#but she like fucking LOVES this little shit like she birthed him herself and it’s crazy to see her like this with him lol
Gojo and Geto with bad bitch Chubby Reader
Guys, I tried to avoid being a Gojo stan...I tried so hard to hate him...but the pull was too strong. He got my ass. He's too silly. He's too cute the little shit. He's too perfect. Geto's great too before he lost his shit and went psycho the two are just too great to pass up.
2024 WILL BE THE YEAR THAT I GET YOU BITCHES TO PREACH STRONG, CONFIDENT, INDEPENDENT but not too independent bc these men are still yummy af CHUBBY READER! No longer will I be insecure about my weight because these men LOVE to see me coming AND going, I can tell you that.
WARNING: Fatphobia (happens when first meeting Gojo & Geto—they’re teens trying to bully Reader, but she handles herself because they’re idiots), A little angst with the small amount of bullying but I hope I made up for it, Cursing
Imagine you, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko being classmates and friends during their schooling at Jujutsu High. All of you are powerful threats not to be taken lightly. The boys were undoubtedly freaks of nature with how strong they were—though, you had doubled over laughing alongside Shoko a couple of times when you heard them deem themselves "the strongest duo", as if they were some cool loner wolf types. Shoko was a master in the medicinal field; she made any injury look like a breeze to clean. She'd stitch them up no problem with her cursed energy and send them merrily on their way with a swift kick to their backside.
You definitely have more proficiency with cursed energy usage for combat more so than healing, but you could manage healing yourself just fine. You’d been born into a clan, not as highly revered as the Zenin or Gojo clans but still notable, so you’ve been taught from an early age how to wield cursed energy. Sacrificing yourself for the greater good of the world has been drilled into your head since birth, and you agreed with it. The world’s innocence needs to be protected from the cursed dangers life creates. Sure, there are bad people in the world, but the good people make life worth living. At least, that’s what you choose to believe.
While you’re just a normal—aside from the slight infinite power and jaw-dropping strength—girl, you are different in one more physical way. You’re chubbier than most, and not by a small bit.
Are you insecure about it?
Hell fucking no!
You’re a bad bitch. Fantastic face, banging body, stunning smile, bright eyes, a kind but strong heart, and even a cute butt to top it off. You knew this world inside out with how cruel it could be to plus sized folk, and while you took the beating for far too long without fighting back, you took a couple of steps back a few years ago to look at the situation. Why let people push you around like you didn’t matter? Why let them speak to you like you’re lesser than them simply because you weigh more? You were done being talked to like you were filth underneath their boots.
Since that new perspective, you’ve chosen the road of self love and hands rated E for everyone. You’re kind and sweet to those who reciprocate the respect. To those who try you, you beat their asses with a smile. “Education on Human Decency” is what you’ve begun to call the smackdowns since many want to try casting judgment in snide remarks or sneering looks. They can try these hands instead :)
That’s where Jujutsu High and the headaches you know as Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru fit into this philosophy of yours.
You were homeschooled by your clan in the first year of your sorcery high school. Though, after much begging for a change of scenery and yearning for social interactions other than your family and neighbors, they allowed you to go to a high school centered on jujutsu sorcery the next school year.
When you started Jujutsu High in your second year, that is where you met Shoko, Gojo, and Geto, your classmates. The first thought to cross your mind was how small this crowd was. Sure, it wasn’t like the classes you’ve had before had many students in them either; the world of curses and cursed energy wasn’t exactly a booming population to start with, especially when every year is the same class roster composed of the few brothers and sisters you had. Considering that, three new faces was much better than before! You introduced yourself with a joyful tone and an eager handshake.
You started with Shoko since she was the only other girl. You’re glad you did. Shoko, who you originally thought would be tricky to get along with since she gave off “rebel” vibes with that unlit cigarette dangling from her lips and you were nothing of the sort, held a grin and took your handshake with grace. She told you she liked your spunk, that it was nice to be around another girl rather than more stinking boys. You agreed with her with a relieved sigh. You two shared a laugh and chatted some more, each of you discussing your thoughts of the school and figuring out your mutual interests.
Soon enough, you were interrupted by someone giving a very noticeable and forced cough behind you. You turned and were met with two boys, one with jet black hair and a sly grin and the other one with silvery moonlight colored strands sharing the same expression hidden behind circular sunglasses. The white haired boy was leaning heavily on the black haired boy with one arm propped on his shoulder as the black-haired boy crossed his arms in front of himself. Seems like the two are close. No matter.
You stuck your hand out, another smile—admittedly, this one was a little more forced than the one you shared with Shoko—and gave your name. Suguru was the first to bite. He grabbed your hand with a smooth, warm grip, and exchanged his name. His shake felt sincere, though the cunning smirk still laid on his lips.
You tried to shake the other boy’s hand after letting Suguru go, but he decided otherwise. He swiftly with no mercy said he wasn’t going to shake hands with the likes of “you”. You raised an eyebrow, already sensing the insult he would try to hurl at you. One thing bullies are is predictable. None of them have any creative bone in their body, they’re like leeches, in a way. Mooching off other clever remarks they’ve heard used before through the Internet or their idiot friends. Though, they alway reproduce it much shitter than the first time they heard it.
He leaned in with a smile and yapped about how if he touches you, some of your fat might rub off on him. Gojo tries to drag Geto into bullying you too by shamelessly asking if Geto is worried that will happen to him now that he’s so brazenly touched you. As much as you wanted Suguru to be his own person, to be better than the loser clinging to him like a koala, he chimed in that while Gojo’s afraid of that, that that could never happen to him. He sneered while looking down at you that he actually has the discipline to keep the weight off. The two of them share an evil snicker together.
Oh, so that’s how they wanna play it.
Okay. You don’t mind showing a bitch their place.
As Shoko pipes up and tells them to shut the hell up, you stop her. You give her a kind smile that says “I love you, but please back the fuck up as I rock these bitches world”. Her eyebrows jump up in surprise, but she gives you a nod. She quiets down.
You choose to laugh with them. They slowly shut their mouths, finding laughing at you not that funny when you don’t crumple under their taunts like they’d expected. You then explain to them that what you find so funny is that punks like them are so easy to read and, subsequently, ruin. You told them they need to find better insults to steal if they wanna cackle like they’re some kind of drunk hyenas and, unless they get more creative, they’re not worth the air they take from others. You turned to walk away, but since you just couldn’t help yourself, you gave the both of them a swift kick to the chest. Unprepared for the action, they both were sent careening back, but remained standing. You also snarkily nagged that being “undisciplined in weight loss” gave you the extra weight to knock their scrawny asses back that far.
Shoko gave you a hearty high five while laughing at them getting what they deserve. Gojo, though baffled at your defiance, is ready to start throwing punches, as he spews half-assed insults left and right. Geto manages to keep his thoughts to himself, but you do note his expression has definitely become sour. This little scrap is swiftly interrupted by your new teacher, Masamichi Yaga, when he enters and orders the class to settle down. He also snuffs Gojo’s babbling tantrum with a merciless smack to his forehead.
You give a small grin stuck your tongue out at the two when Mr. Masamichi turned his back. From then on, it was war.
You, Geto, and Gojo fought constantly in the beginning
When they (mostly Gojo now) tried to stir shit with you, you’d fling their rudeness right back at them
Whether they tried to pick on your weight, or cheery personality, or strength (which they couldn’t make too much fun off since you were only a little less strong than they were, but so was everyone else compared to their insane powers), you were always ready to kick their asses
You didn’t resent them for their teasing, mostly since you had a good head on your shoulders and you know that Gojo’s only deflecting all the shit he hates about himself onto other people, but they sure got on your nerves sometimes
So, you decided soon into your acquaintance with these dopes that instead of simply beating their asses every time they said some wack shit and never correcting the behavior, you’re going put an end to their bullying of based on others appearances
Because, who knows. You have enough self love and confidence to defend yourself against their rude remarks, but not everyone does. What happens if they target other plus sized people who maybe can’t or won’t defend themselves?
So, when they’d try to make fun of you, you’d correct them with sincerity and help them understand why that would hurt to someone
Geto pretty much never made a passing comment like that again towards you. You’re happy to see that change in him
Gojo huffed and puffed after what he called “your lecture”, but you also saw change in him
After that, it was slow progress to all be friends
Shoko and you were doing great! Hanging out outside of school, dragging her along with you to do some window shopping, eating a sit down lunch together, going to the nearest bookstore, grabbing a yummy sweet treat, stargazing—you did it all together!
She always made a fuss that she had “no interest” in what you would force her to do, but you could secretly tell she liked doing girly stuff together. As long as she could have a smoke break in between these hang outs, she was all good
The first time you, Geto, and Gojo made a recovery in your rocky relationship was when they asked if they could come along with the two of you to get a treat together
You were a bit hesitant to share the thing that brings you joy with the two people who tried to make you the butt of the joke, but you threw them bone and agreed
You four walked down the sidewalk, mostly you chit chatting with Shoko, when Gojo butted his way into the conversation at your mention of Kikufuku.
You and him bonded over your mutual love of the delicate, bouncy sweet treat and you watched as his eyes sparkled like a little kid when you said the place you were going to had an excellent Kikufuku
You know, when Gojo isn’t being a menace, he’s actually nice to share a conversation with
Geto teased Gojo for his astounding sweet tooth, and explained to you an embarrassing story of Gojo losing his mind one time when a dog stole one of his dorayaki treats and ran off
You laughed as Gojo tried to hit Geto as payback for sharing the “secret” but Geto fended off his flailing
Maybe I'll come back to this idea one day when I'm not hung up on the bullying. If you guys like this idea, I might continue it with less bullying. I am a baby when it comes to angst lol. I really do love these boys, I just don't think my heart is ready for the subject matter I wrote.
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thatone-brightstar · 9 months
someone i saw in a dream once...| C. Berzatto x fem!reader oneshot
a/n: creds to the lovely @thebearer bc i love her dad!carm blurbs and wanted to try it out myself... loved it btw. happy holidays and happy new year to you all 🎄✨🧸
ps. I was actually gonna call this "a very merry hoe-liday special" lol
WARNINGS: smut, piv unprotected sex, dirty talk, reader is on birth control but isn't mentioned (wrap it up IRL tho), minors DNI but you'll do what you want so don't say I didn't warn you
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“Yours?” He asked lazily.
“Uh… no.” A nervous laugh escaped your chest from your space on the warm bed, one of his arms wrapped around you as the other played with your hand above the covers. “I don’t wanna argue about why we haven’t baptized her yet, again.”
“That’s fair.” He responded with a chuckle. 
“Yours?” You asked back.
Carmy shook his head immediately. “Fuck no.” 
“Y’know, she’s gonna ask why we’ve never been to her Grams when she’s older…” 
“And when she’s older. I’ll tell her ‘bout the time her ‘Grams’ ran the car through the living room on Christmas Eve.” He stayed silent for a little longer and you moved your gaze from your intertwined hands to his creased brows. 
As best as you could, you pulled your other arm from under the covers and up to caress the side of his jaw, drawing his eyes back to you.
“I don’t wanna put her through that shit.” 
You nodded and offered a thin smile “No- I know.” then dropped your head back over his warm chest. “We don’t have to do anything. We’ll just stay here, watch somethin’ make breakfast… and maybe see the lights when it’s not so cold out.”
“You think she’ll like that?”
“Oh yeah,” You reassured. “Pjs all day, presents and The Grinch? She’s gonna eat that shit up.” Your words made Carmy chuckle again, the sour memory buried back as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. 
“I dunno why she likes that movie…” He murmured, adding kiss after kiss around your beaming face. “Fuckin’ green thing’s creepy.”
You laughed and slid your arms around his neck while he dropped slowly over your laying body. “Probably reminds her of you, you grinch.”
“Oh yeah? You think I’m a grinch?” Carmy teased, smiling as he continued to drag his lips along your skin, down the side of your jaw and to the little spot against your neck that drew shaky breaths.
One of his hands pushed against the plush mattress to hold himself up while the other began to rake smoothly up your naked thigh. You nodded in agreement, giggling when the soft curls tickled the side of your cheek.
“Save it for naptime-” You reminded him. “Your kid’s got the best timing-”
Almost like clockwork, three little knocks barely rattled the door and you raised your brows up at Carmy.  ‘Told ya’ you mouth at him then asked teasingly “Who is it?”.
A little giggle made it past the wood, followed by a tiny voice. “Me mamma!” And another three hurried knocks.
“Come in!” You sang back again as Carmy pushed himself off you and you leaned up just in time to hear the door creak and catch the tiny human hurling herself into the unmade bed. “Omf!”
“Merry Christmas!” She shouted with extended arms once she managed to balance herself over the duvet on her knees. 
She threw her tiny arms around both of your necks and pulled you in for a hug as tight as her little strength allowed her. You corresponded the embrace, one arm circling her, while the other hugged Carmy. 
“Oh merry Christmas, pretty girl! Did you go see what Santa brought you?” You asked, pushing back the wild hairs she had inherited from her father. She shook her head no. 
“Aren’t you curious?” Carmy asked and she nodded. “Cause I think I heard a little bell last night…”
That was enough to rattle her excitement even more, a gasp obvious over her flushed cheeks and before you could say anything else, she dragged herself off the bed and onto the floor. 
“C’mon Daddy!” The little girl ordered, taking his hand and dragging him out the room with her. 
Your smile beamed as you waved a teasing goodbye at him, then threw yourself back, stretching your limbs into the bed. 
“Mommy hurry up!” You heard travel through the hallway and sighed out a short laugh.
“Vale, baby, not so close to the tv, okay?” You reminded the toddler from your space by the kitchen counter, slicing up fruit for breakfast.
“I don’t get it…” Carmy continued muttering by your side while whisking the batter. 
You sniggered at his tone and shrugged. The theme song to the movie played through the speakers again and you could hear her little voice sing along as the stuffy in her hands danced to the tune. 
“I mean, what even is he?”
“a who…” You answered obviously and he furrowed his brows again.
“a what?”
“No daddy-“ She turned around and pushed herself up on the back of the couch to try and appear bigger, stuffed grinch hanging loosely from one of her hands. “a who!”
You laughed as Carmen nodded jokingly, mouth trapped in an obvious ‘oh’ shape and the sound of your laugh made her giggle even harder, before carefully crawling off the couch and padding her way into the kitchen beside him.
“What’cha making?” She asked curiously, standing on her socked toes beside him but barely reaching the top of the counter with her nose.
“Pancakes. You wanna help?” He asked and she nodded excitedly. 
Carmy turned to you with a small smile while wiping his hands on his rag, then moved down to pick up the awaiting child, who wrapped her tiny legs as much as she could around his torso.
