#but she loves summer camp
mauffiie · 6 months
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little birdie’s first day of summer camp 🏕️ 🪺
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weedle-testaburger · 1 year
possibly my favourite very specific cartoon trope is ‘bitchy cats with hidden secrets’
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(i’m counting nibbler as a cat bc he fits this trope too and i love him)
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pink-psychic · 2 years
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Would do
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For her kids
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All 6 of them
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 month
I will never like or forgive Luke mostly because he is the reason Castor is never gonna see their dad again
Like its assumed that Dionysus had a good relationship with his kids.
And yeah Castor will have Pollux in the future but they're never gonna see their dad again.
They're dead and Dionysus is deathless
They're dead and never gets to see the parent they loved because Luke hated his parent
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ambeauty · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to our relatable talented and beautiful Queen Ayo Edebiri!
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tired-and-unjellied · 8 months
it would be nice if Yuno was aro. It could be a story about feeling lonely as an aro person cuz of that lack of proximity, but she still wants to indulge in her sexual drive, and casual dating gives a level of intimacy you can't quite find in hookups, without the whole romance and love thing of romantic relationships.
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the-queen-of-skittles · 6 months
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I can't seem to order the pictures so it looks like they're looking at each other and it makes me sad
Anyway, teen Raz and Lili designs except Raz is a mashup of a bunch of other designs I liked and Lili is emo
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murdleandmarot · 3 months
Hi hello :) 2, 6, 7 for bluebelle
Hi hello!!!!!!! Thank you for sending in an ask :)
I’m feeling a lot better today so hopefully these answers will be a whole lot better
2. I’ve actually given this a lot of thought, and kind of have decided on a combination of voices. Aurora Aksnes and Haley Grant from the Harmaleighs, (listen to Don’t panic for reference). In terms of timbre and rhythm, in my head, she sounds like Savannah Brown, (she’s on YouTube and is the love of my entire life).
Then again, Bluebelle doesn’t talk that much unless she is SUPER comfortable with the people around her, probably no one except for Victoria and the gang, and maybe some other ocs, (I like to thing that she and @/mysticalcats’s foxglove chat a lot :))
6. She definitely thinks of herself as a bit of a weakling or a coward, given how she reacted by running away and avoiding the problem. She’s also pretty frustrated with her inability to express feelings, happy or angry.
7. Bluebelle really only likes herself around her friends, where she feels the most present and real. She’s not self loathing exactly, just generally apathetic towards her solitary self.
She’s super proud of her dancing skills though. It’s her favorite thing to do, and she knows that she’s good at it.
She also really likes her hair lol. Fidgeting with her braids never fails to calm her down.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
other than the entire adultery plotline, the only thing i would retcon in the entire season 1 of ouat is the fairies are cursed to become nuns in storybrooke. WHAT EVEN WAS THAT??? so many characters became their exact opposites, so why was blue the exact same stuffy woman both as a fairy and in storybrooke? in my mind, the fairies became a giant lesbian commune (so essentially what they already were in the enchanted forest) living on the outskirts of town. and because storybrooke shouldn't have any contact with the outside world, the fairies collectively own a farm that sources most of the food for all of storybrooke. when the curse broke they were like hey actually this is pretty good. and kept being a giant lesbian commune.
#ouat#once upon a time#ouat season 1#seriously why would regina make them devoted to a religion that doesn't/shouldn't even exist in her realm??#i always thought it was SO random and out of place#anyway other random minor headcanons i associate with this:#when emma was briefly homeless in between getting kicked out of granny's and moving in with snow#the lesbian farmer commune would have reached out and housed her so she wouldn't be sleeping in her car no questions asked#regina obviously has trauma with horses but she still would have sent henry over to the lesbian farmer commune#to replicate summer camp for him within storybrooke and let him learn the value of Hard Work and whatever because she IS a good mum#ruby would have been very good friends with them cause she would probably have to do pickup of their deliveries#and would strongly consider moving in with them whenever she had a big fight with her granny#david is their favourite cishet white guy in canon. otherwise it's just wlw mlm solidarity#btw the disney abc explanation for it would've been that they're feminist celibates#which would get retconned in season 5 when ruby was revealed to be queer#also in this perfect world. mulan came to storybrooke WITH the merry men. and then she joined the lesbian commune#ideally WITH aurora but idc. all the fairies would have loved to see mulan toss haybales (even if they all could do it)#mary margaret would have been blissfully unaware of the fact it's a lesbian commune#so after her relationship problems with david in season 1 she considers joining#and comedically. emma spends the entire rest of season 1 thinking that david was so bad he turned mary margaret gay#and is not corrected until surprise!! they're both her parents
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Oh god.
