger the world.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months ago
I think the thing that bugs me most about the 'Stella was always evil and you guys just ignored the signs!' crowd is that they don't seem to realize there's like, scales to how bad characters are?
Stella of season 1 is classist, shrieks a lot and is focused more on her own needs, but there's a difference between that and who she is in season 2 - a 2D abusive monster who in her own words only exists to torment Stolas
the Stella of season 1 didn't seem like a nice person but there was enough room to imagine the marriage had at least been civil once even if it had never been loving (the photo of them all at Loo Loo Land suggests she came along for Via's sake, she phrases it 'our bed' not 'my bed' when she's angry at him for the affair)
fans point to her hogging the covers and not wanting to get up as signs but those arguing about who should get up to comfort a young child and one partner stealing the covers isn't signs of pure evil. it's a sign that Stella is focused on her own needs re: the covers, but not immediately getting up to Via doesn't make her evil since the writers didn't bother showing it's not a pattern that she doesn't pull her weight in the parenting department. same with her not saying good morning to Via when she's older - it's not unreasonable that she's a bit distracted by her husband cheating on her in that moment.
speaking of, the writers caused themselves problems with opening on the fallout of the cheating, because it leads most fans to assume that what they're seeing isn't Stella's usual self and we'd expect to see what her usual demeanor is later, when she isn't in the middle of being furious with Stolas.
the closest s1 gets to showing Stella as the flat baddie she'd become in s2 is her ordering the hit on Stolas, but again the writers fumbled the bag because we don't know if her doing that is unusual for them being in Hell or not. Were we really supposed to think Stella is uniquely bad in s1 when other characters yell at each other just as much as she yells at Stolas (Blitzo, Loona, even Moxxie sometimes) and other characters perform hits and act like attempted murder is nbd (IMP)?
Same with the lack of worldbuilding around how nobility works - fans claim she just cares Stolas slept with an imp 'like a plebian' but then the rest of the show is so wishywashy about whether it matters dating outside one's own social class that it comes off like she was just given this prejudice so she can look uniquely worse (even though Stolas is just as classist, just in a different more objectifying/fetishizing way)
Exactly. Seasons 1 Stella wasn't a pleasant person, but she still shared a bed with Stolas and was upset that he cheated on her in that bed specifically, used to go with Stolas and Via to Loo Loo Land, and the portrait of them together sees her looking almost happy. Stolas starts to say "We weren't in love," showing awareness of the root of the problem, that neither of them wanted this. All of that goes out the window with S2, where we're meant to believe Stella was evil incarnate since she was a toddler and Stolas is God's saddest victim.
Not that it would have saved her either way. In this fandom's mind, "raises voice to Stolas" and "a violent, irredeemable person who deserves humiliation and death" are synonymous.
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 2 months ago
Thank you for being civil about Cait and Caitvi (I’ve witnessed a bunch of her defenders lash out at everyone who isn’t a fan of the ship, and deem them “media illiterate”).
no problem! i honestly wouldn't call myself a caitlyn defender at all. i don't think she's an abuser but i also don't think she's an innocent baby who has done nothing wrong.
the whole cop thing still infuriates me because the writers had the opportunity to show caitlyn slowly change her worldview and realize how much damage the enforcers, herself included, have done to the people of zaun.
they had the opportunity to show caitlyn giving up her job and position, not only because her girlfriend is a victim of this oppression but also because she wants to do the right thing anyway.
but they don't. caitlyn gets to continue being a cop and feels no remorse for any of her actions, while still dating vi. it's more than just a little hypocritical. it completely goes against the show's message.
and while i don't think that their relationship is abusive right now, i can see how it might turn abusive in the future.
and this is more of a writer problem than a character problem. because caitlyn wasn't like this in the first season. she had begun to understand the plight of the people living in the undercity, and she clearly sympathized with them. the problem here is character assassination, rather than the character naturally being a bad person.
but yeah, the fandom seems to take a completely black and white stance on this. it's either "caitlyn is an abuser and an irredeemable monster" or "caitlyn has never done anything wrong and all the people criticizing her are sexist/homophobic/bigoted in some other way". i don't agree with either of these takes.