“Alright chef Valentina,” He began, making her giggle and curl up against his side. “ wanna pour the chips in?”
He sat her on the edge by the bowl and handed her the cup filled to the brim with chocolate chips. It took both of her little hands to hold it and with slightly clumsy movements, she poured them in slowly. 
“Atta girl…” He whispered, holding the bowl steady so she could whisk them in, and something about the sweetness in his tone warmed your heart.
You eyed them every few seconds, an ever present smile on your face. It really did warm your heart to see him that way, sweet and nurturing and kind. Carmy was what you always hoped to find in a partner one day, the kind of person you dreamed about but always assumed you’d never have; yet there he was, perfectly present as he helped your daughter flip pancakes for christmas breakfast. 
“Mommy look!” She called towards you, making your smile grow twice as big, if that was even possible.
“I see baby, good job!” You praised too and moved to their side.
She stood on her step stool over the pan, at a careful distance from the fire, while you and Carmy guarded her sides. A kiss was placed on her wild hair as you brushed your hand over her back then laced in into Carmy’s arm, leaning your head on his shoulder. A pleasant feeling of contentment washed over you.
Breakfast took up most of your morning, between batter stains and sticky blueberry maple syrup, it was as if the tiring action of flipping a couple pancakes had worn your daughter out and before her plate was finished, her head had begun tipping into it every few seconds. 
Carmy chuckled as he watched her chew herself to sleep for the third time while he got up to start clearing out the table. 
“I got it.” You whispered, afraid to wake her up, though she was already out like a light against her high chair. “You go put her to bed.”
“Alright little grinch,” He cooed and as soon as he pulled her up from her chair, her limp body draped over his chest. “how does a nap sound?” 
Carmy kept mumbling sweet words and rubbing her back in a soothing manner as he carried her into the room. You would have joined them, but he was always the better one to put her to sleep. Something about him gave her a calming and safe sensation. 
While Carmy took his time in your daughter’s room, you began to tidy up the kitchen. The ending scenes of the grinch passed through and the last songs served as ambience while you worked. You hummed along to the soundtrack, washing the last few dishes, when an arm gingerly circled your waist and the warmth of his chest pressed to your back. 
“Merry Christmas.” He whispered beside your ear, pressing a kiss to your flushed cheek as a beautifully wrapped box appeared in front of you.
You half turned to him with a soft smile pushing up against your cheeks. “Carm, we said no presents…”
“Just open it… you’re gonna love it.” Carmy said with his characteristic shy smile as he took the soapy dish from you and handed you a drying rag.
You dried your palms and took the small box with caution. After undoing the ribbon and slowly pulling off the lid, a beautiful heart locket shone back at you, taking your breath away. With a slow finger you traced the soft ridges and the delicate designs, as if a piece of lace had been dipped in molten gold then shaped into the small work of art
“Oh Bear, it's beautiful…” 
“And you can open it too” He added and unhooked his arm from around your hip to take the box back in his hands. 
Carefully, he picked  it up and pinched the sides open to reveal a tiny photo inside. It was from a few months back, you remembered the day. The Bear had just received its second star and Carmy and Syd had decided to close that day to offer another friends & family dinner. Richie had taken it outside the restaurant just before service. Carmy stood in the middle, with his pristine chef’s whites slightly unbuttoned, Val sat on his shoulders in her best dress and full of glee and you leaned onto his side, left hand cupping his cheek and glowing engagement ring full on display.
You sucked in your bottom lip to avoid the tears threatening to spill out, then turned to him fully and beamed with joy up at him. “You’re right, I love it.” 
His proud smile reached the little creases decorating the sides of his eyes before he leaned down to kiss you with adoration. 
Before he could go any further, Carmy blindly placed the necklace back into its box, then slid his fingers past your jaw, burying them in your hair. The movement of his desperate lips over yours left you breathless and despite not wanting to, you moved your face to the side to inhale a few deep and shaky breaths. He stayed glued to your skin, peppering wet kisses over your cheek, jaw and holding your hair up above your neck to grant him greater access into the area.
His other hand roamed down the side of your curves until it reached your hips, then it slid under the thin fabric of your shirt and up again, where it found your naked chest. His thumb skimmed over the tender skin of your nipple, making your hands tighten their grasp around the nape of his neck and sigh out another breath.
“Is she…” You tried to ask but failed as he continued his soft movements. 
“Asleep? Yeah.” He answered in a deep tone and hungry searched your lips once more.
With each stroke of his thumb and pull on your hair, you could feel him grow harder against your abdomen and the images crossing your mind didn’t help calm the arousal in your gut either.
“Good.” You smiled against his kiss and pulled him in deeper. “Room. Now.”
That’s all it took before he nodded rapidly and began taking quick steps forward, guiding you through the short hallway and into your bedroom, shutting the door lightly. Once at the foot of the bed, Carmy pulled your shirt off in one swift movement and dumped it somewhere on the floor. Now both of his hands held you by your ribcage, both palms massaging your chest and pulling little moans from your joined mouths.
“Fuck- I love you so much.” He groaned, slowly dropping you against the mattress and without daring to detach from your kiss, followed close behind.
Your hands found their own way to his hips, desperately pulling at the hem of his shirt until it was over his head in seconds, disheveling his hair even more. “I love you so much.” You mumbled back. 
Your clothes laid discarded around the room in a few seconds, leaving you buried in between the covers and him. A long sigh parted your chest when you finally felt the sweet relief of his cock inside you, matching his tempo with the strokes of his tongue against yours. Your legs parted even deeper to make space for his thrusts, one thigh wrapped around his hips to accentuate them even harder.
“Fuck- Carm-” You moaned close to his face, trying to be as quiet as you could with him slamming into you.
“Shh, shh- you’re doin’ so good baby-” He praised as he adjusted his weight on his arm and wrapped the other around your thigh, pulling it higher up. “God, you feel so- fuuck”
His movements faltered for a second and he gave a soft breathy laugh that fanned the side of your face, then he placed another kiss over your collar bone and began to slam even faster into you. 
Your soft cries vibrated against his skin and fueled his pace, almost rocking the headboard against the wall. Carmy rested his forehead against yours, looking directly into your eyes as he pulled your other leg up and spaced them both beside your elbows. The new change in position had you feeling him so deep in your core you could almost taste him and the way your eyes started to lose focus plastered a grin across his face.
“You love it when I fuck you like that, huh?” He asked in a breathless tone, but all you could do was nod frantically. “So fuckin’ beautiful…” He mumbled over and over.
Each stroke felt deeper than the last, the only indication of your upcoming orgasm was the brows screwed over your face and the trembling of your thighs. Carmy rocked himself continuously into you until you couldn’t take it anymore. A thousand little lights exploded behind your eyes, making your back arch away from the bed and your nails dig into his sturdy shoulders. Your walls contracted against his thick cock as he pushed in a few more strokes, before his chest shuttered with a contained groan and he let himself fall carefully over your panting chest.
Carmy pushed himself off you with effort and rolled to your side, then hooked his arm under your shoulders and pulled you to rest over his still rapidly beating heart.
“How does a nap sound?” He whispered over your head after a few silent minutes.
You chuckled at his tone but nodded in agreement, tracing little shapes over his chest until his beats took a more relaxed tempo and the breaths fanning over your hair grew longer and heavier.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne , @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha , @yum-yahgurt , @pussy-f41ry , @kirakombat , @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13 , @feyhunter78, @xeneth99 and that's it lmao
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bonefall · 1 year
What did Sagewhisker do? All I remember was that she was Yellowfang's mentor, and I used to love YS. (I was a lot younger at the time, though.)
oH Lord, a lot of people who read YS when they were younger kinda don't pick up on how shitty Sagewhisker is. It goes over their heads that she is the one who's actually responsible for Yellowfang being forced to be distant from Brokenkit
From a young age, Sagewhisker is pressuring Yellowpaw to be a medcat, when she doesn't want to
Yellow LIKES the satisfaction of healing itself, but LOVES being a warrior more.
She's a fantastic hunter, has always wanted a family, and is just genuinely filled with a lot of self-satisfaction when she gets to do her warrior duties.
(They also had to retcon the stupidest magic power, super-empathy, into Yellowfang so that she nonsensically wouldn't like fighting. Yellowfang. The cat whose first appearance in TPB is attacking Firepaw and didn't hesitate to blind Brokenstar. THAT Yellowfang.)
In contrast, when she starts healing, she's constantly filled with shame or horror. She also gets bullied viciously by several cats, while others do that Thing that an older family member does when they don't like what you're doing. You know;
"Ohhh that's so good, for you. If it makes you happy it's good!! I mean, but, wouldn't you rather do Other Thing? I mean no, I understand, you like This thing, but Other thing would... no no it's okay, nevermind. I'm happy for you."
This while she's already courting Raggedpelt, and planning a future with him.
So to begin with, she has a lot of negative feelings when Sagewhisker tries to pressure her into this role, especially as Sage insists she "Wants HER" and "It's your destiny." But that's not all;
When Cloudpaw (later Cloudpelt) gets viciously mauled and might not survive, Sagewhisker takes one look and says, "It might be kinder to let StarClan take him now."
Yellowfang is FURIOUS at how quickly Sagewhisker gave up, and Sage just waves this away with "oh I won't stop you but be prepared for heartbreak lol"
Sage continues to tell her shit like "You can't save every cat" after Cloudpaw's mother sees her son all cheese-grated up.
So... either Sagewhisker was going to just leave Cloudpaw there to bleed out or die of infection, OR she was implying euthanasia.
And it's probably euthanasia, because when Yellowfang is pregnant later, she says,
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Sooooo... considering how WEIRD WC generally is about abortion, acting like it's not even an option and giving Clear Sky some Angel Fetus Children in DOTC...
Sagewhisker was probably implying that Yellowfang would smother infants. Or do whatever Sagewhisker was planning to do with Cloudpaw.
I don't even know if pressuring Yellowfang into an abortion would have been better... honestly this exchange is uncomfortable no matter how you slice it.
It gets worse ofc. Yellowfang gets this warning from StarClan about how “Only one thing can stop the tide of hatred this birth cursed cat will bring: the courage of a mother to know her destiny.” Silverflame also suggests just being his friend, if she can't be his mother.
Forget that though, because Sagewhisker continues to snap at Yellowfang and remind her that she can't look at him for too long, else people will get suspicious or something.
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"It's a woman's responsibility to have children for our glorious war society, Yellowfang, unless they have A RARE GIFT THAT MUST NOT BE WASTED."
In the same conversation she's then like, "Also don't go into the nursery, the child I forced you to give up needs a chance to bond with the abusive foster who hates his little guts."
In general Sagewhisker also prevents Yellowfang from standing up for herself or her position in a way that is absolutely infuriating. Foxheart comes in and starts bellowing about "HOW DARE YOU HAVE APPRENTICES RUN ERRANDS FOR YOU?" and Sage is just like, "Turn the other cheek uwu"
Yellowfang is punished constantly for the sin of being Yellowfang. She is not allowed to be snarky at all. It fucking sucks. This book is MISERABLE
SO basically, Sagewhisker forces her into a role she isn't very happy in, stops her from standing up for herself ever, guilts Yellowfang over "wasting her special gift," gives up on cases that are too hard for her, suggests killing kits, says some wildly misogynistic stuff, prevents Yellowfang from doing anything about Brokenkit, and then dies.
She's the worst and no one ever talks about how fucked up this character is. and I really mean AS A CHARACTER
Because her PURPOSE in the story is to do all of these things and be hailed as a good mentor in the end. But the fandom is REALLY bad at analyzing characters as narrative tools.
She's right to pressure Yellowfang into her role, with the ending comic even trying to have Sagewhisker apologize for pressuring her and Yellow going "d'aww dwai you didn't force me into anything 8) ignore the entire fucking book before this point"
Giving up on a battered teenager is supposed to show Yellowfang's talent and resolve, not reflect poorly on Sagewhisker.
WC fully believes that "wisdom" she espouses about Lizardfang. Lizardfang is a bad woman because she doesn't accept her place as a queen. This kind of guilt and blame is reserved exclusively for mothers in WC, not fathers, note how Mudclaw doesn't help at all but no one gives a shit.
Killing the baby would have been the best option because, again, Brokenkit is BORN. EVIL.
I'm pretty convinced that "Courage of a mother to KNOW HER DESTINY" refers to the fact she is supposed to be a medcat, who kills her child. What FINALLY ends Brokenstar's reign of terror is being poisoned-- not the kindness she was finally able to show him in TPB while he was prisoner.
So Sagewhisker guilt-tripping Yellowfang into a position she doesn't like, keeping her away from her child, suggesting murdering the baby... that's all good, actually. That's something that is framed as correct.
And I think people really sleep on it. Sagewhisker is like this perfect little encapsulation of how shitty clan culture is in WC, an enforcer of the series' misogyny while being a woman herself, someone who makes Yellowfang's wife HELL.
But because she didn't do it violently, no one notices it.
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actuallysaiyan · 13 days
You're Mine Part 2(Enji Todoroki x Fem!Sidekick!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, Love quirk/aphrodisiac, dub con, Enji is in love, love confessions, violence, drug mentions word count: 1.9k pairings: Enji Todoroki x Fem!Sidekick!Reader summary: after Enji got hit with the Love quirk and got help fro you, he couldn't even stand looking at you in fear of confessing his love to you. during a drug bust gone wrong, you get hit with the same quirk and now he has to be the one to help you. a/n: Part 2 of this fic! For the lovely @cherryblossombankai, banners by @adornedwithlight and tagging @pixelcafe-network
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After the incident with the Love quirk, Enji gave you some time off to cool down. He hadn’t really been able to look at you properly since that day. He had apologized profusely when the quirk finally wore off, but dammit he felt like an idiot. He even paid for some Plan B just in case you weren’t on birth control, which made the situation even a little more awkward.
And now you are back on patrol. He sends you off with Burnin and Kido. Endeavor is still worried that whatever lingered in his chest after the Love quirk wore off will fully consume him. He’s worried that he’ll look at you and see your smile and it’ll be all over for him. He’ll have to confess his true feelings.
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So you go with Burnin and Kido. You like both of them and have grown close to all the Flaming Sidekickers. They all made you feel so welcome to the agency. You and Burnin are a duo to be reckoned with. You always have the upperhand whenever you can get together and take down a criminal.
“Shit,” Kido sighs as he gets confirmation of a drug bust happening in an apartment complex. “We’re on! Let’s go!”
You three make your way to the apartment complex. One of the criminals is using his quirk to keep some people hostage on a balcony. He then looks at your trio and he begins laughing. You can tell something seems off about the situation but you aren’t quite sure what it is.