This summer you sent our mutual friend a package, to get to me. An heirloom, a bit of camp history. Passed down to me.
And on that package, your phone number and address. Your phone number, that I had long deleted from my phone because the urge to call you was always too strong.
When I last saw you in person, you said that when you finally moved to the city it would be with your girlfriend. You would move in together. And surely, she would become your fiancee and then your wife.
There it is. On the package. Your new address, in the city.
I have to keep myself from calling you right now. You probably have my number blocked, and I truly don't know what I'd do if you answered. But I would give anything to hear your voice again.
Even if it's just you saying, "Hello? Who is this?" While her voice is in the background, asking you what you want for dinner.
At this point, I don't even need to be the voice in the background asking what you want for dinner.
I just wish I could be the voice on the other end of your phone call.
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melien · 19 days
I just had an embarrassing interaction with someone that I really want to get along with and then Doris's advice she gave Milo popped into my head. That person has moved on to other things and probably isn't even thinking of it! Thank you for writing an awesome character like her, who is honestly helping me deal with my social anxiety right now! 😊
Ahhhh this is so sweet, my heart is so full right now😭😭 Yeah I would say I agree with Doris here, this definitely can be helpful to remember, people have a short-term memory most of the time. But I also see Milo's perspective, some people could indeed get a certain impression of us from a small interaction. I guess it depends, but I do believe most of the time people are focused on themselves and their own actions (probably how not to embarrass themselves haha). The hard part is telling this to our brains. I was thinking how social anxiety doesn't just come out of nowhere, it usually comes from a string of prior bad experiences and all the silly societal norms imposed on us that center around playing some fake part and not fully being yourself, so it's definitely quite hard to put yourself out there repeatedly. So I'm proud of you and your little steps! Man I love rambling about human psychology, it's one of my special interests haha and I definitely try to put those things and different perspectives to reflect on into my stories too.
But yeah, I love Doris a lot, she's the best and so mature for her age! (I think she's like 17-18 in the story and Milo is about 4-5 years older?) It's really refreshing for me that the two siblings with completely opposite personalities are trying to support each other as well as they can. Doris usually speaks from her experience as an extroverted non-overthinker, and maybe it doesn't fully help Milo immediately to internalise it and apply it to themselves, but it does make it a bit easier to see that their sister is in their corner and is trying to be so understanding and helpful. It's really valuable to have someone who is validating our feelings and not acting annoyed at our anxious brain. Ahhh I love these two🥹
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aswallowssong · 20 days
Sicktember 2024 #5: “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
The canon-ish companion to the College AU, @starstwinkleplanetsshine and I should pick one AU and stick to it, but like, never, you know? Written in what we're calling 'Til Forever Falls Apart (The Canon AU™) Honorable mention @fragolinaa. She prompted this and Rosie is her baby and I love her dearly
A hand on his back woke him, though he didn’t remember falling asleep. He was in the forge, and a wire was definitely pressing into his cheek as his head laid on his work station. He blinked his eyes open, immediately wincing at the light of the forge itself, and squinted at the person standing next to him.
Roseline was standing there, concern covering her features. “I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she said, the concern leaking into her words. “Did you mean to fall asleep?”
He sat up slowly, his head pounding in time with his heartbeat. It felt like all of his muscles were screaming at him to lay his head back down, but he didn’t like the way Rosie’s face pulled into worry.
“I don’t think so,” he said, and when he swallowed, it felt like there was shrapnel in his throat. “What time is it?”
“Almost lights out,” Rosie said, brushing his bangs back to press a hand against his forehead. “You look awful, Ev. And you feel like you’re on fire.”