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mr-damian-s-power · 6 months ago
Belos' death just rubs me the wrong way. It's just one of the examples of the show wanting to have its cake and eat it. They wanted the tyrannical villain to have a pitiful death where he's given the silent treatment by the main character, but also have the characters kill him and make tonally questionable jokes.
Belos believed that Witches were irredeemably evil monsters, and his last moments were being stomped to death by Witches when he was weak and defenseless. He died validated in his belief! 
The end would've been so much more fitting if everyone stared at the puddle that was once the tyrant of the Boiling Isles. He's pathetic! They want to kill him, but what would it accomplish now? The acid rain will finish him off anyway. Might as well leave him to his fate.
One by one, everyone turns and leaves, until only Luz remains. Belos looks to her, Human to Human, and weakly stretches a melting hand out to her. She simply stares at the pitiful sight infront of her before slowly turning around. She will not kill him, but she won't save him either. She looks over her shoulder one last time.
"Goodbye, Philip!"
Belos is left to die alone, everyone having turned their backs on him, the acid rain slowly eating away at his body. In these last moments, he has time to think about all he's done. Centuries of planning! All of that work, and what did it mean now? Nothing! He is going to die, and he has nobody to blame but himself!
The puddle that is Belos looks up to the sky one last time.
A final gurgling croak emerges from his rotten throat as his head disappears into the remaining sludge of his body.
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southconfessionpark · 3 months ago
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The lack of nuanced takes on Liane re killing me. It's either "Oh she's such a sweet mom " or "she's an irredeemable monster who doesn't care about her son at all"
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pooks · 7 months ago
You know what would be really funny? If Ichiji and Sanji are bickering over something silly and Ichiji takes a step towards Sanji with his hands raised a bit and Sanji flinches So Hard that he falls down and curls up on himself to protect his hands. Even better if it's after WCI, all Sanji can see is the bright red hair and the hands that used to hurt him so much when they were younger, and suddenly he's a toddler again, and his big brother is trying to break him.
Ichiji sees the way Sanji reacts to him, and he just breaks down. He's a monster again, and then he's 8 and hurting his little brother again, punching him, dragging him, breaking his precious hands that were made to create.
Sanji's reaction to being in stressful situations is to either cook a weeks worth of food or, if it's worse, he just dissociates, almost catatonic, for a few hours or the whole day. The strawhats had never seen the second state, but it happens often after WCI. And they never know what triggers it
Ichiji just cries for a bit, and then his face does this thing where you can't see any emotions at all, and spends the next few days in the library, working like there's no tomorrow. That also happens a lot more after WCI
That would he funny
(I have an hc that the poison Sora took did two things: worsen the modifications in the other three, making them basically emotionless, and also made Sanji experience every emotions but times a 100 in intensity. Ichiji gets better, but not quite, more like Reiju, but he gets Really protective of Sanji when he realizes how much Sanji feels)
Ooof, straight into the angst, I see? Thank you for the ask and here's my take;
(CWs for past child abuse, self-harm, suicidal ideation)
Sanji deals with this by stress-cooking & baking, it's his "happy place" so to say and it calms him down, allowing him to reflect on what just happened and think in a more rational way.
Ichiji doesn't have that luxury, he's mediocre at cooking/baking and he has servere self-worth issues. Post-WCI, he has unresolved suicidal ideation. Seeing his little brother react like that made him more convinced that he was a still irredeemable monster.
He locks himself in the library for days, he tries to use his writing as an outlet but it doesn't work out. Ichiji decides that he needs a physical outlet and he had vowed to never lay a finger on Sanji since they ran away from Germa first time. He gets the dangerous idea to take it out on the person he hates the most; himself. Once he gets that idea, it's stuck in his head.