“Leave me alone and this will all be over!” The criminal shouts, clearly high on some endurance drug.
After the last drug raid went wrong, the amount of endurance drugs in the city had skyrocketed unfortunately. You were wary of what could happen this time. You were going to be smart about this.
And then as Burnin and Kido are doing their best to calm down the main criminal, another criminal comes out from the alleyway. Your eyes widen when you realize that it’s the same Love quirk user from the last time. You dodge the attack successfully the first time but it’s by the second time you go to use your forcefield quirk that you get hit dead on.
The flash of pink is intense, and then the rush of love and lust hits you so hard. Your eyes feel almost heavy in a way. You do all that you can to keep fighting, trying to hide your affliction. Burning comes over and she manages to get the criminal pushed to the ground. She keeps her foot on him, smirking at you. Then she notices that you’re not doing well.
“Hey, you okay?!” She asks, and you try to nod.
Your thoughts are filled with the way Enji fucked you the last time he was hit by this. Now you understand why he didn’t want you to be close to him. This was so intense. You felt so hot to the touch. You were sweating so much inside your suit.
“Burnin, I…” you try to say but your tongue almost feels heavy in your mouth.
The police are quick to the scene and they take care of the villains. Kido sticks around to give the police the information while Burnin says she’s going to bring you back to the agency building. You need to sit down or something, she thinks to herself.
Once inside the Endeavor Agency, Burnin brings you up to Enji’s office. You’re panicking because she has no idea that you’ve been hit with the same Love quirk as Enji had been just last week. You feel your heart racing as you approach the door to his office.
“Hey boss, the kid got hit with some weird quirk!” Burnin shoves you into his office. “You can take care of her, right?!”
Before you or Enji can say anything, she’s leaving the office. You stand awkwardly at the door, the Love quirk coursing through your veins even more as every second passes. Enji knows immediately what’s going on and he feels terrible that you have to deal with this now.
“Sit down on the couch.” He says, nervously looking over at you.
Your eyes are dark and you keep tugging at your costume. You’re desperate for a little relief. But Enji isn’t sure he should be the one to give it to you. Then again, he’d feel guilty about having you help him just last week and then not helping you out when you need him.
“Enji,” you moan. His cock twitches to life. “I…I’m sorry.”
He finally looks at you again, his cheeks burning. You look like something straight out of a porn movie. Your lips are parted and glossed with a little drool, your back is arched ever so slightly. Your cheeks are pink too, and your hair is disheveled in such a sexy way.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”
He gets up from his desk and tentatively approaches you. When he finally sits down next to you, you let out a moan from being just so close to the man you love. He has to look away and pretend he didn’t hear that.
“Talk to me, tell me what I can do for you.” He finally says and then you crawl over to him.
Instead of trying to push him away, you climb onto his lap. Endeavor feels his own arousal growing and he knows it’s wrong. It shouldn’t be this way again. He should be romancing you properly, but god dammit this shit has to happen again. He sighs and then tries to get you to sit next to him instead of on his lap.
“Enji,” you whine again. “Please, need you. I’m so fucking hot.”
A shiver runs down his spine as you say this. His cock is rock hard. There’s no real reason why he shouldn’t help you with this issue. You were so good to help him, and now you were in the very same predicament. He should be jumping on the offer, but he knows it’s wrong to take advantage of this opportunity.
“It’s okay, it’ll be fine. It’ll pass.” He tries to soothe you with words, but it’s just not enough.
You whine once more, “It’s so fucking hot. It hurts.”
Your whines are getting to him for sure. He’s trying to reason with himself. He keeps reminding himself that if he does help you, it wouldn’t be so bad. You helped him and this would just be him returning the favor. But god dammit, he hates this. He wants to romance you properly. He wants you to feel loved, and not feel like some cheap whore.
Climbing onto his lap, you cause the big man to groan. He wants this, yes he fucking does, but he wanted so desperately to take things slow with you. He closes his eyes slowly, taking deep breaths. When he opens them again, you’re right there in his face.
“Kiss me, Enji. Please…”
He doesn’t have the strength to hold back anymore. He pulls you in for a deep kiss, pressing his tongue into your mouth. Warmth pools in your lower tummy as more arousal stains your panties. Endeavor begins to unzip your costume, smirking when he notices you’re not wearing a bra this time.
“I thought you didn’t go commando.”
The words roll around in your mind and you let out a cute little dumbstruck giggle. You try to come up with an excuse but really you just wanted the excuse for him to find you like this. You wanted him to kiss you and unzip your suit to find your breasts exposed.
“What do you need, baby? Tell me,”
You notice the way his words seem almost strained as he talks to you. Your lips part as a moan slips past them, and you desperately begin to grind against him. His cock is straining against his own costume. You look so fucking good and he’s losing his resolve pretty quickly.
“Need you to help me, daddy.”
The minute those words fall from your lips, it’s over for him and for you. He pushes you down on the couch, removing your suit. He pulls off your panties and kneels down in front of you. Endeavor takes greedy inhales of your scent.
“Fuck, don’t worry. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
You whimper when his tongue presses against your folds. You thought about this very moment a thousand and one times. No, a million and one. Your brain can’t even make sense of how good it feels. Already you feel like this is too much and you’re on the verge of cumming all over his face.
“Does that feel good, baby? Is daddy helping?”
You nod frantically, your mind too fuzzy to even really say anything. Your thighs are trembling as his tongue keeps lapping at you. He hums as he grips your hips to pull you even closer. His sharp eyes look even darker now than you’ve ever seen before. You let out a cute moan when he wraps his lips around your clit.
“I’m gonna…”
He pulls away, making you whine from the loss of contact. Then he gets up and goes to the side of the couch. You feel confused until he grabs you with ease and bends you over the arm of the couch. You look back at him and he smiles charmingly.
“Don’t worry. I’m gonna make sure this Love quirk passes.”
You don’t have much time to brace yourself before he’s prodding your wet hole with the tip of his cock. You choke out a moan as the head slips inside. The way he stretches you out has you panting like a bitch in heat.
“That’s my good girl. Daddy’s good girl.”
It’s like he knows exactly what to say to get your motor running. Endeavor starts up at a brutal pace, fucking you so hard. He goes deeper than anyone else, splitting you open on his impressive girth. You’re thankful for the couch to keep you up because you could not trust your legs to keep you up right now.
“Daddy, I’m so fucking close.”
He smirks and slaps your ass, rendering you into an even worse moaning mess. You’re dribbling all over his shaft, making it even more slippery this way. He has no problem pounding into you harder, deeper and faster.
You try to warn him that you’re about to cum, but all that comes out is a mix of moans and whimpers that sound so desperate. Enji grunts when he feels your tight little walls pulsing around him, making him feel the coil in his stomach grow tighter with each thrust. 
“Let go for me, baby!”
With his words, you feel the dam breaking. Stars speckle your vision as you cry out. Warm juices gush from you as your whole body trembles and shakes. You can barely keep up with everything when Enji falls over the edge with you; this time he has the good sense to pull out and cum all over your ass and back.
Suddenly, your mind feels clear. You don’t feel like you’re on edge from the Love quirk anymore. Greedily you take in gulps of oxygen as you finally catch your breath. Enji pulls you to him, turning you around to kiss you deeply.
“I didn’t get to say it the last time…” his cheeks burn at your predicament. “But…I love you.”
You wrap your arms around him and smile, “I love you too, big guy.”
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
My Moonlight (Daemon x Reader)
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So this was requested by an anon. Once again this was a challenge but I hope I did it justice, let me know if it’s shit but… Enjoy!
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It was a cold winter night when princess Alyssa gave birth to not one but two children, prince Daemon and princess (y/n), legend has it (y/n) would wail until she laid next to her twin brother. When princess Alyssa held her daughter he saw herself in the babes eyes, they held the same glimpse of strength and resilience, she was called “the fire of the realm”, the greatest thing was during the labour the wild dragon sheep stealer landed outside the keep.
Once princess Alyssa heard the news she was up on her feet with her twin children in her arms to meet the dragon, (y/n) was the one that sheep stealer had chosen as the dragon sniffed around her and then sat down on the ground, it almost looked like the dragon bowed for the princess, it was not as big in size as Caraxes yet he made up for it with its ill temper and ferocious attitude, it would only listen and obey to (y/n) which caused a lot of problems to the dragon keepers, the dragon was named blaze “it’s only fitting for the realms fire to ride her blaze” she liked to joke.
As the years passed the twins were attached at the hip and the court would joke about how they were the same person. (Y/n) and Daemon would often get in trouble due to the obsession they had for one another, (y/n) had a habit of grabbing little girls by their hair and drag them when they attempted to come close to her brother and Daemon had to be pulled off from other boys that would offer flowers to the princess. Their father would look at them as a continuation of the love he had shared with their deceased mother, it was no coincidence that they looked identical either, two bodies that shared one soul.
“we were born together, we will die together”
Prince Daemon would frequently answer when he was questioned about (y/n). (Y/n) and Daemon could not be tamed by rules, she had given her Maidenhead to Daemon before their betrothal was even announced, whispers of how prince Daemon had taken (y/n) behind a brother at the street of silk spread like fire, they were partially true what they forgot to mention was that (y/n) had dragged Daemon in a dark alley to mountain him, she was insatiable.
“It feels like I am being fucked by myself”
She whispered to him, Daemon laughed but did not oppose to her declare, their resemblance was uncanny and oddly arousing, seeing themselves in one another made it more fun for them, their facial expression matching as their were twisted with pleasure was exciting to say the least.
Both of them were intoxicated by love, they were ruthless as the green eyed monster of jealousy drove them to insanity, their antics baffled everyone as for example their brother Viserys had roared with anger when (y/n) slapped Rhaenyra at her own wedding for dancing and whispering to her lord husbands ear. (Y/n) was restrained by Daemon and was forced out, later a soldier heard their groans of pleasure as Daemon had pushed her against a wall to “teach her a lesson”.
Daemon had taken it a step further as he beheaded her knight for listing after his lady wife, the truth was the knight had just held the princess by the waist when she tripped over and Daemon did not appease to how the knight went about it.
The birthing bed was a place (y/n) would frequent with Daemon by her side as he whispered to her words of encouragement, the ended up having 8 kids, her eldest was a son that (y/n) already carried in her belly when the wedding ceremony was held, she named him Baelon, the second one was twin girls Alyssane and Alyssa, the fourth was another boy named Maegor, then there was Eleana, after her came Rhaegal that gave his mother quite a fright since he decided to arrive earlier than expected, and the last ones were another daughter pair of twins named Visenya and Helias a girl and a boy naturally they all looked like the same person just different heights and personalities, the family resided at dragon stone that Viserys had passed to his siblings, away from duty and boring court gatherings, they showed up when they wished not when they were summoned, on one hand it was a relief since having them around meant chaos would erupt, on the other no one knew when they would strike
“My moonlight”
Daemon called his sister wife who waited for him at the dragon pit with their children. Daemon took (y/n)s hand and placed a sweet kiss on the womans knuckles, he looked up to admire his ever defiant wife.
(Y/n) was dressed in a marvellous black and red outfit and stood next to her dragon, the first to run to Daemon was his youngest Visenya, her long dirty blonde hair swinging as she hugged his fathers leg. Daemon picked her up and held his daughter tightly, she was a spitting image of her parents of course, the only difference was that she was the one to inherit her grandmothers eyes, one was blue and the other was violet.
“How is my little princess?”
“Mother said I can ride my dragon”
“ The dragonkeepers said it’s safe and the red keep is a short flight from here”
“What amazing news”
Daemon beamed, all of their children had dragon eggs in their cradle, unfortunately a few did not hatch including Maegors, however that was quickly forgotten due to (y/n) and daemon flying with their kids to find unclaimed dragons when Maegor had found Cannibal and claimed him he came back riding, in his mothers eyes Maegor was destined to become a legend, the dragon was later named “Gaelithox”.
Daemon had assisted his little girl up on her completely white dragon, Visenya had named him “moonlight” after the nickname Daemon had for (y/n).
“Allow me my love”
“No need”
(Y/n) dismissed her husbands hand and sat on her dragons saddle. Daemon scoffed as he shook his head, of course she would not take his hand, (y/n) never yearned for assistance even if it came from her husband. The flight was short yet blissful, they all went up to the sky side by side and listened to little Visenyas squeals of joy, (y/n) puffed her chest with pride as she gazed at the little girl. Helias had claimed Vermithor, (y/n) had taken the small babe up in the sky with her dragon when she spotted vermithor, something told her to land next to the lonely dragon, it was then that the dragon chose the child as its new rider.
Once they landed their son caught up to his little sister and picked her off her dragon, Maegor was over protective of his siblings. Viserys waited outside for his brother and sister along with his wife, Alicent.
“Daemon and (y/n)! Welcome home”
“My dearest brother, how I’ve missed you”
(Y/n) loved Viserys, it was only for her that Viserys tolerated Daemons rebellious acts. Viserys placed his hands on (y/n)s stomach as his face showed admiration.
“Gods be good sister, your family is a sight for sore eyes, dragon stone seems to have their hands full with heirs”
“our mother unfortunately did not live long enough to make the army she wished for our father, I hope she is smiling down on me for my effort”
“The mother seems to be quite gracious with her blessings for princess (y/n)”
Alicent spoke lightly, (y/n)s eyes focused on her, (y/n) was never fond of the hightowers, she found them repulsive and vicious, lowlife rats that raised their hopes up to take over the Targaryen throne.
“Goddess Meleys was on our side that is correct”
“And let me take a good look at Rhaegal, my daughter is a lucky woman”
Rhaegal was to be wed to Helaena, Rhaegal had grown fond of the princesses innocence and kind heart, he would often ride his dragon to be by her side for as long as he could.
(Y/n) and Daemon pushed their pride aside for their son and allowed the match, they also thought how it would serve for their son to be wed to heleana when Rhaenyra ascends the throne, if their children take over the hightowers they would not go against the princess.
“Let us go inside, Rhaenyra has been waiting for you”
(Y/n)s mask slipped for a quick moment, she could recall the encounter that occurred during her wedding, she shared a look with her husband that made Daemon place his one hand around her waist and the other to hold her hand tightly, the last thing he needed was for his sister wife to be cross with him.
“Princess Rhaenyra it’s been far too long”
“Indeed it has my dear aunt, i see you have been quite busy growing your family”
Rhaenyra hugged her aunt and then took a step back to bow at her uncle, (y/n) smirked at the encounter and Rhaenyras timid behaviour, at least the slap had taught her a lesson.