“S’always hot in here,” Evan mumbled, rubbing at his eyes to try to make them stop aching. “An’ we run warm. God of the forge, and everything.”
“This is way more than that,” Rosie said, and the next thing he knew, he was being hauled to his feet. The world swam a bit, and he had to reach out a hand to steady himself on the edge of his desk.
“Woah, Posie, slow down.”
She stilled, eyebrows furrowing at her step-brother of sorts. Their godly parents were married, which had always meant more to Rosie than it had to the rest of her siblings, and his. But, she took it seriously, and so did he.
“Sorry, sorry. I just– you need to go see Cady. You’re definitely sick, you’re all pale and flushed and weak looking.”
“How can I look pale and flushed,” Evan asked quietly, putting his warm face in his freezing hands for a second.
That’s probably not a good sign, he thought.
“I don’t know! Like, pale on your whole face, but your cheeks are flushed. Like when someone has a fever. You know?”
“Not really,” he mumbled. The more he spoke, the more his throat hurt, and it sounded like he’d decided to swallow screws instead of using them for the… something he’d been building. He couldn’t really remember what he’d been in the forge for, anyway. Everything was foggy and disrupted, what with how badly his head was throbbing. And, now that he was thinking about it, he sort of felt like he was made of jello. His muscles were all protesting being upright.
“I’m gonna sit back down,” he said, and Rosie grabbed his arm.
“No way, Ev. You’re going with me to the infirmary. Cady can fix you up and then you can go to bed. Probably in there, she’s going to want to watch you. You know how she worries.”
“Mhm,” Evan said, though he didn’t want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay in the forge, where it was warm. “Are you sure I can’t stay here?”
“Evan Knight, you come with me right now.”
Oop, full name. Better listen.
He knew better than to fight with Rosie when she was set on something, and followed her as she started to pull him out of the forge and into the night air. As soon as they crossed the threshold he shivered, crossing his arms over his chest as he pulled out of Rosie’s grip.
“Gods, it’s cold.”
“It’s not,” Rosie said, worry inching back onto her face. “It’s actually really nice tonight.”
“Can I grab my sweatshirt?”
“No,” she said seriously, grabbing one of his arms, but letting him keep it crossed over his chest. “You don’t need to be any warmer than you already are. You’re going to melt your brain or something, or die from fever poisoning.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing,” Evan said, frowning as Rosie marched him toward the Big House. “I don’t think fever poisons you.”
“Well what do I look like to you? A healer? An expert on fevers? That’s why we're going to see Cady.”
“Cady can’t fix everything, Posie. Maybe she won’t be able to do anything about it.”
“She absolutely can,” Rosie said with such conviction that Evan’s next comment was stopped in its tracks. 
“Okay, Rosie Posie,” he said softly, trudging along with her even as each step made his muscles scream. “I believe you.”
As it turned out, Cady could do something about it. 
“Did you know you didn’t feel well when you went into the forge?” She asked, a hand against his forehead, and another on the back of his neck. She had her eyes closed as she concentrated on his body systems.
Or, at least that’s what she said she was doing.
He liked the way Cady talked when she was working. It made more sense to him; sharp and clinical, without all the emotions and niceties that made communication… difficult for him at times.
“No,” he said honestly. “But I’ve been really focused on this problem with my helicopter backpack thing, so I’ve sort of had my mind on that.”
She nodded. Cady understood that sometimes when he was focused on a project, his body cues went by the wayside. Maybe he had been feeling sick – he’d never know, and he’d never be able to tell her.
“Sounds about right,” she said, pulling her hands away and settling them on her hips. “That’s a pretty nasty cold. I can do some things right now, but sleep is really what’s going to help. In the morning when Will gets in, he’ll be able to deal with the rest of it. But, I can ease some stuff. Take the fever down. Help you sleep and stay asleep. Okay?”
He nodded, hoping that the sleep part would come sooner rather than later. The longer he was awake, the more miserable he felt.
Rosie was sitting next to him, worry literally radiating off of her, and Evan tried to give her a small smile.
“See, Posie? Sleep.”