Remember when Nami stabbed her arm when she was betrayed by Arlong in East Blue Saga? Ichiji is worse. Suddenly, he isn't at the Sunny anymore and he's back at Germa, strapped to a medical chair and is "experimented" on (read: tortured). Ichiji is back in his old mindset that he deserves the pain.
(This being post-WCI means that Ichiji's mental wellbeing is at its' lowest. And it got worse after seeing "Vinsmoke Ichiji" on his updated wanted poster.)
He eventually runs out of space on his arms (littered by fresh and half-healed scars). He leaves nothing on his hands because even in the depths of his self-harm breakdown, he can't bear to hurt his hands because of what Zeff taught him.
Running out of "self-harm space" means that Ichiji wakes up from his daze and realizes what he has done. He knows that he'll get an infection if leaves this untreated and sneaks into the infirmary. Well, he makes a lousy spy in this current state and Chopper freaks out when he sees what Ichiji has done to himself.
When asked what happened, Ichiji only responds "nothing happened". Chopper notices that Ichiji looks at himself and seems to be disgusted by himself and understands that Ichiji had a breakdown. He treats his open wounds properly and bandages them.
What happens then is that Chopper doesn't leave Ichiji unsupervised and ask the others to not let him out of their sight either. It's sorta an open secret amont the straw hats that Ichiji dehumanizes himself and believes everyone's better off without him.
Sanji eventually finds out what Ichiji did to himself and he wants to reach his older brother, but he doesn't know how to approach something like this. Out of options that won't make Ichiji probably worse or try to run away, Sanji decides to call Zeff on the den-den mushi.
They kinda bicker at each other for a long while until Sanji tells about WCI. He's shocked that Zeff already knew about Vinsmoke and what Judge did (since Ichiji told him many years ago and kept this away from Sanji). Zeff asks Sanji firmly to get Ichiji on the line, so they can talk.
Sanji doesn't know what Ichiji and Zeff talks about, but Ichiji cries a lot. He also catches on that Ichiji, even in his self-harm daze, never harmed his hands. It's very heartwarming that Ichiji took Zeff's lessons to heart.
Zeff acts like a mediator between them (read; tired dad who's sick of his stupid sons bickering). He also tells them to talk about their problems with grown men instead of acting like stupid brats. And the usual "don't make me go to the Grand Line to kick some sense in you!" and they know that he can, peg leg or not.
After the call ended, Sanji makes pan-fried seafood risotto (it's their comfort food). Ichiji tells Sanji that he wasn't going to hit him and he'd rather die than to do that again. Sanji quietly asks him if that was what he was trying to do.
Ichiji tells him the truth; he doesn't know why he did that to his arms, all he knew was that he was no longer on the Sunny (mentally) and finds the courage to tell what he endured for six months. What Judge did to him, as part of their "deal". It's a pretty heartwrenching discussion, both of them cries and hugs each other.
(At some point, Zoro walks in to get booze, sees them crying and hugging each other...and promptly walks out again. He felt this was something too personal for him to get involved with. Such an awkward marimo.)
For the next couple of days, Ichiji and Sanji are hardly far away from each other. Ichiji has moved his "writing session" to on deck, sitting by a small table with his typewriter (he uses a rock on his papers, to avoid them flying off to the seas). Sanji is doing laundry nearby and he likes the sound of Ichiji's clattering typewriter.
Also I like your headcanon, but also have my own; Ichiji always had emotions from the start, he was just manipulated and gaslighted that he didn't have any. In many ways, he was similiar to Reiju but add to the fact that he didn't know what emotions was and all he knew was that having emotions was strictly forbidden in Germa.
Also if you look closely in the flashbacks, Ichiji is somehow always standing next to Sanji (which breaks how they're supposed to be lined up in chronological order). Whenever they are lined up, sitting next to him in classroom, etc. And his eyebrows are the same as Reiju (and not like Njii or Yonji), but it isn't very noticable because of his hair covering one eye.
Anyways, thank you for the ask. :3
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