“And your children have grown, Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey isn’t it?”
“Correct, they were far younger when you last saw them”
“Visenya and Helias were babes, you don’t remember them do you sweetlings?”
Daemon once again picked up little Visenya. The girl shook her head before she hid her face at her fathers neck making everyone’s heart melt. Daemon rubbed her back while (y/n) lifted her son Helias in her arms, Helias seemed intrigued by Rhaenyra since he stared right in her eye, he was the adventurous one.
“I believe the children should go to the gardens, mingle amongst themselves”
(Y/n) suggested, they did not come all the way here to have some family quality time. Naturally Maegor went up to his father so he came hold little Visenya, she was a shy child who adored her brother. Alyssa went to her mother to lure Helias away with sweets, he was always a mothers boy so he needed a tad bit of convincing to leave his mothers arms.
As the children walked away it was only (y/n), Daemon, Viserys, Alicent and Rhaenyra in the room. An awkward silence fell as the three women sized each other up while the men stood completely still, waiting to see the women’s reaction.
“How is your son Baelon?”
“He should be here any minute now with his wife Laena and of course their two daughters, my son has informed me that princess Rhaenyra is interested to betroth Jacaerys and Lucerys with Baela and Raena”
“Indeed, the children seem quite fond of each other”
Rhaenyra responded diplomatically, (y/n) could detect that she was weaponising the children’s feelings so she wouldn’t go against it.(Y/n) nodded as she held back all the sly comments that passed through her mind, her grandchildren would marry the two bastards, what a mess and might she add a waste of Valyrian blood, Baelon was the one that tried to reason with his mother and allow the match, Baelon wished for his daughters to be happy as well as see Baela ascend to the throne with her lord husband.
“Well since we are are discussing the topic of betroths I would like to propose a match”
“What do you have in mind sister?”
“Alyssa has been betrothed to her brother Maegor but I would like to suggest that we betroth my other daughter Eleana to your son Aemond, our families I have been divided for so long it is time we put our differences aside, as well as keep the blood of old Valyria pure”
(Y/n)s eyes shifter for only a moment to take a look at Rhaenyra, Viserys smiled brightly at the proposal while Alicent froze in her spot, (y/n) has noticed that Alicent has a soft spot for her son Aemond so if he was to marry Eleana meant there would be another woman influencing her loyal soldier.
“What a splendid idea my dearest (y/n), Eleana is more than my son would have wished for, isn’t that right my queen?”
“I supposed, Aemond would be a… wonderful husband”
Everyone with eyes could detect Alicents uneasiness at the proposal, Eleana was a force to be reckoned with, an excellent archer and a mighty dragon rider, her spirit would not be silenced under Alicents influence, quite the contrary Alicent feared for her son being dragged away from her reach and follow his wife in whatever she wished, which was why (y/n) suggested it.
Alicent could feel it how every move was calculated and an attempt to shoot down anything the hightowers might have in mind. Aemond was a family oriented man, if him and Eleana were to have children he would never turn against his own kin, Heleana was to be wed to her other son so as a wife and a gentle soul she would comply with her husbands wishes, one of them was for Heleana to move to dragon stone after the ceremony. (Y/n) was already taking away her only daughter and now she planted a spy in his sons chamber.
“May I ask dear sister, what about your daughter Alyssane? Our son Aegon might-“
Daemon spoke up for the first time. He had heard stories of the nuisance that was Aegon, “a waste of a name” he called him when he was brought in question, Daemon had grown the closest to his daughter Alyssane, she was an exquisite sword woman and a perfect diplomat, he would never throw his daughter to the low life that was his nephew. (Y/n) squeezed her husband hand and smiled at him, her smile seemed warm although Daemon caught on quickly that it was his first and last warning.
“Alyssane is a free spirit my king, we’ve had numerous discussions about her and Aegon that led nowhere, she is adamant to marry Lord Cregan Stark, he has already send ravens to us asking for her hand, I think you can understand I cannot go against true love”
(Y/n) spoke the truth, her daughter Alyssane was keen on marrying Cregan stark, a fine young prince that would support their daughter and make her the queen of the north, what was a flat out lie was the “numerous discussions”, Alyssane and her parents had never discussed that option, Aegon was not their problem.
Before their plans could go any further they were interrupted by the guards bursting in the room.
“My apologies but you must come to the gardens, Prince Maegor has attacked prince Aegon”
“My child”
Alicent made haste and flew out the room leaving the others stunned. (Y/n) eyeballed her husband, their tight bond came in handy in these situations when they had to communicate with just their eyes. Everyone moved as fast they could and were met with Maegor being held back by three guards as Alicent inspected her son for injuries.
“What is the meaning of this?”
Daemons voice was loud and clear, Maegor had a temper but had never acted with violence without reason. Maegor gained back his composure when he realised his parents were present, (y/n) went to walk to her son as the guards led him go.
“What is the meaning? Your son is a savage, my children are once again met with cruelty of your family”
“Your grace let us not jump to conclusions, Maegor as your mother I demand to know what happened”
Maegor remained silent. As he looked at his sister he thought of what to say, he did not regret his actions yet once his mother came in his vision he felt embarrassed over his temper.
“Maegor I won’t ask twice”
“He wanted to bet money that he could fuck Alyssa”
Maegor interrupted his mother with his voice rising due to anger. It was like time stopped when Maegor made the accusation known, Maegor was defending his sister that was his soon to be wife.
Aegon was unaware that his uncle was standing behind him when he spoke with such disgusting words over his sisters. Alyssa and Alyssane were playing out a sword fight while Eleana and Visenya sat on the grass with Heleana and watched, the sons of Rhaenyra had ran off somewhere with Rhaegal and Aegon had turned to his brother Aemond to demise Maegors sisters. He was about to jump in the conversation so he can make Aegon stop talking when he heard of the bet, that was what made him lose his mind.
“Is that true Aegon?”
Alicent questioned in a state of shock. If what Maegor had stated was correct then it was another stab on Alicents back, her own son had betrayed her and left them exposed to the hungry wolves that was (y/n) and Daemon.
Aegon remained silent and (y/n) found this as an opportunity to approach the boy and land one harsh slap on his already bruised face. Alicent nor anyone else did not dare to stop her, he had crossed a line and spoke ill of her daughter, if it was the other way around Alicent would have done the same. Daemon admired his twin with his head held high as she grabbed Aegon by the chin and forced him on his knees in front of her son Maegor.
“Alyssa, go to your brother Maegor”
Alyssa did as told and wrapped her hand around Maegor after she leaned her head on his shoulder. Alyssa and Maegor were in love ever since they were toddlers, even if Maegor was younger he always protected his siblings and although he struggles with intimacy (y/n) recalled when Maegor would slip a small daisy in Alyssa’s books every day or how she waited for him to find a dragon so they could fly together, Alyssa had claimed silverwing when the dragon came out of hiding on Alyssanes and Alyssa’s first name day.
“Apologise to them”
“You heard her boy, apologise to them”
Daemon repeated as he had approached his wife who stayed next to the kneeling boy. Aegon looked back at his mother for help yet to no avail, he had created this mess he was going to come out of it by his own.
“I…. I am sorry”
“For what?”
“I am sorry for speaking in a low manner about Alyssa”
“If I hear that you even looked at any of my daughters way, I will cut off your hands and your cock so I can feed it to you. Understood?”
Aegon only nodded in fear of (y/n)s wrath. She took her eyes of Aegon who was clearly beaten with quite the strength from Maegor and took a few steps to stand at the head of her son. Maegors posture was proud and there was no sight of remorse in his eyes as they laid upon his mother. Everyone held their breath as (y/n) handled the matter, all of Westeros were familiar with how far Daemon and (y/n) would go for their children, gods save the man that would harm their family. A small smirk appeared in (y/n)s lips as she reached up to caress her sons cheek
“You are your fathers son, I am proud of you my dear Maegor”
Requests are open!
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Top 5 inappropriate places/situations Pen & Colin have sex because they just can’t keep it in their breeches.
You know. I blame you for being this unhinged.
Bridgerton House (Colin's old bedroom)
It's Gregory or Hyacinth's or someone's engagement party. And for the first time in ages, for nostalgic reasons, Colin ends up back in his old room. And Penelope follows him. And they have a chat that, for as long as she had known the family, she had never actually been in his room. And he ends up admitting about how he used to dream about her. And she wants to know what kind of dreams. And asks him to describe them to her. And she'll ask him if he used to touch himself thinking about her, because you know, they've been married for ten years now and she's bold like that. And then they get into what if they had figured their shit out at a younger age and end up fucking on the bed pretending to be virgins again.
Featherington House (Drawing Room)
Everyone else is preoccupied else where for the time being. Idk, maybe Phillipa is giving birth to her fourth child and Dankworth and Finch are babysitting outside, idk. Or... maybe this is at night and everyone is asleep? Anyway, she's sitting where she always used to sit, starring out the window, and Colin comes into the room and finds her just breathtaking. And Penelope admits she used to think about him just coming in and rescuing her from this house. She'd watch from the window, and watch him, and dream. And of course, those are the magic words because then they're making out on the couch, and Colin's doing all sorts of things with his hands. And they're not even afraid of someone finding them, but Colin insists they try to stay quiet so not to wake anyone else up. And Pen, again because she is bold, says he'll have to find ways to keep her mouth busy. And he does. And they fuck on the couch still mostly clothed. The next morning they're in giggles when Prudence drapes herself over the place they came the previous night.
The Library
The first public library in London opened in 1841. Yes, I looked it up. Yes, Pen and Colin would be in, like, their fifties. Yes, they fucked in it because books.
Somewhere in India (Anthony and Kate's House)
Pen and Colin travel a lot (and why yes, they try to make it a point to fuck in every new country they're in) but this time they're spending time at the Bridgerton-Sharma residence (as Anthony spends half his time in India now). And Colin decides to fuck Pen very loudly in the guest room because the previous night, Anthony and Kate were being obnoxiously loud themselves, and Colin can be competitive and he'll sure as hell prove he can make his wife scream louder.
A Carriage. Anywhere.
It's Pen's idea. Because we've already established she's bold like this. They're rich and have time and why not? And it starts out because Pen just has a thing for that pirate coat. And Colin let's slip one day that he has a thing for her LW hood. So Pen gets the idea that they should play pretend, and pretend to be strangers and he'll be in his old coat, and she'll have on her hood, and they'll be playful at whatever random event they're at and they'll end up in a carriage then fucking happens. All the fucking. In the carriage. All around London because they paid the driver to be discreet. And they don't even care who can hear them. Or if some passerby catches a glimpse. They don't care because they're too wrapped up in each other and being in love with each other to care at all. They do it to feel connection and love and safety and it's a little bit thrilling in a moving vehicle that's technically out in public in a society that would be so, so scandalized, but they don't fucking care. Because they have each other. And that's all that matters.
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romana-after-dark · 1 year
The Wrong Way Master List
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Gif by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
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Raider!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Raider!Tommy Miller x Fem!Reader
Spotify Playlist
Inspiration came from @toxicanonymity and her fantastic Raider!Joel.
Summery: You are sold to Joel to clear up some of your fathers' debts, and he takes you back to his house where him, Tommy, and high ranking members of his raiding trope stay. Joel is mean, cruel, and hash, but had small moments of softness that confuse you in your venerable state. Over time, you get to know him and Tommy, and see different sides of each, an both are hiding secrets. Was it possible to fall in love under these circumstances? Or was that just another way Joel was fucking with you?
Aka: my mom sold me to One Direction
WARNINGS FOR FULL FIC, NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER UNLESS SOMETHING NEW IS ADDED AFTER MASTER WARNING LIST: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!! Fic contains graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, molestation, dubcon/non con. Blow Jobs, PIV sex, lose of virginity, sex trafficking, past incest, death/people dying everywhere, Stockholm syndrome, falling for your rapist, victim blaming, torcher, branding, physical abuse, rape (not Joel), somno, dub con on tommy? idk he's not really into it but feels like he has to, self-harm/depression/suicidal thoughts (not a lot) but fair warning, major age gaps, love triangle, pregnancy/birth, threats of abortion, major character death, mentions of potential csa/child abuse but does not even come close to happening, forced pregnancy, forced housewife shit, breeding, breeding kink?!?!
This is a reader fic, reader is early 20's, Joel is 40's at this point, reader is small enough that the men can lift her, but these are strong men. Reader is also refered to as little one, little girl ETC, but that's more in reference to her age/innocence than physical size.
Unknown chapters at this point but heres a starter
Chapter 1: Joel takes you away from everything you know
Chapter 2: Joel takes what he wants, Tommy tries to make things easier
Bonus Chapter: Tommy takes Little One's virginity
Chapter 3: Joel softens up, and readers learns her roll in all this
Chapter 4: Little One is getting cocky, and finds herself in trouble, but Tommy and Joel are there for her
Chapter 5: Joel and Tommy don’t feel good
Suggested drabble: Period sex
Chapter 6: Things change with Tommy, and Joel shows a more vunerable side during a near disaster.
Chapter 7: Little One and Lorenzo spend some time together, and Lorenzo drops a bomb on Little One.
sick bonus chapter
Chapter 8: For 6 months of Little One's pregnancy her relationship with Joel and Lorenzo shifts and changes.
Suggested Drabble: Brotherhood
Chapter 9: The aftermath.
Suggested Drabble: “It Wasn’t Always Like This”
Chapter 10: The escape does not go as planned.
Alternate ending: a happier end
Canon Sequel Mini Series, Ghost of You
Follow Ellie's life sifting through to lies to discover the truth of her creation.
Dark Ending Timeline: Going Under
Going Under: Chapter 1:
Going Under: Chapter 2:
Going Under: Chapter 2.5:
Going Under: Chapter 3
Going Under: June and Tommy
Going Under: Chapter 4
Going Under: Finale
Suggested drabbles to see how the uncles are doing after the canon ending: Lorenzo, Zach and Tommy, and Better Than Revenge
If neither ending satisfied you or if there was something you wanted to see but didn’t, if you wanna write something in universe will be happy to link it to my masterlist!
Art by @melodymakesart
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Drabbles, One Shots, Thots
Period Sex: Period sex with Joel makes Little One more confused than ever at what she is to Joel
Well, That’s Alright Because I Like The Way It Hurts: Joel is gone for longer than expected and you worry about him. When he comes back, you let him take his frustration out on your body
Brotherhood: Tommy and Joel reflect on their relationship as brothers.