“And other stuff!” she said, exasperated. “She literally said other stuff too. She’s gonna fix it. I told you, Cady can fix anything.”
Cady’s cheeks darkened, and she pulled at the navy scrub pants she wore during her shifts. “Gosh, Ros, you’ve got way too much faith in me.”
“No! You don’t have enough faith in yourself.” Rosie turned on Evan, pointing a finger at him. “And you don’t have enough faith in your friends. We love you. Let us love you and take care of you. I’m your big sister, damn it, and I’m going to act like it!”
Evan stared at her for a moment, the passion and fire in her eyes making him forget how awful he felt, until he had to turn away to stifle a bone-rattling cough into his elbow.
A hand was on his back in a second, rubbing gentle circles until the coughing fit passed, and when he looked up and shivered, Rosie was there, giving him a concerned and pitying expression. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled, barely audible, and she shook her head.
“No, don’t apologize. Just let us take care of you instead of bruising it off as not a big deal. Sometimes things are a big deal, and that’s fine.” She nodded at him. “You’re allowed to be a big deal.”
They’d told him that before. That he was allowed to take up space and ask for help, and that he needed to take better care of himself, but he usually fell back into the old habits he’d gotten used to as a young kid. Fend for yourself, don’t take up space, and stay out of the way. 
But, it didn’t seem like Cady or Rosie minded that he was sick, or that he was going to take up their time, so maybe he could let himself have some attention. Just this once.
“Okay,” he said quietly, shifting so he could lay his head on Rosie’s shoulder. 
She stiffened for a moment, maybe surprised that he was actually listening for once, and then relaxed, pulling him close to her side. 
“Cady’s gonna do some stuff, and then you can go to sleep, okay?”
He nodded, closing his eyes against the harsh fluorescent of the infirmary, and snuggling a little closer to her side.
“Uh huh. Thanks, sis.”
He could hear the smile in her voice when she replied, pulling an arm around his shoulder. “Course, Ev. Just get some rest.”
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nickbutnodick · 2 months
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I was in such a HW Dragonsong War homoeroticism era haze I had to be reminded I ship my own WoL with Aymeric intensely too, and she also is extremely easy for him to pick up like she weighs nothing.
Halone bless bisexuality.
#ffxiv#wolmeric#bounding frog#gpose#tbh my mental map of their relationships in Frogverse is so complicated#Aymeric/Haurche/Estinien was a whole thing when they were younger and they were still all together through HW#but Haurche at least was extremely open to other lovers with their full knowledge once he was at Camp Dragonhead#Casually refers to his lovers to Frog while they have a whole passionate romance in ARR patches through HW#she literally does not join the dots because everyone's so uptight and professional or on the other hand. Estinien.#Like how on earth would she notice.#Also Aymeric quickly falls in love with her too but never mentions it or anything during HW proper#then Haurche's death shatters that core polycule (unintentionally but he was the glue between them)#Estinien just shlorps back into his shell and does not talk to Aymeric about what just happened until Events take over#and after Events he fucks off and doesn't talk to Aymeric properly for whole expansions worth of time (and SB is LONG)#So they're kinda functionally over or on ice until things can get talked through properly#and Frog has a sisterly relationship to Estinien and falls for Aymeric after the failed dinner date while regretting that#and then they don't get together until post-EW#and by EW in Frogverse Estinien has had such a hot girl summer emotional recovery arc away from Aymeric#he's falling in love with the dragon equivalent of Aymeric - Vrtra#to be seen if he can reconcile with Aymeric and how Aymeric and Vrtra would get along#and if that's too much for Frog re: Estinien being involved in anything and she nopes out of the whole situation#So. Yeah.#Post-EW so far is a Frog shipping golden era but who knows what next#the lure of Zero and Y'shtola is calling XD#That's probably a whole Mess too but maybe more fun and less full of paladins
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crying-in-converse · 2 months
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djzbasement · 4 months
Summer camp Himari Summer camp Himari Summer camp Himari Summer camp Himari Summer camp Himari Summer camp Himari Summer camp
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Normalise women with abs chat.. Grah.. look at lil Dimi being all simpy and shit.. I say we sacrifice him.
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