“It Wasn’t Always Like This”: In Tommy’s arms, Little One thinks over her year with Joel
Lorenzo, Zach and Tommy: Lorenzo is slowly recovering, meets his niece for the first time
Better than Revenge: Lorenzo and Tommy can’t get revenge on Joel, but they can get revenge on the one who started it all
Zach and Lorenzo’s Wedding
Gateaway Car by Taylor Swift, thoughts by @fandxmslxt69
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Art by @k-ra
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Joel and Lorenzo by @fen-is-unwell
If this sort of thing doesn't interest you or triggers you, hide dub con and non con from your tags as I will be tagging any fics like that as such
Main Blog (filled with more normal fics lol): @romanarose
This is absolutely not anything anyone needs to do bc ur lovely comments are enough but if anyone makes a book board, art, a fic or anything based off this series, you absolutely can! I know some creators aren’t for it but I love when people do that, and I’ve written a few fics for a few series myself. If you are so inclined and are okay with it, I’ll attach them to this master list (that includes if you don’t like my endings you can make your own 😂)
But as always, nice comments mean the world. I know with this sort of content you may not want to Reblog it on your page, but if you leave a comment or send an anon, that means the world and keeps me writing!
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sylveon-official · 7 months
Huskerdust mpreg wip 3
Part 2 here!
Lucifer chews on the finger of his glove as he mumbles, looking back and forth between Angel perched on the bed and the ultrasound pictures in his hand. Charlie sits beside him in an unwavering show of support, but the nervous shake of her hand clasped in his isn’t really helping.
“Ohhh. Mmm, okay, I see. Oh boy… again?” 
“Again?” Angel and Charlie cry out, shooting worried looks at one another.
“What the fuck do you mean again? This happen often? Isn’t not being able to get knocked up supposed to be, like, divine punishment around here?!”
Of course, Angel had always considered that logic a bit backwards, especially with his profession. He had no idea how demon biology really worked, but he’d seen enough visibly pregnant Hellborns of myriad genders in his time in Hell to be secretly grateful he’d never had to worry about it. Well, until now.
“Well, yes…” Lucifer scratches the side of his cheek, gaze nervously flitting from side to side. “But, you see, from time to time we have experienced… let’s call them… little miracles, here in the Pride Circle!”
Angel scoffs, about to reply with scathing comment about the contradiction when Charlie places a steady hand on his shoulder and gently cuts in, “When is the last time this happened, Dad?”
Lucifer blows out a breath, and tuts his tongue as he counts on his fingers. “Oh, maybe 1000 years ago? Give or take. Doesn’t happen so often, could probably count the amount of times it has on two hands, but —?”
Angel groans. Lucifer or not, this guy has a way of beating around the bush that Angel sure doesn’t appreciate. 
“Come on, cut to the chase shortstack - Why?” Angel asks, exasperated. 
Charlie reprimands him lightly with a gasp of his name while Lucifer zeroes in on him with a narrow glare.
“I’m going to chalk that one up to hormones, and let that one slide.” 
When Angel simply shoots him a dull look, Lucifer quickly gathers up his broken ego and carries on, this time in a more serious tone, “Listen, I wish I had an answer for you kid, but… I’ve never really been able to figure it out myself.”
Angel quickly deflates, sudden heat building up behind his eyes again. Great. Not only is he the first pregnant Sinner Demon in a Millenia, but he doesn’t even get an explanation?
Apparently sensing his downturn in mood, Charlie squeezes Angel’s hand and pries further, “Dad, if this has happened more than once, there has to be something you know. Even a just a theory?”
Lucifer hesitates, fiddling with his cane. “Well… there is one I’ve considered, but… don’t put too much stock into it,” he explains defensively, and Angel looks back up at him, tentatively intrigued.
“So, you know how conception happens… up there, right?” Lucifer cups his hand around his mouth and whispers conspiratorially.
Angel furrows his brows. “No, how the fuck should I-”
“Oh, um!” Charlie cuts in, her own brow furrowed in thought. “Something about ‘built-in’ birth control, right? You and your partner will only conceive if it’s something you both long for. So romantic!” She swoons, pressing her cheek against Angel’s shoulder. She quickly rights herself to add to her father’s assessment, “So if that’s how it works with Redeemed Souls, then maybe… maybe it doesn’t matter whether you’re in Heaven or Hell, since now we know that’s a total crapshoot… maybe it has to do with the goodness inside of the soul itself!”
Angel’s eyes narrow as he parses the words in his head, refusing to acknowledge the latter half of Charlie’s rambling. 
“So lemme get this straight… you’re tellin’ me, this is literally some ‘when two people love each other very much’ kinda bull shit?! Who the fuck would I—” 
Angel’s voice gets stuck in his throat as a very clear image of of the potential culprit poofs into his mind's eye. 
Luckily, Lucifer and Charlie take his short-circuiting as general shock. Charlie coos and pulls him close while Lucifer backtracks, “Like I said, it’s just a theory - I’ve got no proof to back it up. For all I know, this is the Big Whatever Upstairs’ way of fuckin’ with us—”
Angel stands up, ignoring the way Lucifer flinches as he towers over him and Charlie face-plants onto the bed without his support.
“I gotta go,” Angel says, balling his hands up into fists, nails digging into his palms uncomfortably. 
He swipes the photos from off of his desk, throws open the door and briskly walks down the hallway, Charlie’s worried shouts falling on deaf ears.
He takes the stairs to the lobby two by two, picking up his pace so he doesn’t lose his nerve by the time he reaches his destination. 
When he stalks up to the bar, heart pounding and out of breath, Husk simply glances up from the glass he’s polishing and plasters on a teasing, lopsided grin, just like he's done every time Angel has stormed up to his bar at any and all hours of the day and night. 
Husk cocks his head and lifts a brow, the deep timbre vibrating across the walls, “Wanna talk about it, Legs?”
Angel’s heart thumps and his cheeks flood with heat.
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boltwrites · 1 month
Fandom: Marvel; X-Men Pairing: Logan Howlett/Wolverine / Original Character, Logan Howlett/Wolverine / Reader Rating: T (for now) Tags: AFAB!Fem!OC/Reader, Mutant!OC/Reader, Enemies to Lovers, Third Person POV
Summary: Persy hated Logan. Hated his fucking guts for taking her spot on the team. Hated him for fucking up her perfectly good life.
Too bad the man was unkillable.
A/N: I originally wrote this as a reader-insert, but the character kind of birthed herself when I was trying to write a fic where reader honest-to-god hates Logan and it's not just an immediate ploy for a sex scene. Features a fem mutant OC whose mutation is that she has enhanced endurance. Sorry if that ends up being way too similar to any other character - I was trying to build off the idea that humans are such good predators because they have such fantastic endurance.
Persy absolutely, unequivocally despised Logan fucking Howlett.
To be honest, it's not like she wanted to hate the man. She didn't want to hate anyone – she had more important shit to do. But Logan? Oh, man. He was a hard fucking man to like, she knew that much.
Before Logan, she was content. Fulfilled, even. She had her place in life, and it was at Xavier's training students - and, most notably, with the X-Men. Whenever a problem arose, whenever Charles needed to send out a full team – there was a specific team he would send. Persy, Scott, Jean, and Storm. It was essential that she was a part of the team – she was their close-combat specialist, after all. Scott had range, Storm could control as crowd as easy as breathing, and Jean was fantastic for any kind of stealth work or trickery. But Persy – Persy was the heavy hitter.
Her mutation, after all, enhanced her endurance. She was just a little faster than others, a bit stronger - but her real talent was that she never quit. Her heart rate never rose, her muscles never ached - so long as she was properly fueled, she just kept going.
Plus, her mutation was perfect for combat. Absolutely perfect, conventionally suited to it. And she loved combat. By nature of her mutation, she loved anything physical - turns out, when someone’s body doesn't ache and their lungs don't burn, things like running, climbing, jumping? They're unbelievably fun. It's why Charles assigned her to most of the students' physical education classes - her positive attitude towards those sorts of things was infectious. While it took her a while to understand that the kids needed breaks (oops), she was knowledgeable, supportive, and she always enjoyed it when her students tried new things. Facilitating hand-to-hand sparring matches, encouraging kids to nag at Charles until he bought equipment for whatever new sport they wanted to try that month – she loved it.
But by far, her favorite physical activity was combat. Persy loved martial arts with her whole heart - she studied multiple, and not just to assist her in her duties as a member of the X-Men. It was because of the artistry, the diversity of it all. Each form she learned was like a dance, and each opponent she fought was a new challenge. She thought it was almost like a puzzle – picking apart the different techniques and moves an opponent fell back on, wearing them down until she could predict their next movements and finally go in for the kill. It meant that despite her enhanced longevity in the ring, she still had to put all her effort into her fight. She had enhanced endurance, not enhanced healing capabilities. While her muscles were able to accommodate the massive strain she put on them, her heart and lungs were inhumanly strong and infallible – a swift punch to the nose could still break it. It wasn't like distance running, or biking, or even some team sports, where she always felt that she carried the rest of her squad on her back - this was a challenge, for her.
Which is why Logan pissed Persy off, when he took her spot on the team. Why she gnashed her teeth and avoided him like a bad smell in the mansion. Because he didn’t just take her spot – he took her fucking livelihood.
But she was getting ahead of herself. That wasn't his first offense. Not even close.
His first offense came with Jean Grey.
"He what?" Persy scoffed, damn near spitting out her sandwich. Jean picked at her salad noncommittally, twirling her fork in the crook of her hand.
"It wasn't anything serious," Jean tried to downplay it, but she was having none of it. "He was just flirting-"
"Just flirting?" Persy raised an eyebrow as if Jean had grown a second head. "Jean - you have a boyfriend. Does he know that? Do you know that?"
"I know, I know," Jean sighed. "That's why I turned him down. It didn't go anywhere."
Jean stabbed at a cherry tomato. Persy didn't believe her.
"But you wanted it to go somewhere."
It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement. She'd never seen Jean so flustered over a man - except for Scott, that was. She'd seen that look on her face when Scott had gifted her something thoughtful, or when he'd told her something especially heartfelt. She still remembered how Jean would blush and hide her face in her hands when Scott would write her sweet notes.
And here she was, cheeks pink over some man that had literally attacked her. He'd been disoriented and scared, of course, and she didn't blame him for lashing out, since he didn't actually hurt Jean - but the fact that she was fluttering her lashes about the whole thing left a bad taste in Persy’s mouth. It was none of her business what happened in her relationship with Scott, but still. Those two had been an item for god knows how long. They worked well together. Jean seemed genuinely happy. And she was gonna - what? Throw it all away for some new guy? What was so great about him?
"He-" Jean chuckled softly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "You wouldn't understand..."
"Try me," Persy cut in, doing her best not to frown. It was true - she didn't have much experience in long-term relationships. She wanted something like what Scott and Jean had, but - well. It never really worked out for her.
With men, she was intimidating. Her mutation affected her ability to continue exercising past the point of typical human exertion, but it didn’t stunt her muscle growth. She was – as some of the kids said – jacked. It wasn’t like she had the stature of a bodybuilder – no. She just had broader shoulders from boxing, thicker thighs from Tae Kwon Do, and a firm core from Judo. But she also needed fuel to burn as she exercised, so her muscles were padded – she liked to joke that she looked like a farm boy.
But – men didn’t seem to like that. The vast majority of them just hit on other girls, ignoring her. And that was fine. Honestly, she commended them, for knowing what they were into. The real problem were the ones that saw her as some kind of conquest. A mountain to be climbed, despite the fact that she was of average female height, at 5’3”. No – these men would approach her with a smile – the human ones asking if she worked out, what her routine was, where she hiked. They thought they could somehow take those athletic achievements and overshadow her with their own, fuck her into some lesser version of herself. They were never very satisfied when they failed. And mutant men, well – they always zeroed in on her mutation. Endless endurance was a fantastic mutation for sex, and they always thought that they would be the one to take full advantage of it – that they would have the magical mutation that matched her own, and could finally tire her out. It was idiotic. She could keep going all night, that didn’t mean she wanted to. And most of them weird mediocre in bed at best – with the remaining turning out to be forgettable or downright disappointing.
Persy had better luck with women – thought they were few and far between. And while she didn’t have the same issues with conquest or emasculation, that’s when a more pressing problem reared its ugly head:
She was basically married to her work, at this point. She focused on training the next generation of X-Men and protecting them from harm. That was her calling. Her mutation wasn't good for much else other than running and fighting. This is all Persy could do. And she made it very clear to whoever she took to bed that they would always come second to those kids, that Persy wasn’t going to somehow hang up the suit and settle down. For some reason, even to other mutants, that was a tough sell. Maybe it also had to do with how stubborn Persy was – and how dangerous her job could be. She was always showing up with bumps and bruises and lacerations. At least one girlfriend broke up with her in tears, saying that she wouldn’t be with someone who’d end up killing herself before her thirtieth birthday.
But it still hurt, when Jean brought it up. At least she had the decency to wince, after her reply. She didn't need to read Persy’s mind to know that she'd struck a nerve.
"Sorry," she apologized, sighing. "You're just - incredibly devoted, you know? Steadfast. If you want something, you do it, and if you don't want something, you stay away. I don't think I've ever seen you waver on a decision before."
Persy was a bit shocked at her reply. "What would that have to do with any of this?"
"Because Logan-" Jean sighed, taking a sip of her drink as she sat with her thoughts, collecting them into words. "-he's not a logical choice. He's not even - an option, really. He's a temptation. A desire. I can't act on it - I won't, but..."
Jean trailed off, levitating her fork to pick at her salad as she clutched her drink. Persy stifled a chuckle at the little nervous use of her powers.
"He's an attractive man, you know?"
Persy shrugged. "I still haven't met the guy."
She hadn't, but she doubted he looked that much different than any other man that passed through the mansion. Of course - unless he was green, or orange, or had a tail or something. But she kind of assumed Jean would have mentioned something like that.
And even if he was attractive – so what? Persy had dealt with attractive men before. Hell – there had been more than a few very, very tempting men she’d seen pass through either Xavier’s, or the surrounding bar scene. But the fact of the matter was, Persy managed to lock that temptation away behind a very thick mental lock. She could respect a man’s physique, maybe oogle him a bit for good measure – but she put a stop to that childish bullshit before she reached whatever level Jean had sunk to.
And to top that off – Jean was in a relationship. She wasn’t touch starved like Persy was, wasn’t at least two years out from any meaningful relationship. She had a loving boyfriend – who wasn’t Persy’s type, but was still very conventionally attractive. He was sweet, and kind, and attentive. Persy had no idea why Jean would risk that for some other dude. No matter how hot he was.
"Mm," Jean hummed around a bite of her food. "You'd get it if you saw him. Even Storm thinks he's... cute."
"Cute," Persy scoffed it, stuffing the last of her sandwich into her face. She almost laughed at Jean. Cute. Images of boybands and romantic comedy stars swam in her mind. Men with soft, fluffy hair - sweet little smiles and long eyelashes. Lanky arms, toned with the barest of muscle so that they might be able to hold some petite little thing in their arms, spin her around and dip her into a soft kiss. Gentle romantic gestures and kind words. Kid shit. Persy tried not to smirk at Jean for falling for that bullshit.
She’d be fine.
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Uncertain 01
Summary: When you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant, your future with your partners starts to feel uncertain.
Natasha x Reader x Bucky
Warnings: Uh, idk, lots of pregnancy talk, lots of doubt, lots of sexy times. It’s shameless, but it is what it is.
Words: 3.9k
Uncertain Masterlist
“Okay, you can do this,” you try to talk yourself up as you stare at your reflection in the mirror of the guest bathroom. “You can do this! They love you! They won’t…It’s not …” you take in a deep, shuddering breath. “It’s not that bad. It’s not that bad. Stop being a coward! Stop. Being. A. Cow-” You were cut off by the urge to throw up, yet again, and dove for the toilet. 
When you’re sure you're finished, you rinse your mouth out for good measure and chance another glance up to yourself. 
Now or never.
Nat and Buck, you’re partners, loves of your life, the most caring and loving people you’ve ever known, they’ll be up by now, probably waiting for you in the kitchen. Both had just come back the night before, back early from being gone all week. Both still blissfully unaware that you were about to turn their lives upside down.
“Okay, champ. Let’s get this over with.”
You clutched one of the dozen white plastic sticks lined up on the sink and made your way out of the bathroom.
Natasha was the first one to greet you as you crossed the threshold into the kitchen. “Good morning sweet girl! Are you feeling ok?” She stood from her seat at the bar, kissing you on the cheek as soon as you were within reach. “We were worried that you weren’t in bed when we woke up this morning.”
Bucky didn’t say much, but you could see the worried furrow of his brow above his coffee mug as he took a long sip.
“I’m good. But, uh, maybe you two should sit down. There’s something I need to say…” you said as you took half a step back and gestured to the couch in the living room. “Please.”
Sharing a quick look, so quick you’d almost missed it, they moved quietly, taking a seat beside each other on the plush couch. You start pacing, keeping yourself separated from them with the coffee table, pacing a line back and forth in the small room. Every several steps, you pause, giving them a meaningful look, even opening your mouth to force the words out, but you can’t. The stick still clutched in your hand still goes unnoticed by the other two.
“Are you breaking up with us?” Nat teases, a smirk ghosting across her lips.
Bucky whips his head towards the red head, then back to you, eyes wide and his whole body tensing. 
“Is that it? Do you want to break up?” He asks quietly.
“Fuck. No, of course not. But it’s serious! I’m…shit…well, I’m…” you sigh heavily. “I’m pregnant.” With a huff, you hold out the pregnancy test you’d been white knuckling.
Natasha is on her feet first, leaping gracefully over the coffee table and prying the stick out of your hand with ease.
“You’re sure? This is, this is for real?” She whispers as she examines it for herself. Bucky, who moved so fast, you didn’t process his movements at all, appearing as if out of thin air, is pressed behind Nat, his head nearly resting on her shoulder as his eyes are glued to the little pink plus sign on the test.
“As real as the other dozen I left lying on the sink in the guest bathroom,” you assure them both.
It’s silent. It’s silent for way too long. So long that your skin feels like it's going to crawl right off your body if someone doesn’t say something soon.
And you can’t wait for them anymore.
“Listen, I don’t know how this happened. We’ve always been so careful. I’ve stayed diligent on my birth control, even though we assumed you both were…sterile…and I swear there’s been nobody else…”
“Stop it,” Nat whispers, tears brimming in her jewel green eyes. “Nobody thought…no…nobody thought you’d…” she shudders for a moment before regaining her composure. “We know better than that. Right Buck?”
She looks back at him only to see a blank expression on his face. He’s not looking at her. He’s not looking at you. He’s not even looking at the test anymore, his gaze locked somewhere just beyond, on the carpet beneath his feet.
“Buck?” you whisper, taking a step forward to reach out to him, but he steps back, flinching involuntarily at your outstretched hand.
Your hand immediately falls to your side and it feels like your stomach has turned to lead.
“Bucky…” Natasha admonishes quietly, which pulls him out of whatever trance he’d been in.
His eyes go wide, almost fearful, and then just as fast, they go soft, and then he looks guilty.
“No…I…” he croaks, but shakes his head, as if he can shake off what looks to be an impending panic attack.
“Bucky, this doesn’t have to be anything,” you offer, voice barely a whisper. “We don’t have to let this be anything. I could, I don’t know, I could just…”
“I’m sorry,” he says as he skirts around you and Natasha, so graceful despite his upset. You barely hear the door click over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears as he closes it behind him.
He left. 
Oh god, he left. He’s upset. You’ve upset him. You broke him. He’s never going to forgive you for this. You should have known better. Oh god, why did you have to tell them? Wouldn’t it have been so much easier to have taken care of this problem on your own? You shouldn’t have told him. He’s mad. And he should be. You’ve done this to them. You’ve done this to them both.
Natasha has your face in her hands, gently cooing, but you can’t understand what she’s saying.
“...hey, stop it, you did nothing wrong…” her gentle voice breaking through the ringing in your ears.
“Tash…I…” you barely manage to croak out.
“No! You’ve not done anything wrong. These things happen,” she assures you, kissing you gently on the forehead. 
You must have been thinking your thoughts out loud.
“He’s fine. He’s gonna be fine. He’s just…he just needs a little time.”
You aren’t convinced. 
He was so upset. 
“What about you, sweet girl? How are you? How do you feel? How long have you been sitting with this on your own?” She asks.
“Just, uhm,” a long breath shudders in and out of your chest. “Just today for s-sure, but, uh, it’s had to have been a few days I think. I don’t r-really know.
Your noncommittal shrug must give you away which earns you a pointed glare.
“Maybe a week,” You answer.
She nods. “The whole time we’ve been gone?”
“I didn’t buy the tests until this morning. I wasn’t brave enough on my own.”
“Listen to me, no decisions need to be made right now, right? Just give it a few days, let everyone process. You still need time to process.”
“He’s so upset. I’ve upset him.” you whisper, your hands coming up to hold her wrists.
“No, you’ve not. He’s not upset. At least not with you. This was just…a surprise. A wonderful surprise, but a surprise no less.”
You hadn’t realized you were crying until her thumb swiped a tear from your cheek.
“What do you say we get you in the shower, my love? That might help you feel a little better.” She suggests.
“Yeah, ok, I guess that does sound nice.” You agree, nodding your head slowly. 
When she lets go of your face, you hold one hand close, bringing your lips to her palm, kissing it. She smiles so beautifully, then disappears into the bathroom.
She’s only gone for a minute, then she’s in front of you again, helping you undress, just like any other time. You stay quiet, barely sniffling anymore as she strips you, then watch as she bares herself to you. She takes your hand and gently leads you into the shower that is now running hot, the steam billowing up around you.
“I’m sorry,” you finally break the silence.
“What if he doesn’t come back? What if I’ve ruined e-everyth-thing?” You admit your fear, screwing your eyes shut as more tears stream down your cheeks. 
“No.” She says sternly as she pulls you into her body, your face nuzzled in her neck as she strokes your hair. “You should never be sorry for this. This is a beautiful thing that’s happened, don’t you see that?”
“But what about Buck?”
“He’s scared. But he will come around. He always does, doesn’t he? He just needs a little more time. He’ll be in this with us, 100%.”
“But what if he doesn’t?”
“But what if he does? Sweet girl, just take a minute to breathe. He’s going to come back through that door, just like he always does. He just needs a little space to process.”
Natasha has always been perfect like that. Always knew exactly what to say. She always knew exactly what to do. You think that’s what made your time together so special, when it’s just you and her. She knows you. Truly and completely. 
You live for moments like this with her. Her hands soothing down your back and up into your hair, her steady fingers massaging your scalp so perfectly. She knows how to touch you, where to touch you, when to touch you. Everything with Nat is always perfect.
It must be the same when it’s just her and Bucky, you assume. There’s no doubt that she devotes the same attention and care to both her partners. She always has this magical way of making every moment, every interaction, so unique and exquisite…like you, and only you, get to see this tiny sliver of herself that she saves for you, and only you. It is always in these moments where she is so soft and delicate. And you cherish it. And her.
She washes your hair first, not letting you lift a single finger to help or return the favor. Then, she grabs the special body wash, the one she’d specially ordered from France as an anniversary gift. She uses only her hands, bringing the soap to a rich lather, then starts with your shoulders, down your arms, across your back, and then lingers around your belly.
It’s not like there’s anything there yet, no noticeable change in any way whatsoever, but she slows her movements, lingering just below your navel, where the small cluster of cells that is to be your baby are supposed to be. Her fingers linger there, tracing delicate patterns on your skin. Her touch is so warm and so soft, so distracting that you barely notice she has dropped to her knees in front of you.
“Tash…” you moan.
Then she’s kissing you, from your belly button, and down to your mound. Your release is so close, so alarmingly close, as her tongue dips to your slit and prods teasingly. Her hair is wet and silky slick as your fingers tangle in it.
“F-fuck, baby, I’m gonna-” you choke out as you are throttling closer and closer to your climax.
“That’s it, my love, come for me,” she coaxes, bringing your knee up to prop over her shoulder, opening you up wider for her exploring mouth.
Her fingers part your folds and then she slips two inside you, pushing all the air out of your lungs. She barely has a chance to curl them as she sucks your clit into her mouth, causing your release to crash over you. Waves and waves of white hot bliss thrum throughout your entire body.
She doesn’t let up until you’ve stopped shaking.
Her lips make their way back up your body, not leaving a single inch untouched. When they find yours, you moan as you taste yourself on her. She moves slow, unhurried, gently guiding you back under the stream of water, rinsing off the rest of the bubbles from your body.
“You taste different.” She purrs as she rests her forehead against yours.
You try to touch her too, to let your hands roam down the curves of her body, but she tuts as she brings them back to wrap around her shoulders.
“Please, Tash, I wanna feel you,” you beg.
She moans, your words affecting her just like they always have.
“Yeah, but not here. Let me get you dry and in bed, then I’ll let you do whatever your sweetest little heart desires.”
In a whirlwind of movement, you’re both out of the shower, mostly dry, and tangled up in one another, rolling around on top of your shared, unmade bed. Your hands can’t get enough as they grasp and caress every inch of her flaming hot skin. You dig into her curves, greedily exploring her body as if it were your first time all over again.
But, before you can get between her legs, she’s got you on your back, your hands pinned under hers beside your head, and one thigh slotted between yours. She meets you with a fiery gaze that has you reluctant to even breathe.
“I love you. You and Bucky, you’re my heart. And I need you to know, whatever happens, I’m with you. Always. If it were up to me, which I know it’s not, but if it were, there’s no question…I’d keep this baby.
“I never dreamt I could ever have any of my own. That part of me was taken away so long ago, and I try not to dwell on it, trying to never let myself linger over what was denied me…before I met you. The very first time I ever laid eyes on you, I knew you were it. I could see a future with you…with us, all of us. I saw a family. Not in the traditional sense, but it still would have been so good, because it would have been ours.
“I want this with you. And I have a feeling that deep down, Bucky will too.”
Aaaaand you’re crying. 
Your previous attempt at a sexual conquest is forgotten as you cling to her. She settles down beside you, pulling you close, tucking you under her chin. The blankets are brought up and cocooned around the both of you as she holds you just as tight as you are holding on to her.
There’s a dip in the mattress behind you and another warm body is pressing against your back.
He smells of sweat as he nuzzles his head into your shoulder, his nose grazing along the length of your neck before settling into the curve.
One of Natsha’s hands move from your middle and up into Bucky’s hair, carding her fingers through his dampened locks.
“M’ sorry,” he mumbles into your skin, drawing in a shuddering breath. “Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry. I know I’m a moron. I shouldn’t have left you…shouldn’t have froze…I was…I was so fuckin’ scared…still am…I’m gonna fuck this all up, I know it…I’m not gonna be good at this…not at all…but I need you to know, if this is what you want, I want it too.”
You sob as you struggle to roll over, Nat having a good chuckle as she helps you untangle from blanket so you can reach Bucky. She ends up curled around your back as Bucky shimmies his large body down the bed and nuzzles into your bare chest.
Being settled between your two loves, warm and content and safe, you let your emotional exhaustion take over, pulling you into a dreamless sleep.
There’s no way to tell how much time has passed, but when you open your eyes, the golden light of the sun setting outside your window tells you you’ve slept the entire day away. Your body feels heavy and languid, but blissfully satisfied. Sleepily, you reach an arm out to your side only to find that side empty and cool. Your brows furrow, reaching out for the other, finding it warmer, but equally as empty.
There’s rustling around your knees, and as you continue to wake up, you note a heavy pressure between your thighs, and then warm, wet heat scalding you almost from the inside out. With a great amount of effort, you pry your eyes open to see a large mass under the blankets near the bottom of your bed.
“Sh-shit,” you moan as you feel a thick tongue push through your folds.
“Different, right?” Natasha’s muffled voice comes from under the blanket.
Bucky hums in agreement and you can feel it vibrate all the way up your spine, earning another wanton moan to spill from your lips. Hands on your thighs, one warm and calloused, another smooth and cool, is spreading you wide open. Another swipe of his tongue has your back arching off the bed, your hands scrambling to rip off the blanket, reaching to tangle your fingers in his hair.
Natasha crawls up beside you, her fingers caressing the swell of your breast, trailing down over the hardened nipple before pinching it.
“Does Bucky’s mouth feel nice, sweet girl?” She coos in your ear, her lips ghost over your sensitive skin, before she takes your lobe between her teeth.
Your thighs clench and Bucky moans as he spreads them back wide. He released one knee just to bring his fingers to your soaked entrance, teasing one finger inside, and then two. And that’s all it takes to send you careening off the cliff and into your release just as quick as the first time.
“What a sweet girl,” Nat beams proudly, still thumbing one nipple, and then moves to the other.
Bucky is climbing up your body, his scruff tickling all along the way as he places sloppy kisses all over your belly and chest, until he reaches your neck. His mouth is hungry and demanding against the sensitive flesh of your throat, threatening to suck a mark there. His cock is hard as it bobs just above your mound.
With weak hands, you push at his chest, and he automatically falls back on his heels, looking only a little concerned that he might have hurt you. You whip your head to Nat and pull her face to yours, searing her lips with a scorching kiss.
“What do you want, my love?” she asks, your teeth clashing with hers.
“Mmmm, wanna see you ride Bucky’s cock.”
It’s rare you ever take the reins in the bedroom with these two natural dominants, but oh god, for you, and only for you, they’d do anything you asked of them. They might as well have been putty in your hands, the way they bend to your will at any given moment.
Bucky takes your hands that you hold out towards him and pulls you up, pulling you against his chest and plants a kiss to your lips, then lets you push him onto his back where you’d been laying. You straddle his thighs, pulling Natasha with you, her back to your front, and you guide her down onto the thick head of Bucky’s cock. With one hand around her waist, you can feel her breath hitch, just like every single other time either of you try to take his thick length even with proper preparation. But she manages beautifully, just like always.
Your other hand trails down between her legs until you can feel where both of your loves meet each other.
“Tell me, baby, how does he feel?” You whisper in her ear, holding her tight as you roll your hips, then up, then back down, pulling her along with you, until she is settled down on his entire length again.
Bucky’s hands are on her waist, helping her follow your movements. Your fingers dance along her folds until they swipe across her clit, earning a heady moan, her head falling back onto your shoulder.
“How does it feel to have him so deep, baby?” you ask her. She can only shake her head as moans spill from her mouth. “Will you come for me? Both of you? Will you come like this?”
Your voice is soft, and oh so sweet, exactly the way that makes them melt in the palm of your hand.
You roll your hips, again and again, fingers flicking over her clit in time with your movements, speeding up their speed as you start bouncing faster and faster. Bucky has a white knuckle grip on Nat’s hip, looking terribly pained as his back is starting to arch up off the bed ever so slightly. He’s so close, you can see it in the screwed up expression on his face, and you can almost hear his silent prayer for Nat to finish before he does.
You pinch her clit between your fingers and slam your hips down with hers maybe a little too harsh, but it does the trick. Tasha is screaming her release as Bucky groans his own as well.
Holding her shaking body against your own feels as if you also came again.
You ease your fingers from her, moving slowly to bring her down easily. Bucky helps by guiding her up and off his length, his cock falling out of her with a slick ‘pop’. You try to lean to the side, guiding her to lay down with you, but she's too fast. You’ll never know how she moves the way she does, but somehow she has managed to switch places with you, rolling you to the middle as your head hits the pillow, secure between both their bodies.
And it’s nice, feeling them on either side of you. It feels safe. And warm…maybe a little too warm if you were honest, but it was comforting nonetheless.
Arms and legs and hair are all tangled into one large mess as the three of you lay together, not a stitch of clothing between you. The quiet that settles is comfortable, and for a moment, you forget about everything else that happened earlier today.
“Are you ok?” She asks you as she burrows into your sweat damp hair.
“Hmm? Oh. Yeah. I think so. What about you?”
“Mmm, perfect,” she answers.
“And you, Buck? Are you ok? I know what you said, but you don’t have to be. If this isn’t the right time, then it’s not the right time.”
Natasha freezes on your other side, but doesn’t say anything.
“Nah, I’m good. Really. Steve knocked some sense into me,” he chuckles, also snuggling into the mattress and you to get more comfortable.
“You mean he kicked your ass for being so stupid,” Nat grumbles, nuzzling deeper into your hair.
“Hey now, he wasn't stupid,” you admonish weakly. “It’s a big deal. This is a potential whole ass brand new human being we are talking about.”
“Nah, she’s right, I was being stupid. I mean, yeah, I’m scared. I’m more terrified of this than I have been about anything else in my entire life. I don’t know how to be a father…I’m barely a good partner, but…” he takes a deep breath and smiles as he releases it. “But as long as I have the both of you, I know everything will be ok.”
“Like I would ever let you fuck this up,” Nat quips, words still muffled as she softly kisses the soft spot under your ear..
You giggle as Bucky blindly swats at Natasha, earning a slap in return. Which quickly escalates to the two of them flailing at each other over your body, hitting each other in a playful manner while you can only lay there and laugh between them.
“By the way,” Bucky adds as everyone calms down again, “Steve says congrats. And that he’ll be exceptionally upset if we don’t name it after him.”
“Oh my god,” Nat groans, earning another peal of laughter from you.
And at least for this moment, your future doesn’t seem as uncertain as before.
Chapter 2
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abbeevee · 6 months
Okay I've (mostly) coped with the gambit thing but now I'm stuck on scott and jean and the fucking shit bomb that is their relationship- like I'm somehow on both of their sides??? Like yeah scott, that is the mother of your child, you were married to her, but also Maybe married to regular jean? In his mind they would almost be the same person, not knowing when the switch was made, only knowing that madelyn was the one who gave birth to his kid- and hence the one who was there for those nine months at least, and the one who he was going to leave with, and start a new life with, of course he doesnt know what to do, of course part of him still wants to see her, he loves jean- presumably both of them at some point, I can't begin to imagine how confusing and mind shattering that is.
But then theres the jean side. Everything she remembers is fuzzy, and she doesnt know what memories are hers, and which are madelyns, she doesn't know if she herself was ever married to scott, if she was the Phoenix, she woke up one day, needing to escape, and despite knowing her name, really had no clue who she was, or what she had done in her life. All she remembers is loving scott- and then hes having little magic makeout sessions with her clone that replaced her for god knows how long? I mean I'd be pissed too- but she also kissed logan which is a whole other thing- scott distanced himself from jean, almost *preferred* her clone, at least from her perspective, but logan stuck around. Logan loved her, he loved jean grey, and only jean grey.
I could write a whole essay on these fuckers.
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lesbianpraetor · 4 months
Extra Extra Initial thoughts about Furiosa now in bullet point format Summary the movie made me want to write several essays about George Miller's brain, but also I wish somebody had rained him in just a little bit. Spoilers Ahead!
-It was super obvious that George Miller was trying to expand images that he couldn't show in the first (fourth?) movie. Speciallyyyyyyyyy the History Men, Miss Giddy in Fury Road was a character by herself, but now the archetype is well and truly established with a very specific cosplaying Saruman in the desert with tattoos vibe. Also showing in detail the other two citadels, showing the green place, showing the absolutely vile way that the wretched live, going in depth with the war boys million other things as well. I personally loved it and the picaresque sense it gave the movie.
-The citadel looked soooooo similar to Fury Road it was eerie, since everything else looked so different. But I think it made an important point about stagnation and how the men at the top will keep killing the world for as long as they possibly can only even changing their methods when forced to.
-There's a whole extra movie in the vault about how exactly the wives that were there ended up disappearing. how the politics of it changed from women desperately trying to stay there to have the high life to five women deeply committed to their own liberation (with little Cheedo being the only detractor in retrospect when she is spooked by the wider world). I feel like there is a whole lit fic novel in there about them reaching a breaking point. Maybe a situation where Joe throws out all of them and only keeps the very very best because I counted a whole 11 woman in that vault, maybe the Wives from Fury Road are kidnapped all since wretched woman would not be able to give birth without any deformities? Is Angharad that inspiring? I don't think it's the first one because the fact that woman that chose to be there then decided they didn't want to live as things is much more powerful
-the other extra movie is how exactly Furiosa befriended the wives since she actually didn't spend that much time in the vault itself. I did feel it weakened my favourite reading of Fury Road a little bit, but oh well that always happens with new instalments.
-Talking about Furiosa I'm actually so deeply sad that they casted Anya Taylor Joy for this, not even because she did a bad job, although I think Young Furiosa did a much better job, but because I have watched Queens Gambit so many times that her mere presence made me think about the movie in Doylist terms. She also just seems too Holywood? I don't know there was something about her face that made me think that she was CGIed it was too smooth. Did she even shave her head? I felt Furiosa would not have let it grow out in between escaping the vault and joining the war rig crew, and don't tell me she couldn't, everyone else had short hair Praetor Jack had a nice salon haircut. But the acting itself was good! I actually think it was an effects and direction issue.
-Since we are talking about casting Chris Hemsworth did work for me and I'm questioning if I'm having internalized misogyny about him working better than Taylor. Maybe it was the copious amounts of beard, or that he wasn't the main character but I could really inmerse myself in his character and his parallels to not Furiosa, he was a fucking lying piece of shit about that, but to Immortan Joe. Can't quite articulate waht it was exactly but I think it hit whatever Miller was trying to hit with him. Although my favourite casting was the people I didn't know from anywhere, specially Mary Jo Bassa and the Biker Crew. Burn down the media establishment where we even see actors outside of their characters, it ruins the movies.
-Most viscerally hated character from that movie was the organic mechanic though, instant visceral disgust coupled with professional disdain at this point. You are trying to tell me you couldn't even try to steam the bleeding of the man's throat? you are trying to tell me you are giving birth on the floor like a fucking amateur? he probably didn't even know the anatomy necessary to start trying to close a neck wound. And it's cannon now that he didn't create either Immortan Joe's or Rictus breathing apparatus, because they already had them before the prisoner exchange. Absolute charlatan, no this has nothing to do with me still being pissed as hell as to how he treated Angharad what are you talking about? There's one man in the movie that instantly made me think in Watsonian terms I hate his guts so much.
-And in general I felt the hypocrisy of even the men trying to be kind to Furiosa much more keenly in this movie, which is to say that I did like Praetorian Jack as the pinnacle of the archetypical road warrior and parallels to Max are very interesting and I adored how it created even more parallels to Furiosa and Max's character development in the two movies. But, I don't know, there's something about how he carried himself with Furiosa that rubs me the wrong way I just can't quite place how, might need a rewatch. Anyway Furiosa's crush on him that honestly seemed pretty unrequited from his part was fun, although I hope people don't make it the most important part of the movie (it honestly reminding me of Cheedo and the Dag, they even had a similar was it a stolen kiss moment? but I digress, the parallels between him and Max were much more interesting)
-Back to the topic of the wives there was a moment in the beggining when Mary Jobasa didn't kill the woman who claimed to be a mother and then she betrayed her, which both shows the kind nature of the green place, how it really doesn't work like that in the wasteland and how exactly the vuvalini might have been so diminished in numbers. But my favourite part about this scene was when she said "I'm not to blame" that had to be on purpose because I wanted to shout at the screen " THEN WHO KILLED THE WORLD?" so bad. The fate of the world really hinges on the simplest choices since without that little bit of snitching they just get to go home.
-Honestly just Mary Jo Bassa appreciation, she died on the third day but damn what impressive three days. If I write fic it's going to be about her and Furiosa's other mother, who made the movie pass my personal Bechdel Test with the true purpose of the original Bechdel test, to woman talk to each other in a way that let's you see the Lesbianism in their eyes.
-The scenery of the green place definitely deserves a mention as well, it felt so tiny! it felt so different from everything else of course, they didn't linger to preserve both the runtime and the feeling of it being a place almost from Furiosas's dreams. But from space it felt tiny! the space shot of the outback with the most minuscle amount of green made it feel so deeply vulnerable, and the presence of the crows everywhere made me genuinely emotional. It did clearly have enough of everything to survive and for people to thrive and be super healthy, but it seemed like every millimeter was planned to the last detail to be of the best use.
-Honestly I think the relationship between Furiosa and her mother was the beating heart of the movie, I definitely liked the first third more than anything, it felt the most like something new and fully immersed not only in the setting of Fury road but honestly more of Road Warrior in way?, I don't know closest I got to crying was at Mary's death and her little good girl when furiosa killed a man to protect their home was the cutest most uwu part of the movie. Not to mention revenge of her death is the entire point of the final confrontation.
-Also I have to mention Mr. Norton. Mr. Norton I'm free on saturday for tying up to a motorcycle, I'm sure everything you did was totally justified and also super hot, thank you for your dirty rabid woman duties it was fucking awesome how you shot a man and the quartered your former boss.
-Last comment before I forget, that scene where Jack was killed had impressive Hector vibes. Tied to the back of the chariot while hounds eat you and disfigure your corpse? More to add fuel to the fire of George Miller adoring archetypical images, and I do too no complaints, it was gut-wrenching when I realized what was going to happen. The Horde in general had a mixture of Greek Charioteers and Mongol horde I really loved it.
-Also their first fight scene together where they work seamlessly together and then Furiosa threatens his life? classic crazy wasteland, you and Max really were identical. It also cements my idea that the movie is Fury Road backwards, since Max threatened Furiosa's life first and then they seamlessly worked together. I'll have to find where all the beats parallel and how they fit together, to see if I'm right.
In Conclusion honestly excellent movie, I didn't leave with the deep emotions Fury Road made but how much it's making me think about it is deeply appreciated.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
Daddy’s Girl
PAIRING: Dad!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader | Dad!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,774.
SUMMARY: Rough ideas of the Targaryen princes as fathers to their first, newborn daughters. 
WARNINGS: fluff, swearing, overprotective!Aemond, overprotective!Aegon, reckless Aegon, lactation kink, breeding kink, slight praise kink. 
A/N - Ya’ll knew this was coming surely... I can’t get enough of this domestic shit!!! Dad!Aemond has me in a chokehold and simultaneously, Dad!Aegon has my back arched, wtf do I do?!
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When Aemond saw and held his tiny little daughter for the very first time, it was like love at first sight. 
He didn't know how anything so small, so precious could bring out all these intense feelings in him, and yet here she was in all her glory.
She was the apple of her father's eye, they were obsessed with each other.
He actually wouldn’t fly her on Vhagar when she’s just a newborn, he would want to wait it out. Considering his first flight was very turbulent, he would never put his daughter at risk. 
She is his “byka prince” [little princess].
Aemond definitely selects her little outfits, if you both stroll around markets or attend royal visits to various other places, and he sees something he adores, he’ll buy it for her. If he sees a particular material/pattern and colour he likes, he orders the servants to have it made for his little princess. Even toys, he’ll have them hand-crafted, a small, hand-painted dragon for his little girl, it would be a miniature Vhagar. 
No doubt, he dresses her in the Targaryen colours or even occasionally Green, in honour of his mother. 
If she cries during the night, he’s usually the first to awake and check (he does not mind, one bit). He reasons with you saying “You did give birth to her, so your hard part is done now it’s my turn, issa jorrāelagon [my love].”
Immediately, she falls asleep after he cradles her for some time, sometimes you even hear him humming a song. On the off chance, that she doesn't settle, it’s often because she either is hungry and needs feeding, or she needs a nappy change.
Aemond would be so bad at nappy changes, although he’s willing to try and gradually gets the gist of it. He doesn’t mind the dirty work.
He loves to bathe his little princess, he only lets you and himself, maybe even Alicent if she’s free and willing to. 
Aemond would definitely do that skin-to-skin touch, when she’s a newborn: he wants her to get familiar to his touch and scent, in case he has responsibilities and duties he needs to attend to as Prince Regent. 
The thought of his daughter not recognising him or resembling him to a stranger terrifies him. 
Overprotective is an understatement. 
Aemond will literally kill anyone that even dares to hurt or speak ill of his daughter. 
Once she starts walking, growing into her toddler phase, she becomes more active and involved. She’ll literally fall and trip over herself (and you’ll be okay with it, and Aemond would just be losing his shit), and if another child is present, he’ll even scold them. 
If he sees a graze or cut or a tiny, spectacle of blood on her, it’ll be the end of the fucking world. 
Having lost his eye, he would never forgive himself if she ever has to endure pain or trauma like that. 
You try to reason with Aemond, that part of parenting you need to teach resilience and the ability to ‘bounce back’ although, Aemond’s not having it. So much to your disapproval, your daughter will definitely grow up spoilt and protected. 
Now that Aemond can hold her appropriately, and she can seat herself properly, he mounts her on Vhagar with him and take flight. At first, she's terrified of the height, although seeing how happy and comfortable Aemond is, she reads him so well and starts to enjoy it too. 
They literally have their own language, they can read minds. Aemond doesn't even need to ask or probe his little girl about what she wants, he just knows. Some water? Here you go. Some sweets? There you go, princess. 
He teaches her Valyrian at such a small age, as soon as she starts verbalising, that she eventually becomes more fluent than you. 
She definitely has Aemond’s Targaryen hair and lilac eyes, although your features, which Aemond fucking loves. 
He definitely takes care of her hair, has his own routine for it, just as he maintains his own. He even learns how to properly braid her hair. 
Aemond is so relieved and impressed that his daughter is not at all afraid of his missing eye, and the sapphire that replaces it. At times, she even tries to touch and grab at it, and he has to pull her away, otherwise she just smiles lovingly and laughs at him. 
She's the only one (besides yourself) that can genuinely make Aemond smile, like if he's having a shit day, as soon as he sees her (even if she's asleep in her cradle), that’s enough to warm him.
Aemond loves and accepts your body changes, he reassures you when you feel insecure, that your body performed a miracle, and that you grew his child effortlessly. 
He definitely watches you breastfeeding and has no shame: something about the way that only you can provide for her, makes him feral. 
The man has a lactation kink, 100%, once he knows he’s daughter has been fed, and now that she can start tolerating solid feeds, he spoils himself to your milk. He finds the sweet, creamy taste delicious. 
Nonetheless, he knows for certain he needs to have another child with you immediately, and won’t stop until he sees your belly swell. 
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Aegon would be so nervous having a little girl at first. 
The history with women that he's had and the poor treatment he had previously shown, he is aware was unacceptable and since having met you, he has changed.
Although, his past would haunt him regardless.
He did remain by your side during the birth, and when the maester declared a daughter, he was in a state of shock. 
He wouldn't completely withdraw himself from you nor the babe, he loved you too dearly to do that. And seeing how well you were with her, and how warm your daughter was with you, he slowly started to gain confidence in himself. 
You’d help him get used to holding her, demonstrating the correct technique, for she was so tiny against his body, he kept fearing that he’d drop her or hurt her in his grip. 
He actually even stopped drinking completely now, he didn’t want to risk being tipsy, in case he had to hold her.
Nonetheless, he became an absolute pro.  
He even begged to take her on Sunfyre with him, although you were still quite anxious for she was so small. 
Somehow, he convinced you for just a quick, short flight: he trusted Sunfyre with his life, and he knew the dragon would nurture and protect his daughter too. 
You would watch from the ground in complete silence, just anxious although, as soon as he landed and dismounted with the babe still nestled and settled in his arms, you were quite surprised.
Aegon would be so proud of himself, it boosts his ego. 
He would always regularly check up on her, even if he only just saw her 10 minutes ago. 
“Aegon she's been asleep in her crib for the past hour, nothing has changed, why do you feel the need to look?” 
He can’t help himself, you’ve come to find it’s as though a switch has flicked on for him, he’s become so protective over you and the babe, he can’t stand leaving you two alone. 
“But she needs me...” He’ll say, as he just stares at her asleep in absolute awe that he helped to make this angel. 
She definitely looks more like her Dad, soft, gentle features with the Targaryen traits. She literally looks like an angel. 
She has Aegon’s plump cheeks and he’s always just kissing and nibbling at them. 
Aegon loves how everyone fawns over her, including his mother. In a way, it makes him feel accomplished. 
Nonetheless, as soon as she’s more involved and interactive, she never wants to leave Aegon’s side. Like she clings to him throughout the day, and cries for him if he isn't around. 
You’ve come to accept that she's an absolute Daddy’s Girl, he’ll carry her around to his council meetings, and she'll bury her face in his chest or the crook of his neck when he tries to get her to greet other lords with him, although she’s too shy. 
Most of the time she even chills on his lap when he sits the Iron Throne. Listening and ordering his subjects for the day, she often remains unphased, although occasionally she’ll try to grab his attention by playing with his hair or trying to touch his crown. That’s when you come in and take her. 
On the days that she is not around, if he has urgent or serious matters to attend (no place for a babe), he feels so empty without her presence there, and feels something is missing. He itches to get back to you both. 
Aegon definitely struggles to be hands on, he hates the dirty work of nappy changes and sometimes begs for you to do it. Although, you both have agreements and take turns with bathing her, or if she cries in the night, Aegon does see to her (although struggles to awake and gradually gets to her).
As random as this is, Aegon would definitely have a Dad!bod and no one can change my mind. The drinking caught up although, his daughter sneaking in sweets to feed her Daddy whilst they chill on the throne doesn't help either. (Aemond will be the type to keep up with his regular training, Aegon struggles with all the responsibilities, although still trains not as often). 
You find Aegon blowing raspberries on his daughter’s stomach, and it makes her laugh like no tomorrow. 
He definitely tells you openly that he wants more children now. 
“Perhaps a son?” He suggests and you reassure him, that is completely out of your control and “Upto the Gods.” 
As soon as your healed from the birth, Aegon is fucking eager to get onto you, and his breeding kink shows. 
He moans how he can’t wait to see your belly swell with his child, another angel: he loves the idea that people will think scandalously of how quick you’ve become pregnant again. Aegon does not care though. 
He even prefers your postpartum body and idolises the changes: he loves how big your tits and ass are, only for his own pleasures.
During the night he'll leave his cock inside of you, making sure he seizes every opportunity to impregnate you. 
You are so proud of the father Aegon has stepped up to be, and you make it known to him, he favours your praise above anyone else. 
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eponastory · 7 months
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Alright let's break this silly argument down a bit shall we?
First off, yes, everyone in the Gaang has trauma. We know this, and we don't disregard that. We know that Sokka and Katara have trauma. We know Aang has guilt over what happens with the Air Nomads when he ran away. We know Toph has baggage because her parents kept her confined because of her disability. That's all been established.
Comparing trauma does not work in anyone's favor because it's different from person to person and the way that it's treated. Hell, there are FOUR types of PTSD and not all of them have to do with existential circumstances. Some of these types have nothing to do with being in a situation that causes panic.
But it's how we deal with our trauma that sets us on the path to healing.
In Katara's case, she had some pretty severe Survivors Guilt. Not necessarily PTSD, but it could be argued that she does have that. It changed her life irrevocably and that is something she had to deal with. She does get to deal with it in TSR but this leads to conflict between her and the group because there is this perception of her that isn't really her.
Sokka has to rise above his issues with being a non-bender and feeling left out. I also feel like he hides a lot behind his humor to deflect how he really feels about things. This is what happens when you have anxiety about meeting expectations. He has expectations he has to fulfill, and it never goes right. He's afraid of disappointing people he cares about and doesn't want to let them down. He isn't a failure, but when he does actually do something amazing, there is Imposter Syndrome. We don't see it much, but we do in NAtLA.
I'm not going to talk about Aang. I refuse.
Toph has been sheltered her whole life because she is blind. She is at home with herself, but she doesn't like anyone to do anything for her. She eventually learns that it's okay to have help when she needs it and that it's okay to have friends. (Not comparing trauma here, but she has the minor character arch out of all of them)
Zuko is... a lot to unpack. At the beginning, we know next to nothing about him except that he is the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, and he's hunting the Avatar to reclaim his 'honor'. He's hot-headed, but we never actually see him hurting anyone. He threatens, but he doesn't want to hurt people. That's the first sign that things aren't all they seem with Sifu Hotman. Throughout book one we get to know him a little better and see that he is Banished from home because of a 'misunderstanding' and he was also brutally abused by his own father. In the Netflix Adaptation it's more nuanced at how Ozai is playing his children against each other for his own benefit. It sucks but it's also good writing (some of the best writing is done with the characters of the Fire Nation) but anyway, we get an understanding of where Zuko's trauma comes from.
He has been emotionally abused by his narcissistic sociopath of a father because Zuko didn't have that 'spark' in his eyes at birth (not the entire reason but I'll get to that in a bit). Azula was the Prodigy, so Ozai put all his focus on to her. Then, his mother literally killed Azulon to save Zuko's life, but he doesn't find out until later. All of that plus the Agni Kai against his father is why he is so invested in finding the Avatar. Ozai seemingly took everything away from Zuko, but Zuko still loves his father and his people.
So why is he chasing the Avatar? Because he wants to go back to everything he knows. It's not just about getting back something that was never really taken away, it was all about getting back everything Ozai took from him.
Zuko never lost his honor, but he had everything else stripped from him and was humiliated for it.
He eventually grows through this and begins to heal himself with confronting Ozai on the Day of Black Sun. That was when he said 'fuck this shit I'm doing this my way' and that royally pisses Ozai off.
So if you don't like that our argument has better standing than yours, I suggest you go take some creative writing classes and learn about character development.
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ffredmujkic · 8 months
i hope and pray everyday that edyn is going to be a narrative foil to gil in every way. i want her to be a reflection of him if his loyalty to the undersea and belief in their beliefs was taken to an extreme.
everyone gets a cool what if look into another life parallel. jay with kira. chip and price. cmon please.
i need an edyn who is so fake, she smiles and it never reaches her eyes. i need her to be so absolutely selfish and talk abt how much she is only doing this for gillion. never herself. despite all her actions being things he would never agree with. i need her to act like shes just trying to help you. promise so much for it to amount to nothing. and than act so sweet so sorry she rlly did want to be there. i want her to lie. i need those lies to pile up to create a sink hole for her she cant crawl out.
she takes gillions duty and responsibility shit so far and into a direction he would never. the biggest means to an end mentality. she doesnt even like animals. she has the same passive sucidal tendencies as him. willing to give her life for her goals.
please i need her to be rotten. she should have a fucked up good and evil idealogy. where she thinks only evil could exist. that the hand of man is only capable of harming.
like what if, this is now more personal interpretation but this whole thing is, she compares herself to gillion. her amazing little brother a gift of god given to her to protect thats she lost. i mean thats canon she has to hate herself so much for everything that has happen to gil. but also she knows hes good. hes a hero. he was birthed for greatness, a divine holy purpose. how the hell do u handle that. how do u not see yourself as inherently lesser. mortal. limited. sorry my love for religious imagery so showing.
but yeah. i need her to be terrible. hate herself as she can never be anything as great as her little brother. give her, "maybe that's just inherited to every living thing. that were all inherently bad needing a god to guide us to good" type thing.
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pinazee · 4 months
Rob-a-bye Baby
Finally some focus on Chief Vick! Kirsten nelson did a great job on the first real ep where she gets to play a more substantial role. (“Head detective my ass” always makes me chuckle) i only wish it had been more. She was more of an obstacle than part of the plot, though i guess technically her character kind of grew at the end. She does admit she was overreacting with Shawn but this realization was done off screen. I’d have loved to see her try to run over her husband, and having a little breakdown. Something that gave her more depth. I want to know who she is as a person. Was she a runner who wanted to get back into it so she can finally have some time for herself? Does she struggle with who she wants to be as a mother? Was the baby even planned? Was she concerned it would affect her job, or her ability to do her job? Idk, just something that added a bit more color to her character tapestry. I think theres a lot to explore here is all.
Perhaps im biased, but i feel like Shawns reaction is a bit out of character. Like yeah, he’d find it a boring assignment but i also think he’d understand how important it is to the Chief and take it seriously. Plus, Gus is right, she gives them cases, it’s pretty important for their business that they remain on her good side. And in the end he didn’t help her at all. The nephew just came back and that was the resolution. i think i would’ve preferred if Shawn had been struggling to find them too. Like every nanny he came across he could find something wrong with them because Chief Vick deserves the best. Or he had a nanny picked out all along, she just couldn’t start right away but he somehow needed the excuse to look into the nanny burglary ring? Idk. I guess its not really that big a deal. Perhaps it was to introduce a flaw in Shawns character. Like they were saying he needs the thrills to make the job worthwhile. Which is fine, i think that aligns with his overall character. In fact, i wouldn’t be surprised if he fucked somethings up later just to bump up the challenge for shits and giggles (which is such a weird phrase btw). I just think in this one specific case, he would have handled it with a bit more care.
Gus’s blimp dance! He’s so excited! After the last ep, i just want him to be happy
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I just wanted to point out the lady who plays ada was in a movie called Wolfcop. Theres an actual movie called Wolfcop.
Chief Vick’s power pose is so strong, it possesses her when she sleeps haha
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Did she just spit her pastry out on the ground??
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This always makes me chuckle because, like, why? Why would they have them go down those hill lol
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I think this is another case of Juliet getting way too into undercover work. I don’t think thats any of her actual wedding or birth plans even if the show made it look like such.
Im so confused why they were at a pet store instead of a pawn shop. What did that guy sell to him? How did the pet shop guy know it was stolen? Unrelated, but it was a nice touch that Shawn immediately spoke in a way the pet shop guy understood, even if it was just for the haha’s.
Gus’s nickname Schmuel Cohen is a real dude! Why does Shawn have the name of the composer of the Israeli national anthem locked and loaded?? The guy died in 1940. When/ how would he know that???
Awww poor Tim!
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Juliet agreeing pivots and divots is fun to say lol
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I wish they could have expanded on Nanny Henry! Like he was going to refuse to keep helping out but Chief Vick broke out her mommy voice and also kind of pleaded with him for help. Then we could have gotten some scenes of them, maybe talking about the past, or Henry asking her to look out for Shawn since he doesn’t have the police as part of his squad and therefore no backup, which Chief Vick explains that he’s practically a member anyways and would be treated as such, not only because of who his dad is but because he’s practically one of her own anyways, so of course she has his back.
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